{ "aen": "be persevering", "bkm": "taŋà" }
{ "aen": "speak", "bkm": "taŋi" }
{ "aen": "talk", "bkm": "taŋi" }
{ "aen": "denounce", "bkm": "taŋi abɨ kûm" }
{ "aen": "speak ill of", "bkm": "taŋi abɨ kûm" }
{ "aen": "talkative", "bkm": "taŋinɨ" }
{ "aen": "noisy", "bkm": "taŋinɨ" }
{ "aen": "cause to wrinkle", "bkm": "tàŋsɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "frown", "bkm": "tàŋsɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "boil partly", "bkm": "tàŋsɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "frown", "bkm": "tàŋsɨ̀ ikêʼ" }
{ "aen": "boil vegitables a short time so they are only partly done.", "bkm": "tàŋsɨ̀ mbàs" }
{ "aen": "count", "bkm": "taŋtɨ" }
{ "aen": "count one by one", "bkm": "tàs isɨ-isɨ" }
{ "aen": "be pasty or slimy to the touch", "bkm": "tâŋtɨ̀ ghɨ-ghɨ" }
{ "aen": "sew", "bkm": "tas" }
{ "aen": "sew", "bkm": "timi" }
{ "aen": "bring together", "bkm": "tas" }
{ "aen": "met together", "bkm": "tas" }
{ "aen": "match", "bkm": "tas" }
{ "aen": "agree", "bkm": "tas" }
{ "aen": "sharpen one", "bkm": "tas" }
{ "aen": "push away with a piece of stick", "bkm": "tàs" }
{ "aen": "push away", "bkm": "bàʼ" }
{ "aen": "push away with a piece of stick", "bkm": "bàʼtɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "push away", "bkm": "tàytɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "sharpen a cutlass with the back of another cutlass", "bkm": "tas ifô" }
{ "aen": "count one by one", "bkm": "taŋtɨ" }
{ "aen": "towel", "bkm": "tawùlà" }
{ "aen": "towel", "bkm": "ànyès ɨwùyn" }
{ "aen": "sharpen", "bkm": "tàylɨ" }
{ "aen": "five", "bkm": "tâyn" }
{ "aen": "fives", "bkm": "tâynsɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "fly", "bkm": "tàyn" }
{ "aen": "fly", "bkm": "tàyn" }
{ "aen": "mix", "bkm": "taynɨ" }
{ "aen": "mix", "bkm": "fyes" }
{ "aen": "mix", "bkm": "fœ̀nɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "mix", "bkm": "sèʼ" }
{ "aen": "cause to fly", "bkm": "tàynsɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "disturb", "bkm": "tàysɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "interfere", "bkm": "tàysɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "obstruct", "bkm": "tàysɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "interrupt", "bkm": "tàysɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "move slightly horizontally", "bkm": "taytɨ" }
{ "aen": "push gently away", "bkm": "taytɨ" }
{ "aen": "search", "bkm": "tàytɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "search for", "bkm": "tàytɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "insult", "bkm": "te" }
{ "aen": "curse", "bkm": "te" }
{ "aen": "curse", "bkm": "te nɨ̀ ndi i bɨ" }
{ "aen": "abuse", "bkm": "te" }
{ "aen": "table", "bkm": "têblɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "table", "bkm": "abaŋ" }
{ "aen": "tables", "bkm": "têblɨ̀sɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "advise", "bkm": "tebtɨ" }
{ "aen": "little", "bkm": "tebtɨ" }
{ "aen": "small", "bkm": "tebtɨ" }
{ "aen": "small", "bkm": "tebtɨnɨ" }
{ "aen": "thin", "bkm": "tebtɨnɨ" }
{ "aen": "thin", "bkm": "lænɨ" }
{ "aen": "small", "bkm": "telâ" }
{ "aen": "advise", "bkm": "tef" }
{ "aen": "show, let see", "bkm": "teʼ" }
{ "aen": "small", "bkm": "telâ" }
{ "aen": "tailor", "bkm": "têlà" }
{ "aen": "tailor", "bkm": "wul ɨ tasɨnɨ" }
{ "aen": "mock", "bkm": "telɨ" }
{ "aen": "blaspheme", "bkm": "telɨ" }
{ "aen": "clear with a cutlass", "bkm": "tem" }
{ "aen": "get to middle of something", "bkm": "tèmnɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "mine", "bkm": "temtɨ" }
{ "aen": "clear a bit with a cutlass", "bkm": "temtɨ" }
{ "aen": "wobble", "bkm": "tèŋlɨ" }
{ "aen": "be shaky", "bkm": "tèŋlɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "move unsteadily", "bkm": "tèŋlɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "move unsteadily", "bkm": "ndeʼlɨ" }
{ "aen": "choose someone", "bkm": "tetɨ" }
{ "aen": "select seeds", "bkm": "tetɨ ngœ̀" }
{ "aen": "cut", "bkm": "teyn" }
{ "aen": "break", "bkm": "teyn" }
{ "aen": "refuse", "bkm": "teyn" }
{ "aen": "decide", "bkm": "teyn" }
{ "aen": "then", "bkm": "tèyn" }
{ "aen": "so", "bkm": "tèyn" }
{ "aen": "therefore", "bkm": "tèyn" }
{ "aen": "so", "bkm": "tèyn" }
{ "aen": "like this", "bkm": "tèyn" }
{ "aen": "something that comparatively has no equals in action.", "bkm": "teyn fɨchɨ" }
{ "aen": "give or render judgment", "bkm": "teyn nsaʼ" }
{ "aen": "decide a legal case", "bkm": "teyn nsaʼ" }
{ "aen": "stop", "bkm": "teynsɨ" }
{ "aen": "prevent", "bkm": "teynsɨ" }
{ "aen": "wean", "bkm": "teynsɨ wayn sɨ igheyn" }
{ "aen": "butcher", "bkm": "teyntɨ" }
{ "aen": "cut into pieces", "bkm": "teyntɨ" }
{ "aen": "cut off leaves", "bkm": "teyntɨ" }
{ "aen": "cut off leaves", "bkm": "teyntɨ" }
{ "aen": "these", "bkm": "tèyntɨ̀" }
{ "aen": "our", "bkm": "teytɨ" }