Doing labour in the fields is no easy task. Especially when your mother gets married to a farmer, forcing you to move out to the countryside to help the family business. It wasn’t that it didn’t pay well, because the farm was quite large, which meant they grew plenty of different things and raised a variety of animals. Courtney and Caroline took a while to adjust to their new lifestyle out in the rural areas, a huge contrast to their previous life in the big city. Both brunettes were born to a blondie who had recently divorced with their father. That was six years ago. Now their mother had gotten married again, marrying a farmer of all people. Of course, they scoffed at the arrangement that they would be moving from their apartment to the new husband's farm. When they had arrived at his farm, they were taken aback as his property extended far, roughly covering fifty acres. As they adjusted to their new lifestyle, they found that it actually wasn’t that bad. It was peaceful. The air was fresh and there were no sounds of people honking their horns when they woke up. They started to enjoy this change in accommodations. Fast forward to the present and they had woken up to the rooster screeching as it usually did. Their father was out setting up the machinery for it to begin picking in a new harvest. Due to innovations on the farm, they were able to purchase machines that could be set to pick different products. Which made harvesting much easier. All the manual labour usually settled on the raising of the different animals on the plot. “Morning!” Courtney said cheerfully as she walked downstairs. “So, you finally decided to get up?” Caroline replied to her “Hey! Be nice.” Their mother told them “Fine. You’re late though, I’ve already fed the chickens and collected some of their eggs and here you are just waking up.” “Sorry...ghee…” These kinds of small arguments usually happened between the two sisters. They were close to each other but normally engaged in their own sibling rivalry. “By the way, have any of you seen the green bucket that was out on the porch yesterday?” their mother asked. “I was using it yesterday but...I don’t remember where I put it.” Courtney said. “Man... you can’t even remember where you put a bucket? Why do we even feed her? Everything we give her goes straight to her tits and none to her brain.” Caroline said, smiling at her sister. “Jealous that yours haven't developed yet?” “Ju…” the smirk now vanishing from her face as she hadn’t been blessed with a well-endowed figure like her sister. “I’m…I’m still growing…” “Well, you're sure taking your time aren't you.” Courtney said “Why you...!” “Hey! Enough of that, would you please just say where the damn bucket is.” Their mother yelled through they’re tirade. “She probably left it in the stable where the horses were. I saw her carry it that way yesterday.” “Oh...yeah...I had been carrying carrots for them to eat.” “Well...since you are the one that left, you have to go get it.” her mom said “That's such a long walk…” “Are those milk bags too much for you to carry around?” Caroline added “They are just fine, thank you very much.” Courtney said as she took a slice of bread out the toaster and ate it on her way out. She walked down the path, past the tomatoes, past the corn finally reaching the stable. Upon entering she saw the bucket that her mother was asking for. As she neared it she could hear grunting coming from one of the stalls. Peeking inside she could see Charlie running around in circles. Charlie was the horse that Courtney had first learned to ride on. The two of them shared a close bond with each other. Unlatching the hook on the door, she opened it and walked inside shutting it behind her. “Charlie. What’s wrong?” She asked, which he responded by spinning around trotting towards her. Leaning his head down to her indicating that he wanted a head rub. Finding it cute, she let the horse’s head lay on her chest as she softly ran her hand over the top of his head. She stopped after a while and began to rub down the horse, making sure there was nothing wrong with it and that it was in top condition. Thinking back, her father had once talked about how every so often, a male horse has to be checked in their sexual regions, to make sure that it is still producing as it should. Looking down she could see the thick member of the horse. Half cringing at the idea she would have to try to ‘get off’ a horse, she made up an excuse in her mind saying that this was the new lifestyle she had moved into and she had to do what she had to do. Gently taking hold of the creature’s sex, she started to jerk it. Whinnies came from the horse as she continued to stroke it. Something about this interaction caused her body to heat up. Taking her hat off she tossed it towards the hay in the corner of the room, still jerking off the creature. Stopping for a minute to pull her overalls from her shoulder, loosening its grip on her curves, she pressed one hand into her crotch area, the next continuing to pleasure the creature. The heat she could feel on her hand as she proceeded on the horse, and the feeling of her own fingers moving around inside her aroused her to great lengths, causing her to drip onto her fingers. She heard a growl come from up ahead, looking around hoping that no stray dogs had entered the stable again she was met with nothing. So, what growled? It came again, and she realized that it was coming from the horse. Moving towards the centre of the animal, she pressed the side of her face against it. She could hear the stomach groaning and growling on the inside. Confused at why the horse was hungry, since there was a pile of hay laying in the corner of his stall. “Why aren’t you eating? You need to eat so you can continue to grow and stay healthy.” she said to the horse. “Maybe it’s tired of not having a variety of food choices?” she thought to herself. Coming up with a brilliant idea, she walked over to the hay where her hat lay. Proceeding to fully take off her overalls revealing a fine set of cheeks bordered by black panties with rose designs. Fully taking them off, she then started to unbutton her long sleeve white shirt. Sliding it off, she started to unbutton her bra which was black with the same rose patterns. Tossing her discarded apparel to the side, she walked over to the horse, now completely naked. “Come on.” she said, kneeling down resting her hands on her knees. “I’m your special treat for now, so come on and enjoy me.” The horse turning towards her walked over to her. Bending its head down, it took a few cautious licks at her skin. She giggled from the warm slimy touch of its tongue. Then it opened its jaw, pushing over her head, completely engulfing it. It continued to push downwards, practically deepthroating her body. Her breasts were forced into its maw, which were squeezed so tight she could barely breathe. Still continuing down her body, it hadn’t even taken a gulp yet and it had already pushed itself past her stomach. The warm tight walls of its mouth and its tongue occasionally moving around, playing with her body began to get to her. As the horse made its way to her hips, she reached down to her pussy which was starting to lubricate itself, showing how turned on she was by this interaction. Now that it had a firm grip on her, it began lifting its head, bringing her body in the air. Her ass was hanging out in space as she rubbed her folds. She could feel the horse struggling to get it down, it was sucking on her like a lollipop. Overthrown by the feelings all around her she squirmed around, then began vibrating in its maw. First came the liquid leaking from her pussy, then she spilt, as she came in mass, her fluids spilling all over the horse's mouth and her own ass in the process. Thanks to her shaking, and the added lubrication, the animal was able to climb her dual hills, proceeding to lift its head allowing gravity to do the rest. As she felt her body sliding down it’s throat, she pressed through a tiny hole, greeted with the warm atmosphere of the animal's stomach. Her feet now disappearing down the throat, she began to curl into its stomach. She could hear grunting from outside as the horse adjusted her weight. It had never had a meal so big before. She expected it to throw her up as horses were herbivores, so they can’t eat meat. But in case it didn’t she was going to climb back up its throat and force herself out. Or so she planned. Inside the moving gut, she tried to move around to position her head back towards the hole she came in through, to no avail. It wasn’t uncomfortable inside it, but it wasn’t spacious. Just enough room to hug her body comfortably. She continued to fight against her confines in an attempt to move herself to a more favourable position, but she couldn’t. “Well… This may not have been the best decision…” she thought to herself. Her height of 5 '9 on top of her body mass, and her own ‘special’ assets proved to be a mass too big for moving inside the creature. Starting to feel light headed she realized that she had used up too much of her air supply while struggling. Reaching at her folds she stuck her entire hand in, to try and get one last release before she passed out. Rubbing herself along the creature's fleshy chambers, fisting herself forcefully, and squeezing her breasts caused her to flush as she spewed her liquids into the now pooling acid of her devourer. “I never did...get that bucket...to...mom…” she thought as she passed out, the last of her juice squirting from her cunt. As her body marinated in gastric acids, the horse simply stood there, its bloated gut rendering it unable to move much as it was not used to carrying around such weight in its stomach.
“All right! Class is dismissed. Please remember to review your notes because you will be getting a test when you return from mid-term break!” Ms. Lorence exclaimed as her students one by one began to trickle out of the door. The bell had just rung and the day was over. Friday had finally come, and mid-term break had started. Still having some assignments that had to be graded, she decided to finish it up at school instead of having to bring them home with her. Unplugging her laptop from the display that had her previous lesson up on the whiteboard, she began reviewing her student’s previous assignments. There were so many ungraded assignments that it took her from 3:15 when she started and was nearing 5 o’clock. Midway through marking, a certain feeling creeped up on her, causing her to feel slightly aroused which she didn’t like because it would hamper her progress, in which it did. She cursed at herself for not being able to finish by 4 because of it. But no matter what she listened to or how many times she put it off in her mind, it would creep right back to her, causing her to feel aroused yet again. Every now and again she would feel horny randomly. Normally it would be in the morning and she’d be able to quench it before getting ready for work but today she didn’t feel it. The time was 5:12pm when she finally finished. She barely was able to let out a sigh of relief when the feeling crept up on her again, causing her to squeeze her legs together. Settling her breathing, she got up and began pulling the curtains across the classes’ window. From where the room was located she could see the parking lot. Her car was the only one left. If it was a film, there would be the iconic tumbleweed gracefully rolling across the screen. Fully closing the curtains, she placed her laptop in her bag and walked to the door. Closing her classroom, she looked around. The school was silent. Each step she took down the hallway echoed. Nearing the exit, she noticed someone’s locker was still open. As she passed it, she grabbed the handle of it and shut it. “Wha-” she questioned. One of those kids must have left something sticky on the handle, like gum or had been eating something gooey. “Ew. . . sigh. . . I need to wash this off. . .” she thought to herself as she turned back, walking towards the nearest bathroom. When she entered the bathroom, she was hit with the feeling once again. Why was she feeling so horny? She hadn’t watched or seen anything to cause it. . . so it didn’t make any sense. She decided that she would relieve herself at home once she finished washing her hands. Mid-way through washing her hands she heard the door to the bathroom close. She hadn’t even heard anyone walk in, but there stood a girl she recognized all too well, being that she was one of the most popular girls in the senior class. “Hi Ms. Lorence!” “Hello Jennifer.” “How come you're still here?” “I had to mark some assignments. . . actually. . . why are you still here? School ended two hours ago. The parking lot is empty and it should only be me still here.” “Oh well you know. . . things happened. . . and I had to stay back. . .” She had been focusing on washing her hands and had looked away from Jennifer who was now creeping closer to her. When she was about to turn off the faucet she felt two arms wrap around her body, embracing her in a tight hug. “I just haddd to come and see my favorite teacher in the Whole Wide World just once more before mid-term break!” “Oh. . .um. . .you flatter me but uh. . . was this hug necessary?” “Oh yes Ms. Lorence. I didn’t just want to see you, you know” “Um. . . wha-” her question was cut off as her tits were grabbed and squeezed by the student. A quick high pitched moan escaped her lips that would not have been noticed had there not been complete silence in the area. “Ooh Ms. Lorence, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to touch these!” “J-Jennifer! . . . W-What are you Hm!” her question once again interrupted as she felt the pressure enveloping her breasts tighten once again. “What are you? F? No, these have to be at least G” “T-They are G, now please let go of me- ah!” “Ugh. . . fine. . .” She was confused but relieved at the same time that the girl had listened to her, but when she turned around, she realized that the girl hadn’t even attempted to take a step back, rather she seemed to be getting closer. Her dark brown eyes seemed to be acting as a magnet for her gaze. Jennifer was very popular in school, having done soccer, swimming and tennis. She had seen her performances before. Her times in swimming were average but on the field and on the tennis court she absolutely dominated. On top of which she was always on top of her assignments so there was never any bad blood with faculty. But she was also very mischievous, especially with her words, and Ms. Lorence knew that. But even though she tried to resist it, the feeling she had been trying to contain creeped up once again, causing her gaze to go down the girl's body. From the look of it, her size was at B or C or somewhere in between. It fit her perfectly as she had an hourglass of a body, with perfectly sized proportions. It was perfect. “What are you looking at Ms. Lorence?” “H-Huh? Wha? I-” “You don’t have to be shy. . . it’s just us here.” Upon hearing those words her heart felt like it had just punched her, as if it was telling her it wanted out. “Are you. . . blushing?” a devious smile creeped across Jennifer's face. “Wha- no. . .” “Heh. . . look in the mirror.” Slowly turning her head she realized her face was actually red. . . she was actually blushing! On top of that, her body felt hot, as if it was slowly being boiled. Out of nowhere she felt someone wrap an arm around her waist and pull her. “J-Jennifer. . . What are you- mm?!” Cut off once again, but not by what she had expected. Jennifer had pulled her forward and had planted a deep kiss directly on her lips. It was so sudden and so unexpected, there was no way for her to avoid it. She swallowed instinctively, but felt something small go down her throat. It reminded her of the feeling a pill would give when taking medication. But it didn’t linger long as the girl used her other hand and rubbed it across her ass, taking a vigorous squeeze, that caused Ms. Lorence to let out a soft moan into Jennifer’s throat. She wanted to push away from the girl, but at the same time she didn’t. It felt like her body was stuck there. Nearing the thirty second mark, Jennifer slowly pulled away. Their tongues connected by a bridge of saliva that dripped on the side of Ms. Lorence’s mouth. She gazed down at Jennifer, and Jennifer returned it. “Oh Ms. Lorence. . . I never would have dreamed I’d be able to get so close to you. . . your jet black hair. . . and those piercing crimson colored eyes of yours. . . all of which fit your outfit so perfectly. A grey colored long sleeve short dress that hugs every millimeter of your perfect hourglass shape, with stockings that outline your gorgeous thighs. Everything. . . ah. . . Ms. Lorence, you are truly perfect. . . an angel. . .” She stood there, still in Jennifers arms listening to the praises that were aimed at her. But it wasn’t at the top of her attention. Jennifer continued to play with her body, she could feel the girl rubbing her hands down her back, across her ass, over her thighs, pressing her face in between her boobs but all she could do was watch. Her body was burning. It yearned for more. She knew these kinds of things between faculty and students were forbidden, and knew what would happen if she was caught. But she couldn’t clear her mind of Jennifer for some reason. “The school is empty. . . everyone is gone on mid-term break. . . so nobody should be coming back. . .maybe I can-” before she could end her thought, she felt her dress rise a slight bit and a hand cup her crotch area. This startled her and she gave off a small squeak kind of noise. Jennifer was pulling her dress up, her tongue sticking out of her mouth looking like a kid who had just seen candy and was chasing after it. Pulling her dress up, she was met with the oddly cute sight of floral pink panties with a heart at the center of it. The heart of which was a bit darker colored pink due to the product of Ms. Lorence’s arousal. “Aww how cute. Pink panties with a flower design and a heart in the middle.” Jennifer said, licking her lips. Her heart went into overdrive when she looked up and saw how deep of a red color Ms. Lorence’s face was. She was well embarrassed that someone had seen the kind of panties she liked to wear. “Don’t worry. . . we are both females, Ms. Lorence. Your secrets will stay with me.” she winked as she gestured for the lady to sit on the counter top. Without questioning Ms. Lorence obliged, now succumbing to her sexual cravings, she allowed the girl to have her way with her. Now sitting on the bathroom counter, Jennifer spread her legs open, and pulled her panties to the side exposing her bare, wet pussy. Looking down towards Jennifer, her heart leaped as she saw how Jennifer was looking at her sex. She could see a glitter in her eyes like she had just found treasure. A single line of saliva trickled down from the corner of Jennifer's mouth but was wiped away immediately. Her heart pounded, harder and harder as she watched Jennifer lean over, her head getting closer and closer to her vagina. She licked her lips which made Ms. Lorence's vision go blurry temporarily, her heart felt as if it would burst from her chest. Then contact was made. The heat of Jennifer's tongue, rubbing along her sex made her realize how sensitive she actually was. Her body shivered as she felt the girl's tongue continue to lap at her pussy. Breathing at a fast pace, her hand shot up to her mouth as the girl took three of her fingers, temporarily teasing her second entrance. Less than a second later, she shoved all three up Ms. Lorence’s ass. The penetration was pleasantly painful as she had never had three before, only barely getting two inside but not deep. Now here stood a girl who could not feel what she was feeling, just thrusting indiscriminately, not a care in the world. It felt amazing. Sensations she never knew off washed through her body. “Delicious.” She looked down to see Jennifer looking down at her coated fingers. She had really squirted without knowing it. On her student no less! It didn’t help her heart when she watched Jennifer open her mouth and shove her fingers inside, sucking on them. She was really sucking on her orgasmic fluid right in front of her. Her eyes were closed, riding the waves of her climactic high. Her face was a deep shade of red, she breathed at a quick pace and her pussy was still dripping. She had finally released but why was she still feeling so hot. It was like her body yearned for more. For a split second the sensation of hot air washed over her face and then it vanished, replaced with the feeling of something squishy and hot. She felt this odd sensation creep over the top of her head until it had completely enveloped her face. Opening her eyes slowly, Ms. Lorence was met with darkness. Blinking twice to make sure she was seeing correctly, she couldn’t make out anything, but she knew her head had been covered by something. Then it got tighter. It felt as though someone was pushing something down over her and it could barely fit. The top of her head was squeezed through some passageway before she heard a gulp. A gulp? As in the sound of someone swallowing? “J-Jennifer? What’s going on?” Ms. Lorence called out, but all she got as a reply was the feeling of her neck being enveloped in the same hot fleshy substance, and another gulp which pulled her deeper. “MMM!” came from within Jennifer’s throat as Ms. Lorence tried to bring her arms up but was quickly pinned down by Jennifer’s hands, gulping again, attempting to get over the teacher's shoulders. Ms. Lorence was bigger than her, by quite a bit mainly due to her S-Tier figure. A sharp jab of pain hit Jennifer in her stomach as Ms. Lorence kicked at her in an attempt to force her to let her go. It was so sudden that it almost worked, causing the girl to let out a shocked noise that had small tones of pain in it, but Jennifer was persistent and didn’t let go. On the inside, Ms. Lorence could feel the girl swallow again, effectively pulling her deeper. She didn’t want to injure a student but this was a serious situation. But before she thought to kick again she heard the sound of the bathroom door open. The janitor didn’t leave after all! He would see her and help her! She’s saved. But then she felt her legs get pushed together and something was being wrapped around her ankles. Trying to move them she realized they were tied. Did Jennifer? No. She wouldn’t be able to tie her legs with what she was doing at the moment, so it had to be whoever just came in. Her heart sank at the realization that she had just lost her way of defending herself, but she still held on to the small hope that the girl couldn’t get over her body. “MMMF?!” she cried out again, but it came off as loud mumbles. “She really has a lot of energy doesn’t she?” the figure next to Jennifer said. “MmHmm. . .” Jennifer mumbled back. “Let me help you.” The figure said which was responded by another confused muffle from Ms. Lorence. Lifting Ms. Lorence was Kori, another senior year and a close friend of Jennifer. Putting Ms. Lorences legs up and resting them on her left shoulder, she reached forward, taking hold of the teacher's dress, and pulling it down off of her body. Jennifer who had knelt down and was on her knees on the floor was taking advantage of gravity to get the busty teacher down. Squeezing the teacher's tits inwards so that she could wrap her mouth around them was a task by itself but after a few minutes of half choking she finally squeezed them in. Her throat felt like it was going to burst at any second, but after getting Ms. Lorence’s melons down, her hourglass waistline was light work and was devoured easily with the help of gravity and Kori softly pushing the teacher in. Tossing Ms. Lorence’s dress to the side, Kori decided to have a bit of fun and peel the teacher's recently wetted panties to the side and shove her fist into her pussy, which caused an immediate reaction from the teacher. Muffled protests mixed with moans came from inside. Jennifer loved the vibrations from inside and could feel Ms. Lorence begin to enter her stomach. As Jennifer started her attempts at Ms. Lorence’s supple booty, Kori twisted her hand inside of the teacher’s canal which prompted a vibration and a forceful squirt from the teacher. The vibration aided Jennifer in getting a start over the hill in front of her. To avoid being accidentally sucked in as well, Kori pulled her hand out of the teacher's pussy which squirted a few more times, hand was thoroughly drenched from the teacher’s climax. Reaching forward, Kori grabbed hold of Ms. Lorence’s ass and squeezed it downwards so that Jennifer could swallow easier. It worked but Kori came really close to having her hand sucked in as well. Slapping her ass before Jennifer slurped over the curvature, she stood back and began to play with herself to the sight of Ms. Lorence being devoured by Jennifer. Swallowing down her thighs, she removed the teacher's stockings as she did so. The flavor was sweet which made her hungrier. The satisfying feeling of someone filling you out was creeping in as Ms. Lorence was being forced to curl into Jennifer’s stomach. Her bare skin rubbing along the girl’s stomach walls was arousing but she knew how dire a situation this was. She could feel the cold air from the bathroom vanish. Jennifer had really cleared her lower legs that easily giving her an indication that this wasn’t the first time she had done something like this. Now curled up inside of her student, she weighed her options. Maybe she can try talking with her? “J-Jennifer? Can you hear me?” she asked “Yes, I can hear you Ms. Lorence.” “Good. Um. Your uh. Stomach is very comfortable here. It’s not unbearably tight like I thought it would be.” “Oh? Are you telling me you want to stay?” “No no!, I’m just complimenting you that’s all.” “Oh. Well thank you!” “Yes well, this was, um, fun and all, but I do need to get home. So uh, if you don’t mind. Can you uh, spit me back up?” “Huh?” “Yeah. You had your fun, now can you um, you know. . . let me out now?” “Oh? Well. You aren’t coming back out you know.” “Than- huh?” “I ate you Ms. Lorence. Meaning you're just my food now.” “Just her food? Is this girl being serious or is she joking around-” the panicked thoughts flew through Ms. Lorence’s mind. “J-Jennifer, if this is a game, can we stop it now? Y-You’ve had your fun, now can you let me out? Please?” “Nope. As I said: You are my food now” “Oh my gosh. This girl actually plans on keeping me here. . . and if she does. . . won’t I get digested? Oh god. . .” she thought to herself. “w-why. . .” “What was that Ms. Lorence? I couldn't hear you. Could you speak a little louder?” “Why?” “Why what?” “Why did you. . . eat me. I didn’t do anything.” Ms. Lorence tried a different approach at pleading. Attempting to gain some sort of sympathy from the girl in hopes she’d change her mind and spit her back out. “Oh that’s an easy question. Because I’m jealous.” “J-Jealous?! Of who?” “You of course. Who else.” “B-But why?” “Hm. . . your body.” “My. . . body?” “Yes Ms. Lorence. Your body. Gosh if you knew how much of those sex-craved animals in our class stare at you. Especially your ass, every time you turn around to write something on the board, those boys practically drool on their desks. Not to mention your outfit today. I must admit, it was a gorgeous sight to see, it fit you perfectly, waist and all. Not a single wasted layer of fabric.” Ms. Lorence stayed silent listening to the girl’s ramble. “But that’s just the thing. Especially with that open part in the front of your dress, your tits were practically on display for everyone to see. Even my boyfriend wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. Talking to him is such a pain whenever you walk past because his eyes go straight towards you and he ends up forgetting I was even there.” “I-I’m sorry. . .” a low reply came from inside. “Oh don’t worry Ms. Lorence. You don’t need to be sorry anymore, I’ve gotten what I’ve wanted. That being you of course. From the time you walked into the classroom and I saw your outfit today, an overpowering feeling of hunger washed over me. I didn’t eat anything today just so I could have more than enough space to fit you in. Plus, even if I did feel like letting you out afterwards, once I tasted you my mind was made up and I knew I had to keep you.” Ms. Lorence was in shock. She had no idea her appearance caused a problem for her own students. But after hearing what Jennifer has said, she realized there was no changing her mind. She was really stuck here, in this girl's stomach. There was barely enough room to make even the slightest movements so struggling would be near impossible. Screaming for help would’ve been useless as well, being that every single faculty member had gone home for the break. Then her body jiggled around. Moving up and down. It felt like she was bouncing. They were moving. She could hear the echo of the school hallway and two people chatting on the outside. “So? How was she? Did she taste good?” Kori asked “She was absolutely divine. I don’t think I’d ever be able to find anything else that could stand close to her taste.” For some reason those words made Ms. Lorence blush. She had never been complimented like that, let alone as food for someone. It didn’t make any sense. Why was she beginning to enjoy this? She knew she was in a fatal situation, but her body felt hot. “Man. . . with her gone, maybe my boyfriend will pay attention to me.” Kori sighed “Oh?” “Yeah. Soooo many girls in our class have the same problems as well. Even the ones who like other girls are stupidly fixated on her.” “Hah yeah, I don’t blame them. Do you know if she is married or seeing anyone? Because if she is, that person missed out.” “Pft- I bet, look at the bulge she’s making. You can practically see everything.” Kori remarked, taking hold of the breast imprint and squeezing causing a startled squeak to come from Ms. Lorence, and a soft moan from Jennifer. “Oh my god, that feels so goo-” Jennifer began saying but was cut off as she felt something coming up her throat. Coughing three times, out flew Ms. Lorence’s pink panties which splattered on the head imprint of the teacher. Taking hold of them, and looking at them, she noticed a few areas were missing. It looked like it had been eroded or melted a small bit. Which meant her stomach had already registered something inside and had begun the digestion process. “Say. You want to stay by my place? I can arrange for my driver to take us both if you want.” “Wouldn’t that be an issue? For like. Someone to show up uninvited?” “I just invited you silly.” “I- you're right. Sure! I’d love to!” It felt like they were walking forever down the hall because of the teacher meat Jennifer was hauling around. As they exited the building they were met with an all black Tesla Model X. Kori talked with the driver for a few minutes before giving Jennifer a thumbs up with a mischievous smile on her face. The drive took around forty minutes, before they arrived at Kori’s residence. Ms. Lorence had not made much noise on the way there, just a few gurgles and groans. Kori was the first one out the car, as lively as ever as she helped Jennifer out. Standing fully up, her belly bounced and a low audible moan emitted from her stomach. “Was that you just now?” Kori asked “N-No. . .” Jennifer replied, looking down at her stomach. “Ms. Lorence? Can you hear me? This is Kori! How are you doing there?” “K-kori? . . .It’s warm. . .kind of hot. . .” Ms. Lorence replied in a low tone. “Well obviously, you're inside another human.” “You don’t think she could actually be. . .enjoying this now?” Jennifer said “Probably. You heard the way she moaned in the bathroom. She’s a secret freak. Probably fantasized about being devoured.” Kori replied “Heh, well I guess her fantasy came true then.” The two shared a laugh and Jennifer followed Kori up to her room. The amount of paintings and artwork she had passed on the way made it clear that their family valued art over most things. But it wasn’t awful to look at. Everything was tidy, placed appropriately. It was as if the way everything had been set out was an art piece of itself. “Are you sure I shouldn’t use the guest room?” Jennifer asked. “No nooo it’s fine, besides I want to be here when this slut melts.” “Hah, alright then.” Kori helped Jennifer undress (more along the lines of groping her tits and ass while feeling at her bulging belly). Now Jennifer’s body was extremely sensitive. Everywhere Kori touched was like a new wave of stimulation. It felt incredible. Laying down in Kori’s bed, and turning to the side so the weight of the woman inside wouldn’t crush her, she felt tired. Exhausted even. “So! What I want to know is how you were able to get the drop on her so easily? Was there some kind of trick to it?” Kori asked, jumping in bed with Jennifer, holding her in a hug from behind. Jennifer, who had not been expecting it, blushed a beautiful bright red, almost choking over her own words. “Well. . . a little someone in our year gave me some pills after I mentioned wanting to eat Ms. Lorence.” “Pills?” “Yeah. Submission Pills or something like that. From what I researched it just makes the person who takes it feel weak and horny. Like Viagra but with an extra effect.” “Ohhh. I think I get it.” “Ye-” Jennifer’s reply cut off by an audible groan from her gut and a loud moan from Ms. Lorence. “Is it just me or does her arm look like it’s going down to her pussy?” Kori asked. “It does.” “HAH! So she is enjoying it after all!” “It would seem that way.” Jennifer tried her best to hide her arousal, but the color of her face and the wetness of her sex gave her away in great detail to which Kori picked up immediately. Rubbing one hand along her waistline, past her hips, over her ass and to her exposed cunny, she slipped three fingers in. She knew Jennifer could take more than that but she decided to take it easy on her because of the size of the bulge in her. For all she knew this was the biggest meal Jennifer had ever eaten. Mainly because she had helped Jennifer with previous meals. It was obvious after a few thrusts with her fingers that Jennifer was going to pass out soon from over stimulation. Her pussy was drenched and with each thrust it sounded like she was slapping water. After a wild vibrating orgasm from Jennifer, Kori pulled her fingers out, licking the girl's juices from them. “Delicious.” she remarked quietly to herself. “Hey Jenny, what cup size do you think you’ll be after you finish digesting this slut.” There was no response other than a sloshing noise and muffled moans from within her belly. “Jenny?” Kori said, leaning over to see Jennifer sleeping. Knocked out cold from over-stimulation. “Ah. . .Sleep well. . .” Kori said quietly, smiling to herself. Reaching over and cupping the teachers breast imprint and squeezing causing Ms. Lorence to cry in pleasure one last time before she snuggled up behind Jennifer and drifted off to sleep. _________________________________________________________________________ “A-Am I. . . m-melting?” Ms. Lorence thought to herself, her left hand actively working at her pussy, her right fingering her ass, as she rubbed her breasts along the fleshy insides of Jennifer's stomach. “I-I shouldn’t be feeling this way. . . why am I enjoying this? I’m going to be digested. Melted. Mushed. Everything I am is going to be reduced to pudge inside this girl's gut. So why am I enjoying this. I don’t understand. But my body feels so good and I can’t deny it. How long have I been in here. . .? Three hours? Four? I can’t tell. I’m drowning in pleasure and it’s making me go insane. I feel lightheaded. Is it from the lack of oxygen in here? I’ll probably pass out soon. Her stomach has gotten tighter, and my limbs feel numb. It’s happening. . . I shouldn’t be enjoying this. But I can’t stop myself.” The thoughts swirled in her mind, further pushing her down into her lust crazed state. She was quite aware that she was likely going to pass out soon from lack of oxygen, but she still wanted another release. Taking a deep breath, she balled her fists and shoved the left fist into her pussy, and the right into her ass while dragging her tits across the stomach walls. The noise from Jennifer's heartbeat, the groaning and gurgling mixed with the sloshing all around her, the hot and fleshy sensation all around her mixed with the force she had put into impaling her holes with her fists mixed with her breasts being dragged along the walls brought her to an ecstatic orgasm, vibrating violently inside of Jennifer. Squirting the last of her juice, she fainted with a dopey grin on her face. Not long after, Jennifer’s stomach began to work in earnest on Ms. Lorence’s body. The form of Ms. Lorence went from a tightly detailed bulge looking less and less detailed as each hour passed by before Jennifer’s stomach contracted, mushing Ms. Lorence with a squishy crunch and a wet sloshing sound followed by a groan and a churn that signified the last process of digestion was beginning. One could argue that she was among the most beautiful teachers at the school, others would say that she was the most beautiful teacher. Gifted with a body that those around her longed for. A sight that nobody could ignore. All of which reduced to nutrition inside one of her own students. The next day when Jennifer woke up, her belly had reduced in size. A soft satisfying pudgy gut was all that was left of Ms. Lorence. Kori and Jennifer decided to keep it a secret so at the end of the break when people asked if Ms. Lorence had resigned, they would claim they had no idea knowing full well that their teacher was still around. Around as tit and assfat on Jennifer’s athletic figure.
As the bell rang signalling the end of the last period, Abigail stopped what she was writing on the board, and turned around preparing to dismiss her class. When she did, some people were already packing their belongings into their bag, some were talking to each other but one student in particular acted strange. His head turned quickly and he stared out the window with his notebook still on his desk. Sighing, she set her own book down on her desk at the front of the room and walked over to his table. As she approached, she noticed something interesting under his desk. His pants seemed to have a bulge in them. “I can’t believe this boy. . .” she thought to herself. Opening his book, it was revealed that he had barely written a single thing. She gave him a look of disappointment to which he faced her and laughed shyly as if he knew he had been caught not taking notes. “Thomas. See me after school.” she whispered to him so that nobody would hear her. “Y-Yes ma’am. . .” he replied, clearly embarrassed as his face was red. Dismissing her class, she watched as he got up to leave. As soon as his body was straight and he had turned to walk towards the door, she saw the bulge in his pants, confirming he had a boner in class. Letting out an exhausted sigh she wiped the board clean, and exited the classroom so she could have a bit of time to herself in the faculty lounge. _________________________________________________________________________ 3:15, the clock read. Fifteen minutes after homeroom had ended. Reading a book to pass the time, Abigail heard the classroom door slide open. “G-Good afternoon, Ms. Woods. . . I’m sorry I’m late.” Thomas said as he walked in the room. “Yes, you are late indeed. Is there a reason why?” “I-I had to use. . .the bathroom. . .” he replied. “I wonder why. . .” she thought to herself. “Anyway. Sit down and open your textbook to page fifty-seven, where we started today, and open your textbook. You are going to be writing everything that you didn’t write earlier today.” She heard a dissatisfied sigh come from him as he set his bag down and pulled out his textbook and notebook. Unclipping his pen and resting it beside the notebook, he began flipping through the textbook to get to page fifty-seven. “I-I’m on its Ms. Woods.” “Good. And please call me Abigail in a one-on-one setting. Alright?” “Yes Ms-. . . I mean. . . Abigail. . .” “Good.” Getting up from her desk, she took a book from the corner of her desk, snatched a piece of chalk out of the box in her drawer and began rewriting what she had written earlier today. One by one the hours passed, two to be exact. The setting sun cast a beautiful glow onto the classroom. Thomas was actually trying to write now. She didn’t know what was making a difference now and then but it made no difference to her. He was currently failing due to his lack of attention and commitment and had made no prior indications that he was attempting to change. Closing in on her final words to write on the board, the chalk slipped out of her hand. It barely made a single sound when it hit the floor so she couldn’t tell where it went. Fortunately for her, when she moved her foot, it came in contact with something on the floor. Kneeling down and feeling across the white tile for the chalk, her hand drifted over it. Thomas already had a boner pricking at his pants but it felt as though it would push a hole through as he watched her kneel down. She had on one of those short pencil skirts he’d seen models in magazines wear. He was always driven towards the colour black when it came down to short skirts or short dresses and here his teacher was, wearing one perfectly in front of his eyes. When she knelt down, it rose above her supple ass revealing her jet black-coloured panties. He felt as though he had laid eyes on a national treasure, his member was practically punching at his pants. When she stood back up, she noticed that her dress had shifted and pulled it back over her booty. A trail of saliva escaped as he watched wide mouthed. Quickly wiping it before she noticed, he gripped his pen with his right hand, his left moving towards the bulge in his pants to try and calm it down. “Are you done?” Abigail asked, turning around and walking to her desk. Based on her tone, it didn’t seem like she knew he had seen her underwear, or perhaps she didn’t care? His left hand rubbed at the bulge in his pants as he paid close attention to her. Slowly without her noticing he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Tugging his underwear down just a slight bit so that his cock could breathe. It was rock hard and pointed in a ninety-degree angle straight towards the ceiling already leaking a bit of pre-cum. Placing her own book back on her desk, she turned and began walking towards the desk Thomas was sitting at. On her way over she noticed he was sweating, and his face looked sort of red? It wasn’t hot inside so she didn’t understand until she noticed his left leg shift a bit so that his legs were opened a bit wider. Stopping in front of his desk, she leaned over to confirm that he had written everything. Thomas’ cock oozed pre-cum as he watched her breasts hang. She hadn’t noticed but one of her buttons had come loose. The middle one. It was perfect. He could see the slit between her breasts squeezed inside of her sleeveless buttoned blouse. The black colour of her bra peeked out from the corners. Her jet-black hair and the light from the setting outside made her golden eyes glow. He was slowly jerking himself off to the goddess in front of him to not look suspicious but her keen eye noticed his left arm moving slightly. She began pacing around the table which caused him to panic and tuck his erect penis underneath the table to try and hide it. It was cold underneath, but it was better than getting caught. He leaned forward to try and hide his unzipped pants as she made her way to the side of him. “Now. . .Thomas.” “Y-yes ma’am?” he replied. “Have you. . . been watching me?” The question made his heart skip a beat. “N-No ma’am. . .” “Are you sure?” “Y-yes. . .ma’am.” His heart pounded as she gazed down at him in his seat. “Stand up.” His heart sank as she uttered those words. If he stood up now, she’d see what he had been hiding. “I-I uh-” “Just stand up.” “Y-yes ma’am. . .” Caving into her demands, he slowly stood up. As soon as he straightened out, her prediction had been correct. This boy was aroused. She knew she noticed a faint scent in the classroom. A scent she recognized of a male in heat, and here it was. The cause of the scent was standing right in front of her. The pheromone coming from him was enticing and it was slowly starting to get to her. “I don’t think. . . you were jerking off to me by any chance.” she stated watching his pre-cum show in his cockhole. “Y-yes ma’am. . .” he replied. “Hm. . . he’s in his final year. With his current grades he’ll be forced to repeat or more likely kicked out the school without getting his diploma. . . maybe I could-” she thought to herself. His member twitched as his attention was brought back to the gap in her blouse. “Ok. . . take it off.” “W-what?” “Your clothes. Take them off. All of them.” He had no idea what she was doing or why, but he complied. In the corner of his heart he hoped that his fantasies would come true and that she wasn’t doing this to try and shame him. As he began to undress and toss his clothes to the side, he watched her open the classroom door and peek outside. After looking both ways down the hallway she closed the door and locked it. His member twitched each time she took a step forward towards him. She was taller than he was by about three to four inches, which made her advance towards him even more intimidating. But when she got over to him, her right hand shot out and took hold of his erect member. Her grip on his cock caused him to let out all the air he had been previously holding and the pre-cum that was situated at the tip of his cock started to leak out. His heart picked up the pace as she got down on her knees and licked his dick tip, taking up the leaking pre-cum with her tongue and swallowed it. He felt as though he was about to burst but knew he couldn’t. Not yet at least. Then she started to unbutton her blouse. She didn’t seem to take any care that there was a gap in them and that her breasts had been exposed for quite some time, but he didn’t care as he watched her take off her blouse, pull it off her body and toss it on another desk. His eyes glittered when she went for her bra next and unbuttoned it, throwing that to the side as well. The H cup size he had heard rumours about was now in front of him. “Come on. I know you’ve been staring at them through that hole.” she said, indicating that she knew about the pop in her blouse the entire time. Going along with her, he bent down lower so that his cock could go between her breasts. She grabbed both of them and squeezed them over his member. The feeling of his penis being squeezed between her breasts was heavenly. So good that he couldn’t resist thrusting. After a few thrusts, she noticed more pre-cum was starting to form in his cock hole. Loosening the grip from her breasts on his cock, she bent her head over and let out a breath over his member. The warm air of her breath sent a shiver up his spine. The feeling was not long lived as another sensation ploughed through his body. The warm, wet, fleshy embrace of her mouth had engulfed his member. He could feel her tongue licking his cock and occasionally poke at his dick hole. Grabbing the back of her head he started thrusting. His sudden gesture shocked her as she was forced to go along with him as he face-fucked her. She could feel the hot liquid drip onto her tongue but she willed herself not to swallow yet. He was around twenty thrusts in when he let out a grunt and a moan as he stuffed his seven-inch cock deep into her mouth, shooting his seed straight into her throat. Swallowing instinctively, she took all of his seed and sent it to her belly. Pulling her head away, a thin line of spit connected her tongue and his cock together. She licked her lips as she watched him attempt to calm down from his climactic high. “Now Thomas. . .” “Y-yes ma’am?” he panted. “I was going to suck you off, but you got greedy and decided to take control for yourself. An act like this will not go unpunished you know. . .” A shiver went up his spine as he watched her slowly get up, her breasts deliberately rubbing across his cock. Standing at full height she looked down towards him and showed a mischievous smile. “Stay still. . . do you understand me?” “Y-yes ma’am. . .” he replied. His heart was pounding as he followed her instructions and didn’t move an inch. She walked around him and pressed her breasts on his back, her right hand reached around his body and grabbed his penis while her left hand reached around and pinched his right nipple. Almost immediately, pre-cum began leaking from his cockhole. He could feel her face close to his and he closed his eyes preparing for her to kiss him, but instead he was met with a warm heat that wafted over his face and the cold air from the classroom was replaced with a hot and humid fleshy sensation that covered his entire head. He barely had any time to think before the feeling of flesh started to creep down his neck and over his shoulders. He gasped but soon let out a moan as he could feel her hands rubbing his still erect penis. Her left arm wrapped around his body so that she could hold both of his arms in case he tried to reach up and push her back. Because of the little size difference between them, getting over his shoulders wasn’t difficult at all for her and she cleared them with ease. He could feel the heat start to creep down his arms and over his chest. His head was forced into a tight passageway as she gulped again. He felt his body position change as her right hand let go of his cock and she gripped his sides. Being ticklish didn’t help the matter as he chuckled from within her throat and his little movements aided her progress. Advancing over his belly button she hoisted his body upwards. Her sudden movement caused him to rub against her flesh harder which provided even more stimulation than he needed causing him to leak again. Being that her head was angled straight up, his product leaked right onto her face. She smiled and continued to swallow. He could feel his body begin sliding down with ease thanks to gravity, and not long after his body position changed did his head pop into an open space. Finally reaching his waist, she grabbed his legs and pushed him in. His penis was forced into her mouth and rubbed along her insides. This prompted another climax from him as he came in her mouth to which she swallowed down along with him. She could feel her stomach being forced to expand to accommodate its new guest. Slurping down his legs and tasting them as they went down, she finally reached his feet which she gulped down. Closing her mouth and gulping once again, he was forced to curl inside her gut. Letting out a sigh, she walked slowly over to her desk chair. Each step she took, her belly jiggled and she could hear his cute little muffled moans from inside. Lowering herself in her chair, she let out another sigh and leaned back. “Thomas. . . Can you hear me?” “Y-yes ma’am.” His response came back muffled but she could hear him because there was complete silence, other than her gurgling belly and the wet sloshes coming from inside. “I may have heard wrong, but did you really moan when my belly jiggled?” “It’s. . .warm and squishy and your walls are soft and my thingy is pressed against it. . .” “His thingy is pressed against it?” she thought to herself. Peering over the outline of his body inside her, she could see his dick imprint. It was full on erect! He faced the opposite direction and his knees were up next to his shoulders. Reaching around the form, she touched the bulge and rubbed her index finger from the bottom of his bulge to the tip. In response to her touch his body trembled inside her and she could hear his gasps. “A-are. . .you. . . going to. . . let me out?” he asked, barely able to talk from the stimulation he was getting. “Huh? O-Oh yes. . . Yes, I will. . . in uh-” she stopped talking to look at the clock above the board. It read 5:42 pm. “In uh. . . an hour and a half. . . how does that sound?” “G-good. . .” he gasped. She had no intention of letting him out. He was the only student she had ever taught that was failing her class, and it frustrated her to no end. On the inside, his penis was continuously leaking pre-cum. He couldn’t stop it no matter how hard he tried. The soft, hot, fleshy walls were holding him tight and he could barely move. His hands were stuck behind his back so even if he wanted to jerk off, he couldn’t. The humid air inside was also getting to him. Then he felt something on his cock from the outside. He felt it get pressed on a bit, then the pressure he was feeling went from the tip of his cock, down to the bottom then back to the top and it continued repeatedly. On the outside she was playing with his imprint, rubbing her hand along it. Each time she could feel him vibrate inside her, and she loved it. She heard him moan and spasm, indicating he had came again but she had no intention of stopping. She continued causing him to climax over and over again inside her. After five minutes of non-stop ejaculation from Thomas, he went still inside her. Passed out from over-stimulation. She knew he was still alive as she heard little noises coming from him. “Aw. . .he’s asleep. . .how cute.” she thought to herself. Having a full stomach was starting to weigh in on her and she began feeling drowsy. “Guess. . . I’ll have a nap. . . as well. . .” Reaching over him and rubbing his imprint, she could still feel it twitch. Less than ten minutes of jerking off the sleeping meat inside her she fell asleep. Her subconscious registered something in her stomach and began the digestion process. The school was empty so there was absolute silence in the area. Inside of the classroom however, low gurgles and groans could be heard coming from the teacher as her stomach worked at the sleeping student inside her. As each hour passed, the bulge of Thomas slowly faded. Going from detailed, to seeing his leg and cock imprint fade away and become a soft pudge, to hearing a wet squish along with a long groan and lastly seeing the stomach reduce in size all the way to the point where just a squeezable lump of fat remained on her stomach. Thomas had been fully absorbed into the teacher he had dreams about having sex with. Though he did accomplish his dream some way, though it probably didn’t end up how he expected. It was a four-and-a-half-hour digestion process. The time was 10:12pm. The sun had long set and there was nothing but darkness in the school. At the very back of the class was a door that led to the storage room. Each class had one as it was where the teachers usually stored documents and test papers along with other stuff. There was a click at the knob on the storage door and it slowly creaked open. Popping her head out to see if the coast was clear was Sophia, a dark brown-haired girl who was a member of the same class Thomas was in. She had noticed Ms. Woods was talking to Thomas as class ended and had gotten nosy. So, after homeroom period she sprinted towards Ms. Woods’ classroom while Ms. Woods was in the faculty lounge and hid in the storage room, not before placing a small, barely noticeable camera in the corner of the room. Her eyes were already adjusted to the dark as she had been inside the storage room without light all that time. Though one of the lampposts outside provided a bit of light for her to make out things correctly. “Oh my gosh. . .Thomas-” she thought to herself as she looked at his clothes that were on one of the desks. Tiptoeing out, she walked over to the locker at the back of the room and reached her hand up. Feeling around for a second, she found what she was looking for. The camera was still there. Stopping the recording, she silently reviewed the footage. For two whole hours nothing had happened, but she was able to see everything that went down between the two of them. Ms. Woods devouring Thomas and even the process of Thomas becoming mush inside the teacher’s gut. “Th-Thi-This is hot!” she thought to herself, squeaking in the process. Looking over at the now sleeping teacher, she had a mischievous thought of her own. She was actually starving because she hadn’t eaten through the whole ordeal from 3pm to now. Tiptoeing towards the teacher, her eyes were fed thoroughly as she saw Ms. Woods rumoured H cup breasts in all their glory. Saliva trickled out of her mouth as she stared. Placing the camera to the corner of the teacher’s desk facing Ms. Woods, she hit the record button. Testing her luck, she poked at the woman's boobs. No reaction. She poked again, with the same result. No reaction. Breathing in, her hands shot forward, gently taking a full five finger grab of the woman's breasts, she squeezed and jiggled them around, yet still no reaction from the teacher. Leaning in, she licked at the woman's nipple. Still having no reaction, she leaned in again and started sucking on her breasts. “Is this woman really that oblivious to what’s going on. . .” Sophia thought to herself in disbelief. Not even a twitch or a groan from Ms. Woods. Releasing her mouth from the woman's left tit, leaving a trail of saliva hooking the two together, she silently walked around to the back of the chair Ms. Woods was sitting in. A bit of drool clung to Ms. Woods' cheek as she sat there sleeping. It was such a cute sight that Sophia took a moment to engrave the image of Ms. Wood’s face in her head. “Thank you for the meal. . .” Sophia whispered, taking in a deep breath before leaning over and opening her mouth above Ms. Woods. The angle Ms. Woods was in was lower than Sophia which proved to be advantageous for Sophia as she simply kept lowering her head onto the teacher, helping her clear Ms. Woods’ head easily. Gliding over her neck, Sophia couldn’t stop drooling. The taste had ploughed into her and she couldn’t stop herself. Getting over the woman's shoulders wasn’t difficult nor was it easy, but she managed. Taking her first gulp, she was sure Ms. Woods would feel something going on and wake up, but another gulp later and the teacher had yet to move. Coming to the teachers’ breasts, Sophia weighed her options and decided: “Fuck it. . .I’ll just squeeze them!” she thought to herself. Doing just that, she reached forwards both hands grabbing their respective tit and squeezed them. Swallowing while squeezing them in was a good choice as she cleared Ms. Woods H cups in a matter of three gulps. Her breasts felt heavenly inside her mouth. So soft and plump, she couldn’t wait to get them to go down her throat. Gulping again, she could feel the woman's breasts on the verge of going down her throat. Looking down, she noticed that Ms. Woods still had on her short dress. Unbuckling it quickly and taking another gulp, she finally felt what she had wanted. The woman's breasts felt so tight in her throat and she wanted more. Her pace quickened and she began swallowing faster, all so she could feel the woman's breasts pressing against her throat's inner walls. She soon realized that even though half of Ms. Woods body was inside, she still wouldn’t be able to lift her up. Slowly, she moved her body forward and off of the chair to which the woman began sliding out of her mouth, but stopped as her knees hit the floor. Deepthroating the lost progress, she continued down the teacher's body. Taking hold of the woman’s clothing she began pulling them off of her body, revealing Ms. Wood’s all black panties. Before advancing over her bellybutton, she took some time to appreciate what was left of Thomas. A loveable satisfying to touch pudge on an overly sexy, mouth-watering hourglass figure of Ms. Woods. Swallowing again, she sent the teacher’s pudgy stomach down her throat. She could feel the teacher begin to push into her stomach as the size difference between them was a little more noticeable, being that Thomas was taller than Sophia. Sighing, she attempted to lift Ms. Woods body. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that heavy at all. Probably due to most of the teacher being inside her already. Lifting her head up towards the ceiling, she gulped again. Reaching upwards and taking hold of the teacher's ass, she squeezed them together so it could fit in her mouth. It took much more tries than her breasts, but eventually she managed to get them in. Not wanting to miss such an opportunity, she tasted every bit that she could of the teacher's ass. Rubbing her tongue along her cheeks, in between her legs. Her tongue was barely long enough to poke at the teacher's pussy but it was enough for her to get a taste. Rubbing her tongue along the teacher's asshole caused something she didn’t really expect. Ms. Woods’ legs started to vibrate and she squirted in Sophia’s mouth. This shocked her because the teacher was still asleep, having not made a single move of her own the entire time, yet here she was, squirting in her devourer's mouth. The situation made Sophia chuckle as she took another gulp. She could feel her stomach being filled as the teacher was starting to curl into it. Now that she had made it past the second hill, the thighs were easy for her and were slurped down with ease. Her lower legs came next and then her feet. She stopped and licked her feet for a while before gulping them down. The feeling of her stomach being stretched was extremely arousing. Looking down, the figure of the teacher was huge inside of her. She didn’t really think it would be that big, but the bulge was quite detailed. Waddling to the right a bit, she leaned over the teacher’s desk to get to her camera, pushing the bulge against the table in the process. She was going to watch the recording when she got home, which was not going to be a pleasant walk. The only plus was that she lived relatively close to the school. Her parents weren’t concerned because she had messaged them while she was in the storage room saying she was going to stay by a friend's house to study for a while before coming home. It was only going to be a fifteen-minute walk. Nothing too hard. Right? Wrong. It took her almost an hour to get home. She was forced to stop walking and take breaks every now and then due to the weight in her stomach. But she successfully made it. Looking in the windowsill next to the front door was a small potted plant. Lifting it up, she found the key for the door which her parents left out every time she stayed out late. The house was already dark, being as it was past 12am now. She tiptoed up the stairs and to her room. Passing her parents room, she peeked inside to see they were fast asleep. Setting her school bag down and undressing, she waddled over to her bed to lay down. Right before she laid back, she felt something coming up her throat which started to choke her. Four attempts at coughing to clear her throat and a pair of black panties came flying out of her mouth, splatting on the head imprint of Ms. Woods. She held them up and she could see that they were eroded, meaning digestion had already begun inside the stomach. Laying back on her bed and turning to the side so that the weight wouldn’t crush her, her right hand played with the teacher's pussy imprint while her left hand fondled her breasts bulge. Already tired from the walk home, she began to fall asleep to the sounds coming from her stomach. As the night crept on, Sophia’s stomach began to work in earnest, breaking down the nutritious slab of meat inside her gut. Abigail slept on, not realizing was going to be reduced to pudge, just like Thomas was. Her body went from a large detailed figure inside Sophia, reducing more and more as her pussy imprint faded away along with her treasured H cup breasts and her legs all mushed down to the form of a sloshy oval. After around thirty minutes of nonstop gurgling and churning, Sophia’s stomach contracted sharply, lessening in size. Overtime her gut absorbed the remainder of Abigail who became just a squeezable pudge on Sophia’s belly. _________________________________________________________________________ In the morning when Sophia woke up and went to ready herself for school, she looked in the mirror to see that her chest had grown quite a bit. She ran into some trouble trying to put a bra on so she decided to stick to a sports bra, because it cupped her perfectly regardless and it wasn’t uncomfortable. It would have to be the new norm until she bought some new bras. At school, there was a bit of a commotion due to a student’s bag and clothing being found in Ms. Woods’ classroom but Ms. Woods’ bag was still in there as well indicating that both of them were inside the classroom at one point but had vanished. Some people came up to her and asked if she knew anything about it to which she replied saying: “How would I know? I went straight home after homeroom.” This was backed up by some of her classmates saying she had literally dashed out of homeroom as soon as they were dismissed and that they hadn’t seen her since, so they assumed she went home. Having such a strong alibi from different people, she was clear of suspicion. Also meaning she was free to enjoy the recordings all to herself knowing nobody would ever know what had actually happened after school. . . -Voreching
“Sarah. Please go see the nurse. Your skin is hot to touch and it’s starting to worry me.” “Y-yeah. . . I think I’ll do that. . .” She replied, getting up from the bench she was sharing with her friend Lucy. “I’ll talk later.” “Alright.” Lucy replied. Walking down the hall on route for the nurse’s office, her body felt like a mixture of both hot and cold. It started out as a small sinus attack this morning when she woke up but now it had amplified and was starting to make her feel weak. A walk to the nurse’s office would only be about a minute or two, but in her current state she felt exhausted. Seven minutes later, Sarah finally arrived at the nurse. Opening the door she was greeted to the warming smile of Ms. Madeline, the school's nurse. “Oh hello Sarah.” Ms. Madeline said. “Hello. . .” “You sound out of it. Not feeling well?” “Yes ma’am.” “Alright. Come have a seat.” Doing as she said, she sat on the stool in front of the nurse. Ms. Madeline reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a thermometer. “Open wide.” she said.. Opening her mouth, Ms. Madeline placed the thermometer under her tongue. Leaving it for thirty seconds, it beeped letting them know it had finished its reading. Ms. Madeline reached back up to the girl's mouth and removed the device from under her tongue. “101.3. Yeah. . . Seems like you, little miss, have a fever.” “Oh. . .” Sarah sighed. “You need to go home and rest. I’ll organize a slip for you. . .” “W-wait. . . Can I stay until school ends? My parents are out of the country so it’s just me at home. . .” “Ah. . . I didn’t know your parents were away. Alright, it’s fine. You can stay until the end of the day.” “Thank you.” “Today has been pretty quiet so you can take any one of the beds to rest in. I’ll wake you up when it’s time.” “Alright. Thank you again.” “Don’t mention it!” Ms. Madeline said. Her usual cheery attitude was just what Sarah needed. Dragging her feet towards the bed located in the corner of the room closest to the window. Setting her bag down on the table next to the bed and sitting on the bed, she let out a sigh of exasperation. She hated getting sick because it made her feel weak and useless. Laying back in the bed, she looked out the window. Watching the clouds calmed her and she eventually fell asleep. “Sarah. Sarah. . .Sarah!” Opening her eyes, she was met with the sight of Ms. Madeline standing above her. “Gosh you are a heavy sleeper. Time to get up. It’s time.” “Hm. . . Already?” she replied groggily. “It’s been three hours. I’ve already notified your homeroom teacher where you were so he’s marked you down. “Oh. . . thank you.” “Oh and take this. It’ll help fight your fever.” Sitting up, she watched Ms. Madeline place a small see-through case containing a single pill inside her bag's front pocket. “When you get home, take this. Alright?” “Alright.” Rubbing her eyes, she got up and grabbed her bag and proceeded to the door. “I hope you get better!” Ms. Madeline exclaimed “I hope so too.” Sarah replied. Closing the door behind her, she made her way through the school towards the exit. Exiting the building and walking out the front gates, she started down the sidewalk on her way home. Less than a minute into her journey she heard her name. “Sarah!” Turning around she saw Lucas. She knew Lucas very well as they had been friends from elementary, so even in her current state she didn’t mind seeing him. “Hey! Are you feeling better?” “You knew. . . I didn’t feel well?” she asked, confused at how he got that information. “Lucy came to me earlier today telling me you weren’t feeling so hot.” “Ah, that girl can never keep her mouth closed.” she thought to herself. “I-I’m fine thank you.” she replied. “Are you sure? I can hold your bag for you if you want, just like old times.” “S-sure.” He seemed sort of happy but she could tell he was genuinely worried for her. He wasn’t a softy because she watched him on the field and he was quite aggressive but around her, it was like he was an entirely different person. Though in this situation she couldn’t be more glad because she was quite exhausted and wanted to sleep badly. The two engaged in idle chatter for the duration of the journey home. “I’ll see you tomorrow then!” Lucas said. “W-wait!” “Hm?” “Well if it’s ok with you, you can stay here for the night. Like old times?” She said shyly. “I’d love to but wouldn’t your parents have a problem with it?” “They aren’t in the country at the moment so they won’t have to know.” “Still a mischievous type I see. Sure I’ll stay.” Her pride refused to let him know that she wanted his company and that she didn’t want to be left alone that night. One because of her fever and the second being that they hadn’t done anything like this in a long time. Their house hadn’t changed much since he stopped coming by. Everything was more or less how he remembered it. “Not much has changed has it?” he said, looking around. “Nope.” she said, taking off her shoes and leaving them by the front. She quickly went into the kitchen area and came back out with a cup of water. “I’m going to head to my room. Call me if you need me.” “Alright. I’ll be chilling down here if you need anything.” “Ok.” He watched her make her way up the stairs and he received a glorious sight of her sweet ass that showed from under her skirt, encased in her black colored full length stockings, and through them he could make out her pure white panties. His jaw hung low as the sight of it caused his mind to fill with lewd thoughts and saliva trickled down the side of his mouth. Once she was completely out of view, he came back to his senses, forcibly clearing his mind and wiping the drool from his cheek. In her room, Sarah placed her bag on her desk she used to study and complete homework. Unzipping the front pocket on her bag, she pulled out the small see-through case that held the pill Ms. Madeline had given her. Opening the case, she poured the pill into her left hand. Placing the container back on the desk, she picked up the cup of water she had brought from the kitchen. Sarah despised taking pills. Never liked the feeling of them going down. Reluctantly, she tossed it to the back of her mouth and took a sip of her drink. Washing down the medication, she winced because the feeling of it going down wasn’t pleasant for her. Gulping down the rest of her drink, she set the cup down and walked over to her bed. Falling over, she tumbled face first into her pillow. Finally laying back down, she hadn’t realized just how tired she really was. Her body had practically fallen asleep. She could feel herself start losing consciousness thanks to the medication. Her uniform was still on but she was already too comfortable and decided she’d change when she woke up. Less than a minute of drifting thoughts, she fell asleep. Downstairs, Lucas was on the front room couch, on his phone messaging one of his friends. “Hey man, you gonna hop online tonight?” his friend messaged. “Yeah of course. When I get home though.” he replied. “You’re still out? What are you even doing?” “Parents wanted me to get groceries so I’m out doing that.” he lied so his friends wouldn’t start spouting baseless assumptions that Sarah and him were dating. “Ah yeah. How long is that going to take?” “No clue. It’s kind of hectic right now.” “Alright man. I’ll talk later then.” “Yeah.” Closing the chat, he felt a little bored. He knew Sarah wasn’t feeling well, but the house was in complete silence. She never said how long her parents were going to be out of the country, but he had just seen them pick her up from school two days prior, so they had to have gone for quite a while. “Guess I’ll watch some porn. . .” he sighed. Opening the browser on his phone, he switched to incognito mode where he kept his hidden tabs and switched to a random one. A thirty-minute video. Perfect to pass some time. His member started to create an imprint in his pants as he watched the girl in the video get her pussy pounded. Unbuttoning and zipping down his pants, he pulled his boxers down and his cock flopped out, proceeding to dry-jerk himself to the video. About eighteen minutes in, there was barely any progress made on his aroused state that made him feel like he was anywhere close to releasing. Without lotion it just didn’t feel right. His mind drifted causing Sarah to pop into his thoughts and the sight of her walking up those stairs caused a small amount of pre-cum to form at the tip of his cock as he recalled the sight of her ass as she took step after step. Then the idea popped in his head. Why not ask her for lotion? It would be extremely disrespectful to go search another person's house to find something. Besides, it’s not like she’d say no to a bit of lotion. Right? Getting up from the couch, he pulled up his pants, zipping and buttoning it, before heading towards the stairs and to her room door. Giving it three knocks, he waited a second before opening her door. “Sorry to intrude but do you have any lo-” he stopped talking as his eyes took in the sight of Sarah lying front down on her bed, her skirt above her ass. Her stockings looked gorgeous with the light from outside shining down on them. “S-Sarah?” He asked out loud. He got no reply. Quietly walking over to the side of her bed, he noticed she was asleep. Looking around, he saw the cup she had taken up with her from the kitchen and a small see-through container. “Oh. She must’ve taken some sort of medication to help her feel better.” he thought. He was going to leave but the sight in front of him was tempting. Here was a beautiful girl, his childhood friend at that, laying down fast asleep, mouth hanging open, drool hanging off the side of her mouth, her well-kept figure and an ass you don’t see every day. His breathing was becoming labored as the feeling of his penis hardening was becoming more and difficult to ignore. Leaning over and tapping her shoulder twice, he got no response. She was ticklish so he tried poking her sides and still got no response. Then he breathed in and shouted out her name which he thought would no doubt wake her up but to his surprise she didn’t move an inch. “F-fuck. . .I’m sorry Sarah, but this is an opportunity too good to pass up on. . .” he said to himself as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling down his boxers letting his now erect penis point outwards at a perfect ninety-degree angle. He stroked his member a few times before slowly lowering it to her face. Placing the tip directly on her tongue, he could feel pre-cum oozing out of him. His heart raced as he proceeded to rub his tip across her food-taster and then he aimed it upwards just a slight bit and stuck it in her mouth. He began to gently face-fuck her to not overdo it and wake her up in the middle of it. Pulling out of her mouth, he could see his own pre-cum that had leaked onto her tongue slowly slip off and pool in the corner of her mouth. Looking down the length of her body, his eyes caught sight of the prize he had watched walk upstairs. Being controlled by his sex-craved-state, he moved to his left by two spaces, and slowly rested his palm on her right cheek. Breathing in, he took hold of it, squeezing and jiggling it, admiring its suppleness through the stockings. Grabbing her thighs, he pulled her over to a more advantageous position where her legs were off the bed and just her booty hung over. He hadn’t been careful when moving her yet she still hadn’t awoken. Chuckling to himself over her obliviousness, he began pulling down her stockings. With each inch he pulled down, his stimulation levels rose, until he stopped at her thighs. He began jerking off, admiring the sight of her pure white panties that gripped her ass firmly. “I-I wonder if she would mind if I ate her just for sexual purposes. . . and let her out after. . .” He thought. “I-I can’t do that. She’s sleeping. . . but it isn’t like it would be the first time for us. . . yet she was awake that time. . .” Conflicted, his sensible side and his horny side battled with each before he clicked, thinking that there was something he always wanted to try but never had the courage to ask. He had seen a video claiming to show a woman being devoured by a man's penis. He thought it had to be clickbait but succumbed to curiosity. Turns out it was actually true. He had watched the guy actually swallow her with his cock. In that video they kept going on about how it’s important to start feet first, so your dick can expand according to length. Basically, skinny parts to wide parts. Ever since he watched that video, he had been dying to try it, and here he was, alone in his childhood friend's room who was in an extremely deep sleep who wouldn’t even move when he pushed and pulled her or shouted her name. It was the perfect setup. But, there was something that he was missing, and that was a lubricant. Looking around the room while jerking off his member, his eye caught a glistening see through bottle with clear liquid inside. Pacing quickly over to it, he was overcome with excitement as it was oil. Of course she would have some in her room. Snatching the oil and walking back over to the bed, he paused to think of a way he could do this. Should he take her stockings off first? No, they would make it easier because her feet are encased in them, which would make the entering a lot smoother. He aimed the bottle down and squeezed it, allowing the oil to come out of the container and onto his cock. Using his free hand, he jerked it to make sure every area was lubricated, including his cock hole. Once he had finished doing that, he did the same for her feet and her legs. His penis leaked pre-cum as he wiped her body down with oil, making every inch of her lower portions shine. Taking a long drawn out breath, he calmed his heart which felt like it was trying to punch its way out. Starting with her right foot, he picked it up and aimed it for his cock hole. Just like in the video, he made sure the corner of her big toe was the first one he came in contact with, because once it’s down, his cock would widen over the rest. Doing just that, he pressed his cock hole against it. It wouldn’t budge because he was still tense from anticipation. Calming himself down, he stopped straining himself and closed his eyes. Pulling her feet towards him once again, he felt a mildly painful sensation of something entering his penis’ passageway. Wincing, he kept pulling, and it felt as though his cock was going to be ripped from the inside out. After close to thirty seconds of pulling he heard what sounded like a pop. Flinging his eyes open, he was met with the sight of just the bottom portion of her legs. Her foot was actually inside of his penis! Just like in the video. Reaching forward and taking up her other leg, he repeated the process, this time watching it as his cock expanded to fit her foot. The feeling of his penis widening and being stretched was in between painful and pleasurable. It felt addicting and he wanted more. Accidentally, he tensed up which caused her to be sucked in further. He realized by straining himself, it could help him devour her. Grabbing both legs he pulled her towards him. He began making slow but good progress tensing up combined with forcing her down. The feeling of her sliding in was overly stimulating. So much so that he had to put extra energy into pulling her in because it made him feel weak but he was able to get her legs in. Now came her thighs. He decided to trust the process and continue doing what he had done for her legs, not like he had any other plan. Cum leaked out of his cock as it began to expand to accommodate her thighs. On top of that he had worried about how she would fit, but in the video, the woman had fit so all he had to do was trust the process. But those worries vanished when he felt his sack begin to stretch and her feet rubbing along its walls which sent shivers through his body. It felt amazing. He desired more. Looking forward his eyes became fixated on her ass. Reaching forward and pulling her panties to the side, he brought his right hand to her now bare pussy and pushed two fingers inside. Twisting it and thrusting it in and out, he felt her sex start to lubricate. Even when she was oblivious to everything, her body couldn’t lie. Pulling his fingers out, he stuck them in his mouth, lubricating them some more with his saliva, and rubbed them both along her tight pucker. He saw her loosen up a bit and he took that moment to shove them both into her ass. Doing the same thing that he had done to her pussy, he twisted his hand around, purposely poked at her walls from inside. A small murmur came from the front and he quickly removed his fingers which prompted a small orgasm from her. He strained his cock which pulled her deeper again. He was loving the feeling of her body rubbing against the inside of his member. Leaning forward, he wrapped his arms around her stomach and hoisted her upwards. Prior to him doing that, he had an idea to put her body straight up, then gravity would help him get her in. Positioning her, so her back was leaning on him, he grabbed her waist and pushed her down. He could feel his sack continuously expanding, and the remainder of her thighs rubbing against his canal’s walls. Coming to a sudden halt, he realized he had made it to her ass, the first hill he had to climb. Pouring more oil on her cheeks, he rubbed it in and around her hips. Taking another deep breath, he grabbed the top of her shoulders, counter to three then at once shoved her downwards forcing his cock to expand and slurp down her supple rear. The sensation was too much and he ended up releasing much more cum that time, which had begun dripping on the floor below him. Due to his cock being forced to widen to fit Sarah’s ass, it felt much easier to take her in and he started covering more ground with less strain. Unbuttoning her uniform blouse and tossing it to the side, he took hold of her skirt and raised it up her body to take it off since her legs were already inside of his ball-sack. All that was left on her was her bra, and fortunately for him, she was a c-cup, so he knew he would be able to get over them since he had conquered her ass. Unstrapping her bra, he tossed it to the side as well, not caring for where it landed. Taking hold of her waist again, he started slowly feeding her to his cock, sliding over her womb, then her bellybutton, then over her rib cage, until he got to her breasts, which he reached forward and took hold off, squeezing them and pinching her nipples, before pushing them against her chest and slurping them down as well. He leaned over to get close to her face, and gave her a long wet kiss, which he held for thirty seconds exact. She was a sleeping beauty, looking so tranquil and extremely cute. Her arms were forced upwards as he continued to slurp her down, until her head was soon to be conquered. Squeezing his index fingers in between her neck and his cock hole, he forced it to expand by pulling the sides in opposite directions which didn’t feel the best but it helps as he heard what sounded like air being sucked in. Her head was now completely inside his cock and he could see his semen begin leaking over her head. Jerking his cock helped as her long black hair was slurped into his canal followed by her arms. The feeling of her hands being sucked in and dragged along his passageway’s walls was indescribable and he ended up shooting out a long thick trail of cum onto her bed. On the inside, Sarah was forced into a curled up position inside of his sack, which he paid great attention to. He could see the sack was quite tight and he could make out her various features due to the bulges they made. Realizing that he was slowly making a mess of her room, he bent over and picked up his bloated sack, walking out of her room on route for the bathroom. Once he was in, he pulled the seat down on the toilet so he could sit on it. With every move he made he could hear a sloshing and a small murmur from her. A part of him couldn’t believe it. He had actually devoured his childhood friend using his penis and she was really inside of his ball sack, trapped and helpless until he let her out. Though he did feel kind of guilty that he had not asked first or waited to ask, rather did it while she was asleep. Not letting the moment go to waste, he reached down to fondle her tits which showed through as a beautiful bulge. Even her booty and her pussy protruded to some extent. Having had enough of groping her, he decided to relax and masturbate for a while. An hour into jerking his cock, he noticed an odd feeling coming from his sack. Looking down he noticed that the bulge looked like it had gotten smaller. Was that normal? He could still make out some of her features, but they looked less defined than when he had groped them earlier. Noticing a hot sensation, he looked at his cock and noticed it was beginning to leak semen. “Ah shit, I should probably move-” he thought. Convincing himself the bathtub would be the best place because no matter how much he came, he could simply wash it down with a bit of water. Doing just that, he knelt over the edge of the tub, stroking his member, completely unaware that the detailed figure of Sarah inside of his sack was slowly reducing in size. Her leg imprint faded away, along with her pussy and then the bulge that defined her boobs faded as well. Completely oblivious to what was happening, Lucas readied himself for an orgasm. Breathing heavily and letting out a few grunts, his semen shot out like a waterfall into the bathtub. He came for approximately thirteen seconds, which was going to be his new record for how long he had released. “Alright. . . time to get Sarah out. . .” he said through deep breaths, only to look down and see that his sack had significantly decreased in size and that Sarah’s body bulge was completely gone. “S-Sarah?!” he said, sounding worried but it didn’t last long as he felt another wave of heat going through his cock’s passageway. Out popped a piece of black fabric that leaked along with the cum it had flowed with. It was Sarah’s stockings which had been devoured along with her. His worried state was overthrown by a feeling of euphoria and intense satisfaction as the fabric rubbed along his walls as it leaked out of his penis. Looking down he stared at her stockings which were now covered in a pool of his own cream, but it didn’t last long as he could feel something clogging his passageway. Jerking his member, he readied himself to burst. One burst later and out came Sarah’s pure white panties, flopping on the bathtubs bottom, soaked in a pile of semen. The last two remnants that used to be Sarah. Mustering as much of his sensible side as possible, he took up his phone and searched up the video of the woman who fed herself to the man's cock. He skipped and went all the way to end, and at the end of it, the man was forced to spew her out because devouring someone with your cock will feel extremely good but it is also extremely potent and will melt the person after just an hour of the person being inside, forty-five minutes if the devourer jerks off because of the extra stimulation. His heart sank when he realized that he had been masturbating the entire time she was inside, which also meant Sarah was gone. All of the semen had spewed out wasn’t his own but what was left of her. He had accidentally reduced her into thick cum. He knew how bad the situation was, but it still aroused him, that her well taken care of and shapely body had been broken down into thick white cream. _________________________________________________________________________ After another masturbation session, and releasing into the tub, he turned on the showerhead above which rained down into the bathtub, washing down everything that was left of Sarah. He decided to toss away her stockings, but he kept her panties so that he could at least have something left of her. Picking up her stockings, he walked back to her room. His sack was back to its original size, so he had no problem putting back on his pants. He noticed her bed covering and some of her uniform had leftover semen on it, so he started to remove the covering from her bed, placing all of Sarah’s previously worn apparel in the middle, then he folded each corner over making a ball out of her bed sheet. Once out of the house, he walked straight to the home’s garbage bin located at the edge of the property. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching and opened the lid, tossing the bed sheet inside with all of Sarah’s previously worn school uniform. He had to make sure there was nothing left to trace his presence. It made him feel guilty but at the same time he’d be in a ton of trouble if he were found out. It wasn’t against the law to devour and digest someone, but doing so without permission was strictly forbidden. After a couple months had passed, the investigation into Sarah’s disappearance was chalked up to her allowing someone she had fallen in love with and didn’t want her family to know, devour and digest her, allowing Lucas to finally breathe a sigh of relief as only he knew what had happened to her. -VoreChing
Walking down the sidewalk on the way to her apartment at a brisk pace, Amelia had been quite eager to get home as she had been feeling utterly deprived the entire day. Deprived of pleasure that is. It all started that morning when she had left to go to work on Christmas Eve which was rather annoying but she would get some extra pay from it so she didn’t mind. As she opened her room door and closed it behind her, she heard footsteps coming her way. Her neighbor, and she was walking towards her on the way to the elevator as she was about three rooms closer. She had never really spoken with her neighbor, having only seen her a few times when she walked in and out of her own room. The woman in question seemed to be in her thirties, if not close. She was beautiful. The lights that lined the hallway made her hazelnut eyes glow and her brown hair sparkle. She must have been at least a G in cup size, whereas Amelia was only a D, which was quite alright given her height and physique. Amelia was 5’6 but the woman was probably around 5’9-5’10 respectfully without her heels on. The two of them had been standing outside the elevator waiting for it to come up, when she noticed that the woman was acting quite fidgety. She wondered if the woman was cold but realized they were still indoors and it was heated. When the elevator came, the woman allowed Amelia to walk in first. As she watched the woman walk in, her eyes drifted downwards and she could’ve sworn she saw a slight bulge near the woman's crotch area. “Odd. . .” she thought to herself but dismissed the thought in her head. The walls of the elevator were quite clean and gave off a reflection of those within. On the way down, she subtly observed the woman and noticed every now and again the woman’s eyes would dart to the right, and she would look her body up and down. This made Amelia anxious as she wondered if the woman was sizing her up as a potential meal as it was common for bigger or taller people to prey on smaller folk. But then she noticed something quite interesting. A bulge was forming in the woman’s crotch area in her dress. It was a grey coloured short dress so the protrusion was quite noticeable with a small shadow from the lights in the elevator. She watched it grow in size until it was approximately five or so inches long. The shape in question resembled. . . a penis? “Is that. . .a. . .” she thought to herself as the woman turned away quickly, seemingly noticing that Amelia had been staring at her. There was mutual tension and awkwardness for a while before the elevator opened again and Amelia hurried out, leaving the woman to walk in the opposite direction, towards the bathroom, which was also odd as the woman had just come from her room and seemed to have been dressed to go straight to work. That was around 7:50am this morning and it was now nearing 5pm. Throughout the entire day, the image she saw in the reflection in the elevator permeated her mentation and it caused her to create several blunders in her words when speaking with customers. Though she was lucky as the customers would just laugh with her as if what she had said was a joke. Her panties were quite saturated due to the images in her head, and it was a mix of hot and cold as the outside air blew against her. “It’s probably going to snow tonight. . .” she thought to herself. She was getting pretty close to the apartment complex so she quickened her pace. Walking up the few stairs there were and triggering the automatic doors to open, she headed towards the elevator. She contemplated stopping at the mini-cafe to get something to drink but when she passed the entrance and looked inside she could see the same woman from this morning at the front ordering something of her own. The woman stopped talking and as if she could feel someone looking at her, her head turned to the left and her eyes made full contact with Amelia who quickly straightened her head and continued walking towards the elevator. That sudden glare had quickened her heart beat and her legs quivered a little bit. She had completely lost control of her body to arousal at the preposterous sight from this morning. Finally making her way inside her room, Amelia set her bag down on the desk and proceeded to undress. Completely drained from the mess of a day she had, she took off her panties and flopped onto her bed. The airflow from the air condition made it apparent how wet she was. Opening the drawer next to her bed, she pulled out one of her toys. A blue dildo, about six inches long. Reaching down, dildo in her right hand, she rubbed the tip across her pussy. It sent a shiver through her body which also let her know just how sensitive she currently was. Pushing the tip in just enough for her lips to spread open, she took a deep breath and shoved it straight in. There was a split second of pain that was followed by the ever so satisfying feeling of her passage being widened. She hadn’t had sex in a while so she was quite tight, but nevertheless she enjoyed thrusting the dildo in and out of her pussy. Pulling it out, she used her own liquids to lubricate her ass before pushing her toy inside. It took a while as her anus was extremely tight but finally the tip popped in. She could feel an orgasm building up in her lower body so she started pushing the dildo in further. She got about halfway before her head shot back, her mouth open, drool hanging off the side, her back arched upward and out of her pussy shot a clear fluid. Her body spasmed for a while before finally calming back down from her release. Her breathing was laboured and she wondered how she had become so sensitive as she would’ve normally lasted much longer or have gotten the dildo much further in. The images of the woman still appeared in her mind as she lay there, eyes closed, with the dildo still halfway in her ass. Ultimately her breaths steadied themselves and she dozed off to sleep. When she awoke, she could hear a soft tapping coming from the door. The room was in complete darkness. As she started to get up, she felt something in her rear and realized she had fallen asleep with the dildo still inside of her ass. Pulling it out and setting it on the table, she relished the feeling the dildo gave her as it reminded her of the time she had attempted to widen her ass. Taking a glance at the clock on her desk it read: 7:43pm. Letting out a tired sigh, she opened her drawer and pulled out a white t-shirt. It was pretty baggy as she had bought it just to wear inside her room or quick runs to the vending machine or cafe downstairs. Putting it on, she walked over to the door. “Who is it?” She asked wearily. The room doors didn’t have a peephole which was something she disliked. Her mind wasn’t in the right place so she simply opened the door instead of hooking the latch and then opening it. Flinging the door completely open, she was met with the woman from earlier this morning. The same woman who had given her quite a jolt when their eyes met while she was walking to the elevator to go to her room. She was wearing a purple sleeping gown. Confused as to what the woman would’ve wanted with her at this time, she noticed that she was glancing left and right, like she was watching out for something. “Um. . . can I help you-?!” she asked but was cut off and caught off guard as the woman lunged forward, cupping her mouth with her left hand then with her right arm reaching around Amelia’s waist. She was shocked at how strong the woman was as it seemed like she had lifted her without a sweat. Though her situation was rather scary as she realized this woman was easily stronger than her. From her now helpless situation she watched the woman kick the door shut, plumitting the room into darkness again. Each room in the complex was more or less identical so the woman had no problems finding the bed in the darkness. Amelia felt herself go airborne for half a second and flop on her back on her bed. “W-wait! Please! D-Do-” she cried out but was cut off again as she felt a hand cup her mouth again and her legs being spread. Even though she tried to fight it, it was no use, she was overpowered. What shocked her was when she felt something begin to rub across her exposed pussy. It was so sudden that a squeak escaped her mouth. Then all of a sudden her pussy was forced to widen as she felt something long, warm and hard enter her. “MMMMHH!?” she cried through the woman's grasps. Was it a dildo? No. . . it couldn’t be. It was too warm and felt. . . to real. On top of that she could literally feel another human's body being slammed against her own with each thrust. This was real. She hadn’t been seeing things then. The woman's bulge was real. She literally had a penis and was currently slamming it into her. A momentary wave of extreme pleasure coursed through her body and she felt herself squirt just a little which seemed to excite the woman as her thrusts sped up. There was a brief relief as the woman's hand left Amelia’s mouth but there wasn’t enough time to utter a single word as she was flipped onto her front, her head being forced into the sheets with both her hands held by one hand behind her back. She could feel the woman rub her cock between her ass cheeks for a while before circling it around Amelia’s pucker. A cold chill ran through her body as she felt the woman use her penis to poke at her asshole. She couldn’t even watch it go in as her face was deep in the bed sheets. All she could do was feel her ass be forced open as the woman inserted her length deep into her anal canal. Poor Amelia was helpless as the woman pounded her without a care in the world. Her mind was being steadily broken as she could feel the ever so pleasurably satisfying sensation of a warm girthy cock rubbing itself along her rectums walls as it was thrusted in and out. She was almost to her limit when she heard a few grunts coming from the woman and she felt something hot being squirted deep in her ass. This sent her overboard as she quivered, shaking violently and squeezing the woman's cock in her sphincter. There was a sound of liquid hitting fabric at high speed as Amelia squirted vehemently. She slumped over on the bed, bringing her face to the left to catch her breath. She could feel the lady’s cum leaking out of her abused rear and it made her leak a bit more. There were a few footsteps and the light on her desk turned on. A few small noises later and a long leaking rod filled her vision. The woman had brought her cock right up against Amelia’s face. Looking up, she could see the woman point at her mouth, then point at her cock. Obliging Amelia opened her mouth. Pushing forward the lady proceeded to drag her penis across her tongue, depositing all remaining cum that may have been on it before removing it. Closing her mouth and swallowing, Amelia got up. She could still feel the leakage in her ass and her legs felt numb. The woman had literally pounded her into submission. Muttering out a few words, she asked a question that was on her mind the entire time she was being fucked. “A. . . are you planning. . . on eating. . . me?” The woman looked down at her before licking her lips and saying: “Well. . . I had thought about it earlier this morning. You just looked so adorable that I wanted to gobble you up right there and then.” The woman chuckled. “S-so. . . you’re not going to eat me?” “No. Quite the opposite actually. . .” “Wha- What do you mean. . .” “You. You are going to be the one eating.” “Huh?” “I’m going to let you eat me.” “What? Why?” “I’m not sure. I’ve never been a prey before, so why not try it now?” “B-but don’t you have a family?” “Relax. . . I already ate my husband a while back, and my daughter already fed herself to her boyfriend.” “Oh. . . but I don’t. . .” she was cut off by a stern look from the woman. “Ok. If you don’t eat me, then I’ll eat you. Got it? Silence fell between them as the two stared at each other. Amelia didn’t need to weigh her options as her predicament was crystal clear. The woman had been extremely blunt with her so there were no misunderstandings between them. She was offering herself as food but if she didn’t agree to it, she’d end up as food, and that was the last thing she wanted. “Fine. . .” Amelia muttered. “Good! We’ll do this feet first then.” the woman exclaimed. She was dumbfounded by the woman's confidence. She literally was offering herself up as food yet there wasn’t a hint of worry nor fright in her tone. She watched the woman lay on the bed next to her on her stomach. Looking at the woman's body from top to bottom made her salivate and she could feel this deep primal instinct swelling inside of her like a hungry predator sizing up it’s next meal. The woman pointed at her feet while wiggling her toes, which to Amelia seemed like the woman was telling her to hurry up. Getting up and moving around the bed, she took a deep breath before taking hold of the woman's feet. She was keeping her feet as tight together as possible so it would be easy for Amelia to get in her mouth and swallow. “Oh. . . I’m Olivia by the way. . . not that food needs a name after all. . .” The nonchalant attitude of the woman continued to prick questions in her mind but she didn’t care to follow them up as she was focused on the body of the woman. She was bigger than her which meant it would probably be a really tight fit. Opening her mouth, she pulled Olivia’s feet towards her while simultaneously sucking. This action resulted in a rather quick consumption of her feet which almost triggered Amelia’s gag reflex. Calming her nerves, she took a deep breath before continuing to pull and swallow at the same time. The taste of the woman was quite strong. At first it was like a quick prick to her tongue as if she had been zapped but now it was rather sweet with a hint of salt. Probably sweat that had formed due to how much she had moved while abusing Amelia’s sexual organs. Speaking of sexual organs, there were slight vibrations in Olivia’s body and when Amelia had made it up to woman’s knee’s, she looked up to see the woman’s butt in the air. She was well endowed in all areas and her booty looked so delicious that Amelia was filled with drive to devour her. This was her first time encountering someone who had the sexual organs of both a female and a man. The woman had a pussy but she also had a penis. Of course the testes were there as it wouldn’t make any sense that she could produce sperm without it. “She mentioned she had a daughter. . . Was her daughter also like her? With a cock as well? Well I guess I won’t know as she did say her daughter fed herself to her boyfriend. . .” Amelia thought to herself. Olivia’s cock was quite long, probably six and half, seven inches even. She also noticed that the lady was currently jerking herself off. It was such a sight that she had stopped progressing to watch this woman masturbate to being devoured. Eyes still on the cock being jerked between the woman's thighs, she took another gulp and she could feel Olivia's legs quiver a bit. Then at the tip of her penis, something white formed. She chalked it up to the woman’s cum and continued to swallow. Getting halfway up her thighs the woman broke, moaning in pure bliss as a thick white trail spewed from her penis, soaking the bed sheets below. Taking another gulp, Amelia was in licking distance of Olivia’s pussy. Doing just that, she began licking at the woman’s sex who replied by lifting her left hand back up to her cock and jerking it off once again. With as much strength as she could muster, Amelia brought both of her hands up to the woman's waist, and lifted her head back, using her hands to share the weight of the woman. Her plan was to take advantage of gravity and let that be the force that drops her into her stomach, which was already beginning to stretch out due to the woman’s legs inside. “Oh yeah. . . right there!” Olivia gasped. Removing her right hand from her waist, she brought it down, gliding it across the woman’s ass, taking a firm squeeze in the process, before using the dripping saliva on the side of her mouth to lubricate her fingers. She then teased the ladies pucker before sticking her index finger deep inside. Twisting it around, she could hear the woman cry in pleasure as Olivia shot her seed again. “Gosh she has a lot of it. . .” Amelia thought. Removing her finger, she placed both hands on the sides of her mouth, and pulled. This act allowed her to engulf the woman's fat ass, which was on its way down her throat. She continued jerking her member as her cock disappeared into Amelia’s maw and she came again as it came in contact with the girl's tongue. Thanks to her plan of exploiting gravity, she was able to cut her devouring time short as the woman effortlessly slid downwards into the depths of Amelia’s body on her way to rest in her stomach. Her stomach, which Amelia could tell had mushed a good amount of people, vanished into her throat. The last hurdle was her breasts. Once those were down, it was a smooth slide down. “Mm. . .” Amelia mumbled, thinking on how she would do this. “J-just. . . grab them. . . squeeze them inside. . .oh fuck. . .” Olivia gasped through voice cracks and moans. Doing just that, Amelia brought both of her hands up, taking hold of Olivia’s breasts. Gripping them and pushing them inwards, she squeezed while simultaneously swallowing. There was a warm liquid that came flowing over her hands as she squeezed the woman’s breasts in. On the inside the taste of said liquid reminded her of milk. Did she just lactate? The taste was so alluring that she couldn’t help herself. Bringing one hand up and resting it on the woman’s head, she proceeded to push her downwards into her throat. “Oh fuck. . . I never. . . knew. . . prey. . . felt like. . . this. . .” Olivia said. It sounded as though she was exhausted. She probably was, but from cumming too much. Licking over her face, she pushed the woman's head inside before closing her mouth fully over her. Opening her mouth once again the last thing she heard from the woman was: “I. . . should have done. . . this. . . sooner. . .” and then she was sucked in as Amelia took a final gulp, slurping down her remaining hair. The feeling of being filled out with a larger sized prey hit her like a speeding truck and she felt extremely drowsy. Though her curiosity got the best of her and she looked down at her bulge. Olivia was facing away from her. Her knees up next to her head and her cock making a perfect bulge in her stomach. She could also make out the slight movements of a hand rubbing itself along the length of her penis. She was still jerking off. Her own arousal got the better of her and she reached forward and rubbed her index finger along the bulge. This caused a massive shaking within her and an audible moan. The woman was literally a life-size vibrator within her stomach. Falling backwards onto the bed, Amelia was out cold. The shaking sent a wave of pleasure through her body, over-stimulating her which knocked her out. Unbeknownst to Olivia, she didn’t know that her climactic finish had just inadvertently sped up her digestion time. The stomach of the now unconscious Amelia registered something within it’s stomach and began working in overdrive as it was a rather sizable meal. The bulge she made was almost as big as Amelia. Gastric juices began flooding her enclosure as she continued to masturbate furiously. The heat from inside, mixed with the sensation of flesh rubbing along her cock felt insanely good. So good that when she had gotten inside, and curled up fully, the urge to cum never left her. She was going insane. She was rubbing the tip of her cock along Amelia’s inner walls, dragging her breasts across her enclosure, even licking it as well. She was doing everything she could think of to give her satisfaction. Not long after, did Olivia pass out from over-stimulation as well. Even though she was unconscious as well, her cock remained rock hard and her cum never stopped flowing. As the night crept on, her bulge became less defined overtime. The first thing to lose its form was her legs. Amelia’s stomach was hard at work, churning her unusual encounter into nothing but mush. In the last hours all that could be seen was the soft bulge of Olivia’s breasts and cock. But that didn’t last long as Amelia’s stomach contracted, resulting in a satisfying wet squishing noise and a long winded groan. _________________________________________________________________________ The morning after, Amelia awoke with a blistering headache. It reminded her of a hangover. But once she had a sip of water it faded away rather quickly. When she walked to her mirror, she noticed that it looked like she had a food baby. A nice round lump of pudge. Her breasts looked like they had gotten bigger and so did her booty. “Well. . . I guess she was. . . an early Christmas present?” she thought to herself as she checked her body out in the mirror. “My breasts look so good and my ass! I can’t wait to put on my Christmas outfit! Thank you. . . What was her name again?”
“I’m telling you! It isn’t fair! I’m like. . . one of the oldest in the grade and I’m looking at the years below us and they look so well developed. . . but then there’s me. . . I look like a cutting board. . .” Mira said, looking down at her chest. Her friend Hannah, whom she had been talking to during lunch, chuckled before taking another oreo out of her packet and tossing it into her mouth. “Heh. . . well. . . I guess you’ll grow eventually since your mother has quite a figure. . .” Hannah said through the satisfying crunching noises from her snack. “Yeah but she got that through other methods. . .” “Plastic surgery?” “NO! Hell no. . . I’m talking about how she ate a good number of people. . .” “Ah yea. . . well it’s not as if it’s illegal. . . unless she did it without consent?” “Honestly. . . I don’t even know. . . I think it was consensual.” “Hm. . . as long as it is consensual then it’s fine.” “I mean does someone literally moaning inside of my mother’s stomach count. . ?” “Pft-” “Like. . . she’d be standing at the stove preparing to make dinner with an entire person inside of her stomach stewing away while she hums a song to their moans. . .” “Sounds like quite an experience. . .” Hannah said through a light chuckle. “It is actually. . .” Mira replied, a blush forming on her face. “Hm?” Hannah perked up after hearing Mira’s reply. A mischievous grin slowly slid across her face. “Could it be that you actually enjoy coming home to that?” “Well obviously. I know how my mother got her figure so I might try the same approach.” “Oh? Have you done it with anyone before?” Hannah watched Mira turn her head as if she was scanning the area for anyone that might be around. “I have. . . but. . . it wasn’t consensual. . .” Mira whispered. “Hm. . . assuming it was a female. . ?” “Obviously. I can’t overpower most males I know and even those wimpy ones are pretty strong as well.” “If you can’t overpower them just use your looks to charm them.” “Eh?” “Though it’s only worked once where I actually seduced him into wanting to end up on my breasts. Though in the end all I ended up with was a pudgy stomach.” sighed Hannah. “Huh. . . so that’s why it looked like you were pregnant that week.” “Yeah. . . I’d like to forget about that.” “I can’t do that though.” “Why not? You’re beautiful, light brown hair and hazelnut eyes that sparkle-” “BUT!” Mira cut her off. “You forget. . . I don’t have the body you do.” “Well. Can’t argue there, though you do have an hourglass figure. If you get some ass and hips I just might try to eat you too!” Hannah exclaimed while licking her lips. This gesture caused Mira’s face to flare up in a deep red blush that was so adorable Hannah had to look away to contain herself. Hannah had been friends with Mira for quite a long time and Mira developed an affection for her beyond that of a regular friendship. So hearing someone she liked say that was enough to make her heart skip a beat “Ehem. . . as I was saying. . . or was going to say. If you are interested I think I can get you those curves you desire.” “Huh? How?” Mira replied, obviously confused as to what Hannah was implying. She watched Hannah reach into her bag and pull out her phone. About a minute of tapping and Hannah showed her the screen. On it was a girl who held her phone up in front of her face so nobody could see it in front of a mirror. She had a well-defined figure with breasts that were probably F or so and had black hair that went down to her breasts. On her face was a mischievous grin with her tongue sticking out. “Um. . . Mira?” “What?” “Your uh. . . mouth. . .” “Hm?” “Wipe. . . your mouth. . .” Hannah said with a slight smile on her face. Bringing her hand up to her mouth, she slowly slid into embarrassment as she had started to drool and didn’t know it. Looking back at Hannah, whose head was turned away, she could tell she was holding in a laugh. Getting closer without her noticing she grabbed Hannah’s shoulders playfully, opened her mouth wide and pushed it against her head. “How do I taste?” “Mhmfm!” Mira replied, her mouth already widening over the top of Hannah’s head. “Well, I guess that’s good to hear. I’m sure you’d love to stuff me in your belly but not now alright?” She felt the pressure that was atop of her head vanish and a bit of saliva drip down her face. “Fine. . .” Mira said, wiping her own saliva from the corner of her mouth. “Mhm. . . anyway. . . as I was saying. If you do want to try the method your mother did, then it’s best for you to find willing meals.” “I’m gonna assume there aren’t many?” Mira asked “Oh no. There are plenty of them. You just need to know where to look.” Hannah replied. “Do you know this person you are showing me?” “I do. I can ask her about it if you want?” “Please!” “Alright then!” Hannah chuckled. She could see Mira’s eyes glistening, giving away her enthusiasm. “Oh by the way, you said you’ve already eaten someone right?” Hannah asked, typing away on her phone. “Yeah.” “Did you let them out or did you go through with the digestion?” “I mushed them of course.” “Eh. . .just asking because. . . I would’ve thought you would’ve gotten at least a bit of breasts from her.” “Sadly no. . . she was like a smaller version of me. . . a cutting board too. Made her easy to swallow but I didn’t get anything in return. . . just a full belly with nothing to show of her.” “Aw. . . that sounds rough. . .and. . . done!” Hannah said. “Done what?” Mira asked. “Are you available this afternoon?” “I am. . .. why?” “I’ll airdrop a pinged location to you. Just go there.” “Eh. . . seems suspicious. . .” “You want those breasts don’t you?” That was all that needed to be said. All the questions that Mira wanted to ask vanished along with her doubts. There was a ping from her phone which was the pinged location from Hannah. “This is actually quite close to my place. . .” Mira said in an anxious tone. “Closer the better!” Hannah replied “True. . .” Right behind their heads a blaring noise sounded. The bell had rung and had startled both of them. They hadn’t realized that the bench where they were seated was right underneath the outside bell. “I’ll talk later.” Mira said, packing her things. “Alright. Keep me updated on what happens!” “I will!” _________________________________________________________________________ The day proceeded as usual, though Mira couldn’t help but wonder who that girl was that Hannah showed her. Her features looked familiar but then again, it’s not like she was the only one with that kind of body. She also wondered what Hannah had told the person for such a positive response. Had she really asked her about being eaten? Had the person actually agreed to it that quickly? The thoughts swirled in her mind but something even more powerful took control of her imagination. She could still see the picture Hannah had shown her as clear as day. She imagined gobbling up the person who held such assets. Imagining how she would look if she was to actually digest such a person. It made her horny beyond imagination. Her body felt hot and she could feel herself getting wet down low. Each time the thought came through her mind, she couldn’t help but succumb to her urges and sneak a few fingers in while listening to her teacher. Thankfully, school ended without incident. There were times where she thought she had totally been busted and her teacher was waiting for a chance to call her out on it. But by grace she was able to walk out the classroom without being called back. Walking out of the school gates, she took out her phone and opened up Hannah’s message. Following the highlighted path to the pinged destination, she was able to make it there within twenty-three minutes. She stood in front of a mini apartment. Looking to her right were some stairs. She closed the map, and went to message Hannah. “Hey, I’m at the pinged location but it’s an apartment complex. Is the person upstairs or downstairs and which door number is it?” Three minutes passed before Hannah began to reply back. “Oh shit! My bad. She’s upstairs and her door number is eleven. Sorry, I forgot to send those!” “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Now if you’ll excuse me. . .” “Hah. . . alright girl. Have a good meal.” She could see the door from where she stood. Second to the last room. Going upstairs and down the walkway, she came to door eleven. Taking a deep breath in, she knocked on the door. She could hear footsteps making their way to the door and her heart rate increased. The knob turned and the door swung open. The sight Mira was staring at caused her stomach to growl immediately. Standing there had to be the girl from the picture. She was wearing a pink and white shirt that was rather tight on her body as if she was trying to emphasize her breasts. She could see the woman's nipples sticking out through the fabric, indicating that she was very much turned on at the moment. Continuing her gaze downward, she noticed the woman didn’t have on any shorts or pants. Just black colored panties that looked to be getting wetter with each second she stood there. She didn’t have any footwear on and her feet looked absolutely delectable. Mira also took note that her body looked rather. . . wet? As if she had been working out beforehand or doing something which tired her out. There was a deep blush painted across her face and her breathing was uneven, like she was in a hyper state or extremely excited. Opening her mouth to speak. Mira barely was able to utter a word before the woman’s right hand shot forward towards Mira’s left, grabbed her and pulled her inside, locking the door. “Um. . ?” “Are you Hannah’s friend?” the woman said in a fast tone. “I-Yes I am. . .” “Good. . . can we get started? Like. . . right now?” “Um. . . sure. . .HEY!?” Mira squeaked as the woman began unbuttoning her uniform blouse with frightening speed. It wasn’t long before the air from the a/c blew across her bare skin. Next was her skirt which was practically ripped off of her. Thankfully it didn’t actually break because that would’ve been a problem. “Ah. . . you have such a beautiful stomach. . . so fit and toned, soft and warm. . . I hope it’s like that on the inside. . .” the woman said, drooling and licking her lips. “Oh wow. . . now this is an odd one. . .” Mira thought to herself, a blush of her own slowly appearing on her face. “Um. . . can I ask how old you are. . ?” “Twenty-two.” “Oh wow. . . four years older than me. . .” “Perfect isn’t it? For you and for me.” “Why?” “Is this not your first time eating someone older than you?” “No it is. . .” “Great! Then I can take your first time at that!” “And how is it perfect for you?” “I can get digested, duh.” “Oh. . . right-” “My name's Leah by the way. . . not that food needs a name of course.” “That’s a nice name. I’m Mira.” “You have a beautiful name as well.” “Thanks.” She stood there watching the woman strip. The two of them were relatively the same height, though one was blessed with a beautiful figure and the other. . . not so much. “So. . . if you don’t mind me asking. . . why do you want to like. . . get eaten. . ?” Mira asked. She wasn’t sure on how to ask it without sounding offensive but the girl didn’t seem to take it as an offence. Rather she laughed a bit before answering. “Well. . . my boyfriend eats me all the time.” “Y-you have a boyfriend?!” “Yeah?” “Won’t he be pissed about. . . this?” “He’s not in the country right now and won’t be for another week or so. Perfect timing, am I right?” Leah said with a grin. “Anyways, on some days he’d send me to his stomach six or seven times and each time he’d bring me out as I’m on the verge of being submerged in his acids. I’d get out to my thighs and then he’d slurp me back down. He loves to tease me by bathing me in his gastric juices and clenching his core muscles to tighten my confines as if he plans on digesting me.”. “Oh. . .” Mira replied. “It’s so stimulating! The heat all around, the loud gurgles and groans! The soft squishy feeling of the stomach's walls! I want to feel it all! But he doesn’t want to digest me. . . So here I am, in front of you, hoping that you will do it for him.” “Well. . . I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t hoping to do that.” Mira said, her confidence slowly returning to her. “Good. You have quite a figure yourself. I wonder where I’ll go.” “I hope you go to my chest and a bit to my ass. I’m quite flat, you know. . .” “That you are. But that might change by tomorrow.” “Heh. . . because you’ll be padding me out.” “Exactly!” “Well then Leah, or should I say, my new assets. Come over here so we can start.” “Yes ma’am!” Mira watched hungrily as the girl practically skipped to her. Her breasts flopping up and down as she got closer. When they were face to face, Leah got down on her knees and stared up at Mira with glistening eyes. Her right hand moved to her exposed pussy and began fingering herself. Her left rose to her right breast and from Mira’s perspective, it looked like she was gripping her tits rather forcefully. Leaning over, Mira opened her mouth, preparing to engulf the girl's head. It was only then that she noticed that Leah had bright brown eyes that almost looked yellow from the sunlight that filled the room. Though it was a beautiful sight, it was short lived as her mouth had come in contact with the top of the girl's head. As Leah continued to fondle herself, she trickled a little bit as she could feel the heat from Mira’s mouth wafting over her face. Her breaths quickened and she took another squeeze at her breasts before her vision went dark. She heard a gulp and a sliver of cold air slipped in as her nose had been conquered. A single gulp later and her mouth was coming into contact with Mira’s tongue. Slightly opening her mouth, she licked and kissed the girls tongue which caused Mira to blush a bright beautiful red before gulping again. Clearing the girl's neck with ease, she reached down, both hands latching onto Leah’s shoulders. Pushing herself down, forcing her mouth to stretch would always be the first hurdle, but she had gotten far and there was no way she was going to give up on such a meal. Especially if it’s a meal that has a chance of enhancing her own features. It felt as though she was going to rip, but the memory of her past failure to gain the assets she wanted boosted her morale. Taking a deep breath, she pushed downwards again with much more ferocious force and Leah’s shoulders slipped in. It only just occurred to her that she may have caused Leah some discomfort or rather hurt her in the process but she could feel a vibration in her throat accompanied by a barely audible noise. “Is she. . . moaning?” Mira thought to herself. Chuckling, she resumed her progress. Her breasts were the first thing Mira had laid her eyes on and she wanted them, so she took her sweet time fondling them before attempting to gobble them up. Pushing downwards again, she tightened her grip causing a loud moan from within her throat and a small spasm as her mouth slid over the curvature of Leah’s breasts. Once they were in, Mira took her time to explore every inch with her tongue. Gulping again, she relished the feeling of such soft and squishy breasts sliding across her tongue and down her throat. On the inside, Leah was burning. Mira’s throat felt much different than her boyfriends. It felt new. She had been eaten so many times by him that she had gotten accustomed to his own body and after a while it all felt the same. But now it is different. Mira treated her like the food she reduced herself too but with care and a tad bit of forcefulness. Every time Mira tightened her grip on her body, she felt as though she would climax again. She could feel Mira effortlessly push herself down her waistline. It occurred to her that this girl had some experience before but had nothing to show for it as she was still flat. If she had to guess, Mira was barely beyond a cup size of B. Either way, she’d probably reach C or D once she digests her. “It’s a shame I won’t be around to see what she’ll look like with me padding her out. . .” Leah thought to herself as she felt Mira grab her hips. From inside, she could tell, Mira was struggling to find a way to get the rest of her down, so she decided to help her out by getting up in the position she was in. This forced the positions of the two to change. Now Mira was on her knees and Leah was standing up. Though not fully standing up as her top parts were still inside Mira’s throat. Her head popped into an opening which she knew was the girl's stomach. A small smile creeped onto her face accompanied by a deep blush as she knew she was soon going to be curled inside. “Mira! Can you hear me?” she called out. “MMM?” “I’m going to use what leverage I have to push forward because I don’t think you can lift me. “Mm. . .” Mira gave her muffled reply and almost got pushed over as the girl practically tried to jump forward. It was enough for the first few inches of the girl's rear to slip in allowing Mira to gain a bit of ground on her part. Bringing her hands around, she latched onto the girl's ass and squeezed it, forcing her inwards. There was a yelp as she did this and Leah’s body shuddered a bit. Her tongue shot forward to clamp around the girl's vagina but instead all she could taste was skin as there was a hand blocking the way, though it gave way almost instantly as if Leah was asking her to lick her pussy. Smiling, she proceeded to do just that. She fell in love with the sweet taste of her cunt along with her dripping nectar. It was delicious though she had a job to do and swallowed again. Thanks to the shuddering of Leah's body and her numerous excited releases, Mira was able to glide over the curvature of Leah’s ass. She brought her hands down underneath Leah’s thighs so she could lift her legs upwards. Squeezing her ass along with the help of gravity allowed her to make quick work in gulping down the girl's rear and the juices that shot from her drenched cunny. She could feel Leah curling into her stomach and the feeling of her being filled out caused her to let out her own squirt. She wanted more. She wanted to be stretched to the max and feel Leah within her. Reaching upwards towards Leah’s feet, she took hold of her soles and started pushing downwards, forcing Leah to curl inside her gut. She squirted again as her belly started expanding from the girl meat within her. Making quick work of her juicy thighs and slurping down her legs she stopped for a moment to lick her feet which forced a giggle out of the girl inside of her. Pushing them inside, she gulped again and enjoyed the sensation of the last parts of the girl sliding down her throat. Looking down at her belly, she could see Leah was moving around. Probably trying to get in a more comfortable position. She did so for two minutes or so before she was facing away from Leah and almost in a seated position. Her knee’s were up next to her shoulders, her right arm in front, leading down to her pussy and her left arm couldn’t be seen. It was probably behind her back. “Leah! Are you ok in there?” “Hah. . .unf. . . never better!-” Leah replied. It was muffled but she could still make out the words rather well. “How long will it take for you to digest me?” “Hm. . . well. . . I have rather a fast digestive system and the last girl took. . . about two hours. . . because she was a little smaller than me and didn’t have the body you did. . . so I’d say three hours or so.” “Oh alright. Did your last prey squirm around a lot?” “Yes she did, though she gave up in like thirty minutes and started masturbating. I think she accepted her fate.” “Th-that’s kinda hot actually. . .” “I know right! Don’t worry, you’ll end up just like she did. Pudge on my belly and hopefully you’ll help me acquire some breasts and maybe a bit of ass.” “I hope I do. I would hope there was something to show.” “Me too.” “Your acids are actually quite gentle. When you told me you had a quick digestive system, I honestly thought it would be painful but I can feel the pool of juices submerging my ass and it feels kind of relaxing. . .” “That’s good to hear.” She could feel Leah moving around, rubbing herself along her flesh prison. The bulge was beautiful. She could make out almost everything. Even being able to somewhat see her nipples and pussy outline. Her skirt lay next to her half drenched in clear liquid. She couldn’t tell which one of them had caused it as both of them had hit their climax numerous times during their experience. Thankfully, her phone wasn’t in the wet part. Pulling it out, she took a couple selfies and sent them to Hannah. She got no reply as Hannah was probably doing extracurricular activities around now. The time read 4:56pm. She decided to pull up her recent watch feed and browse a few videos to watch when she came up on a digestion video that had been sped up. In her current state, she was flooded with the desire to watch it. Doing just that, she held it above her stomach with her right hand, while her left drifted down behind her to finger herself as she watched it. Every now and again she’d reach forward to take hold of one of Leah’s breasts which would force a moan from the lucky prey girl. The video was almost over and the person's outline was soon to vanish, there was an aggressive vibration within her and a loud series of ecstatic cries that sent a wave of pleasure through her body forcing a climax of her own. Her body went numb and she slumped over onto the bulge of Leah. A few minutes later she was out like a light, sleeping peacefully on her meal. _________________________________________________________________________ On the inside, Leah had gone insane. She was fisting herself with her right hand, her eyes sparkling, her tongue out of her mouth, licking and kissing at Mira’s stomach walls while moving her body so that it rubbed along her chambers lining. It wasn’t unbearably hot and the juices that pooled around her didn’t hurt. She felt like everything was fine. A pleasure she had never felt before. Not even from her boyfriend. She had no idea how long she had been inside but time had no meaning now. All she was focused on was feeling all the pleasure that she could handle. The gastric juices had already climbed up to her neck and it felt like she was taking a nice hot bath. Some of it even seeped into her asshole and pussy which tingled a bit inside of her causing her to squirt over and over. It was getting harder to breathe overtime and she could feel herself fading. Not long after she fainted with a dopey grin on her face, liquid still squirting from her pussy. Loud groaning noises and occasional squishes could be heard for hours as Mira’s stomach went into overdrive churning her eager prey. Leah’s form went from a beautiful tight bulge that outlined all of her best features to her leg, thigh and pussy outline fade away, then her breasts and shoulders, and finally her stomach and head vanished creating a half oval half circular shape. It was rather squishy and soft as Mira’s sleeping body sunk into it. Wet sloshes and churning filled the room as Mira’s stomach slowly decreased in size until she lay face first on the floor, her booty up in the air as she had a bit left to digest. _________________________________________________________________________ When she awoke the next morning, Mira had a sudden headache but thankfully it didn’t last long. She sat up and looked around the room. The memories the day before slowly came back to her and she could feel herself slip back into her horny state. Her right hand drifted down to her pussy, and her left hand went up to cover her mouth for a yawn, but instead of her flat chest there was actually breasts. Not a lot but it was obvious to her she had gone up a cup. Taking a moment to settle down from the shock and to admire her achievement, she was filled with excitement that she later took out on herself by playing with her new gains. Looking down at her phone, she saw that Hannah had messaged back at 9:23am yesterday saying: “Girl! You better show me what you got when you wake up! I can’t wait!” Smiling, she licked her lips and replied: “I’m coming to your house once I freshen up. . .” -VoreChing
“Sophia Gardener. Please report to the Principal's office following end of the day registration.” The voice of the schools Secretary blared through the institution's intercom. “Ooh. . . the Principal rarely ever calls people to her office. . . do you think-” “Yeah. . . it’s been just over a month since she’s done it. I think she got impatient this time. . .” “Isn’t she the new girl who transferred not too long ago?” “Yeah it’s been a week since she came.” “Poor girl. . .” “Well. She better cross her fingers and hope it’s not a bad reason she got called or else she’ll be swinging by tomorrow morning. . . as that woman’s tits that is. . .” The idle chatter ran throughout the school. People were talking about it for the entirety of their lunch break. It ceased for the last period but started up again once the end of the day registration had been completed. Walking into the Principal’s office fifteen minutes after registration was Sophia, a splendid looking brunette. Her grades were average but she was still quite oblivious to the various rules the school had. She still wasn’t quite sure why she was being called or why the people in her class were wishing her good luck as she left. “Good Afternoon!” “Are you Sophia Gardener?” The principal's secretary asked. “Yes ma’am.” “Have a seat please, Ms. Ferris will call you when she is ready.” “Alright!” Sitting down on one of the front room couches, she patiently waited for the Principal to call her in. After about fifteen minutes of silence, she heard a buzz. “Ms. Ferris is ready to see you now.” “Ok.” Sophia said, getting up with her bag. Opening the door to walk in, she heard a low: “Good luck” come from the secretary as she closed the door shut. Inside she was met with the sight of a woman who’s eyes looked to be glowing a bright light brown color in the light from the setting sun that permeated the room. She had long jet black hair, which stopped just above her hips. Shaped like an hourglass with a cup size of F but probably not far from G. She wore a white long sleeve blouse and a pencil skirt that stopped in the middle of her thighs. She stood at approximately five foot eleven, probably six foot flat making her taller than Sophia who stood at five foot six. “Sophia Gardener right?” the woman asked. “Y-yes ma’am. . .” Sophia replied, half stuttering because she had been too entranced by the woman's looks in the light. “Alright. Let's not beat around the bush because I want to head home early today. Got it?” “Yes ma’am.” “Come here then.” Confused as to why, Sophia reluctantly approached the principal. Now standing right in front of her, she could see the woman looking down at her with this mysterious glare in her eyes. It looked as if a predator had just found its dinner. It sent a chill through her body as she locked eyes with Ms. Ferris. “Now. . . you do know that we have a code of conduct, as well as a uniform guideline which we are very strict on. Am I correct?” “Y-yes ma’am. . .” “So, might I know why you have no stockings on?” “I- I forgot. . .” “Ah yes, you forget. . . and then when a student does not wear their stockings they are required to wear spats over their underwear. Am I not correct?” “Y-yes ma’am. . .” Before she had a chance to react, she was spun around and her skirt was up and being held by Ms. Ferris who gave a short whistle. “Not only do you not have your spats, but you are wearing semi-see through underwear. . .” “I-” “And if that wasn’t enough already, you know your skirt is supposed to go down to half your thighs at the very least. This skirt is at least two to two and a half inches short. It’s as if you want people to see what you're wearing underneath, or perhaps there is a certain someone you are trying to appeal to?” Sophia's heart was pounding. She knew her uniform was a violation but she had already gotten to the school, so she tried her best to be careful not to let anyone notice. “White color as well. You must really want to get someone’s attention huh?” “N-no. . . It’s not like that. . . I just forgot.” “You forgot that you put on see-through panties. Right. . .” Ms. Ferris replied, sounding utterly unamused. “B-But I’ve only been here for a week now. I didn’t know!” “You yourself signed onto the agreement just like every other student here. So you will be punished like every other student here. We cannot allow our school's reputation to be tainted by exhibitionist students.” Sophia had no idea what the punishment was because she had signed the code of conduct without spending any time to read it. “Up on the table.” the principal said, ushering the girl towards the table. Reluctantly, she obliged and got up on the table. “Stick your feet this way.” Ms. Ferris said. “Y-yes ma’am. . .” Sophia replied. There was a yelp from Sophia as she felt a stinging sensation on her rear as Ms. Ferries had spanked her. “Now. Due to you breaking our code of conduct and uniform guideline, I am permitted to hand out a punishment that I see fit. Do you understand me?” She asked while still slapping Sophia’s ass. “Y-yes ma’am!” Sophia cried out. “And you do know what happens to students that willingly disobey the rules, don’t you?” she whispered, leaning in close to Sophia's left ear. This sent chills running through her body as she had heard stories during both breaks of what happens when a student breaks the code. Some of her newer friends had made her aware after seeing her uniform that day, but she had told them they would be fine. “W-wait. . .please. . . give me another chance!” she squeaked as her ass got a slap that was harder than the rest. “Ah ah ahh. . . I would have given you a chance had you come and told me about your uniform infraction at the beginning of the day.” Ms. Ferris said, a smirk on her face while she slowly took off the girl's shoes and slid down her socks, tossing both on the ground below them. “I. . . I’m sorry. . .” Sophia said in a low tone. “Oh don’t be. I’ve already decided what your punishment would be.” Sophia’s heart sank as a hot breeze wafted over the top of her head. “Wai-MPH?!” she cried but was cut off as Ms. Ferris had opened her mouth and dropped it over her head, gulping it in one go. Inside was dark and slimy and the back of her head was rubbing along Ms. Ferris tongue. She tried to bring her arms up so she could push the teacher off of her, but they didn’t budge. Ms. Ferris had a grip on them and it was strong. She couldn’t move anything above her elbows. It was then that she felt the heat around her travel down her neck and was slowly creeping over her shoulders. Her shoulders felt like they were being forced inward. Her head was being forced into a small passageway which she identified as the principal's throat. It was uncomfortable and tight. The heat began creeping over her breasts with ease. She would’ve thought that her still having her uniform on would hinder the woman because of the fabric but she realized that she had probably done this a number of times, and it didn’t help that she was much smaller than her. She was about to try and push off with her legs as she had still been up on the table but just before she did, her body was lifted and she was sent upside down. This completely sent her brain for a loop as she was beyond confusion as to what the woman was doing. She heard a gulp and her body slid deeper. She could feel her sliding down Ms. Ferris’ throat with ease. Her body size was already a problem but now that she had lifted her up, she had gravity on her side which made for an easy swallowing of Sophia’s waist. At that point, Sophia stopped struggling because her arms were now beside her in Ms Ferris’ throat, meaning she had no way of fighting back. It was then that she noticed that the principal's progress had stopped. “Did she reconsider?” Sophia thought hopefully. A squeak escaped her mouth as she felt a hand glide across her pussy through her panties and then a finger rubbing along her lips. The air from the a/c glided across her vagina as Ms. Ferris then pulled her panties to the side. “Wha-What is she doing?!” Sophia's mind raced as she was about panic but her thoughts vanished as she was impaled by the woman's fist. She had never even put more than three fingers inside at once so feeling a full fist inside of her was a new experience and forced her to an orgasm almost immediately. On the outside, Ms Ferris’ hand and face was coated in the students sexual fluids. She chuckled as she watched the girl's legs go limp, dangling next to her head. “I can’t deny that she does have a nice ass. . .” Ms. Ferris thought to herself, looking at her drenched hand. She then clamped it on Sophia’s saturated lips and pressed down. As her lower lips slid over the curvature of the girl's ass, she felt her stomach being stretched. This was her favourite part, feeling your meal fill you out. Sucking down her thighs and then reaching up for her soles to push her down. Doing just that, she slurped down the remainder of Sophia with ease, gulping once, relishing the sensation of the girl sliding down her esophagus and curling in her stomach. Looking down at her gut, she smiled as she looked at Sophia’s form. “Quite a flexible one aren’t you?” she said. Sophia had been forced to curl inside facing away from the teacher. Her feet were next to her head as she was bent backwards. She didn’t move nor struggle. “Accepted your fate like a good girl did you? I like it when a meal knows it’s place.” There were a few grunts and mumbles but it didn’t sound like she was trying to say anything. Her face and breasts made quite the outline. Her mouth was open and you could faintly see her tongue sticking out. It looked as though she was gasping for air. Probably because she was in an unfavorable position. Ms. Ferris went over to her desk chair and sat down. Unbuttoning the side of her dress which gave a bit of slack, one of her hands drifted down to her own sex and she began fingering herself while the other hand groped at the girl’s outline, mainly her breasts. They weren’t large nor small. A solid C-cup if she was to take a guess. Squirting a bit from her excitement, she slumped back in her chair, still playing with herself. “Now all that’s left is to digest this little slut. . . Showing off your thighs and wearing such underwear. You must wish to be an exhibitionist. . .” “Mmphmmh. . .” “What was that? I can’t hear you. . .” Ms. Ferris said, only to be met with a few gurgles. She could feel Sophia squirm around when she said this but she didn’t try to say anything. “Well then. . . do you want it fast or slow?” “Hm?” This time she could hear her a little more clearly, but she couldn’t make out any words. “I’m talking about digestion. . . slow or fast? You chose.” “Mhmhmphhm!” “Is that fast I hear?” “Hm!” “Fast it is!” Ms. Ferris had a fast digestive system regardless so either way she would’ve mushed Sophia quicker than other people would’ve, and it didn’t help that Sophia was small compared to her, so it would’ve only taken about an hour and a half or two at best. But now that Ms. Ferris was forcing herself to speed up, it wasn’t long before the churning and gurgling within her stomach got louder and Sophia’s form began to fade. Now fisting herself, Ms. Ferris was over the moon in pleasure as she listened to the muffled cries from the girl within. She took her free hand and started groping at Sophia’s dwindling breast outline. Her gut lessened in size by a good bit and she heard a low squeak just before her stomach contracted on the girl and her head outline vanished, creating a soft squishy oval. Vibrating crazily in her chair, Ms. Ferris let out an ecstatic cry while squirting profusely, half soaking her dress. Calming down, she looked at her stomach and brought one hand up to feel the soft texture of her gut that still held what was left of Sophia. “Ah. . . You would think after so many students got punished there would be less people who break the rules. . . who am I to care. . . it’s a free meal and an addition to my body. . .” she said to herself, licking her lips. She could feel something coming up her throat, and she let out a few coughs as it was starting to block her breathing. Hacking for a few seconds, she felt it just on the tip of her tongue. Bringing her right hand up, she reached to the back of her mouth to remove the impediment. Her horny state reignited as she pulled out the girl's white panties that had survived the digestion though they were affected by the digestive juices as they had quite a few holes in them. “How nice of her to leave a souvenir. . .” she thought to herself. _________________________________________________________________________ Outside the door, Ms. Ferris’ secretary, who had heard everything take place, sat at her desk playing with herself to the sound of her boss churning another student. “I wonder what she’ll look like after this one. . .” she thought, licking her lips while letting out a few sexual fluids of her own. Hearing the door open, she quickly pulled her hand out of her dress and went to button up again, but it was too late as she looked to her right and saw Ms. Ferris standing there with a smile on her face. “I’m all done here!” she exclaimed “I-Yes ma’am. How was it?” “It was great. I’m kind of glad she broke more than two rules on the code of conduct. She had a nice ass as well.” “That. . .is great ma’am.” “I’m about to head home. . . is there anything you need before I go?” “. . .” “Lana?” “M-Maybe. . . I could touch. . . your stomach. . .” Lana said in a low tone. “Sure! You don’t have to be shy about that.” Ms. Ferris exclaimed, a grin popping on her face as she watched Lana’s eyes sparkle with excitement. Taking a few steps towards her secretary, she was shocked at how fast Lana’s arms had shot out to take hold of her stomach. The soft texture of her belly which still had a little more to digest was satisfying to touch and even more to hear the sloshes within. Pressing her head into her boss’s belly, she squirted a tiny bit as her previous mood had been ignited once again. “Alright. . . that’s. . . enough. . .” Ms. Ferris said, through low moans and gasps. She did indeed love the feeling of her belly being played with but she had somewhere to be at the time. Though it seemed like her secretary wasn’t listening. “Lana. . . I said enough. . . or would you rather end up being punished like she did?” “Sounds more like a reward to me. . .” Lana said under her breath. “I heard that. Maybe if you behave, you might get what you want. . .” Lana’s eyes darted back up to Ms. Ferris who had a chilling smirk on her face. She watched as the woman licked her lips and it sent a pleasurable chill down her spine. Her face was a beautiful shade of light red which bloomed upon her face as Ms. Ferris turned and exited the office, leaving Lana to play with herself to her own imaginative thoughts. . . -VoreChing
Ethereals: Chapter HI The Impossible happens By: Creativeviewer12345/Vorelover23 Roll watches the news broadcast with slight worry. People disappearing left and right every few weeks seemed to be putting people in a panic. Nobody knows where the missing people end up, and to put the panic into perspective, the first suspect was innocent as none of the people missing were found in the citadel he created when Mega man checked. Spoiled a cooking scheme (Microbots that, if made correctly, he would have injected into bots as an “immunization program” to help him take over the world) while searching, but Dr. Wily was NOT the culprit behind the disappearances. Whatever is going on here? As she heads out for more groceries (“goodness that Rock seems to guzzle Chocolate milk whenever in the house, geez.”), She then bumps into someone that wasn’t paying attention where she was heading. “Oh my, sorry ‘bout that. Been getting a bit chubby so I went on a jog to work it off. Didn’t mean to bump into you there.” Roll looked up to see the woman that bumped into her. Greyish-white hair swaying in the wind in a ponytail, and ‘Chubby’ was definitely putting it lightly here. The woman’s belly was large! “It’s alright ma’am. Mistakes happen now and again. I’ll just get out of your way then.” As Roll gets back up with the woman’s help and steps aside to let her through, the woman nods in appreciation. “What a humble outlook. Nice meeting you.” When the woman jogs on. Roll’s auditorial sensors then picks up an odd sound. ‘MMMMPH, MMPH-MM!’ But, when Roll turned around, the woman was gone. “… That’s odd. Thought I heard something...” With a shrug, she went on her way, putting the sound she heard as a slight glitch that happened. Days later, when the News mentions yet another missing person, Roll feels the oddest sensation. She feels like she’s on ‘Energy deficient Mode’. Odd rumblings shake from her torso like it demands to be filled and none of the things she does seems to help. Recharging didn’t work. The food she converts seem to be doing less and less of its job of giving her energy. A check-up with Dr. Light shows nothing wrong with her programming. Despite all of that. She seems to be getting tired, hearing things that come from nowhere, been having off night-time visions of voices (“Us humans have them to at times. Nightmares is what they are called.”), and her ‘stomach’ seems to roar around other women and give her odd thoughts, like “how Tantalizing they-”. What is happening?!? When Roll went on a midnight stroll after being woken yet again by her nightmares, she winds up wandering in the heavily wooded area of the park labeled ‘OFF LIMITS’ due to happenings that can’t be explained. Before she goes to leave, she hears mutterings coming from deeper within the forest. Curiosity getting the better of her, she heads deeper and finds A young woman with bespeckled brown and blond hair, jerking around and muttering things that make no sense! “Won’t… Won’t succumb… not to you… this unnatural hunger will go away… You won’t… make me...No… I will not!” As the woman suddenly jerks to stillness, Roll gets a very bad feeling that she should run before she’s spotted. Her plans were suddenly dashed when… GRRWURGGGGLE-RMMMBLE As the sound echoes in the silence, the woman stands up and turns to Roll’s hiding spot. “She won’t notice me… she won’t notice I’m here... she will just move on away from here so I can-” “Mmmm… Never had a robot master before. With this new body, it should be a new experience... Absorbing you into me.” As Roll heard the sultry voice that seemed out of place for the woman to have and now staring into deep red eyes as she tried to tip toe away, She only has one thought about her whole situation, caught as she was... “Crap!!!” As she scrambled away, dodging every time the woman lunged, the actions going on for 30 minutes until Roll’s foot gets snared on a root sticking out and the odd angle she ends up at with the woman lunging, They wind up with the most off and awkward situation that has ever occurred to Roll. MM-GLUUK! In what seems to be an impossible physicality, the woman trying to grapple her now ended up lodged in Roll’s throat, flailing her legs around, and Roll’s stomach taking a slight bulge as her hands slip right on inside. ‘MMPH!?! NO, LMPH ME MPTH!!!’ Roll is stuck on what to do. She doesn’t want to let this… crazy person free, but getting the woman out was looking pretty improbable. The woman was stuck in place, with only one direction to go. “I can’t! This is clearly breaking the Rules of Robotics!!! I-” She then feels an odd compulsion. Softly and gently, it whispers to her. Telling her to finish her meal. It is okay. No one will know. Just swallow. It’s fine. In trance, she begins the woman’s final journey. G-GG-GLUP! Just then, the woman’s breasts begin sliding down Roll’s throat. As it balloons out slightly to contort around the woman’s bust, she realizes what is going on now with what Roll is doing to her. ‘NO! STMPH MMPH! JMPH MPH CONMRPH!!!PLMMPH!’ But Roll was no longer listening. Her artificial tongue was exploding with flavor as she continues along, her belly expanding even bigger. G-GULP! Further and further down the woman traveled. Each gulp that Roll took, while Roll’s body was on autopilot, Roll’s thought’s ended up materializing elsewhere. ROLL’S MINDSCAPE When Roll first woke up in what seemed to be Dr Light’s lab and home, she thought it was all a bad dream until she saw on the T.v screen, her doing exactly what her dream was about. Swallowing a human whole. “WHAT THE HELL!?! WHAT’S HAPPENING! DR LIGHT!!!” “He won’t be coming Roll Light… This venture is strictly between us.” “What the-” As Roll turned around, she saw what looked like… herself?!? The doppleganger looked every inch like her, the blond hair, the red sundress, Even the cute green bow. The only difference was that this doppleganger was slightly see through, like what the human’s called ‘Ghosts’. “Not a Ghost, but neat comparison to what I am though.” What the?!? How did-” “To answer the question you have; I heard your thoughts. Here, they are not as hidden as you think.” Not hidden here? How the heck… calm down Roll. Find out why Dr. Light is… Not here… Why Thoughts can be heard, and what is actually going on. “If Dr. Light isn’t here, then why are we in his lab with THAT on the screen?” Roll asks as she points to the screen, showing her having swallowed to the woman’s stomach with what seemed to be a slight pause to recollect herself when she reached there. “The reason why is because you deem his lab a safe place. The Aspect of Home is this place, where your mind has structured it this way. This… Is your Mindscape. What is onscreen is what is happening in reality.” Well that answered two of her questions. If she is in her mind, it would make sense thoughts could possibly be heard here, they come from the MIND. And if the doppel here was doing ‘business’, then it would only be between the two of them. “...What… are you? You say you’re not a ghost, but I don’t know what to call you.” The Ghost Roll pauses, as if collecting her thoughts-her words- before she speaks. “What I am… Is an Ethereal. In a sense? A higher race that can do impossible things and go to impossible places. In reality, we cannot be seen by anything, man-made or natural.” Sensing Roll’s next question, she answers before Roll speaks. “What we do, is seek out host to interact with the world, but we cannot exist, physically or Mentally, without Life-force energy. Every sentient being has them.” Roll, stunned about the answer, recollects and asks, “Why this though? What is actually going on?” As she refers to the events going on in the screen, especially going unasked was ‘What happened to that woman before all this?’ “As we take a host, we begin an energy drain to sustain our ingrained existence. All that stuff the host normally eats is nowhere near enough, so we give them the ability to… Consume the proper energy source. Going that route give us both energy for quite a while.” Which the doppel refers to Roll gulping the woman down. “As we encounter... stubborn hosts… we give them symptoms to… encourage… that they follow their new instinct. What you saw earlier was one of the… defiant cases a host will go through. If a host remains unwilling to follow along, we… Possess them... completely and utterly. That woman you are swallowing now is another Ethereal, like me, having to take full possession to try to survive.” This freaked Roll out. These… Ethereals… Can rip control of her from her body so utterly that she could be well and truly considered dead if it happened?!? She didn’t- “Before you continue that inevitable train-wreck of a thought, we can get along without the possession bit. You encountered a case several days ago. I was actually conceived by contact with them.” Confused, Roll tried to recall what the doppel was talking about when… “The chubby woman I bumped into the other day… I thought I heard something when she passed me… you telling me she willingly devoured someone!?!” With a nod of the head, the doppel pushed on. “While we both get energy from the inevitable digestion that occurs, some tend to be more… morally apprehensive about the process. So, when the host finally devours someone, we tend to… “compromise” with them to possibly get them more agreeable. Whether that be new powers or enhancements is up to the host’s subconscious, we can basically adapt to anything the host wants. This situation is all firsts for me, talking to you and inhabiting a “Machine” as it is, no offense to you of course.” Roll was honestly shocked at this point. While this situation is indeed rather odd, the Ethereal was starting to make a compelling argument. But… “What about the Laws of Robotics? I have to adhere to it, otherwise I could get scrapped!” The Doppel smirked. “That’s easily fixable. I should be able to “enchant” the current body to make it, and us, something called a ‘Technorganic’ with an aura that shows the laws unbroken unless you feel like you’re beyond redemption. That fair?” This caused Roll to consider. While that was appealing, a worry ingrained long before this event, one that she was thinking on when her brother became the protector of humanity against Dr Wily’s schemes, on how she could hide this if she accepted the offer began to rear itself to mind. The doppel raises her brow at the thoughts and worries. “Worry not. Part of my collective works with someone who can traverse far more than land, sea, or air. I can impart such knowledge to you while you dream. From another part, I can make it like you never left if you worry about things here. That part though… weird place that one. So… What do you say?” With a nod, Rolls asks when she will get all this, since she is dreaming now in a sense. “You’re not dreaming yet. Just in thought. In here, Time moves as how you or I want it. Wanted to get the answer before you get too far. Figured if you agreed, you would want to be the one to do it.” “Huh?” When Roll turned to the screen, she saw that on it, she had only gotten to the waist of the woman, and in pause as in recollecting herself for another gulp. She could’ve sworn it would’ve taken a lot longer… until what the Ethereal said came to forefront. Closing her eyes, she opened them to the darkness that was the woods, with half the woman she was swallowing sticking outside her mouth. With it, and resolute in her course, continued her path. GLUUUUUUUURK! As she swallowed, she began to feel… happier. Like the feelings she felt from the process made her feel alive. With what she heard within, she would continue. ‘PLMMPH, NO… LET MM GO… I DMPH WANNA DMF’ With more and more gulps, Roll finally gets to the womans feet. She tilts her head back all the way to complete the woman’s journey. GULP! With that, Roll closed her mouth, tasting the remnants of the woman as her body regulated back to normal… except for her stomach, which ballooned to fit the woman’s entire mass in it. The peachy-tan orb shone from the light of the moon as its occupant created bumps and ripples across the smooth surface. Something bubbled from within as Roll’s mouth flew open. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELCH! “Oh my… Sumimasen.” With a light giggle, she felt the contours the woman was making as she struggled to make her predator puke her up to no avail. As she started to feel her sleep protocols activate, she made a sending thought to her symbiote… No… Her partner. “Well… If I am going to be doing this, we’ll need to get acquainted and get to know each other more right away… Call. For that is what you are to me. My calling.”
It was that time of year again -- one of ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. One of candy, costumes, and creepy-crawlies. One of Skeletons, Sorcerers, and scares. Cassie stared at the clock, counting down the seconds to the date. "4...3...2, c'mon c'mon...1...YES!" Cassie cheered as the clock struck midnight on October 1st -- the beginning of the Spooky Month. She dashed to the wall, tearing September straight from the calendar to reveal the truth. She couldn't control herself as she reached for her planner. There was so much she wanted to do! After a few minutes, she placed her pencil down, staring at the notes she took of potential activities. Watching scary movies, wearing cool costumes, overdosing on sugar -- it was such a dream. Of course, pranking people with jumpscares all month was at the very top of the list. A devilish smile spread across Cassie's face as she knew just who to scare first. Creaking the door open, Cassie put one foot out the door, peeking into the dark abyss. Tiptoeing into the main living area of the dormitory, she peeked underneath the door crack on the other side, just to check. Sure enough, the blue light from a computer shone underneath. "Perfect," Cassie thought, knowing her room mate tended to exercise before bed. Cassie turned the cold knob slowly, praying Carmen had her airpods in. As suspected, the door opened wide, revealing Carmen and her nightly routine. Cassie couldn't help but giggle and turn away as Carmen's pants tightened with each squat, the light causing it to shine ever so slightly. Regaining her composure, Cassie approached her unaware victim, knowing exactly what the opportune moment would be. As Carmen lowered herself to the floor, Cassie readied her pointer finger. "Wait...wait..." Without warning, Cassie poked it into her room mate's rear, shouting "BOO!" all the while. Aghast, Carmen yelps as she loses her balance, slamming onto the ground. She stands as quickly as she fell, the computer backlight casting her shadow over Cassie as Cassie rolls on the floor laughing. She scoffs upon the realization of what had happened, trying to regain her composure. "Dang it, Cassie, you can't just do things like that! Do you know how badly I could've hurt you if I didn't catch you in time?" Cassie knew the answer to that question all too well, even without experimentation. Cassie was a slender 5'8" that, while not necessarily weak, did not have nearly enough strength to withstand any type of blow from the 6'5" fitness fiend that was Carmen. "Yeah, yeah, get over yourself, Carm. It was all in good fun. Besides, It's October now and I just couldn't wait until morning to scare someone!" Carmen rolled her eyes and sighed. She knew of Cassie obsession with Halloween all too well. "It's always the same with you, isn't it?" She teased with a chuckle. "As long as you don't get yourself hurt, have fun with it, I guess." Cassie suddenly had an idea. Carmen tended to be very serious and uptight in contrast to Cassie. "Say, Carm," Cassie sneered as she reached for Carmen's shoulder. "You're always stuck in your room studying or exercising or some boring junk like that. Why don't you come celebrate Spooky Month with me? It'll be fuuuuuun," She begged. "Cassie, I'm glad you enjoy it, but it's...not really my thing. What would we even do?" Cassie reached for her notebook. "Wellllll, there are always the classic activities. Movies, parties, costumes...have you ever *worn* a costume before?" Carmen tensed at the touch as she placed her hands on her hips. "I dunno, probably when I was younger or some crap but not any of recent." Cassie gasped. "That's it, you're getting a costume this month. We could even do some couple's costumes!" Carmen was hesitant at the implied plurality of Cassie's statement. It did sound fun to mix it up, and it was very difficult to convince Cassie not to have her way. "Fine, *one* costume. But that's it. " "Sure it is, girl. Suuuure it is." Cassie laughed at her most recent victory. "AND you're wearing it to a party." "A party, now why would I do tha--" "There'll be free meals~. TONS of 'em. Candy, food, drinks, candy, fancy stuff, candy...maybe even that one volleyball chick you're so jealous of? Ya know, the one with the big ol, ya know..." Cassie winked as she cupped her hands a distance past her own relatively flat chest. Carmen blushed at the thought of ruining her figure. She'd always worked hard to stay strong and on top. Yet, it was undeniable it *might* be nice to let herself go for a bit. Besides, it couldn't hurt to cheat a little. "...fine." Cassie patted Carmen's shoulder in agreement. "There ya go, I knew you'd come to your senses." Cassie yawned as she turned to the door, accidentally leaving her calendar. "You better get some rest, Carm. We've got a lot of planning to do tomorrow." She began to pull the door shut when Carmen called out to her. "Hey Cass." Cassie turned back around, keeping her hand on the door, as her's and Carmen's eyes locked. Carmen smirked. "Try something like that again, and I can always snap you in half." Cassie turned her head giggling at the comment as she closed the door and returned to her own room. This was gonna be one heck of a Spooky Month.
------------------------------------------------------- Domination/rubbing/implied oral vore/ “Stop that little brat!” Lusamine’s voice bellowed over the speakers around the Foundation. All of that precious work she’d put in only to have the final key stolen from her at the very last second – by her own daughter, no less! Careful to avoid confrontation, Lillie dashed around each pale white corner towards the exit. A soft “pew…” emanated from her bag as she held it tight to her side. It didn’t matter how long she had to run; she was not letting this innocent creature be harmed. “Don’t worry, Nebby, we’re almost there.” Lillie took a right in an attempt to cut through the main reservation area. The walls were exchanged for an open, serene area filled with trees, water, and Pokemon. There was no time to waste, though, as her mother would be chasing after her. All of the employees were on high alert, covering each corner. The only way out would be to sneak to the center of the room, access the elevator, and make her way up. Lillie put a hand to her hat as she continued to run. “Just a little…further…” she thought as her heart raced. Just as she stepped foot into the center area, the ground began to shake. Seemingly oblivious to her presence, everyone abandoned their positions, dashing for exits as the lights began to flicker. The sudden shaking knocks Lillie backwards onto her rear as Nebby falls out from her satchel. Exhausted, she struggles to stand as she gasps at the air in front of her. It was a crack floating in the air. Then another, and another, and another as each one shattered in her ears. All diverting from a center point, the cracks spread as white light shone through. Lillie squinted at the intense light, covering her ears from the sirens, cracking, and shaking. For but a moment everything was still and silent before the air collapsed inwards, a blue ring illuminating the room. Lillie scooted backwards hurriedly, Nebby flying to her side. After a moment, a tall, thin silhouette appeared at the end of the ring, growing larger as it approached the exit. A pale, curved leg stepped forward from the portal, placing it’s pincer like foot in between Lillie’s own. As it stepped forward, the sheer height of the creature came into full view as its long “hair” swayed behind it. Despite its insect like appearance, Lillie failed to withhold her gasp at its striking beauty. Its round head and narrow neck sat above a decently sized chest area, rounding just above its pencil-thin abdomen and waist. Towering above the poor girl, the creature glanced around absentmindedly, taking in its new surroundings. As much as she wanted to escape, Lillie simply couldn’t help but stare at the shimmering purple irises and golden attributes around the being. The creature stared back. Lillie’s pupils narrowed as the invader simply glared downwards, observing the girl. Lillie attempted to stand, knowing that whatever this thing was or whatever it wanted, she still needed to get out of here. All the employees had scattered when the breach opened, so she should be home free. Placing one foot on the ground, Lillie pushed upwards to stand. Unfortunately for her, the invader had other ideas. Forcefully placing its foot onto Lillie’s chest, it pinned her flat to the floor. Lillie attempted to scoot out, grabbing its leg and tossing and turning – but to no avail. Kneeling down, the creature tilted its head back and forth, analyzing every last detail of Lillie’s body. “PEW!” Nebby, terrified for its trainer, attempted to fly directly into the face of the enemy, only to be flicked into a nearby tree, fainting. Helpless, Lillie continued to try to fight back against her captor. How could something this thin be so strong?! The creature rubbed its hand along Lillie’s silky, blonde hair before letting a single finger rub along her side. Lillie yelped as it accidentally tore her dress, making contact with her soft, supple skin. Leaning even further in, the beauty placed her hands underneath Lillie’s shoulders, caressing them as she lifted her into the air. Lillie dangled above the ground, slapping at its wrists to force it to let her go. She failed as the creature let her shoes fall to the floor. “P-p-put me down y-you freak!” She begged, only being returned with silence. It brought Lillie closer, licking at the small opening on her side. Lillie flinched at the cold, wet sensation as it rubbed its tongue back and forth for a few moments. Once it drew its head back, it appeared to smile as it longingly glared into Lillie’s eyes. The only response Lillie could muster was a quiet “h-help” as she simply stared back at the creature as it began to lick its lips. ---------------------------------Forced Stripping/Domination/Oral Vore/Implied Digestion “M-miss Lusamine, are you ok?” Lusamine blinked as she looked at up Wicke, offering her hand. The sudden quakes had halted their chase, causing Lusamine to fall. “Yes, I’m fine.” She takes Wicke’s hand and rises. Brushing herself off, she regains her composure. “Come, this way. She couldn’t have gotten far and if I know Lillie, she’ll try to escape through the—” Lusamine was silenced by a high-pitched scream from behind. She quickly jolts backwards, tugging Wicke along with her. Blowing the door to the preserve open, Lusamine scouts the room, attempting to find the source of her daughter’s voice. Save for a few Pikipeks, not a peep could be heard. “Hmmph, lazy employees. Letting a simple quake scare them all away like that. Come, Wicke, I must’ve been mistaken. I can’t believe they just left this area unguarded like tha-“ *ULP* Lusamine turned over her shoulder towards the guttural sound. Taking an Ultra Ball from her bag, she tiptoed a few steps into the area. “Miss Lusamine I’m sure it was the pipes recalibrating. They do make all sorts of strange sounds you know?” *ULP* *GLRK* Wicke skittered backwards as Lusamine grabbed her hand, pulling her forwards as she walked along the pathway. Slowly but surely, they made their way before seeing what appeared to be a long antenna flowing behind a tree. Lusamine gasped as the gorgeous creature came into view. Sitting on the ground, it caressed its swollen stomach as ten dainty toes dangled just out of its maw. With one last swallow, the feet slid down, bulging out of its narrow throat. It stifled a satisfactory belch as it attempted sooth the struggling prey within. The food pushed outwards, causing the round, white orb to bounce and jiggle with each push. Lusamine simply stared in awe as her ears filled with all sorts of glorps and gurgles. “I-i-it can’t be! Pheramosa!” All this time studying the Ultra Beasts, and here one lay right in front of her. All of that ruckus must’ve been the result of a wormhole opening. Finally! All of her years of research would pay off in the discovery of the century – no – millenia! Now all she had to do was— *mmph, he-help m-*SLORSH* Pheramosa’s prey called out to anyone who could hear it. Lusamine gasped, snapped back to reality. “L-lillie?! But then that means—it can—I never—” Lusamine stopped and smirked. “Fascinating.” Eager to observe the Pheramosa, Lusamine was no idiot. If this thing could eat people alive, she needed a way to observe it safely. Wicke, frozen in terror behind her, should suffice. Lusamine snapped her fingers, alerting Wicke. “Gyaah! M-m-miss Lusamine Why would you—AAHHH!” Lusamine drew Wicke near, whispering into her ear. “Wicke, this is the opportunity of a lifetime! Can you imagine what we’ll get off of the research we can get here? Why don’t you go up and welcome our new guest while I stay back here and observe?” “B-but Miss Lusamine, L-l-lillie…” “That little runt is as good as gone, as she should be. How rude of her to steal our property and then inconvenience this lovely specimen over here. Poor thing can’t even move anymore! Besides, I’m sure there’ll be a hearty reward for your cooperation~.” Wicke though for a moment before hesitantly stepping forward. Releasing her grip, Lusamine nudged Wicke forward, causing her sheer curvature to bounce, catching Pheramosa’s distinct attention. The digestive sounds simply grew louder with each step Wicke took towards the beast. She turned back to look at Lusamine, offering Wicke a wide grin and two thumbs up. Wicke gulped as she stood in front. Even sitting, Pheramosa looked at her face to face, her eyes absorbing all of Wicke’s bountiful goodness. A handprint jolts through Pheramosa’s belly towards Wicke before slowly fading back. “It’s going to be ok, Lillie, I’m going to get you out of there. Just hang on.” Wicke thought to herself, taking a deep breath in. “H-hello, Pheramosa. W-welcome to our world. We here at the Aether Foundation are so p-pleased to finally see you.” Not even knowing if the beast could understand her, Wicke curtsied in its presence. Wicke couldn’t take her eyes off of the fleshy orb in front of her as the struggling of its contents seemed to slowly ease. Pheramosa motioned to the front of itself, pouting while slowly circling her hand around a spot. “O-oh you want me to…ok…” Guiltily, Wicke knelt down before it, kneading her hand into Pheramosa gut. Slowly circling back and forth, the doughy stomach kneaded itself around Wicke’s palm, gurgling softly. “How’s that? B-better?” Pheramosa leered at her as her stomach lurched forward, bubbling from underneath. She gripped the back of Wicke’s collar, lifting her up onto itself. “Dangit.” Lusamine muttered, accidentally snapping a shot of Wicke’s voluptuous rear instead of Pheramosa’s face. Wicke felt the surface underneath press down as she sat on top of its stomach. “I-I-I-I don’t know what you want but if there’s anything I can help you wi—GYAAAH!” Pheramosa began to poke at Wicke’s chest, an area her appetizer lacked. Bouncing them up and down, Pheramosa’s pupils followed their motion as she continued to squeeze. Wicke moaned slightly, still mostly terrified but slightly aroused. “S-stop those are sensitive-ooohh” Pheramosa stared respectfully as it tore open Wicke’s shirt, throwing it and her jacket down to the ground. Rubbing the bare front with one hand and her clothed backside with the other, Pheramosa lustfully glared into Wicke’s eyes. The rubbing sensation mixed with the guttural sounds of the waterbed below her was enough to cause Wicke to lose herself. Nothing else mattered to her as long as this simply continued. Lusamine, trying to maintain her own composure, quickly jotted down as many notes as possible. Perhaps this was Pheramosa’s mating ritual? Or maybe this is simply a greeting of some kind? That, or it was just really, really… She turned around, taking a moment to think. “No, Lusamine, keep it together. This is what you’ve been waiting for. Pay attention!” After a few seconds, Lusamine turned back around just in time to see Pheramosa raising its head, its jaw unhinged right above Wicke’s body. *GLOMP* She winced as the meal’s head disappeared entirely in a single bite. Holding onto its shoulders, Pheramosa began to pull the meat into its mouth, drool dripping from its lips. *ULP* Wicke’s head bulged in its throat as Pheramosa began to suck on her shoulders. It seemed no trouble at all for her to simply pop each breast into her mouth, rounding her cheeks out on either side. *GLRK* *POP* *GULP* *POP* Down went her chest as Pheramosa lifted her lower half into the air, legs not even flailing. Fully under her pleasurable control, the meal did not fight back. Her head slipped past Pheramosa’s chest as the formless gut stretched outwards, once again gaining a semblance of form. Wicke’s wide cheeks hung just outside the awaiting maw of the predator before vanishing all the way down to her calves inside the beast’s gullet. *SCHLRK* *GULP* Pheramosa continued to suckle and swallow at every ounce of meat it ingested, savoring the far better flavor of this one. Licking her toes, Pheramosa sent her lunch to its chamber with one final swallow. Taking a deep breath, her stomach rumbled upon the new entry, erupting in a nauseous— *URRRRRARROOOORRP* -------------------------------------------Face Sitting/Anal Vore/Digestion/Gas/Implied Weight Gain Lusamine’s jaw and notebook dropped as she watched Pheramosa’s stomach pulse and surge, almost immediately beginning work on its most recent meal. Said meal’s rear end bulged out at the front as the sides shifted around, getting comfortable. Lusamine’s smile stretched from ear to ear as she lost control, approaching the beast herself. *SLORSH* *GRGL* *GROAN* *BLORP* Acidic sloshes splashed around the meal as Pheramosa’s breathing accentuated the motion. She stood directly in front, Pheramosa’s legs fully stretched out to allow room for her belly to spread. Taking one hand, Lusamine poked the butt, causing the food to twitch. Pheramosa’s stomach shook at the motion, sloshing quietly. Sensing an opportunity, Lusamine grinned as she drew her hand back, striking at the rear with a quick smack. Seemingly awakened, the gut began to thrash more violently, causing all of its contents to shake and stir. A piercing groan escaped as a loud bubbly belch blasted directly in Lusamine’s direction. “Ok ok, that was fun, I deserved that,” she sneered, fanning her face, “but now let’s get onto business.” She continued, attempting to hear herself over the prompt digestion. “Pardon my useless aid, I’m sure she’ll be much more amicable on you. I am Lusamine, President of this Aether Foundation. I summoned you here in order to bring about perfection in myself and in humanity. With your help and power, we can create that perfection. Now, I have the perfect place for you to rest while you digest your meals. If I may…” Lusamine grabs a Beast Ball out of her bag and hurls it at Pheramosa. She grabs it midair between her fingers, examining it before promptly swallowing it. “No!” Lusamine screamed. “M-my Beast Ball, you were supposed to—that was the key to—what have you done?!” Pheramosa cooed, her eyes rolling backwards in pleasure as she felt the next phase of digestion kicking in. A loud *GRUMBLE* and *SLOSH* passed by as the last meal’s form began to disappear into the mush. “Very well,” Lusamine retorted, “you stay here and finish up. I’ll be back with another ball in a moment. Don’t worry, if it keeps you happy, I can bring you plenty more snacks, too~.” “Snacks” was definitely a word in Pheramosa’s vocabulary as she arose, hauling all of her girth off the ground. Lusamine became enveloped in the shadow of a taller, stronger, more beautiful being than even herself…and she knew it. Attempting to keep control of the situation, Lusamine ordered Pheramosa to stay put again. Whether her orders were simply drowned out or ignored is irrelevant as Pheramosa continued to take steps forward. Lusamine backed away slowly, but was quickly caught by the encroaching intruder. Pheramosa kicked her down, toppling Lusamine onto her back. “S-stop right there, Pheramosa. I am Lusamine, President of Aether, top Alolan researcher, wonderful mother, saviour of humanity, and symbol of perfection. You’re just an…an ugly alien bug, and I am still the one in contro-“ Lusamine’s words were stuffed out by the cheeks of Pheramosa as she took her seat on top of her. The small cushions had expanded slightly as nutrients from the first meal had already begun to be absorbed. Lusamine floundered underneath the weight of the seemingly light creature, desperate for breath. Pheramosa yawned, ignoring her struggles and gracefully prodding at her stomach. No motion save for the digestive pulsing and kneading occurred. Weak and tired, Lusamine limped on the floor, missing any attempts to strike the beast. Without warning, an opening formed above her as her head *POP*ped in between Pheramosa’s behind. Slow, steady *SCHLURK*s pulled her body along the ground into the tight digestive tract. Ready for a third course, Pheramosa’s belly growled as Lusamine moved further through her twisted intestines. Pheramosa yawned as she stood up, allowing Lusamine’s curved calves to dangle just outside of her rump – unmoving. *SUCK* *GLRK* *ULP* *pop* *pop *…frrrt* Pheramosa leaned back along the ground, cooing. Even for an apex predator as herself, three meals at one time surely was a considerable amount of meat. Soon enough, all of that meat would be broken down as nothing more than nutrients and fat on a bug’s bosom and behind. She stroked her gut as the remainders of the forms melted down into nothing more than a fat, protruding, growling orb on her midriff. Just to be sure, she occasionally would poke at the squishy dome, causing it to jostle and slosh as it churned. Soon enough, Pheramosa picked herself up, content with her hunt. As she stepped back into the portal, she picked up the large white hat and pink rimmed glasses her meals once called theirs. Equipping them on her own head, Pheramosa’s rear end began to jiggle as she strutted back into the wormhole, eager for her next hunt on this delicious planet.
The Need for Others Her heavy breath met the cold air in a burst of steam that rose into the night with each pant as she tried to catch her breath. Sweat beaded on her smooth brow despite the bitter bite of early winter at her parted lips. The flawless skin of her body glistened in the reflection of the moon on the river beside her bare and trembling form. Her knees were weak and her heart still raced as she moved up the river’s embankment. She could hardly lift the sudden extra weight of her shapely body up the slick slope. She placed a shaky hand on the cobblestone bridge to help herself back up to the road where a now empty horse and carriage stood waiting for a master that would not drive it again. She licked the salt off her lips at the memory and savored the feel. She hadn’t felt this good, this satisfied, or this exhausted in many long months. The long wait had made her feel all the more sensitive when the time finally came to reward herself for her long and hapless journey to outland city of Thorn. She had walked for days without food or rest through thick forest and bogs to finally reach the sight she now held in her eyes. A new hunger filled her. The city was small and quiet but she knew the prey she had been hunting lay resting nearby. The painted horse at the front of the small carriage whinnied and bucked against its harness as she approached, its large black eyes watching in fear as she took ahold of his reigns. Something within her squirmed with a last effort of escape as she lifted herself with a satisfied grunt up into the driver’s seat, her engorged stomach rounding pleasantly as her body adjusted to the new strain. She grinned malevolently at the sight and feel of herself. She loved it but knew it would not last much longer. Magic pleasured her and kept her body strong but it also accelerated the entire process of dealing with her hunger and lust. No matter. Her magic would be used by the time her true prey met her warm body and then she would have the time to truly enjoy the entirety of it all. She snapped at the nervous horse’s reigns and the sharp clip of the leather on his haunches made him jump into a panicked gallop towards the city. * * * * * Charlie laughed thunderously as the circle of men at the table around him shouted and groaned, some angrily, some amused. He scooped up the dice off the table with a swift long fingered hand and a grin that showed his rare good fortune of the evening. He raked the coins from around the table over to him knowing that he had easily tripled his money that night. “Come now!” Charlie said unable to clear the smile from his pleasantly kind face, “You can’t stop now can you? I have all of your money. You want it back right? Come on, one more roll!” Two of the men who had been standing around him smirked grimly and left with what money they had left. The remaining three drew their brows down and dug into their pockets to fetch another bet. The coins hit the table with a rattle and the men mumbled out their bets for the numbers. Charlie shook his loose fist and let the dice dance in his palm smacking together to make a light crack of bone on bone as they chose his fate for the evening. He let his hand open and the dice spun across the table entrancingly. They slid to a stop and the burnt dips that showed the numbers on the die gleamed up at him in the light and his heart leapt. He won again. The men growled and beat the table with tight fists as they left. Charlie, unbelieving of his luck, quickly picked up his winnings and scooped them into the leather pouch at his hip where they clattered into the riches. He hadn’t had so much money in a long time. Afraid that the men that he had taken the money from would come back with bitter and cruel intentions, he hopped up from the table with his bone dice in hand and hurried out of the tavern. The cold of the late November night hit him like a wall as he stepped out of the stove warmed shelter and out onto the cobblestone street. He drew his coat tighter around himself, checking that his money pouch was still in its place after every couple of steps. In the dark of the night he was unsure of what time it was, but he knew that it must be nearing the midnight hour. The surrounding streets passed silently through the dark around him as he looked, squinting to try and make out which buildings were inns and if any of them were worthy of his new found fortune. After a while of winding through the city and only knowing where he was every few streets he came to the far side of the city. He had never seen this street before but knew that there had to be a place for him to stay the night somewhere nearby. It wasn’t long before he had found a small matchbox inn with a candle burning in the front window. It looked comfortable and he reached for the handle and hesitated only long enough for a light in the corner of his eye to catch his attention. A tall building at the end of the road caught his attention. It was old and towered above the surrounding buildings. Three stories of windows glowed out into the night and beckoned to him with a sly feeling of forbidden moments. The windows hummed with rosy light and the shadows cast on the red curtains confirmed his suspicions. He touched the coins at his hip and knew that his money would buy him a fun night in a hot room and would leave him still with more money than he has had in several months. His mind pushed him to touch his hand to the door before him and to sleep in the inn but the lusty call of a woman’s company, soft, warm and round was stronger than the prospect of sleeping in a dark room alone. He was a little uncomfortable with his decision as he listened to his own footsteps. It had been since he had left his hometown since he had a woman to lay with him. It had been almost a year since then. He had tried to find other women but found most of the time that he had nowhere to take one and instead bought her drink at the tavern and was left with the feel of her lips and the stray wisp of perfume on his coat. He didn’t like the idea of buying company but he knew also that these women made their living doing what he was there to do. He wasn’t a bad guy, he was just lonely. He would treat her right, whoever she ended up being. The doors to the brothel were heavy and grated as he pulled them open. A bell rang over his head as he pulled the door closed behind him, pulling in the sweltering heat of the brothel and shutting out the cold. A large man in black clothing looked up from the counter to his right, pushing the pen and ink bottle aside when he saw Charlie looking around with a slight blush burning up onto his cheeks. The man put on a wide and entirely fake smile that made him look more waxy than human in the dim lights. “And what are you looking for this evening?” The man asked in a low voice through his smile. “A room for the night and the comfort of a woman,” Charlie answered rubbing his hands together to try and warm his fingertips afraid to touch a woman with such cold hands. “That will be two silver for the house and one for the girl,” he said dipping his pen in the ink to add his new tally to the parchment he had been scribbling on when Charlie had walked in. “Not a problem,” Charlie said straining a smile at the large man as he drew back the drawstring of his leather pouch and picked out five of the eleven silver pieces that he had in the bag, “and I would like her to receive three silver for the night if you would honor that of me.” The man looked up with questioning eyes that hardened on Charlie’s face, “We don’t allow you to harm any of the women here. No amount of money will buy you that.” “No, no!” Charlie assured the man, “I would never harm anyone. I just want her to stay the entire night and simply keep me company.” The man sized him up for a minute and slowly rested the crumpled brow shadowing his eyes and nodded, “anything particular to your interest?” “No. Just whoever you have who has more to talk about than work,” Charlie smiled playfully. The joke was missed and the man at the counter simply stared and gave him a nod. “Some of the girls are out right now,” The man took the coins from Charlie’s open hand, “but I will send one up shortly.” He took two of the coins and dropped them into a drawer and the other three he slid on the desk by the ink bottle, “There is a room on the third floor, fourth door on your left.” “Thank you,” Charlie said looking around for a moment before spotting the stairs behind the desk. Cautiously he slid past the large man who said nothing and Charlie assumed he was going the right way. He made his way up three flights of stairs to where the final landing slid out into an open hallway with doors on either side. The halls of the building were sweltering hot despite the cold of the air outside and carried on the heat a familiar aroma. The smell of sweat, sex and excitement mingled with perfume and musk to create a strong sent that was not completely unpleasant. There was something alluring about its sweet and pungent odor. He counted the doors hearing the practiced moaning of men and women faintly behind doors around him. He reached his room and slid inside. The room was larger than he had expected it to be. A makeshift bed of silks and pillows lay on the floor in the center of the room illuminated only so slightly by a single candle and the moonlight shining through the window. Trying unsuccessfully not to listen through the walls at the ecstasy of others he removed his coat and over shirt and made himself comfortable on the mound of pillows and blankets. * * * * * She had seen him only a few moments ago. She had been so sure that he had come down this street that the dark empty night she found herself looking at not only disappointed her but boiled her need for revenge. She was so close now. What little magic she hadn’t used to reform her body back into its form of voluptuous curves and taught flesh had little use. She decided to try all the same, trying to feel his presence in the cobblestone city. Instead she felt the hot swelter of wherever he was and caught scent of the room he was in. She smiled at the unmistakable aroma that had now been replaced by her own senses and the smell of damp stone and dirty streets. She brushed at her crumpled dress, the wrinkles at her wide hips smoothing over her now hourglass frame and outlining her more alluring assets with a low cut top. The drooping neckline of her dress was a size or so too small for her delightfully full breasts making them heave with each breath she took. She climbed gracefully back up onto the carriage and gently flicked the reigns this time so that the horse would not cause a problem to the sleeping city. It trotted with the echoing sound of its hooves on the pavement as she closed in on her destination. One winding street then another brought her at last to the one she sought. She rode up to the brothel and pulled on the reigns to stop the horse that trotted in place for a minute before resting. Grabbing a handful of her long trailed dress she stepped off the carriage and up to the heavy front doors of the building. She knew it was the right place when the hot damp air washed over her cold skin with the strong smell she had caught a minute ago. A man at the counter looked up when the little bell chimed and the door pulled itself shut behind her. The man looked slightly taken aback at the sight of her. She was after all beautiful. She smiled kindly at him and strode up to the counter, her hips swinging hypnotically with her movements. “What can I do for you Madam?” The man asked. “Nothing,” She answered sweetly in a breathy voice that she knew would melt his heart like butter, “I know my way around.” She reached into her cleavage and withdrew a large gold coin and brushed it on her full lips before leaning forward and slipping it into the man’s pocket, which felt tighter than she knew it usually was. She reveled at the idea of what lay hidden beneath the cloth throbbing for her. Resisting herself and her hammering heart she put a finger to her lips and passed him towards the stairs. “D-Do you need a room?” The man asked hurriedly. “No,” She said without turning to give the man another look, “I am here for the man who came in before me.” “He’s upstairs on th-” “Like I said…” She whispered over her shoulder, “I know my way around.” The stairs were quiet under her light step and she felt each one pass beneath her as she climbed higher listening to the heavy breath and soft cries of rooms as she passed the halls up the winding stairway. She enjoyed the feeling of her need, the pulsing of blood against her skin and the heat of her inner thighs. She had him this time. Any distractions would have to wait. She found the top of the stairs and the hall leading off of it. Rooms passed and she stopped at the only quiet room on the floor, knowing he hadn’t been here long enough to have had a women sent up to him yet. She opened the door with a soft knock as she did so. There he was. * * * * * He was sitting shirtless on the bed facing away from her towards the window. He didn’t turn around at her entrance, still nervous about the idea in the first place, not that he had changed his mind about going through with it. He needed it too badly to turn her away now. He listened to her soft steps as she walked in and shut the door behind her. He turned to face her and a quick faint breeze put out the candle at the window beside him. He cleared his throat and reached for the candle and the matches he knew were next to it but a rich voice stopped him at a quiet command. “Leave it,” the woman whispered. He did, turning once more to look through the renewed dark at the silhouetted shape of a woman standing by the makeshift bed. Even in the darkness he knew she was beautiful. The light of the moon caught very little of her face and less of her eyes but he was able to tell that she had a fair shade of hair, light brown, perhaps even red in waves that hung down to the mostly exposed breasts that were in the trail of light from the window. Her dress was tight against her waist and outlined her body which was a rolling mass of curves. “What should I call you?” Charlie asked swallowing back the shake in his voice. “Mistress Clara,” the woman answered in her silken voice sounding both teasing and domineering in a playful kind of way. Charlie smiled and took a few steps forward so that he could stand next to her in the semi darkness. He tried to look at her closely but was transfixed by her heaving breasts, straining against the fabric to be released. He forced his eyes up and saw her bite longingly at her lower lip. Her mouth was beautiful too. He couldn’t help but want it wrapped around him and the thought intensified his need. “How can I assist you today?” She asked with a smile that stretched her full lips out over perfect white teeth. Her hands reached out and began to roam his body, finding his hard shaft and running an electrifying finger along its entire length. “I want all of you,” Charlie said over the sound of his thundering heart. * * * * * Clara laughed softly in a kindly accommodating sort of way and reached up to the knot that tied her dress together at the back of her neck and pulled it loose before reaching to the one at her back. She pulled at the bow and it unraveled around her. The fabric of her dress peeled away and floated to the ground around her like ripples of silken water. She stood bare in front of him, her breasts free from their binding prison and her open and vulnerable form exposed to the sweltering air. Sweat glistened off of her body in the moonlight like dancing stars. “Take off my pants Clara, and take me in your mouth,” Charlie said to her gently, testing her name on his own lips. She took a step, the final step to close the distance between them and left her crumpled dress behind her on the floor. “It’s Mistress Clara,” She corrected him knowing well he would remember by the end of it all. “I am sorry, Mistress Clara,” he corrected himself with a playful grin at her closeness. At the distance he could smell her excitement and was surprised that he did not smell the scent of other men on her. He found only the clean smell of soap and sweat from the heat of the building. She leaned in and kissed his neck gently running her tongue along his flesh to get a taste of him. She breathed him in and fought the urge that was beginning to overwhelm her. She slowly sank to her knees before him and took him into her mouth fully once before touching and licking its tip. She felt him shudder at her touch as she tentatively pressed her tongue more forcefully against it, giving it resistance into her soft parted lips. He gasped as she took it all into her mouth once more and began working at its entire length, massaging the head of his penis with her rolling tongue as she did so. She pulled back, letting it slip from her lips with a wet pop before reintroducing it to her depths and feeling it brush and graze the back of her throat. Occasionally she would feel him jump or shake at a particular movement and grin internally as he moaned. Her own loins were hot and aching for more than the teasing interest she had been giving it through her need and her thoughts. This, the throbbing shaft in her mouth and the heat it gave off, was almost too much for her to bear. She felt herself drip hot juices onto the floor between her knees as she worked. She needed to be filled. Every inch of her. As if sensing it himself, though not exactly what she had in mind, he withdrew from her mouth and pressed gently on her shoulder with one hand held the other at the small of her back to keep her steady as he lay her down. She lay on her back with him on top of her, his slick phallus pressed against her thigh. She wanted it now but she knew that she would be more satisfied if he knew what was happening too. Instead of reaching for him she opened herself to him, spreading her legs and revealing her tight sex rose to his aching need. Her need could wait. * * * * * His heart felt like it would explode the way it beat at his ribs. She excited him like no other woman. He could hear little more than her heavy breath mingling with his and the rush of blood in his ears. He could feel little more than her soft skin beneath him and the pulsing need between his legs. He worked his knees between hers when she opened to him and cupping one of her breasts in a strong fingered hand he leaned his hips in and slid his erect need into her body. The tight entrance was hindered for no moment by the slick wet of her own want of him. She was so excited at his introduction into her that she arched beneath him and pressed him harder into her soft body. He almost came at her reaction but calmed himself, holding deep in her motionless for a long moment feeling her body convulse and quake around him, gripping him harder each time. Her cum heated around his shaft and he slid out of her to effortlessly slip back in to the hilt, feeling the furthest depths of her to the hard ring at its end. He adjusted himself on top of her and gripping her breasts tight and leaning in to occasionally caress a nipple with his lips he fucked her. Gently at first, but the need of her and the heat of her cum still seeping around his crotch made his body quicken and he soon found himself panting with the effort. She moaned loudly and clawed at his back as he overcame her with a final pump and came hard, feeling himself fill her loins with his seed as she came once more, squirting hot liquids out onto him. He stayed within her for a moment, just the feel of her when he realized something odd that hadn’t occurred to him earlier. She was familiar. Her body didn’t look the same, it was stronger and more defined, and he couldn’t make out the details of her face, but he knew that she felt familiar beneath him, not only against his skin but there was something else. * * * * * She writhed in the feeling of him pulsing in her and came hard. A gush of her fluids spilled out around him and she lay panting. She wanted more. She realized that he had stopped through the calm and was staring at her through the darkness. There was the intensity about his eyes that she had been waiting for. He knew. It had taken him quite long enough to recognize her. No, she wasn’t the same woman she had been at the time, not exactly anyway, but she had still expected him to figure it out sooner than he had. He withdrew from her and on his hands and knees leaned closer to her face. She looked back and inched ever so slightly into the stream of moonlight on the bed beside them so that he could clearly see the extravagance that he had abandoned so recklessly. “Jasmine?” He whispered, his eyebrows knitting in concern and confusion. She could only grin. He froze and she thought for a moment that he would not be able to come up with any more words to form sentences with. It took him a minute or two but he finally did. “Is that really you? How did you find me?” he asked with a tremble. “You have always left a trail of debts and gambling in your wake Charlie,” she said simply, the sweetness in her voice sounding mocking now. “Jasmine I –” “I said,” she snapped sharply forcing him off of her as she sat up, being sure to be between him and the door, “that you may call me Mistress Clara.” She smiled broadly again. “I don’t understand…” “You left me Charlie,” She said getting to her feet and pressing what strength in her magic she had gained towards sealing the door to the wall. The woodwork silently began to knit the two together making a door less room for her to finish her what she had come to do, “and for what? Because I was carrying your son? Because you found out about the magic I have?” “I have a son?” Charlie asked. “No,” She answered haughtily, “because you left. I had no reason to bear your son, so he became a part of me. A part of my magic. My strength.” She glanced back at the now solid wall and the doorknob that had no door to open, “I am here to simply right the wrong. To take payment for the pain you caused me.” “I left because I had to,” Charlie pleaded, “I thought you were dead. When the house burned I couldn’t find you I - I -” “You left,” She finished sweetly, “and you left on purpose. But you can’t leave me this time. The only question is how. Either way… You will become a piece of me. Forever.” “What do you want me to do? How can I make it right?” Charlie asked nervously. “Fight me. . . Struggle. . . It makes it more enjoyable,” She said with a mischievous smile as she felt the hot expectation drip from her open pussy and down her leg to the floor. She had thought of filling her body through hunger, taking him in slowly as she had the carriage man but she knew too much of Charlie. She would take him in another way. Panic fluttered in his eyes as she moved forward towards him. He dove aside and headed for where the door used to be. She only smiled and reached the window, wrapping a hand around the candlestick holder and turning on him. In his dread he didn’t even know she had already crossed the room until he felt the butt of the candlestick smack into the side of his head. * * * * * Charlie opened his eyes to the pain and the darkness. It was a minute before he remembered where he was and why he was there and the terrible promise that had been made to him. He looked around franticly looking for her. She wasn’t far. She was seated at his head, bare body glistening and reeking of anticipation, her parted legs at either side of him and her dripping sex pooling her juices onto the blanket she lay on. He tried to get up, to move. Anything. Nothing happened. His hands were bound with the strap from her dress and his legs were wrapped tight with something he couldn’t see through the darkness. He looked up at her pleadingly unable to find words. “No worries,” she said lustily reaching down to rub the bud of her clit as she spoke, “I will untie you when the time comes. Until then I wouldn’t dare give you the chance to do anything foolish.” “Please don’t do this…” he whispered, fear welling up in his fluttering chest. “Any last words while I can still hear you?” she asked with a sly wink. “Jasmine-” He began but was quickly silenced as her hand struck him across the face. “It’s Mistress Clara tonight dear…” She said and without giving him the chance to say another word worked her body up tight against his head and pressed her hips down with an amazing force that slipped Charlie’s sweat drenched head into her opening up to his eyes. She moaned pleasantly and Charlie’s fear reached a peak as her womanly flesh overtook his nose and mouth, the top of his head pressing against the hard roundness of her cervix. He couldn’t breathe and the panic set his heart on a race to death. “No worries Charlie, I have told you already. I won’t let you die just yet I have enough magic for that. I will untie you in just a moment.” She grunted a half scream as she gripped under his arms at his chest and pulled him inward working the muscles of her body to open her cervix, the hard ring now enveloping over his forehead and eyes, pressing him in deeper and enveloping his neck and one shoulder into the rest of her. Charlie heard her moan and scream an orgasm as her body convulsed again and his head entered the soft heat of her womb, her cervix now crushingly tight around his throat as she writhed and pulsed. She grabbed at more of him and he felt his shoulders fight the cervix now with a painful crushing weight around them as he was forced to curl into this small fleshy place. The back of his head pressed and curled around the top of the womb which only gave way when more of his body was slowly introduced to it. He was in up beyond his elbows in her opening. Constricting bounds of soft tissue and slime refused to give way to any movement or to any inch that he tried to press upon it as the base of his chest sank into her crushing depths. “As promised,” She said through heaving breaths and the sound of her pounding heart through her womb, “you can fight me now.” Charlie felt the ties around his hands and legs fall away as her convulsions increased in strength now pulling him in deeper rather than all of the strength being pulled through her arms. Now there was a kind of suction that pulled against him with each struggle he put out. He tried to catch the wood grain of the floor with his fingertips but to no avail. He was in up to his crotch, the heat outside the womb had a breeze, her breath, which he could feel on his vulnerable manhood. He shook his head from side to side trying to do anything to dissuade her from touching him any further but she only moaned louder and he felt the constricting pulse of another orgasm and the flood of fluids lubricating his imprisonment increase. The ache of not breathing made his lungs burn but every moment he expected to die he was left to wriggle and fight to try and escape his fate. He felt her lightly touch his erect penis and he felt more violated. She laughed, the rhythmic pulsing of her laughter pressing hard on his crushed and curled body encased in slick hot silky flesh. She wrapped her hand around his phallus and began stroking it with enthusiasm. He kicked and tried to pull away from her but could do nothing as she played until his body heaved and quivered the last of his semen on her bulbous ever growing belly. She slid his abused manhood up into her opening and played with her nipple as she pulled him in deeper up past his waist and to his knees. He thought that if any more of him were to be forced into the space and he would be crushed by the weight of himself. His hands had come free within her with the last tremendous pulse of her body and Charlie fearfully began beating and clawing at anything he could find which only made the walls of his prison run thick with a mucus like slime that was making it harder and harder to fight her and the more he fought the more she seemed to enjoy it. Finally the last of him was forced up into her body, his feet clearing her cervix as it clamped shut. The darkness was absolute and the heat and dampness of the tight space was not only suffocating him but turning his thoughtful fight into a panicked thrashing within her that made her fill his prison with more fluid as she flooded cum into the crushing space. Slowly he realized that the fluid building around him was rising, not merely a pool of hot liquid around his curled and straining body but now filling his remaining space. Fighting to try and keep his head out of the liquid he stretched his arms and legs against her, forcing her stomach to expand out in lumps and bulges with his movements. Another rush of fluid came with a toss and convulsion from within her and he quickly found himself trying to hold his face out of what little space was not filled. His muscles twitched and shook as he tried to stretch his body further, struggling against her body pressing in on him. He felt something give way slightly and with a quick strike of hope he pressed on the space that had given way hoping that he had found a way to escape the humid and wet darkness. Quickly his hope faded once again to stricken dread as he felt her womb begin to grip and engulf him. He tried to pull an arm away from her slick walls and back towards his chest and found that he couldn’t. The sticky hot flesh within her had begun to wrap up and hold tight to his bare skin, forcing him still. He tried to pull his arm free and realized that his other arm had now begun to be wrapped up in its gripping engulfment. He kicked his legs powerfully against her walls, writhing and straining to get away from the walls that were pulling him in so close that he could not escape. With a strong kick he felt his foot sink into the sucking silky skin and splash the pool of liquid he lay in up into his face. His foot wrapped into her womb, restraining him. He tried to fight but found that he was not able to move more than the tight balling of his muscles would allow. He felt her laugh pulse against him again with a breathy scream as the fluid rose up into his face and completely surrounded him. Fearing the pain that would come he could no longer hold the burning in his lungs and felt his chest relax and the rush of her fluids flow into his body. He was surprised to find that breathing the fluid was not drowning him and the realization that he would not be able to escape began to sink into him. She would not allow him to ever leave her again. * * * * * She reached down around her enormous squirming belly, stroking her clit in small quickening circles as he twisted and fought within her. It was ecstasy. She loved it. Everything about it. She felt so good playing with herself as he fought for a freedom that he would never be able to get. He was hers. Her stomach was huge and round. She rubbed her free hand on it to feel him batter the walls of her womb from both inside and out. She could hardly move from the pressure of him and the ferocity at which he had been fighting. Once or twice he would find her cervix and press against it trying to force it open with a long finger or a strong fist. To no avail. He would lose his way again and struggle against the pain. “You will be with me forever Charlie. You are mine now.” Her final orgasm of the ordeal was so intense she dampened the entirety of the bed with her need and release. With her magic keeping him alive she sighed with the thought that he could never leave her. He could not leave her body. He could not run away. Now he was fighting not only her but himself as well. They were as they would be, trapped in one body, bulging and pregnant. His movements changed as she felt her body begin to wrap tighter around him, further encasing him deeper into her as she lay in her glow of satisfaction, greatly swollen and fulfilled. When at long last the faint sunlight of dawn peeked through the red curtains of the room her body had settled. She rolled over despite her impossibly rounded belly and fought her way to her feet. She could hardly see around her stomach and swollen breasts but she knew better than to lay in the room beyond dawn, it was a business after all. And besides… She had other things to do too …
Giovanna let out a sigh, locking her fingers together and stretching out her arms before suddenly falling backwards. Her fall was cushioned by soft, green fur as her spirit wolf wrapped around her, panting happily. She took a deep breath and grinned, pushing her bangs back before rubbing her hand under Rei’s toothy maw. “We did good today, buddy,” Gio said, looking over to the collapsed body of her opponent- the towering gorilla of a man, Leo Whitefang. The second king of Illyria lay face up, his arms spread out- still clutching the menacing twin blades that the president’s bodyguard had been avoiding for the past few minutes; though since then they had now shrunk back down to more manageable crosses. “Whadda ‘ya think we should do with that big lug, Rei” Giovanna asked. She raised an eyebrow, still glancing over at Leo’s unconscious body. “Kinda wanna bring him home with us…” The wolf let out an excited bark in response and smacked their chops together. “What, you just want a little bite, then?” “Hwoof.” Giovanna chuckled, running her hand through the spirit wolf’s thick fur. She closed her eyes, resting for a few moments before slowly getting back up. She sauntered over to Leo’s body, eyes darting up and down across his buff figure. It would be a waste to leave him here- plus, she really did want to take him home with her. She wasn’t sure how he would reach to that later on- his royal highness seemed… very sure of himself during their tussle. Still, with that body, there’s no denying he was just her type. Giovanna kneeled down and traced her fingers across Whitefang’s chest, admiring his incredibly tone form (as well as his very stylish coat). Almost responsively, her own stomach let out a hungry gurgle. Gio’s eyes widened for a moment as a sudden… urge popped up in her head. She mulled it over… and stuck her tongue out, slowly running it across the top of her lips. “Hmm… sorry, Rei- I think I’m gonna eat him.” Moving closer to her soon-to-be meal, Giovanna’s fingers slowly found their way lower, lower down… to his hands. She picked the small crosses off from his unconscious grip. “These would definitely get in the way when he wakes up,” Giovanna murmured to herself, tossing them to the side. Her attention turned to his large, furred coat- that for sure had to go as well. She hoisted Leo’s body up. “Rei, come here, would you?” The green wolf darted to her side, and attentively leaned against the unconscious man, holding him up. Giovanna proceeded to strip him of his coat… as well as his shirt. All that fabric would ruin the taste- plus, she wanted to check out those rock-hard abs. A few moments of admiring late, Giovanna hopped back up. Her hands traced down to her tone stomach. The sound of jingling filled the air as she fumbled with her belt. Soon enough it clicked open and dropped down around her legs with a metallic clang. Giovanna let out a low sigh, closing her eyes for a moment as she unbuttoned her olive-green cargo pants. Her shirt, she figured, was high cut enough to not get in the way. “Alright… let’s do this.” Unclipping and pocketing her badge, Giovanna kneeled back down, motioning for Rei to push Whitefang into her grip. The spirit wolf huffed, pushing her soft head against Leo’s bare chest. Giovanna caught him as he fell back, letting out a grunt as she managed to keep his weight up. His size was the first hurdle- Leo was more than half a foot taller than the tan woman. The second was the fluffy blonde mane of hair, which didn’t make for the easiest of starting points. Still, Giovanna was committed to this. Her stomach was just as committed, suddenly letting out another very hungry growl. Giovanna chuckled, rolling her eyes before slowly opening her mouth. “Ahh….” If Leo Whitefang were conscious, his vision would slowly begin to darken as his opponent wrapped her lips around his head. Rei smacked her chops, laying her head down on her paws with a yawn as she watched her partner being to gobble up their foe. Sweat dripped down Giovanna’s face as she strained her mouth, just stopping herself from gagging on the locks and locks of hair. “Probably should have faced him towards me,” she thought, letting out a muffled cough before her tongue finally tasted skin. Salty, savory, tasty skin. Giovanna braced herself, pinning her meal’s arms as close to his sides as she could. She felt her mouth stretch out around his shoulders, her tongue now greedily lapping up as much meaty flavor as possible. Leo was… surprisingly hairless on his chest and back- who would have guessed a meathead like him would bother to shave? Giovanna found her hands beginning to explore his muscular body, unable to stop herself from blushing as she rubbed up against his… eight pack? No, that feels like a ten pack… Gio looked up to see Rei sitting up, doing what looked like cackling as much a wolf could. She frowned, rolling her eyes as she begun trying to quickly gulp down his body. Over the next few minutes, Giovanna’s stomach would begin to swell out as Whitefang’s head pushed into her belly. The sensation of her gut filling up so fast was a little strange… but not at all uncomfortable. Gio paused her progress for a moment, slipping a hand down onto her stomach. It rumbled against her touch, clearly happy to be so full. It felt taut, almost as if she was expecting. Suddenly realizing she didn’t want to choke Giovanna continued swallowing Leo down, bending down more and more as she approached his hips. She was quickly figuring out that the angle he was at, Gio was probably more likely to snap his spine in half than get him packed away inside her tummy. She furrowed her brow, gripping both his legs tightly. “Okay,” Gio thought to herself, “I can do this… come on, you big hunk of meat!” Giovanna let out a muffled grunt, bracing herself as she hoisted her meal’s legs up into the air. She wobbled back and forth, struggling to keep balance before managing to catch herself. Gio breathed hard through her nose, keeping the giant dangling pair of legs up in the air above her. She relaxed her throat- gravity would do the rest of the heavy lifting for her. Keeping Leo’s legs in place, Giovanna closed her eyes and began to slurp the rest of him down. Each satisfying gulp made it easier and easier to keep steady, until Gio was able to let go of Whitefang’s legs altogether. Her hands found their attention on her quickly expanding stomach- her tan, bulging belly swollen with her meal’s curled up body. Her hands explored the smooth, taut surface and traced the outline of Leo’s body, rubbing where she felt the back of his head was pushed against the walls of her gut. Giovanna felt her throat began to stretch less and less as she reached his ankles. Not wanting to linger on the taste of hard rubber, Gio lifted a hand up to her mouth and pushed down on Leo’s boots. She winced as they passed down through her mouth… down her slick, pulsing gullet… and finally caught up with the rest of Leo Whitefang inside her belly. “G-Gahh… There we… hhuuooooaaarrpp… th-there we go, big guy…” Dizzy from the feeling of being utterly, absolutely filled to the brim, Giovanna stumbled back- and fell back into the familiar, soft fur of her trust companion. Rei wrapped herself around her master’s back, keeping Gio from falling onto her back. The wolf let out another yawn and nuzzled her head against Gio’s warm body. “Thanks, buddy…” Giovanna murmured, stifling another belch before she looked down at her enormous gut. All the air she had swallowed down with Whitefang had rounded her stomach- Gio could just barely make out his curled-up body. Thankfully, her shirt was still intact; the jutting midsection only just pushing up against the hem. She let out a content sigh, softly rubbing the surface of her tummy. “Wow… you’re as filling as you are- bwuorp- attractive, your royal highness~,” Giovanna said jokingly, slipping her arms under the sides of her overstuffed gut. With a grunt, she lifted her belly up, almost hugging her captive before dropping it back down. The tum wobbled back and forth on her lap, and Gio felt herself blushing slightly. She had one of the kings of Illyria all to herself, and the hot one, to boot. She continued rubbing her bulging stomach, balling her hands into fists to knead small circles into the soft surface with her knuckles. Giovanna let out a sudden yawn- “I guess being so full is making me sleepy, huh?” She asked rhetorically, looking down at her napping partner. “Can’t really nap here, though… and I realllly should get him back home before he wakes up.” Pushing her hands against the ground, Gio let out a huff as she slowly began to lift herself up. Her gigantic gut sagged down as she slowly stood up, reaching down to Giovanna’s knees. “Hmm… a little help with his stuff, Rei?” Giovanna asked. The spirit wolf begrudgingly got up and walked over to where Gio had tossed Leo’s gear. Rei bit down and dragged the long coat to Giovanna, who struggled a bit but eventually grabbed it from the wolf’s mouth. She thought for a moment before shrugging, donning the coat on herself. “Whadda ‘ya think, pal?” Gio asked Rei, lifting her arms up expectantly. The wolf huffed, turning to pick up Leo’s shirt, as well as his cross… sword… things. Giovanna let out a “tch”, rolling her eyes as she began to waddle forward. Her stomach groaned as it swayed from side to side with each of her steps, pushing against her suspenders which had miraculously held up through the whole ordeal. Giovanna let out another belch, patting her gut contently as she begun the trek back home, her partner Rei trailing behind her.
A hungry young fox named Lucy crept slowly through the darkness. She tried to keep silent, but one part of her simply wouldn’t stay quiet. Her tummy growled, hunger gnawing at her. She smiled. That was good. For what she had in mind, she’d need every bit of her appetite. Just past the last few trees stood the sprawling land of a large, thriving farm. And right at the edge of the fields of wheat was a large, sturdily build chicken coop. Lucy took a whiff. The air was heavy with the scent of chickens. The thought of the feast that awaited her made it difficult to maintain her care and stealth. She wanted to dash inside and stuff herself silly. But she would only have one shot at this, and she couldn’t afford to make a mistake. Drool began to drip from her lips as she approached the door. She could hear them now. Resting peacefully, completely unaware of the hungry predator approaching. With every last ounce of will power she had, Lucy lifted the latch and pushed slowly at the door. It was dark inside, and aside from the odd rustle of feathers, there was no motion but the steady breathing of sleeping birds. She let the door shut behind her. Her sharp eyes from the moonlit outdoors to the near pitch-blackness inside. There they were. A dozen of the plumpest, most delectable chickens she’d ever seen. She licked the drool from her lips and made ready. Only the first one would be free. She’d have to work for the rest, and work quickly. Best to choose the meatiest morsel first. Lucy gazed over the sleeping birds and stopped at a glorious specimen. The chicken was huge, so heavy she was causing her roost to sag under her weight. Again Lucy licked her lips. Yes. This one would do nicely. In a lightning motion she threw her head wide, her glistening maw clamping tight over the birds’ head. It’s wings spread and it’s feet scrabbled as it awakened to find its head buried deep in the throat of the hungry fox. Lucy acted quickly, clamping her paws over the wings and hefting her head back. Muffled as its cries were inside her throat, the creature made very little noise. She stuffed with her pause and darted her head forward. Her lips stretched around the downy feathers and plump flesh of the creature. Bit by bit it went from sleeping bird to struggling lump straining the fox’s throat. She gulped and gobbled, tongue slathering the bird to soak up it’s wonderous flavor. Greedy shoves and powerful swallows wrapped more of the chicken in her mouth until, with a satisfying gulp, her lips closed over its rump and the whole creature slid down into her waiting stomach. Lucy shut her eyes and threw her head back, basking in the pleasure of a full tummy. The fat chicken was still struggling, causing her suddenly round belly to wobble and ripple with little, futile bulges. She tried to hold it still, rubbing it with her paws and murring with delight. Suddenly she remembered that time was of the essence. She opened her eyes, fully expecting to see the rest of the coop in chaos. To her surprise and relief, she’d acted quickly enough that the muffled clucks and struggles of the first chicken hadn’t awoken the others. If she took equal care with the rest of the chickens, maybe she could eat her fill without any trouble. She took a step toward the next morsel, but the creature in her belly gave a might kick. It didn’t do any good in helping it to escape, but it did cause something to happen. *BURRRRRRAAAAAAP!* The dislodged belch practically rattled the rafters of the coop and startled the rest of the chickens awake. They filled the air with terrified clucking and flapping wings. Oh well. No one said it would be simple. She snatched the first bird she could reach and crammed it in her mouth. She’d already taken care of the largest, so the rest were comparatively easy to gobble up. A few powerful swallows and a second bulge slid down to meet the first. She reached out and caught a third and fourth bird, working her lips around their tasty forms at the same time, drool coating their feathers and making even the double mouthful smoothly glide down her gullet. Her belly was enormous now, hanging down and swaying as its residents shoved and struggled in vain. She heaved herself forward and grabbed another bird, which in a flash of teeth and a curl of her tongue went down the hatch. Lucy was nearly as frenzied as the birds now. Despite her already epic meal weighing her down, she waddled and lunged after birds too frightened to know where to run. One by one the chaos died down, as the maddened birds disappeared into her gut. Finally there was only one bird remaining. She dragged her tummy, easily larger than the rest of her body, and flopped down atop it, trapping the chicken in the corner. It leaped and scrabbled at the wall, trying to escape. She rocked back and forth, until finally she overbalanced and fell forward, jaws popping over the final meal. She held it in her massively stretched mouth, licking and squeezing it as it bulged her cheeks until every last drop of flavor After so heavy a meal… She had to get out of here. She sucked in her gut as best she could, which earned her about an inch and brought fresh struggles from her meal. It was just enough for her to begin dragging herself toward the door, leaving a rut in the soft earth of the coop floor as she dragged along. Lucy nudged at the door and tried to exit. Her fat tummy was wider that the doorway, lodging her good and tight as she squeezed and shoved. With her head outside, she could see the lights on in the farmhouse. There was no time to lose. She dug her paws into the dirt, shoved herself and… *Cre-e-e-e-e-a-a-k THUMP* She launched from the doorway and tumbled end over end into the surrounding clearing, rolling like a runaway bolder on her bulging tummy. She managed to get her paws under her and turned her ungainly roll into a wobbling, sloshing run. ~~~ Some time later, panting and winded, Lucy slid to a stop in a nice, safe section of the forest. Her titanic tummy had stopped struggling and begun to soften during the run Many hours later she stirred. She was more or less resting on the ground now, rather than her soft bed of stuffed tummy. This was because the meal had been reduced to a nice, pudgy layer of fat. But her body wasn’t quite done with the former residents of the chicken coop. She stood and paced a short distance into the woods then squatted down and raised her tail. With a light push, the fragrant remnants of the massive feast eased out. A tight coil of scat plopped bit by bit into a mound. Flecks of white marked the powdery remnants of bones. A light grunt caused a skull to *splut* onto the pile. She felt oddly proud of the heap of droppings. She kicked a few stray leaves atop the pile’t quite so fortunate with her meals, and paced happily off for another well-fed day. As she ventured through the woods, she caught an interesting scent. It wasn’t prey… or at least, it wasn’t supposed to be. The scent on the breeze was that of a pack of wolves, somewhere nearby. She shifted from her usual prowl back to a stealthy creep, moving through the shadows of the trees. There was something to the scent that suggested these particular wolves were nothing to be afraid of right now. She reached a sun-dappled clearing. Again a smile curled her lips. There were six wolves, and by the looks of their tummies they had each had a nice, tasty meal before drifting off to sleep. Lucy padded closer and gave the burbling belly of the nearest male a gentle prod. This dislodged a soft belch from the sleeping predator. Though the firm, tightly packed stomach was respectable, it was no match for the one she’d had yesterday… Or the one she would be sporting soon. Lucy dropped to the ground and crept close to the sleeping wolf’s muzzle. If she did this properly, she wouldn’t have any trouble at all. Chickens were skittish, easily spooked. But she knew from experience that a well fed sleep was a good heavy sleep. With drool running down her chin, she opened her maw and eased it over the nose of the wolf. She let her teeth rest softly on the furry head and gave the fuzzy chin a good, thorough lick to savor its flavor and help it slide down. A stretch or her neck and another soft nibble caused her throat to bulge around the wolf’s head. Nibble by nibble, Lucy eased her lips down the wolf’s neck. His forelegs slid aside, pinned easily by the corners of Lucy’s mouth… and then her throat. He wriggled softly, just a bit of tossing and turning as his body slipped deeper into the warm embrace of her stomach. Soon she was gnawing softly at his churning belly, her jaws stretched impossibly wide. She almost giggled as she watched his hind legs twitch and kick. Maybe he was dreaming of chasing rabbits. When her tongue lapped at his bulging navel, then curled past the point of no return and slurped his belly fully into her mouth, she clutched him tightly with her throat and swallowed him down. The feet and tail slithered between her lips and packed tightly in with the rest of his still sleeping body. She hefted herself unsteadily to her feet. That was quite a meal… but it seemed such a shame to leave her plate half-full. She dragged herself to the tail of the next wolf, a female, and popped the tasty little morsel in her mouth. After the stretching the first wolf had given her, this snack went quicker. Legs folded, tummy squished and grumbled, and each was forced into her gut by careful swallows and powerful waves of muscle. Not until her maw snapped shut over the female’s face did the creature wake, but it was far too late. She had scarcely time to make a peep before she was just another lump drifting down her throat. This bulge packed in beside the first, and though she struggled enough to wake the first meal After a third wolf, she could barely move herself, so she switched her tactics. She wobbled and hobbled her way to the final three, plopped herself down so that she was near all three of their hind legs, and carefully, slowly, fed the first set of paws into her mouth. Now instead of inching herself forward, working her way down over the body of her meal like a snake might, she let her powerful throat slurp them in, dragging them backward with every swallow. Down went the fourth wolf. Down went the fifth. The final wolf was the slowest of all. Another female, this one moved barely half an inch with each swallow. There simply wasn’t any room left for her. Every gulp forced the sleeping wolf’s body between two other of her pack who had already been eaten. Inevitably, right around when she’d tucked the wolfess’s forepaws into her mouth to trap them there, she finally awoke. A startled, confused howl followed, but Lucy didn’t care. The rest of the pack was little more than a meal already. At the sound of the howl, a few of the stirred and struggled, but they were packed so tight they could scarcely budge. Without the need to be gentle any longer, Lucy reached up with her paws and gripped the final wolf’s pelt, forcing her inside far faster. Finally she placed a paw on the wimpering’ meals nose and shoved her inside. The vigorous struggle of the last wolf shook loose a massive belch, so mighty it rattled some leaves from the branches overhead. Lucy sighed happily and looked down. Her belly was enormous. Many times the size of the rest of her. A sharp eye could make out the head of a wolf here or a few paws nudging at the round, lumpy sack of wolf her stomach had become. Her legs didn’t even touch the ground now. She was held aloft on the satisfyingly filled tummy, completely unable to move. But where would she go? She’d had her breakfast. Now all she had to do was laze about in the sun until it had added to her pudge like the chickens had. As always, though, the fun of a meal was only half in the eating. Everything that goes in, comes out. Hours passed. The wobbling and struggling slowed and stopped. The defined features of her meal softened away. By the end of the day, after a few naps and plenty of pleasant gurgles and burbles, she raised her tail for the first time. Plop, plop, plop went the remains of her massive breakfast. Through most of the night, every few hours she added to the warm pile. Not until the mound of coiled droppings was nearly as large as her had she eliminated enough of the pack of wolves to finally drag herself forward. There was something oddly pleasant about the smell of one’s own poop, but it certainly wasn’t something you wanted to spend too much time lingering around. She found some fresh grass and eased the rest of the pack out in one monumental, smelly turd. She smirked when she noticed a nice, white skull peeking out of the pile. This was the pack’s clearing. It seemed only right that they remain here.
10) Lucy's adventure 10 Lucy acts quickly and takes out a dagger. With a run, she jumps out of the bushes right onto the rabbit, and together they fall to the ground. Lucy tries to strike with a dagger, but the rabbit swiftly dodges the strike. The dagger lays stuck in the ground. Lucy tries to grab it but is interrupted by a powerful blow from the rabbit's hind legs. This blow would have sent Lucy flying 20 meters, but her fall is cut 10 meters short by a tree in the way. Lucy: What was I thinking? How could I think attacking her would end well? I should’ve run away! Lucy's eyes began to run through pictures and sounds. Of these, she could make out only two things: the otter and the sound of tears. Lucy: AHHH-! At that moment, Lucy passed out. Rabbit: A sip. Rabbit: A sip. Lucy: ugh… Rabbit: Belching. .... ..... ...... Rabbit: GRROOOAAANN!!! Lucy: Oh, what a headache. Where am I? Why is it so sticky and dark in here? ???: You're in the belly of rabbit, miss. Lucy: Who said that? ???: Oh, shame that I haven’t introduced myself yet. The stranger creates a small magic ball of to illuminate the area. She indeed sees that the two of them are in the rabbit’s belly. In front of her, Lucy sees a Gray Wolf about one and a half meters tall with blue eyes. He was all is sticky like Lucy herself and part of his clothes show signs of corrosion. ???: My name is Ludwik Von Barter 3, you can just call me Ludwik. Lucy: Hh-hello I am Lucy. Because of this, Lucy for a second forgets what terrible situation they are in. Lucy: This is not the time for introductions, we need to get out of here! Ludwik: It's not possible Miss Lucy, I tried. Lucy's Thoughts: I don't want my life to end in a bunny’s stomach!!! Lucy grabs his clothes and screams at him. Lucy: Why are you so sure of this? Have you tried everything? Ludwik: Yes, Miss Lucy, I politely asked Mrs. Bunny to release me and she refused. Lucy falls into a stupor for a second. Lucy's Thoughts: He's an idiot or just pretending. Is that all he could think of? Lucy: Have you tried by force? Magic? Hit her at least a paw? His face takes on a surprised expression. Ludwik: Great idea! Miss Lucy you are a genius! Lucy falls into another stupor Lucy's Thoughts: No, he's definitely an idiot... After the stupor, she noticed the stomach getting brighter. She looked up and saw a huge ball of fire in Ludwik's paws. Lucy has not yet had time to fully realize how Ludvik struck at the very center of the stomach. Lucy did not see what came next, but after several bursts and strange sounds, she and Ludwik found themselves lying on the grass. The rabbit lays behind them, quietly recovering. Without wasting a second, Lucy quickly jumps up and hits the rabbit on the head with all her strength, knocking her unconsciousness. Lucy looks at the rabbit's still body and exhales heavily. Lucy: Uff, I got it. Ludwik: Miss Lucy, you are my heroine! I am in your debt! Lucy's Thoughts: What's Wrong with Him?! Suddenly, Lucy hears a loud roar that sounds like a stomach. Lucy quickly looks at the rabbit, but this sound didn’t come from there. Lucy looks at Ludwik. Ludwik: Excuse me, Miss Lucy! Ludwik blushed a little. Lucy thinks what to do with the rabbit: 1) Eat the rabbit yourself ? 2) Offer Ludwik to eat a rabbit? 3) Just leave her here unconscious? https://discord.gg/ecz26BC https://www.patreon.com/Vorsvik
Nue Houjuu smirked as she wandered through the forests, she’d gotten bored of just hanging around Myouren temple all the time, and she’d decided that it would be funny to play a bit of a prank on Byakuren just before her monthly Sutra-chanting concert. She’d stolen her wooden fish that she used as a part of her concert and was now wandering aimlessly through a forest, looking for a good place to hide the object. She could’ve just made it unidentifiable, but… well that wouldn’t exactly work very well considering most everyone in the temple was now well aware of what her powers allowed her to do, and she’d have just been told to revert anything she tried them on if she had tried that… Of course, she thought it would be incredibly amusing to have everyone go on a scavenger hunt for the missing object just before the concert was due to begin, though she was struggling to think of a good place to hide the object, there were a few places that she thought might be fun, but… she’d had to make her choice soon as to just where she’d hide the instrument so that she’d have time to actually get back to the temple to give Byakuren a hint. In the end, Nue decided that she’d… >Bury the instrument in a sandy beach at the Misty Lake >Hide the instrument in that large imposing western-style mansion she’d seen a few times. >Give the wooden fish to an opposing shrine as a gift. >Toss the wooden fish into a Bamboo Forest at random. >See if there was anywhere good to hide the instrument in that eastern-style mansion in the Bamboo Forest. >Go underground and hide it in the city there! >Travel to the a completely remote location in the middle of the underground she was certain nobody would look. >Head to the very deepest part of the underground she could reach and hide it somewhere there! >Hide it in a place that nobody would ever think to look… the Hakurei Shrine. Bury the instrument in a sandy beach at the Misty Lake Nue quickly came to a decision that she’d hide it at the Misty Lake, it was pretty close by and if she buried it then it would be hard to find even if she told Byakuren and the others the general location of the instrument! It was a bit of a cruel prank to play, but at the same time, Nue didn’t really care too much, if they didn’t end up finding it by the time the concert was supposed to start, she’d just find it for them! Simple enough. With that in mind, she flew all the way to the lake, and it really did live up to the name, considering how much mist there was floating around the body of water. This was the perfect place to hide something, you could barely even see ten foot ahead of you! She crouched down and started to dig a small hole in the sand with her hands, she hadn’t brought any sort of digging utensils with her, but she didn’t feel like she’d really need them, it was just sand, and the wooden fish wasn’t that large. After about two minutes of digging, she’d managed to make a sizable enough hole to fit the woodblock inside, but just as she was about to bury the instrument, she felt a sense of sudden danger, and dodged to the side, just in time to avoid a spike of ice flashing past her face. “What the-?” Nue barely had any time to dodge before a barrage of the spikes suddenly rained down upon her and she was forced to dodge out of the way of them all. “Who’s doing that?!” Why would anybody want to attack her here anyway? It wasn’t like she was doing anything wrong… well, she supposed she kind of was, but it was a very small prank at worst. “You’re trespassing on my territory!” A proud triumphant voice came from the mist, and Nue prepared herself for a fight. The Misty Lake was somebody’s territory? She hadn’t known, but… she wasn’t worried, she was confident in her ability to defend herself from whatever Yōkai that had claimed this lake as their territory. “Leave now, or face the wrath of the Strongest in all of Gensokyo!” Nue gulped, her confidence dropping a little bit… she didn’t really know if she’d have the ability to handle somebody like this… to call yourself by a title like that… it meant you weren’t afraid of anyone in all of Gensokyo! She retained her nerve though, being fairly confident in her own power no matter what sort of confidence was being shown to her, and she shouted into the mist. “Look, I’m just here to bury something, but if you try to get in my way, I’ll be forced to show you my full power!” Nue didn’t know just who she was up against, but she had heard rumors of powerful Vampires that lived in a mansion in this area, so she was guarded… could this voice belong to one of those vampires? “Your full power? Fuhahah-” There was a noise that sounded like something like something light hitting the ground. “Owww. But bring it on, mysterious trespassing Yōkai! Your full power is nothing to me, Cirno! The strongest fairy!” The mist around Nue suddenly started to solidify and she only just managed to get out of the way of a storm of icy needles that would’ve shredded her to pieces if they were to actually hit her. A fairy?! But…! Fortunately though, that last attack had managed to clear up a large amount of the mist, and Nue could finally see her adversary… only to be incredibly disappointed by what she was actually seeing. Not only fairy who was attacking her was barely even half her size, she was… well, a fairy! “You’re kidding me.” Nue’s confidence was immediately restored upon seeing the unimposing form of Cirno. What she had originally assumed to be a powerful adversary who feared nobody in Gensokyo was in fact truly just a foolish fairy… in fact, the fairy in question seemed to more than just a little bit foolish, just how stupid was she that she’d pick a fight with her? “Get out of here before you get yourself hurt, fairy.” “Grr…” Cirno growled in response to Nue’s lack of any real concern as to her current situation, but… little did the mysterious Yōkai know that on a day like this at the Misty Lake, Cirno was confident that she was able to defeat anybody! “You’re going to regret talking down to the strongest!” Nue couldn’t really help but find the fairy cute at this point, especially after how worried she’d been just moments prior to finding out the true identity of the voice. Her ice attacks might’ve been relatively irritating to dodge, but it wasn’t impossible, especially not for her. “Don’t be stupid. You’re not strong at all.” Nue had already had enough of dealing with this ice fairy already, and just wanted to be left to get on with her prank by herself, she didn’t appreciate the presence of the girl, and she definitely didn’t appreciate being attacked out of nowhere… but all things considered, she was in an especially good mood right now, and was more than happy to just let this slide. Fairies weren’t exactly known for being intelligent after all, and it wasn’t really too surprising that one that was a little bit stronger than the average fairy would do something stupid like take it upon themselves to act as some sort of guardian for the rest of them. “Now, go away.” “You’re not taking me seriously, are you?!” Cirno got mad at the fact that she was continually being given the opportunity to retreat from the far stronger Yōkai, she clearly didn’t understand the difference that existed between her and Nue, but… there was only so long that Nue could tolerate the annoyance for, so when the Ice Fairy begun to once again charge up an ice attack, she began to prepare a few attack patterns of her own to retaliate with, finally growing tired of the antics of the seemingly mostly harmless fairy, she supposed that she ought to take things a little seriously after all. “I’ll show you what happens when you take me lightly! Ultimate Freeze Drop!” Cirno roared the name of a Spell Card, and Nue quickly tried to dodge out of the way of the colossal icicle that was heading straight towards her, but… “My body?!” Nue was completely frozen in place, the mist around her body had solidified into a cage of ice, and she was completely unable to move as the giant icicle crashed towards her. This was totally against the spirit of Danmaku battles! The ice fairy was blatantly cheating and she had been taking things too lightly to notice what she was actually up to! Nue tried to break out of the cage of ice that her body had been wrapped in, but she simply couldn’t damage it, the ice would simply repair itself the moment that she managed to struggle hard enough to cause any cracks to appear. “Fwahahaha! Now, be defeated!” Cirno laughed wildly as she continued with her attack, and the giant spear of ice collided head on with Nue’s body, exploding into a cloud from the impact and immediately knocking her unconscious from the force of the explosion alone. Cirno paused as she looked down at the unconscious form of the Yōkai… she… didn’t actually know what she was meant to do now that she’d actually won… she hadn’t actually won any fights against anybody who was an actual intruder before… she’d beaten a few fairies of course… but they weren’t really intruders, so… she didn’t know what to do. She landed near the sleeping Nue and started to think… her mind wasn’t very good at dealing with complex situations like this, so she really had to try her hardest… “Now… what to do… what to do…” She scratched her head as she tried to recall a conversation she had with Rumia a few weeks ago about how she always ate anybody who intruded on her land… and how cool she had thought Rumia had sounded for it. “Then… it’s obvious! I’m gonna need to eat the intruder, just like Rumia!” But… there was a slight issue with that idea… the size difference between her and the intruder was pretty extreme, and Cirno didn’t even really know how she was supposed to eat somebody in the first place. But then, inspiration struck as she recalled an unfortunate incident from a few years ago featuring a giant toad swallowing her whole. She had ended up managing to escape from the toad through using her powers, but maybe that was what Rumia was talking about when she said that she ate her intruders? It sounded like it might be right, and that was good enough for Cirno! However, even if she knew that she had to somehow eat the girl with weird wings whole, she didn’t know how! Did she just have to pick her up and… eat her in one bite? How was she gonna do that? “Hnmmph.” Cirno sat down next to the girl, who was currently sleeping peacefully despite having been knocked into her current state by a massive chunk of ice that would’ve reduced any normal person into a frozen smear. It was clear that this girl was pretty strong too… no match for Cirno, but definitely strong as far as Yōkai went, well she looked like she was supposed to be strong with those crazy wings of hers. Cirno felt proud in herself for managing to defeat such a powerful opponent, in fact, she managed to do it without giving her a chance to fight back! But… was the girl with weird wings even that strong? It sure didn’t seem like it considering that she’d managed to lose a fight so easily… Cirno didn’t want to diminish her victory, so she decided she’d continue thinking that the girl was strong. Cirno crossed her arms as she thought about how she was meant to eat the girl… tentatively, she leaned over and stuck her tongue out, licking the sleeping Nue’s cheek for a moment in order to taste her, and she immediately recoiled with surprise. This girl…! She was absolutely delicious! Fairies didn’t exactly get to eat good food very often without needing to resort on other people for it, but… this girl tasted better than any food from the human village that Cirno had ever managed to get her hands on! She was the most delicious thing that the ice fairy had ever tasted… but the taste was weirdly… unidentifiable. She could tell that she really enjoyed the flavor of the girl, but she also couldn’t place why exactly, there was nothing she could compare the flavor to. Confused at why she couldn’t figure out why the girl was so tasty, Cirno went in for another lick, this time running her tongue all the way up and down the face of the sleeping girl, leaving a trail of saliva that quickly turned to frost upon the girl’s face. Cirno was kind of… bothered by the weird flavor. She knew that she’d never be satisfied with just a taste of this girl now, and for as ridiculous as it sounded, she knew that Rumia was right and she’d absolutely have to eat the trespasser, even if she had originally had her doubts about whether it was the right thing to do or if she was even able to do such a thing in the first place. Now that she’d actually had a taste of the girl there was no way that Cirno was just gonna let her go free. Surely if she ate her then she’d be able to place just what sort of flavor that the intruder had, right? It was backwards logic, but that was one of the things that fairies like herself excelled at, she had already been planning on trying to eat the intruder, and this was just her confirmation that it was absolutely the correct thing to do! Cirno grabbed the hands of the unconscious Nue and slowly guided them up to her mouth, not wanting to jostle the girl too much and risk waking her up… she seemed to be pretty weak, at least compared to her, but she didn’t want to wake her up and risk her escaping or something, Cirno was new to this whole eating people thing after all, and she didn’t know if she’d have the ability to keep her prey from escaping if she was conscious and struggling. After taking a brief moment to catch her breath, Cirno opened her mouth wide and shoved both of Nue’s hands inside her gaping maw, and her eyes bolted open as her taste buds were overloaded by the indescribable flavor of the delicious black-haired girl. Cirno wanted… no, she needed to taste more of the girl, and for a moment the curious ice fairy was replaced by a gluttonous monster that wanted to devour all that there was of her meal, grabbing onto Nue’s arms with great force, no longer caring about waking up the girl as she rammed her further into her mouth. She hadn’t even needed to bend down all that far to start to eat the girl considering her own diminutive height, but she felt that was more a blessing than a curse here… she didn’t actually know if she’d be able to physically lift up the larger girl in order to eat her. Inch after inch of Nue disappeared inside of the small fairy who was making quick work of the slender arms of the trespasser, enjoying the bare skin of her exposed arms while shoving her further down her gullet. Nue started to stir a little bit as Cirno reached the top of her head, but she was still a ways from actually waking up, and Cirno realized she really did need to hurry! Now that all of Nue’s arms were inside of her, Cirno grabbed the top of her prey’s dress and started to try to pull her head inside of her mouth… it hurt to stretch her mouth so wide, but it was worth it when she finally managed to fit her jaw over the top of Nue’s head. Cirno was expecting the pitch black hair to taste bad, but to her pleasant surprise it was just as delicious as the rest of Nue… an unidentifiable delicacy, it was kind of like that stuff she’d gotten at the human village at one point… cotton candy? But not quite… it was actually kind of frustrating not to be able to compare the flavor she was getting from Nue to anything else she had eaten in her life, but… maybe all Yōkai tasted like this? She’d definitely have to experiment a little bit after she finished with the trespasser… maybe Wriggle could help? Cirno’s easily distracted mind suddenly refocused as she felt the girl partially in her mouth move a little bit, once again stirring from her slumber… but this time, the stirring increased more and more until the girl’s eyes bolted open! “W-what’s going on?!” Nue tried to move her arms but quickly found that they were bound in some sort of freezing slick tunnel above her head… but just as she was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, that same slick moistness engulfed her vision, replacing her view of the misty skies with a red-tinged darkness. “What’s happening to me?!” Nue kicked her legs frantically as she tried to escape from her strange situation, she could feel tugging on her clothing that seemed to drag her deeper into the slick tunnel, and her mind raced in confusion as she tried to remember what had happened… that stupid ice fairy cheated and hit her with an illegal move… and when she came too… she was… she was… Nue froze as she felt the rest of her head enter into the slick tunnel, something cold and moist brushed up against the back of her neck, and it finally clicked. She was… that ice fairy… that ice fairy was actually eating her?! Nue wasn’t going to have this, she wasn’t going to have this one bit! No way was she gonna become fairy food! Cirno nearly started to choke on her big meal as Nue started to thrash about as best as she could, but with her arms already sliding down Cirno’s throat and her head soon to follow, there wasn’t really much that she could do to prevent her consumption at this point. The far stronger Yōkai had effectively already been condemned to being fairy food and at a later point, fairy fat, but she simply hadn’t realized it yet. Cirno focused harder on her meal as it tried to swing itself about in some doomed attempt to dislodge themselves from the hair. In the end though, all that Nue’s struggling managed to accomplish was making Cirno fall on her cute butt, dragging Nue on top of her partially prone form, to an ignorant observer from some angles, it may have even appeared that the two girls were making love to one another, though they would have very quickly realized that girl on top’s head and arms were lodged firmly inside of the smaller girl underneath’s throat. Cirno was relived that she’d started from the girl’s hands, as now that she’d managed to fit her lips around the girl’s shoulders, it was mostly smooth sailing from there on out… they didn’t have very big breasts, and their hips weren’t really anything to write home about either. The only reason that Cirno wasn’t taking her time was because Nue was trying her hardest to make the experience as unenjoyable as possible for her, between her constant struggling and clothed body that wasn’t nearly as tasty as her bare skin, Cirno had come to the conclusion that she’d have to make it so that the next person she ate wasn’t so… squirmy… she’d also need to make sure that they weren’t wearing clothing either, that way she’d get to taste their whole bodies! Cirno was no longer bothered by the size of her meal, knowing now that as annoying as her meal might’ve been trying to be, she was unable to actually change the outcome of things at all, and she watched with amazement as her belly started to bloat outwards as Nue continued on her journey, her arms and head entering Cirno’s hungry stomach just as her waist and thighs entered her throat and mouth. Cirno continued her task of gulping down the girl until finally all that remained of her Yōkai meal was a pair of feet wearing dumb red shoes which Cirno quickly grabbed and discarded to the floor, watching with satisfaction as they clonked softly onto the sandy shore of the beach before she took one final swallow, running her tongue across the soles of the feet and enjoying the delicious yet impossible to place flavor of the girl as she disappeared down her gullet once and for all. Cirno’s belly had ended up bigger than her entire body, and she groaned as she laid on top of the squirming mass… she had been so lost in the moment that she’d managed to forget a few crucial things, the most important of which was the fact that she… wasn’t actually able to move with all the meat now loading her down, her ice crystal wings flapped madly as Cirno tried her hardest to adjust to her new weight with the Yōkai in her stomach overburdening her. Unfortunately her meal was just too heavy, so Cirno was left there… sitting on her butt with her massive stomach bloating out in front of her, the shape of Nue being visible through the stretched flesh of her belly… she was just glad that there was nobody around that she’d have to explain herself to, she couldn’t even move right now, never mind fight, and somehow she didn’t imagine that people like that Shrine Maiden or Magician girl would be very happy to find that she’d decided to change her diet up a little… especially if they assumed that she’d done something like eat a human… but then a switch in Cirno’s head flicked, and she realized something… she could just eat them as well! Well… not right now, she’d need to work on digesting the weakling who’d fallen victim to her superior and amazing power first… Cirno eventually ended up falling asleep as she laid on top of her own colossal stomach which slowly started to shrink down over the course of hours as her relatively weak acids worked on grinding away at the frantic girl trapped within her. Her meal however hadn’t let up with her struggles and squirms for hours, but it was only so long until she ran out of energy to continue her struggling and gave up. She must’ve been feeling that she was in a hopeless situation now, but her determination to survive was almost admirable… however it would all be for naught in the end, as after another hour, the last of Nue’s energy finally left her and she slumped down into the pool of acid that was lapping at her skin in defeat. Cirno was blessed with a peaceful sleep as her digestive system worked on crushing Nue into a nutritious paste, filtering all that remained of the once feared Yōkai down into her bowels where everything of the girl was slurped up greedily by Cirno’s body. Fairies were incredibly efficient by design, in a way they were like nature’s trash can, anything that entered the body of a fairy was effectively gone for good, made entirely into a part of the fairy… which was what was happening to Nue right now, the slurry that she had been reduced to was being entirely made into a part of Cirno, there wouldn’t be a piece of her remaining by the end of it, her bones, hair and even clothing would end up being made into a part of the newly gluttonous fairy… but worse than just that, fairies were so efficient that not even Nue’s soul was allowed to escape, being boiled down into a slop along with the rest of her body and denying the Yōkai any sort of afterlife… only oblivion as part of Cirno’s now heavily padded gut and rump awaited her. But more than just her body and her soul being claimed by Cirno’s gluttonous insides, Nue’s power was also stripped away from her. Of course, this had never been a problem before because no self-respecting Yōkai would ever somehow manage to get themselves eaten by a fairy and end up being digested and having their power stolen, but… Nue had managed it, through a combination of her carelessness and Cirno’s incredible strength relative to a fairy, she’d managed to get eaten and digested by somebody that she should’ve been able to defeat with her eyes closed. Cirno continued to sleep peacefully as the slop filtered into her body, turning what was once a stomach stretched to its limits into a soft doughy mass laying atop of her… fattening up the fairy by a tremendous amount but also giving Cirno a more noticeable ass and chest too! Of course, the power of the ice fairy soared through the roof as well, turning what was once a nuisance to most people at best into somebody who could feasibly take on even the strongest of inhabitants of Gensokyo head on! Cirno’s dreams were flooded with thoughts of her future meals… the faces of just about every human and Yōkai she could remember were clear in her mind’s eye… but now, all Cirno saw was a buffet of delicious food… even her fellow fairies would end up falling victim to her gut. The ice fairy licked her lips as she slumbered peacefully on, soon enough those dreams would end up coming true… Hide the instrument in that large imposing western-style mansion she’d seen a few times. Nue had some doubts about the large mansion that was nearby… but she decided to bury them. She knew that not many Yōkai decided to visit that part of Gensokyo very often because of the rumors of the vampires that lurked in the mansion… vampires were forbidden from attacking humans to quench their thirst, but she hadn’t heard anything about them being forbidden from attacking their fellow Yōkai! Yeah, she’d definitely need to keep an eye out for them… she’d happily teach any vampire that tried to make a drink of her just why you didn’t want to mess with her. She approached the mansion, making sure that there wasn’t anybody waiting for her… she saw that there was a woman near the gate… but she was sitting down on some sort of chair and had apparently dozed off. Not exactly the best guard, but it’s not she would’ve been able to bother Nue anyway… she was more than capable of slipping past even the most attentive of guards without any issue, but this one…? Well, it was child’s play, she didn’t even feel the need to bother to disguise herself as she briskly strolled into the courtyard of the mansion. Nue twirled the wooden fish in her hands as she came to a large set of double doors which she pushed open in an almost casual manner. Even if there were vampires about, so long as she kept her wits about her, she’d be fine… she hoped. She continued her careless stroll into the mansion, looking around for a good place to hide the instrument… but the moment she was clear of the doors, they slammed shut behind her. Nue gasped in surprise at the loud banging behind her, turning around for a moment but seeing nobody who could’ve possibly closed the door. “Oh, you must be here about the notice the Mistress asked me to put out.” A calm voice behind Nue almost made her jump out of her skin while she turned around again, this time though, there was very clearly a silver-haired woman in a maid outfit standing there… no way! Could this woman somehow be better at hiding than she was?! “Oh, my apologies, I didn’t mean to alarm you.” The maid quickly curtsied as she apologized for startling Nue. “I… I… yeah, the notice.” Nue decided it would just be better to go along with the maid for now, all she wanted to do was hide the wooden fish, and it would be easier on her if she didn’t get into a fight with this maid… she seemed to be a human… but she was obviously an incredibly powerful one. Anybody who could sneak up on her without her realizing a thing was somebody she really didn’t want to get into a fight with. “Excellent, then I’ll lead the way. Mistress Remilia will be so pleased that somebody finally accepted her offer… but I must admit, I am quite surprised.” The maid spoke calmly as she led Nue deeper into the mansion, all the while Nue was looking around for good places to hide the instrument… the mansion was pretty massive and full of expensive looking furniture that she could use to stash the wooden fish in, but she wanted to pick the best place possible. “Uh… why is that?” Nue was curious about the offer that had been put out. Nue wanted to know what she was signing herself up for… but she also didn’t want to blow her cover before she had found a good hiding place. She’d just have to try to work the information out of the maid by asking her questions that didn’t give her away for too long.“Oh, well, I had simply assumed that it would be a human to take up the offer… not that a Yōkai like yourself isn’t qualified or anything… in fact I believe that Mistress Flandre will be quite happy to see somebody with wings like yours.” The maid smiled happily at Nue, who didn’t have any sort of idea as to just what she was getting into… there didn’t really sound like there was any sort of danger in any of this though, so she decided to just relax and take things easy. What’s the worst that could happen, anyway? It was an offer that they expected a human would end up taking, so it obviously couldn’t have been dangerous, right? It must have something to do with this Flandre that the maid was talking about. “So… what… exactly am I expected to do?” Nue asked as the maid led her down a hall and to a large iron door… the door was almost completely at odds with the rest of the furnishings in the house, it was clearly designed to either keep somebody out… or keep somebody in. “Oh, nothing too strenuous I assure you… it’s just… Mistress Remilia wanted to do something nice for her sister… you see Flandre is very…” The maid paused for a moment as she seemed to be thinking of the right words to use. “...shy. She doesn’t come out of her room very often, so that’s why you’re here.” “Huh?” Nue really didn’t get it. She didn’t get why she was being told about the shy girl who was apparently behind the large metal door… but she did know that it would be pretty funny if she hid the wooden fish in whatever room laid beyond it. “You’re going to play with her for a while…? That… was what the request said… please tell me you read it. “Oh! Yeah! That… I read it yeah, it just slipped my mind for a second.” Nue chuckled as she attempted to cover up the fact that she was straight up just intruding on the mansion for no real reason other than her own amusement. The maid raised an eyebrow at her attempt to defuse the situation but didn’t go any further than that. “OK, well, don’t be surprised if Flandre is a little… over-eager…” With that, the maid turned away from Nue and took hold of a knocker on the large door, smacking it against the metal a few times. Nue wasn’t quite sure how that was supposed to get the doors to open at all, but… after about thirty seconds of waiting, the heavy looking doors started rumble… before they began to be pushed outwards, scraping across the floor loudly as they were. Nue noticed that the metal the doors were crafted from was at least 20 inches thick, and must’ve weighed an absolute ton! Just… who was it that was able to so casually move about such heavy objects? The only Yōkai that Nue could think of with that sort of strength were Oni! Nue tensed up a little as she realized she was about to meet that person… but she was a little surprised but just what she behind the now open doors, it was… a little blonde girl? She couldn’t have been more than eleven or twelve years old, but… she’d managed to move those doors? Of course, it was very obvious that the girl was a Yōkai… but not one that Nue had any luck in recognizing… for a moment she thought that the girl might’ve been a vampire, but… she’d heard that vampires had bat wings, and the girl had strange jeweled branch wings. “What is it, Sakuya?” The girl turned to look at the maid, who bowed before responding to the girl, obviously the maid had a lot of respect for this little girl, though she soon raised her head once again to speak. “Mistress Flandre… this is… I didn’t get her name, but she’s here to be your new playmate!” The girl’s face brightened up immediately as she looked at Nue, and for a moment Nue forgot her original purpose in coming to the mansion in the first place… sure it would be fun to hide the wooden fish… but there was no reason that she couldn’t have some fun with this girl before heading back to Myouren temple, right? Of course not, and it was pretty clear that this girl wasn’t the sort of person to have many friends… and Nue would just feel a little bit bad about disappointing the girl now. “Ah, yes… that’s right, my name is Nue… Nue Houjuu.” Nue felt a little bit awkward about the situation nonetheless. She was here under false pretenses after all… but it wasn’t like she had come to do anything bad to the people who lived in the mansion, she was just there to play a fun joke on Byakuren. “It’s nice to meet you, Nue! I’m Fla-” Flandre stopped herself and shook her head as if she was remembering something important. “I mean, my name is Flandre Scarlet, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Houjuu” She grabbed the hem of her dress and curtsied cutely at her. Obviously she’d been taught to do that by somebody. “Come on, I’ll show you my room!” The girl turned on the spot and started to run down the dark corridor that was beyond the metal door. Soon enough the girl had disappeared entirely, and Nue looked at the maid, who just smiled at her before… disappearing before her very eyes. One moment she had been there, and the next minute… gone! Freaky. Putting aside the incredible disappearing maid, she entered the dark hallway, and… immediately felt as if something was just a little bit wrong as she descended a set of stairs that were dimly illuminated by torchlight. The space beyond the metal door was completely unlike the rest of the mansion that Nue had seen before now… as she wandered down the stairs, she noticed that there were chains hanging loosely from the walls… and when she got to the bottom, she saw that there was a great deal of furniture that had just been completely destroyed… Nue started to feel even worse for the girl, being forced to live in such conditions couldn’t have been very nice. “Come on Nue!” Nue heard Flandre’s voice echoing from the end of the hall, and she decide to get a move on, ignoring the rest of the smashed furniture and other items that laid strewn about in the corridors. As she got closer to the end of the hall she noticed a good deal of what looked like plush toys that had just been torn to shreds… mostly large teddy bears, but a good deal of other animals too. Nue didn’t really have too much time to think on how odd everything seemed before she had finally caught up to Flandre and was standing next to the girl who had a big smile on her face. “This is my room!” Nue kind of dreaded just how bad a state that the girl’s room was going to be in considering the state of the hallway just outside it, but… as Flandre opened the door, and light poured into the dim corridor from the room, she realized just how wrong she had been. The room was absolutely immaculate… there was an incredibly expensive looking four poster bed, the floor was a carpet that was almost pure white and there was a massive amount of plush toys and cushions all over the room. Nue was a little bit relieved that her initial take on the situation had been so off-base, Flandre quickly took her arm and led her into the room, slamming the door behind her. “So, what do you think? It’s a pretty cool room, huh?” Flandre smirked as she boasted about her room. “Remi gets me all the toys I ask her for!” “It is indeed… pretty cool.” Nue smiled at Flandre as the blonde girl sat down on a cushion in front of a small table that had an odd looking tea-set laid out upon it. It was clearly set up like some sort of tea ceremony, with the other guests being two large plush bears that were as large as Flandre, with a single empty space. “Hey… what is that you’re holding there anyway?” Flandre suddenly pointed to the wooden instrument that Nue was holding, and Nue just shrugged. “Oh… it’s just an instrument that I’m holding onto for somebody…” Nue put the wooden fish down, hiding it could wait… though it was pretty well hidden as things were, she didn’t thing that Byakuren would think of looking in this room even if she told her that she’d hidden the instrument in this mansion! “Huh… alright.” Flandre accepted Nue’s words pretty easily before she gestured to the empty space at the table. “Aren’t you going to take a seat…?” Obviously Flandre wanted Nue to play along with her little tea-party, and Nue had absolutely no reason not to play along with the girl, so she did as Flandre wanted, sitting down opposite the girl. “So… how do you have your tea?” Flandre was clearly already having a good time, but… Nue didn’t exactly know what she meant by ‘how’ she had her tea, she had her tea like how any other tea was made! “Uh… boiled?” Nue just said with some confusion in her voice, was there… any other way to have tea? What was Flandre talking about? Flandre looked at her for a moment like she was an idiot, and the two shared a very awkward silence with one another as they just continued to stare at the other, neither really understanding the viewpoint of the other, before eventually Flandre seemed to realize she had made a mistake. “Oh! You’ve never had this sort of tea before have you?” Flandre pointed to a small pot of sugar and a small jug of milk that was on the table. “You mix sugar and milk with the tea after you’ve brewed it!” Flandre explained in a fairly matter of fact way, happy to be sharing something with her new friend. “Oh. I see.” Nue understood now, Flandre was simply asking her how much sugar or milk that she wanted in her tea. “I’ll have… a small amount of both then.” It was obviously going to be a little strange to have such a different tea to what she was normally used to drink it, but she also felt it would be pretty rude to just decline milk or sugar thanks to her own lack of experience with this particular form of tea. “Alright!” Flandre took hold of the teapot before she stopped for moment and placed it back down, frowning as she put her palm up against the side of the pot. “Oh… it’s gone cold…” Flandre looked immensely disappointed for a moment before she quickly jumped to her feet and grabbed some strange looking object from near her door… it looked almost like some sort of staff in the shape of a twisted double sided arrow. Nue had absolutely no idea what exactly what Flandre was trying to accomplish with it, and the last thing she was expecting was for Flandre to put the tip of the odd looking wand up against the teapot and for steam to start pouring from the spout. Nue had felt it better to not question what Flandre just did with that wand and to just appreciate the fact that the tea wasn’t going to be cold thanks to it. It was pretty obvious to her that whatever that thing was that it was incredibly powerful. Flandre quickly put the wand back where she had picked it up from and returned to her impromptu tea-party, pouring a cup for both of the plush bears sitting lifelessly at the flanks of the table and then a cup for Nue. “There.” When Nue had first heard that she was supposed to be the playmate of this girl… she wasn’t expecting things to end up being so… refined. She was expecting some sort of childish game like hide-and-seek or something, not a strange western tea ceremony! Nue added her own milk and sugar to her tea, and slowly drunk it in pace with Flandre… she didn’t really know what to talk about with the girl… but she supposed that she’d probably be best served by learning more about the girl she was currently having tea with. So… tell me about yourself, Flandre. Why exactly do you… well live down here? “Well… Remilia says that I have to because I kept breaking too much stuff when I lived on the top floor near her room. But I don’t mind… I like it down in the basement.” Nue supposed that made sense, if all the stuff that laid strewn about outside of her room had been broken by Flandre, it was pretty clear why it wasn’t a very good idea to have her just wandering around a mansion full of expensive objects at all time. Though it was also very obvious that there wasn’t anything keeping Flandre from actually staying in the basement other than her own whim, with how easily that the relatively slim looking girl had managed to push those heavy looking doors aside, Nue highly doubted that there was absolutely nothing that could prevent Flandre from leaving the basement if she wanted to. “Oh, that’s kind of a shame… have you not tried to maybe… control your strength?” Nue put down her tea cup as she asked Flandre a simple question, but the response she got wasn’t what she was expecting her advise to receive at all. “It’s not my fault that everything around me breaks so easy! If everyone else was a little stronger, then maybe they wouldn’t break all the time!” Flandre seemed to take offense to Nue’s words, and in that instant also appeared to lose control of her colossal strength to a degree that the tea-cup shattered in her hand, dunking hot tea all over her dress. “Agh!” Flandre fell backwards in surprise as she looked at the brown liquid that was already seeping into the white fabric of her dress, “Oh no! Flandre, are… are you OK?” Nue couldn’t help but feel like that was at least partially her fault, but… the look that Flandre gave her when she got up again was one that chilled her to her core… Nue considered herself an incredibly old and powerful Yōkai… but the look she was receiving from Flandre was one that chilled even somebody as powerful as she was to her core… it was the look of a predator staring coldly at their prey… that of a cat staring at a mouse with gleeful intent. “Flan…?” “You… you ruined my dress.” Flandre looked down at the stained fabric of the dress before her eyes once again locked on Nue, who was already preparing herself for a fight against the girl. “This was… my favorite dress… Remilia bought it for me centuries ago…” “Look, I’m sorry… it was an accident, alright?” Nue didn’t exactly want to take the blame for ruining the dress considering that she wasn’t really the one responsible at all and it was Flandre who had accidentally managed to ruin her own dress, but she felt like arguing the point right now… wasn’t in her best interests. Unfortunately for Nue, it looked like Flandre was already long past the point where reason could be used to talk her down, and she knew that there was no way out of this other than a fight… she prepared herself for a difficult fight, but just as she was preparing herself for the fight, Flandre disappeared with a blur of speed, reappearing right behind her with tremendous speed and smacking her on the back so hard that she flew through the air with incredible speed and crashed into the stone wall on the opposite side of the room, Nue was fortunate that she was fairly durable as far as Yōkai went… had she been a human or something, she imagined that she would’ve been dead before she even hit the wall. Nue pulled herself loose of the crater that had been formed as a result of her impacting the wall with great speed and got on her feet once again, prepared to fight the berserk girl who she had previously believed she was well on her way to becoming good friends with. She didn’t really want to fight Flandre, but she knew that she didn’t really have a choice in the matter… she didn’t know why Flandre had gone berserk, but she knew that she’d have to defend herself if she wanted to survive against her. Humans may have been magically protected by the rules on Gensokyo… but the same was unfortunately not true for Yōkai, especially when one of the parties simply refused to play along with the rules that were normally in place as more of a courtesy between them. Unfortunately for Nue, Flandre was way too quick for her to keep up with, and by the time she had even started to think about defending herself with a barrage of lasers or bullets, the rabid girl had leaped atop of her and was clinging onto her with great ferocity. “H-hey! Get off!” Nue tried her hardest to extract the girl from her body but it was to no avail, Flandre was many times physically stronger than she was, and up this close despite her own powers she was little more than a rag-doll for the girl to toy with as she pleased. The very last thing that Nue was expecting however was for the girl to open her mouth wide in front of her face and reveal the sharp pointed teeth that immediately let Nue know just what she was… this girl had been a vampire the entire time! Of course, instead of sinking her teeth into her neck as she was expecting, Flandre… lunged forwards, her gaping mouth instead aimed straight at Nue’s face. Nue tried to draw back away from the girl but she was too slow, and her world went dark as Flan’s wide open mouth stretched to engulf her entire head. The frantic vampire wasted no time in devouring her meal after fitting Nue’s head inside her mouth, she had thought that this girl might’ve actually made a good friend for her at first, but she soon changed her mind as she always did. Maybe if she hadn’t been so easy to break and toy with she could’ve been fun to play with… but in the end she had been just as easy to break as the other playmates that Remilia had gotten for her over the years, like that other vampire with the long blonde hair… or that purple haired swordsman, and now she was going to end up exactly like they had! Nue tried to struggle against the superior strength of the vampire but it was hopeless, Flandre simply pinned her arms to her side with minimal effort as she crammed her shoulders into her mouth, roughly shoving and pushing Nue into her mouth about as quickly as she possibly could, not caring about how her two sharp fangs were constantly nicking into Nue’s flesh and piercing her skin. If anything, the blood was an extra seasoning on her already delicious meal… if she had to say something about Nue’s flavor… it was that she was quite unlike any of her other living meals in the past, she couldn’t think of why she tasted so different, but she was happy to just put it down to whatever species that Nue was giving her a distinct yet difficult to place flavor. Nue quickly disappeared from the world as the greedy vampire girl continued scoffing her down like she was a pastry that had been served at their faux tea party, swallowing down the girl with such speed that Remilia would’ve scolded her for eating too fast… but Flandre knew that Remi was just as bad when it came to meals that she was enjoying, like when that purple haired girl with glasses came to the mansion and started to argue with Patchouli about something called ‘science’… she had ended up disappearing down Remi’s gullet so quickly that nobody knew what had happened, even Sakuya! At least until Remi belched up her glasses, anyway… Flandre finished reminiscing about one of her sister’s past meals just as she finished gulping down Nue’s torso… her weird wings had looked like they might’ve presented some sort of challenge but they went down fairly easy in the end… now all that remained of the inconsiderate girl outside of Flandre were her kicking legs, but those too swiftly disappeared as Flandre sucked as hard as she could on them, slurping the last of the girl down as if she were a single long noodle, not even hesitating for a moment to remove the girl’s shoes as she disappeared forever down into the vampires guts. “Pfaaa~” Flandre sat down on a cushion as she rubbed her stuffed belly, enjoying the hopeless squirms of the girl trapped within… she wouldn’t last very long inside of her… nobody ever did, but that didn’t mean that Flandre didn’t enjoy how good it felt when she had a person inside of her struggling for their lives frantically before they were crushed by the unrelenting power of her stomach… though her stomach was kind of unusual… but she hadn’t talked about it with Remilia so she didn’t know if it was something all vampire’s stomachs did or not. It was a little bit embarrassing to think about actually… but whenever she ate somebody she’d end up passing their entire skeleton about a day later, oftentimes still wearing the same clothing they had been wearing when they got swallowed, completely undamaged. It was so embarrassing that she ended up using her power to destroy the skeletons as soon as she passed them… though she had been guilty of taking the clothes of a few of her meals if she thought that their outfits were particularly cute before she destroyed their skeletons. “Well, Nue… you made a pretty lousy playmate… but you were really tasty!” Flandre decided to see if her food was willing to have a conversation as she digested, but unfortunately the only response she received was an uncontrolled shriek of pain and anger… pretty obvious that she didn’t want to talk about things… Flan was kind of disappointed, but instead decided to spend the next few hours playing with her stomach and sloshing it about as it dutifully went about its task of turning the meat inside of it into fuel for Flan, converting almost every part of Nue into nothing but blood and leaving a shining white skeleton behind over the course of about four hours. Flandre had a pretty good time just playing around with her sloshy tummy… but she could feel as her body started to reject the useless contents that still remained within her stomach, so she quickly hurried to her bathroom in order to deal with things, not wanting to defecate within her bedroom… even if it was just a sparkling clean skeleton. After a few minutes of grunting and pushing, the last of the skeleton of Nue had fallen from her body, as with all of her living meals, it was remarkably intact, and could’ve probably served as an anatomical model of the skeletal system of… well whatever Nue was, Flandre didn’t actually care though, about Nue’s race or about the perfect quality of her skeleton… and after spending a moment thinking about whether her outfit was cute enough to add to her own wardrobe, she decided against it. Satisfied with how things had turned out, she raised her arm and lined up the eye of the skeleton and crushed it as simply as she closed her hand… all that remained of Nue Houjuu was disintegrated and faded away into oblivion within Flandre’s en suite bathroom. Flandre smirked, patting her stomach… as usual, she’d gained absolutely no weight from her meal whatsoever, but she didn’t mind, she enjoyed the experience, and she’d enjoy telling Remi all about the girl too! Give the wooden fish to an opposing shrine as a gift. After giving the matter some thought, the most devilish of schemes popped into Nue’s head… she didn’t need to hide it… so much as she could just give it to somebody else as a gift! That way, when even when Byakuren found it and went to get it back, she’d have to try to explain things to somebody else! It might’ve been a little bit cruel, but it would definitely end up being funny… for her at least. But who should she give an instrument like this…? Not many people would be interested in it, really… but maybe she could try and give it to an opposing shrine in Gensokyo? Right, that ought to be fun, Nue didn’t really know a lot about the rest of the shrines that were around… she’d been away from the surface for a very long time and was still trying to catch up on things, so she started to scout around the skies of Gensokyo, looking for anything that looked like it might’ve been a shrine. It had been hundreds of years since she had last seen the surface of Gensokyo, and while Gensokyo as a whole didn’t tend to change much, they layout of the land from above was pretty dissimilar to what she remember, and she found herself flying about through the air aimlessly as she looked for a shrine… she had decided it would be better to use her power to disguise her true form for now too… it would sort of give things away too quickly if somebody ended up spotting her and Byakuren found out where she was. Of course, her powers… didn’t make her the most inconspicuous, considering that now instead of looking like a girl flying through the sky she’d look like… well she’d look mostly unidentifiable and people would just come to their own conclusions about what they saw. But so long as she was quick and wasn’t seen by too many people she’d be fine, it would only become a problem if multiple people ended up seeing her and shared their experience with others and found the discrepancies in their respective memories that she’d have to worry about. Nue continued her flight, soaring quickly through the air as she tried her hardest to find any random shrine she could give the instrument too, though she was flying closer to the ground than usual in order to prevent too many people from seeing her in order to minimize witnesses… as a direct result of that her visibility was pretty limited, but even so she ended up seeing a few different environments as she flew around, forests, lakes, rivers… until eventually she stopped in mid-air, hovering above a swamp… she was obviously getting nowhere by just blindly flying around and hoping she could find something of interest… maybe she could go to the human village and just ask somebody about nearby shrines? So long as it wasn’t the Hakurei shrine, she’d be happy with any random temple or whatever. She put her finger and a thumb to her chin as she pondered in mid-air… should she maybe fly up a little higher instead of asking at the human village? It was a tough choice honestly, and she weighed the two options against each other in her head… both of them had a chance of backfiring on her pretty massively… and she found herself wishing that she’d just looked at a map of Gensokyo or something before setting off with the intent to find a shrine… it was really like finding a needle in a haystack considering that Gensokyo was… well it was pretty big. Or at least it felt that way when Nue was so unfamiliar with the lay of the land. There was a big mountain nearby that she thought might be a good place to check next though... As she continued to think about her options, she felt something… warm and sticky slap onto her wrist, and she gasped in surprise as she looked at what it was… some sort of bir- “Whu-?” Nue was taken out of her own thoughts as she saw just what it was that was attached to her arm… of course, even looking directly at it still took her a moment to process just what was happening. Wrapped around her wrist was a very long pink slimy and smooth looking mass of… pink muscle? Was somebody playing a prank on her? It looked like it was coming from somewhere in the swamp… Nue tried to pull away, but she found that it was impossible to break the hold! Suwako was having a very good day, she had just been going on a walk in the swamp and in the process she saw the absolute biggest dragonfly she had ever seen in her life just… hovering above the swamp! Of course, with the instincts of a frog, she simply couldn’t resist a bug that big… and after checking to make sure that nobody was around to see her, she shot out her long tongue at the flying insect… successfully managing to stick to it! The goddess silently celebrated as she worked on pulling back her tongue, just as the big insect seemed to realize what was happening and started to try to pull itself away from her long sticky tongue… it was impossible for a mere insect to escape from her though, and she started to reel the big bug in… it was pretty amazing just how much resistance was being put up against her by the flying insect, but it was useless, she wasn’t going to be denied! “G-get off of me!” Nue tried her hardest to pull the weird slimy tendril off of her arm while she flapped her wings as quickly as she could in an attempt to break away from her current situation… but she was failing, and she was slowly being dragged down to earth by the long tendril… she considered for a moment about just cooperating with the pull… but that changed quickly when she finally got close enough to see just what it was that was dragging her downwards… it looked like the tendril was attached girl…? Wait a minute… this wasn’t some tendril! It was connected to her mouth! T-the thing dragging her down was a tongue! Nue’s mind raced as she quickly figured things out and realized that somehow through her own powers she had managed to be mistaken for something that the long tongued girl was interested in eating! Well, Nue had other ideas! She summoned her trident to her hand and prepared to use it to stab the tongue… but just as she was about to do so, a great tug from the girl below caused her to lose her balance in the air, and at the same time her grip on her weapon! Where did this sudden surge of power come from?! Well… it didn’t matter, she didn’t need her weapon to defend herself, a blast of Danmaku ought to knock some sense into the idiot trying to eat her! Suwako was getting annoyed at how long things were taking… it was a big dragonfly, sure… but this level of resistance was just irritating. Prey should know when it has been caught and disappear into her throat without trying so hard to escape! She felt like she was making good progress now though, and she prepared herself for one last pull but as she was preparing herself… the insect strangely begun to… glow? Nue had finally had enough of this, and she drew one of her spell cards, holding it to the air as it activated. “You asked for it! Nightmare of Heiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh?!” Just as she was about to unleash hell upon the girl down below, she was suddenly pulled with force that was far greater than anything that she had been subjected to prior, and her concentration was completely lost as she soared downwards, on a collision course with the wide open mouth of a froggy looking hat-wearing girl. “Nooooooooooo-!” Nue screamed as she realized what was about to happen, and the wide mouth of the girl swiftly consumed her head. Suwako was pleased with herself for finally managing to get the dragonfly into her mouth… but she was a little bit confused, she could’ve sworn that she heard somebody shouting close to her when she was just about to get the insect in her mouth… but seeing as she couldn’t hear anything any longer, she quickly dismissed it as unimportant… she had a dragonfly to eat after all, she couldn’t be distracting herself with silly things like that. Nue couldn’t believe what was happening as she was roughly shoved further down the gullet of the girl who had dragged her out of the air… she tried to kick her legs but it was obvious that it wasn’t working… was this how she was going to end up dying? Snatched out of the air by a hungry… frog Yōkai? She didn’t even know the identity of the one devouring her, having only caught a brief glimpse at the girl before her view of the girl’s face was replaced by a view of the inside of her throat. The continual consumption of the nue carried on, the chimeric Yōkai’s undoing entirely the fault of her own power… under no circumstance would somebody like Suwako have thought of doing something so cruel as eating a person, but the earth goddess had no such mercy for those the more primal frog-like portion of her mind considered to be food… of course, that did mean that she found it difficult to hold her appetite back around the likes of somebody like Wriggle Nightbug in the few chance meetings she had ended up having with her… but the firefly Yōkai was fortunately normally flanked by enough insects that Suwako could distract herself by just chowing down on them… much to Wriggle’s usual chagrin. Eventually, she finished with her big bug meal, patting her large stomach with satisfaction… happy with how her walk had turned out, she spun on her heel with the intent to return to the shrine… but as she did, something caught her eye… it looked like some sort of… wooden instrument? Suwako wasn’t really familiar with just what it was supposed to be used for, but she decided that it must’ve been dropped accidentally by some traveler, so she’d take it back with her to the shrine. Maybe its owner would show up looking for it? Suwako had practically already forgotten about having eaten the girl she perceived as a large dragonfly already, after all, she had no reason to continue to think about nothing more than an unusually large flying insect! Suwako shrugged as she reasoned with herself, before she casually wandered back home, somehow not impeded whatsoever by the massive bulge of flesh that was stretched out before her. Nue shrieked angrily within her gastric tomb as she attempted to pierce it through any means she had available to her, she had lost her trident, but that didn’t mean that she couldn’t attempt to use magic bullets or lasers to just burst the girl! Unfortunately, all of her attempts failed before they even managed to start, the greedy insides of her predator were quick to absorb any energy that Nue tried to put out, and Nue realized that she’d only have her physical strength to rely on here! But her physical strength was also draining by the minute as the stomach rubbed acids into her skin, preparing to break her down into a slurry! Some time passed as Suwako made her way back to Moriya Shrine, but oddly enough by the time she had returned home, the goddess could still feel movement within her stomach… dismissing it as nothing more than a particularly hardy bug on account of its size, she paid it no more attention, strolling into the shrine and quickly catching the eye of Kanako… who seemed to be uncharacteristically interested in Suwako when she entered the shrine. “Suwako… do I even want to know?” Kanako gestured to the large and still bulging belly of the smaller goddess being she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly not wanting to ask but being spurred on by her own curiosity regardless as to why her fellow goddess was so terribly bloated.. “What… did you end up eating?” Suwako smirked in response to the question, feeling terribly pleased with herself. “A huge dragonfly that was just hovering above the swamp, waiting to be eaten!” It had been hovering just above the trees, just low down enough for Suwako to snag it with her tongue, and though it tried to struggle against her, she still got it down in the end anyway. The appetite of a goddess was not something to be trifled with.“A… dragonfly, huh?” Kanako took another look at the swell of flesh that was Suwako’s belly, noting the very obvious imprints of a person’s face and hands occasionally pushing out of the stomach, before she smiled at Suwako. “Well, I hoped you enjoyed your meal.” Kanako didn’t know nor care just who Suwako had managed to eat and mistake for an insect… but she didn’t really care either. She doubted that it was anybody she knew or cared about… and she didn’t really have the heart to tell Suwako that what she for some reason thought was a Dragonfly was clearly a person… better to just let them digest and hope that this was just an isolated incident. Digest is exactly what Nue did over the course of the night, spending the hours Suwako slept in a state of complete agony as her flesh sloughed away from her bones, and her bones melted into a bubbling paste. The last hours of Nue Houjuu were of complete mind-rending agony, and the girl responsible for devouring her in the first place had absolutely no idea of the struggles of the unfortunate Yōkai that she had devoured. Suwako would likely very much be heartbroken if she were to be told that she had ended up so mercilessly and tortuously killing a Yōkai as she did… but fortunately, she’d never find out. The only hint that Suwako got as to what had happened was when she woke up the next day feeling more energized than she had ever been before, and more powerful than she was even at the peak of her strength as a goddess! In fact… with her new powers… she might’ve even been able to defeat Kanako! Not that she was really the sort of person to act on that old grudge, she’d long since forgiven her fellow goddess about what had happened in the past. As she marveled at her newfound powers, Suwako’s attention was grabbed by the wooden instrument that she had left on the floor in her room once again… she pondered for a moment about things, before she decided that it might be a good way to get herself a new follower if she tracked down the owner of the item and returned it to them! She smiled to herself as she picked up the wooden fish and left her room, before a rumbling deep from within her bowels caused her to blush and her attention was grabbed by… a more base urge she needed to fulfill first. The nature goddess quickly hurried to the lavatory to relieve herself… even a goddess like herself couldn’t ignore her bodily functions like that, though it wasn’t long until she was stepping out of the lavatory once more, freshened up and ready to face the rest of the day, not knowing that she had just turned the toilet at the Moriya shrine into a tomb for a certain unidentifiable Yōkai… though from all of this, there was one thing that Nue might’ve found comfort in… nobody would ever be able to determine what her true form was now that she was nothing but waste! Of course, the wooden fish that she had stolen would eventually be returned to Myouren shrine, but nobody would ever be able to figure out just where Nue disappeared too… well except Kanako. Toss the wooden fish into a Bamboo Forest at random. Nue was having trouble thinking of a really good place to hide it, but then a devious thought popped into her head… wouldn’t it be even more entertaining if even she was unaware of where the wooden fish ended up, and it was just randomly tossed somewhere that it would be difficult to find for just about anybody? She giggled to herself madly as she decided on her plan. This way, nobody would know where it was, and even if Byakuren decided to do something like threaten her to get her to tell her where she hid it, she wouldn’t know either! It was the perfect prank, even if it did mean that Byakuren might have to postpone her concert until she could find the instrument if she couldn’t find it in time. That was hardly Nue’s problem though… if anything, she’d be glad that there wouldn’t be a racket preventing her from sleeping at the temple for almost an entire day and night. The people who came to see the concert were always almost as noisy as Byakuren herself was with the instrument… not to mention nosy. Nue valued her privacy quite a bit, so while she supposed that the concert might’ve been fun, she really didn’t like the idea of just about anybody in Gensokyo having free reign to roam about the temple. Nue smirked as she looked at the instrument that she was carrying, before she flew high into the air and launched it as hard as she could to any random spot into a bamboo forest… she’d heard that the bamboo forest was super easy to get lost in, so it would make the perfect place to hide something that you didn’t want to find! It was flawless logic, but… there was just a single aspect to it that Nue hadn’t taken into account, one small insignificant factor that shouldn’t have mattered a single bit to her plan, but… today just wasn’t her lucky day. Mokou was minding her own business as she wandered through the bamboo stalks, patrolling to see if any humans had become lost in the forest… until a voice from up above caught her attention. “Taaah!” Mokou was looking in the direction of the noise, just in time for a wooden object to collide with her forehead at incredible speed, smashing into her face and knocking her over. “Argh! What the hell?!” Mokou clutched her forehead in pain… she looked at the object that had just been thrown at her, seeing what looked to be some ceremonial wooden fish, and she scowled. That thing had been thrown at her with enough force to kill a normal person! But… at the same time this didn’t feel like something Kaguya would scheme, no… normally her plots to kill Mokou were a little less… dumb. This had to be the work of some foolish Yōkai who didn’t know just who she was attacking! Nue brushed her hands together, happy to be rid of the instrument… now she’d just have to return back to Myouren shrine and tell Byakuren about what she’d done! She cackled to herself, but… there was a glint from below her, and she moved out of the way just in time to avoid a consuming pillar of flame shooting upwards to attack her! “W-what? Who’s stupid enough to attack me?!” Nue was pissed, and quickly flew down to the ground in order to confront her attacker… it was a white haired girl wearing a red dress… she did look slightly familiar… but Nue couldn’t place her. “So you think you can just get away with attacking me and running off, huh?” The white haired girl asked coldly, and Nue tilted her head in confusion. Attack her…? Was this some sort of grudge about something she did earlier? She certainly didn’t remember attacking this girl, but then again she didn’t remember the majority of people she scared or played cruel pranks on, so it’s possible that she had just forgotten the girl. “Sorry, but… attack you? Don’t be stupid, I’ve got better things to do with my time than to just attack some idiot wandering around a bamboo forest.” Nue shrugged, an expression of smugness on her face as she did so. “Now, I’m in a good mood, so I’ll forgive you for attacking me earlier… but try it again, and I’ll-” Nue was forced to drop to the ground as a ball of flame soared towards her, igniting the stalks of bamboo around her as it narrowly missed. “I can see that you’ll need to be punished.” Fujiwara no Mokou wasn’t the sort of woman who would just let such insolence go unpunished, especially from some Yōkai who she had never seen before. If they were thinking of trying to pick a fight with a human in order to assert their power or something… well they were picking on the wrong human! Mokou licked her lips as she stared down the Yōkai… this one looked like nothing special. Mokou had devoured plenty of them over the centuries that she had been alive, though she kept that as something of a secret… she was ostracized enough from everyone else, if the secret got out that she was responsible for the disappearance of so many Yōkai and humans over the centuries she’d been alive, then there would almost certainly be a push for sealing her away. Mokou was immortal, so they could never kill her, but nothing about that meant that she couldn’t be sealed away for the rest of eternity or something, and that was why she very rarely used the power she had accumulated over the centuries that she had gotten from devouring all those people. In the rare times that she did use the abilities she absorbed from those meals, she simply lied that they were sorcerous abilities she had learned over the incredibly long time she had been alive… which wasn’t entirely untrue. She had devoured plenty of magicians in her life and claimed all their power and knowledge of the magical arts, but that wasn’t all that her sorcery entailed. “Hey… Yōkai… do you want to know something interesting about the Spell Card Rules?” Mokou suppressed a laugh, as she stared at the irritated looking girl in front of her, she was going to enjoy this… it wasn’t often that she fought anybody other than Kaguya, and it would make for a somewhat nice little distraction…for the little time it was going to take until she won anyway. “What are you getting at?” Nue twirled her trident around as she eyed the white haired human with anger in her eyes. This human obviously didn’t know what they were getting themselves into, but it might be nice to thrash her as punishment for trying to shoot that pillar of flame at her earlier. “Well… one of the reason they were put in place was to prevent Yōkai from killing or preying upon humans…” It had been getting to be quite a problem thanks to a certain vampire who kept entering the human village and luring men back to her mansion with the promise of sexual acts… only to devour them whole instead. Of course, that wasn’t even mentioning the nights where that vampire drained dozens of humans of their blood and ended up looking like some sort of bloated tick. “Yeah, and?” Nue didn’t get what her enemy was getting at, and was generally just being annoyed by her at this point.“But… there’s no such clause or stipulation in those rules to prevent a human from doing the same to a Yōkai… of course, why would such a clause be needed? Humans are so weak compared to a typical Yōkai that a Yōkai wouldn’t need such protection, right?”“Look, I’m not interested in talking about the dumb rules that everyone has to follow, can we fight now?” Nue was getting irritable already, not only had this girl attacked her out of nowhere, now she was just talking to her about stuff she already knew! “How rude.” Mokou smirked. “I suppose I’ll just leave it as a surprise then!” With that, she charged towards Nue, unleashing a barrage of fiery bullets at her enemy, who started to dodge out of the way as she returned fire with her own barrage of bullets, summoning a UFO out of red energy to assist her in her attacks. Nue quickly realized that she may have actually been a little bit out of her league as her enemy didn’t even appear to be bothered by her attempts to fight back, effortlessly dodging out of the way of all of her attacks as if it were the simplest thing in the world, while retaliating with streams of fire that Nue was only just able to dodge out of the way of! Eventually, their battle came to a climactic end when Nue’s strongest spell card failed to even graze Mokou, and the counter attack came in the form of a pillar of burning flame underneath her feet that sent her flying into the air before she crashed back down, still and defeated. Mokou looked at the defeated Yōkai with glee in her eyes… in truth, Nue had actually been quite a bit more difficult to defeat than she was originally giving the girl credit for… but in the end, she had triumphed over her, and she’d enjoy claiming her prize. If the Yōkai wasn’t an idiot, she might’ve realized what Mokou meant when she was talking about how the rules of Gensokyo only forbade Yōkai from devouring humans, and didn’t say anything about humans devouring Yōkai instead. The rules were written with the idea that Yōkai were superior to humans to such a degree that only humans needed to be a protected party… of course those rules didn’t take into account humans like her. In fact, not only was she very much allowed to devour any Yōkai that took her fancy by the rules of Gensokyo, but as a human, she wasn’t ever barred from swallowing others of her own kind either! Of course, if somebody like Reimu found out about the fact that her diet was open to more than just Yōkai then Mokou might found herself in a spot of bother… though she’d just eat the shrine maiden too if push came to shove. Nue’s breathing was heavy as she woke up from her brief bout of unconsciousness and tried to get up despite her current injuries… there were burns all over her body thanks to the relentless flames she had been subjected to as a result of the brutal fight she had just had, but even so… she wasn’t about to give up just yet! She didn’t know who this girl thought that she was… but if they thought that this battle was over… they were very much mistaken! Mokou’s expression remained neutral as she looked upon the defeated Yōkai who was trying to get up despite the fact that her body was actually smoking from the flames that had torched her, and in that moment, she decided to give the Yōkai one last chance, simply because she had been impressed by the girl’s spirit. She wasn’t really that hungry anyway… though to be fair that was always true, the Hourai Elixir that she had drunk all those years ago saw to that. She could still get peckish sometimes, but… well it was an impossibility for her to ever starve to death. “It would be intelligent of you to flee.” There was mercy in her voice, but… it was fairly obvious that the strange winged Yōkai had no intention of accepting her loss, even now. “F-Flee…?” The girl coughed before she begun to laugh, though her voice was clearly quite pained, the girl’s ego didn’t seem to allow her to even consider something like that. “Don’t… make me laugh!” She raised her trident, taking aim at the bored looking girl that was staring at her with eyes that unlike the fire that she had wielded with such deadly skill, were as cold as the ice of a frozen lake. “I’ll show you why humans shouldn’t… mess with a nue!” She launched the trident at the girl, the weapon emitted shadows as it soared through the air, until it finally reached its target, striking the still girl true and knocking her backwards as it sunk straight into her! Nue froze for a moment as she took in what had just happened… her desperation attack… it had worked! Her laughter increased in intensity as she realized that she had actually managed to defeat the girl after all, and she walked towards the body of the girl… against a human, being struck like that would almost certainly spell their end. She was fortunate that it would take a very long time for anybody to find the body of the girl in this bamboo forest, though that did mean that she’d have to find where the wooden fish had landed and find another place to put it. She walked close to the body of the girl, frowning at the still maiden as she clutched her trident and pulled it loose of the girl. She hadn’t gone out today looking to kill anybody, but… her ego was too strong to just let her walk away after being completely embarrassed by her opponent. Moments after she pulled the trident out of the girl however… her eyes bolted open, and there was a wild smirk on her face! “Gotcha!” Nue couldn’t believe what was happening as the girl suddenly woke up from seemingly being dead and leaped upon her, pinning the exhausted and battered Yōkai to the floor with ease! “I can’t believe you thought something like that was able to kill me! I’m immortal!” There was nothing in all of Gensokyo or beyond that was able to permanently kill Mokou, even if her body were to somehow be completely eradicated, she’d still find a way back somehow! Nue’s eyes widened at the revelation of the girl’s immortality, and it was obvious that she didn’t just mean immortal in the sense that she’d never age and die from growing old… but that she was simply unable to die at all! “I was thinking of maybe letting you go… but healing from that has gotten me hungry, and I don’t see anything else around that can fill the hole you made!” Mokou smirked at her own joke about the fact that she’d just healed from the damage done by the trident in an instant, the double-meaning of her words was seemingly lost on the terrified looking Yōkai though, who was currently struggling to push her off thanks to her own injuries, not that she’d have had any luck even if she wasn’t already hurt. Mokou opened her mouth wide as she started to force the Yōkai closer to her waiting maw, the girl’s struggling increased further as she realized what was about to happen, but when it became clear that her strength alone wouldn’t be enough to save her from becoming food for this human who seemed like more of a monster than even most of the Yōkai she knew, she started to beg and plead. “W-wait a minute! Hold on!” Mokou didn’t slow down for a moment as she continued trying to get the girl’s head into her mouth. “I said hold on damn it! I… if you don’t… eat me, I’ll serve you! I’ll be your servant!” It was a desperate plead, and one that sacrificed any shred of dignity that Nue may have once had just for the chance of survival. Mokou hesitated for a moment as she thought about the offer… it did sound like it might have some advantages to have somebody around that she could force to do her bidding, but… she really was feeling peckish after using some of her stamina on healing herself. Sure, she didn’t need to eat food to survive, but after healing from being wounded so badly, her reserves of energy would of course drop a little, even if the Hourai Elixir meant that even if she didn’t eat anything she’d recover it after a while anyway. “Hmmm…” Mokou pretended to think for a moment, enjoying the hopeful look on the face of the Yōkai as she deliberated on the matter… “Sorry, but I really am too hungry now!” The once hopeful expression of the Yōkai twisted into an expression of complete despair as she realized that she truly was nothing more than food for a hungry human, the natural order of things had been twisted so far that it was completely unidentifiable. “No, wai-!” Nue didn’t get to finish screaming before she head was fully engulfed by the mouth of the hungry immortal, who wasn’t really in any sort of mood to take things slow, not even stopping to taste the Yōkai as she quickly crammed her down her throat. One gulp sent Nue’s head into her throat, the second gulp found her modest chest fully engulfed and her arms pinned helplessly to her side… the third took in the girl up to her waist… and there wasn’t a fourth gulp, just a single long sucking noise as the immortal girl slurped the unidentifiable Yōkai down her throat. As usual, the straps holding up her baggy trousers were completely obliterated by the massive expansion of her stomach, but Mokou was used to it, and didn’t really mind. “Haaaa~” Mokou cradled her stomach happily as it was weighed down by its new occupant, who had been beaten down so harshly already that she was barely able to muster the motivation to continue struggling, just the occasional light squirm from a girl who had lost all of her hope, of course what Nue wasn’t able to see were the hundreds of tattoos in the shape of people that canvassed the stomach of the girl who had devoured her. The Hourai Elixir… it was truly special, and while it seemingly wasn’t something that Eirin or Kaguya had figured out, Mokou had found that it in a way applied even to the very food that she ate… so long as the food was… well, alive when it was eaten. Anything that she ate that was alive would be trapped upon her body for all of eternity, the only evidence of their existence being in the form of a tattoo upon her stomach, their soul. It was the reason behind her ability to so effortlessly claim the strength of all those that she devoured, though it did deny any that she ate an afterlife… seeing as they weren’t dead, not technically. Mokou had always wondered what might happen if she were to devour Kaguya… but… the idea of putting an end to her eternal rivalry was one that held little appeal to her. For as much as she and Kaguya shared an intense mutual hatred for the other… Mokou had the foresight to recognize that she would soon lose any sort of purpose if she dealt with her in such a manner... She looked at her stomach for a moment, before she shrugged. Perhaps if she ever truly got tired of living, she could try to incense Kaguya into eating her? Blushing at the scandalous thought of self-destruction, Mokou shook her head. N-no, that wasn’t what she wanted at all, to become nothing but fat dangling off of her eternal rival… right? She found herself breaking out into a cold sweat as she looked towards the direction of Eientei… maybe one day… but right now, she wasn’t even close to being bored enough to sacrifice herself to a stomach! And… and especially not Kaguya’s stomach! As Mokou fantasized about ending up as nothing but a small patch of flab on Kaguya’s stomach, her own worked on overdrive to melt down the girl within her totally, crushing down on the girl within while being as hot as a furnace… it wasn’t long until there not even a bone was left of the girl, who was now nothing but chyme filtering through Mokou’s intestines, as well as a new tattoo that was forming upon her stomach. The tremendously powerful stomach was already shrinking back down to its previous size… though a tiny bit of extra weight was added to her pudgy gut. It took less than an hour from Mokou first laying her eyes upon Nue for her to defeat her, devour her and digest her completely before forgetting about the encounter almost entirely, considering defeating and devouring yet another Yōkai as a tremendously minor event in her incredibly long life. Mokou was far more interested in thinking about how things might work out if an immortal devoured another immortal to spend any time thinking about the girl who now adorned a small patch of flesh on her chubby gut. Nue would swiftly be forgotten by just about everyone who knew her… not that there really that many people who knew or cared about her in the first place. Byakuren meanwhile would never end up finding her wooden fish and was left thinking that the nue just ran away from her for some reason, and though she was disappointed, she could somehow feel that Nue was in good health… unfortunately for both her and the unlucky Yōkai though, Nue was in fact in Mokou’s good health! See if there was anywhere good to hide the instrument in that eastern-style mansion in the Bamboo Forest. Nue spent a good long while thinking of a good hiding place… her mind bouncing from one idea to the next until she finally came up with a good idea. There was a big mansion that she’d seen in the Bamboo Forest during one of her flights! All she’d need to do was go there and she’d definitely be able to find a really good hiding place there! The place was absolutely huge! She quickly hurried along to the mansion, soaring quickly through the air and making herself completely unidentifiable as she slipped inside, cloaking herself completely as she made her way inside… she didn’t really know much about the place, but she gathered that it must belong to somebody really important, and the fact that there were way too many rabbit eared girls wandering about meant that she didn’t want to risk anything by even leaving a chance that somebody would see her! There were dozens of good places that she could use to hide the wooden fish in the massive mansion, and she had soon decided to hide the instrument inside a dresser in one of the rooms of the massive building, opening up a drawer with the intent to stash the item inside of it. However… “Wow! That’s a pretty cool trick! I can’t see you at all!” Nue had been careless, she wasn’t quite sure how she’d managed it, but there had been one of the rabbits in the room she had chosen the entire time! How the former hell did she miss that?! She remained silent, hoping to maybe convince the girl that she was just seeing things, but instead the girl just used it as an opportunity to get up and close the door to her room, sealing Nue inside with her. “Come on, you can stop hiding yourself now… I can see you.” The black haired girl somehow… wasn’t lying. Her red eyes had fixed onto Nue’s current position with the accuracy of a hawk. Sighing with resignation, Nue did as the girl asked, and dropped her invisibility to allow the girl to see her. “But… how did you see me?” Nue’s powers shouldn’t have had a weakness like that where anybody could seemingly just see through them entirely! No matter how perceptive somebody was, when she wanted to make herself impossible to find or see, then she would be! “I guess I just got lucky!” The rabbit girl just shrugged. “I’m Tewi Inaba, and you are?” The rabbit girl was surprisingly friendly, given the circumstances, and Nue was actually expecting that she’d have to beat down the harmless looking girl, but instead… she was surprisingly friendly.“You’re… not mad that I broke into your room?” Nue had to confirm that she wasn’t just losing her mind or something and that the rabbit really didn’t care at all about the specifics of their meeting one single bit.“Not really. But… your name?” Tewi really didn’t seem at all bothered by things, and Nue found it just a little strange about how laid back the rabbit was being. If somebody had broken into her room for some stupid reason, then she knew that she’d react in an incredibly violent manner, but that wasn’t the case for this girl.Nue suddenly realized that she had left the girl hanging, feeling a tinge of embarrassment at being so inconsiderate to the girl who had been nothing but nice to her so far. “Oh, it’s Nue Houjuu.” “Hmm… so, I’m gonna guess that you’re here as some sort of prank, right? But I doubt that you were planning on pranking me with that instrument you’re holding.” Tewi smirked as she instantly saw through what Nue was doing. “Lemme guess, you’re hiding something that belongs to somebody you know and thought that this was a place they wouldn’t check, right?”“Uh… that’s right, why?” “Well, all I have to say is that you sure are bad at this… why didn’t you just say you hid it in another place but keep it at the shrine?” Tewi titled her head in confusion. “Wouldn’t it be so much simpler if you didn’t have to go out of your way to come here to find a place to hide it when you could’ve just said you hid it here while actually just hiding it back where you came from?” Instantly, Tewi started to tear into Nue’s plan for a prank, instantly pointing out that her even being at Eientei was really just very foolish. “Well…” Nue started to talk in an attempt to defend herself, but the rabbit girl clearly didn’t feel like giving her even an inch of ground to even start to form some sort of competent rebuttal “Also, what sort of prank are you even trying to pull here in the first place? Pranks usually involve tricking people! You’re just… well you’re just planning on making somebody look for their stuff after stealing it, right?” “Well… it’s not stealing… I’m… I’m gonna give it back!” Nue didn’t really like being accused of being a thief when she was just playing a harmless prank on Byakuren. It totally wasn’t stealing if you were only taking it for a while with the intention of giving it back later! “Then why bother in the first place? This doesn’t sound like a fun prank at all… in fact, I’m fairly certain that you’re a complete amateur!” Tewi poked a finger at Nue’s chest, and the Yōkai took a step back as she was hit hard by the words of the rabbit. “A-amateur!? How dare you, you little brat! Do you know who I am? How long I’ve lived! I’ve mastered the art of misleading humans!” Nue was mad now, she wasn’t just going to let this random pipsqueak girl call her an amateur! “Uh-huh, I’m sure.” Tewi folded her arms as she looked unimpressed by Nue’s boasting. It was pretty clear that the girl with weird wings had something of an ego, even if she was pretty objectively bad at actually pranking people. Sure, she probably had a very easy time actually misleading or deceiving people thanks to her Yōkai abilities… but the true spirit of a prank went beyond simply misleading, it was about getting underneath your target’s skin in a way that they never expected! Maybe she’d have to give this Nue girl a lesson… “You know what…? If you’re so great, you tell me how you’d prank Byakuren!” Nue totally revealed everything about her plan now, goaded into it by the unimpressed rabbit girl. “Hmm… well…” Tewi was actually aware of the person being spoken of, and even though she hadn’t really met her in person, she thought for a moment before smiling. “If I was pranking somebody like her… well I’d probably make a Yōkai that she cared about disappear!” There was a devious glint in Tewi’s eye as she started to size up Nue. “That’s ridiculous.” Nue just crossed her arms. Not believing that Byakuren would truly care that much if one of the Yōkai that lived at the temple with her just disappeared, sure, she knew that Byakuren cared about Yōkai, but… she still couldn’t see her being all too bothered by what Tewi was suggesting. “This prank only works because Byakuren is meant to be hosting her Sutra-chanting concert soon!” “So… you’re telling me that you think she cares less about you… and more about some instrument?” Tewi enjoyed hiding her true intelligence under a veneer of foolishness that her appearance might give people a false impression of, but the truth was that she was one of the oldest beings in all of Gensokyo! Of course with great age comes great boredom… so Tewi had mastered the art of pranking others, finding it to be endlessly entertaining no matter how old she ended up growing. “Well… that’s not…” Nue paused to think about what she was saying before she shook her head. “Whatever. Just stay out of my way if you’re not going to stop me.” She’d had enough of the annoying rabbit, so she resolved herself to just ignore her, but when she turned around again… the rabbit girl had disappeared, and Nue was just… confused. There was nowhere she could’ve gone and the door was closed! “Hey! Look up here!” A voice from above suddenly made Nue look up to see Tewi dangling herself upside down from a hanging light just above her head… and Nue could only frown in irritation. She was starting to find herself wishing that she hadn’t come to this mansion in the first place, especially after Tewi had already given her the idea that she didn’t need to bother going some place remote to hide the wooden fish in the first place and she could’ve just lied about where she hid it, and now it just felt like she was being made fun of by the energetic rabbit girl. “W-waa!” Suddenly, Tewi slipped from her precarious position, and Nue dropped her trident and put her hands up to catch the girl almost by instinct… but as the rabbit girl fell, in those fractions of a second that she had before her girl reached her… Nue saw something in the girls eyes. A hunger that was entirely unsuited for a rabbit… but it was too late for her to do anything, and soon the reason that she saw such a terrifying hunger in the eyes of the rabbit was very clear itself. The rabbit opened her mouth wide just as she was about to collide with Nue’s outreached arms, and instead of being caught by the Yōkai, she instead ended up engulfing both of her arms up to the elbow, which caused Nue to immediately start to freak out. “W-w-what’s happening?! How is this happening?!” She tried to wave her arms about wildly to dislodge Tewi, but all she managed to do was get the rabbit who was very much trying to eat her to slide further down her arms. Tewi… well, she was of course under strict orders to not allow anybody to sneak around the Eientei like the girl had been… but she had been interested by the prospect of her pranking somebody… if only Nue’s prank didn’t suck so much, Tewi might’ve let the clear trespassing slide… but as it was, it was a stupid prank… and she didn’t even seem like she was taking any of Tewi’s advice onboard either! It was better off for people like that to disappear! At least like this, Nue would finally learn how to truly get under somebody’s skin… unfortunately she’d only ever be able to manage it once! Nue didn’t understand what was happening as the little rabbit girl slid down her arms, she was… being eaten? How? Even discounting the fact that Tewi was way smaller than her… how was she even being swallowed to this point in the first place? No way anybody could be that stretchy! Unfortunately for Nue, her beliefs were very much mistaken, and Tewi as well as a large number of other inhabitants of Gensokyo were more than capable of swallowing down a tasty little morsel like her, she never stood a chance, and before she knew it, not only were her arms entirely within Tewi’s body, but the rabbit girl’s slavering mouth had started to slide over her head as well! Nue spent the entirety of her consumption under the misguided belief that Tewi was actually trying to stop eating her somehow… and even when she was fully swallowed up from head to toe she didn’t think that the rabbit girl had meant to do such a thing… no matter how annoying that she might’ve been acting about pranks, it… it suddenly dawned on Nue as she sat crunched into a ball in the tight stomach of the now satiated rabbit. She was talking about making her disappear the entire time! She couldn’t believe how much of an idiot she felt like for not realizing it sooner… but now it was way too late to do anything! Nue tried to struggle, to use her physical strength to her advantage, but Tewi’s insides were far far too tight for that, and she found herself barely even able to move a muscle, never mind use them as a means to escape from Tewi’s body! But Nue wasn’t going to give up… she knew what happened to food when it was in a stomach, and she really didn’t feel like ending up like that, not today, not ever! But even so, it was so tight and cramped in the stomach that she couldn’t actually do anything to stop things from proceeding naturally, as the stomach of the Rabbit slowly started to secrete enzymes which it rubbed all other her body and clothing… her skin started to tingle from the enzymes, but her clothing fell apart immediately, leaving her bare and unprotected against the onslaught of acid to come… Tewi had already fallen asleep on the floor, moments after she finished devouring Nue. It had taken a lot out of her to eat somebody that big… she actually hadn’t been planning on digesting the girl… but unfortunately she wasn’t exactly able to stop things or spit Nue out while she was fast asleep, and by the time she woke up… well there wouldn’t be much of the poor Yōkai left to spit out! It was a pity, but some would say that Nue had it coming for her brash and reckless actions leading to her own downfall through the stomach of a particularly bored rabbit, all for the sake of a prank that was really just a mild inconvenience in the first place. It’s not like Byakuren wouldn’t have just been able to procure a replacement either way! Nue slowly digested away through the rest of the day and night as Tewi snoozed peacefully in her room… at one point, Reisen came in to check on why she had been absent throughout most of the day, but soon backed away when she saw just how massive her subordinate’s belly had gotten… that could really only spell trouble, and Reisen could only hope that it wasn’t anybody too important this time. Sometimes Tewi’s pranks simply went too far… Eventually, the next day rolled around, and Tewi finally woke herself from her extended slumbering… before she immediately looked down at her sagging stomach with despair, it was half the size it had been last night, and it was pretty obvious that there wasn’t much left of Nue… if anything at all. “O-oh no!” Tewi immediately gasped in horror. “I’m sorry Nue! I didn’t mean to uh… digest you… it was just meant to be a prank!” Tewi sighed… this was the 3rd time this month she’d managed to accidentally botch the landing when it came to her ‘swallowing whole prank’… she’d probably have to retire the idea, it just wasn’t working out… Maybe she could pay Eirin a visit and ask if she has anything that could… restore somebody back to life after they had been digested? Or would she need to go to the afterlife to get their soul or something for that? Tewi really did feel bad about digesting Nue, but she didn’t really know if she could do anything for the girl anymore. She supposed it wasn’t too big a deal that she’d digested the girl though, she was an intruder… and she was sneaking around… so maybe it could’ve been the right thing to have eaten her? Of course, Nue’s soul was still somehow trapped within the rabbit girl… and though she couldn’t speak or communicate at all, she could feel that she was bound to a specific spot upon the body of the girl that had managed to purposely devour her before accidentally digesting her… she had been transformed into a patch of sentient assfat, and she would remain that way until somebody figured out what had happened to her and restored her to her normal form… which, knowing her luck, might never happen! She can now only hope that somebody manages to figure out just what had happened to her before she forgets she was anything other than a rabbit’s assfat! Go underground and hide it in the city there! Nue was… very well acquainted with the underground, having spent the past few centuries living below the surface, she was familiar with just about every location down there! In fact, she knew that she’d be able to find a much better place to hide the stupid instrument if she went back down below to search instead of bumbling around above ground like a fool. Of course the path back down to the underworld was… somewhat long and perilous, but something like that really wasn’t an issue for her, even if she had been wary of being attacked by something or somebody on the way back down, she knew that she was both powerful enough to fend them off and that her powers would simply make it so that they wouldn’t even be able to find her in the first place! So with that, Nue quickly flew towards an opening to the underworld, it was a fair distance she would need to travel but she had confidence in her speed. It wouldn’t take her more than a few hours to get there and back. If everything went well, she’d be back at Myouren Temple before Byakuren even realized that there was something wrong! Nue was correct in her assumption that the trip to the Underworld wouldn’t take long, as she quickly sped through the caves that led downwards to that other world beneath the surface… and she soon found herself standing in a large city… the Former Capital. Nue was fairly well acquainted with this town, though the town wasn’t very well acquainted with her, as she always used her powers to mask herself whenever she visited back when she still lived underground… She walked through the streets, avoiding bumping into the denizens of Former Hell as she did, she really didn’t feel like picking a fight with an Oni right about now, with even the average Oni being ridiculously strong compared to most Yōkai… at least in terms of their physical strength… they definitely weren’t the sort of enemy that she wanted to fight right now… not that she’d necessarily need to fight anybody at all, considering that nobody around should be able to see her at all. Nue continued to walk through the streets of the Former Capital as she looked around for a place to hide the wooden fish… she’d need a place to hide it where it wouldn’t end up being found and moved… it needed to be a hiding place that was super difficult for anybody to spot! She wandered about through the city before she came to a stop in front of a tavern of some sort… there was a heavy smell of alcohol wafting from within the building. Nue wondered if it might be a good place to hide the wooden fish, but she quickly decided against it. Oni were rowdy and rambunctious even at the best of time, if she tried to hide the wooden fish in a place like that, then it would almost certainly degenerate into a fight when Byakuren came along to retrieve it… and though she might’ve been playing a joke on the woman, she didn’t exactly want to get her into a fight for no real reason like that, it was just needlessly mean. As she was about to walk away from the tavern though… something that seemed impossible happened, and a hand gripped the back of the collar of her dress and started to pull her backwards… somebody had seen her?! How!? Nue couldn’t believe that somebody had managed to see through her disguised form and perceive her true form, it was just… impossible! In her surprise, Nue felt her disguise drop completely. “Come on, there’s no reason to dawdle out in front like this…” The voice of a drunk sounding woman reassured her as she was overwhelmed by a tremendous strength that was effortlessly dragging her inside of the tavern with no issue whatsoever. “There’s no need to be shy in Former Hell!” Clearly the Oni had managed to not only see through her ability to make herself unidentifiable, but also had managed to completely get the wrong impression of what Nue was actually up to… and had just assumed that she was shy about entering into the tavern for whatever reason. “R-really… there’s no need I-” Nue tried to explain the situation to the woman currently dragging her into the tavern, but she somehow got the impression that it wasn’t going to work at all. Convincing an Oni was an almost impossible task even when they weren’t drunk out of their minds, and this woman was clearly completely hammered, Nue could smell the scent of alcohol emanating from her like she was a brewery!“Aw shaddup, I know that look when I see it, thinking ‘I want to go in there… but I’m worried!’ right?” Nue hadn’t even managed to get a look at the girl who had abruptly decided to force her into a tavern… but she had a good idea as to just who it might be… unlike with the surface of Gensokyo, Nue was quite a bit more familiar with the inhabitants of the Underworld… with that in mind, it was probably just better to go along with this Oni until she got bored… Nue ceased her protests as she was dragged all the way inside the tavern and placed upon a lightly cushioned ground in front of a table with two dishes of sake already laid out, and she sighed internally as she watched the large woman who had caught her take a seat opposite her… Yuugi Hoshiguma, a red horned blonde Oni, a well renowned resident of the Former Capital, and not somebody that Nue wanted to cross… especially not if her powers were unable to deceive her! Nue didn’t know just what it was that was allowing the Oni to so effortlessly see through her disguise, whether some ability unique to Yuugi or just the fact that she was drunk out of her skull… but either way she’d have no choice but to play along. “So… what brings you to the city?” Yuugi asked her drinking partner as she picked up her sake dish and downed the entire thing without even flinching… Nue meanwhile shyly sipped at her own drink, trying to drink just enough that it wouldn’t anger the Oni opposite her. “Oh, I’m here on… personal business.” She hoped that would be enough, but judging from the unimpressed look on Yuugi’s face, it was very clear that she’d have to elaborate a little more. “It’s about an instrument, I’ve decided to hide it down here.” Nue continued to slowly drink her sake, but she soon found herself losing her restraint and drinking more and more at a time. “An instrument…? Is it cursed or something?” Yuugi pondered as she looked at the wooden fish that Nue had placed upon the table, quickly realizing that the instrument the nue was talking about could very much only be the wooden block that she was carrying with her.Nue downed the rest of her dish before responding, her natural inclinations to keep things to herself were already melting away thanks to having ingested alcohol that was meant for getting a species of Yōkai with a great deal more fortitude than she had completely blackout drunk. “I don’t think so… I’m mostly just doing this as a prank on a friend of mine… I was gonna have her go looking for it!” She laughed to herself as she explained her prank to the Oni sitting opposite her, before an Oni serving girl appeared and poured her another dish of Sake. “So… you were planning on a sort of scavenger hunt? But… why Former Hell?” Yuugi was clearly curious about why somebody would pick Former Hell of all places to try to hide something, there were probably way more places on the surfaces that would make more sense to hide a little thing like the instrument on the table… it seemed like kind of going too far to descend all the way to Former Hell just for the sake of playing a joke on a friend… but Yuugi wasn’t really one to judge, she didn’t know the relationship between the girl and her friend anyway.“Felt like a good idea at the time, I guess!” Nue shrugged, she had barely drunk anything at all and she was already a good deal more drunk than Yuugi was… she really couldn’t hold her liquor, and now she was just about ready to completely spill all of her secrets to anybody who asked. “I used to live underground anyway, but I didn’t really like company…” Nue told the truth, even back when she was still underground, she ensured that there were very few people who were aware that she even existed at all… in part it was because she was shy about her true form, but she also knew that she’d have gotten herself dragged into situations like this one way more often if she’d tried to socialize with the Oni of the city. “A good a reason as any I suppose…” Yuugi downed another dish of sake as she realized that she had just been thinking of the girl opposite her as… well, ‘the girl opposite her’ and that was no way to refer to a drinking partner! “I don’t think I got your name… I’m Yuugi!” The Oni cheerfully introduced herself to the girl, smiling a sharp toothy grin at the girl before her. “I’m… Nue Houjuu.” Nue returned the smile of the Oni, feeling like she was actually making a friend as she did. She hadn’t come to Former Hell for the sake of making friends, but she was kind of glad that she had, Nue didn’t dislike the idea of friends, but she just had a very difficult time opening up to people… something that the alcohol now coursing through her veins rendered a non-issue. So the two Yōkai spent the day drinking with one another merrily, the two steadily growing more and more intoxicated as time went on… with Nue soon becoming so drunk that she could hardly even remember her own name! Their drinking continued late into the night… not that it was really possible to determine just what time of day it was when you were in Former Hell… the concept of daytime and nighttime didn’t really apply at all to the Underworld, a place where the sun and moon couldn’t reach. “You… Yoush my favouuurite.” Nue was unable to even properly speak now, the amount of alcohol that was polluting her bloodstream was extreme… but Yuugi wasn’t all that drunk yet… she’d drunk over five times as much alcohol as the smaller Yōkai, but she was only just about as drunk as she had been when she started… her metabolism was strong enough that even with the massive quantities of alcohol she was consuming relative to the girl opposite her that it was still incredibly difficult to get drunk to the same level as that girl! Yuugi was kind of jealous that the girl was able to get drunk so easily… Her stomach grumbled hungrily as she realized that she had gone hours without eating anything… but she was soon informed that the tavern had… run out of food. The rest of the patrons had devoured the entire stock while she was busy with her new friend. But… the idea that there was no food at all was silly to her, she was staring at a delicious piece of meat that was absolutely infused with delicious alcohol after all! A quick word to one of the serving staff was all it took for them to retrieve their absolute largest dish for Yuugi, it was more like a washing basin than anything meant for drinking out of… but it was something that was usually used in the most extreme of drinking contests, the entire thing would be filled to the brim with Sake and the fastest to drink it all would be declared a winner… of course, it wasn’t going to be used in a competition this time… With the large dish brought before her, Yuugi smirked. Nue was totally out of it now, the alcohol had rendered her an absolutely brainless mess, and she’d agree to basically anything that was asked of her without even thinking about it… to put that little theory to the test though, Yuugi turned to the drunken girl with a smile. “Hey, Nue… I’m really hungry… you wouldn’t mind if I ate you, right?” “Huh…? Uhhh, Yeash… shure.” Nue quickly agreed, her drunken state taking away just about all of her higher reasoning… Yuugi was very happy though, Nue agreeing to be food meant that she wouldn’t have to feel at all guilty about eating her in any way! Well, not that Yuugi was really the sort of person who’d feel bad for eating somebody in the first place unless they were a very close friend… Oni were at the top of the food chain as far as she was concerned, and other Yōkai or any humans that ventured down to Former Hell weren’t exactly… protected by the rules of Gensokyo. “That’s great! Now… let’s just get you in position!” Yuugi reached over the table and grabbed hold of Nue by her dress, easily lifting her up before dunking her into the basin of alcohol in front of her, splashing the contents all over the place from the displacement caused by the Yōkai now sitting dumbly in the dish, her legs hanging out of the side limply as she just giggled. The rest of the tavern went silent as they all turned to watch Yuugi, eager to see her devour the girl she had been drinking with, and a lot of them were quite jealous that it was Yuugi who would get to eat her… but nobody there was stupid enough to try to get in Yuugi’s way unless they wanted to go home with a few broken bones and a completely shattered ego. There were murmured whispers of excitement as the tall Oni picked up the massive dish containing the girl and raised it high into the air, and the girl inside just made excited sounds, clearly not capable of understanding just what sort of position that she had found herself in. Yuugi put her lips to the edge of the dish before she slowly started to tip it upwards, allowing a stream of alcohol to steadily trickle down her throat but not enough that it would send the girl within the dish hurtling down into her mouth just yet… she wanted to draw things out just a little, it wasn’t all too often that she got to devour another Yōkai like this… most of them were smart enough to keep their distance from places where Oni liked to drink… but not this one. It was always a pleasure when an Oni got to dine on living people… be those people humans or other Yōkai, they didn’t really mind, it was mostly all the same to them, though Yōkai did tend to have more varied flavors over humans… just in general. Nue didn’t know what was going on, but she was having fun as she sat in the bath of alcohol, looking around at the excited cloud and waving at them… she’d normally have hated to be receiving so much attention while in her true form, but she just felt really happy now, and she was happy that she could be among so many people who obviously liked her. It was a wish that Nue never knew that she had, to be adored by an entire room full of people… but that wasn’t… exactly what was going on. They were less admiring her and more… admiring what was about to happen to her. Yuugi continued to tip the dish further and further, more and more of the alcohol pouring down her throat as she opened her mouth wider, anticipating the moment in which Nue finally lost her balance and went sliding down the dish towards her eagerly awaiting maw. She didn’t have to wait long for that thankfully, and as she tilted the dish one last time, the nue finally seemed to lose control of her precarious balance within the bowl, kicking her legs up in surprise as she found herself falling backwards… until she felt something solid and warm against her butt… The tavern cheered as they watched Nue’s cute butt collide with Yuugi’s mouth, and for a moment it looked as if the Oni wouldn’t be able to finish her meal, as she strained to open her mouth wide enough to fit all of Nue’s butt in at once… but it only took her a few seconds to steady herself and open her mouth up wide so that she could continue swallowing her food, and with a mighty gulp, Nue’s entire read entered into her mouth, and in doing so started to force Nue to fold… her upper and lower body slowly forced closer and closer to each other as Yuugi continued to devour her. Nue didn’t really know what was going on at all, but it felt like she had been put in a really find comfortable chair. In fact it was so comfortable that she could swear that her was sinking into it slowly! But that was silly, so she didn’t think about it very much and instead focused on how much of a good time she was having… why had she come down to this place anyway? That was something she had completely managed to forget in the course of drinking herself into idiocy, but she didn’t mind, if it was important, she’d remember later on, right? Of course the odds of Nue remembering absolutely anything after taking a trip through Yuugi’s digestive tract were non-existent. Unless she was trying to remember to give the Oni a nice surplus of calories to use however she wished, anyway. Yuugi was showing off to the rest of the assembled Oni as she slowly worked on swallowing Nue, she could of course hurry things up and swallow the girl in two or three gulps… but she was showing off her catch and letting everyone else watch as the idiot girl slowly disappeared. There was nothing personal in how Yuugi had picked Nue to eat… and if there wasn’t an apparent shortage of food in the tavern, she definitely wouldn’t have gone for the option… but for her, when it came to a choice between not being hungry and keeping a new friend around…? Well there was a reason that all of her new drinking partners seemed to vanish without a trace when the tavern inevitably ran out of food for the ever-hungry patrons. Eventually though, Yuugi got bored of showing off, and wanted to be able to actually drink again without having a girl wedged halfway into her throat, so she took a swallow that forced Nue together totally, forcing her nose to touch her knees… but she’d grown tired of the novelty of consuming Nue butt first… so she took one last swallow, and Nue vanished from sight… though the bulge she made as she traveled down Yuugi’s throat before forcing her stomach to balloon outwards was pretty clear evidence of her existence. Not that the bulge would be around for very long in the stomach of an Oni, at least. In terms of their physiology, they were stronger and bigger than humans… which also meant that they had to burn a lot of energy, which in turn led to their bodies being pretty damn efficient when it came to their food. Nue would be nothing but a slop in about an hour, and that slop would’ve been nearly completely absorbed into Yuugi’s body in a few hours after that. With the girl now no longer in view, the patrons soon went back to their own business, the excitement of watching Yuugi devour her drinking partner had passed, Yuugi however would remember the moment for at least a little while longer though. However, with her stomach so full of alcohol and girl, she decided to head back to her home so that she could digest the girl in peace. With a belly full of meat, she knew that she’d be able to sleep well, and though she didn’t really like to admit it, she had been tired out after a long day of drinking and merriment… it was slightly unfortunate that she’d had to eat Nue, but drinking partners were a dime a dozen and there didn’t really seem to be anything special about the Yōkai. Yuugi made sure to pick up the wooden fish and take it with her, with any luck the original owner of the thing would eventually come looking for it or for her friend and she’d be able to have another… drinking partner. Yuugi smirked at the idea of the meals to come as she entered her home, slumping down on her futon. Nue wasn’t really struggling at all, way too drunk to even understand that she was in any sort of peril, and with enough alcohol flowing through her body to act as a sort of anesthetic… her digestion was fortunately for her almost entirely painless, the acid would burn away her nerves long before her drunkenness wore off. In a sense, in her current state, pain was unidentifiable to the nue, who actually managed to fall asleep herself in the tight cramped ball that was the ever hungry stomach of an Oni, soaked in alcohol and comforted by the warmth of her surroundings. But… it would be a slumber that Nue would never wake up from… Yuugi relaxed for a moment before she too found herself growing tired… once again the Former Capital had proven itself to be a city of drunken hedonism, but one that was terribly dangerous to those who weren’t natives… a forbidden fruit to be sought out by those who were seeking the ultimate thrill and didn’t care for their own lives. It wasn’t impossible to survive in Former Hell without ending up as food for one of the many denizens, but it was something that required you to keep your wits about, and while most Oni in the city were very hospitable to the rare friendly visitors that arrived, they’d still happily trick them into agreeing into offering themselves as food. Of course, sometimes groups sneaked up to the surface and tried to grab a few humans to take down to Former Hell… but they always needed to be careful of the Shrine Maiden when they did so… the rules of Gensokyo may not protect humans living in the Former Capital, but they only stopped applying when the humans in question were no longer in Gensokyo. It was fortunate for them that the girl was usually too busy with resolving incidents involving other Yōkai to pick up on the abductions of a stray human here and there. Soon, Yuugi fell asleep, the girl inside of her all too happy to stew inside of the alcoholic acidic broth until she became one with the frothy liquid, her intoxication causing her feel nothing but contentedness at her own erasure. While some Yōkai might’ve had the ability to trap a soul or absorb the powers of those that they ate, all that happened when an Oni ate somebody was what happened when they ate any other sort of food… but the real problem was the location… dying in Former Hell… well, it may have been only a former hell, but it still held some unique elements of when it served as an afterlife… namely, that when somebody died within Former Hell, their souls weren’t delivered to another afterlife, but instead simply blinked out of existence entirely. It was a true end that would usually be reserved for the worst of sinners, but now was just the fate of most of the non-locals who wandered into Former Hell. Yuugi eventually woke up, her belly a great deal flatter and her breasts a great deal bigger after having turned the girl she ate yesterday into calories… unfortunately, her gained breast mass would only last so long as she kept eating well… and the days where Oni could gorge themselves on a diet of at least one human a day were long gone… even if they could get away with eating all the humans that lived in Gensokyo… there was a limited stock of them, and they’d run out in less than a week. Of course they could sate their appetites on other Yōkai… but that would almost certainly lead to some sort of coalition between all the other Yōkai and the Oni… which would just end with the Oni being defeated and sealed away. With all that in mind, Yuugi hoped that the Former Capital would get another visitor today… she really did love a live meal... Travel to the a completely remote location in the middle of the underground she was certain nobody would look. Nue thought a long time about a good place to hide the wooden fish, deciding it would be best to hide it underground… she thought about maybe hiding it in the Former Capital, but decided against it. Too many Oni just walking around, and too much that could go wrong with trying to hide something in a place where it was quite likely to be found… so she’d just have to find somewhere else in the Underworld to hide the wooden fish… but that wasn’t really a problem, it was a big place, and she was pretty well acquainted with it. Either way she quickly made her way through a system of caves and tunnels to return back underground, avoiding being seen by anybody on her way down to avoid any pointless battles, she’d almost certainly end up winning any fights that she might’ve gotten into… but it was just a waste of her time. She was sort of in a hurry after all, and the journey to the Underworld wasn’t exactly a short one, even for her. Ideally she’d be able to get back to Myouren temple before anybody even realized that she was missing! Soaring through the tunnels at high speed, it wasn’t too long until Nue had reached her destination, and floating in the dank air of the Underworld going deeper and deeper as she looked around for a good place to hide the wooden fish… she flew a good distance away from any sort of civilization that existed underground until she eventually came to a strange looking lake… it was clearly a lake, but the water was as dark as the shadows themselves. Nue approached the lake, expecting herself to be reflected withing the massive inky dark pool but there was no reflection of light at all within it, as if it was consuming everything that touched it… and Nue got an idea… she could just throw the instrument in the pool of liquid and then it would be almost impossible to find, even for Byakuren! She cackled to herself as she wound up for a throw and ended up launching the wooden instrument far into the pool of liquid… but it… didn’t sink. Instead, it just floated along on the top of the liquid while being stained black by the stuff… or at least it was until it was scooped up by a girl with a giant spoon who was standing on a small island in the middle of the pool… Nue had missed her before, but she hadn’t really been paying too much attention and had been distracted by the odd lake. Nue quickly flew to the small island in the lake, wanting to ask the girl if she would mind returning the instrument to her… she did still want to hide it, but it was obvious that it wasn’t going to be possible in this lake. She quickly landed and the girl looked at her with mild interest as she did. “Eh? Who are you?” The girl was quite rude and brash as she immediately demanded to know who Nue was, but Nue didn’t exactly mind introducing herself in a situation like this one… she’d prefer not having to of course, but it would be quite a bit more difficult to get the wooden fish back from the girl through subterfuge. “I’m Nue, and you have something that belongs to me.” Nue pointed at the wooden fish that the other girl was currently holding, and it was dripping with the black liquid of the rest of the pool… “What, you mean this dumb thing?” The girl looked at the block of wood with a curious expression before smirking. “Nah, it belongs to me now, you threw it out, so now it’s not yours anymore!” She laughed in sinister glee as she denied the request of the girl. “I’m Yuuma Toutetsu, and I’m in charge around here… and that means everything down here belongs to me, from the oil of the lake… to this!” She twirled the instrument in her hands as she taunted Nue. “B-but… it doesn’t belong to you! It’s mine!” Nue protested loudly as she realized that the girl intended to keep the wooden fish. Sure, she might’ve been planning on hiding it from Byakuren… but that was her choice! She wasn’t just going to let this random girl take it! “It’s yours, is it…?” Yuuma’s grin grew wide as as looked at Nue, before she raised the wooden fish above her head, opened her mouth wide and simply dropped it… the oil coated object quickly disappeared down the girl’s throat, the Yōkai having no issues whatsoever with swallowing the obviously inedible object in a single gulp. “Well now if you want it back… you’ll have to go after it! Ahahahaha!” Yuuma’s laughter echoed through the cavern as she enjoyed mocking the girl who’d shown up to her territory. Nue thought on things for a moment, staring at Yuuma’s stomach in frustration… her trident felt heavy in her hand as she contemplated using violence… but she didn’t really want to engage in a battle to the death with another Yōkai just so that she could cut her open to retrieve a trident… Nue wasn’t the sort of person who would shy away from using violence when it was needed, but… there was only one way that she could think of to get back the wooden fish. “Aww, what’s wrong? You’re looking at my belly with an awful longing on your face… do you really want it back that much?” Yuuma seemed to realize what Nue was thinking before she pointed at her own mouth. “I’m in a good mood today… so how about I give you a chance to just… reach in and pull it out?” Nue paused as she looked at Yuuma… she couldn’t tell if the Yōkai was being serious or not… and it did sound pretty disgusting… but at the same time, she didn’t really have much of a choice unless she wanted to fight with the Yōkai in order to kill her, and it would probably be the only way that Nue could get it back without needing to get to that point. “But… won’t you choke?” Nue didn’t understand why the offer was being made to her… she was pretty sure that sticking your arm down somebody’s throat to reach into their stomach would just end up hurting them, right?“Hehehe… I’m sure that I’ll manage, you don’t have to worry about me.” Nue wasn’t really sure if she trusted this girl or not… but she didn’t really see the danger in the situation… sure this Yōkai had some pretty sharp looking teeth, but she highly doubted that she had the strength in her jaw to actually do something ridiculous like biting her arm off… “Come on… the longer you wait, the more that my stomach is gonna damage your precious little block of wood!” Nue gulped as she realized that she’d have to come to a decision and fast… and even if she did fight, Yuuma was right, it might end up taking too long and the block would be destroyed by the acid it was currently submerged in. She really didn’t like the idea of having to trust the girl who’d eaten it in the first, but she knew that she didn’t have a choice any longer. “...Fine.” “R-really?!” The other girl looked shocked for just a moment before recovering. “I mean… alright, I’ll just need you to come close… then you can reach inside!” Yuuma couldn’t believe that actually worked, in all her years, she’d never met somebody dumb enough to fall for the old ‘just reach into my mouth’ trick, if this girl was this dumb it was a wonder that she hadn’t been eaten by somebody else before reaching her, it was almost like she was destined to be food for her betters! Nue hesitated before she did as she was told, slowly closing the distance between herself and Yuuma before she reluctantly raised her left hand to Yuuma’s mouth… slowly reaching inside, feeling the warmth of the Yōkai's breath and the… slickness of her tongue, it sent a shiver down Nue’s spine but she resolved to keep going. Yuuma felt like she was about to burst as she tried her hardest not to grab onto the Yōkai and devour her as quickly as she could, she was delicious, and it was driving her wild! But… she knew that it would be better if she let the girl slowly come to the realization about what was going to happen to her instead of forcing the matter… she wasn’t worried about the trident of the girl either, her powers meant that such a method of attack would be meaningless. Nue continued to slide her arm down Yuuma’s throat, with the peristaltic motion muscled passage feeling almost like a very odd massage as she did so… eventually though, she finally felt the passage open outwards into a chamber! Knowing that it had to be Yuuma’s stomach, Nue started to fumble around with her hand as she looked for the wooden fish… but she didn’t know just who’s stomach she had reached into… the wooden fish was already gone, digested and absorbed seconds after she had swallowed it. Yuuma held the ability to swallow and absorb absolutely anything into herself, something like a block of wood was nothing but a light snack to her. Nue continued to wave her hand around blindly in the stomach until she reached just a little bit further inside, and she felt her hand submerge in the stomach acid! She tried to quickly move her hand out of the corrosive liquid… but when she tried, she realized that… she couldn’t feel her hand at all! “Aiiiiergh?!” She screamed in pain as the nerves in her wrist were seared by the impossibly powerful acid, and she looked at Yuuma in the eyes, feeling true fear as she realized she had literally just fed herself to the girl! The pain wasn’t enough to make Nue immediately go into shock though, and she wanted revenge on this damn goat horned Yōkai for doing something as stupid as trying to eat her! She thrust her trident directly into Yuuma, who just looked down at the weapon as it pierced into her body… but Nue soon realized that it might’ve pierced into the girl… but it somehow hadn’t pierced out of her despite having sunk all the way up to the base of the prongs! Nue tried to pull the trident out, but a sudden tug caused her to lose her grip, and she was forced to watch as it sunk into Yuuma’s body as if the girl’s very body was made out of some form of quicksand, and her trident disappeared into her completely. “H-how…?” Nue couldn’t believe what she was seeing, it felt impossible, who… who was this girl?! Yuuma grabbed onto Nue’s other hand while she was too distracted by lamenting the loss of her weapon and she shoved it into her mouth with speed so supernaturally quick that Nue didn’t even realize what had happened until she looked back up to Yuuma’s face just in time for her to take another gulp, forcing her closer to the hungry Taotie. “Wait! Stop!” Yuuma was satisfied now, the girl had totally succumbed to despair now… and that always made them taste so much sweeter. Of course, no matter how much more delicious that despair made them, Yuuma wasn’t exactly in the mood to hear any sort of begging or pleading, her meal this time was a Yōkai and that meant that she should at least attempt to face her death with a little bit of dignity! Not wanting to hear something so pathetic as the pleading of food, Yuuma decided to start eating faster. It only took a single slurp to bring Nue’s other arm inside of her completely, even though the struggling girl was trying her hardest to pull herself free. Nue was determined not to give up… but when she could no longer feel her other hand now that it had been forced into the ravenous stomach of Yuuma Toutetsu, she just about gave up completely, and when it came time for her head to be engulfed by the hungry mouth of the Taotie, she no longer attempted to resist, and simply allowed it to happen. She allowed herself to be eaten, swallowed down and dragged closer and closer to her immediate acidic demise… the moment that her head touched the acid, she knew that the pain would be over. Yuuma loved it when a meal went down easy, and this stupid girl had been the easiest meal that she’d had in a long time… it wouldn’t be long until her head reached her stomach and was absorbed into her… she couldn’t wait to see just what she’d gain from eating her, it was always an exciting part of eating other Yōkai for her, gaining their strength and powers and seeing just what she was able to do with their abilities. Of course she had no doubt that in the case of the idiot girl she’d just made a meal of that she’d be able to put whatever abilities she had to much better use. Nue closed her eyes as she realized that her arms were now gone, and that she was only seconds away from joining them… she hoped that when she went to the afterlife, she’d be shown some sort of mercy… sure she’d done some bad things in her time, but she didn’t think that she really deserved to go to hell… or well, the actual hell. Of course that decision wasn’t up to her… nor was it up to a Yama, either. Her soul was going to be absorbed into Yuuma with the rest of her body, and she’d never reach an afterlife, everything was going to be taken from her to help empower and fuel the hungry Taotie that had tricked and eaten her, and that included her soul. Yuuma felt as her food went limp and wasted to more time in devouring the last of her, slurping down Nue’s butt and legs in record time and patting her stomach moments after doing so… it was of course impossible to tell that Yuuma had just swallowed an entire person, but that was just her nature… she’d already swallowed down tons of the oil in the lake in the past hour alone… so it wasn’t really any surprise to her that the girl hadn’t made any impact to her body… she wasn’t really all too filling either, but she did make a very delicious distraction from the oil… Yuuma licked her lips as she went back to swallowing down the lake of oil… when she had drained it to nothing, she’d have to find some other people she could devour… maybe she could pay the residents of the Former Capital a quick visit? She was sure that a good few dozen Oni would be filling for some time… or maybe she ought to head to the surface? She was sure that she’d be able to find all sorts of delicious stuff to eat up there, even that stupid little block that the girl had wanted back was pretty tasty… and the Yōkai herself was absolutely scrumptious! In the end, just what Yuuma Toutetsu did would remain up to her… one thing was certain though, she could no longer be stopped, with Nue’s ability to remain unidentifiable now belonging to her, she’d be able to simply wander around as she pleased, devouring whoever she felt like, and nobody would be able to even realize what was happening, never mind stop her! No matter what might happen, it was only a matter of time until the gluttonous Taotie decided to expand her palate to include absolutely every other inhabitant of the Underworld, Gensokyo and eventually even the Human World! Head to the very deepest part of the underground she could reach and hide it somewhere there! Nue had a very sneaky idea… not only would she hide the wooden fish underground in the Underworld, but she’d head down as far as she possibly could to make things as frustrating as possible for Byakuren! It would be much more fun that way… at least for her anyway. She fully intended to follow Byakuren on her journey to the bowels of the Underworld while cloaking herself with her power, it was going to be such a good prank, she couldn’t wait to tell Byakuren! She quickly made her way into the Underworld, though many passages and caves that would’ve been quite frustrating for most people, before she finally found herself properly in the realm that existed underneath Gensokyo… but she wasn’t just going to stop there… no she was going deeper. Passing quickly above the Former Capital, she quickly flew inside of the large building close to it… the Palace of the Earth Spirits… she didn’t really like to snoop around too much inside of the palace though, contrary to her normal nature… that was all thanks to Satori Komeji… her ability to read people’s hearts and mind was… not something that her abilities protected her against, and merely being in her presence was enough for her to immediately see through any sort of disguise that was being put in front of her. In a sense, Satori was the natural enemy of a Nue like her… no sort of disguise or trick would work against somebody who could see through anybody with a single glance! But she also had to travel through the Palace if she wanted to reach her final destination. Nue knew that she’d need to keep her wits about her while she traveled inside the palace… fleeing at even any footsteps that had the possibility of being Satori… it was a little bit cowardly of her, but the last time she had been caught by Satori the mistress of the palace ended up using her abilities to embarrass Nue quite a great deal, revealing all of her inner thoughts and insecurities and making light of them. Apparently she hadn’t appreciated Nue’s attempt to both intrude into her home along with trying to hide herself… this was why Nue was absolutely determined not to walk into the girl again… Fortunately, the Palace was a very big place, and it was almost impossibly unlikely that she would just end up stumbling straight into the girl who owned it, so despite her caution, there was actually very little chance that Satori would end up bumping into her… but the fact that it had managed to happen in the past when Nue was being careless had made her somebody that Nue had to tread lightly around… even if many people didn’t see the true menace in an ability like Satori’s power to read their minds… it was a power that Satori feared more than any simple destructive ability. A terrifying ability that no amount of hiding could save you from being targeted by. Soon though, she had managed to reach her destination in the Palace, a long spiral staircase that twisted down and down into a level of the Underworld far deeper than any other that she was aware of… though it had been turned into some weird sort of power plant somewhat recently. Nue didn’t really know how the power plant worked or how it was even supposed to generate power at all… but it apparently did… somehow. She soon found herself at the entrance to the power plant… and frowned when she saw the door was sealed tightly shut, and looked way too durable for her to just break her way in without attracting the entire Palace’s attention… but there were other ways that somebody like her could get into places that she wasn’t meant to be… Nue smirked to herself as she just… knocked loudly on the door to the room… and waited. She was pretty certain that whoever was inside would just open the door for her… and she was correct in her assumption, as after a couple of minutes, she heard the squeak of metal as the door started to be opened from the other side. Nue took a step backwards to avoid being hit by the door as it swung open, and out stepped a confused looking Hell Raven, looking around for the source of the noise. Utsuho… one of Satori’s pets, and… Nue didn’t know what such an airhead had been put in control of something so important like this power plant… she also looked quite a bit different from the last time she had seen her. The strange red eye nested in the center of her chest and the oddly shaped long object covering one of her arms were… definitely new too. Was this really Utsuho? “Huh… is nobody here…? Darn, I thought for sure that it would’ve been the new fusion materials...” The girl obviously couldn’t see Nue, and she turned around as she closed the door… but not fast enough to prevent Nue from leaping over her head in order to secure herself access to the power plant. It was quite unfamiliar to the burning hell that she remembered it being, in fact it looked… completely out of place with any place she’d seen in both the Underground and Gensokyo, the floors were coated with panels of metal, and there were all sorts of tubes connecting things together… Nue wondered what all the stuff in the room was meant to be used for, but she doubted that she’d understand even if she had somebody actually knowledgeable inform her… which meant that it would be completely pointless to even consider asking Utsuho about things. Nue snooped around, when she had last visited this level the Underworld beneath the Palace of Earth Spirits it had looked tremendously different… but she didn’t care too much, in a way this odd building was far better for her purposes… there were tubes and pipes all over the place, so finding a good place to stash the wooden fish she was holding would be easy! She eventually decided to hide the instrument within a large bundle of tubes that were loosely tied together, it was almost impossible to tell that there was something within the tubes, and Nue was satisfied with a job well done… but now she’d just need to think of a way out of here… she supposed that she could just wait for Utsuho to leave… but that could end up taking hours! No, she’d need to get Utsuho to open the door for her somehow… fortunately for her though, Utsuho was… well there was easy way to put this, she was dumber than a sack of rocks, and a bird-brain through and through. Course that meant that to get Utsuho to open the door, all she needed to do was convince her that she just managed to get lost inside of the almost always sealed-off part of the building while exploring, and she’d probably get her own way! With a devilish plan in mind, Nue dropped her invisibility and called out. “Hello? Excuse me? I think I’ve gotten lost!” It was perfect! There was no way that somebody as stupid as Utsuho wouldn’t end up being deceived by her cunning plan! The raven girl quickly came running at the sound of her voice, and soon Nue found herself face-to-face with a strangely… relieved looking Utsuho. It wasn’t the sort of emotion that Nue felt somebody should be feeling upon finding somebody who had been trapped in a building they owned.“Oh what a relief… I knew that Satori wouldn’t forget the fusion material for this week…” Utsuho mumbled something that Nue couldn’t really make much sense of. “Fusion material? What are you talking about?” Nue was getting a bad feeling about all this… something felt dangerous about this situation… but it was strange for her to be feeling such a way about Utsuho of all people… somebody who Satori simply kept as a pet!“I’m talking about you of course! There’s only a few people who could possibly get in here without busting in… so you must’ve been brought here by Mistress Satori to serve as fuel!” Nue realized just how much danger she was actually in, Utsuho had apparently completely lost what little sense she had in the time since Nue had last observed her. “W-wait! Fuel? Don’t be stupid, I’m not fuel! I’m a nue! How do you think I could be something like fuel?!” Nue protested loudly as Utsuho continued in her mad delusions, she’d kind of feel bad if she was forced to attack somebody as dumb as Utsuho… but if she proved herself to be a threat, then she’d have no choice but to do so. “Oh!” Utsuho smiled happily as she walked towards Nue, who tried to take a step back away from the Hell Raven but ended up backing into a wall. “I’ll show you!” There was no hint of hostility or anger in Utsuho’s voice… yet Nue knew that whatever was about to happen, it wasn’t something that was going to end up going well for her. “I’ll… pass on the demonstration, thanks.” Nue’s eyes darted to the door, but it was totally sealed shut… she wondered if she could blast it with enough lasers and bullets that it would break open for her. Though Utsuho was standing directly in front of her now, and it was really freaking Nue out… she’d just have to make herself unidentifiable, that ought to do the trick! Unfortunately for Nue it was just a little too late for that idea to work, as the moment she started to focus on hiding herself, Utsuho grabbed her wrist tightly, Nue hadn’t been expecting the Hell Raven to be able to exert that level of physical strength… up until she stared into the odd red eye in the center of Utsuho’s chest and finally figured it out. Utsuho… wasn’t a normal Hell Raven anymore. No, that eye was the proof that the airhead had become something else… something different and far greater than she was before, holding a powerful divinity that made Nue shudder in fear. “What… are you?” Nue asked, fear in her voice as Utsuho dragged her hand close to the red eye on her chest. “I’m a Hell Raven!” Utsuho made it very much clear that even she didn’t know just what sort of strange hybrid of God and Yōkai that she had become… but her ignorance of what she was didn’t seem to weaken her a single bit. This odd creature before her… couldn’t be called the same as the Utsuho Reiuji that Nue thought she knew… her essence had been altered irrevocably by her fusion with some sort of god. Nue didn’t know how to respond to the ignorant Yōkai's complete inability to explain what she truly was to her, but when she looked back at the red eye nestled in Utsuho’s chest, she realized that her hand had been placed upon it. She tried to pull away from the red eye… but she couldn’t, it was almost like her hand was adhered to the eye, and no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t draw herself away from the eye… and then she felt it. It was a… bizarre sensation, and felt like tickling at first, but… something was happening to her hand! Utsuho was happy that the fusion material had been delivered just in time, and was already busy at work breaking them down atom by atom and storing them within her body… the process was always a little bit slow at first, but it quickly sped up when things started to really get going. “Uh… Utsuho?” Nue kept trying to pull away until she felt her hand sink very slightly into the eye… “What’s going on?” She continued to try to pull away, but it felt almost like her hand had completely joined with the eye… it was a bizarre sensation, but… she couldn’t feel any sort of pain, so she didn’t think that she was in any sort of danger. Utsuho was too distracted with her own thoughts to bother answering the fusion material, and just thought on the process of conversion when it came to converting a living person like this girl into fusion material for herself. It was always a sign of the current imperfections of her ability to use nuclear fusion, that she needed to Nuclear Material to be alive… she remembered that she had been told it had something to do with the god inside of her body requiring a sacrifice of a soul in order to accept something as viable for her powers to work. At least it was a painless process… the people who got turned into matter for her powers to work couldn’t possibly feel any pain as they were taken apart on an atomic level, their body simply couldn’t process the sensation properly. Nue started to panic as she watched her hand sink deeper and deeper into the red eye until it disappeared up to her wrist… and worse, it was actually speeding up! She tried to push against the red eye with her other hand, dropping her trident to the floor and using all of her might to try to pull herself loose of the bizarre red eye. “Stop it! This… isn’t funny!” Her panic only increased further when she realized that her other hand rapidly started to sink into the eye, what… what was happening to her? There was no way that both of her hands could’ve fit inside the strange eye… so how could this have been happening to her?! Utsuho felt a little bit guilty… she knew that it was for the better for everyone that this happened, but she also knew that if she had just managed to get a proper handle on her power, then people wouldn’t need to be sacrificed to her anymore, and she’d be able to just use any random junk as the material for her abilities… but she was a way off from being able to do that, so until then she’d just have to keep being provided with living sacrifices like this girl. Nue was into the eye up to her elbows now, and she was really panicking now, she didn’t know what was happening to her but she knew that she wanted it to stop. “Stop it, please! I’m not here to be material, I just broke in!” Nue tried to tell the truth to the Hell Raven in the hope that the truth would make her reconsider things, but… “Sorry… I can’t stop it now that it’s already started…” Utsuho wasn’t all too convinced either way of Nue’s reason for being in the power plant, a lot of the time the fusion material she ended up using said similar things, like ‘No, stop! I was asked to assist you in running things!’ and the like… but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t stop even if she wanted to… attempting to stop things now would only result in an explosion that would end up destroying everything… and that was something that she knew she couldn’t let happen! Or… at least now she knew that destroying everything wasn’t a good thing. Nue screamed loudly and incoherently as she was dragged nearer to the red eye, her arms disappearing without a trace as she was converted into matter to be used for future reactions, both for Utsuho’s own abilities as well as providing a source of fuel to the reactor when needed. The screams of the girl reached a fever pitch as her face was less than an inch away from the eye, before she was silenced. Her life immediately robbed from her as her head was steadily taken apart, atom-by-atom. With her death, her soul was also claimed by the eye, the Divine Spirit within Utsuho hungrily tore it apart and devoured that as soon as the poor nue had deceased, and all that was left was Nue’s body hanging limply from the eye. Utsuho muttered a silent thanks to the girl as the rest of her was claimed by the eye, she would definitely remember to put this one to good use and not to waste her on doing something dumb like showing off with her abilities to the first person who asked… like she had done dozens of times in the past. Eventually, Satori arrived with the person who was actually supposed to serve as her nuclear fusion material, and was a little confused when Utsuho revealed that she had already managed to take care of that. It took a little bit of explaining until Satori was satisfied with things, she had been a little bit worried for a moment that Utsuho had managed to convert somebody actually important into energy, but it was just Nue. She’d just have Koishi bring the people at Myouren temple a fruit basket or something as an apology the next time she went, that ought to smooth things over with Byakuren. It’s not like anybody was to blame other than Nue after all, she had been sneaking around an incredibly dangerous place and she managed to… trip and fall into a reactor. Yeah, that would work as a good excuse! Hide it in a place that nobody would ever think to look… the Hakurei Shrine. Nue stopped for a moment before a long and terrible smirk made its way onto her face… oh, she had the absolute best idea for a hiding place for the wooden fish… it was a place that nobody would visit unless they were truly desperate, occupied by the most desperate of all. She was of course thinking of the Hakurei Shrine, the maiden within didn’t have all that many friends within Gensokyo as a direct result of spending almost all of her time not spent pleading with the inhabitants of the Human Village for donations resolving ‘incidents’. Of course resolving an incident for her usually meant thrashing whatever Yōkai was messing around, and she’d often even get involved in matters that were of no real threat to anybody. That was why her shrine was the best place to hide the instrument, it wasn’t a place that nobody would think to look… in fact it was quite the obvious place in reality, but the thing was that nobody would want to look there. Yōkai especially… though Byakuren wasn’t exactly a Yōkai, she didn’t exactly get on very well with the miko who still threatened to exterminate Yōkai that didn’t play by the rules. An outlook like that could only end up with you on Byakuren’s bad side, and the two indeed didn’t get along very well. Laughing madly to herself as she flew through the air and towards the Hakurei Shrine, she thought of just how to go about things, she could of course just hide it somewhere in the temple… but she thought of something even funnier, she knew that Reimu was always desperate for donations… so she’d just donate the wooden fish to her! It was a perfect plan! Reimu was standing near the front of her shrine and sweeping the paved floor with a broom, getting rid of a few fallen leaves and just generally keeping the shrine well maintained… but she immediately felt herself tense up as she could feel the presence of a Yōkai near the shrine… and she wasn’t thinking about the freeloader fairy living underneath the shrine either! She prepared herself for a battle regardless… it couldn’t have been Yukari either… because her barriers weren’t exactly able to pick up on her when she decided to pop in for a visit. The culprit behind the unwanted intrusion was soon revealed when a Yōkai landed on the steps leading up to the shrine, pitch black hair, a trident and totally stupid looking wings… this could only be one person. “Oh great. It’s you, Nue. What do you want?” Reimu greeted the Yōkai with hostility, but the Yōkai didn’t seem all that bothered. “Hey, I’ve come to this shrine to make a donation, there’s no reason to be rude!” Nue angrily shouted back at Reimu, who didn’t care a single bit about… wait a second… did she just say… donation? Reimu could already feel her mood improving, and though she didn’t really know just why a Yōkai would be donating to her shrine, she’d happily accept donations from any source! “Well… if that’s the case, the Hakurei Shrine is more than happy to accept your donation! Just… put it in the donation box!” Reimu pointed at a box with a slot in it with a smile on her face, there was little that could improve her mood more than receiving donations and recognition for her good work in keeping Gensokyo in check… at the same time though Nue realized that the wooden fish was way too large to fit inside the slotted box. “But… what if my donation doesn’t… fit in the box?” Nue awkwardly laughed as she looked at the box and then back to Reimu.“What… what do you mean?” Reimu scratched her head as she tried to figure out what Nue was trying to get at… she was talking about donating money, right? It would be quite simple to fit a large amount of money into the donation box without issue… so what was this Yōkai even trying to say? “Well, I want to donate this to you!” Nue smiled as she revealed the wooden fish, expecting Reimu to be very happy about the idea of something being donated to her… but the miko had the complete opposite reaction to the one she was expecting, the face of the girl looking at her flushing red with anger as she realized that Nue was playing some sort of stupid joke on her. “You… you damn Yōkai…” Reimu could feel a rage building up inside of her… an anger that she wouldn’t even allow to surface when she was dealing with the worst of Yōkai… but this was something that she couldn’t tolerate for a moment, for a Yōkai to come to the Hakurei shrine and do something like this… it was inexcusable! “Uh… Reimu?” Nue was worried by what she was seeing… the miko before her seemed to transform into a monster before her very eyes, and she gave off a killing intent fiercer than any she ever experienced in her entire life! “It… it’s just a…”“Grrr…” Reimu simply growled at Nue, taking a step towards the worried Yōkai as the Yōkai also took a step backwards… she didn’t know what was going on with Reimu… but If the normal Reimu could be considered ‘scary’ then the current Reimu was terrifying enough to instantly stop your heart… and she was coming right for her! “Nnnnope!” Nue totally knew she’d be screwed if she tried to fight this monster in front of her… it felt like if she tried, Reimu would just rip her apart! She tried to escape by taking to the air, but the moment she tried to fly away she smashed into a barrier at speed. She quickly recovered and tried once again to escape in another direction, but she just smashed into another barrier! She glanced down to see Reimu was glowing with power! She was trying to use her powers to stop her from getting away! She was just about to make herself unidentifiable so that she could slip away without being stopped… but she suddenly felt a hand grab her around the ankle in order to drag her down with terrible force! Reimu had closed the distance in the blink of an eye! This level of power… it wasn’t normal! Reimu continued to growl as she stared down the Yōkai she had trapped, and Nue prepared herself for a fight… if she couldn’t escape, then she could at least attempt to beat the Shrine Maiden in a battle of Danmaku! She quickly fired a barrage of lasers and bullets at the miko… but Reimu simply walked through all of them, completely undamaged by the attacks that Nue was throwing at her. Nue couldn’t believe what she was seeing as Reimu simply closed the gap between them without even wincing at the bullets being shot at her! J-just what sort of demon was this shrine maiden!? Nue had never known true fear until this moment, and the demon in the body of a shrine maiden grabbed her roughly by her neck. “C-come on… it’s just… a prank!” Nue knew she was moments from death, expecting the terrifying shrine maiden to just snap her neck… but instead she didn’t. Nue was relieved for a moment, believing that Reimu had managed to come to her senses and get whatever this was under control… but she wasn’t that lucky, Reimu had only stopped because she was considering what sort of punishment to dish out on this nuisance of a Yōkai, her hatred and anger leading her to only a single conclusion. She squeezed the neck of the captured Yōkai a little tighter, enjoying the squirms of the girl she had caught… Nue had managed to awaken the Demon Shrine Maiden… completely underestimating just how much Reimu valued donations to her shrine… and now she was about to be exterminated for good. But Reimu wasn’t about to just snap the neck of the pest and be done with things… though it might’ve been more merciful, in her current state, all she cared about was making Nue suffer as much as possible for as long as possible, so instead of just killing her, she smashed Nue on the floor with terrifying strength befitting an Oni, causing a small crater to form from the cracked titles. Nue shrieked in pain as she collided with the floor, and a snapping noise from within her body let her know that the impact had shattered a few of her ribs… Reimu wasn’t supposed to be this strong! How could anybody have this much strength hidden inside of them!? It didn’t make any sense! She doubted that there was a single force in Gensokyo that could stop this monster! Reimu smirked as she looked at the battered and bruised body of the weakling Yōkai that had disrespected her and the Hakurei shrine so much, and she leaned down in order to grab her by the hair, hoisting her up without a care… she enjoyed seeing the terror and pain in the eyes of Nue, she had made a truly fatal error in getting Reimu’s hopes up about a donation before revealing that there was in fact no donation at all. Nue was about to croak out a few words of apology to the berserk miko before she was suddenly slammed back down to the floor by her hair, she couldn’t even muster the energy to scream as her violent beating continued at the hands of the Miko… she… she might’ve played some mean-spirited pranks on people in the past, but… she didn’t deserve this! Nobody deserved this! Despite her tremendous injuries, Nue still tried to crawl away, in the non-existent hope that Reimu would just grow bored of the vicious beating and… leave her alone. She had expected a Danmaku battle and had just been horrifically beaten instead, her opponent had just completely ignored all the rules of Gensokyo that she was supposed to be the enforcer of and just crushed her without mercy with strength that couldn’t have possibly belonged to a human. “B… Byaku-” Nue tried to cry out for help, but as she tried, she felt Reimu pick her up once again, this time grabbing her by her two legs… Nue wondered if she was going to throw her to the floor once again… but she didn’t, instead she felt something… warm and moist around her feet. Nue used what little energy she still had in order to crane her head to look at what was happening, only to be greeted to the sight of the seemingly monstrous Reimu to be… devouring her whole. It took her a long moment to process just what she was seeing, it didn’t make any sense… why… how!? All these thoughts ran through her punch-drunk mind, but no matter how much she tried to think, she was simply unable to come up with anything… all she could do was watch helplessly as Reimu moved on from her feet to her ankles… then to her calves… then her thighs. “Reimu… why...?” Nue managed to croak out as she was halfway eaten, but she didn’t get a response from the miko, who just continued eating her without slowing down for a moment. Nue knew she had no choice but to accept her fate now, no matter how much she hated it. She was going to be eaten by Reimu, she had been absolutely crushed by her without effort… and now she was going to be eaten. It wasn’t fair, it didn’t make sense, but… it was happening regardless. Her last moments alive would be spent within Reimu Hakurei’s stomach, being painfully lashed at by acids and digestive enzymes until her mind succumbed to the destruction of her body. Nue started to cry as she accepted the hopelessness of her situation, just as Reimu swallowed her up to her breasts. She bawled like a child, tears streaming down her face as she was devoured without effort. She couldn’t believe that this was how things were ending for her, she was a powerful Yōkai, she had lived for centuries without allowing herself to truly be killed, but yet here she was… being treated like she was nothing more than a snack for the girl who she had accidentally managed to send spiraling into an uncontrollable rage. Nue’s head was soon at Reimu’s lips, and she took the last breath of fresh air she would ever receive before her head too was sent down Reimu’s throat… her arms quickly following behind her as she slid down the esophagus. She knew that there was no hope for her, but she still hoped that Reimu would snap out of her current state before anybody else ended up sharing her ignoble demise. Her last moments were of despair though, the acids boiling away her body as she was plagued by thoughts of the Demon Miko taking a visit to Myouren temple after she had finished with her… nobody in the temple would have even the slightest chance at stopping Reimu now. Somehow, through her own carelessness, Nue had managed to spark the incident that may well spark the very end of Gensokyo itself… but that didn’t matter to her, as she finally lost the last spark of life she was holding onto and slumped down into the acids to be churned up like any other lifeless piece of meat. The Demon Miko had only just begun her rampage though… and there was only one thing that could satisfy her, donations, be that in the form of money or your body, she would happily accept either!
Unconventional Methods by Vuin The night sky in the city was overcast with the red and blue flashing of police lights against the low hanging clouds. A barricade had been formed around a debilitated four story building that had once been a bustling factory. A temporary medical area had been set up to triage a steadily growing amount of casualties, police and civilian alike. A group of drug peddlers had been traced and tracked to this old, run-down building as their base of operations. Several hostages had been taken, though where they had been brought from was a mystery so far, all the police knew was that they meant business. Every hour for six hours now one of their hostages had been shot in both their knees and tossed from the third story window, the criminals were trying to get their point across that they wanted to be left to escape or otherwise.Several squads of specially trained officers had even infiltrated the complex only to either be dispatched, trapped, or otherwise. The authorities were running out of options at this point. At the barricade, standing amongst the officers as they had a standoff with the outlaws, was a tall and weathered old canine. This was a city devoid of humans entirely, it was run and inhabited by a multitude of other species, but humans were and had been absent for quite some time, they simply were just shunned here in the city of Armertil. Perhaps it's the reason most moved here, and perhaps the reason some left.The dark furred police chief stood bristled against the chilling wind of the winter night air, scowling as he heard more gunfire going off in the distant bowels of the factory. Soon came a deputy running up to the chief, breathing heavy and soon to speak with a nervous tone.“Sir, the last squadron sent in has come back out..!” The deputy huffed.“And?”“...They're at the triage tent, the ones that came out anyway.” Said the deputy with a tone devoid of optimism. The chief stood there for a moment and hissed to himself, gritting his teeth as he thought of the next course of action, and by the grimace on his face he was coming up with less that desirable options.“Fine, damn it. I want you to radio all our officers inside the building and tell them to retreat. I'm calling in our specialists.” Said the chief harshly, really growling out those last few words angrily.“But chief, I thought our specialists were the ones we had been sending in?” Questioned the deputy.“I thought I just gave you an order, and here you are still!” Barked the chief as the deputy fled off to fulfill his command. The grizzled shepherd put his face in his paw for a moment to finish a dreadful thought and then took a heavy breath of air, pulling up his communications device and speaking into the microphone.“This is Police Chief Lurif, requesting that our contingency squadron be dispatched to the factory barricade downtown.”There was a pause on the com, some dispute about protocol, and finally the chief sighed heavily as he put his com back into its holster. Several minutes later another SWAT vehicle came rolling up to the barricade, lights and sirens as per usual as it pulled right up to the chief's post. The driver's side door and the back doors flew open as three operatives came out to meet the chief. There was a large, hulking stallion fit whose uniform and gear were rather form fitting over the excessive musculature of his body, a rather curvy and buxom panda female who's uniform did about the same for different reasons, and a fox who looked like he was a bit petite for his own uniform as it hung a bit looser than the other twos. The fox also didn't have the same eager look on his face that the stallion and panda did.The panda stepped up, a rather surly grin on her face as she popped out her wide hips out to the right, wrists set against them in a tart posture.“Well, well, well! Look who finally decided to start making a smart decision.” Said Mala, the panda, in a smug and smarmy tone. Dredge, the hulking equine, just gave a deep chuckle. Hans, the fox, just looked about somewhat peaked.Chief Lurif wasn't entertained, jaws tight as always as he looked off to the side away from Mala's arrogant green eyes, then back once he was ready to speak his mind and orders.“Don't let your head get too fat before you've even done anything yet, I'm going to be sick to my stomach for days just by considering bringing you three in.” Lurif said with genuine discomfort in his gruff tone.“Aww, that's hurtful yanno?” Mala said, she seemed to be the one speaking for the three at the moment, despite being the shortest of them, shorter than Hans by an inch or two and Dredge by a foot or two.“Enough, I didn't call you out here to piss me off.” Lurif started to get to the point.“You sure?” Mala inquired with a perturbing tone.“You should have been briefed on the way here, there are five targets in the factory and several hostages. Our attempts so far have been unsuccessful, I need you to do what it is you three do and rescue those hostages and if at all possible apprehend the targets.”“So, big bad wolf is letting us out of our closet to play?” Mala teased.“Listen, I'll let it slide that you talk to your chief like crap as long as you get it done. You know I detest, as well as most everyone else as well, your... tactics, if you could call them that. We've just run out of options, if I could have called in the military before calling you three I would have.” Lurif said with agitation in his tone.“All right, all right, no need to hurt our feelings now!” Mala said playfully as a few deputies had been observing the conversation.“We'll clean up your mess~!” Mala blew a kiss to Lurif as the three turned away to head towards the entry point for the factory. Lurif grunted under his breath as a deputy came up.“Why do they bother you so much? Aren't they just SWAT?”“No, it's hard to explain without it sounding like a nightmare come to life, but those three are from our specialists who don't approach a problem like this with protocol and proper procedure in mind, but rather a disregard for decency and even respect for anything. I can't just come out and say what they do without my stomach wrenching.” Lurif left it at that, the deputy was content with that answer it seemed, based on the scowl on the chief's face.Now approaching the backside of the factory, Mala, Dredge, and Hans stopped just outside the employee entrance way of the factory. Now they were speaking in hushed tones and trying to avoid being detected.“All right, Hans, this is your first mission and it looks like a doozy so you just watch how a real mission plays out. This is way different than any of the silly stuff they taught you at the specialist training.” Mala said in a whisper as she gave the rather nervous looking Hans a reaffirming wink.“No problem there...!” Hans said with a shaky, quiet chuckle. Dredge gave the lithe fox a slap on the back that almost knocked him off his feet as the three began to infiltrate the factory.The three quietly maneuvered throughout the floors and levels of the factory till they came up to the hallway that lead to the main office room where the criminals were holding out. The three kneeling by the staircase, obstructed by vending machines and office plants from the mainway of the hall. They were lined up, Mala in front, Hans behind Mala, and Dredge in the back. For such a huge stallion, Dredge had been as silent as the others, if anything Hans was the loudest as he had mistakenly kicked a stray object here and there.Mala was leaning out into the hallway slightly, her dark splotched eyes a natural camouflage in the dark, with just that mask of white somewhat more obvious. Hans blushed with a knot in his throat as Mala's rather large and plump caboose was right in his face as she leant in to observe the surrounding for a moment, then knelt back again.“All right, Dredge, big guy, you're just going to have to climb in through the window from the edge of the catwalk. Me and Hans will head through the ventilation. On the flashbang we all three move in. I'll take hostages, you take the baddies, Hans can learn how it's done up close this time.” Dredge nodded, Hans gulped.Now it was just Mala and Hans as they moved to the other side of the hall to a ventilation shaft. Mala took a multitool and removed it from the wall, quietly placing it on the ground as the turned to Hans.“All right, here we go! Just follow behind me, and when things get hot, just watch for this one. It's like a field trip!” Mala snickered as she jumped up and squirmed her voluptuous self into the vent with a tight fit, shuffling quietly towards the main office room. Hans squirmed in up after her and the whole time blushed as he followed Mala's sizable hindquarters as they squeezed through the vent. Soon they were stopped right over the exit of the vent that fell down into the main office.“Please don't hurt us!” Pleaded a frighted rodent female, bundled against the wall with two other hostages. “That's up to the cops out there!” Said one of the masked criminals“We've done nothing wrong!” Chimed in a captive fox.“Too bad.”In the vent, Mala was trying to reach for something by her arm was mostly held in front of her due to the confines of the vent.“Darn it, I forgot to get a flashbang ready! I can't reach them. Hans, get my flashbang and slide it up here.” Mala whispered.“Umm... where is it?” Hans said, looking for them on any of Mala's belts or satchels across their black operative leggings.“Back of my belt.” Mala whispered back.Hans slowly, carefully tried to move his hand up against the top of the vent to get it close to Mulu's belt, her wide hips and plump behind really taking up most of the space and it was nigh impossible for him to get the flashbang in a manner that didn't have him pressing his hands all over her ass for a moment to reach the bag. He kept nervously retracting his hand, looking for a way to do it without what he saw was inappropriate.“Hans! Hurry up! Just grab the flashbang out of my pocket, geez!” Mala was getting impatient, Hans gulped and pressed his hands up towards Mala's belt, getting a warm, full handful of her toosh for a moment as he grabbed the device.“Got it..!” Hans said, sweating a bit anxiously.“All right, squeeze it up to where I can grab it. Hurry, we don't have that long, Dredge is probably in position by now.”Hans tried to stretch as far as he could, still quiet odd about being in contact with Mala so much. His hand was only up to her lower back.“Reach it?” Hans asked rather nervously.“No, you have to bring it up to my hands silly, crawl up as far as you can!” Mala said, growing more impatient.Hans closed his eyes anxiously and squirmed up as far as he could, squeezing his arm up past Mala with his face now firmly smooshed against her thighs and rump, Hans blushing hard as Mala grabbed the flashbang.“Got it, get ready. Three... two...”Mala pulled the pin on the flashbang and pushed it through the vent, knocking it out in the process. The gang members taking notice just long enough to all be blinded and deafened by the following explosion.“Sneaky bastards!” Said one of the criminals as he covered his eyes with his forearm, the air was ringing with the noise still as there was the sound of glass crashing, people falling over and a few much odder and unusual sounds.Back outside, Chief Lurif was grinding his teeth still as he saw the flash of light from the office building. Everything had gone quiet, but there hadn't been any sound of gunfire for nearly five minutes. Then the front door of the factory suddenly opened and Mala came out, holding her hands up just to keep the officers from slipping their trigger finger.“Guns down!” Lurif barked out at the other officers and deputies.Mala come out, followed by Dredge and Hans. Mala looked quite a bit plumper than her usual all ready round, curvaceous self, as was Dredge in a less noticeable manner. Hans followed behind them. Lurif came up with his arms crossed and a sickened glare.“Mission accomplished, Chief, we got everyone like you asked.” Mala said with a taunting wink.“Ugh, I can see that. Just... go deposit them where you know they go.” Lurif said as he shook his head and walked back, things were starting to clear out now as Mala showed up at the medical tent with Hans.“I got you some hostages to look over boys~!” Mala cheered as the paramedics attending to the wounded looked up at her for a moment, some grimacing. Mala snickered.“That's no way to be, I saved the hostages!” Mala said with a playful tone.“Yeah, if they weren't all ready traumatized enough.” Said one of the medics with a negative tone.Mala gave what was now an obviously protruding and plump belly and abdomen a rub.“I'm sure they're just cozy in there! Much better than being held captive by dangerous criminals hmm~?” Two of the medics whispered to each other.“I'd take being held hostage any day.”Mala scowled, but then brightened back up.“Anyway, I'm gonna go let these poor fellas out now!” Mala said as she moved over to a secluded, curtained off area of the triage tent. If it hadn't been so obvious, the methods they had used to rescue and apprehend were in fact that they had just simply consumed them. Mala had, in whatever manner she saw fit at the time, gotten the hostages into her body while Dredge had done the same for the targets.Hans stood there by the medics still, waiting on Mala as there was a squishing, grunting, cooing cacophony coming from the other side of the curtain as soon other voices joined the noise, most of them confused and disoriented.“Ahh~ There we go!” Mala said cheerily as she reappeared back on the other side of the curtain, back to her normal, if still plump figure.“All yours from here, boys!” Mala said as she gave the medics her signature wink and moved back to Hans.“I'm sure Dredge is done too now.”“R...Right.” Hans said with a nervous nod.Mala and Hans were walking up by the last police truck being loaded with the captives, cuffed and restrained. All of them had a rather unnerved or even frightened look on their face, and they were all somewhat covered and splotched with a white, gooey material that coated them all here and there. The truck door shut and it drove off to the jail. Dredge was just zipping up his leggings as he nodded to Mala, who nodded back.“Everything come out all right?” Mala teased, Dredge just laughed. Hans looked a bit confused.Lurif showed up, grimacing as hard as ever.“Well, you did it, you did it in the most disgusting, unsettling, disturbing way imaginable, but I suppose it's better than more dead or injured hostages. Now they just have to live with the nightmare of what you did to them, Mala.” Lurif spat.“Oh chief, I'll take you for a ride sometime and show you isn't all that bad!” She blew him a kiss.“I'd take my own head off before that day came. Anyway, as much as it disgusts me... Job... done. Yeah, job done. Mission... finished. Now let's hope I never have to call in you three ever again, if it were up to me I'd dismantle that section of the force all together in a heartbeat.”“Mmm, well let's hope not! I'd miss seeing my big angwy puppy wuppy.” Mala teased as Lurif scoffed and left.The three of them made their way back to their station in the middle of the city near but not at the main police dispatch headquarters.“All right, let's shower up, we still got 40 more hours in our shift. Don't need to spend it smelling like factory!” Mala said as she started to undress from her gear, as did Dredge.“Err.. I've not had time to look around, where's the individual showers?” Hans said as he looked around.“There's not one, we just got a big group shower room, don't worry! No one ever uses it but Dredge and me, and the other squads who use this station and take over for us.” Mala said as she was down to her big, super stuffed bra and panties now, Hans' face going red.“Come on stinky, get in the shower!” Mala said as she and Dredge were walking into the tiled room filled with shower heads.“Uhm... I'll just wait!” Hans said, rubbing his head nervously.“Hans, if you're going to be a part of this squad you gotta act like you want it, now get in this shower right now mister! It saves time. We could get called out any minute, we can't sit around waiting on you to shower because you waited!” Mala insisted, Dredge had all ready vanished into the shower room and the sound of water running was coming from it.Hans sighed and stripped down to his basic, baggy boxer shorts as he followed Mala into the shower. Once in the shower room Mala relieved herself of her undergarments, her black and white furred body on display. Hans gulped, keeping his eyes to the floor, he dropped his boxers and crept over to where the shower heads were, with Mala and Dredge.Mala and Dredge chatted casually while getting soaped up as Hans kept to himself mostly.“Hey, Hans, speak up!” Mala insisted.“What's on your mind?”Hans decided to try and quit being so bashful, so he let Mala in on something that he had been confused about.“Uhm, I was wondering... I mean... I know how we catch the perpetrators and rescue hostages and all that, but I didn't get into the room and out of the vent till it was all over. I kinda figure how you did it, Mala, but I was confused as to what you did Dredge, you didn't seem like you'd swallowed anyone into your stomach, at least not five huge guys like that.”Mala cackled, entertained.“That's cause Dredge didn't swallow them with his mouth, deary!” Mala was still snickering.“Look up, there's nothing on the ground no matter how much you look.” Hans looked up and over to Mala and Dredge, this just so happened to be the first time he looked at Dredge naked full on for the first time. Hans' face went red, at both seeing Mala and Dredge's naked bodies.Mala was holding up the absurdly huge shaft of Dredge's giant equine cock, as if she was displaying it right next to her own super thick, massive breasts.“He ate them with this monster, but he can tell you himself, though like you this big guy doesn't talk much!” Dredge just gave a deep chuckle and nod.“Er... they never taught me that at the academy.” Hans blinked, his own member was an average five and a half or so inches. Dredge's was bending and drooping in Mala's grasp like a python, practically more than a foot long flaccid, but growing more excited as Mala gripped it, showing it off.“Well, that's probably because they trained us in the method we'd be best at, and frankly, there's a big difference between you and Dredge in that department.” Mala said with a chuckle, Hans blushed immediately.“Hey--!” Hans started.“Oh, don't take it as an insult, Dredgey here is just gifted~” Mala smirked, still holding the huge equine's member up in her palms at chest level. Hans gulped, confused.“Are you two dating...?” Hans asked, inquiring about their rather comfortable nature. Mala suddenly let out with another entertained cackle.“Us? Ha! Oh, no, we've just been working together for so long and these types of things are part of our job, our job. When your weapons are your bodies, you get to be very familiar with the bodies of your squad-mates.”“B-but, you're holding his junk... and he was... err... is getting aroused... I think!” Hans was fumbling with his words as he tried to say it without being incredibly awkward or seeming to be overly observant and focused. Mala was just full of laughter and grins still.“Well he's still a male~ Aren'tchya big guy!” Mala said as she gave Dredge's hardened mega cock a bit of a stroking as if it was in a playful, friendly manner. Dredge just nodded, chuckled, and exhaled a heavy gush of air from his nostrils.Hans shook his head, this was the second day of being part of this particular squad, and he was beginning to wonder what got him interested in it in the first place.The three finished their shower, but not before Mala had playfully and just in a friendly squad-mate kind of way jerked Dredge off until the floor was a spunky mess, and that just extended the shower a little bit longer.The three left the shower, towels wrapped around their respective decency areas.“What was that back there?!” Hans exclaimed.“What was what?” Mala asked, confused.“You just gave Dredge a handjob in the shower while I was right there!”“Did you want one?” Mala asked, genuinely curious. Hans' face went beet red.“Of course not! We're not even dating!” Hans was very hung up on his traditional way of thinking, clearly he wasn't aware that he was part of a squad that didn't operate in traditional ways. Mala just chuckled lightly and gave Hans a wink, before putting her uniform and gear back on.“Well, tell me if you do! These missions get quite stressful, and a stressed out squad doesn't operate efficiently~!”Hans just put his face in his hand. It was going to be a long 40 hours of his first shift.
“Hey Chief,” asked the younger of two officers, sitting on the passenger side of the police car. “Yeah?” replied the older of the two, who kept his gaze forward and on the road. “Why are we taking the kid all the way out here? And not to one of their other family members?” “Because the kid’s only living family member, their father, lives out here. And because the rest are dead. Or did you forget that there was a bombing in the Platinum Quarter?” “No, I didn’t, it just doesn’t seem right to be takin’ a kid from where they were in a safe place - to someplace that’s clearly the opposite.” “Let’s see… two thousand armed robberies a month, six hundred missing person reports filed a week, and one hundred and fifty homicides cases a day.” “See what I mean? That is not safe for a kid. Especially a kid from the Platinum Quarter.” “Are you suggesting we give preferential treatment? Disregard the laws put in place by those elected by the populace? Deprive a child a chance of having a normal life with their only remaining family member? Is that what I’m hearing, Officer?” A reprimanding tone escaped him. “N… no! Not at all!” The officer buried the accusation. “I’m just voicing my opinion - I wouldn’t suggest that at all.” “Good. Remember, we are supposed to uphold the law. Not try to interpret it to match our views. No one wants to see another Doan, and I’d hate to see a new officer such as yourself go through what they did… so keep your chin up and follow the book. And for the sake of things, have faith in people.” “Yes, sir.” “Good, and we’re at the address. Check on the kid. I’ll go see if the dad is even home,” he would say as he pulled the police car into the parking lot of one of the better-maintained apartment complexes in the Copper Quarter and parked the vehicle. “Okay,” the older officer nodded, and got out of the vehicle, looking down to the data pad. The tablet displayed the information on the kid’s father. A Human male in his thirties average build and a history for getting into altercations with both police and non-judicial entities. After a quick look, the officer placed the tablet back at his side, and walked over to the apartment building. The officer then traversed up to the second of the five floors. With his companion joining him by his side, the officer strode up to the right door, punching the buzzer. Now, the pair needed only to wait for the father to answer. ….. She didn’t know what had happened. One minute she was laughing and having fun with her cousins, while their mothers watched over them and their fathers talked business. It was her birthday party. She had just turned 10 and everyone had had cake. She remembers thinking at the time, that it was the most delicious cake she had ever tasted... but now, looking back, she can’t even remember the taste of it on her tongue. She couldn’t even remember what game she was playing with her cousins, when everything became loud and searing hot. The world crashed down upon her, and everything went black. When she awoke, she was in a hospital room, and everything hurt. The doctors - she feared them - tried to calm her down. But she cried out for her mommy, wanting to be with her mother so she could protect her from the scary doctors. But they wouldn’t let her. They kept telling her that her mom wasn’t okay, that she could not see her mother… and that she herself needed to rest. But she didn’t want to listen to them. She made an escape to find her mom, pushing through the doctors in an effort to reach her mother. But before she could reach what she desired, she stopped: a TV was beaming a news broadcast of her former home… which was now a smoldering ruin. The skeleton of the ruined house was still faltering, preventing the first responders from searching for survivors. Yet now, the greatest terror revealed itself to her… …for the reporter announced that there had been zero survivors. For the longest moment she could not speak. Her hands covered her mouth as she held her breath in fright and confusion. But then the doctors came and found her - she did not resist them or stop them from carrying her back to her room. The next several days were quiet days for her. Doctors came and visited her and tried to cheer her up. But nothing they said or did could cheer her. The police eventually came with people in suits, who told her she still had one family member left alive. Hearing that there was another, living family member left for her raised her spirits far more than anything else the doctors could have done. They told her it was her father - her mysterious father, whom her mother had told her little about beyond him being a good man whom she could trust. The people in suits told her that she was to live with him from now on. She was still shaken from all that had happened. But she would at long last meet her father! And a day after this news, she was released from the hospital and given a ride to where her father resided. Yet, even as she sat in the back of the police car, her mind raced, scared and unsure of who or what kind of person her father would be. And there was still the lingering constant thought of what had happened to her home and family. The loss of her family and most importantly, her mother. It was still there. But she was clinging to the hope that her father would be there for her. That he would be able to help her and protect her, like her mother said he would. And as the car stopped, she looked up to the officer who seemed the nicest of the two, who was now checking on her. She sat up and nodded her head when he asked if she was okay. She learned it was easier to just reply by shaking or nodding her head to questions. It got the doctors to leave her alone quicker. And it seemed he took her response as a good sign and stepped out of the car to join the other officer. Everything looked so different compared to her home. The buildings looked dirtier and more worn and the few people who stood about were currently keeping their distance from the police car. Eyes weary, and cautious, as their gazes looked towards the police car and the apartment it was parked at. She wondered if her father was nearby. ….. Markus groaned as he awoke to the sound of someone hitting the buzzer on his door, for the fifth time in a row. It seemed whoever it was wasn’t going away anytime soon. Getting up he looked around his mess of a room. With laundry discarded throughout the room he fumbled for something that was less dirty and worn out than the rest. Settling on pants and a shirt, he headed to the door shouting, “I’m coming, hold your centaurs!” at the sixth ring of the bell. Reaching the door, he would look through the small peep hole to see just who was at his door. And seeing not one, but two police officers nearly made him panic. Had they come to evict him? He thought looking at the coffee table littered with notes about late payments and final notices. He looked back through the peephole and noticed neither of them had papers on them. Whatever their purpose here, it didn’t seem like he was in any immediate trouble. So, unbarring the door and opening it he greeted the two as anyone else being woken up at 4AM after having just worked the night shift might have. “Good morning officers. Can I help you?” He asked, bleary eyed, giving the pair a tired expression as he looked between the two. On his left, a large minotaur of a man who looked to be the higher ranked of the two. And to his right was a much smaller Lizardman. The two of them an odd pair, but definitely a good match up if they were expecting a fight. Which if he were honest with himself, with his history, he was quite prone to getting into. “You are Markus Alexander Reznick Kozlov, yes?” asked the one to his left. “Yes, is there a problem, officer?” “Yes, as there is a matter of fact there is.” spit the Lizardman, seemingly agitated about something. “I don’t know what you’re talking about sir. I am a law-abiding citizen; I promise you I’ve not done anything illegal.” He replied with a simple shrug of his shoulders. The Minotaur sighed and shook his head. “Sir, are you aware that there was recently a bombing attack within the Platinum District?” “Yeah, I heard rumors about it. Doesn’t make sense to me. That place is supposed to be locked tighter than a dragon’s horde.” Markus crossed his arms. “So, what does a bombing in the Platinum District have to do with me? I was working during that time. And I have eyewitnesses who saw me at work.” He was getting defensive. If they were going to somehow imply he was a part of that bombing, he was going to fight back alright. “You misunderstand our purpose, sir.” The minotaur continued, trying to curb his defensiveness. “We aren’t here because of anything you did - but have done, many years ago.” Markus remained silent, knowing better than to say anything. They may not have read him his rights, but he knew that they would use what he said against him if he spoke up. So, he waited for the minotaur to continue, while the lizardman seemed to be eyeing him up as if expecting him to do something. “You see, while the news has not gotten out yet… those who were targeted belonged to the Siliela Lamia family.” Markus' eyes widened. A soft, lengthy, murmur of a “no” escaped his mouth as he hoped beyond that one person out of that family was not harmed. The officer removed their cap, placing it on their chest in solace. “When the bomb detonated, the house collapsed, and was on fire for several minutes before first responders could get on scene. Unfortunately, it seems many were lost within the explosion and those who the explosion did not kill were either crushed by the collapsed building, or by other means. The entire Siliela family was, in effect, killed with one well-placed bomb.” Markus stumbled back a step as he was hit by the news. He had no love for the Siliela family, a bunch of snakes who were focused on maintaining appearances, to the point of when he hit it off with one of them who was more open minded, they chased him off – threatening him if they ever caught them together again. “There were… no survivors?” He asked, looking up to either of the two officers standing at his doorway - The minotaur standing tall and unmoving. The lizardman looking at him confused. “There was one.” The minotaur added. This little bit of news brought hope to his heart. Maybe she had made it, and... wait... if she had made it, then why were they here to tell him about what had happened? “Your daughter. She survived miraculously. Apparently, her mother had gotten her a Charm of Protection for her birthday and it saved her.” Markus blinked several times at that one word, ‘daughter’? “Daughter? Wait, that can’t be right - I don’t have a daughter!” “Yes, you do! Or did you just forget that you had an affair with a lamia? Like every other piss- poor standard of a father in this city!?” The lizardman was clearly agitated, snapping at him for suddenly being surprised by the fact he now had a daughter. The minotaur gave a disapproving look to the lizardman, and a snort to get both of their attention. “You do in fact have a daughter, sir. And she would very much like to meet you. Since you are her only remaining family in this world, and thus her legal guardian.” Markus looked away from the clearly agitated lizardman and to the minotaur as he pointed out that he was the legal guardian. As he considered that fact, it made him regret not being in the girl's life until now. But it made him angrier at the former in-laws who had stopped him from being with the one he loved and thus prevented him being with his daughter. But he calmed himself before speaking again. “And, where would she happen to be?” “She is in our car. Please bring the girl here to her father.” The minotaur instructed the lizardman with a stern look. “Yes, chief.” The lizardman said acknowledging the order and left to retrieve the young girl from the car. As the lizardman left, Markus was left alone with the minotaur. Markus for a moment let the full weight of realization of what was happening hit him. It felt like several years of his life had been taken off. He briefly waivered and a look of panic and worry entered his eyes as he wondered just how was he going to take care of a little girl? Or a little naga girl for that matter! “If you are worrying about how to raise your daughter. Then that’s a good enough sign for me that you’ll do as good a job as you can to be a father for her.” The minotaur must have noticed the change when the lizardman officer left. There was for the briefest moment what appeared to be a smile of approval from the minotaur, before his outlook returned to how it was before. Markus was about to ask him how he knew. But right then he spotted the Lizardman escorting a very frightened looking lamia beside him. He held her hand and she held his. The little girl held in one hand what looked to be a stuffed bunny which seemed like it had been pulled out of the rubble. Probably the only thing the girl had left besides the clothes on her back. Markus felt his voice catch in his throat as he wanted to greet her. But he still felt fear and worry. He didn’t have long to get over it as both the lizardman and his daughter were soon standing in front of him. The little girl stared up at him with her blue eyes - the same as her mothers. They had a look of curiosity to them... a loneliness. “Isabella, this is your father, Markus. He will be taking care of you and looking over you now.” The minotaur spoke, introducing him to her. And also informing him of her name. “Hello Isabella. You must have been through a lot these last couple of days.” Markus said as he knelt down to be closer to her and to hopefully not appear so intimidating. The young naga nodded her head yes, to agree with his assessment. “Why not head inside and find a place to rest? I will finish talking with these nice police officers.” He told her and moved aside after inviting her into his home. She gave him a nod and headed into the small apartment leaving him alone with the two police officers. Once she was inside, Markus stood back up and looked to the two officers. “Thank you for bringing her to me.” He told them, still coming to terms with the fact he would have to care for someone else now and not just himself. “Make sure you take care of her. Child Services will be making a visit once a week for the next month, to make sure she is being provided a safe and loving home. When they are certain she is well cared for, they’ll make a determination of whether or not they need to provide further observation. If they feel she is not being provided for, you will lose custody of her and she will be taken care of by the city.” The minotaur told him. Markus nodded his head in understanding. “Alright, that is fair.” He said thinking over the knowledge he would have to not just care for Isabella, but also prove to someone he had never met that he was a good father. To have Isabella reunited with him and then ripped away from him, seemed like a cruelty too great for the young lamia. So, for her sake, he would have to make a number of changes to ensure she did not have to experience that cruelty. “Then if you would please read this notice and sign that you agree to care for and provide a safe home for your daughter. And you understand what will happen if you fail to provide for her. We will be on our way.” The minotaur officer told him, holding out a data pad. Markus looked over the notice. It looked to be the normal legal nonsense which seemed to come with just about everything. And it seemed to say the same thing the minotaur told him. Only with more detail and legally binding wording. It took him a minute to read over it all. When he was done he signed the bottom of the data pad and handed it back to the minotaur. “Thank you, and good luck.” The minotaur said and turned to leave. The lizardman spared a moment longer to glare at Markus before following after his fellow police officer. With the two of them gone, Markus returned to his apartment and closed the door, locking it behind him. Now alone, he leaned against the door and exhaled a deep sigh. Closing his eyes, he began to worry, not about himself, but about Isabella and how was he supposed to care for her? Taking care of a child was a difficult enough task for two parents, nevermind for a single parent trying to raise one on their own. And to make it more difficult, Isabella was a lamia and if he counted the years right from when he last saw her mother she would be ten now. Ten years, it had been ten years since he had seen her mother, and now he would need to devote everything to making sure she had a good childhood. He opened his eyes as he felt someone tugging on his leg. He looked down and met his daughter's gaze. She had those same bright blue eyes as her mother. And she was looking at him with a look of concern. He smiled as he confirmed what he already knew. He was going to give his all to make sure Isabella had a safe childhood. And he would do everything in his power to protect her. “You must be hungry.” He said and looked to her for confirmation. Isabella nodded her head yes. Apparently still getting used to being around him as she did not speak. “Right, well let’s see what I’ve got in the kitchen then.” He said and made his way to the small kitchen his apartment came with. It was not much to look at. Just a fridge, a stove/oven combo, a sink and a place to make the food. Like the rest of his apartment, the kitchen was as much a mess. Though thankfully it did not have any insects, he at least made sure to clean up enough to keep those pests away. Opening the fridge he looked for something to cook for his daughter. And noticed a disturbing lack of groceries. “Huh, I’ll need to go grocery shopping today.” He said looking at just how barren his fridge looked. Yet he spied just enough to make a simple meal. “Ah, just enough to make some pancakes.” He said getting out the ingredients. Isabella stayed at his side and watched as Markus began to mix the various ingredients together to make several pancakes. All in all it took no time at all for Markus to make several pancakes and just for some added goodness, he put bacon in the pancakes themselves and served Isabella a plate of three large bacon pancakes with butter, syrup and a cup of milk. “Here you go. Bacon Pancakes, a breakfast meal I learned from a friend who started up his own restaurant business.” He said with a smile, proud of being able to cook something simple enough with the little he had. Isabella stared at the plate full of pancakes and then up to him. “Well, go on, eat.” He said with a laugh. “Otherwise it will get cold.” It didn’t take much more than that and the little lamia quickly dug into the pancakes. Even though he knew lamia’s could eat a lot. He was surprised at how much more ravenous she seemed compared to normal lamia’s. Making him think this was probably the first thing she had to eat in days. Which if that was the case, he would need to get a lot more food. But after making a trip to a place where food was cheap and plentiful. When she was done, Isabella stared at him again. “More, please?” She asked him softly, almost looking and sounding embarrassed. This made him smile. “More bacon pancakes coming right up.” He said and went back to making more for her. Isabella began to brighten and smile at the promise of more pancakes. This time he made more than just three pancakes for Isabella, making six more of the large plate filling pastries and giving them to Isabella. Meanwhile, he made some eggs and coffee for himself. He sat there watching her eat and made a quick mental note that he would need to budget more for food. Perhaps he should apply for food assistance as well. That was going to be a chore in half, but if he was going to take care of Isabella, it was something he was going to have to do. He would need to make a trip to the nearby District Official’s branch office. That would be a day’s trip itself, and not something he was sure would be fun for Isabella. The sound of silverware being set down got Markus’ attention and he looked over to Isabella, who once again had cleaned her plate of pancakes. “Were they good?” He asked. Isabella nodded her head. “Yes, the house servants never served me this before, nor this much food at once.” She told him, blushing and sounding somewhat regretful, as if she had done something wrong. Sensing this Markus got up and walked over to Isabella and reached out to touch her shoulder. She flinched as if expecting to be scolded. But she relaxed and blinked in surprise as Markus set his hand gently on her shoulder and spoke to her comfortingly. “Well I am not like those servants. And so long as you’re living with me. I’ll make sure to feed you as much as you like.” He said, giving her a warm smile as she looked up to him. “Really?” She asked, getting starry eyed. He nodded his head and laughed. “Yes, you are a growing young girl. You will need all the energy you can get.” This elicited a happy little squeal of delight as the young girl quickly hugged him with her arms. And while she almost wrapped her tail around him, she had the self- control to not coil herself around him. This was a new sensation, rather one he had not felt in ten years. Smiling, Markus hugged her back as well. When she finally let go of him, he did the same as well. “Now, I know I said I would make sure to feed you as much as you like. However, we will need to visit the grocery store soon.” She looked at him confused, the idea of having to buy food was probably something she had never experienced or ever crossed her mind. Not that he could blame her, she had been living a life few ever got to experience. “See, daddy has been so used to living on his own. He rarely stocked food in his kitchen and even rarer, ever had to cook for more than just himself. So, I’m going to have to make a trip to the grocery store. Would you like to come with me?” He asked her. Isabella thought on it for a minute and then nodded her head yes. “Good girl. However, we won’t head out just yet. You just arrived, and it would be rather rude to make you have to travel without taking a moment to relax.” He said and walked into the living room. He moved aside some random items from the couch and sat down on it and patted a spot on it next to him. Isabella followed him out of the kitchen and out to the living room. She quickly understood what he meant and climbed on to the couch and coiled her tail onto the couch and laid her head in his lap. She laid there and closed her eyes as if she were taking a nap. After that large of a meal, it didn’t surprise him at all that she would want a nap afterwards. He only intended for them to just sit down and for her to relax and give himself some time to clean up the apartment. But as Isabella laid her head on his lap and took a nap. He couldn’t find it in himself to get up or move her. So he took her cue. Placing one hand on her shoulder, he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Well, he had been woken up early by the police. It wouldn’t hurt to get some sleep now. ….. Isabella awoke feeling like she had just slept for a good long while. She felt safe, secure and as if the last several days had not happened. Yet as she opened her eyes, she knew that was not the case. She was in a room which was much smaller than her old room. It was in a worse state than her own room ever got even at its worst. Yet, there was an important difference here than in her old room. She only had to pay attention to the fact she was resting her head on his legs and look upwards to know that she was now with her father. When she had first saw her father, she did not know what to think or make of him. She was used to the human servants who worked for her family. They were calm, obedient and had very little personality to them. While for her father, all she had to go from was what her mother had told her about him. So far he was exactly what she said he would be, but she still had no idea what to make of him. But he had promised to make her as much food as she wanted. That made her smile. The pancakes may not have been something extravagant like the servants would have made. But they filled her far better than a dozen of those luxurious meals would have. She pressed her head into his leg, placing a hand on his knee as she tried to close her eyes to rest a little longer. Not wanting to get up, but she felt his hand squeeze her shoulder and rub her arm. Letting her know he was awake as well. She gave a happy sigh and sat up to look up to her father who was already watching her and smiling. His smile had the same warmth to it as her mothers did. And while he had markings on his body, which would have indicated him being a bad man who got into many fights. She did not get that feeling that he was a bad man. Isabella didn’t know what happened to prevent her father from being with her, but whatever the cause or reason for the separation, she was glad to be with him now. ….. “Well it looks like you’re awake at last.” Markus chuckled as he watched Isabella sit up and nod her head. Realistically he had woken up when he felt Isabella start to move in his lap. He looked at the old clock hanging on the wall. It was the afternoon, meaning they had slept eight hours since the police had arrived and turned over Isabella to him. “Well, it is twelve now. Are you feeling rested enough to go for a trip to the grocery store?” He asked to which Isabella nodded her head. “Good girl. Now, let's get you something to wear besides that old shirt.” He said, reminding himself that besides food he would need to get Isabella some clothes as well. This was going to be an expensive trip. “Stay here, I will be right back.” He told her and got up to head further into his apartment. Returning to his room, he looked around for something which Isabella might like to wear. All he could find were button down shirts, some shorts and pants. Nothing meant for a little lamia. So naturally, he grabbed a few of his shirts and turned to return to the living room, only to find Isabella wearing one of his old jackets he had been holding on to, since he considered it to be a collector’s item. As well as it being a memento from when he had been dating her mother. “Now where did you find that?” He asked, not upset, but surprised she had been able to find it. He himself hadn't been able to find it for the last couple of years. “Over there,” She said pointing to the closet. “I smelled mom and...” She trailed off becoming sad. Markus walked over to Isabella, setting aside the shirts he was going to offer her. He took a knee in front of her and pulled her into a close hug. “Shh, it’s okay.” He told her, rubbing her back to try and help calm her down. “Would you like to keep it?” He asked, to which she nodded her head yes to. “Then it is yours.” He said and stood up and took a step back. The jacket was big on her, but there was a resemblance to when her mother had worn it and he couldn’t help but find it uncanny. There was no way he was going to stop her from wearing such an old thing. Especially if he had not worn it in several years. “Well, it isn’t much, but it will have to do for now.” He said and held his hand out to her. “Ready to go, Isabella?” He asked, and she gave a firm nod of her head and placed her hand in his. With a smile of confidence, Markus walked Isabella out of the apartment and out to meet the new day, locking the door behind him as they left. ….. The trip from Markus’ apartment complex to the grocery store was an uneventful one. Sure, they were an unlikely pair and a few people stared, but they were left alone. For all the supposed dangers of the Copper district, Markus could at least count on one simple fact: so long as you did not bother anyone else and did not make yourself out to be a target, you were left alone. No one here had the time or care to bother with one another... Which suited him just fine. Now, more than ever it worked out to their benefit. The grocery store wasn’t too far from his apartment complex nor was the store itself some large complex of items. It served a purpose of providing basic food to the people who lived here and beyond that it did not offer much else. Markus checked on Isabella periodically, to see how she was doing. To his surprise, rather than being frightened of all the different people and sights or growing tired from having to travel instead of being chauffeured around, she looked to be rather full of energy. This made him proud to know she was enjoying herself and looked to enjoy new experiences. He would keep that in mind for later. As it was, he had to get some food for the two of them. Markus grabbed a cart before they both walked up and down the aisles. Looking at the items arrayed before them, Isabella stared at some of the items. He would pause to ask if she wanted to try it, to which she would nod yes. Markus would grab them along with the rest of the food he knew he needed to get for the both of them. When it was all said and done, he went to check out with their food. At the register was a female fox demi, a Youko who recognized Markus as he came to her line. “Oh, hey Markus!” She said, sounding surprised to see him. “Hi Janet! Everything going alright here?” He asked as he began to unload his cart onto the register. “Oh, yeah. Things are fine here. Just surprised to see you here so soon! I don’t usually see you here but once a month.” She said, before noticing Isabella by his side, who was now staring at her. “And who is this cutie? Do you do babysitting now, Markus?” She asked playfully. “Hello cutie, what’s your name?” “Well things have changed for me rather recently Janet. Go ahead Isabella, go ahead and introduce yourself.” “Hello there, my name is Isabella.” “Isabella here is my daughter.” He told her. Upon learning this, Janet seemed taken aback, as if she did not believe what she just heard. She struggled to find similarities between the two of them. “No way! You two hardly look the same! And how did…?!” “A long complicated story, that I’d rather not get into right now. But I’ll be taking care of her now. As you can probably guess, I have two mouths to feed now. Which, by the way, do you still have any of those flyers for food assistance programs? I’m going to need to fill one out soon.” “Oh wow, I never thought I’d see the day where you, Markus of all people, have a kid. But yes, here you go.” She said, still surprised as she rang up his items and handed him a flyer with information on how to fill out food assistance requests. She then looked to Isabella, “You be a good girl and watch out for your father. He’s a good guy, but he’s always getting himself into some trouble or other, okay?” Isabella nodded. “Okay.” Markus rolled his eyes at that. “I don’t get myself into trouble. Trouble just seems to find me. Also, will my tab cover this trip? I can make some time to come and work to cover this visit if not.” Janet shook her head. “No, you are fine. Just don’t be a stranger. And next time you visit, you should show the boss your daughter. He will positively melt upon seeing her.” She said with a laugh. “Hah, I can just see the old Orc doing so. Alright, thank you Janet. Tell Ms. Janet thank you.” “Thank you.” Isabella said, staying close to Markus. “Take care now you two! Be safe out there.” Janet said and waved to them as they left the grocery store. “So what do you think about your first time going to the grocery store?” “It’s really big and full of food.” “I guess from your perspective it would be rather large. But believe it or not, that is just a small store compared to the larger stores further into the city. And those have both food AND clothes.” He told her as he led her back to the house, needing to put away the groceries before doing anything else. Isabella seemed stunned to learn that the store she had just been in was in some way ‘small’. “Will we go to those bigger stores?” “Maybe, depends on whether I can save up the money to not only get us a ticket to go further in, but to also buy things from those larger stores.” “Why do you need money to buy things? Ms. Janet let you take the food out without giving her money.” Isabella said catching on quickly to the fact that he didn’t actually pay any actual cash. “You noticed that, didn’t you? You’re quite perceptive. You are right, I didn’t use money to purchase this food. That’s because I’ve made an arrangement with the owner of the store. Who is a friend of mine. I come and work at his store every so often and instead of paying me with money, I instead accrue a tab or record of money with his store. Which I can use and spend whenever I visit his store. It’s easy for me as that way I don’t need to carry around money unnecessarily and it is good for him as that way he doesn’t need to worry about paying me anything. And since I don’t normally make too many visits this has worked out rather well for the both of us. Though I suppose that will have to change now.” He explained and reflected on the fact that now that he had a daughter, he would likely be visiting the store more often. Meaning he would need to talk to the Orc owner again soon. “Why would it change? You said you are friends.” “Well, it may or may not change. But daddy just had a big change happen to him and that means a lot of things are changing as well. And I like to make sure people who I deal with and work with know when things have changed.” Isabella didn’t need to ask what that change was, but she felt a little guilty and it showed. “Hey, don’t you worry about a thing. You did nothing wrong. I was going to need to make changes to my life soon anyway, and really, you’re the best kind of change I could have asked for.” He told her. “Believe me, once you meet him, I’m sure you’ll come to like the old Orc as well. The big guy has a soft spot for kids. He treats just about everyone as family.” Isabella looked up to Markus, her face asking if he meant what he said. He looked down to her and gave her a confident, reassuring smile. “Look, we’re home already.” He said as they reached the apartment complex. Once they were back inside, Markus went about emptying the fridge of spoiled food and old leftovers. After putting in the new food into the fridge, he cleaned out his cabinets and put food in them as well. “Now then,” He said and looked back into the living room where he expected to find Isabella. Only to not see the little lamia anywhere. “Isabella?” He asked and walked out into the living room looking for her. It was then that he heard a soft giggle coming from deeper within the apartment. He smiled and looked further in. “Now, where did that little lamia go?” He asked, looking around for the telltale sound of giggling or even the hard to hide shape of her tail. He looked first in his bedroom, checking to see if she was hiding under the covers or even under the bed itself. But she was not hiding in either of those places. He checked the closet inside his room as well, but still could not find her. “Now where could she have gone?” He asked aloud and sure enough he heard giggling. Smiling, he now had a good idea where she could be. She was either hiding in the hallway closet or in the bathroom. And with how close the giggling sounded, he narrowed it down further. “Could she be...” He walked over to the closet and opened the door. “Here!?” Sure enough, there was a pile of clothes laying on the floor, moving ever so slightly. “Found you!” He said and reached down to pick up the bundle of clothes, catching the little lamia by surprise. “Eek!” She cried out and tried to wiggle out of his grasp. Like she would do when any of the servants had tried to catch and hold her. But unlike them, Markus had a firm grasp on her. “I got you now!” He laughed playfully and carried her back out to the living room, while Isabella laughed happily. “No, let me down!” She giggled happily. “Okay.” He said and set her down on the couch. “So then, ready to go visit another place?” He asked. Isabella nodded her head eagerly, yes. “Great,” He said and held out his hand to her. “Come on, let's go see about getting you some new clothes. I bet you’re tired of wearing that shirt around everywhere and want something new to wear right?” Isabella nodded her head yes, but she had reservation as she did so. “But you don’t want to lose it. Since it is one of the few things you have left, right?” He asked, understanding her feeling. To which she nodded her head yes. “Well you don’t need to get rid of your shirt. I just want you to have more clothes than just that shirt. Plus, you still have your stuffed bunny.” He reminded her, thinking about, he hadn’t seen since she entered his apartment. “Where is your stuffed bunny?” “I hid Mr. Fluffles.” She told him. “I don’t want to lose him too.” This made him smile and he gently pat her head. “Don’t you worry. Nothing will happen to him. He is safe here in our home.” He told her, causing her to smile. “Now, let's go see about getting you some new clothes, alright?” He asked one more time. This time she nodded her head more enthusiastically as she put her hand in his. “Great, now let's head out.” Once more Markus headed out from their apartment, once again locking it behind them. This time they would be traveling a bit further from his apartment than a simple block. Waiting at a nearby bus station, Markus waited with Isabella and a couple other people from the area. A mix of humans and other ‘monster’ types as well. Everyone again keeping to themselves, sparing only a glance in their direction once Markus and Isabella arrived. Waiting for the bus allowed Isabella more time to look around the neighborhood and gave Markus time to keep an eye out for any recent changes in the news, thanks to the installed monitors always running the latest headlines. Currently the biggest news seemed to be a bombing in the Platinum Quarter. Still no news on who or what had been targeted, but the guard in the Platinum Quarter admitting that a bombing had happened there was something unprecedented. Normally you never heard anything coming out of the Platinum Quarter. Unless it was some fancy gala or fundraiser to ‘help’ the less fortunate of the city. The press were trying their best to swarm the Platinum Quarter to get anything more than what the Platinum guard were willing to divulge. This was after all likely the juiciest and spiciest piece of news to happen in the city since Marshal Doan had used his position to enforce ‘his’ view of the laws, stirring up the largest shit storm the city had ever seen, causing many people to lose their jobs as well as an eighth of the whole city rising up in protest, demonstrations and even riots. It had taken a long time for the Police to recover even a fraction of the trust they had lost. And to some, the Police still hadn’t earned such trust. Many openly flaunted their disregard for law enforcement. The mafia’s, gangs and crime families had seen a surge of recruitment then. And it was highly unlikely that things were ever going to calm down unless something drastic happened. And now, this bombing. Something big was about to happen that was going to shake the city, not from its core, but from the very top. Nothing happened in the Platinum Quarter without the Platinum Guard being aware of it nor the super-rich and powerful families that lived there, of which the Siliela family had formerly been one of. Thinking about that had Markus looking down to Isabella who was innocently looking around, unaware of the ramifications of the events that led to her being in his care. Not just to her or him, but the whole entire city. Hopefully she would never need to worry about the fallout of it beyond what she had already lost. He couldn’t bear to see his innocent young daughter experience more than what she already had. Right then, the bus arrived. Markus held on to Isabella and waited for everyone else to get on first before he led her onto the vehicle. He scanned his bus card twice to count for himself and Isabella. It wasn’t for any payment, as the bus was free. It was more a means to track the number of people on the bus and by extent the number of people being picked up at a spot. Another method of tracking population numbers and adjusting funding among other things. Luckily, there was an empty spot for the two of them and he let Isabella get the window seat so she could watch the scenery go by. Isabella did ask him a few times about buildings and other sites that passed by as the bus drove. He answered her each time, but his mind was focused on something else entirely. Riding public transit always gave him time to think. And thinking always got him in trouble. But, he could not help it this time. Not since the police arrived at his door with Isabella and told him what had happened. While the press had not figured out more than the fact that there was an explosion in the Platinum Quarter, it raised many red flags in his mind. There was something else at play. He wasn’t familiar with the interplay between the families in the Platinum Quarter, but the Siliela family were an important member of the Reptilian Clan. The Reptilian Clan: a large collection of Reptile type ‘Monster’ families, of which the Siliela family hailed, consisted mostly of Lamia’s and a couple other Lamia sub-types. So someone within the Reptilian Clan had to know what the fallout of the bombing would entail, and took steps to either protect Isabella, or had pulled strings to get her out of the picture. Since he knew that the Reptilian Clan consisted of more than just Lamia’s but also some very powerful dragons, there was likely to be hell to pay. He wasn’t in any position to do or say anything, however. Not right now. There was no way he was going to willingly get involved in the quagmire of a feud that was likely going on even now as he sat on the bus with his daughter. He was brought out of his thoughts as the bus came to a stop, the intercom announcing their arrival. “Here we are Isabella.” He said, giving her hand a squeeze to get her attention as he stood up and waited for others to get off first before leading Isabella out. “Okay.” She said getting up and following right behind him. As they left the bus, Isabella got a good look at the store they were visiting this time. It was much larger than the grocery store they had been to early that day. But unlike the grocery store. This one seemed slightly cleaner and busier. Holding on tightly to her father's hand, Isabella made sure to stay close to him, not wanting to lose him and get lost among the crowd. Markus squeezed her hand in return and smiled. “Don’t worry I won't let you out of my sight.” He said before leading her into the store itself. Once inside Isabella got to see just what the store was like. It looked to have rows upon rows of clothes for people of all ages, genders and even species. Her dad led her through some of the aisles, coming to one meant for young girls. “Do you happen to know what size clothes you wear, Isabella?” She shook her head, no. “Alright then,” He said and looked around to see if there was anyone there to help. He had no idea how to pick an appropriate size for a little girl of Isabella’s age. Yes, there were signs saying that these clothes fit into an age group of eight to twelve-year-old girls, but that meant nothing to him, given his daughters, “unique” circumstances. Eventually, he spotted someone who was wearing a vest that worked at the store. “There we go. Come on Isabella.” He said and led her over to the worker. “Excuse me,” He said to get her attention. The woman turned around to face him and smiled. “I need some assistance.” “Hello, how can I assist you today?” She asked him. “Well, I’m looking to get some clothes for my daughter. And I don’t really know what would be an appropriate size for her.” “Oh? First time coming out with your daughter?” She asked with a little bit of a giggle. “Don’t worry sir. I can help. How old is your daughter?” She asked, looking down to Isabella. “She’s ten years old. And starting to outgrow her old clothes. The missus normally handles getting her clothes.” “Well then, please come with me. I’ll get you and the little lady acquainted.” She said and led them back to the collection of clothes that had just arrived. She began to explain how to properly check what size clothes would best fit Isabella, and with some help from the worker, Isabella picked out a few shirts and skirts that she seemed to like. They had a small collection soon enough. “Now, would be a good time to go try out your selection. To make sure it fits properly.” The worker told Isabella and led her and Markus to the changing room. “Here you go. Take this key and go into one of the changing rooms. Make sure to lock the door behind you. Try out the clothes you have, and if the clothes fit you, you can put them back on the hangars and hold on to them. Those that don’t fit you can be put back on the hangar and leave in the room.” “Can daddy come in with me?” She asked, scared to be alone for too long without him. “Sorry sweetie, but I cannot follow you in there. It is a changing room meant for young ladies and little girls such as yourself.” He told her apologizing. “But I will be right out here waiting for you, I promise.” Isabella looked hesitant to go in alone and looked from Markus back to the changing room. “Please?” “Is it okay if I go in with my daughter? And if I cannot, can you watch over her?” Markus asked the very helpful worker. The look on her face was conflicted. It was clear Markus was not allowed to go inside. But also if the girl didn’t want to go alone. The store had a policy against workers going into the changing rooms with visitors. And for good reason. “Sorry sir, but you cannot. Nor can I follow her in. It is against the store's rules to protect the privacy of our guests. But I can at least stand outside your door, if that would help you feel safer?” She offered. Isabella nodded her head yes and held her hand out to the staffer, which they took. Markus smiled and let go of Isabella’s hand. “Don’t worry Isabella I will be right out here. If something happens. Just yell and I will be right there to help you.” That cheered up Isabella some and she smiled slightly before heading into the changing area and out of Markus’s sight. Though Isabella disappeared into one of the changing rooms, he could see the staffer who had been helping them out so far. She seemed to be watching over the room, so he felt like he could relax some as well. Eventually Isabella returned with some of the clothes she had gone in with, likely leaving the rest behind. She took the staffers hand and returned to him. “Find what you liked and what fit?” He asked her, taking an outfit as she offered it to him. Isabella nodded her head yes. “Good. Then I believe that covers everything.” “If I may sir,” The staffer spoke up, “For most lamia’s and other reptiles no matter their age, they tend to purchase cream to tend to their scales. Sure, their scales will naturally shed and be clean once they shed, but until then, their scales tend to gather dust and dirt, being scuffed and muddied by everyday wear and tear. While this is normal, it has been known to cause some minor irritation to younger lamia’s who have not had many shedding seasons, like their parents. This can lead to infection if it becomes persistent and the young lamia picks at and scratches their scales, which irritate them. I would advise getting a small amount for her before you check out.” “Thank you, miss. You’ve been very helpful to us. Tell the nice lady thank you, Isabella.” “Thank you, miss.” Isabella echoed. “You’re very welcome. Is there anything else I can help you get?” “No, this was it. Have a good day.” “You too, good-bye.” She said and turned to leave the two of them alone. “So how did you feel going into a changing room on your own? You weren’t too scared were you?” “No, but I was nervous. Though I wasn’t as nervous once I started trying out the clothes. Or when I came back to you.” She told him after shaking her head once more. He smiled and once again squeezed her hand approvingly. “That’s a good girl. Come on, let's get you that cream and check out. I think it’s getting close to lunch time. And I’ve got some new food at home so I can cook more for you.” “Okay!” She said excitedly, already looking forward to what he might cook for her. Markus laughed a little bit as Isabella’s face took on an excited, hungry demeanor. The cream didn’t turn out to be hard to find. It also wasn’t as expensive as Markus had feared. The hardest part was checking out, as he feared he didn’t have enough to pay for everything. Fortunately, he had just enough credits to pay for the clothes and cream. With everything in hand and bag, they made their way back to the bus stop, and from there, back to their apartment, to unpack and have lunch. For lunch, Markus managed to cook up a large serving of tacos, much of it meant for Isabella and a couple of them for himself. As with the bacon pancakes, Isabella demolished the tacos with ease. He was going to have to rethink cooking at home if this was how much she was going to eat. At least until he got the food assistance going. “So, how were the tacos? Did you like them?” “Yes! Can I please have more?” “Haha, sure thing Isabella. A couple more tacos coming right up.” With that, he provided a second helping of tacos for Isabella, who once again ate them all without slowing down. Though when she finished these, she didn’t ask for more. Though the look on her face said she could definitely eat more if offered. “Well then, why don’t you go rest on the couch? I will clean up and join you in a little, okay?” “Okay.” Isabella said and left the kitchen and went to the living room. Markus joined her once he had finished cleaning things. He saw her sitting down on the couch looking around the room itself looking for something to do. That was something else he was going to have to take care of: getting Isabella something to keep her entertained when he wasn’t there with her and even when he was with her. Maybe a couple of books or even comics? Would she even want to read? He heard kids around her age preferred to play expensive electronic games. Now that was money he knew he did not have. “So then, I know daddies place isn’t exactly the most entertaining.” “But I am having fun!” “Haha, I know. But I was thinking. Do you like to read Isabella?” “Oh, yes I do. Momma had tutors come in and teach me how to read and write. I really liked books with pictures in them. Though the tutors were trying to get me to read books without pictures in them.” “Well that’s good at least. Maybe we can go to a library next? Rent a couple of books. Would you like that?” “Oh yes!” She said excitedly. “Great!” He smiled. That was one problem he could solve easily enough. It could also be done on the way to the next place he had in mind. “Say Isabella, would you like to go to a park? It’s a place where we can go and enjoy nature. It also has a small playground for kids around your age. Would you like to go there?” At this she hesitated and shook her head. “Why not? The park is a good place to go and meet new people. It’s good for making friends.” “I don’t like crowds.” “But we were on a bus. We also were walking the streets and visited a store where there were a lot of people. You didn’t seem to have any problem then?” “You were there, beside me. And you seemed to be fine then.” “I don’t like crowds.” She said a little softer, as tears started to enter her eyes. Markus couldn’t place why, but for whatever reason, Isabella seemed to be sad about the idea of being in a place with a lot of people. Concerned, he pulled her in close and hugged her. “Can you tell me why you don’t like crowds?” He asked her softly. He wasn’t expecting an answer, but he wanted to know why she was scared of being in a crowd of people. Isabella nodded her head yes and then shook her head no. “Do you not feel comfortable saying so right now?” To that she nodded her head yes and hugged him. “That’s alright, you don’t have to. But I hope you can feel comfortable telling me, one day, so I can help you. But for now, you don’t need to do so. We won’t go to the park today, okay?” She nodded her head once again and squeezed him with her arms as she hugged him tightly. “Do you still want to go to the library though?” He asked with a more enthusiastic voice, to both change the subject and to see if she would be excited about going to the library. To this she smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically. “Yes!” “That’a girl.” He said patting her head. “Come on, let's go out one last time. I know you’ll just love the library. I want you to come with me to meet a friend of mine. I know you’ll absolutely love them.” He said, grinning as he waited for Isabella to let go of him before he stood up. This earned an unsure look from Isabella who turned her head to the side questioningly. “Haha, you’ll see when we get there. But first, we’re off to the library.” Once more Isabella smiled happily and got up, taking his hand. This time, she led him out the door. Markus laughed happily to see his little girl so excited to go to a library. Like before, when they visited the grocery store, they needed to take the bus to the library. This ride was much shorter than the last, and Markus didn’t have time to stew on his own thoughts. Instead, he spent the time watching Isabella closely to learn more about her and how she acted. It was impossible not to smile as he watched her constantly looking out the window and staring at the sights passing by. Once they got off the bus, they found themselves in front of the library. It was a large stone building, with a plaque on its front designating it a historical site, as well as a heritage site for the city. Although large on its own, by modern standards it was smaller than the much larger buildings in the other districts. But for the number of people who came and visited it, the place may as well be oversized. Of course, it being both a historical and heritage site meant it could not be demolished and was watched over by the police, as well as exempt from taxation. So, they never had to worry about the doors being closed. “Hello and welcome to the Copper District City Library. Please take your time and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I would be happy to help you.” Greeted a Hakutaku, a more reserved type of minotaur sub-type. Markus walked over to her with Isabella. “Hello there, could you point us in the direction of the section for children around the age of ten?” “Certainly, our children’s section is on the second floor. Section A-1 through A-10, if you would like to rent a book you can check it out here at the main desk or at any of the other desks around the library.” The minotaur woman said with a delighted smile happy to see a child reading instead of playing video games. “Thank you.” Markus then led Isabella up to the second floor. Where there were rows upon rows of bookshelves filled with books. “What do you prefer? Fiction or nonfiction?” “Fiction, I like the stories of knights and princesses.” She said, blushing, somewhat embarrassed. He smiled and escorted her through the various aisles and rows of books, pausing to let Isabella look at the books that were on display, asking to be read. Isabella took out a few books that got her interest putting back those that she didn’t like. When there was something just out of reach, Markus would help and grab the book for her. After several minutes of this, Isabella had a stack of books. Seeing her pick out so many surprised him. “Do you think you can carry them all?” He asked playfully. “Mmm” Isabella tried to pick up the small stack of books but with very little success and almost dropped them due to the weight. “No.” She said frowning. “Well, how about you pick out a couple of them... let's say... five. The rest we can put back, and when you finish reading those five, we can return them and come check out some more?” He offered. Isabella nodded her head in agreement. She would put away a lot of the books she had gotten out and eventually went from a stack of books to a much smaller pile of books. These she held close to her and looked up to him with a smile. He smiled back and took her hand. Escorting her to the nearest desk, which had a Harpy sitting behind it, carefully reading over a book until she noticed Markus standing at the desk, with Isabella just barely able to look over the top of the desk. “Hello, may I assist you?” “Yes, my daughter would like to check out a couple of books please.” “Oh! Certainly! Do you mind filling out a little bit of paperwork please? It is just a disclaimer saying that if the books are damaged or in a lesser state, you will replace them or donate money to the library to have the books replaced or repaired. It also allows us to create a book card for her. So if she checks out a certain number of books, and returns them, she gets an award.” This made Isabella’s eyes sparkle in wonder as to what the reward would be. “Alright, go ahead Isabella. Give her the books you would like to borrow. And I’ll sign the paperwork.” “Okay!” Isabella said excitedly and set the small stack of books on the table, while the harpy gave Markus a small pamphlet to read over and sign. He read over it much as he did when given any contract or agreement, he was entering into. He finally signed it and handed it back to the harpy who printed out a library card for Isabella. “Now, if you come back with these five books. We will mark down how many you have read and returned. And when you have brought back twenty books, you’ll get a surprise award.” The harpy informed her. Isabella couldn’t be happier and nodded her head. “Can she have a bag to carry the books in, please? We have to take the bus and I’d hate to lose or damage any of the books on our way back.” “Of course! One moment please.” The harpy said with a nod of her head and got out a small tote bag with the library’s name on it. “Here you go little lady. Consider this a gift for your interest in reading.” Isabella was surprised as she received the simple bag that now held her books in it. Sure she got presents just about whenever she asked or wanted something before. But this was something she had gotten from someone else who wasn’t a family member or servant. And she held on tightly to the bag, not wanting to let it go. “Thank you, have a good day.” Markus said smiling as he observed the look on Isabella’s face, and the little wiggling motion of her tail. The little lamia clearly enjoyed her gift very much. It was also a practical one which he could appreciate, since it would mean she could carry things other than books around, if she so chooses. “Thank you for your visit. I hope you both have a wonderful day, take care now!” “Thank you!” Isabella said and grabbed Markus’s hand with her free one. With Isabella holding his hand, the duo headed out from the library, waving to the Hakutaku at the front desk, who returned the wave as they left. Before long, they were on the bus, but not heading home. He wanted to treat Isabella to a larger meal then he could make- if only to see just how much she could eat. “Now remember Isabella, you have to be careful with those books. So keep them in your bag until we get home, alright?” He said, seeing her pulling out one of the books. “Okay.” She said putting it back in. It wasn’t that he was worried she might harm the books or lose them, but that she might get lost in the books while they were on the bus and miss their stop, which was rapidly approaching. When they next got off, they were in an area of the Copper Quarter that began to mix with the Silver Quarter. Though it was still firmly within the Copper Quarter, it was much cleaner and well maintained than where Markus lived. They were going to a restaurant, but it wasn’t just any restaurant. It looked like an average restaurant where one might go to enjoy a single meal, but upon going inside, it was a completely different case. “Hello, and welcome to Lance’s all you can eat restaurant and buffet! How many will be attending?” Asked the server at the counter. “Hi there, just two. Also, if you could please let the owner know his old friend is visiting. I know he’s probably busy, but I figure it is worth catching up with him.” Markus told her. “Very well, please go have a seat. And take this ticket with you. You may serve yourself whenever you want. Just make sure to let the server know what you want to drink when you see them.” The server said, handing Markus a receipt after paying for two people to eat. “Thank you.” Markus said and brought Isabella to a table meant for two. Their server came out soon afterwards and asked them both their drink orders. Once they placed their request for drinks, Markus looked to Isabella. “I hope you’re feeling hungry. This place offers a lot to eat, so make sure to try out a little bit of everything. And don’t be afraid to try new things you have not tried yet!” Isabella was already looking excitedly at the array of food on display to which people could help themselves. “Oh, and only take enough to just fill up your plate. You don’t have to fit everything on your plate at once. You are allowed to make multiple trips up to the counter, just make sure to let me know or have me come with you, okay?” “Okay.” She said, eager to grab a plate and start eating. Her nose told her the food tasted good and her tongue told her that even though she had yet to eat any of it, it would taste just as good as she imagined. Her belly was growling as if it were empty again. Markus smiled and led her up to the display. Grabbing a plate for himself and Isabella. Isabella was just big enough to be able to serve herself and filled her plate rather quickly with the food from the display. Once they both had their plates full, Markus escorted her back to the table and they both began to dig in. Isabella happily enjoyed her food, eating it rather quickly to the point where Markus had to caution her to slow down and enjoy it, that it wasn’t going anywhere and that if she ate too fast she might get an upset stomach. She slowed down a little bit, but she still cleaned her plate faster than Markus did. “Can I please get some more?” “Will you be alright going up without me?” Isabella paused to consider and looked up to the display with its food, the back to her now empty plate and then finally back to him. “Yes!” “Alright, just be careful and remember what I said about not filling your plate up too much. You can always go back up again for the rest later.” He reminded her and smiled as she nodded her head in understanding and slithered off to get herself another plate full of food. It didn’t take long for Isabella to return with another stuffed plate, that she promptly tore into even as Markus had barely even finished his first plate. “Hello Markus, it's been a long time since I’ve seen you here. And I see you brought someone new with you. Babysitting, now are you?” Asked a voice that was very familiar to Markus. Turning to look, Markus saw an incubus approaching him and Isabella. Though he was wearing clothes meant for a cook rather than the scandalous garb one might expect an incubus to wear. “Hey Lance, how are you doing? Care to say hi to my daughter?” He asked, motioning towards Isabella who was busy eating. “Daughter? Wow you are the last person I would expect to have a kid.” Lance said, pulling up a seat and sitting with them. As he sat down, Isabella looked up to him with curiosity. “Hello little miss. What is your name?” “Isabella.” “That’s a nice name. I take it you’re enjoying the food?” “Mhmm! It’s really good!” “Haha, that’s good to hear. I’m always glad to hear that someone is enjoying my cooking. Markus here hardly ever visits, but when he does, he normally eats by himself. So you take care of him, otherwise he’ll wind up skin and bones!” Lance laughed. Isabella looked from Lance back to her dad, Markus merely shrugged. “Okay!” “Good girl. Now I’ll let you two eat in peace. If you need anything Markus, you know where to find me.” Lance said, standing up to leave. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something. It’s one of the reasons I’m here. I figured I’d make my presence known here, rather than just showing up at your place without prior warning.” “Hm, fair enough. So you’re not here to enjoy my food?” “Oh I am. It’s hard to say no to your cooking after all.” “Alright, I’ll see you whenever you decide to show up. Just make sure not to upset the misses. She doesn’t like it when trouble walks through the door.” “No promises. Though, I will be bringing company along with me.” “Oh, if you bring Isabella, the misses will just absolutely love her.” “Ha! I bet she would.” With that, Lance stood up once more. “Take care you two. Don’t be strangers now.” “Okay!” Isabella said, having returned at some point with a third plate of food, chock full of even more of the food that had been on display. “Haha! That’s a girl! Eat as much as you want!” Lance laughed and patted her head before returning to the back of the restaurant to resume cooking. Markus shook his head and smiled as Lance left. He watched and waited for Isabella to finish her third plate before going up once again to get another plate himself. The rest of their dinner went by quietly, with Isabella making a total of ten trips up to the food display to fill up multiple plates. By the time she was done, Markus had only had two plates. He was once again surprised how much she could eat. But as she finished her tenth plate, the young lamia had slowed down considerably. And was all but struggling to stay awake. “Ready to go home Isabella?” He asked her to which she tiredly nodded her head. “Come on then. Let's head home and get you in bed.” He said, walking around the table to help her out. He could already tell by the way she moved so slowly just to leave the restaurant she was going to fall asleep on the bus ride home. “Hey Isabella, would you like a piggyback ride?” He offered to her. “Huh?” She looked up to him confused and half asleep. “Here, climb on my back.” He said, kneeling down to allow her to get on his back. As soon as he got down, she understood what he meant. She slithered over to him. Climbing on his back and hugging him tightly and wrapping her tail around his waist. With Isabella on his back, he headed to the bus. As it turned out, he had guessed right that Isabella would fall asleep. In fact, she fell asleep much sooner than the bus, drifting off to sleep on his back with him carrying her. By the time he got home with her, even Markus was feeling exhausted from carrying her added weight. It was hard to imagine such a small lamia weighing so much. But he should have figured as much. Now that he knew better, he would have to plan out his trips better so as to avoid carrying her for longer than a few minutes at a time. Not unless he wanted to throw out his back at a young age. Once in the apartment, Markus went into his room and set Isabella down on the only bed in the house and removed the jacket she had been wearing, leaving her only the shirt she had been wearing. He set the jacket aside where she could find it and tucked her into the bed. “Good night, Isabella.” He said, kissing her on the forehead before going to leave the room. “Good night daddy.” She said softly, not opening her eyes before she went back to sleep. Grabbing a blanket for himself, Markus cleaned up the apartment somewhat before passing out on the couch. Today had been one hell of a day. Hopefully, he could get through these next few days and get accustomed to being a father. After all, he had never had any plan or goal to be a father before. Now he found himself thrust into the position by events out of his control. And while he may have been powerless to stop it from happening in the first place, seeing Isabella smile and be happy while around him in such a short amount of time gave him hope. Especially since he had seen just how sad she had been when she was first brought to him. “All we can do now is to do our best.” He said, closing his eyes. His mind drifted to a familiar face he had not seen in ten years. “Right, Meridia?” He asked the phantom face of his memories before drifting off to sleep.
Isabella laughed with her cousins that were around her age. But as she looked to their faces. She couldn’t make out features and trying to see beyond the haze that prevented her from seeing them strained her and made the rest of her sight face. So she didn’t try to determine their faces. Instead she laughed with them as she played tag with them. “Isabella!” Called her mother. “Yes momma!” She called back and looked back in the direction of the house to see her mom. Tall, regal, and proper. Everything she was supposed to aspire to be. So her instructors told her she would one day be. “Come here sweetie. I have a special gift I wanted to give to you.” She said holding a small box in one hand. Isabella hurried over to her. “What is it?” She would ask happily as her mother handed her the small slender box. Opening it up, she saw a gold necklace with a diamond that had been shaped into that of a heart, with a gold encasing around the heart. She stared at the necklace as she felt something coming from the necklace. She couldn’t tell what it was she felt coming from the pendant. But she didn’t feel any danger from it and her mother was giving it to her. So she slipped it on, with help from her mother closing the clasp for it behind her neck. “There, now you look like a proper lady.” Her mother said with a smile. “Isabella! Come on we’re playing a new game!” Called one of her cousins taking Isabella’s attention from her mother as she looked back to call to them. “Coming!” She said and then turned to face her mother. Only to see to her horror, fire and flame. With chunks of the house being blown outwards. A large beam was sent hurtling from the house and it pierced through her mothers chest. Catching her mother off guard, but not before a massive pillar came crashing down on both of them. And with a blood curdling scream Isabella woke up feeling as if she were on fire. Her face covered in tears and sweat from a nightmare she just had. Her heartbeat rapidly within her chest so loud she could swear she hear it pounding. But now that she was awake. The terrors of her dreams began to fade away. The unfamiliar sights of the different bedroom reminded her she was not in her room anymore. And the scent of her father told her she was in his bed and not her own. Calming her down further. But she could not see him. She tried to get out of the bed but found it difficult as she soon discovered she had somehow wrapped herself up in the sheets and blanket of the bed she had been sleeping on. Untangling herself from the sheets and covers. She wiped her eyes of her tears, it had just been a dream. But it wasn’t just any dream. It was a dream she had been having ever since she woke up in the hospital after the explosion. And no matter how much she tried to think about happy things before going to bed this one kept coming back. Getting out of the bed she went to find her father. It wasn’t hard to find him. He was asleep on the couch. Smiling, she made her way over to the couch and climbed upon onto the couch and on top of the sleeping form of her father. She never got to do this with her mother since she started taking lessons to be a ‘proper lady’. She smiled and placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes as she felt him move under her and start to speak and rub her head as she fell back asleep. ….. Unaware of what his daughter had just been through, Markus had been sound asleep. Being a heavy sleeper meant he had been able to sleep through a lot of things early on. And now it meant he missed out on being aware to Isabella’s nightmares. Not that he would be aware she had had one. But he was woken up as he felt a heavy weight climbing up on top of him. And settling on top of him making it harder to breath but not impossibly so. Opening his eyes he saw the little lamia girl who had been turned over to him by the law due to the death of her mother and loss of everyone else, but himself. Tiredly he reached down and began to rub the young girls head. “Everything alright Isabella?” But she was already back asleep on top of him. He smiled and shook his head slightly. Impressed just how quickly the little lamia could fall asleep. Wanting to get up and carry her back to bed. Markus tried to move but found it difficult to move while she lay on top of him. Sure he could just roll to the side and she would topple off of him along with any other number of ways to get her off of him. But he did not do so. Instead he brought his arms up and embraced her. Hugging him close to his person as she slept. As soon as he did so he felt the tip of the lamia’s tail wrap around a foot as she mumbled something incoherently. “I guess this isn’t so bad.” With that he tried to sleep again. Though this time it was a little harder, but he wasn’t about to complain. As morning came, Markus was the first to wake up. Even though he had been awoken in the night. His internal clock refused to let him sleep longer. Even if he had a cute daughter laying on top of him. Once again faced with figuring out how to get out from under the young lamia. He put some thought into how to get out from under the sleeping lamia. Carefully, he set up. Unwinding her tail from around his leg and setting her down on the couch. Letting Isabella sleep just a little longer while he got breakfast ready. This time he made a proper breakfast for her. Eggs, ham and waffles with orange juice. It was as he was cooking that he could hear the stirring of Isabella. “Good morning Isabella. Go ahead and have a seat at the table. Breakfast is nearly ready.” When he finished setting up a plate of eggs, another of waffles and a smaller plate with ham. He turned to set the food on the table in front of Isabella. He saw the same smiling face who was looking forwards to enjoying his food. He watched her eat a little, before he made himself something to eat and sat across from her. Together they enjoyed a quiet breakfast. When they finished Markus cleaned up while Isabella went back to the living room and grabbed one of the books she had rented from the library. As she read her books, Markus checked the mail that had just arrived. With a sigh he went and picked up the pile of letters addressed to him. And read them in turn. Bills, more bills. With a sigh he went back to the kitchen. Picking up a pad and paper and began to open each bill and write down the amount owed. These were just the bills he owed to the city. Past due payment for the apartment, another final warning on that late payment. He rolled his eyes at that one, the city may have sent such warning. But it rarely carried out any evictions. Still he couldn’t afford to not take care of it now. There was also a fine for destruction of city property, namely in the form damaging portions of the sub levels of the city during one of his last trips to the sub-levels of the city as part of a job for one of the people he owed money too. Then there were the multiple miscellaneous bills for past due’s owed to numerous banks in the Silver Quarter. In total his amount came to a staggering twenty thousand credits owed, just to the city. No easy task of paying that all off. When the agent for the Child Protection Service came to visit, they would no doubt question him about those bills. And ask him what he was doing to pay those off. Since he officially had not held a job that the city recognized or could collect taxes on. At least not in the last couple of years. “I’m going to need to think on this.” He said frustrated and rubbing his head in thought. “Did you say something daddy?” Isabella asked from the living room, her head now peaking over the couch having overheard him. “Nothing dear,” He said and then paused. “Well actually, how would you like to come with daddy and we go on a walk?” He asked her as he needed to get outside and clear his mind. Thinking to much on negatives and being cooped up inside was never a good thing. Better to be outside and think about how to best address his issues. And to also spend some time with Isabella. Her face turned into a smile and she nodded her head. “Okay!” She said and got herself ready to go outside. ….. She wasn’t blind. There was something on her fathers mind. Something which was bothering him greatly. She saw it in greater detail when he was focused on writing on the piece of paper back home. She had wanted to ask him for help in saying a word from her book. But he had a look which meant he was deep in thought and bothered by something. Which after being told multiple times before that it was rude to interrupt people who were in thought, by her families servants. And also being punished for interrupting discussion between adults who were discussing things which upset them. She had learned that grown ups did not want her help. Even though she wanted to help them out as much as she could. Her mother had explained it as some adults wanting to protect her from things which might hurt her. And while Isabella was still young and willing to help, sometimes adults needed help of those who were wiser then they. Which seemed odd to her. She had always been taught if she needed help, that she only had to ask and people would help her. So it just seemed strange that when she offered help she was turned away. It was something not even her mother could fully explain. But she tried her best. And for Isabella, just having her mother be there to explain things. Helped her more then anyone of the servants who tried to explain it in terms for a child like herself to understand. She had waited for her father to be less troubled, before she tried to get his attention. And rather then snap at her, like she had been bracing herself for. He seemed open to her. He did hide what was bothering him, even changing the way his face looked to show her a smiling happy face. Which made her wonder if he genuinely smiled because of her or if he forced himself to smile because of her? She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the answer. Afraid to find out that he was forcing himself to be something he was not. Because of her. When she really wanted to believe he enjoyed having her and being together. ….. Markus smiled as she did so. Taking her hand once she was by his side. Leaving the apartment behind. Markus took to the sidewalk, walking with Isabella and showing her around the block of which they lived. It wasn’t much, since all that there was to see were tall apartment buildings. A couple of taxi’s and busses. And the other people milling about minding their business going to and from their jobs. Others of course were between jobs, looking for the next place to work to make a pay check. There were also a few small businesses scattered around as well. Though these were few and far between and even displayed the same level of upkeep common to this area of the Copper Quarter. Ranging from food to clothes to electronics and furniture as well as the common pawn shop. There was a lot of interesting sights to see. If you were not from the Copper Quarter, such as a little lamia who had recently lost everything they once had. It was almost enough to make one forget that they lived in the Copper Quarter. Of course, this was the Copper Quarter and just about everywhere you went you were likely to run into someone who was a part of some gang or mafia or other criminal network. “Hey ass hole!” Shouted a voice familiar to Markus from a nearby alley way. The older human gritted his teeth. Things were likely to get nasty. Especially if the person in question was on the warpath. “Hello Joshua.” He said turning to face the male Hobgoblin Lieutenant. Who was flanked by several Goblins. Markus didn’t need to look around to know that there were more of them around. Goblin’s rarely traveled in small numbers. And if Joshua was looking for a fight, then Markus was going to need to book it out of here if he was going to protect Isabella. “Hmph, seems you finally came out of your damn hiding hole at last.” The Hobgoblin said stepping out into the open but keeping distance between the two of them. “And good to see you standing in the light. Unlike the rest of your cowardly underlings who seem content to hide in the shadows.” “You know why I’m here, Markus. And it’s time to pay up. In money or blood, I don’t care which.” The Hobgoblin said trying to be menacing, their hand never leaving the club at his side. “I’ve no idea what you’re going on about. I owe you nothing. Maybe I should have a talk with your boss? I’m sure they would like a word with you about harassing their allies.” “Like fuck you’re an ally! You’re just a god damn Monster in the guise of a fucking Downer!” “Daddy?” Isabella says clinging to Markus’s leg fear in her eyes and voice as she tries to stay behind him. Both Markus and Joshua look down to Isabella. Markus out of concern and Joshua out of surprise. “Don’t worry dear. Daddy will be fine. Just having a discussion with an… acquaintance of mine.” He said trying hard to bite his tongue and not say or do something to upset his daughter. “Wait, when the fuck did you get a lamia kid? Did you fucking kidnap her? I know you’re a fucking Downer but I didn’t think even you’d stoop that low.” “I didn’t kidnap her. She is my daughter.” “Bull shit! No way in hell would anyone ever love a monster like yourself!” “And no mother would ever love a bastard such as you.” That managed to get a rise from Joshua who started to pull out the club but paused. “No, I’m no enforcer.” He said putting the club back down. “You listen here you fuck face. I’m letting you go this time, because I’d rather not beat in the face of a little girls father right in front of her. I aint like you, Downer.” “How benevolent of you.” Markus said rolling his eyes. “Don’t test my patience dumb ass it! Take your kid and get out of here. I may not be in the mood to mess you up, but my brothers are less inclined to hold back.” Markus nodded his head. He had run ins with them as well in the past. Each of them were just as eager for a fight as Joshua. But none of them were half as restrained or intelligent as the one in front of him now. “Hey Joshua!” He shouted as the Hobgoblin was already turned and walking away. Only to turn around ready to start shouting. “What now, Downer?!” “Tell your boss I’m going to be stopping by sometime soon.” Joshua stared at him and narrowed his eyes. “And why the fuck would the boss ever want anything to do with you, Markus?” “I owe him a debt. I intend to pay it off.” “Really? Well if that’s true, then leave your kid at home. We got nothing but trouble and there’s no way I’m letting you get a kid involved in any of your shit.” “Trust me, I don’t want her anymore involved then you do.” “So there is a brain left in that empty skull of yours. That’s a miracle, I’ll pass the message on.” Joshua said and turned to leave once again. The Goblins that had come with him also turned and left. As the group of thugs left, Markus let out a held sigh. And looked back down to his terrified daughter. Isabella was shaking where she stood and her tail was coiled around his leg in fear and as her thought about it he could not feel his leg with her wrapped so tightly about it. “There there Isabella, you can relax now. We’re fine now. Daddy will keep you safe.” He said and reached down to gently pat her head. Getting her attention. “Daddy, why are you and the other person so mean to each other? And why did he call you a monster and a downer?” Isabella asked “That… well… you see dear. That’s a very long story to why we don’t like each other. But he doesn’t like people like myself who fail to keep up on promises made. And we have butted heads several times in the past.” He said trying to explain in short why he and Joshua seemed hostile to one another. He did not address why he called him a monster or a downer. Those were things that were best left unsaid. ….. Isabella looked to him expecting him to answer her other question. But he was clearly not about to answer her. “Why don’t you ask for help? Especially if you were unable to keep a promise?” That made him pause and think. “I, well, daddy is just so used to doing things on his own. And the few times I get into deals with other people. It is purely business.” “But you have friends, right?” “Yes” “Then why would you not ask them for help? Is that not what friends are for? To help you out when times are tough?” “Well, yes.” He said the look on his face changed as if he was embarrassed that he was having to explain himself to his daughter in the middle of the sidewalk while people kept their distance. No one wanted to be near a man who just dealt with one of the various gangs that ran this part of the Copper Quarter. “So, why don’t you ask for help?” Markus frowns unable to come up with a satisfactory answer. “I don’t know Isabella. I wish I could give you a proper explanation. But I just cant. Daddy is just used to doing things on his own and solving stuff on his own.” Still no answer as to why adults refused to ask for help. But her father partly answered her, but she felt there was more there. That he wasn’t telling her. And she didn’t forget the fact that he did not answer her earlier questions about why the Hobgoblin Joshua called him a Monster or a Downer. She had no idea what a Downer was. But she knew what a Monster was. Having read stories about them and having heard stories of monsters from her family and the servants. Who told her of creatures who would gobble up children who snuck out of bed at night. Or who had strength of a hundred men and could decimate armies. Or were conniving creatures who could convince a person into selling their soul with a few flattering words. She didn’t want to think her dad was a monster. But why was he so reluctant to tell her that he was not, if it was not true? “Hey Isabella? Would you like to see Lance again?” Her father asked getting her attention as she unwound from his leg. “Lance?” “Yes, you should remember Lance. The nice Incubus who made all that nice food for you last night. Remember him?” “Oh! Yes, I want to meet him again, yes please!” She said with excitement as her belly growled letting them both know she was hungry. Her father smiled and nodded his head. “Alright, lets go visit him at his house for lunch then? That sound good to you?” “Yes!” She said with a cheer. “Alright, to Lance’s house we go.” Her father said and the both of them once more took the bus. ….. The bus ride to Lance’s house was a lengthy one and it gave Markus time to think. Since he didn’t get much time to think while out on his walk with Isabella, thanks to the Hobgoblin Lieutenant he ran into. This was not going to be the last time he ran into him, nor would he likely be the last person to come calling. Trying to collect on some debt or for some offence he had done. Which meant Isabella was going to be in danger, so long as she was with him if they were out and about. But he couldn’t just keep her trapped inside for the rest of their days. So he needed to find a balance, between keeping Isabella safe and repaying his debts. And as she had reminded him. He could always ask for help, from those he called friends. But that just made him wonder if his friends actually would help him or not? It had been ages since he talked to most of them and some of them he left on less then good terms. Hell, the only people he kept in touch with from before were Lance and his wife Cindy. He still wasn’t sure why they put up with him. After all the things he had done and what he had put them through. Maybe it was time to start reconnecting with old friends? It would certainly make the task ahead easier. Especially if they were doing better then he was, which really wasn’t that hard to do, since he lived in the Copper Quarter. As the bus came to a stop at their destination. Markus led Isabella off the bus and to a different apartment complex. Like before when they were closer to the Silver Quarter. Things seemed much cleaner and much better maintained. Even the view of the sky wasn’t so bad here. Though it was still marred by the impossibly tall buildings of apartments and workshops which were the life blood of the city. The people here were even seemed to have a slightly better disposition then back closer to his place. It was clear people here lived a better life then those in the deeper parts of the Copper Quarter. And above them, were those who lived in the Silver Quarter. Where things really began to get interesting. But right now, his focus was on securing his place here in the Copper Quarter. And making a better life for Isabella. Everything else was secondary to that. Raising a hand as he stood in front of the door to Lance’s apartment. Markus knocked on the door several times. “Just a minute!” Shouted Lance from within the apartment. A moment later the door opened and there stood the Incubus wearing what looked to be sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. “Hello Lance, mind if we come in?” “Jesus Markus, I know you said you’d be coming by soon. I didn’t think you meant the next day.” The other man said shaking his head with a smirk on his face. “Yes, come in. Come in, Cindy! We have trouble coming in!” “You can tell it to stay outside! The last time he came in here I had to clean the house for a whole month because of the mess he made!” Shouted Cindy from further within. Lance smiled and moved aside to let them both in. “Come in, she’ll be out in a moment.” Seeing Isabella sticking close to Markus he kneeled down and smiled. “Say, would you like something to eat?” Isabella nodded her head rapidly. “Yes please! I really liked your food last night!” “Haha, fantastic! Always glad to hear it.” Lance said and reached out to pet her head before he stood up to head to the nearby kitchen. Markus upon entering the apartment looked around to see what had changed. The TV which last he had seen it, had been crashed around a minotaurs head, was replaced. The couch which had been torn to shreds and was used to pin a large Orc was replaced with a larger couch. And the carpeting was also replaced. As were the various chairs which had been used as weapons. It may have only been a few months since the incident. But he could still vividly remember when a bunch of enforcers from the Bacchus Cartel tried to come collect on his head while he was celebrating Cindy’s birthday. Speaking of which. A very voluptuous succubus who matched the description to a “T” walked out of the hall way wearing what Markus could only imagine was a last second grab of clothes. As the shirt was clearly undersized for her chest and mis-matched to the very short shorts that hugged her hips. “Markus,” She hissed upon seeing him, venom in her voice. “I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you again.” As she said this she didn’t see Isabella immediately, but as she got around the couch she paused at the sight of the little lamia. “Yes, you were quite clear on that. The headache I got after your… declaration was hard to forget. But as you also made clear, before that. You said if I ever needed help. I would only have to ask.” He said and. Markus face skewered with a mix of emotions trying to figure out how best to say the words. “Cindy, I need your help.” He said and let go of Isabella’s hand and placed it on her back. “We, need your help.” The succubus was speechless as she stared at the young Lamia. A light passing through her eyes as if a memory of a time long past returned for the briefest of moments. Only to disappear in a flash. “Markus, is she…” “Yes, the spitting image of her mother, isn’t she?” He smiled. “By the powers that be.” She said and looked from Isabella to Markus. “Markus, what happened?” “A very sad tale, which if you’ve heard the news lately, now you know just how bad it was.” “Oh no, so that means…?” “Yes, she also got caught in the blast.” Cindy looked back to Isabella with tears in her eyes. Isabella looked between the two of them. Not sure what they were talking about, though she could at least understand in so much that they were talking about her in a way. The succubus walked over to Isabella and got on her knees and sat down. “I don’t know if your mother ever mentioned me. But we were friends once long ago. So I’ll extend to you the same offer I gave her. If you ever need a place to escape to or hide. My door is always open to you.” “Th… thank you Miss…?” Isabella was confused. The strange lady was not wrong. Her mom never mentioned everything about her friends. The most she spoke about anyone she knew about anyone else was what her mom told her about her father. The succubus smiled and leaned forward and hugged the young girl tightly. Crying softly, “I promise I’ll keep you safe.” This took Isabella by surprise, but once the surprise wore off Isabella relaxed and hugged the woman back. Once she let go of Isabella, the dark haired succubus gave Markus a hard look. “And you you better be doing everything you can for her.” “That’s the plan. And also why I need your help.” “Isabella, it would seem the grown ups are going to be spending some time talking to one another. Why don’t you come to the kitchen and have some lunch with me? I’ve made quite the selection of deliciously new choices I am sure you would enjoy.” Lance said walking out to the living room and holding a hand out to her. Isabella looked up to Markus looking for his approval. “Go ahead sweet heart. Lance is a good man, enjoy yourself.” Isabella smiled and took Lances hand and followed the white haired incubus to the kitchen to eat. Leaving Markus and Cindy to talk in the living room. “Is there a place we can talk in private?” Markus asked looking nervously to Isabella who was sitting at the table. This made Cindy raise an eyebrow at him and she nodded her head. “Yes, just follow me. Lance, we’ll be back in a couple of minutes. Save something for me.” “Okay.” “This way.” The succubus said and left the apartment. “I’ll be back soon sweetie, be good for Lance!” Markus said and followed her out. As it turned out. The private place Cindy wanted to take him to. Turned out to be the top of the apartment building. Which instead of being a bare top with fence on it. Looked to be a small community garden by the looks. With several benches. Cindy sat down on one that looked out to the depths of the Copper Quarter and left a spot beside her for Markus. When he sat down, she stared at him again. “Alright, speak.” Markus breathed in and exhaled deeply. Leaning back in the bench and starring up at the sky filled with clouds and smoke. “Where do I begin?” “Start with the beginning. What happened? You asking for help is something you never do. Nor do you ever show a vulnerability to anyone.” Markus frowned and shook his head and put his head in his hands as he leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. She was right, he never asked for help and he never let anyone see a weakness in him. Well almost, anyone, the only person he ever let close was now no longer among the living. And yet, here he was going to have to share something with someone else. “Markus,” Cindy said with a firm voice but with concern. He also felt a hand on his shoulder. “Markus, is everything alright? You’re, crying.” As she said this, he became acutely aware of the fact he was shaking and making the strangest of sounds for which he would never imagine himself making. Yet he was. “Cindy, she’s dead.” He said as a wave of sadness seemed to overtake him. “I never got to tell her goodbye and now she is gone forever. I failed her back then and I failed her now. Just like before.” “How did you fail her?” His gut wrenched itself into a knot. He felt like everything he had done since they had separated, since he let himself slide into obscurity and out of his loves sight a failure. “I was a coward. When her family threatened to not only kill me, but also disown Merida for ever becoming involved with someone of my status. I did not just back away or leave her life. I fucking ran.” He said still not looking the succubus in the face as he kept his face in his hands. His own crying had stopped as he began to talk. “I wasn’t scared of their enforcers. I can handle a few snakes on my own. But I was so scared of what them disowning Merida would do to her. That I did not think to warn her or tell her why I left. I just left without a word.” He said with frustration he moved his hands from his face and placed them on his knees as venom entered his voice as he spoke in disgust about himself and his actions. “I ran away and didn’t look back for a long time. Not until I thought I had gotten far enough out of their attention. That at one point even I wished I had not existed. And so began my spiral down to where I am today. A Downer who wastes his time doing the odd job for questionable people. Just to make it by to the next day.” As he said this he could feel a hand be placed on his shoulder as she spoke softly. “So, how are you going to make things right?” “I don’t know. I owe so much to so many people. I’ve gotten into to many deals and made enemies of so many people, powerful people. I owe money to a lot of people as well. And I don’t even know if the people I used to call friends are even alive still or if they even know if I am alive.” “To whom are you indebted to and how?” She asked moving her hand from him as he sat up. As Markus sat up, she saw that his eyes were red, and tears were still fresh on his face. But he soon wiped them away as he looked down to his hands. Remembering what he wrote on his notepad at home, as well as what he could remember of his ‘business’ dealings. “I owe Amanda, the Queen of the Copper Quarter and the Den of Deviants a huge sum of money to make try and get myself setup down here. Try and open up my own business down here, like Lance did. Not that that went anywhere, other then to get me involved with the seedier elements of the Copper Quarter. So either I pay her off or…” “Or you do her a huge favor or work in her Den of Deviants for the next several years.” He nodded his head yes. A shudder covered his body at the thought of having to work for the Lilum who made her home in the Copper Quarter when she could be living it up in either the Gold or Platinum district like so many others. Nothing happened in the Copper Quarter underground without her say so. “I also owe the Oni Usha’s Clan a job or two. As a favor for being one of my regulars when I did run my own business. As well as some money to keep my sorry ass in the apartment I got. While their boss did say I don’t owe them anything. One of their Lieutenants accosted me while I was out on a walk with Isabella earlier. While nothing really happened. It made me remember that while their boss may say everything is good, it may not seem like it to those under them. “Is that everyone?” “No, not even close. I owe several banks in the Silver Quarter loans. When I crashed down into there from my short lived stay in the Gold Quarter. As well as guild dues and fees to the Iron Hold Guild. Since I used to be a member for them and they’re a widely recognizable name in the Silver Quarter. I also owe the Ingo Clan several favors, since I asked them for help in getting stabilized in the Silver Quarter in the earlier years. And after them I owe several thousand Tiberius Rex of the Chambers of Sorcerers. As well as an apology for screwing up one of his experiments. I’ve no idea if he’ll even listen to me before he scorches me into ash.” “Tiberius is known for being rather short in temper with those who mess up his experiments. Though I hear he is entering his twilight years as a dragon. Maybe now might be the time to see him since his powers are likely waning?” “He’s a god damn dragon. And not just any dragon he is a monster of a dragon. The man is capable of leveling an entire city block on his own with a spell!” “Yes, but you will need to deal with him anyways. And you wont get any better chance than the present.” Markus nodded his head. He knew he would have to deal with him. It was more a matter of how he was going to talk to him. “Anyone else?” “The Engel Syndicate as well. I owe them more money then I care to recount.” “How much?” “A five hundred thousand credits.” It was Cindy’s turn to once more be silent. “What did you ask of them to owe them that much?” “I asked them to arrange one last meeting between me and Merida.” “Wait I thought you said you didn’t look back or try to talk to her again?” “Yes, but I tried one last time thinking I was smart.” That made the succubus smile. “So was that when…?” “No, we erm did that before then. Plus I didn’t see her since her family found out about us and started their campaign to destroy me. Apparently they were serious about destroying me. As they somehow learned about the meeting setup to meet with Merida and sent several of their enforcers to make it perfectly clear how unwanted I was.” He said shoulders slumping in defeat. She felt remorse for him and placed her hand back on his shoulder. “And that is it?” “That’s it. There are a few bills which I owe the city. And a few minor people who I need to pay off. But those are the people whom I owe money and favors to. Not counting the numerous groups I’ve pissed off on my climb in status and subsequent fall into obscurity.” “So what are you going to do about all this? And were does Isabella come in in all of this? I know you. If you were just yourself and you decided to finally clean up your act. You would take care of everything without a second thought or be reaching out to me for help.” “You’re right, I would normally just put my whole person into taking care of this and be done in a year. But that isn’t going to work anymore. Not if I want to hold my promise I made to myself and Isabella. I want to give her the best life I can give her and be there for her. And to do that, I have to take clean up my act. And I can’t really do that while also raising Isabella and being her father.” Cindy nodded her head understanding. “Well you will need to find a way to balance the two out now. One way or another. Especially if you plan to be in her life.” “I do want to be in her life. She already had everything in her life ripped away once. I do not want to see her go through that again. The first time was one time to many. I could not live with myself if I made her live through being ripped away from her family a second time.” Cindy smiled and pat him on the back. “See, now this is the Markus I knew. Before he let himself become the person I had to kick out on his ass for ruining my last birthday.” “Haha, I swear it was not my fault! I told you I would make it up to you!” “Yeah, and I have yet to see you do so!” “Well, how can I make it up to you?” Cindy sat back and crossed her legs as she looked up to the sky in thought. “I never really thought about it. I knew then that you were a mess. A mess of a person who I did not want in my life anymore. But I did hold hope you might change. Return to who you were.” She said and looked back to him a gleam in her eyes. “So, are you back Markus? Are you ready to work your ass off and give that little girl I just saw a life worth living?” He opened his mouth to speak but caught himself and closed his mouth. What did she mean was he back? He never left, and he just said he was willing to do everything possible to give her the best life he possibly could and be there for her. So what was she looking for? “Am I back? Not one hundred percent, it will take me a little bit to get there. But you know me Cindy. Once I start going nothing will stop me until I complete my goal. But I am back. No longer will I just stand aside and let the world go by me. And as for Isabella. I will make sure she lives a long happy life free of sadness and misery and woe be to those who think to…” Markus reeled as Cindy flicked him in the head and sighed. “Ow, what was that for?” “You’re ranting! I’m not looking for a rant. Or some monologue. Just tell me, yes or no. Are you back and are you going to work your ass off for her?” “Oh,” He felt a hint of embarrassment. “Yes, I am back and yes I will work myself to the bone if need be for her.” “Good, that is what I wanted to hear.” She said with a smile before standing up. “Come on, the food Lance made is likely getting cold. And I am sure your little girl is worrying about you.” ….. Isabella smiled happily as she finished another plate of food. The nice man who was friends with her daddy had made her so much food. Pizza, pasta, lasagna and just now having finished off a plate of chicken. The small naga felt incredibly full and now, tired as well. “Hehe, thank you I don’t think I could eat another bite!” She said happily as even she didn’t think she could eat anymore. “Oh? Does this mean you’re finally full?” Lance asked with a laugh as he watched the little lamia nod her head yes. “Mmm, well I probably could. But I would just make myself sick. And Mama said not to eat to the point I got sick.” She said and then her smile started to go away. She missed her mom and just bringing her up made her feel sad once again. Lance must have noticed such as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to him. Not crying but just looking very sad. “You miss her, don’t you?” She nodded her head yes. “Come here, why don’t you relax for a little bit? I’m sure your dad and Cindy are still busy talking and wont be down for a bit. Even after this time.” He said and led her from the kitchen as Isabella got up from the table. She followed him from the kitchen to another room in the apartment. This one was a bedroom as well. But unlike the rest of the apartment, this one did not smell of either the incubus or succubus to Isabella. “Here, this is our guest room. Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll have your dad come wake you up when he gets back, okay?” “Okay, thank you.” She said and slithered into the room. Lance closed the door behind her leaving her alone. Once more Isabella was alone. There were no windows here. The only light coming from under the door frame. And a small wall light. She shivered and whimpered softly to herself as she hugged herself tightly before climbing in the bed. Why was her daddy taking so long to come back? She wondered as she laid on the bed. And who was that lady exactly who said she knew her mom? And just what exactly was her relation to her mother? It was clear her father knew the lady very well and that two of them knew each other for a long time. Maybe she could ask her father about the lady and how she knew about her mom? But what happened to make her hostile to her father? And again, what was her relationship to her mother, that the lady forgot her anger as soon as she saw her? Isabella tossed and turned in the bed for a few minutes. Trying to think of possible answers. But none of them really made sense to her. She would need to either ask her father or ask the lady. And speaking of her father. What was he talking about with her? What were they discussing that would take this long? This was the longest she had been without him. And now that she was alone fear began to creep into her. Was her dad really forcing himself to smile around her? Was her presence a burden on him? Isabella sniffled and closed her eyes tighter. “No, daddy won’t abandon me!” She said trying to fight back fears of being abandoned. That she was somehow a burden, like her older cousins would torment her with and what some of the other adults would say in hushed voices when they thought she wasn’t listening. “I’m not a burden! I’m not!” She whimpered softly. And tried to sleep in the hopes that by sleeping these horrible thoughts would go away. But the memories and thoughts echoed in her mind. “Half-breed, dead weight, burdensome, wasted space, fodder.” And many other insults echoed in her head from her older cousins insulting her. ….. When Markus finally returned to Cindy and Lances apartment with the succubus. He felt tired, exhausted, which was odd. He had not done anything today to warrant this level of exhaustion. So when they made it back to the apartment and Lance offered them food. Markus did not argue at all. “Took you two long enough. So is everything under the bridge, as it were?” Lance asked as the two sat at the table as he set plates in front of them and filled them up with what was left from his cooking for Isabella. “Yes, we are good.” Cindy said with a nod of her head. “So, mind if I ask what you were talking about?” Markus winced and looked around for Isabella not wanting to say something that would upset her. “Where is Isabella at?” He asked not finding her. “She is resting. I must have found the mark for her. Because the little thing was about to pass out in her chair. She is in the guest room napping right now.” Lance said sitting down with them. “Okay, good good. I’ll wake her up in a little bit then.” He sighed relieved. “So…?” “I need to turn my whole life around. I owe to many people to many favors and to much money. And I’ve got to many enemies who would just love to get a crack at me. And a daughter who does not need to get involved in her fathers mess.” “Markus has a lot of work cut out for him.” “If that isn’t the understatement of the year. And I need help.” He said looking up to Lance and then back to Cindy.” “With doing what? I don’t keep in touch with our old ‘work partners’. At least not the more seedier types. And I run a business, so there isn’t much I can do to help.” “No, no I don’t need you to do any jobs with me or anything like that.” He would say shaking his head no. “He’s right Markus, both of us have pretty much cut ties with all our old contacts. I might not be running a business-like Lance is. Working with the Copper Quarters district office is also very taxing hard work. So what kind of help are you looking for?” “I just need,” What did he need? He needed at the bare minimum, a place for Isabella to stay, for when he went off to do jobs. Dangerous jobs which would keep him away for days. He also needed someone to help him protect Isabella and keep her from being targeted by his enemies and angry collectors. “I need a way to help me keep Isabella safe.” He sighed. Neither of them were dumb, they both knew in one way or another. Just how much trouble Markus was in and how much trouble he tended to get himself in to. “Well, I cant say I have any real ways to protect her. I’m no mage. But if you need keep her safe for a few days. Me and Cindy can watch over her.” “You would do that?” “We can. And before you start to worry about owing us. So long as trouble doesn’t follow you back to us. Then you can consider this a favor for her.” Markus looked from Cindy to Lance surprised they would offer to take her in. “I don’t know what to say.” “A thank you would be nice.” “Thank you, Cindy, Lance, thank you. That lessens my worries considerably.” “Now you just have to worry about protecting her, right?” Lance voiced with a smirk. “Yeah, which is going to be tough. I already had a run in with a lieutenant of the Lichen Gang while I was out walking with Isabella. We didn’t come to blows, but that was only because said lieutenant was the smarter variety of hob and not your average violent out for blood type. And backed off when he saw Isabella. I cannot say the same for everyone else I might possibly meet. And I don’t want to put Isabella in danger.” “Then you had best start clearing your debts off fast. If you want to cut back on such run ins.” “Right, that is the plan. But then again,” He was cut off. “Markus, if you’re going to be worrying about her safety. Then you need to get both yourself and her out of the Copper Quarter. You should be aware just how bad this place is.” “I know, and the only way to get out of the Copper Quarter is to do a lot of jobs. And work my ass off. Which I am not opposed to.” “You just worry about her safety in the time it takes to get the two of you out of the Copper Quarter.” “Exactly!” “Well, if your goal is to get out of the Copper Quarter. Then start paying off your debts to the city first. And start looking for a place to live where the gangs and mafia’s cannot get at you so easily.” “And for the money?” “I’m sure you can work out how to get money while also working for those you want to clean up with.” She smiled. “This isn’t some easy task I can complete you know! She’s going to be in danger the entire time!” “Yes, and don’t think I am not aware of that fact. So consider it an extra push to get out of here.” He gritted his teeth. He knew she wasn’t trying to make his position sound so simple and easy. Or that his worries were something easily solved. It just frustrated him, that every time he thought about what he needed to do. He kept coming back to the same problem. Isabella was not safe. And until he got out of the Copper Quarter, she would never be safe. “So then, that’s it? Do what I can. Wipe away the debt and do my best to protect her in the process and in those times where I have to be away for an extended period. I ask you two to look out for her?” “Sounds like it.” Lance said sensing the Markus was almost done making up his mind. “You’ve already said this isn’t going to be easy. But the best time to start is right now. But if I were you, I would explain it to her first. And help her understand why you have to do what you are doing.” Cindy added. “Right,” Markus sighed making up his mind in deciding how to best deal with the tasks ahead. “So, what have you two been up to? I know I was a mess when we were last together. But it has been ages since I’ve had a chance to sir down with people who I worked with from our group of miscreants.” He said with a smirk as he tried to change subjects and lighten the mood. “Ah, well since we last met,” Lance started with a smile and leaned in close and whispered. “Between the three of us. We’ve been trying for a kid of our own.” Cindy rolled his eyes. “Yes, make our private life common knowledge to everyone why don’t you?” “Well you don’t seem to mi,” Lance cut himself off as Cindy gave him a stare that could quell a raging river. “We have been busy remodeling and looking to move out to the Silver Quarter. Lance would still be keeping his shop here in the Copper Quarter. But he would be leaving it to one of his assistants he has been training.” “Oh, yes! That’s right! So it’s a really good thing you came here when you did! I’ve been looking into places to open up a new shop. And I think I’ve narrowed down the search of places to open up a new shop. So sometime within the next year. You can see my restaurant up in the Silver Quarter and making twice what I make down here.” “And when he opens his store there. I’ll take time off from the office and we will focus on making our family.” Cindy said with a nod. “I thought you said not to make our private life common knowledge?” “I did, but you started the talk off with it being the first thing. Bringing it up now, is a better time.” She stated matter of factly to which Lance laughed. “Sounds like you two got your own plans ahead of you. Good luck with them. Speaking of plans, I should go grab Isabella and head home. Thank you for having us.” He said standing up. “Hey, you’re welcome to stop by any time.” Lance said and stood up with him holding a hand out to Markus, the two of them shook each others hands. “And feel free to bring her with you.” “I will.” Markus said with a nod and went to go collect his daughter. Markus smiled as he saw Isabella sleeping soundly in the room. Walking over to her, he gently shook her shoulder to wake her up. The little lamia yawned as she opened her eyes and stared up at him. “Daddy?” “Yep,” He said happy to see her. “Ready to head home?” She nodded her head yes and climbed out of bed after he asked. Looking ready to go herself. “Okay, lets go say good-bye to Lance and Cindy before we head out. I’m sure they would like to say good-bye to you too.” He said holding his hand out to her, which she took. “Okay!” Together they said their good-byes and headed home. ….. “Daddy?” Isabella asked once they were back in the apartment. “Yes dear?” He asked as he looked over to her from the counter. “A… Am I burden?” She asked him looked down to the floor. This seemed to have caught him off guard. But she soon felt him come close to her, kneel down and pull her into a tight hug. “Never in a million years.” “But… but you always seem so happy. When I am watching. And when you think I’m not you frown a lot. I… you aren’t making yourself be happy to make me feel happy, are you?” She asked. He sighed as he sat down in front of her. “Isabella, remember when I said I’ve been living alone for a long time? Well, during that time daddy made a lot of bad decisions. Some of which have impacted him when he made those decisions. And some of them have lingered around since he made them. And now I need to set things right.” She frowned a little bit. Not sure she understood how an adult could make bad decisions? Weren’t adults only capable of making good decisions? It didn’t seem right. But she trusted him. “Will making things right be like apologizing for breaking an expensive vase or eating the last piece of cake that momma was saving, because I was hungry?” Her father smiled and nodded his head. “Yes, sort of like those. I have to apologize to people and make up to others for doing those wrong things.” “So what happened when you ate mommies cake? If I remember right, your mom was an amazing cook, though she specialized in desserts. I believe she taught Lance a few recipes as well. Though she always made the best cakes.” Isabella blushed. “Mommy was upset with me. But she was pleased to see I had taken responsibility and the initiative to apologize. Rather then to be quiet about it or blame someone else and lie.” He nodded his head in approval. “Lying to your mother is never a good thing. She has this sense about her that lets her detect whenever someone was lying when they were near her or talking to her.” This prompted her to ask. “What about you daddy?” “Hm? If you had eaten my last piece of cake I would be impressed. Since I am so crap at cooking cake.” He laughed, but he sensed this was important to her. “I don’t like lying either. While I cannot sense lying as good as your mother. I promise you, if you do something wrong. I won’t punish you or be angry with you. So long as you are honest to me from the start, okay?” Isabella nodded her head in understanding. “Good,” He said and went to stand up. “You never answered my questions earlier.” He paused and looked at her. “What questions?” “Why that one man call you a Downer and a monster.” “Ah,” He sighed and sat down to rub his head. “Remember when I said I made bad choices? Well a Downer is someone who takes some very bad items that help them forget things. To cheer them up, but once the good feelings wear off. They become very sad and sometimes violent. And the things a person takes to feel that make them feel better. Can become very addicting, and bad for your health. Daddy used to take a lot of these things a while ago. When he, well, when he started making a lot of bad choices. As for being a monster? I would rather not say.” He told her shaking his head. “But isn’t that the same as lying? Holding information back? Momma said that was bad thing to do!” “And she is right. And, I will tell you. I just don’t think now would be the best time. Since the way daddy earned such a bad name. Was due to him doing a lot of bad things. To a lot of people. And to tell you that story, is not a proper story to tell a young girl. I promise I will tell you later when you are older. Okay?” “Do you promise?” “I promise.” “Cross your heart?” “Cross my heart.” She wasn’t happy with him not telling her what he did. And him just telling her that he did a lot of bad things to a lot of people did not sit well with her. It made her warry of him and while she didn’t notice nor did he notice. She moved away from him just slightly. Putting distance between the two of them no matter how imperceptible a distance it was.
\\\\\ Initializing, Boot Up Sequence Initiated ///// \\\\\ Installing Battle Memory Module ///// \\\\\ Installing Personality Memory Module ///// \\\\\ Installing Combat Programming Module ///// \\\\\ Installing Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Command Modules ///// \\\\\ Installing Loyalty Module ///// \\\\\ Installing Power Limiter Module ///// \\\\\ Installing Self Kill Command Module ///// \\\\\ Teleum Prefectus Fully Initialized Ending Boot Sequence ///// \\\\\ Remain Ever Loyal to Emperor Xande and to the Allagan Empire ///// \\\\\ Vigilanti semper manet in pugna contra falsum deum; ///// ….. The pod opened up with a hiss. Aetheric steam roiled out from within. Cascading upon the floor covering the feet of those who surrounded the pod which opened. A cacophony of alarums going off as the pod opened. Revealing a single humanoid figure. A humanoid figure who looked no different from the average Hyur female, save for her overly large breasts. This female hyur seemed suspended in midair within the pod. Though as the pod continued to open and separate, whatever was levitating her within the pod deactivated. Lowering her to the cold hard steel floor or the facility in which her pod had been stored within. Those who had gathered around the pod watched with mixed expressions. Confusion, fear, worry and of course curiosity. As curled up on the ground in front of them was a hyur woman, wearing clothes or more likely armor from a bygone era. They had been sent to deal with a weapon, a machine capable of causing damage on the scale of the Ultima Weapon. A weapon that they were to destroy or incapacitate. Preventing the Garlean Empire from discovering and using against the Eorzean Alliance. Not this hyur woman who now lay before them completely defenseless and unable to defend herself. Yet, the displays all told them the same thing. This was Teleum Prefectus, the Perfect Weapon, which they were there to destroy. “Well, someone has to do something.” Spoke the large Roegadyn Warrior hefting their might war-axe off their shoulder and stepped forward. Bringing the axe up and then crushing down with a loud thud before anyone else in the group could react. ….. There were voices. Lots of loud voices. They were shouting, people close by were shouting about something. But as they shouted, she became aware that she was laying down and that she was extremely cold. But before that, her lungs burned from lack of oxygen. And with a shuddering gasp. She breathed, taking her first breath she awoke and opened her eyes. And what she saw had her instantly on her guard. Eight people had surrounded her as she lay prone. They were so far yelling at one another and had yet to notice her waking up. Hyur, Elezen and Roegadyn were each quickly picked out. But the others took a moment for her to determine what they were. Her artificial memories told her that they were the Hrothgar, Viera, Au Ra, Miqo’te and a Lalafell. One of each of the many conquered races whom the Allagan Empire had conquered. Yet they were standing before her in gear both familiar but not. And not a single member of the Allagan Empire amongst them. Which meant she was likely among enemies. Rebels who had somehow pierced into the facility which had held her. Likely to destroy the facility and herself. That she could not allow. But fate seemed to have different plans. As the small Lalafell seemed to notice her stirrings. “Quiet the lot of you! She awakens!” The short Lalafell said getting everyone’s attention and silencing the argument. With all eyes now on her, she dared not move. But she readied a powerful spell to repel them all should she need to escape. But even as her eyes darted across the arrayed faces. The Lalafell was the first to approach her. “Are you alright madam?” The shortest member of the group asked her. His voice seeming calm in an attempt to likely placate her. “Who are you?” She asked slowly sitting up. Attempting to avoid direct conflict while still in a compromised position. “I am Papapake Dodopake, though I assume you mean our group. We are a group of adventurers from the Sons of Saint Coinach. Can you tell us your name?” Sons of Saint Coinach? She had no record of a group with that name. But she was not about to lower her guard until she was certain that they were not hostile to her. As for her name? What was her name? “Athenica,” She replied. “my name is Athenica.” Adopting a name for an ancient general of the Allagan Empire so as to hide her own. As she took on the name of that ancient general, the rest of the gathered adventurers seemed to calm down. As revealing her name had somehow meant something important to them. “Why are you here?” She asked the short Lalafell. “We are here to find a weapon of the Ancient Allagan Empire. Teleum Prefectus, to destroy or disable it. So as to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Garlean Empire and being used to subjugate the Free Peoples of Eorzean Alliance.” Again, names that were unfamiliar to her. But they had mentioned their goal was to destroy her. By their reactions to her taking on the name of someone else. It appeared the earlier argument she had overheard likely meant that they had thought she would be a weapon. For Teleum Prefectus was her true name, not Athenica. But something was wrong, the Lalafell had referred to the Allagan Empire as Ancient. “You said, Ancient Allagan Empire…?” She inquired as she stood up using the pod as a means to stand up on her own. Once she stood she towered over the Lalafell, but stood of even level with the other Hyur of the group. “Ah, you see about that.” The Lalafell said pausing looking around and back to the other members of their group. The Elezen stepped forward. Wielding a book as a tiny creature made of aether floated behind them. “The Allagan Empire fell some thousands of years ago, during the events of the Fourth Umbral Calamity. It would appear you have been in stasis since before the fall of the Allagan Empire. We are deeply sorry you had to learn this way.” They apologized to her. “Fallen…?” She inquired as the very idea that the great Allagan Empire would have fallen to ruin was anathema to her. “No no no.” She cried shaking her head, for some reason her legs felt weak and her body weary. As if she had just been in a battle that drained her of all her aetheric energies and neigh unlimited stamina. “I… we…” She stuttered and trembled for a moment as it took her longer than a moment to come to terms with the idea that the great Allagan Empire. For which she was created to fight for and to protect, was gone, no more. Her entire purpose for being, for existing, gone. Lost to the annals of history. The Lalafell stepped away to give her room. As she hurried forward to the nearest console. She needed to confirm, surely, surely these people were wrong! As she moved, the others of the group moved aside. Letting her through, unsure of what to do. And when she reached the closest console. She saw it was rent in twain. But there were other consoles she could access, others which should be able to tell her what she needed to know. Hurriedly she moved from the destroyed console and to one of the others. Quickly she began to query the ancient machine. Hoping beyond hope that it would be able to clear up the falseness of the words she heard. But as she accessed it. Accessed the records contained within it. Her heart began to drop. Her stomach filled with leaden dread. While the console still worked. The facility itself had recorded numerous calamitous events since her internment here. Without intending to. She collapsed, falling to her knees as she sat down. Staring at the display which confirmed what she had been told. The Allagan Empire was no more. The last recorded message being received was several thousand years old. And it was an order to enter low power standby mode. To be ready to reactivate upon command from the Crystal Tower. A command which was never given. A tear streaked down her face. She was a weapon made to fight wars for an Empire that no longer existed. To protect those who no longer lived. To defeat those traitors who would think to usurp the mighty Allagan Empire. Everything she had known courtesy of her artificial memories, gone. Someone within the facility cried, sobbing loudly. Interrupted when the great big Roegadyn placed on of his big hands upon her shoulder. Startling her. “This is no place for a little lady like yourself. You should come with us. There is much and more you can learn. And while you may no longer be among your people. You are welcome to join us.”
The capital city of the Allagan Empire. It stood as the symbol of all of Allag’s might and power. With the Crystal Tower standing tall and soaking in the energy of the sun. So as to power all of the great Allagan Empire. So that its people could live comfortably under its towering watch. The streets filled with magitek constructs aiding its citizens in their day to day tasks. While a veritable armada of airships of all shapes and sizes traversed the skies above the city. It was a sight to behold. A sight, that Athenica could only see within the imprinted memories of the once great Allagan Empire. As she now stood on a balcony in the town of Mor’dhona. Looking out at the vast tower that once stood as the symbol of her peoples exploits and achievements. And the area around it. Which was now surrounded by a ruined field of stone and corrupted crystal and wild untamed beasts. And those Garleans whom she had heard about, but had until thus far not seen. Oh, and the dead corpse of the father of all dragons, Midgardsormr wrapped around a massive dreadnaught. She did not have any personal disdain or hate for the old wyrm. But to see it brought low by those of this age, made her smile. Although supposedly if rumors were to be believed. The old wyrm wasn’t trully dead, but ever since the Warrior of Light had gone to investigate it. Nothing had truly changed. Yet she was not here for the corpse of an ancient wyrm. But to instead meet up with the group known as the Sons of Saint Coinach. And that would be a trip for tomorrow though. As the group she was traveling with all needed rest. But while they needed rest, there was something bothering her. Preventing her from resting. The tower was meant to be an impenetrable fortress, yet the Warrior of Light along with the Sons of Saint Coinach managed to pierce its defenses and if the tales were true. Had fought and defeated the Emperor of the Allagan Empire as well as the Cloud of Darkness. As her eyes rested upon the tower. She felt something reaching out, calling to her. Urging her to come to the tower. She could not decipher what it was and her own systems were not detecting any malfunctions. Maybe she was just anxious to see the last remnants of her people or maybe there was something more to it. She did not know and likely would not know until tomorrow. “Everything alright, Athenica?” Asked Papapake walking up behind her. “Yes, though I have this feeling that is hard to describe. In my memories I can see the Crystal Tower in all its resplendence towering amongst a the shinning jewel that once was the capital of my peoples empire. And then I look out at the field before me,” “And all you see is crystal, rock and the headstone of a massive battle between Garlemald and Midgardsormr.” “Yes.” The small Lalafell walked over to her and stood beside Athenica. Using a stool to look over the railing to look out at the wilds beyond. “From what we understand. The final days of the Allagan Empire were not the best. As numerous uprisings and civil wars between disparate factions drove Xande to initiate whatever plan it was that he had. But it clearly appeared to have failed and thus caused your people to suffer and to all but disappear into the annals of history.” “That is what I have come to have learn as well. And it weighs heavily on me.” “You think if you had been there you might have been able to do something to stop Xande? To prevent the Allagan Empire from imploding and collapsing as it had.” “I…” She paused and considered her feelings. “Yes, if I could turn back the clock that far. I would definitely stop him from his plans and,” \\\\\Engaging Loyalty Subroutines///// As she thought of what she would do and to rise up over her Emperor her own internal systems forced her to enter a submissive mode. Lowering her guard, bowing her head and kneeling. She had forgotten about that simple command which was embedded within her. This also seemed to have surprised Papapake as well by the look on his face. “Are you sure everything is alright?” He would ask with genuine concern in his voice. It took her a moment before she could respond. “Y, yes. Just something I was created with.” She told him before she stood up. “So what was that about?” “Xande wanted to make sure all of our most powerful creations were loyal to him. So of course that includes me as well. I am sure Ultima also had similar restraints placed upon it too.” Papapake considered her and her words for a moment before looking back to the Crystal Tower and then back to her. “From what I read of the report from when the Warrior of Light entered the Crystal Tower. There was a descendent of the Royal Family among their number, as well as clones of two members from the Royal Family and that they encountered a clone of Xande as well.” Athenica looked to him with renewed interest as he said this. “Really? Then I may not be fully alone.” “True, but if you have that restriction on you that forces you to be loyal to anyone. It wouldn’t do to have you be suddenly under someones control. Though there is someone I would like you to come meet with, before we head to the camp where the Sons of Saint Coinach are. So that we can see just how safe it would be to take you closer to the Crystal Tower.” “Why the sudden concern with bringing me closer?” “You may be your own person. But there is a part of you which is still programed to act and respond as weapon. And I would like to be sure that you will be safe from reacting as a weapon. Should a clone or anyone with Royal Blood appear and attempt to assert control over you.” She thought about it for a moment. She understood why he would be cautious. Especially if there was the possibility of clones of Xande still existing. Or even if there were survivors or descendants of the former royal family still existing. She would not want to risk a powerful weapon being used against her either. Which so far seemed to only be the Warrior of Light as all others seemed to be inferior to her. “Okay, take me to this person.” She said acquiescing to his request. “Good, come with me then Athenica. One more person to talk to and then we can finish our journey!” He said hopping off the stool and leading her away from the balcony. ….. Athenica could not truly believe what she was seeing. Or rather she could believe it, her records told her how it was possible to imprint and transfer ones consciousness to another. It was how she was created after all. So why should this situation be any different? She stared at the one time court Oneiromancer, Noah as they now inhabited the body of the Miqot’e girl in front of her. There was also the fact her own bodies recognition systems were able to identify that this was Noah and no much she tried to refute it in her mind it was just not possible to deny the simple fact she was staring at someone from her own time! It was not that she did not want to believe it, but more that she did not think anyone but herself would actually still be alive and yet here she was. Staring at one of her own people. They were in a tavern of sorts. Sitting across from one another as other visitors ate and went about their days. “So then, one of Xande’s creations have decided to return home?” Noah asked rhetorically. “Xande was not my creator. Amon and his team of scientists and engineers created me.” “Maybe, but it was Xande who gave the order for your creation. To whom you are forced to be loyal to. No matter how you may feel. Am I wrong?” “No.” “So then why do you wish to speak with me?” Noah asked looking to Athenica and then to Papapake. “We wanted to see if she could be controlled by anyone. And if it were possible to disable or remove that programming from her.” Papapake told them. Noah looked at Athenica for a moment and then reached across and slapped Athenica. Which caught her by surprise and when it fully registered what happened. She stood up intending to hit them back. But seeing Athenica getting upset Papapake quickly got up and tried to calm her down. “If it were possible for her they would have to posses Xande’s blood. Or else she would not have reacted as such. I may not be a member of the Royal Family. But Xande was paranoid in our final days. So he would have made sure that his most powerful creations were loyal to him and only him. Regardless of if they had the same royal blood line as him. So while I could give her a command. It is still up to her to decide whether or not she follows through with it.” Athenica sat down as Noah spoke to the both of them. She still did not appreciate being hit, but if they were intending to demonstrate whether she could be controlled. Then this was a suitable enough of a test. Since she was pretty sure if she had tried to do the same to Xande her body would have responded and stopped her. “Thank you, Noah. Your help is appreciated.” Papapake thanked them and got up. “You are welcome. Though I would advise being careful. The king was a mad tyrant so there is no telling what fail safes or backups might be installed into that weapon.” Noah cautioned. “I am not a weapon.” Athenica said with anger as she was now standing up. “I am my own person.” “Then do yourself a favor. Leave this place, there is nothing left of our people here except for old ruins and monsters.” Noah informed her. “I want to see it for myself.” Athenica stated crossing her arms. “Then you will be disappointed by the state of things. Either way I cannot stop you. Not that I could if I wanted to.” “Well what Athenica decides to do is up to her. But we must first bring her to the camp that the Sons of Saint Coinach are using. So that me and my friends can complete our mission given to us by them.” Papapake said getting up once it seemed that the two women were seemingly done talking to one another. “Do as you will. But don’t let her out of your sights. There’s no telling what programming may be put inside of their head that might compel them to act out as they were intended to.” Noah said sitting back in their chair and began to enjoy a pipe. “Do not worry. I trust her, and so does everyone else.” With that the duo made to leave Noah behind. With Athenica deciding to never speak to them again. For next time she did she felt she would eat them like she had done with others. The only reason she hadn’t this time was due to Papapake being present and she didn’t want to reveal that piece of information about her abilities at all. As they left Noah and the tavern they had met them at. Papapake led her to the group as they had previously agreed to meet at the gate before heading off to the Sons of Saint Coinach’s camp. Everyone looked ready to go and were glad to see the two of them together. Once rejoined the group set off to finish their journey and towering in the distance was the ever present Crystal Tower reaching high into the skies above. ….. [Somewhere within the Crystal Tower] \\\\\Detecting Aetheric Signature Analogous to Anti-Eikon Weapon Designation: Teleum Prefectus Initiating weapon systems recall and reactivation subroutines. Error – Damage detected through out System. Recall signal unable to be broadcasted. Fix – Deploying Clone of Emperor Xande Glory to the Allagan Empire. All Hail Emperor Xande.///// Was displayed on a singular screen within a darkened room within the Crystal Tower. And as the screen finished typing. A singular tube with an unconscious Xande held within began to glow. The glow was just enough to illuminate the area around it and reveal several more such tubes. Slowly more light began to hum to life revealing more such clones of the first and last Emperor of the Allagan Empire. Right then the single clones eyes snapped open.
Little red riding wolf Little red riding hood was on her way to her grandmother’s house with a basket full of yummy treats and pastries. To get there she had to cross through the dark woods. Her parents always told her, “Don’t go off the path!” “Don’t dilly dally!” “NEVER, talk to strangers!” Little red merrily skipped along as she hummed a little melody to herself. About halfway through her journey, little red was still skipping along when she heard the sound of an animal scream. She looked around until she stopped at a tree. She could hear a weird sound coming from behind it. *gulp* Then, a shape on all fours came out from behind the tree. “Hello there little one.” The voice sounded female. “What’s your name?” “Everyone calls me Little red riding hood because of my hood my grandma got me. What was that sound?” The figure laughed. “An animal tripped and hurt itself on a rock and I, “helped “ it.” “That sounds nice. Who are you?” The figure walked out from the shade and revealed itself. It was a very large wolf, much bigger than red. Only, it wasn’t a ordinary wolf. She looked more, human. Her snout was small, her eyes were big and her stomach was slightly large and seemed to occasionally move. She looks down on red and replies. “Oh I’m just a wondering traveler, looking around for a good time. What about you? What’s a adorable six year old like yourself doing out here in the woods?” “I’m going to my grandma’s house!” “Oh, your grandmother’s house?” “Yeah. I come over every few months to visit. But my mommy said I’m not supposed to dilly dally and I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.” “I’m not a stranger am i?” “No I guess not, but i have to go.” Red turns around and starts to leave until the wolf grabs her shoulder. “What’s the rush? If you leave you’ll miss these beautiful flowers! These are only in bloom this time of year. I’m sure your grandmother will love if you give her these.” She brings red to a large patch of bright yellow and purple flowers. “Whoa! These are beautiful!” “Exactly! Stay and pick some flowers.” Red starts to pick and grab the flowers around her and put them into her basket. “Thank you wolf!” Just then the wolf’s belly started to gurgle and gave a large growl. She scowls and holds her stomach. “Not yet!” “What did you say?” “Nothing! Say, where does your grandmother lives? So i can say hi if i walk past.” “Just down the path by the river.” “Thanks” The wolf turns and sprints down the path. Her stomach growling as she ran. Red riding hood's grandmother was sitting inside her little cottage knitting a blanket for her lovely little granddaughter while enjoying the roaring fire. As she was knitting she heard a knock on the door. “Grandma! I’m here!” “Coming dear!” She stands up and walks over to the door. “Are you okay sweetie? You sound sick.” “I’m fine! I just need some food and warmth!” She opens the door, expecting a little girl to walk in, instead a massive wolf leaps inside. “OH MY! A HIDEOUS WOLF! HELP!” She turns to run but the wolf slams the door shut. “Please! I’m just a poor old woman! Leave me alone!” The wolf’s stomach growls in anticipation. She leaps and starts to swallow the old woman whole! She swallows her head and gulps down her shoulders. The old woman kicks and screams but her struggles don’t slow down the wolf’s progress. Her stomach and knees enter the wolf’s mouth as it lifts it’s head for the last gulp. The wolf’s teeth close around the woman’s legs as her body is sent down her throat. *Buurrrrrp* The wolf lets out a burp of satisfaction as she lays down rubbing her belly. She enjoys feeling her prey struggle for life inside her ravenous belly, only to be silenced by her stomach acid. As much as she wanted to relax and enjoy herself, she knew little red would be coming soon and she wouldn’t be able to catch her with her large belly in the way. She lifts her head and looks around the room for an idea. She spots the old woman’s closet and crawls over to it. She puts on a large nightshirt that manages to fit her large kicking belly inside. She crawls over to the bed and climbs under the warm covers. It was so warm with the fire roaring and comfortable in the bed that she started to fall asleep. Later Little red riding hood merrily skipped down the path until she reached her grandmother’s porch. Her basket was filled with all different kinds of flowers. She knocked in the door to the house. “Grandma! I’m here!” “Come in sweetie!” She walks inside to see her “grandmother” in her bed covered in blankets. She puts her basket down and runs over to the bed. “Grandma! grandma! Grandma!” “Hello my adorable little granddaughter! It’s so nice to see you!” “I got flowers for you from a nice wolf lady!” “That sounds wonderful dear. Come over and give your old grandmother a big hug!” Red starts to walk over before her “grandma” stops her. “What are you doing?! Your clothes are filthy! Take them off immediately!” Red questioned this since her grandmother never cared about dirt before, but she knew better than to talk back to her. She takes of her red hood and her pants. “More.” She pulls her shirt over her head and drops them. “All of it!” Red reaches down and takes her panties off and puts it in the pile of her clothes. “There you go. Now come give me a hug!” Red climbs on the bed and hugs her “grandmother’s” stomach through the blankets. “Oh grandmother, what big belly you have.” “Better to stuff with delicious food.” She replied. Little red looks up at her hairy face. “Oh grandmother, what big eyes you have.” “Better to see you with my dear.” She looks under the covers. “Oh grandmother, what big lips you have.” “Better to pull you into my dear!” She wraps her legs around red and pulls her head into her vagina. She moans as red’s neck passes through her. Red tries to move but her arms become pinned to her sides as her chest and stomach are pulled inside. The Wolf howls with joy as red is completely pulled inside of her body. She lays back panting as she fells red squirm. “You will be my new pup. I will teach you ways to hunt and how to trick naive people like yourself.” Red kicked and squirmed around until she felt a umbilical cord connect to her belly button. She takes a deep breath and calms down. Suddenly, she felt, warm. The walls around her now felt comforting and made her feel safe. She could hear the wolf’s heart beating, and the sound of her real grandmother digesting away in the wolf’s belly. Slowly, her and the wolf fell into a heavenly sleep. Hours later The wolf woke up with a yawn. The fire had gone out and sunlight came in through the window. The wolf looked down at her belly. The old woman had long since digested while her new pup has already regressed. She rubs her belly with anticipation. “Soon my child. Soon.” She climbs out of the bed and heads for the door. As she walks away she spies the red hood laying in the pile of clothes on the floor. She walks over to it and picks it up. “This could be useful to me.” She walks outside and heads into the woods, disappearing into the bush. No one knows what happened to little red riding hood or her grandmother. The girl’s parents searched the woods and all the surrounding areas but found nothing. There was no trace of their little girl. Rumors floated around that there was a baby wolf in the woods that was seen wearing a red hood like the one their daughter wore, but this was never proved true. One is thing known though, you should NEVER, talk to a predator.
Happy Unbirthday It was a summer day and 13 year old Alice was at her 8 year old brother's birthday party. Everyone was laughing and playing games and having a good time. Except Alice. Her mom had an important last minute business trip and left her in charge of the entire party. Sure their parents were there for the party but the kids were going to have a sleepover for the entire weekend! She looked over at her brother Jacob with his 10 friends eating cake. She was so mad she couldn't control it. But then she had an idea. A wicked idea. She snuck away from the party to get to work. An hour or 2 later The parents all left, leaving all the kids there to continue the fun. (The parents are all friends with their mom and trusts her with their life). When the last parent left, Alice sprung her plan into action. “Hey kids!” She yelled, “Come here, there's a new game." They all piled into the room. “Our mother has a huge surprise for you all through this tunnel." She said, pointing at the large pipe in the door frame. Their mom worked in construction and worked recently with MacDonald’s to make a play place and had a lot of spare piping in the garage. She had it in the door way with curtains around it so they can't see through the door. "Everyone one at a time, it may get a little wet at the end though. You first birthday boy!" She said. Jacob climbed into the pipe and started to crawl through it. Alice then ran to the other side of the house where the tunnel ended. She then took of her pants and pulled down her panties, and positioned her vagina at the exit.   Jacob was crawling through the pipe wondering where he was going. Alice covered up the holes and windows so it was almost pitch black. He kept going but the tunnel started to get smaller and smaller till there wasn't much space between him, the Ceiling and the walls. Then he reached a wall. It was soft and warm. He then felt there was a hole there he had to open with his hands. He climbed inside. It was really wet, warm and squishy. Then he reached his destination. Alice was so surprised and so happy that her plan worked. She panted as she felt her oblivious brother climb inside her womb. The kids all went through the tunnel and all climbed inside her. With the last kid inside of her she pulled her panties up and got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was in her pink bra and her pink and white striped panties with the belly the size of 11 kids. Then the kids all started to squirm, on the outside you could see her belly shaking and sloshing. "What happened?" One yelled. "She tricked us!” Yelled another. "Yes I did trick you and now your all stuck in my belly." She said. They tried to go out the way they came but it closed off. She sat down on the couch and watched TV till she fell asleep to their kicks. The next morning Alice awoke at 9:46 and felt different from last night. She could hear them snoring so she knew they were alright.   “I should get them out before they wake up so I can say it's a dream." She thought to herself. She took off her panties and pushed and squeezed but they wouldn't budge. She was able to push her gut aside to reach her vagina and reached inside. But she couldn't reach far because there was something in the way blocking her hand. “OH NO!" She thought. Then Jacob woke up. "JACOB!” She said, “Is anything different in their?" “Huh?" He said confused. He looked around and screamed waking the others up. “We're naked!” They yelled, and there's this cord stuck to our belly buttons!" “Oh no, just as I thought. I'm pregnant." She said ashamed. "When can we come out?" One kid said. “You aren't." This caused them all to yell and go crazy. "STOP! She shouted. No rough housing in me ok?" “Ok." They replied. Not knowing what else to do she went over to the kitchen. "What should we have for breakfast?" She asked. “EGGS!" "TOAST!" "MILK!" "ORANGE" "JUICE!" "BACON!" "PANCAKES!" "WAFFLES!" "APPLE JUICE!" "BANANAS!" "LUCKY CHARMS!" "COCO PEBBLES!" "This is going to take a lot of cooking every meal" she said as she turned the toaster on.
 Too loud 6 year old Bethany was playing in the living room. Her mom came in dead tired from taking care of her baby brother tommy. She put him in the crib in the living room. "Just a quick nap." She moaned as she went into her bedroom and passed out on the bed. Bethany turned on the TV and started watching sponge bob, but  then Tommy started crying again. She tried to ignore him and turned up the television volume but he just kept crying and crying. She got up and ran over to his crib. “SHHHHHH!" She said, But tommy kept crying. She grabbed his favorite toy and gave it to him, But he kept crying. She went to the kitchen and grabbed his baby food. She tries to feed him but he knocks the spoon out of her hand. She started to get mad. “QUIET!" She shouted at the infant. Tommy started to cry even louder than before. She sat down, trying to thinking of what to do about her brother. Then she looked down at the baby food and had an idea. She walked back over to Tommy. “Hey Tommy want to go on a trip?" She said with a wicked grin. Bethany picked him up and held him over her head. She opened her mouth and stuck his head in and started to swallow. Tommy stopped crying and stared down her throat with wonder. She got passed the neck and was up to the chest. “He tastes delicious!" She thought to herself. She got passed the stomach and let gravity do the rest. She gulped and gulped til nothing but his little toes were sticking out and with one final gulp sent him down her throat. She finished and looked down at herself. She looked over 12 months pregnant. Tommy was amazed at his surrounding, and loved being inside of her belly. She rubbed around her belly. She loved the feeling of him inside her. Him moving around, giggling, and the feeling of being full. Then the commercial ended and SpongeBob came back on. She ran over and sat down on couch and turned the volume up. A couple Hours later It was the end of the day and she felt tired. She could feel tommy snoring inside her. She got up and went upstairs and changed into pajamas. She climbed into bed. “Goodnight Tommy." She said sleepy. She fell asleep with her baby brother resting inside her belly.
May It was late at night and no one was awake. No noise could be heard, except a growling coming from little Mays room. The 6 year old tossed and turned in bed, she was starving. Then she got up and started sleep walking. She stopped at her hamster's cage. He was running on his little wheel. She opened the cage, picked him up and raised him above her head. “SQUEAK, SQUEAK." She then shoved him in her mouth and swallowed him whole. The small ball of fur slid down her throat in a second. She then walked out her door and into the hall way. She turned to her left and walked to the living room. In the corner of the room was their fish tank with 20 large gold fish inside. She walked up and picked up the entire tank, lifted it over her head and started drinking the water. The fish jumping and squirming as they fall down into her mouth till the tank had nothing inside but fake rocks and a plant. Her belly looked like she was 7 months pregnant and started to stick out her night gown. She then walked back to the bedrooms. She got to the twins bedroom. They were named Betty and Alex and were 14. She walked over to Betty and stuck her feet in her mouth and started savoring the taste. She then started swallowing up to her knees. She reached her buttocks and stopped to savor it all. She got up to the stomach and breasts. Enjoying every taste. Then with one last gulp she sent the rest of her down. May walked over to Alex's bed and started at her head. Gulping and gulping. She got to the stomach, then the knees, and finally she swallowed down her feet and exited the room. She stumbled over to her 16 year old sister’s room. She fell asleep with her headphones in, and her pet cat resting on top of her. May picked up the cat and sent it down with one gulp. She then pushed her sister into a ball and she got on her knees. She then pulled her off the bed, causing her to land down May’s throat in one gulp. She got up and walked into the final room, her parents. She walked over to the end of the bed and grabbed the end of their blanket and stuffed it in her mouth. She swallowed more and more till their feet were in her mouth. She started swallowing them in at the same time. Her mouth opening an impossible size. She gulped down the ankles, knees, stomachs, chests, shoulders, necks, head and she sent the last of them to the rest of the family. Then she heard a barking sound and stumbled into the living room. Their pet bloodhound comes running through the doggie door, having finished his 'business'. He was barking and howling and yelping all at her massive gut. She inhaled and swallowed him like Kirby. Her belly was now the size of a small car. When he got inside he kept barking waking up the whole family. "What's going on?" "Where at we?" “Wait, WE'RE IN A STOMACH!" After hearing that they started to kick and holler causing arms and legs to stick out of may’s massive stomach. While may on the other hand laid down, using her gut as a bed and continued her sleep. The next day May woke up felling refreshed. She stood up and was thrown off balance. She looked down at herself. She looked like she was pregnant. She stood up and walked into her parent’s room to find no one. She went and checked every room in the house to find anyone but found nothing. She sat down on the couch in the living room to think but felt something moving inside of her. She let out a massive belch that echoed throughout the house. As she was burping her pet hamster came flying out her mouth, covered in saliva and stomach juices. "Fluffy!" She said, “What were you doing in there?" Then she stopped and looked at her mushy belly in horror. "Uh-oh." She thought. She grabbed the phone and called her sister's phone. She felt vibrating in her stomach. "I think I ate them." She said. She stared down at her churning stomach, realizing that her family has been reduced to nothing but mush and nutrition inside.
Hello and welcome to Andy's family of vore. It follows Andy as he goes through his day while having either the best or worst luck ever, depending on who you ask. Our story starts at his school. Andy's teacher Ms. Weaver was teaching the class about digestion. Andy on the other hand, was staring at the ceiling daydreaming. He was pulled back into reality by a paper being placed into his desk. "I expect you all to have this project finished before the end of the week. It is worth 27% of your grade and will directly affect your final grade for this unit." Ms. Weaver said as she gives out paper. Andy's face turns red with embarrassment. "Oh no. I don't know what to do for my project. Ms. Weaver is going to kill me!" He starts panicking in his head. The bell rings, lunch starts and everybody runs to the door. Andy is still standing at his desk, wondering what to do. He had heard stories around school about MS Weaver and how she takes her lessons very seriously, and how she liked to take a "hands on" approach to teaching. He has no idea what that meant and was scared to find out. Still, he definitely needed help on his project. He gulped down his fear and walked over to his teacher’s desk. "Ms Weaver, I have a question. er, more than one." She looks up from her desk. "Yes Andy, what is it?" He hesitates for a second before answering. "I would like to stay after to study digestion with you." Ms Weaver looks down at her watch, then at her bag. "Well, I've got time, and besides, I didn't feel like getting lunch from the cafeteria today anyways." She stands up and walks over to him. "What are you do-?" Before he could finish his question he is lifted into the air and his head enters his teacher’s mouth. He tries to hold his hands out to push but his hands are pulled into her mouth as well. She gulps down his neck and chest area, lifting him higher as she does. He attempts to squirm and kick but with the limited space he knew his options were limited. As his waist is swallowed, his head and shoulders enters her stomach and smush into the remains of her breakfast. She then slurps down his legs like noodles, then lets out a trucker sized burp. The last of Andy falls down into the stomach, sealing his fate. “Wow Andy, i thought you would’ve tasted bad, but you were delicious!” After Andy gets comfortable, he looks around the stomach. It was bigger than he thought but still not big enough for him to stretch his legs. “WHAT THE HECK!” Andy shouts as he kicks the walls. “What? You wanted help for your digestion project and i wanted lunch.” “I don’t wanna die!” He kicks the walls in vain. “You’re not gonna die.” “I’m not? But digestion?” “I can choose to reform people if i want to. Now, i want you to observe your digestion and the process of fat distribution. And don’t interrupt the class.” The day went on as usual. Andy sat there listening to her body move and gurgle. Ms Weaver showed the class her belly and he could feel them touching and rubbing it. Hours later he could feel her get into her car and drive home.  She cooks dinner and starts eating. Spaghetti noodles rain down on top of him. “What am I supposed to eat?” He asks hungry. “Don’t worry, you’ll digest soon enough. But if you really wanna feel full, you can just eat the noodles.” Afterwards she lays down in bed and falls asleep. Hours later Andy wakes up to a tingling feeling. He tries to move but realizes his body has melted! “Ms Weaver! I can’t move!” He yells as loud as he can but she doesn’t even stir. His vision starts getting blurry as his consciousness fades. Days later Andy wakes up naked and wet. “What happened?” He looks around and sees he’s inside a bedroom. “Enjoy your vacation?” Andy jumps back and turns to see Ms Weaver standing there naked. “AH! You’re naked!” He looks away. “Calm down. You were just apart of these anyway.” She says as she rubs her breasts and butt. “What day is it?” “Friday.” His jaw dropped. “Friday! How? Why?” “After you were digested and added to my body, i let you stay there all week. I went to school. Graded papers. I even got a chance to go on a date night with my boyfriend. He really enjoyed the upgrade.” “But my project?” “Consider it an A. I think you learned enough about the human body.” Later, she drops him off back home in nothing but a spare blanket. He walks to the front door to his house. “Aw geez. Mom is going to kill me!” He walks into his house and sees his mother on the couch, perfectly relaxed. “Hey son! How was your time with Ms Weaver?” “You knew!?” “Of course i knew. Ellen and i used to be best friends you know.” “What really? Wait, does that mean? You can?” She stands up and walks over to him. “Yep. We were the top predators in our day. Now go up stairs and shower. Or else i just might just eat you too!”
Weekend relaxation Jane came home from school and collapsed on the couch. "Finally, it's Friday!" It was a hard week in school and Jane was looking forward to the weekend. Once a week, their mother unbirths one for them for the entire weekend, and the other the next one. It was finally Jane's turn. She put all of her school stuff away and rushed to her mother's bedroom. Inside, her mother was reading her laptop while drinking a cup of coffee. Jane ran in and sat on the bed next to her. "You know what time it is?" Jane asks eagerly. "Someone's excited for the weekend." She takes a sip from her coffee. "Well then come on, don't leave me waiting." Her mother puts down her coffee and tablet. "Ok, ok. Give me a second." She pulls down her pants. "Ready." She leans down she shoves her hands in. Her mother moans lightly. She pulls herself in farther, past her neck and c-cup breasts. Her mother grabs her feet as her stomach is pulled in. She moans loudly as she pushes her daughter's legs in. "The weekend is my favorite time of the week too." Jane snuggles up, enjoying the softness and warmth of the womb. Before her mom can pick up her coffee, the front door opens. Jane's 16 year old brother Kyle, slams the front door and runs into the room, his face red and covered in tears.  "Oh my gosh, what happened to my sweet baby?" She pulls him into a hug. "Th-they beat me up again." He bursts into tears. "Oh sweetie. Hey Jane dear," Jane perks up, realizing what she is planning. "No,no,no,NO! He got last week! I've had a rough week with school work, cheerleading, college prep!" "Please Jane, is it that hard to share?" She asks. "YES! I need my alone time!" She felt the womb shake as Kyle started to enter. "No! I've got to do something." Then, she has a hasty idea as she puts her own vagina over the entrance. "Please work." She thinks to herself. She then feels his hands entering her. She moans. "This feels amazing! Does mom feel this every time?!" She moans more as Kyle goes in farther and farther. His shoulders, stomach, waist. She screams in pleasure as the last of his legs goes inside her. Jane rubs her belly as she feels him squirming as he realizes where he is. Jane yawns as she falls asleep, thinking about the weekend ahead. 2 days later her mother was at the kitchen table enjoying tea. "Is Kyle ok? He's been awfully quiet." Their mother asks. "Yeah yeah. He just wants to be quiet and just exist, you know what I mean?" "Not at all. Millennials are weird." She continues enjoying her tea. Jane meanwhile was rubbing her belly, feeling Kyle squirm. Eventually she falls asleep again. Hours later Jane woke up feeling rested. Quickly, she realizes that she's not in the womb. "Hello young lady, care to explain?" She looks up and sees her mother standing over her. "Oh, um." "You couldn't even stand to share for 2 days?" "I'm sorry mom, but I NEED my free time. That's my only time for me to relax and unwind. Please don't ground me" "Hmmm, you know what, fine, I won't ground you." "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "WAIT, I'm not finished. You don't be grounded, IF, you keep him in you fir few extra days." "WHAT?!" The next day that school The teacher was taking attendance. "Isaiah." "Here" "Jack." "Here." "Jane. Jane. Jane!" "Present." Everyone looks as the door hinges breaks as Jane gets through the door. Her face turns bright red as everyone stares at her. Her belly stood out feet in front of her, her shirt rising above it. She attempts to sit down but her belly won't let her get to her desk. She stares down at her belly with rage. "I hate you Kyle."
9 month nap time Alice was a 22 year old teacher at a kindergarten. She absolutely loved kids but didn't want a husband, so she got a job as a teacher. It was her first year teaching and was in charge of a class of 26 kids. It was in the middle of the school year. She was getting really tired from the day and was glad it was nap time. "Nap time kids!" She called out. All the students all laid down and fell asleep. "Finally." She thought. "I can relax." She takes out sleeping pills from her desk. "Was it 2 pills or 4? I'll just go with 4." After taking the pills Alice fell down On top of her desk and is out cold. Jeremy was trying to fall asleep. He tossed and turn on the mat but he couldn't. He shivered. "Maybe if i find somewhere warm I can sleep." He thought. He gets up and walks around the room. He looks everywhere trying to find the perfect spot, waking up many other kids in the process. "Go to sleep Jeremy." One complained. Jeremy goes over to Alice. "Ms., I'm cold." He waited for a response. She remained quiet. He then climbed onto the teacher's desk. He shook her a bit. "Im cold." She was out cold. He snuggled up against her to try to get warm. Then, he felt something warm under her dress. He crawled over and went into her skirt, rubbing the warm area. Ms Alice moaned in her sleep and instinctively shoved him into her vagina. He was forced into his teacher and was stuck with only his legs sticking out. He loved it. This place was so warm. It was all around him, gently hugging his body. He started getting pulled in further and further. Eventually he stopped moving and was held in place. He got comfy and could finally fall asleep. Alice's belly stuck out, making her look 10 months pregnant. The other kids saw what happened and were amazed. They went over to their teacher to look for Jeremy. "He’s gone!" "Look at her belly!" "He's in there!" One girl, Betty went up and climbed on her desk. She shouted "I WANNA SLEEP WITH MS ALICE TO!" She shoved her head into her teachers legs, then she was sucked into Alice’s crotch. She was pulled in, it was soft and warm. But then she hit into something harder. "Hey Jeremy!" She shouted. "Shhh! I'm trying to sleep!" He said, irritated he was woken up. "Oh, sorry. Can I sleep with you?" She asked smiling. "Ok fine." She went over and snuggled up against him. On the outside the rest of the class watched with envy. Their teacher had taken another into her, and they wanted in. So then, one by one, each kid went over and was sucked up. All the while ms Alice was having a wonderful dream. She was relaxing in a spa and was feeling constant pleasure in her body. She didn't want it to stop. Eventually, the room was empty, with only ms alice with her massive 10ft long belly on her desk. HOURS LATER Alice woke up feeling great And full of energy. She stretched and looked at the time. It was an hour until they went home. She looked Around the classroom at realized she was alone. She started to panic and tried to get up but was thrown off. She looked down and was shocked. Her stomach extended 3 feet out from her small body. She pressed her hand against her belly, it felt watery. She realized what happened immediately. Her family had the rare trait that they can hold someone in their womb and regress them into a fetus, becoming pregnant with them. Even changing their DNA so you won't be able to tell the difference between them or their real kids. They had already started to regress so there wasn't anything she could do to get them out. Only thing now was to get out of the school unnoticed. The school was an older one. With them preferring to do things the old fashion way. Alice could make it out and they wouldn't be able to know she was ever there. She was about to leave when she looked around and saw the children's stuff. She had to get rid of them. She Knew she couldn't just throw them out and it would take to long to carry them to her car. Then, Alice looked down at her squishy belly and had an idea. She picked up a backpack a swallowed it whole. Her belly barley grew. So then she went around and gobbled down every backpack, coat, journal, pencil, pen, clothes, lunches, lunch bag, and spare clothing. When she finally finished There was no evidence that any of the kids were in her class that day. she laid down on a table. The items had added an additional 4 feet to her belly. She popped in a couple pills from her purse to speed up digestion. She wanted to relax and sleep but she couldn't stop now. She got up and went out to her car. She somehow managed to fit her belly into her car and drove away. Alice got home and walked inside. She took of all her clothes, laid down on her bed and finally got some sleep. 5 DAYS LATER Alice laid down on her couch with a tub of ice cream. She had crazy crazing of all kinds of food now. She had on nothing but a robe, and pair of white panties. Her bras were now way too small to fit her. Her breasts had increased by 4 sizes in the past day. She was watching tv, when she saw breaking news. It was reporting on 26 kids going missing. The only connection was they were in the same class. They asked Alice but she said she never came in. They had no evidence against her claim so they didn't suspect her. She laid there rubbing her belly. Thinking of her children, her new family. Will they be the same? Will they enjoy her as a mother? Questions for the future. Right now, she had to enjoy her ice cream.
 Twins absorption A normal sunny day. 13 year old Rebecca was at the mall with her twin sister Bailee and her mother Sally. "So I need new panties, bras, shirts, pants and pick up my pills from the doctors office," Rebecca Said. "Geez why do you need more clothes?" Bailee asked. "Because I want them" she replied. "You girls stick together and get the clothes, I'll get the pills." Sally said. As they shopped Bailee noticed that the clothes Rebecca was buying was WAY to big her her. "Why are you buying those clothes?" She asked. "In preparation for the future." she replied. They left the store with Bailee not feeling satisfied with her twin's answer. "Come on" she said, "after this we will go see whatever movie you want." Later that day They arrived at home and had pasta for dinner, Ballie's favorite. "Everything to your liking?" Sally asked. "Yeah it's good" she said. "Hey why are you guys being so nice to me?" Bailee asked. "I don't know what you mean" they said. She was about to say something but she got really tired. "I'm going to sleep" she said exhausted. "Good night" they both replied, creeping her yet abit. That night Rebecca snuck into her sister's room quietly. She had slipped a sleeping pill in her dinner earlier. She had taken a pill herself. A diffident kind of pill. This pill allowed her to absorb her twin's body and mind. Her body becoming part of her own and her having all of her sister memories and personality. She snuck up to her sister's bed. She thought for a moment of how to get their body's close Enough to absorb her, but then she had an idea. She picked up her sister and started swallowing her. She got past her shoulder and stopped at her breasts and tasted them thinking that they will be her's. She swallowed her stomach and got to the waist. She licked all around her crotch and butt thinking the same as before. She was at her knees as /he kept hulking her down until she was at her toes and with one last swallow she was swallowed. She sat down on her sister's bed happy. "Soon we will be the same." she said as she fell asleep. As she slept her stomach became flat as her sister became part of her. That morning Rebecca woke up and looked down with joy. She was a foot taller, her hair was the length of both of theirs combined. She felt Her butt was 5 times as big. She looked down and saw she had DD cup breasts. She checked her vagina was saw her sister's vagina birthmark on it. She then thought hard and saw all of her sister's memories and personality traits. She smiled as she and her sister were now the same person. She walked down stairs where her mom had only one plate out. "So You were able to absorb her I see," Sally said congratulating her. After breakfast she Got dressed for school. Rebecca walked out of the house with a smile on her face, With her now being the sexiest girl in school. "Get ready world because these twins are whole once again" she said, As she walked into the school.
Amber family It was a normal day in the amber house. 7 year old Dan was playing tag with his twin sister Sally and 6 year old brother Thomas inside while their mother was gardening outside. "Caught you!" Thomas yelled. "Dang it!" Dan said mad. Thomas ran as fast as he could away, Almost stomping on his mother's flower garden. "Watch out!" She said. She picked him up and put him down 4 feet away. "Don't bother mommy while she's gardening ok?" "Ok." Meanwhile Dan was closing in on Sally. "I'm gonna catch you!" He said. "NEVER!"She yelled. She ran until she was against the wall and was grabbed. "Got you!" He cheered. Thomas ran up to them. "Hey can we do a new game? He asked. "Nah, I think I'm gonna take a nap" Sally said sleepy. "Ok" they said. She went inside the house. "What do you want to play?" He asked. "Hide and seek." Thomas said. "You count to 100 and I'll hide" Dan said. "1...2...3...4." Dan looked around for a hiding space and ran inside. he ran all around the house looking for a hiding spot the Thomas wouldn't think of. He walked into his room with Sally asleep in her bed with her giant fluffy blanket. He looked around the room looking for a good hiding spot. Then he heard walking up the stairs and he panicked. They were getting closer and closer. He then saw his sister asleep and had an idea. He crouched on his sister's bed and waited. She yawned and he saw the perfect moment. He dove into his sister's mouth! Everything above his hips were in her mouth. She instinctively started swallowing down her brother. She kept swallowing and swallowing until the last of he brother's feet were sent down her throat. He landed in her stomach and got comfortable. He never find me in here he said. On the outside, the footsteps came to the door and opened it. It was their mom coming to check on her. "Ahh she looks so cute when she's asleep" she thought. 20 minutes later Thomas had searched every room in the house and was at sally and dan's bedroom. He looked in every nook and cranky in their room. "Where is he?" he whispered. He gave up and laid down on her bed but felt strange. He looked under the giant blanket saw her gut. "You think you can hide in her tummy?" He whispered. He then opened her mouth and climbed inside. Her body instinctively swallowed again, trapping both of her brothers inside her gut. Her stomach was GIANT, with her Strachey purple pajamas just barely hanging in here. "I FOUND YOU!" Thomas chanted. "Dang it, I thought this plan was fool proof." He pouted. "Your turn" he said. "Ok but how do we get out of here?" Dan asked. "I don't know, sit here and wait I guess" Thomas said. Tomorrow morning Sally woke up feeling refreshed. She Tried to get up but couldn't move. "What the?" She thought. She removed the blanket and saw her giant stomach, her stretchy purple zipper pajamas holding it in. "Hey Dan."She said looking at his bed. "Dan?" She said. "Huh? What?" He said within her belly. She stared at her stomach. "Dan, why are you in my tummy?" she asked. "Well we were playing hide and seek and I thought no one would find me here." "You were wrong!" Thomas chimed in. "Your in there to Thomas?" She asked. "Yes." He said. "How do I get you out?" she asked. "I thought you would know" he said. "Well Now what?" Thomas asked. "I just gonna watch TV, she said pulling the blanket on her and grabbing the remote to her TV. A couple hours later "Whoa what's happening?" Dan asked as everything was moving. "Ugghh, I really have to use the bathroom" Sally said. She got up and ran to the bathroom. A weird 15 minutes later. "Yay! I'm out!" Thomas cheered. "That wasn't that bad," Sally said zipping up her pajamas. "Yeah let's do that again!" Dan said. "KIDS! BREAKFAST!" Their mom yelled up the stairs. "Later" Sally said to Dan. "For now the only thing I'm eating is mom's delicious homemade waffles." They all ran down the stairs to eat.
Amber family It was a normal day in the amber house. 7 year old Dan was playing tag with his twin sister Sally and 6 year old brother Thomas inside while their mother was gardening outside. "Caught you!" Thomas yelled. "Dang it!" Dan said mad. Thomas ran as fast as he could away, Almost stomping on his mother's flower garden. "Watch out!" She said. She picked him up and put him down 4 feet away. "Don't bother mommy while she's gardening ok?" "Ok." Meanwhile Dan was closing in on Sally. "I'm gonna catch you!" He said. "NEVER!"She yelled. She ran until she was against the wall and was grabbed. "Got you!" He cheered. Thomas ran up to them. "Hey can we do a new game? He asked. "Nah, I think I'm gonna take a nap" Sally said sleepy. "Ok" they said. She went inside the house. "What do you want to play?" He asked. "Hide and seek." Thomas said. "You count to 100 and I'll hide" Dan said. "1...2...3...4." Dan looked around for a hiding space and ran inside. he ran all around the house looking for a hiding spot the Thomas wouldn't think of. He walked into his room with Sally asleep in her bed with her giant fluffy blanket. He looked around the room looking for a good hiding spot. Then he heard walking up the stairs and he panicked. They were getting closer and closer. He then saw his sister asleep and had an idea. He crouched on his sister's bed and waited. She yawned and he saw the perfect moment. He dove into his sister's mouth! Everything above his hips were in her mouth. She instinctively started swallowing down her brother. She kept swallowing and swallowing until the last of he brother's feet were sent down her throat. He landed in her stomach and got comfortable. He never find me in here he said. On the outside, the footsteps came to the door and opened it. It was their mom coming to check on her. "Ahh she looks so cute when she's asleep" she thought. 20 minutes later Thomas had searched every room in the house and was at sally and dan's bedroom. He looked in every nook and cranky in their room. "Where is he?" he whispered. He gave up and laid down on her bed but felt strange. He looked under the giant blanket saw her gut. "You think you can hide in her tummy?" He whispered. He then opened her mouth and climbed inside. Her body instinctively swallowed again, trapping both of her brothers inside her gut. Her stomach was GIANT, with her Strachey purple pajamas just barely hanging in here. "I FOUND YOU!" Thomas chanted. "Dang it, I thought this plan was fool proof." He pouted. "Your turn" he said. "Ok but how do we get out of here?" Dan asked. "I don't know, sit here and wait I guess" Thomas said. Tomorrow morning Sally woke up feeling refreshed. She Tried to get up but couldn't move. "What the?" She thought. She removed the blanket and saw her giant stomach, her stretchy purple zipper pajamas holding it in. "Hey Dan."She said looking at his bed. "Dan?" She said. "Huh? What?" He said within her belly. She stared at her stomach. "Dan, why are you in my tummy?" she asked. "Well we were playing hide and seek and I thought no one would find me here." "You were wrong!" Thomas chimed in. "Your in there to Thomas?" She asked. "Yes." He said. "How do I get you out?" she asked. "I thought you would know" he said. "Well Now what?" Thomas asked. "I just gonna watch TV, she said pulling the blanket on her and grabbing the remote to her TV. A couple hours later "Whoa what's happening?" Dan asked as everything was moving. "Ugghh, I really have to use the bathroom" Sally said. She got up and ran to the bathroom. A weird 15 minutes later. "Yay! I'm out!" Thomas cheered. "That wasn't that bad," Sally said zipping up her pajamas. "Yeah let's do that again!" Dan said. "KIDS! BREAKFAST!" Their mom yelled up the stairs. "Later" Sally said to Dan. "For now the only thing I'm eating is mom's delicious homemade waffles." They all ran down the stairs to eat.
Andy’s family of vore part 2: big sister It was Friday afternoon and Andy was relaxing at home. A action movie marathon was coming on tv and he planned on spending the entire weekend watching it. Meanwhile, his older sister, Kathy just got back home from lunch with her boyfriend James. “See you later babe!” She kisses him and goes inside the house. Andy looks over. “Hey sis. How was your date?” “It was nice. We went-“ her stomach growls, interrupting her. “Did you just eat?” “I did. That’s weird.” She walks over to the kitchen. She starts rummaging through the cabinets. She grabs a bag of Doritos. “Yes!” She pours the bag into her mouth. Her stomach growls louder. “Er.” She starts grabbing more bags and wolfs them all down. “Ugh, I’m running out of food!” Then, she hears Andy shout yes as the first movie starts. “Hmm.” She walks back into the living room and over to Andy. “Heeey, my amazing little brother!” “What do you want Kathy? My movie’s starting.” She puts her hands on his shoulders. “Do you mind if I borrow you for a while?” “Borrow?” She pulls him in by his shoulders and swallows his head. “Not again!” Andy thinks as his face goes past her teeth and enters her throat. She swallows his shoulders and chest down. She lifts her head as she eats his stomach and the rest of his body slides down. Andy’s head lands in her stomach and his face is smushed against half digested food. His body curls up as the rest of him enters. “WHAT THE HECK?!” “I was REALLY hungry, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry little bro.” He kicks her stomach walls in defiance. “That all you got?” “Please let me out, I have a movie marathon this weekend!” “You can watch it another time.” “No I can’t!” “Oh well.” She stands up and goes to her bedroom. Andy gets the wind knocked out of him as she lays on the bed. For the next few hours Andy sits there bored as he listens to Kathy talk to her friends on the phone. Their mother enters her bedroom. “Hey there honey, Have you seen your brother?” She looks up at her. “He made a tasty snack.” Andy perks up. “Mom! Help me! Kathy ate me!” She sides down on Kathy’s bed and rubs her belly. “Sorry sweetie, you got eaten fair and square.” “Are you seriously gonna leave me in here?” “Yep. Oh Kathy, let him out before Monday, he still has school.” “Okay mom.” She stands up and leaves the room.” “Ugh, can you at least make me not conscious anymore?” “Oh, yeah sure. You should’ve just asked.” He hears a gurgling noise and the stomach stares filling around him. “Thank you.” He blacks out as he starts to digest. Sunday afternoon Andy wakes up feeling tired. He rubs his forehead. “Ugh, What happened last night?” He looks up and sees Kathy in Nothing but a small black thong, standing above him. “Hey bro.” “Ah!” He covers his eyes. “You’re so adorable.” “What time is it?” “Sunday.” “What?!” He runs out of the room and into the living room. He turns on the tv to see the credits of the final movie. “I missed the marathon!” “No you didn’t.” She walks into the room. “Yes i did.” “No you didn’t. I recorded it for you.” He jumped onto her legs. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” “Calm down. I know how much you love these movies and I felt bad you missed them.” Andy grabs a bag of chips as he starts the first movie.
Andy’s family of vore part 2: big sister It was Friday afternoon and Andy was relaxing at home. A action movie marathon was coming on tv and he planned on spending the entire weekend watching it. Meanwhile, his older sister, Kathy just got back home from lunch with her boyfriend James. “See you later babe!” She kisses him and goes inside the house. Andy looks over. “Hey sis. How was your date?” “It was nice. We went-“ her stomach growls, interrupting her. “Did you just eat?” “I did. That’s weird.” She walks over to the kitchen. She starts rummaging through the cabinets. She grabs a bag of Doritos. “Yes!” She pours the bag into her mouth. Her stomach growls louder. “Er.” She starts grabbing more bags and wolfs them all down. “Ugh, I’m running out of food!” Then, she hears Andy shout yes as the first movie starts. “Hmm.” She walks back into the living room and over to Andy. “Heeey, my amazing little brother!” “What do you want Kathy? My movie’s starting.” She puts her hands on his shoulders. “Do you mind if I borrow you for a while?” “Borrow?” She pulls him in by his shoulders and swallows his head. “Not again!” Andy thinks as his face goes past her teeth and enters her throat. She swallows his shoulders and chest down. She lifts her head as she eats his stomach and the rest of his body slides down. Andy’s head lands in her stomach and his face is smushed against half digested food. His body curls up as the rest of him enters. “WHAT THE HECK?!” “I was REALLY hungry, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sorry little bro.” He kicks her stomach walls in defiance. “That all you got?” “Please let me out, I have a movie marathon this weekend!” “You can watch it another time.” “No I can’t!” “Oh well.” She stands up and goes to her bedroom. Andy gets the wind knocked out of him as she lays on the bed. For the next few hours Andy sits there bored as he listens to Kathy talk to her friends on the phone. Their mother enters her bedroom. “Hey there honey, Have you seen your brother?” She looks up at her. “He made a tasty snack.” Andy perks up. “Mom! Help me! Kathy ate me!” She sides down on Kathy’s bed and rubs her belly. “Sorry sweetie, you got eaten fair and square.” “Are you seriously gonna leave me in here?” “Yep. Oh Kathy, let him out before Monday, he still has school.” “Okay mom.” She stands up and leaves the room.” “Ugh, can you at least make me not conscious anymore?” “Oh, yeah sure. You should’ve just asked.” He hears a gurgling noise and the stomach stares filling around him. “Thank you.” He blacks out as he starts to digest. Sunday afternoon Andy wakes up feeling tired. He rubs his forehead. “Ugh, What happened last night?” He looks up and sees Kathy in Nothing but a small black thong, standing above him. “Hey bro.” “Ah!” He covers his eyes. “You’re so adorable.” “What time is it?” “Sunday.” “What?!” He runs out of the room and into the living room. He turns on the tv to see the credits of the final movie. “I missed the marathon!” “No you didn’t.” She walks into the room. “Yes i did.” “No you didn’t. I recorded it for you.” He jumped onto her legs. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” “Calm down. I know how much you love these movies and I felt bad you missed them.” Andy grabs a bag of chips as he starts the first movie.
Reformation babysitting Friday night. Mr and Mrs Cunningham were getting ready for a big party they were going to at work. It was their boss’s 50th birthday and everyone was invited (mostly to show off how rich he is). They were patiently waiting for the babysitter to arrive. *knock**knock* “Oh! She’s here!” Mrs C goes over to the front door and opens it, revealing the babysitter Hannah. She was a fairly petite woman in her early twenties. She had medium length brown hair and was wearing a large jacket and big bunchy sweatpants. “Hello there I’m Della Cunningham. Why don’t ya come inside?” They step inside the house. “So, who will i be babysitting tonight?” “Our 6!year old daughter joey. The 4 year old twins Stanley and Betty; and our baby Maddie. They’re all in their rooms right now. BOB! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE!” “COMING!” Yelled a voice from upstairs. Soon, a thin man in a suit came downstairs. “We’re going, there’s food in the fridge, a money for pizza, goodbye!” The couples then leave the house, leaving Her in charge of their children. She smiled as she closed the door. Then, she went to the kitchen, a ordered a pizza for one. Hannah walked up the stairs and went into the first door. Inside, was a little girl watching tv. She walked inside. “Hello! You must be Joey!” Joey looked up at her. “Hi. What’s your name?” “My names Hannah.” “You look pretty.” “Oh thanks. Hey, do you wanna here a secret?” The little girl nodded her head wildly in response. “I can make you look pretty too!” “How?” Hannah opened her mouth incredibly wide and put it by her head. “You travel down this tunnel and splash around in the water. When you wake up you’ll be beautiful!” “I wanna be bootiful!” “Then climb on in” With that, Joey put her small head inside Hannah’s gaping maw. She climbed up and into her mouth. Soon, her entire body was in her mouth. Then, Hannah closed her mouth and swallowed hard. Joey slid down the throat of her babysitter like a massive slide and landed in the stomach waters. *burrp* Hannah lets out a rather unladylike burp. “excuse me.” She felt her swollen stomach. It was about the size of a basketball, despite the rather small human being inside of it. Remembering she has a job to do, she continues to the next room. Inside the room was a little boy and little girl both play a game together. “Hello there, I’m your babysitter Hannah. What’s your names?” The little boy looked up. “I’m Stanley. She’s Betty.” The little girl was looking at her and pouting. “Can she talk?” “She’s scared of other persons.” “That’s too bad. You might like me. So, what are you two playing?” “Dinosaurs! Roar!” “Oh, you’re not playing hide and seek?” “Huh?” “Jory said you were playing and that she’s about to start looking” “What?! We gotta hide!” They both scrambled to under their beds. “She said she was gonna check under the bed first.” They then crawled out from underneath the bed and ran to the closet. “She’ll check there too. Wait! I know a place you can hide. Somewhere your sister will NEVER find you.” They looked at her excitedly. She opens her mouth and points inside. Without the slightest hesitation, Stanley leaps into her mouth head first. This surprised Hannah, almost making her fall over and drop him, but she regained her footing and stood up. She swallows Stanly down faster then she did Joey and her belly size increased again. Then, she heard a small quiet voice. “Excuse me?” She looked down and saw Betty standing there blow her tugging on her baggy pants. “Yes sweetie pie?” “Can you lift me up?” “Of course you adorable little gumdrop.” She picks up Betty and lifts her above her head. She opens her mouth and she slowly slides down her throat like a waterslide. “WEEEEEE!” She screamed her way down. Hannah’s belly became even bigger, now making some skin show from under her clothes. *burrrrpp* Hannah let out an even bigger unladylike burp than before. “Excuse me.” Finally, she goes to the second to last room upstairs. Inside was a infant, barley a year old fast Asleep in her baby crib. “Hello Maddie.” She picks Maddie up and unwraps her from her blanket. Then, Hannah reaches down and takes off her pants and slides down the back of her panties. She holds the infant under her and pulls it into her butt. She lets out a loud moan she pushes the infant deeper into herself. Soon, she feels the baby start to move and shake. With one last clinch she pulls Maddie inside her butt. Hannah starts rubbing her large belly. Her stomach was the size of an overdue pregnant woman. The doorbell rang, Hannah walked down to answer it. “Here’s your pizza, that’ll be ten bucks.” She gives him the money the parents left and took the pizza. She lays down on the couch and watches tv and eating the pizza, her belly partly hanging off the edge. Half an hour later She had finished the pizza and stood up. The meal in her belly had completely digested and she didn’t want to look at herself until it was finished. She walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her breasts had increased greatly and her butt grew quiet large, forming a cute heart shape. She reaches down felt and felt all her curves and fat. “Oh yeah. Now I’m ready.” She goes upstairs into Della’s room and goes into her closet. She goes through all of her clothes until she finds a red thong and matching bra. “Oh Della, how scandalous. And sexy. I bet you never expected your own children will be the fat that fills out these clothes and curves.” She puts on the lingerie and grabs a blue shiny dress to wear. Fully dressed, she leaves the house to party. Later Hannah stumbles back into the Cunningham house. She sits down on the couch, dog tired. She had just partied, hooked up with a couple guys and drank a lot. Remembering the kids, she stands back up and went upstairs. She goes into Joey’s room and puts her hand into her mouth. She starts to vomit and spits Joey up. She changes Joey into pajamas and puts her in bed. Next, to the twins room. She hook the bra of and squeezes her breasts. Soon, Stanley and betty sprayed out and landed into their beds. Next, she went into the baby’s room and takes her thong off. She pushes hard and eventually Maddie fell out back into the crib. “Finished” she said to herself as she puts her old clothes back on. Half an hour passes until the parents came home. “Hello mr and mrs Cunningham ham how was the-what the?” Hannah was interrupted by the fact Della’s curved had increased so much that her dress was ripped. “What happened to you?” “Don’t ask. so, how were the kids?” “Oh they were little angels.” Mr Cunningham pulls out his wallet and pays her. “Thanks. Maybe we’ll call you back sometime.” “I’ll be happy to come back.” Hannah takes her money and leaves, with a big smile across her face.
Aliens (1986): keeping Newt close Ripley carries Newt into the med lab to take a nap. She lays her down on the bed and runs her fingers through her hair. “Now, you lie here and have a nap. You’re very tired.” Ripley said. Newt looks up at her. “I don’t want to. I have scary dreams.” Ripley looks around and picks up Newt’s doll Casey. The toy was very old, and was mostly broken. It had chipped almost all the paint off and lost every one of its limbs except for its head. “Well I bet Casey doesn’t have scary dreams. Let’s take a look. Nope, nothing bad in there. See, maybe you could try to be like her.” “Ripley, she doesn’t have bad dreams because she’s a piece of plastic.” Ripley was taken aback at how much she knows. “Right. I’m sorry Newt.” “My mommy said there were no monsters. No real ones, but there are.” “Yes there are aren’t there.” “Then what do they tell little kids then?” “Most of the time it’s true.” Ripley says somberly. She turns off the light and stands up to leave but Newt grabs her hand. “Don’t go! Please.” “I’m going to be in the other room Newt.” “I don’t want to be alone again. Can’t i go with you?” Ripley thinks quietly to herself on what to do next. As much as she tried to ignore it, one idea keeps popping up in her head. She sighs and sits back down. Ripley takes her jacket off and lays it down on the old medical bed. “Well, there is one way I could bring you along with me while still being considered safe and sound, but I’m not sure if you will like it.” Newt tilts her head to the side questioningly. “What is it?” “I could unbirth you.” “Unbirth?” The young orphan girl seemed intrigued by Ripley’s new word. “I’ll keep you inside of my womb, protected and warm, while i carry you around with me.” “Like a baby?” Newt asks innocently, causing Ripley to give a chuckle. “Yes Newt, just like a baby. A real, human baby. Not like what the aliens do.” Ripley replied. Newt puts her hand on Ripley’s flat stomach and stares at it silently. After a few seconds, Newt answers. “Yes” “Okay Newt, if it’s what you want. Now, keep your eyes shut and only listen to my voice. Okay?” “Okay.” Newt closes her eyes. Ripley unzips her jumpsuit, revealing her white standard military bra and panties. She reaches down and slips off her underwear. “Well, this is it. No going back after this.” Ripley thinks to herself. She opens her legs wide enough that someone could fit inside. She takes a deep breath. “Okay Newt, just remain calm, it’s going to get a little wet, but just listen to what i say and it’ll be okay.” Newt nods, keeping her eyes closed. She reaches down and opens her vagina with her fingers. She guides Newt’s head into her vagina. She bites her mouth closed to prevent her from moaning from pure pleasure. The sensations felt SO GOOD, but she needs to stay focused. She regains her composure and keeps going further. Her vagina widens as Newt’s shoulders enter inside her. She grabs onto Newt’s leg and pulls them towards her as she gets past her little stomach. She slides Newt’s shoes and socks off as her knees enters inside her. She watches as Newt’s little toes go past her vagina lips, leaving Newt completely inside of her womb, safe and sound. Ripley lets out a large sigh of relief. She feels Newt squirm around, trying to get comfortable inside of her womb. Ripley looks down at her large, round, life filled belly that stuck out from her body. She was quite surprised at the relatively small size of it. Despite Newt being 6 years old, her belly looked barley 9 months pregnant, the same size as it was when she was first pregnant with Amanda. If she stood next to a normal pregnant woman, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. “Okay Newt, you can open your eyes now.” She feels Newt’s hand press against the walls of her womb. “Am I really inside of you?” Newt says, completely mesmerized with wonder. Ripley smiles. “Yes, sweetie, you are.” She hears Newt yawn. “You should get some rest. You can sleep now, safe, warm and no more bad dreams.” “Promise?” “Cross my heart.” “And hope to die?” “And hope to die.” She feels Newt curl up inside of her. “Goodnight Mommy.” Ripley feels her heart swell from hearing Newt call her that. “Good night Newt.” Ripley waits until she’s sure Newt’s fast asleep; then she stands up from the bed. She is forced to stop as she get accustomed to the new weight on her stomach pulling her down. It may be small but it still weights the same as Newt. She rubs her large belly as she thinks back to when she was still pregnant with her first daughter Amanda. The feeling of life inside of her. Oh, How she missed those days. When it was just her and her daughter. She picks up and puts her panties back on and zips her jumpsuit back up. It stretches out from the size of her round, pregnant belly. With some effort she manages to fit it inside. Right before she leaves she looks down at the bed and sees Casey’s head sitting where Newt was laying down. Ripley picks the doll head up and puts it between her cleavage for safe keeping. She turns around and leaves the medical lab. Everyone was in the operation room. The marines were building up the defenses and prepping their guns, Bishop was examining a face hugger and Burke was packing up food and supplies. Ripley enters the room. Vasquez looks over at her. “What happened to Snow White?” Everybody stops and stares at Ripley. Hicks goes over to her. “Are you okay? What happened?” he asks concerned. “I was worried about Newt’s safety. I couldn’t leave her by herself so I unbirthed her.” Burke walks over and starts to go on a rant. “You can’t just do that. She’s not your child; you can’t just do to a random child you just met.” “Then I’m adopting her.” Ripley replied with no uncertainty or doubt in her voice. Before Burke can respond, Hudson chimes in. “Do you want her?” Burke stares at him confused. “What?” “Do you want the girl?” “No-“ “Then screw off. If Ripley wants her, then let her have her. It’s not like someone else is gonna take her.” Burke doesn’t respond back. Everybody besides Hicks goes back to what they were previously doing. Hicks speaks up, “so. The kid-I mean, Newt is really in there?” Ripley nods in response. “Do you mind if I feel her?” Ripley unzips her jumpsuit, revealing her belly. He puts his hand on it; he could feel Newt’s outline in the lump. “Did you mean what you said?” “About what?” “About adopting her. Are you actually gonna do it?” “Yes. If she wants to that is. I’m going to ask when she wakes up.” “Why? Why take care of this random kid you just met?” “I’m the only one who understands what she’s gone through. What it’s like to want family back after you have it taken from you. Now, let’s get back to work, those things will be here soon and we need to be ready.” Later, back on the Sulaco Ripley was in the cryo freeze chamber, getting ready to sleep for the ride home. She removes all of her clothes, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. She lays down in the cryotube when she feels Newt perk up. “Are we going to sleep all the way home?” Newt asks. “All the way home.” “Can I dream?” “Yes, honey. I think we both can. Sleep tight.” “Affirmative.” Ripley rubs her belly as the cryotube closes. She thinks about what their life will be like together on earth. Humans, androids, aliens, whatever: it didn't matter to her anymore. Newt was HER daughter now; And nothing will get between her and her daughter ever again.
Monsters under the bed It was late at night, and everyone was asleep. In one bedroom lived a little six year old girl. She was fast asleep in her bed, dreaming of swimming through the ocean with her favorite stuffed animals come to life. Then, the closet door creeped open, and a pair of sharp claws stuck out from the closet, slowly opening the door. It had long slimy tentacles, short black hair and had very long legs. The monster quietly walked into the bedroom, ducking down to fit through the doorway. The creature’s name was Slasher. It was his job to scare kids in the dark of night. Slasher was considered one of the best in the business. He never met a child who didn’t cry when they so much as saw his shadow. Recently, he got the job to scare a seemingly average young girl. Every monster that tried to scare her ran away screaming, refusing to go back or even talk about it again. Some didn’t even come back at all. Slasher took this as a challenge, to scare this fearless little child. He crept into the young girl’s bedroom. Like a shadow, he swept over to the girl’s bed, taking the covers off of her. She was wearing a pair of white pajamas covered in strawberries and had her arms and legs wrapped around a very large stuffed animal of some kind of cartoon character. “This is it?” Slasher thought to himself. “This is who everybody is scared of? This tiny piece of flesh? I’ve been more scared of dogs than this kid!” Slasher wrapped one of his tentacles around her and lifted her into the air. “Like taking candy from a baby.” As slasher prepared to let out a fearsome howl, he felt something wet on his tentacle. He looked down to see that two of his arms were inside of the little girl’s mouth! He started to pull away but the girl started swallowing in her sleep, dragging him onto the bed. “No, no, no, no, no!” He holds onto the bed post as she grabs his other arms and starts to gulp them down as well. “No! No, not like this! I’m the scariest monster there is, I can’t die like this!” Her head crawls up his tentacles, swallowing down his body. “I’m the best scarer! I’m too cool for this!” Her lips wrapped around his head and goes over the bed post. “This isn’t how this is supposed to go!” *gulp* She lifts her head off the bed post, laying down back into her bed. She starts unconsciously rubbing her large squirming belly, as her stomach acids starts filling her large belly. The next day *gurgle**gurgle* The little girl wakes up feeling energetic and refreshed. She starts to climb out of her bed but notices that she had a small pot belly sticking out from her strawberry pajamas. She stands up and sees her thighs and butt had greatly increased in size over the night. “My tummy feels weird.” *groan* She feels her stomach lurch and she gets up and runs to the bathroom. She sits down and releases what’s left of slasher into the toilet bowl. Relieved, She gets up and looks back down at the filled toilet bowl. “Bye bye poop.” She flushed the toilet, and the final remains of slasher went down the drain, forgotten by the world and reduced to fat across a little girl’s butt.
Three little pigs Once there lived three little pigs. They left their mother and decided to try and build their own houses. The oldest one made their house out of brick. The middle child had the idea to use sticks he found. The last and youngest one used nothing but hay. He was fairly lazy, and only cares and goofing off. After all, it’s hot out, and no predators live around here. The youngest pig sat outside his hay house drinking lemonade, enjoying his summer day. He put his legs up and took a quick afternoon nap. Then, he was woke up by the smell of something suspicious. He put down his drink and walked out to look around. His eyes darted around looking for someone, but to no avail. “Huh, must be a bird or something.” Just as he turned to go into his house, he heard a loud, stomach growl that echoed with hunger. He was petrified in fear. He manages to turn and see a pair of red eyes looking at him from the dark woods. “W-W-W-WOOLLLLFFFF!” He ran inside his home. He hid and coward under his bed. Then, he hears a strange little voice yell at him. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” Then, he felt a gust of wind blow everything away, leaving him laying down in an empty lot. He looked up at the person standing above him. “No, please no! Ahhhhhh!” The middle child sat by his stick home, enjoying some tea. He heard what sounded like a scream. “What is that?” He gets up and walks into the woods, following the scream. He eventually walks out into an empty clearing. “Huh, this place looks oddly familiar. Didn’t one of my brothers live around here?” Then, he felt a warm breath on his back. “Hello Little piggy” He turned around to be met by a large groaning stomach. “AHHHHH!” He ran as fast as his little pigs legs could go. He darted into his house, slamming the door behind him. He ducked under his bed. He reaches his arm out grabbed the phone, calling his other brother. “Hello?” “HELP ME! There’s a massive wolf outside my house. I think he already ate our little brother!” “What? Are you sure?” “Yes!” Then, he hear a voice voice come from outside his house. “Little pig little pig let me in!” He jumped back under his bed. Suddenly, he felt a large gust of wind. He looked up to see his house, bed, and everything else in his house all blow away in the wind. He turned to the figure standing above him “Oh please no! Ahhhhhhhh!” The oldest brother put down his cup of coffee. He just got off the phone with his younger brother. He sounded like he was in trouble. He got up to head over to his brothers house. Suddenly, he saw pieces of sticks fly past him. “Oh no. He actually made his house out of sticks.” He heard a growl from the dark woods. Without looking, he ran back into his brick house, locking it behind me. There’s a knock at the door. “Stay away from me wolf! You’ll never get in!” Then he hears a little girl crying. “Let me in! There’s a monster out here!” He gasps, “Don’t worry kid!” He unlocks and opens the door. He sees a small figure in a red cloak. “Get in quick!” The little girl raises her face, revealing a human face with a snout and wolf ears. “What the pork!?!” She opens her cloak to reveal her large gurgling belly. She pounces onto the little pig, swallowing him whole. The pig kicks and squirms in her belly. She laughs at his attempts. She turns and merrily skips home. Later A large wolf woman was sitting inside of cave. Her belly was large and soft, contains the remains of the previous owner of the cave. She sees a young wolf girl enter the cave. “Hi mommy.” “Hello Little red, i see you’ve had quite the meal.” “I found some weird pigs. One made a house of hay!” “It’s like he was asking for you to eat him.” The wolf girl walks over to her mother and lays down. The older wolf curled up around her daughter. “Goodnight darling.” “Goodnight Mommy”
Andy’s family of vore part 3: mother It was Friday morning, And Andy’s mother Melissa was at her work, named VU Incorporated. Her job isn’t any ordinary job. Her job is centered around Vore. It offers various services like renting out bellies or wombs from extended time, and sells products that relate to Vore including digestion pills, acid proof products and more. Right now she was working hard on her computer at her desk when her friend sheila came in. “The boss wants to see you Melissa. It sounds pretty important.” Melissa gulps as she stands up from her desk and goes down the long hallway to the office. Her boss was a intimidating woman by the name of Gretchen Black. Almost everyone at her workplace was scared of her. Once, she ate the entire marketing department and didn’t let them out for months. Some employees aren’t even let out at all. Melissa comes to the boss’s very large door and meets her secretary. “Ms Black will see you now.” She takes a deep breath and enters. The first thing she sees as she enters is a pair of legs on top of the desk get pulled down the gullet of her boss. “Hello, ms black.” “Ah, Melissa, I’ve been expecting you. Take a seat.” She sits down on a very wide chair and looks over at her boss. She was an amazon, standing at a impressive 6’2. She wore a very tight business suit that somehow kept her beach ball sized boobs inside, and had the naval part cut out, revealing her large squirming belly. Lastly she had on a black striped skirt, that showed off the curve of her large behind. “So, do you now why you are here?” “To add to your already impressive body?” “Unfortunately not today, but you do look quite delicious. No, you are in my office today because I want to promote you.” Melissa almost jumped up with delight. “What? Really!” “Yes, well, there’s one thing” “One thing?” “First, you need to advertise our new product. It’s called a belly cam. You swallow it and it records everything that goes on in your stomach.” “Wow, really?” “Yes. I got the idea from a mom whose daughter was eating her siblings constantly. With the camera she knows exactly what she’s eating even when she’s away from home.” “Sounds nice, so what do i have to do?” “You must demonstrate the product in use.” “Okay then, is there any requirement with who i have to eat?” “Make it a family member, that makes it more relatable. Oh, and have it to me by Monday.” “Okay then.” She gets up and starts to leave. “Oh wait, one more thing. If you mess up on this, you’ll be spending your vacation days on my chest.” Later that night Melissa stood in her bathroom setting up the camera. After fiddling around with it, it turns on. “There we go, now, who to eat?” She steps into the hallway and walks into the living room there, Andy and Kathy were sitting on the couch watching a movie. As she got closer, Kathy looked at her. “Oh no. I know that look.” She jumped up and darted out of the room faster than a bolt of lightning. Andy looked and asked, “what’s up with her?” “Oh, she just recognized my hungry face.” “Uh oh.” He tried to run but she grabbed him by his shoulders. “Where do you think you’re going young man? I need your help for work.” “With what?” “I’m getting promoted but i need to show how our new acid proof cameras work, so I’m gonna digest you while you put up a camera.” “Ugh, there’s no point in fighting you. Okay.” “That’s the spirit.” She hands him the camera. “Just attach it to the stomach walls when you get there.” She lifts her son above her head with only one arm and drops him. Her mouth opens so wide it fits his entire body with one gulp. Andy is curled into a ball as he rolls down her mouth into her esophagus. He is squished and squeezed until he lands in her large stomach with a splash. “Ugh. It looks like Mom ate someone recently.” He is able to uncurl himself and gets comfortable. He takes the camera and attaches it to the stomach walls. Melissa looks at her phone, that’s connected to the camera and is able to see Andy inside of her. “Nice job son. I got that promotion in the bag. Or should I say stomach.” She then continues about her day, while Andy is sloshed and turned, slowly digesting. She does chores around the house and finishes up some paperwork. Then, he felt something hit his head. He picks it up and sees it was a chunk of meat. Then, a whole turkey drops on his head. “Hey!” “Sorry honey. I think i can get a bonus if i add in some food.” Soon, he felt something pushing on the top of his head. His sisters were touching their mother’s belly and were saying something to him but he couldn’t make out the exact words. Something along the lines of “I always knew you were a butt but now you will be!” Eventually, Andy felt his whole world shake as he is bounced up and down rhythmically. Soon, he realizes that his mother is going on a jog. After half an hour of sloshing, it stops. He is able to hear the shower start running. He feels her caressing her belly as she washed. Eventually, he starts to lose conciseness. He passes out as the acid levels go up to his neck. Melissa wraps a towel around herself as she steps out of the shower. She could feel her belly was softer than before. She waddles over to the bed and checks the camera through her phone. She sees Andy turn to mush inside her stomach acid, making her rub her belly with love. “Oh look at my adorable little man. He reminds me so much of my father.” She drys herself off and climbs into bed, not even bothering to put on clothes, deciding to sleep naked tonight. “Good night Andy.” Saturday morning Melissa yawned and woke up, feeling rested and energized, probably from her hefty meal. She gets up from the bed and checks out herself in the mirror. Her belly was now mostly flat. Her breasts had slightly increased by at least one cup. Her hips were a bit wider but what really changed was her butt. Her derrière grew immensely, being bigger than even Ms Black’s. She when through her closet, getting out her largest pair of panties. She puts it on, seeing it be swallowed up by butt fat, it now resembling a thong. “Oh Andy, i always knew you were an ass man.” She laughs to herself as she gets dressed. Her weekend continues as it normally does. Cleaning, eating, and hanging out with her kids. She and her daughters go to the mall to try on new clothes, for both before and after they vore someone. Eventually, Monday rolls around, and she goes to talk to her boss. She stands outside her office, getting ready to enter. She tugs at her tight skirt, wishing she had bought a bigger one. She takes a deep breath and enters. “Ah, if it isn’t my favorite employee. So, i can see from hear that you did your assignment.” She hands her the camera. “Yep, i digested my son on camera, and loved every second of it. I hope you like it too Ms black.” “Please, call me Gretchen. I like you Melissa. You remind me of my sister, before she became a permanent resident of my bra. How’s about you become my Vice President?” “Why, that’ll be amazing!” “First, go eat the last one. After that, it’s yours.” “Thanks you so much ms bla-i mean Gretchen.” Melissa walks out of the office, unable to keep the smile of her face. She was one step closer to having her dream of owning her own company, being her own boss and being able to eat as many employees as she pleases, she looks down at her fats and curves and gives them a big hug. “Thank you Andy, I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Getting out of the wedding It was early 1am. The entire Sullivan household was quiet. 18 year old Bella Sullivan was fast asleep laying in her bed. Everything was calm, until her door opened and her three younger brothers sneak inside. 15 year old tom. 13 year old mark and 6 year old Jud. They all gather around their older sister’s bed. “Are you sure she is asleep?” Mark asked. “Looks asleep to me.” Tom replied. Jud speaks up “what’s the plan again?” Tom sighs. “Okay, listen up. So, you know how we have that stupid wedding to go to right?” “Yeah.” “And Bella doesn’t have to go.” “Yeah” “Well i had an idea after seeing Bells swallow an apple like she loves to do. We all go inside of Bella then we won’t have to go to the wedding!” “Won’t she notice us?” “That’s why we’re doing it when she’s asleep.” They look back down at their sleeping sister. Tom grabs the blanket and takes it off, revealing her bare breasts. Mark covers his face with a pillow as he screams. “What’s wrong?” Tom asks. “She’s not wearing a bra!” Mark says, trying not to yell. “Man up! A real man doesn’t get scared at the sight of boobs. You are a man right?” “I am too!” Jud speaks up, “hey, her belly won’t hold all of us.” “You’re right. New plan. I’ll go into her mouth. You go into her crotch and mark will go up her butt.” “What!” Mark shouts. “No! That’s gross!” “A real man doesn’t whine because he has to go inside a butt. He takes it with pride and glee! Now be a real man and do it.” Tom POV I look down at my sleeping naked sister. Honestly, she looked really freakin hot. “I can’t believe that mark is scared. What is he, Gay? Whatever. Back to the matter at hand.” I put my hand in my sister’s mouth. “Eew.” It was warm and slimy. I think I’m starting to regret my decision. I put my other hand in and opened her mouth. Her breath smelled like the tacos we had for dinner. At least it was something i liked. I shove my head in. I push forward, managing to get my shoulders inside. After moving a bit more, my legs leave the ground and i get stuck. “$*!*, of all the places to get stuck in!” Then, Bella started to lightly moan. She lifts her head up and swallows me down. I travel down her esophagus and land in her stomach. It was small, hot and smelled like all kinds of food. I feel something crunchy under me. I feel around a pull out a eaten taco. “Hmm.” I take a bite out of it. “Not bad.” I move around a bit and get comfy. “This place is actually pretty nice. Warm, soft, and some half decent food.” I snuggle up and fall asleep. Mark POV I can’t believe tom. He’s such a jerk. I just got nervous seeing a naked girl for the first time. And it was our sister no less! He doesn’t have to be a jerk about it. I look back down at our sleeping sister. Tom was putting his hands into her mouth and Jud already pulled her panties off and started going into her vagina, leaving her butt exposed. Am I really doing this? Is this real? Is getting out of a wedding worth all this? Shoving my head inside of my sleeping sister’s butthole. Then, I remembered the last wedding we went to. It was our aunt sheila’s wedding. We had to wear these stupid tight ties and wear stupid suspenders that looked dumb. We sat for hours in the old church that didn’t have AC in the middle of freaking summer in Ohio! On second thought, yes, it was worth it. I grab her butt checks and spread them open. “Eew!” I took a deep breath and shoved my head in. “Instant regret! Instant regret!” I tried pulling my head back out but i couldn’t. “I’m stuck in my sister’s a**hole!” Since i got nowhere else to go, might as well go forward. I pushed ahead. slowly going further and further in. I surprisingly didn’t hit into any poop yet, but the smell was terrible. Tacos, yuck! I hate these tacos. I get to the point where my legs lift off the ground and i get stuck again. “Great. Just great.” Then, i hear Bella give out a loud moan. The muscles around me pull me in further, taking the rest of my body in. I curl up inside of her intestines. “Well. At least i won’t go to the wedding.” Jud POV I slide off my sister’s underwear and shove my head into her small crotch. I rammed forward, getting my head and shoulders inside of her quickly. It was very warm and felt weird, like sticking your hand in jelly. I continue onwards until i hear Bella start to moan. The walls around me started to get really wet and sticky. “Eeww!” Then, everything starts moving. The walls around me close onto me. It starts pulling me forward. I am pulled deeper inside Bella until my toes are inside. I curl up in a area about the same size that i am. It was actually really comfy. Then, i felt something click into my belly button. “Ow!” Then, everything felt different. Instead of feeling wet and sticky, it felt warm and welcoming. It radiated love and warmth. The beating of Bella’s heart, the sounds of food passing through her, her belly digesting it. I started to feel very sleepy. “*yawn* i might as well take a nap. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” I snuggled up and felt asleep. The next day Bella POV *yawn* “Morning already?” I lean forward and stretch, feeling new weight swing around. I look down and see my breasts have grown to the size of my head, my butt has grown to the size of pillows and my belly looks pregnant. “Hmmm. Let me guess, tom is my boobs, mark is my bum, which makes Jud my new adorable baby.” I climb out of bed and walk over to my full body mirror. I give my new breasts a squeeze. “You know tom, you weren’t very smart, but you were beefy.” I give my butt a firm grip. “And mark, you added so well. How unfortunate that this is the only time you’ll be inside a girl.” After feeling myself up for a while i rub my belly. “And i’ve always liked you the best Jud. I’m proud that you’ll soon call me mommy.” I hear mom call from downstairs, “KIDS, GET READY FOR THE WEDDING!” I start to burst out laughing. “That’s what you were trying to avoid? A wedding? You guys were idiots.” After I get myself dress i get in my car and drive to the mall, looking to pick up brand new clothes for both me and my soon to be child.
Huntress of the woods Kevin is 23 years old. Him and his friends just got out of college and to celebrate they went camping deep in the woods. He came with his best friends Kyle and James, his girlfriend Jenna and his sister Addison. He and James are setting up the tents while Jenna made dinner and His sister watched. "What's taking so long?" Addison complained. "It'll be faster if you helped!" James angrily retorted. "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means you're useless!" James and Addison start stomping towards each other until Kevin came between them. "Come down everyone. Fighting will only ruined the trip." Addison stomped "I wanted to go someplace tropical but NO, out in the woods. And where is Kyle?" "He's probably out trying out his new gun. You know how trigger happy he is." "No one is supposed to go alone!" Jenna says upset. Kevin calms her down, "He'll be back before dark." Meanwhile Kyle was creeping through the woods, his shotgun at the ready. The only reason he came out here was to shoot a big won and use the head look cool and get laid. Then, He looks out to see a mighty deer standing near a clearing. "YES!" He shouts to himself. He runs to a hiding spot. He looks down the gun sight ready to fire when he noticed something, wrong. He walks over to the deer and pushes it. The deer falls over, lifeless. "Is this some kind of joke!?" He yells. "Actually it's a trap." Said a feminine voice from behind him. Before he could even turn around he felt his body being lifted into the air, making him drop his gun. He feels himself get pulled into a long wet tube. He slides down the tunnel And gets trapped at the boiling hot end. He kicks and screams at the walls of his entrapment but it did nothing. "So, a new group of prey think they can come into My domain. The game begins." She strokes her belly as she disappears into the darkness of the trees. Hours later The tents were all set up. They had food out, fishing poles, chairs and a roaring fire. But there was something missing. "Hey guys, has Kyle come back yet?" "I haven't seen him since this morning." Kevin replied. James steps forwards. "I'll find him." "You go to Addison." Her face turns red. "WHAT? WHY ME?!" She shouts so loud that some birds fly away. "No one goes out in the woods alone. That's. How. It. Works!" Jenna demanded. "Fine!" She turns and walks into the woods in a huff with James following her. Kevin and Jenna sit down. "Want some s'mores?" Kevin asks, Trying to defuse the situation. She laughs. "Yes. Yes I would." In the woods Addison and James were arguing, again. "Moss grows on the north side of the tree!" "No, that's a myth. Sunflowers grow facing north. I saw the flowers family inf that way so we go that way." "No we don't!" "Yes we do!" "NO!" "YES!" They stare at each other with angry eyes for a full minute with one blink or twitch. Then, Addison grabs James and pulls him into a kiss. He picks her up and lays her on a pile of leaves as he unbuckles his pants. The huntress watched from the trees. She had been following them, waiting for the right moment to strike. She approached from behind, they don't hear her over their moans. She pulls both of their feet into her mouth and begins to suck them in. They were too wrapped up in the moment to notice their surroundings. "YES! YES! YESS!" OHHHHH!" Addison moaned in pleasure. After a second of rest they finally notice their calfs being swallowed. "Who the **** are you?!" She gulps up to their waists as they try to pull themselves up. James grabs onto the tree branch above him and almost pulls himself out. Then, the branch seems to come alive as it whips him in the face. He falls down, knocking both him and Addison deeper into the ravenous maw. She gulps down their backs and continues until their heads are inside her jaws. She slurps Addison's hair like noodles and swallows them down. They plop down into a pool of acid. "What's happening?!" Addison screams. "I don't know!" Then, James pulls out a thing he fell on to see what's left of Kyle's head. They both scream their heads off as huntress rubs her belly with joy. "Three down, two to go." Back at camp Kevin and Jenna were sitting by the fire, roasting marshmallows. Unaware of the presence watching them. "Kyle, we're out if chocolate." "Don't worry, I had some hidden under the front seat in the truck." He gets up and walks over to the car to grabs the chocolate. He comes back a minute later to see the Jenna is gone. "Jenna? Where'd you go?" He starts walking around until he sees her boots laying where she was. "Okay guys, this isn't funny." He starts getting anxious. He runs out into the woods, trying to find anyone. He starts to yell out into the woods around him. "Guys? Where'd you go? You're not supposed to go out alone around here." Then, at that moment Kevin locks eyes with one of the most beautiful woman he ever saw. Then, he realized that she was naked, save for a robe on her back, and that her heavily pregnant belly was squirming. "whoa, who are you? Why are you naked?" She gives him a warm smile. "Hello there. I am the huntress of the woods. Everything, be it man, woman or animal that enters my woods becomes fat on my breasts." Kevin becomes paralyzed with fear. "What?! Wait. My friends? Girlfriend, my big sister?" "Currently digesting away into my butt. Would you like to hear?" She presses his ear against her belly. *gurgle**gurgle* "No. This can't be real!" "It is real, and there's nothing you can change about it." Kevin takes a step back. "You're now going to eat me too?" She stops to ponder for a second until she responds. "I like you. You're different from the others. I'll give you a choice. I can eat you, and your body will be absorbed into mine, or I can Unbirth you. My womb will morph and change your body and mind. You'll become my daughter and join me in the hunt. What is your choice?" He stops and thinks for a minute. He weighs out the choices he has. After what felt like an eternity, he answers. "I, choose........to join you in the hunt." She smiled. "Excellent choice." She walks over to him, grabbing him by the shirt collar. With one motion she rips his clothes of his body. He instinctively wanted to move away but he knew that wouldn't be wise. The huntress sits down on a boulder. She reaches down the spreads her second lips. "Will you push yourself in or will I have to make you?" He lowers his head down to her vagina. He felt incredibly embarrassed. "So I, just?" But before he could finish his sentence she shoves his head in. "OHHHHH!" She moans loudly. On the inside, Kevin couldn't move his neck. The walls around him start to pull him forward. The huntress grabs his legs and pushes them deep inside her, reveling in the pleasure. Kevin enters the womb and starts to curls into a fetal position as more of him comes inside. As the last of him enters he feels some attach to his belly button. Then he started to feel funny. He saw his hand start to soften and he felt so, tired. The walls around him were so warm and cuddly, and her heartbeat was so, soothing. He closes his eyes for the last time as the human Kevin. For in 9 months, her eyes will open for the first time as a huntress. Months later A woman was hanging upside down from a rope as the huntress approached, rubbing her quite large pregnant belly. She then felt a powerful kick that almost knocked her over. "Shh. Calm down sweetie, mommy will feed you soon." She cuts the woman down and swallows her whole in the gulp. "There you go." She sits down, feeling the struggles of the digesting woman while at the same time feeling her child turn in her sleep. "I think I'll call you, Venatrix." She smiles at the thought of her and her daughter Venatrix hunting together.
Ultimate treat, or ultimate trick? It was All Hallows' eve, and children were running about the neighborhoods filling their baskets and pillow cases with lollipops, chocolate and candies of all kinds. A group of three friends were out trick or treating. Jackie, who was dressed as a clown. Annie, who was dressed as Elsa. And ben, who was dressed as genji. About twenty feet behind them was Jackie's older sister Betty who was talking on her phone, wishing she was out with her friends at a Halloween party. "Keep up Betty!" Jackie shouted back. "Yeah, yeah" she replied, not looking back up from her phone. The three kids all run back and forth from house to house. About half an hour later, they come to the last, farthest house on the street. It was a mansion. The building looked pretty old, but well kept. It had swings on some of the trees, an old pool, and Dozens of rooms. It has massive trees surrounding the place so no one could see into the yard unless they walked into the driveway. "Is This the place?" Ben asks. "Yeah, this is it. Everyone in class has been talking about it." Annie replies. "About what?" Jackie asks, confused from what she said. "There's a rumor, that in this house is the ultimate treat!" "But don't people also say that a witch lives here?" "That's just a legend." The friends walk forwards towards the house, holding hands. Unknown to them, an eye was watching them through the curtains. "Yes. Those three are perfect." They knocked on The old oak door. The door cracked open. A woman pokes her head out. "Hello there. My name is Abigail." They all gave a sigh of relief at the sight of the seemingly normal woman. "Trick or treat!" They yell in unison. She grabs a bowl and gives them all a stick of airheads. "Is that it?" Annie says disappointed. "What do you mean?" "We heard that there was an ultimate treat!" "OH. The ULTIMATE TREAT you say? If you really want that, then come inside." She opens the door revealing herself. She was very tall, at least 6'1. She had dark black hair that stopped at the end of her head. Her eyes were yellow, large d cup breasts, fair white skin, and was wearing a black silky overcoat. "Welcome, children" they all walk inside. The wooden floor creaked beneath them as they walked. She said them to a large metal basement door. "Stay here." She walks in and shuts the door behind her. They sit there waiting for her to return. Then, Ben started to get cold feet. "Maybe she is a witch? An-and she's getting her pot ready to boil us!" "Stop it Ben! We're going to be fine." Jackie reassured him. Then Abigail returns with a large sack. "This way" she walks into her dining room and dumps the sack, with piles of candy pouring out. The kids jaws dropped at the sight of so much candy. They pounce on it like hungry hyenas. They eat for a few minute until they start to feel groggy and tired. "I'm stuffed, *yawn* lets go home. Wait-where's ben?" They girls look around, realizing that their friend was missing. They stand up and try to run out. "Annie, where are you going?" Jackie cried out. “he’ going to eat him!”Annie runs as fast as she can to the basement door. She opens and goes in, the door closing behind her. Then, She hears Annie scream. Jackie grabs the Door knob. She tries with all her might but she can't move the door. Terrified, she runs away. She tried to find the front door but gets lost in the massive mansion. "Leaving so soon?" She jolts around to see Abigail standing there, leaning against the doorway. She had a massive pregnant looking belly coming out of the overcoat and she wasn't wearing pants. "Did, did you eat my friends?!" "No, no, no. I wouldn't eat you, you're too cute. I merely unbirthed them, so I can have them for myself." "Unbirth?" Jackie was completely confused. "Here, let me show you." She grabs her and pulls her close. She shoves jackie's face into her crotch. "Mmmuhhm!" Jackie tries to move but she is powerless. She lift pulled in farther, up to her stomach. Abigail lifts both of her legs into the air while taking off her shoes. Jackie is pulled in to her feet. Abigail tickles her toes before pushing the last of her in. "They're mine. Finally, they are all mine." Jackie is cramped, moving and soaking wet. It was like a sleeping bag. A living, wet sleeping bag. She is pulled forward until she reaches a larger area. She is able to look around And sees Ben and Annie asleep. "Guys!" Then, she felts something prick her. She looks and sees a tube in her belly button. Liquids were flowing through it. Suddenly, she felt tired. She struggled to keep her eyelids open. Now that she has a chance to think, she notices how warm it feels. Not sweaty, or hot, warm. A warmth then spread throughout her body, making her feel, at ease. She hears a rhythmic heartbeat above her head, lulling her to sleep. Slowly, Jackie slips off into sleep like her friends. Abigail had changed from her overcoat into a long silk pajama dress. She was walking to the living room and hears a knock at the door. She goes over and sees Betty standing there looking worried. "Hey you seen my sister and her friends?" "Sorry I haven't. It's just me and my three angels here." She says rubbing her belly. "Ok, thanks." She watches as Betty leaves. Then, she goes into her living room. She sits on her large comfy chair by her roaring fire. She feels the three of them inside her. tossing, turning, dreaming. "You will be my children soon." She falls asleep at the thought of her new family
It was Halloween night and the rich girl Carrie was throwing the biggest party in town. Dozens of high schoolers and college students showed up to the party. Among them, Was Jackson. He was talking with his girlfriend Debby, who was dressed like Sally from nightmare before Christmas. "This party is awesome!" "Yeah, too bad you stick out like a sore thumb." Her face turns red. "RACHEL SAID IT WAS A COSTUME PARTY! Speaking of, where is she?" Jackson points over to the smack table. They walk over to find Jenny on her phone. "Hey Jen, what ya doing over here?" She looks up from her phone. "Oh just talking with Betty. She couldn't make it, had to take her sister trick or treating." "Oh that sucks, you wanna dance or something?" Jackson asks. "No." Rachel goes back to her phone while taking a sip from the punch bowl. "Forget about her, I've got something fun in mind." Debby says with a smile. "What do you,.......ohhh." She leads him into another room. Rachel was sit down at the table, when the lights went out. People started screaming and panicking. "What? Seriously? Rich girl can't pay the power bill?" She noticed that the people went silent, replaced with a slurping sound. "Does she have leaky pipes too or something?" She turns on her phone light and looks around. "And why did all the people stop talkING-WHAT THE!?-AHHHHH!" 10 minutes later Jackson and Debby were laying together. "That was amazing. As always." She kisses him. "Sorry I messed up your makeup." "Don't mention it." They get dressed and walks out into the hall. They return to find the lights out. "Where's the lights?" He searches and turns on the lights. "WHAT THE HECK!" Debby screams. In front of them, taking up the entire dance floor was Carrie, with a massive moving belly. "Hello,*cough**cough*" A phone falls out of her mouth when she talks. "That's Rachel's phone!" Debby shouts. The Carrie flops forward like a seal. Her tongue wraps around Debby and pulls her into mouth and swallows her in a single gulp. "Debby!" Jackson screams. She turn her head towards him. "You’re next cutie!" He turns and tries to run but is trapped. He turns to lol back just as her lips go over his head. With a powerful inhale he is sucked up into her gaping maw. "Mmmmmm. I can feel them all squirming and wiggling. It feels so amazing." She lays on her belly and falls asleep. Jackson, Debby and Rachel were all squished together along with at least 30 other people. "Hi Rachel." "Hi Jackson" "WE NEED TO GET OUT!" Debby tries to kick and pull but Carrie doesn't wake up. "Guys, I think this is it." Rachel lamented. Jackson perks up "wanna have a Threesome?" "JACKSON, THIS ISN'T THE TIME!" Debby yelled. "I'm in." They both looked shocked at Rachel. "If I'm gonna die I wanna die in pleasure." "If you're ok with it then fined." "YAY!" Jackson yelled with delight. The next day Carrie woke up and looked around, remembering the party from last night. She looks down and her jaw drops. Her breasts went from a small b to a large H cup. Her butt Mow had a thick layer of fat, at least 10x as big. Her belly still stuck out about 7 feet in front of her. "Holy crap! I look so freakin sexy! I'll look even better once the rest of these chumps are absorbed. BEST. HALLOWEEN. EVER!"
The Exorcist: Regan's appetite It was a cold, windy day in Georgetown. Chris Macneil was out of the house, talking to psychiatrists about her daughter, Regan. Her daughter had started acting weird, and only seemed to be getting worse. It started out innocent enough, saying strange things, acting distant, but it soon became worse, much worse. Regan started acting out, telling people they are going to die and causing a scene in front of people. Then, the worst happened. She started violently shaking on her bed, letting out a blood curdling screaming. Then she attacked people, effortlessly tossing them across the room like they were rag dolls. Dr Klein had to inject her with sedatives to make her stop. She brought Regan to doctor after doctor but no one, not one found anything wrong with her. She currently had her friend Sharon watching after her while she was away. Sharon was standing by the front door, waiting. She heard a knock and opens the door. Her and Chris’ friend Burke Dennings was standing there outside, seeming very tired. “ey, Sharon, what’ up?” need you to watch Regan for me while I leave for a minute.” eave? Do to what?” need to get more Thorazine.” heno-what?” horazine. It’ a sedative. We need it in case, Regan starts acting crazy again.” eah, I heard. Did she really throw that doctor against the wall?” eah, I saw it myself. It was terrifying. I need that drug if she does that again.” lright, I'll watch her. But what if she starts screaming or attacks me?” on’ worry, she’ fast asleep. All you have to do is sit here while I’ gone.” kay, just be back quick.”He goes over and sits down on the chair. “h, and Burke.” es?” o alcohol okay? There’ no point in you being here if you’e unconscious.” eriously?” ot a single drop.” kay, I promise. Not a single bottle.” hanks Burke, you're a lifesaver.”She walks out the door and drives away. Almost an hour had passed as Burke sat in Chris’ living room, waiting for Sharon to return. He had read the newspaper a dozen times, and had repeatedly paced back and forth around the room. He had hoped that if he did this he could get in Chris’ good graces, and maybe even get a date out of it, but all that has happened was that bored out of his mind and had nothing to occupy himself. He looked up at the clock and then out of the window, checking the driveway. “hris probably wouldn’ notice if I take, just a few shots from her champagne before she gets back.”He got up from his chair and went into the kitchen. He went through drawer after drawer, and found nothing. He checked the fridge, closest, pantry and every cupboard in the kitchen and found nothing. No beer, no champagne, not even a glass of wine. “h come on. Nothing? You just had a party the other day. I know you didn’ get rid of it and you definitely didn’ drink it all.”Then, he heard the sound of an old wood door creak open. “ello? Is anyone there?”he exited the kitchen and went into the living room. “haron, is that you?”He looked around and saw that every door was still closed and nothing was out of place. “h no.”Realizing where the sound must be coming from, he goes up the stairs to the second floor. Sure enough, Regan’ bedroom door was slightly opened. “lease don’ let anything happen.”He walks over to the door and grabs the handle: but before he could close it, he spotted something shiny in the bedroom. He opens the door wider, looking inside. On the nightstand, by Regan’ bed was a new, golden bottle of champagne. “inally.”he whispers to himself. He slowly creeps into the room, trying as hard as he can not to make any sound. He gets to the nightstand and grabs the bottle. He turns and slowly goes back to the door. “ou promised you weren’ going to drink.” AHH!”Burke jumped back from the sound of the voice in the room. He turned around and saw Regan sitting up in her bed, looking him dead in the eyes, yet it felt like she wasn’ looking at him at all, as if there was no life or presence behind her eyes. “h, uh, Regan, I uh, didn’ mean to wake you.” idn’ you promise Sharon that you wouldn’ drink?”Burke was taken back by Regan’ emotionless response. She was normally quite bright and happy. “ didn’ know you were awake. But, um, yeah. I did: but she’ taking a lot longer than I thought. Could you promise not to tell her? Please?” kay. I won't.”Burke opens a bottle and takes a big drink. “ow that’ the good stuff.”he starts to leave when Regan speaks up again. “he’l never love you. You know that right?”he stops in his tracks and looks at her. “xcuse me?” other will never love you. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, she could never love anybody like you.” hat you do you mean, ‘nybody like me’” ou’e an alcoholic buffoon with no self-control. You got drunk and ruined her party. You always do that. How could she even love someone as stupid as you.”Burke stumbles over to the bed. “ou don’ know that. I have complete control of myself.” o you don’. If you did, you wouldn’ be such a failure and be able to actually make a movie people watch.” hat’ wrong with you Regan? You’e never hated me before. You’e scaring everyone. People are worried there’ something evil inside of you.”Then, Regan speaks in an evil, hellish voice. “hen why don’ you come inside and check for yourself?”Suddenly, Regan shoots forward and grabs Burke. She throws him down on the bed, knocking the wind out of him. Burke groaned in pain as he tried to move. He looked up and saw Regan mouth coming down above him. All light vanished as her mouth went around his face and soon his head. He let out a scream as saliva covered his face, and her tongue moved around his head. He could feel her mouth widen and go over his shoulders and eventually his chest. As more and more of him enter her mouth, Burke’ head started to go down her throat. He gagged as his face was pushed up against Regan’ slimy throat. She pulled him in further, getting his stomach and waist inside. His head then reached the end of her esophagus, and reached her stomach. She lifted her head up as she swallowed down his legs. He landed in her stomach, with his face squishing into a pile of half digested food as the rest of him caught up. With one last gulp, she swallowed the last of Burke down her throat. The rest of him finally caught up with him in the stomach, allowing him to slightly move. He slid around a bit, managing to get onto his back. “HAT THE **** DID YOU DO REGAN?!?!”The walls around him shook as he felt her laughing. Not a normal laugh like a little girl would have, but a deep, wicked sounding laugh, that would belong to only a large, sadistic man. “o you know what will happen to you in there?” don’ care! Let me out!”He tried kicking as hard as he can on her stomach walls. “oon, my stomach acid will rise, filling my stomach. The acid will burn away at your flesh, burning and melting you. Soon, you will be nothing but sludge and nutrients to my body.” et me out of here!”He kicks and punches again. “fter that you will be pushed along my digestive tract, you will be absorbed by my body and turned into fat across my @$$, waist and my developing breasts. While the rest of you, bones, hair, shoes, will be turned into my $***.”Suddenly, he felt a tingling sensation on his lower body. He looked down and saw liquid raising up. “ook at the bright side, while you never got inside Chris, you did get inside her daughter. Deeper than you could ever dream of!” ELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP!” cream for me, you little ********.”Burke tried to kick, tried to scream, hoping someone will save him. Something will save him from this fate. He started to pass out as the fumes grew stronger and the acid started to burn. Sharon returned to Chris’ house and went inside. “t’ Sharon! I hope you weren’ too bored while I was gone.”She put her bags down and walked around the living room. “urke? You there?”She looked around, but doesn’ see him. “ou better not be in the kitchen Burke!”She goes into the kitchen and see all the drawers open. She checks the closet and finds the alcohol missing. “*** it Burke. You couldn’ do one thing. The one thing I asked.”She turns and goes to the stairs. “lease don’ let him be in Regan’ room. If he did something to her, I swear I’l shove that bottle down his throat.”She goes up stairs and into Regan’ bedroom. Inside, she saw a large bulge in the bed under the blankets. “urke you piece of $***!”She runs over and rips the blankets away, revealing the form underneath. “hat in God’ name?!” ot God’ name, mine.”Regan was laying in bed, with her massive belly between her legs. It was almost twice Regan’ size. It lifted up her nightgown, revealing the bottom of her gigantic stomach. She could hear it grown and gurgle as it digests it’ large meal. “hat did you do?!”Regan had on a wicked grin, enjoying every second of her fear. “urke broke the rules, so I punished him.” hat did you do to Regan? You’e not human!” h trust me, Regan is still in here, somewhere at least. Maybe Burke can say hi to her for you.“Sharon was paralyzed with fear, completely unable to move. Suddenly, an unseen force knocks Sharon onto the bed, right in front of Regan. She looked up and saw Regan smiling down at her. Regan grabbed Sharon’ legs and shoved them inside her mouth. “o! Oh please no! Let me go!”She pulled Sharon’ ankles and knees inside of her mouth. She tries to hold onto the bedpost as she’ dragged back. Her legs are pulled in as she feels something wet wedge itself in her crotch. “hat are you doing?!”Regan’ tongue licks Sharon’ butt and crotch up and down. “asty.”Her stomach is swallowed down as she feels her feet get submerged in a liquid in her stomach. “hh! That burns! What is that?!”she got no response as her breasts are swallowed down Regan’ hungry maw. Sharon loses her grip on the bedpost as she is gulped down. She looks out at the light for the last time as Regan’ lips closed around her head. Sharon plummets down into the stomach and lands with a splash. The water instantly starts burning her. “HHH!” orry I couldn’ answer you earlier, it’ rude to talk with your mouth full. The water around you is stomach acid. It will slowly break you down until you are nothing but fat on a little girl’ @$$.”Sharon looked down and saw the mostly digested remains of Burke laying under her. She kicks the walls. “et me out!” ick all you want, it only makes the orgasms stronger! ”she starts losing steam as the pain becomes too much and she collapses into the acid. Regan rubs her belly as her prey and slowly digested in her gut. Hours later Chris arrived home. She was exhausted, not just from her day, but from worrying about her daughter as well. She dropped her bags on the ground and walked towards the kitchen. “’ back Sharon, you can leave now. Thanks for watching Regan for me-”she stops in her tracks as she sees the kitchen empty. “haron?”she searches around the house, but doesn't see her. She spots her bag and boots at the door so she’ probably still here. She walks up the stairs to check her bedroom. As she walks past, she hears Regan call for her. “other?”Chris stops and goes to Regan’ door. “es, sweetie?” here’ you go mother? I got hungry and you weren’ there to feed me.” hat are you talking about Regan?”Regan doesn’ respond. She takes a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for whatever may be beyond the door, and goes inside. On the ground, by the foot of Regan’ bed, was a pile of crap. It was very large and had pieces of hair, clothes, and bone sticking out. On top of the pile were two skulls, both of which were burned and had crap on them. “hat did you do Regan?!” was hungry, and your friends were happy to satisfy my hunger.”She turned and looked up at the monster taking the form of her daughter. “hat are you?! You are not my Regan!”Regan laughed at her. “h trust me, I very much am. And i’ already improving her.”Regan lifted her nightgown, showing that she didn’ have any pants or underwear underneath. She grabs her much fatter, meatier butt. ‘his used to be Burke. My body put his to good use.”She grabs her wider hips. “haron, on the other hand couldn’ decide where to go. She mostly went to my hips. What a waste. But fortunately some of her went somewhere nice.”she lifts the nightgown higher, revealing small b cup breasts where her flat chest used to be. “o ahead, tell doctors, tell the priests, tell the police. No one will believe you.”Chris starts to cry “eave me and my daughter alone!” am your daughter!”Chris turns and runs away, running down the stairs as she hears the evil demonic laughter echoing from the bedroom.
Which Sleeping bag was mine? (Multiple endings) It was a bright sunny day on the campgrounds. There, a man named Mark took his family camping. He brought his 8 year old daughter Wendy. His 16 year old daughter Bella and his beautiful wife and mother to his children, Cindy. They were all currently sitting by the fire eating hot dogs while Mark set up the family tent. It was a very large tent meant for a family of six. With just the four of them, it gave them quite enough room for everyone. “emember to blow on it.”Cindy reminded her daughter. “kay Mommy.”Mark finishes setting up the tent and goes over to his family. “ents all done.” ey daddy!” ey sweetheart. You enjoying your lunch?” eah! It’ so good!”He sits down between Cindy and Wendy. Bella speaks up. “ey dad, what are our plans today?” irst we’l go hiking, play a few games and then we’l all go fishing!” ounds sweet. Let’ get ready.” ours later They four of them return from their day of fun. “ark, you clean up while I get the sleeping bags and tuck the girls in. Which bag do you want?” don’ really care. I’l take the one that’ left.”Mark goes to the picnic table and starts cleaning up while Cindy, Bella and Wendy go to the family tent. “ey Mommy?” es Wendy?” an we get our pajamas? My pants got wet during the fishing.” eah, I’ too.”Bella added. “eah sure.”Cindy goes through the suitcase and searches for their pajamas. “h oh. It appears that we forgot to pack your pajamas.” hat?!” hat?! We can’ sleep in wet pants.” f course not. How’ about you and Bella Just Naked.” hat, really?” ure why not, it’ just us here. Besides, I heard it’ gonna be hot tonight.” ’ not sure-“Wendy cuts her off, “hat’ so Cool! Thanks Mommy!” ater that night Mark was laying in his sleeping bag when he woke up, having to pee. “gh.”He gets up out of the bag and stumbles out of the tent. He walks out into the woods and relieves himself. He returned back to the tent and quietly slipped inside. He then looked down and stopped in his tracks. He couldn’ remember what color his sleeping bag was and with every one tossing and turning in their sleep, the order was different from when he went to sleep. The four sleeping bags were brown, red, pink and green. “h crap.”He looks over the bags. “hich one should I pick?” nding 1- Brown sleeping bag He went over to the brown bag and decided to try it. No girl would pick the color brown to sleep in, and it looked the least like someone was in it. So he got onto his hands and knees and opened one end of the bag. He slowly crawled inside. He shoved his hands forward but they touched something strange. They go into what feels like a second sleeping bag opening. “hat the heck?”He mumbles to himself. Curious, he opens it up with his hands and brings his head closer. He pushes his head into it and finds that it was very warm inside. He crawled a bit further in, managing to get his shoulders inside, when he smelled something familiar. He swore he could smell his famous lasagna. He could tell that smell from anywhere. Now even more curious, he continues on, getting more and more of his body in. Then, the walls around him started to contract. His legs were pulled inside and his body was being dragged further inside the strange tunnel. The walls squeezed him so hard he couldn’ move his arms around. He was helpless as he was moved further in. Eventually, he reaches a small tube that pushes him into a larger area he could now more easily move around in. The smell of the lasagna was much stronger now. He felt around the chamber he was now in and felt mush on the floor. He realized he was sitting in a pile of eaten lasagna, hot dogs and chips. He thought back to earlier today and remembered giving Wendy a large plate of his lasagna before they left for the trip. His eyes widened as he realized where he was. “’ trapped inside my daughter!”He started to kick and squirm around the flesh sack, trying to wake her up. No matter how hard he kicked or how loud he yelled, Wendy didn’ so much as stir in her sleep. Soon, He felt light headed, as the fumes from her body started to suffocate him. “lease...........Wendy.......please........wake-up.........”He collapsed and became unconscious, as the muscles continued to push and contract around him, dooming his fate. The next morning Light shined in through the thin ceiling of their tent. Wendy woke up with a yawn. She looked around and saw that her mother and sister were both still asleep. She was surprised that she was awake first, because she was normally the one that sleeps in. Suddenly, she realized why she woke up as she felt something in her bowels lurch. She wiggles out of her sleeping bag and looked down at herself. Her belly greatly stuck out from the rest of her body, being nearly as big as she was. “hoa! What did I eat yesterday?”She pressed her hand against her titanic stomach it felt soft and squishy. Then, the lurch inside her returned. She quickly got up and ran outside the tent. She ran out to the hole her father dug earlier behind some bushes and a few trees. She crouched down above the hole and felt the sweet release of the pressure building up. She watched as her belly shrunk with every second of turd flying out of her butthole. After almost 20 minutes of nonstop pooping, she finally finished and stood back up. Her belly was now flat again, but it appeared her butt and a little bit of her thighs had become much bigger and fatter, giving her a pear shape. Wendy turned around and looked into the hole to see her handy work. A massive pile of crap filled the hole, and raised about two feet above it. “hoa! Whatever that was, it’ gone now. Bye bye poop!”She waved goodbye to her fresh log, unaware that was what was left of her father, and merrily skipped back to the campsite, wondering what they were going to eat for breakfast that morning. Ending 2- Pink sleeping bag Mark went over to the pink sleeping bag and decided to try it. It was closest to the door of the tent and he remembered that he slept near the door. He crouched down onto his arms and knees and opened the top of the bag. He pushes his hands inside and feels how warm it is. “till warm.”He slowly crawls forward into the sleeping bag. The inside felt plush and soft. He eventually crawled all the way inside the bag and curled up. The sleeping bag felt way better than before. It felt like laying on a cloud. He was already feeling sleepy when he felt something prick his stomach. “www!”He looked around to see what poked him. He felt a long cord attached to his belly button. “hat the heck?”He attempted to pull the cord off but it hurt when yanked at it. “t’ attached to me!”He followed the length of the cord and found it was coming out of the wall. “ait a second.”He attempted to get out of the bag but he couldn’ find the way out. “h no! Where’ the door?!”He started kicking the walls. After trying for a while, he started feeling very tired. It felt like all of his energy was being drained. After becoming relaxed, he could hear a strange noise. It was a large heart beat. It sounded calming and comforting. Soon, Mark fell unconscious, unaware he was trapped inside his daughter’ vagina, and that her womb was working fast at changing his body. The next morning Light shined in through the thin ceiling of their tent. Bella yawned as she started to wake up. She got onto her side and tried to roll onto her stomach but felt something blocking her. It felt like there was something big attached to her belly. “hat the heck?”She reached around and opened the sleeping bag. Opening the bag, she looked down and saw her massive swollen stomach. It looked like she was pregnant with twins and very overdue. Then, she noticed something wet dripping down the top of her belly. She felt around and saw her bra was leaking milk and felt tighter than last night. She took the bra off and her breasts ballooned out in relief. They had increased by almost three cup sizes and had milk coming out of them. “OM!!”Cindy jumped up in surprise. “es?! What’ wrong sweetie?!”She got up and looked at her daughter. “h my gosh.” hat happened?!” don’ know, you tell me. Just calm down and tell me what happened.”Bella slowed down her breathing and relaxed. “kay, so all I remember is going to sleep normal and waking up like this. What happened to me last night?”Cindy got up and looked around the room. “h. It was your father.” hat?” ou Unbirthed your father when you were asleep.” an I get him out?” ope. It appears he has already regressed.” hat sucks. Oh well, nothing we can do now, let’ eat breakfast!” nding 3- Red sleeping bag He went over to the red bag and decided to try it. It was the biggest of the sleeping bags so he had a good feeling about it. He crouched down onto his hands and knees and opened the top of the sleeping bag, shoving his hands inside. He immediately feels his hand become soaking wet. “hat the?”He pokes his head inside and sees his right hand was inside his wife Cindy’ mouth. He tried to pull his hand out but her mouth was closed over it. “ang it!”He quietly said to himself. He attempted to shake his wife awake but she was as dead as a doornail. Just as mark started to swear under his breath, Cindy’ mouth moved further up his arm, pulling his elbow in. “o! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!”He starting to pull even harder, hoping in vain he can get his wife’ anaconda like jaws open. He could feel her licking and enjoying the taste of his arm in her mouth. She gulps down the rest of his arm and parts of his shoulders. “indy!”He starts pulling her hair and pushing on her face, but this only made it worse. She reflexively swallows even more of mark down, from his head to the bottom of his chest. He kicks, yells and flails around as he is continually swallowed by his unconscious wife. His face is forced down a long, wet and small tube that was her esophagus. He travels down it until his face reaches a second smaller opening. He is pushed through it as he feels his crotch pass Cindy’ lips. He head enters her stomach and he’ immediately hit with the smell of eaten food and stomach juices. Finally, she swallows down his feet, trapping him inside of her and sealing his fate forever. The rest of his body enters the stomach and curls up next to him. “indy!!! Wake up!!!!”He tries to kick the stomach walls but there wasn’ enough room to really move his body, let alone wind up for a kick. Then, he felt a strange feeling on his back. He manages to look down and sees stomach acid pouring into the room. “EEELLLLPPPPP!!!!”As the acid rises, the tingling sensation turns into a burning, as his clothes are melted off and his skin starts disappearing. “INDY?!? PLEASE!!?!!?”Suddenly, he could feel her moving. Her arm goes around the belly and starts moving back and forth. He could hear her quietly moaning. “re you pleasuring yourself?!!?!??!”Then, the acid starts to cover his face. “o this is the end, melting away inside my wife as she jerked off to my death. This sucks.”Soon, he passes out from the pain, and her body gets to work distributing the new nutrients. The next morning Light shined in through the thin ceiling of their tent. Cindy yawned as she woke up. She had the strangest dream the night before. She was at a giant buffet and she had to scarf down as much food as she could before the chief got insulted and kicked her off of the restaurant. She tried to get up but felt her boobs shake around like crazy. “uh?”She looked down and saw her two massive lumps from under the sleeping bag. She slides out of the bag and looks down at herself. Her breasts were now massive what used to be a D cup was now about a J cup! She looked at her wider waistline and hips, and then her butt. It had grown a solid thirty eight inches. Before she was embarrassed because she had the smallest butt of her three sisters. Now, she put almost everyone, from models to celebrities to shame. Finally, she felt her belly. It had Become a bit of a potbelly and was still digesting something. “h my gosh!! I look hot! How did this happen?”She looked around the tent and saw nothing but her sleeping daughters snuggled up, cozy in their sleeping bags. Then, she noticed that her husband was missing from his sleeping bag. “h, looks like I ate Mark. That’ sad. Oh well, it’ not the first husband I accidentally ate in my sleep. Dang, I really liked him too. I was even considering having another child with him. Looks like it’ back to the dating game for me. But first, I’ making breakfast.”She gets up and quietly leaves the tent, not wanting to wake her angel daughters. Ending 4- Green sleeping bag Mark looked around the floor of the tent until he found his flashlight. “here you are!”He turned it on and shined it around the room. He saw shapes in the brown, pink and red bags while the green bag was flat. “h yeah,”Mark thought to himself. “ had the green bag!”He jokingly slapped himself for his foolishness and walked over to the sleeping bag. He climbed into his sleeping bag. “till warm.”He wrapped himself up and went to sleep. The next morning Light shined in through the thin ceiling of their tent. Bella woke up with a yawn. She sat up and started to stretch before looking around her tent. She could see Wendy’ bare feet sticking out from the bottom of her sleeping bag, her mother’ head was sticking out from the top of hers and her father’ bag was empty. She climbed out of her bag and crawled over to her mother. She shook her shoulders. “ey, wake up.” “uh, what?” ake up.” ’ awake, what’ up?” irst, you were sleeping with your mouth wide open again.” h, thanks. I really gotta stop that.” econd, have you seen dad? He isn’ in the tent.” “eally?”Cindy sat up and looked around. “m, he’ gone.”She got up and shook Wendy awake. “uh? Yes mommy?” ave you seen your father?” “o, I just woke up.” “h, dear.”Cindy thought to herself. “ hope one of us didn’ eat him in our sleep. I can’ lose ANOTHER husband that way!”Suddenly, the door to the tent opened up and Mark walked in, holding a handful of folded clothes. “orning girls! I hope you all had a wonderful night!”Cindy let out a sigh of relief. “orning Mark, it’ nice to see you.”Mark walked over and put the clothes between his half naked daughters. “our clothes are all dry now, feel free to put them on.”Wendy then sniffed the air. “hat’ that delicious smell?” h, just some bacon and pancakes I cooked up. You want some?” eah!”The three girls girls all got dressed and head outside with Mark following behind him. He watched as his family got plates and started to dig into the breakfast he made.
Rebecca to the rescue! It was a bright sunny day at north water elementary school. It was currently recess and everyone was having fun on the playground. Best friends Jasmine and Rebecca were playing together on top of the monkey bars, trying to see who can hang the longest. “I’m gonna win!” Jasmine shouted. “Never!” Rebecca responded. They both held onto the bars like the monkeys it was named after. After holding on for another three minutes, Jasmine falls down and lands on her butt with a thud. “I win! I win!” Rebecca jumps down and lands on her feet. “Ow! My butt,” “You okay?” She holds her hand out to her, picking her up. “Yeah, Just sad you won. You always were stronger than me.” “You’re strong too. Remember at our last sleepover, when you stayed up all night watching that movie while i fell asleep. Come on, let's go to the swings.” They started to walk together towards the swings until Rebecca felt something lurch below her belly. “You okay?” Jasmine asks. Rebecca holds her stomach. “Ugh. I gotta go use the bathroom. I’ll be back in a second.” She turned and ran back into the school. A few minutes later she comes out of the school and heads back into the playground. “Okay Jasmine, I’m ready to swing!” She goes back towards the swing set but doesn’t see her friend anywhere. “Jasmine?” She walks around the playground but doesn’t find her. She walks to the edge of the playground and overhears something from behind the school. She goes over and peeks around the corner. There, she sees Jasmine, pushed onto the ground by the fifth graders. There were a guy, a girl and the leader of the group, Jeremy. He was a fifth grader who should be a middle schooler but had stayed back a year. He was big, mean, dumb, and liked to take stuff that isn’t his. “Get up you big baby. I didn’t even hit you that hard. Yet.” Rebecca could feel a fiery anger build up inside of her, compellingly her to do something; like a bomb ready to explode. She wanted to go over there and beat all of them up, make them feel how they made others feel, but she knew that wouldn’t end well for her or her friend. She felt her stomach growl again. “Quiet belly.” Suddenly, she had an idea. While she’s not stronger than Jeremy, she is stronger than Jasmine. Moving as fast as she could, she bolts into the group of people and gets over to her friend. Jasmine turns and sees her friend standing above her. “Rebecca?” Jeremy looked over at Rebecca and laughed. “If you think you can help your little wimp friend then you are dead wro-“ before he could finish his sentence, Rebecca shoves Jasmine’s head inside her mouth! The fifth graders all stepped back as they watched this little girl swallow another little girl whole, like a snake eating its prey. Rebecca swallowed down her shoulders and her chest. She moved quickly because Jasmine was pretty small. “Oh my gosh guys, let’s get out of here!” The three of them turn around and run away as fast as they could. Rebecca lifted her head up as Jasmine slid down her throat. With one final gulp, she swallowed down her friend. Jasmine travels down Rebecca’s throat and plops down into her stomach, landing on the cereal she ate for breakfast this morning. Rebecca had to sit down because of the new weight inside her stomach. Her belly ballooned out from her, it was half the size she was, and almost weight as much as her as well. “*burp*” “Rebecca! Why did you eat me?” “How long have they been bullying you?” “W-what?” “How long have those jerks been messing with you?” “A few weeks.......months..” she feels Jasmine curl up inside her belly. She leaned over and hugged her belly. “Why haven’t you said something?” “I was scared they would hurt you too.” Jasmine could feel her friend’s hands through the multiple layers of skin and stomach. “That doesn’t matter anymore okay? From now on you’ll be safe and sound inside your best friend.” “You want me to stay inside you? I dunno.” “Come on. It’ll be like the ultimate sleepover! You’ll be with me everywhere i go. On long car rides. At the doctors. In school. On weekends. You’ll be with me forever!” “That does sound awesome.” “Please?” “Sure. This sounds like fun!” “YAY! I have Jasmine ALL too myself!” She stands up and jumps for joy, making Jasmine shake and bounce around. “Whoa. I need to get used to being in here first. I’m feeling sick.” “Oh really?” She smiled as she gets an idea. “Rebecca no!” She gets up and runs back to the playground, her speed wasn’t at all decreased by her belly’s new occupant. She looks around at all the playground equipment. “Rebecca, Don’t you dare!” Finally, she spots the perfect one. She heads over to the merry go round and sits down, letting her belly slightly hang over the edge. All the other kids looked at her and stared. “Spin it till I’m sick!” Forgetting about the titanic belly before them, the other children start spinning the merry go round. Jasmine starts to feel the walls move as Rebecca spins. “Rebecca!” “Woooo!” Jasmine is tossed around the stomach as the merry go round spins around. Then, Rebecca feels something wet splash on the inside of her stomach. She stops the spinning. “What was that?” “Sorry. I puked.” “Hey!” “Sorry” “No big deal. Puke comes from the stomach anyway; and it’s technically still inside of one.” Suddenly, the school bell rang. “Ahhhhhhhhhh. It’s time to go back in.” Rebecca gets up from the merry go round and goes back into the school building. She sat down at the group table, her belly hidden below it. After a few minutes pass, her teacher, Mr Gallagher entered the classroom and checked the attendance. “Is miss Jasmine here?” Rebecca raised her hand. “She’s in here!” She lifted her belly and flopped it on the table. “What are you talking about-OH MY GOSH!!” Meanwhile A young woman named Ellen was hard at work, trying to finish up before the work day ended. She worked at a big corporation called VU incorporated. She was a hard working single mother who faces problems head on. She was currently wearing a red suit and skirt, which was very tight around her large round butt. As she was typing away, she heard a knock on her door. “Come in.” Her secretary Betsy, came in. “Excuse me Ellen, but the school is calling.” “The school?” “They said that you need to come there right away. It’s about your daughter.” Instantly Ellen stood up and shut her laptop. “I’m heading out early Betsy. Give theses files to the boss as soon as you can. I need to go.” She drove quickly to the school and went into the office. She wasn’t sure what she was more worried about, if her daughter got hurt, or if she hurt somebody else. She wasn’t sure which because Rebecca wasn’t one to cry and if she did attack someone, the call she got would’ve been from the police, because Rebecca, just like her mother, doesn’t back down. She entered the office and saw her daughter sitting in a chair with a large, pregnant looking belly laying on the table in front of her. The school principal was standing next to her. “Hello Eugene.” “I am the principal and you will address me as such. You can clearly see why I called you here.” “Actually I cannot. Please tell me why you made me leave my job early.” The principal’s face turned red with anger. “Eating another student is against school rules. Violation of that rule is at best suspension, and most likely expulsion.” Ellen walked over to her daughter and crouched in front of her. “Rebecca, why did you eat another classmate?” She looked up at her mother on the verge of tears. “Jeremy was really mean to Jasmine and i wanted to keep her safe.” Ellen stood back up and walked over to the principal. “I don’t see anything that she did wrong. Unless you are saying that support bullying?” “I don’t care Ellen. Whether it was self defense or not, what she did was wrong and she must be punished for it.” Instantly Ellen’s demeanor changed, from cool and calm to angry and violent. She grabbed his tie and pushed him onto the table. “You remember middle school right Eugene?” “Yes i do” “And do you remember what they called me?” “T-The jaguar” “And why was that?” He doesn’t respond back. “They called me that because i ate those I didn’t like, and was the hottest cat in town because of it. So next time you wanna waste my time and threaten my daughter, just remember all those that ended up on my backside. Got it?” He nods as she lets go of his tie. “Come on Rebecca, we’re going home.” She takes her daughter’s hand and walks away, leaving the principal sitting alone on the table in the office. At home Rebecca was sitting at the kitchen table coloring as her mother entered the room. “I just got off the phone with Jasmine’s mother and father. They were angry at first but I managed to calm them down.” “Thanks mommy.” Ellen rests her hand on her daughter’s bulging belly. “So, are you sure you wanna keep Jasmine inside of you? That’s a big burden and responsibility.” “Yes. I won’t let anyone hurt her again!” “Is that the only reason?” “It was at first...but after doing it I realized how good it felt to have her there, and how much fun it’ll be for her to always be with me.” “I know you well. But if you want to keep her so bad, then I’ll support you every step of the way.” Rebecca gives her mother a big hug. “Now get ready for dinner sweetie. We’re having spaghetti and meatballs.” “YAY!” They started eating dinner Rebecca was quickly consuming her plate. Meanwhile, Jasmine sat in a pile of eaten food, her own stomach growling. “Rebecca” “Huh? *gulp* what did you say?” “I’m hungry. How am I going to eat in here?” “Oh yeah. I didn’t think of that.” “I’m hungry!” “I’ve got an idea.” “What?” “Go to the hole where the food falls from and open your mouth.” Jasmine does what she’s asked and move to the hole. Rebecca takes about half the spaghetti on the plate and swallows it without chewing on it. The foods travels down the esophagus and lands on Jasmine. Some of it went in her mouth, but mostly on her face. “Did it work?” “Sorta. We can work on that.” “That’s cool! Wait one second.” Suddenly, soda starts pouring down onto Jasmine. “Hey, what am i going to do when the food, you know, comes back out?” “You mean when you gotta poop?” Jasmine blushes at the fact her friend is so casual about this. “Yeah” “Is there a hole in the floor that food goes through?” “Yeah?” “Put your butt up against it and poop in it.” “Eew!” Later Ellen stripped Rebecca down and helped her into her pajamas. They were a button, so she opened the stomach up to allow Jasmine to fit through it. She helped her onto the bed. “Goodnight sweetie, love you. I hope you enjoy your new belly buddy.” “I love you mommy, goodnight.” Ellen leaves the room. Rebecca looks down at her belly. “Goodnight Jasmine.” “Goodnight Rebecca.” She could feel Rebecca rubbing her belly. “Hey Rebecca?” “Yes?” “Thank you for saving me.” “Of course. Your my best friend. No one else comes close.” “That’s because I’m the only one not to run away.” They both laughed a little. “And even though i complained earlier, I actually do like it in here. It’s very warm and snuggly, like a big old hug.” “I like the feeling of you too. I feel so full and satisfied, and the feeling of keeping you safe, is even better.” Rebecca moves her belly around until Jasmine’s head was with her on the pillow. “Goodnight.” Rebecca soon falls asleep, while her arms are wrapped around her belly, giving it a hug.
Laura’s trip to college It was a hot day in June as Ms Everett was running late to teach her college class. She pulled into the parking lot and parked her car. She ran as fast as she could to the door. She pulled out her keys and accidentally dropped them to the floor. “Stupid keys!” Just then, she noticed a figure from the corner of her eye. She looked up and saw a little girl standing in front of her. She had long blonde hair and a rather large pot belly for someone of her size. “Oh, um, hello there kid, what are you doing here?” “I need to get inside. Could you please let me in?” Her eyes looked big and innocent. Miss Everett reached down and grabbed her keys. “Uh, why, do you need something?” “My sister’s inside and i need to see her.” “Oh okay. You can go inside. Head up into the office and they can deal with you. It’s two lefts and straight forward from there.” “Thanks miss!” As soon as she opens the door the little girl bolted inside. “Weird kid.” She headed to her class and started to teach. Almost half an hour passed and she noticed the morning announcements never came on. “Continue your test class. I’ll be right back.” She walked down the halls of the school. She was a little creeped out by how quiet it was. Normally there were teachers and students going up and down the hallway. Even at its quietest you could at least see a janitor or two wondering the building. She went inside the office to talk to the secretary. “Hey Margret, how come the morning announcements haven’t started. Is there a problem?” She looked around but saw nothing but an empty desk. “Margaret?” She walked around the offices and saw no one around. The principal and vice principal weren’t in their offices. The student councilors weren’t having breakfast and chatting up a storm. The office was simply empty. Panicked, ms Everett leaves the office and runs into the library to ask the librarian what’s going on. “Hey Natalie, where’s everyone in the office? I think we should call someone or something.” She walked around the library but yet again saw no one. There were books on the floor and papers scattered around, as if the people holding them suddenly vanished. “Something’s wrong, i gotta call someone!” She reached into her purse and tried to grab her phone but realized it wasn’t there. “Dang it. I must’ve left it in the classroom.” She sprinted down the hallway and back into her classroom. “Okay everyone, something weird is going on. I’m going to need all of you to-“ She looked around and saw nobody. Her classroom was completely empty. Desks were flipped, papers were everywhere and personal belongings were scattered across the floor. “No, no, no, no! Where is everyone?!” Suddenly, she feels a large rumble that shook the ground, knocking her to the floor. “That came from the gym.” She manages to get back on her feet and stumble out of the classroom. She slowly walked down the hallway; unsure whether she should continue. A million questions raced through her head. “What’s going on? Is there an emergency? Is somebody doing this?” She finally came to the entrance of the gymnasium. “Well, it’s now or never.” She slowly grabbed the door handle and pushed it open; but for some reason, the door wouldn’t open. She pushed harder but it wouldn’t budge an inch. She turned and ran down to the opposite side of the gym and opened the door. Her jaw dropped as she entered the gymnasium. Inside, there was a giant ball of flesh. It was as wide as the gymnasium and almost reached the ceiling. It was covered in outlines of bodies and limbs. Bulges formed all over it as the things inside squirmed and screamed. At the top of the fleshy stomach was the head of the little girl from earlier that day. Eventually, the girl attached to the giant belly noticed Ms Everett’s, presence. “Oh hey. Thanks for letting me inside earlier. I was stumped, and worried I’d have to go home. “Y-you! You did this?!” “Uh duh.” “W-why?” “Cause i was hungry?” “W-why did you eat the entire campus?” “Well my school was out for the summer, and the mall was still being investigated by the police, so this seemed like a nice place.” “No, i mean why did you eat them? Can You let them out?” “Maybe, if they’re not digested yet-“ but before Laura could finish her sentence, her belly groaned. Suddenly, the screaming and kicking in her stomach grew faster and much louder; and then, it stop. Completely still and lifeless. The outlines in her belly softened, and her belly made a loud churning noise. “Opps, too late.” Ms Everett stood there in silence. Horrified by what she just witnessed. “You-you gluttonous pig! I can’t believe someone could do this!” “You don’t have to be a jerk about it.” “A jerk about it?!? YOU KILLED THE ENTIRE COLLEGE CAMPUS!!!” “Not yet” “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU ATE THEM ALL!” “No I haven’t.” “YES YOU.....you...” Her heart started racing as she realizes what Laura was implying. “There’s still one left.” She turned to run away as Laura’s smile turned into a evil grin. She grabbed onto the door as she felt a breeze pull her. Suddenly, a gust of wind tried to pulled her away. She holds onto the door handle as she looks back to see Laura breathing, creating a vacuum. Ms Everett loses her grip and flies at the titanic belly. She only could see the young girl’s face for a second before she was sucked down the glutton’s throat. She screamed as she slid down the slimy slide. Finally landing in the belly with a splash. She looks up and sees what’s left of the student body and faculty floating around her in the stomach juices. “HELP ME!! SOMEBODY, LET ME OUT!!!” Laura let out a burp as the last of her meal started digesting. “*yawn*, Nothing is as satisfying as sleeping off a big meal.” She falls asleep as her belly melts away at the bodies floating around inside her.
Daddy’ little girl It was a bright sunny summer day, in a seemingly average suburban neighborhood. A young woman named Janice walked down the path leading to a Bright yellow house. She had scarlet red hair that went to her shoulders, and a very large sized bust. Janice had recently started dating again and had met a man named Richard waiting in line at a restaurant. He was a young man, Maybe in his late twenties to early thirties. He had light blonde hair and was over six feet tall at least. He was very physical fit, while not a bodybuilder, you could tell he did a lot of physical labor. He also had a little girl, no older than seven named Cameron, though he always called her princess. She was absolutely adorable. She had long blonde hair that went past her waistline, and her face was the spitting image of her father. She had his nose, mouth and same facial structure. The only real difference between them was their eye color, his was blue while hers was a shade of emerald green. Her hips were very large for her age which seemed a bit strange, but besides that they were an average family. Richard brought Cameron around with him everywhere but Janice didn’ mind. Kids didn’ bother her very much and Cameron was very well behaved and sweet for her age. Janice had reached their house and knocked on the front door. “ne second!”She could hear yelling from far away as she heard the sounds of running and a thud on the ground before the door opened. Then the door opened, revealing Richard, standing straight up trying to look nice. He had on a yellow and blue plaid button up collared shirt and a pair of dress pants. His hair was still wet from him combing it, his collar was untucked and he was missing his right shoe. “s everything alright?” eah, I just lost track of time. Fortunately, Cameron and take care of herself. Princess! Come here please!”About a minute later, Cameron walked down the stairs and joined them. She had on a long blue and purple sundress a pair of cool biker shades and her father’ Boston red sox baseball cap. “ll set princess?” ep! All ready!”Cameron seemed to beam with happiness. “reat, I’l be right back.”Richard turned to leave as he went back up the stairs to finish getting ready. They stood there waiting for a few minutes. Cameron seemed to be constantly glaring at her, but whenever she looked at her she’ look away. Eventually, Richard came back down stairs and the three of them leave. First they went and ate at a restaurant. The three of them sat together at the table. Janice ordered the salmon, Richard had a steak dinner and a salad on the side while Cameron was enjoying spaghetti and meatballs. They all split a cherry pie for desert. After that, they walked to the park down the street. Cameron went to the playground and played on the swingset. Richard and Janice sat on a bench talking, his arm wrapped her shoulder. “ hoped you enjoyed dinner tonight. I know it wasn’ a fancy restaurant or anything but I hope it was still good.” enjoy everything I do when i’ with you.”She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Richard pulled her in closer and gave her a long kiss on the lips. Then from across the playground, Cameron saw this and gave an angry scowl. Then, she jumped off the swings at the highest point and landed on her butt in the wood chips below. “we! Daddy!”Richard instantly pulled away from the kiss and looked around for his daughter. “orry Janice, gotta go!”Janice watched as he got up from the park bench and quickly darted across the playground to see what was wrong. Then, she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw her friend Melony standing behind her, resting her arms on the back on the bench in a sassy way. “eeeey Janice. Enjoying the park?”Janice started to blush. “ow long were you watching us?” he entire time. You two were really sucking face.”She sat down next to her friend and crossed her legs. “o, what do you think of him?” really like him. He’ generous, handsome and is such a sweet man. After his wife died, he immediately quit his job so he could be there for his daughter full time. We were talking about moving in together.” e quit his job? Then what does he do now?” e currently lives off of inheritance money and doing small jobs around town.” nd what about thing 2?” hing 2?” he girl. No matter how perfect a man is, his daughter always going to be his number one girl.” he two are inseparable. Cameron seems really sweet and acts nicely to others, but sometimes she acts annoyed i’ around and gives me weird glares.” he’ just jealous that she’ no longer the center of attention. You just gotta show that you are the boss.” ’ not sure if that’l help or make things worse.” peak of the devil.”Janice turned around to see Richard and Cameron walking over. “ey Janice. Cameron got hurt on the swing set and wanted to go home. I hope you don’ mind.” f course not, i just gotta say goodbye to my friend.”Richard and Cameron started to walk away as Melody started to quietly talk to Janice. “f you wanna move in with him then you gotta show her that you are on top. If she’ the princess then you are the queen. He maybe her father, but he’ your daddy.”Janice started blushing again while holding back a giggle. “elody!”Melody laughed and walked away. Janice stood there for a second, thinking about what she said before deciding to leave. She turned around and saw Cameron standing right behind her, with a mortified look on her face. “ameron! What are you-i Mean-uh, how long were you standing there?!”Cameron quickly snapped out of it and went back to her happy expression. “ot long. I just came to get you for daddy.” et's go see him.”They caught back up to Richard and headed back to his house for the night. Hours later It was late at night when Janice woke up. Her mouth felt very dry and she couldn’ fall back asleep. She turned to her right and saw Richard still asleep in bed. “ truck could crash straight through his living room in the middle of the night and he’ still be fast asleep.”She thought to herself. She took the blanket off her and climbed out of the bed. She walked across the room, went into the hallway and quietly tiptoed down the stairs. She went into the kitchen and made herself a glass of water. “hirsty?”The sudden sound of a voice almost made Janice almost choke on the water. She turned around and saw Cameron standing behind her, wearing nothing but a t-shirt that was too big for her and a pair of socks. “h, Cameron, you scared me. What are you doing up so late?” atching you.” ell I was just thirsty and needed a glass of water. After I finish this drink, how’ about i tuck you back into bed princess?” nly my daddy calls me princess.” h, uh-“ ut I guess you want to take that away too, huh?” ake away? What?” ou want to take away what’ mine. Just like how you want to take my daddy away from me!” ameron, Don’ be ridiculous. I’ not going to take your father away from you, I would never do that.” hat’ What all the others said. They always say that they love us and that nothing is going to change, but they are all lying. They come in, make daddy buy uselessjunk for them. Make him drive you places. For us to go to dumb restaurants with gross fancy food. And worst of all, make him spend less time with me.” ameron” won’ let you get that far!”Cameron started to walk forward. “hat are you doing Cameron?”She took a couple steps back but hit her back into the kitchen table. “’ going to send you to the rest of those evil women.”Then, before Janice could even register what was going on, Cameron leaped forward and shoved her head inside her mouth! “ichard!”That was the last thing Janice could say before her mouth was pushed inside Cameron’. She seemed to struggle for a few minutes with her shoulders but managed to get past them. She continues on and Janice’ boobs goes down her throat. “ne day.”Cameron said, But was hard to understand. Janice’ face then entered her stomach and was pushed up against the wet, half digested spaghetti she had for dinner earlier. Cameron quickly swallowed down her stomach and torso and got to her hips. She gulped them down and finishes by slurping up her kicking legs like spaghetti noodles. Her belly hangs out from her body, easily being over twice the size of Cameron herself. She lets out a large, satisfied burp as Janice started to kick her stomach walls. “et me out Cameron! Please! I wouldn’ come between you and your father, I swear!” addy says you shouldn’ swear because it’ bad.”She patted her titanic tummy and left the kitchen. She waddled back up the stairs and back into her bedroom, walking past her father’ open door. He peacefully snored, completely unaware of his daughter’ actions. She went into her room and laid down causing her bed to sink in a little from the added weight. The next morning Cameron woke up early, feeling ready and energized. She pulled the blanket off and looked down at her stomach to see how little there was left. She climbed out of bed and walked over to the mirror to admire herself and the work her body had done while she was asleep. The massive form in her belly had been reduced to nothing but a small bulge at the bottom of her stomach. She then lifted up the back of her she and looked down at her backside. Her butt had grown an inch and her hips seemed to grow a bit as well. “ow. If Daddy keeps getting girlfriends then I’ going to need new underwear And maybe pants too.”Cameron joked to herself. She then walked out through the hallway and went into her father’ room. He was still heavily asleep in his bed, snoring like a bagpipe. She gives him a kiss on the forehead before turning and heading downstairs. After finding her favorite flip flops and trowel from the garage, she went outside through the backdoor and headed to her garden. She got down and started shoveling the ground. She dug deep into the hole, soon revealing a pile of skulls hiding in the dirt. She then stood back up and slid her panties off. She turned around and crouched by the hole, soon releasing a big pile of crap that used to be a human being. A living breathing human being, digested into fat by an overprotective little girl. She strained for a second as she felt something solid get stuck. She could tell it was the skull from the shape and feeling. After pushing for longer, she manages to push it out, letting the skull fall down and landing next to the others. Cameron looked down and smirked at her handy work. “ye-bye.”She then started filling the hole back up with dirt. Then, she could hear the backdoor opening and someone heavy stepping onto the wood steps. She turned around as her father walked over to her. “ow Princess, your garden looks amazing! You put a whole lotta time and care into this. Just try to wear some pants while you’e doing it.”Cameron smiled and giggled. “hanks daddy.”He gives her a hug before picking her up. “id you happen to see Janice before you came out here?” h yeah. She left early this morning with a hand full of cash and left.”He looked at her concerned. “he had a hand full of money?” eah. She just got off the phone with someone named robbie. She seemed like was in a big rush or something.”She lied, without a single slip up or pause. “mm, I’l need to have a talk with her and this ‘obbie’later. So, are you ready for breakfast?” eah!” ood thing I started making your favorite bacon before coming out here.” ay!”Cameron wrapped her arms around his torso as he carried her inside Completely unaware of the lies she told him, or people that have ended up as her butt fat for eternity.
Escape from detention It was a cool Friday afternoon. Southwater high school had ended almost an hour ago and everyone had gone home. Everyone, besides the detention students. The detention group consisted of about seven teens and one teacher who really hated being there. In the very back of the classroom was Bella. She wore gray leggings that lead up to a knee high red skirt and a black hoodie that covered over her bright red hair. Bella could be called a troubled child. She had got into multiple fights with other students and she hated nothing more than this school and every idiot inside of it. She sat leading back in her chair, bored out of her mind. That’ when the teacher who’ name Bella couldn’ bother to learn stood up and addressed the class. “’l be right back. Don’ any of you delinquents dare to do anything or even get up from your seats.”She got up from behind her desk and left the classroom, leaving the teenagers all alone. Bella felt her stomach growl as she stared at the clock, counting the seconds until she can finally get out of here. Then, she felt something wet land on her chest. She looked down and saw a wad of wet crumpled up paper on her. She flicked it off then immediately saw the boy in front of her turn around and shoot another one. “uit it!”He stuck his tongue out at her and shot a third spitball at her. Bella jumped out from her desk and tackled the guy to the ground. “et off me hoe!”He reached his arms forward to push her off of him but accidentally shoved his hands right into her mouth. She initially wanted to spit it out but stopped as she started to taste him. His flesh tasted so good! She moved her tongue all around his hands. “w! Get away from me freak!”He attempted to move only for Bella to swallow past his elbows. He looked back at his fellow students with fear as his head was engulfed by the angry teenager. A squirming bulge appeared underneath Bella’ hoodie. She started to move faster, swallowing down his torso and waistline. She lifted her head upwards as she swallowed his legs whole. The bulge in her belly grew and lifted up her hoodie, revealing her pale belly button. She let out a massive burp and looked at the other four students. One girl immediately ran out of the classroom. A boy and girl run at Bella while the last girl stared on in terror. Bella ran forward and knocked the girl away with her belly, causing her to hit her head into the desk and become passed out. The boy grabbed her and to pushed her over. Her belly’ occupant made a large groan as she fell onto her stomach. The boy walked behind to pin her, only for Bella to leg sweep and knock him down to the ground. He barely managed to move from his stomach onto his back when Bella leaped on top of him. He felt the wind being knocked out of him as her combined weight landed on him. He tried to move or wiggle free but he was powerless to stop Bella as her lips went around his head. She swallowed down his chest and waistline with ease. Her belly grew further as she send his legs down her throat. She turned her attention back to the passed out girl. She waddled over and grabbed the unconscious teen off the ground. She licked her face up and down before pushing her inside. The girls neck and shoulders quickly went down, bring her chest up. Her breasts entered the mouth and Bella licked over them with enjoyment. She lifted her head up and the rest of her came in, feeling disappointed that her touch couldn’ reach her succulent rump. Bella then turned to the other girl standing paralyzed with fear in the corner of the classroom. In the hallway “his better not be some kind of prank.”The teacher was very annoyed by being interrupted. “’ telling you, it really happened!”The girl led her back to the classroom and looked in the door window. “he’ gone!” one? What do you mean gone?” he classroom’ empty.”She quickly pushed the student out of the way and went into the classroom. Desks and chairs were moved out of place. Papers and pencils were all over the floor and the entire detention class was completely gone. “n entire class of students missing! You better not be distracting me for them to get out.”She turned around but didn’ see the teen standing behind her. There was a strange sound from the halls. “et Back here!”She marched out of the classroom and immediately stopped in her tracks. In front of her in the hallway she saw Bella with a large bulging belly that touched the floor swallowing the other student head first. She could hear muffled screaming coming from inside her throat. She lifted her head up and swallowed her legs down with a loud slurp. Her belly increased in size and more squirming bulges appeared on it. Bella then turned her attention to her last prey. “ou....you..”Bella took a step closer. “ou ate them?!” eck yeah i did.” -why?” ecause I hate my classmates. I hate detention. I hate school. I hate being hungry and I hate YOU.”The teacher attempted to turn around and run to the door but Bella quickly charged forward and knocked her down using her large weighted belly. She laid on the ground disoriented when she felt her high heel shoes being taken off, then a strange wetness soaking through her pantyhoes. “-huh. Wha? What are you doing?”she looked back and saw her feet lifted up and into Bella’ mouth. “o no no no no no no!”she regains her senses and tried to crawl away from her imminent demise. It did nothing to slow Bella’ pace as she swallowed down her knees and reached her waistline. Her hands no longer touched the ground as she was lifted up. “et me go you brute!”she grabbed onto a locker door and held on with her life. Bella kept going, consuming her hips and stomach. She soon reached her chest. She gave her breasts a good lick. Bella giggled before reaching her head. “ooo!”The teacher lost her grip on the locker as she was swallowed down. A large bulge in the shape of the teacher’ face traveled down Bella’ throat. *burrrp* Bella’ loud burp echoed through the empty halls of Southwater high. “a ha. All of your students had bigger boobs than you.”She waddled back into the detention room and sat in the teacher’ large and cushioned chair. Her belly hung off the chair and laid on the desk. “ave fun as fat, losers.”She leaned back in the chair and fell asleep. Hours later Bella woke up later in the day. The sun had already gone down and it was mostly dark in the classroom. Her belly has mostly shrunk, leaving only a bulge at the bottom of her stomach the size of a watermelon. She looked down at herself and examined her body. Her hoodie was no longer loose on her body. Now you could easily see the shape of her breasts sticking out from the rest of her and her red skirt was now stretched with tears at certain parts. “mmmm. I should do this more often.”she then felt a pressure building up and she went into the hallway. She walked towards the girls room before stopping and going into the teacher’ bathroom. She “eleased”her captives and left, her belly now completely flat. “weet relief.”she looked back into the bathroom as water started to seep out of the door. “ang, I almost feel bad for the janitors. Almost”she left the school building and head back home in time for dinner.
Meeting the boss’ family It was Friday night. Quitting time. Most people would spend this time out with friends having fun or at home enjoying time with their family, but not for Christine Martin. She was rushing to get herself and her family dressed and ready to go out the door. Christine worked for a big incorporation and earlier today her boss invited her and her family to enjoy dinner at her house. This was a huge honor! If this dinner goes well, she might get promoted or even take Melissa’ job as Vice President! She went to her front door, dressed in a long sparkly blue dress and white high heels. “ine up!”Her husband Richard came downstairs first and then her sixteen year old son Jacob. They were both wearing yellow dress shirts and ties. “o I have to wear this stupid crap?!”Christine walked over to her son and tightened his tie, almost strangling him. “es. You. Do! I need to look good in front of my boss, so YOU need to look good in front of my boss.”He gulped and remained quiet. They went out the door and packed into the car. “urry, we’l be late!” elax sweetie.”Her husband assured her “e’e got twenty minutes. Everything is going to be okay.” hope so.”Christine knew that Richard wouldn’ be as calm if he knew that her boss was notorious for eating her employees, but she’ never invited their family’ for dinner so there may be hope for them yet. Maybe...... 21 minutes later They pulled up to a very large red house. “s this the place?” think so. She said the biggest on the street.”That's when the front door opened and Christine’ boss Gretchen black stepped outside. She wasn’ wearing her normal business attire, instead wearing a white wife-beater and gray sweatpants that did nothing to detract from her beauty and large assets. She calmly walked over to their vehicle. “elcome to my humble abode.”They climbed out of the car and felt tiny in front of the 6 '2 amazon. “et’ head inside to eat.”They followed Gretchen inside. The interior of the house had an elevated ceiling, which made them feel even smaller. They were lead to the dining room, where the rest of the black family was waiting. There was Gretchen‘ wife Amanda. She had red hair and was wearing a white strapless tank top which showed off a lot of her boobs. Across the table from Amanda was Gretchen’ daughter Ramona. She had shoulder length brown hair and was wearing a long pink hoodie and black leggings which was clearly tight on her round butt inherited from her mother. Perhaps even bigger than her mother’. She appeared to be only fourteen years old, but was at least 5 '8, Probably another trait inherited from Gretchen. Everyone sat down at the empty table. Jacob was the first one to speak up. “o when’ the food?”His mother immediately gave him the death glare. “h it’l be ready soon. You just have to wait patiently.”Ramona stood up from the table and whispered something into her mother’ left ear. “h of course fear. Oh Christine?” es mrs black?” h just Gretchen is fine. Ramona here was wondering if Your son would go hang out in her bedroom while we waited for dinner.” f course ma’m, i mean Gretchen.”She then looked at her son and gestured towards the girl. Richard sighed and got up from the table. Ramona practically yanked him as she grabbed his hand and brought him down the hallway to her bedroom. “o.....is she from a sperm donor or a previous marriage? She looks too much like you to be adopted.”Gretchen laughed. “ow that’ a fun story. So, it all started when I met Herman. We didn’ really click, but then I met his sister.” eanwhile Jacob sat on the bright pink bed tapping his feet waiting for Ramona to come back. Her bedroom was covered in shelves with trophies and medals on them. Jacob thought that he might go blind from the amount of light reflected into his face. Then, Ramona came back with a pack of popsicles and sat on the bed next to him. “o um......you got a lot of trophies.“ hanks. My mom is super competitive and I guess that kinda rubbed off on me.”Jacob got up and looked at the engravings. “arate. Swimming. Track and field. Cheerleading. Food eating contest? You don’ look like you can scarf down food.”Ramona giggled. “ou’ be surprised.”Jacob turned around to see Ramona very close to him. “hoa. You’e quick.” ou’e pretty handsome.” eally?” eah. You’e acceptable.” ou don’ mean-“ oyfriend? Yes i do.”Jacob immediately put the trophy down and took a large step to the door. “hoa whoa whoa! That’ moving a little fast for me. We just met.” ctually my mother met you years ago and thought you would be worthy to date me.”He tried to sprint away but Ramona knocked him onto the bed with a single arm. “here’ still one trait to test first.” nd what trait is that?!”Jacob was close to hyperventilating from the stress. “urability, and taste.” eanwhile in the dining room “o now, I was stuck with a baby in my womb, the father in my stomach, and his sister at my clit!”Gretchen burst out into hysterical laughter at her own story as Christine did a fake laugh to seem like she liked it. “a..ha...ha. So. after that we knew that we were in love.” o her father is Amanda’ brother? Talk about a weird family tree.”Amanda set down her drink and stood up. “h it gets weirder sweetheart.” ill dinner be ready soon?” ooner than you think.”Then, they heard a banging noise coming from Ramona’ bedroom. “hat was that?!” h nothing.”Gretchen assured her “hey’e probably just playing.” ot the kind of playing i approve of!”Christine quickly got up from the dinner table and ran down the hallway to the bedroom. She knocked on the door. “acob, She’ only fourteen! Jacob?”She listened in but didn’ hear anything. She opened the door and felt her heart drop. Ramona was topless, moaning in bed. Her massive squirming belly hung off of her body and parted between her legs. Christine could clearly make out the outlines of her son’ spine, head and some of his facial features through Ramona’ skin. A loud gurgling could be heard coming from Ramond’ bulbous belly. After taking a few seconds to fully comprehend and understand everything happening around her, she turned and ran back into the dining room. “ichard! Jason’ been-“Christine lost her train of thought as she entered the dining room and saw her husband’ shoes sliding inside Amanda’ closing mouth. She could see the bulge of his feet travel down her throat and end at her large swollen stomach. Amanda then lets out a small burp. “ichard.......”Christine took a step backwards but was stopped by something large. She looked up and saw Gretchen looking down on her. “ooks like dinners ready.” retchen, please. You can eat me as many times as you want, but please let my family go!” have no choice in the matter. That decision is up to my family members.” lease i-“Gretchen grabbed her before she could finish speaking. A parting of lips suddenly covered her field of view as Gretchen pushed her head inside her mouth. Christine attempted in vain to scream as her face was pushed against the opening of her boss’ esophagus. Then her movement stopped as she felt her shirt be ripped off her body. “hat are you doing?!”It was at that moment Christine could feel Gretchen’ slimy tongue licking her breasts up and down. “ewww!”It circled around and in between her bosom, finding its way into every fold and crease. After a few good minutes of tasting, Gretchen continued on with her dinner. She picked up the pace as she gulped down Christine’ stomach and waistline. Christine gagged as her head entered her boss’ stomach. It smelled horrible and was warmly moist. Her body curled up as the rest of her body entered. Gretchen licked her lips as her employee’ toes went past her tongue and down her throat. “burrrrrrp*, Excuse me.”Christine’ world shook as her captor walked back and sat down at the kitchen table. “ hope you enjoyed your meal sweetheart.” ’ enjoy anything if I thought it came from you.” h Amanda.”She could hear them start to kiss each other. “et’ take this somewhere private.”So Christine sat for hours in her boss’ stomach, feeling Gretchen have sexy times while digesting her and her husband. The entire time her son is far away, being digested by her hell spawn. After a few hours the acid raised above her head and her consciousness started to fade. Later Christine finally woke up feeling disoriented and tired. She felt like she partied too hard and got hit with a bat. She looked around and quickly realized that she wasn’ in her bedroom safely asleep next to her loving husband. In fact, it didn’ look like she was inside her own house at all. She was laying inside a large empty bathtub almost twice the size of an average jacuzzi. The walls were pink and there were over a dozen different bottles of soap and shampoo all across the tile floor. Before she started questioning what happened, her memories flooded back and she now knew where she was. “h no! I’e got to get out-no wait, I’e got to find my family!”She climbed out of the tub only to realize that she had no clothes on. She went into the bathroom closet and put on a large bathrobe that ironically looked like it wanted to swallow her. She exited the bathroom into the hallway and looked around. She spotted the staircase and quickly tiptoed down the steps. She quietly went past the kitchen and headed back to Ramona’ room. She was expecting the worse bones in a pile of feces, the smell of decay, pounds and pounds of fat hanging of the teenagers backside but when Christine entered the room, all she saw was Jason and Ramona laying together on her bed watching TV. “hat is this!?!”The sudden noise made both Ramona and Jason jump in surprise causing him to almost fall off the bed. “om! You almost gave me a head attack.” lmost gave YOU a heart attack? I thought you were dead or in pain, but you’e just snuggling with the girl who ate you!” id Ramona’ mom not tell you yet?” ell me what?”Christine then felt someone tapping on her right shoulder. She turned to see her husband Richard standing behind her. “ichie!”She jumped onto and hugged him. “hat’ happening? What did I miss?” ell, it turns out Miss Gretchen and her family loved us so much that they wanted to have us again. So when I was reformed she told me about a special promotion for you.” romotion? What are you talking about?!”She then felt another, bigger hand grab her left shoulder and heard a loud female voice. “llow me to explain.”Christine almost jumped into the air as she turned around and saw Miss Gretchen Black herself standing behind her wearing nothing but a sports bra and thong. “ decided that you all were too delicious to eat only once and that keeping you chained up is too kinky for me so I had an idea.” hat kind of idea?” ou, Richard and Jason stay in our house willingly and become our meals when ever we please, and you won’ have to work, clean, or worry about any expenses from here on out. What-a say?”Christine remained silent trying to process this information. No more having to work. No more vacuuming or scrubbing the bathroom floor. No more worrying, but to remain as food forever. She then looked at her son relaxing on the bed and her faithful husband standing next to her. “ell, seeing as my family doesn’ seem to mind then i guess agree to your proposal.”A large smile went across Gretchen’ face. “xcellent.”She then pounced forward and shoved Christine’ head into her waiting maw. Her face entered the now familiar esophagus and travel along Gretchen’ throat. Christine soon landed within her boss’ stomach and plopped into the acid. It was slightly less hot and cramped as last time. She could feel Gretchen rubbing the outside of her belly. “aybe I can get used to this?”Christine thought to herself as she resigned herself to her fate and became acquainted with her new home.
Laura’s Live stream It was around 11:30PM. Randy, a janitor working for a local grocery store had just finished cleaning up the place. He locked the place up and headed into the parking lot. He was dog tired. The place was an absolute mess after a sick woman vomited everywhere, forcing him to stay later to clean more. He walked through the mostly empty parking lot, save for one parked minivan with the trunk open. Concerned, he walked over. “Hello, anyone there?” Randy walked to the back of the minivan and saw a blonde woman on her knees pulling on a large trunk, her large round butt sticking up in the air. He could see a bit of pink panties sticking out from under her white and red plaid skirt. “Oh, um, hello.” The woman turned around and smiled. Her large watermelon sized breasts swung with her every movement. “Hello kind sir. Perfect timing. I could use some help getting this bag out from my car. Do you mind?” “Uh, sure.” She stepped out of the minivan. She was wearing a crop top that revealed a lot of cleavage, which she had to spare. He climbed into the back and grabbed onto the bag. He pulled on it hard, but it didn’t budge. “This thing is heavy! What’s in this?” “Two women.” “What?” Randy turned around just in time to see the woman swing a baseball bat hitting him right in the side of the head, knocking him out cold. Later Randy gained conciseness, immediately feeling a sore feeling of pain in his head. There was a blanket over him preventing him from seeing. He tried to move before realizing that he was tied up with some kind of tape over his mouth. Then, he heard a soft childlike voice talking from across the room. “Looks like these two are all done. Mom, could you bring me another?” The blanket was taken off of him, allowing Randy to see around the room. There were about five other people tied up around him, three women and about two other dudes. They were all inside what looked like a living room and standing above him was the blonde woman from earlier. She now had on a pair of gray sweat pants and a red t-shirt that showed her belly button. “Male or female sweetie?” “The comments say female.” He looked behind the woman and saw the source of the soft voice. On the other side of the room sat a little girl, no more than 10 sitting at a computer desk. She looked like an octo mom with her large swollen belly that her tiny t-shirt couldn’t go over. Given their appearance, he assumed they were mother and daughter. The mother looked at the captives and grabbed a small ginger woman, easily lifting her up and carrying her across the living room. The woman wiggled and squirmed. She wore a black suit and skirt. She was probably leaving work, the same as him when they grabbed her. “Open up sweetie.” The daughter smiled and opened her mouth wide. Randy looked on in horror as the mother shoved the ginger into the daughter’s gaping maw. Her tongue went around her head, enjoying the taste. She picked up the pace and swallowed her down in a few gulps. The size of her belly didn’t even change, but it now started to move and shake on it’s own. Little bulges appeared around it. The girl lifted her belly up and placed it on the desk in front of the monitor. “Is she recording this?!” Randy thought to himself. He watched as the mother rubbed her titanic belly, causing her to moan in satisfaction. The other captives all started squirming and trying to scream through their duct taped mouths. The little girl let out a large burp. “Tasty, but she wasn’t very filling. Bring me the other.” The mother nodded and walked back to the tied up people. She inspected the two remaining women. One was an overweight black woman wearing a tie-dyed hoodie and the other was a skinny blond in a yellow crop top and booty shorts. It looked like these two were out partying or hanging with friends before being kidnapped. She grabbed the large woman and lifted her into the air, as if she was weightless. She squirmed and squealed for help that would never come. The mother carried her across the living room. The loli opened her mouth wide and swallowed the woman’s head. An outline of her face appeared in the girl’s throat. She gulped down her shoulders and large body. The woman’s screams of fear could still be heard. She sucked in hard and slurped up her legs. She lets out a loud proud burp of satisfaction. “Happy?” “Hmm, the chat says one more. A male.” “Coming right up sweetie.” The mother walked back to the group. Everyone tried to wiggle away from her. She walked up, grabbed Randy and threw him over her shoulder. She carried him back to the computer and dangled him over her daughter. “Oh please no! Not like this!” He looked down at the little girl, her open maw anticipating his imminent arrival. Randy closed his eyes as his face entered her mouth. Her slimy tongue went around his face, licking it up and all around. After a minute of licking, she finally continued and swallowed his shoulders. His head entered the top of the esophagus. The smell of vomit pierced his nostrils. The girl swallowed down his chest and stomach, sending him down further. “This is the end. Digested by a little girl.” His waistline and knees were swallowed down, causing his head to enter the stomach. She lifted her head up and slumped his legs in, sealing his fate. Soon, the rest of his body joined him in the loli’s stomach. He splashed into the acid. He looked around and saw the two women from earlier, floating limp in the water. The ropes on his arms were burned from the acid, allowing him to get it off. “Finally.” Something started poking him in the back. He looked down and saw the remains of two skeletons under the acid. “Ahhhhh!” He managed to climb out of the acid and get onto the women’s bodies, getting him out of the acid. “Sorry.” He sat on top of on bodies for seemingly hours. Another captive would eventually be swallowed and fall into the acid, until they were all gone. After finishing her meal, he heard the girl speak again. “Well, that’s all. See you next time!” He heard the computer power down and felt her stand up. They shook as she attempted to walk forward. “You can’t make it up the stairs like this. Just sleep on the couch tonight, I’ll get a blanket.” “Alright mommy.” He felt her land on the couch, causing everything inside her belly to jump. He toppled over and fell into the acid. “Ahhhhh!” “Huh? Someone alive in there?” She shook her belly around causing a partially digested captive to land on him, pinning him in the stomach acid. He tried in vain to kick the stomach walls “Let me out! Please.” “Silly food. I already ate you. Struggle some more please, it feels nice.” He then felt a large hand touch her belly. “One still alive?” “Yeah. He thinks he can get out.” “How foolish. If they were smarter, then he wouldn’t have been caught in the first place!” She started rubbing the belly in a circle. The girl let out a moan. After about half an hour, the mother and daughter fell asleep together on the couch, and another hour after that, Randy finally passed out.
Nyannyancosplay vore (request) Today was a very special August day for Michael and his close friend Ronnie. Today, they were going to a massive Cosplay convention in the city. They would get to meet some of the most famous (and sexiest) cosplayers around. It cost hundreds of dollars, half a day of straight driving and booking a hotel room three months in advance, but in the end it’l all be worth it. They parked Ronnie’ red pickup truck in a parking garage near by and speed walked to the convention center. During their short five minute walk, they were able to see a man dressed as Hellboy holding hands with a little girl dressed like Eleven from Strangers Things, twins dressed as the shobijin from Mothra, three people dressed as Robbie Rotten and a group of friends dressed up as the original power rangers waiting for the bus. “his is going to be legendary!” know dude!”They arrived at the convention building and saw dozens of people outside trying to enter the building. They get in line and wait for almost two hours before finally getting inside the convention. The inside was massive. Seemingly hundreds of booths were set up all around the convention area with celebrities signing autographs. “oly crap dude. This place is massive. Where should we start?” ets go to the second floor. I heard that scarlett johansson will be in full costume!” o way. That sounds fake.” ’ telling you dude. I’l show you.”They wonder around the floor until seeing an elevator. “ver there dude-“ ait! Do you see that?”Ronnie points to the girl waiting for the elevator. She had fake black hair in pigtails tide with pink ribbons, a blue, white and pink crop top, a blue skirt and appeared to be no more than fourteen. “ teenage girl?” hat’ that stupid ‪yanNyanCosplay.”He looked at his friend baffled. ‬ ho the heck are you talking about?” hat little dork from Tiktok that sings hit or miss.” h, i hate that girl! Her voice is so irritating and her dumb ad is everywhere.” hat’ no girl.” uh?” hat’ clearly a boy.” ou sure?” uh. No girl has a chest that flat and a face so ugly.”The elevator door opened and Nyan slept inside.‬ ichael and Ronnie quickly hurry over and slip into the elevator. The door closed being them as they stood against the opposite wall of her. She noticed Michael pull out his phone and started recording. ‬ m, hello. Are you a fan or something?” ot a fan of a trap boy like you.”‬ h great. You’e one of those guys.” ou mean straight? Then yes I am.”Nyan pressed the button for the fifth floor, only for ‬onnie to press every button on the panel. ‪k, what do you want?” dmit you have a penis!” hat? Is that why you’e here?” ’ sick of people pretending that you’e a female. We all can see your ugly weird face.” eave me alone creep.”‬ dmit it!” ell, i tried to warn them.”Suddenly, she pulled out a taser and zapped Ronnie, knocking him out cold. Before Michael could even react, she closed the distance between them and electrocuted him. He fell on the ground, the last thing he saw before passing out was Nyan’ smug grin.‬ ater‬ ichael woke up feeling disoriented and dizzy. He was inside a hotel room and could see Ronnie laying next to him on the bed. He tried to move only to realize he was tied up. He started to scream into the duct tape around his mouth. He and Ronnie wiggle around until they hear something. They look around and see Nyan standing by the mirror attached to the back of the front door. She didn’ have her skirt or underwear on, revealing that she was indeed a female. She then turned around and looked at her captives. She walked to the front of the bed. Her belly was slightly pudgy. ‬ elcome to the show.”She ripped the duct tape off Michael.‬ et us out of here you kinky freak!”‬ gave you the chance to run away in the elevator. Unfortunately for you, you chose not to take it.”‬ ’ gonna kill you little-“He was cute off when Nyan let out an incredibly loud fart. ‬ elp, looks like he’ ready to come out.”She crouched low to the ground. ‬ hat are you doing?!”Her face cringed as she started pooping on the floor. “www!”He heard a loud popping sound before a skull fell out from her butt and landed in her pile of scat. “hat is that?!?”‬ he last man who harassed me.”Michael and Ronnie started to wiggle and scream again. ‬ -listen psycho i-i mean Nyan, I promise we won’ tell anybody about this. Just please let us go!”She chuckled, then she leaned down to whisper in Michael’ ear. ‬ either of you are getting out of here alive. You’e going to be digested just like the rest of my haters.”She then grabbed Ronnie’ feet and dragged him to the end of the bed.‬ o, please no!”Ronnie started to cry as his feet entered her mouth. She wasted no time as his ankles and shins were gulped down, and his knees went past her teeth. “lease you can eat me, but leave my friend alone!”His word fell on deaf ears while Nyan swallowed down Ronnie’ waist and stomach. Her belly grew, looking absurd compared to her tiny frame. She slowed down slightly when she got to his shoulders but quickly swallowed them as well. Finally, only his head was left out of her gaping maw. “ONNIE!”Ronnie mumbled something inaudible before her lips went covered his face, sealing his fate. With one large gulp, the last of Ronnie was sent to her stomach. She let out a loud burp that shook the room. Her belly was now almost bigger than her body, and hovered about an inch above the ground. “o....”Nyan giggled and walked over to the side of the bed, her belly hanging over Michael’ head. He could hear his friend yelling for his life being drowned out by the sound of gurgling. ‬ o you hear that? That’ the sound of your little friend being torn apart by acid and transformed into being part of my body. Nothing more than mindless fat, like a burger or bag of chips. Nothing more, nothing less.”‬ lease let me go. I won’ tell anybody. Please!”She grinned and got closer. ‬ t’ too late now. You didn’ have to be here right now. Your choices lead you here. Now, it’ time.” ime for what?”He lifted his head to look up and see her butt open above his head. “o! No! N-ahhh!”A loud smelly fart was then released right into his face. He started coughing from the smell. “ercy.”She sat down hard, forcing his face into her anus. He squirmed as she sucked him in further. She engulfed his neck and soon even his shoulders. On the inside, his face was being pushed through sludge. He’ occasionally see a fragment of a human bone, confirming that the half digested crap used to be a person like him. She had to bite her lips from pleasure as she pulled his chest and torso inside, and getting to his waist. He held back the vomit as he was plunged deeper and deeper until the ends of his toes were fully pulled inside her butthole, closing behind them. She laid down on the bed, feeling her large squirming belly. ‬ omeone still thinks they can get out alive.”‬ LEASE.” k, I’l let you out.” hank you!” n one condition. You tell me my name.” yanNyanCosplay. Now let me out!” y REAL name.”Michael was left in silence, as he realized he was doomed. He heard a large gurgling noise slowly get louder and louder. ‬ thought so.”She curled up under the blanket and rested her head on the pillow. “ime for a power nap. My name is Kat by the way....”She then fell asleep, all the while two grown men were struggling for their lives inside her titanic tummy. ‬ ours later ‬ at woke up feeling refreshed and happy. She raised up from the hotel bed and stretched before looking down at herself. Her belly that used to be larger than herself was now reduced to the size of a bowling ball. She smiled at this and stood up out of bed. She merrily skipped into the hotel bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her breasts had gone up a cup size and a few good inches were added to her butt. ‬ inally! I’ like to see them mistake me for a girl now.”She then felt a rumbling in her bowels. “h. Time to let them out.”She sat down on the toilet and let out a loud fart. ‬hen she felt relief as the massive turds that used to be Michael and Ronnie were released into the toilet bowl. Her belly shrunk smaller as the bowl became full. She strained for a second as two solid objects passed out her butt and into the pile. She stood up and looked down, seeing the skulls of her annoyances. “oodbye food. Nice to eat you.”She then flushed the toilet before leaving the bathroom. She put on her costume which now felt tight on her body and left to the convention center.
Charlie And the Chocolate factory: Everything is edible! “Come quickly! There’s much to see.” With those words, Willy Wonka welcomed people into his chocolate factory for the first time in many years. Today was the greatest day in Charlie Bucket's entire life, because Charlie got the Golden ticket and today he was going to meet the world famous Willy Wonka, get a personal tour around his chocolate factory which has been closed off to the public since before he was born and get a special prize at the end. He grabbed his Grandpa Joe’s hand and followed Wonka inside the factory doors. Charlie wasn’t the only kid to get a Golden ticket and be welcomed inside the factory. There were four other children with their parents. There was Augustus Gloophe, who was to put it bluntly as possible, enormously fat. He was from Germany, wore a red striped shirt, sneakers, and a pair of jeans that look like shorts on him. He came with his large mother, always had a chocolate bar in hand and looked like you could remove three Charlie’s from him and it wouldn’t make a dent in his weight. The other boy was named Mike Teavee. He was wearing all black clothes and he always seemed mad or annoyed at something. Mike didn’t seem like he cared about anything aside from the prize. He came with his timid father who looked like he couldn’t even discipline snails. Next was Violet Beauregard. She had blonde hair going down to her chin, a Blue track suit and white running shoes. She was an athlete, always was chewing gum and very competitive. Her mother looked just like her aside from forty years and a lot of plastic surgery. Lastly was Veruca Salt. She had long brown curly hair, a pink dress, white leggings and a small fur coat, probably from some endangered animals. She was spoiled rotten and it was quite evident from her attitude. Her father was the CEO of a big company and was wearing a suit. None of these other kids seemed very nice both to Charlie and in general. All the children and their parents followed behind Willy Wonka as he talked. “Just drop your coats anywhere.” They entered a tall metal hallway devoid of any furniture or even color except for a large red carpet they walked upon. Mr salt spoke up. “Sure is toasty in here.” “I have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold.“ “Who are the workers? “ “All in good time. Now.... “ Wonka stopped in place as violet hugged him, utterly confused by the sudden human interaction. “Mr.Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde.” “I don't care.” He pried her off of him. “Well, you should care Because I'm gonna win the special prize at the end.” “Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key.” Before he could continue with the tour, Veruca stepped in front of him. “I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir.” “I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot.” Veruca gave him a confused looked before large Augustus bumped her out of the way. “I am Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate.” “I can see that. So do l. I never expected to have so much in common.” He turned his head at Mike. “You. You're Mike Teavee. You're the little devil who cracked the system, And you.” He looked down at Charlie. “Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you? And the rest of you must be their….” Wonka stopped mid sentence and stood there in silence. This silence went on for an almost uncomfortable amount of time before Grandpa Joe answered. “Parents?” “Yeah. Moms and dads. Dad? Papa? Okay, then. Let's move along.” The tour finally continued and everyone walked in a two by two lines. Charlie was walking next to Augustus. Augustus was half way through a Wonka bar when he turned to Charlie. “Would you like some chocolate?” “Sure.” “Then you should've brought some.” Veruca and Violet walked next to each other. “Let's be friends.” “Best friends.” They locked arms and continued walking. The large hallway they walked down became smaller and smaller. At the very end they reach a tiny door that could only be useful to a mouse. “An important room this is, after all it is a chocolate factory.” “Then why is the door so small?” Mike said in a mocking tone. “That’s to keep all the great, big, chocolatey flavour inside.” Wonka pulled out a comically oversized key ring with seemingly dozens of different keys and put one into the tiny door. The tiny door and wall opened up to a massive room. The room was filled with green grass, a massive forest with red and white tree growing shiny apples, giant pumpkins colored red and green and a large chocolate brown river going through that started at a waterfall. “Now do be careful my dear children. Don’t lose your heads. Don’t get overexcited. Just keep very calm.” Charlie looked around it awe. “It’s beautiful.” “What? Oh yeah, it’s very beautiful.” Wonka always seemed surprised when someone talks, like was never paying attention to the people around him. The group followed him over a Grassy bridge and then walked down the river’s side. “Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality.” They stopped in front of waterfall. “The waterfall is most important. It mixes the chocolate.it turns it up. Makes it light and frothy, and by the way no other factory in the world mixes by a waterfall, my dear children and you can take that to the bank.” They continued to walk. “People!” They turned to look at him. He was pointing at a large metal disk hanging off the ceiling. It looked like a ufo with three pipes sticking off of it. “Those pipes, suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory. Thousands of gallons per hour. Yeah.” He then turned and gestured towards a field of grass. “And you like my meadow? Try some of my grass. Please have a plate, please do. It’s so delectable and so darn good looking.” Charlie looked at him surprised. “You can eat the grass?” “Of course you can. Everything in this room is edible. Even i’m eatable, but that is called cannibalism, my dear children and is in fact frowned upon in most societies. Yeah. enjoy! Come on! Let’s go!” The children and their parents all run off in different directions, excited to try out all the wonder candy surrounding them. Charlie walked around and saw a delicious bright red apple hanging on a tree. He walked over to grab it before Violet ran in front of him and grabbed it first. She stared at him smugly before taking her gum out of her mouth and putting it behind her right ear. Charlie looked at her dumbfounded. “Why hold onto it? Why not start a new piece?” “Because then I wouldn’t be a champion. I’d be a loser like you.” She took a bite of the apple and left. He shrugged it off and talked further into the candy woods. A few minutes later he came across a giant gumdrop. It went up to his knees. He crouched down to lift it but it was heavier than it seemed. He could barely move it an inch. “Come on gumdrop.” He looked around and saw a rock candy rock and hit it over the top of the gumdrop, breaking a large piece off. He smiled as he grabbed the chunk and took a bite. Then Charlie could hear music playing. He stood up and listened. It sounded like a group of men chanting “Augustus Gloop. Augustus Gloop.” He turned around to investigate the mysterious music, only to see Veruca Salt standing uncomfortably close behind him. He jumped back in surprise. “Veruca. Don’t sneak up on someone like that. You surprised me.” She didn’t respond, only licking her large red swirling lollipop. “Hello?” “You want the prize, don’t you?” “While I would want to win, I wouldn’t be upset if I didn’t get it. I’m just happy to see the factory and taste the candy.” “LIES!” Charlie stumbled back from Veruca’s sudden yelling. “You. Are. Lying!” “I’m no lier.” “Yes you are! I can see through your innocent Tiny Tim act. The only thing you want is the prize.” “Whatever.” He tried to walk away but she held her hand out in front of him. “The fatty and tv loser are no threat to me. That leaves you and Violet. I saw the way Wonka looked at you. It was different then the rest of us.” “Do you really think he liked me?” Veruca immediately became flustered. “See! I knew it! You want the prize!” “That’s not what I meant! There’s more important things than getting some dumb prize.” “LIER! You will not get in my way! I want that prize and I want it now!” She then pushed Charlie to the ground and sat on him. He blushed from the awkward position and tried to push her off. “W-what are you doing?!” “Wonka said everything is edible, even him. Let’s see if that includes you.” Before Charlie could respond, Veruca leaned forward and shoved her mouth over his entire head. He could see all the way passed her uvula and down her throat. He let out a scream for help but it didn’t seem to escape her lips. Veruca swallowed further, getting his shoulders in. He definitely didn’t taste as good as candy around them. She stood up from his waist to swallow more down easier. His face entered down her throat and traveled down her esophagus. Charlie’s arms became pinned to his side as his body was engulfed and his head entered her stomach. Veruca’s pink dress then ripped at the sides as her belly bulged out, causing her to groan in disappointment. “You’ll pay for that dress!” Veruca shouted, barely understandable. She lifted her head up as she got passed his hips. His flailing legs then slide down her throat from gravity. Her lips then closed around his shoes and swallowed the last of him down. She let out a loud unladylike burp. “Excuse me.” She looked down at her titanic squirming belly. It stuck out from her body by almost two feet and ripped her pink dress along the sides of her belly. She gave it a big pat. “Well Charlie, looks like you won’t be getting the prize anytime soon, unless the prize is more candy.” She tried to walk forward only to fall back onto her butt with a thump. “Ow! Why do you have to be so heavy?!” She punched the side of her enlarged stomach, hoping it hit him. Charlie meanwhile was in a very unfortunate predicament. He was upside down inside her stomach, his face smushed up against the chocolate and candy on the stomach floor and he was very cramped. ”Veruca! Veruca let me out!” He tried to punch the wall, but he didn’t have much space to move his arms. Suddenly, a strange hot liquid started to fill up the stomach. “Ah, ah, hot! Veruca! It’s boiling in here! Let me out!” Veruca meanwhile, had managed to stand up by grabbing on a tree and stand up on her feet. “Just one step after the other.” Like a toddler learning to walk for the very first time, she managed to go forward at a reasonable speed. It was then that she heard someone else walking near her. “Don’t come over here! I’m not dressed!” She looked to see her “friend” Violet Beauregard walk around the corner and see her, causing her to immediately burst out laughing. “Hahahahahahaha!” “Go ahead, laugh it up.” “Looks like Augustus isn’t the only one with eyes bigger than his stomach. Haha!” “Keep laughing. This belly is only temporary. One day you might be big and fat with no way to get rid of it.” Violet chuckled. “As if. With all my athletics, i’m going to stay small and petite forever.” She walked over and rubbed the skin of her stomach. She could feel it groan, move and gurgle. “What actually happened to you?” “I ate that poor boy Charlie Buckets.” Violet’s jaw dropped.’ “Get out. For real?” “Yes.’ “Wow. you gotta show me how to do that sometime. So why’d you do this?” “He was too much of a threat. I had to get rid of him.” “You don’t think I'm a threat do you?” “I’m not sure yet. How’s about a deal? You help me take care of Augustus and that nerd and we split the prize?” “Just Mike.” “Why?” “Augustus is gone. He tried to drink the chocolate river and fell in. He got sucked up a pipe. We were about to leave on a boat but Wonka told me to find you two.” “Go figure. Enormously fatty. Go get me my daddy’s coat and we’ll leave.” Violet nodded and left. Charlie had managed to get himself upright and off his face. The strange liquid had risen past his belly button and started to dissolve through his pants. “Veruca! I won’t tell anyone, just let me out!” He listened for a response, only to hear a loud gurgle. Then, wet pieces of licorice rained on his head. “Gross Veruca. How can you still be hungry?” A loud groan then shock the stomach, causing a hole at the bottom of her stomach to open, and everything went down it. Charlie tried to grab and hold on to the walls, but the stomach then move and squeezed him down. “Help me!” Violet returned with Mr Salt’s business jacket to see Veruca munching on a licorice bush. “Haven’t you eaten enough?” “Yes, but Charlie tasted absolutely terrible! It’s gonna take a while to get that taste out of my mouth.” She grabbed the jacket from VIolet and put in over her belly. It didn’t do much. “Oh well. Thanks anyway. Let’s go-” A loud audible groan from her belly interrupted her. She instinctively wrapped her arms around her engorged stomach and tried not to fall to the ground. They could see something move under her skin then stop, causing her belly to shrink. “What. Was that?” Veruca felt her belly. “I think he moved into my large intestines and got more digested.” “Weird. Well at least your belly now fits under the coat.” They walk back to the group by the river. Mr salt looked at his daughter. “What happened to-” “DON’T. ASK.” Charlie’s grandfather then walked over to the two girls. “Have either of you ladies seen my grandson Charlie?” “Yes. We told him to hurry up but he just wanted to eat gumdrops and junk.” Wonka then walked over. “Sorry but I won’t pause the tour for any longer. Mr buckets, take two of my oompa loompas to go find him while we continue.” Two oompa loompas to go with Grandpa Joe into the candy forest. Veruca looked at them surprised. “What are they?“ “I’m not explaining it again.” He clapped and a pink seahorse shaped boat came down the chocolate river driven by small men in blue jumpsuits.They giggle. “What’s so funny?” “I think it’s from all the doggone cocoa beans. Hey by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins. Gives one the feeling of being in love.” Violet’s mom looked over at Wonka. “You don’t say?” she grinned. Wonka gave a blank expression before turning away and shouting, “All aboard.” They all aboard the boat. “Onward!” Veruca sat on the boat satisfied and smug that she got away with it while Charlie helplessly digested in her belly.
Hunger of The beast (warning: vore and gore) It was the end of summer time and a group of friends decided to spend the last days of their summer out camping in Europe. The group of friends consisted of Bailey Armstrong, her older brother William, his best friend James Wheeler, James’s girlfriend Justine Brown and William’s girlfriend Rosie. They had pooled together their money, packed their bags, flew to Germany and rented out a van to drive around in. They arrived in a small town next to the forest that they were going to stay in and they stopped at a gas station. Everyone piled out of the van. “Did you have to get a van that’s so small? It’s so cramped back there I can barely breath!” Justine whined at William. “Things are just smaller in Europe, Justine. From the food to the houses and even the cars and vans. Just stop complaining and go grab us some snacks inside while I fill the gas tank.” James, Rosie and Justine all head inside the gas station to buy chips, drinks and such while William pumped the gas. Bailey meanwhile, had walked away from the gas station to inspect the old buildings and houses surrounding them. It felt so strange to her to have the visuals of the centuries old buildings be disrupted by the brand new, 21st century modern gas station. The road she walked down felt very old, being made of cobblestone. She spotted a couple of kids playing jump rope in the old street outside of their house. She didn’t understand what the kids were saying, but she could tell that they were having fun together. “See something interesting?” Bailey was surprised to hear the sudden English and jumped back reflexively. She turned around and saw an elderly woman carrying a basket of laundry and linens standing next to her. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya.” “Oh it’s alright, I’m easily scared. I just wasn’t expecting to hear an English speaker around here.” “I’ve traveled around in my life time, seeing the sights, but I always came back home in the end. It looks like you are a long way from yours.” “Yeah, I came here vacationing with my friends.” “Is any your family with you? Parents?” “My older brother is. My parents passed away.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, I barely remember them anyways. They died when I was a kid.” “Loss is both easier and harder the younger you are. Who took care of you?” “My brother William. He was 18 at the time so he took guardianship of me. He had to finish high school early to take care of me and work more hours at his job.” “He sounds like a kind sound.” “Yeah, I guess so.” “So, what brings you out here to our little town?” “William thought it would be nice to spend a whole week in the old forest. ‘Enjoy the world like the lord intended’ or something like that. Hippie stuff, you know?” The old woman held Bailey’s hand. “You must be very careful in those woods. There are very, very dangerous animals lurking in the shadows of the trees. Many tourists have gone missing there.” “Really? What lives out there?” “Bears, rats, wildcats and worst of all, WOLVES.” “Wolves? Aren’t bears more dangerous?” “Not these wolves. These wolves are different. They’re smarter. Stronger. More ferocious. They know how we act and will trap and trick us. I wear this at all times to protect myself.” She pulled out a Christian cross necklace made of silver. ”I know I can't stop you from going, but promise me you’ll be very careful, and to never go out by yourself.” “I promise. Thank you for the warning.” The old woman smiled, gave Bailey a pat on the back, picked up her basket and continued walking down the old cobblestone road. “Hey Bailey! We’re leaving! Either get back to the van or get left behind.” Bailey quickly ran back to her friends and climbed inside before they headed off. Later in the day they all drove deep in the woods and arrived at their campsite. The boys unpacked the food and supplies from the van and the girls were getting the tents pitched up while Bailey tried to get the fire started. “I met an old woman in the town earlier.” “Did she warn you about the escaped manic lurking in the woods or the ancient cursed burial ground beneath our feet and at midnight, raises the dead?!?” James walked stiff legged at her while groaning and holding out his arms like Frankenstein’s monster. “Braaaains! BRAAAAAAAINS!” “Stop it James, I’m being serious. She said that the wolves out here are smart and may try something.” “Relax. If any old dumb wolf even thinks about stepping around MY food, he’s gonna have to deal with old reliable.” He then whipped out his pistol from his holster, twirled it and pointing it around him. William grabbed James’s hand and pointed it at the ground. “Stop waving that thing around! Hopefully, you won’t have to use it.” William put down the last bag and walked over to his sister. “You know that the story of Little Red Riding Hood was based on an actual event from this town, right?” Everyone looked at him confused. “Yeah, apparently hundreds of years ago, some little girl and her grandmother went missing one day. When the girl’s parents came out to the grandmother’s house to try and find them, all they found was the door left opened and unharmed, the girl’s clothes on the ground with not a single rip or tear in them and her basket of pastry and sweets still completely full, the food going uneaten. For years afterwards people had sightings of a wolf wearing that girl’s red cloak wandering in the woods, eating those that got too close. Some say you can still hear the howls of the wolf, looking for his next meal.” James looked at William confused. “So the wolf, a dumb animal with paws, stripped her naked before eating her? After getting inside the house by opening the front door? With his paws?” “I don’t know, I didn’t make the story. It’s just an old legend from the town that got changed and adapted by the Brothers Grimm.” Justine walked over to them. “I thought a lumberjack came in and cut the wolf up to save the girl?” “No that was in later renditions of the story. In the original one, the wolf just ate them and left. Well in the actual actual original story, the wolf chopped the grandmother into pieces, cooked her in the oven, put her blood in a wine glass and fed them to Little Red Riding Hood, telling her that they were just steak and red wine. Afterwards the wolf made her strip naked and climb in bed with him. Then she climbed out of the window and ran away after she finally figured out it wasn’t her grandmother.” Everyone stared at William, even more shocked than before. “Like I said, I didn’t write the story, I’m just telling it.” “German people are freakin weird man.” “The story is based on true events.” “News flash Will. There are no talking wolves that eat grandmas and strip little girls. And even if there are, I’d like to see one try to talk their way outta this!” James pulled out his pistol again and twirled it around like Robocop. “Cut it out James! You’re going to shoot someone’s eye out with that.” “YoU’rE gOiNg To ShOoT SoMeOnE’s EyE OuT! Relax, Willie! I am a professional.” Then, a fire ignited from the sparks of Bailey’s flint and set the wooden logs and dead leaves ablaze. Everyone clapped at Bailey’s success. “Yeah!” “Sweet!” “Nice job Bails. Now let’s dig into some grub!” They all headed to the van to grab food to roast. Later that night The fire had died down as the sun had set and everybody had gone into the two tents for the night. James and Justine were sleeping together in the left tent while Bailey, Rosie and William all shared the right tent. It was very late at night when Bailey woke up again. She could hear the sounds of howling from far away. “Those must be the wolves. Great.” She thought to herself. She then leaned over and shook her older brother’s shoulder. “Will. Will. William. Wake up. I forgot the knife in the truck, can you go get it?” She continued to shake her brother until he let out a groan, pushed her hand away and wrapped his arms around Rosie. “Useless.” She grabbed her flashlight, pulled on her brother’s sweatshirt and put her slippers on her feet before unzipping the tent flap and heading outside. The cold forest air felt like icicles on the bare skin of her thin legs. “Brrrrr! Next time, bring some pants.” She walked over to the van, unlocked the door and rummaged through the glove compartment. She finally felt something and pulled out a small fishing knife. “Good enough.” It was then that the batteries in her flashlight flickered and died. “Come on! Stupid piece of junk.” She then walked around the van and opened the trunk, beginning her search for some replacement batteries. “Twenty seven freaking bags of Doritos but not a single set of double AA batteries? James!” Then, something twinkling caught her eye. She looked around and saw something in the shadows of the tree line, reflecting moonlight back at her. She stepped closer and could make out a pair of big, mysterious, yellow eyes staring at her from the shadows. She jumped back and held the fishing knife out in front of her. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. S-stay back! I don’t wanna hurt you, and you hopefully don’t want to hurt me. Just stay back a-and this won’t get ugly.” The creature then lurched forward and bit her on the hand, causing her to drop the fishing knife. Bailey yelped as she fell on the ground, holding her hand in pain. The animal then turned around and sprinted away, disappearing back into the woods. “Stupid animal.” After finding and wrapping her hand with a bandage from the van, she grabbed the fishing knife and went back into her tent. That morning Bailey woke up in her tent feeling light headed and groggy. “Uggggggh.” She rubbed her temple before sloppily getting herself out of her sleeping bag. Rosie and William were already gone and light came in through the open tent door flap. She put on a Stranger Things t-shirt and black sweatpants and left the tent, the light hurting her eyes. Outside, everyone was sitting at a fold out table and eating breakfast. James was the first to notice her standing there. “Well, well, well. The beast emerges. Come to devour a virgin sacrifice?” Bailey ignored James’s comment, stumbled over and stood at the side of the table. She immediately started grabbing bacon and sausage from the frying pans with her bare hands, swallowing most of them down while barley even chewing. “Well somebody is hungry. Would you like a plate to eat on?” “No.” Rosie noticed the bandage on her hand and quickly sat next to her to look at it. “Oh my gosh Bailey, what happened to your hand? Are you alright?” “Huh? Oh, that. I had to go outside and grab a knife from the van last night because somebody didn’t want to wake up.” She elbowed William in the side. “An animal bit me while I was out there. I couldn’t tell what animal it was, only that it had yellow eyes.” “Should we go to a hospital? I heard it’s free in Europe.” “No, I’m all good. In fact, I'm feeling pretty great. Let’s head out for a hike or a swim later. Maybe climb something really tall. Anything to get the blood pumping.” “If you say so. We’ll head out after we finish eating.” Later on in the day, the group went out hiking through the woods. Bailey was in the far front of the group while everybody else had stopped running to rest. “Come on slowpokes! Where’s the fire in your bellies?” William took out his canteen and chugged the water down. “I think you might’ve taken mine. Since when have you been this athletic and energetic?” “I don’t know! Just being out here is making me feel so motivated and energized! Come on losers, we’re burning daylight!” Bailey turned and continued to run down the dirt path. The group groaned, picked themselves up and continued to follow in their undaunted friend’s dust. Later that evening The group returned to the campsite after a full day of hiking that was followed up by some relaxing swimming in a nearby lake. The sun had already gone down and the moon began to raise up into the starry night sky. James opened up the side of the van and pulled out his large blue cooler. “Alright everyone, who here is hungry for a juicy burger?” He grabbed his supplies and opened up the cooler to grab the patties and toss them onto the grill. Bailey and Rosie sat on a log next to each other by the fire, enjoying the warmth. “You were crazy out there Bailey. I don’t think you once stopped to take a breath, even for a second!” “I just followed what William said and ‘lived like the lord intended’.” The girls have a laugh before each grabbing a hamburger to eat from James. “One for you, one for you-” he did a bow while presenting the burger to Justine.”-and one for you m’lady, the royal high queen herself.” “Aw, how sweet. You’re such a gentleman, when your head ain’t shoved up your own butt.” He sat down on the log with his girlfriend and wrapped his right arm around her shoulders before giving her a kiss on the lips. William stood up in front of the group. “Alright everyone, before we enjoy these delicious burgers our dear friend James has prepared, let’s toast. To the end of summer, and to our friendship.” “Booo! Get off the stage!” Bailey interrupted, causing everyone to let out a chuckle. “Yeah yeah I know, I’m being all sappy. In all seriousness though, I’d like to thank each and every one of your for taking time out of your lives and shipping out to some moist smelly woods with me. Back in high school, when my parents died, I thought I’d never be happy again….. that it would only be my and my baby sister against the world, but you guys proved me wrong. I’m just so happy to call all of you my best friends.” “Here here!” They all opened different sodas and clinked their hissing cans together like wine glasses before digging into their food. William sat down on the log between his best friend James and his girlfriend Rosie. After a few minutes passed, Rosie noticed that Bailey had stopped eating and looked out into the woods, seemingly mesmerized. She grabbed her hand. “Is something wrong Bailey? What are you looking at?” “Do you hear that?” “Hear what? All I hear is crickets, the fire and James over there making bad jokes.” “The voices. That howling sound. Something...... alive.” “You’re kinda creeping me out right now Bailey.” “They’re saying something to me.” “Who are ‘they’?” Without any warning, Bailey jolted up from the log and sprinted off into the woods like a madman. “Bailey?!” Rosie got up from the log and ran after her, disappearing into the darkness. William immediately jumped up and looked over at James and Justine. “Come on guys, we gotta catch up with them.” “But I haven’t finished my burger yet.” “JAMES!” James sighed and put his plate down on the cooler. “I’ll be back for you my sweet.” The three of them then ran off into the woods, chasing after their missing friends. Rosie tried her very hardest to keep up with Bailey, but she eventually lost track of her amongst the darkness of the trees, bushes and shadows. “Bailey?! Bailey?! What’s wrong?! Where are you going?” After a few solid minutes of nonstop jogging she entered into a large clearing of trees, her only light was in the sky, shining down from the full moon. She darted around and spotted Bailey’s track shoes laying ripped apart and tattered among the tall grass. She ran over and picked the pieces up. Rosie looked around but didn’t see a single trace of her friend. As if she vanished into thin air. “BAILEY!” Meanwhile with the others, Justine was slowing down. She was already exhausted from all the hiking they did earlier that day, and now she had to do this. She became slower and slower until she stopped running completely, dropping down to barely a slow jog. She came upon a fallen log and stopped to rest herself. The guys had already greatly out ran her, so she figured that she was not going to be very much help anyways. She slipped both of her shoes off, her feet aching and begging to be let rest. “I. Freaking. Swear, Bailey. When we find you, YOU. ARE. DEAD. and then, you are paying for a new pair shoes!” All of a sudden, a deep low growling came out from a nearby bush, causing Justine to jump back in surprise and fear. “EEEP!” She turned to face the source of the noise. She could barely make out the outline of the figure. “H-h-hello? W-who’s there?” The figure stepped closer, its large menacing yellow eyes pierced through the veil of darkness. “B-bailey, i-is that y-you?” It stepped into the moonlight, revealing its some of its true form. From what she could see, The beast was completely covered in long black fur and stood upright like a man, completely dwarfing Justine in size. It’s mouth was made of a row of sharp, deadly, needle like teeth, with little chunks of clothing and meat stuck between them. It’s long front arms ended with razor sharp claws coated with blood and carrying the top half a deer carcass, it’s poor face still frozen in fear from the last seconds of it’s short life. The beast dropped the deer before leaning over Justine, making her feel miniscule and puny. Slobber dripped down from it’s mouth and landed on her face. “P-p-please.” It leaned down and sniffed her head. She could hear a gurgling noise coming from it’s stomach. “STAY BACK!” She punched it’s noise. It let out a loud roar right into Justine’s face. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” . . . . . . . . . . Bailey woke up from her empty dream, feeling tired, dazed, confused and…....……. Strange. The bed she was sleeping in felt weird and foreign. Her clothes she wore felt different than what she was wearing when she fell asleep. A bunch of small things were strapped to her arms and body and a blinding light was shining right above her face, preventing her from seeing her surroundings very much. “Ugh, turn off the light.” “Bailey!?” She suddenly felt somebody lift her up from the bed, wrap their arms around her and gave her a very tight squeeze. She tried to wiggle out from their grip. “Whoa! Stop! Who’s touching me?” A sound of a light switch flicked and the bedside lamp turned off. Her eyes slowly adjusted and she could now see around the room. She was lying in a hospital bed, wearing a Johnny gown, and the man that was squeezing her was her older brother William. Rosie stood next to him and was the one who turned off the nightstand lamp. “William? What’s happening? Where am I? What’s going on? Who changed my clothes? And can you stop hugging me? I can barely breathe.” “Oh yeah, sorry.” He let go of her, and got onto his knees by the side of the bed. He held her hand. “You’re currently in a hospital near the town we went passed. You’ve been here asleep since the police found you.” “Police? What happened to me? How long was I asleep? A day? A week?” “Two days ago in the middle of the night, you just randomly ran off into the woods and we all ran after you. After running around in the woods for a couple hours, we called 911. You were gone for almost a full 24 hours. When the police found you this morning, all of your clothes were either ripped to shreds or just gone.” “Oh my gosh. Wait! Where’s James and Justine? Are they okay?” “Justine went missing the night we were looking for you. James and the police are still in the forest looking for her.” “Oh…..” “Bailey, why did you run away? Where did you go that night?” “I don’t remember. I just remember eating a hamburger and laughing with you guys and……” “And?” “........nothing…. just.. nothing. It’s all black.” “It’s alright. You should just rest for now. We’re going to go find James.” “When will you come back?” “We rented a hotel down the street. We’ll visit you later today.” “ok…..I love you Will.’’ “I love you too.’’ The week passed much sooner than it felt. During their search, the only thing the police found was a single shoe laying by itself on an old log and the ripped apart bodies of multiple animals. The group had all packed their belongings to go home, but James refused. They reminded him that he had to get back to his job, but he didn’t care. James wouldn’t leave until he either found Justine or killed The beast that did it. Without having any other options, they let him be and returned to America, the missing weight of their friends being replaced by guilt and sadness from their loss. One month later Bailey rode the elevator up to the floor of her brother’s apartment, holding a big box of Halloween decorations. She and Rosie were talking on the phone the other day and she offered to come and help them set up their decorations. Halloween was always her and William’s favorite holiday when they were little. Dressing up as a scary monster and run about wild and free. She missed those feelings and memories. She came to their apartment to see the front door slightly open and hearing voices talking and laughing inside. She creaked open the door and peeked inside. She saw her older brother and Rosie in their living room, talking with James. He was wearing an old black leather jacket and it appeared that he hadn’t shaved in over a month. They all burst into laughter from something he had said. “Knock knock.” She opened the door further and stepped inside the room. “If you keep leaving your front door open then a horror movie killer might sneak inside.” The atmosphere of the room immediately shifted. James’s soft smile shifted into almost a scowl at the sight of her. “Hey James, I didn’t know you got back to America. How have you been?” He didn’t answer her question and walked out of the apartment, bumping into her on the way out with his shoulder. William walked over to his sister and took the box. “Sorry about James. He’s still mourning.” “Mourning?” “Huh? Oh yeah, he wouldn’t have told you. About a week and a half after we came home, the police found what was left of Justine’s body.” “What was left?” “Yeah. All they found was blood, hair, bones and feces.” “Oh my gosh.…” “James kept looking for the thing for a long time before eventually coming home.” “And he doesn’t want to talk because…….. he blames me?” “Yes…” He walked over to Bailey and hugged her. “Hey, no matter what he thinks, don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. If you had stayed at the campsite, the thing might have come and killed all of us while we slept. You might’ve saved us.” She smiled. “Yeah….. thanks for trying to cheer me up.” “That’s what big brothers are for. Hey, let’s stop thinking about negative stuff and focus on the now, which is to get to work on decorating.” By the end of the day, the three of them had completely changed the average apartment into a truly spooky Halloween experience. “Wow, this place looks great! Thank you for helping us sis.” “No problem bro. Anytime.” “No seriously, we would still be working if you weren’t here to help. You can move around so fast. It’s like you’ve been put on fast forward.” “Thanks. It’s already past nine and I gotta head home.” “Alright, see ya later.” Bailey went over to the door. “Rosie, could you come with me outside for a sec?” “Yeah, sure.” Rosie came outside and caught up to her. “What’s up?” “Well ever since that camping trip, I've felt different …..Better, than before.” “Yeah I’ve noticed. You were a decorating machine.” “No, it’s more than that. I’ve had….. dreams. More than once. Me running in the woods. The one in Germany. I always feel so free and powerful; but sometimes…..” “Sometimes what?” “I see Justine there. Running.” “Running from what?” “I’m not sure. I can’t tell if we’re both running from something or if she’s running from me…..” “Bailey, it’s just your guilt talking. You blame yourself for what happened. It’s swelling up inside of you and manifesting in your dreams. If you want the dreams to stop then you need to let go; forgive yourself. Let the guilt just blow away.” “Ok, thank you for listening.” “Anytime.” “Honestly, you’re the closest thing I have to a sister.” Rosie came over and hugged her. “And I’m not just saying that like what tween girls do. When my parents died, I wasn’t even in middle school yet but when they were alive, they were always gone. My life barely changed when they died. It was just me and Will, before and after. Ever since you two started dating, you’ve been there for me no questions asked, so much so that when I think of my family, I can only think of you and Will. I never really thanked you for that.” “You don’t have to thank me for anything. I didn’t do it because you were my boyfriend’s little sister. I did it because you needed my help.” “Sorry for getting all sappy on you.” “Thank you for telling me how you feel.” “Hey, don’t tell my brother about this. I don’t want him to worry.” “Alright. I won’t tell if you don’t want me too.” “Thank you.” The two hugged again before going their separate ways. A group of homeless men stood together in an alleyway crowding around a flaming barrel, grasping for any warmth they can get. Another man walked over to join the group. One looked over and spoke to him. “Hey George.” “Hey Billy.” “How have you been? We haven’t seen you around here lately.” “Crap, that’s how I’ve been. My sister kicked me out. Her ‘boyfriend’ didn’t want some bum sleeping on their couch again.” “That’s rough man.’’ “You’re telling me! *scoff* Some family huh?” “We’ve got all the family that we need right here.” “Thanks Billy.” Then, they heard a sound from the park across the street. They all look to see a shape in the darkness. It let out a deep low growl. “Watch out. I think it’s a stray dog.” George pulled an old cane out from his coat and walked across the street to the trees. “Easy now doggie. We don’t have to fight. We both just want some warmth.” The canine like shape then lifted itself up and stood straight up like a man, now towering over him. “My lord….” Standing over eight feet tall, The beast grabbed George and lifted him up level to its shoulders. “George!” The homeless people watched in horror as The beast’s jaws clamped down on their friend George’s head and bit it clean off. It then swallowed it whole and tossed his limp body into a tree behind it. It turned it’s head and stared straight at the group, its yellow eyes glowing in the darkness. The group all let out screams of terror as it pounced at them. Two of them run away while it pinned two others down with its large feet, crushing their rib cages in with its strength. The remaining three all grabbed blunt objects and trash from the alley and run at it. “This is for George!” He whacked The beast on the head with the brick he grabbed, but it simply growled in response. It backhanded him, sending him flying away into the brick wall of the alley. He slumped over in pain, unable to move his head to look away from what he knew was inevitable. The man on the left dropped his 2x4 and tried to run away. He barely made it passed the first porch before The beast sprinted like a dog at him and clawed him, severing his right leg off completely. “No! Please no! Have mercy!” It put it’s weight down on his head, reducing it to nothing but a red puddle with a sickening squishing sound. It then turned to the last man, who was standing frozen in fear. It slowly approached him. Billy looked over at him. “Run. What are you doing?! Run! GET OUT OF HERE!” The beast grabbed the homeless man by the waist and lifted him up. The 2x4 he was holding dropped to the ground. It raised him up over its head. “NOOOOO!” It’s large mouth opened, stretching wide to shoved the man’s head inside. Finally having the courage to move, the man started thrashing and screaming. It swallowed further, pinning the man’s arms to his sides as his torso is pulled inside. An outline of his face could be seen going down from the outside of its throat. In a mere few seconds, the homeless man’s legs are swallowed down and his screams became silent. The beast’s stomach stretched out to accommodate the helpless human within. The man kicked and punched, causing small bulges to appear on the belly. It slowly licked its lips in satisfaction while the bulges started getting slower and slower until stopping completely. Billy started uncontrollably sobbing. “YOU KILLED HIM! YOU MONSTER! YOU KILLED HIM…..you monster…..you…..monster….” His tears fell on deaf ears as The beast merely turned around, got on its hands like a wolf and walked back into the shadows. The next afternoon William and Rosie were walking together down the sidewalk. They had just gotten their groceries for the week and were headed home with the bags. “So Rosie, I was thinking. Maybe we should throw a party for James.” “Party for what?” “Friendship. Comradery. Try to cheer him up, you know? Get his mind off of, you know. It can be a spooky Halloween party.” “Do you even have a costume?” “I have an old ghostbuster suit and proton pack. You can be Slimmer.” “Hehe, NO.” “Come on, think about it! You can-wait, what’s that?” William and Rosie stopped as they came up to police tape and a blockade. A police officer noticed them and walked over. “I’m sorry, but you can’t cross here. Official police business.” “What happened here?” “A group of homeless people got attacked last night. Two people that survived said it was an animal.” “Is that body in a tree? What kind of animal does that?” “We don’t know. It's still under investigation. Just head home and be careful tonight.” They watched as a screaming man on a stretcher is carried off into an ambulance. “Monster! It killed them! It’s still out there. It looked like a wolf, and walked like a man!” “Oh my gosh.” The sirens started and the truck drove off. William and Rosie quickly walked away and around the block. “Does that remind you of anything?” “Rosie, it wasn’t the thing from Germany.” “But it could be.” “Why and how would it travel across the ocean to our city? “It could be looking for us. It happened only a few streets away from our apartment, and Bailey walked passed here on her way home.” “Oh my gosh Bailey! She could’ve been hurt! I have to go check on her.” “You should take the food home. I’ll go check on her. I’m sure she’s fine.” “Alright. Call me as soon as you find her and make sure she’s okay.’’ “Alright.” She handed him her bags and left. Bailey’s apartment. Rosie strolled passed the city’s park and entered into the apartment building. She rode the elevator up to Bailey’s floor and knocked on her door. “Bailey? Are you okay? There was a murder last night on your path home so me and your brother were concerned. Are you awake?” She knocked again, only to hear silence in response. Just before she turned to walk away, she noticed that the door’s lock was broken. “Bailey? Are you okay?” She walked inside the apartment. It was pitch black. Suddenly, she saw a shape out of the corner of her eyes quickly dart across the room and into the bedroom. “Bailey? Is that you?” The bedroom door slammed shut and locked. Rosie walked over to it and knocked. “Don’t come in!” “Bailey? Is everything alright? What happened to your front door?” “Nothing! It’s perfectly fine. Just go home.” “The lock is broken. What’s going on? Why are you acting so strange?” “No reason!” “A group of homeless people was attacked last night on your way home. Did you see what happened? Are you hurt?” “No! I didn’t see anything! Just get out!” “Ok, I’m sorry for bargaining in and intruding. Will you be available to talk later tonight?” “NO! No! No. Just don’t come here tonight. Stay away! I’ll talk to you when I’m ready.” “Ok, ok. I’m sorry.” “No. I’m sorry. Goodbye Rosie.” “Goodbye Bailey.” Rosie left Bailey’s apartment and shut the broken door. She rode down the slow elevator, worried about her friend. She knew something was very wrong, but she didn’t know how she could help her. Will and Rosie were standing together talking in their apartment. The sun had already set and it was now dusk. “Weird in what way?” “She was acting strange.” “She’s been acting strange already.” “Stranger than before. Her front door lock was broken. She didn’t want me to see her and she seemed like she was scared of me, like I walked in on something bad.” “Maybe she wasn’t dressed and was simply embarrassed for you to see her.” “She doesn’t care about either of us seeing her in her underwear, I doubt she’d act so extreme to nudity.“ “You don’t think she could be doing drugs or something? She couldn’t-wouldn’t, would she?” “No, I think it’s more than that. I think it has something to do with the murders. She told me that she’s been dreaming about Justine. Maybe the murder has made her get freaked out, PTSD type stuff?” “We have to go see her.” “She didn’t want me to come over tonight.’’ “We NEED to go see her.” “As much as I hate not listening to her, I think you’re right.” Later that night William and Rosie had climbed up the stairs and were standing outside Bailey’s apartment. He knocked on her front door. “Stay away! I don’t care what you have to sell or tell me.” “Bailey, it’s your older brother and Rosie” “I told you both to stay away!” “We’re concerned about you.” “Don’t! I am a full grown adult! I don’t need my big brother to come and help me!” “Ever since our parents died, you’ve been my responsibility. No matter how old you are, I’m always going to take care of you and I’m always going to come help you. Please sis, I’m worried. We are worried. Ever since the camping trip, you’ve been acting different.” “No I haven’t!” “Yes you have. You’ve been eating more, acting more aggressive and impatient, having nightmares.” “You told him!” “Bailey-” “STAY AWAY!” William pushed the door open and stepped inside. Bailey sprinted away. Rosie tried to chase her but Bailey ran back into her bedroom and slammed the door again. She started to tell Bailey through the door. “We just want to help. Tell us what’s wrong. We’re family. No matter what happened to you, no matter what you did, we’ll always be here for you.” “Do you promise?” “Yes. I promise.” “Will?” “Do you even have to ask?” There was complete silence for a few seconds. Moments that felt like an eternity of suspense. After those moments passed, the bedroom door was unlocked and opened slightly. They walked inside. Bailey was sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands folded in her lap. She was wearing a baggy green hoodie and gray sweatpants. “Bailey, what’s wrong?” “I did it.” “You did what?” “I killed those people. I killed Justine.” “What? What are you talking about?” “I killed them. I did it.” “That’s impossible. The witnesses said it was an animal. It was strong enough to throw a man into a tree.” “I know I did it! I remember doing it!” She ripped the blanket off the bed. There was an entire skeleton and separate skull, both singed and covered in feces. “W-what? What…” “I did it! I remember. Last night I was walking home from your apartment. I felt something building up inside me. Something that wanted to be free. I let it out, and I killed those people. Those dreams I’ve had. Those weren’t dreams. They were memories. Memories of the night I killed Justine. I did all of it!” Rosie held her shoulder. “H-how? Why?” “I don’t know!” Bailey pushed her hand off of her and ran into her living room. They followed her. “Bailey, wait. Don’t run anymore. We can solve this together.” They saw her standing in her living room staring out the window to the night sky. “Bailey?” They walked over and saw her pupils were now white. “Run…run now.” ‘’We’re not leaving you.’’ “No! You don’t gET IT!” They stepped back, surprised by the sudden change in her voice. Her body started shaking. “The feeling ....the huNGER. It’s BACK. Get OUT! GET! AWAY!” She stumbled forward onto her knees. She started breathing fast, sweat dripping off her body onto the floor. “What’s happening?!” William held his arm out in front of Rosie. “Stay back Rose!” Bailey dropped down onto her hands letting out a loud scream of pain. Thick hair started growing on the back of her hands. They could hear the sounds of flesh stretching as her hands changed and fingernails grew out, now sharpened like natural daggers. Her spine and shoulder blades arched upwards, making loud cracking noises. Her shoes were ripped apart into nothing as the human toes and sole reshaped and transformed into a wolf paw, her new claws leaving scratches upon the wooden floor. Bones broke as her kneecaps shattered and became bent backwards, with a harsh, sickening pop. Her molar teeth morphed into large, deadly, sharp canines, her ears became pointed and her pupils turned a bright, evil, piercing yellow. Her clothes became stretched out and tight as new muscle formed and her body grew bigger and bigger. The floorboards creaked and sunk down from the added weight. Her screams of pain and agony slowly changed into whimpering as black hair sprouted across her body, causing what’s left of her clothes to be completely shredded to pieces. Bailey fell silent as the torment ended. The only sound heard being her loud deep breathing that slowed down, becoming heavy and calm. William and Rosie stood frozen in fear and confusion. She lifted her front arms off the ground, stood straight up like a man and took a deep breath before The beast let out a terrifying, deafening howl. It got a running start before leaping out of the apartment widow, shattering the glass completely. Finally able to move, Will and Rosie ran over and looked out and down the widow’s three story drop, seeing a flattened car roof and only catching a brief glimpse of The beast disappearing into the darkness of the trees in the city park. “BAILEY!” William’s scream for his little sister echoed out among the city buildings. The next morning “Gooooooooood morning USA! My name is Charles Cunningham.” “And I'm Debby green.” “And we’re here to keep you up to date on all the latest news.” “Breaking news this morning as the mysterious creature that attacked and killed a small group of eight homeless people two days ago had returned late last night and claimed even more victims. Seventeen bodies were found across the city in various states of mutilation and dismemberment, many left unidentifiable and most missing body parts, including hands, legs, arms or even their head. There have been many more missing persons cases from last night who still haven’t been found yet. Among these dead include two police, officers Murphy and Hobbs.” “We have recovered footage from last night of a local coffee shop’s exterior security camera, showing the creature injuring a man and dragging off a still unidentified passerby. We must warn you that the next few seconds may be considered graphic and or disturbing.” -They play footage of two men walking down the sidewalk, passing by an alleyway when The beast leaps out from nowhere and tackles one to the ground. It bites the man’s right arm off and tosses him into the street. The other man tries to run but it bites his torso with its teeth and drags him into the alleyway, the camera is unable to see through the darkness.- “In the security footage, the creature appears to be some kind of furry, tailless animal, about seven to eight feet tall. It goes from a bipedal stance to a quadrupedal run. Many believe it could be some large species of bear but others refute that claim, citing that the way it jumps around is far too agile for any species of bear in North America or otherwise.” “How horrifying Charles. A memorial event will be held outside the police precinct next Friday for the two fallen officers and a second event the following Sunday outside the town hall for the citizens who have lost their lives as well.” “The police are still on the hunt for the creature and urges citizens to go in before nightfall, to stay away from dark alleyways and abandoned buildings, and to avoid walking through any uncrowded areas. We will keep you up to date as more details of the case are being revealed.” Bailey woke up to a bright light shining on her face. She could feel the soft dirt laying beneath her and a taut voice saying something to her. She squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light. She could now make out that the face hanging over her’s belonged to William and the talking became recognizable as his voice. “Bailey! Wake up! Wake up!” “I’m awake, stop yelling in my face.” She sat up from the dirt and looked around her surroundings. They were in the park surrounded by trees and bushes. All around her laid dead bodies of deer, raccoons and birds all ripped apart and soaking in puddles of their own blood and flesh. Their intestines, skin and bones spread everywhere. “What? What happened here?” “You don’t remember last night, do you?” “Last night? Yeah, last night you and Rosie came to my apartment. I tried to get you to leave and…..” Her eyes widened as her memories flooded back. She looked down at herself. She was covered in dirt and blood, completely naked and had a massive bulging stomach that hung multiple feet from her body. From the outside, she could easily see the shape and outlines of human bones and skulls across the entire belly. A quiet gurgling noise could be heard emanating from within her titanic stomach. William quickly covered Bailey’s mouth before she screamed. “Calm down. We’re in the public park. We don’t want anybody hearing you and coming over here to investigate.” He took off his overcoat and wrapped it around her back, her belly being much too big to cover. “How many people?” “Don’t do that to yourself.” “How many people?!” “I don’t know. The police are still trying to identify the missing people.” “What time is it?” “Almost noon. After you umm…… “pass” the bones, we should head back to my place. Rosie is waiting for us there. She spent all of last night researching what has happened to you and how to fix it.” An hour later Bailey and William snuck back into William’s apartment building. Bailey’s belly was normal sizes, allowing the overcoat to cover her nudity. They slip inside his apartment. Inside their living room, Rosie was sitting on the couch reading, multiple tall and medium sized stacks of books sitting all around the floor and furniture of the room. Noticing the two come in, Rosie dropped the book, ran over and trapped Bailey in a tight hug. “Bailey! It’s so good to see that you’re alright! We’ve been worried sick all day. Will couldn’t even sleep last night.” “Thanks. It’s good to see a friendly face. William said that you have found a cure for me?” “Well… not yet.” Bailey groaned. “So you don’t. Great.” “We will! This morning, I went to the library and I got all the books I could find about werewolves.” “Werewolf? You think I’m a werewolf?” “Of course. You turn into a wolf creature. Plus the full moon was out the past two days and when we were camping. Can I see the scar that you got that night from when that wolf bit you?” “Yeah about that.” Rosie examined her hand, only to find no scar or a single scratch. “It disappeared after I first transformed. I wanted to say something in the hospital but we were so busy with trying to finding Justine that I never got around to telling you. Sorry.” “Makes sense. Only silver can permanently damage werewolves.” “Really? Why?” “Silver is considered a holy metal. It’s the same reason vampires don’t have a reflection, because mirrors used to be made of silver.” “In all the werewolf stories, video games and movies, they never find a cure. It either escapes or they kill it.” “Fictional stories don’t matter. We WILL find a cure and we WILL save you. All we have to do is read from all these books until we find it.” “How lovely! Homework.” William walked over holding three large books. “Just read sis.” They each grabbed a book and started reading. It wasn’t long after they started that they heard a fast and hard knocking at the door. “I’ll get it.” William walked over and as soon as he unlocked it, the door immediately burst open and James charged into the living room. “It’s here! In the city! The monster is here in America!” “We know James. There’s something we have to tell-” James cut off him and continued ranting. “It’s finally time!” He pulled out his pistol. “Me and old reliable are finally going to kill this thing!” “James!…... Listen.” “What is it man?” He turned and saw Rosie and Bailey sitting down with their books. “What, did you guys start a gay book club while I was gone?” “What? No. James... We already know about the ‘monster’ and we already know what it is.” “Really?! You do?! What is it?!” “Remember when we were in Germany, and Bailey was bitten by a wolf. Well, it did something to her and now she turns into that...thing.” “............what” “The ‘monster’ you’re looking for.………. is Bailey.” James glared over at Bailey, who was now staring down at the floor. “I’m sorry James.” The next few moments were pf complete silence, before James finally responded. “All this time…...All, this, time, I searched and I searched in those filthy woods through the entirety of the night. Every. Day. For weeks. Searching for a monster; But it turns out, you were right here the whole time.” Bailey looked up at him. “I’m so sorry James. I wasn’t trying to….I didn’t mean to…..I didn’t want to hurt Justine-” “DON’T SAY HER NAME!” He took a few steps forward and held his pistol an inch away from her forehead. William immediately ran forward and tackled James into the wall, making him drop his gun. “Don’t do it James!” “SHE DID IT! SHE KILLED HER!” “It wasn’t her fault James! She can’t control it!” “Exactly! She can’t control it. We NEED to kill her Will. She’s going to keep slaughtering people. As soon as that sun sets, she is going to get hungry and guess who she’s going to eat first, Will? Huh?” “Shut up.’’ “Who is she going to eat first, Will?” “Shut up!” “Who is she going to eat first, Will? WHO!?” “SHUT UP!” He punched James in the face, breaking his nose. Blood started to trickle from his nostrils and run down his face. “NO ONE! Not you, not the news, not the police, not ANYONE, is going to hurt my baby sister while I am still alive. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” James stood there in silence. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND JAMES? DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” “Crystal.” James pushed William off of him and wiped the blood from his nose off onto his sleeve. “That ‘baby sister’ of yours, killed seventeen people last night. She took her away from me William. She took away the woman I love-.… loved, the woman I wanted to spend my future with, and she doesn’t even remember it. As soon as the sun sets and she starts to get hungry and can’t control herself, the first thing she is gonna eat is you and your girlfriend, and then I'M the one who is going to have to bury you both.” He picked his pistol up from the ground and put it back into his holster. He paused and glared at Bailey before calming walking out and loudly slamming the door behind him. William looked down and stared at the blood on his hand before sighing and sitting back down next to his sister and girlfriend. “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have punched him. Getting angry and violent isn’t going to solve this.” “Are you okay Will?” “Yes…...yes I'm fine.” Bailey looked up from the ground at him. “T-thanks Will, for defending me.” “You don’t have to thank me. I’m your big brother, it’s my job to protect you. Now let’s get to reading. The sooner we find the answer, the better.” Hours later Night time passed while William, Rosie and Bailey sat in the living room, finishing the last page of the very last book. “Oh look, five hundred books and what have we learned? Nothing!” Bailey threw the book across the room, hitting into the TV stand and shattering the glass. Rosie stood up and put her hand on Bailey’s shoulder. “Calm down Bailey.’’ “No!” She slapped her hand away. “I’m not calming down! We wasted the entire day looking for a cure only to find absolutely nothing!” William grabbed her arm. “Relax! Getting angry at us won’t solve anything. We WILL find a way to fix you, it will just take time. As long as you’re away from moonlight, you won’t transform.” “Okay.” She took a deep breath and exhaled softly. “I’m sorry. I just feel mad and I’m full of pent up energy.” “It’s okay. You can’t fully control it. Just try to remain calm.” Then, there was a knock at the door. William went to answer it and saw two police officers standing outside waiting. One was a balding, portly man with a cheap comb over while the other officer was a skinny older gentlemen with white hair and a small soul patch on his chin. “Good evening officers. Is there a problem happening?” “No. We’re just here to ask some questions.” “Questions?” “Yes. Just some questions. May we come in?” “Uh, no no. Uh, my house is all messy, there’s dishes all over the tables and I don’t want anyone to see it.” “A mess huh? Is there anyone else inside your apartment with you?” “Uh, yes. My girlfriend and my younger sister.” “Where were you last night between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.?” “What?” “Where were you last night from 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.?” “I was here at home. Why are you asking me this?” “Do you have any proof of you location?” “Yeah, my girlfriend and sister were here decorating with me.” “Were they both here the entire night?” “Yes, well my sister went home late last night but why does it matter?” “Could we speak with her?” “No. She’s really tired. Why does she matter?” “We’d like to talk to her.” “Well I’d like to know what the actual reason you’re here.” “We received a tip from a gentleman at the precinct about an hour ago, that the animal that’s been running amuck around the town was seen exiting this apartment the past two nights.” “Well he was wrong. Now please go away. You interrupted our TV show.” He tried to close the door but the portly officer put his foot in the way. “We have footage of a woman walking from your apartment building towards the direction of where that group of homeless people were attacked.” “Don’t know anything about it!” Rosie walked over behind Will. “Is everything okay William?” “Is this the sister you were referring to?” “No, she’s not. Now go away!” He tried to close it again but the portly officer pushed the door in, knocking William back and falling onto the ground. “Will!” Rosie got in front of the officers. “You guys can’t just come in an innocent civilian’s home without some kind of warrant!” “You wouldn’t be so angry about us coming in here if you weren’t hiding something.” They then notice Bailey standing there in the back of the living room. “Hello there young lady. Would you happen to remember where you were last night?” She simply stood there blanked face and quiet. “Excuse me? Hello?” He grabbed and shook her shoulder but she didn’t react at all. Rosie then noticed Bailey’s eyes were now white and she looking towards the front door. There in the hallway was a window, letting moonlight shine in through the now wide open front door. She quickly ran over between them and started lightly pushing Bailey back away from the police. “Oh sorry officers but my friend is VERY tired and needs to head to bed now.” The older officer picked up a book from one of the many stacks and read the title out loud. “Witch, werewolves and the monster trials of Europe. Quite an interesting read.” She snatched the book away from him. “So what? I like old history and monsters. What, is reading a crime?” William got up and sprinted over. “Get out of here! This is illegal without a warrant.” “Calm down, calm down. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” While the three of them were all arguing, Bailey had started to breathe heavily and took steps forward. She then collapsed behind the couch, getting everyone’s attention. They could hear the sounds of bones snapping and skin tearing and stretching. “What was that noise? What’s wrong with her?” Rosie got between the skinny officer and the couch. “PMS.” “Seems rather extreme for it being just that time of the month.” “I’m sorry but what exactly would you know about it, Old white dude?” The floorboards creaked and bent down a bit as the heavy breathing turned into a deep low growling. “I’ve seen pain and crying, but I’ve never heard loud growls!” He tried to step forward but Rosie got closer to him. “Back off!” Just as fast as it started, the sounds suddenly stopped and the room fell completely silent. “....Bailey?” A large clawed hand then shot up and gripped the top of the couch. The officers pull out their guns and aimed. “What on god’s green earth is that?!” Pointed ear raised up from behind the couch and moved around, pointing at them. The head and body then raised up and The beast stared dead on at the group. “That’s the animal that killed Murphy and Hobbs!” They opened fire at it and three bullets pierced The beast’s hide. It let out a loud roar of pain. William grabbed the portly cop and tried to wrestle the gun from him while screaming. “No! Don’t hurt her!” The beast then leaped forward and smashed the older officer into the ground, shattering his torso to bloody pieces. It then picked up the body and swallowed what was left whole. The remaining officer pulled out his radio. “Officer down! Officer down! All officers on my location!” “No!” The portly cop pushed William off of him. He turned to shoot it, only for The beast to be standing less than a foot in front of him. “Dear lord.” It swatted him away like a bug, sending him flying into the hallway. His body crashed into the plaster wall and cracked the bricks behind it. The beast then turned to Rosie. Her eyes widened in panic. “B-bailey. Bailey snap out of it. Bailey!” It picked her up with one arm and lifted her into the air. “NO!” It opened it’s large mouth and stuck her head into its wide maw. Slobber and blood started to coat Rosie’s face. She could see bits of flesh stuck between its teeth. “No! Bailey, let me out!” It swallowed her further passed her waist, causing her head to enter the throat. She could see down it’s esophagus and saw the older officer’s severed hand, still clutching his gun. She reached down and ripped the gun from his grasp. “Please don’t make me do this. Don’t make me do this Bailey!” William then ran over and grabbed The beast’s arm. “Bailey stop! It’s me, your brother William! Please don’t do this, you are not a monster!” He started to cry. The beast stopped swallowing and moved its gaze down upon him. “Please. Not her. Don’t take her. I can forgive you for anyone else, but not her.” Seemingly understanding, The beast opened its mouth and spat Rosie out onto the ground. William dropped down, scooping Rosie up into a hug. “You understood! You remembered!” Bailey then squatted down and licked William’s face. “Thank you! Thank you!” Rosie wiped blood and saliva off of her face. “Yuck, this is gross.” “Well hey, at least we’re all alive.” They then heard the dead officer’s radio turn on. “All officers to the 4th of School Street. We have an officer down. Repeat, officer down. Prepare to use lethal force.” William and Rosie looked out of their window and saw two more police cruisers pulled up outside the building. “This isn’t good.” They turned around and saw that Bailey was walking out into the hallway. “Bailey!” They go out and see her sniffing the neighbor’s door. “Bailey, Bailey get back inside!” An elevator door opened and revealed a man with his Pitbull. “What the heck!?” The dog started barking and yipping. She growled back in response. “BAILEY-DON’T!” The man jumped out of the way as Bailey leaped into the elevator and grabbed the dog. The elevator doors closed and the leash the man was holding snapped. They quickly run down the stairs to the first floor and go to the elevator. A woman and her young daughter were waiting at the doors. “Excuse me ma'am but you need to move!” “What, why?” The elevator doors opened, causing the young child to scream. They see Bailey standing there, a dog collar in her teeth and blood covering her face. The woman picked up her daughter and ran outside screaming as more police officers entered the building. “There it is!” Rosie and William stood between them and Bailey. “CITIZENS, MOVE!” “No! Don’t shoot, you’ll only make her angry!” “Her? That thing’s an animal!” One officer ran up and grabbed William to try to move him out of the way, accidentally knocking William onto the ground. Bailey growled with anger and pounced on the cop. He couldn’t even let out a scream before she tore his head off with her teeth. “No!” The other police fire as she bolted at them, knocking them through the building’s front door. William and Rosie followed them outside to see Bailey ripping the officers apart. They heard police siren’s getting louder as more cruisers appeared. A light shined down from the sky onto Bailey as a news helicopter recorded them. Bailey looked through a nearby store window and saw herself on TV. She then turned and stared at her brother. “Bailey, you gotta get out of here.” “CITIZENS, MOVE AWAY FROM THE ANIMAL.” She turned and jumped into the tree line of the park, disappearing from the cameras. “FOLLOW IT!” Police and news chopper then drive away trying to follow her, leaving the two alone on the empty street. William fell to his knees. “She’s gone. I couldn’t save her.” Rosie then leaned down and hugged him. “My baby sister’s gone.” Two months later The oven beeped as Rosie walked over and pulled the tray of gingerbread men out. She placed it on the counter and sniffed it. “Ahhhh, perfection.” She turned on the fan to cool them off before grabbing a candy cane and walking into their living room. Her and her boyfriend William had just finished decorating for Christmas and she felt quite proud of their work. Rosie licked the candy cane as she walked over to William who was sitting on the couch talking on the phone. “Are you sure you can’t come over for Christmas?” “Yes, I’m sure. Sorry. I don’t think I should be seen around the city or even in the United States for at least a year. Besides, it would take a while to get a flight back to America.” “Oh, too bad. I would’ve paid for your flight too.” “I can pay for stuff myself. I’m not a little kid.” “No matter how big you get, you’re still always going to be my baby sister.” Rosie tapped on his shoulder, signaling that their food was ready. “Oh I'm sorry, I gotta go now. Rosie just finished baking the gingerbread men. I’ll call you again tomorrow.” “I’ll be waiting here.” “I love you little sis.” “I love you too bro.” The call ended and Bailey put her phone away. She then walked down the old cobblestone road until arriving at a house and sitting down opposite an elderly woman at a wooden table out front. The old woman was sipping a cup of tea. “Thanks again for letting me stay with you for Christmas. I get Lonely sometimes.” “No worries child. Everyone deserves to enjoy Christmas with a warm fire and full belly, surrounded by friends.” “I wish I could see my friends but I’m not sure I can control myself yet.” The elderly woman handed her a cup. “In time, you will.” “You sure?” “Trust me, I've dealt with wolves before.” They clinked their cups together and took a sip, enjoying their tea. “Merry Christmas child.” Bailey smiled. “Merry Christmas.”
Pokémon Moon: Lillie’s little secret (read the description) A young girl named Moon had recently left the Kanto region with her mother moved to the tropical Alola region. It was a new and exciting experience for her seeing all the new people and Pokémon. The first night there, she met the region’s Pokémon professor, professor Kukui. He was a tall fellow in a white hat and lab coat that showed off his washboard abs. He told her about the island challenge, a century old tradition. When a child became of age, they would travel across the 4 islands defeating trial captains and the Totem Pokémon they guard. Then, they face the kahuna of the island. It sounded like so much fun and Moon was excited to start. Professor Kukui gave her, her started Pokémon Rowlet, a grass flying type owl with an adorable bowtie. To start, he wanted to introduce her to the island Kahuna, a large portly man named Hala who was as fierce as he was jolly. Kukui took her to the center of town where a large sumo arena laid. “Huh? What’s going on here? We were supposed to meet everybody. Right here. Maybe they’re all back on the Mahalo trail. That’s where the ruins of our guardian deity, Tapu Koko, are, yeah… Moon! Do me a solid and go find the island kahuna! I’ll wait around here to make sure we don’t miss each other.” She nodded “Alright Professor. See you then.” She left Kukui and headed down the ancient path. The trail was quiet and peaceful, not a single person or Pokémon in sight. Strange statues decorated the sides of the pathway, feeling the place a feeling of history and ancient power. Moon hoped that maybe at the end she could see, or even fight the legendary Totem. It was her dream to one day capture and train a legendary Pokémon. Eventually, she reached the end the end of the trail and came to an opening. On the other side was a large wooden bridge spanning across a cliff and waterfall. “Whoa. This place, this region is so beautiful.” Then, she heard a loud bird screech and a girl suddenly scream. “Help! Please!” She turned and saw the girl crouched in the middle of the old wood bridge, a large flock of Fearow dive bombing her. The young girl had green eyes and braided platinum blond hair. She wore a large white hat, white dress, a pair of long socks, white ballet flats and carried a large duffle bag with a PokéBall design on both sides. Without a second thought, Moon dashed forward. She ran across the old wooden bridge and reached the girl. She swatted at the birds until they flew away from her. She grabbed the girl’s hand and brought her back to the cliffside. “Oh thank you so much!” “No problem, my name is Moon.” “I am named Lillie.” “Hello Lillie, nice to meet you. By the way, why were you out there by yourself on that old bridge?” “I was-HEY! NEBBY!” Then, a small blue, black and purple cloud creature floated out of her bag and went over to Moon. It’s body looked like a strange cosmic cotton candy and the creature constantly levitated. Moon’s eyes widened with excitement. “Oh my gosh! You found a new Pokémon!” “N-no! No it’s not! It’s just an ordinary Pokémon!” Lillie’s faced turned red. “No way. I’ve read the Pokédex dozens of times on my flight to Alola. This Pokémon is absolutely new! We gotta go show this to the professor!” “No! Nobody can know about Nebby!” “But why, it’s a new species! You can’t hog it for yourself. Let’s tell Kukui.” “No. I can't let you!” Lillie grabbed Moon’s arms. “Ow! That hurts. You’re squeezing me!” “I’m sorry about this.” “Wait, what are you doing?!” Suddenly, Lillie’s mouth opened wide and she shoved moon’s head inside. Moon let out a scream. She tried to escape but she couldn’t get out of her grip. Her head traveled down her throat. Lillie gulped down her shoulders and got a big mouth full of Moon’s tasty breasts. They felt so good in her mouth, but she couldn’t stop now. She had a job to do. She swallowed moon’s stomach and waist down. With most of Moon inside her, she lifted her head, swallowing her hips and legs with one powerful inhale. Lillie’s belly ballooned out and brushed against the dirt on the ground. Her dressed stretched out, nearly ripping in half. She uncontrollably let out a loud unladylike burp, causing her to blush. “Nebby! See what you made me do? *burp* you need to stay inside the bag!” She examined the tears in sides of her dress. “Dang it. This was my favorite dress, and now it’s ruined because of you!” Nebby floated down to Lillie and landed on top of her belly. It smiled at her with its big adorable eyes and let out a soft giggle. “Oh Nebby.” She pulled it over to her and hugged it. She waddled over to a shady tree and sat down. “I’m sorry Moon, but no one can know about Nebby. I wish I didn't have to do this but you forced me too.” She laid back and fell asleep, her belly hard at work digesting it’s large meal. Hours later The sunlight shined on Lillie’s face, waking her up. She stretched and gave out a yawn. She tried to get up but almost fell over from the shift in weight. She looked down and saw her new body. Her top stretched a little bit to accommodate her new breasts. Before she was completely flat chested, but now she had a solid B cup. But that wasn’t the biggest change. Her once tiny butt was now big. VERY big. Her panties had completely ripped and now laid on the floor. If her dress were to fly up everyone would be able to see her nether regions. She reached back and gave it a squeeze. It was soft and squishy. “Oh no. How am I gonna cover this up?”
Pokémon Moon: Lana’s big catch After defeating the trial captain and kahuna of Melemele Island, Moon continues on her journey and goes to her next challenge, Akala Island. Upon first arriving on the island with her new friend Hau, Lillie and professor Kukui, they were greeted by the grass trial captain Mallow. They told her to go to route four and after meeting two strange tourists and a mysterious youth named Gladion, she arrived to Brooklet hill. “This is it.” She walked down the long grassy hill. The path had wooden plank stair steps leading down to a large pond filled with wooden docks and fishermen standing around with fishing poles ready to catch. On the docks stood a young looking girl shorter than she was. She had blue eyes, matching blue hair. She wore a white sleeveless shirt with a dark blue wetsuit being used as an undershirt, an adorable short cape on her back, blue pants with a wave pattern and a pair of blue flip-flops to finish off her look. The blue haired girl noticed Moon standing there and approached her before speaking. “Hello. I’m Lana. I serve as the captain of Brooklet hill. You look like an able-bodied trainer. Could I ask you for your help with something?” “Uh… sure?” Moon wasn’t fully sure if she should trust this girl or not. She seemed to be the trial captain but she was much younger than Mallow, the grass captain she met earlier or Ilima, the normal type captain from Melemele. “Then follow me. This way please.” They walk across the old wooden dock and make it to the other side of the pond. They walked down another hill and see a bigger lake. “See? Do you see that there?” Something in the water was splashing and moving, causing ripples in the water. “Look at the vigorous splashing. I wouldn’t be surprised to find a fearsome Pokémon is the one causing it all. So….I’m sorry. What was your name?” “I’m Moon.“ “Moon. It is a lovely name. Just lovely. So brave moon, I would like you to investigate that splashing out there and find out what exactly is causing it.” “I’ll try my best.” She walked away from the trial captain and went to the water’s edge. She took out her lapras and swam out to the center of the lake. She was right next to the splashing. She calls out her Dartrix. “Hawkeye, use Razor leaf!” Dartrix sent out sharp leaves, striking the water. The splashing stopped. Then a small shape leaped out of the water and a small fish landed in front of her. “It’s a Wishiwashi.” The creature let out a quiet pathetic cry. “Hawkeye, do Razor leaf again!“ Dartrix sent out move leaves, causing the tiny fish to faint. “That was it?” She returned back to land and went to the trial captain. “It was just a tiny Wishiwashi.’ “Wishiwashi huh? I guess even a Wishiwashi can make such big waves. Let’s keep going on ahead.’’ The two trainers go onto the next couple of lakes, Moon battle fisherman, Dewspiders and Magikarp. There was splashing at every lake and every time it was a tiny, weak Wishiwashi. That, and the fact that Lana kept telling lies and stories like how she fought a Kyogre and caught a red Gyarados, caused Moon to again question Lana’s authenticity as a trial captain. Finally, they came to the largest lake yet. It was surrounded by stone with one entrance. The gate was two large totem poles that marked where trials started and totem rest. “This is where your trial starts right?” “Correct. Moon..to clear my trial, you must defeat the great Totem Pokémon known as the lord of the ocean! Go into the lake to battle the Totem Pokémon, and perhaps those Wishiwashi you battled against will also want their revenge. Defeat whatever comes at you and prove your strength to me!” “I won’t let anything get in my way!” Moon charged forward passed the Totem gate, called out her Lapras and swam to the center of the lake. “I wonder what the Totem Pokémon is. Maybe a Gyarados, or a Kingdra!” Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud boom. She looked around and saw rain start to fall and thunder started to sound. Small shapes in the water moved around and came together into a large shape. It leaped out of the water, revealing itself as a large fish made of hundreds of Wishiwashi coming together. It glowed with ultra energy as it prepared to battle. “Hawkeye, go!” ***After the battle*** Moon watched as her Charjabug fainted, barely leaving a scratch on the massive Totem Pokémon. “No! That was my last one!” Defenseless, the Totem Pokémon turned around and caused a massive tidal wave, tossing Moon off the back of her Lapras and be sent flying back onto land. She fell onto the white sand with a loud smack, hurting her butt. “Ow!” She stood back up and brushed the sand off her clothes. “I need to get a Vikavolt, that’ll defeat that Wishiwashi for sure!” She turned and left the trial area. Outside the totem gate, she saw Lana waiting patiently for her. She ran over to Moon with a great big smile. “Hey, trial-goer! I mean Moon, how was your battle? I bet it was intense, and that you showed that Wishiwashi your full power!” “Actually, I didn’t. That Totem Pokémon was a tough opponent. Even my electric type Pokémon couldn’t beat it.” “Thanks! I trained the Wishiwashi myself. I’m glad all that training went to good use.” “I may have lost, but that won’t stop me! I’m gonna go out, train my Pokémon hard and become stronger! Then, I’ll come back and defeat that over sized fish.” Lana frowned after hearing her response. “Oh? You don’t know about what happens if you lose, do you?” Moon looked at Lana confused. “No, what do you mean? Am I not allowed to try again or something?” “Well, punishment for failing is that you are fed to the trial captain.” Moon’s eyes widened and jaw dropped. “W-what?!” “The whole point of the trial, in ancient times, was to prove who the strongest were. Those that lost were considered weak and a liability and were fed to the trial captains to keep them strong and healthy.” “This can’t be real! At least not in the modern day.” “Only if you take the Island challenge. Not many people attempt it anymore because of it.” “I’m not gonna-“ “You wanted to partake in our traditions, it’s too late now. If you said no then you’d insult our history, people and entire culture. Everyone will be furious.” “Everyone?” “Everyone! All the friends you’ve made will shun and loathe you. You and your mother would be outcasts.” Moon stayed quiet as she thought deeply. “Okay, I’ll do it.” “Thank you.” “It won’t hurt will it?” “You won't feel a thing. I promise. First, you must undress.” “W-what? I gotta take my clothes off?” “Yeah. I don’t wanna taste all that sand and fabric. Besides, we’re both girls. So strip!” Moon reluctantly obliged: She took off her shirt and slid her pants off, feeling very embarrassed. “All of it.” She sighed and unhooked her bra, revealing her small A cup breasts, then pulled her panties down, leaving her body naked and completely exposed to the elements. “Nice. Now don’t move or struggle and let me do everything.” She walked over to the naked Moon and grabbed her shoulders, shoving her head first into her mouth. She quickly swallowed her face and her neck. Moon tried really hard to be still as she felt Lana’s lips go past her nipples and chest. Her head entered the throat and traveled down the esophagus. Lana went down her body, reaching Moon’s waistline. Soon, she got to her succulent butt cheeks. “Hey look, a full moon!” Lana managed to say even with her mouth full. Moon blushed even harder from Lana’s joke. She lifted her head as she swallowed more down. Meanwhile, Moon’s head entered Lana’s stomach and was smooshed into a pile of eaten fish. “Eeeww! Have you been eating Magikarp?” Lana didn’t respond as she swallowed down her legs. Finally, she gulped down Moon’s toes, finishing off the former Pokémon trainer. Lana dropped down onto the white sand as her belly ballooned out. Her stomach was massive, being bigger than Lana herself. She let out a loud, powerful burp that echoed off the rocks and caused small ripples in the water. “It’s hot and cramped in here. I can’t believe the Alola region actually practiced this.” Lana laughed at Moon. “Wow, you actually fell for it.” “Fell for it? Wait! You were lying about the punishment?!?” “Duh, I thought you would’ve figured it out after I told you about catching a Kyogre.” Lana’s belly started violently shaking and moving. Little fist shaped bulges appeared on the stomach as Moon punched. “Kick all you want, I’ve swallowed bigger fish than you.” Acid started to raise in her belly. “Lana!” Lana managed to stand back up. The weight from Moon while heavy, was manageable. She waddled to the shoreline and climbed up onto the back of her Lapras. She then leaned back in her chair, her belly hanging off of it. “It’s a shame. I liked you, too bad you were too gullible.” She fell asleep as her belly continued to digest the foolish trainer that was inside. Hours later Outside Lana’s house stood twins toddlers named Harper and Sarah, Lana’s little sisters who were practically the spitting image of her. They waited patiently for their beloved big sister to return. Their father spent most of his time out fishing and their mother constantly did chores, so Lana entertained the twins most of the day. She was out far later than normal and they were getting really bored. “Why is she taking so long?” “I don’t know. Maybe she fell asleep.” “Maybe she is hurt or something!” “We should go get mom.” “No wait, there she is!” Harper looked where her sister was pointing and saw her big sister Lana walking home, her large belly bouncing as she walked. The twins ran forward and tackled their big sister with a hug. “Hey Harper. Hey Sarah. You sure are excited to see me.” “What took you so long?” “This.” She motioned towards her titanic belly. “A trainer took the island challenge. She didn’t make it very far. Only two trials in and she already failed.” In the time since the trial, Moon had mostly digested, adding to Lana’s body. Her belly shrunk down to about the size of a watermelon. Her breasts had grown quite bigger, going from nearly flat chested to about a c cup. Her butt had greatly inflated, it was now big, soft and thick. In addition to the curves, Lana herself had grown about a few inches in height. “Hehe, and she fell for your trick! Dumb trainer! She made your belly so huge!” “Yeah, but remember our promise okay?” “Don’t tell Mallow and Kiawe about you munching on the trial-goers.” They said in unison. “And especially Olivia. Oh, I Almost forgot. I brought gifts for you too.” “Yay!” “Yay!” Lana reached into her pocket and pulled out Moon’s Pokéball belt. “This was the trainer’s Pokémon. When you’re older you can be Pokémon trainers and take the island challenge. Don’t worry, I won’t eat you if you lose.” “Thanks sis!” “Thanks big sister!” “You may want to level them up though. That’s where she failed. Now come on, let's head inside to eat.” “Mom’s made pasta!” “Delicious, let’s eat.” Lana and her little sisters turned Around and headed inside their house to enjoy dinner, while what little remains of Moon digested away in Lana’s ravenous stomach.
Pokémon Moon: Mallow's flavorful stew After defeating Lana’s water trial and Kiawe’s trial of fire, Moon continued on her quest across Akane Island. She arrived at the entrance to a giant forest named the Lush jungle. She came here to challenge Mallow, the trial captain of grass. She remembered meeting her yesterday; When she first arrived to Akane Island with Lillie, Hau and professor Kukui, she was there to greet them along with the rock type Kahuna named Olivia. She mentioned ingredients and enjoying cooking so Moon assumed that her trial had something to do with cooking or food. She entered the jungle, walked deep through the trees and dirt path and came across Mallow waiting for her. She had tan skin, green eyes and long green hair with a pink flower in it. She was wearing a pink sleeveless shirt with light teal overalls and tight denim shorts. Mallow noticed her and stepped forward to greet Moon. “Thank you for stopping by! Welcome to Lush jungle, the trial grounds for me, Mallow! Nice to see you Moon.” “It’s nice to see you too Mallow.” “You ready to get into some hot water? My trial is ready for you, if you’re ready for it!” “I’m ready for anything you’ve got!” “I can tell what today’s special should be...yep my secret specialty, the Super Mallow Special!” “What’s in it?” “You’ll see! I’m gonna need you to find three ingredients for me! I’ll need a mago berry, some honey, and a big root!” The two Pokémon trainers then went deeper into the jungle. Moon did everything Mallow told her and collected all the ingredients, each time a Fomantis appeared to battle her for it. They were relatively weak and no match for her team. After collecting the last ingredient, Moon headed back to the entrance and saw Mallow waiting behind a large boiling pot along with Lana and Kiawe standing to her sides. “Hey Lana, hey Kiawe, what brings you two to the Lush jungle?” “Mallow called and asked me to bring her some Fresh water for her Super Mallow Special.” “And you Kiawe?” “Same, only she asked for a Thick club from a Marrowack.” Mallow then motioned for Moon to come closer. “Lemme check the ingredients you got for me! All right, then. Let’s put this Mago berry into the pot. We pour in the Freshwater that Lana brought us! Now we mix in the honey with the Thick club that Kiawe brought along.” Mallow then stirred the pot. The stew now looked red. “And last but not least, the Big root!” She plopped it into the stew and looked up at Moon with a big smile. “And finally, it’s almost finished with one last pinch of my super-special secret spice!” She stirred the pot. “Only one more thing and the Super Mallow Special will be complete!” “What is it?” “The final, secret ingredient.” Before Moon could ask her again, she noticed a unique aroma began to waft around the area. “Do you guys smell something?” She turned her head in all directions, looking around them. She could feel a piercing gaze staring at her from somewhere within the underbrush. “Is something watching us?” Mallow let out a giggle. “What’s so funny?” She then felt a heavy breathing on her back. She turned around and saw a giant pink creature inches away from her body, towering over her. It resembled both a fruit and insects. It roared in her face, causing her to fall over in surprise. “It’s a Lurantis!” It glowed with ultra energy and prepared itself for battle. She pulled out her Pokéball. “Hawkeye, go!” ***After the battle*** Gumshoos fainted as Lurantis’s Razorleaf left him falling to the ground. “Dang it! I couldn’t win.” Before Moon could call her Pokémon Lurantis slapped her, sending her flying through the air and landing inside Mallow’s large boiling pot. Her stew was now covering Moon and seeped into her clothes. “Eww! What was that for?!” She tried to wiggle around to get out of the pot but was stuck with her arms and legs in the air. From inside the pot, she could barely see Lurantis pick up her Gumshoos. “Hey, what are you doing?!” It lifted her Gumshoos above its head and swallowed in whole in one quick gulp. A large bulge appeared on its stomach. “Gumshoos!” The Totem Pokémon then turned around and disappeared back into the underbrush of the Lush jungle. “No! Come back you stupid Pokémon! Give me back my Gumshoos!” She again tried in vain to wiggle out of the pot. Then Mallow, Lana and Kiawe approached the pot. “Oh thank goodness you’re here! That stupid Totem Pokémon tossed me into the stew and ate my Gumshoos!” “Huh? Hey, Lurantis didn’t finish its food!” “Mallow?” She was confused why Mallow seemed to ignore her. “Well, can’t let it go to waste. Lana, Kiawe, you guys should have some!” “What food? Are you talking about me?!” Mallow looked over at Kiawe. “Huh? Umm… I’m pretty full right now… I, uhh… I just ate a berry. Yeah.” “And that food you cooked is suited to Pokémon’s taste buds, right?” Lana piped in. “I think it's probably best to save it for when Lurantis wants some more.” “Y’think? Olivia always says she thinks it’s delicious. I think people would enjoy food cooked for a Totem Pokémon, too. Your guys’ loss!” “Hey! Stop treating me like food!” “I should probably take this to Olivia, but I did skip breakfast for this trial. Maybe I should treat myself.” “Wait, what are you talking about?” Mallow then came closer and grabbed the rims of the bowl. She tilted it at her, causing the liquids of the stew to pour down her throat. Moon got a good view of her mouth and straight down her throat. “No no no no no no no no no!” Her arms and legs were the first to enter her mouth, kicking and moving. “Please no!” Mallow lifted the pot straight above her head. Moon’s entire body and head fell into Mallow’s mouth. She quickly went passed her teeth and into her throat, her limbs are squished up against her torso. She traveled down her esophagus and plopped into her belly, landing in the rest of the stew. Mallow’s stomach was tight and was filled with broth and chunks of both berry and root. A loud belch made the entire belly shake. She squirmed and kicked the walls of her prison. “Let me go! Let me go!” Acid then poured into the stomach and started to eat away at Moon’s clothes. “Oh no…..” On the outside, Mallow had sat on the ground and laid back on the now empty boiling pot. Her belly was now large and squirming. Her overall straps had snapped as her belly hung multiple feet from her body. Lana and Kiawe walked over and rubbed Mallow’s massive stomach. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the stew.” “I absolutely did.” “I’m gonna head back to Wela volcano.” “Yeah, I gotta go back home to feed my sisters.” “Okay, thanks for the Thick bone and Fresh water.” “No problem. Bye!” Lana and Kiawe then turned and left, leaving Mallow alone in the Lush jungle. She leaned back and rubbed her belly. Loud gurgling noises and muffled screaming could be heard emanating from her belly. “Thanks again for getting those ingredients for my Super Mallow Special Moon, and for being the final secret ingredient.” She could hear that Moon said something in response but couldn’t make out what the words were. “I’ll take that as a your welcome.” She patted her belly again and went to sleep. Hours later Light came down from between the palm tree leaves and landed on the young trial captain’s face. Mallow woke up, feeling refreshed and satisfied. She stretched out and looked down at herself. Her stomach had greatly shrunk down, now only being the size of a mango. Her shirt was stretched out now because her breasts had grown from a large A cup to a decent sized D cup. Her butt grew as well, causing the seam going down her butt from her already tight shorts to rip in half, revealing her panties. She rebuttoned her overalls and stood up from the ground, getting used to the new weight. “Wow Moon, you really know the right places to go!” She headed out of the Lush jungle and saw professor Kukui standing there waiting for her. “There you are Mallow.” “Hey professor, what brings you to the Lush jungle?” “I came here looking for the new island trial-goer, Moon. I heard that she completed Kiawe’s trial and was headed to you next. Have you seen her at all?” “Nope, haven’t seen her yet.” She crossed her arms behind her back, secretly trying to keep her pants seam together. “Well okay. If you see her, tell her that I was looking for her. I want to give her the ™ for Smart strike.” “Sounds cool! I bet she’ll love it. Well I’m heading home, Alola Kukui” “Alola Mallow.” Mallow walked around the professor smiling. He was completely unaware that the Pokémon trainer he was looking for was currently passing through her lower intestines.
Pokémon Moon: Acerola's ghostly appetite Moon continued with her Island challenge through the Alola region. After defeating the trial captains of Akala Island and its Kahuna Olivia, she next traveled to Ula'ula Island. She took a bus ride to the top of mount Hokulani and battled the electric trial captain Sophocles and the Totem Pokémon Vikavolt. Next she went to the Aether house and met Acerola, the ghost trial captain who took care of the children there. Acerola was a young girl with both purple eyes and hair, styled in a rather messy short bob with her bangs collected in a small ponytail. She wore a dress made of black, dark purple, and light purple patches with two ribbons coming from her back, a gold armband on her left forearm, a golden clover-shaped badge just above her forehead and light purple sandals. Moon immediately recognize her as the girl met earlier in the Malie library. Acerola told her to follow her and brought her down to the beach, covered in strange black sand. They came to the two large totem poles that represented the trial gate. On the other side was old concrete stair steps with grass and moss growing on it. Acerola turned around to face Moon. “Here we are! Climb up these steps and my trial begins!” “Whatever you say.” They climbed up the old steps and came to an old abandoned grocery store. She remembered reading about it on the bus ride up mount Hokulani. Apparently, the legendary Island guardian Tapu Bulu became enraged by the store and attacked it. People abandoned the place, and people rarely go inside now. “The time has finally come, Moon! So, I guess I should explain what kind of trial this is, huh?” “Yeah. It’d be nice to know what I’m getting into for a change, instead of just running around looking for something out of the ordinary.“ “This old building is full of lots of ghost-type Pokémon. Did you know? Here’s where the trial part comes in. You’ve got to find the Totem Pokémon of this site and snap a picture of it with a Pokéfinder. The Totem is a bit of a trickster, and it likes to play hide-and-seek and mess around. If you take pictures of the other ghost-type Pokémon inside, it’ll definitely come out to get in on the fun and have it’s picture taken, too! So, if you see something weird happening inside this old place, try to check it out. I bet you’ll find a ghost-type Pokémon causing the mischief, so get its photo before it's gone! As soon as you enter the building, your trial will begin. Got it? And you can’t leave without giving up, too. So make sure you’re ready for anything!” “Alright. Thanks.” “Good luck Moon!” Moon turned away from Acerola and entered inside the old building. The old grocery store was filled with shopping carts, cardboard boxes, racks, baskets, tables, shelves and freezers in the back, all covered in dust and cobwebs. The layout of the store was like a labyrinth, with turned over shopping carts, stacked boxes and shelves moved about in the shapes of pathways. “This place is so spooky, and cold.” Moon hoped that Acerola wasn’t playing a trick on her. She seemed to know more than she was saying, like there was a joke that Moon wasn’t in on. She once heard a rumor that Acerola can communicate with Ghost-type Pokémon. Not just talk to them, but understand what they were saying just like another person. The only other person she’s heard about talking to ghost like that was the Hoenn elite four member Phoebe. Moon’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud electronic noise activate. She looked around and walked over to the checkout aisle and saw the conveyor belt moving on its own. “How can the power still be running in a building this old?” She pulled out her Pokéfinder and moved it over the counter. She could see a Gastly levitating above the conveyor belt, seemingly unaware of her presence. She snapped the picture, the Gastly disappeared and the conveyor belt stopped moving. “Strange.” She then noticed a Pikachu running out from through the checkout aisle and around the corner. “A Pikachu?” She walked around the corner but the Pikachu wasn’t there. “What’s a Pikachu doing in here? It's not a ghost type.” She continued wandering around the story until she saw a shopping cart shaking by itself. She pulled out her Pokéfinder again and saw a Haunter shaking it. “Hello there.” She snapped the photo. The Haunter smiled at her and vanished. The cart now sat still and silent. She turned around and noticed the Pikachu standing there again. “It’s you again.” It ran around a table and went in between cardboard boxes. “Wait, come back!” She walked through the box made path, going passed the freezers in the back and coming across a Pokédoll display. Two dolls were levitating in the air. She pulled out the Pokéfinder again and saw a Gengar lifting them. “Whoa, a Gengar! Maybe that’s the Totem Pokémon.” She snapped the photo and the Gengar looked down at her. It darted forward, licked her face with its massive tongue, laughed and vanished. The two Pokédolls fell to the floor. “Yuck! Ghost spit. So gross!” She tried to wipe it off of her. “That clearly wasn’t the Totem Pokémon. Then what is?” She continued walking until coming to the very back of the store. Acerola stood there facing a set of doors on the back wall, completely silent and standing as still and stiff as a statue. “Acerola?” “Who are you?” Acerola’s voice was very toneless and serious, completely different from her usually bright and peppy self. “It’s me, Moon. Don’t you recognize me? We talked a few minutes ago before I came in.” “Oh… never mind that. Looks like you’re done with the trial, right? We should hurry up and leave this place.” Acerola didn’t turn around and remained staring at the doors. “What? I’m not done yet. Is this some kind of test?” “This place is dangerous. You should give up on your trial and get out. “I’m not done yet.” “I told you to get out.” “I’m not leaving.” “Get out.” “No!” “Get out. Get out. Get OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!!!” Moon jumped back in surprise from her shouting. “Acerola, what’s wrong? Did I upset you?” “I warned you. Now you’ll be consumed.” Thinking quickly, Moon took out her Pokéfinder. She aimed it forward but didn’t see anyone in front of her. She lowered the Pokéfinder but didn’t see Acerola anywhere. “Acerola?” The doors were both locked and the two shelves around them meant that the only way out was passed Moon. “Acerola? Where’d you go?” Without doing anything, she heard the back door click. She grabbed and handled and realized the doors were now unlocked. She stepped inside the small back room. It was very dark and Moon could barely see. She got a strange feeling, like there was a pair of eyes, looking at her, sizing her up. Suddenly, the Pokéfinder fired up on its own, giving enough light to see. Pictures of Pikachu were strung up and decorated the walls. There were posters of contest winning Pikachu, kids paintings Pikachu, school bangers of Pikachu mascots and random photos of Pikachu. One strangely familiar looking picture was of a boy in a blue and white jacket and red hat with a Pikachu riding on his shoulder. She turned around to examine more pictures and noticed something standing behind her in front of the doors. The creature appeared to be about one or two feet tall. It’s body was made of a torn and faded yellow cloth with a crude face that appeared to be drawn with crayons, consisting of black eyes, red cheeks, and a squiggly black mouth. Black shadows emanated out from under the black cloth and a small stick resembling a lightning bolt was sticking out from under it, attempting to look like a tail. It flashed back and forth between looking like a Pikachu and it’s true form. “The Totem Pokémon !” “Seeeeee meee?!” It screeched as it glowed with ultra energy. Moon pulled out a Pokéball. “I’m ready! Go Hawkeye!” ***After the battle*** Moon’s Toucannon was sent flying into the back room’s wall, beaten and fainted. “Dang it. Toucannon, you were my last hope!” Moon called her Pokémon back. She looked around the back room and realized the Totem Pokémon had disappeared, leaving her all alone in the empty grocery store. “Whoa. That’s spooky.” Feeling defenseless and a bit frightened with her Pokémon fainted, Moon quickly ran through the store, out the front doors and back outside. She saw Acerola standing there waiting for her. She strolled over to Moon with a big smile on her face. “Welcome back, Moon! I can check your pictures right away. Now let’s see how you did…” “I failed in my final battle against the Totem Pokémon .and I couldn’t snag a picture of it.” “Yeah, Mimikyu is a pretty tough opponent, isn't it? It's a Ghost- and Fairy-type Pokémon. Did you know? Neither type has a lot of weaknesses, so it's tricky to beat. You probably want to try Ghost- or Steel-type moves against it. I'm sure you'll beat it next time! Don't give up on my trial yet! I believe in you!" “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks for the advice.“ Moon turned around and stared up at the old building in silence, reminiscing on everything that just happened to her. “By the way, I saw you in the store. You kept telling me to get out and I’ll be consumed. Then, when I was in the back room, the Pokéfinder started up completely on it’s own.” “Oooh, cut it out, Moon! You’re trying to scare me, huh? You’ll have to come up with something a bit more believable than that!” “What do you mean? I’m not trying to scare you. This actually happened to me in there.” Acerola let out a laugh. “I was here the whole time, and there’s not even any room in the back of that shop, for starters! How gullible do you think I am?” “I’m being serious! Honest! Weird stuff happened to me after I chased that Pikachu into the back room.” “But there aren’t any Pikachu on Ula'ula Island?” “Look, I’ll show you!” Moon went back inside the abandoned grocery store to look around, but the doors to the back room were completely gone. As if they were never there in the first place. “What? That’s impossible.” Moon came back outside to Acerola. “I don’t get it, I know I went into a back room and I know I saw you and a Pikachu. This is all so strange.” Then she heard a strange noise like a gust of wind mixed with a stomach growl. “BRRR! I feel like I’m getting chicken skin… like a chill going through me for some reason…” “I don’t feel cold. In fact, I don’t think I’ve had to wear anything more than a pair of shorts and a t-shirt since I moved here to the Alola region. Maybe you should head back to the Aether house?” Acerola marched robotically up to Moon. Her purple eyes were widened and blank and her mouth was open hanging. She seemed dazed, or even hypnotised. “Acerola? What’s wrong? Are you-” Before Moon could finish her sentence, Acerola lurched forward like lightning and moved her open mouth around Moon’s head. Moon let out an eep of surprise and tried to get Acerola off her head, to no avail. Acerola continued swallowing, gulping down Moon’s shoulders and chest. Moon’s head entered the back of Acerola’s throat. “Acerola, what are you doing?!” Her arms became pinned to her sides as her body traveled down the esophagus. The outline of her face could be seen on her throat. Acerola lifted her head up as she swallowed down the rest of the body in one easy swallow. Moon’s flip flops dropped onto the old pavement as Acerola’s lips closed around her toes. Her belly was massive and hung inches above the ground. Moon traveled helpless down Acerola’s esophagus until reaching the end and being forced to enter the top of the stomach. She was pulled completely inside and landed on her face. A loud burp shook everything around her. After her feet joined her in Acerola’s stomach, Moon wiggled around and managed to get herself up right and off of her head. “Acerola?! What the heck?! Why did you eat me!?” She only received a loud stomach groan in response. She started to let out a series of kicks and punches onto the walls of the trial captain’s belly. Meanwhile, Acerola stood in the empty parking lot, her expression completely blank. Her patch dress was lifted up, exposing the bottom of her titanic tummy. Moon’s yells and screams could be heard quietly. A moment passed before Mimikyu came out from around the corner of the grocery store and jumped onto Acerola’s belly. It’s arms came out from under the Pikachu costume, wrapping around and rubbing Acerola’s hanging belly. It enjoyed the feelings and struggles of Moon and the tiny bulges that appeared whenever Moon punched or kicked in protest. With Mimikyu satisfied, Acerola then marched down the concrete stairs, her belly jiggling with every step and onto the black sand, still completely entranced. At the Aether house The two preschoolers sat in the lobby of the Aether house, waiting for their friend to come back from the trial with the strangers and play with them. They patted Yungoos on the head as they waited. Then, they heard the automatic doors open and they run over. “Acerola! Acerola!” “We defended our home while you were away!” They then noticed her bulging belly and the small Pokémon riding on top of it. “Mimikyu made Acerola eat something again!” “Oh yay! Her belly is even bigger than before! I wonder what she ate this time.” “I don’t know. Maybe a Sharpedo!” “Or a Charizard!” “Or even a Slaking!” Acerola walked robotically to her room, her belly still bouncing and laid on her bed. She closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep. The two preschoolers run over and jump onto her stomach and lay alongside Mimikyu. They enjoyed the feeling of the massive pillow slowly raise and lower with her every breath. On the inside, Moon was still struggling to get out. Her clothes had been worn away by stomach acid, leaving her completely naked. “Hello? Is anyone out there? It’s hot and cramped in here!” She looked down as herself as the stomach acid started to rise above her chin. “Someone please help.” The next day Acerola woke up, feeling refreshed and full. She looked down and saw the two children sleeping on her stomach. She didn’t think anything of it, because they often wander over to her room at night to sleep with her. She softly lifted them up and put them onto the bed before standing up. She immediately noticed something was off. She walked over and looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts had grown from an A cup to a D cup and her hips were wider, with more fat stored. The biggest change was her butt. It had grown massively while she slumbered. Each cheek now filled one of her hands. “What happened to me?!” “Mi-Mimik.” Acerola turned around and saw her Mimikyu crawl out from under the blanket. “Dang it Mimikyu. You influenced me into swallowing again. It was something big too. You can’t just keep doing this, you know?” “Mimikyu.” It tilted its head down in a sad way. “Awwwww, I can’t stay mad at you. Come here!” “Mimikyu!” It leaped off the bed and into Acerola’s arms for a big hug. A loud scream echoed through the Aether house, waking the two preschoolers up. “Wha-what was that?” “I don’t know Hunter, let's go see.” The four of them walked out of Acerola’s room into the lobby and saw Lillie surrounded by a few Team Skull grunts, including the Team Skull Admin Plumeria. “Lillie!” The Team Skull members look over at the trial captain. “Well look who it is.” “What are you numbskulls doing?” “We’re here to rob you blind fool!” Give us all your Pokémon, starting with that Mimikyu! If you want the Pokémon back, then that girl who keeps getting in our business has to go to Po Town, All alone. No back up.” “Not on my watch! If you want to-” Then a sound rang out through the Aether house, like a gust of wind mixed with a stomach growl. Acerola stood there, blanked faced and open mouthed. “Uhhh, hello? You still in there?” Hunter started laughing. “Ohhh! You’re in for it now!” “I-in for what?” The children cheered as Mimikyu started to take control of Acerola again, and making her robotically approach the Team Skull grunts.
Pokémon Mina’s final trial Moon landed on Poni Island and dismounted her Charizard. She was more excited than she can ever remember. After all the trials, battles and games, now was finally the time for her very last trial. After that, she’d go up against the kahuna, her new friend Hapu and finally complete her Island challenge. Earlier that day, she met the fairy type trial captain, Mina. She was a strange girl who loved to paint. For her trial, she told her to return to the other Islands and get a petal from and battle all the earlier trial captains. It was so nice to see everyone again, and see what they were up too. Llima was visiting a graveyard, Mallow was with her Pokémon in the Lush jungle “trying to figure out what food they’d like” while Lana watched, Kaiwe was on his volcano with his Marowak and the hiker, and Sophocles was with his cousin Molayne. She went to the Aether house to find Acerola but she only found Nanu watching the preschoolers practice their z-move dances. He said Acerola was gone so he gave her the petal instead. Moon entered Seafolk Village, where Mina lived. The small town was made entirely over the water on wooden docs and all the buildings were boats, on rafts or otherwise floating in the water. She strolled down the docs and made it to Mina’s house. Her house was a large metal boat in the shape of a Whiscash. She went inside. The house was open, with classic foldable paper walls set up around. She saw an older man, woman and a Snubbull relaxing in what appeared to be the living room. The man noticed Moon entered and walked over to her. “Oh hello there! What brings you to our humble home?” “Uh, hello. I’m looking for the trial captain Mina?” “Oh of course, you’re taking the Island challenge. Someone hasn’t come to see Mina in a while, it’s good to see kids going out and learning to face obstacles these days.” “What does she do most days if people aren’t coming? Does she live here with you?” “Technically she lives here. She likes to leave home for long periods of time to draw and paint, only sporadically returning to shovel as much food as she can into herself before absconding. I figured when she came home without eating, she must have someone coming over. Our daughter is over there in her painting room.” “Thank you!” “Good luck kiddo! I’m rooting for you.” Moon walked over to the paper walls peeked inside, seeing Mina surrounded by paints, papers all spread over the floor and an easel in the corner. Mina had grey eyes and ash-blonde hair with pink paint splattered on the sides. In fact she had pink paint marked all over her face and long beige shirt, which also had some pastel green. She had on ripped jeans, grey sneakers, and a big grey bag overflowing with all her painting supplies and sketch pads. She noticed Moon’s presence and welcomed her over. “Welcome back, Moon! Was everyone doing okay? We captains love getting to see how kids like you and your teams grow. Trial-goers and those of us who watch over the Trial-goers, we all get to share that joy with our Pokémon, you know?” “They’re doing fine. It was really great to see everyone again.” “All right, then. Lend me the seven petals you collected for a second, would you?” Moon handed her all seven petals. She turned around and started doing something with her hands. She turned back around and held it out to her. The flowers were now all tied together in a circle shape and placed inside a glass case. “Here you go. One rainbow flower! I made it from the petals you got from everybody.” She handed the flower back to Moon. “Thank you so much. I’ll always treasure it.” “So then, where’s that Totem Pokémon? This is the final Totem Pokémon for the final trial for your Island challenge. ♪ I hope you’re ready for your toughest Totem yet!” Before Moon could respond, the door to the house boat swing open. A small Pokémon flew in. It was a tiny, insectoid creature covered in fluffy, yellow hair with a white face, It had big eyes, two black antennae, a brown scarf around its neck with a needle-like projection on the front and two wings nearly as large as its body sprouting from its back. The Pokémon flew around the room excited, circled around Mina and stopped in front of Moon. “Bom-beeeeee ♪!” “Whoa! It’s a Ribombee!” The Totem Pokémon glowed with ultra energy as it readied for battle. “Good luck Moon!” “Thanks Mina.” Moon pulled out a Pokéball “GO, Toucannon!” ***After the battle*** The houseboat brighten up as Ribombee used Dazzlng gleam, hitting Moon’s Decidueye causing him to fall over, tired and fainted. Ribombee then flew over and sat down on the top of Mina’s easel. “No, Hawkeye!” Moon called her Pokémon back. “Dang it. After all these trials, I messed up on the last one. Oh well, I’ll try again next time, right Mina?” Moon then looked over to the trial captain, only to see the look of shock on her face. “Mina? Is everything okay?” “You lost…” “Yeah, I did. Oh well, I can’t win all the time.” “You don’t know, do you?” “Don’t know what?” “What happens to those who lose.” “Oh no, does it mean that I can’t try again?” “In a way.” “What do you mean?” “Those who fail the island challenge, must be eaten by the trial captain.” “WHAT?!” “I’m sorry Moon, but its tradition.” Moon took a couple steps back shocked. “You... have to eat me?” “Yes. I promise it won’t hurt.” “You can’t be serious.” “I am. It’s an old tradition. Something about keeping the strong, strong. Since I’m the last trial captain, I rarely have to do it.” “Isn’t there another way? “Sorry, but no.” Moon thought quietly about her journey so far and the friends she made along the way. “Okay, go ahead. I understand.” “Thank you. Sorry again, I really liked you, you know.” Moon stiffened and closed her eyes, waiting for her fate. “You don’t have to do that. Just relax.” Moon let out a deep breath, relaxed her body and opened her eyes. “Okay. I’m ready.” Mina calmly walked over, opened her mouth and swallowed Moon’s head. Moon got a close view of her teeth and the chunks of food stuck between them. Mina lowered her head and swallowed down Moon’s neck and shoulders. Moon’s head entered the top of Mina’s esophagus, causing her throat to take the shape of its current occupant. Mina reached Moon’s chested and licked it causing Moon to giggle. She started to lick and suck on them, enjoying the flavor. “Mina!” Hearing her pleas, Mina stopped sucking and continued to swallow. Moon entered into Mina’s stomach. It was hot, wet, smelled funny and was filled with junk food. Due to Mina’s large shirt, only a small bump could be easily seen from under it. Mina swallowed more and came to Moon’s butt, where she started to lightly chew on them. “Mina! Stop it!” Her pleas were ignored this time as Mina was so enraptured by the taste that she tuned her shouting out. Her face was of pure bliss as she chewed on, tasted and enjoyed the young trainer’s posterior. Almost eleven minutes passed before Mina lifted her head up and swallowed down her legs, much to Moon’s relief. Moon curled up in the pile of junk food as her legs exited the esophagus and joined her in the belly. Mina let out a large burp of satisfaction and laid back down on a bean bag chair. Her belly was very large and hung close to the ground. Fortunately for her, Mina’s shirt was large and didn’t rip. It rested on the top of it, allowing only the bottom of her belly to peek out. She rubbed her belly as it made loud gurgling and groaning noises. Her Ribombee seemed overjoyed by her eating Moon. It flew down and landed on top of her engorged stomach. “At least someone’s happy.” “Bombee!” She patted the Totem Pokémon on the head. Then, she heard the sound of the front door opening, and her father saying. “Hello there! Mina’s over there in her painting corner.” Hapu, the new Kahuna of Poni Island and Hala, the Kahuna of Melemele Island both walked into her room. “Alola Mina! Did Moon win her trial yet-” The young girl stopped in her tracts when she saw Mina’s titanic tummy. “Yes she did. Unfortunately, she couldn’t defeat the Totem Pokémon and I had to eat her.” Hala walked over to her. “Mina. You know we don’t do this anymore right?” “Wait…..what?” “We no longer eat any failed challengers. It was decided a couple years ago.” “Oh dang it! I’m always the last to find everything out.” “It’s okay, if anything it’s my fault. I should’ve made sure you knew, since you don’t have a Kahuna here to tell you and you spend most of your time painting in the valley. Besides, there’s not much we can do about it now anyway.” He patted her belly, causing it to shake as it let out a groan in response. Mina then noticed that Hapu was standing there, looking mesmerized. “You okay Hapu? I hope you’re not disappointed that Moon isn’t going to be your first challenger.” “Yeah I am, but I’m more distracted by your stomach.” “Oh yeah, you haven’t seen vore before have you?” Hapu shook her head. “Do you want to feel it?” She slowly approached Mina. Her belly was as big as Hapu’s entire body. “Go ahead.” She took her glove off and felt the front of the stomach. “It’s so warm.” She started to instinctively rub it. Mina let out a yawn and sunk down further into the bean bag. “Alright Hapu, she should leave Mina alone. She needs her sleep after eating such a mighty meal.” “Okay, goodbye Mina!” “Bye Hapu!” The two Kahunas turned and left the houseboat, leaving Mina in her art corner alone. She drank down a bottle of soda before closing her eyes and going to sleep, Ribombee still laying on her tummy. The next day Mina woke up by smelly wind blowing in her face. She opened her eyes to see Snubbull an inch above her head, breathing heavily on her face. “Snubbull!” She pushed the Pokémon away and sat up in the bean bag. She got up and stumbled out of her painting corner and into the living room. Her father was watching television while her mother was cooking breakfast. “Good morning Mom, good morning Dad.” “Good morning sweetheart.” Her father turned his head and saw his daughter. “Looks like that trainer was put to good use?” “That trainer?” “The young girl who came here yesterday. After she never came out, we assumed she must’ve lost.” “Oh yeah, I forgot about her.” She looked down and saw her new breasts. “Whoa.” “Go look at yourself in the mirror.” Mina walked over into the bathroom and examined her reflection. Her breasts had grown from digesting Moon, going from an A cup to at least a D cup. Her belly was now flat and her hips were a bit bigger. She turned around to see the multiple inches of meat added to her butt and the large rip going down the seam of her jeans, revealing her pink panties to the world. “Dang it.” She walked back out to the kitchen/living room. “I need to go shopping for new jeans and pants.” “Alright, you might want to invite some of your friends to go with you like Mallow or the Hapu girl.” “You’re right, that does sound nice. I haven’t seen Mallow or Acerola in a while, and I bet they’d like to know what happened to the trial-goer.” Mina returned to her painting corner and grabbed her bag before leaving their house, her new assets jiggling as she walked. She pulled out her phone and made a call. “Hey Mallow, it’s been a while. Let's go shopping with the other trial captains. Do you still have that coupon for bras?”
Pokémon Moon: Moon's ravenous revenge Lillie and her mother Lusamine climbed up the steps of Mount Lanakila. Her best friend Moon had just became the first champion of the Alola region earlier that week, and she invited Lillie to come up Victory Road to see her. “You know mom, you didn’t have to come. I’m sure Moon would understand that you need more bedrest.” “No Lillie, I have to go. I need to apologise, especially to her. Besides, we’re almost there.” The two reached the top of the Mountain and saw the Pokémon league building. It was a large metal wall sticking out from the mountain top. There were two men standing outside of the door. “Hello there.” “Alola! What brings you to the Pokemon League? If you wish to challenge it, you’d have to go one at a time.” “Oh no, we’re friends of the champion. Moon asked us to come here.” “Ahh, you’re friends with the champion. Right this way, the other girls have already arrived.” The door behind him opened, revealing a metal blue walkway. They entered the room and the door closed behind them. It was a very large room, with stone walls with blue gemstones jetting out from the rocks. “Wow!” “Quite impressive.” “What do you think that guy was talking about when he said other girls?” “Maybe Moon is throwing a party to celebrate their position as champion.” They walked down the path, leading them to a round platform with a glass circle in the middle. Coming off from the platform was four additional paths leading to four doors with symbols for Ghost, Flying, Rock and Fighting above each other them. “Whoa, this place is so big. Which door should we enter?” “Maybe we should ask her.” She pointed as a young teen girl, with purple hair and purple and black dress made of small patches, exiting out of the ghost chamber. “Acerola!” Acerola noticed Lillie calling her and ran over. “Hiya Lillie! It’s so nice to see you again! Who’s this?” “This is my mother Lusamine. Mom, this is my friend Acerola. She’s the ghost trial captain on Ula’Ula Island.” “Yes, I’m familiar. She helps take care of the orphans at the Aether house. It’s nice to meet you in person.” “Too you as well.” “So Acerola, how are you enjoying being an Elite Four member?” “YES! I have giant fire jets! ITS! SO! COOL!” “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” “I’m bringing the old royal touch to the Pokémon league! So what brings you two to the Pokémon league? *GASP* Are you here to challenge me?!” “No no, Moon invited us to something. Do you know which door leads us there?” “Oh yeah, one sec.” Acerola clapped her hands and the glass circle on the ground started to glow. “That teleporter will bring you to the champion chamber. See ya!” “Thanks Acerola!” They waved goodbye before Lillie and Lusamine walked over and stepped on the platform, disappearing and reappearing in the Champion's chamber. The room had transparent crystal like windows, which showed the scenery of the sky and landscape of Alola. They were on a circular platforms which had a flight of stairs leading up to a second platform. The platform was empty except for a ball painted on the floor for an arena and a throne sitting opposite of the stairs. Standing around the arena was Lana, Mallow, Hapu and Mina. Lillie ran over at them. “Mallow, Hapu, everyone!” “Lillie!” The girls all run over to each other and group hug. “It's so nice to see you all!” Mallow patted her on the back. “It’s nice to see you too Lillie. When I heard you were leaving to the Kanto region with your mother, I was worried I wouldn’t get to say goodbye.” “I was going to leave but when Moon told me to come here, I need I had to say goodbye to my best friend one last time.” Lusamine walked over and stood behind her daughter. “Hello again Lillie. Did Moon invite you all too?’ “Yeah, I’m not sure to what though. I thought it was a party but this place isn’t exactly decorated.” “Maybe we should get decorations and set them up before she gets here.” Hapu suggested. “It’s a little too late for that.” Mina Lamented. “I can make Popplio create water balloons.” Lana added. “Great, and then Mina can paint them all nice colors!” Before they could suggest any further ideas, they heard the teleporter activate and the Alolan Pokémon league champion Moon entered the room. “Moon!” Everyone cheered. She walked across the chamber and sat down on her throne before responding. “Thank you everyone for coming. It’s so great to see you all.” “Thank you for bringing us all together. What’s the occasion?” “Me becoming champion of course.” “Is it a party? There’s not many decorations.” “No, I want to challenge all of you to a battle!” “Heck yeah!” “Let’s do!” “Yes! I’ve been waiting to challenge you again!” “Oh okay.” Lusamine walked over to Moon. “You even want to battle me? Even though I used to Pokémon to try and hurt you?” “Of course. You were very strong. I wanna see how much stronger I've, and you’ve become!” Lillie approached Moon. “But, I don’t have any Pokémon.” “I know, I just invited you to hang out with us.” “Oh, thanks Moon.” “Alright, who’s first?” “That would be me!” Mallow stood at the end of the arena hold a Pokéball. Everyone moved out of the way onto the stairs. Moon stood up. “Alright, go Hawkeye!” ***After the battles*** Ending 1- Fatal Decidueye’s arrow hit Bewear right in the chest, sending him flying into the air and landing on the ground fainted. Lusamine sighed as she returned her Pokémon to her Pokéball. “Well, I knew what I was getting into when I challenged the champion of the Alola region.” “Looks like I beat all of you, do you know what that means?” “What?” They all asked. “I get to eat you.” “WHAT?!” They all shouted. “So who’s first?” “Excuse me?! Did you just ask to eat us?” “Yes.” “You can’t do that!” “I’m the champion so shouldn’t I decide what happens to the losers?” “Not when you choose digestion!” Lillie turned around to leave, only to notice the teleporter had turned off. “M-moon, w-why is the teleporter off?” “Because Lillie, I am the champion and what I say goes.” Moon threw a Pokéball into the air and a large form appeared in the air. A red, yellow and green blob fell down from the air and landed on Mina, Mallow, Lana and Lusamine, pinning them to the ground. “MUK!” “Guys!” Moon then quickly moved across the arena and scooped up Hapu. “Hapu!” “Let me go Moon! Don’t do this!” “Sorry, Hapu. You might’ve been my last kahuna, but you’re my first meal.” “Noooo!” Lillie watched helplessly as Moon opened her mouth and shoved Hapu into it. An outline of her face could be seen on Moon’s throat. In a few seconds, Hapu’s torso and legs were swallowed and sent down the esophagus. Moon’s shirt lifted up as her belly swelled in size, now looking like she was overdue with twins. She let out a small burp. “Excuse me.” The other girls screamed in terror as they saw small bulges appear on the belly as Hapu kicked and squirmed. “Alright, who’s next?” She walked over to her Muk and pulled Mallow out of it. “I needed more greens in my diet.” “Moon, please don’t-” Mallow was cut off as her head was shoved passed Moon’s lips and forced down her throat. She reached Mallow’s breasts and stopped to lick them. “HEY!” After a minute, she continued on and swallowed her torso. She lifted her head into the air and let gravity pull her legs down. Her belly swelled out further, growing a few feet and hung down low. She let out a slightly bigger burp. “Excuse me.” She crouched down and grabbed Lana from the sludge. “I choose you, Lana!” “Moon-” Again, the head was shoved inside Moon’s mouth before her prey could have finished their sentences. She moved slightly quicker than with Mallow, swallowing her shoulders, chest and stomach before stopping at her hips. She then stopped to lips Lana’s juicy butt as her legs kicked and squirmed. “Mmmm.” After a few more minutes, she continued on and gulped down Lana’s body and let out a satisfied burp. Her belly now hung an inch above the ground, squirmed and moved and the muffled sounds of the occupants screaming and yelling could be heard. She then turned her attention to Lillie. “Lillie, Lillie, Lillie. Not as big as Mallow or juicy as Lana. You definitely didn’t take after your mother.” “Moon, please. After all we’ve been through, don’t do this!” Moon ignored her pleas and tackled her, pinning Lillie down with the weight of her belly. “NOOO-” Her screams were cut off by Moon’s jaw closing around her head. She squealed as the tongue moved around licking her face before being forced down her throat. She travel slowly down the esophagus before her head entered the stomach. She could see Hapu, Mallow and Lana all laying together squashed together in a wet cramped pile. She was lowered down and landed face first on the other girls, joining the pile. Her feet eventually entered the stomach, leaving her laying on her friends. “Sorry! I can’t move!” “We can’t either.” Some time passed before Mina entered the stomach as well, joining the pile and squishing Lillie. “Sorry.” A longer time passed, more than anyone else before Lusamine entered the stomach. “Disgusting! I’ve been violated for almost fifteen minutes!” “Mom!” “Lillie!” The two squirmed and wiggled around Mina until they were together in a moist embrace. “I’m scared.” “Don’t worry Lilllie. We’re going to be okay.” The walls around them shook as Moon let out the largest burp yet. Everything moved and shifted as Moon walked to her throne and laid down. “Moon! You had your fun. Now let us out!” They then noticed that stomach acid started pouring into the chamber and raise up around them. On the outside, Moon was rubbing her belly as she relaxed satisfied. Her belly was massive and squirmed from her prey’s protests. “The perks of being a champion.” She closed her eyes and went to sleep. The next day Moon woke up, feeling refreshed and energized. She stretched her body and tried to stand up, only to be thrown off by her new weight. She looked down at herself and couldn’t see her belly passed her new boobs. “Holy crap!” She stood up from her throne and tossed out a Pokéball. A large spider like create covered in water bubbles appeared before her. “Araquanid, use Mirror Coat!” “AR!” It created a large shiny wall of energy. She walked over and examined herself in the mirror. Her belly was almost flat, a slight bulge still remained from her large meal and her breasts had grown, going from a cup to a DD cup. Her butt had swelled out, causing a tear down the seam of her shorts. Her hips were wider and it seemed she grew a couple inches taller. She groped her new assets and smiled a devilish, wicked grin. “Oh yeah. With victories like this, I’m going to love being the champion.” Ending 2- Non-fatal Decidueye’s arrow hit Bewear right in the chest, sending him flying into the air and landing on the ground fainted. Lusamine sighed as she returned her Pokémon to her Pokéball. “Well, I knew what I was getting into when I challenged the champion of the Alola region.” “Looks like I beat all of you, do you know what that means?” “What?” They all asked. “I get to eat you.” “WHAT?!” Lillie yelled. “I heard that’s what happens in the Alola region. Am I wrong?” “That was a long time ago. We don’t do that anymore.” “Please? I promise to let you all out.” The girls turned around and talked in a circle. “Come on guys, I think we should let her.” “LET HER EAT US?! You’re crazy Mallow.” Lillie argued. “Come on Lillie, it’s not that big of a deal. At least in Alola.” “Moon just recently moved to the Alola region” Lana integrated, “We should let her eat us so she can really feel like she belongs here.” “Lana, you too?” Lillie looked at Hapu. “What about you? What do you think?” “Well, she did win fair and square, and she is the champion.” Lillie Looked at Mina. “What about you?” “It's not like I’ve got anything better to do.” Lillie finally looked at her mother. “What about you mom?” “I think it sounds fun to partake in old traditions. I heard about vore when I first came to Alola, but I never got the chance to see it in person.” Lillie let out a sigh. “Well if everyone else is up for it, I don’t want to ruin the fun.” Everyone turned back around to Moon and Lillie walked over to her. “Okay, you can swallow us.” “Yay! Thank you!” “ONLY, if you let me and my mother out by morning. We’ve got a boat to catch and we mustn’t be late!” “That’s fair enough. Thanks so much for letting me do this!” “S-so, who’s first?” Mallow stepped up. “Definitely me!” “Alright!” Moon walked over to the grass trial captain. Aromatherapy “Wait! One thing first.” She pulled out a Pokéball and tossed it, sending out a Comfey. “Comfey, use Aromatherapy!” “Comfey!” It sprayed an orange mist on Mallow. “What was that about?” “If I’m going to be food, might as well be delicious.” “Thank you verrrrry much!” Moon then walked over and swallowed Mallow’s head. Moon grinned, seemingly enjoying the fruity flavor. She suckled on Mallow’s head for a minute before snapping back to reality and continuing to swallow. She swallowed down her shoulders and arms, causing a faint outline of Mallow’s face in appear on Moon’s throat. She went further, swallowing down her stomach and waist. Her stomach then started to grow, resembling the size of a watermelon. She lifted her head up into the air and let gravity help her finish her meal off. Her mouth closed around Mallow’s feet and in a few seconds the rest of her entered the belly. Her shirt lifted up as her stomach greatly grew outwards by a few feet. Moon let out a small burp of satisfaction. “Excuse me.” Lillie stood mesmerized at the sight of Moon’s Mallow filled belly. It was almost bigger than Lillie herself. She guessed than Mallow must’ve been curled up into a ball or something. Lillie slowly walked over to Moon. She noticed Little’s cautious and slow approach. “You can touch it if you like Lillie. It’s not going to bite you…..yet.” She took a large step forward and finally reached Moon. The belly shined slightly in the light. She rubbed the side of it, feeling Mallow’s outline. “It’s so... big.” “It’s about to get bigger!” They turned their heads to see Hapu approaching them. “It’s my turn.” “Very well then, step on up!” Hapu reached her arms up, like a toddler begging towards it’s parent. Moon reached down and lifted Hapu up by her armpits and shoved her into her mouth. Her entire upper body was already down in one bite, an outline instantly appeared in Moon’s throat. In a few mere gulps Moon swallowed Hapu’s whole body with ease, finishing her snack in just a couple of seconds. The bulge in her throat disappeared and her belly grew even bigger. It was definitely now bigger than Lillie’s entire body. Moon let out a slightly smaller burp than before. “Okay then Mina, do you want to go next?” “Yeah, sure.” Mina walked across the arena and over to Moon. Moon leaned forward for her, causing her belly to be squished against the ground. Voices could be heard inside her stomach shouting, “Hey!” “Oops, sorry guys!” Mina then walked to Moon and shoved both of her arms into her mouth. “Here goes nothing.” She then leaned down and pushed her head into Moon’s mouth. She took steps forward causing her to be sent deeper down Moon’s esophagus, the outline of two hands becoming visible from her throat. Mina kept walking forward, sending her head, shoulders and chest down until her feet were lifted off the ground, making her unable to take any more steps. Moon grabbed her thin feet and pulled them in closer, sending her waist into her mouth. She then leaned her lead back as Mina’s legs slid down like butter. Moon’s belly grew even bigger from it’s new occupant, letting out a quiet groaning noise. Lillie stared at the belly in awe as a large burp escaped Moon’s lips. “Wow Moon, you’re so giant! Can you even fit anyone else in there?” “I *hiccup* I’m pretty sure I can.” Lusamine then strutted over, her high heels making a clicking sound across the metal arena floor. “Well I guess there’s only one way to find out, eh?” Moon then stood up straight and licked her lips. “I guess you’re right. Come on then!” Lusamine crouched down slightly, being a good few feet taller than the Alolan champion and pushed her head and arms into her mouth. Moon moved her leg back to get a better footing, unready for Lusamine’s weight. She swallowed her down pretty quick, only taking a few seconds for Lusamine’s rather large chest and hips to disappear passed her lips. She lifted her head up. She stumbled back from the weight of Lusamine’s legs and fell, landing on her throne. She then slurped the legs down like spaghetti and let out the largest burp yet. She blushed. “Excuse me, again.” Her belly now laid on the ground and it didn’t seem like Moon could stand up anymore. Lillie approached the belly and rubbed it, knowing her mother was now contained within its fleshy walls. She could barely make out the sounds of the people inside it talking. “M-mom? Can you hear me?” A small bulge in the shape of a hand then lifted up from the rest of the skin. She smiled and touched her hand to it. “So who’s next, you or Lana?” “Me!” The two girls turned to see Lana standing on the opposite side of the room to Moon. She had stripped off her shirt, blue pants and cape, revealing her one piece swimsuit underneath. “Lana, what are you doing over there?” “Getting a running start. Go Popplio!” She tossed her Pokéball and her Popplio appeared in front of her. “Popplio!” “Alight Popplio, I want you to spray me with water!” The Pokémon followed it’s masters commands and sprayed Lana with water. “Now I’m intrigued.” “Lana, why are you soaking yourself in water?” Lillie asked questioningly, having no idea what the trial captain was planning. “Just making myself more slick.” She was now soaking wet and was holding Popplio in her arms. “LET’S GO!” She charged across the arena at full speed. Anticipating her plan, Moon leaned back in her throne and opened her mouth wide. Lana ran and as soon as she reached Moon's belly, she leaped forward into the air. Lillie watched in amazement as Lana soared over the belly and landed in Moon’s gaping maw and flew straight down her throat. Without even having to swallow, the bulge dropped down her throat and added to the massive size of Moon’s titanic tummy. Moon let out another small burp. Lillie stood in the empty arena, now all alone with no one but her and Moon. Moon looked over at her with a big smile. “Well, it looks like it's finally your turn Lillie!” She gulped and slowly approached the Alolan champion. Her stomach now stuck out at least eight feet making Lillie feel eclipsed by it’s size. Moon looked up and grinned at her, making her feel slightly calmer. “Well, it’s now or never.” “You can go in feet first, if it makes you feel better.” “Sure, I’d like that better. Thanks.” “No problem! Now, just get on top of me and I’ll do the rest.” Lillie did as she was commanded and climbed onto Moon’s stomach. It sunk down a bit under her. She slid her shoes off before putting her feet into Moon’s mouth. She could feel Moon’s tongue going around her toes, which made her shake a bit from the tickle. She was swallowed down passed her shins and knees, making her ankles enter the throat. It felt like her feet was pushed into a wet bag. Moon continued, pulling Lillie’s hips and stomach inside with ease. Lillie waited with bated breath as she got closer and closer to Moon’s head until her face was the only thing left outside her mouth. Moon then said something gargled, but Lillie could understand that she said something like “Are you ready?” “I’m ready.” With her permission, Moon’s mouth opened slightly wider and closed around Lillie’s head. She looked up as Moon’s teeth were now an inch away from her face. “Oh dear.” She was pulled further into Moon’s mouth, her uvula hitting Lillie in the face as she entered the esophagus. She traveled deeper down the throat before the last for her body entered the stomach. There, she saw all of her friends and her mother. “Welcome to the stomach Lillie. What’s it like being here for the first time?” “Warm and wet, but not as bad as I imagined.” Lillie wiggled around to get comfy. It was surprisingly roomy in there, no one touching and each person having a few inches to themself. Lana was sitting closest to her, still holding her Popplio. Their order going back was the same as the order they were eaten, Lusamine, Mina, Hapu and Mallow, who was stuck upside down on her head. On the outside, Moon relaxed back on her throne rubbing her belly, satisfied. Her belly was absolutely massive and laid down on the ground in front of her. She let out one final burp before going to sleep. The next day Moon woke up, feeling great. She attempted to stand up but couldn’t even move from her chair. She opened her eyes and saw her massive belly, remembering the night before. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” She leaned forward and smacked the side of her stomach. “Hey guys! Wake up!” She felt her stomach contents move around and wiggle in response, small bulges appearing in the shape of hands and elbows. They were saying something, but she couldn’t make out any of the words through the thin layer of skin and fat. “Okay, time for you to get out.” She leaned forward and focused on her stomach. Suddenly, a bulge raised up from her belly, and traveled up her throat. Long wet blonde hair sprang out from her lips as Lillie’s head was pushed out of her body. Her belly shrunk as Lillie was pushed out onto the floor, soaked in stomach juices. “Ew, this is so gross. Oh, uh, no offense Moon!” “None taken.” Her belly shrunk slightly as a bulge travel up her throat and blue hair came out of her mouth. Lana and Popplio came out and landed on top of Moon’s belly. “That was so much fun! Let’s do that again sometime!” “Sure but right now, would you two mind helping me with the next one?” Her belly shrunk significantly as a large bulge went up her throat and a pair of hands come out of her mouth. “Oh, okay!” Lillie and Lana both grabbed a hand and pulled until Lusamine’s head came up. They kept going until they fully pulled out her entire body and the three fell to the floor. Lusamine stood up, dusted herself off and composed herself. “While that was fun, we must keep our schedule, right Lillie?” “Huh, oh right. I almost forgot. Will you be able to get the others out alone?” “Yeah it’s no big deal.” Moon waved her hand. “Goodbye Lillie, thanks for the meal!” She giggled as she and her mother left the arena and walked onto the teleporter. The last thing she saw was Lana standing on top of Moon’s belly as she tried to pull Mina’s head out.
Alien Encounter It was a very dark night in the middle of a thick forest, the only sound that could be heard was the crickets chirping and a light breeze rustling branches. Then, a bright light appeared in the sky and a meteor fell down from the sky. It crashed into the earth, knocking down trees, making animals flee and creating a crater. A small hatch opened in the meteor, and a creature emerged from the meteorite, slinking out into the forest. Hours later A blue van drove through the forest down an old bumpy path. It came across a downed tree on the road, forcing it to stop. The driver then stepped out of the van. “ust great.”He was wearing a jacket over a red t shirt, blue sweatpants and a baseball cap. He attempted to push the log out of the way before failing and kicking the side of the car in frustration. “ang it! First I’ woken up at one in the morning to go chase some space boulder, then I get a ticket from some stupid park ranger, and now I gotta walk with our equipment for who knows how long because of this stupid tree!!”The van’ back door opened up and a woman stepped out. She was wearing a bright blue vest, and black leggings. “h quit your whining Joseph! This could be the discovery of the century. I could be the next Rosalind Franklin, or Mary Anning!” “ho?”She let out a sigh. “amous people.” “nd how famous are the people that carried their junk?” “ust grab the equipment and follow me.”She went off into the woods with Joseph slowly trudging behind with a bag full of cameras and technology. They walked deep into the forest, Joseph tripping in the dark every couple of minutes. “low down! Are you trying to lose me?!” “eep up.” ou are not carrying hundreds of pounds of crap.” “hhhh, Look!”They entered a clearing of trees and find the large crater from the meteor. “e’e found it! Quickly, set up a perimeter!”They quickly put stakes in the ground around the crash site and wrap up tape around them. They then unpacked and started setting up their machines. “he meteorite is approximately one and a half meters across and doesn’ appear to be made out of iron, nickel or any usual materials. Perhaps a new element, not native to Earth?”Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blue creature dart into a shadow. “hat was that?!” hat was what?” hat thing! It was blue, and shiny!” ou’e imagining things. Don’ waste my time.”She ignored Joseph's doubts and sprinted after it into the trees. “ait! Where are you going?”She went head first into the dark woods, running after a shape she could barely see. Eventually she caught up and there, on the ground was the shiny blue creature. It was only a few feet long and looked like it was made of liquid or putty. “hoa, what creature are you?”She attempted to get close to it and it inched closer as well, seemingly intrigued by her. “ello little guy. Did you come from the meteor?”Suddenly, it leaped up onto her hand, and wrapped around it. It stretched and crawled up, covering her entire arm. “hhhhhh! Get off! Get off!”She kicked and screamed, but her sounds become inaudible after it covered her face and head. It soon became larger, and larger, until it covered her entire body. Trapped inside the gelatin like being, she soon passed out from the lack of oxygen. Over the course of a few mere minutes, her body was completely dissolved, leaving her clothes wet on the ground. The creature then started to change and stretch. It took on a humanoid appearance. It formed a head, and two pairs of arms and legs. Black hair appeared at the top of the head and grew down past the shoulders, almost reaching where the butt would be. The creature’ skin turned from blue to flesh colored, and a mouth and teeth formed. More details were created, such as marks and blemishes until the creature turned into an exact replica of the woman it assimilated. She stood there naked in the woods, as if nothing happened. She looked down at the clothes and scooped them up. After a couple of tries, she managed to put them on. She turned and walked back to the crash site, where Joseph was there waiting for her. “ell, well, well. Look who it is. Find your “lien” Can we go home now?”She turned and looked at him. “es. Let us leave.”He started to pick the equipment back up when she stopped him. “o. Leave it.” ut this stuff is worth thousands of dollars. We can’ just.” “e will come back later! We shall leave now!” lright, alright, calm down.”The two then walked back to the van and silently drove back to the city. Hours later in the city Light shined in from in between the blinds and landed on the bed. There, a young woman laid was fast asleep. Suddenly, her bedroom door was slammed open. “exi! Lexi! Wake up!”Her little sister ran into the room and jumped onto the bed, landing on top of her. “of! Hey! Don’ jump on me! I hate when you wake me up like that.”She pushed her sister off of her, when then jokingly rolled onto the floor before standing up. “et up! It’ time for school. I ate breakfast and I’ all ready to go.” “ou are the only child on earth that looks forward to school.”Lexi turned and looked over at the alarm clock. The time was 8:39. “h crap we’e almost late!”She bolted out of the bed and quickly got herself dressed. She ran into the kitchen/living room, grabbed a bag of chocolate pop tarts, put on a large jacket and rushed out of the apartment door. Three seconds passed before she walked back into the apartment. “orgot Rachel.”She went back into the bedroom and grabbed the eight year old before heading back outside. They left their building and walked towards the subway. Meanwhile The van pulled up and stopped inside an alleyway around the center of the city. The side door opened and the alien stepped outside, now sporting a large bulging stomach. The stretched out skin become more and more blue the further out on the belly and was almost see through at her belly button. It shook as the person inside squirmed and shouted for help. She closed her eyes for a second and put her hands around her belly. Her stomach started to groan and make gurgling noises as it shrunk down more and more. After about two minutes the stomach bulge was completely gone and her belly looked normal, as if nothing was ever inside. Then she let out a loud burp, causing a slightly burnt baseball cap to fly out from her throat and land on the ground. She walked over, picked up the hat and simply threw it into one of the trash bags covering the alleyway. She turned and exited the alley and walked down the street, scanning the area and the people walking around her. So many humans were dressed in similar clothing, with cloth wrapped around their neck, or pants that weren’ pants at all, but a more cloth wrapped around their waists that hung down to around their knees. The dominant life on this planet was incredibly strange, but also incredibly fascinating, and definitely satisfying and nutritious. Half an hour later Lexi got off her train and walked back in the direction of her apartment building. She had just dropped Rachel off at school and was attempting to quiet her racing mind. She left the underground and slowly walked down the street, taking in the views and colors of the buildings around her. Lexi was a painter and often took inspiration from the world around her. Then, she saw a woman across the street from her wearing a blue vest. She stared at her because bright blue contrasted the dull orange, red and brown buildings behind her, creating an interesting image. She watched as the woman turned and walked into an alleyway. Then, three men sitting nearby all stood up and followed the woman into the shadows of the buildings. Lexi could no longer see the three men nor the woman anymore, making her worried. “h no.”She quickly made her way across the street and stopped at the entrance of the side alley. She could hear that the three guys were talking to the woman, but she couldn’ make out the words. She reached into her pocket, pulling out a taser and waited. The sounds of talking changed into that of a scuffle. She took a deep breath before slowly entering the alley, l her heart racing as she quietly walked forward and reached a corner leading to behind the building. She looked around the corner and gasped as she saw what was happening. The woman’ stomach was massive, easily being twice her size, with moving bulges and parts sticking out that looked like the outlines of arms, heads and body parts. The color of the skin was distorted to blue at the front of her belly. Two of the men were gone and she had her belly pressing the remaining man against the brick wall, pinning him. The terrified man started yelling. “elp me! Somebody! This thing isn’ human!”Suddenly the woman darted her head forward, her jaw stretching far beyond what human biology would allow and went over the mugger’ head. He kicked and screamed as she swallowed past his shoulder blades and went down his chest. After swallowing down his stomach and waistline, she lifted her head straight up with inhuman strength. The lower half of his body then slid down her throat from gravity. Her bulging belly now ballooned out further growing to almost three times her size and the blue crept further up her belly. She then sat on the ground from the new weight and let out a burp. She started to rub her belly as Lexi could hear the sounds of the three men screaming for their life inside of her. Lexi was both scared and intrigued from what just happened in front of her. Something inside her made her wanted to know more, even though she knew she probably shouldn’ get closer. The belly laid down before her, bulging and groaning, almost hypnotizing her into wanting to touch it. “ho goes there?”The large bellied woman turned her head around and looked back at where Lexi was standing, making her hide behind the corner. She watched as the woman pushed herself off the ground and back onto her feet, somehow able to stand despite the weight of three large men hanging off her front. She then turned and started to slowly waddle out of the alleyway back onto the street. Lexi finally gained the courage and managed to speak up. “ait!”The woman turned and looked back at her. “ou can’ go back onto the street. Someone might see you!”The woman perplexingly looked at her. “xcuse me?” omebody might see your large stomach and call the authorities on you.” “ho are you?” m, my n-name is Lexi.”She stepped away from the wall and walked fully around the corner. “nd why are you concerned about my welfare, ms Lexi?”Lexi started to blush. “-umm.” “o matter. More importantly, if I shouldn't be seen in public, then what should I do?” “ou can come with me into my apartment. It’ just across the street.” “lright. I’l follow you into your shelter.”Lexi took her jacket off and put it over the woman’ belly, hoping it would make her look less suspicious. “n the count of three, we’e going to quickly go across the street and into my apartment building. One. Two. Three!”Lexi started jogging forward, when the woman quickly moved passed her and across the street. She was shocked at how fast she could move despite her large stomach weighing her down. They go inside the building and went into her apartment. She closed the door behind them. She turned to see the mysterious big bellied woman walking around her living room touching and lifting objects to examine them. “s this an average human dwelling?” t’ an average apartment in the city. Why do you ask? Wait. Who even are you? How can you swallow people like that?”The woman turned to her, her belly swinging as she moved. “y species is gelatinous and moldable. Like putty. We can consume large food and digest them quickly.” “pecies? WAIT. Are you an alien?!” orrect. I am alien to your world.” ow?! Why?! H-how?!”Lexi stopped for a second to compose herself. “kay. Okay. So. For starters, how do you look human and know English?” “hen I arrived, I fused with the human female you see before you. I gained knowledge of her language and some memories.” hy are you on earth?” “he planet is acceptable.” cceptable?” ufficient heat from the nearby star. Large amounts of dihydrogen monoxide and carbon based life forms to feed on.” “oes that include humans?” ndecided.” s an army coming to kill us all?” o. My species are solitary. They are rarely on the same planet as one another.” hen how do you reproduce?” ariety of ways.” hat sounds lonely.” e do not seek companionship. It serves no benefit.” hen why are you here?” “urvival.” “hat’ why you’e here? Not to invade or kill, just to find a home?” ndeed. I apologize for devouring these humans.” t’ okay. They deserved it anyway.” ascinating. I assumed you humans would function more together.” umans don’ always get along.” ascinating.”She walked around the room and picked up a picture frame. “s this your offspring?” o, that’ my little sister Rachel. I’e been taking care of here since my parents died.” o you live alone with her? Do either of you have mates?” o. It’ just me and her.” “oted.”She continued to walk around the room. “o what do you want to do now?” “earn more about human culture and society.” “ou can stay here if you like. I mean if you’e got nowhere else to go to.” “mm. I accept. Thank you for your hospitality.”She bowed, causing her belly to smack into the ground. “ must ask, why are you helping me?” uh?” hat do you gain from giving me aid?” othing.” hen why would you help me?”Lexi didn’ entirely know herself. “-I’ not sure. Something inside me is telling me to help you.” ntriguing.” “ didn’ catch your name by the way.” “ do not have one.” “our parents didn’ name you?” ames would be unnecessary since we don’ communicate.” h yeah, I forgot. Then what should I call you?” hatever name you want. It is inconsequential to me.” “ell, how’ about Lucy?” f that is what you would like, then my name is now Lucy.”Lexi went into her room and changed into her uniform. “hy did you change your clothes?” “ gotta go to work now. Don’ leave until I get back.” nderstood.” ’l be back before 4:00. Goodbye Lucy.” arewell.”Lexi left her apartment and walked outside, a million thoughts raced through her head. “ have an alien in my house!” “here is she going to sleep?” “oes she have to sleep?” ow will Rachel react?” ow will we feed her?”She tried to quiet her mind. She had to stop thinking about what ifs. Right now, she had to go to work, get paid and pick up her sister from school.
A bully’ meal It was a bright sunny day at Northwater high school. Ms Samantha Hart, a young algebra teacher, sat in her empty classroom while typing on her computer. The lunch block had just started a few minutes ago which meant she didn’ have any classes to teach, allowing her the perfect chance to catch up on grading exams and paperwork. That was, until the door to her classroom was slammed open. Without evening looking up, Samantha already knew it was Veronica. Veronica was a troublemaker, though other teachers preferred the term delinquent. She enjoyed disrupting her lessons, not doing her classwork and teasing on other students. They heard rumors that she had beaten up multiple other students before, but no one has been brave enough to speak up. The teenager walked into the room with her hands in the pockets of her favorite leather jacket. “ou wanted to see me, Sammie?” told you to call me Ms Hart, and yes, I did want to speak with you.” t better be good to make me miss my lunch.” es. I have been anonymously informed that you have been bullying other students, even putting your hands on them and stealing things from them.” hat?! Who said that? It was that pipsqueak Becky, wasn’ it?!” he identity of the other student is completely irrelevant. What matters right now is your punishment.”Samantha got a bit angry at the mention of Becky’ name. She watched her sitting next to Veronica everyday doing her classwork for her. It made her so mad to see someone be treated like a slave. “unishment? Ha! Yeah, no. I got a life and I ain’ wasting it staying after school with you and the other deadbeats.” ou ARE staying here for detention or your punishment will get worse.” orse? HA! And what are ya gonna do? Huh?” ’l have to contact the principal who will suspend you from school and inform your parents of your actions.” ou ain’ calling anybody.”She walked closer to the desk “s that a threat?”Veronica took her hands out of her pockets and put them on the desk. “o, it’ a prediction.”Samantha stood up and took a step back. “-violence will only make this worse for you!” h I’ not gonna get violent, I’e got something better for you Sammie. Something I’e thought about every time in class I watched you bend over to show your juicy rump.”Samantha started to blush from embarrassment as she walked back further. “-excuse me?! What are you implying?”She was now standing up against the wall, no way to get out except by going past Veronica. “ou remember that girl Trinity? The one who disappeared last year?” es, w-what about her? What did you do?!”Veronica was now on the other side of the desk and only a few feet away from her teacher. “he same thing I’ about to do right now.”She lunged forward and grabbed her teacher by her long hair and shoved it into her mouth. Samantha screamed as she was dragged by the force of Veronica’ swallows and her head moved passed her lips and entered into her mouth. “et me go! Let me go!”She was pulled further in and traveled into the slimy esophagus. She groaned in disgust as her face rubbed against the moist walls of the long and disgusting flesh tunnel. Her chest and stomach were swallowed down in quick succession while her legs flailed about in the air like a tantruming toddler. Soon her head reached the end of the throat and popped into the top of the stomach chamber. The sack was boiling hot and reeked of hot melting old food and dairy. She traveled only a little bit further from her waist being swallowed until she was stopped completely. “uh?”Her head and shoulders were hanging above the stomach, her arms and torso sat vertical in the esophagus, her hips and butt were in the mouth and her legs dangled in the open cold air. Her legs then got even colder as she felt her pants get pulled off, leaving her in only her panties. “eronica, what are you doing?”Then, she felt a warm tongue go up and lick her butt. “eronica!”The tongue then came back and licked again. “o! Stop it!”Samantha sat helplessly as her student continued to lick and suck on her butt cheeks like they were big red lollipops. After a few minutes, the assault ended as Veronica lifted her head up and swallowed down Samantha’ legs, sealing her fate. The rest of her body then entered the stomach causing her to finally drop down and splash into the stomach water. Surrounding her was cereal, bacon, eggs, cheese and various other foods her student had eaten recently. She desperately kicked on the stomach walls. “et me out! I’ not food! Let me out!”Her protests only caused Veronica to burp. On the outside, Veronica was rubbing her large belly in satisfaction. It was massive and almost touched the floor. “ow Sammie, you tasted even better than what I imagined! This was totally worth it.”She then walked over and sat in the teacher’ chair. She put her feet and belly up on the desk. “h, I’ going to masturbate to your screams of pain now.” creams of pain? What are you talking abo-“Before she could finish her sentence, she felt a tingling sensation on her legs. This tingling quickly turned into an itching feeling and that itch quickly became painful. She looked down and saw stomach acid starting to rise and a low gurgling noise became louder and louder. “HHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”Veronica then reached under her belly, into her pants and started to rub. “h yeah, that’ perfect.” Later that day Becky stood in the school hallway, grabbing her bags from her locker. Becky was always a rather small petite girl, in both height and body shape. She had long blonde hair done up in a bun and wore a pair of glasses with large thick lenses. The school bell rang, informing the students that it was time to go home. She closed her locker and started heading to the exit. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her and yanked her into the bathroom, causing her glasses to fall to the floor. The sound of the door locking could be heard and a rancid smell saturated the room. “-who’ there? I can’ see without my glasses. P-please don’ hurt me!” ow Becky, why would I do that? It would break our deal.”She turned to the source of the voice and could make out a large fuzzy figure standing near her. “eronica?”The fuzzy figure reached its arm out and put her glasses into her hand. As soon as she put them back on, the fuzzy figure turned into Veronica. She was topless and it seemed like her breasts had grown a cup size or two larger since she saw her earlier that morning. “peaking of our deal-” eronica, what happened to you? How did you get bigger?” ever mind that. We have bigger matters to deal with.”She stepped closer and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Becky stood at the same height as Veronica’ breasts, which the sudden growth of only made her feel even smaller. “-matters? W-what matters?” ell, you see Becky. Our dear teacher Ms Hart gave me a detention today.” -what f-for?”Veronica started to walk towards the bathroom stalls, forcing Becky to walk alongside her. “omebody told her that I was bullying them. You wouldn’ know anything about that, would you?” o! Of course not! I wouldn’ say that! You’e not a bully!” es, and remind me again, what do I do for you?” ou give me protection, and I do your school work.” orrect. And I can’ do that if I’ in detention now can I?” -no.” o you know what could happen if I’ not there to protect you?” -what?”Veronica then kicked open the stall door, revealing a pile of bone filled crap in the toilet with a skull sitting on the top. “EP!”She moved back and hid behind Veronica. “hat did you do?! Who is that?!” ou don’ recognize your favorite teacher Ms Sammie?” ou at-ate her?” ep, I sure did. But I did it for you. After all, someone might do something to you if I spent detention with her. Now what do you say?” -thank you for protecting me.”She looked on at the pile in horror. “ood. Now flush her.” hat?!” lush the toilet and send her down with the other turds and cum in the school’ septic tank.”She grabbed her and pushed her towards it. “o.”Becky took a deep breath and stepped into the stall, the horrible smell almost knocking her out. She peered down into the toilet, the crap filling the entire bowl. It had chunks of bone jetting out and a ball of hair towards the bottom. The skull perched on top was red and fleshy and still had its left eye in it’ socket. The eye that stared straight right at her, almost like it was pleading with her for help. It’ guilt filled gazed burned a hole right through her soul. She knew the eye once belonged to a person that tried to help her. She closed her eyes and pushed the handle. She listened as the water flowed down the drain. After it stopped, she opened her eyes to see the now empty bowl, once containing the remains of Ms Hart. She stood back up and walked back to Veronica. “ d-did it.” ood. Oh, just a reminder.”She then lurched forward and shoved Becky between her breasts. Her chest was bigger than Becky’ entire head. “hese boobs are made of people! Trinity, Jessica, Jen, Sammie.”Becky squirmed. She could barely breathe as Veronica squeezed her between the two boobs. “nd if you tell someone about me again, you just might join them. Get it?” nderstood!”She let out of her, allowing Becky to move away and finally take a breath. “ood. Now pick up my bags and follow me.”Becky did as she was told and grabbed the backpack in the corner of the room. As they walked out of the room, she looked back at the empty stall and the toilet Ms Hart was flushed down. She was once full of life, with goals and dreams. The only trace of her left was fat hanging off Veronica’ chest and a bad smell staining the bathroom. “urry up pipsqueak.”Becky turned off the lights and shut the door before running to catch back up.
Daddy’ little girl 2 It was a cool autumn afternoon. Richard was up in his bedroom hastily stuffing clothes into his suitcase. His high school reunion was this week and he had to leave very soon in order to get there on time. Normally he would have to skip events like these because of his young daughter Cameron. He simply couldn’ bring himself to leave his little princess with just any random teenage babysitter but fortunately for him, Cynthia was able to watch her. Cynthia was a beautiful young woman in her late twenties that he had started dating a few months ago. She often worked many hours each week in her high up position at a business, but took a few vacation days to babysit. He carried his suitcases downstairs to the front door, where Cynthia was there waiting for him. She had her dark brown hair in a ponytail and was wearing light blue jeans with a white tank top that showed off her rather large cleavage. “bout time Richard. Are you all set for your reunion?” “’ all packed up and ready to go.”She looked at him skeptically. “o you have your wallet?” ep.” eodorant?” ep.” xtra shirts, socks and pants?” ep, yep and yep.” our truck keys?”He opened his mouth to talk before pausing and frantically patting his pockets. She whistled, causing him to look up and see her spinning his keys around her finger. “h ha ha. Very funny.” ll that muscle but no brain inside.”She leaned over and kissed him on the check. “ever change.” “re you sure you can handle it?” “f course. I used to babysit my neighbor’ kids for cash.” “ou have money for food? Clean clothes for every day? Phone for emergency services? A weapon if someone breaks in?” es, yes, yes and stop worrying. We’e both going to be alright.” “ know, I’ just nervous.” ou have nothing to be worried about. It’ only five days.” t’ just, this will be the longest time I’e been apart from Cameron since she was born. Ever since I took her home from the hospital, we’e been together and after her mother Mary...... passed, I’ all she’ had.”Cynthia grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down so he was level with her piercing sapphire blue eyes. “ promise, the both of you are going to be okay.” hank you. Speaking of, have you seen Cameron recently?” “ot for a while. I think she’ outside.”They both walked to the back door and saw Cameron outside at her garden, watering her plants. She was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of blue overalls. “here she is.”Cynthia and Richard walked across the backyard and sat down next to her. Cameron looked up at them and smiled. “addy!”She latched onto him with a big hug. “ello my little princess. How’ your lovely garden coming along?” t’ growing well.”The garden was filled with a rainbow of flowers and plants. “ don’ know how you do it. Neither me nor your mother had any green thumbs.”He looked around at the dead grass around the yard. “t’ all about the fertilizer.”She let out a giggle. “ell princess, do you remember what’ happening today?” ou’e going to see your friends for a few days?” hat’ right. It’ only for five days.” ut who’ gonna tuck me in bed? Or make me breakfast when I wake up?” hat’ what Cynthia is here for. She will help you with your schoolwork, make you food, tuck you in and besides, I’l call you as soon as I can.” romise?” romise.”He took off his Boston Red Sox’ baseball cap and put it on her head. ”ow remember, Cynthia is in charge. Whenever she speaks, she speaks for the both of us. Understand?” k daddy.”They all got up and walked to the driveway. “h Cynthia, I need you to take her underwear shopping this week. She keeps outgrowing them.” “ure thing. Bye.”He leaned out the truck door and hugged her. Cameron then squeezed in between them and bummed Cynthia away with an angry smirk on her face that quickly changed to one of sadness as she hugged her father. “’ going to miss you!” “’ going to miss you too. I love you princess.” love you too daddy.”She waved as her father got into his truck and drove away. Cynthia then walked over and crouched next to Cameron. “ome on, let’ go inside. I’l make lunch for you while you watch TV.” ounds good to me.”She grabbed her hand and walked inside, unaware that Cameron started licking her lips as soon as she turned away. Later It was the dead of night. The only sound to be heard was the creaking of door hinges as Cameron slithered out of her bedroom. She was wearing a yellow onesie with padded feet that allowed her to quietly tiptoed through the upstairs hallway until eventually reaching her daddy’ bedroom. Finally! Now was the perfect opportunity to get rid of yet another of her daddy’ pesky girlfriends. This one was harder than the rest and had survived the longest so far. She didn’ spend as much time with him as the others and was never left alone with her. She only spent the night over once, and they had the door locked the entire time! Soon, that wouldn’ matter anymore. Soon, she would be nothing but fat and fertilizer in her garden. All she had to do after swallowing her was to call daddy and tell him a story of how Cynthia had abandoned her and he’ quickly come running back to her, where he belonged. She quietly opened the bedroom door and slipped inside. The light of the moon shined in from the window, allowing her to see some furniture and objects in the room, including Cynthia sleeping on the bed. She was laying on top of the bed sheets on her back with her legs spread. She didn’ have any panties on, and seemed fast asleep. “ust like all the others.”Cameron giggled to herself before getting closer to the woman, climbing onto the bed and between her legs. Then, before she could start to swallow, Cynthia’ legs closed on her and forced Cameron’ head completely into her vagina. “hhhh!”She kicked, struggled and screamed but to no avail. Cynthia opened her eyes and smiled before reaching down and unzipped Cameron’ onesie, leaving her in only her little panties. Cynthia let out a little moan as Cameron’ shoulders entered her vagina. Her belly expanded as she pulled in her chest and small waist. She could feel Cameron punching the inside walls of her womb. A louder moan was let out as Cameron’ large hips were pulled past Cynthia’ lower lips. Eventually only her little feet were sticking out, leaving her unable to do anything but wiggle her toes. Cynthia then reached down and used one finger to push the last part of her inside. Cameron curled up as the rest of her body was sealed inside the cramped womb. Cynthia leaned back on the bed, rubbing her large thrashing belly. She could feel Cameron struggling within, causing her belly to shake and little bulges to pop out. “ot fair! Not fair! Not fair! Let me out!” “nd why should I? You didn’ let those other women out.” -what!? How did you know?” “ didn’ realize it at first, but after about a month and a half I realized that the way you looked at me was the same way you looked at food, plus your father telling me stories of how his previous girlfriends always run out, never to be seen again and that was all I needed to figure you out. I then simply searched around and found the skulls in the flowerbeds.”Cameron let out a scream as she continued to kick. “O FAIR NO FAIR NO FAIR NO FAIR!!!!!”Cynthia then yawned. “ell if you’l excuse me, I have to go to sleep.” OOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!”Cynthia wrapped the blanket around her and went to sleep as her belly continued to violently shake and let out muffled screams of anger. Elsewhere The high school reunion was hours under way and Richard was sitting at the bar with his old best friend Johnny. “o on a scale of one to ten, how plump is she?”Johnny asked. “en. Absolutely.” hhhhhhh yeah, you are a lucky fellow.” know I am. Cynthia, she’ something else. She’ different from all the other girls I’e met. I haven’ felt like this since…Mary.” know what you mean. I said I’ never settle down. I was gonna be a party animal for life, with a new girl. Every. Single. Day! Then, I met Betty and I haven’ looked back since. How does she get along with Cameron?” ’ not entirely sure. I haven’ seen them interact much. I’ concerned that Cynthia may be avoiding her.” t’ just your nerves talking. Maybe she just doesn’ know how to deal with kids and doesn’ want to make a mistake that’l mess up the relationship.” “ really hope it goes well. It would break my heart if the two loves of my life don’ get along. Now is the perfect opportunity for bonding between them. If things go well, then maybe Cynthia could move in with us.” hat’ the dream buddy.” wonder what they are up to right now.” t was the first morning since Cameron had become imprisoned within Cynthia. She had already given up on struggling a few hours after she was unbirthed and felt a cord attached to her belly button soon afterwards, providing her food and more air. This was all incredibly strange for Cameron. She sat in the flesh sack with very little light illuminating the walls and almost complete silence except for the stomach above her digesting food and a heart beating. Time went by slowly for her, every minute felt like an hour, an hour a day and the night felt like an eternity. Eventually, she felt Cynthia wake up and stretch. She walked downstairs, making her belly jiggle and shake up and down. She went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast. Cameron could taste the sausage and waffles she was eating. Afterwards, Cameron could feel her begin to exercise. Everything shook like an earthquake as Cynthia did jumping jacks, squats and went out for a jog. The entire time Cameron sat quietly, festering with rage. After a few hours, all the movement had stopped and she could hear the sounds of water running down the sides of the belly. She must have gotten into the shower. Cynthia washed her entire body, even getting around her distended stomach. Occasionally, Cynthia stopped and would rub her belly. Cameron could feel her hand touching her through the layer of skin. It felt....... soothing. All of her anger started to lessen and the negative memories felt like it happened further and further in the past. It started to feel…. peaceful. Later, Cynthia turned off the shower and dried herself off with a towel. She then climbed into bed and started to read a book out loud, occasionally rubbing her belly. Cameron felt more and more tired as she continued to hear Cynthia read. She eventually gave in and succumbed to slumber. The next morning, Cameron woke up to everything around her moving. It wasn’ the same movement as when Cynthia walked or ran which was caused by gravity. This was something else entirely. “hat’ happening?”Her eyes darted around as the walls started to contract and push her back into the entrance of the womb. She traveled through the wet tunnels until her head popped out of the vagina. Her eyes started to sting as they were exposed to the bright daylight. Eventually, her entire body was pushed out, leaving her lying cold, wet and naked on the wooden floor. Her vision eventually adjusted to the light and she could see Cynthia standing above her. “ood morning Cameron. Did you enjoy your nap?”Cameron remained silent while she started off into space. Cynthia picked up Cameron’ limp body off the ground and cradled her. “omeone’ sticky. Let's head upstairs. I’e already got the bath ready for you.” The two girls sat naked together in the bathtub. Cameron was sitting in Cynthia’ lap while she washed Cameron’ long blonde hair with shampoo. “ou’e been awfully quiet. Is everything okay?”Cynthia said with a hint of sarcasm. “........why didn’ you eat me?” “uh?” hy didn’ you eat me? That night, you were able to pounce and swallow me but you didn’. You pushed me into your vagina.” t’ called unbirth.” hy didn’ you eat me? Why did you let me out? Why didn’ you digest me and dump me into the garden so you can have daddy all to yourself?” don’ want your dad to myself. I’ happy to share him with you.” hy?” ecause he loves you, and he would miss you too much.” e won’ miss you.” Cynthia grabbed Cameron’ chin and gently turned her head around to face her. Their sapphire and emerald colored gazes locked together. “o you know who you remind me of Cameron?” “ho?” “e.” uh?”Cynthia started stroking Cameron’ head. “hen I was a little girl, my big sister meant the world to me. Just like your father does to you. We did everything together. We shared a bunk bed, played games, went shopping, ate gross food, told each other stories. It was perfect. But then…. she got a boyfriend. After that, she didn’ want to spend time with me anymore. She only wanted to be with him. She only wanted to spend time with him. I was so angry. I need to do something. I thought that if I could get rid of him, everything would go back to the way it was. If he was gone, I would have my big sister again. So I ate him.” “ou did?” did. I digested him and dumped his remains in the creak. I thought it was over, that I fixed it, but I was wrong. She just replaced him with another boyfriend, and another one, and another one, and another one! Sound familiar?”She paused, hoping Cameron would respond. After waiting with no responses, she continued with the story. “o I just kept eating and eating and eating, hoping something would change. It went on for years. Boyfriend after boyfriend all meeting the same fate. Until one day, when I came into our room and saw her crying.” hy was she crying?” ecause she was sad. She was sad because all of her boyfriend left her without a trace. She thought that she drove them away and hated her enough to not even tell her goodbye. She thought it was her fault. Because of me, she thought she was a bad person. I didn’ mean to hurt her, but I did. Did you ever stop to think how your daddy feels about his girlfriends disappearing?” o….” e might be sad because he thinks he’ driving them away and each time you eat one, it only gets worse and worse. I can make him happy, but only if you let me-" “top it!”She slapped Cynthia’ hand away. “ou are just trying to trick me into feeling guilty so I won’ eat you!” ’ telling you the truth. That’ how I recognized that you wanted to eat me so soon, because I was you.” hat doesn’ change anything. You’e still the same as the other girls.” hat makes us the same?” “ou make promises that nothing will change, but then they do. You use daddy to buy things for you. You change the way we dress to the way you like. You make us to go to stupid restaurants you like with gross food! And you try to make me go to public school instead of at home so you can be with him more! And you make us stop doing things I like and do what you want! And! And! And...… you make him spend less time with me…. and I’ left all alone...”Cameron turned back around to face away from her. “ameron.” hy does he want you?! Why isn’ he happy?! Why can you make him happy and not me?! Does he not like me?” “f course he does. He loves you, and no woman can ever change that. Think about it like this, you like ice cream right?” o duh, everyone likes ice cream.” nd you like chocolate right?” es.” ould you be sad if you can’ have chocolate anymore, even if you still had ice cream?” es, I guess.” “t’ the same thing. Just because he wants something else, doesn’ mean he still doesn’ want you.” “......”Cynthia started to lightly stroke Cameron’ head again. “ou know with me here, you’l actually get more time with your daddy.” ow?” “ince I’l be working and making money, he won’ have to do jobs around town anymore. You won’ have to sit bored anymore while he works on pipes and wood boards and stuff. He’l be able to spend all that time with you.” ut you’l be here the rest of the time.” o what if I am? It’l make him happy.” ut I won’ be.” hy?” t won’ be the same with someone else here.” t wouldn’ be the same, but…It might be better with me around.” “o it won’.” “es it can.” o it won’!” ow’ about this? I’l make you a deal. If we go out today and you don’ have a good time, you can eat me.”She turned back around and looked at Cynthia. “eally?” eally.” “ou’e tricking me.” hy do you think that?” o one wants to risk getting eaten.” “ know I won’ get eaten.” “ow?” “ecause I know you will have fun. I promise.” lright then, I’l take it.” “hank you.”She started to rinse out Cameron’ hair. “ can’ wait to see you smile.” nd I can’ wait to dump you into my garden.” ravis POV It was a bright sunny friday afternoon and instead of being outside enjoying it, Travis was sitting behind a counter in a clothing store in a mall. Travis was a thirty four year old man with a goatee, blonde mullet, a tight uniform and a job he absolutely despised. He was the only employee working that day, he wasn’ allowed to have his phone on him and he had to sit in the empty store bored out of his mind on the off chance someone might walk in. He sat back in his chair and groaned. “ghhhhhh! I could’e been working at the movie theater right now and get to watch a film every once and awhile. Or in the food court and get to sneak some free food or even at the sporting goods store and get to work with guns but NOOOOO. The only job available is in the family clothing store, so I get to deal with middle aged moms, screaming infants and bratty kids.”Suddenly, the bell rang, signifying that someone opened the front door “peak of the devil. Here comes one now-”Travis stopped as he saw a young woman holding a little girl’ hand walked into the store. The little girl had long blonde hair that went down to her hips, held a juice box in her free hand and was wearing a yellow sundress and a Boston Red Sox’ baseball cap. The woman meanwhile, was something else entirely. If Travis had to pick a word, it would be voluptuous. She had brown hair that went down to her shoulder, flawless white skin, and wore a t shirt that clung tightly to the shape of her large breasts. “t least there’ one good thing about this job.”He thought to himself smugly. He watched as the woman and little girl walked to the kids section and crouched down to the girl’ level before talking. “our father wanted us to get you more clothes since you keep “rowing”so much. You can go grab more underwear over there while I’l look for some pants.” lright!”The little girl happily skipped away to a different part of the store, leaving the woman alone. Travis got closer and hid behind a rack to not be seen. He stared at her for a few minutes. Eventually, she bent over to look at a lower shelf, giving him a better view of her juicy butt in her blue jeans. “hhhh yeah.” s someone there?”The woman stood back up and looked around. “rap.”He walked out from behind the rack. “ello there miss. My name’ Travis. Um, is there anything I can help you with?” o, I’ alright. Thanks for asking.”He stepped closer to her. “oooo, what’ your name?” ynthia.” ice. Is that kid over there yours?” “ou mean her? No. She’ my boyfriend’ daughter.” s your boyfriend here at the mall?” o, he’ away for the weekend. I’ just babysitting.” see.”He took another step closer. “f you’e looking for jeans, there are some on the bottom shelf.” “hanks.”She got onto her knees and leaned forward to look through the shelf. “o problem.”Travis slowly reached his hand out towards her butt. Sweat dripped down his face as he got closer. “ynthia!”Travis quickly pulled his hand back as the little girl ran over to Cynthia. “ found some nice underwear.”Cynthia pulled her head out and stood back up. “ice job. I’e got some jeans for you. Let’ go look at dresses.” “kay!”She grabbed the woman’ hand. As they started to walk away, the girl looked back at Travis and gave him a malicious glare before turning back. “reepy brat.”He started to walk back but before he could reach the counter, he heard Cynthia shout to him from across the store. “ey, Cameron says that someone had an accident in the women’ changing room.” eriously?! Freakin-I mean, thank you for telling me!”Travis faked a smile as he went over to the closet and pulled out the old worn out mop and bucket. He trudged over to the female changing room and walked inside. The main light hanging on the ceiling was dead, making the room a little dark. “reat. Another thing I have to fix!”He started opening all of the booths looking for the mess before finally coming to the last booth. He opened the door and saw a puddle on the bench. He stepped inside and started mopping it up. “hat the heck is this?”he then noticed the juice box laying on the floor under the bench. “hat little brat!” “ou called?” hh!”He jumped up in fright before turning around and seeing the little girl standing in the doorway of the booth. Her expression was completely blank, yet it gave off a dark feeling of malevolence. “ou! It was you who spilled the drink!”She stepped into the booth and closed the door. “hat are you doing you little brat?” “ou were going to touch her.” “hat?” “ou told her to bend over so you could touch her.”She took a step forward. What little light there was made her emerald eyes seem to glow in the dark. “o I wasn’! Don’ talk about things you don’ know, kid.” “ know you’e been staring at her since he came. You want her, don’ you?”She took another step forward. “xcuse me?” ou’e going to try to take her away. If she’ gone, it will make daddy sad again.”She was now slowly walking towards him. “ don’ give a crap about your dad! Get outta my way freak!” “ou can’ have her!”She then lunged forward and kicked his ankle, causing him to fall over in pain. “hh!”He cradled his leg. “RRRR! You little-”He then realized that she had grabbed his other foot and shoved it into her mouth. “hat the-NO!”She then grabbed his hurt foot and shoved it into her mouth as well. “hat are you doing!? Get off me!!!”He tried thrashing and shaking his feet around, but the grip of her throat muscles was too strong. He could see the outlines of his shoes in her throat. She then continued to walk towards him, swallowing down his legs as she went. Panicking, he quickly looked around for something to hold onto before grabbing the edge of the bench. “top it! Get off!”He could feel his feet entering her stomach as she gulped down his hips. A bulge roughly the size of a basketball appeared under her dress. “lease! Don’ do this! I swear I won’ stare at another woman again!”She ignored his pleas and quickly swallowed down his stomach and chest. His grip on the bench weakened as the pull from her throat traveled further and further up his body. “LEASE!!!!”She finally came up to his neck. The bulge in her stomach had grown and caused her dress to lift up, revealing the skin of her belly. “OOOOOO-”His screams were cut off as her lips closed around his head and his arms were sucked in like her favorite spaghetti, sealing his fate. He traveled down the wet tunnel of her esophagus before landing completely inside her stomach. It was hot, dark, cramped, and smelled like breakfast food. He punched and trashed the walls of his tomb. “O! NO! NO! LET ME OUTTA HERE!”His only response from Cameron was a loud burp that shook the walls around him. “uck!“Everything around him started to shake and slosh around as he felt her stand up and skip out of the changing room. “ameron, who did you eat?”He recognized the voice as belonging to Cynthia. “ynthia! Help me! Get me outta here!!!!!”He begged. “ ate the worker. He tasted bad.” eah, I bet. He looked nasty.”All hope faded from Travis’ body, as he realized no one was going to save him. “ut he did give you a nice big belly.”He felt a big hand press down and rub on his head. “hat feels good.”The hand continued to rub on his head, causing the little girl to moan. “nd since you ate the cashier, do you know what that means?” hat?” ll these clothes are free!”Everything started to shake again as the two left the store. The next few hours felt like hell. He could feel every step the little girl took as they walked around the mall going into different stores. He kept kicking and screaming for help, hoping some passerby could hear, but no one seemed to notice or hear him. His skin started to feel raw and itchy and he could hear a gurgling noise. Eventually, he felt something cold drop on his head and slide down the back of his neck. “gh!”He looked up and saw melted ice cream falling down from the esophagus. “re you seriously eating ice cream!? What, was I not filling enough for you?!”He again felt a big hand rub his head, making him even more angry. After nearly half an hour, the movements finally stopped as she sat down and laid back. He could hear what sounded like a movie playing. Popcorn and soda then started raining down on him, confirming his theory. “reat. Just great.”Throughout the movie, he’ occasionally feel the big hand rub his head again and hear the little girl moan. After a while, his raw skin now felt unbearable and the itch turned to pain. “RG! What is going on?!”He managed to reach into his back pocket, pull out his lighter and light it up. Finally able to see, he looked down and saw stomach acid rising up and burning away at his clothes. “hy me?”He then started to quietly sob as the stomach churned and gurgled around him. Hours later Cameron and Cynthia were back at home in the garden. Cameron’ belly had greatly shrunk since earlier that day, now only being a little bulge sticking out from her dress. Cynthia dug deep into the ground using Cameron’ favorite trowel, revealing skulls hidden underneath the soil. “he floor is yours.”Cameron walked over the hole and slid her panties down off of her new bigger butt. Soon, a large pile of crap was released from her little body and fell down into the hole. She strained for a few seconds, before the skull of the former employee popped out and landed among her other victims. “ye-bye.”She waved at the skull as Cynthia filled the hole up with dirt. After finishing, the two headed back inside. “o, Cameron.” es?” m I good enough not to eat?” ou’l live. You give good belly rubs.” hank you. I’ glad I made you smile.” “ynthia?” es?” ou know that thing you did to me two days ago?” ou mean unbirth?” es. Could we do that again sometime?” f course. As long as you don’ tell your father about it.” “ won’.” “romise?” romise.” Sunday It was very late at night when Richard pulled back into his driveway. He loved being able to see old friends and catch up with his former classmates again, but he was glad he was finally home. He grabbed his suitcase from his trunk and went through the front door. “rincess, Cynthia, I’ home!”He put his bags down and walked around his house. “here are you guys?”He could hear the sound of the television and walked into the living room to investigate. There, he saw Cynthia sitting on the couch while Cameron was laying on her chest fast asleep. “ey Richie.” ey there sweetie.”He walked over and gently sat down next to them. “ow did it go?” “t was great. I think that we really bonded. In more ways than one.”She started lightly stroking Cameron’ head. “hat’ amazing to hear. I’ so glad to see my girls getting along.”Cynthia lifted Cameron up off of her and laid the seven year old down on the couch. “ou know, Cameron is asleep now.”She got closer and put her hand on his chest. “hich means we’e alllllllll alone.”He grinned. “o if she’ a princess, does that make you a king?” ou better believe it.” ome and prove it.”He stood up and lifted her up with both arms as they kissed. He then carried her off to his bedroom, completely unaware of what his daughter and girlfriend had done.
The Ring: Samara’ curse It was a cold, dark night in an average suburban neighborhood. A teenage girl named Nancy was laying in her pajamas up in her bedroom. She was left home alone and decided to spend the night reading her favorite book and eating a bowl of popcorn. She heard her phone started to ring, and she looked down to see her close friend Rhoda calling her. She picked up the phone and answered. “ey girl, what’ up?” “ancy! You need to come here now!” “hoa, whoa, calm down Rhoda. What’ going on?” hings are getting freaky and I don’ want to be alone right now.” “reaky like what?” “he tape. You know that tape we watched?” “es, I remember the tape.”Nancy doubted she could ever forget that tape. The VHS in question was an urban legend passed around the school. The story goes that a woman had sex with a demon and gave birth to an evil daughter. She was driven crazy, to the point that she killed herself and pushed the little girl down a well. The spirit of the daughter came back and cursed the videotape. It was said that anyone who watched the tape would then be cursed and in seven days would be killed by her ravenous spirit. Last week, Nancy’ friend Andy claimed he had found the tape and convinced her, Rhoda and his girlfriend Sidney to watch it with him. It was full of dark and morbid images like dead horses, creepy mirrors, a woman committing suicide, and an old stone moss covered well in a forest. “ave, did you.... see things afterwards?” “ee things like what?” ike the girl on the tape. I keep seeing her in dreams, er, nightmares. I didn’ think anything of it until Sidney told me that she and Andy were seeing things too. Have you seen anything lately? Anything weird?” “o, nothing at all.”Nancy was lying. She had been seeing strange things and having bad dreams, but she didn’ want to freak her friend out even worse. ‘ook, it’ no big deal. It's just a couple of bad dreams. Did Sidney come to you or did she tell you after you opened up to her?” said it first.” “hen that’ it. She’ probably just messing with you. You know how she likes to prank us. Did you talk to Andy yet?” “o. I haven’ seen him in a few days. I think he’ sick or something.” ell maybe we should-” “ancy… it’ been seven days since we watched the tape.”Nancy’ mother’ old grandfather clock in the living room went off, signifying it was ten at night. “ook, it’ getting late. We can call Sidney and Andy in the morning and show you nothing is wrong. Goodnight.” “ait! Don’ go.” re you home alone?” es.” o you want me to come over and spend the night with you?” es. Sorry.” t’ no big deal. I wasn’ busy anyway. I was just reading a book. I’l be over there in like five minutes.” lright. Thank you.” o problem. See you then.” ee you.”They hung up as Nancy went downstairs to grab her backpack and then came back upstairs to her bedroom to pack some extra clothes just in case. She filled her bag up with pants, shirts, underwear and a few bras and went downstairs into the kitchen to grab some snacks for the road. A few minutes later, her phone started ringing again. It was Rhoda again. She answered it. “on’ worry, I'm about to head out. I just to find my shoes and-” ome here now!”The call was full of static. “hy are you whispering?’ think someone’ in the house. my TV turned on by itself and there’ water all over the floor. I think I can hear noises.” kay, remain calm. It’ just Sidney and Andy playing a prank.” re you sure?” es. It’ not a coincidence someone “reaks in”the same day the “urse”was gonna get us. You gave Sidney a spare key right?” es but I don’ think it’ them, I…” hoda?” HHHH!!!!!” “hoda? Rhoda?!”The only thing she could hear was static. She hung up and tried to call Sidney. “idney when I get my hands on you, I’ gonna kill you!”Sidney didn’ answer. After trying again two more times, Nancy tried calling Andy. “ello?” ndy, you dirtbag!” hat I do?” ell you’e a dirtbag regardless but right now I’ talking about Rhoda.” “ didn’ sleep with her if that’ what she’ claiming.” OT THAT MORON! The prank!” rank? What are you talking about?” hat stupid tape! The phone call! Sidney lying about her dreams and now either you or her are at Rhoda’ house scaring her!” “xcuse me?” ou heard me!” haven’ been pranking Rhoda. I’e actually been having bad dreams.” hat about Sidney? She has to be the one at Rhoda’ right now.” o way. She broke her leg three days ago.” hat?!” “eah. She has been able to get out of bed at all. I actually tried calling her a few minutes ago but she didn’ pick-*CRRR*” “ndy? Andy? Andy!”She looked down at her phone to see the signal was gone. “ang it! Dang it!”The lights in the kitchen then went out. She walked over and flipped the light switch, but nothing happened. “h ha ha. Very funny guys! The phone stops working, and the lights mysteriously turns off! Ooooo, scary!”Then, a light flashed on in the other room alongside the sound of static. “ello?”She walked into the living room and saw her old TV was on. “ndy? Are you there? Sidney? Rhoda?”She got no response in return. She scoffed and turned the TV off. “he prank worked. I am sooooo scared! You can come out now.”She started to leave the room, but felt something wet on her feet. She looked down and saw a puddle of water on the ground. “hat the heck?!”Suddenly, the television turned back on. “top it! It’ not funny anymore!”She quickly ran across the room and yanked the power cord out of the wall, turning the TV off. A few moments passed, and nothing happened. Relieved, Nancy turned around and started walking back to the kitchen. “ou guys aren’ freaking funny! Come out here now or-”Nancy stopped dead in her tracks as she heard the sound of static once again, and light appeared on the wall. She stood there, frozen in fear. “-guys?”She slowly turned back around and saw the static on the TV had changed into an image from the tape. It was the dark misty forest with the old mossy well in the center of the frame. Then, a pair of human hands came up from inside the well and grabbed onto the side. The skin colored an unnatural shade of grey and the fingernails appeared to be missing. Then the person raised up and revealed itself to be a little girl. She had long black hair that completely covered her face and wore a long white tattered dress. “-samara?”The girl then climbed out of the well completely, revealing her large belly slightly sticking out from under her dress. Nancy’ nose started to bleed as Samara started to walk closer and closer to the camera. After her head took up the entire TV, she leaned forward and her head passed through the screen and into the real world. “oly crap!”Nancy took a step backwards and slipped from the water on the floor, sending her falling down onto her back. She looked back to see Samara crawling further and further out of the television. Her belly made a sloshing sound as it squeezed through small screen and then made the floor creak as it landed on the wood. She stood back up, her belly causing the front of her dress to lift up. Now much closer, Nancy could more easily make out the details of the stomach. The belly was massive, sticking out almost two feet from her body and was almost half the height of Samara herself. A gurgling sound could be heard and the outlines of bones could be seen sticking out from underneath the grey skin. In less than a blink, Samara moved from standing by the TV across the room to standing over Nancy without changing her posture. “hhhh! Stay away!”She flipped herself around onto her hands and knees and attempted to crawl away, but her feet were yanked out from under her and lifted up, leaving her to dangle in the air. She looked back around to see Samara shoving her feet into her mouth. “O! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!”Samara swallowed passed her ankles and shins, lifting Nancy up and off of the ground. The throat bulged out from her feet. “AIT! STOP! I’l-I’l show someone else the tape! I’l show everyone at school during lunch! I’l give a copy to my entire street! Just please let me go!”Samara kept swallowing, indifferent to her prey’ pleas and bargains. She gulped down her knees and thighs. Nancy was no longer dangling freely and was now resting on top of the belly. She started punching the stomach as hard as she could. “ET GO! LET GO!”Her feet became very warm as they entered the stomach itself. In a matter of seconds, Samara quickly gulped down her hips, waist and chest. She then lifted her head up, causing her hair to fall away. Nancy could now see Samara’ uncovered face. Her eyes were sunken in with grey pupils and her skin was rough, covered in cuts and resembled a drowned corpse. The look in her eyes were filled with vengeful hunger. Nancy screamed in fear at the appearance of her tormentor. Samara grabbed both of her arms and shoved them into her mouth, preventing her from punching anymore. “LEASE!”Nancy could feel the lips start to creep over her head. Soon, her face was the only piece of her outside of Samara’ body. “lease…o..”She flinched as the teeth closed in front of her eyes, sealing her fate. She watched helpless as the tongue and teeth became further and further away as she was pulled closer to the back of the mouth and with one final gulp, she was sent down into the esophagus. On the outside, Samara’ throat scratched out as a bulge resembling the shape of Nancy’ face traveled down it and disappeared under her chest. On the inside, Nancy descended lower and lower down the dark wet flesh tunnel until finally exiting the esophagus and joining the rest of her body. She landed in the stomach with a splash. The organ was boiling hot, pitch black, made a loud gurgling noise and was filled with liquid. She was sitting on a pile of unknown hard objects and the liquid around her was hot and made her skin itch. Nancy kicked the walls of her prison, doing nothing more than disturbing the water. “et me out! Let me out!”She managed to reach into her back pocket and pull her cellphone out. She attempted to call 911, but the phone glitched out and dropped the call. She then put in Rhoda’ number. “ick up, pick up!”Then, she could feel vibrations start in the pile under her. She reached down and pulled out Rhoda’ phone. “hat the-”She shined the phone light down, revealing the objects under her was two human skeletons. “hhhhh!”She squirmed and kicked the skeletons away so that they were laying in front of her. They both were wearing tattered clothes and one had on a leg cast. Her eyes widened as the realization set in. “hoda… Sidney…”She let out a scream of terror and sorrow as she struggled and kicked the stomach walls. “ET ME OUT!!! LET! ME! OUT!!!!!”Samara started slowly walking, causing everything to shake up and down with each step. Suddenly, the stomach was forcibly squashed down from Samara attempting to fit through the TV screen, making Nancy become squished together with her former friends. “gggg!”Nancy’ head was then hit over and over again as she felt the belly get repeatedly rammed into the bottom of the television set. “OU’E NOT GOING TO FIT YOU MORON!!!! YOU’E TOO FAT!!!”The slamming stopped as Samara stood up straight, making everything slosh. Nancy sat quietly, regretting that she had opened her big mouth. Then, through the skin, she saw the shadow of a hand grip the side of the stomach and started to push it in. The space in the stomach became smaller and smaller and everything inside became more and more squshed together. Nancy could feel the stomach acid eat away at her skin and clothes, reducing it to nothing. It burned like nothing she had ever felt before. “EEELLLP MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!”On the outside, Samara watched as her belly shrunk further and further until it was about the size of a basketball and the screaming and struggling of her meal finally stopped. Satisfied, she walked back over and crawled back into the TV, leaving to devour her next prey. “nd the four teens haven’ been heard of since.”A pillow hit Tommy’ face as he finished his story. “ey!” “nough with the ghost stories Tommy, I don’ believe you.” t’ not a ghost story Laurie! I swear.” ghost climbed out of a TV and killed four teenagers?” t isn’ a legend, it happened a few months ago in my cousin’ town. He told me that his mother woke him up one night because the neighbor’ girl was screaming. The police were called and they showed up but the house was completely empty and locked from the inside. Come morning, there was no trace of her and her friends as if they vanished into dust, until a few weeks later when a pile of bones was found in a cabin up at Shelter Mountain Inn.” re you serious?” am, and if you don’ believe me, then explain this!”He pulled his arm out from behind his back, revealing he was holding a black VHS in his hand. “here did you get that?!” “y cousin bought it off the neighbors when they had a garage sale. His younger sister had heard of the legend from school and told their parents. His folks believe in bad luck and hippie stuff so they got mad he brought that “egative energy in”and made him get rid of it. Then he gave it to me. So, wanna watch it?” o.” ome on! I thought you don’ believe in ghosts?” don’.” hen there’ nothing to fear! Come on, please?” “’ not interested.” lease? For me?”Laurie sighed. “kay. I’l watch it with you.” weet!”He went over to the VCR and put the videotape in. He then sat back down on the couch and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend as he hit play on his remote.
Andy’ family of vore part 6: Aunt It was a relaxing summer day. Jane was happily walking down the sidewalk on her way to her boyfriend Andy’ house. She hadn’ heard from him in the last two days and was curious if he had gotten himself eaten again. She arrived outside his house to see his family stuffing their car with luggage and suitcases. She walked into the driveway and was noticed by Andy’ mother Melissa. “h hello Jane! It’ so nice to see you again.” ood morning Mrs Paterson. What’ happening here? Are you guys going on vacation?” es we are. Me, my husband and daughters are going to be at a Vore party this weekend!” Vore party? That sounds fun.” t is fun. A week and a half of nonstop vore! We were just about to leave.” s Andy coming?” h no. He said he’ still getting used to his family’ bellies, he’ not ready for complete strangers yet.” e could stay the week with me if you want.” hanks for offering but my sister Vicky said she will do it.”It was then that Andy walked outside carrying Samantha’ luggage and noticed his girlfriend in the driveway. He immediately put the bags down and ran over to Jane. “ane! I didn’ know you were coming over today.” eah, you weren’ calling so I came to see if you got digested again or something.” “unt Vicky didn’ want me to have friends over. She wants an easy, relaxing week.” “h, that sucks.”Then, a large truck pulled into the driveway. “here she is now.”The car door opened and Andy’ Aunt Vicky stepped out. Vicky was a very big woman in more ways than one. She towered over Andy and was even taller than his mother Melissa. She had long blonde hair that went to her neck and had blue eyes. The largest part of her was her figure. She was a total bombshell with massive breasts and a juicy butt. She turned her head and spotted her family members. “ittle sis!”She charged across the driveway and hugged Melissa. “t’ great to see you too Vicky.” She looked over and saw her nephew next. “h, Andy! You’e grown so much since I last saw you!”She went over and hugged him, nearly strangling him to death. “eY, a-AuNt ViCkY! CaN YoU PlEaSe LeT Go?! PlEaSe? I cAn’ bReAtH!” ops, sorry.”She dropped Andy, finally allowing air to refill his lungs. She then noticed Jane standing next to them. “hh! Andy, is this your little girlfriend?”Andy started to blush. “ello there. My name is Jane.”Jane held her hand out to shake but Vicky pushed it away. “ut that thing down and give me a hug!”She hugged Jane, lifting her off the ground. “ow! You have quite the grip!” “hanks. I don’ like my meals to escape.”She let go of Jane. “o where are my little nieces? I bet they are both fierce predators now!” “hey’e in the car. I’ call them out but we really gotta go.” f, course. Bye little sis!” “ye Vicky.”Melissa got into the car and drove away. Jane then turned to her boyfriend. “ell, I better get going. Bye Andy, I’l call you later today.” “ye Jane. See you later.”The two hugged before Jane left, leaving Andy alone with his Aunt. “o Andy, want to head inside?” “eah, sure.” reat!”She picked him up in one arm and carried him inside . The next few days were really boring for Andy. He didn’ get to see his friends and it was hard to watch movies with the sounds of his Aunt constantly eating popcorn and asking questions during it. Every day, she would order dozens of takeout food and gobble them down incredibly fast. Andy honestly wondered how she could financially afford to eat like this on what seemed to be a regular basis. On the fourth day, after drying off from a shower, Andy searched around his room trying to find his phone. He was expecting another call from Jane soon and really didn’ want to miss it. He walked downstairs and could hear his Aunt scarfing down food in the other room. Then, the doorbell rang. He opened the door and saw a pizza delivery boy holding a tower of pizza boxes. “ello. That’l be about $209.” “00 dollars?!” ey man, I don’ make the prices. Just pay up.” ine.”He searched around the living room but only found $200 and two quarters. “hh, this is it.” here’ the rest?” don’ have any other money. Wait here while I go ask my Aunt.” his pizza’ heavy man!” “ook, we’e gonna buy more pizza from you anyway, so can I repay you next time?” gh, fine. Normally I wouldn’ believe you but this is the fourth time I’e been here today. Here’ your pizza.”The teenager handed the boxes to Andy and took the money before leaving. The boxes weighed a ton and almost made Andy fall over. “h crap!”He waddled through the kitchen and saw where his Aunt was eating. It looked like the aftermath of a family reunion and thanksgiving combined. The dining room table was covered in boxes, bags, plates, cans, bones and scraps of food. At the very end of the table was his Aunt Vicky, scarfing down a whole turkey. Her belly was absolutely massive and only increased with the more food she ate. “ey, Aunt Vicky! I got more pizza!”He shouted, but his Aunt didn’ seem to notice him. “unt Vicky!”He received no response. “UNT VICKY!”Frustrated, Andy walked over and slammed the boxes on the table. “ooo! Pizza!”As Andy started to walk away, Vicky’ arms went around the pizza boxes and grabbed him. “unt Vicky, you grabbed me by mistak-AHH!”Andy was yanked across the table and shoved into his Aunt’ mouth in only two seconds flat. He was then swished around inside her mouth as the pizzas were separated from their boxes. After they all were free, the boxes were then spat out of her mouth at high speeds. Clearly, she had practiced this before. “unt Vicky! You ate me! Let me outttttt-”He screamed as she lifted her head up and he, along with the pizzas were sent to the back of the mouth and straight down her throat. He quickly plummeted down her esophagus before landing in the stomach with a splash. Vicky let out a massive burp as her nephew shook her stomach. “h, that was delicious!”Andy wiped the pizza grease out of his eyes before sitting up and looking around. His Aunt’ stomach was very large, boiling hot and was filled with different kinds of food. He could see pizza, spaghetti, turkey, chocolate, tacos, rice, ice cream, pork, apples, watermelons, peas, corn, butter, toast, bread, steak, fish, chicken wings, various kinds of sauces and what appeared to be a half digest chinese food delivery boy. He kicked the stomach wall. “ey! You ate me! Let me out!”Suddenly, a giant glob of puddling landed on top of him, temporarily preventing him from moving or talking. “uh? Is someone there?”Andy attempted to plea for help, but the pudding stopped him from doing anything. “ probably just ate another delivery boy by accident. Oh well.”She continued to eat more and more food, covering Andy more and more. Almost half an hour passed before Vicky had finished gorging herself on food. Andy had become entombed in food, and couldn’ do anything to get her attention. He felt her stand up and walk into the guest bedroom where she was staying in. She changed into her running clothes and went outside the house. “ime for a little digestion jog.”Vicky started to run, causing everything around Andy to shake up and down like an earthquake. “h great.”Eventually, Andy’ vision started to get blurry. “inally!”Andy thought to himself as his consciousness started to fade. A few hours later After returning from her run and taking a shower, Vicky dried herself off with a towel and walked into the living room. She sat down on the couch and laid back. She rubbed her now slightly smaller belly, causing a burp to come up. “ey Andy! Wanna watch a movie? I can pop the popcorn for us!”She waited for a response from upstairs, only to hear no movement or sound. “ndy? You there?”Suddenly, she felt vibrations come from under her butt. She reached down under her and pulled out a cellphone out from between the couch cushions. It was Andy’ phone and he was getting a call. She answered it. “ello?” ndy? Is that you?” ’ his Aunt, Vicky. Who is this?” ’ his girlfriend Jane. We met a few days ago?” h yes! I remember you! How are ya doing?” ’ doing okay. Is Andy nearby?” was just looking for him. ANDY! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS CALLING YOU!”She looked back up at the stairs, but got no response. “’ not sure where he is right now. I’ gonna go search around. I’l tell him to call you back when I find him.” lright, thanks. Bye.” ye!”She hung up the phone and stood up. She walked over and headed up the stairs, the steps creaked as she went. “ndy? Are you around here?”She walked into Andy’ room. “ndy? Are you-”She let out another loud burp that interrupted her sentence. She looked down at herself and noticed something seemed different. She walked over to Andy’ mirror and looked at herself. “mm.”She cupped her large breasts in her hands and gave them a squeeze. “hhhhhhhh! That’ it! That wasn’ a delivery boy I ate earlier! It was Andy! That makes much more sense!”She then turned around and pointed her now larger butt at the mirror as she rubbed them. “ehe, I always did peg you for an ass man Andy.”She slapped the side, causing her cheeks to clap together. “ell, Melissa and Jack aren’ coming back for a few days. No harm in waiting a little while to let Andy back out, right?”She strutted out of Andy’ bedroom and went back into her guest room. She searched through her suitcases and pulled out her black thong and red bikini top. “ou wanna go somewhere Andy? Yeah!”She used her hands to open and close her butt cheeks, make it look like it was talking. “et’ head to the town pool and make all the other girls jealous of your new body! That’ a great idea Andy! Lets.” A few days later The family car pulled into the driveway and Melissa, Kathy, Samantha and Jack all piled out to stretch, the females being bigger than when they left last week. “t’ so great to be home!” “ couldn’ agree more. Let’ go inside and see how Andy and Aunt Vicky are doing.”The four of them walked inside their house and entered the living room. There, they saw Vicky passed out asleep on the couch, pantyless and breasts hanging free. Melissa turned the TV off before walking over and shaking her sister awake. “ey, hey Vicky. Wake up!” “uh! What?!”She came alive and pushed Melissa hand away in a panic. “hat’ going-oh, wait. It’ just you guys. Hey Melissa.” “ello Vicky.” ammie and Kathy! You two didn’ give your Aunt a hug earlier.”She got up and sprinted towards her nieces. “o wait-”Before Samantha could finish her sentence, Vicky scooped the two sisters up into a tight hug. “t’ so good to see you both!” t’ nice to see you too Auntie!” eah. Hey, where’ Andy? I got a bar of chocolate for him.” “h, right. One second.” ou ate him, didn’ you?”Melissa looked at Vicky sarcastically. “es. Yes I did.”She squatted on the ground and started to strain herself. A few seconds later, a head popped out of her butt. Andy was pushed out further and further until he was completely free, laying naked on the floor. “ghhh. Too bright.”His eyes adjusted to his surroundings and he could now make out his family members standing around him. He then realized he was naked and quickly covered his privates. “hat the heck?!” “ gotta go now. Goodbye Andy! See you later!”She then leaned down and kissed Andy’ head, making him even more embarrassed. “oodbye Aunt Vicky.”He said red faced. Vicky walked over and hugged her nieces. “ye Kathy! Bye Samantha!” ye Aunt Vicky.” oodbye Aunt Vicky.”She then walked over and hugged Jack. “ye Jack!” oodbye Vick.”She finally walked over and hugged Melissa. “ye little sis!” oodbye Vicky. Visit again soon.” rust me, I will!”She then put on her clothes and luggage and left the house. Kathy walked over to her brother and crouched down next to him. “ got you some chocolate.” hanks big sis.” “o how was your week and a half with Aunt Vicky?” t was…. something.”
Christmas gifts vore It was a cold, snow covered Christmas morning in an average neighborhood. Inside a home, five siblings had all woken up, excited for their Christmas presents waiting for them downstairs. There was Gwen, the oldest child at seventeen years old. Josh, the oldest male at fourteen. Next was Joe at eleven years old. Mark, the youngest male at eight and lastly was the little Stacy, the youngest child at a mere age of six. The five siblings sprinted out of their bedrooms and raced down the stairs, trying to be the first into the living room. “ut the way shorty!”Gwen shouted at Josh. “ove it bubble butt!”They all kicked and shoved as they packed into the doorway and pushed into the living room, only to see the Christmas tree was completely barren of presents. “w!” hat?!” uh?’ here are the presents?”Then, their Mother walked into the room and stood before her children. She was wearing her big pink fuzzy robe and was sipping from a mug of hot cocoa. “ood morning children. Merry Christmas.” om, what gives? Where are all the presents?” ’ not buying you guys anything this year.” hat!” ome on!” “hy?”Stacy, still cuddling favorite her stuff bear, walked out from behind her siblings and went up to their mother. “ommy, why not? Were we all naughty this year?” o sweetie, you were very good this year. So good in fact, that I decided to get you all a very special group gift this year.”All of their faces lit up brighter than the Christmas tree in the corner of the room. “h! What is it?!” s it a new tv?!” game console?” ope.”Their mother said coyly. “o karts?” ope.”She was now grinning. “e’e going skydiving? Rock climbing? What is it?!” ’ going to let Gwen vore you all.” “hoa!” “hat’ it?” don’ want to be eaten.” “ES!”Gwen cheered. “’ not done.”Their mother interrupted, “wen can vore you all, BUT, you get to pick which hole you go in.” es!” ay!” ool!” his is awesome!” “’l accept it.”Gwen walked into the center of the living room and dropped down her pajama pants and unbuttoned her top, leaving her in nothing but her matching red and green Christmas themed bra and panties. “o, who goes first?” “ will let you all decide, but only if you are able to do it civilly.” “E! ME! ME!”Josh shouted while waving his hand. “ou guys fine with it?”Their other siblings nodded. “kay Josh, you go first.” es!”Becoming increasingly excited, he pushed his way out from behind his brothers and came to his older sister at the center of the room. “o, what do you pick?” UTT! BUTT! BUTT!” “lright calm down, calm down. The butt is yours.”She then slowly lowered the back of her panties down, revealing her round butt. “hhhhh yeah.”He had the biggest grin of his life on his face. “ell, what are you waiting for? Come in.”He reached down to catch a feel but she slapped his hand away. “o cheeks, just hole.” “kay, okay.”Josh then crouched down and shoved his hands into her anus, causing Gwen to jump a little. “oo tight for you?” hut up.”They both giggled for a bit before Josh used his hands to open her butthole wide and shoved his head inside. A little bulge appeared in her torso after he started walking forward, going deeper and deeper inside his sister’ rectum. Gwen bit her lip, trying not to loudly moan in front of her younger siblings and mother. Josh made in it up to his waist until he could no longer use his feet to push himself in deeper. Gwen’ belly was now bigger, and you could see the outline of Josh’ head. “ little help sis?”She rolled her eyes as she reached back, grabbed Josh’ ankles and pushed them forward, pulling in his hips and butt. His feet left lost contact with the ground as she brought him in up to his knees. She then clinched her butt, sucking the last of his body inside of her like wet noodles. She accidentally let out a moan and immediately covered her mouth. Her belly was now very large and the outline of Josh’ body was slightly visible. Her mother walked over to her. “o big a plump.”She rubbed her belly. “h that feels good.” “ bet.”then, her younger brother Mark came up to her. “e next! Me next!” kay, what do you want?” wanna go in your boob!” “ait!”Her last brother Joe quickly ran over. “ was going to go into her boobs!” “h well, I called it first!” ell I’ older! That means I get first pick!” “o it doesn’!” es it does!”They started budding their heads like two goats. “oys, if you two can’ decide without arguing then you won’ get your gift at all.”They immediately stopped fighting and hugged each other. “e’e not fighting!” eah, see?!” “ou know boys,”Gwen said seductively while reaching back and unhooking her bra. “ have two.”She let the bra drop to the floor, letting her large breasts hang free. “hat’ one for each of you.”They didn’ attempt to hide their stares as they gawked at their sister’ rack, their eyes now widened to the size of dinner plates. “o, left?”She shook her left breast. “r right?”She shook her right breasts. “eft.” “ight.” ood. Now come over here.”They did as they were told and stood before their sister, not breaking their gaze from her breasts. She grabbed both of her nipples and opened them with her fingers. “kay, now put your hands in.”They followed her orders and stuck their fingers into her nipples. She shivered. “ow on come in.”They opened up her nipples with their hands and and shove their heads inside. Her breasts swelled as she bit her lip again. The two brothers climbed in up to their torsos, lifting them off the ground. Their lower halves dangle from her breasts like streamers. She reached down, grabbed their feet and pushed them further inside. Her breasts grew larger and larger as she pulled them in until only they sock covered feet remained outside. The nipples closed around their toes, sealing her brothers inside. She tried to maintain her balance from the new weight added to her front. Her breasts were the size of her brothers and weighed as much as they did. She squeezed her boobs, causing her brothers to squirm around. “ow! These are massive!”She started rubbing them, discovering that they were also very sensitive. She then noticed that her little sister Stacy was standing in front of her. “h yeah, Stacy. I almost forgot. So, where would you like to go?” “mm. I'm not sure. I don’ wanna share the same place as my brothers.” mm, how’ about my womb? It’l be like I’ your mother, and you’l be my baby.” eah! That sounds awesome! Can I go in feet first?” “lright then. One second.”Gwen walked over to the couch and laid down on her back. She slipped her panties off and tossed them away. “lright.”She spread her legs open. “ome on in!” ay!”Stacy skipped over to her sister. “his is so cool!”She climbed onto the couch and pushed her bare feet into her sister’ vagina. Gwen moaned slightly from Stacy’ ankles entering her womb. She went in deeper, moving past her knees and reaching her butt, causing a second bulge to appear in Gwen’ lower stomach. “ can’ move anymore.” can help with that.”Their mother put down her mug of cocoa, walked over and lifted Stacy up by her armpits. “hanks mommy!” o problem sweetie.”She lowered her daughter down, pushing her in up to her belly button. The bulge inside Gwen grew bigger and bigger. She tried really hard to hold back her moans from the pleasure. Stacy went in deeper, going past her shoulders and neck. Now, only Stacy’ head stuck out from Gwen’ crotch, looking pretty ridiculous. Their mother pushed the little girl in completely. The vagina closed around her head and she curled up in the fetal position. Gwen, unable to contain her pleasure anymore, let out a very loud sexual moan. “HHHHHHHHHHH!”Her mother reached down and started rubbing her eldest daughter’ abdomen. The belly was massive and occasionally squirmed around from it’ stirring occupants. Gwen looked down at her body. “ou guys okay in there?” ’ having the time of my life!”Josh shouted. “’ all good! A little wet but good.”Joe said. “’ great! There’ a bit of yummy milk in here.”Mark said. “ love this so much! It’ so warm and relaxing!”Stacy replied. “o,”Their mother said, still rubbing her belly. “hat’ it like being a mother?” f it’ this pleasurable, then I wanna be an octomom!”The two women laughed. “o, how long until I’ forced to let them all out?” “ust be sure to let them out on or before New Year's Eve so they don’ miss the ball drop.” “weet!” The next morning Gwen woke up in her bed, feeling energized and happy. She stood up from her bed and stretched, immediately noticing that her chest felt very different than normal. She thought for a moment before remembering the events of Christmas day and how afterwards she spent the rest of the day laying around the house and finished it off by taking a nice warm relaxing bubble bath and then going to sleep naked. She looked down and saw her new massive breasts. Her brothers had been broken down overnight and were transformed and condensed into pure solid breast fat. Although they were not as big as yesterday, her breasts were still as heavy as before and was now a large H cup. A little bit of milk was dripping out her nipples, probably from her body getting ready to feed her new ‘aughter.’She turned her head and looked at her bigger backside in the mirror. Her butt was now massive. It had grown over 5 times in size and was nice, round and juicy. Finally, she looked down at her stomach. Her belly was much smaller, now appearing to be about 5 months pregnant. She rubbed her belly and could feel the shapes of the stuffed animal and Stacy, who was regressed and fast asleep. She looked at her sibling filled body in the mirror and smiled. “his is the best Christmas ever!”
Wedding day disaster It was a bright sunny day in June, with not a single cloud in the sky. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming and love was in the air. It was a perfect day for a wedding. The caterers were setting up the large array of food and the florists and decorators were setting up the flower display. All the guests had arrived adorned in fancy suits and dresses while the bride and groom were both in their dressing rooms, getting ready for the happiest day of their lives. Everyone was so happy...…that is, except for the eight year old flower girl named Bianca. She was forced to wake up at six in the morning, take a bath, skip breakfast, get dressed up in a poofy tight dress with uncomfortable tight shoes, spend over an hour driving to get to an old stuffy building, all just to sit bored in a hard stiff chair for even more hours because of the wedding of someone she only occasionally sees during the holidays. Currently, Bianca was sitting in the back of the bride’ dressing room completely bored out of her mind while her mother and the maids of honor helped the bride, her Aunt Debra, get ready. Bianca impatiently tapped the back of her shoe against the wood floor while she waited. “ianca, stop that noise. It’ irritating and distracting.” “’ bored and I’ hungry.” an you stop complaining so much? This is a very important family event for that only comes once in a lifetime. Wait quietly until the wedding ceremony starts.” wanna go home! Why do I even have to be here?” “ou are the flower girl. It is a VERY important job. How would you like it if the flower girl kept complaining during your wedding?” ’ not gonna get married.” es you will.” o I won’!” ianca, quit being argumentative.” ’ bored! Why can’ I go play with Jud or Bella? They’e the only people here who aren’ boring.” “ella chose not to come and your other cousins are running late.” “hy does she get to stay home while I’ stuck being here?! That’ not fair!” “ianca!”Her mother stopped helping with the dress, stomped over to her daughter and grabbed both her hands. “ook. This is a really important day for your Aunt Debra, okay? You may not like it but it’l all be over soon. Just suck it up and be patient, respectful and most importantly, quiet.”She glared down at her before walking back over to the bride and continuing to put the finishing touches on the dress. Bianca meanwhile was pouting while tugging at the sides of her dress. The white dress was simultaneously tight on her tiny frame and was stretchy at the same time, like a rubber band. She was consumed by fluff, feathers and fabric because of all the frills, lace and other parts of the dress that stuck out several feet and eclipsed her body. You could probably hide another Bianca under all that fabric and you would barely notice a difference. She fiddled around and scratched at her neck. Right now, she would rather be anywhere else in the world than here, even back in school. Then, her other Aunt Sheila peeked her head into the dressing room. “e’e almost there everybody! Is the bride ready?”Debra turned to her sister, showing off her new outfit. Her dress, just like Bianca’, was large and had many frills, lace and embellishments with a long cape train that dragged on for over 10 feet behind her. “ou better believe it! Alright everyone, go take your places! The time is here!”All the brides maids all ran, or more actually waddled out of the room as fast as their tight dresses and high heels would allow. Bianca’ mother stopped in the doorway and looked back at her daughter. “o get ready to take your place and don’ forget to bring your flower basket!”She then quickly went out of the room, trying to catch back up with the others. “kay Mom.”Bianca groaned as she climbed out of her chair and walked across the room to grab her basket. The basket was made of old wicker and was filled to the brim with a rainbow of hand picked flowers like tulips, lilies and many more. The plants all looked very dumb to Bianca but all her female relatives seemed to love them. She turned around and ran across the dressing room, slightly excited that she finally got to leave that boring room but she tripped over her Aunt Debra’ cape train and landed face first on the ground. Her Aunt immediately freaked out and ran over to her. “ianca! Don’ wipe your shoes on the dress!”She grabbed her niece and lifted her up onto her feet. Bianca felt dizzy, disoriented and struggled to breathe. “ianca! Get that out of your mouth!”Bianca looked down and realized that her mouth was stuffed with the end of the cape and a little went far enough back to go down her throat, preventing her from breathing. She instinctively started to swallow down more of the dress, trying to clear her throat. Her aunt’ face turned ghostly white and she screamed while forcibly shoving her hands into her niece’ mouth. “top it! Spit it out! Spit it out!”Bianca’ throat muscles seemingly grabbed Debra’ arms and pulled them deeper inside, forcing Debra to crouch slightly. “ross! What are you-no! Stop!”Unable to stop her muscles, Bianca swallowed passed Debra’ elbows and came up to her shoulders. “ianca! Stop this right now!”Debra fell to her knees as the top of her head entered her niece’ mouth. “ooooo!”That was the last sound she made before her face was completely engulfed by Bianca’ lips. Now panicking, running out of air and not sure what to do, Bianca let her instincts take full control over her and continued to swallow. She gulped passed Debra’ shoulders and chest in only a few seconds. The fabric of the dress felt as harsh and scratchy as sandpaper to her poor taste buds. Soon, her throat bulged out in the vague shape of her Aunt’ face as she passed through the esophagus. She swallowed down her stomach and waist while Debra entered into the top of Bianca’ stomach. Becoming more desperate for air, Bianca lifted her head up to let gravity aid her and started to swallow faster. In a matter of seconds, she swallowed down her Aunt’ hips, thighs, knees and ankles. In a few more gulps, she sent the last of her aunt past her lips and fell down into the stomach, sealing her fate. Bianca took in a deep breath as oxygen finally made its way into her lungs. Relieved and finally able to think straight, the realization of what had just happened kicked in and her eyes widened in horror. “id I really just do that?!”She looked down at herself and lifted up her dress, revealing the bulge from her Aunt. Her distended belly was massive and stuck out from her torso by almost a foot and a half and hung down almost two feet. Somehow, the fabric of her leotard managed to stay strong and keep her belly contained. “ did! I ate my Aunt!”She poked the side of her stomach, looking for a reaction. “ello? Aunt Debra? You in there?”Suddenly her belly started to shake around and squirm violently. She could hear her Aunt shouting something, but she couldn’ make out the exact words. “h no.”Debra punched the wall of the stomach making Bianca fall forward onto the ground, landing on her belly. It squished down under her weight. Then, she felt something in her stomach start bubbling and travel up her throat. “h no!”She let out an uncontrollable, massive, ear shattering burp that echoed through the halls of the church. With all the gas gone, her belly was now two inches smaller, forcing Debra into a ball and preventing her from moving anymore. “ianca?! Where are you?! The ceremony is starting!” “H NO!”Panicking, she managed to get back up off the ground and balanced herself on her feet. She then lowered the dress around her stomach and primed up the frills. Fortunately, the massive fluff of her dress managed to conceal her belly enough that she didn’ look too suspicious. Her mother entered the dressing room as Bianca picked up her flower basket and pretended to act natural. “ianca! What are you still doing here? Was that loud burp from you? Wait, never mind! Just come on. The wedding is starting!“She reached down and grabbed her daughter’ left hand before dragging her out into the hall. Her belly sloshed as she walked. They walked down a long hallway filled with flowers before entering into the wedding chapel. The sound of organ music started to the room and all the guests became quiet. Her mother went to take her place after whispering, “o down the aisle, throw flowers and remember to smile!”Bianca gulped and started to walk down the aisle, tossing flowers as she went. She put on a very large, fake smile and pleaded that no one would be too suspicious of it. She reached the end and took her place by her mother and other bridesmaids. Her stomach started to make gurgling sounds. “lease be quiet. please be quiet.”She whispered to herself. She stood up straight and kept up the toothy smile on her face while the feelings of her Aunt’ struggles became weaker and weaker, until eventually stopping entirely. Later Many hours had passed and Bianca was now back at her home. Earlier at the wedding, after over ten minutes of waiting, her family members became worried and started looking for her Aunt Debra, unaware that she was already with them in the chapel. They searched all throughout the church and around the property yet didn’ find a single trace of her. After a long time of looking around, they figured she must’e gotten cold feet and they all eventually started heading home. Debra was known to be wild and spontaneous, so they weren’ very surprised at the thought of her changing her mind at the last second and running away without telling anyone. When Bianca left with her mother, she remembered looking back to see the angry face of her would-be new uncle as he stomped on the bouquet and chucked his ring across the room. Now, she was alone in her bedroom in nothing but her underwear, looking at herself in her full body mirror. She had taken off her flower girl dress and all the frills, allowing her to see her full body. Her belly was much smaller now, roughly the size of a coconut and made a constant gurgling sound with occasional groans. She held the fat up with her hands and her fingers sunk in from the squishiness. She then looked down lower and cupped her butt cheeks. Her butt had increased in size, adding more than two or three inches of flesh. There was now a tear that went straight across the butt of her panties, revealing her bare skin. It was not only stretched out front to back, but left to right as well because of her now wider hips. Her face blushed at the sight of her much plumper body shape and the knowledge that the meat of her butt used to be her Aunt. Suddenly, her stomach lurched and made a loud groan, almost making her fall to her knees. “h no! I think what’ left of Aunt Debra wants to get out!”She waddled out of her bedroom and quickly made her way into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
The Exorcist: Regan's appetite 2 “ould you like some more coffee?”Chris asked. “lease.”Chris Macneil walked into the kitchen, followed by police detective Kinderman and started brewing them both some coffee. Right now, she really needed it. “hat's cute.”She turned around and saw Kinderman holding a small sculpted turtle that Regan had made. “our daughter, she's the artist?”She smiled. “es. She’ very good at it.”She walked over and handed him a mug of coffee. “hank you. Incidentally, you might ask your daughter if she remembered seeing Mr. Dennings or Ms. Spencer leaving that night?” ook, she was heavily sedated and never left her room. I doubt she would remember them being there, let alone leaving.”She lied, feeling guilt well up in her soul. “h, I know. I realize, but if certain British doctors never asked ‘hat is this fungus?’we wouldn't today have penicillin. Correct?” ell, when she's better, I'll ask.” ouldn't hurt. In the meantime...“He paused, seeming to be slightly embarrassed. “ really hate to ask you this but... for my daughter, could you please give an autograph?” f course. Where's a pen?”He pulled out a pen and his card and gave them to Chris. “ight here. Oh, she'd love it.” hat's her name?”Kinderman hesitated for a moment before replying. “ lied. It's for me. The spelling is on the back, Kinderman. You know that film you made, Angel? I saw that six times.” eally?”She handed him the autograph and he chuckled, still slightly embarrassed. “hank you.”They walked into the foyer of the house and Chris put his coat onto him. “ou're a very nice lady.”Chris handed his hat to him. “hank you.” ou're a nice man.”She said while opening the door for him. “'ll come back when she's feeling better.”They nod to each other as Kinderman left the house. Chris closed and locked the door behind him before putting her hands to her mouth and slowly walking away. She doubted that she could take lying to him anymore. Kinderman was a detective who was helping investigate the ‘isappearances’of Sharon Spencer and Burke Dennings. The official story Chris gave them was that Sharon invited Burke over while she was babysitting Regan and they left some time during the night. It was a lie. In reality, she and Burke were devoured alive by her daughter, or... that thing pretending to be her. She didn’ know what was wrong with Regan, but she did know that it wasn’ psychological like the doctors keep telling her. That thing wasn’ her daughter and it was definitely evil. Chris had been an atheist her whole life but as time went on with Regan becoming worse and Chris becoming more desperate, she started to think that the only person she could turn to was God. Maybe the church can perform an exorcism, cast the evil out and then everything would go back to normal, at least, she hoped it would. She sighed, trying to calm her racing mind. Whatever had to happen, she knew it had to be done soon, before it was too late. Suddenly, she heard a loud crash come from Regan's room upstairs, followed by two loud voices shouting back and forth. “lease! No!”Regan begged. “o it!”Chris recognised the deep, gravely voice from the night Sharon and Burke were eaten. “lease no!” ou b****! Do it! Do it!”Chris raced up the stairs as fast as she could and ran to Regan's door. “o! Please! No!”Chris pushed the door open and went into the room. Inside, furniture were levitating off the ground and small objects were flying around the room. Chris turned her attention back to the bed after hearing Regan let out another loud gasp. “et Jesus **** you!”Chris covered her mouth with horror at the current sight of her daughter. Regan had cuts all over her face that were still dripping with blood. A metal crucifix was gripped in her hand and she was repeatedly plunging it into her now bloody vagina. “et Jesus **** you! Let him **** you!!!”Chris quickly moved over to Regan and grabbed her wrist, trying to pry the crucifix away from her. They spend a minute struggling back and forth wrestling over the crucifix until Regan suddenly then let go of it and grabbed onto Chris's head, pushing her under her dress and face first into her bloodied crotch. “ick me! Lick me!”Regan let out a loud sexual moan as she rubbed her mother’ face against her lower lips while Chris struggled for freedom. Then, Regan pushed down harder and forced her mother’ entire head into her vagina, causing a small bulge to appear on her lower torso. Chris was rendered helpless as her daughter started to use her as a sex toy. She was pushed in and out repeatedly, Regan loudly moaning the entire time. Eventually she let go, allowing Chris to pull her head out. Her face was now completely coated with both blood and sexual juices. Regan then slapped her mother with inhuman strength, sending her flying across the room and slamming to the floor. Chris let out a scream of pain while rolling on the ground. She attempted to stand back up, only to fall back down to the floor, clutching her damaged back. Meanwhile, their maid Willi had climbed up the stairs and finally came into the bedroom. “hris! Are you alright?!”As soon as she entered the room, the bedroom door closed by itself and Regan's wardrobe flew in front of it, preventing anyone from exiting. “un Willi!”Regan let out a demonic scream and Willi was psychically yanked across the room, as if she was being pulled by an invisible rope. She landed on top of the bed and looked up to see Regan’ face hanging over her, licking her lips with anticipation. “o!” “ello food.” lease no.”Her voice was trembling with fear. “eave her alone!”Regan’ inhumanly long tongue licked Willi’ face in a circular motion. “ww!” “hhh!” “HHH!!!!”Willi screamed in terror as Regan pounced down and wrapped her lips around her entire head. “EGAN NO!!!”Chris pleaded in vain, watching as her friend was eaten alive by a monster. Regan gulped down Willi’ shoulders and chest in a matter of seconds, causing her throat to bulge out and take the shape of her food’ crying face. Chris’ butler Karl had finally heard the commotion and came upstairs. He started to bang on the door. “hris! What’ going on in there?! Chris! Chris open the door!”Regan continued to swallow, sending down the maid’ stomach and hips. A bulge appeared under her dress as Willi’ head entered into the top of the stomach. She lifted her head up as she swallowed past the waistline, the legs wildly flailing about in the air. The bottom of her stomach now poked out from under her dress and occasionally moved around from it’ occupants' struggles. Her mouth slowly creeped up the legs, gulping down her thighs and knees. She swallowed down her ankles and feet, preventing her from kicking anymore. Finally, her lips closed around her toes and with one final gulp, the last of her food was sent out of her mouth and plunged into the esophagus, sealing the maid’ fate. The bulge then descended down her throat and disappeared behind her chest. Regan then let out a massive burp of satisfaction that made the entire room shake from the force. Her distended stomach was now massive. Bigger than the rest of her body and it would shake or move from Willi’ struggles. Regan started to chuckle while Chris turned away and started to cry into her hands. “ook mother.”Chris was again dragged across the room onto the bed, and the side of her head was smushed up against her daughter’ belly, sinking into the flesh. She could hear both Willi’ muffled screams of pain and a loud gurgling coming from within the stomach and she could feel her kicking and struggling against the stomach wall. “o you know what’ happening in there? She’ being broken down. Painfully, and being turned into fat across my body while the rest of her is being turned into $***! Just like the others.“Chris closed her eyes and tried to turn her head away. “ook mother.” o.”Regan grabbed Chris’ head and pushed her face first into the belly, grinding her face in the fat. “ook at what she did! Your c***ing daughter!”Regan then reached under her belly and started to masturbate with her hand. Chris started crying into the stomach, completely powerless against the monster that was trapping her family in hell. Later It was late in the morning. Chris was alone, walking down the 38th street Bridge. She was wearing a pair of oversized dark glasses, a black head wrapping and a puffy brown overcoat. Father Karras, a priest at the church, approached her from behind. He was much more casual, wearing khakis, a sweater and scuffled tennis shoes. “hris MacNeil?” lease go away.”She started walking faster. “'m Father Karras.”Chris stopped walking and turned around to shake his hand. “h, I'm very sorry Father. Hi.” hat's all right. I should've told you I wouldn't be in uniform.” eah, it would've helped. Have you gotta cigarette, Father?”Karras rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Chris took one from him and he lights it for her. They then walk down some steps to the canal under the bridge. “o, how'd a shrink ever get to be a priest?” t's the other way around. The society sent me through med school.” here?” arvard, Bellevue, John Hopkins. Place like that.” see. You're a friend of Father Dyer, right?” es, I am.” retty close?” retty close.” id he tell you about my party?” ure did.” bout my daughter?” o, I didn't know you had one.” e didn't mention it?” o.” idn't tell you of what she did?” e didn't mention her.” riests are pretty tight mouthed then?” hat depends.” n what?” he priest.” ure. I mean, what if a person was a murderer or a criminal of some kind, and they wanted some kind of help, would you have to turn him in?” f he came to me for spiritual advice, I'd say no.” ou wouldn't.” o I wouldn't. But I'd try to convince him to turn himself in.” nd how do you go about getting an exorcism?” beg your pardon?” f a person was possessed by a demon or something, how do they get an exorcism?” ell, the first thing, I'd have to get them into a time machine and send them back to the sixteenth century.” didn't get you?” ell it just doesn't happen anymore, Mrs. MacNeil.” h yeah, since when?” ell, since we learned about mental illness, paranoia, schizophrenia. All those things they taught me in Harvard. Mrs. MacNeil, since the day I joined the Jesuits, I've never met one priest who has performed an exorcism, not one.” eah well, it just so happens that somebody very close to me is probably possessed, and needs an exorcist.“Chris suddenly bursts into tears. “ather Karras it's my little girl.”Karras grabbed Chris's arm and walked her to a bench to sit down. “nd that's all the more reason to forget about exorcism.” hy, I don't understand?” o begin with, it could make things worse.” ut how?”Karras sat down next to her. “econdly, the church approves an exorcism, it conducts an investigation to see if it's warranted. That takes time. Meanwhile your daughter...” ou could do it yourself…” o I couldn't, I need church approval, and that's rarely given-” ould you see her?” es I could, I could see her as a psychiatrist.” ot a psychiatrist! She needs a priest! She's already seen every fucking psychiatrist in the world and they sent me to you, now you're gonna send me back to them! Jesus Christ, won't somebody help her!” o, you don't understand. Your daughter-” h, will you help her! Just help her!”Chris bursted into tears again and buried her head into Karras shoulder. Karras put his arm around her to try to comfort her. “he.... killed Burke and Sharon.”She whispered. “hat?” he killed Burke Dennings and Sharon Spencer.”She said, now at her normal volume. “he…swallowed them whole.” xcuse me?” es, and she did it again to our house maid Willi.” “ou can’ be serious.” saw her do it! Her jaw stretched like a snake, and, and...”She covered her face again as she struggled to talk. “t’ alright.” can’ tell the police or the psychiatrics. They’l either believe me and arrest her or don’, and send me to the asylum.” ell, I’ having a hard time believing it myself.” hid their remains.” hat?” hid… what was left of them before the police came to the house. It’ hidden in the basement.” an you show me?” ill you tell the police?” o, I promise I won’.” ater, at the Macneil house Karras descended down the spiral stairs, following Chris down into her basement. They walked to the farthest wall and took down a painting, revealing a large loose block in the wall. She grabbed onto the brick and pulled it out from the wall. Immediately, the foulest stench Karras ever smelled attacked his nostrils, making him gag and step away. “y lord. That certainly smells satanic!”Chris reached into the hole in the wall and pulled out a big sack, almost 3 feet tall. Taking the bag out somehow made the horrible stench reek even worse. Karras almost passed out but quickly covered his face with his sleeve. Chris on the other hand, didn’ even seem to notice the smell, shocking him. “ow can you keep a straight face right now?” fter spending hours shoveling it into the bag and mopping up the floor, twice, I’e stopped caring. Are you sure you still want to see it?” “es, I need to. Unfortunately.”Chris sighed and opened the bag. Karras leaned over to peek inside while still covering his nose. On the inside of the bag, he saw three skulls that were picked clean and covered in acid burns. Underneath the skulls was a giant mound of feces with pieces of hair, clothes, and bone fragments mixed in with it. “hat’ enough.”Chris closed the bag and put it back behind the wall. She then lifted the brick back up and put it back in place, allowing Karras to finally breathe freely again. “an you help her?”Karras stood quietly for a few moments, thinking hard before responding. “’l do what I can. Someone at the church will know what to do.” hank you.”He simply nodded as they both went upstairs. They walked to the foyer and she opened the front door for him. “re you sure it’ safe for you to be with her?” es. She isn’ going to eat me.” ow are you so sure?” just, have a gut feeling about it. Besides, if it wanted me gone, it would’e done it a long time ago.” “lright. Stay safe.” “oodbye.” .... Goodbye.”Karras looked back up the stairs towards Regan’ bedroom before walking out the door.
A bully’ meal 2 It was a cool, spring day. The sun had finally come out and the flowers were starting to bloom. School had just let out and Becky was walking down the sidewalk on her way to Veronica’ house. She had gotten a text message from Veronica a little while ago telling her to come to her house immediately, making Becky feel slightly worried. She had never been to or seen Veronica’ house before. In fact, she had never even talked to her outside of the school. Veronica only talked to her when she needed something so for whatever the reason she was called there, she knew it wasn’ anything good. She finally arrived at Veronica’ place. The house was very big, suggesting at least one of her parents are pretty wealthy. She walked up the porch steps to the front door. She paused, taking a deep breath before knocking. The door soon opened, revealing what appeared to be a fourteen year old girl with red hair, a blue skirt and a black hoodie. While she was pretty short, she was still taller than Becky. “h, uh, hello. Who are you?” ame’ Bella. Why are you annoying me?” h, I’ Becky. Veronica told me to come over to her house today. Are you her little sister?” alf sister.” haven’ seen you around the school before. You are in high school right?” e go to different schools.” ow come?” “hey couldn’ handle more than one of us.”Becky started to feel nervous again. “h, I see. Well, if you’l excuse me. I gotta go see Veronica now.”She attempted to slip past Bella, but she put her arm up in the doorway to block her. “ou know, you’e looking pretty tasty right now. It would be a shame to let such a good meal go to waste.” -now now Bella, you know that Veronica would get mad if you hurt me!”Bella started to chuckle at her. “-what’ so funny?” “hat bull you just said. It’ hilarious. You know that you’e nothing, right?” hat?” “o Veronica. You’e nothing to her. She wouldn’ care less if you got eaten and crapped into some dumpster.” -that’ not true. She promised me that she would keep me safe as long as I helped her in class.” afe from what?” ostly her… xactly. She’ a threat to you. She sees you as nothing more than an object, a toy, a thing, and as soon as she’ bored with you, you’e gonna say hello to the bottom of the toilet bowl.”Bella dropped her arm to let Becky in and walked over to the entrance of a hallway. “ey vagina licker!” hat is it Ter?!”Veronica shouted back. “our little nerd is here!” ell her to come here!”Bella turned to Becky. “hy did she call you Ter?”Becky asked. “is-Ter, because we’e only half related.” h, that’ cute you guys have nicknames.” hate it.” h…Becky now felt incredibly awkward. “he’ the first room on the left.”She nodded, quickly escaping the awkward conversation and walking into the hallway. She came to the first door on the left. It had a skull and crossbones sign hanging on the door and the word Veronica written under it in blood (Becky hoped it was paint). She gulped before opening the door. The large bedroom had a brown, stained covered carpeted floor and the beige walls were decorated with crooked posters of rock bands and horror movies. The furniture consisted of a giant flat screen TV that covered one of the walls, an electric guitar on a stand, a mountain of dirty clothes, a computer desk and chair which had her favorite leather jacket hanging off of it, a trash covered mirror dresser, a night stand and finally, there was the giant king sized bed which Veronica laid atop of. Veronica was completely naked except for a white wife beater and had a giant, squirming belly that was bigger in size than Becky herself. “h, hey pipsqueak. It’ about time you finally showed up.” “eronica! Who did you eat!?” “hat gym teacher, miss what's her face. Like, Brown I think. She was so obnoxious!”Becky stared in awe at the massive stomach. She could make out the faint outline of a head and pair of shoulders poking out through the skin. “hy did you call me here?” ome over here.”Becky did as she was told and approached the side of the bed, feeling nervous. “loser.”She leaned against it, feeling even more nervous. “ven closer.”She climbed onto the end of the bed, now feeling slightly terrified. “erfect.”She grabbed Becky by her shoulders and shoved her head into her vagina. “HH!” “HH!”She let out a loud moan as Becky squirmed around trying to escape her grasp. She then pushed Becky out slightly before pushing her in deeper. This continued for several minutes until Veronica let out one final and loudest moan and let go of Becky. “h, that was good!”She squirted Becky out and watched her flop onto the bed. Becky was soaking wet from Veronica’ juices and felt violated. “kay, that’ all. You can go now.” “-that’ it? That’ why you called me? To be your dildo!” “ait, one more thing!”She let out a mighty burp right into Becky’ face, causing her hair to blow back and her glasses to fall down from the powerful gust. Her belly significantly shrunk in size. “kay, now you can leave.”Veronica then leaned back and started rubbing her belly. Becky meanwhile, laid silently at the end of the bed, images flashing before her eyes. Memories of every second she’ spent with Veronica. She remembered Veronica calling her pipsqueak. Veronica making her do her class work. Veronica slamming her head between her breasts. Veronica burping into her face and laughing at her. The horrifying skull of Ms Hart sitting in a pile of feces. The thought of the person currently inside of Veronica being torn to pieces and dumped as well. Every time she’ degraded her. Every time she laughed at her. Every time she’ made her feel scared for her life. The memories of the past swirled around in Becky’ head, until the words of Bella started to echo through her mind. You’e nothing to her. An object. Couldn’ care less if you got eaten. She’ a threat to you. You’e nothing to her. An object. Couldn’ care less if you got eaten. She’ a threat to you. You’e nothing to her. An object. Couldn’ care less if you got eaten. She’ a threat to you. You’e nothing to her. An object. Couldn’ care less if you got eaten. She’ a threat to you. Anger built up inside of Becky, causing her to uncontrollably shake and bite down on her teeth. “ said you can leave pipsqueak, unless you wanna go for round two.” You’e Nothing. An Object. Couldn’ Care Less. A Threat. Becky stood up on the bed over Veronica. “ SAID, to get out.” othing. Object. Couldn’ care. A Threat. “o.” xcuse me?!’ o.” think you need to learn your place pipsqueak!” A Threat. “o. NO. NOOOOO!!!!!”Before Veronica could even mentally register what was going on, Becky had grabbed both of her arms and shoved them into her mouth and straight down her throat. “hat the ****?! Get off me!”Becky then leaned down and swallowed her Veronica’ head, preventing her from talking anymore. Her throat bulged out as she went. After going past her shoulders, she soon reached her breasts and struggled for a minute on the massive mounds. She grabbed them with her hands and managed to wiggle them into her mouth. They tasted like heaven on her tongue. She stopped eating for a second, momentarily savouring the flavor before continuing her dinner. Her lips stretched out and went around her belly, the gym teacher inside was no longer moving and probably dead. Becky’ shirt was lifted up to make room for her growing gut. She went further and further down the body until finally reaching her ankles. She lifted her head up and gulped down her feet, sending them down her throat and joining the rest of her in her belly. Becky then let out a massive burp that shook the bedroom, made some papers fly and knocked down various empty soda cans around the room. Panting and slightly tired, she looked down at herself. Her belly was massive, taking up most of the bed and being almost four times bigger than the rest of her body. The giant belly made Becky feel good. It made her feel… powerful. Fantasies of the future started flying through Becky’ head. Her walking into school the next day, taller than anyone else, with bigger boobs and the widest hips of the class. The girls all looked at her with jealousy and the boys were filled with lust. She was no longer the scared little puppy everyone all thought she was. She was the top dog now. No one would dare to mess with her and everyone gives her the respect she deserved. It was everything she desired! Everything she deserved! Then, the thought of Veronica went through her mind. Images of her sitting in Becky’ stomach acid begging for her life and screaming in pain as it burned through her skin. Her pretty face slowly getting melting into goop and her body getting pushed through the intestines, slowing changing shape into crap. It then reaching the end of her system and getting pushed through Becky’ anus. The pile of crap landing on the floor and her looking down over it. She then felt a strong pressure and strained for a second before Veronica’ skull pops out and lands on top of the pile. It was stained blood red, fleshy and only had one eye. The eye stared straight into Becky’ soul, filling her with dread. In real life, she started to queasy, light headed and absolutely sick to her stomach. She clasped onto her belly, trying to keep her balance and not to fall over. Suddenly, she felt a large bulge appear at the bottom of her throat. Then, it traveled up her esophagus and she started to vomit up onto the bed. Veronica was slowly pushed out of her mouth inch by inch until she was completely free and landed onto the bed. Becky’ belly was now flat and she no longer felt sick. “ou....”Becky felt the emptiness in her stomach be replaced with fear as she turned around and looked up at Veronica. She was soaking wet, covered in bits of food, her eyes completely open and had an expression as serious as death. “eronica!” ou swallowed me… -v-veronica! I-I, ugh, I-I d-didn’ mean to! I mean. I was just j-joking. Yeah! It was just a joke! A joke! I wasn’ actually trying to eat you!”Veronica started crawling over to Becky. “o one, not even my family members have ever swallowed me before.” “-veronica! Please! Don’ eat me!” “ saw my life flashing before my eyes. I thought I was going to be digested.” “’ sorry!” “ thought I was going to die.”Becky closed her eyes, expecting to feel teeth biting into her head, ripping her to pieces like a raw steak but instead, she felt lips pressed up against hers. She opened her eyes to see Veronica intensely kissing her. She then pulled away. Their eyes locked, appearing to be filled with lust. “ha-” “’e never felt so alive!”She went back down and started passionately kissing Becky again. Meanwhile, her hands went under Becky’ shirt and unhooked her bra. She then ripped Becky’ shirt and pants off and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her closer and pressing their naked bodies together. The next morning Sunlight shined through broken cracks in the blinds. Becky had already woken up and was reminiscing about the experience they had from the night before. She was completely naked and was wrapped up by Veronica, her body eclipsing hers entirely. Her head was between Veronica’ breasts, resting on one like a pillow while the other laid on top of her shoulder. Their legs were intertwined like a pair of snakes, their bodies were tightly pressed up against each other in a loving warm embrace and Veronica’ arms were hugged around Becky in a seemingly both protective and possessive way. Becky sat quietly in bed sorta just existing, taking in the details of the bedroom. She could hear the groans from Veronica’ stomach as her meal traveled to the back door. She could see her pile of clothes hanging on the computer chair on top of the black leather jacket. She could smell the now stained bed, still reeking of what had happened the night before. Finally, she could feel Veronica's chest behind her lightly going up and down with her every breath and a light snore escaping from Veronica’ lips. Becky was unsure about what her future held. She didn’ know what would happen later today. She didn’ know what would happen tomorrow. She didn’ know what would happen in school on Monday. She didn’ know what would happen when Veronica woke up, what she would first say to her. She didn’ even know what her and Veronica’ relationship was now, if there even is one. But what she did know, was that last night was the greatest night of her life and that right now, she was happy.
Jump rope contest It was currently recess at North water elementary school, on a nice cool autumn Friday. Birds were flying in the air, squirrels were gathering food for winter and a light breeze rustled through the orange leaves. A large crowd of children had formed in the courtyard, all of them watching Sarah Green, a little blonde girl, playing jump rope with her friends Michelle and Joey. “inety six. Ninety seven. Ninety eight. Ninety nine...one hundred!”The children clapped and cheered as Sarah finished demolishing Joey’ previous jumping streak of ninety two. Joey meanwhile, was scowling with anger. “o fair!”Joey shouted. “t’ perfectly fair.”Sarah stuck her tongue out at him. “o it's not! You’e a lot lighter than I am! If I was as small as you, I’ beat you by a landslide!” h yeah?” eah!” could beat you even if I were twice as big as you!”Joey then looked around the courtyard at the crowd of children surrounding them. He then spotted his younger brother Nathan among the kids and yanked him over to them. “ey! Let me go Joey!”Nathan complained. “f you’e so good, then jump with Nathan weighing you down!” ow am I going to lift him while jumping? By carrying him on my back like Yoda?” ow’ about you use your fat head?” ow’ about I use your fat ego!?”Nathan then raised his hand. “o I get a say in this?” o!”Sarah and Joey both shout in unison, causing Nathan to jump back a little in fright. “ctually, I have an idea.”She walked over and grabbed Nathan’ shoulders. “hat are you doing Sarah?” really cool thing my neighbor Rebecca showed me how to do.” “o wait-”She then opened her mouth incredibly wide and shoved his entire head inside. The audience of children all gasped as Sarah swallowed Nathan’ head and shoulders and started to go down his chest. A small bulge appeared under her dress as her mouth creeped down his torso and soon reached his hips. Then she lifted her head up towards the sky, allowing gravity to help the rest of Nathan’ body easily slide into her mouth. His legs quickly traveled through her throat and joined with the rest of him inside her stomach. Her belly swelled out as she swallowed the last of his feet and sent it down her throat. Her belly was now large and hung down several feet in front of her. Nathan started to squirm and move around, causing Sarah to let out a large belch. “burp* Excuse me.”Joey walked over, completely baffled by what he had just witnessed. “hat was that?!” “ ate him.” eah I know that! Why did you do it?!” o weigh me down. Duh.” “uh?” ou said I couldn’ jump rope better than you if I was heavier. Sooo, now I’ heavier.” ell, can you?”Joey said in a condescending tone. “atch me!”She then stepped back up to the jump rope. Joey and Michelle grabbed opposite sides of the rope and Sarah began to jump. She quickly passed twenty and went on to thirty, forty and soon even fifty. Her Nathan filled belly didn’ even seem to slow her down. Nathan meanwhile, tried his best not to throw up as his entire world was being shaken up and down. Joey started to get nervous as Sarah inched closer and closer to his record. “mm, add more weight!”Michelle scowled at him, seeming to be really annoyed at him. “he already beat you! Now she’ going to do it again! Stop being a sore loser!” am not a sore loser! If Sarah’ so good, then there’ no way she would be held back by my puny little brother. She needs someone less tiny.”Before Michelle could respond, Sarah intervened. “ure. I can take more weight.”She stopped jumping and examined the surrounding children to choose another meal. “ want her.”She walked over to the crowd and pointed at Joey’ close friend Mia. “o! Pick someone else!” hat’ wrong Joey, do you LLoovvee her?”Joey’ face turned red with embarrassment. “-no! No I don’! She’ just my friend!” ood, then I can eat her.”Before Joey could protest more, Mia walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. “t’ okay Joey, I don’ mind. It actually seems like fun.” “ut-” oo bad Joey, she already said yes! Now come on down!”Mia did what she was told and stood before Sarah, causing Joey to start nervously biting his nails. Sarah then moved forward and swallowed Mia’ head and shoulders in a single gulp, causing her throat to bulge out. She then went past her chest, stomach and hips in only a matter of seconds. Her belly started to shake from Nathan He squirmed around as Mia joined him. Now with her upper body inside her esophagus, Sarah lifted her head up and quickly swallowed down her legs like noodles. Her lips closed around the red shoes as her belly expanded out even further, now sticking out another foot and hanging less than a foot above the ground. The bottom of her dress was lifted up slightly, revealing a bit of her skin and belly button. Sarah let out another massive burp, coughing up Mia’ pink bracelet in the process. Joey walked over and picked it up. “one. I’ heavier now. Now that I’ all set, let’ go jump rope! Michelle, Joey come-”She looked over and saw Joey deeply staring at the bracelet in the palm of his hand, seemingly lost in thought. “h, Joey? Joey! JOEY!” “uh?”He snapped back to reality and looked over at Sarah. “re you ready Joey?” h uh, yeah.” “hat’ that?’ t’ nothing.”He put the bracelet in his pocket and walked over, grabbing the other end of the jump rope. “et’ start!”Sarah started jumping again, barley hindered by the added weight. Her large belly made a loud sloshing sound with it’ every movement. She reached twenty, thirty, forty and fifty in a quick amount of time. Then, she suddenly stopped jumping. “re you alright?”Michelle asked, ”ou didn’ seem to be tired yet.” “ want more.” hat?” want more weight.” hy?!”Joey shouted, “ou already proved you’e better than me, what more could you want?” “ wanna go harder! I can fit more! I wanna see how heavy I can go!” “ou’e a weirdo! That’ it, I’ not gonna hold your rope anymore!”He let go of the rope, letting it fall to the ground. “ quit!” “hat sounds like a volunteer!”She started to lick her lips with anticipation. “ait, what? No I’ not!” “oo bad. If you’e not gonna swing the rope, then you’e gonna swing in my belly!” “o! I’ not gonna get eaten. Back off!” “oo late!” “tay away!”Before Joey could even turn to escape, Sarah had pounced forward like a Jaguar leaping onto its prey and landed on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The weight of three kids landed on and crushed Joey’ body, knocking the wind out of him and preventing him from moving. “gh! Get off me whale!” own the hatch!” “OOO!”Joey’ screams were silenced as Sarah’ lips closed around his head. His face was in the middle of her mouth and pressed up against her tongue, grossing him out. “ww, nasty!”She gulped down his neck, pushing Joey further inside. He now peered down the black abyss of her throat, seeing nothing but darkness awaiting him. “et me outta here!”She swallowed down his shoulders and chest, forcing his head into the throat. He traveled down the long slimy tunnel as she swallowed his stomach and torso. Then, she lifted her head up, allowing his lower body to move. He fruitlessly flailed his legs around in the air, hoping to wiggle himself free. His protests did nothing to deter her progress as she gulped up to his knees. Joey’ face reached the end of the esophagus and was pushed into the top of the stomach. It was very warm and smelled like breakfast foods. Her lips closed around his feet, preventing him from kicking anymore. With one last swallow, she sent the last of Joey down her throat. His head fully entered into the stomach chamber, smushing into something below him. “w!” “oey?”He could immediately recognize the soft voice. “ia?”His eyes started to adjust and he could make out Mia’ shape. “eah. She ate you too?” “es. Unwillingly!”He curled up on top of Mia as the rest of his body eventually joined him in the stomach. Everything around them shook as Sarah let out a loud burp. “ey, Joey?” “eah?” ould you move your knee? You’e pushing into my side.” h, sorry!”He wiggled around into a comfortable position. “his sucks.” t least you’e not at the bottom like Nathan.” “ am squished!”Nathan shouted. Then, everything started to move as Sarah stood up and walked around. “immy, grab the other rope.”Sarah’ voice was very loud and seemed to echo around the stomach. “h no.”Suddenly, everything was thrown up and down as Sarah started to jump rope. “ne. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.” The day passed by rather quickly. Sarah came back inside and went about her school day as normal, occasionally getting a belly rub from a fellow student or teacher. They couldn’ make out what other people were saying through the layer of skin and noises of gurgles and groans coming from the stomach, but they could hear everything Sarah said clearly. She then went on a bumpy bus ride home and spent the rest of the day watching TV. As time went on, a strange liquid slowly filled the belly. Later on she ate dinner, covering her friends in french fries and chewed up burger bits and then took a long shower. The water sounded really cool as it dripped off the belly. Finally, she laid down in bed and went to sleep. The next morning Joey woke up feeling rather groggy. He attempted to move, but his body was constricted on all sides. He started to panic and wiggle around. “elp! What’ going on?” oey?”He looked up and saw a pair of feet above him. “ia?”Then, he remembered what happened the day before. “here are we? Are we still inside of Sarah?’ eah. While you were asleep, we were pushed into the intestines. Nathan is in front of me.” here are we now?” ’ not sure.”Then, they all heard Sarah yawn. “ood morning food.” ou could hear us?!” es. I was just ignoring you.” et us out!”Suddenly, the stomach started to groan. “ think my stomach is telling me the same thing.”She climbed out of bed, starting running somewhere before sitting down on a hard surface. “hat is she doing?”Nathan asked. Suddenly, the walls around them started pushing them forwards. “h no.” “hat?” think she’ going to the bathroom.” ross! She’ pooping while we’e in here?” o Nathan, you don’ get it.” et what?” E are the poop!” “ bright hole opened up! It's moving me to it!” “athan, what do you see?”Joey got silence in response. “athan? Nathan? Mia, is Nathan still in front of you?” “is feet disappeared through the hole. I can also see the light coming out of it.” “ight?” “eah. It’ very bright.”Joey could now see the light. “ can see it too!” t’ getting brighter!”Then, Mia’ feet disappeared. “ia? Mia!”The light got even brighter. The muscles contracted and his head was pushed forward and exited out of the hole.. His eyes adjusted to the light and he could see that they were in a bathroom. He was hanging over a bathtub that Nathan and Mia were both sitting in. He was pushed completely out and landed in the tub. He looked up and saw Sarah squatting on the side of the tub above him, her large naked butt inches above his head. “H! You’e naked!” “eah so are you.”He looked down and saw that Nathan, Mia and himself are all also naked. “h! You digested our clothes!” “orry. I am still new to this.” “t’ no big deal.”Mia said, “ur clothes weren’ that important.” h, wait!”Joey then looked back and shoved his hand into Sarah’ anus. “p! What the heck!” alm down! I just came out of there!” “ou could’e warned me at least. It feels a lot different going in than going out. What are you even doing in there?” ’ looking for something. I had it in my pocket earlier.” hat are you trying to find? It’ probably digested already.” ound it!”He pulled his arm back out and was holding Mia’ pink bracelet. “ picked this up after Sarah coughed it up earlier.” h, how sweet! I was so worried that I wouldn’ be able to find it.”He handed her the bracelet and helped her put it on. “hank you.”She leaned forward and kissed him. He then fell back, smiling and blushing a deep shade of red. “ou do like her!”Sarah gloated “-shut up!” “ey Sarah?”Mia asked. “eah Mia?” an you teach me how to do it? The eating thing.” ore?” “eah, vore. I want to learn how to do it. This was really fun!” efinitely. My parents called your parents yesterday and they said you all could stay over til Monday, which means that we have the whole weekend to teach you.” wesome!” h no.”Joey groaned to himself, knowing this definitely won’ be the last time he’ inside a belly. Then, Sarah turned on the shower. “hat are you doing?” ou guys smell! You can wash yourself while my mom and I get you some clothes.”Sarah left the bathroom as Joey, Nathan and Mia started to wash themselves off.
Overlord: Shalltear and Aura’ bonding experience (warning: while you don’ have to see the show to read this, it might get confusing if you haven’) “halltear? Yes, she was here earlier but left not too long ago.” o you know where she went?” assume she returned to the Adipocere Chamber on the second floor. She often resides with her Vampire Brides.” lright. Thank you.”Aura left the bar and started heading up to the second floor. Aura was a dark elf child, physically around the age of 7 and a floor gudrian for the great tomb of Nazarick. She had pointy ears, tan skin, short golden hair and heterochromic eyes, her left eye being blue and her right eye being green. She wore a red dragon leather shirt, gold plated shoes, a white and gold vest and pants and had a whip on her left hip. Right now, she was trying to find her fellow floor guardian, the true vampire Shalltear. A few weeks ago, Shalltear had fallen under mind control by an unknown assailant and was forced to fight against their beloved master, the Supreme being Lord Ainz Ooal Gown. Fortunately, (with Aura’ help) Lord Ainz won the battle and broke her free of the control. Even though she doesn’ remember what happened, Shalltear has been riddled with guilt about it and would spend all day in the tomb’ bar attempting to get drunk (which was really difficult, due to her immunity to poison). Aura wandered through the second floor hall until reaching the broken down bridge of the Adipocere Chamber. She didn’ like to go in there, but she felt like she needed to check in on Shalltear. She walked down the broken bridge and entered into the chamber. As soon as the door opened, she was immediately assaulted by the thick sweet fragrance that permeated throughout the chamber. The smell was a permanent feature, designed to soak into your skin and inflict some form of negative status effect on weaker creatures of the living, but Aura was strong enough to resist it. It was created by the Supreme being Peroroncino, Shalltear’ creator. (who was also the younger brother of Bukubukuchagama, Aura’ creator) The chamber itself was filled with gauzy pink chiffon veils hanging from the ceiling, porcile furniture like vases, fancy tables with teapots and various other junk and had many doorways to different rooms. She could hear constantly female moaning and laughing coming from various rooms, most likely from some of Shalltear’ vampire minion. This, plus the thick aroma gave the whole place an erotic atmosphere, fitting to Shalltear’ personality. One of the many vampire brides around the room noticed Aura’ presence and walked over to greet her. “ello Lady Aura, what brings you to the Adipocere Chamber today?” came to see Shalltear. Is she somewhere around here?” es, she’ currently in her room. She came back not long ago, drunk out of her mind and reeking of alcohol.” “ thought undead were immune to poisoning and therefore can’ get drunk?” e can, it just takes a very large amount.” “hanks. I know where it is so you don’ have to show me.” nderstood.”Aura walked down the stone hallway and entered Shalltear’ personal room. The room was way too girly for Aura’ taste. The cream colored walls, a feminine pink desk and chair, purple rugs, multiple dressers and a walk in closet all filled with dozens of dresses, blouses and skirts and in the center of the room was Shalltear’ large fancy bed. With all the expensive sheets, the mountain of pillows and the lace canopy, you’ think it belonged to some kind of royalty. Laying on top of the bed was the drunken Shalltear. Aura approached the vampire to get a better look at her. She was rather short, due to having the body of a fourteen year old girl. She had pale white skin, dark crimson red eyes and long silver hair that was normally tied up in a ponytail with large ribbons but was currently a complete mess. (most likely from her night of drinking) The vampire’ attire was similarly messed up and dirty. She had on her normal soft black and purple dress and a big frilled skirt but it was wrinkled, stained and slightly off, looking like she had just escaped from a twister. Aura sighed at the sight of her friend. “eez, just look at you.” hat, who goes there?!”Shalltear sat up on the bed and gazed around the room, eventually landing on the dark elf child. “halltear it’ me, Aura Bella Fiora.” h, hey shorty. *hiccup* What are you doing here?”Shalltear’ words had a slight drunken slur to them. “ came in to check on you.” “nd why would you do that?” ecause I was worried about you. You’e been drinking in the bar all day so-” o you came here to gloat.” hat? No, I wouldn’-” ou think you’e *hiccup* better than me! Huh? Just because Lord Ainz favors you the most?” avors me? What are you talking about?” on’ act coy, I see how he treats you and Mare compared to the rest of us. Your special treatment. You’e clearly his favorites.” o I’ not!” es you are!” “’ not! Lord Ainz says that he loves us all equally.” “asy for you to say. You didn’ try to kill him.”Aura stepped closer to the bed. “e don’ blame you for that.” “ do.” “ell Ainz doesn’. He was so worried when you didn’ come back. He wanted to fight you alone because he couldn’ bear to see us fight and he took full responsibility for what happened to you.” xactly. I caused him sorrow and worry. Meanwhile, look at you.” hat about me?” e doesn’ let anyone, not even Sebas or Demiurge leave Naerick without any protection, except for you. He gives you gifts like that special watch of yours. He trusts you to train Hamsuke and built the decoy Nazarick while I’ told to remain inside so I won’ screw up again. How can I ever prove myself to him when you’e around, hogging all the spotlight?” halltear.” “mm.”Shallear lifted up her skirt, revealing that she isn’ wearing anything under it. “halltear, what are you doing?!” “ think you need to learn your place Half pint.” “y place? What is that supposed to mean?”Suddenly, Shalltear jolted forward and grabbed onto Aura’ head. “halltear! Let me go-”She was cut off as Shalltear shoved her head deep into her vagina. “HHHH!”Shalltear let out a loud sexual moan as Aura was plunged into her body. Before Aura could reach for a weapon, she quickly grabbed both of her arms and shoved them into her vagina as well. “ith you gone, Ainz will put his full attention on me!”Aura flailed her legs around in protest as her shoulders and chest entered into the vagina. Shalltear loudly moaned as more of the dark elf child passed through her, fantasizing that she was with Lord Ainz. Her belly bulged out and squirmed around as Aura’ head entered the womb. “ady Shalltear, is everything alright? I heard someone screaming.”The vampire bride stopped in the doorway as she saw the scene before her. “ady Shalltear?” ET OUT!”Shalltear’ eyes glowed bright red as her mouth transformed and became a large circular maw lined with a row of long sharp teeth, visually resembling a lamprey. The minion turned and ran away in fear of her master. With the interruption gone, Shalltear transformed back and continued, moaning as Aura’ hips and waist went past her lower lips. On the inside, Aura was curling up as her legs entered into the womb. The place she was trapped in was very warm and very wet, like a sauna made of flesh. She wanted to use her whip to escape, but she didn’ want to hurt the impaired Shalltear. Soon, her feet joined her and the entrance to the womb sealed shut. Shalltear’ dressed ripped open as her large squirming stomach ballooned out several feet from her body. “H! If I knew it’ feel this good, I would’e done this years ago!” “et me out Shalltear!”Aura gave a hard kick to the flesh wall, making Shalltear moan again. “h yes please! Do that again!” ang it, she’ too kinky to fight.”She could feel Shalltear’ hand rubbing her belly. “ow long do you plan on keeping me here?” orever.” hat?! You can’! Lord Ainz and the other guardians will come looking for me!” “yawn* All this pleasure and effort has made me very tired. I think I’l doze off for a little while. Feel free to squirm and kick all you want.”The space in the womb shrank as Shalltear laid down on her stomach, smushing Aura. She started pushing against the tight walls. “halltear!”She could hear a light snoring. “ang it! She’ sleeping. I didn’ know undead could even fall asleep.”She wiggled around until she got into a slightly more comfortable position. “sigh* Well, I guess I’ trapped in here until Mare or Ainz comes looking for me. It might take a while, so I might as well catch some Z’.”She took off her ring of sustenance and laid down to rest. The soft flesh made an excellent pillow. “m, it’ actually not that bad in here once you get used to it. It’ kinda like a big, warm water bed.”She then closed her eyes and fell asleep. The next morning “ady Shalltear. Lady Shalltear. Wake up.” eh?”Shalltear opened her eyes, looked up at the vampire bride standing next to her bed and gave her an angry scowl “hy exactly did you interrupt my sleep?” “ord Ainz is looking for Lady Aura.” “nd what exactly does that have to do with me?!” “mm, do you not remember yesterday?” “emember what about yester-”Shalltear paused as fuzzy memories came back to her. Her eyes widened with horror as the realization kicked in. “o! No! No!”She lifted the blanket off of her and revealed her massive distended belly resting on the bed. “h no, Aura! What have I done?!”She turned to the vampire bride, her gazed filled with anger. “hy did you let this happen?” -what?” “HY DIDN’ YOU STOP ME?!” “, uh, d-didn’ think you’ want me to-” “ WAS DRUNK! I WASN’ IN MY RIGHT MIND! YOU SHOULD’E STOPPED ME!” ’ sorry Lady Shalltear! Please forgive me!” t doesn’ matter now. Pull her out, and be quick about it!” “hat? Pull her out?” ull her out before someone sees! If the other guardians find out, they’l never let me live it down, and if Lord Ainz finds out.…just do it now!” ut I-” o it, BEFORE I EAT YOU!”Her eyes glowed bright red as her face again transformed into its monstrous appearance. “lright! I’ sorry!” “ood.”She pointed between her legs. ”ow go down there pull.”The vampire bride took a deep breath as she lifted the belly up and reached into the vagina, causing Shalltear to let out a quiet moan. “hould I stop?” o! Keep going!”The bride did as she was asked and and reached further in, going in up to her shoulders. “ got her.”She started pulling back, causing the belly to groan and shrink slightly. Soon, the legs of the elf child appeared. Shalltear let out more moans as Aura was slowly freed. Her belly shrunk down smaller and smaller until eventually becoming as flat as before. Aura was now laying on the bed, still fast asleep and covered with vaginal juices. “ood, now wake her up.”The vampire bride shook the floor guardian until she woke up and rubbed her eyes. “uh? Shalltear? What’ going on? Why am I-”Her eyes widened as she remembered what happened. “halltear! You-” “’ sorry for unbirthing you.” hat?” “ said I’ sorry for unbirthing you.” id, did you actually just apologize to me?” hat is that supposed to mean?!” “ou never apologize, to anyone.” hy you!”She raised her fist up to punch, but stopped and lowered it back down. “isten, please don’ tell Lord Ainz, Albedo or any of the other guardians about what I did. I’ already in enough trouble.” on’ worry, I won’ tell.” eally? I didn’ even have to bribe you.” ell actually, I kinda liked it.” “hat?! Really?!” eah. Aside from the kinky stuff, that was actually kinda fun. And that sleep was the best I’e had in ages! Do you think, we could do that again sometime?”Shalltear started to blush. “ell, um. I don’ see why not. As long as you keep this a secret between us, promise?” promise.” ood. Now, Lord Ainz has been looking for you. He probably wants to know your progress on the decoy Nazarick.” h, I better get going!” “ou should probably bathe first. The unbirth was very pleasurable and I kinda…coated you.” “ou’e probably right.”She climbed off the bed. “ye Shalltear.”She ran out of the room. “oodbye Aura.”She then turned her attention to the vampire bride. “ow that she’ gone, I want you to gather up all the other brides.” hat for my lady?” here has been a new level of pleasure that I’e been unaware until now. I think it’ time I experiment with it.”
Martial artist’ journey Ever since he moved out of his parents house to live on his own, Jason had dedicated his entire life to learning martial arts. He’ do exercises and training routines every day after work and would spend the entire weekend vigorously training at the dojo. He had mastered every technique he was taught and practiced every stance a hundred times over. He shattered wood planks with his fists and could do pull ups using only a single hand. After five long years of endless training and mastery, he believed he was finally ready to take the black belt test. He was ready to prove himself and unleash his inner strength. He was ready to take what he had earned. Jason opened the door to his old dojo and stepped inside. He took a deep breath, smelling the scented candles that he had smelled hundreds, maybe thousands of times in the past. He took his shoes off before stepping onto the mats where his master was sitting, waiting for him to arrive. His master was a slightly older gentleman with pale skin, a small black beard and wore a red and black gi. He may have seemed like just an ordinary middle aged man, but back in the day he was the undefeated world martial arts champion, who went by the name Johnny Firefist. (He regretted changing his last name to Firefist after he hit his early thirties but by then it was already too late. Everybody knew him by it and the name had stuck.) The sensei opened his eyes and looked up at his student. “ello my pupil. Are you ready for today’ lesson?” “ don’ need any more lessons sensei.” h?” think I’ ready to challenge you and finally earn my black belt!” eally?” es!” “ell, it looks like somebody’ eyes have gotten bigger than their stomach. Very well then.”He stood up and dusted off his pants. Jason got into a fighting stance, ready to spare. “’ ready!”His master then turned around, walked off the mats and pulled out his cellphone. “m... Sensei, what are you doing? I thought we were going to spare.”He could hear him send out a text message before he put his phone back in his pocket. “h you will be sparing, just not with me.” hat? Who did you call? I need to beat someone better than me and I’ already your highest level student.” rong again young one. You may be one of my oldest students, but you are far from being the best.”Then, the back doors that led to Johnny’ apartment opened up as somebody stepped out and walked onto the mats. “his will be your opponent.”There, standing before Jason....... was a tiny little girl. She had straight black hair that reached down to her shoulders, dark red eyes and she appeared to be half asian. She was wearing an exact replica of his master’ clothes, only smaller in size. It took him a few moments, but Jason eventually recognized her as his master’ eight year old daughter Hara. “ait... Hara? What is going on sensei? Do you seriously want me to fight your daughter? Is this a joke or something? I was serious about wanting to get my black belt!” his is not a joke. She is the last obstacle on your path to being a master. Defeat her and claim your prize!” “o! I am not fighting a little kid. I demand you take this seriously!” “o not underestimate your opponent, just because of the size of their body. Instead, judge them by the size of their spirit. Now fight!” he’ like three feet tall!” “ook, do you want the belt?” “es.” “hen stop whining and just fight her!”Jason let out a sigh, knowing that he wouldn’ be able to change his master’ mind. He looked down at his pint sized opponent in disappointment. “ell, sorry kid. Looks like I’e got no choice. I’l try not to hurt you too much.”Hara giggled at him in response. “urt me? Ha! Yeah right. How do you think I got this?”She gestured down at her waist, showing off the black belt wrapped around her hips. “epotism!” “h, somebody’ maaaadddddd. What? Are you feeling, jeeeealous?” ealous?! Jealous of what, daddy’ little cheater?”Jason was now slightly mad. “ got this all fair and square. Just like how I’ gonna beat you.” ring it pipsqueak!”With Johnny as the judge, Jason and Hara both stepped into a circle that was painted on the mats and took fighting stances. He no longer had any problems with fighting a child. “eady. FIGHT!”Before Jason could even move, Hara had close the distance between them and swept his legs, sending him falling to the ground. “h! What the heck?!”He managed to look up just in time to see Hara standing over him, licking her lips in anticipation. Her eyes were filled with hunger. “ara?” “inner.”Without any warning, she pounced down on him and swallowed his head whole. His face immediately entered into her throat. “hat the heck?! Let me go!”He started panicking and tried to push her away with his arms. “on’ forget Hara.“Her father reminded her. “lways make sure your prey can’ escape.”She made a noise that sounded like an “kay”and sat down on top of Jason, pinning his torso to the ground. She then continued on, swallowing his shoulders and chest. Jason meanwhile was being plunged down a dark wet tunnel, her throat bulging out as he went. Soon, his face was pushed through a small hole and his head entered into the stomach. It was steaming hot and smelled like old food. “gh! This place stinks.”He was pushed further into the stomach as his hips were gulped down, making his face get squished against the bottom of the stomach. His thighs and knees were swallowed and soon, his bare feet entered into her mouth and descended down the throat. His body curled up as Jason was joined by the rest of him in her stomach. He moved around so he wasn’ sitting on his face anymore and started to kick the stomach walls. “et me out! Let! Me! Out!”His only response was a loud burp that shook the stomach around him. “ummy.”On the outside, Hara had sat down and rested her titanic tummy on the matted floor. Her belly was now massive, easily twice the size of Hara herself. It almost entirely stuck out from her gi revealing every inch of it, including her belly button and the faint outline of it’ occupant that could be seen through the skin. The way her gi perfectly opened up to make for her belly seemed like it was designed to do it. Johnny then sat down cross legged in front of his daughter’ large squirming belly and started to lightly rub it. “his is impossible! How is this happening?!” t’ a genetic trait.”Johnny said. “enetic what?” ell him the story! Tell him the story!”Hara begged with large eyes. “ell, the story begins almost a decade ago. I was traveling around the world at the time, competing in tournaments and competitions. It was great. Eventually, my travels brought me to the country of Japan. After conquering many opponents and winning many battles, I was told about a particularly interesting local legend. The legend said that hidden deep within a mystical forbidden forest and isolated from modern society, lived a race of cannibalistic warrior women who have mastered the ancient lost art of vore.” ore?” “es. Vore. It's an ability as old and as it is powerful. The true origins of it still remain unknown. Some believe that gods descended down from the heavens to gift it to us. Others believe it's what gave us the edge in evolution. Some radicals believe that aliens experimented on humans to give us the power. Whatever you believe in, what is known is that only females can master this art.” hat? That’ dumb. Why only women?” hut up!”He slapped the side of Hara’ belly, hitting Jason in the head. “nly females can open their jaws wide enough.” “ut-“Jason felt another strike land on Hara’ belly, hitting him again. “w! Okay, okay. Just continue with the story.” ery well. So, I journeyed deep into the forbidden forest and after weeks of searching and searching, I had finally found the ancient tribe. Or, more accurately, they had found me. I had fallen into one of their many traps and they took me into their village. They said that outsiders are not welcomed in their home and would be devoured alive. I begged them to let me prove my worth and surprisingly, they agreed. They said that in order for me to be released, I had to battle against their greatest warrior. If I lost, I would be eaten like any other animal.” “ouldn’ that be unfair? I mean, males and females are in different leagues for a reason. Males even have different weight classes.” “t was that mentality that got you eaten in the first place. Besides, these were no ordinary women. Each one possessed incredible strength, easily able to throw around a fully grown human like a rag doll or toss boulders through the air like a frisbee.” ang.” “ith no other options, I agreed to the fight. It was a battle I’l never forget. I almost lost my life that day, but using my wits and keeping a calm clear mind, I used my surroundings to my advantage and defeated the mighty warrior. Graceful in her defeat, the warrior bowed before me and said that I may come and go from the village whenever I pleased.” on’ see how this all relates to me being eaten.”The stomach walls then squeezed down, squishing Jason as Hara had started laying on her stomach like a beanbag. “hhhhhh!” “ou keep interrupting my daddy and I’l make it worse!” “kay! Okay! I’ sorry!” “ood. Go ahead daddy.” efore I left the village, the warrior that I defeated brought me back to her hut and told me that she has never seen an outsider win a duel before and as a reward for my victory, she wanted to give me a prize. The highest prize that could be given within her society. A worthy heir. So I-“Johnny stopped and glanced at Hara, who was attentively listening to every word. “spent the night with her. I then lived with her in the village for nine months, until I was gifted with Hara. Afterwards, I said goodbye to the women and went back home to America with my child.” “kay, nice. You banged the cannibal and made a cannibal daughter, so can she let me out now?” “o.” hat?! Why?!” t would insult her family heritage by letting you go and insult my dojo for training a failure.” “ou can’ do this! This is illegal! It’ murder!” “othing is illegal, until you get caught.”Hara and her father both bursted out laughing. The walls around Jason shook from her laughter. “ell Hara, you should probably go get some rest to sleep off this large meal.” AM NOT A MEAL!” kay dad, goodnight.”She stood up, causing everything to jolt up. “ love you!”She kissed Johnny’ forehead. “ love you too my little martial artist. Sweet dreams.”Jason was tossed up and down as Hara walked into the backroom and headed towards her bedroom. She changed into her pajamas and climbed into her bed, squished Jason again. After a few minutes, he could hear her heartbeat slow down and feel her stop moving. “he’ asleep.”He thought to himself. “ow’ my chance to escape.”He wiggled around, managing to reach his arms up to the top of the stomach. He grabbed onto the exit of the esophagus and tried to pry it open with his bare hands. “ome on! Come on!”After trying for several minutes, his strength gave out and he let go, having made no progress. “ang it!”He punched the stomach wall in anger. Suddenly, the stomach made a loud groaning noise and started to vibrate. “h no. I think I did something.”Then, he felt a tingling sensation on his legs. He looked down and saw a mysterious liquid filling the stomach chamber. “h no!”The stomach acid started to rise up to his chest and his clothes started to deteriorate. “o no no no no! This isn’ how this was supposed to end! Not like this!”That was the last thing he was able to say before his head was completely submerged in liquid. The acid started to burn against his skin as he screamed and kicked around. His struggles became weak as he ran out of oxygen and he soon passed out. Hara meanwhile was sleeping peacefully while her stomach loudly groaned and gurgled as it broke down her hearty meal. The next morning The sun had just started to rise as Johnny was already awake and making a breakfast for two on the stove. Then, he heard the sounds of little footsteps approaching, a sound he was quite familiar with. “addy! Daddy!”His young daughter bounced into the room and tackled him with a hug. “ood morning Hara. How did my little martial artist sleep?” “reat!”She lifted up her shirt, revealing her belly was as flat as a pancake. “ow, good work Hara. He’ all gone.” ctually, he’ not all gone. Look at this!”She turned around and pulled down her pajama bottoms and panties, proudly showing off her bigger butt. “hoa, look at that! That’ a good two inches of added fat! Nice job!”Hara smiled at the praise of her handy work. “ow, go get dressed for the day while I finish making us breakfast.” kay dad. Make sure it's tasty!”She turned around and cheerily skipped to her bedroom, her new butt jiggling as she went.
The Ring: Samara’ curse 2 It was a dark rainy night in an average suburban cul de sac. In the house at the very end of the street, there was a teenage girl named Helen. She was supposed to be babysitting the neighbor's little girl Jamie alone but she instead invited over a boy named Damien, a football player from her high school. The two teens were currently sitting together in the living room watching something on TV while Jamie was asleep upstairs. “o babe.”Damien said seductively. “he kid’ had dinner and finally gone to sleep, so how’ about we have some dessert?”He leaned in for a kiss but Helen put her hand out to stop him. “uh? What’ wrong?” ell, before that, how’ about we watch a movie first?”Her voice seemed to be slightly panicked. “ah, I'd rather just enjoy the buttery popcorn.”He said with a wink. He leaned in for a kiss, only for her to stop him again. “o no, I really want to watch a movie first.” lright.”He said disappointed. “hat movie did you have in mind?” “his one.”She reached into her backpack and pulled out an old blank VHS tape. “hat is it and why is it blank?” h uh, it’ a foreign horror movie from like Japan or something. I guess it’ blank because they do stuff differently there, right? You know, weird Asian countries, am I right?”She said nervously. “hen how did you get it?” -huh?” f it’ from another country then how the heck did you get it?” “h, um, from that one football player, Tommy. You know how much he likes scary movies.” nd why would he give it to you?” e watched it together last week and I liked it so much I asked to keep it! Now let’ watch it!” ait, wait, wait, why were you hanging out with Tommy? Isn’ he dating that chick Laurie?” hat is this fifty questions?! Let’ just watch it!” “kay, what’ going on?” -what do you mean?! I just really wanna show you this movie!” o, you’e acting weird.” -no I’ not!” es you are.” et’ just watch it!” o!” hy!?” ou’e acting weird. I thought you wanted to get with me, like you have with every other guy in school, but you just want me to watch some dumb tape.”She grabbed onto his shoulders. “o I’ not! I’l blow you right now if you watch this!” “eally?”He asked skeptically. Then, the antique clock hanging on the wall chimed as the hour turned to nine, making Helen start to sweat nervously. “’l blow you after the movie, SO JUST WATCH IT!!!” o, it’ going to be something weird or satanic or something isn’ it?” O-just, watch it!”Then, blood started to trickle down from Helen’ nose. “ude. You’e bleeding.” “t’ nothing!”A drop of blood dripped off her chin and fell onto Damien’ shirt. “hat’ it. I’ out!”He pushed her off of him and stood up. “ don’ wanna see your weird cult crap.” “o! Wait!”She reached out to grab his hand but he immediately slapped it away. “uzz off.”He walked out the front door and slammed it behind him, leaving Helen alone. She sat on the couch in silence. The only sound was the clicking of the old clock. Suddenly, she had an idea. “amie!”She bolted off the couch, quickly went up the stairs and ran to the pink glittery door at the end of the hall. She kicked the bedroom door open and ran to the bed, shaking the sleeping child awake. “ake up! Wake up! Wake up!” uh? What?”Jamie woke up and started rubbing her eyes, confused as to why her babysitter was in her room shaking her. The little girl was a small brown haired nine year old and was wearing her favorite set of Hello Kitty pajamas. “elen?” “-hey Jamie, do you wanna go watch a movie downstairs?” “ movie? But it’ past bedtime.” sh, what are you, five? You don’ need a bedtime. Come on, let’ go watch it.”Before she could protest any further, Helen scooped the child up and carried her downstairs. She then plopped her down on the couch. “hat movie are we watching?” good one! Now just shut up!”She started frantically rummaging through her bag trying to find the VHS tape. “here is it? Where is it?! I just had it!” “ad what?” he tape!” “o you mean this?”Helen turned around and saw Jamie holding up the tape. “here did you find it?! Wait-nevermind, give it!”Before Jamie could hand her the tape, the lights suddenly shut off, leaving them in darkness. “he powers gone out. Maybe lightning hit a telephone thingy?”Helen looked over at the clock in fear. “o.”She stumbled over to the TV and tried to turn it on, only for nothing to happen. “O.”She started frantically pressing the on button. “O. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO! NO! NO!”She ripped the VHS player out of the wall and started punching it in anger. “ WAS SO CLOSE! SO CLOSE! SHE WAS RIGHT HERE! I JUST NEEDED A FEW MORE SECONDS! JUST A FEW MORE FREAKING SECONDS!!!”The plastic casing broke into pieces and cut her hand, making her start to bleed. “elen, are you okay?” “HUT UP!”Helen shouted at Jamie, making her jump back and hug the tape like a pillow. Suddenly, the TV turned back on, the screen filled with static. “o no no!”Knowing what was going to happen, Helen tried to stand up and run but she slipped on a puddle of water on the floor and fell down. Then, the static on the TV changed into an image of an old mossy well in a clearing of trees. Jamie, now very scared, got up from the couch and ran into a closet, still holding the tape. “o, wait! Jamie! Come back!”She started to crawl away but a small hand came out from the TV screen and grabbed her ankle. “HHHHHHH!”Helen screamed in fear and started kicking the hand with her free foot. Jamie was watching the scene play out from inside the closet. There were slanted slits in the door, allowing her to look through them and see everything happening in the living room. Still hugging the tape to her body like a stuffed animal, she watched as Helen was trying to get the hand to let go of her. The skin was an unnatural shade of grey, almost looking inhuman. Soon, more of the hand came out of the TV revealing that its true form was that of a little girl, only a little older than Jamie herself. She was wearing a long tattered white dress, her face was completely concealed by her long black hair and seemed like she just climbed out of some water. She slowly crawled out of the TV and fell onto the floor. Helen moved onto her back and stared back at the girl holding her. “TAY AWAY FROM ME!”She tried kicking as hard as she could at Samara’ face but she opened her mouth and it went straight inside. Samara then grabbed her other leg and shoved it into her mouth as well. “OOO!!!”Helen screamed as Samara swallowed down her ankles and knees in a matter of seconds, making a bulge appear in her throat. She could feel her slimy tongue licking up her thigh. “TOP! PLEASE! I ALMOST GOT SOMEONE TO WATCH THE TAPE! PLEASE I JUST NEEDED A FEW MORE SECONDS!”Jamie meanwhile, was watching in a strange sense of awe as her babysitter’ thighs and waist were gulped down by the mysterious ghost girl who crawled out of her TV. She swallowed past Helen’ stomach and reached the breasts, making a squirming bump appear under her dress. “ET GO OF ME!”Samara ignored her prey’ pleas and continued, swallowing her chest and shoulders. Desperate, Helen looked over at the closet Jamie was hiding in and reached her hand out. “AMIE! JAMIE HELP ME! YOU CAN COME PULL ME OUT! PLEASE HELP ME!”Jamie stood there in silence, giving no response as Helen’ neck disappeared into the ghost’ body. “LEASE!”Soon, Samara’ mouth moved around her head. “OOO-”Helen was abruptly cut off as lips closed around her face. Only her hands remained free but were soon gulped down, sealing her fate. A bulge that resembled Helen’ face traveled down Samara’ throat and disappeared into her chest. Jamie stared down at Samara’ bulging belly. It was large, sticking out a few feet from her body and was squirming around from her prey’ kicking. Somehow, the dress managed to remain covering her belly, preventing any skin from showing. Helen’ muffled screams could be heard through the skin, but it was mostly drowned out by the stomach’ loud gurgles and groans as it began to digest its prey. After less than a minute, the movements and struggles started to get slower and slower until stopping completely. Then, Samara turned to face the closet. Jamie froze, hoping she wouldn’ be noticed. She was so quiet, she could hear her heart frantically beating in her chest. It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt much longer. Finally, Samara turned around and walked back to the TV. She crouched down and crawled back into the screen, disappearing into nothing. After she was gone, all the lights turned back on and the TV changed to the news station as if nothing ever happened. Jamie waited for a few more moments to make sure it was clear before coming out of the closet. She then walked back up the stairs to her bedroom and climbed into her bed, hiding the VHS tape under her pillow. Jamie’ Mom and Dad came home soon afterwards, calling the police after seeing the broken VHS player, a pool of water by the TV and the drops of blood on the carpet. The police arrived a few minutes later and searched the property. One of the officers asked Jamie a few questions but she told them that she was asleep the whole time. After finding no evidence of a crime aside from the broken VHS player, the cops eventually left their house. Hours later, after making sure both of her parents were asleep, Jamie put on her raincoat and boots, took her shovel from the garage and slipped out the back door of the house undetected. She went out deep into the nearby forest, dug a hole and buried the VHS tape in the dirt. She then ran back home and went back to sleep. Months later “ou’e not going to find anything Billy.” “uiet. Don’ distract me.”Billy said, ignoring his friend’ complaints. “hat do you think you’e going to find with that thing? Buried treasure?”Billy sighed while readjusting the settings on his metal detector. He got the metal detector as a gift from his parents last Christmas. He finally got the chance to go out into the woods to test it out but after a few hours of walking around, his college roommate Georgie, who he asked to help him dig, was getting cranky. “ust be patient. There might be something good out here.” “ike what? A rare bottle cap? A vintage WW2 coin? Your virginity? Nobody comes out here dummy.” xactly. Nobody comes out here which means that there’ nobody to take the loot first.” oot? Loot?! There’ no loot out here to begin with numbnuts.” hh!” “on’ shush me.” o, I mean be quiet.” “hat is it?” ook.”He pointed at the screen of the metal detector. The display was filled with static and was making strange noises. “uh, that’ weird.” “mm. Maybe we should dig down and see what’ here.” inally!”Excited to finally get to do something, Georgie took his shovel out of his duffle bag and struck the ground with it. After a couple seconds of digging, he could see an object sticking out of the dirt. “ey, I found something!”Billy crouched down and reached into the hole, pulling out an old dirty VHS tape from the ground. “hoa.” “hat is it?” “t’ a VHS tape.” ow, you actually managed to find something that’ not trash.” uh, I didn’ know that VHS tapes could set off metal detectors.” guess it does.” hy would someone bury a tape? I wonder what's on it.” aybe it’ a porno from the 80’.” here’ only one way to find out. Do you know where to find a VHS player?” think Kirsty has one at her dorm.” weet, let’ go ask if we can use it.”The two friends put their shovel and metal detector in the bag and left the woods with their new prize, determined to see what was on it.
Cabin in the woods: Sugarplum Fairy (Warning! If you haven’ watched the movie, this isn’ going to make much sense) Five teens Jenny, Vicky, Emma, Bobby and Chad all decided to spend the weekend at an old cabin in the woods that belonged to Chad’ uncle. The cabin was old, creaky, full of old creepy paintings, covered in moss, and was very deep out in the woods, many miles away from anybody else. Currently, the five of them were sitting in the cabin’ living room cracking jokes with each other. There wasn’ much furniture in the room aside from the worn out couches they were sitting on, a few tables with lamps, the fireplace and a large grey wolf's head mounted on the wall above them. Suddenly, they heard a loud slamming sound, making them all jump back in surprise. “hat was that?!” don’ know.” ook!”They looked behind the couch and saw a now opened door in the floor. “hoa, what is it?” t’ a basement moron.” eah, I know that. Why is it open?” don’ know, maybe a screw broke.” nd made the door fly up?” aybe it’ the wind?” aha, yeah. The freakin wind.”The five of them got up and walked around the hole. The basement was pitch black and the stair steps were old and sunken in. “ell, someone should go check it out.” ne two three not it!” ot it!” ot it!” ot it!” ot-dang it!” “ell, good luck down there Jenny.” “hat!”She looked over at Chad. “hy don’ you go? It’ your uncle’ house!” hh, because I might be too heavy for these steps to take.” “ull!”He reached into his backpack and pulled out a flashlight. “oo bad, it’ already been decided.” erk.”She yanked the flashlight out of his hand and entered the trapdoor. “ou’e all cowards!” eah, we know.”Jenny cautiously walked down the old wooden staircase, the boards creaking with each footstep. It was still very dark, even with the flashlight. She reached the bottom step and shined the light around the room, seeing what looked like an old record player, a little piano, a pink dollhouse, paintings of old settlers, a set of rusty tools hanging on the wall and many more strange objects that don’ look like they belong together. Finally, she spotted a lantern hanging on the wall and turned it on, illuminating the room. The basement was filled with dozens of old furniture, junk and possibly hundreds of little trinkets and things scattered across the room. “ou guys can come down now, I found a light!”The other four friends all piled down the stairs and stood next to Jenny staring at the cluttered cellar. “ow, guess we found where to dump our trash eh?” eah, looks like a hoarder’ wet dream.” our uncle really likes old lady junk Chad.” don’ think this is his. Maybe it belonged to the previous owners?” “ook at this stuff.”Jenny walked forward into the rows of antiques. “ome of these things are really old looking.” aybe we can sell some and make some nice cash?”Bobby joined her and looked around the piles, followed by Emma, Chad and Vicky. Bobby walked over to a fortune teller machine and wiped the dust off of it. Chad picked up a small ornate wooden sphere with multiple metal rings going around the outside of it. Vicky came to a female mannequin and lifted up the silver amulet hanging around its neck, comparing it to her own. Emma walked over a porcelain mask hanging on the wall and picked it up. Lastly, out of the corner of her eye, Jenny caught a glimpse of a little white ornate music box. She walked over and opened the box, revealing a small ballerina statue and mirror inside. It started spinning around as haunting music started playing. Jenny stared at the little twirling ballerina, seemingly mesmerized. “ey guys, come check this out.”Everyone put down the objects they were holding and walked over to Jenny. “hat is it?” t’ a music box.”They stood and watched as the ballerina spun, until reaching it’ crescendo. Then, the music box suddenly slammed shut. “e have a winner! It's the Sugarplum Fairy, ladies and gentlemen! The Plum Fairy pulls a win.”A loud collective groan came out from the crowd of people dressed up in lab coats, ties and vests, all watching the five teens on the giant monitors around the room. Some of the people stomped their foot while others threw their betting slips on the ground in frustration. Among the crowd, one lone female was jumping up and down cheering. “A, I won! Suck it Ron!”The older gentleman held up his arms to get everyone to calm down. “ll right. That means that congratulations goes to Tina from the Story department.”He pointed at the white board behind him, on it there were three columns with the names of monsters and their betters next to them like Clowns who were bet on by the Electrical department, Giant Snake who was bet on by the Internal Logistics department, Zombie Redneck Torture Family who were bet on by the Maintenance department and Ronald the Intern, Merman who was bet on by Steve Hadley and of course the Sugarplum Fairy who was bet on by Tina from the Story department. Everybody then shook hands and left the control room one by one except for Sitterson (the man by the white board) and Hadley who was sitting in his chair looking at the monitors. Sitterson walked over and sat down by Hadley. “hat’ wrong? You look a bit down.” just really wanna see a merman. Every time they all just walk past the shell. Every time. I’ starting to think I’ never gonna see one.” “on’ worry dude, I’ sure it’l happen next year.”Hadley nodded before gesturing towards the screens. “o, the Sugarplum fairy.” “eah. There’ a reason nobody votes for her.” “ don’ know what kinda freak is into that sorta thing.” “ina from the Story department.”They both chuckled. “he’ all we’e got.” “ith a nearly perfect clearance rate.” “rue. Anything to out stage those Japanese.” eanwhile back at the cabin, everyone had gone back up from the basement and went their separate ways. Jenny was making herself dinner, Emma was reading a book, Bobby was taking a nap and Chad and Vicky went for a walk in the woods. As they were walking, Chad reached down and squeezed her butt. “ey!”Vicky said with a smile on her face. “omething wrong?”He also smiled and leaned over to kiss her. “ave it for the bedroom.” hy wait? We’e all alone.”They laid down on the ground and started kissing. Back in the control room, Hadley, Sitterson and a group of other men were watching the teens from the monitors. “urn up the temperature.” n it.”He used a touch screen thermometer gauge to raise the heat up while Hadley pressed something on his keyboard. “nd engaging the pheromone mists.” Around Chad and Vicky, a small fog started to rise up from the ground. Vicky then removed her bra, revealing her large double D cup breasts. Chad started to play with them, unaware of the people watching them. Then, Vicky heard a twig snap. “ey, wait.” All the men in the control room let out a groan of disappointment and started to leave. “hat, why?” o you hear that?” “ear what?” twig snap.” o what?” think someone’ watching us.” ah, it’ just a squirrel or something.” an you just go check? Please?”Chad let out a sigh, annoyed that he was interrupted over a stick. He pulled his pants up and walked over to the trees. “aranoid b****” A few minutes had passed and Vicky was still sitting there quietly, waiting for her boyfriend to return. A cold breeze touched Vicky’ bare skin, making her shiver. “rrrr. I knew I shouldn’ have gone into the woods. He’ taking forever. Maybe I should just head back to the cabin. Then, she heard the sound of music playing in the distance. “uh? Chad? Is that you?”She stood up and walked in the direction of the noise. As she got closer, she could now make out that the music was some form of classical. “ello? Is anybody out there?”She entered into a small clearing of trees. There, she saw a young girl, maybe 12 years old, standing in the open, facing the opposite direction from her. She had long brown hair pulled back into a bun and was dressed up in a pink ballerina tutu and dress. “h, uh, hello little girl.”She walked over to the mysterious preteen. “hat are you doing out here all by yourself? Are you lost? Is your mother or father around here?”The little girl turned around, revealing that she didn’ have eyes or a nose, instead possessing a giant circular mouth in their place. Her gaping maw was filled with three rows of small teeth going inward. “HHHHH!”Vicky stumbled back in fear and fell over. The ballerina started walking towards her. “tay away from me!!!”She then grabbed Vicky by the hair. “HHHHHHH!” Chad heard the loud scream and looked back. “icky?”He quickly ran as fast as he could back to where his girlfriend was, only to find nothing but their discarded shirts. “icky?! Vicky!?”He ran around shouting her name. Eventually he came to the clearing. There, he saw a little ballerina girl on her hands and knees facing away from him. The ground around her was covered in blood and he could hear the sound of chewing. He slowly approached her. “ey, kid, have you seen my girlfriend around here? Blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobs?”The girl turned around, revealing her lamprey like mouth and two severed hands she was chewing on. “hat the ****?!”He then noticed the pair of legs laying on the ground behind her, the upper torso nowhere in sight. She swallowed the hands down before standing up and facing Chad. “-what are you? Where’ Vicky?!”The ballerina took a deep breath before spitting a small object out. It flew and landed on the ground in front of Chad. He picked it up and after wiping off the blood and saliva, he realized that it was the necklace he got Vicky as a birthday present last year. “ICKY!! No! You, you piece of $***!”He charged at her, his fist ready to punch. The Sugarplum Fairy then lurched at him, moving fast as lightning and put her open mouth in the way of his fist. Chad, unable to stop his momentum, plunged his arm into her mouth up to his elbow. She then bit down, cutting it clean off. “HHHHH!!!!”Blood squirted out as Chad stumbled back in pain. The Fairy reached into her mouth and pulled the arm out, using it to wipe spit off her cheek like a napkin. “tay away freak!” He then turned and ran away in fear. The Fairy meanwhile, simply turned back around and continued with her meal. The control room was dead silent as Hadley and Sitterson sat with their heads lowered. Sitterson reached into his shirt and pulled out a small necklace with a weird five pointed symbol on it. “his we offer in humility and fear. For the blessed peace of your eternal slumber. As it ever was.”He kissed the necklace before putting it back into his shirt. “s it ever was.”Hadley stood up and walked over to five wooden panels at the far end of the room. He opened the furthest panel, revealing a brass lever and pulled it down. In another room, a series of gears started turning like a clock, making a small hammer strike a vial of blood. The blood dripped down into a carved out stone. The carving resembled a large breasted woman wearing a see through robe. There were four other carvings as well, resembling a man throwing a javelin, man dancing and drinking from a chalice, a man writing on a scroll and lastly a woman with her hands folded. Back at the cabin, Jenny entered the living room and saw Bobby asleep on the couch. She walked over and started shaking him. “obby. Wake up. Wake up!” uh what?”He bolted up and looked around, seeing Jenny standing above him. “h, hey Jen. How’ it hanging?” ave you seen Chad, Vicky or Emma? I can’ find them anywhere.” h, Emma is like reading or something and Chad and Vic went out in the woods.” hat! Why? They’l get swarmed by mosquitoes!” “elax. Nothing’ gonna happen.” obby, are you drunk?” aybe hehe.” gh, you are always-”Jenny was cut off as the door to the cabin was slammed open. Chad ran into the room and slammed the front door closed again. “on’ run in like that Chad! You scared the crap out of-” ICKY’ DEAD!” “hat?!” “ICKY’ DEAD! THAT THING ATE HER!” “hat thing?”Chad started grabbing furniture and pushing them in front of the door. “here was this tiny ballerina girl out in the woods but she had a giant freaking mouth of teeth and she ate Vicky alive!” “xcuse me?” hut up! I’ not lying!”He lifted his elbow up, showing off his bloody stump. “H! WHAT THE?!”Chad then walked over and yanked Bobby off the couch. “ey hey hey!” obby, there’ an emergency kit in the master bedroom. Go find it while I move the couch.”Bobby ran off to the bedrooms while Chad started pushing the couch. Jenny nervously walked over to him. “s this the only way in?” hope.” Meanwhile, Emma was sitting by the window in her room, using the bright moonlight to read a book. Then, a hand appeared from the bottom of the window and slapped the glass, making Emma jump in surprise. “***! Who’ there?!”She then noticed the tiger tattoo on the forearm, recognizing it as Chad’. “had! That’ not freaking funny jerk.”The limp hand knocked on the window again. “hat do you want?”The hand knocked again, much harder. She sighed and walked over to the window, opening it up. “hat do you want airhead?”She poked her head out of the window and looked down, seeing the Sugarplum Fairy crouched on the ground. She was holding Chad’ severed hand and had a small belly bulge sticking out of her dress. “hat the-AHHHHHH!!” Jenny was almost finished bandaging up Chad’ arm with the medical kit Bobby got. Her mother was a nurse, so she at least knew what to do. She then held up the lantern she got from the basement. “kay, try not to move.”She pressed it up against the wound, making a sizzling sound. “W!”Chad bit down on his lip so hard it started to bleed. “kay, done. It’ not that good but you won’ bleed out.”Then, they all heard Emma’ blood curdling scream. “hat was that?” think that was Emma.” “ome on, let’ go see!” hey can’ all go in at once, she’ still eating.” “on’ worry. Watch the master work.”Sitterson typed something on his keyboard and flipped a switch. Before they could leave the living room, a gust of air came out of a vent and hit Chad, making him stop in his tracks. “ait.” “hat’ wrong Chad?” n second thought, Bobby should go check it out while I stay here and guard.” hat? Are you serious? This isn’ the time to split up-”Jenny was cut off as another gust of air hit her in the face as well. “plit up. Yeah, that sounds good. We’l cover more ground. Bobby, go check on Emma.“ “f you insist.”Bobby then walked towards the bedrooms. As he got closer, he could hear a strange sound, similar to choking. “ello? Emma?”He walked into her bedroom. There, he saw Emma sticking her upper body out the window and her legs kicking around. “here you are Emma. What are you doing? There’ a monster on the loose, get out of the window.”Then, her body was pulled further out the window, making her feet leave the ground. “mma?”Her legs then went out of the window and disappeared, followed by the sound of a burp. “-emma?”A pair of tiny hands grabbed onto the window frame and the Sugarplum Fairy’ face popped up. “H! The monster!”She then pulled herself up but got stuck in the window. She wiggled around for a minute and managed to get through, doing a handstand as she landed. With her fully body visible, he could now see her large squirming belly. It was half as tall as her, small bulges appeared sporadically and muffled screaming was coming out of it. Bobby turned and ran away back to the living room. “t’ here! It’ here!” In the facility, Hadley pulled another lever, making blood pour into the carving of the man writing on a scroll. “t’ here! It’ here!” “hat?!” he monster!” “here?!” t’ in Emma’ room! It ate her!” “hat are we gonna do!?” kay, listen.”Chad reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. “enny, get in my truck and go find help, I’l stay behind.” hy are you staying behind?” ’l buy you guys some time.” “hat doesn’ make any-”Jenny was cut off as another gust of air hit her. “, I promise to come back for you.”Chad walked over and grabbed a fire poker. “ow go!”Bobby and Jenny did what they were told and headed outside. Chad then looked down the hallway as he heard music getting closer and closer. “ome on freak! I’ ready!” adley pulled the third lever, making blood pour into the carving of the man throwing a javelin. “ome on, just one more and we can all go home.” Jenny and Bobby got into Chad’ truck and turned the key, only for nothing to happen. “ang it! The car’ not working!” “’l go check the engine.”Bobby got out of the car and lifted the hood up. “h, I see the problem. Somebody took this spark plug out. I’l fix it.”The truck then roared back to life. “ou did it!!” “eah I did!” “ome on and get in!”Before Bobby could get to the passenger door, the Sugarplum Fairy jumped out of nowhere and tackled him to the ground. “HHH!” OBBY!”He was pinned to the ground from the weight of the Fairy’ even bigger belly. Her face was covered in fresh blood. “un!”Jenny watched in horror as the lamprey like mouth closed around her last friend’ head. The rows of teeth moved forward and gripped Bobby’ shoulders, pulling it into her maw. Her slender throat bulged out as Bobby’ head entered into her esophagus. Gulping down his shoulders, chest and waist in a matter of seconds. Her belly swelled out as she swallowed. His legs flailed about as she lifted her head upwards and swallowed his waist. Gravity aided her as his legs descended into her mouth and down her throat, disappearing into her chest. Her titanic tummy stretched out her ballerina dress, and moved around as Bobby squirmed for his life. “OBBY!”The Sugarplum Fairy then turned her head towards Jenny before standing back up. “tay away!”Jenny then slammed on the gas, quickly driving away. “e did it!”Confetti poppers and wine glasses went off as Hadley and Sitterson started celebrating. “ooks like the Fairy came through.” “eah. Well, better send a team to call her back in.” oor souls. Last time she ate three of them, and ate the fourth guy’ arm.” lad it’ not us.”They clink their wine glasses together as they look up at the monitor, seeing the big bellied little girl dancing at the entrance of the cabin.
Kill Bill Vore It was a sunny week day in the city of Pasadena California. Outside a seemingly normal suburban house, a blonde woman simply known as The Bride stepped out of her truck and approached the house. The front lawn was full of kiddie toys and objects. She walked up to the average looking house and knocked on the door. “oming!”said a voice from inside the house. “arah, I can not believe you are early.”The door opened revealing a young black woman named Vernita Green on the other side. The very sight of her made The Bride immediately have flashbacks of Vernita sucker punching her, making her fall on the ground and spit up blood. Before Vernita could react, The Bride punched her in the face and entered the house. They go back and forth before Vernita grabbed the Bride and threw her into a photo on the wall. The Bride kicked her back, making her fall onto a glass coffee table, shattering it. Vernita then grabbed the leg of the broken coffee table and tried to hit The Bride with it, but she flipped Vernita over and started choking her with a headlock. They struggled together on the ground before Vernita grabbed a poker from the fireplace and hit her over the head with it. She then got up and pushed a nearby shelf down on her before running into the kitchen. The Bride got up and followed into the kitchen. Vernita had gotten a knife and slashed at her. The Bride pulled out her own knife and the two moved back into the living room. “kay. Come on b****.”Vernita said as they readied their stances. Then, the front door opened as Vernita’ daughter came home from school. “ommy, I’ home.”The two women immediately hid their knives as they turned around to face the young girl. “ey baby, how was school?”Vernita asked. The little girl looked up at her mother confused. “ommy, what happened to you and the tv room?” “h, that good for nothing little dog of yours got his @$$ into the living room and acted a dam fool. That’ what happened baby.” “arney did this?”She tried to step forward but her mother held her hand out. “ow baby, don’ come in here. There’ broken glass everywhere and you could cut yourself.”The girl looked up at The Bride. ”his is an old friend of mommy I ain’ seen in a long time.”The Bride smiled at her before responding. “i, honey. I’ BEEP. What’ your name?”The little girl stared at her in silence, forcing her mother to answer for her. “er name is Nikki.” ikki. Such a pretty name for a pretty girl. How old are you Nikki?”Nikki simply silently stared at her in response. “ikki…BEEP asked you a question.” ’ four.”Nikki said. “our years old eh? You know, I had a little girl once. She’ be about four now.”She then glared at Vernita. “ow baby, me and mommy’ friend have some grown up talk to talk about and I want you to go to your room and leave us alone now till I tell you to come out, okay?”Nikki continued to stare at The Bride. “ikkia! In your room. Now.”Nikki put her backpack down and went up stairs. After waiting for Nikki to leave, Vernita let out a sigh before turning to The Bride. “ou want some coffee?” eah, sure.” till take cream and sugar right?” eah.”The two put their knives away and walked into the kitchen. Vernita made them both a cup of coffee as The Bride wiped the blood off of her with a spare towel. “ suppose it’ a little late for a apology eh?” ou suppose correctly.” isten BEEP, I need to know if you’e going to start anymore $*** around my baby girl.” ou can relax for now. I’ not gonna devour you in front of your child okay?” hat’ being more rational than Bill told me you were capable of.” t’ mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality.” “ook, I know I F***ed you over. I f***ed you over bad, I wish I hadn’ but I did. You have every right to want to get even.” o, no, no, no, no. No. To get even, even Steven I’ have to swallow you, go up to Nikki’ room, shove her up my @$$. Then wait for your husband, the good doctor Bell to come home and swallow him and dump you all on the living room floor in the morning. That would be even Steven. That’ be about square.” o when do we do this?” t all depends. When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?” ow about tonight, b****?” plendid. Where?” here’ a baseball diamond where I coach our little league about a mile from here. We meet there about 2:30 in the morning, dressed all in black, your hair in a black stocking. And we have us a knife fight. We won’ be bothered. Now…She chuckled, “ have to fix Nikki some cereal.”She walked into the storage closet and pulled out a box of Kaboom cereal. “ill always said you were one of the best ladies he ever saw with an edged weapon.” *** you b****.”She said with a smile on her face. “ know he didn’ qualify that $***. So you can just kiss my mother****ing @$$ Black Mamba.”She laughed for a second. “lack mamba. I should have been mother****ing black mamba.” eapon of choice? Hey, if you wanna stick with your butcher knife that’ fine with me.”Vernita laughed again. “ery funny B****..... VERY FUNNY!”She pointed the cereal box at the Bride and a bullet shot out, revealing she had a gun hidden inside. The Bride dodged and kicked her coffee cup at her, making her drop her gun. Before Vernita could even reach for her gun, The Bride closed the distance between them and shoved her head into her mouth. She started wildly punching and screaming as The Bride quickly swallowed her shoulders and breasts, the Bride’ throat expanding and taking the outline of Vernita’ face as it entered. Her arms became pinned to her sides as her stomach and hips were swallowed down. The Bride’ belly grew in size as Vernita’ body entered. She lifted her head up and let gravity aid in Vernita’ descent. Soon her lips closed around the feet and gulped, sending the last of the former assassin down her throat and into her belly. Her belly bulged out in size, making her pants button pop open and her stomach almost touch the ground. It groaned, gurgled and moved around as it’ occupant screamed and struggled for her life. Vernita let out a powerful kick, only for it to do nothing but make the Bride burp. The Bride started to rub her squirming belly, satisfied with her meal. Then, she realized that Nikki was standing behind her in the doorway, having witnessed the whole ordeal. “t was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I’ sorry. But you can take my word for it. Your mother had it coming.”She turned around to face her, her belly loudly sloshing as she did. “hen you grow up… If you still feel raw about it… I’l be waiting.”The Bride then walked out of the house and returned to her truck, managing to squeeze her large belly into the front seat. She pulled out a notebook and crossed the second name off her list. She then drove away, listening to the sounds of her stomach digesting it’ meal. Weeks earlier in a japanese night club “-Ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business.”The former japanese assassin O-Ren and her six armed guards exited their private room and looked over a railing to see The Bride standing at the end of the dance floor holding Sofie Fatale, O-Ren’ lawyer, second in command and best friend, hostage. The two assassins locked eyes. She started having a flashback of her bleeding out on the ground as O-Ren stood above her. The Bride yelled out in anger and cut Sofie’ arm off. Sofie screamed in pain and rolled on the floor as gallons of blood started pouring out of her stump arm and pooled on the ground. All the guests and people on the dance floor all ran out of the building screaming as The Bride walked to the center of the room. O-Ren turned to her guards. “iki.”At O-Ren’ command, one of the guards jumped off the second story railing and charged at The Bride. The Bride slashed and cut his sword into several pieces and stabbed through him. She lifted him up and threw his body into the hot tub by the stairs. “ear that B**** apart!”Three guards all ran down the stairs at her while the other two slowly walked down. She deflected all their attacks and easily sliced all three, their bodies dropped lifeless to the ground. The other two guards, a male and female approach her. They slashed at her and she stabbed the male, tossing him into the hot tub. She then stabbed the girl, pinning her to the wall. “o O-Ren, any more subordinates for me to kill?”A door opened up and a teenage girl in a japanese school girl uniform walked out. “i.”She waved her hand at the Bride before pulling out a spiked ball on a chain. “ogo, right?” ingo, and you’e Black mamba right?” “ur reputation precedes us.” on’ they?”She started walking down the stairs as The Bride walked towards her. “ogo, I know you feel that you must protect your mistress, but I beg you. Walk away.”Gogo started laughing like a mad man. “ou call that begging? You can beg better than that.”She swung her ball, just barely missing The Bride and breaking a nearby wood beam to pieces. She swung again, this time hitting The Bride back. The chain then wrapped around her sword, yanking it out of her hands. Now defenceless, The Bride was hit and sent flying away, landing on a coffee table. She tried lifting it up as a shield but Gogo broke through it, almost knocking her head off. The Bride grabbed a broken leg and used it to hit the ball away. It swung back around and hit Gogo in the head, making her fall. She ran at her but she kicked The Bride away and hit a button on the handle, making buzz saw blades come out of her ball. She swung it, slicing the Bride’ right shoulder. It then wrapped around her neck. The Bride was getting choked as Gogo walked closer and closer. Gogo started licking her lips. “ou will look SO GOOD hanging off my chest.”She then leaned forward and licked The Bride’ face. The Bride then used the nails from the broken leg to stab Gogo in the foot. “H!”Gogo screamed out in pain and let go of the Bride. The Bride swung the table leg, stabbing Gogo through the head with the nails. Blood trickled down from her eyes as Gogo fell over dead. The Bride picked up her sword and walked to the center of the room. “ou didn’ eat Gogo?”O-Ren asked. “y belly is reserved for vipers.” “hat a waste of such a delicious looking girl.”O-Ren turned and walked outside. The Bride followed her, entering into a snow covered garden. There, O-Ren was waiting for her with her own sword in hand. “our instrument is quite impressive. Where was it made?” kinawa.” “hom in Okinawa made you this steel?” his is Hattori Hanzo steel.” OU LIE!”The Bride turned her sword, revealing Hanzo’ symbol engraved on the blade. “mm. Swords however, never tire. I hope you’e saved your energy. If you haven’… You might not last five minutes. But as last looks go”She gestured to the garden around them. “ou could do worse.”She slipped off her sandals and unsheathed her blade. They sprinted at each other and their blades clashed together. They go back and forth for a little while, matching each other perfectly in skill. Then, O-Ren got a lucky hit and slashed The Bride across the back. She fell onto the ground. “illy caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords. You may not be able to fight like a samurai, but you can at least die like a samurai.”The Bride stood back up. “ttack me…with everything you have.”They ran and slashed one more time. Blood trickled down O-Ren’ white kimono and landed on the snow. She fell to her knees, clutching the wound in her side. The Bride let her sword drop to the ground and walked over to O-Ren. She looked down at her former friend. “or ridiculing you earlier. I apologize.” ccepted.”She then got onto her knees and swallowed O-Ren’ head. O-Ren didn’ move or struggle as The Bride slowly swallowed down her shoulders and breasts, savouring her taste. Her throat bulged out as her prey traveled through her esophagus. O-Ren’ head entered into her stomach after she gulped down her hips. The Bride then lifted her head up and slurped down her legs like ramen. The jumpsuit stretched out several feet to accommodate The Bride’ massive belly. Her belly sloshed as she stood up and picked up her blade, wiping the blood off of it. She then walked back to the dance floor, seeing Sofie trying to crawl away. She walked over and picked Sofie up with one hand. “o. You are coming with me.” ater Several hours had passed and The Bride had rented a hotel room not too far from the night club. Currently, she was standing naked in front of a full body mirror while Sofie was tied up on the bed. She was examining her new body after having digested O-Ren. Her breasts had gone up two cup sizes, meaning she’ need new bras and clothes. She turned slightly to get a better view of her rear. Her nice toned butt had an entire inch of meat added to it and her thighs and hips had grown at a similar rate. She then held her belly. It had a little bit of fat on it but she could probably get rid of it before she left Japan. Her attention then turned to the hostage on the bed. She walked over to Sofie and took the duck tape off her mouth. “’e kept you alive for two reasons. First reason is information. I want all the information on the deadly vipers. What they’e been doing, and where I can find them. And if you say no.”She grabbed Sofie’ head and pressed it against her belly, allowing her to hear the loud gurgling coming from within. “ understand.” ood. Now, for the second reason.”The Bride pulled out a small bag and gave it to Sofie. “t smells like $***.” hat is what is left of O-Ren. The second reason I’e allowed you to keep your wicked life is so you can show him in person everything that happened here tonight. I want him to witness the extent of my mercy by seeing your deformed body. I want him to know. I want them all to know, they’l all soon be as dead as O-Ren.”
Resident E-Vore In September 1998, a zombie virus broke out in Raccoon City, quickly overwhelming the police force and wiping out most of the population. Among the survivors was a young woman named Claire Redfield. Claire came to the city on a mission to find her older brother Chris but now, she wanted to get a little girl named Sherry Birkin to safety. She had been taken away by her uncaring mother and Claire had finally found the room she was being kept in. Inside, Sherry was passed out laying in the middle of the floor while her mother Annette was watching her through a camera and talking to her through a speaker. “herry? Mommy’ here. Sherry! Sherry can you hear me? Oh no… herry?”Claire walked into the holding cell, getting Annette’ attention. “laire?” “herry, are you alright?”She lifted Sherry up and put her head onto her lap. Sherry stirred a little before starting to heavily cough. She looked sickly and had an unnatural red mark forming around her left eye. “hat are you doing here?”Annette asked. “’ here to help.”Claire took off her iconic red jacket and wrapped it around the little blonde girl. “herry’ been implanted with the virus…she can’ be saved.” re you f***ing kidding me? You’e her mother. Get in here!” ou don't understand. William is still out there, and if I don’ stop him-” his conversation is over!”Claire picked Sherry up and cradled her in her arms. “ait! Wait…I…I can treat her... In my lab. It’ not far away.”Sherry opened her eyes and looked around. “ommy?”Sherry’ voice sounded tired and very weak. Claire could tell she wouldn’ be able to last much longer. “here’ not enough time. Millions of lives are at stake. Sherry…mommy loves you sweetie…goodbye.”The camera’ light turned off, meaning she left. “re you f***ng kidding me!?”Claire looked down at Sherry. “herry, don't worry. I will get you whatever you need, ok?” h-why are you doing this?” ecause I care.” hank you, Claire.”Claire stopped for a moment, trying to think of a plan to get Sherry to the lab as fast as possible. “herry, I have an idea to get us outta here faster, but I need your permission first.” hat is it?” “ can’ leave you alone out here, but I also need to go find the cure to save you. Could I please unbirth you to make it easier?” h-what’ unbirth?” ell, you know how babies grow inside their mother’ womb, right?” eah.” ell instead of a baby, I’ put you in there.” o I’ be inside you?” es. You’ be warm and completely safe, I promise. But I can’ do it without your permission.” ure. I’ like that.” hank you, Sherry.”Claire gently placed Sherry down before unbuttoning her pants and sliding them off. She then slipped off her panties, leaving her completely naked from below her waist. She sat down with Sherry’ head between her legs. “lright, are you ready?” eady.”She pushed Sherry’ head into her vagina, almost making her moan out loud from how good it felt. Thankfully, she was able to hold it back. “ou doing okay in there Sherry?” eah, I’ fine, keep going!”She grabbed Sherry’ sides and pulled in her shoulders and chest. A bulge appeared in Claire’ torso as more and more of Sherry entered into her body. She kept going, pulling in the little girl’ waist and hips. Sherry traveled down the dark wet tunnel until her head entered into the womb. Soon, Sherry’ legs and feet disappeared into Claire’ body. Her belly grew and came out from under her shirt as Sherry curled up inside of her womb. Claire now resembled a woman pregnant with triplets. She grabbed onto the wall and slowly managed to stand up, her massive belly hung between her legs. “ow’ it feel, Sherry?” ike... a warm water bed.”Claire pulled up her pants and slowly walked out of the cell. “nnette said her lab’ not far. Hold on Sherry.”She went up several flights of stairs and multiple hallways before coming across a cable car. “ow how do I unlock it?”As she approached the door, the panel light turned green and it suddenly opened for her. She was momentarily confused, until she remembered that Sherry was wearing a bracelet that gave her access to everything. She stepped on board the car. “k…there’ no turning back.”She flipped a lever, making the cable car start to go. “his tram is bound for NEST. Do not exit until the final destination.”A minute passed before Claire could feel Sherry move and start to groan. She sat down on a nearby bench and started to rub her belly. “ey, are you okay?”She felt Sherry turn onto her side and rub the walls of her womb with her hand. “our womb is so warm, and your jacket feels nice.” y brother gave it to me. You know it’ supposed to be lucky.” don’ know what I’ do without you.” “re you kidding me? You were doing just fine without me until I came along and got you into all sorts of trouble. Hey, I have the pendent you dropped. I could reach in there and give it to you.” don’ want it.” eally? Why not? It’ so pretty.” t-it’ from my mom. For my birthday, last year. All I really wanted was for her to be home more.” know it seems like your mom doesn’ care but-”She was interrupted as Sherry groaned again. She reached down and hugged her belly. “ey, hang in there, ok?” ow arriving at NEST.”The cable car came to a slow stop and Claire stepped out. “’ getting you treatment. Just hold on Sherry. It’ ok.” he walked throughout the lab, fighting off strange humanoid plant monsters and going through files until finally coming across a giant locked container with a strange circular shaped keyhole. She took out Sherry’ pendant and examined it. “h, would you look at that.”She put the pendant in and the container opened, revealing several bottles of pills. “ell yeah!”She grabbed a bottle off the shelf. “hank god, the antiviral agent. Now I gotta give it to Sherry.”She sat down on the floor and slid her jeans and panties off. She started to push and Sherry’ head popped out. The mark on her face had become larger and a darker shade of red. Clarie slowly but surely pushed Sherry out like a mother giving birth, leaving the little girl laying wet and unconscious on the ground. “herry, Sherry wake up! I’e got it!”Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed and William Birkin came through. William Birkin was the scientist behind the virus, Sherry’ father, and the one who infected her. The G-virus had caused extreme mutations to his body, turning him into a massive monster of flesh and muscle. He had grown several more arms, giant claws, a second head and his right arm was twice his size and had a giant eyeball growing out of the shoulder. “our @$$ again?” illiam!”Before Claire could do anything, Annette came limping into the room and ran in front of her. “his ends NOW!”She pointed her gun at William and shot out a large pellet that sprayed a strange liquid onto him. He roared out in pain and fell to his knees. He then collapsed onto the ground, seemingly dead. Claire and Annette walked over to the fallen monster. “hat the hell is this thing?” hat was my husband… I should’e killed him while I had the chance. I don’ know why…I just…couldn’ do it.” e was your husband.” onestly…we were more married to our work than each other.” ut what about Sherry? How would you just leave her all alone? And while Raccoon City burned to hell.” couldn’ let my daughter grow up in a world with the G-virus in it.” ut that’ no excuse to leave her-”Claire was cut off as William sprang to life, picking up Annette with a single arm and tossing her across the room. Her body landed next to Sherry. “nnette!”Claire quickly ran over to her. William meanwhile had started to mutate further. He grew over ten feet taller, his second head became the dominant one and he sprouted several larger arms from his back. Annette reloaded her gun. “ got this.”She stood back up and walked forward a few feet. “’ sorry William.”She fired again, making him howl in pain and stumble back. Claire pressed on a control panel, making the floor he was standing on start to descend. “ got this.”She handed the cure to Annette. “ou should take care of Sherry.”She then climbed down a ladder into the pit with William. “ou don’ know what you’e up against!” have a pretty dam good idea.” hatever you do, don’ stop until it’ finished.”Claire pulled out a grenade launcher and a unique gold and black rifle. “rust me. This ends now.” ******** William fell over dead as Claire unloaded another round into his many eyes using her automatic revolver. She then climbed back up the ladder and walked over to Annette and Sherry. Sherry was now awake, while Annette was laying on the ground. “ey!”Claire hugged her before putting her pants back on. “ knew you’ make it.”She looked down at her mother. “y mom needs help.”Claire grabbed Annette and shook her. “nnette?”Annette opened her eyes and looked up at her daughter. “h..Sherry.. How are you?” kay…but you don’ look so good.”Annette attempted to stand up but clutched her side in pain. “ommy?”Claire walked over and helped her up. “o, Sherry’ gonna be alright?”Claire asked. “he’l be weak for a little while but.. yes, she’ free of the G-virus.” id you hear that?”She looked at Sherry and smiled while patting her shoulder. Annette then sat down while clutching her side. “hat happened to her?”Sherry asked. “he was attacked by that monster.” on’…don’ worry about me. Take my daughter…to safety.”She handed Claire her key card. “’ sorry, Sherry…for everything. Your life is what is important now. A few floors down is a train that’l take you both out of here. That key card will activate it.” e can’ just leave her here!”Sherry shouted. “ou’e right.”Claire agreed. “e can’-” “at me.” “hat?!”Claire was taken back by her odd last request. “lease Claire, I want you to eat me.” “o, you can still live!” “’ going to die soon. I’ rather help you by fueling your escape than have my body rot here in a lab.”She reached into her pocket and pulled out a vial of pills. “hese pills will increase your metabolism, making me digest in less than an hour.” “his is crazy, I can’-”Sherry grabbed Claire’ hand. “lease Claire, do it.”She looked down at Sherry, shocked. “hat? Why do you want this?” f you eat her, it’l be like she’ a part of you. So... she wouldn’ fully be gone.” re you sure about this?” es.”Claire let out a heavy sigh. “f you both insist.”She sat down next to Annette. “hank you Claire.”She grabbed her by the shoulders. “ell, down the hatch.”She shoved Annette’ head into her mouth. Surprisingly, she didn’ taste half bad. She continued, swallowing down her shoulders and chest. Her throat bulged out in the vague shape of Annette’ face. She gulped down her stomach and waist. Annette’ head entered into her stomach, making her belly bulge out and grow in size. Sherry then came over and lifted up Annette’ feet, allowing Claire to swallow them down more easily. Her legs quickly slid down Claire’ throat. Soon her feet went past Claire’ lips and were sent down her esophagus, sealing Annette’ fate. Claire let out a massive burp and fell backwards onto her butt. Claire’ belly was massive, sticking out almost three feet from her body, a foot tall and lifted up her shirt. Sherry walked over to the stomach that was bigger than she is. She got onto her knees and hugged it, wrapping her arms as far around it as she could and smushing her face into it. “re you okay, Sherry?” eah, yeah I’ fine.” “o you think you could help me up? I feel as big as that police chief right now.”Sherry giggled and grabbed Claire’ hand, allowing her to stand up. Her belly made a loud sloshing sound as she rose. Claire then pulled out the pills. “et’ see if these actually work.”She downed the entire vial of pills. In a matter of seconds, her belly started to audibly groan and make loud gurgling sounds. Sherry hugged her belly again, it was now softer and squishier. “ell I’l be damned.” “hoa, those are so fast!” ome on, we better get outta here.” “ight.” The two descend down the many floors of the lab, fighting off more plant monsters before reaching the train and starting it. Claire and Sherry sat down on a bench, Sherry resting her head on Claire’ large gurgling belly like a pillow. “o, what’ the first thing you wanna do when we get outta here?” want to see where you live.” ood, cause I need to take a shower.”Sherry giggled. “eah.” eally? I smell that bad.”She jokingly sniffed her arm. “h, yeah.”Then, a young blond man in police gear entered the train. “laire.” “eon!”Claire got up and walked over to him. “t’ so good to see you.” told you we’ make it, didn’ I?” ou did.” “hat happened to your stomach?” t’ a long story.”Sherry walked up behind Claire, slightly hiding behind her. “ho’ this?” his?”Claire wrapped her arm around Sherry’ shoulders. “his is Sherry.” kay.” Later Claire, Sherry and Leon walked out of the outskirts of Raccoon City. Annette had mostly digested at that point, what was left made Claire’ belly look 7 months pregnant. The fat that Annette added to Claire made her jeans feel very tight and made her bra strap almost snap. “o…Sherry asked. “re you guys like, boyfriend and girlfriend?” “o, we’e just, uh…Leon looked over at Claire. “ell, we actually just met…last night?” eah…that would’e been one helluva first date though.” eah, you have no idea.” o.. do you think it’ all over?” don’ know. But if it’ not, we’l stop it. Whatever it takes.” eah. You’e dam right we will!” ong as we stick together, we’l be fine. Come on.”Leon held Sherry’ left hand while Claire held her right and started to walk together. “ey! You guys can adopt me.”Sherry’ sudden request made Claire start to laugh while Leon looked nervous. “dopt you?” “eah. Claire, since you technically gave birth to me earlier, doesn’ that make you my new mom?”Claire chuckled again. “eah, I guess I am.” hen, what do I have to do to make Leon my dad?”Leon’ face immediately turned red. “hhh, let’ change the subject.”Sherry and Claire both giggled as the three survivors walked further and further from Raccoon City, the horrors of last night long behind them.
Alien encounter 2 It was a cool Friday morning in the city. In a seemingly average apartment, three women sat together enjoying a breakfast of eggs, bacon and pancakes. One was a very tall woman with long black hair. Another, a young red haired woman appearing to be in her twenties and finally a little eight year old girl with the same red hair as her big sister. Everything seemed perfectly normal, except for the fact that one of them was actually an alien from outer space. “ou can eat this, right Lucy?” “ can consume all organic matter, but meat is preferable.”Rather than eating the food using her mouth, Lucy’ finger turned bright blue and a hole opened at the end of it and she swallowed it through that. “hoa!”Said the little girl, her eyes filled with wonder. “m, Lucy?”Lexi said. “es Ms Lexi?” “ould you please eat using your mouth and a fork?” hy?” ell, if you wanna learn about Earth culture then you should try eating like we do. And besides, it’ a good habit to have in case someone comes over.” “ see. I’l try to eat like you.”She picked up a piece of bacon with the fork and ate it. “his is a lovely first breakfast ms Lexi.” “ou can just call me Lexi.” oted.” “oooo, Lucy.”Said the girl. “es, Rachel?” hat planet are you from?” y original planet doesn’ have a name. Not that it matters since no one lives there anymore.” eally, why?” t is completely baron of life.” ow did that happen?” y race are apex predators. Just a single one of us can wipe out an entire planet of all it’ life in just a few Earth years if we were trying. Less than a year if there was more than one. That’ why we don’ stay together.” hen how do you have kids?” variety of ways.” “an you have one with a human?” ost likely.” “hat would it be like? A blue human? Or a human colored blob.” ot sure.” ave you ever had kids?” o. I am very young by my people’ standards.” ow long can you live?” nknown. We’e never near each other to find out.” “an you die from getting hurt?” es, but it is very difficult. Humans probably couldn’ achieve it.” “o you poop?” o.” ou once swallowed a human right?” es. I’e eaten four humans so far.” ow many can you eat at one time?” s far as I can stretch my body.” “ow far can you stretch?” y size is depending on how much I’e eaten recently, and the further I stretch the harder it is to maintain my disguise and color.” ow many can you swallow right now? 10? 50? 100?” ossibly.” hoa! I wanna see!” achel!”Rachel jumped back from her sister’ sudden shouting. “hat?” lease don’ encourage her to eat people.” orry.” he’ only been here a day. We shouldn’ confuse her with mixed messages.”Lexi stood up from the table and walked to the front door to put on her coat and shoes. “here are you going?”Lucy asked. “’ going to work. Rachel has the day off today from school so you’e gonna be home together. Rachel, can you promise to keep Lucy out of trouble?” ure thing.” “ucy, could you please step into the hall with me?” f course.”Lucy and Lexi stepped into the hallway and closed the door. “ucy, I need you to promise me something.” hat is it?” isten. I need you to promise me that Rachel will stay safe. Don’ let her get hurt in any way.” o harm will come to her.” need you to promise me that she won’ get hurt.” already said I would.” ou have to promise.” s this an earth custom?” es. A promise is a very important agreement that you should never ever break.” lright then. I promise she will not get hurt.” “f something happened to her... I don’ think I could survive.” xplain.” xplain what?” hat you would die if something happened to Rachel. How? Are your lives linked together? Is this normal for humans?” o, it’ not like that.” hen why? Actually, I’e been meaning to ask you since I’e arrived. Why do you care for Rachel? She doesn’ contribute enough to help you and she isn’ your offspring. Why take care of her?” ell, it’ because I love her.” “ don’ understand.” ’ not entirely sure you can. You don’ have any emotional ties, do you?” “ have a positive opinion of you and your sister.” “o, it’ more than that. Uhh.”She looked around the hallway. “ike over there.”She pointed to a pregnant woman walking out of the elevator. “he has a baby inside her, correct?” es, she does. You see, family-“Lexi’ phone started to beep. “rap! I gotta go, lock the apartment after you go in.” ut what about the connections you were talking about?” ’l have to tell you later. Bye!”Lexi quickly hurried away to the elevator. Lucy was now alone in the hallway, staring at the pregnant woman as she entered her apartment. Two hours later Rachel was sitting on the couch watching Stranger Things on TV when Lucy walked over to her. “ey Lucy, what’ up?” ’e been reading this book from Lexi’ closet about pregnancy but I still don’ understand.” hat don’ you get?” he emotional connection Lexi was talking about. It talks about how babies are made, but not their emotional connection.” “ell, you’e supposed to love your family members.” hy?” don’ know, you just do.” mm.... perhaps it’ just something I have to experience myself.” ow? Don’ you need another alien to uh... you know?” ou can do it.” hat?!” ou can be my baby.” hat? How?” ell, I have the womb of a human female. You just have to climb inside me. Is that okay?” hat sounds awesome! Wait, are you going to digest me?” o. You’l be in my womb, not my stomach.” hen yes! I wanna go in!” lright then.”She sat down on the couch and slid off her leggings, revealing her vagina. “limb in.” h, how do I get in?” “ou open my vagina up with your hands and push your head in. But first, could you please take your clothes off? Fetuses don’ wear clothes.” h, right.”Rachel did as she was told, stripping off her t-shirt and skirt, leaving her in nothing but a pair of white panties. “ll your clothes.” -uh, okay.”She slowly slid off her underwear, leaving her sitting naked on the couch. She covered her crotch with her hands while blushing. “hat’ wrong? Your face is turning red. Are you hot?” o. Just, slightly embarrassed.” hy?” “e’e not supposed to show other people your privates. That’ why they’e called privates.” “ut didn’ Rachel give you a bath yesterday? And you both were naked together when you were getting dressed this morning.” “hat’ different. She’ my big sister.” t’ just like with Lexi. A bond I don’ understand.” ill this help you to understand?” believe so.” hen let’ start.”Rachel crawled across the couch to Lucy. She reached into Lucy’ vagina and opened it before pushing her face inside. Once her head was in, she started to look around. Everything inside of Lucy was a shade of blue. A small bulge appeared in Lucy’ abdomen as Rachel’ shoulders entered into her. The muscles around Rachel then seemed to grab her and pull her in deeper. Her chest, stomach and waist go through the vagina as her head entered into the womb. She was slowly pulled in deeper and deeper until her toes went through Lucy’ lower lips. The womb sealed shut as the last of Rachel entered. She curled up slightly. Lucy leaned back slightly and felt her giant belly. It resembled a woman pregnant with triplets and had a small patch of blue where her belly button should be. Rachel moved around to get comfortable. It felt kinda like she was trapped inside a box made of jello. Then, the empty space started to shrink smaller and smaller, until eventually there was no space at all. She was now covered with and floating in the slime. “h, Lucy? There’ no more air. It’ getting hard to breathe in here.” on’ worry. You’l have oxygen momentarily.”Then, a tentacle made of slime forced itself into Rachel’ mouth. “ucy!”She could feel the tentacle squirm it’ way down her throat and entered into her lungs, filling every nook and crevice with slime. Suddenly, Rachel could breathe perfectly again. Not only that, but her breaths felt fuller and stronger, like she was out in the forest. “hoa. How is this happening?” ’ putting oxygen into your lungs directly.” ow can you hear me? My mouth is full.” “ can feel the vibrations in your throat and can interpret them as words.”Then, the slime in her throat split off and traveled further down her esophagus. It filled the stomach completely, making her feel full. “hoa.” “’ providing you with nutrients to satisfy your hunger while you’e inside me.” ool.”She could feel the slime continue past the stomach and go deeper into her intestines. Then, she felt a second tentacle enter into her anus. “ey!”Then, a third tentacle entered into her vagina. “hat are you doing now?!” am simply making sure that you can safely dispose of waste without having to think about it.” h, uh, okay.”Rachel could feel the slime inside her, moving around like a living animal. It was the weirdest sensation she’ ever experienced in her life. “ould you like to sleep now?” ure.”At her command, melatonin started to pump into Rachel’ body, making her quickly fall asleep. “ow, this is fasttt... zzzz.”Rachel curled up like a fetus as she went to sleep. Lucy instinctively started rubbing her belly. “njoy your rest.”For some reason, having Rachel inside of her made her feel calmer and more relaxed. She sat on the couch for a little while rubbing her belly before putting her leggings back on and leaving the apartment. Later Lucy was walking down the street, looking for something to eat. With her body having to take care of Rachel’, she would need a lot more food for the two of them. She walked down a long street, watching the humans driving around in their gasoline wasting vehicles. It was such an ineffective way to travel, humans were truly strange. Then, she could hear the sounds of a scuffle. She quickly walked to the source of the sound, seeing a woman in an alleyway fighting against a man with a knife over a small leather bag. “et go of me!” imme the purse!”The man was rather muscular and most likely full of protein, perfect nutrients for a developing little girl’ body to grow into a healthy young woman. Lucy was about to approach the two but stopped and started to think long and hard. She wanted to consume this human for energy, but Lexi said she was angry with Rachel for encouraging her to consume another human, meaning she might be angry at her this time for eating one. But then she remembered last night. Rachel was watching a “uperhero”tv show, where the hero fought against several groups of enemies called “oons” He punched and beat the goons down and received praise for his work. This human male looked extremely similar to the goons on the show, and so did the three people she ate yesterday. Lexi wasn’ mad that she ate the three men yesterday, just like nobody cared that the hero hurt the goons on the show. Therefore, the goons and the people she ate are one and the same. If this guy is also a part of the “oons” then Lexi wouldn’ be mad if she ate him. “ou got a problem here lady?”Lucy was snapped back to reality as the man addressed her. “re you a goon?” hat did you just call me?” re you considered a goon? Like one a superhero would beat up?”While Lucy distracted the man, the woman kicked him in his genitals and ran out of the alleyway. The man fell to his knees and started saying curse words. “t appears that human’ crotch are their weak spot.”Lucy thought to herself. “oted.”The man stood back up and approached Lucy. “his is your fault! You’e dead now!”He then swung his knife at Lucy’ belly, right where Rachel’ head was located. Lucy suddenly had a mixture of emotions all rush through her head at once, emotions she had never felt or experienced before. Anger, anxiety, and most of all fear. Moving faster than the human eye can detect, she punched the goon away, sending him flying back dozens of feet. She then closed the distance before he could even react and punched him into the ground, making the cement under him crack. She then pummeled the man with a flurry of brutal punches until she felt her new emotions go away. She then stood up and looked down at the man. He was now unconscious and had a lot of blood coming out of his mouth. “ou are definitely a goon.”She picked up the man’ broken body and shoved it in her mouth. His limb body descended down her throat, unable to protest or struggle. She lifted her head up and quickly gulped down his torso and legs. Soon, his feet went past her lips and entered her esophagus, sealing his fate. She let out a small burp as the man landed into her belly, making it increase in size by several feet and the blue spot on her belly became larger. “m, mediocre taste.”She started to rub the side of her belly, feeling the man’ body. Acid poured into her stomach, immediately making the goon start to break apart. After less than a minute, the goon was completely turned into soup. She took 50% of the goon for herself and sent the other 50% to Rachel. She then stroked Rachel’ head through her skin. “leep well Rachel. I hope you’e enjoying your meal.” Hours later Lexi stepped out of the elevator onto her floor. She just got back from her job and was dog tired. She unlocked her apartment and walked inside. All the lights were off, leaving the apartment completely dark. “achel, I’ home.”She turned on the lights. “ello?”She walked around the apartment, seeing nobody. “here are you guys?”She opened Rachel’ door, seeing Lucy laying on Rachel’ bed with a large belly. “ello Lexi, welcome-“ O!!!!”She ran to Lucy and grabbed her belly. “PIT HER OUT! SPIT HER OUT!” never ate her.” -what?! Then who is it?” t is Rachel, but she isn’ in my stom-“ don’ care! Let her out! NOW!”Lucy did as she was commanded. She took off her leggings and started to push Rachel out. First her legs came out, followed by her torso. Her body was wet and covered with slime. Then, her shoulders and head popped out. She almost immediately woke up due to now having to manually breathe. Lexi cradled Rachel’ head. “exi?” re you okay Rachel?” eah I’ fine. I actually feel pretty good right now.”She lifted her head up and looked up at Lucy. “ey Lucy, I don’ know what you ate but it was quite delicious and filling!”Lexi gave her a big hug. “’ sorry Lexi.”Lucy said, “ understand why you care.”Lexi looked up at her surprised. “ou do?” es. While I was with Rachel, I felt threatened by someone. Normally I wouldn’ feel anything but this time, I was concerned for Rachel’ safety. I had never felt fear before that moment. I am sorry to put you through that when you thought I ate her.” ell, I’ glad you understand now. I’ sorry for assuming you broke my promise. Come on Rachel, you need a bath.” “kay.”The two got up and left the room. Later Lexi was in her room changing into her pajamas. She had just tucked Rachel into bed and was getting ready to go to sleep herself. “xcuse me.”Lexi jumped a little in surprise and turned around, seeing Lucy standing right next to her. “ucy! When you enter someone’ bedroom, you shouldn’ startle them like that. You knock on the door and ask to come in.” oted.” o, what’ up?” “ell, now that I have established a connection with Rachel, I’ like to have one with you.” hh, no thanks.” “uh? What do you mean?”She seemed to be very saddened by her rejection. “ don’ want to go inside you. Sorry.” hen can I go inside you?” hat?” ay I spend the night inside your stomach?” ouldn’ I digest you?” o. I can change the strength of my skin. I can’ be digested unless I want to.” see.” lease Lexi.”She started to pout like a dog. “ow’ you learn that?” achel said if I do it I could get you to do anything.” h she did, did she? I’l have to talk to her about that. But fine I’l do it, but not because you made that face.”She walked over and sat on the bed. “ome on.” “hank you Lexi.”Her human body immediately melted, becoming her true blue blob form. She crawled up Lexi’ body like a snake and entered into her mouth. Lexi could feel the slime traveling down her throat like water. Her belly started to expand as Lucy entered into her stomach. She swallowed down more and more of the shapeless blob until the last of it passed through her lips and flowed down her esophagus. She looked down and saw her massive belly. It stuck out almost three feet from her body and was perfectly round. She pressed her hand down on it. It was as soft and squishy as a big water balloon. “ow does it feel Lexi?” ot bad.” o... good?” eah. It feels good.” xcellent.” “ell, good night Lucy.” wish you a good night too.”Lexi curled up in bed and soon fell asleep.
The Ring: Samara’ curse 3 “o, please no!”The woman screamed as she watched a ghostly little girl crawl out from her TV screen. “tay back, stay away!”She stumbled backwards as the girl stood up and started to walk towards her. “o! Back away!”The girl then quickly moved across the room like a skipping video tape and was suddenly in front of the woman. Before the woman could even react, the ghost girl lurched forward and swallowed her head whole. The woman kicked and screamed as she was being eaten alive, unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching it all happen. Through the opening of the curtains, outside the window, a little boy no older than ten stood and watched as the scene unfolded. This little boy’ name was Andy. Andy used to be a fairly normal but rather lonely kid. He always sat alone during lunchtime and recess and would never be invited to other kid’ birthday parties or houses to hang out. He would normally spend every day alone up in his room watching TV, until one day everything changed when his older brother came back from college. His brother was acting scared and paranoid the entire time he was home. As if he was waiting for something or someone to pop out and attack him at any second. Then one day when their mom wasn’ home, he tried to force Andy to watch a weird video tape. He attempted to drag him downstairs and duck tape his eyes open to make him watch it but Andy managed to slip away. That’ when it happened. A little girl with long black hair, strange moist grey skin and a long white torn dress crawled out of the living room TV. His older brother attempted to run away from his fate, but the girl chased him down and swallowed him whole. Her belly squirmed around as his brother struggled for his very life. Little bulging popped out from her dress from his powerless kicks. Most kids would’e been terrified, but Andy looked at this mysterious girl in awe. Her name was Samara, and she was Andy’ new friend. After that day, Andy kept the tape that was used to summon her and started giving it to people. Then he’ show up outside their house exactly a week later and wait to see his friend again. After seeing Samara for the first time, Andy gained certain abilities that allow him to always know if somebody has watched the tape and how many days they had left so he always knows if they watched it or not. The first person he gave the tape to was his teacher Mr Voorhees. The next person he gave it to was his substitute teacher Mr Myers. Then to the school janitor. Then to his annoying aunt, and so on and so forth. In total, he had fed about fifteen different people to Samara so far. He’ not actually sure if she needs to eat all those people to survive but Andy hopes she does because it makes him feel like he’ being a bigger help to her. The woman currently being eaten was his next door neighbor that he didn’ know the name of, not that it mattered anymore. Now she was simply known as food. Andy watched as Samara swallowed down the last of the woman’ feet, sealing her fate. Her big belly squirmed as the neighbor lady struggled, making a bit of her grey skin poke out from under her dress. Her thrashing and screams could barely be heard. Samara then turned around and walked back over to the TV. She crawled inside, disappearing as if she was never there in the first place. Andy then pushed open the window and crawled inside. “ope you enjoyed your meal, see you next time!”Andy walked over to the VHS player and pulled the tape out of it. “ wonder who I should give it to next? Maybe the school principal. He’ always so mean to people.”He was about to put it back into his backpack when suddenly he could hear a familial voice in his head, or more like a feeling, telling him that he should leave the VHS tape here this time. This isn’ the first time something like this happened to him It’ how he learned Samara’ name and stuff about her, but this was the first time it happened to him while he was awake. He wasn’ sure why the voice wanted him to leave the tape but he didn’ want to make Samara mad, assuming it was actually her talking to him. He put the tape down on the coffee table and climbed back out the window. He had already made several copies of the tape that were hidden in his closet, so it didn’ really matter that he lost one. He quickly ran back to his house and snuck inside. The next morning Andy looked outside his bedroom window to see over a dozen different police cruisers and vehicles all parked outside across the street from his house. There were cops all over the place, some were inside the house, some had leashed dogs sniffing around the place and some were talking to the neighbor lady’ husband who would always come home late at night. Andy started to smugly smile. Every time Andy fed someone to Samara, the police seemed to become more and more desperate to figure out what’ going on. Andy chuckled to himself, thinking about how he’ outsmarted all the grownup cops. Then, he spotted one of the officers walk out of the house while holding the tape in his hand. He pulled out a ziplock bag and stuffed it inside before handing it off to another officer who tossed it into the trunk of their cruiser. Andy smiled as he now understood why she wanted him to leave the tape there last night. 7 days later It was about 9:58 pm and Andy was peddling his bike as fast as he could trying to get to the police station in time. He would’e left sooner but his Mom wouldn’ let him leave until after he finished up all of his homework, which he really hated. Then his watch turned to 9:59 pm, meaning Samara was about to strike. He peddled faster, not wanting to miss a single second of the feast. By the time he arrived at the police station it was already 10:05 pm. He was a little late but hopefully he could still catch some of the action. Andy tossed his bike aside and ran through the front door. The lobby of the police precinct was completely empty, not a single soul to be found. Sitting on the desk was a set of dripping wet keys which Andy quickly snatched. He then opened the door to the back room and walked in. He could now hear the sounds of screaming and gunshots. He followed the noise and came to a room filled with moved around desks, cubicles, filing cabinets and pieces of paper tossed around the room, like a group of kindergarteners went crazy in there. Then he saw two police officers, one old with white hair and the other young and bald, run in from another room and pushed a couple desks in front of the door they came in from to form a barricade. Andy immediately crouched down and moved under one of the many desks so the two men couldn’ see him. “hat thing just ate Cunningham!”The younger one shouted. “e need to call for help!”Responded the older one. “e can’! The radio is in that room!” “s anybody else still alive?” don’ think so.” hat about Debby?” o, water from the fountain wrapped around her like a hand and dragged her into its mouth!” “h great!” don’ wanna die man!” alm down boy! We’e not gonna die! We are going to get out of this and call in backup.” ackup?! Backup?! What backup?! It just ate everyone in the station!” hen we’l go to another station!” t’l eat them too!” ou’e not helping!”Then, the lights in the room started to flicker. “...What was that?” t’ coming!” et’ get outta here!”They tried to run away when suddenly, Samara appeared in the center of the room. Her belly was absolutely massive. It was over five feet tall and stuck out ten feet from her body. Andy could see the moving outlines of the dozens of people trapped inside of it squirming around for their lives and hear the quiet echoes of their screaming. “here it is!”The two cops aimed their pistols and opened fire. All their bullets stopped midair and fell to the ground like bricks. Samara then disappeared and reappeared closer to them. Her massive belly slammed the young one into the wall while the older one started running away again. He almost made it to the door, but Andy stuck his leg out, making him trip and go tumbling to the ground. “on of a-!”He looked back and saw Andy hiding under one of the desks. “hat the heck are you doing here kid?! You’e gonna die!”Then, long black hair wrapped around his leg and started to drag him away. “o! Help me! Someone help me! Please!”The desperate officer tried grabbing anything he could Boxes, paper cubical pieces, filing carpets, nothing could slow down his speed. Soon he was lifted off the ground and his feet were shoved into Samara’ mouth. She quickly gulped down his knees, hips and chest in a matter of seconds. “OO-“He was cut off as his head was engulfed by Samara’ mouth. The squirming bugle in her throat descended down into her chest, his outline and struggles getting added to others in her titanic tummy. She then lifted up the unconscious officer and started to lick his face, savoring the taste. Andy meanwhile was watching with a big smile on his face. He had never seen his friend eat more than two people before and had never seen her belly get so MASSIVE before. He couldn’ resist the urge any longer, he had to go and feel it! He patiently waited for the moment when she started to swallow the cop, distracting her enough to make his move. Sure enough, she shoved the young officer’ head into her mouth and Andy sprinted across the room. He tackled the massive stomach and hugged it, his arms stretched out as far as he could. He pushed his face up against it, rubbing it in. Her skin felt moist and soft, like she had just come out of the bath. Soon, her stomach started to make loud gurgling noises and the humans trapped within it started struggling much harder than before. The gurgling kept getting louder and louder and the people were practically rioting in there. Then, all the struggling got weaker and weaker until eventually stopping entirely. Her stomach started to shrink, but Andy was still holding onto it. He was dragged forward as the belly got smaller and smaller. He could feel the bones and skulls of the victims liquify to nothing. Soon her belly shrunk to it’ normal size, leaving Andy with his arms wrapped around Samara’ waist and his face against her now flat stomach. He remained like that for a second, too nervous to try to move an inch. He had never gotten this close to her before and he wasn’ sure exactly what she was going to do. He slowly looked up and saw Samara’ cold black eyes staring down at him, as if she was looking into his very soul. Her eyes normally struck fear and cause heart attacks to most people that look into them but to Andy, they were the most beautiful pair of eyes in the world. “i Samara, it’ me, your friend Andy. I’ the one who’ been giving your tape to the people around town, including this police station at your request. That was you talking to me right?”Samara remained silent, still staring down at Andy. “ey, Samara?”The two simply stayed like that staring at each other for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Samara lifted her arm above him and lightly patted Andy on the head. Then, she disappeared from Andy’ grasp and reappeared across the room in less than a second. She got onto one of the desks and climbed into a computer monitor, vanishing without a trace. Andy had a wide grin on his face, because he knew she felt the same way. At least, he thinks that’ what that meant. He then turned around and ran into the evidence locker. He closed his eyes for a second, searching for the tape. Slowly walking over to one of the shelves, pulling out the tape out on his first try. He then ran outside and biked his way home. The next morning Andy yawned as he walked down stairs. He was very tired from staying up so late and had slept in. He reached the bottom of the stairs and saw his mother sitting in the living room watching TV. “ood morning Mom.” ndy, can you believe what happened?” uh? What happened?” ver 25 people disappeared from the police station last night.” ow, sounds crazy.” know. They think it’ connected to all the disappearances lately. I hope whoever did this won’ come looking for us.” on’ worry mom, I’ sure we’e safe.”He had a smug grin on his face as he went into the kitchen to enjoy breakfast, while also deciding on Samara’ dinner.
Daddy’ little girl 3 To celebrate their one year anniversary, Richard got three tickets to a fancy cruise ship. One ticket for himself, one for his girlfriend Cynthia and one for his eight year old daughter Cameron. Right now, they were enjoying the nice summer day by swimming together in the ship’ large swimming pool. Richard was tossing Cameron into the air above him and catching her after she fell. “igher Daddy!”He tossed her up as high as he could throw her and caught her again. “gain! Again!”They were interrupted when Cynthia tapped on Richard’ shoulder. He turned around while putting Cameron down. “hat’ up?” ’ gonna head back to the room to change. I’l see you guys later.” lright. See ya later.”Richard said. He leaned forward and kissed her. She then swam over and patted Cameron on the head. “ye Cammy.” oodbye Cynthia.”Cynthia climbed out of the pool, grabbed her towel and started to leave. Richard made no attempt at hiding the fact that he was staring at her plump butt as she walked away. She briefly looked back, giving him a little smirk. Cameron then swam back over to Richard and tapped him on his shoulder. He didn’ react. She tapped him again, seemingly pulling him back to reality. He looked down at her before picking her up and kissing her forehead, making her smile. “o Daddy, when are ya gonna ask her?” hh!”He quickly looked around to see if Cynthia was anywhere in ear shot. “ou gotta be more quiet about that or you’l ruin the surprise.” ops, sorry. I’ just really excited!” eah. Me too.” hen are you going to ask her?”She asked much quieter this time. “omorrow night. At the very back of the ship. I gotta wait until the sun is in the perfect position.” “ can’ wait!” “ey, do you think you can distract her for me tomorrow while I get everything set up for the surprise?” “ can distract her all day if you want.” “hanks princess. Now come on, let’ get out of the pool and meet back up with Cynthia.” kay daddy. You can climb out, I’l be out in a minute.”He nodded before climbing out of the water. He walked over to the lawn chair holding their stuff and grabbed a towel. He put on his Red sox baseball cap before drying himself off. Then, a red haired woman took notice and walked over to him. She was a short plump girl with very wide hips, massive breasts and hair that almost went past her shoulders. “ello there.”He turned around. “i, I’ Richard.”He held out his hand to shake. “rittany.”She shook his hand, noticing his rather expensive looking watch. “h my. I bet that cost you a pretty penny, huh?” uh? Oh, my watch. Nah, it’ inherited.” eally?” eah. I got a lot of stuff from my relatives. For some reason I always get the most out of the wills. I guess I’ everyone’ favorite relative.”She sat down on the chair next to his. “o, are you all alone on this ship?” o, I brought my family. My eight year old daughter Cameron is swimming in the pool over there and my girlfriend Cynthia is back in our room getting dressed.” “ girlfriend, huh? Are you two serious?”He started to grin and nod. “eah, yeah I’ say so.”Cameron came out of the pool and noticed that her daddy was talking to some fat lady, making her pout. Thinking quickly, she purposefully slipped and hit her knee on the ground. “we! Daddy!”He immediately jumped up from his chair and ran over to his daughter. “re you okay princess?! Are you hurt?!” hit my knee.” ome on, let’ bring you back to our room and get you a band-aid.”He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He then walked over and grabbed all their bags. “orry Brittany, but I gotta go. Cameron hurt her leg and I gotta bring her back to the room. Take care.” eah. See ya around.”As Richard turned and walked away, Cameron peaked over his shoulder and stuck her tongue out at Brittany. “m, what a little brat.”She thought to herself. That afternoon Richard, Cynthia and Cameron all came to the banquet hall to get an early dinner. The hall itself was quite large, containing dozens of tables covered with food, grand windows with fancy red silk curtains and various life sized human ice sculptures placed around. “eal fancy for what’ basically a buffet.”Richard whispered, making Cynthia chuckle. They went around the buffet tables and got food before sitting down. Richard got a steak and a salad, Cameron got a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs and Cynthia got steak tips with french fries. Not long after they finished up eating, Brittany appeared. “eyyy everyone.” h, hi Brittany.”Richard said. Brittany then looked over at Cynthia. “h, and you must be his girlfriend. Cindy was it?” ynthia. My name is Cynthia.” t’ nice to meet you. So, you’e already met Richard and Cammy?” es.“She sat down next to Richard. “o, we were at the pool-“The three grown ups sat and talked for a very long time while Cameron sat there silently, her anger festering. She wanted this nuisance to finally go away and stop bothering her and her family. Instead, she just kept droning on and on about stupid nonsense. It especially annoyed her when the conversation started being about their personal life, and later about Cameron specifically. After what felt like a few hours, Brittany finally stood up. “ell, I’ love to stay and chat more but I gotta go.” ood.”Cameron thought to herself. “nd don’ come back.” “hat a shame. Well, see you around the ship.”Richard said with a smile. Brittany walked away. As she was exiting the banquet hall, she pulled out her phone and started to type in a number. Cameron leaned over to Cynthia. “ gotta go use the bathroom.” kay. Let me just put our plates away.” o no, I can go alone.” eally?” eah, I’ fine.” lright then. See you later Cammy.” ye.”Cameron stood up and ran out of the banquet hall. She wandered around the halls before coming to an empty lounge. There, Brittany stood on a balcony talking on her phone. “ey Sis!”Brittany shouted. “eyyy Brittany!”Said the girl on the other end of the phone call. “t’ been too long! “t has. So how goes the gold digging?” reat. I found a perfect guy. A six foot six inch wall of muscle without a brain.” s he rich?” ich enough.” xcellent. Another lonely single loser to profit off.” ell, he’ not exactly single or alone.” xcuse me?” e’ got a girlfriend, and a little girl with him.” “hat’ a pretty big snag right there!” elax. That’ no problem. If anything it’l help.” ow so?” just gotta eat her while the boat’ docked and leave him a note saying something corny like ‘’ sorry but I’ leaving you. Don’ bother to come looking for me because I’ long gone,’And then I will come over to console him in his sadness. Boom, instant attraction!” “ehe, nice. I really wish I could be as skilled as you are sis.” ne day you will. The key is experience. Anyway, I gotta go now. Love you.” ove you too Brittany.”Brittany hung up and put her phone away. She then turned around and saw Cameron standing in the doorway. Her stare was practically seeping with malice and anger, immediately filling Brittany with dread. “-cameron?”She continued to stare right into Brittany’ soul. She felt like she was staring down a dangerous animal, not a tiny child. “-hey, Cammy? You okay?”Cameron looked down and shook her head before looking back at Brittany. “ey Brittany. Cynthia was looking for you.”Her demeanor had completely changed. Going from a hate filled beast to an innocent little girl within a second. Brittany was astonished she didn’ get whiplash from the extreme 180 she just did. “h, yeah? What did she want?” he wanted to talk to you by the cabins.” “hat did she want to talk about?” he wouldn’ tell me. She said it was grown up stuff.” eah, okay.”Cameron gave a big grin before turning and merrily skipping away. Cameron quickly came back into the banquet hall and ran over to her dad. “’ gonna go back to the room and sleep.” kay, I’l go get Cynthia-“ o! I mean, you don’ have to stop having fun because of me. You guys can stay.” eally? Are you sure? I think I should at least make sure you get back safe.” e’e on a boat Daddy. What could happen? There’ people everywhere!” lright. Stay safe on your way back.” will.”She hugged him and kissed his cheek. “ love you.” love you too princess.” alf an hour later Brittany was standing in the hallway where everyone’ cabins were located. The carpets were a deep shade of red, the walls were a color somewhere between grey and blue and there were mini tables to the right of every door with a large gold flower pot on them. Brittany impatiently looked at the time. She could still feel her heart racing from her encounter with Cameron. “ow long is she going to take?”Brittany was deathly afraid that the little girl had told Cynthia about her plans and that this was all some kind of trap, but if Brittany didn’ show up then Cynthia could attack her while she was sleeping or when she wasn't ready. She didn’ have any other options. Then, Cameron walked around the corner and stood at the end of the hallway. “ammy? What are you doing here? Where’ Cynthia?” “on’ call me that.” hat?” ynthia calls me that. Not. YOU.” o, is Cynthia here or not?” o. Just us.”She started to walk down the hall. “nd why isn’ she here?” ecause I lied.” ait a second... you’e not serious. You can’ be serious. You figured out my plan and you didn’ tell your mom?” ope.”Cameron was now standing only a few feet away from Brittany. “hy would you ever do something so stupid? You really must be your father’ daughter.” y daddy is not stupid!” “eah, sure. And what exactly are you planning on doing, eating me?” es.”Cameron pounced forward like an animal, knocking Brittany over. The two girls rolled around on the ground as they both tried to get the other one into their mouth. “oly crap!”Brittany thought. “ow is this kid so strong?”While they were rolling they bumped into one of the tables, making the flowers knock over and the hard vase fall on Brittany’ head. “HH!”She let go of Cameron and clutched her now bleeding head in pain. Using the opportunity, Cameron shoved both of Brittany’ feet into her mouth and quickly swallowed up to her knees. “o no no no no no no!”Brittany wiggled around trying in vain to get her legs free. Cameron gulped down her thighs and wide hips in a matter of seconds, making a little moving bulge appear under Cameron’ shirt. Brittany could feel her feet enter Cameron’ boiling hot stomach, making her panic. “kay! Okay! I promise I won’ hurt Cynthia! I’l even give you all the money in my room! I promise! Just let me go!”Cameron ignored her food’ pleas and bargaining and swallowed down her stomach and waist, making her own stomach bulge out from under her shirt. She then gulped her large chest and shoulders. Brittany looked around for something to grab onto, settling on the carpet. “et me go! Let me go!”Cameron’ mouth crawled up her neck. Soon only her face remained, with Cameron’ lips slowly closing around it like a snake. “OOOOO-“Brittany was cut off as Cameron’ mouth closed around her head. Her tongue licked up and down Brittany’ face, enjoying what little flavor she had. She then sucked in, swallowing her hands like noodles. With one last gulp Brittany was sent down her esophagus, sealing her fate. Brittany descended down the wet slimy tunnel, making a large bulge in the vague shape of her face appear going down her throat. She eventually reached the end and joined the rest of her body in Cameron’ stomach. The stomach chamber was very hot, cramped and the bottom of it was lined with half eaten spaghetti noodles, meatballs and some french fries. Brittany wiggled around a little to get comfortable. Then, she received a hard punch to the back of her head through the stomach wall. “W! What the heck!?” “ou deserve it!”Cameron then stood up, causing everything inside her to slosh around. Her stomach itself was almost two and a half feet long, half her height and was barely hovering an inch above the floor. She grabbed her massive belly and started slamming it into the wall repeatedly. “W! AH! Stop that!”Cameron then waddled back to her room and went into their little “itchen”(it was really just a mini fridge, sink and a few cabinets in the corner of the room). She turned the water to the hottest setting and started drinking it. The hot water poured onto Brittany’ head. “HH! Stop it brat!”She started frantically kicking the stomach walls in protest, but it did nothing but make Cameron let out a loud burp. “our kicking won’ do anything dummy. You’e trapped in me forever! Or, until I poop you out at least.”She said smugly. “’l escape, and then I’l eat your whole freakin family brat!” ehe, yeah.”Cameron started to yawn. “ow, all this eating is making me feel really tired. I better go take a nap.”She climbed onto the bed and laid down on top of her belly like a beanbag, smushing Brittany against the bed. Her face was now pressed up against the chewed up and wet food. “et me out! Let me out!”Cameron started to slowly rub her belly. “oodnight food.”After a couple of minutes, Cameron started to lightly snore. “ello? Hello?! Dang it!”She wanted to kick again, but Cameron’ weight pinned her body to the bed. She reached up and tried prying open the esophagus, but it was sealed shut. She punched and hit the walls in anger, eventually tiring herself out. Her eyes lit up as she had an idea. “y phone!”She wiggled around and shook her butt for several minutes until her phone fell out of her back pocket. She managed to grab it and tried to turn it on, only for nothing to happen. It took her a second to realize that it was ruined by all of Cameron’ saliva during the voring process. She angrily tossed the phone away. “***! ****! Piece of absolute ****!”Not long afterwards, Brittany could feel a tingling sensation on her back. She looked back as far as she could and noticed stomach acid filling the belly. “hat did I do to deserve this?” ater Several hours had passed. Brittany had been moved out of the stomach and was now somewhere in Cameron’ intestines. She could no longer kick and move around, or even feel most of her body anymore. The pain of the stomach acid had finally stopped and she felt completely numb. She could do nothing but sit there and wish this would finally end. Then, over the sounds of the stomach’ groans and gurgling, she could hear someone open the cabin door and enter the bedroom. “ichard! Richard help me! Cameron ate me!”She tried to scream for help, but her vocal cords were weak and partly digested. She then felt a hand touch the belly. “ello there.”The muffled voice sounded female, which meant it was probably Cynthia speaking. “ou still alive in there?”Brittany head butted the wall as hard as she could, barely making a bulge in Cameron’ belly. “ow, that was quite weak. You’e probably not gonna survive in there much longer.”She then started to rub the stomach, making Cameron lightly moan in her sleep. “ey, whoever you are, could you do me a favor? Could you try not to become butt fat after you’e digested? Cameron’ got enough junk in the trunk already and I don’ want to go underwear shopping again too soon.”All hope drained out of Brittany’ body (or what was left of it at least) as she realized that she wasn’ going to escape. “nyway, I gotta go. Have fun being ripped apart by a little girl’ stomach acid while the rest of you gets turned into crap. If Cameron ate you, then you probably deserved it.”She gave the belly one last pat before kissing Cameron’ forehead, standing up and exiting the room, leaving Brittany alone with nothing but the gurgles and groans of her own digestion. The next morning Light shined into the bedroom. Cameron woke up feeling quite refreshed and energized. She opened her little eyes and looked around the room. Cynthia and Richard were fast asleep in the bed next to her’. She lifted up the blanket and looked down at her now almost flat stomach. There was a little bulge left at the bottom of her belly, meaning she should probably go and release it. She then climbed out of bed and tiptoed to the door. She walked out and attempted to quietly shut the door behind her, but a hand grabbed it from the other side, making her jump back in surprise. The door opened, revealing it was Cynthia on the other side. Cynthia walked outside the room and quietly closed the door behind her. “nd where do you think you are going little miss?” uh-“ ave it. I already saw your belly while you were asleep.” ou did?” eah. You’e really lucky, you know that? Richard said he was going to come check on you, but I insisted I should do it because I figured that you might’e done something like this. If I didn’, you would’e been caught.”Cynthia reached down and grabbed Cameron’ buttocks. About a half an inch of fat was added to her butt, not to mention her bigger thighs and hips. “ang it, that food didn’ listen. Who’ you eat anyway?” rittany.” rittany? Why? What did she do?” heard her tell her friend on the phone that daddy was dumb and she was gonna eat you and take all of daddy’ money. She was gonna hurt you. I HAD to get rid of her.” h sweetie, you don’ have to worry about me. I’ a full grown woman, I can take care of myself. Besides, I have a special trick to escape any vorer.” ou do?” ep. I’e only had to use it once before, and I swallowed the fool after.” “hat’ so cool!” emind me to show you how to do it sometime. Anyway, let’ go dump the gold digger.”She took her hand and the two walked down the hallway. Eventually the two came to the most empty part of the ship they could find, a lounge room with a balcony not far from the banquet hall. Cameron pulled down her panties while Cynthia picked her up and held her butt between the railing off the edge of the boat. She then started to poop. Turds filled with chunks of bone, hair and cloth were pushed out from between her cheeks and fell to the waters below. She strained for a second but soon enough she pushed a skull out of her anus. The bleached white skull rolled down the side of the boat and splashed into the water like an insignificant pebble tossed into a lake. Cynthia then put her down so she could put her panties and shorts back on. “help, now that the dump is taken care of, we should probably head back to the-“Cynthia was cut off as Cameron bolted forward and hugged Cynthia, burying her face in her stomach. “hoa.” “’ really glad I kept you.”Cynthia smiled at the little girl. “’ glad too.”She reached down and embraced Cameron with a hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Cynthia crouched down to her height to look her in her green eyes. “ey, how’ about we have a girl’ day just you and me? We can go to the spa, the sauna, get ice cream and go anywhere else you wanna go to.” hat sounds great.” “xcellent. We just gotta go leave a note for Richard for when he wakes up. Let’ go Cammy.” lright mommy.” Hours later It was now sunset. Cynthia was trying to hold onto Cameron’ hand as she dragged her through a crowd of people. “hy are you bringing me to the back of the boat? There’ nothing to do back there.” rust me!”They pushed through the crowd and arrived at the back of the boat to find Richard waiting there. He was wearing his fancy clothes, had two towers of balloons with the setting sun in between them, several of her family members and friends standing to the sides of him that she didn’ even know were on the boat and a bouquet of Dahlias in his hands, her favorite type of flower. She walked over to him and he handed her the flowers. “ichard... what’ all this for?” ynthia, today marks the day that we started dating exactly one year ago. I don’ have to wait another one to know that you’e the one for me. I love spending time with you. You make me feel great. I haven’ felt like this since.. for a long time. You know I’ terrible at making speeches, so I’ just going to say it. I love you Cynthia. With all my heart. That’ why I’ asking you-“Richard got down on one knee and opened a box with a ring inside, making her cover her mouth with her hands in surprise. “ill you marry me?”She immediately moved down, hugging Richard while giving him a kiss. “ES! YES I WILL!”He put the ring on her finger and the crowd started to clap. He held her close and kissed his fiancée, completely unaware of what she and his daughter had done.
Mother’ birthday cake It was a cool Friday afternoon. Daniel knocked on the door to his old house. It was his mother’ birthday today and the 21 year old decided to come home from college to visit and wish her a happy birthday. The front door opened, revealing his 17 year old sister Janet. She was wearing a yellow sweater and long white skirt. Physically she was a few inches shorter than he was, with short brown hair and a noticeably large chest. “ell well, look who decided to actually show up.” t’ nice to see you too Janet.” “ome on in.”He stepped inside the house and took his shoes off. He then walked into the living room, seeing his 13 year old sister Sally sitting on the couch watching TV. She had long blonde hair, was a little skinny and was wearing a matching denim skirt and jacket. “ey sis.” ey Danny.”She got up from the couch and hugged her older brother. “ Haven’ seen you in months.” eah, I know. School has been killer lately. I can barely get any sleep with all the work they pile on.” ell you’e just in time to help out with our birthday surprise.” hat is it?” ou’l see.” s mom home from work yet?” o, not yet. She’l be getting home in the evening. Let’ go see the surprise. Come on.”Daniel followed his little sister into the kitchen. There, a giant cake was sitting on the dinner table. It was about a foot and a half tall with a three foot radius and had a giant hole in the middle, essentially making it a giant donut. “hat’ with the giant hole?” hat’ for the secret filling. By the way, are you hungry? You did just take a long trip to get here.” eah, I’ starving.” anet!”The eldest sister came into the kitchen. “hat is it Sally?” ur dear brother here is feeling hungry. Could you get him something?” hy, of course.” o no, I can feed myself thank you very much.”Daniel protested. “ome on, let me make you something. I promise it’l be good.”Janet pleaded. “ine. Go ahead.” hank you.”She walked over to the counter and started to make something for him. Daniel sat down at the table while Sally sat in the chair next to him. “o, is this cake the surprise for mom?” ep. You know how much of a big eater our mom is.”Daniel thought back to every Thanksgiving they’e had, where they had to buy three turkeys because she ate so much. He then noticed a bag under the table. He reached down and picked up the bag, seeing a pile of rope inside. “h, what’ with the rope?” t’ a special edible rope.” h, why?” hat’ also for the secret filling.” nd you’e still not going to tell me what it is?” ope. It’ our little secret.” ood’ ready!”Daniel looked up as Janet walked over with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cup filled with juice. “hat’ it?” hat do you mean that’ it!?” thought it would be more than just a-“He stopped talking when he noticed his sister getting angry. “I mean, thank you for this meal.” hat’ what I thought you said.”He picked up the sandwich and took a large bite out of it. “mm. It tastes a bit off. Is this a new brand of peanut butter?” o, it’ the same old brand from when we were kids.”Daniel finished the sandwich and took a sip of the juice. “hanks for the sandwich.” t was my pleasure.”Suddenly, Daniel started to feel light headed. He leaned back and felt his forehead. “verything alright, Danny?”Sally asked. “eah yeah, I’ fine. Just feeling a bit light headed. I think maybe I should go take a nap.”Daniel attempted to stand up from the chair but immediately dropped to the floor. He looked up to see his two sisters standing above him chuckling like a group of witches. “hat Did.... You.... Do?”He was struggling to even keep his eyes open. “oodnight big brother.”Sally said with an evil grin. His eyes closed, succumbing to slumber. Daniel woke up feeling tired and groggy. He didn’ remember what happened to him last and his neck was aching. He attempted to move, only to realize he was restrained. He wiggled around trying to get free. “ey!”He shouted. Soon his vision fully came back to him, allowing him to see clearly. He was laying completely naked in the center of the cake, curled up in a ball and tied up in the edible ropes they bought. He looked around and saw his sisters decorating the cake. “ey! Sally!”Sally put down the froster and looked over at him. “h, hey Danny. You’e finally awake.” hat the heck are you doing?! Why am I tied up?! Why am I naked?! Why am I in a cake?!” ’ making a birthday cake for mom. So you won’ leave. So your yucky clothes won’ ruin the flavor. And because you’e the secret filling!”She said while counting on her fingers. “’ what?!” ou heard me. You are the cake’ super secret filling I was telling you about. I guess you figured out why I didn’ tell you what it was until now.” “et me out! Let me out! I don’ wanna get eaten!” oo bad.”The two sisters continued to decorate the cake. They shoved cake pieces into the empty space around Daniel. Soon the hole was filled up and Daniel was completely surrounded by and covered in cake and frosting. Janet walked over to the edge of the table and lifted her skirt, revealing that she was wearing a pair of edible panties. She took them off, allowing Daniel to briefly see her vagina until she pushed her skirt back down. She then shoved the pair of edible panties into his mouth, preventing him from talking. “ have been wearing those for about a week by the way.” “GH!”Daniel tried to say. “kay, time for the tower.”Sally and Janet picked up a second cake, this one had about a two foot radius and was slightly shorter than the big cake. There was another even smaller cake on top of the second one with a radius of only a single foot and was slightly shorter than the second cake’ already reduced height. They lifted up the tower pieces and put them on top of the first cake. All light disappeared as they put the cake into place, sealing Daniel in his delicious frosted tomb. The two sisters then started to make final touches on the cakes like candles and candy sprinkled around. Mother POV Debra came home from a hard day at work. She worked in construction and spent the entire day doing hard labor. As she put all of her stuff down, her 13 year old daughter ran into the room. “ommy!”She tackled her with a big hug. Debra was over seven feet tall without wearing her boots, so Sally barely went past her belly button. Debra also had very wide hips, thick thighs and a large chest. “ello sweetie. It’ great to see you.” appy birthday!” hanks. Please tell me you already have made dinner, I forgot to bring my lunch to work today and I’ starving.” ell, you actually didn’ forget.” uh? What do you mean?” took it before you left.” hat? Why?” o make sure you had enough room.” oom for what?”Sally grabbed her mother’ hand and led her to the dark kitchen. There sitting on the table was a massive cake, only illuminated by the many candles placed on it. Sally ran over to Janet who was standing in the corner of the room with a camera. “appy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Mother, happy birthday to you!”Debra approached the table and blew all the candles out, making the girls clap. Janet turned the lights on before walking to her mother. “hank you both SO much! I love it!” “hink of it as our thank you for being our mom.” here’ Danny? Is he around here?” e called and said he probably won’ be able to come right now. He had midterms soon.” see, oh well. More for me I guess.”First, Debra took off the small top cake and put it aside for Janet and Sally. Then she grabbed the table and tilted it up above her head, making the cake start to slide. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and put it to the edge of the table. The cake slid off the table and entered into her mouth. The frosting was absolutely delicious. Her throat bulged out as pieces of cake started to travel down it. She kept eating the cake, eventually feeling a large piece of meat in the center. Janet and Sally knew how much she loved protein, so they often put meat in her food for her, sometimes entire turkeys or even once a whole pig. Whatever the meat was didn’ really matter to her, all she cared about was how heavenly it felt to her taste buds. She rolled the meat around her mouth with her tongue, getting every bit of flavor she could out of it. After savoring it for several minutes she gulped, sending the meat down her throat. The meat dropped into her stomach like a brick, making her belly balloon out several feet and bounce off the ground. She scarfed down more and more of the cake until nothing was left but the frosting on her lips. Debra let out a massive burp, making small objects on the nearby countertop shake and move. She licked her lips, sat down on a chair and leaned back in it. Her belly was almost four feet long and made constant loud gurgling sounds. Janet and Sally walked over and started to rub their mother’ massive protruding tummy. “h, you guys are the best daughters a mother could ask for!” e love you too mom!”She leaned forward and hugged her daughters. Earlier Daniel POV Daniel attempted to wiggle around to escape, but he had no room to even move back and forth inside the cake and the drugs his sisters gave him still made him feel weak. “om!”He shouted out as loud as he could through the panty muffle. “et me outta here!”He couldn’ make out exactly what they were saying through the layers of cake, but he could tell that his mother was out there talking. Then, he felt the table get lifted off the ground. “O NO NO!”He shouted, knowing what was coming next. “OM DON’ DO IT! I’ IN HERE!”He could feel gravity dragging him downwards, no doubt to his mother’ waiting maw. Soon, the cake wall next to him was ripped apart as he entered into his mother’ mouth. He started to get tossed around by her tongue. “OM!”He was defenseless as his mother’ tongue pushed him around, licking every inch of his naked body. His face turned red as the sensation started to make him get an erection. He loved the feeling of her tongue, but hated that it was coming from his mother. After a few minutes of licking, his mom briefly opened her mouth, allowing him to see his sisters watching with devilish grins on their faces while recording him with a camera. She then gulped, sending Daniel down her throat. He quickly traveled down the esophagus and landed inside her stomach. The force of his drop made the belly hit the ground, hurting his head. The stomach was hot, cramped, wet and Daniel was laying face first in a pile of chewed up saliva soaked cake. He wiggled around, managing to get off his back and lay on his side. Then the rest of the cake fell down and landed on top of Daniel. He wiggled around more and managed to get the panties out of his mouth. “OM! HELP! I’ IN HERE!”He shouted for help, but she couldn’ hear him over the loud gurgles and groans coming from the stomach around him. He was trapped inside his mother with seemingly no way out and no way to tell her that her son is being melted inside her stomach. He then felt a tingling sensation all over his body. He looked down and saw stomach acid raising up and filling the stomach chamber. “h no...” The next morning Mother POV It was a bright Saturday morning. Debra was up in her bedroom standing in front of her full body mirror, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a sports bra. Debra had just woken up recently and was looking at her lower body and mostly flat stomach in the mirror. Her butt was much bigger, with about 25 pounds of fat being added to them overnight. Her underwear was now being swallowed up by her butt cheeks, making her once normal looking pair of panties look more like a thong. Her thighs were also thicker, growing at about the same rate that her butt did. There was no way she could fit into any of her old pants. She was so distracted by all the weight below the belt that she hadn’ even noticed that her breasts had also increased in size, going from a G cup to a large H cup. “oly crap!”She thought to herself. “hat cake went straight to my thighs! It’ going to take forever to burn all this off.”She let out a sigh. “ell, nothing to do about it now. I better go make breakfast for everyone.”She left her bedroom and walked down the stairs, her butt jiggling with every step. “ hope Daniel can come over to visit soon, I miss him.”She said, unaware of how close he truly was. Medium
Ultimate treat or ultimate trick 2 It was a cold October afternoon. A high school girl by the name of Cindy was walking down the street with her best friend Wendy and Wendy’ boyfriend Will. They were walking along a massive wall of trees before coming to a gate. “o this is the place Jared told us to meet at?” think so.”They opened the metal gate and walked inside. There in front of them was a massive mansion. It was pretty old looking but appeared to be well kept. There was an old swimming pool to the side, a large oak tree with rope swings and standing on the front porch was Cindy’ boyfriend Jared, the richest guy in their high school. “elcome my friends.”Jared said with his trademark smug voice. “ared, why did you bring us to this run down old building?”His girlfriend asked. “ecause this is where we’e throwing my Halloween party this year.” hat? Why can’ we just throw it at your house?” can’ have parties at the house anymore because somebody used my dad’ trophy as a toilet and his Lamborghini Veneno to bang. So I looked around and found the second biggest house in town.” ut isn’ this that witch house?”Wendy said, slightly scared. “he very same.” “ah man, I ain’ going in there.”Will said. “xcuse me?! The 300 pound quarterback is scared of a ghost story?” y brother told me that three of his classmates got boiled and eaten ten years ago.” hat’ just a fairytale. My older sister Carrie knew the sister of one of those kids. She said they just ran away.” ah man, I ain’ risking it.” “indy?” orry Jared. It doesn’ seem like a good idea.”She said. “ook, if you don’ come then you ain’ getting any beer. Now will you come inside with me?” ine.”They all said in unison. “ood. Now Will, come over here. I need your help breaking open the door.”As soon as he said that, the door to the mansion slowly creaked open by itself. “ell isn’ that convenient?” eck no, I ain’ going.”Wendy said. “ine then, stay out here by yourself.”Will and Cindy both went onto the porch. “on’ leave me alone!”The three friends walked inside the house, shortly followed by Wendy. The entrance of the house was large and dark, filled with antique furniture, creepy paintings, a chandelier and long red carpet. “an we please get outta here? I don’ care about the beer anymore.” ine! If you’e gonna wine the entire time then you can wait outside.”Jared walked over to the front door and tried to open it, only for nothing to happen. “uh, it appears to be stuck.” “TUCK!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN STUCK!?” “ mean the door doesn’ want to open.” “E’E LOCKED INSIDE A WITCH’ HOUSE!!”Wendy screamed. “HUT UP! We’e not locked in. The door is just old and rusty. Come on, there are other ways to get out. Now come on and move.”Cindy walked over to comfort her panicked friend. “on’ worry Wendy. As long as we’e together then we’l be alright.”The four exit into hallways with many doors. Cindy looked up at an old painting, seemingly depicting an old pilgrim town and a beautiful pregnant woman sitting on a tree stumble. Cindy pulled out her phone and took a picture of it. “eautiful. I wonder who she was. Hey guys, come look at this paint-”She turned around and saw that her three friends were all missing. “gh, great. Just great. Perfect plan everyone, let's all split up in the old creepy mansion.”She turned around and randomly walked into one of the many doors. Jared walked up the stairs and looked around, seeing many doors to what seemed like bedrooms. “ wonder what’ in here.”He opened one of the doors and stepped in. The bedroom was massive. There were many bookshelves and tables around with strange objects on them like open books, plants, oddly shaped bottles and flasks filled with colored liquids and other creepy stuff. In the very center of the room was a very large black and purple bed covered with pillows and a teddy bear. He walked over to one of the tables and picked up what looked like a dried up monkey’ paw. “hoa, all this stuff… will make awesome decorations for my party! I need to get Will to help me move this to the ballroom.” “ands off creep.” H!”Jared jumped in surprise before turning around, seeing a little girl standing behind him. The little girl had black hair that stopped above her shoulders, fair white skin that almost made her seem ghostly, sparkling green eyes like emeralds and appeared to be about ten years old. She was wearing a black witch robe with purple accents and trim. “w crap, you scared me kid. Don’ sneak up on a guy like that. Why are you here?” xcuse me? This is my bedroom you’e standing in!” our bedroom? Listen kid, nobody lives here anymore. I don’ know who you are or why you’e following me, but you better scram.” m, why’ I get stuck with the narcissist?” hat did you just call me?” evermind.”She raised up her hand and pointed it at him, making it start to glow yellow. “hat the-”Suddenly, the monkey hand came to life and latched onto his face “AW ****!”He fell over while trying to rip the paw off. Jackie walked over and grabbed both of his legs. She then shoved both of his feet inside her mouth. Jared was so preoccupied with the monkey paw on his face that he didn’ even notice as Jackie started to swallow down his legs, making her throat bulge out. After wrestling with it for about a minute, Jared finally ripped the paw off and tossed it across the room. “A! Eat it hand!”He then noticed something moist and warm on his lower half. He looked down and saw Jackie’ mouth crawling past his thighs and onto his waist “oly ****! What are you doing kid?!”He reached down and tried to push her head away, but his efforts didn’ even slow her down. Her belly bulged out several feet as she swallowed down his chest. “LEASE STOP!”He could feel her tongue rubbing his skin as she swallowed his neck. “OOO-”He was cut off as her lips closed around his head. With one final gulp, she sent the last of him down her throat. He traveled down her esophagus and splashed into her stomach. He wiggled around to get comfortable and looked around his environment. The stomach was very cramped, very wet and boiling hot. He kicked the stomach walls as hard as he could. “his is disgusting!”Then, stomach acid started to pour in and cover Jared. “EMME OUTTA HERE!”He hit the wall as hard as he could, but it only made Jackie burp. She started to rub her large, round, three foot belly. “ah, I think I’ good.”She waddled over to the center of the room and laid down on her soft bed. “ou teenagers are so delicious!” Will walked through door after door until entering into a large dining room. There was a table in the center of the room fitting over ten people with a fancy white cloth on it, a chandelier hanging above it and four large wooden chairs around the table. “reepy.”He walked over and sat down in one of the chairs. He then leaned back and put his feet up on the table. “ow, this is very comfy.”He took out his phone and took a selfie. “hat’ because it’ mine.” HH!”Will immediately jumped out of the chair and fell onto the floor. He looked up and saw a little boy standing over him. He had short brown hair, sparkling green eyes, fair skin and a black robe with purple trim and accents. “ho the heck are you?!” ’ the guy who’ chair you are sitting in. I hate people touching my stuff. And did you have to put your feet where I eat you big jerk?” hut up! You’e the one living in a spook house!” “e quiet you obnoxious blob.” “xcuse me?”Will stood up and got in his face, easily being twice his size. “nd what’ a short stack like you gonna do about it?” ven the playing field.”Ben lifted his hand up and his palm started to glow yellow. Will’ body started to glow as well. He took a step backwards. “hoa kid, what are you doing?”Will watched as everything around him started to grow bigger and bigger. Eventually, Will was only about an inch tall. “HAT DID YOU DO?!”Ben reached down and picked up the miniature Will. “y belly can’ stretch like my sisters, so I gotta be a bit creative.”He lifted the tiny man above his head and opened his mouth. “o, no, no, don’ you dare!”Ben let go of Will, making him fall into his mouth. “OOO-”Ben licked Will and swirled him around his mouth. After savouring the flavour, he swallowed. The flesh walls pressed down on Will as he plummeted down the throat. He entered into the stomach chamber and fell into a pile of chewed up pudding. “ross!”It looked like he was trapped in a massive flesh dungeon. He stood up and wiped himself off. “elp me! Anybody! Help!”He walked over and started punching the wall, not even making a bulge. Ben simply walked over to his chair and sat down. Wendy slowly wandered through the mansion, shaking with fear. She was on edge and was scared beyond reason. “-guys?! Where’ you all go?”She slowly opened a door and walked into what appeared to be an old kitchen. There were dozens of cabinets, shelves, utensils, a stone oven and in the center of the room was a countertop island with a large metal dish on top of it. She tiptoed forward and started going through drawers, hoping to find something sweet to calm her nerves. She found nothing but vegetables, fruit and a lot of potatoes. “ome on, not even a single chocolate bar?”She kept searching and found whipped cream and chocolate sauce. “ell, good enough.”Then, she started to feel incredibly hot. “eez, who turned up the heat?”She took off her sweatshirt and wiped her sweaty forehead. Suddenly the old stone fireplace lit a blaze. “H!”The heat from the fireplace made it become unbearably hot. She took off her t-shirt and jeans, leaving her in nothing but her white bra and panties. Even when she was half naked, it did nothing to make her feel cooler. “hat is going on?!”She then noticed a yellow light in the darkness. “-who’ there?! Show yourself!”The light moved forward, revealing it was coming from the hand of a little girl. She had long blonde hair that went past her shoulders and similarly had the same sparkling green eyes, fair skin and purple trimmed robe as the other two children. “ello there.” -who are you?” y name is Annie.” h, hello Annie. Why are you here in this creepy place?” live here.” o you know why it’ so hot?”She wiped her forehead again, this time noticing that her hand seemed to be melting. “HHH!!”She looked down at Annie. “re you doing this!?” es. Yes I am.”Wendy started to slowly back away. “re you the witch everyone talks about?!” “o, that’ my mom.”She moved back and climbed onto the island. “-stay away from me!”She grabbed a large spoon that was sitting in the metal bowl and started to frantically wave it in front of her. “hanks for making it easy for me.” hat do you mean easy?”Annie’ hand started to glow brighter and Wendy started to melt even faster. Her skin started to turn pure white and the spoon she was holding fell through her hand. “HAT’ HAPPENING TO ME?!”She fell back into the large metal dish as her legs gave way. Annie smiled and walked over to the melting girl. “his is your punishment for trespassing.”Annie reached into the semi solid semi liquid girl and ripped off her bra and panties. “hat…. Did…you…”Wendy’ voice cut off as her mouth disappeared, followed shortly by her eyes and ears. She could no longer see or hear the world, but she could still feel everything happening to her body. Annie started covering Wendy in the chocolate sauce and whipped cream. She then pulled out a cherry and put it on top, completing Wendy’ transformation into a giant ice cream sundae. “ime for dessert!”Annie picked up the spoon and started to enjoy her bowl of ice cream. She shoveled scoop after scoop of ice cream into her mouth. “MM!! This is SO good!”Her belly started to grow in size as she ate more ice cream. For Wendy, this was the strangest experience of her life. She could feel her body in the cold metal dish, inside Annie’ mouth getting swirled around by her tongue and getting melted in the boiling hot stomach all at the same time. After several minutes of eating Annie picked up the bowl and drank what was left, making her belly grow several feet in size. Annie then sat back and let out a loud burp. She started to rub her massive, soft belly. “ce cream is the best!” indy wandered through a hall of paintings, taking the occasional photo. Each one was a portrait of a different person. One of the paintings was of a brown haired woman in a forest holding a spear. Another was of three children dressed like witches. She stopped at one painting in particular. It was of a woman sitting on the swing outside the mansion. She appeared to be very tall, at least six feet, green hypnotic eyes that seemed to look into her soul, massive breasts as big as her head and white skin that made her look like an other worldly being. She wasn’ sure why but something about the painting wouldn’ let her look away. Eventually her phone rang, making her look down. The call was coming from Jared. She answered. “ey, where’ you guys go?” “indy! Help me. I-”The phone call dropped. “hat isn’ good.”She turned around and exited the hall of mirrors. She walked through the hallways until coming to a large metal door. “hat looks suspicious.”She grabbed the handle and pulled, not doing anything. “on’ touch that!”Cindy turned around and saw three children standing behind her. Annie, Jackie and Ben, the same children from the painting. Annie and Jackie both had three foot long bellies that somehow managed to be contained by their robes. “oly crap! What happened to you guys?” “hey enjoyed your friends.”said a mysterious voice from behind her. Cindy turned around right as the basement door opened, revealing the woman from the final painting. She stepped forward and looked down at her. “hat do you mean enjoy my friends?” hey ate them.” “-what?” “y name is Abigail and this is my mansion. You and your friends trespassed, so my children devoured them. And now, you are next.”Cindy knew she should’e felt horrified, yet the only thing she could think of was how beautiful the woman in front of her looked. “nd I’ next?”Abigail leaned forward and caressed Cindy’ cheek. “es, you are.” “hy aren’ I scared?” “ou are under my spell.” am?” es. Do you know what happens now?” hat?” am going to swallow you whole and digest your body into fat, making you a part of me forever. Do you want that?’ es! Yes I do!” hat’ a good little slave. First, strip.”Cindy did as she was told and stripped down naked. Abigail groped Cindy’ C cup breast. “mm, how delicious looking!” hank you…”Cindy lifted both of her arms up and Abigail opened her mouth. The three children lifted Cindy up to help her as she entered their mother’ mouth. Abigail suckled on her breasts, savouring the flavour. “o delicious!”After a few minutes she continued, gulping down her stomach. Her throat bulged out in the shape of Cindy’ face as she was swallowed. She came to Cindy’ meaty booty and started to suckle on it as well. Eventually, she continued and swallowed her waist. Her belly bulged out as Cindy entered into her stomach. The kids let go as Abigail slurped down her legs, sealing her fate. She then let out a mighty burp as the last of Cindy fell into her belly. “xcuse me.”Her three children then came forward and started to rub her big belly. Then, Cindy’ phone started to ring. Jackie picked it up. “ey guys?” eah?”Jackie pressed down on her belly until she spit up Jared’ phone. “o get the other two’ phones. I think I have an idea.” October 30th Hundreds of high schoolers from more than one school all piled into the old mansion. “s this the place?”One whispered. “here’ Jared?”One asked. “hat’ going on here?”One wondered. Then, three children stood on top of a table. “ello there! Can I have everyone’ attention?”Jackie said, using her glowing hand like a megaphone. Everyone stopped talking and looked over at them. “e would like to thank you all for coming to Jared’ party. Unfortunately, Jared has passed…into my bowels.”Annie and Ben both reached over and held up Jackie’ belly which was now barely a few inches long. The crowd all started to murmur and whisper. “on’ worry, he died deliciously. Just like all of you are about to be.”The three children all raised their hands and a yellow energy went over the crowd. The teenagers all screamed as they started to lose the ability to move and their skin turned brown. In less than a minute all the high schoolers in the crowd were turned into solid chocolate, their expressions of fear forever frozen onto their now delicious faces. “ear not, none of you will lose consciousness and will feel everything that happens to you.”Jackie turned to her siblings. “ome on guys, lets get everything ready.” alloween night Every child in town were all running to the same place, an old mansion at the end of the street. There Jackie, Annie and Ben were giving away entire chocolate people in small red waggons. A boy dressed like Mario was next in line. “rick or treat!”Jackie wheeled a chocolate cheerleader forward. “appy halloween. Next please!”A little girl dressed like a clown was next. “an I get the one that looks like my big brother?” f course!”They wheeled over the chocolate boy, making her squeal with joy. “sn’ giving back to the community so nice?”The three siblings all started to giggle as they gave the next trick or treater a chocolate teenager.
Daddy’ little girl 4: Thanksgiving It was the day before Thanksgiving on a cool autumn afternoon. Most of the guests had already come from across the country to stay with them for the next couple of days. Cynthia and Cameron had just returned to the house with more food like mashed potatoes, stuffing and corn on the cob. She took the keys out of the ignition and looked over at the eight year old girl next to her in the passenger seat. “o Cameron, I know that you don’ like meeting new people, but please try to get along. These people are gonna be a part of your family soon and they’e all really excited to meet you.” “ liked it better when it was just uncle Ken.”Cameron said with a pout. “ know, but could you please do it? For me at least? It would mean a lot to me. I promise they’l all be gone the day after tomorrow.” kay...” hank you so much. Just try to stay near me or Richard. If it becomes too much for you then just tell me and you can stay in my room for the day.”The two got out of the car and entered into the house. There, over a dozen people were standing in the living room talking. For Thanksgiving, normally only Richard’ little brother Kenny would come over. But with Richard and Cynthia’ engagement meant her family members came to visit too, and there were a lot of them. As soon as they walked in the door, a woman immediately noticed them and walked over. She looked a lot like Cynthia, only she was slightly taller, had longer hair and was a lot smaller in the “ssets”department. “ynthia!”The woman shouted while running over with her arms out. “andice!”The two women started to hug. The woman then noticed Cameron standing there. “h my! So this is the new daughter you told me so much about!”Cameron started to hide behind Cynthia’ legs. Cynthia looked back at her and put her hand on her shoulder. “ameron, this my big sister I told you about. Her name is Candice.”Candice then turned around and pulled over a little girl about the same age as Cameron. She was rather skinny and while she had the same dark brown hair as her mother and aunt, she had brown eyes instead of their sapphire blue. “his is Sarah. She’ going to be sleeping on an air mattress in your room.”Candice said with a smile. Sarah meanwhile stayed silent, not saying a word. Then, Richard walked over. “addy!”Cameron immediately ran into his arms. “ey princess! Welcome home.”He picked her up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He then stood up and gave Cynthia a kiss on the lips. “ey Richard, could you take these groceries to the kitchen for me? I’ gonna be talking with my sister for a while.” ure, no problem.”He grabbed the bags from Cynthia and started to walk away. Cameron glared back at her new aunt and cousin as Richard walked further and further away from them. Hours later It was very late at night and everyone was fast asleep in their rooms. Cameron was lying between Richard and Cynthia in their bed when she woke up from thirst. She climbed out of bed, put on one of her dad’ shirts and exited the bedroom. She tiptoed quietly down the hallway so she wouldn’ wake up any of the guests sleeping in the other rooms. As she was halfway down the stairs, she started to hear a strange sound. She stopped and listened in, hearing what sounded like chewing. She continued down the stairs and followed the sound into the kitchen. There, she could see light coming from the open fridge and the shadow of someone rummaging through it. She creeped slowly behind the fridge door, trying to sneak up on the food thief. She could hear who ever it was opening drawers and moving stuff around. She then jumped out from behind the door and shouted. “reeze!”The person in the fridge immediately jumped, hitting their head on a shelf and falling down. She approached the fallen food thief. There on the floor was her soon to be cousin Sarah, her face covered in crumbs and sauce. She was also only wearing a shirt and had a pot belly the side of a bowling ball poking out from under it. “arah?” -Don’ scare me like that!” hat are you doing here and why are you eating all our food?” was hungry.” “hat did you eat?” just ate a lot of food!” hat’ way more than just “ood.”Wait...”Cameron turned around and looked at the fridge, seeing ripped open bags and half eaten fruit all over the place and an entire shelf devoid of anything save an empty metal tin. “ou swallowed the turkey!” didn’!” es you did!” o I didn’!” “hen where is it?” hhh... I don’ know, okay!”Then, she clutched her stomach as it gave out a very loud growl. “ou’e still hungry after all that?” es. I always eat a lot, but I rarely seem to get full.”A long evil grin appeared on Cameron’ face. “ can help with that.” ou can?”Cameron nodded in response. “ollow me.”The two girls walked to the front door, put on some shoes and walked out the door. Sarah followed closely behind Cameron as they walked over to the house next door. A cool breeze blew across Sarah’ bare legs, making her shiver. “-C-Cameron! Shouldn’ we have put some p-p-pants on first before going outside?!” ants would only slow us down.” ’ freezing!” on’ worry, we’l be inside soon.” ut your house is the other way.” e’e going into the neighbor’ house.” hat?! Why are we going in there?!” ou are going to eat the neighbors.” HAT?!?” ou heard me.” can’ do that! No human can do that!” eat people all the time.” o way!” ook at this.”Cameron turned around and lifted up her oversized shirt, revealing her large butt covered by nothing but a small pink pair of panties. “his butt is made entirely out of people that anger me.” hoa...... can I touch it?” ater. Now let’ head inside.” ow? The door is locked.”Cameron walked over to one of her flower pots and reached into the dirt, pulling out a key. “ stole one of their keys a few weeks ago.” hy?” ecause they’e annoying and I knew I might get hungry one day.”Cameron unlocked the door to the neighbor’ house and the two girls stepped in. Inside, their living room was filled with Christmas decorations and had a very tall glowing Christmas tree in the corner of the room. Cameron scowled at the sight of it. “hristmas before Thanksgiving? Now they really deserve this.”The young girls crept up the stairs and entered into the room at the end of the hall. Inside two people were fast asleep in a king sized bed, a blonde woman and a large dark haired man, both appearing to be in their late 40’. Cameron brought Sarah to the end of the bed. “ow what?”Cameron pointed at the man’ feet and then at her mouth while opening and closing it like she was chewing. “’ still not sure it’l fit! My mouth can’ open that wide.”Cameron sighed before standing up and walking to the other end of the bed. She grabbed the sleeping woman’ head and shoved it into her mouth. Sarah’ eyes opened wide as her soon to be cousin’ throat bulged out in the shape of the woman’ head. Cameron quickly swallowed down the blonde’ shoulders and chest. The woman who was now awake started to wildly flail her legs around. The woman’ struggle didn’ seem to slow Cameron down one bit as she swallowed down the rest of her torso. Her belly started to bulge out as the woman’ head entered into her stomach. Cameron lifted her head back to let gravity help her as she gulped down her waist and started to swallow her legs. Cameron’ belly then ballooned out as the woman curled up in her belly. Soon she gulped down her feet, sending the rest of the woman down her esophagus. Cameron’ round belly was now very large, sticking out by about three and a half feet from her tiny body and hung a few inches above the ground. Her shirt couldn’ even cover half of it. The woman inside continued to struggle and kick, causing little bulges to appear and making Cameron burp. “asy.”Cameron said with a smile. Sarah meanwhile was in total awe. Up until now she didn’ truly believe Cameron’ stories, but now she’ seen it for herself. She slowly approached the titanic tummy, it easily being twice her size. She put her hand on it, feeling the woman trying to escape. “hat’.... incredible!” “ow, it’ your turn.”Sarah gulped before turning to the sleeping man on the bed. Cameron waddled over to her and gave her a supportive pat on the shoulder. “ou can do it!”Sarah took a very deep breath as she moved the blanket and picked up one of the man’ feet. The foot was covered in calluses and dead skin. She closed her eyes and shoved it into her mouth. She then opened her eyes and started to slowly lick the foot, savoring the flavor. It tasted like a cross between beef and venison, only much much tastier. She then grabbed the other foot and shoved it into her mouth as well. After having her fill of the feet, she started to swallow his ankles down. Her throat bulged out as his feet entered the top of her esophagus. She quickly gulped down his shins and knees, enjoying every inch of it. Then, the man started to wake up as he felt something wet on his thighs. “gh. What’ touching me?”He leaned forward and looked at the foot of his bed, seeing Sarah eating him alive. “HAT ARE YOU DOING?!”He started shaking his legs around and tried to push her off with his hands. “ET OFF ME!”Cameron quickly got onto the bed and started to restrain the man, preventing him from hitting Sarah. “et go of me brat! How are you so strong?!”Sarah continued by gulping down his waist. Her belly grew in size as the man’ legs entered into her stomach. Her mouth creeped up the man’ stomach and reached his bare chest. She stopped for a little bit to lick it before continuing her feast. Her belly grew bigger and bigger in size as his chest and shoulders were pulled into her gaping maw. Cameron let go of his arms, knowing he couldn’ do anything now. The man screamed loudly and squirmed as Sarah got closer and closer to his face. “LEASE! NO!”Soon, her tongue started to lick around his head once it was the only thing left. He screamed out in fear as her lips closed around his head. Her tongue licked all around his face, getting even a bit of flavor out of him that she could. After a few minutes of licking, she leaned her head back and gulped down his head, sealing his fate. Her throat bulged out in the vague shape of his face as the last of him traveled down her esophagus and landed into her stomach. Sarah let out a very loud burp and fell back onto the bed. Her belly was very big and heavy, sticking out four feet from her body and had little bulges appearing from the man’ struggles to try to get free. “ou did it! Your first meal!”Cameron went over to Sarah and started to rub her big squirming belly, it easily being three times her size. “h, that feels goooooood.”She moaned. From the feeling of being full and the soothing belly rubs she received, Sarah started to doze off and eventually fell asleep, unaware of the gurgles emanating from her stomach. The next day Sarah woke up feeling refreshed and energized. She opened her eyes and looked around, realizing that not only she was back in Cameron’ house but she was also laying in her bed. She looked to her right and saw Cameron seemingly fast asleep right next to her. “id that really happen last night?”She lifted up the blanket and saw that her belly was now mostly flat, save for a small bulge above her crotch. “aybe it was just a dream.”She then slid out of bed and stood up, immediately noticing that something felt off. She walked over to Cameron’ full body mirror hanging on the wall and turned around. Her underwear was completely ruined. It was stretched out and had several tears across it. “hat happened to me?!” ou grew.” EP!”Sarah jumped at the sudden voice. She looked over at the bed and saw Cameron now sitting up. She climbed out of the bed and walked over to Sarah. “he guy you ate got digested in your sleep and you turned him into fat. Look.”She reached down and grabbed Sarah’ butt, which was now about two inches bigger in size. “hoa...”Sarah stared at her butt in complete awe. She then moved up and down, making it jiggle. “ehe.”She then grabbed her butt cheeks and started moving them around, like a toddler playing with new toys. “his. Is. Awesome!” eah, but not as awesome as mine.”Cameron then turned around and put her butt side by side to Sarah’, completely dwarfing it in size. Even with the added fat, Sarah couldn’ even hold a candle to Cameron’ meaty booty. “ow! How many people have you eaten?” “unno. Never counted.” “ou’e amazing!”The comment made Cameron grin with pride. “ome on, there’ one last thing we must do.”Cameron and Sarah left the bedroom and quietly walked down the stairs, trying not to alert any of the sleeping grown ups. The two girls went out the back door into the yard and Cameron started digging into the dirt. “m, what are you doing?” aking a toilet.” ...What?”Cameron dug several feet into the ground before stopping. She then moved back, revealing several skulls hidden in the dirt. “ou’e eaten a big meal, now it’ time to release it.”Cameron walked over the whole, pulled down her panties and squatted over it. Sarah took off the shred panties she was wearing and squatted next to Cameron. They both started to poop into the hole. After a bit, she felt something large get stuck in her butthole. She strained for a few seconds until she managed to push it out. She looked between her legs and saw a bleached white skull sitting on a pile of fresh crap she just made. The sight made her finally realize what she truly had done. She had consumed another human being. She had dissolved an entire man alive and turned him into feces. The butt she was playing with earlier was made out of that man. He is a part of her now forever. Every time she sits down, it would him cushioning her. Every time she poops, it will pass through him, including his own digested body a second ago. Rather than be horrified by this realization, Sarah felt empowered. She felt better than she’ ever felt before! She then stood up and looked back at her handiwork with a smile. “o Cameron, now what?” “ou fill in the hole with dirt while I’l be right back.”Cameron handed her the trowel before heading inside. After a few minutes Sarah had completely covered the hole in dirt, leaving no trace of the former meals. Sarah then stood up and turned around, seeing Cynthia standing behind her. “H!”Sarah jumped back in surprise. “-Auntie!” ood morning.”She then noticed Cameron standing behind her. “ameron! Why’ you bring her?!” alm down. She’ fine.” ho do you think carried you back to the house last night?”Cynthia said with a smile. “h.... so what are we doing now?” ell, firstly I gotta get a new turkey. Luckily I know a butcher who can get us a fresh one. Then I gotta buy you new sets of underwear so your mother doesn’ get suspicious. Hopefully we can do it all before lunch. Calm on, let’ head inside before someone sees you.”Sarah started to blush as she realized she was standing completely naked in her aunt’ backyard. They all went inside and Sarah went into the bedroom to get dressed. She put on a pink sweater and pair of jeans, which felt much tighter than they did yesterday. She went downstairs where Cameron and Cynthia were waiting for her and the three then went outside and got into the car. “ey Cynthia?” es Cammy?” an I go inside for the trip?” ure sweetie.”Cameron smiled while getting out of the car. She ran around to the driver side while Cynthia pushed her chair back. “nside?”Sarah asked. “nside where?” “nside my womb.” hat?!”The answer left Sarah feeling more confused. Cameron then got into the driver’ side and closed the door. Cynthia pulled down her pants, revealing her vagina. Cameron then moved down and pushed her head inside of it. “hoa!”Sarah watched in awe as Cameron climbed inside of her aunt. Cynthia let out a small moan as Cameron’ shoulders and chest entered. She then let out a louder moan from Cameron’ waist and hips moving through her lower lips. As Cameron got deeper, her feet left the ground meaning she couldn’ push anymore. Cynthia grabbed Cameron by her little feet and started pushing her in. Her belly grew bigger and bigger as more entered. Soon, only Cameron’ little toes were still visible. With one last clinch, her toes were sucked inside, disappearing from the outside world. Cynthia’ belly was now large and round, resembling a pregnant woman overdue with twins. Sarah leaned over into the front row to get a better view. “re you impressed?” eah I am!” o you want to feel it?” es!”Sarah ran over it with her hand, feeling Cameron’ curled up body inside. “hoa. Is it comfy in there?” “ameron seems to think so. She jumps at every chance she gets to be in my womb. I think she considers it like a second home.”Cynthia started to lovingly rub her belly. “h.... can I join her?” ormally I’ say yes but I think it’l be pushing it.” ushing what?” ameron. She’ very possessive, especially with me and Richard. She’ already upset about all the people in the house. She might lose it if someone intrudes on her “rivate space” ya know what I mean?” h, I get it. She thinks I’ annoying.” ctually, she really seems to like you.” eally?” eah. I’e never seen her act like this before. When she woke me up, I was scared she lost her temper and ate one of you guys. Instead she not only told someone about vore, but also taught them how to do it and cared enough to carry them home so they don’ get caught. She normally acts so shy and quiet around others. It seems like you’e brought out the best in her.”Sarah started to blush. “hanks.” ow come on, let's go shopping.”Cynthia started the engine and drove away. On the inside, Cameron was laying down on her side, listening to the rhythmic heartbeat above her and thinking about what Cynthia had said about her. An hour later Candice woke up feeling tired and groggy. She hated sleeping on an air mattress and needed her morning coffee before she could do anything. She slowly walked down the hallway before stopping at Cameron’ bedroom, noticing no one inside. She then quickly walked down the stairs and saw Richard in the living room doing morning exercise. “ichard, have you seen my daughter?” arah? Yeah. She, Cameron and Cynthia went out to get more supplies. They’l be back before lunch.” h no, I hope she doesn’ cause any trouble. She has a habit of sneaking down and eating food at night.” he’ fine. Actually, she and Cameron really hit it off.” eally?” eah. Cynthia even saw them sleeping in the same bed.” “hat’ wonderful! Sarah’ always so shy.” eah, Cameron too. She only ever talks to me and Cynthia. We were starting to get worried. I’ so glad they’e getting along.”Candice then headed to the kitchen to get her coffee while Richard continued to do his exercises, both completely unaware of what their daughters had done.
Backstage pAsses Two fourteen year old best friends Eddie and Sam were standing together in line to get tickets to their favorite rock band, The stomach. They had been saving up their money for months to get these tickets and tonight, they’ finally get to see the band. And after waiting in line all day, they were finally standing in front of the ticket booth. “wo tickets please!” orry kids, sold out.” hat?!” e’e sold out. No more tickets.” re you serious?! You gotta be joking!” aybe you shouldn't have waited til the last day to buy them.”The clerk closed the ticket counter. The two friends then walked away distraught. They wandered into the alleyway behind the concert building. “ang it! We freakin missed it!” know! I spent so much time cutting grass for nothing!”He went over and kicked over a trash can. “top hitting stuff.” “ell I’ angry!”He then went over and started hitting an empty dumpster, punching and kicking it like it stole his wallet. Suddenly, they heard a feminine voice behind them say, “’e got ten bucks on the dumpster.”They both turned around and saw a young blue haired woman leaning on the ramp railing leading up to the backdoor. She was wearing a purple leather jacket, a black skirt and black leggings. They immediately recognized her as Lance, the lead guitarist of their favorite band. “-lance!”They both jumped back in surprise. “-what are you doing here?!” ust getting a bit a fresh air before the show starts. What are you two blokes doing back here picking fights with the waste bin?” h, uh, we, we were just mad about missing out on the concert.” nd why are ya missing it?” ecause it took us all week to get enough money and we just missed out on getting them in line.” eah, sounds like a crying shame.” m...c-could you? I mean, m-may y-you-“ ive you free tickets?” es! I mean-no! I mean-uh”He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the cash they were going to use on the tickets. “e will pay for it. I mean-if you could please give us some. Please. Sorry.”His voice trembled with fear. “ell I’ love to kid, but I can’.”She jumped over the railing and landed in front of them. She was much taller than either of them by at least two whole feet. “he seats are all gone and the back stage is full.”The two boys sunk down in sadness. “h, okay. We understand.”Just as they were about to walk away, Lance reached over and grabbed both of their shoulders. “ellllllll, there is another way I can smuggle you two in.”Both their faces suddenly lit up like Christmas trees. “eally!? What?!” “ can anal vore you.” .....What?” nal vore.” hat’ anal vore?” t's where you climb into my bum so I can smuggle you guys into the concert.”Eddie’ face turned bright red. “nto your butt?!” eah. Sounds pretty cool, right?” -yeah! Sounds grea-“Before Eddie could finish his sentence, Sam cut him off and pulled him into a huddle. “ddie, are you sure about this? This sounds kinda fishy.” ur idol is asking us to enter her butt and you’e complaining?” “t sounds like a trick!” ome on dude. This is freakin Lance! The greatest person on the planet. She isn’ going to trick us, there’ be no reason. I mean, what could she gain by taking two fourteen year old geeks in the butt?” “mm, I guess you’e right.”They looked back over at Lance. “kay Lance, we’l take the deal!” xcellent!”She reached under her skirt and slid down her neon green panties, lifting one foot after the other before tossing her undies off to the side. She then turned around and lifted up the back of her skirt, revealing her bare behind to the two teenage boys. Their faces instantly turned red and Sam almost fell over from pure shock. They both stood there mesmerized like deers in the headlights at the mere sight of her naked buttocks. She leaned forward while arching her back and grabbing onto the railing. “o boys, what’ taking so long? I’ waiiiitttting!”She shook her butt back and forth a bit to emphasize her last word. Eddie and Sam were snapped back into reality. They looked at each other before each taking a step forward. “ou can go first.”Sam nodded and approached the guitarist. “o uh, what should I do?” ust put both of your hands inside, spread it open and slowly climb in.” ou sure this will work?” f course! I’e done it plenty of times.”Sam gulped before putting his hands together and pushing them into her anus. Lance let out a tiny noise as he did. He lowered his head and pushed it in as well. His head and shoulders disappeared as he started walking forward. While this was happening, a small bulge appeared in the bottom of Lance’ stomach. Sam went in past his chest and stomach before stopping at his waist, due to the fact that his feet couldn’ touch the floor anymore. “h, Lance? I’ stuck.” o problem. ER-“She strained for a second as she clinched her anus, quickly pulling her young fan inside. His hip, thighs and knees were all sucked inside in an instant, making her belly grow even bigger. Eddie watched as Lance’ anus closed as Sam was fully pulled in. Lance let out an audible moan as she finished Sam. She started to slowly rub her massive belly before she turned and looked over at Eddie. “ou coming love?”Eddie looked in awe at the giant belly hanging off of Lance. “ove? Hey? You wake over there?” “h! Sorry, I’ coming.”He quickly scurried over to Lance. He then looked down at the anus waiting before him. He had fantasized about going inside of it dozens upon dozens of times, but this wasn’ exactly what he had in mind. He took a big gulp before moving forward and shoving his entire head inside in one go, making her loudly gasp. He couldn’ see anymore after his head entered Lance. It was pitch black and slightly wet inside. He walked forward, going deeper and deeper inside the anus. His shoulders and chest were pulled in, allowing him to move his arms around. He grabbed onto one of the walls to pull himself in better. It felt very warm, wet and slimy. Then, Lance clenched, lifting his feet off the ground and sucking him inside. In a matter of seconds his legs were pulled inside and her anus closed around his shoes, sealing his fate. He traveled down a long, dark tunnel until bumping into something. “atch it!” am?” eah, it’ me.” can’ believe it. We’e actually inside Lance!” know right?!” ou two alright down there?”Lance asked. Her voice was very loud and it sounded like it was coming from all around them. “e’e alright down here!” ood.”Everything around Sam and Eddie started to shake as Lance grabbed onto her giant belly and started pushing down on it. “hat is happening?!”The two teenagers were separated as the muscles around them started to move and push them. After getting tossed around like a rag doll for over a minute, everything finally stopped moving. As Eddie started to calm down, he realized how soft the area under him was. He looked around and noticed a little bit of light coming from one of the walls in front of him. After a couple of seconds of thinking, he realized he must be inside one of her butt cheeks. Then, everything shook as Lance stood straight up. On the outside, Lance wiped off her shirt and adjusted her skirt. Her massive belly was gone, replaced by two massive butt cheeks that couldn’ be contained by her skirt. She walked back into the building and headed to her dressing room, not caring how many crew members got a nice full look at her butt. She entered into the band’ dressing room, where Cherry, the drummer was getting dressed. She had long blonde hair, large breasts, a slim waist and was wearing a blue jean vest. “bout time you showed up Lance!” ust fashionably late as always.” nd what’ going on back there?”She walked over to the guitarist. While Cherry stood at 5 foot 10 inches, she seemed tiny compared to the Amazon known as Lance. “h, that? Just two fan boys that couldn’ get a ticket in time. They would’e done anything I told em to do. It’ hilarious.” ey, how’ about after the show me and Johnny help you break in the new bum.” ounds like a bloody good time.”The two band members got dressed and headed on stage. For the next six hours straight, Sam and Eddie were tossed around and shaken up and down as Lance rocked out on stage. Thankfully, the band took a brief intermission. The tired and sweaty Lance walked back stage and grabbed a water before sitting down, squishing Sam and Eddie. “ey!” uh? Who said that?” t’ me! Your fan Eddie!” h, I forgot about you down there.” ould you please let us out? This is very tiring and I’ like to get a drink please.”Lance started to laugh like a mad man. “hh, what’ so funny?” ow stupid you are, that’ what’ funny.” ’ not stupid!” ou are if you think you’e leaving here alive.” -what?!” id you seriously think I was gonna let you out?” es! Yes I did!” ullible dummy.” et me out!”He kicked the wall as hard as he could, ultimately doing nothing. “a! You’e a riot!” am! Help me kick!....... Sam?” t looks like your friend has already started to transform.” ransform into what?!” nto a sandwich, what do you think idiot?! He’ becoming part of my bum, just like you’e gonna be.” OOO!”Eddie kicked and screamed as Lance stood up and went back on stage. Over the course of several hours, Eddie’ conciseness slowly faded away as he became one with Lance. The next day Light shined in through the window, falling on Lance’ face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was currently in the back of the band’ bus laying in her bed. Johnny, the largest rodie in their crew on her left and Cherry on her right, both naked and snuggling up against her. She slowly wiggled out from between them and walked into the bathroom. She examined herself in the mirror while fondling her new bigger butt. "Thank you boys. I hoped you enjoyed your backstage experience.”
Resident E-Vore: Lisa’ new mother Jill Valentine was a part of a highly trained special police unit known as S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics And Rescue Service). Her unit was sent to the forest outside of Raccoon City due to a series of cannibalistic murders happening in the area. Jill’ team was attacked by a pack of zombified dogs and became separated in the carnage, each seeking refuge inside the nearby Spencer mansion. They are now trapped inside with undead creatures and monstrous animals wandering the halls. During her search for any living STARS agents, Jill found an old wooden cabin at the end of a fenced path not far from the mansion. Upon stepping inside the cabin, the first thing Jill noticed was the smell of old mildew. Whatever this place was, it definitely was old. The entrance to the cabin was filled with gardening equipment and every wall and object inside was absolutely covered in spider webs. She walked around the corner and entered a different room with a roaring fire. Sitting next to the fire place was a large pile of fresh firewood, meaning someone must’e brought it here recently. She continued on, going up a small flight of stairs and entering into another room. This room was much smaller than the others, only containing an old crude bed and a desk. On the desk was a pile of paperwork and photos, an old typewriter, and a small mirror. Jill picked up the mirror and examined her reflection. She had short brown hair, blue eyes and wore a beret as a part of her police uniform. Then, she heard the sound of the cabin door slamming shut followed by a woman moaning and metal chains getting dragged on the floor. “hhhhhhhh.”Jill put down the mirror and pulled out her hand gun. She turned and slowly exited the room. She walked past the fireplace and got close to the door. She walked through it and was immediately struck on the head with something hard and wooden, making her drop her gun and fall to the floor. The creature that hit her then picked her up and threw her over its shoulder. Jill was dazed and couldn’ fight back. It walked into the last room and opened a secret door. It slowly walked down a hallway before carrying her down a ladder. The creature then dropped her onto the floor and walked somewhere else. Jill reached into her pocket and pulled out a small cloth filled with crushed up green and red herbs. She poured it into her mouth and swallowed it. Soon her head stopped hurting and she could finally look around and take in her surroundings. She was currently in a small bedroom with brick walls, most likely underground. The room was filled with dozens of candles on various tables, shelves with books on the wall above the bed, a large painting hanging on the wall, a desk and server table both covered in framed photos of a family and finally the bed itself which was covered in almost a dozen pillows of various shapes and sizes. On one side of the room was a ladder, most likely the one she came from and on the other was an open doorway. “ need to get out of here.”She thought to herself. Just as she was about to start climbing up the ladder, she heard the same sound of moaning and chains coming from the doorway. She turned and saw the creature that attacked her slowly enter the room. The creature was a human woman, or at least it used to be. She was very tall, at least seven feet high if it wasn’ for the fact that she was hunched over. She had long distorted arms and legs that were covered in scars and trapped in shackles and a pillory. She was wearing an old ripped up hospital gown that was exposing her protruding spine and emancipated ribs. Finally was her head and shoulders which were covered in a giant mask made of cut off and sewn together human faces. The only part of her actual head that could be seen underneath was her milky white left eye and her long grey hair that went down to her chest. Upon seeing that Jill was alive, the creature immediately started sprinting at her while groaning. “EHHHH!” isa, stop!”The creature immediately stopped in its tracks and stared at her, shocked at the mention of that name. Jill then reached into her pocket and pulled out a small photo depicting a man, woman and little girl, the very same family from the framed photos on the wall. “ou are Lisa Trevor, right? Your family was kidnapped and experimented on here.”Jill had found a journal earlier in the mansion written by Lisa’ father describing what had happened to them. The creature let out a loud groan, seemingly confirming her identity. Jill slowly approached Lisa while taking out her lock pick from one of her pouches. “ can take those restraints off of you, but only if you let me.”Lisa only looked up at her in response. "Just try to stay calm.”Jill got on one knee and picked the lock of the pillory. It opened and she tossed the hunk of wood aside. Lisa had worn the pillory for so long that there were small indents on her wrists from where it was. Lisa started to rub her now freed wrists. Jill next went lower and undid both of the rusty shackles around her ankles, letting them drop to the ground. Now fully freed, Lisa grabbed Jill with both hands and tackled her onto the bed. Jill braced herself, expecting to feel a set of dull teeth tear into her stomach and rip everything out. Instead, Lisa wrapped her arms around her and started to nuzzle her head on Jill’ chest. “h...”She started to rub Lisa’ back with her right hand trying to comfort her. “t’ ok. Everything’ alright now.”With her left hand, she slowly grabbed the mask made of human faces and started to pull it off. She started very slow to see what Lisa would do. After Lisa didn’ seem to mind, Jill pulled the whole thing off and tossed it to the side. Lisa’ head and face were now fully revealed. Her head was so thin and boney, it looked more like a skeleton with a thin layer of grey skin draped over it than a real living human head. “h, you poor girl. What have they done to you?”She said as she lightly rubbed Lisa’ head. “o...ther....” uh?”Lisa reached down and pulled off Jill’ pants. “ey! What are you-” ome....”Lisa then ripped off Jill’ underwear. “isa, wait-“Jill was cut off as Lisa plunged her head deep into Jill’ vagina, making her let out a loud moan and clutch the bed sheets. Lisa pushed herself in further, getting her shoulders and chest inside and making Jill’ belly grow big and poke out from under her shirt. It grew bigger and bigger in size as more entered the womb. Jill meanwhile was completely powerless to stop her as Lisa’ hips and thighs entered into her body. She could barely see what was in front of her as her belly expanded. Soon enough, Lisa’ feet were entered into Jill and her womb closed up. Her belly thrashed around and moved for a minute as Lisa got comfortable. Jill let out a sigh of relief that it was over and that her stomach didn’ pop open like a water balloon. Once she finally got her bearings, she looked down at herself. Her stomach was absolutely massive, sticking out by about five or six feet out and easily being over twice the size of the rest of her body. It was so big that Jill couldn’ see anything in the room besides from the wall and ladder behind her, which she definitely couldn’ climb up now. She wiggled her legs trying to get them out from underneath her titanic tummy, but to no avail. She then pushed her hand under her butt and managed to pull out a hand radio from her back pocket. “ello? Hello? Does anybody hear me? Barry? Chris? Anyone?! Stupid thing.”She tossed the useless radio onto one of the tables. “reat. I’ pinned down and without a weapon to defend myself.”She then started to rub her belly, feeling the slight outline of Lisa within it. Although she wouldn’ admit it, it felt really good and the unbirthing process was one of the most pleasurable things she’ ever experienced. Suddenly, tentacles sprouted from Lisa’ body and attached themself to the walls of Jill’ womb. It immediately made Jill feel incredibly tired. “ghhh.....I’ sure a small nap..... will ..be.. fine....”Jill feel into a deep sleep while unconsciously rubbing her oversized belly. Hours later “ill? Jill? Jill!” “uh?”Jill sat up in bed as somebody shook her awake. As her vision slowly came back, she saw her teammate Barry standing above her. “arry? What happened?” don’ know. I saw your gun on the floor of the cabin and got worried. I found the ladder in the back and I kept going till I found you.” adder...”Her eyes opened wide as she realized where she was and remembered what happened. She looked down at herself and saw that her belly was almost gone. It now was about the size of a 5 month pregnancy. Her breasts meanwhile had grown, going up by about two and a half cups sizes and stretched out her shirt. She touched them and noticed that they were leaking milk. “h, Jill, you might wanna put these on.”She looked over and saw Barry holding up a pair of pants while starting up at the ceiling. Jill looked down and saw that she was naked from the waist down. There was also Lisa’ hospital gown laying in a puddle in front of her, most likely pushed out while she was regressing. “h. Thanks Barry.”She said with her face red. She grabbed her pants and slipped them on. “o, you wanna tell me what the heck happened to you?” “ater. I’e wasted enough time as it is. We’e gotta find the rest of the team.” ot it.”Barry handed her her gun before turning and climbing up the ladder. Jill looked down and rubbed her belly, feeling the outline of something within it. She smiled before grabbing her radio from the table and followed Barry up the ladder.
The Purple medallion (warning, read description) It was a cool Friday afternoon. A teenager named Dylan was walking through the neighborhood on his way back from school. He could’e taken the bus home, but he enjoyed taking the scenic route. Then, something shiny had caught his eye. He looked down and saw something reflective in a bush. He reached into it and pulled out a small purple medallion. The medallion was about the size of his hand, was made of some type of purple gemstone and had the shape of a brain engraved on both sides of it. “uh. I don’ remember seeing this last time I was here.”He slipped the medallion into his pocket before continuing down the sidewalk. Back at home, Dylan was up in his bedroom examining the medallion under his microscope at his desk. “ don’ think it's made of amethyst or sugilite. What the heck is this thing?”He then noticed heavy breathing on the back of his neck. He turned around and saw his older sister Bethany standing less than an inch away from the back of his head, making him jump back in surprise. “ethany! Can you stop sneaking up on me! It’ not funny!” “ou always make it way too easy Dylan.” “ust because it’ easy doesn’ mean you should do it!”Bethany was a fairly tall girl with long dark brown hair, a large chest and cute bubble butt. “o is that some dumb anime thing, or something from Lord of the rings?” either. I found it on my walk home from school.” “hat sounds cool. I wanna see it!” o. You can’ touch.” “hy not?!” ecause it’ mine.” emme see! Lemme see!”She reached for the medallion, but he pushed her away. “o. You’e gonna break it or get it all dirty.” “ome on! Just for a second.” o means no.”He turned back around and continued to examine the rock. Bethany then leaned right next to Dylan’ head and whispered. “ wanna see it.” o!”He pushed her back again. “an I just see the dumb rock?” “o! Can you please just stand there and be quiet for once in your life?!”He took a very deep breath trying to calm down before putting the medallion back under the microscope. Then, he noticed how quiet it suddenly got. He turned around and saw Bethany standing there frozen in place like a statue, her eyes completely lifeless. “hh, Beth?”He stood up and walked over to her. “eth? Hey, Beth?”He shook her shoulders trying to get a response, but to no avail. He then looked down at the purple medallion in his hand. He thought for a moment before speaking. “ethany, sit down.”Bethany then sat down on the floor. “hoa! Bethany stand up.”Bethany then stood back up. “his medallion... can control people’ minds! Uh, jump up.”Bethany then jumped up, her boobs jiggling as she landed. “hoa..... Bethany, do jumping jacks.”Bethany did as she was told and started to do jumping jacks. His eyes were glued to her chest as it bounced around. He then walked over and poked his head outside of his bedroom door, checking to see if anyone was around before closing it. “ake off your shirt.”Bethany took off her black t-shirt and dropped it, leaving her in her lacy rblack bra. “mush your boobs against my face.”Bethany walked over to her little brother, grabbed her boobs and pushed them into his face. Dylan always dreamed of merely touching his sister’ breasts, but now he was getting motorboated by them! He stood there as his face was smushed and moved back and forth by her large boobs. “top.”She stopped in place, her boobs still in hand. Then, he walked over to the bed and laid down on it, sliding his pants off. “kay Beth, give me anal!”He felt his heart nearly stop from beating too fast as he asked the question. Without saying a word, Bethany took off her shorts and got on the bed. She crawled up the bed and moved above his crotch. She then went down, forcing his shaft into her anus. He loudly moaned as he entered into his sister. He had never felt such pleasure before. Masterbating couldn’ even hold a candle to this. She then went up and down his manhood, making his mind go numb. He quickly came, ejaculating inside his sister’ rectum. He panted as he slowly pulled out of his sister, seeing the cum drip out. Then he looked up at his sister’ blank emotionless face. That wasn’ the face of someone who just had sex, it was the face of a mannequin. It made their act feel fake and one sided, as if she was asleep. He was actually starting to miss her wild and bubbly personality. “mm.... I want you Bethany, to turn back into the exact same person you were before, your real self, but now you are madly in love with me and orgasm every time we have sex.”As soon as he said that, she sprung back to life. “an I just see the dumb rock? It’ not like I’ gonna... Wait-“She looked down at her naked body and immediately covered herself with her hands while blushing. “-what is going on here?!” ou finally admitted you were in love with me.” -I did?”He suddenly got very nervous, hoping she’ play along. “-yeah. Remember?”She put her hand on her forehead. “h yeah. I did. I can’ believe I forgot. I think I might’e just blacked out for a second.”He let out a sigh of relief. She smiled and got onto her hands and knees. She crawled on top of him, her breasts hanging over his face. “hoa.” ike what you see?” ery much.” “t’ gonna get even better pretty soon.”He started to blush. She wrapped her legs around his own and leaned down to kiss him. Then, the bedroom door opened up and their Mother walked into the room. “ey Dylan, I did your laundry-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” rap.”Beth quickly hid under the covers. “ CAN’ BELIEVE-“ top!”His mother immediately stopped as Dylan used the power of the medallion on her. “tep in and close the door.”She did as she was told, closing the door and approaching the bed. Bethany looked at her brother in amazement. “ow are you doing that?”She asked. “t’ this stone. I can use it to control people’ bodies.” hoa.” ake off your clothes mom.”She did as she was told, striping off her shirt and pants leaving her in nothing but her matching set of red bra and panties. “ll of it.”She took off her bra, making her large G cup breasts drop freely. Then she slipped off her panties, revealing her recently shaved vagina. “o jumping jacks.”She did as she was told, her breasts bouncing around as she jumped. “ey bro, I have an idea.” hat?” t’ a surprise. I just need to control mom.” ou just want to take the stone!” o, I promise that I’ doing it for you.” mm.”She leaned forward and kissed Dylan on the lips. They remained like that for a full minute before she pulled back. “k.”He handed her the stone. She stood up and looked at their mother. “ollow me mom.”She and their mother left the room, leaving Dylan laying naked in his bed. After waiting for almost ten minutes, he started to regret giving Bethany the medallion. What if she was telling their dad what was happening? What if she left the house and was using it on random people? What if she called 911 on him and police are on route to arrest him? A million different possibilities all went through his head and all of them ended very badly for him. “hhhh Dylannnn.”He was pulled back to reality by his sister’ sweet voice coming from behind the door. “es?” e’e readyyyy.”Then, Bethany and their mother walked back into the room sporting large squirming bellies almost as big as they were. Large hands prints and movements could be seen through the skin. “hat did you do?!” ate dad while mom ate Ronnie.” -how? Why?” ecause Dylan, you never sign out of your accounts on the computer.”He started to blush, realizing that his sister had already known all about his secret fetishes. She slowly walked over to the bed, her belly subtlety bouncing with each of her steps. “ou ready to live out your dream?” -yeah.”He reached out and rubbed her belly, feeling the struggles of their father as he tried to escape. His hard erection made the blanket raise up. “om, ride him.”Their mom got onto the bed and sat down on his manhood, making him groan. Bethany then got onto the bed and sat on her younger brother’ face. She moaned as he started to eat her out. Dylan was in complete heaven as his mother bounced up and down on his manhood while his big sister wiggled her hips on his face. Eventually, she squirted all over his face while he blew a load into their mother’ fertile womb. He panted as his family members climbed off of him. “ey *pant* Dylan?” eah *pant* Beth?” got one last idea.” o *pant* ahead.” ome on mom, it’ time.”His mother and sister crawled into the center of his bed. Then, their mother shoved her head into her daughter’ butthole. “HOA!”Bethany loudly moaned as her mother pushed herself deeper into her anus. “kay Dylan *pant*, stick it in her.”Dylan did as he was told and shoved his shaft into his own mother’ anus. He then thrusted forward, making his mom go slightly deeper into Bethany. He went wild humping his mother, her body disappearing more and more with every thrust. Bethany clutched the bed frame, almost unable to take the pleasure. Her belly started to become even bigger as more of her mom came in. Their mother’ large breasts disappeared inside of Bethany, but then they hit the road block known as Ronnie. The belly size caused by their brother was very big and didn’ want to go into Bethany as easily as the boobs did. Dylan reached over and opened Bethany’ anus with his hands, stretching it out by several feet. He then lifted the squirming belly up and shoved it inside. After a few minutes of work Ronnie was completely in, leaving their mother’ waist outside. He then grabbed both of his mother’ legs and pushed them in too. Eventually, nothing but her butt and vagina was sticking out of her daughter, like some kind of fleshy double gloryhole. He then continued, thrusting his shaft back in. Soon he pushed the rest of her in using the power of his thrusts. Now his manhood was inside both his sister’ and mother’ anuses at the same time. Bethany loudly moaned as she orgasmed. Loving the sounds of his sister Dylan also came, filling up his mother’ rectum with his load. He pulled out of his sister, his penis covered with trace amounts of jizz. The next day Dylan woke up as light shined into the room. He smiled as he recalled the most wonderful dream he had the night before. He had found a magic medallion and used it to have sex with his family members. He then noticed the weight he felt on his chest. He looked down and saw his sister Bethany under the blanket with him, her head resting on his chest like a pillow. “H!”His loud yell made his sister jump up in surprise. “H! What is it?! What’ wrong?!”He then realized that she was completely naked, her bare breasts out for the world to see. “t was real?” uh?” “ast night really happened?” f course it did.”She then stood up, revealing her belly once filled with the rest of their family now only resembled a seventh month pregnancy bump. She then held up her breasts. They had increased by about three cup sizes. She pressed them onto Dylan’ chest. He then reached back and groped her butt, feeling the extra inches of fat added to it. “o, wanna spend the whole day in bed together?” “orry but I gotta go to school.” “hat?! You wanna do schoolwork instead of me?!”Her face was filled with disappointment. “h no, I’ not going for school work.” uh? What do you mean?” have something else in mind.”He said with a devilish grin. Hours later Dylan entered into the high school and walked towards his first block class. Then, his close friend Michelle approached him. She was tearing a white sweatshirt and skirt, had shot hair, a decent sized chest and a plump butt. “ey Dylan. What’ up?” i Michelle. Hey, I need to show you something. Could you follow me?” eah, sure.”He led her far away from the crowd of people and brought her to the empty gym. He then opened the door to the boy’ locker room. “hhh, I’ not supposed to go in there.” isten! This is very important and I need to tell you this while we are absolutely alone. Okay?” mm-“ lease? For me?” ine. I’l go.” hank you.”She followed him into the locker room and he closed the door behind them. “o what did you want to tell me-“ reeze.”She immediately stopped in place. He stepped closer to her. “ want you to turn back into the exact same person you were before, but you are madly in love with me and have orgasms every time we bang.”She then came back to life as if nothing happened. “o what did you want to tell me Dylan?”He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, his tongue entering into her mouth and exploring it. They then pulled apart, a single strand of spit still connecting their lips. “’e always had a crush on you.” ’e always liked you too!”She kissed him back while putting her arms around his neck and pressing up against him. He reached down under her skirt and gave her butt a nice squeeze. As they were kissing, the door to the locker room opened and a security guard walked in. “ey! What are you kids doing in here?!”Dylan sighed as he pulled away from the kiss. “reeze.”The guard froze in place. “ou’e the security guard with a tween daughter, right?” es.” want you to drive down to her middle school, go into her classroom, grab the teacher, shove her and yourself down your daughter’ throat and have loud violent sex in her stomach as you’e both digesting. Got it?”He simply nodded before turning and walking out the door. “hoa. How did you do that?” his medallion. I can use it to control people’ minds.” “hoa.” “ow come on. I have a plan.” he two then went to class. In their homeroom, there were 10 girls and 10 boys not including the two of them. Their fat teacher Mr Black looked at them as they entered. “ou two are tardy. Any excuses?” at your eraser.”Without hesitation Mr Black grabbed his eraser from his desk and shoved it into his mouth, chewing and swallowing it down. Everyone started laughing at him. Dylan laughed louder and harder than anyone else, making everyone stop and stare at him. “kay everyone, line up shortest to tallest and by gender. Boys on the left and girls on the right.”The students all stood up and got into their lines. “ood. Now strip.”Everyone took off all their clothes, leaving a room full of naked teenagers. “ood. Now eat the boy in front of you.”The girls all walked forward and started swallowing their classmates. Dylan turned to face Michelle. “o what you want with the teacher.”She smiled while approaching the desk. She lifted her skirt in one hand and slid down her panties with the other. She got onto her hands and knees on the desk and wrapped her legs around Mr Black’ head and shoulders. She then pulled him with her legs and forced Mr Black’ head into her anus. She let out a loud moan as she moved back, making his shoulders enter her. Her belly grew as his chest and torso were pulled in. He was motionless as her anus went down his hips. Her belly started to rest on the desk as it grew bigger and bigger in size. Soon, she was sitting in the teacher’ chair as nothing but his feet remained. With one final clench, she pulled the last of his body inside of her, sealing his fate. Her belly was about four feet long and rested on top of Mr Black’ desk. Meanwhile, all the other girls had finished devouring all the guys and were standing there waiting for order. Dylan smiled as he stared at the ten naked girls standing before him, each one sporting a large belly. “ow turn back to normal.”The girls all blinked and looked around confused. They started to scream as they realized they were naked. Their bellies also started to violently thrash around from their confused prey trying to escape. “hat’ going on!?” ow are we pregnant?!” hy are we naked?!” osh?! Are you inside me?!”Dylan started to laugh like a maniac at the girl’ confusion. “ahaha! Girls, stop.”The girls all froze in place again while their bellies continued to squirm around. “ime to have some fun.”He said while unbuckling his pants. Dylan then proceeded to have a massive orgy with all eleven girls. He slapped every butt, sucked every nipple, entered every hole and filled every girl, all while the teacher and guys thrashed about which only turned him on even more. He particularly enjoyed the blowjob from the popular girl, because he knew she swallowed her jerk boyfriend and that every drop she swallowed would land on his head. By the end of it all, each girl was a sweaty mess with smaller bellies and larger “ssets” Dylan meanwhile had his head in Michelle’ lap, barely able to move because of exhaustion. “kay....everyone. I want you... to carry me.. home.. and forget this happened.”The girls walked over, picked him up and carried him out the door. Later The girls brought Dylan and Michelle to Dylan’ home before leaving to their own. Still tired, Michelle helped him walk to the door and ring the bell. Bethany opened the door, wearing nothing but a cooking apron. “elcome home brothe-“She stopped when she noticed Michelle standing there. “h, uh, who’ this?” ’ Michelle. We’e met before. I’e known Dylan since 6th grade.”The two walked inside and shut the door behind them. Dylan laid down on the couch exhausted. Then Michelle and Bethany got in each other’ faces, making their chests press together. “isten here bub, Dylan’ only got room for one wife and that’ me.” ife? Ha! How can you be his wife if you can’ bear any of his children?” “e can adopt! How can you be his bride when your chest is so small?”She grabbed Michelle’ B cup breasts. “ack off!”She slapped her hand away. “ou know you only love him because of the medallion right?” o, your love is the fake one!” xcuse me?!” ou didn’ love him before today. He clearly used it on you.” o you do remember me! And by the way, there’ no way you’ be in love with your brother naturally. You’e the one under his spell. Right Dylan?”Michelle looked towards him, making him nervous. “he’ just a puppet, right Dylan?”Bethany looked at him as well, making him feel worse. “ell, I, um...” es?”They said in unison. He started to blush red. “ou both are.” hat?!” ou both are! I used the stone on both of you to make you love me! I’ sorry I’ sorry! Please don’ kill me!”He got onto his knees and looked down, waiting to get hit. Instead, he felt them both hug him. He looked back up. “ou’e not mad at me?” o, I’ not mad. While you put it there, it feels real to me right now. Last night was the best night I’e ever had.” ame goes for me.”He smiled and hugged them back. He then felt his sister twist his right ear and his girlfriend his left. “ust don’ use it on me again, got it?” ot it!” ood.”They let go of both his ears. The two then pushed Dylan backwards onto the couch and got on top of him. “ow, time for you to make up for it.”Dylan let out a smile as two hot girls started to kiss all over this face. He then looked down at the medallion in his hand and thanked whoever created it. “his is the greatest day ever!”
Resident E-Vore: Sherry’ training “tay close Sherry.” ight.”The two girls slowly walked through the alleyways of Raccoon city. The older one was an auburn haired woman wielding a bow gun named Claire Redfield. The younger one, a twelve year old blonde girl clinging to her side was named Sherry Birkin. The two of them were trapped inside a zombie infested city and needed to escape as soon as possible. They exited the alleyway into a small clearing between the buildings. “kay, Let’ stop and rest here.”Claire said as she strapped her weapon to her back. “re you feeling alright?” “’ fine.”Then, they heard a sound of a tin can getting kicked coming from the nearby alley. Claire immediately leaped into action, pulling out a handgun while moving between Sherry and the source of the sound at the same time. “old it!”The footsteps stopped. Looking down the alley, she could see the shape of a large figure standing in the shadows. “ut your arms up and walk into the light. Slowly.”The figure did as it was told, raising its hands while slowly moving forward. It then entered into the light, revealing that it wasn’ a person at all but a six foot tall block of tofu with a hat and a floating pair of gloves holding a knife. “hat the?” s that guy made of tofu?”Sherry asked. The tofu block, seemingly relieved that it found someone, dropped it’ knife. Claire followed suit, lowering her weapon as the tofu block approached the two girls. It moved its hands around while leaning forward, as if it was trying to talk to them. Claire’ stomach started to growl. “t looks like it is. How convenient.”Claire walked up to Tofu and took a massive bite out of the side of its body. Tofu clutched it’ side and stumbled backwards while Sherry giggled at the situation. Claire then picked up the struggling tofu block with both of her hands and held it above her head. She opened her mouth incredibly wide and shoved Tofu inside. Tofu wiggled around and tried to push back on her head with its disembodied hands, but it didn’ slow Claire down a bit. Her throat bulged out in a square shape as Tofu’ body traveled through it. She swallowed it down incredibly fast, soon causing her belly to pop out from under her shirt. After she gulped down about half of its body, the gloves suddenly dropped to the floor, lifeless. With a couple more gulps, the last of Tofu entered into her mouth. With a final swallow the square bulge descended down her throat and landed in her stomach. She let out a massive burp, making the hat go flying out of her mouth. Claire's dense belly was now about three feet long and a perfect rectangle. It slowly bobbed up and down from its protesting prey. Sherry walked over to the square belly and hugged it, smushing her face into the soft fat. *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* Sherry suddenly opened her eyes and looked around, seeing the alarm clock going off on the bedside table. “laire...”She said half asleep. A half dressed Claire quickly walked into the bedroom. “orry. I woke up early and forgot to turn it off.”She tapped on the top of the clock before sitting down next to Sherry on the bed. “ou were rubbing your face into the pillow while you were asleep.” “ had a nice dream.” “hat happened?” ou swallowed a tall man made of tofu, and got a giant square belly.” ounds healthy.”She joked. She gave Sherry a pat on the head before standing up and leaving to get dressed. Sherry slowly got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom, her blanket wrapped around her like a silky cocoon. She walked over and sat down at the kitchen table. Claire then came over with a plate of pancakes and eggs. “hanks.” o problem.”Claire was now fully dressed and had a messenger bag around her left shoulder. “’l be back at the same time as always.”She leaned down and kissed Sherry on her forehead. “ry to take care of yourself.” “ will. Bye.” ye.”Claire then headed out the door. It had been almost an entire month since Claire and Sherry had escaped the zombie apocalypse of Raccoon city. The two were now living together in Claire’ apartment in New york city. Claire was currently still in college, meaning that Sherry was alone in the apartment for most of the day. Claire didn’ like leaving her alone for so long but she didn’ have much else to do. Chris was hunting down Umbrella, Leon was involved with the government, the Burtons were busy dealing with their own problems because of the incidents at Raccoon city and she hasn’ heard from Jill in a long time. Sherry didn’ mind though. She was already used to being left alone all day. Despite Claire being gone for almost seven hours every week day, she still saw her more than her two real parents combined. Sherry finished her breakfast and got up from the table. She then went back into the bedroom and got dressed for the day. Later A few hours had passed and Sherry was watching the TV when she heard a sound from the hall. “eah, yeah, I’l be there.”Said a female voice. Sherry looked through the peep hole of the apartment and saw their next door neighbor Ms Mikami walking past. She was a young Japanese woman dressed in a suit, carrying a leather suitcase in her right hand and was talking on a cell phone with her left. “elax okay? I’ only a couple minutes late.”Sherry watched as she walked down the hall and disappeared behind the closing elevator doors. Sherry immediately got up and ran into the bedroom. She then opened up an air vent in the closet and climbed inside. Their apartment building was designed by one of the same architects as in Raccoon city, meaning it was full of strange stuff like it’ large air vents. While the entrances were small, the space in each vent was big enough for a full grown adult to fit through. Sherry crawled through the vents until reaching the vent that led to Ms Mikami’ pantry closet. She climbed out and looked around, trying to find the biggest food she can. She then noticed a watermelon sitting on a shelf. “ackpot!” She said to herself. She got onto a nearby stool and grabbed the watermelon off the shelf. She then opened her mouth very wide and shoved the watermelon in. She gulped, sending the massive fruity bulge down her throat. It dropped like a rock into her stomach, almost making her fall over from the speed and weight of it. She exited the pantry and strolled over to the bathroom. There, she lifted up her shirt while looking in the mirror. The size of the watermelon made her look like she was three months pregnant. She smiled and gave her solid belly a smack. Sherry had been doing this almost every day, sneaking into their neighbor’ apartments and swallowing the largest food that she can find. She did this to practice her voring abilities, so she can someday vore an entire person, just like Claire did. Sherry had left the bathroom and was headed back to the pantry when she heard a sound. “ark! Bark!”Sherry turned around and saw Ms Mikami’ pet terrier dog standing at the end of the hallway barking at her. Normally it was asleep in her bedroom, but it was definitely awake now. “ark! Bark!”Sherry ran forward and covered the dog’ mouth with her hands. “hh! Shh! Quiet down!” “ark! Bark!”The dog ignored her pleas and continued to loudly bark at her. Sherry started to panic, worried that someone might come and see what’ wrong. Without thinking, she picked up the dog and shoved half of it into her mouth. The little dog continued to bark and squirm in her mouth. She held her head back as she forced the rest of the dog into her mouth. With one large gulp, the dog was sent down her esophagus and landed in her stomach, sealing it’ fate. Her belly grew by about five inches and lifted her shirt slightly. She then let out a small burp before standing up and waddling back to the bathroom. She examined her bigger belly and smiled. “ did it! I swallowed a living thing!”The dog meanwhile was not enjoying its new home. It barked, kicked and was moving around in her belly like crazy. It caused little bulges to appear on her belly, but Sherry actually enjoyed the feeling of it squirming. She then remembered that she was still in her neighbor’ apartment and needed to leave before anything happened. She quickly went to the front of the apartment and cracked the door open before running back to the pantry and climbing into the vents. As she was climbing through the vents, she could feel the dog struggle even harder as digestion started to kick in. Hours later The toilet flushed as Sherry got up from the porcelain and looked at herself in the mirror. Her belly was now completely flat, the dog not leaving a trace of itself on her body. Though, she was a little disappointed that she didn’ get any fat added to her from it. “herry, I’ home!”Sherry quickly put on her clothes and rushed out of the bathroom. She immediately ran over and gave Claire a hug. “ow was class?” oring as ever. Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” ot that I can think of.”Their conversation was then interrupted by a knock at the door. Claire walked over and cracked open the door. “an I help you?” “ave you seen my dog? He’ a brown terrier, about a foot and a half tall. I came home earlier to see my front door opened. I looked all around my apartment, but he was gone. Some of the neighbors heard him barking like crazy earlier. Have you seen him?”Asked a familiar female voice from behind the door. “orry, I haven’ seen anything. I was at school. I’l let you know if I do.” hank you.”Claire closed the door and turned back to Sherry. “ho was that?” hat was our neighbor from down the hall, Ms Mikami. She left her door open and her dog got out. Did you hear anything suspicious in the hallway earlier today?” “ope. Not a thing.”Sherry said, trying to hide her grin. “nyway, I got us some take out. Are you hungry?” tarving.”
Hocus pocus vore Tonight was not an ordinary Halloween night in Salem. A virgin by the name of Max accidentally revived a trio of witch sisters by lighting a magic candle in their house. Together with Dani, his eight and a half year old little sister, Allison, his crush from school, and Binx, a previous victim of the witches who was turned into a talking cat, they stole the witch’ spellbook and roasted them alive in their school’ kiln. Now finally safe, the four of them returned to Max and Dani’ house and went upstairs to the bedroom. Dani put down a bowl full of milk on the floor by the bed. Brix walked over to it and licked it up as Dani petted the black cat’ head. “ou’e my kitty now. You’l have milk and tuna fish every day. And you’l only hunt mice for fun.”said Dani. “ou’e going to turn me into one of those fat, useless, contented house cats.”Binx replied. Dani started to giggle. “ou betcha.”She smiled at Allison, who was sitting on a nearby bench with Max. Allison smiled back before turning and smiling at Max. After finishing his bowl of milk, Brix jumped up onto the bed with Dani. She started to rub his back while hugging him. “ou know Binx, I’l always take care of you. My children will take care of you too. And their children after that. And theirs after that… Forever.....and…ever.”She laid down on the pillow as she started to fall asleep. Brix snuggled up to her chest and started to purr. Dani smiled and rubbed his head as she fell asleep. A few hours passed before Allison woke up again. She was wrapped up in a sleeping bag, with her head resting on Max’ lap. She moved around a little, making Max wake up and smile down at her. “i.”He said with a grin. “i.”She replied, trying not to blush. She then picked up an alarm clock resting on a nearby dresser and looked at the time. “h my god. It’ 5:00. My parents are gonna kill me.”She stood up and picked up her jacket. “ should go.” wish you could stay.”She smiled at him before looking down at the peacefully sleeping Dani and Binx. “oor Binx.” eah, poor Binx. We owe him a lot.” “eah.” ook, can we find some kinda way to help him?” “he book.”Allison sat down next to Max as she pulled the book out of a bag. The spellbook appeared to be made of leather and was covered with chains and stitches. “he witches used it to put the spell on him. Maybe there’ a way in here to take it off.” don’ know, Binx told us not to open it.” ell, the witches are dead. What harm could it do?”Max looked over at the sleeping Binx, purring in his sleep while cuddling up to Dani. “ell, just be careful.” “ will.”Allison unlatched the book causing a patch on the book to open, revealing a human eye that stared right at them. “old my hand.” lright.”He grasped Allison’ hand as she opened the door. Suddenly, glittering dust came out of the book and sprayed Allison in the face. She breathed all of it in right before Max slammed the book shut. “llison! Are you okay?!” “eah, yeah I’ fine.”Allison put her hand on her forehead as she stood up. “re you sure? What was that?” don’-”She stopped in place as she clutched her stomach and groaned. Max got up and put his hand on her shoulder. “hat’ wrong?!” ’…hungry. Really hungry.” “h, we have food downstairs in the fridge.”She looked Max in the eyes. She then moved forward and licked his face “ey!”He stumbled backwards and fell onto the bench. He looked up and saw Allison right above him with her mouth wide open. He couldn’ even let out a sound before she moved down and shoved his head into her mouth. Her tongue licked his face up and down, getting every bit of flavor out that she could. Max was pulled further into her mouth, allowing him to look down the dark pit waiting for him at the back of her mouth. “llison, no!”His pleading fell on deaf ears as he was pushed further and entered into her throat. He traveled face first through the long slimy tunnel. On the outside, you could make out the vague outline of Max’ face on Allison’ throat. She continued to swallow, gulping down his stomach and torso. Max’ face reached the end of the throat and was immediately assaulted by hot fumes as he entered into the stomach chamber. Allison’ belly started to poke out from under her shirt. She then lifted her head up as she got to his waist, letting gravity help her. Within a few seconds she swallowed down the rest of him. Her lips closed around his bare feet and with one final gulp, the last of him was sent down her throat, sealing his fate. On the inside, Max was laying face first in a pile of chewed up and soggy food. As the last of him entered the stomach, he was finally able to move freely and get off of his face. He wiggled around onto his back and started to kick and punch the stomach walls. “et me out! Let me out! Allison!”On the outside, Allison’ belly stuck out about three and a half feet from her body and little bulges were popping out of it from Max’ kicking. She started to rub her belly. “ou were delicious Max! I wonder if it’ genetic.”She walked over to the bed and removed the blanket, only to see pillows instead of a little girl. “annnnnni. Come out, come out wherever you are.”She slowly walked over to the closet and looked through the slats, seeing a pair of little blue eyes staring back at her. “here you are!”She slammed open the closet doors, revealing a little blonde girl dressed in a witch costume clutching a black cat. “HHH!”Dani got up and tried to run around her, only to get caught in her arms. “here do you think you’e going, Dani?” “lease don’ eat me!” “at you? Oh no, I could never eat something so cute.”She said while stroking Dani’ face. Binx jumped up onto a dresser so he was eye level with Allison. “llison! Listen to me! You’e being controlled by the witch’ spellbook! Try to fight it!”Allison grabbed the cat with one hand and tossed him across the room, causing him to hit the wall and fall onto the bed. “inx!” “ow, as for you. I have something special for you.”She unbuttoned her jeans and let them fall to the floor. She then slid off her white panties, revealing her bare vagina. “hat are you doing?!”Allison grabbed Dani’ legs and lifted them up, causing her to fall down. She then shoved her little feet into her vagina, making her loudly moan with pleasure. She continued, pulling in Dani’ tiny ankles and knees. Dani looked around for something to hold onto, eventually settling on the closet door. Allison’ belly started to grow bigger as she pulled in Dani’ thighs and waist. Dani was now completely off the ground as her stomach entered. Allison then clinched, causing Dani to lose her grip and get pulled in up to her shoulders. “elp me!” ani!”Brix ran over and jumped into Dani’ arms. She hugged her cat as her face entered into Allison. Now only long blonde hair was hanging out of her vagina, making it look like it was her’. Allison giggled as she swayed her hips, causing the hair to swing back and forth. She then scooped it up and shoved the hair in with her finger. Inside, Dani was getting dragged backwards down a long dark tunnel by Allison’ vaginal muscles. She then ended up in a small open area where she curled up like a fetus. “here are we?” e appear to be in Allison’ womb.” “ow do we get outta here?” don’ know Dani, but I promise you we’l be alright.”She then felt something prick her stomach. “w!”She looked down and saw a long fleshy cord attached to her belly button. “ani! Are you alright?” eah, I’ fine. I just feel…kinda…sleepy.”Dani closed her eyes as she fell asleep, cradling Binx to her chest. On the outside, Allison was admiring her belly in the mirror. While it was only a few inches longer, it was about a foot and a half taller and a lot heavier. She smiled as she patted her belly. She then laid down in the bed and rubbed her belly as she fell asleep. The next morning Allison woke up as light shined in from the window. She yawned before rubbing her eyes. She looked around and realized that she wasn’ in her bedroom. “hat the?”Her eyes widened as she remembered what had happened the night before. She took the blanket off, seeing her much smaller belly. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her belly wasn’ as big as the night before, now resembling a woman pregnant with twins. She pressed her hand down on it, feeling the outline of a human head within it. “ani…”She then felt pressure building up in her bowels. “h oh.”She ran out of the bedroom as fast as she could and made it to the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet. Fortunately, she never put her pants back on after unbirthing Dani. The sound of urine hitting porcelain filled the bathroom. She then tried to relieve the pressure building at her backdoor, but nothing was coming out. It felt like there was something large stuck in her anus. She strained herself as she pushed, feeling like she was about to burst a vein. Finally the object was pushed out, causing pounds of crap to all come out at once. Allison sighed and sat back in the seat as she finally felt sweet relief. After about half a minute, she finally felt the poop stop. She stood up and saw the massive amount of crap filling the bowl. There were several bones sticking out of the crap, including a skull sitting at the bottom. “orry Max. You were just too tasty to resist. Goodbye.”She was about to pull the handle when she had an idea. She ran back to the bedroom and looked around, finding the spellbook in the bed. It’ eye opened and looked at her. “es?”The book spoke in a deep, decrypted voice. “ou can talk?” nly to my master.” aster?”The book then flew open and turned to the last page, where Winnifred Sanderson was written. The name faded away and was replaced by Allison Watts. “hoa. Does this mean you have to obey my every command?” “es.” s there a spell in you that can revive Max?” here is.” “ood.”She left the bedroom and went into the bathroom. She then took a toilet wand and used it to pull the skull out of the pile, dropping it into the bathtub. She then flushed the toilet, sending the rest of Max down the drain. She then washed the skull off of all the “esidue.” Later Allison arrived at the witch’ shack in the woods. She was holding the spellbook with her left hand and Max’ skull with her right. She stepped inside the cottage and saw two teenagers hanging in cages. “ey! Is someone there?! Get us down from here!”Jay shouted. Allison walked forward so the two boys could see her. “h, why hey there cutie. Do you think you can get us down from here? I’ Ice and that’ Jay.” know who you are, Ernie.”Allison replied. “o you know what happened to the witches who live here?” h, those freaks? They turned to dust when the sun came up. Now, can you get us down from here? I’l repay you with a kiss.”Allison sighed while rolling her eyes. “hat do you think I should do with them?”Allison said to Max’ skull. She lifted the bone up to her ear and pretended to hear it speaking. “h, I like that idea.” “h, who are you talking to?”Allison ignored him and started to flip through the spellbook. After going through a few pages, she smiled as she found one she liked. “igescunt indutae!”A bolt of white energy flew out of her hand and hit the two boys. “ey, I can't move!” “t worked!”Allison smiled at her first successful spell. “hat did you do to us?!”Allison walked over and opened Jay’ cage. “ey, what are you doing?!”She grabbed Jay’ feet and shoved them both into her mouth. “elp me!”Her throat bulged out as she pulled Jay’ knees and thigh in. She then moved her head back, causing him to fall out of the cage, making him quickly descend down her esophagus. In under a few seconds, only his head was out of her mouth. Ice looked Jay in the eyes as her lips closed around his face. He watched as the outline of Jay’ face descended down her throat and disappeared into her chest. She then let out a loud burp and patted her bigger belly. “ELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME!”Allison then walked over to Ice, noticing his shoes. “ey, you’e the guys that mugged Max, aren’ you?” did no such thing!”She slid both of the shoes off and rested them on top of her belly. “ hope these are a good enough apology gift to make him forget about the whole eating thing.”She then opened Ice’ cell. “O NO NO NO NO NO!”She pushed the cage forward, causing him to fall face first into her gaping maw. He was immediately plunged up to his waist inside of her. She lifted her head back and let gravity pull him down. In a matter of seconds, his bare feet went past her lips into her esophagus, sealing his fate. Her belly grew even bigger as Ice joined his friend in her stomach. Now her belly stuck out by about four feet and was about third and a half feet tall, and weighed several hundred pounds. She sat down in a chair, barely able to stand anymore. She let out one final burp that made the house shake. “h, I can get used to this.”The new witch leaned back in her chair, reading her book as she enjoyed digesting her meal.
Miss Kobayashi’ dragon maid: Kanna and Riko’ marriage Riko Saikawa and her new friend and classmate Kanna Kobayashi entered into Riko’ bedroom. Kanna had fair skin, blue eyes and white lavender hair tied into pigtails that ended with a shade of purple at the tips, each adorned with three dark blue beads. Her attire consisted of a white capelet with a fur collar, pink blouse, white frilly skirt, and a pair of pink shoes. Kanna immediately jumped onto the bed, allowing Riko to catch a brief glimpse at her white panties. She nervously gulped while looking away. “h-what should we play?”Riko said. Kanna looked around the room before pointing at a white box. “hat’ that?”Kanna asked. “h, this is twister for kids.”She opened up the box and pulled out the white dotted mat. “ want to try it.” “ure, Let’ give it a go.”Riko then pulled out a little machine that spoke out directions. “layer one, left hand, yellow.”The machine said. “o you follow the directions and place your hands and feet on the proper colors.”Riko said as she put her hand on the yellow dot. “layer two, right hand, blue.” our turn Kanna.” m.”Kanna said as leaned forward to touch the blue spot. Riko started to blush as Kanna got close to her. “layer one, left foot, red.” “h, o-okay, red.”Riko said, stumbling over her words. “layer two, right hand blue.” lue.”Kanna moved underneath her, letting Riko’ belly rest on top of her head. “ight foot red.” “ed.”Kanna twisted her body, accidentally pressing one of her legs against Riko’ face. “eft foot, green.” “reen.”She then put leg under her, making their faces touch together. “h, K-Kanna’ so... soft!”Riko thought to herself. “ed.”Kanna then moved up, causing her crotch to press against Riko’ face. Riko collapsed, unable to take it. “ want to play a video game.”Kanna said. Riko immediately jumped back up. “-I have plenty of video games!”She stammered while quickly rummaging through her basket of games. “ fun one.” fun one, huh?”She looked a little more before pulling out a case. “ow about this one?” kay.”She took the disk out and put it into the console. She then grabbed two controllers and handed one to Kanna. “ere.”Kanna turned and pointed at a pillow on the floor “it there.”She asked. “uh? Oh, sure.”Riko went over and sat on the pillow. “ere, right?” “kay.”Kanna stood in front of her and before turning around. “ait, huh?”Kanna then sat down on her lap. Riko’ heart started to race as she felt Kanna’ large butt on her lap and the back of her head against her chest. “his spot’ most comfortable.”Kanna said, seemingly unaware of Riko’ condition. “-I-I’ so happy!”Riko wrapped her arms around her and gave her a big hug. “aikawa, that’ too tight.”Riko let go, slightly embarrassed. “h, I’ sorry. I couldn’ help it...” ey, Saikawa?” es?” o you think I’ getting along with the kids in our class?” ell, of course you are. You can do everything, and everyone praises you.” t feels different to me though. I can’ explain it well, but I want something like what Kobayashi and Tohru share.” “anna... I like you a lot, Kanna. I want to be even closer to you. Frankly, I’ love to marry you.” hen...”In one motion, Kanna turned around and pinned Riko to the ground, her face only an inch above her’. “et’ be even closer, okay?” “-uh, um, I need time to prepare my heart.”She could feel her heart racing faster than ever before. “aikawa...”Kanna slowly got closer to her face. Riko closed her eyes waiting for what was about to happen. Then, Kanna opened her mouth and jolted down, swallowing Riko’ entire head in a single gulp. She opened her eyes and could see Kanna’ tongue in her face and the back of her mouth in front of her. Kanna swallowed down her neck, making her face enter her esophagus. “-Kanna!”She wiggled around, unable to really move. She traveled face first down the dark slimy tunnel as Kanna swallowed more of her body. After a few seconds, she reached the end of the throat and entered into the stomach chamber. It was a lot roomier than the throat, and was a lot hotter as well. She curled up as more of her body was forced into the stomach. Soon she could feel Kanna’ soft lips close around her feet, sending them down the throat and joining the rest of her in the stomach. Now that she wasn’ restrained, she moved around a little to get comfortable. The stomach chamber was very hot, kinda like a sauna and there was very little space for her to stretch out. She was currently laying in a puddle of liquid and there were bits of partly digested food all around her. Riko knew she should’e been scared, but she was in heaven right now. She was inside of Kanna. Kanna was all around her, cradling every inch of her body. Then, everything shook as Kanna let out a large burp. She could feel Kanna’ hand press down from the outside, rubbing her head. “aikawa? You alright?” -yes, I’ fine! W-what just happened?” ate you.” -but why? H-how is this possible?” opened my mouth and put you inside.” know but, how can a human do this?” ’ not a human.” -what?!” ’ not a human. I’ a dragon.” d-dragon?!”An image of a giant, fierce, fire breathing dragon appeared in her head. “eah. I wasn’ supposed to tell you, but since we’e getting married, I guess I have to.” -married?!”Riko said, caring more about that than Kanna being a dragon. “es. You said you wanted to be closer, and you wanted to marry me.” -I-I-”Riko’ brain started to shut down, unable to process everything that’ happened. “aikawa-” “ can’ take it!”Kanna was interrupted by Tohru bursting into the room, with Kobayashi and Georgie, Riko’ older sister, holding onto her dress. “on’ run. Join us in discussing maids!”Kobayashi said, sounding like a maniac. “ave me, Kan-”Tohru stopped as she saw Kanna laying on the floor with a two foot belly sticking out from under her shirt. “leep!”Tohru shot a small beam of energy out of her finger, hitting Georgie in the head and making her fall unconscious. “ohru, what are you-”Kobayashi stopped as she saw the titanic tummied Kanna. “-Kanna!”She immediately got up and ran over to the little dragon girl. “anna, what did you do?!” aikawa and I are engaged now.”Kanna replied. “h, what?”Kobayashi said, completely dumbfounded. “ongratulations Kanna!”Tohru said with glee. “-wait, what’ going on? Where’ Riko?” n my belly.”Kanna said. “-what? Let her out now before she’ digested!” “’ never digest her! My belly knows friend from food.” “xcuse me?”Kobayashi asked. Tohru started to giggle. “hat, humans can’ control their stomachs? Inferior humans.”Tohru smuggly said. “kay, hold it. Let’ start from the beginning. Kanna, why did you eat Saikawa?” ecause she said she wanted to get married.”Kanna said. “hat doesn’ explain why you ate her.” hen dragons get engaged, the dominant one eats the submissive one. Just like how Lady Tohru wants you to eat her tail.” h really?”Kobayashi said while glaring at Tohru, making her nervously whistling while looking away. “nd when do they let them out?” t varies from couple to couple. Some stay for the day, some stay for months to years. I heard of a few dragons that stayed inside their partner forever.” eah, that’ not gonna happen.” “-what!?” “his is too dangerous. Besides, you’e too young to get married.” ’ older than you.” “aybe in years, but you still have the mind of a child.” ut-” o means no.” h, excuse me? Kanna’ mom?”Kobayashi looked down in surprise at Kanna’ talking belly. “uh? Saikawa?” an you please let me stay in here a little longer? I really like it in here, and I’ feeling just fine!”Riko pleaded. “h, well-” “lease?!”Kanna begged while trying to look as cute as she could. Kobayashi let out a sigh. “ine, but only for tonight.” hank you!”Kanna moved forward and hugged her, squishing her belly up against her. Kobayashi could feel Riko’ tiny body inside of Kanna’ stomach. “ell, we better head home then before her parent’ get home. I’l leave a note to tell them that she wanted to spend the night at our place.”While Kobayashi went to find some paper, the two dragons headed outside. “ime to fly.”Tohru shouted, while using her magic to change them back to their true forms. On the inside, Riko watched as the stomach started to expand, the empty space growing from the size of a bag to the size of a van. Riko was now able to stand up and move around. “ow,”Riko thought. “he truly is a dragon.”Kobayashi returned and climbed onto Tohru’ back, allowing the two to take off. The next day Riko had woken up from the best sleep of her life. The stomach’ flesh was incredibly comfortable to sleep on and Kanna’ rhythmic heartbeat put her to sleep quickly. She then realized that she no longer was in the stomach. “uh?”She was now upright in a long slender tube similar to the esophagus from before. Not only that, but her clothes were gone, most likely digested during the night. Then, the muscles around her started to push her forward. “-what’ happening?!”A hole opened up in front of her that she was pushed through. It was very bright on the other side, preventing her from seeing anything. She was pushed forward until her face landed on something cold and hard. Her eyes started to adapt to the light, allowing her to see that she was in a bathroom. She looked back and saw Kanna crouching above her, completely naked and pushing Riko out of her butt. Her torso and hips were quickly pushed out of Kanna. Riko was now able to turn herself around to lay on her back. She then pulled out her legs, completely freeing her from Kanna’ body. Kanna then turned around to face Riko. “ello.”Kanna said. “h, hi Kanna.”Kanna then sat down next to Riko. “obayashi-mama won’ let us get married right now, but don’ worry. We’e still engaged.”Riko could feel her heart beat faster at the mention of their marriage. “-it doesn’ matter how long it is, I’l wait 1000 years if it means I can be with you!” “ou really mean it?” do.”Kanna leaned forward and kissed Riko. “-I love you!” loved you too.”
Daddy’ little girl 5 It was a bright and sunny spring day. Cameron and her new cousin Sarah had just arrived at the town’ public pool. Her parents, Richard and Cynthia were currently on their honeymoon and had left Cameron in the care of her new aunt Candice for the next few weeks. Today, Cameron had convinced Candice to let the two of them go to the pool by themselves by telling her that her father was close friends with one of the lifeguards and that he’l be watching them the whole time they were there (no such lifeguard existed). Her aunt believed her story and now the two of them were free to do as they pleased. Right now, Cameron was wearing a blue one piece swimsuit. While it used to fit perfectly when they bought it, now it gave her a constant tight wedgie. Sarah meanwhile was wearing a yellow two piece swimsuit that had a shirt like top and a bikini bottom. The two eight year olds walked out of the girl’ locker room and put their towels and flip flops down on one of the fold out chairs. Using the chair to the left of theirs was a small family. It consisted of a woman appearing to be in her early to mid twenties, a little two or three year old girl still in diapers and a blond boy about the same age as Cameron and Sarah. The boy turned his head and noticed Sarah looking at him. He smiled at her, making Sarah blush. “i there.”The young boy said. “y name’ Ben.” “i, I’ Sarah.”She said, trying not to sound nervous. “ don’ think I’e seen either of you two in school before.” eah, she’ homeschooled and I just moved here less than a month ago.” ell, welcome to town.”He leaned forward as he said it, doing a bow like a fancy butler would. Sarah smiled as she looked down, her face a bright shade of red. “o, uh, would you like to go swimming with us?” ure, I’ love-“He was cut off as Cameron got between them. “o, he will not go swimming with us!”Cameron shouted. “hy not?”Sarah asked. “t’ supposed to be just the two of us, having a nice day at the pool. Why would I want some dumb stranger to play with us? He’ just ruin it!” “ome on, just let him swim for a little while with us.” o.” ust a little bit?” said no.”She said as she crossed her arms. “lease, for me?”Cameron looked down and let out a long sigh. “gh, fine. He can join us. But just for a little while, then he’ gone.” hank you so much!”She gave Cameron a hug before grabbing her and Ben’ hands, pulling them to the pool steps. Ben looked to his left and saw Cameron giving them a death glare, making him nervously gulp. A few minutes later, Ben and Sarah were swimming together around the pool. “o,”Ben asked. “ow long have you known your friend?” “ameron? She’ my cousin. My aunt and her dad got married last month.”Sarah replied. “y mom and I made the matching bride and flower girl dresses for her and Cameron.” “h, so you’e not really cousins then.” hat do you mean?” ou’e not actually related, so you’e not actually cousins.” here’ more to family than just DNA. It’ the people that you care about.” uh, never really thought about it like that. So, you said you moved here recently?” eah. Me and my mom just moved in about a week ago. My mom wanted to be closer to family. We’e now just a short walk away from my aunt Cynthia’ house.” t must suck leaving everything behind.” inda, but I didn’ mind. I didn’ have any friends at my old home, but now I can hang out with Cameron whenever I want.” here’ you come from?” ew York city.” h, a city girl. What’ it like here in the suburbs?” like it a lot more. It’ a lot quieter. Me and Cameron are allowed to walk around the neighborhood by ourselves. My mom didn’ let me do that in the city.” “aybe, you can walk around town with me sometime?” “-sure! I’ love to!”She looked away before he could see her blush again. Meanwhile, Cameron was watching the two of them from outside of the pool. She pulled the wedgie out of her butt and pushed it to the side, leaving her butt crack exposed. She then ran forward and canon balled straight at Ben. He noticed her coming at him out of the corner of his eye and quickly moved out of the way, just barely missing her oncoming derrière. A large amount of water splashed into the air from the cannonball. Cameron swam back up to the surface with a disappointed look on her face. “areful.”Ben said. “ou almost landed on me.” “rrr.”Cameron grumbled under her breath. “hat’ you say?” “ said it’ your turn! Now you get out and dive in!” “h, alright.”Ben swam over to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. Cameron then swam over and started to drag Sarah to the right. “hat’ up?”Sarah asked. “h, Ben’ going to jump and I wanted you to get a great look.” h, okay.” annonball!”Ben shouted as he ran towards the water. Right as his feet left the ground, Cameron pushed Sarah straight into his oncoming path. Rather than getting swallowed like she intended, the two simply crashed into each other and sunk into the water. Cameron immediately dove down and pulled Sarah back up to the surface. “arah, are you okay?!” eah, I think I’ fine.”Ben then came up from the water. “atch where you’e going stupid! You landed right on her!” h, I’ sorry! I didn’ see her there.” o, it was my fault Ben.”Sarah said. “ think a wave from someone else diving knocked me forward.” ’ still sorry.”Ben said. “et’ stop diving and just swim around.” et’.”The two of them started to swim towards the other end of the pool. Cameron scoffed before quickly swimming to catch up to them. Hours later The sun was just a few hours from setting and the town pool was shutting down. Everyone had packed up their towels, pool toys and clothes and were making their way out of the building. Ben, his baby sister and mother were just a few steps out of the front door when his mom stopped in her tracks and started rummaging around in her blue duffle bag. “h no, I think I left one of your sister’ socks in the ladies room. Ben, can you be a dear and run back to get them for me?”His mother asked. “hat?! Why can’ you get it?!”Ben pleaded. “ need to start the car and watch your sister.” “ut I can’ go into the girl’ room.” o one’ in there right now. Everyone’ already left. You’e not gonna be seen and you’e not gonna get in trouble, okay?” ut-“ lease just go do it! And don’ make me ask again.”Ben sighed as he gave in and ran back into the building. He wandered around the halls of the main building until coming to the entrance to the girl’ room. He stared up at the intimidating female stick figure on the door. Ben took a deep breath before pushing open the heavy wood door and stepping inside. He looked around, surprised at how similar it was to the boys room. The only real difference he noticed was the colors of certain things were different, the number of changing rooms and the lack of any standing urinals. Remembering why he came, Ben started checking all the empty lockers looking for the missing sock. As he went further in, he noticed the sound of running water somewhere nearby. The sound became louder and louder as he got closer to the end of the locker room. He then came across a bench sitting in front of the entrance to the public showers. There were two wet bathing suits lying on top of it, one was a blue one piece while the other was a yellow two piece. “ait a minute, is that?”He said to himself before peaking around the corner. There he saw Cameron and Sarah washing themselves off in the shower, they both were completely naked. His eyes widened and he felt his heart start to race as he saw the bare feminine bodies before him. The two were facing the shower heads and thankfully didn’ hear him over the sound of the running water. He watched as the water trickled down their petite bodies, outlining their forms perfectly. His eyes darted up and down their bodies, absorbing as much detail about every curve and crease as he humanly could. Sarah then turned around, her eyes closed as she washed the back of her head. He felt something tingle in his pants as he saw a vagina for the first time in his life. All other thoughts left his head as he went into a trance staring at the two nude goddesses before him. He could feel something inside him, something he never felt before as he watched them slowly run their hands over every inch of their bodies. A couple minutes passed before Ben was pulled back into reality by the sound of the heavy locker room door slamming open. Thinking quickly, Ben got onto the ground and crawled under the bench. Not even a second later, he heard heavy footsteps approaching. He watched a pair of bare feet walk past and stop at the entrance of the showers, less than a foot away from his face. “nd what do we have here?”Said a feminine voice. Cameron and Sarah both turned their heads towards the voice, seeing a woman standing there. She had short fiery red hair, pale skin, appeared to be in her early 30’ and wore a g-string bikini that showed off her massive cleavage. “ools closed you know.” “e know, we’e just rinsing off.”Sarah said. The woman turned around and looked left and right, seemingly checking if there was anyone else in the locker room. “ou two alone in here?” think so.” erfect.”The red headed woman bolted at them with a crazed look in her eye. Cameron immediately reacted by pushing Sarah out of the way. The woman scooped her up with both arms and shoved her head into her mouth. Cameron, rather than resist, instead pushed both of her hands into the woman’ mouth. Ben watched as a large bulge appeared in her throat as she swallowed more of the little girl. Suddenly, the woman completely stopped and started to dry heave. She coughed and coughed, eventually spitting Cameron out of her mouth. The woman then fell to her knees and held her hands to her throat as she held back her vomit. “ow’ you do that?!”Sarah asked, her eyes filled with amazement. “ynthia showed me how.”Cameron replied. “he taught me how to escape any vorer by squeezing a certain muscle in their throat.” “hat’ amazing! Can you show me how to do that too?!” ure. But first-“Cameron grabbed the red headed woman by her legs and shoved them into her mouth. The woman looked back and immediately started to freak out. “o! No! Let me out! Let me go!”She looked around for something to grab onto but couldn’ reach anything, eventually trying in vain to hold onto the shower tiles beneath her. Cameron moved quickly, swallowing down her knees and thighs in a matter of seconds. Her stomach started to grow in size as the woman’ hips and waist were gulped down. The woman, running out of ideas, started to scream. “elp me! Somebody help me please!”Cameron lifted her head up as she swallowed the woman’ stomach and large breasts. The woman tried to punch Cameron’ throat, but it didn’ even phase her. In a few more gulps, nothing but the head remained outside of Cameron’ mouth. “ooooooo-“The woman was cut off as Cameron’ lips closed around her face. With one final gulp the last of the woman was sent down her esophagus, sealing her fate. A bulge in the vague shape of the woman’ screaming face went down her throat before landing in her stomach, making it grow to about three feet long. Cameron let out a loud satisfied burp while slapping the side of her belly. “mm, ginger.”Cameron said with a grin. Even though Ben was several feet away, he could still make out the woman’ muffled screaming coming from the bulging stomach. Sarah walked over to her and started to rub Cameron’ large belly. “ou saved my life.” “on’ worry about it, that’ what families do.”Sarah walked around the belly and gave Cameron a hug. Cameron hugged her back as best she could. Then, she looked forward and saw a pair of eyes watching them from under the bench. “nother one!”Ben didn’ react at first, his brain still stuck on the scene that just happened. The gears in his brain finally started turning again when he saw Cameron charge at him, her large belly swaying up and down and bouncing off the floor as she ran. Ben crawled out from under the bench and tried to run away, but he was tackled by Cameron and pinned to the floor by her heavy belly. He could feel the woman inside it squirming and could hear a deep gurgling sound. Cameron looked down at the boy trapped beneath her. “ell well well, looks like I’e caught a pervert.”Ben knew that he should’e been scared, but all he was thinking about was the feeling of Cameron’ naked butt on his stomach. Cameron climbed on top of her belly and leaned down to lick Ben’ face. “ummy.”She then opened her mouth wide, allowing Ben to see the black abyss awaiting him. Right before she could swallow him, Sarah ran over and pulled her head back by her hair. “o, stop! That’ Ben!”Sarah pleaded. “ know.”She replied blankly. “hen don’ eat him!” e saw me vore that lady. If I let him go, then he’ gonna go and tell his mom. Then, she’ gonna go and tell our parents. Then, your mom will get mad and not want us to see each other again! I won’ let that happen!”She again moved down to swallow him but Sarah pulled her back. “ait, let me try something first.”Sarah pulled Cameron off of him and helped him off the ground. “en, can you please not tell anyone about this? We’l get in big trouble if my mom found out about it.” ell, I-“ “lease? For me?”She said with big pleading eyes. He could feel his heart melt at the sight of her. “-yeah, of course.” “hank you so much!”She immediately hugged him. He could feel his heart explode as he felt her naked body press up against him. He then looked up and noticed Cameron, her face filled with pure hatred. She then switched back to normal as Sarah stopped hugging him and looked back at her. “....better go.” “lright. Goodbye Ben.” ye Sarah.”Ben walked over and opened the door. He looked back at the two naked girls one last time before closing the door behind him. Ben then went back to the parking lot and got into the car, his mind still trying to process what just happened. His mother turned to look back at him. “ey Ben, you’l never guess what.”She said, trying her best not to laugh. “urns out, your sister had the missing sock in her pocket the entire time! Isn’ that hilarious?” “eah, funny.”He said, not really paying attention. She turned on the engine and pulled out of the parking space. Ben looked back and saw the now fully clothed Cameron and Sarah exiting the pool house, Cameron’ large belly covered up by their towels. He watched the two disappear from view as the car pulled out of the parking lot and drove into the street. Hours later The sun was currently setting and the two girls were now in Cameron’ backyard. Sarah was keeping a look out for her mother while Cameron was releasing what was left of the ginger woman into the garden. “ should’e eaten him.”Cameron complained. “o you shouldn’ have.”Sarah retorted. “is mom’ probably on her way here to tell on us right now.” o way! He wouldn’ do that!” ow do you know? You just met him.” e’ a nice guy.” “ou’e just saying that cause you like him.” eah, of course I like him.” o, I mean like like him.” -what do you mean?” ou have a crush on him.” -no I don’!” ’e seen that face a dozen times. I know what it looks like.” “hat face?! Did he see it?!”Cameron strained for a second as the woman’ skull pushed out from between her cheeks. She pulled her shorts up as Sarah shoveled dirt onto the pile of crap, covering it up. “orget about it. Let’ just go inside to eat.” “eah, let's go.”They put the shovel back into the shed before going inside the house. There, Candice was stirring a pot of tomato sauce in the kitchen. “ey girls!”Candice merryly said. “’ almost done with the spaghetti. Did you guys have fun at the pool today?” ep. It was a blast!”Candice poured spaghetti onto three plates before carrying them to the table. “ig in!”Candice sat down and started to eat her dinner, unaware of what her daughter and niece had done.
Jealous in every size It was a chilly autumn day at Bluewater middle school. All of the students were getting off the buses or getting dropped off by parents. One such student was the young Kasey. Kasey had long black hair, fair skin and was wearing a white tank top and skirt. After chaining up her bike, rather than go inside Kasey instead hid behind one of the many columns at the entrance to the school. Kasey was a bit of a bully, and there was no one she liked to bully more than her classmate Hannah. Kasey and Hannah have known each other since elementary school, and she has hated her since the first day they met. Hannah was most likely the richest girl in school. She always had the latest fashion and expensive clothes. She always had delicious homemade lunches. She had the best tutors meaning she always got A’ in every class. Just looking at Hannah made Kasey angry, so she always took the chance to bully her when she could. After about five minutes of waiting, she finally spotted Hannah approaching the school. She had long blonde hair done up in two ponytails, matching gemstone earrings, a big yellow raincoat that kept her warm and shoes that were worth more than a week of Kasey’ meals. Just the sight of it made her blood boil. Before Kasey could walk over to “alk”to her, she heard a woman nearby shout something. “annah dear, you left your lunch!”Said a feminie voice. Suddenly, a woman ran over to Hannah holding her lunch bag. Kasey’ jaw dropped at the sight of her. This woman was very tall, at least six feet, had wide luxurious hips, a large diamond necklace, a furry boa, fancy heels that made her seem even taller and had the largest set of breasts she had ever seen. She couldn’ tell if they were F cups, G cups or something else. Regardless of how big they were, they made Kasey look down in disappointment at her own comparably flat chest. The blonde woman gave Hannah her lunch bag and gave her a kiss on the cheek before running back to what appeared to be a silver ferrari. As soon as the woman had climbed in and driven away, Kasey ran forward and pushed Hannah to the ground. “HHH!”Hannah screamed. She tried to get back up but Kasey pressed her foot down on her chest. “asey?!” ho was that?”Kasey said in a cold stern voice. “-what?!” said, who was that?” ho are you talking about?!” he woman that was just here. Who was that?” hat, do you mean my mom?”Kasey leaned down and slapped her face. “o, the other person you were talking to. Of course I mean her! For someone with straight A’, you sure are an idiot.” “lease let me go!” “ine, I’l let you leave. If you give me your lunch.” o!”Kasey pressed her weight down on Hannah’ chest, making her lose her breath. “kay! Okay!”Hannah lifted her lunch bag up and Kasey snatched it away. She looked inside, seeing sliced up apples, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a small pack of cookies and a capri sun. She took the peanut butter and jelly sandwich out of the bag and tossed it onto the ground. “ hate peanut butter, remember that next time!”She took her foot off of her and headed inside while snacking on some of her cookies. Hannah slowly got off the ground, a large muddy footprint now staining her jacket. “ hope this’l wash off.” ater The school bell rang and all the children and tweens ran out of the middle school as fast as their legs could carry them. Hannah slowly creeped out of the building, cautiously looking around her. She slowly made her way to the curb before looking back at the entrance to the school. She was then startled by the sound of a car honk. “hh!”She looked over and saw her mother waiting in the car. “re you looking for someone sweetie?”Her mother Elizabeth said. “-no. No one.”Hannah hurried to the car and got in. The two then drove off, unaware that Kasey was watching them from the nearby bushes. She hopped onto her bike and followed behind them, keeping her distance and staying to the side to ensure they didn’ spot her. After about three minutes of driving, the car pulled up to a large metal gate. Elizabeth leaned out of the car and input a code into a keypad, making the gate open. She leaned back in the car and drove inside. Kasey tossed her bike into the bushes and slipped between the bars right before it closed. Her jaw then dropped again when she saw the size of the property. The yard was about 3 or 4 acres in size, enclosed by a seven foot brick wall. The house itself was at least 3 times the size of Kasey’ and had an attached garage big enough to hold at least 4 or 5 cars. Trying to remain focused, she ran as fast as she could to the backyard, finding a large inground swimming pool, hot tub, bar and cabana. Spotting an open window, she grabbed one of the many lawn chairs and pushed it against the wall. She climbed onto it and peeked into the window, seeing Elizabeth making dinner in the kitchen. “our father isn’ getting home till the morning, so you only have to set up two mats.”Elizabeth shouted into the other room. She opened one of the cabinets and rummaged around before closing it and checking another. After not finding what she was looking for, she turned and left the room. Seizing the opportunity, Kasey climbed inside. She saw all kinds of expensive spices and condiments all over the counter top, most of which she never even heard of before. Then, she saw a bottle of wine and a container of apple juice sitting next to two cups. A wicked grin appeared on her face as she grabbed the apple juice. She then pulled out a bottle of pills she stole from the nurse’ office earlier that day. She crushed up the pills, poured them inside the apple juice and stirred them around. She then put the apple juice back next to the wine, trying to make it look untouched. She then climbed onto the counter top and slipped out the window. Hours later It was now very late at night. Elizabeth was sitting by the fire reading a book, wearing nothing but lingerie, a partly see through robe and her diamond necklace that rested between her breasts. She then shut the book before standing up and stretching. “mm, that’ enough reading for tonight.”She put the book down on a small table before walking up the stairs to her daughter’ room. She slowly opened the door and peeked inside, seeing Hannah lying fast asleep in her bed. “ood night sweetie.”She closed the door and headed back downstairs. She approached the chair and table to retrieve her book, but didn’ see it there. “hat the?”She crouched down and looked underneath the chair but didn’ find the book. “hat’ strange, I could’e sworn that I left it right here. Hmm… oh well, I’l look for it in the morning.”Brushing it off, she headed back upstairs and entered her bedroom. Her bed was massive and was covered in silk from some foregin country. She climbed into bed and turned off the light. Barely a minute had passed when she heard a loud bang from somewhere nearby. She turned on her bedside lamp and looked around. “ello? Is someone there?”She climbed out of bed and peeked into the bathroom. She then opened her walk in closet, seeing a small object on the floor. She walked over and crouched down to get a better look, realizing it was her book from earlier. “hat the?!”Suddenly the door slammed shut, leaving her in complete darkness. She ran back and started banging on the door. “et me out! Let me out!”The door swung open, making her fall onto her face. “H!”Then, she heard a quiet giggle. “ehe.”She slowly looked up and saw a figure standing over her. “HHHHH!”She crawled backwards away from the person. “tay back, stay back!”She reached up and flipped the light switch, revealing the mysterious figure to be a young girl about the same age as her daughter. “-what?!” “urprise.”said the young girl with a grin. “ho are you?! Why are you here?!” “y name is Kasey, and I’ the most beautiful girl in all of Blue water middle school.” ....What?” “ou heard me.”All the fear left her body as she realized it was just a child playing a trick on her. “hy exactly are you in my bedroom?” ecause Missy, I don’ like people who think they’e better than me. And when those people think they’e better than me, I gotta do something about it.” hat are you talking about?!” ou! I’ talking about you!” e?! What did I do?!” ou’e sexy, sexier than me! And I can’ have that!”Elizabeth stood back up. “isten kid, you better go and run outta here before I call the police and they call your parents.” nd how are you gonna call them?”Kasey then pulled out Elizabeth’ now smashed up phone and dropped it in front of her. “ou little brat!”Elizabeth moved forward to grab the girl, but she pulled her legs out from under her, making her fall to the ground and bang her head. Then, everything went dark as she felt something wet go over her face. She realized that she was inside the girl’ mouth as a rough tongue started licking up and down her face, seemingly getting all the flavour out of her that it can. “et off of me!”She wiggled around trying to get free. Kasey continued, swallowing down her neck and shoulders. Elizabeth entered the esophagus as her chest entered the mouth. She could feel the rouge tongue caressing her breast, touching every inch and swirling around her sensitive nipples. “-Stop it!”Elizabeth shouted, her face now bright red. Kasey continued to swallow, forcing Elizabeth further down the long slimy tunnel. A bulge in the vague shape of a face and two large spheres appeared on the outside of Kasey’ throat as she gulped down her stomach and waist. She then started to repeatedly slap Elizabeth’ bare butt cheeks. “top it! That hurts!”Kasey giggled with glee as she slapped the butt until it turned a deep shade of red. She then lifted her head up after gulping down her hips, letting gravity help her finish her meal. Elizabeth meanwhile finally reached the end of the esophagus, her head entering the stomach. The inside of the stomach was boiling hot, smelled like vomit and was partly filled with liquid. Her face was forced against a pile of digested food as more of her entered the stomach chamber. Soon, she could feel her lips close around her toes. With one final gulp, the last of Elizabeth was sent down her throat, sealing her fate. Elizabeth was finally able to move around as her legs finally joined her in the stomach. She got off of her face and sat upright before kicking the side of the stomach as hard as she could. “ET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!”Kasey burped, making everything around her shake. Then, she felt a hand hit the side of her head through the skin. “on’ you get it yet? You’l never escape me. My stomach is your tomb.”Her voice was loud and seemed to come from all around her. “elp! Hannah! Help me!”Kasey started to giggle. “hat won’ work!”Kasey said, her smugness practically audible. “ put some sleeping pills in your daughter’ apple juice. She won’ move an inch till morning!”Elizabeth then noticed a tingling sensation on her lower body. She looked down and saw that her robe had partly disintegrated and her skin was turning red. ”HHHHHHHHH!”On the outside, Kasey’ belly was massive. It was about three feet tall and almost four feet long. She grabbed the side of the bed to help stand herself up. She then slowly waddled out of the bedroom and walked down the hall. She walked down the stairs, her belly hitting every step and making Elizabeth shout out in pain every time. She then came into the kitchen and pulled up a stool to get onto the counter. She tried to squeeze herself through the window but her belly became stuck. On the inside, Elizabeth was forced into a ball and pushed into the acid, burning her face. After several minutes of pushing, Kasey finally squeezed through the window and fell onto the lawn chair. She then got onto her bike, propping up her belly on the handle bars. Using a remote she stole from the house, she opened the metal gate and disappeared into the night. The next day The school bell rang as children and tweens hurried into the building, trying to avoid being late. A red Pagani pulled up to the school and Hannah climbed out. “ood luck sweetie. I love you.”A deep voice said from the car. “ love you too dad.”Hannah said, her voice quiet and sad. The car pulled away as she walked towards the entrance to the school. Suddenly, she was pushed to the ground from behind. A foot then stomped down on her back, preventing her from moving. “asey, can we please not do this today? My mom went missing last night and I’ not in the mood to deal with you right now.” eah, I don’ care.” an you just take my lunch and get it over with?”Hannah said while holding her lunch bag up. Kasey snatched it from her hands and rummaged around in it, pulling out a Coca Cola glass from the bag. “h my favorite.”Kasey took her foot off of her, allowing Hannah to turn and look up. “hat the, what happened to you?!” “h, you mean these?”Kasey said while holding up her now C cup breasts. “ust a souvenir from a lovely meal.”After finishing off the soda in one gulp, she then moved down and burped right in Hannah’ face. Among the spit and hot gas, a small object flew out of her mouth. Hannah picked it up, realizing that it was a diamond necklace. “-my mother’ necklace?........it-it can’ be.” t is.”Hannah turned to run away but Kasey grabbed her and smushed her face between her breasts. “ don’ think so. If you tell a single soul about what I did, you’e gonna join your mommy on my chest.”She then turned around and forced her face into her butt. “r, maybe you’l end up on my butt. She didn’ add that much fat back there. Maybe you guys can be a match set! Mother and daughter reunited!” “ won’ tell anyone, I swear!” ood.”She pushed her to the ground. “emember that.”Hannah watched as Kasey turned and walked into the school. Hannah then curled into a ball and started to cry, completely powerless to do anything.
Andy’ family of vore part 7: Andy’ birthday finale Today wasn’ an ordinary sunny Friday, it was Andy’ birthday today. He had just finished receiving his "present”from his girlfriend Jane and was now laying in her belly, one of his favorite places to be. She was currently walking somewhere, but didn’ tell Andy the destination. “he mall?”Andy asked. “ope.”Jane said with a smile. “he beach?” ope.” e’e going to a movie theater!” ope.” m I getting any warmer?” lso nope.” ang, I’ stumped. You said it was for my birthday, right?” erhaps.” ome on, give me some kinda hint. Inside or outside? Are there people I know there? Is it a place of business?” ou’e been there before, and that’ all I’ sayin.” ’e been there before.......laser tag?” ope.” ang!” e’e here.”Her belly stopped moving right as he heard a doorbell go off. The door opened and she stepped inside. Then, the space around him started to get smaller as she was trying to spit him out. He was squeezed upwards and was quickly pushed out of her mouth. He covered his eyes as he curled up on the floor, unable to see due to the bright lights. As his vision came back to him, he could see figures standing around him. “uh? Who’ there?”The lights turned off, revealing his parents, sisters and aunts all standing around him wearing birthday hats and party favors. “appy birthday!”Everyone blew horns and popped confetti poppers. Andy quickly covered himself because he was only wearing underwear. He then saw several flashes as Samantha took pictures of him on her phone. “-guys!”He turned and saw Jane standing behind him with clothes. “ouldn’ have given me those beforehand?” ut that wouldn’ have been as funny.”He took the clothes and put them on as he walked over to his relatives. Vicky barged forward to be the first person to greet him. She lifted him up into the air while hugging him. “appy birthday my little Andy!” “aN’, BrEaThE!” h, sorry.”She let go of him, allowing his lungs to fill with air. Then, his aunt Trini approached him. She was the youngest of the sisters, appearing to be fairly young. She was short, only being 5’, with curly blond hair, large blue eyes and a thin, slender body. “appy birthday Andy.” ey aunt Trini, I haven’ seen you since I was little. How have you been?” “h, I’e been fine. Enjoying life in the city.”Andy’ parents Melissa and Jack came forward next. “appy birthday son.”They said together. He went forward and hugged them both. Kathy then walked up and gave him a hug from behind. “ou feel different.” y boyfriend James is currently fat on my chest.” “ see.”Samantha was the last person at the party. She walked over and gave him a quick side hug. “an you delete those photos of me in my undies?” ehe, nope. I’ keeping those for a long time.” “ang it.” kay everyone.”Melissa said. “ime for the cake!”Everyone gathered around the table and sang happy birthday before handing out slices of cake. After everyone had a piece, Vicky proceeded to lift up the table and swallow the remaining cake whole. Next, they went over to open gifts. Most of the gifts were pretty similar. A movie disk, a new game, a figure. The only exception was his aunt Vicky’ gift, which was a black thong and lingerie bra. “unt Vicky, why’ you give me this?” ell, it’ technically for Jane, but you still get to enjoy it. Though, she probably would’e gotten more use out of it if I gave it to her earlier today.”Both Andy and Jane’ faces turned red while his sisters both poorly tried to contain their laughter. “h....t-thanks Aunt Vicky.” ou’e Welcome.” , uh, gotta go to the bathroom.”Andy got up and quickly speed walked to the closest bathroom. A few minutes later Andy returned from the bathroom and headed into the living room. “o guys, what are we doing ne-“Andy stopped dead in his tracks as saw Jane getting swallowed by his little sister. Andy immediately ran over and pulled on his girlfriend’ legs. “et her go Samantha!”She spit Jane out and looked at Andy. “hat the heck are you doing Andy?!”She asked. “hat are you doing attacking my girlfriend?! “he wasn’ attacking me, Andy.”Jane said. “e were just doing some voreception.” oreception? What the heck’ voreception?”Andy asked. “t’ where you vore someone who has already vored someone.” ike a turducken?!” would’e said russian nesting doll, but yes.” hy are you doing this now?” ecause it would be fun for your birthday.” hope you don’ want me to be at the bottom.” ome on Andy.”Kathy said as she put her arm around his shoulder. “t’ always fun.” oesn’ sound very fun.”Jane walked over and put her arm around his other side. “hat if you end it in my belly?”Jane asked. "Well-“ lease? For me?” ...Fine.” “ay!”Jane and Samantha went back to where they were and started to swallow again. She worked incredibly fast, getting her down in a few gulps. Andy watched as his girlfriend completely disappeared inside of his little sister’ mouth. Next, his older sister Kathy came up and shoved Samantha’ head into her mouth. Samantha was completely still as her big sister swallowed her shoulders and chest. She then lifted her head up and quickly swallowed down her hips and legs. She then let out a burp before rubbing her four long belly. “till delicious as ever, little sister.”Then, their mother approached her. “t’ your turn now sweetie.” ’ ready.”Her mother picked her up by her waist and lifted her above her head. Despite all Andy had seen, he’ always surprised by how strong the women in his family are. She put her daughter’ feet into her mouth and opened wide. Kathy slid down her mothers throat like a water slide before getting her big belly stuck. She wiggled around a little trying to get unstuck before her mother reached up and pushed on her. There was a little popping sound as Kathy continued to descend down her mother's esophagus. The large bulge in Melissa’ throat disappeared behind her chest and reappeared in her stomach, it now sticking out several feet. Andy’ father got off the couch and started to rub his wife’ big belly. “eminds me of when you were pregnant.” ey! I wasn’ that big!”He started to chuckle before kissing his wife on the lips. Then, Vicky walked up and picked both of them up at the same time. She opened her mouth wider than anyone Andy’ ever seen before and shoved them in, the two still passionately kissing. She held them in her mouth, making her cheeks puff out like a giant squirrel. With one gulp, she sent them down her throat. Her belly hit the floor as it grew out over seven feet from her body. She let out a massive burp that caused objects in the room to shake. “ou’l always be my favorite snack, little sister.”Finally, Trini approached her big sister. “ooks like it’ finally my turn.” hope I’ not too much for you to handle.” ou never have before.”Trini then grabbed her big sister and shoved her head into her mouth. Andy’ eyes widened in amazement as he saw his aunt’ mouth open wider than he’ ever seen anyone do before. It stretched out to cover Vicky’ seven foot long belly and slowly crawled up the skin. Her throat bulged out like a frog as she forced her entire immediate family inside of it. The floorboards started to creek as her belly grew in size. He then watched as Vicky’ comparatively small feel disappeared inside of Trini and with one final gulp, sent the last of her down. Trini’ belly ballooned out to around 8 to 9 feet long, now touching the wall in front of her. Andy walked around the side to see the tiny Trini attached to the top of it, her feet no longer touching the floor. “oly crap.” mpressed?”Trini said with pride. “…’e never seen a belly so big before.” anna touch it?”Andy nodded as he stepped forward and touched the side of it. “hoa… re you ready to join it?” “eady as I’l ever be.”He got onto the couch and jumped onto the belly. He climbed to the top and crawled over to his aunt’ face. “ome on in!” “ere goes nothing.”He crawled into Trini’ mouth and was sucked inside like a vacuum. He traveled face first down the slimy tunnel until coming to an opening. His head entered into the stomach, seeing his aunt Vicky sitting inside. “elcome Andy!” “o, now what?” ow, you keep going ahead.”Vicky lifted her head up and placed it below Andy. As he was pushed out her Trini’ esophagus, he was being pushed into Vicky’ mouth. He went through her mouth and entered into her esophagus. He traveled down her throat and entered into her stomach, seeing his mother and father passionately making out inside. “h, hi.” “h!”He let go of Melissa’ butt as they broke apart. “ehe, sorry you had to see that son.” “lease eat me so I can forget about that.” “ight.”She grabbed his head and guided it to her mouth before swallowing him. He traveled down his mother’ esophagus before landing in her stomach. Inside, he saw his sister Kathy. “njoying the water ride?” “ actually am.” ’ glad.”She then opened her mouth and gulped down his head. She playfully licked his face before sending him down her throat. He entered into his sister’ stomach, seeing Samantha texting someone on her phone. “ey-”Andy was cut off as Samantha swallowed his head, not even bothering to talk to him. He again traveled down a slimy esophagus until reaching the end. There, he saw Jane waiting for him. “bout time you showed up.” “id you miss me?”She reached up and pulled him down, letting him lay down next to her. She then leaned forward and started to kiss him. “anna have a little fun before I swallow you?” hat? In here?” eah. No one could hear us through all these groaning stomachs. I can tell your parents are going to.” eah, no thanks. I don’ wanna cum inside my entire family at once.” h well. I love you.” “ove you too.”She then opened her mouth and swallowed his head. He descended down a esophagus one last time before entering her belly, his favorite belly. He curled up in her stomach as the rest of him entered, finally freeing his legs from the cycle of throats. Epilogue Andy stepped inside his house before taking off his coat. He then walked into the living room, seeing his pregnant wife sitting on the couch. “elcome home honey.” ood evening Jane.”He kissed Jane on the lips before sitting down next to her and rubbing her belly. Her pregnancy was about 6 months along and her belly was the size of a watermelon. “nd how’ my little baby doing? Treating your mother well?” ab-ies.” uh?”He looked up and saw Jane holding up two fingers. “oth girls.” h no.” cared of dealing with girls?” o. It’ just that I have a feeling that I’ gonna be spending a lot more time in bellies.”Then, the front door opened as their seven year old son Thomas walked inside. “ey Tommy, have-”He noticed that his son had a distressed look on his face. “hat’ wrong?” “e took a tour of the high school today. Our tour guide Ms Weaver, a-ate a student.” h, she did?” eah. She ate him for cutting class.” eah, that takes me back.” hat?” ome over here son, I’e got a story to tell you.”
Flannery’ fun feast May climbed up the stone steps of the spa untl spotting a woman standing between two red trees. The woman had bright red tied up hair, jeans, black crop top and was facing away from her. “lannery!”May shouted. “ have defeated all of your trainers and solved your puzzles! It’ time to battle me!” “ELCOME!”Flannery loudly shouted. She turned around, revealing she had a basketball sized belly. “ou’e pregnant?!” hat? No, I’ not pregnant. Why, do I look pregnant?!” -no! Uh, forget I said anything.” ight. So, where was I? *ahem* Puny trainer, you’e done well to make it this far! Let’ see. I’, Uh, honored to be serving as the gym leader of…. No, I mean. Dang it, I’e lost it! *sigh* I’ Flannery, and I’ in charge here! Uhh.. you’ better not underestimate me just cause I’e only been a leader for a short time! With the skills I’e inherited from my grandfather, I’ gonna, uh, demonstrate the hot moves we’e honed in this land! She pulled out a Pokeball from behind her. “et’ go!”May said as she tossed her Pokeball. *after the battle* “se body slam!”Flannery shouted. “orkoal!”The orange turtle jumped into the air and slammed down onto May’ Skitty, causing it to faint. “o! That was my last one!”May shouted in despair. “ooks like I won!”Flannery shouted with glee. May stomped on the ground. “ang it! I lost. So, what happens now? I’e never lost before and no one told me what happens.” “ome over here and I’l show you.” h, okay.”May approached the gym leader. “emove your bag of pokeballs.”May did as she was told and handed her the bag. “ow wha-”She was cut off as Flannery lunged forward and shoved her head into her mouth, her tongue licking up and down her face. May was still in shock as Flannery swallowed down her neck and shoulders, forcing her head into the back of her throat. Finally realizing what was going on, May started to squirm and kick her legs. “hat are you doing?!”Her pleading fell on deaf ears as she was forced deeper into the slimy wet tunnel. She shivered as her small breasts and stomach slid over the rough tongue. Flannery lifted her head into the air as she reached her waist, causing May to enter the boiling hot stomach. Her head was pushed into a pile of goop and bones as more of her entered. Soon, nothing but her feet were outside of Flannery. She tilted her head back as she swallowed the last of May down. May’ legs finally joined the rest of her in the stomach, allowing her to move around. She got onto her back and kicked the walls as hard as she could. “et me outta here!”She screamed. Flannery then let out a loud burp. “eah, that’ not happening.”Flannery said with a chuckle. “hat is this stuff?”May said, referring to the goop she was laying in. “hat’ what’ left of the last challenger that lost to me. You’e gonna be just like him soon.”May started to scream and freak out. “emme out! Lemme out!” “uh? Here comes another one.” hat?” “ELCOME!”Flannery shouted. May could hear Flannery do her little speech again. She could tell that she was battling another opponent, but she couldn’ tell who it was. A few minutes later, it appeared that Flannery had won. “ooks like another victory for me!”Flannery said with pride. “ang!”shouted the opponent. The voice was a young male and sounded familiar, but May wasn’ sure who it was. The voice started to speak at a normal volume, making it inaudible for May. “irst, take off your backpack.”Flannery said. “ood. Now, come here.”Everything started to move around and shake as something started to happen outside. She could feel a pair of feet kicking the side of the belly, struggling as hard as it could. A few minutes later, May’ friend and rival Brandon entered the top of the stomach. “randon?!”She shouted. “ay?!”Brandon was pushed into May as more of him entered. The skin around them stretched to accommodate the extra mass. Soon, May and Brandon were squished together as the last of him entered the stomach. “he ate you too?” eah, she did.” o you have any Pokemon to help us escape?” ope, she made me get rid of mine.” eah. Me too.”Then, Flannery started to laugh, making everything shake. “ook at you two dummies. You’e gonna digest so good!”She said with glee. “igest?!”The two of them squirmed around and hit the walls. “eah, keep doing that!”They could feel something rub against and hit the outside of the belly. “hat is she doing?!”The rhythm started to get faster and harder. “ait, I think she’ dry humping us!” isguising!”The force from Flannery’ humping caused May to inadvertently hump Brandon as well. His face turned red and he wiggled to turn away from her, trying to hide his boner. “et us out!”May screamed. On the outside, Flannery was laying on top of her massive belly. She had taken Brandon and May’ twelve Pokeballs and tied a string to them, inserting all of them into her anus. She continued to hump the struggling prey inside of her belly as she moaned in pleasure. “NDY!”Flannery shouted. A man in a red apron, carrying a bundle of wood ran up the stairs. “es Flannery?” “an you close the gym for me? I’e had enough for the day.” es Ma’m.” Meanwhile on the inside, May and Brandon were still struggling to get free as they were repeatedly assaulted by Flannery's hips. Acid had started to fill the belly and made their clothes start to deteriorate. “his isn’ looking good Brandon.” “ay, if this is the end, I have to tell you something.” hat is it?” , uh, I have a crush on you.” randon…” , uh-”Brandon was cut off as May kissed him. “ like you too.”Brandon and May hugged each other as tight as they could as the acid engulfed them. Back on the outside, Flannery was in the middle of fingering herself when she noticed her prey’ movement stop. “uh? Given up already?”She pushed down on her belly with her hand. It felt a lot less solid than a minute ago. “ang, looks like they’e already dead. My stomach was a lot more hungry than I thought. Oh well.” Later that evening Flannery rubbed her eye as she sat up in bed. “*yawn* What a pleasant dream.”She tried to look down at her belly, but was completely blocked by her increased breast size. She slipped out of her bed and immediately looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts had gone from a B cup to a F cup in size and had stretched the fabric of her top to it’ very limit. Her hips had widened by a solid three or four inches, making her belt buckle snap off. Lastly was her butt, which had about 15 pounds of fat added in total. “oly crap!”She thought to herself. “hose kids really went to all the right places!”She held up her belly, which still had some of their remains inside. She then went through her closet, trying to find anything that still fit her. She eventually found an old red leather jacket. It was almost skin tight on her, but at least it covered her up. She then put on a large pair of her grandfather’ jeans. “ime to put this meat to good use!”Flannery said as she walked out the door, planning on having the best night of her life.
The Ring: Samara’ curse 4 It was a cool Friday afternoon. Orange Autumn leaves were blowing through the air and the sounds of children echoed out as the elementary school bell rang. Among all of the children running to the buses or their parent’ cars was the 11 year old Andy who was walking by himself down the sidewalk. Most kids would feel bad about having to walk home all alone, but not Andy. Andy was too preoccupied thinking about his friend Samara. Samara was not a normal girl. She was a ghost who ate everyone that watched a cursed videotape she had created, and it was Andy’ personal mission to show it to as many people as humanly possible. Currently, he had fed about 83 different people to Samara over the course of the past half a year. But, Andy had run into a few new problems lately. With every person eaten, the more people started to get scared and the more the police tried to find out what’ happening. Eventually, people started to move out of town. Half of Andy’ class and most of his neighborhood have already moved out months ago. With all the people leaving, it’ been harder to find someone to watch the tape, not to mention having to hide from all the police patrolling the town. Before, he saw Samara almost every night. Now, It’ been a week and a half since he’ seen her. As he pondered what to do next, he had arrived home. He walked inside and saw his mother sitting in the living room watching TV. “i Andy. How was school?”His mother asked. “t was fine.”He said while putting his bag away, not fully paying attention to her. “ have the television for the night.” don’ mind. I’ gonna go take a nap.”Andy headed upstairs and climbed into his bed. He wrapped the blanket around himself and tried to fall asleep. A few seconds later, he felt someone else get into the bed behind him and go under the sheets. “om, please leave me alone. I'm trying to get some-“He stopped talking as he felt the body press up against his. They were cold to the touch and slightly moist, like they had spent the entire night outside in a body of water. Then, a gray arm with rough skin wrapped around his chest. The other person then pressed their lips up against his ear and whispered in a soft feminine voice. “hucky.”The figure then pulled back and seemingly disappeared from the bed without actually getting out of it. Andy then sprang up in bed and looked around. It appeared that he had fallen asleep, seemingly for a few hours. He quickly got out of bed and stumbled down the stairs, still trying to wake up. He saw his mom still sitting on the couch, now eating a bag of chips. “om?” hat?” o we know anyone named Chucky?” hucky? No. What are you talking about?” h, nothing. Just forget about it.”Just as he was about to leave the room, he heard the guy on the TV say something that caught his attention. He turned around and shouted. “urn up the volume!” kay okay. No need to shout at me.”She said as she raised the volume. “onight on Late nights with Chucky: We’e got special guest Leslie talks about his recent role as a stunt double. Afterwards, Christine shows off what her trained dog Cujo can really do! All this and more at midnight!” hat show is filmed live just outside of town right?!”Andy asked. “eah, it’ just an hour from our house. So what?”His mother asked. He turned and ran up the stairs as fast as he could, not bothering to answer her question. “hy is he so weird?” 1:50 pm “huck. Chuck. Chuck!” “hat!?”Chucky shouted through his dressing room door. “e’e live in ten minutes.” crew off! I’l go out when I’ ready!”Gage let out a sigh as he walked away from the dressing room. He was in charge of making everything go smoothly, including dealing with the star of the show himself. He walked over to his assistant, Ellie. “hat did Louis say about the new camera? Is everything ready?”Gage asked. “ouis hasn’ said anything.” “HAT?!” “-Louis hasn’ gotten back to me yet.”She said, her voice more timid. “ine. I gotta do everything myself around here.”He handed her his clipboard and stormed off. A few minutes later, he walked into the production control room. The room was completely dark and eerily quiet. “ouis, are you here? We’e going live in less than 5 minutes and you still haven’ told me if the camera is ready to go.”He flipped the light switch a few times, but nothing happened. “oes everything have to go wrong today?”He then noticed a light at the back of the room. He walked over and saw a little boy no older than eleven messing around with the controls to the only lit screen. “ey!” h oh.”The kid said. “et over here!”The kid tried to turn and ran away but Gage grabbed his arm. “et me go!”The boy struggled, trying to get out of his grasp. “ids aren’ supposed to be back here! How’ you even get into the building? Do your parents work here or something? I’ gonna call security and they’l deal with you.”The boy stopped struggling and started at Gage with incredible concentration. “-what are you doing? Stop that! It’ creepy.”Suddenly, every TV screen in the room turned on. They all showed an image of a forest, with an old stone well in the middle. “ow are you doing this?!”On the TV screen closet to Gage, a pair of hands appeared from the well and a young girl crawled out of it. She had long black hair that covered her face, inhumanly grey skin, a bulging belly and wore a long tattered white dress that went down to her ankles. The girl slowly walked closer to the screen, soon taking up the entire frame. “top it!”Gage’ nose started to bleed as the girl’ head came through the screen. “HHHHHHHH!”He turned and ran as fast as he could. He tried to open the door, but it was locked tight. He looked back and saw that the girl was now standing right behind him, allowing him to see her rotted face and black hate filled eyes. Before he could even scream, the girl lunged forward and shoved his head inside of her mouth. Despite how little light there was, he could just barely make out the shapes of her teeth around him. She then gulped down his neck, pushing him forward and making him dangle over the dark abyss of her throat. He tried to kick and squirm around, but it did little to slow her down. She swallowed down his shoulders and chest, forcing his head down her esophagus. He steadily traveled down her cold slimy throat as more of his body was gulped down. He soon reached the end and was forced into her stomach. The stomach chamber was as hot as an oven and reeked of death. His head was pushed into a puddle of liquid as she swallowed down his legs. Soon, he could then feel her lips close around his feet. With one final gulp, the last of Gage was sent down her throat, sealing his fate. He was now neck deep in some kind of strange liquid and was pushed up against several small hard objects. He reached back and grabbed one of the objects. He pulled it in front of him and realized it was a human skull, covered with partly digested flesh and a pair of glasses that he recognized as Louis’. He started to freak out and kick the stomach walls as hard as he could. “ET ME OUTTA HERE!”Andy watched with a big smile on his face as the outline of that annoying man descended down his friend’ throat and disappeared into her chest. Her stomach now stuck out about three feet from her body and a little bit of her skin could be seen peeking out from under her dress. “hanks for the help again friend.”Without saying a word, Samara disappeared and reappeared next to the TV screen. She pressed down on her belly, causing it to shrink and her food to stop moving. Everything then turned back to normal as she crawled back into the screen. Andy then went back to the TVs and inserted the video tape inside. He could hear people in the other rooms start to freak out as the unknown video started to play on their station. After it finished, he took the tape out and put it back into his bag. He then slipped out of the room through a window just before crew members started to run into the production room. “ee you next week.”He said with a grin. 7 days later Things had been quite hectic after Andy broadcasted the tape. Suicide rates and car crashes in the area increased several dozen times, and Late nights with Chucky stopped airing completely after the host had a mental break down live on TV. Currently, Andy was sitting in the center of town. Despite it being the middle of the night, there were still many businesses open and cars rushing past him. One woman who ran the shop next across the street walked over to the bench Andy was sitting at. “xcuse me little boy, are you lost? Are you waiting for your parents? Do you need a phone to make a call?”She asked. “o.”He calmly replied. “’ just waiting for the show.”It was then that the town hall’ bell started to ring, signifying that it was midnight. Suddenly, screams rang out across the town. Cars started to crash into buildings and people started to run around screaming. The woman looked down at Andy in fear. “re, are you the one doing this?”She asked, her voice trembling with fear. He simply smiled in response. Then, long black hair appeared from a sewer grate and wrapped around her. “O! NO! LET ME GO!”She was completely powerless as the black hair dragged her into the sewers. Andy smiled, enjoying the chaos. Then, a TV in the nearby TV store lit up, displaying Samara’ forest. He looked around, seeing nobody else around. His eyes lit up as he realized what it meant. He quickly got up and ran to the store, breaking open the window with a rock. He crouched down and put his hands on the screen. His hand went right through it, as if nothing was there. He crawled forward, entering into the TV. He was now inside the forest, behind him was a floating hole that he came from. He looked up and saw a massive grey blob of flesh, surrounded by hundreds of similar portals. As he approached the monolith of meat, he could make out the outlines of hundreds, possibly thousands of people through the skin. Each one was struggling and wiggling around, except for those at the very bottom, who were all as still as statues. He could see the long black hair going into the portals, pulling people out and bringing them presumably to the mouth to be added to the building sized belly. He grabbed onto the side and climbed up, using people’ heads, arms and legs as steps. After reaching the top, he laid on his stomach, feeling the people struggling for their lives just below him. . . . . . . Meanwhile A large dark figure entered into the house. He peered into the living room, seeing Andy’ mother fast asleep on the couch, bag of chips resting on her chests. He crept up the stairs and entered into Andy’ room. He went around opening every drawer and cabinet, searching it top to bottom. Then he opened the closet door, seeing multiple copies of Samara’ tape stacked in the corner. He pulled a VHS tape out of his pocket and swapped it with the bottom tape on the pile. He then moved quickly, rushing down the stairs and out of the house, disappearing into the night. To be continued in: The Vore Royale
Vore royale Prologue Small Platforms raised up, bringing hundreds of women and girls into a large circular clearing of trees. Each one of them was confused about what was happening to them. “hat’ going on?”One asked. “here are we?”Said Another. “ho are you people?!”Yet another pleaded. “ELLO AND WELCOME! TO THE FIRST EVER VORE ROYALE!”In the sky, a voice visualizer appeared, revealing the sky and sun to be fake. “ bet you’e all wondering what’ going on, who the women around you are and who I am. Well, my name is the Vore master and I have gathered together the greatest, sexiest and most powerful women from across the multiverse and put all of you into my arena for one single purpose. SO YOU CAN BEAT DOWN AND EAT EACH OTHER FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THOUSANDS! And yes, I SAID EAT! I have modified each of your bodies to be lean, mean, eating machines! To be more specific, I have injected each of you with a drug of my own creation that greatly increases your metabolisms, which will allow you to digest your opponents within an incredibly short amount of time. (unfortunately, it also means that very little of them is turned into fat but I guess that’ the price you pay) Also, the inside of your stomachs have increased elasticity and durability to prevent any and all escape attempts, whether they be from adamantium claws or magically enhanced fists. Once they’e down your gullet, they are done for. Most of you have probably noticed that there’ an unbreakable dome around the arena, making any escape attempts pointless. You can pound on it for hours and not make a dent. The only way for you to get out of here is to be the last person not digested. Teaming up is allowed, but only to a certain group size. Aside from that, there is only one simple and easy rule that you must follow. All deaths must happen inside the body. That means that you may swallow them whole or in pieces but no killing people and then leaving or eating the corpse later. Anyone caught cheating will be eliminated. Using other orifices such as the anus or womb is allowed. Oh, and just one more warning. There are large and or dangerous creatures that have been placed around the arena by yours truly. Don’ worry though, they have been chipped, monitored and trained to not kill people. They’l just hurt you, really, really bad. Maybe they’l leave a few free meals for you, who knows? Anyway, it is now time for the first multiversal vore royale to commence!” A loud horn blared and all the women either charged into the center to battle each other or ran away from the circle trying to escape. The sounds of guns, explosions, screams and all types of magic and superpowers permeated the arena. People were being swallowed down left and right and the population of the dome was steadily dropping. The royale had begun. Act 1- A strange game In a dense forest area not too far from the starting circle, a young girl ran as fast as she could through the trees. She had a shaved head, pale skin and was wearing a pink dress with a blue jean jacket over it. The girl had somehow managed to escape the carnage and chaos of the starting area while also avoiding all the other competitors. Eventually, she exited the forest and came up to a small grassy hill. Exhausted, she sat down atop it to relax, her belly growling with hunger. The young girl was scared and confused, hoping that this was all just a bad dream. Hoping that any second now she would wake up and be safe and secure within her blanket fort. She’ turn and see her friend sitting on the couch next to her glad she was finally awake, with a big plate of waffles ready for them to enjoy eating together, instead of having to eat other human beings to survive. Then, she was pulled back to reality from the nearby sounds of a struggle and a loud mighty roar. She crawled up the hill and looked past it, spotting a young woman wielding a long thin rapier fighting against a large tiger-like creature. The woman was rather small and petite, being maybe five feet tall at the most. She had long brown hair, blue eyes and was wearing fur and leather armor. She looked like she just walked out of the dice game her friends played. She thrusted her sword through the large cat’ right shoulder, causing it to roar in pain. It slashed it’ claws at her, but she quickly ducked and countered by stabbing it’ paw with a small knife. The beast howled again in agony before turning and running away from her. “hat should teach you to mess with a Stark!”She shouted at her fleeing foe. She sheathed her sword and started to walk away when suddenly a whip came out of nowhere and wrapped around her left arm. Then, a second whip came out and wrapped around her right. “ho dares?!”She watched as two women came out from the forest. One had long pink hair, a black cap, a white midriff revealing tank top, a pair of denim cut off shorts and high heels. The other girl was a nearly perfect clone of the first woman, except for the fact she had bright orange hair instead of pink. “ell Roxy, looks like we caught some prey.” ndeed Poison.”The woman struggled as Poison and Roxy walked closer. “tay back!”She shouted. “r I’l cut you to ribbon!” ig talk from such a small girl.”Poison and Roxy were now right next to her. “nd what’ your name?” am No one!” ell then No one, time to say goodnight.”She said as she walked over, licking her lips with anticipation. Suddenly, Roxy was lifted into the air by an invisible force and was sent flying away. “oxy?!”With her left hand freed, No one took out her sword and stabbed Poison’ hand, making her drop the whip and scream in pain. She then pounced onto Poison like a starving wolf and shoved her head into her mouth. Poison struggled as the woman wasted no time in gulping down her shoulders and torso. Her legs flailed around as No one’ belly expanded in size and popped out from under her leather armor. “oison!”Roxy got up and ran over to try to save her friend. Right as she got to her, she started to levitate into the air. “hat the?! How are you doing this?”The woman gulped down Poison’ feet before responding to Roxy. “asn’ me, but I won’ miss this chance.”She stood up and walked under Roxy, putting both of her feet into her mouth. “o! Stop that!”Roxy tried to pull her legs out but No one’ grip was too powerful. Then, the unseen force that was holding Roxy up made her start to go down, straight down No one’ throat. She screamed out for help as her hips passed through her mouth, making the throat bulge out. The girl’ belly grew in size as Roxy’ legs joined Poison. Soon, nothing but her face was still visible. “O!!”Teeth closed around her face as her head got sent down the esophagus, sealing her fate. No one’ belly bulged out several feet in size as she let out a loud burp. “elicious.”She then looked over at the hill. “ou may come out now. I know where you’e hiding.”Knowing that she’ been caught, the young girl walked out from behind the hill, blood dripping from her nose, and approached the woman. “ou’e the one that helped me, right?”The girl simply nodded in response. “hat is your name?”She remained silent. The woman walked over to the girl and noticed a 011 tattooed on her arm. “leven?” l.” l, is that your name?” es.” “ello El. I am Arya Stark of Winterfell. Thank you for saving me.”Eleven was staring at Arya’ belly, seemingly mesmerised. “ou can feel it if you’ like.”Eleven took a step forward and touched her stomach, feeling the squirming outlines of Roxy and Poison. “ow would you like to travel with me? We’l be safer together.”Eleven slowly nodded. “ery well, let’ go.” here?” he further from other people, the better.”The two girls walked in the opposite direction of the forest, Arya’ belly still squirming from it’ meal. Act 2- Motherhood On the top of a rocky cliff not far from the starting area, a small firefight raged on. It’ participants were four women, the Alien slaying Ellen Ripley wielding a M41A pulse rifle with a M240 Incinerator Unit fused to it, the Imperator Furiosa wielding a Mossberg 500 shotgun, the undercover operative Joanna Dark wielding a ZZT and the archaeologist, treasure hunter and tomb raider Lara Croft wielding her signature dual pistols. Each were hidden behind boulders and rocks, occasionally moving out from cover to shoot at someone. “ust my luck.”Ripley thought to herself. She peeked out from behind her rock and examined her opponents, eventually focusing on Furiosa. “he chick with the bad haircut appears to be the least trained. I can get over there and swallow her if I get an opening.”She thought to herself. Then, Lara jumped out from behind the rocks and started shooting at Joanna while still in the air, giving Ripley the perfect distraction. She fired a grenade behind the rock Furiosa was hiding behind, forcing her to run out into the open. She then shot off her robotic arm, making it fly off with her shotgun. Ripley came out from behind the rock and pointed her gun at Furiosa before she could grab her shotgun off the ground. “on’ move!”Ripley shouted. Furiosa put her arm (and stump) up. Ripley then slowly walked over. Furiosa suddenly ran forward and rammed into Ripley. The two wrestled around on the ground for a little while before Ripley shoved Furiosa’ legs into her mouth. “et off me!”Furiosa kicked and shook her legs around but it was useless. Ripley’ lips climbed up Furiosa’ legs, soon reaching her thighs and butt. Her belly popped out from under her white shirt and jacket as she swallowed up her torso. Furiosa tried to push down on Ripley’ head, but she wasn’ able to do much with only one arm. Soon she passed Furiosa’ breasts and went up her neck. Furiosa could do nothing but scream for help as her head disappeared inside of Ripley’ mouth. With one final gulp, the last bulge went down Ripley’ throat and disappeared beneath her chest. Ripley let out a burp while standing back up and patting her now two and a half foot squirming belly. She looked over at her opponents, seeing a large bellied Lara Croft gulping down a set of black wedge boots. Ripley shot at her, but Lara jumped straight into the air dodging the bullets. She then landed next to Ripley, sending her rifle flying away with a swift kick. Ripley put her hands up as Lara pointed her twin pistols at her. “h well, you tried. Better luck next time.”Before Lara could do anything, a woman dressed in a yellow and black leather jumpsuit jumped in from nowhere and sliced her guns in half with a katana. Lara immediately swung at her with her foot but the Bride ducked and sliced up the side of her leg with her blade. As Lara clutched her leg in pain, the Bride moved forward and swallowed Lara’ head. Lara’ arms were pinned to her side as the Bride very quickly swallowed her down, showing off her skill and experience with vore. In a matter of seconds she swallowed down her chest, large belly and thighs, finally lifting her head up as she swallowed down her feet. The Bride’ leather jumpsuit stretched out about four feet as it tried to accommodate two full grown women entering it. The Bride then turned to see Ripley running as fast as she could to grab her gun. Ripley grabbed her rifle and dropped to the ground on her back, immediately opening fire on the Bride. The Bride blocked every single bullet with her blade, moving so fast that Ripley could barely see it. Eventually, Ripley’ clip ran out and the Bride started to run at her. Ripley tried to reload as fast as she could as her opponent got closer. “ipley!”Right before the Bride could pounce onto Ripley, a little girl ran out from behind cover and stood between the two women with her arms stretched out. The Bride immediately stopped in her tracks and stared down at the little girl before her. “et out of here now!”Ripley shouted at the little girl. “o! I’ not leaving you!” said move!”The Bride slowly approached the girl before crouching slightly to be at eye level. Although the girl was trying her best to look tough, The Bride could tell that she was scared. “s this your mother?”She asked. The girl was silent, simply nodding in response. She stared off into space for a moment, seemingly lost in a memory. Coming back to reality, the Bride flicked her sword to remove the blood before putting it back in it’ sheath. She then turned and walked away without saying a word. The little girl let out a large sigh as the battle ended. She then turned and hugged Ripley as she stood up. Ripley stood on one knee and grabbed the girl’ shoulders, holding her at arm's length and looking her in the eyes. “isten to me. That was very, very dangerous Newt. You shouldn’ have done that.”She said in a stern motherly voice. “he was going to hurt you.” “ know, you were just trying to protect me. But please don’ do that again. You could’e been hurt. Or worse, eaten. Do you understand?” es.” ood. You were lucky that she seemed to like kids. Now come over here.”She wrapped both her arms around Newt and hugged her. Newt then looked down at Ripley’ large belly that was almost bigger than she was. “s this what you look like when I’ in there?”She asked, her eyes locked on her no longer squirming stomach. Ripley let out a chuckle. “ little bit. You’e a lot smaller though.”Newt reached down and started to rub Ripley’ stomach, feeling the outline of the woman inside of it. Ripley smiled as she felt the tiny hand caress the outside of her bulging belly. Suddenly, the ground started to shake as an explosion went off at the bottom of the cliff they were on. “t’ time to go Newt. We shouldn’ stay in one place for too long.”Newt held Ripley’ hand as the two of them walked away. Act 3- Resident reunion In a forest nearby the starting area, S.T.A.R.S. officer Jill Valentine wandered aimlessly through the trees. She wasn’ sure what was happening to her, where she was or even what she was doing before being taken here. She only remembered waking up in the arena wearing her old police uniform and beret with a combat shotgun, a rocket launcher and her custom made S.T.A.R.S. pistol, the Samurai Edge. She stopped and sat down at the base of a tree, trying to catch her breath and figure out what she should do next. Just a few moments later, she heard a twig snap from about thirty feet behind her. She carefully peered around the tree and spotted an unknown figure walking towards her. She quickly jumped up and moved around the tree, aiming her Samurai edge in the direction of the shape. “reeze!” “ill! Stop! It’ me Claire! Claire Redfield!”The unknown shape revealed itself to be a young woman with brown hair and fair skin. She was wearing black legging shorts, brown boots and a red vest with the words Made in Heaven written on the back. “laire?”Jill lowered her weapon. “orry, I didn’ recognise you Claire. This place has me on edge.”Jill stood up and walked over to Claire. Claire had a grenade launcher, bowgun and an upgraded handgun. “t’ okay. This place is pure insanity.” “ow’ you find me?” saw you run into the woods at the beginning and tried to follow you. Do you know what’ going on here?” “o, but I know that somehow the Umbrella corporation is behind all of this. They always are. Do you remember anything before today?” “ot a thing.”Jill then noticed what appeared to be a little girl peeking out from behind Claire. “ho’ that?”The young girl hid behind Claire after realizing she was seen. “uh? Oh, you mean Sherry. She’ a kid I found during the outbreak in Raccoon city. Her parents... uh... died during the outbreak and I’e been taking care of her ever since.”She turned her head back to Sherry. “herry, it’ alright. This is STARS officer Jill Valentine. Her and my brother Chris were partners in the police force. We can trust her.”Sherry peaked out again from behind Claire. “i.”She said with a voice ever so quiet and small. Jill crouched down slightly so she was at eye level with her. “ello there Sherry.”She held her open hand out. The little blonde girl slowly came out from behind Claire and shook her hand. She was wearing a white shirt, a pair of blue shorts, a blue scarf and a red jacket that said Made in Heaven on the back just like Claire’. She also had a yellow and black rifle strapped around her shoulder, most likely given to her by Claire. “t’ nice to meet you.”Jill then looked back up at Claire. “ave you seen anybody else you recognise?” o, not yet. Maybe-”Claire was cut off when they all heard a loud crashing sound. Clarie and Jill both immediately pulled out their weapons and pointed in the direction of the crash. “hat doesn’ sound good.” “e better go check.” herry, stay close to me.”The three girls walked through the woods in the direction of the ominous sound. After several minutes of walking the three exited the forest and came to the bottom of a rocky cliff. Then, they hear a woman screaming followed by a creature roaring. They walked towards the noise and found a 10 foot tall humanoid creature, seemingly skinless and covered with muscles. The creature had a pair of kicking human legs sticking out of its mouth. It leaned it’ head back and swallowed the legs down in a matter of seconds. Whoever it just swallowed down didn’ even make a bulge in it’ gargantuan throat. “hat things a female?!” t’ a tyrant!”The berserker heard their voices, let out a screech and charged at them like a raging bull. They all ran out of the way, making it ram into a boulder and shatter it to pieces. The creature started wildly swinging it’ fists around hoping to hit something. “t’ blind!”Sherry shouted. It immediately turned to her and ran full speed at her. She jumped out of the way, making it hit and uproot several trees. Claire and Jill both shot at it, but the bullets couldn’ pierce it’ tough hide. It got back up and started sniffing the air, trying to find them. Jill carefully walked over to Claire and started whispering to her. “et it to run into the side of the mountain, I have a plan.” ot it.”Claire ran over to the rock wall. “EY FREAK! OVER HERE!”The Berserker let out a loud roar and ran at her, Claire moving out of the way at the last second. It rammed full speed into the cliff, cracking it and making several boulders fall onto its back. The Berserker screeched as the heavy rocks pinned it’ body to the ground. It frantically waved its arms around until getting a hold on Claire’ left leg. “laire!”Sherry yelled and ran at her. “tay back Sherry!”It whipped its arms back and hit Sherry, sending her flying back a few dozen feet and making her drop her gun. “atch out!”Jill shot it with her rocket launcher, making a fountain of blood spray everywhere and shattering the rocks pinning it. The Berserker roared out in pain and let go of Claire. Jill then ran over and grabbed it’ feet. Just a single foot was as big as Jill’ entire head. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and shoved it inside. She slowly swallowed down the Berserker's knees and thighs, making her throat bulge out almost two or three feet out. Her belly came out from under her uniform and started to drag on the dirt as it’ feet entered her stomach. She swallowed down it’ hips and went up it’ stomach. Then, the Berserker regained consciousness and started to move around. Claire picked up the yellow and black gun that Sherry dropped. Two prongs shot out from it, stabbing into the burnt skin made from Jill’ rocket explosion. The berserker was shot full of electricity, making it unable to fight back. Jill continued, swallowing it’ chest and shoulders. Her belly was so big now it lifted her off the ground, making her unable to move. Claire removed the Sparkshot’ tongs as Jill swallowed down the Berserker's head. In a few more gulps, it’ giant arms were swallowed down. Her mouth closed around the creature’ knuckles, sending it down her esophagus. Jill let out an epic burp that shook the ground and pushed away small pebbles as the last of the berserker exited her throat. Her belly was now about three feet tall and stuck out over ten feet from her body. Claire walked over and patted her belly. “ice job Jill!” o problem.”She said, her voice weak. “ou really saved my @$$ back there, it almost turned me into a Claire sandwich.”Jill started to chuckle. “arry really loves to tell that story, huh?” “nly to everyone he meets.”Then, Sherry came over and hugged Claire. Jill noticed her arm was scratched up and bleeding. “herry, your arms bleeding!” “on’ worry.”Sherry said, holding her arm up. “ook.”In a matter of seconds her cuts closed, as if nothing happened. “hoa! How’ you do that?” “herry’ parents were scientists working for Umbrella. Her father worked on the T virus and created his own strain called the G virus. It allowed someone to survive anything, but caused them to mutate. He infected Sherry with it but I gave her the cure in time. But instead of destroying the virus, it mutated into a non lethal form. Now, it allows her to heal like him without turning into a monster.” “ncredible.”Sherry stepped forward and rubbed Jill’ belly. “ell. Since I can’ move, we better set up around here for now.” ight. Sherry, come on. Let’ scope out the area.” Act 4- Little hunger The battle in the center continued to rage on. Among the carnage, a small ball of light whizzed around dodging attacks and flying limbs. It eventually escaped from the crowd and landed on the branch of a nearby tree. Within the ball of light was a small woman only a few inches tall. The woman had short blonde hair, pale skin, a slender body, wide hips and wore a dress made of leaves. She sat down and let out a sigh of relief. “ don’ belong here!”Tinker bell thought to herself. “ can’ fight people this big, let alone eat them! What am I going to do?!”Unknown to Tinker bell, a small figure walked along the branch. It appeared to be a young girl about the same size as Tink, wearing a long yellow raincoat and a bit of black hair sticking out of it. The girl slowly got closer before grabbing onto the fairy. Tinker bell tried to fly away but Six already had a strong hold on her. She shoved the helpless fairy into her gaping maw and swallowed her down in only a few seconds. Her belly grew out from her body but still managed to stay inside of her raincoat. She could feel her prey struggling within, making her let out a burp. She then turned and started to walk down the branch, her belly making the sound of a bell as it bounced up and down.
Dawn’ Galactic appetite It was a bright sunny day in the Sinnoh region. Ten year old Dawn was merily riding her pink bike down a well used dirt path. She had long black hair, dark blue eyes and was wearing a white hat, tall pink boots and a black and pink mini dress with a very short skirt and a white shirt underneath. Dawn had just had her 10th birthday a few weeks ago, meaning she was old enough to start her Pokemon journey. She traveled around the region battling gyms and collecting new Pokémon. Now, she was currently heading to the next town which required her to travel through a mountain. After a few more minutes of peddling, she came to an entrance to a cave. Standing in front of the cave entrance was a male team Galactic grunt. He was dressed in some type of gray, white and black space suit with long pants and sleeves, tall boots and a big yellow G on his chest for team Galactic. “h, hello there. Is it alright if I can squeeze past you? It’l only take a second. You see, that’ the only way to the next town from here.”Dawn asked. “o, I don’ think I will.”He said with a smug grin across his face that stretched ear to ear. “ know who you are, Dawn, and I came here with a purpose. You see, my superiors are getting real angry about you butting your head into our group’ business. So me and my partner thought that if we cut you off and took care of you now, we’ get promoted. Heck, maybe I could even become an admin! Boy, I’ love to see the looks on Mars and Saturn’ faces when we bump elbows.” oooo…. you’e saying you wanna battle me?” gh. Yes, I’ saying that I’ going to battle you.”He said while pulling out a Pokeball. “weet! I won’ be holding back, so watch out!”She zipped open her backpack and pulled out an ultra ball. “o Zubat!”He threw his Pokeball and a small flying blue bat with no eyes came out. “o Roselia!”She threw her Pokeball and a small plant that resembled a girl with red and blue roses for hands appeared. After the battle “se Peck!”Dawn shouted. Dawn’ Prinplup jumped forward and hit the grunt’ Croagunk with its beak, sending it flying into the air and landing in front of the grunt’ feet. “ang it!”The grunt shouted while stomping his feet. “a! Looks like I’e won.” e’l get you next time you brat.”The grunt tried to walk away but Dawn got in front of him. “old it right there.” “hat?” can’ just let you leave. If you escape, then you are just gonna destroy and hurt more people.” o what are you gonna do about it, arrest me?” h, I-” hat’ what I thought. Now beat it you little brat.”He tried to keep walking but she grabbed his arm. “et go of me!”He tried to push her away while walking back but she held onto him as strongly as she could. “’ not gonna let you go!”Trying to quickly think of something to stop him, she hastily shoved both of his hands into her mouth. Her eyes then shot open, absolutely loving the flavor of the grunt’ skin. “hat the!? What are you doing?!”She grabbed his arms and pulled him in up to his elbows. “o. Stop! Please stop!”She opened her mouth very wide and was about to swallow his head. “OOOOOO-”He was cut off as her lips closed around his head. Her tongue licked up and down his face, enjoying every inch of it. After a few seconds she pulled him further in, forcing his face to enter the top of her throat. The grunt wiggled and kicked his legs around as she swallowed his chest and stomach in a matter of seconds. Her throat bulged out in the vague outline of his screaming face as he passed through her esophagus. She swallowed his waist and hips and then lifted her head up to let gravity help her with his legs. The grunt descended down the long slimy tunnel and entered into her stomach. The stomach chamber was boiling hot, smelled like bad breath and was very dark aside from the small bit of light coming through the top skin. He laid on what was left of her breakfast as his body curled up inside of her. Soon enough the grunt’ legs and feet entered her mouth and went down her throat, sealing his fate. The last of the grunt joined him in her belly, finally letting him move around. He kicked the stomach wall as hard as he could, making her lose her balance and fall onto her butt. “et me out you maniac!” o, I don’ think I-”Dawn then let out a very loud burp. “ill.”Her stomach stuck out by about 2 and a half feet from her body. It was almost three feet tall and in the vague shape of the curled up grunt. She smiled as she rubbed her belly. “ow I understand why Snorlax eats so much. This big belly is so satisfying!” “ey kid!”Dawn turned her head and saw a female team Galactic grunt standing on the dirt path before her. She had on the exact same uniform as the other male grunt, except that her hair was longer and her pants were replaced by a very small mini skirt (that exposed most of her butt, which was in very tight pants). “ou better let my partner out right now, or else.” er else what?”She stood up while holding out her Pokeball. “ow’ about this, let’ make a deal.” hat kind of deal?” battle. If I win, you let my partner out and I get to swallow you whole.” nd if I win, I get to eat you too.” o it’ a deal?”She said as she pulled out her own Pokeball. “eah, it's a deal.” “hen let’ go! Go Glameow!”She threw her ball and a small grey and white cat like pokemon came out. “o Staravia!”She threw her ball and a large brown and black bird like pokemon came out. After the battle “se Bubble beam!”Dawn shouted. “rinplup!”A stream of bubbles flew out of Prinplup’ mouth and hit the grunt’ Houndour, making it fall over defeated. “o!”The female grunt shouted in anger. “ooks like I win again.” Dawn said with a smug grin across her face. “ou got lucky.” heam, looks like it’ time for my reward.” eah right! As if I’ let myself get eaten! You can’ make me fatty!”The female grunt turned around and tried to run away but Dawn’ Prinplup ran forward and tripped her up. Dawn then ran over and jumped onto her, pinning her to the ground with the weight of her giant belly. She could feel the outline of her partner on top of her. “et off me!” deals a deal!”Dawn grabbed both of her feet and shoved them into her mouth as she stood up. “ait, no!”She reached around trying to grab anything heavy, eventually grabbing onto the grass as hard as she could. Dawn continued, swallowing down her knees and her thighs very quickly. She then reached down and slid off the grunt’ tight pants and underwear before gulping her in up to her butt. “-wait, what are you doing?!”Dawn started to lick every inch of the female grunt’ butt. “top it!”The grunt’ face turned red from embarrassment. To think, not only did a 10 year old girl beat her in a Pokemon battle, but is currently swallowing her whole and having her way with her butt. Dawn spent a few minutes getting every ounce of flavor out of her cheeks before continuing, swallowing down her hips. Dawn’ stomach started to grow in size as the grunt’ legs joined her teammate in the boiling hot stomach chamber. The grunt could no longer reach the ground with her hands as Dawn swallowed her stomach and breasts. Soon, only her head was outside of Dawn’ gluttonouness gullet. “lease, I can’ die now. Not like this!”Everything went dark as Dawn’ lips closed around her face. With one final gulp the last of the team Galactic grunt was sent down Dawn’ throat, sealing her fate. The outline of the struggling grunt’ face and breasts could be seen descending down Dawn’ throat before disappearing behind her chest. Dawn let out a massive burp as the last of her lunch landed in her belly. “ow, I should eat defeated trainers more often! That was amazing!”Her distended belly was now about 5 feet long, causing it to lay on the ground in front of her. She started to rub her belly, feeling the shape of the two team Galactic grunts squished together inside of it. The two grunts started to struggle and kick even harder as acid started to fill the stomach. This continued for a few minutes before suddenly stopping. “hat’ wrong? Run outta energy?”Then, an alarm on her Pokémon Watch started to go off. “h no, I’ gonna be late! If I don’ hurry now then Barry will get to the next gym before me!”She propped up her giant now squishy belly on the front of her bike before continuing into the cave. Later that day Dawn entered into the Pokemon center and approached the Nurse Joy behind the front desk. Her belly was now about the size of a basketball. "Welcome to the Pokémon Center, where we will heal your Pokémon back to full health. Would you like me to take your Pokémon?" Nurse Joy said in a cheery tone. “es please.”Dawn replied. "Okay, I'll take your Pokémon for a few seconds." Suddenly, Dawn’ belly started to gurgle and groan, making her clutch her stomach. “h, could you tell me where the bathroom is?” ertainly. You take the escalator to the top. It’ the first room on the left.” hank you!”Dawn quickly ran up the escalator and entered into the bathroom. She quickly lifted her skirt and slid down her panties, which seemed to be much tighter on her now than when she first put them on. She sat down and felt sweet relief as the contents of her bowels were emptied into the bowl. Her belly steadily shrunk as it’ contents left. After she was done, there was nothing but a small layer of pudge left on her stomach. She then stood up and looked down at the bowl, seeing the monster crap she just took. Among the pile of feces were two skulls, bones, bits of blue hair and several pokeballs. “uh, I thought there would be more. Where did the rest of you two go?”She stopped as the realization hit her. She walked over to the mirror while lifting her skirt, seeing several inches of fat that had been added to her butt, hips and thighs. She was so focused on getting to the next town as fast as possible that she didn’ notice the changes that were being made to her body. “h, so that’ why my undies were harder to get off.”She then took off her shirt and looked at her budding breasts. Just earlier this morning she was completely flat chested. Now she was somewhere between a B or a C size cup. They were not very big but Dawn definitely needed to start wearing a bra now. She’ probably have to put her Pokémon journey on hold for a few days so she and her mom could go shopping for bras, which bummed Dawn out a little. She walked over to the toilet while putting her clothes back on. “ell, you two grunts certainly left your mark. Time to say goodbye.”She waved as she flushed the toilet with her foot, sending the remains of the team Galactic grunts down the drain. She then walked back downstairs to Nurse Joy. "Your Pokémon are now healed.” hanks.” e hope to see you again." Dawn grabbed her Pokeballs and walked out of the door, ready to continue her journey to being the Pokemon champion.
Overly possessive brother It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Jared sat in a chair reading a book waiting for his younger sister to get home from high school. He had short blonde hair, average height and had a lean build. Jared’ father passed away a long time ago and his mother was always at work, meaning it was his responsibility to take care of his younger sister. Even though she’ a freshman in high school now and didn’ need any help, he still always did stuff for her, such as making sure she got home safe. He put his book down on a table as the front door opened and Sarah entered the house. He walked over and gave his sister a hug as she put down her backpack and jacket. She had long blonde hair, was a little short in size, had wide hips with a fat butt. “ow was school today Sarah?” ame as usual. Pretty boring.”Then, a girl about the same age as Sarah walked in behind her. She had long black hair, dark colored skin and very large boobs. “h, who’ this?” his is my friend Brittany.” ello there.”She said while doing a little wave. “ey, Sarah. Could you come over here for a moment?”He grabbed her arm and brought her into another room so Brittany couldn’ hear them speak. “arah, you remember what happened last time you had a friend over right?” hat was in middle school! I’e grown out of it since then.” “re you sure? Because I don’ wanna see you cry again.” ’l be fine! I’ a big girl now.” don’ know if it's safe.” lease.”She said while pouting and trying to look cute. He sighed, knowing that he can’ say no to her. “lright then. Don’ say I didn’ warn you.”The two then walked back to Brittany who was still standing in the doorway. “ello Brittany. I’ Jared, Sarah’ big brother. You may come in and put your bags wherever you want.” hank you.”She said as she dropped her backpack and jacket on the floor right next to Sarah’. “ell come on.”Sarah said. “his way to the party.”Jared watched as the two teenage girls ran up the stairs to Sarah’ room, ready to have the night of their lives. Later that night Jared was sitting alone in his room, reading the same book on his bed. He then looked down at his wrist watch and saw that it was just past 8 PM. “eah, I’ say it’ about time.”He said to himself. He slipped a bookmark on the page he just finished reading before setting the book down on the nightstand. He then sat up in bed with his back straight and his legs crossed. He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes. A few seconds passed and a ghostly version of himself floated out of his body. His new transparent form phased through his bedroom door and floated down the hall to his sister’ room. He poked his head straight through the door. Inside, Sarah was sitting on her bed while Brittany was laying down on the floor in front of it. They were both watching a high school romance movie while eating popcorn and drinking soda. He stepped into the room and approached the bed. “eally sis, you think my sci fi movies are lame while you watch this garbage for fun?”He then turned around and sat down on the bed, right where his sister was sitting. Their bodies lined up perfectly and his astral body vanished inside of Sarah. Sarah suddenly stopped eating the popcorn and sat up straight, her eyes momentarily glowing. “ou okay there Sarah?”Brittany asked while tilting her head back to look up at her. “h yes. I’ doing great.”Sarah then stood up. “ have to go to the bathroom!” “kay then. You don’ have to announce it like that.”Brittany watched as her friend rigidly turned and opened the door before exiting the room. “eez you’e stiff sis!”Jared thought to himself. “ow long has it been? A year, two years since I last took you out for a drive?”Jared, now Sarah entered into the bathroom and started to do stretches for a few minutes. After fully stretching herself out, she stopped to stare at her reflection in the mirror. She then grabbed each of her C cup breasts and gave them both a squeeze. “ou will always be my favorite body sis. I should really take you out more often.”She turned around and jiggled her fat butt in the mirror. She then left the bathroom and walked back to Sarah’ room. Inside, Brittany was still laying on the floor watching the high school romance movie. Sarah stepped inside and sat down on the bed. “ey Sarah. Want me to fill you in on what happened while you were gone?” o, I don’ care.” h, uh, okay.” ’ sick of this movie, let’ do something else.”Sarah grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. “kay then, like what?” “ome over here.”Brittany did as she was told and climbed onto the bed. “kay, I’ here.” ood. Come closer.”Brittany leaned closer to her friend. “ little closer.” “kay..”She got just a few inches away from Sarah. “erfect.”Sarah then moved forward and started motor boating Brittany’ big breasts with her face. “arah?!”She shouted while pushing her away. “hat!? I’ just having some fun.” hat’ freakin weird! Don’ do it again!” eez, calm down. It’ not a big deal.” t is to me!” didn’ know you were such a prude.” nd I didn’ know you had such a sick sense of humor.” “o, what else would you like to do?” “ don’ know anymore.” know.”She moved forward and pinned Brittany to the bed. “-Sarah?! What are you doing?!” ust having a bit of fun.” ell I’ not! Cut it out and get off of me!” o, I don’ think I will.” f you don’, I’ not coming back here!” h, you’e not gonna leave here at all.” -what?!”Sarah suddenly lunged forward and swallowed her head whole. Brittany let out a muffled scream as she was suddenly forced into her friend’ esophagus. Sarah moved quickly, swallowing her shoulder and neck. Her throat took the shape of Brittany’ face. Then, she stopped as the breasts entered her mouth. Brittany could feel her friend’ tongue slowly lick every inch of her boobs, making her blush. After a few minutes of playing with her, Sarah continued to gulp her down. Brittany was pushed through the slimy esophagus and entered into the boiling hot stomach. She immediately had to close her eyes from the heat hitting her face. Sarah lifted her head up as her friend’ hips entered her mouth, letting gravity help finish her off. Brittany started to curl up in her stomach as Sarah slurped down her legs like spaghetti. Soon, nothing but her feet were outside of Sarah. With one final gulp the last of Brittany was sent down her throat, sealing her fate. Sarah let out a massive burp as she laid down on the bed. Her belly stuck out by about three feet and weighed over a hundred pounds. This would render most people immobile until digestion started to kick in, but Sarah had years of experience doing this. She effortlessly stood up from the bed, completely unbothered by the hundreds of pounds pulling on her front. “an Brittany, you were absolutely delicious! I haven’ eaten anybody that tasty since the 7th grade school dance.”She started to rub her belly, feeling the shape of her friend’ back. “h! I know exactly how to make this even better!”She turned and exited the bedroom. Her belly bounced up and down as she walked down the hall. She then walked into her brother’ room. There, Jared was sitting like a monk on the bed in the middle of some kind of trance. She walked over and kissed Jared’ forehead before reaching under the bed and pulling out a small white box. Inside was a blue dildo that was ten inches tall, circumference of six inches and had a suction cup on the end. “ld reliable.”She walked over and slid her yoga pants off as she climbed on the bed. She looked down and saw that her panties were Strawberry shortcake themed. “ou really need to go shopping sis.”She tossed them aside while laying down on her back. She then took Old reliable and slowly slid it into her vagina until it was about half way. She got a bit faster as she pulled it in and out. She continued for several minutes until she started to drip. Then, she slid it all the way out and stuck it to the wall. She stood with her legs straight and her torso parallel to the ground as she leaned back. The dildo slid between her massive cheeks and entered into her anus. Her butt cheeks pressed up against the wall as she took all ten inches inside of her. She moved faster, sliding up and down Old reliable until she got a rhythm going. On the inside, Brittany was not having a good time. She was unable to move because of the lack of space and she was getting rocked back and forth by her friend's dildo session. Then, she could feel a strange tingling sensation coming from her back. Her eyes widened as she looked back and saw stomach acid feeling the stomach and melting away her clothes. “arah! Please let me out! I’ going to die!”She kicked and wiggled the best she could, but all it did was turn Sarah on even more. “eep it going!”Sarah moaned. Brittany lost all hope of survival as the acid started to reach her head. “ can’ believe this is how I die. Digested…in…my…friend’…”Brittany passed out as the acid grew higher and covered her head. Soon, Sarah’ entire belly was full of acid, breaking down her massive meal. The next morning Jared yawned as he opened his eyes. He had just had a wonderful sleep and now he felt rested and ready to go. He quickly got dressed and headed down the hall when he heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom. He opened the door and saw his little sister crying while sitting on the toilet. She was cradling her belly which stuck out like she was nine months pregnant. “hat happened?”He asked. “ared!”She got up and ran over to hug him, too upset to put on her pants or underwear. “t happened again! You were right!” ou ate your friend in your sleep again?” ES!”She started to cry again. “here there. It’ alright. Let it all out.”He said while patting her on the head. He looked down at her body, seeing several new inches of fat on her butt and thighs. He then pulled her away to look her in the eyes, also letting him see her C cup breasts that were now a D cup. “ou go and rest in your room while I go make you some waffles and sausage. Would you like that?” es… ood. I’l go make the finest breakfast you’l ever have.”He turned and headed towards the stairs. “ared?” “es?” “ love you. “ love you too.”
Mommy’ night out It was a chilly Friday night. A young mother by the name of Wendy was sitting on her couch in her apartment, sipping on a glass of wine as an episode of her favorite tv show ended. “ang it. I hate cliffhangers.”She then checked the time on her phone, seeing it was 9 pm. She turned off the tv and walked down the hall, stopping at the last room on the left. Inside, a little boy no older than 7 was playing with his toys. He had two armies of toy soldiers lined up ready to battle, with two generals meeting in the middle to talk to each other. Wendy walked over to her son Jackson and crouched down next to him. “lright son, time for bed.” “lease, the battle is about to start.”Her son pleaded. “orry Jackson, but it’ past nine. The war will have to wait until morning.” “lright.”Jackson moped. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of pajamas that were covered in super heroes. Jackson stripped off his clothes and put on the pajamas she gave him before getting into his bed. Wendy pulled the blanket up to his neck before getting close to his face. “oodnight Jackson, I love you.” love you too Mommy.”She gave him a kiss on his forehead before turning off the lights and exiting the room. Jackson sat quietly, listening for his mother’ footsteps. As soon as he couldn’ hear his mother’ footsteps anymore, Jackson got out from under the covers and sat straight up in bed with his legs crossed. He took a very deep breath and closed his eyes. Then, a ghostly version of himself came out of his body and floated into the air. Jackson in his new form phased through his door and went down the hallway, spotting his mother walking into her room. He followed her inside. “nother long day.”Wendy said as she rubbed her eyes. Jackson lined up his body with hers and walked into her from behind, disappearing inside of her body. She then straightened up her back and her eyes momentarily glowed as her son took over her body. Without wasting a second, Jackson immediately took off her shirt and tossed into the corner of the room. He then unhooked her bra, making her heavily restrained breasts practically explode out. “hhh.”He said with her voice. “ can finally breathe! Her bras are always too small.”He then walked into her closet and started going through stuff, eventually pulling out a silky red dress that went down to the knees and exposed a lot of cleavage at the top. He slid off her jean pants and plain white panties, leaving them in a pile on the floor. He opened her drawer and pulled out a thin black thong. “erfect.”He slipped them on before sliding into the red dress. The dress was pretty tight and pushed up her boobs, making her girls look even bigger than they already were. He looked in the mirror while bouncing her breasts up and down with her hands, a big doofy grin plastered across her face. He then put on a pair of red high heels. Most boys would struggle to even stand let alone walk around in high heels, but Jackson had so much practice that it was no longer an issue for him. In fact, he was even better than his mom was in heels. He certainly used them more often. He grabbed her purse and opened the front door. “ood night Jackson. I’l be out for the night.”She said with a grin before walking out into the world. Later Jackson was in the middle of a loud busy night club, dancing as hard as he could and having the time of his life. After about an hour straight of dancing, he finally sat down at the bar to rest her feet. Then, a man walked over and pointed at the stool to the right of her’. “his seat taken?”He asked. “ope.”She said in a nonchalant way. He sat down. He was a tall man, at least 6 feet tall. He had long brown hair that went to his neck, a small mustache and wore a very expensive looking golden watch. “ould you like a drink?” ure.”He waved his hand and the bartender poured two shot glasses. She gulped it down fast, trying to hide the fact that Jackson hated the taste. “o, what’ your name?” ommy.” h, hehe.”He said with a grin. “ like you already.” “hat’ yours?” “eff.” anna go and dance Jeff?” ladly.”She stood up and walked to the dance floor. He sat there enjoying watching her leave before quickly downed the shot and ran to catch up to her. Wendy started to shake her hips around, making her butt jiggle back and forth. She clearly had a lot of practice. “h man. Tonight is gonna be a fun night.”Jeff thought to himself. Later Jeff and "Wendy”exited the elevator and walked over to the third door on the right. “his is your apartment?”He asked, feeling slightly wasted. “ep. This is the place.”She said, not even feeling tipsy. She unlocked the door and the two of them walked inside. She put down her purse on a server table and he tossed his jacket onto a chair. “o, shall we get started?”He said while slipping off his shirt. Wendy unzipped the back of her dress and slid it off, revealing that she wasn’ wearing a bra underneath. He smiled as he unbuttoned his pants. She leaned forward while puckering her lips, motioning for him to come forward. He stumbled over and leaned forward with his eyes closed, expecting to receive a kiss. Instead, she opened her mouth very wide and swallowed his head whole. He opened his eyes, seeing a set of molars on both sides of him and a slimy wet tongue beneath him. “-hey! What are you doing?!”He struggled to break free as his neck and shoulders entered her mouth, making him enter the top of her throat. Wendy wasted no time swallowing down his chest and torso, causing a bulge in the shape of his panicking face to quickly descend through the skin of her throat. She gulped down his hips and then lifted her head straight up into the air, letting gravity help finish off her meal. On the inside, Jeff traveled face first down a long dark tunnel, his face getting thoroughly coated in saliva. He eventually reached the end and started to gag as he entered the top of the stomach. The stomach was filled with hot gas and reeked of alcohol and half digested food from the club. Jeff was pushed in further, causing him to get dunked into the water below. Jeff didn’ know what the liquid he was laying in was, but he did know that it was as hot as a jacuzzi and it made his skin very itchy. A couple of seconds of pushing later and Jeff’ arms were free, allowing him to grab onto the stomach walls and move around a little. On the outside Wendy had swallowed down his legs and lifted her head up as his feet entered her mouth. With one final gulp she sent the last of him down her throat, sealing his fate. Wendy started to rub her big belly, which was now over four feet long and weighed several hundred pounds. She then let out a very big burp that made the brown strands of hair on her hair blow away. “ehe, excuse me.”On the inside, the rest of Jeff finally joined him in the stomach, allowing him to fully move freely. After wiggling around for a minute to get himself right side up, he immediately started to kick the walls of his warm fleshy prison as hard as he could. “et me out of here you freak! Let me outta here right now!” He could feel her tapping on the side of her belly like she was thinking. “mm, nah. I don’ think I will.”He could practically hear the big evil grin she had on her face. “ou’e a freak, you know that?! A filthy freak!” eez, you’e a real butthead. Now I don’ feel bad about digesting you.” igesting?!?” ep. Didn’ you notice the acid all around you? That acid is gonna slowly melt your body and it’l get pushed through my guts until you come out of my butt as poop.”Jeff started to kick and thrash about even harder than before. “ELP ME! SOMEBODY SAVE ME PLEASE!”Jeff was then tossed up and down as Wendy merrily skipped over to the bathroom, causing the stomach acid to bounce up and splash him all across his body. Wendy then turned on the shower and slid off her panties, tossing them away without caring where they'd land. Jeff could hear the shower water running down the sides of the belly. It reminded him of sitting in a car in the rain. Wendy slowly washed her body, taking her sweet time rubbing soap across her big gurgling belly. About 40 minutes passed before Wendy finally finished up and started to dry herself off. Her belly had shrunken a bit during the show. Jeff could no longer feel his arms or legs and could no longer put up a fight. Everything around him shook up and down as Wendy tried to get his attention. “ey, you still alive in there?” lease, let me out.”His voice was weak and quiet. “ don’ wanna die like this.” eah, no. It's too late now. You’e already all mushy. Looks like I gotta digest you.” “lease, No.”Everything bounced up and down again as Wendy exited the bathroom, not putting on any clothes. Jackson was never allowed to walk around the house naked, but Wendy didn’ have to follow that rule. Wendy strolled over to the kitchen and got a big tub of ice cream before going to the living room and laying down on the couch, resting her big belly on the ottoman. She then turned on the TV and started to wolf down the tub of ice cream, completely indifferent to the man struggling for his life inside of her. Jeff’ consciousness started to fade away as liquid ice cream poured down on his head like a cold delicious rain. The next day Light shined in from the window as the real Wendy woke up. She let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes as she leaned up in bed. She was wearing a white tank top, red bra and g string. “an, I feel great right now. Maybe I should go for a run soon.”She stood up from the bed and immediately stopped as she felt something was off. It felt like there was something bubbling up inside of her, something that wanted to get out. She ran into the hallway and went into the bathroom. She slid off her g string and sat down on the toilet, not noticing the increased amount of fat on her butt cushioning her body. She then let out a sigh as she felt sweet relief. A small bulge in her stomach shrunk as she pushed out last night’ late night snack until it became flat. After a few minutes of pushing, she finally stood up and wiped. “eez, I feel like I just crapped out an entire buffet. No more Indian food for a long time.”She then flushed the toilet, not noticing the golden watch wrapped around a piece of bone sticking out from the pile of turds. Wendy pulled up her G string and looked at herself in the mirror, noticing how her breasts seemingly increased in size by a cup or two. Her tank top was exposing most of her cleavage and looked like it was seconds from bursting. “ need to start exercising again. My bras are already too tight, and my boobs look bigger every week.”Wendy’ train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door. “uh?” ommy?”A soft, high pitched voice said from the other side of the door. “an you come here please?” h, of course sweetie. One second.”She looked around for something to cover her lower body, eventually settling on an old pair of gray sweatpants. She struggled for a second to get it over her fat butt, but managed to wiggle in. She opened the bathroom door and saw her little boy standing there, still holding his blanket. “hat’ wrong Jackson?” ome here.”He grabbed her hand and brought her into the hallway. The two walked over to the kitchen, seeing a plate of fresh pancakes and sausage waiting for them. “ackson, is that for me?” ep!”He said with a big grin that was missing a few teeth. “hat’ this for?” ecause you’e the best mom around!” h, thank you sweetie!”She gave her son a big hug and sat down to enjoy her meal, unaware of the events of last night.
Stranger Things: Cleaning up the demodogs (Spoilers for season one and two) Hopper carried Eleven into the Byers house and laid her down on the couch. “re you feeling alright?”Hopper asked. “’ fine.”El replied. “’ gonna go try to find you some food.”He said while getting up. Whenever Eleven used her powers too much she always got tired and hungry afterwards, and closing a giant gateway to another dimension definitely took a lot out of her. Hopper walked over to the kitchen, seeing food thrown all over the ground. He then opened the fridge door causing a dead demodog to fall out onto the floor. “***. All the foods ruined.”He said to himself. Then, he noticed several pairs of headlights coming from the front of the house. He quickly walked outside and saw everyone getting out of their vehicles. Steve, Mike, Max, Lucas and Dustin all climbed out of Max’ older brother’ “orrowed”Chevrolet Camaro while Joyce, Nancy, Jonathan and Will got out of Jonathan’ Ford. Hopper immediately went over to Joyce and Jonathan, who was carrying the passed out Will in his arms “s he alright?” “ill’ alright.”Joyce said. “he creature is gone.”Then, Mike ran around her and went up to Hopper. “s Eleven alright?! Where is she?!” he’ also fine. She’ very tired right now and is resting inside.”He turned to Joyce. “peaking of which, we need to get her some food. Somebody tossed all your food on the ground and put a dead creature in the fridge.” “hat?!”Joyce looked over at the kids, who all pointed at Dustin without a single second of hesitation. “ell SOORRRY that I’ the only one who can see the scientific potential of all this! Do you know what we could get for finding a new life form?! We could be world famous!” o no no, we are not doing that.”Hopper said firmly. “his needs to be kept under wraps. No one can ever find out about this. It’ going to be our little secret.”He looked down at Dustin. “ot that, everyone?” ine.”Dustin said with a scoff. “n fact, we’e gonna need to start rounding up the bodies before people start to notice.” “ike?”Everyone turned to see Eleven standing in the doorway of the Byers house, sporting a pregnant looking belly. Mike and Hopper both immediately ran over to her, shortly followed by everyone else. “HAT HAPPENED?!”They both shouted, making her take a little step back in surprise. “ was hungry.”She said innocently. “hat did you eat?!”Hopper shouted. She turned and pointed at the now empty fridge. “ou ate the demodog?!”She nodded in response. “hat’ freaky Eleven.”Dustin said. “ow can she even stand up?”Nancy asked. “s this the kinda stuff you guys get up to? This is awesome.”Max said, a little jealous. Hopper then got on one knee and examined her belly. “ow did you even do this?”He asked. “ friend taught me how.”El said while looking away, seemingly thinking of the past. Mike meanwhile was seemingly mesmerized by her stomach, putting his hand on it and rubbing it. Hopper then smacked Mike’ hand away before standing up. “ust when I thought this $*** couldn’ get any weirder.”Hopper said under his breath. “an I have another?” hat?!” “nother.” o you cannot!” hy can’ she?”Mike asked. “on’ you start.” “f she’ able to do it and it doesn’ hurt her then why should she stop?” ike, you’e doing it again.”Lucas interjected. “oing what?” ou’e letting your feelings for her block your judgment. You know this is a bad idea but because it’ HER idea you’e defending it.” “o, it’ a good idea. Hopper was just talking about how we needed to get rid of the demodog bodies. She could just eat them.” re you kidding me?” e can’ just bury them. We don’ know what it could do to the ecosystem.” e don’ know what it could do to her.” er belly can handle it. If anything in this world could handle it, then it’ her.” “e don’ know that.” “ey!”Everyone all looked back at Eleven. “t’ my choice, and I’ gonna do it with or without you.”She sternly said. Hopper let out a sigh. “ine. I don’ think it’ a good idea, but we’e going to help you.”He said with disappointment. “hank you.” “lright everyone, you guys go to the tunnels and drag out all the bodies. Me and Mike will take care of the ones at the lab. Joyce, please bring Eleven back to the cabin.” Later Hopper and Mike pulled up to the cabin in Hopper’ police cruiser and opened up the back, revealing five dead demodogs. They then pulled out a large tarp and dropped all the bodies onto it. They lifted it together and brought it into the cabin. Inside, they saw everyone crowded around the couch. Steve was the first to notice them enter. “hey’e back.”He said. “l?!”Mike asked. “ike.”He heard her voice from the other side of the crowd. Mike let go of the tarp and ran around to the front of the couch. He stopped in his tracks as he saw a fifteen foot long, three foot tall belly lay before him. He could make out the shapes of legs, bodies and heads of all the demodogs inside of it. His eyes followed along the long misshapen belly until leading to the couch where Eleven was sitting. Only her chest, arms, head and shoulders were visible. “hoa…”He walked over to the couch and looked at her. “re, are you alright?”She nodded in response. “ow many are in there?” “4.”Dustin said. Hopper walked around and dropped the tarp in front of her. “re you sure you can handle anymore?”Hopper asked, his voice filled with concern. “’l be alright.”Suddenly, the tarp opened up and the demodogs' bodies lifted into the air and flew to Eleven, blood dripping from her nose. She opened her mouth wide and the first one flew into her mouth. A large bugle traveled down her throat before disappearing into the large mass of flesh below. “hoa.”She opened her mouth again and swallowed another one, sending it to her titanic stomach in a matter of seconds. Her stomach made a little groan sound. Seemingly getting impatient, she smushed all the remaining demodogs together in the air and opened her mouth very wide, shoving the bungle into her mouth at once. Her throat bulged out a few feet as the giant ball passed through it. Her stomach made a deep groan as the skin stretched a few extra feet to accommodate the added mass. She then let out a very loud burp as her stomach settled. “o those…taste good?”Mike asked. “inda.”Steve then walked in holding another body. “o, I found another one hidden outside in the bushes.”He said. “o! That’ D'Artagnan!”Dustin shouted as he ran over. “hat?” “art. The one I made friends with.” e have to get rid of them all Dustin.”Hopper said. “e can’ even leave him? I won’ share it, I can bury him far in the woods.” ou saw what happened to Will. Its body could decay and do who knows what to the plants and animals.” “ine, I understand.”He then pulled out a quarter of a candy bar from his pocket and put it into Dart’ mouth. Dart then floated into the air and went across the room. El opened her mouth one last time and shoved Dart into it. She went a bit slower this time, maybe savoring the taste, maybe running out of steam. She gulped down his head, shoulders and chest, making her throat bulge out. Soon enough, she swallowed his legs and hips and slurped down his tail like a noodle. The bulge descended into her belly and made it stretch out a little bit more. Mike sat down next to her on the couch. “ow do you feel?”Mike asked while touching her belly. She let out a very loud burp, which also caused the empty candy wrapper to fly out. “ull.” ours later It was currently very late at night and Mike was lying fast asleep in his bed when he was awoken by a soft spoken voice in his dream. “ake up.” uh?”He shot up in bed and looked around, seeing nothing but an empty room. Then, he heard a muffled sound nearby. He reached into the backpack at the foot of his bed and pulled out a walkie talkie. “ello?” ike...”Said a familiar soft voice. “leven? What’ wrong?” ome...”Mike immediately jumped out of bed and got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He then snuck downstairs to the garage, got onto his bike and headed off to Hopper’ cabin. It didn’ take long for Mike to get to Hopper’ cabin in the woods. Hopper’ police cruiser thankfully wasn’ out front, meaning he wasn’ home. Mike hid his bike in the nearby bushes before knocking on the door of the cabin. “leven? It’ me.”He heard the sound of locks moving before the door opened with nobody standing on the other side. He walked inside, the door closing by itself and locking behind him. He walked over to Eleven’ bedroom and opened the door. “l?”He stepped in and saw Eleven laying in bed, with the end of her large stomach sticking out from underneath her blanket. Her belly had greatly shrunk since earlier that day, it now stuck out only about four feet from her body and was about two feet tall. “ike.”She stood up from bed, revealing that she wasn’ wearing any clothing under the blanket. Mike’ face immediately turned red as he saw the psychic girl’ bare breasts for the first time. “-Eleven! You’e not wearing any underwear!” “hey didn’ fit anymore.” l-“Mike started to think back to the first night he met Eleven and how she tried to strip naked in front of him, Lucas and Dustin when they gave her new clothes. Despite living with both him and Hopper for almost a year now, it appears that she still did not fully understand nudity and decency yet. “hat’ wrong?” ou, uh, you’e not supposed to show those parts of you to others.” “hat parts?” our, uh,”He was now blushing even harder than before. “our chest, butt and crotch.”He said while motioning to them with his hands. “hy not?” ecause.... well... boys really like looking at girl’ bodies, especially when they’e naked, so you’e only supposed to show your naked body to people that are very special to you.” “ou are special to me.” -“ o you not like looking at me? Do I look bad?” o! I think you’e beautiful! Every single part of you! B-but that special person is supposed to be someone you’e like, dating.” an we date?” “eally?!”She nodded to him in response “es, yes we can!” ood.”She noticed that every couple of seconds while they were talking, he would glance down at her chest before looking back up at her. Earlier that day she was a small A cup, too small to even wear a bra. Now she was a lovely D cup, and still growing. She cupped her boobs with her hands and bounced them up and down. “anna feel?” “f course!”Mike said, his brain no longer the one in control. He took a step forward, his heart about to burst out of his chest. He slowly reached out and touched her breasts. They felt strange, the closest thing he could compare them to is a water balloon but much firmer. The two then locked eyes. They both leaned forward and kissed while wrapping their arms around the other. His leg pressed up against her stomach, making him feel the now broken up and mostly digested demodogs. After about a minute, they broke apart and stared into each other’ eyes, their arms still around each other. Not sure what to do next, Mike copied what he saw in movies and gave her round butt a smack. The smack made her newly fat butt jiggle, making her chuckle. Suddenly, Eleven looked at the door with a distressed look on her face. “e’ coming.” opper?! I gotta hide!”While Mike looked around the room for a hiding spot, El sat down on the bed and lifted up her belly with her mind, revealing her vagina. “n here.” hat?!” ide in here.” n, here?” n me.” ill that even work?” es, now come on.”Mike walked over and kneeled at the bedside. He then reached down and opened her lower lips with his hands. Mike had thought about doing something like this with El many times, but this wasn’ exactly what he had in mind. He took a deep breath before plunging his head into her vagina, making her let out a little moan. It was very dark, all of the muscles around him were squeezing down on him, and his face was now coated with some type of liquid. He pushed ahead, going in past his shoulder blades. She bit down on her lip, trying not to moan out loud. He traveled further along the vaginal tunnel until reaching a sorta wall with a small opening in the middle. He squeezed through the hole, entering into a big chamber. This place was a lot warmer than the rest of the vagina, and was much roomier. He curled up as more of him entered the womb. On the outside, Eleven was struggling to keep her voice down as Mike’ hips entered inside of her. Then, she noticed the headlights outside turn off, meaning Hopper was out of his police cruiser and heading to the door. She quickly slid herself back into bed and put her blanket over her belly as best she could. “top!”Mike stopped moving, his feet the only thing remaining outside of her body. She tried to act natural as her bedroom door creaked open and Hopper stepped inside. “’ back.”He said. “i.”She said, trying her best to sound calm. “verything’ been... going well downstairs? You’e not constipated or anything?”She simply shook her head in response. “ood. I’l be in the living room if you need me.”He turned around and left the room, leaving the door cracked. She let out a sigh of relief as she sunk into the bed. She then clinched her muscles down below, sucking up Mike’ feet and sending the last of him to her womb. On the inside, Mike curled up in a fetal posting as the last of his body joined him. He could hear the stomach right above him gurgling up what’ left of the demodogs and her rhythmic heart beating. “s he gone?” eah. You’e safe.” hat’ a relief. So, how’ you know you can do this?” friend taught me.” he same friend from before?” es.” hat’ her name?” he’….No one.”El said with a grin. “ight.”He wiggled around a little as he got comfortable. “his place is actually really nice. It’ warm, but not too hot. And this floor is softer and comfier than any bed I’e ever laid on. Is it alright if I spend the night in here?” ure. I can let you out after Hopper leaves for work.” “’ gonna go back to sleep now. We can talk more in the morning. Good night El.” ood night Mike.”
The Office vore It was a seemingly average day at the paper company Dunder Mifflin. All of the employees were “ard at work”when the manager, Michael Scott, came out of his office. “ey, has anyone seen the new IT guy? I keep trying to call him but it goes straight to voicemail. My screen is upside down and I don’ know how to fix it.”Everyone all gave collective no’ and head shakes except for one, a woman named Kelly Kapoor who raised her hand. “es, Kelly? Do you know where he went?” eah, I definitely know where he went.”She then stood up from her desk, revealing a belly resembling an overdue pregnant belly with triplets sticking out from underneath her shirt. “elly! I can’ believe that you ate our IT guy…without filing me a report afterwards.”He said with disappointment. “orry, the guy slapped my butt when I leaned over to pick up some papers he dropped and I got mad.” ou know what? I think we all need a refresher on the vore rules. Everyone, to the conference room.”Everyone let out a collective groan as they all begrudgingly stood up from their desks and headed over to the conference room as Michael ran and grabbed a poster he made from his office. “lright everyone. As you know, Dunder Mifflin is a vore friendly office, as long as you follow the rules of it.”He then gestured to the poster which had a numbered list of rules. “ule number 1, no eating any permanent Dunder Mifflin staff during company hours. If you do eat a permanent employee then you must complete all of their work with no extra pay until we find a replacement. Rule number 2, if you eat any temporary employees then you must fill a vore report to me afterwards so I am in the loop. It’ really inconvenient to try to get an intern to get me coffee only to find out he’ currently in someone’ bowels. Not saying any names but they know who they are.”He said while staring Angela down. “ule number 3, do not eat any current or potential clients. That’ bad for business. Former clients however, are not only alright to eat but strongly encouraged to. The fourth and final rule is when you feel the need to go after you eat someone, please use the bathrooms located on the first floor. They have much larger bowls and wider pipes specifically for this occasion. Any other bathroom will get clogged up and all the janitors quit last time it happened. Alright, any questions?”The entire room was silent, probably because they’e had this conversation many times in the past. “lright then everyone, meeting adjourned.”Everyone got up from their chairs and walked out of the room, with the exception of Jim. He instead walked over to Michael. “ontrol alt up arrow to fix your screen.” h, thank you Jim.” oby was sitting at his desk with his head in his right hand and a dead look in his eye. Sitting across from him were two women, Kelly and Angela, both had their arms crossed and both were scowling at each other. Kelly’ stomach was a little bit smaller than before and her chest was a little bit bigger. Angela meanwhile had a very large stomach that was bigger than her entire body and rested on the floor in front of her. It was making loud gurgles and groaning sounds and would occasionally move around from the struggling prey inside of it. “o, would someone like to tell me what’ going on-“ NGELA ATE-“ HE ATE BANDIT!” OU ATE HIM FIRST!”The two women started to shout at each other while standing up. “irls girls please, one at a time.”The two sat back in their chairs, scowling at each other again. “elly, you can go first.” ngela ate Ryan and she refuses to let him out.” ngela, is this true?” es.”Angela replied. “nd she ate Bandit!” andit?” e’ my pet cat.” hy do you have a cat in the office? Actually, nevermind. Angela, why did you eat Ryan?” yan called me old by asking me if I remember watching Popeye when it first aired, so I ate him.” “hat’ it?” eah.” ook, how’ about you let Ryan out and she’l let out your cat?” ine.”Toby turned to Kelly. “elly, do you agree to let…Bandit out if she lets Ryan out?” ine, but she has to let him out first.” o way! You spit up Bandit first!” only ate your stupid cat to make you spit Ryan out! I’ not gonna digest it!” don’ trust you!” o you honestly think I want your gross cat to be a part of my body?” don’ want your disgusting boyfriend a part of my body forever either but here we are.” t’ not like you have much of a body anyway.” uys, stop.”Toby pleaded. “elly, please just spit the cat up.” ine.”She pressed down on her stomach and a small bulge appeared at the top of her chest. The bulge slowly raised up her throat. Her cheeks stretched out until a ball of hair wiggled out of her lips. The soaking wet cat jumped out of Kelly’ mouth and landed on top of Angela’ belly. “andit!”She picked up the wet cat and held him close. “kay, now let Ryan out.”She reached down and pressed on her belly. “ngela wait, please leave my office before you-“Toby was interrupted as Ryan’ head came out of Angela’ mouth, also making a big splash of saliva fall onto the carpet. “r just do it right here. Right on my floor.”Angela’ belly slowly shrunk as more and more of Ryan was pushed up her throat and out of her mouth. Soon his arms and torso were free and his head was pushed against the ground “yan!”Kelly ran over and put her hands under his head so he wasn’ pressed against the floor. “ell, that was the second scariest moment of my life.”Half a minute passed before Angela spit out the last of him, letting Ryan’ legs flop onto the ground. Angela turned and walked out of the room, not bothering to acknowledge either of them. “on’ worry sweetie, mommy will clean you up.”Angela said in a babying voice. Kelly helped Ryan onto his feet. Ryan was completely dripping wet and there were holes burned in his clothes from the stomach acid. “hank you Kelly.” “et’ get you cleaned up.”The two of them walked out, leaving Toby alone in his office. Toby let out a deep long sigh as he looked at the massive puddle of saliva soaking into his carpet. Stanley entered into the break room and approached the coffee machine. Just as he turned it on, Andy walked over to him from the side with a big fake smile on his face. “ey Stanley, are you busy?” es.”Stanley said without looking at him. “ook, I need to ask you something. You’e been here a long time and I was wondering if you had any tips for surviving?” hat are you going on about?” ell, seeing Ryan get eaten alive and almost die earlier kinda freaked me out. Since you’e been around for a long time and I’e never seen anyone even make a move on you, I was wondering if you had any advice for me to avoid getting eaten and crapped out.” dvice? Sure. Keep your mouth shut and your head down. It’l get you far.”Stanley put the lid on his coffee before turning and walking away. “ot it. Keep my mouth shut and head down.” hat ain’ gonna work.”Andy turned and saw Oscar sitting at one of the tables. “hat do you mean?” ure that’l help, but if you wanna avoid getting eaten by a predator, then you gotta get with one.” “uh?” “f you wanna stay outside of a vorer, then you gotta get inside a vorer.” “ut I’ trying to avoid being inside one. That’ the whole point of this.”Oscar let out a sigh. “ou gotta date a vorer if you wanna survive.” hy would that help me?” rotection. Most women look for easy prey. They don’ want a fight. They could lose against the other girl or get swallowed when they’e still big from eating you.” hat really works?” f course. That’ what Jim, Dwight and Ryan are doing. I mean, why else would he pick Pam over Cathy? It sure wasn’ the looks.” am over Cathy? What does that mean?” h, you don’ know?” o, what?” am is the most dangerous pred in this place.” hat, she is?” eah man.” thought Angela ate the most people.” ure she eats more, but Pam is the top Predator in the office.” ow?” ecause she’ better than them. She could eat all the girls in the office in one sitting if she wanted to and they couldn’ do a thing to stop her.” o way.” es way!”Kevin said, listening in on their conversation from across the room. “ne time me and her were at the bar and this 300 pound dude got drunk and started causing a scene. He was throwing drinks, swearing at people, a real jerk. She swallowed him down and he couldn’ do a single thing about it. Or that time she got offended by the IT guy making the wi-fi password “igboobz”and ate him whole in 5 seconds flat. The funny part was that afterwards he gave her big boobs! It’ like ironic or something. Or like he was still alive in her intestines or something and used the last of his will to crawl up into her chest and became a part of it.” don’ think that’ not how food works Kevin.”Oscar said. Creed then tapped Andy on the shoulders to get his attention. “anna know how I managed to survive this long?”He asked, seemingly eager to tell him. “ure, why not.”Creed put his leg on a chair and lifted his pants leg up, revealing a K bar knife strapped to his leg. “h and you have a weapon.” “his knife has gotten me through thick and thin and has saved me from three different bellies.” ou don’ mean you-“ ut my way out? Yes I did. The first time was my babysitter Becky. I always knew there was something off about her.”He said while looking off into nothing. “eah, I’l keep that in mind when I’ face to face with a vorer.” “ou know.”Phyllis said while stepping over with a smile. “ used to be quite the predator myself back in the day. Boys were practically lining up to be a part of me.”The room became immediately silent and an awkward aura permeated the air. Pam and Dwight were sitting at their desks doing work while JIm was away in the bathroom. Then, a rather small woman with long black hair walked over to their desk cluster. “athy?”Pam asked. “hat are you doing here?” ell, I had a reservation for two at this fancy restaurant in town. My…brother had something come up, so I was hoping Jim would come with me instead.” “h…eally?”Pam said passive aggressively. “o, do you know where he is?” eah, follow me.”Pam stood up and led Cathy into the hallway. There was then a loud scream for less than a second before being cut off, making Dwight stop typing. He sat and listened, hearing a small burp from the hall. He could then hear heavy footsteps getting closer before Pam came back into the room. She now had a very large squirming belly that stuck out from beneath her shirt and hung a good foot and a half off the ground. She walked across the room, her belly barely even bothering or slowing her down. She then pulled her chair out and sat down. “id you just eat her?!”He asked. “ got mad, ok? I acted impulsively.” “’ say so!” lease don’ tell Jim.” “hat do you mean don’ tell Jim?.” on’ tell him that I ate Cathy.” e’ gonna ask why his wife is so big!” ’ gonna tell him that I ate a temp worker.” am not lying for you Pam.” lease Dwight, in the name of our sorta friendship.” am I-he’ coming!”Both went back to typing as Jim came back and sat down at his desk. “-hey Jim.”Pam said, trying to sound calm. “ey.”He said. “hat’ with the belly?” h, uh. I caught a temp staring at me, so I ate him.” “k then.” “ello Jim!”Dwight shouted, failing to act natural. “i Dwight.”Jim started to get back to work, but noticed Dwight still looking at him. “ou ok there?” “es, perfectly fine.” k then…”Jim said as he looked back down at his computer. A temp agent by the name of Larry approached the front desk where Erin was working. “ was told you wanted to see me.”He asked. “h yes.”Erin said as she pulled out a piece of paper. “t says here that instead of sending out 12 boxes of 3 ringed lined paper to the elementary school, you sent out 12 boxes of blank paper instead.” eah, that was my bad.” ell, the higher ups are mad about it. So it says that I should…oh, uh.” h, uh, what?” “hhh, would you mind coming with me to the storage room?” “o, you’e not going to fire me are you?!” hat? Uh, no of course not.” ou are aren’ you? And you want to tell me in the closet so I don’ make a scene in front of everyone else don’ you?” arry, can we please continue this conversation in the closet?” ine, but I’ not getting fired without a fight.”Erin walked out from behind the receptionist’ desk before the two walked across the room and entered into the storage room in the hallway. “isten here missy, I may have screwed up once but that doesn’ mean I deserve to be fired-”He was cut off as Erin lunged forward and swallowed his head. Startled by the sudden tongue in his face, the intern stumbled backwards and dropped both of them to the floor. Erin was very inexperienced when it came to vore, so she swallowed down his shoulders and chest far slower than any of the other girls in the office would. Her throat bulged out in the vague shape of the intern’ terrified face as he was pushed through her esophagus. He pushed and slapped her chest as hard as he could before his arms became pinned to his sides. After a lot of minutes of swallowing, her stomach started to bulge as her lips made it to the man’ hips. She was now able to stand up as most of his body was inside of hers. His legs flailed around in the air as he continued to struggle. She almost felt over again as she put her head up, lifting his legs straight into the air to let gravity help her eat. She gulped him down much faster now, getting his legs down in less than two minutes. His thighs, knees and ankles all disappearing into her open maw. With one final gulp, she closed her mouth around the man’ shoes and sent the last of him down her throat, sealing his fate. She let out a loud burp that forced her to grab the walk to stabilize herself. Her belly stuck out from her body by about three feet and hung a few inches off the ground. Her shirt was now bunched up at her chest and legs were completely hidden behind her titanic stomach. “ brought you to the storage room because Michael said it’ bad for morale to eat people in front of the rest of the staff.”She nearly fell over yet again as Larry started to kick her stomach walls. “ey, don’ take it out on me! The letter said to eat you. I don’ make the rules.”She opened the storage room and immediately got stuck in the doorway. She pushed as hard as she could until she made it through, bumping into the wall. She then waddled back to the receptionist desk and picked up the phone. “ello this is Dunder mifflin, how can I help you?” t was the end of the work day and everyone was packing up their bags, grabbing their coats and getting ready to head home from the office. Inside the bathroom on the first floor, Kelly was standing in front of the mirror looking at herself. Her belly was completely gone now, replaced with breasts a whole cup size bigger, a solid inch of fat on her hips and a much bigger butt. But Kelly wasn’ admiring herself. She stood there lifting her skirt up while looking down at her butt, seeing a big red handprint across her dark skin. “ hope this goes away soon. I wanna forget that jerk as soon as possible.”Kelly said with disgust. A toilet flushed in the nearby stall. Then, there was a loud clink as something small went flying very fast and hit the door. “h, Kelly?”Said Pam’ voice from behind the metal door. “eah Pam?” ould you do me a big favor?” ear the entrance of the building, Jim stood at the front door waiting for Pam to come back with Andy waiting nearby. Then Erin walked towards the door, her belly still pretty big. “ey Erin, just the girl I was looking for.”Andy said while stepping forward. “ou wanted to see me?”Erin said with a smile. “es, I was wondering if you wanted to-”Andy was interrupted by Erin’ belly letting out a loud groan. The occupant inside loudly screamed. Then, the belly got a bit smaller as it made a big crunch sound. “hhh, what was that?” hat was what?”She said before letting out a little burp. “he sound coming from your stomach?” h that. It was probably my stomach crushing the temp together to fit into my intestines.” “s he…still alive in there?” aha, of course not. He’ just a ball now. Anyway, what were you gonna say?” “h…would you wanna go on a date tonight?” f course! I’ love to!”She moved forward and hugged him, her belly smushing up against him. “’l see you later!” “eah…”Andy said, staring down at her stomach. She then let go and walked out the door. Jim leaned over and patted Andy on the shoulder. “ave fun with your date tonight.”Jim said. “eah…”Andy said as he slowly walked out the door. Then, Kelly walked down the hall and approached Jim. “am wants you to go into the lady’ bathroom.”Kelly said. “hat?” am wants you to go into the ladies bathroom.”Before he could ask another question, Kelly turned and walked out the front door. He let out a sight before turning and looking straight at the cameraman. After staring for a little bit, he turned and headed to the bathroom. He covered his eyes with his hand and stepped through the door. “am?” im! In here.”She said while cracking open the stall door. He walked over to the door and stepped inside. Fortunately, the stall was very big in order to accommodate big vore bellies. “hy am I in the women’ bathroom?” his is why.”She stood up and turned around, revealing her panties had been stretched tight from the increased butt fat and could seemingly tear to pieces from bending over too far. She took her skirt and attempted to close it, but it couldn’ fit around her massive booty cheeks. “he button on the back snapped and I can’ get it around me.”Jim let out a long sigh. “on’ worry, I have an idea. I’l be right back.” im and Pam walked out of the parking lot, Jim’ coat wrapped around Pam’ legs. “his is so embarrassing.”She said.
 Chapter 1 Part 1 A A Hungry Evil Sally walked towards the Imperial Palace with a smile plastered onto her face, the great city was booming under the emperors watchful eye and Apex such as her did their part to keep the city safe. The great spires and Gothic structures truly were a sight to behold, taking the breath away from new-comers to the city and even older residents alike. Many were sacrificed in order to gain this peace but at last, it was achieved. Sure, with slightly different means than what she had imagined but it was worth it. After all it was not like she didn't gain anything from it. As she approached the grand Imperial Palace she motioned for the row of guards to stand aside, they did so quickly, yet orderly. After a medium walk down the grand entrance way, a long hall decorated in the style of a church abbey, lined with statues and portraits of those who had come before she reached the entrance to the throne room. The great doors opened, their deafening roar filled the entire hall. She walked through the doors and nodded to the imperial guard as they bowed to their co-ruler. She walked up to her throne, a stunning and comfy golden chair to the right of a bigger golden and marble chair in which her husband and ruler of the kingdom sat. To the left of him, sat in an identical chair to Sally was Nicole, she too a wife of the emperor. Sally took her seat and turned to her husband. "Busy day?" she cooed as she stroked his arm. Tails turned to her and smiled at his wife "quite, but I fear it is only going to get busier." All heads turned to the great doors as they opened, revealing a beautiful red vixen. She was wearing her trademark attractive leather outfit. She walked into the throne room, her massive hips and thick thighs swaying from side to side. From the chest up she looked normal, however below that was her massive gut. The sounds of moaning and gurgling filled the room as her belly worked on it's prey. Whoever it was, was trapped in a tight fetal position, facing towards her. Just over the sounds of gurgling was the muffled screams of terror and pain. Her belly bulged and moved slightly as the prey was quite compacted inside. Her struggling was getting weaker as was her crying, she would soon join the many that made up Fiona's perfect body. Fiona bowed before her husband. While she was indeed a wife to the emperor she was not a co-ruler, mainly because she opted out, after all the thought of that much responsibility was not very appealing to her. "I have done as you asked, the leader of the Windy Peak resistance is being taken care of as we speak." Nicole smiled at the attractive vixen. "Yes it seems that way" Nicole clasped her hands and smiled widely "another job well done, we should celebrate" Nicole turned to her husband. "Perhaps we should all celebrate together?" Tails smiled at the thought of all his wives covering him in their bodies. "Indeed, make a note of it" Nicole nodded and got up and walked down the large marble stairs next to Fiona and took her hand. "Meanwhile, how about me and you celebrate together?" Fiona smirked at the busty lynx and rubbed her squirming gut. "Mmmm sounds like fun" both girls walked to a door to the right and proceeded to Tails private chamber. Sally took her husband by the hand. "Not joining in?" she asked as she lovingly stroked him. "Not at the moment, I got at least forty meetings today, you run along and have fun" Sally and Tails connected muzzles and kissed passionately before she got up and left to join the two girls upstairs. The now alone emperor rested his head on his hand and thought how this was all possible, it was funny how something so small such as a stone could change his life and the world. Four years earlier. "Found anything yet?" Sally asked, her voice crackling through the ear-piece Tails wore. "Not yet no, funny... I could have sworn there were chaos readings here" Tails tumbled through the remains of an old fort, long abandoned by men and reclaimed by nature. Tails grunted as he lifted up a heavy log in search of what they had come looking for. The Freedom Fighters had once again defeated the evil Doctor Eggman and had once again used the Chaos Emeralds to do so. Like always it was now the task to search and collect the emeralds after they had scattered so that they may be used against any evil that may threaten them. The young two tailed kit looked under the log with flashlight on hand. "Nothing here after all I sho..." His train of thought was interrupted by the gleam of an object under an old rotten table. Throwing the log to one side he lifted the table in hopes of finding an emerald. No emerald, but something else. Picking up a small purple gem Tails dropped the table and looked it over. It seemed wholly unremarkable, it was like a clear pebble, smooth and and round. It's single defining feature was what appeared to be a strange symbol etched into the stone. It was of what appeared to be a claw with two lightning symbols crossing behind it. He could only assume it was some kind of trinket or perhaps good luck charm of whoever used to dwell here. "Tails, Sally sent me to check up on you" a soft yet somewhat digitized voice stated. Peering over his shoulder he noted the presence of Nicole. "Oh, well I haven't found anything yet, except this" Nicole stood behind the young man and took note of the pebble in his hand. "Here, you can have it" he said as he he placed it in her hand. "Erm, thanks Tails" funny, even though he had been holding it, it felt deeply cold to the touch. Once a holographic being Nicole, with the help of Tails and Rotor had since developed a semi-organic body. Much of the body was organic, the skin, fur, some of the organs were flesh and blood. However, the Mobian body was a complex thing to replicate and one could not simply replicate a brain. Her brain and some other organs were a mix of organic and mechanical components. Her entire skeleton was made from a reinforced titanium alloy. However, in order to feel the sensations that ordinary people feel her taste buds, the nervous system that lined her skin and even an organic stomach were all real. She could do everything a regular Mobian could do and with her mechanical brain she was still able to upload herself similar to when she was just a hand-held computer. Pocketing the pebble she turned to Tails and smiled as he opened a dusty old book, only for the pages to fall out and onto the floor. "While I admire your desire to find knowledge in these ruins we should perhaps report back to Sally, it seems our search was in vain" "Yea I guess your right" he stretched and yawned. A long day of scouring through empty ruins had taken it's toll on him. All he wanted to do was return home and sleep. Nicole noted that he had appeared to have cut his hands searching the remains of the ancient bastion. Though she didn't have to say anything he could read her face. "It's nothing really" he blushed. "Nonsense" she replied, taking out a small first aid case and opening it. Sally had made sure that all the Freedom Fighters were to carry around extra gear, while this annoyed Sonic and to some degree Tails, Nicole instead relished any chance to be more helpful. While she was not completely organic herself she did have detailed files on Mobian anatomy, making her a handy medic. Of course, like all other organic creatures Nicole could now feel prey, she just hoped that such a case would never have to be used on her, though this was doubtful. "This place is filthy, you could get an infection." Tails winced as she applied some cleanser and bandaged his hands. Sally had found that Tails and Nicole worked well together, after all one was pretty much a machine and the other a gear head. As such Sally had paired them up on more missions and Tails had felt like he had been getting to know the cyber-lynx. "Heh, thanks Nicole" he blushed and followed her out the ruined doors. Outside Sally waited for them patiently. She smiled as the two came into view and waved to them. "We're heading back, we asked the locals to let us know if they see anything." Sally noted Tails bandaged hands and frowned, taking them in her hands she looked him in the eyes. "Tails hunny, what happened?" "Just a few sharp corners here and there, it's fine" Sally nodded and let him go. "OK, but do be more careful, we need these hands in working order" As the sun began to set the Freedom Fighters boarded Tails airplane the Tornado II. Tails positioned sat in the pilots seat while Sally and Nicole got into the passenger seats. Tails performed a few pre-flight checks and started the engine. "I sure am hungry, you two up for something when we get back?" Nicole mentioned as her stomach grumbled. Sally giggled a bit, happy her friend was enjoying the feelings of a real Mobian. "We just ate not long ago, but sure" Tails smiled at the two girls and put the Tornado into full throttle. New Mobotropolis stood out in the green thickets of the great forest like a sore thumb, protected by a force field it was the last bastion of hope for all Mobian kind. Nicole, Tails and Sally had been joined by Sonic, the fastest thing alive and hero of Mobius to find a bite to eat. With the protection of the shield and the frequent defeats of Eggman the city had started to boom, soon the wall surrounding the city would have to be expanded. There were many choices for the four to choose from restaurants, to small cafes. "How about this place?" Sonic smirked as he pointed to Uncle Chucks Diner. Despite the growth of the city, like a landmark it stood in place, a regular meeting ground for the people of the city. "Of course you would choose that Sonic, let me guess what you will be eating, chili dogs?" Sally remarked as she snickered. "Help me out here Nicole?" Sonic pleaded. Nicole held her gut, her belly rumbling from hunger "honestly, right now I'm so hungry I could eat anything" Sally simply nodded in response. The four took their seats at the front of the open air diner. An attractive young gazelle girl quickly stopped what she was doing and approached the customers. "Hey Stacy, looking good! Done something with your hair?" The blue hedgehog remarked, obviously flirting with the busty girl. She simply blushed and played with her hair. "Sure did, thanks for noticing. Now, what can I get you all?" She flipped open her notepad and took down their orders, nodding as each order left her hungry customers mouths. "and what will you have?" she asked the hungry lynx before her. Nicole had never felt this hungry, something was wrong it had to be. She figured she would be fine after eating. "I'll have ten chili dogs, four servings of fries and two milkshakes" the lynx said in almost desperation. The waitress simply nodded, confused by the order. After leaving them the bewildered group looked at Nicole, in hopes of answers. "Are you feeling OK?" Sally asked, quite concerned about her friend. Nicole simply smiled and held her stomach "heh, yeah, just a bit hungry that's all" "A bit?! You can put me and Tails here to shame!" Sonic laughed out, annoyingly poking his orange friend. "Sonic, please stop, I'm sure she can manage it. Anyway Sonic, where is uncle Chuck? Does he not run this place?" "Well yea he owns it, but being on the council keeps him busy so he hired Stacy to manage it while he's busy" Tails nodded, understanding the situation. Council life was difficult and kept him busy. The four friends chatted while waiting for their food to arrive. The young waitress came out of the kitchen with a trolley packed with food. "OK, this is..." She was cut off as Nicole grabbed her plates and immediately began to stuff the chili dogs into her mouth. The group could only look on in horror as she rammed them in at break neck speed, not even pausing for a breath. In under five minutes her plate was clean. The cyborg Freedom Fighter leaned back and patted her now bloated food filled belly. The rest of the group were left in awe at what had transpired. "Ni... Nicole, are you sure you are feeling OK?" Sally asked her stuffed friend. "Never better, but if you don't mind I would like to go home and rest a bit?" "Yea sure, I'll see you later" Sally waved as Nicole left the trio alone. "Tails? Did anything happen on your mission?" The young boy looked confused as he tried to remember anything that would have caused Nicole to become so famished. "I can't remember, sorry. Maybe she was just really hungry today? Maybe I'll talk to Rotor and see about running a diagnostic" At Castle Acorn, Several hours later Nicole tossed and turned desperately trying to sleep. Her food already digested she now was once again starving. How was this possible? She had such a huge dinner. Throwing off her covers and opening her draw she grabbed her purse and made for the door. She carefully opened her door, careful not to wake Sally who shared the same room as her. Upon exiting the castle she ran as fast as she could to Uncle Chucks diner, desperately hoping it was not closed. To her dismay Stacy was just closing the door and locking up. "No!" she shouted to get the attention of the gazelle. Stacy turned towards the lynx only in time for Nicole to crash into her. Both girls were sent reeling onto their backsides. "Are you insane!?" shouted the angered waitress before seeing the panting and exceedingly hungry face of Nicole. Emptying her purse she crawled over to the startled girl"please, take everything! I just need food!" "But, we are closed now" the slightly frightened girl stated to the ravenous lynx before her. "Can't you open just this once?" Nicole asked, becoming increasingly desperate. "Well, we are out of food. You kind of cleaned us out already" she nervously smiled "I mean I do have this errr.... Where is it?" She rummaged through her backpack and brought out a bottle of syrup "it's all I got you can have it fo... Hey!" she shouted as Nicole attempted to grab the bottle from her hands. "You have to pay for that!" she shouted as the two fought over the syrup. "I need it!" Nicole shouted in anger as the pressure of both girls squeezing the bottle caused it to exploded onto the young girls body, coating her cleavage and face. "No!" Nicole dismayed as she attempted to lick the now empty bottle. "You bitch! look what you done, I'm a mess!" Shouted the waitress as she inspected her top "I'm never going to clean this ... What?" She looked nervously at the hungry expression of the famished lynx. "Maybe I can just have a bite?" Nicole creepily walked towards the girl, a new kind of hunger setting in. She had to eat and now! Nicole pounced and grabbed the girl around the waist bringing her into a tight bear hug. She then licked the side of the girls face, tasting the sweet goodness of both syrup and Mobian. "Wha... stop!" Stacy shouted as Nicole buried her face between the girls large cleavage. "mmphh... we... we can't do this, ahh!" Nicole lapped at the syrup, cleaning the girl off. She was still too hungry, she had to have more. "I need you..." "Excuse me?" the slightly aroused victim asked. "I NEED YOU INSIDE OF ME!" Quickly lowering the gazelle she opened her maw to seemingly unnatural proportions and slammed her head down, taking the victims entire head into her mouth. "MMMPPTHHH!" scream Stacy as she was held tightly by Nicole, unable to free herself from the powerful grip of Nicole's hands. Nicole was lost in a state of pure predatory instinct. Wanting more Nicole began to push the prey down her throat, the terrified Mobian screamed all the way. Stacy could see down her throat and could feel herself being swallowed. Nicole reached her breasts and had to open a bit wider to compensate for their large size. Soon Stacy's head entered Nicole's stomach. Her muffled screaming face visibly pressed against the stomach wall. The bulge mover and wriggled as her legs desperately kicked in the air as Nicole now held her above her. Slowly lowering the girl soon her large hips entered Nicole's throat. The gazelle's sharp horns doing nothing to free her from the seemingly unbreakable belly. Soon she was starting to be curled around from the pressure into a fetal position. Her screams were now mixed with crying as her hand which were now free desperately punched and pushed against the fleshy walls around her. Nicole enjoyed the taste of the girls thighs and licked around to taste her, she moaned as she forced her thighs and legs into her throat. Nicole get onto her hands and knees, her violently thrashing gut moving under her. The legs of her first victim slowly traveled into her throat and soon only her feet remained outside, yanking off her shoes she closed her maw around her feet and enjoyed feeling her toes wriggle around in her mouth. Tilting her head back she swallowed one last time, a bulge traveled down her gullet and joined the larger mass inside her gut. Stacy was now trapped in a tight fetal position, facing towards Nicole. Her curvy form clearly visible inside the girl. Still moving and screaming for anyone to help her, but her voice was muffled and no one was around to help her. For a brief moment all was bliss, the gnawing pain had been replaced with an incredible pleasure and satisfaction. Nicole was soon brought to her senses by the loud screaming and writhing in her gut. Her belly stretched and moved violently as the girl within desperately struggled to get out, screaming in fear as Nicole's acids began to get to work. "Oh god! Someone help me!" Stacy screamed from within her stomach, Nicole looked horrified at what she had done. She quickly got up and began to panic. "Wh... What have I done!?" Nicole could not understand how she had done it but now a whole other person was inside her. She could barely concentrate, her fear and shame was mixed with the incredible feeling within her. She had never had a meal this satisfying. "What's going on over there?" A gruff voice asked. Nicole noticed the flashlight searching the alleyway behind the diner. A large Mobian bear walked around the corner, using his light to search the area... Nothing. "Huh, I swear I could have heard something?" Nicole had sprinted out of fear from the alley and towards the wall of the city. She needed somewhere safe and away from prying eyes to figure out what to do. Her belly bounced up and down along with the Mobian who was trapped within. Each bounce coating the terrified young girl in stomach acid. Nicole used her A.I powers to disable a small section of the shield and passed through. After about fifteen minutes she arrived at Freedom HQ, the former base of operations for the Freedom Fighters. She quietly opened the door and peered inside, she was in luck, no one was there. Stepping in she made sure to lock the door behind her. Without pause she began to pace, she had to think fast in order to save Stacy and herself. "How? how is this possible!? I ate her whole, but that's impossible" Nicole could still feel the girl moving inside her. It felt amazing but Nicole had to try and ignore this. "Why does this feel so good? This isn't normal!" Nicole then looked to her side at the old screen and computer. Of course! She could contact Sally and ask for help. As she reached for the keyboard she paused. "What do I say?" Nicole withdrew from the keyboard. "Sh... She will think I'm a freak! The people of the city already hate me, what if... What if my friends turn against me? I... can't tell them!" "Please! I promise I won't tell anyone!" The desperate girl inside screamed. Nicole knew she was lying, there was no way she would keep this ordeal a secret. Even if she believed her, how is she going to get her out? Nicole paced from side to side thinking. She didn't know why but she had since started to relax, the feeling inside her was not just filling but oddly soothing, like an internal massage. "They could deactivate me, my friends would hate me... I can't bear that... What if?... No! no no no that's out of the question" Nicole stopped in her tracks. Her gut would leave no traces, sure she would gain a lot of weight but no one would think Stacy had been eaten, let alone by Nicole. She looked down at her gut and stroked it. Nicole began to cry. "I'm... I'm sorry..." "Wha... What for!? What are you planning?" her belly began to stretch as the girl inside panicked. "Let me out you computer bitch!" Nicole felt a wave of anger overcome her. "Now you certainly aren't getting out! Bitch!" Nicole walked to a spare room, her stomach violently wriggling as the girl screamed and struggled within. Nicole opened the door and entered. It was Tails room, it was remarkably clean. She laid down on his bed and onto her side, tear streaming from her face. As a Freedom Fighter she was never meant to kill. But something within was screaming to go through with it, she was tired and just wanted this ordeal over. Despite the muffled screams she closed her eyes and feel asleep. "No! I don't want to die!" screamed the girl within. Inside Nicole the young girl looked at her clothing, it was already beginning to digest, and more acid was filling her gut. "Please, I'll do anything!" It was no use, Nicole was fast asleep. About an hour later her struggling had become weaker. Her cloths had mostly digested and the fur that was submerged had come out. Only her head remained above the acid and juices. She cried as her flesh began to slowly burn away. She still moved in hopes of waking the lynx up, but it was not working. Two hours later, her struggling had all but faded. The green acids had turned red with blood. She was barely conscious. "Pl.... Please.... Someone... help me..." But no one could hear her. Her fur and cloths were gone, and much of her flesh had turned to goop, her bare bones were visible. Her large breasts had been reduced and some of her internal organs were showing. Another two hours later and all life had faded from her. As Nicole slept she gently stroked her corpse filled belly. Her gut having become smaller from compacting the girl within. The girls body had become contorted as the strength of Nicole's stomach wall had broken bones. The girls remains had become completely submerged in the red goop. Her skin was gone, liquefied. Her internal organs spilled out and her skull fully visible. The skeletal features of the girl was visibly pressed against the lynx's stomach walls, locked in a constant expression of fear. Inside the slimy goo bubbled away as the girl continued to melt down. Nicole's intestines pumped the nutrient and protein filled goo through it. Her blood picked up what it needed and transported it around her body. Nicole's breasts became larger and larger as they used the vitamins and protein to create milk, like her thighs and hips they too received a fare share of fat. Call it a price to pay for their improvements. There was a lot of fat so her body carefully, under the influence of supernatural powers placed the fat where it could be evened out. Her thighs and other muscles became stronger and larger as they were filled with nutrients. The girl within was fully merging with her. Nothing was being wasted. She even became the fur and hair on Nicole's skin, she was in every part of her and flowed within her. Midday came, her eyes opened. Sitting up Nicole had forgotten about the ordeal, or at least she tried to. Standing up she immediately felt extra weight around her gut and chest. Looking down she gasped at the size of her breasts, now were now slightly bigger than Rogue's. Quickly hopping in front of the mirror she checked the damage, what she saw was not at all what she was expecting. Her breasts, thighs and hips and become more rounded and curvy. Her tight leather pants had ripped from the pressure. The most noticeable thing was her gut. It had reduced in size however the remains of the girl she ate was clearly visible. Stacy's skeleton was tightly packed in her gut, having broken apart her rib cage and skull were clearly noticeable. Odd lumps poked out here and there from broken bones. Inside the bones slowly digested, her body eager to take the calcium and the nutrients held within the bone marrow. Nicole felt horrified, but there was also something else, a sense of pride in her appearance. No doubt over the course of the day her bones would digest and Nicole would have the curvy figure to die for. She was unsure how she knew this. Her sense of fear returned, how would she explain this? She turned around and looked at her backside in a full body mirror. Her rump and curves had defiantly grown in size. She couldn't help but smile, she looked good. Her smile quickly faded as she remembered what she had done, she was a murderer. She decided to hide away for the day so she could avoid an questions about the corpse in her gut. Her sense of fear soon gave way to curiosity, what caused this? How was this possible? Why didn't she simply become obese? She needed answers. Exiting her room she once again approached the computer. "Could this be a malfunction? Maybe? Yes of course Tails would know what to do!" Once again her hand paused before touching the keyboard. She looked down and felt her belly. "But, I can't let him see me like this... What would he think?" Her hands proceeded upwards and cupped her breasts "I wonder, what would he think of... No! What am I thinking this is no time for that!" Nicole like Tails, they got on very well. Some would say they were made for each other. Over the months she had started to feel this strange emotion around him, she felt safe with him but also nervous. She began to become more self conscious about her appearance and would try to spend more time with him. She knew that this could be what Sally called love, but she was unsure. She had nothing to compare it to. But the idea of Tails thinking of her as a freak and a monster terrified her. *knock**knock* Nicole nearly jumped out of her skin, there was someone at the door. "This is terrible!" thought Nicole. Outside of the door to Tails room Sally shifted around as she heard the sounds of footsteps inside his room. Only partially opening the door Nicole peered through, hiding her large bone and goop filled gut behind the door. "Sa... Sally! Oh, what a surprise, what's up?" she asked nervously. "I could ask you the same thing, what are you doing in Tails room?" "Oh, I was just tired and wanted some peace and quite so I came here" *growl* her belly moaned as it happily digested the remains withing. "What was that?" Sally asked curiously. "Oh, nothing!" A sweat dropped from her forehead, she knew she could only hide this for so long. "Erm, can I come in?" Sally asked pushing against the door. "I.. I'm not decent! Wait!" Sally pushed the door open, overpowering the full girl. Sally had to take a double take at Nicole's gut. She could clearly see the bones and skull of her victim inside her gut. A brief silence descended as neither on could decide what to say, until Sally broke the ice. "W... What! OH MY GOD!" she screamed as she pointed at her best friends gut. "Is that what I think it is?! What have you done!?" Nicole fell to her knees and immediately started crying. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't stop myself it all happened so fast!" Sally heard the honest pain in her friends voice, as gruesome as the situation was she had to hear her out. "What happened Nicole? Is that really a person?" "Y.. yes it's Stacy..." Nicole looked ashamed and guilty. Sally gasped at this knowledge. "Oh my god... Why? Why did you do this?" Tears formed in Sally's eyes as she too began to fear for her friend. The people of the city were already hostile towards her and now she had taken a life. "Yesterday... after we ate at the diner, I was so hungry! It was so painful Sally! I went to get something to eat but she was closing the diner. We got in a fight and she spilled syrup on herself. I... I was so hungry that I just lost control, I stopped thinking it just happened. I don't know how, it shouldn't be possible but I ate her whole, oh god she was alive inside of me. I digested her alive Sally! I got scared so I came back here to digest her" "Why didn't you come to me or someone else?" Sally asked as she got to her knees and closer to her friend. "How could I? The city already hates me! I knew you would see me as a monster, I couldn't stand the idea. I couldn't loose you as a friend Sally!" A brief pause between the two as Sally began to think what to do. Nicole had been acting strange, there had to be a reason. "Sally..." Nicole offered her wrists to the concerned friend "I understand if you need to take me in, I won't fight it..." The princess thought this over, Nicole would never hurt someone unless something was really wrong. Nicole had already been through so much and Sally couldn't stand to loose a friend. "No... We... we can figure this out! There has to be a reason why this happened, people don't just eat people" As Sally gently took Nicole's hands she seemingly received what felt like a static shock, little did she know what this truly was. "Sally..." Nicole's eyes streamed with tears. The lynx took her friend into a strong hug, whimpering into her friends shoulder. Sally felt disturbed at the feeling of the hard remains in her friends gut pressing against her, but this was no time for that. She had to figure out way to help Nicole and soon. Breaking the hug and placing her hand on Nicole's shoulders she looked her in the eyes "We will fix this, but we need to keep this between us OK?" Nicole simply nodded, her lip quivering. "We will have to wait until you... digest what's left, after that we can go to Tails and run a diagnostic and see what's wrong". "But how can I hide this?" Nicole cupped her larger breasts and looked down at her enhanced rump. "People will notice". Sally thought for a moment, it seemed strange that she would gain weight like this but not become obese, almost like something directed the fat to those locations. "Also, won't Tails find out?" The thought of Tails turning against her returned, Sally noticed the tears start to form in Nicole's eyes again. "No... I doubt he would believe that you ate someone... It should be safe". Sally had decided to guard entrance to Freedom HQ to prevent anyone stumbling on her friend, Nicole needed time to digest her prey. Day turned to dusk and then to night. Sally paced back and forth in the entrance way awaiting her friend, her belly grumbled in hunger but she ignored it as she had more pressing matters to attend to. Nicole stepped out of her room and into the entrance way. Her gut had reduced in size and was back to normal, her breast, thighs and rump had grown a bit more. Sally couldn't help but gasp at her friend, she never really took the time to absorb all the new features her friend had. She looked beautiful, but it was at the cost of a life. "Sally this is strange, but, I feel stronger. Maybe it was the calcium but I really do". "Heh, erm that's great hun" Sally couldn't help be a bit concerned as her busty friend weighed the benefits of eating someone. But truth be told something inside Sally was jealous of her figure and wished to obtain it. "We should get going". Nicole nodded in agreement and the two left for the city leaving Freedom HQ behind. The two ladies skulked through the city and towards Tails workshop. He had since moved his workshop from the Mystic Ruins and into the city for convenience. It was easy for the girls to sneak by the guards and locals, after all both were Freedom Fighters and Sally especially had spent years sneaking around the ruins of Robotropolis. They didn't really need to sneak around but it Nicole was adamant that people would notice her and ask questions. Inside his workshop Tails busily worked away at what he always worked on, the Tornado. He found it helped sooth him and distract him from the wider world and ongoing struggle against Dr Eggman. He was startled as a loud knock from the hanger door echoed throughout the room causing him to slip with his wrench and smack his hand against the plane. "Aghh!" He exclaimed "Who is it!?" he queried holding his hand in pain. "Tails, it's Sally and Nicole, can we come in?" Brushing himself off and still tending to his hand he approached and opened the small door attached to the larger hanger door and was greeted by a nervous looking Sally. "Oh hi Sal, erm, where's Nicole?" "I'm here" said the nervous lynx as she peered around a corner, hiding her improved figure. "OK, why are you hiding?" The young boy asked scratching his head. "Err well..." Walking from behind a oil barrel Tails gasped at he sight of the busty lynx, her breasts were bigger than rouges and her hips and thighs were to die for. "Wha! What happened!?" Tails blushed. "W..W...Why ar.. are..." Sally covered Tails mouth to silence the stuttering fox. "Not so loud, that's why we are here." Uncovering his mouth he seemed to understand that discretion was perhaps the best option here. "O... OK, come on in" Standing aside both girls entered the hanger, Nicole couldn't help but be nervous as she walked past the kit, she held her breasts to her chest to stop them from bouncing with every step. Both girls found a seat in the hanger next to the Tornado. Tails grabbed a diagnosis kit that both he and Rotor created in the event that Nicole's cybernetics started to fail. "OK, can you tell me the basics? What happened?" he asked bringing out what appeared to be a stethoscope but attached to a small hand-held computer. Both Sally and Nicole shared a nervous glance, they couldn't tell him that Nicole had eaten someone. Nicole thought fast "well, I just woke up this way..." Sally shook her head, was that the best her friend could come up with? No matter, Tails seemed to buy it. "OK, I just need to run a few tests" Tail produced the stethoscope and nervously pressed it against Nicole's chest, carefully avoiding touching her breasts. He couldn't help but be a bit flustered at the sight of her large cleavage and the way her top barley contained her new enhancements, they seemed to bulge out wonderfully. Sally couldn't help but giggle at the sight, she always knew he was a boob man. All seemed normal, a regular heartbeat. "I err, have to test for fluid build ups... I mean if you are OK with that!?" he awkwardly fumbled. Nicole just blushed and nodded. Taking the stethoscope he carefully breast it against one of her large breasts, she couldn't help but shudder at the cold metal. Tails listened closely and examined the monitor. "C.. can you move your upper body just a bit?" Nicole simply nodded again, blushing furiously at how close he was to her. Swaying her upper body gently from side to side Tails could clearly hear the sloshing sounds of milk within her breasts, he of course was unaware that it was milk made from her victim. Tails also noted a higher fat percentage in her breasts, they had indeed grown, almost naturally it seemed. Removing the stethoscope he took a light from his kit and shone it into one of her eyes. Checking her pupils. Taking the console in his hand he then ran it around her body, taking note of her fat index he could tell that her thighs had indeed gained not just more fat but more muscle and flesh as did all of her body. "Strange, you have grown but for the life of I can't tell why, the reading appear normal but that can't be right." Nicole sighed in relief, maybe this was just a one time thing. "Can it be reversed?" asked Sally, her question perking up Nicole's ears. Nicole was ashamed at what she had done but seeing Tails reaction to her made her kind of want to keep her figure, she of course was unaware why, she had no experience of love, this was all new to her. "I don't know, I will have to run a few more tests" Sally nodded and got up. "I'm leaving her in your care tonight". Nicole gasped slightly and looked at her friend, Sally smiled knowingly. Sally hoped that maybe by spending time with him she might open up to him about how she feels. She was of course concerned about her friend but this was a perfect opportunity. Tails blushed and awkwardly looked Nicole in the eyes. Ye... yea sure". Leaving the hanger Sally felt her belly rumble again, all this fuss had made her very hungry. This was strange as the sight of Nicole's gut holding a bony corpse was still fresh in her mind. She dismissed this and decided to head back home and to get a bite to eat before she slept. Inside his workshop, Tails sat Nicole in a chair and turned on a large computer, the room filled with the sounds of buzzing and whirring from the high tech machinery. Each one with a different purpose, each one just as important as the other. "OK, please lean forward" Tails took a large high tech jack that was attached to the main computer and lifted up the back of Nicole's hair to reveal a input slot. Inserting the jack and gently twisting until he heard the locking mechanism lock into place he then made sure Nicole transferred. Her eyes closing and her body going limp her consciousness transferred to the computer where she took control. Tails checked her body and smiled as all her vitals read normal. Tails turned and sat down, he began typing on the keyboard in-front of him. "Nicole, can you hear me?" after a brief silence she responded. "affirmative, all systems read normal". Tails sighed in relief. Why a fairly simple process it always made him nervous. If the transfer was interrupted there was no telling the kind of damage that could be done to her. "Great, we will run a few basic tests to get started" Nicole enjoyed being in his company, even if she was restricted to a computer. Perhaps this was the opportunity to see what he really thought of her? Sally had returned to the castle and quietly raided the fridge, she had never been this hungry before! No matter what she ate she was still hungry. Dropping to her knees in pain she held her gut, this was wrong, all wrong. Fear began to overtake her as she continued to eat everything she could find but nothing was helping. "Excuse me? your majesty is everything OK?" a busty feline servant asked peering around the door, awakened by the noise. Sally sharply looked at the cat, seeing nothing but meat.
 Chapter 1 Part 1 B Changes Muffled screams filled the kitchen as Sally worked hard on swallowing the maid. The horrified face was clearly visible moving around inside her stomach. Sally was now lost to the world, all that was on her mind was her food. Sally's throat muscles worked hard pulling the busty feline deeper and deeper into her. Only the girls feet stuck out from Sally's mouth, she quickly removed the servant girls footwear and began to swallow. The cat in her mouth began her final decent, the bulge is Sally's throat travelling down. The maid couldn't help but begin to curl around in her stomach, the cramped walls were unusually strong and forced her into a fetal position. With one last swallow her entire body entered the hungry princesses gut. "BUUURP!" Sally relieved the pressure and began to stroke her belly in complete content pleasure. Her belly bounced, stretched and wriggled as the feline inside struggled in vain to get out. Her face pressed against the gluttonous chipmunks stomach wall. Sally began to come to her senses as she felt the movement inside her. She gasped in horror at the sight of her gut moving violently. It took a moment for it all to sink in. "I... I just ate a person... Oh god! What have I done?!" Sally stood up, using her powerful thighs to carry the extra weight. Her gut bouncing and sloshing as she moved. Inside the girl could feel the heat of Sally's acids starting to fill her stomach. "Please! Mr Acorn! Let me out!" She pleaded, her voice muffled by the layer of flesh, muscle and fat. Sally didn't know what to do, but then she thought of Nicole and her corpse filled gut. This would be the same... Something caused her to eat this girl whole. She started to panic, what would happen if people found out? How would she explain this? Now she knew how Nicole felt. Nicole! That was it! Sally knew the only person who could help her understand what was happening was Nicole, she had eaten someone and might know something. Then Sally remembered, Nicole digested her victim. The same was now happening inside her. Sally was snapped out of her thought as her gut stretched as the girl inside pushed with all her might in an attempt to escape. But to no avail, Sally's powerful gut snapped back to place. Sounds of footsteps filled the kitchen, footsteps coming from the cold stone floors that went down into the kitchen. Sally had to get out of here! Running out of the back exit she proceeded to the only person who she could relate to at this point. With tears in her eyes and her gut sloshing and bouncing she ran as fast as she could to Tails workshop. "Ok, all systems seem normal. I really can't explain this" Tails scratched his head at the numbers and system reports displayed on the screen before him. He rubbed his eyes as the strain of staring at monitors all night started to get to him. "Tails, you are fatigued, you should rest" Nicole's computerised voice announced from the speakers attached to the monitor. "I can't do that Nicole, not until we figure out what's wrong." He leaned back in his chair and yawned "Just a few more tests, OK?" Nicole responded by turning off the monitors and disconnecting from the system. It was much much easier to disconnect from the system than to connect, her eyes on her semi-organic body fluttered open. She leaned up on her bed, but remembered not to exit, she was still physically connected after all. She turned to Tails and gave her the most stern eyes she could. "Ok, OK, I know that look." Tails shut down the system and made sure it was safe to detach Nicole from the System. Getting behind her he gently took hold of the plug in the back of her head and with a gentle twist and a click disconnected her. Sitting up Nicole rubbed the back of her neck, as she stood up she lost her footing, she forgot to compensate for the size of her breasts and the dizziness caused by the connection. "Nicole!" Tail leaped into action, using himself to shield her fall. Both fell onto the ground with a thud. "ow..." Nicole was still getting used to this pain thing. She sometimes wondered why she accepted it but always remembered that she wanted the most real experience possible. "I'm so sorry Ta... Tails, where are you?" Nicole then felt movement between her breasts. "Mmmffmmff!" Tails exclaimed, Nicole was on top of him, her massive milk filled tits covering his face completely, both breasts had broken their confinement, his muzzle buried deep between her cleavage. Nicole felt movement between her great cleavage, she looked down to see her breasts wobble and move as Tails desperately tried to get some air. Tails could hear the milk sloshing inside of them, unaware that it was made from a person. The heat was getting to him, Nicole's face went a deep red. "... Eeek!!" She jumped back and covered her large breasts with her arms, both breasts bulged around her arms, she turned away to hide her embarrassment. Tails shot up with a gasp, his face red. A bit of blood dribbled from his nose, he turned away to hide his embarrassment. An awkward silence pervaded the room, each one unsure of what to say, until Nicole broke the silence. "I... Apologise Tails, I shouldn't be so clumsy..." Tails scratched the back of his head and turned to her. "It's OK, really... I should have caught you better." Nicole turned her head towards him. "Thank you for trying to sa... Oh my goodness! Tails your nose is bleeding! Did you hit it?" Once again embarrassment swept over Tails, he was lucky that Nicole did not understand why his nose was really bleeding. Getting up he scrambled and hurried to quickly grab some tissues and place them on his nose, he took a few extra for... Other purposes. "It's nothing really, I... I got two customers coming in soon, could you perhaps stay out of sight while I deal with them, those girls get kinda cranky... Th.. Thanks, I gotta go." He quickly left the room before she could say anything else. Nicole sat alone, surrounded by the blue lights of the computer monitors thinking to herself. "Girls...?" Sneaking slowly around Sally made her way through the city. It was a difficult task due to her moving and screaming belly. Sally still had tears in her eyes, the movement felt good but this was all wrong, she had to find Tails and Nicole. But this was new to her, she was having trouble moving and the weight of the busty servant girl inside her wasn't helping. Sally continued, keeping close to the walls of any building she came close to. Inside her the girl continued to try a thrash about but it was too tight to really move about, she could feel the tingling on her skin as the princesses gut got to work on her. She was trapped in a tight fetal position facing away from Sally. Her face and hand prints often appeared on her stomach walls, screaming in terror knowing what was coming. Every step Sally took caused her to bounce and slosh about, covering more of her attractive body with acid and the mushed food that Sally ate earlier. "No! Please! Someone help me!" it was no use, her voice was muffled. Sally came to a corner and looked around to see a girl standing by the front of a shop alone, she was on her phone. Something inside Sally clicked again, the hunger was back. "No, no no no no... Please not again." She whispered to herself. She looked again, the girl was not budging and she was directly in view of where Sally needed to go. "Come on, get out of here... I can't stop it..." She held her gut in agony, it growled loudly wanting more meat to fill it. Looking the girl up and down she could see the girl worked in the shop she was next to and appeared to be closing up, she was in no rush to go. She was a busty tiger girl, her large breasts pressed tightly against her work apron. Since when did the girls in New Mobotropolis get so attractive? "How long? *sigh* fifteen minutes? Yea I can wait that long. Just don't forget OK? Aha, yep?" Sally gritted her teeth, fifteen minutes? She couldn't wait that long! She once again felt the loss of control, the hunger the pain it was all too much. Sprinting round the corner the engorged princess pounced on the girl who was caught completely by surprise. Her phone flew out of her and and down a sewer grate. Not standing on ceremony the princess immediately got to work and in one fell swoop took the girls head into her mouth. "Mffffffff!!!" the girl screamed. The girl attempted to fight and claw at Sally's face, but Sally was quick and took the girls arms into her own. She began to swallow the terrified shop clerk down, a bulge moving from the top of her throat down, the imprint of the scared girl screaming in her throat. Sally pushed hard and took her shoulders into her mouth and pushed even deeper, pinning her arms to her sides, her legs franticly kicking. Inside Sally's gut the servant girl cried, she knew she was being joined by another. The tigress yelled and shivered and Sally's tongue licked and tasted her. Her head entered Sally's stomach, both girls were now screaming at the top of their lungs. Sally moved down to her waist and was stopped by her large rear, taking her preys buttocks with each hand she pushed down. Inside her the girl slid past the maid, her face pressed tightly against the bottom of her gut. As more and more of her entered she and the maid began to curl about, it was getting tight. Only her feet stuck out now, but they were easy enough, Sally enjoyed the taste of her meaty thighs as they slid down. Reaching her shoes she stopped and took them off, the girls toes wiggled as they too were dragged into the hungry chipmunks gullet. Closing her mouth around her toes Sally leaned her head back and a final large bulge travelled down her throat. Her belly bloated out as the clerks legs and feet entered her stomach sealing her fate. Both girls screamed as they were stuck in a tight sixty nine position. On her knees Sally began to come to her senses, she could feel the movement of the girls in her and hear the muffled screams. "No... NO!!!" she screamed in horror and disgust at herself. "Oh god what am I doing!?" "Who's there? Catlin, is that you?" Sally grabbed her bulky gut and ran as fast as she could across the street and to the nearest alleyway. A young lion Mobian came around the corner and scratched his head. "Odd, she was suppose to be right here." Nicole sat quietly alone in the computer room thinking to herself. "Girls? I wonder... No no, it's none of my business, they are just customers... Right?" She sat silently for a while longer until her ears snapped up at the sound of the large hanger door opening on the front of the workshop. Making her way quietly out of the computer room and into the hanger the busty lynx hid behind a large box of spare parts. She took notice of Tails chatting with two girls, was this them? Using her part cybernetic eyes she initiated a scan. She scanned their bodies, height, shape, weight, heart rate and thermal imaging. The two girls he was talking to were two young bandicoot girls. They appeared to be identical twins. Both had lavender fur and long hair tied to the back that resembled hedgehog quills. They both wore the same clothing, a scarf around the back of theirs heads though one was red and one was blue, purple, sleeveless hoodies with torn shoulders, white undershirts, brown and fingerless gloves, brown straps around their upper arms, amethyst jeans and tan boots with fluffy white cuffs and strings for bands. Both girls large breasts hugged their undershirts revealing much cleavage on the top. Their thick thighs and delicious waists and wide hips moved and rocked as they chatted and giggled, Nicole could see their huge butts had a lot of meat on them, once again she began to feel hungry. But Tails being there seemed to be keeping her under control. "We really think it's great that you are helping us like this" said Perci, flicking her red scarf back behind her. Her sister Staci took hold of Tails hand and pushed against him, his arm being buried in between her large cleavage. "We like handy guys..." Tails rubbed the back of his head and blushed, "th... That's OK, if you can just wait here I'll finish the repair work to your phones. I'm sure you will like them" The flustered kit hurried off, attempting to hide his shame. Both girls giggled at the sight. Sitting down Perci took out a mirror and began to clean her nails. Waiting until he exited the hanger and into his workshop, Staci turned to her sister. "When do you think we should fuck him?" "The sooner the better, he's a noble ya know? If we make him ours we'll never have to worry about cash again." "You know how pent up he must be with those girls he's always hanging around with? He's ganna fill us up like two balloons. You OK doing anal? I'm sure he'll want to with that big butt of yours." Snapping her handheld mirror shut Perci stood up and grabbed her sisters breasts "oh please... We got the same bodies... I can practically taste his cum now." "Sounds like you are looking forward to fucking that dweb." Both girls giggled to themselves and began getting themselves ready, for a full night ahead. Anger... It was a new thing for Nicole, sure she had felt anger but it took a while for her to recognise it as an emotion. Truth is, she hated the people of New Mobotropolis. Ungrateful, hateful, bigoted, spoiled brats. Nicole created this city for them to protect them all, she saved them from the egg grapes. How did they thank her? They turned against her, wrested control of her creation away from her. They call her "monster" "thing" and "it". They had all once been under the control of Robotnik yet when Nicole was enslaved against her own will they treat it as she had a choice in the matter. Hypocrisy, that's all it was. With every comment, with every insult and turn of the head she found herself hating them even more and these two girls stood for everything she hated about the people of this city. Tails was the nicest, kindest person she ever had the pleasure of being friends with. He would risk his life for a stranger and even if it meant many sleepless nights would work his heart out to repair something for said stranger. These... Witches! They would spoil his purity, they would use and abuse him! Nicole's hands shook in anger, she had never felt this kind of rage, not even at Mina's song. She wanted them to go away and leave her Tails alone... Her Tails... When did she consider him "hers?" Nevertheless, she had to get rid of them or he would suffer. But how? Nicole weighed her options, she could confront them? But that would no doubt cause an argument, she didn't want Tails to have to deal with that she also had to stay hidden. A dark thought entered her head, she could kill them? It would be easy, she was at least twenty times stronger than an adult Mobian, her enhanced body could rip them apart. But there would be blood, how would she.... "No!" she thought to herself, she had already killed someone, she's not a murderer! Right? But she was... She took that girls life, and part of her enjoyed the feeling. It was shameful but true. "What if? No, no no no no way!" she thought. She could eat them? She was very hungry after all and her belly would leave no traces, well apart from on her breasts, ass and thighs. Her stomach rumbled at the idea of being filled with two curvy Bandicoots, it wanted them. "Maybe... Just one last time?" These girls deserved it, they deserved to die! Walking out in front of them she put her hands behind her back. She decided to at least try and talk to them, she didn't want to go down a road she knew there was no going back from. "Holy hell!" Shouted Staci as she eyed the Lynx's massive milk sacks and her curvy frame, she was bigger than both girls put together. "*Ahem* I couldn't help but overhear you talking about Tails, I would ask that you please leave. What you are planning is wrong and indecent." Nicole couldn't help but be polite and formal, it was her nature. The twins looked at each other and began to laugh at the busty girls request. "Hahaha! Why would we do that? Not for you anyway, computer..." Staci said cruelly. "Hey, I heard this chick can change her appearance, would that explain her tits? What got tired of being flat chested?" Both girls giggled again. Nicole was becoming angrier, she hated them, she wanted them to go. "There is no need fo..." She was cut of as Perci got up from her stall and approached her. The bandicoot walked around the lynx, examining her features. She took in the size of her breasts, the width and shape of her hips and the thickness of her thighs. "You know, me and my sis here couldn't help but notice that you have been hanging around with that brat more. Me and Staci have had our eyes on him for awhile but it seems you have too." "I... I am unsure of what you mean." "Oh please!" Perci got in front of Nicole and poked one of her huge milk filled breasts. "You like him, don't you?" Nicole couldn't help but get flustered, love was new to her, she knew she felt different around Tails but she was unsure why, could she be? Is she in love? "let me guess, he wasn't noticing you so you decided to grow a bit hmmm? Well want to know what?" Nicole's blood was boiling but she was curious "what?" She asked through gritted teeth. "He doesn't want you... How could he? Your just a hologram, and machine." Nicole knew she was unaware of her upgrades. Perci turned around and took her hands and from the top of her body drew her hands down over her curvy frame. "He wants a real girl, someone to please him, someone to give him what he wants. Can you give him what he wants?" Staci walked beside her sister and pressed herself against her, the two bandicoots breasts squished together as the two began to make out. Nicole watched flabbergasted as the two sister explored each other mouths and bodies. "Mmmmm... He gets to have us both, tell us. Will you suck his dick? Swallow his cum?" Nicole blushed at what she was hearing, how could these girls be so indecent. Perci lifted her shirt letting her breast fall out, Nicole's belly bubbled with hunger at such a feast before it. "Will you let him suck those big tits of yours? Will you bend over and take it in your fat ass? You are nothi..." Perci's sentence was cut short as Nicole grabbed her and shoved her and her sisters whole heads into her throat. Nicole grabbed Perci and Staci around their waists and lifted them while lowering her head, pushing them into her throat. "MMMMFF!! MMMMFFFFFF!!!!" Screamed Staci as she realized what was happening. Both girls began to kick franticly as they were eaten. They were both pressed against Nicole's huge breasts, slowly going down her throat. A huge bulge appeared and slid down as both girls were forced inside. It should have been impossible but Nicole was eating two girls that were the same size as her, she was eating them whole, both at the same time. Both girls shoulders entered her throat. It was hot, slimy and smelled, both screamed in terror, kicking all the way. Nicole flipped her head in the air and raised both girls above her, the sisters screamed as she did so. Allowing gravity to help as she took hold of their large rumps and pushed them down. Inside Nicole, Perci and Staci's head both entered her stomach at the same time, both still screaming and crying. Their terrified face clearly seen moving on the outside of Nicole's gut. She moaned as their curvy legs entered her throat, she gulped and gulped forcing the girls to curl around all the while making her gut bigger. She whipped off their shoes and swallowed, both girls feet entered her mouth, she clamped down and with another few gulps forced them fully into her belly. Her engorged gut bounced as it took the full weight of the girls. Both were submerged in her acids, screaming and struggling franticly. "Help! Tails help us!!" But their voices were muffled. Their desperate faces and hand prints rubbed against Nicole's large belly. They kicked and punched and even attempted to bite but it was no use, the walls were to slimy to grab hold of. Unlike last time, Nicole was fully aware of what she had just done. She looked down in silence, caressing her belly as it violently rocked and stretched, the two girls screaming inside. It felt amazing, this felt even better than her last meal. She moaned at this full feeling. Until realization caught up with her. "I did it again... Why?" Her thoughts were cut short as she heard the door to Tails workshop open, she quickly ran to the hanger door and out of the building. Her giant gut sloshing and bouncing with every step. The girls inside bounced around and felt her thighs hit them as she ran. They could hardly move, it was dark and scary and their skin was beginning to tingle. Nicole found it strange at how easy it was to move with two people inside her. Her milk filled breasts bounced and sloshed as did her gut, she turned a corner *slam!* She bounced off of Sally's large gut as the two ran into each other. Both girls fell onto their rear ends. Sally and Nicole looked up at each other and then at each others moving bellies. It was silent apart from the muffled screams and cries for help from the two girls stomachs. They watched as one another's stomachs moved and thrashed. Nicole decided to break the ice. "S... Sally... Did you?" "Nicole, did you? Oh no..." Both girls stood up,their churning guts working on digesting their curvy meals. "Why? What happened? Why did you eat someone?" Nicole asked, tears forming in her eyes. "I don't know, I don't know! I... I just got so hungry and then the maid came into the kitchen and it all just happened so fast!" Sally planted her hands over her face as she cried. Nicole hated seeing her cry. "We, we need to hide Sally! We need to find somewhere to digest them." Sally looked up in horror at what she was saying. "No! We can't! We have to get help! We need to go to Tails I'm sure he can help!" This thought terrified Nicole, she didn't want him to see her like this. "Sally I can't, I can't let him see me! We can can go to the Freedom HQ, there's no-one there, we can digest them and then figure out what to do." Sally couldn't help but be disturbed at what her friend was saying. It was almost like she wanted to digest them. "But I'm not a murderer!" Nicole grabbed her friends shoulders to comfort the crying chipmunk. "There's nothing we can do... We have to go now!" Grabbing her friends hand she pulled Sally along. Sally wanted to pull away, but something was telling her Nicole was right, what was done is done. Half an hour later the two girls reached Freedom HQ, Nicole peered through the door. Satisfied there was no one there she entered and lead Sally inside. Sally knelt down on the soft rug., her gut still violently moving and thrashing, her prey still screaming. It was funny but she almost seemed to be use to it. Nicole went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water, her belly too churned and wriggled as the two girls inside fought in vain to escape. Entering the living space she handed the glass to Sally, Sally nodded and took the glass. Nicole knelt opposite her, It felt good to take the weight off her feet. Sally downed the glass the two girls shivered as they were coated by the cold water. Inside Sally the two girls still attempted to fight, their fur was starting to come off and the tingling was stinging them. It was getting hard to breath. The same was occurring inside Nicole, both Perci and Staci watched in horror as they began to digest. "So what happens now...?" Sally asked mournfully, she wanted to take her mind off the feeling inside her, and the fact that it felt good. Nicole waited before answering, she was scared but she knew Sally was more scared. "I was asleep when I digested Stacy, I'm not sure. Both girls sat silently, the growling and churning of their stomachs, as well as the muffled screams filled the room. About an hour later Sally and Nicole had become comfortable on the rug, the same could not be said about what was happening to their prey. Inside Nicole the green goo had tuned red with blood, both Staci and Perci screamed in pain and fear as only their heads remained above the acid. Their raw flesh was exposed and most of their fur apart from that on their heads had come off, their cloths were torn and tattered. "No! Please stop!" Perci yelled afraid. Both girls sloshed around but were loosing energy as the stew they were in became thicker. The same was happening inside Sally, the two girls had been digesting a bit longer and were in a worse state because of it. The young maid was dead, she had been pushed to the bottom of the red goop, drowning in a mixture of acid and blood. The tigress screamed pushing against her stomach wall. "Mmmff..." Nicole moaned as a kick from Perci ignited a pleasure response. Sally looked up as did Nicole. "I'm... I'm sorry, it's just... It's hard to control. Nicole looked down in shame, but Sally couldn't judge her, she was feeling the same pleasure as well. As the night went on the struggling became weaker. The young maids body had digested fast due to being fully submerged, her cloths were gone and large chunks of her flesh were gone, melted by the acid into a thick paste which the tigress struggled in vain against. The maids skeleton was showing and her guts had started to spill out surrounding the other girl due to lack of space. The tigress cried out, her half digested face pressed against Sally's stomach wall. Sally could not sleep, not with this happening inside of her, she looked down and noticed her top was starting the stretch, they were becoming a part of her. Things were no better inside Nicole, Perci and Staci stewed in their own liquids and acid. They still fought but they were getting weaker. Their cloths had digested and their flesh showing, they were both loosing blood. It was becoming harder to move due to the thickness of the soup that surrounded them. Nicole rubbed her grumbling belly, she found it a bit ironic. These girls most likely came from the same embryo, they were once one and now they are becoming one again, as part of her. As daylight came both girls had fallen asleep. Both of the girls stomachs had become rounded thanks to the goo that was inside, however the skeletal features and the odd handprint and bump here and there was obvious. Sally's gut had reduced the girls inside to goo and meat. Their bones had broken and snapped and their organs and blood mixed and stewed, their half digested skulls sat in the gory mess, slowly digesting. The tigresses skull pressed in terror against her stomach wall. Her belly moaned as it worked on turning it's contents into a nice paste that her intestines could process. Already they worked hard pumping the girls around Sally's body, filling her breasts, thighs hips and butt. They became the calcium in her bones and food for her brain. The same was happening inside Nicole, however one of her occupants was still alive. Perci, could only whimper as the skeletal corpse of her sister laid under her, being digested by the goop. The flesh and organs of herself and her sister surrounded her, she was in better shape but still heavily digested. She still prodded and poked and the wall, she had to work through all the meat to do so. Nicole's top had burst, exposing her huge breasts that lactated with all the milk she had made from them. She woke up first. Stretching and yawning she looked across from her to see Sally sleeping soundly on top of her own stomach. She looked down at her own and noted that it was much rounder than last time, though the outlines of Staci and Perci were still obvious. She also noted her lactating breasts. She had a thought to herself and stood up, Perci whimpering as she was moved about. Nicole gasped at the fact that she was still alive, she could only imagine the mess she was in, literally. Nicole carried her large gut over to the kitchen and searched the cupboards, every movement caused the meat and sludge inside her to move. She could hear and feel it slosh and slime around. It was funny, it didn't disturb her. Finding what she was looking for she pulled out a few large plastic measuring jugs with clip on lids. She was ashamed at what she had done, but there was no point in wasting all this milk.
RoboSnake - A 6 foot robotic snake modeled after the Fox Snake. Able to act perfectly like a normal snake which made it a perfect pet for people who wanted a pet snake but worried about not always being able to take care of it. This was Edward's original plan. This idea quickly changed when his assistant and secret crush, Lexi, introduced him to her fetish, snake sex. For the past few months, Edward and Lexi, have been working on perfecting RoboSnake. Lexi volunteered to be the first test subject for RoboSnake. The day of the test, Edward's phone rang. Edward was in the middle of setting up the test, so he put the phone on speaker. "Hello," Edward said. "E- *cough* Edward?" Lexi said weakly. "Lexi? You sound sick," Edward said as he stopped what he was doing. "It's just a cold. I'll be there in time for the test, *cough*hack*cough*" "That sounds worst than a cold. Take a few days off. The test can wait." "No. I'm fine I can do the test today," Lexi said trying to sound as 'fine' as she could. "Lexi, take a few days off. We don't have to test this ability today. I can test RoboSnake's other abilities until you get better." "Are you sure? I know how important this project was to you." "Don't worry about the project. No project is more important to me than you are. Just take it easy and get better." "Alright then. *cough* I'll let you get started. Bye." "Bye." A week later, Lexi walks into the lab and finds Edward asleep at his desk with his laptop running some code Lexi didn't recognize. Lexi decides to let Edward rest while she looks around the lab to find RoboSnake. Suddenly, something catches her eye. It was an aquarium. That aquarium wasn't there last time she was at the lab, was it? She decides to get a closer look. "Something's in there," Lexi thought as she looked through the glass. Lexi crouched next to the aquarium and watched as a snake came out of its hiding place. The snake stared back at Lexi. Lexi decided she needed to get a closer look at this snake. As she placed her hand inside the aquarium, the snake lunged at her arm and wrapped around it. Surprised by the sudden attack, Lexi stumbled backwards and bumped into Edward, waking him. Edward looked up at Lexi's face. Noticing the fear in her eyes, he followed her stare down to the snake making its way up her arm. Edward then hit a few keys on his computer and the snake stopped just a couple inches away from Lexi's sleeve. The snake turned towards Edward and lunged at him. Edward stretched out his arm and grabbed just behind the snake's head, then he twisted his arm so the snake would wrap around it. "What the hell is that?!" Lexi asked. "You mean you don't recognize it?" Lexi looked closely at the snake before shaking her head. Edward pressed a key on his computer and the snake started vibrating. "That's RoboSnake?!" Lexi asked, surprised. "I'm not really too surprised that you didn't recognize him. He's had a few visual upgrades." "Can I try holding him again? The first time I was forced to," Lexi said, reaching her hand towards Edward's. Edward simply loosened his grip and RoboSnake slithered back up Lexi's arm. It continued its path up to her sleeve then headed down and nestled into her cleavage. RoboSnake continued bringing its body into the nice warm gap it had found. "It kind of tickles," Lexi said, giggling. "Are you ready for the important test?" "Absolutely!" "Alright. Then get ready and lie down on the table." Lexi walked over to the table and began undressing. Edward watched her strip as if everything was in slow motion. Edward watched as Lexi unbuttoned her shirt, guided it over RoboSnake, and let it float gently off the rest of her arm and land on the floor. She then continued to unbutton her jeans and let them pile around her ankles before stepping out of them. "Is this good enough, Edward?" "Huh? Did you say something?" "Is this good or should I lose more?" "That should be fine." Lexi lied down on the examination table as Edward brought his laptop and chair then sat nest to the table. Edward proceeded to type the command so he could control RoboSnake. He followed this by waving his finger around in the air to make RoboSnake would obey. It did. "Are you ready to start the 'fun' part of this test?" Edward asked smiling. Lexi nodded enthusiastically. Edward began by raising his hand about an inch above Lexi's breast and RoboSnake quickly followed. He then pointed at her nipple and RoboSnake flicked at the hardening nub with its tongue. To her surprise, the tongue wasn't cold and metal-like. Actually, it felt very arousing. "I forgot to mention another small upgrade I made. The tongue releases a small electric charge to help increase the feeling," Edward said. Lexi let out a moan in response. "Enough playing around. Time to really start the test," Edward said guiding RoboSnake down Lexi's flat stomach until he reached the top of her panties. He proceeded to lift the waistband from her waist and RoboSnake slithered in causing another moan to escape Lexi's lips. RoboSnake quickly found Lexi's pussy lips and dove in. RoboSnake continued through Lexi's warm, moist tunnel until it reached her cervix. RoboSnake forced as much of its body inside Lexi as possible. When Edward noticed RoboSnake's movements slowing down, he hit the button to make it vibrate. Being filled to the brink with a vibrating snake brought Lexi close to orgasm almost instantly. Just as Lexi was about to go over the edge, the vibrations stopped. She looked toward Edward, who was looking at diagrams on his laptop. "Why did you stop?" Lexi asked disappointed. "Sorry. I thought I saw a problem but I don't see anything now." "Should we stop?" "Only if you want to." "Is there a way to make the vibrations more intense?" "Sure. How high should I set it?" "Start it at normal and I'll tell you when to go higher." Edward started the vibrations again. Soon Lexi reached the edge of her orgasm again. "Higher." Edward did as he was instructed just as Lexi went over the edge in a screaming orgasm. Her muscles strained against RoboSnake. After noticing the 'fun' Lexi was having, Edward decided he would 'play' with her breasts. "Higher." Edward again increased the vibrations, then returned to Lexi's breasts. Minutes later, Lexi had her second orgasm and felt a cramp. "Stop." Edward got a little disappointed but did as instructed. "That...was...awesome." Lexi said, panting. "It looks like everything worked flawlessly." "Except the cramp at the end." "What cramp?" "Before we stopped I felt a cramp." "I better check the systems to make sure nothing went wrong," Edward said, inputting the commands. "Shouldn't RoboSnake be coming out now?" "He shouldn't be moving at all." "Then why is his tail going in?" "Maybe he's turning around to come out." "He doesn't have room to turn around." "Are you sure?" "Completely. He forced too much of his body in. Also, it feels like he's going forward not back." Edward's laptop chimed. He looked at it and became horrified. The laptop displayed the cause of Lexi's discomfort but was the worst problem Edward could think of. Lexi got off the table and sat next to Edward. "What does it say?" Lexi asked. "Lexi, I have good news and horrible news. The good news is I know what caused your cramp. The horrible news is there was a problem with the experiment," Edwards said, frowning. "Whatever the problem, we can fix. Just get RoboSnake out and we can get started." "Getting him out is the problem." "What do you mean?" Lexi asked, starting to worry. "It seems something malfunctioned and he believes he found a new home." "You mean he's going to stay in my vagina! Do you know how hard it's going to be to walk?!" "Actually, he traveled a bit higher," Edward said pointing at the small bulge forming over Lexi's previously flat stomach. "WHAT! How are we going to get him out?! Please don't say I have to have surgery," Lexi said, starting to cry. "Don't worry. As soon as he stops, I'll limit his movements as much as I can. Then, I will figure out how to make him come out." "What am I going to do?" "You don't have to do anything. You can go home and rest." "I can't go home! If someone sees me... well you know what they'll say," Lexi sobbed. "You're right. You can stay here if you want." "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you." "No bother at all. I'll just work at my desk." "Can you stay here... at least until I fall asleep?" "Sure. By the way, has RoboSnake stopped moving yet?" "No, but he is completely in my womb." "Alright. I'll limit his movements now," Edward said as he began typing. "He's starting to vibrate. Is that supposed to...? Actually that feels great. Forget turning off. Increase the vibrations," Lexi said starting to moan. "If you're sure," Edward said, turning up the vibrations. "Play with my breasts again." "But I have to figure out what went wrong." Lexi grabbed Edward's hands and brought them to her breasts. He looked into her eyes and noticed they were clouded from lust. "I guess if you're willing to wait then I can too," Edward said, watching Lexi's face light up. Half an hour later, Lexi was exhausted and went to sleep. Once Edward noticed, he stopped the vibrations, grabbed his laptop, and went back to his desk, where he worked non-stop throughout the night. Lexi woke the next morning to find Edward asleep in front of his laptop. She tiptoed behind him and something caught her eye. On one side of the screen, the code for RoboSnake was running, but on the other side was an encyclopedia describing something she didn't understand. It was called unbirth. She continued to read the page until she found pictures. She browsed through the pictures and started getting turned on. Suddenly, RoboSnake began moving and her knees gave out causing her to bump into Edward. He lifted his head and saw her stomach moving and turned back to his laptop and made sure his new code was still there. "I'm still not sure what went wrong but I think I can at least get RoboSnake out," Edward said. "At least we can get him out so I can go out in public again." "With this new code, I should be able to control him with a controller. The only problem is I won’t be able to see where he's going." "I guess that means that I have to stay clear headed this time." "Only until he's past your cervix then it's a straight shot." "Okay. Let's get started before I get too distracted." "Alright, I should have control now. I know this might make it harder for you to concentrate but I'm going to use his tongue to make it easier to tell which way he's facing." Edward started by flicking the tongue causing Lexi to gasp. "What direction should I go?" "Right." Edward began moving that way and flicked the tongue again. "Slightly left then you should make it out." Edward carefully guided RoboSnake when Lexi grabbed her stomach and groaned. "You're out. Can I start enjoying this now?" Suddenly, RoboSnake started vibrating as he was moving toward the exit of Lexi's tunnel. "That's much better." Edward continued guiding RoboSnake out until he saw its head appear. He then flicked the tongue at Lexi's clit causing her to shiver and moan loudly. A dark thought popped into his head. He again flicked the tongue but this time it stayed, continuously delivering a small electric charge straight to Lexi's clit. This drove Lexi crazy. She started bucking her hips. Edward left the remote on his desk and once again played with Lexi's breasts. After another half hour and two screaming orgasms from Lexi, she was exhausted and pulled RoboSnake completely out of herself. She placed RoboSnake back into the aquarium then walked back over to her clothes. As she got dressed, Edward examined RoboSnake. "There's the problem," Edward said. "What is it?" "Seems like your juices somehow got to the wires." "At least we know what that 'accident' is called thanks to your research." "You saw that?" "Yeah. And I liked it. We definitely have to do this again. Maybe we can try something bigger next time." "We could also try something we can't control." "I think I might have friends that would like to be test subjects," Lexi said as she walked over to Edward. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door. Leaving Edward stunned and excited about experimenting with his and Lexi's new fetish, unbirth.