high on the rock stood a little goat bleating and calling and beckoning to the marionette to come to her.
i know i'll be right there.
like most egyptian temples it has a triangle shaped layout inside.
the rooms become smaller in size from the entrance to the sanctuary.
the temple has a complicated and unusual structure with many side chambers.
the hypostyle hall (sometimes also called a pronaos) is 18 meters long and 16.7 meters wide.
it is supported by eight huge osirid pillars.
these show ramesses as a god, with osiris (orion), the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life and vegetation, to indicate the everlasting nature of the pharaoh.
the big statues along the left-hand wall have the white crown of upper egypt, while those on the opposite side are wearing the double crown of upper and lower egypt (pschent).
the bas-reliefs on the walls of the pronaos show battle scenes from ramesses's many wars.
they show the battle of kadesh, on the orontes river, in present-day syria, where ramesses fought against the hittites.
the most famous image shows the king on his chariot shooting arrows against his enemies, who are being taken prisoner.
other scenes show egyptian victories in libya and nubia.
she cried.
he looked at her reproachfully, and said : `` how can you ask me, cruel one?
are you not leaving me to my death perhaps? ''
very little is revealed about the history of the spellbinder's world.
at some point in the distant past, a disaster befell the planet, leaving their land surrounded by a wasteland where nothing can survive.
they refer to this disaster as "the darkness," and the ancestors of a group called the marauders (raiders who live on the outskirts of their society, bordering on the wastelands) are blamed for the past catastrophe.
it is later learned that the ancient spellbinders were the ones actually responsible for the disaster, brought about by their own intellectual arrogance and desire for increasingly powerful weapons.
paul, the visitor from our world, speculates that "the darkness" may have been the result of a nuclear winter, although this is not further elaborated upon.
regent correon, with paul's help, discovers an ancient book that describes an experiment of the ancient spellbinders that went horribly wrong, but this book is destroyed by ashka before more can be learned.
have you ever served on one?
be which could induce an experienced middle-aged man, employed in
from the hypostyle hall, one enters the second pillared hall.
this has four pillars covered with beautiful scenes of offerings to the gods.
ramesses and nefertari are seen with the sacred boats of amun and ra-harakhti.
this hall leads to another room which is the way in to the sanctuary.
on a back wall are rock cut sculptures of four seated figures: ra-horakhty, ramesses (as a god), and the gods amun ra and ptah.
ra-horakhty, amun ra and ptah were the main gods during this time and their cult centers were at heliopolis, thebes and memphis respectively.
the ancient spellbinders were technologically advanced, although their everyday lives were relatively simple by the standards of our world.
they lived in stone castles and relied on traditional agriculture for food, but they also developed electromagnetic power suits, long-distance radio communication, and metallic ships that used powerful magnetic fields in order to fly.
most of their knowledge was lost after the disaster, and today's spellbinders only have a limited understanding of the science their technology is based on.
their flying ships and power suits are falling into disarray as they frantically search to rediscover the knowledge lost to them.
- wouldn't happen to be latino?
`` ah!
letters would come from in this broad black
there was something very strange about that little goat.
her coat was not white or black or brown as that of any other goat, but azure, a deep brilliant color that reminded one of the hair of the lovely maiden.
the role of the sun.
don't be so sorrowful, '' cried beauty ; `` i am only going to assure my father that i am safe and happy.
oh is that right?
i know.
ooh so sad.
i finally served on one last year.
it is believed that the temple was positioned so that on october 22 and february 22, light from the sun would reach the sanctuary.
this would light up the sculptures on the back wall, except for the statue of ptah, the god linked with the underworld, who always remained in the dark.
highly confidential work in a great shipyard, not only to break faith
mhm just to mark
- uh-uh.
you never see that now.
where were you?
oh no.
these dates could be the king's birthday and coronation day.
however, there is no evidence to support this.
it makea sense that these dates had some relation to a great event, such as the 30th anniversary of the pharaoh's rule.
october 22 is 60 days before the solstice and february 20 is 60 days after the solstice.
the image of the king would get energy from the sun, and ramesses the great could take his place next to amun ra and ra