These taste nice but I'm not experienced so I think they're nice. Would they go great in beer I couldn't honestly guess. I just got them to relax.
We serve this mustard at the Golden City Brewery. we got one tiney bottle once and everyone liked it so much we now order the 1 gallon jars in bulk. Goes great on our bratwurst.
I have two senior dogs that were on a raw natural food diet for many years. I had been hard pressed to find something that would fulfill my pets nutritional requirements while being comprised of healthy ingredients. This is it! Even my vet, a fierce advocate for raw food, approves of this. My dogs love it, I no longer have to mix my own ingredients together, and I have peace of mind knowing my beloved pets are being fed high-quality food. They devour every last particle!
I love the product. It really taste awesome on toast. I am thrilled it is all natural. I brought some to school and had all the teachers try this for lunch in the teachers room. It was a huge hit.
Great product. Amazon has an excellent price and it's available for free shipping. All in all the best deal I could find on the internet for this product.
This bar is similar to banana bread. It is sweater than regular bread but not as much as cake. It is firmer than cake and regular banana bread, and would be soft enough to eat without teeth, except for a few small pieces of crunchy something that is in it.<br /><br />It must not have much banana in it because the banana flavor is weak, and the chocolate chips are virtually nonexistent. Nevertheless, it is a really good healthy snake bar.
one thing about this product that i didnt like was the size since they were talking about large jars....well..when i think large i think 26 oz but it was about half the size i expected
Same complaint I made elsewhere. This product is so horribly salty I can't taste the seasoning. I won't buy it again. Now, I won't throw it away, though. I'll use it as salt. That's all it is. It's just salt, and when I put on the appropriate amount of salt, I won't expect to taste any seasoning (despite the claim on the package that when it's salty enough, it's seasoned to perfection). My partner says he used to use Tony's many years ago, and that something has changed. Says it wasn't so dreadfully salty back then.
Delishus, pleeze give mee more Gimborn Livur Treets. Everee dog should havve these. I don't know abowt kats, they probabbly don't deserve them. Kats skare me.... Anyway these treets are delishus and yoo should buy manee buckets for yore dog. If yore dog doesn't want his bucket of livur treets, I will take them. Thank yoo, love, Sonar.
I love ginger and this product is great. In fact, my family uses ginger for upset stomach relief. This is the only place I can find the Newman's Ginger. I'm a frequent shopper at Amazon.
I purchased this set thinking it would be great to have one bottle and to give another away to a friend that I know loves cooking with "exotic" oils.<br /><br />While the bottle/brand shown in the listing is impressive looking and would make a great gift, the other option, Massimo Gusto, looks like a cheap Mexican knock-off.<br /><br />I will admit that I haven't had the chance to taste the oil yet, but honestly, if I saw the brand in the grocery store, I wouldn't have bought it.
This product is great! I can't seem to find it locally at my pet food stores and it's worth feeding my pet the best!! Super fast delivery from this seller!
I use pumpkin to help with my dogs' digestion - the fiber in pumpkin was recommneded by my vet. It has worked like a charm for the past year. Problem is finidnig canned pumpkin outside of the holiday baking season - so it's pricey in terms of the shipping costs. But I only give them about a tablespoon on their food once a day so it'll last a long time.
I had not had this cake in many years. Found it here, it taste as good as I remember. Easy to make too.
So my Mom often buys bags of kitty treats for her "grandkitten"... and I find it so hilarious that if it isnt the Temptations treats in the yellow bag, he will NOT touch them. We can mix different brands together in a pile, and he will pull the Temptations treats out with his paw and leave the others. Its unreal. Either they just hit the jackpot with the perfect cat-seducing ingredients, or they have some sort of addictive substance in them.... who knows! :) I only give them 4 stars because they are not the "healthiest" treat for a cat, but honestly... he just loves them so much I cant say no.
This is a wonderful tea! If you like mango flavored tea this is the best. Too bad it is not sold locally.
I've used the European style drip sprouters by Bioset, now called the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000N03EK0">Victorio VKP1013 Round Three-Tray Kitchen Seed Sprouter</a>, for over ten years, with good results. There was room for improvement, but overall I was content enough with the experience to lead me to expand my sprouting adventure, and now I also grow micro-greens and baby greens in trays. When I decided to take the Bioset on an extended trip and it cracked (silly me), I thought I'd "upgrade" to this one, on the advice of one of the various sprouting websites out there, which maligned the Bioset-style sprouters and anyone benighted enough to rely on them. The Sprout Master was billed as the best sprouter in the world, a breeze to use, handy, yadda yadda yadda. The best thing since sliced (sprouted-grain) bread.<br /><br />This was not my experience. I guess it boils down to the fact that the set up is not much different than the drip style, with the exception of increased inconvenience. The Sprout Master requires hand rinsing the seeds and sprouts rather than the pour-and-drip system. This did not bother me in and of itself, however, as I enjoy the process of working with the seeds and sprouts as much as eating them. I was happy to put in more work for better results. Also, with this sprouter, you have to soak your seeds first, which the European style ones get around by taking advantage of the varying surface tension of the water of unsprouted and sprouted seeds. When they are unsprouted, a bit of the water sits in the trays, allowing a mini-soak. Once they sprout, more of the water continues its process from tray to tray to the receptacle. If you are really concerned about too much water sitting there (one of the complaints from the sprouting site), you just give it a few quick shakes, and off goes the water. Here, again, I was unperturbed: I like the process of nurturing my sprouts. Nevertheless, I began to wonder whether the results would be much improved.<br /><br />They weren't. It seems there are operational differences as well as the design distinctions. First, the holes for dripping, which I really did like at first to allow for good clean rinsing, are too large to hold alfalfa, mustard, and similar small seeds, even after soaking overnight. You lose even more as you rinse them for the first day or two. Then, unless you mist the seeds, rinsing tumbles them all around, in addition to pushing some through the holes in the early phase. This means that you don't get nice vertical sprouts unless you are uber-careful. Were that not enough, my first batch just got rotten, moldy, and nasty--something that has never happened to me in over a decade of using the drip sprouters. So I resolved to try again, thinking that maybe I didn't pay attention to placing the lids on properly (necessary in order to allow for air circulation). But first I had to pry sprout roots out of the holes without breaking the the sprouter (the build quality is not encouraging), and to poke out the seeds that had wedged into the holes when small and begun to grow, which I'd also never had to do with the drip sprouters. The second time around I got somewhat better results, but they still did not begin to compare to my standard Bioset crop, even ignoring the extra effort and loss of seeds. Far fewer seeds sprouted (and I'm using the same mix as ever), and they were a knotted mess. I could get equally uninspiring results from a mason jar and cheesecloth.<br /><br />Perhaps this sprouter does well with larger seeds or sprouts that you do not intend to grow vertically. It may be, too, that a little perseverance and a few good new tricks for the smaller seed crops would have made this sprouter useful to me, but I did not see the point. I knew I could do better, and the 30-day deadline for returns was glowering. So I sent it back, and am now trying Victorio's updated drip sprouter, the <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005FVPP04">Victorio VKP1014 4-Tray Kitchen Seed Sprouter</a>, which, though still not ideal, I much prefer to the Sprout Master. The new model is BPA free, made of crack-resistant plastic, does away with the little drain spigots of the previous version (an admitted nuisance), and comes with a lid you can use to store the sprouts in a tray in the fridge. At half the price of the Sprout Master. So far, my first set of sprouts (again, using the same mix) did just dandy, without loss of seeds, mold, rot, tumbled sprouts, marauding roots or seed-clogged holes. Plus it looks oh so pretty with the sprouts all green and alive and vertical in there. (The Sprout Master is opaque, so you can't see the sprouts once they've grown--nor would you necessarily want to, unless you have the patience to pamper your seeds so they grow vertically.)<br /><br />In sum, I really wanted to like this sprouter, and feel like a "real" kitchen gardener. But I just didn't. In the end, what sets a real gardener apart is a harvest, not a name brand.
Cooks up al-dente with great flavor. Doesn't fall apart like some wheat-free pastas do. And, I *LOVE* supporting American economy with this purchase! The rice is grown IN CALIFORNIA! AwEsOmE!
I should of bought two bottles of Melinda's and saved on shipping because I have been putting this delicious sauce on everything. Not as spicy as I thought it would be, but it taste great with a good burn. It burns much more than any store bought sauce I have tasted.
This mix, along with Pamela's vanilla frosting mix (I use spectrum palm oil shortening to keep it dairy free), makes delicious cupcakes or cake - excellent texture and taste. It is the only gluten-free thing my husband has tried that he will voluntarily eat again and again! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
Wow, this stuff makes very tasty frappes. As long as you have a nice blender, the end product is as good as what you get in fancy coffee shops, only for a fraction of the price.<br /><br />I pretty much follow the recipe on the can (using skim milk), and it turns out plenty creamy. The substitution I make is that, because I do not have an espresso maker, I use strong coffee. I put in maybe a cup of coffee, and subtract some from the milk so it doesn't end up having too much liquid.<br /><br />The downside of this product is the trans and saturated fat. I had no idea this things were so bad for me!<br /><br />Another approach to making frappes, without the saturated fat, is to mix hot coffee with chocolate pudding mix (not instant -- it has a terrible off taste!), then blend it up with some ice and milk. It's probably not quite as good as with this mix, but it's way better for your heart.
Newman's Own Organics POMEGANATE LICORICE TWISTS contains about thirty sticks of pomegranate "licorice." The sticks have the dimensions of 1.0 cm wide by 11.0 cm long. I started on these immediately after opening the package, and thus I am only estimating the number of sticks as about thirty. The weight of the contents is 5 oz (141 grams).<br /><br />The uninitiated consumer might find the flavor to be a grape flavor. According to the label, the flavor comes from ELDERBERRY EXTRACT, POMEGRANATE JUICE CONCENTRATE, and LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT. There is no indication that any of the flavors are artificial or synthetic. Based on my experience as a consumer, I sometimes do not like flavorings that are artificial or synthetic, because of the off-taste that comes with them, perhaps due to contaminating by-products made during the organic synthesis. Also, some products such as tea bags containing flavored tea, have an artificial flavor that is over-powering and that contaminates brewing devices, kitchen utensils, and such, in a way that causes them to acquire the chemical flavor. At any rate, Newman's Own Organics POMEGRANATE LICORICE does not contain any synthetic flavors.<br /><br />The licorice sticks are on the soft side. The color is a dull (not glossy) dark purple. This is in contrast to "red licorice" found in drug stores and supermarkets, which is hard and unnaturally glossy (like fingernail polish). Newman's Own Organics POMEGRANATE LICORICE TWISTS is a product that is unusual enough to be used as a component of a gift-basket, for example, as a holiday gift. This kind of gift basket may also include, for example, an expensive silver bell, embroidered note cards, and gourmet chocolates.
Excellent, simple cup of morning coffee that is not bitter nor truly extra bold as advertised. I consider it to be a medium roast/breakfast blend kind of coffee. If you are into heavy, dark roasts like French, Italian, or Sumatran, then the Kenya AA may be fairly mild for your taste. However, I love it. Unfortunately, the one-star review is an angry comment regarding price and has nothing to do with the quality of the coffee.
My puggle pup is only 6 months old and he loves this antler chew. He's on his second one. The first one I think I bought like two months ago. It was a medium antler. The one he got today is 7-10 in. He stays on these antlers for a long time. Really keeps him busy. And It does not splinter as, from what I've read, other antlers do. I know it's up there in terms of price, but if you love your pup and don't want to give him garbage, then by this antler. I will update this post in the not-too-distant future with info as to how long it lasted.
I was recently given the opportunity to try Izze Sparkling Grapefruit Juice, and I am very glad I did! With none of the added sugars contained in similar products, Izze relies on its own taste to draw the consumer in, and the addition of the sparkling water enhances the flavor rather nicely. If you are a consumer who enjoys all natural flavor with a little pizzazz to it, then Izze is definitely the product for you!
Wow - Udi's has nailed it once again with some awesome bagels. The texture and taste are just like "regular" breads. If they're frozen, I recommend thawing briefly in the microwave (only long enough to pull the top and bottom apart) and then putting them in the toaster. I tried warming them completely in the microwave one morning and ended up with a very hard, chewy bagel. My only complaint is that it's alot to spend on 4 bagels (or 4 breakfasts) when I can spend the same amount for a whole loaf of Udi's bread. Granted, the bagels are rather large.
Our dogs love these healthy treats. I like them because they have no wheat, corn or soy in them. The soft squares make a nice sized treat for our little girls. Notice that the first ingredient is lamb, an uncommon luxury for a dog treat.
San Pellegrino, Limonata; still manufactured in Italy. Still the same great intense lemon flavor without all the sweetness. A beverage to be savored and drunk slowly. They're now packaged in this more American, big old serving size, almost 12 ounces. I loved this drink when it was in those little tiny 3 or 4 ounce bottles.
If you like a balanced cup of joe, this is a great choice. The coffee is smooth and balanced. There is no bitterness or bite. Thank you Chef Puck for this fantastic decaf coffee choice!
Tried many K cups. This is the best by far. We can make two cups from the same pod.I will buy this product over all the others. Great taste and flavor.
I switched to the smaller cans because I have a Yorkie, and it took too long for her to finish the larger cans. But to me, all Canidae products are great. Let me tell you what happened. Three years ago, my little dog had hot spots all over her. She was miserable, itching, scratching, moping around. I took her to the vet who gave me a cream which didn't help. Then one time, I went to my groomer who told me the truth: SHE'S ALLERGIC! These hot spots are Alergies!!! Huh? Why didn't the vet tell me this? (Was it because he was also selling the other dog food I was using?) The groomer suggested I look for a product that had no corn. I liked the Amazon reviews about Canidae products and tried it. Not only did she take to the change right away, (although I gradually changed food) but her hot spots cleared up. Needless to say, Canidae products are all I use now. I don't care that they are a little more expensive! They cleared up my poor dog's misery, and that's all that counts!
However the first thing to note about these is your going to be hammered with a strong garlic/onion after taste. And your significant other will remind you of this the next day. lol...But not hydro oils or fructose corn syrup or other stuff that should no longer be in any of our snacks are NOT in these. I have replaced the regular potato chips,"even the baked ones" with these. I think they're better. Going to try the sea salted vinegar ones as well as the plains. Will report following. (Id give these a 4.5 if I could)<br /> ***One other thing to note;if you have soft skin in your mouth these may scratch it up.
My mom Bee has been a licorice lover for many years. Bee is now 96 and will be 97 in November..She has partial dentures so the hard candy is not only delicious but the perfect answer. I have to watch her though as she<br />would go through a bag in a couple days if I let her.
I have an iSi Twist and Sparkle Beverage Carbonating System and wanted to make a diet cola. Most diet cola syrups on the market for home users use splenda and/or acesulfame K which I don't like the taste of. I'm used to and prefer the aftertaste of aspartame or saccharine. This was the only extract I could find that was unsweetened so I could try my own sweeteners. I ordered the cola flavor from Jack's Country Store here on Amazon.<br /><br />I tried making the soda with both erythritol and saccharine (sugar twin). I couldn't get the sweetness right with erythritol, but the Sugar Twin worked fine. The extract flavor is between a cola and a rootbeer flavor. I used the following mix: 3.5 cups water + 1 tsp cola extract + 1/4 cup Sugar Twin (if using erythritol use closer to 1/2 cup) and optionally, juice of a lime to boost the acidity and push the flavor closer to a cola and away from rootbeer. You could also use a bit less extract and sugar twin, I like it a bit strong.
I really enjoy these to fill my belly a bit without indulging in junk. These thins are pretty large and taste great. I think the best way to describe them would be that they have a graham cracker taste with a bit more density than a graham cracker, with small chewy bits of fig baked in. I was expecting a more fig newton taste and they aren't like that at all but are vey good. I will buy more to keep at my desk at work for a snack.
Besides the fact that it's the only food my fussy bunch of four agree they like...there are other reasons why I love Newman's Own. Check the label. The first, and most abundant ingredient is organic turkey. In fact, ALL of the ingredients are organic. When others pets were sadly dying from contaminated food connected to China, I could rest assured my cats were OK. Again, check the label...Newman's Own meets the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO...a factor my vet cautioned me on when I went looking for a high quality food. Finally, I buy it because Paul & Nell Newman produce a great line of products. If you want to treat yourself, pick up a package of Newman's Own Organic Cookies. It doesn't matter if you go for the Newman O's or the Orange Chocolate Chip Cookies...they're all terrific.
This is the good stuff. Totally worth the cost. Understand that each bar is actually a double-stacked bar, so they're larger than they might seem.
I ordered the Nico brand before this because it seemed to have good reveiws. Then I noticed I had the reviews sorted by best to worst instead of most recent. Nico's was from concentrate and tasted like it. I think Nico no has some that are not from concentrate since so many people complained. In any regard, this one tastes like it came right from the coconut without any processing. So, get this one if you want pure coconut water with no surprises.
This is the second of the illy issimo Caffee drinks I've tried. The first was a cappuchino chocolate drink that was tasty, but a little too sweet. In fact it was sweet to the point of nearly bitter.<br /><br />My understanding is that the illy issimo line does actually come from an Italian coffee maker, but the brand itself is Coca Cola under license of the ILKO Coffee Intl company. There is a split personality going on here...the can says Arabica coffee and finest ingredients of the quintessential Italian espresso experience. But the can says product of Denmark that was apparently put together in Atlanta, GA. The good news is that the apparently international effort of creating a can of this beverage is actually worthwhile!<br /><br />This one is really good...hit the spot perfectly. There is a little sweetness to it, but its subdued and deep coffee taste. In pouring, it looks like Jaegermeister (my admin asked if I was pouring Jaeger bombs). it has an espresso like foam on the surface (which makes sense, it says Espresso Style on the can) and the smell was like a rich cold coffee. The taste is easy and flavorful. Unlike the first drink, I'll actually order a case of this one. Really good.<br /><br />Pros: Rich taste, works at room temperature (doesn't require ice) and can very much fulfill a caffeine fiend. But its only 50 calries, only 1% of which is sodium.<br /><br />Cons: 10g of sugar in the can (which is only a 6.8 fl oz (200 ml) can). But the sugar barely registers. I don't like sugar in my coffee, but I did like this.
good desert coffee or when you just want something different and a little sweet. it smells and taste just like a fresh baked cinnamon roll.
Is this $14.99 for a single jar of peanut butter? Maybe $8 if it was organic.<br /><br />Price discrepancy aside, Teddie Brand PB is by far my favorite.
These are great, my dog loves them and they do a great job cleaning his teeth & helping his breath. And a wonderful price, compared to what the vets charge locally to buy.
My fiancee brought this home from his moms and my cat went crazy! She inhaled an entire can in seconds and then begged for more. I completely grossed my fiancee out when I tasted it and let me tell you as someone who is an avid cook the Chicken Pot Pie is very good. I make chicken pot pie and reading the ingredients were like reading the ingredients in a chicken pot pie you would make or buy for yourself. The chicken did not taste processed. The first time I saw the can of food I thought it was gourmet tuna and had to read to make sure it was cat food. I can't say that I blame my kitty for enjoying this so much. We have a local health food store that carries it so it's easy to find for me but the deals online are amazing! I'll be going via Amazon from now on. My cat reacts to this the way she reacts to fresh tuna, she goes nuts!
I Love Good Rice! GV Family Reserve Natural Wild Rice has great texture & taste. A good buy too! Prepare with vegtable bullion & fresh green onion, dab of olive oil & you have a wonderful side dish. Needless to say, I am a repeat customer.
Absolutely splendid taste and worthy of the Earl Grey name. This Double Earl brand is a bit stronger than the traditional Bigelow Earl Grey.
I have been having difficulty finding this blend at local stores. After trying many different flavors over the past 18 months, I find this the most enjoyable blend yet, followed closely by Kona blend. Thanks to Amazon for carrying this blend at an affordable price.
So, what happens when Coca-Cola gets involved in a perfectly good all natural tasting drink with all natural ingredients and no big plastic waste? It gets industrialized of course! This tastes like some number crunchers worked on lowering the price per unit to boost the profit margin and marketers worked on bottle material and bottle shape with a test group until it scored a good percentile and voila, you get a processed liquid in a plastic bottle. One of their biggest problems with all of this was that their original customers' palates had only experienced pure CW, so we all knew better. We were used to the good stuff and then our dealer got greedy and cut our coke, I mean our coconut water, and they lost alot of buyers to others dealing the pure stuff. Now I buy ZICO in the 33.8oz tetrapacks. It's the pure stuff.<br /><br />Knowing that ZICO sometimes reads these reviews I'm wondering out loud here if someone inside ZICO, with a sense of taste, just HAS to be saying "I told you so" ever since this version was released. If so many customers hate it you just know that someone inside ZICO must have hated it too. Whoever that discerning person is has since been acknowledged I'm sure...
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000J2DQ8M">Bar Harbor All Natural Lobster Bisque, 10.5-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)</a><br /><br />Thanks to all who reviewed this product! We appreciate the conversation and realize there can be quite a variety of opinions on any food item based on the vast majority of palates and individuals' past experiences with foods.<br /><br />As a Downeast Maine company that has been producing Lobster Bisque from a local recipe since 1917, it is believed that the recipe, handed down from previous generations, was the most accurate rendition of this regional soup. This is not to say that it is the only recipe or the most popular in this genre of soup, as bisque originated in France and was handed down through immigrants who settled in the Canadian maritimes and then migrated to coastal Maine.<br /><br />The original recipe included the tomalley, or liver, of the lobster and provided a truly robust seafood flavor and a deep orange tone to the finished product. With concerns over mercury in seafood, the recipe has been modified in recent years and a larger quantity of minced lobster has replaced the tomalley. This along with a bit of paprika gives the soup its distinctively strong color. The recipe does not include any tomato products. As to the cream content, milk is an ingredient to create the true bisque texture, however, we intentionally leave the soup in a semi-condensed state to allow the customer to prepare the product to their liking. By adding a bit more milk or cream and a dash of sherry at the end of gently heating the bisque, true restaurant-quality lobster bisque can be achieved.<br /><br />This is one of our most popular soups and at over 20 annual international trade shows it receives rave reviews. Thought we realize we cannot please every palate, we believe the majority of our lobster bisque connoisseurs provide us the confirmation that we are making a high quality, great-tasting Lobster Bique.<br /><br />Bar Harbor Foods is now on Facebook, so please "Like" us if you enjoy our products and we appreciate hearing from all of our customers!<br /><br />~ Bar Harbor Foods
I enjoy the Nature's Hollow jam/preserves so much--am having some right now between typing, the blueberry over Fage yogurt, and it's so good--that I figured I'd give the sugar-free syrup a try.<br /><br />Um. Not so great. I made high protein waffles and I usually use either natural applesauce, a homemade berry compote, or Smucker's sugar free breakfast syrup on these babies. Today, I chopped up strawberries and used this syrup. So disappointing. The flavor is slight,slight. A hint of mapleness. The sweetness is okay. The texture is watery.<br /><br />Now, I can live with a ightweight, watery texture if you pump up the flavor. :) But this one, not so much. For now, I'll stick to my Smucker's sugar-free (though it's not perfect, it's been the tastiest fake maple syrup that has a genuine thick consistency). Or, occasionally, I just cave and have real maple syrup. (I'm not on a low-carb diet, I just try to avoid sugar when possible.)<br /><br />I think this may serve better to use in fruit mixtures to then top waffles or pancakes or to flavor plain oatmeal. This syrup will sweeten stuff up with a light maple flavor, and while it was kind of a fail on my waffles, I can see that this might work better to flavor my slow-cooked oatmeal. That's why this gets 2 stars instead of 1 star: Whilte it failed for me as a good syrup for pancakes and waffles, I suspect it will be good as a maple flavoring agent. And this one is way better than the Maple Grove Farms one and the DaVinci one. For low-carbers, worth trying, even if not very satisfying substitute for the real thing.<br /><br />I hope Nature's Hollow reformulates the syrup adding more maple flavor and thickening it up a bit. I'd retry their product if they did.
When I got my package some of the powder was spilling out of the edges. When I opened up the box the bag of citric acid was completely busted open and the entire box, that also contained a couple boxes of another product were covered with the powder. It was a complete mess and spilled all over the floor. I was very disapointed about the fact that there was so little packing that this happened. Also, I don't really see that the citric acid works very well any ways.
This gravy is the best gravy, hands down. It goes perfectly with beef or poultry. I use turkey stock instead of water when making it for Thanksgiving or Christmas. There really is no need to keep any other kind of gravy mix in the house. Delicious!!!
I had high hopes for this product, but it was awful. A chewy off-taste mess. I love chia seeds, and I love blueberries, but this tasted spoiled. I will never buy this again.
Price first purchased was $4.95 then jumped to over $7. I stopped buying it at that price - coffee good, but not that good.
I purchased the 3 pack saccharin tablets for my inlaws. It's hard to find it in local stores. The price is great!
First, I prepared this product like you would cappuccino, I ran it through my espresso machine and served it with steamed milk and cinnamon. It didn't taste like tea or coffee to me, and took a little getting used to, but it wasn't bad. It's a strong, concentrated taste which reminds me of the smell of sweet, freshly baled hay.<br /><br />Next, I decided to brew it like coffee, which I didn't care for. I don't like to add milk or sugar to my drinks and I would have preferred to have been able to drink it "black".<br /><br />I'm not going to give up though, I see they have many recipes posted on their website, so I'm going to visit it and see if I can come up with something I like, and then update my review.
I don't understand the negative reviews - my cats LOVE this food. Not only is it soft and very easy to add water to, (I make it a little soupy so that my cats will get extra fluids), but it is extremely low in Phosphorous which is excellent for older cats with Kidney Disease, or Chronic Renal Failure. Most of the prescription diets for CRF cats are full of additives and smell terrible and my cats wouldn't touch any of them. I have looked high and low for a cat food that is Organic, No Grain, and Low Phosphorous and THIS IS IT! I am so very happy and so are my cats. Plus you can't beat the price for all of those factors. I hope they never stop making this food!
Coffee quality is as good as expected but, close to expiring. Next time, I will spend the extra few dollars and buy the coffee localy.
Having nine felines..this is a great alternative to the more junk filled brands such as IAMS and Science Diet.<br /><br />If you are interested in a meat/grain/veggie mix dry food instead of the commerical brands with high quantities of artificial/unhealthy fillers that are routinely added to the everyday brands ..try this as great healthy alternative.
These are the best multigrain crackers I have ever had, bought them at Sams Club and I loved them. I thought I bet Amazon has them as they are so great and better for you as they are baked, low in colesterol and hight in omega 3. I am an avid Amazon shopper have had prime memebership for shipping since it came out. I buy 2 - 3 times a week. I was shocked to see the high price for these on Amazon when I bought the box with the twin packs in Sams for much much less. If Amazon wants to carry these fantastic crackers and expects people to buy them, they need to lower their price.
Sea salt is my favorite, I think, but all the flavors are yummy. I'm trying to avoid snacks with an endless list of ingredients (and do I really need more corn or soy? no thx!). Also, I'm really glad these are roasted rather than fried. The Good Bean is such a great find, particularly since my son loves it in his lunch box.
Wabash Valley Farms Popcorn salt is wonderful. It is very fine grained<br />and won't just glide across your popcorn and fall to the<br />bottom of the bowl. This season sticks to popcorn and<br />makes is taste amazing. I ordered Wabash Valley Farm popcorn seasons to go along with Paragon's Coconut oil bars. Unfortunatley Amazon did not send me the Paragon Coconut oil bars I ordered but substituted with Lou Ann coconut oil bars. Which taste pretty good, just not what I ordered.<br /><br />The combination of cooking popcorn in the coconut oil and then topping it<br />off with this Wabash popcorn salt is a grand finish. You will get popcorn<br />that tastes like theater popcorn. I ordered this combo after reading reviews<br />here at Amazon. Glad I read the reviews. Because we are popcorn lovers and this<br />combination of Wabash popcorn salt and the coconut oil bars gave us popcorn<br />perfection. You don't need much of this salt , a little goes a long way.<br />It has a slight buttery flavor to it.<br /><br />I recommend Wabash Valley Farms Popcorn salt .<br />Plus get some coconut popcorn oil to cook your popcorn in.<br />We use the Whirly pop popcorn maker to cook popcorn in. It makes the fluffiest<br />lightest popcorn of any popcorn maker I have ever used.
I was so pleased in how fast I received the sundew as it is for my son's science fair project. The plant came nicely packaged and very healthy. I'm just hoping I have the same green thumb as the seller!
Now they are open they are unlikely to last. Good quality and not stuck together, not as expensive as some other brands.
Great popcorn! I'm a repeat buyer too. One pack makes just a teeny bit more than my Whirly Pop can hold with the lid closed. The kernels pop big and have a great flavor. The hulls are farely tame for big kernels. My only suggestion for Wabash Valley Farms would be to boost the butter flavor just a smidge. Maybe I'm old fashioned but popcorn popped on the stove top is so much better than microwaved.
Starbucks Natural Fusions Ground Coffee has become a favorite in my household!!! Almost immediately after receiving this package, the bag was opened. No more than three days later and it was gone! Rest assured, this is a good blend! The star of this Starbucks blend is the vanilla. The coffee grounds smelled fantastic and once brewed, it tasted wonderful. I would say its taste was a happy medium- not too over powering nor too light!<br /><br />I can't complain about this product. It is quite tasty and definitely something I'll be picking up again! Starbucks did well by this flavored blend!
I have two yorkies 1 yr old and a 3 year old they can not grasp the concept of fetching any type of ball so thats upsetting and everytime i buy them dingo bones its liek world world 3 in the house and when the wars over i find bones buried in all the furniture and they guard it. with these they know they are treats and they play with them and eat them and its just quiet in the house and all is right in the world. MY only bad thing is i wish the small version came in bulk!
For quite some time, I have been using different types of hot sauce on different types of food. Before I started doing this, I only ever remember using hot sauce on barbeque sandwiches. Even though I have tried numerous types of hot sauce during this period, Valentina Salsa Picante Mexican Hot Sauce Extra Hot has set itself apart from the others. It has a satisfying flavor and is neither too hot nor too mild. This is a product that I can recommend.
I was looking for a powdered alternative to Red Bull, and this works for me. The taste is not the same, but the energy boost works for me, the product is local, and I'm not paying for someone to ship water in a cute aluminum can across the Atlantic
Although I am something of a circus peanut connoisseur, this was my first experience with colored (as in "other than orange") circus peanuts, and it was quite a good one. The peanuts arrived in good shape in a cellophane bag with a "Sweet Gourmet" sticker on it. (A little confusing, as the listing shows them "by Spangler.") I didn't realize until I read up on the history of circus peanuts that they're supposed to be banana-flavored; I always thought it was just some unique circus peanut flavor. In this case, the orange peanuts are regular flavor; the yellow ones are obviously lemon (and my least favorite, despite my love of lemons); the pink ones are a subtle cherry; and the white ones...oh, the white ones. Vanilla. Creamy, sugary deliciousness. Wow. If I could order just vanilla, I might never go back to pseudo-banana.<br /><br />The price was reasonable for such quality, but the shipping (twice the price of the product) was not. But I suppose that's the fault of the shipping company, and it's probably a good thing anyway. If shipping were, say, free, I'd be well on my way to diabetes. This way, I'll only order these peanuts as an occasional special treat. And a treat they are!
My partner thinks this is the best horseradish ever. I really like it too.
Pepperidge Farm Bordeaux cookies has my vote for the best cookies on the plannet.<br /><br />Problem was in the shipping/packaging, since in the 4 packs I've opened, I can count on 2 hands the number of whole (unbroken) cookies I've gotten. Most of the cookies are in pieces as big as or smaller than a quarter.<br /><br />I'd think twice about ordering cookies via the net.
I love this stuff!!!! I use it in everything from my morning shakes to pancakes and muffins. I even make pb&j sandwiches with it and it tastes great! I feel like I found miracle peanut butter....
got here in time, the product was in great quality, fresh, clean I will definitely reorder again.
Lovely and luscious! These bake less than pretty in my Zojirushi breadmaker, but the taste is heavenly and the texture is right on. Probably would bake up nicer in a pan, but I love that I can throw everything together and come home to hot fresh chocolate divinity. :)
This is good gravy, and since all my kids are vegetarians, they will eat it! In addition, ordering this product from Amazon is MUCH CHEAPER than buying it in a store..........<br /><br />Not as good as REAL gravy, but close!
I received a sample of the Quaker oatmeal raisin soft baked cookies (courtesy of Influenster.com) about a month ago and since then I haven't purchased any other oatmeal cookie. I love them and most important my daughter loves them. These make the perfect snack for lunch, at day at the park or beach, or a midnight snack. Best part is they are healthy and don't make you feel bad for "cheating" a little on your diet. There's so much to say but to sum it all up....they are DELICIOUS!!!
I am a Scottish man living in America. Grandson of an Oatmeal Miller so I know a little bit about Oatmeal. This is genuine Scottish style Oatmeal ground between two stones to make a rough flour. What Americans call oatmeal isn't oatmeal its flaked oats.<br /><br />I had been hunting for oatmeal for years as I far prefer porridge made with meal over the flaked oats. It has a nuttier flavour and a better texture. Then I found this and was delighted. I recommend it to lots of people. If you want genuine Scottish oatmeal porridge, only add a pinch of salt, no sugar and serve with separate cup of milk. Take a spoonful of oats and then dip into the milk to cool. fair braw.
If we had a 'I'm A Fan' button to push, I would definitely be a fan of Tully's K-cups.<br /><br />Usually I drink lots of Tully's French and/or Kona, and Italian is a new favorite that I know I'll be drinking now that I've tried it.<br /><br />When I think of Tully's Coffee House Blend, I think of going into a restaurant and smelling that wonderful aroma of freshly-made coffee. It tastes delicious!<br /><br />At first I didn't think of it as one of my all-time favorites, because it's just an excellent cup of coffee. Good flavor and aroma, not too dark, not too strong, not too bitter, just delicious. I just came back to edit this review and say that it is becoming one of my all-time favorites, just another great option from Tully's.<br /><br />I used to say that I like to keep it around to drink after I've burned out my taste buds on stronger blends and want to calm my taste buds down a little. Now I've found that I enjoy it pretty much any time.<br /><br />One thing I would say about Coffee House Blend is that it will probably please more people in a household or guests visiting than my all-time favorites, which are way too strong for many people. This is a good choice to please more people. It should please just about everyone!<br /><br />EDITED once more. I came back later to say that with all of my other K-Cup options available to me, I keep reaching for the Tully's House Blend. I don't know if it's just a mood I'm in right now or what, but the others just seem like they are trying too hard. Whatever the reason, I'm enjoying House Blend.<br /><br />EDITED still once more to say now my favorites are House and Italian, both Tully's. It's the best!
Disappointed that I could no longer find Twinings Blackcurrant tea on the supermarket shelves, I was glad to find that I could order it on line. It is the only Twinings black flavored tea that I like--not too fruity, but with just a touch of berry flavor that adds to, rather than detracts from, the basic black tea. It leaves no bitter taste and the aroma is inviting. Wish the markets would start carrying it again.
At only 20 calories per cup, with its rich, chocolate taste, this is a best buy. Also, zero cholesterol. It can't be beat!
These are the most delicious granola bars ever. I loved them!Healthy, good taste and light but enough filling for a perfect snack or breakfast on the go.
Love my aero garden and all that I have grown so far.<br />I am excited to have fresh green beans. The lettuce<br />and herbs are super and the lettuce makes it so I<br />can have the fresh taste without pesticides. No tilling<br />the garden, just grown at home and Aero is great<br />on customer service.
I was introduced to Gano Excel Gano-cafe mocha by a friend who carried it at her health-food store,and became an instant fan! It is advertised as a healthy coffee, and I've read so much literature on it,so that was my first reason for buying it. But, now that I've been using it for 6 years, my primary reason for drinking it is the taste! I've tried other brands of mocha with the ganoderma (Reishi) mushroom, but Gano-cafe (by Gano Excel) has absolutely the best taste, and mixes the smoothest. The other brands had a tendency to be grainy and/or not mix well and settle at the bottom of the cup too much. The best "healthy" things I like about Gano-cafe Mocha is, of course, the benefits of the mushroom, but also the low caffiene level,which protects me from the acidity of normal coffees. It is less expensive than coffee-house drinks, and healthier, with less sugar and no chemical additives/preservatives. I, personally, use about half a package to 6 oz. of water, to tailor to my personal taste preference. Gano-cafe Mocha is my indulgence! Especially in cool/cold weather it is a tasty and comforting drink! I usually have at least 2 cups a day!
I mainly breastfeed but i had a very "healthy" large baby so he was eating and eating and never seemed to get real full with breast milk. At about 1 month of age, I started supplementing with this formula. He loves it! I tried the other non-organic brands and he hated them. I like the fact this is organic. I have read that others have a hard time getting it disolved. It does take some time but i actually stir it and not shake it so there's no bubbles. I use Dr. Brown's bottles with this formula so my baby doesn't have issues with any gas or anything. It does seem to keep him full longer than my breastmilk did. I recommend this formula to all my friends with babies!
I have been using coconut oil for over a year now. It's used in cooking and after a few weeks I noticed that the arthritis pain in my hands is does not exist unless I don't use for a week. It is a side benefit of coconut oil.
I have always used Giorgio Mushrooms, one cause they were a product of the USA! I ordered the organic ones for the first time & they are just as good! Will continue buying Giorgio's products!
I have been using Barbara's Brown Rice Crisps cereal for over 10 years. It has simple and pure ingredients. I have food allergies, so that is important to me. This cereal makes a good breading substitute for baking if you are avoiding wheat and corn (like myself)- I use a rolling pin to crush the crispy cereal.
Another delicious selection in the Pepperidge Farm family of Cookies called Santa Cruz Oatmeal Raisin. I picked up my order for a great bargain through Warehouse Deals fulfilled by Amazon.com for only $7.49!!! When you consider that these normally cost you listed on bag @ $3.49/per, and generally never go on sale at the supermarket/grocery store unlike the Milano Brand line of cookies by Pepperidge Farm the price was right to quote the famous game show still on T.V. today. Get yours today and ENJOY!!!
My husband works graveyard and can't live without it. It helps without the crash you get from other enery drinks
This is so good I had to restrain myself from eating the entire cooked contents myself! Simple to make! Cooks quickly! A hardy fast healthy meal that everyone loved!<br /><br />This is my first time trying this product, but I will buy it again...and again and again and again!<br /><br />I will be trying other items under this brand name. I would suspect they are just as good.
These are by far the favorite treats of our two dogs and a treat of which they never tire. We keep them in a cannister by the dining room slider so there always handy for a good dog who came when called or allowed me to dry her wet feet.<br />We like that the treats are small and soft also. These make great training treats for one can easily carry a handful in your pocket.<br />As a dog enthusiast who's bought many kinds of treats, I highly recommend Zuke's treats, especially the salmon mini naturals.
My primary use of peanut butter is to add to smoothies (w/ chocolate protein powder)and frozen yogurt milk shakes. PB2 is great for these, as I get the peanut butter flavor I want, without the calories. I can't comment on anything more than that, but for those uses it's stellar.
My gourmet herb kit came with basil, mint, chives, dill, thyme, and parsley, but I refer to it simply as my basil garden. The dill sprouted late, grew one anemic stalk, and then keeled over dead. The mint likewise made a meager appearance before turning brown. The thyme and chives were small but enjoyable, and I had given up on the parsley before it finally flourished and seasoned a few meals.<br /><br />But OH MY GOD DO I HAVE BASIL! I've trimmed it aggressively many times, only to have it return bigger and bushier and beating out the other herbs for light. I celebrated the fresh basil for a while, but now I stuff it unceremoniously into ziplocs and store it in the freezer until one day when it will all become pesto.<br /><br />Judging from mine and other reviewers' experiences, the aerogarden produces imperfect and unpredictable results -- but it has been fun to have fresh, growing herbs within my lightless apartment even if the outcome was not as planned. I look forward to trying other seed kits.
I was leery of purchasing breakfast cereal in bulk without having tried it.<br /><br />The cereal actually looks like the front of the box. The blueberries are almost as plump as fresh. It doesn't have a lot of the hard crunchy bits like some other granolas have. It's mostly old fashioned oatmeal and blueberries.<br /><br />It was very tasty and I'll definitely purchase more. My daughter even liked it and she's very picky<br /><br />I've also seen reviews on here about how the products arrived stale or expired. Of all the food products I have purchased, only one was less than a month from expiration (3 weeks). Most of them expire in roughly a year from receipt. So far I've purchased 15 bulk items with no problem.
This has been my go to coffee brand for over 2 yrs now. There quality is always consistent, the bean are fresh and good quality. I am HUGE coffee aficionado I used to roast my own beans and know my coffee. I like this brand a great deal. It is tough to find better esp at this price
We were out grocery shopping the other day and, for some reason, the Chessmen cookies called out to me. Usually, I'm not a fan of crunchy cookies, even if they ARE from the delectable Pepperidge Farm bakery.<br /><br />But I decided to try these buttery treats and let me tell you...I am not disappointed! (In fact, I'm munching on them right now.) They are so buttery--so melt in your mouth--they'd be *perfect* with coffee, tea, or hot chocolate--but I tend to snatch them when I need a snack because I haven't eaten all day. (I know...bad habit!)<br /><br />And, this may sound corny, they are beautiful to look at! Not only do these cookies have a raised chess emblem on the front, but they are also washed with eggwhites. (I can tell because of the glistening, golden color!)<br /><br />Rook, Bishop, Queen and Knight--they're all here in buttery brilliance!<br /><br />So if you're in the mood for a fantastic butter cookie, you will LOVE Chessmen from Pepperidge Farm. (And if your favorite soldier or student loves chess--and cookies--this would make a great addition to any care package!)
I grew up eating this wonderful candy, in my book there is no better. A bit pricey but well worth it. When I eat Sees Truffles my tummy giggles :-) Thanks Amazon for making this product available. You are my one stop shop these days. Fantastic candy fast delivery
I have used this product for a couple year now and love it. In fact, instead of mixing it with water, I mix it with my coffee in the morning and enjoy it more then the mocha's I was getting at well-known coffee places. I used to by this product at a couple stores who longer carry it, which was really frustrating. Being able to buy it online is great!
My dog has a "sensitive" stomach, meaning she vomits and has diarrhea whenever we switch foods. However, I wanted her to have the healthiest food possible. Merrick is the best, especially Turducken. She loves it, no stomach issues, and I love that the ingredients are real food - organic chicken being the main one!
I have always enjoyed the Norwegian Goat's Milk Cheese but have found it difficult<br />to find in my area. This product came well packed and fresh and was everything I had expected. It is a great cheese and I am very pleased with it!