Sickening, the school should be sued, the gay kid, his parents and that García :rolleyes: idiot, should all go to a mental institution... :mad:
In a real world environment, that child would be culled from the herd. When cow has disease, or is disfigured, we take it out in the pasture and put a bullet through its skull, then we dig a hole and bury it. Exactly! it's like human empathy and compassionateness only serves to adapt the normal majority to the weak links and to impede the weak links to be bred out of the gene pool... :rolleyes:
The USA once did sterilize people they considered mentally unfit to reproduce. Those days are long gone. If you have a wang and the game, you can have 100 kids that you cannot afford, no worried, the US government will give you the money you need. Social justice at work. Like someone once said, if you need a license to drive a car why not one for having kids? :rolleyes: On topic, these idiots should be made to pay for the 911 service expenses for this idiotic use of an emergency service. Make people accountable for their actions so they learn the value of things and think twice before being wasteful.
The thing I don't get from this article is why would Italian teachers use a Namibian-produced English text for an exam in the first place??? :eek: Couldn't they just take an excerpt from a book by a well known English writer like Tolkien or Lewis?? :rolleyes:
Because they have the money handling skills of a retard. Just the money handling skills?? :rolleyes: They ARE RETARDS!
Can anyone provide some background for the current conflict on Georgia? :confused:
Someone interested in a small, far away country being invaded by the Soviet Un ... whoops I mean, the Russian Federation? You can never learn enough :D Interesting, As far as I know, Georgians are a distinct ethnic group, I can undersatnd their right for self determination from the soviet union, but are Ossetians a distinct ethnic group? From the news and maps I've been checking out there's a piece of Ossetia in Russia (South Ossetia), and another piece of Ossetia in Georgia (North Ossetia), do people in this regions represent a homogeneous ethnic group? Are they native to this region? Is this their homeland? Kind of reminds me of the Basque people and the Basque Country territory split between Spain and France... Or is it maybe like the Kosovo split out where a foreign ethnic group by invasion striped a country of a part of it's rightful territory? :confused: Any Georgians, Russians or Ossetian StormFronters?? :)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...detail_map.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...elines.svg.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi..._Pipelines.gif Map of the Baku-Supsa and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipelines throught the nation of Georgia ^ This is what is all about :mad:
There's also a tale about Hitler escaping in u-boat to his secret base in Antarctica. :D
??? :confused:
Tonight's episode was a piece of P.C. garbage. Dont read any further unless you want a spoiler. So these mexican-looking guys ambush the team in town. In the end, both groups capture someone from the other team. The mexicans make a demand for their member and the cache of guns, or they'll kill the good guy. These are some nasty looking thugs, fresh off of America's Most Wanted. In the end, we learn these thugs were actually protecting a nursing home. If Katrina taught us anything, it's that these minorities will turn on their own at the slightest hiccup in their normal lives. Do you really think they'd be the ones staying behind to do the noble thing? Nothing but a bunch of garbage. On top of that, Rick kept pulling his gun on the nasty white supremacist. Rule number one in zombieland, don't pull a gun on the guy who can hunt. Women & children first no longer applies in these kind of situations. Just more of the PC garbage meant to show people standing up to racists. yeah, hillarious how twisted the roles are from reality.... I recommend you see The Colony in discovery channel is a reality with a similar post-apocaliptic scenario, and guess what the non-whites are worthless... if it wasn't a show they probably have already got the group killed, or the group without the PC pressure and a camera recording them would probably had already cut them loose... :rofl To not run this thread off-topic I created a thread for https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t759256/
Even chinese born and raised in western countries are fiercely loyal to china(china#1 for example). They really are like the Jews of asia, they are not and never will be our friends. thats' a trait to respect, I'd only wish more whites were like that... :(
Indeed, it does seem to be specific to the negroes. Roast, scald, boil or microwave their children, as a form of jungle-like corporal punishment. These incidents certainly seem to be more common as of late, perhaps a sign of de-evolution in action? Of course, I'm sure Whitey is to be blamed in these horrific crimes, somehow. :rolleyes: I just can imagine: :rolleyes: Black leader: is da faul of da whites an deir dangeros inventions!! ADL's Jew Lawyer: the oven has always been a symbol of hatred and bigotry, everyday these 'death-machines' are being perfected through racist technology, we must ban them before we face another Holocaust :rolleyes:
Pretty much all the Guyanese I've seen look exactly like Dravidian Indians, it seems that they were brought there by the British from their colonies in British India.
http://us.altermedia.info//images/dna-creation.jpg http://img.timeinc.net/time/personof...tos/chavez.jpg OMG!! they are engineering Hugos!!! :eek: For God's sake!! ONE Hugo is more than enough!! :rolleyes: :rofl
right.. cuz we wouldn't want other nations taking pride in their own and not licking GW Bush and the US's feet would we. :rofl yeah, right! and that nation is Venezuela? :rolleyes:
Hmm. Look at the difference in the crania of Hugo and the guy in the picture behind him. Is that high-foreheaded guy what Mestizos will evolve into in a million years or so? The guy in the painting is Simon Bolivar, the so called Liberator :rolleyes: of several countries in south america... He's supposed to be a Blanco Criollo in the Spanish old caste system, a white born in the americas with proven white ancestry, in the other hand I've heard stories of him being a free-mason so he might be a jew, I've also heard about him being mulatto but I doubt it... Hugo has a semi-homo obsession with Simon Bolivar, his so called walking sword, and Fidel Castro :rolleyes:
My four year old granddaughter loved Tangled. She goes around playing like she’s Rapunzel. She doesn’t want her hair cut so she can be like Rapunzel. I guess it’s a good thing she’s blond. *I* loved that movie, not playing with my hair though... :rofl Also loved How to train your dragon, it's just so nice to see the fairy tales like they should be, not like what they did with the princess and the frog... :rolleyes: Hate when they try to sneak things through like they make an all animal movie like Madagascar or ice age and cast negroes to do the voices and make the characters behave like ghetto dwellers..
why does always black excuse their poor achievement by saying thing like your only seeing the measure of what we show not our full potential... :rofl I've heard blacks saying that they only get bad grades at school because they only do the necessary to approve in the tests and they don't bother to answer the other questions even though they know the correct answers :rolleyes: I guess they only answer enough of the IQ tests to not be classified as mental retards and they just don't bother with the remaining questions... :rofl Funny thing DanteX's argument, putting nations like Portugal at the same level of Africans... maybe he hasn't read the history of Angola, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, etc... these African territories under Portuguese evil colonial government were MAYOR producers of food, after the black takeover and liberation :rolleyes: they are starving! :rofl way to go!! :rolleyes:
Becuase from a scientific perspective, that's the case. Your thesis(which claims that I am lying) completely ignores factors like malnutrition and lack of education(among others) that directly affect IQ measurements. It is blatantly obvious that these factors are playing a part in the measure you're seeing. If you can't see this factor(it's right in front of you), then dare I say that you would have absolutely no business making claims about people other than yourself possessing a low intelligence quotient. That's not scientific at all it's just excuses ;) Let's do an imagination exercise... we go back 250,000 years ago to the supposed start of the modern human being... Prehistorical periods 242,000 BC - 6000 BC * The Stone Age * The Copper Age * The Bronze Age * The Iron Age Historical periods 6000 BC - Present * Antiquity * Middle Ages (Europe, 5th century - 15th century) * Early Modern (Europe, 14th century - 18th century) -Age of Discovery (or Exploration) (Europe, 15th century - 17th century) * Modern (Europe, 18th century - 20th century) -Information Age (1971 - Present) So about 500 years ago whites were in the early modern period in the age of discovery and blacks were where? stone age? that's right! Now till this point you don't have black's excuse of choice that the evil white man with his evil white colonialism was holding them down, do you? or weren't those 249,500 years enough time for black to develop a decent civilization? 500 years later where we are now? whites -> Information Age blacks -> STILL in stone age :rolleyes: The point is IF the environment influence is significantly then is still your fault since you and only you haven't been able to create a better environment around yourselves. If blacks (as a whole population) improved their level of comittment to education, they'd probably do just a tad bit better in school. This is just another blatantly obvious fact. When you adhere to a modern culture that devalues education and values criminality, you're going to end up with some negatives. correction the modern culture :rolleyes: that devalues education and values criminality is black culture, once again is your people creating a negative environment that affects yourselves... From a purely biological standpoint, blacks are fully capable of achieving IQ measures reaching as high as the low to mid 90's. The studies I have cited earlier in this thread establish this conclusively(blacks in britain with very little admixture still pull off measures only 8 points below those of whites, who stand at about 100 in England). The portuguese IQ measures average right at around that level. With that in mind, it can be said that the portuguese are in no way superior to blacks. The same can be said about many others groups of people that are commonly labelled as superior to blacks. I doubt that... Portugal is literally ages away from African countries... If black were superior to Portuguese :rolleyes: how come Africans didn't 500 years ago came with their ships to discover Portugal instead? Oh sorry, Africans didn't had ships 500 ago, nor ever, since ship is not a discovery from the stone age... I am very confident that I am more well versed with regards to the history of those lusophonian nations than you are. I also know that when the portuguese left Angola and Mozambique, they left almost ZERO infrastructure. The Africans who had been there were, of course, living under a white-ruled system. They did not have the same access to the education, etc, etc, that portuguese colonialsm had possessed. When the colonials left, they took all of their knowledge(which they had not passed on to their subjects) and left the nation with just about nothing. Of course, then there were the two cold war proxy wars fought in the territory of both these nations. These nations had no control over that. Cape Verde today is doing just fine-it doesn't belong in the same list alongside the other two you mentioned. Portugal is well known to have left more infrastructure than the other colonial powers, they did left infrastructure the thing is the savage blacks destroyed it after driving the Portuguese away from their farms (or should I say fazendas ;)) The Portuguese were the ones with access to education while the poor black were deprived of it, the Portuguese left and took the knowledge with them leaving the country with nothing to start off they had NOTHING when the Portuguese first came in, the portuguese education was theirs, as it was their knowledge, their tech... why should they share it? why if the blacks are biologically equal to Portuguese in term of IQ and if the portuguese are in no way superior to blacks, didn't blacks have their own education, technology and knowledge? The Portuguese didn't left they were drove away by blacks. To be fair every colonial nation was left with more than they have ever had or imagined. And Cabo Verde is just another third world hole. :rolleyes:
what about all the shows on tv where forensic anthropologists solve cases by looking to the bones of a dead person and they reconstruct age, gender, race, etc...? they could at least try being consistent with their lie machines... :rolleyes:
I've played a lot of video games... :D right now I'm usually playing Europa Universalis II and Europa Universalis III for the PC... Sometimes I also grab my GameBoy Advance SP and advance a little in my Pokemon Leaf Green... I used to play more but now I'm short of time... I played Resident Evil 4 for GCN a while ago... I also played WoW for a few months (a free-week on blizzard server and then in one of the free user servers)
The same happened a while ago in Canada, they deported illegal Portuguese aliens, meanwhile millions of Arab muds roam freely... :rolleyes: The policy is: non-white illegal alien = amnesty white illegal alien = deportation What a bias.
Has anyone seen this reality on discovery? it's about a post-apocaliptic environment where a group of survivors has to well.... survive... no electricity, no tap water, just abandoned buildings, the elements and other groups no so friendly... The Colony : Season Two Bios : Discovery Channel Of course they have to cherry pick the cast so it is multicultural, but guess what.... surprise!! non-whites are useless!!! :rofl The funny thing is that people actually realizes it check the comments in the forum: Leilani Smith IS Absolutely WORTHLESS - Topic Powered by Social Strata And, no it wasn't me who started that thread.... :rofl I mean really think about it, in a situation like that or the ever-popular zombie apocalypse scenario, for the most part non-whites, specially negroes will be totally useless...
In their defense, the people know its just a tv show. Plus, the producers know how to edit footage to make someone look good or bad. On a side note, the colony 2 was filmed in my old parish. It was filmed on the katrina-damaged ruins of Village Square. This area was pretty much the black ghetto of the mostly white St. Bernard Exactly my point, the group knows the producers won't let them die, they have a tech team behind helping when they get stuck, the jews behind it all are pushing it to show how multiculturalism works, and how non-whites are useful and do their part... YET, we still get to see how useless non-whites are.... just imagine if the setting was real... :rolleyes:
1) To prepare a USB drive and install windows from it: I recently did this for a notepad without an optical drive, you'll need: 1.1) USB drive of at least 2GB, make sure is a real USB drive not one of those microSD USB adapters, some USB drives won't be able to boot, 1.2) download WinToFlash, is a free application that will format your USB drive and make it bootable. 1.3) The Win98 cd or iso image file, if I recall correctly WinToFlash asks you for the windows setup and copies the setup files into the USB drive. 1.4) Enter your BIOS and make sure the boot order is set to booting from the USB drive first 1.5) Plug the USB drive and boot your machine, it should go through a normal Windows 98 setup. 2) Installing Win98 on a different partition: during the win98 setup they ask you where you want to install the OS, you just have to select the correct partition, there is no need to boot from it, you have to boot from the USB drive. 3) About switching OS after you're done: you just have to make sure to switch back the boot order on the BIOS and have the hard drive as first option, at BIOS level it doesn't allow you to choose logical partitions just the drives, when the machine actually starts booting (after passing the BIOS screen) it gets to a point where it asks you on which OS you want to boot if you have more than one, if you don't see a screen like that press F8 while booting and it should come up. 4) About emulating win98 instead: I'm not 100% sure on this one but the times I've tried emulating old OSs in order to play old games it haven't worked quite properly, I remember trying to emulate win98 on a vista machine to play Dungeon Keeper and it did run but was unplayable, haven't tried a virtual machine like suggested, but I suspect it will end up being an emulation and not quite work anyway, I think having a double partition with a real old OS installed is the actual way to go to play old games. DOSBox is a DOS emulator and it has worked for me in the past at least for XCOM.
Tried using WinToFlash. Apparently it does not support Win98.. is there another way around this? Or am I just going crazy? I can confirm that it works with winXP since I recently did an install for an old Acer notepad that got its hardrive broken, the hardrive was a a SATA by the way. I'm checking my install of WinToFlash, yep it doesn't have an option for win98 setup, did you try with the Transfer Windows XP/2003 setup to USB drive option to see if it actually recognizes the win98 disk? Failing that I'd try create bootable MS-DOS USB drive and then manually copy the contents of the win98 disk into the USB drive, back then windows still was running on top of MS-DOS, so it makes sense booting on MS-DOS and then using the command prompt to start the win98 install... Then, IF you succeed, there is the issue of how well Win98 can handle hardware of a modern computer, at least most crucial ones like input, video card etc. Are there even drivers for e.g. a relatively modern Nvidia graphics? How will it handle a modern CPU, motherboard? Will it even see your HDD, if, for example, it is SATA2? I'm not sure. Now that you mention this, if I recall correctly the main issue I had trying to run Dungeon Keeper on a modern machine was that the winXP (or was it win95 or 98??) emulation wasn't able to recognize the modern audio and video chipsets... in those times you had Sound Blaster audio drivers and no graphics acceleration whatsoever... :D Also wanted to mention that Norton Ghost is a great tool for saving images of your hard drive in cases when you need to back up and wipe an install, if you want to go back to what you had without having to reinstall the OS again, with a good ghost image you can get your drive back to how it was in 5 minutes. The radified guides for partitioning and image creation are great for this type of fiddling with your drives.
My older games run way better on windows 7 I just run it with windows 7 and I found less issues and even games that I had back then in 1999 that couldn't run on my machine then run perfectly fine now in Windows 7. Welp, that does it. I am just going to try to see if there are fixes on my games. I have managed to get Commandos to run, maybe I will have luck with the rest. Commandos! good times! :D did you have to do anything special to run it on win7? Yesterday I tried installing Cid Meier's Alpha Centauri on my win7 machine and to my surprise it's working just fine.
I think Obama is from mars mars? nah... he's from the planet of the apes :D
The website I found the picture on, , claims the guy in the swastika shirt looks Jewish. She was at a party for race traitor Katy Perry at a club. If the shirt is so offensive, why aren't any of these articles attacking Perry or the club for allowing this guy to stay at the party? Seems like they're trying to smear Swift. Actually they BOTH look Jewish to me... the club owners must be Jewish too, otherwise they wouldn't allow some random guy to wear a swastika in a place were pictures would be taken and could blow in their business' face... This all smells as a typical Jewish publicity stunt to me. That Jewish slut gets free spotlight, publicity, interviews, etc... the same for the club, and if it after all starts going in the wrong direction for their interests they can go oh vei diz waz a joke, look the swastika guy is Jewish, the race-mixing whore is Jewish, the club is owned by Jews, the JH is for Join Homos you see?, nothing wrong here, nothing happened :rolleyes: I don't have any infatuation with race traitor whores. That's your job. Keltic Man seems infatuated indeed :p Besides why in the world White Nationalists care about something like Katy Perry's Wild 25th Birthday Party with Midgets, Paint & Cake Fight is beyond my grasp... :confused: 10 pages!! :eek: P.S. before someone jumps to my throat I only got to this thread to see what all the fuss was about, after skating through the first and last few posts is easy to come to the conclusion that this isn't worth my time... [sarcasm][valley girl voice] OMG!!!1111ONE diz party is TOTALEE WILD!!!111ONE OMG!!!111 a NAZI!!!! pictures! pictures! pictures!! http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...y-10260925.jpg The NAZI already exterminated a Ni66a!!!! :eek: kal 911!!! paramedicks save da ni66a!!! http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...y-10260931.jpg don't blame the blond!!! I was too high to notice anything... http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/c...y-10260939.jpg [/valley girl voice][/sarcasm] :rolleyes: :rofl
This is all very interesting news. However, I don't get how they can tell the size of the creature from their bones. That to me is a little out there. How do they do that, if you know? ?? what do you mean? they found a nearly complete skeleton.... how they tell the size?... they measure it.... with a measuring tape... a ruler, etc... :confused:
they're just behaving in the same manner they do in their own countries... :rolleyes:
Hera, I think something got lost in translation.:D PC in this thread is referring to Politically Correct meaning left wing pro-mud, not personal computer. :clink LOL :rofl This is a very funny confusion!! :rofl
Second part, hope you like it! :clink One ba one, da free crackas o' West-Eart fell to da powaa of da Bling-Bling. But dere was some bigot racist mutafvcka-crackas who resisted. A last evil-cracka alliance of white-cracka men an' mutafvcka-elves rallied agains da armies o' ISmordoRAEL, and on da mutafvcka slopes of Mount GAdoomZA, dey fought for da freedom of West-Eart. Victory were near, but da powaa of da Bling-Bling ain't be un-maked. It were in dis moment, when ain't no hope fo' da white-crackas, dat evil-cracka-Isildur, son of da evil-cracka-king, took up his mutafvcka-father's sword. And Jewron, enemy of the bigot racist mutafvcka-crackas of West-Eart, were defeated... Damn!!... Da Bling-Bling passed to evil-cracka-Isildur, who had dis one chance to destroy jewvil forever, but da pockets of white-cracka-men is easily jewrrupted. And da Bling-Bling of powaa hav a will of its own. It betrayed evil-cracka-Isildur, to his deat. (Ha Ha!! Hav dat cracka!!) And some sh¡t dat ain'ta been forgotten was lost. History was distorted by jewmedia. Den it became Holohoax. And fo' tooo an'a half thousan years, no nigga knew about da Bling-Bling. Until, when dere were a o-por-tu-ni-ty, da Bling-Bling catched a nigga-brother. Da Bling-Bling came to da bro Niggollum, who took it deep into da tunnels under da Misty Mountains (A.K.A. his A$$), and dere he consumed crack. Da Bling-Bling gave to Niggollum lota cash to buy crack. Fo five hundred years it poisoned his mind and kept him high ; and in de gloom of Niggollum's hood, it waited. Darkness crept back into da media of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of CNN's fear, and da Bling-Bling of Powaa perceived. Its mutafvcka time had now come. It abandoned Niggollum. But den something happened dat da Bling-Bling did not intend. It was picked up (A.K.A. stolen) by da most aint-like-ly mutafvcka im-agin-able. A Jobbito, Beanilbo ScumBagginos, of da Mexshire. For da time will soon come when Jobbitos will rape da fortunes of all... :rofl By the way: Any similarity with reality is mere coincidence :rolleyes: Just for reference: :D One by one, the free peoples of Middle Earth fell to the power of the Ring. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor, and on the very slopes of Mount Doom, they fought for the freedom of Middle-Earth. Victory was near, but the power of the ring could not be undone. It was in this moment, when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father's sword. And Sauron, enemy of the free peoples of Middle-Earth, was defeated. The Ring passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever, but the hearts of men are easily corrupted. And the ring of power has a will of its own. It betrayed Isildur, to his death. And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, the ring ensnared another bearer. The ring came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels under the Misty Mountains, and there it consumed him. The ring gave to Gollum unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind; and in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited. Darkness crept back into the forests of the world. Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Ring of Power perceived. Its time had now come. It abandoned Gollum. But then something happened that the Ring did not intend. It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable. A hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, of the Shire. For the time will soon come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of all...
Gollum should be played by Dave chappel he looks like a black version of gollum and doesnt need the help of CGI effects or make up to do so :D http://www.comediantimjones.com/imag...20Chappell.jpg wherezzz ma crack ma precioussss??? Da fatz Jobito tooks it!!! hez alwaiss sssmokin' Niggolum!! Niggolum!! Niggolum!! :rofl
I feel we should provide them with the respect they deserve by referring to them using their unique scientific classification: HOMO SIMIAN :D I think the HOMO part is too evolved for them... maybe CANNIS or CRAPPIS :rofl
Success Handicapped? :rofl
You'd be surprised just how tough animal bodies are compared to machines, in real-world battlefield situations. However, robots certainly might be cheaper. My bet is on teleguided drones. teleguided drones? don't we have those already? just with other names liberals, multiculturalists, anti-racists, etc... :rofl
Let me guess, after they get their way and get some hurricane named after a black, they'll be complaining that naming a destructive event after a Negro is offensive and racist, and they'll demand reparations... :rolleyes: Then they go back again to name them after whites, and the endless cycle of bleed-heart whining is complete... :rolleyes: Behold! Hurricane Snoop-Blow! Storm 50-wet!
Among non-whites this is quite common, see this list of the youngest birth mothers... well at least the reported ones: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._birth_mothers Age 5 * 1939: Lina Medina of Paurange, Peru, father was arrested on suspicion of rape, Age 8 * 2006: A girl from Huánuco, Peru, raped by two of her cousins. Age 9 * 1957: Hilda Trujillo in Lima, Peru, cousin was arrested for rape. * 2004: A Singaporean girl, impregnated by a fellow student at her school. * 2005: A girl in Butare, Rwanda, raped by her family's domestic servant. * 2006: A girl of the Apurinã, an indigenous people from the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. Police are investigating the case :rolleyes: * 2007: A girl from La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras, raped by her father. Age 10 * 1834: Sally Deweese of Butler County, Kentucky. * 2000: A girl from Bolivia, rape. * 2005: A girl from Bolivia, raped by her father. * 2005: A girl from Cameroon. * 2006: A girl in Abbeville, South Carolina, raped * 2006: A girl from Charleroi, Belgium, The father was a then-13-year-old boy who attended the same school as the girl * 2006: A girl from Jaral del Progreso, Guanajuato, Mexico, raped by a neighbour. * 2007: A girl from San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, rape by landlord. Age 11 * 1972: A girl at Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital in Aylesbury, England. The father was the young girl's stepbrother. * 2002: A girl from Bridgeport, Connecticut, raped. * 2004: A girl in Kharkiv, Ukraine, suspected to have been impregnated by neighbor * 2005: A girl in Moscow, Russia, impregnated by her 14-year-old boyfriend. * 2006: A girl of African origin in West London, United Kingdom. A 37-year-old man was arrested. * 2007: A girl from Valhalla Park, Cape Town, South Africa, An elderly security guard was arrested in connection with rape. see any trend? :rolleyes:
What a shock!! :rolleyes: After the invading Muslims took a piece of Bosnia away under the approving eyes of 'western' 'governments', now they want to annex it to Albania? Why wouldn't they annexed it to Albania in the first place? no... that would be too obvious even to the sheeple... :rolleyes: Don't be surprised when the invading Mexiscums demand that Texas or Arizona be realeased from the Union only for years later to be annexed by Mexico... :rolleyes:
Scenes like this represent exactly my problem with this f*cking people they go to our countries and expect that everything around them adapts to them and serves them like they were royalty or something, the lowest class acomodation in europe is way better than the ****hole they used to live in before but are they happy? are they even grateful? NOOO :mad:
Portugal was the first western European nation to begin mass importation of Africans. It was the first western European nation to openly embrace diversity, multi-culturalism, and miscegenation. This happened hundreds of years ago. Prior to that time, the Portuguese were out exploring and making their mark on the world. As a result of a few generations of intensive race mixing with blacks, Portugal is now the poorest nation in western Europe with the lowest literacy rate. The only reason they might be lacking in ni66ers is because they're inundated with illiterate mongrels. Brazil has a small, but strong white population who are clearly the highest class. The white tourists who end up in trouble are probably slumming. Go read a real genetic study and throw Kemp's book in Brazil... I mean the toilet. :rolleyes:
Just a picture. Je suis malade...........................:mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Bien sure! C'est une terrible maladi!! :clink Ça ce pase au cause de la Liberté, égalité, fraternité :rolleyes: On a side note, why the hell is the negro on 2nd row 3rd column wearing headphones? :rofl And why are there 18 negros in the team? :confused: aren't football teams supposed to have 11 players?:confused: The old French team has 13 players?.... maybe you need 18 negros to do the job of 13 French? :rofl So I am pondering as to in your opinion what makes one french and what does not? If they are born in French does it make them french...I am sure most of them would think so as would many others. I know Tony Parker is considered to be French by everyone, but he is not French to you because of the color of his skin. You are getting someone's nationality confused with ethnicity. I also find it funny you don't care for the success of the team, I am sure if they were all White and were as good as the Brazillian team you would harp on about how good they were. And Sports being a coliseum...yeah I guess so since Athletes hate getting paid millions of dollars playing a game children play for fun... not only that I guess you are just above the billions of people that watch sports so you can just call them sheeple... That depends on which criteria makes a nation for you, and which criteria gives someone a nationality for you, what you mention is the so called jus solis I believe in jus sanguinis ;) A nation is made by PEOPLE, a nation is a group of people that share same ethnicity, language and culture. If an alien from outer space is born in China it doesn't magically become Chinese, as a matter of fact he can spend his whole life living in China and he still won't be Chinese, He'll still be an E.T.. In the same sense you can get a Congolese to have a child in France, the child will NEVER be French, he is and remains a Congolese.
The I can be a 'man' Female or a 'female' Man. How can a black man be 'pretty much' French when they are not French or European. Frankly, it is insulting for anti's like you to denigrate the French identity into nothing more than a matter of holding a piece of paper. There is much more to it than that, but with the hackneyed PC stance, you strip all that meaning and depth away. You are belittling what it means to be French and belittling what it means to be European. It means more to us to be French, or German, or Greek or European than to have some silly citizenship paper. There is more meaning to it. These European ethnicities are part of our heritage, not just labels that can be applied to anything and anyone. They have a saying in Portugal for this: Um Português de verdade não precisa do passaporte para saber que é Português It means: A real Portuguese doesn't need the passport to know he/she is Portuguese ;) :clink
Sorry but I'm not Latin at all(I'm from Normandy), France is only partly Latin, but the majority is Celtic, and should I talk about the Germanic identity in our history ? Vercingetorix was not Latin, Charles Martel was not Latin, Charlemagne was not Latin, Jehanne d'Arc was not Latin. ;) Most of the French crusaders weren't Latins. Actually I don't know many Latins who did something for this country, but all the glory always goes for the Latins. I think you are confusing ethnic identity with language groups.... Latin is not a term for ethnicity it's a term for language groups, it denotes all the ethnicities that developed a language based on the ancient Latin language, that means, Italy, France, Spain Portugal, and I think Romania too (I may be mistaken with this one)... So last time I checked French people which may be comprised of different sub-racial and ethnic stocks, developed the French language from the Latin language, therefore France is a Latin (or Roman) country and French people are Latins, since they belong to the Romance (Latin) language group. ;)
Yeah but the Romance language group was imposed on them through invasions. They were a people before all that with their own ethnic identities and customs and languages. I don't know much about France to be honest, but saying they are Latins is like saying Mexicans are Latins b/c they speak Spanish. I disagree, we could say that ALL the Romance language countries are in the same condition, since the Roman Empire imposed the ancient Latin language on them... That's why I said countries that developed a language based on the ancient Latin language the Latin language may have been imposed, but the languages that were born from that weren't: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian... the peoples of whichever ethnicities that lived in those regions created them by adding influences from their old languages in many cases... So in that sense all those peoples are Latin and belong to Romance Language Group, that wouldn't even be a group if those different languages wouldn't have sprung from the Latin root. The case of the Mexicans is totally different, they didn't developed anything, they were taught a language, which they weren't able to fully learn and thus bastardized it, they don't deserve to be called Latins they never developed anything based on Latin.
You are right but this France is not the historical France, but Occitania (France conquered this land in the 17th century). Sorry but by your logic, Europe would be a huge conglomerate of countries, one for each province.... You can make the same argument about *Spain: Galicia + Aragon + Castilla + León + Navarra + ... *Portugal: Galicia + Algarve + Alentejo... *Italy: Moneda + Tuscony + Papal State + Venice + Apulia + Sardinia... You can even break down the historical France that conquered occitania: Burgundy + Brittany + Auvergne + Lorraine + Strassburg + Savoie + Navarra + ... And let's not talk about Germany and all the states of the Holy Roman Empire... :rolleyes: The point is that if you go back in history enough you end up with single province governments or countries all over Europe, I bet that anyone with a little research could make a valid separatist argument for any province in any country of Europe :rolleyes:
that article makes no sense!! they are only throwing in random buzzwords to keep repeating the lie... basically they use the buzzword harry potter to get people to read the article, then they throw holocaust 6 million jews multicultural... :rolleyes:
First they discover Hobbits, now Giant Eagles, what's next? Trolls? Orks? Elves? Dwarves? The real world is looking more and more like Middle Earth :rofl
I've been wondering if any country besides the United States has a double standard, which discriminate against whites. I know United States has created this double standard through the Civil Rights movement to get back at white people for the exagerated atrocities of white men like the so called brutalities of slavery and the idea of white racism. I know that Europe was blamed for racism in colonialism in Africa, which may resort to a double standard in European countries who may have adapt the so called white guilt notion, which a lot of whites actually feel sorry for instead of realizing thats what people in the past did. If other countries have a double standard like the U.S., tell me the policies they have? For example, U.S. has affirmative example, racial job quotas, college scholarships exclusively to nonwhites, and a media that is heavily biased and covers up the real crime statistics. The world right now works like this: * If you're white and you're part of the mayority then you're the evil white mayority that's oppressing the poor non-white minorities * If you're white and you're part of a minority in a non-white mayority country, guess what? you're NOT the oppressed minority and they DON'T give you special treatment!! :rofl instead you're the evil white ELITE minority that's oppressing the poor non-white mayority!! :eek: To sumarize: If you're white then you're evil :rolleyes:
Ah, the South American natives in all their hideous, savage glory. Can't wait to see it. Yes! I know what you mean!! :clink I can't wait until he makes a movie about black african cannibalism!! :rofl
This is a copy & paste of the interview, enjoy! :clink Mel Gibson Tells Some Brutal Truths About The Amazing 'Apocalypto' Not to mention 'Mad Max 4,' Mussolini and unexpected Mayan enemas. By Kurt Loder I first met Mel Gibson in 1985, in a tiny mining settlement in the sweltering Australian Outback, where he and director George Miller were making the third Mad Max movie, Beyond Thunderdome. We had a long talk in a grotty little pub, over many beers. Although he's a classically-trained actor, Gibson had become internationally famous by that point as Max Rockatansky, the angry, leather-clad Road Warrior. He has since done many, many other things, of course, from starring in the four phenomenally popular Lethal Weapon movies to providing the (very funny) voice of the lead fowl in the animated hit, Chicken Run. He has also become an acclaimed filmmaker himself: His 1995 movie, Braveheart, won five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director. There was considerable head-scratching a few years back when Gibson announced that his next movie would be filmed entirely in Latin and Aramaic. The scratching ceased, however, when The Passion of the Christ was released — and went on to gross more than $600-million worldwide. Now, Gibson has released a picture, beautifully shot with Panavision's new Genesis digital camera system, whose dialogue is all spoken in the even more obscure Mayan language. This hasn't proved to be a problem for audiences, though; nor have the movie's commercial prospects apparently been damaged by his anti-Semitic outburst after a drunken-driving arrest in Malibu last July: Apocalypto debuted on December 8th as the number-one movie in the country. We asked him all about it. Loder: Did you have any doubts about making this movie in Mayan, with unknown actors? Gibson: Yeah. But I just felt a compulsion to tell that story in that way. It's hard and it's brutal, but I think it's appropriate for the time and the subject matter. I've been criticized ... Loder: By people who haven't seen movies like Hostel, apparently, which is a far more violent picture. Gibson: Well, I think so. Hostel was a horrifyingly violent film. I don't think ours is gratuitous. I think it's less violent than Braveheart. It is violent, yeah. But it was a violent culture. Just thank God we didn't show you the enemas. Loder: The enemas? Gibson: Yeah. There are whole Mayan wall murals devoted to guys getting enemas from these women in public. It would have been like public enema number one. So we did spare you that. Critics who call this movie a bloodbath — I don't know, I think that's a little over the top. Loder: One critic at Fox News predicted that women and children would be running for the exits. Were you confident that the audience would get it? Gibson: I thought they would. And the surprising thing is the exit polls from the first weekend — the demographic that rated it the highest were women 25 years and above. They really responded to the family, to that heroine, what she goes through. She's a whole woman; she's got kids and she's having another one and she's afraid, but she's courageous. I don't think the audience always listens to the critics. That's been proven time and time again. Loder: Do you think they listen at all anymore? Gibson: I don't think so. I think their trust has been completely violated. How many reviews have you read where a critic trashed something and then you see it and you go, whoa, what did that guy see? These poor fellows — how many films must they see, and how jaded must they get? You can tell the honest ones when you read them, and not just because they're agreeing with you. Sometimes they have a point that isn't favorable to you, and you go, You know what? They were right about that. Loder: Do you think the Mayan culture was even more violent than you've depicted it in Apocalypto? Gibson: Absolutely. Some of the stuff they did was unspeakable. You could not put it on film. I really did go light. There are accounts of when the conquistadors first arrived in the Aztec empire and saw something like 20,000 human sacrifices in four days. They must have had four or five temples going at the same time. All these hearts being ripped out — it was a kind of culture of death. Human sacrifice wasn't as prevalent in the Mayan civilization as in the Aztec. But with conquest and the melding of cultures, it became more commonly practiced further south. Loder: At the end of Apocalypto, the first Spanish explorers arrive in the Mayan empire, and they're carrying a large cross. I know you're Catholic: What do you think was the effect of Christianity on these pagan cultures? Gibson: Well, there were only a few hundred conquistadors, and their weaponry wasn't that far superior. The Mayans could pierce their armor — these cleavers that they had could cut a side of beef in half. So how did the conquistadors take power? I think that the majority of the populace was really discontented with what was going on. They didn't dig it. Twenty-thousand people being bumped off? It was like, who's next? And they began to rebel. I think the conquistadors led more of a revolution with the help of the people. But many of these conquistadors were pretty wild guys — you weren't getting the cream of the crop from Spain, okay? They considered the people to be animals, without souls. And so indiscriminate killing was also part of what they did. And they actually recorded that it was the Franciscans baptizing these people that saved them from being killed — the conquistadors wouldn't kill them because they figured they must have a soul. I think that Christianity gets a bum rap a lot of the time in the history books. But you've got to consider who's writing them. Loder: One of the most amazing parts of Apocalypto is the human-sacrifice scene at the top of the pyramid. Fernando Hernandez Perez, who plays the priest in charge, makes him pretty fearsome. How did you direct him? Gibson: I told him to be Mussolini. I said, Have you ever seen the old films of Mussolini? And we got some tapes for him. That strutting around and that smiling and that proud cockiness he has, it just looks like some dictator somewhere. ... The evil speakers — the Hitlers and the Stalins — were eloquent. So that's what we went for with that guy. Loder: There's also a Mayan king up there on the pyramid, enjoying all the carnage. The actor doesn't say a word, but he's still really scary. Gibson: He's something else. They kept bringing in guys to play that part for five weeks, and I'd look at them and say, Where did you get that guy? And they'd say, We found him in the gym. And I'd say, He looks like a guy from the gym. I said this character doesn't say anything, and we have to know when we look at him that he's the king, and why he's the king. You have to look at him one time and get an unsavory feeling, like he probably murdered his brother, stole his wife, murdered all his nephews. He's very manipulative and shrewd. So we found this guy, Rafael Velez, working on the docks in Vera Cruz — he was a foreman of these guys who were loading ships and containers. He was a very nice man, but he had this look of cold command. It was just perfect. As soon as I saw him, I knew it. When you're dealing with a culture that's alien to us, a culture from another era, speaking in another tongue, it's very important to have the characters be archetypal. So in this movie you have the every-man guy, you have the villains and the psychopath, you have the big lovable friend who sacrifices himself. You're looking for these people in the casting process. Many of them, even though they'd never performed before, brought something into the room with them, something that was a part of the character. And you could see it and say, That's the guy, right there. Loder: What makes a great action movie? Gibson: Boy, there's nothing more thrilling than a chase. I'd often thought, over the years, that someone should do a whole film where it's nothing but a chase. Loder: Like Mad Max. Gibson: Yeah, that was kind of like that. Loder: Did you learn a lot about action from George Miller? Gibson: George is a kind of a genius. He'd try stuff and you'd watch him do it and you'd go, Surely, George, that won't work. And he'd say, Yeah, it'll work if you edit it right. He was an editor, and he saw the pieces he needed to make it work. I was astounded by that. I learned a great deal from George and his particular mathematical brand of filmmaking. Loder: There's been talk of making a Mad Max 4. Is that going to happen? Gibson: I actually saw it in storyboard form, before it was written down. Boy, it's a huge thing. Loder: Was it set in Australia? Gibson: It was, yeah. It was very cool, very mechanized. A lot of machines and people doing really weird things, flying out of the sky on poles and all this kind of stuff. Loder: Is it going to happen? Gibson: I don't know. It was very elaborate when we were looking at it. They did a budget that was so astronomical it was frightening. You just had to say, man, that is a lot of money. There's an art to marrying the material and doing it for a price. Loder: Filmmaking has evolved a lot since the Mad Max days. There was no CGI back then. Now there's more and more digital imagery. You shot Apocalypto with a new digital camera system — do you think digital will displace film at some point? Gibson: I think digital will displace film, yes. We're talking about digital as a thing of the future, but I'm afraid that it's here. The Genesis camera is amazing. We were able to achieve about two extra hours a day because of it. You can pull all the filters and open the shutter 360 degrees. This means you can shoot about 3000 ASA. You can't do that on a film camera. There were some days where I would look at Dean and say, we can't shoot this — it's nighttime! But we'd look at the screen and you didn't know it. So off we'd go and we'd shoot something, and it was good usable stuff, and it's in the film. It's just amazing. Loder: I wanted to ask you about the quote from the historian Will Durant that comes up onscreen at the beginning of Apocalypto, noting that cultures always destroy themselves from within. This was apparently what happened with the Maya, and I gather you see some parallels with our own culture today. Gibson: Civilizations rise and fall. It's happened to every single one. I don't think we're crumbling. I just think this is not our finest hour. The destruction of the environment, the corruption of power, the use of fear as a tool to manipulate the masses — the news frightens me these days. The rot starts from within and then translates to the outside and creates circumstances where you fall. But then that's necessary too — to start again. It's a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don't know about you, but I make plenty. You can't turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead. Loder: Okay, last question: Do you have another project in mind already, or are you still chilling out from this one? Gibson: I'm kind of chilling from this. But I'll sometimes be awake at night with a germ of an idea. Maybe I'll try something in English. [laughs] Loder: Well, thanks for taking the time to do this. Gibson: Thank you. It was good to talk to you again. We were both quite young the last time we talked. Loder: Yes, and drunk. Gibson: Oh man, I was hammered. Loder: We don't do those things anymore. Gibson: Hell, no. Not me. You get into trouble like that. Check out everything we've got on Apocalypto. Visit Movies on MTV.com for more from Hollywood, including news, reviews, interviews and more. Want trailers? Visit the Trailer Park for the newest, scariest and funniest coming attractions anywhere.
I'm thinking about using the HDI Reports to proove that SA was a 1st world country during apartheid ( 1948 to 1994 ) and after apartheid it became a 3rd world hellhole ( 1995 - now ) The problem is I can't find the reports for previous years, only the current one 2007/2008... :( Any suggestions?
anyone??? I'm looking for stats that prove that SA WAS once a 1st world country... :confused:
The youngest mestizo girl on record to give birth was age 5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of..._birth_mothers Age 5 * 1939: Lina Medina of Paurange, Peru gave birth to a 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) baby, Gerardo, by caesarean section on May 14, 1939 in Lima at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 21 days. Her parents, who assumed their daughter had a tumor, took her to a hospital, where she was determined to be seven months pregnant. Although Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of rape, he was later released due to lack of evidence, and the identity of who impregnated Medina was never uncovered. The reason for her precocious fertility was cited to not lie in the ovaries themselves, but to have stemmed from an extraordinary hormonal disorder of pituitary origin, causing her to have regular periods since the age of 3.[1] Later, the doctors discovered that her first period actually occurred when she was eight months old, a lot sooner than her father had reported in the medical reports. Here is a list of the cases that get reported ... no surprise finding out most are mestizos... :rolleyes: or maybe I'm just an evil racist doing racial profiling? :rofl
Must be those great hispanic family values we keep hearing about. You mean mestizo family values, real Hispanics actually have good family values.
Skynet needs to fix this terminator unit's cpu, so many explosions have already damaged it... The correct directive for illegal aliens is Terminate :p
You would have gotten the same results. I disagree, because by someone who is educated and qualified for the job immediately rules out most politician, an election is nothing more than a popularity contest, most people doesn't vote for the best guy for the job, the vote for the one they find more charismatic... That's exactly what's SOOOO wrong with democracy, when they tell you that a good for nothing scumbag that only parasites the system and a hardworking tax paying citizen opinions (vote) have the exact same value when choosing who's going to run the country, you gotta know there's something terribly wrong. :rolleyes:
So surfing I found this interesting article, well... really I didn't found the article Hitler, my innocent hero | Europe It seems that someone named Hans-Ulrich Bichsels somehow published a pro-Hitler article at that site and of course it got pulled off... They now have a pool about it, and I'm bloody curious about reading the actual article... so does anybody know anything about this, or what really happened, and most importantly the article itself? Don't forget to vote accordingly, my bet is that they'll pull off the pool when it doesn't show the expected results :rofl
In some cases it's easier to make something from scratch then to constantly upgrade. tell that to Microsoft :rofl Interesting idea, but I'd like to see what they come up with first. The internet is fast as hell now anyways. I guess the Japs aren't satisfied with it taking 10 minutes to download their anime porn movies. :rofl Just imagine it the brand new and lightening fast bukake-net!!! :rofl
It depends... on the grade of ignorance of the person making the claim.... an educated person knows that a true Latin is a white european whose ethnicity is from one of the romance language countries: Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, etc... an idiot will claim that any mestizo from latin america is a latin... The same applies with the term Hispanic: a Hispanic is a white european from Spain, not simply a mestizo who speaks spanish... Even they use Spanish to denote mestizos who speak spanish, when it's the name given to a Spain national... they even use Spaniard to refer to whites from Spain thus reserving Spanish for mestizos who speak the spanish language :rolleyes: And of course the media doesn't help much with using the proper terms... :rolleyes: It's like one time I was discussing with an idiotic negro from the UK... He claimed that English was the proper term to white english people and British was to refer to blacks, pakis, and other non-white scum that were born in the UK... Last time I checked a British was a white european from the British Islands therefore being British implied ALSO being English... but this guy insisted that a British and a English were two different things... :rolleyes:
They must be taking over our language now as well as our country or maybe it just happened to be a particularly thick one you had the misfortune to encounter. British:. White indigenous population of the British Isles from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Blacks, pakis and other non white scum:. simply that;) Alba exactly the way I though about it.... The political correctness, sensitivity and non-ofensiveness crap gets worse every day... Actually this very anti told me I was using racial slurs when I happen to use the proper terms like mestizo, black, negroid, indian :rofl
I was told recently that I should not refer to myself as Spanish because people from Spain are Spaniards, all other Spanish speakers are Spanish. Ridiculous I say. Using that logic I should be called English because I speak English. And people believe this, I've been told it's because Spain is so 'exotic' so most people know nothing about it and it must be connected to Latin America instead of the other way around. I'm quite sick of people who do not view Spain as a European country. *rant* Exactly, words like Spanish, Spaniard, Iberian, Latin, they all refer to white europeans and white europeans only... the peoples of mixed ancestry are simply mestizos... One of the pathetic cultural traits :rolleyes: that mestizos inherited from the negro was stealing white cultural identities as their own... :mad: Something similar happens with the brasilians and portuguese, brasilians thinking their bastardized language is somehow better than real portuguese... it pisses me off seeing a web site that implements a brasilian language :rolleyes: interface before implementing a portuguese one... Only because of the hordes of negro brasilians that spit the language :rolleyes: I'll go for quality over quantity every time ;)
The bone structure is very similar to nefereti. Are you kidding right?? try seeing them side by side ;) Totally different bone structure... :rolleyes: Still don't see it? your afrocentric mind can see the difference? let's try a side pic of Nefertiti: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...st_(right).jpg Still? :eek: let's try comparing Nefertiti, Naomi Campbell and Angelina Jolie: http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/17/nefertitiqu6.jpg The orange line is a straight line from the brow ridge to the chin, even mixed negress Naomi has a protruding upper and lower jaw, whites don't have this feature ;)
Um...wow, this is pretty stupid. The fact that you're already resulting to name calling really helps your point!! :rofl To make a better assessment it would make sense to have all the women's neck at the same angle. Common sense would tell you looking up causes an incline. Anyone who agreed with how 'obvious' this image was :rolleyes: was 'obviously' pretending for the sake of their biased argument are 'obviously' stupid. Really? Last time I checked the angle of your neck didn't change your bone structure, you can put the neck in any angle, the tip of your chin, your brow ridge, your jaws, and the shape of your skull won't go anywhere ;) Here is a better comparison. Nefertiti seems to have slight prognathism by the way, thanks for showing. I have never looked at her profile. You're free to pretend you don't see it now. And you call me stupid :rolleyes: You clearly don't know what the brow ridge is, you clearly draw the line incorrectly to prove your point, the funny is that you actually help to disprove it yourself, this is where the line should go, and the progmathism you see is similar to the white girl pic you choosed, it's called LIPS, in the mixed-black one you see JAWS protuding ;) Of course not, because whites weren't Egyptian.Yeah, da blacks be egipshuns and sheit! :rofl Stupid. How can compare the angulation of faces with different posture.:rolleyes: It just shows how desparate you are to prove AE where white. Again the name calling really proves your point, doesn't it?, please explain HOW you moving your neck changes your skull structure?? :rolleyes: Really I want to know! :rolleyes: :rofl Why would the of DNA results AE mummies be a national security issue?:D They were not white! It that simple!:D I don't know but assuming that's truth, it's probably Political Correctness, they found white DNA on mummies and won't tell so they don't piss off people like you... :rolleyes: Egyptian Museum Tests Mummy's DNA[/b] Scholars Try to Identify Remains of Pharaoh Thutmose I © Stan Parchin May 31, 2008... For reasons of national security, DNA test results of Egyptian mummies are usually kept confidential. Some scholars conjecture that full disclosure of the research's findings could lead to a major revision of the country's ancient dynastic history.
Look race is not everything. Races make human variety but within each race there are other factors that create greater variety again. Rural Caucasian and urban Caucasian exposures are different and your variety increases. Social status creates yet more and wealth still more. Look at these factors and the myriad that affect humans in any race and you get a huge variety. Are you saying that if you look at the bones of two persons of the same race, one rich and another poor, you're going to find more differences than if you were looking a the remains of two persons from different races?? :rolleyes: Patrick Stewart http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...2004-08-03.jpg Are you sure this guy is 100% white? I could be wrong but I've always thought he was part Asian (Mongoloid) or something... :confused:
I wouldn't attack pornography itself or the users, but the big fishes behind that industry... mostly Jewish by the way.... Saying: let's ban porn it's like saying let's ban knives because you can kill with them, or let's ban video games because some wakos go in a killing spree... they are tools, it depends on the people who uses them and how.... The principle is the same and banning one would create a slippery slope that in the end would undermine freedom and personal liberties.... If someone wants to watch porn in private that's their business... it's the same with homos if the want to be like that in private (i personally believe it's a mental disease) and keep it private, whatever, the problems arise when they start pushing it down everybody throats and try to sell it as a valid lifestyle choice.... I mean a wako is going to express his/her wakiness one way or the other if it's not through one form of enterteinment, art, etc... they will find something to obsess about and snap it's not the tool's fault it's the user.... If you were to ban everything that some weirdo has used as object of his/her obsessions you wouldn't be able to do absolutely anything, everything would be banned... :)
I think there are two main issues here: 1) The private vs public issue: as long as you do your stuff in private and it doesn't harm anybody else's what's the problem... is it ok to simply ban something? where to draw the line on what to ban and what not? who will draw that line? 2) The cause vs effect issue: is it really depravate behaviour caused by porn or is it porn just a mean to project that behaviour by some people? if we magically banish porn, puff!! it doesn't exist anymore.... does it make the depravates go away too? or are they simply going to project their obsessions through something else? what's next? ice cream? uhmm ice cream makes some depravate horny let's ban it!! :)
Check these out!: http://www.rent-a-negro.com/negroabout.html http://www.rent-a-negro.com/ When you think you have seen it all... :rolleyes: A balant multicultural mountain of B.S..... :eek: Don't forget to check the prices::rolleyes: http://www.rent-a-negro.com/negroabout.html Now, can anyone tell me who in his/her sane mind will pay $ 100+ for a negro??? :rofl
if you can find better qualified white students that were rejected to enter harvard (and I'm sure there're plenty) because of some afirmative action retard, couldn't they sue for racism or something??
You guys are forgetting the other side of this story: Terrorist Mastermind Captured! Disguised in a puppy costume to fool Marines Marines are combing the area for hidden Weapons of Mass Destruction :rofl
http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80...damaged-heart/ Now, a new study in mice shows... When a pregnant mouse has a heart attack, her fetus donates some of its stem cells to help rebuild the damaged heart tissue. ... Doctors have observed that women who experience weakness of the heart during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth have better recovery rates than any other group of heart failure patients. This study suggests that fetal stem cells may help human mothers, as well as mice, recover from heart damage. It may also explain another curious clinical observation: The hearts of two women who suffered from severe heart weakness were later found to contain cells derived from the cells of a male fetus years after they gave birth to their sons. The same thing seems to hold true for other organs. When pregnant women have damage in other organs, including the brain, lung, and liver, earlier studies have shown, fetal cells show up there, too. Amazing, maybe this also explains why women on average live longer than men?... if they beared children they got their organs patched up during pregnancy?... is there any statistics about life expectancy for women who never had children vs. women who did? maybe the number of children shows a correlation??
Any thoughts on this?: World ancestry haven't read the faq and foot notes but I'm guessing they used current populations meaning anyone holding such and such nationality id will do, but nevertheless it's quite interesting...
What's the current situation with the Ron Paul campaign? Can someone update me with what's going on? Has he won in any of the states? :confused:
1) As far as I know Castro is not white, he's a marrano (a spanish-jew that converted into catholic) 2) Chavez hasn't hurt the whites in Venezuela? the one who said this is probably on crack or knows nothing about Venezuela, or is a Chavizta :rolleyes: What about the SENIAT's (the scum bags that collect taxes) prosecution against the white traders, store owners and small entrepreneurs? AKA the only productive people in the country What about the Chavez government protection of Chinese traders? I don't know but someone that supports hordes of Chinese and Chinese mafia invading the country is not exactly acting in their people's best interest.. :rolleyes: What about the expulsion of the whites from public enterprises like PDVSA? What about the afrocentrist and indiancentrist indoctrination in schools both public and private? What about the hate speech against the white diaspora both in venezuela and outside it? :rolleyes: Chavez is an afrocentrist scum bag that simple ;)
http://freenetproject.org/whatis.html <-- interesting link I got from the article... might come handy
No actual bugs, though :( no actual nothing to be fair... just rocks and powder so far that clues to former live... :(
6,000 less!:D , another 50 billion to go! :mad:
I wonder if sharks like dark meat? Neighboring tribes in Africa claims about each other is that it is tough but tastes like chicken! Aren't sharks supposed to NOT EAT blacks because they think they are whale sh¡t?? :rolleyes: guess these sharks got a bad flavor in their mouth this time... :rofl New Animal Rights Campaign!! throw an Alka-seltzer to the sea so you can help these poor creatures outcome their indigestion!! :rofl
isn't the condition reversible?? :confused:
As we have irrefutably established,ancient Africans were present worldwide. In the case of the Shang in early China,their settling is explained by overland migration from Sumeria. But how did Africans reach the Americas and the Pacific? In many cases they sailed. Both riverine craft as the 8000 year old Maiduguri canoe show and sea going vessels existed.The former is particularly intersting because at the time European models were less streamlined with blunt ends. First of all :rofl :rofl Sorry to burst your bubble but simple put these: http://modblog.bmezine.com/wp-conten...n-ethiopia.jpg Do NOT build these: http://www.artsales.com/ARTistory/An...Oblique_75.jpg When you guys are going to bit the bullet and stop claiming the little technology left by Arabian traders/conquerers in Africa as African Inventions? :rolleyes:
How strange that Afircans did not first set foot on Madagascar, a country just off the coast of Africa and that the South Asians were the first to set foot on that island. How very, very strange for a people who were such successful sailors. The same goes for the Madeiran, Canarian, Cabo Verdean and Fernando Poan, archipelagos... all of them right off the coast of western Africa and all of them but Fernando Po inhabitated until the Portuguese and Spanish arrived there respectively... For the Africans being a great seafaring and shipbuilding people, they sure were afraid of the water :rolleyes: :rofl Heres what wikipedia says about early Madagascans,though with a laughable cultural bias (Austronesian science!!,to excuse explaining African sailing and shipbuilding): Heres the 8000 year old Nigerian canoe from the other side of Africa. I've spent the last 30 mins. tyring to upload it: Again, The remnants of Asian and Arab traders/explorers and Asian and Arab Technology NOT African ;)
so we're literally farting our way into global meltdown? :eek: :rofl
Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent by Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano A racist anti-white book filled with blame whitey for all our problems rhetoric, written by a mestizo communist... How typical of the venezuelan chimp! :rolleyes: By the way that paper waster, skyrocketed in sales... makes you wonder how stupid can people get?? :rolleyes: Chavez's gesture turns book into bestseller http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/SH.../art.cover.jpg
Well as I understand it loci are more like ranges not on-off switches, like every single variable (traits) like length of nose, width, colour of eyes, hair colour, width of cheekbones, prognatism of jaw, and so on... for example eye colour can be a continuous range with all the shades from pitch black to silver blond.... races are just the clustering of certain sub-ranges for every single trait. you can always have extremes that overlap, like a white person with thick lips (or thicker lips than the average for white) that could probably be as thick or thicker than a negro that's in the lowest value in the range or even maybe the negro's average but you won't find a white with lips as think as the highest values in the negro range... of course these ranges are a normal curve where the average non-overlaping values are the more common, but you can always have some small percentage of people in the extremes....
I read an article about scientists trying to reverse engineer dinosaurs from modern birds, the article explained that a modern chicken's genome still has the code to produce features like teeth and a tail, that code simply wasn't active and scientist used to think it was just a bunch of junk code left over. So basically they could activate the unused code in a bird and get a dinosaur, the amber extraction they said was like extracting DNA from fossilized bones, there's simply no DNA to extract.
Was reading this article at wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action and just found it hilarious, these are extracts of the countries that implement AA: * Brazil. Some Brazilian Universities (State and Federal) have created systems of preferred admissions (quotas) for racial minorities (blacks and native Brazilians), the poor and people with disabilities. There are already quotas for the disabled in the civil public services.[10] Since when blacks and native Brazilians are minorities in Brazil?? :rolleyes: * United States. Affirmative action in the United States occurs in school admissions, job hiring, and government and corporate contracts. Its intended beneficiaries are disadvantaged ethnic minorities, women, people with disabilities, and veterans. Affirmative action has been the subject of numerous court cases, and has been contested on constitutional grounds. California, Michigan, and Washington have banned various forms of affirmative action by government organizations. According to U.S. Office of Personnel Management's annual report Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program, a total of 48,033 new minority employees have been hired by the feds from FY 2001 to FY 2006. During the same period there has been a net decrease of 3,960 white male employees in federal jobs. So basically you need 48,033 non-white scum to do the same job of 3,960 white males?? :confused: :rofl:rofl these guys are mathematical geniuses!! :rofl
White folks need runs a world in greed, what is it with black people and their need to make everything rhyme. It isn't just the lower class blacks, its black lawyers and now black senators. Whats up with it? Makes it easier for them to remember it. Plus they don't have a very big vocabulary and only try to communicate oversimplified thoughts; so it's easy to rhyme. That and because they want to show that they're a race with rythm and coolness :rofl wee niggass is free muttafuka aint ya see? from detroit to milwokeee wheel turn dis conuntry into da sheet ^ See? they are superior beings when it comes to rythm and articulation! :rofl
If a country cannot sustain itself it shouldn't be a country, period. Let another nation annex it.
Who would want it? Is there anything in Haiti worth annexing it for? The land could be put to good use, of course after being vacated from any Haitians... :D Well I was going to say land and resources, until I read this on the wikipedia.... [] Ecology In 1925, Haiti was lush, with 60% of its original forest covering the lands and mountainous regions. Since then, the population has cut down all but an estimated 2% of its original forest cover, and in the process has destroyed fertile farmland soils, contributing to . The Haitian Black morons cut down all the trees!:eek: They completely destroyed the place. Can't even hardly farm the land now because of what they've done to the environment. They tore that place apart like human CANCER. This is what happens when you have a whole country full of Blacks, they destroy the natural environment completely to the point the land isn't even farmable, then they all wonder why they don't have any food. :rolleyes: So we have to feed the little children with our tax money. Our equals in action ladies and gentleman. This will be America next ............ If something isn't done about it soon. Even though... I bet even in the actual conditions if the land now known as Haiti is taken into white hands, we could turn that destroyed wasteland into a paradise... Look what the Afrikaaners did in South Africa in the community known as Orania... they bought lands from the nig... I mean blacks, lands that were an obliterated wasteland, were the blacks had their dirty mud crap hol.... I mean villages :rolleyes: and turned THAT into a community just like what you would find in Europe or North America... You literally could hand over the most resource-rich and developed nation in the world to the blacks, in a few months they'll turn it into a wasteland... :rolleyes: In the other hand you could give the poorest wasteland to whites and we'll turn it into a paradise :clink
An interesting post, Kinergy. I have read the Rummel's book Death by Government. Your question can also be asked in a slightly different way: Who killed the largest number of their own people? and then answered in terms of the leaders of those countries. Rummel gives this order: Stalin Mao Hitler Lenin Chiang Kai Sheck I find it interesting that so much emphasis is always placed on what I might facetiously term The Bronze Medal winner, and how the others are so comparatively neglected. Just curious... are they counting jews and the german soldiers that died during WW2 as Hitler's own people?
rap is not music. it is a drum machine with someone speaking like a retard. white people have no place in it and should ban it at ever chance. I am against this I don't support the negro blin-blin culture either, but when whites rap they show a lot of creativity and it's a completely new style, nothing like the negros dumbasses talking about rape, killing whites, and stuff like that... I don't support either what the MTV 'culture' has done and is still doing to the young ones, but if you can take something that the zionist media machine have made 'cool' and turn it against them by using it as our weapon to make noble ideals like white pride and nationalism 'cool' among kids, it's wellcome. :clink
The United States has promised to make public in the next few months its new space doctrine, which allows for the deployment of weapons in outer space. Col. Anthony Russo, chief of the US Strategic Command’s space and global strike division, said the time was ripe for clearly stipulating the Pentagon’s responsibility for the security of the national space group. Space-based laser and kinetic energy weapons will be used against those who create obstructions to US satellites. Logically, this will lead to the creation of a space theater of war. kinetic energy weapons? am I reading this well? (o.O)? What's next? may the force be with you obi-wan?:rofl
HOORAY--always seemed like an arbitrary speed limit anyways--set by those who like to set limits!! The future of the White Race in Space is very bright!!....I have lots of great Ideas myself. I Think Whites can colonize many places off of this Earth in the near future!! :clink:clink why wait? as a matter of fact to promote multicultarilsm in the cold and racist void of space I suggest sending earth's non-white populations to space!! that way they'll be the first to do it and they'll finally achieve something... just imagine it! non-whites the first to go to space and never come back!! :rofl
they should add more categories... not just jew and not jew I got these: george bush -- jew puppet angelina jolie -- liberal/negro lover hally berrie -- negress :rolleyes:
Why am I on moderation? Since I passed my initial moderation period when I first entered the forum (a long time ago) I've been able to post without moderation until a day or two ago... Right now I'm getting: Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. You will now be taken back to the forum. If you opted to post a poll, you will now be allowed to do so.
I've always used Opera. However there are still some pages that don't display properly.And it seems to use more memory than Firefox, but i'm not 100% sure. The pages that are not displayed properly both in FF and Op are probably pages that were written by some idiots using non-standard microsoft propietary code.. As a web designer/programmer I've checked web pages with the 3 major browsers (FF, IE, Op) and FF and Op are the more standard ones, in most cases they render the pages the same way since they both use the W3C standards, IE doesn't do this... Even if you need to render a page using IE in most cases you won't need to leave FF to do so, you can install an add-on called IE tab for FF that let's you use the IE engine to render a page within FF :clink
I once heard that after WW2 Japanese government banned any type of propaganda from media for 50 years in order to discourage consumism in the population so they could rebuild the country and their economy faster... Is there any reality about this or is it just rumors??:confused:
it's the old ethnicity equals culture liberal myth. ;)