#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=21_Ashen_Hearts name= _ "Ashen Hearts - III" map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/maps/21_Ashen_Hearts.map}" next_scenario=null next_scenario=22_Moonlit_Night disallow_recall=no theme=Cutscene victory_when_enemies_defeated=no turns=-1 {DARK_INDOORS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC snowfall.ogg} [side] {PLAYER_FAE} {NO_INCOME_SIDE} side=1 recruit= {GOLD 200 170 100} fog=yes shroud=yes [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes team_name=hybrids hidden=yes color=black {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} [/side] [side] side=3 no_leader=yes team_name=hybrids {GOLD 250 300 400} {INCOME 30 36 45} recruit=Wraith,Shadow hidden=yes color=black {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} [/side] [side] {YUURE_SIDE} {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} side=4 hidden=yes [/side] [side] {BLACK_DEMON_SIDE} {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} side=5 hidden=yes [/side] [side] side=6 no_leader=yes team_name=yuure user_team_name= _ "team_name^Copies" hidden=yes color=green {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} [/side] [side] side=7 no_leader=yes team_name=merthiaal hidden=yes color=black [/side] [event] name=prestart {VARIABLE part2 0} {VARIABLE part3 0} {VARIABLE part4 0} {VARIABLE boss_stage 0} {VARIABLE illusion_flag 0} {VARIABLE ud_spawns1 0} {VARIABLE ud_spawns2 0} {VARIABLE puzzle_counter 0} {VARIABLE turn_count 0} [/event] [event] name=unit placed first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [object] silent=yes duration=scenario [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=start {RECALL_ARYEL 10 2} [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {RECALL_YUMI 9 2} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I guess we should find somewhere more secluded than this. Follow me." [/message] [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=12,4 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=11,4 [/move_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {TURN_UNIT5 "Aryel"} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "That way." [/message] [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=9,8 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=10,7 [/move_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=6,12 [/move_unit] {DELAY 1500} [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=6,11 [/move_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Why are you so nervous, Yumi? It's just us." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=10,16 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=9,16 [/move_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=14,16 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=15,17 [/move_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Okay, Yumi. Talk." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>bites lip</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Is it wise to tell her?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>I...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Hello? Did you hear me?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>She will become part of your nightmare. If you allow her to enter your thoughts, she will be in danger.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>But-</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi." [/message] {TURN_UNIT5 "Yumi"} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>I said I would tell her.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>rubs temples</i>) I am getting <i>so</i> tired of this. I'm tired of being hunted by the demons day and night and I'm sick of not knowing who I can trust. And... the way you keep secrets from me... (<i>quietly</i>) sometimes it feels like I can't trust you either." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "B-but..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "But?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>It will become her problem as well. Better frustrated than dead.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I can't say it." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>clenches hands</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Seriously?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "How many times are we going to have to go through this? It's always the same story. You can't tell me anything because if I sucked into your mess, I'll be in danger too, and blah blah blah-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) But it's true..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "No. No it's absolutely not. I've put up with this for long enough. Stop being a little brat. Tell me what you know. What are these blue demons? Who sent them here and why are they after us?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I-I... don't know..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yes you do! At this point, your excuse of being shy is not going to cut it either-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I'm not trying to make excuses-" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You're just like a spoiled child! I've given you so much time and space, yet you still haven't come up with even one coherent sentence about why you're keeping all these secrets, let alone your idiotic behavior." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Aryel..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "But no matter what I say, you just <i>won't listen</i>. It's like my feelings don't even matter to you. You might think that you're protecting me by keeping me in the dark, and maybe that's true, but don't you think I can be the judge of that? Hmm?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I can't tell you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You're kidding. How do you expect me to trust you when you act like this?" [/message] {DELAY 750} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing se} {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "At least have the decency to look at me while I'm talking." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Come on, stop this juvenile behavior." [/message] {DELAY 1750} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) facing sw} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>frustrated</i>) Ugh. Sometimes I wonder why we're even friends. I can't stand you when you get like this. You always say you want to be left alone and you tell us to stay out of it. Like seriously, if you keep saying that forever, I might as well just leave." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "There's no point in trying to talk to someone who doesn't even care at all. I shouldn't even bother with you. I shouldn't, but like-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>closes eyes</i>)" [/message] {FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [kill] id=Yumi [/kill] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I-" [/message] {DELAY 500} {UNFADE_SCREEN} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I-" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi?" [/message] {TURN_UNIT5 "Aryel"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Oh my god. She ran away." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi? Yuuuumiii? Um. You there?" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "(<i>silence</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>covers face</i>) I was just so frustrated. I didn't mean to yell like that." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I'm so stupid." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=9,14 [/move_unit] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I can't believe I let my emotions get out of control like that." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=7,9 [/move_unit] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=12,5 [/move_unit] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) facing se} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I-I need to look for her." [/message] {DELAY 500} [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=6,1 [/unstore_unit] [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=11,4 [/move_unit] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Looks like I finally caught up." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Aryel? You look distraught. Did something happen? Where's Yumi?" [/message] {DELAY 250} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) facing sw} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Esther..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Where's Yumi?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>in a tiny voice</i>) I... kind of blew up at her. For being so secretive and not telling us anything." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "You what?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I cussed her out. Ohhh Esther, I can't believe I yelled at her like that... I must've made her feel terrible..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "You <i>what?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I'm so, so stupid." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Ugh. You just had to-" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>looks away</i>) I'm sorry." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>takes deep breaths</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "What's done is done. Right now, we need to look for her. It looks like there's a couple paths leading away from here, so it'll be faster if we split up. Some of the faerie decided to come, so ask a few of them to help you look." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Esther..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Don't get me wrong. I still think it's ridiculous how much trouble you two get in when I leave you alone, but our first priority is finding Yumi. You know how reckless she gets when she's upset." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>quietly</i>) I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "... and it looks like you feel bad enough already, so a lecture from me isn't really going help. Just... just find her and bring her back safely, okay?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 250} {FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [kill] id=Aryel,Esther [/kill] [place_shroud] side=1 x=1-24 y=1-19 [/place_shroud] [replace_schedule] {ETERNALDARK} [/replace_schedule] {SCROLL_TO 43 4} [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=43,4 radius=6 [/remove_shroud] [fire_event] name=part2cutscene [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=part2cutscene first_time_only=yes {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] variable=yumi x,y=43,4 [/unstore_unit] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) moves 6} [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>Aryel...</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} {COLOR_ADJUST 33 33 33} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 67 67 67} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 100 100 100} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 133 133 133} {DELAY 100} [unit] id=Fake Yumi type=Fake Shadow Fae side=7 x,y=42,4 name= _ "Yumi" random_traits=no animate=yes facing=ne [/unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>She hates you</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>She doesn't.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>She's sick of you being the way you are. She's tired of taking care of you.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>No.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>You're just a burden to them. She said it herself. Just give up.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>There's no point anyway. You cannot protect them. And by resisting the way you are, you're just making everyone's lives miserable.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>covers ears</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>You're just hurting her, you know. If you keep up like this, she really won't care about you anymore. It's not like they know the whole picture.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Why bother? They'll all die in the end.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>She wants to cherish them while they still live. Letting them into that little head of hers will only accelerate the process.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>What does it matter? She cannot protect them indefinitely. And this way, they will not hate her.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>Aryel already does.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>She is stubborn.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Fake Yumi message= _ "<i>She always resists. Even with the void encroaching on her mind already, she tries to face it alone... in order to keep everyone else safe from it.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>She wants to try, but it will kill them sooner or later.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 2000} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>No. I won't let it.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} [kill] id=Fake Yumi [/kill] {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 100 100 100} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 67 67 67} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 33 33 33} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 0 0 0} {DELAY 100} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>clutches chest</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [unit] type=Guardian of Darkness id=Merthiaal name= _ "Merthiaal" x,y=41,5 side=7 random_traits=no facing=ne [/unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>gasps</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Relax. I'm just here to talk." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>glares</i>) You want to take my friends from me." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "(<i>snorts</i>) Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to just like that. It's not like this projection of mine can actually do anything." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "I just want to talk to you." [/message] {DELAY 750} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing se} {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Listen to me. The void grows more powerful day by day. You've seen what it can do to your world already. Just the tiniest sliver seeping through the cracks and you already were nearly overwhelmed trying to stop it. If we let it keep growing, it will destroy us all completely." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "The other Guardians aren't even trying to stop it. Yarae doesn't even care. He's too busy holed up at the Well of Life, trying to manipulate it and the Tree to preserve his own soul. He'd sooner leave us to rot than risk trying to save us. And everyone else would rather buy into his lies than think for themselves." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "So it's up to me to stop it. But I can't do it alone. I need your help." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "(<i>silence</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "... Look at me. I need to know that you're listening to me." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "I won't ask twice." [/message] {DELAY 750} [move_unit] id=Merthiaal to_x,to_y=42,4 [/move_unit] {DELAY 2000} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Don't give me that face, brat. I'm not going to play these games with you anymore. I <i>know</i> what you are, and I know you can be useful to me. It's in your best interest to cooperate." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Why would I be useful to you? I'm just a faerie." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "No you're not. Faerie are physical beings who were birthed from the Tree of Life like almost everything else in our universe. You three are something else. You're made of pure energy that didn't come from the Tree or from any of the Guardians. You're from somewhere else entirely. Maybe you don't know the details, but you know I'm telling you the truth." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "(<i>snaps</i>) Don't you get it? That means you're a completely separate embodiment of an Aspect. While I can't absorb the power of other Aspects that stem from the Tree of Life, I have the ability to utilize yours <i>because</i> you don't come from the Tree." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "So?" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "So, if you three lend me your powers, I might be able to figure out a way to stop the void from consuming us all. If you don't, we'll all just die miserably." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>She's telling the truth... but not entirely. She's not saying how she intends to use our powers?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Please. You have to help me. Nobody else trusts me. They all treat me like a child because I'm the youngest. They think I'm a lunatic. It's the same with you, isn't it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "But that's because they haven't seen it. Not like you and I have. Your nightmares are visions of the future, where all of creation is slaughtered in a mass of blood and darkness and chaos consumes our worlds. They won't believe me. Half of the others aren't even aware of it, while the rest think it can be stopped. Yarae knows the truth, but he doesn't care to help us. I have no one else to confide in." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "I need you three to help me." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>... I should, but... I can't right now.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 750} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing se} {DELAY 1750} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>eyes glow</i>)" [/message] {WHITE_SCREEN} {DELAY 500} [kill] id=Merthiaal [/kill] {DELAY 500} {UNWHITE_SCREEN} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>She'll be back later.</i>" [/message] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} {DELAY 500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 35 4} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 37 4} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 39 4} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph.png 37 6} [set_variable] name=part2 value=1 [/set_variable] [store_locations] x=35,37,39 y=4,4,4 variable=sound_hex [/store_locations] [set_variable] name=swap1 rand=0..1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=swap2 rand=1..2 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=x_tmp value=$sound_hex[$swap1].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=y_tmp value=$sound_hex[$swap1].y [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap1].x value=$sound_hex[$swap2].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap1].y value=$sound_hex[$swap2].y [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap2].x value=$x_tmp [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap2].y value=$y_tmp [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=swap1 rand=0..1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=swap2 rand=1..2 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=x_tmp value=$sound_hex[$swap1].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=y_tmp value=$sound_hex[$swap1].y [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap1].x value=$sound_hex[$swap2].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap1].y value=$sound_hex[$swap2].y [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap2].x value=$x_tmp [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap2].y value=$y_tmp [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=swap1 rand=0..1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=swap2 rand=1..2 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=x_tmp value=$sound_hex[$swap1].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=y_tmp value=$sound_hex[$swap1].y [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap1].x value=$sound_hex[$swap2].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap1].y value=$sound_hex[$swap2].y [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap2].x value=$x_tmp [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=sound_hex[$swap2].y value=$y_tmp [/set_variable] {CLEAR_VARIABLE swap1} {CLEAR_VARIABLE swap2} {CLEAR_VARIABLE x_tmp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE y_tmp} [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Solve the puzzle")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=part2 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {MODIFY_UNIT (x,y=$x1,$y1) moves 6} {MODIFY_UNIT (x,y=$x1,$y1) attacks_left 1} [/event] ################################################################################ #################################### PUZZLE #################################### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=$sound_hex[1].x,$sound_hex[1].y [/filter_location] [/filter] {DELAY 150} {PLAY_SOUND "flute_g#_high.ogg"} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light-1.png $sound_hex[1].x $sound_hex[1].y} [if] [variable] name=puzzle_counter numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [then] [set_variable] name=puzzle_counter value=2 [/set_variable] [/then] [else] [set_variable] name=puzzle_counter value=0 [/set_variable] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=$sound_hex[2].x,$sound_hex[2].y [/filter_location] [/filter] {DELAY 150} {PLAY_SOUND "flute_f#.ogg"} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light.png $sound_hex[2].x $sound_hex[2].y} [if] [variable] name=puzzle_counter numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [then] [set_variable] name=puzzle_counter value=3 [/set_variable] [/then] [else] [set_variable] name=puzzle_counter value=0 [/set_variable] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=$sound_hex[0].x,$sound_hex[0].y [/filter_location] [/filter] {DELAY 150} {PLAY_SOUND "flute_d#.ogg"} [if] [variable] name=puzzle_counter numerical_equals=3 [/variable] [then] {CLEAR_VARIABLE puzzle_counter} {DELAY 500} [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 100} [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+100 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 75} [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+75 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 25} [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+25 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {DELAY 750} {REMOVE_IMAGE 35 4} {REMOVE_IMAGE 37 4} {REMOVE_IMAGE 39 4} {REMOVE_IMAGE 37 6} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} {TURN_UNIT5 "Yumi"} [fire_event] name=part3 [/fire_event] [/then] [else] [set_variable] name=puzzle_counter value=1 [/set_variable] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [filter_location] x,y=37,6 [/filter_location] [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "Her voice wept in a lonely melody. It started low, in a muted tone, then rose to a brittle, crystalline note. She breathed and her song dropped, just a little lower, before finally returning to its original tone. She hummed the four note sequence over and over, crying it out into the darkness." [/message] [/event] ########################################################################################### ##################################### PART 3 ############################################## ########################################################################################### #ifdef HARD {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 27 26 4 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 19 25 4 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 26 33 4 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 22 35 4 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 20 38 4 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 25 41 4 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 6 48 2 ("ud_spawns2")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 28 50 2 ("ud_spawns2")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 28 46 2 ("ud_spawns2")} #endif #ifdef NORMAL {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 27 26 8 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 19 25 8 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 26 33 8 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 22 35 8 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 20 38 8 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 25 41 8 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 6 48 4 ("ud_spawns2")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 28 50 4 ("ud_spawns2")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 28 46 4 ("ud_spawns2")} #endif #ifdef EASY {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 27 26 10 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 19 25 10 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 26 33 10 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 22 35 10 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 20 38 10 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 25 41 10 ("ud_spawns1")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 6 48 6 ("ud_spawns2")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 28 50 6 ("ud_spawns2")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Spectre,Spectre,Nightgaunt") 2 28 46 6 ("ud_spawns2")} #endif [event] name=part3 first_time_only=yes [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC suspense.ogg} [set_variable] name=part2 value=0 [/set_variable] {FADE_SCREEN} [place_shroud] side=1 x=1-47 y=1-15 [/place_shroud] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [kill] id=Yumi [/kill] {SCROLL_TO 6 23} [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=6,23 radius=4 [/remove_shroud] [replace_schedule] {DARK_INDOORS} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 500} [change_theme] theme= [/change_theme] {UNFADE_SCREEN} [set_variable] name=aryel.moves value=7 [/set_variable] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel x,y=6,23 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi? Yumi, you here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>softly</i>) I'm... really sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I'm such a jerk." [/message] {DELAY 500} [set_variable] name=talya.moves value=7 [/set_variable] [unstore_unit] variable=talya x,y=6,17 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Aryel?" [/message] [move_unit] id=Talya to_x,to_y=7,23 [/move_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} {DELAY 500} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) facing se} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Hey. I overheard you and Esther talking. You okay?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Ugh." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Come on, you need to relax a bit. You look so stressed." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>holds head</i>) That's not an excuse..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I can't believe I yelled at Yumi like that. I've never done anything like that before." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Did you... make her cry or something? Or..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi doesn't cry. She doesn't show any emotion at all, in case you noticed." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "I've always wondered about that." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "She's... a little different. It's not like she doesn't have emotions, but they're all twisted and warped and she never lets them show. I don't know. She's really hard to read, but it's just... you know, she always used to run to me whenever she needed to be cheered up. And now she's running away from me because she doesn't trust me." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "That can't be true." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>) I don't know. Even for me, it's often hard to tell what she thinks. She's not very outwardly expressive." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "She's really shy. I don't think she's said even a full sentence to me yet." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "She has a lot of unpleasant secrets. I understand why she hides them. The only reason I nag her about it is because she's, well..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "She's precious to you. Especially since you're two of a kind- ah." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>) What did you just say?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You're, erm... well, you, Yumi, and Esther aren't regular faerie, right? That's why you all care about each other so much. N-not that that's the only reason, of course." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Of course <i>you'd</i> notice. I should have expected that. Being a hybrid yourself, you're more attuned to others who are different." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Haha, you knew that all along? That I was part faerie?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Of course. I might not be as good as Yumi at this kind of stuff, but I'm no slouch either. I just kind of didn't really want to bother you about it. You were obviously trying to fit in with the rest of the humans and it can be a sensitive issue." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Like with you." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yeah..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. It kind of just slipped out, since well, I was thinking about your relationship with Yumi." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "For the record, I don't only care about Esther and her because we're three of a kind. I care about them because they're my friends. And Esther and I are especially protective of Yumi, because, well... she is who she is. You understand." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Yeah, I do. She's just so quiet. I can't imagine what goes on in her head." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I feel like she'd go to pieces if she were left alone. And she doesn't have a good sense of danger. Either that or she doesn't care about putting herself in danger. If we weren't around to protect her, she'd end up either dead, or totally miserable. I can't let that happen. That's why I've got to find her." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "I'm here to help!" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>nods</i>) Thanks. You're pretty cool for a human." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>grins</i>) Even if I'm not totally human, I'll take that as a compliment. Now, let's go find Yumi?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yeah." [/message] [unit] type=Demon Diviner canrecruit=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no x,y=4,32 animate=no side=3 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Diviner canrecruit=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no x,y=21,29 animate=no side=3 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Diviner canrecruit=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no x,y=12,42 animate=no side=3 [/unit] [set_variable] name=ud_spawns1 value=1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=part3 value=1 [/set_variable] {VARIABLE turn_dmg 0} [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=sighted first_time_only=yes [filter] type=Demon Diviner [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Demons? But they look way different than the Urdemons who've been attacking Caerleon." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>eyes narrow</i>) Definitely not like any demons I've ever seen. It feels like the energies coming from them... are composed of multiple elements!" [/message] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "A mere faerie like you has the ability to ascertain our nature?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "A mere faerie? Don't give me that. You might be strong, but even you will still find that we're more than a match for you." [/message] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "We shall see." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Ugh, I don't really want to get bogged down here now, but looks like we have no choice but to fight. Can't just leave them here to ambush us later." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Yeah. But with how many undead they've got, we might need some help." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) I can summon some undead of my own, if we could get to that keep." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Some of the faerie also followed me and Esther down here just in case. Let's get the girls to help us." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemies")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] type=Demon Diviner [/filter] [fire_event] name=diviner_death [/fire_event] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] [if] [have_unit] type=Demon Diviner side=3 [/have_unit] [then][/then] [else] [set_variable] name=ud_spawns1 value=0 [/set_variable] [kill] side=2,3 animate=yes [/kill] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Guess with those demons gone, the undead have nothing to sustain them anymore." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Looks like it." [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=diviner_death first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Tch. Even if we beat one of them, they <i>are</i> a lot stronger than your regular demons. Whatever they are, they might become a real problem in the future..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You're telling me. I feel like a direct hit from their magic would rip me apart." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "It very well might. Be careful." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Will do." [/message] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=part3 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [and] [variable] name=ud_spawns1 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/and] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_OP turn_count add 1} [switch] variable=turn_count [case] value=7 [set_variable] name=turn_dmg value=4 [/set_variable] [/case] [case] value=11 [set_variable] name=turn_dmg value=6 [/set_variable] [/case] [case] value=15 [set_variable] name=turn_dmg value=8 [/set_variable] [/case] [/switch] [if] [variable] name=turn_dmg greater_than=3 [/variable] [then] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 [not] id=Aryel [/not] [/filter] variable=fire_dmg_unit [/store_unit] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} [for] array=fire_dmg_unit [do] [if] [variable] name=fire_dmg_unit[$i].hitpoints greater_than=$turn_dmg [/variable] [then] {VARIABLE_OP fire_dmg_unit[$i].hitpoints sub $turn_dmg} [/then] [else] [set_variable] name=fire_dmg_unit[$i].hitpoints value=1 [/set_variable] [/else] [/if] [unstore_unit] variable=fire_dmg_unit[$i] find_vacant=no text= _ "harmed" {COLOR_HARM} [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE fire_dmg_unit} [switch] variable=turn_count [case] value=7 [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ow!" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You okay?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Peachy, but fine. I guess that was the demons' doing?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Seems like it. We've got to beat them to stop their spell." [/message] [/case] [case] value=11 [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ohhhh, that hurts..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Hang in there." [/message] [/case] [case] value=15 [set_variable] name=turn_dmg value=8 [/set_variable] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "We really need to stop those demons." [/message] [/case] [/switch] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] [filter_location] x,y=17,46 radius=5 [/filter_location] side=1 [/filter] [set_variable] name=ud_spawns2 value=1 [/set_variable] {FADE_SCREEN} {DELAY 750} {SCROLL_TO 17 46} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {DELAY 250} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC the_city_falls.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC knalgan_theme.ogg} {DELAY 250} {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unit] id=S21Lamia type=Demon Lamia canrecruit=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no x,y=17,46 animate=no side=3 [/unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Oh boy." [/message] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "Oh? Where did a faerie like you come from? The others were supposed to guard the entrance." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Sorry, but we took care of them already. You're next." [/message] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "A battle is not necessary. Turn back and we will not pursue you." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Too bad. I'm looking for my friend, and somehow I doubt that going back is going to help me find her. And something tells me you're not going to just let us get past you either." [/message] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "You will jeopardize our operation. Leave." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "No." [/message] {DELAY 1000} [modify_side] side=3 gold=250 [/modify_side] [unit] type=Spectre generate_name=no random_traits=no x,y=16,46 animate=yes side=2 [/unit] [unit] type=Spectre generate_name=no random_traits=no x,y=17,45 animate=yes side=2 [/unit] [unit] type=Spectre generate_name=no random_traits=no x,y=18,46 animate=yes side=2 [/unit] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "If you wish to fight, I will have no choice but to eradicate you." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Your pathetic little pets won't stop us." [/message] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemies")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=side 3 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=ud_spawns2 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 [filter_location] radius=4 [and] [filter] ability=decomposition [/filter] [/and] [/filter_location] [/filter] variable=harm_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=harm_unit [do] {VARIABLE_OP harm_unit[$i].hitpoints multiply 0.5} [unstore_unit] variable=harm_unit[$i] find_vacant=no text= _ "harmed" {COLOR_HARM} [/unstore_unit] [fire_event] name=lamia damage [/fire_event] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE harm_unit} [/event] [event] name=lamia damage first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>What kind of sorcery is this? I didn't know normal demons could get that powerful. Definitely can't underestimate her.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath first_time_only=yes [filter] type=Demon Lamia [/filter] [set_variable] name=ud_spawns1 value=0 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=ud_spawns2 value=0 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=turn_dmg value=0 [/set_variable] [kill] side=2,3 [not] type=Demon Lamia [/not] animate=yes [/kill] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Gotcha. Now, you're going to answer some questions for me." [/message] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "Am I?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yes, you are. I want to know everything. About the blue demons, why they're attacking us, who sent them-" [/message] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "I'm afraid I know nothing about that. I was sent here to investigate as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>stares</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>She's not lying.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Who sent you? What is your purpose in coming here?" [/message] [message] speaker=S21Lamia message= _ "You will find out in due course. Suffice to say, we need not be enemies for the moment." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Says the one who attacked us first- Hey! Where do you think you're going-" [/message] {FADE_SCREEN} [kill] id=S21Lamia [/kill] {DELAY 500} {UNFADE_SCREEN} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Rrrgh." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "That was strange. You sure she wasn't lying?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "She wasn't. It looks like there might be multiple demon factions at work here..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "That's just great. As if the blue demons and the ones from Ethea weren't enough, now these weird multi-element ones show up." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Whatever. These new ones weren't really here to fight us. It looks like we just caught them in the middle of whatever they were doing. We can't worry about them right now." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Anxious to go find Yumi, huh?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yes. That stalled us for long enough already, so let's go." [/message] [remove_terrain_overlays] x,y=13,50 [/remove_terrain_overlays] {DELAY 150} {PLAY_SOUND "gate-fall.ogg"} {DELAY 150} [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "A gate has been lowered." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 270} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 90} [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+270 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+90 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 210} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 70} [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+210 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+70 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 75} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 25} [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+75 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+25 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] #endif {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} [/objectives] [/event] ########################################################################################### ##################################### PART 4 ############################################## ########################################################################################### #define DRAW_VOID [store_locations] variable=hex terrain=Woby,Gll^Fet [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Qxu [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] [for] array=hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..12 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$hex[$i].x,$hex[$i].y terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] [filter_location] x=9-16 y=51-54 [/filter_location] side=1 [/filter] [set_variable] name=part3 value=0 [/set_variable] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Hmm. One sec. Let's see how far down this goes." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>throws pebble</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "(<i>dink</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Long way down. Sure we want to go?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I have a feeling we'll find Yumi down there. Probably Esther too. They'll need us. <i>And I need to apologize to Yumi</i>..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "'Kay. Let's get going, then." [/message] {FADE_SCREEN} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} {DELAY 750} [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] [kill] id=Aryel,Talya [/kill] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 [/filter] variable=side1units [/store_unit] [kill] side=1 [/kill] {DELAY 750} [for] array=side1units [do] [unstore_unit] variable=side1units[$i] x,y=recall,recall find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1units} [place_shroud] side=1 x=1-28 y=16-57 [/place_shroud] [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=36,24 radius=2 [/remove_shroud] [replace_schedule] {ETERNALDARK} [/replace_schedule] {SCROLL_TO 36 24} [gold] amount={ON_DIFFICULTY 50 40 30} side=1 [/gold] {DELAY 750} {UNFADE_SCREEN} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC into_the_shadows.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC wind3.ogg} [unstore_unit] variable=yumi x,y=36,24 [/unstore_unit] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>I'm... alone...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>No. Someone's coming</i>?" [/message] {DELAY 500} [unit] type=Fake Fire Fae2 random_traits=no name= _ "Esther" x,y=35,25 animate=yes side=1 [/unit] [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=35,25 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Thank goodness. I finally caught up." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "... Yumi? Why the long face?" [/message] {DELAY 500} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing se} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "This is about Aryel, isn't it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 500} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing sw} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "We can't stay. They're coming." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Yumi, you're avoiding the question-" [/message] {REPEAT 2 ({QUAKE_FIXED "rumble.ogg"})} {DELAY 350} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 250} {DRAW_VOID} {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Voidhunter,Demon Voidreaver") 5 39 21} {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Voidhunter,Demon Voidreaver") 5 43 24} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 250} {DRAW_VOID} {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Voidhunter,Demon Voidreaver") 5 30 23} {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Voidhunter,Demon Voidreaver") 5 31 26} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 350} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "... okay, I see that you were being serious. Those things look really dangerous. <i>I really ought to avoid those void areas.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>tugs Esther's sleeve</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Even so, can we talk while we find a way out?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Find Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may recruit by right clicking on a hex next to Yumi.")} [/objectives] [set_menu_item] id=recruit_manifestation description= _ "Recruit Manifestation" image="attacks/wail.png~SCALE(18,18)" [show_if] [variable] name=side_number numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/show_if] [filter_location] [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] side=1 id=Yumi [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [command] [store_gold] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] variable=side1gold [/store_gold] [if] [variable] name=side1gold less_than=6 [/variable] [then] {MESSAGE_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD} [/then] [else] [unit] side=1 type=Manifestation x,y=$x1,$y1 moves,attacks_left=0,0 animate=yes upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {VARIABLE_OP side1gold sub 6} [modify_side] side=1 gold=$side1gold [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1gold} [/else] [/if] [/command] [/set_menu_item] [set_variable] name=part4 value=1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=turn_count value=0 [/set_variable] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=part4 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_OP turn_count add 1} [switch] variable=turn_count [case] value=1 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I know Aryel gets mad, but that's only because she cares about you. You know she's quite high strung." [/message] [/case] [case] value=2 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "You're not upset with her, are you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "What did she say to you?" [/message] [/case] [case] value=3 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Won't you talk a little, Yumi?" [/message] [/case] [case] value=4 [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She yelled at me for keeping secrets from her. She says I know everything that's happening. About the demons, about the void destroying things..." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "And she always says I run into danger alone." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "And let me guess, she also used some nasty language while she was at it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Of course she did. That's Aryel for you. Though, what she said is all true, isn't it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>pouts</i>)" [/message] [/case] [case] value=5 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I know it sucks. Believe me, I've been on the receiving end of several of Aryel's tantrums." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She's never yelled at me like that before..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "We've also never been in this kind of situation before. She gets stressed too and she freaks out a lot more easily than either of us. Except unlike you, she doesn't always bottle up all her feelings." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "... she also said she hated that about me. She doesn't like me." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "You know that's not true." [/message] [/case] [case] value=6 [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Do you hate me too?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "What? Don't be ridiculous." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I mean... (<i>sighs</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "It's hard to deal with it sometimes, yes. You have so many secrets and a lot of them are directly related with all this weird stuff that's been happening. Of course Aryel would get upset." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "But what about you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Me? Of course I would prefer if you at least told us a little bit, Yumi." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "But if I tell you, you'll be in danger. If you stay away, they won't chase you." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Maybe, but you know, we don't want you to get hurt either." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>holds head</i>) <i>I don't know what to do...</i>" [/message] [/case] [case] value=7 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Maybe I didn't phrase it well. What I meant was, it would be nice if you would be more open with us. I know that's not who you are and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's hard sometimes." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Aryel hates me for that. And you do too-" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "No, I don't. And Aryel doesn't either. Please, Yumi. We're your friends." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "But you don't like it when I'm like this." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Yumi. You're not an open person. I understand. That's fine. I like you the way you are. Please don't feel like there's something wrong with you." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>looks up</i>) You mean it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Of course I do." [/message] [/case] [case] value=9 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Something still bothering you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I just... wish all these demons would stop hunting us." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Yeah, me too." [/message] [/case] [/switch] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=part4 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {PLAY_SOUND "rumble.ogg"} {DRAW_VOID} {DRAW_VOID} [if] [variable] name=turn_count greater_than=9 [/variable] [then] {DRAW_VOID} {DRAW_VOID} [/then] [/if] [store_locations] variable=hex terrain=Qxu [/store_locations] [for] array=hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..100 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..300 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..450 [/set_variable] #endif [switch] variable=spawn_val [case] value=5 [unit] type=Demon Voidhunter animate=no side=5 x,y=$hex[$i].x,$hex[$i].y random_gender=yes generate_name=no [/unit] [/case] [case] value=6 [unit] type=Demon Voidreaver animate=no side=5 x,y=$hex[$i].x,$hex[$i].y generate_name=no random_gender=yes [/unit] [/case] [/switch] [if] [have_unit] id=Esther x,y=$hex[$i].x,$hex[$i].y [/have_unit] [then] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$hex[$i].x,$hex[$i].y [/filter] amount=7 animate=yes kill=no slowed=yes [/harm_unit] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hex} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] type=Fire Fae [filter_location] terrain=Qxu [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=part4 numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=7 animate=yes kill=no slowed=yes [/harm_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE damage} [/event] ########################################################################################### ##################################### PART 5 ############################################## ########################################################################################### #ifdef HARD {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 30 68 5 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 32 70 6 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 9 68 6 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 7 73 5 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 10 77 6 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 33 78 5 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 39 74 6 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 37 75 5 ("boss_stage")} #endif #ifdef NORMAL {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 30 68 10 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 32 70 12 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 9 68 10 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 7 73 12 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 10 77 10 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 33 78 12 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 39 74 10 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 37 75 12 ("boss_stage")} #endif #ifdef EASY {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 30 68 14 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 32 70 16 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 9 68 14 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 7 73 16 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 10 77 14 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 33 78 16 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 39 74 14 ("boss_stage")} {RESPAWN_POINT_CONDITIONAL ("Demon Nightmare,Demon Nightmare,Demon Dreamweaver") 4 37 75 16 ("boss_stage")} #endif [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=34,53 [/filter] [set_variable] name=part4 value=0 [/set_variable] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "That way?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I don't know, but we can't stay. It's chasing us." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>shivers</i>) Right. I'd rather not get caught by the void stuff." [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 270} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 90} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+270 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+90 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 210} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 70} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+210 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+70 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 75} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 25} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+75 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+25 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 [/unstore_unit] #endif {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {FADE_SCREEN} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC snowfall.ogg} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [kill] id=Esther,Yumi [/kill] [kill] type=Manifestation [/kill] [place_shroud] side=1 x=29-47 y=18-56 [/place_shroud] [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=33,63 radius=1 [/remove_shroud] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x,y=33,63 radius=1 multiturn=no [/lift_fog] {SCROLL_TO 33 63} [replace_schedule] {ETERNALDARK2} [/replace_schedule] [gold] amount={ON_DIFFICULTY 70 60 40} side=1 [/gold] {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] variable=yumi x,y=32,62 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=31,63 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {DELAY 250} {TURN_UNIT5 "Esther"} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Looks like we got away. But now it looks like we're totally lost." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Something wrong?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>looks up</i>) <i>Aryel's here...</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} [unstore_unit] variable=aryel x,y=23,63 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya x,y=24,61 [/unstore_unit] [hide_unit] id=Aryel,Talya [/hide_unit] {SCROLL_TO 23 63} {DELAY 500} [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ugh. My legs are killing me. How far down did we even go?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>flutters wings</i>) Far enough that I can barely feel my wings anymore." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "And what's with all this weird water? It's like the same stuff that was in the Arcaneum." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Probably the blue demons. We might be running into some soon." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You really think Yumi's going to be down here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "She has to be. <i>I hope</i>." [/message] {DELAY 750} [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=28,63 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=29,64 [/move_unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Hmm, I still don't see anything- oh, hold on. The tunnel's widening up ahead." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=25,63 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=26,63 [/move_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Wait, I think I see someone- Aryel? Talya?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Esther!" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>bites lip</i>) And Yumi." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>fidgets with hair</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I... uh..." [/message] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Can we talk?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=15,60 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=15,61 [/move_unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You were totally right. Those two get in so much trouble together." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>) Tell me about it. They're like children." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>laughs</i>) It kind of makes them a little endearing though, doesn't it? You care a lot about them." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "How could I not? They're all that I have." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>quietly</i>) I understand. I asked Aryel about this, but she seemed kind of stressed so I didn't want to push her before. Do you mind if I ask you instead?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>sharply</i>) This is about us not being normal faerie, is it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "How'd you know?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Give me some credit. I might not be a mind reader like Aryel or Yumi, but I'm not totally clueless." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Haha, fair enough. Yeah, I was wondering about that." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Well..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "It's complicated. I don't know the full truth of it. Neither does Aryel. Only Yumi might, but as you can tell, she rarely shares her thoughts. I guess we have some time to talk about it while Aryel and Yumi aren't here. But how did you end up noticing?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "It's... sort of because I'm different too. Not exactly a normal human. Like I told Aryel, I'm actually part faerie." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "That explains quite a lot actually. You'll have to tell me more about that..." [/message] {SCROLL_TO 15 60} {DELAY 350} [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just so <i>frustrated</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi, please." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You know I care about you. That's the only reason I'd get mad like that." [/message] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I've always tried to look out for you." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>) It's just that this whole demon mess is scaring me. Like, before, in that sea of blood, you told me about all your nightmares. And then when I was trying to find you and those creepy scythe demons showed up, and then when that illusion demon was hunting you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "It's just that all the crazy stuff is happening to <i>you</i> and I don't know what to do about it. I know you're trying to protect us by keeping us out of it, but seriously, Yumi. We want to protect you too." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>closes eyes</i>) B-but..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "But I know that it's complicated. And forcing you to talk about it might not be the best thing to do. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "It's okay. Aryel..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Hmm?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shaking</i>) It's just... it's hard for me to tell you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You already told me about your dreams, if that's what you're referring to?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>) I didn't tell you everything. In my nightmares, I always see you and Esther. Sometimes... sometimes it's the demons killing you, and sometimes it's someone else... and sometimes... you two attack me and I have to- I have to..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yumi! Yumi. (<i>breathes</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You're worried about us." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I don't want to see you get hurt. And I hate it when I have to attack you." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Ugh. I know. I couldn't imagine having to fight you in a nightmare. I don't know what to say. I'm... not really sure I can help you. But maybe if we get to the bottom of this blue demon mess, maybe your nightmares will stop. There's a chance of that." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>No, nothing can stop it. And, Aryel... the problem is, all my nightmares come true. Does this mean you and Esther will die?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>Her eyes are so dark. What is she thinking about?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I wish there were something I could do to make you feel better." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "It's okay. I'm... okay. At least you're not mad at me anymore. I'm better now." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>) I'm sorry about that. Here, let me make it up to you. When we get out of this stupid hole, I'll go find you the best pudding you've ever eaten. Just as soon as we figure out what's hiding down here." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Okay." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=21,63 [/move_unit] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=20,62 [/move_unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Looks like you two had a nice long chat." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Looks like you did too. So let's not wait around any longer. With all this water around, there's bound to be blue demons down here somewhere." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "So you want to go hunting for them." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "That's what we came to do, right?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I suppose so. Let's go looking, shall we?" [/message] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} [/objectives] [/event] ########## BOSS FIGHT ########## #define SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID X Y R [store_locations] [and] x,y={X},{Y} radius={R} [/and] [not] terrain=Wuy,Wuyb [/not] [not] [filter] [/filter] [or] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/or] [/not] variable=spawn_points [/store_locations] [set_variable] name=tmp rand=0..$($spawn_points.length-1) [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=x_loc value=$spawn_points[$tmp].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=y_loc value=$spawn_points[$tmp].y [/set_variable] [unit] type=Illusory Angel Illusion animate=yes side=4 x,y=$x_loc,$y_loc random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female moves=1 hitpoints=$luna.hitpoints [/unit] [clear_variable] name=x_loc,y_loc,spawn_points,tmp [/clear_variable] #enddef #define REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS [store_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] variable=luna [/store_unit] [kill] side=4 type=Illusory Angel,Illusory Angel Illusion animate=yes [/kill] [set_variable] name=generator rand=1..7 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=gen_counter value=0 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=rev_gen value=7 [/set_variable] {VARIABLE_OP rev_gen sub $generator} {VARIABLE_OP rev_gen sub 1} [while] [variable] name=gen_counter less_than=$generator [/variable] [do] {SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID 22 73 5} {VARIABLE_OP gen_counter add 1} [/do] [/while] [set_variable] name=gen_counter value=0 [/set_variable] [store_locations] [and] x,y=22,73 radius=5 [/and] [not] terrain=Wuy,Wuyb [/not] [not] [filter] [/filter] [or] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/or] [/not] variable=spawn_points [/store_locations] [set_variable] name=tmp rand=0..$($spawn_points.length-1) [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=x_loc value=$spawn_points[$tmp].x [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=y_loc value=$spawn_points[$tmp].y [/set_variable] [unit] id=Luna type=Illusory Angel hitpoints=$luna.hitpoints animate=yes side=4 x,y=$x_loc,$y_loc random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female moves=1 [/unit] [clear_variable] name=x_loc,y_loc,spawn_points,tmp [/clear_variable] [while] [variable] name=gen_counter less_than=$rev_gen [/variable] [do] {SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID 22 73 5} {VARIABLE_OP gen_counter add 1} [/do] [/while] #ifdef NORMAL {SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID 22 73 5} #endif #ifdef HARD {SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID 22 73 5} {SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID 22 73 5} {SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID 22 73 5} #endif [clear_variable] name=gen_counter,rev_gen,generator,luna [/clear_variable] #enddef [event] name=moveto [filter] [filter_location] x,y=22,75 radius=6 [/filter_location] side=1 [/filter] {FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [kill] id=Aryel,Talya,Yumi,Esther [/kill] {SCROLL_TO 22 75} [remove_shroud] side=1 x,y=22,75 radius=4 [/remove_shroud] {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] variable=aryel x,y=22,70 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=23,70 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya x,y=21,70 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi x,y=22,69 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {DELAY 500} {REPEAT 2 ({QUAKE_FIXED "rumble.ogg"})} {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {REPEAT 2 ({QUAKE_FIXED "rumble.ogg"})} {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {REPEAT 2 ({QUAKE_FIXED "rumble.ogg"})} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 350} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC everlasting_night.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC into_the_shadows.ogg} [unit] id=Luna type=Illusory Angel animate=yes side=4 x,y=22,75 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female [/unit] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Hello ladies</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Oh my." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>pales</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "So, you've come out of hiding again. Let me guess. Same spiel as before, come quietly with you to meet your master, don't bother resisting, we can't possibly fight you off. Am I right?" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>My request has not changed.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "And my reply has not either. If you want us to come with you, you'll have to make us by force." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Very well then, I will</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>glances at Aryel</i>) So, let me guess. She's behind the blue demon infiltration, and her goal is to capture us." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yes, and yes. I don't know too much of the specifics, but now's not the time to get into that anyway. She'll turn hostile soon enough." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ohhh, so she's the one you and Yumi were fighting in the Arcaneum's prison. She seems dangerous." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yep. So don't let your guard down-" [/message] {DELAY 500} {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Aaaand here she comes." [/message] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the Illusory Angel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} [/objectives] [set_variable] name=boss_stage value=1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=illusions_hit value=0 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=real_hit value=0 [/set_variable] [/event] [event] name=side 4 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] ability=dreamwalk [/filter] variable=heal_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=heal_unit [do] {VARIABLE heal_health $heal_unit[$i].max_hitpoints} {VARIABLE_OP heal_health sub $heal_unit[$i].hitpoints} {VARIABLE_OP heal_health multiply 0.2} [if] [variable] name=heal_health greater_than=0 [/variable] [then] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$heal_unit[$i].x,$heal_unit[$i].y [/filter] amount=$heal_health animate=yes restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE heal_health} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE heal_unit} [/event] #define ILLUSION_TEXT [if] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [then] [switch] variable=illusions_hit [case] value=5 [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Okay, seriously. How are we supposed to tell which one's the real one?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You aren't." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=9 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Another fake." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=17 [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Instead of dancing around like this, why don't you give up and come with me</i>?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Like that'll happen." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=25 [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "All these illusions are seriously throwing me for a loop." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=31 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "<i>Can't seem to pin her down</i>." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=39 [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>I can keep this up forever</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "So can we." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/case] [else] {VARIABLE_OP illusions_hit add 1} [/else] [/switch] [/then] [/if] #enddef [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] type=Illusory Angel Illusion [/filter_second] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} [kill] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/kill] [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [and] [variable] name=second_unit.hitpoints less_than=80 [/variable] [/and] [/filter_condition] {ILLUSION_TEXT} [if] [have_unit] type=Illusory Angel Illusion [/have_unit] [then][/then] [else] {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [and] [variable] name=unit.hitpoints less_than=50 [/variable] [/and] [/filter_condition] [filter] type=Illusory Angel Illusion [/filter] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] {ILLUSION_TEXT} [if] [have_unit] type=Illusory Angel Illusion [/have_unit] [then][/then] [else] {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 type=Illusory Angel [or] x,y=$x2,$y2 type=Illusory Angel [/or] [/have_unit] [then] [switch] variable=real_hit [case] value=0 [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "We got her!" [/message] {DELAY 250} {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "... oh. Never mind." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP real_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=3 [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Is the only thing you can do run from us?" [/message] {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} {VARIABLE_OP real_hit add 1} [/case] [case] value=6 [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "This is getting annoying..." [/message] {DELAY 250} {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} {DELAY 250} {VARIABLE_OP real_hit add 1} [/case] [else] {VARIABLE_OP real_hit add 1} {REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS} [/else] [/switch] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=last breath first_time_only=yes [filter] id=Luna [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {DELAY 500} [kill] side=4 type=Illusory Angel Illusion [/kill] {DELAY 500} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 150} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 150} {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 150} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 50} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+150 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+150 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+150 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+50 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 90} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 90} {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 90} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 30} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+90 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+90 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+90 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+30 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 30} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 30} {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 30} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 10} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+30 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+30 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+30 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+10 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>We are at an impasse again.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "An impasse?! We're beating you! And besides, all you've done is copy our moves again! What makes you still think you can capture us?" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Because I must.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [kill] id=Luna animate=yes [/kill] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Wha-" [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Uh oh." [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [unit] id=Luna type=Ephemeral Angel animate=yes side=4 x,y=$x1,$y1 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female [/unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC end.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC the_dangerous_symphony.ogg} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>eyes narrow</i>) You finally intend to fight us for real this time." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>You will not escape.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Over my dead body. I'll never let you hurt my friends ever again." [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "fire.wav"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=7 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "fire.wav"} {DELAY 250} #ifdef EASY [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=40 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=30 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef HARD [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=15 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "fire.wav"} {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "<i>She stopped my attack!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Tch. Looks like we're doing this the hard way. You're going down, demon." [/message] [heal_unit] [filter] side=1 [/filter] amount=full animate=no restore_attacks=no restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the Ephemeral Angel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} [/objectives] [set_variable] name=boss_stage value=2 [/set_variable] [/event] [event] name=side 4 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] is_enemy=yes ability=dreamweave [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] variable=copy_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=copy_unit [do] [switch] variable=copy_unit[$i].id [case] value="Esther" [unit] side=6 animate=yes type=Fake Fire Fae generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [fire_event] name=fae_copy [/fire_event] [/case] [case] value="Aryel" [unit] side=6 animate=yes type=Fake Blood Fae generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [fire_event] name=fae_copy [/fire_event] [/case] [case] value="Yumi" [fire_event] name=yumi_copy [/fire_event] [/case] [else] [unit] side=6 animate=yes type=$copy_unit[$i].type generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [fire_event] name=unit_copy [/fire_event] [/else] [/switch] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE copy_unit} [/event] [event] name=unit_copy first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Be careful! She's making copies of everyone close to her!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=fae_copy first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "It'll take more than that to copy us properly." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>So it seems.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=yumi_copy first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>What? I can't duplicate the shadow one's energies.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath first_time_only=yes [filter] id=Luna [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_stage numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {DELAY 500} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 270} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 270} {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 270} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 90} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+270 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+270 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+270 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+90 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 210} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 210} {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 210} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 70} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+210 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+210 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+210 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+70 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE_OP esther.experience add 75} {VARIABLE_OP yumi.experience add 75} {VARIABLE_OP aryel.experience add 75} {VARIABLE_OP talya.experience add 25} [unstore_unit] variable=esther find_vacant=no text= _ "+75 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no text= _ "+75 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel find_vacant=no text= _ "+75 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya find_vacant=no text= _ "+25 XP" red,green,blue=255,0,255 advance=no [/unstore_unit] #endif {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} {DELAY 750} [kill] side=4,6 [not] id=Luna [/not] [/kill] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "<i>All the blue demons just disappeared!</i>" [/message] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC weight_of_revenge.ogg} {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>breathes</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "..!" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "That's the first noise I've ever heard you make. It seems like you can be harmed after all." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "The silent treatment, huh? You're not getting out of this one, you know. We beat you, even with your full powers." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "There's nowhere to run. It's in your best interest to cooperate with us and give us some answers." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>I am bound by the master's energies. I cannot speak.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "That's not going to cut it. You are the one directing the humans to attack us, and you are at least partially responsible for corrupting the Urdemons. You're <i>going</i> to talk." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>There is nothing I can tell you.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>eyes narrow</i>) Then I'll <i>make</i> you speak." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>shifts uncomfortably</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>Hmm, she's suddenly... afraid?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>turns</i>) Yumi, what are you doing?" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>You won't catch me. Not here.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "She's trying to escape! Get her!" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "fire.wav"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>I...</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>It hurts...</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "fire.wav"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Stop...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Stop resisting us. We won't hurt you if you just stay still." [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>gasping</i>) <i>Please stop...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>eyes glow</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 [/harm_unit] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 [/harm_unit] {DELAY 200} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 200} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=0 kill=no fire_event=no [/harm_unit] {DELAY 200} [kill] id=Luna animate=yes [/kill] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Wha-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>breathes</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "She got away." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Damn it. Damn it all. It looked like Yumi was keeping her down pretty well, too." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "... or not? Yumi?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She was fighting something in her head. She was trying to break free. <i>It was that Guardian.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I was trying to help her, but she was losing. It will take over her body again." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "And why were you-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She is being controlled." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yes, I understood that much. It must've been the thing she's referring to as her 'master'. The question is, who is it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>) <i>I definitely can't tell them that yet. If I tell them, she will get in trouble too...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I don't know." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>) Of course you don't. It's always the same reply." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>pouts</i>) I'm sorry. I really don't." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "... right. Let's see, then. So we know this demon, whoever she is, is at least as strong as your average demon lord. If what you say is true, for her to be controlled like that, the one doing it would either have to be an extremely powerful demon lord, or..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "The more likely case is a Guardian." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "That's what I was afraid you'd say." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "We can't worry about that right now. Even if it's really a Guardian behind this, that's not something we're equipped to deal with. We'd have to get Xia'el involved. For now, we have to first track down this demon. It's clear that she's being used to influence these blue demons somehow. Whatever information we can get out of her is secondary." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "That's a great idea, Esther, but... as you can see, she's gone." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She's not." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>points</i>)" [/message] {SCROLL_TO 22 75} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [terrain] x,y=22,75 terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [terrain] x,y=22,75 radius=1 terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [terrain] x,y=22,75 radius=2 terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She ran there." [/message] {DELAY 500} {SCROLL_TO 22 75} {PLAY_SOUND "shaxthal-roam-1.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "shaxthal-roam-2.ogg"} {DELAY 350} {PLAY_SOUND "shaxthal-roam-1.ogg"} {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>shivers</i>) Uhm, that place looks pretty dark..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>shifts uncomfortably</i>) I don't like it either." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=22,75 [/move_unit] {DELAY 750} [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [kill] id=Yumi [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Uh-" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "This girl. She's always nervous and afraid <i>except</i> for when she needs to be. She really has a terrible sense of danger." [/message] [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=22,75 [/move_unit] {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] amount=0 [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] amount=0 [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>Ohhh, it's cold.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>Can't let her go alone, though.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [kill] id=Aryel [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Those two... Talya, you stay up here." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Esther, don't tell me you're seriously thinking of going in there too." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I have to. As crazy as they might be, they're my friends." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Yeah, but remember what happened at Fort Helemoor? When the whole thing just collapsed into a bottomless pit? This thing looks exactly like that. For all we know, those brain draining monsters might start spawning out of it again. And you don't know what'll happen if you walk into it. It's dangerous! You'll probably get killed!" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "All the more reason I need to be there to help them." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You don't look very convinced of yourself." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>) I know. Aryel and Yumi are definitely more suited for this sort of thing. Mysticism was never my strong point. But I can't abandon them." [/message] [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=22,75 [/move_unit] {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] amount=0 [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] amount=0 [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>shivers</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 250} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [kill] id=Esther [/kill] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ugh." [/message] {TURN_UNIT5 "Talya"} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Wait up, girls!" [/message] [move_unit] id=Talya to_x,to_y=22,75 [/move_unit] {DELAY 500} {FADE_SCREEN} [endlevel] result=victory carryover_report=no linger_mode=no {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} next_scenario=22_Moonlit_Night [/endlevel] [/event] # CLEANUP [event] name=victory [kill] side=1 type=Manifestation [/kill] {CLEAR_VARIABLE part2} {CLEAR_VARIABLE part3} {CLEAR_VARIABLE part4} {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_stage} {CLEAR_VARIABLE illusions_hit} {CLEAR_VARIABLE illusion_flag} {CLEAR_VARIABLE real_hit} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ud_spawns1} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ud_spawns2} {CLEAR_VARIABLE turn_dmg} {CLEAR_VARIABLE sound_hex} [clear_menu_item] id=recruit_manifestation [/clear_menu_item] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>gasp</i>)" [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Esther [/filter] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I... failed..." [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Ah..." [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Talya [/filter] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ow!" [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario] #undef REGENERATE_ILLUSIONS #undef DRAW_VOID #undef SPAWN_ILLUSION_NOID #undef ILLUSION_TEXT
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=22_Moonlit_Night name= _ "Moonlit Night" map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/maps/22_Moonlit_Night.map}" next_scenario=23_Dawn victory_when_enemies_defeated=no disallow_recall=no turns=-1 {ETERNALDARK3} {SCENARIO_MUSIC into_the_shadows.ogg} [side] {PLAYER_FAE} {NO_INCOME_SIDE} {UNDEAD_RECRUITS} side=1 {GOLD 600 500 300} fog=yes shroud=yes [/side] [side] {YUURE_SIDE} {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} side=2 fog=no hidden=yes shroud=no [/side] [side] side=3 no_leader=yes team_name=yuure user_team_name= _ "team_name^Copies" hidden=yes controller=ai fog=no shroud=no color=green {AGGRESSIVE_SIDE} [/side] #define CAVE_WALL_SEED [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby [and] [not] [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wuyb [/filter_adjacent_location] [/not] [/and] [and] [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [/and] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..50 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wuyb [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define DRAW_WALLS [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wuyb count=1 [/filter_adjacent_location] [and] [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [/and] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..50 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wuyb [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define DRAW_WALLS2 [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wuyb count=2 [/filter_adjacent_location] [and] [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [/and] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..150 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wuyb [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define DRAW_WALLS3 [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wuyb count=3 [/filter_adjacent_location] [and] [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [/and] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..200 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wuyb [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define DRAW_WALLS4 [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wuyb count=4 [/filter_adjacent_location] [and] [not] [filter] [/filter] [/not] [/and] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..300 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wuyb [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define BREAK_WALLS [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Wuyb [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Woby count=2,3,4 [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..65 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Woby [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef [event] name=unit placed first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [object] silent=yes duration=scenario [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=loyal [/effect] [/object] [/event] # enemy spawns #spawns [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_battle greater_than=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_locations] variable=hex terrain=Woby [/store_locations] [for] array=hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..900 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..1500 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..1800 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Nightmare") 2 $hex[$i].x $hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=5 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Dreamweaver") 2 $hex[$i].x $hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hex} [store_locations] variable=hex terrain=Woby [/store_locations] [for] array=hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..1700 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..2700 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..3000 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=4 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Shadow Demon") 2 $hex[$i].x $hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hex} [/event] #define DRAW_VOID [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby,Wuyb [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Qxu,Qxu^* count=1-3 [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..25 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby,Wuyb [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Qxu,Qxu^* count=4-6 [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..50 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [redraw][/redraw] #enddef #define DRAW_WATER [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby,Wuyb [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wo count=1-3 [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..16 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wo [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} [store_locations] variable=blood_hex terrain=Woby,Wuyb [filter_adjacent_location] terrain=Wo count=4-6 [/filter_adjacent_location] [/store_locations] [for] array=blood_hex [do] [set_variable] name=change_terrain rand=1..21 [/set_variable] [if] [variable] name=change_terrain less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [terrain] x,y=$blood_hex[$i].x,$blood_hex[$i].y terrain=Wo [/terrain] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE change_terrain} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE blood_hex} #enddef #REDRAW THE MAZE [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no {BREAK_WALLS} {DRAW_WALLS} {DRAW_WALLS} {DRAW_WALLS2} {BREAK_WALLS} {DRAW_WALLS2} {DRAW_WALLS3} {DRAW_WALLS3} {DRAW_WALLS4} {BREAK_WALLS} [if] [variable] name=boss_battle numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [then] {DRAW_VOID} {VARIABLE_OP turn_count add 1} {VARIABLE turn_dmg $turn_count} #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE_OP turn_dmg multiply 5} #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE_OP turn_dmg multiply 8} #endif #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE_OP turn_dmg multiply 10} #endif [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] animate=no kill=no amount=$turn_dmg [/harm_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE turn_dmg} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=prestart {CAVE_WALL_SEED} {CAVE_WALL_SEED} {DRAW_WALLS} {DRAW_WALLS} {DRAW_WALLS2} [set_variable] name=boss_battle value=0 [/set_variable] {FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] [kill] id=Aryel,Yumi,Esther,Talya [/kill] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi x,y=16,8 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel x,y=15,8 [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] # recruiting code for this scenario [set_menu_item] id=recruit_manifestation description= _ "Recruit Manifestation" image="attacks/wail.png~SCALE(18,18)" [show_if] [variable] name=side_number numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/show_if] [filter_location] [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] side=1 id=Yumi [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [command] [store_gold] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] variable=side1gold [/store_gold] [if] [variable] name=side1gold less_than=5 [/variable] [then] {MESSAGE_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD} [/then] [else] [unit] side=1 type=Manifestation x,y=$x1,$y1 moves,attacks_left=0,0 animate=yes upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {VARIABLE_OP side1gold sub 5} [modify_side] side=1 gold=$side1gold [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1gold} [/else] [/if] [/command] [/set_menu_item] [sound_source] id=s22dark2 x=14 y=14 sounds="dark-2.ogg" full_range=100 delay=0 loop=-1 check_fogged=no check_shrouded=no [/sound_source] [sound_source] id=s22dark1 x=14 y=14 sounds="dark-1.ogg" full_range=100 delay=0 loop=-1 check_fogged=no check_shrouded=no [/sound_source] [/event] [event] name=recall first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [object] silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=movement_costs replace=yes [movement_costs] deep_water=2 unwalkable=3 [/movement_costs] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=defense replace=yes [defense] deep_water=70 unwalkable=70 [/defense] [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=start {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She can't run anymore." [/message] {TURN_UNIT5 "Aryel"} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "That may be so, but..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>rubs arms</i>) <i>It's really cold down here. I don't feel good about this.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 1500} [unit] type=Fake Fire Fae2 random_traits=no name= _ "Esther" x,y=14,7 animate=yes side=1 [/unit] [unit] type=Mistral Maiden random_traits=no name= _ "Talya" x,y=15,7 animate=yes side=1 [/unit] [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=14,7 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya x,y=15,7 [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} [heal_unit] [filter] side=1 [/filter] amount=full animate=no restore_attacks=no restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {TURN_UNIT5 "Esther"} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "<i>Everything's so still. The darkness here is so thick, I can barely see anything. Talya looks really uncomfortable. Even Aryel seems scared.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Yumi, I know we beat her before, but do you think we can actually fight her down here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Mmm." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "That last fight was scary enough, but this place... really gives me the creeps." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "We can't just let her run free. And besides, <i>Yumi</i> can take her." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) You think so? Yumi's the last person I'd want to fight a demon lady alone. And even you seem unsure of fighting down here." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Don't underestimate her. If Yumi has her heart set on it, we need to back her up. Besides, she most certainly can handle herself. Aryel and I just look after her because we want to protect her, not because she needs to be babied." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=17,12 [/move_unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Alright. I guess it looks like she's going to go fight, with or without our help." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Yeah. If she actually makes up her mind about something, you'll never be able to talk her out of it. Let's just follow her for now." [/message] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may recruit by right clicking on a hex next to Yumi or Aryel.")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may also recruit from the starting area.")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] [filter_location] x,y=15,30 radius=9 [/filter_location] side=1 [/filter] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Wait up." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You feel that?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I think we found our little pest." [/message] {DELAY 500} [remove_shroud] side=1 x=15 y=30 radius=7 [/remove_shroud] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x=15 y=30 radius=7 multiturn=no [/lift_fog] {SCROLL_TO 15 30} {DELAY 500} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [unit] id=Luna type=Ephemeral Angel animate=yes side=2 x,y=15,30 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female [/unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>This charade has gone on long enough.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yes, it has. We're not letting you get away again." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>On the contrary, you are the ones who will be trying to escape when I'm through with you-</i>" [/message] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=1 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Wha-</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>eyes glow</i>)" [/message] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=5 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=6 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Looks like Yumi means business. I didn't even realize she was going to attack." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Yumi can be pretty scary, you know. If she actually feels like fighting, she never wastes time by trying to talk it out." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "She has the right idea. There's no point in talking anymore. I hate to do it, but we need to bring this demon down." [/message] {DELAY 250} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=2 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>shifts</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>I...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>It hurts...</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} #ifdef HARD [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=9 kill=no slowed=yes fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=29 kill=no slowed=yes fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef EASY [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=37 kill=no slowed=yes fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Agh!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>You will fight, Luna.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-big.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Yes... I will fight. Since you have ordered it, I must fight...</i>" [/message] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] [unit] id=incubus1 type=Demon Incubus animate=yes side=2 x,y=15,28 random_traits=no generate_name=yes [/unit] [unit] id=incubus2 type=Demon Incubus animate=yes side=2 x,y=13,31 random_traits=no generate_name=yes [/unit] [unit] id=incubus3 type=Demon Incubus animate=yes side=2 x,y=17,31 random_traits=no generate_name=yes [/unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC frantic.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC siege_of_laurelmor.ogg} [message] speaker=incubus3 message= _ "They step through the mirror of reality into the domain of dreams." [/message] [message] speaker=incubus2 message= _ "Though we hold sovereignty over the plane of nightmares, eyes of darkness shield their minds from our power." [/message] [message] speaker=incubus1 message= _ "It is no matter. What cannot be fought with the mind can be subdued by force." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're going to get. Actually, I take that back. We'll show them. Let's make this a slaughter, girls." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You got it." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Always so dramatic, Aryel. But this time, I agree with you." [/message] [heal_unit] [filter] side=1 [/filter] amount=full animate=no restore_attacks=yes restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the Ephemeral Angel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may recruit by right clicking on a hex next to Yumi.")} [/objectives] [set_variable] name=boss_battle value=1 [/set_variable] [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_battle numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] is_enemy=yes ability=dreamweave [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] variable=copy_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=copy_unit [do] [switch] variable=copy_unit[$i].id [case] value="Esther" [unit] side=3 animate=yes type=Fake Fire Fae generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [case] value="Aryel" [unit] side=3 animate=yes type=Fake Blood Fae generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [case] value="Yumi" [/case] [else] [unit] side=3 animate=yes type=$copy_unit[$i].type generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/else] [/switch] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE copy_unit} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Luna [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_battle numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 750} [kill] side=3 [/kill] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Rrrghh!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Give it up already." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>I-</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Can't-</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>You will do your duty.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>What's going on with her?</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Please-</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>You will obey.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 250} [kill] id=Luna animate=yes [/kill] {DELAY 250} [store_locations] [and] x,y=$x1,$y1 radius=5 [/and] [and] [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] [/and] [and] [not] terrain=Wuyb [/not] [/and] [and] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 radius=2 [/not] [/and] variable=spawn_points [/store_locations] [set_variable] name=loc rand=0..$($spawn_points.length-1) [/set_variable] [unit] id=Luna type=Ephemeral Angel animate=yes side=2 x,y=$spawn_points[$loc].x,$spawn_points[$loc].y random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female hitpoints=45 [/unit] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Aghh-</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "<i>She's... in pain?</i>" [/message] {DELAY 250} [kill] id=Luna animate=yes [/kill] {DELAY 250} [set_variable] name=loc rand=0..$($spawn_points.length-1) [/set_variable] [unit] id=Luna type=Ephemeral Angel animate=yes side=2 x,y=$spawn_points[$loc].x,$spawn_points[$loc].y random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female hitpoints=101 [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_points} {CLEAR_VARIABLE loc} {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>You cannot flee.</i>" [/message] [kill] id=Luna animate=yes [/kill] {DELAY 250} [remove_shroud] side=1 x=15 y=30 radius=7 [/remove_shroud] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x=15 y=30 radius=7 multiturn=no [/lift_fog] {SCROLL_TO 15 30} {DELAY 500} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {PLAY_SOUND "lightning.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [unit] id=Luna type=Ephemeral Angel variation=angel1 animate=yes side=2 x,y=15,30 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female [/unit] {INCIDENTAL_MUSIC silence.ogg} [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "(<i>chaotic voices</i>) You will all be mine in the end." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>chaotic voices</i>) <i>Beneath the black waters, the darkness will consume you all.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "<i>Her voice completely changed! It's like she's not even the same person.</i> I won't just let you take my friends from me." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>mixed voices</i>) <i>Your resistance is but an irritation. However, you should take care-</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "(<i>mixed voices</i>) -if you do continue to fight me, I will have no choice but to add you all to my hall of statues." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "<i>It's someone else speaking through her body! Her master?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>feminine voice</i>) <i>It's too bad the bodies of most demons are too weak to handle my power. But I suppose I can make good use of this conduit for at least a little while before it gives out.</i>" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC overlive.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC one_thousand_suns.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC frantic.ogg} [unit] type=Demon Incubus variation=incubus1 animate=yes side=2 x,y=15,28 random_traits=no generate_name=yes [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Incubus variation=incubus1 animate=yes side=2 x,y=13,31 random_traits=no generate_name=yes [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Incubus variation=incubus1 animate=yes side=2 x,y=17,31 random_traits=no generate_name=yes [/unit] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Oh my..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yikes..." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>eyes narrow</i>)" [/message] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] {REPEAT 2 ({QUAKE_FIXED "rumble.ogg"})} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} [terrain] x,y=$yumi.x,$yumi.y terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [terrain] x=14,14,15,15,15,16,16 y=7,8,7,8,9,7,8 terrain=Qxu [/terrain] {PLAY_SOUND "rumble.ogg"} {DRAW_VOID} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=2 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} {SCROLL_TO $yumi.x $yumi.y} [terrain] x,y=$yumi.x,$yumi.y radius=1 terrain=Qxu [/terrain] {PLAY_SOUND "rumble.ogg"} {DRAW_VOID} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=4 kill=no fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} {SCROLL_TO $yumi.x $yumi.y} {PLAY_SOUND "rumble.ogg"} {DRAW_VOID} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} #ifdef HARD [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=7 kill=no slowed=yes fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=30 kill=no slowed=yes fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef EASY [harm_unit] [filter] id=Luna [/filter] amount=45 kill=no slowed=yes fire_event=no animate=yes [/harm_unit] #endif {DELAY 500} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>feminine voice</i>) <i>So you are hellbent on being rid of my lackey. Fine. Do as you will, but don't think I'm going to make it easy for you. You will have to fight for your victory.</i>" [/message] [heal_unit] [filter] side=1 [/filter] amount=full animate=no restore_attacks=no restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the Ephemeral Angel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Talya")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You may recruit by right clicking on a hex next to Yumi.")} [/objectives] [set_variable] name=boss_battle value=2 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=turn_count value=0 [/set_variable] {CLEAR_VARIABLE luna} {CLEAR_VARIABLE tmp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE loc} {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_points} [/event] [event] name=side 2 turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_battle numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_unit] [filter] side=1 [filter_location] radius=3 [and] [filter] ability=nocturne [/filter] [/and] [/filter_location] [/filter] variable=copy_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=copy_unit [do] [switch] variable=copy_unit[$i].id [case] value="Esther" [unit] side=3 animate=yes type=Fake Fire Fae generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [case] value="Aryel" [unit] side=3 animate=yes type=Fake Blood Fae generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [case] value="Yumi" [/case] [else] [unit] side=3 animate=yes type=$copy_unit[$i].type generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=$copy_unit[$i].gender x,y=$copy_unit[$i].x,$copy_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/else] [/switch] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE copy_unit} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] [not] type=Ephemeral Angel, Shadow Fae [/not] [filter_location] terrain=Qxu [/filter_location] [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_battle numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=5 animate=yes kill=no [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 side=2,3 [/have_unit] [then] #ifdef HARD [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=7 animate=no kill=no [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=12 animate=no kill=no [/harm_unit] #endif #ifdef EASY [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=15 animate=no kill=no [/harm_unit] #endif [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE damage} [/event] [event] name=last breath first_time_only=no [filter] id=Luna [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=boss_battle numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [remove_sound_source] id=s22dark1,s22dark2 [/remove_sound_source] [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC silence.ogg} {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [terrain] x,y=15,30 radius=2 terrain=Woby [/terrain] [kill] side=2,3 [not] id=Luna [/not] [/kill] {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>gasps</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>I- can't... breathe...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>It hurts...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>The darkness... is fading...</i>" [/message] {DELAY 750} {FADE_SCREEN} [kill] id=Luna [/kill] {DELAY 500} [terrain] x=10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 y=39,39,38,38,37,37,37,38,38,39,39 terrain=Woby [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Zdyd [/and] terrain=Woby [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [change_theme] theme=Cutscene_Minimal [/change_theme] [remove_shroud] side=1 x=15 y=42 radius=5 [/remove_shroud] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x=15 y=42 radius=5 multiturn=no [/lift_fog] {SCROLL_TO 15 42} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-1.ogg"} {DELAY 1500} {UNFADE_SCREEN} {DELAY 2500} [move_unit] id=Yumi to_x,to_y=14,41 [/move_unit] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) facing se} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 1000} [terrain] x,y=15,42 terrain=Gll^Fet [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC snowfall.ogg} {DELAY 500} [unit] id=Luna name= _ "Luna" type=Illusory Angel animate=yes side=2 x,y=15,42 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female facing=nw [/unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>The darkness is gone. My mind is my own once more.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 500} [replace_schedule] {ETERNALDARK2} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 250} [kill] x,y=15,42 [/kill] [unit] id=Luna name= _ "Luna" profile=portraits/luna.png type=Demon Nightmare animate=no side=2 x,y=15,42 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female facing=nw [/unit] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I can speak again. I can see again." [/message] {DELAY 500} [replace_schedule] {ETERNALDARK} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 250} [kill] x,y=15,42 [/kill] [unit] id=Luna name= _ "Luna" profile=portraits/luna.png type=Demon Apparition animate=no side=2 x,y=15,42 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female facing=nw [/unit] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I can feel again. Ah- but..." [/message] {DELAY 500} [replace_schedule] {MIDNIGHT} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 250} [kill] x,y=15,42 [/kill] [unit] id=Luna name= _ "Luna" profile=portraits/luna.png type=Blue Demon animate=no side=2 x,y=15,42 random_traits=no generate_name=no gender=female facing=nw [/unit] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "My body will not last much longer." [/message] {DELAY 500} [terrain] x,y=15,42 radius=1 terrain=Wo [/terrain] [terrain] x,y=15,42 terrain=Gll^Fet [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 250} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "Can they hear us?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "We are alone." [/message] {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "She put me in a cage of my own body. She took control of my mind. She said she would free me. She didn't say she would make me into a monster." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>trembles</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I've never been free before." [/message] {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] {TURN_UNIT5 "Luna"} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I was trapped in a shell. I couldn't see. I couldn't feel." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "It was like being trapped in an endless nightmare, where I tried and tried, but could never wake up." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "And if it was not the nightmares, then it was just a boundless sea of empty, black water. I couldn't bear to be alone like that. I couldn't stand not being able to feel anything." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "The endless torment, where time itself slowed to a halt, where the darkness was at once filled with horrifying sensation and aching numbness... it trapped me in my mind, with my own body as the prison." [/message] {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 20} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 20} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "(<i>breathes</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "Now, it's over." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "It's been so long..." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I barely even remember what it was like to see the moonlight with my own two eyes." [/message] {DELAY 700} {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) facing nw} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 16} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 16} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "My whole life has been nothing but dreams of darkness. But now, I'm finally free." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 12} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 12} {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I never wanted to fight you. I didn't have a choice." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "She used me as a fake, to disguise her true intentions from everyone else." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I know." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I've caused you so much trouble..." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "But at least now, with me gone, the Yuure demons will no longer hunt you here." [/message] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 8} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 8} {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "Still, she will find another way. She wants to bring you to her world. She wants to use you - the energy that composes your radiant forms. You can't run - she won't stop. <i>It</i> won't stop." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "She was cruel to me, she lied to me, she <i>used</i> me... but she is right. There's only one way to escape our crumbling reality. You know that." [/message] {DELAY 1000} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 4} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 4} {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I know, but, I still have to try on my own first." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "I understand." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "Will you tell the other Guardians about her?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Not yet. I need to see what happens first." [/message] [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "You need to see the other Guardians first, you mean. You can't trust any of them?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] {TURN_UNIT5 "Yumi"} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>looks up</i>)" [/message] {DELAY 500} {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] [replace_schedule] {SECOND_WATCH_HOUR6} [/replace_schedule] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 2} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 2} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "The sun is rising. The moon is dying. I wish I could help you more, but-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "It's okay. You've been hurt enough. Go be free." [/message] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) hitpoints 1} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Luna) max_hitpoints 1} {DRAW_WATER} {DRAW_WATER} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} {COLOR_ADJUST 33 33 33} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 67 67 67} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 100 100 100} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 133 133 133} {DELAY 100} [message] speaker=Luna message= _ "<i>Thank you.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 750} [kill] id=Luna [/kill] {DELAY 750} {COLOR_ADJUST 167 167 167} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 200 200 200} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 233 233 233} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 255 255 255} {DELAY 1000} [endlevel] result=victory bonus=no {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 0} replay_save=yes carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=23_Dawn [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=victory [kill] side=1 type=Manifestation [/kill] [clear_menu_item] id=recruit_manifestation [/clear_menu_item] {CLEAR_VARIABLE boss_battle} {CLEAR_VARIABLE turn_count} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>gasp</i>)" [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Esther [/filter] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I... failed..." [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Ah..." [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Talya [/filter] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Ow!" [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario] #undef CAVE_WALL_SEED #undef DRAW_VOID #undef DRAW_WALLS #undef DRAW_WALLS2 #undef DRAW_WALLS3 #undef DRAW_WALLS4 #undef DRAW_WATER #undef BREAK_WALLS
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=23_Dawn name= _ "Dawn" map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/maps/23a_Dawn.map}" turns=-1 next_scenario=null theme=Cutscene_Minimal {DAWN} {SCENARIO_MUSIC journeys_end.ogg} [side] {PLAYER_FAE} {NO_GOLD_SIDE} side=1 recruit= [/side] [side] {HUMAN_ALLY} type=Grand Marshal side=2 id=Haart name= _ "Marshal Haart" canrecruit=yes hidden=yes [/side] [side] {ETHEA_ENEMY_SIDE} no_leader=yes side=3 hidden=yes [/side] [side] side=4 no_leader=yes controller=human team_name=fae color=green hidden=yes user_team_name= _ "team_name^Xia'el" [/side] [side] side=5 no_leader=yes controller=human team_name=fae color=black hidden=yes share_view=yes user_team_name= _ "team_name^Merthiaal" [/side] [side] side=6 no_leader=yes team_name=statues color=white hidden=yes controller=null [/side] [side] side=7 no_leader=yes controller=human team_name=fae color=ethea hidden=yes user_team_name= _ "team_name^Uria" [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES_ALL 3} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 3} {STARTING_VILLAGES_AREA 2 15 13 3} {STARTING_VILLAGES_AREA 2 24 4 2} {STARTING_VILLAGES_AREA 2 4 6 3} [event] name=prestart {CLEAR_VARIABLE haart} [unit] id=S23hellion type=Demon Hellion canrecruit=yes side=3 x,y=7,22 generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no [/unit] [unit] id=S23warrior type=Demon Warrior canrecruit=yes side=3 x,y=19,30 generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no [/unit] [unit] id=S23inferno type=Inferno Demon canrecruit=yes side=3 x,y=9,31 generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no [/unit] [unit] id=S23galerunner type=Demon Galerunner canrecruit=yes side=3 x,y=4,47 generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no [/unit] [unit] id=S23stormbringer type=Demon Stormbringer canrecruit=yes side=3 x,y=22,47 generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no [/unit] [unit] id=S23harbinger type=Demon Harbinger canrecruit=yes side=3 x,y=13,43 generate_name=yes random_gender=yes random_traits=no [/unit] [unit] id=S23general type=General canrecruit=yes side=2 x,y=9,13 generate_name=yes random_traits=no hitpoints=27 [/unit] [unit] type=General canrecruit=yes side=2 x,y=15,12 generate_name=yes random_traits=no hitpoints=19 [/unit] {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 2 47} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 5 49} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 7 44} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 2 35} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 8 46} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 3 43} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 17 47} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Windlasher" 3 22 43} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 12 47} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 22 49} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 24 46} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 17 43} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 19 45} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 21 41} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 11 41} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 7 40} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 18 24} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Zephyr" 3 6 35} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 13 39} {SPAWN_NOID "Fire Demon" 3 14 38} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 19 38} {SPAWN_NOID "Fire Demon" 3 5 32} {SPAWN_NOID "Fire Demon" 3 9 29} {SPAWN_NOID "Fire Demon" 3 11 33} {SPAWN_NOID "Fire Demon" 3 23 37} {SPAWN_NOID "Fire Demon" 3 11 26} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 22 34} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 20 35} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 13 30} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 18 27} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 18 32} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 8 19} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 18 22} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 6 21} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Sword Dancer" 3 6 22} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Berserker" 3 22 20} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Berserker" 3 14 20} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Berserker" 3 9 23} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Berserker" 3 8 21} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 21 28} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 22 30} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 24 24} {SPAWN_NOID "Demon Grunt" 3 4 21} {SPAWN_NOID "Master Bowman" 2 13 7} {SPAWN_NOID "Master Bowman" 2 15 7} {SPAWN_NOID "Master Bowman" 2 24 7} {SPAWN_NOID "Royal Guard" 2 14 9} {SPAWN_NOID "Royal Guard" 2 22 10} {SPAWN_NOID "Royal Guard" 2 24 13} {SPAWN_NOID "Royal Guard" 2 24 10} {SPAWN_NOID "Royal Guard" 2 25 12} {SPAWN_NOID "Iron Mauler" 2 22 12} [unit] type=Shock Trooper side=2 x,y=11,16 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=5 [/unit] [unit] type=Shock Trooper side=2 x,y=14,15 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=9 [/unit] [unit] type=Shock Trooper side=2 x,y=20,13 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=39 [/unit] [unit] type=Swordsman side=2 x,y=13,12 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=34 [/unit] [unit] type=Swordsman side=2 x,y=17,13 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=39 [/unit] [unit] type=Swordsman side=2 x,y=7,13 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=17 [/unit] [unit] type=Javelineer side=2 x,y=21,15 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=23 [/unit] [unit] type=Pikeman side=2 x,y=8,14 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=11 [/unit] [unit] type=Longbowman side=2 x,y=10,13 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=25 [/unit] [unit] type=Longbowman side=2 x,y=17,15 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=13 [/unit] [unit] type=Longbowman side=2 x,y=10,12 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes hitpoints=31 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Bladestorm side=3 x,y=7,14 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=35 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Bladestorm side=3 x,y=11,17 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=41 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Berserker side=3 x,y=6,15 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=12 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Zephyr side=3 x,y=8,11 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=26 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Berserker side=3 x,y=21,18 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=35 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Grunt side=3 x,y=17,17 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=24 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Berserker side=3 x,y=4,14 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=16 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Berserker side=3 x,y=6,12 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=22 [/unit] [unit] type=Fire Demon side=3 x,y=17,16 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=16 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Sword Dancer side=3 x,y=21,16 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=21 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Grunt side=3 x,y=2,17 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes hitpoints=35 [/unit] {FADE_SCREEN} [/event] [event] name=start {UNFADE_SCREEN} {DELAY 500} {RECALL_ARYEL_NOLOC} {RECALL_TALYA_NOLOC} {RECALL_YUMI_NOLOC} {DELAY 1500} {SCROLL_TO 8 13} {DELAY 2000} {SCROLL_TO 11 22} {DELAY 2000} {SCROLL_TO 14 30} {DELAY 2000} {SCROLL_TO 13 43} {DELAY 2000} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Uh." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=13,11 [/move_unit] {SCROLL_TO 13 11} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Jeez. We weren't even gone that long." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Yikes." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Looks like we're in for another hard fight..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Yeah I don't know about you, but I don't have that much left in me. To be honest, you two don't look so good either. Even Yumi seems a little more tired than normal." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "What do you want to do? We can't just run away." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "That's true." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Aryel to_x,to_y=18,12 [/move_unit] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Talya to_x,to_y=17,12 [/move_unit] {SCROLL_TO 18 12} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "General Haart!" [/message] [message] speaker=Haart message= _ "(<i>turns</i>) Ah, the faeries! And Tayla, you have returned! Your investigation went well, I take it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Yes, there was an issue with the upper echelon of your leadership, but we took care of it. Talya can fill you in on the details later. It seems like we have another problem right now though. How many men do you have left in reserve?" [/message] [message] speaker=Haart message= _ "Not many, I'm afraid. I don't want to pull the guards out from around the civilian areas, since we're stretched thin already. We've been able to hold them here for a while, but my scouts report that even more of them have just arrived to the south." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Is retreating an option?" [/message] [message] speaker=Haart message= _ "Only if you want the rest of the city to end up like this." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Ugh. We'll have to stand and fight." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>That won't be necessary.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 500} {TURN_UNIT5 "Aryel"} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Uhm." [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Is it just me or-" [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {SCROLL_TO 15 31} {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [unit] type=Guardian of Earth id=Xia'el name= _ "Xia'el" x,y=15,31 side=4 random_traits=no generate_name=no animate=yes [/unit] [message] speaker=S23warrior message= _ "!" [/message] [message] speaker=S23inferno message= _ "!" [/message] [message] speaker=S23harbinger message= _ "!" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Oh dear. It looks like I arrived just in time." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Urdemons, you are intruding upon my realm and I must ask you to stand down. I do not approve of your aggression and neither does Uria-" [/message] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-missile-1.ogg"} {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "explosion.ogg"} {DELAY 350} [unit] type=Guardian of Life id=Uria name= _ "Uria" x,y=14,43 side=7 random_traits=no generate_name=no animate=yes [/unit] [harm_unit] [filter] id=S23harbinger [/filter] [filter_second] id=Uria [/filter_second] [primary_attack] range=melee [/primary_attack] [secondary_attack] range=melee [/secondary_attack] animate=yes kill=yes amount=999 [/harm_unit] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Always so nice about it, Xia'el. That doesn't always work." [/message] [message] speaker=S23galerunner message= _ "The Mistress of Life!" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "When there is a problem, sometimes you need to exterminate it." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "They're your subjects. I didn't want to presume what you wanted to do." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Sure, we normally are hands off as much as possible. But this? I need to make an example of this." [/message] {DELAY 250} {COLOR_ADJUST 33 33 33} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 67 67 67} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 100 100 100} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 133 133 133} {DELAY 100} [kill] x=1-25 y=37-50 [not] id=Uria [/not] animate=yes [/kill] [message] speaker=S23hellion message= _ "M-m-mistress please..." [/message] {DELAY 250} {COLOR_ADJUST 167 167 167} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 200 200 200} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 233 233 233} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST 255 255 255} {DELAY 100} {DELAY 600} {PLAY_SOUND "human-female-die-1.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "human-die-1.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "human-female-die-3.ogg"} {DELAY 500} [kill] side=3 [/kill] {DELAY 500} {UNWHITE_SCREEN} {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Phew." [/message] [message] speaker=Haart message= _ "Err, what just happened-" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "General, it is better if you stay out of this. Do not pry into what does not concern you." [/message] [message] speaker=Haart message= _ "But-" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You should probably listen to her." [/message] [message] speaker=Haart message= _ "... right. I'll pull my men back." [/message] {DELAY 500} [kill] side=2 [/kill] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>slumps</i>) It's finally over. I'm so tired." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "(<i>elbows Aryel</i>) No sleeping yet, drowsy pants. They look like they want to talk to us." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "I do. I think Xia'el has some things to say as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Ugh. Now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Yes, now. Is there somewhere secure that we can speak? Preferably somewhere less destroyed." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "How about the Pantheon? It's not the most secluded place, but at least it's an enclosed area where we can talk." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "It should work. Uria?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "I'll clean this up first and meet you there. We'll make our little meeting quick as well, so you faerie can get some rest." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Thank goodness." [/message] {FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Talya [/filter] variable=talya [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] variable=yumi [/store_unit] [kill] side=1,2,3,4,5 [/kill] [fire_event] name=scene2 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=scene2 [replace_map] map="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/maps/07d_Pantheon.map}" expand=yes shrink=yes [/replace_map] {DELAY 500} {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unit] side=6 type=Guardian of Earth Statue x,y=14,3 generate_name=no random_traits=no facing=s ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Demon Stromguarde Statue x,y=1,8 generate_name=no random_traits=no facing=se ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Grand Marshal Statue x,y=27,8 generate_name=no random_traits=no facing=sw ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Great Mage Statue x,y=1,21 generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=female facing=ne ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Mage of Light Statue x,y=27,21 generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=male facing=nw ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Faerie Dryad Statue x,y=9,9 generate_name=no random_traits=no facing=se ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Cavalier Statue x,y=19,9 generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=male facing=sw ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Paladin Statue x,y=9,19 generate_name=no random_traits=no gender=male facing=ne ellipse=none [/unit] [unit] side=6 type=Eventide Dancer Statue x,y=19,19 generate_name=no random_traits=no facing=nw ellipse=none [/unit] [petrify] side=6 [/petrify] {SCROLL_TO 14 19} [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=14,19 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=aryel x,y=17,20 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=talya x,y=12,20 [/unstore_unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi x,y=17,21 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} {CLEAR_VARIABLE talya} {DELAY 1250} [unit] type=Guardian of Earth id=Xia'el name= _ "Xia'el" x,y=16,17 side=4 random_traits=no generate_name=no animate=yes [/unit] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "One moment, girls. Uria's coming." [/message] {DELAY 2000} [unit] type=Guardian of Life id=Uria name= _ "Uria" x,y=11,16 side=7 random_traits=no generate_name=no animate=yes [/unit] {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "You sealed all the entrances?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Should be safe from prying eyes and ears." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "And scrying?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Should be. Only other Guardians I could think of who could spy on us right now are Yukiria and Merthiaal. But we wouldn't be able to stop them even if we tried." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Yukiria's not the type to directly involve herself like that. I spoke with Merthiaal recently, I don't believe she has any reason to do so either. I believe you went to see her as well?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "I did. She was neurotic and childish, like usual, but to her credit, she was pretty open with me this time. So I think we're on the same page. This is about Valdir, isn't it?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Yes. Anyway..." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Perhaps we ought to explain this a bit to our friends here. But first, the human-" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Her name's Talya. She's seen basically everything with us already. There's no point in sending her away now. And before you ask, she can keep her mouth shut." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I trust her as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Erm, you two sure I should be here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) You're one of our friends and you're also pretty useful as an ally. Just promise you'll keep this stuff to yourself." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Okay, I promise." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Xia'el? What do you think?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Let her stay, this may end up concerning her as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Very well." [/message] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Let's start with introductions. I am Uria, the Guardian of Life and the protector of the world Ethea. On my world, there exist the Urdemons, who have unfortunately been attacking you. Groups of them have defected from my control and it has been quite a hassle for me to rein them back in without completely destroying them." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "(<i>nods</i>) I think you all know me. Talya, we have met before as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) You have?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "(<i>whispers</i>) Yeah, that's why we have a statue of her here. She sometimes reveals herself to the king and some of the mage council. I guess to make sure everything's fine with us and to keep us in check." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "It seems like you four know a little bit about us Guardians already. Good, this will keep my explanation short." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "As you likely already know, these attacks are not an accident. The dream demons were placed on our worlds, Irdya and Ethea, by either a demon lord or a Guardian. Their purpose was two-fold - to sow chaos among us, and to seek a weapon or a weakness of some sort. Right now, we do not know what they were looking for, or if they have already found it." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Regarding this matter, it also came to my attention that a powerful demon lady was planted on your world to manipulate the humans into attacking the faerie." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Yeah, but we already beat her. <i>Well, Yumi did.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "You defeated this demon lady by yourselves? Impressive. I came here to take care of that and extract some information from her." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I'm afraid that's not possible. She disappeared after we - Yumi - defeated her. I'm not entirely sure, but-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "She's gone." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "I see. Well, no matter. We have plenty of other sources of information." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "You mean about the one who put that demon lady here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Yes. Right now, we think the one orchestrating these events is the Guardian of Water, Valdir." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>turns</i>) That would make sense. Whenever we came across that demon, she was always around a lot of water." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "It does make sense, but why would Valdir want to mess with us..?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Unlike the other Guardians, he and the Guardian of Fire, Shardia, share the same world. It is called Norsula, the plane of endless war. As two Guardians of opposed natures, Valdir and Shardia are always locked in combat-" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "You're giving him too much credit. Valdir's an egotistical maniac. All he desires is bloodshed. To that end, he seeks power in whatever form he can obtain it. It's evident that Norsula wasn't enough for him, so now he wants to spread his war to our worlds. Remember, Valdir feeds on carnage and misery." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "Perhaps. I was thinking more along the lines of assimilating some of our own powers into his armies and himself. But what you say is definitely possible too." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Then why don't you stop him? If it's the three of you against him, you should be able to-" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "He's strong. I can hold against him, but Xia'el will have a harder time. Shardia is unwilling to fight him as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "(<i>sighs</i>) Supposing we go together, we definitely have the power to confront him, but it's not something we want to take lightly. For one thing, Valdir definitely won't back down from a fight. For another, I don't think we can just subdue someone like him. He'd resist until his dying breath. And like Uria said, even outnumbered, he's still very dangerous." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "And another thing is that we cannot just kill him." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Because..?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "We Guardians embody the elements of creation and keep them in balance. Removing one of us from the equation is equivalent to eliminating an aspect of creation. This is a bit of a simplification, but it would likely have an extremely severe effect on the rest of us." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Point is, we need to handle this carefully." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "That's where we come in. You want us to go to Norsula." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Exactly. You three are powerful enough to infiltrate his domain and figure out what he's up to." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "But won't he realize we're just there to spy on him..?" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "You might think you will stand out among the others, but there are all sorts of creatures living in Valdir's domain. In fact, there exist a few faerie there as well. Based on what I have observed, you are more than equipped to sneak in unnoticed." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "To be clear, we don't want you to take unnecessary risks and get into dangerous fights. It would be really bad if we had to show ourselves to bail you out of a bad situation." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "We need to be discreet, right. You don't want to be connected to this." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "That's right." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "And do we have any say in the matter? I really don't want to put Aryel and Yumi in more danger than is necessary. Can we just have one of us go-" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Right, Esther, because mysticism and illusions are totally your thing. If anyone's going to go alone, it should be me." [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "You do not have to go if you don't want to..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "We also can't just sit around and wait to be attacked by another army of demons. This kind of thing is only going to get worse the longer we let it go on." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Agreed. We have to do something." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Emphasis on <i>we</i>." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Aryel..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You're not going to waltz in there alone. If we're going, you need us." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "My brain tells me you're right. But my heart says no." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "(<i>smirks</i>) Well, you're the brains of our little group, so you better put your wisdom to good use. We're in this together." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "You also do not have to rush your decision. Before you go to Norsula, I want you to come to Ethea first. There are a few things I have discovered that may be of interest to you." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Oh, that's good! It would definitely give us time to think things over. Aryel, Yumi, what do you think?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Sure, why not? I've kind of been itching to go traveling, anyway." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "And Talya? You're definitely welcome to come with us, if you want to." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "We'll also understand if you don't want to. You have your home here, after all." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Well, I mean..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "I do feel a little bit obligated to help rebuild our city and set it back on the right track. After everything that's happened, I'm pretty sure they'll need me here for at least a little while. Don't get me wrong, Caerleon's not really been the nicest place for me either, but I do feel a sense of responsibility..." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "You guys are my friends too, though. Hmmm. Do you think... after you're finished with your stuff on Ethea... do you think I can tag along to Norsula with you?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "It'll be dangerous." [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Danger is my middle name." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You're sure?" [/message] [message] speaker=Talya message= _ "Totally." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Xia'el?" [/message] [message] speaker=Xia'el message= _ "If it's fine with them, I'll be happy to help." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Very well. You three will come with me, and the human - Talya - will stay here for now." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Actually, uhm, Lady-" [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Just Uria is fine." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Uria, I'd like to go visit the other faeries one more time. To let them know that we'll be leaving for at least a little while and to make sure they'll be safe." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Understandable. That's fine, Xia'el can send you over when you're ready. Anything else?" [/message] {TURN_UNIT3 "Esther"} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "I think that's it." [/message] [message] speaker=Uria message= _ "Good. I'll be seeing you all soon, then." [/message] {FADE_SCREEN} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} [replace_schedule] {DARK_INDOORS} [/replace_schedule] [kill] side=1,2,3,4,5,6,7 [/kill] [fire_event] name=scene3 [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=scene3 [replace_map] map="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/maps/23b_Dawn.map}" expand=yes shrink=yes [/replace_map] {DELAY 500} {SCROLL_TO 9 16} [lock_view][/lock_view] {UNFADE_SCREEN} {DELAY 1000} [unit] type=Guardian of Darkness id=Merthiaal name= _ "Merthiaal" x,y=9,16 side=5 random_traits=no generate_name=no [/unit] {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Hmm." [/message] {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 7 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 7 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 9 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 9 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 11 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 11 17} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Was it supposed to be like this?" [/message] {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 5 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 5 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 9 12} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 9 20} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 13 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 13 18} {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "No, no. The order's all wrong." [/message] {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 7 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 7 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 9 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 9 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 11 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 11 17} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 5 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 5 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 9 12} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 9 20} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 13 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 13 18} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-1.ogg"} {DELAY 3500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Hmm, so that's how their battle played out after all. I can't say I entirely expected that. I probably could have handled it better." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "... let's see about the others." [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-2.ogg"} {DELAY 2000} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 5 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 9 12} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-gate.png 13 18} {DELAY 1500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 7 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 9 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 11 17} {DELAY 750} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Valdir and Shardia are fighting again. No surprise there. But what about Uria and Xia'el?" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "... they have their eyes set on Norsula? As I expected. Let's see what they're saying..." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "It would be silly to try to confront him directly. Even if they can overpower him, nobody wants to kill another Guardian. <i>That</i> would definitely cause many more problems than just a few demons running rampant." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "... but they do want those three to go to Norsula. Risky, risky. I guess I'll need to keep an eye on them." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "That leaves only one more." [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-4.ogg"} {DELAY 1500} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 5 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 5 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 9 12} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 9 20} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 13 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 13 18} {DELAY 750} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 7 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 7 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 9 14} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 9 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 11 15} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-powerup.png 11 17} {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "So that's how it is." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Yarae is still tinkering with the Well of Life. He's ignoring us as usual. Figures. He's just hiding there in his little den, desperately trying to stop the void from taking his own life while he uses all of us to stall for him. What a pitiful excuse for a supposed almighty deity." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "I don't know what he expects. Unless he can completely absorb the powers of the Tree, he won't be able to do anything when it catches up with him. And judging by how long he's been holed up in there, it seems like he's not making much progress. Like, really. He hasn't left his bubble for a couple <i>centuries</i> now." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "(<i>frowns</i>) Yarae once told us that he and his brethren created the Tree of Life to bring the new universe to life after the old one died. I wonder if that's really true." [/message] {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {REMOVE_IMAGE 5 14} {REMOVE_IMAGE 5 18} {REMOVE_IMAGE 9 12} {REMOVE_IMAGE 9 20} {REMOVE_IMAGE 13 14} {REMOVE_IMAGE 13 18} {REMOVE_IMAGE 7 17} {REMOVE_IMAGE 7 15} {REMOVE_IMAGE 9 14} {REMOVE_IMAGE 9 18} {REMOVE_IMAGE 11 15} {REMOVE_IMAGE 11 17} [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Doesn't matter. With him not bothering any of us, it makes it easier for me to work with Uria and Xia'el. I just need to keep collecting the relevant materials and once that's settled, absorb the key for the next transfiguration and-" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Ah-" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Let's try something." [/message] [unlock_view][/unlock_view] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Merthiaal to_x,to_y=5,5 [/move_unit] {SCROLL_TO 5 5} {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Hmm." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Not this thing. But I think I'm forgetting- ah, right. I was supposed to use this to make some stuff. I can work on that later. First things first." [/message] {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Merthiaal to_x,to_y=13,6 [/move_unit] {SCROLL_TO 13 6} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Ab alla ahrkrahm." [/message] {DELAY 500} [remove_terrain_overlays] x=13,14 y=5,5 [/remove_terrain_overlays] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 250} {PLAY_SOUND "gate-fall.ogg"} {DELAY 150} {DELAY 500} [move_unit] id=Merthiaal to_x,to_y=19,3 [/move_unit] {SCROLL_TO 20 2} {FADE_SCREEN} [replace_schedule] {ETERNALDARK2} [/replace_schedule] [terrain] x=0-26 y=0-30 terrain=Woby [/terrain] [terrain] x,y=23,2 terrain=Gg^Fet [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 1000} [fade_out_music][/fade_out_music] {UNFADE_SCREEN} {DELAY 500} {SCROLL_TO 23 2} [lock_view][/lock_view] [unit] type=Fake Shadow Fae side=1 x,y=23,2 name= _ "Yumi" animate=yes [/unit] [unstore_unit] variable=yumi find_vacant=no x,y=23,2 [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC everlasting_night.ogg} {DELAY 500} {MODIFY_UNIT (id="Yumi") facing sw} {MODIFY_UNIT (id="Merthiaal") facing ne} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "<i>What? I had intended to go find her, but she somehow managed to find me this time..!</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "<i>I need to be more careful around her than I initially thought.</i>" [/message] {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Hmm. You didn't tell them about me." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Why?" [/message] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "You clearly still don't trust me." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "You want to use my friends." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "In a manner of speaking, yes. Like I told you, I don't have to hurt you or the other two as long as you don't try to resist me. But you clearly don't believe that." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "You're just like the others after all, aren't you? It's just because I'm the Guardian of Darkness, isn't it? It's because I command an 'evil' power and I'm shy like you, so everyone thinks I'm hiding terrible secrets. They all think I'm untrustworthy. That's why they shun me. Even you-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "What about Luna?" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "What about her? She was just a pawn. It's not like you to care about the life of someone so insignificant." [/message] {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "I..." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Look. Sacrifices have to be made for what I'm doing. You know that. If it's just one demon, that's a small price to pay for stopping the void. Even if it were a hundred, or a thousand, or a world of souls, better to lose that than to lose everything. Don't you agree?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>But you tortured her for no reason... are you going to do that to us too?</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "You know I'm right. That's why you didn't tell them about me. Because I'm the only one trying to stop it and you need me. And the others have neither the vision, nor the courage to do what I want to do. They're too busy being manipulated by Yarae into being complacent with what they have." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods slowly</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "<i>She knows a lot more than I suspected. But even to me, her mind is completely opaque. I wonder what she's thinking.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Yet you continue to follow Uria and Xia'el like a little pet. Why?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "They protect me." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "No, they don't. For all her kind words, Xia'el always leaves you to fend for yourself. Think about all the times you were in danger, think about when those void creatures chased you all across Irdya, and think about how many times she showed up to help. Almost never. And believe me, cross Uria once and you'll know what kind of monster she is." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "So why? Is it because you find me creepy?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Are you afraid of me?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "A little." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "But clearly not enough to run away either. You want to believe in me." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Maybe." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "But you're not ready to trust me just yet?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "<i>Maybe not.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "You need me. And I need you as well." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "As each day passes, the cracks in our universe distend further. The void seeps through and grows stronger. Already the seeds of chaos are sown and already it has begun to consume the souls of creation, cursing them to the vast nothingness of oblivion. We are running out of time." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "Fine, I can see that you're not ready yet. But the more you stall, the harder this mess will be to fix. Eventually, it will come to a point where we <i>cannot</i> stop it." [/message] [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "You know I'm not lying to you. Think about it." [/message] {DELAY 500} {MODIFY_UNIT (id="Yumi") facing se} {DELAY 2000} {MODIFY_UNIT (id="Yumi") facing sw} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>eyes glow</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>mixed voices</i>) <i>We'll have to see what the future brings.</i>" [/message] {WHITE_SCREEN} [kill] id=Yumi [/kill] {UNWHITE_SCREEN} {TURN_UNIT5 "Merthiaal"} {DELAY 500} [message] speaker=Merthiaal message= _ "So we shall." [/message] {FADE_SCREEN} {CLEAR_VARIABLE yumi} {DELAY 3000} [endlevel] carryover_report=no replay_save=no linger_mode=no [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [movetype] name=arcanefae flies=true {FAE_MOVE} [defense] deep_water=60 shallow_water=60 reef=60 swamp_water=60 flat=50 sand=60 forest=30 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=60 frozen=60 fungus=60 unwalkable=30 [/defense] [resistance] blade=120 pierce=120 impact=120 fire=120 cold=50 arcane=50 [/resistance] [/movetype] [movetype] name=firefae flies=true {FAE_MOVE} [defense] deep_water=70 shallow_water=60 reef=60 swamp_water=60 flat=50 sand=60 forest=30 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=60 frozen=60 fungus=60 unwalkable=70 [/defense] [resistance] blade=110 pierce=110 impact=110 fire=30 cold=100 arcane=70 [/resistance] [/movetype] [movetype] name=bloodfae flies=true {FAE_MOVE} [defense] deep_water=60 shallow_water=60 reef=60 swamp_water=60 flat=50 sand=60 forest=30 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=50 frozen=60 fungus=50 unwalkable=50 [/defense] [resistance] blade=110 pierce=110 impact=110 fire=80 cold=90 arcane=70 [/resistance] [/movetype]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define DREAM_WALK [movement_costs] deep_water=1 shallow_water=1 reef=1 swamp_water=1 flat=1 sand=1 forest=1 hills=1 mountains=1 village=1 castle=1 cave=1 frozen=1 fungus=1 unwalkable=1 [/movement_costs] #enddef [movetype] name=windmage flies=true [movement_costs] deep_water=2 shallow_water=1 reef=1 swamp_water=1 flat=1 sand=1 forest=1 hills=1 mountains=2 village=1 castle=1 cave=2 frozen=1 fungus=2 unwalkable=3 [/movement_costs] [defense] deep_water=70 shallow_water=60 reef=60 swamp_water=60 flat=50 sand=60 forest=40 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=60 frozen=60 fungus=60 unwalkable=70 [/defense] [resistance] blade=80 pierce=80 impact=100 fire=120 cold=80 arcane=80 [/resistance] [/movetype] {~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/units/humans}
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Ephemeral Angel name= _ "Ephemeral Angel" gender=female race=demon image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel.png" profile=portraits/luna.png hitpoints=211 movement_type=demonfly movement=7 experience=300 level=6 hide_help=true alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=200 usage=mixed fighter [resistance] blade=30 pierce=30 impact=30 cold=50 fire=90 arcane=30 [/resistance] description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel.png:1,units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee2.png:250,units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [abilities] {ABILITY_DREAMWEAVE} [/abilities] [attack] name=mirror force melee description= _ "mirror force" type=arcane range=melee [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRRORFORCE} [/specials] damage=11 number=5 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] [attack] name=mirror force range description= _ "mirror force" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRRORFORCE} [/specials] damage=11 number=5 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {MIRRORFORCE} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror force melee [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~-0.3:300,-0.3~1.2:300,1.0~0.0:350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee[1~2].png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee3.png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee4.png:225" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee[4~3].png:100" alpha=0~1:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee1.png:75" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror force range [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [variation] variation_id=angel1 inherit=no id=Ephemeral Angel name= _ "Ephemeral Angel" gender=female race=demon image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel.png" profile=portraits/luna.png hitpoints=377 movement_type=demonfly movement=7 experience=350 level=7 hide_help=true alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=200 usage=mixed fighter [resistance] blade=30 pierce=30 impact=30 cold=30 fire=70 arcane=10 [/resistance] description= _ "" [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel.png:1,units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee2.png:250,units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [abilities] {ABILITY_NOCTURNE} [/abilities] [attack] name=mirror force melee description= _ "mirror force" type=arcane range=melee [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRRORFORCE} [/specials] damage=15 number=5 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] [attack] name=mirror force range description= _ "mirror force" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRRORFORCE} [/specials] damage=15 number=5 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {MIRRORFORCE} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror force melee [/filter_attack] start_time=-450 offset=0.0~1.0:450,1.0~0.0:250 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee[1~2].png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee3.png:50" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee4.png:200" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee[4~3].png:50" alpha=0~1:100 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-melee1.png:100" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror force range [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/ephemeral-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define MIRROR [event] id=mirror handler1 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_faerie_fire description= _ "faerie fire" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN30} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler2 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_faerie_fire description= _ "faerie fire" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN30} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler3 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=void assault [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_void_assault description= _ "void assault" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=cold range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler4 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=void assault [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_void_assault description= _ "void assault" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=cold range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler5 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_eviscerate description= _ "eviscerate" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler6 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_eviscerate description= _ "eviscerate" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler7 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_blood_boil description= _ "blood boil" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=fire range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler8 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_blood_boil description= _ "blood boil" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=fire range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler9 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=dissemble [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_wail description= _ "dissemble" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=cold range=ranged [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler10 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=dissemble [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_wail description= _ "dissemble" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=cold range=ranged [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler11 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=ethereal storm [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_ethereal_storm description= _ "ethereal storm" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler12 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=ethereal storm [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_ethereal_storm description= _ "ethereal storm" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler15 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=manifest [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "manifest" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler16 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=manifest [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "manifest" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler17 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "malefic whisper" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler18 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "malefic whisper" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] # ESTHER'S ATTACKS [event] id=mirror handler19 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "faerie touch" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=impact range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler20 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=flame aura [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "flame aura" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler21 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=flame aura [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "flame aura" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler22 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=immolation [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "immolation" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler23 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=immolation [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "immolation" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler24 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flame description= _ "infernal blast" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler25 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flame description= _ "infernal blast" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler26 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=storm,tempest [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_storm description=$second_weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler27 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=storm,tempest [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_storm description=$weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler28 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "faerie touch" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=impact range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] # TALYA'S ATTACKS [event] id=mirror handler29 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=flurry [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flurry description=$second_weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler30 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=flurry [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flurry description=$weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler31 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=whirlwind [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_whirlwind description=$second_weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler32 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=whirlwind [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_whirlwind description=$weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler general1 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler general2 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler general3 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler general4 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack end id=mirror handler end1 first_time_only=no [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] type=Illusory Angel,Illusory Angel Illusion x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=melee damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack end id=mirror handler end2 first_time_only=no [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] type=Illusory Angel,Illusory Angel Illusion x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=melee damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] #enddef [unit_type] id=Illusory Angel name= _ "Illusory Angel" gender=female race=demon image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel.png" profile=portraits/luna.png hitpoints=127 movement_type=demonfly movement=7 experience=250 level=5 alignment=neutral advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=200 usage=mixed fighter [resistance] blade=40 pierce=40 impact=40 cold=70 fire=90 arcane=50 [/resistance] description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel.png:1,units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee2.png:250,units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [abilities] {ABILITY_DREAMWALK} [/abilities] [attack] name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=melee damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {SOUL_SIPHON "mirror_eviscerate" 1} {MIRROR} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_melee [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~-0.3:300,-0.3~1.2:300,1.0~0.0:350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[1~2].png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee3.png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:225" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[4~3].png:100" alpha=0~1:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee1.png:75" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_melee_flame [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~-0.3:300,-0.3~1.2:300,1.0~0.0:350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[1~2].png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee3.png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:225" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[4~3].png:100" alpha=0~1:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee1.png:75" [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-126 [attack_sound_frame] duration=50 sound=melee-fire.ogg [/attack_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_range,mirror_faerie_fire,mirror_void_assault,mirror_eviscerate,mirror_ethereal_storm [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_blood_boil,mirror_range_flame [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL_XY -11 20} start_time=-470 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -470} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_wail [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} start_time=-350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_range_flurry [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-150 [missile_frame] image="projectiles/icicles[1~3].png:75" image_diagonal="projectiles/icicles-ne[1~3].png:75" offset=0.5 [/missile_frame] start_time=-250 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:50" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-100 [attack_sound_frame] sound=spear.ogg [/attack_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_whirlwind [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-450 [missile_frame] duration=500 offset=1.0 halo="projectiles/sand-storm-[1~8].png:40" auto_vflip=no [/missile_frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS gust.wav gust.wav -450} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #define ANGEL_LIGHTNING DIRECTION_NUMBER [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_range_storm [/filter_attack] {LIGHTNING_BOLT {DIRECTION_NUMBER} } start_time=-300 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS lightning.ogg lightning-miss.ogg -300} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:80" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:90" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef {ANGEL_LIGHTNING 1} {ANGEL_LIGHTNING 2} {ANGEL_LIGHTNING 3} [/unit_type] #undef MIRROR #undef ANGEL_LIGHTNING
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define MIRROR [event] id=mirror handler1 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_faerie_fire description= _ "faerie fire" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN30} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler2 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_faerie_fire description= _ "faerie fire" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN30} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler3 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=void assault [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_void_assault description= _ "void assault" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=cold range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler4 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=void assault [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_void_assault description= _ "void assault" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=cold range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler5 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_eviscerate description= _ "eviscerate" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler6 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_eviscerate description= _ "eviscerate" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler7 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_blood_boil description= _ "blood boil" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=fire range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler8 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_blood_boil description= _ "blood boil" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=fire range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler9 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=dissemble [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_wail description= _ "dissemble" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=cold range=ranged [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler10 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=dissemble [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_wail description= _ "dissemble" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=cold range=ranged [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler11 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=ethereal storm [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_ethereal_storm description= _ "ethereal storm" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler12 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=ethereal storm [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_ethereal_storm description= _ "ethereal storm" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler15 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=manifest [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "manifest" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler16 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=manifest [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "manifest" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler17 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "malefic whisper" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler18 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "malefic whisper" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=arcane range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] # ESTHER'S ATTACKS [event] id=mirror handler19 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "faerie touch" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=impact range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler20 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=flame aura [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "flame aura" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler21 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=flame aura [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "flame aura" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler22 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=immolation [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "immolation" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler23 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=immolation [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee_flame description= _ "immolation" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler24 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flame description= _ "infernal blast" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler25 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flame description= _ "infernal blast" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler26 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=storm,tempest [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_storm description=$second_weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler27 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=storm,tempest [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_storm description=$weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler28 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "faerie touch" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=impact range=melee [/effect] [/object] [/event] # TALYA'S ATTACKS [event] id=mirror handler29 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=flurry [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flurry description=$second_weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler30 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=flurry [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range_flurry description=$weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler31 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] name=whirlwind [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_whirlwind description=$second_weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler32 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=whirlwind [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_whirlwind description=$weapon.description [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler general1 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=melee [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler general2 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=mirror handler general3 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=ranged [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$second_weapon.damage number=$second_weapon.number type=$second_weapon.type range=$second_weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack id=mirror handler general4 first_time_only=no [filter_attack] [not] name=dissemble,manifest,faerie fire,eviscerate,blood boil,void assault,malefic whisper,ethereal storm,faerie touch,flame aura,immolation,infernal blast,storm,tempest,flurry,whirlwind [/not] range=ranged [/filter_attack] [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_second_attack] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=$weapon.damage number=$weapon.number type=$weapon.type range=$weapon.range [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack end id=mirror handler end1 first_time_only=no [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] type=Illusory Angel,Illusory Angel Illusion x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=melee damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack end id=mirror handler end2 first_time_only=no [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] type=Illusory Angel,Illusory Angel Illusion x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=melee damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [/object] [/event] #enddef [unit_type] id=Illusory Angel Illusion name= _ "Illusory Angel" gender=female race=demon image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel.png" profile=portraits/luna.png hitpoints=127 movement_type=demonfly movement=7 experience=250 level=5 alignment=neutral advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=200 usage=mixed fighter [resistance] blade=40 pierce=40 impact=40 cold=70 fire=90 arcane=50 [/resistance] description= [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel.png:1,units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee2.png:250,units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [abilities] {ABILITY_DREAMWALK} [/abilities] [attack] name=mirror_melee description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=melee damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=mirror_range description= _ "mirror" type=arcane range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {SOUL_SIPHON "mirror_eviscerate" 1} {MIRROR} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_melee [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~-0.3:300,-0.3~1.2:300,1.0~0.0:350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[1~2].png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee3.png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:225" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[4~3].png:100" alpha=0~1:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee1.png:75" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_melee_flame [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~-0.3:300,-0.3~1.2:300,1.0~0.0:350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[1~2].png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee3.png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:225" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee[4~3].png:100" alpha=0~1:200 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-melee1.png:75" [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-126 [attack_sound_frame] duration=50 sound=melee-fire.ogg [/attack_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_range,mirror_faerie_fire,mirror_void_assault,mirror_eviscerate,mirror_ethereal_storm [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_blood_boil,mirror_range_flame [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL_XY -11 20} start_time=-470 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -470} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_wail [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} start_time=-350 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_range_flurry [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-150 [missile_frame] image="projectiles/icicles[1~3].png:75" image_diagonal="projectiles/icicles-ne[1~3].png:75" offset=0.5 [/missile_frame] start_time=-250 [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:75" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:50" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-100 [attack_sound_frame] sound=spear.ogg [/attack_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_whirlwind [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-450 [missile_frame] duration=500 offset=1.0 halo="projectiles/sand-storm-[1~8].png:40" auto_vflip=no [/missile_frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS gust.wav gust.wav -450} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:125" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #define ANGEL_LIGHTNING DIRECTION_NUMBER [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mirror_range_storm [/filter_attack] {LIGHTNING_BOLT {DIRECTION_NUMBER} } start_time=-300 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS lightning.ogg lightning-miss.ogg -300} [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[1~3].png:80" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged3.png:90" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/yuure/illusory-angel-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef {ANGEL_LIGHTNING 1} {ANGEL_LIGHTNING 2} {ANGEL_LIGHTNING 3} [/unit_type] #undef MIRROR #undef ANGEL_LIGHTNING
#textdomain wesnoth-units [unit_type] id=Ethereal Warden name= _ "Ethereal Warden" race=demon gender=female image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png" hitpoints=26 movement_type=demonfly movement=4 experience=50 level=1 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null num_traits=1 {AMLA_DEFAULT} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=15 usage=scout hide_help=true description= _ "The dream world is a strange one, in which imagination may become reality and the arcane plane may become one with the physical. Even the most inexperienced at manipulating this reality often find that they may manifest their thoughts into a semi-sentient being, one that may or may not be easily controlled, depending on the creator's willpower and affinity for arcane energies." die_sound=wail-long.wav [resistance] blade=50 impact=50 pierce=50 cold=100 fire=70 arcane=70 [/resistance] [movement_costs] deep_water=2 shallow_water=2 [/movement_costs] [defense] impassable=50 [/defense] [event] name=unit placed first_time_only=no [filter] type=Ethereal Warden [/filter] [modify_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] name= [/modify_unit] [/event] [attack] name=ward description=_"ward" icon=attacks/touch-undead.png type=cold range=melee damage=3 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TERROR} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=repel description=_"repel" type=cold range=ranged damage=3 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TERROR} [/specials] icon=attacks/iceball.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ward [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 offset=0.0~1.2:300,1.5~0.0:450 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:100" alpha=1~0:100 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:200" alpha=0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:400" alpha=0~1:400 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=repel [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} start_time=-350 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:100" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:1,units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:250,units/demons/blue/ethereal-warden.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Manifestation name= _ "Manifestation" race=demon gender=female image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png" hitpoints=23 movement_type=demonfly movement=6 experience=50 level=1 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null num_traits=1 {AMLA_DEFAULT} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=17 usage=scout hide_help=true description= _ "The dream world is a strange one, in which imagination may become reality and the arcane plane may become one with the physical. Even the most inexperienced at manipulating this reality often find that they may manifest their thoughts into a semi-sentient being, one that may or may not be easily controlled, depending on the creator's willpower and affinity for arcane energies." die_sound=wail-long.wav [resistance] blade=50 impact=50 pierce=50 cold=110 fire=120 arcane=130 [/resistance] [movement_costs] deep_water=2 shallow_water=2 [/movement_costs] [event] name=unit placed first_time_only=no [filter] type=Manifestation [/filter] [modify_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] name= [/modify_unit] [/event] [attack] name=manifest description= _ "manifest" icon="attacks/wail.png" type=arcane range=melee [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=5 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=dissemble description= _ "dissemble" type=cold range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=5 number=3 icon=attacks/iceball.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=manifest [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 offset=0.0~1.2:300,1.5~0.0:450 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:100" alpha=1~0:100 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:200" alpha=0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:400" alpha=0~1:400 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=dissemble [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} start_time=-350 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:100" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:1,units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:250,units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Manifestation2 name= _ "Manifestation" race=demon gender=female image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png" hitpoints=26 movement_type=demonfly movement=6 experience=50 level=1 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null num_traits=1 {AMLA_DEFAULT} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=19 usage=scout hide_help=true description= _ "The dream world is a strange one, in which imagination may become reality and the arcane plane may become one with the physical. Even the most inexperienced at manipulating this reality often find that they may manifest their thoughts into a semi-sentient being, one that may or may not be easily controlled, depending on the creator's willpower and affinity for arcane energies." die_sound=wail-long.wav [resistance] blade=50 impact=50 pierce=50 cold=110 fire=120 arcane=130 [/resistance] [movement_costs] deep_water=2 shallow_water=2 [/movement_costs] [event] name=unit placed first_time_only=no [filter] type=Manifestation2 [/filter] [modify_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] name= [/modify_unit] [/event] [attack] name=manifest description= _ "manifest" icon="attacks/wail.png" type=arcane range=melee [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=6 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=dissemble description= _ "dissemble" type=cold range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] damage=6 number=3 icon=attacks/iceball.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=manifest [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 offset=0.0~1.2:300,1.5~0.0:450 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:100" alpha=1~0:100 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:200" alpha=0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:400" alpha=0~1:400 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=dissemble [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} start_time=-350 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:100" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:1,units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:250,units/demons/blue/manifestation.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_BLOODFAE {AMLA_OPTION_BOIL_RANGE} {AMLA_OPTION_HEAL_RANGE} {AMLA_DEFAULT} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_BOIL_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger bloodboil magic" image=units/fae/aryel.png id=amla_boil_bloodfae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_HEAL_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger eviscerate" image=units/fae/aryel.png id=amla_eviscerate_bloodfae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=35% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #define IRON_WARDEN_ABILITY VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 5 0 ( id=iron_warden_ability description= _ "protects nearby units on defense" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_IRON_WARDEN} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=70 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TRANSFUSION_ABILITY VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 3 0 ( id=transfusion_ability description= _ "damages nearby enemy units and heals based on damage dealt" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_TRANSFUSION} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=70 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_STAT_BOOST VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 6 150 ( id=aryel_stat description= _ "gains health, movement, and fire resistance" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] fire=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 3 170 ( id=aryel_iron_blood description= _ "gains physical resistance on defense" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_IRON_BLOOD} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_STAT VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 6 190 ( id=aryel_iron_blood_stat description= _ "gains physical resistance on defense and bonus health" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_IRON_BLOOD} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_DAMAGE VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 1 230 ( id=aryel_iron_blood_dmg description= _ "gains physical resistance on defense and bonus damage" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_IRON_BLOOD} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 0 125 ( id=aryel_malefice description= _ "gains melee damage upon killing enemies" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=malefic whisper [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MALEFICE} mode=replace [/set_specials] increase_attacks=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 4 40 ( id=aryel_blood description= _ "stronger blood boil attack" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 2 40 ( id=aryel_heal description= _ "stronger eviscerate attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS2 VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 5 100 ( id=aryel_blood2 description= _ "stronger blood boil attack" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS2 VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 2 100 ( id=aryel_heal2 description= _ "stronger eviscerate attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=2 increase_attacks=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 2 170 ( id=aryel_balanced description= _ "stronger ranged attacks" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=1 increase_attacks=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS2 VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 4 200 ( id=aryel_balanced2 description= _ "stronger ranged attacks" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=6 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 0 230 ( id=aryel_balanced_melee description= _ "increased damage on all attacks" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=malefic whisper increase_attacks=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 4 30 ( id=aryel_heal_ability description= _ "gains the ability to heal allied units" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE3} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2 VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 4 90 ( id=aryel_heal_ability2 description= _ "better healing" require_amla=aryel_heal_ability image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE3} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE6} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2_HEALTH VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 6 110 ( id=aryel_heal_ability2_health description= _ "better healing and increased health" require_amla=aryel_heal_ability image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE3} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE6} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 0 130 ( id=aryel_heal_ability2_resist description= _ "better healing and gains resistances" require_amla=aryel_heal_ability image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE3} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE6} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 impact=-10 pierce=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY3 VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 5 150 ( id=aryel_heal_ability3 description= _ "better healing" image=units/fae/aryel.png [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE6} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE9} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARYEL_BASE id=Blood Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "Blood Fae" image="units/fae/aryel.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 movement_type=bloodfae movement=6 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null cost=60 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_STRUT} [/abilities] [attack] name=malefic whisper description=_"malefic whisper" icon=attacks/wail.png type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] range=melee damage=7 number=2 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=blood boil description=_"blood boil" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=8 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack] name=eviscerate description=_"eviscerate" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=6 number=4 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {STRUT} {MALEFICE} {SOUL_SIPHON "eviscerate" 1} {TRANSFUSION} {IRON_WARDEN 3} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/aryel.png" "units/fae/aryel.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL_XY -11 20} start_time=-470 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -470} [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png:520" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-470 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -470} [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef [unit_type] {ARYEL_BASE} hitpoints=41 experience=30 level=2 [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF1 inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=41 experience=50 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS BF2BLOOD} {ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS BF2HEAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF2BLOOD inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=41 experience=70 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY BF3HEAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS BF3} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF2HEAL inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=41 experience=70 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY BF3HEAL} {ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS BF3} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3HEAL inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=110 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF3MALHEAL} {ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS2 BF3BLOOD} {ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS2 BF3ARCANE} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=110 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF3MAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY BF3DELAYEDHEAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3MAL inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=150 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS2 BF4NOHEAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS2 BF4NOHEAL} {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS BF4NOHEAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3MALHEAL inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=150 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS2 BF4BOTHSPECIALS} {ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS2 BF4BOTHSPECIALS} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3DELAYEDHEAL inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=150 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF4BOTHSPECIALS} {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS BF4NOMALHEAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2 BF4NOMAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3BLOOD inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=150 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_HEAL_BONUS2 BF4NOMALHEAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2 BF4NOMAL} {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF4BOTHSPECIALS} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF3ARCANE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=150 name= _ "Blood Fae" {ARYEL_BLOOD_BONUS2 BF4NOMALHEAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2 BF4NOMAL} {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF4BOTHSPECIALS} [/variation] #level 4-1 [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4NOHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=210 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_STAT BF4IRON} {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_DAMAGE BF4IRON} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4NOMALHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=210 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF4NOEXTRAHEAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2 BF4DISABLEMAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4NOMAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=210 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_MALEFICE_SPECIAL BF4ALLABILITIES} {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS BF4DISABLEMAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4BOTHSPECIALS inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=210 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2 BF4ALLABILITIES} {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS BF4NOEXTRAHEAL} [/variation] #level4-2 [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4ALLABILITIES inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=250 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS BF4FINAL} {ARYEL_STAT_BOOST BF4FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4NOEXTRAHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=250 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2_HEALTH BF4FINAL} {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY2_RESIST BF4FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4DISABLEMAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=250 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY3 BF4FINALHEAL} {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_STAT BF4FINALIRON} {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_DAMAGE BF4FINALIRON} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4IRON inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=250 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS BF4FINALNOHEAL} {ARYEL_STAT_BOOST BF4FINALNOHEAL} [/variation] #level 4-3 [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4FINAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=300 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY3 BF5} {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD BF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4FINALHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=300 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_STAT BF5} {ARYEL_IRON_BLOOD_DAMAGE BF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4FINALIRON inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=300 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_HEAL_ABILITY3 BF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF4FINALNOHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=300 name= _ "Blood Sylph" {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS2 BF5} {ARYEL_BALANCED_BONUS_MELEE BF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF5 inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=41 experience=370 name= _ "Blood Reaper" {TRANSFUSION_ABILITY BF5FINAL} {IRON_WARDEN_ABILITY BF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=BF5FINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=41 experience=250 name= _ "Blood Reaper" {AMLA_BLOODFAE} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fake Blood Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "female^Blood Fae" image="units/fae/aryel.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 hitpoints=55 movement_type=bloodfae movement=6 experience=150 level=3 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=67 usage=mixed fighter hide_help=true description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_STRUT} {ABILITY_INFUSE6} [/abilities] [attack] name=malefic whisper description=_"malefic whisper" icon=attacks/wail.png type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] range=melee damage=7 number=3 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=blood boil description=_"blood boil" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack] name=eviscerate description=_"eviscerate" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=7 number=4 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {SOUL_SIPHON "eviscerate" 1} {STRUT} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/aryel.png" "units/fae/aryel.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL_XY -11 20} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -450} [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png:520" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Blood Fae Wingless race=fae gender=female name= _ "female^Blood Fae" image="units/fae/aryel-wingless.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 hitpoints=57 movement_type=bloodfae movement=6 experience=200 level=4 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=67 hide_help=true usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_FIREFAE1 {AMLA_OPTION_FIRE_MELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_BLAST_RANGE} {AMLA_OPTION_TEMPEST_RANGE} {AMLA_DEFAULT} #enddef #define AMLA_FIREFAE2 {AMLA_OPTION_FIRE_MELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_BLAST_RANGE} {AMLA_DEFAULT} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_FIRE_MELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased physical strength" image=units/fae/esther.png id=amla_melee_firefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_BLAST_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger fire magic" image=units/fae/esther.png id=amla_blast_firefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_TEMPEST_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger storm magic" image=units/fae/esther.png id=amla_tempest_firefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=3 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #define ESTHER_STORM_SHIELD VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 2 0 ( id=esther_storm_shield description= _ "returns damage upon being attacked" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_STORM_SHIELD} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_FIRE_SHIELD VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 6 0 ( id=esther_fire_shield description= _ "gains damage and returns damage upon being attacked" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_FIRE_SHIELD} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_TEMPEST VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 0 ( id=esther_tempest description= _ "gains movement, damage, and +10% to physical resistances" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=immolation increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=8 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_INFERNAL VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 6 0 ( id=esther_infernal description= _ "gains damage and +20% to physical resistances" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=immolation increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-20 pierce=-20 impact=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define FAE_LIGHTNING DIRECTION_NUMBER [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=storm,tempest [/filter_attack] {LIGHTNING_BOLT {DIRECTION_NUMBER} } start_time=-300 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS lightning.ogg lightning-miss.ogg -300} [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png:[100*2,200,100,50]" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef #define ESTHER_STORM_ATTACK VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 2 150 ( id=esther_storm_attack description= _ "gains a powerful lightning attack and bonus resistances" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=storm description= _"storm" type=fire range=ranged damage=27 number=1 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_animation {FAE_LIGHTNING 1} {FAE_LIGHTNING 2} {FAE_LIGHTNING 3} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 fire=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_BLAZE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 3 110 ( id=esther_blaze description= _ "gains bonus damage on offense" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] fire=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_INCINERATE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 150 ( id=esther_incinerate description= _ "gains bonus damage on offense" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_blaze [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_INCINERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_INCINERATE_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 170 ( id=esther_incinerate_melee description= _ "gains bonus damage on offense" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_blaze [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_INCINERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_INCINERATE_RANGE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 170 ( id=esther_incinerate_range description= _ "gains bonus damage on offense" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_blaze [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_INCINERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_INCINERATE_TEMPEST VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 3 0 ( id=esther_incinerate_tempest description= _ "gains bonus damage on offense" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_blaze [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_INCINERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=immolation increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=8 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_IMMOLATE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 190 ( id=esther_immolate description= _ "gains an area melee attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura set_name=immolation set_description= _ "immolation" [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_IMMOLATE_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 230 ( id=esther_immolate_melee description= _ "gains an area melee attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura set_name=immolation set_description= _ "immolation" [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_IMMOLATE_RANGE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 230 ( id=esther_immolate_range description= _ "gains an area melee attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura set_name=immolation set_description= _ "immolation" [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_IMMOLATE_TEMPEST VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 3 0 ( id=esther_immolate_tempest description= _ "gains an area melee attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=8 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flame aura set_name=immolation set_description= _ "immolation" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_OBLITERATE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 170 ( id=esther_obliterate description= _ "storm attack gains bonus damage on hit" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_storm_attack [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_OBLITERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm set_name=tempest set_description= _ "tempest" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_OBLITERATE_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 210 ( id=esther_obliterate_melee description= _ "storm attack gains bonus damage on hit" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_storm_attack [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_OBLITERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm set_name=tempest set_description= _ "tempest" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_OBLITERATE_RANGE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 210 ( id=esther_obliterate_range description= _ "storm attack gains bonus damage on hit" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_storm_attack [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_OBLITERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm increase_damage=6 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm set_name=tempest set_description= _ "tempest" [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_OBLITERATE_TEMPEST VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 0 ( id=esther_obliterate_tempest description= _ "storm attack gains bonus damage on hit" image=attacks/bow-elven.png require_amla=esther_storm_attack [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_OBLITERATE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=immolation increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm increase_damage=8 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm set_name=tempest set_description= _ "tempest" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=90 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 40 ( id=esther_melee_2 description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 40 ( id=esther_blast_2 description= _ "stronger fire magic" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS2 VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 80 ( id=esther_melee_4 description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS2 VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 80 ( id=esther_blast_4 description= _ "stronger fire magic" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_HP_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 6 90 ( id=esther_hp_resist description= _ "gains +20% to magical resistances" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] fire=-20 cold=-20 arcane=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_BASE id=Fire Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "Fire Fae" image="units/fae/esther.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 movement_type=firefae movement=6 alignment=lawful advances_to=null cost=60 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_REGENERATES} [/abilities] [attack] name=flame aura description=_"flame aura" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=9 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=infernal blast description=_"infernal blast" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=9 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {IMMOLATE} {FIRE_SHIELD} {STORM_SHIELD} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/esther.png" "units/fae/esther.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL_XY -11 20} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -450} [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=flame aura,immolation [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS melee-fire.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -450} [/attack_anim] #enddef [unit_type] {ESTHER_BASE} hitpoints=47 experience=40 level=2 [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF1 inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=47 experience=45 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS FF2MELEE} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS FF2FIRE} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF2MELEE inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=47 experience=70 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS FF3} {ESTHER_HP_RESIST FF3} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF2FIRE inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=47 experience=80 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS FF3} {ESTHER_HP_RESIST FF3} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=130 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_STORM_ATTACK FF3STORM} {ESTHER_BLAZE_SPECIAL FF3BLAZE} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS FF3NOSPECIALS} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS FF3NOSPECIALS} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF3NOSPECIALS inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=170 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_STORM_ATTACK FF4NOBLAZE} {ESTHER_BLAZE_SPECIAL FF4NOSTORM} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF3STORM inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=170 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_BLAZE_SPECIAL FF4} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS FF4NOBLAZE} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS FF4NOBLAZE} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF3BLAZE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=170 name= _ "Fire Fae" {ESTHER_STORM_ATTACK FF4} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS FF4NOSTORM} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS FF4NOSTORM} [/variation] #level4 [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4NOSTORM inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=210 name= _ "Fire Warden" {ESTHER_STORM_ATTACK FF4BOTHSPECIALS} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS2 FF4REMOVESTORM} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS2 FF4REMOVESTORM} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4NOBLAZE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=210 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_BLAZE_SPECIAL FF4BOTHSPECIALS} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS2 FF4REMOVEBLAZE} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS2 FF4REMOVEBLAZE} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4 inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=210 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS2 FF4BOTHSPECIALS} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS2 FF4BOTHSPECIALS} [/variation] #level4-2 [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4BOTHSPECIALS inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=270 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_SPECIAL FF4IMMOLATE} {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_SPECIAL FF4OBLITERATE} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS2 FF4NOADVANCEDSPECIALS} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS2 FF4NOADVANCEDSPECIALS} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4REMOVESTORM inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=270 name= _ "Fire Warden" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_SPECIAL FF4IMMOLATENOSTORM} {ESTHER_MELEE_BONUS2 FF4NOIMMOLATENOSTORM} {ESTHER_BLAST_BONUS2 FF4NOIMMOLATENOSTORM} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4REMOVEBLAZE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=270 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_SPECIAL FF4OBLITERATENOBLAZE} {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_SPECIAL FF4IMMOLATENOBLAZE} [/variation] #level4-3 both storm and blaze [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4NOADVANCEDSPECIALS inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_SPECIAL FF5NOOBLITERATE} {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_SPECIAL FF5NOIMMOLATE} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4IMMOLATE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_SPECIAL FF5NOINCINERATE} {ESTHER_INCINERATE_SPECIAL FF5NOOBLITERATE} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4OBLITERATE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_SPECIAL FF5NOINCINERATE} {ESTHER_INCINERATE_SPECIAL FF5NOIMMOLATE} [/variation] #level4-3 no blaze [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4OBLITERATENOBLAZE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_MELEE FF5NOBLAZE} {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_RANGE FF5NOBLAZE} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4IMMOLATENOBLAZE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Stormcaller" {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_MELEE FF5NOBLAZE} {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_RANGE FF5NOBLAZE} [/variation] #level4-3 no storm [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4IMMOLATENOSTORM inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Fire Warden" {ESTHER_INCINERATE_MELEE FF5NOSTORM} {ESTHER_INCINERATE_RANGE FF5NOSTORM} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF4NOIMMOLATENOSTORM inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=320 name= _ "Fire Warden" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_MELEE FF5NOSTORM} {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_RANGE FF5NOSTORM} [/variation] #level5-1 no storm or no blaze [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOBLAZE inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=370 name= _ "Storm Warden" {ESTHER_STORM_SHIELD FF5NOBLAZEFINAL} {ESTHER_TEMPEST FF5NOBLAZEFINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOSTORM inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=370 name= _ "Fire Warden" {ESTHER_FIRE_SHIELD FF5NOSTORMFINAL} {ESTHER_INFERNAL FF5NOSTORMFINAL} [/variation] #level5-1 both storm and blaze [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOINCINERATE inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=370 name= _ "Storm Warden" {ESTHER_INCINERATE_TEMPEST FF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOIMMOLATE inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=370 name= _ "Storm Warden" {ESTHER_IMMOLATE_TEMPEST FF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOOBLITERATE inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=370 name= _ "Storm Warden" {ESTHER_OBLITERATE_TEMPEST FF5FINAL} [/variation] #level5-2 [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5FINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Tempest" {AMLA_FIREFAE1} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOBLAZEFINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Tempest" {AMLA_FIREFAE1} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=FF5NOSTORMFINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Infernal" {AMLA_FIREFAE2} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fake Fire Fae name= _ "female^Fire Fae" race=fae gender=female image="units/fae/esther.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 hitpoints=60 movement_type=firefae movement=6 experience=150 level=3 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=67 hide_help=true usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_REGENERATES} [/abilities] [attack] name=flame aura description=_"flame aura" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=11 number=3 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=infernal blast description=_"infernal blast" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} [/specials] damage=11 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/esther.png" "units/fae/esther.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL_XY -11 20} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -450} [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=flame aura [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS melee-fire.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -450} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fake Fire Fae2 name= _ "female^Fire Fae" race=fae gender=female image="units/fae/esther.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 hitpoints=70 movement_type=firefae movement=6 experience=200 level=4 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=67 hide_help=true usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fire Fae Wingless name= _ "female^Fire Fae" race=fae gender=female image="units/fae/esther-wingless.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 hitpoints=70 movement_type=firefae movement=6 experience=200 level=4 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=67 hide_help=true usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_ARCANEFAE {AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_YUMIVOID} {AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEFIRE} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased physical strength" image=units/fae/yumi.png id=amla_melee_arcanefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YUMIVOID [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger void magic" image=units/fae/yumi.png id=amla_void_arcanefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal storm increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=20% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEFIRE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger faerie fire" image=units/fae/yumi.png id=amla_fire_arcanefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal storm increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define YUMI_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #define CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 0 230 ( id=clairvoyance_skill description= _ "can teleport to allied units and gains cold and arcane resists" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_CLAIRVOYANCE} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] cold=-20 arcane=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 200 ( id=ethereal_storm_attack description= _ "gains a powerful ranged attack" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=ethereal storm description= _"ethereal storm" type=cold range=ranged damage=47 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_animation [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ethereal storm [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CLARITY_AURA VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 0 200 ( id=clarity_aura description= _ "can shred enemies' cold and arcane resistances" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_CLARITY} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] cold=-20 arcane=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define NIGHT_HUNTER_ABILITY VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 0 0 ( id=night_hunter_ability description= _ "gains the night hunter ability and gains movement" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_NIGHT_HUNTER} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=49 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define VOID_WARDEN_ABILITY VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 0 ( id=void_warden_ability description= _ "gains the void warden ability" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_VOID_WARDEN} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=49 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_MELEE_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 30 ( id=yumi_melee_3 description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_VOID_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 30 ( id=void_no_melee description= _ "stronger void attack" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARCANEFIRE_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 40 ( id=fire_no_melee description= _ "stronger faerie fire attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef # note that this no longer gives melee dmg despite the name #define YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 3 80 ( id=void_with_melee description= _ "stronger void attack" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef # note that this no longer gives melee dmg despite the name #define ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 3 90 ( id=fire_with_melee description= _ "stronger faerie fire attack" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define MELEE_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 5 110 ( id=melee_resist description= _ "stronger in melee combat and gains +10% physical resistance" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DEFENSE_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 170 ( id=defense_resist description= _ "gains +10% to physical resistances and bonus defenses on some terrain" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=defense [defense] deep_water=-10 shallow_water=-10 reef=-10 swamp_water=-10 sand=-10 hills=-10 mountains=-10 village=-10 castle=-10 cave=-10 frozen=-10 fungus=-10 [/defense] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DEFENSE_DAMAGE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 200 ( id=defense_resist description= _ "gains bonus defenses on some terrain and gains damage" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=defense [defense] deep_water=-10 shallow_water=-10 reef=-10 swamp_water=-10 sand=-10 hills=-10 mountains=-10 village=-10 castle=-10 cave=-10 frozen=-10 fungus=-10 [/defense] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DAMAGE_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 3 200 ( id=defense_resist description= _ "gains +10% to physical resistances and gains damage" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_BASE id=Shadow Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "Shadow Fae" image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 movement_type=arcanefae movement=6 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null cost=60 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [attack] name=faerie touch description=_"faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=7 number=3 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=void assault description=_"void assault" type=cold [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABEYANCE} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=0 number=9 range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack] name=faerie fire description=_"faerie fire" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN40} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=7 number=5 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {ABEYANCE "void assault" 5} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/yumi.png" "units/fae/yumi.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=void assault [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_SHADOW_WAVE} start_time=-350 [frame] duration=100 image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 sound=shaxthal-energy-prelude.ogg [/frame] [frame] duration=300 image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 sound=shaxthal-energy-fire.ogg [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png:520" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [animation] apply_to=pre_teleport start_time=-600 alpha="1.0~0.2" blend_ratio="0.0~1.0:400,1.0:200" blend_color=140,60,255 [frame] duration=600 image=units/fae/yumi.png [/frame] halo_start_time=-600 halo_auto_vflip=no halo_halo_mod="~CS(-32,-128,0)~O(0.8)" halo_halo_y="0~14" [halo_frame] halo="halo/elven/druid-healing[1~5].png:80,halo/elven/druid-healing6.png~O(0.75):80,halo/elven/druid-healing7.png~O(0.5):80,halo/elven/druid-healing8.png~O(0.25):80" [/halo_frame] [/animation] [animation] apply_to=post_teleport start_time=-600 alpha="0.2~1.0" blend_ratio="1.0:200,1.0~0.0:400" blend_color=140,60,255 [frame] duration=600 image=units/fae/yumi.png [/frame] halo_start_time=-500 halo_auto_vflip=no halo_halo_mod="~CS(-32,-128,0)~O(0.8)" halo_halo_y="-4~10" [halo_frame] halo="halo/elven/druid-healing[1~5].png:80,halo/elven/druid-healing6.png~O(0.75):80,halo/elven/druid-healing7.png~O(0.5):80,halo/elven/druid-healing8.png~O(0.25):80" [/halo_frame] [/animation] #enddef [unit_type] {YUMI_BASE} hitpoints=23 experience=50 level=2 [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF1 inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=23 experience=50 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {YUMI_MELEE_BONUS SF2MELEE} {YUMI_VOID_BONUS SF2VOID} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS SF2FIRE} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF2VOID inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=23 experience=70 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS SF3} {YUMI_MELEE_BONUS SF3} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF2FIRE inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=23 experience=80 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS SF3} {YUMI_MELEE_BONUS SF3} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF2MELEE inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=23 experience=80 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS SF3} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS SF3} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=25 experience=120 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {CLARITY_AURA SF3CLARITY} {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF3VOID} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF3FIRE} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF3CLARITY inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=25 experience=170 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF4} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF4} {MELEE_RESIST SF4} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF3VOID inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=25 experience=170 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {CLARITY_AURA SF4} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF4NOCLARITY} {MELEE_RESIST SF4NOCLARITY} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF3FIRE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=25 experience=170 name= _ "Shadow Fae" {CLARITY_AURA SF4} {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF4NOCLARITY} {MELEE_RESIST SF4NOCLARITY} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4NOCLARITY inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=230 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {CLARITY_AURA SF4CLARITY} {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF4RANGE} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF4RANGE} {MELEE_RESIST SF4MELEE} {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF4CLAIRV} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4 inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=230 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {DEFENSE_DAMAGE SF4CLARITY} {DEFENSE_RESIST SF4CLARITY} {DAMAGE_RESIST SF4CLARITY} {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF4CLAIRV} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4RANGE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=290 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {DEFENSE_DAMAGE SF4FINAL} {DEFENSE_RESIST SF4FINAL} {DAMAGE_RESIST SF4FINAL} {ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK SF4FINALVOID} {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF4FINALCLAIRV} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4MELEE inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=290 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF4FINAL} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF4FINAL} {ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK SF4FINALVOID} {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF4FINALCLAIRV} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4CLARITY inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=290 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF4FINAL} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF4FINAL} {ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK SF4FINALVOID} {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF4FINALCLAIRV} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4CLAIRV inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=290 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF4FINALCLAIRV} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF4FINALCLAIRV} {ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK SF4FINALVOIDCLAIRV} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4FINAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=330 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF5} {ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK SF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4FINALVOID inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=330 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF5} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF5} {CLAIRVOYANCE_SKILL SF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4FINALCLAIRV inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=330 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {YUMI_VOID_BONUS_MELEE SF5} {ARCANEFIRE_BONUS_MELEE SF5} {ETHEREAL_STORM_ATTACK SF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF4FINALVOIDCLAIRV inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=330 name= _ "Shadow Nymph" {DEFENSE_DAMAGE SF5} {DEFENSE_RESIST SF5} {DAMAGE_RESIST SF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF5 inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=29 experience=410 name= _ "Void Angel" {NIGHT_HUNTER_ABILITY SF5FINAL} {VOID_WARDEN_ABILITY SF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=SF5FINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=29 experience=250 name= _ "Void Angel" {AMLA_ARCANEFAE} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fake Shadow Fae name= _ "female^Shadow Fae" race=fae gender=female image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 hitpoints=43 movement_type=arcanefae movement=6 experience=150 level=3 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=67 hide_help=true usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_CLARITY} [/abilities] [attack] name=faerie touch description=_"faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=11 number=3 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=yumi void assault description=_"void assault" type=cold [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABEYANCE} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=0 number=11 range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack] name=faerie fire description=_"faerie fire" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN40} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=9 number=5 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {ABEYANCE "yumi void assault" 5} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/yumi.png" "units/fae/yumi.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=yumi void assault [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_SHADOW_WAVE} start_time=-350 [frame] duration=100 image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 sound=shaxthal-energy-prelude.ogg [/frame] [frame] duration=300 image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 sound=shaxthal-energy-fire.ogg [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png:520" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dusk Faerie name= _ "female^Dusk Faerie" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/dusk.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=28 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=100 cold=80 [/resistance] movement=6 level=1 alignment=chaotic experience=46 advances_to=Night Nymph cost=20 usage=archer description= _ "In the largest and densest forests of Irdya it is possible to find some of the most elusive and fascinating surface creatures, such as woses and forest faeries. However, a particular kind of faerie beings has always remained relatively unknown by outsiders and denizens of the forests alike. The mysterious faeries of the darkness hide away from any form of civilization, dwelling in some of the most dangerous locations. Their rumored natural mastery of the shadows often leads the uneducated to liken them to necromancers, even though there is no recorded evidence of any involvement of their kind with such magic." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/dusk.png" "units/faeries-other/dusk.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/dusk.png" "units/faeries-other/dusk.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] range=melee damage=6 number=2 [/attack] [attack] name=shadow wave description= _ "shadow wave" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=9 number=2 icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/dusk.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/dusk.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=shadow wave [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 missile_start_time=-50 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/darkmissile-n.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/darkmissile-ne.png" [/missile_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/dusk.png" halo="halo/undead/dark-magic-[1~6].png:50" halo_x,halo_y=10,15 [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/dusk.png:100" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-dark.ogg magic-dark-miss.ogg -50} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Eventide Dancer name= _ "female^Eventide Dancer" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=51 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=100 cold=70 [/resistance] movement=6 level=3 alignment=chaotic experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_EVENTIDE} cost=76 usage=archer description= _ "Many stories tell of unfortunate young men who wandered into the deep forest at night, and by chance laid their eyes upon a beautiful night nymph. Although a few were sufficiently prudent to immediately flee back to their brightly-lit homes instead of approaching the otherworldly maiden, they were often confronted and abducted in their way out. Combined with their remarkable mastery of the arcane flame of darkness, the rumored ability of these faeries to teleport between distant places at will would turn them into fearsome enemies — that is, if they were ever to abandon their natural environment." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" "units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" "units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] range=melee damage=8 number=2 [/attack] [attack] name=forest chill description=_"forest chill" type=cold [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=15 number=2 icon=attacks/forest-chill.png [/attack] [attack] name=shadow wave description= _ "shadow wave" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=12 number=3 icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=forest chill [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} halo1_start_time=-400 halo1_auto_vflip=false [halo1_frame] halo="halo/saurian-magic-halo-[1~7].png:100" halo_y=-20 [/halo1_frame] halo2_start_time=-450 halo2_auto_vflip=false [halo2_frame] halo="halo/saurian-magic-halo-[7~1].png:100" halo_y=0 [/halo2_frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=shadow wave [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 missile_start_time=-50 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/darkmissile-n.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/darkmissile-ne.png" [/missile_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" halo="halo/undead/dark-magic-[1~6].png:50" halo_x,halo_y=10,15 [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png:100" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-dark.ogg magic-dark-miss.ogg -50} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Night Nymph name= _ "female^Night Nymph" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=40 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=100 cold=80 [/resistance] movement=6 level=2 alignment=chaotic experience=105 advances_to=Eventide Dancer cost=38 usage=archer description= _ "It is said that the dark faeries’ secluded lives in hazardous environments has led them to lose any kind of empathy towards those who are not of their kind. Many fables revolve around men who were lured into following these beautiful temptresses to their homes, never to be seen ever again." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" "units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" "units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] range=melee damage=7 number=2 [/attack] [attack] name=forest chill description=_"forest chill" type=cold [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=12 number=2 icon=attacks/forest-chill.png [/attack] [attack] name=shadow wave description= _ "shadow wave" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=9 number=3 icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=forest chill [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} {HALO_FRAME_SAURIAN} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=shadow wave [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 missile_start_time=-50 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/darkmissile-n.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/darkmissile-ne.png" [/missile_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png" halo="halo/undead/dark-magic-[1~6].png:50" halo_x,halo_y=10,15 [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph.png:100" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-dark.ogg magic-dark-miss.ogg -50} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Arbiter name= _ "female^Faerie Arbiter" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/arbiter.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=51 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=3 alignment=neutral experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_ARBITER} cost=77 usage=archer description= _ "Although most faerie do not have any formal organziational structures, sometimes respected sorceresses of equilibrium magic act as arbiters in situations that require it. While not maintaining any sort of authority in any manner, these faerie are typically the most well-equipped to handle leadership positions and can readily guide their sistren as well as resolve any disputes that might arise between them." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/arbiter.png" "units/faeries/arbiter.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/arbiter.png" "units/faeries/arbiter.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [resistance] fire=100 cold=100 arcane=100 [/resistance] [abilities] {ABILITY_EQUILIBRIUM25} [/abilities] [attack] name=aura description= _ "aura" icon=attacks/magic-missile.png type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=6 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=white lotus description= _ "white lotus" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TRUE_STRIKE} [/specials] range=ranged damage=6 number=3 icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack] name=black lotus description= _ "black lotus" type=blade [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_PRECIPITOUS} [/specials] range=ranged damage=21 number=3 icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=aura [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/arbiter.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/arbiter.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=white lotus [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/arbiter.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=black lotus [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/arbiter.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS {SOUND_LIST:SWORD_SWISH} {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Equipoise Faerie name= _ "female^Equipoise Faerie" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/equipoise.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=27 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=1 alignment=neutral experience=50 advances_to=Faerie Intermediary cost=21 usage=healer description= _ "One of the most nuanced and well-regarded magics among the faerie is known as 'equilibrium' or 'balance', a set of abilities that focus on compromise between the different facets of magic that the many types of faerie command. Since magic, in its very nature, is understood to be something volatile and unstable, the faerie study equilibrium spells in order to steady their sometimes disorderly abilities. In their most potent form, such equipoise enchantments can guarantee success of any spell the wielder chooses to cast, which can be very useful in situations that require careful precision." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/equipoise.png" "units/faeries/equipoise.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/equipoise.png" "units/faeries/equipoise.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [resistance] fire=100 cold=100 arcane=100 [/resistance] [abilities] {ABILITY_EQUILIBRIUM10} [/abilities] [attack] name=aura description= _ "aura" icon=attacks/magic-missile.png type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=3 number=2 [/attack] [attack] name=lotus description= _ "lotus" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TRUE_STRIKE} [/specials] range=ranged damage=4 number=2 icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=aura [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/equipoise.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/equipoise.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=lotus [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/equipoise.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Intermediary name= _ "female^Faerie Intermediary" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/intermediary.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=39 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=2 alignment=neutral experience=130 advances_to=Faerie Arbiter cost=48 usage=archer description= _ "For the faerie, the symbol of balance is the lotus, which they cherish as one of their most prized flowers and grow abundantly in their famed reflection pools. The flower's fragrance is typically said to have calming properties, which enhances the power of the equilibrium magics that the faerie so esteem. On the other hand, the petals of the unique 'black lotus' contain a mild venom that acts as a potent stimulant. Some faerie choose to ingest these in small quantities prior to partaking in magical endeavors, purposely disrupting their usual cadence in order to produce new, unexpected results. Applied to battle, the consequence is a spell that often fails, but is tremendously devastating when it happens to succeed." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/intermediary.png" "units/faeries/intermediary.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/intermediary.png" "units/faeries/intermediary.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [resistance] fire=100 cold=100 arcane=100 [/resistance] [abilities] {ABILITY_EQUILIBRIUM15} [/abilities] [attack] name=aura description= _ "aura" icon=attacks/magic-missile.png type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=melee damage=6 number=2 [/attack] [attack] name=white lotus description= _ "white lotus" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TRUE_STRIKE} [/specials] range=ranged damage=4 number=3 icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack] name=black lotus description= _ "black lotus" type=blade [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_PRECIPITOUS} [/specials] range=ranged damage=16 number=3 icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=aura [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/intermediary.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/intermediary.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=white lotus [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/intermediary.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=black lotus [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/intermediary.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS {SOUND_LIST:SWORD_SWISH} {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Dryad name= _ "Dryad" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/dryad.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/druid.png" # fits well IMO hitpoints=50 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=60 cold=100 [/resistance] movement=5 level=3 alignment=lawful experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_FIRE_FAERIE} cost=62 usage=archer description= _ "Dryads possess a closer affinity to their faerie nature than their brethren, yet at times exhibit a remarkable understanding of human nature. In fact, Dryads are more apt to engage the few travelers they meet in friendly conversation than seduce or murder them. Some elven scholars have proposed there exists a deeper connection between woodlandkind and humans as children of Earth; to many, this is unthinkable. For them, to even suggest such a connection between the violent, destructive humans and the ancient, illustrious elves constitutes heresy. If there are those among the faerie with knowledge of this world’s beginnings, they do not share it, preferring instead to lead peaceful, modest lives. Nonetheless, the Dryads’ calm nature in no way means they are powerless. Their extensive knowledge of nature and its magical arts makes them a formidable opponent in any conflict." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/dryad.png" "units/faeries-other/dryad.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/dryad.png" "units/faeries-other/dryad.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=fire aura description= _ "fire aura" icon=attacks/aura-fire.png type=fire range=melee damage=5 number=5 [/attack] [attack] name=mystic fire description= _ "mystic fire" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=fire range=ranged damage=7 number=6 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=fire aura [/filter_attack] {MELEE_FRAME_FIRE_AURA "units/faeries-other/dryad.png" "units/faeries-other/dryad.png"} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mystic fire [/filter_attack] start_time=-575 [frame] duration=650 image="units/faeries-other/dryad.png" [/frame] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [if] hits=yes {BURST_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [/if] fire_sound_start_time=-525 [fire_sound_frame] sound=fire.wav [/fire_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [variation] variation_id=tara inherit=yes hide_help=yes image="units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" "units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" "units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=fire aura [/filter_attack] {MELEE_FRAME_FIRE_AURA "units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" "units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png"} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mystic fire [/filter_attack] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/dryad-tara.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/variation] [/unit_type] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fire Faerie name= _ "Fire Faerie" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/fire.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/druid.png" # fits well IMO hitpoints=38 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=70 cold=100 [/resistance] movement=5 level=2 alignment=lawful experience=85 advances_to=Faerie Dryad,Faerie Spirit cost=36 usage=archer description= _ "Forest faeries rarely take part in wars and conflicts, preferring instead to dance and frolic in their forest homes. They will, however, defend these to the death; to this end, the forest elves have proven allies of convenience. The elves themselves have long had respect for those with a close affinity with the Arcane Flame. It is due to this close relationship that faeries will sometimes be found by the elves’ side in times of great need. The more experienced faeries possess an even greater mastery of the fire element, allowing them to hurl balls of raging fire at their enemies, or to ignite them with a single touch. Some are even said to eventually burn away their corporeal forms entirely, becoming a spirit born of the rage of the Flame." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/fire.png" "units/faeries-other/fire.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/fire.png" "units/faeries-other/fire.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=fire aura description= _ "fire aura" icon=attacks/aura-fire.png type=fire range=melee damage=5 number=4 [/attack] [attack] name=mystic fire description= _ "mystic fire" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=fire range=ranged damage=6 number=5 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=fire aura [/filter_attack] {MELEE_FRAME_FIRE_AURA "units/faeries-other/fire.png" "units/faeries-other/fire.png"} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mystic fire [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/fire.png:350" [/frame] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [if] hits=yes {BURST_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [/if] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS flame-big.ogg flame-big-miss.ogg -300} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Spirit name= _ "Forest Spirit" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/spirit.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" hitpoints=43 movement_type=undeadspirit movement=6 level=3 alignment=lawful experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_FIRE_FAERIE} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=64 [movement_costs] unwalkable={UNREACHABLE} [/movement_costs] [defense] forest=40 [/defense] [resistance] fire=70 cold=100 [/resistance] [abilities] {ABILITY_SYLVAN_SPARK} [/abilities] usage=archer description= _ "One of the greatest mysteries of life is the true nature of Faerie, a domain of existence beyond the grasp of mortal creatures and the source of a power said to predate Irdya’s creation by an immensurable eternity. Even though elves and faeries have an innate affinity to the mystical energy within, their ability to channel it is severely constrained by their attachment to the physical realm. Breaking free of those bindings and fully embracing the arcane flame is not without its drawbacks, however. These faerie phantasms are occasionally seen aimlessly wandering the forests during the twilight. Their warped minds are no longer able to discern our reality from theirs, and only gradually fading memories keep them anchored to the domain of the living." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/spirit.png" "units/faeries-other/spirit.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/spirit.png" "units/faeries-other/spirit.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=fire aura description= _ "fire aura" icon=attacks/aura-fire.png type=fire range=melee damage=6 number=5 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=mystic fire description= _ "mystic fire" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=fire range=ranged damage=6 number=5 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [standing_anim] start_time=0 blend_color=123,153,182 blend_ratio="0.00~0.15:625,0.15~0.10:625,0.10~0.15:625,0.15~0.00:625" alpha="0.95~0.90:750,0.90~0.95:250,0.95~0.90:750,0.90~0.95:750" [frame] image="units/faeries-other/spirit.png:2500" [/frame] [/standing_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=fire aura [/filter_attack] {MELEE_FRAME_FIRE_AURA "units/faeries-other/spirit.png" "units/faeries-other/spirit.png"} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mystic fire [/filter_attack] start_time=-575 [frame] duration=650 image="units/faeries-other/spirit.png" [/frame] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [if] hits=yes {BURST_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [/if] fire_sound_start_time=-525 [fire_sound_frame] sound=fire.wav [/fire_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Sprite name= _ "Sprite" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/sprite.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/shaman.png" # fits well IMO hitpoints=25 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=80 cold=100 [/resistance] movement=5 level=1 alignment=lawful experience=38 advances_to=Fire Faerie cost=17 usage=archer description= _ "To a creature of the forests, fire is a mortal enemy, yet to the Faerie Sprites, it is a weapon strangely antithetical to their wooded nature. Though not much is otherwise factually known about the Faerie race, rare as they are and despite their numbers having grown since the Fall, they have always been viewed as gentle, mischievous beings, if perhaps a little too apt to play with the hearts of men. Travelers who have encountered them speak of beautiful elfin women clad in simple robes, their gossamer-thin wings glinting like jewels in starlight. Rare is the man — or woman — whose breath is not lost upon the sight of these beings, and neither are their advances spurned. Some awaken the next morning alone, and move on, only to find a child on their doorsteps months later. A more unlucky number never again see the light of day; they are often found dead, lying contentedly amongst the fallen leaves. Yet despite their reputations, faeries are by no means evil. Perhaps it is their strange sense of impish humor that leads them to do these things, or perhaps something deeper in their nature." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/sprite.png" "units/faeries-other/sprite.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/sprite.png" "units/faeries-other/sprite.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=fire aura description= _ "fire aura" icon=attacks/aura-fire.png type=fire range=melee damage=3 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=mystic fire description= _ "mystic fire" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=fire range=ranged damage=5 number=4 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=fire aura [/filter_attack] {MELEE_FRAME_FIRE_AURA "units/faeries-other/sprite.png" "units/faeries-other/sprite.png"} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mystic fire [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/sprite.png:350" [/frame] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [if] hits=yes {BURST_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [/if] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS torch.ogg torch-miss.ogg -300} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Guardian name= _ "Faerie Guardian" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/healer/guardian.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/druid.png" # fits well IMO hitpoints=47 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=3 alignment=neutral experience=210 advances_to=Faerie Warden cost=50 usage=archer description= _ "In order to keep unwanted visitors out of their forests, some faerie learn to channel their powers toward stifling the aggression of potential attackers. Like their other pacifistic kin, these guardians of the forests are rarely found engaging in combat with their enemies, preferring instead to mitigate attacks from afar. In their presence, all manner of blade, mace, and spear seem to dull in sharpness and lessen in force - even the bloodthirsty nature of many demons is greatly diminished. The protective nature of this ability has rightly earned it the nickname of 'guardian angel' and has stopped many a foe from encroaching on the faeries' homes." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/guardian.png" "units/faeries/healer/guardian.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/guardian.png" "units/faeries/healer/guardian.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_GUARDIAN_ANGEL1} [/abilities] [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=5 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=ensnare description= _ "ensnare" icon=attacks/entangle.png type=impact range=ranged damage=9 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] {GUARDIAN_ANGEL (Faerie Guardian) 20 2} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/guardian.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ensnare [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] offset=1.0 duration=150 image="projectiles/entangle.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/entangle.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-450 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/guardian.png:350" halo=halo/elven/nature-halo[1~6].png:75,halo/elven/nature-halo[7~8].png:50 halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-75 [attack_sound_frame] sound=entangle.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/guardian.png:350" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Shaman name= _ "Faerie Shaman" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/healer/shaman.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/shaman.png" hitpoints=24 movement_type=faerie movement=5 level=1 alignment=neutral experience=40 advances_to=Forest Nymph cost=16 usage=archer description= _ "Caretakers of the forests and guardians of the wilds, many faerie spend long periods of time communing with nature, learn to utilize its energies to hamper their foes and heal their friends. While ill-suited and not disposed for combat, they nonetheless selflessly come to the aid of those who need them, be it other faerie or even humans and other races." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/shaman.png" "units/faeries/healer/shaman.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/shaman.png" "units/faeries/healer/shaman.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_HEALS} [/abilities] [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=3 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=ensnare description= _ "ensnare" icon=attacks/entangle.png type=impact range=ranged damage=3 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/shaman.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ensnare [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] offset=1.0 duration=150 image="projectiles/entangle.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/entangle.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-450 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/shaman.png:350" halo=halo/elven/nature-halo[1~6].png:75,halo/elven/nature-halo[7~8].png:50 halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-75 [attack_sound_frame] sound=entangle.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/shaman.png:350" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Siren name= _ "Faerie Siren" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/siren.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/shyde.png" hitpoints=50 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=3 alignment=neutral experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_HEALER_FAERIE} cost=54 usage=archer description= _ "Faerie 'Sirens' take their name from the eponymous maidens of the water, not as an epithet indicating their intimate connection with nature, but rather as a nod to their ability to sing with unparalleled skill. As a common past time among faerie, singing is often heard in the forests, where many groups of faerie take turns gracing the trees with their songs. Though most are already reasonably skilled at the art, the 'Sirens' songs are truly entrancing, possessed of tone of ethereal beauty and masterful control. Fortunately for lost wanderers, the purpose of the Sirens' song is not of a malicious nature, unlike that of their mythological counterparts." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/siren.png" "units/faeries-other/siren.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/siren.png" "units/faeries-other/siren.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_CURES} [/abilities] [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=7 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=ensnare description= _ "ensnare" icon=attacks/entangle.png type=impact range=ranged damage=7 number=4 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/siren.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ensnare [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] offset=1.0 duration=150 image="projectiles/entangle.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/entangle.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-450 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/siren.png:350" halo=halo/elven/nature-halo[1~6].png:75,halo/elven/nature-halo[7~8].png:50 halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-75 [attack_sound_frame] sound=entangle.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/siren.png:350" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Warden name= _ "Faerie Warden" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/healer/warden.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/druid.png" # fits well IMO hitpoints=59 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=4 alignment=neutral experience=200 advances_to=null {AMLA_HEALER_FAERIE} cost=70 usage=archer description= _ "Mastery of nature's protective aura allows these faerie to render all manner of physical force useless in their presence. Wardens of the wild, these faerie live the majority of their lives isolated deep in the forests, but are often first to battle when their home is under threat. Unlike their kin, the Wardens' prowess with natural energy grants them a reasonable degree of ability in close combat, which they use to great effect in subduing their foes." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/warden.png" "units/faeries/healer/warden.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/warden.png" "units/faeries/healer/warden.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_GUARDIAN_ANGEL2} [/abilities] [resistance] blade=90 pierce=90 impact=90 [/resistance] [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=7 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=ensnare description= _ "ensnare" icon=attacks/entangle.png type=impact range=ranged damage=12 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] {GUARDIAN_ANGEL (Faerie Warden) 40 2} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/warden.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ensnare [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] offset=1.0 duration=150 image="projectiles/entangle.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/entangle.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-450 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/warden.png:350" halo=halo/elven/nature-halo[1~6].png:75,halo/elven/nature-halo[7~8].png:50 halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-75 [attack_sound_frame] sound=entangle.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/warden.png:350" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Forest Nymph name= _ "Forest Nymph" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/druid.png" hitpoints=36 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=2 alignment=neutral experience=93 advances_to=Faerie Guardian,Faerie Siren cost=33 usage=archer description= _ "The idyll, pacifistic disposition of the faerie that inhabit the forests lends them the ability to better understand the surge and ebb of nature's energies. Their power is not that of fiery destruction, nor frigid winter, but involves the aspect of life itself, the mysterious force that binds soul to body and heart and mind to physical form. It is this ability that allows them to heal almost any wound, even those that are normally considered fatal by healers of other races." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png" "units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png" "units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_HEAL6} {ABILITY_UNPOISON} [/abilities] [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=5 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=ensnare description= _ "ensnare" icon=attacks/entangle.png type=impact range=ranged damage=6 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ensnare [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] offset=1.0 duration=150 image="projectiles/entangle.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/entangle.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-450 [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png:350" halo=halo/elven/nature-halo[1~6].png:75,halo/elven/nature-halo[7~8].png:50 halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-75 [attack_sound_frame] sound=entangle.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/healer/forest-nymph.png:350" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Yousei Briar Maiden name= _ "female^Briar Maiden" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=31 movement_type=yousei movement=6 level=1 alignment=neutral experience=39 advances_to=Yousei Bristler,Yousei Hana cost=17 usage=archer description= _ "Sometimes mistaken for satyrs, the Yousei tend to be the hardiest and most physically adept subcategory among most faerie. Unlike the other faerie, who embody the protective or healing spirit of nature, the Yousei embrace its more wrathful aspect, turning its brambles and thorns against those who would threaten the natural order. While rarely the aggressors in any altercation, these faerie are the ones most often seen defending their homes against any form of intruder." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" "units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" "units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=5 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=thorns description=_"thorns" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=6 number=3 range=ranged [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=thorns [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/briarmaiden.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Yousei Bristler name= _ "female^Yousei Bristler" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=47 movement_type=yousei movement=6 level=2 alignment=neutral experience=88 advances_to=Yousei Thorntress cost=42 usage=archer description= _ "As much as a faerie can be so, a Yousei maiden can be perfectly combative, and even hateful at times. Nurturing a particular dislike for demons, these forest dwellers are quickly provoked and can easily match their demonic counterparts in most disputes." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" "units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" "units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=8 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=thorns description=_"thorns" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=9 number=3 range=ranged [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=thorns [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/bristler.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Yousei Hana name= _ "female^Yousei Hana" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=44 movement_type=yousei movement=6 level=2 alignment=neutral experience=110 advances_to=Yousei Tsubaki cost=42 usage=archer description= _ "The Yousei have a saying that can roughly be translated to 'The hand that reaches for the rose will be scratched by the briar's thorn'. This concept is occasionally applied to battle, where some of these faerie forego traditional melee combat in favor of focusing on defensive and retaliative tactics. Accompanying this is their use of strange blooms, which grow larger and more beautiful with both the supplemental energies of their allies as well as the waning energies of their enemies." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" "units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" "units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_BRIAR_ROSE} [/abilities] [attack] name=radiant bloom description=_"radiant bloom" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOOM} [/specials] damage=8 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack] name=vitalizing bloom description=_"vitalizing bloom" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOOM} [/specials] damage=7 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] {BRIAR_ROSE} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=radiant bloom [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=vitalizing bloom [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/hana.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Yousei Thorntress name= _ "female^Yousei Thorntress" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=60 movement_type=yousei movement=6 level=3 alignment=neutral experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_YOUSEI} cost=66 usage=archer description= _ "There is an unusual tale of a demon traveler who was said to have wandered all the lands of Irdya in his extensive journies. Having rested in the forests of the faerie many times, he was curiously on friendly terms with many of them, though they still would not permit him to enter their secret groves in the deepwoods. One day, somewhat in jest, he challenged the relatively diminutive faerie to a contest of strength, knowing that most could never match a demon's physical prowess. 'It's a good deal,' he laughed. 'If I win, you let me enter your forbidden forest. And if you win, I will be your servant for ten years.' Replied the Yousai, 'Thanks for the offer, but I like girls. Still, your challenge sounds pretty fun. Let's try it.' 'Typical faerie,' he jested, and readied himself to the task. In front of them sat nine boulders, each larger than the last, with the final one being nearly the size of himself. Stepping forward, the demon rubbed his hands together and began lifting the stones one after another. By the fourth, he found his muscles burning, arms and legs aching all over. The fifth must have been ten times his own weight, but he persevered and continued on. He nearly collapsed under the weight of the sixth one, and by the seventh, he could continue no more. Still, he concluded, he had done a good job, since most faerie probably couldn't even have lifted the second stone. And then it was the Yousai's turn. 'Remember,' he called out, 'No magic!' 'No magic,' she agreed brightly, and set herself in position. Two, three, and four... by boulder number five, he was shaking his head in disbelief, as the unusually sturdy faerie girl lifted the rocks one after another. The sixth, she lifted with some effort, and with a grunt, the seventh came off the ground too. Then eight and nine were a struggle, but when all was said and done, she dropped the last one and turned toward him with a smug look of victory. 'I guess that settles it,' she intoned. 'Looks like you need to train some more.' The demon groaned, but acknowledged his defeat. 'Just you wait, I'll be back someday and then you'll see! Next time, victory will be mine.' And with that, he left to go wander the lands of Irdya for another great many years. Rumor has it that when he returned, he had another challenge with the same Yousai girl, who once again beat him just as handily as she had the first time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" "units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" "units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=10 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=thorns description=_"thorns" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_WHIPLASH} [/specials] damage=12 number=3 range=ranged [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=thorns [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/thorntress.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Yousei Tsubaki name= _ "female^Yousei Tsubaki" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=56 movement_type=yousei movement=6 level=3 alignment=neutral experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_TSUBAKI} cost=70 usage=archer description= _ "While the diminutive 'Tsubaki' comes from the more mundane daily lives of these Yousei, they possess a special combative ability based around the sakura, or cherry blossom. Though the blossom in itself is not particularly harmful, those who come under its effects often speak of being disoriented by a 'sea of pink flowers', which blots out the vision and renders them helpless against other attacks. As quickly as the flowers bloom, they fade as well, leaving their beholders to perish in a fleeting cascade of petals." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" "units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" "units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [abilities] {ABILITY_BRIAR_ROSE} [/abilities] [attack] name=radiant bloom description=_"radiant bloom" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOOM} [/specials] damage=12 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack] name=vitalizing bloom description=_"vitalizing bloom" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOOM} [/specials] damage=10 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] [attack] name=cherry blossom description=_"cherry blossom" type=pierce [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOSSOM} [/specials] damage=1 number=1 range=ranged icon=attacks/thorns.png [/attack] {CHERRY_BLOSSOM} {BRIAR_ROSE} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=radiant bloom [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=vitalizing bloom [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=cherry blossom [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/thorns.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/thorns-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries/yousei/tsubaki.png" halo="halo/elven/nature-halo[1~8].png" halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-thorns-[1,2].ogg magic-thorns-miss-[1,2].ogg -100} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Cavalier Statue name= _ "Cavalier" race=human image="units/human-loyalists/cavalier/cavalier.png" hitpoints=64 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=150 level=3 alignment=lawful advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=52 description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Cavalier Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Cavalier Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Faerie Dryad Statue name= _ "Dryad" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/dryad.png" hitpoints=50 movement_type=null movement=0 level=3 alignment=lawful experience=150 advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} hide_help=true cost=60 description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Faerie Dryad Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Faerie Dryad Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Era_of_Chaos [unit_type] id=Eventide Dancer Statue name= _ "female^Eventide Dancer" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png" ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=62 movement_type=null movement=0 level=3 alignment=chaotic experience=150 advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=80 description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Eventide Dancer Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Eventide Dancer Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Grand Marshal Statue name= _ "Grand Marshal" race=human image="units/human-loyalists/marshal.png" hitpoints=60 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=200 level=4 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=66 description= hide_help=true [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Grand Marshal Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Grand Marshal Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-units [unit_type] id=Great Mage Statue name= _ "Great Mage" race=human gender=male,female image="units/human-magi/great-mage.png" hitpoints=65 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=200 level=4 alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=72 hide_help=true description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Great Mage Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Great Mage Statue [/petrify] [/event] [female] name= _ "female^Great Mage" gender=female image="units/human-magi/great-mage+female.png" [/female] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Guardian of Earth Statue name= _ "female^Guardian of Earth" race=faerie gender=female image="units/guardians/guardian-of-earth-xiael.png" hitpoints=777 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=450 level=9 alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=820 usage=healer hide_help=true undead_variation=null description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Guardian of Earth Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Guardian of Earth Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Human Child name= _ "Child" race=human gender=male image="units/humans/child.png" hitpoints=11 movement_type=smallfoot movement=5 experience=50 level=0 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=4 hide_help=true usage=mixed fighter description= [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Lady Lake name= _ "female^Lady of the Lake" race=fae gender=female ignore_race_traits=yes image="units/guardians/uria-silhouette4.png" hitpoints=90 movement_type=arcanefae [defense] deep_water=0 shallow_water=0 swamp_water=0 reef=0 flat=0 sand=0 forest=0 hills=0 mountains=0 village=0 castle=0 cave=0 frozen=0 unwalkable=0 impassable=0 fungus=0 [/defense] [resistance] blade=0 pierce=0 impact=0 fire=0 cold=0 arcane=0 [/resistance] movement=10 experience=1000 level=10 alignment=lawful cost=1000 usage=archer undead_variation=null hide_help=true description= _ "There is no accurate information available about this class of beings at this time." [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Mage of Light Statue name= _ "Mage of Light" race=human gender=male,female image="units/human-magi/white-cleric.png" hitpoints=47 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=150 level=3 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=64 hide_help=true description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Mage of Light Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Mage of Light Statue [/petrify] [/event] [female] name= _ "female^Mage of Light" gender=female image="units/human-magi/white-cleric+female.png" [/female] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Paladin Statue name= _ "Paladin" race=human image="units/human-loyalists/paladin/paladin.png" image_icon="units/human-loyalists/paladin/paladin.png~CROP(0,8,80,72)" hitpoints=65 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=150 level=3 alignment=lawful advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=58 description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Paladin Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Paladin Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Demon Stromguarde Statue name= _ "Stromguarde" race=demon image="units/demons/stromguarde.png" hitpoints=76 movement_type=null movement=0 experience=200 level=4 alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=110 usage=mixed fighter hide_help=true description= [event] name=prestart [petrify] type=Demon Stromguarde Statue [/petrify] [/event] [event] name=new turn [petrify] type=Demon Stromguarde Statue [/petrify] [/event] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Dragoon [base_unit] id=Dragoon [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Javelineer [base_unit] id=Javelineer [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Knight [base_unit] id=Knight [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Longbowman [base_unit] id=Longbowman [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Red Mage [base_unit] id=Red Mage [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream White Mage [base_unit] id=White Mage [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Pikeman [base_unit] id=Pikeman [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Shock Trooper [base_unit] id=Shock Trooper [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Dream Swordsman [base_unit] id=Swordsman [/base_unit] alignment=chaotic hide_help=yes do_not_list=yes {DREAM_WALK} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_WINDMAGE {AMLA_OPTION_WINDBLADE} {AMLA_OPTION_TALYAFLURRY} {AMLA_OPTION_WHIRLWIND} {AMLA_DEFAULT} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_WINDBLADE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased physical strength" image="units/humans/talya.png" id=amla_melee_windmage strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=wind blade increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=40% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_TALYAFLURRY [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"more flurry hits" image="units/humans/talya.png" id=amla_flurry_windmage strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=flurry increase_attacks=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=40% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_WHIRLWIND [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger whirlwind" image="units/humans/talya.png" id=amla_whirl_windmage strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=whirlwind increase_damage=2 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=40% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define TALYA_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #define BLITZ_ABILITY VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 0 0 ( id=talya_blitz_ability description= _ "can attack thrice in a turn" image="units/humans/talya.png" [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_BLITZ2} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_BLITZ} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=89 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_COUNTER VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 0 0 ( id=talya_counter description= _ "enemies cannot retaliate against wind blade" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=wind blade [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_COUNTERSTRIKE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=wind blade increase_damage=4 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=89 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_PIERCE VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 0 0 ( id=talya_pierce description= _ "enemies lose resistance on hit" image=attacks/bow-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=flurry [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_PIERCE} mode=replace [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flurry increase_attacks=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=whirlwind increase_damage=3 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=89 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_ATTK_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 0 100 ( id=talya_attk description= _ "increased damage" image=attacks/sword-elven.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=wind blade increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flurry increase_attacks=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=whirlwind increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_DEF_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 8 75 ( id=talya_def description= _ "increased health and melee damage" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=wind blade increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_RESIST_NODMG VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 6 90 ( id=talya_resist description= _ "gains +10% physical resistance and health" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_HEALTH VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 7 90 ( id=talya_health description= _ "gains +10% fire and cold resistance" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] fire=-10 cold=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_RESIST_DMG VARIANT_NAME {TALYA_ADVANCEMENT 0 110 ( id=talya_resist_dmg description= _ "gains +10% physical resistance" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=wind blade increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=flurry increase_attacks=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=whirlwind increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define TALYA_BASE id=Mistral Maiden race=human gender=female name= _ "Mistral Maiden" image="units/humans/talya.png" hitpoints=43 movement_type=windmage movement=6 experience=80 level=2 alignment=neutral advances_to=null cost=60 usage=healer description= _ "Of the four 'elemental' magics of fire, water, earth, and air, mastery of the wind is often the most difficult for human magi to attain. It, in of itself, is of less practical use than the other three - the heat of fire wards off the cold winters and lights the dark nights - flows of water heal the wounded and cleanse the body - and towers of earth shelter their denizens and protect the weak from harm. But wind has neither the force of fire nor the sturdiness of earth - it is the element of journey and freedom, of transient life and constant change. Those who have mastered the wind are the wardens of the mystic flows of energy throughout the worlds and are more attuned to their spiritual and telestic natures than other magi." [abilities] {ABILITY_BLITZ2} {ABILITY_SKIRMISHER} [/abilities] {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/humans/talya.png" "units/humans/talya.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} } die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE} [attack] name=wind blade description=_"wind blade" icon=attacks/sword-holy.png type=blade [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] range=melee damage=6 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=flurry description=_"flurry" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=pierce range=ranged damage=4 number=7 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=whirlwind description=_"whirlwind" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=impact range=ranged damage=12 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] {PIERCE "flurry"} {BLITZ2} {BLITZ} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=wind blade [/filter_attack] start_time=-200 [frame] image="units/humans/talya.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/humans/talya.png:[100,150,50*2]" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS {SOUND_LIST:SWORD_SWISH} {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -75} [frame] image="units/humans/talya.png:25" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=flurry [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-150 [missile_frame] image="projectiles-new/flurry[1~3].png:75" image_diagonal="projectiles-new/flurry-ne[1~3].png:75" offset=0.5 [/missile_frame] start_time=-225 [frame] image="units/humans/talya.png:75" sound=spear.ogg [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=whirlwind [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-450 [missile_frame] duration=500 offset=1.0 halo="projectiles/sand-storm-[1~8].png:40" auto_vflip=no [/missile_frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS gust.wav gust.wav -450} [frame] image="units/humans/talya.png:75" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef [unit_type] {TALYA_BASE} hitpoints=43 experience=80 level=2 [variation] {TALYA_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=MM2 inherit=no level=2 hitpoints=43 experience=80 name= _ "Mistral Maiden" {TALYA_ATTK_BONUS MM3ATTK} {TALYA_DEF_BONUS MM3DEF} [/variation] [variation] {TALYA_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=MM3ATTK inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=43 experience=120 name= _ "Sky Warden" {TALYA_DEF_BONUS MM3} {TALYA_RESIST_NODMG MM3} [/variation] [variation] {TALYA_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=MM3DEF inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=43 experience=120 name= _ "Sky Warden" {TALYA_ATTK_BONUS MM3} {TALYA_RESIST_DMG MM3} [/variation] [variation] {TALYA_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=MM3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=43 experience=150 name= _ "Sky Warden" {TALYA_RESIST_NODMG MM4} {TALYA_HEALTH MM4} [/variation] [variation] {TALYA_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=MM4 inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=43 experience=200 name= _ "Aetherial Sylph" {TALYA_COUNTER MMFINAL} {TALYA_PIERCE MMFINAL} {BLITZ_ABILITY MMFINAL} [/variation] [variation] {TALYA_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=MMFINAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=43 experience=100 name= _ "Aetherial Sylph" {AMLA_WINDMAGE} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-units [unit_type] id=Prison Guard name= _ "Prison Guard" race=human image="units/human-loyalists/royalguard.png" profile="portraits/humans/royal-guard.png" hitpoints=63 movement_type=smallfoot movement=5 experience=100 level=2 alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=43 usage=fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/human-loyalists/royalguard-defend-2.png" "units/human-loyalists/royalguard-defend-1.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_HIT} } [resistance] blade=80 impact=80 [/resistance] [portrait] size=400 side="left" mirror="false" image="portraits/humans/transparent/royal-guard.png" [/portrait] [portrait] size=400 side="right" mirror="true" image="portraits/humans/transparent/royal-guard.png" [/portrait] [attack] name=sword description=_"longsword" icon=attacks/greatsword-human.png type=blade range=melee damage=13 number=3 [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=sword [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/human-loyalists/royalguard.png:50" offset=0.0~0.1 [/frame] [frame] image="units/human-loyalists/royalguard-defend-1.png:50" offset=0.1~0.15 [/frame] [frame] image="units/human-loyalists/royalguard-attack-sword[1~5].png:[100,75,100,50,75]" offset=0.15~0.35:100,0.35~0.45:75,0.45~0.5:100,0.5:20,0.5~0.4:30,0.4~0.2:75 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS {SOUND_LIST:SWORD_SWISH} {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -100} [frame] image="units/human-loyalists/royalguard.png:75" offset=0.2~0.0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Ashen Wose name= _ "Ashen Wose" race=undead image="units/undead/soulless-wose.png" {TRAIT_FEARLESS_MUSTHAVE} hitpoints=51 movement_type=treefolk movement=4 experience=50 level=-1 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=13 usage=fighter description= _ "" [resistance] arcane=50 cold=30 blade=70 [/resistance] [attack] name=crush description=_"crush" icon=attacks/touch-zombie.png type=impact range=melee damage=13 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] [/attack] die_sound=wose-die.ogg {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/undead/soulless-wose-defend.png" "units/undead/soulless-wose.png" wose-hit.ogg } [death] start_time=0 [frame] image="units/undead/soulless-wose-die-[1~4].png:150,units/undead/soulless-die-[5~10].png:150" [/frame] [/death] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=crush [/filter_attack] direction=s start_time=-500 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS wose-attack.ogg wose-miss.ogg -500} [frame] image="units/undead/soulless-wose-attack-s.png:400" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=crush [/filter_attack] direction=n start_time=-500 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS wose-attack.ogg wose-miss.ogg -500} [frame] image="units/undead/soulless-wose-attack-n.png:400" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=crush [/filter_attack] direction=se,sw,ne,nw start_time=-500 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS wose-attack.ogg wose-miss.ogg -500} [frame] image="units/undead/soulless-wose-attack.png:400" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-units [unit_type] id=Black Spirit name= _ "Black Spirit" race=undead image="units/undead/ghost-s-2.png" profile=portraits/undead/ghost.png hitpoints=20 movement_type=undeadspirit movement=5 experience=50 level=1 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=21 usage=scout hide_help=true description= _ "The dream world is a strange one, in which imagination may become reality and the arcane plane may become one with the physical. Even the most inexperienced at manipulating this reality often find that they may manifest their thoughts into a semi-sentient being, one that may or may not be easily controlled, depending on the creator's willpower and affinity for arcane energies." die_sound=wail-long.wav [portrait] size=400 side="left" mirror="false" image="portraits/undead/transparent/ghost.png" [/portrait] [portrait] size=400 side="right" mirror="true" image="portraits/undead/transparent/ghost.png" [/portrait] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [if] direction=s,se,sw [frame] image=units/undead/ghost-s-2.png:1,units/undead/ghost-s-attack-1.png:250,units/undead/ghost-s-2.png:1 [/frame] [/if] [else] direction=n,ne,nw [frame] image=units/undead/ghost-n-2.png:1,units/undead/ghost-n-attack-1.png:250,units/undead/ghost-n-2.png:1 [/frame] [/else] [/defend] [resistance] blade=70 impact=70 pierce=70 arcane=50 [/resistance] [defense] impassable=50 [/defense] [attack] name=touch description=_"touch" icon=attacks/touch-undead.png type=impact range=melee damage=7 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=wail description=_"wail" type=impact range=ranged damage=6 number=3 [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=wail [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_WAIL} start_time=-200 [if] direction=s,se,sw [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-attack-[1,2,1].png:[75,150,75]" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [/if] [else] direction=n,ne,nw [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-n-2.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-n-attack-[1,2,1].png:[75,150,75]" [/frame] [/else] attack_sound_start_time=-100 [attack_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-500 offset=0.0~1.0:425,0.0:225 alpha=0.8~0.0:425,0.0~0.8:225 [if] direction=s,se,sw [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-attack-[1~3,2,1].png:[175*2,100,75*2]" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [/if] [else] direction=n,ne,nw [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-n-2.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-n-attack-[1~3,2,1].png:[175*2,100,75*2]" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-n-2.png:25" [/frame] [/else] attack_sound_start_time=-126 [attack_sound_frame] duration=1 [/attack_sound_frame] [attack_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [/attack_anim] [standing_anim] direction=s,se,sw start_time=0 alpha=0.8~0.4:1400,0.4~0.6:600,0.6~0.4:600,0.4~0.8:1400 [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-s-[2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3].png:250" [/frame] [/standing_anim] [standing_anim] direction=n,ne,nw start_time=0 alpha=0.8~0.4:1400,0.4~0.6:600,0.6~0.4:600,0.4~0.8:1400 [frame] image="units/undead/ghost-n-[2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3].png:250" [/frame] [/standing_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Phantasm1 name= _ "Phantasm" race=undead image="units/undead/wraith-s.png" profile=portraits/undead/wraith.png hitpoints=35 movement_type=undeadspirit movement=7 experience=100 level=2 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=38 usage=scout description= _ "" [portrait] size=400 side="left" mirror="false" image="portraits/undead/transparent/wraith.png" [/portrait] [portrait] size=400 side="right" mirror="true" image="portraits/undead/transparent/wraith.png" [/portrait] [attack] name=baneblade description=_"baneblade" # wmllint: no spellcheck (until name->id) type=blade range=melee damage=9 number=4 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TERROR} [/specials] [/attack] [standing_anim] start_time=0 alpha=0.8~0.4:1100,0.4~0.6:450,0.6~0.4:450,0.4~0.8:1100 [frame] image="units/undead/wraith-s-[1~4,1~4,1~4,1~4].png:200" [/frame] [/standing_anim] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/undead/wraith-s-2.png:1,units/undead/wraith-s-attack-1.png:250,units/undead/wraith-s-2.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=baneblade [/filter_attack] alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 offset=0.0~0.3,0.3~0.45,0.45~0.3,0.3~0.0 start_time=-250 [frame] image="units/undead/wraith-s-attack-[1~5].png:[150,100*2,90,80]" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS {SOUND_LIST:SWORD_SWISH} {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -200} [frame] image="units/undead/wraith-s-defend-1.png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Phantasm2 name= _ "Phantasm" race=undead image="units/undead/shadow-s-2.png" profile=portraits/undead/shadow.png hitpoints=33 movement_type=undeadspirit movement=7 experience=100 level=2 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null hide_help=true {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=38 usage=scout description= _ "" [portrait] size=400 side="left" mirror="false" image="portraits/undead/transparent/shadow.png" [/portrait] [portrait] size=400 side="right" mirror="true" image="portraits/undead/transparent/shadow.png" [/portrait] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [if] direction=s,se,sw [frame] image=units/undead/shadow-s-2.png:1,units/undead/shadow-s-attack-1.png:250,units/undead/shadow-s-2.png:1 [/frame] [/if] [else] direction=n,ne,nw [frame] image=units/undead/shadow-n-2.png:1,units/undead/shadow-n-attack-1.png:250,units/undead/shadow-n-2.png:1 [/frame] [/else] [/defend] [attack] name=claws description=_"claws" type=blade icon=attacks/claws-undead.png range=melee damage=12 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MARKSMAN} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=claws [/filter_attack] start_time=-500 offset=0.0~1.0:550,0.0:225 alpha=0.8~0.7:350,0.7~0.0:200,0.0~0.8:225 direction=n,ne,nw [if] direction=s,se,sw [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-attack-[1~6,2,1].png:[75*2,50*2,75,200,100*2]" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [/if] [else] direction=n,ne,nw [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-attack-[1~6,2,1].png:[75*2,50*2,75,200,100*2]" [/frame] [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-2.png:25" [/frame] [/else] attack_sound_start_time=-325 [attack_sound_frame] duration=50 sound=wail-sml.wav [/attack_sound_frame] [if] hits=yes [attack_sound_frame] sound=claws.ogg [/attack_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [attack_sound_frame] sound={SOUND_LIST:MISS} [/attack_sound_frame] [/else] [/attack_anim] [standing_anim] direction=s,se,sw start_time=0 alpha=0.8~0.4:1400,0.4~0.6:600,0.6~0.4:600,0.4~0.8:1400 [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-s-[2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3].png:250" [/frame] [/standing_anim] [standing_anim] direction=n,ne,nw start_time=0 alpha=0.8~0.4:1400,0.4~0.6:600,0.6~0.4:600,0.4~0.8:1400 [frame] image="units/undead/shadow-n-[2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3,2,1~3].png:250" [/frame] [/standing_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define ABILITY_IRON_BLOOD [resistance] id=iron_blood apply_to=blade,impact,pierce add=20 max_value=90 name= _ "iron blood" female_name= _ "female^iron blood" description= _ "This unit’s physical resistances are increased by 20% when defending." affect_self=yes active_on=defense [/resistance] #enddef #define ABILITY_INFUSE_HEALING3 [heals] value=3 id=healing affect_allies=yes name= _ "infuse" female_name= _ "female^infuse" description= _ "A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to 3 HP per turn or be cured of poison." affect_self=yes poison=cured [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/heals] #enddef #define ABILITY_INFUSE_HEALING6 [heals] value=6 id=healing affect_allies=yes name= _ "infuse" female_name= _ "female^infuse" description= _ "A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to 6 HP per turn or be cured of poison." affect_self=yes poison=cured [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/heals] #enddef #define ABILITY_INFUSE_HEALING9 [heals] value=9 id=healing affect_allies=yes name= _ "infuse" female_name= _ "female^infuse" description= _ "A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to 9 HP per turn or be cured of poison." affect_self=yes poison=cured [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/heals] #enddef #define ABILITY_INFUSE3 {ABILITY_UNPOISON} {ABILITY_INFUSE_HEALING3} #enddef #define ABILITY_INFUSE6 {ABILITY_UNPOISON} {ABILITY_INFUSE_HEALING6} #enddef #define ABILITY_INFUSE9 {ABILITY_UNPOISON} {ABILITY_INFUSE_HEALING9} #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON [dummy] id=soul_siphon name= _ "reap" name_inactive= _ "reap" description= _ "A portion of the damage dealt by this attack is converted into healing energy and spread among nearby allies." description_inactive= _ "A portion of the damage dealt by this attack is converted into healing energy and spread among nearby allies." [/dummy] #enddef #define SOUL_SIPHON WEAPON FACTOR [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name={WEAPON} special_id=soul_siphon [/filter_attack] [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x1,$y1 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [not] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/not] [/filter] variable=ally [/store_unit] {VARIABLE counter 0} {VARIABLE heal_health $damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP heal_health divide {FACTOR}} [for] array=ally [do] {VARIABLE_OP counter add 1} [/do] [/for] [if] [variable] name=counter greater_than=0 [/variable] [then] {VARIABLE_OP heal_health divide $counter} [/then] [/if] [for] array=ally [do] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$ally[$i].x,$ally[$i].y [/filter] amount=$heal_health animate=yes restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE heal_health} {CLEAR_VARIABLE counter} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ally} [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second_attack] special_id=soul_siphon [/filter_second_attack] [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x2,$y2 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [/filter] variable=ally [/store_unit] {VARIABLE counter 0} {VARIABLE heal_health $damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP heal_health divide {FACTOR}} [for] array=ally [do] {VARIABLE_OP counter add 1} [/do] [/for] [if] [variable] name=counter greater_than=0 [/variable] [then] {VARIABLE_OP heal_health divide $counter} [/then] [/if] [for] array=opp [do] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$ally[$i].x,$ally[$i].y [/filter] amount=$heal_health animate=yes restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE heal_health} {CLEAR_VARIABLE counter} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ally} [/event] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_MALEFICE [dummy] id=malefice name= _ "malefice" description= _ "When this attack kills a unit (level 3 and above), it gains 1 damage. Does not work against Undead and Demons." [/dummy] #enddef #define MALEFICE [event] id=special_malefice_die name=die first_time_only=no [filter] level=3 [not] race=undead,demon,elemental,magical [/not] [or] level=4 [not] race=undead,demon,elemental,magical [/not] [/or] [or] level=5 [not] race=undead,demon,elemental,magical [/not] [/or] [or] level=6 [not] race=undead,demon,elemental,magical [/not] [/or] [or] level=7 [not] race=undead,demon,elemental,magical [/not] [/or] [and] [not] race=undead,demon,elemental,magical [/not] [/and] [/filter] [filter_second_attack] special_id=malefice [/filter_second_attack] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [/store_unit] [object] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] duration=forever silent=yes [effect] apply_to=attack special_id=malefice increase_damage=1 [/effect] [/object] [/event] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY [damage] id=agony name= _ "agony" name_inactive= _ "agony" description= _ "The immense pain resulting from this attack causes enemies to deal 30% less damage." description_inactive= _ "The immense pain resulting from this attack causes enemies to deal 30% less damage." apply_to=opponent multiply=0.7 [/damage] #enddef #define ABILITY_STRUT [dummy] id=strut name= _ "strut" name_inactive= _ "strut" description= _ "Adjacent undead units gain 2 extra movement points on each new turn." description_inactive= _ "Adjacent undead units gain 2 extra movement points on each new turn." [/dummy] #enddef #define STRUT [event] name=turn refresh first_time_only=no [store_unit] [filter] race=undead [filter_adjacent] ability=strut is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] variable=fast_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=fast_unit [do] {VARIABLE_OP fast_unit[$i].moves add 2} [unstore_unit] variable=fast_unit[$i] find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE fast_unit} [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_TRANSFUSION [dummy] id=transfusion name= _ "transfusion" name_inactive= _ "transfusion" description= _ "This unit deals damage to nearby enemies on each new turn and heals for the damage dealt." description_inactive= _ "This unit deals damage to nearby enemies on each new turn and heals for the damage dealt." [/dummy] #enddef #define TRANSFUSION [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] ability=transfusion is_enemy=yes [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] ability=transfusion [/filter] variable=tunit [/store_unit] {VARIABLE counter 0} [for] array=opp [do] {VARIABLE_OP counter add 1} [/do] [/for] [for] array=opp [do] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$opp[$i].x,$opp[$i].y [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=6 delay=25 [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$opp[$i].x,$opp[$i].y [/have_unit] [else] {VARIABLE exp $opp[$i].level} {VARIABLE_OP exp multiply 8} {VARIABLE_OP tunit.experience add $exp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE exp} [unstore_unit] variable=tunit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/else] [/if] [/do] [/for] {VARIABLE_OP counter multiply 6} [heal_unit] [filter] ability=transfusion [/filter] amount=$counter animate=yes [/heal_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE tunit} {CLEAR_VARIABLE counter} [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_IRON_WARDEN [dummy] id=iron warden name= _ "iron warden" name_inactive= _ "iron warden" description= _ "When nearby allies are attacked by physical attacks, they heal for 30% of the damage dealt and return damage equal to the amount healed." description_inactive= _ "When nearby allies are attacked by physical attacks, they heal for 30% of the damage dealt and return damage equal to the amount healed." [/dummy] #enddef #define IRON_WARDEN FACTOR [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=blade,impact,pierce [/filter_attack] [filter_second] [filter_adjacent] ability=iron warden is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_second] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [filter_adjacent] ability=iron warden is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] variable=shielded [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] {VARIABLE heal_health $damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP heal_health divide {FACTOR}} [if] [variable] name=second_unit.hitpoints greater_than=0 [/variable] [then] [for] array=shielded [do] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$shielded[$i].x,$shielded[$i].y [/filter] amount=$heal_health animate=yes restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [/do] [/for] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=$heal_health animate=yes fire_event=yes [/harm_unit] [/then] [/if] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/have_unit] [else] {VARIABLE exp $opp.level} {VARIABLE_OP exp multiply 8} {VARIABLE_OP second_unit.experience add $exp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE exp} [unstore_unit] variable=second_unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE heal_health} {CLEAR_VARIABLE shielded} [/event] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRRORFORCE [dummy] id=mirrorforce name= _ "mirror force" name_inactive= _ "mirror force" description= _ "This attack reflects 50% of all damage." description_inactive= _ "This attack reflects 50% of all damage." [/dummy] #enddef #define MIRRORFORCE [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_second_attack] special_id=mirrorforce [/filter_second_attack] [if] [variable] name=second_unit.hitpoints greater_than=1 [/variable] [then] {VARIABLE_OP damage_inflicted multiply 0.5} [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] amount=$damage_inflicted animate=no restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] kill=no amount=$damage_inflicted animate=no restore_statuses=no [/harm_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirrorforce [/filter_attack] [if] [variable] name=unit.hitpoints greater_than=1 [/variable] [then] {VARIABLE_OP damage_inflicted multiply 0.5} [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount=$damage_inflicted animate=no restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] kill=no amount=$damage_inflicted animate=no restore_statuses=no [/harm_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_DREAMWALK [dummy] id=dreamwalk name= _ "dreamwalk" name_inactive= _ "dreamwalk" description= _ "This unit heals 20% of its missing health a turn and can generate copies of itself." description_inactive= _ "This unit heals 20% of its missing health a turn and can generate copies of itself." [/dummy] #enddef #define ABILITY_DREAMWEAVE [dummy] id=dreamweave name= _ "dreamweave" name_inactive= _ "dreamweave" description= _ "This unit generates a copy of each adjacent unit on each turn." description_inactive= _ "This unit generates a copy of each adjacent unit on each turn." [/dummy] #enddef #define ABILITY_NOCTURNE [dummy] id=nocturne name= _ "nocturne" female_name= _ "female^nocturne" description= _ "This unit generates a copy of nearby units (within a radius of 3) on each turn." description_inactive= _ "This unit generates a copy of nearby (within a radius of 3) units on each turn." [/dummy] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_MIRROR [dummy] id=mirror name= _ "mirror" name_inactive= _ "mirror" description= _ "This attack copies the attack used against it." description_inactive= _ "This attack copies the attack used against it." [/dummy] #enddef # don't use this one for now, I can't get it to work #define MIRROR_DOESNOTWORK [event] id=mirror_dreamlord1 name=attack first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=mirror [/filter_attack] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] variable=attacker [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] variable=defender [/store_unit] [set_variable] name=defender.image value=$attacker.image [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.profile value=$attacker.profile [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.small_profile value=$attacker.small_profile [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.facing value=$attacker.facing [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.advances_to value=$attacker.advances_to [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.name value=$attacker.name [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.alignment value=$attacker.alignment [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.id value=$attacker.id [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.race value=$attacker.race [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.movement_type value=$attacker.movement_type [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.level value=$attacker.level [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.side value=$attacker.side [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.flying value=$attacker.flying [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.gender value=$attacker.gender [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.max_experience value=$attacker.max_experience [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.experience value=$attacker.experience [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.max_hitpoints value=$attacker.max_hitpoints [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.hitpoints value=$attacker.hitpoints [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender.type value=$attacker.type [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=attacker_mirror value=1 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=defender_mirror value=0 [/set_variable] [unstore_unit] variable=defender x,y=$x1,$y1 [/unstore_unit] [object] take_only_once=no silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=remove_attacks [not] name=$second_weapon.name [/not] [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attack end id=mirror_dreamlord_end first_time_only=no [if] [variable] name=attacker_mirror numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [then] #[unstore_unit] # variable=attacker #[/unstore_unit] [/then] [/if] # {CLEAR_VARIABLE attacker_mirror} # {CLEAR_VARIABLE defender_mirror} # {CLEAR_VARIABLE attacker} # {CLEAR_VARIABLE defender} [/event] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define IMMOLATE [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=immolate [/filter_attack] [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x1,$y1 is_enemy=yes [/filter_adjacent] [not] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/not] [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] [for] array=opp [do] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$opp[$i].x,$opp[$i].y [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=$damage_inflicted damage_type=fire delay=25 [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$opp[$i].x,$opp[$i].y [/have_unit] [else] {VARIABLE exp $opp[$i].level} {VARIABLE_OP exp multiply 8} {VARIABLE_OP unit.experience add "$(max(4, $exp))"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE exp} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/else] [/if] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} [/event] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE [dummy] id=immolate name= _ "immolate" name_inactive= _ "immolate" description= _ "The damage inflicted by this attack will spread to all nearby enemies." description_inactive= _ "The damage inflicted by this attack will spread to all nearby enemies." [/dummy] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_OBLITERATE [damage] id=obliterate name= _ "obliterate" description= _ "When used offensively, this attack gains a large amount of damage." multiply=2.5 active_on=offense [/damage] #enddef #define ABILITY_STORM_SHIELD [dummy] id=storm_shield name= _ "storm shield" name_inactive= _ "storm shield" description= _ "This unit returns damage when attacked. This damage ignores resistances." description_inactive= _ "This unit returns damage when attacked. This damage ignores resistances." [/dummy] #enddef #define STORM_SHIELD [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] ability=storm_shield [/filter_second] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] variable=self [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] {VARIABLE stormshield $damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP stormshield multiply 0.67} [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=$stormshield delay=100 [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/have_unit] [else] {VARIABLE exp $self.level} {VARIABLE_OP exp multiply 8} {VARIABLE_OP opp.experience add "$(max(4, $exp))"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE exp} [unstore_unit] variable=opp find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE self} {CLEAR_VARIABLE stormshield} [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_FIRE_SHIELD [dummy] id=fire_shield name= _ "fire shield" name_inactive= _ "fire shield" description= _ "This unit returns fire damage when attacked by melee attacks." description_inactive= _ "This unit returns fire damage when attacked by melee attacks." [/dummy] #enddef #define FIRE_SHIELD [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] ability=fire_shield [/filter_second] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] variable=self [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] {VARIABLE fireshield $damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP fireshield multiply 0.5} [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=$fireshield damage_type=fire delay=100 [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/have_unit] [else] {VARIABLE exp $self.level} {VARIABLE_OP exp multiply 8} {VARIABLE_OP opp.experience add "$(max(4, $exp))"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE exp} [unstore_unit] variable=opp find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE self} {CLEAR_VARIABLE stormshield} [/event] #enddef #define OBLITERATE WEAPON DMG [event] id=obliterate handler name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name={WEAPON} special_id=obliterate [/filter_attack] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] {VARIABLE obliterate {DMG}} [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=$obliterate delay=100 [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/have_unit] [else] {VARIABLE exp $opp.level} {VARIABLE_OP exp multiply 8} {VARIABLE_OP unit.experience add "$(max(4, $exp))"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE exp} [unstore_unit] variable=unit find_vacant=no [/unstore_unit] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} {CLEAR_VARIABLE obliterate} [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_BLESSING_SHARDIA [leadership] id=blessing_shardia value=10 cumulative=yes name= _ "blessing of shardia" female_name= _ "female^blessing of shardia" description= _ "This unit gains 10% damage during the day." affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] time_of_day=lawful [/filter_location] [/filter_self] [/leadership] #enddef #define ABILITY_KINDLE [regenerate] value=11 id=kindle name= _ "kindle" female_name= _ "female^kindle" description= _ "The unit will heal itself 11 HP per turn. If it is poisoned, it will remove the poison instead of healing." affect_self=yes poison=cured [/regenerate] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_INCINERATE [damage] id=incinerate name= _ "incinerate" description= _ "When used offensively, this attack gains 50% damage." multiply=1.5 active_on=offense [/damage] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define FAERIE_RECRUITS recruit=Faerie Sprite,Dusk Faerie,Faerie Shaman,Yousei Briar Maiden,Equipoise Faerie #enddef #define FULL_RECRUIT_LIST recruit=Faerie Sprite,Dusk Faerie,Faerie Shaman,Yousei Briar Maiden,Equipoise Faerie,Ghost,Skeleton,Skeleton Archer #enddef #define PLAYER_FAE type=Fire Fae name= _ "Esther" id=Esther team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" controller=human canrecruit=yes color=green #enddef #define HUMAN_ALLY team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Humans" color=white controller=ai #enddef #define HUMAN_ENEMY team_name=humans user_team_name= _ "team_name^Humans" color=white controller=ai #enddef #define MONSTER_SIDE color=orange controller=ai team_name=monsters user_team_name= _ "team_name^Monsters" no_leader=yes #enddef #define SPIRIT_ENEMY_SIDE controller=ai team_name=spirits user_team_name= _ "team_name^Spirits" color=lightblue #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_FIRE_FAERIE {AMLA_OPTION_FIREFAERIEMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_FIREFAERIERANGED} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_FIREFAERIEMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased melee damage" image="units/faeries-other/dryad.png" id=amla_melee_firefaerie strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=fire aura increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=40% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_FIREFAERIERANGED [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger ranged attacks" image="units/faeries-other/dryad.png" id=amla_ranged_firefaerie strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=mystic fire increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=40% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_EVENTIDE {AMLA_OPTION_EVENTIDEMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_EVENTIDERANGED} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_EVENTIDEMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased melee damage" image=units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png id=amla_melee_eventide strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_EVENTIDERANGED [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger ranged attacks" image=units/faeries-other/eventide-dancer.png id=amla_ranged_eventide strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=forest chill increase_damage=2 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=shadow wave increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=40% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define ABILITY_HEAL6 [heals] value=6 id=healing affect_allies=yes name= _ "heals +6" female_name= _ "female^heals +6" description= _ "Allows the unit to heal adjacent allied units at the beginning of our turn. A unit cared for by this healer may heal up to 6 HP per turn, or stop poison from taking effect for that turn. A poisoned unit cannot be cured of its poison by a healer, and must seek the care of a village or a unit that can cure." affect_self=no poison=slowed [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/heals] #enddef #define ABILITY_GUARDIAN_ANGEL1 [dummy] id=guardianangel1 name= _ "guardian angel" female_name= _ "female^guardian angel" description= _ "Nearby allies (within a radius of 2) have a 20% chance to mitigate half the damage from physical attacks on defense." [/dummy] #enddef #define ABILITY_GUARDIAN_ANGEL2 [dummy] id=guardianangel2 name= _ "guardian angel" female_name= _ "female^guardian angel" description= _ "Nearby allies (within a radius of 2) have a 40% chance to mitigate half the damage from physical attacks on defense." [/dummy] #enddef #define GUARDIAN_ANGEL TYPE CHANCE FACTOR [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=blade,impact,pierce [/filter_attack] [store_unit] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [filter_location] radius=2 [and] [filter] type={TYPE} ability=guardianangel1,guardianangel2 side=$second_unit.side [/filter] [/and] [/filter_location] [/filter] variable=shielded [/store_unit] [set_variable] name=chance_to_heal rand=1..100 [/set_variable] {VARIABLE heal_health $damage_inflicted} {VARIABLE_OP heal_health divide {FACTOR}} [if] [variable] name=second_unit.hitpoints greater_than=0 [/variable] [and] [variable] name=chance_to_heal less_than_equal_to={CHANCE} [/variable] [/and] [then] [for] array=shielded [do] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$shielded[$i].x,$shielded[$i].y [/filter] amount=$heal_health animate=yes restore_statuses=no [/heal_unit] [/do] [/for] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE heal_health} {CLEAR_VARIABLE shielded} {CLEAR_VARIABLE chance_to_heal} [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_SYLVAN_SPARK [regenerate] value=5 id=sylvan_spark name= _ "sylvan spark" description= _ "While in vegetated terrains, the unit will heal itself 5 hp per turn. If it is poisoned, it will remove the poison instead of healing. Vegetated terrains are forest, great tree, farmland and mushroom grove hexes." name_inactive= _ "sylvan spark" description_inactive= _ "While in vegetated terrains, the unit will heal itself 5 hp per turn. If it is poisoned, it will remove the poison instead of healing. Vegetated terrains are forest, great tree, farmland and mushroom grove hexes." affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] terrain=*^F*, *^Uf, *^Ufi, *^Gvs [/filter_location] [/filter_self] poison=cured [/regenerate] #enddef #define AMLA_HEALER_FAERIE {AMLA_OPTION_HEALERMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_HEALERRANGED} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_HEALERMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased melee damage" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png id=amla_melee_healer strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=20% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_HEALERRANGED [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger ranged attacks" image=attacks/entangle.png id=amla_ranged_healer strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=ensnare increase_damage=2 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=35% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_WHIPLASH [damage] id=whiplash name= _ "whiplash" name_inactive= _ "whiplash" description= _ "The pain resulting from this attack causes enemies to deal 15% less damage." description_inactive= _ "The pain resulting from this attack causes enemies to deal 15% less damage." apply_to=opponent multiply=0.85 [/damage] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOOM [damage] id=bloom_display name= _ "bloom" name_inactive= _ "bloom" description= _ "This attack gains 1 damage for every adjacent allied unit." description_inactive= _ "This attack gains 1 damage for every adjacent allied unit." apply_to=self add=0 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=1-6 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] [damage] id=bloom1 name= apply_to=self add=1 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=1 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] [damage] id=bloom2 name= apply_to=self add=2 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=2 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] [damage] id=bloom3 name= apply_to=self add=3 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=3 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] [damage] id=bloom4 name= apply_to=self add=4 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=4 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] [damage] id=bloom5 name= apply_to=self add=5 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=5 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] [damage] id=bloom6 name= apply_to=self add=6 [filter_self] [filter_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw count=6 is_enemy=no [/filter_adjacent] [/filter_self] [/damage] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLOSSOM [attacks] id=blossom name= _ "blossom" description= _ "On offense, enemies cannot retaliate to this attack. If this attack hits, the enemy loses 20% magic resistance for one turn. If this attack misses, the enemy's defense is reduced by 20% for the remainder of the turn." value=0 cumulative=no apply_to=opponent active_on=offense [/attacks] #enddef #define CHERRY_BLOSSOM [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=blossom [/filter_attack] [object] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] take_only_once=no duration=turn silent=yes [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] cold=20 fire=20 arcane=20 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] name=attacker_misses first_time_only=no [filter_attack] special_id=blossom [/filter_attack] [object] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] take_only_once=no duration=turn silent=yes [effect] apply_to=defense [defense] deep_water=20 shallow_water=20 reef=20 swamp_water=20 flat=20 sand=20 forest=20 hills=20 mountains=20 village=20 castle=20 cave=20 unwalkable=20 impassable=20 frozen=20 fungus=20 [/defense] [/effect] [/object] [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_BRIAR_ROSE [dummy] id=briar rose name= _ "briar rose" description= _ "This unit poisons all nearby enemy units on the start of every new turn. Additionally, enemies that strike this unit with melee attacks are poisoned." [/dummy] #enddef #define BRIAR_ROSE [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [store_unit] [filter] [filter_adjacent] ability=briar rose is_enemy=yes [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] variable=opp [/store_unit] [foreach] array=opp [do] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$opp[$i].x,$opp[$i].y [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=0 poisoned=yes delay=25 [/harm_unit] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE opp} [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] range=melee [/filter_attack] [filter_second] ability=briar rose [/filter_second] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] fire_event=yes animate=yes amount=0 poisoned=yes delay=25 [/harm_unit] [/event] #enddef #define AMLA_YOUSEI {AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIRANGED} #enddef #define AMLA_TSUBAKI {AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIRADIANT} {AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIVITAL} {AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEICHERRY} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased melee damage" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png id=amla_melee_yousei strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIRANGED [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger ranged attacks" image=attacks/thorns.png id=amla_ranged_yousei strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack range=ranged increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIRADIANT [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increases radiant bloom's damage" image=attacks/thorns.png id=amla_radiant_yousei strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=radiant bloom increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEIVITAL [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increases vitalizing bloom's damage" image=attacks/thorns.png id=amla_vitalizing_yousei strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=vitalizing bloom increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YOUSEICHERRY [advancement] max_times=2 description=_"increases cherry blossom's strikes" image=attacks/thorns.png id=amla_cherry_yousei strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=cherry blossom increase_attacks=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=100% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_PRECIPITOUS [chance_to_hit] id=precipitous name= _ "precipitous" description= _ "This attack always has a 30% chance to hit." value=30 cumulative=no [/chance_to_hit] #enddef #define ABILITY_EQUILIBRIUM10 [dummy] id=equilibrium_display name= _ "equilibrium" female_name= _ "female^equilibrium" description= _ "This unit reduces the negative effects of time of day by 10% on adjacent allied units. Adjacent lawful units only receive a -15% damage penalty at night and adjacent chaotic units receive a -15% damage penalty during the day." [/dummy] [leadership] id=equilibrium10 name= value=10 cumulative=no affect_enemies=no [affect_adjacent] [filter] formula="alignment=lawful" [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [affect_adjacent] [filter] formula="alignment=chaotic" [filter_location] time_of_day=lawful [/filter_location] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [/leadership] #enddef #define ABILITY_EQUILIBRIUM15 [dummy] id=equilibrium_display name= _ "equilibrium" female_name= _ "female^equilibrium" description= _ "This unit reduces the negative effects of time of day by 15% on adjacent allied units. Adjacent lawful units only receive a -10% damage penalty at night and adjacent chaotic units receive a -10% damage penalty during the day." [/dummy] [leadership] id=equilibrium15 name= value=15 cumulative=no affect_enemies=no [affect_adjacent] [filter] formula="alignment=lawful" [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [affect_adjacent] [filter] formula="alignment=chaotic" [filter_location] time_of_day=lawful [/filter_location] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [/leadership] #enddef #define ABILITY_EQUILIBRIUM25 [dummy] id=equilibrium_display name= _ "equilibrium" female_name= _ "female^equilibrium" description= _ "This unit reduces the negative effects of time of day by 25% on adjacent allied units. Adjacent lawful units receive no damage penalty at night and adjacent chaotic units receive no damage penalty during the day." [/dummy] [leadership] id=equilibrium25 name= value=25 cumulative=no affect_enemies=no [affect_adjacent] [filter] formula="alignment=lawful" [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [affect_adjacent] [filter] formula="alignment=chaotic" [filter_location] time_of_day=lawful [/filter_location] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [/leadership] #enddef #define AMLA_ARBITER {AMLA_OPTION_ARBITERMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_ARBITERWHITE} {AMLA_OPTION_ARBITERBLACK} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARBITERMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased melee damage" image=attacks/magic-missile.png id=amla_melee_arbiter strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARBITERWHITE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increases white lotus's damage" image=attacks/thorns.png id=amla_arbiter_white strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=white lotus increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=35% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARBITERBLACK [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increases black lotus's damage" image=attacks/thorns.png id=amla_arbiter_black strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=black lotus increase_damage=2 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_PIERCE [dummy] id=pierce name= _ "pierce" name_inactive= _ "pierce" description= _ "This attack temporarily reduces physical resistance by 5% on hit." description_inactive= _ "This attack temporarily reduces physical resistance by 5% on hit." [/dummy] #enddef #define PIERCE WEAPON [event] id=pierce handler1 name=attacker hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name={WEAPON} special_id=pierce [/filter_attack] [object] [filter] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/filter] take_only_once=no duration=turn silent=yes [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=5 pierce=5 impact=5 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] [/event] [event] id=pierce handler2 name=defender hits first_time_only=no [filter_second_attack] name={WEAPON} special_id=pierce [/filter_second_attack] [object] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] take_only_once=no duration=turn silent=yes [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=5 pierce=5 impact=5 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] [/event] #enddef #define ABILITY_BLITZ2 [dummy] id=blitz2 name= _ "blitz" description= _"This unit can attack twice in one turn." [/dummy] #enddef #define BLITZ2 [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [if] [have_unit] ability=blitz2 [/have_unit] [then] [modify_unit] [filter] ability=blitz2 [/filter] max_attacks=2 attacks_left=2 [/modify_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attack_end first_time_only=no [filter] ability=blitz2 x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [if] [have_unit] ability=blitz2 [/have_unit] [then] [modify_unit] [filter] ability=blitz2 [/filter] moves=5 [/modify_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN70 [drains] id=drain70 value=70 name= _ "siphon" description= _ "This attack draws out small amounts of energy from the enemies it harms." [/drains] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN40 [drains] id=drain40 value=40 name= _ "siphon" description= _ "This attack draws out small amounts of energy from the enemies it harms." [/drains] #enddef #define WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN30 [drains] id=drain30 value=30 name= _ "siphon" description= _ "This attack draws out small amounts of energy from the enemies it harms." [/drains] #enddef #define ABILITY_NIGHT_HUNTER [skirmisher] id=night_hunter_skirmish name= _ "night hunter" description= _ "This unit ignores enemy zones of control and gains an additional 30% damage at night." affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter_self] [/skirmisher] [leadership] id=night_hunter_dmg value=30 cumulative=yes affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter_self] [/leadership] #enddef #define ABILITY_VOID_WARDEN [resistance] id=void_warden_resist add=10 max_value=90 name= _ "void warden" description= _ "This unit heals 6 HP and gains +10% to all resistances (up to 90%) at night." affect_self=yes affect_allies=no affect_enemies=no [filter_self] [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter_self] [/resistance] [regenerate] id=void_warden_regen value=6 affect_self=yes [filter_self] [filter_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/filter_location] [/filter_self] poison=cured [/regenerate] #enddef #define ABILITY_CLARITY [resistance] id=clarity sub=10 max_value=90 apply_to=cold,arcane name= _ "clarity" female_name= _ "female^clarity" description= _ "This unit reduces nearby enemies' cold and arcane resistances by 10% at level 3, 20% at level 4, and 30% at level 5." affect_self=no affect_allies=no affect_enemies=yes [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [filter] [filter_adjacent] ability=clarity level=3 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [/resistance] [resistance] id=clarity sub=20 max_value=90 apply_to=cold,arcane affect_self=no affect_allies=no affect_enemies=yes [affect_adjacent] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [filter] [filter_adjacent] ability=clarity level=4 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [/affect_adjacent] [/resistance] [resistance] id=clarity sub=30 max_value=90 apply_to=cold,arcane affect_self=no affect_allies=no affect_enemies=yes [affect_adjacent] [filter] [filter_adjacent] ability=clarity level=5,6,7,8,9,10 [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] adjacent=n,ne,se,s,sw,nw [/affect_adjacent] [/resistance] #enddef #define ABILITY_CLAIRVOYANCE [teleport] id=clairvoyance name= _ "clairvoyance" female_name= _ "female^clairvoyance" description= _ "This unit may teleport to allied units." [tunnel] id=clairvoyance [source] terrain=* [/source] [filter] ability=clairvoyance [/filter] [target] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] side=$teleport_unit.side [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/target] [/tunnel] [/teleport] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER title="<span font='200' color='#BCB088'>!</span>" # wmllint: ignore title_alignment=center show_title=yes #enddef #define CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING " " #enddef #define CAMPAIGN_INTRO_WARNING_TITLE "<span color='#BCB088' font='18' weight='bold'>"+ _ "Warning!"+"</span> " #enddef # wmlindent: start ignoring #define CAMPAIGN_INTRO_GAMEPLAY_WARNING _ "Many scenarios of this campaign work significantly different from normal Wesnoth gameplay. It is especially important to pay close attention to the mission objectives and not necessarily try to kill every single enemy, especially on shrouded maps, or in places where enemies seem to respawn continuously." #enddef #define CAMPAIGN_INTRO_CONTENT_WARNING _ "This campaign is the prequel to <i>Invasion from the Unknown</i> and <i>After the Storm</i>. It may be useful, but is not necessary to play these campaigns before playing Genesis. You should complete the first episode of Genesis before playing this episode." #enddef #define CAMPAIGN_INTRO_OPTIONS_WARNING _ "A game screen resolution of <b>800x600 or greater</b> is recommended. Some sequences make use of floating labels, halos, and standing unit animations, so you might want to make sure these options are enabled under <b>Preferences</b> ? <b>Display</b>." #enddef #define STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD _ID _MAIN_TITLE _ALTERNATE_TITLE title={_MAIN_TITLE}+" <small>("+{_ALTERNATE_TITLE}+")</small> <span size='xx-small'>"+{_ID}+"</span>" #enddef #define STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE _ID _MAIN_TITLE title={_MAIN_TITLE}+" <span size='xx-small'>"+{_ID}+"</span>" #enddef #define STORYTXT_CAPTION _TEXT "<span color='#bcb088' font='18' weight='bold'>"+{_TEXT}+"</span> " #enddef #define STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING [story] [part] music="data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg" {CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER} story={CAMPAIGN_INTRO_WARNING_TITLE}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_GAMEPLAY_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_CONTENT_WARNING} [/part] [part] {CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER} story= _ "The "hard" difficulty setting is intended to present a challenge to experienced players. The other difficulty settings should be reasonable for newer players." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_ETHEA [story] [switch] variable=prev_scenario [case] value="none" [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Esther")} + _ "..." [/part] [/case] [case] value="White City" [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Esther")} + _ "So we need Aryel for something, at least. Not really a surprise, since she's been living up here for a while and knows these parts better than I do. I'm also surprised the humans let us get close to that place. Usually, they're not terribly friendly to the faerie, even if we're not really enemies. They're just scared because faeries tend to be really strong compared to them. And if they knew what we were..." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Esther")} + _ "Well, I digress. If we go back, we'll just have to make sure that we don't do anything silly. I'd hate to have to fight the humans, especially with the demons being a threat." [/part] [/case] [case] value="Glacial Shrine" [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Esther")} + _ "We tried to be helpful, but obviously we couldn't tell the humans too much. Can't let them get dragged into those kind of issues, or they'll all be killed. We talked about what we had learned a little bit, but ultimately it wasn't anything too new, except for the few inscriptions on the last glyph. Those were really different, but we can't really make any assumptions based on those yet, not without more information." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Esther")} + _ "Surprisingly, though, the general allowed some of his men to follow us. I guess it would get boring just staying in that fort for weeks, especially with nothing but snow and ice around them. The extra help should be useful, but of course, this means that we'll have to be careful not to give them any hints that we're not normal faerie." [/part] [/case] [case] value="Black Cauldron" [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Aryel")} + _ "Yumi's the youngest of us by quite a bit. I think she's probably only a few decades old. Okay, so I'm not that much older, but it's just the way she acts. She just seems so... so shy. I don't know what to make of it. It always feels like she's hiding something from us. Is it just because she's afraid? It's not like we're out to get her. Yes, I tease her sometimes, but she knows we won't hurt her. It just doesn't make sense." [/part] [part] story={STORYTXT_CAPTION ( _ "Aryel")} + _ "Maybe I don't have a right to be worried. Esther's been taking care of her just fine, anyway. Right now, the demons are the bigger issue..." [/part] [/case] [/switch] [/story] #enddef
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=00_Cutscene map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode1/maps/01_Ash.map}" turns=-1 #theme=Cutscene_Minimal victory_when_enemies_defeated=no next_scenario=01_Eventide_Song #{STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING} #{LIMBO} {ETERNALDARK} [side] type=Amberlight Fae variation=AF3 name= _ "Esther" id=Esther facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} [/modifications] # profile=portraits/esther.png canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes side=1 controller=human recruit= fog=yes shroud=yes team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes team_name=demons controller=ai color=black fog=no shroud=no hidden=yes [/side] [event] name=prestart #{FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [kill] id=Esther [/kill] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [place_shroud] side=1 x=1-50 y=1-21 [/place_shroud] [refresh_spell_menu] enable=1 [/refresh_spell_menu] [initialize_spells][/initialize_spells] [yumi_spell_setup][/yumi_spell_setup] [aryel_spell_setup][/aryel_spell_setup] [esther_spell_setup][/esther_spell_setup] [add_siphon_yumi][/add_siphon_yumi] [add_void_blast_yumi][/add_void_blast_yumi] [add_ethereal_form_yumi][/add_ethereal_form_yumi] [add_astral_blood_yumi][/add_astral_blood_yumi] [add_null_flare_yumi][/add_null_flare_yumi] [add_shadow_walk_yumi][/add_shadow_walk_yumi] [add_infuse_aryel][/add_infuse_aryel] [add_malefice_aryel][/add_malefice_aryel] [add_blood_bind_aryel][/add_blood_bind_aryel] [add_harvest_soul_aryel][/add_harvest_soul_aryel] [add_eldritch_bolt_aryel][/add_eldritch_bolt_aryel] [add_firebolt_esther][/add_firebolt_esther] [add_sunlight_spark_esther][/add_sunlight_spark_esther] [add_ember_spear_esther][/add_ember_spear_esther] [add_ardent_flare_esther][/add_ardent_flare_esther] [add_blazing_star_esther][/add_blazing_star_esther] [add_lightning_bolt_esther][/add_lightning_bolt_esther] [/event] [event] name=start #{UNFADE_SCREEN} [unstore_unit] variable=esther [/unstore_unit] [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} [unit] side=1 type=Dusk Fae variation=DF3 canrecruit=yes x,y=9,7 name= _ "Yumi" id=Yumi unrenamable=yes # profile=portraits/yumi.png animate=no [/unit] [unit] side=1 type=Crimson Fae variation=CF3 canrecruit=yes x,y=9,7 name= _ "Aryel" id=Aryel unrenamable=yes # profile=portraits/aryel.png animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=done [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=no carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=01_Eventide_Song [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=01_Eventide_Song map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/maps/01_Eventide_Song.map}" name= _ "Eventide Song" turns=-1 #theme=Cutscene victory_when_enemies_defeated=no next_scenario=02_Ethea {LIMBO} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "silence.ogg"} [side] type=Amberlight Fae variation=AF3 name= _ "Esther" id=Esther facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} [/modifications] # profile=portraits/esther.png canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes side=1 controller=human recruit= fog=yes shroud=yes team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes team_name=fae controller=ai color=black fog=no shroud=no hidden=yes [/side] [event] name=prestart {FADE_SCREEN} [store_unit] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] variable=esther [/store_unit] [kill] id=Esther [/kill] [store_unit] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] variable=aryel [/store_unit] [kill] id=Aryel [/kill] [modify_side] side=1 shroud=yes [/modify_side] [/event] # PUZZLE 1, make Yumi a cup of tea using flowers and holy water # grow the flower, add the flower seeds (flower terrain) to sunlight # heat the water first # then add the flower to the water # PUZZLE 2, fruit popsicle # get some fresh fruit from the first area, probably strawberries # take it to the "blender" to mash it up nicely # then take it to the "freezer" to turn it into a popsicle # PUZZLE 3, create some bread for Yumi # there is a windmill near a whirlpool, but it isn't moving # you need to first light a fire using the sceptre of fire and an unlit brazier # then place the fire into the whirlpool, and voila, you have steam to power the windmill # then put the grain in the windmill and you're good to go # PUZZLE 4, make some pudding # light the fire to a pot # add the milk # add the eggs # add the chocolate, vanilla, and sugar (any order, vanilla can be flower3 or flower4) # rest of the stuff needs to get drawn [event] name=preload first_time_only=no [lua] code = << wesnoth.dofile('~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/lua/scenarios/01_Eventide_Song.lua') >> [/lua] [/event] [event] name=start [unit] side=1 type=Dusk Fae variation=DF3 canrecruit=yes x,y=10,5 name= _ "Yumi" id=Yumi unrenamable=yes # profile=portraits/yumi.png animate=no [/unit] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] {UNFADE_SCREEN} [unhide_unit] [filter][/filter] [/unhide_unit] [swap_starting_terrain][/swap_starting_terrain] [initialize_sound_puzzle][/initialize_sound_puzzle] #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=large_puzzle_exp value=40 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=small_puzzle_exp value=25 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=large_puzzle_exp value=30 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=small_puzzle_exp value=20 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=large_puzzle_exp value=20 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=small_puzzle_exp value=10 [/set_variable] #endif [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Solve the puzzle")} [/objectives] [/event] ######### SOUND PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=10 y=7 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=puzzle_sound.complete numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Wind flows on high in the open sky. Through parted clouds, barest light glimmers Where streaming water rushes ceaselessly Into the eternal march of time. Alone, fallen leaves borne upon the silent gale, They drift aimlessly into day and night, Voices muted by the aetherial gyre. Atop the peak and in the deep valley Terra's breath stirs to life, Carried through the blue heavens, Gracing violet eyes with bright color. Lips part and she sings A trio of notes, low to high, And she fades once more Into the timless flow of wind.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=10 y=3 [/filter] [sound_hex_one][/sound_hex_one] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=8 y=3 [/filter] [sound_hex_two][/sound_hex_two] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=12 y=3 [/filter] [sound_hex_three][/sound_hex_three] [/event] [event] name=transition {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC wind.ogg} {APPEND_MUSIC wanderer.ogg} [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) moves 10} [/event] ######### EARTH PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=15 y=10 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=puzzle_earth.complete numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Children of earth, their tiny seeds burrow in the soil. Sunlight graces their subterranean homes and their mauve leaves blossom. The fire is lit, the water boils, And the fragrance of lavender perfuses the air.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=10 y=9 [/filter] [puzzle_earth_flower_hex][/puzzle_earth_flower_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=13 y=9 [/filter] [puzzle_earth_sunlight_hex][/puzzle_earth_sunlight_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=14 y=6 [/filter] [puzzle_earth_water_hex][/puzzle_earth_water_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=18 y=9 [/filter] [puzzle_earth_fire_hex][/puzzle_earth_fire_hex] [/event] ######### ICE PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=43 y=15 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=puzzle_ice.complete numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Ruby red crowned with emerald green, the strawberry lies in ice. Chopped quickly, then frozen, A sweet and tasty treat awaits.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=46 y=12 [/filter] [puzzle_ice_fruit_hex][/puzzle_ice_fruit_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=44 y=3 [/filter] [puzzle_ice_blender_hex][/puzzle_ice_blender_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=55-58 y=5-9 [/filter] [puzzle_ice_freezer_hexes][/puzzle_ice_freezer_hexes] [/event] ######### WATER/FIRE PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=31 y=45 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=puzzle_water_fire.complete numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>The whirling fan lies still over swirling waters. Fire lights the darkness amidst the black sea. Churning and chruning, the mill springs to life, A touch of grain is ground to fresh bread.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=3 y=50 [/filter] [puzzle_water_fire_scepter_hex][/puzzle_water_fire_scepter_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=9 y=46 [/filter] [puzzle_water_fire_brazier_hex][/puzzle_water_fire_brazier_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=28 y=47 [/filter] [puzzle_water_fire_whirlpool_hex][/puzzle_water_fire_whirlpool_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=24 y=44 [/filter] [puzzle_water_fire_grain_hex][/puzzle_water_fire_grain_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=29 y=47 [/filter] [puzzle_water_fire_windmill_hex][/puzzle_water_fire_windmill_hex] [/event] ######### LIFE PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=24 y=27 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=puzzle_life.complete numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Milk and eggs over gentle heat, Sharp vanilla mellows into sweet fragrance. Chocolate and sugar melt in, She stirs with slow strokes, The taste of fresh pudding brings her senses to life.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=22 y=26 [/filter] [puzzle_life_fire_hex][/puzzle_life_fire_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=23 y=26 [/filter] [puzzle_life_brazier_hex][/puzzle_life_brazier_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=11 y=27 [/filter] [puzzle_life_milk_hex][/puzzle_life_milk_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=30 y=24 [/filter] [puzzle_life_eggs_hex][/puzzle_life_eggs_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=35 y=30 [/filter] [puzzle_life_chocolate_hex][/puzzle_life_chocolate_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=13 y=30 [/filter] [puzzle_life_vanilla_hex][/puzzle_life_vanilla_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=21 y=34 [/filter] [puzzle_life_sugar_hex][/puzzle_life_sugar_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=44 y=37 [/filter] [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=no carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=02_Ethea [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=victory [unstore_unit] variable=esther x,y=1,1 [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE esther} [unstore_unit] variable=aryel x,y=1,2 [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE aryel} [set_ethea_variables] [/set_ethea_variables] [/event] [event] name=done [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=no carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=02_Ethea [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=02_Ethea map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/maps/02_Ethea.map}" name= _ "Ethea" turns=-1 theme=Cutscene victory_when_enemies_defeated=no next_scenario=03g_Amberlight_Shrine {DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} [side] type=Amberlight Fae name= _ "Esther" id=Esther canrecruit=yes side=1 controller=human recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=yellow fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Demons" [/side] [side] side=3 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=blue fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=critters hidden=yes [/side] # scenarios # Mirror lake (puzzle where you get ethereal form for Yumi, a Valdir scenario) # echo caverns (ice chamber where you see lots of copies of yourself, Yukiria scenario) # Bells of Aerlyn (village in a valley, the bells atop the hill held by rogue demons and no longer ring (mini-boss battle)) (after you finish this, you can play with the bells on the map) # Devil's Gorge (first incident of rogue demons, first recruiting scenario) # Shardia's light (atop the high mountain, Shardia's light has gone out, figure out how to fix it and get esther's sunlight spark spell, puzzle + valdemon beast) # ethea minigames # villager wants a vampire bat as a pet, catch one by killing it (it spawns at night, so you need to end turn) # the dirty river (river goes by a void hex and turns dirty, so you need to put a rock to block the way and make the river go around it) # the scorpion pit (help a demoness feed her pet scorpions by attracting flies with a scone) # ice fishing (help an old man catch some fish, you need to go to the thin ice, then heat it with some fire) # the big sundial in the temple (aligned at midnight, opens the way into the ancient temple, where you get a buff to your magic) # chicken queen will give yumi an egg to improve her HP a tiny bit # Uria's shrine (exit) [event] name=preload first_time_only=no [lua] code = << wesnoth.dofile('~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/lua/scenarios/02_Ethea.lua') >> [/lua] [initialize_puzzles][/initialize_puzzles] [/event] [event] name=prestart [label] x,y=54,22 text = _ "Mirror Lake" [/label] [label] x,y=23,27 text = _ "Aerlyn" [/label] [label] x,y=27,3 text = _ "Canyon" [/label] [label] x,y=15,15 text = _ "Shrine" [/label] [label] x,y=4,21 text = _ "Echo Caverns" [/label] [label] x,y=35,17 text = _ "Firefly Summit" [/label] [switch] variable=ethea.prev_scenario [case] value="Mirror Lake" [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=54,22 [/move_unit] [/case] [case] value="Echo Vale" [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=6,20 [/move_unit] [/case] [case] value="Devil Gorge" [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=24,4 [/move_unit] [/case] [case] value="The Bells of Aerlyn" [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=17,24 [/move_unit] [/case] [case] value="Firefly Summit" [move_unit] id=Esther to_x,to_y=35,17 [/move_unit] [/case] [/switch] [set_recruit] side=1 recruit= [/set_recruit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 30} #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 25} #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 20} #endif {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rune3.png 45 9} {PLACE_IMAGE scenery/rune4.png 45 14} [/event] [event] name=start {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} [switch] variable=ethea.prev_scenario [case] value="Mirror Lake" {RECALL_YUMI 53 22} {RECALL_ARYEL 54 21} [/case] [case] value="Echo Vale" {RECALL_YUMI 5 21} {RECALL_ARYEL 5 20} [/case] [case] value="Devil Gorge" {RECALL_YUMI 24 5} {RECALL_ARYEL 23 5} [/case] [case] value="The Bells of Aerlyn" {RECALL_YUMI 17 25} {RECALL_ARYEL 18 24} [/case] [case] value="Firefly Summit" {RECALL_YUMI 34 17} {RECALL_ARYEL 35 18} [/case] [case] value="none" {RECALL_YUMI 19 16} {RECALL_ARYEL 20 15} [/case] [/switch] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "Go to the shrine if you are finished exploring the map.")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) moves 10} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Esther [/filter] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Esther) moves 10} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) moves 10} [/event] ######### MIRROR LAKE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=43 y=15 [/filter] [/event] ######### BAT LADY ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=27 y=13 [/filter] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Ebitta [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [unit] id=Ebitta name= _ "Ebitta" type=Demon gender=female side=2 x,y=26,12 unrenamable=yes [/unit] [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=ethea.bat numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [then] [move_unit] id=Eksi to_x,to_y=26,12 [/move_unit] [/then] [/if] [bat_dialogue_hex][/bat_dialogue_hex] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [have_location] time_of_day_id=dusk [/have_location] [not] [have_unit] id=Eksi [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [if] [variable] name=ethea.bat numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [then] [store_locations] variable=locs x=27-30,29-31,31-32,32-38 y=15-17,14-15,12-14,11-13 [/store_locations] [set_variable] name=ind rand=0..39 [/set_variable] [unit] id=Eksi name= _ "Eksi" type=Blood Bat side=2 x,y=$locs[$ind].x,$locs[$ind].y unrenamable=yes [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE locs} {CLEAR_VARIABLE ind} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 [filter_adjacent] id=Eksi [/filter_adjacent] [/filter] [message] speaker=Eksi message= _ "Neep!" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Looks like we found that bat." [/message] {VARIABLE ethea.bat 2} [/event] ######### SCORPION LADY ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=8 y=3 [/filter] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Mika [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [unit] id=Mika name= _ "Mika" type=Demon Berserker profile=unit_image gender=female side=2 x,y=8,3 unrenamable=yes [/unit] [/then] [/if] [scorpion_dialogue_hex][/scorpion_dialogue_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=15 y=2 [/filter] [scorpion_sconce_hex][/scorpion_sconce_hex] [/event] ######### CHICKEN LADY ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=27 y=26 [/filter] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Kadishi [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [unit] id=Kadishi name= _ "Kadishi" type=Demon Windlasher profile=unit_image gender=female side=2 x,y=27,26 unrenamable=yes [/unit] [/then] [/if] [chicken_dialogue_hex][/chicken_dialogue_hex] [/event] ######### FISHERMAN ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=56 y=29 [/filter] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Xlzyx [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [unit] id=Xlzyx name= _ "Xlzyx" type=Demon Sword Dancer profile=unit_image gender=male side=2 x,y=56,29 unrenamable=yes [/unit] [/then] [/if] [fisherman_dialogue_hex][/fisherman_dialogue_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=55 y=32 [/filter] [fishing_puzzle_hex][/fishing_puzzle_hex] [/event] ######### RIVER VILLAGE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=41 y=26 [/filter] [if] [not] [have_unit] id=Villager [/have_unit] [/not] [then] [unit] id=Villager type=Peasant gender=male side=2 x,y=41,26 generate_name=yes [/unit] [/then] [/if] [river_dialogue_hex][/river_dialogue_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=53 y=18 [/filter] [river_stone_hex][/river_stone_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=48 y=17 [/filter] [river_puzzle_hex][/river_puzzle_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x=47 y=17 [/filter] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Well. That's nasty. Void crud always makes my skin crawl." [/message] [/event] ######### TEMPLE ########### [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [temple_lights][/temple_lights] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=48 y=7 [/filter] [temple_puzzle_hex][/temple_puzzle_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=56 y=2 [/filter] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "There's an inscription here." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>White stone </i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=58 y=4 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=ethea.temple numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [have_location] x,y=45,14 terrain=Bryd^Ii [/have_location] [then] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "lightning.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {PLAY_SOUND "lightning.ogg"} {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Did you feel that? There's some kind of incredible energy about this tree." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "You said it. I don't know why, but I feel different somehow. Stronger, maybe? Like I could do more with my spells now." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Yeah, I think so. We'll probably find out when we have to fight some of those rogue demons." [/message] {VARIABLE_OP aryel_spell_params.aryel_spell_power add 1} {VARIABLE_OP esther_spell_params.esther_spell_power add 1} {VARIABLE_OP yumi_spell_params.yumi_spell_power add 1} {VARIABLE_OP ethea.temple add 1} [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Hmm, nothing's happening." [/message] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=victory [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x=14-17 y=13-16 [/filter] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Should we go to the shrine now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther [option] message= _ "Let's go!" [command] [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=no carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=03g_Amberlight_Shrine [/endlevel] [/command] [/option] [option] message= _ "Let's wait a bit." [/option] [/message] [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=03a_Mirror_Lake map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/maps/03a_Mirror_Lake.map}" name= _ "Mirror Lake" turns=-1 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no next_scenario=02_Ethea {MIDDAY} {SCENARIO_MUSIC snowfall.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC returning_in_time.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} [side] type=Amberlight Fae name= _ "Esther" id=Esther canrecruit=yes side=1 controller=human recruit= gold=0 income=-2 shroud=yes fog=yes team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=blue fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=demons hidden=yes [/side] [event] name=preload first_time_only=no [lua] code = << wesnoth.dofile('~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/lua/scenarios/03a_Mirror_Lake.lua') >> [/lua] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 4 27} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 42 2} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 37 26} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph.png 23 17} [event] name=prestart {RECALL_YUMI_NOLOC} {RECALL_ARYEL_NOLOC} [set_recruit] side=1 recruit= [/set_recruit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 20} #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 15} #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 10} #endif [init_puzzles][/init_puzzles] [/event] [event] name=start [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [have_unit] side=2,3 [filter_vision] side=1 [/filter_vision] [/have_unit] [then][/then] [else] {MODIFY_UNIT (x,y=$x1,$y1) moves 6} {MODIFY_UNIT (x,y=$x1,$y1) attacks_left 1} [/else] [/if] [/event] ######### WATER PUZZLE ########### # fire onto blood makes iron, then quench with water into dark steel # easy puzzle exp [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=4 y=27 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [variable] name=lake.water_puzzle less_than=4 [/variable] [then] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Fire quenching blood to dessicated iron, Smothered by black water, drowned in the darkened depths, Into a rigid plate of obsidian steel.</i>" [/message] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=7,26 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [water_puzzle_hex][/water_puzzle_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=3,29 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [water_puzzle_fire_hex][/water_puzzle_fire_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=2,26 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [water_puzzle_water_hex][/water_puzzle_water_hex] [/event] ######### FIRE PUZZLE ########### # tree into pit, then lava into pit, then brick covering to make "empty space" [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=42 y=2 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [variable] name=lake.fire_puzzle less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Ravaged lumber pitched into black fire, Lit aflame and charred to ashen cinders, A sandy seal scorched into blackened stone.</i>" [/message] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=47,2 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [fire_puzzle_hex][/fire_puzzle_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=44,2 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [fire_puzzle_tree_hex][/fire_puzzle_tree_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=48,2 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [fire_puzzle_lava_hex][/fire_puzzle_lava_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=45,5 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [fire_puzzle_brick_hex][/fire_puzzle_brick_hex] [/event] ######### ICE PUZZLE ########### # grid onto ice, then metal onto ice to form the metal keep # easy puzzle exp [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=37 y=26 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [variable] name=lake.ice_puzzle less_than=4 [/variable] [then] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Pane of crystal water amid deep sea, Etched by crosshatching girders, Dense metal grown into a steel fortress.</i>" [/message] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=34,28 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [ice_puzzle_hex][/ice_puzzle_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=40,28 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [ice_puzzle_grid_hex][/ice_puzzle_grid_hex] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=35,32 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [ice_puzzle_metal_hex][/ice_puzzle_metal_hex] [/event] ######### VOID SPAWNING ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=23,17 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=crystal text [/fire_event] [message] speaker=Esther [option] message= _ "Let's do this." [command] [place_shroud] side=1 x=0-50 y=0-40 [/place_shroud] [redraw] side=1 clear_shroud=yes [/redraw] [replace_schedule] {AFTERNOON} [/replace_schedule] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Hmm." [/message] [replace_schedule] {DUSK} [/replace_schedule] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gs^Fdw [/and] terrain=Aa^Fda [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gd^Fdw [/and] terrain=Ai^Fda [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gs^Fmw [/and] terrain=Aa^Fma [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gd^Fmw [/and] terrain=Ai^Fma [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gs^* [/and] terrain=Aa^Fpa [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gd^* [/and] terrain=Ai^Fpa [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 1000} [replace_schedule] {FIRST_WATCH} [/replace_schedule] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gs,Gg,Re [/and] terrain=Aa [/terrain] [terrain] [and] terrain=Gd,Rd,Ds [/and] terrain=Ai [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Spooky." [/message] [terrain] [not] terrain=Ai,Ai^*,Aa,Aa^*,Ww,Wo,Woby,Wog,Xu [/not] terrain=Ww [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [replace_schedule] {MIDNIGHT} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "gate-fall.ogg"} [terrain] [and] terrain=Xu [/and] terrain=Fypd [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {REMOVE_IMAGE 23 17} {DELAY 1500} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "... okay. So now what?" [/message] {DELAY 1500} [unit] type=Fire Faerie Fake side=2 x,y=17,15 animate=yes generate_name=no id=enemy1 [/unit] [message] speaker=enemy1 message= _ "..." [/message] [unit] type=Forest Nymph Fake side=2 x,y=23,22 animate=yes generate_name=no id=enemy2 [/unit] [message] speaker=enemy2 message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Hmm. This is a bit different this time, isn't it?" [/message] [unit] type=Night Nymph Fake side=2 x,y=29,14 animate=yes generate_name=no id=enemy3 [/unit] [message] speaker=enemy3 message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "... faeries? Or..." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "They're fake." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Of course they are. So, what exactly are we supposed to do? Just fight?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Well, I can do that." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "And you said you were scared." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Just a bit spooked! But you know me. I'm not afraid of a little brawl now and then." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Then let's get to it." [/message] {VARIABLE lake.scenario_stage 1} [set_menu_item] id=recruit_manifestation description= _ "Recruit Manifestation" image="attacks/wail.png~SCALE(18,18)" [show_if] [variable] name=side_number numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/show_if] [filter_location] [not] [filter][/filter] [/not] [filter_adjacent_location] [filter] side=1 id=Yumi [/filter] [/filter_adjacent_location] [/filter_location] [command] [store_gold] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] variable=side1gold [/store_gold] [if] [variable] name=side1gold less_than=6 [/variable] [then] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "You do not have enough gold!" [/message] [/then] [else] [unit] side=1 type=Manifestation x,y=$x1,$y1 moves,attacks_left=0,0 animate=yes upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] {VARIABLE_OP side1gold sub 6} [modify_side] side=1 gold=$side1gold [/modify_side] {CLEAR_VARIABLE side1gold} [/else] [/if] [/command] [/set_menu_item] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Survive")} [/objectives] [/command] [/option] [option] message= _ "Not yet." [/option] [/message] [/event] [event] name=crystal text [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "What is this random crystal doing here?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Not sure. Usually it's you or Yumi figuring this stuff out-" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "It's a fake looking glass." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "... what do you mean by that? A <i>fake</i> looking glass? You mean like a portal to a different reality, or, like... the other way?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shakes head</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "Both." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "So that means you can use it." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>) But, they will be waiting." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "The dream demons?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "..." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "... oookay, the dream demons. On the one hand, if we go after them, we could learn more about who's commanding them to corrupt the Urdemons and how they're doing it. On the other hand, it's more fighting that might not get us anything." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Not that you'd mind that." [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Against normal enemies, maybe. But those things are freaky, Esther. You never know what kind of weird abilities they have and you can't even be sure that you've killed them since they reappear all the time. Besides, how do you even kill a dream?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Don't ask me, that's a question for Yumi." [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>shrugs</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Riiight. Anyway, should we use this thing or not?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] type=Fire Faerie Fake,Forest Nymph Fake,Night Nymph Fake [/filter] {DELAY 1000} [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Well?" [/message] {DELAY 1000} [animate_unit] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] [primary_attack] range=ranged [/primary_attack] flag=attack [/animate_unit] {DELAY 750} [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] {PLAY_SOUND wail-sml.wav} [unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 type=Demon Morphling side=2 animate=yes generate_name=no hitpoints=16 [/unit] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "What is <i>that</i>?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "A mirror." [/message] [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "You mean like she has the power to reflect things?" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "No, I think Yumi means that thing <i>is</i> a mirror. I'm not sure what that entails, though. Like, what, she's a piece of our reality or something?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>tilts head</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Sort of. Okay. We'll have to think about what that means, I guess." [/message] [/event] [event] name=last breath first_time_only=no [filter] type=Fire Faerie Fake,Forest Nymph Fake,Night Nymph Fake [/filter] [kill] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/kill] [set_variable] name=rand_hp rand=19..30 [/set_variable] [unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 type=Demon Morphling side=2 animate=yes generate_name=no hitpoints=$rand_hp [/unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE rand_hp} [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.scenario_stage numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [store_locations] variable=hex terrain=Wo,Wog,Woby [/store_locations] [for] array=hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..750 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..1500 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..1800 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("Fire Faerie Fake","Forest Nymph Fake","Night Nymph Fake") 2 $hex[$i].x $hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE hex} {VARIABLE_OP lake.counter add 1} [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=lake.counter numerical_equals=12 [/variable] [/filter_condition] {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("Demon Shardling") 2 37 7} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("Demon Shardling") 2 11 6} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("Demon Shardling") 2 13 28} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("Demon Shardling") 2 39 28} [/event] [event] name=sighted [filter] type=Demon Shardling [/filter] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Oh boy. So, let me guess, these things are 'bigger mirrors than the ones we've been fighting' or something?" [/message] [message] speaker=Yumi message= _ "(<i>nods</i>)" [/message] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Okay then." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Demon Shardling [/filter] [filter_condition] [not] [have_unit] type=Demon Shardling [/have_unit] [/not] [/filter_condition] [fire_event] name=end scene [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=end scene {CLEAR_VARIABLE lake} [clear_menu_item] id=recruit_manifestation [/clear_menu_item] [endlevel] result=victory bonus=no {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=yes carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=02_Ethea [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=victory [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=03b_The_Bells_of_Aerlyn map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/maps/03b_The_Bells_of_Aerlyn.map}" name= _ "The Bells of Aerlyn" turns=-1 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no next_scenario=02_Ethea {AFTERNOON} {SCENARIO_MUSIC snowfall.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC returning_in_time.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} [side] type=Amberlight Fae name= _ "Esther" id=Esther canrecruit=yes side=1 controller=human recruit= gold=0 income=-2 fog=yes team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=yellow fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=demons user_team_name= _ "team_name^Demons" [ai] aggression=1 caution=0 grouping=false [/ai] [/side] [side] side=3 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=black fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=demons hidden=yes [/side] {PLACE_IMAGE items-new/wind-chimes.png 10 6} {PLACE_IMAGE items-new/wind-chimes.png 12 9} {PLACE_IMAGE items-new/wind-chimes.png 7 9} [event] name=prestart {RECALL_YUMI_NOLOC} {RECALL_ARYEL_NOLOC} [set_recruit] side=1 recruit= [/set_recruit] {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Monolith") 3 13 10} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Monolith") 3 6 9} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Monolith") 3 11 7} [unit] type=Demon Warrior id=boss1 x,y=6,14 canrecruit=yes random_traits=no generate_name=yes side=2 [/unit] [unit] type=Demon Stormbringer id=boss2 x,y=23,5 canrecruit=yes random_traits=no generate_name=yes side=2 [/unit] {VARIABLE void_struck 0} [/event] # initial spawns [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [store_locations] variable=lava_chasm terrain=Ql [/store_locations] [for] array=lava_chasm [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..56 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..84 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..98 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Winged Demon") 2 $lava_chasm[$i].x $lava_chasm[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Zephyr") 2 $lava_chasm[$i].x $lava_chasm[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=4 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Windlasher") 2 $lava_chasm[$i].x $lava_chasm[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE lava_chasm} [store_locations] variable=lava_hex terrain=Qlf,Qlf^* [/store_locations] [for] array=lava_hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..110 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..165 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..187 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Winged Demon") 2 $lava_hex[$i].x $lava_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Zephyr") 2 $lava_hex[$i].x $lava_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=4 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Windlasher") 2 $lava_hex[$i].x $lava_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE lava_hex} [store_locations] variable=ice_hex terrain=Brym [/store_locations] [for] array=ice_hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..40 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..60 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..70 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon") 2 $ice_hex[$i].x $ice_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Grunt") 2 $ice_hex[$i].x $ice_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=4 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Sword Dancer") 2 $ice_hex[$i].x $ice_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ice_hex} [store_locations] variable=ice_hex terrain=Spay [/store_locations] [for] array=ice_hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..55 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..77 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..88 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon") 2 $ice_hex[$i].x $ice_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Grunt") 2 $ice_hex[$i].x $ice_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=4 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Sword Dancer") 2 $ice_hex[$i].x $ice_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE ice_hex} [store_locations] variable=void_hex terrain=Qxua [/store_locations] [for] array=void_hex [do] #ifdef HARD [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..174 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..261 [/set_variable] #endif #ifdef EASY [set_variable] name=spawn_val rand=1..319 [/set_variable] #endif [if] [variable] name=spawn_val less_than=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Void Shambler") 2 $void_hex[$i].x $void_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] [if] [variable] name=spawn_val numerical_equals=3 [/variable] [then] {SPAWN_NOID ("Demon Void Stalker") 2 $void_hex[$i].x $void_hex[$i].y} [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE spawn_val} [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE void_hex} [/event] [event] name=start [unit] type=Halfling Piercer x,y=37,26 id=Midara_piercer name= _ "Midara" [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] animate=yes gender=female random_traits=no find_vacant=yes side=1 [/unit] [unit] type=Halfling Distortionist x,y=37,26 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] animate=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no random_gender=yes find_vacant=yes side=1 [/unit] [unit] type=Halfling Spearer x,y=37,26 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] animate=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no random_gender=yes find_vacant=yes side=1 [/unit] [unit] type=Halfling Spearer x,y=37,26 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] animate=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no random_gender=yes find_vacant=yes side=1 [/unit] [unit] type=Halfling Spearer x,y=37,28 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] animate=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no random_gender=yes find_vacant=yes side=1 [/unit] [unit] type=Halfling Distortionist x,y=38,27 [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] animate=yes generate_name=yes random_traits=no random_gender=yes find_vacant=yes side=1 [/unit] [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Yumi")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Esther")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Aryel")} [/objectives] [/event] ######### BONUS ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] x,y=4,26 id=Yumi [/filter] [filter_condition] [have_location] time_of_day=chaotic [/have_location] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_OP yumi_spell_params.yumi_max_mana add 1} {FLOAT_TEXT ("Yumi") "00ffff" "+1 max mana"} [/event] ######### BOSS FIGHT ########### [event] name=sighted first_time_only=yes [filter] type=GNS_Monolith [/filter] [fire_event] name=void spawning [/fire_event] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x,y=12,9 radius=3 multiturn=yes [/lift_fog] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x,y=7,9 radius=3 multiturn=yes [/lift_fog] [lift_fog] [filter_side] side=1 [/filter_side] x,y=10,6 radius=3 multiturn=yes [/lift_fog] {SCROLL_TO 10 8} {DELAY 500} [unit] animate=yes side=3 x,y=5,9 type=Demon Void Devourer generate_name=no random_traits=no find_vacant=yes [status] uncovered=yes [/status] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side=3 x,y=14,10 type=Demon Void Devourer generate_name=no random_traits=no find_vacant=yes [status] uncovered=yes [/status] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side=3 x,y=12,6 type=Demon Void Devourer generate_name=no random_traits=no find_vacant=yes [status] uncovered=yes [/status] [/unit] [/event] [event] name=turn 15 [fire_event] name=void spawning [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=void spawning [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Wait a second. Do you sense that?" [/message] {TURN_UNIT5 "Esther"} [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "Sense what?" [/message] {DELAY 1500} [replace_schedule] {DUSK_NO_SOUND} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 800} [replace_schedule] {FIRST_WATCH} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 600} [replace_schedule] {MIDNIGHT} [/replace_schedule] {DELAY 400} {COLOR_ADJUST -10 -10 -10} {DELAY 200} {COLOR_ADJUST -20 -20 -20} {DELAY 100} {COLOR_ADJUST -30 -30 -30} {DELAY 750} {SCROLL_TO 22 6} {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "wail.wav"} {DELAY 1000} {PLAY_SOUND "wail.wav"} {DELAY 500} {QUAKE_FIXED "rumble.ogg"} [terrain] [and] terrain=Ql [/and] terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [terrain] [and] terrain=Qlf,Qlf^* [/and] terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 1000} {SCROLL_TO 7 16} {DELAY 750} {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} {DELAY 500} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [terrain] [and] terrain=Brym [/and] terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 500} {QUAKE "rumble.ogg"} [terrain] [and] terrain=Spay [/and] terrain=Qxua [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {DELAY 1500} [store_unit] [filter] side=2 [/filter] variable=swap_unit [/store_unit] [for] array=swap_unit [do] [switch] variable=swap_unit[$i].level [case] value=1 [unit] side=3 overwrite=yes find_vacant=no type=Demon Void Shambler generate_name=no random_traits=no x,y=$swap_unit[$i].x,$swap_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [case] value=2 [unit] side=3 overwrite=yes find_vacant=no type=Demon Void Stalker generate_name=no random_traits=no x,y=$swap_unit[$i].x,$swap_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [case] value=3 [unit] side=3 overwrite=yes find_vacant=no type=Demon Void Devourer generate_name=no random_traits=no x,y=$swap_unit[$i].x,$swap_unit[$i].y [/unit] [/case] [/switch] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE swap_unit} [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=void_struck numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [heal_unit] [filter] type=GNS_Monolith [/filter] amount=full animate=yes [/heal_unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker hits first_time_only=yes [filter_attack] name=void assault [/filter_attack] {VARIABLE_OP void_struck add 1} [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [filter_condition] [variable] name=void_struck numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=13,10 [/filter] amount=250 animate=no kill=no [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=13,10 [/have_unit] [then] {FLOAT_TEXT_LOC "13" "10" "ff0000" "250"} [/then] [/if] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=6,9 [/filter] amount=250 animate=no kill=no [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=6,9 [/have_unit] [then] {FLOAT_TEXT_LOC "6" "9" "ff0000" "250"} [/then] [/if] [harm_unit] [filter] x,y=11,7 [/filter] amount=250 animate=no kill=no [/harm_unit] [if] [have_unit] x,y=11,7 [/have_unit] [then] {FLOAT_TEXT_LOC "11" "7" "ff0000" "250"} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=die first_time_only=no [filter] type=GNS_Monolith [/filter] [if] [not] [have_unit] type=GNS_Monolith [/have_unit] [/not] [then] #ifdef EASY [add_exp] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] experience=40 [/add_exp] [add_exp] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] experience=40 [/add_exp] [add_exp] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] experience=40 [/add_exp] #endif #ifdef NORMAL [add_exp] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] experience=30 [/add_exp] [add_exp] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] experience=30 [/add_exp] [add_exp] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] experience=30 [/add_exp] #endif #ifdef HARD [add_exp] [filter] id=Aryel [/filter] experience=20 [/add_exp] [add_exp] [filter] id=Esther [/filter] experience=20 [/add_exp] [add_exp] [filter] id=Yumi [/filter] experience=20 [/add_exp] #endif [endlevel] result=victory bonus=no {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=yes carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=02_Ethea [/endlevel] [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=victory {VARIABLE ethea.prev_scenario "The Bells of Aerlyn"} {CLEAR_VARIABLE void_struck} [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [scenario] id=03d_Echo_Caverns map_data="{~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/maps/03d_Echo_Caverns.map}" name= _ "Echo Caverns" turns=-1 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no next_scenario=02_Ethea {UNDERGROUND} {SCENARIO_MUSIC snowfall.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC returning_in_time.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC underground.ogg} [side] type=Amberlight Fae name= _ "Esther" id=Esther canrecruit=yes side=1 controller=human recruit= gold=0 income=-2 shroud=yes fog=yes team_name=fae user_team_name= _ "team_name^Fae" [/side] [side] side=2 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=black fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=fae hidden=yes [/side] [side] side=3 no_leader=yes controller=ai color=blue fog=no shroud=no recruit= gold=0 income=-2 team_name=misc hidden=yes [/side] [event] name=preload first_time_only=no [lua] code = << wesnoth.dofile('~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/lua/scenarios/03d_Echo_Caverns.lua') >> [/lua] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 36 9} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 15 2} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 40 11} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 32 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light.png 13 3} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message-dark-1.png 2 6} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 18 10} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light.png 9 20} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 27 23} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light.png 20 27} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message.png 12 28} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message-dark-1.png 8 32} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light.png 19 31} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light.png 8 37} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-light-1.png 28 29} [event] name=prestart {RECALL_YUMI_NOLOC} {RECALL_ARYEL_NOLOC} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Mirror") 3 14 11} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Ice_Shard") 3 41 18} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Dreamcatcher") 3 12 34} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Dreamcatcher") 3 14 32} {SPAWN_NOID_NONAME ("GNS_Dreamcatcher") 3 16 34} [set_recruit] side=1 recruit= [/set_recruit] #ifdef EASY {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 30} #endif #ifdef NORMAL {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 25} #endif #ifdef HARD {VARIABLE puzzle_exp 20} #endif {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Esther) vision 3} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) vision 3} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) vision 3} [init_puzzles][/init_puzzles] [/event] [event] name=start [objectives] {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Explore")} [/objectives] [/event] ######### MESSAGES ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=36 y=9 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>'Yukiria, Yukiria, Yukiria!' They cry for me, hapless voices possessed by Guardians, but sounding of meager demons.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>'Yukiria, stop this nonsense. These dreamwalkers of yours have no business tormenting and twisting my subjects into your unwilling slaves!' In different forms, mirrored words, they have accused me many times over. Uria, Shardia, Xia'el, Luceith'el...</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>I have always echoed the same reply. Though I am the only Guardian capable of entering the pool of dreams, it is not my domain. I do not choose to set the nightmares on you - they do it of their own will. How about you stop complaining and try to make use of them when they do materialize, like Valdir did? He, at least, seems to be resourceful.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Of course, Uria would never even consider that. The blue ones are nothing more than abominations to her, after all. Creatures that exist only as thoughts, without flesh, without blood... it is incomprehensible to the Queen of Life, of course, but I suppose Uria and her two lackeys should not be of my concern. While Uria and Xia'el support Shardia in her endless war with Valdir, the unending stream of souls ripples from Ird to Vyx, from Being to Void. In waging this timeless battle, the Guardian of Life has forsaken her namesake and pandered to me, the Mistress of Death.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>I suppose I must thank her for her foolishness, but she will get no sympathy from me.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=15 y=2 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Valdir came to me with a proposition today. How unusual. He, the prideful Beast of Blood, actually seeking the help of another? Last we spoke, he was busying shaming Shardia for doing the same, claiming that her alliance with Uria was providing her an undue edge in their little feud. How mundane. Valdir, Shardia, Uria... it seems as if the other Guardians concern themselves only with the terrestrial, the carnal... war... and power. They are no better than the demons that they lord over.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Still, Valdir's offer is tempting. A teleportation network? What he purposes it to is not really of my concern, but its creation in of itself could be a stimulating exercise. I had an idea - it would be a path through Yuure, the realm of dreams. Vyx is out of the question, for no soul, demon, faerie, or Guardian, can pass through unmarred. But Yuure... in dreams, time and space have no meaning. The fabric of reality is torn by the shears of thought. It would be... a deconstruction of the matter into the mind, then reconstruction of the thought back into the physical. Yuure would be the bridge.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>It would, of course, be somewhat undermining Xia'el's power to generate portals between the terres firma, but that is of little concern to me. Unlike Valdir or Uria, she hardly has the power to fight me.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=13 y=3 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Light and darkness, Ird and Vyx, souls of the Tree of Life drifting through a sea of nothingness. Souls born of the Tree, Ird, are possessed of form, physical energy - that which we call Life, or Being. Though she is its Guardian, Uria seems to understand very little about the nature of her own power. Pity, but truly, she is as much a brute as Valdir is. Art and mysticism are lost upon her... all she wishes to do is fight. Pity. Her essence is possessed of so much wasted potential.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>'Jealous'... yes, that is what she called me. Envious that among us, she is the one bound most strongly to Ird... I admit, it sparks much more ire than it would normally, since for all her power, she has the disposition of nothing more than an oaf. She does not deserve what she has been bequeathed. I fail to understand why Yarae favors her so.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=2 y=6 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Vyx... nothingness, oblivion, Void. For a being of Ird, it is something wholly incomprehensible - mere contact would be utter annihilation for demons, faerie, and Guardians alike. Vyx is the darkness that is beyond the element Darkness, an absolute antithesis of creation. Even Merthiaal fears Vyx, perhaps more so than the rest of us... though I suspect that has more to do with her being merely a weak child. She is but a hair stronger than most demon lords, and I suspect a couple of Valdir's lackeys would even be able to best her in a straight fight. I could almost pity her, if she were not so pathetic.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=9 y=20 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Xia'el came here to Siaria today. Unannounced, of course, as always, but at the very least she is much less of an irritation than Uria is. This time, however, she posed me an interesting question. 'Yuki, why is it that some demons are able to survive exposure to the Void and others are destroyed immediately?'</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Besides her ridiculous shortening of my name, there was something about her question that was a bit suspicious. I am obviously aware of the growing spears of Vyx piercing through the veil of Ird on various worlds. That she is aware of it is not surprising. However, in the first place, demons that are capable of subsisting through the Void are extremely rare. I have never seen one myself. That she should raise this question means that she has encountered them, perhaps in... unpleasant... circumstances.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>The way she asked her question also suggested that she was not only referring to demons, but what else could she have seen? Humans? They definitely would be the first to perish to Vyx. Faerie? If there is one thing Xia'el certainly knows more than me about, it would be them. She must have discovered something else... something that she wishes to keep secret for now. It goes without saying that Xia'el is hardly secretive in general, so this must be fairly important.</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Regardless, my response was the typical one. 'A demon does not truly survive when passing through Vyx. The physical form may, but the mind is always destroyed. What determines if the form remains depends on the creature's affinity to Ird. Normal demons are wholly possessed of the Tree's energies and are hapless against anything Void. Special ones, such as those from Yuure, stand a better chance.' She seemed satisfied with my answer for the moment, but I'm sure she'll be back later.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=27 y=23 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Uria is unbelievably annoying. How can anyone stand her?</i>" [/message] [/event] ######### ICE SHARD PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=40 y=11 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Whispers echoing through mirrored reality, A hush frozen still between crystal facets. Brittle panes reflecting brittle impressions, Shattered by a smattering of oblivion.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=32 y=17 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Sparkling shards of scattered ice, Faux visages reflected between- The physical embraces perception and waits, Bridging feeling and form.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=41 y=18 [/filter] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.ice_shard numerical_equals=2 [/variable] [/filter_condition] # Add a cutscene [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=fire [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Ice_Shard [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=41,18 [/kill] [unit] x,y=41,18 side=3 type=GNS_Ice_Shard variation=iceshard_red animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=cold [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Ice_Shard [/filter_second] [if] [have_unit] x,y=41,18 type=GNS_Ice_Shard variation=iceshard_dark [/have_unit] [then] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} [kill] x,y=41,18 [/kill] {VARIABLE_OP yumi_spell_params.yumi_max_mana add 1} {FLOAT_TEXT ("Yumi") "00ffff" "+1 max mana"} {VARIABLE_OP aryel_spell_params.aryel_max_mana add 1} {FLOAT_TEXT ("Aryel") "00ffff" "+1 max mana"} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-shard.png 42 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-shard.png 40 17} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-shard.png 40 18} {PLACE_IMAGE units/fae/yumi-silhouette.png 41 18} {VARIABLE_OP echo.ice_shard add 1} [/then] [else] [kill] x,y=41,18 [/kill] [unit] x,y=41,18 side=3 type=GNS_Ice_Shard variation=iceshard_violet animate=no [/unit] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Ice_Shard [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=41,18 [/kill] [unit] x,y=41,18 side=3 type=GNS_Ice_Shard variation=iceshard_dark animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=arcane [not] name=malefic whisper [/not] [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Ice_Shard [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=41,18 [/kill] [unit] x,y=41,18 side=3 type=GNS_Ice_Shard variation=iceshard_light animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=impact [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Ice_Shard [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=41,18 [/kill] [unit] x,y=41,18 side=3 type=GNS_Ice_Shard variation=iceshard_light animate=no [/unit] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=yes [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.ice_shard numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [and] [have_unit] id=Yumi x,y=41,18 [/have_unit] [/and] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_OP yumi_spell_params.yumi_max_mana add 1} {FLOAT_TEXT ("Yumi") "00ffff" "+1 max mana"} {REMOVE_IMAGE 41 18} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message-dark.png 41 18} {REMOVE_IMAGE 42 17} {REMOVE_IMAGE 40 17} {REMOVE_IMAGE 40 18} {VARIABLE_OP echo.ice_shard add 1} [/event] ######### MIRROR PUZZLE ########### [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] x=18 y=10 [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "<i>Mirror echo, reflecting hidden forms, Facade - face and flesh, boiled away to reveal blood, The mocking essence of Life. Cruel crimson, clouded claret, Clarion cries dripping from open veins... She answers, extricating Life from its sinewy chains, Leaving nothing but black water.</i>" [/message] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] type=fire [not] name=blood boil [/not] [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [terrain] x=12,13,14,14,15 y=11-12,10,12,9-12,11 terrain=Qlf [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [terrain] x=12,13,14,14,15 y=11-12,10,12,9-12,11 terrain=Wwb [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [terrain] x=12,13,14,14,15 y=11-12,10,12,9-12,11 terrain=Qxyi [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=void assault [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [terrain] x=12,13,14,14,15 y=11-12,10,12,9-12,11 terrain=Qxu [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper,faerie touch [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=eviscerate [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=0 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [if] [have_location] x,y=14,10 terrain=Wwb [/have_location] [then] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-faeriefire.ogg"} {VARIABLE_OP aryel_spell_params.aryel_max_mana add 1} {FLOAT_TEXT ("Aryel") "00ffff" "+1 max mana"} [terrain] x=12,13,14,14,15 y=11-12,10,12,9-12,11 terrain=Wwby [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] {VARIABLE_OP echo.mirror add 1} [/then] [else] [terrain] x=12,13,14,14,15 y=11-12,10,12,9-12,11 terrain=Ss [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] [/else] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_second] type=GNS_Mirror [/filter_second] [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.mirror numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [/filter_condition] [kill] x,y=14,11 [/kill] [unit] x,y=14,11 side=3 type=GNS_Mirror animate=no [/unit] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=firebolt spell first_time_only=yes [message] speaker=Esther message= _ "asdf" [/message] [/event] [event] name=firebolt spell first_time_only=no [firebolt_mirror][/firebolt_mirror] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=no [heal_unit] [filter] type=GNS_Mirror,GNS_Ice_Shard,GNS_Dreamcatcher,Fake Nightmare,Fake Dreamwalker [/filter] amount=full [/heal_unit] [/event] ######### DREAMWEAVER PUZZLE ########### [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] type=Fake Nightmare [/filter_second] [heal_unit] [filter] type=Fake Nightmare [/filter] amount=full [/heal_unit] [fire_event] name=nightmare text [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=nightmare text [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "I don't think attacking that thing is going to work." [/message] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] [not] name=dreamweave [/not] [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=$y2,$y2 [/kill] [unit] x,y=$y2,$y2 side=3 type=GNS_Dreamcatcher animate=no [/unit] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark-miss.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=dreamweave [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher x,y=12,34 [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=$y2,$y2 [/kill] {PLACE_IMAGE items-new/dreamcatcher1 12 34} [if] [not] [have_unit] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} [terrain] x=12,13,14,15,16 y=34,34,32-34,33,33-34 terrain=Fyp [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {VARIABLE_OP echo.nightmare add 1} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=dreamweave [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher x,y=14,32 [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=$y2,$y2 [/kill] {PLACE_IMAGE items-new/dreamcatcher2 14 32} [if] [not] [have_unit] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} [terrain] x=12,13,14,15,16 y=34,34,32-34,33,33-34 terrain=Fyp [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {VARIABLE_OP echo.nightmare add 1} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=attacker_hits first_time_only=no [filter_attack] name=dreamweave [/filter_attack] [filter_second] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher x,y=16,34 [/filter_second] [kill] x,y=$y2,$y2 [/kill] {PLACE_IMAGE items-new/dreamcatcher3 16 34} [if] [not] [have_unit] type=GNS_Dreamcatcher [/have_unit] [/not] [then] {PLAY_SOUND "magic-dark.ogg"} [terrain] x=12,13,14,15,16 y=34,34,32-34,33,33-34 terrain=Fyp [/terrain] [redraw][/redraw] {VARIABLE_OP echo.nightmare add 1} [/then] [/if] [/event] [event] name=new turn first_time_only=yes [filter_condition] [variable] name=echo.nightmare numerical_equals=1 [/variable] [and] [have_unit] id=Fake Nightmare terrain=Fyp [/have_unit] [/and] [/filter_condition] {VARIABLE_OP yumi_spell_params.yumi_max_mana add 1} {FLOAT_TEXT ("Yumi") "00ffff" "+1 max mana"} {PLACE_IMAGE items/crystal-glyph-message-dark.png 14 33} {REMOVE_IMAGE 12 34} {REMOVE_IMAGE 14 32} {REMOVE_IMAGE 16 34} {VARIABLE_OP echo.nightmare add 1} [/event] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x=14-17 y=13-16 [/filter] [message] speaker=Aryel message= _ "Should we go to the shrine now?" [/message] [message] speaker=Esther [option] message= _ "Let's go!" [command] [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 100} replay_save=no carryover_report=no linger_mode=no next_scenario=03g_Amberlight_Shrine [/endlevel] [/command] [/option] [option] message= _ "Let's wait a bit." [/option] [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Esther) vision 6} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Aryel) vision 6} {MODIFY_UNIT (id=Yumi) vision 6} [/event] [/scenario]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [movetype] name=duskfae flies=true {FAE_MOVE} [defense] deep_water=50 shallow_water=50 reef=50 swamp_water=50 flat=50 sand=50 forest=30 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=50 frozen=50 fungus=50 unwalkable=30 [/defense] [resistance] blade=130 pierce=130 impact=130 fire=110 cold=30 arcane=30 [/resistance] [/movetype] [movetype] name=amberlightfae flies=true {FAE_MOVE} [defense] deep_water=60 shallow_water=60 reef=60 swamp_water=60 flat=50 sand=50 forest=30 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=50 frozen=60 fungus=60 unwalkable=70 [/defense] [resistance] blade=120 pierce=120 impact=120 fire=30 cold=110 arcane=50 [/resistance] [/movetype] [movetype] name=crimsonfae flies=true {FAE_MOVE} [defense] deep_water=60 shallow_water=60 reef=60 swamp_water=60 flat=50 sand=60 forest=30 hills=50 mountains=40 village=40 castle=40 cave=50 frozen=60 fungus=50 unwalkable=50 [/defense] [resistance] blade=120 pierce=120 impact=120 fire=70 cold=90 arcane=50 [/resistance] [/movetype] {~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/units/fae} {~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/units/faeries}
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [movetype] name=fakefly flies=true [/movetype] {~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/units/undead} {~add-ons/Genesis/episode2/units/fake}
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_AMBERLIGHTFAE {AMLA_OPTION_FIRE_MELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_BLAST_RANGE} {AMLA_OPTION_TEMPEST_RANGE} {AMLA_DEFAULT} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_FIRE_MELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased physical strength" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png id=amla_melee_firefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_BLAST_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger fire magic" image=attacks/fireball.png id=amla_blast_firefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_TEMPEST_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger storm magic" image=attacks/lightning.png id=amla_tempest_firefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=3 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #################### strong special abilities ########################### #define AMBERLIGHT_STORM_SHIELD VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 1 150 ( id=amberlight_storm_shield description= _ "returns damage upon being attacked" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_STORM_SHIELD} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define AMBERLIGHT_FIRE_SHIELD VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 150 ( id=amberlight_fire_shield description= _ "returns fire damage upon being attacked and gains health" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_FIRE_SHIELD} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ######################################################################### ############################ ULTIMATES ########################## #define ESTHER_HELIOSPHERE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 8 0 ( id=esther_heliosphere description= _ "nearby units gain fire and cold resistance" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_HELIOSPHERE} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_PYROKINESIS VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 0 ( id=esther_pyrokinesis description= _ "gains damage from adjacent allies" image=units/fae/esther.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_PYROKINESIS} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ######################################################################### #define ESTHER_INCINERATE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 3 110 ( id=esther_incinerate description= _ "gains bonus damage on offense and bonus fire resistance" image=attacks/fireball.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_INCINERATE} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] fire=-20 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############## basic advancements ################# #define AMBERLIGHT_MELEE_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 55 ( id=amberlight_melee description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define AMBERLIGHT_BLAST_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 2 55 ( id=amberlight_blast description= _ "stronger fire magic" image=attacks/fireball.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define AMBERLIGHT_TEMPEST_BONUS VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 2 55 ( id=amberlight_tempest description= _ "stronger storm magic" image=attacks/lightning.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=storm increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #################################################### ################### better dmg bonuses ############# #define ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 4 80 ( id=esther_melee_damage description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png [effect] apply_to=attack range=melee increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 2 80 ( id=esther_range_damage description= _ "increased range damage" image=attacks/fireball.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=infernal blast increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=tempest increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ESTHER_HEALTH VARIANT_NAME {ESTHER_ADVANCEMENT 5 110 ( id=esther_range_damage description= _ "gains health and resistances" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #################################################### #define FAE_LIGHTNING DIRECTION_NUMBER [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=tempest [/filter_attack] {LIGHTNING_BOLT {DIRECTION_NUMBER} } start_time=-300 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS lightning.ogg lightning-miss.ogg -300} [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png:[100*2,200,100,50]" [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef #define ESTHER_BASE id=Amberlight Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "Amberlight Fae" image="units/fae/esther.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 movement_type=amberlightfae movement=6 alignment=lawful advances_to=null cost=60 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_KINDLE} [/abilities] [attack] name=immolation description=_"immolation" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMMOLATE} [/specials] range=melee damage=9 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=infernal blast description=_"infernal blast" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_BLAZE} [/specials] damage=9 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/fireball.png [/attack] [attack] name=tempest description=_"tempest" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_OBLITERATE} [/specials] damage=23 number=1 range=ranged icon=attacks/lightning.png [/attack] {IMMOLATE} {FIRE_SHIELD} {STORM_SHIELD} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/esther.png" "units/fae/esther.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=infernal blast [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -450} [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=immolation [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/esther.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS melee-fire.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -450} [/attack_anim] {FAE_LIGHTNING 1} {FAE_LIGHTNING 2} {FAE_LIGHTNING 3} #enddef [unit_type] {ESTHER_BASE} hitpoints=47 experience=50 level=3 [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=50 name= _ "Amberlight Fae" {AMBERLIGHT_BLAST_BONUS AF3BLAST} {AMBERLIGHT_MELEE_BONUS AF3MELEE} {AMBERLIGHT_TEMPEST_BONUS AF3TEMPEST} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF3BLAST inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=90 name= _ "Amberlight Fae" {AMBERLIGHT_MELEE_BONUS AF4} {AMBERLIGHT_TEMPEST_BONUS AF4} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF3MELEE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=90 name= _ "Amberlight Fae" {AMBERLIGHT_BLAST_BONUS AF4} {AMBERLIGHT_TEMPEST_BONUS AF4} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF3TEMPEST inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=47 experience=90 name= _ "Amberlight Fae" {AMBERLIGHT_BLAST_BONUS AF4} {AMBERLIGHT_MELEE_BONUS AF4} [/variation] ######################## level 4 ######################### [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4 inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=130 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF4DMG} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF4DMG} {ESTHER_INCINERATE AF4SPECIAL} [/variation] ###################### level4-2 ############################ [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4DMG inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=170 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {AMBERLIGHT_FIRE_SHIELD AF4NOINC} {AMBERLIGHT_STORM_SHIELD AF4NOINC} {ESTHER_INCINERATE AF4NOSHIELD} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4SPECIAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=170 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {AMBERLIGHT_FIRE_SHIELD AF4SHIELD} {AMBERLIGHT_STORM_SHIELD AF4SHIELD} {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF4NOSHIELD} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF4NOSHIELD} [/variation] ###################### level4-3 ############################ [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4NOINC inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=210 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {ESTHER_INCINERATE AF4FINAL} {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF4FINALNOINC} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF4FINALNOINC} {ESTHER_HEALTH AF4FINALNOINC} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4SHIELD inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=210 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF4FINAL} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF4FINAL} {ESTHER_HEALTH AF4FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4NOSHIELD inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=210 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {AMBERLIGHT_FIRE_SHIELD AF4FINAL} {AMBERLIGHT_STORM_SHIELD AF4FINAL} {ESTHER_HEALTH AF4FINALNOSHIELD} [/variation] ###################### level4-4 ############################ [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4FINAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF5} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF5} {ESTHER_HEALTH AF5} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4FINALNOINC inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {ESTHER_INCINERATE AF5} {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF5} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF5} {ESTHER_HEALTH AF5} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF4FINALNOSHIELD inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Ember Naiad" {AMBERLIGHT_FIRE_SHIELD AF5} {AMBERLIGHT_STORM_SHIELD AF5} {ESTHER_MELEE_DAMAGE AF5} {ESTHER_RANGE_DAMAGE AF5} {ESTHER_HEALTH AF5} [/variation] ###################### level 5 ############################ [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF5 inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=330 name= _ "Pyre Warden" {ESTHER_HELIOSPHERE AF5FINAL} {ESTHER_PYROKINESIS AF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ESTHER_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=AF5FINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=47 experience=250 name= _ "Pyre Warden" {AMLA_AMBERLIGHTFAE} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_CRIMSONFAE {AMLA_OPTION_MALEFICE_MELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_BOIL_RANGE} {AMLA_OPTION_HEAL_RANGE} {AMLA_DEFAULT} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_MALEFICE_MELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger melee attack" image=units/fae/aryel.png id=amla_boil_crimsonfae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=malefic whisper increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_BOIL_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger bloodboil magic" image=units/fae/aryel.png id=amla_boil_crimsonfae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_HEAL_RANGE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger eviscerate" image=units/fae/aryel.png id=amla_eviscerate_crimsonfae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=30% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #define ARYEL_EXTENERATE VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 4 0 ( id=aryel_extenerate description= _ "eviscerate gains the magical special and doubles healing to allies" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate set_name=extenerate set_description= _ "extenerate" [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define MORTAL_MASQUE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 7 0 ( id=mortal_masque description= _ "blood boil gains strikes with decreasing health" image=attacks/fireball.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MORTAL_MASQUE} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=69 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############################### T4 ABILITIES ################################ #define CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 2 230 ( id=crimson_iron_warden description= _ "protects nearby units on defense" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_IRON_WARDEN} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 4 230 ( id=crimson_transfusion description= _ "damages nearby enemy units and heals based on damage dealt" image=attacks/wail.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_TRANSFUSION} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CRIMSON_HEALING VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 7 200 ( id=crimson_healing description= _ "improved healing" image=attacks/thorns.png [effect] apply_to=remove_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE6} [/abilities] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE9} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############################### ADVANCED BONUSES ################################ #define CRIMSON_MELEE2 VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 5 140 ( id=crimson_melee2 description= _ "stronger melee attacks" image=attacks/wail.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=malefic whisper increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CRIMSON_RANGE VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 2 140 ( id=crimson_range description= _ "stronger ranged attacks" image=attacks/fireball.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 9 140 ( id=crimson_balanced description= _ "gains bonus health" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=malefic whisper increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############################### BASIC BONUSES ################################ #define CRIMSON_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 5 55 ( id=crimson_melee description= _ "increased melee damage" image=attacks/wail.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=malefic whisper increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CRIMSON_BOIL VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 3 50 ( id=crimson_boil description= _ "increased blood boil damage" image=attacks/fireball.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=blood boil increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define CRIMSON_EVISCERATE VARIANT_NAME {ARYEL_ADVANCEMENT 3 55 ( id=crimson_eviscerate description= _ "increased eviscerate damage" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=eviscerate increase_damage=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############################################################################## #define ARYEL_BASE id=Crimson Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "Crimson Fae" image="units/fae/aryel.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 movement_type=crimsonfae movement=6 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null cost=60 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_INFUSE6} {ABILITY_IRON_BLOOD} [/abilities] [attack] name=malefic whisper description=_"malefic whisper" icon=attacks/wail.png type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN100} [/specials] range=melee damage=9 number=3 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=blood boil description=_"blood boil" type=fire [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_AGONY} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=9 number=3 range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack] name=eviscerate description=_"eviscerate" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SOUL_SIPHON} [/specials] damage=7 number=4 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {SOUL_SIPHON "eviscerate" 1} {SOUL_SIPHON "extenerate" 0.5} {TRANSFUSION} {IRON_WARDEN 3} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/aryel.png" "units/fae/aryel.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=blood boil [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FIREBALL} start_time=-470 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fire.wav fire.wav -470} [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=malefic whisper [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png:520" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=eviscerate,extenerate [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-470 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -470} [frame] image="units/fae/aryel.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] #enddef [unit_type] {ARYEL_BASE} hitpoints=41 experience=70 level=3 [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=70 name= _ "Crimson Fae" {CRIMSON_MELEE CF3MELEE} {CRIMSON_BOIL CF3BOIL} {CRIMSON_EVISCERATE CF3EVI} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF3MELEE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=100 name= _ "Crimson Fae" {CRIMSON_BOIL CF4} {CRIMSON_EVISCERATE CF4} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF3BOIL inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=100 name= _ "Crimson Fae" {CRIMSON_MELEE CF4} {CRIMSON_EVISCERATE CF4} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF3EVI inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=41 experience=100 name= _ "Crimson Fae" {CRIMSON_MELEE CF4} {CRIMSON_BOIL CF4} [/variation] ##################### LEVEL 4 ######################### [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4 inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=140 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_MELEE CF4ABILITIES} {CRIMSON_BOIL CF4ABILITIES} {CRIMSON_EVISCERATE CF4ABILITIES} [/variation] #level4-2 [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4ABILITIES inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=170 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION CF4TRANS} {CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN CF4IRON} {CRIMSON_HEALING CF4HEAL} [/variation] ################ level 4-3 ################### [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4TRANS inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=220 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN CF4FINALNOHEAL} {CRIMSON_HEALING CF4FINALNOIRON} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF4FINALTRANS} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF4FINALTRANS} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF4FINALTRANS} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4IRON inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=220 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION CF4FINALNOHEAL} {CRIMSON_HEALING CF4FINALNOTRANS} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF4FINALIRON} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF4FINALIRON} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF4FINALIRON} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4HEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=220 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION CF4FINALNOIRON} {CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN CF4FINALNOTRANS} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF4FINALHEAL} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF4FINALHEAL} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF4FINALHEAL} [/variation] ################ level 4-4 ################## [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4FINALNOHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=270 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_HEALING CF5} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF5} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF5} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4FINALNOIRON inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=270 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN CF5} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF5} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF5} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4FINALNOTRANS inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=270 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION CF5} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF5} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF5} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4FINALTRANS inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=270 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN CF5} {CRIMSON_HEALING CF5} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF5} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF5} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4FINALIRON inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=270 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION CF5} {CRIMSON_HEALING CF5} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF5} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF5} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF5} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF4FINALHEAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=41 experience=270 name= _ "Scarlet Sylph" {CRIMSON_TRANSFUSION CF5} {CRIMSON_IRON_WARDEN CF5} {CRIMSON_MELEE2 CF5} {CRIMSON_RANGE CF5} {CRIMSON_BALANCED_HEALTH CF5} [/variation] #################### LEVEL 5 ######################### [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF5 inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=41 experience=350 name= _ "Sanguine Reaper" {ARYEL_EXTENERATE CF5FINAL} {MORTAL_MASQUE_SPECIAL CF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {ARYEL_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=CF5FINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=41 experience=250 name= _ "Sanguine Reaper" {AMLA_CRIMSONFAE} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis #define AMLA_ARCANEFAE {AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEMELEE} {AMLA_OPTION_YUMIVOID} {AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEFIRE} {AMLA_OPTION_ETHSTORM} #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEMELEE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"increased physical strength" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png id=amla_melee_arcanefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_YUMIVOID [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger void magic" image=attacks/dark-missile.png id=amla_void_arcanefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=20% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ARCANEFIRE [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger faerie fire" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png id=amla_fire_arcanefae strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define AMLA_OPTION_ETHSTORM [advancement] max_times=-1 description=_"stronger ethereal storm" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png id=amla_storm_duskfae require_amla=dusk_ethereal_storm strict_amla=yes [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal storm increase_damage=3 heal_full=yes [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=25% [/effect] [/advancement] #enddef #define YUMI_ADVANCEMENT HP_INCREMENT XP_INCREMENT EFFECT_WML VARIATION_NAME [advancement] max_times=-1 always_display=yes [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase_total={HP_INCREMENT} increase={HP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase={XP_INCREMENT} [/effect] [effect] apply_to=variation name={VARIATION_NAME} [/effect] {EFFECT_WML} [/advancement] #enddef #define DRAIN_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 0 ( id=drain_special description= _ "increases healing from faerie fire" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=2 [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN70} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=49 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ECLIPSE_SPECIAL VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 0 0 ( id=eclipse_special description= _ "increased void assault damage" image=attacks/dark-missile.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault [set_specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABEYANCE} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ECLIPSE} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/set_specials] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=movement increase=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=-100% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=max_experience increase=49 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############### first set of abilities ################# #define DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 0 230 ( id=dusk_night_hunter description= _ "gains damage at night" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_NIGHT_HUNTER} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DUSK_VOID_WARDEN VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 210 ( id=dusk_void_warden description= _ "gains defense at night" image=units/fae/yumi.png [effect] apply_to=new_ability [abilities] {ABILITY_VOID_WARDEN} [/abilities] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 0 210 ( id=dusk_ethereal_storm description= _ "gains a powerful ranged attack" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=new_attack name=ethereal storm description= _"ethereal storm" type=cold range=ranged damage=41 number=2 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/effect] [effect] apply_to=new_animation [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ethereal storm [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ############### basic advancements ################# #define YUMI_MELEE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 50 ( id=duskfae_melee description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_VOID VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 60 ( id=duskfae_void description= _ "stronger void attack" image=attacks/dark-missile.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define ARCANEFIRE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 70 ( id=duskfae_melee description= _ "stronger faerie fire attack" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=2 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_STORM VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 60 ( id=duskfae_storm description= _ "stronger ethereal storm attack" require_amla=dusk_ethereal_storm image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal storm increase_damage=3 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ################################################### ############### resist amlas ################# #define MELEE_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 150 ( id=dusk_melee_resist description= _ "stronger in melee combat and gains +10% physical resistance" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=2 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define RANGE_RESIST VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 150 ( id=dusk_range_resist description= _ "gains +10% to physical resistances and gains damage" image=attacks/heater-shield.png [effect] apply_to=resistance [resistance] blade=-10 pierce=-10 impact=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=1 [/effect] [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=1 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef ################################################### #define DUSK_MELEE_DOUBLE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 4 140 ( id=double_melee description= _ "stronger in melee combat" image=attacks/touch-faerie.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie touch increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DUSK_VOID_DOUBLE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 140 ( id=double_void description= _ "stronger void attack" image=attacks/dark-missile.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=void assault increase_attacks=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define DUSK_FIRE_DOUBLE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 2 160 ( id=double_fire description= _ "stronger faerie fire attack" image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=faerie fire increase_damage=4 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_STORM_DOUBLE VARIANT_NAME {YUMI_ADVANCEMENT 3 120 ( id=duskfae_storm description= _ "stronger ethereal storm attack" require_amla=dusk_ethereal_storm image=attacks/faerie-fire.png [effect] apply_to=attack name=ethereal storm increase_damage=5 [/effect] ) {VARIANT_NAME}} #enddef #define YUMI_BASE id=Dusk Fae race=fae gender=female name= _ "Dusk Fae" image="units/fae/yumi.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} halo=halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150 movement_type=duskfae movement=6 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null cost=60 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "There is no information available about this class of beings at this time." die_sound={SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} [abilities] {ABILITY_CLARITY} {ABILITY_CLAIRVOYANCE} [/abilities] [attack] name=faerie touch description=_"faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN30} [/specials] range=melee damage=6 number=3 range=melee [/attack] [attack] name=void assault description=_"void assault" type=cold [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_ABEYANCE} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_CHAOS} [/specials] damage=0 number=7 range=ranged icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack] name=faerie fire description=_"faerie fire" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN40} {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] damage=7 number=5 range=ranged icon=attacks/faerie-fire.png [/attack] {ABEYANCE "void assault" 5} {ECLIPSE "void assault" 2} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/fae/yumi.png" "units/fae/yumi.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie fire [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_FIRE} start_time=-450 {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-faeriefire.ogg magic-faeriefire-miss.ogg -450} [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=void assault [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_SHADOW_WAVE} start_time=-350 [frame] duration=100 image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 sound=shaxthal-energy-prelude.ogg [/frame] [frame] duration=300 image="units/fae/yumi.png" halo=halo/elven/faerie-fire-halo[1~7].png:75 halo_x,halo_y=0,0 sound=shaxthal-energy-fire.ogg [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/fae/yumi.png:520" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [animation] apply_to=pre_teleport start_time=-600 alpha="1.0~0.2" blend_ratio="0.0~1.0:400,1.0:200" blend_color=140,60,255 [frame] duration=600 image=units/fae/yumi.png [/frame] halo_start_time=-600 halo_auto_vflip=no halo_halo_mod="~CS(-32,-128,0)~O(0.8)" halo_halo_y="0~14" [halo_frame] halo="halo/elven/druid-healing[1~5].png:80,halo/elven/druid-healing6.png~O(0.75):80,halo/elven/druid-healing7.png~O(0.5):80,halo/elven/druid-healing8.png~O(0.25):80" [/halo_frame] [/animation] [animation] apply_to=post_teleport start_time=-600 alpha="0.2~1.0" blend_ratio="1.0:200,1.0~0.0:400" blend_color=140,60,255 [frame] duration=600 image=units/fae/yumi.png [/frame] halo_start_time=-500 halo_auto_vflip=no halo_halo_mod="~CS(-32,-128,0)~O(0.8)" halo_halo_y="-4~10" [halo_frame] halo="halo/elven/druid-healing[1~5].png:80,halo/elven/druid-healing6.png~O(0.75):80,halo/elven/druid-healing7.png~O(0.5):80,halo/elven/druid-healing8.png~O(0.25):80" [/halo_frame] [/animation] #enddef [unit_type] {YUMI_BASE} hitpoints=27 experience=70 level=3 ########### level 3 ########### [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF3 inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=27 experience=70 name= _ "Dusk Fae" {YUMI_MELEE DF3MELEE} {YUMI_VOID DF3VOID} {ARCANEFIRE DF3FIRE} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF3FIRE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=27 experience=110 name= _ "Dusk Fae" {YUMI_VOID DF4} {YUMI_MELEE DF4} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF3VOID inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=27 experience=110 name= _ "Dusk Fae" {YUMI_MELEE DF4} {ARCANEFIRE DF4} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF3MELEE inherit=no level=3 hitpoints=27 experience=110 name= _ "Dusk Fae" {YUMI_VOID DF4} {ARCANEFIRE DF4} [/variation] ############################### ########### level 4 ########### [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4 inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=150 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {RANGE_RESIST DF4RESIST} {MELEE_RESIST DF4RESIST} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4RESIST inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=190 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER DF4HUNTER} {DUSK_VOID_WARDEN DF4WARDEN} {DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM DF4STORM} {YUMI_VOID DF4ABILITIES} {ARCANEFIRE DF4ABILITIES} [/variation] ############################### ########### level 4-3 ########### [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4ABILITIES inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=230 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER DF4FINALHUNTER} {DUSK_VOID_WARDEN DF4FINALWARDEN} {DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM DF4FINALSTORM} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4HUNTER inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=230 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_VOID_WARDEN DF4FINAL} {DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM DF4FINAL} {YUMI_MELEE DF4FINALHUNTER} {YUMI_VOID DF4FINALHUNTER} {ARCANEFIRE DF4FINALHUNTER} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4WARDEN inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=230 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER DF4FINAL} {DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM DF4FINAL} {YUMI_MELEE DF4FINALWARDEN} {YUMI_VOID DF4FINALWARDEN} {ARCANEFIRE DF4FINALWARDEN} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4STORM inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=230 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_VOID_WARDEN DF4FINAL} {DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER DF4FINAL} {YUMI_MELEE DF4FINALSTORM} {YUMI_VOID DF4FINALSTORM} {ARCANEFIRE DF4FINALSTORM} {YUMI_STORM DF4FINALSTORM} [/variation] ############################### ########### level 4-4 ########### [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4FINAL inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=270 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_MELEE_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_VOID_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_FIRE_DOUBLE DF5} {YUMI_STORM_DOUBLE DF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4FINALHUNTER inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=270 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_VOID_WARDEN DF5} {DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM DF5} {DUSK_MELEE_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_VOID_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_FIRE_DOUBLE DF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4FINALWARDEN inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=270 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER DF5} {DUSK_ETHEREAL_STORM DF5} {DUSK_MELEE_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_VOID_DOUBLE DF5} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF4FINALSTORM inherit=no level=4 hitpoints=27 experience=270 name= _ "Eventide Nymph" {DUSK_VOID_WARDEN DF5} {DUSK_NIGHT_HUNTER DF5} {DUSK_MELEE_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_VOID_DOUBLE DF5} {DUSK_FIRE_DOUBLE DF5} {YUMI_STORM_DOUBLE DF5} [/variation] ############################### ########### level 5 ########### [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF5 inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=27 experience=370 name= _ "Void Angel" {DRAIN_SPECIAL DF5FINAL} {ECLIPSE_SPECIAL DF5FINAL} [/variation] [variation] {YUMI_BASE} hide_help=yes variation_id=DF5FINAL inherit=no level=5 hitpoints=27 experience=250 name= _ "Void Angel" {AMLA_ARCANEFAE} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Era_of_Chaos [unit_type] id=Night Nymph Fake name= _ "female^Night Nymph" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} ellipse="misc/ellipse" hitpoints=45 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=100 cold=80 [/resistance] movement=6 level=2 alignment=chaotic experience=96 advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=46 usage=archer description= _ "It is said that the dark faeries’ secluded lives in hazardous environments has led them to lose any kind of empathy towards those who are not of their kind. Many fables revolve around men who were lured into following these beautiful temptresses to their homes, never to be seen ever again."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_ARCANE}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_DRAIN} die_sound=wail.wav {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DRAIN} [/specials] range=melee damage=7 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=forest chill description=_"forest chill" type=cold [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=13 number=2 icon=attacks/forest-chill.png [/attack] [attack] name=shadow wave description= _ "shadow wave" type=arcane [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] range=ranged damage=9 number=3 icon=attacks/dark-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png:220" [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" halo="halo/elven/shaman-heal-halo-[4~7].png~G(-50):75" halo_x,halo_y=10,14 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=forest chill [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} {HALO_FRAME_SAURIAN} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=shadow wave [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 missile_start_time=-50 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/darkmissile-n.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/darkmissile-ne.png" [/missile_frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png" halo="halo/undead/dark-magic-[1~6].png:50" halo_x,halo_y=10,15 [/frame] [frame] image="units/faeries-other/night-nymph-ghost.png:100" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-dark.ogg magic-dark-miss.ogg -50} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fire Faerie Fake name= _ "Fire Faerie" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" hitpoints=38 movement_type=faerie [resistance] fire=80 cold=100 [/resistance] movement=5 level=2 alignment=lawful experience=85 advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=42 usage=archer description= _ "Forest faeries rarely take part in wars and conflicts, preferring instead to dance and frolic in their forest homes. They will, however, defend these to the death; to this end, the forest elves have proven allies of convenience. The elves themselves have long had respect for those with a close affinity with the Arcane Flame. It is due to this close relationship that faeries will sometimes be found by the elves’ side in times of great need. The more experienced faeries possess an even greater mastery of the fire element, allowing them to hurl balls of raging fire at their enemies, or to ignite them with a single touch. Some are even said to eventually burn away their corporeal forms entirely, becoming a spirit born of the rage of the Flame."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL} die_sound=wail.wav {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=fire aura description= _ "fire aura" icon=attacks/aura-fire.png type=fire range=melee damage=6 number=4 [/attack] [attack] name=mystic fire description= _ "mystic fire" icon=attacks/fireball.png type=fire range=ranged damage=7 number=5 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=fire aura [/filter_attack] {MELEE_FRAME_FIRE_AURA "units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png"} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=mystic fire [/filter_attack] start_time=-300 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/fire-ghost.png:350" [/frame] {MISSILE_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [if] hits=yes {BURST_FRAME_FAERIE_MYSTIC_FIRE} [/if] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS flame-big.ogg flame-big-miss.ogg -300} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Forest Nymph Fake name= _ "Forest Nymph" race=faerie gender=female image="units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} halo="halo/elven/shyde-stationary-halo[1~6].png:150" profile="portraits/elves/druid.png" hitpoints=45 movement_type=faerie movement=6 level=2 alignment=neutral experience=93 advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} {TRAIT_SPIRIT} cost=33 usage=archer description= _ "The idyll, pacifistic disposition of the faerie that inhabit the forests lends them the ability to better understand the surge and ebb of nature's energies. Their power is not that of fiery destruction, nor frigid winter, but involves the aspect of life itself, the mysterious force that binds soul to body and heart and mind to physical form. It is this ability that allows them to heal almost any wound, even those that are normally considered fatal by healers of other races." die_sound=wail.wav {DEFENSE_ANIM_RANGE "units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} melee } {DEFENSE_ANIM_ELVEN_RANGE "units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png" "units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png" {SOUND_LIST:ELF_FEMALE_HIT} ranged } [attack] name=faerie touch description= _ "faerie touch" icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png type=impact range=melee damage=5 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_MAGICAL} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=ensnare description= _ "ensnare" icon=attacks/entangle.png type=impact range=ranged damage=9 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=faerie touch [/filter_attack] start_time=-240 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png:520" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS fist.ogg {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -50} [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=ensnare [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=-200 [missile_frame] offset=1.0 duration=150 image="projectiles/entangle.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/entangle.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-450 [frame] image="units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png:350" halo=halo/elven/nature-halo[1~6].png:75,halo/elven/nature-halo[7~8].png:50 halo_x,halo_y=0,-12 [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-75 [attack_sound_frame] sound=entangle.wav [/attack_sound_frame] {SOUND:SLOW} [frame] image="units/faeries-other/healer/forest-nymph-ghost.png:350" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=GNS_Dreamcatcher name= _ "Dreamcatcher" race=mechanical image="items-new/dreamcatcher4.png" image_icon="items-new/dreamcatcher4.png" ellipse=none hitpoints=1000 movement_type=null movement=1 level=0 alignment=neutral advances_to=null cost=1 usage=null hide_help=true description= _ "" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/dreamcatcher4.png" "items-new/dreamcatcher4.png" gate.ogg} die_sound=gate-fall.ogg [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fake Dreamwalker name= _ "Dreamwalker" race=demon gender=female image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker.png" hitpoints=1000 movement_type=demonfoot movement=6 experience=100 level=2 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=27 usage=mixed fighter [resistance] blade=40 impact=40 pierce=40 cold=110 fire=110 arcane=100 [/resistance] [movement_costs] deep_water=2 shallow_water=1 frozen=1 [/movement_costs] [defense] deep_water=60 shallow_water=60 frozen=50 [/defense] [abilities] {ABILITY_ENERVATE20} [/abilities] description= _ "." die_sound=wail-long.wav [attack] name=lacerate description= _ "lacerate" icon="attacks/claws-undead.png" type=blade range=melee [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_POISON} [/specials] damage=1 number=1 [/attack] [attack] name=dreamweave description= _ "dreamweave" type=cold range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] damage=1 number=1 icon=attacks/iceball.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=lacerate [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~1.2:600,1.2~0.0:350 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-melee1.png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-melee2.png:300" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-melee3.png:50" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-melee4.png:100" alpha=1~0:100 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "claws.ogg" {SOUND_LIST:MISS} -100} [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-melee4.png:150" alpha=0~1:150 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-melee5.png:200" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker.png:10" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=hallucination [/filter_attack] start_time=-350 {MISSILE_FRAME_INFERNAL_CHILL} [frame] duration=50 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged1.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-1.png [/frame] [frame] duration=60 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged2.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-2.png sound=magicmissile.wav [/frame] [frame] duration=70 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged2.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-3.png [/frame] [frame] duration=80 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged3.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-4.png [/frame] [frame] duration=90 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged3.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-5.png [/frame] [frame] duration=100 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged2.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-6.png [/frame] [frame] duration=100 image="units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-ranged1.png" halo=halo/saurian-magic-halo-7.png [/frame] [/attack_anim] [defend] start_time=-200 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:200,-0.05~0.0:200 alpha=0.8~0.5:200,0.5~0.8:200 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:200,-0.05~0.0:200 alpha=0.8~0.5:200,0.5~0.8:200 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:200,-0.1~0.0:200 alpha=0.8~0.25:200,0.25~0.8:200 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/blue/dreamwalker.png:1,units/demons/blue/dreamwalker-defend.png:325,units/demons/blue/dreamwalker.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Fake Nightmare name= _ "Nightmare" race=demon gender=female image="units/demons/blue/nightmare.png" hitpoints=1000 movement_type=demonfly movement=3 experience=150 level=3 alignment=chaotic advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=55 usage=scout [abilities] {ABILITY_INCORPOREAL} [/abilities] description= _ "." die_sound=wail-long.wav [resistance] blade=30 impact=30 pierce=30 cold=100 fire=100 arcane=110 [/resistance] [attack] name=infest description= _ "infest" icon="attacks/wail.png" type=cold range=melee [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_POISON} [/specials] damage=1 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=hallucination description= _ "hallucination" type=cold range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW} [/specials] damage=1 number=4 icon=attacks/iceball.png [/attack] [attack] name=nightmare description= _ "nightmare" type=blade range=ranged [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_TERROR} [/specials] damage=1 number=5 icon=attacks/chakram.png [/attack] {GNS_INCORPOREAL "Demon Nightmare"} [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=infest [/filter_attack] start_time=-600 offset=0.0~-0.3:300,-0.3~1.2:300,1.2~0.0:250 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee[1~2].png:150" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee3.png:50" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee4.png:150" alpha=1~0:200 [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS "magic-dark-big.ogg" "magic-dark-big-miss.ogg" -75} [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee4.png:50" alpha=0:50 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee[4~3].png:50" alpha=0~1:100 [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee1.png:100" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=hallucination [/filter_attack] {MISSILE_FRAME_ICE} start_time=-350 [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-ranged[1~3].png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-ranged3.png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=nightmare [/filter_attack] start_time=-350 [missile_frame] duration=200 image="projectiles/chakram.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/chakram.png" [/missile_frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS throwing-knife.ogg throwing-knife-miss.ogg -150} [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-ranged[1~3].png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-ranged3.png:100" [/frame] [frame] image="units/demons/blue/nightmare-ranged[3~1].png:50" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [defend] start_time=-126 [if] hits=hit offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 hit_sound_start_time=-25 [hit_sound_frame] sound=wail-sml.wav [/hit_sound_frame] [/if] [else] hits=kill offset=0.0~-0.05:126,-0.05~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.5:126,0.5~0.8:126 [/else] [else] hits=miss offset=0.0~-0.1:126,-0.1~0.0:126 alpha=0.8~0.25:126,0.25~0.8:126 [/else] [frame] image=units/demons/blue/nightmare.png:1,units/demons/blue/nightmare-melee2.png:250,units/demons/blue/nightmare.png:1 [/frame] [/defend] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=GNS_Ice_Shard name= _ "Ice Shard" race=mechanical image="items-new/iceshard.png" image_icon="items-new/iceshard.png" ellipse=none hitpoints=1000 movement_type=null movement=1 level=0 alignment=neutral advances_to=null cost=1 usage=null hide_help=true description= _ "" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/iceshard.png" "items-new/iceshard.png" gate.ogg} die_sound=gate-fall.ogg [variation] variation_id=iceshard_dark inherit=yes image="items-new/iceshard-dark.png" image_icon="items-new/iceshard-dark.png" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/iceshard-dark.png" "items-new/iceshard-dark.png" gate.ogg} [/variation] [variation] variation_id=iceshard_light inherit=yes image="items-new/iceshard-light.png" image_icon="items-new/iceshard-light.png" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/iceshard-light.png" "items-new/iceshard-light.png" gate.ogg} [/variation] [variation] variation_id=iceshard_red inherit=yes image="items-new/iceshard-red.png" image_icon="items-new/iceshard-red.png" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/iceshard-red.png" "items-new/iceshard-red.png" gate.ogg} [/variation] [variation] variation_id=iceshard_violet inherit=yes image="items-new/iceshard-violet.png" image_icon="items-new/iceshard-violet.png" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/iceshard-violet.png" "items-new/iceshard-violet.png" gate.ogg} [/variation] [variation] variation_id=iceshard_black inherit=yes image="items-new/iceshard-black.png" image_icon="items-new/iceshard-black.png" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items-new/iceshard-black.png" "items-new/iceshard-black.png" gate.ogg} [/variation] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=GNS_Mirror name= _ "Mirror" race=mechanical image="items/mirror.png" image_icon="items/mirror.png" ellipse=none hitpoints=1000 movement_type=fakefly movement=0 level=0 alignment=neutral advances_to=null cost=1 usage=null hide_help=true description= _ "" {DEFENSE_ANIM "items/mirror.png" "items/mirror.png" gate.ogg} die_sound=gate-fall.ogg [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=GNS_Monolith name= _ "Monolith" race=mechanical image="buildings/monolith.png" image_icon="buildings/monolith.png~CROP(0,36,72,72)" bar_offset_y=0 ellipse=none hitpoints=1000 movement_type=null movement=1 level=0 alignment=neutral advances_to=null cost=1 usage=null hide_help=true description= _ "" {DEFENSE_ANIM "buildings/monolith.png" "buildings/monolith.png" gate.ogg} die_sound=gate-fall.ogg [abilities] {ABILITY_BLACK_BODY} [/abilities] {GNS_BLACK_BODY "GNS_Monolith"} [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Halfling Distortionist name= _ "Distortionist" race=halfling gender=male,female image="units/halflings/distortionist.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} hitpoints=24 movement_type=halflingfoot movement=5 experience=50 level=1 alignment=neutral advances_to=Halfling Weaver,Halfling Obsidian Mage cost=18 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/distortionist.png" "units/halflings/distortionist.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_HIT} } [attack] name=distort description= _ "distort" type=arcane range=ranged damage=8 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DISTORT} [/specials] icon=attacks/magic-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=distort [/filter_attack] offset=0 {MAGIC_MISSILE 11 -20} {MAGIC_MISSILE_STAFF_FLARE -750 600 11 -20} start_time=-800 [frame] image="units/halflings/distortionist.png" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-missile-[1~3].ogg magic-missile-[1~3]-miss.ogg -350} [/attack_anim] [female] name= _ "female^Distortionist" gender=female image="units/halflings/distortionist-female.png" advances_to=Halfling Weaver,Halfling Hoarfrost Mage die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/distortionist-female.png" "units/halflings/distortionist-female.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=distort [/filter_attack] [frame] image="units/halflings/distortionist-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/female] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Halfling Hoarfrost Mage name= _ "Hoarfrost Mage" race=halfling gender=female image="units/halflings/hoarfrost.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} hitpoints=24 movement_type=halflingfoot movement=5 experience=50 level=1 alignment=neutral advances_to=Halfling hoarfrost cost=18 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/hoarfrost.png" "units/halflings/hoarfrost.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack] name=distort description= _ "distort" type=arcane range=ranged damage=8 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DISTORT} [/specials] icon=attacks/magic-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=distort [/filter_attack] offset=0 {MAGIC_MISSILE 11 -20} {MAGIC_MISSILE_STAFF_FLARE -750 600 11 -20} start_time=-800 [frame] image="units/halflings/hoarfrost.png" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-missile-[1~3].ogg magic-missile-[1~3]-miss.ogg -350} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Halfling Hunter name= _ "Hunter" race=halfling gender=male,female image="units/halflings/hunter.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} hitpoints=40 movement_type=halflingfoot movement=5 experience=91 level=2 alignment=neutral advances_to=Halfling Ranger cost=27 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/hunter.png" "units/halflings/hunter.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_HIT} } [attack] name=spear description= _ "spear" icon="attacks/spear.png" type=pierce range=melee damage=6 number=3 [/attack] [attack] name=javelin description= _ "javelin" type=pierce range=ranged damage=7 number=4 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_HARRY} [/specials] icon="attacks/javelin-human.png" [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=spear [/filter_attack] [if] hits=yes [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/hunter.png" sound=spear.ogg [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/hunter.png" sound={SOUND_LIST:MISS} [/frame] [/else] [frame] begin=100 end=200 image="units/halflings/hunter.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=javelin [/filter_attack] missile_start_time=0 [missile_frame] duration=150 image="projectiles/spear-n.png" image_diagonal="projectiles/spear-ne.png" [/missile_frame] start_time=-250 [frame] image="units/halflings/hunter.png" [/frame] attack_sound_start_time=-50 [attack_sound_frame] duration=100 sound={SOUND_LIST:THROW} [/attack_sound_frame] [if] hits=yes [attack_sound_frame] sound=spear.ogg [/attack_sound_frame] [/if] [/attack_anim] [female] name= _ "female^Hunter" gender=female image="units/halflings/hunter-female.png" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/hunter-female.png" "units/halflings/hunter-female.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=spear [/filter_attack] [if] [frame] image="units/halflings/hunter-female.png" [/frame] [/if] [else] [frame] image="units/halflings/hunter-female.png" [/frame] [/else] [frame] image="units/halflings/hunter-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=javelin [/filter_attack] [frame] image="units/halflings/hunter-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/female] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Halfling Impaler name= _ "Impaler" race=halfling gender=male,female image="units/halflings/impaler.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} hitpoints=57 movement_type=halflingfoot movement=5 experience=150 level=3 alignment=neutral advances_to=null {AMLA_HALFLING_FIGHTER_HITPOINTS} {AMLA_HALFLING_FIGHTER_MELEE} cost=48 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/impaler.png" "units/halflings/impaler.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_HIT} } [attack] name=glaive description= _ "glaive" icon="attacks/glaive.png" type=pierce range=melee damage=13 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMPALE50} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=glaive description= _ "glaive" icon="attacks/glaive.png" type=blade range=melee damage=21 number=2 [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=pierce [/filter_attack] [if] hits=yes [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/impaler.png" sound=spear.ogg [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/impaler.png" sound={SOUND_LIST:MISS} [/frame] [/else] [frame] begin=100 end=200 image="units/halflings/impaler.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=blade [/filter_attack] [if] hits=yes [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/impaler.png" sound=axe.ogg [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/impaler.png" sound={SOUND_LIST:MISS} [/frame] [/else] [frame] begin=100 end=200 image="units/halflings/impaler.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [female] name= _ "female^Impaler" gender=female image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/impaler-female.png" "units/halflings/impaler-female.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=pierce [/filter_attack] [if] [frame] image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" [/frame] [/if] [else] [frame] image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" [/frame] [/else] [frame] image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=blade [/filter_attack] [if] [frame] image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" [/frame] [/if] [else] [frame] image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" [/frame] [/else] [frame] image="units/halflings/impaler-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/female] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Halfling Obsidian Mage name= _ "Obsidian Mage" race=halfling gender=male image="units/halflings/obsidian.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} hitpoints=24 movement_type=halflingfoot movement=5 experience=50 level=1 alignment=neutral advances_to=Halfling obsidian cost=18 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/obsidian.png" "units/halflings/obsidian.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_HIT} } [attack] name=distort description= _ "distort" type=arcane range=ranged damage=8 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DISTORT} [/specials] icon=attacks/magic-missile.png [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=distort [/filter_attack] offset=0 {MAGIC_MISSILE 11 -20} {MAGIC_MISSILE_STAFF_FLARE -750 600 11 -20} start_time=-800 [frame] image="units/halflings/obsidian.png" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS magic-missile-[1~3].ogg magic-missile-[1~3]-miss.ogg -350} [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]
#textdomain wesnoth-Genesis [unit_type] id=Halfling Piercer name= _ "Piercer" race=halfling gender=male,female image="units/halflings/piercer.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} hitpoints=42 movement_type=halflingfoot movement=5 experience=84 level=2 alignment=neutral advances_to=Halfling Impaler cost=26 usage=mixed fighter description= _ "" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/piercer.png" "units/halflings/piercer.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_HIT} } [attack] name=glaive description= _ "glaive" icon="attacks/glaive.png" type=pierce range=melee damage=10 number=3 [specials] {WEAPON_SPECIAL_IMPALE25} [/specials] [/attack] [attack] name=glaive description= _ "glaive" icon="attacks/glaive.png" type=blade range=melee damage=15 number=2 [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=pierce [/filter_attack] [if] hits=yes [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/piercer.png" sound=spear.ogg [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/piercer.png" sound={SOUND_LIST:MISS} [/frame] [/else] [frame] begin=100 end=200 image="units/halflings/piercer.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=blade [/filter_attack] [if] hits=yes [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/piercer.png" sound=axe.ogg [/frame] [/if] [else] hits=no [frame] begin=-100 end=100 image="units/halflings/piercer.png" sound={SOUND_LIST:MISS} [/frame] [/else] [frame] begin=100 end=200 image="units/halflings/piercer.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [female] name= _ "female^Piercer" gender=female image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" die_sound={SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_DIE} {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/halflings/piercer-female.png" "units/halflings/piercer-female.png" {SOUND_LIST:HUMAN_FEMALE_HIT} } [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=pierce [/filter_attack] [if] [frame] image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" [/frame] [/if] [else] [frame] image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" [/frame] [/else] [frame] image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=glaive type=blade [/filter_attack] [if] [frame] image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" [/frame] [/if] [else] [frame] image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" [/frame] [/else] [frame] image="units/halflings/piercer-female.png" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/female] [/unit_type]