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data/SGYT/SGYT_QlSYSZP0NLw_Is-Celibacy-Required-For-Spirituality-Sadhguru_27-Jan-2017.docx | It is said that celibacy is a must for progressing in spirituality. Can you explain this? The word celibacy does not describe or does not… is not the translation for brahmachari. Brahmacharya means, Brahman means the ultimate, charya means the path. You are on the path of the ultimate - that is brahmacharya. Celibacy is talking only about the physical aspect of holding yourself back from a natural urge which is going on in the body and more in the mind. So celibacy is not the right thing to say. When we say brahmacharya, what it means is you are working to organize your energies in such a way that your joy, your love, everything that you need is within yourself. You have enough experience in life to know that nobody, however dear they may be is 24 hours reliable. Isn’t it so? Yes? Yes or No? Yes. All of you have enough experience in life to know that, isn’t it? However dear and wonderful they are, nobody in the world is reliable 24 hours of the time to maintain your love and joy. Isn’t it so? Yes. Have you realized that, or are you still hoping ? So it’s out of this wisdom, because if one wants to really know higher dimensions of life, one thing that is necessary is that within you there is a constant sense of peacefulness and joyfulness. If this is not there, then you will go after something. If you don’t feel steadily peaceful and joyful, then you will do compulsive activity of trying to be happy. So a brahmachari is somebody who is trying to organize his energies in such a way that to be peaceful and joyful is all his own. He is not going to lean on anybody for that. Have all the brahmacharis reached there? That’s not the point, they are working towards it. They need support, they need atmosphere to make that happen for themselves, it’s not a small task that they have taken up. If once a human being’s way has become like this that his peace, his love, his joy is not dependent on anybody, he has the necessary background to spring up to another dimension. If this is not there, he will naturally get entangled in compulsive activity. So brahmacharya, on one level fundamentally means to move from being a compulsive human being to a conscious human being. You may decorate your compulsiveness with all kinds of romance around it, but do you see it’s a compulsive behavior? Yes? It is not a conscious behavior. You may have the whole world with you, it doesn’t matter but it is a compulsive behavior. You can write poems about it, you can write good… great stories about it, you can make movies about it, but fundamentally, it’s a compulsive behavior which you are trying to clothe in so many beautiful clothes just to not face the reality. I am not trying to take all the romance out of your life, okay? Once someone understands that if I am involved in compulsive activity, I will never go where I want to go. Isn’t it so? Yes? If one is compulsive in his life, there is no question of he having a goal to reach or attaining a certain state or whatever. Compulsiveness means a very deep sense of slavery, isn’t it? So one who has realized this, naturally seeks to become conscious. So it is from this understanding that we said if you really wanting to make a journey, you should drop your compulsiveness and bring consciousness to every aspect of your life. So that is brahmacharya. Celibacy is an ugly word because without the necessary understanding nor necessary sadhana nor energy, you just trying to hold yourself back, then you will suffer. If your energies were organized in such a way that all the time you are high, really high within yourself, you won’t lean on anybody for these things, isn’t it? Oh I am not like that right now, what to do? As I told you, these things don’t come unless you make some effort towards it. One can go through life with a compulsive patterns without much effort. You can allow the life to carry you on. I know right now the new age philosophy is ‘let it flow.’ I don’t know what they are letting flow anyway . See, being a part of life, being involved with the process of life on the surface is one thing, at the core is another thing. Nature is on two different levels. One aspect of nature knows nothing other than self-preservation and pro-creation. This is the surface of nature. Your own nature, if you take; if you take the nature of this body, it knows only self-preservation and pro-creation. It doesn’t know anything else. So if you go by your physical nature, naturally this is all that you will do; survival and pro-creation. Eating, sleeping, reproducing and dying, that’s all that will happen if you go by the ways of the body. But at the same time, there is another nature within you which is longing to expand. If you give it the whole existence, it’ll gobble up and still be hungry. Yes? Do you have that or no? If you feed the whole existence to this one, it’ll gobble up everything and still be hungry for more. So there is another dimension of nature within you which wants to expand in an unbounded way. Which one do you give into, is subject to who you are. If you give into the physical nature, all you will know is just this. If you give in to the inner nature, which wants to become boundless, then the life is different. So if you have given in, or if you have seen the ways of the inner nature are far beyond the ways of the physical nature, naturally you will choose to create a situation in your life that is conducive for that. It is from this understanding that brahmacharya or sanyasa became a part of spiritual process. Celibacy is a western idea, that is just to imitate the yogis of the past. All these things have been picked up at random by people. If you are not aware of this, even 6-8,000 years ago, Indian yogis traveled all over Europe and Arabia. They established many things. Even when the Phoenicians were building things in Arabia, they were setting up their empire, even then the Indian architects, the Indian sculptors, the Indian elephants and the Indian yogis went. That’s almost 5-6,000 years ago. If a team of elephants, labors, sculptors, architects and yogis have to be there, there must have been a much longer association before that. Isn’t it? Suddenly one team won’t end up there, in those days. So wherever they went, they did create some awareness of what is the significance of their way of life, so people picked this up at random without the necessary understanding. That is how celibacy became a part of other cultures. What came from a very deep understanding, just the surface of it they took. That’ll happen everywhere. See the yoga? Right now yoga means just twisting your body, just the surface. | 4,667 |
data/Forest Flower/Diwali - musings - IFF Oct 2017.txt | Diwali –
Celebrating Clarity and Aliveness
Sadhguru reveals the deeper meaning of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, beyond the oil lamps, fireworks, feasts, and sweets.
The Diwali season is here. Greetings and best wishes to all of you for the coming Diwali. When we say Diwali, or Deepavali as it used to be known, it means “festival of lights.” Why is light so significant in human life? One thing is the way our visual apparatus is made. If it was made differently, like that of many other creatures, light wouldn’t mean much to us. For other creatures, light simply means survival. But once you come as a human being, light is not just about what we can see or cannot see. The rising of light in our life means a new beginning and, above all, clarity.
Most creatures exist by instinct, so they have no issues of confusion. As a tiger grows up, for example, it never sits around asking itself, “Will I become a good tiger, or will I end up as a housecat?” If it just eats well, it will become a good tiger. You may be born as a human being, but to become a good human being, you have to do so many things. And even after doing all those things, you still don’t know where you stand.
Only in comparison, you may think that you are better than someone else. But by yourself, you don’t know where you stand. Human intelligence is such that if you do not organize it properly, it causes more confusion and misery than those creatures that have a millionth of your brain will ever experience – they seem to be crystal clear. An earthworm simply knows what to do and what not to do, but a human being never does.
There has never been a bad earthworm or insect – they are all perfect. It takes a certain intelligence to get confused. Human struggle, right now, is due to our own cerebral capability. Even the so-called spiritual leaders in the world are telling people that peace of mind is the ultimate goal of your life. Such people will only rest in peace. When it comes to every other creature, once their stomach is full, they will be peaceful.
The problem with human beings seems to be the size of the brain. If we take away half your brain, you will be peaceful. Instead of being a tremendous possibility, intelligence has become a problem for a whole lot of people. They may give their suffering different kinds of names, calling it stress, anxiety, depression, madness, or misery. Essentially, it means that their intelligence has turned against them. If you sit somewhere, without anyone poking you, and you are suffering by yourself, it means your intelligence is working against you.
When this is the nature of human existence, clarity is of supreme importance. This is why light is very important. Because when we said, “light,” we meant clarity. Light need not necessarily mean bulbs going on – it means clarity. Deepavali is important because it is a festival dedicated to clarity, to bringing down the murkiness in you. Historically, it signifies the day when Krishna was supposed to have slain Narakasura. That is not his original name, but he gave hell to everyone, so they called him Narakasura. Narak means hell – one who is causing hell to everyone is a Narakasura. When this causing of hell was brought to an end by Krishna, people celebrated by lighting lamps in every house, and by bursting crackers.
The Narakasura event supposedly happened much later, but the culture and tradition of lighting lamps around this time goes back twelve to fifteen thousand years. People realized that life hits a point of inertia at that time of the year. If you yourself are not living like a cracker, fully alive and on, at least crackers around you could wake you up a little bit. That’s the idea. In India, when the Naraka Chaturdashi comes, which is on eighteenth October this year, from morning four o’clock, all over the country, crackers will burst, so no one can sleep through that – everyone wakes up, comes alive.
This is about the nature of the festival, but the important thing is to beat the inertia. Life is a play of time and energy. You have a certain amount of time and a certain amount of energy. As far as time is concerned, if you are busy, it will pass; if you are lazy, it will pass; if you are healthy, it will pass; if you are sick, it will pass. For all of us, time is rolling at the same pace. No one can slow it down; no one can hasten it. But your experience of time differs, depending on whether you are joyful or miserable. If you are ecstatic, twenty-four hours will seem to pass like a moment. If you are depressed, twenty-four hours will seem to pass like an eon for you.
If you are joyful, it is a very brief life. For the potential that human beings carry, even if you live a hundred years, they will pass in no time. But if inertia has set into you and you are miserable, it feels like time is not rolling. In societies where people are miserable, the need for entertainment increases tremendously. Where people are joyful, they don’t have time for entertainment – joy will take up all your time. You wake up in the morning, and before you even notice, it’s already night. When you are joyful, you will do everything you can – you will not avoid anything. When you are miserable, you will always see how to avoid everything.
This culture of “Thank God it’s Friday” is catching up. That means five days of misery – two days not of joy but of intoxication, generally. If you want to make people laugh, sing, dance, or do something joyful, you have to drug them, or at least give them a glass of wine – otherwise it’s not possible. This has happened because in a variety of ways, we are creating inertia within ourselves. When inertia sets in, time won’t seem to pass for you. Life will seem too long.
Diwali is a symbol of beating inertia, because inertia is the source of narak, or hell. Once inertia sets in, you will not go to hell – you will be hell. Even when you are all by yourself, it will go on endlessly – without anyone else’s doing. If something happens, people suffer. If nothing happens, they suffer even more. One of the biggest sufferings for a human being is that nothing happens. So, Diwali is very significant.
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The rising of light in our life means a new beginning and, above all, clarity.
Diwali is a symbol of beating inertia, because inertia is the source of narak, or hell. | 5,084 |
data/SGYT/SGYT_tJZ1A0yd88Q_Why-Planting-Trees-In-Farms-Is-Better-Than-Planting-Trees-At-Home_05-Sep-2019.docx | Sadhguru, so whenever I keep talking to people around me about Cauvery Calling and you know just give them some awareness about this. So I tell them there is focus on farmers who have to plant trees on the farms. So they keep asking why is just the focus on the farmers who wants to plant the trees. If I … Because they have the land, what these people plant it on their head or what ? So they ask…is it… if I plant a tree in my house, won’t that help Cauvery? Will it have the same impact? It will help, but how many acres of land do you have? In your apartment, you are going to put one in your balcony. Yeah that’s not going to help, anyways. . Umm. See, right now there are enough studies in similar lands where it clearly says, if you plant ten thousand trees in congruent land, its important, one tree here, one tree there, one tree there won’t help. It needs to be in congruent land. This is what I said why I was always drawn to the forest is if I close my eyes and sat, boommm, it was going on. Life… simply life energy. Today, there are lots of scientific studies when I said this, you know the problem is, my skin color is not good. Tch, No I am made of chocolate, that’s a different matter , but in the world my skin color is not good. If I say something, they will say this is all rubbish, what is he talking about. Now it comes from the west. Now western scientists are saying that trees are like large families. They are all connected. They nourish each other. There is communication among them. So much is happening there. They have noticed electrical impulses. The best thing is in the tree roots, electrical impulses are going at the rate of three-fourths of an inch in one second. This is the slowest electrical impulse that you have found anywhere. This is too fantastic because if you can slow down electrical impulse, there is so many things you can do, in healthcare, in nuclear sciences, in variety of things. You can do so many in computer science, you can do fantastic things if you can slow down the electrical impulse, but the plants have already mastered this. They are moving three-fourths of an inch per second. Everywhere electricity is passing too fast, that’s why you can’t store it. That’s why the battery’s technology doesn’t really take off because electrical impulse cannot be controlled by… in speed, but plants are doing it for a long time. For millions of years, they have the technology. Now they are measuring all these things and saying something fantastic is happening and in every forest for a region, there is one mother tree and she is taking care of everybody else there and she is nourishing them giving out impulses, giving out information, all kinds of things. Even trees which have been cut, all the other trees are nourishing that tree. They have found all these things and now they are saying all kinds of things. When we said it, it was stupid because…you know…they don’t understand the value of being chocolaty. So , these things are coming out now. So what we need to understand is, trees must be in congruent land, one tree, one tree, one tree, still it helps, but not great. It needs to create a ecosystem and buzz like this, you hear all this? Not just the insects, it’s just buzzing like that life. It needs to buzz like that if the planet has to regenerate itself in a huge way. If soil has to regenerate itself, it needs to buzz like that with life and that will not happen if you plant one coconut tree in your house. I hope it lands on your head . Enlightenment could happen. END | 2,874 |
data/Complete Blog JSON/article-Wisdom-606ebee7-6c7f-4946-983c-1c17039d027b.json | Sadhguru on Indias Current State of Affairs
Question: How would you rate the governments performance?
Sadhguru: The basic problem is we think the government is running the country, but it is actually just a policymaker. Unknowingly, people are inviting the government to run their lives. The only business of the government is to come up with the right policies. In that regard, I think the government has come up with daring policies. They have done very well in making policies that are aimed at replacing our foundational structures.
Even when the foundation of a house is changed, a certain part of the ceiling might fall on the head. When it falls on our heads, we do not like it, but when the foundations are rotting, we complain. I think fundamental structural changes are being done, and despite all the disruptions, I think a lot of serious policymaking has happened. My only disappointment is that not enough has been done in the education sector. I expected dramatic changes, but only small changes have happened. I have approached them and they are open to ideas. There is openness to change.
Question: Which policy shifts of the government would you commend the most?
Sadhguru: The Goods and Services Tax is not a small step. People are still complaining because it is inconvenient. But if you do not go through this, you will have to go through different taxes every day. What you need to understand is that corruption exists because there are multiple agencies collecting money. Reducing so many taxes into one or two is a complicated affair. I think the GST has fallen in place well. It may look like we are hitting the small businesses, but if we do not fix it now, we shall always remain a small business. If the nation has to become a big business, some fundamental laws have to be strongly put in place.
Question: Do you think coalition governments are good for the country?
Sadhguru: There are several Indias within this India. We need to talk about the most disadvantaged India, the almost of the population that still lives in abysmal conditions. For that India, we need a firm, stable government for the next five to ten years.
If we lack debate or drama, coalition governments are the answer, but the question is, will the work get done? People who enjoy their own hot gases, whose survival has been taken care of, they will like coalition governments.
If there is a stable government, work will happen. Let us first get out of the pit and then talk about fancy things. The government should be on a firm footing to deliver, not dawdling around every day in search of stability. We need stability to take advantage of the demographic dividend of youthfulness that we have, which will last only for the next - years.
Question: Your recent comment on Sterlite and protests in Tamil Nadu revived the industry versus pollution debate again...
Sadhguru: I only said there are laws in the country. If somebody is breaking it, there should be government agencies to fix that. You cannot fix problems of an industry on the street. If you support lawlessness simply because you think you are right, it cannot work. It does not matter even if you are right. Just go through the process.
Question: How would you assess the governments efforts to clean the Ganga?
Sadhguru: More than pollution, serious depletion of water is a problem. You can fix pollution in a few years if you have the will, but it will take decades to fix depletion. As far as Ganga is concerned, of effluents coming into the Ganga are industrial effluents. Right now, the laws are such that we expect the polluting industry to treat the waste. This needs to change.
Treatment industry should be separate. When your pollutants are my business, I will make sure it does not go into the river. We have already made these recommendations to the government and they seem to be working in the right direction. It is with regard to this that Shri Nitin Gadkari said that of pollution in the Ganga will be resolved.
Question: There is a feeling among certain sections that intolerance has increased in the society. How would you see this?
Sadhguru: As far as I see around myself, in terms of communal and other kinds of friction, I feel we are way better than what we were in the last seventy years. Go to any village or any community: distinctions of caste and community have come down significantly, though still there is a lot to be done.
The only thing is, every person today with a phone is a journalist. Lynchings have been common in this country. Lynching means there is absence of law. When the crowd decides to deal with something, this is how it is dealt with. I am not trying to justify this. This is an unfortunate reality of our nation, especially in villages. Fearmongering has always happened, which is being spread faster through technology. Lynching, some people thought, was against one community, but a crowd can beat up anyone. It is just fear-based and ignorance-based.
Question: The Supreme Court of India says there should be a law against lynching. Your comments?
Sadhguru: You can make more laws, but who will enforce them? In India, the police stations have - people each, with four of them on night shift and two on leave. With seven to eight guys, do you think it is possible to enforce laws? In India, social order is maintained by the society itself, not by the police. Do you think it is possible for a few unarmed policemen to handle the frenzy of a mob?
Question: Do you think the time has come for all parties to come together to pass the Womens Reservation Bill?
Sadhguru: Why is my question? Women are nearly of the population, so why restrict them to just ? If you place someone in a position just because of her gender, I feel it is gender discrimination. A leader is selected because he or she has earned the trust of the people, because of competence. Now if you start choosing them based on their gender, women will always remain confined to . We need to educate our girl children well, and tomorrow, who knows, they could well be in Parliament. Policymaking should be gender-free. Discrimination will impair democracy. | 1,097 |
data/IFYT/IFYT_-1IVpmYqFfQ_Agro-Forestry-Tree-Based-Farming-Trees-For-Life-Project-GreenHands_23-Jul-2018.docx | “Trees for Life” is an initiative of Project GreenHands which guides farmers on how to do agroforestry, by planning fruit trees, trees of timber value, and medicinal trees. Farmers are empowered with long-term and sustained income. This also builds a kind of insurance, a fallback system for the farmers, where if he plants say two-hundred trees in two rows on the boundaries of his land, and say a very conservative figure of rupees five-thousand is the value of each tree that he is planting, he is creating an insurance of ten lakh rupees for his family. Whether it is for his children’s education, or a wedding that is coming, or a medical emergency, he will be able to harvest a couple of trees, and able to fulfill his emergency requirement without going to loan sharks and getting high interest rate loans and getting into financial trouble. . problematic soil, problematic water, labor problematic, . They plant more than twenty, thirty species of trees in their land so that they are able to harvest a few species of timber in seven to ten years, a few in fifteen to twenty years, and a few in thirty to forty years. So the farmer is able to harvest the trees and he is able to replant it overtime. So the green cover is maintained, farmer’s livelihood is enhanced, and again the ecology is conserved in the longer duration. END | 1,958 |
data/Forest Flower/~WRL2991.txt | Questioner (Read by Bharathi): Sadhguru, on one of the videos during the program, you said there are actually three forces involved in a man and woman coupling to produce a child, and that the third force is not acknowledged. Can you explain further, please (Sadhguru laughs)?
Sadhguru: No, we’re not talking about an affair (Laughter/Applause). (Laughs) Between a man and a woman, they come together and they can only produce a body, they cannot produce a life. So, if you (Laughs)… if you think your child is a real thing, real life, obviouly…. obviously there’s another life involved, isn't it (Laughs)? Both of you together gave a container. You only gave packing material, the product is from elsewhere. So, family is a packaging industry (Laughter). It doesn’t produce anything new because you can't produce a life. You only produce a body, so that some life can occupy it in some way. Now you are all sitting here as individual people, grown up. Maybe you have good or bad relationships with your parents, it doesn’t matter what kind you have. Whether you have good relationship or bad relationship, you know one thing – you are an individual by your own right, now. Whatever they have done to us, you may be grateful to them, you may love them. But they are they, you are you. If this has not happened to you, you have not grown up, unfortunately (Laughs).
So (Laughs), obviously, between your parents, two of them, and you, there are three forces, isn't it (Laughs)? For all these three forces, there’s another fundamental force, which is making all this happen. We will leave that out, but at least there are three right here. Don’t get into this mathematical stuff because now it's an algebraic lie (Laughter) – minus and minus is plus. | 4,874 |
data/Forest Flower/The Key to Staying Motivated - musings - IFF Feb 2019.txt | Musings
The Key to Staying Motivated
In this Q & A from a Youth & Truth event at Banaras Hindu University, Sadhguru explains what it takes to be and stay motivated at all times.
Questioner: I have lost my spark. I am not a consistently motivated person. How to regain my motivation in life?
Sadhguru: The nature of life is such… If you go outside in the garden and try to catch an ant, will he say, “Okay, to hell with my life! Crush me if you want.” He will do everything to protect himself. He values his life. A tiny little creature that we may not even notice; we may step on him without even seeing him, unfortunately, but he values his life immensely.
He has got spark. But you, as a human being, are the peak of evolution on this planet – physiologically at least. Behavioral aspects may be questionable. But physiologically, a human being is the most evolved creature on the planet. A human being has the most complex neurological system and the highest level of cerebral capability. That means you can think, you can remember. You have a very vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination.
What Distinguishes a Human Being
An ant does not have such a vivid sense of memory, nor does he have any great imagination. But he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living. The education system that you are going through right from kindergarten level is about everything else except you. Someone has a PhD in tourism, in biotechnology, or something else – nothing about the life that you are. There is no attention at all on how you, as a life, function. A human being exists in three times. He lives because of the richness of his memory – how rich your memory is determines what you will do and what you will not do right now. So memory is important. The present experience is important, and how vivid your imagination for tomorrow is, is very important.
Right now the problem is, these things have all gotten mixed up, because there is no discipline of faculty. Nothing like this has been taught to our children. Because of this, your own mind turns against you. What happened ten years ago, you still suffer. What may happen day after tomorrow, you already suffer – because there is no discipline of faculty. You do not know how to use your memory. You do not know how to use your imagination. Your memory makes you suffer, your imagination makes you suffer, and you think you are suffering your life. You are not suffering your life; you are only suffering the two greatest faculties of being human – a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination.
Don’t Suffer Your Faculties
If you suffer the greatest faculties that you have, what can we do with you? If you suffer an ailment – understandable. If you suffer a disability – understandable. If you suffer your ability – hopeless case. You are suffering your capabilities. A few months ago – you might have seen it on the news – a young lady, a thirty-six-year-old television anchor in Hyderabad, jumped off the fifth floor window, killed herself, and left a note – “Nobody is responsible for my death. My brain is my enemy.”
How many million years it took to get this brain to this size, and now it becomes your enemy! She articulated it, but this is true with almost ninety percent of the human beings – they are suffering their own intelligence. If you take away half their brain, they will be peaceful. That is why a whole bunch of idiots are saying that the ultimate goal of life is peace of mind. Such people will only rest in peace.
Especially young people, I am telling you, do whatever the hell you want in your life, but you must be intensely focused on something. If you are not investing in anything, your life will just go waste. As I told you in the very beginning – one basic ingredient of your life is time, and it is going away; with every minute, you are getting closer to your grave. You are not immortal. It is a limited amount of time. If your life is precious to you, you must decide where you want to invest it. If this is worthless, throw it somewhere. If this is precious, invest in something worthwhile.
If you invest your life in something worthwhile, you will not only have spark – you will be aflame all the time.
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Your memory makes you suffer, your imagination makes you suffer, and you think you are suffering your life.
If your life is precious to you, you must decide where you want to invest it.
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data/SGYT/SGYT_8_NFRDQrPpE_Offering-Yoga-To-Our-Soldiers-Sadhguru_29-Jun-2017.docx | It… I understand the nature of the job, that it is a… a conscious step towards facing your mortal nature. All my life, I risked my life for nothing – not for the country, simply, for the fun of it . Every day I risk my life for something because otherwise I can't live without danger, this’s my problem . I have to do something, where I’m on the edge . So, a whole lot of people are doing adventure sports, why? Because the more you take it to the edge, there is more fun in it. The question is, are you equanimous to enjoy it or you… are you going to freak? So, equanimity is not bec… Equanimity or lack or equanimity is not a question of what we are doing, it's about how we are. How much control do we have on our own thought process, our emotion, our chemistry, our energies? To what extent is this human mechanism in your hands? It's like this. See, let's say you don’t know how to ride a bicycle. You just sat on a bicycle, which was on a stand, and you were just peddling for fun. But it came off the stand and started going – anxiety or no? Hmm? It started going fast – fear or no? Started going very fast – terror or no? Yes? But if you know how to ride the bicycle, faster it goes, fun, isn't it? The same thing with this . So, once you have taken up to a soldier’s profession, I think we should equip them to have an equanimity, where they don’t suffer this on a daily basis. After all, they are human beings, there will be issues within them. But bringing equanimity to the minds of our soldiers and officers is very, very important. India being so steeped in this knowledge of how to maintain your interiority, if our soldiers don’t get it, I am very pained. It's very, very important that our forces should know how to be meditative. I’m repeatedly going back to this – it is in the war field that the greatest teachings happened in this country because it was needed most there. But in this country, we are still doing the British march like this doom doom. We have not brought Indian-ness to our forces. It's time we start doing this, if not entirely changing it overnight, we have to bring dimensions that we know best in this country. The whole world is turning towards India for inner well-being. The United Nations has declared, you know, International Yoga Day. Our Prime Minister is lying down on the street and doing yoga with common people. Never before such things have happened. But still our forces are denied this. No, we must bring it to the access of our forces, that our soldiers and our officers must have the best capability to manage their mind and their interiority. This ability must be given to our forces for the job that they are doing, which is crucial for the making of this nation. END | 4,213 |
data/SGYT/SGYT_JXhfF7ofyDE_If-Ignorance-Is-Bliss-Why-Seek-Knowledge-UnplugWithSadhguru_11-Sep-2018.docx | YOUTUBE/FACEBOOK/ If Ignorance is Bliss, Why Seek Knowledge? A student at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University asks Sadhguru why people seek knowledge when ignorance is bliss. She gives the example of how she was disturbed to learn how her family suffered in the Kerala floods, and would have been happy if she was ignorant of it. SG/ Ignorance protects you from suffering a few things, but suffering will accumulate and come to you in large scale at some point. It will catch up with you. –Sg Sadhguru, I’m a native of Kerala. So, in Kerala we had floods two to three weeks ago, and I always had my mother calling me up and telling about all her suffrage that she is going through this, she’s going through that. I obviously I’m disturbed because you are safe here and you… see your parents and your loved ones in there, and I had a thought, if had I been ignorant to this fact that my state is entirely drowned in water, I would have been happy, if I have not known that this fact. So, if ignorance is a bliss then why do people seek knowledge? Ignorance is bliss like this. You can do one thing… Okay you can come to Velliangiri Malai, go up there and there is a cliff. You jump off, it’s so wonderful – till you hit the ground . Ignorance is like that, if you jump off… have you evr… you’ve never done sky diving? Tch! If you jump off an airplane, it’s so fantastic, really. Only thing is, if you look down, the damn planet is coming at you at great speed, that’s the only problem. Otherwise, falling is very nice, till you hit the ground. Ignorance is like that, it’ll catch up with you. It’ll catch up with you. Suppose it happened when you went for a vacation, it would have caught up with you, isn't it ? And what guarantee that it won’t clu… come here? Hmm? There is no guarantee, it can happen anywhere. So, ignorance is not a solution nor is it a bliss. Ignorance protects you from suffering a few things, but suffering will cumulate and come to you in large scale at some point . Right now this flood itself is ignorance is bliss only . Because people thought, “If you… if you don’t know anything, everything will be okay.” No you will drown! Now the flood is happening for variety of reasons. We have not seen that kind of rains, particularly in this area, in the last eight to nine years. This is the first time I am seeing, after about nine years, full-fledged monsoon. This is how monsoon should be. You understand? There is no such thing as “bad rains”. They are all good rains. Only in England, rain is bad. Only they sang, “Rain, rain, go away,” okay? In India, in a tropical country, rain is always good. Are we prepared to handle the rain or not? How can we prepare to handle the rain? Can we catch it in a bucket ? No! When we live in a monsoon country, when we live in a tropical country, it is a simple thing that we must have a certain level of vegetation to hold the water. In Tamil, there is some saying, I cannot repeat it verbatim. Something like, “Only if Kaveri comes walking, she is fortune. If she comes running, she is a disaster.” Why will a river run, tell me? How to make a river walk, not run? There must be vegetation. If there is substantial vegetation, the catchment areas, when they get it will hold and slowly it’ll come down to the river. Now there’s no vegetation, it’s coming straight in. Similar situation happened in Coorg also now. In the last thirty years’ time, they’ve removed sixty-five percent of the vegetation in Coorg which is the catchment area for Kaveri. Now as a part of this, in collaboration with Karnataka government, we are planting twenty-five crore trees in the catchment areas of Kaveri. Now we are fighting for Kaveri between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu but the problem is this – that vegetation in the catchment areas have been removed sixty-five percent in the last thirty years. At one time, I floated down Kaveri hundred-and-sixty-three kilometers over thirteen days, on just about six or seven bamboos and four truck tubes, I just floated down, lived off the river. At that time how I saw Kaveri, today it is only approximately forty percent of it. No wonder you will fight for water. But now when the flood comes, who can hold it? So, ignorance is bliss means, it’ll get you one day. It took some time, it took twenty-four years, but it got you. The same is true with Kerala. In the Ganga banks… In the Ganga Basin – Ganga Basin accounts twenty-five percent of the nation’s geography and thirty-three percent of India’s agriculture. In the last seventy years, we removed ninety-four percent of vegetation in the Ganga basin, What is our plan? Ignorance is bliss is it? Yes it is. Bliss will get us . Our ignorance may somehow make us escape, but it will get our children. They will not get away. Next generation will get it. END | 4,274 |
data/IFYT/IFYT_reqRVKm8_jw_Why-Do-We-Seek-Relationships-Sadhguru_26-May-2010.docx | Fundamentally, why have we sort a relationship because you find yourself that without a relationship if you do not have any kind of relationship in your life then you become depressed. So, fundamentally you are seeking a relationship because you want to be happy, you want to be joyful or in other words you are trying to use the other as the source of your happiness. When you are trying to use the other person as source of your happiness what it means is your happiness is not on self-start. It’s like this, may be nobody is old enough for this but here, let’s say you bought a car in 1940’s. If you got yourself a car in 40’s along with the car you have to get yourself two servants because morning push start. 50’s if you got a car one servant would do because crank start. Now, all your automobiles are on self-start, isn’t it? But your happiness is still on push-start, isn’t it? Somebody has to push it a little bit otherwise it won’t get started. If you put your happiness in self-start and now if your happy by your own nature, now relationships will become a means for you to express your happiness not to seek happiness. If you are forming relationships to seek happiness and trying to squeeze happiness out of somebody and that person is trying to squeeze happiness out of you, now, this is going to be a painful relationship after sometime. Initially it may be okay because something is being fulfilled but if you have become a joy by yourself and you are forming relationships because you want to express your happiness, nobody is going to complain about you because you are in the process of expressing your joy not seeking joy from other person. So, if your life becomes an expression of your joy not in pursuit of happiness then relationships will be naturally wonderful. You can hold a million relationships and still hold them good. Now, this whole circus of trying to fulfill somebody else’s expectations does not arise because if you are an expression of joy anyway they want to be with you. If you are trying to extract joy from them then they won’t avoid you, yes? Shifting your life from pursuit of happiness to an expression of joyfulness is what needs to happen if relationships have to really work on all levels. END | 1,869 |
data/IFYT/IFYT_jkMmCbiLWr4_Isha-Vidhya-A-Volunteers-Story_31-May-2013.docx | My name is Shaloo. I was born in India and brought up in the US. Every time I come back I am struck by the poverty and the conditions that people are living in. I spent some time in the big cities involving myself with several non-profit organizations doing good work. Then I came across Isha Vidhya which made me realize that there are these neglected rural populations that seem to fall through the cracks because there just aren’t the people and resources nearby to help. I started a campaign and raised some funds to help a dozen children go to Isha Vidhya schools. I was so inspired with their work that I’d since joined the Isha Vidhya team full-time. I decided to come and make a trip to see what the organization is doing first hand. What I saw exceeded all my expectations. When I first visited the school, they were celebrating their annual sports day. It was built with various competitions and unique shows put on by the kids. The excitement and the enthusiasm all around was so easily felt. Digging a little deeper, I found that this enthusiasm was not limited to that special event it’s their every day. And it is also shared by the staff. From the beginning of the school I am working here and also being happy to work here. The nearby schools are very… traditional method they are following. Here we are following the interactive method of learning. Even the students also very happy to come to the school. I am the Principal of this school Mr. Navaneetha Krishnan. I am really very proud of being a principal of this school. This school provides all the facilities to our children. Though it is located in the rural area but the facilities available inside the school, it is equivalent to almost the standard of International schools. My experience of school which I think is true for most people is that the quite class room, a teacher lecturing may be an exercise once in a while. While seemingly chaotic these classes were really different. The computer aided learning that is … there is two in one process as well as they are learning the system operation and some of the subject also like maths, social science CD’s we are having. But they are learning themselves. That is the one specialty here. I also ventured in to the villages to see where the kids came from and get their parents perspective on the schools. Having seen the kids well-groomed and in uniform it was so humbling to see how they lived and also to see the deep appreciation the parents had for what their children are being given. The kids were so appreciative as well. My name is Soundarya. I am studying in twelfth standard I love the school very much. I have many friends in my school and I thank the donors who helped us. Thank you. I want to thank the donors that I am a scholarship student. These teachers will teach us many things which is a need for our life and they teach that we should not be jealous, when we are angry we should not use harsh words and they are giving opportunities for many students. My name is Ashwin. I am studying in sixth standard. My parents are farmers. I have to thank the donors because I am a scholarship student. Even the children that didn’t have scholarships value them so much. Without an education most of these children would like be forced to follow their parent’s footsteps and work for daily wages. Mostly in the area farms. In fact, most of the Isha Vidhya children are first generation school goes in their families. Well, there are many things needed in these areas. Long term changes are only going to come through education. To make a difference in the lives of rural children please visit I hope you are as touched as I am. END | 2,055 |
data/Complete Blog JSON/article-Wisdom-56a7993f-d93f-46b3-8089-0423b10ad37d.json | How to Keep Sadhana Going Through the Lows?
Q: When we started doing our sadhana, we experienced high energy levels, which we wish to carry on, but outside influences come into our lives and we get anxieties, fears and worries that we get stuck into. Should we increase our sadhana each day to help us overcome these aberrations?
Sadhguru: The standard sadhana whether it is Shambhavi Mahamudra or Shakti Chalana Kriya you cannot increase that. You could increase your kapalabhati but not anything else. It is not necessary to increase either because that is all your system can take. If you want something to hang on to during the course of the day, it is best that you chant a mantra or something, which is simple, like a song. Mantra is a reverberation which can reorganize your system in a certain way.
If you have been in the Samyama program, if you slowly bring this into your life that you start meditating with your eyes open if you practice it regularly it will become such that even if your eyes are open you are just the same way then no other extra sadhana is needed because that is the way you are. If you are not able to keep it up, we have told you how to bring that into your life every hour, take a break and do the process.
If you have not done the Samyama program, you can chant a mantra. If you cannot keep it going all the time, every hour take a break and do three minutes of chanting. If your awareness is such, then anytime you are not talking to people or doing something else, just keep chanting.
I want you to try this out: Sounds of Isha has released a CD called Vairagya, which has five mantras: Nirvana Shatakam, Guru Paduka Stotram, Brahmananda Swarupa, Aum Namah Shivaya, and Shambho . This was released with a specific purpose. Listen to the CD over and over a few times, listening to each one of the mantras each one runs for ten minutes. Figure out which mantra really draws you. This isnt about choosing a mantra like: Oh, I enjoy this mantra. What have you chosen? Okay, let me also choose that. It is not done like that. Just listen and listen. When you feel that one of them is really grabbing you, you just go by that. Keep it going all the time in your car, in your home, on your iPad, iPod, phone, everywhere. There are one-hour versions of each of these also. Simply keep them going on and on for some time.
Initially you will chant loudly like a song. Slowly, see if you can close your mouth and still keep the same reverberation up. Unless you chant it sufficiently in the louder form with some volume, you cannot take it inward. You must create that memory of the reverberation substantially in your system, where even if you close your mouth, after some time, if you just remind yourself it flows because you have created memory of that reverberation. Just the reminder will keep the chanting going.
It happened with Ram Das. Ram Das was at the time an unrecognized sadhak. He was wandering and one night, he slept in somebodys home. In the middle of the night, the owner of the house realized that somebodys doing, Ram, Ram, Ram. The owner was annoyed as he wanted to sleep. So he went to check on Ram Das, but he found that the saint was fast asleep. But he could still hear the sound of Ram, Ram. Then he slowly went towards Ram Das and the sound was coming out of his body. Ram Dass whole life had been into this so much, even when he slept, the body was just reverberating Ram, Ram, Ram. You can make a chant like that, but it takes a lot.
This is like you have a recorded tape in you. You dont have to sing yourself. If you turn it on it is going on. But to reach that point you need a certain amount of loud chanting. If you do that in your day-to-day life you could bring that support for yourself when situations are not going the way you want them. | 487 |
data/SGYT/SGYT_8rrLyYywwPc_Isha-Hatha-Yogas-Mannequin-Challenge-At-Isha-Yoga-Center-Sadhguru_17-Dec-2016.docx | Hatha Yoga is a way of aligning the geometry of your system with the cosmic geometry. This is not an exercise, this is not twist and turn, this is not a stretching - this is a way of realigning your system with the cosmic geometry, so that you are a perfect receptacle of everything that’s worth knowing. END | 2,399 |
data/Forest Flower/When Hesitation is a ‘Sin’ - musings - IFF Oct 2014 - final.txt | When Hesitation is a ‘Sin’
Sadhguru on Times to Probe and Times to Act
Questioner: Sadhguru, you said intelligent ones wonder. Does wondering not create hesitation? Krishna said hesitation is a sin. Is this not a contradiction?
Sadhguru: Krishna said hesitation is a sin because when you hesitate, you miss everything. A man who has chosen to act should not hesitate after the plan has been clearly drawn out. If everything that needs to be done has been thought out, but at the moment of action, you hesitate, you will ruin everything. But before the decision to fight the war was made, Krishna thought and rethought it, and did everything possible to avoid the war – he did not see this as hesitation.
Duryodhana wanted to go to war on the spur of the moment, while the Pandavas and Krishna himself deliberated on what to do. But once the decision is made and you are on the battlefield, do not hesitate. If you hesitate in a moment of action, it will lead to ruin. Let’s say you are driving on an Indian highway – that is a unique situation. Both ways, there is traffic, with no median in the center. You want to pass, you generally know how much power you got, but traffic comes your way. If you go quickly, you will pass, but a moment of hesitation, and you can be in trouble.
When you are in action, you must be in pure action. If you allow action to happen, a different dimension of intelligence functions within you. You do not have to think – there is something else that just acts. Sportspersons experience this – if they think and hesitate for a moment, it can be disastrous. Krishna spoke to Arjuna, who is also known as Savyasachi, which means he is an ambidextrous warrior, one who is pure action. They say when he got into action, he became like a blur – people could not even see what his hands were doing. A man who is capable of such a dimension of action will be ruined if he hesitates. Krishna told him that.
When I said, “Intelligent ones wonder – idiots are dead sure,” it was in a different context, in terms of “fools rush where angels fear to tread.” Intelligence will always probe and see which way to go, what the best thing to do is. Stupidity just walks into everything. Probing time may seem like hesitation, but it is not in the sense that Krishna meant. This is not contradictory – it is a different context.
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data/SGYT/SGYT_H3j4xjhE0Y8_Sadhguru-At-BHU-Varanasi-Youth-And-Truth-Full-Talk_11-Oct-2018.docx | Instrumental music… Namaskaram to everyone. Hey, I said Namaskaram. Namaskaram ! Well, why this Youth and Truth, and how it came about – in the last thirty-six years that I have been active with people, this is one question that keeps coming to me constantly, it's a constant refrain from people, many, many thousands of people telling me this – "Sadhguru when I was twenty, where were you? Now you come when I am sixty . If you had come when I was twenty, I would have done this, I would have done that." So I thought we will step out and meet all those people who are below twenty-five years of age, and that's why the Youth and Truth , so that… so that you don't come back to me after a few years and again accuse me of the same thing, "Where were you?" Life… when we say life, different people think of it in different ways, but essentially, a certain amount of time and a certain amount of energy is what makes our life. Time is going away for all of us at the same pace. If you sit, it rolls; if you stand, it rolls; if you are doing something, it rolls; if you are sleeping, it rolls. No matter what you do or you do not do, time is rolling away for all of us at the same pace. Or in other words, time is getting over. Hello? It's getting over, isn't it? Since you came and sat here, you are thirty, forty minutes close… closer to your grave than what you were before you came into this hall. That's how it is. One may not look at it that way, because most people think they are immortal . Yes . They go about their life like they are immortal, but actually time is getting over. In Southern India, for example in Tamil, the word for death is Kalamaitanga that means "his time got over." Actually that's all that happened, isn't it? Hello? His time got over, that's all. So time is rolling away, but life is also a certain amount of energy. How we manage this energy determines who we are in this world. How much energy do you have, how well organized and managed is it, will determine what you will do and what you will not do. The scale and scope of your life is determined by this. When you are in this segment of life which we refer to as youth, your energies are at their peak. It's a most exuberant level of energy, in this segment of life that we refer to as youth. Most youth do not understand this. They think it is going to be like this for always. It is not going to be like this for always. You must just pay attention to the older people. You will see energies are not at the same level of exuberance. I am an exception, okay ? So at this time, when our energies are at their best, if we bring little more clarity and balance into our life, the way we utilize and organize this energy will become completely different. The problem with the youth is, they are a exuberant energy, but not enough clarity and balance. Where there is no clarity and balance, even if you have the most powerful thing in your hands, if you do not have the necessary clarity and balance, it could just work against you, rather than for you. So this is the purpose of Youth and Truth. Now this campaign for a month, but we will not stop with this, in the next two or three months we will roll out what is called as "tools for transformation." This is avail… This will be available on the App and in various other platforms. We want the youth of this country to make use of this, because this is the only wealth we have right now. Wealth means, right now we have a huge youthful population – over fifty percent. No other nation has this, but you… youth is a tremendous wealth only if they are inspired, skilled, focused and balanced. If they are imbalanced, uninspired, unfocused, unskilled, they are a recipe for disaster. You understand ? So are we going to make this youthful energy in this country into a miraculous process, which we can, or are we going to make it into a disaster, is in our hands. It's for us to make this happen, we as a generation of people. Never before another generation has known these kind of comforts, conveniences and possibilities, and our ability to communicate today – we can sit here and talk to the entire world. So this is our time on the planet. This is our time on the planet. We are not going to be here forever, but this is our time on the planet. We have all the ingredients, that if we ha… bring clarity and balance into our lives, we can become the greatest generation ever. We have the tools in our hand. But will we use the tools to create this or will we use all these technologies and tools to destroy ourselves, depends on what kind of human beings we produce, particularly youth, because they are going to be here longer than me and many others here. Because you're going to occupy this planet longer than me, so we wanted to see that you… if possible, we bring some clarity and balance into your life, so that this youthful exuberance becomes a great gift for this nation and the world . Thank you Sadhguru for that Youth and Truth introduction, but before starting to the questions, I would like to thank you all for giving this a tremendous response to the Youth and Truth event in BHU. And I would like to thank you all , as well as thanks to all those people, sir. Outside also, more than five hundred peoples are sitting, watching this live telecast. Thanks to them also. They were not able to get the seat inside. Thanks to all of them. So getting on to the first question, sir… Sadhguru, when I try to see myself as a youth and when I try to see myself as a bachelors in university, then one feeling that hurts me the most is the unemployment one. And whatever the thing is, in the final year, I am not seeing about how many marks I should get in the semester, but should I get the job – that is the most important thing. And then somehow, I saw you. I saw your job also very interesting . You can apply. So the… the question is, sir you just… you play with anacondas, you go to drive F1 cars… Hey, no anaconda… you drive helicopters, you drive F1 cars… That was just a king cobra that was not a anaconda . you drive… you drive everything. So it… it give me a very much interesting. I am also afraid of that king cobra, sir, but I won't do it. Hey you are… you are saying you are from the town of Shiva, he wore a snake always around his neck and what ? Sir… okay but… that is a good point, ultimately. So that I will check it out. So for me, how I should become like you, cool dude like that, what should ____ ? You can apply for the job . We will process the application, of course. See, we must understand this, in this country – in 1990 – only seven percent of India was employed, ninety-three percent was self-employed – all kinds of small, small businesses and things because there was really no organized employment. Now I do not know the exact number – maybe it's gone to fifteen percent hmm or twenty percent, maybe. So still over eighty percent of the people are self-employed. We are talking this employment business… already I am in lot of trouble on the social media, because of… I spoke about employment in the IIM, Bangalore, and these are all, you know, business masters people – they are doing MBAs, and they are asking about employment, I said, "In a… in a developed… In a developing country you shouldn't be looking for employment. A developing country means there are still lot of things to be done in this country." When there are so many things to be done, instead of looking around and seeing as youth – "What can I do, and how can I make something out of that?" You are sitting and waiting for somebody to come and give you an employment. Well, this language of "What is the employment rate in the country?" comes from United States, because almost everybody is employed ex… except a small segment of entrepreneurs. So, that's a different nation, this is a different nation. Here, there is no organized employment of that scale. You cannot employ 1.3 billion people in a factory or an office or wherever else. They have to find their way and they are finding their way – the rural population is not employed. It's only the urban youth, the moment they get educated, somehow they get crippled. Those who are not educated, are finding a way to live, isn't it? Hello ? Those who never went to the college, university, they are all finding a way to make a living. But the moment you get educated, should you be more capable or less capable? You should be more capable. So you should give the employment to them and you should become the employer, yes? Tell me, if you look around in Kashi , aren't there a thousand things that you can see on the street that you can take up and do and make a business out of it? Can you or can you not? Yes. There are. So, I am not saying there should be no employment generation, yes, that needs to happen on one level. But don't ever believe 1.3 billion people can be employed in a factory or a office or some organized sector. It's just not possible. We don't have that level of organized employment generation, and it's just not possible at all. It is just that, we have to see in a developing country, how we can develop this country, every one of us. If you can't do it by yourself, ten of you should get together and do it. But right now the problem is, ten of you cannot get together, two people can't get together. First change this, huh ? If ten of you students get together, you think you can't start something and run successfully? Can you or not? You can. But you ten people can't get together, but you want to go into a company where there are million people working together. This is unrealistic . So this is going to be super unpopular video, I know . A whole lot of people… a whole lot of people – I am on camera – a whole lot of people are going to scream at me, "Oh, he's this, he's that, he doesn't know what is employment… Oh, become a Guru" . Well, try, hmm. Why don't you try ? You can try that also, that is also useful . Well, after this event, I will surely apply for being a mystic . Oh, apply to be a mistake? That you don't have to apply, anyway it happens . No, you didn't get the part ? There is something called as mystic and a mistake . I am also a mistake. Seeing in front of you, there might be certain mistakes, but I am totally into mis… mystic, what do you say? Probably not mischief. Okay, moving on… Sadhguru, like you said, that we need to club together and find newer ways to employ people, and basically it highlights on us being ambitious. So, I am a very ambitious woman, I think, and I have whole lot of bucket list… You have only thirty-two teeth to attend to, that's not very ambitious. No, but that's not it. Do you think that I am a dentist and that is it? No, there's more to life, and that… that you, only you have professed in one of your videos. So, I want to ask that, yes, I am very ambitious, I have whole lot of bucket list or things that I want to do, and I want to achieve… Hey, bucket list is something that you do after you're seventy, hmm . Before you kick the bucket. but it's long. I can't wait till I get seventy. Anyways, but… No. Bucket list, you know how this came? Bucket list means… dying is considered kicking the bucket . So, bucket list you make just before… few years before you die – some things that you have not fulfilled. For a young woman, no bucket list, okay ? Okay, a list full of dreams, I would call it. Okay. But for each dream, for girls in this country, there is a price to pay. There is a certain way in which society wants us – there are unsaid rules, obviously. Like "you behave in a manner" and… or "you keep your heads down", or "don't speak much," all of that, so… "Don't speak much" is a good idea . It's… It's not a bad advice for anybody. Now… now you are Shiva Nagri . This was a serious question. Okay, so to follow my dreams, sometimes I need to break some rules, but I don't want to do it at cost of being dishonor or disrespect to my parents or my loved ones. I want to know, how do I be a obedient daughter, but at the same time an independent woman, who lives her life on her own rules ? Oh. Okay. See, we want to do something that we want to do, and we want to do it with everybody's approval, and then we don't want to pay any price for it. Life doesn't work like that. When we do something that we really want to do, there is a price attached to it, because the nature of life is like that. If you do a certain thing, there is a price to pay, there is tax for that. What is the level of tax, depends on how revolutionary is your idea . So, this is very unrealistic that people are always thinking – "I want to do this, that, but my father…" . Well, you must be glad he brought you into this world, beyond that don't complain. What is your father doing? He is no… He is doing what he knows best. Hello? Yes or no? Yes. What he knows best, he's doing. If you want to know, if you believe that you know something better than him, first thing is, you must be able to convince him… but he's not able to grasp it, he… he will not be convinced, then how badly you want to do what you want to do, you must see – whether it's worth going beyond his lines. If you decide it is so – that you anyway you want to do it, no matter what is the price – you do it, but there will be a price. Now you want to say, "I will do what I want, but there should be no price" – there is no such life anywhere, not here, not anywhere . Sadhguru, what opportunity it is that we have a yogi among us, in the city of the Adiyogi . And I relate my question to this, that we all know for sure that we'll be benefited that you are here, but do we have some special benefit of being in the city of Lord Shiva? I mean, I do not experience it. Are we being benefited, directly or indirectly? I will need a few minutes for this, okay? As all of you already know probably, the word Kashi means a tower of light. When we use the word light, we use the word light for many things in human life, simply because of the nature of our visual apparatus. You have a sense of hearing, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of touch and you have sense of sight. Among all these five things, in the human being, the sense of sight is the most powerful one. How much life you drink through your nostrils, through your taste, through your touch and through your ears, and how much life you drink through your eyes, is not… is very, very disproportionate. Suppose you take a dog or any other carnivorous animal, he runs his life through smell. You know, he finds his food that way, he finds his mate that way, that's how he finds his way, wherever he wants to go. For him, sense of smell is dominant. But for a human being, sense of sight is so dominant, that our sense of sight functions best when there is light. So whenever we see something, we say, "It's light." When we see something new, we say, "A new light has come." No new light has come. We are just seeing better. Because we are seeing better, we refer to that as light. So in that context, this is a tower of light. This means, they built a machine – I am calling this a machine because you are in the University – essentially, it's called a Yantra. The word yantra, today also, in English translates as a machine. Why do we build a machine? See, because we are able to walk, we came up with a bicycle. When we got tired of walking, we came up with a bicycle. Why, because we are able to locomote, but now we want our locomotion to be far more effective, so we came up with a bicycle, then we powered it, it became a motorcycle, then it became an airplane, then it became many, many things. But suppose you were made like a tree, rooted to one place, would you have thought up a bicycle? Would you? No. Now that we can speak, we have a microphone, we have a telephone, we have all kinds of phones. Now that we can see, we have a periscope, microscope, telescope, all kinds of scopes. Every machine that we have created is only an extension of the existing faculties that we already have. We have not come up with any machine which does something totally different from what we are able to do. It only extends our ability. Because we cannot create a machine which does something different, because we don't know what that different is. We have no way of exploring something beyond our existing faculties, isn't it? We can only extend our faculties, we cannot create a new faculty, as such. So we built various kinds of yantras. As we built bicycles, motorcycles, microphones, microscopes and various things, we built other kinds of machines, which were essentially energy machines. Because we understood where there is a physical machine, there'll be friction, there will be a lifespan, there will be maintenance, and various other aspects. So we built machines, which are pure energy machines, giving it a form by giving a physical foundation to it. Small machines, big machines all kinds of things were built for specific purposes. This is what you call as a deity in this country. In this country – I want you to listen to me carefully, not react to this simply – we are a godless culture. We don't have the God anywhere. All the people whom you worship, are people who walked this geography at some time, isn't it so? We worship them, not because they dropped from the sky, not because they flew in the air, not because they walked upon the water, no. We worship them because they exhibited an extraordinary sense of freedom, no matter what life did to them, they remained free from that. You look at their lives and see, their lives are not free from strife. Their lives are much more strife than your life, isn't it? Far more strife, far more dramatic strife, wars and tragedies and all kinds. In all this, they remained unmoved, balanced, not becoming a reactive force, but continuing to be involved with life. They did not withdraw, nor did they become angry. They stayed there and did what they had to do, whatever they could do. Many times most of their activities ended up in failure but, the man is a victory because it never… what happened around him never determined who he is. This is why in this culture we held freedom, liberation or mukti, as the highest goal. God is not the goal. Mukti is the goal, moksha is the goal, isn't it? If you listen to the conversations of your mothers or maybe grandmothers, daily conversation never happened – not spiritual conversation – daily conversation never happened without uttering words like karma, prarabdha, mukti, moksha. This was like everyday conversation, especially in this city. People came here just for that. Not looking for God, looking for freedom, isn't it? So they built this phenomenal machine, but the vagaries of time, invasions, ignorance, various things destroyed this machine or damaged this machine at various levels, but still it's a fantastic machine. It's not in its full flow, but still it is great and fantastic machine. And will anybody benefit from that, in being in its umbrella? Of course they will, but we must understand this – even if the full moon has come up, if your eyes are closed, maybe your blood will surge up a bit, but you will miss the beauty and the whole thing about it. The same goes to everything, because whatever we are not conscious of, in some way, will not exist for us, isn't it, hmm? Whatever we are not conscious of, will not exist for us, even if it's there in a very big presence. So, are you benefitting from it? Definitely, on one level, but are you be… taking full benefit of it? I don't think so. When I look at the people, the way movi they're moving around… They will see pilgrims coming like this with tears in their eyes, but these people are going like this , about their little dhanda that they are doing . So you may not benefit fully from it unless you're conscious, because subtler aspects of life especially will not come to you unless you consciously become receptive. So this is very important, unfortunately people have started referring to Kashi as the Mecca of the Hindus and all this stuff. This is not a Mecca, this is… you're not going there to seeks God's grace or something else. You are coming here because this place represents mukti or liberation or freedom . The next question that we had is – which was very common thing that the students ____ – I am a suffer-in-silence kind of a person, because I believe that if I show my vulnerable side to the society, they might use it against me. So I carry a shield and go out to the world. So I want to ask, if it is okay to show our emotions that… that does make us weak, or we can carry a shield and maybe suffer in ourselves for some time? No, you are… you are asking this question as if suffering is very natural to you . Suffering is not natural to you, I want you to understand. See, there is something called as pain, and there is something called as suffering. If I put a pin into your body, there is pain, but whether you suffer that or not is your choice. Many times, many things that hurt you, you don't suffer, have you seen this? Let's say you want to climb up the mountain or you want to swim across Ganga – every muscle in the body may pain, but the moment you reach that side with this painful body, you are so joyful, yes or no ? So pain is not necessarily suffering, pain need not translate into suffering. Pain is a natural process in the body. It's very good for you. Yes. Because if there was no pain in the body, most people would not know how to even preserve their physical bodies. See, wherever there is no pain, what all they've done to it . If there was no pain in your nose, in the name of fashion, you would have cut it in so many ways. If there was no pain at all in your body, you would walk on the street with your intestines in your hands . Yes, maybe, on the stomach bag you could put "Gucci" and go . Don't tell me you won't do these things. If there's no pain at all, wouldn't you have pulled it out? Come on ! You would have done all kinds of… it's only the pain which is keeping you… You are walking on the street, if a bicycle comes, you step back. Do you believe it's because of humility ? Consequence of pain, isn't it? If there was no pain, even if a truck came, you would go like this . Lot of people are going like that in spite of the pain . The consequence of pain is the only thing which has allowed you to preserve your own body, isn't it? So I am saying, unfortunately most human beings are in that state, if there was no pain, they would have cut themselves into pieces. So pain is good for you, because it's keeping you in one piece, otherwise you would carry your head in your hand and walk around. Yes. You've seen such imagery . So suffering is something that you do mentally. This is your choice. Either you can suffer or you need not suffer or you can enjoy the same thing. Many people are enjoying many painful things, isn't it? So you're talking about like all the time you're suffering, "Should I show it or not show it?" Whether you show it or you don't show it, it's visible. If you are suffering, is it not visible on your face? You may pretend, but everybody knows. Everybody except those who did not bother to look at your face, all those people know that you are in suffering, isn't it so? They may just keep quiet because they don't want to intrude into your private suffering, and suffering is always a private hell, it's never public, please see. Because it happens within you. So why are we making ourselves into such a mess? Simply because we do not know or … Please… If I hear music I will … Most people after thirty, forty, fifty, sixty years of living here, still have not figured out how to handle their thought and emotion. How unfortunate! When are they going to learn, after thousand years? People are pretending as if they have a 10,000-year lifespan. At fifty if you don't know how to handle your thought and emotion, when are you going to learn, I'm asking? This is simply because they gave you a super, super sophisticated machine. Do you agree with me – this is the most sophisticated machine on the planet? Have you read the user's manual ? No. That's all the problem is, not suffering . Sadhguru, last year, in this month only, in the month of September, there was a very big movement – a student movement – particularly the girls came out, demanding for some of their rights. And nowadays in few years… last few years, we have seen a number of movements happening in different universities, different colleges. My question is that, do you think these movements – which are led by students particularly – are based on ideologies or are they just the reaction of something? Well… See, every human being would like some sense of justice and balance in the situations in which they exist. Whether it's home or university or street, you want some sense of equity in what's happening. Even within the home, there is injustice, many times we fight, isn't it? Hello? Yes. So the same thing in the university, the same thing on the street, same everywhere. But what we need to understand is… let's take family as a structure. There is a structure, something is being managed. Your parents are not experts in all kinds of justice systems and ideologies and everything. They are just doing what they know best. Yes? Out of their love and concern they are doing what they know best. Is it always perfect? No, parents are never perfect, isn't it? Hello? They are never perfect – they are doing their best, what they know best. Maybe you, as a young person, think what they are doing is no good. Maybe. But they are doing their best. If they are not doing their best, we can remind them, "You are not doing your best, then I will not do my best if this happens…" something. Or a more creative way of doing things is, when they don't do their best, you really do your best, so that they will feel, "Oh, what am I doing?" Yes, these are different ways to correct a situation. But there are certain people who think, if a thorn gets into their foot, they believe you must cut off the leg. There are lot of people like this. If a thorn got into your foot, what should you do? Carefully remove the thorn and walk on, isn't it? But right now there are many people if thorn gets into the foot, they will claim, "Come on, let's amputate the leg, let's amputate the leg!" Campaign will start . Before… Before we protest and deride somebody else, try to pull somebody else down, we must take little time and see, "Suppose if I am in that place, if all these people are saying thousand different things, how would I manage?" You must see this. Right now, the people who are managing the situation, are there some super human beings, they know how to do everything? They don't know. They are trying to do their best. If they are not doing their best, we can key them up a little bit. We should. We should remind them that they should do their best. But expecting a miraculous situation, where thousand people… In India, if there are three people, there are five opinions, all right ? So we are such a country, where for everything we have a question. Even if so-called divine entities come, we just… barrage of questions we throw at them. Yes or no? When Shiva comes, we throw questions; Krishna comes, we throw questions; whoever comes, we throw thousands of questions – we are that kind of people. So naturally, there'll be many things. It's okay, we're that kind of people. But questioning something is one thing. Always trying to dismantle the existing structure is another thing. If you dismantle the existing structure, are you capable of creating a better structure, this is something you must consider . Right now, the existing structure may be lousy, the existing structure may be utterly lousy, but the question is, right now, are we competent, do we have the resource, do we have the time to create a better structure – this is something we must look at. The problem right now is, we are going about busy, judging everybody. The kind of judgments that we, ourself , will not pass. Can I tell you a joke? Yes. A lady went into the butcher's shop. You know all those chicken, they were all hanging there, dressed chicken. Somehow for some reason – feathers are the dress of the chicken – we pull off all their feathers, and then we say they are dressed . They were colorfully dressed, but we pulled off everything, then we say they are dressed. So these dressed chicken were hanging there – dead, of course. The lady went there, and lifted one wing , wrinkled her nose, lifted one leg, wrinkled her nose. Like this she went from chicken to chicken, chicken to chicken. There were many other customers, they were all feeling uneasy, because the way she is wrinkling her nose, maybe they are old, maybe it's getting rotten. They're all looking. The butcher saw that it's going to seriously affect his business this way. So he went and tapped her on the shoulder. She looked back. He asked, "Ma'am, would you pass a test like that” ? This is all you have to check – would you pass a test like that? So Sadhguruji, when I started saying you are a cool dude, and I saw you, I am following you from the last three to four years, and you have been doing Rally for Rivers, Youth and Truth also is the idea that you have invented… Little… if you hold it little … the Youth and Truth idea that you invented… Little volume for him, please. Youth and Truth idea that you've invented and for Rally for Rivers also, sometimes I think that you have lot of responsibilities, for this. And I have seen your video one… in one video you are saying that you are working for sixteen to twenty hours a day, because you are made to work, because you need to work for this country – in one of the video I saw it. A lot of responsibility is on you, sir. Lot? Lot of responsibility… All of it? All of it, hmm, that's a lot of responsibility, sir . So either you can just transfer to some of them to me also, but the thing is that… When you apply, we will consider. Haan, I will… I will be applying by tomorrow, sir. So the thing is that, what I feel that sometimes or the other, there are certain few peoples who are taking the responsibility, but many a times people are scared of the responsibilities, taking the responsibilities. You have taken the responsibility for rivers, for others, for planting trees, and other things. For you also. For me also, Youth and Truth , but there is certain times when the people are scared of responsibilities. Is it… Does it taste good, like chicken, or something else ____ , ? See, responsibility – does everybody hear that word clearly? – Responsibility means response-ability. Your ability to respond. I am asking you – would you like to retain your ability to respond to every dimension of life that you face? I'm asking you. Hello? Yes. Some of you are saying no. Why ? If you have no respo… If you don't have the ability to respond, that is when you feel fearful, helpless. If you retain the ability to respond, whatever can be done, you will do. In your life, if you do not do what you cannot do, no problem. But if you do not do what you can do, you're a disaster. I am not a disaster . Everything that I can do, I will do. Will everything happen? Maybe not. Let me tell you how big a failure I am, okay? Is that okay ? When… Actually yesterday, 23rd of September, is thirty-six years since certain things happened within me and my life dramatically changed. I was going about my business, successful, making money, everything good. But suddenly this experience hit me in such a big way, everything changed. It was on that little hill called Chamundi in Mysore. It was on 23rd of September, 1982. So on this day, I happen to be in Kashi, thanks to all of you for having me here . So when this happened, I am just sitting there doing nothing, simply. Every cell in my body is exploding with ecstasy. I thought, "This is it. I have discovered something, that if you don't do anything, you will be overflowing with ecstasy. There's really no problem. Then I made a plan, in two-and-a-half years' time – at that time, the human population was 5.6 billion people – so I made a plan, in two-and-a-half years' time, I will make the entire population blissful, because I know the technology. You don't have to do anything. Simply if you sit here not doing anything, everything will explode. See , thirty-six years, huh ? I am still talking to you, not yet gotten you, okay . Maybe we have touched over five-hundred million people, but that's not my idea of the world. There are 7.6 billion people, tch. So I know I will die a terrible failure, but I will die blissfully, because everything that I can do, I have done. "Successful failure" can be a good word for you. No, blissful failure . So, now in your life, the choice is this, you can have one constipated desire, okay? "My only ambition is, I want to build one little house for myself." That happened and you are a success, but a stupid success – constipated success. My wish for all of you young people is, you must have that kind of a desire which cannot be fulfilled in this life. If you take two steps in that direction … if your desire… If your desire for well-being includes everybody, if your desire is all-inclusive, most probably, it will not happen before you die, isn't it? But you took a few steps in that direction, that's great. Instead of having a constipated desire, and you had it fulfilled in next five years and you think you are on top of the world. What is the point of such a desire? So I am wishing you failure, I want you to understand, but a blissful failure , because the only reason… the only reason you suffer responsibility is, you are always afraid whether it will happen or not happen. Why are you afraid of that? Because your joy, your happiness, your peacefulness is dependent upon how the world responds to you, not how you are. First let me ask you this fundamental question. You are referred to as a human being - yes, human being. We did not call other creatures "tiger being," "ant being," "elephant being" – we did not call them that, yes? We called this one as "human being," what it means is, this one knows how to be. They all exist in reaction to outside situations, but this one knows how to be. This is why we know how to respond, not react. How to respond, this is why this is a responsible creature. If you know how to be, would you keep yourself blissful or miserable? Blissful. If you are blissful, what is the consequence of your action, would it really matter? You will do your best. If it happens, it happens; if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. Hello? Yes. But when you're shit scared of "What will happen, what will happen, what will happen," you will reduce your desire and responsibility so small, essentially because of fear, isn't it? But if you are really blissful by your own nature, you know how to be. You are a human being, you know how to be. If you know how to be, does it matter how far your actions go or do not go? Our actions will depend on the times in which we exist, isn't it? People are… You know, like I was at the World Economic Forum and all these people usually coming and saying many things like this. One professor from the Harvard University comes up to me, "Oh, you are that amazing tree planter" ? I say, "No, no, I am not a tree planter." Then, "No, no, you planted millions of trees." "Yes, I planted, but I am not a tree planter" . Then he asked, "What do you do?" I said, "I make people flower" . So why I planted trees is not because I am a tree planter – simply because… You know, one day it happened. Two men were working – government employees. One man was digging on the road side, behind him another man was coming and closing these pits and coming. Somebody else was passing by, they saw this ridiculous activity and they backed up and they came and, "Hey, what are you doing here?" This guy is digging, this guy is closing. "What is this?" They said, "No, no, I am doing my job, he is doing his job. The in-between person was a tree planter, he is missing" . Because… Because that tree planter has been on a leave for a long time, I stepped in. I am not a tree planter, nor am I a river-saver, okay. Because that person is missing, I stepped in . Sadhguru, as we grow up we are often told or it is fed in our minds since childhood that life is a race – you need to keep running and be perfect. Oh . You are driver also, sir. F1… F1 racer, sir. Hmm? You are driver also, sir. F1 racing car. You drive bike, sir . That was the main advertisement that we've put up in the ad. Now, if life is a race… If life is a race, you must win it, isn't it? Winning it means what? You must get to the finish line today. Harishchandra Ghat . You can choose Manikarnika or Harishchandra Ghat, which one is your choice ? Hello? If it's a ra If it's a race, you must cross the finish line ahead of everybody else, isn't it ? So whoever this idiot who is telling you "life is a race" ask them to finish… cross the finish line . The thing is, life is a race, and it's a good point, but what we can say, we are taught like this only, so I don't say that the people who taught me is an idiot, because that will… I am on camera. So… so … what I feel is that, giving certain tips of responsibilities, I saw certain God-men also, in this country. I'm saying literally Godman, I am not saying any particular person. But I see… sometime I see that there are many a peoples who are just thronging their ways, who are just giving the pooja to the Godman, the life creature is like a Godman. So once I feel that why those people are like doing a pooja of him, but second times, I thought how powerful and how intelligent that Godman is. He is able to convince them "I am a God." He is able to convince those people that "I am a god." So that is also an intelligence. So is this a country where the people are so foolish, that they are following just a person and not… not saying a word of foolish but is there… following a person and treating him like a God, or is that Godman so intelligent that he is able to convince them? See, just now you said you are on the camera, you don't want to call people who crocs… who says "life is a race" as idiots. But you are calling the whole tradition as foolish . No, sir, the question… No, no I will come, I will answer the question . See, this word "Godman" is a media invented word. There is nobody anywhere I have seen, who claimed "I am a godman." I have seen men and I have seen goddamn men . I have not seen a godman anywhere. Have you seen a godman anywhere? Hello, anybody? No. Somebody is sitting there, somebody else… Right now to Malviyaji we garland him. Well, is he a god? No, he did something that we revere, he did something that we value. So we offer our respects to him by putting a mala. "Oh, you put garland on him, so you made a deity of him." Yes, because the man did something in his life, which we all benefit and value, so we bow down to him . So this… See, there is… there is logic of various levels, don't think there is only one logic. There is rudimentary logic, there is little high above, there is very fine logic also. Now people who worship looking up, saying "There is… Our god is up there," and that looks okay to you, because first of all, this whole uparwala business… first thing you… are you on a round planet, hmm? You're sure? Okay. Planet is round and the thing is spinning all the time. If you look up, inevitably you are looking up in the wrong direction . You are not even on the North Pole, you are in Kashi. You are like this , looking up in the wrong direction all the time. All three-hundred-and-sixty degrees . So do you know, in this cosmos which side is up? Is it marked somewhere, "this side up?" No. So you don't even know which side is up, but you know who is up. I think that's very stupid. So in this culture, we taught you that… Today this modern science also – I want you to understand this – whether you take an atom or a cosmos, or the cosmos, over 99.999 – whatever number of nine’s – is actually empty, only little bit material in the atom, you know this? What… What is your subject, I'm sorry? Law. Oh, you could argue for all the wrong things. That is what I was waiting for . It… Anyway, this is science , that over ninety-nine percent, 99.9 some eleven times or fourteen times, something, I don't know the exact number – that much of the atom is empty space. Only little bit is material, tiny miniscule, min… in the minuscule, it's miniscule. The same is true with the cosmos also has similar proportions – over ninety-nine percent is empty space. Only specks of stars and planets and galaxies, only small specks, rest is all empty space. But this empty space seems to have some intelligence of its own, that it keeps all this physical material going around in a certain way, because how much ever we study, we see that the physical material itself doesn't carry the needed intelligence, something else is driving it obviously. So, the simplistic childish way of coming to it is – there is one man sitting up there and managing everything. But when you look at the size of the cosmos, one man managing things is… just naturally, goes. Women are today arguing, "Why can't it be a woman?" Yes? I was speaking to a group of people in Nashville in United States, I was just telling them a joke, in the joke I referred to God as "He." Immediately a lady stood up , said, "Do you believe god is a man?" whoa, I know what I'd gotten into . I said, "See, I was only telling you a joke." Said, "It doesn't matter, you said 'him'." Now in United States there is a big argument, why can't God be a woman? They tried to settle it in the previous election . But you know the results . Then, there are also arguments like this… See, you have heard of Idi Amin? Idi Amin? The Uganda man? Idi Amin declared, "God is black." I agree with him . Because if a white man can have a white God, why can't a black man have a black God ? So in the Southern churches in United States, there's a big debate happening, is God white or black, actual debates happening. You know, in the previous election, they tried to settle that affair . Didn't work, but you know, we in India know God is brown . Yeah, because you know, those people don't know, because to those places, God sent only his messenger, son or somebody else and somebody else. Here, god himself arrived nine times . now, especially Indians who are living outside the country are super proud about this – "God came to our country nine times." So I keep reminding them that is because God wouldn't trust anybody else with Indians . He knew… He knew his son, his messenger, nobody would be good for the Indians, so he came hands on, himself . Nine times, and he failed . See, nine or ten times you can debate, failure is not debatable, isn't it? It's visible. Hello? Failure is very visible, isn't it so? So we can go on endlessly with these things, but your belief systems are culturally relevant, existentially not relevant. So you must understand, this is a godless culture. Here we revered people who contributed to our life. Our parents, we bow down to them. If you see If Shiva comes also, this is what you do, is it? Isn't it so? If you see a tree also, this is what we do; if you see cow also, this is what we do – even a snake. A cow gave us milk, so we bow down; a snake, because he didn't bite us today, we bow down . I am saying, we are doing the same act what we do to God, to man, woman, child, animal, everybody, isn't it so? Then why are you calling a particular man "Godman," hmm? We are bowing down to everybody, aren't we ? Sadhguru, nowadays youth are so active on social media, and we have been using that platform for various purposes. We even use that for this Youth and Truth program, popularizing it here in Varanasi. We asked for several questions on the social media also, and we selected the famous one, the most famous one out of those questions. So I have one question. It is Pranav who asked, "At home they teach us how to behave with girls, but when I go out with my friends, we see something different, which is totally different. When I go online, the things are crazy. How is a man supposed to behave with or treat a woman?" Well, a woman is… a woman is not a separate species, first of all . This too much of man-woman thing is being done, unfortunately. It's a small biological difference to serve a certain purpose. We all here today because of this difference, yes? Because we have a mother and a father – ha… one happens to be a woman in that – because of that, we are born and we are here. So we don't have to treat women like separate species. There was a time – we must understand this – there was a time when the world was such, that a woman couldn't really go out and do much, because of the nature of the world around. Suppose right now… you know… I don't know, maybe 2-3000 people turned up from many parts of the world for yesterday's event in Kashi. I think in this more than sixty percent are women. Now suppose this was thousand years ago, it would be ninety-five percent men, only five percent women maybe, because to travel by walk or by… on a horseback and to come to Kashi from thousand miles away, would be a challenging thing for a woman, would… would not be very safe for a woman, those days. But today, you must understand, it's not your liberal attitude which has brought woman reasonably level – just technology. Technology has leveled the difference because your big muscle is no more useful, you need some brain . There was a time when man's muscle did everything on this planet. When man's muscle did everything on this planet naturally man was dominant. This dominance also is misunderstood. He dominated in one arena which was filmed and reported, she dominated in a different arena which was private and not reported . But because we have taken to Western modes of living right now very much, because of that we have this… This controversy has been going on with me for last week, ten days because I said if you make economics the only value of your life, money is the only prime value in your life, then world will become very male because there will be no room for the feminine to find expression. There may be women, but they will surrender their feminine to be successful unfortunately. This should not happen. Women should succeed as women not as men – with… with full-blown feminine nature they must be able to be successful in a society. They don't have to pretend to be a man to be successful. This has to go. If this has to go the world has to move completely from brawn to brain – it's very important, this transition . Now, when you talk about economy or money power, it's brawn, it's a different kind of muscle. Money or muscle – we are talking about it as the same context. Money is another kind of muscle. So we are taking away the physical muscle and bringing in the money muscle. So once again you are creating a male dominated society, masculine dominated society because now women have understood how to be successful by being masculine. No, this is not a good thing for the world. There must be a world, where women can be hundred percent feminine and still be absolutely successful. If this has to happen, money should not be the ruling factor, it should be just currency. Money is just currency to facilitate things but right now money is the ruling factor, so masculine becomes the dominant force. We need to change this. Unless music, aesthetics, love, beauty and other things, everything becomes equal proportions, feminine will not flourish and if feminine is wiped out of this planet, then all the men will sit and wonder "Why are we living" . Sadhguru in your AV you said it was difficult for you to plant trees in people's mind and then rest of the thing just happened. So I want to ask how diffi… how do we plant this seed in their mind that females need to flourish as females? See, you don't have to plant it in their head, you have to plant it in your head . But like I said in my first questions, yes, we can do it at our part but then there are people, there is society, there are ways that people judge us. See, don't think there is no judgment for a male. Don't think there is exploitation for a male. It is there , it is just that for a woman unfortunately any little exploitation tu… takes on a sexual tone, all right? That is the ugly part of it, otherwise don't think men are not exploited. They are exploited in many different ways, ask him . No, that is why a lawyer is successful because somebody is exploited, isn't it? I want to say thank you, sir, for saying this . The problem right now is we are still in such a consciousness – anything that's weaker than us we will exploit – man, woman, a child or animal. Yes or no? Anything that is weaker than us – because still we don't have brain in our head, we still have muscle in our head, okay? The muscle should transform into brain cells, then we will see that for you to succeed, you don't have to really exploit anything actually. In fact if you get the love and cooperation of everybody, you will succeed even better. I will tell you an example. I am doing a program for one of the top international companies, one of the top companies. Twenty-five of their top executives are there. It's a three-day event. I have nine volunteers. I don't know if you noticed our volunteers here. Without one instruction they just go about doing everything that needs to be done. If something is not done I know it could not be done. There is no question of somebody did not do it because we've built such a force . So, they watch these nine people moving around. Then they ask, "Sadhguru, where do you get such people?" Because they are always looking for attrition, you know ? Then I said, "You don't get them, you got to make them." "How do you make them?" I said, "You have to make them fall in love with you." "Oh how do you do that?" I said, "First you must fall in love with them." Then they say … wait, hmm. Then they say, "Oh they don't pay us for that" . So, when money is the only ruling factor in your life, you are like a circus monkey. If you give a banana you will jump, otherwise you will simply sit, all right ? So if you are not a circus monkey, then you will see exploiting is not a good thing. If everybody falls in love with you how easy and wonderful it is to work. When people hate you, when they resent you, they will make your life miserable, believe me. They will make sure, won't you? When you are resentful about somebody and you have to work for them, won't you make sure their life is miserable? Yes. This is why people are thinking work is so stressful because everybody hates them. If they create a really loving and inclusive atmosphere around them, where everybody senses there is no sense of exploitation… See, I don't exploit anybody but I work them to death . But before that I am working myself. People are afraid I may kill myself, so they're also trying to catch up. There is no problem. If I sit like this and make you work, then you will come up with something else to make my life miserable. When you see you're only emulating me, then why will you feel exploited? I make them work seven days of the week, eighteen hours a day non-stop, non-stop. Day or night at two o'clock in the morning I will call them and say, "Do this, do that, do that" because so many things happening. You You… See you are joining up, so I am telling you . yes, I ____ I can link you, sir. So, exploitation is a silly way of doing things in the world, unintelligent way of doing things in the world. Inclusion, inclusiveness is the best way to do work in the world. If your… If you think your work is important, if you think what you're doing is important… People come to me always – you know we are a volunteer organization, over 4600 whatever full-time volunteers and over nine million part time volunteers – everyday somebody comes up to me and says, "Sadhguru, I can't work with this person, she is terrible, he is like this, he is like that." I say, "See, in this world there are only these kind of people, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, only these kind of people. If you think what you are doing is very significant, you have to work with these kind of people. But if you think you want to work with ideal people, you must go to heaven and today" . Yes. If you think what you are doing is very significant, you will work with whatever you have. If you have donkeys you will work with them, yes? But you have not realized the significance of what you are doing, now you are busy complaining about everything. This doesn't mean everything around me is perfect but everybody is doing their best, that's all . Sadhguru, when he talked about social media… in social media one thing is very much important then one thing is very much spreading is like certain news are there and they are just forwarded to certain groups and then certain other things occurred. In one of the video you also gave certain example for, an explanation for mob lynching also. I won't go into that because you've already answered but people think that these messages are like real ones and they just try to do what the message says. So one person, one I think lady… Madhusudan ji has asked this that is there a line of separation between the thinking and overthinking or rather there is no line of separation? Or it's just a mental thing? See, I don't know if you have seen the byline for Youth and Truth. It's not here. Unplug truth. No, not that. We're talking about exploring truth not with the seriousness of a gospel but with the playfulness of gossip. Gossip has been the most reliable system of seeking truth, yes or no? If… whatever the official thing comes out, you will ask around your friends and – this neighbors, "What happened, is this true, what happened, what happened?" Everybody says five different things. Then you find your own filter for that and arrive at "Okay this is ma… this is what should have happened." So social media is new. What it means is gossip has gone global suddenly. Gossip was always there locally, was there or no? Yes. Ladies tell me . Because more people confide in you because man is walking like this , nobody wants to talk to him. A woman is paying attention and walking, so they will talk to her . Gossip has always been there in every society and it's a reliable thing but now suddenly gossip has gone global because of technology. Now this globalization of gossip has caused a little bit of disruptions and the scale of things that happen is little disproportionate to what we were used to earlier because by the time we tell ten people it would have died down. Today one forward, boom, two-hundred-and-fifty people got it in the town. It could incite certain things. Well, it's been misused and it's been used, all right? Many people have used it well. Some people have misused it – this is true with any technology, anything, anything. Right now we can use this vessel to store water or I can take it and smash it on your head . So, now shall we ban all the copper vessels because somebody's skull got cracked? Shall we? No, so we have to bring… culture the society. It's not going to happen overnight – educate and ev… evolve the society. If it's going out of control, maybe little enforcement. But just clamping down on anything and everything that causes little damage This happened. See, Mysore-Bangalore for example. I… I am from Mysore, right from my very young age even when I… first time I went to Bangalore on my father's scooter without him knowing. When I was just thirteen-and-a-half years of age, I got enough money, I put gas and jumm I went to Bangalore, made a circle there and came back all the way. It was a single track road, going like this, like that with potholes, everything and many of the times I had to ride standing because of various things . One was height . So now they made a six-lane highway, all right? Later on when we… we graduated into motorcycles, if… we thought about it we just boom we went. One hour-thirty – thirty-five minutes, hundred-and-forty kilometers we did and came back but now they put a six-lane highway and in the villages… traffic started moving fast. There are lots of villages, they did not bypass the villages because of whatever – land acquisition and stuff, because they went on expanding the existing road. People get killed crossing the road unfortunately. Lot of pedestrians get killed in India because they don't know where to cross and they can't judge the speed or they are just so full of themselves. They come in the way and they expect somebody to stop. All kinds of things. So, they went on putting road hump, road hump, road hump. In hundred-and-forty-two kilome… forty-two kilometers of road they put over one-hundred-and-twenty road humps. So you got a six-lane highway, you cannot even get to third gear. Boom, bu, dup, boom, bo, bo. What is the point of a highway, hmm? We could have a mud track. Why are you spending money on the highway when you put in… hundred-and-forty kilometers you put over one-twenty road humps. Now by high court order it's all being removed but villages will put up their own thing. They will not learn how to cross the road. They will put up only road hump. So this culture must go. Some damage happens because of somebody's irresponsible action. Instead of fixing that irresponsibility we want to destroy the possibility. How many good things have been done on social media? Yes? Many wonderful things have been done but now somebody gets killed because of somebody's mischief, so we want to ban that. This is not the way to do things. This is not the way to take the nation forward. It doesn't matter some people pay the price, unfortunately, it is true but we must bring more responsible usage of that rather than simply banning this, banning that . One more question that came over the social media was, you told Ranveer that ambition is limited, it is a thought and not worth investing our life in it. Without goals or commitment or destination how will I even take my next step? And you also had the goal of Dhyanalinga. I am really confused. I think one part of that we've already answered about… See, what you call as ambition is essentially a thought that you generated, isn't it? How did you generate this thought? Maybe people around you influenced or above all essentially your ambition or your thought is only coming from the limited data that you already possess, yes or no? Do you believe – many of you are in twenties or early twenties – do you believe everything that you need to know about the world, all the possibilities that life may hold, you already have collected data about it? No. With what little you know, if you fix your life's goal, I think that'll be a poor life. Right now you are in college you can fix a goal – within the stipulated period I want to get out of the college . Not too early because they threw me out, not too late because I didn't get out. Yes? Within the stipulated period I want to get out. How I want to get out, whether I want to get out first class or first this, that, how much I should know, that is a goal you can set because already it's a structured time, isn't it? Already it's a structured time, in this structured time you set a goal. But you don't set a goal for your life, ruling out all the possibilities that may open up. So if you decide right now "this is what I am going to become…" I was talking about that in terms of, this is a problem in our families in Indian families, a three-year-old child, they will ask, "What do you want to become" ? That tiny little girl says, "I want to become doctor." "Ohh!" They are so happy. This is rubbish. Why a three-year-old girl is being made to decide what she should become. We don't know what's her genius. Yes? What talent she has, what genius she has, you don't know, but instead of seeing how to unfold that you are fixing that so early on and ending up with a very constipated life. So the important thing is human beings have immense potential. If this has to unfold, one important thing is you create a situation of balance and pleasantness within you – that means you are peaceful, joyful and balanced. If you are like this, every human being has a certain genius and this will start unfolding. When it unfolds, it will surprise everybody. Right now the problem is this in the world – not even one percent of human genius actually blossoms. Rest get trapped in these kinds of systems and systems and systems all over the place. Somebody gets trapped into earning a living, somebody gets trapped because they fell in love too early – you know, something or the other, they get committed to something. So, ambition means you got committed to a single idea which came from very limited data in your life, isn't it? Don't get committed to limited idea. Limited ideas are okay short term. Right now I am here for five years in this university, this is what I want to do in this five years, this is okay but life must unfold, you must give it an opportunity to unfold. Only reason why you are committing yourself like this is, you are afraid of uncertainty. You think certainty has come because you pegged it there. "I am going to be a doctor, doctor" at the age of three. And you feel there is a certainty. This certainty is death-like certainty because it takes away all possibilities. It's important for a human being life should be explored, many possibilities – only then human genius will unfold and we have multifaceted human beings in the country. Otherwise this has been our problem because we are concerned about earning a living, there was a time where everybody was a doctor in this country, now everybody is a software engineer in this country – this is not the way to go. If it's needed we'll do that, that's not the point but the important thing is human genius must unfold. If you destroy that because you've fixed a peg in your life, it's very unfortunate . Like you said we had to… we should set specific goals for short time. If you are setting a goal we will definitely work for it very hard but in due course we might also resort… we see people amongst us or we ourselves we might resort to some unhealthy practices just because this is set in our mind that "Okay this is my goal, I want to achieve it." We might set into unhealthy practices. It happens amongst us or maybe at our workplace also… What is a unhealthy practices? like foul competitive streak in… amongst our fellow mates or foul competitive practices, it could be like pulling someone else down just to go ahead of. No, if you pull somebody else down you did not go ahead, both of you went back . That's all that happened but right now this continuous… This is what I said, if something has to unfold within you, outside should not decide everything. A few things outside will decide, rest should come from within. That's what a human being means. For other creatures everything is decided by reaction with outside, for a human being there is enough intelligence that a whole lot of things have to come from within, not from outside reactions. So if you keep looking at somebody how somebody else is doing, how somebody else is doing, now obviously you will take a misstep. They were asking me , somebody, "Sadhguru, how to beat the Pakistani team” ? I said, "Don't beat the Pakistani team, just hit the damn ball, hmm” . You don't try to go and beat Pakistan with a cricket bat. With a cricket bat you just hit the damn ball, there is no Pakistan in the ball. You just have to hit the ball so that Pakistanis will not find the ball, like that you must hit it. But if you are looking at Pakistani and wanting to beat him, the ball will smash your face maybe . So, we need to understand whether it's a game or education or work or whatever else we are doing, the important thing is the process that we are doing. If you are not devoted to the process result will not happen. It's… It's like this – suppose you want mangoes in your garden, if you sit there and every day do mango meditation – you do ? Mango meditation, mango meditation, mango meditation, mangoes will not come. If you just look at the soil, manure, water, sunlight, take care of these things well, absolutely involved in the process, even if you never thought about a mango, one day mango will land on your head anyway, inevitably. If you do the process right, consequence will happen. Right now you get committed to the consequence, this means in yoga there is a saying, "If you have one eye on the goal, you have only one eye to find your way, it's very inefficient." Both eyes, everything you got into what you are doing right now, result will come. Why will it not come? Why are you bothered how somebody else is doing? Are you doing your best or not, that's all the question is, isn't it with life? Even if you want to become a mystic, you know, don't worry about me. This happened. Shall I tell you? Why sir, I don't be worry? You are the competitor if I want to become the mystic. No, I am not in competition with you but I must tell you because there is an aspiration, it's nice. It once happened Shankaran Pillai went to the bar. Once a couple of drops inside, then everybody starts… that stories get taller and taller, you know. Everybody was saying their own things, big things about their families and about stuff. So Shankaran Pillai waited and then they nudged him, "Hey what! You got nothing to say?" No good! He said "No, my uncle was a great mystic. He knew the exact time, date and mode of death in his life." "Oh really? He knew the time, date and how he will die well ahead of time?" He said "Yes, my uncle, great mystic!" "Really? How did he come to know?" "The judge told him" . See there is a possibility, huh? You have drifted the whole thing in law, that's a nice way . So Sadhguruji I would also like to open certain questions from the audience. Since we have time constraint, so we will be only getting only two questions. So I think whosoever has to ask the question . Namaskaram, Sadhguru! I'm Ayushi Dixit, third year Political Science student. Sadhguru, my question is that, today on one hand we see all these scientific, psychological methods, whereas on the other side we have spirituality and mysticism. So how can we collaborate both the aspects… both the factors and have a better governance and a better society maybe? Do you think governance needs psychological treatment ? Yes, there are concepts in Political Science that you know work psychologically also. See, this is the culture where always… the spiritual leaders always largely worked with the kings of the time. Not because they wanted to bum around in the palaces and get some benefits, simply because they saw unless you benefit the man… unless you benefit the man who has the power to make difference to millions of people, people will not really benefit. If you get to a position of responsibility or power, that every word you utter, every thought, every emotion and every action that you perform has influence over millions of people, the first and foremost thing you need to do is to fix yourself so that how you think, how you feel, how you speak and how you act is calibrated for the well-being of the people. So, this is why whether you take Krishna… Krishna's whole life was just about marrying political system and the spiritual process. You take Gautama Buddha, all his life he is working with kings because you can work from bottom up, that is one way but that's a long way. Today it is possible because we have communication. I want you to imagine when a Gautama walks from village to village, if he speaks even ten people will not hear. Village to village, village to village – forty years of his enlightened life he walked and walked and walked, but impact is not good, he knows that. So he goes to the kings and try to impact them because once they are impacted they will change things in the nation. Because monarchy is a kind of autocratic rule, if he gets it, he will make sure something happens. In a democratic process it is not so impactful but it is still impactful. Here people are the leaders but fortunately today we have ability to communicate like never before, we can sit here and talk to the whole world if we want. This was never possible. Many great beings have come but unfortunately when they spoke, hardly fifty people could hear and even if they heard, somebody wrote down all wrong . And after 1000 years another hundred people modified it in so many different ways; by the time it comes to you after 1000, 2000 years you don't know what the hell is coming to you. But today see these cameras are recording, if you say something different than what I said, they will play the video. I am saying, this was never possible before. So now we can work up; from grassroots to up. But at that time the only way to work was top down because down is not possible to reach. Only top is possible to reach. So today we can work both ways but ground up is more effective today, that is why we are working with the people. So between psychology and spirituality, what is the difference? See, with psychology, you are trying to analyze the mechanics of thought process in a certain way – essentially thought and emotion. But in the yogic culture, in the spiritual cultures of India we don't give any significance to your thought. You can think what you want, we know it's just the surface of who you are. Because thought is coming only from the data that you have gathered, isn't it so? Hello? Yes. Only from the limited data that you have gathered thought is coming, but your behavioral patterns are co… patterns are coming from dimensions much deeper than thought. A whole lot of people who… If you've ever been psychologically little disturbed, suddenly you see something else beyond what you have known, what your regular thought pattern and emotional patterns are, something beyond that is influencing you and pushing you and pulling you in ways that you can't help yourself. Yes or no? You've seen such people if it's not happened to you. So, we don't pay any attention to your present level of thought and emotion because thought patterns and emotional patterns, we just see is an acquired pattern which has happened because of the data that you have. But other dimensions of influence within you are there, we wish to bring balance to that dimension. But for this, you need willingness and you have to work with people. But with psychology also you have to endlessly talk, most people cannot be talked out of anything, they will talk you out of it, okay? Yes . So when it… talking doesn't work, when counseling doesn't work, you have chemical bombing – you put chemicals into the system in the form of pills or whatever, which could balance because after all human experience is all rooted in chemistry. Every human experience has a chemical basis to it. What you call as peace, joy, blissfulness, agony, ecstasy, stress, anxiety, everything has a chemical basis to it. So now we are looking at how to create a chemistry of blissfulness. This is the greatest chemical factory on the planet – do you agree with me? Yes. The most sophisticated and complex chemical factory on the planet. The question is only are you a great manager or a lousy manager, that's all it is. So we are looking at how to manage one's chemistry without taking external inputs. The modern psychiatry is looking at how to manage human chemistry by putting outside ingredients. Well, when things have gone to the extreme, that's the way to do it. If things are reasonably in control we have systems through which one can work themselves out of it. A very good afternoon, sir. My name is Sushath Kumar Bishwa, I am research scholar from BHU and very much fortunate to clear… have a time to clear my doubt from you, sir. Sir like you know, seven years back when I got admission in BHU in diploma course it was a very small course, just a part time… What course? What course? diploma in tourism management. I was very much happy to get enrolled in that course, I went to my house to my father that shouting like anything that I got admission in BHU as like I have cracked IIM Ahmadabad. So like you know my father was, okay fine. And now after seven years I have cracked NET and got admission Ph.D. but I am not happy with what I am doing sir. Because I don't know, I have lost my spark. At that time sir in diploma I was so much concerned about my study and being a part of BHU. It's a reputed University sir, like I was much more confident enough but… Please, please brief the question, what is the question? My question is I have lost my spark, okay? And I am not very much like you know continuous… consistently motivated person. I have lost my motivation. How to regain that to live my life and lead in a… in a… like a joyful way, to regain your inner peace? Thank you, sir. See, the nature of life is such… Please sit down, it's okay. If you… If you go outside in the garden and try to catch an ant, the BHU ant , who is born here, who's grown up here and probably he'll die here, that BHU ant, if you try to catch him, he'll say, "Okay, to hell with my life, okay crush me if you want." Is it so? He'll do everything to protect himself. He values his life, isn't it? Very much or no? Tiny little creature that we may not even notice, we may step on him without even seeing him unfortunately but he values his life immensely. Does he or no? Yes. He's got spark. But you, a human being at least on this planet you are the peak of evolution, physiologically at least, yes? If other behavioral aspects if… we may have questions but physiologically at least the most evolved creature on the planet. What the most evolved creature on the planet means is, it has the most complex neurological system and it has the highest level of cerebral capability. That means you can think, you can remember – you have memory, you have a very vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination. An ant doesn't have such a vivid sense of memory nor does he have any great imagination. He has some but he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living. Because the education systems that you are going through right from kindergarten level is such that it is about everything except you. It's about everything else. Somebody is PhD in tourism, somebody is PhD in biotechnology, somebody is PhD in something, nothing about this . How does this function, there is no attention at all. A human being functions… You know, you have a Kala Bhairava Temple here. What this means is, a human being exists in three times. He lives because of the richness of his memory – how rich is your memory determines what you will do and what you will not do right now, isn't it so? So memory is important. The present experience is important and how vivid is your imagination for tomorrow is very important. Right now the problem is, these things have all gotten mixed up because discipline of faculty has simply not come, nothing has been taught to our children that there needs to be… Discipline means people think English kind of discipline walking like this like idiots. Discipline of faculty is not there – because of this, your own mind turns against you. What happened ten years ago you still suffer. Hello? Yes. What may happen day after tomorrow you already suffer, because there is no discipline of faculty. You don't know how to use your memory, you don't know how to use your imagination, your memory makes you suffer, your imagin makes… imagination makes you suffer and you think you are suffering your life. You are not suffering your life, you are only suffering the two greatest faculties of being human – vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of hum… imagination. Isn't it so? If you suffer the greatest faculties that you have, what can we do with you? If you suffer a ailment – understandable; if you suffer a disability – understandable; if you suffer your ability – hopeless case . Yes or no? Yes. You are suffering your capabilities. If you are suffering your disability, it's all right, you are suffering your capabilities. I must tell you this, about four, five months ago I think, you might have seen it on the news, a young lady, thirty-four-year-old lady who was a television anchor in Hyderabad, jumped off the fifth floor window, killed herself, left a note – "Nobody is responsible for my death, my brain is my enemy." Tch, how many million years it took to get this brain to this size and now it becomes your enemy! She articulated this but this is true with almost ninety percent of the human beings, they are suffering their own intelligence, isn't it ? If you take away half their brain… if you take away half their brain, they will be peaceful , yes! And that is why a whole bunch of idiots are going about saying that the ultimate goal of life is peace of mind. Such people will only rest in peace . Now you , young man they kept you here for too long, seven years. They should have thrown you out in four years, then you would have done something . University life, if somebody is not keying you up all the time, it could become too easy, you know. Even I remember when I went to the university, most of the time we were in the canteen or in the garden. To… The easiest part of my life was university . I think I know nobody is going to like it and… but I think this university time must be shortened unless somebody is producing something brilliant, they must be chucked out within three to four years' time everybody . If they are doing something very focused and very intense, they must stay, otherwise… See, this is all I am telling all of you young people, do whatever the hell you want in your life but you must be intensely focused on something. If you are not investing in anything, your life, it will just go waste because as I told you in the very beginning – one basic ingredient of your life is time and this is just going away. Already you are two hours closer to your grave since I came here . Yes or no? Two hours closer to Manikarnika . Yes or no? Yes. Yes, you are not immortal. It's just a limited amount of time. Are you a precious life, I am asking? Is your life precious to you? Yes. Then you must decide where you want to invest this life if this is precious. If this is worthless, throw it somewhere; if this is precious, invest in something worthwhile, isn't it? So, if you invest this in something worthwhile, not spark, you will be a flame all the time . That's why my first question was being a mystic, right? Hmm? I am investing it in a good one, being a mystic. Because you are a lawyer… because you are a lawyer, judge may tell you . No, the thing is that which judge? Supreme Court or High Court? Okay, we can have our concluding remarks. As you said that time is limited, so we are approaching towards the end of this wonderful gossip. I would like to thank you for spending your time because if time is money, then you have spent millions on us today . Hey, no, let me correct you, hmm? Time is not money, time is life ! What is this! See, she is… she is already a practicing dentist – money, money . Sadhguru, if I would say thank you, I know I'll reach out of words , I'll not have some words to express my gratitude. The only thing is if somebody would ask me what have you got in Kashi, now I can answer that "Once I had Sadhguru there" . Thank you very much for coming to us. Hey, the end is the judge, hmm, not the lawyer . The thing is Sadhguru, I think one phone rings and when you said that when you hear the song you dance. And I saw your video of Ranveer Singh sir, so can we have that ! Because that is the Shiv Nagari, and we just throng it every time. Sir, please if we can, that, your favorite one . I would… music will come, we'll wait, I want to see the young people dance and then we will see. All right. Anyway. We are ever ready, sir. I want… I want all of you to understand and appreciate this that, see… we are living in a country where still millions of people, nearly five-hundred million people probably don't even get to eat properly, all right? In such a country when all of us have the privilege that at least we don't have to search for our food, it's there. And not just that, you are in a premier institution like BHU, thanks to Malviyaji that he created this . You are part of his vision to educate this India where when the British left we were over ninety percent illiterate. So, at that time somebody had the vision to create this and you are part of this great institution. I want you to always appreciate the privilege that you are here, which so many others have not found in this country. Please make use of this time at the University to build yourself, don't worry about the nation, about the society, about this, that. Build yourself into such a grand human being because if there are no great human beings, there'll be no great society. If there is no society, there's no great nation. There are no great nations, there is no great world. So you can't build a great world or a great nation, you can only make yourself into a great human being and around you wonderful things will happen. It's my wish and my blessing the best should happen to you. Thank you very much . Instrumental music… END | 4,414 |
data/IFYT/IFYT_Jfg3u4CDFcQ_Different-States-Of-The-Same-Energy-Sadhguru_08-Jun-2010.docx | Sounds of Isha M The question is "Is self-realization possible for an animal?" is it the question? Yes, it’s animal and uneducated, , violent person. See, uneducated, innocent, violent is different and animal is different. Now when we say animal and human we are not talking in terms of which is superior. It's not a question of superiority or inferiority. It's a question of evolution, it's a question of energy existing in a certain level of evolution. See, it's the mud .the mud that you walk on is actually your body, isn't it? It's from that you are eating, isn't it so? And it's become like this. It's the same material, isn't it? But is it the same? Or let me give you a more blunt analogy. Today night you will have dinner. Good food served on your plate, you like it so much with so much 'like' you ate this. Tomorrow morning, what has happened to this food? It has become shit isn't it? Same stuff or not? What you ate with so much liking, is it the same stuff? Can you handle both of them the same way? It’s not the same stuff. What is it then? . It's the same stuff. But you cannot handle both of them the same way isn't it? Because they are in a different state. The food has become excreta. This you love so much, that you don't want to go anywhere near it. Same stuff. Same energy but it's different. So you can't do the same things with both, isn't it? Similarly, it's not but once again, if you want to grow your food you need either your excreta or animal excreta or something to grow, isn't it? So we can use it that way. But can we take it on our plate and eat it? No. So every state, the same energy, manifesting in different ways but you have to handle them different ways depending upon in which state it is. So now if I bring one dog here and try to make him meditate. I may love the dog, I can just caress the dog and make him feel comfortable and nice. Give him food, make him comfortable. I can love him, make him love me, that's all. But if I try to make him meditate, it will be foolish because that is not how his energy is, right now. Not because he is inferior or you are superior or something. Right now that is the state in which he is functioning. Now this energy has come to this state, here something else can be done which cannot be done there. So that's why it's being done here, not there. And there, there is nothing much to be done because most of it is in nature's hands for him, Ok. Not so much is in his hands. He is never a bad dog or a bad tiger, did you see? There are good tigers, isn't it? Only human beings are the problem. END | 1,974 |
data/SGYT/SGYT_lprsSVafYUk_What-Is-True-Friendship-Sadhguru_05-Aug-2018.docx | This Is What Genuine Friendship What Genuine Friendship Means – Sadhguru tells us a story to illustrate what genuine friendship means and what a true friend is willing to do. If you really have a friend, you must have the courage to be unpopular with your friend and still be If you are a friend to somebody, you don’t have to nag them with what’s wrong with them; that’s not the point, but at the same time you must have the courage to be unpopular with people. In just trying to be popular with people, just see how many stupid things you’re doing with your life. In just trying to maintain some kind of pleasantness around you, see how much unpleasantness you have buried within you! If you bury unpleasantness, if you put seeds of unpleasantness into the soil, you will reap fruits of unpleasantness, isn’t it? The more and more unpleasantness you bury within yourself you will reap a fruit like that. You muse have the courage, if you really have a friend, you must have the courage to be unpopular with your friend and still be loving and okay with him. Right now, your friendships are always made on agreements, likes and dislikes. No. You’re apples and oranges and still you can be good friends. A true friend is somebody who has the courage to tell you what shit you are and still be loving and nice to you. Yes? | 4,127 |
data/SGYT/SGYT_1jcdXh3i2aU_What-Is-The-Worst-That-Can-Happen-In-This-COVID-Era-With-Sadhguru-In-Challenging-Times_28-Jun-2020.docx | Sadhguru chants Yoga Yogeshwaraya Sound of Isha song performance… Sadhguru’s presence… Sadhguru chants Yoga Yogeshwaraya Namaskaram! Namaskaram to everyone. Well, the last week has been in many ways whatever expectations and plans people were having, once again it's been smashed because the world has crossed ten million mark of tested positives. Total death toll has crossed half-a-million. 2.6 million cases in United States alone with 130,000 deaths or more. India has crossed half-a-million cases, over 16,000 deaths. Last twenty-four hours 20,000 positives. In the five major cities in India it is surging up with the relaxation. Once again, states are going back into severe lockdown mode because the relaxation has worked against the whole process. Well, as I think, earlier also I have said, the administrations have done what they could do. The doctors, the medical staff, the police and other administrative staff, trying to enforce this. I think in many ways they're reaching towards exhaustion and frustration because ordinary citizens, though most of them have behaved responsibly, a certain percentage of them everywhere in the world are, they're God's children, what to do!? They are going about their business in their own way. In many ways, the police and other staff involved in the management of people, medical staff is beginning to really tire. Because everybody was geared for maybe three weeks or six weeks, now it’s on for nearly three months! And once again it's surging up. You can see and feel the effects of this frustration and exhaustion all over. It's very important, it's very important as citizens of this nation and the world that we don't push the medical staff especially to a point of collapse. Many of them have shed their lives. If you push the medical fraternity and the system to a point of collapse, after that virus will have a free for all. Right now, there is a fifty-eight or nearly fifty-nine percent of those who go positive in India are recovering, which is the highest in the world. But that number, we will lose. That is our only hope, right now people are recovering because of medical attention. If the medical systems and people who man it collapse under this pressure, then this recovery numbers will go down. And that's not good. At one point, Coimbatore city was declared as COVID-free. But once again, it's in an emergency condition that lockdowns are happening, enforcement is happening forcefully. Sometimes forces unfortunately getting out of control. So, WHO and other agencies are talking about a mental illness pandemic. As if the virus pandemic was not good enough. Now, people are causing mental illness pandemic, it's growing. People are getting mentally frustrated, sick and fearful, loss of livelihoods, loss of businesses. If things close for five to six months or more, then a whole lot of people know what happens to them. All this is causing an enormous amount of turmoil. As if that was not enough, in India we have a little bit of a warlike situation going on. So, every citizen, whichever country you are, wherever you are, you are lucky you are not administering your nation at a time like this. So, whoever is administering it, whatever differences you have, whatever problems you have with them, till this virus situation passes, everybody should stand up and do our best. Because this is not an enviable job to be managing any country for that matter, particularly a nation like India which is as complex and diverse as it is. I think largely it is in the hands of the citizens now; how responsibly we behave. Well, I've been in continuous webinars, almost one or two per day and this question is coming back again and again, that's what I'm telling them, "See, I'm using all the people who are here at the yoga center and saying see suppose I give an instruction to everybody here, fourteen days, just stay in your room, close your eyes and sit, we'll provide you food. They will all sit." If we could do to the whole world certain instruction and they would follow, the entire pandemic would be over in fortnight. But unfortunately that's not possible. People can't sit in one place. So essentially it's human compulsiveness which is taking the virus places. You tell them don't go here, they will go there; tell them don't do this, they will do that. And many people are saying that whole virus is fake information . Don't laugh! It's a big movement by itself. It is all fake, made up by somebody, whatever, for whatever reasons. I wish it was fake. They're also on the social media attacking me, he's supporting this fake virus, he's creating fear among people. Well, every society has a right to produce a certain number of nut cases . But all these nuts are super empowered because of social media tch. Earlier there would be… people who dismiss them. But now they're all over you. Because they become super active in times like this. So this is where we are and there are many, many challenges for everybody on the planet. For the administration's, for the big businesses, for the small businesses, for the employees, for the labor, for institutions. For everybody there is a massive challenge! Challenges are times when we should rise. But unfortunately, challenging times are the times when people sink, a whole lot of them. This is not new in the world. There have been terrible wars, there have been natural calamities. There have been pandemics also. But when these things happened, a few people rose to their heights, to the best possible way a human being can be! A few people slithered down to the lowest possible level they could be. This is always the case. But it's my wish that in this generation when our ability to communicate with the world is like never before, it'll be great if majority of the population rises to the occasion and does their best. What is the worst that can happen to us? I’m… Worst case scenario, I'm telling you. This will not happen. Other things will happen before that. The worst case scenario is, we may end up living how we were living here about twenty-five years ago tch. When I say twenty-five years ago, for example, if you take the yoga center as an example. How were we living here twenty-five years ago? Let me take you two years further back, twenty-seven years ago. In the same month of June, we moved in here. And it was that was one of the heaviest monsoons we have seen. At this time of the year, see how calm it is now. Winds were blowing like sixty, seventy kilometers per hour here on the ground. In the mountain, it was blowing at hundred-and-ten, hundred-and-twenty kilometers per hour. As I told you earlier, I think, about twelve people were blown off the mountain! They went to the peak and they were just blown off by the wind and they died. So, all we had was just one hut, which we called Kaivalya Kutir. Real kutir it was. And about twelve bathrooms, only for the ladies to use. Men were going into the forest. Well, still we very blissfully did our sadhana and everything. One night I had a small room outside of this hut. About six sixty-eight participants and maybe about eight to ten volunteers, all sleeping in this one single hut. I have a room. And the wind is howling in the 30 AM. I just woke up and I saw, wind was howling. I looked out of the window, all the trees were looking this way . Then I looked out at the hut, I could not see. I took my torch and flashed it. Then I saw the entire Kaivalya Kutir was at this angle. Then I got up and ran. I ran into the hut, where all these people, over seventy-two or seventy-four people were sleeping or more than that, about seventy-five, seventy-six people were sleeping. And all of them are sleeping peacefully ! Outside, the wind is howling and blowing at a great speed. And then I tried to shout at them, nobody hears . Then I turn on the lights . Because the sadhana was like that during the day ; they could sleep through a cyclone. So then I have to shake everybody and wake them up and scream at them and "Come outside, let's fix this thing" because this may just collapse on the people. So there were guy-wires which were like uprooted because of the wind force. So in the 00 AM, we worked for about three hours to straighten up the hut. Using the only jeep we had at the time to pull the hut back into place. Because it was going at that speed, the wind, none of us could actually, if all of us got together we could still not pull it, so we used the jeep in that rain; slipping all over the place. And all this was happening, one tree collapsed. It's okay, I have audience coming . Look at the interest in the Darshan . For those of you who are not here, the monkeys are on the roof . So, a tree fell where we were working. And fortunately, nobody was badly injured, only one person was hit that too not very badly. He was okay, in a couple of days he recovered. Then we knew, next day we couldn't stay there in that hut, because it was precariously balanced. So we had to do some structural changes, but we didn't want to stop the sadhana. So we went up the mountain where there is… there are a few small caves, which could barely accommodate about eight to ten people. It was pouring rain, day and night! Three days we stayed there. Ever 30 Guru Pooja, sadhana, entire day class. Well, you couldn't speak much because it was howling, the winds and raining. But the sadhana was kept up! No one flat place, everybody sitting in all kinds of places. Only thing we had to eat was, we were just frying green gram and eating for these three days. But everything went on. So that's how it was twenty-seven years ago tch. So, suppose we have to live like that again, on green gram, fried green gram. Are you on, I'm asking? Yes! Everything should go on. Not sit and cry, green gram, green gram . So I'm saying, everybody, wherever you are, fifteen years ago or twenty years ago, nothing was wrong with your life. Well, since then everybody in the world has much more than what they had at that time, everybody! Almost without exception, maybe a few unfortunate societies have gone back because of war and tragedies that have happened. Otherwise generally almost everybody is having much more than they had twenty years ago. But twenty years ago we were all fine. And suppose it goes to that point… this is the worst, worst case scenario. Suppose that happens, why can't we still live joyfully? It's almost like our life was wound back twenty years, now we have a new opportunity to once again create these twenty years in a more sensible and ecologically sensitive and in every other way humanly sensitive ways that we can do things. Because the way we have been going in the world, fundamentally today everything is driven by the economic engine. Everybody is only talking economy, because that's all that seems to matter. The way we've been driving this economic engine if you really look at it, the engine is on, roaring, full on, providing more and more and more things to everybody. But if you look at it carefully, nobody has the steering wheel. You have a vehicle which is roaring at full speed but nobody has the steering wheel. This has been the case of human development for a long time. Particularly in the last twenty five to fifty years, we don't know where we're going, but we're going, that's all we know. In many ways if you look at it, we are driving this vehicle like there is no next generation on this planet. We are the last. So in a way, I know people will hate me for this, I am not saying there are no troubles, not just for you, for everybody there is trouble. For everybody there are serious challenges. Everybody will have to adjust their lives in so many different ways. My only concern is that nobody should starve. If people are well nourished, rest is okay. Instead of having twenty pieces of clothing, you have two. What's the big problem? Actually you need only one to wear. All right when things were doing well we did many things; if it is not so, we'll roll back. This doesn't mean to say, we have to become miserable or lose our mental balance and suffer the rest of our lives, no such thing. This means we have surrendered to a microorganism, that's the most horrible thing you can do to human nature. So, wherever you are, whatever you are; this is the time for you to rise and show what are you made of. With what little that may be there at the end of this pandemic; openly now till now there was hide and seek; now openly they are saying it is hallucinatory to think that there will be a vaccine at the end of this year, openly they are saying this. It is very, you know, dreamy, dreamy to have a vaccine by the end of this year. If it comes, it may come sometime around this time next year. And first, it will be given to all the medical personnel and then, like this whoever is more exposed to them it will be given; slowly it'll come. By the time it comes to the whole population on the planet it may take anywhere between twenty-four to thirty-six months. Even if you go at full production of vaccine and try to vaccinate everybody on the planet, it'll take that much time if it happens super efficiently. So, twenty-four to thirty-six months, or even if it is twelve months. Twelve months means a lot of things will naturally shrink and shrivel in terms of our activity. Only thing is we as human beings should not shrink and shrivel. It is very important every nation, India is doing the right thing, focusing on agriculture. Every nation should do this; focus on agriculture, ensure there's substantial amount of food everywhere. Somebody may not have the money to buy it; it doesn't matter we can just give them the food to eat. There must be enough food on the planet, this is the most vital thing because if food shortages come, then it will go into another mode. Once food shortages come, it's simply impossible to maintain law and order, it'll be impossible to maintain civic balance in any nation, it will go out of control. So it's most important that every nation should focus on it, everybody who has a piece of land should see at least tch nothing else at least there's a papaya tree or murungai tree or a something else. Everybody should see how there is enough food on the planet, particularly governments in their policy and in their focus, because now going to the Mars is not the most important thing . Yes! We need to understand because wanting to be ahead of somebody… satellites are being shot off. You know, it's very, very important that everybody conserve, step back a little bit, ensure people don't die of starvation on this planet in our generation. This much we must take care. Rest of it if it rolls back, it's all right. Instead of driving a car we'll cycle; bonus is health . If you cycle, bonus is health and you will look slim and trim tch. Yes, what you always wanted, which did not happen by driving the car can happen. Or you walk to your office or you walk wherever, or you dig your garden and plant something it things will work! I'm saying when things do not go as we expected them to go, it does not mean a disaster has happened. There is no disaster if you ask me, unfortunately nearly over half-a-million people have lost their life and many people have lost their loved ones; that is a disaster, but the virus itself is not a disaster. If human beings are conscious, we can handle this. If we address this responsibly and consciously, human societies are capable of handling this, it's still… so many people are not getting the point, that's the whole problem. And nations are not getting the point, trying to take advantage of each other. If we get this point, we can easily handle. As humanity, we can handle it; as individual people, as communities, as nations, if one against the other, well, it will become a real disaster in terms of fatalities but as a humanity if we come together, this is not much of a challenge, we can easily contain it. Economy will roll back a little bit, but as long as there is food on the planet suff sufficient food for all the people on this planet, we shouldn't really break our heads on economy. Economy is a problem when, "This guy is getting rich and I'm getting poor." Now all of us came down a little bit; it's not a big deal, I'm saying, it's not a big deal. Maybe nations will pass laws and regulations to balance it a little bit in the near future, it may happen, it's going to be difficult, but difficulty is not necessarily a disaster. You can make it into a disaster. If you become fearful, if you become frustrated, if you drive yourself into mental instability, or unfortunately many people are on the verge of suicide or some have committed suicide. If you drive in that direction, it'll become a disaster. Otherwise, from two meals suppose we come down to one meal. Can we still go on joyfully? See I'm one meal and I'm fine! Well, it'll be a little hard initially aah we will eat fried gram. We'll do something, but I'm saying difficulty is not necessarily a disaster. Only if you're completely bereft of any joy and love in your heart, then it becomes a disaster. Otherwise, difficult times come, actually if you look at a whole lot of people's lives who work from very simple backgrounds to, you know, a very successful stage, any number of people that I've spoken to, they always say, "When we started this enterprise, when we were working so hard, that was the best time of our life. Right now we are living so luxuriously, everything that you want we have, but it's not the same." This is the common story everywhere. That is because those who address difficulties, seeing the challenge as a challenge and take it on; for them, challenging times are the best times. I make sure it's always a challenging time out here . Yes! It's very important. Otherwise, when awake people will sleep. Tch, we are looking at how to produce a generation of people who will be awake even when they're asleep; that's my goal. But now most people are asleep when they're awake, suddenly little difficulty comes and they’re now awake and they find it shocking. Nothing, difficulties are okay. Let us not transform difficulties into disasters. Disaster can only happen because of human attitude towards the difficulty. Difficulty by itself is not a disaster. Every year, you know, we were trekking. This year, they've canceled the Kailash trek because of whatever is happening between two nations. Is it difficult? My legs, my thigh muscles and my calf muscles have cursed me to death. "Why are you taking us through this treacherous terrain every year, year after year, tch?" Yes! But that difficulty; because of that difficulty I am living without ever going to a hospital, nor a medical checkup! I've always been saying when I go to Kailash, normally, we're touching close to 18,000 feet above mean sea level and climbing. If I fail the test, you can bury me there; that's it! I've been passing till now. This year, no test. So one year I'm going without a medical test . I'm saying difficulties; every human being who's enthusiastic about life is choosing difficulties by choice, isn't it so? Somebody treks a mountain, somebody wants to fly, somebody wants to go through very difficult enterprises, ventures and adventures. Because if you are full of life, you naturally choose something difficult and dangerous. If you have no life, then you will only choose comfort. Now this has become the thing everybody talking about their comfort zone. It's a death zone . Because the most comfortable place on the planet is the grave; nothing hurts, believe me. Otherwise if you’re pushing yourself, always something hurts tch . In my body always there is an injury somewhere. I have had endless number of fractures. These days, fortunately last twenty, twenty-five years I've avoided fractures but muscular injuries, this, that. Because you do something! If you simply preserve yourself like a mummy , then nothing hurts, everything is fine; no difficulty. So difficulty or what you think is difficult, is actually just a situation that is challenging. Don't call a situation by any negative name. "Oh, big problem, big difficulty, big disaster." No such thing has happened. It's different. It's different from this in the last four months, life has become very different from the way you have known it. People are going through all kinds of things; so many people that I know, their parents are dying somewhere, they cannot go. They're not even able to attend the last rites of their parents, they're not able to go support them because they're in a COVID hospital, travel ban, you cannot travel. They're dead; you don't even see the body, you cannot conduct the last rituals, it’s just done by the government, we don't know what they're doing. So I'm saying it's difficult. It's not easy, it's difficult. But I want you to know most people who've been committed to doing something significant in their life have always chosen these kinds of difficulties. Yes. When, you know, there're any number of examples. You think a Mahatma Gandhi or a Martin Luther King or anybody else in the past, who've done anything significant, they went back to bury their loved ones? You think so? Did not happen, because in those days there was no way to fly back anywhere. If you go somewhere, you got the news after three months. Three months ago, your mother died, your father died; this is how you got the news, and well you dealt with it, because, because you know that you're doing something significant enough in your life. If you're not doing anything significant in your life, then your own emotions and your own attitudes become super significant; in that you will suffer, in that there is a whole lot of mental turmoil, in that you may become mentally sick. Right now pandemic, the virus pandemic is bad enough, we do not definitely need a mental ailment pandemic, we definitely don't need it. Well, there are a whole lot of people who’ll argue, "How can we avoid it, it just happens?" I want you to know it doesn't just happen. You take a wrong direction, you keep going in that way; one day you will hit something. Till you hit, you think you're alright, but it's very easy to know that if you go here like this towards the wall, it's just a question of time before you knock your head on it. There is a doorway, you need to go that way. So because these directions have not been set, let me give you a simple GPS, tch so that you don't hit walls and rocks with your head. The simple thing is just this; first and foremost thing to understand is human experience is caused from within; never from outside. The moment I attribute my experience of life right now, "I am angry, I am unhappy, I am miserable," or "I am joyful," or "I am blissful." The moment I ascribe it to something or somebody, well, you're going towards mental disruption. When it's going to happen, how resilient you are, how resilient are you, or how fragile are you, will determine how quickly this disaster will happen to you, but you're heading for a disaster. Then, how many people are vulnerable for a disaster? Unfortunately, too many. It is just that they have not yet faced situations which will push them in that direction very rapidly. Now if this pandemic lasts for long enough, disrupting our lives, our economic structures, our family structures, we may lose people who, that we love in our lives; when these things happen, they will be rapidly pushed to the wall. But, if this one thing you understand, always, it doesn't matter, somebody is born, somebody died; this happened, that happened. You lost your limb or about to lose your life, even if that happens, if you know, human experience, no matter what; joy or misery, agony or ecstasy, pain or pleasure is all caused from within, you have a handle on what is the experience of your life. Once you have this handle in your hands then you determine the nature of your experience. Once you are determining the nature of your experience, you will make sure it will pleasant it is pleasant. Especially if the outside has become very unpleasant because of the challenges that life is throwing at us, it's all the more important that I keep my interiority very pleasant. This much responsibility everybody must take. We have substantial problem in the country and in the world, you don't stand up and create your own freaky problems. Please take care of this. Every citizen of this country and wherever else you are, this much you must take care. At a time like this when humanity is being challenged, this is not the time for you to you becoming a volcano of problems! We'll give you another time for that . If you must freak, I'm saying. Please. This question is from Decent Diwan. Woah! "Respected guru ji. I'm a Buddhist and a vipassana practitioner. I have a question which I've asked many vipassana teachers and other gurus, but everybody said that no one can answer this . In one of your video you mentioned, and also it is said in Buddhism, that rebirth is due to our unfulfilled desire or karma. I accept this, but then a question arises. Let us suppose, I took birth for millions of times because of my karma and desire but before my very first birth, there was no body, no mind, karma, desire or nothing of me existed, then why and how that very first birth came to existence ?" Now, even I'm wondering about that about you ! Well, no you're a decent guy, I'm like this what to do ? Let's take that question further back. It's not just about your birth. Well, in the yogic culture, there are theories which are explained in the form of dialectical stories, how Shiva was like Shava. Shava means a corpse. He was inert, phenomenal energy but inert. Then energy or shakti came and danced around him, upon him. Then he got, kind of woke up. Well, we are, you know, picturizing it as a man and a woman, but that's not what we're talking about – inert means nothing happening, no reverberation. No reverberation means no creation; energy got introduced, reverberation started. From a simple basic reverberation it got more and more complex. As reverberations became more complex it became matter, matter became small molecules, they became planets, planets became many things, life happened, variety of things; you know the evolutionary theory from there on. Evolutionary theory only starts after life has started or at the beginning probably, but if you go back; creation itself, we may not know the exact trajectory of how it happened, but we approximately know how it happened even as per modern science. So in the modern scientific parlance, the same thing is said – today that if you apply energy, not even into it, just around it. Suppose you create vacuum in a container and apply energy, not into the vacuum, just around it, virtual protons and virtual neutrons will erupt. That means creation begins to happen. Proton, neutron just have to get together for an atom to happen. Once an atom has happened, creation has started. So similar things are said in modern science. I don't want to go into any theories, but obviously creation began somewhere. Somewhere means it may not be within the projections of human mind in terms of time, because it's not one. But in the yogic system, there have been estimates that there have been eighty-four creations till now. Eighty-three creations till now; this is the eighty-fourth one. And up to one-hundred-and-twelve cycles of creation can happen. Beyond that, creation will be material-free, just pure energy creation. But we're talking in terms of maybe billions of years or trillions of years, I don't know. But those projections are made. Well, obviously it's just a theory. Nobody can prove or disprove anything about it. But it looks like a plausible theory, because the markings of eighty-three creations are there in our system, in various aspects of life around us, the markings of eighty-three, and this being eighty-four are there for those who look very closely at it. So how did you, such a decent guy, happen ? Well, so this question doesn't go that far as I took it just now. Talking about if I did not have karmic substance, how did I happen? That's the question. Well, you don't need a spiritual answer, Charles Darwin himself has explained this. You were a single-celled creature and then you became two-cell. Then you became three-cell, then you became multi-cell. Now you become little more. Little more only, decently better. A decent development from a single cell has happened . So in the process from the single-celled animal, from an atom to a molecule, right now this is a wo wonderful time to ask this question, because there is virus. A virus is not a full-fledged life. It has proteins and enzymes to make it a life, but it's not yet life. Only when it enters your cell it has a life. But in by itself, it has no life. Just a certain combo of protein. So decent Diwan. Oh! So you were also pre-life, became life, became more and more complex life. Complexity itself is karma. Karma is not necessarily – even now as you sit here – karma is not necessarily only what you do like this. The thoughts that pass in your mind are karma, emotions that pass in your mind right now are karma, simply a thought just passed in your mind. You looked at the person next to you, "What? Why is he here, he should be on the roof with the monkeys" ? Just like that, you know, sometimes thought like this come. Hello? So this karma just happened inadvertently, not caused by you, caused by the monkeys dancing on the roof . So because monkeys came there, you looked at this guy; at a certain angle, he looked a certain way to you . Maybe it's the lighting, maybe it's the way he sat, maybe something, and a thought came and went. Now you performed a karma, tch that somewhere you look at another human being and you think he's a monkey. Now, this won't stop here, do you understand? Now you looked at him and thought you're a monkey. Tomorrow we changed your department and you're in the monkey department . "Oh my god, I have to work with this monkey today." It will continue. And if suppose the situations are placed like that he is incharge of the department, you have to work under him, "Do I have to be instructed by a monkey like this?" . It will grow. And this is how you became a racist . All right? Because initially it's just a tch passing thought. Then depending on situations, how they corner you, here, there, there – slowly it multiplies. This is even happening to every other creature. So gradually karmic substance builds up, builds up, becomes more and more complex. Well, clearly evolutionary sciences are telling us, the initial human beings were a very simple, half-bent human beings, very small brain. They couldn’t think much, they just survived like any other creature. Everybody knows that, right? So from there, you built your karma. I don't know why nobody could answer this question for you, everybody knows this. Maybe they thought you're not worth answering . Because I am such a fool, I don't think anybody is not worth answering, because I don't think any question is not worth answering. I'm taking all kinds of idiotic questions from all over the world . So, this is also because maybe you have some conclusion of your own, it's not really a question. You're testing everybody with your question, so they might have said tch . This happened . A committed You know, marijuana is legal in many states in United States. So as a man who is committed to this, because lot of people are approaching it like a philosophy. It is not just a compulsion that they have, it's a philosophy, "We smoke. So we're superior to you" . Yes. There is something called as endocannabinoids that you can generate within your own body. That means whatever the cannabis does, you can do it in your brain and your body. That is why cannabis receptors are there. Because you are a tch malfunctioning system, you're not able to generate your own thing. See right now, suppose you are not able to secrete enough thyroid juices, then they will put thyroid into your system. You are not able to produce enough hormones in your system, they will put hormone into your system. You are not able to produce enough insulin in your system, they put insulin in your system. Similarly, because for some reason you are a malfunctioning machine that you are not able to produce your endocannabinoids and be blissed out tch, you're putting from outside. But the difference between endocannabinoids that you generate and you're blissed, and outside one also may cause some bliss, but it also causes certain dislocation of your intelligence. Never before has it happened that someone who is blissed out because of his meditative nature ever leapt off a mountain and thought he is going to fly. But many smokers and LSD takers and drug takers have done this. So, this committed In US, these days they're calling themselves stoners, back to stone age . I'm also stoned, but not a stoner – just stoned . So he called the fire brigade and said, "My house is on fire, just come quickly." "How do I get there?" the fireman asked." "Come on, get into the big rig truck and get here" . What to do? What to do? So right now you're wasting your time very indecently , because these are all questions of the vain, because mainly your questioning is towards whoever those, I don't know who are those people that you ask questions, in some way want to make a fool out of them. That's all you're interested in. You're not interested in knowing anything about yourself, you are not interested in having tools for your transformation or growth. You said you went for the vipassana, tch. Vipassana means no questions . Simple instruction, just do it, do it, do it and do it, because that is a process which demands perseverance as the greatest quality. Gautama taught vipassana to large groups of people, because there was no time to prepare them. He was everyday moving from village to village, town to town. No time to bring understanding into those people. So no teaching, no question. Just simple instruction. Get the instruction right, just do it, do it, do it, slowly it will transform you. Tch it's a very a bit of a bit laborious process but a fantastic process that even if you have no clue what you're doing, if you just do it, slowly it will transform who you are. When I say transform you, every aspect of you including your chemistry. Gradually, it will transform. It's a laborious process, because in those times, you must understand he was teaching 2500 years ago. 2500 years ago, the common wavelength of the society was not intellectual understanding, the common wavelength of the society which lived hard lives was perseverance. People could persevere. Today, to make them persevere you have to talk to them for hours and hours and hours, because they think they understand everything. Those days people had no such problems, they knew that they don't understand. So you had to just you had to just instruct them and say, "Do it." And tch those were good times for the gurus , because if you give an instruction and say, "You must do it," you just do it. You know my mother, some yogi in Nandi hills She Once we went to Nandi hills and she showed me the cave where she was initiated. She gave a That yogi gave her some mantra, I don't know who he is anyway. And she never had a picture or she wouldn't even talk you know, utter his name. But every day, she did something with eyes closed. Right through our li life, we've been her life. You know, four children, husband is her life, she married at the age of seventeen and that's her life. But before that, she was initiated and this yogi told her, "Whatever happens with your life, you must do it every day." Every day she is doing something with her eyes closed. We say, "What are you doing?" Say, "Well, this yogi gave me a mantra, I just do it." We want to know what's the mantra . So we played all kinds of tricks on her – tried to compel her, emotionally, what, blackmail her, "You tell us this mantra." Such a gentle and easy person to deal with, always she was, but not once no matter what, either to her husband or to her children she ever told the mantra, because the yogi said, "You don't share this with anybody." I mean to say it was so easy to instruct them. If I tell you, "Keep this to yourself, you will put it on the social media" . So because giving instruction was very effective and simple in the previous generations, especially 2500 years ago, Gautama chose this path – no understanding, no teaching, obviously no questioning, just do it. Only to those who gathered around him, who traveled with him, who were in close association with him, to them he taught shoonya, because that needs understanding. Without bringing substantial understanding, that won't happen. So you went to vipassana. That means you must just shut up and do it, not ask this question, that question, because that question will that question or the answer will not in any way add to your practice. The practice has been designed in such a way, irrespective of who you are, if you do it, it will work. It's just that it's a bit laborious. You have to do it for hours every day for a long period of time, but it will work. It's a fantastic device for those times. Even now it is for a whole lot of people. So don't waste your time. The decent thing for you to do is If you're here, I don't know where you are. If you're here, take instructions and just do it. Otherwise stick to the vipassana and do it. One way or the other, take one forward step, rather than standing in the same place and looking all over the place. It won't add to your life in any way. It's just that in foolishness you will think you're smart by gathering these things. Maybe now I've said what I've said, you will go and tell somebody else, "You know what Sadhguru said, this is what it is, eve even he doesn't know," , or you will make it your answer and put it on the social media. Whatever you do, it's of no use. Existentially, if you want to move on, you must do something existential within you. You do psychological things and you think you will move on, you will not. You know what is my handicap tch? You want to know? Simply being straight and honest is my big handicap . Yes. No deviousness, this is my handicap, what do you think? Tell me, "Sadhguru it's not a handicap, hey" . Some of my advisors think this is a handicap – I'm too straight and blunt about too many things, but that's the way I will be. If you don't like it Next question is from Sneha. “Namaskaram Sadhguru. I understand the logical explanation of being conscious. But there are moments when I'm really compulsive. For example for certain kind of food, I know I'm being compulsive and I need to be conscious, but I'm still not able to do it. Is there a mantra which can make me conscious and stop me in those moments ?” Oh, we don't need a mantra. We There are simple devices which could do this. After is meal is over every day, just about six inches of duct tape . At least with the mask on these days, you must shut up a little bit. Hello? boo, bah, what is that ? You have a mask on, you better talk little, because you're sounding ridiculous with the mask on. Hmm ? So for compulsions, mantras won't do tch. We need some devices. Either we can put duct tape or we can lock you up in a room, so simple you know, it won't it'll work. Or you do it to yourself. When you say, "I will not open my mouth," do not open your mouth . Namaskaram . Sadhguru chants Yoga Yogeshwaraya Sadhguru’s presence… Well, I’ve said this many times to you… Audio ends abruptly… END | 2,232 |
data/SGYT/SGYT_LOpCTb-nZxY_Why-Would-One-Take-Their-Own-Life-Sadhguru-With-Sadhguru-In-Challenging-Times_14-Jun-2020.docx | Sadhguru chants Yoga Yogeshwaraya Sounds of Isha music… Sadhguru sings Vasta Vattide Pota Vattide… Well, by now probably all of you know that we're in the process of consecrating a Kalabhairava form at the very entrance of Isha Yoga Center. So this will mean many things. Kalabhairava means, to put it very simply, he is the timekeeper of your life. So, timekeeping means, well, these days people are playing all these video games. When it… the time gets over, it says, game over. That part of the job is Kalabhairava’s -- to tell you when your game is over. If you become very conscious, you yourself will know when the game is over. But if you're not, he will knock you and tell you. Because something so significant as life, if it is moving towards its end, if you do not know if somebody gently tells you, you will not know, obviously, because every cell in the body is speaking the language. If you're not getting it, you definitely need to be knocked on the head and told. See, you're walking on the street and a very gentle looking, smiling Shiva passed by, tch. In southern India, more than half the men are named after Shiva . A very gentle, smiling Shiva passed by, most probably you will ignore him. Suppose he comes costumed, really fierce, then you're not going to miss him. So, for this role, he took on a fierce form. As you know, the stories of how he became Sundaramurti during his wedding. Otherwise he walked around in so many different ways. So to do this job, he is properly costumed. Well, to do different kinds of jobs you need a certain kind of costume because others won't get it otherwise . So he comes fierce. So a certain process is on within myself because consecration is something, because I have no access to scriptures or any other thing. I just have to go through it within myself. So, a certain process is on. As a part of that, I thought we will do a Kalabhairava image, tch. This it's a painting of Kalabhairava. See if he looks like that, if he looks fierce enough. Because somebody said he is looking cute and friendly . So, the significance of Kalbhairav is, even if you lived unconsciously, to bring a concentrated point of consciousness for the last period of your life. Well, we've been talking about this, if you do not live blissfully, at least you must die peacefully, at least! Unfortunately, most people even don't do that. So, there is an image of Kalabhairava. This is the first time I ever drew a human figure in my life, so please. . I hope you see the dog. . Is the dog visible for you or no? Just the face? You can see the body. Is he looking cute for you? I thought he is fierce. Anyway. Please! So, a certain process is on and it will find expression. This question is from Sandhya. “Namaskaram Sadhguru! One of the leading actor for Hindi films today took his own life. I'm really shocked by this. In recent past Robin Williams and many other extremely successful people have also taken such a drastic step. As a society where are we going wrong that even successful people are ending their lives in this manner?” Well, every day I'm sorry Every year 800,000 people are committing suicide. This is many times more than the number of people murdered and those who die in wars, many times more. It's just that… I do not know who this actor or actress is. Sushant Singh Rajput. Well, I mean, I just know a few names, so I don't know , I'm sorry. Whoever this is, I mean, I don't want to say anything about this person, unfortunate, because we know nothing about his life. But why is this happening as a I think I can call it a phenomena when 800,000 people are dying per year, which means every forty seconds, approximately every forty seconds one person is committing suicide. That's not a small thing. Well, there are many aspects to this. If you if you are because people right now, if they've lost somebody who is dear to them or who they look up to, now they are in emotional state, they will not look at it as it should be. But if you are willing to simply look at it as life, not as a person. One of the most fundamental reasons for collapse of an individual human being, which may end in suicide or may end in a depressed state or may end in some other kind of ailment, that is subject to various aspects. But essentially a collapse. Life did not collapse. Life collapse, that's different. That is Kalabhairava's work. You want to take his job. You want to go ahead of him and do it yourself. Well, this needs to be treated with compassion, I know that very well. It's not that I'm… I have no compassion. It is a sensitive matter. But I want you to look at it simply the way it is, because if you want to grasp what it is. Otherwise, when somebody commits suicide or when somebody dies, you get emotional, you think this is the end of the world. After three days you will go back to your normal life and everything will go on and you will forget about it. And once again when somebody dies, again the same emotion, same struggles and again go back to the same square one. So it's time that you look at it just as life, not as a person. Especially not as a person that was near to you or dear to you or someone that you loved, don't look at it that way -- just as life. Why does a life do this? There are many, many layers to this; one fundamental aspect is the experience of life is not pleasant. Because right now, the experience of our life has been mortgaged to something else. To success in the world or to money, to wealth, to relationships, just so many things. Mortgaged to so many things. If the market collapse, people will commit suicide. If a love affair collapse, somebody will commit suicide. If they lose their wealth, they will commit suicide. Because what you call as a human being, unfortunately, is a collage of all these things; my money, my home, my family, my relationships, my job and my position, my fame, my name, all this collage. Well, this means a collage means a loosely put together pieces. Anytime it can collapse. If one part of the picture somebody burns it out, it'll collapse. Well, many questions will come up I know in a brief time, I won't be able to cover all these aspects this… I think, we have covered this in the Death Book, to an extent of elaborateness, where I will not make enemies with people. Yes, because most of the humanity is not willing to look at life straight in the eye. They want drama. So, to the point that it is possible to present in the public space, we've gone that place and a little more, with that book about suicide and all these aspects. To put it very simply, there is life. Life means not things that happen in your life. Life is not a drama that's happening around you. Life is a fundamental thing that's happening within you. This life runs on the basis of certain principles and laws of its own. And now, there is a world around you, a society, it learns it runs on its own crazy principles, which is fluid and changing all the time. Today if you do one thing, people will clap their hands; for the same thing, hundred years later, they will pull you down. Well, right now there is a movement going on -- all these racists, at one time they were celebrated, they were great leaders. They were great leaders, people thought it's not one or two people, I want you to understand, today, it is being made out like this, one person was a racist. One person was not a racist, the entire society was. One person killed more, captured more, enslaved more, so he was hero! That's why we put his statue. In the given society he was a great hero. Because a racist means he's against somebody but serves somebody else. If I rob you and give it to this person, this person is happy. He thinks I'm a wonderful guy. He's called a Robin Hood, you know. So when people went and stole wealth from other nations, people at home clapped their hands and said this is wonderful. That was not enough, stealing their wealth, we stole people and brought them. People said this is great, these guys will work for free! People said “It's great,” please understand, it's not that one guy. Not that one slave trader. It is entire society which enjoyed the fruits of slavery, no question about it. We can't escape that. So similarly, in a society, in any given society this is not a commentary about any particular person or a particular society -- in every society there is something like this. Some are absolutely unbearable levels, others are manageable levels but in every society, there is something like this. This happened to me very young. When I was ten, eleven maybe by the age of eleven, eleven-and-a-half, well, I started looking at life in terms of what is justice, what is injustice. I found my father very unjust. I found my mother very unjust. I found my sisters and my brother very unjust. I found the political system very unjust. I found the social situation very unjust. I saw the global situation very unjust. Everything looked like injustice to me. As I saw injustice in everything, I got slowly angry, angry. No wonder today happens to be Che's birthday. Ah I got there without even knowing about it. So Che Guevara became a big inspiration. I want to join armed struggle because all the unjust people I want to kill . All those people who are spreading injustice in the world you want to kill. This is what Subramanya or Karthikeya did. He went on slaughtering thousands of people wherever he saw injustice; slaughter, slaughter. Then he realized, if you go by this mode, you will have to slaughter the entire world. Because in everything there is some injustice. I … Even within the ashram, lot of people complaining how much injustice is there in this damn place . Yes ! I get all kinds of commentaries. How I am unjust. Because there is no such thing as perfect justice which will make everybody happy, it's simply not possible. Whichever way you do, within the family if there are two children, one child will feel there's injustice for him because when you cut the mango one piece was bigger than the other . Yes! It's like this. So when you were a collage, some piece falls down and sometimes, without that piece, you will be little, what to say, crying and singing, because all these things have been romanticized when somebody cries and sings in great misery it is considered a great song and a fantastic place. Hello? You enjoy other people crying isn't it? You enjoy other people being in misery, you go to the cinema and they cried and they… their life was a disaster, you also cried, then you came out and said, "What a great movie" . no, I'm not commenting about the art form, but I'm saying you enjoy other people's misery as long as it doesn't touch you. If the same things happen to you, you cry, but now, tears really have bitterness hmm, tch. Now tears have acid, it burns into you. Otherwise it's all a kind of nice thing. So why I'm saying this to you is, "Sadhguru, when somebody, a young man, has committed suicide, do you have to be so brutal?" I that's why I told you, I'm not talking about this person, or any one person. Look at life as it is. Life is happening to a certain principle and a certain law of its own. Now you have created a society which is a collage of many things, nobody knows what the hell it is about. Now you take this entire society and imprint it on your mind, so you have a mind which is just like the society, but not even exact reflection of the society, your own distortions of the society. See, you can't live without the society. But in the society, there are so many points of misery for you. When it works against you, you're miserable, when it works for you, you enjoy it. This is going on. So you have a mind, thought and emotional structure, and you have a life. These are like… tch you know in Isha Yoga Center, all the carts we put only one bull. This is very new in Tamil Nadu if you don't know this. Only in Karnataka there are one-bull carts, in Tamil Nadu there are no one-bull carts, always two bulls. Even a small cart, two bulls. There's some cultural belief or understanding about that. So I insisted it must be one bull, our people said "No Sadhguru one bull will not be able to pull," I said, "It's okay, put ball bearings, do whatever you have to do, make it easy, but it must be one bull." Now, the life that you are and the mind that you are like two bulls on a cart. You must be a skillful driver to keep the two bulls in one direction, if one goes this way, one goes that way, your cart will crash. It may not go totally away, they're little pulling this way, then you’re little depressed, you're struggling, you're miserable. But if it really goes in two different directions, you will crash. Not everybody will crash, unfortunately, 800,000 people per year. I don't know over… they're saying over 200,000 people are between twenty to twenty-nine years of age. Prime of their life they're taking it out. So what is their struggle? Somebody may have a incurable disease, so very painful, so he wants to end it -- we will pardon him. Somebody else in a financial mess, we don't pardon him. Somebody else, failed love affair tch -- we cannot pardon him. Somebody else failed an exam, cannot pardon him at all. Like this there are many reasons. This is not to make jokes out of them, it is just this, that all that's happening within you is, you have a mental image of what is life and you have a life. When your image doesn't match the life that you are, this life that you are is not different from the life that I am. It is not different from the life that anybody is, but your mind has become like this, it doesn't reflect life, it doesn't serve life. It thinks it's a life with… by itself. You start believing that your thought process and emotion is a life by itself, your social situations are a life by itself. Now, one bull is pulling this way, one bull is trying to go straight, another bull is pulling that way. We don't know how strong the ropes are, how long it'll hold. If it doesn't crash, anyway it's a miserable ride. See, there is no need for you to end your life because, Kalabhairava, his efficiency you cannot question. He's not left one single human being un-dead . Never failed, isn't it? Some people lived long, this doesn't mean they escape death; they lived well, that's all. Their mind and their life, the two bulls ran together or maybe they were wise enough to make it into one bull. Only their life ran, mind was just a small happening; like me! Nothing in the head so, no problem. People ask, "Sadhguru, will you ever get angry, will you get depressed? Will you feel frustrated?" Where does that happen? Where does those things happen? I don't know where it happens because that place where it happens generally doesn't exist with me. Once in a way when I sit like this I need a mind, so I bring it back, otherwise, it doesn't exist! There is well, does frustration happen in my little finger? It is hurting a bit, but frustration doesn't happen in the little finger. But looking at the little finger, frustration can happen here . Frustration cannot happen in the little finger, frustration cannot happen in your toes, frustration cannot happen in your knees; frustration happens only in one place. That place, to get rid of that place, it takes lots of work. So right now, the best thing to do is, the two bulls must be disciplined enough to ride together. You don't try to make life go with mind, there's no such thing; it runs by itself, that's not even yours. That's not run by you, it's running, this is creation. Your business is to keep the other bull, which is entirely your bull . You're getting it huh ? This is entirely your bull, made up by you. The bull that you've made up should run with this bull . Your bull should just be a shadow of this bull. Your bull, the shadow has stood up and doing its own nonsense; obviously, there'll be trouble. So this ma a whole lot of reactions will come for this because this is going live but I'm telling you, this is all it is. There is life and it's a fortune that with evolutionary process we have such a complex mental or cerebral activity. You just did not learn how to ride that bull; that's all! You can call it misery, you can call it frustration, you can call it depression. You know the depression clubs have been at me for last two, three years because I said something like this. Once a w once again I'm saying . This is not to insult them, this is not because I have no empathy for them, this is because there is a way beyond that. When there is a way beyond that, if you do not explore that, it's most unfortunate. Well, "No Sadhguru, isn't it natural for life to be up and down and up and down?" You know, people immediately weave philosophies around their misery. "No, it is natural, last two days I was happy, now last one week I've been miserable; it is natural. After all, we were very happy when we got married, last fifteen years we’ve been… we’ve been miserable. It's okay ." I'm saying people are weaving philosophies around their misery. There is no need to weave a philosophy around your misery or your joy or your love because these are all things that you generate in your thought and your emotion. There is no need for a philosophy. There is simply no need for any kind of philosophy, explanation or religion, or god loves you or you love him, none of these things are needed, if, if you had your bull in total control. That's all it takes. The mental bull is running away. If it was in your control, you would make this bull serve the cause. If you have two bulls on your cart, the purpose of both the bulls must be same. The moment two bulls have different intentions then . See, I want you to understand this, this life, the life that you are, this is not thinking of becoming rich, this is not thinking of becoming famous. This is not thinking of this and that, acquiring this or that. Well, it needs body to be nourished well, that's all, that's a fundamental need. If the platform of body is well nourished, it will stay; if it is not it'll go, but even that it does not ask. That is something that we decide that, "This must go on." But the life just wants to happen in an effervescent and exuberant way, as effervescently as possible, as exuberantly as possible. Now, you must see probably you have not seen; these days there are not too many because everything has become tractor, truck and all this, otherwise in these mud tracks, there are mud tracks which you know, which will cut deep into the thing like ten, twenty feet below the normal earth it's cut and it's all like that. You will see a bullock cart driver, how he will struggle to keep the two bulls together, because once the land is not flat the bulls get little confused, one wants to go like this one wants to go like that . One is walking to its comfort, another is trying to find its own comfort, because the land is like that and too much load on one bull, so it is trying to push it on the other one. Now he struggles to control tch, how skillful he is will decide how successfully he will come out of that mess. Well, usually there will be one or two very skillful drivers. When difficult situations come, they will put their cart that side, walk back and put one, one cart. The same driver, because they clearly know all of them are not equally competent to handle the two bulls in difficult terrain. On flat terrain, everybody rides. On flat terrain, even if it's pulling and pushing you don't notice because it's going straight. So this is the reason why the purpose and activity aimed towards self-transformation is the most important activity in a human being's life. Why forever in this culture, spiritual process has been held as the most important and the highest dimension in life is simply because one aspect of it is reality, another aspect is psychological reality. Even to make up the distinction between the two -- it needs some work. Otherwise, you're thinking the bull that you've made up is a reality by itself. The bull that you make up, especially the bull that you have made up should be completely in your control, isn't it? Hmm? Tch, creation's bull -- not totally in our control, we leave it to Kalabhairava. But the bull that I made up must be completely in my control. But right now, that is the bull that's going out of control. So in how many ways it will manifest, how many varieties of sufferings that human beings have today -- these are all the different ways it will manifest. Suffering can becomes to such a point that the fundamental reason why you are here is because you're born and you're alive. So the very fundamental becomes unimportant that your own shadow bull becomes a shadow becomes more important than the real thing -- that's all that's happened. You can call this misery, you can call this frustration, you can call this depression, you can call this suicide, but essentially the shadow has become more important than the real thing. Well, whoever this young man is, most unfortunate, but over 800,000 people are doing this to themselves every year. We can't be very proud of having created a great society or a civilization. If genuinely we have created a great civilization, then all sorts of people, all sorts -- the strong, the weak, the capable, the incapable, everybody should find a place somewhere. Everybody should at least know, within their limited space, how to remain peaceful and joyful. This is civilization. Right now our idea of civilization for the last millennia, has been how to go and hack other people to death, grab their things and say, “We are civilized.” When you have such an idea of civilization, internally, many, many things will go on, because you have invested in the collage that you have created. To such an extent I'm not saying we should not have a social structure, we should not or… at any point of time society will be a perfect collage -- no, it will never be. It is just that you can blow your balloon. Your bull, you can make it as big as you want. But you must be able to put it to sleep when you don't want. When, what you create you start thinking is a reality, is existential, when you mistake the psychological for existential, unfortunately suffering is inevitable. This moment, you may be I never understood as a child, I always heard this, "I'm feeling on top of the world." I would just think, "Is he on North Pole" ? As I… , what is this top of the world? What they mean is, if you pile up all the human beings in a heap, they are right on the top. That's what they mean. They don't mean North Pole. It took me some time to understand this. Whenever people said, "I'm in top of the world," I thought I would imagine, "Maybe they're dancing on North Pole" , because right from a very early age, I was a geography buff. So it took me some time these people are imagining every other human being below them -- that's top of the world. When you have such a dream, suffering is inevitable. This is Let this be very clear that this is not what I'm saying is not a commentary about any one person. This is the nature of your existence. If you come to terms with it, you will know how to manage this; not just manage this, how to make this into a phenomenal possibility, or every day struggling with the two bulls screaming, yelling, you should see the bullock cart drivers, how they abuse the bulls, because they're dri they're you know, they're going in different directions, bad words and filth, everything they will abuse the bulls. I'm sure they don't understand the bull that you're throwing out, but that is how bitter you are feeling. Today you're seeing in the society, abuse is not only at a given time, sometime once in a way you lost control and abuse. Daily conversation is abuse. It's becoming like that. This clearly is like a barometer. It is showing what is the level of discrepancy you have between life and the shadow. The discrepancy is so much -- if you sit, stand, only thing that comes out is filth from your mouth. Only thing is abuse, abuse. This is happening around the world. Some people may be picking it up thinking it's fashion. But essentially, you need to understand there's such a level of unpleasantness within you. Nothing wonderful can come out of you, not possible. It is only abuse. So you must understand, once it is moving this way, this 800,000 number may keep on growing. A whole lot of people will start thinking it's not worth living, because they have not touched life itself. They're lost in their own bull. Their psychological reality has completely overpowered the life process -- the existential process that we call as life. Life is not your doing. You didn't create this. This is a phenomena. If you were part of this phenomena, like the galaxies are, like the wind is, like the water is, without cerebral activity of their own, without individual experience, you would also be fine, floating in the wind . Existence gave you an individual experience though you're bloody nothing. In this cosmos you're really nothing. To this nothing, a speck, it gave you an individual experience, you can sit here and experience yourself as a separate entity in this… There is no word… there is no word for how magnificent and how elaborate a creation it is. In this cosmic space, you are not even a speck of dust, microscopic, not even that. For this kind of a speck, there is an individual experience. And right now, because you've taken this individual experience too seriously and abusing it too much, your miseries, your frustrations, your depressions, unfortunately, suicide is one consequence. But many other people are living far more miserable than the people who actually committed suicide. But they continue to live, because one bull is very strong. It's not giving up. Yes. For some reason life energies are too strong. They won't give up. It is eight hundred people… 800,000 people are people who are successful. For 800,000 people, I'm quite sure there are at least three times or four times or five times, I don't know the exact number, who attempted suicide. Not successful cases are there, any number. So, that is because life was strong and it didn't give up. Though mind wanted to go there, life was strong, your thought and emotion wants to go there but life was strong and held on. Well, when life should end, life will decide. But whatever reasons they committed suicide, once a life is gone, either by ailment or accident, natural death, suicide, it doesn't matter how, once a life is left, we must just bow down, because that is the decision of a life for whatever reason. When they're alive, we do everything to see that this must be avoided. Once it has left, you must just bow down because that's existence, about which you have no power. You have power to ride it. You have no power to control it, you have no power to direct it, you can only enjoy the ride of life. So once a life has left, whoever it is, for whatever reason, what reasons they committed suicide may look profound or silly to you, it doesn't matter why, but once a life has chosen to leave, you bow down and respect that. Next question is from Spurthi. “Namaskaram Sadhguru. You have said, once you empty yourself, then Devi has no choice, but to be with you. And if Devi is with you, I also do not have a choice. How do I empty myself and imbibe Devi's grace? Will Devi yantra help me empty myself? Can I do some sadhana for this?” Once Shankaran Pillai went house hunting, he needed accommodation. After much search, he didn't find any. Then somebody said there's one nice house there, it's empty, but people say it's bhoot bungalow. That means it's a haunted house. But Shankaran Pillai was so desperate to find accommodation, so he went and knocked on this door. The door opened and two guys came out. He asked… Shankaran Pillai asked "Somebody told me this house is available. It is empty. Is that so? Is it available for rent?" They looked at each other and said, "We don't know. You should ask the neighbors because we died fifty years ago” . So, this presence and absence is a very, tch, mistaken thing by a lot of people. Whatever I say will be misunderstood so I'm just saying Because I can't give I know this is a serious question, I can't give a whacky answer. “Sadhguru, why are you like this?” Generally when we see if somebody is asking me this question, when we see you with people, you're wonderful, you're compassionate, the moment you come and sit here you become so brutal. Cutting everything into pieces. Kalabhairava company, you know. Well, it once happened. Shankaran Pillai opened a tea shop. Tea shop, you know. Today in India, tea shops are very highly regarded for variety of reasons. So he got into the tea business, hoping that someday his children will find a future. So somebody came, drank the tea and said, "Why is this tea so bad, and it's cold? It's not even hot. At least if it was hot, we couldn’t feel the taste. Taste is bad and it's cold." Shankaran Pillai said, "The tea comes all the way from Darjeeling, it’s a cold place, what can I do, huh?" So I'm telling you, what can I do? I thought my business is to just reveal what is there, not to make up my own philosophy about it. I could also weave a nice philosophy. See, Kalabhairav, Shiva could have made himself into a very nice gentleman like an angel looking at you when you're dying . Arghh, why, because only if you fear the death, you will live . Yes. If everybody genuinely believed, that when you die angels are welcoming you, there… there is a party on the other side, and in heaven all the fantastic things, it will be very hard to keep people alive . See, so many people who believe in heaven, they’re just blowing themselves up. Because they really believe there is another place where things are better. So, this culture is a very wise culture. When we said death, you don't want to go there. That means you want to live. It’s very important. "But Sadhguru, maybe you forgot. I asked about Devi." That's what I'm talking about. She's also like this only. no, I am… . I was about to say something which is a little insensitive. If you were the only ladies I was dealing with, I would have said it . But I can't say it now okay. ____ . So, what is Devi? See, what is feminine, what is masculine is just a certain aspect of life, certain manifestation of life. It's not life itself. Life itself is a torrent of energy. It has no masculine, it has no feminine. Manifestations have happened, feminine and masculine. So, our fundamental idea of masculine and feminine is male and female. Because in the human species there is male and female, this whole masculine feminine, the idea of masculine and feminine is trying to understand a male and a female beyond body parts. Right now being male and female is only a question of body parts. Masculine and feminine means a subtler dimension of the same thing beyond physical manifestations. So we're talking about the feminine. So if you distill the feminine, out of the female -- a female is a certain type of body, a male is a certain type of body. If you take the masculine out of the masculi out of a male body, that is masculine in its purity. If you take the feminine out of the female body, that is feminine in a certain purity without the foundations of physicality. Why is this important? It is important because physical manifestations have instigated a certain level of compulsiveness, a certain level of entanglement in the whole process. So to be able to enjoy the dimension without entanglement, to be able to enjoy that dimension, without actually, you know, without physical consequences to it. But, what is masculine, what is feminine manifests itself in many other forms. Man is not always the same. Nor a woman is not always the same. At different times, different zones, different ways, this masculine and feminine functions differently. So what is Devi is, a certain dimension of feminine. I don't know where this story, what is the origin of this story because there is no enough, what to say, there is no enough ecosystem to come up with a story like that, in that culture. When people talk about, out of a man's rib a woman came. Well this is a… this is not to be looked at in terms of masculine, I mean, in terms of male domination and insignificance of female existence. That is a social thing. Leaving that, this has always intrigued me but I don't see any other ecosystem supporting that. Because pulling out the feminine out of one's body and manifesting it has been very much a part of this culture. Always the Devi temples, had a more vibrant and powerful hitting in the face kind of energy compared to Shiva temples which are more subtle and balanced, simply because it is largely… if it is even done with use of sounds or mantras and rituals and processes, still it is of a certain kind, but essentially it is something that you pull out of your system, and put it there in a certain way. So when we manifested the Bhairavi, we chose Bhairavi little , so that people don't fall in love with her. If she was , they would fall in love with her. So I made her like this. But in spite of that, people are falling in love with her . Though I made her look like anything other than a female , nowhere related to a female form in any sense, but still fill… people are immensely falling in love with her because the sheer energy, if you close your eyes and sit tch, she's a fantastic woman. Fantastic woman does not mean nice . You must, you must know this . Not always nice, but fantastic. So you must always know this, fantastic is not always nice. It's just… when life is happening in a torrent, it's fantastic. Is it always nice? No. You may get washed away. If you've ever seen a flash flood -- I just escaped one by a few seconds once, otherwise I would have been washed away in that flash flood. Wow, when it flew, when it came, its force, its fury, the kind of energy it carried, it just lasted only maybe six to eight minutes. But it.. that image will never ever go away from your mind because the power of it is such. It's fantastic. A tsunami is fantastic, but it's not nice. A volcano is fantastic, but not nice. Not nice to you, unless you're far away. So, I said she's fantastic. I didn't say she's nice. If you're the kind who enjoys the fantastic because that's where life is. That's where life is. You become nice, because you've been tamed. Does it mean to say you have to be ugly, in your behavior? No. Fantastic, has a beauty, which nobody can ignore. Nice is only a convenience for you, for your present temperament, it's a convenience. But, if everything around you is nice, you will want to leave that damn place and go. Because you can't stand it. Nice will kill you. Tch, fantastic keeps you alive , because it is the nature of life. The very life is like this. It's fantastic, is not necessarily nice. If you're riding it, if you are riding the tsunami wave, fantastic. If you're beneath it, not nice at all. So she's of a certain kind. Tch, she's my kind of a woman . Powerful, crazy, deeply compassionate. But neither you can entangle her, nor will she entangle you. That was very important for me. That is why she's made the way she's made. She's not in any way entangling, just powerful, fantastic. So for you to feel the presence, “How do I empty myself and ignite Devi’s grace?” Oh ok, ok. “Shall I do some sadhana for this?” no, when you make when you meet such a woman, she will empty you . These days, at least in United States, I'm sorry, I don't mean any insult. United States, particularly in California, people keep talking about it. He got married twice, and he's bankrupt now . So, she got married thrice and she's a millionaire now . So, we're not talking about emptying in terms of pockets or house or something. She will empty you. So how do you connect with her. You don't have to try to empty yourself. If you just connect with her, we created her because you did not connect with me. If you connect with me, I would have done the job myself. But you didn't, so one more entity, for you. If you connect with her, she will empty you. You don't worry about how to empty myself. But you must connect. What is connecting? Whenever you're little shitty, I mean fearful, Bhairavi Devi, Bhairavi Devi. No, that's not the way to handle this. This is, if you really want to be with that you must make it a part of your breath. On and on and on and on. Not necessarily by saying the mantra, simply because, I think this is coming from people who have the yantras at home. Well, she's exuding a certain level of energy. Well, there are fools who’ve taken the yantra and they think their neighbor's yantra is better than theirs. Yantra is only a window. The real source is here. So, if you think your neighbor's window shows better scenery than yours -- no, you need to clear your eyes. Too much goo out there. In the morning, you see not able to see anything not because the sun is not bright, simply because your eyes need some cleaning. So you clean yourself up a little bit. Cleaning yourself up means just this -- well, this empty and being full of yourself, you know what it means being full of yourself? You're too full of yourself. Tone it down. That's what we've been talking about all this time -- tone down your nonsense a little bit, your bull, tone it down. When you need two bulls to do a certain type of work, you know, the climb is too steep, you need two bulls, tch. Put two bulls. When you don't need, there should be only one bull. When the sun is on, harsh, there will be a stock shadow out there. In the night, if you're walking with where there are no lights, if you have a shadow -- there's something wrong with you, isn't it ? So at least when you're alone, you shouldn't be too full of yourself. When we are with the world around you maybe you have to put on an act, tch. At least when you're alone, there should be no act. You must be just yourself. Yourself does not mean your personality; yourself means life. It has no flavor. It has no attitude. It's simply there. So one simple thing you do is just see, test yourself today itself and see, simply sit, eyes open. Simply still, unmoving. See if you can bring everything to a certain stillness. No need to stare at something, no need to concentrate, no need to take away your thoughts, no need to think about this and that, nothing, Simply sit still. Just like that. You will see how much nonsense you're making up all your life. So there is nothing to empty, it's just fluff. If you are doing the process with the Devi Yantra, well, she'll burn through the pluff fluff effortlessly. If you need a sound going with you, chant the mantra -- stuthi or something. Not when you think you need, you must do it when you don't need. That's what is most important. The difference between a devotee and a deceitful person is just this -- a devotee is focused towards one thing, irrespective of what the situation is; deceptive person only looks at it that way when he needs it. Well, that is an abusive relationship, isn't it? Hello? It's an abuse of a relationship. You look towards somebody only when you need them. Otherwise, you ignore them. Now, that is a very abusive relationship. You better not abuse her. That's not the kind of woman who takes abuse. Okay ? So, please just bring this into yourself, sit still, simply in front of the yantra or anywhere you want. It's not only there, anywhere. Yantra is just a window. If you pay enough attention, there is a torrent of energy. You don't This is happening with some of you that you think you there and, "Devi, this must happen -- my child should get healthy, he must get first class, I must get a job, my husband get must get promotion and " If you think somebody is bigger than you, you should just shut up and not say a thing, isn't it? At least that much you must have, that much sense. When you see there is a presence which is bigger than you, should you not just shut up and listen? no, you have to advise them all the things, because priests and pandits have taught these things to you that you must influence God every day. I think he's really enjoying the lockdown more than anybody else . No Church, no Mosque, no temple, tch, I think he's really enjoying the break. This happened -- a priest was working in a local village. One day, he decided he will quit this village and go and find some greener pastures somewhere else. So he announced in the village, "I'm leaving." People asked, "Why? Why are you leaving, what's the problem?" He said, "See, you don't love me, because you're not even taking care of my upkeep. I am neglected, I don't have enough to live. You don't love each other, because none of you have gotten married in the last two years. So no weddings to conduct, where is the money? And even god does not love you, because in the last one-and-a-half years, not a single person has died in this place, he did not even call anybody. So no funerals. How do I live here, I'm going" . So, tch little love in your heart, rest will happen. You don't say I love how do I empty my heart. There's no such thing . How do I empty my heart and make space for you. No such thing. If you have enough love in your heart, love means just this, that you tweaked up life process little more intense, that's all. Because now the emotional bull is in sync, it's a pleasant tweak up. But the same love affair Suppose the person that you love gets sick, it becomes an unpleasant tweak up. You will suffer more much more than you would've if you were alone. But it's okay. The important thing is life is tweaked up -- pleasant or unpleasant doesn't matter. It is tweaked up, it's happening intensely, whether it is a comedy or a tragedy, it's happening intensely. That's what you enjoy, whether it's a drama or your life, isn't it? So, with her around, there is no sedate life, it's intense . We will The next Darshan is the coming Sunday, which is the 21st of June, it happens to be the International Yoga Day. So maybe we won't just talk, we will make you bend and twist and So, it's International Yoga Day and this year with social distancing, it is not as much as it would be otherwise. But we must keep this on. We're doing many things in different countries, and with the foreign missions of Indian foreign missions in various countries are doing something with us. Above all, it's important to remind the world one reason why we fear this virus so much is, there is not enough yoga in the world. If it was there, one thing our systems would be much better equipped -- that's one thing. Another thing is, if they say social distance for fourteen days, it wouldn't be any problem. If everybody was into some form of yoga, fourteen days social distancing if somebody had announced in the world, everybody kept the distance, virus would be gone in one fortnight. Tch, so because there is not enough yoga, virus is having a field day. So International Yoga Day, next Sunday, 21st of June we'll see you again . 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data/Complete Blog JSON/article-Wisdom-c78218e5-466a-4b8c-8b47-02ac0692a074.json | Im married to Shiva.
In part of the Women and Spirituality series, we looked at women on the path of Kriya Yoga. In part , Sadhguru spoke of how Indian spirituality has always been a rich mixture of men and women. In part , Sadhguru tells us about Akka Mahadevi, one of the many intense women who were absolutely devoted to Shiva, the Adiyogi.
Sadhguru: Akka Mahadevi was a devotee of Shiva. Right from childhood she had completely given herself to Shiva and she looked upon him as her husband. A king saw her one day and she was so beautiful that he wanted to marry her. Akka refused but then the king threatened her, If you dont marry me, I will kill your parents. So, she married the man but she kept him at a physical distance. He tried to woo her but she kept saying, I am not married to you. I married Shiva long ago. He visits me and I am with him. I cannot be with you.
This was too much for the king to take and one day he decided, What is the point of having a wife like this? How does one live with a wife who is married to some unseen man, somewhere? There was no formal divorce in those days and he was just distraught. He did not know what to do. So he brought her to his court and asked the court to decide. When the court asked her, she kept talking about her husband elsewhere. This was not hallucinatory, it was real for her. Your imagination, if it is empowered by life energies, it becomes reality, .
Akka Mahadevi wrote hundreds of beautiful poems about Shiva and her devotion. Her devotion was such that every day she begged him...
The king got angry because in front of all these people, his wife was claiming that her husband was elsewhere. years ago, socially it was not a simple thing to take for a king. So in great anger, he said, If you are already married to somebody, what are you doing with me? Everything that you wear, the jewels, the clothes - everything is mine. Leave them here and go. Those days in India, there was no way a woman even thought of leaving her husbands house at all. But in the full assembly of the court, Akka Mahadevi a young woman of years just dropped all her clothes and left. She refused to wear clothes from that day onwards.
Akka Mahadevi wrote hundreds of beautiful poems about Shiva and her devotion. Her devotion was such that every day she begged him, Shiva let no food come my way. Let my body also express the longing and anguish that I am going through to become part of you. If I eat, my body will be satisfied. My body will not know what I am feeling. So let no food come towards me. If food does come into my hands, let it fall down in the mud before I put it into my mouth. If it falls in the mud, the fool that I am, before I pick it up, let a dog come and take it away. This was her daily prayer.
Devotees are a completely different kind of people. They just have one foot in this world. Their ways of living and the power with which they exist is completely other-worldly. | 607 |