a man using a laptop at work
[ [ "is the man in a cubicle", "no he isn't" ], [ "are there other workers nearby", "i see 1" ], [ "is he at a desk", "not exactly" ], [ "is he in casual or business clothes", "he is in casual clothing" ], [ "is he young or older", "he is younger" ], [ "can you see what kind of laptop", "no i can't" ], [ "is he typing", "yes he is" ], [ "what color is his hair", "it is medium brown" ], [ "is he sitting down", "no he is not" ], [ "is he holding the laptop while typing", "no he is not" ] ]
a man guiding a pony with a boy riding on it
[ [ "what color is pony", "brown and white" ], [ "how old is boy", "6 or 7" ], [ "does man have white hair", "yes he does" ], [ "is ground dirt", "no, it is tile" ], [ "where is this scene", "it's outside in front of red building" ], [ "what color is ground", "grey" ], [ "fence", "no" ], [ "is building brick", "it is not" ], [ "any other people", "i can see shadow of photographer" ], [ "sunshine", "yes" ] ]
a couple of cars at a traffic light by a sign saying keep moving
[ [ "is there only 1 line of cars", "yes" ], [ "are there any cars parked on the side of the road", "no" ], [ "how many cars are there", "3" ], [ "what color is the traffic light", "green" ], [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes but i cannot see the sun" ], [ "does it look like any of the cars are going to turn", "do not see any turn signals no" ], [ "what color is the first car", "beige" ], [ "can you see any of the drivers", "no" ], [ "are any of the headlights on", "no" ] ]
a table topped with plates of food and a pizza
[ [ "are there people", "no" ], [ "did anyone eat from these plates", "yes one person eating" ], [ "are there any chairs", "yes" ], [ "is this a professional picture", "no" ], [ "is this an advertisement", "no advertisement" ], [ "what type of food is there", "pizza and sandwich" ], [ "is there a drink", "yes" ], [ "what color are the plates", "white color" ], [ "is this a veggie pizza", "yes" ], [ "any forks or knives", "forks or there" ] ]
a row of parked cars next to a pile of snow
[ [ "is the snow clean or dirty", "it's mostly dirty" ], [ "is any of the snow stained yellow", "it's hard to tell" ], [ "do any of the cars look expensive", "they're probably worth a lot now" ], [ "is it currently snowing in the picture", "no" ], [ "are there any animals present in the picture", "no" ], [ "are there any people in the photo", "no" ], [ "can you see any buildings in the photo", "no" ], [ "is the street visible in the photo", "not really, because it's a parking garage" ], [ "does the parking garage give off a creepy vibe", "a little bit" ], [ "are there any stains within or around the parking garage", "no" ] ]
a small boy in his pajamas is standing in his brown crib
[ [ "how old is the boy", "2" ], [ "what color are his pajamas", "black with red cuffs and police cars on them" ], [ "is his crib decorated", "no" ], [ "can you see the walls", "yes" ], [ "are they decorated", "yes with a single picture" ], [ "what of", "is cut off before image can be seen" ], [ "does he look sad", "no" ], [ "does he look happy", "very" ], [ "is anyone else thee", "no" ], [ "is there a mobile", "no" ] ]
the office space is small and a bit cluttered
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "do you see people", "no people" ], [ "is this a cubicle", "possibly" ], [ "do you see a desk", "yes" ], [ "do you see a monitor", "i do" ], [ "do you see a keyboard", "yes" ], [ "do you see a mouse", "yes i do" ], [ "is the monitor on", "no" ], [ "do you see a phone", "no phone seen" ], [ "do you see a window", "no windows" ] ]
2 goat kids and 1 young lamb are in a field
[ [ "is there sunshine", "can't see sky but looks overcast" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "any buildings", "no" ], [ "any trees", "no" ], [ "is this on mountain", "no" ], [ "any bushes", "no" ], [ "is grass brown", "greenish brownish" ], [ "are sheep grazing", "no, staring at camera" ], [ "any snow", "no" ], [ "what color are sheep", "all are white 2 have black faces" ] ]
an assortment of vegetables made into an interesting shape
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "somewhat" ], [ "is this in a restaurant", "no" ], [ "is this in a home kitchen", "yes" ], [ "what is the shape", "looks like a mans private parts" ], [ "what veggies were used", "carrot and 2 onion halves" ], [ "what color onion", "white" ], [ "are there more carrot than onion", "yes 1 making the shape and another on the counter" ], [ "do you see any utensils", "yes" ], [ "do you see any napkins", "no" ] ]
black and white photograph of a living room's large television
[ [ "is that a big screen tv", "yes it is" ], [ "is it an older model", "no it is newer" ], [ "is image well lit", "yes it is" ], [ "can you see any walls", "yes" ], [ "are there any pictures hanging", "no" ], [ "are there any people", "no there isn't" ], [ "can you see the floor", "yes" ], [ "is tv on a stand of some type or on the wall", "it is sitting on a tv stand" ], [ "is there any other furniture visible", "there is a couch and a coffee stand in front of it" ], [ "can you see a window", "yes" ] ]
a green street sign that says bodacious drive
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "is this outside", "yes" ], [ "what time of day is it", "maybe afternoon" ], [ "what is the weather like", "cloudy" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "any street lights", "no" ], [ "any cars", "yes" ], [ "any bikes", "no" ], [ "how many cars", "1" ], [ "do they appear to be moving", "yes" ] ]
woman holding a cell phone covered with a crochet pounch
[ [ "is this inside or outside", "outside" ], [ "is there only the 1 woman", "yes" ], [ "is the sunny", "yes" ], [ "what color is the pouch", "blue" ], [ "is she talking on the phone", "no" ], [ "how old is she", "i can't see her face" ], [ "where is she", "outside" ], [ "is there any trees", "no" ], [ "how about buildings", "no" ], [ "any animals", "no" ] ]
a woman using a microwave sitting in a kitchen
[ [ "is it color", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "how old a woman", "50's" ], [ "what color hair", "brown" ], [ "does she wear glasses", "yes" ], [ "what color microwave", "white" ], [ "do you see a window", "yes" ], [ "do you see a table", "no" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "do you see any food", "no" ] ]
a building with a sign and a street right outside
[ [ "how many buildings", "several" ], [ "are people inside the buildings", "i think i see some faraway" ], [ "can you see the sign on the building", "yes i can see the sign" ], [ "what does it say", "roma 201" ], [ "do you see car", "in the distance i can see some automobiles on the street" ], [ "do you see traffic lights", "no i do not" ], [ "is this a day time", "yes" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "do you see birds", "no i do not" ], [ "is it sunny", "i can't tell the photo is in black and white" ] ]
the reflection of a clock and traffic is seen through a window with an "atm inside" sticker
[ [ "can u see atm", "no" ], [ "what color sign", "black and white" ], [ "business window", "yes" ], [ "what kind of business", "bank" ], [ "see anybody inside", "no" ], [ "people outside", "no" ], [ "any cars around", "yes" ], [ "see sky", "2" ], [ "window look clean", "yes" ], [ "clear day", "yes" ] ]
large meal displayed family style on table, ham leg and several dishes of food visible
[ [ "what kind of vegetables", "looks like veggie salad mix, green beans maybe, some kind of potatoes, some other stuff i can't tell" ], [ "what kind of fruit is there", "i don't really see any identifiable fruit" ], [ "are there any cups on table", "yes i think there is 1" ], [ "any utensils", "yes there are serving utensils for all different dishes" ], [ "are there any people", "no people" ], [ "is there any dessert that you can tell", "yes it looks like there are cookies and there’s couple dishes they could be dessert" ], [ "what color is tablecloth", "white with holiday print with red border" ], [ "is ham large", "yes it is very large" ], [ "can you see chairs", "yes" ], [ "how many chairs do you see", "2" ] ]
the baby boat is drinking milk from it's mother
[ [ "is the goat white", "mainly" ], [ "is this outside", "appears to be" ], [ "is there a fence", "yes" ], [ "is there grass", "no" ], [ "is it on a farm", "no" ], [ "are there many goats", "just 2 and there are other animals" ], [ "are there horses", "no" ], [ "are there cows", "no" ], [ "is it a close up", "no" ], [ "is it daylight out", "appears to be" ] ]
a glass jar of fruit on a decorative table mat
[ [ "what color is the mat", "it is purple and white looking" ], [ "how many pieces of fruit are in the jar", "it looks like oatmeal maybe just some raisins and orange slices on top" ], [ "can you see the table", "no i cannot just the mat" ], [ "is the jar clear glass", "yes kind of some silver on top though" ], [ "do you see any people", "no i do not" ], [ "is there a light on in the room", "yes looks like it" ], [ "is anything else on the table", "not that i can tell kind of a close up of the jar" ], [ "is there any water in the jar", "yes it is pretty moist" ], [ "is the photo in color", "yes it is" ], [ "how many pieces of fruit", "2 orange slices and maybe 10 raisins" ] ]
there is a group of 4 men sitting on park benches
[ [ "are the benches wooden", "stone with wood seats and backs" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it a color photo", "yes" ], [ "are the people of same gender", "all men" ], [ "age of the people", "ranging from late twenties to probably fifties" ], [ "are they in suit", "no" ], [ "anyone with cap", "2 4 have caps" ], [ "anyone with glasses", "1 looks like he has them" ], [ "anyone wearing shorts", "at least 1 man is, the rest i can't tell" ], [ "is the image well lit", "yes" ] ]
a desk has 2 computer monitors, a cell phone, mouse, laptop, and keyboard on it
[ [ "what color is the desktop", "it's gray base and around the monitor it is black" ], [ "is the cell phone a smartphone", "yes, it is and the actual desk is brown i thought you meant desktop computer" ], [ "is the desk messy", "no, it looks pretty neat and tidy" ], [ "what color is the desk", "it's wood and it's medium brown" ], [ "is there paper", "no paper" ], [ "is there people", "no people" ], [ "is there animals", "no animals around" ], [ "is there a lamp", "yes, a desk lamp" ], [ "is there a chair", "i see part of 1" ], [ "is the lamp on", "yes, it is" ] ]
3 cats are napping on the carpeted floor
[ [ "are the cats adult", "yes" ], [ "are they the same color", "no, 1 is black and the others are brown tabby" ], [ "does the black 1 have any white on it", "yes, on its nose and very tip of its paws" ], [ "are they all laying in the same direction", "no, all facing different directions" ], [ "what color is the carpet", "beige" ], [ "is there a window visible", "no" ], [ "is there any people in the picture", "no" ], [ "is there any furniture visible", "there are legs of a wooden chair or table visible plus the front of a sofa" ], [ "what color is the sofa", "slightly darker than the carpet" ], [ "are the cats' eyes all closed that you can see", "yes" ] ]
an image of a clean bedroom taken during the day
[ [ "are sheets white", "can't see sheets" ], [ "is window square", "rectangle" ], [ "are there curtains on it", "yes" ], [ "what color bedspread", "blue, mostly" ], [ "is it puffy", "not too much" ], [ "is there design or solid", "patchwork quilt like" ], [ "is bed made", "yes, really neat" ], [ "would you like this bedroom for yourself", "i could sleep there" ], [ "do you see teddy bear", "no" ], [ "is it in home or hotel", "home" ] ]
a male tennis player in action on the court
[ [ "how old is the man", "late 20ish" ], [ "can you see the net", "no" ], [ "indoors or out", "indoors" ], [ "is the room well lit", "yes" ], [ "can you see other people", "yes" ], [ "can you see spectators", "no" ], [ "can you see benches", "no" ], [ "what color is the court", "purple" ], [ "can you see his opponent", "no" ], [ "is he wearing a hat", "sweatband" ] ]
a young man stands outside holding his snowboard
[ [ "is the image color", "yes" ], [ "how old is the man", "25" ], [ "what color is his snowboard", "grey and white" ], [ "are there other people", "no" ], [ "is he waiting for something", "not really" ], [ "can you see trees", "yes" ], [ "is he next to a building", "yes" ], [ "what is he wearing", "winter gear" ], [ "what color is the building", "beige" ], [ "is there a watermark on the photo", "no" ] ]
a counter top with food sitting on some towels
[ [ "what type of food", "it's raw meat with seasonings are top" ], [ "is there any people", "no people" ], [ "how many towels", "there are 2" ], [ "what color are towels", "1 is white and the other is white and blue" ], [ "what is the countertop color", "mint green" ], [ "do you see the floor", "no i can't see it" ], [ "do you see any condiments", "no" ], [ "do you see a knife", "no, i don't" ], [ "do you see a fork", "no" ], [ "do you see a chair", "no chair" ] ]
motor cross bike and rider in the air doing tricks
[ [ "is this a close up", "yes" ], [ "is this a track", "not sure, rider is mid-air only sky in background" ], [ "can you see other bikers", "no" ], [ "is the track dirt", "i can't tell" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "yes" ], [ "are there clouds", "a few" ], [ "is the helmet white", "no" ], [ "what color is the bike", "blue and white" ] ]
a brown cow is lying beside a motorcycle
[ [ "what color is moped", "black" ], [ "what color is cow", "brown" ], [ "is there people around", "no" ], [ "is there cars around", "no" ], [ "what is weather like", "it's hard to tell maybe overcast" ], [ "is there any trees", "no" ], [ "is there any buildings", "yes, i can see gate and some concrete" ], [ "where do you think they are", "it's foreign letters are strange on license plate, maybe somewhere with arabic" ], [ "is there sand around", "no" ], [ "is there any vegetation", "no" ] ]
a surfer riding a wave back to the shore
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "what color surfboard", "pink" ], [ "what is the gender of the surfer", "male" ], [ "is the wave big", "yes" ], [ "is there other surfers in the water", "no" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing a wetsuit", "no" ], [ "is he wearing shorts", "yes" ], [ "what color shorts", "blue" ], [ "what color shirt does he have on", "no shirt" ] ]
a yellow surfboard leaning against a glass railing overlooking the beach
[ [ "are there any people in the image", "no" ], [ "how high up is the railing", "on the balcony flat" ], [ "what's the weather like", "calm" ], [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "can you see any body of water", "yes" ], [ "is it the ocean", "yes the shore" ], [ "are there any designs on the surfboard", "no" ], [ "is it a sand or rock beach", "sand" ], [ "are there any waves in the water", "yes" ], [ "are there any clouds in the sky", "yes" ] ]
a woman taking a picture in a warehouse full of bunches of hanging bananas
[ [ "is this photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the woman using her phone to take the picture", "no, it's a real camera" ], [ "can you see other people", "1 man and then part of another man" ], [ "are there lots of bananas", "6 big bunches" ], [ "are the bananas still attached to trees", "no, but they are still green" ], [ "is the warehouse well lit", "there is sun shining brightly through what looks like it must be a bid open door" ], [ "would this warehouse pass a safety inspection", "i meant big door, not bid" ], [ "can you see outside", "i think it would pass safety i cannot see outside" ], [ "any vehicles seen", "no" ], [ "what color is the woman's shirt", "coral" ] ]
3 slices of pepperoni pizza on a pan as well as the pizza slicer
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "is this a close up", "yes" ], [ "how many slices do you see", "3" ], [ "what shape is the pizza in", "triangle slices" ], [ "what color is the pan", "silver" ], [ "is there napkins", "no" ], [ "do you see any cups", "no" ], [ "do you see any utensils", "just the slic3r" ], [ "what color is the slicer", "silver and white" ] ]
2 people and the male as a black bag and suitcase
[ [ "is it color", "yes" ], [ "is it watermarked", "no" ], [ "how old", "65" ], [ "what color hair on male", "gray" ], [ "what color hair on female", "brown" ], [ "do you see a car", "no" ], [ "is it outside", "no" ], [ "do you see a window", "yes" ], [ "do you see furniture", "no, it looks like they are inside a train" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ] ]
guy reaching the top of ramp on a skateboard
[ [ "how old does he look", "16" ], [ "are there other people watching", "yes" ], [ "what color is the skateboard", "blue and green" ], [ "does he have on a helmet", "no" ], [ "what color are his clothes", "black" ], [ "what color is his hair", "brown" ], [ "are there other skateboarders", "not that i can see" ], [ "how is he holding his arms - at his side or up at angles", "more at an angle" ], [ "is he facing left or right", "right" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
a tennis player with a racket on a court
[ [ "is the player young", "looks like it" ], [ "can you see a fence", "no" ], [ "is the person male or female", "female" ], [ "does she have a cap on", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "do you see racket", "yes" ], [ "do you see a net", "no" ], [ "is she wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is her hair pulled back", "yes" ], [ "is he happy", "yes" ] ]
a sandwich is prepared on swirly bread and sided with onion rings
[ [ "is this close up picture", "kind of" ], [ "is food sitting on table", "yes" ], [ "is there tablecloth", "yes" ], [ "what color is tablecloth", "white" ], [ "does plate onion rings are sitting on have design", "just blue border" ], [ "what food is there besides onion rings", "reuben" ], [ "can you tell what kind of drink is on table", "looks like soda" ], [ "is there straw in drink", "i can't see top of cup" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "how many plates are there", "2" ] ]
a skier passing 2 people on a snowmobile
[ [ "is this a cross country skier", "yes" ], [ "is this 1 snowmobile with 2 people on it", "yes" ], [ "are they are a trail or path of some sort", "i think it might be a racing trail because the skier has a number on his chest" ], [ "is the snow deep", "no" ], [ "is the snowmobile moving with him or in a different direction", "it's to the side could be there for anyone" ], [ "is there just the 1 skier", "some more are in the very back that i can't really make out" ], [ "what number is on the skier", "214" ], [ "are they skiing toward you", "to the side" ], [ "male or female", "male" ], [ "is he wearing goggles", "no" ] ]
a piece of yellow cake with white frosting on a paper plate
[ [ "what color is the plate", "white with blue trim" ], [ "does the cake look homemade", "yes" ], [ "is the slice of cake big", "no" ], [ "how many layers are in the cake", "1" ], [ "is the plate on a table", "can't tell, it's a very close up" ], [ "could this be birthday cake", "yes" ], [ "do you see a fork", "yes" ], [ "is it plastic or silverware", "silverware" ], [ "is there ice cream", "no" ], [ "does the cake look appetizing", "a little" ] ]
a white plate on a table topped with a sandwich
[ [ "is this in colors", "yes" ], [ "is this a restaurant", "does not look like it" ], [ "is this indoors", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "can't tell its indoors" ], [ "do you see a window", "no" ], [ "is there utensils", "looks like a spoon maybe in a cup" ], [ "is the table white", "no it's brown" ], [ "is there tomatoes", "no" ], [ "is this a ham and cheese", "yes" ], [ "is there a dog", "no" ] ]
a toilet is in the floor in a bathroom
[ [ "is the toilet hooked up", "no" ], [ "what color is the toilet", "white" ], [ "does this look like a bathroom renovation", "no" ], [ "can you see the sink", "no" ], [ "can you see the hole in the floor where the toilet normally sits", "it is squatting pan toilet" ], [ "can you see the tub", "no" ], [ "is the floor tiled", "yes" ], [ "what color is the tile", "brown" ], [ "can you see the wall", "yes" ], [ "what color is the wall", "brown" ] ]
the blue sign has a red stripe through it
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "yes" ], [ "what is the blue sign", "no idea it has a picture of guy shoveling something" ], [ "do you see people", "no the street is empty" ], [ "is this on the street", "yes" ], [ "do you see other vehicles", "yes cars on the side of the street" ], [ "how many cars", "8" ], [ "are any of the cars red", "no" ], [ "are any of the cars blue", "no" ], [ "are any of the cars white", "yes" ] ]
an "ana" blue and white airplane at an airport
[ [ "do you see runway", "the setting is at an airport, there is a plane on the runway" ], [ "do you see any other plane sis there", "there is only 1 plane they are either getting ready to connect or disconnect the passenger boarding halls" ], [ "do you see any passengers is there", "there are no passengers visible" ], [ "the plane was ready to leave", "it is not determinable they are either just getting ready to connect or disconnect the passenger boarding halls" ], [ "it is daytime", "it is night time" ], [ "do you see lights", "i see lights inside the plane and behind the plane" ], [ "do you see any vehicle", "there are luggage and amenities vehicles visible" ], [ "do you see any trees in near the airport", "there are no visible trees" ], [ "do you see sky", "the photo is taken from an angle that is above the plane, so only the ground is visible" ], [ "anything written on the plane", "ana is written on the plane, which is the airline name" ] ]
baseball players, 1 on the ground, 1 in the air
[ [ "is in inside", "no" ], [ "are there people there", "can't see any spectators" ], [ "can you see the baseball", "no" ], [ "are there 2 teams", "can only see 1" ], [ "what color is the uniform", "white with gold stripe" ], [ "is the person is the air trying to catch the ball", "he is looking down but does have a glove on" ], [ "is he looking at the person on the ground", "no the person is off to the side of him" ], [ "is the person on the ground hurt", "not sure" ], [ "are they on the infield", "they appear to be" ], [ "can you see any bases", "no" ] ]
a tennis player swinging a racket at a ball
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "what gender is the player", "female" ], [ "what color hair", "blonde" ], [ "what color racket", "black and white" ], [ "what color ball", "fluorescent yellow" ], [ "can you see the net", "no" ], [ "is she playing against someone", "i can't see anyone but i believe so" ], [ "what color is the court", "i can't see the picture cuts off at her thighs" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "what color shirt is she wearing", "blue" ] ]
a small boy next to a table upon which sits a birthday cake shaped like a racecar
[ [ "has this photo been altered", "no" ], [ "how old is the boy", "8 to 10" ], [ "what color is the boy's hair", "dirty blonde" ], [ "is the boy wearing glasses", "nol" ], [ "what color is the cake", "purple" ], [ "are there other people visible", "no" ], [ "is the boy wearing a party hat", "no" ], [ "any adults in the picture", "no" ], [ "any numbers on the cake", "no" ], [ "is the photo well lit", "yes" ] ]
a kite surfer in a white top water and clouds
[ [ "are they on the ocean", "yes" ], [ "is the surfer male or female", "male" ], [ "are there other surfers", "not that i can see, no" ], [ "can you see the kite", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "it is kind of a greenish brown and black" ], [ "is the kite pretty high", "yes, fairly high" ], [ "are there a lot of waves", "i can see quite a few behind the surfer" ], [ "is the surfer above the water", "yes" ], [ "what color is the surfboard", "i can't see it very well so i am not sure" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
a boy holds the guitar controller from guitar hero
[ [ "what is he wearing", "t shirt" ], [ "is room dark", "no" ], [ "is tv playing game", "yes" ], [ "does he look focused", "yes" ], [ "anybody around him", "no" ], [ "is he standing in front of chair", "no" ], [ "any furniture besides tv", "no" ], [ "is tv on ground", "no hung on wall" ], [ "how big is tv compared to him", "pretty big" ], [ "how old is man", "like 12" ] ]
a airplane that is sitting on a runway
[ [ "is there only 1 plane", "no" ], [ "how many planes do you see", "4" ], [ "are all 4 white", "no" ], [ "is it sunny out", "no" ], [ "is it night time or just cloudy during the day", "cloudy" ], [ "are any planes docked by the terminal", "yes" ], [ "can you tell if any of the planes are moving", "no" ], [ "can you see any people in the image", "no" ], [ "are there any other vehicles around the planes", "yes" ], [ "how many planes are actually on the runway", "3" ] ]
a woman feeding a giraffe over a wooden fence
[ [ "what is the woman wearing", "hat, sunglasses, blouse, slacks" ], [ "what is the color of her blouse", "blue" ], [ "what is the color of her slacks", "brown" ], [ "is he a tourist", "yes probably" ], [ "is she the only person in the picture", "no, there's 1 more" ], [ "is this other person male or female", "i think female" ], [ "are they standing next to each other", "yes" ], [ "are they in a zoo", "yes i think so" ], [ "is the giraffe an adult", "yes" ], [ "what is the woman feeding the giraffe", "i can't tell, it's in the giraffe's mouth" ] ]
a man sitting on a couch in front of an open laptop computer
[ [ "does the man have long hair", "medium" ], [ "does the couch look expensive", "yes" ], [ "how old does the man look", "young" ], [ "what is he wearing", "shirt and pants" ], [ "what color is the couch", "can't tell" ], [ "is the laptop large", "medium sized" ], [ "can you see what brand it is", "no" ], [ "is there anyone else in the photo", "no" ], [ "does the room look clean", "yes" ], [ "is the room well lit", "no" ] ]
a person on a black and copper motorcycle
[ [ "is the person male or female", "male" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "yes" ], [ "what color is the helmet", "blue" ], [ "does he appear to be riding or is he parked", "he is riding" ], [ "on a paved or dirt road", "paved" ], [ "can you see trees", "no" ], [ "is this on a busy road", "no see only him" ], [ "are there any painted lines on the road", "yes white" ], [ "what color shirt jacket is he wearing", "he is wearing a black t shirt" ], [ "is he wearing boots or shoes", "boots" ] ]
a bunch of buses driving along a road with cars
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "how many buses", "at least 6" ], [ "are they all the same color", "no" ], [ "are some school buses", "no, they all appear to be commercial or public transportation" ], [ "any double deckers", "no" ], [ "how many cars", "3 or so" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is it cloudy", "yes" ], [ "can you see trees", "there are a group of trees" ], [ "any grass", "no" ] ]
automobiles of various types drive down a street
[ [ "is this a street in a city", "yes" ], [ "are there big buildings", "a couple" ], [ "are there cars parked", "they are moving" ], [ "is it a shopping area", "not really" ], [ "are there sidewalks", "yes" ], [ "are there parking meters", "no" ], [ "are the automobiles bumper to bumper", "no" ], [ "are there any big trucks", "no" ], [ "are there any pickups", "no" ], [ "can you see the drivers", "no" ] ]
2 men and a woman are standing in a room filled with chairs
[ [ "what kind of room is it", "a room in a building" ], [ "is it a conference room", "i think so" ], [ "what are the people wearing", "shirts and pants" ], [ "what color are the chairs", "brown" ], [ "they aren't wearing office attire", "no" ], [ "do the chairs look comfortable", "yes" ], [ "are there any computers around", "no just chairs, fountains" ], [ "just 3 people are visible", "yes" ], [ "are they talking to each other", "no they are looking forward" ], [ "are they holding anything", "wii remotes" ] ]
a person is standing in front of a camera and ready for a game
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is the photo close up", "yes" ], [ "what gender is the person", "female" ], [ "how old is she", "early 20's" ], [ "what race is she", "white" ], [ "what color is her hair", "dark brown" ], [ "is she wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is she smiling", "yes" ], [ "what kind of game", "skiing" ], [ "on wii", "no, she's skiing professionally" ] ]
children playing around in a dancing water fountain
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "how many children are there", "about 5" ], [ "what color is the water", "white" ], [ "how many are boys", "about 5 are boys, 1 girl" ], [ "is this in a park", "yes" ], [ "do you see any trees", "no" ], [ "do you see any grass", "no" ], [ "is it day time", "yes" ], [ "do you see any swings", "no, it's a water park near buildings" ], [ "do you see a slide", "no" ] ]
a couple of boats parkeed near a boating dock
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "how many boats", "more than 10" ], [ "can you see the water", "yes" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is the water calm", "yes" ], [ "how is the sky", "very hazy and cloudy" ], [ "is the dock visible", "partially" ], [ "any cars", "no" ], [ "any birds in the water", "no" ] ]
a man holding a cow in a pen with a rope attached to its muzzle
[ [ "what color is the cow", "black" ], [ "does it have horns", "no" ], [ "does it have an ear tag", "no" ], [ "what does the rope look like", "it is green and about 6 feet long" ], [ "can you see a nose ring", "no" ], [ "does the pen have grass", "no, it is sandy" ], [ "are there other cows", "no" ], [ "is this a young cow", "i think so-it is about waist high to the man" ], [ "how old is the man", "middle age adult" ], [ "what country does this look like it's in", "america" ] ]
a city clock on a very beautiful house
[ [ "what color is the clock", "white and black" ], [ "are there roman numerals", "yes" ], [ "what time is it", "looks like 10:40" ], [ "is the house more than 1 story", "not sure" ], [ "what shape is the clock", "circle" ], [ "are any people visible", "no" ], [ "how many windows on the house", "6 visible" ], [ "is there a fence around the house", "i don’t know" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "are any other house near", "no" ] ]
a fluffy white dog sleeping on a couch wearing a red and white bow tie
[ [ "what breed is the dog", "i don't really know dog breeds that well so i'm not sure" ], [ "is the dog all white", "mostly with exception of a black nose and black pads of its feet" ], [ "what color is the couch", "it is orange and yellow and green striped" ], [ "is there any other animals", "no" ], [ "does the bow tie have spot", "it is a regular tie and yes it is polka dotted" ], [ "is there any blankets", "not that i can see" ], [ "is this in the living room", "it is a very close up picture but i am guessing yes" ], [ "is it a pretty dog", "yes" ], [ "anything else in the picture", "it is laying on the top of the couch so i can see part of the wall and then there is just a little piece of material i can see to the right but i cannot tell if it's a person or blanket or what it is" ], [ "what color is the wall", "brown" ] ]
a middle aged woman with eye glasses holding a wii game box on a table
[ [ "do you see other people", "no she's the only 1" ], [ "is she sitting", "yes she is" ], [ "is she sitting on a sofa", "no she's sitting at a dining room table" ], [ "how many chairs do you see", "the 1 she's in and 1 next to her" ], [ "are they wood colored", "yes they are" ], [ "do they match the table", "the table has a cloth on it, i can't see it" ], [ "is the wii box opened", "no it's brand new, like she got it as a present" ], [ "what color is the tablecloth", "it's a flower print" ], [ "can you see a window", "no i can't" ], [ "what color is the woman's hair", "gray" ] ]
a wooden bench sitting under a tree outside
[ [ "what color is the bench", "brown" ], [ "is the bench in good shape", "its in alright shape" ], [ "is it dark brown", "no, light brown" ], [ "is anyone on it", "no" ], [ "how many people could fit on it comfortably", "2" ], [ "how many trees", "maybe 15" ], [ "is there anyone in the distance", "no" ], [ "are they pine trees", "no" ], [ "oak trees", "maybe" ], [ "palm trees", "no" ] ]
green and pink flowered pillow case in a bright green room
[ [ "does this look like a child's room", "no" ], [ "is the bed made", "can't tell, close up of pillow" ], [ "oh boy what color is the background of the pillow case", "white, bed near window" ], [ "does the window have a curtain", "no, shutters" ], [ "what color are the shutters", "white" ], [ "are the shutters open or closed", "open" ], [ "can you see the outside", "only a little" ], [ "is there a lot of light coming in from the window", "yes" ], [ "is there any lights in the room", "can't tell" ], [ "are there any tables in the room", "no" ] ]
a dog is standing next to a toilet playing with tissue
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "what color is the toilet", "white" ], [ "what color is the dog", "creme colored" ], [ "what color is the tissue", "white" ], [ "do you see any people", "no" ], [ "do you see a window", "no" ], [ "do you see a sink", "no a countertop is seen" ], [ "do you see a tub", "no" ], [ "can you see the floor", "no" ], [ "what else can you see", "the wall, part of a curtain, and a dog collar" ] ]
a brown bear with various organs on display laying on red table
[ [ "what color is bear", "light beige" ], [ "is he big", "no" ], [ "anything around his neck", "looks like bow" ], [ "does he have on vest", "no" ], [ "how big are tears", "large under arm and leg" ], [ "is his arm about to come off", "no don’t think so" ], [ "is his leg", "no" ], [ "is someone there", "no no 1" ], [ "are there pillows", "no" ], [ "is this place tidy", "yes just on flat surface" ] ]
a produce stand shows a minimal amount of frui
[ [ "is the image in color", "yes" ], [ "are there people", "0" ], [ "what fruit is shown", "mostly bananas and pineapples" ], [ "are the bananas ripe", "not really" ], [ "are there signs", "signs of the shop" ], [ "is this outside", "yeah" ], [ "is this a close up", "it is" ], [ "is the picture well lit", "yes" ], [ "is the fruit in boxes", "no it's just sitting there" ], [ "are they on a table", "yep" ] ]
the exhausted dog is taking a nap on the couch
[ [ "is this in colors", "yes" ], [ "is this the living room", "i think so" ], [ "what kind of a dog", "mutt lab" ], [ "is there carpet", "close up of couch, can't tell" ], [ "is there lights", "no" ], [ "is the dog brown", "black" ], [ "is the dog huge", "not really" ], [ "is the couch brown", "plaid and ugly" ], [ "is the couch new", "no" ], [ "is the couch dirty", "no" ] ]
a bed with a pillow on top of it next to a white and blue wall
[ [ "are there people", "no" ], [ "how big is bed", "twin size" ], [ "are walls visible", "yes, though i don't think they're permanent" ], [ "what color are walls", "white and blue, appear to be cloth" ], [ "what color is bed sheet", "white with floral paisley print" ], [ "how many pillows are there", "just 1" ], [ "does pillow how sheet", "it has dark rose cover, yes" ], [ "is there anything else interesting in image", "end table and large basket" ], [ "is there anything in basket", "i can't tell, it has lid on" ], [ "what color is end table", "brown" ] ]
a cat playing with it's reflection in a mirror
[ [ "what color is this cat", "white with grey" ], [ "is this cat long haired of short haired", "short" ], [ "are there any other animals in the image", "no" ], [ "can you see the room that the cat is in", "no" ], [ "is there anything is the reflection in the mirror besides the cat", "yes, but it's blurry" ], [ "does the mirror have a frame", "yes" ], [ "is it wood", "no" ], [ "what color is the frame", "black" ], [ "does the cat have a collar", "no" ], [ "what color are the cats eyes", "greyish" ] ]
boy holding an umbrella at the edge of a cliff
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "is it dangerous, where the boy is standing", "yes, very" ], [ "what color is the umbrella", "blue" ], [ "is the boy alone", "others are in the background" ], [ "what is the boy wearing", "orange shirt gray shorts" ], [ "does he look like he’s going to jump down", "no, i hope this is a photoshopped image cause this cliff is high and the boy is alone on the edge in no shoes" ], [ "how old is the boy", "8" ], [ "any trees", "no" ], [ "how is the sky", "can't see it" ], [ "about how many people in the background", "40" ] ]
an image of several cows grazing the grass on an open farm land
[ [ "is the photo black and white", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "can you see trees", "yes" ], [ "can you see fence", "yes" ], [ "is the fence wire", "yes" ], [ "what color are the cows", "black" ], [ "how many cows", "12" ], [ "are they all eating grass", "no" ], [ "is the grass tall", "yes" ] ]
group of giraffes in an outdoor exhibit with onlookers
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "how many giraffes", "2" ], [ "how many onlookers", "about 10" ], [ "is there a partition between the giraffe and onlookers", "yes a rock wall" ], [ "how high is the wall", "about 3 feet" ], [ "are there trees in the enclosure", "yes" ], [ "what is the age range of the onlookers", "maybe 20s-50s" ], [ "mostly men or women", "mostly males" ], [ "how many females", "1" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes" ] ]
a baby is sitting and has her hands on a laptop keyboard
[ [ "what gender is the baby", "looks like a girl" ], [ "what is she wearing", "a sleeper" ], [ "is the baby sitting on a chair", "no" ], [ "on a person", "no" ], [ "what is the babysitting on", "on a bed" ], [ "is the laptop on", "yes" ], [ "is the screen showing something a baby would enjoy", "no" ], [ "are any adults around", "no" ], [ "what color is the baby's hair", "light brown" ], [ "how old do you think the baby is", "under 1" ] ]
there are bunk beds in the childrens room
[ [ "are any people in the room", "no" ], [ "are there covers on the beds", "yes" ], [ "what color is the floor", "medium brown wood and beige rug" ], [ "what color are the covers", "tan, gray, and black" ], [ "are there any toys", "yes" ], [ "is the room clean", "yes" ], [ "are there any posters", "no" ], [ "is there a window", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it cloudy outside", "it looks sunny" ] ]
a zebra is alone on a dirt area near a cluster of trees
[ [ "is the picture in color", "yes" ], [ "is the zebra in the wild", "yes" ], [ "what is the zebra doing", "walking with its head down close to the ground" ], [ "is the ground dry or does it have grass", "dry mainly with few lively patches" ], [ "how many trees are around", "several smaller trees are seen" ], [ "do the trees have leaves", "yes" ], [ "is the zebra an adult", "appears to be" ], [ "are there any other animals around", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
2 dogs lying on blanket sleeping on couch
[ [ "are the dogs cuddled together", "no" ], [ "what colors are the dogs", "1 is dark brown and other is lighter brown" ], [ "what color is the blanket", "solid green" ], [ "what color is the couch", "off white" ], [ "are the dogs large, medium or small", "dark brown is large and the other is medium" ], [ "are the dogs long hair or short hair", "short" ], [ "is there anything else in the photo besides dogs, blanket and couch", "wood floor, window, throw pillow" ], [ "what color is the throw pillow", "multicolored pattern" ], [ "does the window have curtains or blinds", "white blinds" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "yes" ] ]
a man who is talking on a cell phone sitting on some grass
[ [ "how old is he", "20s" ], [ "is he alone", "yes" ], [ "is it a smartphone", "can't see the phone" ], [ "is the grass tall", "yes" ], [ "are there trees", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "are there any clouds", "no" ], [ "is there a kite in the sky", "no" ], [ "are there any birds", "no" ] ]
a bowl filled will all kinds of healthy goodies
[ [ "is it a glass bowl", "no" ], [ "is it plastic", "it's like a ceramic type" ], [ "is it on a table", "yes" ], [ "does it look like it's in a home", "restaurant" ], [ "what kind of healthy goodies", "it's a salad type mix" ], [ "are there plates on the table", "yes" ], [ "anyone sitting at that table", "i see a person" ], [ "is the person eating", "yes" ], [ "any food on the table besides the salad", "no" ], [ "any cups or glasses", "no" ] ]
a man cutting a cake with his bride
[ [ "is the man old or young", "20's" ], [ "is the bride the same age", "yes" ], [ "does he have a tux on", "yes" ], [ "what color is it", "black" ], [ "is her dress long", "yes" ], [ "are they smiling", "yes" ], [ "what color is the cake", "strawberry" ], [ "is it tall", "no" ], [ "is it layered", "no" ], [ "is there a tablecloth", "yes" ] ]
a plane that is flying in the air
[ [ "what color is the plane", "silver" ], [ "what is the name", "it just says aa" ], [ "can you see numbers", "0" ], [ "is this a commercial plane", "i don't think so, no" ], [ "can you see the pilot", "i cannot" ], [ "are the clouds thick", "there are absolutely 0 clouds" ], [ "can you see birds in the sky", "no, not birds" ], [ "can you see the sun", "nope" ], [ "are there other aircrafts in the sky", "yes" ], [ "is the photo being shot from off the ground", "no, i doubt it" ] ]
4 stuffed bears are seated next to a selection of pastries
[ [ "is this photo in color", "yes" ], [ "are the bears the same color", "no" ], [ "what color are the bears", "brown and light brown" ], [ "do they have ribbons around their neck", "no" ], [ "do any of them have anything written on them", "no" ], [ "what kind of pastries are there", "many different kinds cake, cupcakes, etc" ], [ "how many pastries do you see", "a lot" ], [ "are they sitting on a counter", "no" ], [ "is this inside or outside", "inside" ], [ "what are they sitting on", "a table" ] ]
a train engine pulling carts into a station
[ [ "what color is train", "blue, red & yellow with white or silver top" ], [ "is it steam powered", "i don't know" ], [ "what color is cart", "red, blue" ], [ "are track in good shape", "somewhat" ], [ "can you see company logos", "yes" ], [ "is train in good shape", "yes very" ], [ "what does logo say", "i think \"county of essex\"" ], [ "what time of day is it", "its very cloudy so it's hard to tell" ], [ "what is weather like", "cloudy, sky has no color" ], [ "can you see conductor", "sorta" ] ]
a guide book with a picture of elephants reflected in a side view mirror
[ [ "is the book inside a car", "no" ], [ "is the guide book in color or black and white", "color" ], [ "what is the guide book resting on", "it is just a book cover i guess" ], [ "is there any people pictured on the guide book", "no" ], [ "what is the side view mirror attached to", "a car" ], [ "how many elephants are visible", "1 4" ], [ "what color is the car", "grey i guess" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is this indoors or outdoors", "outdoors" ], [ "are there any trees", "nothing" ] ]
a collection of teddy bears bearing swiss flags
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "is it day time", "indoors" ], [ "is it inside", "yes" ], [ "how many bear", "10" ], [ "do you see any walls", "no the bottom of a christmas tree" ], [ "can you see the floor", "yes" ], [ "is the tree big", "very, maybe a store display" ], [ "what color is the tree", "green" ], [ "do you see any people", "no too close" ], [ "do you see a couch", "no" ] ]
a man in a yellow jacket and skis on the slope
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "how many people do you see", "2" ], [ "what is their gender", "men" ], [ "do you see a ski lift", "no" ], [ "is this a close up of the 2 men", "yup" ], [ "do you see anything in the background", "trees" ], [ "do the trees have snow on the branches", "yup" ], [ "angry birds", "no" ], [ "what color are the skis", "can't see them" ], [ "does the man have goggles", "no" ] ]
a rustic vase holds some red wildflowers in a simple arrangement
[ [ "what color is the vase", "copper" ], [ "is there a lot of flowers", "no" ], [ "any greenery", "no" ], [ "indoors or outdoors", "indoors" ], [ "is the room well lit", "yes" ], [ "can you see people", "no" ], [ "can you see chairs", "no" ], [ "can you see windows", "no" ], [ "can you see pets", "no" ], [ "do the flowers look good", "no" ] ]
a counter with a sink and various bottles and utensils
[ [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is it day time", "yes" ], [ "what room is in the picture", "kitchen" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "is there furniture", "no" ], [ "how many bottles are there", "9" ], [ "are they filled with anything", "yes" ], [ "can you tell what they're filled with", "liquid" ], [ "is the liquid clear", "no" ], [ "how many utensils are there", "5" ] ]
a book on a table next to a cup and spoon
[ [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "is it a textbook", "no" ], [ "can you see the title", "yes" ], [ "what is it", "a wild sheep chase" ], [ "is it on a kitchen table", "no" ], [ "is there anything in the cup", "yes" ], [ "is the spoon in the cup", "no" ], [ "what is in the cup", "hot coco" ], [ "are there chairs", "no" ], [ "is there anything else on the table", "no" ] ]
panoramic image of zebras grazing and lying in a field
[ [ "how many zebras are there", "i count 9" ], [ "are they all lying down", "no, only 2 are" ], [ "is there a fence keeping them in", "no" ], [ "is this a zoo", "i don't think so" ], [ "what are they grazing on", "grass" ], [ "are there trees around", "no" ], [ "other animals", "no" ], [ "is it nice out", "yes, it looks like a pleasant day" ], [ "does it look hot", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
a glass display with trays of different donuts
[ [ "is this in color", "the picture hasn't come up yet" ], [ "how many doughnuts do you see", "the picture hasn't come up yet let's just speculate" ], [ "okay, how old is that guy", "maybe 30s" ], [ "do you think he's going to steal the doughnuts", "no i think he's buying them" ], [ "is this indoors", "yes in a bakery" ], [ "is it well lit", "yes" ], [ "what's the name of the bakery", "sal's baked goods" ], [ "does it look clean", "yes" ], [ "do they have a store pet", "the picture is up now no pet" ], [ "what color are the walls", "there are no walls, just brown trays" ] ]
the group is working together each with a laptop
[ [ "how many people", "6" ], [ "are they in an office meeting", "yes, looks like" ], [ "how big is the office", "not very big, i think can have 10 people" ], [ "are they all sitting down", "yes" ], [ "is there any papers and pens on the table", "yes, every person has a piece of paper" ], [ "is there a projector showing", "no" ], [ "can you see what on their laptop screens", "i can only see what’s on 1 laptop" ], [ "what showing on 1 of the laptop", "i think it s a picture of a person can t really see that clear" ], [ "are they seem to be stress out or relaxed", "kinda stress" ], [ "is there a group leader", "can't tell" ] ]
a baby cattle is being fed by its mother
[ [ "is this a zoo", "no" ], [ "is this a farm", "may be hard to tell since it's a close up" ], [ "is this outside", "yes" ], [ "any grass showing", "yes lots of it" ], [ "any trees showing", "no" ], [ "any water showing", "no" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "any vehicles", "no" ], [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "what color are the cows", "adult is tan baby is brown" ] ]
a wall with several different clocks hanging from it with a mirror next to them
[ [ "how many clocks are there", "8" ], [ "what time do they show", "they all show different times" ], [ "do all clocks look different", "most look different but 2 look really similar" ], [ "are there any people in image", "no people but you can see part of reflection of person in mirror" ], [ "how big is mirror", "it is pretty large" ], [ "is this in somebody's house", "i can't tell if its house or business" ], [ "what shape is mirror", "square, and border is very ornate" ], [ "what color is wall", "beige color" ], [ "anything else on wall besides clocks and mirror", "there’s cords hanging from some of clocks" ], [ "do any of clocks have roman numerals on them", "doesn't look like it" ] ]
a man stands with his bike in ankle deep water in a flooded city
[ [ "is there any other people", "yes some ladies in the background" ], [ "where is he standing", "in a flooded street" ], [ "are the ladies in the water", "yes" ], [ "is there any street signs", "no" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "yes" ], [ "can you see what color the bike is", "yes it is red" ], [ "what type of buildings", "they are businesses but it is hard to tell" ], [ "is it raining", "no it has stopped" ], [ "are there any animals", "no" ], [ "is there any trees", "no" ] ]
a small steel vase with a flower of some sort in it
[ [ "is the steel vase on a table", "yes" ], [ "how many flowers is inside the steel vase", "just 1 flower" ], [ "what color is the flower", "orange" ], [ "is the flower look alive or dead", "looks fresh" ], [ "do you see any water inside the vase", "can't see the water" ], [ "is this in a room", "i only see the vase, flower and tablecloth" ], [ "can you tell what kind of flower", "i think lily" ], [ "what color is the tablecloth", "very dark blue or gray with a pattern woven in" ], [ "is the table looks clean", "yes" ], [ "is their any pictures on the vase", "no it's plain" ] ]
a couple of brown cows standing by the side of a road
[ [ "are the cows in a fenced area", "no" ], [ "are there any people around", "no" ], [ "are there any trees", "lots" ], [ "are there any cars on the highway", "no" ], [ "is it day or night", "day" ], [ "are the small or big", "big" ], [ "is it sunny, raining or overcast", "sunny" ], [ "are the cows eating anything", "just standing or walking" ], [ "do the cows have any spots or are the total brown", "all brown" ], [ "do they have halters on", "no" ] ]
an elephant walking on a city street with 2 people
[ [ "is this picture in color", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "what time of day", "daytime" ], [ "are the 2 people men", "yes" ], [ "how old", "maybe 40s" ], [ "small elephant", "no it's large" ], [ "are the men wearing hats", "no" ], [ "does the elephant look old", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing a shawl", "no" ], [ "are there any trees", "yes" ] ]
a man surfing the waves on a surfboard in the ocean
[ [ "is this in color", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing shorts", "no" ], [ "how old is the surfer", "about 20s" ], [ "is he wearing a wetsuit", "yes" ], [ "what color surfboard", "white" ], [ "is the waves big or small", "small" ], [ "can you see the sand", "no" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "do you see other surfers", "no" ], [ "what color is his wetsuit", "black" ] ]
a group of people standing around a table with a pizza
[ [ "how many people", "4" ], [ "what size pizza", "large" ], [ "any drinks", "yes" ], [ "any plates", "yes" ], [ "any forks", "no" ], [ "how many drinks", "6" ], [ "restaurant", "not sure" ], [ "how many females", "1" ], [ "how many males", "3" ], [ "any 1 wearing glasses", "yes" ] ]
a couple of children sitting in front of a blanket
[ [ "is it a kids room", "i can't tell" ], [ "how many children", "2" ], [ "are they ready to sleep", "no" ], [ "how old are they", "maybe 5, and 4" ], [ "what color blanket", "i can't tell the picture is in black and white" ], [ "girl or boy", "i think they are both boys" ], [ "is it well lit", "no" ], [ "is the bed made", "i can't tell" ], [ "any dog", "no" ], [ "any other people", "no" ] ]
someone is holding a swiss army blade knife with all of the tools pulled out
[ [ "can you see the person", "just their hands" ], [ "does it look like a mans hand", "maybe" ], [ "what color is the knife", "black" ], [ "is there a design on knife", "yes a cross with some type of emblem around it" ], [ "how many tools are out", "10" ], [ "can you see anything in background", "just what looks like a table" ], [ "is there a corkscrew", "yes" ], [ "is there a small set of scissors in knife", "yes" ], [ "is there a large and small blade", "yes" ], [ "does the knife look old", "no" ] ]