Yes, Jamaican is black.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'If a black person was born in Jamaica, Barbados or Brazil that does not make them African American!!!!! Secondly, responding to the actual question there is no difference between blacks and Jamaicans. Jamaican is just a nationality just like American is, while on the other hand black is a race. Ever heard of the black disapora? Well, many people here (Jamaicans) belong to it since most people here are black, despite the fact that there are other races here too.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jamaican black castor oil is developed by first roasting the bean. Thus resulting in a dark color (and burnt smell) from the ash of the roasted castor beans. This is the method used in Jamaica.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Both yellow castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil are made from the castor bean, but all their differences are due to the processing method utilized. Yellow castor oil is made by pressing fresh castor beans; there is no heat involved. Thus, the term cold-pressed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Most of our population is black due to the high volume of Africans that were brought here as slaves. Just from personal exposure I'd say the next highest is our black Indian population due to the indentureship. We also have a caucAsian population but I suppose they are in the minority since I hardly ever see them.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What is the difference between Jamaican people and black people? Some of my cousins say they are black, jamaican, cuban, and puerto rican. My thing is, what is the difference between blacks and jamaicans. I'm jamaican also, i have Jamaican ancestry. But are jamaicans and black people both africans? Some people say i'm half jamaican, and half black. Isn't that the same thing?", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The most obvious difference between the two oils is the color. Traditional castor oil is usually a yellow color; the lighter it is, the more pure. Jamaican black castor oil, on the other hand, is a darker color due the to burnt ashes of the castor bean. PH-Level The way a castor bean is processed can result in differences in the ph and consistency of the resulting product.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The two types of castor oil are: castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil . The three key differences -- processing, color, ph-level -- are explained The two types of castor oil are: castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil .', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Before we review the key differences between castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil, we must define castor oil. Castor oil is often nicknamed a “miracle oil” because it’s used for many health and beauty treatments. It’s derived from castor beans and often used as a lubricant and other uses.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Both yellow castor oil and Jamaican black castor oil benefit the hair, but due to the roasting of the castor bean, there are some added benefits for using JBCO. If you enjoyed this post, read: “Why Castor Oil May Cause Itching and What to Do About It”', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Jamaican is a nationality, Black is a race Most Jamaicans are black Not all black people are Jamaican, varying where they were born. Even tho In Jamaica its predominately blacks. Jamaicans are Jamaicans. We don't call Indians, Indian jamaica or Chinese, Asian Jamaicans etc. Jamaicans are Jamaicans.", 'url': ''}]
is jamaican black
If a black person was born in Jamaica, Barbados or Brazil that does not make them African American!!!!! Secondly, responding to the actual question there is no difference between blacks and Jamaicans. Jamaican is just a nationality just like American is, while on the other hand black is a race. Ever heard of the black disapora? Well, many people here (Jamaicans) belong to it since most people here are black, despite the fact that there are other races here too.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Insulin deficiency (symptom description): Insulin deficiency is listed as a type of or related-symptom for symptom Diabetes-like symptoms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Progressive autoimmune destruction of β - cells (80-90% reduction) leads to hyperglycemia and diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Glossary Definition-Total lack of insulin production with symptoms of polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, blurred vision, fatigue, and frequent infections. Thought to be an autoimmune disorder. Also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Insulin deficiency (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Insulin deficiency', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Diabetes-like symptoms (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Insulin deficiency' may be possible.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Hypersecretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex produces a complex of symptoms called Cushin syndrome. Someone with Cushing's will typically display obesity; a round, moon-like appearance of the fac; and fatty deposits on the chest, abdomen, and upper back.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Yet, even as you eat more frequently, you start to lose weight. This is because a lack of insulin causes the rate at which fat cells are broken down in the body to increase, which leads to weight loss.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Because this glucose retains water, the result is increased urine flow, which is the cause of another common symptom of diabetes: excess thirst. Higher levels of urine flow make the body lose sodium, which activates the brain’s thirst receptors. Excessive hunger is another symptom associated with diabetes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Type 2 DM begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin properly. 2 As the disease progresses a lack of insulin may also develop. 3 This form was previously referred to as non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Insulin is the principal hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose from the blood into most cells of the body, especially liver, muscle, and adipose tissue. Therefore, deficiency of insulin or the insensitivity of its receptors plays a central role in all forms of diabetes mellitus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Typical onset is in adulthood and involves some insulin deficiency and a loss of the body's ability to respond to the action of the insulin. Insulin resistance, caused by human receptor defects, is a universal finding in patients with type 2 diabetes. β - cell defect results in decreased insulin secretory capacity.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is estimated that up to a third of Americans who have diabetes are unaware that they have the disease. One of the more common symptoms of diabetes is a high level of glucose in the blood. This is brought on by the fact that when the body doesn’t produce insulin, the cells are unable to absorb glucose. As a result, it remains in the bloodstream, which winds up pushing up the blood-glucose levels.', 'url': ''}]
symptoms of lack of insulin
Insulin deficiency (symptom description): For a medical symptom description of 'Insulin deficiency', the following symptom information may be relevant to the symptoms: Diabetes-like symptoms (type of symptom). However, note that other causes of the symptom 'Insulin deficiency' may be possible.
Sunburn is the term for red, sometimes swollen and painful skin.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Cool the skin by sponging it with cold water or by having a cold bath or shower – applying a cold compress such as a cold flannel to the affected area may also help. Drink plenty of fluids to cool you down and prevent dehydration.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Take a cool shower or bath to cool your sunburned skin. Check out these natural bath therapies to soothe sunburn pain and other symptoms. 2 Add one cup of apple cider vinegar to a bath to help balance the pH (acid or alkalinity) of sunburned skin, and promote healing. Soak in an oatmeal bath.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The pain and burning associated with a sunburn can be relieved with a number of different remedies applied to the burn site. The skin can be hydrated by applying topical products containing Aloe Vera and/or vitamin E, which reduce inflammation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Apply cool, not cold, milk with a clean cloth to your sunburned skin. The milk will create a protein film that helps ease sunburn discomfort. 2 Like milk, yogurt applied to sunburned skin also can be soothing. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, and can help decrease inflammation caused by sunburn.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Sunburn is the term for red, sometimes swollen and painful skin. It is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Sunburn can vary from mild to severe. The extent depends on skin type and amount of exposure to the sun. Sunburn is a serious risk factor for skin cancer and for sun damage. Because of variations in the intensity of UV radiation passing through the atmosphere, the risk of sunburn increases with proximity to the tropic latitudes. The higher the latitude, the lower the intensity of the UV rays.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Place a cool compress on sunburned skin for immediate sunburn relief. Take a cool shower or bath to cool your sunburned skin. Check out these natural bath therapies to soothe sunburn pain and other symptoms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Snow, sand, concrete and water can reflect the sun’s rays onto your skin, and the sun is more intense at high altitudes. The short-term risks of sun exposure are sunburn and sun allergy. The longer-term risks (over decades) include: actinic (solar) keratoses – rough and scaly pre-cancerous spots on the skin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Like milk, yogurt applied to sunburned skin also can be soothing. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, and can help decrease inflammation caused by sunburn. Use Vitamin E oil on the skin, or take a regular dose of the supplement. Vitamin E oil also can be rubbed onto peeling skin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Sunburn is skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. It usually causes the skin to become red, sore, warm, tender and occasionally itchy for about a week. The skin will normally start to flake and peel after a few days and will usually fully heal within seven days. While sunburn is often short-lived and mild, it's important to try to avoid it, because it can increase your chances of developing serious health problems, such as skin cancer, in later life.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Vitamin E is an antioxidant, and can help decrease inflammation caused by sunburn. Use Vitamin E oil on the skin, or take a regular dose of the supplement. Vitamin E oil also can be rubbed onto peeling skin. Apply freshly brewed tea after it has cooled to sunburnt skin using a clean cloth.', 'url': ''}]
what is a sunburn
Sunburn is the term for red, sometimes swollen and painful skin. It is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Sunburn can vary from mild to severe. The extent depends on skin type and amount of exposure to the sun. Sunburn is a serious risk factor for skin cancer and for sun damage. Because of variations in the intensity of UV radiation passing through the atmosphere, the risk of sunburn increases with proximity to the tropic latitudes. The higher the latitude, the lower the intensity of the UV rays.
It is something that you can do on your own or with friends or classmates to try to find inspiration in the connection between ideas.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that is popular for cluster analysis in data mining.k-means clustering aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster.This results in a partitioning of the data space into Voronoi cells.n cluster analysis, the k-means algorithm can be used to partition the input data set into k partitions (clusters). However, the pure k-means algorithm is not very flexible, and as such is of limited use (except for when vector quantization as above is actually the desired use case!).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters). Subspace models: in Biclustering (also known as Co-clustering or two-mode-clustering), clusters are modeled with both cluster members and relevant attributes. 2 Group models: some algorithms do not provide a refined model for their results and just provide the grouping information.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Clustering Clustering is similar to another process called Brainstorming. Clustering is something that you can do on your own or with friends or classmates to try to find inspiration in the connection between ideas.lustering Clustering is similar to another process called Brainstorming. Clustering is something that you can do on your own or with friends or classmates to try to find inspiration in the connection between ideas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The goal is to assign a cluster to each data point. K-means is a clustering method that aims to find the positions $\\b{\\mu}_i,i=1...k$ of the clusters that minimize the distance from the data points to the cluster.lustering is the process of partitioning a group of data points into a small number of clusters. For instance, the items in a supermarket are clustered in categories (butter, cheese and milk are grouped in dairy products). Of course this is a qualitative kind of partitioning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The verb CLUSTER has 2 senses: 1. come together as in a cluster or flock. 2. gather or cause to gather into a cluster. Familiarity information: CLUSTER used as a verb is rare.he verb CLUSTER has 2 senses: 1. come together as in a cluster or flock. 2. gather or cause to gather into a cluster. Familiarity information: CLUSTER used as a verb is rare.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It was asserted in that the relaxed solution of k-means clustering, specified by the cluster indicators, is given by the PCA (principal component analysis) principal components, and the PCA subspace spanned by the principal directions is identical to the cluster centroid subspace.n cluster analysis, the k-means algorithm can be used to partition the input data set into k partitions (clusters). However, the pure k-means algorithm is not very flexible, and as such is of limited use (except for when vector quantization as above is actually the desired use case!).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Clustering is the process of partitioning a group of data points into a small number of clusters. For instance, the items in a supermarket are clustered in categories (butter, cheese and milk are grouped in dairy products). Of course this is a qualitative kind of partitioning.lustering is the process of partitioning a group of data points into a small number of clusters. For instance, the items in a supermarket are clustered in categories (butter, cheese and milk are grouped in dairy products). Of course this is a qualitative kind of partitioning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'k-means clustering is a partitioning method. The function kmeans partitions data into k mutually exclusive clusters, and returns the index of the cluster to which it has assigned each observation.nlike hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering operates on actual observations (rather than the larger set of dissimilarity measures), and creates a single level of clusters. The distinctions mean that k-means clustering is often more suitable than hierarchical clustering for large amounts of data.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cluster analysis itself is not one specific algorithm, but the general task to be solved. It can be achieved by various algorithms that differ significantly in their notion of what constitutes a cluster and how to efficiently find them. Subspace models: in Biclustering (also known as Co-clustering or two-mode-clustering), clusters are modeled with both cluster members and relevant attributes. 2 Group models: some algorithms do not provide a refined model for their results and just provide the grouping information.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In cluster analysis, the k-means algorithm can be used to partition the input data set into k partitions (clusters). However, the pure k-means algorithm is not very flexible, and as such is of limited use (except for when vector quantization as above is actually the desired use case!).n cluster analysis, the k-means algorithm can be used to partition the input data set into k partitions (clusters). However, the pure k-means algorithm is not very flexible, and as such is of limited use (except for when vector quantization as above is actually the desired use case!).', 'url': ''}]
what does clustering mean
Clustering Clustering is similar to another process called Brainstorming. Clustering is something that you can do on your own or with friends or classmates to try to find inspiration in the connection between ideas.lustering Clustering is similar to another process called Brainstorming. Clustering is something that you can do on your own or with friends or classmates to try to find inspiration in the connection between ideas.
The Charles Playhouse is Boston’s long-time home of Blue Man Group, located at 74 Warrenton Street.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Charles Playhouse (the “Theatre”) is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable entertainment experience for all of our patrons. Guests have a right to expect an environment where:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Charles Playhouse Parking. Purchase parking passes for Charles Playhouse now! Enjoy exclusive discounts at parking garages and private spaces near Charles Playhouse, and book early to ensure you have a guaranteed reserved parking space for your show or event. Arrive anytime, and your space will be waiting for you. No more driving around fighting for expensive parking for the Charles Playhouse in Boston!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Restaurants near Charles Playhouse Lounge, Boston on TripAdvisor: Find traveler reviews and candid photos of dining near Charles Playhouse Lounge in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston Boston Tourism', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Shear Madness - Boston Sun, Sep 3, 2017 3:00 pm Charles Playhouse Parking - Find, compare & book discount parking rates near Charles Playhouse in Boston. Book parking online & save with SpotHero!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Reserve Charles Playhouse parking for as low as $5.00. Book online and save on guaranteed reserved parking near Charles Playhouse.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Shear Madness - Boston Sun, Sep 3, 2017 7:00 pm Charles Playhouse Parking - Find, compare & book discount parking rates near Charles Playhouse in Boston. Book parking online & save with SpotHero!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Buy Charles Playhouse tickets at Find Charles Playhouse venue concert and event schedules, venue information, directions, and seating charts. To order tickets by phone, please call Ticketmaster National Sales at 1-800-745-3000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Noted as one of America's top regional theaters - Charles Playhouse serves as a Boston staple. To find discount parking, search our Boston parking map, compare parking garage rates and reserve a guaranteed parking spot near the Charles Playhouse in Boston.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Located in the heart of Boston’s Theatre District, just steps from the Boston Common, the Charles Playhouse is Boston’s long-time home of Blue Man Group, located at 74 Warrenton Street. The cross streets with Warrenton St are Stuart Street and Charles Street South. Parking', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Take the Tremont Street exit, not the Washington Street exit. When you come above ground you will be on Tremont Street. Cross the street and go through the playground. There is a small underpass to the right. Go through the underpass and you will see the Charles Playhouse on your left. Park Street T Stop on the Red Line. Exit toward Tremont Street. With the Boston Commons to your right, travel down Tremont St. to where it intersects with Stuart St. Take a right onto Stuart St. and you will see Warrenton St. on left side of the road between the “W” and the New England School of Law. The Charles Playhouse is located at 74 Warrenton St.', 'url': ''}]
what is charles playhouse near
Located in the heart of Boston’s Theatre District, just steps from the Boston Common, the Charles Playhouse is Boston’s long-time home of Blue Man Group, located at 74 Warrenton Street. The cross streets with Warrenton St are Stuart Street and Charles Street South. Parking
Dizziness, memory loss, seizures, and unconsciousness
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oxygen is essential for living well and living younger. With plenty of oxygen, your body pulses with energy. Every cell vibrates with life. You’re able to do all the things that make your life fun, enjoyable and worth living. But chances are you’re not getting enough oxygen.Let me explain. Open the Windows. 2 You can’t get a good supply of oxygen from stale air. 3 Whether it’s your home or office, crack a window to let fresh air circulate. 4 But if you live in an area with lots of smog and fumes, you may want to consider a good air filtration system instead.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "When you don't get enough oxygen, you literally strangle your cells. It's like putting a noose around their necks, making it very difficult for them to do their job. As hard as they might try, they can't process food properly. They get bogged down, filled with sludge, and you, consequently, run out of energy.You literally work at one fifth of your potential when you don't get enough oxygen. Your body slows down, gains weight, and becomes even more stubborn about changing.s hard as they might try, they can't process food properly. They get bogged down, filled with sludge, and you, consequently, run out of energy. You literally work at one fifth of your potential when you don't get enough oxygen.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Brain injury: If the brain does not get enough oxygen, a lot of problems can occur, such as dizziness, memory loss, seizures, and unconsciousness. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for a prolonged period of time, permanent damage can occur and is called anoxic (or hypoxic) brain injury.xygen is a gas that the cells in your body need to work properly. The air we breathe normally has 21% oxygen. A maximum of 100% oxygen can be given. Babies with heart or lung problems may need increased amounts of oxygen. ...Read more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Asphyxia means lack of oxygen. Birth asphyxia happens when a baby's brain and other organs do not get enough oxygen before, during or right after birth.This can happen without anyone knowing. Without oxygen, cells cannot work properly. Waste products (acids) build up in the cells and cause temporary or permanent damage.sphyxia means lack of oxygen. Birth asphyxia happens when a baby's brain and other organs do not get enough oxygen before, during or right after birth.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Report Abuse. When your brain is deprived of oxygen for more that 3 minutes, brain cells begin to die. If oxygen is restored, the person will live but the damage remains.The damage can present in various ways, memory loss, speech problems, loss of coordination, etc. This is called an Anoxic Brain Injury.eport Abuse. When your brain is deprived of oxygen for more that 3 minutes, brain cells begin to die. If oxygen is restored, the person will live but the damage remains.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'All human cells, especially your brain/nervous system cells called neurons, need energy to do their job. All cells use blood sugar (glucose) and oxygen to create Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP), the energy source that fuels cell function. If your cells need more energy, they use more oxygen.That is why your breathing rate increases when you exercise. If your cells do not receive enough oxygen, they produce less energy. You derive oxygen/O2 from the air you breathe.There is plenty of evidence that our air contains less oxygen now, especially in densely populated metropolitan areas.ll human cells, especially your brain/nervous system cells called neurons, need energy to do their job. All cells use blood sugar (glucose) and oxygen to create Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP), the energy source that fuels cell function. If your cells need more energy, they use more oxygen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Open the Windows. 2 You can’t get a good supply of oxygen from stale air. 3 Whether it’s your home or office, crack a window to let fresh air circulate. 4 But if you live in an area with lots of smog and fumes, you may want to consider a good air filtration system instead. Open the Windows. 2 You can’t get a good supply of oxygen from stale air. 3 Whether it’s your home or office, crack a window to let fresh air circulate. 4 But if you live in an area with lots of smog and fumes, you may want to consider a good air filtration system instead.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The brain requires these chemicals to function, so if you don't get enough, you will experience first intoxication, then unconsciousness, and finally death. A personmay dieio … heor she loss oxygen in his or her blood.3 people found this useful.hat happens here is that your cells run out of oxygen, you run out of energy, and your muscles feel sore due to the lactic acid dumped into the muscle tissues by your cells. What the body's cells are pretty convincingly trying to tell you here is-stop exercising or we will die.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "During exercise, your body consumes large amounts of oxygen. In fact, this is part of what helps you to lose weight. The more oxygen your body consumes, the harder that you're working out. It's one reason that you typically lose a lot of weight when you first start working out.ecause your body is not accustomed to working out as much, you use a lot of oxygen during the course of your initial workouts. This oxygen is required to feed your muscles and keep them working. As you get into shape and get used to working out, though, your body doesn't require quite as much oxygen as before.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Because your body is not accustomed to working out as much, you use a lot of oxygen during the course of your initial workouts. This oxygen is required to feed your muscles and keep them working. As you get into shape and get used to working out, though, your body doesn't require quite as much oxygen as before.ecause your body is not accustomed to working out as much, you use a lot of oxygen during the course of your initial workouts. This oxygen is required to feed your muscles and keep them working. As you get into shape and get used to working out, though, your body doesn't require quite as much oxygen as before.", 'url': ''}]
what happens when you don't get enough oxygen to your brain
Brain injury: If the brain does not get enough oxygen, a lot of problems can occur, such as dizziness, memory loss, seizures, and unconsciousness. If the brain is deprived of oxygen for a prolonged period of time, permanent damage can occur and is called anoxic (or hypoxic) brain injury.xygen is a gas that the cells in your body need to work properly. The air we breathe normally has 21% oxygen. A maximum of 100% oxygen can be given. Babies with heart or lung problems may need increased amounts of oxygen. ...Read more.
The first Earth Day was observed in 1970.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It now is observed in 192 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network, chaired by the first Earth Day 1970 organizer Denis Hayes, according to whom Earth Day is now the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On April 22, 1990, the 20th anniversary of Earth Day, more than 200 million people in 141 countries participated in Earth Day celebrations. Earth Day has been celebrated on different days by different groups internationally. The United Nations officially celebrates it on the vernal equinox, which usually occurs about March 21.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. On Earth Day 2016, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by the United States, China, and some 120 other countries. This signing satisfied a key requirement for the entry into force of the historic draft climate protection treaty ad', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For Earth Day 2017, the Earth Day Network created four toolkits to aid organizations wanting to hold teach-ins to celebrate the theme Environmental and Climate Literacy.. 1 The four toolkits are: 2 Earth Day Action Toolkit: Educating and Activating Communities for Change. 3 Environmental Teach-in Toolkit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Nelson was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom award in recognition of his work.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This Day In History: 04/22/1970 - The First Earth Day Gaylord Nelson organizes the first Earth Day, Henry the VIII is crowned King of England, the U.S. Holocaust Museum is opened, and President Nixon dies in This Day in History video, The date is April 22nd.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 50,000 partners in nearly 195 countries to build environmental democracy. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Earth Day, an event to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States for the first time. Millions of Americans, including students from thousands of colleges and universities, participated in rallies, marches, and educational programs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This Day In History: 04/22/1970 - The First Earth Day. Gaylord Nelson organizes the first Earth Day, Henry the VIII is crowned King of England, the U.S. Holocaust Museum is opened, and President Nixon dies in This Day in History video, The date is April 22nd.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'On this day in History, The first Earth Day on Apr 22, 1970. Learn more about what happened today on History. On this day in History, The first Earth Day on Apr 22, 1970.', 'url': ''}]
in what year was the first earth day observed?
On this day in History, The first Earth Day on Apr 22, 1970. Learn more about what happened today on History. On this day in History, The first Earth Day on Apr 22, 1970.
$7.18 per hour
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The median hourly wage for frontline fast-food workers is $8.94 nationally. Many don’t even earn that. A shortage of hours further limits income. Fast-food workers work only 24 hours a week on average — at $8.94 an hour, this adds up to barely $11,000 a year.Wages are so low that many workers have to turn to public assistance for basic survival. Which means that taxpayers must subsidize the poverty wages that fast-food corporations pay their employees.hat’s a lot higher than the median hourly pay for fast-food workers nationwide, which is $8.94 an […] Posted by In-N-Out Ranks Higher Than Facebook And Apple On New List Of Best Places To Work – GANGUPON | Report as abusive.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fast Food Worker Salary. (United States). An average Fast Food Worker in the United States can expect to take home roughly $7.91 per hour. Earnings sit near $7.18 per hour on the lower side but can approach $9.25 on the higher side.The company is the main element affecting pay for this group — experience level and location are driving factors as well.Women Fast Food Workers who took the survey just slightly outnumber men.arnings sit near $7.18 per hour on the lower side but can approach $9.25 on the higher side. The company is the main element affecting pay for this group — experience level and location are driving factors as well. Women Fast Food Workers who took the survey just slightly outnumber men.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A worker at Moo Cluck Moo, a fast-casual burger and chicken chain in suburban Detroit, prepares a meal. Workers at Moo Cluck Moo all make $15 an hour. Fast-food workers rallied around the country Thursday, calling for a minimum wage of $15 an hour.But in suburban Detroit, a small but growing fast-casual burger and chicken chain has already figured out how to pay higher wages and still be profitable.y comparison, a typical fast-food worker in the U.S. makes about $8 or $9 an hour. Because of our low turnover, and the fact that people are really into their jobs, $15 an hour wasn't a big stretch, Parker says.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to PayScale, the median hourly wage among McDonald’s employees with five to eight years of experience is $9.15. On that basis, McDonald’s offers slightly better remuneration than fast-food chains Burger King and Wendy’s, where employees fall even further below the $15 threshold demanded in the protest.n a separate BLS category, we find over half a million fast-food cooks who earn, on average, $9.07 an hour. But that varies by industry and state. Cooks in gasoline stations earn, on average, $8.68 per hour, while cooks in grocery stores get $10.02.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Fast Food Workers will find the worst pay at Hardee's, where the median salary crawls in at $16K. Furthermore, compensation is curbed at $19K, leaving little room for growth. Employees at Burger King Corporation, McDonald's Restaurants Ltd., and McDonald's Corporation can also expect below-average earnings of $16K.arnings sit near $7.18 per hour on the lower side but can approach $9.25 on the higher side. The company is the main element affecting pay for this group — experience level and location are driving factors as well. Women Fast Food Workers who took the survey just slightly outnumber men.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Organizers of the fast-food workers’ nascent movement are clamoring for a $15 an hour wage, which would mean a 67 percent pay increase in an industry where wages average around $9 an hour.rganizers of the fast-food workers’ nascent movement are clamoring for a $15 an hour wage, which would mean a 67 percent pay increase in an industry where wages average around $9 an hour.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The median hourly wage for core nonmanagerial front-line fast-food workers, those working at least 27 weeks in a year and 10 hours a week, is $8.69 an hour. 4 The median number of hours for these jobs is 30. As a result, annual earnings in the fast-food industry are well below the income needed for self-sufficiency. The cost of public assistance to families of workers in the fast-food industry is nearly $7 billion per year. 2 At an average of $3.9 billion per year, spending on Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) accounts for more than half of these costs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The median pay for fast food workers in New York City is about $9 an hour; which would equal pay of less than $20,000 per year for a full-time employee, and far less for part-time staff. In New York, the poverty line is set at $11,500 for a single person and $23,021 for a family of four.he median pay for fast food workers in New York City is about $9 an hour; which would equal pay of less than $20,000 per year for a full-time employee, and far less for part-time staff. In New York, the poverty line is set at $11,500 for a single person and $23,021 for a family of four.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For Assistant Fast Food Managers, hourly average wages total $10.00 per hour. The income range spans the entire spectrum between $8.22 per hour and $12.45.or Assistant Fast Food Managers, hourly average wages total $10.00 per hour. The income range spans the entire spectrum between $8.22 per hour and $12.45.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fast food pay of $15 an hour would also be in line with fast food industry pay in countries like Australia, where the industry minimum of AU $17.98 an hour is equivalent to US $16.38 at current exchange rates.ast food pay of $15 an hour would also be in line with fast food industry pay in countries like Australia, where the industry minimum of AU $17.98 an hour is equivalent to US $16.38 at current exchange rates.', 'url': ''}]
what is average hourly pay of a burger flipper in fast food
Fast Food Workers will find the worst pay at Hardee's, where the median salary crawls in at $16K. Furthermore, compensation is curbed at $19K, leaving little room for growth. Employees at Burger King Corporation, McDonald's Restaurants Ltd., and McDonald's Corporation can also expect below-average earnings of $16K.arnings sit near $7.18 per hour on the lower side but can approach $9.25 on the higher side. The company is the main element affecting pay for this group — experience level and location are driving factors as well. Women Fast Food Workers who took the survey just slightly outnumber men.
The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.The word pentagram comes from the Greek word πεντάγραμμον (pentagrammon), from πέντε (pente), five + γραμμή (grammē), line.The word pentacle is sometimes used synonymously with pentagram. The word pentalpha is a learned modern (17th-century) revival of a post-classical Greek name of the shape.he pentagram contains ten points (the five points of the star, and the five vertices of the inner pentagon) and fifteen line segments. It is represented by the Schlaefli schläfli {symbol/5}. 2', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Answer: The pentagram has been used as a religious symbol throughout the world from the beginning of recorded history. The most basic pentagram is simply a five-point star drawn with one continuous line broken into five line segments and with one point of the star facing up.he pentagram was used in ancient Chinese and Japanese religions to symbolize the five elements of life. In Japanese culture the symbol was also considered magical. Ancient Babylonian culture was also using the pentagram to represent various gods and religious beliefs of their own.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit.The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water.he Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pentacle The Pentacle is an encircled Pentagram. A Pentagram is an ancient spiritual symbol shaped as a five-pointed star with one point aligned upwards.It is considered to be representative of the five elements from which man is made, namely fire, air, water, earth and spirit.he Pentacle is an encircled Pentagram. A Pentagram is an ancient spiritual symbol shaped as a five-pointed star with one point aligned upwards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'magic. The pentacle is a recognised and important symbol of witchcraft, it is a five pointed star with a single upright point, this represents spirit above matter, inverted it represents matter above spirit, and is associated with gain.It is a disk made of clay, wax, copper, wood, silver of gold. magician’s pentacle is called the the Pentacle of Solomon. The pentagram is recognised as protection against evil and negativity, it is as relevant to the practice of witchcraft as the wand and broomstick, it is considered a religious symbol and a symbol of Witchcraft.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The pentagram is the simplest regular star polygon. The pentagram contains ten points (the five points of the star, and the five vertices of the inner pentagon) and fifteen line segments. It is represented by the Schlaefli schläfli {symbol/5}. 2he pentagram contains ten points (the five points of the star, and the five vertices of the inner pentagon) and fifteen line segments. It is represented by the Schlaefli schläfli {symbol/5}. 2', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The five-pointed star or pentagram is one of the most potent, powerful, and persistent symbols in human history. It has been important to almost every ancient culture, from the Mayans of Latin America, to India, China, Greece, and Egypt.he five-pointed star or pentagram is one of the most potent, powerful, and persistent symbols in human history. It has been important to almost every ancient culture, from the Mayans of Latin America, to India, China, Greece, and Egypt.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Pentagram ~. A five pointed star, encased by an outer circle. Adopted by the first pagan practioners, it is always seen with it's apex pointing upward toward the Divine. The Pentagram is an ancient symbol with many different meanings and representations.One of the original is that the four lower points represent the four aspects of the world; {earth, water, air, and fire} with the fifth top point representing the divine spirit.entacle Of Solomon ~. Also known as the Seal of Solomon, this specialized pentacle is the Magicians Pentacle. This version is a powerful symbol of Divine magikal practices, purpose or energy. In short, it is an important symbol of Divine power.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A pentacle (also spelled pantacle in Thelema, following Aleister Crowley) is an amulet used in magical evocation, generally made of parchment, paper or metal (although it can be of other materials), on which the symbol of a spirit or energy being evoked is drawn.amely, a pentacle refers to a pentagram circumscribed by a circle. This form of pentacle is formed upon a disk which may be used either upon an altar or as a sacred space of its own. The pentacle is representative of the Earth in occult usage.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A pentacle is a pentagram with a circle drawn around it. The meanings of this vary. To me, it symbolizes the need for balance in your life and how your actions resonate in the world. You cannot live your life without any of these elements. pentacle is a pentagram with a circle drawn around it. The meanings of this vary. To me, it symbolizes the need for balance in your life and how your actions resonate in the world. You cannot live your life without any of these elements.', 'url': ''}]
what does the symbol of a pentagram mean
The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit.The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water.he Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit.
On Comcast, the channel for Boomerang is 126, on the digital receivers.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ' ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Technology Electronics Consumer Electronics Television and Video Cable Television What channel is boomerang in Comcast? What would you like to do? Flag', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'i do not know what channel is the sleuth channel and would like to know. it looks like it might have some good/ old tv series.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If subscribed to X1 DVR with cloud technology, your acceptance also confirms that when you record programs on your set-top DVR you also want to save and store them automatically in Comcast's network in several formats to (1) enable you to play them back (and navigate within them) on additional supported devices like computers and tablets, as well as the TV connected to your set-top DVR, and (2) optimize the video and audio quality of your viewing experience during playback.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Check our answers to ‘What channel is boomerang on Comcast?’ - we found 15 replies and comments relevant to this matter. The best answers are submitted by users of Yahoo! Answers, and ChaCha.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It depends on what Cable TV company or Satellite TV company you have. On Dish Network, Boomerang is on channel 175.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'What channel is Boomerang on in the zip code 08005 for Comcast Answer: On Comcast in the zip code 08005 the channel for Boomerang is 126, on the digital receivers. Boomerang...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What channel, if any, is boomerang on comcast, in Winchester, 47394? Answer: There is no show or movie called Boomerang currently playing on Comcast in the 47394 area...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "By activating, you agree that you want to enable cloud technology to access your XFINITY Stream subscription on additional supported devices like computers and tablets, as well as the TV connected to your set-top DVR via Comcast's network.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What channel is the weather channel on when you have comcast? i like channel 12 but there's 11 too. Although a lot of channels offer some weather, the weather channel is 32.", 'url': ''}]
what channel is boomerang on comcast
What channel is Boomerang on in the zip code 08005 for Comcast Answer: On Comcast in the zip code 08005 the channel for Boomerang is 126, on the digital receivers. Boomerang...
Jorge is a boys' name.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If we see just one instance of a name appearing as both male and female, we categorise it as unisex. Whilst this means that a certain proportion of our database (7%) is unisex names, the benefit is that we are very confident about the genders attached to the remainder of the data. 3. Are names tagged by country or culture? No.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Georgie [georgie] as a name for boys (also used as girls' name Georgie) is of Greek derivation, and the name Georgie means farmer. Georgie is an alternate form of George (Greek): from Greek Georgios. ASSOCIATED WITH greek, farmer.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "This website still allows you to guess the gender of a name, and discover whether the name is more commonly a male or female name. Try it for foreign or ethnic names and it will tell you the likelihood that a name is a man or woman's name, based on popular usage of that name on the Internet.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Male: Language(s) Portuguese and Spanish: Origin; Word/name: Greek: Meaning: earth worker or farmer: Other names; Related names: George, Georgia', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters. Expression Number: 1. People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Jorge [jorge] as a boys' name is pronounced HOR-hay. It is of Spanish, Portuguese and Greek origin, and the meaning of Jorge is farmer. Variant of George. Baseball player Jorge Posada.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Origin of the name George: Derived from the Greek geōrgos (earthworker, farmer), which is composed from the elements gē (earth) and ergein (to work). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jorge is a Spanish and Portuguese given name, equivalent to the English George. It is derived from the Greek γεωργός (georgos), meaning farmer or earth-worker. Jorge (Brazilian singer), Brazilian musician and singer, part of the duo Jorge & Mateus. Jorge Betancourt, Cuban diver. Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine author.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Name Lists Featuring George. Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (New South Wales) 2014. Australian Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in Australia (Victoria) 2014. New Zealand Boys Names: Most Popular Names for Boys in New Zealand 2014.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How popular is Jorge? Jorge is a very popular first name for males (#175 out of 1220, Top 14%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#6450 out of 150436, Top 4%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)', 'url': ''}]
is jorge for a girl or male name?
Jorge [jorge] as a boys' name is pronounced HOR-hay. It is of Spanish, Portuguese and Greek origin, and the meaning of Jorge is farmer. Variant of George. Baseball player Jorge Posada.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The choice of whether to use daylight saving time (DST) in Australia is a matter for the individual states and territories. However, during World War I and World War II all states and territories had daylight saving.In 1968 Tasmania became the first state since the war to practise daylight saving.ueensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Queensland and Western Australia have observed daylight saving over the past 40 years from time to time on trial bases.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Western Australia became the only state to observe daylight saving from the last Sunday in October to the last Sunday in March. Since 2009 Western Australia no longer observes daylight saving. Queensland (AEST UTC+10), Northern Territory (ACST UTC+9:30) and Western Australia (AWST UTC+8) do not observe DST.ueensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Queensland and Western Australia have observed daylight saving over the past 40 years from time to time on trial bases.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nov 1, 2015 - Daylight Saving Time Ends. When local daylight time is about to reach. Sunday, November 1, 2015, 2:00:00 AM clocks are turned backward 1 hour to. Sunday, November 1, 2015, 1:00:00 AM local standard time instead. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 1, 2015 than the day before.There will be more light in the morning.unday, March 8, 2015, 2:00:00 AM clocks were turned forward 1 hour to. Sunday, March 8, 2015, 3:00:00 AM local daylight time instead. Sunrise and sunset was about 1 hour later on Mar 8, 2015 than the day before. There was more light in the evening. Also called Spring Forward, summer time, and Daylight Savings Time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The 2009 Western Australian daylight savings referendum was held on 16 May 2009 in the Australian state of Western Australia to decide if daylight saving time should be adopted.It was the fourth such proposal which had been put to Western Australian voters and followed a three-year trial period.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The 2009 Western Australian daylight savings referendum was held on 16 May 2009 in the Australian state of Western Australia to decide if daylight saving time should be adopted.', 'url': ',_2009'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Queensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Queensland and Western Australia have observed daylight saving over the past 40 years from time to time on trial bases.ueensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972. Queensland and Western Australia have observed daylight saving over the past 40 years from time to time on trial bases.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Daylight saving. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of advancing clocks one hour during the warmer months of the year. In Australia, Daylight saving is observed in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory.Daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory or Western Australia.Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am on the first Sunday in October, when clocks are put forward one hour. It ends at 2am (which is 3am Daylight Saving Time) on the first Sunday in April, when clocks are put back one hour.aylight Saving Time begins at 2am on the first Sunday in October, when clocks are put forward one hour. It ends at 2am (which is 3am Daylight Saving Time) on the first Sunday in April, when clocks are put back one hour.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mar 8, 2015 - Daylight Saving Time Started. When local standard time was about to reach. Sunday, March 8, 2015, 2:00:00 AM clocks were turned forward 1 hour to. Sunday, March 8, 2015, 3:00:00 AM local daylight time instead. Sunrise and sunset was about 1 hour later on Mar 8, 2015 than the day before.There was more light in the evening.Also called Spring Forward, summer time, and Daylight Savings Time.unday, March 8, 2015, 2:00:00 AM clocks were turned forward 1 hour to. Sunday, March 8, 2015, 3:00:00 AM local daylight time instead. Sunrise and sunset was about 1 hour later on Mar 8, 2015 than the day before. There was more light in the evening. Also called Spring Forward, summer time, and Daylight Savings Time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Daylight Saving Time is not used in the Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia. Western Australia used Daylight Saving Time is in a trial period which began on 3 December, 2006, however, in May 2009 a referendum was held in Western Australia and voters rejected the continued use of daylight saving time.In most of Australia the Daylight Saving Time period is referred to as Summer Time..estern Australia used Daylight Saving Time is in a trial period which began on 3 December, 2006, however, in May 2009 a referendum was held in Western Australia and voters rejected the continued use of daylight saving time. In most of Australia the Daylight Saving Time period is referred to as Summer Time..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The charts below shows when Daylight Saving Time begins and ends in Australia. You will sometimes see references to Daylight Saving Time ending at 2:00 AM Standard Time which is equivalent to 3:00 AM Daylight Saving Time in areas observing Daylight Saving Time.estern Australia used Daylight Saving Time is in a trial period which began on 3 December, 2006, however, in May 2009 a referendum was held in Western Australia and voters rejected the continued use of daylight saving time. In most of Australia the Daylight Saving Time period is referred to as Summer Time..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Various states and territories in Australia adopted daylight saving time between 1968 and 1971, but Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia did not do so. In Western Australia, three referendums were held in 1975, 1984 and 1992 on the issue, with daylight saving being rejected each time.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The 2009 Western Australian daylight savings referendum was held on 16 May 2009 in the Australian state of Western Australia to decide if daylight saving time should be adopted.', 'url': ',_2009'}]
does wa have daylight savings
Daylight saving. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of advancing clocks one hour during the warmer months of the year. In Australia, Daylight saving is observed in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory.Daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory or Western Australia.Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am on the first Sunday in October, when clocks are put forward one hour. It ends at 2am (which is 3am Daylight Saving Time) on the first Sunday in April, when clocks are put back one hour.aylight Saving Time begins at 2am on the first Sunday in October, when clocks are put forward one hour. It ends at 2am (which is 3am Daylight Saving Time) on the first Sunday in April, when clocks are put back one hour.
It's the best stylus you can buy for your iPad. It's beautiful in a modern yet understated way, only taking what it needs from the conventional idea of a pen.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Video Review. Wacom Bamboo Stylus. The Wacom Bamboo is highlighted by FiftyThree (the company behind Paper) in its website and video for a reason: it's the best stylus you can buy for your iPad. For example, the shaft of the Bamboo is a touch girthier than a Bic pen, but it's also about an inch or so shorter than a Bic.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "The Wacom Bamboo is highlighted by FiftyThree (the company behind Paper) in its website and video for a reason: it's the best stylus you can buy for your iPad. It's beautiful in a modern yet understated way, only taking what it needs from the conventional idea of a pen..", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Need a new stylus to use with your iPad or other tablet? Let’s get one thing straight before we get started. Nobody seems to agree on what the correct plural form of “stylus” should be. Merriam-Webster says both “styli” and “styluses” are acceptable, but lists “styli” first. Over at Wikipedia, “styluses” is the preferred plural form. We’ll be using both forms going ahead in this article.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Pogo is one of the less expensive touch screen stylus pens you can buy, and frankly, it looks it. Basically, it is a metallic tube with foam on one end and a clip on the other--or an end cap on the original model. One thing it has going for it is that it is incredibly lightweight.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Stylus is a drawing app with many features and it has an easy, intuitive, responsive interface. So many cool features yet so easy to use! Compare with other drawing apps, please! Portrait and Landscape modes. Full Screen support even when displaying stylus controls! Drawing Modes: Finger, Stylus, Line, Move, Erase.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The tip material of the stylus will be what determines drag. Less drag or friction is better. You want the stylus tip to glide across the screen effortlessly. Length - Judging by the design of most styli on the market, length is not something a lot of people consider--but it is important.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With a short stylus on a larger device like the iPad, you are going to have your arm and hand blocking a good portion of the screen most of the time. With a stylus that corresponds to the size of your device, you will be able to see all of the screen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best stylus for iPad, iPad Pro or iPad mini. The iPad is a capable device for both art and productivity, but it becomes a stronger proposition in both areas if you have a good stylus to hand. Find out which iPad stylus is best for you here. Apple Pencil.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best stylus for iPad, iPad Pro or iPad mini. The iPad is a capable device for both art and productivity, but it becomes a stronger proposition in both areas if you have a good stylus to hand. Find out which iPad stylus is best for you here. By | 24 Mar 17.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Stylus is a drawing app with many features and it has an easy, intuitive, responsive interface. So many cool features yet so easy to use! Compare with other drawing apps, please! Features include: Portrait and Landscape modes.', 'url': ''}]
what is a stylus for an ipad
The Wacom Bamboo is highlighted by FiftyThree (the company behind Paper) in its website and video for a reason: it's the best stylus you can buy for your iPad. It's beautiful in a modern yet understated way, only taking what it needs from the conventional idea of a pen..
You can use Google Spreadsheets to monitor the status your website(s) and, unlike the commercial services, Google imposes no restrictions. You can track any number of websites and it will send email /text alerts in case of any issues.The website monitor is written with Google Scripts and is absolutely free as well.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Build your own Website Uptime Monitor. You can use Google Spreadsheets to monitor the status your website(s) and, unlike the commercial services, Google imposes no restrictions. You can track any number of websites and it will send email /text alerts in case of any issues.The website monitor is written with Google Scripts and is absolutely free as well. Here’s how you quickly configure Google Docs to monitor the uptime /downtime of your website(s). You may use Gmail or your Google Apps account to sign-in. 2 Put your website URLs in cell B2 (comma separated) and your email address in cell B3. 3 If you wish to receive alerts by text messages, put Yes in cell B4. 4 You’ll find a new Website Monitor menu in your Google Sheets toolbar.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Uptime matters. When your website isn’t available it can mean lower sales, brand damage, and even lower search engine rankings. Pingdom has a network of 60+ probe servers to test your website from all over the world, as often as every minute.We always double-check issues to filter out false alerts.nhance your website’s performance by getting actionable intelligence from actual visitors with our Real User Monitoring. Analyze performance data to see how fast your website loads for users from a specific country, browser, or device.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Our website monitoring software is loaded with features to bring you performance and uptime data in one convenient dashboard. Receive instant alerts the moment your website has issues via email, text/SMS, phone call, or telepathic message.hen your website does go down (and it will), you’ll receive an instant alert notifying you of the issue so you can fix it before anyone else notices (shhh, we won’t tell anyone but you). You’ll also receive another alert once our uptime monitoring servers detect your website is back online.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Monitor Website Uptime. Ensure your websites are available and responding properly. Our uptime monitoring software allows you to measure server response time from different locations around the globe, and track performance changes through different times of the day.hen your website does go down (and it will), you’ll receive an instant alert notifying you of the issue so you can fix it before anyone else notices (shhh, we won’t tell anyone but you). You’ll also receive another alert once our uptime monitoring servers detect your website is back online.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Monitoring your website’s uptime and downtime is a crucial step that you must take as a webmaster. Downtime on your website is not only frustrating for your visitors, it also translates into an almost inevitable loss of revenue for you.onitor Your Site Content. When your site is hacked, the sooner you know about it the better. One way to find out if your site has been defaced is by monitoring a snippet of content on your site that does not (or should not) change. Content monitoring is available at no extra charge on all of our $5/mo+ plans.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ' has a network of monitoring centres throughout the world. With centres across Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia, many of which support IPv6, you can choose where your website’s uptime is monitored from and how has a network of monitoring centres throughout the world. With centres across Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia, many of which support IPv6, you can choose where your website’s uptime is monitored from and how often.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Monitoring Interval Monitoring Interval: The free account allows you to monitor your URL's every 30 or 60 minutes. The Standard and Pro accounts allow you to monitor your URL's every 5 or 15 minutes.30, 60 min.onitoring Interval Monitoring Interval: The free account allows you to monitor your URL's every 30 or 60 minutes. The Standard and Pro accounts allow you to monitor your URL's every 5 or 15 minutes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Website uptime matters – if your website goes down for even a few minutes, you could be paying for it in revenue and reputation.With the Free Uptrends Uptime Check, you can ping your website and ensure that it is reachable.ebsite uptime matters – if your website goes down for even a few minutes, you could be paying for it in revenue and reputation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Monitors Service Monitors: Our free account allows you to have 1 monitor. The Standard and Pro accounts come with 3 and 6 monitors respectively. Additional monitors can be purchased for $2 per month each. A monitor is defined as any device or service you set up to be monitored.onitoring Interval Monitoring Interval: The free account allows you to monitor your URL's every 30 or 60 minutes. The Standard and Pro accounts allow you to monitor your URL's every 5 or 15 minutes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Do you want to be able to monitor your website uptime and availability on a regular basis? See for yourself how helpful having a 24/7 website monitoring solution can be, by signing up for a free 4-week trial of Uptrends Website Monitoring.ebsite uptime matters – if your website goes down for even a few minutes, you could be paying for it in revenue and reputation.', 'url': ''}]
website uptime monitor
Build your own Website Uptime Monitor. You can use Google Spreadsheets to monitor the status your website(s) and, unlike the commercial services, Google imposes no restrictions. You can track any number of websites and it will send email /text alerts in case of any issues.The website monitor is written with Google Scripts and is absolutely free as well. Here’s how you quickly configure Google Docs to monitor the uptime /downtime of your website(s). You may use Gmail or your Google Apps account to sign-in. 2 Put your website URLs in cell B2 (comma separated) and your email address in cell B3. 3 If you wish to receive alerts by text messages, put Yes in cell B4. 4 You’ll find a new Website Monitor menu in your Google Sheets toolbar.
Jupiter's surface gravity is 24.79 m/s, or 2.528 g.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "This makes Mercury the smallest and least massive planet in the solar system. However, thanks to its high density – a robust 5.427 g/cm3, which is just slightly lower than Earth's 5.514 g/cm3 – Mercury has a surface gravity of 3.7 m/s2, which is the equivalent of 0.38 g.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jupiter is 5.2x as far from the Sun as the Earth, and 317x mass of the earth… so the strength of gravity is 317/27 times the strength of gravity on the Earth … that’s bigger than 1 so the short answer: yes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Since gravitational force decreases with the square of distance, the Sun-Jupiter force is 1/(5.2²), or 0.037 times as strong as it would be if Jupiter were in Earth’s orbit. But that means the Sun-Jupiter gravitational force is still 318 * 0.037 = about 11.8 times stronger than the Sun-Earth gravitational force. Why doesn’t Jupiter orbit the Sun more quickly than Earth, if the overall gravitational force between the Sun and Jupiter is greater?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But being a gas giant, Jupiter is naturally less dense than Earth and other terrestrial planets, with a mean density of 1.326 g/cm 3. Gravity anomalies on Mercury—mass concentrations (red) suggest subsurface structure and evolution.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If Jupiter and Earth were the same distance from the Sun, then the Sun-Jupiter gravitational force would be 318 times stronger than the Sun-Earth gravitational pull, owing to the fact that Jupiter is 318 times as massive as Earth. However, Jupiter and Earth are not the same distance from the Sun. Jupiter is 5.2 times as far from the Sun as Earth is.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jupiter rotates, or spins, faster than any other planet. Earth takes almost 24 hours to spin once. Jupiter only takes 10. So a day on Jupiter is about 10 hours long. It is so far from the sun that Jupiter takes 12 Earth years to make one trip around the sun.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gravity on Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system. Its mean radius, at 69,911 ± 6 km, makes it 10.97 the times the size of Earth, while its mass (1.8986×1027 kg) is the equivalent of 317.8 Earths.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Jupiter is further from the earth than the earth is from the sun, so the sun pulls the hardest on the inner rocky worlds of the solar system, mercury, venus, earth, and mars. That's why these planets take shorter to take a trip around the sun than the gas giant Jupiter.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is so big that all the other planets in the solar system could fit inside it. More than 1,300 Earths would fit inside Jupiter. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. From Earth, it is almost always the second brightest planet in the night sky.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "As a result, Jupiter's surface gravity (which is defined as the force of gravity at its cloud tops), is 24.79 m/s, or 2.528 g. Gravity on Saturn: Like Jupiter, Saturn is a huge gas giant that is significantly larger and more massive than Earth, but far less dense. In short, its mean radius is 58232±6 km (9.13 Earths), its mass is 5.6846×1026 kg (95.15 times as massive), and has a density of 0.687 g/cm3.", 'url': ''}]
is jupiter's gravity stronger than earth
As a result, Jupiter's surface gravity (which is defined as the force of gravity at its cloud tops), is 24.79 m/s, or 2.528 g. Gravity on Saturn: Like Jupiter, Saturn is a huge gas giant that is significantly larger and more massive than Earth, but far less dense. In short, its mean radius is 58232±6 km (9.13 Earths), its mass is 5.6846×1026 kg (95.15 times as massive), and has a density of 0.687 g/cm3.
The symptoms of neurosyphilis are severe headache, difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness and dementia.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Symptoms of neurosyphilis include. severe headache; difficulty coordinating muscle movements; paralysis (not able to move certain parts of your body); numbness; and; dementia (mental disorder). Symptoms of ocular syphilis include changes in your vision and even blindness.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Syphilis( is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious health problems if it is not treated. Syphilis is divided into stages (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary). There are different signs and symptoms associated with each stage.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In tertiary syphilis, the disease damages your internal organs and can result in death. Neurosyphilis and Ocular Syphilis. Without treatment, syphilis can spread to the brain and nervous system (neurosyphilis) or to the eye (ocular syphilis). This can happen during any of the stages described above. Symptoms of neurosyphilis include. severe headache; difficulty coordinating muscle movements; paralysis (not able to move certain parts of your body); numbness; and. dementia (mental disorder).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the Treponema pallidum bacteria. The proper syphilis treatment is antibiotics. One of the challenges is that syphilis symptoms mimic many other diseases and infections, and many infected individuals may not be aware they have it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Neurosyphilis and Ocular Syphilis. 1 severe headache; 2 difficulty coordinating muscle movements; 3 paralysis (not able to move certain parts of your body); 4 numbness; and. 5 dementia (mental disorder).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Neurosyphilis is different from syphilis because it affects the nervous system, while syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease with different signs and symptoms. There are five types of neurosyphilis: 1 asymptomatic neurosyphilis. 2 meningeal neurosyphilis. 3 meningovascular neurosyphilis. 4 general paresis, and. 5 tabes dorsalis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The latent stage of syphilis is a period of time when there are no visible signs or symptoms of syphilis. If you do not receive treatment, you can continue to have syphilis in your body for years without any signs or symptoms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Neurosyphilis is a disease of the coverings of the brain, the brain itself, or the spinal cord. It can occur in people with syphilis, especially if they are left untreated. Neurosyphilis is different from syphilis because it affects the nervous system, while syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease with different signs and symptoms. There are five types of neurosyphilis: asymptomatic neurosyphilis meningeal neurosyphilis meningovascular neurosyphilis general paresis, and tabes dorsalis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Symptoms of neurosyphilis include. 1 severe headache; 2 difficulty coordinating muscle movements; 3 paralysis (not able to move certain parts of your body); 4 numbness; and. 5 dementia (mental disorder).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What are the signs and symptoms of syphilis? Symptoms of syphilis in adults vary by stage: Primary Stage. During the first (primary) stage of syphilis, you may notice a single sore or multiple sores. The sore is the location where syphilis entered your body. Sores are usually (but not always) firm, round, and painless.', 'url': ''}]
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Symptoms of neurosyphilis include. 1 severe headache; 2 difficulty coordinating muscle movements; 3 paralysis (not able to move certain parts of your body); 4 numbness; and. 5 dementia (mental disorder).
Peoria County
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Peoria, Illinois. Peoria (/piːˈɔːriə/, PEE-or-EE-uh) is a city in and the county seat of Peoria County, Illinois, United States, and the largest city on the Illinois River. Established in 1691 by the French explorer Henri de Tonti, Peoria is the oldest European settlement in Illinois, and is named after the Peoria tribe.', 'url': ',_Illinois'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When: Monday, April 24, from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Type of work: Replacement of cross road culvert. The Peoria County Highway Department requests motorists avoid the area. For more information, call the Highway Department at 697-6400.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Peoria County, Illinois. Peoria County is a county in the U.S. state of Illinois. According to the 2010 census, it had a population of 186,494. Its county seat is Peoria. Peoria County is part of the Peoria, IL Metropolitan Statistical Area.', 'url': ',_Illinois'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Peoria County, Illinois (IL) County population in 2014: 187,319 (85% urban, 15% rural); it was 183,433 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 33,708. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 16,807. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 49,297.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When: Monday, April 24, from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Type of work: Replacement of cross road culvert. The Peoria County Highway Department requests motorists avoid the area. For more information, call the Highway Department at 697-6400.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Premium Search: Public Records. Find Public Records in Peoria County, Illinois. This page lists public record sources in Peoria County, Illinois. Additional resources can be found on our Illinois State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Recommend a link for this page.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find Peoria Illinois clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Name.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Area name: Peoria, IL MSA. Fair market rent in 2006 for a 1-bedroom apartment in Peoria County is $471 a month. Fair market rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $586 a month. Fair market rent for a 3-bedroom apartment is $755 a month.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Online Document searching, provided by the. Peoria County County Clerk Office. DISCLAIMER. This search site is provided as a service to our customers. We make no warranty or guarantee regarding the accuracy or reliability of the content on this site or other sites to which we are linked. All data contained herein is subject to change without notice.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Sponsored Topics. Peoria (/piːɔəriə/) is the largest city on the Illinois River and the county seat of Peoria County, Illinois, in the United States. It is named after the Peoria tribe.', 'url': ''}]
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Peoria, Illinois. Peoria (/piːˈɔːriə/, PEE-or-EE-uh) is a city in and the county seat of Peoria County, Illinois, United States, and the largest city on the Illinois River. Established in 1691 by the French explorer Henri de Tonti, Peoria is the oldest European settlement in Illinois, and is named after the Peoria tribe.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "OverviewThe United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven states situated in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman and Saudi Arabia. The seven states, termed Emirates, are Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain.mirates The United Arab Emirates is a federation which consists of seven emirates. The largest emirate is Abu Dhabi which contains the nation's capital city Abu Dhabi. Five emirates have one or more exclaves, in addition to the main territory.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The United Arab Emirates is one of the wealthiest nations in the world and its citizens enjoy the highest. standard of living in the Middle East: per capita income was estimated at US$17,700 in 1999.Although illiteracy was relatively high for wealthy nations at 25.4 percent in 1998, more than 90 percent of the UAE population has access to safe water, health services, and sanitation.In comparison, nearly 57 percent of the population was illiterate in 1975.tandard of living in the Middle East: per capita income was estimated at US$17,700 in 1999. Although illiteracy was relatively high for wealthy nations at 25.4 percent in 1998, more than 90 percent of the UAE population has access to safe water, health services, and sanitation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "UAE. Overview The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of seven states situated in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman and Saudi Arabia.The seven states, termed Emirates, are Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain.mirates The United Arab Emirates is a federation which consists of seven emirates. The largest emirate is Abu Dhabi which contains the nation's capital city Abu Dhabi. Five emirates have one or more exclaves, in addition to the main territory.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Qatar ranks number one on the list of the top 10 richest nations because of its high GDP per capita of $91,379, which is just $8,621 shy of $100,000.Qatar has a well developed oil exploration industry where the petroleum industry accounts for 70% of its government revenue, 60% of its GDP and 85% of its export earnings.his tiny city-state has a per capita income of $56,797, which is five times the average per capita income for an ordinary individual in the world. The basis of Singapore's wealth is its financial services sector, a chemical export industry, and its liberal economic policies that encourage growth and innovation.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Compiled from data from the International Monetary Fund's 2013 estimates, here are the richest five nations among the world's 50 largest economies, sorted by GDP per capita and adjusted for purchasing-power parity. While at least one expected name makes the list, a few may surprise you.he nation's still in the middle of developing, with tourism playing an important role in the country's economic growth. Foreign investment has also supercharged the country's economy, with more than $10 billion in foreign investment entering the country in 2011.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "There are enormous socio-economic cleavages in the UAE, however, as wealth is not distributed evenly. Collectively, Abu Dhabi and Dubai control 83.2 percent of the UAE's GDP in large part because of Abu Dhabi's large oil production and Dubai's oil supply and commercial base.Sharjah has built its economy on trade and oil but has also depended on manufacturing.tandard of living in the Middle East: per capita income was estimated at US$17,700 in 1999. Although illiteracy was relatively high for wealthy nations at 25.4 percent in 1998, more than 90 percent of the UAE population has access to safe water, health services, and sanitation.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The United Arab Emirates has several major ports, including one of the world's largest, Jebel Ali Port. Other important ports in the UAE include Port Zayed, Khalifa Port, Port Rashid, Port Khalid, Hamriyah Port, Port of Ajman, Saqr Port, Um Al Quwain, Khor Fhakan and Fujairah Port.mirates The United Arab Emirates is a federation which consists of seven emirates. The largest emirate is Abu Dhabi which contains the nation's capital city Abu Dhabi. Five emirates have one or more exclaves, in addition to the main territory.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Dubai: Indian youth from affluent families are increasingly ending up on the wrong side of the law for drug-related offences in the UAE, top lawyers and welfare groups say.. Kumar, convenor of the Indian Community Welfare Committee, said: “There are 67 Indians serving jail terms in Dubai and the northern emirates for drug-related offences. Often, young students plea that they were unaware of the law or that they got carried away and gave drugs a try.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'share. Dubai: Indian youth from affluent families are increasingly ending up on the wrong side of the law for drug-related offences in the UAE, top lawyers and welfare groups say. The crimes, they said, pertain not just to drug consumption, but also possession and pedalling.. Kumar, convenor of the Indian Community Welfare Committee, said: “There are 67 Indians serving jail terms in Dubai and the northern emirates for drug-related offences. Often, young students plea that they were unaware of the law or that they got carried away and gave drugs a try.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'One vision is Dubai, the nation’s largest city, where locals are rare, alcohol is widespread and women in miniskirts flirt with men in public. The competing view, advocated by Islah, is prevalent in the less affluent northern emirates where traditional social codes prevail.he crackdown began in 2011 after the start of the Arab uprisings. There were no protests in the Emirates, and in March 2011 the government announced $1.6 billion in infrastructure projects for less developed areas, widely seen as part of an effort to avert discontent.', 'url': ''}]
is dubai an affluent nation
Dubai: Indian youth from affluent families are increasingly ending up on the wrong side of the law for drug-related offences in the UAE, top lawyers and welfare groups say.. Kumar, convenor of the Indian Community Welfare Committee, said: “There are 67 Indians serving jail terms in Dubai and the northern emirates for drug-related offences. Often, young students plea that they were unaware of the law or that they got carried away and gave drugs a try.
Basella Alba is a wildly cultivated vegetable, which is also known as Indian Spinach.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Basella Alba is commonly used in combination with Hibiscus macranthus in the treatment of diseases. Besides being used for medicinal purposes, Basella Alba is also used as a food product. Most people use it to season chicken, whereby it is cooked alongside chicken meat and the resulting broth is drunk or used in soups.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to Plant Basella Alba. 1 In USDA zones 10 and above, grow Malabar spinach as a perennial. Below that zone, plant a new crop of Malabar spinach every year. 2 If your garden has little space, grow Malabar spinach and peas on the same trellis. 3 Malabar spinach benefits from an application of nitrogen-rich fertilizer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Basella alba f. A taxonomic species within the family Basellaceae – Malabar spinach, a vegetable green used in Asian cooking. Further reading . Basella alba on Wikipedia. Wikipedia; Basella alba on Wikispecies. Wikispecies; Basella alba on Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons; Basella alba on Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Basella alba at Encyclopedia of Life; Basella alba at National Center for Biotechnology Information; Basella alba at USDA Plants database; Basella alba at Tropicos', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to Plant Basella Alba. 1 Nick the surface of the Malabar spinach seed with a knife, if desired, to speed up germination. 2 Fill the cells of a seed-starting tray with potting soil. 3 Water thoroughly. 4 Choose a permanent site in the garden for the Malabar spinach. 5 Install a trellis at the chosen site.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Basella alba at Germplasm Resources Information Network alba Basella alba at The Plant List Retrieved from', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Plants Database includes the following 1 species of Basella . Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Native Introduced Native and Introduced', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Ceylon Spinach, Climbing Spinach, Indian Spinach (Basella alba) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Gar...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Basella alba on Wikispecies. Wikispecies; Basella alba on Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons; Basella alba on Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Basella alba at Encyclopedia of Life; Basella alba at National Center for Biotechnology Information; Basella alba at USDA Plants database; Basella alba at Tropicos; Basella alba at Germplasm Resources Information Network; alba Basella alba at The Plant List', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'What Is Basella Alba? Basella Alba is a wildly cultivated vegetable, which is also known as Indian Spinach. The spinach is native to India and Africa. It is also grown in other countries of Southeast Asia. Basella Alba is commonly grown as a pot herb by the Indians. The vegetable has several therapeutic properties. Basella Alba is rich in nutrients, and it is helpful in the management of various types of nutrient deficiency. The leaves of Basella Alba are high in vitamins A, E, and K.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to Plant Basella Alba. 1 Nick the surface of the Malabar spinach seed with a knife, if desired, to speed up germination. 2 Fill the cells of a seed-starting tray with potting soil. 3 Water thoroughly. Keep the spinach seeds moist until germination, which usually occurs within three weeks of sowing.', 'url': ''}]
what is basella alba
What Is Basella Alba? Basella Alba is a wildly cultivated vegetable, which is also known as Indian Spinach. The spinach is native to India and Africa. It is also grown in other countries of Southeast Asia. Basella Alba is commonly grown as a pot herb by the Indians. The vegetable has several therapeutic properties. Basella Alba is rich in nutrients, and it is helpful in the management of various types of nutrient deficiency. The leaves of Basella Alba are high in vitamins A, E, and K.
60 mg of dextromethorphan and 1200 mg of guaifenesin.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to use Mucinex DM. Take this medication by mouth with or without food, as directed by your doctor, usually every 12 hours with a full glass of water. If you are self-treating, follow all directions on the product package.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Grapefruit juice may increase the actions of Dextromethorphan. Side effects from the Dextromethorphan may get worse if you drink grapefruit juice. It may be best to avoid drinking grapefruit juice while you are taking Dextromethorphan.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'It is distributed by Reckitt Benckiser in two strengths: Mucinex DM has 30 milligrams of dextromethorphan and 600 mg of guaifenesin; Mucinex DM Maximum Strength has 60 mg of dextromethorphan and 1200 mg of guaifenesin. Tablets are formulated as extended release, which are meant to work for 12 hours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'FIRST Trimester. Class C-Animal studies have shown an adverse effect and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Mucinex is the brand name of an expectorant drug called guaifenesin. It helps reduce chest congestions caused by colds, infections, or allergies. Mucinex works by thinning the mucus in the air passages. While Mucinex can help control symptoms, it doesn't treat the cause of congestion. Mucinex is sold both over-the-counter and with a doctor's prescription. It comes alone and in combination with antihistamines, cough suppressants, and decongestants (Mucinex D or Mucinex DM). The drug is sold under many different brand names, and comes as a tablet, a capsule, extended-release (long-acting) tablet, dissolving granules and a syrup.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'OR No animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. SECOND Trimester. Class C-Animal studies have shown an adverse effect and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. OR No animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'DEXTROMETHORPHAN; GUAIFENESIN (dex troe meth OR fan; gwye FEN e sin) is a cough suppressant, expectorant combination. It is used to provide relief from cough. This medicine will not treat an infection.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '5 Reviews. Mucinex DM is a cough medicine that contains dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant, and guaifenesin, an expectorant that helps loosen mucus in your throat and lungs. This combination of two drugs helps to loosen mucus or phlegm and thin out bronchial secretions, making coughs more productive.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Guaifenesin belongs to a class of drugs known as expectorants. It works by thinning and loosening mucus in the airways, clearing congestion, and making breathing easier. Dextromethorphan belongs to a class of drugs known as cough suppressants. It acts on a part of the brain (cough center) to reduce the urge to cough.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fights Chest Congestion & Cough to the Max. Whoever said you can’t control anything in life never experienced the power of Maximum Strength Mucinex ® DM. One dose of Maximum Strength Mucinex ® DM, with its unique bi-layer tablet, works for 12 hours to break up mucus and control and quiet your worst cough. Get relief — all day or all night. Maximum Strength Mucinex® DM: 1 Controls cough. 2 Thins & loosens mucus. 3 Works for 12 hours. 4 Maximum Strength Formula.', 'url': ''}]
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It is distributed by Reckitt Benckiser in two strengths: Mucinex DM has 30 milligrams of dextromethorphan and 600 mg of guaifenesin; Mucinex DM Maximum Strength has 60 mg of dextromethorphan and 1200 mg of guaifenesin. Tablets are formulated as extended release, which are meant to work for 12 hours.
In a writ of right which is intended to be tried by the grand assize, the general issue is called the mise.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You will find it is easier to cook, you'll be able to cook more efficiently and quickly, and you will enjoy the whole process more. 1 Cooking FAQs. Learn the Definition of Dice, a Cooking Term. 2 Cooking FAQs. Learn the Definition of Cut In, a Baking Term. 3 Herbs & Spices. How To Make Five-Spice Powder. 4 Technique Glossary.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You will find it is easier to cook, you'll be able to cook more efficiently and quickly, and you will enjoy the whole process more. 1 Cooking FAQs. 2 Cooking FAQs. 3 Herbs & Spices. 4 Technique Glossary. 5 Cooking for Kids Basics. 6 Manners & Civility. 7 Cookware & Bakeware. 8 Cooking FAQs.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Etymology: F. mise a putting, setting, expense, fr. mis mise, p. p. of mettre to put, lay, fr. LL. mittere to send Wiktionary Borrowing from French mise (“a putting, setting, expense”).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find out the meaning and importance of mise en place, a French term that means to have everything in place before you start cooking. Find out the meaning and importance of mise en place, a French term that means to have everything in place before you start cooking. share pin email button button', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition: This French phrase means having a place for everything and having everything organized before you begin cooking. It literally means putting in place. Pronunciation: MEES on ploss. Examples: Carol organized her kitchen according to the French mise en place. This fancy term means that you have all of the ingredients, utensils, cooking pots and pans, baking pans, and measuring cups and spoons on hand and on the counters before you start to cook.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of Mise in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Mise? Meaning of Mise as a legal term. What does Mise mean in law?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mise en scène encompasses the most recognizable attributes of a film - the setting and the actors; it includes costumes and make-up, props, and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed. The term is borrowed from a French theatrical expression, meaning roughly put into the scene.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'College Film & Media Studies. A Reference Guide. Mise en scène encompasses the most recognizable attributes of a film – the setting and the actors; it includes costumes and make-up, props, and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed. The term is borrowed from a French theatrical expression, meaning roughly “put into the scene”. In other words, mise-en-scène describes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged. We have organized this page according to four general areas: setting, lighting, costume and staging.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Carlo Parravano, executive director of MISE said, Our expansion into Elizabeth builds on the shared goal of the Elizabeth School District and Merck to raise understanding and awareness of science among children and educators.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'MISE, English law. In a writ of right which is intended to be tried by the grand assize, the general issue is called the mise. Lawes, Civ. Pl. 111; 7 Cowen, 51. This word also signifies expenses, and it is so commonly used in the entries of judgments in personal actions; as when the plaintiff recovers, the judgment is quod recuperet damna sua for such value, and pro mises et custagiis for costs and charges for so much, &c.', 'url': ''}]
the meaning of mise
MISE, English law. In a writ of right which is intended to be tried by the grand assize, the general issue is called the mise. Lawes, Civ. Pl. 111; 7 Cowen, 51. This word also signifies expenses, and it is so commonly used in the entries of judgments in personal actions; as when the plaintiff recovers, the judgment is quod recuperet damna sua for such value, and pro mises et custagiis for costs and charges for so much, &c.
Yes,kailas is a male or female name.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Kailash ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Kailas ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'GenderChecker The number one name checking database. We want to make sure you never get boys, girls, male or female names confused again. Simply enter the name you’re searching for and our search engine will tell you the gender – easy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Popularity of the Name. The name Kailash is ranked on the 4,510th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 70000 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Kailash has seven characters. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names in our database.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Meaning of Kailas. Indian name. In Indian, the name Kailas means - home of the lord.The name Kailas originated as an Indian name. The name Kailas is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). Indian Name Meaning - home of the lord.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'View our lists of most popular male names, most popular female names, most masculine names, or most feminine names. Who should use the Baby Name Guesser? The baby name guesser can be a useful tool in suggesting names for a new baby, or finding out how popular a first name really is.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Information, statistics, graphs, and similar name lists for the first name Paola', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In mythology, it is not clear whether Ila was male or female. In one story he begins as a male but turns into a female. Compare with other forms of Ila. INDERJIT: Variant spelling of Hindi unisex Indrajit, meaning conqueror of Indra. INDERPAL: Hindi name composed of the name of the god Indra and the Sanskrit word pala protector, hence protector of Indra.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To name a few other male rivers.... 1 Damodar River & Ajay River - These flow across West Bengal and Jharkand. 2 Sankosh River - Not technically an Indian river, originates in Northern Bhutan but meets Brahmaputra in Assam. But well Brahmaputra also originates in the Burang County of Tibet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Popularity of the name Paola for Girls. Percentage Of Babies Named Paola. Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).', 'url': ''}]
is kailas a male or female name
Meaning of Kailas. Indian name. In Indian, the name Kailas means - home of the lord.The name Kailas originated as an Indian name. The name Kailas is a unisex name and can be used for a boy or girl name (male or female). Indian Name Meaning - home of the lord.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You play the bass clarinet the same as the regular clarinet as far as fingerings, and embouchure, but it plays a different purpose in the band. While the clarinet plays fast runs and hard technical parts, the bass clarinet plays a solid base line and supports the bass line of the band.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The oboe usually plays a compromise of the flute and clarinet parts, and is one of the prettiest instruments. Next in line of the woodwind family is the Clarinet. The clarinet is a reed instrument, and therefore has a completely different sound from the flute. Though the sound is different, it also plays parts very similar to the flutes, either the melody in band music, or violin or viola parts in an orchestral transcription.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The euphonium is in the key of C (bass clef) or Bb (treble clef) and is used for the filling of the band. The big daddy of the brass section is the tuba. The tuba is very similar to a euphonium in all aspects, except that it is two octaves lower and is one of the hardest instruments to play.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "These instruments use bass clef for their low-to mid-ranges; treble clef is also used for their upper extremes. When used for the double bass, the sound is an octave lower than the written pitch. The tenor violin parts were also written in this clef (see e.g. Giovanni Battista Vitali 's Op. 11).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Posted. Bassoon!!! Cello, Double bass, bass guitar, timpani, contra bassoon, tombone, tuba, Euphonium, although, you do have to be careful with brass instruments, they all read treble clef when playing in a brass band... There are probably lots more obscure ones too. Other obvious ones would be keyboard instruments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'This clef is used for the cello, euphonium, double bass, bass guitar, bassoon, contrabassoon, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, and timpani. It is also used for the lowest notes of the horn, and for the baritone and bass voices. Tenor voice is notated in bass clef when the tenor and bass are written on the same stave. Bass clef is the bottom clef in the grand stave for harp and keyboard instruments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the brass family there is a wide range of instruments from the piccolo trumpet to the tuba. Brass Instruments: Piccolo Trumpet is the highest brass instrument that is actually used, but the Bb tenor trumpet is the one that everyone knows.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For use with all B-flat, E-flat, Bass Clef, and C instruments, the Jazz Play-Along series is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians. This volume includes 10 songs by Stephen Sondheim.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For use with all B-flat, E-flat, Bass Clef, and C instruments, the Jazz Play-Along series is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians. More.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A clef (from French: clef key) is a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes. Placed on one of the lines at the beginning of the stave, it indicates the name and pitch of the notes on that line.', 'url': ''}]
what instruments play the bass clef
This clef is used for the cello, euphonium, double bass, bass guitar, bassoon, contrabassoon, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, and timpani. It is also used for the lowest notes of the horn, and for the baritone and bass voices. Tenor voice is notated in bass clef when the tenor and bass are written on the same stave. Bass clef is the bottom clef in the grand stave for harp and keyboard instruments.
Latent phase labor is considered abnormal,if it lasts longer than 20 hours in a woman having her first baby.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'prolonged latent phase labor. Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. prolonged latent phase labor. Abnormally slow progress of the latent phase, lasting more than 20 hr in a nullipara or 14 hr in a multipara.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Prolonged Latent Phase. Labor consists of regular, frequent uterine contractions leading to progressive change in the cervix. Usually, labors begin gradually, with very slow change up to 4 cm. This part of labor is called the latent phase. Latent phase labor can last hours or days, but is usually measured in a few hours. Latent phase labor is considered abnormal (prolonged latent phase), if it lasts longer than: 20 hours in a woman having her first baby, or.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The first stage of labor is divided into two phases: the latent phase and the active phase. In the latent phase, contractions become progressively more coordinated and the cervix dilates to 4 cm (approximately 1.5 inches).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Their definition of prolonged labor is when the midwife and/or the woman feel it is “too long” or when she is discouraged. Midwives see 2-4 days of latent or prodromal labor, many many hours/days of labor, no descent, 5 hrs+ pushing, and still arrive at outcomes of normal vaginal birth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are a number of possible causes of prolonged labor. During the latent phase, slow effacement of the cervix can cause labor time to increase. During the active phase, if the baby is too large, the birthing canal is too small, or the woman’s pelvis is too small, delivery can take longer or fail to progress.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is during the active phase of labor that you will go to the hospital or birthing center. Upon arrival, you will be asked to wear a hospital gown. Your pulse, blood pressure, and temperature will be checked.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'latent phase. the early stage of labor that is characterized by irregular, infrequent, and mild contractions and little or no dilation of the cervix or descent of the fetus. Also called prodromal labor. See also Friedman curve.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Obstetric medical texts define PROLONGED LABOR according to Friedman’s Curve of what is “normal” (primip & multip differ) and have various definitions and rules such as: “prolonged latent phase” (before active labor) = over 20 hrs. “protracted active phase” = less than 1.2 cm/hr or no progress in 2 or more hrs. “After 5 cm” = no progress in 3 hrs. Other definitions are applied for such terms as “arrest of descent,” “protracted descent” etc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Medical Definition of Labor. Labor: Childbirth, the process of delivering a baby and the placenta, membranes, and umbilical cord from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world. During the first stage of labor (which is called dilation), the cervix dilates fully to a diameter of about 10 cm (2 inches).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The First Stage of Labor. The first stage is the longest part of labor and can last up to 20 hours. It begins when your cervix starts to open (dilate) and ends when it is completely open (fully dilated) at 10 centimeters. When the cervix dilates from 0 to 3 or 4 centimeters, contractions get stronger as time progresses.', 'url': ''}]
what does prolonged latent phase of labor means?
Prolonged Latent Phase. Labor consists of regular, frequent uterine contractions leading to progressive change in the cervix. Usually, labors begin gradually, with very slow change up to 4 cm. This part of labor is called the latent phase. Latent phase labor can last hours or days, but is usually measured in a few hours. Latent phase labor is considered abnormal (prolonged latent phase), if it lasts longer than: 20 hours in a woman having her first baby, or.
(305) 585-6238
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'read reviews phone number detailed report. According to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Jackson Memorial Hospital has an overall quality rating of 2.0 out of 5 stars.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Jackson Health System's Care Quote program provides free price estimates for heathcare services at Jackson facilities.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Parking at Memorial Regional Hospital. Complimentary valet parking is available throughout the campus. A visitor parking garage is available across from the main entrance of the hospital (accessible from North 35th Avenue).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'NPI 1528386463 : JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. NPI Number 1528386463 : JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL : MIAMI, FL. To modify “1528386463” NPI Number profile you may use given links: EDIT | DELETE | SYNCHRONIZE . You can get information about “1528386463” NPI number in TXT | PDF | XML | JSON formats.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '61% of patients rated Jackson Memorial Hospital at 9 or 10 out of 10, and 65% of patients responded that they would recommend this hospital to others. Visit for more information. Overall Hospital Rating 2.0. Patients would recommend this hospital 65%. Patients gave this hospital a rating of 9 or 10 61%.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Background. 1 Organization Name: Holtz Children's Hospital Jackson Memorial Hospital. 2 Web Address: 3 Main Phone Number: (305) 585-6238. Founding Year: 1 0. Staffed Beds: 2 291. ANCC Magnet Designation: 3 No. Hospital Type: 4 Acute. Is Part of a System: Yes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Medical Records. Patients, or a personal representative, may inspect or obtain copies of their Jackson County Memorial Hospital medical record or have copies sent to another medical facility. If you would like to obtain a copy of your hospital medical records, print the Authorization for Access by Patient or Disclosure of Protected Health Information Form.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'NPI Number 1528386463 has the “Organization” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL . The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 05/16/2010.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jackson Memorial Hospital. Jackson Memorial Hospital (also known as Jackson or abbreviated JMH) is a non-profit, tertiary care teaching hospital and the major teaching hospital of the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida. It is currently the largest hospital in the U.S. with 5,266 beds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Anesthesia, Burns, Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery, Colon & Rectal Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Gynecology, Hematology, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Oral/Maxillo-facial Surgery, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, Podiatry, Psychiatry ...', 'url': ''}]
jackson memorial hospital main phone number
Background. 1 Organization Name: Holtz Children's Hospital Jackson Memorial Hospital. 2 Web Address: 3 Main Phone Number: (305) 585-6238. Founding Year: 1 0. Staffed Beds: 2 291. ANCC Magnet Designation: 3 No. Hospital Type: 4 Acute. Is Part of a System: Yes.
To put into words, voice.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The sound becomes a word. To the lucky infant, love is the responsive, safe, and warm rhythmic touch — the smile, the hum and the adoring gaze. When language does not develop in the context of caring relationships, we lose the beauty and meaning that words can convey. This abusive mother was neglected as a child.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The loudness of a sound perceived by the ear depends on the amplitude of the sound wave and is measured in decibels, while its pitch depends on its frequency, measured in hertz. The sensation produced in the organs of hearing by waves of this type. See Note at ultrasound.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition of sound. 1 transitive verb. 2 1a : to cause to sound sound a trumpetb : pronounce 3a. 3 2 : to put into words : voice. 3a : to make known : proclaimb : to order, signal, or indicate by a sound sound the 1 alarm. 4 : to examine by causing to emit sounds sound the lungs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Yet while words are our most amazing invention, human communication starts when words have no meaning. It starts by gazing, rocking, stroking, kissing, humming, the sight, sound, smell, and touch of a loved one, a bath of physical sensations — the somatosensory bath.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "(sound) 1 A type of longitudinal wave that originates as the vibration of a medium (such as a person's vocal cords or a guitar string) and travels through gases, liquids, and elastic solids as variations of pressure and density. 2 The sensation produced in the organs of hearing by waves of this type.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. 1 a periodic disturbance in the pressure or density of a fluid or in the elastic strain of a solid, produced by a vibrating object. It has a velocity in air at sea level at 0°C of 331 metres per second (741 miles per hour) and travels as longitudinal waves. ( 2 as modifier): a sound wave.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Although in the English language, the term onomatopoeia means the imitation of a sound, the compound word onomatopoeia (ονοματοποιία) in the Greek language means making or creating names.. For words that imitate sounds, the term ηχομιμητικό (echomimetico or echomimetic) is used.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The tearful mother pleaded. Her child, a 5-year-old girl, was in the hospital with severe injuries inflicted by this abusive mother. The word 'love' used by this mother confuses us. Clearly, the word has different meaning to her than to most parents.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An onomatopoeia (/ˌɒnəˌmætəˈpiːə, -ˌmɑː-/, or chiefly NZ /-ˈpeɪə/; from the Greek ὀνοματοποιία; ὄνομα for name and ποιέω for I make, adjectival form: onomatopoeic or onomatopoetic) is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles or suggests the sound that it describes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of sound. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to measure the depth of : fathom. 3 2 : to try to find out the views or intentions of : probe —often used with out. 3 : to explore or examine (a body cavity) with a 1 sound. intransitive verb.', 'url': ''}]
sounds of words definition
Definition of sound. 1 transitive verb. 2 1a : to cause to sound sound a trumpetb : pronounce 3a. 3 2 : to put into words : voice. 3a : to make known : proclaimb : to order, signal, or indicate by a sound sound the 1 alarm. 4 : to examine by causing to emit sounds sound the lungs.
Energy transmission projects, including impacts from site evaluation, construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning and reclamation phases of energy transmission projects. A plant uses some of the energy it receives to grow and function. The energy has to be stored in batteries that have a much lower energy density than gasoline does.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Energy Transmission. This section discusses energy transmission (electric transmission lines and oil and gas pipelines), the environmental impacts associated with transmission projects, and mitigation measures that could be used to avoid or reduce those impacts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Follow the links below to learn about energy transmission, and the environmental impacts of energy transmission projects, including impacts from site evaluation, construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning and reclamation phases of energy transmission projects.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'MEASURING ENERGY. Energy exists in many forms, so there are many ways to quantify it. Two of the most widely used for general purposes are the British Thermal Unit (BTU), which is a measure of energy content, and the watt, which is a measure of power, or how fast energy is used.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "The same holds true for other organisms along the food chain. Another reason energy obtained by one organism isn't passed on in the food chain is because it is no longer available. Some energy has already been used by the first organism. A plant uses some of the energy it receives to grow and function.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Answers to the 9 mark question on energy transfer. Energy is transferred through the separate trophic levels of a food chain or web by feeding.The first trophic level (producers) is that of plants which are examples of autotrophs – they make their own food.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'One BTU is the amount of energy needed to raise a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. That’s not a very large amount. One cubic foot of natural gas contains around 1,000 BTUs. A gallon of gasoline is about 124,000 BTUs, and a ton of coal represents about 20 million BTUs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Energy can be measured in units called Joules (J). One J = about 1/4 calorie; and one calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1oC (Celsius). FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change in form.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Photosynthesis and Respiration are the two processes by which living things (1) collect and store energy and (2) release that stored energy to do work. ENERGY (E) is defined as the capacity to do work. Kinetic Energy - the energy of movement (example: ) Potential Energy - stored energy (example: )', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Simplified electrical grid with energy storage. Simplified grid energy flow with and without idealized energy storage for the course of one day. Grid energy storage (also called large-scale energy storage) is a collection of methods used to store electrical energy on a large scale within an electrical power grid.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'If a car is powered by electricity, however, the energy has to be stored in batteries that have a much lower energy density than gasoline does. To carry 300 miles’ worth of energy, an electric car would need a lot of very heavy batteries.', 'url': ''}]
how is energy stored, transmitted, and used
Follow the links below to learn about energy transmission, and the environmental impacts of energy transmission projects, including impacts from site evaluation, construction, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning and reclamation phases of energy transmission projects.
Step One: Complete a bachelor's degree and other prerequisite coursework required. Step Two: Complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. Step Three: Pass required exams.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "in which the state has jurisdiction over resident children's educational programs. In Iowa, it is ages 6 to 16. The cut-off date for determining age is September 15 of each year. If, on September 15, your child is age 6, or older than 6 yet younger than 16, you child is of compulsory school attendance age.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Education Requirements. To obtain a Substitute Teacher License, you must meet all Iowa requirements for an initial teaching license and attach official college transcripts showing your receipt of a bachelor’s degree and completion of an approved teacher preparation program.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "To become a certified teacher in Iowa, you will need to fulfill these requirements: Step One: Complete a bachelor's degree and other prerequisite coursework required. Step Two: Complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. Step Three: Pass required exams.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For a Substitute Teacher license, you must have classroom experience, as you must have or have had a teaching license in Iowa or in another state. A copy of your valid or expired teaching license must be attached to the application for substitute licensure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Iowa law and rules. may seem quite complicated at first, but NICHE has created. a number of resources and forms. to help home educators find their way. through the maze of regulations. Below, you will find a brief overview. of the legal requirements and options in Iowa.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "To become a certified teacher in Iowa, you will need to fulfill these requirements: 1 Step One: Complete a bachelor's degree and other prerequisite coursework required. 2 Step Two: Complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. 3 Step Three: Pass required exams. Step Four: Submit an Iowa teaching credential application.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You can use this link to access incomplete/unsubmitted applications if you don't have the email the system sent when you started an application in our online system. 1 Requirements for licenses. 2 Renew a teaching license. 3 Renew an administrative license. Renew a substitute 1 license. Renew a coaching authorization. Renew other license types.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Iowa Board of Educational Examiners is no longer printing and mailing licenses as of July 1, 2016. Check our website under “search for a license” to view your license or to see if a pending licensure transaction has been processed. Our website version of your license is considered your official license record.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Click here to see Teaching Schools in Iowa. Potential Teachers in Iowa: If you have the passion to become a teacher in Iowa and make a difference, now is the best time for you to begin. The type of people who come into this industry expecting a good salary and a summers worth of vacation time do not last very long and are usually the first to go.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To earn an initial teaching certification in the state of Iowa, teaching candidates must meet the following requirements: 1 Step One: Complete a bachelor’s degree and other prerequisite coursework required. 2 Step Two: Complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. 3 Step Three: Pass required exams.', 'url': ''}]
what are requirements to teach in iowa
To become a certified teacher in Iowa, you will need to fulfill these requirements: Step One: Complete a bachelor's degree and other prerequisite coursework required. Step Two: Complete a state-approved teacher preparation program. Step Three: Pass required exams.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'He served 3 years of a six year sentence. 1998- arrested on charges of marijuana possession and unlawful use of a firearm-came one week after leaving the hospital to get treated for a painkiller addiction. His last words before he died in 2006 were “I’m hopping on the night train.”.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Kungfu movie star Jackie Chan offered the public a deep bow of apology after his son, actor, singer and socialite Jaycee, was arrested in Beijing for drug use.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Criminal Minds' actor Nicholas Brendon was arrested (PDF) March 13 in Tallahassee, Florida, for allegedly trashing a hotel room. He was arrested under similar circumstances in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in February, and in Boise, Idaho, in October. Brendon is also known for his role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer..", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "An American actor living in Canada has been arrested on voyeurism charges in Toronto, police said. Jean-Paul Manoux, also known as J.P. Manoux, was arrested on Tuesday. He's scheduled to appear before a judge on March 11.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '2006-arrested for possession of nearly $2000 worth of cocaine. Escaped a jail sentence but had to go to a 12 month drug testing and treatment center. Sounds like the party is over because when he got out of jail, he had to take out a loan to maintain his new lifestyle.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A 23-year-old man has been arrested by the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police for allegedly sending threatening text messages to Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The fall from grace is that much harder when you’re famous. Many, many celebrities have been busted with drug possession and other drug-related offenses. Here are just 10 celebs who were arrested for drug possession. #1. Fiona Apple. via Getty Images. She’s a singer and songwriter, who’s probably best known for her songs Shadowboxer and Criminal, for which she won the Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1991-before fame hit-arrested for dealing cocaine and spent 9 months in jail waiting to make bail. 1996- arrested for having 50 grams of marijuana and four automatic weapons. Arrested again in the same year for being caught smoking weed in a car.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '25. There’s a common belief that drug laws mostly target the less wealthy, and while that’s probably true as a whole there are still plenty of rich and famous people who’ve run afoul of the law for simple possession. We’ve compiled 100 of the most famous celebrity drug busts of all time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The New Zealand-born actor, 45, was in town for the Alamo City Comic Con and attended an after party at a hotel, where the incident reportedly occurred around 4.30am on September 13. Reps for Mr Bennett had no immediate comment about the arrest. Actor Sai Ballal Arrested For Allegedly Sexually Harassing Co-Star.', 'url': ''}]
what actors were arrested for drugs
Kungfu movie star Jackie Chan offered the public a deep bow of apology after his son, actor, singer and socialite Jaycee, was arrested in Beijing for drug use.
Yes, Katelyn is the second most popular spelling of the traditional Caitlin.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Popularity of the Name Katelyn Currently in America, Katelyn is the second most popular spelling of the traditional Caitlín; the first being “Kaitlyn.” Katelyn (as a spelling variant) first enters the U.S. popularity charts in 1981, so it was actually the first made-up spelling of the traditional Irish Caitlin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Origin and Meaning of Katelyn. 1 Katelyn is a name of American origin, and it means Pure. 2 Katelyn Tarver is a pop music, pop rock, and indie pop musician. 3 Katelyn Ohashi is an important person. 4 Katelyn Pippy is an actress for the Cornell Big Red women's ice hockey in the ECAC Hockey.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "See the popularity of the girl's name Katelyn over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. expert advice community", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Popularity of Katelyn as a first name The map shows the relative popularity of the name Katelyn as a first name in each of the states. See other popular names in New Hampshire, Utah, or Vermont.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'yes katelyn is common and poopular. its known about everywhere. it is the 3 most commmon name in the world.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Names. Introduction; Browse Names; Popularity; Namesakes; Name Days; Submitted Names; Interact. Message Boards; Polls; Predict Rankings; Submit a Name; Tools. Random Renamer; Name Translator; Name Themes; Anagrams; Links; Surname Site', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Learn about Katelyn Sweet: her birthday, what she did before fame, her family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more. Fun facts: before fame, family life, popularity rankings, and more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Katelyn [kate-lyn]▼ as a girls' name is pronounced KAYT-len. It is of English origin. Alternate form of Caitlin, an Irish form of Katherine. Kateline is a medieval English form. See also Kaitlin.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Pop Culture References for the name Katelyn Login or Register to Contribute Katelyn Chase, character in 2009 film Wild Cherry Katelyn O'Malley, character on TV's Secret Life of the American Teenager Katelyn Kate Weston, main character in TV movie Sacrifices of the Heart Katelyn, character in Aphmau's YouTube series", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Which nationality does the name katelyn come from? The first name Katelyn is of English origin. Katelyn means unsullied and pure and is the a variant of the name Katherine.', 'url': ''}]
is katelyn a popular name
Popularity of the Name Katelyn Currently in America, Katelyn is the second most popular spelling of the traditional Caitlín; the first being “Kaitlyn.” Katelyn (as a spelling variant) first enters the U.S. popularity charts in 1981, so it was actually the first made-up spelling of the traditional Irish Caitlin.
Psilocybe azurescens grows in tight, separated clusters on wood chips or in sandy soils rich in woody debris in late September until early January.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Psilocybe azurescens prefer to grow in colder, wetter places. Therefore, they’re not ideal to grow indoors. If you have a small yard where the sun is always shining, growing Psilocybe azurescens is not for you. You should live in a place where the autumn season is cold and wet. As an additional consideration, it’s important to lay the bed where the mushrooms will be safe throughout the year', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Psilocybe Azurescens Locations. Psilocybe azurescens grows in tight, separated clusters on wood chips or in sandy soils rich in woody debris in late September until early January. This fungus has a tendency to grow on coastal dune grasses. Wherever it chooses to grow, it cause the whitening of wood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'P.azurescens also come up during autumn and right before the beginning of winter. To whole process from preparing the spawn to the fruiting is a long process so it should be started as early as January. The growing process has three phases: preparing the spawn, growing the mycelium, and growing the mushroom. Phase 1 – Preparing the Spawn', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I'm only curious, but what is the difference between growing cubs and growing Psilocybe Azurescens? I think I've herd that they grow on wood chips however I could be mistaken. If there's a web ling on growing azurescens could you send me the link? Thank you. -----", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Blue Angels. Habitat. This mushroom naturally grows, often prolifically, along the northern Oregon Coast near Astoria, Oregon, favoring the beachland interface. Psilocybe azurescens has a strong affection for dune grasses, especially Ammophila maritima, with which it is closely associated. Generating an extensive, dense and tenacious mycelial mat, P. azurescens causes the whitening of wood. Fruitings begin in late September and continue well after the first frost, often fruiting into late December and early January.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Psilocybe Mushrooms. These images appear in the book Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World by Paul Stamets. They are for informational purposes only and should not be used alone for identification. All photographs are copyrighted by Paul Stamets, all rights reserved, not for re-distribution without written permission.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Growing Psilocybe Azurescens? #6294171 - 11/17/06 01:35 PM (11 years, 28 days ago)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Once the mushrooms start growing, keep an eye on them and make sure there aren’t any invasive species trying to take over your Psilocybe azurescens patch. If you don’t have the time to grow magic mushrooms and you want to experience the hallucinogenic effects of psilocybin right away, you can order magic truffles online!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Please, mushroom cultivists out there... can u answer anymore of my questions about azurescens? and if not, out of those i mentioned other than the last two, which is easiest to cultivate, which will give me less aggrevation or trouble??', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Psilocybe Mushrooms These images appear in the book Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World by Paul Stamets. They are for informational purposes only and should not be used alone for identification.', 'url': ''}]
what do azurescens grow on?
Psilocybe Azurescens Locations. Psilocybe azurescens grows in tight, separated clusters on wood chips or in sandy soils rich in woody debris in late September until early January. This fungus has a tendency to grow on coastal dune grasses. Wherever it chooses to grow, it cause the whitening of wood.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '83.09%. The data for Tampa, FL may also contain data for the following areas: Tampa. Race versus Ethnicity: According to the Census, race and ethnicity are considered two separate and distinct identities. Hispanic or Latino origin is asked as a separate question and categorized under ethnicity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tampa, FL Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Tampa is 348,934, which is 14.99% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 21.14% and is higher than the national average rate of 11.61%.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Tampa Population 2017. Tampa is located on the west coast of Florida near the Gulf of Mexico on Tampa Bay. The population of Tampa is estimated at 350,000 in 2014, which makes it the 53rd largest city in the United States. Tampa's population is estimated at 350,000, up from 346,000 in 2011. Tampa is part of a large metropolitan area called the Tampa Bay Area (2.8 million population), and the city is also part of the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Metropolitan statistical area.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The county’s estimated population grew from 485,640 in 2014 to 497,909 in 2015. While Miami-Dade County remains the state’s most populous with an estimated 2,693,117 residents in July 2015, several Tampa Bay area counties are not trailing far behind it in population ranking, the census bureau notes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Graph: Population by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin, 2010 Census - Tampa, Florida. Graph: Population by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin, 2000 Census - Tampa, Florida. Graph: Change in Population between 2000 and 2010, by Age and Hispanic or Latino Origin - Tampa, Florida.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For population 25 years and over in Tampa: 1 High school or higher: 86.9%. 2 Bachelor's degree or higher: 35.5%. 3 Graduate or professional degree: 13.5 4 %. Unemployed: 7. 5 1%. Mean travel time to work (commute): 21.9 minutes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tampa, Florida. Compare population statistics about Tampa, FL by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'ST. PETERSBURG, FL — The Tampa Bay area is home to several of the country’s fastest-growing counties and some of the Sunshine State’s most populous areas, according to new data released by the U.S. Census Bureau.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Cost of Living Index is a city-to-city comparison of key consumer costs across the country. A score of 100 represents the U.S. average. Thus, cities with an index score above 100 have a higher cost of living and cities with an index score below 100 have a lower cost of living in comparison to the U.S. average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to our research of Florida and other state lists there were 251 registered sex offenders living in Tampa, Florida as of February 02, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Tampa to the number of sex offenders is 1,385 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is smaller than the state average. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2015: $2,079 (1.0%)', 'url': ''}]
population tampa florida
Tampa Population 2017. Tampa is located on the west coast of Florida near the Gulf of Mexico on Tampa Bay. The population of Tampa is estimated at 350,000 in 2014, which makes it the 53rd largest city in the United States. Tampa's population is estimated at 350,000, up from 346,000 in 2011. Tampa is part of a large metropolitan area called the Tampa Bay Area (2.8 million population), and the city is also part of the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Metropolitan statistical area.
A box usually made of cardboard and often of corrugated cardboard several cartons of books.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of carton for English Language Learners. : 1 a light box or container usually made of cardboard or plastic. : 2 a box containing things that have been packed together so they can be sold or moved.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Packing Carton (Fefco 0201) The packing carton (Fefco 0201) is the industry standard packing case and the most common type of packing box. It can be manufactured to suit your bespoke length width and depth of your product, ensuring the perfect fit without the need for tooling.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Set-up boxes instantly add an upscale look to gifts, gift boxes, and luxury items. Basic Set-up Construction. A simple set-up box involves scoring a sheet of box board so that the sides can be folded at right angles to the base. The side panels are fastened at the corners with tape, fabric, or metal.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A folding carton made of paperboard is sometimes called a cardboard box. A set-up box is made of a non-bending grade of paperboard and is sometimes called a cardboard box. Drink boxes made of paperboard laminates, are sometimes called cardboard boxes, cartons, or boxes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The paperboard that is used for a rigid box can be as much as four times thicker than the paperboard used for a folding carton and is often referred to as chipboard (although I’ve heard some manufacturers refer to all paperboard as “chipboard”).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I get asked that a lot. There are many differences as well as similarities between the two. Often looking very similar, both folding cartons and rigid boxes are indeed boxes used for packaging and both are made of paperboard. Paperboard is basically thick paper that is sturdy enough to be used for packaging.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cardboard box. Corrugated shipping container, one type of cardboard box. Cardboard boxes are industrially prefabricated boxes, primarily used for packaging goods and materials. Specialists in industry seldom use the term cardboard because it does not denote a specific material.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition of carton. : a box or container usually made of cardboard and often of corrugated cardboard several cartons of books.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Examples of carton in a sentence. 1 She got a carton of ice cream out of the freezer. 2 a carton of orange juice. 3 He bought a carton of cigarettes. Several cartons of books arrived yesterday.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Set-up Boxes. Set-up or rigid paper boxes are assembled by piecing together flat sheets of boxboard, which are held together at the sides with corner stays and adhesive. The assembled box is covered with decorative paper that is adhered to the exterior surface.', 'url': ''}]
what is a carton box
Definition of carton. : a box or container usually made of cardboard and often of corrugated cardboard several cartons of books.
is the extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and the posterior wall of the uterus in the female human body.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Culdoscopy, the introduction of an endoscope through the vagina into the cul-de-sac; 2 Culdoscope, the endoscope that is used to look into the cul-de-sac; and. 3 Culdocentesis, the aspiration (withdrawal) of fluid from the cul-de-sac.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Secondary screening was considered necessary if a mass of at least 30 mm in length was noted anywhere in the pelvic cavity, if a mass of any size showed a mixed echographic pattern, and/or if as cites measuring 50 mm or more were detected in the. .', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rectouterine pouch: An extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and back wall of the uterus. The term cul-de-sac, aside from being any blind pouch or cavity that is closed at one end, is used specifically to refer to the rectouterine pouch. From that fact comes: 1 Culdoscopy, the introduction of an endoscope through the vagina into the cul-de-sac;', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '(The pouch on the other side of the uterus is the vesicouterine excavation .) It is near the posterior fornix of the vagina. It is normal to have approximately 1 to 3 ml in the recto-uterine pouch throughout the menstrual cycle. After ovulation there is between 4 and 5 ml of fluid in the recto-uterine pouch. In men, the region corresponding to the rectouterine pouch is the rectovesical excavation, which lies between the urinary bladder and rectum.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In French, cul-de-sac literally is bottom of (a)sack.. As early as the 13th century, a cul-de-sac was a dead-end street (or a dead-end way), a blind alley. (The third letter in cul is silent in French; in English it is spoken. So, in French cul is pronounced ku and in English kul).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pouch of Douglas: An extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and the back wall of the uterus. Also known as the rectouterine pouch.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As it is the furthest point of the abdominopelvic cavity in women, it is a site where infection and fluids typically collect. The rectouterine pouch is used in the treatment of end-stage renal failure in patients who are treated by peritoneal dialysis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Also termed Dunn's pouch, this is an important anatomical landmark for chronic endometriosis. Endometrial seeding in this region causes cyclical pain in women of child bearing age. Dunn's pouch is also an important factor in retroversion of the uterus, which can frequently complicate pregnancies. The vesicouterine excavation is close to the anterior fornix of the vagina.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The rectouterine pouch (or rectouterine excavation, rectovaginal, Ehrhardt-Cole Recess, cul-de-sac, cavum Douglasi or Pouch of Douglas) is the extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and the posterior wall of the uterus in the female human body. Contents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Secondary screening was considered necessary if a mass of at least 30 mm in length was noted anywhere in the pelvic cavity, if a mass of any size showed a mixed echographic pattern, and/or if as cites measuring 50 mm or more were detected in the. pouch.', 'url': ''}]
rectouterine pouch definition
The rectouterine pouch (or rectouterine excavation, rectovaginal, Ehrhardt-Cole Recess, cul-de-sac, cavum Douglasi or Pouch of Douglas) is the extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and the posterior wall of the uterus in the female human body. Contents.
Yes, the chairman has a higher rank than the CEO.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Loading the player... A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, and their primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, and acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I've ALWAYS been confused about this. Is the CEO, Chairman or President higher? In Microsoft's case, Bill Gates' occupation is apparently still listed as Chairman of Microsoft. However it's been stated in several articles that Bill Gates has left Microsoft, and that the CEO, since 2000 is Steve Ballmer. Now, is there a President of Microsoft then?", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest rank in a top management position. Often the owner of the business takes up that position. The term President and CEO are …used in a single entity based businesses, where as the term Mnaging Director is normally used in a business with multiple entities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is possible for a person to simultaneously serve as CEO and chairman of the board, though many corporate control experts believe it is bad to vest both offices in the same person. 1 5.The board of directors is the highest ranking body in a corporation, and the chairman of the board is the highest ranking individual. The CEO generally works under the board and its chairman, and the board generally has the authority to remove the CEO under certain conditions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'So, I conclude that the chairman, as a member of the board of directors, has a higher rank than the president / CEO because the chairman can have a role in hiring and firing the president / CEO, whereas the converse is not the case. This answer is not a substitute for professional legal advice....', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'So, I conclude that the chairman, as a member of the board of directors, has a higher rank than the president / CEO because the chairman can have a role in hiring and firing the president / CEO, whereas the converse is not the case. Views · View Upvotes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "While the CEO directs the operational aspects of a company, the board oversees the company as a whole, and the leader of the board is called the chairman. The board has the power to overrule the CEO's decisions, but the chairman of the board does not have the power to overrule the board.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Within the corporate office or corporate center of a company, some companies have a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as the top-ranking executive, while the number two is the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO); other companies have a President and CEO but no official deputy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1.By law in most states, the chairman of the board must also be the CEO. 2.In most corporations, the CFO ranks above the CEO. 3.The CFO generally reports to the firm's chief accounting officer, who is normally the controller.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You betcha Yes. The Chairman of the Board, with the Board's approval, can terminate the CEO. The Chairman of the Board is the Company or Corporation's highest ranking E…xecutive and Officer. This answer is incorrect. The CEO works for the Board as a whole, not the Chairman.", 'url': ''}]
is chairman higher ranking than ceo
So, I conclude that the chairman, as a member of the board of directors, has a higher rank than the president / CEO because the chairman can have a role in hiring and firing the president / CEO, whereas the converse is not the case. This answer is not a substitute for professional legal advice....
A coastal city in the South Texas region of the U.S. state of Texas.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nueces County Courthouse, Corpus Christi, Texas. Old Nueces County Courthouse, Corpus Christi, Texas. Many thanks to Dusty Durill for giving STPS the opportunity to investigate the Old Nueces County Courthouse on 6 different occasions 1999-2000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nueces County Courthouse, Built: 1914, Closed: 1977, Corpus Christi, Texas. In 1853 lawlessness in Nueces County, which covered most of the area from Corpus Christi to the Mexican border, prompted the construction of the first county courthouse on this block. Three lots were purchased for $300 from Corpus Christi founder, Henry Lawrence Kinney (1814-1865).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Keep Reading. 1 Pier Lighting Project Nueces County Coastal Parks is about to start its pier relighting project for both Horace Caldwell and Bob Hall Piers. 2 Online Payments Down for Maintenance May 1st, 2017. 3 Our New Look Nueces County's website has a new look.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Read More... A cold front will move into the area on Saturday providing a chance for showers and thunderstorms. Cooler and drier air will be in place for Sunday and Monday, with chilly conditions Saturday night and Sunday night. A warming trend is then in store for next week. Read More...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find Corpus Christi Texas clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Corpus Christi Clerk.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nueces County Appraisal District. Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. Nueces County Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Nueces County.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Pier Lighting Project Nueces County Coastal Parks is about to start its pier relighting project for both Horace Caldwell and Bob Hall Piers. Online Payments Down for Maintenance May 1st, 2017. Our New Look Nueces County's website has a new look.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Corpus Christi, Texas. Corpus Christi (/ˌkɔːrpəs ˈkrɪsti/), colloquially Corpus, is a coastal city in the South Texas region of the U.S. state of Texas. The county seat of Nueces County, it also extends into Aransas, Kleberg, and San Patricio Counties. It is 130 miles southeast of San Antonio.', 'url': ',_Texas'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Employment Options. Reference Request Form – Please submit at least 3 references with your application. Please contact Daniella Gonzalez with Human Resources at (361)886-1013 if you need any assistance with the application process.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find Nueces County Texas courts and courthouses, such as federal, state, district, superior, criminal, common, circuit, judicial, judiciary, divorce, appeals, family, traffic, and small claims courts. Courts provide information on legal cases, law documents, case searches, and appeals. Nueces County Court. Find Nueces County Texas courts and courthouses, such as federal, state, district, superior, criminal, common, circuit, judicial, judiciary, divorce, appeals, family, traffic, and small claims courts. Courts provide information on legal cases, law documents, case searches, and appeals.', 'url': ''}]
what county is corpus christi
Corpus Christi, Texas. Corpus Christi (/ˌkɔːrpəs ˈkrɪsti/), colloquially Corpus, is a coastal city in the South Texas region of the U.S. state of Texas. The county seat of Nueces County, it also extends into Aransas, Kleberg, and San Patricio Counties. It is 130 miles southeast of San Antonio.
No, the role of heredity in Kienbock's disease has not been addressed.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Radiographic classification. 1 Stage I Normal radiograph (possible lunate fracture). 2 Stage II Sclerosis of the lunate without collapse. (Portions of the lunate begin to deteriorate. This shows as a white blemish on x-rays.) 3 Stage IIIA Lunate collapse and fragmentation, in addition to proximal migration of the capitate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The etiology of Kienbock's disease, avascular necrosis of the carpal lunate, is unknown. Causal factors are implied by their prevalence in the literature. The role of heredity in Kienbock's disease has not been addressed. This report documents the familial occurrence of Kienbock's disease in a mother and daughter and raises the possibility of a genetic contribution. Kienbock's disease is the eponym designating avascular necrosis of the carpal lunate2,4.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For instance, some patients have had casting, bone graft, radial shortening, proximal row carpectomy, and wrist fusion, all on the same hand. 1 Left hand x-ray with Kienbock's Disease showing 4 mm negative ulnar variance and Kienbock's Disease Stage IIIB. 2 Left hand x-ray with Kienbock's Disease. 3 Left hand x-ray post proximal row carpectomy.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Specifically, Kienböck's disease is another name for avascular necrosis (death and fracture of bone tissue due to interruption of blood supply) with fragmentation and collapse of the lunate.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Kienböck's disease. Kienböck's disease is a disorder of the wrist. It is named for Dr. Robert Kienböck, a radiologist in Vienna, Austria who described osteomalacia of the lunate in 1910. It is breakdown of the lunate bone, a carpal bone in the wrist that articulates with the radius in the forearm. Specifically, Kienböck's disease is another name for avascular necrosis with fragmentation and collapse of the lunate. This has classically been attributed to arterial disruption, but may also occur after events ...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Lunatomalacia or Kienbock's Disease is a medical condition in which there is a collapse of lunate bones in the wrist. This is generally caused as a result of vascular insufficiency and avascular necrosis of lunate. This is generally unilateral or one sided.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Kienböck's disease is classified as a rare disorder, meaning that it affects fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S. population. Many Kienböck's patients are frustrated by the lack of consensus among hand surgeons about optimal treatments for Kienböck's.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The purpose of this classification system is to guide treatment and to enable comparison of clinical outcomes. 1 Stage I Normal radiograph (possible lunate fracture). 2 Stage II Sclerosis of the lunate without collapse. 3 Stage IIIA Lunate collapse and fragmentation, in addition to proximal migration of the capitate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Lunatomalacia or Kienbock's Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention. Wrist pain- This is a sort of pain which usually is prevalent in people who are involved in repetitive activity at work which may result in different medical conditions affecting the wrist resulting in pain.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "The etiology of Kienbock's disease, avascular necrosis of the carpal lunate, is unknown. Causal factors are implied by their prevalence in the literature. The role of heredity in Kienbock's disease has not been addressed. This report documents the familial occurrence of Kienbock's disease in a mother and daughter and raises the possibility of a genetic contribution. Kienbock's disease is the eponym designating avascular necrosis of the carpal lunate 2,4.", 'url': ''}]
is kienbock's disease hereditary
The etiology of Kienbock's disease, avascular necrosis of the carpal lunate, is unknown. Causal factors are implied by their prevalence in the literature. The role of heredity in Kienbock's disease has not been addressed. This report documents the familial occurrence of Kienbock's disease in a mother and daughter and raises the possibility of a genetic contribution. Kienbock's disease is the eponym designating avascular necrosis of the carpal lunate 2,4.
It is quasi-municipal corporation created and organized by state legislatures and charged with the administration of public schools within the state.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Schools and School Districts. School districts are quasi-municipal corporations created and organized by state legislatures and charged with the administration of public schools within the state. A quasi-municipal corporation is a political body created for the sole purpose of performing one public function.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The word free in a district's name indicates that no tuition is charged to attend district schools. In New York, it is used in conjunction with union to indicate a district composed of multiple, formerly independent common school districts now free of restrictions placed on New York State's common school districts.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Kentucky — Here, Independent districts are separate from county districts, the standard form of school district in the state. If a county has no independent district, its school district boundaries coincide exactly with its borders.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Most state legislatures require that school districts be governed by a school board, board of education, or similar body. School boards govern the school district's actions and can also take action on their own.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For example, a school district is defined as an elementary school district if its operational grade range is less than the full kindergarten through 12 or prekindergarten through 12 grade range (for example, K6 or pre-K8).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'State legislatures delegate many aspects of public education to school districts. School districts have the power to fashion curricula and make rules and regulations that apply to the schools, school employees, and students within the district.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the United States, public schools belong to school districts, which are governed by school boards. Each district is an independent special-purpose government, or dependent school systems, under the guidelines of each U.S. state government and local school boards. A school district is a legally separate body corporate and politic.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In most areas, the head of the school district is called the superintendent. Each school district contains at least one school. Typically, a school district includes primary schools, also called grade schools, middle or junior high schools, and high schools.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For elementary school districts where the operational grade range and financially responsible grade range are the same, the secondary school district code field will contain a secondary school district code.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A school district is a form of special-purpose district which serves to operate local public primary and secondary schools, for formal academic or scholastic teaching, in various nations.', 'url': ''}]
school district definition
Schools and School Districts. School districts are quasi-municipal corporations created and organized by state legislatures and charged with the administration of public schools within the state. A quasi-municipal corporation is a political body created for the sole purpose of performing one public function.
Discipline is training that is expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Effective classroom management helps ensure student success in self-regulating their behavior by eliminating many unnecessary problems. I find that for my philosophy of discipline to be realized in the classroom, classroom rules and guidelines need to be agreed upon as a class. I like the social contract concept in the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Philosophy of Discipline. Discipline is training that is expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior; it is training that produces moral or mental improvement. Punishment is a penalty imposed for wrongdoing. Many educators sometimes forget the difference between the two concepts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Discipline: The Schoolwide Plan. It is the goal of Dreaming Summit to provide a safe and secure learning environment for our students. In order to accomplish this goal, Dreaming Summit uses the Schoolwide Assertive Discipline Plan.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Metaphilosophy (sometimes called philosophy of philosophy) is the investigation of the nature of philosophy. Its subject matter includes the aims of philosophy, the boundaries of philosophy, and its methods. It is considered by some to be a subject apart from philosophy, while others see it as automatically a part of philosophy, and still others see it as a combination of these subjects. The interest in metaphilosophy led to the establishment of the journal Metaphilosophy in January 1970.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Osceola Middle School Discipline Philosophy. All Osceola Middle School students are guaranteed important rights and privileges. Among these are. the right to live and learn in a safe, orderly, and clean environment. Students have the right to be. respected and to have their property respected and protected.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The discipline policy at Osceola Middle School is a collaborative effort on the part of the school, parents, and students. Discipline does not necessarily mean punishment. Discipline does mean the. development of attitudes which lead the student to respect the need for rules and the willingness to. follow them. Our expectations for student behavior are based on common sense, respect for the rights. of others, and self‐respect.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Philosophy of Discipline and Classroom Management. I believe that discipline and classroom management exist as additional learning experiences for students. Good discipline does not emerge from a teacher’s desire to control a student or to assert her power over a student.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Joll suggests that to take metaphilosophy as 'the application of the methods of philosophy to philosophy itself' is too vague, while the view that sees metaphilosophy as a 'second-order' or more abstract discipline, outside philosophy, is narrow and tendentious.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Others, such as Williamson, prefer the term 'philosophy of philosophy' instead of 'metaphilosophy' as it avoids the connotation of a 'second-order' discipline that looks down on philosophy, and instead denotes something that is a part of it.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I also believe that students need to have an understanding of why certain behavior is expected both before a student is disciplined and afterward. Discipline is a process that does not end with a verbal reprimand or a knowing glance in a student’s direction.', 'url': ''}]
philosophy of discipline
Philosophy of Discipline. Discipline is training that is expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior; it is training that produces moral or mental improvement. Punishment is a penalty imposed for wrongdoing. Many educators sometimes forget the difference between the two concepts.
Two years of age
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Catching and Handling the Foal, by Clinton Anderson. I’m a firm believer in working with foals as soon as they are born because the earlier you can start to work with them, the less fearful and more respectful they become. Catching your foal is the first step to desensitizing him to human touch.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Try to keep young horses to an easy, smooth and slow walk for most, if not all, of the training sessions since a trot or canter places much more stress on their developing bones and tendons. Finally, the atmosphere you work your horse in can also place demands on him.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Whereas it may be safe to start a horse as early as two years of age, you must reasonably moderate the demands you are about to place on the developing horse. One hour of riding work may be just fine for a fully developed horse, but it is most often unacceptable for a two-year old.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The conformation of your horse. The demands you will place on your horse. And potentially, your physical stature, balance and weight. When someone asks what age they should consider starting a horse, most often they are referring specifically to saddle work, in which case the average is around 2-4 years of age.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The average age a horse fully matures, both mentally and physically, is 4-5 years. Although you can start a horse under saddle before 4 or 5 years of age, it's important to remember they are still developing at that age and therefore your training regimen must not be too severe for their developing bodies to handle.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'After your veterinarian sedates the foal, then one of two methods can be used to get the foal on the mat. The first method works well if you have a very strong person that can pick the foal up (holding him around the chest and hindquarters) and gently lay him down. The second method works well on very young foals.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If the foal struggles to get up, you can keep him down by gently putting pressure on the foal's neck, while keeping the foal's nose in the air. If the foal can get his nose on the ground, then he will be able to get his legs underneath him and launch himself onto his feet.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The training of a foal should begin from his first day of life, not postponed until he is weaned. When people wait until the foal is older--even two to three months of age--often there is a fight, and someone is the loser, whether it be the human or the foal.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '7) When you can successfully catch the foal on one side of his body, and he doesn’t struggle against your hold, practice catching him from his other side. Remember that horses have two sides to their brains, a left side and a right side. Whatever you teach to one side, you have to teach to the other.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Having a friendly, well-trained foal is the goal of every horse owner and breeder. The way to achieve this goal is to begin early, starting with imprint training and continuing with halter and lead training while the foal is very young.', 'url': ''}]
how early can you start training on a horse foal?
Whereas it may be safe to start a horse as early as two years of age, you must reasonably moderate the demands you are about to place on the developing horse. One hour of riding work may be just fine for a fully developed horse, but it is most often unacceptable for a two-year old.
There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent.Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "This Jasmine variety is the most fragrant yellow blooming vine you can find. It has an unmistakable, sweet scent. Plant several Yellow Jasmine Vines for a scent you can smell from a distance.Blooming in early spring and again in the fall, these golden, bell-shaped flowers are just as fragrant as you'd expect from any type of Jasmine.his Jasmine variety is the most fragrant yellow blooming vine you can find. It has an unmistakable, sweet scent. Plant several Yellow Jasmine Vines for a scent you can smell from a distance.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I know this is about a perfume or oil not a plant but once I am captivated by a plant's scent I become obsessed well that's a little strong..... but intrigued with finding it in a form that can go and bloom everywhere.... I found some good tuberose fragrance as of late......oapNCandles: Jasmine: Not like perfume jasmine, but it's IDENTICAL to Angelwing Jasmine (Jasminum nitidum), but stronger.. My favorite plant is Jasminum Nitidum. I assumed all jasmine oils were replicas of Jasminum Officinale Grandiflorum or one of the Jasminum Sambacs.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The common name Jasmine covers a broad array of vines and shrubs that come from all corners of the temperate world. Some of these are true Jasmines, from the Jasminum genus, but there many more Jasmines and Jessamines in different plant families that deserve attention.Most Jasmines that are commonly found in garden centers are covered in this article.ative to the Himachal Pradesh province of northeast India – This jasmine is not a vine, but a cute rock garden plant. Small tubular yellow flowers in summer and bright evergreen leaves on a little shrub perfectly suited to a rock garden or container planting.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The above houseplants tend to require a bit of TLC, while the following are more adaptable for growing as indoor plants that smell good too. Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac) or pink jasmine is a member of the olive family and is an evergreen vine that grows outside in warm climates.dvertisement. Scented geraniums are also a popular option for fragrant indoor plants. Caring for this aromatic plant indoors is a bit simpler than the gardenia. Geraniums have a wide range of scents from lemon, peppermint, chocolate, orange, lavender, rose and even pineapple.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jasmine (taxonomic name Jasminum /ˈjaesmɨnəm/) ˈjæsmɨnəm is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive (Family). Oleaceae it contains around 200 species native to tropical and warm temperate regions of The, Eurasia australasia And. oceanian Syria, jasmine is the symbolic flower of Damascus, which is called the City of Jasmine. In Thailand, jasmine flowers are used as a symbol for motherhood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Overview. There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent. Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.verview. There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent. Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent.Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.verview. There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent. Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jasmine (taxonomic name Jasminum /ˈjaesmɨnəm/) ˈjæsmɨnəm is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive (Family). oleaceaen Syria, jasmine is the symbolic flower of Damascus, which is called the City of Jasmine. In Thailand, jasmine flowers are used as a symbol for motherhood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "5. Mint: Mint is pretty much a magical plant for me. You can eat the leaves, drink the tea made from the leaves and you can't really kill it (plant it in a separate container or away from other plants in the garden).ome people find it too strong (for me Jasmine is too strong in the summer and makes me feel kind of light headed) but it's super sweet fragrance and pretty flowers make for a great fence cover or trellis plant near an open window. 4. Gardenias: These I have literally never had any luck with.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Some people find it too strong (for me Jasmine is too strong in the summer and makes me feel kind of light headed) but it's super sweet fragrance and pretty flowers make for a great fence cover or trellis plant near an open window.4. Gardenias: These I have literally never had any luck with.ome people find it too strong (for me Jasmine is too strong in the summer and makes me feel kind of light headed) but it's super sweet fragrance and pretty flowers make for a great fence cover or trellis plant near an open window. 4. Gardenias: These I have literally never had any luck with.", 'url': ''}]
types of jasmine tree that really smells great
There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent.Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.verview. There are over 200 species of jasmine. Most are vines, some are shrubs and a few can be grown as trees. Although jasmine is known for its heady fragrance, some species do not have any scent. Others have a strong fragrance that is most apparent at night.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Historians typically use the title Republican Party. It was the second political party in the United States, and was organized by then Thomas Jefferson and his friend James Madison in 1791–93, to oppose the Federalist Party run by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the first place it is to be remarked that however small the Republic may be, the Representatives must be raised to a certain number, in order to guard against the cabals of a few; and that however large it may be, they must be limited to a certain number, in order to guard against the confusion of a multitude.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Democratic-Republican Party was the American political party in the 1790s of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formed in opposition to the centralizing policies of the new Federalist party. It came to power in 1800, and dominated national and state affairs until the 1820s, when it faded away.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by a majority of the whole; a communication and concert results from the form of Government itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party, or an obnoxious individual.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jefferson and Madison often used the terms republican and Republican party in their letters. The 1804 Convention of Republican members of Congress that renominated Jefferson described itself as a regular republican caucus. The name Democratic-Republican was used by contemporaries only occasionally.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jefferson needed to have a nationwide party to challenge the Federalists, a nationwide party organized by Hamilton. Foreign affairs took a leading role in 1794–95 as the Republicans vigorously opposed the Jay Treaty with Britain, which was then at war with France.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Federalists v Republicans. The Federalist Party was America’s first political party, formed chiefly by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton during his tenure in George Washington’s cabinet. The Federalist Party believed in strong central Government, a national banking system and good relations and trade with England.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From this view of the subject, it may be concluded, that a pure Democracy, by which I mean, a Society, consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the Government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Adams quickly alienated members of the Federalist Party by failing to consult with them before making decisions. Unlike George Washington, Adams had no intention of including Alexander Hamilton in political affairs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Republicans would win back the seat of power in 1801 with the election of Thomas Jefferson as President and the subsequent splitting of the Federalist Party. The Federalist Party would be virtually dissolved after expressing opposition to the War of 1812 and completely gone by 1825.', 'url': ''}]
is a federalist a republican
Federalists v Republicans. The Federalist Party was America’s first political party, formed chiefly by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton during his tenure in George Washington’s cabinet. The Federalist Party believed in strong central Government, a national banking system and good relations and trade with England.
It is a ​number on an X-axis that ​shows the ​coordinate of a ​point.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The distance of a point from the y-axis on a graph in the Cartesian coordinate system. It is measured parallel to the x-axis. For example, a point having coordinates (2,3) has 2 as its abscissa. Compare ordinate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'abscissa. n, pl-scissas or-scissae (-ˈsɪsiː). 1. (Mathematics) the horizontal or x-coordinate of a point in a two-dimensional system of Cartesian coordinates. It is the distance from the y-axis measured parallel to the x-axis. Compare ordinate. [C17: New Latin, originally linea abscissa a cut-off line].', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'abscissa. the horizontal line in a graph along which are plotted the units of one of the factors considered in the study, as time in a time-temperature study.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'abscissa. the horizontal line in a graph along which are plotted the units of one of the variables considered in the study, as time in a time-temperature study. The other line is called the ordinate. Axes of graph showing normal distribution curve.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nearby Terms. 1 above par. 2 above the line. 3 above the line 4 ... above water. 5 abridged accoun... 6 abridgment. 7 abroad. 8 abrogate. 9 abscissa. 10 absentee landlo... 11 absenteeism. 12 absolute advant... 13 absolute assign... 14 absolute auctio... 15 absolute cost a... 16 absolute error. 17 absolute freque...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'ab•scis•sa. (in plane Cartesian coordinates) the x-coordinate of a point: its distance from the y-axis measured parallel to the x-axis. Compare ordinate. abscissus, past participle of abscindere to cut off = ab-ab- + scindere to divide, tear].', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'abscissa-the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis. Cartesian coordinate-one of the coordinates in a system of coordinates that locates a point on a plane or in space by its distance from two lines or three planes respectively; the two lines or the intersections of the three planes are the coordinate axes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'abscissa noun [C]. › a \u200bnumber on an X-axis that \u200bshows the \u200bcoordinate of a \u200bpoint. (Definition of abscissa from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'abscissa noun [C]. › mathematics the first \u200bnumber in a \u200bpair; a \u200bnumber on an X-axis (= \u200bline) that \u200bshows the coordinate (= \u200bplace along that \u200bline) of a \u200bpoint. (Definition of abscissa from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press). Browse. 1 abrogate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. abscissa-the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis. Cartesian coordinate-one of the coordinates in a system of coordinates that locates a point on a plane or in space by its distance from two lines or three planes respectively; the two lines or the intersections of the three planes are the coordinate axes.', 'url': ''}]
what is an abscissa
abscissa noun [C]. › a ​number on an X-axis that ​shows the ​coordinate of a ​point. (Definition of abscissa from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).
A walk issued to a batter by a pitcher with the intent of removing the batter's opportunity to swing at the pitched ball.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "First determine the starting pitcher's Game Score as follows: 1 Start with 50. 2 Add 1 point for each out recorded by the starting pitcher. 3 Add 2 point for each inning the pitcher completes after the fourth inning. Add 1 point for each 1 strikeout. Subtract 2 points for each hit allowed. Subtract 4 points for each earned run allowed.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This page is about the meanings of the acronym/abbreviation/shorthand IBB in the Sports field in general and in the Baseball terminology in particular.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When a batter receives an intentional base on balls, he is entitled to take first base without being put out. Receiving an intentional base on balls does not count as an official at bat for a batter, but does count as a plate appearance and a base on balls. A ball that is thrown intentionally for the purpose of giving up an intentional base on balls is called an intentional ball.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "In baseball, an intentional base on balls, usually referred to as an intentional walk and denoted in baseball scorekeeping by IBB, is a walk issued to a batter by a pitcher with the intent of removing the batter's opportunity to swing at the pitched ball.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Ibb is a city in Yemen, the capital of Ibb Governorate, located about 117 kilometres northeast of Mocha and 194 kilometres south of Sana'a. A market town and administrative centre developed during the Ottoman occupation, it is one of the most important medium-sized cities in the country.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Ibb is a city in Yemen, the capital of Ibb Governorate, located about 117 kilometres northeast of Mocha and 194 kilometres south of Sana'a. A market town and administrative centre developed during the Ottoman occupation, it is one of the most important medium-sized cities in the country. It is situated on a mountain ridge, surrounded by fertile land. As of 2005, it had a population of 160,000.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A Late & Close situation meets the following requirements: 1 The game is in the seventh inning or later, and. 2 the batting team is either leading by one run, tied, or has the potential tying run on base, at bat, or on deck.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A base on balls (BB), also known as a walk, occurs in baseball when a batter receives four pitches that the umpire calls balls, and is then entitled to reach first base without the possibility of being called out. The base on balls is defined in Section 2.00 of baseball's Official Rules, and further detail is given in 6.08(a).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Four things are considered: 1 Need Hits - the number of hits needed to reach the goal. (This, of course, could also be Need Home Runs or Need Doubles - Whatever.) 2 Years Remaining. The number of years remaining to meet the goal is estimated by the formula 24- .6(age). 3 Established Hit Level.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For more than a century, statistics have been a staple of the game of baseball. Arguably no sport has a closer relationship with the stats that chronicle its every play. Although the baseball industry has undergone a drastic and well-chronicled evolution in the statistical realm, many basic numbers have nonetheless maintained significant importance.', 'url': ''}]
what is ibb in baseball
In baseball, an intentional base on balls, usually referred to as an intentional walk and denoted in baseball scorekeeping by IBB, is a walk issued to a batter by a pitcher with the intent of removing the batter's opportunity to swing at the pitched ball.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A currency (from Middle English: curraunt, in circulation, from Latin: currens, -entis) in the most specific use of the word refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find the currency you need for your next trip. It’s simple to exchange currency online with Travelex. Order your foreign currency online to lock in Travelex’s lowest rates. Select the currency you need for your next trip, and then choose either home delivery or pickup from one of our stores across the U.S.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Many of the most common currencies can be collected in store the very next day if you order by 1 PM. All other currencies are available for store collection in 5 days. You can get any currency delivered to your home the next day if you order it before 4 PM EST. Please note there are some exceptions: If an order is placed for Next Day delivery and isn't processed in time, any difference in the shipping fee will be refunded to the payment card.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Currency Exchange in London. The pound is generally a stable currency. Following the recent referendum vote to leave the European Union, the UK continues to use the pound, and you can exchange currency as usual. Find the current exchange rates in your currency.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Save this Post. 2. Re: Money in Prague. Jul 24, 2012, 9:24 AM. use Czech money! please!...makes me crazy when Americans want to use dollars.. no offense to you but it comes across as being spoiled and lazy IMO... it adds to the stereotype. . made me cringe would good friends wanted to use dollars in a shop...lo and behold they accepted dollars.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Germany Tourism and Travel by Everything about Germany. Germany Currency. Here is some general information on Germany and the national currency (Euro) that I hope will be useful for anyone planning a trip here. One of the first things you will need to do when planning your trip to Germany is convert your national currency to the Euro. To do this you can either get it prior to your departure at your local bank, or get it at the arrival airport in Germany at a currency conversion table. When converting currency at the airport table keep in mind that most are not open 24/7.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Makes me crazy when tourists (like me) asks a reasonable question, and a local Czech responds with OFFENSE, although stating no offense meant. Questions are meant to understand where you are going, not to be lazy. I hope most Czechs do not go crazy with a simple question like the original poster asked.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Another way to get Euro while in Germany is to use your ATM card. You can find an ATM at any bank. Most accept foreign ATM cards but not all. If your ATM card is rejected you will probably get a “card not in network” prompt on the screen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The UK's currency is the pound sterling (£ / GBP). Familiarise yourself with British currency with the following traveller information. There are 100 pence (p) to the pound (£). Notes come in denominations of £5, £10, £20 and £50. Coins come in 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. The pound is generally a stable currency. Following the recent referendum vote to leave the European Union, the UK continues to use the pound, and you can exchange currency as usual.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "for vistors and residents. Currency in Germany: The Euro. Germany's currency is the Euro (currency symbol: €), which replaced the traditional Deutsche Mark (also known as Deutschmark or DM) in 2002. The Euro is the only generally accepted currency in Germany.", 'url': ''}]
what currency does germany use
for vistors and residents. Currency in Germany: The Euro. Germany's currency is the Euro (currency symbol: €), which replaced the traditional Deutsche Mark (also known as Deutschmark or DM) in 2002. The Euro is the only generally accepted currency in Germany.
A single polymer molecule may consist of hundreds to a million monomers and may have a linear, branched, or network structure.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the present paper these values are determined for a number of polymers, and a correlation between deformation of bonds in the chain and deformation of a specimen is established. I.r. spectroscopy has been used for this purpose.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Deformation of in polymers interatomic bonds V. M. Voroboyev and I. V. Razumovskaya V. I. Lenin State Pedagogical Institute of Moscow, Moscow, USSR and V. I. Vettegren A. F. Ioffe Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, USSR (Received 2 March 1978; revised 10 July 1978) Values of the deformation of macromolecules due to distortion of valency angles and bond lengths have been determined from shifts of the intrinsic infra-red (i.r.) vibration frequencies. It has been shown that in a polymer under stress there exists a small number (a few percent) of overstressed macromolecular segments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The classes of biological molecules may be grouped into the types of polymers they form and the monomers that act as subunits: 1 Lipids - polymers are diglycerides, triglycerides; monomers are glycerol and fatty acids. 2 Proteins - polymers are polypeptides; monomers are amino acids.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Groups of Monomers and Polymers The classes of biological molecules may be grouped into the types of polymers they form and the monomers that act as subunits: Lipids - polymers are diglycerides, triglycerides; monomers are glycerol and fatty acids', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Monomers are the building blocks of more complex molecules, called polymers. Here is a closer look at the chemistry of monomers and polymers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The word monomer comes from mono- (one) and -mer (part). Monomers are small molecules which may be joined together in a repeating fashion to form more complex molecules called polymers. Monomers form polymers by forming chemical bonds or binding supramolecularly through a process called polymerization. Sometimes polymers are made from bound groups of monomer subunits (up to a few dozen monomers) called oligomers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Monomers are the building blocks of more complex molecules, called polymers. Polymers consist of repeating molecular units which usually are joined by covalent bonds. Here is a closer look at the chemistry of monomers and polymers. Monomers', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gubanov and Kosobukin4 have shown theoretically that the stretching of a polymer molecule produces a change in the valence angles and bonds, and a decrease in the force constants. There are a number of skeletal frequencies for which an unambiguous dependence exists between the fre- quency shift and the force.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A single polymer molecule may consist of hundreds to a million monomers and may have a linear, branched, or network structure. Covalent bonds hold the atoms in the polymer molecules together and secondary bonds then hold groups of polymer chains together to form the polymeric material. Copolymers are polymers composed of two or more different types of monomers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '*Technically, diglycerides, and triglycerides are not true polymers because they form via dehydration synthesis of smaller molecules, not from the end-to-end linkage of monomers that characterizes true polymerization. 1 Article. 2 List. 3 List. 4 List. 5 Article. 6 Article. 7 Article. 8 Article.', 'url': ''}]
what bonds are polymers
A single polymer molecule may consist of hundreds to a million monomers and may have a linear, branched, or network structure. Covalent bonds hold the atoms in the polymer molecules together and secondary bonds then hold groups of polymer chains together to form the polymeric material. Copolymers are polymers composed of two or more different types of monomers.
Regular or pectin-added, full-sugar cooked jellies are best stored for 1 month in the refrigerator after opening.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Freezer/refrigerator jams and jellies are a distinct category of products that have to be stored in the refrigerator (usually up to 3 weeks) or frozen for up to a year. It is always a good practice to carefully examine all home-canned jars of food for signs of spoilage prior to opening and eating.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Message withdrawn at poster's request. i think it helps if you cover it up with clingfilm or whatever, and i'd probably keep in for up to 3 days. Registering is free, easy, and means you can join in the discussion, get discounts, win prizes and lots more.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. Jell-O stays fresh for seven to 10 days in the refrigerator once it has been mixed. Vodka, which is often used to make Jell-O shots, stays fresh for an indefinite amount of time if unopened. Continue Reading.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Q: How long can I keep my homemade jams and jellies once I open them? A: Opened home-canned jams and jellies should be kept in the refrigerator at 40F or lower. Regular or pectin-added, full-sugar cooked jams and jellies are best stored for 1 month in the refrigerator after opening. They may last longer depending on the specific product and how it is used.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jelly may take up to a week to set. Once set, it is ready to serve. Store in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, once set. If canning for long term storage, process in a hot water bath for 10 minutes, or contact your local extension for processing times in your area.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Combine grape juice and pectin in a large pot over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, and stir one minute at a rolling boil. Stir in sugar for a few minutes to completely dissolve. Remove from heat. Ladle the hot jelly into the jars, leaving 1/2 inch of space at the top. Wipe rims of jars with a clean dry cloth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A typical full-sugar fruit jam or jelly should be safe to eat if the jar seal remains intact and the product shows no visible signs of spoilage from molds or yeasts. Additional reading about processing jams and jellies and storing home-canned foods:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For best quality, it is recommended that all home-canned foods be used within a year. Most homemade jams and jellies that use a tested recipe, and have been processed in a canner for the recommended time, should retain best quality and flavor for up to that one year recommended time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The shelf life of the product is affected by many factors including these: the type of fruit, the amount of sugar and preservatives, whether it is a homemade or a commercial product, and how the product is handled by the consumer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Several old jam or jelly recipes called for Epsom Salt to help the product gel, but this is NOT a recommended practice. Epsom Salt is a bitter, colorless or white crystalline salt which is a hydrated magnesium sulfate. Magnesium has the ability to form weak links with pectin in the presence of sugar and acid.', 'url': ''}]
how long is jelly good for
Q: How long can I keep my homemade jams and jellies once I open them? A: Opened home-canned jams and jellies should be kept in the refrigerator at 40F or lower. Regular or pectin-added, full-sugar cooked jams and jellies are best stored for 1 month in the refrigerator after opening. They may last longer depending on the specific product and how it is used.
Yes, Swahili is also known as Kiswahili.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This can be explained by the fact that it is spoken in many different countries. 1 Kiunguja which originated on the island of Zanzibar is considered to be the standard. 2 Mambrui (Malindi) 3 Mgao (Kimgao) 4 Mrima (Mtang’ata) 5 Pemba. 6 Unguja (Kiunguja, Zanzibar).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For centuries, Swahili remained as the language for the people of the East African coast. Long-time interactions with other people bordering the Indian Ocean spread the Swahili language to distant places such as on the islands of Comoro and Madagascar and even far beyond to South Africa, Oman and United Arab Emirates.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Swahili language. Swahili, also known as Kiswahili, is a Bantu language and the first language of the Swahili people. It is a lingua franca of the African Great Lakes region and other parts of eastern and south-eastern Africa, including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Define Swahili. Swahili synonyms, Swahili pronunciation, Swahili translation, English dictionary definition of Swahili. n. pl. Swahili or Swa·hi·lis 1. A Bantu language of the coast and islands of eastern Africa from Somalia to Mozambique. It is an official language of...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Swahili is said to be the easiest African language for an English speaker to learn. It’s one of the few sub-Saharan African languages that have no lexical tone, just like in English. It’s also much easier to read as you read out Swahili words just the way they are written. Someone who speaks Arabic may find it easier to learn Swahili because Swahili is a combination of words from Arabic and the Bantu-speaking communities of East Africa.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Contemporary Examples. 1 The Telegraph reports that he is fluent in Swahili and a keen zoologist. 2 Neither Arabic or Swahili writings make note of Gedi, despite it being located 65 miles from the port city of Mombasa. 3 Campi ya Kanzi means “Camp of the Hidden Treasure” in Swahili.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The point of Swahii is to put aside normative judgments about bad Nairobi Swahili and just teach it as a colloquial, practical form of Swahili. Those interested in studying Swahili literature should learn the right way, but for most foreigners in Nairobi, the goal is to get to know people and break down the language barrier.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Comoros. 1 Mohamed Djaanfari. 2 Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi. 3 Ikililou Dhoinine. 4 Hamada Madi. 5 Djoueria Abdallah. 6 Fazul Abdullah Mohammed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The object of my course is not to teach kiSwahili grammar or written kiSwahili, but rather to get you conversing confidently from day one. You will learn to read as we go, but you will have to take advance courses if you plan to write a book!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Getting Around. 1 Where is the 2 ... Airport = uwanja wa ndege. 3 Bus station = stesheni ya basi. 4 Bus stop = bas stendi. 5 Taxi stand = stendi ya teksi. 6 Train Station = stesheni ya treni. 7 Bank = benki. 8 Market = soko. 9 Police station = kituo cha polisi. 10 Post Office = posta.', 'url': ''}]
is kiswahili swahili
Swahili language. Swahili, also known as Kiswahili, is a Bantu language and the first language of the Swahili people. It is a lingua franca of the African Great Lakes region and other parts of eastern and south-eastern Africa, including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
It is evidence/support used to support an argument/position, and is derived from reading and drawing from other text. A textual example is text that the author wrote that you take and form.your own opinion on based on what the author said. For example if a book says: Jill was a good kid, never got into trouble, and always stayed on top of her grades.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In argumentation, evidence refers to facts, documentation, or testimony used to strengthen a claim, support an argument, or reach a conclusion. Evidence isn't the same as proof. Whereas evidence allows for professional judgment, proof is absolute and incontestable (Denis Hayes, Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools, 2009).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'of or relating to a text: textual errors. 2. based on or conforming to the text, as of the Scriptures: a textual interpretation of the Bible. Origin of textual.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Evidence Definition. Evidence is a type of literary device that appears in different categories of essays and theses in the form of paraphrase and quotations. It is presented to persuade the readers and used with powerful arguments in the texts or essays.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Best Answer: A textual example is text that the author wrote that you take and form.your own opinion on based on what the author said. For example if a book says: Jill was a good kid, never got into trouble, and always stayed on top of her grades.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You can use other texts. • as sources of evidence. • as objects of analysis. • as sources of data or information. • as authorities to support your claims. • as representatives of opposing points of view. There are three main ways to use evidence or examples from a text to illustrate your own points in an. essay.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Of course, there is a great deal involved in using textual evidence, but this short list will serve our present. purpose. The key point to remember is that your use of other texts is not limited to quoting from authors. with whom you agree (though this will be the most common use).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Textual evidence is evidence/support used to support an argument/position, and is derived from reading and drawing from other text. It is provided in the form of quotation, paraphrase, descriptions of theory and also description. Its importance is in the detail, and in paying attention to the detail in words and intent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is a textual example? I am reading a book and my teacher states that we need to explain why the author was influenced to write the book and provide textual examples that support that claim. Would a textual example be a direct quote from the book that supports the influence or just explaining what his influences were in your opinion.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. Evidence is a type of literary device that appears in different categories of essays and theses in the form of paraphrase and quotations. It is presented to persuade the readers and used with powerful arguments in the texts or essays.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'exists and is an alternate of . Textual evidence means that the writer uses either direct quotations or paraphrased material from a source in order to support an argument or illustrate a point. All textual evidence needs to be properly cited. That means give credit to the author(s) by using proper documentation.', 'url': ''}]
textual evidence definition and example
Best Answer: A textual example is text that the author wrote that you take and form.your own opinion on based on what the author said. For example if a book says: Jill was a good kid, never got into trouble, and always stayed on top of her grades.
At 12 degrees Celsius (53.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For more information, see the weather forecast and our average climate infomation (by month in graphs) below. * Data from nearest weather station: Kabul, Afghanistan (0.0 KM). 10 Day Weather Forecast ▶.', 'url': ',Kabul,Afghanistan'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Annual Weather Averages in Parachinar. Parachinar is 70 miles from Kabul, so the actual climate in Kabul can vary a bit. All Year Climate & Weather Averages in Kabul. January Climate & Weather Averages in Kabul.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "BBC Weather's average conditions for London, United Kingdom. This includes readings of average sunlight, temperature, discomfort from heat and humidity, relative humidity, average Precipitation, and wet days.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Annual Weather Averages in Parachinar. Parachinar is 70 miles from Kabul, so the actual climate in Kabul can vary a bit. All Year Climate & Weather Averages in Kabul. High Temp: 90 °F.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'NEARBY - LIST. 1 Udkhel, Afghanistan (0 mi / 0 km) 2 Mir Bachah Kot, Afghanistan (14 mi / 23 km) 3 Paghman, Afghanistan (15 mi / 24 km) Maydanshakhr, Afghanistan (22 mi / 36 1 km) Charikar, Afghanistan (27 mi / 44 km)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Average Temperatures in Kabul, Afghanistan. The average annual temperature in Kabul, Afghanistan is quite mild at 12 degrees Celsius (53.6 degrees Fahrenheit). There is a range of mean monthly temperatures of 27.3 C (49.1F) which is a moderate range. There is a range/ variation of mean daily temperatures of 15.2 C (27.4 F).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Forecast data from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute; Current conditions data from the National Weather Service. All historical data and normals © Weatherbase.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Average Temperatures in Kabul, Afghanistan. 1 The average annual temperature in Kabul, Afghanistan is quite mild at 12 degrees Celsius (53.6 degrees Fahrenheit). 2 There is a range of mean monthly temperatures of 27.3 C (49.1F) which is a moderate range. 3 There is a range/ variation of mean daily temperatures of 15.2 C (27.4 F).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The months May, June, September and October have nice weather with a good average temperature. Hot season / summer is in June, July, August and September. Kabul has dry periods in May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. On average, the warmest month is August.', 'url': ',Kabul,Afghanistan'}]
kabul average temperature
Average Temperatures in Kabul, Afghanistan. The average annual temperature in Kabul, Afghanistan is quite mild at 12 degrees Celsius (53.6 degrees Fahrenheit). There is a range of mean monthly temperatures of 27.3 C (49.1F) which is a moderate range. There is a range/ variation of mean daily temperatures of 15.2 C (27.4 F).
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Patients who have already had a large bowel cancer removed should have a colonoscopy performed 6 months to 1 year after surgery, followed by yearly colonoscopy on two occasions. Some authorities believe that colonoscopy should then be performed every 3 years if the results of all these studies are negative.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Routine screening colonoscopy to look for early signs of cancer should begin at age 50 for most people. Your physician may recommend beginning these exams as early as age 40 if there is a family history of colorectal cancer, a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, or other risk factors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A screening colonoscopy should be done before the age of 50 in patients that are considered high risk based on a family history or a personal history suggestive of a colon cancer genetic predisposition.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There is also the cost to the health care system if colonoscopies are done too often, which Sequist estimated at $1.3 million for the 1,051 Harvard Vanguard patients screened early. Kosinski said he does not want the study to send a message that too many people are getting colonoscopies. Nearly 40 percent of Americans over the age of 50 have not been screened for colon cancer by any method. In Kosinski’s practice, the average age for a first colonoscopy is 58.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is generally recommended, however, that average-risk adults should begin colorectal cancer screening at age 50 years, utilizing one of several options for screening, among which is colonoscopy, every 10 years.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In other cases, patients do not prepare properly for the procedure and the gastroenterologist is not confident about getting a good view of the entire colon. But Kosinski said that in some cases, doctors bring back patients early because there is no penalty for doing so. They think “I might as well do it,’’ he said.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Screening colonoscopy should be performed at age 50 for all average risk pateints. Perhaps 5 years earlier for African American decent patients. For patients with first degree relatives with a history of colon cancer, the first colonoscopy should be performed 10 years earlier that the age at diagnosis of colon cancer in the relative.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I'm a 45 year old woman with some minor health problems, but I'm concerned about colon cancer. When should I start having a colonoscopy done? How regularly should I have one? Colon cancer screening partially depends on your family history and race. In general, a healthy person with average risk should start screening for colon cancer at the age of 50.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Colonoscopies are generally low risk — about 1 in 200 patients who have polyps removed will experience complications. For patients who do not have growths removed, the complication rate is 1 in 1,000. But when accidental tears in the colon do occur, they can be serious.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For example, if your relative was diagnosed with colon cancer at the age of 50, you need to start screening at the age of 40. Screening for colon cancer for an average risk individual includes a colonoscopy every 10 years or a sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, in addition to a hemacult (blood in the stool) test every year. On the other hand, an individual at high risk will need a colonoscopy every 3-5 years.', 'url': ''}]
what ages should colonoscopy be done
Routine screening colonoscopy to look for early signs of cancer should begin at age 50 for most people. Your physician may recommend beginning these exams as early as age 40 if there is a family history of colorectal cancer, a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, or other risk factors.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Maumelle, Arkansas. Maumelle is a city in Pulaski County, Arkansas, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 17,163. The city is located northwest of Little Rock, bordering the opposite shore of the Arkansas River and is part of the Little Rock metropolitan area. 1 History.', 'url': ',_Arkansas'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility. The Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility is located at 3201 West Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204. The facility opened in 1994 and is the largest county detention facility in Arkansas, housing more than 1,200 detainees daily. We hold a unique place in the criminal justice system here in Pulaski County.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chief of Detention: Mike Sylvester. Detention Telephone: 501-340-7001. The Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility is located at 3201 West Roosevelt Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204. The facility opened in 1994 and is the largest county detention facility in Arkansas, housing more than 1,200 detainees daily.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Visibility into how government uses public money is fundamental to democracy. Transparency in government spending promotes fiscal responsibility and bolsters public confidence. This online resource delivers a comprehensive collection of open government data sources including expenditures, revenues, contracts, employee salaries, and the state’s bonded debt. Visit the Arkansas Transparency Site.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The State Directory provides Arkansans with access to state government contact information. You can find phone numbers, emails and address information by department, service or employee.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'October 15 will be here before you know it. So will your local newspaper’s published list of people who missed the property tax deadline. Don’t let that happen to you this year. Pay your property and real estate taxes online, with a few taps on your smartphone or tablet. See if your county offers online payments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Print this page. Maumelle is a city five miles west of Little Rock (Pulaski County) on Interstate 40. A fast-growing, affluent suburb of Little Rock, it has the highest median household income in the state of Arkansas, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Maumelle is a city in Pulaski County, Arkansas, United States and a suburb of Little Rock. Founded by Jess Odom with federal assistance from the Urban Growth and New Community Development Act, it is a master-planned community. Maumelle has the highest median household income in Arkansas. The Census Bureau and Arkansas Institute for Economic Advancement (AIEA) reported the 2010 census population as 17,163 (a 62.6% increase over the 2000 census population).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'After World War II, the army no longer had a use for the facility and sold it to the Perry Equipment Company in 1959. In 1961, the property was sold to the City of North Little Rock (Pulaski County) which intended to develop the area as an industrial park. The industrial park never materialized. In 1956, the Big Maumelle River was dammed to create the 8,900-acre Lake Maumelle.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But it’s easy when you get Gov2Go. Think of Gov2Go as your personal government assistant: It knows your needs, plans your government tasks for the year, reminds you when something is due and gives you shortcuts to do it all online. Now that’s public service.', 'url': ''}]
maumelle ar is in what county
Maumelle, Arkansas. Maumelle is a city in Pulaski County, Arkansas, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 17,163. The city is located northwest of Little Rock, bordering the opposite shore of the Arkansas River and is part of the Little Rock metropolitan area. 1 History.
In most countries this age is 18, though a few countries set the age at 16 or 17.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An adult is a person who has attained the age of majority. The age of majority is the legally defined age at which a person is considered an adult, with all the attendant rights and responsibilities of adulthood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Adult Law & Legal Definition. An adult is a person who has attained the age of majority. The age of majority is the legally defined age at which a person is considered an adult, with all the attendant rights and responsibilities of adulthood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For most purposes, you become an adult when you turn 18, an age established by The Age of Majority Act. However, other ages can be important depending on what legal issues are involved. For example, under Michigan law a person is considered an adult for purposes of the criminal law at age 17.', 'url': ',4585,7-240-44299-160950--,00.html'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The age at which a person is considered an adult varies significantly in the different countries of the world. Much depends upon what constitutes being an adult. Most look to an age at which children can legally work, marry, vote, buy alcohol, be drafted, or be charged with a crime, as the adult age.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For example, under Michigan law a person is considered an adult for purposes of the criminal law at age 17. So if a 17 year old is accused of a crime, he/she will be tried as an adult in either district or circuit court rather than in family court.', 'url': ',4585,7-240-44299-160950--,00.html'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is the age at which one becomes a legal adult and gains full legal rights. It is also the age at which a person is liable for their own actions, such as contractual obligations or liability for negligence. In general, a parental duty of support to a child ceases when the child reaches the age of majority.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A person may also be considered an adult if he or she is drafted or volunteers for military service. In most countries this age is 18, though a few countries set the age at 16 or 17. In different countries, cultures may also determine that someone is an adult before legal ages for adulthood apply.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The age of majority is the legally defined age at which a person is considered an adult, with all the attendant rights and responsibilities of adulthood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The age when someone can vote is usually used to determine when a person is considered an adult. Bangladesh allows children as young as 12 to work. Austria allows 16 year olds to vote in municipal elections. In Germany, 16-year olds can vote in municipal elections and drink alcohol.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I think a person should be considered an adult at age 21. There are many milestones leading up to this moment, like being able to vote or watch an R-rated movie, but 21 is the age where one is truly able to do everything that an older person can also do.', 'url': ''}]
what age is someone an adult
A person may also be considered an adult if he or she is drafted or volunteers for military service. In most countries this age is 18, though a few countries set the age at 16 or 17. In different countries, cultures may also determine that someone is an adult before legal ages for adulthood apply.
A bailor is a person who transfers possession of property or goods to the custody of another (bailee), usually under a contract of bailment.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bailor Definition - A bailor is a person who hands assets over to another party for temporary safekeeping. Property insurance should be purchased for... Bailor Definition - A bailor is a person who hands assets over to another party for temporary safekeeping. Property insurance should be purchased for any items given to a bailor, in case something happens to the property while it is under their care.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Once the purpose for which the property has been delivered has been accomplished, the property will be returned to the bailor or otherwise disposed of pursuant to the bailor's directions. A bailment is not the same as a sale, which is an intentional transfer of ownership of personal property in exchange for something of value.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This is because the non-carrier bailee is in possession and in control of the given property. The burden of proof can vary depending on state laws and the type of bailment (e.g., warehouse vs. garment contractor). The liability of a bailee can be extended in several ways. One way is by an oral or written agreement. For example, a dry cleaner may assume responsibility for fire and windstorm (or almost anything else) by so stating in the receipt given to the bailor at the time the clothing is received.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition - What does Bailment mean? Bailment is when a bailor gives temporary possession of a property to another party, the bailee, for a specific period of time. Bailees often purchase bailee's customer insurance to insure the assets that are temporarily under their care.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'n. 1 Same as bailsman. 2 One who temporarily gives possession of personal property to another, pursuant to an agreement between them. The bailor does not have to be the owner of the property. See bailment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Same as bailsman. One who temporarily gives possession of personal property to another, pursuant to an agreement between them. The bailor does not have to be the owner of the property. See bailment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A bailor is a person who transfers possession of property or goods to the custody of another (bailee), usually under a contract of bailment. A bailment is an act of transferring/placing property or USLegal Home', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'bailor definition: Law the party who delivers property to another under contract of bailment...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of bailment: Transfer of personal property by one party (the bailor) in the possession, but not ownership, of another party (the bailee) for a particular purpose. Such transfer is made under an express or implied ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bailor One who places control over or possession of Personal Property in the hands of another, a bailee, for its care, safekeeping, or use, in accordance to the terms of a mutual agreement. Cross-references', 'url': ''}]
bailor property definition
A bailor is a person who transfers possession of property or goods to the custody of another (bailee), usually under a contract of bailment. A bailment is an act of transferring/placing property or USLegal Home
Any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Seizures and epilepsy are not the same. An epileptic seizure is a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Epilepsy is a chronic disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, which may vary from a brief lapse of attention or muscle jerks, to severe and prolonged convulsions. The seizures are caused by sudden, usually brief, excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells (neurones).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Epilepsy is a disease characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and by the neurobiological, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of this condition. Translation: a seizure is an event and epilepsy is the disease involving recurrent unprovoked seizures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This 2014 definition of the International League Against Epilepsy is a refinement of their 2005 definition which was a disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures and by the neurobiologic, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of this condition.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ': any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions—see grand mal, petit mal; focal epilepsy, jacksonian epilepsy, myoclonic epilepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Full Definition of EPILEPSY. : any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions. See epilepsy defined for English-language learners.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Full Definition of EPILEPSY. : any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions. See epilepsy defined for English-language learners. See epilepsy defined for kids.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, which may vary from a brief lapse of attention or muscle jerks, to severe and prolonged convulsions. The seizures are caused by sudden, usually brief, excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells (neurones).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "a condition resulting from disordered electrical activity in the brain and manifesting as epileptic seizures or 'fits'. A generalized seizure or grand mal is the commonest form of epilepsy, with loss of consciousness and generalized convulsions. In absences or petit mal there is only a brief alteration in consciousness.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ': any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions. See epilepsy defined for English-language learners. See epilepsy defined for kids.', 'url': ''}]
definition of epilepsy
Full Definition of EPILEPSY. : any of various disorders marked by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain and typically manifested by sudden brief episodes of altered or diminished consciousness, involuntary movements, or convulsions. See epilepsy defined for English-language learners. See epilepsy defined for kids.
It means you can ship your return at FedEx Office to meet the timely mailing as timely filing/paying rule for tax returns and payments.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On April 10, 1997, the Internal Revenue Service released Notice 97-26, in which the IRS designated certain private delivery services through the use of which taxpayers could avail themselves of the the timely mailing/timely payment rule of Internal Revenue Code section 7502.UMMARY. This notice provides the first list of private delivery services (PDSs) that are designated private delivery services (designated PDSs) during the interim period described in Rev. Proc. 97-19, 1997-10 I.R.B. 55. The interim period ends on the date on which the Service issues guidance superseding Rev. Proc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "If you're running out of time, we can help. FedEx is a designated private delivery service of the IRS, which means you can ship your return at FedEx Office to meet the timely mailing as timely filing/paying rule for tax returns and payments.Having a FedEx tracking number is official proof for the IRS that you met the April 15 ready for tax season and file on time at FedEx Office: FedEx is a designated private delivery service of the IRS. Tax Day is right around the corner, but you can get a head start on preparing your federal and state returns by using the services available at your nearest FedEx Office location.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Designated Private Delivery Services The list of designated Private Delivery Services, taken from IRS Notice 2002-62, is asfollows: 1. Airborne Express (Airborne): ! Airborne Overnight Air Express Service! Airborne Next Afternoon Service!esignated Private Delivery Services The list of designated Private Delivery Services, taken from IRS Notice 2002-62, is asfollows: 1. Airborne Express (Airborne): ! Airborne Overnight Air Express Service! Airborne Next Afternoon Service!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The IRS has updated the list of designated private delivery services for purposes of the timely mailing treated as timely filing/paying rule.Notice 2015-38.In Notice 2015-38, the IRS released an updated list of the designated private delivery services (PDSs) for purposes of the timely mailing treated as timely filing/paying rule of Code Sec. 7502.otice 2015-38. In Notice 2015-38, the IRS released an updated list of the designated private delivery services (PDSs) for purposes of the timely mailing treated as timely filing/paying rule of Code Sec. 7502.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'by michael cohn the internal revenue service has updated its list of designated private delivery services that meet the rules for determining the postmark for timely filing and payment eliminating dhl and adding several fedex servicesget access to this article and thousands morey michael cohn the internal revenue service has updated its list of designated private delivery services that meet the rules for determining the postmark for timely filing and payment eliminating dhl and adding several fedex services get access to this article and thousands more', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Back to Shipping. Not only can you mail your income tax return to the IRS using the U.S. Postal Service, but you may also use certain private delivery companies.Not all delivery companies are authorized by the IRS for tax return delivery, however.ince private delivery services don't use postmarks, the IRS has certain rules to determine just what date is treated as a postmark date when returns are delivered by services other than U.S. mail. Each delivery service that applies to be a designated private delivery service must qualify under the established rules.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'PURPOSE: The purpose of this Special Notice is to publish the list of private delivery services that are authorized to deliver returns, claims, statements or other documents (documents), or payments, for purposes of the timely mailing as timely filing/payment provisions set forth in Conn.Gen. Stat. 12-39aa.he information contained in this Special Notice is applicable to all taxes administered by the Department of Revenue Services (DRS). EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 1999, for documents or payments that are given by taxpayers to a designated private delivery service (PDS) on or after that date.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '© by Greta P. Hicks, CPA. The IRS has designated four private delivery companies that filers can use and have the same assurance as those who use the U.S. Postal Service that a return mailed on time is considered filed on time.Those companies and the specific types of delivery services that qualify are: by Greta P. Hicks, CPA. The IRS has designated four private delivery companies that filers can use and have the same assurance as those who use the U.S. Postal Service that a return mailed on time is considered filed on time. Those companies and the specific types of delivery services that qualify are:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Publication 55 (9/15) Designated Private Delivery Services Generally, tax returns, payments, and other documents sent to the New York State Tax Department are considered to be ontime if they are postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service on or before the due date of the return, payment, or other document.ublication 55 (9/15) Designated Private Delivery Services Generally, tax returns, payments, and other documents sent to the New York State Tax Department are considered to be ontime if they are postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service on or before the due date of the return, payment, or other document.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Seven United Parcel Service (UPS) delivery services are designated PDSs on the list. They are UPS Next Day Air Early A.M. (new), UPS Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS Worldwide Express.he Fed EX designated PDSs on the new list are FedEx First Overnight (new), FedEx Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2 Day, FedEx International Next Flight Out (new), FedEx International Priority, FedEx International First, and FedEx International Economy (new).', 'url': ''}]
irs designated private delivery service
If you're running out of time, we can help. FedEx is a designated private delivery service of the IRS, which means you can ship your return at FedEx Office to meet the timely mailing as timely filing/paying rule for tax returns and payments.Having a FedEx tracking number is official proof for the IRS that you met the April 15 ready for tax season and file on time at FedEx Office: FedEx is a designated private delivery service of the IRS. Tax Day is right around the corner, but you can get a head start on preparing your federal and state returns by using the services available at your nearest FedEx Office location.
The character you play as yourself shows the real truth of who you are and what you're capable of, since playing the role of yourself can show your true colors without you even saying a word.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Why do we say actions speak louder than words? Do actions speak louder than words or do words speak louder than actions? In the context of actions speak louder than words, if someone is not willing to listen (or even hear), should breaking their ears be a logic... What are some perfect examples of actions speak louder than words?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Sometimes he didn't take me to school and sometimes he didn't say good morning. The term actions speak louder than words is a well known cultural phrase/platitude which gives higher importance to action over talk, especially talk of action.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Another way of looking at this old saying, “actions speak louder than words,” is as a guide for how to live life. Actions should meet verbal obligations or sentiments, and they should not contradict them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However there is certainly evidence that actions speak than louder than words in a variety of circumstances. The parent who tells a child not to smoke and then lights a cigarette is unlikely to convince that child of the evils of smoking.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 what you do carries more weight than what you say. 2 doing is better than just speaking. 3 your actions are more significant than your words. better to do something rather than just talk.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'actions speak louder than words. Meaning: 1 what you do carries more weight than what you say. 2 doing is better than just speaking. your actions are more significant than your words.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Actions speak louder than words basically means that the character you play as yourself shows the real truth of who you are and what you're capable of, since playing the role of yourself can show your true colors without you even saying a word.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 “You always speak of the importance of charity, but never do anything. Actions speak louder than words!”. The captain, tired of trying to motivate his players, took it upon himself to guide his team to victory.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'actions speak louder than words. actions speak louder than words. Meaning: 1 what you do carries more weight than what you say. 2 doing is better than just speaking. 3 your actions are more significant than your words. better to do something rather than just talk.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are certainly references to sayings like it in antiquity, but it may have been first expressed in English in the 1700s. The basic idea of Bulkeley’s, which was not new in expression, is that actions speak louder than words as a greater determinant of behavior and character. People can say anything, but when what they say and do are contrary, it’s easier to judge by what is done instead of by what is said.', 'url': ''}]
actions speak louder than words meaning
Actions speak louder than words basically means that the character you play as yourself shows the real truth of who you are and what you're capable of, since playing the role of yourself can show your true colors without you even saying a word.
The average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today (the second figure is according to PVinsights, and is even lower than the 2013 projected price in the chart below).Data Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).Chart Source: Unknown.he average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today (the second figure is according to PVinsights, and is even lower than the 2013 projected price in the chart below). Data Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). Chart Source: Unknown.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '1. The average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today (the second figure is according to PVinsights, and is even lower than the 2013 projected price in the chart below). Data Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).Chart Source: Unknown.he average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today (the second figure is according to PVinsights, and is even lower than the 2013 projected price in the chart below). Data Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). Chart Source: Unknown.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The solar panel comparison chart I created below shows how difficult it can be to compare panels and brands. Listed are common panels between 190 and 230 watts of 5 common solar panel manufacturers (Canadian Solar, Kyocera, Sharp, SunPower, and Suntech).At first glance you can see that there isn’t even a standard DC watt rating. 200, 210, 220 etc. seems obvious, but then there’s 205, 208, 216, 225.ere are 5 questions you should ask before buying solar. When you are comparing panels or installation proposals, make sure the panels are warrantied for 25 years, the inverter for 10, and the installer warranties his work for at least 5 years.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Video: Wholesale Solar offers all brands of solar panels at the best prices. Compare solar panels below by brand and price, or by wattage, amps, volts, power tolerances, and weight. If you want American-made check out SolarWorld.And be sure to see our solar panels by the pallet.Our best deals come when you buy our complete systems.ompare solar panels below by brand and price, or by wattage, amps, volts, power tolerances, and weight. If you want American-made check out SolarWorld.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The bulk of the price of going solar is now the “soft costs” (installation, permitting, etc.) rather than the solar panel cost. Again referencing the latest US Solar Market Insight report, the average installed cost of a residential solar panel system was $4.72/watt.However, prices vary tremendously by region. “Common residential system prices ranged from less than $3.00/W to just above $7.00/W,” the Solar Energy Industries Association writes.hirty years ago solar panels were around $100/watt – now they are less than $1/watt. You, as an individual, are in a better position than are many Americans. You’ve got either the capital or the credit to install solar on your house.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With the new solar rebates and tax incentives, solar is a great investment today. A 20 panel system (4kW) that cost $40,000 to install 5 years ago would cost as little as $8,000 today (after incentives) (more...olar panel prices are falling rapidly, dropping 30% in 2011 alone. With the new solar rebates and tax incentives, solar is a great investment today. A 20 panel system (4kW) that cost $40,000 to install 5 years ago would cost as little as $8,000 today (after incentives) (more... ).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Compare The Cost Of Solar Panels. One of the most popular forms of renewable energy, solar panels offer tangible benefits for the homeowner and the environment. For the homeowner, solar panels deliver a significant reduction in heat or electricity bills.There's also the opportunity to earn money from the UK Government's solar incentive schemes.For the environment, solar energy represents a cleaner, greener alternative to fossil fuels.or the homeowner, solar panels deliver a significant reduction in heat or electricity bills. There's also the opportunity to earn money from the UK Government's solar incentive schemes. For the environment, solar energy represents a cleaner, greener alternative to fossil fuels.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Solar panel prices are falling rapidly, dropping 30% in 2011 alone. With the new solar rebates and tax incentives, solar is a great investment today. A 20 panel system (4kW) that cost $40,000 to install 5 years ago would cost as little as $8,000 today (after incentives) (more... ).olar panel prices are falling rapidly, dropping 30% in 2011 alone. With the new solar rebates and tax incentives, solar is a great investment today. A 20 panel system (4kW) that cost $40,000 to install 5 years ago would cost as little as $8,000 today (after incentives) (more... ).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents.ccording to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Here are 5 questions you should ask before buying solar. When you are comparing panels or installation proposals, make sure the panels are warrantied for 25 years, the inverter for 10, and the installer warranties his work for at least 5 years.Then compare the yearly kWh output (in AC) and the price.ere are 5 questions you should ask before buying solar. When you are comparing panels or installation proposals, make sure the panels are warrantied for 25 years, the inverter for 10, and the installer warranties his work for at least 5 years.', 'url': ''}]
compare cost of solar panels
1. The average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today (the second figure is according to PVinsights, and is even lower than the 2013 projected price in the chart below). Data Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).Chart Source: Unknown.he average cost of solar panels has gone from $76.67/watt in 1977 to just $0.698/watt today (the second figure is according to PVinsights, and is even lower than the 2013 projected price in the chart below). Data Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). Chart Source: Unknown.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A world away… in about an hour. Catalina Express takes you to Catalina Island in just an hour with year round service and up to 30 daily departures. Boats depart ports in Long Beach, San Pedro and Dana Point.Catalina is just 22 miles off the coast of Southern California.Catalina Express' fleet of high-speed ferries makes the trip quick, easy and fun.oats depart ports in Long Beach, San Pedro and Dana Point. Catalina is just 22 miles off the coast of Southern California. Catalina Express' fleet of high-speed ferries makes the trip quick, easy and fun.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Catalina Highway, officially the General Hitchcock Highway, is the popular name for a Forest Highway and scenic route located in Pima County in southern Arizona.scending from the desert floor in Tucson to near the summit of Mount Lemmon, the short highway gains over 6,000 ft (1.8 km), showcasing a variety of climates ranging from lowland desert to alpine forests. The name sky island comes from the analogy of these mountains being like islands of forest in a sea of desert.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Also known as the Sky Island Scenic Byway, the Mount Lemmon Highway and Arizona Forest Highway 39, the Catalina Highway is the only paved roadway providing access to the resort village of Summerhaven as well as various recreational and scientific facilities located near the summit of Mount Lemmon.scending from the desert floor in Tucson to near the summit of Mount Lemmon, the short highway gains over 6,000 ft (1.8 km), showcasing a variety of climates ranging from lowland desert to alpine forests. The name sky island comes from the analogy of these mountains being like islands of forest in a sea of desert.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There is also a back road to Mount Lemmon that is only accessible with a high clearance vehicle(and an adventurous spirit). The road branches off from Highway 77 in Oracle towards Oracle State Park.The pavement ends after around 2 miles and then you begin your bumpy ascent of Mount Lemmon, reconnected with the main highway 25 miles later. Catalina Highway is a toll road for activities such as camping, hiking or even to use the is also a back road to Mount Lemmon that is only accessible with a high clearance vehicle(and an adventurous spirit). The road branches off from Highway 77 in Oracle towards Oracle State Park.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Mount Lemmon (O'odham: Babad Doʼag), with a summit elevation of 9,159 feet (2,792 m), is the highest point in the Santa Catalina Mountains.It is located in the Coronado National Forest north of Tucson, Arizona, United States. dirt access road to the summit on the back side of Mount Lemmon starts in Oracle, which is on state highway 77 northeast of Tucson. It offers a secondary route to the top. This route is popular with off-road 4x4 drivers and with off-road or dual-purpose motorcyclists.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'SANTA CATALINA MOUNTAINS. The Santa Catalinas, crowned by 9,157-foot Mt. Lemmon, rise in ragged ridges from the north edge of Tucson to cool forests atop the higher slopes. A paved road, the Catalina Highway/Sky Island Scenic Byway, winds high into the mountains past many vistas and recreation areas.ANTA CATALINA MOUNTAINS. The Santa Catalinas, crowned by 9,157-foot Mt. Lemmon, rise in ragged ridges from the north edge of Tucson to cool forests atop the higher slopes. A paved road, the Catalina Highway/Sky Island Scenic Byway, winds high into the mountains past many vistas and recreation areas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Avalon Shoreboats is a year-rounds water taxi service providing transportation from vessels and points in Avalon Harbor to other vessels and points or areas outside Avalon harbor such as Descanso Beach, or Hamilton Cove.he Avalon Shoreboats is a year-rounds water taxi service providing transportation from vessels and points in Avalon Harbor to other vessels and points or areas outside Avalon harbor such as Descanso Beach, or Hamilton Cove.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Catalina Highway provides the only paved access to attractions on Mount Lemmon and the Santa Catalina Mountains, and has become a popular destination for tourism in the region. According to the Federal Highway Administration, the Catalina Highway is traveled over by more than one million visitors every year.scending from the desert floor in Tucson to near the summit of Mount Lemmon, the short highway gains over 6,000 ft (1.8 km), showcasing a variety of climates ranging from lowland desert to alpine forests. The name sky island comes from the analogy of these mountains being like islands of forest in a sea of desert.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Catalina Highway climbing Mount Lemmon. The Catalina Highway, also called the Mount Lemmon Highway, as well as the Hitchcock Highway (after Frank Harris Hitchcock) runs up the Santa Catalina Mountains from the east side of Tucson up to Summerhaven, at the top of Mt. Lemmon. dirt access road to the summit on the back side of Mount Lemmon starts in Oracle, which is on state highway 77 northeast of Tucson. It offers a secondary route to the top. This route is popular with off-road 4x4 drivers and with off-road or dual-purpose motorcyclists.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '• For the Catalina, the pick up and drop off times at the hotel will be +15 minutes in relation to the posted schedule. • Guests must provide the shuttle driver with printed proof of reservation in order to board the shuttle. • Our airport shuttle service is for MIA only and is available seven days a week. For the Catalina, the pick up and drop off times at the hotel will be +15 minutes in relation to the posted schedule. • Guests must provide the shuttle driver with printed proof of reservation in order to board the shuttle. • Our airport shuttle service is for MIA only and is available seven days a week.', 'url': ''}]
is there a shuttle up catalina highway
• For the Catalina, the pick up and drop off times at the hotel will be +15 minutes in relation to the posted schedule. • Guests must provide the shuttle driver with printed proof of reservation in order to board the shuttle. • Our airport shuttle service is for MIA only and is available seven days a week. For the Catalina, the pick up and drop off times at the hotel will be +15 minutes in relation to the posted schedule. • Guests must provide the shuttle driver with printed proof of reservation in order to board the shuttle. • Our airport shuttle service is for MIA only and is available seven days a week.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is responsible for the operation of the California state prison and parole systems. We enhance public safety through safe and secure incarceration of offenders, effective parole supervision, and rehabilitative strategies to successfully reintegrate offenders into our communities.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center's Property Room is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. Inmate Search Feature The Miami-Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation Department now offers online Inmate in Custody Search. Entering a last name in the search feature will display a list of individuals in custody by name, date of birth, race, sex, location, charges, bond amount, jail number, booking date and a photograph of the person.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) provides this Inmate Locator as a public service to promote public safety and welfare while giving access to selected offender information. This website is provided as an informational service only and does not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, an official record of CDCR.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR) For information about locating, contacting, visiting and corresponding with California’s prison inmates use the Inmate Locator or call the Identification Unit at (916) 445-6713.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Mr. Junior has been selected by Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez to serve as Interim Director of the Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department. Biannual Report for 2013 and 2014 MDCR's Biannual Report highlights the Department's important initiatives and varying areas of responsibility.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR) The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is responsible for the operation of the California state prison and parole systems. We enhance public safety through safe and secure incarceration of offenders, effective parole supervision, and rehabilitative strategies to successfully reintegrate offenders into our communities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Mr. Junior has been selected by Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez to serve as Interim Director of the Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department. Biannual Report for 2013 and 2014. MDCR's Biannual Report highlights the Department's important initiatives and varying areas of responsibility. MDCR Biannual Report for 2013 and 2014", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Corrections and Rehabilitation. The Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department operates the eighth largest jail system in the country. There are between 4,300 to 4,500 persons incarcerated daily in our four detention facilities. These persons are awaiting trial, serving sentences of 364 days or less.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Corrections and Rehabilitation The Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department operates the eighth largest jail system in the country. There are between 4,300 to 4,500 persons incarcerated daily in our four detention facilities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Inmate Locator; Programs . Rehabilitative Programs; Questions . Frequently Asked Questions; What are Visiting Guidelines? What is Proposition 47? How to... Visit an Inmate; Contact an Inmate; Send Money to an Inmate; Send a Package to an Inmate; Receive Calls from an Inmate; Get Health Coverage', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The CDCR operates all state adult prisons and juvenile facilities, oversees a variety of community correctional facilities, and supervises all adult and juvenile offenders. Skip to main content Toggle navigation', 'url': ''}]
department of corrections & rehabilitation
Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR) The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is responsible for the operation of the California state prison and parole systems. We enhance public safety through safe and secure incarceration of offenders, effective parole supervision, and rehabilitative strategies to successfully reintegrate offenders into our communities.
Tender in Muslim, Wet meadow in Irish, Woman of Magdala, Illumination, sun ray, free man or palm tree.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Muslim Meaning: The name Leena is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Leena is: Tender. Irish Meaning: The name Leena is an Irish baby name.In Irish the meaning of the name Leena is: Wet meadow.SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.n Irish the meaning of the name Leena is: Wet meadow. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Leena. Show similar names Show variant names. Name Leena generally means Woman of Magdala, is of Finnish, English, Indian origin, Name Leena is a Feminine (or Girl) name. This name is shared across persons, who are either Christian or Muslim or Hindu by religion.Name Leena belongs to rashi Mesh (Aries) with dominant planet Mars (Mangal) .ame Leena generally means Woman of Magdala, is of Finnish, English, Indian origin, Name Leena is a Feminine (or Girl) name.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Name Leena generally means Woman of Magdala, is of Finnish, English, Indian origin, Name Leena is a Feminine (or Girl) name.This name is shared across persons, who are either Christian or Muslim or Hindu by religion. Name Leena belongs to rashi Mesh (Aries) with dominant planet Mars (Mangal) .ame Leena generally means Woman of Magdala, is of Finnish, English, Indian origin, Name Leena is a Feminine (or Girl) name.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Meaning of name Leena, Origin of name Leena, Personality of name Leena, Gallery of Cute Indian Baby Pictures of Leena and adorable Baby Photos of Leena. All this and lots more...If you believe in Numerology, click to see if the name Leena is lucky!eaning of name Leena, Origin of name Leena, Personality of name Leena, Gallery of Cute Indian Baby Pictures of Leena and adorable Baby Photos of Leena. All this and lots more...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The meaning of Leena is “Illumination, From Helena or Magdalena”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant.Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Leena and its name origin or of any other name in our database.Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Leena and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds.f you consider naming your baby Leena we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The first thing you should know if you are considering Leena for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Leena is a girl name. The name Leena is of English origin, and is used mostly in English speaking countries but also in a few other countries and languages of the world.f you consider naming your baby Leena we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Leena /lee-na/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Greek, Old German, Slavic, Arabic and Latin derivation, and the meaning of Leena is sun ray; free man; palm tree.Leena is a version of Alina (Greek): Slavic form of Helen. Leena is also a derivative of Caroline (Old German).Leena is also used as a variation of Karolina (Slavic, Old German), Lena and Lina (Arabic, Latin). Kreatif forms: Leeda, Leenar.2000 U.S. Census). Popular variation forms of Leena (not ranked) rated in the Top 1000 are Aleen, Aleena (#495 in 2014) , Alena (#617) , Alene, Alina (#192) , Aline, Allene, Carla (#864) , Caroline (#58) , Ina, Karla (#504) , Lena (#279) and Lina (#767) .", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "[ 2 syll. lee-na, le-ena ] The baby girl name Leena is pronounced L IY-Naa- †. Leena's language of origin is Slavonic, Germanic, Old Greek, Bulgarian, Hebrew, and English, and it is used largely in the Estonian, English, and Indian languages.eena is also a derivative (English and Indian) of Lena. Leena is also a derivative of Lina. Leena is unusual as a baby name for girls. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Leena is also a derivative (English and Indian) of Lena. Leena is also a derivative of Lina. Leena is unusual as a baby name for girls. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names.In 2012, out of the group of girl names directly linked to Leena, Caroline was the most widely used.eena is also a derivative (English and Indian) of Lena. Leena is also a derivative of Lina. Leena is unusual as a baby name for girls. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lena or Leana or Lina is a female given name. The name has evolved in different languages as a variation of several earlier names. In some derivations, Lena comes from the endings of Alina and Helena. Lena is also a diminutive or short form for names that end with-line, such as Caroline, Adeline, and Madeline.Leana is seen in Hindi, Russian and Swedish.he name has evolved in different languages as a variation of several earlier names. In some derivations, Lena comes from the endings of Alina and Helena.', 'url': ''}]
leena name meaning
Muslim Meaning: The name Leena is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Leena is: Tender. Irish Meaning: The name Leena is an Irish baby name.In Irish the meaning of the name Leena is: Wet meadow.SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.n Irish the meaning of the name Leena is: Wet meadow. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.
The ideal freezer temperature is about 0 to 5 degrees (F) and about 38 degrees (F) for the fridge.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Decreasing the fridge temperature opens the vents more and increases air circulation from the freezer. The temperature can be adjusted using the controls found inside the refrigerator or freezer. The ideal freezer temperature is about 0 to 5 degrees (F) and about 38 degrees (F) for the fridge.Measure the temperature by placing a cup of water with a cooking thermometer into the refrigerator for about 2 hours or more.To test the freezer, substitute alcohol or cooking oil.n most refrigerator freezers, the refrigerator gets its cold from the freezer. The evaporator fan circulates air over the coils in the freezer and cold air circulates into the refrigerator through vents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Newsletter sign up. Refrigerator Thermometers will measure temperature ranges between a low of -40°F and a high of 60°F (-40°C and 15°C.) They can be used both for the freezer and the fridge. They need to be relatively shatterproof, as they are bound to get knocked about inside the fridge over time.f you have one in your fridge, when the power goes back on, you can look inside the fridge and check the temperature. If the temperature is at 40°F (4°C) or colder, then you can know that your food will be fine. During a power outage, don't allow anyone to open your fridge or freezer any more than absolutely necessary.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Refrigerator Thermometers will measure temperature ranges between a low of -40°F and a high of 60°F (-40°C and 15°C.) They can be used both for the freezer and the fridge.They need to be relatively shatterproof, as they are bound to get knocked about inside the fridge over time.f you have one in your fridge, when the power goes back on, you can look inside the fridge and check the temperature. If the temperature is at 40°F (4°C) or colder, then you can know that your food will be fine. During a power outage, don't allow anyone to open your fridge or freezer any more than absolutely necessary.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To measure the temperature: 1 Fridge: put the thermometer in a glass of water. 2 Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight).3 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more. Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight). 2 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To measure the temperature: 1 Fridge: put the thermometer in a glass of water. 2 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more. Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight). 2 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '5. Open the door of the refrigerator or freezer compartment that you want to measure for temperature data. Place, hang or attach the refrigerator thermometer inside the compartment, according to manufacturer instructions.Place a freestanding unit on the middle shelf in the compartment.ips. 1 Some appliance manufacturers recommend setting the temperature in the refrigerator compartment to 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer compartment to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. 2 Others may recommend a refrigerator compartment temperature range between 35 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'T he ideal temperature for the freezer is about 5 degrees (F). The refrigerator should be kept at about 36 degrees (F). The temperature can be adjusted using the controls found inside the freezer or refrigerator.Measurement of the temperature in the freezer may be inaccurate if you simply place a thermometer inside.o properly Measure the temperature, place a cup of alcohol or cooking oil with a cooking thermometer into the freezer for about 2 hours. The oil or alcohol will not freeze and will make it possible to accurately measure the temperature.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Fridge: put the thermometer in a glass of water. 2 Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight). 3 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more. Check the temperature during the first door opening after not using the fridge for 8 hours or more (such as overnight). 2 Freezer: put thermometer between two bags of vegetables and as above check after 8 hours or more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "2. Place the thermometer inside a glass of water, and put the glass on your refrigerator's middle shelf. 3. Check the temperature on the appliance thermometer after 5 to 8 hours. The temperature should register between 38 F and 40 F (2 C to 4 C) for safe food storage.lace the thermometer inside a glass of water, and put the glass on your refrigerator's middle shelf. 3. Check the temperature on the appliance thermometer after 5 to 8 hours.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Some appliance manufacturers recommend setting the temperature in the refrigerator compartment to 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer compartment to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. 2 Others may recommend a refrigerator compartment temperature range between 35 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.ips. 1 Some appliance manufacturers recommend setting the temperature in the refrigerator compartment to 37 degrees Fahrenheit and the freezer compartment to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. 2 Others may recommend a refrigerator compartment temperature range between 35 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.', 'url': ''}]
how to measure temperature in refrigerator
Decreasing the fridge temperature opens the vents more and increases air circulation from the freezer. The temperature can be adjusted using the controls found inside the refrigerator or freezer. The ideal freezer temperature is about 0 to 5 degrees (F) and about 38 degrees (F) for the fridge.Measure the temperature by placing a cup of water with a cooking thermometer into the refrigerator for about 2 hours or more.To test the freezer, substitute alcohol or cooking oil.n most refrigerator freezers, the refrigerator gets its cold from the freezer. The evaporator fan circulates air over the coils in the freezer and cold air circulates into the refrigerator through vents.
Treatment of complicated urinary tract infection and acute pyelonephritis by short-course intravenous levofloxacin (750 mg/day) or conventional intravenous/oral levofloxacin (500 mg/day).
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Treatment of complicated urinary tract infection and acute pyelonephritis by short-course intravenous levofloxacin (750 mg/day) or conventional intravenous/oral levofloxacin (500 mg/day): prospective, open-label, randomized, controlled, multicenter, non-inferiority clinical trial. Open Access.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The intended clinical trial population should be patients with all types of cUTIs. Because. pyelonephritis is an important subset of cUTI, approximately 30 percent or more of the clinical. trial population should be patients with pyelonephritis for an indication for “treatment of. complicated urinary tract infections including pyelonephritis.”.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Complicated Lower Tract Infection. Complicated lower UTIs occur in the presence of structural abnormalities and in certain patient populations, as listed in Table 2. The term complicated UTI is defined variably. One use is to describe a patient with a complication of a UTI.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Managing the E coli UTI. Incidence/Prevalence. ● E coli is the most co mmon bacterium isolated. inb canine and feline UTIs.1,2. ● Approximately 14% of dogs h ave UTI during. their lifetime, but young, healthy cat s have an. innate resistance and rarely develop UTI.3. Signalment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'We consider the treatment of cUTIs to be an indication distinct from the treatment of. uncomplicated urinary tract infections. This guidance addresses cUTI only. Sponsors interested. in pursuing an indication for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections should.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Most E coli strains are susceptible to amoxi-. cillin, amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, or. cephalexin. Enrofloxacin should be avoided. as first-line treatment because of resistance.5. ◗ Antimicrobial choice for complicated UTI. should be based on culture and susceptibil-. ity testing and the ability of the drug to.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The purpose of this guidance is to assist sponsors in the clinical development of drugs for the. treatment of complicated urinary tract infections (cUTIs). 2. Specifically, this guidance addresses. the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) current thinking regarding the overall development.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Patients with a complicated UTI, both community and hospital-acquired, tend to show a diversity of microorganisms with a higher prevalence of resistance against antimicrobials, and higher rates of treatment failure if the underlying abnormality cannot be corrected.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To compare the efficacy and safety of short-course intravenous levofloxacin (LVFX) 750 mg with a conventional intravenous/oral regimen of LVFX 500 mg in patients from China with complicated urinary tract infections (cUTIs) and acute pyelonephritis (APN).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Choice of Antibiotics. Empirical treatment of a symptomatic complicated UTI requires a knowledge of the spectrum of possible pathogens and local antibiotic resistance patterns, as well as assessment of the severity of the underlying urological abnormality (including the evaluation of renal function).', 'url': ''}]
treatment course for complicated uti
Treatment of complicated urinary tract infection and acute pyelonephritis by short-course intravenous levofloxacin (750 mg/day) or conventional intravenous/oral levofloxacin (500 mg/day): prospective, open-label, randomized, controlled, multicenter, non-inferiority clinical trial. Open Access.
$10 and $15 Per foot.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Based on these rough estimates, the base cost of a marine survey for a 28-foot sailing yacht might be about $300 to $500, while a 42-foot yacht survey might cost around $600 to $800.Additional fees for travel time or special services may be involved. Be sure to check with your marine surveyor for any additional fees.ere are some approximate marine survey fees that you might expect to pay for a professional powerboat survey: 1 $10-$17 per foot up to 30 feet. 2 $14-$22 per foot for boats from 31 feet to 40 feet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Posts: 5,214. Re: Marine Surveyor Cost. This summer I paid $12/per foot for the hull/systems survey plus $250 to the yard for a 'short haul' - lift it out of the water for an hour or so so the surveyor can check the hull.Another $350 for the twin diesels to be checked by an engine surveyor, oil and tranny fluid analysis included.E: Marine Surveyor Cost. Recently done in SW Florida: It cost me the loss of a purchase of a used boat because it seems the seller is balking on fixing a hull void on a SW Fla W/A. Cost was $15.00 ft, had a low quote of $12.00 Engine diag and ck was another $200.00.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Re: Marine Surveyor Cost. Most surveys in this area (coastal Carolinas) are between $10 and $15 per foot.....some surveyors also have a minimum charge. These fees do not cover haul out or engine/generator surveys.E: Marine Surveyor Cost. Recently done in SW Florida: It cost me the loss of a purchase of a used boat because it seems the seller is balking on fixing a hull void on a SW Fla W/A. Cost was $15.00 ft, had a low quote of $12.00 Engine diag and ck was another $200.00.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Here are some approximate marine survey fees that you might expect to pay for a professional powerboat survey: 1 $10-$17 per foot up to 30 feet. 2 $14-$22 per foot for boats from 31 feet to 40 feet.3 $16-$20 per foot for boats over 40 feet.ere are some approximate marine survey fees that you might expect to pay for a professional powerboat survey: 1 $10-$17 per foot up to 30 feet. 2 $14-$22 per foot for boats from 31 feet to 40 feet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Posts: 980. Re: Marine Surveyor Cost. I found a lot depends on location, if your in a market where there are a number of surveyors $15/ft is pretty reasonable. I tried to get a boat looked at in the middle of Georgia and the quotes I got were 2x that for a basic survey.E: Marine Surveyor Cost. Recently done in SW Florida: It cost me the loss of a purchase of a used boat because it seems the seller is balking on fixing a hull void on a SW Fla W/A. Cost was $15.00 ft, had a low quote of $12.00 Engine diag and ck was another $200.00.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A survey s total cost includes the surveyor s fee, and the boat s haul-out costs. You can expect to pay between $8 and $14 per linear foot of boat length for the surveyor s fee.Some surveyors may charge by the hour and bill for travel expenses. survey s total cost includes the surveyor s fee, and the boat s haul-out costs. You can expect to pay between $8 and $14 per linear foot of boat length for the surveyor s fee.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'RE: Marine Surveyor Cost. Recently done in SW Florida: It cost me the loss of a purchase of a used boat because it seems the seller is balking on fixing a hull void on a SW Fla W/A. Cost was $15.00 ft, had a low quote of $12.00 Engine diag and ck was another $200.00.E: Marine Surveyor Cost. Recently done in SW Florida: It cost me the loss of a purchase of a used boat because it seems the seller is balking on fixing a hull void on a SW Fla W/A. Cost was $15.00 ft, had a low quote of $12.00 Engine diag and ck was another $200.00.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pre-purchase marine surveys on a used boat is usually FREE ! Pre-purchase marine surveys on a new boat is sometimes FREE ! Any decent marine surveyor will almost always find enough deficiencies on a used boat to more than cover the cost of the survey if you choose to negotiate those deficiencies into the price..... believe my fees are commensurate with other truly qualified and Accredited Marine Surveyors in Ontario but there are non-accredited surveyors who will work for $8 or $9.00 per foot and I am sure they are worth every penny.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Welcome! This directory is designed to help you find a professional marine surveyor in your area. Please note that BoatUS does not endorse or guarantee the performance of surveyors.No warranties expressed or implied are intended or created by this directory.elcome! This directory is designed to help you find a professional marine surveyor in your area. Please note that BoatUS does not endorse or guarantee the performance of surveyors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Any information relayed to other parties will be at the request of the client. All Florida Marine Survey is an independent company and is not affiliated with Insurance Companies, Boat Dealerships, or Boat Brokers. Marine Survey Rates are $20 per foot.Sailboat surveys are $20 per foot.Mast and Rigging inspection is included in this price. For boats 25 foot or less, per foot rate does not apply. Boats 25 feet or less are a flat rate of $500.00.ny information relayed to other parties will be at the request of the client. All Florida Marine Survey is an independent company and is not affiliated with Insurance Companies, Boat Dealerships, or Boat Brokers. Marine Survey Rates are $20 per foot.Sailboat surveys are $20 per foot.', 'url': ''}]
marine surveyor cost
Re: Marine Surveyor Cost. Most surveys in this area (coastal Carolinas) are between $10 and $15 per foot.....some surveyors also have a minimum charge. These fees do not cover haul out or engine/generator surveys.E: Marine Surveyor Cost. Recently done in SW Florida: It cost me the loss of a purchase of a used boat because it seems the seller is balking on fixing a hull void on a SW Fla W/A. Cost was $15.00 ft, had a low quote of $12.00 Engine diag and ck was another $200.00.
Rensselaer, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 82.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 13.30 degrees Fahrenheit.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Cooler Weather and Fewer Crowds Before the howling winds, shorter days and snow of winter arrives, autumn offers one final chance to get out and enjoy some fun golf. More >', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather News - December 15, 2017, 5:27:13 AM EST There is the potential for a 2,200-mile-long stretch of unsettled weather and travel disruptions to set up in the central to eastern United States in the days surrounding Christmas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "New York Weather > Rensselaer Weather Rensselaer, NY Weather Rensselaer, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 82.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 13.30 degrees Fahrenheit.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Golf forecast for Rensselaer, NY from the source for severe weather alerts, local current conditions and extended forecast.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Rensselaer, NY 12144 from Get the Rensselaer weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Rensselaer, NY 12144 from Get the Rensselaer weather forecast.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'View professional and user submitted weather photos, including seasonal photos, thunderstorms, sunsets and beach and boating photos. Weather Videos Weather Forecast Sunday, August 13, 2017 National weather forecast video highlighting extreme conditions, including severe weather news and events.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Reports: Harvey spawns tornadoes in Alabama, Mississippi as flooding persists along Gulf Coast Weather News - August 31, 2017, 7:36:11 PM EDT Flooding from Harvey is expected to continue for days following the storm's final landfall in the United States.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "New York Weather > Rensselaer Weather. Rensselaer, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 82.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 13.30 degrees Fahrenheit.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'World Weather > North America Weather > USA Weather > New York > Rensselaer > 12144', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Effects of Weather on Golf. The weather has a great impact on golf, not just limited to the dry weather or wind.', 'url': ''}]
weather in rensselaer, new york fahrenheit
New York Weather > Rensselaer Weather Rensselaer, NY Weather Rensselaer, NY climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and very cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 20's. The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 82.20 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 13.30 degrees Fahrenheit.
Citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source.It is generally an abbreviated alphanumeric expression found in the pages of a thesis or a dissertation. Reference is the sources you have used to write the sources. These sources can include both included and consulted sources.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'As citation and reference are two important terms used in research methodology, the difference between these two terms have to be understood clearly. Citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source.It is generally an abbreviated alphanumeric expression found in the pages of a thesis or a dissertation. A citation is how you quote the source of the ideas within the body of the research paper. Reference is the sources you have used to write the sources. These sources can include both included and consulted sources.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The differences between a citation and a reference, is that the citation is a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author in a scholarly work. A reference is the information that guides the readers to the source.he differences between a citation and a reference, is that the citation is a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author in a scholarly work. A reference is the information that guides the readers to the source.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bibliography vs Citation. Bibliography and Citation are two terms that are used in research methodology, and it is important to know the difference between them. Bibliography refers to the list of books and journals referred to by the researcher in writing his or her thesis or dissertation.s you can see, all the citations that you used in the body of the paper appear at the end of the paper, under the name bibliography, together with the sources that were not cited. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Bibliography and Works Cited. 2 Difference Between Appendix and Annexure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Remember, the format of the citation and reference is decided according to the format of the paper you are following. • A citation is how you quote the source of the ideas within the body of the research paper. Reference is the sources you have used to write the sources.These sources can include both included and consulted sources. However, in APA, only included sources come under the reference list. A citation is how you quote the source of the ideas within the body of the research paper. Reference is the sources you have used to write the sources. These sources can include both included and consulted sources.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Knowing the difference between a citation and a reference is one of those subtle details that moves you from the category of “novice researcher” to “respected researcher”. It’s one of those things that you don’t really need to know — until you really want to be taken seriously among a group of experts.itation. A specific source that you mention in the body of your paper. The format of the citation may change depending on the style you use (e.g. MLA and APA) and the way that you weave the citation into your writing, but the basic elements of the citation that you need to include are:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'These are the very important differences between bibliography and citation that a researcher has to know. As you can see, all the citations that you used in the body of the paper appear at the end of the paper, under the name bibliography, together with the sources that were not cited.Related posts: 1 Difference Between Bibliography and Works Cited. 2 Difference Between Appendix and Annexure.s you can see, all the citations that you used in the body of the paper appear at the end of the paper, under the name bibliography, together with the sources that were not cited. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Bibliography and Works Cited. 2 Difference Between Appendix and Annexure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Citation. A specific source that you mention in the body of your paper. The format of the citation may change depending on the style you use (e.g. MLA and APA) and the way that you weave the citation into your writing, but the basic elements of the citation that you need to include are:1 Name of the author(s).2 Year of publication.3 Page number or page range.itation. A specific source that you mention in the body of your paper. The format of the citation may change depending on the style you use (e.g. MLA and APA) and the way that you weave the citation into your writing, but the basic elements of the citation that you need to include are:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'APA Style uses text citations and a reference list, rather than footnotes and a bibliography, to document sources.A reference list and a bibliography look a lot alike: They’re both composed of entries arranged alphabetically by author, for example, and they include the same basic information.PA Style uses text citations and a reference list, rather than footnotes and a bibliography, to document sources.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It’s a fact! APA Style uses text citations and a reference list, rather than footnotes and a bibliography, to document sources. A reference list and a bibliography look a lot alike: They’re both composed of entries arranged alphabetically by author, for example, and they include the same basic information.PA Style uses text citations and a reference list, rather than footnotes and a bibliography, to document sources.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This is another main difference between bibliography and citation. • It is very important to know that both bibliography and citation jointly contribute to the formation of a thesis or a well-written dissertation.s you can see, all the citations that you used in the body of the paper appear at the end of the paper, under the name bibliography, together with the sources that were not cited. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Bibliography and Works Cited. 2 Difference Between Appendix and Annexure.', 'url': ''}]
what is difference between citation and reference
As citation and reference are two important terms used in research methodology, the difference between these two terms have to be understood clearly. Citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source.It is generally an abbreviated alphanumeric expression found in the pages of a thesis or a dissertation. A citation is how you quote the source of the ideas within the body of the research paper. Reference is the sources you have used to write the sources. These sources can include both included and consulted sources.
14.2 °C
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Historical Weather ». Our users are allowed to export our yearly monthly average charts as png, jpg, pdf or SVG vector image to display on website or for personal and research use. We require proper credit to be provided to us when using our charts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather in february in Delhi. the weather in Delhi in january is dry ; it hardly ever rains (15mm of precipitation over 2 days). The climate quite enjoyable in that area this month. Temperatures are up to 23°C. In the morning the temperature drops to 13°C. Thus, the mean temperature average in january in Delhi is 18°C. Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Delhi in the month of january with a maximum record of 30°C in 2009 and a minimum record of 7°C in 2011. Day length in Delhi in january is 10:31.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Come autumn/ fall temperatures decrease achieving average highs of 31.8°C (89.3°F) during the day and lows of 19.2°C (66.5°F) generally shortly after sunrise. Total annual Precipitation averages 790 mm (31.1 inches) which is equivalent to 790 Litres/m (19.38 Gallons/ft).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "New Delhi Climate & Temperature. 1 New Delhi, India is at 2834'N, 7712'E, 216 m (709 ft). See map. 2 New Delhi has a humid subtropical hot summer climate that is mild with dry winters, hot humid summers and moderate seasonality (Kppen-Geiger classification: Cwa).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Historical Hour by hour. Apart from averages, the data is also available in hourly interval. Export. Our users are allowed to export our yearly monthly average charts as png, jpg, pdf or SVG vector image to display on website or for personal and research use.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Following fields are displayed for New Delhi, Delhi Monthly Yearly averages: Max, Min and Average Temperature(°C/°F) Visibility (km or miles) Pressure (mb or inches) Cloud (%) Humidity (%) Max and Avg Wind Speed (km/h, mph, knots or m/s) Avg Wind Gust (km/h, mph, knots or m/s)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "New Delhi Climate & Temperature. 1 New Delhi, India is at 2834'N, 7712'E, 216 m (709 ft). 2 New Delhi has a humid subtropical hot summer climate that is mild with dry winters, hot humid summers and moderate seasonality (Kppen-Geiger classification: Cwa).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Temperature graph New Delhi. With an average of 34.3 °C, June is the warmest month. In January, the average temperature is 14.2 °C. It is the lowest average temperature of the whole year. Climate table // historical Weather data New Delhi. The precipitation varies 243 mm between the driest month and the wettest month.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Average monthly weather in New Delhi, India. What's the best time to go to New Delhi in India? The months January, February, March, November and December have nice weather with a good average temperature. Hot season / summer is in March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. Most rainfall (rainy season) is seen in July, August and September. New Delhi has dry periods in January, February, March, April, May, October, November and December. On average, the warmest month is May.", 'url': ',New-Delhi,India'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Delhi is situated on the banks of river Yamuna in the northern part of India. Once a part of the Aravalies, today Delhi has only the Ridge area to tell the story of the greenery this place once had. Delhi is a land locked city and has an extreme type of continental climate. The summers are very hot and winters very cold. The temperature range varies from 45 degrees in summers to 4 degrees in winters.', 'url': ''}]
average temperature january delhi
Temperature graph New Delhi. With an average of 34.3 °C, June is the warmest month. In January, the average temperature is 14.2 °C. It is the lowest average temperature of the whole year. Climate table // historical Weather data New Delhi. The precipitation varies 243 mm between the driest month and the wettest month.
No, land is the real property.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "also considered the customer's immediate property. d. Tangible personal property does not include: i. incorporeal property such as patents, copyrights, rights of inheritance, servitudes, and other legal rights or obligations; ii. work products presented in a tangible form that have worth because of the technical or professional skills of the seller.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Personal property: Chattels. The term chattel sometimes refers to all kinds of personal property, but often it refers only to tangible personal property (such as nose flutes and toenail clippers) as opposed to intangible property. A chattel, such as a furnace, can be affixed to land and become part of the real property. Such chattels are called fixtures. However, fixtures may retain their quality as separate personal property for certain purposes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Materials and supplies are tangible, non-inventory property used and consumed in your operations including: Acquired components – Costs of components acquired to maintain, repair, or improve tangible property owned, leased, or serviced by you and that's not acquired as part of a larger item of tangible property; or", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What Are Some Examples of Things Included as “Personal Property”? As stated above, “personal property” at its broadest usually means anything besides actual land and stakes in land. In many cases, courts have gone a step further, limiting the term to tangible property. Even still, some courts limit the term to tangible property designated only for personal use.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If a donor, who is not engaged in the timber business, contributes cut timber from land held for investment purposes, the timber is considered tangible personal property.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Real property, or real estate, is tangible property that is immovable. Things such as oil, gas, precious metals and standing timber are all part of the land. However, if standing timber is removed, it becomes tangible personal property. If you sell the timber, the sale is treated as a capital gain and not ordinary income.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Similar Questions. 1 I have payments from mineral rights in Oklahoma, I no longer own the property, but retained mineral rights. 2 I received money for leasing mineral rights I retained when property was sold. 3 where do I enter capital gains from the sale of gas, mineral and oil rights from another state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'from the definition of tangible personal property under R.S. 47:301(16)(h). with the state that exempt custom computer software by ordinance as authorized by R.S. 47:305.52. customer or that adapts prewritten or canned software to the needs of a particular customer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Any new business owning tangible property on January 1 st must file an initial tax return on the property. After the initial year of filing, if the assessed value of the personal property exceeds $25,000 in any given year, the business is required to file a tax return.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '12 month property – Costs of tangible property that has an economic useful life of 12 months or less, beginning when the property is used or consumed in your operations; or; $200 property – Costs of tangible property that has an acquisition cost or production cost of $200 or less.', 'url': ''}]
is land considered tangible property
Personal property: Chattels. The term chattel sometimes refers to all kinds of personal property, but often it refers only to tangible personal property (such as nose flutes and toenail clippers) as opposed to intangible property. A chattel, such as a furnace, can be affixed to land and become part of the real property. Such chattels are called fixtures. However, fixtures may retain their quality as separate personal property for certain purposes.
GoTo -> Header -> Header. Type over Billing Date. Click on to SAVE. Result: The Change Billing Document: initial screen redisplays.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Once the problem is fixed, the billing document is released to accounting, creating an FI invoice from the Sales & Distribution billing document. Get started (SAP menu path, fast path) Change billing document: initial screen. SD Billing Document change: overview of billing items View originating documents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'VF02 – Change Billing Document. SAP transaction Code VF02 (Change Billing Document) is classified in Sales and Distribution module under application component Billing and runs Application development R/3 invoice program SAPMV60A upon execution.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Changing MM invoices after posting. Does anybody know if there's a way to change certain fields in posted MM invoice? E.g. the baseline date for calculation of the due date can be changed in the FI document, i.e. SAP doesn't have problems with this field eing changed. However, this change is not reflected in the MM document and it is impossible to do the same change from LIV.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'To change the billing date (if it is the reason an FI invoice could not be created), 1 GoTo -> Header -> Header (see below for screen). 2 Type over Billing Date (shown below). 3 Click on to SAVE. Result: The Change Billing Document: initial screen redisplays.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Enter billing document number that failed to create an FI invoice. If the billing document number is valid, the SD Billing Document Change: Overview screen appears, as shown in next step. Note: The SD billing document is called a Debit Memo, when created by ZVF04, or an Invoice, when created by ZVF0403.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Wednesday, 29 August 2012. how to see Invoice change history in SAP. Invoices change history for invocies which were block earlier and now released, report is needed for those Invoices which are currently not block but they were in past . Steps 1 . you can see the list of invocies which are blocked in past and now released.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CHANGE SAP Function module - Invoice Verification: Change Provisional Invoice. BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CHANGE is a standard SAP function module that performs Invoice Verification: Change Provisional Invoice functionality. This is available within standard R/3 SAP systems depending on version and release level. Below are the pattern details for this FM showing its interface including any import, export and tables parameters.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Would somebody advise of how to change the invoice date for different. period. We created an invoice in October but it was wrong, we need to change the. date into November. Many thanks. Notice: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may be subject to legal or some other professional privilege. They are intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "change the invoice amount. Dear experts. i have a customer invoice its amount is 18000.and posted also. *my question. i want to change the 18000 to 20000 .is it possible. i don't want to reverse this truncation. Thanks in Advance. Ajeesh.s.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hi all, I understand that the invoice receipt created using transaction MIRO can be reversed using MIR6=2E But in the situation where you want to change any info in the already created invoice document like the amount if entered wrong by mistake=2E Is that doable or the only way is to reverse it=2E. Please suggest=2E.', 'url': ''}]
change invoice sap
To change the billing date (if it is the reason an FI invoice could not be created), 1 GoTo -> Header -> Header (see below for screen). 2 Type over Billing Date (shown below). 3 Click on to SAVE. Result: The Change Billing Document: initial screen redisplays.
One calendar year from the date of service.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A: Per Section 6404 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) claims for services furnished on or after January 1, 2010, must be filed within one calendar year from the date of service.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Use is limited to use in Medicare, Medicaid, or other programs administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). You agree to take all necessary steps to insure that your employees and agents abide by the terms of this agreement.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If your claims aren't being filed timely: 1 Contact your doctor or supplier, and ask them to file a claim. 2 If they don't file a claim, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). Ask for the exact time limit for filing a Medicare claim for the service or supply you got. If it's close to the end of the time limit and your doctor or supplier still hasn't filed the claim, you should file the claim.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Claims Timely Filing in Calendar Days. Participating Nonparticipating. Florida 6 months 12 months. Georgia. 180 days of the first calendar day. following the month in which. services were rendered. 180 days of the first calendar day.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Medica is the payer, the timely filing limit is 180 days after the date of service or date of discharge for. inpatient claims. Exceptions. Following is a list of exceptions to the 180-day timely filing limit standard for all Medica and. SelectCare/LaborCare products (except when Medicare is the payer for Medica Select Solution or Medica. Prime Solution claims): Medica requires that claims, resubmissions and/or adjustments for these.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For claims with “span dates of service” (“from” and “through” date span on the claim): • Part A institutional claims – “Through date” is used to determine the date of service for claim timely filing. • Part B claims – “From date” is used to determine the date of service for claim timely filing. Exceptions allowing extension of time limit:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '\uf0a7 Within one calendar year after. the date of service for claims for. services furnished on or after. January 1, 2010. \uf0a7 On or before December 31 of. the calendar year following the. year the service was furnished. for claims for services furnished.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'after the date of service or date of discharge for inpatient claims for allMedica and Medica SelectCareSM/. LaborCare® products except Medica Select Solution® and Medica Prime Solution®. For Medica Select Solution and Medica Prime Solution, when Medicare is the payer, the timely filing limit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Medicare Timely Filing Guidelines. On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), which amended the time period for filing Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) claims as one of many provisions aimed at curbing fraud, waste, and abuse in the Medicare program.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If a claim isn't filed within this time limit, Medicare can't pay its share. For example, if you see your doctor on March 22, 2016, your doctor must file the Medicare claim for that visit no later than March 22, 2017.", 'url': ''}]
what is claim filing limit for medicare
A: Per Section 6404 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) claims for services furnished on or after January 1, 2010, must be filed within one calendar year from the date of service.
On average babies double their birth weight by 4 months; triple their birth weight by 12 months and will be around four times their birth weight by 2 years.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hi Everyone! I have a question about how much weight a toddler should gain from age 2 to 3. The last time my toddler was weighed was at his 2 year old well checkup and he weighed 33 lbs. My mother in law weighed him the other day and he only weighs 31 lbs now and she became extremely concerned. He will 3 in a month and a half.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Consider these general guidelines for infant growth in the first year: 1 From birth to age 6 months, a baby may grow 1/2 to 1 inch (about 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters) a month and gain 5 to 7 ounces (about 140 to 200 grams) a week. Expect your baby to double his or her birth weight by about age 5 months. From ages 6 to 12 months, a baby may grow 3/8 inch (about 1 centimeter) a month and gain 3 to 5 ounces (about 85 to 140 grams) a week. Expect your baby to triple his or her birth weight by about age 1 year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If you have concerns, keep track of your child's growth and speak to your physician, public health nurse or dietitian. To help your toddler maintain a healthy weight: Breastfeed until your toddler is 24 months and older. Offer regular meals and snacks with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. For more information on healthy eating, click here.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Between 24-60 months (2-5 years) children gain an average of 1.5-2.5 kg (3.3-5.5 lb.) If you are concerned about your toddler’s growth, talk to your doctor or public health nurse.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'After the first month, your baby will likely gain 1 to 2 pounds every month until she reaches her sixth month, according to Murray et al. From age six months to 12 months, your baby will gain, on average, 1 pound per month. By the time she reaches her one-year birthday, she will weigh 21 to 26 pounds. Considerations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'On average babies double their birth weight by 4 months; triple their birth weight by 12 months and will be around four times their birth weight by 2 years. (Some babies will reach these levels at a much younger age. Some at a much older age. The most rapid period of growth is between 2 weeks and 6 months of age. This rate of growth decline slightly at around the age of 6 month; declines further around 9 months and declines further still at around 12 months. (These ages can vary depending on each individual baby.)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On average a breastfed baby will double their birth weight by the time they are six months old. At 12 months, a breastfed baby will weigh about 2.5 times their birth weight. Exclusively breastfed babies tend to double their birth weight by five months.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A baby of average weight for height will be on the 50th centile. If your baby is on the 50th centile for height and weight, this means there are 50 baby boys or girls (babies are only ever compared with babies of the same gender) of their age out of every 100 that weigh more than your baby and 49 that weigh less.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In this Article. In this Article. The first year of your new baby’s life is an amazing time. Within just 12 months, your baby will transform from a newborn who is totally dependent on you to a toddler who is starting to walk, talk, and exhibit the first signs of independence. During the first month, your newborn is just getting used to this big, strange new world.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Because a baby is born with extra fluid, she will often lose a few ounces after birth, but usually regain the weight during the next week, and reach her birth weight by two weeks. During the first four weeks of life, your baby will likely gain 2/3 to 1 ounce of weight each day, according to Curtis and Schuler.', 'url': ''}]
how much weight is a toddler supposed to gain every year
On average babies double their birth weight by 4 months; triple their birth weight by 12 months and will be around four times their birth weight by 2 years. (Some babies will reach these levels at a much younger age. Some at a much older age. The most rapid period of growth is between 2 weeks and 6 months of age. This rate of growth decline slightly at around the age of 6 month; declines further around 9 months and declines further still at around 12 months. (These ages can vary depending on each individual baby.)
Calf pain is any feeling of discomfort in the fleshy tissue on the back side of the lower leg, from below the knee to above the ankle. Your calves are made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels, all of which are subject to injury, infection, or other conditions that can be painful.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Calf pain is any feeling of discomfort in the fleshy tissue on the back side of the lower leg, from below the knee to above the ankle. Your calves are made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels, all of which are subject to injury, infection, or other conditions that can be painful.f you, or someone you are with, are experiencing calf or leg pain after mild exercise or exertion, or if you are experiencing pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the calf, seek immediate medical care (call 911) . 9 Things to Know About Cortisone Injections. What Your Joint Pain Could Mean.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Calf Pain. Calf pain is a common occurrence in sports that include running, jumping, hopping and landing activities. Your calf muscle group essentially consists of two muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) that attach to your Achilles tendon.Calf injuries can occur to both muscle and tendon structures.alf Pain. Calf pain is a common occurrence in sports that include running, jumping, hopping and landing activities. Your calf muscle group essentially consists of two muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) that attach to your Achilles tendon. Calf injuries can occur to both muscle and tendon structures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Thrombophlebitis is a condition in which there is both inflammation and a blood clot in a vein. Thrombophlebitis can occur in either superficial or deep veins. Superficial thrombophlebitis occurs in veins close to the skin surface, and usually causes pain, swelling, and redness in the area of the vein.VTs can occur anywhere in the body but are most frequently found in the deep veins of the legs, thighs, and pelvis. They may infrequently arise from the upper extremities usually because of trauma, or from an indwelling catheter (tubing) or device.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is caused by a blood clot in a muscle and can be life-threatening. Symptoms include swelling, pain, and tenderness in the legs. Risk factors include immobility, hormone therapy, and pregnancy.VTs can occur anywhere in the body but are most frequently found in the deep veins of the legs, thighs, and pelvis. They may infrequently arise from the upper extremities usually because of trauma, or from an indwelling catheter (tubing) or device.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A calf strain is a stretch or tear of a muscle or tendon in the back of your leg below your knee. This area of your leg is called the calf. Tendons are strong bands of tissue that attach muscle to bone.This type of injury is often called a pulled muscle.You can strain your calf muscle when you do an activity that involves pushing off forcefully from your toes.his area of your leg is called the calf. Tendons are strong bands of tissue that attach muscle to bone. This type of injury is often called a pulled muscle. You can strain your calf muscle when you do an activity that involves pushing off forcefully from your toes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition. Calf muscles run down the back of the leg from the knee to the ankle. The gastrocnemius is the big muscle at the back of the lower leg and the soleus is the smaller muscle lower down on the leg under the gastrocnemius.These muscles help point the foot away from the body.onsiderations. Some leg and calf pain can indicate a serious condition called peripheral artery disease, or PAD. These symptoms are severe muscle cramping in the hips, thighs or calves. PAD can be caused by a buildup of plaque in the blood vessels which lessens circulation to the legs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you strain your calf muscles, you may feel: 1 Sharp pain or weakness in the back of the lower leg. 2 The pain can quickly resolve, or can persist. 3 A throbbing pain at rest with sharp stabs of pain occurring when you try to stand or walk. 4 A feeling of tightness or weakness in the calf area. Sharp pain or weakness in the back of the lower leg. 2 The pain can quickly resolve, or can persist. 3 A throbbing pain at rest with sharp stabs of pain occurring when you try to stand or walk. 4 A feeling of tightness or weakness in the calf area.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Calf pain can be caused by a strain or tear in the muscles due to injury or overuse. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, any muscle in the calf or leg can become dehydrated or be affected by low levels of potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium in the bloodstream and become painful.onsiderations. Some leg and calf pain can indicate a serious condition called peripheral artery disease, or PAD. These symptoms are severe muscle cramping in the hips, thighs or calves. PAD can be caused by a buildup of plaque in the blood vessels which lessens circulation to the legs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Calf pain can be due to deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in the leg), which is a serious and life-threatening condition.f you, or someone you are with, are experiencing calf or leg pain after mild exercise or exertion, or if you are experiencing pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the calf, seek immediate medical care (call 911) . 9 Things to Know About Cortisone Injections. What Your Joint Pain Could Mean.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Calf pain in the absence of trauma or other symptoms is commonly due to a muscle cramp, also called a “charley horse.” However, there are more serious conditions that lead to calf pain, such as peripheral artery disease.f you, or someone you are with, are experiencing calf or leg pain after mild exercise or exertion, or if you are experiencing pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the calf, seek immediate medical care (call 911) . 9 Things to Know About Cortisone Injections. What Your Joint Pain Could Mean.', 'url': ''}]
what does calf pain mean
Calf pain is any feeling of discomfort in the fleshy tissue on the back side of the lower leg, from below the knee to above the ankle. Your calves are made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels, all of which are subject to injury, infection, or other conditions that can be painful.f you, or someone you are with, are experiencing calf or leg pain after mild exercise or exertion, or if you are experiencing pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the calf, seek immediate medical care (call 911) . 9 Things to Know About Cortisone Injections. What Your Joint Pain Could Mean.
It makes plants green.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Example Variations. Chlorophyll is found in the thylakoid space in the chloroplasts, which we found out earlier is what usually makes plants green. However, you probably know that plants, algae, and bacteria can have pigmentation varying across the spectrum. They need not ALWAYS be green.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The chloroplast is the organelle that contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll. This facilitates the conversion of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight into sugars wh … ich the plant uses for energy (through photosynthesis).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'REVISION: I disagree with the previous answer-the function of a mitochondria and a chloroplast are fundamentally different, indeed nearly opposite in many respects. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis whereby light energy and carbon dioxide are utilized to form sugars. Mitochondria are the site of much of cellular respiration (parts of cellular respiration also occur in the cytoplasm) where oxygen and sugars are broken down to generate energy and carbon dioxide.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The chloroplast is the organelle that contains the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll. This facilitates the conversion of carbon dioxide, water and sunlight into sugars wh … ich the plant uses for energy (through photosynthesis). 8 people found this useful.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A chloroplast is an organelle unique to plant cells that contains chlorophyll (which is what makes plants green) and is responsible for enabling photosynthesis to occur, so that plants can convert sunlight into chemical energy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chloroplasts-are structures that houses the pigments and are responsible for Photosynthesis. Lamella-is an extension of a thylakoid within a chloroplast, linking a thylakoi … d within one granum to one in another. Thylakoid-is a disk-shaped structure wherein light is captured.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Solving the world's problems. . . one answer at a time. 1.The main function of chloroplast in the living cell is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis comprise several biochemical reactions enabling photolysis of water and assimilation of carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrate and oxygen.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chloroplasts-are structures that houses the pigments and are responsible for Photosynthesis. Lamella-is an extension of a thylakoid within a chloroplast, linking a thylakoi … d within one granum to one in another. Thylakoid-is a disk-shaped structure wherein light is captured.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Inside the chloroplast are stacks of thylakoids called grana, as well as stroma, the dense fluid inside of the chloroplast. These thylakoids contain the chlorophyll that is necessary for the plant to go through photosynthesis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Instructor: Jeremy Battista. A chloroplast is a basic organelle that in a sense is one of the most important organelles to us, and we don't even have them!! In this lesson, we will be looking where chloroplasts are found and what their role and function is in cells.", 'url': ''}]
what is function of chloroplast
Example Variations. Chlorophyll is found in the thylakoid space in the chloroplasts, which we found out earlier is what usually makes plants green. However, you probably know that plants, algae, and bacteria can have pigmentation varying across the spectrum. They need not ALWAYS be green.
The action or right of going or coming out.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Egress may refer to: 1 Egress, the right of a person to leave a property. 2 Egress (signal leakage), the passage of electromagnetic fields through the shield of a coaxial cable.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition of egress. 1 1 : the action or right of going or coming out. 2 2 : a place or means of going out : exit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'See also. 1 Egress filtering, in computer networking, monitoring and/or restricting the flow of outbound information. 2 Egressive sound, a type of sound in human speech. 3 Egressive case, a type of grammatical case. Exit 1 (disambiguation) Ingress (disambiguation)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The act of coming or going out; emergence. 2. The right to leave or go out: denied the refugees egress. 3. A path or opening for going out; an exit. 4. Astronomy The emergence of a celestial body from eclipse or occultation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of egress. Examples of egress in a sentence. One comprehends how undisturbed he was, and how safe from any danger of interruption, when it is stated that he even carried off a unicorn's horn—a mere curiosity—which would not pass through the egress entire, but had to be sawn in two—a bit of work which cost him hours of tedious labor.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "egress - the becoming visible; not a day's difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins. emergence, issue. beginning - the event consisting of the start of something; the beginning of the war. eruption - the emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'egress - come out of; Water issued from the hole in the wall; The words seemed to come out by themselves. come forth, emerge, go forth, come out, issue. pop out - come out suddenly or forcefully; you stick a bill in the vending machine and the change pops out.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'See also. Egress filtering, in computer networking, monitoring and/or restricting the flow of outbound information. Egressive sound, a type of sound in human speech. Egressive case, a type of grammatical case. Exit (disambiguation)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The minimum egress window opening height is 24” high. The minimum egress window opening is 20” wide. The egress window must have a glass area of not less than 8% of the total floor area of room(s) for which it is servicing, to allow the minimum amount of sufficient natural light.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Egress window wells are required where the bottom of the egress window is below ground level. The egress well must not interfere with the egress window fully opening. The distance from the egress window to the back of the Egress well must be at least 36”. The minimum area of the egress well must be 9 square feet.', 'url': ''}]
what is an egress
Definition of egress. 1 1 : the action or right of going or coming out. 2 2 : a place or means of going out : exit.
Per person $271 per day, couple is $333
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hawaii Vacation Cost from Flights to Food. Let’s try to figure an approximate cost for the average one week Hawaiian vacation for two people. This will give you an idea which you can then multiply or divide by people or days to suit your particular situation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 The rating is based on information that has been compiled by Costco Travel buyers and might differ from other references. 2 The rating is based on information that has been compiled by Costco Travel buyers and might differ from other references. Property offers the ultimate in elegance and sophistication, with highly personalized service and hospitality. Property offers some, but not all, of the features found in the five-compass rating.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Whether you want to savor a five-star hotel experience along the sun-drenched Kohala Gold Coast of the Big Island, camp at the 4,000-foot elevation of the Kilauea Volcano or walk to the surf from a Waikiki Beach budget lodge, taking a trip to Hawaii can cost much less than you think.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Hawaii hotels range from highly affordable (As of October 2010, $30 per night at the family-owned Manago Hotel in South Kona) to the highest of luxury high end ($7,000 per night at the Halekulani's Vera Wang II Suite). The Waikiki area offers numerous small hotels a block or two from the beach.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A trip to Hawaii can be affordable if you plan carefully. (Photo: sunset hawaii image by A74.FR Ben Fontaine from )', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Flight to Hawaii. This obviously will vary by where you are flying from. I’m going to pick the current price of a West Coast flight to Honolulu and the current cost of a Chicago flight to Honolulu and average them to use as our flight cost. If you are interested in general ongoing Hawaii flight discussions, check out my Hawaii Flight Prices Blog.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Hawaii was also at the top of last year's AAA travel survey with an average daily cost for a family of four of $650, which was lower than this year's total for two adults.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In this place of ineffable beauty, the word is not a cliché, but a fact, even an understatement. Eden may greet you on a heroic scale, as in a panoramic coastal view, or in the palm of your hand, as when you hold a native Lakelani rose.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Nevada ($301) is third, followed by Florida ($289) and Massachusetts ($287) in AAA's 2008 Annual Vacation Costs Survey. The figures do not include airfare and other costs. Accommodations in Hawaii, at an average of $675 a night, propelled the state to the overall No. 1. The national average is $164 per night.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '$271 is the average daily price for traveling in Hawaii. The average price of food for one day is $61. The average price of a hotel for a couple is $333. Additional pricing is in the table below. These average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget. Average Daily Cost Per person, per day. $271.', 'url': ''}]
travel cost hawaii
$271 is the average daily price for traveling in Hawaii. The average price of food for one day is $61. The average price of a hotel for a couple is $333. Additional pricing is in the table below. These average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget. Average Daily Cost Per person, per day. $271.
Pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders, fatigue, malaise and a loss of appetite.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders are the most common symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica. The pain and stiffness may gradually spread to other areas, such as the shoulders, hips, and thighs. These symptoms usually affect both sides of the body. Other common symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica include: 1 fatigue. 2 malaise. 3 a loss of appetite. sudden, unintentional weight 1 loss. anemia, or low red blood cell count. 2 depression. a low-grade 3 fever. a limited range of motion.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In both polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis, an increase in symptoms may develop when the corticosteroid dose is reduced to lower levels. The doctor may need to hold the lower dose for a longer period of time or even modestly increase it again, temporarily, to control the symptoms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Other symptoms include: 1 feeling unwell. 2 a slight fever. 3 weight loss. overwhelming 1 tiredness. feeling low, anxious or depressed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In addition to the musculoskeletal stiffness mentioned earlier, people with polymyalgia rheumatica also may have flu-like symptoms, including fever, weakness, and weight loss. Early symptoms of giant cell arteritis may resemble flu symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and fever. Symptoms specifically related to the inflamed arteries of the head include headaches, pain and tenderness over the temples, double vision or visual loss, dizziness or problems with coordination, and balance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica tend to develop quickly and in addition to muscle pain, other symptoms may include: Stiffness around the shoulders and hips, especially in the morning and after resting. Weakness. Fatigue.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica is widespread aching and stiffness. Symptoms tend to come on quickly, over a few days or weeks, and sometimes even overnight. Both sides of the body are equally affected. Involvement of the upper arms, with trouble raising them above the shoulders, is common. Sometimes, aching occurs at joints such as the hands and wrists.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What are the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)? Print, Download, Order. If you have polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) you’ll usually have severe and painful stiffness, which is often worse in the morning, especially in your shoulders and thighs and usually affecting both sides. PMR often strikes suddenly, appearing over a week or two and sometimes just after a flu-like illness.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) facts. Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. PMR is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms associated with abnormal blood testing for inflammation. Treatment of the disease involves taking low doses of cortisone medications.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) facts. 1 Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. 2 PMR is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms associated with abnormal blood testing for inflammation. 3 Treatment of the disease involves taking low doses of cortisone medications.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica tend to develop quickly and in addition to muscle pain, other symptoms may include: 1 Stiffness around the shoulders and hips, especially in the morning and after resting. 2 Weakness. 3 Fatigue. Generally feeling ill. Mild fevers 1 (occasionally) Weight loss.', 'url': ''}]
polyneuralgia symptoms
Pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders are the most common symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica. The pain and stiffness may gradually spread to other areas, such as the shoulders, hips, and thighs. These symptoms usually affect both sides of the body. Other common symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica include: 1 fatigue. 2 malaise. 3 a loss of appetite. sudden, unintentional weight 1 loss. anemia, or low red blood cell count. 2 depression. a low-grade 3 fever. a limited range of motion.
Yes, lg is based in Korea.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'LG electronics, appliances and mobile devices feature innovative technology and sleek designs to suit your life and your style. To properly experience our website, you will need to use an alternate browser or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE9 or greater).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'LG CNS Co., Ltd., Banking Automation Business Division Request Profile Update The information and data displayed in this profile are created and managed by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the analysis below, we compare South Korea’s top 10 export companies based on asset values, sales and profitability as of May 2017. Also specified is the Korean city where each business has its headquarters. South Korea’s Top 10 Major Export Companies', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. As of January 2015, the corporate headquarters for LG Electronic is LG Twin Towers, 20 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea. The U.S. headquarters of LG Electronics is located at 111 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'LG Electronics Inc. (Korean: LG전자) is a South Korean multinational electronics company headquartered in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea, and is part of the LG Group, employing 82,000 people working in 119 local subsidiaries worldwide.[2] With 2014 global sales of USD 55.91 billion (KRW 59.04 trillion), LG comprises four business units: Home ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Three of South Korea’s 10 largest export companies operate in automotive industry. Two Korean electronics industry players also rank among the Asian country’s top 10 exporters, as do two Korean competitors from the oil and gas sector.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "To support initial U.S. Next Gen TV broadcast deployments, LG said it will leverage its marketplace experience from the launch of Next Gen TV in Korea and its technical expertise as co-developer of ATSC 3.0, which has been hailed as the world's first Internet Protocol-based TV broadcast system.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Is Joonmedia based in South Korea? Who manufactures the LG electric range? Where is the Lexus USA headquarters?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Five of South Korea’s largest export companies increased their year-over-year sales as of May 2016. 1 Samsung Electronics: US$177.3 billion, down -15.1% from 2015. 2 Hyundai Motor: $81.3 billion, up 1.8%. 3 LG Electronics: $49.9 billion, down -6%. 4 Posco: $48 billion, down -15%. 5 KIA Motors: $43.8 billion, up 0.6%.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'LG Corporation (Korean: 주식회사 LG), formerly Lucky-GoldStar (Korean: Leogki Geumseong (럭키금성/樂喜金星), is a South Korean multinational conglomerate corporation. It is the fourth-largest chaebol in South Korea. It is headquartered in the LG Twin Towers building in Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.', 'url': ''}]
is lg based in korea
LG Electronics Inc. (Korean: LG전자) is a South Korean multinational electronics company headquartered in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea, and is part of the LG Group, employing 82,000 people working in 119 local subsidiaries worldwide.[2] With 2014 global sales of USD 55.91 billion (KRW 59.04 trillion), LG comprises four business units: Home ...
Intense workouts may cause abdominal contractions and side cramps.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For a calf cramp, put your weight on your cramped leg and bend your knee slightly. If you're unable to stand, try pulling the top of your foot on the affected side toward your head while your leg is in a straightened position. This will also help ease a back thigh (hamstring) cramp.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A less common cause of exercise-related leg pain is exercise-induced compartment syndrome. This condition is more often associated with a recent increase in leg muscle mass and causes intense leg pain, cramping, and a tight feeling in the leg muscles with activity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Why do cramps occur? One reason is a decreased supply of oxygen. If you’ve ever gotten a “stitch in the side” when exercising, you’ve experienced this phenomenon. When the work of the muscle outstrips the flow of blood and supply of oxygen, the muscles cramp up.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Causes of Pain in Left Side Abdomen. 1 Gastric Volvulus: This is the point at which the stomach contorts on itself. This can happen when one side flips onto the other either along the pivot (pivotal volvulus) or when the upper part flips down (mesentero-hub volvulus).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dr. Quist adds that “cramps can involve part or all of a muscle, or several muscles in a group.” The most notorious sites for cramps are the calves, thighs and arch of the foot. Cramps in the hands, arms, abdomen and along the rib cage are also very common.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Any of the left side organs can feel pain any time due to different kinds of reasons. Most common type of pain in left side is chest pain in left side as well as abdomen pain in left side. Depending on the area and causes of the pain, treatment can vary. There are different organs that we can find on the left side of the body.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The muscles of the lower leg control foot motion and stability, so increase in activity or changes in footwear can sometimes cause sore muscles or tendonitis. While the increase in physical activity is a leading cause of lower leg pain, there are many other health conditions that can cause leg pain. Leg pain that is severe, sudden, or accompanied by swelling should always be evaluated by a physician. Some of the more common causes of lower leg pain include:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A cramp is the tightening of a muscle into the contracted state. Muscles have two states: relaxed and contracted. A muscle is relaxed when all of the fibers within the muscle are elongated. When the muscle does its job, calcium goes into the muscle cells and sodium rushes out.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Intense workouts may cause abdominal contractions and side cramps. Menstrual cramps are one common cause of side cramps. Running cramps may be caused by a spasm of the diaphragm muscle. Side cramps can be caused by abdominal exercises. Indigestion from food can cause side cramps.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Causes of Pain in Left Side Back. 1 Pregnancy: Back pain especially on the left side, is very common in pregnancy and happens for a few reasons. As the child develops in size, the uterus can pack torment delicate structures including nerves. 2 Kidney Infection: Kidney diseases can cause left side back pain.', 'url': ''}]
what causes major cramping along the sides
Intense workouts may cause abdominal contractions and side cramps. Menstrual cramps are one common cause of side cramps. Running cramps may be caused by a spasm of the diaphragm muscle. Side cramps can be caused by abdominal exercises. Indigestion from food can cause side cramps.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'We supply Landscaping Stone, Landscpae Rock, and Landscape Boulders to Suffolk County - Nassau County - Queens NY - Brooklyn NY - Bronx NY - Westchester NY - Staten Island NY, for Waterfalls, Rivers, Diving Rocks, Boulder Walls, Swimming Pools, Driveways, Walkways, and more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Skyview Stone and Land Development. Our Stone Yard & Rock Quarry is a Landscape Stone - Rock - Boulder - Supply, on two acres of property at 2 Old Northport Road in Kings Park, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 11754.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Kings Park Psychiatric Center, known by Kings Park locals as The Psych Center, is a former state-run psychiatric hospital located in Kings Park, New York.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Landscape Material Supply - Suffolk - Nassau - Manhattan NY. Our 27th Year Anniversary ! Our Stone Yard & Rock Quarry is a Landscape Stone - Rock - Boulder - Supply, on two acres of property at 2 Old Northport Road in Kings Park, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 11754.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Located on Long Island in Kings Park, N.Y., the club is open to members of all skill levels. Current members range from novices to professionals. The club is open to all types and styles of photography. We welcome members with all types of cameras and devices: From cell phones, to point and shoots, film, DSLRs, medium format, to large format. All are welcome.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Kings Park Info. Kings Park is a small hamlet of the Town of Smithtown, bordering on Nissequogue, Fort Salonga, Commack, and Smithtown proper. It is perhaps most famous for the now defunct Kings Park Psychiatric Center, which operated from 1885 through 1996 and is the... (more...)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Our Landscaping Supply Company Delivers Stone, Rock, and Boulders to Suffolk County, Nassau County, Queens, Brooklyn County, Bronx, Kings County, Westchester County, Staten Island, New York City - Manhattan :', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Kings Park NY Real Estate & Homes for Sale. The median home value in Kings Park, NY is $419,000. This is higher than the county median home value of $341,500. The national median home value is $177,414. The average price of homes sold in Kings Park, NY is $419,000. Approximately 83.02% of Kings Park homes are owned, compared to 12.91% rented, while 4.07% are vacant. Kings Park real estate listings include condos, townhomes, and single family homes for sale. Commercial properties are also available.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Search for: 1 Video of KP Chamber of Commerce Event, “Hot Summer’s Night Concert,” by KP Photo Club Member Frank Mercuri Available. 2 Reminder on Next Regular Club Meeting, this Thursday August 18th, 7 PM at the Kings Park Bluff. Reminder on Next Work Share Meeting this Thursday, August 4th, 7 PM at Kings Park Library.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Kings Park Psychiatric Center was established in 1885 by Kings County in nearby Suffolk County, adjoining the Society of St. Johnland established by William Augustus Muhlenberg, prior to the consolidation of Kings County with Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx, to form modern New York City.', 'url': ''}]
is kings park located in long island
Skyview Stone and Land Development. Our Stone Yard & Rock Quarry is a Landscape Stone - Rock - Boulder - Supply, on two acres of property at 2 Old Northport Road in Kings Park, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 11754.
Yes, school in georgia started.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are currently 115 charter schools in Georgia, not including schools within charter systems. Of the 115 charter schools, there are 97 start-up charter schools and 18 conversion charter schools. In addition, there are 32 charter systems in Georgia, which include 326 schools.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Gwinnett County Public Schools was named District of the Year among large school districts — serving 50,000 or more students — in expanding access to Advanced Placement Program ® (AP®) courses while also improving AP Exam performance. GCPS was one of 433 school districts placed on this year's AP District Honor Roll.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'School Options. Of the 181 public school systems in Georgia, 159 are county systems and 21 are city systems; the Department of Juvenile Justice also runs a school system. There are nearly 2,000 schools within these 181 systems. In addition, 24 psychoeducational facilities serve students with severe disabilities.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The AKS: The Core of Teaching and Learning in GCPS. Annually, Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) reviews its Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum. Through this process, GCPS has aligned the AKS to the state-adopted Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). Learn more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '2) Form a team and collaborate. School food service staff, teachers, administrators, local farmers, students, parents and community organizations each have an important role in establishing a sustainable farm to school program. 3) Establish one or two attainable goals to get started. Some ideas include:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Georgia Department of Education has a very limited role related to home school. The Georgia Department of Education is only responsible for maintaining the Declaration of Intent records.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Founded on October 13, 1885 in Atlanta, Georgia as the Georgia School of Technology, the university opened in 1888 after the construction of Tech Tower and a shop building and only offered one degree in mechanical engineering. By 1901, degrees in electrical, civil, textile, and chemical engineering were also offered.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "the state constitution has compelled public support of education since 1777 and the state's first government-supported high school opened in Augusta in 1783, Georgia did little to provide for public education in the state. A poor school fund was established in 1822, but its benefits proved limited.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What are the different types of charter schools in Georgia? In Georgia, there are two types of charter schools: start-up charter schools and conversion charter schools. Start-up charter schools are often grouped by their authorizer: locally-approved charter schools and state-chartered special schools.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The first class of students at the Georgia School of Technology was small and homogeneous, and educational options were limited. 85 students signed up on the first registration day, October 7, 1888, and the enrollment for the first year climbed to a total of 129 by January 7, 1889.', 'url': ''}]
has school in georgia started
Founded on October 13, 1885 in Atlanta, Georgia as the Georgia School of Technology, the university opened in 1888 after the construction of Tech Tower and a shop building and only offered one degree in mechanical engineering. By 1901, degrees in electrical, civil, textile, and chemical engineering were also offered.
An ancient region of W Europe corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium, part of Germany and the S Netherlands.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Gaul (ɡɔːl ) noun. 1. an ancient region of W Europe corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium, part of Germany, and the S Netherlands: divided into Cisalpine Gaul, which became a Roman province before 100 bc, and Transalpine Gaul, which was conquered by Julius Caesar (58–51 bc) . Latin name : Gallia.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Acronyms, Wikipedia. Related to Gaul: Conquest of Gaul. (gôl), Lat. Gallia, ancient designation for the land S and W of the Rhine, W of the Alps, and N of the Pyrenees. The name was extended by the Romans to include Italy from Lucca and Rimini northwards, excluding Liguria. This extension of the name is derived from its settlers of the 4th and 3d cent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of gall. 1a : bile; especially : bile obtained from an animal and used in the arts or medicineb : something bitter to endurec : bitterness of spirit : rancor.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of gall. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to fret and wear away by friction : chafe the loose saddle galled the horse's back the galling of a metal bearing. 3 2 : irritate, vex sarcasm galls her. intransitive 1 verb. 1 : to become sore or worn by rubbing. 2 : seize 2.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of gall. 1 1a : bile; especially : bile obtained from an animal and used in the arts or medicineb : something bitter to endurec : bitterness of spirit : rancor. 2 2 : brazen boldness coupled with impudent assurance and insolence had the gall to think that he could replace her.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'an ancient region in W Europe, including the modern areas of N Italy, France, Belgium, and the S Netherlands: consisted of two main divisions, one part S of the Alps (Cisalpine Gaul) and another part N of the Alps (Transalpine Gaul)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Gaul 2. An ancient region of western Europe south and west of the Rhine River, west of the Alps, and north of the Pyrenees, corresponding roughly to modern-day France and Belgium. The Romans extended the designation to include northern Italy, particularly after Julius Caesar's conquest of the area in the Gallic Wars (58-51 bc).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'an ancient region of W Europe corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium, part of Germany, and the S Netherlands: divided into Cisalpine Gaul, which became a Roman province before 100 bc, and Transalpine Gaul, which was conquered by Julius Caesar (58–51 bc) Latin name Gallia.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Latin Gallia. a province of the ancient Roman Empire, including the territory corresponding to modern France, Belgium, the S Netherlands, Switzerland, N Italy, and Germany W of the Rhine. 3. an inhabitant of the ancient region of Gaul.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. (Placename) an ancient region of W Europe corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium, part of Germany, and the S Netherlands: divided into Cisalpine Gaul, which became a Roman province before 100 bc, and Transalpine Gaul, which was conquered by Julius Caesar (58–51 bc).', 'url': ''}]
definition of gaul
Gaul (ɡɔːl ) noun. 1. an ancient region of W Europe corresponding to N Italy, France, Belgium, part of Germany, and the S Netherlands: divided into Cisalpine Gaul, which became a Roman province before 100 bc, and Transalpine Gaul, which was conquered by Julius Caesar (58–51 bc) . Latin name : Gallia.
A bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the vertebral skeleton. Bones support and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells, store minerals and also enable mobility.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the vertebral skeleton. Bones support and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells, store minerals and also enable mobility. Bone tissue is a type of dense connective tissue.n the human body at birth, there are over 270 bones, but many of these fuse together during development, leaving a total of 206 separate bones in the adult, not counting numerous small sesamoid bones. The largest bone in the body is the thigh-bone (femur) and the smallest is the stapes in the middle ear.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It shapes the body and protects organs. The skeletal system works with the muscular system to help the body move. Marrow, which is soft, fatty tissue that produces red blood cells, many white blood cells, and other immune system cells, is found inside bones.t is made up of a group of organs that transport blood throughout the body. The heart pumps the blood and the arteries and veins transport it. Oxygen-rich blood leaves the left side of the heart and enters the biggest artery, called the aorta.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Skeletal System. Organs all the bones of the body (206), their associated cartilage, and the joints of the body. Functions bones support and protect the body assist in body movement house cells that produce blood cells, and they store minerals.eproductive System. Organs Structures that produce, store, and transport reproductive cells (sperm and eggs). Testes, penis Uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes Functions Produce eggs and sperm, in women, provides a site for the developing embryo-fetus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The circulatory system is the body's transport system. It is made up of a group of organs that transport blood throughout the body. The heart pumps the blood and the arteries and veins transport it.Oxygen-rich blood leaves the left side of the heart and enters the biggest artery, called the aorta.t is made up of a group of organs that transport blood throughout the body. The heart pumps the blood and the arteries and veins transport it. Oxygen-rich blood leaves the left side of the heart and enters the biggest artery, called the aorta.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The liver and kidneys filter the blood. The bones produce most of the white blood cells. However, T and B lymphocytes are produced in the lymph nodes and spleen, and the T Cel … ls are also produced and mature in they Thymus Gland.The bone marrow is the part of the bone that produces the cells. 3 people found this useful.he liver and kidneys filter the blood. The bones produce most of the white blood cells. However, T and B lymphocytes are produced in the lymph nodes and spleen, and the T Cel … ls are also produced and mature in they Thymus Gland.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The liver and kidneys filter the blood. The bones produce most of the white blood cells. However, T and B lymphocytes are produced in the lymph nodes and spleen, and the T Cel … ls are also produced and mature in they Thymus Gland.The bone marrow is the part of the bone that produces the cells.3 people found this useful. the part of your body that produces red blood cells is your marrow. the marrow is the sponge like tissue that is found in most of your bones. the area that the most red … blood cells are made is the hip. the hip has the most marrow. + 33 others found this useful.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The primary function of the reproductive system is to produce male and female sex cells and to ensure the growth and development of offspring. The reproductive system is comprised of male and female reproductive organs and structures. The growth and activity of these organs and structures is regulated by hormones.econdary organs aid in the growth and maturation of gametes and developing offspring. 1 Female Reproductive System. 2 Labia majora-Larger lip-like external structures that cover and protect sexual structures. 3 Labia minora-Smaller lip-like external structures found inside the labia majora.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The skeletal system supports and protects the body while giving it shape and form. This system is composed of connective tissues including bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Nutrients are provided to this system through blood vessels that are contained within canals in bone.The skeletal system stores minerals, fats, and produces blood cells.Another major role of the skeletal system is to provide mobility. Tendons, bones, joints, ligaments and muscles work in concert to produce various movements.his system is composed of connective tissues including bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Nutrients are provided to this system through blood vessels that are contained within canals in bone. The skeletal system stores minerals, fats, and produces blood cells.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Two types of white blood cells called lymphocytes are vital to the specific immune response. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow, and mature into one of several subtypes. The two most common are T cells and B cells. An antigen is a foreign material that triggers a response from T and B cells.The human body has B and T cells specific to millions of different antigens.ymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow, and mature into one of several subtypes. The two most common are T cells and B cells. An antigen is a foreign material that triggers a response from T and B cells. The human body has B and T cells specific to millions of different antigens.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If the bone marrow is not taken care of and is unable to produce the adequate amount of blood cells for the body, then the rest of the immune system will take a hit since it is the white blood cells and lymphocytes that provide the backbone of our immune system.t mainly contains numerous cells that are essential to supporting your immune system. These cells are white blood cells whose main purpose is to act as the defenders of your body against any possible bacteria or pathogen that might harm it. In these white blood cells you can find lymphocytes and macrophages.', 'url': ''}]
what are organs that protect organs and produce blood cells
A bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the vertebral skeleton. Bones support and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells, store minerals and also enable mobility. Bone tissue is a type of dense connective tissue.n the human body at birth, there are over 270 bones, but many of these fuse together during development, leaving a total of 206 separate bones in the adult, not counting numerous small sesamoid bones. The largest bone in the body is the thigh-bone (femur) and the smallest is the stapes in the middle ear.
7 weeks
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'I would recommend you visit the puppies at the very least twice, at 4/5 weeks and again when you pick up the pup. The best age to take the puppy home is 7 weeks see my Psychological Changes in a Puppies Growth.NEVER ever accept a puppy less than 7 weeks of age, it is vitally important they are with their mother and siblings up to this age. Puppies over twelve weeks should be avoided if possible. would recommend you visit the puppies at the very least twice, at 4/5 weeks and again when you pick up the pup. The best age to take the puppy home is 7 weeks see my Psychological Changes in a Puppies Growth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Good question. 8 weeks is the youngest you can bring home a new puppy, because being able to leave its mother is not all about being able to be fed by her.During those ate weeks, they learn crucial socialization skills, such as bite inhibition, which is the reason why a dog knows its not ok to bite someones head off.ood question. 8 weeks is the youngest you can bring home a new puppy, because being able to leave its mother is not all about being able to be fed by her.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: You should pick up your puppy anywhere from 8 weeks up. I would not trust a breeder that let you take a pup home any younger than that, as it is illegal to sell a pup under this age.tay away from anybody that offers to sell you a pup that is younger than 8 weeks old-it is completely unethical. Training can begin from the day you bring the pup come but don't expect too much for a couple of months. Their attention spans at such a young age are very short.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In this article. Font Size. A. A. A. Bringing home a new puppy is truly one of life's joys. Thoughtful pre-puppy preparations and a well-planned first 24 hours can give your fuzzy bundle of promise a head start and make your dreams of the perfect family dog come true.ont Size. A. A. A. Bringing home a new puppy is truly one of life's joys. Thoughtful pre-puppy preparations and a well-planned first 24 hours can give your fuzzy bundle of promise a head start and make your dreams of the perfect family dog come true.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Best age is between 8-12 weeks. Even though the puppies might be weaned at 5-6 weeks, they are still learning important social skills from their mother and litter mates and taking a puppy before it's 8 weeks old can result in later behavioural problems.ood question. 8 weeks is the youngest you can bring home a new puppy, because being able to leave its mother is not all about being able to be fed by her.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '8 weeks is the standard time to take home a puppy as although they are weaned at 5 weeks they still need to learn things from their mother and their litter mates as well as gaining important time socialising.ood question. 8 weeks is the youngest you can bring home a new puppy, because being able to leave its mother is not all about being able to be fed by her.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ideally, the age to bring home a puppy is when he’s between seven and twelve weeks old. This is considered the critical socialization period in a puppy’s life, the time when he learns the most about his environment and begins to adjust to his surroundings.deally, the age to bring home a puppy is when he’s between seven and twelve weeks old. This is considered the critical socialization period in a puppy’s life, the time when he learns the most about his environment and begins to adjust to his surroundings.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If a breeder tries to convince you to take the puppy home before 8 weeks, it’s usually for selfish reasons such as financial savings and not wishing to invest time into care and socialization. So be very suspicious of the breeder if this is their wish.his period declines at about 12 weeks of age and almost completely ends at 14 weeks where fear begins to creep in as a natural trait essential to survival if it lived in the wild. So it’s essential that a puppy is socialized to as many things as possible during the 7 to 12 week period, and 14 weeks at the latest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I’ll cut straight to the chase and say you shouldn’t bring your puppy home until it’s at least 7 weeks old, with the recommended age universally agreed to be 8 weeks of age.his period declines at about 12 weeks of age and almost completely ends at 14 weeks where fear begins to creep in as a natural trait essential to survival if it lived in the wild. So it’s essential that a puppy is socialized to as many things as possible during the 7 to 12 week period, and 14 weeks at the latest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Keep these things in mind before your bring your puppy home. But from a caring breeder who focuses on quality dogs. Make sure that before the puppy leaves for his new home the breeder has given them the appropriate number of vaccines for their age.eep these things in mind before your bring your puppy home. But from a caring breeder who focuses on quality dogs. Make sure that before the puppy leaves for his new home the breeder has given them the appropriate number of vaccines for their age.', 'url': ''}]
what age can you bring a baby puppy home
I would recommend you visit the puppies at the very least twice, at 4/5 weeks and again when you pick up the pup. The best age to take the puppy home is 7 weeks see my Psychological Changes in a Puppies Growth.NEVER ever accept a puppy less than 7 weeks of age, it is vitally important they are with their mother and siblings up to this age. Puppies over twelve weeks should be avoided if possible. would recommend you visit the puppies at the very least twice, at 4/5 weeks and again when you pick up the pup. The best age to take the puppy home is 7 weeks see my Psychological Changes in a Puppies Growth.
Ministro Pistarini International Airport (airport code EZE)
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Airport transfers service from AEP / EZE Airports to/from all destination in Buenos Aires metro area. Our stands are located at both airports. EZE Ezeiza Ministro Pastrani International Airport . AEP Aeroparque Jorge Newberry Domestic Airport. Operating 24/7 year round. Customer care from 9am to 6pm local time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Destinations Served. Below are the cities served by United Airlines and its partners using a United flight number as of Wed., Apr. 12, 2017.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Travel between the airport and anywhere in the Buenos Aires region can be undertaken by city taxi, or limousine (remise in Spanish), and there are airport shuttle buses operating a non-stop service between the airport and certain locations in central Buenos Aires.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'After deplaning at EZE, you will need to make several stops before heading to town. Ministro Pistarini Airport (EZE): Ministro Pistarini International Airport (airport code EZE) is located in Ezeiza just 22 kilometers from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is the 11th busiest airport in South America. The airport has three terminals, A, B and the recently opened Terminal C, that host over 8 million travelers each year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Taxi EZE, AEP, BQB & Cruise Terminal. Our service fulfills your airport transfer needs in both of the main airports in Buenos Aires, Aeropuerto Ezeiza Ministro Pistarini (EZE) and Aeroparque Jorge Newbery (AEP), and also the ship Terminals Buquebus and Quinquela Martin. Go Airport Taxi GROUPS offers a 1st class service for your group at any time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Travel around Buenos Aires in a chauffeured limo. Avoid waiting in long, unreliable taxi lines or trying to navigate an unfamiliar public transport system. Blacklane’s limousine service is designed to make getting around Buenos Aires comfortable, convenient, and hassle-free.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Air Canada, Cimber Air, Scandinavian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, United Airlines, Cityjet, flybe, Lufthansa Cityline, Lufthansa, LOT Polish Airlines, SWISS International Airlines, Croatia Airlines.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Enter flight times. Our agents will track your flight in case it's early or late. If ordering a transfer from the airport-->city, please make sure to enter your arrival day and time. Many passengers make a mistake on the date of arrival if they are an overnight flight. We need your date of arrival in Argentina and not the date of departure from the country of origin. Drop-Off Address.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Covering 3,475 hectares (13.42 sq mi; 8,590 acres), the airport serves Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area. It has been operated by Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. since 1998. Ministro Pistarini Airport was voted 2007 best airport in the region following a survey carried out by Skytrax.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'COR Córdoba Airport Transfers: Hire the best private car service for airport transfers in Ingeniero Aeronáutico Ambrosio L.V. Taravella International Airport (COR) and all your ground transport services in Córdoba. Save time in booking your rides and make the best of your experience in the city of Córdoba.', 'url': ''}]
what airport serves argentina
After deplaning at EZE, you will need to make several stops before heading to town. Ministro Pistarini Airport (EZE): Ministro Pistarini International Airport (airport code EZE) is located in Ezeiza just 22 kilometers from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is the 11th busiest airport in South America. The airport has three terminals, A, B and the recently opened Terminal C, that host over 8 million travelers each year.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Urticaria, also known as hives, is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques (wheals) on the skin that appear suddenly -- either as a result of the body's reaction to certain allergens, or for unknown reasons. Hives usually cause itching, but may also burn or sting.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Urticaria, also known as hives, is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques (wheals) on the skin that appear suddenly -- either as a result of the body's reaction to certain allergens, or for unknown reasons.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Often, the cause of chronic hives is not clear. In some cases, chronic hives are a sign of an underlying health problem, such as thyroid disease or lupus. You can try various treatments to relieve your symptoms. For many people, antihistamine and anti-itch medications provide relief from chronic hives.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hives, also known as urticaria, are red welts that appear on the skin and are typically caused by an allergic reaction to foods or medication. They may appear like a normal skin rash that is slightly raised, forming in large patches.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A. A. A. Urticaria, also known as hives, is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques (wheals) on the skin that appear suddenly -- either as a result of the body's reaction to certain allergens, or for unknown reasons.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The most common causes are certain foods, medications, or infections. Insect bites and internal disease may also be responsible. The most common foods that cause hives are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries, and milk.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The most common causes are certain foods, medications, or infections. Insect bites and internal disease may also be responsible. The most common foods that cause hives are nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries, and milk. Fresh foods cause hives more often than cooked foods.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hives are also known as urticaria, welts, wheals, or nettle rash. It is a red, raised, itchy skin rash that is sometimes triggered by something that produces an allergic reaction-an allergen. When there is an allergic reaction the body releases a protein called histamine.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Often, the cause of chronic hives is not clear. In some cases, chronic hives are a sign of an underlying health problem, such as thyroid disease or lupus. You can try various treatments to relieve your symptoms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hives on dark skin. Hives are a skin reaction that causes red or white itchy welts. The welts vary in size and appear and fade repeatedly as the reaction runs its course. Chronic hives are a condition in which the welts last more than six weeks or recur over months or years.', 'url': ''}]
is hives a disease
Urticaria, also known as hives, is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques (wheals) on the skin that appear suddenly -- either as a result of the body's reaction to certain allergens, or for unknown reasons. Hives usually cause itching, but may also burn or sting.
Bairn is a Scottish term for a child.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I haena seen the bairn, replied David, in repressed perturbation. David Elginbrod George MacDonald I was not old, in heart—it pattered like a bairn's steps to every glimpse and sentence of her. Gilian The Dreamer Neil Munro You forget I was but a bairn when we romped in the hay-dash.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Originally not chiefly Scottish, but felt as such from c.1700. This was the English form of the original Germanic word for child (see child). Dutch, Old High German kind, German Kind are from a prehistoric *gen-to-m born, from the same root as Latin gignere. Middle English had bairn-team brood of children..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'bairn definition: The definition of bairn is the Scottish term for a child. (noun) An example of a bairn is a reference in a book when a Scottish character says they “have a dozen bairns,” which means a dozen children. ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'bairn Synonyms Synonyms child [chiefly Scottish], bambino, bud, chap [Southern & Midland], chick, cub, juvenile, kid, kiddie (also kiddy), kiddo, moppet, sprat, sprout, squirt, whelp, youngling, youngster, youth', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Too awful it is for an aged man to bide and bear, that his bairn so young rides on the gallows.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The definition of bairn is the Scottish term for a child. An example of a bairn is a reference in a book when a Scottish character says they “have a dozen bairns,” which means a dozen children. YourDictionary definition and usage example.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What made you want to look up bairn? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Word Origin and History for bairn Expand n. child (of any age), Old English bearn child, son, descendant, probably related to beran (to bear, carry, give birth; see bear (v.)).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "An', to tell the truth, sir, I'm no muckle mair nor a bairn in that respeck mysel'. I haena seen the bairn, replied David, in repressed perturbation. I was not old, in heart—it pattered like a bairn's steps to every glimpse and sentence of her. You forget I was but a bairn when we romped in the hay-dash.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Examples of bairn in a Sentence at the Scottish festival there were traditional contests of strength and endurance, Celtic fiddlers, and groups of bairns performing Highland flings Origin and Etymology of bairn', 'url': ''}]
bairn meaning
bairn definition: The definition of bairn is the Scottish term for a child. (noun) An example of a bairn is a reference in a book when a Scottish character says they “have a dozen bairns,” which means a dozen children. ...
A furnace for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'All Olympic glass kilns can have a quartz window added, and a few Paragon kilns have this as well. And a Clamshell opening is also a desirable feature in glass kilns. Ceramic/Glass Kilns: Some people want to fire ceramic and glass. In that case, look at the Paragon Janus kilns and the ConeArt Fusing Kilns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '[before 900; Middle English kiln(e), Old English cylen < Latin culīna kitchen] 1 hovel - A conical building enclosing a kiln. 2 oast - A kiln used to dry hops or malt or tobacco. battledore - Can refer to various tools, such as the paddle of a canoe or a utensil for inserting loaves into an oven or wares into a kiln.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics. tr.v. kilned, kiln·ing, kilns. To process in one of these ovens.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'kiln - a furnace for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks. brickkiln - a kiln for making bricks. dry kiln - a kiln for drying and seasoning lumber. furnace - an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I had no notion of a kiln, such as the potters burn in, or of glazing them with lead, though I had some lead to do it with; but I placed three large pipkins and two or three pots in a pile, one upon another, and placed my firewood all round it, with a great heap of embers under them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 hovel - A conical building enclosing a kiln. 2 oast - A kiln used to dry hops or malt or tobacco. battledore - Can refer to various tools, such as the paddle of a canoe or a utensil for inserting loaves into an oven or wares into a kiln.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Raku ware (楽焼, raku-yaki) is a type of Japanese pottery traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies, most often in the form of chawan tea bowls.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "They typically don't go to as high of temperatures as a ceramic kiln, although there are kilns now which do both (see below). Another specialty glass kiln is one to anneal glass beads. For this you want a kiln with a bead door. The Olympic HB86 has a bead collar with bead door, as does the Paragon Caldera.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the traditional Japanese process, the fired raku piece is removed from the hot kiln and is allowed to cool in the open air. The familiar technique of placing the ware in a container filled with combustible material is not a traditional Raku practice.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What you're using if for. Ceramics need higher temperatures than glass, enameling, china painting, PMC, etc. So a ceramic kiln can always do other things, but not all kilns get hot enough to do ceramics. Even within ceramics, there is a variety of temperatures needed. A kilns that fires earthenware or terra cotta ceramics doesn't need to get as hot as a kiln that fires porcelain and stoneware.", 'url': ''}]
what is a kiln in ceramics
kiln - a furnace for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks. brickkiln - a kiln for making bricks. dry kiln - a kiln for drying and seasoning lumber. furnace - an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
A traditional Native healer, shaman or Witch doctor.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Curandera performing a limpieza in Cuenca, Ecuador. A curandero (Spanish: [kuɾanˈdeɾo], f. curandera) or curandeiro (Portuguese: [kuɾɐ̃ˈdejɾu], f. curandeira) is a traditional Native healer, shaman or Witch doctor found in the United States and Latin America.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Curanderismo is a holistic system of Latin American folk medicine. This type of folk medicine has characteristics specific to the area where it is practiced (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Argentina, Mexico, the southwestern region of the United States, etc.).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Curandero. A curandero or curandeiro is a traditional Native American healer or shaman in Latin America, who is dedicated to curing physical or spiritual illnesses. The role of a curandero or curandera can also incorporate the roles of psychiatrist along with that of doctor and healer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a folk healer or medicine man who uses herbs or hallucinogenic plants, magic, and spiritualism to treat illness, induce visions, impart traditional wisdom, etc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The curandero dedicates his/her life to the administration of remedies for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illnesses based on their evaluation. The role of a curandero or curandera can also incorporate the roles of psychiatrist along with that of doctor and healer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a female folk healer or medicine woman who uses herbs or psychoactive plants, magic, and spiritualism to treat illness, induce visions, impart traditional wisdom, etc.; a female shaman. Anaya recalled that decades ago certain New Mexico schools banned Bless Me, Ultima, whose protagonist is a curandera, or healer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Who is a Curandero? A curandero is a person who practices the use of curanderismo. He/she is usually a spiritual guide/leader within a community. This person is usually the person sought when someone is sick or experiencing unusual circumstances. There are several similar roles in different Latina/o communities, the most common and widespread are:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A curandero or curandeiro is a traditional Native American healer or shaman in Latin America, who is dedicated to curing physical or spiritual illnesses. The role of a curandero or curandera can also incorporate the roles of psychiatrist along with that of doctor and healer.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The healer who practices curanderismo is referred to as a curandero (male healer) or curandera (female healer). Healing terms vary with the language and culture of the area in which the system is practiced. For example, a female healer in Argentina is called a remedieras.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a female folk healer or medicine woman who uses herbs or psychoactive plants, magic, and spiritualism to treat illness, induce visions, impart traditional wisdom, etc.; a female shaman. Examples from the Web for curandera.', 'url': ''}]
curandero definition
Curandera performing a limpieza in Cuenca, Ecuador. A curandero (Spanish: [kuɾanˈdeɾo], f. curandera) or curandeiro (Portuguese: [kuɾɐ̃ˈdejɾu], f. curandeira) is a traditional Native healer, shaman or Witch doctor found in the United States and Latin America.
Amoxicillin, ampicillin and tetracycline.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. According to VetInfo, there are two main types of animal antibiotics that are safe for cats: bacteriostatic antibiotics and fungistatic antibiotics. There are also three human antibiotics that are safe for cats: amoxicillin, ampicillin and tetracycline.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Different Infections, Different Antibiotics. When bacteria's working against your cat, an antibiotic can be successfully employed to fight back. If your cat has an infection, the vet will have to figure out what's at play to treat what's ailing her because not every antibiotic will work against every bacteria.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Antibiotics poisoning may be fatal to cats, so make sure the medicine cabinet is always locked and there are no pills available for your cat. When your cat needs antibiotic treatment, keep the drugs in a safe place and administer the right dosage when needed. You can mix it with the cat’s food or water.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are several considerations to take when treating a cat infection with antibiotics. Antibiotics are highly effective in treating feline infections, but they may cause some painful side effects.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is especially unsafe to give antibiotics to kittens or pregnant cats as the antibiotics can harm the kittens even before birth. Also, antibiotics are not always effective when fighting an infection, especially if the wrong antibiotic is administered or a strain of bacteria is particularly resistant.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The human antibiotics that are suitable for use in felines include: 1 Amoxicillin, used to fight bacterial infections; the dosage should be 5 mg per pound of body weight per day. 2 Ampicillin, employed for bacterial infections; the cat requires 10 mg per pound every 6 hours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Amoxicillin, used to fight bacterial infections; the dosage should be 5 mg per pound of body weight per day. Ampicillin, employed for bacterial infections; the cat requires 10 mg per pound every 6 hours. Tetracycline, effective against bacterial infections; the dose is 10 mg per pound every 8 hours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Side Effects of Antibiotics for Cat Infections. Since antibiotics inhibit cell function in some way, they are likely to cause side effects. Side effects of penicillin include rash, allergy, fever and white blood cell loss. Aminoglycoside treatment can cause the face to swell, loss of hearing, nerve and severe kidney damage.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If the source of infection is a cat wound, a quick antibiotic response will halt the infection's penetration and abscess development. If an abscess developed before antibiotic treatment, the wound should be drained by latex tube. After that, administered antibiotics will help the wound heal within 2 to 5 days.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are common in cats, and they can a serious nuisance for owners and pets in multicat households. Although they are called respiratory infections, URIs most frequently affect the eyes. The most common symptoms are squinting and watering of one or both eyes.', 'url': ''}]
what antibiotics can i give a cat
Quick Answer. According to VetInfo, there are two main types of animal antibiotics that are safe for cats: bacteriostatic antibiotics and fungistatic antibiotics. There are also three human antibiotics that are safe for cats: amoxicillin, ampicillin and tetracycline.
$48,305 for the 2014-15 academic year.$63,110 for resident students.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For the 2015-2016 academic year: tuition and fees for a full-time Tulane Law School student are $51,130 ($47,100 tuition and $4,030 in mandatory fees), and the budgeted amount for all other educational expenses that can be covered by financial aid (room, board, books, transportation and other) is $22,304.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The cost of tuition and fees at Tulane is $48,305 for the 2014-15 academic year. Room and board add another $12,556. Adding that together with the estimated costs of books and other miscellaneous fees, Tulane expects a total of $63,110 for resident students.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'tuition & Financial Aid. For the 2015-2016 academic year, tuition for all School of Continuing Studies courses (taken for credit or audited) is $369 per credit hour or $1,107 for a three-credit undergraduate course. Students will also pay university and student activity fees (maximum $73 per semester).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tuition & Fees. With all that it yields, a Tulane education is a great value. Through our extensive merit-based and need-based scholarship programs, Tulane pays on average 40 percent of the actual cost of educating each student.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For the 2015-2016 academic year, tuition for all School of Continuing Studies courses (taken for credit or audited) is $369 per credit hour or $1,107 for a three-credit undergraduate course. Students will also pay university and student activity fees (maximum $73 per semester).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With all that it yields, a Tulane education is a great value. Through our extensive merit-based and need-based scholarship programs, Tulane pays on average 40 percent of the actual cost of educating each student. This combination of aid can make Tulane an affordable investment that never stops yielding returns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tuition for Tulane University of Louisiana is $44,425 for the 2014/2015 academic year. This is 76% more expensive than the national average private non-profit four year college tuition of $25,224.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'tuition & Financial Aid. For the 2015-2016 academic year, tuition for all School of Continuing Studies courses (taken for credit or audited) is $369 per credit hour or $1,107 for a three-credit undergraduate course.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The net out-of-pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price. The reported Tulane University of Louisiana net price for in-state students $31,886* for the 2013/2014 academic year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With all that it yields, a Tulane education is a great value. Through our extensive merit-based and need-based scholarship programs, Tulane pays on average 40 percent of the actual cost of educating each student.', 'url': ''}]
tulane undergraduate cost of attendance
The cost of tuition and fees at Tulane is $48,305 for the 2014-15 academic year. Room and board add another $12,556. Adding that together with the estimated costs of books and other miscellaneous fees, Tulane expects a total of $63,110 for resident students.
The chromosomes become visible with a light microscope as they condense (that is, as they shorten, coil and thicken).
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitosis is the process in which a eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells. The word mitosis means threads, and it refers to the threadlike appearance of chromosomes as the cell prepares to divide.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'During interphase, the chromosomes, which are made of heterochromatin and euchromatin, are contained in the nucleus (see video above). But as mitosis begins, the nuclear envelope starts to break up and disappear. Each chromosome has replicated during interphase and is therefore composed of two sister chromatids containing identical genetic information.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Prometaphase. Some teachers like to distinguish a fifth stage of mitosis called prometaphase, which corresponds to that portion of mitosis occurring after the disappearance of the nuclear envelope, but before arrival of the chromosomes at the metaphase plate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As mitosis progresses, the microtubules attach to the chromosomes, which have already duplicated their DNA and aligned across the center of the cell. The spindle tubules then shorten and move toward the poles of the cell. As they move, they pull the one copy of each chromosome with them to opposite poles of the cell.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Prophase is the first stage in mitosis, occurring after the conclusion of the G 2 portion of interphase. During prophase, the parent cell chromosomes — which were duplicated during S phase — condense and become thousands of times more compact than they were during interphase.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Early during prophase, the first stage of mitosis, the chromosomes become visible with a light microscope as they condense (that is, as they shorten, coil, and thicken). Also, a spindle apparatus (blue strands in the upper two figures at left) begins to extend outward from each of the two centrosomes. These starlike configurations, composed of radiating microtubules, are also known as asters — Greek for stars — ().', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 The brain and the nerv…. 2 The Stages of Mitosis: Understanding Prophase One of the most widely discussed topics in introductory biology classes is cellular division, or mitosis. 3 Through this process, your body continually renews tissues.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'During telophase, the chromosomes arrive at the cell poles, the mitotic spindle disassembles, and the vesicles that contain fragments of the original nuclear membrane assemble around the two sets of chromosomes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the first stage of mitosis or meiosis in eukaryotic cell division, during which the nuclear envelope breaks down and strands of chromatin form into chromosomes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When prophase is complete, the cell enters prometaphase — the second stage of mitosis. During prometaphase, phosphorylation of nuclear lamins by M-CDK causes the nuclear membrane to break down into numerous small vesicles. As a result, the spindle microtubules now have direct access to the genetic material of the cell.', 'url': ''}]
prophase what happens
Early during prophase, the first stage of mitosis, the chromosomes become visible with a light microscope as they condense (that is, as they shorten, coil, and thicken). Also, a spindle apparatus (blue strands in the upper two figures at left) begins to extend outward from each of the two centrosomes. These starlike configurations, composed of radiating microtubules, are also known as asters — Greek for stars — ().
$10 Million.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ' > Highest Net Worth Poker Players. At the top of their game, professional poker players earn millions in tournament cashes, tour successes and high stakes grinding in the card rooms along the Las Vegas Strip.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jason Durr is a leading English actor best known for his portrayal of PC/DC MichaelMike Bradley in the British Series Heartbeat from 1997 to 2003. After training at L.A.M.D.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "According to various sources, Jason Durr's net worth has grown significantly in 2017. However, the numbers vary depending on the source. If you have current knowledge about Jason Durr's net worth, please feel free to share the information below.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "For the Irish hurler, see Tom Dwan (hurler). Thomas Dwan Jr. (born July 30, 1986) is a North American professional poker player who played online in the highest-stakes No-Limit Texas hold 'em and Pot-Limit Omaha games, primarily on Full Tilt Poker under the screen name durrrr.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find out in the current issue of DüRR NEWS, how our smart control technology makes the new seven-axis Dürr robot even more powerful and well-prepared for Industry 4.0. Dürr´s new EcoRP E043i is here! As the world’s first 7-axis painting robot it opens up new options and cost-cutting potentials.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Tom Dwan Net Worth is $10 Million. Tom Dwan Net Worth is $10 Million. Tom Dwan was born in New Jersey and has an estimated net worth of $10 million dollars. A professional poker player, Tom Dwan is part of Team Full Tilt, and most often plays online poker. He has also had success in.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tom ‘durrrr’ Dwan’s Net Worth. It has been estimated that Tom Dwan’s net worth is $8 million. This number may surprise many given the high stake he plays, but in the poker world many of the best players have backers. Backers take a huge cut of a players winnings.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With a net worth of $8 million, pro Mike Matusow holds the #20 spot, online specialist Tom Dwan Jr. is #18 with $10 million, and familiar face Scotty Nguyen is ranked #17 with $11 million. Dublin-born Phil Laak has a net worth of $18 million, good for #11.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dürr Worldwide Services – A Challenge Worth TakingOur Service leaves no stone unturned to give customers speedy and effective support. In the movie “Dürr Worldwide Services – A Challenge Worth Taking”, three Service experts explain what makes their job so special. Without high-performance control technology, even the most modern robot cannot operate reliably in industrial processes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Thanks partly to a World Poker Tour victory at the Bellagio worth $2.2 million, Australian Joe Hachem has parlayed his $8.1 million in WSOP earnings into a net worth of $16 million for the #12 spot among poker’s Top 20 wealthiest players.', 'url': ''}]
durr net worth
For the Irish hurler, see Tom Dwan (hurler). Thomas Dwan Jr. (born July 30, 1986) is a North American professional poker player who played online in the highest-stakes No-Limit Texas hold 'em and Pot-Limit Omaha games, primarily on Full Tilt Poker under the screen name durrrr.
It cause significant weakness in the muscles that support breathing.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Other causes of mitochondrial disease are mutations in genes of the nuclear DNA, whose gene products are imported into the mitochondria (mitochondrial proteins) as well as acquired mitochondrial conditions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'November 2012 saw the publication of our third paper entitled Targeting mitochondrial dysfunction in the treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) – a clinical audit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Our second paper, Mitochondrial dysfunction and the pathophysiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) by the same three authors, was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine on 30 June 2012.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The central problem of chronic fatigue syndrome is mitochondrial failure resulting in poor production of ATP. ATP is the currency of energy in the body and if the production of this is impaired then all cellular processes will go slow.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitochondrial disease is a group of disorders caused by dysfunctional mitochondria, the organelles that generate energy for the cell. Mitochondria are found in every cell of the human body except red blood cells, and convert the energy of food molecules into the ATP that powers most cell functions. Mitochondrial diseases are sometimes (about 15% of the time) caused by mutations in the mitochondrial DNA that affect mitochondrial function.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Sometimes, mitochondrial diseases directly affect the heart. In these cases, the usual cause is an interruption in the rhythmic beating of the heart, called a conduction block. Cardiac muscle damage also may occur.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Clinically the above issues mean that there are two clear stages of fatigue: 1 Mild chronic fatigue syndrome - in mild fatigue there is mild failure of mitochondria. Severe chronic fatigue syndrome - in severe chronic fatigue all the above factors apply.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This is a picture of a muscle cell infected with Danons disease. The vacuole is a very dangerous organelle. The malfunction of the vacuole can cause disease such as Danon disease. Danons disease is cause by mutations in the LAMP 2 gene which usually helps with the fusion of autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes. When there are mutations with this gene then the lysosomes and the autophagic vacuole fuse very slowly.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chronic fatigue syndrome is the symptom caused by mitochondrial failure. The job of mitochondria is to supply energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This is the universal currency of energy. It can be used for all sorts of biochemical jobs from muscle contraction to hormone production.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Mitochondrial Myopathies (MM) Signs and Symptoms. Sometimes these diseases can cause significant weakness in the muscles that support breathing. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies also may cause brain abnormalities that alter the brain’s control over breathing. Cardiac care.', 'url': ''}]
what conditions cause mitochondrial malfunction
Mitochondrial Myopathies (MM) Signs and Symptoms. Sometimes these diseases can cause significant weakness in the muscles that support breathing. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies also may cause brain abnormalities that alter the brain’s control over breathing. Cardiac care.
Novel chiral phosphines derived from limonene.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Human Metabolite Information Chemical metabolite information from the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB). Read more.. Metabolite Description Chemical description of the compound for metabolite studies. The monoterpene d-limonene is a naturally occurring chemical which is the major component in oil of orange. Currently, d-limonene is widely used as a flavor and fragrance and is listed to be generally recognized as safe in food by the Food and Drug Administration (21 CFR 182. 60 in the Code of Federal Regulations, U. S. A. ). Recently, however, d-limonene has been shown to cause a male rat-specific kidney toxicity referred to as hyaline droplet nephropathy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A molecule is chiral if its two mirror image forms are not superposable upon one another. A molecule is achiral if its two mirror image forms are superposable. Chirality', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Rt-βDEXsm and Rt-βDEXse. chiral capillary columns offer. extensive enantiomeric separation. of monoterpenes, monoterpene. alcohols, and monoterpene ketones. that cannot be matched by. permethylated β-cyclodextrin. columns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 2D Structure A two-dimensional representation of the compound. 2 3D Conformer A three-dimensional representation of the compound. The 3D structure is not experimentally determined, but computed by PubChem. 3 Names and Identifiers Record identifiers, synonyms, chemical names, descriptors, etc. Read more...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Recent efforts in our laboratories have focused on the development of new chiral platforms in order to expand the available molecular diversity. 8 Herein, we report on the preparation of structurally novel phosphine derivatives generated by the free radical addition of phosphine (PH 3) to the chiral pool terpene limonene.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Application of this method as a means of obtaining structurally diverse chiral phosphines prompted us to consider the reaction employing readily-available, chiral-pool alkenes. The monoterpene limonene was chosen as the basis for our initial model studies.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Novel chiral phosphines derived from limonene: the synthesis and structure of 4,8-dimethyl-2-phosphabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane Author links open overlay panel Al Robertson a Christine Bradaric a Christopher S Frampton b James McNulty c Alfredo Capretta c', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A point in the center of the. molecule is a center of. symmetry if a line drawn. from it to some element, when extended an equal. distance in the opposite. direction, encounters an. identical element.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Limonene is a clear monoterpene liquid. It is found in essential oils of citrus fruits and other plant species. It occurs in two active forms, l-limonene and d-limonene. These two isomers have very different odors: l-limonene smells piney and d-limonene has an orange scent. In the isomerization of limonene, the cyclohexane ring is chiral. Chirality is when the geometric property of a molecule is non-superimposable on its mirror image. An atom will have four non-equivalent atoms attached to it. The enatiomeric excess of a substance is a measure of how pure the substance is.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chirality-Isolation of Limonene from Citrus Fruits. This Essay Chirality-Isolation of Limonene from Citrus Fruits and other 62,000+ term papers, college essay examples and free essays are available now on', 'url': ''}]
is limonene chiral
Novel chiral phosphines derived from limonene: the synthesis and structure of 4,8-dimethyl-2-phosphabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane Author links open overlay panel Al Robertson a Christine Bradaric a Christopher S Frampton b James McNulty c Alfredo Capretta c
Yes, it benefits for depression and anxiety.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Curcumin benefits way beyond ending depression. A long list of health concerns have been known to improve with the regular use of curcumin in the diet. This includes rhematoid arthritis, anti-cancer and anti-tumor activity, liver and digestive concerns such as IBS, GERD, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Curcumin inhibits both COX-2 and NF-kB, which are both inflammatory pathways. So if curcumin works as an anti-inflammatory for you, Adreno, perhaps other COX-2 and/or NF-kB inhibitors may have a good anti-anxiety effect as well.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For people suffering with depression, curcumin has been shown to assist in modulating both dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters responsible for happiness, curbing depression and overall emotional well-being.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Common pharmaceutical medications prescribed for depression, such as prozac come with an entire list of negative side effects such as sleep disturbances, anxiety and schizophrenic behavior. Many patients take antidepressants for years reaping little to no reward and are left with these lifestyle altering side effects.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '• NAG is also good for leaky gut, so this might explain a few things (a leaky gut can allow the LPS endotoxin to escape from the gut, and once this happens, LPS may precipiate inflammation systemically all over the body, which will likely induce brain inflammation, and this in turn may cause anxiety symptoms).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To improve absorption, be sure to take curcumin with a dose of healthy fats like, avocado, coconut or olive oil and, if you can, try to use fermented turmeric – in a high acid base – for the highest possible absorption rate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'So it is possible that people with IBS-associated anxiety may benefit the most from NAG, in terms of anti-anxiety effects. (Flaxseed oil and turmeric are also beneficial for IBS, so these too may be improving gut health, and then reducing IBS-associated anxiety).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Recent research has shown that brain inflammation can cause many mental symptoms, including anxiety symptoms, depression, ADHD, and many others. So the anti-inflammatory properties of these supplements may be the mechanism by which they eliminate anxiety.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'New breakthrough research, this past year, showed that curcumin is as effective as prozac at treating depression – yet without the negative side effects.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Good NF-kB inhibitors include grape seed extract (500 mg daily) and ursolic acid (Ursobolic® is a brand of ursolic acid). I used all these supplements a lot (though less so since I discovered the anti-anxiety benefits of NAG, turmeric and flaxseed on me).', 'url': ''}]
is turmeric good for depression and anxiety
Curcumin benefits way beyond ending depression. A long list of health concerns have been known to improve with the regular use of curcumin in the diet. This includes rhematoid arthritis, anti-cancer and anti-tumor activity, liver and digestive concerns such as IBS, GERD, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is one of the world's leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with approximately 350 years of history, MUFG is a global network with 1,100 offices in over 49 countries and regions.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The UB Group's brewing entity – called United Breweries Limited (UBL) – has also assumed undisputed market leadership with a national market share in excess of 50%.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'United Breweries Group or UB Group is an Indian conglomerate company headquartered in UB City, Bangalore in the state of Karnataka. The company has annual sales of over US$4 billion and a market capitalization of approximately US$12 billion.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "United Breweries now has greater than a 40% share of the Indian brewing market with 79 distilleries and bottling units across the world. Recently, UB financed a takeover of the spirits business of the rival Shaw-Wallace company, giving it a majority share of India's spirits business. The group also owns the Mendocino Brewing Company in the United States.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'NOT GUARANTEED BY THE BANK. U.S. Bank is not responsible for and does not guarantee the products and services, or the performance of the products or services, offered by its affiliates or by third parties. * U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. and U.S. Bancorp Insurance Services, LLC is not a tax advisor.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'View the U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. 11Ac1-6 report. Investment products and services are available through U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc., member FINRA and SIPC, an investment adviser and a brokerage subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp and affiliate of U.S. Bank.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "9% of the world's population will be living in just 41 megacities of over 10m people by 2030! UBS Foresight explores the issues that are set to influence global business – both now and in the future.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Group's operating companies include Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (Japan's leading trust bank), and Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings Co., Ltd., one of Japan's largest securities firms.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The report provides information on the routing of any order that the customer has not specifically instructed to be routed to a particular venue for execution. For these non-directed orders, U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. has selected the execution venue on behalf of its customers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Wealth management. Investment banking. Asset management. Retail banking in Switzerland. That's what we do. We. That’s over 60,000 employees working across the globe in 56 countries and 893 offices. And we’re told that we’re good at what we do (that's what Euromoney and others say:", 'url': ''}]
is ub bank global
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is one of the world's leading financial groups. Headquartered in Tokyo and with approximately 350 years of history, MUFG is a global network with 1,100 offices in over 49 countries and regions.
Immune system abnormalities and genetic factors.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica is an infrequently occurring, inflammatory condition that causes pain or aching in the large muscle groups, especially around the shoulders and hips.Polymyalgia literally means many muscle pains. Rheumatica means changing or in flux..ymptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica tend to develop quickly and in addition to muscle pain, other symptoms may include: 1 Stiffness around the shoulders and hips, especially in the morning and after resting. 2 Weakness. 3 Fatigue. 4 Generally feeling ill. 5 Mild fevers (occasionally). 6 Weight loss.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and inflammation in the muscles around the shoulders, neck and hips.The main symptom is muscle stiffness in the morning that lasts longer than 45 minutes.It may also cause other symptoms, including: 1 high temperature (fever) and sweating.olymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and inflammation in the muscles around the shoulders, neck and hips. The main symptom is muscle stiffness in the morning that lasts longer than 45 minutes. It may also cause other symptoms, including: 1 high temperature (fever) and sweating.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Introduction. Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and inflammation in the muscles around the shoulders, neck and hips. The main symptom is muscle stiffness in the morning that lasts longer than 45 minutes.It may also cause other symptoms, including: 1 high temperature (fever) and sweating.olymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and inflammation in the muscles around the shoulders, neck and hips. The main symptom is muscle stiffness in the morning that lasts longer than 45 minutes. It may also cause other symptoms, including: 1 high temperature (fever) and sweating.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica (which takes its name from the word πολυμυαλγία polymyalgia which means pain in many muscles in medical-scientific Greek) abbreviated as PMR, is a syndrome with pain or stiffness, usually in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and hips, but which may occur all over the body. wide range of symptoms can indicate if a person has polymyalgia rheumatica. The classic symptoms include: 1 Pain and stiffness (moderate to severe) in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, thighs, and hips, which inhibits activity, especially in the morning/after sleeping.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The exact cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is unknown. Two factors appear to be involved in the development of this condition: 1 Genetics. 2 Certain genes and gene variations may increase your susceptibility.3 An environmental exposure. 4 New cases of polymyalgia rheumatica tend to come in cycles and may develop seasonally.olymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis may actually be the same disease but with different manifestations. The overlap between the two diseases is significant: 1 About 20 percent of people with polymyalgia rheumatica also have signs and symptoms of giant cell arteritis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Causes: Polymyalgia rheumatica: The cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is not known; however, possibilities include immune system abnormalities and genetic factors. The fact that polymyalgia rheumatica is rare in people under the age of 50 suggests it may be linked to the aging process.auses: Polymyalgia rheumatica: The cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is not known; however, possibilities include immune system abnormalities and genetic factors. The fact that polymyalgia rheumatica is rare in people under the age of 50 suggests it may be linked to the aging process.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an autoimmune disease that causes an inflammatory reaction affecting the lining of joints, especially the shoulders and hips, and sometimes the arteries and some major branches of the aorta.olymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an autoimmune disease that causes an inflammatory reaction affecting the lining of joints, especially the shoulders and hips, and sometimes the arteries and some major branches of the aorta.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Polymyalgia rheumatica is a disorder that results in severe pain and stiffness of large muscle groups in the body. Although its exact cause is not known, it may be due to a disruption in the function of the body’s immune system.ymptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica tend to appear suddenly and are usually moderate to severe in intensity. Muscle pain and stiffness are the characteristic symptoms. The neck, hips and shoulders are the areas most commonly affected.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Polymyalgia rheumatica: A condition characterized by muscle pain and stiffness, fatigue and fever. It is often associated with giant-cell arteritis which is a related but more serious condition. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Polymyalgia rheumatica is available below.he cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is not known, but it may be due to an abnormal response of the immune system. In an autoimmune disorder, the body's immune system mistakes healthy tissues as foreign and potentially dangerous invaders into the body and attacks them.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Polymyalgia rheumatica causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. 2 Polymyalgia rheumatica is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms associated with abnormal blood testing for inflammation.3 Polymyalgia rheumatica is treated with low doses of cortisone medications.olymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis facts. 1 Polymyalgia rheumatica causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. 2 Polymyalgia rheumatica is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms associated with abnormal blood testing for inflammation.', 'url': ''}]
what causes polymyalgia rheumatica
Causes: Polymyalgia rheumatica: The cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is not known; however, possibilities include immune system abnormalities and genetic factors. The fact that polymyalgia rheumatica is rare in people under the age of 50 suggests it may be linked to the aging process.auses: Polymyalgia rheumatica: The cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is not known; however, possibilities include immune system abnormalities and genetic factors. The fact that polymyalgia rheumatica is rare in people under the age of 50 suggests it may be linked to the aging process.
Beer, gin, brandy, vodka, whiskey, tequila, rum and wines.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Primary alcohols feature a single –OH group attached to a single alkyl group. Methanol, ethanol and propanol are all examples of primary alcohols. The complexity of the alkyl chain is irrelevant to the classification of an alcohol as primary.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Types of Alcoholics. Alcoholism affects different people differently. While doctors haven't identified a typical alcoholic, they have determined that there are at least five different types of alcoholics suffering from the effects of this disease. If you are struggling to stop drinking, you may fit into one of these categories.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Types of Alcoholic Beverages. There are various types of alcoholic beverages and the concentration of ethanol differs across preparation. Alcoholic drinks prepared by using yeast to ferment various sugar containing plant products usually have a low concentration as yeast ceases to grow when the concentration of ethanol reaches about 15 percent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Many people are surprised to learn what counts as a drink. The amount of liquid in your glass, can, or bottle does not necessarily match up to how much alcohol is actually in your drink. Different types of beer, wine, or malt liquor can have very different amounts of alcohol content. For example, many light beers have almost as much alcohol as regular beer – about 85% as much. That’s why it’s important to know how much alcohol your drink contains.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'here are different types of alcohol. Some are used. in chemistry laboratories and industry, e.g. isopropyl and methyl alcohol. Isopropanol, or. isopropyl alcohol is also used in industrial processes as. well as in home cleaning products and skin lotions. It is.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The most popular types of alcoholic beverage include: * Beer is believed to be alcoholic beverage that humans have been consuming the longest – possibly as far back as 9,600 BC. It is created by fermenting any of a variety of starches including; malted barley, rice, wheat, or maize.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'List of cocktails. A cocktail is a mixed drink typically made with a distilled beverage (such as, gin, brandy, vodka, whiskey, tequila, or rum) that is mixed with other ingredients. If beer is one of the ingredients, the drink is called a beer cocktail. Cocktails contain one or more types of liqueur, juice, fruit, sauce, honey, milk or cream, spices, or other flavorings. Cocktails may vary in their ingredients from bartender to bartender, and from region to region. Two creations may have the same name but taste very different because of differences in how the drinks are prepared.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Some of the commonly used alcoholic beverages include: Wines – these are usually made from grapes or other fruits such as peaches, plums or apricots. These fruits undergo a period of fermentation and ageing. They usually have an alcohol content ranging between 40 to 50 percent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. Primary, secondary and tertiary are the three main types of aliphatic chain alcohols in organic chemistry. Phenols are aromatic compounds featuring an –OH group attached to a benzene ring -not a carbon atom- are not considered alcohols.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Types of Spirits. Spirits refer to a large variety of alcoholic beverages including: * Vodka is usually made from the distillation of grains or potatoes. * Whiskey/whisky is made from fermented grain mash. * Rum comes from sugarcane juice. * Tequila is created from the blue agave plant. * Gin is made from juniper berries.', 'url': ''}]
different types of alcohol drinks
The most popular types of alcoholic beverage include: * Beer is believed to be alcoholic beverage that humans have been consuming the longest – possibly as far back as 9,600 BC. It is created by fermenting any of a variety of starches including; malted barley, rice, wheat, or maize.
The meaning of name Barba is beard.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Now he is entitled to have high hopes of Barba Papa lifting the second leg of the autumn double, even though his horse would struggle to pass a medical if he was a two legged sportsman. Racing: DEMON BARBA; Papa looks a cut above Cesarewitch opposition', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Barba Spanish; barba French; बार्बा Hindi; barba Italian; barba Norwegian; Barba Portuguese; Barbă Romanian', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Barba Martin, the leader of the ex-Legion group, a Harvard-trained professor of Latin American studies at Instituto Tecnological Autonomio de Mexico, in Mexico City.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Barba Name Meaning Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, and southern French: nickname for a man noted for his beard, from barba ‘beard’ (Latin barba). Italian: from a byname from a southern dialect word meaning ‘uncle’ (from Latin barba ‘beard’ via Lombardic barba, barbane), as characterizing a man of wisdom and authority. Greek: see Barbas. Slovenian: unexplained.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Looking for online definition of barba in the Medical Dictionary? barba explanation free. What is barba? Meaning of barba medical term. What does barba mean?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Alternative searches for barba: Search for Synonyms for barba; Search for Anagrams for barba; Quotes containing the term barba; Search for Phrases containing the term barba; Search for Poems containing the term barba; Search for Scripts containing the term barba; Search for Abbreviations containing the term barba; What rhymes with barba?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'barba. STANDS4 LLC, 2018. Web. 18 Jan. 2018. <>.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What does barba mean? Definitions for barba Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word barba.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "William Hill report that Heros Fatal was backed from 12-1 to 10-1 and Barba Papa was the day's best-backed runner, supported from 12-1 to 8-1. Pip fancy is well-backed Ansar ran out a convincing winner at Tipperary last Sunday and should go well but he was over nine lengths behind Barba Papa last year and Martin's challenger makes more appeal.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of barba in the dictionary. Meaning of barba. What does barba mean? Information and translations of barba in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.', 'url': ''}]
barba meaning
Barba Name Meaning Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, and southern French: nickname for a man noted for his beard, from barba ‘beard’ (Latin barba). Italian: from a byname from a southern dialect word meaning ‘uncle’ (from Latin barba ‘beard’ via Lombardic barba, barbane), as characterizing a man of wisdom and authority. Greek: see Barbas. Slovenian: unexplained.
The act of doing something that you enjoy but that is usually thought of as wrong or unhealthy.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of 'indulgent'. Word Frequency. indulgent (ɪndʌldʒənt ) adjective. If you are indulgent, you treat a person with special kindness, often in a way that is not good for them. His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted. Synonyms: lenient, liberal, kind, kindly More Synonyms of indulgent.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of 'indulgent'. indulgent (ɪndʌldʒənt ) If you are indulgent, you treat a person with special kindness, often in a way that is not good for them. His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'characterized by or showing indulgence; benignly lenient or permissive: an indulgent parent. Origin of indulgent. Latin. 1500-1510. 1500-10; < Latin indulgent- (stem of indulgēns), present participle of indulgēre to indulge; see -ent. Related forms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'sometimes disapproving : willing to allow someone to have or enjoy something even though it may not be proper, healthy, appropriate, etc. 1 These children are being spoiled by (overly) indulgent parents. 2 He gave the child an indulgent smile.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definitions for indulgently. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word indulgently. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: indulgently(adverb) in an indulgent manner. I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of indulgence for English Language Learners. : 1 the behavior or attitude of people who allow themselves to do what they want or who allow other people to do what they want. : 2 the act of doing something that you enjoy but that is usually thought of as wrong or unhealthy. : 3 something that is done or enjoyed as a special pleasure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Antonyms for indulgent. 1 intolerant. 2 inconsiderate. 3 mean. abstaining. 4 moderate. moderating. 5 strict. tempering.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Someone who is self-indulgent gives themselves a lot of treats. Parents who are indulgent cave to every desire their child expresses. Indulgent means lenient, or overly generous. Indulgent is a word that, here in Puritanical North America, is hard to know how to take.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "the act or practice of indulging; gratification of desire. 2. the state of being indulgent. 3. indulgent allowance or tolerance. 4. a catering to someone's mood or whim; humoring: The sick man demanded indulgence as his due.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition of indulgence for English Language Learners. : the behavior or attitude of people who allow themselves to do what they want or who allow other people to do what they want. : the act of doing something that you enjoy but that is usually thought of as wrong or unhealthy.', 'url': ''}]
indulgently definition
Definition of indulgence for English Language Learners. : the behavior or attitude of people who allow themselves to do what they want or who allow other people to do what they want. : the act of doing something that you enjoy but that is usually thought of as wrong or unhealthy.