stringlengths 84
page_content='BLOOM 0.455 0.8 0448 0.79 0.617 0.704 0.677\nDejavu-BLOOM 0.448 0.8 0.44 0.787 0.606 0.710 0.675\n0 20 40 60 80 96\nTransformer Layer0. Contextual Sparsity\nBatch size\n2\n4\n8\n16\n32\nFigure 8. Union contextual sparsity with larger batch size.\nbecause the predictor has validation accuracy over 99% in the\nshallow layers and drops to around 93% in the ending layers.\nContextual sparsity on attention blocks: In this section,\nwe study the sparse predictor for the Attention block on OPT-' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='175B and leave the MLP block as dense computation. Table 4\ndisplays the test accuracy on zero-shot tasks and perplexity on\nthe language modeling datasets. In summary, the Attention\nsparse predictor introduces no accuracy loss at around 50%\nsparsity. During the training of the Attention sparse predictor,\nwe observe different trends compared to the MLP sparse\npredictor. The validation accuracy is around 93% in the\nmiddle layers and near 99% in the shallow and deep layers.' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='Contextual Sparsity on Smaller Models: Our main exper-\niments focus on OPT-175B. Here, we verify DEJAVU ’s effec-\ntiveness on a smaller model, specifically OPT-66B. In Table 5,\nwe summarize the accuracy on zero-shot task at 50% sparsity.\nSimilar to DEJAVU -OPT-175B, we notice no accuracy loss.\nContextual Sparsity on Other Models: We expand\nthe evaluation to another model family. In Table 6, we\nsummarize the accuracy at attention sparsity 50% and MLP' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='sparsity 30%. Similar to OPT family, we notice no accuracy\nloss. The lower sparsity level in MLP is due to the difference\nin activation function.\nNon-Contextual Sparsity: As we mentioned in Section 1,\none could predict sparsity without contextual information.\nFor non-contextual sparsity, we rely on the originalTable 7. DEJAVU -OPT-175B with 4-bit quantization.\nCB COPA OpenBookQA PIQA RTE Winogrande Lambada\nOPT-175B 0.352 0.86 0.446 0.809 0.602 0.726 0.758' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='Dejavu-OPT-175B 0.402 0.85 0.450 0.802 0.592 0.726 0.753\nOPT-175B + W4A16 0.356 0.85 0.44 0.806 0.574 0.714 0.757\nDejavu-OPT-175B + W4A16 0.365 0.86 0.452 0.805 0.592 0.726 0.754\nembedding at the input layer. At every block, we first pass\nthe original embedding to record a subset of parameters\nyielding a large norm. In the second pass, the embedding\nat every layer only uses the recorded subset. As shown in\nFigure 1, non-contextual prediction is not sufficient and' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='leads to accuracy losses even at 50% sparsity. This result\nverifies our design choices of relying on the activation at\nevery layer as input to make contextual sparsity predictions.\nCompatibility with Quantization: Quantization is another\npromising direction for efficient language models. We inves-\ntigate the possibility of combining contextual sparsity with\nquantization techniques. For DEJAVU -OPT-175B, we set\nthe entire model sparsity at 75%. For quantization, we apply' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='4-bit quantization on model weights (W4A16). As shown\nin Table 7, the combination of quantization and DEJAVU\nalmost always achieves better accuracy than DEJAVU or\nquantization alone. This suggests that the approximation\nerrors from these two directions do not get compounded.\n6 Conclusion\nOur main goal is to make LLM inference efficient so that\ntheir powerful in-context learning abilities can be used\nin more application domains. We observe that contextual' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
page_content='sparsity can be accurately predicted with lightweight\nlearning-based algorithms. This motivated us to design\nDEJAVU that uses asynchronous lookahead predictors and\nhardware-efficient sparsity to speed up LLM inference in\nwall-clock time. Our encouraging empirical results validate\nthat contextual sparsity can reduce inference latency by\nover 2×compared to the state-of-the-art FasterTransformer\nwithout model quality drops. Our method is a step towards' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 8} |
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page_content='Deja Vu: Contextual Sparsity for Efficient LLMs at Inference Time\nContents: In Section A, we present an extended discussion on LLM inference and related works. In Section B, we provide\nmore observation plots for slowly changing activation and further observation on the possibility of sparsifying LLMs via layer\nskipping. In Section C, we provide experiment details. In Section D, we demonstrate implementation details. In Section E,' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='we provide detailed benchmarks regarding our implementation. In Section F, we define some basic notations and definitions.\nIn Section G, we define subspace embedding and show the norm preserving. In Section H, we introduce distances, angles, and\ninner product. In Section I, we provide the distance between different functions. In Section J, we provide the Near-neighbor\nSearch data structure. In Section K, we discuss self-attention as a clustering algorithm in depth.\nA Related Work' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='Generative LLM inference. Taking OPT-175B as an example, assume 6 A100 80GB PCIe, based on the hardware\nspecifications, we compare two main phases of inference time LLM, namely prompting and token generation in Table 1, and\ntwo major components, namely Multi-Head-Attention block and MLP block in Table 2. In practice, the token generation\nphase usually dominates the end-to-end test latency due to IO latency. Generating only two tokens is about the same latency as' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='prompting. Further, during token generation, the MLP block is 2 ×more expensive in both FLOPs and IO access. The hardware\nis often at low utilization because memory reads and writes are more limited on modern hardware than tensor core computation.\nGiven the rapid development of LLM, there is an emergence of systems that are specialized for LLM inference, such as\nFaster Transformer (NVIDIA), Orca (Yu et al., 2022), LightSeq (Wang et al., 2021), PaLM inference (Pope et al., 2022),' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='TurboTransformers (Fang et al., 2021), and Deepspeed-Inference (Aminabadi et al., 2022). In practice, the token generation\nphase usually dominates the end-to-end inference time. Although the state-of-the-art systems introduce some helpful system\noptimizations for speedup, there is a lack of careful algorithm and system co-design to unleash the full potential of hardware\nefficiency during the LLM inference computation.' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='Near-neighbor Search for Efficient Deep Neural Networks. Near-neighbor Search is a well-studied problem with wide\napplications in recommendation system (Xue et al., 2017; Hall & Attenberg, 2015), question answering (Boytsov et al., 2016;\nSeo et al., 2019; Chang et al., 2020) and natural language processing (Bengio et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2016). There has been a\nline of work using Near-neighbor Search techniques such as Locality-sensitive hashing (Gionis et al., 1999) and Graph-based' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='indexing (Malkov et al., 2014) for efficient deep neural network training or inference (Zhang et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2019;\n2020a; Kitaev et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2021b;a; Liu et al., 2022).\nQuantization, pruning, distillation for LLM inference. Various system relaxations have been studied for decades for\nmodel inference in machine learning. For example, quantization (Han et al., 2015; Jacob et al., 2018; Nagel et al., 2019; Zhao' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='et al., 2019), pruning (Molchanov et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2018; He et al., 2019; Hoefler et al., 2021), and distillation (Hinton\net al., 2015; Cho & Hariharan, 2019; Tang et al., 2019; Touvron et al., 2021) have been applied to speed up the inference of\nthe machine learning model. Active research has recently attempted to apply such techniques in LLM inference. For example,\nzeroQuant (Yao et al., 2022) and nuQmm (Park et al., 2022) implement customized CUDA kernels to support tenor-wise' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='or group-wise quantization for LLM inference; LLM.int8 (Dettmers et al., 2022) adopts a mixed INT8/FP16 computation to\ndiminish the influence of activation outliers; SmoothQuant (Xiao et al., 2022) enables efficient 8-bit weight and activation for\nLLM inference; GPTQ (Frantar et al., 2022) adopts a one-shot weight quantization method based on approximate second-order\ninformation for accuracy and efficiency; SparseGPT (Frantar & Alistarh, 2023) introduces an approximate sparse regression' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='solver to enable the sparsity in LLM inference; (Bansal et al., 2022) has reported that a small set of attention heads can perform\nprimitive induction operations associated with in-context learning, and use this property to prune LLM for acceleration.\nResidual connections in neural networks. Residual connection shows great advantages for neural network generalization,\nit provides additional paths for activations to reach the latter parts of the neural network by skipping some layers (He et al.,' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='2016). The advancement of residual connections can be viewed as ensembles of multiple shallow neural networks (Veit\net al., 2016). Plenty of active research has discussed the effectiveness of residual connections (Balduzzi et al., 2017; Bello\net al., 2021; Allen-Zhu & Li, 2019; Frei et al., 2019). However, as far as we know, there is no former work that leverages\nthe property of residual connections to improve the efficiency of LLM inference.' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='B Additional Observation on Slowly Changing Observation\nFirst, we present more plots on the cosine similarity between representations. Figure 9 plots the cosine similarity between\nactivation across layers on OPT family. It is evident that similarity is high for the larger models.\nThere are two residual connections inside a transformer layer, one around the attention block, and the other one around the' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='MLP block. The residual connection can be written as X+F(X), where Fis either the Multi-Head Attention or two MLP\nLayer. Figure 10 plots the cosine similarity between XandX+F(X), which is close to 1.0, and the cosine similarity between\n16' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 15} |
page_content='Deja Vu: Contextual Sparsity for Efficient LLMs at Inference Time\n0 5 10 15 20\nTransformer Layer0. Similarityn = 1\nn = 2\nn = 4\nn = 8\n(a) OPT-1.3B\n0 510 15 20 25 30\nTransformer Layer0. Similarityn = 1\nn = 2\nn = 4\nn = 8 (b) OPT-6.7B\n05101520253035\nTransformer Layer0. Similarityn = 1\nn = 2\nn = 4\nn = 8 (c) OPT-13B\n0 10 20 30 40\nTransformer Layer0. Similarityn = 1\nn = 2\nn = 4\nn = 8\n(d) OPT-30B\n010 20 30 40 50 60' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 16} |
page_content='Transformer Layer0. Similarityn = 1\nn = 2\nn = 4\nn = 8 (e) OPT-66B\n0 20 40 60 80\nTransformer Layer0. Similarityn = 1\nn = 2\nn = 4\nn = 8 (f) OPT-175B\nFigure 9. Cosine similarity between layer land layer l+1for various model.\nXandF(X), which is close to 0.0. This happens because ∥X∥is significantly greater than ∥F(X)∥, shown in the purple.' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 16} |
page_content='In the first layer, ∥F(X)∥is larger, which explains the low cosine similarity. The magnitude of the L2norm is different across\nmodels, however, we observe a similar trend with models of different sizes. There exists a normalization layer before F(X)\nand the layer normalization scale ∥X∥to a consistent magnitude across layers (e.g. 85 for OPT-30B, 110 for OPT175B),\nbut not necessarily scale down ∥X∥.\nC Additional Experiment Detail\nC.1 Large Batch Size' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 16} |
page_content='To help understand where the speed-up comes from when batch size is greater than 1, we present the Union Contextual Sparsity\n(fraction of neurons/heads that are not used by any of the inputs in the batch) of different batches sizes for MLP and Attention\nblocks, respectively, in Figure 11. Union Contextual Sparsity is calculated as 1.0 - the union of activated MLP neurons or\nAttention heads in the batch / total neurons or heads. The union operation is essential to realize a fast sparse GEMM.' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 16} |
page_content='Surprisingly the number of MLP neurons/Attention heads that DEJAVU activated does not grow linearly with the batch size.\nThis suggests a power law distribution rather than a uniform distribution of parameter access from all input examples. Further,\na larger batch size can easily lead to out-of-memory for long sequence settings due to the limited GPU memory, the giant\nlarge model size, and the stored KV cache. For example, the total GPU memory of 8 80GB A100 is 640GB. Model parameters' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 16} |
page_content='are around 350GB for OPT175B. The KV cache for a batch size 32 with a sequence longer than 1920 tokens has already\nfilled up the GPU memory.\nC.2 Near Neighbor classifier\nIn the DEJAVU framework, any near-neighbor search method under the inner product metric would be sufficient to predict\na sparsity pattern. "Training predictor" is to reduce the cost of on-the-fly prediction, rather than training the model itself.\n17' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 16} |
page_content='Deja Vu: Contextual Sparsity for Efficient LLMs at Inference Time\n0. SimilarityResidual At Attention\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))\n0 5 10 15 20\nTransformer Layer0. SimilarityResidual At MLP\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))020406080100120\nNorm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n020406080100120\nL2 Norm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n(a) OPT-1.3b\n0. SimilarityResidual At Attention\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))\n0 5 10 15 20 25 30' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content='Transformer Layer0. SimilarityResidual At MLP\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))050100150200250\nNorm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n050100150200250\nL2 Norm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)|| (b) OPT-6.7b\n0.2\n0. SimilarityResidual At Attention\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))\n0 10 20 30 40\nTransformer Layer0. SimilarityResidual At MLP\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))050100150200\nNorm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n050100150200\nL2 Norm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)|| (c) OPT-13B' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content=' SimilarityResidual At Attention\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))\n0 10 20 30 40\nTransformer Layer0. SimilarityResidual At MLP\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))0100200300\nNorm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n0100200300\nL2 Norm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n(d) OPT-30B\n0.25\n0.000.250.500.751.00Cosine SimilarityResidual At Attention\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))\n0 10 20 30 40 50 60\nTransformer Layer0.2\n0. SimilarityResidual At MLP\nCos(X, X+F(X))' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content='Cos(X, F(X))0100200300400\nNorm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n0100200300400\nL2 Norm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)|| (e) OPT-66B\n0.50\n0.25\n0.000.250.500.751.00Cosine SimilarityResidual At Attention\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))\n0 20 40 60 80\nTransformer Layer0.25\n0.000.250.500.751.00Cosine SimilarityResidual At MLP\nCos(X, X+F(X))\nCos(X, F(X))0500100015002000\nNorm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)||\n05001000150020002500\nL2 Norm||X||\n||F(X)||\n||LN(X)|| (f) OPT-175B' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content='Figure 10. Cosine similarity between XandF(X), and the cosine similarity between XandX′in orange color. L2norm of XandF(X)\nandXafter layer normalization in purple on the right. Except on the first layer, ∥X∥is significantly higher than ∥F(X)∥.∥F(X)∥is\nhigher at the first layer, which corresponds to the low cosine similarity at the first layer.\nFor example, in our exploration stage mentioned in Section 4.1, we adopt HNSW, a state-of-art near-neighbor search method,' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content='to predict MLP sparse pattern, and we can see from the following table there is no drop in the perplexity at 90 % sparsity\nratio. However, due to the high dimensionality of embedding and HNSW’s reliance on CPU, the time HNSW took to identify\nthe sparsity pattern is 10ms, which is longer than the MLP computation.\nIn our paper, we choose a neural network classifier as our near neighbor search method to take advantage of the fast matrix' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content='multiplication on GPU. And training such classifiers to predict sparsity patterns is not only cheaper in terms of training cost\nbut also inherently different from the method concept.\n18' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 17} |
page_content='Deja Vu: Contextual Sparsity for Efficient LLMs at Inference Time\n0 20 40 60 80 96\nTransformer Layer0. Contextual Sparsity\nBatch size\n2\n4\n8\n16\n32\n(a) MLP\n0 20 40 60 80 96\nTransformer Layer0. Contextual Sparsity\nBatch size\n2\n4\n8\n16\n32 (b) Attention\nFigure 11. Union contextual sparsity with larger batch size.\nOPT-1.3B OPT-1.3B + HNSW\nHellaswag 0.4154 0.4314\nC4 14.2 14.4' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 18} |
page_content='Table 8. Sparsify from the Depth: Skipping or parallel entire transformer blocks may not lead to catastrophic drop in accuracy at test time.\nModel COPA Hellaswag Lambada OpenBookQA PIQA Winogrande\nOPT-175B 0.8600 0.7814 0.7584 0.4460 0.8096 0.7261\n- Parallel 2 0.8300 0.7737 0.7762 0.4520 0.8030 0.7096\n- Parallel 4 0.5200 0.2519 0 0.2720 0.5092 0.4870\n- Skip 2/8 0.8000 0.7112 0.6387 0.4220 0.7840 0.6630\n- Skip 2/4 0.6900 0.4409 0.0240 0.3400 0.6882 0.5383' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 18} |
page_content='Bloom 0.8000 0.7460 0.6771 0.4480 0.7949 0.7040\n- Parallel 2 0.8100 0.7404 0.6992 0.4360 0.7813 0.7048\n- Parallel 4 0.6200 0.3176 0.1325 0.2720 0.5593 0.5217\n- Skip 2/8 0.7900 0.6829 0.5936 0.4120 0.7699 0.6614\n- Skip 2/4 0.6600 0.5538 0.3023 0.3580 0.7046 0.5549\nC.3 Future Possibility: Skipping Layer\nDeja Vu currently sparsifies from the perspective of model width. Here, we explore the possibility of sparsification from' metadata={'source': 'pdfs/paper_3.pdf', 'page': 18} |