This is because with this method you remain on a single submission until you finish grading all questions before you move on to the next submission
So you kind of have to, a little bit, coddle the accountants.
Watergate hearings, when he'd go, well, I'll just an old, dumb country lawyer.
And so what we fraudsters do is we act a little dumb.
And then that escalated to a couple hundred thousand dollars.
And each one of those were the type where I really couldn't even dream up a fake answer.
I've talked to quite a few companies that have said,
And that's why I've often said, even if you think you can handle it all in house all the time, bring in an outsider who's got a fresh pair of eyes.
Sarbanes-Oxley, we can change the FASB recommendations, we can change a whole lot of things.
Yes, there's a possibility that a corporate executive that does bad decisions might go to jail.
And it's not even the money you can lose by running your business or spending a little bit more of your productivity on ethics and compliance.
And a total lack of follow through.
And the way the system works, somebody goes, Mark, if you can give me a bigger name than you, you go to jail for less.
If anybody had driven by one of the Z Best vendors, they'd have see that it wasn't a vendor at all, that it was just a postal rental place.
Because in this day and age, and it's an awful thing to have had happen, you frequently have to prove your innocence.
Well, we're not going to be needing a precise definition in this course, but essentially, an algorithm is a well-defined set of rules.
A second reason to study a lgorithms is that they play a key role in modern technological innovation.
Third, although this is getting significantly outside the scope of this course, algorithms are increasingly being used to provide a novel lens on processes outside of Computer Science and Technology.
For example, the set of quantum computation has provided a new and computational viewpoint on quantum mechanics, price fluctuations in economic markets can be fruitfully viewed as an algorithmic process, and even evolution can be usefully thought of as, as a surprisingly search algorithm.
The last two reasons I'm going to give you might sound a little flipping but, you know, I, I think there is more than a grain of truth to both of them.
So, I hope this course provides a similar experience for many of you that one the one hand it's a bit of a struggle.
Finally, I hope that by the end of the course, a constant fraction of you will agree with me that designing and analyzing algorithms is simply fun.
It's an endeavor that requires a rare blend of creativity and precision and it can cer tainly be frustrating at times, but even more than that, it is addictive.
I got a C in penmanship back in elementary school, and I think the teacher was being a little generous but, you know, it's got an acquired taste, but trust me, you will get used to it.
And at the end of the day, we basically filled out a grid of size roughly n by n, give or take a little bit.
So, just in ballpark terms, it seems that multiplying two n digit numbers required essentially a quadratic number of operations, a small number of operations to fill in each entry in this grid.
In a little more detail, we could look at each of the partial products separately.
We also did some carries, so that effects things a little bit.
But that takes just an extra number of constant times n primitive operations to do all of those additions.
Here's a favorite quote of mine.
I might rephrase it more succinctly by just saying, if you're, want to be a good algorithm designer, you should adopt the following mantra.
There'll be an obvious solution but with some extra algorithmic ingenuity by detecting subtle structure in the problem, we'll be able to do signifigantly, qualitatively better than the naive or the obvious solution to the problem.
These are programs that call themselves, typically, on an input of a similar form, but with smaller size.
Well, if you think about it, there's a pretty natural way to break a number with a bunch of digits into a couple numbers with fewer digits.
So, perhaps this decomposition will have some use, in enabling a recursive attack on how to multiply two images.
The first two digits of the four in x.
And then b would be the other two digits.
So, x times y, by a representation, is just the same thing as ten n over two times a plus b times quantity ten to the n over two c plus d.
Now, what I want you to think about and make sure you understand is that, this expansion that I've circled and called star, immediately suggests a recursive algorithm for multiplying two integers.
Now, it's not clear whether that algorithm is going to be fast or slow, whether this is a good idea or a crackpot idea.
But certainly, it's a legitimate recursive approach to multiplying two integers.
We can invoke our same algorithm to compute those in a recursive way.
So, in lieu of answering that question, although we will answer it several lectures hence, I want to show you a second, still more clever, recursive algorithm, for integer multiplication, so this goes by the name of Karatsuba multiplication after the founder, although really it's sort of the key point, there's a trick pointed out by the mathematician, Gauss, in the early nineteenth century.
This gives us another second recursive algorithm from multiplying two integers that makes use of fewer recursive calls.
And as before, there's a little bit of work to do beyond the recursive calls but not much.
i'm too weak too slow too big i ate to much for breakfast i got a headache its raining my dog is sick i can't right now im not inspired it makes me smell bad im alergic to stuff im fat im thin its too hot im not right i've got shin split a headace im distracted im exerting myself too much i'd love to really, but i can't my favourite show is on i've got a case on monday tuesday wednesday i dont wanna do this i wanna do something else after new year next week i might make a mistake i've got homework i feel blowded i have gas i got a hot date my coach hates me my mom won't let me i bruise easily it's too dark too cold my blister hurts this is dangerous uhh, sorry i dont have a bike i didnt get enough sleep my tummy hurts it's not in my genes i dont wanna look all tired now i need a better coach i dont like getting tackled i have a stomache ache im not that athletic type i dont wanna get sweaty i have better things to do i dont wanna slow you down i have to do this?
A recent survey said that 27 percent of bosses believe their employees are inspired by their firm.
Buyers could determine the price, but the offer was exclusive, and only stood for a limited period of time.
Giving people less control might be a wonderful way to counter the abundance of choice and make them happier.
U.K.-based Interflora monitored Twitter for users who were having a bad day, and then sent them a free bouquet of flowers.
A recent study suggests that having employees complete occasional altruistic tasks throughout the day increases their sense of overall productivity.
By applying a strict process, we give them less control,
This is a common joseki, which you can see, and you all probably know it.
D for white is a bad move.
It's a surprising move, so you might want to try it out to surprise your opponent.
It looks very slow but it's a good move and a very solid move.
This is an easy way to play.
This makes a good balance.
After this, this jump for white is a nice point.
If white does not play this move, then black has a nice combination.
Instead, in this kind of position, there is a surprising move which is this one.
It's more or less a miai situation.
Playing here starts a bit of a complicated variation.
It's a little bit crude, but after this you can play tenuki as black.
White will force black into a bad shape by playing atari here and then blocking on this side.
Eventhough it's an empty triangle, it's a good move because A and B are miai.
It's a nice placement for white.
This is why [this] is a good move for black.
When white approaches here..black is a little bit cramped.
If black plays hane it's a little bit dangerous.
However, black doesn't have a solid base.
Why is this such a bad move?
It's a painful invasion.
Yea, it looks like a solid or strong move.
So now we've seen that this is a bad move for white.
So this would be a nice move.
In this situation, this is a nice move.
However, we added a few stones..
Let's see another overall board position.
[This], in this case, is an excellent move to expand white's framework.
And this is also a good move to make the lower side more solid.
A tricky move!
However, white gained a little bit of profit on the left side, compared to white's usual approach at [A].
As you may recall, writing a Deux Ex episode sort of sent James on a bit of a sci-fi kick .
Science fiction is an attempt to deliver a view of a possible future.
Star Trek gives a rosy view.
It's clearly born of a '70s ideology, but they attempted to keep it grounded within the vaguely possible.
In this type of science fiction, advanced technology stands in for magic, and allows the characters to do whatever is necessary in order to move them through an interesting plot, or explore the more nebulous, social, and philosophical ideas the designer wants the player to explore
And when some explanation is necessary, they give a vague,
Here's an example, "midichlorian counts".
Using real science, and allowing that to be the floor that helps you ground your universe in an internal logical constancy.
So, to wrap things up today, we're going to give a brief run-down of relativistic terms that come up a lot.
"Quantum" just means "a discreet amount".
You can think of it as "an indivisible quantity."
Once you accept that relative velocity can affect relative expereiecne of time that an atomic clock running on a fast-moving spaceship will run slower than an atomic clock here on Earth.
For most of human history, we thought of a plane as a flat surface.
If we think in terms of our flat geometry, we percieve the sun to be exerting a gravitational force that makes the Earth orbit in a curve but in curved spacetime, the Earth actually traves in a straight line
So, for example, traveling in a straight line, through such a distortion might still result in a curved trajectory.
I am a UAA Alumni.
A red duct tape, white duct tape and also everybody's favorite Walmart bags.