{ "en": "The amendments are totally inappropriate.", "es": "Las enmiendas son del todo inadecuadas." }
the amendments are totally inappropriate
{ "en": "Ladies and gentlemen, Messrs Cashman and Simpson have also requested the floor, but I would be grateful if we could concentrate on the task in hand.", "es": "Señorías, también me han pedido la palabra los Sres. Cashman y Simpson, pero yo les agradecería que nos concentráramos en el trabajo." }
ladies and gentlemen messrs cashman and simpson have also requested the floor but i would be grateful if we could concentrate on the task in hand
{ "en": "The truth, and this may remove the need for the Members' procedural motions, is that it was Parliament that decided on Tuesday not to hold the debate.", "es": "La verdad, y esto quizá haga inútiles las cuestiones de orden de los colegas, es que fue el Pleno el que decidió el martes que no hubiera debate." }
the truth and this may remove the need for the members procedural motions is that it was parliament that decided on tuesday not to hold the debate
{ "en": "Therefore, this President, although he might like to reverse this decision, is not going to do so.", "es": "Por lo tanto, este presidente, aunque le pudiera gustar cambiar esto, no lo va a hacer." }
therefore this president although he might like to reverse this decision is not going to do so
{ "en": "This is clear.", "es": "Es lógico." }
this is clear
{ "en": "This is the decision of Parliament, and furthermore, incidentally, Mrs Doyle, I was rapporteur when this fund was approved for the first time and there was a long debate at the time about its creation.", "es": "Es la decisión del Pleno y, además, casualmente, Sra. Doyle, fui ponente cuando se aprobó este fondo por primera vez y hubo un largo debate en su día sobre la creación de este fondo." }
this is the decision of parliament and furthermore incidentally mrs doyle i was rapporteur when this fund was approved for the first time and there was a long debate at the time about its creation
{ "en": "Therefore, I am sorry to say that we cannot make changes now.", "es": "Por lo tanto, yo lamento que no podamos hacer cambios ahora." }
therefore i am sorry to say that we cannot make changes now
{ "en": "Mr Simpson has the floor.", "es": "Tiene la palabra el Sr. Simpson." }
mr simpson has the floor
{ "en": "Mr President, it is not my intention to delay the House any longer than we have to.", "es": "Señor Presidente, no pretendo retrasar al Parlamento ni un minuto más de lo necesario." }
mr president it is not my intention to delay the house any longer than we have to
{ "en": "I do not want to get into the argument about the amendments because that can be sorted out by a vote.", "es": "No deseo profundizar en el tema de las enmiendas, porque eso puede resolverse con una votación." }
i do not want to get into the argument about the amendments because that can be sorted out by a vote
{ "en": "One point should be made, however; the process is not ideal. Mrs Doyle and other Members are right but the problem we are faced with in the Regional and Transport Committee, which is the committee responsible, is that at the very last minute we were asked for urgency by the Council because somebody, somewhere, realised that we needed a resolution from this House to carry on the particular fund in question.", "es": "Sin embargo, debo señalar que el procedimiento no es ideal, la Sra. Doyle y los demás diputados tienen razón, pero el problema al que nos enfrentamos en la Comisión de Política Regional, Transportes y Turismo que es la comisión competente, es que el Consejo nos pide urgencia en el último minuto porque, en algún lugar, alguien se ha dado cuenta de que necesitamos una resolución de este Parlamento para continuar con el Fondo en cuestión." }
one point should be made however the process is not ideal mrs doyle and other members are right but the problem we are faced with in the regional and transport committee which is the committee responsible is that at the very last minute we were asked for urgency by the council because somebody somewhere realised that we needed a resolution from this house to carry on the particular fund in question
{ "en": "Therefore, the only way we could do that was by this very quick procedure, through the committee on Tuesday, by a letter from the President.", "es": "Por lo tanto, la única forma de hacerlo era mediante este procedimiento tan rápido, el martes a través de la comisión, por carta del Presidente." }
therefore the only way we could do that was by this very quick procedure through the committee on tuesday by a letter from the president
{ "en": "We thought we had an understanding that there would not be any amendments.", "es": "Creíamos que habíamos llegado al acuerdo de que no habría ninguna enmienda." }
we thought we had an understanding that there would not be any amendments
{ "en": "Sadly, that has not been the case.", "es": "Lamentablemente, no es así." }
sadly that has not been the case
{ "en": "It is only fair to point out that given the time we had to do this, the committee and the Parliament have worked as effectively and as quickly as we possibly can in what proved to be difficult circumstances so that the money could be released next year for this very important fund.", "es": "Me parece justo señalar que, teniendo en cuenta el tiempo del que disponíamos, la comisión y el Parlamento han trabajado de la manera más eficaz y rápida posible en lo que resultaron ser circunstancias difíciles, para que el dinero pudiera ser destinado a este Fondo tan importante el año próximo." }
it is only fair to point out that given the time we had to do this the committee and the parliament have worked as effectively and as quickly as we possibly can in what proved to be difficult circumstances so that the money could be released next year for this very important fund
{ "en": "Thank you very much, Mr Simpson.", "es": "Muchas gracias, señor Simpson." }
thank you very much mr simpson
{ "en": "Before the plenary session, both the services and the Presidency examined the comments on the admissibility or otherwise of the amendments.", "es": "Las observaciones sobre la admisibilidad a trámite o no de las enmiendas, las hemos examinado, antes del Pleno, tanto los servicios como la Presidencia." }
before the plenary session both the services and the presidency examined the comments on the admissibility or otherwise of the amendments
{ "en": "Political evaluation is one thing but the technical possibility of admitting amendments is another thing altogether.", "es": "Una cosa es la valoración política y otra distinta la posibilidad técnica de admitir las enmiendas." }
political evaluation is one thing but the technical possibility of admitting amendments is another thing altogether
{ "en": "In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, they are perfectly permissible.", "es": "Desde el punto de vista del Reglamento, son perfectamente reglamentarias." }
in accordance with the rules of procedure they are perfectly permissible
{ "en": "Therefore, we shall now proceed to the vote on the proposed regulation.", "es": "Por lo tanto, someto a votación la propuesta de reglamento." }
therefore we shall now proceed to the vote on the proposed regulation
{ "en": "(Parliament approved the Commission' s proposal) EXPLANATIONS OF VOTE", "es": "(El Parlamento aprueba la propuesta de la Comisión) EXPLICACIONES DE VOTO" }
(parliament approved the commission s proposal) explanations of vote
{ "en": "- The amendments are inadmissible on the following grounds: the objectives of the Fund do not include promoting large-scale inward investment.", "es": ", por escrito. (EN) Las enmiendas son inadmisibles por los siguientes motivos: entre los objetivos del Fondo no se incluye el fomento de las inversiones internas a gran escala." }
the amendments are inadmissible on the following grounds the objectives of the fund do not include promoting largescale inward investment
{ "en": "The Fund exists to promote urban and rural development, community development, to enhance skills and to improve the environment; the justifications cited in the Green amendments are spurious.", "es": "El Fondo se creó para promover el desarrollo urbano y rural, el desarrollo de las comunidades, para aumentar las cualidades y para mejorar la calidad del medio ambiente; las justificaciones citadas en las enmiendas de los Verdes son falsas." }
the fund exists to promote urban and rural development community development to enhance skills and to improve the environment the justifications cited in the green amendments are spurious
{ "en": "The Fund has no role in the Raytheon project, nor could it have.", "es": "El Fondo no desempeña ninguna función en el proyecto Raytheon, no podría hacerlo." }
the fund has no role in the raytheon project nor could it have
{ "en": "The amendments simply seek to prevent the Fund from doing something which it could not do anyway; the purpose of the proposed Regulation is to permit the continuation of the financial contribution of the EU to the Fund; it does not in any way seek to amend the substance of the existing Regulation EC 2614/97, which is why the urgency procedure was agreed in the first place.", "es": "Las enmiendas sólo pretenden evitar que el Fondo haga algo que de todas formas no podría hacer; la finalidad del Reglamento propuesto es permitir la continuación de la contribución financiera de la UE al Fondo. No se pretende en ningún caso modificar la esencia del Reglamento actual (CE) nº 2614/97, motivo por el cual se aprobó el procedimiento de urgencia en primer lugar." }
the amendments simply seek to prevent the fund from doing something which it could not do anyway the purpose of the proposed regulation is to permit the continuation of the financial contribution of the eu to the fund it does not in any way seek to amend the substance of the existing regulation ec 2614/97 which is why the urgency procedure was agreed in the first place
{ "en": "On the matters of substance, the projects referred to in the Green justification are not military projects.", "es": "En esencia, los proyectos mencionados en la justificación de los Verdes no son proyectos militares." }
on the matters of substance the projects referred to in the green justification are not military projects
{ "en": "- The vote on the fund which was tabled late by the Council was facilitated by the EP without debate, on the understanding from all groups including the Greens that there would be no amendments.", "es": ", por escrito. (EN) El Parlamento Europeo facilitó la votación sin debate sobre el Fondo, que luego fue pospuesta por el Consejo, con el acuerdo de todos los Grupos, incluidos los Verdes, de que no habría ninguna enmienda." }
the vote on the fund which was tabled late by the council was facilitated by the ep without debate on the understanding from all groups including the greens that there would be no amendments
{ "en": "It would seem that at the instigation of Ms Patricia McKenna, the Greens broke this understanding.", "es": "Parece que, a instancias de la Sra. Patricia McKenna, los Verdes han roto este acuerdo." }
it would seem that at the instigation of ms patricia mckenna the greens broke this understanding
{ "en": "As a consequence of this I was being asked to vote on amendments which I had not had the opportunity to consult about or research and on which I would be precluded from debating on the floor of the House.", "es": "Debido a ello, se me ha pedido que vote unas enmiendas sobre las que no he tenido la oportunidad de consultar ni tampoco he podido estudiar y sobre las que se me impide debatir en el hemiciclo." }
as a consequence of this i was being asked to vote on amendments which i had not had the opportunity to consult about or research and on which i would be precluded from debating on the floor of the house
{ "en": "The company criticised in the amendments (Raytheon) was in fact welcomed by two Nobel Peace Prize winners (Hume/Trimble).", "es": "La empresa criticada en las enmiendas (Raytheon) ha sido acogida con satisfacción por dos premios Nobel de la Paz (Hume y Trimble)." }
the company criticised in the amendments (raytheon) was in fact welcomed by two nobel peace prize winners (hume/trimble)
{ "en": "In addition, if we are to shut down or refuse investment from every company which may have an association with the arms industry, then we would have to close virtually every American and Japanese software company on the island of Ireland with catastrophic consequences.", "es": "Además, si tuviésemos que cancelar o rechazar las inversiones de cada empresa que pudiera estar asociada con la industria armamentística, entonces tendríamos que cerrar prácticamente todas las empresas de software americanas y japonesas de la isla de Irlanda, lo que traería consecuencias catastróficas." }
in addition if we are to shut down or refuse investment from every company which may have an association with the arms industry then we would have to close virtually every american and japanese software company on the island of ireland with catastrophic consequences
{ "en": "I am opposed to the arms industry but we must not put at risk the economic prosperity of Northern Ireland with ill-conceived and badly researched amendments in the European Parliament.", "es": "Estoy en contra de la industria armamentística, pero en el Parlamento Europeo no debemos poner en peligro la prosperidad económica de Irlanda del Norte con enmiendas mal concebidas y que no han sido bien estudiadas." }
i am opposed to the arms industry but we must not put at risk the economic prosperity of northern ireland with illconceived and badly researched amendments in the european parliament
{ "en": "- The EUR 45 million to the IFI is most welcome, and a continuing recognition of the European Union's support for the cross-border communities in Ireland.", "es": ", por escrito. (EN) Los 45 millones de euros destinados al Fondo Internacional para Irlanda son más que bienvenidos y constituyen un reconocimiento continuado del apoyo de la Unión Europea a las comunidades fronterizas de Irlanda." }
the eur 45 million to the ifi is most welcome and a continuing recognition of the european unions support for the crossborder communities in ireland
{ "en": "Any attempt to sully the reputation of the IFI is totally unacceptable and amounts to ill-informed political bandwagoning on the sensitivities of Northern Ireland and are not worthy of this Parliament.", "es": "Cualquier intento de mancillar la reputación de este Fondo es absolutamente inaceptable, no representa más que un caso de borreguismo político mal informado en el tema de las sensibilidades de Irlanda del Norte, y no es digno de este Parlamento." }
any attempt to sully the reputation of the ifi is totally unacceptable and amounts to illinformed political bandwagoning on the sensitivities of northern ireland and are not worthy of this parliament
{ "en": "For the record, Raytheon, a high-tech software plant to which the amendments are directed, is to be funded by the IDB, the Industrial Development Board in Northern Ireland, not the IFI.", "es": "Que conste en acta que Raytheon, la planta de software de alta tecnología a la que van dirigidas las enmiendas, va a ser financiada por el Industrial Development Board (IDB) de Irlanda del Norte, y no por el Fondo Internacional para Irlanda." }
for the record raytheon a hightech software plant to which the amendments are directed is to be funded by the idb the industrial development board in northern ireland not the ifi
{ "en": "Community agricultural statistics", "es": "Estadísticas agrícolas comunitarias" }
community agricultural statistics
{ "en": "The next item is the debate on the report (A5-0089/1999) by Mrs Redondo Jiménez, on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council decision amending Decision 96/411/EC on improving Community agricultural statistics [COM(1999) 332 - C5­0042/1999 - 1999/0137(COD)].", "es": "De conformidad con el orden del día, se procede al debate del informe (A5-0089/1999) de la Sra. Redondo Jiménez, en nombre de la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, sobre la propuesta de decisión del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por la que se modifica la Decisión 96/411/CE relativa a la mejora de las estadísticas agrícolas comunitarias (COM(1999) 332 ­ C5­0042/1999 ­ 1999/0137(COD))" }
the next item is the debate on the report (a50089/1999) by mrs redondo jiménez on behalf of the committee on agriculture and rural development on the proposal for a european parliament and council decision amending decision 96/411/ec on improving community agricultural statistics [com(1999) 332 c5­0042/1999 1999/0137(cod)]
{ "en": "Mr President, the Commission proposes extending Decision 96/411 until 2002, removing certain articles in order to simplify its implementation and bringing forward the payment of 30% of the Community contribution to the Member States, and to do all of this in accordance with the codecision procedure.", "es": ". Señor Presidente, la Comisión propone prorrogar la Decisión 96/411 hasta el año 2002, suprimir determinados artículos para simplificar su aplicación y anticipar el pago del 30% de la contribución comunitaria a los Estados miembros, y, todo esto, en régimen de codecisión." }
mr president the commission proposes extending decision 96/411 until 2002 removing certain articles in order to simplify its implementation and bringing forward the payment of 30 of the community contribution to the member states and to do all of this in accordance with the codecision procedure
{ "en": "In 1997 an amendment to this Decision was presented which extended by two years the deadline for Member States to send their reports and the deadline for the Commission to draw up a progress report for Parliament and for the Council.", "es": "En 1997 se presentó una modificación de esta misma Decisión que prorrogaba por dos años más el plazo para que los Estados miembros enviaran sus informes y el plazo con que cuenta la Comisión para elaborar el informe de progreso para el Parlamento y para el Consejo." }
in 1997 an amendment to this decision was presented which extended by two years the deadline for member states to send their reports and the deadline for the commission to draw up a progress report for parliament and for the council
{ "en": "Given the importance of the common agricultural policy, the availability to everybody of reliable information for the purposes of decision making is essential.", "es": "Dada la importancia de la política agraria común, disponer de datos fiables para todos a la hora de tomar decisiones no es algo cuestionable." }
given the importance of the common agricultural policy the availability to everybody of reliable information for the purposes of decision making is essential
{ "en": "Therefore, it must be a priority for the institutions to provide the means for this information to be ever more complete, reliable and quick, and therefore agricultural statistics must be ever more flexible, harmonious and coherent with other statistical fields with the possibility of incorporating new sources.", "es": "Por tanto, debe ser prioritario para las instituciones poner los medios para que estos datos sean cada vez más completos, más fiables y más rápidos, por lo que las estadísticas agrarias deben ser cada vez más flexibles, más armónicas, más cohesionadas con los otros ámbitos estadísticos con posibilidad de incorporar nuevas fuentes." }
therefore it must be a priority for the institutions to provide the means for this information to be ever more complete reliable and quick and therefore agricultural statistics must be ever more flexible harmonious and coherent with other statistical fields with the possibility of incorporating new sources
{ "en": "To this end, we have to identify, firstly, the areas in which it is possible to implement rationalisation measures, secondly, areas where there are new and increasing needs, and thirdly, general principles in accordance with which actions are carried out.", "es": "Para ello deben determinarse, primero, los ámbitos en los que es posible tomar las medidas de racionalización, segundo, ámbitos en los que hay necesidades nuevas o necesidades que crecen, y tercero, los criterios generales a los que se ajustarán las acciones que se lleven a cabo." }
to this end we have to identify firstly the areas in which it is possible to implement rationalisation measures secondly areas where there are new and increasing needs and thirdly general principles in accordance with which actions are carried out
{ "en": "Having said this, it should not be necessary to point out that all the Member States should act in accordance with these intentions.", "es": "Llegados a este punto, no sería necesario señalar que todos los Estados miembros deberían ajustarse a estas intenciones." }
having said this it should not be necessary to point out that all the member states should act in accordance with these intentions
{ "en": "However, this is not the case: this is a voluntary programme for the Member States.", "es": "Pero no es así: esto es un programa voluntario para los Estados miembros." }
however this is not the case this is a voluntary programme for the member states
{ "en": "I would like to stress that it is not at all easy for this Parliament to understand that any Member State might say \"I am not interested, I am not taking part\" .", "es": "Quiero resaltar que no es nada fácil de entender para este Parlamento que algún Estado miembro pudiera decir \"no me interesa, no participo\" ." }
i would like to stress that it is not at all easy for this parliament to understand that any member state might say i am not interested i am not taking part
{ "en": "The common agricultural policy belongs to all the Member States. It affects all of us.", "es": "La política agraria común es de todos los Estados miembros, nos afecta a todos." }
the common agricultural policy belongs to all the member states it affects all of us
{ "en": "Therefore, I would like both the Commission and the Council to reconsider the matter and for the next proposal submitted to this Parliament to establish the obligatory nature of its application in all Member States, with a single legal basis in the statistical field.", "es": "Por tanto, quisiera que tanto la Comisión como el Consejo repensasen el tema y que la próxima propuesta que se someta a este Parlamento establezca la obligatoriedad de la aplicación en todos los Estados miembros, con un fundamento jurídico único en el tema estadístico." }
therefore i would like both the commission and the council to reconsider the matter and for the next proposal submitted to this parliament to establish the obligatory nature of its application in all member states with a single legal basis in the statistical field
{ "en": "There is another aspect which I would like to point out to the Commission and the Council with regard to amendment 5, which I hope will be taken into account, given that the information requested in it, according to Regulation (EC) 1390/99, which entered into force on 23 November 1999, establishes in article 2 that \"each Member State will provide the Commission with all the information classified by budgetary items which will be forwarded at the request of the Commission within 30 days\" .", "es": "Hay otro aspecto que quisiera señalar a la Comisión y al Consejo respecto a la enmienda 5, que espero sea tenida en cuenta, pues los datos en ella solicitados, según el Reglamento (CE) 1390/99, que entró en vigor el 23 de noviembre de 1999, en su artículo 2, establece que \"cada Estado miembro mantendrá a disposición de la Comisión todos los datos clasificados por partidas presupuestarias que le serán transmitidas a solicitud de la Comisión en un plazo máximo de 30 días\" ." }
there is another aspect which i would like to point out to the commission and the council with regard to amendment 5 which i hope will be taken into account given that the information requested in it according to regulation (ec) 1390/99 which entered into force on 23 november 1999 establishes in article 2 that each member state will provide the commission with all the information classified by budgetary items which will be forwarded at the request of the commission within 30 days
{ "en": "Therefore, I request a specific commitment by the Commission that it will define each year, amongst the priority plans for technical action proposed to it by the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, the things requested in our Amendments Nos 4 and 5, since otherwise, the codecision procedure would be delayed and it would become more difficult for the Member States to draw up their statistical reports.", "es": "Por tanto, solicito un compromiso expreso de la Comisión de que definirá cada año, entre los planes prioritarios de acción técnica que le son propuestos por el Comité Permanente de Estadística Agraria, lo solicitado en nuestras enmiendas 4 y 5, ya que en caso contrario nos harían alargar el proceso de codecisión y ello dificultaría la elaboración de sus informes estadísticos por parte de los Estados miembros." }
therefore i request a specific commitment by the commission that it will define each year amongst the priority plans for technical action proposed to it by the standing committee on agricultural statistics the things requested in our amendments nos 4 and 5 since otherwise the codecision procedure would be delayed and it would become more difficult for the member states to draw up their statistical reports
{ "en": "Therefore, I would like to hear the Commission' s opinion with regard to this point in the debate.", "es": "Por tanto, espero y me gustaría oír la opinión de la Comisión sobre ese punto en este debate." }
therefore i would like to hear the commission s opinion with regard to this point in the debate
{ "en": "Mr President, I want to thank Mrs Redondo for her report and for her excellent explanation of what all this is about and why it is important.", "es": "Señor Presidente, me gustaría agradecer a la Sra. Redondo su informe y la excelente forma en que ha explicado en qué consiste este asunto y por qué es tan importante." }
mr president i want to thank mrs redondo for her report and for her excellent explanation of what all this is about and why it is important
{ "en": "One of the things that I miss from the information we were given is the cost of this operation or what the cost would be if every Member State involved themselves in it.", "es": "Una de las cosas que echo en falta en la información que hemos recibido es el coste de esta operación o cuál sería el coste si cada Estado miembro participase en ella." }
one of the things that i miss from the information we were given is the cost of this operation or what the cost would be if every member state involved themselves in it
{ "en": "I do not suppose it is very big.", "es": "No creo que sea muy elevado." }
i do not suppose it is very big
{ "en": "Nevertheless the information is necessary for a Parliament discussing the subject.", "es": "No obstante, este dato es necesario para que el Parlamento debata sobre el tema." }
nevertheless the information is necessary for a parliament discussing the subject
{ "en": "Of course, as the common agricultural policy develops from a situation in which we pay subsidies at the point of export or at the point of entry into intervention into a situation where we pay subsidies for individual animals on an acreage or the hectarage of crop planted, obviously it is extremely important that we know exactly how many animals there are in the Union, how many hectares and how many olive trees and all the rest of it. All that information is extremely important.", "es": "Por supuesto, ya que la política agrícola común está evolucionando de una situación en la que pagamos subvenciones en el momento de exportación o en el momento de entrada en intervención a una situación en la que subvencionamos cada animal individual por acre o cada hectárea de cultivo plantado, es evidente la enorme importancia que tiene saber exactamente cuántos animales hay en la Unión, cuántas hectáreas, cuántos olivos, etc. Toda esta información es fundamental." }
of course as the common agricultural policy develops from a situation in which we pay subsidies at the point of export or at the point of entry into intervention into a situation where we pay subsidies for individual animals on an acreage or the hectarage of crop planted obviously it is extremely important that we know exactly how many animals there are in the union how many hectares and how many olive trees and all the rest of it all that information is extremely important
{ "en": "It is extremely regrettable if we, at European level, the institutions who organise the common agricultural policy on which the farmers of the Union depend for their livelihood, cannot obtain correct information on which to base an effective policy.", "es": "Es muy lamentable que nosotros, a escala europea, las instituciones que organizan la política agrícola común, de la que dependen los agricultores de la Unión para su sustento, no seamos capaces de obtener unos datos fiables en los que basar una política eficaz." }
it is extremely regrettable if we at european level the institutions who organise the common agricultural policy on which the farmers of the union depend for their livelihood cannot obtain correct information on which to base an effective policy
{ "en": "It is very hard to understand why we do not have better cooperation from all the Member States.", "es": "Es muy difícil entender por qué no existe una colaboración más estrecha por parte de todos los Estados miembros." }
it is very hard to understand why we do not have better cooperation from all the member states
{ "en": "When we expand the European Union, or even without expansion, we will not retain all the provisions of the present policy.", "es": "Cuando ampliemos la Unión Europea, o incluso sin la ampliación, no mantendremos todas las disposiciones de la política actual." }
when we expand the european union or even without expansion we will not retain all the provisions of the present policy
{ "en": "Nevertheless, we will need this information so that we are able to extend some sort of assistance on a reasonable basis to the new countries of the Union where food production and agricultural production will increase by 50 per cent what we have in the Union today.", "es": "No obstante, necesitaremos esta información para poder ofrecer algún tipo de ayuda, de forma razonable, a los nuevos países de la Unión, que harán que la producción alimentaria y agrícola actual de la UE aumente en un 50%." }
nevertheless we will need this information so that we are able to extend some sort of assistance on a reasonable basis to the new countries of the union where food production and agricultural production will increase by 50 per cent what we have in the union today
{ "en": "It is also advisable to remember that in the Court of Auditors' report, which has just come out and which was debated this week, we did not find in the whole agricultural sector any indication of massive racketeering or fraud on a large scale but we notice that there seem to be an awful lot of little problems with the number of livestock and the amount of hectarage for area aid and so on. There are small errors over a very wide area and that is a serious problem that we have to address.", "es": "También conviene recordar que, en el informe del Tribunal de Cuentas que acaba de hacerse público y que hemos debatido esta semana, no hemos encontrado en todo el sector agrícola ningún indicio de estafa masiva o fraude a gran escala, pero hemos observado que parece haber muchísimos problemas a la hora de calcular el número de ganado, la cantidad de hectáreas por ayuda a superficie, etc. Existen pequeños errores en un campo muy amplio y eso constituye un grave problema que debemos encarar." }
it is also advisable to remember that in the court of auditors report which has just come out and which was debated this week we did not find in the whole agricultural sector any indication of massive racketeering or fraud on a large scale but we notice that there seem to be an awful lot of little problems with the number of livestock and the amount of hectarage for area aid and so on there are small errors over a very wide area and that is a serious problem that we have to address
{ "en": "Finally, I would say that in the new Europe it is going to be important for farmers to base their levels of production on the projected quantities that will be produced in the Union.", "es": "Por último, quisiera señalar que en la nueva Europa va a ser muy importante que los agricultores basen sus niveles de producción en los cálculos previstos para la Unión." }
finally i would say that in the new europe it is going to be important for farmers to base their levels of production on the projected quantities that will be produced in the union
{ "en": "That cannot happen if we do not know the statistics of the agricultural industry.", "es": "Sin embargo, esto no podrá ocurrir si nosotros mismos no conocemos las estadísticas de la industria agrícola." }
that cannot happen if we do not know the statistics of the agricultural industry
{ "en": "Increasingly, rather than screaming at the institutions of Union to solve the problems, farmers will have to come together and try to calculate what the needs of the market are and produce for those needs.", "es": "Cada vez más, en lugar de gritar a las instituciones europeas que resuelvan sus problemas, los agricultores tendrán que reunirse e intentar averiguar cuáles son las necesidades del mercado y ajustar a ellas su producción." }
increasingly rather than screaming at the institutions of union to solve the problems farmers will have to come together and try to calculate what the needs of the market are and produce for those needs
{ "en": "That does not mean that we want to bring an end to subsidisation.", "es": "Esto no significa que no queramos continuar con las subvenciones." }
that does not mean that we want to bring an end to subsidisation
{ "en": "For example, there is the pigmeat industry where we produce 18 million tons of pigmeat annually and we end up in a situation where there is a million tons in surplus.", "es": "Por ejemplo, en el sector de la carne de cerdo producimos 18 millones de toneladas al año y al final nos encontramos con un excedente de un millón de toneladas." }
for example there is the pigmeat industry where we produce 18 million tons of pigmeat annually and we end up in a situation where there is a million tons in surplus
{ "en": "Prices collapse, there is terrible hardship and indeed terrible profiteering by middlemen.", "es": "Los precios caen en picado, los ganaderos pasan grandes dificultades y, por supuesto, existe una terrible especulación por parte de los intermediarios." }
prices collapse there is terrible hardship and indeed terrible profiteering by middlemen
{ "en": "If we had good statistics, we would be able to deal with a problem like that before it arose.", "es": "Si dispusiéramos de unas estadísticas fiables, seríamos capaces de enfrentarnos a este tipo de problemas incluso antes de que surgiesen." }
if we had good statistics we would be able to deal with a problem like that before it arose
{ "en": "Mr President, I would first like to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Redondo Jiménez, for this report and her excellent display of cooperation as chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development this autumn.", "es": "Señor Presidente, daré las gracias en primer lugar a la Sra. ponente Redondo Jiménez por este informe, y especialmente, por su estupenda cooperación como Vicepresidente de la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural durante esta fase final." }
mr president i would first like to thank the rapporteur mrs redondo jiménez for this report and her excellent display of cooperation as chair of the committee on agriculture and rural development this autumn
{ "en": "A viable system for statistics is an important basis for making good decisions. Statistics have to be comprehensive, reliable and consistent.", "es": "El sistema estadístico en funcionamiento es una importante base para la toma de las oportunas decisiones, habiendo de ser las estadísticas solventes, fidedignas y realizadas sobre una base consistente." }
a viable system for statistics is an important basis for making good decisions statistics have to be comprehensive reliable and consistent
{ "en": "The report quite clearly explains the legal basis of statistics, especially in Amendments Nos 2 and 3, which specify the Community' s share of the advance.", "es": "En el informe se explica con total acierto el fundamento legal para la recogida de estadísticas, especialmente en la enmienda 2 y en la enmienda 3, aclaratoria de la cuota de pago previo." }
the report quite clearly explains the legal basis of statistics especially in amendments nos 2 and 3 which specify the community s share of the advance
{ "en": "Politically, the most important message is contained in Amendments Nos 4 and 5, which urges the practice of cross-tabulating subsidies received according to, inter alia, farm surface area.", "es": "Desde el punto de vista político, el mensaje más importante es el contenido en las enmiendas 4 y 5, en las que se aconseja la tabulación cruzada de las ayudas ofrecidas, entre otras cosas, en función de la extensión de las estadísticas." }
politically the most important message is contained in amendments nos 4 and 5 which urges the practice of crosstabulating subsidies received according to inter alia farm surface area
{ "en": "This information will be especially important when we consider the social side of agricultural subsidies. It would be difficult to support a subsidy scheme that channelled most of the aid to the large farms in the best agricultural regions.", "es": "Esta información es especialmente significativa al considerar el aspecto social de la agricultura, siendo importante apoyar incluso un sistema de investigación que canalizara la mayor parte de la ayuda a los latifundios de las regiones agrícolas más favorecidas." }
this information will be especially important when we consider the social side of agricultural subsidies it would be difficult to support a subsidy scheme that channelled most of the aid to the large farms in the best agricultural regions
{ "en": "We have no data on this, but have to be content with the rumours that 80% of aid would go to 20% of farmers.", "es": "Carecemos de una información suficientemente estudiada sobre tal materia, teniéndonos que conformar con los rumores, según los que el 80% iría a para a manos de un 20% de los productores." }
we have no data on this but have to be content with the rumours that 80 of aid would go to 20 of farmers
{ "en": "Amendment No 1 emphasised the importance of statistics in connection with enlargement towards the east.", "es": "En la enmienda se acentúa la importancia de las estadísticas en relación a la ampliación del Este." }
amendment no 1 emphasised the importance of statistics in connection with enlargement towards the east
{ "en": "This is a very important consideration that still means much work for the EU and the applicant countries. The problems over statistics for the applicant countries will not be resolved through this report.", "es": "Se trata de un factor muy importante que, además, exige un gran esfuerzo, tanto de la UE como de los países candidatos, no resolviéndose los problemas estadísticos de tales países en el informe." }
this is a very important consideration that still means much work for the eu and the applicant countries the problems over statistics for the applicant countries will not be resolved through this report
{ "en": "Problems have continued since the land register began to function.", "es": "En adelante se van a producir bastantes problemas, empezando por el funcionamiento del registro de los países." }
problems have continued since the land register began to function
{ "en": "Embarking on eastward enlargement without any information on its effect on the budget would be political suicide.", "es": "Iniciar la ampliación del Este sin saber sus efectos sobre el presupuesto sería un suicidio político." }
embarking on eastward enlargement without any information on its effect on the budget would be political suicide
{ "en": "It does not help much, though, if our current data on expenditure is based on mistaken or unreliable data.", "es": "Sin embargo no ayudará mucho que nuestros conocimientos actuales en materia de gastos se basen en una información errónea o no fiable." }
it does not help much though if our current data on expenditure is based on mistaken or unreliable data
{ "en": "The most important aspect of statistical data on the European farmer is the reference yield.", "es": "Desde el punto de vista del productor europeo, lo más destacable de la información estadística es la cosecha de referencia." }
the most important aspect of statistical data on the european farmer is the reference yield
{ "en": "When Finland became a Member, as a result of poor yield in previous years, we had to be satisfied with a figure that did not reflect the truth in normal years.", "es": "En la adhesión de Finlandia, tuvimos que conformarnos, debido a las malas cosechas de los años anteriores, con un nivel que no se correspondía con el verdadero de los años normales." }
when finland became a member as a result of poor yield in previous years we had to be satisfied with a figure that did not reflect the truth in normal years
{ "en": "These reference yields should be raised to a realistic level as soon as possible, or we should start to reconsider the whole basis of their use and the idea of a drop in the price of grain as compensation for hectarage aid.", "es": "Hay que conseguir que las cosechas de referencia alcancen cuanto antes unos niveles acordes con la realidad, o bien empezar a reflexionar nuevamente sobre el fundamento y la consideración de las cosechas de referencia como compensación ante la caída del precio de los cereales." }
these reference yields should be raised to a realistic level as soon as possible or we should start to reconsider the whole basis of their use and the idea of a drop in the price of grain as compensation for hectarage aid
{ "en": "We cannot undertake to subsidise producers in regions of highest yield in Europe for years and years on account of price reductions that have sometimes taken place in the past. The most obvious answer would be to harmonise hectarage aid as closely as possible within the whole territory of the EU.", "es": "No podemos comprometernos durante décadas al apoyo a los productores de las regiones más favorecidas de Europa por descensos de los precios ocurridos a veces en el pasado La solución consistiría en armonizar las ayudas por hectáreas de la forma más igualitaria posible para todo el espacio de la UE." }
we cannot undertake to subsidise producers in regions of highest yield in europe for years and years on account of price reductions that have sometimes taken place in the past the most obvious answer would be to harmonise hectarage aid as closely as possible within the whole territory of the eu
{ "en": "Mr President, the ELDR group supports this report.", "es": "Señor Presidente, el Grupo ELDR apoya este informe." }
mr president the eldr group supports this report
{ "en": "Mr President, rapporteur, everyone here agrees that we should highlight the need to have statistics for agriculture, at a Community level, that are as precise, as reliable and as coherent as possible, so that we can effectively assess the consequences of decisions taken under the CAP, particularly on rural areas.", "es": "Señor Presidente, señora ponente, señorías, todo el mundo se pone de acuerdo aquí para señalar la necesidad de disponer en el plano comunitario, de estadísticas agrícolas tan precisas, fiables y coherentes como sea posible, de forma que se puedan medir de manera efectiva las consecuencias de las decisiones adoptadas en el marco de la PAC, principalmente en el medio rural." }
mr president rapporteur everyone here agrees that we should highlight the need to have statistics for agriculture at a community level that are as precise as reliable and as coherent as possible so that we can effectively assess the consequences of decisions taken under the cap particularly on rural areas
{ "en": "European agriculture is not uniform. On the contrary, it is extremely diverse.", "es": "La agricultura europea no es única, sino al contrario, muy diversificada." }
european agriculture is not uniform on the contrary it is extremely diverse
{ "en": "It is therefore essential that statistics are accurate enough in terms of land, and compiled in a harmonised way, for us to be able to obtain judicious analyses by production type and by ecosystem.", "es": "Por consiguiente, es esencial que las estadísticas sean lo suficientemente afinadas en el plano territorial, sobre una base armonizada, para que podamos obtener análisis pertinentes por tipo de producción y por ecosistema." }
it is therefore essential that statistics are accurate enough in terms of land and compiled in a harmonised way for us to be able to obtain judicious analyses by production type and by ecosystem
{ "en": "In 1996, the European Parliament adopted a report by Mr Jové Perez whose proposals aimed to make European statistics much more accurate and reliable.", "es": "En 1996, el Parlamento Europeo adoptó un informe de nuestro colega Jové Pérez que proponía que las estadísticas europeas fueran mucho más finas y eficaces." }
in 1996 the european parliament adopted a report by mr jové perez whose proposals aimed to make european statistics much more accurate and reliable
{ "en": "Unfortunately, the Commission' s rather unambitious proposal that has been submitted to us has taken no account of it.", "es": "Desafortunadamente, la propuesta poco ambiciosa de la Comisión, que se nos ha presentado, no lo ha tenido en cuenta." }
unfortunately the commission s rather unambitious proposal that has been submitted to us has taken no account of it
{ "en": "This is why we shall support all of the amendments put forward by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development as well as the one by Mr Jové Perez.", "es": "Ésta es la razón por la que daremos nuestro apoyo a la totalidad de enmiendas presentadas por la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, así como la de nuestro colega Jové Pérez." }
this is why we shall support all of the amendments put forward by the committee on agriculture and rural development as well as the one by mr jové perez
{ "en": "Indeed, it seems essential to us that the wealth of information stemming from the implementation of the CAP aid should be made use of as a source of statistics.", "es": "Efectivamente, consideramos esencial que el volumen de informaciones que se desprenden de la aplicación de las ayudas de la PAC sea explotado como fuente estadística." }
indeed it seems essential to us that the wealth of information stemming from the implementation of the cap aid should be made use of as a source of statistics
{ "en": "The cost to the Community budget would be almost nothing and statistical secrecy would be guaranteed through the data being incorporated.", "es": "El coste sería casi nulo para el presupuesto comunitario y el secreto estadístico se vería garantizado mediante la reunión de los datos." }
the cost to the community budget would be almost nothing and statistical secrecy would be guaranteed through the data being incorporated
{ "en": "This is the concern that led our group to table an amendment yesterday concerning the traceability of beef and veal because, as a result of the CAP aid, all animals in the European herd must be identified.", "es": "Es la misma preocupación que empujó ayer a nuestro Grupo cuando presentó una enmienda en el marco de la rastreabilidad de la carne de vacuno ya que por razones de ayudas PAC, todos los animales de la ganadería europea están identificados obligatoriamente." }
this is the concern that led our group to table an amendment yesterday concerning the traceability of beef and veal because as a result of the cap aid all animals in the european herd must be identified
{ "en": "This applies to abattoirs, too, for reasons of food and animal safety.", "es": "Lo mismo ocurre con los mataderos, por razones de seguridad sanitaria y veterinaria." }
this applies to abattoirs too for reasons of food and animal safety
{ "en": "I have not yet understood why the Commission has not accepted that, as of 1 January, these two facts, which have already been made compulsory across the Community, should be used to enable the operational start of traceability.", "es": "Nunca he comprendido por qué la Comisión no ha aceptado que desde el 1 de enero próximo, estos dos datos, ya obligatorios el marco comunitario, se utilicen para permitir un principio operativo de rastreabilidad." }
i have not yet understood why the commission has not accepted that as of 1 january these two facts which have already been made compulsory across the community should be used to enable the operational start of traceability
{ "en": "It is quite inconsistent to postpone the establishment of compulsory labelling of beef and veal for another year and, at the same time, to condemn France' s application of the precautionary principle, precisely because there is no such compulsory labelling.", "es": "Es totalmente incoherente aplazar un año la aplicación del etiquetado obligatorio de la carne de vacuno y condenar al mismo tiempo la aplicación por parte de Francia del principio de precaución, en base precisamente a la falta de un etiquetado obligatorio." }
it is quite inconsistent to postpone the establishment of compulsory labelling of beef and veal for another year and at the same time to condemn france s application of the precautionary principle precisely because there is no such compulsory labelling
{ "en": "If the free movement of products is not accompanied by rigorous labelling, consumers will think it is a confidence trick.", "es": "La libre circulación de productos, si no se ve acompañada de un etiquetado riguroso, adopta para el consumidor el aspecto de un engaño." }
if the free movement of products is not accompanied by rigorous labelling consumers will think it is a confidence trick
{ "en": "It is regrettable that Commissioner Byrne does not employ his zeal in the service of the health and the interest of European consumers.", "es": "Resulta lamentable que el Comisario Byrne no ponga su celo al servicio de la salud y del interés de los consumidores europeos." }
it is regrettable that commissioner byrne does not employ his zeal in the service of the health and the interest of european consumers
{ "en": "Mr President, I too was under the impression that I would be talking about the regulation on hops but, since the issue of statistics has arisen, I feel it is my duty to address it.", "es": "Señor Presidente, yo también tenía la impresión de que iba a hablar sobre el reglamento relativo al lúpulo; pero en este momento tengo delante el problema de la estadística y debo cumplir con mi deber." }
mr president i too was under the impression that i would be talking about the regulation on hops but since the issue of statistics has arisen i feel it is my duty to address it
{ "en": "As we all know, statistics often have different interpretations which can mean just what we want them to mean.", "es": "Yo también quiero añadir que, como ya sabemos, normalmente las estadísticas tienen distintas interpretaciones para poder expresar aquello que persigue quien las interpreta." }
as we all know statistics often have different interpretations which can mean just what we want them to mean
{ "en": "If this is the case, then inconsistent statistics will only exacerbate the problem.", "es": "Así, si esto es una norma, y por otra parte no tenemos estadísticas unificadass, entonces se agudiza el problema." }
if this is the case then inconsistent statistics will only exacerbate the problem