Why don't we start right now with that Sharia, and chop off the heads of muslim robbers, rapers and murderers, as well as chopping off hands of a couple of million mudslime thiefs? COOL! Yeah! Lets chop away at all our problems! Wait... a pretty good but messy idea :eek:;)
For the Iranian part I think is beside the point. Many pure Iranians (persian) are pretty close to being pure white themselves, even though they only make 50% of the Population of Iran nowadays. As I have said before, many southern WN's are around 10% Cherokee/Choctaw while at the same time having a northern European characteristics. I am 1/8 Cherokee myself, but but all of my traits come from the Dutch side of my family, strong build, blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin. People have denied my claim straight to my face, but I have proof of my great-grandma on my dad's side was full Cherokee. You know that the Cherokee frequently adopted criminals on the run and considered raid-captives as their own? And have you heard it was really fashionable for early settlers to claim Cherokee ancestry? But I am sure you know this and I wonder why you even post here
I wonder how many Japanese-Preservationists there are? Probably next to none. They have their Japanese state. Whilst we share ours with Gypsies, Mexicans, Turks, Lapps, Tatars, Siberians, Jews, Asians, Moors, East-Indians, Arabs and Blacks. And the status quo may never change. Is there a country I can retreat to? Negative, every country in Europe and North America has invaders in every shape and form. The anicent Norse, Visigoths, Vartharians would have not tolerated such an invasion. The cowardice of our people is nothing more but a testamont of hundreds of years of Jewish determination to undermine our social values and the means of which to defend ourselves.
Ridicilous... And what is stopping someone from just withdrawing cash to buy their guns? Stupidity at its best
I think I am suffering from SAD :( I feel incredibly weak and tired all the time
Gives a whole new meaning to landing in the rear :confused: But sick nonetheless
Who's heard of this? I know only that it's a newer phrase being bandied about, and it basically says all races/ethnic groups have a right of self-determination. Self-determination would solve a lot of problems in Africa and Asia. But I can only see a negative account if such a concept is introduced to Europeans as a whole. I believe Europeans, although acknowledging their ancestral history, need to adopt a greater image. And I don't mean the EUSSR
I am in High School and alot of kids i know just go around having sex with everyone it seems. Not everyone in Highschool has crazed orgies every night and teenagers frequently lie about their sex lives amongst friends. What is going on with people these days? All of a sudden its perfectly o.k. to just have sex with as many women/men as possible. Suddenly? Just cause sex was taboo'ed in the past doesn't mean it never happen. Anonymous surveys and statistics proves that our Parents and Grand Parents were just as sexually active as people today. And there is no such thing as ''being too old'' for sexual activity. Thanks to viagara even Grandpa John is getting action nowadays.
There can't be a guide cause 40% of actors in Hollywood are Jews. I just saw American Gangster (ugh 3 hours I'll never get back!) and they had Russel Crowe (white) playing a Jew and a dozen Jews playing whites :confused:
Hopefully this experience has left her traumatize. To be honest you could never make me go to Africa, let alone take part in a social experiment aka feeding Africa
I don't think there is such a thing as a white neighbour in any city. I remember as a kid everyone was white on my street but now its like 95% Asian
The election has already been decided and Jewiluani has already won the prelimaries. Just another ZOG, homosexual embracing puppet
Link does not work
What do you mean what the Anzacs would have thought? They would not spend a second thinking and deport anyone not white; same with the fathers of Canadian Confederation :mad:
It is the same with everyone: when in my old country, algeria, our people went to fight against the german in WW2, did they knew then that both the poms and the yanks will then turn against our people and support the arab muslim terrorists from 1954 to 1962? As soon as the war was over, in 1945, the poms and the yanks pushed the arabs to revolt ad this lead to the Setif events which saw the massacre of hundreds of europeans, and in retaliation the same against the arabs. For these reasons I always have problems with my own people, as I told them that in WW2 we should have fought, like it was planned, with the german, especially with the Afrika Korp. But, as we all know, we cannot rewrite history. Ahh a French Algerian... Algeria has the highest per capita in North Africa but I imagine it was a lot higher when you guys were still around
Hey Maxyboy, we are in the stone age compared to what lies in the future. That is if the white race survives because we are the ones that can do it and no other. Imagine 500 years from now if the caliber of scientists that were those German rocket scientists are able to perform to their highest abilities like they did under Hitler. Stone age? You assume the future is going to be better? Whites are practically doing 99% of technological research in the world. Countries like Japan are just copying our technologies (or stealing them) and repackaging them (e.g. of higher quality). Once you remove the white equation there is nothing keeping the world advancing let alone running.
Thanks, wish I had a better pic but it too late to mess with the digital cam now. Going on a limb and guessing your German/Dutch :D Strong ethnic looks ;)
Yea really, I've posted a billion pics on here and I've never gotten any ARA's coming after me or some crap like that. Seriously, what are they gonna do with ur pic? Show your face, walk with pride. What is ARA? Something like a police agency? Unless freedom of speech is revoked there is nothing to fear from law agencies. On the other hand, I would recommend keeping your name and location a secret. And don't meet anyone in the real world unless they are a dedicated member of Stormfront. Cause there are anti's out there like Warman who will sue you in a kangaroo courts and thugs who'll ambush and mug you with baseball bats
http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/598/dscn1467au1.jpg Sister called me Iranian :rolleyes: She doesn't like that I am growing my hair and beard
lol 17? I doubt that. But hey if you are, that is one impressive beard. Maybe its a mistype? Its probably 27 :D
Whaaaaaat?! Let me guess- you are a young male, single, probably a virgin who has never even been on a single date in his life? You basically just broke Rule #1 of Conversing with Women. NEVER, EVER tell a girl she is anything but beautiful and perfect. Don't even hint that she isn't. Unless you want to get kicked in the nuts. And there is nothing wrong with her legs as far as I can see. They look a hell of a lot better than mine and I exercise quite a lot. I don't really see how she has any room for improvement in terms weight and fitness. You must be blind. That goes for all kinds of relationships (friend or romance). Noone likes being put down.
Maybe he has allergies? :D
never posted my pic before but i'll try it out and see if it works. just tell me im white and NOT arab, then i'll be happy:D I would comment but I am too afraid :(
https://www.stormfront.org/forum/show...er-453338.html Thankfully they are not here in Canada or America. These folk are thieving scum :mad:
I'd be afraid of finding a ****** in the wood pile. Seriously, I have heard of these tests costing as much as $300.00 and the results being questionable. I believe it was on Stormfront where someone posted that their family had recently immigrated from Irish Stock and they were told they had a percentage of Native American (Injun) in their genes.:clink I believe the DNA company later said it was because they couldn't tell the difference between an Irishman and a Native :rolleyes: The real last thing I need is to take a DNA test and finding out I am a quarter Vietnamese or Flippino. I don't need some unreliable test to shatter my belief structure
Richard Warman: Blast and I would had gotten away with it if it wasn't for you measly kids and your stupid labour board!
How do you mean this? Elaborate that please... 1. The Axis or pro Axis forces weren't just Germans , they included countries like Italy,Croatia, Hungary, Romania,Estonia , Lithuania, Latvia,Slovakia, Finnland. 2. On S-Day May ,9th -1945 the members of the German Armed Forces and the Waffen SS roughly ONE THIRD were non German Citizen. The Volunteers were from all over Europe , from countries such as Ukraine, Belgium,Netherlands, France,Spain, Russia, Cossacks, Slovenia,Albania, Bosnia,Norway, Danemark. 3.Civilized World. This implies that in YOUR view the above do not belong to the civilized world. Define please which countries belong to the civilized word. As you can see from my list, I can decide between state and non-state forces. I love the tails of forced labour that the Jews say about Germany. Sure people were uprooted from their homes but they will actually giving housing and competitive pay in German factories. Unlike JEWSSR which literally just grabbed everyone and worked them to death in a week. The whole propaganda thing against Germany is just a ridicilous farce. Europe would had been a better place if the Nazis had won. Anyone who argues otherwise is an idiot fed with multi-cultural propaganda.
Agreed women who want date or like a white guy should show him hell one could even approach first im sure if you attractive the white guy would never knock you down on date, best thing to do is try icq to meet they way you can exchange fotos and chat. thats how i met my gf who is german and i have a baby with this women now, thank you internet as i do live in sydney oz she from mighty old east german where the true sieg heil germanic germans live are from. to all the white women try the net to meet men, put in looking for proud white guy, and make sure you view him on webcam etc to know its really who he says he is. 88 I see it worked out well for you :) I am in school and currently jobless. But once I get a career I am interested in getting a online bride from an European country. I don't really care what my family says, I will probably just make a lie Oh she is a German university student, she transferred here :D and they will accept her as family. I believe that Europeans developed the instinct to seek foreign blood. It came from the ice-age when there were low populations. And with lower populations, only the smartest, altrusive and those willing to mix outside the tribe survived. It is in our DNA to do this. It is the very reason why marriages between couples from the same town are unsuccesful compared to marriages between people from different cities or nationalities. It is also the reason why we have **** like interracial too. Evolution never intended this to happen. It is a modern day mistake resulting from technology
After school, go on a traditional 'Grand Tour' of Europe with a continental rail card and play on the Yank film star stereotype and you will not have any need to look for online brides. I hear Swedish women love American men and accents. I'll go like a Viking, snag meself a Viking women and bring home some loot :D
Is it true you guys use a handcrank to power your computers?
I just did some deadlifting, bicep curls, pushups and a 3 kilometer run
Actually -ский (-ski) is not necessarily a jewish last name. they are also very common Polish, Ukranian, or Belorussian last names. My grandpas last name is Brodetski, and he is full blooded Ukranian. Morpheus is right about the rest tho Ski is non-Jewish while like 95% (if not 100%) of Sky with a Y are Jewish. Very common Ukrainian suffixs are enko, nko, vic and sometimes ski Does anyone know anything about the Ukrainian suffix Symetzs? I can't find anything about it off google. But I suppose the answer is http://www.ukraine.com/forums/geneal...al-canada.html ..... Thanks a lot Canada!
I just sent out an email to distant cousins to get my family's Cyrillic name. Of course my side of the family meaning ancestry from my Great-Great-Great Grandfather who arrived in Canada. My G-3 Grandfather's brother descendents are not to be trusted. Well maybe they could be trusted but an e-mail address I found (only the one) belonged to a 2nd cousin 5 times removed who married a Jew! I just saw the photos of his children and I am horribly disgusted. Jewish Afro hair, bad teeth and huge hook noses. The remainder of email addresses I found belonged to my G-3 Grandfather's family and not the G-3 Uncle
http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/6...wfamilylm1.png Never met this family but the oldest man is related to me but has a different surname (meaning he maternally comes from the family). The father may also have 'something' (likely not, he looks white to me) from his fatherside. He married an Ugly Jewess and their children all look hidious. Like I said not to be trusted. I did not send an email to this family
Another black idiot. This reminds me of the black NFL player who got busted too. If you had a few million (and returning home), why the hell would you need to keep your drugs? Assuming you have drugs at home or you could simply buy them in America! :rolleyes:
If I was American I would be guarding the border. We have a bunch of crazy minorities here in Vancouver. Although I personally don't like being treated like a terrorist whilst going to a baseball game. Its time they need to start racially profiling Arabs and Chinese, not whites.
Look what i find really scary is that whenever I go through the Toronto airport I always get chosen for random search. Having said that I blond blue eyed Christian of European origin. I have never seen one non European get a random selection at Toronto airport and at Toronto airport none of the security personnel is white at least i have not seen one. I get the same treatment everytime whilst flying. I swear to god they have some warped political correctness thing that means TARGET WHITES ONLY whilst waving through people who look like Osama Bin Laden
Ive never trawled through a French residential phone directory so im not too clued up on French surnames but this doesnt strike me as being very French, is Beddar an Algerian surname? I assumed the same thing and Google comfirms it (Arabic). Just like the Paris Youth Wrecking Cars were actually Nigerians and Moors :rolleyes:
As Karl Marx puts it Democracy is the road to Communism. Europe is not lost. In a way Europe is like the Weimar Republic. Still 97% White but with evil communist governments who will love to see that change. America on the otherhand has recently become 49% white (e.g. no longer a majority! :eek:) and that number may be 20% in two generations with race mixing and increasing immigration. So in a way were screwed! And since no European country is gonna take a white mongrel like me, I will have to die fighting! :(:mad:
I have noticed on almost every TV show and movie (even the old ones) blacks usually have an intellectual role :rofl Very similar to the sterotypical Indian doctor.
During the 70's and then the 90-00's when it comes to increasing immigration (Vancouver was like 90% white in the 80-90's... most of them didn't come over till 97')
Has there been any US Presidents of descent apart from the ethnic groups derived from the British Isles (english, scot and irish)? Truman.... Jewish Roosevelt... Jewish George Bush Senior... Jewish (relation to John Kerry, Czech Jew) George Bush Junior... Jewish (see above) Put it this way... if George Bush was actually white, then he wouldn't look like a Chimp http://www.looptvandfilm.com/blog/bu...mp_address.jpg
Waderow = Warcan? Just an observation :D
Someone sent me this via e-mail. I thought it was too funny not to share. Economic Models explained with cows > _NAZISM_ > You have 2 cows. > > The State gives you 2 more cows & 4 Pigs plus 4 Poles to help you on the > farm Not if the Polish workers rebel and shoot you > _TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM_ > > You have two cows. > > You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy > grows. You sell them and retire on the income. Exactly what I believe in... Unfortunately that is not the status quo. What we see is Corporatism/Gangsterism and the American people are the victims no less. > _A FRENCH CORPORATION_ > > You have two cows. > > You go on strike, organise a riot, and block the roads, because you want > three cows. Yes... the French are a very unionized people > _A JAPANESE CORPORATION_ > > You have two cows. > > You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and > produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon > image called 'Cowkimon' and market it worldwide. Errr ok.... Maybe the Japanese are great at copying technology but most of their advances are pegged off German or American companies. > _A GERMAN CORPORATION_ > > You have two cows. > > You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and > milk themselves. Yes... the Germans are pretty good at being innovative > _AN ITALIAN CORPORATION_ > > You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. > > You decide to have lunch. Sounds about right > _A RUSSIAN CORPORATION_ > > You have two cows. > > You count them and learn you have five cows. > You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again > and learn you have 2 cows. You stop counting cows > and open another > bottle of vodka. Sounds more like a legacy of the Soviet Union. But add in the Gangster Jew who tricks you and buy your Cows for 15 dollars
They were as Europeans as it gets. They have red and blond hair and identifiable Aryan facial characteristics. The Chinese were hiding this stuff for long years in North Western China, Xinjang Province. There is loads of info out there on this issue. Red and blonde hair isn't necessarily Aryan. There are plenty of central Asians (not the Mongols) who developed blonde hair, light skin and lighter eyes.
This technology would undoubtfully be restricted to the elite. 800 years? With the possibility of a lifespan of 1100 years? In my opinion this kind of technology would be used in an almost feudal like society. The whole Prison Planet idea so to speak. Obviously if they work the common man hard, we would surely drop before 30. And thus, this technology would make a leader appear to be a God, if he lived 40 times the life expectancy...
It is not evolution really, it is UV zone compatibility. Dark skin protects from sun, light makes vitamin from weak sun. Is this a law or a theory? The presence of Inunits up far north eliminates a gradual change. Likewise with Negros in the U.S. that denies a Darwinian scenario. I do not think it is an adaption to UV zones. Simply on the logic that most would had been able to reproduce before the UV even comes close to killing them. Even in Chimpanzees, some species have light skin and others with darker skin. If your an evolutionist, it is quite simple that earlier humanoids had this very same division when it came to skin color under their fur
In my opinion these forums are safer than many of these date sites. But the fear of meeting an anti remains. It is amazing how these people claim to be liberals and tolerant of ideas but have no qualms about bashing your skull in with a billy club. There are stories of a pretty woman luring men to her home while the guy gets ambush by a gang and has everything stolen
I think when blacks are around it turns out the best in everyone, regardless they may be Chinese or Arab or white. Hell bring out a blackguy and suddenly all the uncivilized Turks start acting like gentlemen. Take out the blacks and someone will usurp their position. Notice how Mexicans emulate black culture? Surely if they lived amongst a population of blacks, they would probably not be doing this. What about Whites living with Asians? I live in Vancouver and some Asian men emulate some weird ******-Asian-Hiphop nonsensical culture. I imagine if the Paki packed up and left on a giant boat, then most Asian men would assume that weird ******-Asian hybrid of a hiphop culture
Life would be so much easier if I was born Japanese. But instead I was born into the life of crime; the crime of being white
Uncut woman are sooooo nasty :rolleyes: Born uncut and so will any future children. I've heard nothing but horror stories of circumcism (oops doctor cuts off penis by accident, assigned to sexual transformation surgery) and nothing bad uncut. How about cutting off your eyelids? I hear it keeps the eyes cleaner :D
I couldn't watch. Neither could I and I am a man :eek: The baby sounded like it was dying :( Nothing like in Jewrywood that makes it look painless
http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/3797/myeyemt7.jpg What color is my eye? I could have sworn my eyes were blue when I was younger but like other posters, I guess they change time to time. People in the past said my eyes were beautiful/exotic but never knew what they meant. My eyes looks a golden yellow around the pupil, blue and then green :confused::confused:
Does anyone believe that whites with blond hair and green or blue eyes are better than whites with brown hair and brown eyes?personaly I don't think it matters (input please). That kind of question will surely generate a troll/flame war. I myself would prefer to marry a woman with blue eyes but hair color blonde or brown. Some of the theories of Nordicism views southern Europeans highly negatively. Additionally they may see an individual like me (quarter Scandinavian, British and half Ukrainian) to be unpure and therefore label me as an alpine or sub-human. Most Australians in general are Nordicists because they particularly hate ''Wogs'' or people of Southern European origin. Likewise, several members here have argued in the past that Italians, Portugese and Spanish have significant Moorish/Arab admixture up to 21% in the general populace. Some go even further and argued that Sicily (as it was a Phoenician colony in the past) is completely or half Arab. Furthermore, people prefer blonde/blue eyes because its a better indication whether someone is of ''pure'' ancestry because most semites (except for a tiny minority of Jews) and Asians do not carry those genes and therefore their offspring cannot be born with blonde hair and blue eyes. On the question on blue/green eyes being better than brown. Like I said I would prefer a light-eyed woman and possibly even a light-brown eyes. Color of hair or eyes isn't particularly important for mainstream white nationalism because we don't view it as ''non-European'' but in fact we recognize it in the diversity of the European race. When analyzing one's face we look for everything including hair, skin, facial structure, jaw, cheeks, eye shape, mannerisms, religion and hair type.
They're red from trying to hold them open long enough for the damn picture. When you guys figure out what color eyes I have, YOU tell ME. -Vampire Archimiel PS: There are no contacts or digital editing in this picture. These are my real eyes. I believe your eyes would be classified as Amber. Its interesting to note how few brown-eyed people have voted. I guess its safe to say that the movement is the strongest amongst lighter-eyed Nords and Alpines. I've been a blue-eyed minority (living in a Chink city) for my entire life. And I consider blue eyes special to the extent that I rather die a lonely old man than convesgate with a Chink, Negro, Gook or even a dark-eyed causoid. And because I said this I bet some rambling idiot is going to call me a blue-eyed supremist, an Alpinist or Nordicist
I've never been certain on Church or Roosevelt but Stalin is definatly a Jew. He looks Jewish and 3 out of 4 of his wives were Jews as well.
I've never been certain on Church or Roosevelt but Stalin is definatly a Jew. He looks Jewish and 3 out of 4 of his wives were Jews as well. During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. Haha the pot calling the kettle black? McArthur is generally rated amongst historians as America's worst general during WW2
Thus, whereas once light skin was prestigious, today everyone finds tans attractive. Light skin is prestigious everywhere except in the west. No idea why every is completely obsessed with developing a skin tone comparable to that of a Jew in Israel. Complete madness I will keep my farmer's tan thank you very much
I suggest all of you good WN sell up and move out. There are still all-White places to live, you just have to get the balls and move. You will only be forced to leave in the times to come, so get out and set roots in a safe White country. Any Eastern European country has cheap property, far less crime and White Christians. Hahha... What about Besserarabia? Weren't they claiming before that they have no Jews or Muslims? lol...
If it's so great in Eastern Europe, why are so many Poles moving to England? What's the story on that? Who said Poles are moving? Any Pole actually moving is probably a gyspy or a Jew. Any White Poles are just temporary workers looking to make a wage in England thats probably 4x more than they could make in Poland http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgur...icial%26sa%3DN Then I guess some parents bring their kids over...
Suit yourself folks. I know why you want to stay and fight, because its your country and why should you leave, right? Well by the looks of North America it will mirror South Africa. Blacks murdering Whites in home invasions, car invasions etc etc. It wont get better, only much worse, just look at these animals waiting to sail for Europe/America. If seems the battle or the war cant be won, so move to a place where you can live your life in peace. And to answer the fellow WN on why all the Poles in the UK, its the money. All these Eastern European countries are poor, whats left from the Soviet occupation. They have no welfare in place, and thats insulated them from all the dreg's that 'migrate for a better life'. Plan an Eastern European holiday, see for yourself. Sell your 2,500 square foot house in North America and buy a ranch in Poland. You wont have any TNB in your neighbourhood. Good luck to all, God bless. With the Poles adopting the Euro that might be expensive? It is a common practice for people retiring to move out to rurals or different countries where the currency buys more. My understanding is that many British immigrants to Uruguay are in fact seniors looking to retire.
It isn't insanity, IE our foreign minister os a chosen one. Is he Jewish? Its 4 AM here and maybe my eyes are getting tired. How much though? Quarter? Half?
The population is liberal.... Says all about Norway, really... :mad: Wolf The same can be said about Britain/Canada/Commonwealth. Head of State is a Jew
I am going to be honest here I am not prepared for SHTF and I live in a city where I'll be killed in hours. My opinion is that you should have enough food (MRE's, pallets and water) while securing renewable food sources like constructing a well, growing crops and setting up a deer garden. I don't think you need to store 20 years of food and live your life in a nuclear bunker, but I think its important you have enough food to last through several harvests. If you live in the mid-west, are you sure you can last through a winter?
Most countries in the world are already police states so to speak. Police shouldn't be above the law yet you see them wearing paramilitary gear, full-auto machine guns, armored vehicles, etc. People will only realize this once the government issues a nightly curfew
I know some one on this forum will respond negatively to but what radicalized me was the immigration system and imposed social correctness by our schools and media. I'm not a first or second generation immigration from some former-Communist Eastern European communist state, as some of you may suspect due to the name, but a 6th generation (1840-1850ish) family with Swedish, Russian and Norwegian ethnicity. Much like most names, my handle is the product of anonymity which has zero connection (except ethnicity, Наследие means heritage in Russian) to my daily life and surname. Those who venture on the Canadian forum (interested American/Canadian patriots?), undergo the realization that we live in a police state. Why do I say this? Apparently there is little to no regard for the article of free speech and this is demonstrated by political prisoners or others held in tribunal and/or on 'security certificates'. And to be honest I feel that most Canadians, especially those living in the cities of (alphbatized) Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Quebec and Vancouver have realized that we are an immigrant society and thus have become racially aware. Of course very few openly discuss their beliefs, in fear of reprecution of our police state and vicious media. People are aware of the brainwashing but do little about it I can say, with strong certainty that everyone in my family, including family in the United States, are racially aware. Of course that is not possible to voice our opinions in cities which whites are a minority, our youth are corrupted by incorrect media values, Police forces being fairly left (the result of years of right officers being purged or suspended for beliefs) and all our employers who do little on the issue. For even a moderate white nationalist doesn't seem to have a problem firing cauasians and replacing them with gringos (even to the extent of even picking them fresh from Mexico and bringing them over on plane! :mad:). Sometimes I ask... Why does profit drive your life? Apparently you have little use for the community, as identified by you bringing in immigrants (who share culturally with you) and replacing hard working cauasians with lazy 3rd-worlders who work for half the wage and illegally claim welfare. Sometimes I entertain the thought of moving to Slovakia (or at the very least a white community in the states) but that won't work. Why? Apparently illegals are the only ones given residence/citizenship and are not upheld to a language requirement. That and the Canadian government would probably burn my passport or pull my citizenship before I would have the chance to immigrate. I have been reading these forums for the past day and everything here is simply agreeable. I have been racially supressed for decades but I... as a white nationalist, have been finally awaken :o Hello everyone at Stormfront!
Welcome:) I dont mind minorites but I dont want to be one in my own country. Neither do I, hopefully they will end up going home when Communist-disneyland becomes democratic. But I don't see that happening soon and I can't predict the result. Chances are other kinds of minorities, in particular more violent minorities, would just purchase their land with government aid. The thing is the fact that I am a minority is the reason why I became white pride. I remember being a little kid back in the 90's and you saw them [Asians] every couple of hours... After 1998 Vancouver became the Asian 'Detroit' when 2 million came over, bought up all the property and drove the whites out eastward. But of course it seems no one in our country is aware of the phlight of Vancouver. Places like Calgary and Ledwig are next. Heads up Aryan Guard! -- There coming! :flame
You will all admire me when I'm your president. no we won't
I am serious, the best eugenic policy for the survival of our race is to selectively breed towards a speciation event. now, who has ideas how to make this occur? I believe the Aboriginal females of Australia cannot procreate with Englishmen. Or maybe its the otherway around with Aboriginal men and English females... This would indeed be handy if we could speed up the evoluntionary process on this specific factor. If not, the best thing is to kick out the animals and take off all the crap -- err rap off the Jewtube
That is exactly like me. I felt embarassed even when someone who I didn't even know expressed white pride! But now I can see it isn't a bad thing to be white! I see it as very unfair that white people can't have white pride and non-whites can! Well I'm afraid if I said Nordic Pride no one would understand me! Seriously, I don't even think they teach heritage in schools anymore! I didn't even know what being Nordic was until I came on Stormfront! Well as to that comment about the black guy lighting cars on fire being french ... he's still black to me ;) Nordic pride would probably be confused with Nordicism and then Nazism. The Nazi had really weird idea on what Nordic was. The men they used as examples were more like Alpine-Nordic hybrids. To be honest I wouldn't even dwell on Nordicism. Its a real crazy theory that didn't make much sense in the first place. The best and my favorite is If it looks white and acts white -- then its white. Pretty much self-explanatory. Learn to point out the facial differences on whites, Jews, Turks, Arabs, etc.
A Jewish Monarch warns about the Jewish lobby? Amusing isn't it? Its really no different from the Jewish Monarchs that held an iron grip in Russia and France The Pahlavi dynasty implemented modernizing reforms, which greatly improved the life of Jews. The influence of the Shi'a clergy was weakened, and the restrictions on Jews and other religious minorities were abolished.[25] According to Charles Recknagel and Azam Gorgin of Radio Free Europe, during the reign of Reza Shah the political and social conditions of the Jews changed fundamentally. Reza Shah prohibited mass conversion of Jews and eliminated the Shi'ite concept of uncleanness of non-Muslims. Modern Hebrew was incorporated into the curriculum of Jewish schools and Jewish newspapers were published. Jews were also allowed to hold government jobs. [26] Reza Shah's ascent brought temporary relief to Jews; however, in the 1920s, Jewish schools were closed. According to Eliz Sanasarian, in the 1930s, Reza Shah's pro-Nazi sympathies seriously threatened Iranian Jewry. There were no persecutions of the Jews, but, as with other minorities, anti-Jewish articles were published in the media. Unlike religiously motivated prejudice, anti-Jewish sentiments acquired an ethnonational character, a direct import from Germany.[25] Then let us not forget the Jewish beak that Reza Shah inherited from his mother, the Daughter of a Persian-Jewish General. To be honest I hate all Monarchs. About half of them were Jews, especially in Russia. Russia had nothing but Choosenite Kings till Empress Anna and Catherine the Great What about the Louis the 16? His traits would suspect Jewish ancestry. Not that this wasn't possible, considering the Royalty of Europe frequently married Jews for money and power
This is the same Shah who established full diplomatic relations with Israel and who would run whining to the Israelis whenever any negative reporting of his regime occurred in the Western press. And not to mention he went at great lengths to appease Jews under the law. 1.) Why was Hebrew taught in Persian Schools? 2.) How come the Jews were protected in Persia? 3.) How come so many Jews were succesful and wealthy in Persia? 4.) Why did, despite protest from Persian scholars, that the Shah of Iran changed the country's name to Iran? Why do all Iranian-Americans call themselves Persian? It doesn't surprise me that the Persians went up in arms during the Iranian revolution. However instead of restoring Persia, they were deceived and conned by Jewish religious figures masquerading as Islamic priests. Even today Jews are a very protected minority in Iran and are [to my knowledge] rarely jailed or anything. Most of the anti-Jewish sentiment is actually Israeli-sentiment. But I am curious as to why Iranian-Jews deny the Holocaust and have men in office, like Amanejihad, who spew anti-Jewish rhetoric? Did I mention I am distruting of Islam and Catholics? And Orthodox too? Jews can be found in the Catholic Church. Its really no different. They are parasites who inflitrate everything
Manual labour can be fairly enjoyable once you build up adequate muscle. But if the last time you did anything exerting was 6 months, you will likely be burnt out on the first day of the job. On the job I noticed a strong work ethnic amongst cauasians but I can't say the same about minorities. I had an Indian supervisor (I suspect they hired him to control all the other Indians) who often left the job early or spent hours doing things like picking up bottle water. Sometimes he would leave two hours before the end of the day, only to come back hours later to sign out :rolleyes: Almost every Indian and Groid had the same work ethnic
Wrong. Jews were in Asia as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochin_Jews
[quote=Odin Walker;4918962] why exactly would whites ever become a minority? How many kids have you got? Every White Nationalist could have 10 kids and it wouldn't change a thing. Hell make it 4 for each white and it still wouldn't change a thing. Mestizos are simply breeding at an uncontrollable rate. Its true there will be a population decline, not because of 'us' but mostly the liberals who have just the one or zero children. The only way we can survive if we maintain a presence in the armed forces (officer corps) and politics
And so it happens. If our election process is determined to be a fruad, millions will pour onto the street. If not, then it proves that Americans are docile servants not deserving of democracy
I was just wondering, so I'll know where to move to. ;) I heard people said Vancouver was the best place in the world with the best looking women... Even the Economist and BBC occasionally backs this up :eek: Err who the hell does these surveys on the Economists? Must be Islamic-Sharia-Wannabes who have a Chinese fetish Only thing good about Vancouver is the temperature. Comfortable during the day and cold at night. It was also a very white city (much like most in the States) before the age of immigration (1990-to present) happened
But how do we defend ourselves? The video had at least 3 (maybe 4) Groids walking up and slapping defenseless people. Anyone who defended themselves may be knifed or killed. If a white guy responds by pulling a knife he would serve 8 years in jail. If an immigrant killed the white guy, at worse he'll be deported without criminal punishment
Is this good or bad news? If Prince Charles is anti-Israel then maybe he'll be the first Monarch in the last 50 years that wasn't a popular figurehead
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Guard Never saw this one before
Seperatist... Although it seems ironic, considering I was born into a city that was once 99% white like Detroit or Los Angelos...
Very true. Although whites are the same color, we also have enough differences within our race to make us stand out. We have Blondes with Blue, Brown or Green eyes. Redheads, Brunettes etc. We have a mix and match thing going on and it is all beautiful compared to all the other races. Especially blacks. They are all the same; Kinky black hair, big flaring nose and muddy face. They hate us for it, especially the women. Diversity is our greatest strength:clink And not to be confused with the ''diversity'' the Multi-Cult is forcing on us
You don't have kids or have dealt with kids do you? Obviously they're in their teenage years and this is the stage where kids are prone to rebel. If you deny them access in essence they'll find a way to get back at the parent. So while it may help in short term, in the long term it may cause resentment and the kid going out and perhaps getting an Asian girlfriend just to piss the parents off :p. Just throw rhetoric at them like Asian-White offspring usually have liver and teeth problems. If that does not work http://a0.vox.com/6a00c2251d7554604a...59280002-320pi Is a good option
I for one welcome our new Russian overlords :rofl Its amazing how fast technology progresses
What comprises the Hispanic race anyhow. I was told that they are a mixture of Spanish and indigenous, whatever there origin they sure know how to multiply :crazy. Hispanic Race are Spaniards and Portugese. There is NOTHING Hispanic about the Amerindians. By this logic, are Blacks Germanic cause they speak English? As for a mixture of Spanish, its far from the truth. Most Amerindians that illegally immigrate to the US are 98% from the Amerindian population (2 million, a number too many, which survived Spanish colonial rule) who literally breed like rats and now compromise the majority of Mexico's population. Did you know Mexico's population in 1936 was only 26 million? They literally quadruple their population in three generations of descendents. Most Amerindian today actually contain ****** DNA. Much can be said of the Amerindians in the United States as well. So really they are nothing more than a bunch of Mongoloid Africans who contribute little to society. ITs no wonder that Mexico is sending and helping them to get up here
I wonder if the media will report on this tommorrow? :rofl
Its not the spies that scare me when meeting WN. It would be the violent anti's who would ambush me, break my arm, steal my I.D, get me fired from a job and hunt down my family members Probably why I would never bring any I.D. when meeting people. I rather be killed then let some fascist ZOG attack my innocent family
Get about 45k per year for 4 years as an officer in the Marines, and then get out and do 1-2 years of private contracting for 200-350k per year; I'm set. :D 200-350k per year? Heck no... Last I check the minimal (or average?) wage for blackwater guards was 450 thousand! :eek: I have no idea how dangerous it is. I assume most of the work is protecting U.N. idiots and Iraqi politicians. Probably safer than being in the actual army itself
I love watching this video on the Serbs. WHEN they retake Kosovo ythey will easily take the Albanians out! They have seen their country blown up and occupied by foreign powers. These men have gone back to their warrior routes. It is something the west should do, but will never happen unless the U.N. bombs the crap out of homes and throws Africans on garrison duty
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y11...istan_Flag.png Hello Comrades, I am Comrade Hacneque of the Grand Soviet Socialist Republic of Canuckistan. Do you have any questions about my glourious nation?
Is this a joke or serious disscussion? No joke. Canada is comparable to Germany when it comes to human rights.
Here are some of the pictures from my shoot. :) Is that an ammo belt? :eek::D
i gotta agree. Shes beautiful as hell, but the mini skirt and torn fishnets push it. I don't think shes the type of girl thats looking for the type of attention that might attract. But lets get to the real issue here, am i seeing things or do you really not straight lace your boots :eek: Blasphemy!!!! lol Yes she is a very beautiful girl (more beautiful than any girl I've seen in real life :() but I imagine she does not decide how she dresses whilst modelling. I imagine the whole ammo belt thing + boots probably means she is doing modelling for a gun magazine or something? I don't know
Do you mean like ? Probably. Probably pro-mestizo and anti-white. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the slimy anti-white multicultis in this country ran guns down to them. Once on a local cable access channel (you know, the sort of channel where one minute some guy is flying a model airplane or painting a picture and the next minute a nutty black preacher is ranting - lefty dingbats love that stuff :rolleyes:), I heard a left-wing slime-ball boast about running guns down to the Sandinistas. Mestizo? I have seen photos and these guys look more like Aztec warriors to me. That is probably their goal anyway, an indigenous government of some sort. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81lvaro_Uribe And this is the man kicking their ass! Uribe is white warrior :clink
Hello Comrade's first of all a happy Christmas..:) Its a big wish from me to adopt a child from Russia.. This was a wish when I was a young child. Now I want make it come true .. Who can give me advise about this & who wish adopt aswell a child.? On long term I want begin a Orphan child house .. Can please someone give me advise for this aswell .. How to have a good start for a new future for children who need care & love. And make sure its white. We don't need to feed another mudd aka Jew/Gypsy/Inunit/Tatar/Whatever-Russia-Has-Crawling
I agree with you. Russians need to stay in Russia and not come to America. The orthodox tradition is very important also. No need to convert them to some protestant church for them to become jew lovers. Not all Eastern Slavs are Orthodox. My Great Great Grandparents were Greek Catholics from Lviv. Of course they were from Austro-Hungary and were not subject to forced conversion by the Russians. Did you know the Russians forced 8 million Greek-Catholics in the Ukraine to convert to Orthodoxy? But I agree that religionism isn't really relevant anymore. Maybe I am saying this cause of all the Jewish inflitration into the Catholic and Orthodox church. I rather see cultural pride as oppose to religious. Maybe Russian jews. There is a book about them that talks about all the crime they commit in America. I believe it is called Red Mafyia. Russian Jews are also veryyy annoying. Everyone I met had an accent and couldn't shut up :mad: Back when I lived in an apartnment in this ****ty ghetto area full of spics alot of Russians started moving in. I thought it would get better with them there, but it only got more violent and the russians who were my neighbors were always drunk and screaming and passed out on the stairs. Good thing I moved from there. Not sure if they were pure Aryan Russians or jewish ones though. Hmm.... Maybe it was environmental? There are a lot of mixed or full Ukrainians in Canada (since the late 18 century) and very few are violent. Or at the very least less violent than the Irish :D How would you not know if they were Aryan or Jewish? Jet black hair, dark eyes, Asian-like skintone... In all likelihood a Jew, a gyspy or a tatar. If blonde hair or blue eyes, probably just a drunk Aryan
I think the chances of alien life visiting the Earth is so remote we need not worry about it. It would seem to me, if there were alien life visiting us, then we wouldn't be spending a lot of time, money, and talent on a mission to Mars looking for life. That is pretty much it. There could be alien life out there but not in the sense of being sentient, much less progressing beyond our own technological state. Let's face it, had it not been for whites, the most advanced society would be China which had been argubly stagnating since 800 A.D. Had whites not been around, they would still be very well be living a pretty crappy lifestyle. The likelihood for life on another planet is so absymial. And of the course the odds for getting a species with opposable thumbs (or a means to manupilate objects) and a brain even lower. Getting a species with the above and scientific genius - probably next to impossible?
Nationalism is strong in all ex-communist European countries(Eastern European countries). The end of the communist period, the failure of the promised utopia, saw a return to themes of national definition, national sovereignty and a quest for previously defined state borders. The nationalist ideology of Eastern European nations tends to concentrate around the slogan of ethnic purity and a desire for a mono-ethnic state. Society is defining itself in ethnic terms rather than as a Western civil society. What can we learn from Russians?We can learn how to be true nationalists! Nationalism has always been strong in Eastern Europe. The Russians fought hard in the Civil War but lost after being bretrayed by the west. I'd like to think that there are reasons why Russian [white] nationalism is thriving while our's is declining. Britain in theory should have a powerful movement considering they have hundreds of thousands in such close proximity but oddly enough choose to be keyboard commandos. The Negro happy-slap video just shows us how cowardly the British can be at times. People in Britain still have jobs, electricity, electronics and luxuries. What about the Russians? I believe our residental Russian said that 900 dollars a month is considered a good income in Russia, which is really crappy in comparison that near minimal wage full-time workers in Canada can take 1800 home a month. Plus the street cops often sympathize with the WN's in Russia. There is also community acceptance of militant parades in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. If we had 2,000 guys march down New York street in Flecktarn we'll get like 600,000 illegals forming a mob. Hell even when we gather 25 people in the same area (peaceful protest on immigration) we have no problem rallying 9,000 illegal Aztecs from protesting and trying to incite a violent confrontation
I don't understand why anyone would be stupid enough to vacation in Kenya these days. Those savage negroes don't want your money, they want your life. They don't call them crazy Germans for nothing... What the heck would someone go to Kenya? Especially in the midst of a civil war? :eek: I know! Hey kids! Were going to Iraq to see the Babyalonian ruins! :rofl
Well, one thing about having tons of muslims, is your jews will probably move away. BTW, that picture with the lion and the kitten is funny. Economic prosperity is what killed the lion. And economic collapse is what'll bring it back. If I learned anything on SF its that Jews and Muslims are **** buddies. It has always been the Jews who sacked Arabs/Turks on us for the past thousands of years.