We have a lot of expectations for India but Jaipur is a great place to take off point and we hope you to give you an experience to remember for always.
I want to go into nonprofits and this program allowed me to experience what an NGO in a different country would be like.
live here who I can talk to who know American students, who've been doing this for a long time and they have the conections with people in society.
We are also taking Global Development or International Development and it's pretty much just a broad view of different aspects of development throughout the world and then how we can relate that to what's going on here in India.
It's usually not a nuclear family.
I feel like Jaipur has become a second home because I feel comfortable and there's my host family and sometimes they remind me of family back at home.
Some of their actions and behaviours which at first seem to be a total abstraction or even inappropriate, then turn out to be absolutely normal in their culture, not perceived wrong.
Now elements are considered what's called a pure substance.
We're going to have a whole lot of videos about the
Periodic Table in just a little bit.
If I was a wealthy girl
'cause I'd have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl
I'd have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl
'cause i'd have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl
If I was a rich girl
If I was a wealthy girl
If I was a a wealthy girl
However, in a confined situation, which horses will not typically put their self into, but if they find their self in a confined environment, they will fight in response to danger.
So having considered the fact that horses graze on a little and often basis for a considerable amount of the day, we now have to have a think about the types of diets that they're designed to process.
Even when we think about horses who are kept out to pasture, these are typically much smaller areas than the horse would encounter in a natural state.
What we know from a lot of research that's been done is, there is a minimum requirement of forage to maintain gut health and integrity, and that is one kilogram of dry matter of forage per hundred kilograms of live wheat according to the
But the Journal Sentinel says Greece adopting a new currency could lead to a domino effect.
"We [assessed] the effects of a Greek exit from the European Monetary Union on our footprint markets of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Nouriel Roubini, who predicted a deep economic crisis for Greece in 2006, wrote Greece must exit the EU but not necessarily the currency.
In an article for Project Syndicate, Roubini said the state is stuck in a vicious cycle of insolvency.
So, in these next few videos, we're gonna continue our discussion of the minimum cost spanning tree problem.
And I'm gonna focus on a second good algorithm, good greedy algorithm for the problem, namely Kruskal's algorithm.
Now, we already have an excellent algorithm for computing the minimum cost spanning tree in Prim's algorithm.
So you might wonder, you know, why bother spending the time learning a second one?
So the first reason is this is just a, it's a cool algorithm.
So it's another great greedy solution for the minimum cost spanning problem.
So that'll be a fun topic just in its own right.
So that's a nice application that we'll spend some time talking about.
So the input of course is an undirected graph, G and each edge has a cost.
So this is a condition which guarantees you're not making a mistake in a greedy algorithm.
It's a greedy algorithm.
We want to get away with a single scan through the edges in short order.
And we take an edge, unless it's obviously a bad idea.
And here a bad idea means it creates a cycle, that's a no-no, but as long as there's no cycle, we go ahead and include the edge.
That's when we're, once we're convinced of the correctness, we'll move on to a naive running time implementation and then finally, a fast implementation using suitable data structures.
>> [foreign] >> In my eleven years working in high-need urban areas I have never encountered an educator who exhibits the type of dedication and passion and commitment that Misla Barco brings to our school on a daily basis.
She is a true hero in every sense of the word.
I'm happy for the school because it's a great recognition for the program.
It's a great recognition for the work that stands for the students supporting the high school so I'm very happy.
For our students to graduate from high school is a huge step because their parents, they didn't even go to elementary school.
She could teach us anything in a fun way and we'll get it faster than other classes.
[clapping] >> Teaching in a intense charter school setting can almost be like dog years for a teacher.
So give him a big round of applause.
Now, let's face it, a presidential visit isn't even close to being the biggest thing this weekend on campus.
I think Selinger is going to have a big game tonight.
I will say, though, when Malia gets her license in a few years, she will not be allowed to go 300 miles an hour.
Or a--Or a dinner with a pretty girl.
They head down to the gas station and they make sure a few cameras are following them, and then they tell you how we're going to have cheap gas forever if you just vote for them.
It has been like a bad rerun.
Under my administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years -- at any time.
Over the last three years, we've opened millions of acres of land in 23 different states for oil and gas exploration.
We are producing more oil than any time in the last eight years.
There are probably a few spots where we're not drilling, it's true.
Does anybody here think that's a good strategy?
Yes, we'll develop as much oil and gas as we can, in a safe way, but we're also going to develop wind power, and solar power, and advanced biofuels.
Lately, we've heard a lot of politicians, a lot of folks who are running for a certain office -- (laughter)
Then we wouldn't have a black President, but we do!
Does anybody think that's a wise use of your tax dollars?
It is time to stop a taxpayer giveaway to an industry that's rarely been more profitable, and start making investments in a clean energy industry that has never been more promising.
You've got a billion people, two billion people out there, who are interested in buying cars -- which means that unless we develop alternatives, oil prices are going to keep on going up.
Now, if you aren't familiar with tuples, you might want a little bit of practice to understand how they work.
So in other words, this expression is a true expression in Python.
Oh...better...stronger...hard...real hard and the book is about that...the courage you need when the life you live is not the life you planned and you learn there have to be many definitions of a beautiful day.
You should also know that her therapist, Dr. Esterbrook sent word to us that she has already made a big leap forward just in the days since we left her.
That goes back to the idea of the outcomes process being an iterative one.
Maybe we can raise the bar a little bit."
She might get a job at a private clinic or maybe she moves abroad to chase a dream.
There are 2,000 people in our community, yet we don't have a single health worker.
It's hard to imagine a billion people.
It's harder still to imagine a billion people without a health worker.
Imagine paying her a living wage.
The technologies we take for granted or simply don't understand become an integral part of our childrens identities.
We must realize they live in a different world and speak a different language.
"Today I moved into my new house in Toronto, it's so peaceful here, what a wonderful countryside!
I'm a little tired of shoveling the snow.
"Finally, I was able to go to the supermarket but on the way, a fucking deer crossed my path and I ran into a tree!
"I finally sold the house to a damn canadian!
Tomorrow I go back to Santa Fe, I can't wait to get there so I can enjoy the heat, moisture and mosquitoes as soon as I arrive I'm gonna have a delicious barbecue and then obviously I'm gonna have a drink with my cousin that's what I call life!
I have no control over unconscious processes because my mind has come to the conclusion that you are an adequate kisser.
And sure, you have a kind heart, and you're a gifted listener, but my dreams have had dreams about doing unthinkable things.
So, I dunno, would you describe yourself as a happy little person?
I mean , are you busy, because I've got a few fundamental questions for you!'
I'm 'aving a great time, actually
Amo, amas, amat, quid pro quo, memento mori, ad infinitum, sprinkle on a little bit of grated cheese and leave under the grill till Doomsday.
'e's a fuckin' genius, this geezer!
Yeah, I've phoned June a couple o' times.
I've seen more life in an open grave.
Now you've got yourself a posh job in a big 'shitty'?
And only a single bed.
I'm not gonna get you a watch - you don't want a fuckin' watch!
You've got a lovely way about you - 'as anybody ever told you that?
I saw a little Border collie padding off down there towards a fire.
So what, is 'e in a bad way?
You must be a great fuckin' shag.
Why don't you 'ave a little wander round and go look for the wee lassie, an' I'll wait 'ere?