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Re: Yet another Anne Frank-like fake diary discovered 60 years after WWI | This discovery really is suspect. The reviews lauding the diarys incredible literary quality and her certainty of a terrible fate are extremely suspicious. According to testimony given at the Nuremburg Trials, any possible attempts at Jewish extermination didnt begin until late 1943. This woman must have been a powerful psychic. What are the odds of dying of typhus in a death camp? It seems she would have been bumped up on the death list rather than nursed for six weeks. The inconsistencies go on and on. |
Re: Yet another Anne Frank-like fake diary discovered 60 years after WWI | The Anne Frank story has worn thin by now. Anyone visiting the site in Amsterdam can clearly see that the building was a commercial facility with a glass front. All floors of the building were exposed to plain view from the street. Hiding in the attic was physically impossible. Some apologists claim that the Diary of Anne Frank was an allegory, and the Frank family was hiding in plain sight, passing as it were. A cursory reading of the original manuscript clearly delineates the writing into two very separate styles. The first part is a feverish pubescent diatribe with heavy lesbian fantasy, and the second, rightfully considered a forgery perpetrated by the father, is a total change to correct literary form blaming the bad men for their plight. Without the 6 Million myth, this diary would be meaningless drivel. International Jewry, perhaps realizing that the Anne Frank myth has out-lived its usefulness, needs to manufacture a new defenseless female victim to elicit strong sentiment among the Goyim. Maintaining their victim status is paramount to the façade they need to maintain in order to defeat us from within. European women are ordering this diary in record-breaking numbers without researching or even questioning the source. The Jew has tapped into the emotional base of our women to a frightening extent, which needs to alert us all. |
Re: Blood in the Face | It's not the kind of film that will draw folks to our cause. It's well worth watching from a racialists point of view.;) I found it entertaining. It's a Michael Moore film:eek:!! __________________________________________________ ________________ Blood in the Face is an anti- documentary, but what the leftist propagandists havent yet realized is that racial awareness is prompted through emotional stimuli, and reasoned arguments are pointless. For more than 25 years, logical thought has been quietly discouraged in the public school system, resulting in the production of hardcore skeptics who disbelieve everything that is taught and superstitious sheep that believe everything that is taught. Documentaries like this are designed to reach the skeptics, yet their interviews with new recruits and hangers-on are laughably transparent attempts to poison the message. Anyone who is emotionally prepared to receive the message of racial nationalism does so after viewing this film. |
Re: Metapedia - the Wikipedia for Whites | I have written seven articles for Metapedia and I want to give you some advice from knowledge gained through this experience. If you write an article about a Jew or a Jew-friendly individual, be prepared to have your article stripped down to basic, politically correct verbage on a regular basis by other users (presumably homosexual communist Jews or a combination thereof). You need to save a copy of your original article on your harddrive to re-upload. If you use any content from Wikipedia, be prepared for the same treatment. Photos from Wikipedia are exempt from this treatment if full credit is given to Wikipedia and the original photographer. Original articles written using fully referenced and verified sources will be locked by Metapedia so that homosexual communist Jews cannot simply erase huge sections of the article to fit their world view. I have found that simply adding the sentence This page has been locked to prevent editing. at the very top of your html article page stops tampering for many, many months. Who knows how long this will work? Probably until one of them reads this. |
Re: American History X | I'll second that. In fact, this film is one of the things that brought me to where I am today, a White Nationalist and a proud member of Stormfront. As a Federal prisoner who served 71 months in a high security prison, I can say that what happened to Edward Norton was total Hollywood B.S. In the Federal system no black would ever be paired with a White man in any job situation. No individuals with swastika tattoos would ever be allowed on the yard, and certainly not unsupervised in the shower area. I was allowed on the yard after 26 months in the hole because of my one swastika tattoo after swearing to not mention any racially oriented beliefs. Unbelievably, nearly all of my cellmates in the hole were illegal Mexicans, even though my crime involved depriving illegal Mexicans of their Constitutional Rights. Apparently the Feds consider them White, or nearly so, and eligible for Constitutional Rights. The Aryan Brotherhood members that raped Edward Norton and changed his entire outlook on the WN movement were all figments of the minds of Jewish writers and producers. Watching this film, believe the first half and totally dismiss the second half. |
Re: Eastern Promises | If you like tattoos, or fight scenes in bathhouses (one of the best fight scenes I have ever seen) or Russian mafia movies..OR all three this is a good movie. Viggo Mortensen (Lord of the Rings) and the blonde chick from The Ring.. No blacks.. I give it an A+ for recent movies I give it a high C for all time movies.. oh there is the mention of a black...the uncle of the blonde tells her that black men always run away, and the reason for her baby dying was because they mixed races, although there is never the black seen..or is it discussed, so maybe he was right. Johnny Yuma was a rebel. He rode through the West! |
Re: quote from Al Sharpton a while back | [quote=SoapScumBuildup;4353399]I don't know if any of you saw this little tidbit on YouTube.:mad: (I don't know if it will work. You may have to copy and paste to your browser.) Kamau Kambom makes some valid points in his rant, yet he misses the point of all his perceived grievences. Kambon doesn't own up to the fact that the Negroid race is ill-equipped to survive in today's centralized, technological society. The reasons for this include the Negroid physiology, psychology, and lack of emotional control inherent in the race. I don't understand why Kambon insists that Negroids continue leeching off White society rather than returning to Africa. Perhaps he sees the continuing trend of population die-backs taking place in Africa. Disease, tribal warfare, and ecological mis-management may cause the virtual extinction of the Negroid race in Africa within this century. The International Zionist Conspiracy is instructing them through the media that their only recourse is to race-mix with Whites to acquire the genetic material necessary to survive, yet Kambom seems dedicatedly anti-White. I can only conclude that he is another dumb-ass, know-it-all ******. |
Re: Old pictures of our white acenstry. | http://trees.ancestry.com/objects/b/...6b1f6485-3.jpg Excerpt from The Pioneer Families of Cleveland, 1796-1840, Volume 1 .commentAuthor { color: #777; font-style:italic; margin: 5px 0; font-size: 8px; } June 15, 1809 was an eventful day for the Hickok family of old Waterbury, Connecticut, for Abram and Eri, son and nephew of Captain Abraham and Jemima Foote Hickok, started early that morning with their families for Ohio. Everything in the way of livestock and household furniture that could not be taken on the long journey was sold or given away. Each family had a wagon packed, and filled to over-flowing with bedding, wearing-apparel, cooking-utensils, dishes, and enough provisions to last through the first few weeks of travel, and the wagon was drawn by a yoke of oxen. Abram and his wife Tamar Tuttle were both middle-aged when they abandoned their New England home, and started on this distant venture. They had five daughters, Ruth, Oriana, Lucy, Lucinda, and Dorcas. Ruth, the oldest, was 24 years old, and the youngest girl was about 15. The father walked all the way to Cleveland, while the mother and daughters took turns, two at a time, in riding precariously on the wagon. It was well into August before their destination was reached, and, doubtless, the road between Buffalo and Cleveland seemed the longest part of the journey. Abram Hickok was a blacksmith, and upon his arrival found awaiting him all the work he could do, as Nathaniel Doan, the first blacksmith, had been driven out of the hamlet by malaria, and was then living on the corner of Euclid Avenue and Fairmount Street. Eri Hickok was a farmer, and when the party reached Cleveland, he was far from satisfied with the looks of its sandy soil, and decided to continue for a few days longer, and search for a farm better suited to his purposes. This he found ten miles away in Middleburg Township in Berea County. The families were thus separated for the first time, but the cousins interchanged visits frequently, and two of Abram's daughters spent their last days with their Middleburg relatives and were buried there. The first shop and dwelling of Abram Hickok was near the corner of Superior and Bank Streets, the present site of the Rockefeller Building. Either it was moved across the street near Seneca Street, or he built there a few years later, and before his death the smithy stood on Euclid Avenue, and his residence directly back of it, Number 27 Prospect Street. A narrow lane connecting the two streets at this point bore his name until about 1900. Abram Hickok was a character, and his quaint sayings and unconventional doings furnished amusement for Cleveland as a hamlet, a village, and a city. He was familiarly known as Uncle Abram. The sign over his smithy read: UNCLE ABRAM WORKS HERE While celebrating the day, one Independence Day, he met with a serious accident, which laid him up for many weeks. Upon his recovery he changed the sign to read: UNCLE ABRAM STILL WORKS HERE He was a cousin of the Honorable John A. Foote, the noted Cleveland lawyer, his mother and the latter's grandfather being sister and brother. Abram Hickok was a member of Trinity Church and the church's sexton from its organization until his death. In that office he seemed The Head and Front of Episcopacy. There was a time when the Stone Church and Trinity, both homeless, used the only schoolhouse together. The former had services morning and afternoon; Trinity in the evening. One Christmas, falling on a Sunday, Uncle Abram planned to decorate the edifice with evergreens, candles, etc. for the evening service. It could be done only in the short interval that succeeded the close of the secong meeting of the Presbyterians. It is said that in his eagerness to begin the work, he begged Parson Bradstreet not to preach one of his damned, long-winded sermons this time. Abram Hickok was tall, thin, and, within the memory of all, wore large bowed spectacles over a rather sharp-pointed nose. His portrait is preserved in the Western Reserve Historical Building. He was the village sexton, and laid away in the first cemetary nearly all who were interred there. He was 80 years old at the time of his own death, having lived in Cleveland 36 years, and his grave is in the Erie Street Cemetary, near the front entrance. Of Tamar Tuttle, his wife, naught can be learned save that she was a good woman, and the mother of his five daughters. As these daughters were exceptionally fine women, and universally respected, it will be inferred that not all of their good traits were inherited from their father. Tamar Tuttle lived but six years after her arrival in Cleveland. A year after her death, in 1816, Uncle Abram married Phebe Stone, widow of Elisha Dibble. She died in 1839, aged 70 years, and was buried in Erie Street Cemetary by the side of her first husband. Abram Hickok then went to live with his daughter, Lucinda Hickok Caldwell, and died six years later. Oriana Hickok, or Aunt Ora as she was best known, had two sons by her first marriage, Harvey and Abram Scott. Lucinda Hickok was twice a widow while yet a young woman. She had a son, Samuel Cummings, who died in his teens, and by her second husband, Asel Caldwell, a lovely daughter and two sons. She kept a private school for many years on Superior Street, and helped much in forming the characters of the young people in those early years. She was remembered by gray-haired women of a past generation as one whom everyone loved and admired. She was a consistent Christian, and a sweet singer, who used her gift in the services of her church, or for the pleasure of friends and social events. Her daughter, Mary Caldwell, was very like her mother. She married John Bailey, brother of Robert Bailey, and removed to Sandusky, Ohio, where she died leaving two young sons and a daughter, Mary Bailey Henderson, now [1896] residing with her relative, Mrs. W. A. Price, in Cleveland. |
Re: What inspired your screen name? | It's my federal prison ID number after I served 7 years for conspiracy to deprive illegal aliens of their 'civil rights' w/hate crime enhancement for editing a flyer.:eek: |
Re: Grand Torino | What does eastwood say to the white kid? and is there any violence? 'groid 1: Wot de fuk you spose to be? wigger: Yo, dat's coo, dawg. 'groid 2: Wot de fuk you doin' my hood, boy? wigger: Nuttin'. Jus goin' down corner spot, get some CD's. It's all good, bro. 'groid 3: He call you bro, man. wigger: It's all good. bro. 'groid 4: It's all good? 'groid 1: Shut the fuk up, man. Come back here agin I bite yo muthafukking face off. Eastwood: What the hell are you spooks up to? wigger: Way to go, old man. Eastwood: Shut up, pussy. What's with all that bro **** anyway? You want to be Super Spade or something? These guys don't want to be your bro, and I don't blame them. Now get your Old Faith paddy ass down the road. |
Re: Grand Torino | This is probably the most pro-white movie I've seen in a long time. Gran Torino was written by the Jew Nick Schenk. The film's programmatic depiction of Walt's transition from xenophobe to grudging member of a changing America is hardly subtle . It appears to be a pretty formulaic piece about how the old geezer becomes the unlikely protector of a family of foreigners that move in next door, and in particular a surrogate father-figure to the teen son and daughter. And theyre not merely foreigners, which would disturb him in any case; theyre Southeast Asian (Hmong, specifically), and so look very much like the gooks he killed during service in the Korean War. Though this basic reform of the codger plot has been told many times, not only on the big screen but on the tube, what sets it apart in this case is both the degree of prejudice the old coot expressesEastwood's character Walt uses about every racial epithet you can imagineand the fact that its not really offensive because it is all what we secretly think on a daily basis. The affection for Eastwood that a viewer automatically brings with him, allows the mainstream to laugh at the characters misguided attitudes rather than become frightened by them. Eastwood's Walt Kowalski becomes a sort of spindly twenty-first century version of Archie Bunker, and you know that whatever he says, theres a heart beating within him that will eventually win out. The picture thus delivers the message that theres a PC multiculturalist inside every racist just straining to get out, no matter how set in his ways he might be. While becoming embroiled in the Third World hell that urban Detroit has become, Walt Kowalski's racial sense of justice, morality and order wont allow him to ignore some of the more egregious behavior he witnesses. He attempts to civilize the Muds around him by example through service and empathy, yet the film's Jew writer makes it plain that theres no place left in the world for Walt and those like him. But while Walt and his ilk may be doomed, they are useful to a point. The obligatory uplifting postscriptextremely corny, but strengthening Walts symbolic value as the last of his kindshrewdly reiterates the multicult agenda, albeit in a lopsided, hammy and overdetermined manner. I am a Clint Eastwood fan, but I found this film to be below average tripe andwith Eastwood's claim that with this film, he retires from actinga disappointing farewell from a beloved film icon. |
Re: Grand Torino | Jew film? You bet--Clint is in league with the Kikes, so don't place him on a pedestal just yet. :clink I don't place him on a pedestal, but as the cowboy with no name he represented White values as no other mainstream character was normally allowed. After the spaghetti westerns Eastwood portrayed characters wracked with the false White Angst induced by the Chosen Ones. After he gained the power to direct/produce his own films he strived to reduce this influence, yet, this is not completely possible in today's media environment. Gran Torino is the last gasp effort of a very old man in an alien-controlled media to transmit some sort of message to his racial brethren, without being outed as a racist. |
Re: I, Robot (2004) | I don't know if this comment is germaine at this time, but the original character was a White man, whose Mexican partner was compromised by terrorists. |
Re: Attention White People: (Caucasians) Free Videos regarding our current crisis: he | Re: Attention White People: (Caucasians) .... Your post is laudible, without doubt, but your use of the term Caucasians is somewhat approbrious. Caucasions are a sub-race of Slavic extraction, with very few living descendents in this country. The term was promulgated by Ashkenazie Jews with Caucasion bloodlines to legitimize their infiltration of the Aryan race in America. It's a pet peeve of mine, no offense meant. Keep up the good work!:clink |
Re: Tales of the Holocaust | http://www.jesustheradicalpastor.com...xperiments.jpg In 1998, I was arrested by the FBI for thought crimes and WN activism, and this photo was found on my computer harddrive. The grand jury recommended an additional charge of possession of child pornography. The FBI, and I assume all the agencies of the US government, could not come up with the origin of this photo or even a caption tentatively attached to it. The charges were quietly dropped and never mentioned again. I was very lucky. When posting to BB's, websites, or comment sections of video sites, make sure you are double or triple fire-walled. You can't afford to be captured. Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME -single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations -contracts with several companies to build thousands of railcars, some equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees Sect. 1042 of the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies -president is now authorized to use the military in response to a natural disaster, a disease outbreak, a terrorist attack or 'any other condition in which the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to the extent that state officials cannot maintain public order' National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51) -grants presidential power to unilaterally cancel elections, suspend the Constitution, launch a nuclear attack |
Re: Tales of the Holocaust | Muller, Filip; Eyewitness Auschwitz: 3 Years in the Gas Chambers; Ivan R. Dee;** Three years in a gas chamber? Yikes! :crazy |
Re: Tales of the Holocaust | Another sad tale today, from the children of the jews who were Holocausted as children. The children of the 850,000 individuals now receiving Holocaust reparations payments are seeking political and financial allies to continue these payments ad nauseum . Most seek help with their bizarre sexual proclivities, especially pedophilia and bisexuality. http://holocaust.meetup.com/cities/us/ca/san_francisco/ http://www.judymeschel.com/cosh.htm http://judaism.about.com/od/holocaust/a/hol_gens.htm http://www.aaets.org/article96.htm http://www.geocities.com/athens/delphi/7279/ http://www.judymeschel.com/coshorgs.htm#2ndgenorg |
Re: POLICE OUTED IN MUMBAI ATTACK | [quote=SCOTSWARRIOR;6206807] THIS STINKS LIKE A FALSE FLAG RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING Fox news reports that renegade units from the Indian Army linked to Hindu extremists may have perpetrated the Mumbai attacks in a false flag operation, MSNBC is reporting that Pakistani Muslims, Lashkar-e-Taiba members, carried out the attacks, and the major affiliates, (ABC, NBC, CBS), are reporting that Pakistanis belonging to the Jamat-ud-Dawa faction of the Lashkar-e-Taiba are the only suspects. Being a student of history, I can only conclude that nothing is at it seems and the New World Order proponents are crafting a scenario wherein the International Jewish Bankers skim the cream off the top of the Indian economy, just as they recently did to the US economy. |
Re: I am Legend | [quote=TheTerminator;4933150So, here we go: A white doctor kills most of humanity, but a black man and a hispanic chick saves it(with a white child who apparently doesnt talk). Why is Mr.Smith immune to the virus? Because he is a special African-American who benefited from affirmative action which excluded more deserving whites of being saved. How did the hot latina get _into_ Manhattan if all the bridges were blown up and why? Why is the electricity still on? Who is working at the power plant? movie makes no sense.[/quote] All of the PC bullsh*t aside, it is estimated that powerplants will remain functional for up to three years with no maintenance, at which point the peripheral sysytems will fail due to natural decay. In the 1954 Richard Matheson short story I Am Legend, the protagonist is killed by the zombies, who go on to create a new society. In The Last Man on Earth, released in 1964 starring Vincent Price, the protagonist mysteriously acquires immunity to the virus while working in the jungles of Central America. He effectively conveys the terror and despair of being the last living human, making this a little-known, yet classic film. In The Omega Man, released in 1971, Charlton Heston is an Army Colonel tasked with delivering an experimental vaccine to The Pentagon when his helicopter pilot succumbs to the disease, crashes, and forces Heston to inject himself with the only remaining sample of the vaccine. He later mates with a Negroid, presumably out of desperation, and is killed by the zombies. In 2007's I Am Legend, genious Negroid scientist Will Smith is mysteriously immune to the virus that has killed 99.99% of the human race and attempts to cure the few partially infected survivors with his own immune blood. Ah, those Negroids -- mental giants, morally impeccable, guardians of the American value system. One wonders why they are looked upon in a negative light when Hollywood never stops trumpeting their superiority. |
Re: I am Legend (2007) | Along with the whole ridiculous vaccine thing, what about making a cure for cancer on a VIRUS! Viruses MUTATE. Anyone who knows anything about medicine knows that. You can get the flu shot and then get the flu 4 weeks later because it mutated... Why wouldn't THIS virus mutate? You are right. Humans are metazoans, that is, we are made up of many cells. In most of our cells there is a nucleus that contains the “blueprint” for the entire individual. This blueprint is stored in DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA and its complement of helper proteins and organelles make up the molecular computer that contains the instructions necessary to construct an individual organism. Proteins are molecular machines that can perform incredibly complicated functions. They are the engines of life; DNA is the template that guides the manufacture of those engines. DNA in eukaryotic cells is arranged in two interwoven strands—the “double helix”—and packed tightly into a complex structure called chromatin, which is arranged into chromosomes in each cell nucleus. With a few exceptions, such as red blood cells and specialized immune cells, the DNA in each cell of the human body is complete and identical. Researchers currently estimate that the human genome—the complete collection of genetic instructions—consists of approximately thirty thousand genes. Genes are heritable traits; a gene has often been defined as a segment of DNA that contains the code for a protein or proteins. This code can be transcribed to make a strand of RNA, ribonucleic acid; ribosomes then use the RNA to translate the original DNA instructions and synthesize proteins. Some genes perform other functions, such as making the RNA constituents of ribosomes. Many scientists believe that RNA was the original coding molecule of life, and that DNA is a later elaboration. While most cells in the body of an individual carry identical DNA, as the person grows and develops, that DNA is expressed in different ways within each cell. This is how identical embryonic cells become different tissues. When DNA is transcribed to RNA, many lengths of nucleotides that do not code for proteins, called introns, are snipped out of the RNA segments. The segments that remain are spliced together; they code for proteins and are called exons. On a length of freshly transcribed RNA, these exons can be spliced together in different ways to make different proteins. Thus, a single gene can produce a number of products at different times. Bacteria are tiny single-celled organisms. Their DNA is not stored in a nucleus but is spread around within the cell. Their genome contains no introns, only exons, making them very sleek and compact little critters. Bacteria can behave like social organisms; different varieties both cooperate and compete with each other to find and use resources in their environment. In the wild, bacteria frequently come together to create biofilms; you may be familiar with these bacterial “cities” from the slime on spoiled vegetables in your refrigerator. Bio-films can also exist in your intestines, your urinary tract, and on your teeth, where they sometimes cause problems, and specialized ecologies of bacteria protect your skin, your mouth, and other areas of your body. Bacteria are extremely important and though some cause disease, many others are necessary to our existence. Some biologists believe that bacteria lie at the root of all life forms, and that eukaryotic cells—our own cells, for example—derive from ancient colonies of bacteria. In this sense, we may simply be spaceships for bacteria. Bacteria swap small circular loops of DNA called plasmids. Plasmids supplement the bacterial genome and allow them to respond quickly to threats such as antibiotics. Plasmids make up a universal library that bacteria of many different types can use to live more efficiently. Bacteria and nearly all other organisms can be attacked by viruses. Viruses are very small, generally encapsulated bits of DNA or RNA that cannot reproduce by themselves, Instead, they hijack a cell's reproductive machinery to make new viruses. In bacteria, the viruses are called bacteriophages, (“eaters of bacteria”) or just phages. Many phages carry genetic material between bacterial hosts, as do some viruses in animals and plants. It is possible that viruses originally came from segments of DNA within cells that can move around, both inside and between chromosomes. Viruses are essentially roving segments of genetic material that have learned how to “put on space suits” and leave the cell This is how a virus originally tailored to cure cancer can mutate to a virus that destroys the functionality of the pre-frontal cortex in its natural imperative for the survival of its own genetic material.. |
Dunkin' Donuts Armed Robber Barks Plea at FL Judge | http://media.miamiherald.com/smedia/...filiate.56.jpg James Herard BROWARD SHERIFF'S OFFICE Accused Dunkin' Donuts robber responds to judge by barking James Herard may not have a soul, as he reportedly told Broward Sheriff's deputies, but he certainly has a strange sense of humor. While standing before First Appearance Judge John Hurley Friday afternoon, the alleged gunman behind a string of armed robberies last week responded not in English or Ebonics, but with barks. ''Ruff,'' was his answer when the Broward judge asked if he was James Herard. ''Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff,'' he replied when Hurley asked if he understood the seriousness of the charges against him. And ''ruff, ruff, ruff,'' was his reaction when Hurley told him he'd be held without bond on armed robbery and attempted murder charges. Finally fed up, Hurley then told Herard that he considered his barks an acknowledgement of the judge's decision. It was apparently at least the second time Herard appeared before Hurley and spoke in barks. Police say Herard, 19, was the gunman who shot five people during armed robberies of three South Florida Dunkin' Donuts last week, critically injuring one. Herard has such a lengthy wrap sheet that the Public Defender's Office cannot represent him again, as there would be a conflict of interest should the court-appointed attorneys have to cross-examine former clients. A recusal by the public defender means that the county may have to hire private attorneys on the suspects' behalf. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/brea...ry/801202.html |
Re: Dunkin' Donuts Armed Robber Barks Plea at FL Judge | Or at least have him neutured Look at these responses on the Miami Herald website by average citizens. I think this bodes well for the WN cause everywhere. http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...user-image.gif pookyhead wrote on 12/06/2008 06:38:43 PM: Just KILL those Stupid COONS! Recommend (0) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...be42.Small.jpg Musky wrote on 12/06/2008 06:19:55 PM: Wax em and be done with it!! Recommend (0) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...user-image.gif laxl wrote on 12/06/2008 04:42:58 PM: This disgusting excuse for a human being has insulted K9's all over by barking. I wish death for him and others like him. Recommend (0) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...f3bf.Small.jpg yourmother wrote on 12/06/2008 04:13:26 PM: hey jmp1.. they do things with soulless killers, they got bundy,son of sam, dahmer etc etc... and never let them out. manson is locked up forever,and gacy never got out..the law works, sometimes. if white guys had done this to black customers at dunkin donuts it would be considered a hate crime. its almost as if america is embarrassed of the past and lets them slide.. Recommend (0) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...user-image.gif jmp1 wrote on 12/06/2008 03:35:28 PM: Hello America! This is the future with our antiquated laws on human rights. In our society more will be invested to get this animal off then rid the earth of him. These animals are smart enough to use our system against us because they have an inherant defensive mind set. Face it, our laws don't work against soul less animals who kill for fun. But until the blind segment of America opens it's eyes we will continue to be prey. Recommend (0) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...608c.Small.jpg Candee wrote on 12/06/2008 02:15:09 PM: This entire story is ridiculous. I suppose his barking is due to him knowing his future consists of him being on all fours for the rest of his life. It's a rehearsal. Animal. Recommend (1) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...user-image.gif walerob wrote on 12/06/2008 02:09:00 PM: Yes ! sentence to death, get rid of people like that, all 5 of then, if he has no soul, maybe he can see GOD at the end of tunnel. Recommend (1) http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...icon_alert.gif Report abuse http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...user-image.gif octavio54 wrote on 12/06/2008 01:55:47 PM: Grab all five put them on their knees and put one bullet on the back of their heads. They don't deserve to be part of our society. My hard earn taxes are being spent already pretty high why waiste more. |
Re: Experiencing different cultures makes you less likely to be racist? REALLY? | Us humans have such a scomata against lions. I have puzzled over your use of the word scomata for many days. I have discovered three possible meanings for this word, although none are correct in this context. The migraine sufferer has scintillating scomata; points of flickering colored lights within the field of vision; macular degeneration will cause a central scotoma, the scotoma itself is just a small area of disordered vision, or a blind spot. Scomata is also an obscure literary title used during the Renaissance in Germany (1343 - 1528), i.e. Scomata Joannis Keisersberg concionatoris Argentinensis, a master of the facetiae literary genre. Finally, it may be ascomata, cellular constituents which affect the growth of shoots, roots, mycorrhizas and extraradical mycorrhizal mycelia in evergreen trees. Whatever the case, this word does not mean what you thought it did.:p |
Re: Star Trek | As a Star Trek officianado, I'd like share one of my many thoughts concerning the franchise. Gene Roddenberry was born in El Paso, Texas, to Eugene Edward Roddenberry and Caroline Goleman. The Roddenbury surname is of French origin, however no family history can be verified under this surname, perhaps indicating that he is an Ashkenazi Jew... http://www.ancestry.com/facts/Rodden...e-meaning.ashx 24th century Earth as depicted in Star Trek: TOS and its successors is a monoculture of American values (such as in human names, for instance). However, regardless of the real-world justification (It's an American series after all), could Earth's future be actually like this? According to Star Trek: TOS and dozens of Star Trek novels, the Earth suffered a Third World War in which Asia and Eurasia were sterilized of life and in Star Trek: TNG and dozens more novels a Fourth World War obliterated S.E. Asia and most of S. America and Africa. After these events the globalization of business, advertising, work, communication and travel blurred cultural borders, and favored the strongest remaining culture. But if we don't believe in such a development or don't want to resort to the fictional explanation (Maybe it's what Earth is like after two centuries of American world domination), couldn't Earth appear just as Americanized to aliens (in addition to the Federation being human-dominated) as alien cultures seem to be monolithic in our eyes? In addition, humanity as portrayed in Star Trek has a predilection for classic European art, literature and music. Spock, Picard, Data, Janeway or the holoDoctor, for instance, appear to be fond of European culture just up to the mid-19th century. Above all the Shakespeare references in Star Trek: TNG are innumerable. Even though Shakespeare is arguably the greatest writer of English literature and may still be in the 24th century, there is hardly a place for anyone else. There are comparably few examples of a 22nd or 23rd century equivalent of a popular culture, much less of something like a subculture. Homosexuality exists neither as a subculture nor as a generally accepted way of living. A number of crew members such as Tom Paris or Trip Tucker are very much interested in the TV programs, movies, music and cars of the 20th century, and in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Real Life we get an impression what a 24th century Klingon-flavored subculture on Earth could look like, when the Doctor's holo-son brings his Klingon friends home. But overall, pop culture of any age seems to alienate many Starfleet officers, like the punk in the bus in Star Trek: IV or Zephraim Cochrane's Steppenwolf music in Star Trek: First Contact (although I suspect Riker liked it). Since no pop culture, language, fond remembrances, cultural references, music, entertainments, art or literature from the 22nd to mid-23rd centuries are ever referred to by the officers and crewmen of the Federation, one has to assume that this period was a second Dark Age in which a world of stunned and bedraggled White Americans and Europeans struggled to survive in a world poisoned by the ultimate results of Jewish capitalism and Jewish Marxism. Yet, even if we leave aside the national and the classical humanist slant in Star Trek, we may make out a common goal among humans that is perhaps equivalent to the Klingon blood thirst and the Ferengi greediness. Not only the society of the Federation, but the human nature itself in Star Trek was deliberately laid out by Gene Roddenberry as being better than today, and this continued in the sequels, even though some installments of Star Trek: DS9 cast a shadow on the perfect world that is Earth in the 24th century. But overall Star Trek is governed by the motto We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity, as Picard explains to the negress Lily in Star Trek: First Contact. |
Re: An ironic name for Pro-Obama Politicians.. | I believe you're referring to the Dolchstoßlegende, (literally Dagger stab legend) which refers to a social theory popular in Germany in the period after World War I through World War II. It attributed Germany's defeat to a number of domestic factors. Most notably, the theory proclaimed that the public had failed to respond to its patriotic calling at the most crucial of times and some had even intentionally sabotaged the war effort. The legend echoed the epic poem Nibelungenlied in which the dragon-slaying hero Siegfried is stabbed in the back by Hagen von Tronje.;) |
Re: www.immigrationcontrol.org | The Irish are worried about 10% non-Whites? Come to any city in the US see how you feel. |
Re: 3:10 to Yuma | Haven't seen the original, but found this film disappointing, thanks in big part to Christian Bale, whose emotional range resembles a chunk of wood. And then there's Crowe's boring portrayal of Ben Wade, a typically modern villian, who's not afraid to kill, but has rational motivations behind it. His sidekick, Charlie Prince, was far more menacing, and by extension, more interesting. And the ending simply had me scratching my head. I agree. What possible motivation does Crowe's character have to turn himself in, after committing multiple murders before the eyes of federal marshalls? The entire film previous to this points otherwise. |
Charlie Wilson's War (2007) | Based on the George Crile novel, Charlie Wilson's War stars Tom Hanks as the S.O.B. that trained and armed Al-Qaeda to defeat the Commies in Afghanistan. This film paints him as the hero of the 20th century, yet his policy caused the massacre of millions of civilians in Angola, Cambodia, Nicaragua and other less known killing grounds. Charlie Wilson was instrumental in legitimizing internal American spy networks which later developed into the so-called Patriot Act. This movie is simply New World Order brainwashing and 1984 doublethink. Absolute poison. |
Re: Charlie Wilson's War (2007) | How US dollars disappear in Afghanistan: quickly and thoroughly During the past five years, the US and many other donor nations pledged billions of dollars to Afghanistan, yet Afghans keep asking: Where did the money go? I wonder if Charlie Wilson really knew who he was supporting. Charlie Wilsons plan was to increase the production of opium poppies in Afghanistan to subsidize the militarization of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. This was all part of a larger plan to destabilize Afghan society so that an American occupation force could be inserted into the area to secure the Balkan oil pipelines. The War Against Terror has been deemed a never-ending war, so the American presence can be maintained until the oil fields are drainedabout the year 2075. Charlie Wilson was a creature of the Bilderburg Group and the international bankers who wish to wring every last penny out of the petroleum industry. To consider him a maverick patriot is to be one of the deluded sheeple. |
Re: Joo=Good/White=Evil (How It Works) | Jewish people = intermarriage is genocide White Gentiles = intermarriage is healthy, multicultural and tolerant Your distinctiveness will add to our perfection. Resistance is futile - Borg Queen, Unimatrix 001 :rolleyes: |
The Last Legion | The film is loosely inspired by the events of 5th Century European history, notably the collapse of the Western Roman Empire under its last Emperor, Romulus Augustus Caesar. This is coupled with other facts and legends from the history of Britain and fantastic elements from the legend of King Arthur to provide a basis for the Arthurian Legend. The film is narrated by Ambrosinus, native to Britain, who knows of a legend concerning the sword of Julius Caesar, which was hidden away from evil men. It begins shortly before the coronation of Romulus as Emperor in 460 C.E. Having traveled through much of the known world in search of Caesar's sword, Ambrosinus has then become Romulus's tutor. A sort of philosopher-mystic, he at times gives the impression he is a magician, but his magic is just trickery and well-practiced illusion. Romulus's father Orestes apparently rules Rome but is not Emperor himself (historically, the magister militum , the senior officer of the Roman army second to the emperor). On the day before the coronation, Odeacer, commander of the Goths allied with Rome, demands large concessions of territory from Orestes, but is rebuffed. The same day, Romulus meets the general of the Nova Invicta Legion, Aurelianus Caius Antonius called Aurelius. The night after Romulus is crowned, Rome is attacked by the Goths. Most of Aurelius's men, tasked with protecting the emperor, are killed, though Aurelius is only stunned and left for dead. Orestes and his wife are killed by Odeacers henchman Wulfila, who captures Romulus. Next day, Odoacer, now ruler of the Western Roman Empire, plans to have Romulus killed. However, Ambrosinus convinces Odoacer to spare the boy. Instead, Romulus is exiled to the Isle of Capri along with Ambrosinus, guarded by Wulfila and his men. His prison is a villa constructed more than four centuries earlier by the emperor Tiberius Caesar. With Ambrosinus's help, Romulus finds a hidden chamber in the villa with a statue of Julius Caesar holding a sword forged for him by a Chalybian ironsmith [the Chalybians are credited with the invention of the iron industry] after his military campaigns in Britain. Writing near the statue's feet proclaims the sword was made for he who is destined to rule. Romulus and Ambrosinus are rescued from Capri by the loyal Aurelius and three surviving legionaries, accompanied by a Deccan warrioress from Kerala, India named Mira. They take Romulus to a seaport where the Eastern Roman Empire's emissary (whom Mira works for) and the Roman Senator Nestor have promised safe passage to Constantinople. However, Romulus and his loyalists barely escape after they learn the Senate and the Eastern Empire have betrayed them and sided with Odoacer. Romulus and Aurelius seek refuge in Britain, where the 9th Legion (called the Dragon Legion) may remain loyal, being far from the events. They are followed by Wulfila and his men. The party travels to Hadrians Wall and initially find no evidence of the legion until a farmer approaches and reveals that he was the legion's commander. With the collapse of Roman support of Britain, the legion had decided to disband and settle as farmers. They also did not want to antagonize Vortgyn, the powerful warlord of Anglia. Later that night, Ambrosinus tells a crowd about the origins of the sword. Ambrosinus also says the sword serves only one cause: the Truth. Vortgyn desires the sword of Caesar (as does Wulfila) as he aspires to rule the whole of Britain; after meeting with the Goths, he decides to either capture or kill Romulus as a gesture to Odoacer. Romulus, Aurelius, and a few supporters mount a battle against Vortgyn's forces at Hadrian's Wall which appears hopeless until the rest of the 9th Legion takes up its old Roman arms and uniforms and turns the tide of the battle. The two warring sides cease their hostilities when Ambrosinus kills Vortgyn at a temple near the battlefield. Romulus kills Wulfila with Caesar's sword, avenging his parents. Repulsed by the deaths in the battle, Romulus heaves away his sword which remarkably pierces a large rock and becomes lodged there. Many years later, Ambrosinus, now known as Merlin, takes a young boy to the battlefield to describe the now legendary events. The boy, named Arthur, asks what happened to Romulus. Merlin, who has visibly aged little since the battle, says he became a wise ruler and adopted the name Pendragon, and the boy recognizes him as his father, and the local girl Romulus married, Ygraine, as his mother. At the close of the story, the runes on the blade of Caesar's sword is shown partially covered in growth. The visible letters spell out E S CALIBVR, foreshadowing the transition from Caesar's sword to the legendary sword, Excaliber. I give this film a hearty thumbs up, with but one reservation. The Germanii bodyguards commanded by Aurelius feature a sub-Saharan African member, which is historically impossible and, I presume, is a concession to the Jewish film czars who control Hollywood. |
Re: Preaching at Gays | Secondly, Hitler shot this guy PERSONALLY... Ernst Julius Röhm was executed without trial during the purge of the SA â the so-called Night of the Long Knives in June 1934. Following his arrest by Hitler himself at the resort of Bad Wiessee on June 30 , Röhm was held briefly at Stadelheim Prison in Munich . There, on July 2 , he was visited by SS-Brigadeführer Theodor Eicke (then the Kommandant of Dachau) and SS-Sturmbannführer Michel Lippert. Lippert shot Röhm at point-blank range after he refused to commit suicide with a pistol given to him. Röhm may not have realized who had ordered his execution; it has been unverifiably reported that his last words were reported as being mein Führer, mein Führer. [ Get your facts straight before you try to make a point. A few errors like this negate any point you wanted to make.:o |
Re: Preaching at Gays | What about the disease issue? The act of gay sex itself may be the individualsâ choice, but with the incredibly high rates of STDs homosexuals transfer, invariable their choice begins to negatively impact the normal community in the form of AIDS, etc. We do not allow people to dump trash on our private property because it is an assault on our liberties, so how can we square homo's dumping their diseases onto us, even in this round-about way? Actually, we should be grateful to fags of Northern European heritage, since the immunity to AIDS by 12% of the White race was first detected through a (Jewish Think Tank) study of surviving sexual partners of AIDS fatalities. It turns out that descendents of Bubonic Plague survivors in the Middle Ages are also completely immune to the AIDS virus. But I agree that gays should always remain in the closet, it is completely distasteful to most Americans, PC brainwashing aside. I believe that homosexuality is not a genetic trait, rather a learned behavior, usually caused by homosexual pedophilia. Fags do reproduce, and this is the way they do it. |
Re: Preaching at Gays | Dr. Duke is a LEADER, not just a coach. I know him well, and he certainly has no problem with an old warrior calling himself a coach or with others calling me Coach. But I am NOT a Leader any more. I offer what expertise I have for those who want it, as many do. That is a major step down from being a leader. David Duke is a politician, and the first thing a politician has to do is make the most disgusting and humiliating comprimises imaginable. I have been involved in a fairly high echelon of the WN movement for more than ten years, and I have never heard your name even once. I have written over a hundred articles and edited dozens of skinhead hate-rags gratis. I can conservatively estimate that tens of thousands of individuals have formed their political and racial opinions based on my guidance. Yet, they don't know me, or my real name. Neither do I want them to. I served 71 months in the Federal Pen for refusing to name anyone that I was associated with, and met a couple of Bruders during my travails. They have never heard of you either. I find your posts uninformed, full of misquotes and mistakes, and generally irritating. I would really appreciate it if you would crawl back into your hole and just disappear. We need solid middle-of-the-road traditionalists, not healed homos or any other disaffected fringe group members. |
Re: Rambo 4--A Brief Synopsis | have a look Your video has been deleted. Oops!:eek: |
Re: Warning: possibly contentious post!!!! | [quote=JohnJoyTree;232437]I am no expert at all: but I somewhat incline to the opinion that the Protocols are a forgery, And, in fact, that crediting them shames White Nationalists. The word 'forgery' indicates that an unauthorized copy of an existing document was made. The plots and plans outlined in the 'Protocols' have come to pass. How many coincidences need to occur before you can realize that there is a long-term, well thought out conspiracy designed to destroy the White race? |
Re: Charlie Wilson's War (2007) | I wonder how that got past the censor.[/quote] The Jews know they have won the heart and minds of the American people. Occasionally trumpeting their victory in the media simply cements the fact.:mad: |
Re: New Members From Around The World, Post Your Intro Here | A lot of new members are too shy to post their own intro threads so this generic welcome thread is the place. I hope all you new folks coming in, if you don't want to post an lone intro thread, will at least post here and allow us to welcome and get to know you. has been running succesfully but it is in the Aussie section and a lot of folks from other areas may not want to post an intro there. Plus there are intro threads in other areas unique to certain countries. This thread is a general, all-around place to make your intro. So get to it. :D Rick |
Re: New Members From Around The World, Post Your Intro Here | 06581-032, would you like to add something to that? :) I left a lengthy intro about 2 hours ago. I don't know what happened to it.:rolleyes: |
Re: New Members From Around The World, Post Your Intro Here | Welcome to Stormfront. :clink Thank you for the welcome. I will try to post a shorter intro this time. I have been involved in the Movement since about 1998. I was an avid poster to Stormfront in '98 and '99 when the chatroom was booming as Wyatt Mann. I served 71 months in Federal pen for hate crimes connected to a skinhead organization that I was peripherally connected to. My court ordered restriction from pro-White activities is now over, so I thought I might reconnect with like-minded individuals. |
Re: Dunkin' Donuts Armed Robber Barks Plea at FL Judge | Another post on the Miami Herald website. I'm beginning to believe that WNs number much more than the 1-2% often quoted by the anti- sites and that the impending Obongo presidency has emboldened many to vent their true thoughts and beliefs. Who knows what may be possible? http://pluck.miamiherald.com/ver1.0/...user-image.gif prussian1488 wrote on 12/06/2008 05:39:06 PM: James Herard is a product of the high-level brainwashing being perpetrated by the Jewish owned/controlled media aimed at the average low IQ black and the average white liberal fool. The gangster lifestyle is made into an oh-so-desirable method to obtain material wealth and peer acceptance. The entire method of setting up a crime empire is repeatedly laid out by the media Jews in theatrical movies and TV programs, complete with the message that brutal and corrupt white cops are worse than the negroes and junkies that they should exploit and steal from. Black gangsterism, according to the Jewish writers and producers, leads to vast wealth and huge houses where you can actually boss around the previous white owners. Destroying the lives of your own black people can get you expensive cars, white women who love being denigrated by blacks, lots of booze and drugs, flashing lights and blaring music at your very own night club -- all this and more can be yours if you work the system carefully. |
Re: this site tracks to a white supremacy group | god will take away all the suffering the hurt but you have to let him heal yu. he will fill your heart not with hate but with love. now dr. king might of been a dreamer & he may well of had good reason to be so america was then & still has elements now which i like to term the unaturals. people who only have hate in their heart & not love, they want to tear down not build up. but im sorry the america of 2008 is not thank god the america of dr. kings time like 1958. i know yu'all like to be livin' in that time dont ya ! but that is not america today & it is not our future. i pray someone kills david duke he is an dukobomination to our beloved united states that man spits on the american flag wipes his ass with it's true meaning & wipes his feet on our beloved flag so iam calling all yu out there to kill david duke & do it now & dismantle this fear hate & bigotry once & for all time. god bless america. cos' i would never do what david duke does i could never spit on ole' glory or wipe my ass with the true meaning of our consttution or wipe my feet on our beloved flag that is an act of treason like a capital offence. i love america but if we go on like this will end up worse off & i love america too much i care too much for it for people to divide it for people to tear it down that is what yu are doing tearing it down please stop now please let our country heal its self & walk into a new day free of it's past ghosts a new america i like to see that a beautiful america the land of the free the land of liberty the land where anyone, no matter their class or creed can rise to the highest position in our nation that is the dream of our forefathers not to tear this nation down,to welcome those from a far who bring with them great bounties & enrich our nation & make it prosperous . once again god bless america the land that i love just as it has been on that historic day in our nations history november 4 . god bless these united states of america amen. This is all some kind of socialist stream of consciousness gibberish. Any serious student of history knows for a fact that diversity has led to the destruction of every civilization that embraced it. I challenge you to name one single improvement in any society that can be attributed to diversity. The longest lasting civilizations in all of history understood that homogeneity was the key to survival. You are an ignorant, brainwashed tool of the ruling power elite. Look beyond the end of your nose for once in your life and, beyond all, stop posting on this site. |
Re: To WNs: How Many Blacks Have You Met? | I've read most of this thread and I must say that I'm very surprised. I expected most 'racists' and WN's to be ignorant rednecks who lack any education. I find this site to be very different from that. Most seem well educated in history, science, etc. In a way I understand why many of you view blacks the way you do. I disagree with many things in our culture as well and I feel that much of it teaches us to be ignorant thugs. The thing is I think many of the characteristics that you associate with black people are characteristics that should be associated with POOR people (of any race). I've grew up in a heavily predominant white town and I've met many 'white trash' who fit these same descriptions of lazy, worthless, dumb, stinky, etc. I feel that many of the inner city blacks are victims of poverty and that is why you see them behaving the way you do. To label that as black behavior is grossly incorrect. I don't understand why people say blacks should go back to Africa. It's not like we had a choice to come here in the first place. You wonder why black culture is messed, but how can it not be when an entire race was enslaved and forced to be uneducated and live in squallor. Had it been the other way around people would be looking at whites in the same way. There are systems in place that are designed to keep blacks and other minorities ignorant, poor and mentally enslaved. BTW I'm of mixed race (white mother and black father). Flame me all you want, but I just wanted to add that to the discussion. I appreciate those who don't blindly hate black people and I respect those who admit that not all are bad, but that they would just like to keep to themselves. |
Re: Attention Anti-racists: Come one, come all! | How does having a diverse nation threaten white people? If white people are inherently superior, as you incorrectly insinuate, shouldn't they win out in the end, no matter the circumstances? Being proud of your race and heritage is one thing, no one should be denied that. It is when pride becomes hate that its called white nationalism (euphemism for white supremacism/racism, as you correctly state in the title of this thread). |
Re: NSBM CONCERT IN THE UK | My knee decided to **** up just before I left so I had to miss this tonight. Can anyone confirm if it went ahead without interruption? Now what are these other NSBM gigs being planned?? M8L8TH in the UK would be quite nice ;) |
Re: Ask a Korean Ex-Marine a Question | Oh, I see. Americans are welcome as long as WE do the heavy lifting. Hey, I could not care less if those robotic, retarded NK's invade the south, it's your fight, not ours in any way. Not to say I want that to happen, far from it. But you are all Koreans, so it is your family squabble - & your welfare depends on you standing up on your own two feet - NOT EUROPEANS / Americans - fighting for the yellow man. China got you scared? I do not blame you; they are your bully neighbor, after all. But no White man or European nation has an axe to grind between you & your dog eating neighbors. Our job is not to be referees or the world's policemen. Besides, I think (& could be wrong) that S. Korea has like double (or more?) the population than the north, correct? Fight your own wars. We have nothing to gain by spilling Aryan blood for Mongols of any stripe. There is a severe shortage of European stock in this world, whereas Orientals are the most common human life form. Our priorities must be our own welfare â & no one elseâs. Well, of course many asians feel this way also. But the political reasons were different than what you are describing. There was a reason why europeans and specifically americans became involved in world affairs and that was the threat of communism. Americans did not get involved in any wars before that did not involve some vested interest on their behalf or their security. Now as the political climate can change it's possible i don't think american troops need to be in south korea. Koreans should, of course, be the ones to defend themselves and I think they can do that. As china is less a communist country and more capitalist, it should not be as dire a threat to koreans as before. Sometimes, that's how the groundwork gets laid first before things can get back to balance and some normality. The positive trend is that hopefully the world is moving towards a more sane and humane way of solving problems through economics rather than the carnage and primitive barbarity of spilling blood as a way to do business with other people's and nations. That is one very positive side aspect of technological advancement as people become less base. On a broader level, how your neighbor is doing does affect you as well. So everyone should take care of their own interests first but of course we share this planet together and we trade etc and that's how progression happens for everyone and for everyone's benefit. No nation became what it was without the input of some outside influences. I'm just being realistic about the larger picture and not discrediting. |
bringing our people together | Who here lives in Washington state or Oregon |
Re: Are Japanese people more interested in white culture than we are? | they couldn't and never can even think of equaling the Whites in mathematics, science, technology and culture. the jews did it, and even more than just equaling. |
Re: Thoughts on interracial relationships | There's still hope for people who have dated people of other races. Someone I went to high school with had a black boyfriend during that time, but now she's older and she's with a White guy who is more-or-less pro-white. Personally, I think it's wrong because it erodes the cultures of both races involved - the White culture, more so. Resulting children are non-White, IMO, even if they're technically half-White. If not for the synthetic cosmopolitan consumer monoculture of mainstream TV, music, and fast food, people of different races would find less in common with each other. The opposite of the monoculture, obviously, is when people identify with their own ethnic traditions. I think if we can retard the influence of monoculture, we can prevent much race mixing. |
Re: Anyone feel the same about Black Metal fans? | I'm a black metal fan, in a band, and write some solo stuff on the side. I'm not cool with the influx of leftist bands and hipster fans who like black metal ironically. They just take politically-correct ideas (veganism, environmentalism, Marxism, anti-racism) and try to dress them up with traditional black metal imagery - If I wanted to hear about those things, I would just watch MTV. It's a completely empty statement. They'll bash Christianity all day but won't touch Judaism or Islam. That isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is when they get into the scene, figure out what some other bands are writing about, see that NSBM is generally tolerated, and then they try to call out bands as racist/fascist/hateful/etc. They're completely missing the point if they're trying to promote tolerance and equality in a scene that is about neither. |
Re: No Wonder Why So Much Obesity. Conflicting Information! Grrrr! | In my experience, food groups like meats and carbs aren't totally bad. It depends on preparation and the amount of processing it goes through. I also side with the idea of that everyone's metabolisms are different - some people can get lean eating a lot of meat, others maybe can't deal with animal fat, for example. I'm on the low end of the acceptable weight range for my height (where I want to be), and there's nothing in my fridge that couldn't have existed in 1900. Most people eat a lot of highly processed foods and fast food then wonder why they gain weight. Some traditional foods have rather high calories, even if they're made from scratch, so portion size comes into play. The portion sizes in restaurants are crazy, and some of us grew up with finish everything for your plate parents, so most people are accustomed to eating way more than they actually need. |
Re: Swedish integration minister wants zero 'low immigrant areas' | I feel bad for the Swedish people. The majority might be brainwashed to believe that they are sharing their jobs and standard of living with poor immigrants who are of the Religion of Peace or whatever sunshine-and-rainbows nonsense they believe, but they're going to get slapped in the face with all the filth, rape, and violence that this will bring. I'm mad as an American, so the conservative or nationalist Swedes are probably 1000x so. Even worse for them, they risk getting arrested for speaking out against immigration and genocide plots like this. |
Re: Thoughts on Andrea Dworkin? | I've been emotionally abused, and raped on separate accounts and I still don't hate men. I'm just more cautious of sociopaths and defective personalities. Those are the problem, not men as a whole. |
Re: Is Sunscreen A Lifesaver Or A Poison? | I'm so divided on this. I wear sunscreen all summer and if I'm going to be in the sun because I don't like how I look with a tan (with light brown eyes and hair, I lose my contrast) and if I forget sunscreen and get a good dose of sun I can see the deterioration in my skin. I also used to work at a dermatologist's office and encountered people who wore sunscreen all the time, occasionally, and never. The people who wore sunscreen and hats and didn't go outside often looked he best for their age and had the clearest skin. The people who sometimes wore sunscreen were the ones who had malignancies, it seemed. And people who rarely wore sunscreen aged badly but didn't have malignancies until they were elderly, unless they were of an exceedingly fair complexion. That was the pattern I saw, at least. My mother is of Croatian, Hungarian, and Slovak ancestry (black hair, olive skin) and never wears sunscreen. She makes a big deal of it if she peels a bit on her shoulders at the end of the summer. My father is a freckled Anglo-Saxon and the beach is the definition of hell for him, he burns even with SPF 50 sunscreen. I ended up in the middle: I don't burn unless I'm out for hours in direct sun, if I wear sunscreen I don't burn hardly at all, my first tan is in a freckle pattern then it evens out, and typically, I'm a light gold and toasted on the top. I always use a facial sunscreen lotion and so far so good because I'm always getting carded. As for the chemicals, I try to use an all natural sunscreen for everyday and save the sport sunscreen for....sport. On my way home from work, I wear my sweater or longsleeve shirt to keep the sun off my arms. |
Menstrual Cups | LOOK AT ALL THE MONEY I'M NOT SPENDING http://mamamia-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/...ds-380x285.jpg I've been hesitant to post about this because I feel it's TMI, but we're all anonymous anyway... Disclaimer: if it's against your religion to touch your genitals in even a medical, objective way, or if you believe in zero penetration by any object at all until your marriage is consummated, this post may be offensive. So, menstrual cups are a rather new way of dealing with periods. They're made from silicone and are completely reusable. IMO, they're better than tampons by miles. Why did I ever decide to get one? I think it was because I hate changing tampons but I also want to be hygienic. Tampons should be changed every 4 hours at the most, but a menstrual cup can be changed every 12 because the blood is not exposed to air and therefore does not grow germs. Tampons are also expensive; at $9 a box per cycle, times 12, that's over $100 a year - or more for some women. At around $30-$40, it pays for itself in 3-4 cycles can be used until it wears out {up to 10 years} or no longer fits. Pros Menstrual products are highly unregulated and can contain chemicals or particles that can cause cancer or birth defects, like fragrances, pesticides, bleaches, dioxins, etc. Cups are made from medical grade silicone and are much less harmful. I've found even on heavy days, I need to change it less than I would a tampon It's also hygienic in pools and hot tubs because it's sealed unless it's full and needs emptied It's more hygienic all around. No more bathroom bin full of bloody tampons. While I treated my tampons like biohazard, unsullied menstrual blood doesn't feel dirty at all The menstrual blood that is emptied from a cup doesn't have the same offensive odor as that from a tampon or pad If you're Odinist or Asatru, you can make your own rune set the old-fashioned way It might be more child-friendly, because there aren't boxes and wrappers and waste, or new tampons that Junior can't launch like scud missiles I've found my cramps and flow aren't as bad, but your mileage may vary The cup can be taken out for sex without worry of wasting a new tampon Once your cycle starts and you put your cup in, you don't have to worry about having enough tampons in your purse Unless you have a very heavy cycle, your choice in underwear isn't restricted I've heard of people TTC putting a cup in after intercourse, but I have no idea if that works or not If you have access to fire and water, you can survive a zombie apocalypse without compromising your menstrual hygiene Cons It might be difficult or off-putting if you're not comfortable touching your body but keep in mind it is in an objective and medical way There is a learning curve. You may have to use a mirror. Cups must be boiled for 5 minutes or more before and after use. My suggestion is to keep track of your cycle and plan ahead There is a chance of under- or over-estimating the size you need or ending up having to try different ones If you drop it in a toilet, you may have to boil it before reinserting it {your own toilet} or buy a new one {public toilet} There are different brands including Mooncup, Divacup, the Keeper, Sckoon, and also many off-brands and each can come in different sizes with a capacity more or less than a shot glass. Each brand varies in sizes, and I shall link size charts below. Most brands have a size for a nulliparous woman {never had vaginal birth} and a size for a multiparous woman {had at least one vaginal birth}. These sizes are not hard-and-fast. For example, I know that my anatomy is not as petite as my nulliparous status might suggest, and I have a heavy flow, so I bought a post-partum DivaCup. My recommendation is such: if you can fit 3 fingers in your body and couldn't touch your cervix if your life depended on it, order a post-partum cup. Another thing to take into consideration is the stemor the part you use to pull the cup out by: some are short, some are long, but the longer ones can be trimmed. It's better to have a bit outside your body than to panic because you have to do acrobatics in order to reach it. On the contrary, if your anatomy is small and you order too big a cup, you may have discomfort or leakage because the cup's rim can't expand all the way. If you want to go a step further: reusable pantiliners. Yes, they seem very granola and hippie-dippie, but these can save you hundreds in the long run. After experiencing the improvement in hygiene between tampon + pad and menstrual cup, I've been tempted to buy or make reusable pantiliners. Buy 3-4 and toss them in with the wash every month and you've probably just saved another $50 a year. Cup Size Comparison Charts « Menstrual Cups https://badgerpeak.com/uploads/image...upertampon.JPG Toxic Tampons? Report Exposes Chemicals Linked to Cancer |
Re: Menstrual Cups | I have personally almost always used pads. It is just cheaper and more convenient for me. Personally, I think as white women we should stick with what's best and be thankful we have options. Just think what the good majority of non-white women deal with, many don't have any choices. Even the ones that do are super picky, check out my thread of the hispanic woman that asked me for a pad an declined. :eek: All the Family Dollar stores I've been to are pretty much the black grocery store. I tried their generic tampons and liners, thinking How bad can someone mess up a tampon? and if I could save a few dollars, that would be nice. Nope. Like you said, we're fortunate to be able to afford our choice of product. Which reminds me: there are charities to donate menstrual products to Africa because girls have to miss school due to periods...how about to Appalachian America or to impoverished areas in Eastern Europe? Not sure if there is a comparable situation in those areas, but of course no researcher would care about it anyway because white people are all privileged and all wear Lululemon and drink Starbucks, and if they say they're in poverty it's not really poverty, just a 1st world problem like Ugh, the Trump Hotel was booked so I had to stay at the trashy Empire Hotel. There's not even at least a FOUR-star restaurant at this hell-hole |
Re: Piercing is Exemplifying Non-White Cultures? | I have piercings {3 sets of earlobe piercings, and a scaffold/industrial piercing which is 2 cartilage piercings joined by 1 bar} but no tattoos. I think there's a degree of primitivism involved, but I don't think it exemplifies non-white cultures unless someone has a piercing that emulates a non-white tribal tradition: eg. nose or ear piercings stretched like the Hmong, or those like Amazonian tribes, stretched lip and ear piercings like the Mursi, or has Maori/Samoan-style tattoos. I think nose piercings are a grey area, as they seem to be a Hindu tradition so it depends how white someone believes the Hindus were at the point where they invented nose piercings. On the other hand, I think lightly-stretched ears aren't deviant, as mummies from ancient Europe had them. Otzi the iceman, for example, had the equivalents of 00ga and 4ga piercings but they weren't giant like Hmong piercings. Likely they were just the product of wearing earrings carved from wood or bone that couldn't be made wire thin and might have stretched from age. Other European tribes pierced their ears to some extent but didn't seem to do anything remarkable with them. I don't remember seeing anything that suggested Europeans ever had facial piercings or performed scarification {seems to be an African practice}. However, tattoos seemed to have been fairly common. My only thing with tattoos is if I had to become visually anonymous, I could take my piercings out and only someone who knew what they were looking for could tell I ever had them. A tattoo can't be removed at a moment's notice. There are some I'd like to have, but my anonymity is valuable. Likewise, a benefit to being pierced is a lot of pierced people are liberal, so I can be like a wolf among sheep. If there were a sort of WN inquisition, who would be more suspect? The crunchy hippy lady type or the crew-cut guy in a polo? |
Re: Piercing is Exemplifying Non-White Cultures? | First I'd like to say that I do respect your individuality and choices that you've made that YOU feel are appropriate for YOU. With that said I was wondering if you could articulate in depth the reason why you chose to pierce and what it means or represents to YOU. Thanks. :) Ex- Anymore I regularly get bored with my appearance and start feeling plain. Piercings are a more comfortable way for me to adorn myself than hair and makeup, and if I wake up with 15 minutes to get out the door, I still have something interesting about me. Also, I'm a metalhead and mostly dress as such except at work or when I'm doing something serious {ex. at an appointment/DMV/buying something like furniture where I need salespeople to not ignore me because I look like I can't afford anything}. My s/o is a professional musician, we're both in bands, etc. so it's sort of more like a lifestyle than something I do one weekend a month. Piercings are to metalheads as critter pants are to East Coast preps. |
Re: Sodomy | A lack of Do not try this at home warnings in porn movies, perhaps? Anal sex has been around for a long time, some heterosexual people enjoy it, and it's not up to me what goes on in other people's bedrooms. |
Unwanted male attention | How do you feel about cat-calls AKA street harassment? Do you think street harassment is an accurate term? I don't enjoy cat-calls and don't find them flattering or compliments. They make me rather angry, mostly as they come from Black men. Infrequently, it comes from White men, and it doesn't bother me as much but I still get mad if it's a lewd comment. I feel like it's not accurate to classify every interaction with male strangers as harassment; saying Hi babe can be annoying but it's not harassment in the same way Hey, come sit on my face is. I wouldn't literally call the police and say this person is harassing me unless they were following me saying stuff. How much of the incidence of this do you feel is under your control? Some feminists will say it shouldn't matter what a woman is wearing, but I think people use other's clothing to help them determine what level of interaction is appropriate for that person. I definitely think if someone wears clothes associated with things like stripping or prostitution (ex. strapless minidress and platform stilettos), that's the kind of treatment they will get, whether it is morally right or wrong in a perfect world. If I'm wearing a reasonable outfit (ex. not tight all-over, no cleavage, covered from my shoulders to my knees), I feel like I've done my part and the people who make comments are out-of-line. The exception is this is nice clothes (ex. business clothes like a knee-length skirt, button-up shirt, and low heels): I might as well be wearing a club dress due to the comments. Cute gym clothes get a lot of comments, ratty or tomboy gym clothes don't. Surprisingly, pajamas or the yoga pants/uggs/sweatshirt trifecta get a lot of comments. I'm the most invisible when I'm dressed in tomboy, or punk/goth/metalhead-type clothes. Do you encounter a difference when it comes to White men versus men of any other race? I generally don't assume a White guy will say anything to me, because they usually don't. The ones who have said things have been visibly drunk/high/unstable or bored teenagers. Black men are the source of most comments, to the point that my natural reaction to a random black male's voice has been to give a dirty look. I try to be less jumpy, realizing reacting like that all the time could get me in trouble, yet still aware. Asian and Middle Eastern men practically ignore me, and there aren't enough Mestizos for me to comment on them in general. Did you see the 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman video? How did you feel about it? I think maybe the reactions might have been different if she wore a looser outfit (or tight pants/loose top, or tight top/loose pants) but if someone tried to guess the plot as anything other than A bunch of Black men are going to say stuff to her, I would assume they're Hellen Keller, they're in denial, or they've lived in rural North Dakota their whole lives with no TV or internet. |
Re: Unwanted male attention | Catcalls are no big deal,just ignore them.It is far less common for white men to behave this way.And that video was fake-no woman-especially one as ugly as that woman was-gets that many catcalls.I am way above average in attractiveness,spent my whole life in NYC,wear whatever I want and I very rarely get catcalled.I get a lot of stares but few derogatory comments. Maybe its because so many people walk around in NYC, the average person's threshold for noticing an individual is much higher, and the individual has to do more to stand out? I've noticed, too, it's not necessarily the most attractive women who get cat-called. I saw this Japanese article last week that sort of gives a different perspective and it sort of reminds me of experiences I've had. ?Women who attract chikan, and women who don?t?: The illustrated guide that?s provoking*debate | RocketNews24 Those most at risk from chikan [sexual harassment or assault], the notes below the image tell us, are school students in uniform, and meek-looking women in demure clothing. Women who wear loud clothing, or who look tall or powerful, are less likely to be attacked. Obviously there are cultural differences, but I agree the occurrence of this harassment isn't on axes of Attractive/Unattractive vs. Modest/Immodest nor does it doesn't happen randomly and uniformly to all women. I think it is about power for the man making statements and they will be more likely to do it depending on how approachable or vulnerable the woman is, and maybe how valuable she might be sexually (ex. younger, less around-the-block looking, attractive enough). An extremely attractive blonde woman who looks confident is too intimidating; an attractive enough, shifty-eyed brunette walking nervously is an easier target. Sometimes, I think it's that power aspect plus it is also a Black micro aggression against Whites. |
Re: Racist rap songs? | Rap is so popular, I think WN rap is the way of the future no matter what anyone says. Take it and use it. |
Re: Social Experiment Video: Negro Telling White girls he doesn't date White girls | I don't see why you guys are freaking out. Most of the women reacted in a normal manner. What did you expect them to say? Really. Aside from the one that said you're cute and the other one who said Why not? You should totally date white girls, none of the other ones really said anything. A lot of girls just looked at him like he was weird and walked away---most women reacted that way. Keep in mind that the video is edited. He probably filmed for 60 minutes then edited it down to that. I don't see what the big deal is. The one chick that said oh, you're cute, was clearly just trying to help him feel better because he sounded depressed or something; and I'm willing to bet her boyfriend is white. Generally I agree with you. If a black guy came up to me and said I don't date white girls I'd pretty much be like Okay... thinking 'I didn't say anything to you, I never proposed I wanted to date you. I'm just standing here. I guess you had to get that off your chest'. However, I think the point is to demonstrate that if a white girl/guy walked up to blacks of the opposite sex and just said Yea, I don't really date black guys/girls... it would be (socially) acceptable/encouraged for the black person to act offended and flip out over racism. |
re: WOMEN'S FORUM: Afraid of black people | I'm afraid of retaliation from black people interpreting something I do as racist. BUT that's probably why they do some of the things they do. Beep your car when a black person walks across the street wherever they feel like? Racist. Snark or give a dirty look to a black catcaller? Racist. Call out a black person on rude behavior? Racist. Coming back with You're just saying/doing that 'cause I'm black stops most people directly in their tracks. But really, I would still beep my car at white person who walked casually out in front. But how often does that happen? I would snark to a white catcaller. But that's not how most white men hit on women (in America). I would still call out a white person acting rude. But that happens less often. It's difficult as a woman to stand up for myself because the offending party is much bigger and stronger and isn't at risk of committing a hate crime |
Re: Getting out of debt and living free | I left my parents' house a year ago and about a month in, I felt obligated to draft a financial plan to get out of debt. It was crazy to me seeing about $400 that was wrapped up in paying off debts and if I didn't have those debts, I could SAVE that money and be able to travel, buy higher quality things with a lower cost-per use (ex. cost more initially but will last 5-10 years or more and are worth repairing if they get damaged and re-selling when/if I get tired of them), use that money to make more money, have some leeway to have a kid, etc. The technique I used to pay off my debts was focus on one at a time. I figured out which one would be quickest to pay off based on the interest rate and amount owed. Let's say I decided to pay $100 a month on that debt until it was paid off. The next quickest debt to pay off has a minimum payment of $40. Once the first debt was paid off, I would pay $140 toward the second. The third debt has a payment of $35. Once the second debt was paid, I would pay $175 a month on the third. Etc. By the time I've paid everything else off, I can pay $400 a month on my car and cut 5 years remaining to pay down to a year and a half. |
Re: Food Prices,Budgeting- sticky? | I generously budget $150 for myself to use between groceries and restaurants, with some caveats... 1 - Drink only tea, coffee, and water. Any other beverage, such as alcohol, energy drinks, fancy coffee I buy from my spending money as those are novelties. 2 - Minimal snacks. I suppose anything can be a snack (ex. a slice of cheese or bowl of cereal), but everything I buy is intended to be part of a meal. It's healthier to only buy meals: no chips, candy, ice cream, crackers, etc. 3 - I don't coupon. This may not work for everyone all the time, but most of the things that have coupons are very processed or are genetically modified. On the other hand, I use the Target 5% off card which I use for groceries like paper products and cleaners. 4 - Buy in bulk, only if you know you will use it. However, always buy things in bulk if they don't have a shelf life: toilet paper, paper towels, dryer sheets, Brita filters, etc. 5 - Go shopping alone. I can only imagine that shopping with kids would be frustrating, but even shopping with my s/o I notice that I'm swayed to buy romantic meal stuff like steak, and I'm worried about annoying him so I'm less likely to explore the store to comparison shop. If I'm alone, I can price every container of [product] in the store and nobody cares. 6 - Utilize cheap, nutritious foods to supplement meals. Personally, I use sour kraut and tuna as low-cost meals, or as side dishes to more expensive ones. Frozen vegetables are also good. Pasta is also acceptable, but I pair it as a side to meat or veggies. 7 - Prepare ahead and freeze. I typically make more than I think I need and just put the rest in containers to take to work. Usually, you will use the ingredients up this way versus making on a need basis. 8 - Remember to keep portions small and don't serve buffet style. |
Re: Is it ok to enjoy hiphop? | Eh, don't go to a hip-hop concert. At least in America you'd probably get stabbed, but it's a slippery slope. I don't think it's the style most are against, but how it is marketed to attract young white people. |
Re: Which non-white race do you dislike the most? | Muslim Arabs and Pakistanis, and Blacks are about tied for me. The degree of separation is that the Muslims know precisely what they are doing, whereas Blacks are just very disorganized and ineffective and I get frustrated driving because they don't know how to cross the street :D. |
Re: Shopping at Whole Foods, Trader Joes vs Wal-Mart/Local Supermarket | Whole Foods is nice, but I'm on a fixed income and try to keep my grocery bill as low as possible while still being healthy and good quality. Trader Joe's is my go-to because everything there is GMO-free, and a very good value. I can eat for 2 weeks on $60. |
Re: Anti-Feminism vs sexism | Anti-feminism, IIRC, is a separate belief system from feminism it's not a lack of feminism. The tl;dr of anti-feminism is that women and men have respective responsibilities and protections. In society today, men are being restricted in their freedoms while not being relieved of any of their responsibilities but women are able to abandon their responsibilities, gain freedoms once reserved for men, but also retain their protected status. If women want to abandon their responsibilities, they must give up their protections; if they want to gain men's freedoms they must take on men's responsibilities. |
Re: Does it bother you to be called Ma'am or Miss? | I'm ok with Ma'am, but I prefer Ms. to Miss because whether I'm married or not is no one's business. |
Re: What are your high scores in deadlift, squat and bench press? | Female (115lb) Deadlift - most ever 295, as 1 rep Squat - most ever 200 as 8 reps; don't know my 1 rep max Bench - most ever 135 as 8 reps; don't know my 1 rep max |
Re: Why do women like to tan? | Tans make most people look thinner, which may be the allure. Also, American culture just tells everyone that tan is good and pale is bad. Maybe because tanning and tanning lotions and oil costs money and yay beauty industrial complex; maybe it's promoted to break down the differences between races to people who can't read facial features (ex. Someone who can't tell a Spaniard or Italian from a Hispanic or Mulatto/Quadroon). I'm mostly anti-tanning for myself, outside of inadvertent tan from doing outdoor activities, but I tanned in beds before for an event. It's rather relaxing (warm and you just lay there) and helped with my seasonal depression, so I could see how someone could tan because they like how it feels. However, closer to the event, when I went to longer tanning sessions, I noticed the quality of my skin was deteriorating so I stopped. Girls I went to high school with who have tanned in beds for years are starting to look like leather couches; meanwhile I'm always getting carded. No regrets. |
Re: Are you as sick as I am of seeing race mixing? | I feel really frustrated. Most of the interracial couples I see are white women with black men, or white men with Asian women. It's like when I see a couple of the same race, white or not, I want to run up to them and tell them I wish you success in everything you do. Black couples, Asian couples, Hispanic couples, or Indian couples are better than interracial couples. |
Re: Why don't white people make more children? | They're told that kids are time-sucking money pits that will grow up to hate you after making you fat (because your diet will become Kraft mac-and-cheese and chicken nuggets), miserable, and unable to have any personal interests other than poop and puke, so it's best to not have any because you won't do a good job anyway, it's bad for the environment, and you don't want to become one of those Facebook people with their kid as their profile picture, do you? DO YOU?? |
Re: Kanye West Apologizes to Beck for 'Artistry' Comments, Will Collaborate with Taylor Swift! | I hate him. His lyrics are anti-white. If he were white and wrote the same way about any other race, he'd be banished to the underground. Kim Kardashian is a piece of trash, too, and they deserve each other. |
Re: Is it shallow if a man leaves a woman because she has gained lots of weight? | If he leaves because she's gained 50+ lbs, there would seem to be a few problems going on. A major change in someone's appearance might indicate a change in their personality or lifestyle. Why has she decided to not stay at a healthy weight? Maybe she's stress-eating because of different factors? Also, if he has a problem with her gaining weight, why not say something sooner. People don't just wake up with 50 extra lbs. Also, let's say he's turned a blind eye to it and one day he noticed; wouldn't it make sense to have a talk about it and give her a chance to lose the weight? Did he gain weight as well, over the same period of time? |
Re: Punk Rock | They sure did! Punk was very politically incorrect back then. Some meant it, others passively meant it, and others were against it. Such as life. The Dead Boys got in trouble for putting up British Movement stickers in the studio. From my understanding, the punk subculture what it originally started was that anything goes. Nothing was too extreme, no taboo too sacred. There of course was the Jewish element, the left-wing element, and also the white racialist element. It wasn't uncommon to hear the dreadful N-word at punk shows, usually be fans. :rofl That's what a lot of subcultures claim. Maybe punk was a free-for-all in its earliest days, but pretty much every alternative culture is the ideological equivalent of a bunch of Berkeley professors. When I discovered this, I was sorely disappointed and learned the hard way which opinions are and are not acceptable to express in front of any subculture other than rednecks, familiar metalheads, and old people. |
Re: Liberals claim Peanut butter and Jelly is Racist!! | I think that's satire. |
Re: Student allowed to bring religious knife to class... | Never walk away from home ahead of your axe and sword. You can't feel a battle in your bones or foresee a fight. - The Havamal If a white Odinist or Asatruar cited this as a reason to have a weapon with them at all times, they'd be told to sit down and shut up. |
Re: Beer bellies are in, biceps are out: introducing the 'Dad Bod' | I watched a video about this...phenomena. I'd link it but I forgot what it was; IIRC it was an Italian-looking weight lifting comedian. He said something like: Leo DiCaprio looks like that, and he's also 40 and a millionaire. Leo was thin and hot in his 20s. If he has a dad bod at 40 (IMO, age considered, he could look better but he could look way worse too), the guys who have a dad bod at 20 are going to look really bad. Go ahead America, keep lowering your standards. I'll be cooking real food and going to the gym while you haven't seen your genitals for decades. |
Kombucha | I'm a big fan of the store-bought kind but it's rather expensive so I'm considering making my own. I read some how-to articles on it so generally I understand the process, but I wanted to see if anyone else has tried it and has any specific advice... Some questions I have: - where do I buy the SCOBY? It it something I can buy at Whole Foods? - what is the best way to clean the containers that will be used for brewing and storing to be sure that nothing bad grows? - my home will probably be the right temperature to brew it without any other climate control in the early fall, summer, and late spring, but the other half of the year the temp hovers around 65-68F. Apparently that isn't a good temperature and will allow bad microbes to grow. What are some good options to keep the kombucha at the right temperature without heating my ENTIRE home? - are there any tea varieties that translate well into kombucha? Likewise, any teas that especially DON'T translate well? - where is the best place to get recipes that are dupes of G.T's or Synergy flavors? - any other advice or recommendation is welcome as well! |
Re: Being a strong independent woman and also WN | Thanks for posting this! Reading Stormfront, I've felt like a bad WN because I don't perform my gender role very well. I've had male jobs (selling electronics and then car parts, and I now work in STEM), I wear boots and pants and minimal makeup, though I have long hair. My s/o and I aren't hierarchical, either: we both cook and clean, we like to come to agreement on important things and don't try to micromanage each other, I ask him for advice and he asks me for advice, he is a passenger in my car and I'm a passenger in his car (I've noticed with older people, the wife is a passenger in her own car if she and her husband are going somewhere in it). Currently, I make more money than he does - but we're both starting out so that may change, but my self-worth doesn't depend on it. At the point where we decide to have kids, if I can stay home, great, but if I continue working at least I know he can do reasonably everything I can (will need help with milk but that's better than help with everything). Having children is less intimidating if I know I won't have to take care of an adult that counts as 1/2 a child in addition to. |
Re: Being a strong independent woman and also WN | I too have a male'ish job... ...we are living in a jew world. This is what they want. I too have a male'ish job... ...we are living in a jew world. This is what they want. While there are no doubt women who probably wanted to work a more feminine job or be a SAHM, who do masculine jobs simply because of better pay or availability or pressure to be feminist (and It's unfortunate they can't just do something they like and are good at); I personally have done masculine jobs because of a sincere interest in the things I work with, and me in a care job is like trying to get a cow to climb a tree: no natural intuition for it and not good for anyone involved. Another way to look at it: If I sold car parts to commercial accounts who basically know what they want and deliver the parts, that made it so someone with more hands-on experience (likely a man) can be at the counter troubleshooting and recommending things based on their experience and not driving a truck. Also, in my current position, I manage a lot of mundane things that would otherwise prevent the systems admin from doing his higher priority work. If women have historically had support positions to men (ex. Doctor & nurse), is one still Jew-brainwashed if the relative roles are the same but the subject matter is masculine |
Re: Being a strong independent woman and also WN | I notice threads every once in a while on here questioning why there aren't all that many women in the movement. There seems to be a lot of hatred toward women on here, divorced men, who end up hating women. I've had a few men here demand me to do things, get pregnant (immediately) and stop using birth control among others. Seems not only do they feel I must abide to everything my partner and father say and go to them rather than making decisions for myself, but also do the same with random people on the internet. :roflWhen I laughed and refused, one in particular called me: a liberal, Marxist, feminist, a communist, (can anyone really be all four?) AND not a woman. For some people, I think the idea of a submissive and domestic woman versus an independent woman is a thing of nostalgia. They watched their parents, who were affected by the so-called post-war cult of femininity and when families stayed together and compare it to today where there are so many single mothers, men rarely get custody even if they are a superior parent, women can abort without the fathers consent, half of all marriages end in divorce, and these nostalgic people just want the nonsense to stop. It's like through the transitive property: women who concerned themselves with home and family correlated with successful families. Modern feminist rhetoric says: women should try to be everything men have ever been, good or bad, which correlates with the disjunction of today's families. But there are all types of personalities. There's a lot of difference between a woman who has a self-guiding personality and who wants to achieve things for herself and someone who behaves a certain way just because Marxist feminism told her to |
Re: My object of affection loves another girl | Continue to be nice to him but don't throw yourself at his feet or suffocate him. Respect his partnership with his current girlfriend. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be; and if you love him, let him go. |
Re: What car should get? | Don't buy a GM! |
Re: Sony Jews Want Negro Idris Elba to Be the Next James Bond | :mad: James Bond is White and British! This reminds me of the new Orphan Annie movie where Annie is black! If the media could stop re-writing stories to fit their agenda, that would be great. |
Re: Should WN's be Pro-Abortion?? | I'm not against abortion in general, but it's a last resort, to avoid if at all possible. There was a girl on my Facebook who found out she was 6 weeks pregnant and found out earlier that day, and she had already publicly announced her decision to abort THAT SAME DAY. Her reasoning is she doesn't have a fund yet which I think is dumb. You have a partner, a place to live, transportation, health insurance, and 7.5 more months to get everything together. But it seems like she's flaunting it Oh, I'm pro-choice, I wanted an abortion, look at how discriminated I was because someone told me to consider adoption. I don't care if black women abort. They already have too many kids, as a group. |
Re: A bit lonely. | Meetup.com is a good way to meet people. I'm not sure what your area has, but there are probably some groups which might be relevant to your interests. Joining some sort of class or club might help as well. It might sound cheesy, but check with your s/o and relatives and see if they know any couples interested in going on a group date or invite over for a gathering. |
Re: Would you have made a good Queen in the Middle Ages? | I would probably worry about being attacked more. Although female myself, I've known many more women than men that truly do think with their emotions and whims and not their head. Also, it has been my observation that women think they have to work harder to hang on to their powerful positions, and that is why they can come off as a bitch, but it can also cause them to make unreasonable decisions. I can see decisions being made based on their emotions without regard to what their military commander recommends. I think this trend of fickle women is a modern trend because women, based on what is allowed in society, have many societal safety nets (ex. alimony and child support) and have been granted the rights of men without any of the responsibilities (ex. women aren't expected to learn domestic skills, but men are still expected to be breadwinners). They aren't forced to make many critical decisions, and their decisions largely don't matter because everything will be okay . As far as I understand the Middle Ages, a queen would be brought up differently than someone from peasantry or the middle class, but in the end there were expectations for each and not fulfilling them meant they would be executed, ostracized to a lower social class, become homeless, die of starvation or disease, or be forced by circumstances to become a prostitute or nun. Women in past times had to be competent in whatever it was they did and their decision-making ability because the stakes were high. |
Re: Rank the following immigrant groups | 1 Don't belong in white countries 2 Don't belong in white countries 3 Don't belong in white countries 4 Don't belong in white countries 5 Don't belong in white countries 6 Don't belong in white countries Completely agree with this. |
Re: China made products = Cheap materials, lowest quality, environment suffers, animals die | Is there a directory of brands and companies that are owned by whites and manufacture in white countries? I notice at Ikea, the larger items are made in Europe - I have furniture made in Poland, Lithuania, and Denmark - but the smaller things and knick-nacks are made in China or other places. |
Re: What ethnicity is your first name from? | :mad: Hebrew When I have kids: no Hebrew names. Heathen, Classical Greek, or Slavic only. |
Re: Concerns About Having Children | I also don't have any kids...BUT I have thought about the whole career first, go live life, etc. thing. I would still rather have kids sooner rather than later. The younger you have kids (in the 20's, not as a teen) the better your body will recover and there is less chance of having a miscarriage or nonstandard kid. I think you can have a kid while renting, while working entry level jobs, etc. I think during the kids' school years is a better time to get your career going if that's what you want: you will be more experienced, you probably aren't going to have any more kids, and you're not worried about daycare. Most of the people I know with several kids aren't the ones with 17 room houses, affording designer baby clothes, and who can spend $2000 remodeling a nursery. |
Re: Companies requiring personality tests | I think they can be good in some contexts. My friend works at a company that gives an in-depth one post-employment that gives a person's 2 dominant personality traits. Everyone is educated on each; eg. strengths of each personality, pet-peeves of each, role in group tasks. And they get a sticker with their personality type to put on their hard hats. It sounds hokey, but as an INTP, which is a less desirable personality type which is less frequently experienced with others, it might be helpful to others to be reminded that INTP/INTJ people aren't snobs or autistic. On the other hand, a pre-employment personality quiz asked me Would you feel comfortable working in an environment where Arabic is spoken? Not reading between the lines, I answered no, because my thought was primarily that I don't understand Arabic. In reality I was probably being screened for Islamiphobia The true-false questions and the 1-10 scale questions are the hardest. If someone answers false to I am always the best at what I do, are they saying they're not a doucebag or are they saying they're probably going to be the most incompetent person there? 1-10's would seem easier, but in reality anything between 3 and 7 is counted as an invalid answer. If asked, I'm always a happy person I'm going to probably say 6...generally, I feel the expected range of human emotions about various things. Essay or short-answer questions, or a space to show one's work would be more appropriate. |
Avoiding committing a hate crime by self-defense | I try to keep some type of weapon - lethal or non-lethal - on me most of the time. Wishful thinking says I won't have to ever use them. However, with all the tension that Ferguson and other incidents have caused, in combination with the general mentality of the days, I'm concerned that a successful incident of self-defense might have the potential to be twisted into a hate crime. I assume invoking the 5th Amendment until speaking to a lawyer is preferable? What other precautions can someone take to avoid having their self-defense misconstrued? |
Re: Heres How Much Experts Think You Should Sleep Every Night | I get 6-8 hours of sleep, usually closer to 6. |
Re: How do you feel about whaling? | I'm definitely not FOR hunting whales. At the same time, I'm hesitant to apply my values to people in other parts of the world who don't live with the same cultural norms. There's no reason for people in an industrialized modern country to hunt whales. We have other things to eat, we have substitutes for every single product that has once come from a whale. For people who live in Europe and Asian, who don't live in a modern way and rely on whale hunting as a main source of food/materials, I think they should be given a pass but should not be able to sell the products of hunted whales outside their community. That being said, if someone from one of those tribal societies leaves and moves to an area where they adopt a modern/industrialized standard of living, they would not be allowed to hunt whales (ex. a transplant family could not start a whaling business) or possess whale products. |
Re: In a white world, how would the middle east be dealt with? | Stay separate - don't trade with them, don't fight them, don't send aid; rely on domestic energy sources and develop alternative energy so their oil is irrelevant. I'm not sure what to do with white sympathizers...exile or prison? |