4 values
According to the production of the list on an annual basis, world water consumption is likely to increase by 40% by 2030, driven by its use in agriculture which needs to raise food production by 50% over the next 15 years, and for the generation of electricity, for which its consumption is expected to expand by 85%, by 2035.
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets — Net During the first quarter of impacts on the Company's current and estimated future operating cash flows, management performed a review of the Company's goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets to determine whether it was more-likely-than-not that the fair value of such assets was less than their carrying amount as of March 31, 2020.
Additionally, we are also required to assess the likelihood of recovering deferred tax assets against future sources of taxable income which might result in the need for a valuation allowance on deferred tax assets, including operating loss, capital loss, and tax credit carryforwards if we do not reach the more likely than not threshold based on all available evidence.
According to a investors conducted by The Harris Poll16 on behalf of BNY Mellon Wealth Management, 53% of investors indicated they want more advice on how their investments are making a positive environmental impact and 56% of investors feel that investing in companies likely to have a positive environmental impact is equally as important as a solid return.
Should any of our single source suppliers experience manufacturing failures or yield shortfalls, be disrupted by the COVID-other uses or reduce or eliminate deliveries to us for any other reason, we likely will not be able to enforce fulfillment of any delivery commitments and we would have to identify and qualify acceptable replacements from alternative sources of supply.
The price of our securities is also likely to be significantly affected by short-term changes in uranium, vanadium and REE prices, changes in industry forecasts of uranium, vanadium and REE prices, other mineral prices including oil and natural gas, currency exchange fluctuation, or in our financial condition or results of operations as reflected in our periodic earnings reports.
There is a crime bill which would put more police on the street, which was killed for this session by a filibuster in the Senate, mostly be Republican senators, and I think it's a shame it didn't pass, I think it should be made the law -- but it had the Brady bill in it, the waiting period.
Likely developments and expected results of operations The likely developments in the operations of the economic entity constituted by Abilene Oil and Gas Limited and the entities it controls in the subsequent financial years involve the ongoing principal activities of Oil and Gas exploration and development and appear in the Review of Operations in this Annual Report.
The results achieved over the years thanks to this engagement include positioning environmental sustainability among the top priorities for the Company’s stakeholders and the ever-growing number of initiatives and projects that focus on reducing the impacts of processes or products (e.g., the Sustainable Packaging Roadmap and the integration of Life Cycle Thinking in the environmental management system).
In addition, with regard to the two primary emerging risk items identified by the Risk Management Workgroup (information security risk and trade protectionism risk), we have invited staff from the relevant departments to undertake in-depth discussions in hopes of evaluating any potential adverse impacts of these emerging risk items on the company through discussions and focused thinking.
The Cayman Islands courts are also unlikely to recognize or enforce against us judgments of courts in the United States based on certain liability provisions of U.S. securities law; and to impose liabilities against us, in original actions brought in the Cayman Islands, based on certain liability provisions of U.S. securities laws that are penal in nature.
At the same time, with regard to the materials that are most likely to create problems of pollution or occupational safety in the recycling process, we work with plastics manufacturers and upstream recyclers to conform to international standards of quality, environmental safety, occupational health and safety, and responsible recycling (Rand recycling service provision qualifications from local governments.
— Weekday partnered with start-up unspun and the H&M Group Laboratory (our in-house think tank) to develop jeans made on-demand, which will reduce waste and ensure longevity by providing customers with custom-made products — We continued to educate our product development teams in the use of accelerate the design process and reduce the need for physical samples.
Although salmon has the highest edible yield of the five largest groups of animal protein, we must continue thinking about how we reduce, reuse and recycle materials from the moment the eggs enter the hatchery, right up until the salmon leaves our factory, whether from our salmon or the materials we use to produce and package it.
Image: Environment team member spreading native seed on a rehabilitation trial area at Argyle Diamond Mine, Western Australia http://www.riotinto.com/our-commitment- 2016 Sustainable development report riotinto.com/sd2016 Sustainability fundamentals: 70 We set targets to communicate across the company the areas where we need to improve in sustainability performance and to stretch our thinking as to what is possible and acceptable.
Adverse publicity of this nature could render public service commissions and other regulatory and legislative authorities less likely to view energy companies in a favorable light, and could cause those companies, including the Registrants, to be susceptible to less favorable legislative and regulatory outcomes, as well as increased regulatory oversight and more stringent legislative or regulatory requirements.
But as I look back on the past year, what strikes me most is the degree of agility, flexibility and humanity I have seen in our teams and I think ultimately, they are what has enabled us to remain resilient in the face of so much uncertainty and which will carry us through the period ahead.
Even where some of these programs will likely be adjusted in part by CMS and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation under the Biden Administration, significant levels of reimbursements will still require providers to capture, communicate, measure and share outcomes through technology solutions such as ours, given that those requirements are bound in federal statute.
In addition, the study observed a reduction in deaths from other causes and suggested that deaths due to heart and respiratory diseases could be being incorrectly categorized as deaths due to COVID-19, failing to take into account that those with such conditions are more vulnerable to the virus and therefore more likely to die from it.
The prevention system is aimed at (i) identifying the activities carried out in BBVA that represent a risk of the legal entity incurring criminal liability; (ii) identifying the elements of control, prevention and mitigation of said risks; and (iii) developing a specific risk management program for each type of crime likely to attract liability for BBVA.
We, I think, are the only developed nation in the world that has no comprehensive energy policy, to permit us to plan in an orderly way how to shift from increasing the scarce uh - energy uh - forms: oil, and have research and development concentrated on the increased use of coal, which I strongly favor.
We, I think, are the only developed nation in the world that has no comprehensive energy policy, to permit us to plan in an orderly way how to shift from increasing the scarce uh - energy uh - forms: oil, and have research and development concentrated on the increased use of coal, which I strongly favor.
I think it take fresh leadership now, and an understanding of those forces of change to provide the kind of strength that we need, and perhaps the vice president can explain what he was doing when he supported the trading of arms to terrorist nation, and his involvement in Panama and that endorsement of Mr. Macros.
Adbri notes the significance of many uncertainties which are likely to impact Adbri’s achievement of its net zero transition including: – Government policies – Effective carbon pricing mechanisms internationally – Market demand for low-carbon products and solutions – Availability and cost of alternative fuels and lower emissions energy – Commercialisation of technologies that lower process emissions.
The Home Depot Derek Bottoms, chief diversity officer and vice president of associate relations, gives his take on our expanded focus on DEI. Q: Is The Home Depot thinking differently about diversity now? A: We are a values-based organization, and our values have always guided our business decisions and the way we treat each other.
The BVI courts are also unlikely to recognize or enforce against us judgments of courts in the United States based on certain liability provisions of U.S. securities law, and to impose liabilities against us, in original actions brought in the BVI, based on certain liability provisions of U.S. securities laws that are penal in nature.
President Biden and the Democrat Party, which currently controls Congress, have identified climate change as a priority, and it is likely that new executive orders, regulatory action, and/or legislation targeting greenhouse gas emissions, or prohibiting, delaying or restricting oil and gas development activities in certain areas, will be proposed and/or promulgated during the Biden Administration.
Chemical-Intensive Products 2 Executive summary | 20 Social responsibility | 50 Environmental responsibility | 70 Company responsibility | 94 Local responsibility When we think about energy, we not only think of its potential negative impact on the environment, but also energy’s positive role in helping people rise out of poverty and into the middle class.
WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION SustainabilityOur Environmental Sustainability Fulfilling our vision to be the best kitchen and laundry company, in constant pursuit of improving life at home, requires us to think of our house and home not just in terms of our four walls and the communities in which we live, but of the planet that sustains us.
ASX Reporting As Jupiter Energy Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange it is subject to the continuous disclosure requirements of the ASX Listing Rules for Companies which require immediate disclosure to the market of information that is likely to have a material effect on the price or value of Jupiter Energy Limited’s securities.
The recognition of an internally generated intangible fixed asset depends significantly on the nature of the asset being such that it is highly probably that the intangible fixed asset to be recognized will be created and it will be possible to reliably allocate the development costs to the intangible fixed asset to be recognized.
The risk analysis also revealed that the RATIONAL Group’s business activities will not involve material risks that are very likely to have a serious negative impact on non-financial considerations, such as environmental issues, employee interests, social issues, respect for human rights, combating corruption and bribery and on customer concerns now or in the future.
If there are reasons one is uncomfortable doing so or thinks the issue needs attention from a different perspective, employees may turn to any of the following: ( manager or the vice president of the employee’s department or region, (2) a human resource employee relations representative, or (3) Denbury’s Compliance team or Legal department.
SUBSEQUENT EVENTS There has not arisen any item, transaction, or event of a material and unusual nature, which in the opinion of the Directors of the Company, is likely to significantly affect the operations of the Company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Company, in future financial years.
For many businesses, Scope for more than 70% of their carbon footprint.11 Measuring and managing these emissions can motivate a company to do business with more sustainable suppliers, improve the energy efficiency of its products, and rethink its sourcing and distribution network – measures that can significantly reduce the overall impact on the climate.
With our inclusion policy, we support and maintain: → a working environment that promotes high-quality performance and individual commitment as a function of diverse teams; → a company with a diversified pool of employees who want to progress within the company; → an attractive image as a company that welcomes employees who think differently.
The list included a variety of ideas, such as producing a strategic development plan, developing a “Think Local First” campaign, leveraging local tourism opportunities, continuing small business trainings, developing infrastructure which will directly support tourism and other business, doing a feasibility study for a beef processing plant, and providing retraining opportunities for veterans.
Management have also considered the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in the post reporting period which has seen a dramatic rise in global thermal coal prices and structural change in the fundamentals for all key energy commodities (oil, gas and coal) which has forced many countries to rethink their energy strategies.
“if you think a manager, or colleague, hasn’t thoroughly considered the safety aspects of an activity or procedure and you identify an opportunity to reduce any safety risks, managers welcome and respect your feedback, because we have created an environment where speaking out about potential safety risks is actively encouraged,” Jette Sørensen says.
Pm me! not to be a beggar but i really need the $$ in this pandemic! i have an autoimmune disease and cant leave the house, im running out of food and my family cant afford to buy more :( ! my prices will probably be raised until this COVID-19 thing clears up
As well as calling on our employees to join the movement – we measured a site in Buenos Aires in 2017 – we're also encouraging people to think about 7 Unilever Food Solutions – helping chefs cut waste In the UK, food waste costs the food and hospitality industry £2.5 billion each year.
My 20 year old asthmatic son is still going to work at the local supermarket. He should be self isolating at this point but said “Mum, they can’t get any staff!” So you see it’s not just HCPs on the front line in all of this. Stop. Think. Keep your distance. #Covid_19 1/
It is going to cause scarcity in world markets because there are at least five reputable studies, one even by the American Petroleum Institute itself, that, I think, clearly indicate that somewhere along around the end of the present decade, total world demand for oil is simply going to exceed total available supplies.
Where principal risks have been identified in relation to any of the matters listed above, these can be found on pages including a description of the business relationships, products and services which are likely to cause adverse impacts in those areas of risk, and a description of how the principal risks are managed.
Our managers operate from their “head” by thinking strategically and using good judgment, from their “heart” by building a collaborative work environment and inspiring passion and energy in their teams, and from their “guts” by stepping up to challenges and making difficult decisions while remaining humble and open to other points of view.
I work in a supermarket that have become the social centres of every town! ? There's very little chance of me being able to take time off so please think of us food shop employees who can't get away from people! ? Stop abusing us because you can't get bog roll! ? #CoronaCrisis
Please eat foods you are comfortable eating and are sure that they wonÂ’t cause any trouble to your health.If you fall sick now, itÂ’s very risky to get medical help. Or you may not even know that you are sick because of bad food and may panic thinking it could be COVID-19 (2/2)
However, the Cayman Islands courts are unlikely to enforce a judgment obtained from the U.S. courts under civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal securities law if such judgment is determined by the courts of the Cayman Islands to give rise to obligations to make payments that are penal or punitive in nature.
In order to achieve these targets, special attention was paid during the year to the eco-efficiency levels of its offices, to the use of materials with a low environmental impact in its collections, to minimizing the impact of logistics flows and to rethinking packaging with a view to gradually eliminating single-use plastics.
Our critical accounting estimates require a higher degree of judgment than others in their application and involve a significant level of uncertainty at the time the estimate was made, and changes in them have had or are reasonably likely to have a material effect on our financial condition or results of operations.
generating energy that otherwise would likely be generated by fossil-fueled facilities; diverting solid waste from landfills where it would have emitted methane for decades, even when factoring in landfill gas collection; and recovering metals for recycling, saving the GHGs and energy associated with the production of products and materials from virgin inputs.
awards which were granted some time before the discovery of financial misstatements in the Company’s accounts); (iii) the value of the malus decision already applied to Mr Gregson in respect of his (iv) the likely protracted nature of any litigation with Mr Gregson and the cost to the Company of such proceedings.
For home building, the provision for future development costs represents the costs likely to be incurred on remaining seasonal work and estimated warranty charges over the one-year warranty period. o) Share-based compensation The Corporation has a long-term incentive plan comprised of a stock option plan and a deferred share unit (“DSU”) plan.
Regular structured analysis of the main Group risks The risk management system is based on the internal control environment and is part of a continuous process for identifying, assessing and managing risk factors that are likely to have an impact on the aims being achieved and the opportunities that could improve performance.
Although the topics addressed in this report are by no means exhaustive of Toyota’s corporate responsibility toward society, they will enable readers to gain a deeper understanding of Toyota’s thinking about corporate social responsibility, particularly concerning the environment, and some of the specific actions that have been taken to fulfill those responsibilities.
In this process, general allowance factors were based on an analysis of historical loss and recovery experience, if any, related to originated and acquired loans, as well as certain industry experience, with adjustments made for qualitative or environmental factors that were likely to cause estimated credit losses to differ from historical experience.
So to stand here and after eight years and say that you're going to lead on controlling spending and, you know, balancing our tax cuts so that they help middle class families when over the last eight years that hasn't happened I think just is, you know, kind of hard to swallow.
• Where principal risks have been identified in relation to any of the matters listed above, these can be found on pages of the business relationships, products and services which are likely to cause adverse impacts in those areas of risk, and a description of how the principal risks are managed.
Valuing diversity in the organization and cultivating the capacity to service multiple markets According to the "How Diversity Can Drive Innovation" report in the Harvard Business Review, a company with more diversity in its corporate leadership delivers better business performance and innovation and is 70% more likely to win market share.
IÂ’m BEGGING those, who have plans to come to Cornwall to self isolate, to please STAY AWAY. We have one main hospital that struggles at the best of times. Supermarket shelves are empty. PLEASE think about the people of Cornwall and do your bit to help stop the spread of Covid-19
@CBCNL The time to think about what effects the dropping oil prices are going to have on Newfoundland is not now. This is just the beginning of Covid-19 for us try focusing on that and come up with a plan afterwards to deal with the fall out of our oil re
Please think before your buy over "just to be on the safe side" its easy to do (iv had the same thoughts) but if you use your shopping and products sparingly you can survive. Try farm to fork by going to local markets and looking up different recipes online. #Covid_19 https://t.co/qO6uBjhtrf
So part of the reason I think it's so important for us to end the war in Iraq is to be able to get more troops into Afghanistan, put more pressure on the Afghan government to do what it needs to do, eliminate some of the drug trafficking that's funding terrorism.
“business as usual” or a “worst-case” scenario, predict average global warming of above pre-industrial levels by 2050.16 The scenario provided by this model indicates it is unlikely for extreme heat and humidity to pose any greater threat to working hours in 2030 than they do today in our areas of operation.
We did come forward with a program of students for the Congo of over three hundred which was more than the federal government had for all of Africa the previous year, so that I don't think that uh - we have moved at least in those two areas with sufficient vigor.
We can't I think adjust spending around to take care of the very much needed programs, including taking care of our veterans but I also want to say again a healthy economy with low taxes would not raising anyone's taxes is probably the best recipe for eventually having our economy recover.
There has not arisen any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the Directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the Group, the results of those operations, or the state of affair of the Group, in the future financial years.
If the recycled water supplied to customers is contaminated, either as a result of terrorism, system failure, pipeline, or other causes, public perception regarding the safety of recycled water would likely suffer, regardless of whether we are at fault and potentially even if the contaminated water was supplied by another person.
Employee engagement 2015 73% 2016 77% 2017 55% 2018 78% Diversity To ensure we reflect the community around us, and therefore benefit from a full range of thinking styles and approaches to work, we strive to achieve diversity with our employees across a number of dimensions including gender, age and ethnicity.
And I think tonight, as we contrast for the first time our differing approach to government, to values, to the leadership in this country, I think as this debate goes forward, the American people will have for the first time a chance to weigh the two of us against each other.
Specifically, we expect these challenging industry conditions to result in decreased demand for our marine wireless nodal products and our land-based seismic products, as the demand for such products has been, and will likely continue to be, vulnerable to downturns in the economy and the oil and gas industry in general.
Wind energy generation can easily convey an image of environmental friendliness, but we still think it is of the utmost importance to consider the environmental effects of manufacturing and transporting the system and to gain the trust and understanding of local residents where the system is installed, before proceeding with development.
This is Z’s fifth year of integrated reporting and we remain committed to best-practice ESG-related reporting as the most effective way of demonstrating how we think about climate change, how it might impact our business, what we are committed to and the progress we are making towards a lower emissions economy.
When the group is unable to reduce its environmental impact through direct action, particularly in the fi eld of agriculture and water resources, the group commits to helping all players in various fi elds, such as research, education and any other action that is likely to help reduce the environmental impact.
As a result, our current and future development and redevelopment properties are more likely to achieve lower returns during their stabilization periods than other projects of this nature historically have, which adversely impact our investment returns in such developments, and may adversely impact our financial condition and results of operations.
These meetings aim to prevent compliance violations by encouraging managers and employees to discuss various problems that are likely to arise in the workplace and to share their thoughts with each other in order to create a work environment where they can easily seek advice on all kinds of problems.
The highly regulated nature of WEC Energy Group’s business, including limits on the amount of profit the Company’s public utility subsidiaries (and therefore, WEC Energy Group) may earn, significantly reduces any incentive to engage in conduct that would be reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.
My husband works in a supermarket. Last week 9000 people walked through his store. The risk of him contracting COVID-19 is v likely. I would love for him to self isolate so he can be protected but he doesnÂ’t have a choice. Stay inside for you & others @GMB @piersmorgan
B. Environmental Impact and Employees ( Since Woori Financial Group’s businesses involve providing financial services (banking, credit card, capital, etc.) that do not have an environmentally destructive impact, it is neither currently paying nor likely to have to pay for any environmental restoration or compensation for damages in the future.
While not a carbon intensive company, the decision to identify and track our emission levels using Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol toolsets and thinking of our company’s role, risks and potential gains in relation to climate change brought sustainability integration out of merely a service element and into a business component.
There was a high degree of subjectivity and audit effort in evaluating the likely outcome of potential fee reductions imposed by bankruptcy courts or other regulatory agencies or negotiated by specific clients, which may vary depending on the naturet of the engagement, client economics, historical experience and other appropriate factors.
I just got a #WhatsApp message that from 27th of March thereÂ’s a planned 5-day boycott of all shops that are unfairly hiking prices during this #lockdown and #CoronaCrisis I think itÂ’s a great idea. We already have a list posted up on #Facebook itÂ’s time to fight back (1/2)
So everyone in the world has been told to stay in isolation and some even lockdown.. People are losing their jobs, losing money, sick, anxious.. And the government decides now is the time to HIGHER the council tax!!! Oh and @SkyUK also think it's good to put prices up? #Covid_19
Even with all the COVID-19 news around the world, we have to be positive and think this is temporary, and things are going to come back to normal, hopefully soon. Stay safe and now that you have time to be home, go window shopping online.. check us out: https://t.co/fc5W6AgvDb https://t.co/OP2y94XD7J
I think we have to get NATO to go into the Middle East with us, in addition to surrounding nations, and we have to knock the hell out of ISIS, and we have to do it fast, when ISIS formed in this vacuum created by Barack Obama and Secretary Clinton.
The energetic transition guides us through a new energy mix, a re-thinking process that helps us to identify a better shape to be in the market; furthermore, we are a new Saipem – new identity, business strategy and diversification, new organisational model – all contributing to open new business opportunities.
But I do think this, that the next president, even within a relatively stable budget and that's what we are going to have for the foreseeable future will have to make those tough choices that I was talking about and that Mr. Bush doesn't seem to want to make.
@GordyPls To all the people who thinks itÂ’s fun to abuse supermarket team, I had 3 leave today in tears doubt theyÂ’ll come back, I got followed to my car and screamed at and IÂ’m out too, IÂ’d rather take the financial stress than the risk of getting co
But if we are going to make meaningful reductions in absolute global GHG emissions, it will require a much bigger effort by all of us – producers and consumers alike – to rethink our energy system and the multiple ways we need and use energy in our everyday lives.
Does anyone w/#neuropathy know way to open trash bags & flimsy grocery store bags for veggies/fruit, easily? I can't feel the bags well. Last week, if not for #socialdistancing, I think ppl would've come over to help me. They were motioning how but I couldn't do it like them.
The objective champions DE&I with a specific focus on creating a safe and inclusive environment where differences are respected and we encourage diverse ideas that challenge our thinking, where we build relationships with colleagues and customers who are different than us, and where we help each other succeed .
Every time I go out into the pandemic and try to avoid the supermarket mob, my face starts itching uncontrollably. Then idiots want to chat about the pillaging going on in the store. Then everyone packs into lines at check-out. I'm a likely victim of COVID-19, and people suck.
Despite the cumulative book loss incurred over the three-year period ended December sufficient sources of future taxable income (e.g. reversing deferred tax liabilities) for management to conclude that it is more likely than not that the Company will utilize available federal net operating loss carryforwards prior to their expiration.
Deferred tax assets, including those arising from un-recouped tax losses, capital losses, and temporary differences arising from the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax legislation, are recognised only where it is considered more likely than not they will be recovered, which is dependent on the generation of sufficient future taxable profits.
Not even joking I think IÂ’ve got covid /19 I went to the supermarket with gloves and sanitiser and not even 5 hours after getting home IÂ’m coughing and have a sore throat like a ball in my throat WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK How quick do symptoms appear ?
This work is fundamental to our ability to design an efficient device for animal AI and it is also likely to have benefits for designing a next generation human device, particularly for Intrauterine Insertion (“IUI”) procedures, which require more sperm to be processed than for IVF and ICSI processes.
Never in my life would I think I would see queues for the supermarket honestly - whoÂ’s parents are doing this? Because surely everyone is denying in but I know some of your parents have been doing it. So kindly tell them to stop. ItÂ’s so annoying #coronavirus
Due to the nature of our business and the investment we make in providing networking opportunities in social environments for our lawyers, the tax rate of the business is always likely to be slightly higher than the standard rate as these costs are disallowable for corporation tax purposes.
As sustainability becomes a differentiator for brands and a source of competitive advantage, we think it is crucial that the consumer has accurate, complete information on not just the delivery of “green” products, but the extent to which the company is committed to greening its entire supply chain.
I feel so bad bc I placed a JSC order on the 13th NOT thinking at all because Covid 19 I figured shopping online would be okay. But now what happens? IÂ’m fine with waiting because I understand since things are closing. I still want the items lol.