if the value is positive, then that is an interval of increase.
if the value is negative, then that is an interval of decrease.
finally, if two neighboring intervals change sign then that point is either a local maxima or minima.
if the first interval is positive and the second interval negative, then the critical point is a local maxima.
if the first interval is negative and the second interval positive, then the critical point is a local minima.
if both intervals are positive or both intervals are negative, then the critical point is neither a local maxima or minima.
in 1971, one of the irish rovers sings the song in one sketch as part of one of the episodes of "the irish rovers show".
little richard performed a rock-and-roll version of the song as a guest on a 1995 episode of "sesame street".
bob mcgrath recorded the song in his album, "bob's favorite street songs".
the song made a brief appearance in a scene in "three men and a little lady", and during an episode of "whose line is it anyway?"
daveed diggs, in costume as mr. noodle's brother mr. noodle, performed a hip-hop infused version on sesame street's youtube channel.
“no, he learned to mumble a few words when he lived for three years with a band of trained dogs.”
"yes," said he, simply.
"i had a good schooling.
i need not go into
i read somewhere there was something called bidding?
in spite of his weariness the howling of the wolves kept him awake, and even when at last the day broke he was not much better off, for the falling snow had covered up every path, and he did not know which way to turn.
details," he went on, "of how we watch the correspondence of suspected
oh, sure, that's great.
stride pianist dick wellstood included a performance of the song on his 1974 live album "walkin' with wellstood".
jane krakowski sings the song on her live album "the laziest gal in town".
have you praised it and given it a treat maybe when it does something outside?
the first derivative test is used in calculus optimization problems.
persons, but you may be interested to learn that during the three
uh, yeah,
we've tried that,
weeks which i have passed in your city all your private letters have
ah let's see what you got in there for mom?
“poor beast!”
- but i was thinking...
frankenstein's monster
what's in there?
= = = japanese iraq reconstruction and support group = = =
and, uh, you know, there's certain spots in the house where he likes to go,
at length he made out some sort of track, and though at the beginning it was so rough and slippery that he fell down more than once, it presently became easier, and led him into an avenue of trees which ended in a splendid castle.
the japanese iraq reconstruction and support group or also known as the refers to a battalion-sized, largely humanitarian contingent of the japan self-defense forces that was sent to samawah, southern iraq in early january 2004 and withdrawn by late july 2006.
however, the last jasdf forces left kuwait on december 18, 2008.
approximately 5,500 japanese ground self-defense force members were present in samawah between 2004 and 2006.
near relations i suppose.
been through my hands."
“come, come,” said the little man, “do not lose time over a donkey that can weep.
mount quickly and let us go.
the night is cool and the road is long.”
what's in there?
so, and he chews on plants and all that,
frankenstein’s monster is a fictional character from mary shelley’s 1818 novel "frankenstein; or, the modern prometheus".
he is created by another character in the novel called victor frankenstein.
the creature has no name in popular culture, but is sometimes called "creature", "monster", "fiend", "wretch", "vile insect", "daemon", "being", and "it".
- mm-hm.
...maybe we could do something now so i wouldn't be so lonely later.
and some would maybe just arrive if they thought they should be there.
"the devil they have," i cried angrily.
"you exceed your powers.
but, you know, that's natural for a little puppy.
their duties had included tasks such as water purification, reconstruction and reestablishment of public facilities for the iraqi people.
while legally required to remain within noncombat zones, gsdf records revealed that japanese troops were present in areas of active hostilities.
that's nothing, huh.
pinocchio obeyed without another word.
the wagon started again.
toward dawn the next morning they finally reached that much-longed-for country, the land of toys.
in the novel, victor creates the human-like monster in the upstairs room of his apartment at the university of ingolstadt.
he creates it by putting together body parts from graveyards and butcher shops.
he uses a method that is not clearly explained involving chemistry and galvanism to make the creature come alive.
victor leaves the creature in horror the minute it is awake.
it leaves his apartment in the middle of the night.
this great land was entirely different from any other place in the world.
its population, large though it was, was composed wholly of boys.
is really intolerable."
oh i suppose so.
it seemed to the merchant very strange that no snow had fallen in the avenue, which was entirely composed of orange trees, covered with flowers and fruit.
well, it, it, it'll, it'll catch on pretty soon, i'll, i'll bet you.
like what?
there you go.
i, i have a sixteen year old, almost sixteen year old golden retriever,
in the novel, the monster looks as though:
when he reached the first court of the castle he saw before him a flight of agate steps, and went up them, and passed through several splendidly furnished rooms.
"oh, you need not worry," replied dawson serenely.
"your letters were
and she's gone the other way,
and would the minister be there too?
the pleasant warmth of the air revived him, and he felt very hungry ; but there seemed to be nobody in all this vast and splendid palace whom he could ask to give him something to eat.
like maybe we could make a baby.
deep silence reigned everywhere, and at last, tired of roaming through empty rooms and galleries, he stopped in a room smaller than the rest, where a clear fire was burning and a couch was drawn up closely to it.
mindy, are you crazy?
the oldest were about fourteen years of age, the youngest, eight.
in the street, there was such a racket, such shouting, such blowing of trumpets, that it was deafening.
everywhere groups of boys were gathered together.
some played at marbles, at hopscotch, at ball.
others rode on bicycles or on wooden horses.
some played at blindman’s buff, others at tag.
here a group played circus, there another sang and recited.
a few turned somersaults, others walked on their hands with their feet in the air.
generals in full uniform leading regiments of cardboard soldiers passed by.
laughter, shrieks, howls, catcalls, hand-clapping followed this parade.
one boy made a noise like a hen, another like a rooster, and a third imitated a lion in his den.