Antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment for lactobacillus infections.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Two microorganisms account for the majority of cases of uncomplicated UTI and pyelonephritis. Approximately 80% of acute uncomplicated UTIs are caused by E. coli. Uropathogenic E. coli clones cause the majority of uncomplicated infections and consist of only a few serogroups.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'UTIs cost an estimated US$140.00 per case and account for $1.6 billion spent annually for outpatient treatment. A healthy female with a UTI will, on average, have 6 days of symptoms and 2½ days of restricted activities. New insight into the pathogenesis and genetics of these infections has been elucidated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In our case, laboratory analysis supports Lactobacillus delbruekii as the cause of infection. The acidic pH (5.0) on multiple urinalyses was consistent with infection from the bacterium since in Lactobacillus species, a large part of the carbon is transformed in organic acids [20].', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are frequent reasons for primary care physician office visits and account for more than 3.6 million office visits annually. When looked at another way, it is estimated that 11.3 million United States women had a presumed UTI for which they took a prescription medication.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lactobacillus Sepsis and Emphysematous Pyelonephritis. Discussion. This case is an example of emphysematous pyelonephritis and acute sepsis syndrome caused by Lactobacillus present in blood, urine, renal abscess, and peritoneal pus in a patient with multiple comorbidities and recent broad-spectrum antimicrobial use.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Recognized treatment classically has been with a penicillin, with the addition of an aminoglycoside for more severe infections. Clindamycin, chloramphenicol, and macrolides have also been effective, but resistance or tolerance to vancomycin and quinolones has been observed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Infection is rare, but has been reported in individuals with predisposing conditions. Here we describe the case of a woman with pyelonephritis and bacteremia in which Lactobacillus delbrueckii was determined to be the causative agent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lactobacillus: It means contamination. Lactobacillus is good bacteria in colon and vagina. It is transmitted to urethra. No treatment in normal people. It can cause UTI in immunodeficient and dialysed pt. The urine has to be mid stream or suprapubic & colony count >100k plus symptoms of uti. Treated withpcn or genta.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'However, in rare cases, lactobacilli can cause serious infections of the bloodstream, urinary tract and internal organs, especially in immunocompromised individuals. Clearance of the infection is the main aim of the treatment. Antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment for lactobacillus infections. Penicillin is the common antibiotic used and can be administered orally or intravenously, depending on the condition of the patient.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia from a renal source due to Lactobacillus species is rare. To our knowledge, this is the first case of sepsis from a renal source caused by L. delbrueckii. Our literature review revealed one case of a urinary tract infection caused by L. delbrueckii [3].', 'url': ''}]
treatment of lactobacillus infection
However, in rare cases, lactobacilli can cause serious infections of the bloodstream, urinary tract and internal organs, especially in immunocompromised individuals. Clearance of the infection is the main aim of the treatment. Antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment for lactobacillus infections. Penicillin is the common antibiotic used and can be administered orally or intravenously, depending on the condition of the patient.
Earthing is based on research that demonstrate that connecting to Earth’s electrical energy promotes physical wellbeing.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you have been wondering what an earthing sheet is and how it can change your life, you should consider the following benefits of earthing. Research and observations have discovered the following benefits from Earthing: [It] 1 Defuses the cause of inflammation, and improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders. 2 Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Modern lifestyle has disconnected us from this natural energy. Earthing, also known as grounding, is the landmark. discovery that the disconnect may make us more vulnerable to inflammation, pain, stress, poor sleep, and illness.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Welcome to the World of Earthing. Ongoing research is clearly demonstrating that reconnecting to the Earth. serves as a foundation for vitality, health, and healing. In an age of rampant chronic inflammation and disease, “grounding”. yourself - outdoors and/or indoors - serves as a natural, simple path.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'My Personal Story of the Real-World Benefits of Earthing Sheets. What is earthing, and how will it benefit you? Earthing is a process wherein your body replenishes its lost electrons either through walking on the ground barefoot or by sleeping on a special earthing mat that is plugged to your house wiring to simulate a similar effect.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is Earthing? Earthing is a relatively new concept that is regarded as one of the most important health discoveries of our time. Click to learn more!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is earthing? While wearing shoes or any type of footwear may help protect your feet from possible injury, walking barefoot will allow you to connect with the Earth.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is Earthing? Earthing is much more than your typical transcendental journey through the Chakra system. In reality, the relatively new concept has many professionals regarding Earthing as one of the most important health discoveries of our time. With so much scientific evidence supporting its positive effects on overall human health, it’s difficult not to wonder, what’s all the hype?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Discover What Earthing Can Do For You. 1 Choose from a wide range of Earthing Sheets, Matts and Accessories. 2 Choose from a wide range of Earthing Sheets, Matts and Accessories. 3 Choose from a wide range of Earthing Sheets, Matts and Accessories. 4 Choose from a wide range of Earthing Sheets, Matts and Accessories.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Earthing, also known as grounding, is based on research that demonstrate that connecting to Earth’s electrical energy promotes physical wellbeing. The act of Earthing refers to a physical connection between the electrical frequencies of the human body with that of Earth’s (think barefoot in the grass, or at the beach). Just like the sun constantly provides us with energy and vitamins, the earth too is a source of subtle energy that contributes to optimum health.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The same study also reported numerous positive results including the following amongst others: 1 Improved sleep. 2 Decreased pain and inflammation. 3 Reduced feelings of stress. 4 Improvements in gastrointestinal symptoms.', 'url': ''}]
what is earthing
Earthing, also known as grounding, is based on research that demonstrate that connecting to Earth’s electrical energy promotes physical wellbeing. The act of Earthing refers to a physical connection between the electrical frequencies of the human body with that of Earth’s (think barefoot in the grass, or at the beach). Just like the sun constantly provides us with energy and vitamins, the earth too is a source of subtle energy that contributes to optimum health.
$1,130 per month in 2016 (or $1,820 if you're blind).
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Trial Work Period. Once you're on disability, the rules encourage you to try a return to the workforce, if you're physically able. Social Security counts a Trial Work Period, or TWP, as starting as soon as you earn $750 in a month, or work 80 hours a month as self-employed.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "During the year in which you reach full retirement age -- which ranges from age 65 to 67, depending on your birth year -- you can earn up to $41,400 before $1 of your Social Security benefits will be deducted for every $3 you earn above that threshold. However, the money isn't lost forever.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you are already receiving title 16 SSI disability benefits, there is no trial work period. Your eligibility for SSI will ultimately be subject to the SGA limit on how much you earn; however, what you receive in SSI monthly benefits may also be reduced by a certain amount based on how much you are earning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Trap No. 6: Limits on benefits while working. You are allowed to collect Social Security and earn wages from your employer. However, if your wages exceed $15,480 in 2014, your Social Security benefits will be reduced by $1 for every $2 you earn above that level.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "This unearned income is not limited for Social Security disability. If you've paid in to the system through payroll taxes, and have enough work credits, then you're eligible for Social Security disability, no matter how much unearned income you have or how much you have in the bank.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Substantial Gainful Activity. The basic rule on income when you apply for disability is based on the substantial gainful activity amount. As of 2013, if you earn more than $1,040 a month before taxes, Social Security considers you to be gainfully employed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Because it will likely represent a large portion of your retirement income, it's important to understand how the government program works. For instance, there are limits on how much you can earn while collecting benefits, and if you exceed those limits, your Social Security benefits will get cut substantially. That's just one of the snares that could trip you up. Make sure you plan appropriately to avoid these six Social Security traps.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Working and SSDI Benefits. Generally, you can't start doing substantial gainful activity (SGA) and continue to receive disability benefits. In a nutshell, SGA means you are working and making more than $1,130 per month in 2016 (or $1,820 if you're blind). There are exceptions to this rule, however. For SSDI recipients, there is a trial work period during which you can make more than the SGA amount without losing your benefits. (For a discussion of how much you can work when applying for benefits, see our section on working and eligibility for Social Security disability.)", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you are self-employed, any month where you work more than 80 hours (or earn more than $810) is a trial work month. Once you have completed the nine-month trial work period, you can still receive SSDI for any month where your earnings fall below the SGA level, for a period of 36 months.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Limits on Earned Income If Claiming Early Benefits. Until you reach full retirement age, Social Security will subtract money from your retirement check if you exceed a certain amount of earned income for the year. For the year 2016, this limit on earned income is $15,720 ($1,310 per month). The amount goes up each year. If you are collecting Social Security retirement benefits before full retirement age, your benefits are reduced by $1 for every $2 you earn over the limit. Once you reach full retirement age, there is no limit on the amount of money you may earn and still receive your full Social Security retirement benefit.', 'url': ''}]
how much can you earn while collecting ssdi
Working and SSDI Benefits. Generally, you can't start doing substantial gainful activity (SGA) and continue to receive disability benefits. In a nutshell, SGA means you are working and making more than $1,130 per month in 2016 (or $1,820 if you're blind). There are exceptions to this rule, however. For SSDI recipients, there is a trial work period during which you can make more than the SGA amount without losing your benefits. (For a discussion of how much you can work when applying for benefits, see our section on working and eligibility for Social Security disability.)
20-30 million degrees Celsius.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'But as the temperature of heated plasma rises, the resistance decreases and the ohmic heating becomes less effective. It appears that the maximum plasma temperature attainable by ohmic heating in a tokamak is 20-30 million degrees Celsius.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Plasmas are not always hot they can be cold too, as long as matter is ionized. A tubelight, a CFL, are comparatively cool to touch, so is the plasma TV screen. The outer space beyond our solar system is all plasma! More than 99% of the universe exists in plasma state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'So that we get light. If there are enough electrons and ions in the plasma ball then a plasma can form. The electrons in the plasma are heated by the AC field and the electron temperature can reach over 10,000 degrees. At this temperature the electrons is so hot that they ionize the gas and cause a lot of light to be emitted.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Sometimes a flash of high voltage, or heating to extreme temperature will cause the 'outermost' electrons to get knocked off. These electrons will then knock off electrons from neighbouring atoms. This creates a mass of ionized matter, which is called plasma. Plasma is considered the 4th state of matter. The other three states of matter are solids, liquids and gases, all of which are neutral in normal conditions. The plasma state is similar to the gaseous state, and yet it is very different.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 As a gas, water takes the form of steam. 2 In steam, molecules move around at high speeds, independently of each other. 3 Because the molecules are not bound to each other, a gas has no fixed shape or fixed volume.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are four states of matter in the world. Most things we deal with in our daily lives are in the form of solids, liquids, or gases. These states are divided based on the way that molecules behave within each one. Take water as an example: 1 As a solid, water takes the form of ice.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But because the electrons are light they do not transfer much energy to the gas or the ions and so the gas and ions are cold. It is called a non-equilibrium plasma. When you touch the wall you reduce the AC resistance path to ground and the AC current flows through the plasma, through the wall and through you to ground.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 It changes shape to fit whatever container you put it in. 2 As a gas, water takes the form of steam. 3 In steam, molecules move around at high speeds, independently of each other. 4 Because the molecules are not bound to each other, a gas has no fixed shape or fixed volume.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The high-energy ions then transfer part of their energy to the plasma particles in repeated collisions, thus increasing the plasma temperature. 3: Magnetic Compression A gas can be heated by sudden compression.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "It is also defined by physicists as 'ionized matter'. This is the plasma of physics. Don't confuse it with 'biological plasma' which is a colourless jellylike liquid in our blood. All matter is composed of atoms which are 'neutral'.", 'url': ''}]
how hot does plasma get
But as the temperature of heated plasma rises, the resistance decreases and the ohmic heating becomes less effective. It appears that the maximum plasma temperature attainable by ohmic heating in a tokamak is 20-30 million degrees Celsius.
Each step can take weeks or longer to complete.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In both cases, an appeal by the veteran of VA’s. decision will extend the wait on average to 36 months - compared to an average of 6. months as recently as 1990. Although these time frames would suggest that compensation. claims are extremely complex, the average original claim for compensation requires only.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The major transformation effort to apply new technology and process solutions has paid off at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). It reduced its inventory of backlogged claims from a high of 611,000 claims in March of 2013 to fewer than 200,000 this week, while at the same time improving decision quality.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Memorandum to the Under Secretary for Benefits (20) Summary Report on VA Claims Processing Issues. 1. Over the past several years, numerous studies, reviews, and audits have addressed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Your application will go through several steps before you are approved (or denied) VA disability benefits, and each step can take weeks or longer to complete. Here are the usual steps that a claim will go through in order to be processed by the VA: Receipt of your claim. The VA will send you a notice when it has received your claim.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Veteran's Compensation and Pension: How Long it Takes and How to Decrease Processing Time. According to Department of Veterans Affairs Performance and Accounting report (2006) it takes an average of 196 days to get your first decision from the time they receive your application.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'My BVA appeal has been in this dysfunctional for 1242 days but the va says it should only be 900 days, well in the 900 days, you can see the the incentives to get claims into this system, because it illustrates that the 120 days is really nonsense, this is just the new way to hide those claims.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "However, our family has learned a few. hard-earned lessons during our own adventure with the VA. And, thankfully, we've met. some very experienced advisors a long the way who have shared their knowledge of the. system. One of the challenges of doing a disability claim is the confusing amount of new. information you have to process in order to get it done.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your application will go through several steps before you are approved (or denied) VA disability benefits, and each step can take weeks or longer to complete. Receipt of your claim. The VA will send you a notice when it has received your claim.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'SUMMARY REPORT. ON. VA CLAIMS PROCESSING ISSUES. Actions, both ongoing and under. consideration, can improve the. timeliness and quality of claims. processing for VA’s disability. compensation and pension programs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'VA makes gains in faster disability claims processing. Backlog reduced 67 percent under new automation and process improvements. The federal initiative to provide timely decisions on disability payments to Veterans has crossed a major milestone in its final sprint to eliminate the backlog of Veterans’ benefits claims.', 'url': ''}]
how long in each step on a va disability claim
Your application will go through several steps before you are approved (or denied) VA disability benefits, and each step can take weeks or longer to complete. Here are the usual steps that a claim will go through in order to be processed by the VA: Receipt of your claim. The VA will send you a notice when it has received your claim.
Hutchinson County
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Borger, TX. Sponsored Topics. Borger is the largest city in Hutchinson County, Texas, United States. The population was 14,302 at the 2000 census. Borger is named for businessman Asa Philip Ace Borger, who also established the Hutchinson County seat of Stinnett and several other small towns in Texas and Oklahoma.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hutchinson County Historical. Museum Mission. The purpose of the Hutchinson County Historical Museum is to collect, preserve, and to interpret the heritage of Hutchinson County, with particular emphasis on the oil field and boomtown story of the 1920-1930 era, for public benefit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hutchinson County TX Jail is a County Jail used by the jurisdictions of Hutchinson to confine inmates for short periods while awaiting trial or processing. As inmates are staying for usually less than one year, therefore it has fewer amenities than a jail or prison.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Borger County Tax Office. About Search Results. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Borger Chamber of Commerce provides much information on Borger area Events, History, Community Facts, Dining, Lodging, Meeting Facilities, Residential Information, Hospitals, Schools, News Sources, and much more. You can contact the Borger Chamber of Commerce below:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hutchinson County TX Jail. Hutchinson County TX Jail is classed as a medium security facility. It has a strengthened perimeter fence and electronic detection systems to ensure inmates stay within the confined areas within the facility.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Borger Chamber of Commerce. Visit Website. The Chamber and it's Board of Directors determine policie and set goals aimed at improving the socio-economic well being of the community on a volunteer basis. The Board of Directors are to be commended for their leadership and energy devoted to making 'Borger Better!", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Borger, Texas - Basic Facts. The City of Borger had a population of 13,461 as of July 1, 2016. Borger ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Texas. See peer rankings below.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Borger Assessor. Find Borger Texas assessor, assessment, auditor's, and appraiser's office, revenue commissions, GIS, and tax equalization departments. Assessors provide information on property and land tax assessment, property listings, values, valuations, property search, and records. Borger Assessor.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Bureau Code is 1243254. Payments for court costs in the District Clerk's office may be made with Visa, MasterCard, American. Express or Discovery credit cards through Certified Payments. For assistance or more information, please call 806-878-4017.", 'url': ''}]
what county is borger texas
Borger, TX. Sponsored Topics. Borger is the largest city in Hutchinson County, Texas, United States. The population was 14,302 at the 2000 census. Borger is named for businessman Asa Philip Ace Borger, who also established the Hutchinson County seat of Stinnett and several other small towns in Texas and Oklahoma.
Ratified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrageat the time the u s was founded its female citizens.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'ratified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrageat the time the u s was founded its female citizens did not share all of the same rights as men including the right to voteatified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrage', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'introduction ratified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrage at the time the u s was founded its female citizens did not share all of the same rights as men including the right to voteatified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrage', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the second amendment amendment ii to the united states constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on december 15 1791 as part of the first ten amendments contained in the bill of rights well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed on december 15 1791 the bill of rights the first ten amendments to the constitution was adopted having been ratified by three fourths of the states', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'these amendments were monumental because where the bill of rights protected the people from the federal government amendments 13 14 and 15 protected them from the government of their states the thirteenth amendment to the u s constitution ended slavery in the united stateshese amendments were monumental because where the bill of rights protected the people from the federal government amendments 13 14 and 15 protected them from the government of their states the thirteenth amendment to the u s constitution ended slavery in the united states', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the u s constitution established america s national government and fundamental laws and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens it was signed on september 17 1787 by delegates to the constitutional convention in philadelphia presided over by george washingtonunder america s first governing document the articles of confederation the national government was weak and states operated like independent countriesn june 21 1788 new hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the document and it was subsequently agreed that government under the u s constitution would begin on march 4 1789 george washington was inaugurated as america s first president on april 30 1789', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'just as the u s constitution responded to weaknesses in the articles of confederation so too did the georgia constitution of 1789 respond to weaknesses in the georgia constitution of 1777 generally the constitution of 1789 slightly weakened the power of the legislaturen november of that year to assure conformity with the federal document georgia began a revision of its state constitution in convention the shortest of georgia s constitutions the constitution of 1789 was modeled after the u s constitution', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'introduction history of the bill of rights the original constitution as proposed in 1787 in philadelphia and as ratified by the states contained very few individual rights guarantees as the framers were primarily focused on establishing the machinery for an effective federal governmentntroduction history of the bill of rights the original constitution as proposed in 1787 in philadelphia and as ratified by the states contained very few individual rights guarantees as the framers were primarily focused on establishing the machinery for an effective federal government', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'america s library jump back in time 14th amendment to the constitution was ratified chronicling america historic american newspapers the chronicling america site allows you to search and view millions of historic american newspaper pages from 1836 1922search this collection to find newspaper articles about the 14th amendmentto the constitution was ratified on july 9 1868 and granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the united states which included former slaves recently freedune 8 1866 the senate passed the 14th amendment by a vote of 33 to 11 june 13 1866 the house of representatives passed the 14th amendment by a vote of 120 to 32 june 16 1866 the text of the 14th amendment can be found in the united states statutes at large volume 14 page 358 14 stat 358', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'jump back in time 14th amendment to the constitution was ratified the chronicling america site allows you to search and view millions of historic american newspaper pages from 1836 1922 search this collection to find newspaper articles about the 14th amendmentto the constitution was ratified on july 9 1868 and granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the united states which included former slaves recently freedune 8 1866 the senate passed the 14th amendment by a vote of 33 to 11 june 13 1866 the house of representatives passed the 14th amendment by a vote of 120 to 32 june 16 1866 the text of the 14th amendment can be found in the united states statutes at large volume 14 page 358 14 stat 358', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the members of the constitutional convention signed the united states constitution on september 17 1787 in philadelphia pennsylvania the constitutional convention convened in response to dissatisfaction with the articles of confederation and the need for a strong centralized governmentafter four months of secret debate and many compromises the proposed constitution was submitted to the states for approvalonstitution of the united states of america with ratification of the constitution of the united states by the convention of the state of rhode island and providence plantations in convention may 29 1790 poughkeepsie july 2 1788', 'url': ''}]
what did the constitution do
ratified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrageat the time the u s was founded its female citizens did not share all of the same rights as men including the right to voteatified on august 18 1920 the 19th amendment to the u s constitution granted american women the right to vote a right known as woman suffrage
a large usually mild heart-shaped chili pepper especially when fresh and dark green
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The poblano (Capsicum annuum) is a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico. Dried, it is called ancho or chile ancho, from the Mexican Spanish name ancho (wide) or chile ancho (wide chile).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The poblano (Capsicum annuum) is a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'They have thick, dark-green skin and a wide base which tapers to a point. Poblano peppers are mild to medium-hot. Poblano peppers register between 1,000 and 2,000 Scoville heat units on the Scoville Scale. When dried, the poblano pepper is called the ancho chili.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dried, it is called ancho or chile ancho, from the Mexican Spanish name ancho (wide) or chile ancho (wide chile). Stuffed fresh and roasted it is popular in chile rellenos poblanos. While poblanos tend to have a mild flavor, occasionally and unpredictably they can have significant heat.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'While poblanos tend to have a mild flavor, occasionally and unpredictably they can have significant heat. Different peppers from the same plant have been reported to vary substantially in heat intensity. The ripened red poblano is significantly hotter and more flavorful than the less ripe, green poblano.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'They have thick, dark-green skin and a wide base which tapers to a point. Poblano peppers are mild to medium-hot. Poblano peppers register between 1,000 and 2,000 Scoville heat units on the Scoville Scale.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition of POBLANO. : a large usually mild heart-shaped chili pepper especially when fresh and dark green — compare ancho.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Poblano peppers are mild to medium-hot. Poblano peppers register between 1,000 and 2,000 Scoville heat units on the Scoville Scale. When dried, the poblano pepper is called the ancho chili.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Poblano peppers register between 1,000 and 2,000 Scoville heat units on the Scoville Scale. When dried, the poblano pepper is called the ancho chili. Poblano peppers are good candidates for roasting.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ': a large usually mild heart-shaped chili pepper especially when fresh and dark green — compare ancho.', 'url': ''}]
what does poblanos mesn
Definition of POBLANO. : a large usually mild heart-shaped chili pepper especially when fresh and dark green — compare ancho.
An electric box with red and green lights to register valid hits at foil, epee and sabre and white lights to register non-valid hits at foil.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'modem - (from a combination of MOdulate and DEModulate) electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line. monitor - a piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'electrical or electrical apparatus exemption clause. Definition. A clause that provides that damage to appliances stemming from electrical currents is only covered if a fire starts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'computer peripheral, peripheral, peripheral device - (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer; disk drives and printers are important peripherals. playback - electronic equipment comprising the part of a tape recorder that reproduces the recorded material.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Electracy is a theory by Gregory Ulmer that describes the kind of skills and facility necessary to exploit the full communicative potential of new electronic media such as multimedia, hypermedia, social software, and virtual worlds. According to Ulmer, electracy is to digital media what literacy is to print.. It encompasses the broader cultural, institutional, pedagogical, and ideological implications inherent in the transition from a culture of print literacy to a culture saturated with electronic media.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of apparatus. plural. apparatuses. or. apparatus. 1a : a set of materials or equipment designed for a particular useb : a group of anatomical or cytological parts functioning together mitotic apparatusc : an instrument or appliance designed for a specific operation an apparatus for measuring vision.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'apparatus. 1 1a : a set of materials or equipment designed for a particular useb : a group of anatomical or cytological parts functioning together mitotic apparatusc : an instrument or appliance designed for a specific operation an apparatus for measuring vision.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'electronic equipment - equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor) 1 amplifier - electronic equipment that increases strength of signals passing through it. 2 audio system, sound system - a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Firefighting apparatus. A firefighting apparatus describes any vehicle that has been customized for use during firefighting operations. These vehicles are highly customized depending on their needs and the duty they will be performing.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Electrical apparatus. an electric box with red and green lights to register valid hits at foil, epee and sabre and white lights to register non-valid hits at foil. Electrical apparatus. an electric box with red and green lights to register valid hits at foil, epee and sabre and white lights to register non-valid hits at foil. The apparatus is mounted centrally, adjacent to the piste and connected by floor leads to spools with retractable cables placed at both ends of the piste, to which the fencers connect their body wires.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An example of a fire engine from the Fort Johnson Fire Company in the United States. A firefighting apparatus describes any vehicle that has been customized for use during firefighting operations. These vehicles are highly customized depending on their needs and the duty they will be performing.', 'url': ''}]
define: electronic apparatus
Electrical apparatus. an electric box with red and green lights to register valid hits at foil, epee and sabre and white lights to register non-valid hits at foil. Electrical apparatus. an electric box with red and green lights to register valid hits at foil, epee and sabre and white lights to register non-valid hits at foil. The apparatus is mounted centrally, adjacent to the piste and connected by floor leads to spools with retractable cables placed at both ends of the piste, to which the fencers connect their body wires.
It is Supreme Court and empowered Congress.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Sometimes the members of the constitutional court are appointed by the parliament or by other agencies of authority or justice; for example, in Italy an equal number of the members of the constitutional court are appointed by the president, parliament, and judiciary.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In addition to carrying out constitutional supervision, the constitutional court has the right to interpret the constitution, decides whether the activities of political parties conform to the constitution, and considers disputes over jurisdiction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'in some foreign countries, a special agency whose sole or main function is constitutional supervision. Unlike ordinary supreme courts, the constitutional court does not belong to the system of courts of general jurisdiction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The members of the courts are elected for seven-year terms by the Federal Assembly of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and by the National Councils of the Czech and Slovak republics, respectively. In Yugoslavia the constitutional court is elected by the Federal Assembly; half the members retire every four years.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Supreme Court, the U.S. courts of appeal (including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit), the U.S. district courts, and the Court of International Trade are constitutional, or Article III, courts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The First Austrian Republic, in 1919, established the first dedicated Constitutional Court, which however existed in name only until 10 October 1920, when the country's new constitution came into effect, upon which the court gained the power to review the laws of Austria's federal states.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The u.s. tax court and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims are legislative courts. Although the Court of Military Appeals was created pursuant to Article I, it is not part of the judiciary but functions as a military tribunal to make rules, to regulate the Armed Services, and to review courts-martial.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The members of the constitutional court are either elected by the parliament (the Federal Constitutional Court in the Federal Republic of Germany) or appointed by the head of state (Austria and Cyprus).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The U.S. judicial tribunals created by Article III of the Constitution, or by Congress, to hear and determine Justiciable controversies. The Constitution created the Supreme Court and empowered Congress, in Article I, Section 8, to establish inferior federal courts. The authority of federal courts is limited to that given to them by the federal statutes that created them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Legislative courts are known as Article I courts because they are created pursuant to the authority given to Congress in Article I, Section 8, Clause 9, of the Constitution. That section empowers Congress To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court..', 'url': ''}]
what are constitutional courts
The U.S. judicial tribunals created by Article III of the Constitution, or by Congress, to hear and determine Justiciable controversies. The Constitution created the Supreme Court and empowered Congress, in Article I, Section 8, to establish inferior federal courts. The authority of federal courts is limited to that given to them by the federal statutes that created them.
It is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1. (Heraldry) any small crown, esp one worn by princes or peers as a mark of rank. 2. (Jewellery) a woman's jewelled circlet for the head. 3. (Veterinary Science) the margin between the skin of a horse's pastern and the horn of the hoof. 4. (Zoology) the knob at the base of a deer's antler.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of coronet for Students. 1 1 : a small crown worn by a person of noble but less than royal rank. 2 2 : an ornamental wreath or band worn around the head.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A coronet is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring. By one definition, a coronet differs from a crown in that a coronet never has arches, and from a tiara in that a coronet completely encircles the head, while a tiara does not.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Definition of coronet. 1 1 : a small or lesser crown usually signifying a rank below that of a sovereign. 2 2 : a wreath or band for the head usually for wear by women on formal occasions. 3 3 : the lower part of a horse's pastern where the horn terminates in skin — see horse illustration.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'coronet - margin between the skin of the pastern and the horn of the hoof. fetter bone, pastern - the part between the fetlock and the hoof. animal tissue - the tissue in the bodies of animals. Translations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "start from celestic or hearthome and go into mt coronet, and go up. u need surf, rock climb, and rock smash and strength. keep going through the second room and ull see a hole… in the wall at the end, and keep going till u reach the snow, that's where he is. 2 people found this useful.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of coronet. 1 : a small or lesser crown usually signifying a rank below that of a sovereign. 2 : a wreath or band for the head usually for wear by women on formal occasions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'History of the 1965-1967 Dodge Coronet. Dodge reintroduced the Coronet name to its lineup in 1965 as a replacement to the company’s 330 and 440 models. The new Coronet, a nameplate absent since 1959, was a mid-sized line built on a 117-inch wheelbase, which was four inches shorter than Dodge’s full-size Polara. Styling was a simple slab-sided look, with a big greenhouse and a single beltline. The grille was flat with vertical bars and it had vertical taillights.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Coronet. A coronet is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring. By one definition, a coronet differs from a crown in that a coronet never has arches, and from a tiara in that a coronet completely encircles the head, while a tiara does not.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Where is spear pillar in mt coronet? at the very top.(just in case bring: a few escape ropes, max repels, ultra balls if you want some of the good Pokemon like giritina or dialga or palkia,and you need Pokemon th…at knows strength, rock climb,and rock smash.) HAPPY TRAILS! :)', 'url': ''}]
what is a coronet
Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A coronet is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring. By one definition, a coronet differs from a crown in that a coronet never has arches, and from a tiara in that a coronet completely encircles the head, while a tiara does not.
Jim Bakker's net worth is $500 thousand.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Bakker met 57-year-old Lori in 1998 and they tied the knot just 50 days later. 'Like Jim, Lori has a colorful past,' says a preacher friend of the couple. 'She admits in her autobiography, More Than I Could Ever Ask, that she lived a life of sexual promiscuity and drug abuse prior to meeting Jim.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Those charges accused him of keeping millions from the donation money his company accrued, and later sought after by the IRS for $6million in tax liens dating back to the 1980s. Back in the day: Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker were household names in the 1980s when they started their 'Praise The Lord' empire.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "According to Messner's testimony, Tammy wrote the offer on her stationery, listing a $300,000-a-year lifetime salary for Jim, $100,000 a year for Tammy, a house, and a year's worth of free phone calls and health insurance.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Jim Bakker Show Newsletter Products & Special Offers Show Tapings & Events Revelation News', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lives in Fort Worth TX (Handley) Used to live in Fort Worth TX, Arlington TX, Haltom City TX Related to Debby W Baker, Amber R Baker, John Leslie Merrifield, Jim A Baker, Cheryl E Baker, Kelsey L Baker, Terri L Baker, Scott A Baker, Kyle Baker, Nathan Baker, Myra K Baker, Dale W Baker Show all locations and family', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jailed televangelist and accused rapist Jim Bakker is back in business hawking survivalist kits including everything from padded clothing to buckets of beans to enemas. The 74-year-old pastor served five years of a 45-year sentence for stealing MILLIONS from The PTL (Praise the Lord) Club', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Jim Bakker net worth: Jim Bakker is an American televangelist, minister, and television personality who has a net worth of $500 thousand. Jim Bakker Jim Bakker net worth: Jim Bakker is an American televangelist, minister, and television personality who has a net worth of $500 thousand. Jim Bakker was born in Muskegon, Michigan in January 1940. He was an Assembles of God minister and hosted the evangelical Christian television series The PTL Club with his ex-wife Tammy Faye Bakker.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jim Baker Net Worth Jim Baker made money by Celebrities niche. For all time, at the moment, 2017 year, Jim Baker earned $65 Million. Exact sum is $65000000. Youtube Short biography, height, weight, dates: Birth date: January 2, 1940 Birth place: Muskegon, Michigan, United States Profession: Miscellaneous CrewEducation:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jim Bakker. James Orsen Bakker (pronounced Baker; born January 2, 1940) is an American televangelist, a former Assemblies of God minister and a former host (with his then-wife Tammy Faye Bakker) of The PTL Club, an evangelical Christian television program. A sex scandal led to his resignation from the ministry.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tammy Faye Bakker, 65, Emotive Evangelist, Dies. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, shown in 1987, lost their television ministry after a series of sex and money scandals. They later divorced. Credit Associated Press', 'url': ''}]
jim baker worth
Jim Bakker net worth: Jim Bakker is an American televangelist, minister, and television personality who has a net worth of $500 thousand. Jim Bakker Jim Bakker net worth: Jim Bakker is an American televangelist, minister, and television personality who has a net worth of $500 thousand. Jim Bakker was born in Muskegon, Michigan in January 1940. He was an Assembles of God minister and hosted the evangelical Christian television series The PTL Club with his ex-wife Tammy Faye Bakker.
A person who is deprived of liberty against his or her will.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From earliest dawn the house is astir as its inmates rise, walk about, and stamp their feet. We were born in the same parish, within the same park; the greatest part of our youth was passed together; inmates of the same house, sharing the same amusements, objects of the same parental care.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is PRISONER? One who is deprived of his liberty; one who is against his will kept in confinement or custody. A person restrained of his liberty upon any action, civil or criminal, or upon comuiand- rnent. Cowell. A person ou trial for crime. The prisoner at the bar.. The jurors are told to look upon the prisoner..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Prisons and Prisoner's rights: an overview. Federal and state laws govern the establishment and administration of prisons as well as the rights of the inmates.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "So long as the conditions or degree of a prisoner's confinement are within the sentence and not otherwise violative of the Constitution, the due process clause does not require judicial oversight. For prison regulations that do impinge on inmates' constitutional rights, the strict scrutiny test does not apply.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The inmates shall be permitted to send and receive correspondence. unless there is reasonable suspicion that such correspondence may. present a threat to the safety and security of the facility, public, staff, or inmates.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Prisoners' rights. Federal and state laws govern the establishment and administration of prisons as well as the rights of the inmates. Although prisoners do not have full Constitutional rights, they are protected by the Constitution's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment (see Amendment VIII).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Gustave Doré's image of the exercise yard at Newgate Prison (1872) A prisoner, also known as an inmate or detainee, is a person who is deprived of liberty against his or her will. This can be by confinement, captivity, or by forcible restraint. The term applies particularly to those on trial or serving a prison sentence in a prison. 1 English law.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From earliest dawn the house is astir as its inmates rise, walk about, and stamp their feet. View in context. We were born in the same parish, within the same park; the greatest part of our youth was passed together; inmates of the same house, sharing the same amusements, objects of the same parental care.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Prisoner is a legal term for a person who is imprisoned. In section 1 of the Prison Security Act 1992, the word prisoner means any person for the time being in a prison as a result of any requirement imposed by a court or otherwise that he be detained in legal custody.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The half-caste had just dragged Meriem into the rear chamber as Korak's sharp knife slit a six foot opening in the tent wall, and Korak, tall and mighty, sprang through upon the astonished visions of the inmates.", 'url': ''}]
legal definition of inmate
Gustave Doré's image of the exercise yard at Newgate Prison (1872) A prisoner, also known as an inmate or detainee, is a person who is deprived of liberty against his or her will. This can be by confinement, captivity, or by forcible restraint. The term applies particularly to those on trial or serving a prison sentence in a prison. 1 English law.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Price points: $6,500- $12,000. As you can see it is tough to ask a broad question like how much do hot tubs cost, without knowing how wide a range of options you have. In this article we started our search with $500 blow up spas and ended with $12,000 full featured acrylic hot tubs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rotomold spas can range anywhere from $1,999 – $5,500. When we talk about hot tubs and spas in the traditional sense over the past 30 years they are defined by an acrylic shell with a wooden cabinet or frame. This is the point of our spa price search journey where the gaps really open up.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Surprising to many, hot tub costs are not as high as many assume. While it certainly depends on your location, as well as model, type and accessories, you can oftentimes buy a new tub for less than $500.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Wood Fired Hot Tub Repairs. It takes a lot to damage a wood fired hot tub, but nonetheless, certain repairs do come up. The most common wood hot tub repair is resurfacing the wood, a project that can take as little as four hours and cost anywhere from $325 to $1,300, depending on the quality. As you can assume, whenever the issue is on the outside of the tub, the repairs will never exceed exorbitant amounts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Pre-fabricated hot tubs cost less, but are still priced between $3,000 and $8,000 (for the smaller-sized models). 2 Although you give up some features and styling with inflatable or “bubble” spas, you can get a good-quality inflatable hot tub starting at about $500. 3 There is quite a difference in price here.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This can vary greatly depending on the temperature of fresh water that goes into the hot tub, the ambient air temperature and which Lay-Z-Spa model you have (the higher the capacity of water, the longer the hot tub will take to heat up).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'You won’t get many hydrotherapy benefits and there are no real seats in this spa you basically sit on the floor with your friends in a literal hot tub of water. The inflatable hot tubs will set you back anywhere from $450-$1,500.00.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The truth is there are way too many types of hot tubs from the inflatable to all copper luxury spas. Asking how much a hot tub actually costs is too broad so we need to define the different segments and categories of spas on the market. That is what I intend to do in the article.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Huge Cost Savings. 2 On average, most custom in-ground spas cost between $15,000 and $20,000, according to 3 Pre-fabricated hot tubs cost less, but are still priced between $3,000 and $8,000 (for the smaller-sized models).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I’ve put together a list of the pros and cons to you can decide for yourself whether an inflatable hot tub is a good fit for you – or not. The Pros: 1 Huge Cost Savings. 2 On average, most custom in-ground spas cost between $15,000 and $20,000, according to 3 Pre-fabricated hot tubs cost less, but are still priced between $3,000 and $8,000 (for the smaller-sized models).', 'url': ''}]
cost of an inflatable hot tub
You won’t get many hydrotherapy benefits and there are no real seats in this spa you basically sit on the floor with your friends in a literal hot tub of water. The inflatable hot tubs will set you back anywhere from $450-$1,500.00.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I Am for an Art: Claes Oldenburg on His 1961 “Ode to Possibilities”. By Claes Oldenburg. “Apparently, it has survived,” says Claes Oldenburg about his most famous piece of writing. I Am For … was written in 1961 for the catalogue of an exhibition at Martha Jackson Gallery called Environments, Situations, Spaces. While it’s been dubbed a manifesto, Oldenburg insists it’s not.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Oldenburg's first recorded sales of artworks were at the 57th Street Art Fair in Chicago, where he sold 5 items for a total price of $25. He moved back to New York City in 1956.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Associated Artists. Art Brokerage specializes in the orignal artwork of Claes Oldenburg. Claes Oldenburg was born January 28, 1929 in Stockholm, Sweden. He is a sculptor, best known for his public art installations typically featuring very large replicas of everyday objects. Another theme in his work is soft sculpture versions of everyday objects.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I am for all art that takes its form from the lines of life itself, that twists and extends and accumulates and spits and drips, and is heavy and coarse and blunt and sweet and stupid as life itself. I am for an artist who vanishes, turning up in a white cap painting signs or hallways.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Since the mid-1970s, Oldenburg has made sculpture in collaboration with his wife, Coosje van Bruggen. The process behind the couple’s proposals for what they term “large-scale projects” is integral to the work, regardless of whether a piece is realized.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, Typewriter Eraser, Scale X, 1999, painted stainless steel and fiberglass, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. From the early 1970s Oldenburg concentrated almost exclusively on public commissions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Spoonbridge and Cherry (1985–1988), a fountain-sculpture created with his wife and artistic collaborator, Coosje van Bruggen, is the centerpiece of the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Born in Stockholm in 1929 and raised in Chicago by diplomat parents, Oldenburg moved to New York in 1956.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'essay Claes Oldenburg, Walker Art Center Collections, 2005. An artist who believes in the interpretation and interrelation of art and life, Claes Oldenburg makes multimedia performances and artistic projects rooted in popular culture that have mirrored the human experience in surprising and sometimes unsettling ways.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In 1967, New York city cultural adviser Sam Green realized Oldenburg's first outdoor public monument; Placid Civic Monument took the form of a Conceptual performance/action behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, with a crew of gravediggers digging a 6-by-3-foot rectangular hole in the ground.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Walker Art Center is home to an in-depth collection of Oldenburg’s work, ranging from early performance-related objects to large-scale outdoor sculpture to drawings, prints, multiples, and rare studies.', 'url': ''}]
what form of art did claes oldenburg form
Associated Artists. Art Brokerage specializes in the orignal artwork of Claes Oldenburg. Claes Oldenburg was born January 28, 1929 in Stockholm, Sweden. He is a sculptor, best known for his public art installations typically featuring very large replicas of everyday objects. Another theme in his work is soft sculpture versions of everyday objects.
Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Electrolyte: A substance that dissociates into ions in solution and acquires the capacity to conduct electricity. Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphate are examples of electrolytes, informally known as lytes.Electrolyte replacement is needed when a patient has prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and as a response to strenuous athletic activity.Commercial electrolyte solutions are available, particularly for sick children (solutions such as Pedialyte) and athletes (sports drinks, such as Gatorade).lectrolyte replacement is needed when a patient has prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and as a response to strenuous athletic activity. Commercial electrolyte solutions are available, particularly for sick children (solutions such as Pedialyte) and athletes (sports drinks, such as Gatorade).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of ELECTROLYTE for Kids. 1. : a substance (as an acid or salt) that when dissolved (as in water) conducts an electric current. 2. : a substance (as sodium or calcium) that is an ion in the body regulating the flow of nutrients into and waste products out of cells.. a: a substance that when dissolved in a suitable solvent or when fused becomes an ionic conductor b: any of the ions (as of sodium or calcium) that in biological fluid regulate or affect most metabolic processes (as the flow of nutrients into and waste products out of cells).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Use electrolyte in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of electrolyte is a chemical compound that conducts electricity by changing into ions when melted or dissolved into a solution. An example of an electrolyte is sodium electrolyte in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of electrolyte is a chemical compound that conducts electricity by changing into ions when melted or dissolved into a solution. An example of an electrolyte is sodium chloride.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'noun. The definition of electrolyte is a chemical compound that conducts electricity by changing into ions when melted or dissolved into a solution.An example of an electrolyte is sodium electrolyte in a sentence. LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of electrolyte is a chemical compound that conducts electricity by changing into ions when melted or dissolved into a solution. An example of an electrolyte is sodium chloride.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '2. a: a substance that when dissolved in a suitable solvent or when fused becomes an ionic conductor b: any of the ions (as of sodium or calcium) that in biological fluid regulate or affect most metabolic processes (as the flow of nutrients into and waste products out of cells).. a: a substance that when dissolved in a suitable solvent or when fused becomes an ionic conductor b: any of the ions (as of sodium or calcium) that in biological fluid regulate or affect most metabolic processes (as the flow of nutrients into and waste products out of cells).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes affect the amount of water in your body, the acidity of your blood (pH), your muscle function, and other important processes.You lose electrolytes when you sweat.efinition. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes affect the amount of water in your body, the acidity of your blood (pH), your muscle function, and other important processes. You lose electrolytes when you sweat.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'an element or compound that, when melted or dissolved in water or another solvent, dissociates into ions and is able to conduct an electric current. Electrolytes differ in their concentrations in blood plasma, interstitial fluid, and cell fluid and affect the movement of substances between those compartments.lectrolyte. An ion, or weakly charged element, that conducts reactions and signals in the body. Examples of electrolytes are sodium and potassium ions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pronunciation (i-lek-truh-lahyt). 1 Minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. 2 It is important for the balance of electrolytes in your body to be maintained, because they affect the amount of water in your body, blood pH, muscle action, and other important processes. It is important for the balance of electrolytes in your body to be maintained, because they affect the amount of water in your body, blood pH, muscle action, and other important processes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An electrolyte (Etymology: Greek lytos lytós able to be untied or) loosened is a substance that produces an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar, solvent such as. Water the dissolved electrolyte separates into cations and, anions which disperse uniformly through the. solventn electrolyte (Etymology: Greek lytos lytós able to be untied or) loosened is a substance that produces an electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar, solvent such as. water', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Electrolyte. An ion, or weakly charged element, that conducts reactions and signals in the body. Examples of electrolytes are sodium and potassium ions.Mentioned in: Enemas, Gastroenteritis, Total Parenteral Nutrition. a compound that ionizes in solution, conducts and is decomposed by electrical current.lectrolyte. An ion, or weakly charged element, that conducts reactions and signals in the body. Examples of electrolytes are sodium and potassium ions.', 'url': ''}]
medical definition of electrolytes
Definition. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes affect the amount of water in your body, the acidity of your blood (pH), your muscle function, and other important processes.You lose electrolytes when you sweat.efinition. Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes affect the amount of water in your body, the acidity of your blood (pH), your muscle function, and other important processes. You lose electrolytes when you sweat.
The meaning of Shalom in Hebrew is “peace”.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Question: What is the meaning of the Hebrew word shalom?. Answer: Commonly translated as “peace” and used as both a greeting and farewell, shalom has rich meaning in Hebrew. “Peace” is an accurate translation of the term, but shalom implies more than lack of conflict. According to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, shalom means “completeness', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What made you want to look up shalom aleichem? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Question: What is the meaning of the Hebrew word shalom? Answer: Commonly translated as “peace” and used as both a greeting and farewell, shalom has rich meaning in Hebrew. “Peace” is an accurate translation of the term, but shalom implies more than lack of conflict.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The meaning of Shalom is Peace. Its origin is Hebrew. Recently this name is mostly being used as a unisex name, but historically it's a boy's name. Last year it ranked 2,861st in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby names. Show popularity chart Shalom is a Hebrew word name meaning peace. In Hebrew shalom is a greeting that can be used for either hello or goodbye. Famous bearers include Israeli rock singer Shalom Hanoch and Canadian actress Shalom Harlow. Pin It", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'According to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, shalom means “completeness, soundness, welfare, peace.” It is translated “success” and used as part of an inspired blessing in 1 Chronicles 12:18.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'phrase transliterated from Hebrew sha·lom alei·chem \\ ˌshȯ-ləm-ə-ˈlā-kəm, ˌshō-,-ḵəm \\', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Shalom is in an important OT theological word family. The root occurs in all Semitic languages with meanings similar to Hebrew. Shalom usually means peace (Gen 15:15) and can function adverbially (peaceably) and adjectivally (peaceful). Safety (Zech 8:10) is also a frequent connotation (safe, safely).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition of shalom aleichem. : peace to you —used as a traditional Jewish greeting — compare assalamu alaikum.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Although there is some overlap in their meanings, the Hebrew word shalom is broader in its usage, and, in fact, has greatly influenced the New Testaments use of eirene. “God hath not promised Skies ever blue,', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'shalom n. Hebrew (shah-LOME) Literally, “peace.” An ancient word used as a greeting; it can mean both “hello” and “good-bye” as well as “peace.” The word has complex meanings; it comes from the Hebrew root word meaning “complete.” Thus, when the word refers to “peace,” it represents an ideal state of complete peace.', 'url': ''}]
meanings of shalom in hebrew
Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Question: What is the meaning of the Hebrew word shalom?. Answer: Commonly translated as “peace” and used as both a greeting and farewell, shalom has rich meaning in Hebrew. “Peace” is an accurate translation of the term, but shalom implies more than lack of conflict. According to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, shalom means “completeness
18 hours
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But unlike humans, who rest best when they stick to a regular schedule, dogs are flexible sleepers: They can easily pop up when there’s action (like when there’s a mail carrier at the door) and sleep when they’re bored. Dogs also sleep less when they have more to do. Working pups, like police or farm dogs, sleep less than those that have little more to do than sit around a house all day. When To Be Concerned. While there can be a lot of variability in dogs’ sleeping habits, the one thing to keep an eye out for is a dramatic change.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bats and opossums may sleep closer to 20 hours. The various breeds of dogs also seem to have different sleep requirements. Some very large breeds of dogs, like Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, and mastiffs, often spend a great deal of their lives sleeping – perhaps up to sixteen or even eighteen hours a day.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dogs sleep more than us, but they wake more frequently than we do. How much and when they sleep depends on the level of activity in their environment. A dog living as a pet in the home is likely to sleep more than a dog that works for a living, like a search and rescue dog or a dog working on a farm.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "There's no doubt about it: dogs sure know how to sleep. The amount of time spent napping varies from dog to dog and depends on the dog's age and personality. Counting little naps and longer snoozes, most dogs sleep about fourteen hours a day.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "It is normal for Pomeranian puppies to sleep 18 to 20 hours per day. Adults-Adult Poms (1 year and older) should be sleeping through the night, essentially mimicking their owner's sleep schedule. This gives them 7 to 8 hours to snooze. During the day, a few naps will be taken to bring the total hours of sleep to 12 to 14. Many dogs reserve their naps for when they are home alone. Seniors-It is common for dogs over the age of 8 years old to take an extra nap each day or to sleep slightly longer at night.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average dog sleeps for about 12 to 14 hours per 24-hour cycle. That’s just the beginning, though. Puppies, who expend a lot of energy exploring and learning may need as much as 18 to 20 hours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Starting at 6 weeks, the urge to learn, play and have fun with his littermates keeps him awake for much longer periods. The average amount of hours of sleep for pups this young is between 20 and 22 hours per day. Puppies-A Pom is a puppy until the age of 1 year old.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Some dog owners find themselves with a dog that got into a very bad sleeping pattern; thus reversing their time clock and being awake at night and sleeping most of the day away. This section will cover how much sleep in normal depending on age and where your Pom should sleep for a good night's rest.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'However even 18 hours is not considered abnormal for a Chihuahua. This includes naps.There are 2 types of sleeping. One is a lighter sleep (called slow wave) and the other is the deeper sleep (known as REM-Rapid Eye Movement). Dogs, just like humans do have these 2 different types of sleep.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'One theory: Unlike humans who generally stay up all day and then sleep for one long stretch at night, spending as much as 25 percent of their sleep in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Click to learn more sleep, dogs’ shorter sleep stints mean just about 10 percent of their snoozing is REM.', 'url': ''}]
how many hours a day do chihuahuas sleep
However even 18 hours is not considered abnormal for a Chihuahua. This includes naps.There are 2 types of sleeping. One is a lighter sleep (called slow wave) and the other is the deeper sleep (known as REM-Rapid Eye Movement). Dogs, just like humans do have these 2 different types of sleep.
Personal abilities and talents such as good communication, word processing and problem solving.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "the skills on my resume are based on the previous jobs and volunteer experience i've had. for example i work in retail. so customer service, organization, i train new hires so team building and training. typing is a skill but depending on what line of work you are going into, nobody will pay attention to it. if it fits your .line of work you are ...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Helicopter pilots are among the many professionals who may have learned their job skills in the military. Relevant job skills should be listed on a job application. Communication and speaking skills could be considered job skills. Typing is a common skill required by many jobs. Good customer service skills are important for many jobs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Job Searching. A skill set is a particular category of skills or abilities necessary to perform a job. Examples of specific skill sets include human relations, research and planning, leadership, management, and computer skills. Read below for information on types of skill sets, and how to match your skill sets to particular job requirements.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Technical Job Skills. What are 'Technical Job Skills'. Technical job skills, also referred to as hard skills, are specific talents and expertise an individual possesses, helping him perform a certain task or job; these skills differ from soft skills, which are character and personality traits.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Job skills are personal abilities and talents that help employees carry out work-related tasks. Many job-related skills are somewhat broad, including good communication, word processing, and problem solving. Depending on the sort of work at issue, though, skills can be very nuanced.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I have to disagree with Jimmy here. Customer service is not a skill, it's an industry, a job position... but not a skill. You need a bunch of skills to deliver good customer service and I think that's what is meant by customer service as a skill.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Help them close the gap by sharing this list of essential skills. It is tempting to think that because you have used a computer for a long time, you are computer literate or computer savvy, but this is not the case. Here are 10 skills you absolutely must know to be considered computer literate. If you already know these, you should be helping others learn them as well!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Certified answers contain reliable, trustworthy information vouched for by a hand-picked team of experts. Brainly has millions of high quality answers, all of them carefully moderated by our most trusted community members, but certified answers are the finest of the finest. Organizing is a nonacademic skill. Comments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I wouldn’t say customer service is a standalone skill or trait. But, when companies talk about important customer service qualities or skills, empathy comes up a lot. Previous articles have considered it as one of the key qualities in customer service.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What are considered skills? Im making my resume and wondering what can i put down for skills? is knowing how to format a hard drive and install an operating system a skill? is typing 60 word per minute a skill? is knowing how to build a computer a skill? What are skills that normal people put on their resume? Follow.', 'url': ''}]
what is considered a skill
Job skills are personal abilities and talents that help employees carry out work-related tasks. Many job-related skills are somewhat broad, including good communication, word processing, and problem solving. Depending on the sort of work at issue, though, skills can be very nuanced.
Operating expenses include rent, equipment, inventory costs, marketing, payroll, insurance and funds allocated toward research and development.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Operating Expenses. Operating expenses are the costs a business incurs as part of its regular business activities, not including the cost of goods sold. These costs include administrative expenses such as office supplies and salaries for administrative personnel. Commissions and advertising are examples of sales expenses.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Investing for Beginners. The next section of the income statement focuses on the operating expenses that arise during the ordinary course of running a business. Operating expenses include everything from employee salaries to the toilet paper in the office restrooms; research and development to electricity bills.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In business, the term operating expense (OPEX) appears in budgeting and spending, but also as an Income statement term in financial accounting. In brief, operating expenses include most expenditures for operating the firm's normal line of business, which are not capital spending. Operating expenses do not result in capital assets.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Interest Expense - Interest expense incurred in the financing of operations and long lived assets used in continuing operations, and excludes transfers made within the company and capitalized interest. For kinds of business covered in this survey, interest is not considered a type of operating expense.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Loading the player... An operating expense is an expense a business incurs through its normal business operations. Often abbreviated as OPEX, operating expenses include rent, equipment, inventory costs, marketing, payroll, insurance and funds allocated toward research and development.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Operating expenses on the income statement consists of costs not directly required in the manufacturing or sale of goods or service. Common operating expenses include advertising, marketing, payroll, office supplies, accountants, lawyers, etc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Firstly, expenses are either operating expenses or non-operating expenses. Expenses incurred in operating the firm's core line of business are operating expenses. Employee wages, inventory handling costs, and expenditures for office supplies are operating expenses.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Operating cost. Operating (Operational) costs are the expenses which are related to the operation of a business, or to the operation of a device, component, piece of equipment or facility. They are the cost of resources used by an organization just to maintain its existence.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What is an 'Operating Expense'. An operating expense is an expense a business incurs through its normal business operations. Often abbreviated as OPEX, operating expenses include rent, equipment, inventory costs, marketing, payroll, insurance and funds allocated toward research and development.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Excluded are purchase of products for resale (cost of goods sold); bad debt; transfers made within the company; capitalized expenses; interest; impairment; income, sales, and excise taxes; and other non-operating expenses. Annual Payroll - The gross earnings of all employees paid during the calendar year (cash basis).', 'url': ''}]
what are considered operating expenses
Loading the player... An operating expense is an expense a business incurs through its normal business operations. Often abbreviated as OPEX, operating expenses include rent, equipment, inventory costs, marketing, payroll, insurance and funds allocated toward research and development.
Barclaycard customer service phone number is +44-1604230230.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "While +44-1604230230 is Barclaycard (UK)'s #3 most popular phone number, it's not the only way to get a hold of their customer care team. You already know from reading above that +44-0870-1540154 is their best customer phone number overall, and we have put together a comparison of their undefined total ways to contact support for you to look at as well.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best Barclaycard (UK) toll-free numbers and support. This is the #3 phone number and #4 overall way to contact Barclaycard (UK) according to 61987 GetHuman users.Here are the best.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'This Barclaycard (UK) phone number is ranked #3 out of 3 because 684 Barclaycard (UK) customers tried our tools and information and gave us feedback after they called. The reason customers call +44-1604230230 is to reach the Barclaycard (UK) Customer Service department for problems like Setup an account, Question, Complaint, Lower my rate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ' is a global site that houses products and information for all countries. If you want to visit our site that has specific product information for customers in America, please continue to our US site.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I contacted customer service on card to report damaged chip on my card. It was frequently refused in NYC stores at which I had frequently used it. Customer service was below horrible. But Barclays is the only card which awards Miles and More directly each month. Awful nasty phone call.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Internet customer services from abroad +44 (0)1452 828 001. Internet customer services from UK 0800 161 5300 or 0333 202 7900. Barclaycard Commercial. General Enquires 0844 822 2111. Report lost, stolen or fraudulently-used company credit cards +44 (0) 151 221 3808. Barclaycard Payment Acceptance. General enquires 0844 811 6666', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The #3 phone number for Barclaycard (UK) Customer Service with tips to quickly reach and to call a live Barclaycard (UK) support rep. If you're going to to call an agent at +44-1604230230 be sure to read here for the best way to do it with alternatives and shortcuts.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '24 Hour Customer Service 0800 151 0900 or 0333 200 9090. Calling from abroad +44 (0)1604 230 230. Barclaycard Lost & stolen 0800 151 0900 or 0333 200 9090. Emergency card replacement and cash advance 0800 161 5308 International +44 (0)1604 230 230. Internet customer services from abroad +44 (0)1452 828 001. Internet customer services from UK 0800 161 5300 or 0333 202 7900. Barclaycard Commercial. General Enquires 0844 822 2111', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Before dialing Barclaycard (UK) Customer Service. We've tried for years to eliminate that -1 minute wait for you. But the fact is that it can still take many phone calls to Barclaycard (UK) to resolve your issue. Now you can hire GetHuman to do all the work on the phone for you. Handle it all for me.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Get in touch with Barclaycard for any and any inquiries relating to Barclaycard Corporate. Find your local Barclaycard here.', 'url': ''}]
barclaycard customer service phone number
This Barclaycard (UK) phone number is ranked #3 out of 3 because 684 Barclaycard (UK) customers tried our tools and information and gave us feedback after they called. The reason customers call +44-1604230230 is to reach the Barclaycard (UK) Customer Service department for problems like Setup an account, Question, Complaint, Lower my rate.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In terms of the thickness of the hydrocarbon producing zone, the Bakken Shale averages 10-120 feet in thickness, while Eagle Ford Shale formations are 150-300 feet thick. The Permian offers formations that are 1,300-1,800 feet, which is 12 times the Bakken thickness.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In North Dakota's Bakken formation, the break-even cost has fallen into the $20s in some counties, the state's Department of Mineral Resources reported last month. Producing a barrel of oil would still be profitable at $24 in Dunn County, down from $29 last October.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Of the 345 horizontal wells Oxy planned to drill in 2014, 172 were targeted at the Permian Basin. The company’s average daily production of crude oil totaled about 153,000 barrels a day at the end of 2014, up by about 2% year-over-year. The average realized price for all its U.S. barrels, however, dropped from $104.30 to $90.57 year-over-year for the third quarter. In its 2013 annual report, Oxy reported revenue per U.S. barrel of oil equivalent (boe) of $64.48 and production costs of $14.43 per boe. Other expenses, including DD&A, resulted in pretax income per boe of $19.54. U.S. production costs dropped by $3.00 a barrel year-over-year in 2013. Apache Corp. (NYSE: APA) reported 2013 production of around 90,000 barrels a day from its Permian Basin operations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The average production per day with a horizontal well is 500-1,000 barrels, compared to 100 to 150 barrels per day for the average vertical well, according to Steve Pruett, chairman of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Traders say US oil production flat lining Thursday, 20 Aug 2015 | 2:31 PM ET|03:43. U.S. crude threatened to break below $40 per barrel for the first time since early 2009 this week, raising fresh fears about the cost of producing crude in America's oil patch—or perhaps patches is the better term.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Permian-focused Concho Resources Inc. is another example of a smaller producer that's performing above average in the Permian. During 3Q2015, the operator had record production, despite low oil prices, beating its guidance with output of 149,304 boe/d, a 31.6% increase year/year (see Shale Daily, Nov. 16, 2015).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "These prices are not sustainable. That's exactly where prices are heading, according to Citibank, which recently revised downward its outlook for oil to an average of $39 per barrel for the fourth quarter of 2015 and first quarter of 2016.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the U.S. onshore, the Permian is Apache’s the biggest focus, where it has worked for decades. Although it had dropped all but 10 of its 42 rigs in the play by 3Q2015 because of sliding oil prices, the Houston producer still reported a 14% gain in natural gas production from 3Q2014, with oil output down by 1%.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "However, with many analysts now expecting U.S. crude to fall into the $30s, the question is how low can prices go before producers turn off the tap. It's still cost-effective down to prices of $10 per barrel to maintain many existing wells across the United States, which is why drillers have not shut in production.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In 2008, oil production was about 710,480 b/d in the Texas portion. Between January 2007 and August 2015, crude oil production in the Permian grew from 843,000 b/d to 1,961,000 b/d, an annualized trend-line growth rate of 10.6% per year. Not bad for a “mature” play that first began producing more than 90 years ago.', 'url': ''}]
average production cost for oil in permian basin
Of the 345 horizontal wells Oxy planned to drill in 2014, 172 were targeted at the Permian Basin. The company’s average daily production of crude oil totaled about 153,000 barrels a day at the end of 2014, up by about 2% year-over-year. The average realized price for all its U.S. barrels, however, dropped from $104.30 to $90.57 year-over-year for the third quarter. In its 2013 annual report, Oxy reported revenue per U.S. barrel of oil equivalent (boe) of $64.48 and production costs of $14.43 per boe. Other expenses, including DD&A, resulted in pretax income per boe of $19.54. U.S. production costs dropped by $3.00 a barrel year-over-year in 2013. Apache Corp. (NYSE: APA) reported 2013 production of around 90,000 barrels a day from its Permian Basin operations.
Fixed or solid-joint pliers, Adjustable or slip-joint pliers, Diagonal Pliers, Combination pliers, Wire Strippers and Dikes.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The following are examples of pliers and cutter types that are used for electrical work. Combine the function of a number of types of pliers and therefore have a wide variety of uses in the electrical trade. Available in sizes from 150 to 230mm.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Needle-nose wire cutters. Needle-nose wire cutters are often used by electricians because the sharply tapered jaws make it easy to bend, and insert wire into a switch gear in electrical panels, where there is often not enough space to use any other type of pliers or cutters. Shear cutters:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Plier Types. Pliers can have either a fixed design or adjustable. Fixed or solid-joint pliers have a rivet attached to the pivot that allows them to open only to a set width. Adjustable or slip-joint pliers offer two or more widths to accommodate a wider range of tasks.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Diagonal Pliers (Side cutter). As the name suggests, these cutters deliver a diagonal cut, and the most common type in use by tradesmen all over the world are known by several different names, such as side-cutters, diagonal cutters, “dikes”, or even “diags”.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Combination pliers. Combine the function of a number of types of pliers and therefore have a wide variety of uses in the electrical trade. Available in sizes from 150 to 230mm. Application: Flat jaw tips are serrated for general gripping, bending, and twisting, etc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Some of the different jaw shapes available include straight, curved, and C-clamp styles. The brand Vise Grip is a popular manufacture of these types of pliers. Example: Irwin Vise-Grip Fast Release Curved Jaw Locking Pliers. Wire Strippers are a type of pliers with a very specific and limited use. These are design for removing the insulation off of electrical wiring. With different size holes that are graduated in the same size of the wire it takes the guess work out of removing the insulation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Diagonal Cutting Pliers or Dikes are different than all the other types of pliers because their jaws do not have gripping surfaces. Equipped with just cutting edges, they have the ability to cut wire and remove small nails.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Types of Pliers. Pliers are two-handled, two-jawed hand tools used mainly for gripping, twisting, and turning. Because the jaws meet at the tip, they can grip with some precision. Some types are made for cutting as well. Here are some of the main types of pliers. Adjustable Pliers or Slip-joint Pliers. Adjustable pliers are adjustable on account of their slip-joint, which allows two or more preset positions for work at different sizes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Plier Types. Fixed or solid-joint pliers have a rivet attached to the pivot that allows them to open only to a set width. Adjustable or slip-joint pliers offer two or more widths to accommodate a wider range of tasks. Handles are used to grip the pliers, a pivot allows the jaws to open and the head grips or cuts the material you are working with.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Uses of Pliers. There are approximately 9 different types of pliers and some can duplicate tasks while others are specialized. Pliers can tackle a variety of jobs including installing and shaping wire, tightening and loosening nuts and bolts, removing nails and a host of other functions.', 'url': ''}]
types of pliers with name
Plier Types. Pliers can have either a fixed design or adjustable. Fixed or solid-joint pliers have a rivet attached to the pivot that allows them to open only to a set width. Adjustable or slip-joint pliers offer two or more widths to accommodate a wider range of tasks.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Stanol esters, which are in certain margarines such as Take Control or Benecol and in pill-form supplements, are also used in combination with statin drugs. This plant-derived compound can reduce cholesterol by as much as 10% by stopping the absorption of cholesterol.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Niacin is a B-complex vitamin that at high doses lowers cholesterol. Doses of 2 to 3 grams per day added to prescribed statin drugs are a common practice, even among wholly unalternative doctors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '• The bottom line: Despite the studies frequently cited as proof of fenugreeks ability to lower cholesterol, there is not enough evidence to support its use. Fiber. • What it is: Soluble fiber is a type of dietary fiber found in oats, barley, bran, peas, and citrus fruits, as well as in dietary supplements. (Though it is good for the heart in other ways, insoluble fiber does not affect blood cholesterol.)', 'url': ',,20295990,00.html'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Of course, the best way to get fiber is to eat whole grains and vegetables regularly, but fiber supplements work, too. How fiber reduces cholesterol is not widely agreed upon, but it appears that it binds to cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine, making it unavailable for absorption.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is high cholesterol? High cholesterol is a well-known risk factor for heart disease. Cholesterol itself is a waxy, fat-like substance that is primarily made by the liver, although some comes from the diet. It is an essential component of cell membranes and is used by the body to produce hormones and vitamin D.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'ABC News. Best Supplements for Cholesterol. Cholesterol is treated like a 4-letter word sometimes, but the truth is that the soft waxy substance is essential for your health. Your body produces it to build cell walls everywhere--including inside your brain, nerves, muscles, skin, liver, intestines, and heart.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fish oil. • What it is: Fish is rich in two heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DPA. In concentrated form, these fatty acids are the main ingredients in fish oil supplements, which are usually sold as gel capsules.', 'url': ',,20295990,00.html'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This B vitamin can boost HDL “good cholesterol and lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides -- but only use it if your doctor advises you to. For niacin to work you have to take a lot of it, and that can cause side effects such as facial flushing.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Or just bring all the meds and supplements you take with you to your next appointment. Supplements are just one part of your total care plan. They’re called “supplements” for a reason. If you take them, it should only be as part of a larger effort to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and meds, if prescribed by your doctor, should be the other parts of your plan.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A desirable level of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol is less than 100 mg/dL – the lower your LDL, the better in terms of heart disease risk. Levels between 139 and 150 mg/dL are borderline high and those between 160 to 189 mg/dL are considered high, while LDL levels above 190 mg/dL are classed as very high.', 'url': ''}]
vitamins for cholesterol control
Niacin is a B-complex vitamin that at high doses lowers cholesterol. Doses of 2 to 3 grams per day added to prescribed statin drugs are a common practice, even among wholly unalternative doctors.
The Candida diet is coconut oil, coconut milk, or shredded coconut, healthy seeds like flax, chia, and sunflower, For baking, almond flour and coconut flour are healthy options, no sugar, white pasta, pizza or bread, No cake, bagels, chocolates or puddings, No fruit, dried fruit, juices, coke or alcohol, No cheese, sauces, milk, Eat light and early, Eat a lot of greens, Eat some protein, Eat minimal carbs.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you do okay with yogurt and nuts, then that is another possibility, however many people with Candida do not tolerate nuts very well. For many, Candida will feed on nuts. Personally, I can’t eat yogurt or nuts unless I have first eaten meat and vegetables. If I eat yogurt or nuts alone, it will feed my Candida and give me a migraine. If I eat them after a meal of meat protein and vegetables, and keep the proportion low, then I do okay. However, yogurt contains lactose, which is milk sugar that can feed yeast if too much is eaten, so it needs to be regulated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Coconut is always a great option on the Candida diet, whether is comes in the form of oil, coconut milk, or shredded coconut. And you can also use healthy seeds like flax, chia, and sunflower. For baking, almond flour and coconut flour are healthy options.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Food related rules of the Candida diet: 1 No sugar, white pasta, pizza or bread. 2 No cake, bagels, chocolates or puddings. 3 No fruit, dried fruit, juices, coke or alcohol. 4 No cheese, sauces, milk. 5 Eat light and early. 6 Eat a lot of greens. 7 Eat some protein. 8 Eat minimal carbs.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This is the ‘YES list’ of foods that should be OK to eat in reasonable amounts during your Candida diet. Your diet should include lots of non-starchy vegetables, some probiotic foods, proteins like eggs or white meat, and non-glutenous grains. Here is a list of the foods to eat on the Candida diet: Non-starchy vegetables; Low sugar fruits', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The full list of Foods To Eat on the Candida Diet. To beat your Candida you should eat non-starchy vegetables, probiotic foods and non-glutinous grains. The Candida Diet', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Here is a list of the foods to eat on the Candida diet: Non-starchy vegetables. Low sugar fruits. Non-glutinous grains. Healthy proteins. Some dairy products. Low-mold nuts and seeds. Herbs, spices & condiments.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Food related rules of the Candida diet: No sugar, white pasta, pizza or bread. No cake, bagels, chocolates or puddings. No fruit, dried fruit, juices, coke or alcohol. No cheese, sauces, milk. Eat light and early. Eat a lot of greens. Eat some protein.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hi Jennifer, In regard to what to eat for breakfast on the candida diet, the first thing that has to change is the mindset. We have been conditioned to believe that we are supposed to eat certain things for breakfast that must go if we want to improve our health. Most people think they should have eggs, toast, cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles etc.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In our Ultimate Candida Diet program, we break these foods down into YES and MAYBE lists. The YES foods are always OK to eat, whereas the MAYBE list contains foods that should be minimized or might be OK in small amounts. You can see the list of foods to avoid here.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Foods To Eat On The Candida Diet The great news is that the Foods To Eat list contains many delicious, healthy foods. There are lots of tasty sources of protein, fat, and non-starchy carbohydrate that you can use to create mouthwatering meals.', 'url': ''}]
what do u eat on the candida plan
Coconut is always a great option on the Candida diet, whether is comes in the form of oil, coconut milk, or shredded coconut. And you can also use healthy seeds like flax, chia, and sunflower. For baking, almond flour and coconut flour are healthy options.
The average maximum daytime temperature in South Beach in December is a warm 24°C (75°F). The average sea temperature in and around South Beach in December is 23°C (73°F).
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Weather in South Beach in December. The average maximum daytime temperature in South Beach in December is a warm 24°C (75°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 66% of the 10 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around South Beach in December is 23°C (73°F).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Scientists find likely cause of 2011 Virginia earthquake, believe there may be more to come. On Aug. 23, 2011, those living in eastern North America, from Ontario to Georgia, felt an unexpected shock as the earth trembled in the wake of a 5.8 magnitude earthquake.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather in South Beach in December 2016. Check the weather in South Beach in December before you book your next holiday in Florida. Long-term weather averages give the best indication of the weather in December 2016 and include figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall for South Beach, Florida, United States.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Today's Forecast. Before heading out, check the latest forecast from the NBC 6 Weather Team -- verified most accurate forecast in South Florida by WeatheRate.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Video - August 18, 2016; 3:00 PM ET. Rio 2016: Heat to build into early week. News - August 15, 2016; 2:34 AM ET. After rain caused several rounds of delays and postponements during the first week of the Summer Games, building heat could make for uncomfortable conditions into early this week.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Not as wet today; hot with a 'feels like' temperature up to 100. The weather across South Florida should be drier than earlier in the week, but it will also be hot. According to the National Weather Service, it will be partly sunny on Thursday with a high near 88 but a heat index that will make it feel close to 100. Winds will be light and out of the east. ... Weather.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Climate data for miami beach, Longitude: -80.1334, Latitude: 25.8063. Average weather Miami Beach, FL - 33138 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Scientists find likely cause of 2011 Virginia earthquake, believe there may be more to come. On Aug. 23, 2011, those living in eastern North America, from Ontario to Georgia, felt an unexpected shock as the earth trembled in the wake of a 5.8 magnitude earthquake.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How an 85-year-old engineering marvel protects New Orleans and shapes the region.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'News - August 15, 2016; 2:34 AM ET. After rain caused several rounds of delays and postponements during the first week of the Summer Games, building heat could make for uncomfortable conditions into early this week.', 'url': ''}]
weather in south beach florida
Weather in South Beach in December. The average maximum daytime temperature in South Beach in December is a warm 24°C (75°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 66% of the 10 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around South Beach in December is 23°C (73°F).
Puberty is started by hormones, which are chemicals that tell parts of the body to do things.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In order to understand puberty, it is important to know about the hormones that are responsible for puberty, as well as the female and male reproductive organs that are affected by these hormones. Two areas of the brain produce the hormones that are needed for puberty: the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.hey are located in the scrotum at the base of the penis. When the hormones that signal the beginning of puberty reach the testes, boys begin to produce testosterone and sperm. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for most of the changes a boy’s body goes through during puberty.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For girls, puberty begins when the specialized hormones tell the ovaries to begin producing another hormone, known as estrogen. Estrogen is responsible for most of the changes in a girl’s body during puberty. It causes her body to mature and prepare for pregnancy.In males, the follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone act on the testicles. The testicles, or testes, are two egg-shaped glands that produce sperm and male hormones.hey are located in the scrotum at the base of the penis. When the hormones that signal the beginning of puberty reach the testes, boys begin to produce testosterone and sperm. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for most of the changes a boy’s body goes through during puberty.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Early on in puberty, these hormones (which, along with hormones that trigger development of the testes, are known as gonadotropins) are produced only at night. In later stages of puberty, when growth is going gangbusters, these hormones are being produced around the clock and in greater and greater quantities.FSH, when it reaches the testes, spurs the growth of seminiferous tubules, which are the channels in the testes in which sperm is produced.ale Puberty Hormones and What They Do. Although puberty can be humiliating, its actual purpose is to enable sexual reproduction. The process taking place inside a pubescent boy's body to bring about reproductive ability is quite complex. We'll learn the basics of it in this section.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 These hormones in turn stimulate the testicles or ovaries to make other hormones, testosterone or estrogen. 2 It's these sex hormones that cause the changes of puberty, like breast development in girls.3 Peripheral precocious puberty or precocious pseudo-puberty is a different condition. 4 It's also rarer. It's these sex hormones that cause the changes of puberty, like breast development in girls. 2 Peripheral precocious puberty or precocious pseudo-puberty is a different condition. 3 It's also rarer.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "During puberty, endocrine glands produce hormones that cause body changes and the development of secondary sex characteristics. In girls, the ovaries begin to increase production of estrogen and other female hormones.In boys, the testicles increase production of testosterone.uberty is the time in which a child's sexual and physical characteristics mature. It occurs due to hormone changes. Adolescence is the period between puberty and adulthood.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Puberty is started by hormones, which are chemicals that tell parts of the body to do things. Today, on average, girls start puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12. However, people all over the world start puberty at different ages.uberty is what happens in children's bodies that changes them into adults. After puberty, people are able to make children. A girl who has gone through puberty can become pregnant and have a baby.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 It's these sex hormones that cause the changes of puberty, like breast development in girls. 2 Peripheral precocious puberty or precocious pseudo-puberty is a different condition. 3 It's also rarer.4 The hormones estrogen and testosterone trigger the symptoms. It's these sex hormones that cause the changes of puberty, like breast development in girls. 2 Peripheral precocious puberty or precocious pseudo-puberty is a different condition. 3 It's also rarer.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Boys. In boys, between the ages of about 12 and 15, the pituitary gland produces LH and FSH, which together stimulate the production of the sex hormones. The testes start to produce testosterone which begins the development of secondary sexual characteristics.he ovaries start to produce oestrogen and progesterone which begin the bodily changes that happen during puberty. The changes, known as secondary sexual characteristics, are: 1 The breasts develop. 2 The hips and thighs widen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'They are located in the scrotum at the base of the penis. When the hormones that signal the beginning of puberty reach the testes, boys begin to produce testosterone and sperm. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for most of the changes a boy’s body goes through during puberty.hey are located in the scrotum at the base of the penis. When the hormones that signal the beginning of puberty reach the testes, boys begin to produce testosterone and sperm. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for most of the changes a boy’s body goes through during puberty.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Girls usually complete puberty by ages 15–17, while boys usually complete puberty by ages 16–17. The major landmark of puberty for females is menarche, the onset of menstruation, which occurs on average between ages 12–13; for males, it is the first ejaculation, which occurs on average at age 13.n boys, testicular enlargement is the first physical manifestation of puberty (and is termed gonadarche). Testes in prepubertal boys change little in size from about 1 year of age to the onset of puberty, averaging about 2–3 cm in length and about 1.5–2 cm in width.', 'url': ''}]
what are puberty hormones
Puberty is started by hormones, which are chemicals that tell parts of the body to do things. Today, on average, girls start puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12. However, people all over the world start puberty at different ages.uberty is what happens in children's bodies that changes them into adults. After puberty, people are able to make children. A girl who has gone through puberty can become pregnant and have a baby.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'What element is found in all organic molecules? A: Every organic molecule contains carbon. The different classifications of organic compounds are determined by the number of carbon atoms within the compound, the type of bonds they form with one another, and the type of bonds they form with other elements. Continue Reading.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'B) differences in the types and relative amounts of organic molecules synthesized by each organism. C) differences in the elements that bond with carbon in each organism. D) differences in the sizes of the organic molecules in each organism. E) differences in inorganic compounds present in each organism.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The modern meaning of organic compound is any compound that contains a significant amount of carbon—even though many of the organic compounds known today have no connection to any substance found in living organisms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Organic molecules commonly contain one or more carbon-hydrogen bonds, making hydrogen the second most common element in an organic compound. Many biological molecules associated with life processes are organic, including DNA, fats, sugars and proteins.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Molecules with carbon in them were assumed to be associated with organisms, and so were called organic molecules. We know that carbon, with its ability to bond to four other atoms, can form very complex molecular structures, making it the perfect candidate for building such molecules around. But this is science, and no terms or ideas seem to last without some modification.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In summary, most carbon-containing compounds are organic, and almost all organic compounds contain at least a C-H bond or a C-C bond. A compound does not need to contain C-H bonds to be considered organic (e.g., urea), but most organic compounds do.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The complexity and variety of organic molecules is due to. A) the chemical versatility of carbon atoms. B) the variety of rare elements in organic molecules. C) the fact that they can be synthesized only in living organisms. D) their interaction with water.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Methane is one of the simplest organic compounds. An organic compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'More on organic molecules. An article about organic molecules that shows how tricky it is to show 3-dimensional molecules in a 2-dimensional image. Organic molecules found on planet circling another star (video). More on the origins of Life on the planet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The second class of organic molecules are called lipids. Fats and oils are included in this class of molecules. These have a fairly simple structure, starting with the 3-carbon glycerol molecule. Each carbon picks up a bit called a fatty acid, which can be short or fairly long, and then it's a lipid molecule.", 'url': ''}]
what elements are always found in organic molecules
What element is found in all organic molecules? A: Every organic molecule contains carbon. The different classifications of organic compounds are determined by the number of carbon atoms within the compound, the type of bonds they form with one another, and the type of bonds they form with other elements. Continue Reading.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The city is divided into various zones called sectors. Almost all the place of Ghaziabad are on the path of high development with a tremendous scope for the real estate businessmen. Pin codes from the India post vary when it comes to some pleace of Ghaziabad. The pin code of Sector 1 Vaishali is 201010.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ghaziabad is an important city of Uttar Pradesh. The city is divided into various zones called sectors. Almost all the place of Ghaziabad are on the path of high development with a tremendous scope for the real estate businessmen. Pin codes from the India post vary when it comes to some pleace of Ghaziabad.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Pin codes from the India post vary when it comes to some pleace of Ghaziabad. The pin code of Sector 1 Vaishali is 201010. All the postal transactions with this PIN code reach the post office of the region.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pin code of Vaishali Ghaziabad is 201012. Vaishali Ghaziabad Indian post office is located in Vaishali Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad. Ghaziabad is one of the famous district in UTTAR PRADESH state. We have marked the location of Vaishali Ghaziabad on Google map.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ghaziabad is one of the famous district in UTTAR PRADESH state. We have marked the location of Vaishali Ghaziabad on Google map. Vaishali Ghaziabad pin code has total six digits. First digit is 2, second digit is 0, third digit is 1, fourth digit is 0, fifth digit is 1 and sixth digit is 2.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pin code of Vaishali Ghaziabad is 201012. Vaishali Ghaziabad Indian post office is located in Vaishali Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad. Ghaziabad is one of the famous district in UTTAR PRADESH state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ghaziabad is an important city of Uttar Pradesh. The city is divided into various zones called sectors. Almost all the place of Ghaziabad are on the path of high development with a tremendous scope for the real estate businessmen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'UTTAR PRADESH. Pin code of Vaishali Ghaziabad is 201012. Vaishali Ghaziabad Indian post office is located in Vaishali Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad. Ghaziabad is one of the famous district in UTTAR PRADESH state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pin code of Sector 4, vaishali is 201010. This page lists all the locations that share the pincode 201010. Click on the location name in the left section to view the respective map in right section.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The city is divided into various zones called sectors. Almost all the place of Ghaziabad are on the path of high development with a tremendous scope for the real estate businessmen. Pin codes from the India post vary when it comes to some pleace of Ghaziabad.', 'url': ''}]
sector 3 vaishali ping code
Pin codes from the India post vary when it comes to some pleace of Ghaziabad. The pin code of Sector 1 Vaishali is 201010. All the postal transactions with this PIN code reach the post office of the region.
US Air Force Colonel John Boyd defined agility as the ability to operate the Observation Orientation Decision Action or OODA loop faster than an adversary.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'For the agile software development community, agility is defined by the values expressed in the agile manifesto. But in concrete terms, what does it mean for a software project to be agile? US Air Force Colonel John Boyd defined agility as the ability to operate the Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action (OODA) loop faster than an adversary.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'We believe Colonel Boyd’s theories are applicable to software development and explain why an agile project may not feel agile and why a so called “plan driven” project can feel agile. We also asserted that agility is an important attribute for a successful project since it is the most effective way of dealing with uncertainty and avoiding or if necessary responding effectively to crises.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "I particularly liked the unusual analogy Roger chose to illustrate the difference between iterative and recursive approaches to software development. It starts with Air Force Colonel John Boyd researching a peculiar anomaly in the performance of 1950's era jet fighters: Colonel John Boyd was interested not just in any dogfights, but specifically in dogfights between MiG-15s and F-86s.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'He’s right, I have no excuse. Boyd’s Law is the basis for most popular software development approaches. Lean, Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Lean Startup…all have their foundation in the concept that you release changes faster and more frequently. In other words, you must iterate quickly.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '— Col John R. Boyd. 1 Numerous articles and books have recently appeared criticizing current leadership of the Armed Services and their collective inability to think critically, to adapt, or to innovate quickly — as well as their lack of tactical, operational, or strategic agility.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Boyd defined agility as: one side in a conflict or in competition is more agile than its opponent if it can change the situation more quickly than the other side can update its orientation. He described this as the ability to operate inside an opponent’s OODA loop [10 P. 66].', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Diminish their friction and reduce time, thereby permit them to: 1 Exploit variety/rapidity while maintaining harmony/initiative, thereby permit them to: 2 Get inside adversary’s O‑O‑D‑A loops, thereby: 3 Magnify adversary’s friction and stretch‑out his time (for a favorable mismatch in friction and time), thereby:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Diagram of a decision cycle known as the Boyd cycle, or the OODA loop The OODA loop is the decision cycle of observe, orient, decide, and act, developed by military strategist and United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd. Boyd applied the concept to the combat operations process, often at the strategic level in military operations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Are there any examples of application of OODA loop (concept introduced by military science expert John Boyd) principle in historical research? How does one train to constantly apply the Boyd loop at every moment?', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'John Boyd’s OODA Loop is a simple and powerful model of the decision-making cycle. So Project Managers can apply it in a broad range of situations. Take Control with John Boyd’s OODA Loop deserves to be better known than it is. It is a simple and powerful model of the decision-making cycle. Consequently, Project Managers, Change Managers, and Risk Managers can apply it in a broad range of situations.', 'url': ''}]
john boyd's definition of agile
For the agile software development community, agility is defined by the values expressed in the agile manifesto. But in concrete terms, what does it mean for a software project to be agile? US Air Force Colonel John Boyd defined agility as the ability to operate the Observation-Orientation-Decision-Action (OODA) loop faster than an adversary.
1 oz t (ounce (troy) = 31.10 g (gram).
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Solving the world's problems. . . one answer at a time. Gold is measured in troy ounces. One troy ounce is exactly 31.1034768 grams. This makes the troy ounce larger than the avoirdupois ounce, which has a mass of 28.35 grams.any professionals and websites don't even specify the troy p … art of the term. However, when we say an ounce of gold, we mean a troy ounce. A troy ounce comprises 31.1 grams (unlike a conventional ounce, which is 28.35 grams) and 20 pennyweights.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But if you wish to know the price in grams or you want to know how many grams per ounce of gold are present, you can also calculate this from these websites. One troy ounce has 31.1034807 grams in it.You can see the price of a troy ounce, or alternatively, the price of one gram, one kilogram and so on.The prices are also provided in all the currencies of the world, to facilitate trading in various parts of the world.ust because you have a coin of gold which is of purity 22K and if it weighs 1 ounce, you cannot claim that you have an ounce of gold, because of the presence of an alloy metal in the coins, which is not gold. But if it is pure 24k gold, then you can say that it is an ounce of gold.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Many professionals and websites don't even specify the troy p … art of the term. However, when we say an ounce of gold, we mean a troy ounce. A troy ounce comprises 31.1 grams (unlike a conventional ounce, which is 28.35 grams) and 20 pennyweights.Visit the link below for more information on troy ounces, pennyweight, grams, and their conversions.any professionals and websites don't even specify the troy p … art of the term. However, when we say an ounce of gold, we mean a troy ounce. A troy ounce comprises 31.1 grams (unlike a conventional ounce, which is 28.35 grams) and 20 pennyweights.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Troy ounce is a traditional unit of gold weight. Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. There are 12 troy ounces per troy pound, (373.24 g) rather than the 16 ounces per pound (453.59 g) found in the more common avoirdupois system.The troy ounce is 480 grains, compared with the avoirdupois ounce, which is 437 1⁄2 grains.he only troy weight in widespread use today is the British Imperial troy ounce and its American counterpart. Both are currently based on a grain of 0.06479891 gram (exact, by definition), with 480 grains to a troy ounce (compared with 437 1⁄2 grains for an ounce avoirdupois).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'One ounce (troy) of gold converted to gram equals to 31.10 g. How many grams of gold are in 1 ounce (troy)? The answer is: The change of 1 oz t (ounce (troy)) unit of a gold amount equals = to 31.10 g (gram) as the equivalent measure for the same gold type.he answer is: The change of 1 oz t (ounce (troy)) unit of a gold amount equals = to 31.10 g (gram) as the equivalent measure for the same gold type.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Troy Ounce = 31.1034768 Grams. For other weight units conversion, please go to Weight Conversion. The conversion factor for weight units ounces to grams is 28.3495231. If the conversion is from troy ounces (for precious metals, gold, jewellery etc), it is 31.1034768.To find out how many grams in ounces, multiply by the conversion factor or simply use the converter below. 1 Ounce = 28.3495231 Grams.Ounce is a unit of mass (weight) in united states customary and imperial measurement systems. It is also used as a volume unit but then simply meant as fluid ounces which equals to about 30 milliliters in U.S. customary system. Ounce = 28.3495231 Grams. Ounce is a unit of mass (weight) in united states customary and imperial measurement systems. It is also used as a volume unit but then simply meant as fluid ounces which equals to about 30 milliliters in U.S. customary system.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 troy ounce = 31.103477 gram (troy ounce is commonly used to measure gold and other precious metals) 1 ounce = 28.3495 grams.any professionals and websites don't even specify the troy p … art of the term. However, when we say an ounce of gold, we mean a troy ounce. A troy ounce comprises 31.1 grams (unlike a conventional ounce, which is 28.35 grams) and 20 pennyweights.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Most people know that 28.35 grams is 1 Ounce, but that is the avoirdupois Ounce, the common method to weigh groceries etc. When you are weighing precious metals or stones, jewellers use another method called Troy in which 31.103 grams is 1 Troy Ounce.So remember:ost people know that 28.35 grams is 1 Ounce, but that is the avoirdupois Ounce, the common method to weigh groceries etc. When you are weighing precious metals or stones, jewellers use another method called Troy in which 31.103 grams is 1 Troy Ounce. So remember:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How many troy ounces of gold are in 1 gram? The answer is: The change of 1 g (gram) unit of a gold amount equals = to 0.032 oz t (ounce (troy)) as the equivalent measure for the same gold type.onversion for how many troy ounces (oz t) of gold are contained in a gram (1 g).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Convert gold measuring units between gram (g) and troy ounces (oz t) of gold but in the other direction from troy ounces into grams.onversion for how many troy ounces (oz t) of gold are contained in a gram (1 g).', 'url': ''}]
grams per oz of gold
One ounce (troy) of gold converted to gram equals to 31.10 g. How many grams of gold are in 1 ounce (troy)? The answer is: The change of 1 oz t (ounce (troy)) unit of a gold amount equals = to 31.10 g (gram) as the equivalent measure for the same gold type.he answer is: The change of 1 oz t (ounce (troy)) unit of a gold amount equals = to 31.10 g (gram) as the equivalent measure for the same gold type.
It may have DNA or RNA.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Section 6.3 Viruses: Structure, Function, and Uses. A virus is a small parasite that cannot reproduce by itself. Once it infects a susceptible cell, however, a virus can direct the cell machinery to produce more viruses. Most viruses have either RNA or DNA as their genetic material.The nucleic acid may be single-or double-stranded.hat are central to the life cycle of a virus are the types of nucleic acids formed during its replication and the pathway by which mRNA is produced. The relation between the viral mRNA and the nucleic acid of the infectious particle is the basis of a simple means of classifying viruses.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Confidence votes 175. Viruses can have either DNA or RNA (a virus will never have both at the same time, although some viruses can have each one separately at different stages of their life cycles). RNA viruses are much more common than DNA viruses. Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing for the Diagnosis of STDs The purpose of the nucleic acid amplification test (NAT or NAAT) is to find trace amounts of RNA or DNA in test samples.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Viruses can have either DNA or RNA (a virus will never have both at the same time, although some viruses can have each one separately at different stages of their life cycles).RNA viruses are much more common than DNA viruses. Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing for the Diagnosis of STDs The purpose of the nucleic acid amplification test (NAT or NAAT) is to find trace amounts of RNA or DNA in test samples.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are numerous exceptions, however—some viruses have genomes made of double-stranded RNA and other viruses have single-stranded DNA genomes, and, in some circumstances, nucleic acid structures with three or four strands can form.ach nucleotide has three components: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. If the sugar is deoxyribose, the polymer is DNA. If the sugar is ribose, the polymer is RNA. When sugar and a nitrogenous base get combined they form a nucleotide. Nucleotides are also known as phosphate nucleotides.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nucleic acids, which include DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), are made from monomers known as nucleotides. Each nucleotide has three components: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.If the sugar is deoxyribose, the polymer is DNA.If the sugar is ribose, the polymer is RNA. When sugar and a nitrogenous base get combined they form a nucleotide. Nucleotides are also known as phosphate nucleotides.Nucleic acids are among the most important biological macromolecules (others being amino acids/proteins, sugars/carbohydrates, and lipids/fats).ach nucleotide has three components: a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. If the sugar is deoxyribose, the polymer is DNA. If the sugar is ribose, the polymer is RNA. When sugar and a nitrogenous base get combined they form a nucleotide. Nucleotides are also known as phosphate nucleotides.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About the Flu Virus. Influenza, or flu, is a respiratory infection caused by any of several flu viruses, which are classified as type A, B, or C based on their nucleic acids and protein composition. Type A viruses are found in humans and many animals, including ducks, chickens, pigs, and (Influenza) Cause. Influenza, or flu, is a respiratory infection caused by any of several flu viruses, which are classified as type A, B, or C based on their nucleic acids and protein composition.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Some scientists speculate that viruses started as rogue segments of genetic code that adapted to a parasitic existence. All viruses contain nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA (but not both), and a protein coat, which encases the nucleic acid. Some viruses are also enclosed by an envelope of fat and protein molecules.In its infective form, outside the cell, a virus particle is called a virion. Each virion contains at least one unique protein synthesized by specific genes in its nucleic acid.ther viruslike particles called prions are composed primarily of a protein tightly integrated with a small nucleic acid molecule. Viruses are generally classified by the organisms they infect, animals, plants, or bacteria.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing for the Diagnosis of STDs The purpose of the nucleic acid amplification test (NAT or NAAT) is to find trace amounts of RNA or DNA in test samples.2 With regard to STD testing, there are tests available…. Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing for the Diagnosis of STDs The purpose of the nucleic acid amplification test (NAT or NAAT) is to find trace amounts of RNA or DNA in test samples.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nucleic Acid-Just as in cells, the nucleic acid of each virus encodes the genetic information for the synthesis of all proteins. While the double-stranded DNA is responsible for this in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, only a few groups of viruses use DNA.ther viruslike particles called prions are composed primarily of a protein tightly integrated with a small nucleic acid molecule. Viruses are generally classified by the organisms they infect, animals, plants, or bacteria.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What are central to the life cycle of a virus are the types of nucleic acids formed during its replication and the pathway by which mRNA is produced. The relation between the viral mRNA and the nucleic acid of the infectious particle is the basis of a simple means of classifying viruses.hat are central to the life cycle of a virus are the types of nucleic acids formed during its replication and the pathway by which mRNA is produced. The relation between the viral mRNA and the nucleic acid of the infectious particle is the basis of a simple means of classifying viruses.', 'url': ''}]
two types of nucleic acids viruses may have
Some scientists speculate that viruses started as rogue segments of genetic code that adapted to a parasitic existence. All viruses contain nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA (but not both), and a protein coat, which encases the nucleic acid. Some viruses are also enclosed by an envelope of fat and protein molecules.In its infective form, outside the cell, a virus particle is called a virion. Each virion contains at least one unique protein synthesized by specific genes in its nucleic acid.ther viruslike particles called prions are composed primarily of a protein tightly integrated with a small nucleic acid molecule. Viruses are generally classified by the organisms they infect, animals, plants, or bacteria.
At the age of 6 children attend from the grade 1 to 4 and afterwards from grade 5 to 9.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In Canada, primary school (also referred to as elementary school) usually begins at ages three or four, starting with either Kindergarten or Grade 1 and lasts until age 13 or 14. Many places in Canada have a split between primary and elementary schools.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A Shōgakkō or Elementary school class in Japan. A primary school or elementary school is a school in which children receive primary or elementary education from the age of about five to twelve, coming before secondary school and after preschool.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Brazil has recently gone through changes in school grades. Currently, at the age of 6 children attend from the grade 1 to 4 what is called Ensino Primário (Portuguese for Primary Teaching, or Primary School), and afterwards from grade 5 to 9 the Ensino Fundamental (Fundamental Teaching/School).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The three research findings—the importance of math. learning in the primary grades, all children’s potential to. learn math, and teachers’ need to understand children’s. learning development—have implications for teaching pri-. mary grade math well.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the United States, primary school may refer to a school with grades Kindergarten through second grade or third grade. (K-2 or 3). In these municipalities, the elementary school includes grade three through five or grades four to six.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Primary Grades (Grades 1-3) The Primary Grades (Grades 1-3) in DoDEA support the commitment to excellence and equity in educating our children and the core understanding of how children learn and develop. Teaching practices are developmentally appropriate: Appropriate to children’s age and developmental status.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is the first stage of compulsory education in most parts of the world, and is normally available without charge, but may be offered in a fee-paying independent school. The term grade school is sometimes used in the US though this term may refer to both primary education and secondary education. The term primary school is derived from the French école primaire, which was first used in 1802.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Primary Grades (Grades 1-3) The Primary Grades (Grades 1-3) in DoDEA support the commitment to excellence and equity in educating our children and the core understanding of how children learn and develop. One of the most important goals for this age group is developing an enthusiasm for learning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Primary education or elementary education often in primary school or elementary school is typically the first stage of compulsory education, coming between early childhood education and secondary education.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Math is so important to children’s success in. school, in the primary grades and in future learning, that it is. critical to give children motivating, substantive educational. experiences. Learning trajectories are a powerful tool to. engage all children in creating and understanding math.', 'url': ''}]
what are primary school grades
Brazil has recently gone through changes in school grades. Currently, at the age of 6 children attend from the grade 1 to 4 what is called Ensino Primário (Portuguese for Primary Teaching, or Primary School), and afterwards from grade 5 to 9 the Ensino Fundamental (Fundamental Teaching/School).
Apply for a Texas Tax ID (EIN) Number Online. To begin your application select the type of organization or entity you are attempting to obtain a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Texas for. After completing the application you will receive your Tax ID (EIN) Number via e-mail.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Some U.S. states require their vendors to retain additional documentation in addition to a copy of the tax exemption card. For example, certain states require foreign missions and their members to complete a streamlined sales tax agreement exemption certificate. OFM has compiled relevant state guidance on its website at', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To complete the application, you’ll need: 1 Sole owner’s Social Security number. 2 Partnership Social Security numbers or federal employer’s identification numbers for each partner. 3 Texas corporation’s file number from the Texas Secretary of State. All corporations’ Social Security numbers for each officer or director.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you are opening a business or other entity that will have employees, will operate as a Corporation or Partnership, is required to file any of these tax returns: employment, excise, or Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms or is a Trust, Estate or Non-profit organization you are required to obtain a Texas Tax ID (EIN).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You can register for a Texas sales tax permit online at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts website here. You can also download a paper Texas sales tax permit application and mail it to. Comptroller of Public Accounts. 111 E. 17th St.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To apply for an initial or renewal tax exemption card, eligible missions and their members should submit an application on the Department’s E-Government (E-Gov) system. Applications are generally processed within five business days.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Permit applicants: Use this application to register for these taxes and fees. 1 Sales and Use Tax. 2 911 Surcharge and Fees. 3 Sales Tax Surcharge on Diesel Equipment. Fireworks Tax - Repealed effective Sept. 1, 2015.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you mean EIN for a Texas taxpayer, then Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online. If you mean Texas state tax ID, then it depends on the purpose. 1 Applying for new entity or foreign entity in Texas-you will automatically be assigned one when you register with the Secretary of State- An Online Business Service from the Office of the Secretary of State. Applying for one because you have Texas based employees: Unemployment Tax Registration.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pingback: How to Register for a Sales Tax Permit in Every State() I am being asked to pay a Texas franchise tax. Is this necessary, I don’t have a franchise I am using Amazon FBA, that is the only presence I have in Texas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Complete this application if you are engaged in business in Texas and: 1 sell or lease tangible personal property in Texas; or. 2 sell taxable services in Texas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'IRS Tax ID (EIN) Application. Homepage. Apply for a Texas Tax ID (EIN) Number Online. To begin your application select the type of organization or entity you are attempting to obtain a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Texas for. After completing the application you will receive your Tax ID (EIN) Number via e-mail.', 'url': ''}]
how to apply for a sales tax id in texas
IRS Tax ID (EIN) Application. Homepage. Apply for a Texas Tax ID (EIN) Number Online. To begin your application select the type of organization or entity you are attempting to obtain a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Texas for. After completing the application you will receive your Tax ID (EIN) Number via e-mail.
2,000 milligrams or 2 grams
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A preventative dosage would be 1 gram of lysine three times a day to prevent recurrence of herpes, cancer or osteoporosis. The pediatric dosage of lysine for children 2 to 12 years of age is 10 milligrams for every pound of body weight. So if the child is 50 pounds, the dosage is 500 milligrams, or a half gram per day.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Best Answer: Dosing for prevention of Herpes ranges from 500-3,000mg per day. A dose of 1,000mg per day is consider a safe dose for most patients. Please note that higher doses are blamed for higher cholesterol and an increased risk of gallstones with no additional protection gained from the higher dose.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The minimum dosage for lysine is 850 milligrams per day for an adult. The therapeutic dosage may be up to 3 grams per day. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is 10 milligrams for every pound of body weight. So for an adult of 200 pounds, the dosage would be 2,000 milligrams, or 2 grams per day. This is a recommended daily dose for lysine; a therapeutic dose may be higher.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'While lysine in the diet is considered safe, excessive doses may cause gallstones. There have also been reports of renal dysfunction, including Fanconi syndrome and renal failure. Talk to your doctor before taking supplemental lysine if you have kidney disease, liver disease, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Add your answer. How much l-lysine can i take without over dosing?I want to take a safe amount without hurting myself!? I would like to take l-lysine for my outbreaks but im not sure on how much to take. How much is to much to take?Right now i just take 1 (500mg) capsule per day. Follow.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lysine helps the body absorb calcium and reduces the amount of calcium that is lost in urine. Since calcium is crucial for bone health, some researchers think lysine may help prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lysine is an essential amino acid that is found in foods such as yogurt, cheese, meats and beans. It is available as a dietary supplement that is used to treat some metabolic disorders. Learn more about lysine from our experts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A Stacy Wiegman, PharmD , Pharmacy, answered. If you are taking lysine, follow your doctor's instructions or the directions on the package label regarding maximum daily dose. Since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved lysine to treat any condition, the maximum daily dose has not been described.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What is the maximum daily dosage for lysine? Topics | Alternative Medicine | Herbal Supplements | Lysine | What is the maximum daily dosage for lysine? If you are taking lysine, follow your doctor's instructions or the directions on the package label regarding maximum daily dose. Since the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved lysine to treat any condition, the maximum daily dose has not been described.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lysine, or L-lysine, is an essential amino acid, meaning it is necessary for human health, but the body cannot make it. You have to get lysine from food or supplements. Amino acids like lysine are the building blocks of protein. Lysine is important for proper growth, and it plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping lower cholesterol.', 'url': ''}]
what is a safe amount of lysine to take per day?
The minimum dosage for lysine is 850 milligrams per day for an adult. The therapeutic dosage may be up to 3 grams per day. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is 10 milligrams for every pound of body weight. So for an adult of 200 pounds, the dosage would be 2,000 milligrams, or 2 grams per day. This is a recommended daily dose for lysine; a therapeutic dose may be higher.
3 years old.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'During 1997–2006, hospitalization rates for children and adolescents with a diagnosis of hypertension doubled, from approximately 18 cases per 100,000 pediatric hospital discharges in 1997 to approximately 35 cases per 100,000 in 2006 (5).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For example: 120/80 (120 over 80) in an adult means that the systolic pressure is 120 and the diastolic pressure is 80. As kids grow, their blood pressure increases from a systolic pressure of about 70–90 (as babies) to adult values (when they're teens).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Table 17 shows the classifications of hypertension for children one year of age or older and adolescents and the corresponding systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Blood pressure should be measured on three or more separate occasions before characterizing the type of hypertension.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "All kids should have their blood pressure checked regularly. Doctors usually start measuring blood pressure during routine checkups when kids are 3 years old. So it's important not to miss these appointments, particularly if your child is overweight or there's a family history of high blood pressure.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The causes of high blood pressure in kids can differ, depending on a child's age. The younger the child, the more likely the high blood pressure is linked to an illness. In babies, it's usually caused by prematurity or problems with the kidneys (this is most common), lungs, or heart.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The National Quality Forum (NQF) has endorsed blood pressure screening as a performance measure, with documentation in the medical record as to whether the result is abnormal for children during the year they reach age 13 years and again during the year they reach age 18 years (NQF #1552 and NQF #1553) (13).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Question: At What Age Should I Start Having My Blood Pressure Checked And How Often Should It Be Done? Answer: The blood pressure should be checked at an early age by the pediatrician, and then when you're a teenager, and then when you're an adult. If it's normal, you don't have to check it very often, but if it's high then you need to check it more often in order to be sure that it's always high or not always high-- maybe you're just upset.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '7. National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents. The fourth report on the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2004;114(2 suppl 4th report):555–76.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'During 2003–2006, among children and adolescents aged 8–17 years, the prevalence of prehypertension was approximately 14% in boys and approximately 6% in girls, and the prevalence of hypertension was estimated to be 3%–4% in various studies (1,3,4).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Aneroid manometers are used to measure blood pressure in children and are accurate when calibrated on a semiannual basis.21. Correct measurement of blood pressure in children requires use of a cuff that is appropriate to the size of the child's upper right arm.", 'url': ''}]
what age to start bp in children
All kids should have their blood pressure checked regularly. Doctors usually start measuring blood pressure during routine checkups when kids are 3 years old. So it's important not to miss these appointments, particularly if your child is overweight or there's a family history of high blood pressure.
The phone number of John Hancock Annuity is 800-344-1029.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The death benefit will be disbursed via check, Safe Access Account (not available for John Hancock New York), or electronic funds transfer (depending on the amount and your preference). The disbursement will include interest.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ever since Manulife bought out John Hancock, Customer Service is Non-existant. I have been unable to find any location/phone numbers here in the USA! One site even listed my Local Customer Service contact as the 800 number in the Phillipines! What a sick Joke!! They only list a PO Box in Boston.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'John Hancock Annuity Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of John Hancock Annuity is (800) 344-1029. John Hancock Annuity is an insurance plan of John Hancock Financial corporation which is based in USA. The organization was initiated on April 21, 1862 and its headquarters are situated at Boston, Massachusetts, USA.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'John Hancock Retirement Plan Services can help you build a retirement plan program that puts participants first, providing you with the tools to address unique challenges and goals. Learn More New Year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To access your John Hancock team, click on your region: Sales Region Maps by Zip Code. This eight page brochure includes a national map that identifies all John Hancock RPS Sales Divisions and lists contact information for Divisional Vice Presidents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Report a Death. Please call us to report a death. You may notify us of a death and request a Claim Package online by clicking here, or by calling us. John Hancock also receives reports of death through external sources, including the Social Security Administration.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "This is John Hancock's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a John Hancock agent. This phone number is John Hancock's Best Phone Number because 3,378 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 800-732-5543 include Get financial advice and other customer service issues. Rather than trying to call John Hancock we recommend you tell us what issue you are having and then possibly contact them via phone or web. In total, John Hancock has 6 phone numbers.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As a customer of the John Hancock Annuity, if you face any query, feedback, complaint or suggestions related to its products and services then you can contact the John Hancock Annuity customer service team through its contact detail, email id as well as customer service number that may or may not be tollfree.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your opinion is important to us. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or comments. Phone: Call 1-800-395-1113 to speak to a client account representative. Please have your contract number and Social Security number handy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Insurance products are issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116 (not licensed in New York) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York, Valhalla, NY 10595. MLINY0201088803', 'url': ''}]
john hancock annuity contact number
John Hancock Annuity Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of John Hancock Annuity is (800) 344-1029. John Hancock Annuity is an insurance plan of John Hancock Financial corporation which is based in USA. The organization was initiated on April 21, 1862 and its headquarters are situated at Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Corned beef, liver, sausage, lunch meat, rump steak, salami, pastrami and veal.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Meat, fish, dairy and grain groups all contain high-producing acidic foods. The following are some meat products to avoid to prevent tendinitis: corned beef, liver, sausage, lunch meat, rump steak, salami, pastrami and veal. Fish to avoid are trout, cod, herring and haddock.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tendons are thick bundles of collagen that connect muscle to bone and allow movement, while ligaments are flexible bundles of collagen that connect bone to bone and protect your joints.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '10 Treatment Options For Tendonitis Sufferers. Tendinitis is a type of injury that occurs with overuse. It results when a tendon, the thick cord that attaches the bone to the muscle, becomes inflammation or irritated due to an impact or injury. The damage occurs when the body is unable to rebuild the tendon with adequate rest. Because tendonitis is most caused by repetitive stress—commonly from a sports injury or work stress—rest is the most important factor. However, the following ten treatment options have proven successful before considering surgery….', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "There are Healthy Foods To Eat, and there are unhealthy foods to eat. It's my experience that we all think we eat healthy. It's also my experience that people get surprised when they start having chronic Tendonitis pain and problem. There are many factors that all work together to create the Tendonitis dynamic. The food we eat (or don't, as the case may be) is one of them. Eating healthy food makes all the difference when wanting to get and stay strong, healthy, and functional.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Healthy Foods To Eat. The bulk of everything we eat is either Carbohydrate, Protein, or Fat. Carbohydrates are fast fuel, in the form of fruits, vegetables, wheat products, grains, and sugars, and products made form all of those. Protein is the building block of our body structures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Foods That Strengthen Your Tendons and Ligaments. The majority of connective tissue consists of a protein known as collagen. In order to make collagen, your body requires vitamin C and the mineral manganese.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Nutrition And Food-Based Natural Remedies For Tendonitis. Integrating whole foods, fruits, meat and fish are helpful in dealing with tendonitis, since they provide the necessary and vital nutrients to the body. These foods are supportive in alleviating inflammation in the body. It is advisable to avoid acidic meats since they might exacerbate inflammation. Preferable meats are chicken, turkey, duck and ostrich. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in fish and fish oil supplements helps in curing tendonitis to a great extent. Foods that contain potassium, Vitamin C and zinc are great in reducing tendonitis-related inflammation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Best Foods for Injury Recovery. When you're hurt, these fat-fighting foods can do more than just help keep you lean. They'll also give your body the nutrients it needs to get on the mend quickly. by Elizabeth M. Ward, M.S., R.D. 1 / 8.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Protein and potassium for muscle repair; plus anthocyanins (plant compounds) and omega-3 fats to reduce inflammation. Plain or vanilla yogurt topped with blueberries, grilled salmon over wild rice, or 1-2 cups cooked broccoli.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Foods That Cause Tendinitis. Tendinitis involves the inflammation and swelling of tendons, the thick fibrous bands that connect muscles to bones. This inflammation is commonly caused by the physical overuse of tendons involving repetitive physical activity, usually related to sports or job requirements. However, some specific foods can cause tendinitis. This usually involves a diet high in acid-producing foods (versus alkaline-producing foods), which can contribute to or aggravate inflammation of the tendons in your body. There has been a great shift in our diet today from the diet of our ancestors.', 'url': ''}]
foods to heal tendonitis
Meat, fish, dairy and grain groups all contain high-producing acidic foods. The following are some meat products to avoid to prevent tendinitis: corned beef, liver, sausage, lunch meat, rump steak, salami, pastrami and veal. Fish to avoid are trout, cod, herring and haddock.
Failure to consider the statistical nature of material chemical compositions andprocesses can lead towriting unrealistic heattreating specifications.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A form of apparatus often used for testing specimens of steel consists of a small electric furnace in which to heat the specimen, and a special thermo-couple pyrometer (see Pyrometers ) for indicating the range of temperatures through which the steel passes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Heat treating furnace at 1,800 °F (980 °C). Heat treating is a group of industrial and metalworking processes used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. The most common application is metallurgical. Heat treatments are also used in the manufacture of many other materials, such as glass. Heat treatment involves the use of heating or chilling, normally to extreme temperatures, to achieve a desired result such as hardening or softening of a material. Heat treatment techniques include annealing, case hardening, precipitation strengthening, tempering, normalizing and quenching.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Failure to consider the statistical nature of material chemical compositions andprocesses can lead towriting unrealistic heattreating specifications. To achieve consistent results that meet the specification after heattreatment, the specification must includetolerances that are achievable on acommercial basis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The tests also show that the elastic limit of 1 per cent carbon steel can be made to vary from 78,500 to 240,800 pounds per square inch, by changes in the heat-treatment, and that very small changes in temperature when drawing the temper are sufficient to affect the elastic limit of the steel.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is important to avoid any increase of temperature during the cooling period. The second or low-heat treatment consists in re-heating a tool which has had the high-heat treatment to a temperature between 700 and 1240 degrees F., preferably in a lead bath, for a period of five minutes. The tool is then cooled to the temperature of the air either rapidly or slowly.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'HEAT TREATMENT OF FERROUS METALS. All heat-treating operations involve the heating and cooling of metals, The common forms of heat treatment for ferrous metals are hardening, tempering, annealing, normalizing, and case hardening.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS. Heat treatment is any one of a number of controlled heating and cooling operations used to bring about a desired change in the physical properties of a metal. Its purpose is to improve the structural and physical properties for some particular use or for future work of the metal.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To reduce the variation in hard-. ening response and thus narrow the. surface and core hardness values that. result after heat treatment, the hard-. enability of the steel chosen can be. narrowed by either using an “H”. steel or using a restricted harden-. ability specification of an “H” steel.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Two types of heat-treating operations can be performed on nonferrous metals. They are annealing and solution heat treating. ANNEALING. Most nonferrous metals can be annealed. The annealing process consists of heating the metal to a specific temperature, soaking, and cooling to room temperature.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The tempering bath is then gradually raised to the heat required for tempering. The salt bath used for quenching should be calcium chloride, sodium chloride and potassium ferro-cyanide, in proportions depending upon the required heat. Various kinds of steel require different temperatures for the metallic salt bath.', 'url': ''}]
what happens to chemical elements in heat treatment
Failure to consider the statistical nature of material chemical compositions andprocesses can lead towriting unrealistic heattreating specifications. To achieve consistent results that meet the specification after heattreatment, the specification must includetolerances that are achievable on acommercial basis.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Security's dedication to providing only the most comprehensive title insurance services has been the cornerstone of its sustained growth over the years. Since 1996, Security Title has offered title insurance and title-related services to builders, lenders and real estate professionals in the St. Louis metropolitan area. A home is one of the biggest investments many people make.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Security Title Insurance Agency, LLC is a locally owned and operated, full-service title insurance agency serving the following counties in the St. Louis Metropolitan area: St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Franklin County, Jefferson County, Lincoln and Warren counties.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'At Title Partners Agency, LLC our mission is to consistently provide our clients with the highest level of timely services to fulfill their commercial/residential real estate objectives. We understand that in order to thrive in the real estate industry, service must be our number one priority. We have organized our company around this concept. Title Partners Agency, LLC is rapidly growing as a closing and title provider, with offices centrally located in St. Louis, St. Charles and Jefferson Counties.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Each office of Security Title is equipped with state of the art computer systems to ensure a smooth closing. The company works closely with the lending community and readily accepts email documents to expedite the closing transaction.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Our growth is attributable to the high quality of customer service and satisfaction.With unparalleled experience, we have the knowledge, skill and attitude to provide you with the highest level of service.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '6808 Corbitt Avenue St Louis MO 63130 Now offered at $110,000.00 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths 6808 Corbitt Avenue in University City MO sits on a double … Read more..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'By Barbara Heise Leave a Comment. Apartment for rent at 6823 Crest in University City MO Offered at $700/month This renovated apartment at 6823 Crest in University City has refinished hardwood … Read more..', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The company can assist you with your custom home project or work with your home builder to handle all of your disbursing needs. Security works with many of the largest area home builders to provide research for new home development and closings on area subdivisions.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Title Insurance. Title insurance is insurance against loss from defects in title to real estate and unenforceability of mortgage liens. For the purchaser of real estate, it insures marketable title to property, free and clear of liens and encumbrances.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With several years of industry experience, the professionals at Regency Title are well qualified to take care of both your commercial and residential transactions.', 'url': ''}]
title partners agency st charles mo
Security Title Insurance Agency, LLC is a locally owned and operated, full-service title insurance agency serving the following counties in the St. Louis Metropolitan area: St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Franklin County, Jefferson County, Lincoln and Warren counties.
Derry Area Federal Credit Union is located at 160 E 1st Ave, Derry, Pennsylvania 15627.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A: Derry Area Federal Credit Union employs approximately 3 people at this location. Q: How much does Derry Area Federal Credit Union in Derry, PA make in annual revenue? A: The company generates an estimated $302,660 USD in annual sales.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'A: Derry Area Federal Credit Union is located at 160 E 1st Ave, Derry, PA 15627. Q: When was Derry Area Federal Credit Union in Derry, PA founded? A: Derry Area Federal Credit Union was founded in 1949 and has been operating for 69 years.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find the Best Derry, PA Credit Unions on Superpages. We have multiple consumer reviews, photos and opening hours.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Derry Area Federal Credit Union of Derry, Pennsylvania has been in operation for more than 65 years, currently from 2 locations. It is considered a multiple common bond credit union. Checking services include no cost share drafts, share certificates with low minimum balance requirements, overdraft protection and overdraft lines of credit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For members needing to establish credit, the credit union offers micro consumer loans. Besides car loans and other kinds of loans, Derry Area FCU can do real estate loans. Convenience services include check cashing, low-cost wire transfers and money orders. Derry Area FCU members may also benefit from student scholarships and tax refund loans.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Derry Area Federal Credit Union of Derry, PA has 2,171 members and assets of $8 million. 2 Find a credit union by city, state, or name: 3 Look up other Pennsylvania credit unions. 4 Online newspapers and TV stations serving Derry and Pennsylvania: Public Opinion, USA Today, or view a national listing of newspapers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'website: Founded in 1949, Derry Area Federal Credit Union is a small organization in the federal credit unions industry located in Derry, PA. It has 3 full time employees and generates $302,660 USD in annual revenue.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The credit union, opened in 1949, has 4 full time employees and 1 part time employee , or 543 members per employee, compared to a national average of 430. Derry Area FCU Address', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Derry Area Federal Credit Union of Derry, PA has 2,171 members and assets of $8 million. The credit union, opened in 1949, has 4 full time employees and 1 part time employee , or 543 members per employee, compared to a national average of 430. Derry Area FCU.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Derry Area Federal Credit Union is a federal credit union located in Derry, Pennsylvania. View phone number, website, employees, products, revenue, and more.', 'url': ''}]
derry area federal credit union derry pa
A: Derry Area Federal Credit Union is located at 160 E 1st Ave, Derry, PA 15627. Q: When was Derry Area Federal Credit Union in Derry, PA founded? A: Derry Area Federal Credit Union was founded in 1949 and has been operating for 69 years.
The Barcol impressor is also called Barker hardness tester, which is earliest produced by American Barber Colman company.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Barcol Impressor meets the following ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards: E140-97; D2583-75; B648-78: E140-97 Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals; D2583-75 Standard Method of Testing for Indentation Hardness of Plastics by means of a Barcol Impressor; B648-78 Standard Method of Testing for Indentation Harness of Aluminum Alloys by means of a Barcol Impressor.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'New listing Joyfay Barcol Impressor Hardness Tester Meter Sclerometer for Aluminum', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Genuine Barcol Impressor hand held hardness tester used to test hardness readings on aluminum, plastics, fiberglass, lead, leather and many other materials. Barcol Impressor', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'New listing Pen Digital Leeb Hardness Tester Integrated D Impact Device +Block +Software', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Introduction of TX Barcol Impressor The Barcol impressor is also called Barker hardness tester, which is earliest produced by American Barber Colman company. The Barcol impressor consists of 934-1,935-1, and 936-1 etc. Among them ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A Hand-Held Portable Hardness Tester, Models GYZJ934-1, GYZJ935, GYZJ936 meets astm d2583; mil-p-17549-c (ships) The Impressor is a convenient tool for testing the hardness of aluminum, aluminum alloys, copper, brass and other materials including plastics and fiberglass. The instrument is designed for use on fabricated parts and assemblies as well as on raw stock.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Barcol Hardness Definition - This is the measurement of the degree of hardness of a material determined by the use of the Barcol impressor scale. This... Toggle navigation Menu', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Barcol hardness test is generally used on soft materials such as rigid plastics. It measures hardness based on indentation of a sharp point with a flat tip. The test is performed using a similar method and indentation device as that used to measure Shore D hardness however the Shore D indentor has a round tip.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'TX Testing Instruments, as one of professional Barcol Impressor Gyzj 934 1 Manufacruers in China, supplies high quality hardness tester and best service. TX Testing Instruments, as one of professional Barcol Impressor Gyzj 934 1 Manufacruers in China, supplies high quality hardness tester and best service.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Barcol hardness is not a valid hardness measure for curved surfaces. Scales and values. The governing standard for the Barcol hardness test is ASTM D 2583. Barcol hardness is measured on a scale from 0 to 100 with the typical range being between 50B and 90B. A measurement of 60B is roughly equivalent to a Shore hardness of 80D or a Rockwell hardness R100.', 'url': ''}]
barcol hardness tester
Introduction of TX Barcol Impressor The Barcol impressor is also called Barker hardness tester, which is earliest produced by American Barber Colman company. The Barcol impressor consists of 934-1,935-1, and 936-1 etc. Among them ...
Brain tumors, Poison, liver disease, low or high blood sugar, kidney disease, Anemia, head injury, an electrolyte problem and stroke.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Brain Tumors. A diagnostic test, such as an MRI or CAT scan, can determine whether or not your dog has an abnormal growth on the brain. Brain tumors, especially those in the cerebrum, can be a common reason for seizures in older dogs, but they are rarely the cause of seizures in younger dogs. The highest incidence is found among the short-nosed breeds such as the Pug, Boxer, Bulldog, and Boston Terrier. Tick-induced Diseases.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If your dog has had a seizure, he or she should be examined by your veterinarian. In some cases, diagnostic tests will indicate a clear cause for the seizure or seizures. Where no cause can be located, the disease is diagnosed as idiopathic epilepsy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Seizures from unknown causes are called idiopathic epilepsy. They usually happen in dogs between 6 months and 6 years old. Although any dog can have a seizure, idiopathic epilepsy is more common in border collies, Australian shepherds, Labrador retrievers, beagles, Belgian Tervurens, collies, and German shepherds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If your dog has them often, he may have a seizure disorder. Another name for that is epilepsy. Abnormal, uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in your dog’s brain cause seizures, affecting how he looks and how he behaves.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Primary Cause. There are many reasons a dog may have convulsions, from low blood sugar levels to liver disease, poor circulation of the brain to a calcium deficiency. Brain tumors can even lead to convulsions and seizures. In dogs 8 years old or younger, epilepsy is a common cause of seizures.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Extracranial Causes of Seizures in Dogs. Extracranial causes of seizures are the causes that originate elsewhere in the body but are still able to affect the dog's brain and cause seizure activity. The seizure occurs because either the metabolism or the electrophysiology of the brain is changed by the disease.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Causes of Dog Seizures. Just like people can have seizures and seizure disorders, so can dogs. Basically, brain cells use electrical and chemical signals to communicate, which can either activate another neuron or shut off a neuron. Seizures are thought to be caused when there is an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory signals in the brain. Dogs, like people, have a normal neurological activity level within the brain that keeps the brain cells from getting too excited, and when too many brain cells are excited at once, a seizure can start up.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The most common extracranial causes of canine seizures are: 1 Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level). 2 Liver disease (also termed hepatic encephalopathy). 3 Kidney disease. Hypocalcemia (low blood calcium 1 level). Hypothyroidism (disease of the thyroid gland that causes abnormally low thyroid hormone production).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Quick Answer. Poison, liver disease, low or high blood sugar, and kidney disease are some common causes that can trigger seizures in dogs, according to WebMD. Anemia, head injury, an electrolyte problem and stroke may also lead to seizures. Keep Learning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "If your dog has a seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes or if he has several in a row while he's unconscious, take him to a vet as soon as possible. The longer a seizure goes on, the higher a dog’s body temperature can rise, and he may have problems breathing. This can raise his risk of brain damage.", 'url': ''}]
what can cause a dog to have a seizure
Brain Tumors. A diagnostic test, such as an MRI or CAT scan, can determine whether or not your dog has an abnormal growth on the brain. Brain tumors, especially those in the cerebrum, can be a common reason for seizures in older dogs, but they are rarely the cause of seizures in younger dogs. The highest incidence is found among the short-nosed breeds such as the Pug, Boxer, Bulldog, and Boston Terrier. Tick-induced Diseases.
Scarring of the heart valve, such as rheumatic fever or bacterial endocarditis.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitral valve regurgitation means that one of the valves in your heart-the mitral valve-is letting blood leak backward into the heart. Heart valves work like one-way gates, helping blood flow in one direction between heart chambers or in and out of the heart. The mitral valve is on the left side of your heart.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitral regurgitation is the most common type of heart valve disorder. Blood that flows between different chambers of your heart must flow through a valve. The valve between the two chambers on the left side of your heart is called the mitral valve.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitral regurgitation is where blood leaks back through the mitral valve in the heart as the valve does not close properly. This increases the pressure in the left atrium and in the blood vessels coming from the lungs. This may lead to various problems and symptoms, depending on the severity of the leak.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Causes. Mitral regurgitation may be caused by: 1 Mitral valve prolapse—Abnormal closure of the valve with protrusion of a leaflet tip backward into the left atrium, causing it to leak. 2 Infections that cause scarring of the heart valve, such as rheumatic fever or bacterial endocarditis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitral regurgitation may be caused by: 1 Mitral valve prolapse—Abnormal closure of the valve with protrusion of a leaflet tip backward into the left atrium, causing it to leak. 2 Infections that cause scarring of the heart valve, such as rheumatic fever or bacterial endocarditis. 3 Damage from a heart attack.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In mitral regurgitation the valve does not close properly. This causes blood to leak back (regurgitate) into the left atrium when the left ventricle contracts. Basically, the more open the valve remains, the more blood regurgitates, the more severe the problem.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Possible causes of mitral valve regurgitation include: 1 Mitral valve prolapse. 2 In this condition, the leaflets and tendon-like cords supporting the mitral valve weaken and stretch so that with each contraction of the left ventricle, the valve leaflets bulge (prolapse) into the left atrium.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitral valve regurgitation, also known as mitral valve insufficiency or mitral valve incompetence, is the most common form of heart valve disease. An estimated 4 million people in the U.S. have significant mitral valve regurgitation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mitral valve regurgitation symptoms. When mitral regurgitation is severe, the blood backs up into the lungs. This leads to congestive heart failure, which causes fatigue, fluid retention and shortness of breath. Additionally, the leakiness of the valve burdens the heart and causes it to work harder.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Acute mitral valve regurgitation. Acute mitral valve regurgitation occurs when the mitral valve or one of its supporting structures ruptures suddenly, creating an immediate overload of blood volume and pressure in the left side of the heart.', 'url': ''}]
what causes mitral valve regurgitation
Causes. Mitral regurgitation may be caused by: 1 Mitral valve prolapse—Abnormal closure of the valve with protrusion of a leaflet tip backward into the left atrium, causing it to leak. 2 Infections that cause scarring of the heart valve, such as rheumatic fever or bacterial endocarditis.
John Wick: Chapter 2 DVD, Blu-ray and 4K release date was June 13, 2017.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'DVDs Release Dates is the best source to find out when does John Wick: Chapter 3 come out on DVD and Blu-ray. Dates do change so check back often as the release approaches. Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Copyright (c) 2018 This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "John Wick had its television premiere on USA (Channel) on March 12, 2017. Pre-release screenings. Prior to John Wick's public release, an advance screening of the film was shown on October 9, 2014 at Regal Oakwood in Hollywood, Florida. A screening was shown in advance at the UA Court Street in Brooklyn, New York on October 14.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "When does John Wick: Chapter 2 come out on DVD and Blu-ray? DVD and Blu-ray release date set for June 13, 2017. Also John Wick: Chapter 2 Redbox, Netflix, and iTunes release dates. It's difficult to leave your past behind, as John Wick is about to discove...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'John Wick, later known as John Wick: Chapter 1, is a 2014 American neo-noir action thriller film directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch. It stars Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen, Adrianne Palicki, Bridget Moynahan, Dean Winters, Ian McShane, John Leguizamo and Willem Dafoe.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Get John Wick: Chapter 3 DVD and Blu-ray release date and movie stats. The third installment in the John Wick...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On 8 May 2014, the Huayi Brothers picked up the Chinese distribution rights to John Wick, being one of only four films in the United States that were picked up, with a planned 2015 limited theatrical release.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'John Wick. John Wick is a 2014 American neo-noir action thriller film directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch. It stars Keanu Reeves, Michael Nyqvist, Alfie Allen, Adrianne Palicki, Bridget Moynahan, Dean Winters, Ian McShane, John Leguizamo and Willem Dafoe.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'John Wick: Chapter 2 DVD, Blu-ray and 4K release date was June 13, 2017. Netflix DVD release date is June 13, 2017 and Redbox release date is June 13, 2017.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "movie details Starring: Keanu Reeves, Riccardo Scamarcio, Ian McShane Director: Chad Stahelski Writer: Derek Kolstad In Theaters: February 10, 2017 Runtime: 122 min Gross: $92.0 mil 7.8 It's difficult to leave your past behind, as John Wick is about to discover.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'John Wick: Chapter 3 John Wick: Chapter 3 DVD and Blu-ray release date not announced. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5', 'url': ''}]
john wick dvd release date
John Wick: Chapter 2 DVD, Blu-ray and 4K release date was June 13, 2017. Netflix DVD release date is June 13, 2017 and Redbox release date is June 13, 2017.
85 to 100 psi within 45 seconds in dual air systems.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Once again, this is very important and is almost always asked on the written exam. Remember: 1 With the service brake depressed, the air loss rate should be less than 3 psi in 1 minute for single vehicles. With the service brake depressed, the air loss rate should be less than 4 psi in 1 minute for combination vehicles.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Test air leakage rate: With a fully-charged air system (typically 125 psi), turn off the engine, release the service brake, and time the air pressure drop. The loss rate should be less than 2 psi in 1 minute for single vehicles and less than 3 psi in 1 minute for combination vehicles.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This is extremely important and is asked about on the written exam very frequently! Memorize the following: 1 With all brakes released, the air loss rate should be less than 2 psi in 1 minute for single vehicles. With all brakes released, the air loss rate should be less than 3 psi in 1 minute for combination vehicles.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Then apply 90 psi or more with the brake pedal. After the initial pressure drop, if the air pressure falls more than 3 psi in 1 minute for single vehicles and more than 4 psi for combination vehicles, the air loss rate is too much. Check for air leaks, and repair before driving the vehicle.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Check rate of air pressure buildup: When the engine is at operating RPM, the pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within 45 seconds in dual air systems. (If the vehicle has larger than minimum air tanks, the buildup time can be longer and still be safe.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Test low pressure warning signal: Shut the engine off when you have enough air pressure that the low-pressure warning signal is not on. Turn the electrical power on, and step on and off the brake pedal to reduce air tank pressure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Then apply 90 psi or more with the brake pedal. After the initial pressure drop, if the air pressure falls more than 3 psi in 1 minute for single vehicles and more than 4 psi for combination vehicles, the air loss rate is too much. Check for air leaks, and repair before driving the vehicle.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "# Step 2 - Check that all the brake components, including the air compressor drive belt, are secure. They shouldn't be weakened, worn or damaged. # Step 3 - Verify that there is a compressor air filter and operational visible brake failure indicators when you test air brakes.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Check the Air Brake System. The Seven-Step Air Brake check -DO THIS AT PRETRIP INSPECTION when performing the Skills Test portion of the CDL exam. Designed to test the governor cut-in and cut-out pressures, air pressure leakage, warning buzzer, brake valves and air pressure rebuild rates. Brakes off means the yellow and/or red valve is pushed in (on = valve out). 1. Engine on / Brakes on check gauges to make sure governor cuts compressor off at 120 psi.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Check rate of air pressure buildup: When the engine is at operating RPM, the pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within 45 seconds in dual air systems (if the vehicle has larger than minimum air tanks, the buildup time can be longer and still be safe. Check the manufacturerʼs specifications).', 'url': ''}]
what is an air brake build rate
Check rate of air pressure buildup: When the engine is at operating RPM, the pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within 45 seconds in dual air systems. (If the vehicle has larger than minimum air tanks, the buildup time can be longer and still be safe.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Average Engineer Salaries. The average salary for engineer jobs is $66,000. Average engineer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term engineer anywhere in the job listing.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With an average salary of $85,640 in 2013, civil engineers earn a similar salary as mechanical engineers, who take home $85,930.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Salary Outlook. According to the BLS, mechanical engineers earned a median salary of $82,100 in 2013. The best-paid earned about $123,340, while the lowest-paid earned less than $52,550. Industries that pay well include oil and gas extraction as well as information services.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Popular Skills for Civil Engineer. This chart shows the most popular skills for this job and what effect each skill has on pay. This chart shows the most popular skills for this job and what effect each skill has on pay.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The deductions are representative of single-earner-married-without-child status, and are obtained from income tax calculators [t], social security withholdings, the OECD Tax Database [k], or other sources. Employees include both men and women unless otherwise noted.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With an average salary of $85,930 in 2013, mechanical engineers are filling their coffers at a higher rate than a number of other technology jobs. Computer programmers, by comparison, make $80,930. The gap is wider for computer support specialists, who earn an average annual salary of $64,160. Still, some technology jobs, like information security analysts ($91,210) and IT managers ($132,570), earn more than mechanical engineers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Unless otherwise indicated, the gross income is obtained from data provided to the International Labour Organization [9] by government agencies (Statistics Canada, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Statistics Finland, etc).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Civil Engineer Salary. (United States). The average pay for a Civil Engineer is $61,796 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job. Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Salary Outlook. Civil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $126,190, while the lowest-paid earned $51,810 in 2013.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Most of the time, civil engineers design, plan, and/or manage construction projects. Their job ranges from small-scale projects, such as building or bridge repairs, to very large-scale, such as building large stadiums. Civil engineers may work in many sectors, such as structural, environmental, and transportation.', 'url': ''}]
what is an average engineers salary
Average Engineer Salaries. The average salary for engineer jobs is $66,000. Average engineer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term engineer anywhere in the job listing.
The rock is a large concreted mass of stony material; a large fixed stone or crag.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'These Were My Results – 16 lbs of Muscle In Just 1 Month. 1 Week One: 2 On Day 7: 3 Week Two: 4 Week Three: 5 Week Four: 6 I couldn’t be any happier with the results. I gained 16 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks . No Special Diet, No Intense Exercise. 7 I gained 16 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks. No Special Diet, No Intense Exercise.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rock′-break′er, a machine for breaking stones for road-metal; Rock′-butt′er, an impure alum efflorescence of a butter-like consistency found oozing from some alum slates; Rock′-can′dy, pure sugar in large crystals: candy-sugar; Rock′-cist, a plant of the genus Helianthemum; Rock′-cook, the small-mouthed wrasse; Rock′-cork, mountain cork, a variety of asbestos; Rock′-crab, a crab found at rocky sea-bottoms.—adj. Rock′-crowned, surmounted with rocks.—ns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Webster Dictionary(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 Rock(noun) see Roc. 2 Rock(noun) a distaff used in spinning; the staff or frame about which flax is arranged, and from which the thread is drawn in spinning. 3 Rock(noun) a large concreted mass of stony material; a large fixed stone or crag.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "rock 'n' roll, rock'n'roll, rock-and-roll, rock and roll, rock, rock music(noun) a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western. rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll..", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chambers 20th Century Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Rock. rok, n. a large mass of stone: (geol.) a natural deposit of sand, earth, or clay: that which has the firmness of a rock, foundation, support, defence: (Scot.) a distaff: a hard sweetmeat.—v.t. to throw stones at.—ns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "rock, stone(noun) a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter. he threw a rock at me. rock, stone(noun) material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust. that mountain is solid rock; stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Rock's personal trainer recommends these crucial supplement components: 1 No2– Nitris Oxide Booster- Helps with oxygen in blood. 2 Whey Protein– Giving your body what it needs to recover and build. 3 Amino Acids– Reduces protein breakdown, speeds recovery. 4 Testosterone Booster– Forces your body to grow muscle.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rock′-al′um, alum stone; Rock′-away, a four-wheeled North American pleasure-carriage; Rock′-bad′ger, a ground-squirrel of North America; Rock′-bās′in, a lacustrine hollow in a rock, excavated by glacier-ice; Rock′-bass, a centrarchoid fish, the goggle-eye; Rock′-bird, a cock of the rock.—adj. Rock′-bound, hemmed in by rocks.—ns.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Rock(ProperNoun) for someone living near a rock or an oak ( atter + oke 2 ). Rock(ProperNoun) transferred from the surname. 3 Rock(ProperNoun) Nickname of Gibraltar. 4 Rock(ProperNoun) Nickname of the prison on Alcatraz Island, USA.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "rock 'n' roll, rock'n'roll, rock-and-roll, rock and roll, rock, rock music (noun) a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll.", 'url': ''}]
what does the rock
Webster Dictionary(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 Rock(noun) see Roc. 2 Rock(noun) a distaff used in spinning; the staff or frame about which flax is arranged, and from which the thread is drawn in spinning. 3 Rock(noun) a large concreted mass of stony material; a large fixed stone or crag.
The process of preparing the concrete to accept the stain.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About Concrete Etch. Prepare bare concrete for coating or staining with Rust-Oleum® EPOXYSHIELD® Concrete Etch. This citric-acid-based formula is easy and safe to use—indoors or out—and will open up tiny pores within the concrete to allow for maximum penetration and adhesion. Best solution for water-borne coatings.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Part 1 Preparing to Etch. 1. Grab muriatic acid or another suitable etching acid. Before you start your etching, you'll want to make sure you have enough of a suitable acid to complete your project — having to run out to the hardware store in the middle of your etching project is a serious pain.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 – Dampen the concrete: Use your hose to lightly spray down the concrete in your garage so that the concrete is wet but not puddling water. If you have a large garage floor, you may want to acid etch in sections. Do not let the concrete dry out before or during application of the acid solution.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Best Answer: Etching is the process of preparing the concrete to accept the stain. If you are asking can you etch a floor that has already been stained, then yes you can.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Use a pigment or stain. Adding a stain or pigment to the concrete after etching is a great way to make it more visually attractive. For some interior spaces, stained concrete can give a clean, elegant, modern look to the room. Even some outdoor spaces, like patios, can use stained concrete to great effect.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'So we're planing on staining our bedroom floors but what in the world does etching mean. Before staining or painting concrete you usually want to apply muric acid to etch it. This causes tiny pits in the smooth surface so the paint or stain can seep in a little and hold on better.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "How to Acid Etch Concrete. Concrete that hasn't been treated in any way after being poured can be too hard and smooth to accept paint or protective sealants. However, etching (or washing) concrete with acid opens the pores of the concrete and prepares the surface to accept its next treatment. Though it's also possible to prepare the concrete manually by abrading it with a grinder, acid etching is generally much less labor-intensive.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This citric-acid-based formula is easy and safe to use—indoors or out—and will open up tiny pores within the concrete to allow for maximum penetration and adhesion. 1 Best solution for water-borne coatings. 2 Environmentally friendly, citric-based formula. Prevents dangerous acids or fumes; will not harm grass or plants.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You cover the floor with an acid that will scratch/mar the surface so the stain/color will soak in to the surface. You will need to use specific acid/etching materials depending on what your floor is made of. If the floor is wood with a grain, you probably only need to sand it lightly. Concrete or other floors will need the acid treatment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "EJ10736 Available Colors Popular Colors. Features. Transform your concrete into a custom, marbleized surface like you've seen in your favorite restaurants and stores. Etching Concrete Stain deeply penetrates concrete, giving a beautiful, stone-textured finish that won't fade, peel or chip. For most applications, Valspar® Etching Stain High Gloss Sealer completes the process, bringing out the vibrancy of the color and protecting it from sun, water and household-chemical damage. For garage floors, use Valspar® Premium Clear Coating as a top coat, to protect it from automotive damage.", 'url': ''}]
what is etching concrete
Best Answer: Etching is the process of preparing the concrete to accept the stain. If you are asking can you etch a floor that has already been stained, then yes you can.
Lastname, First initial(s) or Organization Name (if given). (Date.) Title of brochure [Brochure]. Place: Publisher.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 is still acceptable. 2 Italicize book and journal titles, but not article titles. 3 APA's capitalization rules for titles can be confusing! 4 In the reference list, capitalize the first letter of every main word of a journal, magazine or newspaper title.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'APA Style Workshop. Summary: This workshop provides an overview of APA (American Psychological Association) style and where to find help with different APA resources. It provides an annotated list of links to all of our APA materials and an APA overview. It is an excellent place to start to learn about APA format.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In-text citations will follow this format: (Author, Date) or (Title, Date). Reference: Perrin, R. (2009). Pocket guide to APA style (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth-Cengage Learning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Answer. According to the Pocket Guide to APA Style by Robert Perrin, you'll use the following format for a pamphlet or brochure in your APA reference list: Lastname, First initial(s) or Organization Name (if given). (Date.) Title of brochure [Brochure]. Place: Publisher.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Then you are invited to work through the OWL's handouts on APA Formatting and Writing Style, as well as APA Citations and Reference Lists. NOTE: This workshop should answer most of your basic questions about using APA Style.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is important that you refer to your sources according to APA Style so your readers can quickly follow the citations to the reference page and then, from there, locate any sources that might be of interest to them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '[Pamphlet]. Dallas: Performance Publishing Company. \uf0b7 Intext citation for a direct quote: (Harvey, 1999) \uf0b7 Intext citation for a paraphrase: (Harvey, 1999) Brochure, Self-Published, Corporate Author Simon Wiesenthal Center. (2007). Palestine: Peace not apartheid-major fabrications and distortions. [Brochure].', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Using italics, as in the examples above, is preferred, but. 2 is still acceptable. 3 Italicize book and journal titles, but not article titles. 4 APA's capitalization rules for titles can be confusing! 5 In the reference list, capitalize the first letter of every main word of a journal, magazine or newspaper title.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'APA Citation Pamphlet, Brochure, or Bulletin Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed., p.187-192, 6.31-6.32 Pamphlet Harvey, E. (1999). 180 Ways to walk the customer service talk. [Pamphlet].', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Book chapter, essay, or article-when the author is credited. Book chapter, essay, or article-when no author is credited (paper version). Book chapter, essay, or article-when no author is credited (online version). Article in a standard encyclopedia (paper copy).', 'url': ''}]
how to reference a brochure in apa format
Answer. According to the Pocket Guide to APA Style by Robert Perrin, you'll use the following format for a pamphlet or brochure in your APA reference list: Lastname, First initial(s) or Organization Name (if given). (Date.) Title of brochure [Brochure]. Place: Publisher.
Highest point australia is at 2,228 metres above sea level.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The botanical gardens, lawns and extensive natural bushland of Kings Park in Perth form a peaceful green oasis right in the very centre of the city. At 4.06km2, it's the world's biggest inner city park. Kings Park occupies Mount Eliza, one of the highest points in Perth's mostly flat landscape. It soars high above the Swan River and the Perth skyline, with panoramic views to the east from the edge of a steep escarpment.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Official name : Commonwealth of Australia. Area: 7,686,300 square kilometers (2,966,200 square miles) Highest point on mainland: Mount Kosciusko (2,229 meters/7,314 feet) Highest point in Australian territory: Mawson Peak (2,745 meters/9,000 feet), an active volcano on Heard Island near Antarctica. Lowest point on land: Lake Eyre (16 meters/52 feet below sea level) Hemispheres: Southern and Eastern.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The botanical gardens, lawns and extensive natural bushland of Kings Park in Perth form a peaceful green oasis right in the very centre of the city. At 4.06km 2, it's the world's biggest inner city park. Kings Park occupies Mount Eliza, one of the highest points in Perth's mostly flat landscape. It soars high above the Swan River and the Perth skyline, with panoramic views to the east from the edge of a steep escarpment.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The highest point in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko (named by Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki in 1840 after the Polish patriot and democratic leader Tadeusz Kosciuszko) in New South Wales, at 2,228 metres above sea level. Mount Kosciuszko is part of the Great Dividing Range. The Blue Mountains, New South Wales.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "It is the source of our longest rivers and our highest mountains. The range runs parallel to the east cost of Australia, from Cape York in the North to Western Victoria in the south. Tasmania, Australia's island state which lies even further south, is also a part of this massive and ancient mountain range.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For locals, a visit to Kings Park will always remind you that no matter how much you wish you lived in Paris or Melbourne, living in Perth really does have one or two good points! Explore the pages below to find out all about Kings Park's attractions, the best places to enjoy a picnic, how to get there and where to go once you're there:", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Stories. 1 Crossing the Great Dividing Range. 2 Australian fauna. 3 Australian flora. 4 Australia's fossil past. 5 Australian river catchments and the Great Artesian Basin. 6 Australian rivers with regulated flows. 7 Australia's wild rivers. 8 National parks.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Highest point on mainland: Mount Kosciusko (2,229 meters/7,314 feet) Highest point in Australian territory: Mawson Peak (2,745 meters/9,000 feet), an active volcano on Heard Island near Antarctica Lowest point on land: Lake Eyre (16 meters/52 feet below sea level) Hemispheres: Southern and Eastern', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Australia is one of the flattest continents on Earth. The summit (highest point) of the highest mountain, Mount Kosciusko (2,229 meters/7,314 feet) in the southeast, can be reached by car. Mount Kosciusko, along with its surrounding plateaus and extinct volcanoes, is in the larger range known generally as the Australian Alps; the specific system that includes Mount Kosciusko is known as the Snowy Mountains.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Australian rocks and mountains Australia is a very flat continent where the average elevation is just 330 metres, the lowest in the world. What Australia lacks in height is more that made up for in the variety, geological age and unique appearance of its mountains and rocky outcrops - some of the oldest and most interesting exposed rocks in the world.', 'url': ''}]
how much highest point australia
The highest point in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko (named by Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki in 1840 after the Polish patriot and democratic leader Tadeusz Kosciuszko) in New South Wales, at 2,228 metres above sea level. Mount Kosciuszko is part of the Great Dividing Range. The Blue Mountains, New South Wales.
insects, particularly midges and mosquitoes.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dragonflies in their aquatic stage eat many kinds of small animals: aquatic insects, tadpoles, small fish, and other invertebrates. Adult dragonflies eat flying insects, especially mosquitoes and other true flies, but also aphids, smaller dragonflies, damselflies, and just about any other insects they can grab.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Adult Dragonflies. Adult dragonflies will eat any insect as long as they are able to catch it. While they usually eat mosquitoes and midges, they also eat butterflies, moths, beetles, bees, flies, and even other dragonflies. The general rule is that larger dragonflies will eat insects of body weight daily.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Adult dragonflies will eat any insect as long as they are able to catch it. While they usually eat mosquitoes and midges, they also eat butterflies, moths, beetles, bees, flies, and even other dragonflies. The general rule is that larger dragonflies will eat insects of body weight daily.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dragonflies eat mosquitoes, flies, bees, ants, termites, butterflies, and other small insects. Dragonflies eat a variety of insects in their diets. The exist primarily on mos … quitoes, but will also eat beetles, flies and even other dragonflies.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Adult dragonflies mostly eat other flying insects, particularly midges and mosquitoes. They also will take butterflies, moths and smaller dragonflies. The larvae, which live in water, eat almost any living thing smaller than themselves. Larger dragonfly larvae sometimes eat small fish or fry.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "As adults, dragonflies feed on other live insects. They aren't picky eaters. They'll eat any insect they can catch, including other dragonflies. Midges and mosquitoes make up the bulk of their diet, but dragonflies will also prey on flies, bees, beetles, moths, butterflies, and other flying insects.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'One of the benefits of having dragonflies live nearby is that they eat many times their weight in mosquitoes every day. Dragonflies also eat other kinds of flies and the occasional honeybee. Using a basket-like arrangement of their legs, adult dragonflies can actually catch and eat other bugs while they are flying.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "They'll eat any insect they can catch, including other dragonflies. Midges and mosquitoes make up the bulk of their diet, but dragonflies will also prey on flies, bees, beetles, moths, butterflies, and other flying insects.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The adult dragonfly uses the basket formed by its legs to catch insects while flying. The adult dragonfly likes to eat gnats, mayflies, flies, mosquitoes and other small flying insects. They sometimes eat butterflies, moths and bees too.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A dragonfly will eat roughly 15% of its own body weight in prey each day, and larger species can easily consume much more than that. Most dragonflies capture their prey in flight, plucking live insects right out of the air.', 'url': ''}]
what do dragonfly eat
Adult dragonflies mostly eat other flying insects, particularly midges and mosquitoes. They also will take butterflies, moths and smaller dragonflies. The larvae, which live in water, eat almost any living thing smaller than themselves. Larger dragonfly larvae sometimes eat small fish or fry.
Prudence, or knowledge and prudence; that discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper, united with caution; nice discernment and judgment, directed by circumspection, and primarily regarding ones own conduct.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Assembly then delivers God’s Message through the Messenger, whereafter it is transcribed and made available to you and to all people. In this remarkable process, the Voice of Revelation is speaking anew. The Word and the Sound are in the world.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A liberty or privilege allowed to a judge , within the confines of right and justice , but independent of narrow and unbending rules of positive law , to decide and act in accordance with what is fair , equitable , and wholesome , as determined upon the peculiar circumstances of the case , and as discerned by his personal wisdom and experience , ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About this Text. What you are reading in this text is the transcription of the original voice of the Angelic Assembly as it spoke through the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'DISCRETION, noun [L, a separating. 1. Prudence, or knowledge and prudence; that discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper, united with caution; nice discernment and judgment, directed by circumspection, and primarily regarding ones own conduct.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Evidence that bears on a factual or legal issue at stake in a controversy is considered relevant evidence. The relevancy of evidence is typically measured by its probative value. Evidence is generally deemed Probative if it has a tendency to make the existence of any material fact more or less probable.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It is waiting for the moments of readiness, when the conditions are right, the audience is right and the need is there. Practice stillness. Stillness is necessary if you are to have discretion… It is necessary if you wish to speak and act with wisdom.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It can alter the course of the world. The need for discretion becomes greater as you realize the importance of your own life and your own self-expression. Here you realize that most conversation is unnecessary and is merely a way to offset insecurity for people.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Confusion in the courts over what is the proper standard of review for hearsay rulings. 19) These issues present questions of foreign law, and, as learned above, appellate courts typically review questions of law de novo, not for abuse of discretion. n. a polite way of saying a trial judge has made such a bad mistake (clearly against reason and evidence or against established law) during a trial or on ruling on a motion and that a person did not get a fair trial.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'DISCRETION, noun [L, a separating. See Discreet.] 1. Prudence, or knowledge and prudence; that discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper, united with caution; nice discernment and judgment, directed by circumspection, and primarily regarding ones own conduct. A good man--will guide his affairs with discretion Psalms 112:5.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Where a trial court must exercise discretion in deciding a question, it must do so in a way that is not clearly against logic and the evidence. An improvident exercise of discretion is an error of law and grounds for reversing a decision on appeal. It does not, however, necessarily amount to bad faith, intentional wrong, or misconduct by the trial judge.', 'url': ''}]
what is discretion
DISCRETION, noun [L, a separating. See Discreet.] 1. Prudence, or knowledge and prudence; that discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper, united with caution; nice discernment and judgment, directed by circumspection, and primarily regarding ones own conduct. A good man--will guide his affairs with discretion Psalms 112:5.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "1 Certain genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome, are associated with an increased risk of leukemia. 2 Exposure to certain chemicals. 3 Exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzene — which is found in gasoline and is used by the chemical industry — also is linked to an increased risk of some kinds of leukemia. 4 Smoking. Previous cancer treatment. 2 People who've had certain types of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other cancers have an increased risk of developing certain types of leukemia. 3 Genetic disorders. 4 Genetic abnormalities seem to play a role in the development of leukemia.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Leukemia (American English) or leukaemia (British English) is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells. These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukemia cells.he exact cause of leukemia is unknown. Different kinds of leukemia are believed to have different causes. Both inherited and environmental (non-inherited) factors are believed to be involved. Risk factors include smoking, ionizing radiation, some chemicals (such as benzene), prior chemotherapy, and Down syndrome.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Abstract. Inherited susceptibility to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has been recognized for decades. Approximately 10% of individuals with CLL report a family history of CLL or a related lymphoproliferative disorder, and genetic predisposition is the best understood risk factor for CLL.bstract. Inherited susceptibility to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has been recognized for decades. Approximately 10% of individuals with CLL report a family history of CLL or a related lymphoproliferative disorder, and genetic predisposition is the best understood risk factor for CLL.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Causes of Leukemia. Although researchers have studied the many cellular changes associated with leukemia, it is unknown why these changes occur. It is likely that certain risk factors are involved. Many factors (e.g., age, genetics) are unmodifiable (beyond control).t is now known that all cancers, including leukemia, begin as a mutation in the genetic material—the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)—within certain cells. The external or internal causes of such change probably add up over a lifetime. Leukemia begins when one or more white blood cells experience DNA loss or damage.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The exact cause of leukemia is not known, but it is thought to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Leukemia cells have acquired mutations in their DNA that cause them to grow abnormally and lose functions of typical white blood cells.It is not clear what causes these mutations to occur.One type of change in the cells' DNA that is common in leukemias is known as a chromosome translocation.eukemia cells have acquired mutations in their DNA that cause them to grow abnormally and lose functions of typical white blood cells. It is not clear what causes these mutations to occur. One type of change in the cells' DNA that is common in leukemias is known as a chromosome translocation.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a fast-growing cancer of a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes that crowds out bone marrow, preventing it from making the normal red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that your body needs.1 Tweet.cute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a fast-growing cancer of a type of white blood cells called lymphocytes that crowds out bone marrow, preventing it from making the normal red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that your body needs. 1 Tweet.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Inherited syndromes. Acute lymphocytic leukemia does not appear to be an inherited disease. It does not seem to run in families, so a person’s risk is not increased if a family member has the disease. But there are some inherited syndromes with genetic changes that seem to raise the risk of ALL.cute lymphocytic leukemia does not appear to be an inherited disease. It does not seem to run in families, so a person’s risk is not increased if a family member has the disease. But there are some inherited syndromes with genetic changes that seem to raise the risk of ALL.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In many types of leukemia, genetic studies at diagnosis are considered to be crucially important, especially with regards to prognostication and therapeutic choice.n many types of leukemia, genetic studies at diagnosis are considered to be crucially important, especially with regards to prognostication and therapeutic choice.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "1 Genetic disorders. 2 Genetic abnormalities seem to play a role in the development of leukemia. 3 Certain genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome, are associated with an increased risk of leukemia.4 Exposure to certain chemicals. Previous cancer treatment. 2 People who've had certain types of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other cancers have an increased risk of developing certain types of leukemia. 3 Genetic disorders. 4 Genetic abnormalities seem to play a role in the development of leukemia.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Leukemia is a cancer that is malignant. This means that it can spread to other parts of the body and destroy surrounding tissue. It is a cancer that affects the cells in the blood. Red and white blood cells and platelets are formed in the bone marrow.he symptoms of these separate leukemia’s are different as well. The symptoms of leukemia are generally feeling tired, a shortness of breath or night sweats and a fever. But with some, there are no symptoms at all. When you ask the question is leukemia hereditary, there is no clear answer.', 'url': ''}]
is leukemia genetic
1 Certain genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome, are associated with an increased risk of leukemia. 2 Exposure to certain chemicals. 3 Exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzene — which is found in gasoline and is used by the chemical industry — also is linked to an increased risk of some kinds of leukemia. 4 Smoking. Previous cancer treatment. 2 People who've had certain types of chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other cancers have an increased risk of developing certain types of leukemia. 3 Genetic disorders. 4 Genetic abnormalities seem to play a role in the development of leukemia.
An infection of the blood however it should not be confused with blood poisoning.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia is an infection of the blood however it should not be confused with blood poisoning. Bacteremia however is an infection which occurs before the occurrence of sepsis. However if the problem is diagnosed, with the appropriate steps, sepsis can be prevented from occurring.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia is the presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood. Most episodes of occult bacteremia spontaneously resolve, particularly those caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Salmonella, and serious sequelae are increasingly uncommon.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia. Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Bacteremia suggests the presence of bacteria in the blood only; but, the condition of the patient is not described by it. It is important to understand that there are situations where there are bacteria in the blood without any outward sign of disease.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Bacteremia suggests the presence of bacteria in the blood only; but, the condition of the patient is not described by it. It is important to understand that there are situations where there are bacteria in the blood without any outward sign of disease.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia is an infection of the blood however it should not be confused with blood poisoning.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Staph bacteremia is a type of bacteremia which may occur. A staph infection is an infection which may be a result of infection in the organs or poisoning of the blood aka sepsis. This causes the internal organs or the skin to become inflamed which is caused by bacteria in the blood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For the systemic immune response to bacterial infection in the blood, see sepsis. Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Staph Bacteremia. Staph bacteremia is a type of bacteremia which may occur. A staph infection is an infection which may be a result of infection in the organs or poisoning of the blood aka sepsis. This causes the internal organs or the skin to become inflamed which is caused by bacteria in the blood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia – Definition. Bacteremia (from bacteria + Latin suffix-emia = blood related) is the presence of the bacteria in the bloodstream (1). Bacteremia is not the same as septicemia (sepsis), which is bacteremia accompanied with an inflammation in the blood.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bacteremia can occur through a number of ways. The entry of bacteria into the bloodstream can be facilitated through a preceding bacterial infection that may complicate progressively, allowing the micro-organisms to reach the blood vessels and proliferate while remaining in the patient’s blood.', 'url': ''}]
what is bacteremia
Bacteremia is an infection of the blood however it should not be confused with blood poisoning.
AT&T, Cox, and FiberSM deliver internet services in Chula Vista, California.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'High Speed Internet service. Enjoy blazing-fast Chula Vista Internet for streaming movies, downloading music—no matter how you use the Internet, we have the perfect High Speed Internet package for you. View Internet offers', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Chula Vista has two primary internet providers. AT&T and Cox offer internet service to the majority of homes in Chula Vista. Two additional satellite providers offer service to areas of Chula Vista. The fastest reported residential speed available in Chula Vista is 1000+ Mbps.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Home phone services. Choose AT&T for your Chula Vista home phone service and start enjoying a connection you can count on. Find out more', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'High Speed Internet service Enjoy blazing-fast Chula Vista Internet for streaming movies, downloading music—no matter how you use the Internet, we have the perfect High Speed Internet package for you.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The future of the internet is here. AT&T FiberSM delivers internet starting with a. 1000 Mbps connection. That means faster downloads, less buffering, and an ultra-reliable Wi-Fi connection on a 100% fiber network. $80/mo. Ltd availability/select areas. Based on max download speed of AT&T Internet 1000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'AT&T. 1 AT&T in Chula Vista is the most widely available internet service provider for an estimated 99% of households. 2 Cox in 91910 is available to an estimated 98% of households. 3 Exede in 91910 is a top internet service provider available to an estimated 100% of households.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Official page for home or business services in Chula Vista, CA. Find incredible deals on Internet, TV, home phone or home security services.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'AT&T business services. Find scalable Voice, Internet, and Data services for Chula Vista businesses of all sizes. Bundle services and save! Find out more', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'High Speed Internet service. Enjoy blazing-fast Chula Vista Internet for streaming movies, downloading music—no matter how you use the Internet, we have the perfect High Speed Internet package for you. DIRECTV or U-verse TV. Elevate your entertainment with DIRECTV or U-verse TV services in Chula Vista.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'AT&T. AT&T in Chula Vista is the most widely available internet service provider for an estimated 99% of households. The company offers Chula Vista residents download speeds from 6 to 75 Mbps, upload speeds from 1 to 8 Mbps, and deals start at $40.00 to $80.00 per month.', 'url': ''}]
internet services in chula vista ca
Chula Vista has two primary internet providers. AT&T and Cox offer internet service to the majority of homes in Chula Vista. Two additional satellite providers offer service to areas of Chula Vista. The fastest reported residential speed available in Chula Vista is 1000+ Mbps.
Yes, it is not harmful to the environment, pets or children.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pour a cup of Dawn liquid dish detergent into the toilet bowl and let it sit for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, pour a bucket of hot water from waist height into the toilet bowl to clear it out. 4. CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Here are the ways I used it, all with fantastic results! Soap Scum Remover: 1 part Dawn to 1 part Vinegar. If you have soap scum in your tub or shower, this duo is your new best friend. Add equal parts Dawn and vinegar to a spray bottle and shake gently to mix. If you have really tough deposits, you can heat the vinegar in the microwave before mixing for a little extra power.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Your toughest everyday messes are no match for Dawn® Platinum dishwashing liquid. In just seconds, Platinum takes on the baked-on, even 48-hour, stuck-on food. With 4X more grease-cleaning power per drop.* Dawn Platinum is our best dish detergent. *Based on cleaning ingredients per drop vs. non-ultra Joy®. • 4X more grease-cleaning power (based on cleaning ingredients per drop vs. non-ultra Joy®). • Powers away 48-hour, stuck-on food in seconds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I plant marigolds around my garden. It helps keep the rabbits out. Reply. I used dish soap and baking soda with water in a spray for rose fungus. I also read that apple cider vinegar with water is good for that too! Reply. Make sure your soap is not ultra-concentrated, I burned up my string beans a couple weeks ago.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To make tomato leaf spray, simply soak one to two cups of chopped tomato leaves in two cups of water. Let it steep overnight. To make the spray, strain the leaves out of the liquid using cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Add another one to two cups of water to the liquid and add it to a spray bottle. To use the tomato leaf spray in your battle against aphids, spray the stems and foliage of the infested plant with the spray, paying special attention to the undersides of leaves \u200bsince that is where aphids most commonly congregate.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Comments. 1 I plant marigolds around my garden. It helps keep the rabbits out. 2 I used dish soap and baking soda with water in a spray for rose fungus. I also read that apple cider vinegar with water is good for that too! 3 Make sure your soap is not ultra-concentrated, I burned up my string beans a couple weeks ago.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Although Dawn soap as a simple insecticide is effective, cheap and easy to use, there are some precautions to take. Do not use full-strength soap because it will kill beneficial insects. It can also damage eyes and skin when not diluted. Do not spray outside when it is windy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'To use your garlic oil spray, first test by spraying an inconspicuous part of the plant to see if your mixture harms it at all. If there are no signs of yellowing or other leaf damage after a day or two, it is safe to use. If there is leaf damage, dilute the mixture with more water and try the test again.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Homemade insecticide recipes often call for liquid dish soap such as Dawn. There is an increased interest in organic pest control methods that are easily available for home gardeners. Soaps were used to control insects before chemical insecticides were developed. Use of soap sprays is not harmful to the environment, pets or children.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dawn Escapes has 2X more everyday grease-cleaning power*, so your dish soap can really take you places. Dive into an exotic adventure today, and experience how your dishwashing routine can go from ordinary to extraordinary. *Based on cleaning ingredients per drop vs. the leading competitor’s non-concentrated brand.', 'url': ''}]
is it safe to spray corn with dawn detergent
Homemade insecticide recipes often call for liquid dish soap such as Dawn. There is an increased interest in organic pest control methods that are easily available for home gardeners. Soaps were used to control insects before chemical insecticides were developed. Use of soap sprays is not harmful to the environment, pets or children.
Orlando International Airport
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Public Transportation from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to the Disneyland Resort. Disneyland Resort Express. The Disneyland Resort Express provides the most convenient mode of transportation between LAX and the Disneyland Resort area — including Disneyland Resort and Anaheim Resort hotels.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Public Transportation from John Wayne Airport (SNA) to the Disneyland Resort. All ground transportation pick-up locations are situated in the Ground Transportation Center (GTC) within easy walking distance from the baggage claim area.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You are responsible for bringing your luggage to the motorcoach pick-up location. If you do not receive this information, please speak to your Disney Resort hotel Concierge or call (866) 599-0951. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Disney's Magical Express service allows guests to check their luggage at their hometown airport and have it taken directly from the Orlando International Airport to their Disney Resort. (This service is patterned after the luggage system used by Disney Cruise Line guests who use DCL transfers.)", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Welcome to Orlando's one stop shop for transportation between Sanford Orlando Sanford International Airport and Disney World! World Class Sanford Airport Transportation Service at Affordable Rates - There is no better, more affordable way to get to Disney!", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'We offer transfers from any airline at Sanford Airport to all Disney Resorts, International Drive, Universal Studios Hotels, Sea World & Kissimmee, FL. and more! We track your flight, meet you at your baggage claim and deliver you seamlessly from Sanford Airport to all Disney Resorts & Area Hotels!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Getting Around the Disneyland Resort. Complimentary Disneyland Resort parking lot trams shuttle you to Disney California Adventure Park and Disneyland Park from the Mickey & Friends Parking Structure. Trams operate until approximately one hour after the last theme park closes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Lowest Rates Shuttle Services from SFB to Disney! One Way rates as low as $12.00 & Round-Trip rates as low as $23.00 per passenger! We are an elite provider of ground transportation from Orlando Sanford International Airport.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Be sure to have your Transportation Notice on hand when it’s time for your Disney’s Magical Express departure. Your motorcoach driver will collect the Transportation Notice prior to boarding. Please note: MagicBands cannot be used to check in for your trip from your Disney Resort hotel to Orlando International Airport. Learn more about Disney’s Magical Express.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The cost varies depending on if you need a one way transfer or round trip transfer. Disney Cruise Line buses offers pick up at the airport, Walt Disney World Resorts and Hyatt Regency MCO (located inside Orlando International Airport). If you are doing a pre cruise stay and are not staying at the Hyatt or a Walt Disney World Resort, Disney Cruise Line Transportation is not an option.', 'url': ''}]
what airport does disney pick up from
Disney's Magical Express service allows guests to check their luggage at their hometown airport and have it taken directly from the Orlando International Airport to their Disney Resort. (This service is patterned after the luggage system used by Disney Cruise Line guests who use DCL transfers.)
The average maximum daytime temperature in Dallas in March is a comfortable 20°C (68°F) and average night-time temperature is usually a cool 8°C (46°F).
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Guide to Dallas weather in March. The average maximum daytime temperature in Dallas in March is a comfortable 20°C (68°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cool 8°C (46°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 60% of the 12 hours of daylight.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Featured articles. 1 Where to go on holiday in August for the best weather. 2 Where to go on holiday in October for the best weather. 3 Where to go on holiday in February for the best weather. 4 Where to go on holiday in January for the best weather. 5 New airline routes & destinations for 2017/2018. 6 Top 10 sunny holiday destinations year round.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Key weather averages for Dallas in March. 1 20. 20°C max day temperature. 2 7. 7 hours of sunshine per day. 3 8. 8 days with some rainfall. 4 8. 8°C min night temperature. 5 12. 12 hours of daylight per day. 6 0. No heat & humidity. 7 74. 74 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 7. 7 (High) UV index.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather in Dallas in March 2018. Expect 20°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Dallas in March. Check more long-term weather averages for Dallas in March before you book your next holiday to Texas in 2018. 1 Dallas weather overview. 2 Dallas monthly weather. 3 Dallas 5-day forecast. 4 Texas holidays. 5 Texas map. 6 More destinations. 7 Back to Texas.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Expect 74mm (2.9 inches) of rainfall across the whole of March with 8 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be high (7 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear. The weather in Dallas in March is represented by Dallas. Dallas sunrise & sunset times for March 2018. Browse the sunrise & sunset times for Dallas in March 2018. Select a month to view Dallas sunrise & sunset times for the next twelve months. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Key weather averages for Texas in March. 1 22. 22°C max day temperature. 2 7. 7 hours of sunshine per day. 3 7. 7 days with some rainfall. 4 10. 10°C min night temperature. 5 12. 12 hours of daylight per day. 6 0. No heat & humidity. 7 47. 47 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 8. 8 (Very High) UV index.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Featured articles. 1 Where to go on holiday in August for the best weather. 2 Where to go on holiday in October for the best weather. 3 Where to go on holiday in February for the best weather. 4 Where to go on holiday in January for the best weather. 5 New airline routes & destinations for 2017/2018. 6 Top 10 sunny holiday destinations year round.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Weather in Texas in March 2018. Expect 22°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Texas in March. Check more long-term weather averages for Texas in March before you book your next holiday to Texas in 2018. The March weather averages shown below are for Austin. 1 Texas weather overview. 2 Texas monthly weather. 3 Texas 5-day forecast. 4 Texas holidays. 5 Texas map. 6 More destinations. 7 Back to USA.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Guide to Texas weather in March. The average maximum daytime temperature in Texas in March is a warm 22°C (72°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cool 10°C (50°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 56% of the 12 hours of daylight.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Guide to Dallas weather in March The average maximum daytime temperature in Dallas in March is a comfortable 20°C (68°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cool 8°C (46°F).', 'url': ''}]
weather in dallas in march
Guide to Dallas weather in March. The average maximum daytime temperature in Dallas in March is a comfortable 20°C (68°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a cool 8°C (46°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 60% of the 12 hours of daylight.
More than a mere scintilla.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Substantial evidence means more than a mere scintilla. Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 401 (1971). [w]here there is such relevant evidence as reasonable minds might accept as adequate to support a conclusion even if it is possible to draw two inconsistent conclusions from the evidence. Landes v. Royal, 833 F.2d 1365, 1371 (9th Cir. 1987).'Substantial' evidence is not synonymous with 'any' evidence.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Substantial evidence means more than a mere scintilla. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.. Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 401 (1971).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Circumstantial evidence allows a trier of fact to infer that a fact exists. In criminal law, the inference is made by the trier of fact in order to support the truth of an assertion (of guilt or absence of guilt). Testimony can be direct evidence or it can be circumstantial. For instance, a witness saying that she saw a defendant stab a victim is providing direct evidence.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The party that does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption, an example of which in a criminal case context would be the presumption of innocence. This party needs no evidence to support its claim.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "While substantial evidence may consist of inferences, such inferences must be 'a product of logic and reason' and 'must rest on the evidence' ; inferences that are the result of mere speculation or conjecture cannot support a finding . (Kuhn v. Department of General Services (1994) 22 Cal.App.4th 1627, 1633.)", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the duty of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will shift the conclusion away from the default position to that party's own position.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Clear and convincing proof means that the evidence presented by a party during the trial must be highly and substantially more probable to be true than not and the trier of fact must have a firm belief or conviction in its factuality.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The burden of persuasion should not be confused with the evidential burden, or burden of production, or duty of producing (or going forward with) evidence which is an obligation that may shift between parties over the course of the hearing or trial.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The term burden of proof is used to mean two kinds of burdens: The burden of production (or the burden of going forward with the evidence) and the burden of persuasion. A burden of persuasion or risk of nonpersuasion is an obligation that remains on a single party for the duration of the court proceeding.', 'url': ''}]
define substantial evidence
Substantial evidence means more than a mere scintilla. It means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.. Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389, 401 (1971).
Malnutrition, Diarrhea, Faulty absorption of nutrients, Weight loss, Itching, Feather plucking, Excessive pecking of the 2 skin, Increased vocalization in the infected bird.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I first took my cockatiel in, the one who acted like he had fleas. The vet said it was classic symptoms of Giardia. He ran a fecal trichrome on both of our cockatiels, Rosco and his cagemate, Clyde, and they came back positive. We then ran tests on Petie and Tony, and they came back negative.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Giardiasis is an infection of the digestive system caused by tiny parasites called Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia lamblia, or Giardia duodenalis). Diarrhoea is the most common symptom of giardiasis. Other symptoms can include: abdominal cramps. foul-smelling flatulence and belching.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'One such parasite is Giardia, which is a singled-celled microbes (protozoa) found in the intestines. Giardiasis generally affects cockatiels, budgerigars, lovebirds, and other birds of the parrot family, like macaws, parrots, and cockatoos. Symptoms of the Giardiasis infection include: 1 Malnutrition. 2 Diarrhea. 3 Faulty absorption of nutrients. Weight 1 loss. Itching. Feather 1 plucking. Excessive pecking of the 2 skin. Increased vocalization in the infected bird.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Another treatment, available through Wanda Barras from Cage'n Bird at (318)394-6683, is Gentian Violet. If the candida is located in the crop, inside the beak, etc., a cotton swab is used to apply the Gentian Violet. The Gentian Violet must come in contact with the infected area in order to be effective.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Candida can lead to slow crop and is usually a secondary infection. A bird with candida (a yeast infection) will have a stringy, sticky white substance inside the beak which can be easily removed with a Q-tip. There is a certain amount of yeast in the body normally.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The infestations can occur on the skin or feathers, although a few may infest the respiratory tract. Some of these parasites have their entire life cycle on the bird while others live part of their life in the environment. Symptoms include feather chewing, feather loss, poor feather quality, and skin inflammation. The parasites can sometimes be seen on the bird with the naked eye.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Giardia and Other Intestinal Protozoal Infections in Pet Birds. Your bird has been diagnosed with a protozoal infection. Protozoa such as Giardia are microscopic parasites that live in your bird’s intestines. Protozoal infections are common in small parrots such as budgerigars, lovebirds, and cockatiels. Protozoal infections alter the intestinal environment, interfering with the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, and with the digestion of fat. Infected birds often show symptoms of malnutrition.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "MY EXPERIENCES WITH GIARDIA. 1989 We bought our first two cockatiels, Clyde and Rosco. They seemed very happy and healthy. 1991 We bought a red-bellied parrot, Petie, and a Meyer's, Tony. They seemed very happy and healthy.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In Stock. The Birdsafe Giardia test kit is a 3-day fecal trichrome test kit that we have set up in conjunction with a well-known avian/exotic laboratory. This kit includes what you need to collect three fresh poop samples and send to a clinic for testing.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For most mammalian parasites there is a counterpart in the bird world. Birds can be infested with internal parasites such as worms, and with external parasites like mites. Birds that are kept outdoors or in flocks are more likely to have a problem with parasites because of their increased risk of exposure.', 'url': ''}]
giardia symptoms in cockatiels
One such parasite is Giardia, which is a singled-celled microbes (protozoa) found in the intestines. Giardiasis generally affects cockatiels, budgerigars, lovebirds, and other birds of the parrot family, like macaws, parrots, and cockatoos. Symptoms of the Giardiasis infection include: 1 Malnutrition. 2 Diarrhea. 3 Faulty absorption of nutrients. Weight 1 loss. Itching. Feather 1 plucking. Excessive pecking of the 2 skin. Increased vocalization in the infected bird.
May 13, 1966
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Darius Rucker was born on May 13, 1966 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA as Darius Carlos Rucker. He has been married to Beth Leonard since December 9, 2000. They have two children.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Darius Rucker was born on May 13, 1966 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA as Darius Carlos Rucker. He has been married to Beth Leonard since December 9, 2000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Singer-songwriter Darius Rucker was born on May 13, 1966, in Charleston, South Carolina. Rucker later described his childhood as a typical Southern African-American upbringing, involving long hours at church on Sundays and enduring various financial struggles.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Happy 45th birthday, Darius Rucker ! On May 13, 1966, Rucker was born in Charleston, S.C., and he and his five siblings were raised by their single mother, Carolyn. His passion for music was clear from a young age, and he gained international success as the frontman of ’90s pop-rock band Hootie and the Blowfish.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Mini Bio (1). Darius Rucker was born on May 13, 1966 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA as Darius Carlos Rucker. He has been married to Beth Leonard since December 9, 2000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '$14 Million. Darius Rucker net worth: Darius Rucker is an American musician who has a net worth of $14 million dollars. Darius Rucker was born in Charleston, South Carolina in May 1966. Darius was the lead singer of the band Hootie & The Blowfish since the band formed in 1986.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Darius Rucker net worth: Darius Rucker is an American musician who has a net worth of $14 million dollars. Darius Rucker was born in Charleston, South Carolina in May 1966.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Darius Rucker net worth: Darius Rucker is an American musician who has a net worth of $14 million dollars. Darius Rucker was born in Charleston, South Carolina in May 1966. Darius was the lead singer of the band Hootie & The Blowfish since the band formed in 1986.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Born in Charleston, South Carolina, he first gained fame as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the rock band Hootie & the Blowfish, which he founded in 1986 at the University of South Carolina along with Mark Bryan, Jim Soni Sonefeld and Dean Felber.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Rucker released his second country album, titled Charleston, SC 1966, on October 12, 2010. The title is inspired by Radney Foster's solo debut album, Del Rio, TX 1959. Its first single was Come Back Song, which Rucker wrote with Chris Stapleton and Casey Beathard.", 'url': ''}]
darius rucker birth date
Darius Rucker was born on May 13, 1966 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA as Darius Carlos Rucker. He has been married to Beth Leonard since December 9, 2000. They have two children.
The fraction of observations falling between two distinct values, whose differences from the mean have the same absolute value, is related to the variance of the population.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Using the concept of z scores, we can restate Chebyshev's Theorem to say that for any population or sample, the proportion of all observations, whose z score has an absolute value less than or equal to k, is no less than (1 - (1 / k2)).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Chebyshev's Theorem gives a conservative estimate to the above percentage. For any population or sample, at least (1 - (1 / k)2) of the observations in the data set fall within k standard deviations of the mean, where k ³ 1.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "But for k ³ 1, Chebyshev's Theorem provides a lower bound to the proportion of measurements that are within a certain number of standard deviations from the mean. This lower bound estimate can be very helpful when the distribution of a particular population is unknown or mathematically intractable.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Chebyshev's Theorem. The Russian mathematician P. L. Chebyshev (1821- 1894) discovered that the fraction of observations falling between two distinct values, whose differences from the mean have the same absolute value, is related to the variance of the population.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The rule is often called Chebyshev's theorem, about the range of standard deviations around the mean, in statistics. The inequality has great utility because it can be applied to completely arbitrary distributions (unknown except for mean and variance). For example, it can be used to prove the weak law of large numbers. In practical usage, in contrast to the 68-95-99.7% rule, which applies to normal distributions, under Chebyshev's inequality a minimum of just 75% of values must lie within two standard deviations of the mean and 89% within three standard deviations.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "And this is what Chebyshev's theorem computes. If we plug in 3 for k, then the resultant value is 88.89%. This means that at least 88.89% of a data set lies within 3 standard deviations of the mean. If we plug in 4 for k, then the resultant value is 93.75%.", 'url': "'s-theorem-calculator.php"}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Chebyshev's Theorem-In this video, I state Chebyshev's Theorem and use it in a 'real life' problem. 1 Education. 2 Standard YouTube License.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "When N = 10, Samuelson's inequality states that all members of the sample lie within 3 standard deviations of the mean: in contrast Chebyshev's states that 99.5% of the sample lies within 13.5789 standard deviations of the mean.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Chebyshev's Theorem-In this video, I state Chebyshev's Theorem and use it in a 'real life' problem. Category. License.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Chebyshev's theorem is a theorem that allows us to approximately know how much percentage of a data set lies within a certain number of standard deviations of the mean of the data set. The mathematical equation to compute Chebyshev's theorem is shown below. 2 of the data lies within k standard deviations of the mean. As stated, the value of k must be greater than 1. Using this formula and plugging in the value 2, we get a resultant value of 1-1/2 2, which is equal to 75%.", 'url': "'s-theorem-calculator.php"}]
what is chebyshev's theorem in statistics
Chebyshev's Theorem. The Russian mathematician P. L. Chebyshev (1821- 1894) discovered that the fraction of observations falling between two distinct values, whose differences from the mean have the same absolute value, is related to the variance of the population.
The meaning of joor is an exclamation used to plead, most commonly to be left alone or used for emphasis at the end of a sentence.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fun Facts about the name Joor How unique is the name Joor? Out of 5,838,786 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Joor was not present.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Meaning of First Name of: Joor Your name of Joor has given you a desire for self-expression and for positions that allow contact wi... Is the name of Joor helping or hurting you? For an analysis of all your names and destiny, see our free Name and Birth Date Report service for further details. Alphabetical Name Index', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Looking for the definition of JOOR? Find out what is the full meaning of JOOR on! 'Java Object Oriented Reflection' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Bonjour, an album by French-Algerian singer Rachid Taha This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Bonjour. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find out where people with the family name Joor lived before coming to the United States. Using Ancestry, you can search through passenger arrival records, naturalization records, border crossings, emigration records, passport applications, and even convict transportation records.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Today we’re diving deep with some of the most lit terms from 2017. Be warned: some of these terms have been around since before MMXVII, but our experts have made sure to include only words that have either had a revival or are at least relevant to current slang-biosphere. On this year […] Read more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Given name Noor. Noor Hassanali, former president of Trinidad and Tobago; Noor Muhammad, Pakistani mathematician; Noor Muhammad Butt, Pakistani nuclear physicist; Noor Sabri, Iraqi footballer; Queen Noor of Jordan, former Queen of Jordan; Noor Alam, Pakistani field hockey player; Noor Bukhari, Pakistani actress', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Definition: Joor. Word origin: Yoruba word of similar meaning. Noun: an exclamation used to plead; most commonly to be left alone. 2.used for emphasis at the end of a sentence.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'JOOR JOOR is an online wholesale marketplace for the women’s contemporary fashion industry created by Mona Bijoor, veteran fashion buyer and corporate strategist.JOOR’s vision is to offer the search features and social networking functionality to the wholesale sector to streamline communication, discovery, and buying.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Word: Joor Word origin: Yoruba word of similar meaning. Noun: an exclamation used to plead; most commonly to be left alone. 2.used for emphasis at the end of a sentence. Usage 1.Leave me alone joor! 2.That movie was a waste of time and money joor! 3.Joor oh!', 'url': ''}]
joor meaning
Definition: Joor. Word origin: Yoruba word of similar meaning. Noun: an exclamation used to plead; most commonly to be left alone. 2.used for emphasis at the end of a sentence.
Difficulty swallowing or speaking, Dry mouth, Facial weakness on both sides of the face, Blurred or double 1 vision, Drooping eyelids, Trouble 1 breathing, Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and Paralysis.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Signs and Symptoms. Symptoms of botulism begin between 3 to 30 days after an infant ingests the spores. Constipation is often the first sign of botulism that parents notice (although there are many other causes of constipation). Call your doctor if your baby hasn't had a bowel movement in 3 days.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Botulism in InfantsHoney is only associated with botulism in infants. Honey can contain C. botulinum, so children younger than 12 months old should not be fed honey in order to prevent infant botulism from happening. Foodborne botulismFoodborne botulism can be caused by food that is not kept refrigerated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Signs and symptoms of foodborne botulism typically begin between 12 and 36 hours after the toxin gets into your body. But, the start of symptoms can range from a few hours to several days, depending on the amount of toxin ingested. Signs and symptoms of foodborne botulism include: Difficulty swallowing or speaking.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Home CanningFoodborne botulism is often from home-canned foods and is caused by not following home-canning instructions. Commercially, canned foods purchased in retail establishments are a much less likely source of botulism because modern commercial canning uses processes that kill C. botulinum spores.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Signs and symptoms of foodborne botulism include: 1 Difficulty swallowing or speaking. 2 Dry mouth. 3 Facial weakness on both sides of the face. Blurred or double 1 vision. Drooping eyelids. Trouble 1 breathing. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. Paralysis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Botulism is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and sometimes by strains of Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium baratii.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Signs and symptoms include: 1 Constipation (often the first sign) 2 Floppy movements due to muscle weakness and trouble controlling the head. 3 Weak cry. 4 Irritability. Drooling. Drooping 1 eyelids. Tiredness. Difficulty sucking or 1 feeding. Paralysis.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Foodborne botulism. The source of foodborne botulism is often home-canned foods that are low in acid, such as green beans, corn and beets. A common source of the illness in Alaska is fermented seafood. However, the disease has also occurred from chili peppers, foil-wrapped baked potatoes and oil infused with garlic.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Signs and Symptoms of Botulism: An Introduction. The cause of botulism is a nerve toxin (botulinum toxin) that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Though there are a few different types of botulinum toxins, the symptoms of botulism produced by each are quite similar.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Symptoms of Botulism. While signs and symptoms of botulism can take time to appear, once they do, they can include double vision, slurred speech, and muscle weakness. Infants with early symptoms often feed poorly and appear lethargic.', 'url': ''}]
what are symptoms of botulism
Signs and symptoms of foodborne botulism include: 1 Difficulty swallowing or speaking. 2 Dry mouth. 3 Facial weakness on both sides of the face. Blurred or double 1 vision. Drooping eyelids. Trouble 1 breathing. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. Paralysis.
AT&T or tmobile Towers.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If so, you’re probably not alone. According to CBS News, the average Verizon phone bill surged to a level never seen before late last year – $148 per customer, per month. In case you don’t want to do the math, that’s a whopping of $1,776 per year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'August 1, 2014 6:56:04 PM. The company is called Page Plus. they are a prepaid company and they use Verizon phones and towers exclusively. They are the only company to do so. There are other companies that use Verizon towers in addition to Sprint store AT&T or tmobile Towers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Further, all of the other big carriers – Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile – had average bills of $120 per month or more last year. Even worse, many of the “big carriers” are now asking you to pay $20 or more per month to lease a phone, which might just be the worst idea on planet Earth. (Here’s a thought: If you have to lease your cell phone, it’s too dang expensive.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Which prepaid cell phone companies run off Verizon towers? I have a Verizon Tower 1.5 miles from my house, but am fed up with paying their exorbitant prices.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Plans with unlimited texts, unlimited Wi-Fi data, and up to 300 minutes of talk start at just $20 per month, while a plan with unlimited data, talk, and text, plus international calling runs just $55 per month.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Best Answer: Straight Talk! They're through Walmart. Some phones run off Sprint, some Verizon, and a few AT&T. I have an Android through them, running off Verizon. It's a Huawei Ascend y, very small memory and I've seen some negative reviews for it, but it's been fine for me, except somewhat slow internet and poor camera.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This phone will use Verizon towers for service. If the Tracfone, Net10 or Straight Talk phone has a G after the make and model number, like a LG900G, the phone will use AT&T or T-Mobile towers for service.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Page Plus Cellular uses Verizon network. We use it and it's great and reasonable. The company is called Page Plus. they are a prepaid company and they use Verizon phones and towers exclusively. They are the only company to do so. There are other companies that use Verizon towers in addition to Sprint store AT&T or tmobile Towers. And they have great deals.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the United States, the carriers have effectively exited the tower business. Most sold their towers to companies like American Tower (AMT) and Crown Castle. These companies construct, maintain and operate the towers, and lease space to the carriers. Tower operators such as AMT actively seek to lease the same tower to multiple carriers, and this is a key metric of their financial success. A best-in-class tower operator will have 2-3 carrier tenants per tower.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you live where Sprint service is sold some of the Net10 and Straight Talk smart phones that have a C after the model name and number may use Sprint towers for service instead of Verizon. But all of the basic CDMA phones will use Verizon towers for service. Source(s): Tracfone/Net10 customer for 12 years.', 'url': ''}]
what carriers use verizon towers
August 1, 2014 6:56:04 PM. The company is called Page Plus. they are a prepaid company and they use Verizon phones and towers exclusively. They are the only company to do so. There are other companies that use Verizon towers in addition to Sprint store AT&T or tmobile Towers.
The state of being saturated, or the act of saturating.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "(dē'sat-yū-rā'shŭn), 1. The act, or the result of the act, of making something less completely saturated; more specifically, the percentage of total binding sites remaining unfilled; for example, when hemoglobin is 70% saturated with oxygen and nothing else, its desaturation is 30%. Compare: saturation (5). 2.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Haemoglobin saturation curve. In medicine, oxygen saturation (SO 2), commonly referred to as sats, measures the percentage of hemoglobin binding sites in the bloodstream occupied by oxygen. At low partial pressures of oxygen, most hemoglobin is deoxygenated.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'de·sat·u·ra·tion. 1. The act, or the result of the act, of making something less completely saturated; more specifically, the percentage of total binding sites remaining unfilled; for example, when hemoglobin is 70% saturated with oxygen and nothing else, its desaturation is 30%. Compare: saturation (5). 2.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'saturation. the state of being saturated, or the act of saturating. oxygen saturation the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in the blood, expressed as a percentage of the maximal binding capacity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Oxygen saturation is a term referring to the fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin relative to total hemoglobin (unsaturated + saturated) in the blood. The human body requires and regulates a very precise and specific balance of oxygen in the blood. Normal blood oxygen levels in humans are considered 95-100 percent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'the fraction of the hemoglobin molecules in a blood sample that are saturated with oxygen at a given partial pressure of oxygen. Normal saturation is 95%-100%.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'of a solution: see solution solution,in chemistry, homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The dissolving medium is called the solvent, and the dissolved material is called the solute. A solution is distinct from a colloid or a suspension...... Click the link for more information. .', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a graphic explanation of the release and acquisition of oxygen from and to the hemoglobin in the blood in varying circumstances of oxygen partial pressure in the environment. oxygen regulator. see reducing valve.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'oxygen saturation curve. graphical representation describing the relationship (usually curvilinear) between fraction of oxygen-binding sites (of a protein) that have oxygen bound to them and the partial pressure (concentration) of free oxygen.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Saturated fat: A fat that contains only saturated fatty acids, is solid at room temperature, and comes chiefly from animal food products. Some examples of saturated fat are butter, lard, meat fat, solid shortening, palm oil, and coconut oil. Saturated fat tends to raise the level of cholesterol in the blood.', 'url': ''}]
saturation medical definition
saturation. the state of being saturated, or the act of saturating. oxygen saturation the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in the blood, expressed as a percentage of the maximal binding capacity.
GEODIS is a Supply Chain Operator ranking among the top companies in its field in Europe and the World. GEODIS, which is part of SNCF Logistics, which in turn is a business line of the SNCF Group, is the number one Transport and Logistics operator in France and ranked number four in Europe.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Unlock more access to Hoover’s! 1 Build customized email lists 24/7, based on your best customer profile. 2 Learn more about the companies you want to sell to. Hoover’s has reports on 85+ million companies and 900 industries. 65,000 data points are updated each day.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Only a company representative may request an update for the company profile. Documentation will be required. To contact Geodis SA, please visit Company data is provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Please use this form to report any data issues.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "GEODIS has opened a new site in the 12th arrondissement of the French capital. After two years of construction, the new 15,000 m2 depot symbolizes the Group's determination to strengthen and develop its position in the Paris region.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Company Overview GEODIS SA provides supply chain optimization, freight forwarding, contract logistics, distribution, and express and road transportation services.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'GEODIS in figures. GEODIS is a Supply Chain Operator ranking among the top companies in its field in Europe and the World. GEODIS, which is part of SNCF Logistics, which in turn is a business line of the SNCF Group, is the number one Transport and Logistics operator in France and ranked number four in Europe. The international reach includes a direct presence in 67 countries and a global network spanning over 120 countries.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Company Overview of Geodis SA. Company Overview. GEODIS SA provides supply chain optimization, freight forwarding, contract logistics, distribution, and express and road transportation services.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About us GEODIS is a Supply Chain Operator ranking among the top companies in its field in Europe and the World. GEODIS, which is part of SNCF Logistics, which in turn is a business line of the SNCF Group, is the number one Transport and Logistics operator in France and ranked number four in Europe.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'About us . GEODIS is a Supply Chain Operator ranking among the top companies in its field in Europe and the World. GEODIS, which is part of SNCF Logistics, which in turn is a business line of the SNCF Group, is the number one Transport and Logistics operator in France and ranked number four in Europe.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In addition, the company’s services to the hig... GEODIS SA provides supply chain optimization, freight forwarding, contract logistics, distribution, and express and road transportation services.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Geodis SA company research & investing information. Find executives and the latest company news.', 'url': ''}]
what do geodis company do
GEODIS in figures. GEODIS is a Supply Chain Operator ranking among the top companies in its field in Europe and the World. GEODIS, which is part of SNCF Logistics, which in turn is a business line of the SNCF Group, is the number one Transport and Logistics operator in France and ranked number four in Europe. The international reach includes a direct presence in 67 countries and a global network spanning over 120 countries.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The largest standing and tallest Egyptian obelisk is the Lateran Obelisk in the square in front of the Lateran Basilica in Rome at 105.6 feet (32.2 m) tall and a weight of 455 tons. Not all the Egyptian obelisks in the Roman Empire were set up at Rome. number of obelisks were carved in the ancient Axumite Kingdom of today northern Ethiopia. Together with (21 m high) King Ezana's Stele, the last erected one and the only unbroken, the most famous example of axumite obelisk is the so-called (24 m high) Obelisk of Axum.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hours: Viewable at any time, as long as the square is not closed to the public due to a papal appearance, which it probably will be on Wednesday mornings. The Vatican Obelisk has a height of 83.6 feet (134.5 feet with base) and weighs 331 tons.It stands on a base 27 feet wide. This is the only obelisk in Rome that has not toppled since Roman times.iewable at any time, as long as the square is not closed to the public due to a papal appearance, which it probably will be on Wednesday mornings. The Vatican Obelisk has a height of 83.6 feet (134.5 feet with base) and weighs 331 tons. It stands on a base 27 feet wide.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Rome back to A World of Obelisks Location: Piazza S. Giovanni, Laterano, Rome, Italy Pharaoh: Tuthmosis III (reigned 1504-1450 B.C.) Height: 105.6 feet Weight: 455 tons Story: The so-called Lateran obelisk is the largest standing obelisk in the world.ome back to A World of Obelisks Location: Piazza S. Giovanni, Laterano, Rome, Italy Pharaoh: Tuthmosis III (reigned 1504-1450 B.C.) Height: 105.6 feet Weight: 455 tons Story: The so-called Lateran obelisk is the largest standing obelisk in the world.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The city of Rome harbours the most obelisks in the world. There are eight ancient Egyptian and five ancient Roman obelisks in Rome, together with a number of more modern obelisks; there was also until 2005 an ancient Ethiopian obelisk in Rome.allest obelisk in Rome, and the largest standing ancient Egyptian obelisk in the world, weighing over 230 tons. Originally from the temple of Amun in Karnak. Brought to Alexandria with another obelisk by Constantius II, and brought on its own from there to Rome in 357 to decorate the spina of the Circus Maximus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Tallest obelisk in Rome, and the largest standing ancient Egyptian obelisk in the world, weighing over 230 tons. Originally from the temple of Amun in Karnak. Brought to Alexandria with another obelisk by Constantius II, and brought on its own from there to Rome in 357 to decorate the spina of the Circus Maximus.allest obelisk in Rome, and the largest standing ancient Egyptian obelisk in the world, weighing over 230 tons. Originally from the temple of Amun in Karnak. Brought to Alexandria with another obelisk by Constantius II, and brought on its own from there to Rome in 357 to decorate the spina of the Circus Maximus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The tallest Egyptian obelisk is in the square in front of the Lateran Basilica in Rome at 105.6 feet tall and a weight of 455 tons. Not all the Egyptian obelisks have erectians in the Roman Empire were set up at Rome.he Istanbul obelisk is 65 feet tall. Rome is the obelisk capital of the world. The most prominent is the 25.5 m/83.6 ft high 331 ton obelisk at Saint Peter's Square in Rome. The obelisk had stood since AD 37 on its site on the wall of the Circus of Nero, flanking St Peter's Basilica.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It was rediscovered broken to pieces in 1587 along with the Lateran obelisk and placed in it’s current location. Obelisks From Around The World: Flaminio Obelisk, Piazza del Popolo, Rome, Italy. 10. Obelisk of Axum, Axum, Ethiopia – A 24 meters tall (79 ft) granite obelisk.. Flaminio Obelisk, Rome, Italy – Another one of the 13 obelisks currently standing in Rome. Located in the Piazza del Popolo, this Egyptian monolithic obelisk is 24 meters (67 ft) high, 46.5 meters with the base.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'View over Saint Peter’s Square, with the Vatican Obelisk at the centre. © Lukask. There are a number of Egyptian obelisks standing in Rome, in fact 13 of them – more than anywhere else in the World, including Egypt.They were all brought to Rome by various Roman Emperors.t was the largest non-inscribed obelisk to leave Egypt, at 25.5 m high and weighing an estimated 326 tonnes. The obelisk was originally erected in gardens Caligula had inherited from his mother, and then on the central Spina of Caligula’s circus.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Istanbul obelisk is 65 feet tall. Rome is the obelisk capital of the world. The most prominent is the 25.5 m/83.6 ft high 331 ton obelisk at Saint Peter's Square in Rome. The obelisk had stood since AD 37 on its site on the wall of the Circus of Nero, flanking St Peter's Basilica.he Istanbul obelisk is 65 feet tall. Rome is the obelisk capital of the world. The most prominent is the 25.5 m/83.6 ft high 331 ton obelisk at Saint Peter's Square in Rome. The obelisk had stood since AD 37 on its site on the wall of the Circus of Nero, flanking St Peter's Basilica.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Of the eight Egyptian obelisks remaining in Rome, the best known of all is the Vatican obelisk and can be found in the Piazza de San Pedro, standing 25m tall and weighing around 330 tonnes it is one of the few in Rome lacking inscriptions and hieroglyphics on its sides.f the eight Egyptian obelisks remaining in Rome, the best known of all is the Vatican obelisk and can be found in the Piazza de San Pedro, standing 25m tall and weighing around 330 tonnes it is one of the few in Rome lacking inscriptions and hieroglyphics on its sides.', 'url': ''}]
how tall is obelisk in vatican
Of the eight Egyptian obelisks remaining in Rome, the best known of all is the Vatican obelisk and can be found in the Piazza de San Pedro, standing 25m tall and weighing around 330 tonnes it is one of the few in Rome lacking inscriptions and hieroglyphics on its sides.f the eight Egyptian obelisks remaining in Rome, the best known of all is the Vatican obelisk and can be found in the Piazza de San Pedro, standing 25m tall and weighing around 330 tonnes it is one of the few in Rome lacking inscriptions and hieroglyphics on its sides.
A flying gaff is a specialized type of gaff used for securing and controlling very large fish.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Gaffs are used when the weight of the fish exceeds the breaking point of the fishing line or the fishing pole. A gaff cannot be used if it is intended to release the fish unharmed after capture, unless the fish is skilfully gaffed in the lip, jaw, or lower gill using a thin gaff hook.A flying gaff is a specialized type of gaff used for securing and controlling very large fish.The hook part of the gaff (the head) detaches when sufficient force is used, somewhat like a harpoon's dart. The head is secured to the boat with a length of heavy rope or cable. gaff cannot be used if it is intended to release the fish unharmed after capture, unless the fish is skilfully gaffed in the lip, jaw, or lower gill using a thin gaff hook. A flying gaff is a specialized type of gaff used for securing and controlling very large fish.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Fishing with gaff hook. In fishing, a gaff is a pole with a sharp hook on the end that is used to stab a large fish and then lift the fish into the boat or onto shore. Ideally, the hook is placed under the backbone. gaff cannot be used if it is intended to release the fish unharmed after capture, unless the fish is skilfully gaffed in the lip, jaw, or lower gill using a thin gaff hook. A flying gaff is a specialized type of gaff used for securing and controlling very large fish.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Flying Gaff. Fishermen who target large marlin, shark or tuna use a flying gaff. This specialized version has a long rope tied to the base on the end of the gaff. When the fish is struck, a quick jerk on the pole separates the gaff hook, leaving the angler with what is now essentially a hand line.nglers should simply ease the hand gaff under the lower jaw while steadying the fish by holding the leader. Then, the gaff should be raised with a steady pressure to find the sweet spot between the jawbones. A hand gaff is best used for fish under 76 cm and/or 9 kg.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Those that still kill their fish use a flying gaff. This specialized gaff has a long rope tied to the base of the gaff hook on the end of the gaff. When the fish is struck with the gaff, a quick jerk on the gaff pole separates the gaff hook.hat leaves your fish with the gaff hook and you with the other end of what now is essentially a hand line. With the possible exception of a large tuna, flying gaffs are seeing less use every year – and that, as someone once said, is a good thing. There are some fish that never need to be gaffed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A gaff is essentially a pole with a sharp hook on the end. It is used to stab large fish and then lift the fish into the boat. The goal is to place the hook under the backbone of the fish once the fish has been hooked.ecause of the fight and resistance that the large fish will put up, the flying gaff is also secured to the boat, which means that it’s effectiveness won’t be determined by how hard the fishermen hangs on. More specifically described, the steel hook (the head of the gaff) is attached to a strong rope.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pole Mast with a Crosstree or Crossarm and Gaff: This type of mast is known as Yacht Club Mast. Displayed from the gaff*. When displayed with other foreign ensigns or flags, it shall be displayed the same as with a Pole Mast with a Crosstree or Crossarm.f it has a signal mast on the seaward side, it is treated as if it were a signal mast on a ship, and the ensign flies at the gaff peak if there is a gaff, otherwise at the masthead. The British navy, according to what I have read, flies the white ensign at its shore facilities, even though they never get under way.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "ABOUT THIS PRODUCT. The slim, tapered tips of AFTCO's Taper-Tip Flying Gaffs slice through water faster and with greater accuracy to minimize the problems of gaffing powerful fish.Like our Taper-Tip Aluminum Gaffs, the shafts of our Flying Gaffs are swaged for uniform strength from end to end, thereby eliminating unnecessary weight.The hook seats in a tough plastic insert fitted into the gaff tip, and is held in place by a length of 20-lb. test line tied to a steel post affixed to the shaft.he slim, tapered tips of AFTCO's Taper-Tip Flying Gaffs slice through water faster and with greater accuracy to minimize the problems of gaffing powerful fish.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Many avid fishermen (particularly those accustomed to attempting to cacth larger fish) are familiar with what a normal gaff is.ecause of the fight and resistance that the large fish will put up, the flying gaff is also secured to the boat, which means that it’s effectiveness won’t be determined by how hard the fishermen hangs on. More specifically described, the steel hook (the head of the gaff) is attached to a strong rope.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However, because the gaff will usually kill the fish, or at least mortally wound it, it is important to remember that gaffs are not used (or shouldn’t be used) when it is the intention of the fisherman to return the fish to the water unharmed. The flying gaff is a variation on the original gaff.ecause of the fight and resistance that the large fish will put up, the flying gaff is also secured to the boat, which means that it’s effectiveness won’t be determined by how hard the fishermen hangs on. More specifically described, the steel hook (the head of the gaff) is attached to a strong rope.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'With the possible exception of a large tuna, flying gaffs are seeing less use every year as fewer and fewer of these critically over fished species are taken by recreational anglers. Gaffing Tips: 1 Make sure the gaff hook is facing down and toward the boat as the fish is brought alongside. Once a fish is on the gaff, the angler should back off on the drag or disengage the reel with the clicker on. 2 Don’t attempt to gaff a fish that is too deep and beyond reach. 3 Be patient and wait for a clean shot. 4 While waiting for the gaff, the angler should never lift the fish’s head out of the water.', 'url': ''}]
what is a fly gaff
Fishing with gaff hook. In fishing, a gaff is a pole with a sharp hook on the end that is used to stab a large fish and then lift the fish into the boat or onto shore. Ideally, the hook is placed under the backbone. gaff cannot be used if it is intended to release the fish unharmed after capture, unless the fish is skilfully gaffed in the lip, jaw, or lower gill using a thin gaff hook. A flying gaff is a specialized type of gaff used for securing and controlling very large fish.
5.1 million
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'No one knows for sure how many species of fungi there are on our planet at this point in time, but what is known is that at least 99,000 species of fungi have been described, and new species are described at the rate of approximately 1200 per year (Blackwell 2011; Kirk et al.2008).o one knows for sure how many species of fungi there are on our planet at this point in time, but what is known is that at least 99,000 species of fungi have been described, and new species are described at the rate of approximately 1200 per year (Blackwell 2011; Kirk et al. 2008).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Types of Fungal Diseases. Fungi are everywhere. There are approximately 1.5 million different species of fungi on Earth, but only about 300 of those are known to make people sick.Fungal diseases are often caused by fungi that are common in the are approximately 1.5 million different species of fungi on Earth, but only about 300 of those are known to make people sick. Fungal diseases are often caused by fungi that are common in the environment.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Types of Fungi. The 100,000 identified species of organisms commonly classed together as fungi are customarily divided into four phyla, or divisions: Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Deuteromycota. Fungi: Types of Fungi-Types of Fungi The 100,000 identified species of organisms commonly classed together as fungi are ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are about 75,000 scientifically identified species of fungi, with scientists believing there may be as many as a million fungal species yet unidentified.ike plants and animals, they are eukaryotes. Phylogenetically, there are seven phyla of fungi. The first is the Chytridiomycota, or chytrids, the most primitive form, with about 1,000 identified species.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ascomycota includes yeasts, the powdery mildews, the black and blue-green molds, edible types such as the morel and the truffle, and species that cause such diseases of plants as Dutch elm disease, chestnut blight, apple scab, and ergot. There are over 50,000 species, about 25,000 of which occur only in lichens. Fungi: Types of Fungi-Types of Fungi The 100,000 identified species of organisms commonly classed together as fungi are ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'More than 100,000 organism species are classified as fungi. Fungi are categorized into four prominent types: Zygomycota, Basidiomycota, Deuteromycota and Ascomycota. Zygomycota fungi are mostly molds that feed on dead plants and animals.These parasites flourish on insects and plants.asidiomycota fungi can be sexual as well as asexual in nature. These can be either unicellular or multi-cellular. The most common Basidiomycota fungus is the mushroom that reproduces sexually. This phylum of fungus includes single-celled yeasts and many asexual organisms.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Like plants and animals, they are eukaryotes. Phylogenetically, there are seven phyla of fungi. The first is the Chytridiomycota, or chytrids, the most primitive form, with about 1,000 identified species.These produce spores with flagella (zoospores), and go after amphibians, maize, alfalfa, potatoes, and other vulnerable organisms.ike plants and animals, they are eukaryotes. Phylogenetically, there are seven phyla of fungi. The first is the Chytridiomycota, or chytrids, the most primitive form, with about 1,000 identified species.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Different types of fungi have accomplished this in different ways. There are literally thousands of different kinds of fungi. Two hundred thousand species have been identified world wide and there are likely to be well over a million are literally thousands of different kinds of fungi. Two hundred thousand species have been identified world wide and there are likely to be well over a million species.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'There are 43,271 cataloged species of fungi, based on which Dr. Mora and his colleagues estimate there are 660,000 species of fungi on Earth. But other studies on fungus diversity suggest the number may be as high as 5.1 million are 43,271 cataloged species of fungi, based on which Dr. Mora and his colleagues estimate there are 660,000 species of fungi on Earth. But other studies on fungus diversity suggest the number may be as high as 5.1 million species.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you seek a life-long vocation, consider studying and classifying the different types of fungus that are known to exist. There are well over 100,000 types of fungus presently known, and no doubt many more exist, but have yet to be discovered or classified.Ascomycota-It helps of course when one can start breaking things down into categories, which those who study different types of fungus have attempted to are well over 100,000 types of fungus presently known, and no doubt many more exist, but have yet to be discovered or classified. Ascomycota-It helps of course when one can start breaking things down into categories, which those who study different types of fungus have attempted to do.', 'url': ''}]
how many types of fungi are there
There are 43,271 cataloged species of fungi, based on which Dr. Mora and his colleagues estimate there are 660,000 species of fungi on Earth. But other studies on fungus diversity suggest the number may be as high as 5.1 million are 43,271 cataloged species of fungi, based on which Dr. Mora and his colleagues estimate there are 660,000 species of fungi on Earth. But other studies on fungus diversity suggest the number may be as high as 5.1 million species.
Sexual abuse
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Despite modern contraception, better provision of sex education, and greater scientific knowledge about human reproduction, a number of factors combine to place women today at just as great a risk of unplanned pregnancy (if not a greater risk) than women of our mothers or grandmothers generations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pregnancy at such a tender age is primarily due to lack of sex education. Lack of awareness about the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy is more often than not, a result of lack of proper communication between teenagers and their parents.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Women are at particular risk of accidental pregnancy shortly after the birth of a planned child, when they may be preoccupied with mothering and not yet settled into a new contraceptive regime. Fertility can return within a few months of childbirth, particularly if the new mother is not breastfeeding.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This makes them vulnerable to teenage sex and pregnancy without adequate sex education. Lack of sexual education causes teens to get abortions as they ultimately realize their inability to bear the responsibilities of being a parent at such a young age.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '• Sexual abuse of teenage girls is also one of the most disgraceful causes of teenage pregnancy. Sexual relationships between teenage girls and older men are more likely to end up in teenage pregnancy as compared to sexual relationships between teenage boys and girls.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Only one pill-user in ten was aware that missing just one pill could place them at risk of pregnancy and fewer than half knew that diarrhoea or stomach upsets could lessen the effectiveness of their contraceptive. A woman should be able to have her contraceptive queries answered by one of several people.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pregnancy: Related Medical Conditions. To research the causes of Pregnancy, consider researching the causes of these these diseases that may be similar, or associated with Pregnancy: Neural tube defects.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Teenage pregnancy has become a growing concern nowadays and hence it has become imperative to look into the various causes of teenage pregnancy in order to deal with this issue carefully. Teenage pregnancies are widely discouraged because the of health risks they raise for the young mothers and their babies.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'And, all the time that they are deferring a deliberate pregnancy they are at risk of an accidental one. Whilst previous generations may have assumed that any pregnancy was wanted and deliberate so long as the couple were married, married couples today may have other plans which do not include children at all.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "An 'accidentally on purpose' pregnancy may even be the consequence of a woman's insecurity about her own fertility. The frequent discussions about infertility in newspapers, women's magazines and on television may lead some women to doubt their own ability to have a child when the time is right.", 'url': ''}]
what causes pregnancy
• Sexual abuse of teenage girls is also one of the most disgraceful causes of teenage pregnancy. Sexual relationships between teenage girls and older men are more likely to end up in teenage pregnancy as compared to sexual relationships between teenage boys and girls.
Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'And you’re not as useless as you think’: Jordan Peterson. Photograph: Phil Fisk for the Observer I t is uncomfortable to be told to get in touch with your inner psychopath, that life is a catastrophe and that the aim of living is not to be happy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Mr. Peterson's new book is neither outrageous nor entirely original. What self-help book is? It arose from his belief that today's floundering young men are begging for guidance in how to find their purpose and grow up.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A Wall Street Journal op-ed published last week defends professor Jordan Peterson against a recent wave of criticisms and condemnations. A Wall Street Journal op-ed published last week defends professor Jordan Peterson against a recent wave of criticisms and condemnations. Columnist Peggy Noonan defended Peterson in a piece for the Wall Street Journal that was published last week. Coming right off of Peterson’s heated interview with', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Jordan Peterson. Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It was an absolute train wreck (for her) and gives a fascinating insight, not only into Jordan Peterson but also into how too much of our media works today. Newman from the beginning sought to ridicule his position, portray him as alt-right and clearly struggled to listen and grasp what he was saying.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Peterson has authored or co-authored more than a hundred academic papers. Peterson has over 20 years of clinical practice, seeing 20 people a week, but in 2017, he decided to put the practice on hold because of new projects. In 2004, a 13-part TV series based on his book Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief aired on TVOntario.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dr. Jordan B Peterson is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist, a public speaker, and a creator of Self Authoring. Dr. Jordan B Peterson is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist, a public speaker, and a creator of Self Authoring. Home Books', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Why Can't People Hear What Jordan Peterson Is Saying? A British broadcaster doggedly tried to put words into the academic’s mouth. Rene Johnston / Toronto Star / Getty", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'His name is Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a Canadian professor who’s become the spiritual father of an online tribe of alienated, disaffected and resentful young men. In the past few months, Peterson’s rapidly gone from a little-known clinical psychologist to a veritable megachurch preacher of anti-communism and personal responsibility.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jordan B Peterson added, Jason Belich 🇺🇸 @JasonBelich. Replying to @JasonBelich @jordanbpeterson. and it is /trivial/ for anybody with the authority to deploy code to slip a bit of code to enforce a grey list of sorts.', 'url': ''}]
jordan peterson is
Jordan Peterson. Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance.
Less than 400 square feet
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Add in $500 to $2000 for appliances and furnishing depending on desires. Add in $2000 for cost overruns and other unexpected expenses. So for a barebones build with nothing fancy, your looking at $10-$15k. I’m sure I left some important stuff out, this is just a basic parts list.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Answer: Usually Around $25,000 to $30,000. This is for a relatively ‘high end’ tiny home on wheels with all of the amenities of home you’d be looking at around $25,000 to $30,000 in materials to build it yourself.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It would take me like 10 years to build a tiny home my self, for what they claim it would cost to build the size I want (roughly 209 square feet) and that’s if I didn’t spend a penny on anything else besides building the tiny house.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Background [edit]. In the United States the average size of new single family homes grew from 1,780 square feet (165 m 2) in 1978 to 2,479 square feet (230.3 m 2) in 2007, and to 2,662 square feet (247.3 m 2) in 2013, despite a decrease in the size of the average family. Reasons for this include increased material wealth and prestige.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you add 6000 for the concrete and 3000 for the trailer (it is home made and a little beefier than a trailer shop would make a trailer, so it is heavier than most) it brings you to 9000 pounds before you even add the house!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Well, the answer is… it depends. Here is what I can tell you. My target price for a typical 8×16 tiny house model with average finishes is about $35,000. We have built larger, top of the line houses for $80,000. End cost will be a factor of trailer length, design complexity, and finish level.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If not you can certainly get an idea on how much a stove similar to the one you’re getting will weigh, again, lean to the cautious side and round up… If you are going to have a water tank on board or a water heater use it’s ‘when full’ weight (water weighs 8.34# per gallon).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The small house movement is a return to houses of less than 1,000 square feet (93 m 2). Frequently the distinction is made between small (between 400 square feet (37 m 2) and 1,000 square feet (93 m 2)), and tiny houses (less than 400 square feet (37 m 2)), with some as small as 80 square feet (7.4 m 2).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The typical size of a small home seldom exceeds 500 square feet (46 m 2). The typical tiny house on wheels is usually less than 8 ft by 20 ft, with livable space totalling 120 square feet or less, for ease of towing and to exempt it from the need for a building permit.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Finishing it off making it a tiny house 120 sqft – no permit needed. lizzie May 6, 2014, 9:42 pm. I started off with a pre-built shed (10 x 18) built to my specifications with extra windows and a metal roof. It has 140 sq ft of floor space downstairs (4 feet of the 18 is a covered porch), and two lofts.', 'url': ''}]
on average how big is a tiny house
The small house movement is a return to houses of less than 1,000 square feet (93 m 2). Frequently the distinction is made between small (between 400 square feet (37 m 2) and 1,000 square feet (93 m 2)), and tiny houses (less than 400 square feet (37 m 2)), with some as small as 80 square feet (7.4 m 2).
An area of medicine that applies high pressure, high oxygen environments to the treatment of certain conditions.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hyperbaric medicine is also used in the treatment of gas embolisms in the blood. An embolism is a gas bubble that can become fatal to the patient if it ends up in the wrong place. Time in a hyperbaric chamber will force the bubble to break up and dissolve so that it can be expressed by the body.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Certain medical conditions and medications can be contraindications for treatment with hyperbaric medicine. Before a patient enters a hyperbaric chamber, a thorough examination and review of the patient's history is conducted to confirm that the patient is a good candidate for the treatment.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (also known as HBOT) is a proven, medical treatment that can benefit patients with a variety of conditions and help with the healing process. The treatment encourages the body to build new capillaries and reduce inflammation and swelling from injury, surgery or chronic illness.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)? HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBOT) is a treatment in which the entire body is exposed to oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure. Oxygen plays an important role in healing soft tissue injuries and wounds, and reducing the risk of infection.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The subspecialty of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine is a discipline that deals with the prevention of injury and illness due to exposure to environments in which the ambient pressure is increased, such as in diving or hyperbaric chamber exposure, and the therapeutic use of high environmental pressure and the delivery of oxygen under high pressure ...', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "What is HBOT? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment which enhances the body's natural healing process by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber, where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. It is used for a wide variety of treatments usually as a part of an overall medical care plan.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) is an international non-profit organization serving members from more than 50 countries. The UHMS is the primary source of scientific information for diving and hyperbaric medicine physiology worldwide. We Have Over 2400. Members Worldwide.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Hyperbaric medicine is an area of medicine that applies high pressure, high oxygen environments to the treatment of certain conditions. Known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), this type of treatment can be utilized in the management of medical issues such as compression sickness.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In 1993 several ABMS member Boards expressed an interest in changing this certificate so that it would be available to diplomates of all ABMS member boards. During 1993, two meetings were held and a survey was sent to the membership of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In March 1999, ABPM received approval to change the name of its subspecialty certification in Undersea Medicine to Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine to more accurately reflect the expansion of practice during the past decade to include regular use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for a variety of disorders.', 'url': ''}]
what is hyperbaric medicine
Hyperbaric medicine is an area of medicine that applies high pressure, high oxygen environments to the treatment of certain conditions. Known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), this type of treatment can be utilized in the management of medical issues such as compression sickness.
It can be associated with fibrosis, as well known to pathologists who work on COPD but is largely unknown outside this group.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Misdiagnosis and Centriacinar Emphysema. Sinusitis is overdiagnosed: There is a tendency to give a diagnosis of sinusitis, when the condition is really a harmless complication of another infection, such as a common more ».', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Other findings included upper-lung-predominant centrilobular emphysema (57%; 12 of 21 patients) and patchy areas of decreased attenuation (38%; 8 of 21 patients) with lower-lung predominance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Some of the symptoms of Centrilobular emphysema incude: 1 Persistent cough. 2 Shortness of breath (dyspnea) 3 Wheezing. Chest pains. Fever.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 Centrilobular emphysema: Related Topics. 2 Centrilobular emphysema as a Disease. 3 Centrilobular emphysema: Related Diseases. Causes of Centrilobular 1 emphysema. Symptoms of Centrilobular emphysema (Centriacinar Emphysema) Treatments for Centrilobular emphysema (Centriacinar 1 Emphysema) Interesting Medical Articles: Medical dictionaries:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'It may be found in up to one-half of adult smokers at autopsy 1. The pathological process of centrilobular emphysema typically begins near the centre of the secondary pulmonary lobule in the region of the proximal respiratory bronchiole. Selective lung destruction results in the characteristic apposition of normal and emphysematous lung.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Centriacinar Emphysema: Introduction. Centriacinar Emphysema: The abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by the destruction of the walls and without obvious fibrosis. It begins in the respiratory bronchioles and spreads peripherally.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Foci of centrilobular emphysema can be associated with fibrosis, as is well known to pathologists who work on COPD but is largely unknown outside this group. However, alveolar wall fibrosis is also seen as a part of coexisting centrilobular emphysema (Figure 6).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "emphysema affecting the central portion of secondary pulmonary lobules, around the central bronchiole, typically involving the superior part of the lungs or lobes; may be related to inflammation of the bronchioles and to the effects of inhaled dust, which aggregates next to respiratory bronchioles; seen in coalworker's pneumoconiosis and (in mild ...", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Since the disease progresses from the centrilobular portion, normal lung parenchyma in the perilobular portion tends to be preserved 2. The pulmonary vessels in areas of severe emphysema are small, with shunting of blood flow to lung parenchyma that can better exchange air to maintain matched ventilation and perfusion.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Description of Centrilobular emphysema. Centrilobular emphysema (medical condition): The abnormal permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to the...more ». See also: Centriacinar Emphysema: »Introduction: Centriacinar Emphysema. »Symptoms of Centriacinar Emphysema. »Causes of Centriacinar Emphysema.', 'url': ''}]
what is severe centrilobular emphysema
Foci of centrilobular emphysema can be associated with fibrosis, as is well known to pathologists who work on COPD but is largely unknown outside this group. However, alveolar wall fibrosis is also seen as a part of coexisting centrilobular emphysema (Figure 6).
More than 6 weeks.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Hives, also known as urticaria, usually starts as an itchy patch of skin that turns into swollen red welts. It can be set off by many substances or situations. The itching may be mild to severe. Scratching, alcoholic beverages, exercise and emotional stress may worsen the itching.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Acute episodes of urticaria last for six weeks or less. Acute urticaria is generally due to certain foods and additives, medications, insect stings, blood transfusions and infections. Foods such as eggs, nuts and shellfish are common causes of urticaria.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Symptoms can last anywhere from minutes to months – or even years. While they resemble bug bites, hives are different in several ways. Hives can appear on any area of the body; they may change shape, move around, disappear and reappear over short periods of time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In most cases of chronic urticaria, the hives will gradually disappear over time. Physical urticaria is due to one or more physical causes. The most common reason for long-lasting urticaria is dermographism. These hives appear within a few minutes of scratching along an area of skin.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hives, also known as urticaria, affects about 20 percent of people at some time during their lives. It can be triggered by many substances or situations and usually starts as an itchy patch of skin that turns into swollen red welts.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Show more Information. If you select Keep me signed in on this computer, you can stay signed in to on this computer for up to 2 weeks or until you sign out. This means that a cookie will stay on your computer even when you exit or close your browser which may reduce your levels of privacy and security. You should never select this option if you're using a publicly accessible computer, or if you're sharing a computer with others.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Chronic urticaria and/or angioedema are hives or swelling that lasts more than 6 weeks. The cause is usually harder to find than in acute cases. The causes can be similar to those of acute urticaria but can also include your immune system, chronic infections, hormonal disorders, and tumors.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Chronic hives. Some cases of hives last for more than six weeks and can last months or years. This condition is known as chronic hives. If the cause cannot be identified, even after a detailed history and testing, the condition is called chronic idiopathic urticaria.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Certain types of chronic hives are more painful than itchy. The painful hives may go away leaving a bruise on the skin, and individual hives may last more than 24 hours. In such cases, the cause may be inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are two types of hives - short-lived (acute) and long-term (chronic). Neither is typically life-threatening, though any swelling in the throat or any other symptom that restricts breathing requires immediate emergency care. Chronic hives occur almost daily for more than six weeks and are typically itchy.', 'url': ''}]
how long do hives normally last
Hives, also known as urticaria, usually starts as an itchy patch of skin that turns into swollen red welts. It can be set off by many substances or situations. The itching may be mild to severe. Scratching, alcoholic beverages, exercise and emotional stress may worsen the itching.
In the Operon Model, the operator is the gene in which a repressor binds.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'When the operator gene is turned on, the enzyme moves over the operator gene to reach the structural genes and the transcription of mRNA starts. 2. The base sequence of promoter gene determines which DNA strand acts as a template for mRNA transcription.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': '(1) (genetics) A segment of DNA where the repressor binds to, thereby preventing the transcription of certain genes. (2) (surgery) The one performing surgical procedures. (Genetics) In the Operon Model, the operator is the gene in which a repressor binds. This results in the prevention of the RNA polymerase from binding to it, thus, preventing the expression of certain genes in the operon unit. Word origin: Latin operā ( rī ) (to work, effect).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Back to Top. The operator gene controls the functioning of a specific series of structural genes. It lies adjacent to the structural genes which it controls. The cistrons are expressed when the operator gene is turned on by an inducer, and are not expressed when the operator gene is turned off by a repressor.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 20 October 2010, at 22:03.This page has been accessed 51,918 times.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Escherichia coli catabolite gene activator protein (CAP) is a DNA binding protein involved with the transcription of several genes, including those that code for enzymes involved in the metabolism of certain sugars (i.e. lactose, maltose, and arabinose.) Basically, CAP is responsible for the global regulation of carbon utilization.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A unit of gene activity consisting of a sequence of genetic material that functions in a coordinated manner to control the production of mRNA and that consists of an operator gene, a promoter, and two or more structural genes. operon in Science Expand.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The inducer binds with the repressor, forming a repressor-inducer complex. This complex prevents the repressor from binding with the operator gene of the operon. This frees the operator gene so that the RNA polymerase can move from the promoter to the structural genes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A sequence of genetic material that functions in a coordinated manner, consisting of an operator, a promoter, and one or more structural genes that are transcribed together. Operons were first found in prokaryotes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "operon op·er·on (ŏp'ə-rŏn') n. A unit of gene activity consisting of a sequence of genetic material that functions in a coordinated manner to control the production of mRNA and that consists of an operator gene, a promoter, and two or more structural genes. operon.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This gene controls the operator gene in cooperation with a chemical substance called inducer present in the cytoplasm. A regulator gene is not necessarily adjacent to the operator gene which it controls. The regulator gene codes for and produces a protein called repressor.', 'url': ''}]
operator definition biology
(1) (genetics) A segment of DNA where the repressor binds to, thereby preventing the transcription of certain genes. (2) (surgery) The one performing surgical procedures. (Genetics) In the Operon Model, the operator is the gene in which a repressor binds. This results in the prevention of the RNA polymerase from binding to it, thus, preventing the expression of certain genes in the operon unit. Word origin: Latin operā ( rī ) (to work, effect).
It is one of the most coveted CrossFit exercises that takes a ton of strength and practice to master.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Muscle-Up. The muscle-up is a skill that is essentially a pull-up followed by a dip. It is used to take yourself from below a sets of rings or bar to above a set of rings or bar.Many can do a pull-up, and many can do a dip, but transitioning between the two takes a certain level of strength and coordination.he use of steps or the ground can help the muscle-up by allowing one to assist with the legs and jump off the ground. If you have a set of steps then simply use lower and lower steps as you get stronger.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Whether you're an elite CrossFit athlete or just a fitness fanatic, the muscle up can take your upper-body workouts to a new level. More commonly performed on a high bar, the muscle up consists of two compound movements -- a pullup followed by a dip.hether you're an elite CrossFit athlete or just a fitness fanatic, the muscle up can take your upper-body workouts to a new level. More commonly performed on a high bar, the muscle up consists of two compound movements -- a pullup followed by a dip.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Muscle is a soft tissue found in most animals. Muscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin that slide past one another, producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell.Muscles function to produce force and motion.uscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin that slide past one another, producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell. Muscles function to produce force and motion.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Muscle-Up on a Bar. The muscle-up on a bar can be done in several ways which I’ll explain below. We’ll continue where we left off from the ring muscle-up and first talk about how to do the muscle-up slowly. This is the harder variation.he use of steps or the ground can help the muscle-up by allowing one to assist with the legs and jump off the ground. If you have a set of steps then simply use lower and lower steps as you get stronger.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Assuming the grip is O.K., a common barrier to the muscle-up Is not being strong enough. Here’s the litmus: if you can do fifteen good pull-ups and fifteen good dips, then you’re strong enough. If you can’t, work your pull-ups and dips overtime until you can do the muscle-up.he muscle-up is astonishingly difficult to perform but unrivaled in building upper body strength, writes Coach Greg Glassman. The muscle-up gets you from under things to on them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The muscle-up is astonishingly difficult to perform but unrivaled in building upper body strength, writes Coach Greg Glassman. The muscle-up gets you from under things to on them.It can be a critical survival skill. We do our muscle-ups from rings chiefly because that’s the hardest place possible.he muscle-up is astonishingly difficult to perform but unrivaled in building upper body strength, writes Coach Greg Glassman. The muscle-up gets you from under things to on them.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the video on the right you can see me doing explosive muscle ups while swinging the legs and creating an S form with my body to help myself with the movement. A muscle up is a combination of two body weight exercises; the pull-up and the dip, so basically it is a pull up that is followed by a dip.Muscle ups are way harder than just doing pull ups or dips on their own! muscle up is a combination of two body weight exercises; the pull-up and the dip, so basically it is a pull up that is followed by a dip. Muscle ups are way harder than just doing pull ups or dips on their own!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Four Steps to a Muscle-Up. STEP ONE: Hang from a pull-up bar with a false grip (thumbs on top the bar, not around). STEP TWO: Pull yourself up (chin to the bar).STEP THREE: 'Roll' your chest over the bar as a transition from a pull-up to a dip. STEP FOUR: Press your hands down and drive your body upwards (the dip).he Four Steps to a Muscle-Up. STEP ONE: Hang from a pull-up bar with a false grip (thumbs on top the bar, not around). STEP TWO: Pull yourself up (chin to the bar).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to perform the muscle up exercise. Muscle ups are one of the most advance and hardest to perform body-weight exercise that you can do. They work on a lot of different muscle groups and will get all your upper body pumped. muscle up is a combination of two body weight exercises; the pull-up and the dip, so basically it is a pull up that is followed by a dip. Muscle ups are way harder than just doing pull ups or dips on their own!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Editor's Picks. The muscle-up is one of the most coveted CrossFit exercises that takes a ton of strength and practice to master. In concept, a perfectly executed muscle-up may not look all that difficult to master, but the grip and the movements often prove a bit unnatural for anyone trying for the first time.he Four Steps to a Muscle-Up. STEP ONE: Hang from a pull-up bar with a false grip (thumbs on top the bar, not around). STEP TWO: Pull yourself up (chin to the bar).", 'url': ''}]
what is a muscle up
Editor's Picks. The muscle-up is one of the most coveted CrossFit exercises that takes a ton of strength and practice to master. In concept, a perfectly executed muscle-up may not look all that difficult to master, but the grip and the movements often prove a bit unnatural for anyone trying for the first time.he Four Steps to a Muscle-Up. STEP ONE: Hang from a pull-up bar with a false grip (thumbs on top the bar, not around). STEP TWO: Pull yourself up (chin to the bar).
The Jordan River is a 251 kilometer long river in the Middle East that flows roughly north to south through the Sea of Galilee and on to the Dead Sea.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The streams coming together to create the River Jordan in its upper basin are, west to east: 1 Iyyon (Hebrew: עיון Iyyon, Arabic: دردره Dardara or براغيث Braghith – on old PEF maps (1871–77) as Wadi el-Kharrar in the Merj 'Ayun area and Nahr Bareighit in its lower part), a stream which flows from Lebanon.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jordan River - a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan Jordan Canaan, Holy Land, Promised Land, Palestine - an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Jordan is named after the Jordan River, where Jesus is said to have been baptised. The origin of the river's name is debated, but the most common explanation is that it derives from the word yarad (the descender, Yarden is the Hebrew name for the river), found in Hebrew, Aramaic, and other Semitic languages.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "JORDAN. jor'-dan (yarden, flowing downward; 'Iordanes): 1. Source: The Jordan river proper begins at the junction of four streams (the Bareighit, the Hasbany, the Leddan, and the Banias), in the upper part of the plain of Lake Huleh. The Bareighit receives its supply of water from the hills on the West, which separate the valley from the river Litany, and is the least important of the four.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jordan River The Jordan River or River Jordan is a 251-kilometre-long river in West Asia flowing to the Dead Sea. Currently, the river serves as the eastern border of the State of Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank and the western border of Jordan.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Jordan River. The Jordan River (also River Jordan; Hebrew: נְהַר הַיַּרְדֵּן\u200e Nahar ha-Yarden; Arabic: نَهْر الْأُرْدُنّ\u200e\u200e Nahr al-Urdun, Ancient Greek: ιορδάνης, Iordànes) is a 251-kilometre (156 mi)-long river in the Middle East that flows roughly north to south through the Sea of Galilee and on to the Dead Sea.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jordan River. n a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan. a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek)', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jordan (/ ˈ dʒ ɔːr d ən /; Arabic: الْأُرْدُنّ \u200e Al-‘Urdunn [al.ʔur.dunn]), officially The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Arabic: المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية \u200e Al-Mamlakah Al-Urdunnīyah Al-Hāshimīyah), is a sovereign Arab state in western Asia, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north, Israel and Palestine to the west.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The rift valley contains the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, which separates Jordan from Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Jordan has a 26 kilometres (16 mi) shoreline on the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea, but is otherwise landlocked.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Jordan definition Monarchy in the Middle East, bordered by Syria to the north, Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and Israel to the west. Amman is its capital and largest city.', 'url': ''}]
jordan river definition
Jordan River. The Jordan River (also River Jordan; Hebrew: נְהַר הַיַּרְדֵּן‎ Nahar ha-Yarden; Arabic: نَهْر الْأُرْدُنّ‎‎ Nahr al-Urdun, Ancient Greek: ιορδάνης, Iordànes) is a 251-kilometre (156 mi)-long river in the Middle East that flows roughly north to south through the Sea of Galilee and on to the Dead Sea.
Viola is a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than the violin; a tenor or alto violin.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'viola1. 1 a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than the violin; a tenor or alto violin. 2 a labial organ stop of eight-foot or four-foot pitch, giving tones of a penetrating stringlike quality.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Historical Examples. 1 Not only the Duke, but both the heroines, viola and Olivia, love music. 2 viola, the Garibaldino, with whom he has lived for some years, calls him the Incorruptible. 3 But he promised to see old viola and the other girl that very night. 4 I've the power to nominate whom I like, and viola it shall be.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Kerry had his tough words for Netanyahu, both about Iran and about Palestine, and voila—it worked. How Netanyahu Plays the Settlement Game Michael Omer-Man November 13, 2013. And voila, no one in this country wanted to issue bearer bonds any more. Why Bitcoin is a Bubble Megan McArdle April 10, 2013.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ' Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018. Cite This Source', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than the violin; a tenor or alto violin. 2. a labial organ stop of eight-foot or four-foot pitch, giving tones of a penetrating stringlike quality.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For a pair such as viola and Perov, who have co-created work for decades, there is also precedent for retroactive co-authorship. Why the Art World Ignores Wives Jessica Dawson March 17, 2014 Few know that I also learned the viola, but gave it up after a year.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Historical Examples. 1 The distinction of voila and voici is expressed by ottama and ottana. 2 Les prjugs, voila les voleurs; les vices, voila les meurtriers. 3 Set your slow monastic march to a quicker tempo and, voila, the German. 4 In one hand the soft glove of kindness, in the other, voila!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than the violin; a tenor or alto violin. a labial organ stop of eight-foot or four-foot pitch, giving tones of a penetrating stringlike quality.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Viola definition, a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than the violin; a tenor or alto violin. See more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Voila definition, (used to express success or satisfaction). Voilà, my new winter outfit! See more.', 'url': ''}]
viola defined
Viola definition, a four-stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than the violin; a tenor or alto violin. See more.
The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA).
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Definition: The Common Core State Standards is a set of learning standards that provide a clear and consistent understanding of what students are expected to learn throughout the school year.he standards are designed to provide teachers with a guideline of what skills and knowledge students need, so that they can prepare students for future success. Alternate Spellings: Common Core, Common Core Standards, Common Core Learning Standards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'This site is the official home of the Common Core State Standards. It is hosted and maintained by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center).ecognizing the value and need for consistent learning goals across states, in 2009 the state school chiefs and governors that comprise CCSSO and the NGA Center coordinated a state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.he Common Core initiative only specifies what students should know at each grade level and describes the skills that they must acquire in order to achieve college or career readiness. Individual school districts are responsible for choosing curricula based on the standards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA).ecognizing the value and need for consistent learning goals across states, in 2009 the state school chiefs and governors that comprise CCSSO and the NGA Center coordinated a state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Forty-two of the fifty U.S. states and the District of Columbia are members of the Common Core State Standards Initiative, with the states of Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, Alaska, Nebraska, Indiana, and South Carolina not adopting the initiative at a state level.he Common Core initiative only specifies what students should know at each grade level and describes the skills that they must acquire in order to achieve college or career readiness. Individual school districts are responsible for choosing curricula based on the standards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For readers who may not know, the common core state standards are intended to define the knowledge and skills in English language arts (ELA) and math that high school graduates will need for success in college and 21st century jobs.omparing all state standards to the common core, the authors determined that the core are clearly superior to 39 states' math standards and to 37 states in ELA. Three states had superior ELA standards to the core.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The standards are designed to provide teachers with a guideline of what skills and knowledge students need, so that they can prepare students for future success. Alternate Spellings: Common Core, Common Core Standards, Common Core Learning Standards.he standards are designed to provide teachers with a guideline of what skills and knowledge students need, so that they can prepare students for future success. Alternate Spellings: Common Core, Common Core Standards, Common Core Learning Standards.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Since 2010, a number of states across the nation have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the CCSS to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.hese standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "It's important to note that the Common Core is not curriculum or teaching methods, but standards. Standards define what students should understand and be able to do at each grade level. Schools and teachers choose curriculum, and choose how standards are taught in the classroom.awaii Common Core Standards define the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and careers when they graduate.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "In fact, a distinguishing characteristic of the common core -- one I applaud -- is that the ELA standards define specific benchmarks for reading and writing in Social Studies, Science and technical subjects.omparing all state standards to the common core, the authors determined that the core are clearly superior to 39 states' math standards and to 37 states in ELA. Three states had superior ELA standards to the core.", 'url': ''}]
common core define
The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA).ecognizing the value and need for consistent learning goals across states, in 2009 the state school chiefs and governors that comprise CCSSO and the NGA Center coordinated a state-led effort to develop the Common Core State Standards.
Customer Relationship Management
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Investment Banking. Deals. Obtain a true 360 view of your deals with views into external and internal deal teams, financials, and potential buyers. Consolidated activity tracking ensures all team members stay informed and can easily work together.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ', Marketing Associate. EquityTouch is a CRM specifically designed Private Equity and Venture Capital firms as well as other organizations within the alternative asset community. The application is based on a Touch concept. A Touch is any interaction between companies or people such as emails, events, phone calls, and meetings.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'CRM requires managers to: 1 Start by defining strategic pain points in the customer relationship cycle. 2 Evaluate whether—and what kind of—CRM data can fix those pain points. 3 Select the appropriate technology platform, and calculate the cost of implementing it and training employees to use it.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Many mainstream investors have become interested in learning more about the private equity industry. Because of the non-public nature of private equity, it can be difficult to gain access to the lingo used by industry insiders.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The general partners are responsible for managing the investments within the private equity fund. For their services, they earn a management fee and a percentage of the fund's profits, called carried interest. The general partners can be legally liable for the actions of the fund.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Private Equity-Speak 101. Before we can discuss the important ratios used in private equity, you must first be familiar with some of the basic terms that are important to private equity investors. Some of these terms are strictly used in private equity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Customer Relationship Management. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a process companies use to understand their customer groups and respond quickly—and at times, instantly—to shifting customer desires. CRM technology allows firms to collect and manage large amounts of customer data and then carry out strategies based on that information.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are four basic things private equity investors do to earn money. Raise money from Limited Partners (LPs) like pension and retirement funds, endowments, insurance companies, and wealthy individuals. Source, diligence, and close deals to acquire companies.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Answer Wiki. EquityTouch is a CRM specifically designed Private Equity and Venture Capital firms as well as other organizations within the alternative asset community. The application is based on a Touch concept. A Touch is any interaction between companies or people such as emails, events, phone calls, and meetings.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There are four basic things private equity investors do to earn money. 1 Raise money from Limited Partners (LPs) like pension and retirement funds, endowments, insurance companies, and wealthy individuals. 2 Source, diligence, and close deals to acquire companies. 3 Improve operations, cut costs, and tighten management in their portfolio companies.', 'url': ''}]
what does crm stand for private equity
Customer Relationship Management. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a process companies use to understand their customer groups and respond quickly—and at times, instantly—to shifting customer desires. CRM technology allows firms to collect and manage large amounts of customer data and then carry out strategies based on that information.
600 mg orally 2 times a day.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The dose of this medicine will be different for different patients. Follow your doctor's orders or the directions on the label. The following information includes only the average doses of this medicine. If your dose is different, do not change it unless your doctor tells you to do so.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Gabapentin enacarbil extended release tablets are available under the trade name HORIZANT (R): -The recommended dosage is 600 mg orally 2 times a day. Therapy should be initiated at a dose of 600 mg orally in the morning for 3 days of therapy, then increased to 600 mg 2 times a day (1200 mg/day) on day four.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Dosage for Postherpetic Neuralgia. 1 In adults with postherpetic neuralgia, NEURONTIN may be initiated on Day 1 as a single 300 mg dose, on Day 2 as 600 mg/day (300 mg two times a day), and on Day 3 as 900 mg/day (300 mg three times a day). 2 Patients 12 years of age and above. 3 Pediatric Patients Age 3 to 11 years.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'However, the dose is usually not more than 2400 mg per day. Children 3 to 11 years of age—Dose is based on body weight and must be determined by your doctor. The starting dose is 10 to 15 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight per day and divided in 3 doses. Your doctor may adjust your dose as needed.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gabapentin was shown to be effective in the treatment of DPN at doses of 900 mg/day, with greater efficacy achieved at doses of 1,800 to 3,600 mg/day. Backonja and colleagues concluded that gabapentin should be initiated at 300 mg on day 1 and then titrated to 600mg on day 2, and then 900 mg on day 3.6.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The recommended maintenance dose of NEURONTIN in patients 3 to 4 years of age is 40 mg/kg/day, given in three divided doses. The recommended maintenance dose of NEURONTIN in patients 5 to 11 years of age is 25 mg/kg/day to 35 mg/kg/day, given in three divided doses.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gabapentin is used to help control certain types of seizures in patients who have epilepsy. Gabapentin is also used to relieve the pain of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN; the burning, stabbing pain or aches that may last for months or years after an attack of shingles). Gabapentin is in a class of medications called anticonvulsants. Gabapentin treats seizures by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain. Gabapentin relieves the pain of PHN by changing the way the body senses pain.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gabapentin Dosage. Applies to the following strength(s): 800 mg ; 600 mg ; 100 mg ; 300 mg ; 400 mg ; 250 mg/5 mL ; enacarbil 600 mg ; 300 mg/24 hours ; 600 mg/24 hours ; 300 mg/24 hours-600 mg/24 hours ; enacarbil 300 mg. The information at is not a substitute for medical advice. Always consult your doctor or pharmacist.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A medical doctor should determine the proper Neurontin dosage for a patient. A patient's prescribed Neurontin dosage should be recorded in her medical records. Each patient's prescribed dosage of Neurontin is highly individualized. Neurontin® or gabapentin can be used to treat seizures. A child under the age of 12 should receive a dose of Neurontin that's based on their weight.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For the most part, it’s difficult to answer what the standard Neurontin® dosage is, since it may vary based on the condition it is treating and on the age of the person taking the drug. There are some general guidelines to follow, but each person should know that their condition might be unique and different dosage levels may apply.', 'url': ''}]
what is a normal dose of gabapentin
Gabapentin enacarbil extended release tablets are available under the trade name HORIZANT (R): -The recommended dosage is 600 mg orally 2 times a day. Therapy should be initiated at a dose of 600 mg orally in the morning for 3 days of therapy, then increased to 600 mg 2 times a day (1200 mg/day) on day four.
30 hours
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If, as an employer, you offer a benefit plan to full-time employees, limiting the number of hours an employee works can lessen your employee-related expenses. 1 1. Write a company policy -- if you do not already have one in place -- stating that benefits are only available for full-time employees.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '4. Develop a work schedule that cuts the hours for the employees. The United States Department of Labor does not specify how many hours constitute full-time employment, but the United States Department of Justice considers employees who work between 16 and 32 hours as part-time employees.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Working hours: benefits rules - Which benefits are affected by hours worked? If you are doing paid work for an employer or are self-employed but on a low income, you may still qualify for certain welfare benefits. Benefit entitlement can depend on how many hours of paid work you do per week.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hours of Work Policy Statement: The basic workweek for full-time employees shall be 40 hours with due allowance for authorized holidays and leaves of absence with pay. The basic workweek for every part-time employee, with due allowance for authorized holidays and leaves of absence with pay, shall be under 40 hours per week.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Full-Time Employee (FTE) Any employee who works an average of at least 30 hours per week for more than 120 days in a year. Part-time employees work an average of less than 30 hours per week. Related Content. Health insurance if you work part-time. Options if you have job-based insurance.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Requirements around employee benefits are first based on the number of full-time employees a company has. If the company is an Applicable Large Employer (ALE), an hourly employee becomes eligible for benefits if the number of hours they work meets or surpasses full-time work. The Affordable Care Act and the IRS define a full-time employee as one who works at least 30 hours a week or 130 hours a month on average. Employees who will be working full-time should be offered benefits based on the company's Waiting Period.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Traditional Standard for Full-Time Employment. The standard for full-time employment was typically 40 hours a week in the past. However, many employers now consider employees as full-time when they work fewer hours i.e. over 30 hours, 35 hours, or 37.5 hours. Because there are no laws regulating full-time employment for compensation and benefits purposes, the organization determines how many hours per week are considered full-time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "When you've earned $5,040, you've earned your four credits for the year. The number of work credits you need to qualify for disability benefits depends on your age when you become disabled. Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year you become disabled. However, younger workers may qualify with fewer credits.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You’ll complete 1,000 hours of work in 25 weeks if you work 40 hours per week, however, your barometer for determining if you are entitled to benefits should not be the number of weeks worked at 40 hours, but rather how many hours you are going to work annually.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The following means-tested benefits are affected by how many hours of paid work you and your partner do per week: 1 Income Support. 2 Jobseeker's Allowance. 3 Working Tax Credit. Employment and Support Allowance - Permitted Work.", 'url': ''}]
how many hours a week worked before benefits are required
Requirements around employee benefits are first based on the number of full-time employees a company has. If the company is an Applicable Large Employer (ALE), an hourly employee becomes eligible for benefits if the number of hours they work meets or surpasses full-time work. The Affordable Care Act and the IRS define a full-time employee as one who works at least 30 hours a week or 130 hours a month on average. Employees who will be working full-time should be offered benefits based on the company's Waiting Period.
T cells, aggregated platelets, and smooth muscle cells.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'A fatty streak is the first grossly visible (visible to the naked eye) lesion in the development of atherosclerosis.It appears as an irregular yellow-white discoloration on the luminal surface of an artery.atty streaks may also include T cells, aggregated platelets, and smooth muscle cells. It is the precursor lesion of atheromas that may become atheromatous plaques. Almost all children older than 10 in developed countries have fatty streaks, with coronary fatty streaks beginning in adolescence.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Fatty streaks may also include T cells, aggregated platelets, and smooth muscle cells. It is the precursor lesion of atheromas that may become atheromatous plaques. Almost all children older than 10 in developed countries have fatty streaks, with coronary fatty streaks beginning in adolescence.atty streaks may also include T cells, aggregated platelets, and smooth muscle cells. It is the precursor lesion of atheromas that may become atheromatous plaques. Almost all children older than 10 in developed countries have fatty streaks, with coronary fatty streaks beginning in adolescence.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Credit: Tomboy2290 | Dreamstime. It’s common knowledge that too much cholesterol and other fats can lead to disease, and that a healthy diet involves watching how much fatty food we eat. However, our bodies need a certain amount of fat to function—and we can’t make it from scratch.Triglycerides, cholesterol and other essential fatty acids—the scientific term for fats the body can’t make on its own—store energy, insulate us and protect our vital organs.redit: Tomboy2290 | Dreamstime. It’s common knowledge that too much cholesterol and other fats can lead to disease, and that a healthy diet involves watching how much fatty food we eat. However, our bodies need a certain amount of fat to function—and we can’t make it from scratch.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fats serve both as energy sources for the body, and as stores for energy in excess of what the body needs immediately. Each gram of fat when burned or metabolized releases about 9 food calories (37 kJ = 8.8 kcal). Fats are broken down in the healthy body to release their constituents, glycerol and fatty are many different kinds of fats, but each is a variation on the same chemical structure. All fats are derivatives of fatty acids and glycerol. The fat molecules are called triglycerides (triesters of glycerol).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Virtually all natural foods contain some fat. It is in foods because both plants and animals use fats as the most economical way to store energy. It is needed for their growth, development and function when there is a shortage of food supply (or a shortage of sunlight in the case of plants).Certain specific dietary fats have other essential functions. We are much like other animals so we do actually need some fat from our diet to has had bad press, to the extent that some foods are designed and marketed as ‘fat-free’. But it isn’t all bad. In fact, getting some fat from our diet is absolutely vital. In this section, you will find out what fats are, why we need them, what they do for us and where we find them in our foods.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Trans fat should be avoided. Most foods contain a mix of unsaturated and saturated fats. We should try to eat foods low in saturated and trans fats while focusing on foods with higher levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. The following chart can help you choose better sources of are different types of fat, including saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are normally solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid. Saturated fats and trans fatty acids (trans fats) are associated with negative health effects, including heart disease.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 A source of energy – Our body uses the fat we eat, and fats we make from other nutrients in our bodies, to provide the energy for most of our life-functions. 2 Energy store – The extra calories that we consume, but do not need to use immediately, are stored for future use in special fat cells (adipose tissue).at has had bad press, to the extent that some foods are designed and marketed as ‘fat-free’. But it isn’t all bad. In fact, getting some fat from our diet is absolutely vital. In this section, you will find out what fats are, why we need them, what they do for us and where we find them in our foods.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': ' If you take in more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. It does not matter what the extra calories are composed of, 3500 calories is a pound. Protein contain … s 4 calories per gram, Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, and Fat contains 9 calories per gram.6 people found this useful.ats and Proteins are two separate nutrients.Proteins - (amino acids) essential to growth and repair of muscle and other body tissues. Fats - (fatty acids) one source of energy and important in relation to fat soluble vitamins.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Fat is one of the three main macronutrients: fat, carbohydrate, and protein. Fats, also known as triglycerides, are esters of three fatty acid chains and the alcohol glycerol.The terms oil , fat, and lipid are often are many different kinds of fats, but each is a variation on the same chemical structure. All fats are derivatives of fatty acids and glycerol. The fat molecules are called triglycerides (triesters of glycerol).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Omega-3 fatty acids are a good source of lignans -- compounds that may have a weak estrogen effect. When a weak estrogen-like substance takes the place of your body’s natural strong estrogen in a breast cell’s estrogen receptor, then the weak substance can act as a relative anti-estrogen.he highest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids are found in coldwater fish, such as sardines, salmon, herring, tuna, cod, mackerel, halibut, and shark. These fatty acids are also found in lower concentrations in plant foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, Great Northern beans, kidney beans, navy beans, and soybeans.', 'url': ''}]
what does a fatty streak contain
Fatty streaks may also include T cells, aggregated platelets, and smooth muscle cells. It is the precursor lesion of atheromas that may become atheromatous plaques. Almost all children older than 10 in developed countries have fatty streaks, with coronary fatty streaks beginning in adolescence.atty streaks may also include T cells, aggregated platelets, and smooth muscle cells. It is the precursor lesion of atheromas that may become atheromatous plaques. Almost all children older than 10 in developed countries have fatty streaks, with coronary fatty streaks beginning in adolescence.
20 minutes or until the chops reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'First the pork chops are dipped in a mixture of milk and egg, then they are coated with corn bread stuffing mix. The chops are baked at 425 degrees F for 20 minutes or until the chops reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "One way to bake pork chops is to coat them with a package mix such as Shake 'N Bake and bake them in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes. Spice it up by adding additional spices or even fruit, such as peaches, to the baking dish.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '• Get the lamb chops out of the fridge so they can come up to room temperature before you start cooking. • Lay the chops on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and season with a pinch each of sea salt, black pepper and your favourite dried herb - thyme and oregano both work well.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a small bowl, thoroughly blend soy sauce, vegetable oil, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar, and ketchup. Place pork chops in a medium baking dish, and spread with 1/2 the sauce. Bake pork chops 30 minutes in the preheated oven.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Pork chops should be baked in an oven heated to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the meat needs to cook uncovered for 20 to 25 minutes. Continue Reading. Pork needs to reach internal temperatures of 145 degrees F and 160 degrees F for safe consumption.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In large skillet saute chops in shortening until browned on ... onion and browned pork chops. In small bowl combine ... aluminum foil and bake 1 hour or until potatoes are tender. Makes 4 servings.', 'url': ',1-0,bake_pork_loin_chops,FF.html'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Boneless pork chops should be baked for approximately an hour in an oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This varies, however, depending on the amount of meat being prepared, where for every pound of meat the bake time increases by 20-30 minutes, and how well-cooked someone enjoys their pork.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'I prefer to start with a thicker chop-- about one inch or an inch and a half thick-- and to start pork chops on the flame and then FINISH them in an oven. To begin, you can preheat your oven to 325 degrees and obtain an oven safe pan.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How to Broil Pork Chops in a Convection Toaster Oven Photo Credit Diane Shear/Demand Media. Cooking with a convection toaster oven produces faster cooking than in a regular oven by using fans to force heat through the oven and surround the food rather than the heat coming only from the top or bottom. Pork chops, a lean cut of pork loin, are succulent and juicy when broiled in a convection oven.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "How to cook chops in the oven. If you're a bit unsure of your cooking skills, cooking chops in the oven is pretty much a foolproof way to ensure they're cooked through properly. These timings work for lamb chops that weigh approximately 150g each and are 3cm thick.", 'url': ''}]
how long should loin pork chops be cooked in oven?
First the pork chops are dipped in a mixture of milk and egg, then they are coated with corn bread stuffing mix. The chops are baked at 425 degrees F for 20 minutes or until the chops reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.
He is an Indian film director who had worked in Tamil cinema.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Anand Krishnan Retweeted. Mohandas Menon \u200f@mohanstatsman Dec 19. Karun Nair 303* in 381 balls 1st 100 in 185 balls (S/r 54.05) 2nd 100 in 121 balls (S/r 82.64) 3rd 100 in 75 balls (S/r 133.33) #IndvEng. 10 replies 196 retweets 337 likes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Ananda Krishnan. Ananda Krishnan lost his spot in 2017 as Malaysia's second-richest person amid falling shares of his telecom outfit Maxis and oilfield-services-provider Bumi Armada. He's now No. 3. In 2016 he agreed to merge his debt-laden Indian telecom firm Aircel with Indian billionaire Anil Ambani's Reliance Communications.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Ananda Krishnan (director) Ananda Krishnan is an Indian film director who had worked in Tamil cinema. His directorial debut Aal was produced by Shoundaryan Pictures, for which he received good reviews from the critics. He was also first assistant director under director Susi Ganeshan for his film, Kanthaswamy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Anand Krishnan \u200f@anandpkrishnan Dec 25. What #China Didn’t Learn From the Collapse of the #Soviet Union …. 0 replies 0 retweets 1 like.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Natural language processing and statistical methods were adopted to identify and extract these causal relations with a precision of 79.54% and recall of 81%. Authors: Anand Krishnan, Jon Sligh, Eric Tinsley, Natalie Crohn, PMP, Heather Bush, C. Jason DePasquale, Jean Bandos, Dr. Mathew Palakal.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Anand S. Krishnan - Managing Partner. 1 Anand Krishnan has 30 years of experience in Entrepreneurship, Controllership, Internal Audit, Investment Banking and Private Equity. He was Involved in sovereign restructurings in the late 80’s, Asian Crisis restructuring in the late 90’s and the Global meltdown with emphasis of restructuring in the UAE.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Authors: Anand Krishnan, Premkumar Duraiswamy, DEEPALI JHAMB, Mathew Palakal. Event Causality Identification Using Conditional Random Field in Geriatric Care DomainIEEE ICMLA'13. Authors: Anand Krishnan, Saeed Mehrabi, Jon Sligh, Mathew Palakal, Eric Tinsley, Natalie Crohn, Heather Bush, Jason Depasquale, Jean Bandos. An efficient pancreatic cyst identification methodology using natural language processingStud Health Technol Inform.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Ananda Krishnan. In this Indian name, the name Krishnan is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by the given name, Tatparanandam Ananda. Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan (born 1938) is a Malaysian businessman and philanthropist. Nicknamed A K, currently he is estimated to have a net worth of US$7.9 billion according to Forbes' latest annual list of wealthiest people, making him the second wealthiest in Malaysia and number 129 in the world.", 'url': ''}]
anand krishnan
Ananda Krishnan (director) Ananda Krishnan is an Indian film director who had worked in Tamil cinema. His directorial debut Aal was produced by Shoundaryan Pictures, for which he received good reviews from the critics. He was also first assistant director under director Susi Ganeshan for his film, Kanthaswamy.
It is Daughters day on the 25th of September.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Why I won’t be participating in Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Be the first to know about new stories from PowerPost. Sign up to follow, and we’ll e-mail you free updates as they’re published. You’ll receive free e-mail news updates each time a new story is published.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Before we get into the fathers and daughters issue, it is important first to know that some males in the Bible did it to females. Let us look at the following information: There were, of course, others who might examine accused brides. Dwyer, 63, notes the role of doctors in modern Morocco.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'There is even pre-arranged marriage before the child is even born! People before they are even born are arranged for marriage: A Divine Voice announces who a soon-to-be-born boy and girl will marry when they grow up. (From the Talmud, Moed Katan 18b, Sotah 2a, Moed Katan 18b and Moed Katan 18b).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Friday, March 2, 2018 is Daughters' and Sons' Day 2018. Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work day at White House - UPI. I could have sworn there was something called Kid's Day when I was growing up, and then it seemed to vanish. I used to ask my parent when was Kid's Day, and the standard answer was every day is kid's day.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Is It Daughters Day Today? It's Daughters day on the 25th of September. Daughters Day' is by our calculation on: September the 25th. The first time we detected Daughters Day was the 12th of August 2015 and the most recent detection of references to Daughters Day was 1 month, 1 week ago. There were many celebrations relating to national holdiays written about on social media that our algorithms picked up, on the 25th of September.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The impossibility of communication between parents and daughters, another common theme in poems about daughters, is beautifully conveyed in Rita Dove’s The Bistro Styx, where a mother must restrain her disapproval of her daughter’s wayward lifestyle in Paris in exchange for a desired intimacy, which never comes.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For over three generations, the Academy has connected millions of people to great poetry through programs such as National Poetry Month, the largest literary celebration in the world;, the Academy’s popular website; American Poets, a biannual literary journal; and an annual series of poetry readings and special events.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Daughters have inspired many poets over the centuries, invoking not only feelings of love, protection, pride, and awe, but also anxiety, disappointment, anger, and loss. Thus poems about daughters range from adorations of the angelic child to laments about the indifferent, if not indignant, grown woman.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The idea is a good one: Show your kids what you do all day. Show them that men and women both work. Hard work in school means you can do cool things at work. This is why you don’t see your parents till dinner time.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Friday, March 2, 2018 is Daughters' and Sons' Day 2018. Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work day at White House - UPI. Our Daughters and Sons to. I could have sworn there was something called Kid's Day when I was growing up, and then it seemed to vanish.", 'url': ''}]
is there a child or daughter's day
Is It Daughters Day Today? It's Daughters day on the 25th of September. Daughters Day' is by our calculation on: September the 25th. The first time we detected Daughters Day was the 12th of August 2015 and the most recent detection of references to Daughters Day was 1 month, 1 week ago. There were many celebrations relating to national holdiays written about on social media that our algorithms picked up, on the 25th of September.
It is located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a former colonial mining town located in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Latin America and the Caribbean. Ouro Preto (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈoɾu ˈpɾetu], Black Gold) is a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a former colonial mining town located in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains and designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its outstanding Baroque architecture.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Latin America and the Caribbean. Ouro Preto (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈoɾu ˈpɾetu], Black Gold) is a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a former colonial mining town located in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains and designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its outstanding Baroque architecture.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Prior to 1720, Minas Gerais was part of the captaincy of São Vicente (later renamed São Paulo e Minas de Ouro). The first capital of Minas Gerais, and seat of the local see, was the city of Mariana; it was later moved to Vila Rica.', 'url': ',_Brazil'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Although Ouro Preto now relies heavily on the tourism industry for part of its economy, there are important metallurgic and mining industries located in town, such as Novelis, formerly Alcan, the most important aluminum factory in the country, the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, and others.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The main producer of coffee and milk in the country, Minas Gerais is known for its heritage of architecture and colonial art in historical cities such as São João del-Rei, Congonhas, Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Tiradentes and Mariana.', 'url': ',_Brazil'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In the 18th century, Ouro Preto became for a time the most populous city in the New World, with an estimated population of 80,000 in 1750. At that time, the population of New York was half that number, and the population of São Paulo did not reach 8,000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ouro Preto (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈoɾu ˈpɾetu], Black Gold) is a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a former colonial mining town located in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains and designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its outstanding Baroque architecture.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ouro Preto is located in one of the main areas of the Brazilian Gold Rush. Officially, 800 tons of gold were sent to Portugal in the XVIII century. Other gold circulated illegally, and still other gold remained in the colony to adorn churches and for other uses.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The ethnic composition of the population varies from town to town. For example, in Córrego do Bom Jesus, a small town located in the extreme south of Minas Gerais, White people make up 98.7% of the population.', 'url': ',_Brazil'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ouro Preto is located in one of the main areas of the Brazilian Gold Rush. Officially, 800 tons of gold were sent to Portugal in the XVIII century. Other gold circulated illegally, and still other gold remained in the colony to adorn churches and for other uses.', 'url': ''}]
in what region is ouro preto located
Latin America and the Caribbean. Ouro Preto (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈoɾu ˈpɾetu], Black Gold) is a city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a former colonial mining town located in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains and designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO because of its outstanding Baroque architecture.
A managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "A managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division.A managing director may also be called a chief executive officer.. A managing director is responsible for leading teams to meet the company's goals.A company may have several managing directors in charge of various semi-autonomous business units. managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The duties of a managing director include overseeing employees and meeting goals. A managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division. A managing director may also be called a chief executive officer..A managing director is responsible for leading teams to meet the company's goals.A company may have several managing directors in charge of various semi-autonomous business units. managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Director vs Managing Director. Director is a higher executive post in a business organization that comes with many prefixes, and there may be many directors in a large organization.If nothing is specified, it can be assumed that a director is a person belonging to the board of directors.As per law, a director is known more by what their job is rather than their job title. Thus, we can have an executive director or a managing director where the title says it all.f nothing is specified, it can be assumed that a director is a person belonging to the board of directors. As per law, a director is known more by what their job is rather than their job title. Thus, we can have an executive director or a managing director where the title says it all.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'by olivia. Director vs Managing Director. Director is a higher executive post in a business organization that comes with many prefixes, and there may be many directors in a large organization. If nothing is specified, it can be assumed that a director is a person belonging to the board of directors.As per law, a director is known more by what their job is rather than their job title. Thus, we can have an executive director or a managing director where the title says it all.f nothing is specified, it can be assumed that a director is a person belonging to the board of directors. As per law, a director is known more by what their job is rather than their job title. Thus, we can have an executive director or a managing director where the title says it all.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Managing Directors. The managing director is a British phenomenon who acts like a CEO, but in a different environment than his U.S. counterpart. About 79 percent of British firms split power between CEOs and an independent board chairman, The Wall Street Journal noted in March 2009.hief executive officers serve as companies' strategists and cheerleaders, with the implementation of objectives left to senior management. Managing directors act like CEOs, but operate in the two-tiered corporate board setup characteristic of British firms.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Show more usage examples... The managing director of this company will be here tomorrow for a discussion about the company's achievement for this quarter and our new goals for the rest of the year.7 people found this helpful.anaging director is generally more common in British English than in American English.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Managing director job description. As the managing director of a company, you're the head honcho. You're the one that's in charge of the whole company, from the day to day stuff to the really big picture problems. You'll be held accountable when things go right – but also when they go wrong.oney, money, money. As you might expect, the salary for a managing director can be high – which is pretty much a reflection of the high level of responsibility you have. That said, it can vary hugely depending on the size of the organisation and the sector.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "As the managing director of a company, you're the head honcho. You're the one that's in charge of the whole company, from the day to day stuff to the really big picture problems.oney, money, money. As you might expect, the salary for a managing director can be high – which is pretty much a reflection of the high level of responsibility you have. That said, it can vary hugely depending on the size of the organisation and the sector.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The Difference Between CEO, President & Managing Director. Chief executive officers serve as the public faces of their companies. Jupiterimages/ Images. The corporate titles of chief executive officer, president and managing director carry distinctly different meanings.hief executive officers serve as companies' strategists and cheerleaders, with the implementation of objectives left to senior management. Managing directors act like CEOs, but operate in the two-tiered corporate board setup characteristic of British firms.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An executive director within a company or an organization is usually from the board of directors and oversees a specific department within the organization such as Marketing, Finance, Production and IT.n executive director within a company or an organization is usually from the board of directors and oversees a specific department within the organization such as Marketing, Finance, Production and IT.', 'url': ''}]
what is a managing director
A managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division.A managing director may also be called a chief executive officer.. A managing director is responsible for leading teams to meet the company's goals.A company may have several managing directors in charge of various semi-autonomous business units. managing director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division.
Buddy Ebsen, who starred in the television series.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "He had two daughters from his first marriage, and four daughters and a son from his second marriage. The children all survive him, as does his third wife, Dotti. · Christian Rudolph 'Buddy' Ebsen, actor and dancer, born April 2 1908; died July 6 2003.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Buddy Ebsen began his career as a dancer in the late 1920s in a Broadway chorus. He later formed a vaudeville act with his sister Vilma Ebsen, which also appeared on Broadway. In 1935 he and his sister went to Hollywood, where they were signed for the first of MGM's Eleanor Powell movies, Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The photo hopefully gives you an impression of Buddy Ebsen's look, life and work. Buddy Ebsen was born on the 2nd of April 1908, which was a Thursday. Buddy Ebsen's next birthday would be in 12 days (would be turning 109years old then). Today, Buddy Ebsen would be 108 years old. To be more precise, Buddy Ebsen would be 39438 days old or 946512 hours.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Buddy Ebsen. Buddy Ebsen. Like his most famous character - the hillbilly who found oil on his land - Buddy Ebsen, who has died of respiratory failure aged 95, finally struck it rich as the star of The Beverley Hillbillies.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Ray Bolger originally was cast to play the Tin Man in the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz.. He traded roles with Buddy Ebsen, who was cast to play the Scarecrow. Ebsen recorded all of his songs, finished four weeks of rehearsal, and completed costuming prior to the filming of the movie.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '11% of the voters think that Buddy Ebsen did do drugs regularly, 5% assume that Buddy Ebsen did take drugs recreationally and 84% are convinced that Buddy Ebsen has never tried drugs before. Buddy Ebsen died in California, Torrance, California, Torrance Memorial Medical Center.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Son Dustin Ebsen is married to Stan Freberg 's daughter Donna. Almost all of his sisters lived long lives, just like Buddy himself. Helga died in 1994, at the age of 92 and Norma died in 1996, also at the age of 92. His sister, Vilma, died in 2007, just four years after her brother's own death.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Buddy Ebsen Obituary. LOS ANGELES (AP) – Buddy Ebsen, who starred in the television series The Beverly Hillbillies and Barnaby Jones, has died after an undisclosed illness. He was 95. Ebsen died Sunday morning at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in Torrance, said Pam Hope, an administrative nursing supervisor.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Here is an obituary by his family: Buddy Ebsen's best-known characterization is that of Jed Clampett patriarch of that celebrated piece of Americana The Beverly Hillbillies. His second best known is the television sleuth Barnaby Jones. Prior to that was his portrayal of Georgie Russell pal of Davy Crockett plus in the Matt Houston series and Northwest Passage.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. He traded roles with Buddy Ebsen, who was cast to play the Scarecrow. Ebsen recorded all of his songs, finished four weeks of rehearsal, and completed costuming prior to the filming of the movie. MGM tested several types of costumes and makeup to make the Tin Man appear silvery.', 'url': ''}]
what did buddy ebsen die o
Buddy Ebsen Obituary. LOS ANGELES (AP) – Buddy Ebsen, who starred in the television series The Beverly Hillbillies and Barnaby Jones, has died after an undisclosed illness. He was 95. Ebsen died Sunday morning at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in Torrance, said Pam Hope, an administrative nursing supervisor.
Absolute monarchy and dictatorship.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Find What is Autocracy! Find what is Autocracy! A government type in which a single person has unlimited authority. It can also be described as, Greek origin government with single person in power. For any form of government some characteristics would define its framework and structure.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Comparison with other forms of government[edit] Both totalitarianism and military dictatorship are often identified with, but need not be, an autocracy. Totalitarianism is a system where the state strives to control every aspect of life and civil society.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'View in context. In his mystic acceptance of the principle of autocracy he was bent on extirpating from the land every vestige of anything that resembled freedom in public institutions; and in his ruthless persecution of the rising generation he seemed to aim at the destruction of the very hope of liberty itself.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The advantages of an autocratic government are that decisions can be made and implemented quickly. However, individual rights are usually ignored and power is often maintained by force. Some autocracies are theocratic governments, in which the ruler claims to have been put in power by a deity.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. government in which one person has unlimited authority; the government of an autocrat. 2. a nation, state, or community ruled by an autocrat. 3. the unlimited power or authority of an autocrat. [1645–55; < Greek autokráteia]', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "An autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control (except perhaps for the implicit threat of a coup d'état or mass insurrection).", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Autocracy is a types of government in which a single person has complete or unlimited authority. There are many different types of autocracy which have a structure like this. Under Autocracy examples you get a list of such political systems which have authority and power vested with a single ruler.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Absolute monarchy and dictatorship are the main historical forms of autocracy. In very early times, the term autocrat was written in coins as a favorable feature of the ruler, having some connection to the concept of lack of conflicts of interests. 1 History and etymology.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Autocracy summary is an overview about its definition, advantages, disadvantages, origin, etc. The word Autocracy has originated from English, Greek language(s). The security is enhanced in this government form. There is a stronger army.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "He uses the theories of Voegelin to unearth the reasoning behind the Muscovite nation 's isolation , the combination of Orthodoxy and autocracy and the resulting disorder in justice , the rise of the secular state and the retreat of the Church just before the revolution , the assumption of the state of the role of messiah up to 1991 , and the ...", 'url': ''}]
_____ is a form of autocracy
Absolute monarchy and dictatorship are the main historical forms of autocracy. In very early times, the term autocrat was written in coins as a favorable feature of the ruler, having some connection to the concept of lack of conflicts of interests. 1 History and etymology.
Receive is defined as to get or be given something.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'transitive verb. 1 : to come into possession of : acquire receive a gift. 2a : to act as a receptacle or container for the cistern receives water from the roofb : to assimilate through the mind or senses receive new ideas. 3a : to permit to enter : admitb : welcome, greetc : to react to in a specified manner.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'My friend offered to receive me at the railway station. C1 to react to something or someone in a particular way that shows how you feel about it, him, or her: The speech was well/warmly/coldly, etc. received by the conference delegates.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'See words that rhyme with receive Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for receive Spanish Central: Translation of receive Nglish: Translation of receive for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of receive for Arabic speakers', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'received. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to come into possession of : acquire receive a gift. 3 2a : to act as a receptacle or container for the cistern receives water from the roofb : to assimilate through the mind or senses receive new ideas. 4 3a : to permit to enter : admitb : welcome, greetc : to react to in a specified manner.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'receiving. 1 transitive verb. 2 1 : to come into possession of : acquire receive a gift. 3 2a : to act as a receptacle or container for the cistern receives water from the roofb : to assimilate through the mind or senses receive new ideas. 4 3a : to permit to enter : admitb : welcome, greetc : to react to in a specified manner.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'receive.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Examples of receive in a Sentence. 1 George, white-gloved, with a gardenia in his buttonhole, stood with his mother and the Major, embowered in the big red and gold drawing room downstairs, to “receive” the guests; and, standing thus together, the trio offered a picturesque example of good looks persistent through three generations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter. Tomorrow the children will receive their anxiously awaited presents. One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago. The orchestra receives £2 million a year in sponsorship from various companies.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'receive definition, meaning, what is receive: to get or be given something: . Learn more.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Define receive: to come into possession of : acquire; to act as a receptacle or container for — receive in a sentence to come into possession of : acquire; to act as a receptacle or container for; to assimilate through the mind or senses…', 'url': ''}]
definition of receive
receive definition, meaning, what is receive: to get or be given something: . Learn more.
An NCQA accredited managed care organization that offers a variety of products and services.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Please call them at the number on your member ID Card. Relay services for individuals with a hearing disability are available by dialing 711. If you need a PDF document in an accessible format, you can request it directly by completing this online form.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Coventry Health Care is committed to maintaining excellence, respect, and integrity in all aspects of their operations and their professional and business conduct. They strive to reflect the highest ethical standards in their relationships with members, providers, and shareholders. Health America.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'How you buy your health insurance is changing. Whether you are insured, uninsured or underinsured, individual coverage may be purchased through publick health insurance exchanges (also referred to as the marketplace). This is a government-run marketplace for comparing and buying health insurance plans. The exchange helps you find a plan that fits your needs and your budget. You don’t have to get CoventryOne coverage through the exchange. The choice is yours. You can still buy coverage directly from us or through an agent.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'CoventryOne has direct plans available in your local area. We make it easy to apply online in a few steps. Compare plans and get a free quote by entering your ZIP code into the Get a Quote bar on any page. All health insurance plans available for purchase are based on category.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'COVERAGE TOOLS. 1 My Online Services Make the most of your health and benefits. Get started. 2 Find a Doctor CoventryOne plans give you access to local doctors and hospitals close to home. Get started. 3 Find a Pharmacy You don’t have to go far to get your prescriptions filled. Get started.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Affordable coverage for you and your family Designed to fit your life and your budget, we make finding and managing a clear and affordable health care plan easy.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Coventry Health Care of Illinois, Inc. Page 6 of 54 v2016.1.2. If a provider leaves our network for reasons other than the termination of a contract due to situations involving imminent. harm to a patient or a final disciplinary action by a state licensing board, but remains within our service area, impacted.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The goal of. Coventry Health Care of Illinois, Inc. (“Coventry Health Care”) is to develop and sustain strong, mutually beneficial. relationships with our providers and their office staff. Coventry Health Care is an NCQA accredited managed care organization that offers a variety of products and services.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The information you are attempting to retrieve cannot be accessed at this time. Please try again later or call customer service at 1-866-364-5663.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'HealthAmericaOneSM is health insurance that offers you more choices and greater control over how you pay for your health care. With HealthAmericaOne, you have several benefit plans to choose from, including low-cost, high-deductible health plans (HDHPs).', 'url': ''}]
what is coventry health plan?
The goal of. Coventry Health Care of Illinois, Inc. (“Coventry Health Care”) is to develop and sustain strong, mutually beneficial. relationships with our providers and their office staff. Coventry Health Care is an NCQA accredited managed care organization that offers a variety of products and services.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The 2015 Volkswagen Jetta offers plenty of cabin space and several engine choices that perform well, reviewers say, but some find it lacking with respect to technology features. Volkswagen has recently stopped selling Jetta models with diesel engines because they do not comply with U.S. emissions the best local price on a 2015 Volkswagen Jetta ]. The 2015 Jetta’s cabin features a redesigned instrument cluster and piano-black trim, which gives it a luxurious appearance, according to critics. A few disapprove of some of the hard plastic surfaces in the vehicle, however.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Best Answer: I just bought a vw passat. Fun to drive but you will probably have some high maintenence bills in the future. Vdubs are expensive for repairs, not straightforward for repairs either and parts are expensive. I have replaced the Motor Mounts, passenger side axle and some other, it is a great car. The only reliability problems are the electric windows getting stuck open or closed. It is a cheap fix. And in 2002, they had a recall for ignition coils. Do not get the 6 cylinder version because VW's 6 cylinder engines are not as reliable as the 4 cylinder engines.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Few small cars have the following of the Volkswagen Jetta, one of the company's best-selling models in the United States.The name, says VW, refers to the Atlantic jetstream, combined with the luxury and power of a modern jetliner..n reviews, we've found the Jetta to be a fairly refined, roomy and comfortable compact sedan. Depending on the year, it's also available in a wagon body style. The Jetta remains a solid pick for shoppers looking for a compact car with European flair, good performance and a smooth, composed ride.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Good cars, if you get a 1.8T engine make sure the owner used synthetic oil, VW made it a requirement after 2004, because that engine was prone to sludging up. The base 2.0L is a good engine as is the diesel with few if any, it is a great car. The only reliability problems are the electric windows getting stuck open or closed. It is a cheap fix. And in 2002, they had a recall for ignition coils. Do not get the 6 cylinder version because VW's 6 cylinder engines are not as reliable as the 4 cylinder engines.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The 2010 Volkswagen Jetta offers impressive performance, as well as excellent safety scores and comfortable seating. Adding to its appeal is the TDI trim, which has a 2.0-liter four-cylinder diesel engine that gets 30/42 mpg city/highway.The base model’s 2.5-liter five-cylinder engine gets up to 24/32 mpg city/highway.he Volkswagen Jetta trumps most 2010 small cars with a powerful engine, a well-equipped interior and comfortable seating, but an unimpressive reliability rating keeps the Jetta from rising to the top of the class. The 2010 Volkswagen Jetta is ranked:', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The base 2015 Jetta earns an EPA-estimated 25/34 mpg city/highway, which is a bit low for a compact car. However, with up to 31/46 mpg city/highway, the Jetta TDI returns some of the best fuel economy estimates in the class. Auto writers agree that the 2015 Jetta offers precise steering and poised the best local price on a 2015 Volkswagen Jetta ]. The 2015 Jetta’s cabin features a redesigned instrument cluster and piano-black trim, which gives it a luxurious appearance, according to critics. A few disapprove of some of the hard plastic surfaces in the vehicle, however.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Yes, we think it is a good car because of its poised handling, roomy interior and cargo area, and supportive front seats. Consumer Reports magazine predicts models with the 2.5-liter gas engine will have reliability that is 39% higher than average and that diesel models will have average reliability.The interior is one area where we aren't impressed by the of those comes as a wagon, like the Jetta, though the Elantra is available as a hatchback. The Ford Focus, Kia Forte and Mazda3 hatchbacks might also provide good comparisons to the Jetta wagon. Learn more. 1 2013 Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen Pricing and Research (", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Best Answer: It's an 8 yr old car with a 100K miles(near enough), so there is only one answer-Did the previous owners take care of it and is it in good condition, have it inspected if you are not sure by a shop other than the one selling it.olkswagen is a good brand and Jetta is a good model. Go for it if you don't mind its look because many people don't like it. Many friends of mine who own Jetta from 1998 model to latest model, no one has any complaint so far. Cheater_not · 5 years ago.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "A used car is just as good as another. Here's the kicker, if the PREVIOUS OWNER TOOK GOOD CARE OF IT. Honestly I would rather buy a used Honda knowing that the previous owner changed the oil regularly and did routine maintenance than a Volkswagen's previous owner that treated the car like a Red Headed Step, it is a great car. The only reliability problems are the electric windows getting stuck open or closed. It is a cheap fix. And in 2002, they had a recall for ignition coils. Do not get the 6 cylinder version because VW's 6 cylinder engines are not as reliable as the 4 cylinder engines.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Test drivers say the 2015 Volkswagen Jetta gets decent power from its base four-cylinder engine. Many prefer the available turbocharged 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine, which they say delivers a more exciting feel. The Jetta TDI has a turbodiesel four-cylinder engine that delivers good acceleration from a the best local price on a 2015 Volkswagen Jetta ]. The 2015 Jetta’s cabin features a redesigned instrument cluster and piano-black trim, which gives it a luxurious appearance, according to critics. A few disapprove of some of the hard plastic surfaces in the vehicle, however.', 'url': ''}]
is a volkswagen jetta a good car
Yes, we think it is a good car because of its poised handling, roomy interior and cargo area, and supportive front seats. Consumer Reports magazine predicts models with the 2.5-liter gas engine will have reliability that is 39% higher than average and that diesel models will have average reliability.The interior is one area where we aren't impressed by the of those comes as a wagon, like the Jetta, though the Elantra is available as a hatchback. The Ford Focus, Kia Forte and Mazda3 hatchbacks might also provide good comparisons to the Jetta wagon. Learn more. 1 2013 Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen Pricing and Research (
Yes,Malignant is a tumor also known as neoplasm.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The term malignant neoplasm means that the tumor is cancerous. You indicated that this is a preliminary diagnosis, and while it may have been based on observation by the doctor — that is, how the lesion looked on colonoscopy — the biopsy of the lesion can tell you and your doctor if it is indeed malignant or not.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '2. any new and abnormal growth, specifically one in which cell multiplication is uncontrolled and progressive. Neoplasms may be benign or malignant. Neoplasms of particular organs and of particular cell types are to be found under their individual headings, e.g. pharyngeal, adenocarcinoma. benign neoplasm. a neoplasm having none of the characteristics of a malignant neoplasm (see below), i.e. it grows slowly, expands without metastasis, and usually does not recur.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 A premalignant tumor is one that is not yet cancerous but is about to be. 2 Cancerous tumors are referred to as malignant. 3 Metastasis is the term used to describe the process of a tumor spreading. An excisional biopsy involves removing an entire lump or surrounding area.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Last updated: Thu 10 December 2015 Last updated: Thu 10 Dec 2015. email. A tumor, also known as a neoplasm, is an abnormal mass of tissue which may be solid or fluid-filled. A tumor does not mean cancer - tumors can be benign (not cancerous), pre-malignant (pre-cancerous), or malignant (cancerous).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Malignant tumors can vary in their aggressiveness, so it is difficult to predict how rapidly they will grow. If the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm is confirmed, I recommend that you quickly follow up with a medical oncologist so you can have appropriate additional testing and treatment. You'll find more information in Everyday Health's Colorectal Cancer Center about the stages of colon cancer and how it's treated. Also, you can watch videos of an interview with a doctor about colon cancer treatment, and an interview with a colon cancer survivor. Learn more in the Everyday Health Colon Cancer Center.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'An example of a malignant neoplasm is breast cancer — an abnormal growth of cells that originates within the breast and can spread throughout the body if not treated. An example of a benign neoplasm is a fibroid in the uterus which may cause vaginal bleeding or pelvic discomfort.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1 A benign tumor is not cancer, does not spread, can usually be completely removed, is not likely to recur and does not usually present a serious threat to health. A malignant tumor is cancer, and can invade neighbouring tissue and organs through blood or lymph system (this is the system which helps fight infection). This is called metastasis and can start new or secondary cancers.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '1. a tumor. 2. any new and abnormal growth, specifically one in which cell multiplication is uncontrolled and progressive. Neoplasms may be benign or malignant. Neoplasms of particular organs and of particular cell types are to be found under their individual headings, e.g. pharyngeal, adenocarcinoma. a neoplasm having none of the characteristics of a malignant neoplasm (see below), i.e. it grows slowly, expands without metastasis, and usually does not recur.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Tumors: Benign, Premalignant and Malignant. A tumor, also known as a neoplasm, is an abnormal mass of tissue which may be solid or fluid-filled. A tumor does not mean cancer - tumors can be benign (not cancerous), pre-malignant (pre-cancerous), or malignant (cancerous). There are many different types of tumors and a variety of names for them - their names usually reflect their shape and the kind of tissue they appear in.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'What do the terms Benign and Malignant mean? A tumor may be benign or malignant: A benign tumor is not cancer, does not spread, can usually be completely removed, is not likely to recur and does not usually present a serious threat to health.', 'url': ''}]
does neoplasm mean malignancy
Tumors: Benign, Premalignant and Malignant. A tumor, also known as a neoplasm, is an abnormal mass of tissue which may be solid or fluid-filled. A tumor does not mean cancer - tumors can be benign (not cancerous), pre-malignant (pre-cancerous), or malignant (cancerous). There are many different types of tumors and a variety of names for them - their names usually reflect their shape and the kind of tissue they appear in.
It provide tax credits directly to taxpayers, qualifying homeowners receive a discount on their tax bills or a rebate equal to a certain percentage of taxes due or a fixed amount.
[{'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': "Homestead exemption programs reduce property taxes by exempting a certain amount of a home's value from taxation. The value of the tax reduction depends on the exemption amount and the assessment level, or the portion of a property's value that is subject to the local government's tax rate. Homestead credit programs, on the other hand, provide tax credits directly to taxpayers. Qualifying homeowners receive a discount on their tax bills or a rebate equal to a certain percentage of taxes due or a fixed amount.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The exemption, which takes the form of a credit on property tax bills, allows qualifying homeowners to exempt $25,000 of the market value of their home from all local property taxes. For example, through the Homestead Exemption, a home with a market value of $100,000 would be billed as if it is worth $75,000.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'You are eligible for the homestead exemption if all of the following are true: 1 You created the trust to be effective during your lifetime (an inter vivos trust). 2 You provided the assets for the trust (you are the settlor). The trust agreement contains a provision that says you have complete possession of the property.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'For estate planning purposes, I placed the title to my property in a trust. You are eligible for the homestead exemption if all of the following are true: 1 You created the trust to be effective during your lifetime (an inter vivos trust). You provided the assets for the trust (you are the settlor).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "The District of Columbia, for example, provides a homestead exemption for all homeowners equal to $67,500 of the property's assessed value. It also provides eligible seniors age 65 or older with a credit of 50% of their property taxes due.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Homestead programs are widely used as a form of property tax relief for owner-occupied residential property. Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia make homestead exemptions or credits broadly available to homeowners.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "You may qualify even if you don’t qualify for the regular refund. The maximum special refund is $1,000. Note: If you use part of your home for a business, be sure to read Special Situations on page 10 of the Minnesota Homestead Credit Refund (for Homeowners) and Renter's Property Tax Refund instructions.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Maryland now requires all homeowners to submit a one-time application to establish eligibility for the Homestead Tax Credit. The Homestead Tax Credit Eligibility Application is needed to insure that homeowners receive the Homestead credit only on their principal residence. To read more about the Homestead Tax Credit program go to', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'If you have not received an application, or previously applied for the Homestead credit, click here to access a PDF version of the application. You may also request an application by telephoning the Homestead office at 410-767-2165 in the Baltimore Metropolitan area or 1-866-650-8783 elsewhere in Maryland.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'In order to submit a Homestead Tax Credit Eligibility Application through this site you must have been issued from this Department an application containing your Real Property Account Number and an Access Number. You will be required to enter the account and access numbers as part of the submission process.', 'url': ''}]
what is a homestead credit
Homestead exemption programs reduce property taxes by exempting a certain amount of a home's value from taxation. The value of the tax reduction depends on the exemption amount and the assessment level, or the portion of a property's value that is subject to the local government's tax rate. Homestead credit programs, on the other hand, provide tax credits directly to taxpayers. Qualifying homeowners receive a discount on their tax bills or a rebate equal to a certain percentage of taxes due or a fixed amount.
Wagoner County
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'As of the census of 2000, there were 574 people, 229 households, and 160 families residing in the town. The population density was 804.3 people per square mile (312.1/km²). There were 253 housing units at an average density of 354.5 per square mile (137.6/km²).', 'url': ',_Oklahoma'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Porter: 1 Tulsa Community College (about 28 miles; Tulsa, OK; Full-time enrollment: 12,480). 2 Oral Roberts University (about 28 miles; Tulsa, OK; FT enrollment: 3,216).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Porter-area historical tornado activity is near Oklahoma state average. It is 167% greater than the overall U.S. average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Porter, Wagoner County, Oklahoma? has thousands of rural properties in Porter, Wagoner County, Oklahoma, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Porter, Wagoner County, Oklahoma real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Porter, Wagoner County, Oklahoma email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Homes for Sale Porter OK. Browse through our real estate listings in Porter, OK. Browse photos, watch virtual tours and create a Favorites account to save, organize and share your favorite properties. Also review up-to-date market research and local market conditions as well as neighborhood and school information.', 'url': ',OK/'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Latest news from Porter, OK collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Irish (13.0%), United States (11.5%), English (7.8%), German (6.3%), Dutch (1.9%), Swedish (1.9%).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'On 5/26/1973, a category F4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 24.4 miles away from the town center killed 5 people and injured 25 people and caused between $50,000 and $500,000 in damages. Porter-area historical earthquake activity is near Oklahoma state average.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Porter is located at 35°52′3″N 95°31′19″W\ufeff / \ufeff35.86750°N 95.52194°W\ufeff / 35.86750; -95.52194 (35.867448, -95.521818). According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.7 square miles (1.8 km 2), all of it land.', 'url': ',_Oklahoma'}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'Porter is a town in Wagoner County, Oklahoma, United States. It is known as the Peach Capital of Oklahoma. The population was 574 at the 2000 census.', 'url': ',_Oklahoma'}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "For population 25 years and over in Porter: 1 High school or higher: 77.3%. 2 Bachelor's degree or higher: 6.3%. 3 Graduate or professional degree: 1.2%. 4 Unemployed: 11.4%.", 'url': ''}]
what county is porter ok
Porter is a town in Wagoner County, Oklahoma, United States. It is known as the Peach Capital of Oklahoma. The population was 574 at the 2000 census.
It is a large street gang based in Chicago, Illinois.
[{'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'But unlike years past, many older gang members believe that gang violence has increased in Chicago because of undisciplined youth who are now running the gangs. Chief Keef’s recent tribulations have shed light on the youth violence in Chicago and the gang he’s reportedly affiliated with, the Black Disciples. To get a better understanding of the Black Disciples, we have provided a list of 10 things to know about the infamous gang and its foundation.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Gangster Disciples. The Gangster Disciples are a criminal gang which was formed on the South-side of Chicago in the late 1960s, by Larry Hoover, leader of the High Life Supreme Gangsters, and David Barksdale, leader of the Black Disciples. The two groups united to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN).', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 1, 'passage_text': 'The Black Disciples (often abbreviated as BDN or BDN III) is a large street gang based in Chicago, Illinois.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'BDK (Black Disciple Killers) also known as GD (Gangster Disciples) is a gang in Chicago. Rappers such as Lil Jay, P. Rico and Lil JoJo who was shot and killed at the age of just 18 by the Black Disciples, are affiliated with the gang. The gang is also known as BrickSquad, FBG (Fly Boy Gang), and Tooka Gang after fallen member Shondale Tooka Gregory. The Black Disciples, also known as GDK for Gangster Disciple Killers, are a rival gang to the Gangster Disciples, thats why they call them selves the Black Disciples KILLERS!', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': '10 Things to Know About Chief Keef and the Black Disciples. By A.R. Shaw | September 13, 2012 2:32 PM EST | 4. Similar to South Central, Los Angeles, gangs in Chicago are more than just a teenage fad. The gang ties are cultural and passed down through generations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'The gang is considered violent and is known to engage in drug trafficking and distribution, theft, robbery, gun trafficking, murder, embezzlement, money laundering, and racketeering, in addition to other criminal activity. Intergang relations.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Report to Moderator. 1 I had a couple bearings go out on a 1010 Kewanee Disc, got bearings from Shoups and reassembled the gang with the old nut and end washer, it came loose after a couple rounds.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': "Re: Disc Gang assembly question in reply to Erik Ks Farmer, 10-03-2011 19:52:57. no such thing as too tite when it comes to disc gangs...block of wood between blades and frame...36 pipe wrench and a 4' cheater pipe is what i use...make that nut squall a few times...make a couple rounds and repeat.", 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'Hand signals are used by gangs as a means of communicating gang affiliation and/or as a challenge to rival gang members, called “throwing signs.” These signals or signs are made by forming letters or numbers with the hands and fingers, depicting the gang symbol or initials.', 'url': ''}, {'is_selected': 0, 'passage_text': 'By using these signals, the gang member can show to which gang he belongs and issue challenges to other gangs in the vicinity. Throwing up a gang sign with the hands is one of the most known and obvious forms of claiming.. It is used in many situations where other identifiers may not be possible or appropriate, and can also show that a gang member is in the area to do business as opposed to just passing through.', 'url': ''}]
what is a bd gang
The Black Disciples (often abbreviated as BDN or BDN III) is a large street gang based in Chicago, Illinois.