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en | We do still raise some for food , but hunting is limited and we are all aware of the possibilities of extinction . | We do still raise some for food but hunting is limited and we are all aware of the possibilities of extinction . | PUNCT | 4,192 |
en | One realizes that animals have rights too . | One realizes that animals have rights too . | noop | 4,193 |
en | In conclusion , the idea of caring for the environment is still a new one . | In conclusion , the idea of caring for the environment is still a new one . | noop | 4,194 |
en | We are slowly becoming more aware and are beginning to take more precautions . | We are slowly becoming more aware and are beginning to take more precautions . | noop | 4,195 |
en | The ideas above are just a few of the topics we are now concerned about . | The ideas above are just a few of the topics we are now concerned with . | PREP | 4,196 |
en | But we are heading in the right direction and , hopefully , by the 21st century we will have fixed everything we have destroyed ! | But we are heading in the right direction and hopeful by the 21st century we will have fixed everything we have destroyed ! | PUNCT, OTHER | 4,197 |
en | Computers have definitely affected peoples lives . | Computers have definitely effected peoples lives . | VERB | 4,198 |
en | I have a computer and my life has changed because of it . | I have a computer and my life has change because of it . | VERB:FORM | 4,199 |
en | I 'm able to store almost all the information I need for school and for other things in my computer , so that whereas before I had a computer my desk was cluttered with paper and records of all sorts , I no longer need to keep these records but only to transfer them to my computer . | I 'm able to store almost all the information I need for school and for other things in my computer whereas before I had a computer my desk was cluttered w/ paper and records of all sorts , I no longer need to keep these records but only to transfer them to my computer . | PUNCT, PREP, PREP | 4,200 |
en | This means I 'm able to store more information in an organized fashion . | This means I 'm able to store more information in an organized fashion . | noop | 4,201 |
en | Though I have only used a fraction of my computer 's ability , I 'm still aware of the tremendous opportunities which I have or will have . | Though I have only used a fraction of my computer 's ability , I 'm still aware of the tremendous opportunities which I have or will have . | noop | 4,202 |
en | Aside from being able to store great amounts of information , I 'm also able to process and to edit things quickly . | Aside from being able to store great amounts of info , I 'm also able to process and to edit things quickly . | NOUN | 4,203 |
en | For example , without the use of a computer I had to balance my checkbook once a month and had to do this with a calculator , a pen and a piece of paper . | For example , without the use of a computer I had to balance my checkbook once a month and had to this w/ a calculator , a pen and a piece of paper . | VERB, OTHER | 4,204 |
en | Of course , this was very time - consuming and open to error . With the use of a computer , I have programmed the computer to make the calculations which I once had to make . | Of course , this was very time consuming and open to error . W/ the use of a computer I have programmed the computer to make the calculations which I once had to make . | PUNCT, PREP, PUNCT | 4,205 |
en | Also , with the use of the Word Processor , I 'm able to edit and rearrange documents without altering the entire document , and furthermore , though I have yet to use the Communications program on my computer , this program seems to be extraordinarily helpful . | Also , w/ the use of the Word Processor I 'm able to edit and rearrange documents w / out altering the entire document , and furthermore , though I have yet to use the Communications program in my computer , this program seems to be extraordinarily helpful . | OTHER, PUNCT, OTHER, PREP | 4,206 |
en | My father has the same program on his computer and is able to buy online tickets without leaving the house and moreover without picking up the phone . | My father has the same program in his computer and is able to buy on line tickets w / out leaving the house and moreover w / out picking up the phone . | PREP, ORTH, OTHER, OTHER | 4,207 |
en | Also , I realize that my experience with computers is limited and that the power of computers , for me , is incomprehensible . | Also , I realize that my experience w/ computers is limited and that the power of computers , for me , is incomprehensible . | PREP | 4,208 |
en | I 'm now here in Madrid . | I 'm now here in Madrid . | noop | 4,209 |
en | How did I get here ? | How did I get there ? | ADV | 4,210 |
en | Well , I applied to this program , was accepted , and flew here from the US . | Well , I applied to the this program , was accepted , and flew here form the US . | DET, OTHER | 4,211 |
en | But , without the use of computers , I would still be struggling with the secretary in the International Programs Office at Boston University , no doubt . | But , w / out the use of computers I would still be struggling w/ the secretary in the International Programs Office at Boston University , no doubt . | OTHER, PUNCT, PREP | 4,212 |
en | Instead , once I applied to the program , the application for which was probably computer generated , I assume my info was processed by a computer . | Instead , once I applied to the program- the application for which was probably computer generated- I assume my info was processed by a computer . | OTHER, OTHER | 4,213 |
en | Without this luxury , the International Programs Office would inevitably be inundated with paperwork and things would therefore be lost or at least misplaced . | W / out this luxury , the International Programs Office would inevitably inundated w/ paperwork and things would therefore be lost or at least misplaced . | OTHER, VERB:TENSE, OTHER | 4,214 |
en | When booking my flight , though I did not do this myself , the transaction would seem impossible without the aid of computers . | When booking my flight , though I did not do this myself , the transaction would seem impossible minus the aid of computers . | OTHER | 4,215 |
en | Computers have had a most significant impact on people in the latter 1/2 of the 20th century . | Computers have had a most significant impact on the people in the latter 1/2 of the 20th century . | DET | 4,216 |
en | An invention of the 20th century that I think has significantly changed people 's lives is television . | An invention of the 20th century that I think has significantly changed people 's lives is television . | noop | 4,217 |
en | TV allows the instantaneous communication of ideas , images , news , etc . | TV allows the instantaneous communication of ideas , images , news , etc . | noop | 4,218 |
en | Now , if something is happening in any part of the world - from across town to all the way to Beijing - every person in the world can watch this event as it is happening . | Now , if something is happening in any part of the world- from across town all the way to Beijing -- every person in the world can watch this event as it is happening . | ORTH, PREP, PUNCT | 4,219 |
en | While , previously , people had to wait days , or even weeks for news ( which consisted of second - or third - hand accounts , which always involved much interpretation and distortion ) , now they can see it happening , for themselves , as it is happening . This allows them to make their own , informed judgment about the event , and if a reaction is necessary - such as the gathering of opposition to a certain law - it can be done immediately , while the emotions are still strong , and before the action is finalized . | While previously people had to wait days , or even weeks for news ( which consisted of second - or third - hand accounts , which always involved much interpretation and distortion ) now they can see it happening , for themselves , as it is happening , this allows them to make their own , informed judgment about the event ; and if a reaction is necessary- such as the gathering of opposition to a certain law -- it can be made immediately , while the emotions are still strong , and before the action is finalized . | PUNCT, PUNCT, PUNCT, PUNCT, PUNCT, ORTH, PUNCT, VERB | 4,220 |
en | Also , the fact that so many people ( especially in the US ) have television sets means that everybody ( well , at least everybody who watches ) receives the same inflow of information and ideas . | As well , the fact that so many people ( especially in the US ) have television sets means that everybody ( well , at least everybody who watches ) receives the same inflow of information and ideas . | ADV | 4,221 |
en | So , for example , people in Spain can be informed about how people in California or Japan speak and act . This allows people from different cultures to come together and discuss ideas . | So , for example , people in Spain can be informed about how people in California or Japan speak and act , this allows people from different cultures to come together and discuss ideas . | PUNCT | 4,222 |
en | In my opinion , this is one part of the process of making the world a " smaller " , more unified place , or a " global village " as one journalist has called this world of the Information Age . | In my opinion , this is one part of the process of making the world a " smaller " , more unified place , or a " global village " as one journalist has called this world of the Information Age . | noop | 4,223 |
en | Not only the news , but also entertainment , is an important practical function of television . Through television entertainment , as through literature and drama , people learn different messages about life . | Not only the news , but also entertainment is an important practical function of television , through television entertainment , as through literature and drama , people learn different messages about life . | PUNCT, PUNCT | 4,224 |
en | They can see various actions acted out to their ends , and understand the consequences of these actions , without having to perform the same actions and experience the consequences for themselves . | They can see various actions acted out to their ends , and understand the consequences of these actions , without having to perform the same actions and experience the consequences for themselves . | noop | 4,225 |
en | Unfortunately , these TV shows are not always accurate portrayals of real life and have a tendency to glorify violence , as well as making life seem like the good guy always wins , and always lives through dangerous situations . | Unfortunately these TV shows are not always accurate portrayals of real life and have a tendency to glorify violence , as well as making life seem the good guy always wins , and always lives thru dangerous situations . | PUNCT, PREP, PREP | 4,226 |
en | However , this sense of reality is not so distorted , and so hidden that people are going around acting like Superman . | However , this sense of reality is not so distorted , and so hidden that people are going around acting like Superman . | noop | 4,227 |
en | As long as one has a well - developed sense of reality , TV can be an excellent tool for understanding the world we live in . | As long as one has a well - developed sense of reality , TV can be an excellent tool for understanding the world we live in . | noop | 4,228 |
en | The waters of the culinary seas had been calm and consistent for centuries . | The waters of the culunary seas have been calm and consistant for centuries . | SPELL, VERB:TENSE, SPELL | 4,229 |
en | Progress had moved slowly like the tides and the constant rhythm of the waves showed little change . | Progress has move slow like the tides and the constant rythm of the waves have showed little changed . | VERB:TENSE, VERB:FORM, MORPH, SPELL, VERB:TENSE, MORPH | 4,230 |
en | However , with the dawn of the twentieth century , a storm brewed . | However with the daybreak of the twentyth century a storm has brewed . | PUNCT, NOUN, SPELL, PUNCT, VERB:TENSE | 4,231 |
en | With this storm the waters churned and spawned a wave that has crashed upon the rocks of every kitchen . | With this storm the waters have churned and spawned a wave that has crashed upon the rocks of every kitchen . | VERB:TENSE | 4,232 |
en | This wave is the microwave . | This wave is the microwave . | noop | 4,233 |
en | Never before has such an invention revolutionized a science like this . | Never before has such an invention revolutionized a science like this . | noop | 4,234 |
en | A complete break has been forged in the way food is prepared . | A complete break has been forged in the way food is prepared . | K | 4,235 |
en | At the dawn of time , cavemen cooked animal flesh over open fires . | At the dawn of time , cave men cooked animal flesh over open fires . | ORTH | 4,236 |
en | As history progressed , spits and barbeques emerged . | As History progressed , spits and barbeques emerged . | ORTH | 4,237 |
en | Technology saw the advent of the wood stove , and later , ones fueled by coal . | Technology saw the advent of the wood stove , and later ones fueled by coal . | PUNCT | 4,238 |
en | Modern times saw gas and electric ranges become a staple . | Modern times saw gas and electric ranges as to staple . | OTHER | 4,239 |
en | All these things had one thing in common : FIRE . | All these things had one thing in common : FIRE . | noop | 4,240 |
en | Fire , the source of life , has always been used to prepare the food of mankind throughout history . | Flame , the source of life , always used to prepare the fool of mankind throughout History . | NOUN, OTHER, NOUN, ORTH | 4,241 |
en | However , the microwave uses radiation to excite water particles in food , thus creating friction , which creates heat . | However , the microwave uses radiation to excite water particles in food , thus creating friction , which creates heat . | noop | 4,242 |
en | This is a prime example of thinking that does not follow in old footsteps but breaks away from convention and forges new routes . | This is a prime example of thinking that does not follow in old footsteps but breaks away from convention and forges new routes . | noop | 4,243 |
en | If this were not amazing enough , the microwave cuts cooking time in half . | If this were not amazing enough , the microwave cuts cooking time in half . | noop | 4,244 |
en | If you had told someone 100 years ago that you could cut cooking time in half , and not use fire , they would have thought you crazy , or bewitched , or under the influence of heavy drugs . | If you had told someone 100 yrs ago that you could cut cooking time in half , and not use fire , they would have thought you crazy , or bewitched , or under the influence of heavy drugs . | NOUN | 4,245 |
en | In an age where time is the scarcest commodity , our society has embraced this eliminator of wasted hours in the kitchen . | In an age where time is the scarcest comodity , our society has embraced this eliminator of wasted hours in the kitchen . | SPELL | 4,246 |
en | A mother who works , can come home , can whip up something in minutes in the microwave , whereas before she would have been slaving in the kitchen . | A mother who works , can come home can whip up something in minutes in the microwave , whereas before she would have been slaving in the kitchen . | PUNCT | 4,247 |
en | The microwave is excellent for re - heating , making it easier for people to make excess food to be eaten later . | The microwave is excellent for re - heating making it easier for people to make excess food to be eaten later . | PUNCT | 4,248 |
en | Again , time is conserved -- children are able to use this simple device without parental fear of fires starting . | Again time is conserved -- Children are able to use this simple device without parental fear of fires starting . | PUNCT, ORTH | 4,249 |
en | For , as I have said before , there is no fire ! | For As I have said before , there is no fire ! | PUNCT, ORTH | 4,250 |
en | This marvel of technology has helped propel people into the dizzying pace of life that most of us lead in the 20th century . | This marvel of technology has helped propel people into the dizzing pace of life that most of us lead in the 20th century . | SPELL | 4,251 |
en | Throughout history , one can see that great revelations in all areas come from breaks in tradition , new insights , and different perspectives . | Throughout History one can see that great revelations in all areas come from breaks in tradition , new insights , and differents perspectives . | OTHER, MORPH | 4,252 |
en | All these were needed to create the microwave , which is essential nowadays . | All these were needed to create the microwave which is essential nowadays . | PUNCT | 4,253 |
en | Eating is something everyone must do . | Eating is something everyone must do . | noop | 4,254 |
en | This device has sped up one of our most important activities and thus revolutionized life in the fast - paced 20th century . | This device has sped up one of our most important activities and thus revolutionized life in the fast paced 20th century . | PUNCT | 4,255 |
en | When I was in tenth grade , a teacher said that the 2 most important inventions that made possible the idea of a repressive government were the machine gun and the radio . | When I was in tenth grade a teacher said that the 2 most important inventions that made possible the idea of a repressive government were the machine gun and the radio . | PUNCT | 4,256 |
en | A machine gun can be used to keep civil peace , enforce Marshall Law . | A machine gun can be used to keep civil peace , enforce Marshall Law . | noop | 4,257 |
en | The radio can be used to communicate ideas and , under a dictatorship , propaganda . | The radio can be used to communicate ideas and under a dictatorship , propaganda . | PUNCT | 4,258 |
en | In the 20th Century , the machine gun has not changed all that many lives ( except for those that it 's killed ) , but the invention of radio has had a tremendous impact . | In the 20th Century the machine gun has not changed all that many lives ( except for those that it ' s killed ) , but the invention of radio has made a tremendous impact . | PUNCT, ORTH, VERB | 4,259 |
en | The idea behind the radio is simple . | The idea behind the radio is simple . | noop | 4,260 |
en | There is one transmitter and it sends its signals through the air waves , with potential for millions of receivers . | There is one transmitter and it sends its signals through the air , waves , with potential for millions of receivers . | PUNCT | 4,261 |
en | In the 20th Century , radio has become a source of information and entertainment . | In the 20th Century radio has become a source of information and entertainment . | PUNCT | 4,262 |
en | Radio keeps people informed . | Radio keeps people informed . | noop | 4,263 |
en | I don ' t think any people of my generation can even comprehend how different our lives would be . | I don ' t think any people of my generation can even comprehend now our lives would be different . | ADV, WO | 4,264 |
en | Every morning I listen for the weather forecast and dress accordingly . | Every morning I listen for the weather forcast and dress accordingly . | SPELL | 4,265 |
en | At night , one can sit by the radio and hear how the events of the day unfolded . | At night one can sit by the radio and hear how the events of the day unfolded . | PUNCT | 4,266 |
en | Radio , hence , gives people the option of becoming passive observers rather than active participants in the news - making process . | Radio , hence , gives people the option of becoming passive observers rather than active participants in the news making process . | PUNCT | 4,267 |
en | Newspapers had been around for many years but it was not until the invention of radio that the power of the media became evident . | Newspapers had been around for many years but it was not until the invention of radio that the power of the media became evident . | noop | 4,268 |
en | Radio gives the ability to reach many more people , instantly . | Radio gives the ability to reach many more people , instantly . | noop | 4,269 |
en | As a form of entertainment , radio and its most important and now more common offshoot , television , has changed people 's lives . | As a form of entertainment , radio and its most important and now more common offshoot , television , has changed people 's lives . | noop | 4,270 |
en | A typical day for a child in today 's world , consists of going to school and coming home to watch TV . | A typical day for a child in today 's world , consists of going to school and coming home to watch T.V. | OTHER | 4,271 |
en | There have even been forms of entertainment , for example video games , made for this other form of entertainment . | There have even been forms of entertainment , for example videogames , made for this other form of entertainment . | ORTH | 4,272 |
en | Nowadays , everybody watches TV . | Nowadays everybody watches T.V. | PUNCT, OTHER | 4,273 |
en | My señora , for example , is over 100 years old , and for her TV . is the greatest thing in the world . | My señora , for example , is over 100 years old , and for her T.V. is the greatest thing in the world . | K, OTHER | 4,274 |
en | She sits in front of it all day and it keeps her happy . | She sits in front of it all day and it keeps her happy . | noop | 4,275 |
en | Television offers soap operas , game shows , sit - coms , sporting events , movies and much more to keep us entertained 24 hours a day . | Television offers soap operas , game shows , sit - coms , sporting events , movies and much more to keep us entertained 24 hours a day . | noop | 4,276 |
en | In short , I don ' t know what life was like before radio , but its invention has changed the way we see and do things . | In short , I don ' t know what life was like before radio , but its invention has changed the way we see and do things . | noop | 4,277 |
en | A current ideology in the United States today is that for one to be successful , one must follow all of the written and unwritten rules of society , | A current ideology in the United States today is for one to be successful , one must follow all of the written and unwritten rules of society , | PREP | 4,278 |
en | everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and when one does not do this one fails . | everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and when one does not do this one fails . | noop | 4,279 |
en | One can see these ideas in popular media every day . | One can see these ideas in popular media everyday . | ORTH | 4,280 |
en | TV commercials and TV programs project models of how one should be . | T.V. comercials and T.V. programs project models of how one should be . | NOUN, SPELL, NOUN | 4,281 |
en | In the 20th century , the values that the United States was founded on have changed in meaning and sense when applied to modern day America , nothing was ever equal . | In the 20th cen , the values of / that the United States was founded on have changed in meaning and sense when applied to modern day America , nothing was ever equal . | NOUN, OTHER | 4,282 |
en | And today , since the invention and utilization of modern technologies such as computers , life for Americans moves at a much faster pace . | And today , since the invention and utilization of modern technologies such as computers life for americans moves at a much faster pace . | PUNCT, ORTH | 4,283 |
en | People are more mobile , can work more , and buy more things , but time for relaxation and family are often substituted with TV . In America , this growing individualistic society , one no longer sees the relative humanness between people , instead one sees the differences , the unlucky , the unsuccessful , and attribute their inability to achieve to a lack of effort . | People are more mobile , can work more , and buy more things , but time for relaxation and family are often substitued with T.V. In America , this growing individualistic society , one nolonger sees the realitive humanness between people , instead one sees the differences , the unlucky , the unsuccessfull , and attribute thier inadequacy to achieve to a lack of effort . | SPELL, OTHER, ORTH, SPELL, SPELL, SPELL, NOUN | 4,284 |
en | With everyone moving at such a fast pace , the gaps are easy to miss , the voices of the mass media easily replace those voices that struggle to be heard . | With everyone moving at such a fast pace , the gaps are easy to miss , the voices of the mass media easily replace those voices that struggle to be heard . | noop | 4,285 |
en | The parts of the new machine that need to be oiled and regulated . | The parts of the new machine that need oiled and regulated . | VERB | 4,286 |
en | When Voltaire wrote Candide , a literary style known as Neoclassicism was at its peak . | When Voltaire wrote Candide , a literary style known as Neoclassicism was at its peak . | noop | 4,287 |
en | There was a group of scholars in France , l'Academie Française , that set guidelines for French literature . | There was a group of scholars in France , l'Academie Français , that set guidelines for French literature . | SPELL | 4,288 |
en | According to l'Academie Française , all literature of the Neoclassical period must follow the rules of propriety which regulated the author should avoid certain topics , including sex , violence , church , and state issues . | According to l'Academie Français , all literature of the Neoclassic period must follow the rules of propriety which regulated the author should avoid certain topics , including sex , violence , church , and state issues . | SPELL, MORPH, K | 4,289 |
en | Another standard upheld by the Academie is the idea of verisimilitude , making literature as realistic as possible by keeping the time , setting and plot true to life . | Another standard upheld by the Academie is the idea of verisimilitude , making literature as realistic as possible by keeping the time , setting and plot true to life . | noop | 4,290 |
en | Voltaire , as a Neoclassicist , knew all these regulations and followed them in his literature . | Voltaire , as a Neoclassicist , knew all these regulations and followed them in his literature . | noop | 4,291 |
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