stringlengths 89
| code_tokens
sequence | avg_line_len
float64 7.91
| score
float64 0
def _detect_eggs_in_folder(folder):
Detect egg distributions located in the given folder.
Only direct folder content is considered and subfolders are not searched
eggs = {}
for x in os.listdir(folder):
zip = x.endswith(_zip_ext)
if zip:
root = x[:-len(_zip_ext)]
egg = _Egg.NONE
elif x.endswith(_egg_ext):
root = x[:-len(_egg_ext)]
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, x)):
egg = _Egg.FOLDER
egg = _Egg.FILE
info = eggs[root]
except KeyError:
eggs[root] = _Egg(os.path.join(folder, root), egg, zip)
if egg is not _Egg.NONE:
if zip:
return eggs.values() | [
] | 28.53125 | 15.59375 |
def save_avatar(self, image):
"""Save an avatar as raw image, return new filename.
:param image: The image that needs to be saved.
path = current_app.config['AVATARS_SAVE_PATH']
filename = uuid4().hex + '_raw.png'
image.save(os.path.join(path, filename))
return filename | [
] | 35.888889 | 12 |
def remove_accelerator(control, key):
Removes an accelerator from control.
control: The control to affect.
key: The key to remove.
key = str_to_key(key)
t = _tables.get(control, [])
for a in t:
if a[:2] == key:
if t:
_tables[control] = t
del _tables[control]
return True
return False | [
] | 18.736842 | 17.473684 |
def printPi(self):
Prints all states state and their steady state probabilities.
Not recommended for large state spaces.
assert self.pi is not None, "Calculate pi before calling printPi()"
assert len(self.mapping)>0, "printPi() can only be used in combination with the direct or indirect method. Use print(mc.pi) if your subclass is called mc."
for key,state in self.mapping.items():
print(state,self.pi[key]) | [
"\"Calculate pi before calling printPi()\"",
"\"printPi() can only be used in combination with the direct or indirect method. Use print(mc.pi) if your subclass is called mc.\"",
] | 53.888889 | 25.888889 |
def get(self, name: str) -> Optional[ListEntry]:
"""Return the named entry in the list tree.
name: The entry name.
parts = name.split(self._delimiter)
node = self._find(self._root, *parts)
except KeyError:
return None
marked = self._marked.get(name)
return ListEntry(name, node.exists, marked, bool(node.children)) | [
] | 29.266667 | 17.4 |
def modules(self):
"""(:class:`productmd.modules.Modules`) -- Compose Modules metadata"""
if self._modules is not None:
return self._modules
paths = [
self._modules = self._load_metadata(paths, productmd.modules.Modules)
return self._modules | [
] | 33.2 | 18 |
def CrearLiqSecundariaBase(self, pto_emision=1, nro_orden=None,
cuit_comprador=None, nro_ing_bruto_comprador=None,
cod_puerto=None, des_puerto_localidad=None,
cod_grano=None, cantidad_tn=None,
cuit_vendedor=None, nro_act_vendedor=None, # nuevo!!
actua_corredor=None, liquida_corredor=None, cuit_corredor=None,
fecha_precio_operacion=None, precio_ref_tn=None,
precio_operacion=None, alic_iva_operacion=None, campania_ppal=None,
cod_localidad_procedencia=None, cod_prov_procedencia=None,
"Inicializa los datos de una liquidaci贸n secundaria de granos (base)"
# creo el diccionario con los campos generales de la liquidaci贸n:
self.liquidacion = dict(
ptoEmision=pto_emision, nroOrden=nro_orden,
numeroContrato=nro_contrato or None, cuitComprador=cuit_comprador,
codPuerto=cod_puerto, desPuertoLocalidad=des_puerto_localidad,
codGrano=cod_grano, cantidadTn=cantidad_tn,
cuitVendedor=cuit_vendedor, nroActVendedor=nro_act_vendedor,
actuaCorredor=actua_corredor, liquidaCorredor=liquida_corredor,
cuitCorredor=cuit_corredor or None,
nroIngBrutoCorredor=nro_ing_bruto_corredor or None,
precioRefTn=precio_ref_tn, precioOperacion=precio_operacion,
alicIvaOperacion=alic_iva_operacion or None,
# inicializo las listas que contentran las retenciones y deducciones:
self.deducciones = []
self.percepciones = []
self.opcionales = []
self.factura_papel = None
return True | [
"# nuevo!!",
"# creo el diccionario con los campos generales de la liquidaci贸n:",
"# inicializo las listas que contentran las retenciones y deducciones:",
] | 51.380952 | 19.428571 |
def create_user(self, username, password, tags=""):
Creates a user.
:param string username: The name to give to the new user
:param string password: Password for the new user
:param string tags: Comma-separated list of tags for the user
:returns: boolean
path = Client.urls['users_by_name'] % username
body = json.dumps({'password': password, 'tags': tags})
return self._call(path, 'PUT', body=body,
headers=Client.json_headers) | [
] | 41.384615 | 16.923077 |
def plotcommand(cosmology='WMAP5', plotname=None):
""" Example ways to interrogate the dataset and plot the commah output """
# Plot the c-M relation as a functon of redshift
xarray = 10**(np.arange(1, 15, 0.2))
yval = 'c'
# Specify the redshift range
zarray = np.arange(0, 5, 0.5)
xtitle = r"Halo Mass (M$_{sol}$)"
ytitle = r"Concentration"
linelabel = "z="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.ylim([2, 30])
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=zval, Mi=xarray)
# Access the column yval from the data file
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(xarray, yarray, label=linelabel+str(zval), color=colors[zind])
# Overplot the D08 predictions in black
ax.plot(xarray, commah.commah.cduffy(zval, xarray), color="black")
leg = ax.legend(loc=1)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_CM_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_CM_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the c-z relation as a function of mass (so always Mz=M0)
xarray = 10**(np.arange(0, 1, 0.05)) - 1
yval = 'c'
# Specify the mass range
zarray = 10**np.arange(6, 14, 2)
xtitle = r"Redshift"
ytitle = r"NFW Concentration"
linelabel = r"log$_{10}$ M$_{z}$(M$_{sol}$)="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=xarray, Mi=zval)
# Access the column yval from the data file
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colours
ax.plot(xarray, yarray,
leg = ax.legend(loc=1)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_Cz_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_Cz_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the zf-z relation for different masses (so always Mz=M0)
xarray = 10**(np.arange(0, 1, 0.05)) - 1
yval = 'zf'
# Specify the mass range
zarray = 10**np.arange(6, 14, 2)
xtitle = r"Redshift"
ytitle = r"Formation Redshift"
linelabel = r"log$_{10}$ M$_{z}$(M$_{sol}$)="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=xarray, Mi=zval)
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(xarray, yarray,
leg = ax.legend(loc=2)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_zfz_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_zfz_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the dM/dt-z relation for different masses (so always Mz=M0)
xarray = 10**(np.arange(0, 1, 0.05)) - 1
yval = 'dMdt'
# Specify the mass range
zarray = 10**np.arange(10, 14, 0.5)
xtitle = r"log$_{10}$ (1+z)"
ytitle = r"log$_{10}$ Accretion Rate M$_{sol}$ yr$^{-1}$"
linelabel = r"log$_{10}$ M$_z$(M$_{sol}$)="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
cosmo = commah.getcosmo(cosmology)
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=xarray, Mi=zval,
com=False, mah=True)
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(np.log10(xarray+1.), np.log10(yarray),
# Plot the semi-analytic approximate formula from Correa et al 2015b
semianalytic_approx = 71.6 * (zval / 1e12) * (cosmo['h'] / 0.7) *\
(-0.24 + 0.75 * (xarray + 1)) * np.sqrt(
cosmo['omega_M_0'] * (xarray + 1)**3 + cosmo['omega_lambda_0'])
ax.plot(np.log10(xarray + 1), np.log10(semianalytic_approx),
leg = ax.legend(loc=2)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_dMdtz_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_dMdtz_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the dMdt-M relation as a function of redshift
xarray = 10**(np.arange(10, 14, 0.5))
yval = 'dMdt'
# Specify the redshift range
zarray = np.arange(0, 5, 0.5)
xtitle = r"Halo Mass M$_{sol}$"
ytitle = r"Accretion Rate M$_{sol}$ yr$^{-1}$"
linelabel = "z="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=zval, Mi=xarray,
com=False, mah=True)
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(xarray, yarray, label=linelabel+str(zval),
leg = ax.legend(loc=2)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_MAH_M_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_MAH_M_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the (dM/M)dt-M relation as a function of redshift
xarray = 10**(np.arange(10, 14, 0.5))
yval = 'dMdt'
# Specify the redshift range
zarray = np.arange(0, 5, 0.5)
xtitle = r"Halo Mass M$_{sol}$"
ytitle = r"Specific Accretion Rate yr$^{-1}$"
linelabel = "z="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=zval, Mi=xarray,
mah=True, com=False)
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(xarray, yarray/xarray, label=linelabel+str(zval),
leg = ax.legend(loc=1)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_specificMAH_M_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_specificMAH_M_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the Mz-z relation as a function of mass
# (so mass is decreasing to zero as z-> inf)
xarray = 10**(np.arange(0, 1, 0.05)) - 1
yval = 'Mz'
# Specify the mass range
zarray = 10**np.arange(10, 14, 0.5)
xtitle = r"Redshift"
ytitle = r"M(z) (M$_{sol}$)"
linelabel = r"log$_{10}$ M$_{0}$(M$_{sol}$)="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=0, Mi=zval, z=xarray)
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(xarray, yarray,
leg = ax.legend(loc=1)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_Mzz_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_Mzz_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
# Plot the Mz/M0-z relation as a function of mass
xarray = 10**(np.arange(0, 1, 0.02)) - 1
yval = 'Mz'
# Specify the mass range
zarray = 10**np.arange(10, 14, 0.5)
xtitle = r"Redshift"
ytitle = r"log$_{10}$ M(z)/M$_{0}$"
linelabel = r"log$_{10}$ M$_{0}$(M$_{sol}$)="
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(zarray)))
for zind, zval in enumerate(zarray):
output = commah.run(cosmology=cosmology, zi=0, Mi=zval, z=xarray)
yarray = output[yval].flatten()
# Plot each line in turn with different colour
ax.plot(xarray, np.log10(yarray/zval),
leg = ax.legend(loc=3)
# Make box totally transparent
for label in leg.get_texts():
label.set_fontsize('small') # the font size
for label in leg.get_lines():
label.set_linewidth(4) # the legend line width
if plotname:
print("Plotting to '%s_MzM0z_relation.png'" % (plotname))
fig.savefig(plotname+"_MzM0z_relation.png", dpi=fig.dpi*5)
return("Done") | [
"# Plot the c-M relation as a functon of redshift",
"# Specify the redshift range",
"r\"Halo Mass (M$_{sol}$)\"",
"# Access the column yval from the data file",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Overplot the D08 predictions in black",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_CM_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the c-z relation as a function of mass (so always Mz=M0)",
"# Specify the mass range",
"r\"NFW Concentration\"",
"r\"log$_{10}$ M$_{z}$(M$_{sol}$)=\"",
"# Access the column yval from the data file",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colours",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_Cz_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the zf-z relation for different masses (so always Mz=M0)",
"# Specify the mass range",
"r\"Formation Redshift\"",
"r\"log$_{10}$ M$_{z}$(M$_{sol}$)=\"",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_zfz_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the dM/dt-z relation for different masses (so always Mz=M0)",
"# Specify the mass range",
"r\"log$_{10}$ (1+z)\"",
"r\"log$_{10}$ Accretion Rate M$_{sol}$ yr$^{-1}$\"",
"r\"log$_{10}$ M$_z$(M$_{sol}$)=\"",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Plot the semi-analytic approximate formula from Correa et al 2015b",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_dMdtz_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the dMdt-M relation as a function of redshift",
"# Specify the redshift range",
"r\"Halo Mass M$_{sol}$\"",
"r\"Accretion Rate M$_{sol}$ yr$^{-1}$\"",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_MAH_M_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the (dM/M)dt-M relation as a function of redshift",
"# Specify the redshift range",
"r\"Halo Mass M$_{sol}$\"",
"r\"Specific Accretion Rate yr$^{-1}$\"",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_specificMAH_M_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the Mz-z relation as a function of mass",
"# (so mass is decreasing to zero as z-> inf)",
"# Specify the mass range",
"r\"M(z) (M$_{sol}$)\"",
"r\"log$_{10}$ M$_{0}$(M$_{sol}$)=\"",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_Mzz_relation.png'\"",
"# Plot the Mz/M0-z relation as a function of mass",
"# Specify the mass range",
"r\"log$_{10}$ M(z)/M$_{0}$\"",
"r\"log$_{10}$ M$_{0}$(M$_{sol}$)=\"",
"# Plot each line in turn with different colour",
"# Make box totally transparent",
"# the font size",
"# the legend line width",
"\"Plotting to '%s_MzM0z_relation.png'\"",
] | 30.606952 | 19.371658 |
def kwargs(self):
"""Returns a dict of the kwargs for this Struct which were not interpreted by the baseclass.
This excludes fields like `extends`, `merges`, and `abstract`, which are consumed by
SerializableFactory.create and Validatable.validate.
return {k: v for k, v in self._kwargs.items() if k not in self._INTERNAL_FIELDS} | [
] | 49.714286 | 24.428571 |
def requirement(self) -> FetchRequirement:
"""Indicates the data required to fulfill this search key."""
key_name = self.key
if key_name == b'ALL':
return FetchRequirement.NONE
elif key_name == b'KEYSET':
keyset_reqs = {key.requirement for key in self.filter_key_set}
return FetchRequirement.reduce(keyset_reqs)
elif key_name == b'OR':
left, right = self.filter_key_or
key_or_reqs = {left.requirement, right.requirement}
return FetchRequirement.reduce(key_or_reqs)
elif key_name in (b'SENTBEFORE', b'SENTON', b'SENTSINCE', b'BCC',
b'CC', b'FROM', b'SUBJECT', b'TO', b'HEADER'):
return FetchRequirement.HEADERS
elif key_name in (b'BODY', b'TEXT', b'LARGER', b'SMALLER'):
return FetchRequirement.BODY
return FetchRequirement.METADATA | [
] | 48.263158 | 13.473684 |
def isSameTypeWith(self, other, matchTags=True, matchConstraints=True):
"""Examine |ASN.1| type for equality with other ASN.1 type.
ASN.1 tags (:py:mod:`~pyasn1.type.tag`) and constraints
(:py:mod:`~pyasn1.type.constraint`) are examined when carrying
out ASN.1 types comparison.
Python class inheritance relationship is NOT considered.
other: a pyasn1 type object
Class instance representing ASN.1 type.
: :class:`bool`
:class:`True` if *other* is |ASN.1| type,
:class:`False` otherwise.
return (self is other or
(not matchTags or self.tagSet == other.tagSet) and
(not matchConstraints or self.subtypeSpec == other.subtypeSpec)) | [
] | 35.826087 | 21.304348 |
def from_file(filename, section='matrix'):
Generate a matrix from a .ini file. Configuration is expected to be in a ``[matrix]`` section.
config = parse_config(open(filename), section=section)
return from_config(config) | [
] | 40.333333 | 14.666667 |
def _get_globals():
"""Return current Python interpreter globals namespace"""
if _get_globals_callback is not None:
return _get_globals_callback()
from __main__ import __dict__ as namespace
except ImportError:
# The import fails on IronPython
import __main__
namespace = __main__.__dict__
shell = namespace.get('__ipythonshell__')
if shell is not None and hasattr(shell, 'user_ns'):
# IPython 0.12+ kernel
return shell.user_ns
# Python interpreter
return namespace
return namespace | [
"# The import fails on IronPython",
"# IPython 0.12+ kernel",
"# Python interpreter",
] | 32.545455 | 13.5 |
def add_contacts(self, indices, indices2=None, threshold=0.3, periodic=True, count_contacts=False):
Adds the contacts to the feature list.
indices : can be of two types:
ndarray((n, 2), dtype=int):
n x 2 array with the pairs of atoms between which the contacts shall be computed
iterable of integers (either list or ndarray(n, dtype=int)):
indices (not pairs of indices) of the atoms between which the contacts shall be computed.
indices2: iterable of integers (either list or ndarray(n, dtype=int)), optional:
Only has effect if :py:obj:`indices` is an iterable of integers. Instead of the above behaviour,
only the contacts between the atoms in :py:obj:`indices` and :py:obj:`indices2` will be computed.
threshold : float, optional, default = .3
distances below this threshold (in nm) will result in a feature 1.0, distances above will result in 0.0.
The default is set to .3 nm (3 Angstrom)
periodic : boolean, default True
use the minimum image convention if unitcell information is available
count_contacts : boolean, default False
If set to true, this feature will return the number of formed contacts (and not feature values with either 1.0 or 0)
The ouput of this feature will be of shape (Nt,1), and not (Nt, nr_of_contacts)
.. note::
When using the *iterable of integers* input, :py:obj:`indices` and :py:obj:`indices2`
will be sorted numerically and made unique before converting them to a pairlist.
Please look carefully at the output of :py:func:`describe()` to see what features exactly have been added.
from .distances import ContactFeature
atom_pairs = _parse_pairwise_input(
indices, indices2, self.logger, fname='add_contacts()')
atom_pairs = self._check_indices(atom_pairs)
f = ContactFeature(self.topology, atom_pairs, threshold, periodic, count_contacts)
self.__add_feature(f) | [
] | 51.071429 | 35.285714 |
def dumpf(obj, path):
Write an nginx configuration to file.
:param obj obj: nginx object (Conf, Server, Container)
:param str path: path to nginx configuration on disk
:returns: path the configuration was written to
with open(path, 'w') as f:
dump(obj, f)
return path | [
] | 27.818182 | 14.545455 |
def list_from_args(args):
Flatten list of args
So as to accept either an array
Or as many arguments
For example:
func(['x', 'y'])
func('x', 'y')
# Empty args
if not args:
return []
# Get argument type
arg_type = type(args[0])
is_list = arg_type in LIST_TYPES
# Check that the arguments are uniforn (of same type)
same_type = all([
isinstance(arg, arg_type)
for arg in args
if not same_type:
raise Exception('Expected uniform arguments of same type !')
# Flatten iterables
# ['x', 'y'], ...
if is_list:
args_lists = map(list, args)
flattened_args = sum(args_lists, [])
return flattened_args
# Flatten set
# 'x', 'y'
return list(args) | [
"# Empty args",
"# Get argument type",
"# Check that the arguments are uniforn (of same type)",
"'Expected uniform arguments of same type !'",
"# Flatten iterables",
"# ['x', 'y'], ...",
"# Flatten set",
"# 'x', 'y'",
] | 21.742857 | 19.171429 |
def p_file_lics_info_1(self, p):
"""file_lics_info : FILE_LICS_INFO file_lic_info_value"""
self.builder.set_file_license_in_file(self.document, p[2])
except OrderError:
self.order_error('LicenseInfoInFile', 'FileName', p.lineno(1))
except SPDXValueError:
self.error = True
msg = ERROR_MESSAGES['FILE_LICS_INFO_VALUE'].format(p.lineno(1))
self.logger.log(msg) | [
] | 44.6 | 17.9 |
def get_assessment_session_for_bank(self, bank_id, proxy):
"""Gets an ``AssessmentSession`` which is responsible for performing assessments for the given bank ``Id``.
arg: bank_id (osid.id.Id): the ``Id`` of a bank
arg: proxy (osid.proxy.Proxy): a proxy
return: (osid.assessment.AssessmentSession) - an assessment
session for this service
raise: NotFound - ``bank_id`` not found
raise: NullArgument - ``bank_id`` or ``proxy`` is ``null``
raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request
raise: Unimplemented - ``supports_assessment()`` is ``false``
*compliance: optional -- This method must be implemented if
``supports_assessment()`` is ``true``.*
if not self.supports_assessment():
raise errors.Unimplemented()
# Also include check to see if the catalog Id is found otherwise raise errors.NotFound
# pylint: disable=no-member
return sessions.AssessmentSession(bank_id, proxy, self._runtime) | [
"# Also include check to see if the catalog Id is found otherwise raise errors.NotFound",
"# pylint: disable=no-member",
] | 48.181818 | 19.272727 |
def payment_end(self, account, wallet):
End a payment session. Marks the account as available for use in a
payment session.
:param account: Account to mark available
:type account: str
:param wallet: Wallet to end payment session for
:type wallet: str
:raises: :py:exc:`nano.rpc.RPCException`
>>> rpc.payment_end(
... account="xrb_3e3j5tkog48pnny9dmfzj1r16pg8t1e76dz5tmac6iq689wyjfpi00000000",
... wallet="FFFD1BAEC8EC20814BBB9059B393051AAA8380F9B5A2E6B2489A277D81789EEE"
... )
account = self._process_value(account, 'account')
wallet = self._process_value(wallet, 'wallet')
payload = {"account": account, "wallet": wallet}
resp = self.call('payment_end', payload)
return resp == {} | [
] | 29.892857 | 23.964286 |
def find_implementations(project, resource, offset, resources=None,
"""Find the places a given method is overridden.
Finds the places a method is implemented. Returns a list of
name = worder.get_name_at(resource, offset)
this_pymodule = project.get_pymodule(resource)
pyname = rope.base.evaluate.eval_location(this_pymodule, offset)
if pyname is not None:
pyobject = pyname.get_object()
if not isinstance(pyobject, rope.base.pyobjects.PyFunction) or \
pyobject.get_kind() != 'method':
raise exceptions.BadIdentifierError('Not a method!')
raise exceptions.BadIdentifierError('Cannot resolve the identifier!')
def is_defined(occurrence):
if not occurrence.is_defined():
return False
def not_self(occurrence):
if occurrence.get_pyname().get_object() == pyname.get_object():
return False
filters = [is_defined, not_self,
occurrences.InHierarchyFilter(pyname, True)]
finder = occurrences.Finder(project, name, filters=filters)
if resources is None:
resources = project.get_python_files()
job_set = task_handle.create_jobset('Finding Implementations',
return _find_locations(finder, resources, job_set) | [
"'Not a method!'",
"'Cannot resolve the identifier!'",
"'Finding Implementations'",
] | 42.272727 | 18.787879 |
def create_absolute_values_structure(layer, fields):
"""Helper function to create the structure for absolute values.
:param layer: The vector layer.
:type layer: QgsVectorLayer
:param fields: List of name field on which we want to aggregate.
:type fields: list
:return: The data structure.
:rtype: dict
# Let's create a structure like :
# key is the index of the field : (flat table, definition name)
source_fields = layer.keywords['inasafe_fields']
absolute_fields = [field['key'] for field in count_fields]
summaries = {}
for field in source_fields:
if field in absolute_fields:
field_name = source_fields[field]
index = layer.fields().lookupField(field_name)
flat_table = FlatTable(*fields)
summaries[index] = (flat_table, field)
return summaries | [
"# Let's create a structure like :",
"# key is the index of the field : (flat table, definition name)",
] | 35.375 | 15.791667 |
def _is_at_qry_end(self, nucmer_hit):
'''Returns True iff the hit is "close enough" to the end of the query sequence'''
hit_coords = nucmer_hit.qry_coords()
return hit_coords.end >= nucmer_hit.qry_length - self.qry_end_tolerance | [
] | 62.25 | 23.75 |
def _legacy_pubs(buf):
"""SSH v1 public keys are not supported."""
leftover = buf.read()
if leftover:
log.warning('skipping leftover: %r', leftover)
code = util.pack('B', msg_code('SSH_AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER'))
num = util.pack('L', 0) # no SSH v1 keys
return util.frame(code, num) | [
"'skipping leftover: %r'",
"# no SSH v1 keys",
] | 38.875 | 14.25 |
def _analyze(self):
""" works out the updates to be performed """
if self.value is None or self.value == self.previous:
elif self._operation == "add":
self._additions = self.value
elif self._operation == "remove":
self._removals = self.value
elif self.previous is None:
self._assignments = self.value
# partial update time
self._additions = (self.value - self.previous) or None
self._removals = (self.previous - self.value) or None
self._analyzed = True | [
"# partial update time",
] | 39.333333 | 11.533333 |
def _clean_css(self):
Returns the cleaned CSS
:param stylesheet: The Stylesheet object to parse
:type stylesheet: tinycss.css21.Stylesheet
# Init the cleaned CSS rules and contents string
css_rules = []
# For every rule in the CSS
for rule in self.stylesheet.rules:
# Clean the CSS rule
cleaned_rule = self._clean_rule(rule)
# Append the rule to matched CSS rules
if cleaned_rule is not None:
# On error, assume the rule matched the tree
return self._build_css(css_rules) | [
"# Init the cleaned CSS rules and contents string",
"# For every rule in the CSS",
"# Clean the CSS rule",
"# Append the rule to matched CSS rules",
"# On error, assume the rule matched the tree",
] | 28.730769 | 17.269231 |
def encode_hook(self, hook, msg):
Encodes a commit hook dict into the protobuf message. Used in
bucket properties.
:param hook: the hook to encode
:type hook: dict
:param msg: the protobuf message to fill
:type msg: riak.pb.riak_pb2.RpbCommitHook
:rtype riak.pb.riak_pb2.RpbCommitHook
if 'name' in hook:
msg.name = str_to_bytes(hook['name'])
self.encode_modfun(hook, msg.modfun)
return msg | [
] | 31.8125 | 13.0625 |
def read(self, frames, raw=False):
"""Read samples from an input stream.
The function does not return until the required number of
frames has been read. This may involve waiting for the
operating system to supply the data.
If raw data is requested, the raw cffi data buffer is
returned. Otherwise, a numpy array of the appropriate dtype
with one column per channel is returned.
channels, _ = _split(self.channels)
dtype, _ = _split(self.dtype)
data = ffi.new("signed char[]", channels * dtype.itemsize * frames)
self._handle_error(_pa.Pa_ReadStream(self._stream, data, frames))
if not raw:
data = np.frombuffer(ffi.buffer(data), dtype=dtype)
data.shape = frames, channels
return data | [
"\"signed char[]\"",
] | 40.35 | 18.65 |
def info(self):
"""list of tuples with QPImage meta data"""
info = []
# meta data
meta = self.meta
for key in meta:
info.append((key, self.meta[key]))
# background correction
for imdat in [self._amp, self._pha]:
info += imdat.info
return info | [
"# meta data",
"# background correction",
] | 29.090909 | 13.727273 |
def make_feature_dict(feature_sequence):
"""A feature dict is a convenient way to organize a sequence of Feature
object (which you have got, e.g., from parse_GFF).
The function returns a dict with all the feature types as keys. Each value
of this dict is again a dict, now of feature names. The values of this dict
is a list of feature.
An example makes this clear. Let's say you load the C. elegans GTF file
from Ensemble and make a feature dict:
>>> worm_features_dict = HTSeq.make_feature_dict(HTSeq.parse_GFF(
... "test_data/Caenorhabditis_elegans.WS200.55.gtf.gz"))
(This command may take a few minutes to deal with the 430,000 features
in the GTF file. Note that you may need a lot of RAM if you have millions
of features.)
Then, you can simply access, say, exon 0 of gene "F08E10.4" as follows:
>>> worm_features_dict[ 'exon' ][ 'F08E10.4' ][ 0 ]
<GenomicFeature: exon 'F08E10.4' at V: 17479353 -> 17479001 (strand '-')>
res = {}
for f in feature_sequence:
if f.type not in res:
res[f.type] = {}
res_ftype = res[f.type]
if f.name not in res_ftype:
res_ftype[f.name] = [f]
return res | [
] | 37.848485 | 22.757576 |
def load_locate_library(candidates, cygwin_lib, name,
win_cls=None, cygwin_cls=None, others_cls=None,
find_library=None, check_symbols=None):
"""Locates and loads a library.
Returns: the loaded library
* candidates -- candidates list for locate_library()
* cygwin_lib -- name of the cygwin library
* name -- lib identifier (for logging). Defaults to None.
* win_cls -- class that is used to instantiate the library on
win32 platforms. Defaults to None (-> ctypes.CDLL).
* cygwin_cls -- library class for cygwin platforms.
Defaults to None (-> ctypes.CDLL).
* others_cls -- library class for all other platforms.
Defaults to None (-> ctypes.CDLL).
* find_library -- see locate_library(). Defaults to None.
* check_symbols -- either None or a list of symbols that the loaded lib
must provide (hasattr(<>)) in order to be considered
valid. LibraryMissingSymbolsException is raised if
any symbol is missing.
* NoLibraryCandidatesException
* LibraryNotFoundException
* LibraryNotLoadedException
* LibraryMissingSymbolsException
if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
if cygwin_lib:
loaded_lib = load_library(cygwin_lib, name, cygwin_cls)
raise NoLibraryCandidatesException(name)
elif candidates:
lib = locate_library(candidates, find_library)
if lib:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
loaded_lib = load_library(lib, name, win_cls)
loaded_lib = load_library(lib, name, others_cls)
_LOGGER.error('%r could not be found', (name or candidates))
raise LibraryNotFoundException(name)
raise NoLibraryCandidatesException(name)
if loaded_lib is None:
raise LibraryNotLoadedException(name)
elif check_symbols:
symbols_missing = [
s for s in check_symbols if not hasattr(loaded_lib, s)
if symbols_missing:
msg = ('%r, missing symbols: %r', lib, symbols_missing )
raise LibraryMissingSymbolsException(lib)
return loaded_lib
return loaded_lib | [
"'%r could not be found'",
"'%r, missing symbols: %r'",
] | 39.442623 | 20.229508 |
def update_account(self, email=None, company_name=None, first_name=None,
last_name=None, address=None, postal_code=None, city=None,
state=None, country=None, phone=None):
POST /:login
:param email: Email address
:type email: :py:class:`basestring`
:param company_name: Company name
:type company_name: :py:class:`basestring`
:param first_name: First name
:type first_name: :py:class:`basestring`
:param last_name: Last name
:type last_name: :py:class:`basestring`
:param address: Address
:type address: :py:class:`basestring`
:param postal_code: Postal code
:type postal_code: :py:class:`basestring`
:param city: City
:type city: :py:class:`basestring`
:param state: State
:type state: :py:class:`basestring`
:param country: Country
:type country: :py:class:`basestring`
:param phone: Phone
:type phone: :py:class:`basestring`
:Returns: a dictionary with updated account info
:rtype: :py:class:`dict`
params = {}
if email:
params['email'] = email
if company_name:
params['companyName'] = company_name
if first_name:
params['firstName'] = first_name
if last_name:
params['lastName'] = last_name
if address:
params['address'] = address
if postal_code:
params['postalCode'] = postal_code
if city:
params['city'] = city
if state:
params['state'] = state
if country:
params['country'] = country
if phone:
params['phone'] = phone
j, _ = self.request('POST', '', params=params)
return j | [
] | 29.625 | 15.0625 |
def changed_bytes(self, other):
Gets the set of changed bytes between self and other.
changes = set()
l.warning("FastMemory.changed_bytes(): This implementation is very slow and only for debug purposes.")
for addr,v in self._contents.items():
for i in range(self.width):
other_byte = other.load(addr+i, 1)
our_byte = v.get_byte(i)
if other_byte is our_byte:
return changes | [
"\"FastMemory.changed_bytes(): This implementation is very slow and only for debug purposes.\"",
] | 32.75 | 17.125 |
def LighterColor(self, level):
'''Create a new instance based on this one but lighter.
The amount by which the color should be lightened to produce
the new one [0...1].
A grapefruit.Color instance.
>>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).LighterColor(0.25)
(1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 1.0)
>>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).LighterColor(0.25).hsl
(30, 1, 0.75)
h, s, l = self.__hsl
return Color((h, s, min(l + level, 1)), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref) | [
] | 27.315789 | 24.684211 |
def overlay(main_parent_node, overlay_parent_node, eof_action='repeat', **kwargs):
"""Overlay one video on top of another.
x: Set the expression for the x coordinates of the overlaid video on the main video. Default value is 0. In
case the expression is invalid, it is set to a huge value (meaning that the overlay will not be displayed
within the output visible area).
y: Set the expression for the y coordinates of the overlaid video on the main video. Default value is 0. In
case the expression is invalid, it is set to a huge value (meaning that the overlay will not be displayed
within the output visible area).
eof_action: The action to take when EOF is encountered on the secondary input; it accepts one of the following
* ``repeat``: Repeat the last frame (the default).
* ``endall``: End both streams.
* ``pass``: Pass the main input through.
eval: Set when the expressions for x, and y are evaluated.
It accepts the following values:
* ``init``: only evaluate expressions once during the filter initialization or when a command is
* ``frame``: evaluate expressions for each incoming frame
Default value is ``frame``.
shortest: If set to 1, force the output to terminate when the shortest input terminates. Default value is 0.
format: Set the format for the output video.
It accepts the following values:
* ``yuv420``: force YUV420 output
* ``yuv422``: force YUV422 output
* ``yuv444``: force YUV444 output
* ``rgb``: force packed RGB output
* ``gbrp``: force planar RGB output
Default value is ``yuv420``.
rgb (deprecated): If set to 1, force the filter to accept inputs in the RGB color space. Default value is 0.
This option is deprecated, use format instead.
repeatlast: If set to 1, force the filter to draw the last overlay frame over the main input until the end of
the stream. A value of 0 disables this behavior. Default value is 1.
Official documentation: `overlay <https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#overlay-1>`__
kwargs['eof_action'] = eof_action
return FilterNode([main_parent_node, overlay_parent_node], overlay.__name__, kwargs=kwargs, max_inputs=2).stream() | [
] | 54.088889 | 32.133333 |
def clean(self, list_article_candidates):
"""Iterates over each article_candidate and cleans every extracted data.
:param list_article_candidates: A list, the list of ArticleCandidate-Objects which have been extracted
:return: A list, the list with the cleaned ArticleCandidate-Objects
# Save cleaned article_candidates in results.
results = []
for article_candidate in list_article_candidates:
article_candidate.title = self.do_cleaning(article_candidate.title)
article_candidate.description = self.do_cleaning(article_candidate.description)
article_candidate.text = self.do_cleaning(article_candidate.text)
article_candidate.topimage = self.do_cleaning(article_candidate.topimage)
article_candidate.author = self.do_cleaning(article_candidate.author)
article_candidate.publish_date = self.do_cleaning(article_candidate.publish_date)
return results | [
"# Save cleaned article_candidates in results.",
] | 51 | 30.25 |
def cmd_p4a(self, *args):
Run p4a commands. Args must come after --, or
use --alias to make an alias
args = args[0]
if args and args[0] == '--alias':
print('To set up p4a in this shell session, execute:')
print(' alias p4a=$(buildozer {} p4a --alias 2>&1 >/dev/null)'
sys.stderr.write('PYTHONPATH={} {}\n'.format(self.pa_dir, self._p4a_cmd))
self._p4a(' '.join(args) if args else '') | [
"'To set up p4a in this shell session, execute:'",
"' alias p4a=$(buildozer {} p4a --alias 2>&1 >/dev/null)'",
"'PYTHONPATH={} {}\\n'",
"' '",
] | 40 | 18.4 |
def find_user(session, username):
"""Find user by name - returns user ID."""
resp = _make_request(session, FIND_USER_URL, username)
if not resp:
raise VooblyError('user not found')
return int(resp[0]['uid'])
except ValueError:
raise VooblyError('user not found') | [
"'user not found'",
"'user not found'",
] | 33.666667 | 12.333333 |
def last_modified(self):
The last modified time of the requirement's source distribution archive(s) (a number).
The value of this property is based on the :attr:`related_archives`
property. If no related archives are found the current time is
reported. In the balance between not invalidating cached binary
distributions enough and invalidating them too frequently, this
property causes the latter to happen.
mtimes = list(map(os.path.getmtime, self.related_archives))
return max(mtimes) if mtimes else time.time() | [
] | 49.333333 | 23.5 |
def unfollow(user, obj, send_action=False, flag=''):
Removes a "follow" relationship.
Set ``send_action`` to ``True`` (``False is default) to also send a
``<user> stopped following <object>`` action signal.
Pass a string value to ``flag`` to determine which type of "follow" relationship you want to remove.
unfollow(request.user, other_user)
unfollow(request.user, other_user, flag='watching')
qs = apps.get_model('actstream', 'follow').objects.filter(
user=user, object_id=obj.pk,
if flag:
qs = qs.filter(flag=flag)
if send_action:
if not flag:
action.send(user, verb=_('stopped following'), target=obj)
action.send(user, verb=_('stopped %s' % flag), target=obj) | [
"'stopped following'",
"'stopped %s'",
] | 30.172414 | 24.448276 |
def is_collection(item):
Returns True if the item is a collection class: list, tuple, set, frozenset
or any other class that resembles one of these (using abstract base classes).
>>> is_collection(0)
>>> is_collection(0.1)
>>> is_collection('')
>>> is_collection({})
>>> is_collection({}.keys())
>>> is_collection([])
>>> is_collection(())
>>> is_collection(set())
>>> is_collection(frozenset())
>>> from coaster.utils import InspectableSet
>>> is_collection(InspectableSet({1, 2}))
return not isinstance(item, six.string_types) and isinstance(item, (collections.Set, collections.Sequence)) | [
] | 26.071429 | 23.285714 |
def heightmap_get_normal(
hm: np.ndarray, x: float, y: float, waterLevel: float
) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Return the map normal at given coordinates.
hm (numpy.ndarray): A numpy.ndarray formatted for heightmap functions.
x (float): The x coordinate.
y (float): The y coordinate.
waterLevel (float): The heightmap is considered flat below this value.
Tuple[float, float, float]: An (x, y, z) vector normal.
cn = ffi.new("float[3]")
lib.TCOD_heightmap_get_normal(_heightmap_cdata(hm), x, y, cn, waterLevel)
return tuple(cn) | [
] | 35.764706 | 20.882353 |
def set_mode_send(self, target_system, base_mode, custom_mode, force_mavlink1=False):
MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE INSTEAD. Set the system mode, as
defined by enum MAV_MODE. There is no target component
id as the mode is by definition for the overall
aircraft, not only for one component.
target_system : The system setting the mode (uint8_t)
base_mode : The new base mode (uint8_t)
custom_mode : The new autopilot-specific mode. This field can be ignored by an autopilot. (uint32_t)
return self.send(self.set_mode_encode(target_system, base_mode, custom_mode), force_mavlink1=force_mavlink1) | [
] | 60.714286 | 38.142857 |
def unlearn(taskPkgName, deleteAll=False):
""" Find the task named taskPkgName, and delete any/all user-owned
.cfg files in the user's resource directory which apply to that task.
Like a unix utility, this returns 0 on success (no files found or only
1 found but deleted). For multiple files found, this uses deleteAll,
returning the file-name-list if deleteAll is False (to indicate the
problem) and without deleting any files. MUST check return value.
This does not prompt the user or print to the screen. """
# this WILL throw an exception if the taskPkgName isn't found
flist = cfgpars.getUsrCfgFilesForPyPkg(taskPkgName) # can raise
if flist is None or len(flist) == 0:
return 0
if len(flist) == 1:
return 0
# at this point, we know more than one matching file was found
if deleteAll:
for f in flist:
return 0
return flist | [
"# this WILL throw an exception if the taskPkgName isn't found",
"# can raise",
"# at this point, we know more than one matching file was found",
] | 41.869565 | 21.304348 |
def predict(self, X):
"""Perform regression on test vectors X.
X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
Input vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples
and n_features is the number of features.
y : array, shape = [n_samples]
Predicted values for X.
if not hasattr(self, '_program'):
raise NotFittedError('SymbolicRegressor not fitted.')
X = check_array(X)
_, n_features = X.shape
if self.n_features_ != n_features:
raise ValueError('Number of features of the model must match the '
'input. Model n_features is %s and input '
'n_features is %s.'
% (self.n_features_, n_features))
y = self._program.execute(X)
return y | [
"'SymbolicRegressor not fitted.'",
"'Number of features of the model must match the '",
"'input. Model n_features is %s and input '",
"'n_features is %s.'",
] | 31.37931 | 20.448276 |
def _websafe_component(c, alt=False):
"""Convert a color component to its web safe equivalent.
The component value [0...1]
If True, return the alternative value instead of the nearest one.
The web safe equivalent of the component value.
# This sucks, but floating point between 0 and 1 is quite fuzzy...
# So we just change the scale a while to make the equality tests
# work, otherwise it gets wrong at some decimal far to the right.
sc = c * 100.0
# If the color is already safe, return it straight away
d = sc % 20
if d==0: return c
# Get the lower and upper safe values
l = sc - d
u = l + 20
# Return the 'closest' value according to the alt flag
if alt:
if (sc-l) >= (u-sc): return l/100.0
else: return u/100.0
if (sc-l) >= (u-sc): return u/100.0
else: return l/100.0 | [
"# This sucks, but floating point between 0 and 1 is quite fuzzy...",
"# So we just change the scale a while to make the equality tests",
"# work, otherwise it gets wrong at some decimal far to the right.",
"# If the color is already safe, return it straight away",
"# Get the lower and upper safe values",
"# Return the 'closest' value according to the alt flag",
] | 26.090909 | 22.848485 |
def mdownload(args):
%prog mdownload links.txt
Multiple download a list of files. Use formats.html.links() to extract the
links file.
from jcvi.apps.grid import Jobs
p = OptionParser(mdownload.__doc__)
opts, args = p.parse_args(args)
if len(args) != 1:
sys.exit(not p.print_help())
linksfile, = args
links = [(x.strip(),) for x in open(linksfile)]
j = Jobs(download, links)
j.run() | [
] | 22.894737 | 18.789474 |
def _init_config(self):
"""If no config file exists, create it and add default options.
Default LevelDB path is specified based on OS
dynamic loading is set to infura by default in the file
Returns: leveldb directory
system = platform.system().lower()
leveldb_fallback_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
if system.startswith("darwin"):
leveldb_fallback_dir = os.path.join(
leveldb_fallback_dir, "Library", "Ethereum"
elif system.startswith("windows"):
leveldb_fallback_dir = os.path.join(
leveldb_fallback_dir, "AppData", "Roaming", "Ethereum"
leveldb_fallback_dir = os.path.join(leveldb_fallback_dir, ".ethereum")
leveldb_fallback_dir = os.path.join(leveldb_fallback_dir, "geth", "chaindata")
if not os.path.exists(self.config_path):
log.info("No config file found. Creating default: " + self.config_path)
open(self.config_path, "a").close()
config = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config.optionxform = str
config.read(self.config_path, "utf-8")
if "defaults" not in config.sections():
if not config.has_option("defaults", "leveldb_dir"):
self._add_leveldb_option(config, leveldb_fallback_dir)
if not config.has_option("defaults", "dynamic_loading"):
with codecs.open(self.config_path, "w", "utf-8") as fp:
leveldb_dir = config.get(
"defaults", "leveldb_dir", fallback=leveldb_fallback_dir
return os.path.expanduser(leveldb_dir) | [
"\"No config file found. Creating default: \"",
] | 38.911111 | 20.333333 |
def detect_number_of_cores():
Detects the number of cores on a system. Cribbed from pp.
# Linux, Unix and MacOS:
if hasattr(os, "sysconf"):
if "SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN" in os.sysconf_names:
# Linux & Unix:
ncpus = os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
if isinstance(ncpus, int) and ncpus > 0:
return ncpus
else: # OSX:
return int(subprocess.check_output(["sysctl", "-n", "hw.ncpu"]))
# Windows:
ncpus = int(os.environ.get("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS", ""))
if ncpus > 0:
return ncpus
except ValueError:
return 1 | [
"# Linux, Unix and MacOS:",
"# Linux & Unix:",
"# OSX:",
"# Windows:",
] | 30.857143 | 17.238095 |
def __raise_user_error(self, view):
Raises an error if the given View has been set read only and the user attempted to edit its content.
:param view: View.
:type view: QWidget
raise foundations.exceptions.UserError("{0} | Cannot perform action, '{1}' View has been set read only!".format(
self.__class__.__name__, view.objectName() or view)) | [
"\"{0} | Cannot perform action, '{1}' View has been set read only!\"",
] | 40.2 | 28.4 |
def run_node(self, node, stim):
''' Executes the Transformer at a specific node.
node (str, Node): If a string, the name of the Node in the current
Graph. Otherwise the Node instance to execute.
stim (str, stim, list): Any valid input to the Transformer stored
at the target node.
if isinstance(node, string_types):
node = self.nodes[node]
result = node.transformer.transform(stim)
if node.is_leaf():
return listify(result)
stim = result
# If result is a generator, the first child will destroy the
# iterable, so cache via list conversion
if len(node.children) > 1 and isgenerator(stim):
stim = list(stim)
return list(chain(*[self.run_node(c, stim) for c in node.children])) | [
"# If result is a generator, the first child will destroy the",
"# iterable, so cache via list conversion",
] | 38.5 | 20.772727 |
def get(self, url=None, delimiter="/"):
"""Path is an s3 url. Ommiting the path or providing "s3://" as the
path will return a list of all buckets. Otherwise, all subdirectories
and their contents will be shown.
params = {'Delimiter': delimiter}
bucket, obj_key = _parse_url(url)
if bucket:
params['Bucket'] = bucket
return self.call("ListBuckets", response_data_key="Buckets")
if obj_key:
params['Prefix'] = obj_key
objects = self.call("ListObjects", response_data_key="Contents",
if objects:
for obj in objects:
obj['url'] = "s3://{0}/{1}".format(bucket, obj['Key'])
return objects | [
] | 33.608696 | 18.304348 |
def Analyze(self, hashes):
"""Looks up hashes in VirusTotal using the VirusTotal HTTP API.
The API is documented here:
hashes (list[str]): hashes to look up.
list[HashAnalysis]: analysis results.
RuntimeError: If the VirusTotal API key has not been set.
if not self._api_key:
raise RuntimeError('No API key specified for VirusTotal lookup.')
hash_analyses = []
json_response = self._QueryHashes(hashes) or []
# VirusTotal returns a dictionary when a single hash is queried
# and a list when multiple hashes are queried.
if isinstance(json_response, dict):
json_response = [json_response]
for result in json_response:
resource = result['resource']
hash_analysis = interface.HashAnalysis(resource, result)
return hash_analyses | [
"'No API key specified for VirusTotal lookup.'",
"# VirusTotal returns a dictionary when a single hash is queried",
"# and a list when multiple hashes are queried.",
] | 28.181818 | 20.909091 |
def create_package(package_format, owner, repo, **kwargs):
"""Create a new package in a repository."""
client = get_packages_api()
with catch_raise_api_exception():
upload = getattr(client, "packages_upload_%s_with_http_info" % package_format)
data, _, headers = upload(
owner=owner, repo=repo, data=make_create_payload(**kwargs)
ratelimits.maybe_rate_limit(client, headers)
return data.slug_perm, data.slug | [
] | 35.076923 | 21.153846 |
def _brentq_cdf(self, value):
"""Helper function to compute percent_point.
As scipy.stats.gaussian_kde doesn't provide this functionality out of the box we need
to make a numerical approach:
- First we scalarize and bound cumulative_distribution.
- Then we define a function `f(x) = cdf(x) - value`, where value is the given argument.
- As value will be called from ppf we can assume value = cdf(z) for some z that is the
value we are searching for. Therefore the zeros of the function will be x such that:
cdf(x) - cdf(z) = 0 => (becasue cdf is monotonous and continous) x = z
value(float): cdf value, that is, in [0,1]
callable: function whose zero is the ppf of value.
# The decorator expects an instance method, but usually are decorated before being bounded
bound_cdf = partial(scalarize(GaussianKDE.cumulative_distribution), self)
def f(x):
return bound_cdf(x) - value
return f | [
"# The decorator expects an instance method, but usually are decorated before being bounded",
] | 41.6 | 30.52 |
def getAttribute(self, attrName, defaultValue=None):
getAttribute - Gets an attribute on this tag. Be wary using this for classname, maybe use addClass/removeClass. Attribute names are all lowercase.
@return - The attribute value, or None if none exists.
if attrName in self._attributes:
attrVal = self._attributes[attrName]
if not attrVal:
return True # Empty valued binary attribute
return attrVal # optionally-valued binary attribute
return False
return self._attributes.get(attrName, defaultValue) | [
"# Empty valued binary attribute",
"# optionally-valued binary attribute",
] | 42.941176 | 27.529412 |
def create(self, basedir, outdir, name, prefix=None, dereference=True):
:API: public
basedir = ensure_text(basedir)
tarpath = os.path.join(outdir, '{}.{}'.format(ensure_text(name), self.extension))
with open_tar(tarpath, self.mode, dereference=dereference, errorlevel=1) as tar:
tar.add(basedir, arcname=prefix or '.')
return tarpath | [
] | 36.7 | 21.7 |
def list(self, teamId, max=None, **request_parameters):
"""List team memberships for a team, by ID.
This method supports Webex Teams's implementation of RFC5988 Web
Linking to provide pagination support. It returns a generator
container that incrementally yields all team memberships returned by
the query. The generator will automatically request additional 'pages'
of responses from Webex as needed until all responses have been
returned. The container makes the generator safe for reuse. A new API
call will be made, using the same parameters that were specified when
the generator was created, every time a new iterator is requested from
the container.
teamId(basestring): List team memberships for a team, by ID.
max(int): Limit the maximum number of items returned from the Webex
Teams service per request.
**request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides
support for parameters that may be added in the future).
GeneratorContainer: A GeneratorContainer which, when iterated,
yields the team memberships returned by the Webex Teams query.
TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect.
ApiError: If the Webex Teams cloud returns an error.
check_type(teamId, basestring, may_be_none=False)
check_type(max, int)
params = dict_from_items_with_values(
# API request - get items
items = self._session.get_items(API_ENDPOINT, params=params)
# Yield team membership objects created from the returned items JSON
# objects
for item in items:
yield self._object_factory(OBJECT_TYPE, item) | [
"# API request - get items",
"# Yield team membership objects created from the returned items JSON",
"# objects",
] | 41.933333 | 26.511111 |
def send_batches(self, batch_list):
"""Sends a list of batches to the validator.
batch_list (:obj:`BatchList`): the list of batches
dict: the json result data, as a dict
if isinstance(batch_list, BaseMessage):
batch_list = batch_list.SerializeToString()
return self._post('/batches', batch_list) | [
] | 29.923077 | 18.307692 |
def calc_resp(password_hash, server_challenge):
"""calc_resp generates the LM response given a 16-byte password hash and the
challenge from the Type-2 message.
@param password_hash
16-byte password hash
@param server_challenge
8-byte challenge from Type-2 message
24-byte buffer to contain the LM response upon return
# padding with zeros to make the hash 21 bytes long
password_hash += b'\0' * (21 - len(password_hash))
res = b''
dobj = des.DES(password_hash[0:7])
res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
dobj = des.DES(password_hash[7:14])
res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
dobj = des.DES(password_hash[14:21])
res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
return res | [
"# padding with zeros to make the hash 21 bytes long",
] | 34.869565 | 14.478261 |
def get_ip(self, address):
Get an IPAddress object with the IP address (string) from the API.
e.g manager.get_ip('')
res = self.get_request('/ip_address/' + address)
return IPAddress(cloud_manager=self, **res['ip_address']) | [
] | 35.75 | 16.5 |
def cond(pred, then_func, else_func):
"""Run an if-then-else using user-defined condition and computation
This operator simulates a if-like branch which chooses to do one of
the two customized computations according to the specified condition.
`pred` is a scalar MXNet NDArray,
indicating which branch of computation should be used.
`then_func` is a user-defined function, used as computation of the then branch.
It produces `outputs`, which is a list of NDArrays.
The signature of `then_func` should be
`then_func() => NDArray or nested List[NDArray]`.
`else_func` is a user-defined function, used as computation of the else branch.
It produces `outputs`, which is a list of NDArrays.
The signature of `else_func` should be
`else_func() => NDArray or nested List[NDArray]`.
The `outputs` produces by `then_func` and `else_func` should have the same number
of elements, all of which should be in the same shape, of the same dtype and stype.
This function returns a list of symbols, representing the computation result.
pred: a MXNet NDArray representing a scalar.
The branch condition.
then_func: a Python function.
The computation to be executed if `pred` is true.
else_func: a Python function.
The computation to be executed if `pred` is false.
outputs: an NDArray or nested lists of NDArrays, representing the result of computation.
>>> a, b = mx.nd.array([1]), mx.nd.array([2])
>>> pred = a * b < 5
>>> then_func = lambda: (a + 5) * (b + 5)
>>> else_func = lambda: (a - 5) * (b - 5)
>>> outputs = mx.nd.contrib.cond(pred, then_func, else_func)
>>> outputs[0]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
def _to_python_scalar(inputs, type_, name):
"""Converts "inputs", possibly typed mxnet NDArray, a numpy ndarray, other python types,
to the given type
if hasattr(inputs, "asscalar"):
inputs = inputs.asscalar()
inputs = type_(inputs)
raise ValueError("Cannot convert %s to python %s" % (name, type_.__name__))
return inputs
branch = _to_python_scalar(pred, bool, "pred")
if branch:
return then_func()
return else_func() | [
"\"\"\"Converts \"inputs\", possibly typed mxnet NDArray, a numpy ndarray, other python types,\n to the given type\n \"\"\"",
"\"Cannot convert %s to python %s\"",
] | 35.753846 | 21.953846 |
def debug_toolbar_callback(request):
"""Show the debug toolbar to those with the Django staff permission, excluding the Eighth Period
if request.is_ajax():
return False
if not hasattr(request, 'user'):
return False
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
return False
if not request.user.is_staff:
return False
if request.user.id == 9999:
return False
return "debug" in request.GET or settings.DEBUG | [
] | 27.470588 | 15.941176 |
def execute_shell(self, shell=None, parent_environ=None, rcfile=None,
norc=False, stdin=False, command=None, quiet=False,
block=None, actions_callback=None, post_actions_callback=None,
context_filepath=None, start_new_session=False, detached=False,
pre_command=None, **Popen_args):
"""Spawn a possibly-interactive shell.
shell: Shell type, for eg 'bash'. If None, the current shell type
is used.
parent_environ: Environment to run the shell process in, if None
then the current environment is used.
rcfile: Specify a file to source instead of shell startup files.
norc: If True, skip shell startup files, if possible.
stdin: If True, read commands from stdin, in a non-interactive
command: If not None, execute this command in a non-interactive shell.
If an empty string or list, don't run a command, but don't open
an interactive shell either. Can be a list of args.
quiet: If True, skip the welcome message in interactive shells.
block: If True, block until the shell is terminated. If False,
return immediately. If None, will default to blocking if the
shell is interactive.
actions_callback: Callback with signature (RexExecutor). This lets
the user append custom actions to the context, such as setting
extra environment variables. Callback is run prior to context Rex
post_actions_callback: Callback with signature (RexExecutor). This lets
the user append custom actions to the context, such as setting
extra environment variables. Callback is run after context Rex
context_filepath: If provided, the context file will be written
here, rather than to the default location (which is in a
tempdir). If you use this arg, you are responsible for cleaning
up the file.
start_new_session: If True, change the process group of the target
process. Note that this may override the Popen_args keyword
detached: If True, open a separate terminal. Note that this may
override the `pre_command` argument.
pre_command: Command to inject before the shell command itself. This
is for internal use.
Popen_args: args to pass to the shell process object constructor.
If blocking: A 3-tuple of (returncode, stdout, stderr);
If non-blocking - A subprocess.Popen object for the shell process.
sh = create_shell(shell)
if hasattr(command, "__iter__"):
command = sh.join(command)
# start a new session if specified
if start_new_session:
# open a separate terminal if specified
if detached:
term_cmd = config.terminal_emulator_command
if term_cmd:
pre_command = term_cmd.strip().split()
# block if the shell is likely to be interactive
if block is None:
block = not (command or stdin)
# context and rxt files. If running detached, don't cleanup files, because
# rez-env returns too early and deletes the tmp files before the detached
# process can use them
tmpdir = self.tmpdir_manager.mkdtemp(cleanup=not detached)
if self.load_path and os.path.isfile(self.load_path):
rxt_file = self.load_path
rxt_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "context.rxt")
context_file = context_filepath or \
os.path.join(tmpdir, "context.%s" % sh.file_extension())
# interpret this context and write out the native context file
executor = self._create_executor(sh, parent_environ)
executor.env.REZ_RXT_FILE = rxt_file
executor.env.REZ_CONTEXT_FILE = context_file
if actions_callback:
if post_actions_callback:
context_code = executor.get_output()
with open(context_file, 'w') as f:
quiet = quiet or \
(RezToolsVisibility[config.rez_tools_visibility] == RezToolsVisibility.never)
# spawn the shell subprocess
p = sh.spawn_shell(context_file,
if block:
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
return p.returncode, stdout, stderr
return p | [
"# start a new session if specified",
"# open a separate terminal if specified",
"# block if the shell is likely to be interactive",
"# context and rxt files. If running detached, don't cleanup files, because",
"# rez-env returns too early and deletes the tmp files before the detached",
"# process can use them",
"# interpret this context and write out the native context file",
"# spawn the shell subprocess",
] | 44.376068 | 22.350427 |
def overrides_a_method(class_node: astroid.node_classes.NodeNG, name: str) -> bool:
"""return True if <name> is a method overridden from an ancestor"""
for ancestor in class_node.ancestors():
if name in ancestor and isinstance(ancestor[name], astroid.FunctionDef):
return True
return False | [
] | 52.666667 | 21.166667 |
def _shorten_url(self, text):
'''Shorten a URL and make sure to not cut of html entities.'''
if len(text) > self._max_url_length and self._max_url_length != -1:
text = text[0:self._max_url_length - 3]
amp = text.rfind('&')
close = text.rfind(';')
if amp != -1 and (close == -1 or close < amp):
text = text[0:amp]
return text + '...'
return text | [
] | 32.285714 | 21.142857 |
def stream(self, model, position):
"""Create a :class:`~bloop.stream.Stream` that provides approximate chronological ordering.
.. code-block:: pycon
# Create a user so we have a record
>>> engine = Engine()
>>> user = User(id=3, email="user@domain.com")
>>> engine.save(user)
>>> user.email = "admin@domain.com"
>>> engine.save(user)
# First record lacks an "old" value since it's an insert
>>> stream = engine.stream(User, "trim_horizon")
>>> next(stream)
{'key': None,
'old': None,
'new': User(email='user@domain.com', id=3, verified=None),
'meta': {
'created_at': datetime.datetime(2016, 10, 23, ...),
'event': {
'id': '3fe6d339b7cb19a1474b3d853972c12a',
'type': 'insert',
'version': '1.1'},
'sequence_number': '700000000007366876916'}
:param model: The model to stream records from.
:param position: "trim_horizon", "latest", a stream token, or a :class:`datetime.datetime`.
:return: An iterator for records in all shards.
:rtype: :class:`~bloop.stream.Stream`
:raises bloop.exceptions.InvalidStream: if the model does not have a stream.
if not model.Meta.stream or not model.Meta.stream.get("arn"):
raise InvalidStream("{!r} does not have a stream arn".format(model))
stream = Stream(model=model, engine=self)
return stream | [
"\"{!r} does not have a stream arn\"",
] | 41.6 | 19.05 |
def get_oauth_url(self):
""" Returns the URL with OAuth params """
params = OrderedDict()
if "?" in self.url:
url = self.url[:self.url.find("?")]
for key, value in parse_qsl(urlparse(self.url).query):
params[key] = value
url = self.url
params["oauth_consumer_key"] = self.consumer_key
params["oauth_timestamp"] = self.timestamp
params["oauth_nonce"] = self.generate_nonce()
params["oauth_signature_method"] = "HMAC-SHA256"
params["oauth_signature"] = self.generate_oauth_signature(params, url)
query_string = urlencode(params)
return "%s?%s" % (url, query_string) | [
] | 34.7 | 18.75 |
def parse_condition(self, query, prev_key=None, last_prev_key=None):
Creates a recursive generator for parsing some types of Query()
:param query: Query object
:param prev_key: The key at the next-higher level
:return: generator object, the last of which will be the complete
Query() object containing all conditions
# use this to determine gt/lt/eq on prev_query
logger.debug(u'query: {} prev_query: {}'.format(query, prev_key))
q = Query()
conditions = None
# deal with the {'name': value} case by injecting a previous key
if not prev_key:
temp_query = copy.deepcopy(query)
k, v = temp_query.popitem()
prev_key = k
# deal with the conditions
for key, value in query.items():
logger.debug(u'conditions: {} {}'.format(key, value))
if key == u'$gte':
conditions = (
Q(q, prev_key) >= value
) if not conditions and prev_key != "$not" \
else (conditions & (Q(q, prev_key) >= value)) if prev_key != "$not" \
else (q[last_prev_key] < value)
elif key == u'$gt':
conditions = (
Q(q, prev_key) > value
) if not conditions and prev_key != "$not" \
else (conditions & (Q(q, prev_key) > value)) if prev_key != "$not" \
else (q[last_prev_key] <= value)
elif key == u'$lte':
conditions = (
Q(q, prev_key) <= value
) if not conditions and prev_key != "$not" \
else (conditions & (Q(q, prev_key) <= value)) if prev_key != "$not" \
else (q[last_prev_key] > value)
elif key == u'$lt':
conditions = (
Q(q, prev_key) < value
) if not conditions and prev_key != "$not" \
else (conditions & (Q(q, prev_key) < value)) if prev_key != "$not" \
else (q[last_prev_key] >= value)
elif key == u'$ne':
conditions = (
Q(q, prev_key) != value
) if not conditions and prev_key != "$not" \
else (conditions & (Q(q, prev_key) != value))if prev_key != "$not" \
else (q[last_prev_key] == value)
elif key == u'$not':
if not isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, list):
conditions = (
Q(q, prev_key) != value
) if not conditions and prev_key != "$not" \
else (conditions & (Q(q, prev_key) != value)) \
if prev_key != "$not" else (q[last_prev_key] >= value)
# let the value's condition be parsed below
elif key == u'$regex':
value = value.replace('\\\\\\', '|||')
value = value.replace('\\\\', '|||')
regex = value.replace('\\', '')
regex = regex.replace('|||', '\\')
currCond = (where(prev_key).matches(regex))
conditions = currCond if not conditions else (conditions & currCond)
elif key in ['$and', '$or', '$in', '$all']:
# don't want to use the previous key if this is a secondary key
# (fixes multiple item query that includes $ codes)
if not isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, list):
conditions = (
(Q(q, key) == value) | (Q(q, key).any([value]))
) if not conditions else (conditions & ((Q(q, key) == value) | (Q(q, key).any([value]))))
prev_key = key
logger.debug(u'c: {}'.format(conditions))
if isinstance(value, dict):
# yield from self.parse_condition(value, key)
for parse_condition in self.parse_condition(value, key, prev_key):
yield parse_condition
elif isinstance(value, list):
if key == '$and':
grouped_conditions = None
for spec in value:
for parse_condition in self.parse_condition(spec):
grouped_conditions = (
if not grouped_conditions
else grouped_conditions & parse_condition
yield grouped_conditions
elif key == '$or':
grouped_conditions = None
for spec in value:
for parse_condition in self.parse_condition(spec):
grouped_conditions = (
if not grouped_conditions
else grouped_conditions | parse_condition
yield grouped_conditions
elif key == '$in':
# use `any` to find with list, before comparing to single string
grouped_conditions = Q(q, prev_key).any(value)
for val in value:
for parse_condition in self.parse_condition({prev_key : val}):
grouped_conditions = (
if not grouped_conditions
else grouped_conditions | parse_condition
yield grouped_conditions
elif key == '$all':
yield Q(q, prev_key).all(value)
yield Q(q, prev_key).any([value])
yield conditions | [
"# use this to determine gt/lt/eq on prev_query",
"u'query: {} prev_query: {}'",
"# deal with the {'name': value} case by injecting a previous key",
"# deal with the conditions",
"u'conditions: {} {}'",
"# let the value's condition be parsed below",
"# don't want to use the previous key if this is a secondary key",
"# (fixes multiple item query that includes $ codes)",
"u'c: {}'",
"# yield from self.parse_condition(value, key)",
"# use `any` to find with list, before comparing to single string",
] | 46.100775 | 18.069767 |
def searchString( self, instring, maxMatches=_MAX_INT ):
"""Another extension to scanString, simplifying the access to the tokens found
to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional
maxMatches argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found.
return ParseResults([ t for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring, maxMatches ) ]) | [
] | 65.666667 | 22.833333 |
def _mul16(ins):
''' Multiplies tow last 16bit values on top of the stack and
and returns the value on top of the stack
* If any of the ops is ZERO,
then do A = 0 ==> XOR A, cause A * 0 = 0 * A = 0
* If any ot the ops is ONE, do NOTHING
A * 1 = 1 * A = A
* If B is 2^n and B < 16 => Shift Right n
op1, op2 = tuple(ins.quad[2:])
if _int_ops(op1, op2) is not None: # If any of the operands is constant
op1, op2 = _int_ops(op1, op2) # put the constant one the 2nd
output = _16bit_oper(op1)
if op2 == 0: # A * 0 = 0 * A = 0
if op1[0] in ('_', '$'):
output = [] # Optimization: Discard previous op if not from the stack
output.append('ld hl, 0')
output.append('push hl')
return output
if op2 == 1: # A * 1 = 1 * A == A => Do nothing
output.append('push hl')
return output
if op2 == 0xFFFF: # This is the same as (-1)
output.append('call __NEGHL')
output.append('push hl')
return output
if is_2n(op2) and log2(op2) < 4:
output.extend(['add hl, hl'] * int(log2(op2)))
output.append('push hl')
return output
output.append('ld de, %i' % op2)
if op2[0] == '_': # stack optimization
op1, op2 = op2, op1
output = _16bit_oper(op1, op2)
output.append('call __MUL16_FAST') # Inmmediate
output.append('push hl')
return output | [
"# If any of the operands is constant",
"# put the constant one the 2nd",
"# A * 0 = 0 * A = 0",
"# Optimization: Discard previous op if not from the stack",
"'ld hl, 0'",
"'push hl'",
"# A * 1 = 1 * A == A => Do nothing",
"'push hl'",
"# This is the same as (-1)",
"'call __NEGHL'",
"'push hl'",
"'add hl, hl'",
"'push hl'",
"'ld de, %i'",
"# stack optimization",
"'call __MUL16_FAST'",
"# Inmmediate",
"'push hl'",
] | 31.196078 | 18.137255 |
def covar_plotter3d_matplotlib(embedding, rieman_metric, inspect_points_idx, ax,
"""3 Dimensional Covariance plotter using matplotlib backend."""
for pts_idx in inspect_points_idx:
plot_ellipse_matplotlib( cov=rieman_metric[pts_idx],
ax=ax, ec='k', lw=1,
color=colors[pts_idx] )
return ax | [
] | 50.111111 | 13.666667 |
def make_comparison_png(self, outpath=None, include_legend=False):
Creates a thematic map image with a three color beside it
:param outpath: if specified, will save the image instead of showing it
:param include_legend: if true will include the thamatic map label legend
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
three_color = self.make_three_color()
shape = self.thmap.shape
vmin=-1, vmax=len(self.config.solar_classes)-1)
if include_legend:
legend_elements = [Patch(facecolor=c, label=sc, edgecolor='k')
for sc, c in self.config.solar_colors.items()]
axs[1].legend(handles=legend_elements, fontsize='x-small',
bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
axs[1].set_xlim([0, shape[0]])
axs[1].set_ylim([0, shape[0]])
if outpath:
fig.savefig(outpath, dpi=300,
plt.show() | [
] | 38.875 | 18.125 |
def load_effects(self, patients=None, only_nonsynonymous=False,
all_effects=False, filter_fn=None, **kwargs):
"""Load a dictionary of patient_id to varcode.EffectCollection
Note that this only loads one effect per variant.
patients : str, optional
Filter to a subset of patients
only_nonsynonymous : bool, optional
If true, load only nonsynonymous effects, default False
all_effects : bool, optional
If true, return all effects rather than only the top-priority effect per variant
filter_fn : function
Takes a FilterableEffect and returns a boolean. Only effects returning True are preserved.
Overrides default self.filter_fn. `None` passes through to self.filter_fn.
Dictionary of patient_id to varcode.EffectCollection
filter_fn = first_not_none_param([filter_fn, self.filter_fn], no_filter)
filter_fn_name = self._get_function_name(filter_fn)
logger.debug("loading effects with filter_fn {}".format(filter_fn_name))
patient_effects = {}
for patient in self.iter_patients(patients):
effects = self._load_single_patient_effects(
patient, only_nonsynonymous, all_effects, filter_fn, **kwargs)
if effects is not None:
patient_effects[patient.id] = effects
return patient_effects | [
"\"loading effects with filter_fn {}\"",
] | 45.212121 | 22.757576 |
def render(data, saltenv='base', sls='', argline='', **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Decrypt the data to be rendered that was encrypted using AWS KMS envelope encryption.
translate_newlines = kwargs.get('translate_newlines', False)
return _decrypt_object(data, translate_newlines=translate_newlines) | [
"# pylint: disable=unused-argument",
] | 56 | 38 |
def _resolve_default(data_type, listify=False):
"""Retrieve the default value for a given data type."""
if isinstance(data_type, _ATOMIC):
# A Python's object type needs to be left as is instead of being
# wrapped into a NumPy type.
out = (data_type.default if isinstance(data_type, Object)
else _get_atomic_dtype(data_type)(data_type.default))
elif isinstance(data_type, Array):
element_default = _resolve_default(data_type.element_type,
Sequence = list if listify else tuple
shape = ((data_type.shape,) if isinstance(data_type.shape, int)
else data_type.shape)
out = element_default
for dimension in shape:
out = Sequence(copy.deepcopy(out) for _ in _range(dimension))
elif isinstance(data_type, Structure):
if listify:
out = [_resolve_default(field.type, listify=listify)
for field in data_type.fields]
field_defaults = collections.OrderedDict(
(field.name, _resolve_default(field.type, listify=listify))
for field in data_type.fields)
name = ('StructureDefault_%s' % (data_type.name,)
if data_type.name else 'StructureDefault')
struct = collections.namedtuple(name, field_defaults.keys())
out = struct(**field_defaults)
return out | [
"# A Python's object type needs to be left as is instead of being",
"# wrapped into a NumPy type.",
] | 48.233333 | 17.2 |
def get_cached_moderated_reddits(self):
"""Return a cached dictionary of the user's moderated reddits.
This list is used internally. Consider using the `get_my_moderation`
function instead.
if self._mod_subs is None:
self._mod_subs = {'mod': self.reddit_session.get_subreddit('mod')}
for sub in self.reddit_session.get_my_moderation(limit=None):
self._mod_subs[six.text_type(sub).lower()] = sub
return self._mod_subs | [
] | 41.583333 | 20.333333 |
def to_csv(self, filename, stimuli=None, inhibitors=None, prepend=""):
Writes the list of clampings to a CSV file
filename : str
Absolute path where to write the CSV file
stimuli : Optional[list[str]]
List of stimuli names. If given, stimuli are converted to {0,1} instead of {-1,1}.
inhibitors : Optional[list[str]]
List of inhibitors names. If given, inhibitors are renamed and converted to {0,1} instead of {-1,1}.
prepend : str
Columns are renamed using the given string at the beginning
self.to_dataframe(stimuli, inhibitors, prepend).to_csv(filename, index=False) | [
] | 37.526316 | 26.263158 |
def get_agenda_for_sentence(self, sentence: str) -> List[str]:
Given a ``sentence``, returns a list of actions the sentence triggers as an ``agenda``. The
``agenda`` can be used while by a parser to guide the decoder. sequences as possible. This
is a simplistic mapping at this point, and can be expanded.
sentence : ``str``
The sentence for which an agenda will be produced.
agenda = []
sentence = sentence.lower()
if sentence.startswith("there is a box") or sentence.startswith("there is a tower "):
elif sentence.startswith("there is a "):
if "<Set[Box]:bool> -> box_exists" not in agenda:
# These are object filters and do not apply if we have a box_exists at the top.
if "touch" in sentence:
if "top" in sentence:
elif "bottom" in sentence or "base" in sentence:
elif "corner" in sentence:
elif "right" in sentence:
elif "left" in sentence:
elif "wall" in sentence or "edge" in sentence:
# The words "top" and "bottom" may be referring to top and bottom blocks in a tower.
if "top" in sentence:
elif "bottom" in sentence or "base" in sentence:
if " not " in sentence:
if " contains " in sentence or " has " in sentence:
# This takes care of shapes, colors, top, bottom, big, small etc.
for constant, production in self.terminal_productions.items():
# TODO(pradeep): Deal with constant names with underscores.
if "top" in constant or "bottom" in constant:
# We already dealt with top, bottom, touch_top and touch_bottom above.
if constant in sentence:
if "<Set[Object]:Set[Object]> ->" in production and "<Set[Box]:bool> -> box_exists" in agenda:
if constant in ["square", "circle", "triangle"]:
elif constant in ["yellow", "blue", "black"]:
# TODO (pradeep): Rules for "member_*" productions ("tower" or "box" followed by a color,
# shape or number...)
number_productions = self._get_number_productions(sentence)
for production in number_productions:
if not agenda:
# None of the rules above was triggered!
if "box" in sentence:
return agenda | [
"\"there is a box\"",
"\"there is a tower \"",
"\"there is a \"",
"\"<Set[Box]:bool> -> box_exists\"",
"# These are object filters and do not apply if we have a box_exists at the top.",
"# The words \"top\" and \"bottom\" may be referring to top and bottom blocks in a tower.",
"\" not \"",
"\" contains \"",
"\" has \"",
"# This takes care of shapes, colors, top, bottom, big, small etc.",
"# TODO(pradeep): Deal with constant names with underscores.",
"# We already dealt with top, bottom, touch_top and touch_bottom above.",
"\"<Set[Object]:Set[Object]> ->\"",
"\"<Set[Box]:bool> -> box_exists\"",
"# TODO (pradeep): Rules for \"member_*\" productions (\"tower\" or \"box\" followed by a color,",
"# shape or number...)",
"# None of the rules above was triggered!",
] | 52.226667 | 24.866667 |
def _parse_pot(pot):
"""Parse the potential so it can be fed to C"""
from .integrateFullOrbit import _parse_scf_pot
#Figure out what's in pot
if not isinstance(pot,list):
pot= [pot]
#Initialize everything
pot_type= []
pot_args= []
npot= len(pot)
for p in pot:
if isinstance(p,verticalPotential) \
and isinstance(p._Pot,potential.MN3ExponentialDiskPotential):
# Need to do this one separately, because combination of many parts
# Three Miyamoto-Nagai disks
npot+= 2
elif isinstance(p,verticalPotential) \
and isinstance(p._Pot,potential.DiskSCFPotential):
# Need to do this one separately, because combination of many parts
# Need to pull this apart into: (a) SCF part, (b) constituent
# [Sigma_i,h_i] parts
# (a) SCF, multiply in any add'l amp
pt,pa= _parse_scf_pot(p._Pot._scf,extra_amp=p._Pot._amp)
# (b) constituent [Sigma_i,h_i] parts
for Sigma,hz in zip(p._Pot._Sigma_dict,p._Pot._hz_dict):
npot+= 1
stype= Sigma.get('type','exp')
if stype == 'exp' \
or (stype == 'exp' and 'Rhole' in Sigma):
elif stype == 'expwhole' \
or (stype == 'exp' and 'Rhole' in Sigma):
hztype= hz.get('type','exp')
if hztype == 'exp':
elif hztype == 'sech2':
elif isinstance(p,potential.KGPotential):
elif isinstance(p,potential.IsothermalDiskPotential):
# All other potentials can be handled in the same way as follows:
elif isinstance(p,verticalPotential):
_,pt,pa= _parse_pot_full(p._Pot)
pot_type= nu.array(pot_type,dtype=nu.int32,order='C')
pot_args= nu.array(pot_args,dtype=nu.float64,order='C')
return (npot,pot_type,pot_args) | [
"#Figure out what's in pot",
"#Initialize everything",
"# Need to do this one separately, because combination of many parts",
"# Three Miyamoto-Nagai disks",
"# Need to do this one separately, because combination of many parts",
"# Need to pull this apart into: (a) SCF part, (b) constituent",
"# [Sigma_i,h_i] parts",
"# (a) SCF, multiply in any add'l amp",
"# (b) constituent [Sigma_i,h_i] parts",
"# All other potentials can be handled in the same way as follows:",
] | 47.226667 | 15.133333 |
def get_eventhub_info(self):
Get details on the specified EventHub.
Keys in the details dictionary include:
:rtype: dict
alt_creds = {
"username": self._auth_config.get("iot_username"),
mgmt_auth = self._create_auth(**alt_creds)
mgmt_client = uamqp.AMQPClient(self.mgmt_target, auth=mgmt_auth, debug=self.debug)
mgmt_msg = Message(application_properties={'name': self.eh_name})
response = mgmt_client.mgmt_request(
eh_info = response.get_data()
output = {}
if eh_info:
output['name'] = eh_info[b'name'].decode('utf-8')
output['type'] = eh_info[b'type'].decode('utf-8')
output['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(eh_info[b'created_at'])/1000)
output['partition_count'] = eh_info[b'partition_count']
output['partition_ids'] = [p.decode('utf-8') for p in eh_info[b'partition_ids']]
return output
mgmt_client.close() | [
] | 41.27027 | 19.324324 |
def get_state(self, scaling_group):
Returns the current state of the specified scaling group as a
uri = "/%s/%s/state" % (self.uri_base, utils.get_id(scaling_group))
resp, resp_body = self.api.method_get(uri)
data = resp_body["group"]
ret = {}
ret["active"] = [itm["id"] for itm in data["active"]]
ret["active_capacity"] = data["activeCapacity"]
ret["desired_capacity"] = data["desiredCapacity"]
ret["pending_capacity"] = data["pendingCapacity"]
ret["paused"] = data["paused"]
return ret | [
] | 40.333333 | 15 |
def tag_add(package, tag, pkghash):
Add a new tag for a given package hash.
Unlike versions, tags can have an arbitrary format, and can be modified
and deleted.
When a package is pushed, it gets the "latest" tag.
team, owner, pkg = parse_package(package)
session = _get_session(team)
hash=_match_hash(package, pkghash)
) | [
] | 25.391304 | 18.26087 |
def get_all_names(chebi_ids):
'''Returns all names'''
all_names = [get_names(chebi_id) for chebi_id in chebi_ids]
return [x for sublist in all_names for x in sublist] | [
] | 43.75 | 15.75 |
def get_slice_from_res_id(self, start, end):
"""Returns a new `Polypeptide` containing the `Residues` in start/end range.
start : str
string representing start residue id (PDB numbering)
end : str
string representing end residue id (PDB numbering)
slice_polymer : Polymer
Polymer containing the residue range specified by start-end
id_dict = {str(m.id): m for m in self._monomers}
slice_polymer = Polypeptide(
[id_dict[str(x)] for x in range(int(start), int(end) + 1)], self.id)
return slice_polymer | [
] | 33.45 | 21 |
def _search(self, trie, strings, limit=None):
"""Search in cache
:param strings: list of strings to get from the cache
:type strings: str list
:param limit: limit search results
:type limit: int
:rtype: [Resource | Collection]
results = [trie.has_keys_with_prefix(s) for s in strings]
if not any(results):
return []
for result, s in zip(results, strings):
if result is True:
return trie.values(s)[:limit] | [
] | 32.1875 | 13.25 |
def Marginal(self, i, name=''):
"""Gets the marginal distribution of the indicated variable.
i: index of the variable we want
Returns: Pmf
pmf = Pmf(name=name)
for vs, prob in self.Items():
pmf.Incr(vs[i], prob)
return pmf | [
] | 26 | 13.909091 |
def set_contents(self, stream, progress_callback=None):
"""Save contents of stream to part of file instance.
If a the MultipartObject is completed this methods raises an
``MultipartAlreadyCompleted`` exception.
:param stream: File-like stream.
:param size: Size of stream if known.
:param chunk_size: Desired chunk size to read stream in. It is up to
the storage interface if it respects this value.
size, checksum = self.multipart.file.update_contents(
stream, seek=self.start_byte, size=self.part_size,
self.checksum = checksum
return self | [
] | 40.823529 | 17.823529 |
def _get_element_text(self, element):
Return the textual content of the element and its children
text = ''
if element.text is not None:
text += element.text
for child in element.getchildren():
text += self._get_element_text(child)
if element.tail is not None:
text += element.tail
return text | [
] | 32.416667 | 9.083333 |
def added(self, context):
"""Ingredient method called before anything else."""
context.ansi = ANSIFormatter(self._enable)
context.aprint = context.ansi.aprint | [
] | 44.75 | 7.25 |
def build(ctx, project, build): # pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name
"""Commands for build jobs."""
ctx.obj = ctx.obj or {}
ctx.obj['project'] = project
ctx.obj['build'] = build | [
"# pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name",
] | 38.2 | 12.6 |
def drop_trailing_zeros(num):
Drops the trailing zeros in a float that is printed.
txt = '%f' %(num)
txt = txt.rstrip('0')
if txt.endswith('.'):
txt = txt[:-1]
return txt | [
] | 22.888889 | 13.333333 |
def str2dict(dotted_str, value=None, separator='.'):
""" Convert dotted string to dict splitting by :separator: """
dict_ = {}
parts = dotted_str.split(separator)
d, prev = dict_, None
for part in parts:
prev = d
d = d.setdefault(part, {})
if value is not None:
prev[part] = value
return dict_ | [
] | 29.333333 | 14.833333 |
def replace_col(self, line, ndx):
replace a grids column at index 'ndx' with 'line'
for row in range(len(line)):
self.set_tile(row, ndx, line[row]) | [
] | 32.666667 | 5.833333 |
def remote_url(connector, env, repo, filename):
return a str containing a link to the rpm in the pulp repository
dl_base = connector.base_url.replace('/pulp/api/v2', '/pulp/repos')
repoid = '%s-%s' % (repo, env)
_r = connector.get('/repositories/%s/' % repoid)
if not _r.status_code == Constants.PULP_GET_OK:
# maybe the repo name is the repoid
_r = connector.get('/repositories/%s/' % repo)
if not _r.status_code == Constants.PULP_GET_OK:
raise JuicerPulpError("%s was not found as a repoid. Status code %s returned by pulp" % \
(repoid, _r.status_code))
repo = juicer.utils.load_json_str(_r.content)['display_name']
link = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (dl_base, env, repo, filename)
return link | [
"# maybe the repo name is the repoid",
"\"%s was not found as a repoid. Status code %s returned by pulp\"",
] | 36.761905 | 21.904762 |
def save_password(entry, password, username=None):
Saves the given password in the user's keychain.
:param entry: The entry in the keychain. This is a caller specific key.
:param password: The password to save in the keychain.
:param username: The username to get the password for. Default is the current user.
if username is None:
username = get_username()
has_keychain = initialize_keychain()
if has_keychain:
keyring.set_password(entry, username, password)
except Exception as e:
log.warn("Unable to set password in keyring. Continuing..")
log.debug(e) | [
"\"Unable to set password in keyring. Continuing..\"",
] | 32.85 | 21.85 |
def _clear_dead_entities(self):
"""Finalize deletion of any Entities that are marked dead.
In the interest of performance, this method duplicates code from the
`delete_entity` method. If that method is changed, those changes should
be duplicated here as well.
for entity in self._dead_entities:
for component_type in self._entities[entity]:
if not self._components[component_type]:
del self._components[component_type]
del self._entities[entity]
self.clear_cache() | [
] | 35.789474 | 19.842105 |
def management_policies(self):
"""Instance depends on the API version:
* 2018-07-01: :class:`ManagementPoliciesOperations<azure.mgmt.storage.v2018_07_01.operations.ManagementPoliciesOperations>`
api_version = self._get_api_version('management_policies')
if api_version == '2018-07-01':
from .v2018_07_01.operations import ManagementPoliciesOperations as OperationClass
raise NotImplementedError("APIVersion {} is not available".format(api_version))
return OperationClass(self._client, self.config, Serializer(self._models_dict(api_version)), Deserializer(self._models_dict(api_version))) | [
"\"APIVersion {} is not available\"",
] | 61 | 37.181818 |
def print_gce_info(zone, project, instance_name, data):
""" outputs information about our Rackspace instance """
instance_info = _get_gce_compute().instances().get(
log_green("Instance state: %s" % instance_info['status'])
log_green("Ip address: %s" % data['ip_address'])
except HttpError as e:
if e.resp.status != 404:
raise e
log_yellow("Instance state: DOWN")
log_green("project: %s" % project)
log_green("zone: %s" % zone)
log_green("disk_name: %s" % instance_name)
log_green("user: %s" % data['username'])
log_green("ssh -i %s %s@%s" % (env.key_filename,
data['ip_address'])) | [
"\"Instance state: %s\"",
"\"Ip address: %s\"",
"\"Instance state: DOWN\"",
"\"project: %s\"",
"\"zone: %s\"",
"\"disk_name: %s\"",
"\"user: %s\"",
"\"ssh -i %s %s@%s\"",
] | 40.272727 | 12.272727 |
def _token_at_col_in_line(line, column, token, token_len=None):
"""True if token is at column."""
if not token_len:
token_len = len(token)
remaining_len = len(line) - column
return (remaining_len >= token_len and
line[column:column + token_len] == token) | [
] | 31.555556 | 16.555556 |