
Ensure the sync counter is a valid non - dummy object .
Switch online and standby cache
SetStepsList sets the StepsList field s value .
Compute the effective strain at the center of a layer .
We only drop packets at the level of entire datagrams not at the level of records
Update an existing organization feature .
Matches documents that have a value in the specified axis that matches the specified periods using the specified operator .
Fail with an assertion error if anything has gone wrong with the internal representation of b map b
General utility methods
Show history revisions for object .
Returns a new set of keys for message encryption and signing .
Set file attributes for a file . Note that the normal attribute means that all others are false . So setting it will clear all others .
get file information
Return a list of widget names for the provided field .
Returns true iff this expression is allowable when creating materialized views on nonempty tables . We have marked all the ExpressionType enumerals and all the function id integers which are safe . These are marked statically . So we just recurse through the tree looking at operation types and function types until we find something we don t like . If we get all the way through the search we are happy and return true .
The Base64 encoded content of the attachment
SaveOwner save or update owners
Report the measurements and wait for it to be ack d by the runner . Returns true if we should keep measuring false otherwise .
Converts a forward reference of a struct into a complete definition .
read the layer Data
Save changes to this resource .
isPointer returns true for pointer - ish values . The notion of pointer includes everything but plain values i . e . slices maps channels interfaces are pointer too .
Downloads remote resources from WebDAV server asynchronously
Checks if the DynamoDB table for a mapped class exists and deletes it if it does .
SetThreatIntelIndicatorSource sets the ThreatIntelIndicatorSource field s value .
Flush sends all the metrics that are registered in the application .
Register a DAI with the ASoC core
MPC5121 FEC requeries 4 byte alignment for TX data buffer
Retrieve an enumeration of the named attribute s values . The behaviour of this enumeration is unspecified if the the attribute s values are added changed or removed while the enumeration is in progress . If the attribute values are ordered the enumeration s items will be ordered .
Add a description here
Saves a given Canvas object to a file . The path to save the file under should be given on the command line . If not it will be saved in the temporary folder of the system .
setMacVlanMode setter for one of the four macvlan port types
decode bytecode data from output names and types
Map ComproPago response to status object .
Returns the region code of this PhoneNumber .
Add a geo bounding box query .
Adapted from Gerry Harp at SETI .
Draws a circle on the screen .
Calculate the standard deviation of the events in an FCSData object .
streamingRpcConn is used to retrieve a connection to a server to conduct a streaming RPC .
Update global connection counters
Adds a property changed listener to be notified of changes to the application state .
SetCoords sets the minimum and maximum values of the Bounds .
Set the values of many keys .
AddMount adds a mount into g . Config . Mounts .
Bootstraps the minimal infrastructure resolves a fitting request handler and then passes control over to that request handler .
Upload file .
ReinitMissingRepositories reinitializes all repository records that lost Git files .
Sets cell value .
Returns the data nodes estimations and wait_inputs flag .
Helper function for iterating across a vma list
Change the time to seconds
CompileFrame returns byte representation of given frame . In terms of memory consumption it is useful to precompile static frames which are often used .
Callback example when we try to overwrite an existing screenshot .
MaxAbs returns the greater of the absolute value of the provided values . The result is undefined if no values are provided .
Gets whether this registration has an alternative wildcard registration
It can be compared to other template fragments .
Get list modules
Utility method for converting an associative array into an array of php stdClass objects . Both array keys and array values will be conveted to object properties .
Create new office user
Inherit info from parent and return new object
Create a new MessageInteractionInstance
get a random Crypt
Retrieves a List of the raw MiningField objects for a given model
xpcToGo converts an xpc object to a go object note that not all the types are supported but only the subset required for Blued
check if the given net_device struct is a cfg80211 wifi interface
Get all jaasLoginContextEntry in the server . xml and create any missing default entries . If there are no jaas configuration then create all the default entries system . DEFAULT system . WEB_INBOUND system . DESERIALIZE_CONTEXT system . UNAUTHENTICATED and WSLogin
Returns the first member found that matches the name provided .
SNI should not be used if the hostname is a bare IP address
Find ou erreur HTTP 404 WHERE une condition
Provides access to all user resources
ClientHandshake is not implemented for a serverTransportCredentials use a clientTransportCredentials if you require ClientHandshake .
Use the location_code to perform a geolookup and find the closest station . If the location is a pws or icao station ID no lookup will be peformed .
Generate an error entry on the local logger
This method is copied from DatabaseSession . getSwappableData .
Update an entity .
Compute how much dialog can be put into the screen and returns a list with the coordinates from the dialog positions as Point objects .
Hides the SoftKeyboard input careful as if you pass a view that didn t open the soft - keyboard it will ignore this call and not close
Query sort .
Create tables and indices as needed .
Validate an XML string with JUnit XSD .
Applies this matrix onto a point and returns the resulting viewport point .
Creates a new PagingParams and sets it parameters from the AnyValueMap map
Endpoint returns a usable endpoint that will invoke the gRPC specified by the client .
Iterates over values of a given column .
Send SIGFPE according to FCSR Cause bits which must have already been masked against Enable bits
Attach adds a new audio listener to the end of the current list of listeners .
Verifies Alexa request signature .
Generate global name cache for project files
Check HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH from server If true you can send 304 Not Modified
Write JSON to file with the specified name .
Called when the profile picture has been changed by the user .
Matches the UI state to the current cursor positioning .
Lstat implements the billy . Filesystem interface for Browser .
Apply additional tags to the image or even add a new name
Defines a table join to be performed for the query
Set Tree Data
Crop a bounding box using the provided coordinates of bottom - left and top - right corners in pixels and the required height and width of the crop .
As if PredTest Ones PL D esz
Sends an api request through the use of CURL