[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Visit\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sarah and Grandma.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Visit\n\nSarah was nervous to visit her grandma in another country.\nShe had never traveled alone before.\nBut the plane ride was uneventful and even kind of fun!\nBy the time she got there, she was totally relaxed.\nSara was able to enjoy her trip very much!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sarah is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Grandma\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Sarah\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Computer Lab\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about His boss and Billy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Computer Lab\n\nBilly was always a hard worker.\nHe really wanted to be put in charge of the computer lab.\nHis boss called him into her office.\nBilly was excited.\nShe put him in charge of the computer lab.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Billy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Billy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Billy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Billy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Billy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, His boss is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Billy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: His boss\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Rudeness\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina and Gary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Rudeness\n\nGina was walking around the pool.\nShe was talking on the cell phone.\nGary didn't notice however, he was running towards her.\nHe pushed her back and she landed in the pool.\nHer phone broke since it got soaked.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Gina is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Not Tall Enough\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ethan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Not Tall Enough\n\nEthan was at the fair with his family.\nHe was hoping this year to be tall enough for the coaster.\nHe eagerly stood to be measured for the ride.\nTo his dismay, he was not quite tall enough.\nLuckily, he could tell that he was so close, next year would be time.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ethan is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ethan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ethan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ethan is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ethan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Ethan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Something in the Room\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jen.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Something in the Room\n\nJen was sitting in her living room.\nShe saw something run across the floor.\nJen looked up.\nThere was a mouse in the room.\nJen screamed and ran out the room.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jen is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jen\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Bookstore\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Bookstore\n\nI went to the bookstore.\nI found a book that I thought was interesting.\nWhen I brought it to the cashier, he said the book cost 6 dollars.\nI only had 5 dollars.\nI did not buy the book.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Town hall meeting\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kelley and The audience.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Town hall meeting\n\nKelley went to the town hall meeting.\nShe asked many questions.\nWhen she was done, the audience loved it.\nIt took about one hour.\nKelley couldn't wait to go back.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kelley is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kelley is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kelley is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kelley is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The audience is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The audience is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kelley\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: The audience\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Salad\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Family and Jamie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Salad\n\nJamie loved making dinner.\nShe decided to make a big salad.\nShe added all sorts of toppings.\nSoon, it was finished.\nShe set it down in front of the family and they dug in.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jamie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jamie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jamie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jamie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jamie is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Jamie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Writing a Song\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jason.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Writing a Song\n\nJason was working hard.\nHe was trying to craft a perfect song.\nHe wrote down the lyrics.\nJason practiced his song on his guitar many times.\nHe was finally happy with it and thought that it might even be a hit.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jason is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jason is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jason is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jason is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jason is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jason\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Christmas\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Stepmom, Family, Sister in law and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Christmas\n\nI didn't want to play a song.\nMy stepmom had asked me if I wanted to.\nMy sister-in-law had just played.\nIt was her own composition.\nThis was when our family was together for Christmas.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sister in law is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sister in law is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Stepmom is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Stepmom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Sister in law\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Stepmom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Maria's sandcastle\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Maria.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Maria's sandcastle\n\nMaria decided to build a sand castle at the beach.\nShe gathered together a shovel and a bucket.\nMaria spent two hours building a castle.\nMaria went to get her camera to take a picture.\nWhen she got back, her sand castle was washed away.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Maria is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Maria\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Motorcycle Dream\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about His friend and Carl.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Motorcycle Dream\n\nCarl wanted a motorcycle.\nSo he saved up money and bought one.\nBut his friend warned him that motorcycles were dangerous to drive.\nCarl didn't listen and broke the speed limit on a freeway.\nBut a near miss with a car made him rethink driving a motorcycle.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Carl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Carl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Carl is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Carl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Carl is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, His friend is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Carl\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: His friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Beach Trip\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Todd.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Beach Trip\n\nTodd and Sam had planned a beach trip for the coming weekend.\nThey left Saturday morning bright and early to get a good spot.\nUpon arriving at the beach they set out a towel and laid down.\nAfter a few minutes, a large group of storm clouds appeared.\nTodd and Sam packed up their beach towels and headed back home.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Todd is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Todd is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Todd is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Todd is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Todd is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Todd\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cheerleading Try Outs\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Everyone and Michelle.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Cheerleading Try Outs\n\nMichelle didn't make the cheerleading squad.\nShe was determined to do better the following year.\nShe recorded all the cheers at the games.\nMichelle used the recordings to practice all summer.\nShe blew everyone away during her next audition in the fall.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Everyone is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Michelle is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Michelle is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Michelle is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Michelle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Michelle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Everyone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Michelle\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Getting Married.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), My fiancee and My family.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Getting Married.\n\nI woke up happy and excited.\nFirst, I put on my wedding dress.\nI put on my makeup.\nThen I met my fiancee at the lawyer's office.\nI married my fiance in front of my family.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, The fiancee is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: My fiancee\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Unending Sadness\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Reggie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Unending Sadness\n\nReggie had a very hard time in the military.\nHe had been put on many different medications but nothing worked.\nHe couldn't stand it anymore and decided to do something about it.\nHe took over the lethal limit of a drug called Zyprexa.\nHe didn't remember anything for three days and woke up in the hospital.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Reggie is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Reggie is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Reggie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Reggie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Reggie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Reggie\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wrong Uniform\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Katie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Wrong Uniform\n\nKatie was on her way to school.\nShe was just dressed in her uniform just like any other day.\nWhen she got to school she kept getting strange looks.\nShe could not figure out what was wrong.\nKatie finally realized her uniform shirt was on backwards.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Katie is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Katie is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Katie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Katie is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Katie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Outlet\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Outlet\n\nI have and electrical outlet that does not work.\nI tried to take it apart and fix the problem.\nThe outlet still did not work so I called a professional.\nThe outlet cost me forty dollars to have fixed correctly.\nI was glad I called in a professional so I did not get hurt.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Steve's new invention\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Steve.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Steve's new invention\n\nSteve has always been an innovator in his field.\nHe came out with so many great inventions.\nOne day he has a great idea to reinvent the cell phone.\nSteve invents one of the greatest inventions ever.\nHe calls it the iPhone.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Steve\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Spelling Mistakes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom, People and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Spelling Mistakes\n\nTom was a foreigner looking for a job.\nHis resume had several spelling mistakes.\nThis made it harder for people to take him seriously.\nA friend finally helped proof read it.\nThe revised resume helped a lot more.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, People is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: People\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Car\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Cassie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# New Car\n\nCassie's car stopped working.\nShe went to the shop to get it fixed.\nThey told her it could not be fixed.\nCassie was very happy.\nShe used it as an excuse to buy a new car.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Cassie is feeling FEAR (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Cassie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Cassie is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Cassie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Cassie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cassie\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Kindhearted\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), My dad and My teacher.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Kindhearted\n\nI was waiting for my dad to pick me up from my after school program.\nI received a call from her, and found out that she can't pick me up.\nMy teacher who drove across me stopped.\nShe offered me a ride home.\nI accepted her offer and I ended up reaching home quickly.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, The teacher is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The teacher is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 5, The teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: My dad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: My teacher\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Phil's Route\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Phil.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Phil's Route\n\nPhil got a job delivering newspapers on his bike.\nOne day Phil's bike got stolen.\nPhil was determined to get the papers delivered.\nThat day Phil delivered all of the newspapers on foot.\nHis feet were very tired at the end of the day.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Phil is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Phil is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Phil is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Phil is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Phil\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Social Media Movement\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Twenty clients, Assistant, Social media, Jerry and Five clients.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Social Media Movement\n\nJerry was a personal trainer.\nHe had about five clients that he worked with weekly.\nHe wanted to expand his business though.\nSo he took to social media and advertised himself.\nHe now has over twenty clients and had to hire an assistant.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Five clients is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jerry is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jerry is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jerry is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jerry is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Twenty clients is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Five clients\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Jerry\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Twenty clients\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Special Cup\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Husky.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Special Cup\n\nI had my special cup on my desk.\nI accidentally bumped it.\nIt fell and rolled over the edge.\nIt hit the husky and bounced off.\nShe just laid there and ignored it.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Husky is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Husky is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Husky\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hopeful\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Hopeful\n\nThe mail ran a little early.\nI heard the knock at the door.\nI ran to open it.\nI was hoping my new makeup was here.\nInstead it was a letter from my bank.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Shy with Santa Claus\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Granddaughter and Santa claus.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Shy with Santa Claus\n\nOur granddaughter just saw Santa Claus.\nShe is 18 months old.\nShe sat on his lap.\nShe did not cry but she was very skeptical about him.\nThe photo of her face looking at Santa is priceless.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Granddaughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Granddaughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Granddaughter is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Granddaughter is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Granddaughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Santa claus is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Granddaughter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Santa claus\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Shampoo\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Shannon.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Shampoo\n\nShannon was out of shampoo.\nHer hair was so greasy!\nShe went to the store but forgot to buy it.\nOut of desperation, she used Mr Bubble.\nHer hair smelled like bubble gum.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Shannon is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Shannon is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Shannon is feeling SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Shannon is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Shannon\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Door Knobs\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Randi.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Door Knobs\n\nRandi decided her house needed a change.\nShe wanted to replace all her brass doorknobs with bronze.\nShe slowly replaced each one.\nIt made a huge difference?\nRandi set her sights on the next change she would work on.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Randi is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Randi is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Randi is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Randi is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Randi is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Randi\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Short pour\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bartender and Al.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Short pour\n\nAl went to the bar for some wine.\nThe bartender poured him a glass of red.\nAl looked at his glass with suspicion.\nThe bartender knew this look very well.\nRather than argue, the bartender topped off Al's glass.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Al is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Al is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Al is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bartender is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Al\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Bartender\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ungrateful Dayna\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Everyone and Dayna.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Ungrateful Dayna\n\nDayna was an ungrateful lady.\nShe took and used for her own pleasure.\nDayna thought her methods would always benefit forever.\nOne day, everyone she used wised up and left her.\nDayna failed to see that it was always respect to measure.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dayna is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dayna is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Dayna is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dayna is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dayna is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Everyone is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Everyone is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dayna\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n- character: Everyone\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sugar\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her kids and Anna.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Sugar\n\nAnna was making Kool-Aid for her kids.\nBut she ran short on sugar!\nShe added all she had and hoped for the best.\nThe kids loved it, to her shock!\nAnna had found a healthier way to give her kids drinks!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Touch of Paris\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jane and Sister.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Touch of Paris\n\nJane had awaited the return of her sister.\nHer sister had just arrived and sat down next to Jane.\nShe took out a bottle and spread out some dirt on the table.\nJane felt the earth and thanks her sister for it.\nJane always wanted to feel Paris in her hands.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jane is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jane is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jane is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jane\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Online Shopping\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mark.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Online Shopping\n\nMark wanted to buy a new laptop.\nHe went to the electronics store to check some out.\nHe tested different ones and found the one he liked.\nThen he went home and found the best deal online.\nHe got it within a couple of days and was really happy.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mark is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mark is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mark is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mark is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Mark\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Joe gets a haircut\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe and Barber.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Joe gets a haircut\n\nJoe hates to cut his hair.\nHis hair is so long he can't see.\nJoe wrecked his bike because he couldn't see.\nHe decided he had to get his hair cut.\nHe walked up town to the barber.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Joe is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"She said yes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Girlfriend and Fred.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# She said yes\n\nFred was getting very nervous because he wanted to propose.\nHe had been with his girlfriend for a few years.\nBut he wanted to be her husband.\nSo he got her down on one knee and asked her.\nShe said yes right away and started to cry.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Fred is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Fred is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Fred is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Fred is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Fred is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Girlfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Fred\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Failed Physical\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Alex.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Failed Physical\n\nAlex was in training to be a police officer.\nHe wasn't in the best shape.\nAlex failed the physical assessment.\nAlex started working out.\nHe took the test again and passed.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Alex is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Alex is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Alex is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Alex is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Alex\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hives\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tyler's parents, The school nurse and Tyler.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Hives\n\nTyler went to the school nurse, complaining that he was itchy.\nThe school nurse diagnosed him with hives.\nThat night, Tyler's parents reviewed all the food he had eaten.\nTyler told them he ate a peanut butter cracker.\nThey gave him some Benadryl, and told him not to eat peanut butter.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tyler is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tyler is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tyler is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tyler is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tyler is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tyler's parents is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tyler's parents is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tyler\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tyler's parents\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Dream Job\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Charles.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Dream Job\n\nCharles was a talented salesperson.\nBut he was having the hardest time finding a good sales job.\nTwo companies hired him as an opener, but their closers were horrible.\nFinally he landed a sales job where he could open and close his sales.\nNow Charles is making $3,000 per week.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Charles is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Charles is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Charles\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hypnosis\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Psychologist and Jerry.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Hypnosis\n\nJerry had a very hard time falling asleep at night.\nHe went to see a psychologist to talk about it.\nThe psychologist recommended hypnosis to unravel his past.\nJerry accepted and let him do as he wanted.\nUnder deep hypnosis, Jerry finally found out why he couldn't sleep.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jerry is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jerry is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jerry is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jerry is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jerry\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The craft misspelling.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Grandmother and Aubrey.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The craft misspelling.\n\nAubrey's grandmother had sent her a gift.\nIt was a homemade Christmas ornament.\nOn it was a picture of her baby and it said \"My First Christmas\".\nThe only problem was that the word \"First\" was misspelled.\nShe decided not to say anything to be polite.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Aubrey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Aubrey is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, Aubrey is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Aubrey is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Aubrey is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Grandmother is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Aubrey\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandmother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Oreo thins\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Oreo thins\n\nI love to eat Oreos.\nBut I'm on a diet.\nThen I saw a commercial for Oreo's that were thin.\nI rushed to the store to buy a pack.\nThe Oreo thins taste just like the original sized ones!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Bra\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tammy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# New Bra\n\nTammy hated all her bras.\nShe decided to buy a new one.\nShe went to a special place.\nThey measured her specifically.\nTammy's new bra fit better than any before.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tammy is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tammy is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tammy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tammy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tammy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Tammy\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pancakes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kay and Family.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Pancakes\n\nKay decided to make pancakes for her family.\nShe put all the ingredients together and got to work.\nEach pancake turned out light and fluffy and golden-brown.\nHowever, when she took a bite, she realized they tasted awful!\nShe had put salt instead of sugar.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Family is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Family is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Kay is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Kay is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kay is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Kay is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kay is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Family\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Kay\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Phone\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Someone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Phone\n\nI went to the grocery store this morning.\nI used my cell phone to check the coupons in my account.\nWhen I got home, I couldn't find my cell phone.\nI called the store and someone had turned it in.\nI had to go back to the store, but was very glad to have my phone!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Someone is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Someone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tying Shoes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ken, His father and His mother.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Tying Shoes\n\nKen didn't know how to tie his shoes properly.\nHis father tried to show him different ways to do it.\nKen still didn't get it.\nHe had to go to his mother.\nShe taught him how to do it easily.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, His father is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, His father is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, His mother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, Ken is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ken is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ken is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ken is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: His father\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: His mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ken\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sneak to buy Candy\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amy's mom, Amy, Beth and The girls.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Sneak to buy Candy\n\nAmy was tired of eating only healthy stuff at home.\nHer friend Beth had money to buy snacks.\nWhen offered Amy accepted a bag of chips.\nIt as the best tasting chips Amy ever had.\nThe girls promised not to let Amy's mom find out.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Amy's mom is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Beth is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Beth is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The girls is feeling TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Amy's mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Beth\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: The girls\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Nail art\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Nail art\n\nI got great nail art the other day.\nI went to the salon to get it done.\nI waited hours.\nWhen it was done it looked great.\nI was thrilled.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Laptop\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# New Laptop\n\nGary was looking for a new laptop.\nGary needed the laptop to be light, fast, and efficient.\nAfter researching, Gary decided he would purchase a Mac Air.\nAfter purchasing, Gary quickly realized he made the wrong decision.\nGary was not pleased with the operation of his new laptop at all.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gary is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Gary is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gary is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Gary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Fight\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Shorty, Bruce and Lim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Fight\n\nLim and Shorty got in a fight.\nBruce interjected, trying to stop the fight.\nHe told them the next one to open their mouth would deal with him.\nBruce made them both shake hands.\nAn uneasy truce was made between the two enemies.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Bruce is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bruce is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Lim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Lim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Lim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Lim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Shorty is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Shorty is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Shorty is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Shorty is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bruce\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Lim\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Shorty\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Artistic Endeavors\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), People and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Artistic Endeavors\n\nPainting isn't as hard as people make it seem.\nLast week I bought some canvas and gave it a try.\nMy friend loaned me some paints and I went to town.\nI made a beautiful landscape.\nIt's being showcased in an art gallery next month.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, People is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, People is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, People is feeling SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, People is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: People\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dog with a Broken Leg\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Vet, Clare and Dog.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Dog with a Broken Leg\n\nClare found a dog with a broken leg on her property.\nShe wanted to take the dog to the vet.\nAll vets near her were closed because it was a holiday weekend.\nShe tried to nurse the dog back to health but was too late.\nThe dog slipped away peacefully in its sleep.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Clare is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Clare is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Clare is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Clare is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Clare is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 1, Dog is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Dog is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dog is feeling SADNESS (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Clare\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Dog\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Washer\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Husband, Sister in law and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Washer\n\nMy sister in law's washer died this spring.\nHer husband is very frugal, and did not want to buy a new unit.\nAfter months of lobbying, he gave in this summer.\nHe nearly fainted when he found out the washer cost $850.\nHis wife is very happy, however.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sister in law is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sister in law is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sister in law is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sister in law is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sister in law is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Sister in law\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Song gone Wrong\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Diana and Audience.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Song gone Wrong\n\nDiana approached the front of the stage.\nShe began to sing for the entire school audience.\nShe started off on a good path.\nHowever, her voice cracked when she was trying to sing at a high tone\nAlthough she stopped since she felt embarrassed, the audience clapped.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Audience is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Audience is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Diana is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Diana is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Diana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Diana is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Diana is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Audience\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Diana\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Breakfast\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about New owner, I (myself) and Bob.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Breakfast\n\nMy friend Bob is a creature of habit.\nEvery morning he drives to a local bakery.\nHe orders a coffee and a Danish for breakfast.\nOne day the bakery shut down and he was sad.\nLuckily a new owner reopened the bakery six months later.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bob is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bob is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bob is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bob\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Down\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amy and Spot.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Down\n\nAmy and her rottweiler Spot were at the park.\nAmy was on her roller blades as she held Spot's leash.\nSpot began to pick up speed and jog.\nSpot pulled Amy into the grass pulling her to the ground.\nAmy decided not to walk Spot on roller blades again.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Amy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Amy is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Clown\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Liza and Everyone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Clown\n\nLiza was playing volleyball at her college.\nShe was tall and thin.\nWhen she played abroad, everyone just took pictures of her.\nLiza was frustrated they cared more about her appearance.\nSo at the next game, she wore clown makeup.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Everyone is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Everyone is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Liza is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Liza is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Liza is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Liza is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Liza is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Everyone\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Liza\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Driving\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Susan and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Driving\n\nSusan was afraid to drive because she had never done it before.\nShe asked a friend to give her lessons.\nSusan's friend drove her all over town the next day.\nSusan felt more comfortable after the lesson.\nSusan decided to go take the test to get her driver's license.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 1, Susan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Susan is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Susan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Susan\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Backing Ou\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Band, Danny and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Backing Ou\n\nDanny hired a band for his wedding.\nThe band contacted him two months before the wedding.\nThey let him know they couldn't perform.\nDanny wasn't able to book another band.\nHe had a friend DJ the ceremony.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Band is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Band is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Band is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Danny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Danny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Danny is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Danny is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Danny is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Band\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Danny\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"First Birthday\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Evan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# First Birthday\n\nIt was Evan's first birthday party.\nHe wasn't feeling well.\nEvan's mom postponed the party.\nShe rescheduled the party for two weeks later.\nEvan felt much better for the party.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Evan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Evan is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Evan is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Evan is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Evan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Evan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Feeding Birds\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jorge, Cyclist and Birds.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Feeding Birds\n\nJorge sat on a bench in the park.\nHe watched the birds milling around on the grass.\nHe fed the birds with bread he had brought in a bag.\nThe birds were scared by a cyclist coming around the corner.\nJorge covered his head with his arms as the birds flew into him.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Birds is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Birds is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Birds is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Cyclist is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Jorge is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jorge is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jorge is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jorge is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Birds\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Cyclist\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Jorge\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The accident\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Manny.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The accident\n\nManny was driving down the street one night.\nHe was very tired from working all day.\nManny fell asleep for just a second while he was driving.\nWhen he woke up he was in the hospital and very confused.\nHe found out that when he fell asleep he crashed his car.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Manny is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Manny is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Manny is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Manny is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Manny\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New song\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), Friend and Jacob banks.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# New song\n\nI listened to the song Monster by Jacob Banks today.\nI really enjoyed it so I decided to learn the words.\nI started singing it everywhere.\nMy friend came up to me and asked what the song was and I told him.\nHe told me that we should make a song like that.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jacob banks is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jacob banks is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Jacob banks\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mysterious Basketball\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself), A teammate and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Mysterious Basketball\n\nI was playing basketball with my friends.\nI noticed a teammate open and threw the ball towards him.\nAs he caught the basketball, it suddenly popped.\nWe all approached him curious and astonished.\nWe came to the realization he had pranked us.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, A teammate is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, A teammate is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, A teammate is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Friends is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: A teammate\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"music\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jay and Lawyer.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# music\n\nJay wanted to get out of his record label.\nHe can't because of his contract.\nHe decided to bring in a lawyer.\nThe lawyer did things behind the scenes.\nJay got out of the label.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jay is feeling FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jay is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jay is feeling TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jay is feeling FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jay is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jay\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Farm\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Nick.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Farm\n\nNick bought some property.\nIt was a farm.\nHe wanted to have chickens and goats.\nHe got started planting his crops.\nNick was pleased with his new land.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Nick is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Nick is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Nick is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Nick\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Different Music\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Girl and Tom.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Different Music\n\nTom liked really weird music.\nHe was dating a girl with different tastes.\nEvery time they hung out they argued over what to listen to.\nTom was more open to it over all.\nEventually his girlfriend controlled the playlists more.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Girl is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Girl is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Girl\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Water balloons.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Peter and Sally.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Water balloons.\n\nPeter had just filled up a dozen water balloons.\nHe was really excited about throwing them at Sally.\nPeter couldn't find Sally and he had looked everywhere.\nPeter remembered that Sally was out of town all weekend.\nPeter was sad that he had no one to throw his balloons at.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Peter is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Peter is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Peter is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Peter is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Peter is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Sally is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sally is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sally is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sally is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Peter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sally\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Brian's Baseball\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Brian.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Brian's Baseball\n\nBrian had a baseball he loved to play with.\nHe'd throw it against the garage wall, and catch it again.\nOnce, he threw it too hard, and it bounced away down the road.\nHe chased it down the street and around the corner, until he found it.\nHe took it back home, and decided to play tetherball instead.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Brian is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Brian is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Brian is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Brian is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Brian is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Brian\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Caffeine Pills\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Steve and Rita.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Caffeine Pills\n\nSteve is addicted to coffee and drinks pots of it every day.\nRita told him that he just likes the caffeine, not the coffee.\nShe suggested cutting back on the coffee and taking caffeine pills.\nShe told him it's healthier and he won't feel so jittery.\nSteve switched to pills and feels much better.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Rita is feeling FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Rita is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Steve is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Steve is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Rita\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Steve\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Get the Picture\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about A friend, Kirk and Somebody.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Get the Picture\n\nKirk was a photographer for his high school newspaper.\nWhen his camera needed repairs, he asked to borrow a friend's camera.\nThe friend agreed to let Kirk use his camera.\nKirk left the camera at school, and somebody stole it.\nKirk had to pay his friend for a new camera.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Kirk is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kirk is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kirk is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kirk is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Somebody is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kirk\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Somebody\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Delia's church outfit.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Delia, Delia's grandma and Delia's grandparents.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Delia's church outfit.\n\nDelia was spending a week at her grandparents' house.\nHer grandparents wanted to take her to church Sunday morning.\nDelia frowned and told them she hadn't packed a dress.\nDelia's grandma pulled a package out from the hall closet.\nDelia was so happy to see her beautiful new church outfit.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Delia is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Delia is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Delia is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Delia is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Delia is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Delia's grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Delia's grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Delia's grandparents is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Delia's grandparents is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Delia's grandparents is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Delia\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Delia's grandma\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Delia's grandparents\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"A Little Fall\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Brother and Bev.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# A Little Fall\n\nBev and her brother loved to ride their bikes down big hills.\nThe bigger the better.\nOne day Bev hit a rock on the way down.\nShe went flying over the handlebars.\nFortunately she just got scraped up a bit.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bev is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Bev is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bev is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bev is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Bev is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 1, Brother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Brother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Brother is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Brother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Brother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Bev\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Brother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"eating disorder\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Clinic and Anne.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# eating disorder\n\nAnne was anorexic.\nShe really wanted to get well.\nShe agreed to check into a clinic for help.\nIt was a long road to wellness.\nBut eventually, Anne got better.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Anne is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Anne is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Anne is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Anne is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Anne is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Anne\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Guest\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom, Tara and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Guest\n\nTara made a new friend at school.\nShe brought him home for dinner one evening.\nTara's mom was embarrassed because all they had was spaghetti.\nBut everyone, even the guest, was very happy with it.\nHe said spaghetti was his favorite meal!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tara is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, Tara is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tara is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tara\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Awkward!\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Patty and Fiance.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Awkward!\n\nPatty was nervous about marrying her fianc��.\nOn her wedding, she was unsure about her \"I do.\"\nShe went through with the wedding, but it was awkward.\nSo awkward, that her wedding pictures looked miserable.\nThe pictures ended up on Buzzfeed Awkward Weddings.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Fiance is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Fiance is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Fiance is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Fiance is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Patty is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Patty is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Patty is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Patty is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Fiance\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Patty\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Shane\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Shane and His mother.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Shane\n\nShane stole a game from the store.\nHe didn't tell anyone at first but he felt horrible.\nHis guilt kept him up at night.\nHe finally told his mother about what he did.\nShane knew he was wrong but felt relieved after confessing.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, His mother is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, His mother is feeling TRUST (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Shane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Shane is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Shane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Shane is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Shane is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: His mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Shane\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Patty's Rough Week\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Patty.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Patty's Rough Week\n\nMy friend Patty has had a very rough time so far this week.\nFirst, on Monday, she got a flat tire on her way to work.\nOn Tuesday, she missed an appointment because she had to work late.\nYesterday, she found out she's going to have to work on Thanksgiving.\nShe's hoping this weekend will be easier than the rest of her week!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Patty is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Patty is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Patty is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Patty is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Patty is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Patty\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mushrooms\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mother and Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Mushrooms\n\nTim found mushrooms growing in his yard.\nHe picked the mushrooms.\nHis mother saw him and yelled at him to throw them away.\nTim had picked poison mushrooms!\nTim learned never to touch mysterious fungus again.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Mother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Skipping Around\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Theo.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Skipping Around\n\nTheo considered skipping superior to running or walking.\nHe felt that it was energy-efficient and quick.\nHe would get strange looks like skipping around.\nTheo didn't mind.\nTheo got where he was going fast, and he enjoyed the journey.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Theo is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Theo is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Theo is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Theo is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Theo\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Round Food\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Val, Sister and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Round Food\n\nVal hosted a party where she only had round food.\nHer friends bought donuts, bagels, hamburgers, etc.\nHer sister brought brownies, but they were square.\nVal had her cut up them up into circles before they could be eaten.\nHer sister said this was the last theme party she'd put up with.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Sister is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Val is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Val is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Sister\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Val\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Snake in the Hen house\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Woody, Snake, Betty and Lorena.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Snake in the Hen house\n\nWoody went to the hen house to feed the chickens.\nHe first fed his favorite chicken Betty.\nBetty was very happy to see him and immediately ate her food.\nWoody then started to feed another chicken named Lorena.\nThen out of nowhere a snake struck at him!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Betty is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, Betty is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lorena is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Snake is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Woody is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Woody is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Woody is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Betty\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Lorena\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Snake\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Woody\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Nap\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Cindy and Her children.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Nap\n\nCindy is very tired.\nHer children will not take a nap.\nCindy decided to take the kids to the park.\nThey played until they were tired.\nNow they are all taking naps.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Cindy is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Cindy is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her children is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Her children is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her children is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Cindy\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Her children\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Purple Nail Polish\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sara and Cat.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Purple Nail Polish\n\nSara was painting her nails purple.\nAs she was finishing up, her cat ran through.\nHe knocked over the bottle of nail polish.\nSara tried to clean it up but it was useless.\nShe now has a large stain on her floor.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Sara is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sara is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sara is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sara is feeling ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Sara\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sushi\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jimmy and Boss.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Sushi\n\nJimmy went to lunch with his boss for the first time.\nJimmy's boss wanted to have sushi.\nJimmy was terrified at the thought of eating raw fish.\nHe let his boss order for him since he didn't know what to eat.\nHe secretly put his food in his napkin when his boss wasn't looking.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Boss is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Boss is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Boss is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Boss is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jimmy is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jimmy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jimmy is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jimmy is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jimmy is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Boss\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n- character: Jimmy\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Big brother\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Zack and Josh.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Big brother\n\nZack was always picking on his younger brother Josh.\nOne day Josh got tired of being bullied.\nJosh hauled off and hit Zack square in the nose.\nZack had blood everywhere.\nZack has learned not to pick on his younger brother.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Josh is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Josh is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Josh is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Josh is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Josh is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Zack is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Zack is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Zack is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Josh\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Zack\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jerome's Television Purchase\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jerome.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Jerome's Television Purchase\n\nJerome wanted to buy a new television.\nHe spent his summer cutting lawns to earn money.\nAfter he had enough money he brought it to the store.\nThe television he wanted was on sale for half the price!\nJerome enjoyed watching his favorite movies on his new television.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jerome is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jerome is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jerome is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jerome is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jerome is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jerome\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pop Quiz\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Teacher and James.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Pop Quiz\n\nJames did not sleep well the night before.\nAs his teacher was lecturing, he began to drift off.\nSoon James was asleep in class.\nAt the end of class, James woke up to a pop quiz.\nJames did not know any answers and failed.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, James is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, James is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, James is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, James is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Teacher is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Teacher is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: James\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Teacher\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Key\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Amy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Key\n\nAmy kept locking her keys in her car.\nShe decided to get a spare key to hide just in case.\nShe went to her local hardware store to make a spare.\nIt only took a few moments for the kiosk to copy her key.\nShe no longer has problems with locking her key in her car.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amy is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Amy\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Building a treehouse\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kelly and Dad.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Building a treehouse\n\nKelly wanted to build a treehouse.\nShe got her dad to help her.\nWhen her dad helped, she got things going.\nThey finished the treehouse within two weeks.\nWhen it was done, they went inside.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, Dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dad is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Kelly is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Kelly is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kelly is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Dad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Kelly\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Nate Eats Soup\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Nate.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Nate Eats Soup\n\nNate is sick and needs food.\nNate decides to make chicken noodle soup.\nNate does not cool down the soup before eating it.\nNate burns his tongue on the soup.\nNate decides not to eat the soup after all.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Nate is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Nate is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Nate is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Nate is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Nate\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Netflix Night\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sandy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Netflix Night\n\nSandy loves watching comedies.\nHer boyfriend loves horror movies.\nThey decided to have a movie night.\nNeither could decide on what to watch.\nThey got into a fight and went to sleep angry.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sandy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sandy is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Sandy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Motorcycle Tricks\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jude.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Motorcycle Tricks\n\nJude loved his motorcycle.\nIt made him feel free and alive.\nHe was doing tricks on the interstate one night.\nHe lost control and crashed.\nHe will never be able to ride again.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jude is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jude is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jude is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jude is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jude is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Jude\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Drivers Exam\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kay and Instructor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Drivers Exam\n\nIt was 6 am and Kay was waiting to take her driving exam.\nThe instructor was stoic in the seat next to her.\nThis made her very nervous.\nShe made all the maneuvers and waited for the results.\nKay was overjoyed when the instructor told he she just barely passed.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kay is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kay is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kay is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kay is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kay is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kay\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Big Fly\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jonah and Fly.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The Big Fly\n\nJonah was eating lunch in his dining room.\nSuddenly he noticed a gigantic fly buzzing around.\nHe chased the fly around trying to swat it to no avail.\nFinally he managed to corner the fly in his pantry.\nWith a quick smack, he killed the fly.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Fly is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jonah is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jonah is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Fly\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Jonah\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Entitled\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Younger sister and Harry.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Entitled\n\nHarry was hungry.\nBut he didn't feel like cooking or preparing food.\nSo he asked his younger sister to make a sandwich for him.\nBut she complained about how she always made food for him.\nHarry screamed and threw stuff until his sister made the sandwich.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Harry is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Harry is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Harry is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Harry is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Harry\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Eggs and More\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kyle.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Eggs and More\n\nKyle wanted to make an omelette for breakfast.\nHe had four eggs left.\nHe knew he could make a small omelette with two eggs.\nHe could also make a big omelette with four eggs.\nKyle made a massive omelette using all four eggs, and it was great!", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Kyle is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kyle is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kyle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Kyle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Kyle\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The runaway found.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mom, Tabitha and Police.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# The runaway found.\n\nTabitha ran away from home one night.\nHer mom searched everywhere for her.\nTabitha managed to stay hidden for a week.\nAt the end of the week, police tracked her down.\nThey brought her home.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mom is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mom is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tabitha is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tabitha is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tabitha is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tabitha is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Tabitha\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Broken glasses\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Allison.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Broken glasses\n\nAllison was about to get to the airport for her trip.\nShe reached into her pocket to find her glasses to help her see.\nTo her dismay she found them completely broken.\nAllison did not know what to do.\nShe ended up having to walk around with bad eyesight.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Allison is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Allison is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Allison is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Allison is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Allison\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jenny Rides the Train\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.", "name": "situation", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Grandmother and Jenny.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".", "name": null, "role": "user" }, { "content": "# Jenny Rides the Train\n\nJenny knows her grandmother is becoming very sick.\nShe decides that a visit may make her grandmother feel better.\nJenny boards the train for a long trip to her grandmother's house.\nWhen Jenny arrives, her grandmother is very happy to see her.\nJenny is very happy she visited her sick grandmother.", "name": "information", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Grandmother is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Grandmother is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Jenny is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jenny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jenny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jenny is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jenny is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).", "name": "thought", "role": "system" }, { "content": "- character: Grandmother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Jenny\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n", "name": null, "role": "assistant" } ]