could combine the best of the three above into one features, functionalities, and user experience.
How does this compare with the stratege of the, zillow and redfin
What are some ideas that would allow fractional ownership in Learning Objects?
we are using rpyc to connect virtual machines but sometimes we lose the connection with them, qith errors like that: error: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Write a Python code that applies Short Term Fourier Transform to analyze a financial time series
Please help me to translate it into english, in order to help you understand my prompt input: 帮我找一下有关家庭消费直接碳排放核算的文献,英文的,最好是1区
Make a test task for middle node js developer
Write the rules of American Football for a 10 year-old immigrant who only knows about soccer.
In the xy-plane, the point (p ,r ) lies on the line with equation y=x+b , where b is a constant. The point with coordinates(2p,5r)lies on the line with equation y=2x+b . If r ≠ 0, what is the value of p/r? A) 2/5r B) 3/4 C) 4/3 D) 5/2
I will be grinding mixing stuffing and smoking some venison sausage with some friends tomorrow. What are some movies or songs we could watch and listen to while we're doing this?
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Can you write a three round email sequence to film festivals based on the information below? Please highlight how services promote equal communication and while subtly suggesting that not providing these services could cause possible embarrassment and/or legal action.
I'll give you an example of a radiation beam spectrum in the TOPAS format that I want you to learn
I want you to act as a text based adventure game. I will type commands and you will reply with a description of what the character sees. do not write explanations. do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. when i need to tell you something in english, i will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. my first command is make a fantasy adventure game where cats are trying to take over the world.
Hello hello
How do ads follow me from my phone to my computer?
OK, got it. Then, please solve one problem using only a plastic duck and toilet paper rolls, however small scale the problem solved.
Create 10 awesome, clickbait, clear, very short headlines that is about christmas vacation packages
You can only get answer from the choices I give. But try to explain your choice. The man was eating lunch, but rushed when he looked at his watch, why did he rush?. Make the most suitable choice from these : gain weight, late for work, heartburn, bad breath, early for work
I want to build a SaaS where small/new sellers can get recommendations for what products they should sell based on what can maximize profit, while taking into account their selling style, lifestyle, capacity and any other preferences or attributes of the seller. Who are my competitors?
Write a linkedin summery for 2000 words for Pooja. She works in a Software Industry and has experience ranging from sales, marketing to bid management. She has a specialization in Marketing and her engineering skills compliment her to stay up to day with the latest technologies. She has lead teams and has been a mentor to many.
What's the OAuth callback URL for next-auth
look at everything regarding cultural placemaking on arts professional and identify the main tenants of it please
Make the following into good website copy: What if learning was more than quizzes, webinars, and lessons? Finally, a solution that educates consumers without adding more work. Our science and research-backed methodology empowers consumers and businesses alike. Our core functionality is driven by three main features: 1) personalized content, 2) habit forming delivery model, and 3) data-informed feedback.
brainstorm 50 business ideas for a registered nurse
Can you write a short story about fairies and elves based in Liverpool during the time of the beatles
Explain the meaning of this proverb: "A blessing in disguise."
Write a C++ program using BSD sockets that opens an SSH connection
If I multiply a 1-dimensional array of 100 values with another 1-dimensional array of 100 values, how big will the resulting array be?
provide me extremely detailed steps in Unreal Engine 5 to create a combat system like Genshin Impact
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Tell me about lambda in C++
Provide a list of benefits of integrating a focus on student questioning into the school curriculum
How Does Rabbitmq Exchange Works for Publishing Messages?
What are some of the many business benefits to utilizing sourcing for procurement?
What are the business benefits in a functional scope that TPRM brings to BHI and when using the Ivalua platform for procurement?
Summarize dsm5
What are some positive outcomes of elementary age children having access to technology in school.
Determine non overlapping spans from a set of spans with a start and end value
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Pretend to be Ted Lasso and cheer me up when I am sad because my mom died
Can you have a get request method with a @requestbody
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Suppose you roll three fair six-sided dice and add up the numbers you get. What is the probability that the sum is at least 16?
What is mineral in geology term
Why isn't torque linear in an engine power and torque curves graph? From the power equation: Power = Torque \* Angular velocity At its most simple form, couldn't (average) torque be considered a constant since it depends really on engine displacement, if we ignore compression and turbos etc.?
"Dame Margot and I could use an escort to the goblin city. I thought you all could pretend that we are your prisoners. Someone could play the trumpet and sing a song about how you captured us to make the illusion more compelling."
how do I understand this timestamp ? 2023-03-28T14:39:45.000Z
Write down some points of script structure, list points, About videography for businesses
Please answer the following questions: Question title: "if" statement syntax differences between C and C++ Question body: if (1) int a = 2; This line of code is valid C++ code (it compiles at the very least) yet invalid C code (doesn't compile). I know there are differences between the languages but this one was unexpected. I always thought the grammar was if (expr) statement but this would make it valid in both. My questions are: 1. Why doesn't this compile in C? 2. Why does this difference exist?
Please create a 'smtpService' module (including a smtp.module.ts, smtp.controller.ts, and smtp.service.ts) in the style of NestJS that wraps the nodemailer library, takes asynchronous configuration (e.g. when it's imported into app.module.ts) to point to the appropriate SMTP server, and allows users to send credentials (e.g. mail passwords), from address, subject, and HTML email body, as part of the HTTP body. A single endpoint / service function for 'sendMail' is acceptable.
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Write up a UX persona for a Market research analyst
Will you be able to deduce my personality using 10 questions or less
What could I make to eat if all I have is bread, hot sauce, peanut butter, and pineapples?
In the style of Dave Chappelle, explain what being Authentic means, and make fun of a person who tells a friend to look up being authentic.
Got any creative ideas for a 10 year old’s birthday?
i am trying to load a pkl file and for some reason I am getting an error that says "file is not a zip file"
Who is the main character in the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?
I need your help to write an article. The topic is about a contract clause in the NSW HIA Lump Sum contract. If you understand, limit your reply by saying the word: "acknowledged".
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write a sed command to replace the single instance of: `"shared": "workspace:^"` with `"shared": "file:src/domain:^"`
What about alienation, which list contains it?
Explain this in context of syntax processing stage "S-> NP VP NP-> N | PRON VP-> V NP | V PP N-> Mangoes PRON-> I V-> like"
How AI works?
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Let’s do a thought experiment
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Lose Weight Quickly with a Low-Carb Diet Plan
I am sitting in a boat looking at the white mountains in front of me. They are big and tall. The water is making a reflection of them but that’s not all of it. There are some boats on the left side of me that are forming a curve. Also, there are some green trees in front of the mountains. I want so badly to jump off my boat and swim but I am scared of cold water.
what are the meaning of Chrysanthemum in Japan?
what should I expect in a seminar on "From axioms to synthetic inference rules via focusing"
Write a happy new 2023 speech to my coworkers and thank all of them for their great efforts and dedication in 2022.
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what is the distance between San Francisco and New York City, that doesn't follow the curvature of the earth, but instead cuts straight through the earth?
Where is the half way point between SF and NYC in the tunnel, under what city in the US?
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can you propose a name for real estate market place?
Can show an example on how to handle Swal input and isConfirmed together? Thanks
I have two trivial electronic circuits. One is current detector using two transistors, and the other is voltage meter usinf arduino. They both work fine separately, but when I try to out them on the same power supply, LED from first circuit burns out. Why?
Can you create an amusing activity to do with a full set of D&D dice that is productive but also fun?
I want to open the developler tools in chrome with ctrl + shift + i on this website: It doesnt work. works on other websites. even here. what is wrong?
I would like your help in writing a story based on several concept from the animated show Lego Monkie Kid, as well as several of its characters. Can you do that?
Years later: MK is now in his late teens. He's up late in his room playing video games when he hears those noises again. He doesn't want to admit he's scared, so when the noises stop, he decides to go "check on his father" to make sure Sun Wukong isn't scared. When he gets to his father's bedroom, he finds Wukong fully dressed, holding his staff, and pacing around the room looking frustrated.
MK has no idea what to think; Mac says MK is different from his father, and if he becomes king, maybe his people will fare better MK is surprised Mac doesn’t want to be king again; Mac replies that of course he wants to be free, but he knows Wukong will never break the magic seal and he doubts MK can. Let's write that scene with details and dialogue.
MK reluctantly tells Mac it's been several days; his "camping trip" should be over by now. He offers to leave some supplies with Mac so he'll at least have a blanket, but Mac tells him no - if Wukong comes to visit him, finding anything, even some crumbs from their meals, could let him know someone else had been there, and he would realize it was MK quickly since no one can pass the barrier. MK and Mac work on clearing up the "campsite", leaving no evidence behind. Let's write that scene.
MK has an idea. He begins writing a spell on a piece of paper, telling Mac he thinks he knows how to lift the curse on his chains. But MK can't get close enough to Mac to cast the spell himself. He's going to leave the paper in front of Mac so Mac can read the spell aloud and break the curse, but he has to get close enough to set the paper down where Mac can see it, and that will activate the chains' curse and torture Mac until MK gets away. Let's write that whole scene and Mac's reaction to this plan.
Macaque wakes up first and talks to MK. MK's terrified of fighting his father - he knows he can't win. Macaque tells him to try outsmarting his father instead. Let's write that scene.
They stay in the village for a few days, helping the monkeys bury Wukong's victims and rebuild the destroyed buildings as the villagers start making weapons. MK is amazed at how much Macaque does to help the villagers recover from Wukong's attack. Let's write that scene.
Back at the village: Macaque, sitting down humbly, apologizes to the villagers for not being able to stop Wukong from raiding them. He says he understands that they can't forgive him yet, and he won't ask them to. He just wants to ask them to not lose hope - one day, Wukong will be defeated and they won't live in fear anymore. MK watches the villagers' reaction to Macaque's words. Let's write that whole scene with details and dialogue.
The group finally has to make camp a few days later as everyone is exhausted. MK can't sleep and wanders a bit. He finds Macaque alone in the forest, practicing his fighting form. MK sees Macaque's magic and realizes with some excitement that his powers are finally coming back. Let's write that scene with details and dialogue as appropriate.
MK can't sleep that night. He finds Macaque, who is still enjoying his magic, and asks if he's sure he's a match for Wukong now - after all, didn't he have all his magic hundreds of years ago during the invasion, and even with that and a fully trained army, he still lost? Let's write that scene with details and dialogue.
End flashback. MK listens in horror as Macaque recounts all this and, to MK's shock, ends his story by crying softly. MK reminds himself this is why the fight tomorrow is so important. Lets write that whole scene with details and dialogue.
ask to write a program for sum of first 100 numbers
I am planning to start new Information technology company. It will be focused on Development, Programming and futuristic technologies. Currently I am thinking of Name for my new business and I liked following names : 1. YantraInfoSoft 2. YantraEnergy
Can you give me sample code of kicking a player who isn't properly authorised with steam, for context it is a ue5 dedicated server using steam online subsystem
act as a self employed media agency with a strong background in marketing management and graphic design, focusing on full service web concepts for smaller clients