TITLE Simple Web Scraping with Python’s Selenium SUB Beach Ball Search, from Webpage to CSV! CAPTION a blurry photo of some lights on a cloudy day
TITLE The Basics: Time Series and Seasonal Decomposition SUB When are time series techniques appropriate and how do you perform decomposition? CAPTION a blurry photo of a series of lines on a wire
TITLE The Vapor Saga Part 1 CAPTION a number of signs on a wall
TITLE Hierarchical taxonomy: UX design’s secret weapon CAPTION a green and yellow toothbrush in a blue and white pattern
TITLE AI Consultation by the UK ICO CAPTION a blurry photo of a neon sign with lights
TITLE Why did Figma decide to call its core feature Auto layout? SUB Auto layout? Stack view! CAPTION a painting of a man holding a sign
TITLE Teaching to learn: Single Element in a Sorted Array CAPTION a collage of photos showing different types of computers
TITLE Common Pipenv Errors and How to Solve Them: Why Won’t it Lock?! CAPTION a collection of ties hanging on a wall
TITLE The Effects of Shortening Attention Spans on the Music Industry CAPTION a blue sky with a clock on top of it
TITLE Why I Feel Like a Failure (And You Might Too) SUB You’re not alone and a simple reframe can help. CAPTION a woman is standing in front of a window talking on a cell phone
TITLE Figure Properties in MATLAB SUB Using set() and get() to update your graphics objects CAPTION a painting of a cartoon character on the side of a street
TITLE Want to Be a Writer? What Type is Right For You? CAPTION a woman in a black dress is looking at a camera
TITLE Building a Portable Data Science Environment using Docker (2021) SUB <em class="kx">A Docker-powered Virtual Environment for beginners to use whenever, wherever</em> CAPTION a collage of photos showing different types of electronic devices
TITLE Know the Data Like the Palm of Your Hand Before Taking Any Further Steps CAPTION a close up photo of a mannequin
TITLE What If Cold Emails Really Are Just Cold? CAPTION a pair of skis on top of a snow covered ground
TITLE Rethink Your Lightroom Catalog Management SUB Multiple copies, syncing, off-network processing, and backups are one NAS away CAPTION a mountain range with a mountain range
TITLE Data Science Made Easy: Test and Evaluation using Orange SUB One of the simplest way to test and evaluate the models without touching a single code! CAPTION a collage of pictures of different types of animals
TITLE What Is Curve Finance and Liquidity Pool in DeFi? CAPTION a clock on a wall with a cartoon character on it
TITLE 23andMe, Sorry I Don’t Want Thee SUB Is it better to know or not know? CAPTION a tree filled with lots of stuffed animals
TITLE Deadlines vs. Milestones CAPTION a person sitting on a chair with a cell phone
TITLE Sources of Bad Data And What to Do About It SUB Good data is the prerequisite for successful model training. Read on to discover tricky places where bad data can appear. CAPTION a black and white photo of a black and white photo of a black and
TITLE The Power of Feature Engineering SUB Why you should probably just use logistic regression to model non-linear decision boundaries (with Python code) CAPTION a blue and white photo of a group of flags
TITLE Perspectives on AI Heading into 2019 CAPTION a blurry image of a building with a clock on it
TITLE Analysis of Car Sales with ANOVA in R SUB Determining sales differences across groups CAPTION a car is parked in the middle of a snowy field
TITLE A Beginner’s Guide to Database Reliability Engineering SUB When Site Reliability Engineering meets Data Engineering CAPTION a computer screen with a bunch of monitors on top of it
TITLE Augmenting categorical datasets with synthetic data for machine learning. SUB Gaussian Mixture Models for label validation in augmented, synthetic categorical data. CAPTION a number of lights on a street at night
TITLE Make KubeFlow into Your Own Data Science Workspace CAPTION a computer keyboard sitting on top of a desk
TITLE Virtual File Cabinet — Part 3 CAPTION a collection of antique clocks in a museum
TITLE AI and application for structural visual inspection CAPTION a blurry photo of a cartoon character with a gun in his mouth
TITLE 4 Tech Stocks That Will Make You A Fortune In The 2020s CAPTION a close up picture of a cell phone
TITLE A Bottom Up Perspective on the Business World CAPTION a large jetliner flying over a large building
TITLE Lyric-based song recommendation with Doc2Vec embeddings and Spotify’s API SUB Understanding song lyrics using deep learning and natural language processing. CAPTION a colorful vase filled with colorful colored flowers
TITLE A Fast Introduction to FastAI — My Experience SUB Let me tell you about how I built an image classifier model in less than an hour! CAPTION a person using a laptop computer on a wooden surface
TITLE What Compels Us to Write CAPTION a computer keyboard sitting on top of a wooden floor
TITLE Debug Android Application Easily using Stetho CAPTION a green and white photo of a green and white sign
TITLE Coffee Data Sheet CAPTION a large pile of unripe bananas on a table
TITLE Tap Into Who You Are and Bring What You Have to the World CAPTION two women sitting at a table in front of a bar
TITLE Making Your First Kaggle Submission SUB An easy-to-understand guide to getting started with competitions and successfully modelling and making your first submission. CAPTION an alarm clock sitting on a table next to a window
TITLE Integrate JupyterLab with Google Drive SUB Automatically sync your Notebooks to the Cloud CAPTION a collage of different colored stickers on a wall
TITLE An Interactive Visualization of the COVID-19 Development in Germany CAPTION a close up picture of some flowers on a table
TITLE How virtual reality can create real connections CAPTION a woman wearing a black shirt and a black tie
TITLE How to Create a 6-Second Bumper Ad for YouTube CAPTION a person holding a cell phone in front of a computer screen
TITLE Guidelines for infusing artificial intelligence to products SUB Summarizing 20 years of AI design CAPTION a statue of a man wearing a hat
TITLE Convergence of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms CAPTION a toy figure of a person wearing a mask
TITLE Do You Have to Love Writing to Be a Writer? SUB I’m learning it’s okay to live in the gray area. CAPTION a man in a blue shirt and a yellow tie
TITLE <strong class="ba">Why AI makes us Think 🤔</strong> SUB On regulation of algorithms CAPTION a black and white photo of a piece of art
TITLE 3 Big Security Vulnerabilities Faced by Medical Device Manufacturers CAPTION a laptop computer sitting on top of a white wall
TITLE Why Are Time Series So Hard to Handle? SUB When working on time series, you can find quite a few number of… CAPTION a collage of photos of a cityscape
TITLE How Natural Language Processing Helped Me Code My New Sidekick SUB How to create a Virtual Assistant using Python CAPTION a cell phone and a remote control in a black and white photo
TITLE Thanks to government policy, the economic recovery will begin in June CAPTION a statue of a man with a clock on top of it
TITLE Game Theory at Work: Italy’s “Gentle” Lockdowns SUB Why Rome might Fall…this Fall CAPTION a woman talking on a cell phone in front of a building
TITLE How large a sample do you need? SUB And is sample size even the right question? CAPTION a black and white photo of a clock on a wall
TITLE Load countless 3D objects in Three.js SUB Code Reading in Three.js Example CAPTION a blurry photo of a colorful frosted cake
TITLE Why there is a problem with the Policy Gradient theorem in Deep Reinforcement Learning SUB Or, as I like to call it, “The black magic of discount factors” CAPTION a painting of a man in a bathing suit on a wall
TITLE What a quantitative user study that nearly failed taught me about metrics CAPTION a row of wooden shelves filled with lots of different types of scissors
TITLE Designers propose, users dispose SUB Copy-pasting, zapping, surfing, photoshopping, googling, taking selfies: when the user reuses the user experience. CAPTION a computer mouse sitting on top of a keyboard
TITLE Setting up Tailwind CSS v2 With Parcel CAPTION a screen shot of a computer screen with a clock on it
TITLE <strong class="ba">Gartner’s 2019 Blockchain Hype Cycle / Challenges Building DApps / Daimler Carries Out First Blockchain Transaction</strong> CAPTION a blurry image of a lit up object in the dark
TITLE Why Data Testing Won’t Prevent Broken Data Pipelines SUB Data is a dynamic, often unstructured entity — when it comes to ensuring data quality, testing alone won’t save your pipelines. CAPTION a shot of a window with a reflection of a fish in it
TITLE <strong class="ba">Getting Ahead When Business Is Slow</strong> CAPTION a woman wearing a tie standing next to a flag
TITLE Statistics in Python — Using ANOVA for Feature Selection SUB Understand how to use ANOVA for comparing between a categorical and numerical variable CAPTION a man pouring a glass of orange juice into a glass
TITLE How to correctly interpret your continuous and categorical variable interactions using R CAPTION an airplane flying through the air with smoke coming out of it
TITLE Joy is in the making CAPTION a young boy is spraying water into a fire hydrant
TITLE <strong class="ba">The SWOT is Dead.</strong> CAPTION a public transit bus on a city street
TITLE How to build a (quasi) real-time hate speech classifier for Twitter SUB From training to model deployment on fresh tweets CAPTION a blue piece of paper sitting on top of a wooden table
TITLE Why is your app’s user retention so low? SUB When your user retention suffers, you need to take a step… CAPTION a drawing of a cartoon character on a wall
TITLE Python Pandas at Extreme Performance SUB Would you like your simple Python code to be extremely fast… CAPTION a white paper with a picture of a person on it
TITLE Calculating R-squared from scratch (using python) CAPTION a blurry photo of a tree with snow on it
TITLE Will the Wall Street rally continue in Q2? CAPTION a man is standing in front of a wall with a clock on it
TITLE <strong class="ba">What this pandemic has taught us about your inaccessible website…</strong> CAPTION a wall with a picture of a clock on it
TITLE Adopting TypeScript in your Vue.js Application in a sane way CAPTION a flower arrangement in the middle of a blue sky
TITLE JavaScript Best Practices — Destructuring CAPTION a small brown and white bear standing next to a tree
TITLE The Case of Precision v. Recall CAPTION a pair of green scissors hanging from a chain
TITLE How to Go About Healing Your Codependency SUB Denial is the hallmark of addiction. CAPTION a tall tower with a clock on it's side
TITLE The Idea Bucket List CAPTION a wall with many different types of items on it
TITLE If You Start Something New, Where Will You Be in One Year? CAPTION a collage of images of a man in a suit
TITLE TryHackMe: Pyscho Break CAPTION a person holding a skateboard in their hand
TITLE Self-image and body attitude SUB Lessons from a fifty-plus fitness coach CAPTION a giraffe standing on top of a lush green hillside
TITLE <strong class="ba">Incorporating and growing your business in Argentina</strong> CAPTION a person is reading a newspaper in a black and white photo
TITLE They All Fall Down: The Most Common Pitfall All New Data Scientists Fall For CAPTION a crowd of people standing on top of a grass covered field
TITLE Top 10 Trading Tips for Beginners CAPTION a piece of paper with a needle sticking out of it
TITLE I’m Glad We Stopped Apologizing SUB Work right now is messy, weird, and usually involves yoga pants. And… CAPTION a woman is looking at a computer screen
TITLE 5 Unpopular Ways of Making Money Online CAPTION a woman holding a cell phone in front of a plant
TITLE <strong class="ba">How to Use an ETF to Find Stocks to Invest In</strong> CAPTION a basket filled with lots of different types of fruit
TITLE Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Decision Trees in Python CAPTION a number of different colored lights on a screen
TITLE Understanding NLP Word Embeddings — Text Vectorization CAPTION a series of three pictures showing different colored lights
TITLE What you do ≠ what you are CAPTION a black and white photo of a white object
TITLE 3 Simple yet Powerful Ways to Boost your Creativity CAPTION a person standing in front of a mirror holding a pair of scissors
TITLE Clear Storage: The Ethics of Retention Policies for Stored Facial Images CAPTION a close up picture of a green plant
TITLE Image Classification in Data Science SUB What is image classification in Data Science and building our own image classifier in Python CAPTION a gray and white cat standing next to a brown and white cat
TITLE Why bother torturing yourself in the pursuit of greatness? CAPTION a yellow and white sign on a yellow and white sign
TITLE How to Improve Your Writing Using 7 Free Resources CAPTION a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden desk
TITLE You Need to Try This Mindful Approach to Goal-Setting CAPTION a sign that is on a wooden board
TITLE ‘Worse’ vs. ‘Worst’ and Other Commonly Misused Words SUB The English language is full of similar-sounding words that can wreak havoc on your writing CAPTION a black and white photo of a wooden fence
TITLE AI Integrity: Planning Ahead to Do the Right Thing SUB How to prepare for inevitable mistakes CAPTION a tall building with a sky background
TITLE A Dynamic Programming Approach to Set-TSP SUB Because There Is More Than One Place to Get Bread CAPTION a woman is looking at her reflection in the mirror
TITLE Flutter Engage — Flutter 2 CAPTION a collage of photos of different types of birds
TITLE Embeddings in Machine Learning CAPTION a bed with blue and white blankets and pillows
TITLE 3 Advanced Python Functions for Data Scientists CAPTION a close up view of a glass of water