class label
7.27k classes
Conditional preference statements have been used to compactly represent preferences over combinatorial domains. They are at the core of CP-nets and their generalizations, and lexicographic preference trees. Several works have addressed the complexity of some queries (optimization, dominance in particular). We extend in this paper some of these results, and study other queries which have not been addressed so far, like equivalence, thereby contributing to a knowledge compilation map for languages based on conditional preference statements. We also introduce a new parameterised family of languages, which enables to balance expressiveness against the complexity of some queries.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CC" ]
Artificial Intelligence;Computational Complexity
374Artificial Intelligence;Computational Complexity
Assuming the Riemann hypothesis, we prove estimates for the variance of the real and imaginary part of the logarithm of the Riemann zeta-function in short intervals. We give three different formulations of these results. Assuming a conjecture of Chan for how often gaps between zeros can be close to a fixed nonzero value, we prove a conjecture of Berry (1988) for the number variance of zeta zeros in the non-universal regime. In this range, GUE statistics do not describe the distribution of the zeros. We also calculate lower-order terms in the second moment of the logarithm of the modulus of the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line. Assuming Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture, this establishes a special case of a conjecture of Keating and Snaith (2000).
[ "math.NT" ]
Number Theory
4,945Number Theory
Sampling orthogonal polynomial bases via Monte Carlo is of interest for uncertainty quantification of models with high-dimensional random inputs, using Polynomial Chaos (PC) expansions. It is known that bounding a probabilistic parameter, referred to as {\it coherence}, yields a bound on the number of samples necessary to identify coefficients in a sparse PC expansion via solution to an $\ell_1$-minimization problem. Utilizing asymptotic results for orthogonal polynomials, we bound the coherence parameter for polynomials of Hermite and Legendre type under the respective natural sampling distribution. In both polynomial bases we identify an importance sampling distribution which yields a bound with weaker dependence on the order of the approximation. For more general orthonormal bases, we propose the {\it coherence-optimal} sampling: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling, which directly uses the basis functions under consideration to achieve a statistical optimality among all sampling schemes with identical support. We demonstrate these different sampling strategies numerically in both high-order and high-dimensional, manufactured PC expansions. In addition, the quality of each sampling method is compared in the identification of solutions to two differential equations, one with a high-dimensional random input and the other with a high-order PC expansion. In both cases the coherence-optimal sampling scheme leads to similar or considerably improved accuracy.
[ "math.PR" ]
We propose elementary and explicit presentations of groups that have no amenable quotients and yet are SQ-universal. Examples include groups with a finite classifying space, no Kazhdan subgroups and no Haagerup quotients.
[ "math.GR" ]
Group Theory
2,913Group Theory
The aim of this note is to present some new results concerning "almost everywhere" well-posedness and stability of continuity equations with measure initial data. The proofs of all such results can be found in \cite{amfifrgi}, together with some application to the semiclassical limit of the Schr\"odinger equation.
[ "math.AP" ]
Analysis of PDEs
205Analysis of PDEs
In this paper synchronization techniques using cyclic prefix (CP) are analyzed to remove the influence of symbol time offset (STO) for correct synchronization in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) system. For correct detection of STO using CP two techniques are used. The first one is based on finding the maximum correlation between two blocks and the second one on finding the similarity between two blocks which is maximized when the difference between them is minimized. Two cases are observed. The first one uses only additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), while the second also uses the channel impulse response (CIR) of Rayleigh channel. When channel effect is added both performances of estimation by correlation and difference deteriorate if sufficient level of signal to noise (SNR) and proper length of CP are not provided.
[ "eess.SP" ]
Signal Processing
6,402Signal Processing
The cloud computing model is rapidly transforming the IT landscape. Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm that delivers computing resources as a set of reliable and scalable internet-based services allowing customers to remotely run and manage these services. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is one of the popular cloud computing services. IaaS allows customers to increase their computing resources on the fly without investing in new hardware. IaaS adapts virtualization to enable on-demand access to a pool of virtual computing resources. Although there are great benefits to be gained from cloud computing, cloud computing also enables new categories of threats to be introduced. These threats are a result of the cloud virtual infrastructure complexity created by the adoption of the virtualization technology. Breaching the security of any component in the cloud virtual infrastructure significantly impacts on the security of other components and consequently affects the overall system security. This paper explores the security problem of the cloud platform virtual infrastructure identifying the existing security threats and the complexities of this virtual infrastructure. The paper also discusses the existing security approaches to secure the cloud virtual infrastructure and their drawbacks. Finally, we propose and explore some key research challenges of implementing new virtualization-aware security solutions that can provide the pre-emptive protection for complex and ever- dynamic cloud virtual infrastructure.
[ "cs.CR", "cs.DC", "cs.SE" ]
Cryptography and Security;Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing;Software Engineering
This paper presents, in a unified fashion, deterministic as well as statistical Lagrangian-verification techniques. They formally quantify the behavioral robustness of any time-continuous process, formulated as a continuous-depth model. To this end, we review LRT-NG, SLR, and GoTube, algorithms for constructing a tight reachtube, that is, an over-approximation of the set of states reachable within a given time-horizon, and provide guarantees for the reachtube bounds. We compare the usage of the variational equations, associated to the system equations, the mean value theorem, and the Lipschitz constants, in achieving deterministic and statistical guarantees. In LRT-NG, the Lipschitz constant is used as a bloating factor of the initial perturbation, to compute the radius of an ellipsoid in an optimal metric, which over-approximates the set of reachable states. In SLR and GoTube, we get statistical guarantees, by using the Lipschitz constants to compute local balls around samples. These are needed to calculate the probability of having found an upper bound, of the true maximum perturbation at every timestep. Our experiments demonstrate the superior performance of Lagrangian techniques, when compared to LRT, Flow*, and CAPD, and illustrate their use in the robustness analysis of various continuous-depth models.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "math.DS", "math.OC" ]
Machine Learning;Artificial Intelligence;Dynamical Systems;Optimization and Control
In their original formulation of superconductivity, the London brothers predicted the exponential suppression of an $electrostatic$ field inside a superconductor over the so-called London penetration depth, $\lambda_L$. Despite a few experiments indicating hints of perturbation induced by electrostatic fields, no clue has been provided so far on the possibility to manipulate metallic superconductors via field-effect. Here we report field-effect control of the supercurrent in $all$-metallic transistors made of different Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconducting thin films. At low temperature, our field-effect transistors (FETs) show a monotonic decay of the critical current under increasing electrostatic field up to total quenching for gate voltage values as large as $\pm 40$V in titanium-based devices. This $bipolar$ field effect persists up to $\sim 85\%$ of the critical temperature ($\sim 0.41$K), and in the presence of sizable magnetic fields. A similar behavior was observed in aluminum thin film FETs. A phenomenological theory accounts for our observations, and points towards the interpretation in terms of an electric-field-induced perturbation propagating inside the superconducting film. In our understanding, this affects the pairing potential and quenches the supercurrent. These results could represent a groundbreaking asset for the realization of an $all$-metallic superconducting field-effect electronics and leading-edge quantum information architectures.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall", "cond-mat.supr-con" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Superconductivity
4,554Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Superconductivity
We study conserved currents of any integer or half integer spin built from massless scalar and spinor fields in $AdS_3$. 2-forms dual to the conserved currents in $AdS_3$ are shown to be exact in the class of infinite expansions in higher derivatives of the matter fields with the coefficients containing inverse powers of the cosmological constant. This property has no analog in the flat space and may be related to the holography of the AdS spaces. `Improvements' to the physical currents are described as the trivial local current cohomology class. A complex of spin $s$ currents $(T^s, {\cal D})$ is defined and the cohomology group $H^1(T^s, {\cal D}) = {\bf C}^{2s+1}$ is found. This paper is an extended version of hep-th/9906149.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
Designing navigation strategies for search time optimization remains of interest in various interdisciplinary branches in science. In here, we focus on microscopic self-propelled searchers namely active Brownian walkers in noisy and confined environment which are mediated by one such autonomous strategy namely resetting. As such, resetting stops the motion and compels the walkers to restart from the initial configuration intermittently according to an external timer that does not require control by the walkers. In particular, the resetting coordinates are either quenched (fixed) or annealed (fluctuating) over the entire topography. Although the strategy relies upon simple rules, it shows a significant ramification on the search time statistics in contrast to the original search. We show that the resetting driven protocols mitigate the performance of these active searchers based, robustly, on the inherent search time fluctuations. Notably, for the annealed condition, resetting is always found to expedite the search process. These features, as well as their applicability to more general optimization problems starting from queuing systems, computer science to living systems, make resetting based strategies universally promising.
[ "cond-mat.soft", "cond-mat.stat-mech", "nlin.AO" ]
Soft Condensed Matter;Statistical Mechanics;Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
From the 2016 U.S. presidential election to the 2021 Capitol riots to the spread of misinformation related to COVID-19, many have blamed social media for today's deeply divided society. Recent advances in machine learning for signed networks hold the promise to guide small interventions with the goal of reducing polarization in social media. However, existing models are especially ineffective in predicting conflicts (or negative links) among users. This is due to a strong correlation between link signs and the network structure, where negative links between polarized communities are too sparse to be predicted even by state-of-the-art approaches. To address this problem, we first design a partition-agnostic polarization measure for signed graphs based on the signed random-walk and show that many real-world graphs are highly polarized. Then, we propose POLE (POLarized Embedding for signed networks), a signed embedding method for polarized graphs that captures both topological and signed similarities jointly via signed autocovariance. Through extensive experiments, we show that POLE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in signed link prediction, particularly for negative links with gains of up to one order of magnitude.
[ "cs.SI", "cs.LG" ]
Social and Information Networks;Machine Learning
6,515Social and Information Networks;Machine Learning
The modification of the ground state properties of light atomic nuclei in the nuclear and stellar medium is addressed, using chemical equilibrium constants evaluated from a new analysis of the intermediate energy heavy-ion (Xe$+$Sn) collision data measured by the INDRA collaboration. Three different reactions are considered, mainly differing by the isotopic content of the emission source. The thermodynamic conditions of the data samples are extracted from the measured multiplicities allowing for a parametrization of the in-medium modification, determined with the single hypothesis that the different nuclear species in a given sample correspond to a unique common value for the density of the expanding source. We show that this correction, which was not considered in previous analyses of chemical constants from heavy ion collisions, is necessary, since the observables of the analyzed systems show strong deviations from the expected results for an ideal gas of free clusters. This data set is further compared to a relativistic mean-field model, and seen to be reasonably compatible with a universal correction of the attractive $\sigma$-meson coupling.
[ "nucl-th", "astro-ph.HE" ]
Nuclear Theory;High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
4,894Nuclear Theory;High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
After reformulate the incompressible Euler-$\alpha$ equations in 3D smooth domain with Drichlet data, we obtain the unique classical solutions to Euler-$\alpha$ equations exist in uniform time interval independent of $\alpha$. We also show the solution of the Euler-$\alpha$ converge to the corresponding solution of Euler equation in $L^2$ in space, uniformly in time. In the sequel, it follows that the $H^s$ $(s>\frac{n}{2}+1)$ solutions of Euler-$\alpha$ equations exist in any fixed sub-interval of the maximum existent interval for the Euler equations provided that initial is regular enough and $\alpha$ is small sufficiently.
[ "math.AP" ]
Analysis of PDEs
205Analysis of PDEs
The oscillation spectrum of pressure waves in stars can be determined by monitoring their luminosity. For rapidly rotating stars, the corresponding ray dynamics is mixed, with chaotic and regular zones in phase space. Our numerical simulations show that the chaotic spectra of these systems exhibit strong peaks in the autocorrelation which are at odd with Random Matrix Theory predictions. We explain these peaks through a semiclassical theory based on the peculiar distribution of the actions of classical periodic orbits. Indeed this distribution is strongly bunched around the average action between two consecutive rebounds and its multiples. In stars this phenomenon is a direct consequence of the strong decrease of the sound speed towards the star surface, but it would arise in any other physical system with a similar bunching of orbit actions. The peaks discussed could be observed by space missions and give insight on the star interiors.
[ "astro-ph.SR", "nlin.CD" ]
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Chaotic Dynamics
6,676Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Chaotic Dynamics
We study a class of games which model the competition among agents to access some service provided by distributed service units and which exhibit congestion and frustration phenomena when service units have limited capacity. We propose a technique, based on the cavity method of statistical physics, to characterize the full spectrum of Nash equilibria of the game. The analysis reveals a large variety of equilibria, with very different statistical properties. Natural selfish dynamics, such as best-response, usually tend to large-utility equilibria, even though those of smaller utility are exponentially more numerous. Interestingly, the latter actually can be reached by selecting the initial conditions of the best-response dynamics close to the saturation limit of the service unit capacities. We also study a more realistic stochastic variant of the game by means of a simple and effective approximation of the average over the random parameters, showing that the properties of the average-case Nash equilibria are qualitatively similar to the deterministic ones.
[ "cs.GT", "cond-mat.dis-nn", "cs.MA", "physics.soc-ph" ]
Computer Science and Game Theory;Disordered Systems and Neural Networks;Multiagent Systems;Physics and Society
Let $\Sigma$ be a Riemann surface of genus $g$ bordered by $n$ curves homeomorphic to the circle $\mathbb{S}^1$, and assume that $2g+2-n>0$. For such bordered Riemann surfaces, the authors have previously defined a Teichm\"uller space which is a Hilbert manifold and which is holomorphically included in the standard Teichm\"uller space. Based on this, we present alternate models of the aforementioned Teichm\"uller space and show in particular that it is locally modelled on a Hilbert space of $L^2$ Beltrami differentials, which are holomorphic up to a power of the hyperbolic metric, and has a convergent Weil-Petersson metric.
[ "math.CV" ]
Complex Variables
1,135Complex Variables
Human visual attention is subjective and biased according to the personal preference of the viewer, however, current works of saliency detection are general and objective, without counting the factor of the observer. This will make the attention prediction for a particular person not accurate enough. In this work, we present the novel idea of personalized attention prediction and develop Personalized Attention Network (PANet), a convolutional network that predicts saliency in images with personal preference. The model consists of two streams which share common feature extraction layers, and one stream is responsible for saliency prediction, while the other is adapted from the detection model and used to fit user preference. We automatically collect user preference from their albums and leaves them freedom to define what and how many categories their preferences are divided into. To train PANet, we dynamically generate ground truth saliency maps upon existing detection labels and saliency labels, and the generation parameters are based upon our collected datasets consists of 1k images. We evaluate the model with saliency prediction metrics and test the trained model on different preference vectors. The results have shown that our system is much better than general models in personalized saliency prediction and is efficient to use for different preferences.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Multiple time scales in dynamical systems lead to a bundling of trajectories onto slow invariant manifolds (SIMs). Although they are absent in two-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems, a bundling of orbits is often observed as well. They bundle onto special trajectories called separatrices. We apply numerical methods for the approximation of SIMs to holomorphic flows and show how a separatrix between two regions of periodic orbits can be characterized topologically. Complex time reveals a new perspective on holomorphic dynamical systems.
[ "math.DS" ]
Dynamical Systems
2,265Dynamical Systems
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly emerged as a key disruptive technology in the 21st century. At the heart of modern AI lies Deep Learning (DL), an emerging class of algorithms that has enabled today's platforms and organizations to operate at unprecedented efficiency, effectiveness, and scale. Despite significant interest, IS contributions in DL have been limited, which we argue is in part due to issues with defining, positioning, and conducting DL research. Recognizing the tremendous opportunity here for the IS community, this work clarifies, streamlines, and presents approaches for IS scholars to make timely and high-impact contributions. Related to this broader goal, this paper makes five timely contributions. First, we systematically summarize the major components of DL in a novel Deep Learning for Information Systems Research (DL-ISR) schematic that illustrates how technical DL processes are driven by key factors from an application environment. Second, we present a novel Knowledge Contribution Framework (KCF) to help IS scholars position their DL contributions for maximum impact. Third, we provide ten guidelines to help IS scholars generate rigorous and relevant DL-ISR in a systematic, high-quality fashion. Fourth, we present a review of prevailing journal and conference venues to examine how IS scholars have leveraged DL for various research inquiries. Finally, we provide a unique perspective on how IS scholars can formulate DL-ISR inquiries by carefully considering the interplay of business function(s), application areas(s), and the KCF. This perspective intentionally emphasizes inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary, and cross-IS tradition perspectives. Taken together, these contributions provide IS scholars a timely framework to advance the scale, scope, and impact of deep learning research.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL", "stat.ME", "stat.ML" ]
Machine Learning;Computation and Language;Methodology;Machine Learning
The one electron spectral functions for the Luttinger model are discussed for large but finite systems. The methods presented allow a simple interpretation of the results. For finite range interactions interesting nonunivesal spectral features emerge for momenta which differ from the Fermi points by the order of the inverse interaction range or more. For a simplified model with interactions only within the branches of right and left moving electrons analytical expressions for the spectral function are presented which allows to perform the thermodynamic limit. As in the general spinless model and the model including spin for which we present mainly numerical results the spectral functions do not approach the noninteracting limit for large momenta. The implication of our results for recent high resolution photoemission measurements on quasi one-dimensional conductors are discussed.
[ "cond-mat" ]
Condensed Matter
1,697Condensed Matter
This paper proposes a method to detect change points in dynamic social networks using Fr\'echet statistics. We address two main questions: (1) what metric can quantify the distances between graph Laplacians in a dynamic network and enable efficient computation, and (2) how can the Fr\'echet statistics be extended to detect multiple change points while maintaining the significance level of the hypothesis test? Our solution defines a metric space for graph Laplacians using the Log-Euclidean metric, enabling a closed-form formula for Fr\'echet mean and variance. We present a framework for change point detection using Fr\'echet statistics and extend it to multiple change points with binary segmentation. The proposed algorithm uses incremental computation for Fr\'echet mean and variance to improve efficiency and is validated on simulated and two real-world datasets, namely the UCI message dataset and the Enron email dataset.
[ "cs.SI", "eess.SP" ]
Social and Information Networks;Signal Processing
6,533Social and Information Networks;Signal Processing
Deep learning approaches to accelerated MRI take a matrix of sampled Fourier-space lines as input and produce a spatial image as output. In this work we show that by careful choice of the offset used in the sampling procedure, the symmetries in k-space can be better exploited, producing higher quality reconstructions than given by standard equally-spaced samples or randomized samples motivated by compressed sensing.
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Image and Video Processing;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Machine Learning
3,535Image and Video Processing;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Machine Learning
We establish the non-singular Hasse Principle for pairs of diagonal quartic equations in $22$ or more variables.
[ "math.NT" ]
Number Theory
4,945Number Theory
SOXS (Son Of X-Shooter) is a single object spectrograph offering a simultaneous spectral coverage from U- to H-band, built by an international consortium for the 3.58-m ESO New Technology Telescope at the La Silla Observatory. It is designed to observe all kind of transients and variable sources discovered by different surveys with a highly flexible schedule maintained by the consortium, based on the Target of Opportunity concept. SOXS is going to be a fundamental spectroscopic partner for any kind of imaging survey, becoming one of the premier transient follow-up instruments in the Southern hemisphere. This paper gives an updated status of the project, when the instrument is in the advanced phase of integration and testing in Europe, prior to the activities in Chile.
[ "astro-ph.IM" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
3,689Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Scene parsing from images is a fundamental yet challenging problem in visual content understanding. In this dense prediction task, the parsing model assigns every pixel to a categorical label, which requires the contextual information of adjacent image patches. So the challenge for this learning task is to simultaneously describe the geometric and semantic properties of objects or a scene. In this paper, we explore the effective use of multi-layer feature outputs of the deep parsing networks for spatial-semantic consistency by designing a novel feature aggregation module to generate the appropriate global representation prior, to improve the discriminative power of features. The proposed module can auto-select the intermediate visual features to correlate the spatial and semantic information. At the same time, the multiple skip connections form a strong supervision, making the deep parsing network easy to train. Extensive experiments on four public scene parsing datasets prove that the deep parsing network equipped with the proposed feature aggregation module can achieve very promising results.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
This paper considers a model consisting of a kinetic term, Rashba spin-orbit coupling and short-range Coulomb interaction at zero-temperature. The Coulomb interaction is decoupled by a mean-field approximation in the spin channel using field theory methods. The results feature a first-order phase transition for any finite value of the chemical potential and quantum criticality for vanishing chemical potential. The Hall conductivity is also computed using Kubo formula in a mean-field effective Hamiltonian. In the limit of infinite mass the kinetic term vanishes and all the phase transitions are of second order, in this case spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism adds a ferromagnetic metallic phase to the system and features a zero-temperature quantization of the Hall conductivity in the insulating one.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
4,450Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
In this paper we determine the threshold for collapsibility in the probabilistic model $X_d(n,p)$ of $d$-dimensional simplicial complexes. A lower bound for this threshold $p=\frac{c_d}{n}$ was established in \cite{ALLM}. Here we show that this is indeed the correct threshold. Namely, for every $c>c_d$, a complex drawn from $X_d(n,\frac{c}{n})$ is asymptotically almost surely not collapsible.
[ "math.PR", "math.CO" ]
Community detection and analysis is an important methodology for understanding the organization of various real-world networks and has applications in problems as diverse as consensus formation in social communities or the identification of functional modules in biochemical networks. Currently used algorithms that identify the community structures in large-scale real-world networks require a priori information such as the number and sizes of communities or are computationally expensive. In this paper we investigate a simple label propagation algorithm that uses the network structure alone as its guide and requires neither optimization of a pre-defined objective function nor prior information about the communities. In our algorithm every node is initialized with a unique label and at every step each node adopts the label that most of its neighbors currently have. In this iterative process densely connected groups of nodes form a consensus on a unique label to form communities. We validate the algorithm by applying it to networks whose community structures are known. We also demonstrate that the algorithm takes an almost linear time and hence it is computationally less expensive than what was possible so far.
[ "physics.soc-ph" ]
Physics and Society
5,463Physics and Society
We report the experimental observation of Ising superconductivity in 3-dimensional NbSe2 stacked with single-layer MoS2. The angular dependence of the upper critical magnetic field and the temperature dependence of the upper parallel critical field confirm the appearance of two-dimensional Ising superconductivity in the 3-dimensional NbSe2 with single-layer MoS2 overlay. We show that the superconducting phase has strong Ising spin-orbit correlations which make the holes spin non-degenerate. Our observation of Ising superconductivity in heterostructures of few-layer NbSe2 of thickness ~ 15 nm with single-layer MoS2 raises the interesting prospect of observing topological chiral superconductors with nontrivial Chern numbers in a momentum-space spin-split fermionic system.
[ "cond-mat.supr-con", "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Superconductivity;Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
7,083Superconductivity;Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Federated Learning (FL) enables training state-of-the-art Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models on user devices (clients) in distributed systems, hence preventing transmission of raw user data to a central server. A key challenge facing practical adoption of FL for ASR is obtaining ground-truth labels on the clients. Existing approaches rely on clients to manually transcribe their speech, which is impractical for obtaining large training corpora. A promising alternative is using semi-/self-supervised learning approaches to leverage unlabelled user data. To this end, we propose FedNST, a novel method for training distributed ASR models using private and unlabelled user data. We explore various facets of FedNST, such as training models with different proportions of labelled and unlabelled data, and evaluate the proposed approach on 1173 simulated clients. Evaluating FedNST on LibriSpeech, where 960 hours of speech data is split equally into server (labelled) and client (unlabelled) data, showed a 22.5% relative word error rate reduction} (WERR) over a supervised baseline trained only on server data.
[ "eess.AS", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CV", "cs.DC", "cs.LG" ]
Audio and Speech Processing;Artificial Intelligence;Computation and Language;Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing;Machine Learning
Line-of-sight extinction estimates to well-studied young T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be stars are based on many different measurements and analysis methods. This has resulted in wide scatter among the published $A_V$ values for the same star. In this work, we discuss the challenges in measuring extinction to actively accreting and especially outbursting young stellar objects (YSOs). We then explore a method not previously applied to young stars utilizing diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs). In early-type stars, narrow correlations exist between DIB equivalent widths and the column density of interstellar material, and therefore the line-of-sight extinction. Here, we measure equivalent widths of the 5780 \AA\ and 6614 \AA\ DIB features in a sample of actively accreting YSOs, and apply a DIB-reddening calibration to estimate reddening and subsequently extinction. Our calibration is newly derived from a composite of available literature data and fully accounts for the scatter in these measurements. We also compare the DIBs-inferred optical line-of-sight extinction values with previous extinction estimates for our sample stars.
[ "astro-ph.SR", "astro-ph.GA" ]
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
6,669Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
We consider the correlation functions of the tachyon vertex operator of the super Liouville theory coupled to matter fields in the super Coulomb gas formulation, on world sheets with spherical topology. After integrating over the zero mode and assuming that the $s$ parameter takes an integer value, we subsequently continue it to an arbitrary real number and compute the correlators in a closed form. We also included an arbitrary number of screening charges and, as a result, after renormalizing them, as well as the external legs and the cosmological constant, the form of the final amplitudes do not modify. The result is remarkably parallel to the bosonic case. For completeness, we discussed the calculation of bosonic correlators including arbitrary screening charges.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
We develop the theory of modulated operators in general principal ideals of compact operators. For Laplacian modulated operators we establish Connes' trace formula in its local Euclidean model and a global version thereof. It expresses Dixmier traces in terms of the vector-valued Wodzicki residue. We demonstrate the applicability of our main results in the context of log-classical pseudo-differential operators, studied by Lesch, and a class of operators naturally appearing in noncommutative geometry.
[ "math.FA", "math.OA", "math.SP" ]
Functional Analysis;Operator Algebras;Spectral Theory
2,596Functional Analysis;Operator Algebras;Spectral Theory
We prove surjectivity result in Fr\'echet spaces of Nash-Moser type. That is, with uniform estimates over all semimorms. Our method works for functions which are only continuous and G\^ateaux differentiable like in the recent result of Ekeland. We present the results in multi-valued setting exploring the relevant notions of map regularity.
[ "math.FA" ]
Functional Analysis
2,549Functional Analysis
Progress in calculating the spectrum of excited baryons and mesons in lattice QCD is described. Correlation matrices of sets of spatially-extended hadron operators have been studied and their effectiveness in facilitating the extraction of excited-state energies is demonstrated. First applications of the stochastic LapH method, a new method of estimating the low-lying effects of quark propagation, are presented.
[ "hep-lat" ]
High Energy Physics - Lattice
3,092High Energy Physics - Lattice
We study the effect of the electron-electron interaction on the transport of spin polarized currents in metals and doped semiconductors in the diffusive regime. In addition to well-known screening effects, we identify two additional effects, which depend on many-body correlations and exchange and reduce the spin diffusion constant. The first is the "spin Coulomb drag" - an intrinsic friction mechanism which operates whenever the average velocities of up-spin and down-spin electrons differ. The second arises from the decrease in the longitudinal spin stiffness of an interacting electron gas relative to a noninteracting one. Both effects are studied in detail for both degenerate and non-degenerate carriers in metals and semiconductors, and various limiting cases are worked out analytically. The behavior of the spin diffusion constant at and below a ferromagnetic transition temperature is also discussed.
[ "cond-mat.str-el", "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons;Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
7,016Strongly Correlated Electrons;Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Context. Polarimetric observations of Bok globules frequently show a decrease in the degree of polarization towards their central dense regions (polarization holes). This behaviour is usually explained with increased disalignment owing to high density and temperature, or insufficient angular resolution of a possibly complex magnetic field structure. Aims. We investigate whether a significant decrease in polarized emission of dense regions in Bok globules is possible under certain physical conditions. For instance, we evaluate the impact of optical depth effects and various properties of the dust phase. Methods. We use radiative transfer modelling to calculate the temperature structure of an analytical Bok globule model and simulate the polarized thermal emission of elongated dust grains. For the alignment of the dust grains, we consider a magnetic field and include radiative torque and internal alignment. Results. Besides the usual explanations, selected conditions of the temperature and density distribution, the dust phase and the magnetic field are also able to significantly decrease the polarized emission of dense regions in Bok globules. Taking submm/mm grains and typical column densities of existing Bok globules into consideration, the optical depth is high enough to decrease the degree of polarization by up to {\Delta}P~10%. If limited to the densest regions, dust grain growth to submm/mm size and accumulated graphite grains decrease the degree of polarization by up to {\Delta}P~10% and {\Delta}P~5%, respectively. However, the effect of the graphite grains occurs only if they do not align with the magnetic field.
[ "astro-ph.SR", "astro-ph.GA" ]
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
6,669Solar and Stellar Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
In the UNIX/Linux environment the kernel can log every command process created by every user using process accounting. This data has many potential uses, including the investigation of security incidents. However, process accounting data is also sensitive since it contains private user information. Consequently, security system administrators have been hindered from sharing these logs. Given that many interesting security applications could use process accounting data, it would be useful to have a tool that could protect private user information in the logs. For this reason we introduce SCRUB-PA, a tool that uses multi-level multi-dimensional anonymization on process accounting log files in order to provide different levels of privacy protection. It is our goal that SCRUB-PA will promote the sharing of process accounting logs while preserving privacy.
[ "cs.CR" ]
Cryptography and Security
1,782Cryptography and Security
We present a study of the dynamic magnetic properties of TiN-buffered epitaxial thin films of the Heusler alloy Fe$_{1.5}$CoGe. Thickness series annealed at different temperatures are prepared and the magnetic damping is measured, a lowest value of $\alpha=2.18\times 10^{-3}$ is obtained. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy properties in Fe$_{1.5}$CoGe/MgO are also characterized. The evolution of the interfacial perpendicular anisotropy constant $K^{\perp}_{\rm S}$ with the annealing temperature is shown and compared with the widely used CoFeB/MgO interface. A large volume contribution to the perpendicular anisotropy of $(4.3\pm0.5)\times 10^{5}$ $\rm J/m^3$ is also found, in contrast with vanishing bulk contribution in common Co- and Fe-based Heusler alloys.
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Materials Science
4,287Materials Science
The curl (B) modes of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization anisotropies are a unique probe of the primordial background of inflationary gravitational waves (IGWs). Unfortunately, the B-mode polarization anisotropies generated by gravitational waves at recombination are confused with those generated by the mixing of gradient-mode (E-mode) and B-mode polarization anisotropies as CMB photons propagate through the Universe and are gravitationally lensed. We describe here a method for delensing CMB polarization anisotropies using observations of anisotropies in the cosmic 21-cm radiation emitted or absorbed by neutral hydrogen atoms at redshifts 10 to 200. While the detection of cosmic 21-cm anisotropies at high resolution is challenging, a combined study with a relatively low-resolution (but high-sensitivity) CMB polarization experiment could probe inflationary energy scales well below the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) scale of 10^{16} GeV -- constraining models with energy scales below 10^{15} GeV (the detectable limit derived from CMB observations alone). The ultimate theoretical limit to the detectable inflationary energy scale via this method may be as low as 3 \times 10^{14} GeV.
[ "astro-ph", "gr-qc", "hep-ph", "hep-th" ]
Astrophysics;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology;High Energy Physics - Theory
519Astrophysics;General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;High Energy Physics - Phenomenology;High Energy Physics - Theory
Reversing the effects of a quantum evolution, for example as is done in error correction, is an important task for controlling quantum systems in order to produce reliable quantum devices. When the evolution is governed by a completely positive map, there exist reversibility conditions, known as the quantum error correcting code conditions, which are necessary and sufficient conditions for the reversibility of a quantum operation on a subspace, the code space. However, if we suppose that the evolution is not described by a completely positive map, necessary and sufficient conditions are not known. Here we consider evolutions that do not necessarily correspond to a completely positive map. We prove that the completely positive map error correcting code conditions can lead to a code space that is not in the domain of the map, meaning that the output of the map is not positive. A corollary to our theorem provides a class of relevant examples. Finally, we provide a set of sufficient conditions that will enable the use of quantum error correcting code conditions while ensuring positivity.
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Physics
5,985Quantum Physics
Linear mechanical systems with time-modulated parameters can harbor oscillations with amplitudes that grow or decay exponentially with time due to the phenomenon of parametric resonance. While the resonance properties of individual oscillators are well understood, identifying the conditions for parametric resonance in systems of coupled oscillators remains challenging. Here, we identify internal symmetries that arise from the real-valued and symplectic nature of classical mechanics and determine the parametric resonance conditions for periodically time-modulated mechanical metamaterials using these symmetries. Upon including external symmetries, we find additional conditions that prohibit resonances at some modulation frequencies for which parametric resonance would be expected from the internal symmetries alone. In particular, we analyze systems with space-time symmetry where the system remains invariant after a combination of discrete translation in both space and time. For such systems, we identify a combined space-time translation operator that provides more information about the system than the Floquet operator does, and use it to derive conditions for one-way amplification of traveling waves. Our results establish an exact theoretical framework based on symmetries to engineer exotic responses such as nonreciprocal transport and one-way amplification in space-time modulated mechanical systems, and can be generalized to all physical systems that obey space-time symmetry.
[ "physics.class-ph", "cond-mat.soft" ]
Classical Physics;Soft Condensed Matter
1,012Classical Physics;Soft Condensed Matter
Large pre-trained neural language models have brought immense progress to both NLP and software engineering. Models in OpenAI's GPT series now dwarf Google's BERT and Meta's RoBERTa, which previously set new benchmarks on a wide range of NLP applications. These models are trained on massive corpora of heterogeneous data from web crawls, which enables them to learn general language patterns and semantic relationships. However, the largest models are both expensive to train and deploy and are often closed-source, so we lack access to their data and design decisions. We argue that this trend towards large, general-purpose models should be complemented with single-purpose, more modestly sized pre-trained models. In this work, we take StackOverflow (SO) as a domain example in which large volumes of rich aligned code and text data is available. We adopt standard practices for pre-training large language models, including using a very large context size (2,048 tokens), batch size (0.5M tokens) and training set (27B tokens), coupled with a powerful toolkit (Megatron-LM), to train two models: SOBertBase, with 109M parameters, and SOBertLarge with 762M parameters, at a budget of just $\$187$ and $\$800$ each. We compare the performance of our models with both the previous SOTA model trained on SO data exclusively as well general-purpose BERT models and OpenAI's ChatGPT on four SO-specific downstream tasks - question quality prediction, closed question prediction, named entity recognition and obsoletion prediction (a new task we introduce). Not only do our models consistently outperform all baselines, the smaller model is often sufficient for strong results. Both models are released to the public. These results demonstrate that pre-training both extensively and properly on in-domain data can yield a powerful and affordable alternative to leveraging closed-source general-purpose models.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.SE" ]
Computation and Language;Software Engineering
1,257Computation and Language;Software Engineering
We consider the periodic non-linear Schr\"odinger equation with non-linearity given by $|u|^{p-1}u$ for odd $p > 1$ in dimension $1$. We first establish that the difference between the non-linear evolution and a phase rotation of the the linear evolution is in a smoother space. We then study forced and damped defocusing non-linear Schr\"odinger equations of the above type and establish an analogous smoothing statement that extends globally in time. As a corollary we establish both existence and smootheness for global attractors in the energy space.
[ "math.AP" ]
Analysis of PDEs
205Analysis of PDEs
We consider the survival probability of a particle in the presence of a finite number of diffusing traps in one dimension. Since the general solution for this quantity is not known when the number of traps is greater than two, we devise a perturbation series expansion in the diffusion constant of the particle. We calculate the persistence exponent associated with the particle's survival probability to second order and find that it is characterised by the asymmetry in the number of traps initially positioned on each side of the particle.
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech" ]
Statistical Mechanics
6,821Statistical Mechanics
Diffusion-based models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on text-to-image synthesis tasks. However, one critical limitation of these models is the low fidelity of generated images with respect to the text description, such as missing objects, mismatched attributes, and mislocated objects. One key reason for such inconsistencies is the inaccurate cross-attention to text in both the spatial dimension, which controls at what pixel region an object should appear, and the temporal dimension, which controls how different levels of details are added through the denoising steps. In this paper, we propose a new text-to-image algorithm that adds explicit control over spatial-temporal cross-attention in diffusion models. We first utilize a layout predictor to predict the pixel regions for objects mentioned in the text. We then impose spatial attention control by combining the attention over the entire text description and that over the local description of the particular object in the corresponding pixel region of that object. The temporal attention control is further added by allowing the combination weights to change at each denoising step, and the combination weights are optimized to ensure high fidelity between the image and the text. Experiments show that our method generates images with higher fidelity compared to diffusion-model-based baselines without fine-tuning the diffusion model. Our code is publicly available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Fully 3-dimensional computations of flow through a long pipe demand a huge number of degrees of freedom, making it very expensive to explore parameter space and difficult to isolate the structure of the underlying dynamics. We therefore introduce a `2+epsilon' dimensional model of pipe flow which is a minimal 3-dimensionalisation of the axisymmetric case: only sinusoidal variation in azimuth plus azimuthal shifts are retained, yet the same dynamics familiar from experiments are found. In particular the model retains the subcritical dynamics of fully resolved pipe flow, capturing realistic localised `puff'-like structures which can decay abruptly after long times, as well as global `slug' turbulence. Relaminarisation statistics of puffs reproduce the memoryless feature of pipe flow and indicate the existence of a Reynolds number about which lifetimes diverge rapidly, provided that the pipe is sufficiently long. Exponential divergence of the lifetime is prevalent in shorter periodic domains. In a short pipe, exact travelling-wave solutions are found nearby to flow trajectories on the boundary between laminar and turbulent flow. In a long pipe, the attracting state on the laminar-turbulent boundary is a localised structure which resembles a smoothened puff. This `edge' state remains localised even for Reynolds numbers where the turbulent state is global.
[ "physics.flu-dyn" ]
Fluid Dynamics
2,452Fluid Dynamics
The classic classification scheme for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) was recently challenged by the discovery of the so-called changing-state (changing-look) AGNs (CSAGNs). The physical mechanism behind this phenomenon is still a matter of open debate and the samples are too small and of serendipitous nature to provide robust answers. In order to tackle this problem, we need to design methods that are able to detect AGN right in the act of changing-state. Here we present an anomaly detection (AD) technique designed to identify AGN light curves with anomalous behaviors in massive datasets. The main aim of this technique is to identify CSAGN at different stages of the transition, but it can also be used for more general purposes, such as cleaning massive datasets for AGN variability analyses. We used light curves from the Zwicky Transient Facility data release 5 (ZTF DR5), containing a sample of 230,451 AGNs of different classes. The ZTF DR5 light curves were modeled with a Variational Recurrent Autoencoder (VRAE) architecture, that allowed us to obtain a set of attributes from the VRAE latent space that describes the general behaviour of our sample. These attributes were then used as features for an Isolation Forest (IF) algorithm, that is an anomaly detector for a "one class" kind of problem. We used the VRAE reconstruction errors and the IF anomaly score to select a sample of 8,809 anomalies. These anomalies are dominated by bogus candidates, but we were able to identify 75 promising CSAGN candidates.
[ "astro-ph.IM", "astro-ph.GA" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
3,692Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics;Astrophysics of Galaxies
Feed-forward ReLU neural networks partition their input domain into finitely many "affine regions" of constant neuron activation pattern and affine behaviour. We analyze their mathematical structure and provide algorithmic primitives for an efficient application of linear programming related techniques for iterative minimization of such non-convex functions. In particular, we propose an extension of the Simplex algorithm which is iterating on induced vertices but, in addition, is able to change its feasible region computationally efficiently to adjacent "affine regions". This way, we obtain the Barrodale-Roberts algorithm for LAD regression as a special case, but also are able to train the first layer of neural networks with L1 training loss decreasing in every step.
[ "math.OC" ]
Optimization and Control
5,234Optimization and Control
A gyrokinetic linear stability analysis of a collisionless slab geometry in the local approximation is presented. We focus on $k_\parallel=0$ universal (or entropy) modes driven by plasma gradients at small and large plasma $\beta$. These are small scale non-MHD instabilities with growth rates that typically peak near $k_\perp\rho_i\sim 1$ and vanish in the long wavelength $k_\perp\to 0$ limit. This work also discusses a mode known as the Gradient Drift Coupling (GDC) instability previously reported in the gyrokinetic literature, which has a finite growth rate $\gamma= \sqrt{\beta/[2(1+\beta)]} C_s/|L_p|$ with $C_s^2=p_0/\rho_0$ for $k_\perp\to 0$ and is universally unstable for $1/L_p\neq 0$. We show the GDC instability is a spurious, unphysical artifact that erroneously arises due to the failure to respect the total equilibrium pressure balance $p_0+B_0^2/(8\pi)=\text{constant}$, which renders the assumption $B_0'=0$ inconsistent if $p_0'\neq 0$.
[ "physics.plasm-ph" ]
Plasma Physics
5,556Plasma Physics
We find the spectrum of the Walsh-Hadamard type matrices defined by R.Adin and Y.Roichman in their recent work on character formulas and descent sets for the symmetric group.
[ "math.CO" ]
We apply the Hilbert transform to the physics of internal waves in two-dimensional fluids. Using this demodulation technique, we can discriminate internal waves propagating in different directions: this is very helpful in answering several fundamental questions in the context of internal waves. We focus more precisely in this paper on phenomena associated with dissipation, diffraction and reflection of internal waves.
[ "physics.flu-dyn" ]
Fluid Dynamics
2,452Fluid Dynamics
Neural collaborative filtering (NCF) and recurrent recommender systems (RRN) have been successful in modeling user-item relational data. However, they are also limited in their assumption of static or sequential modeling of relational data as they do not account for evolving users' preference over time as well as changes in the underlying factors that drive the change in user-item relationship over time. We address these limitations by proposing a Neural Tensor Factorization (NTF) model for predictive tasks on dynamic relational data. The NTF model generalizes conventional tensor factorization from two perspectives: First, it leverages the long short-term memory architecture to characterize the multi-dimensional temporal interactions on relational data. Second, it incorporates the multi-layer perceptron structure for learning the non-linearities between different latent factors. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the significant improvement in rating prediction and link prediction on dynamic relational data by our NTF model over both neural network based factorization models and other traditional methods.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Machine Learning
3,882Machine Learning
The interactions that can be introduced between a massless Rarita-Schwinger field and an Abelian three-form gauge field in eleven spacetime dimensions are analyzed in the context of the deformation of the free solution of the master equation combined with local BRST cohomology. Under the hypotheses of smoothness of the interactions in the coupling constant, locality, Poincare invariance, Lorentz covariance, and the presence of at most two derivatives in the Lagrangian of the interacting theory (the same number of derivatives like in the free Lagrangian), we prove that there are neither cross-couplings nor self-interactions for the gravitino in D=11.The only possible term that can be added to the deformed solution to the master equation is nothing but a generalized Chern-Simons term for the three-form gauge field, which brings contributions to the deformed Lagrangian, but does not modify the original, Abelian gauge transformations.
[ "hep-th" ]
High Energy Physics - Theory
3,266High Energy Physics - Theory
In this paper we present irradiation measurements performed to select a transparent anode substrate that best meets the requirements of an optical readout for a novel detector, the LaGEMPix. The modification of the optical properties of the material due to proton irradiation were studied in soda-lime, fused quartz and fused silica glasses coated with an Indium Tin Oxide layer. The irradiations were performed using the research Beam Transfer Line (BTL) of the IBA Cyclone 18 MeV cyclotron of the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital). We recorded visible scintillation light generated by proton irradiation in the soda-lime and fused quartz samples. We also investigated the darkening of these three glasses and observed radiation-induced colour centres in the soda-lime glass sample. The optical transmission spectra of the samples were measured before and after irradiation. Reductions of 45%, 1% and 0.4% were observed for soda-lime glass, fused quartz and fused silica, respectively (with an associated error of 0.25%). We conclude that the best option for our specific application is the fused silica substrate, which will be the transparent anode for the next generation of the LaGEMPix detector.
[ "physics.ins-det", "", "" ]
Instrumentation and Detectors;Applied Physics;Medical Physics
In the presence of a rotating Kerr black hole, we investigate hydrodynamics of the massive particles and massless photons, to construct relations among number density, pressure and internal energy density of the massive particles and photons around the rotating Kerr black hole and to study an accretion onto the black hole. On equatorial plane of the Kerr black hole, we investigate the bound orbits of the massive particles and photons around the black hole to produce their radial, azimuthal and precession frequencies. With these frequencies we study the black holes GRO~J1655-40 and 4U~1543-47, to explicitly obtain the radial, azimuthal and precession frequencies of the massive particles in the flow of perfect fluid. We next consider the massive particles in the stable circular orbit of radius of $1.0~ly$ around the supernovas SN 1979C, SN 1987A and SN 2213-1745 in the Kerr curved spacetime, and around the potential supermassive Schwarzschild black holes M87, NGC 3115, NGC 4594, NGC 3377, NGC 4258, M31, M32 and Galatic center, to estimate their radial and azimuthal frequencies, which are shown to be the same results as those in no precession motion. The photon unstable orbit is also discussed in terms of the impact parameter of the photon trajectory. Finally, on the equatorial plane of the Kerr black hole, we construct the global flat embedding structures possessing (9+3) dimensionalities outside and inside the event horizon of the rotating Kerr black hole. Moreover, on the plane we investigate the warp products of the Kerr spacetime.
[ "gr-qc" ]
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
2,674General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
In the case of a system with an unbounded hamiltonian the entropic index q of non-extensive thermodynamics has an upperbound q_c>1 beyond which the formalism becomes meaningless. The expression 1/(q_c-1) is the dimension of the state space (i.e. the manifold of density matrices) in the context of non-commutative geometry. For q=q_c an ultraviolet cutoff E< E_ub is needed to guarantee the existence of the equilibrium density matrix. Duality between q>1 and q<1-statistics via a q --> 1/q transformation is established. It leads to an overall picture in which the meaning of both q>1-statistics and q<1-statistics is clarified.
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech" ]
Statistical Mechanics
6,821Statistical Mechanics
We establish the triple integral evaluation \[ \int_{1}^{\infty} \int_{0}^{1} \int_{0}^{1} \frac{dz \, dy \, dx}{x(x+y)(x+y+z)} = \frac{5}{24} \zeta(3), \] as well as the equivalent polylogarithmic double sum \[ \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \sum_{j=k}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^{k-1}}{k^{2}} \, \frac{1}{j \, 2^{j}} = \frac{13}{24} \zeta(3). \] This double sum is related to, but less approachable than, similar sums studied by Ramanujan. It is also reminiscent of Euler's formula $\zeta(2,1) = \zeta(3)$, which is the simplest instance of duality of multiple polylogarithms. We review this duality and apply it to derive a companion identity. We also discuss approaches based on computer algebra. All of our approaches ultimately require the introduction of polylogarithms and nontrivial relations between them. It remains an open challenge to relate the triple integral or the double sum to $\zeta(3)$ directly.
[ "math.NT", "math.CA" ]
Number Theory;Classical Analysis and ODEs
4,958Number Theory;Classical Analysis and ODEs
A generally applicable model is presented to describe the potential barrier shape in ultra small Schottky diodes. It is shown that for diodes smaller than a characteristic length $l_c$ (associated with the semiconductor doping level) the conventional description no longer holds. For such small diodes the Schottky barrier thickness decreases with decreasing diode size. As a consequence, the resistance of the diode is strongly reduced, due to enhanced tunneling. Without the necessity of assuming a reduced (non-bulk) Schottky barrier height, this effect provides an explanation for several experimental observations of enhanced conduction in small Schottky diodes.
[ "cond-mat" ]
Condensed Matter
1,697Condensed Matter
We present extensive optical (UBVRI), near-infrared (JK) light curves and optical spectroscopy of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2006X in the nearby galaxy NGC 4321 (M100). Our observations suggest that either SN 2006X has an intrinsically peculiar color evolution, or it is highly reddened [E(B - V)_{host} = 1.42+/-0.04 mag] with R_V = 1.48+/-0.06, much lower than the canonical value of 3.1 for the average Galactic dust. SN 2006X also has one of the highest expansion velocities ever published for a SN Ia. Compared with the other SNe Ia we analyzed, SN 2006X has a broader light curve in the U band, a more prominent bump/shoulder feature in the V and R bands, a more pronounced secondary maximum in the I and near-infrared bands, and a remarkably smaller late-time decline rate in the B band. The B - V color evolution shows an obvious deviation from the Lira-Phillips relation at 1 to 3 months after maximum brightness. At early times, optical spectra of SN 2006X displayed strong, high-velocity features of both intermediate-mass elements (Si, Ca, and S) and iron-peak elements, while at late times they showed a relatively blue continuum, consistent with the blue U-B and B-V colors at similar epochs. A light echo and/or the interaction of the SN ejecta and its circumstellar material may provide a plausible explanation for its late-time photometric and spectroscopic behavior. Using the Cepheid distance of M100, we derive a Hubble constant of 72.7+/-8.2 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}(statistical) from the normalized dereddened luminosity of SN 2006X. We briefly discuss whether abnormal dust is a universal signature for all SNe Ia, and whether the most rapidly expanding objects form a subclass with distinct photometric and spectroscopic properties.
[ "astro-ph" ]
In the second part of this paper, we develop a centralized packet transmission scheduling scheme to pair with the protocol designed in Part I and complete our medium access control (MAC) design for machine-type communications in the industrial internet of things. For the networking scenario, fine-grained scheduling that attends to each device becomes necessary, given stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements and diversified service types, but prohibitively complex for a large number of devices. To address this challenge, we propose a scheduling solution in two steps. First, we develop algorithms for device assignment based on the analytical results from Part I, when parameters of the proposed protocol are given. Then, we train a deep neural network for assisting in the determination of the protocol parameters. The two-step approach ensures the accuracy and granularity necessary for satisfying the QoS requirements and avoids excessive complexity from handling a large number of devices. Integrating the distributed coordination in the protocol design from Part I and the centralized scheduling from this part, the proposed MAC protocol achieves high performance, demonstrated through extensive simulations. For example, the results show that the proposed MAC can support 1000 devices under an aggregated traffic load of 3000 packets per second with a single channel and achieve <0.5ms average delay and <1% average collision probability among 50 high priority devices.
[ "cs.NI", "cs.SY", "eess.SY" ]
Networking and Internet Architecture;Systems and Control;Systems and Control
4,759Networking and Internet Architecture;Systems and Control;Systems and Control
A realistic technicolor model is presented with the dynamics below $150$ TeV treated explicitly. Electroweak symmetry is broken by the condensates of a `minimal' doublet of technifermions. The new feature of the model is that the the third generation quarks are unified with the technifermions into multiplets of a walking gauge force down to a scale of $10$ TeV. The remaining quarks and leptons are not involved in this unification however. The walking dynamics enhances the higher dimension interactions which give the ordinary fermions their masses and mixing, while leaving flavor-changing neutral currents suppressed. Because the third generation quarks actually feel the walking force their masses can be much larger than those of the other quarks and the leptons. The only non-standard particles with masses below several TeV are the single doublet of technifermions, so electroweak radiative corrections are estimable and within experimental limits.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We consider single charged Higgs ($H^{\pm}$) and pseudoscalar Higgs ($A^0$) production in association with a gauge boson at $\mu^+\mu^-$ colliders. We find that the tree-level t-channel and s-channel contributions to $\mu^+\mu^-\to H^{\pm}W^{\mp}, A^0Z$ are enhanced for large values of $\tan\beta$, allowing sizeable cross-sections whose analogies at $e^+e^-$ colliders would be very small. These processes provide attractive new ways of producing such particles at $\mu^+\mu^-$ colliders and are superior to the conventional methods in regions of parameter space.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
A continuous stroking sensation on the skin can convey messages or emotion cues. We seek to induce this sensation using a combination of illusory motion and lateral stroking via a haptic device. Our system provides discrete lateral skin-slip on the forearm with rotating tactors, which independently provide lateral skin-slip in a timed sequence. We vary the sensation by changing the angular velocity and delay between adjacent tactors, such that the apparent speed of the perceived stroke ranges from 2.5 to 48.2 cm/s. We investigated which actuation parameters create the most pleasant and continuous sensations through a user study with 16 participants. On average, the sensations were rated by participants as both continuous and pleasant. The most continuous and pleasant sensations were created by apparent speeds of 7.7 and 5.1 cm/s, respectively. We also investigated the effect of spacing between contact points on the pleasantness and continuity of the stroking sensation, and found that the users experience a pleasant and continuous linear sensation even when the space between contact points is relatively large (40 mm). Understanding how sequential discrete lateral skin-slip creates continuous linear sensations can influence the design and control of future wearable haptic devices.
[ "cs.HC", "cs.RO" ]
Human-Computer Interaction;Robotics
3,515Human-Computer Interaction;Robotics
Fix a positive integer $n$, a real number $p\in (0,1]$, and a (perhaps random) hypergraph $\mathcal{H}$ on $[n]$. We introduce and investigate the following random multigraph model, which we denote $\mathbb{G}(n,p\, ; \,\mathcal{H})$: begin with an empty graph on $n$ vertices, which are labelled by the set $[n]$. For every $H\in \mathcal{H}$ choose, independently from previous choices, a doubleton from $H$, say $D = \{i,j\} \subset H$, uniformly at random and then introduce an edge between the vertices $i$ and $j$ in the graph with probability $p$, where each edge is introduced independently of all other edges.
[ "math.CO", "cs.DM", "math.PR" ]
Combinatorics;Discrete Mathematics;Probability
1,061Combinatorics;Discrete Mathematics;Probability
The problem of the time is one of the open issues in the quantum gravity. This problem is particular problem in the canonical quantum gravity. Even in the loop gravity the problem of the time remain. Our work is concerning to the problem of the time. The Wheeler-DeWitt itself contains time evolution part, but which part is the time evolution part is open issue. However, we can create a method that seems to solve this problem that is up-to-down method created in the previous works. We can derive equation relating to the time and static restriction in this paper. As a example we treat the problem of the time of the Friedmann universe. And we derive the static restriction in quantum gravity.
[ "gr-qc", "hep-th" ]
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;High Energy Physics - Theory
2,746General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;High Energy Physics - Theory
In this work, we initiate the idea of using denoising diffusion models to learn priors for online decision making problems. Our special focus is on the meta-learning for bandit framework, with the goal of learning a strategy that performs well across bandit tasks of a same class. To this end, we train a diffusion model that learns the underlying task distribution and combine Thompson sampling with the learned prior to deal with new tasks at test time. Our posterior sampling algorithm is designed to carefully balance between the learned prior and the noisy observations that come from the learner's interaction with the environment. To capture realistic bandit scenarios, we also propose a novel diffusion model training procedure that trains even from incomplete and/or noisy data, which could be of independent interest. Finally, our extensive experimental evaluations clearly demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "stat.ML" ]
Machine Learning;Artificial Intelligence;Machine Learning
3,951Machine Learning;Artificial Intelligence;Machine Learning
We study dynamic minimization problems of the calculus of variations with Lagrangian functionals containing Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals, classical and Caputo fractional derivatives. Under assumptions of regularity, coercivity and convexity, we prove existence of solutions.
[ "math.OC" ]
Optimization and Control
5,234Optimization and Control
Two dimensional electronic spectroscopy and transient grating measurements were performed, for the first time, on nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. These measurements reveal energy transfer and vibrational pathways with consequences for spin coherence.
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall", "quant-ph" ]
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Quantum Physics
4,536Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics;Quantum Physics
The representation of images in the brain is known to be sparse. That is, as neural activity is recorded in a visual area ---for instance the primary visual cortex of primates--- only a few neurons are active at a given time with respect to the whole population. It is believed that such a property reflects the efficient match of the representation with the statistics of natural scenes. Applying such a paradigm to computer vision therefore seems a promising approach towards more biomimetic algorithms. Herein, we will describe a biologically-inspired approach to this problem. First, we will describe an unsupervised learning paradigm which is particularly adapted to the efficient coding of image patches. Then, we will outline a complete multi-scale framework ---SparseLets--- implementing a biologically inspired sparse representation of natural images. Finally, we will propose novel methods for integrating prior information into these algorithms and provide some preliminary experimental results. We will conclude by giving some perspective on applying such algorithms to computer vision. More specifically, we will propose that bio-inspired approaches may be applied to computer vision using predictive coding schemes, sparse models being one simple and efficient instance of such schemes.
[ "cs.CV", "q-bio.NC" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Neurons and Cognition
1,629Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition;Neurons and Cognition
The objective of this paper is to understand the critical parameters that need to be addressed while designing a guitar tuner. The focus of the design lies in developing a suitable algorithm to accurately detect the fundamental frequency of a plucked guitar string from its frequency spectrum. A userfriendly graphical interface is developed using Matlab to allow any user to easily tune his guitar using the developed program.
[ "cs.SD" ]
We present a numerical method that allows a formation of communicating agents to target the boundary of a time dependent concentration by following a time dependent concentration gradient. The algorithm motivated by \cite{MB, BKM}, allows the agents to move in space in a non-stationary environment. Our method is applicable to finding the boundary of any regular surface and may be of interest for for studying motions of swarms in biology, as well as to engineering applications where boundary detection is an issue.
[ "nlin.PS", "nlin.AO" ]
Pattern Formation and Solitons;Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
5,408Pattern Formation and Solitons;Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
Systematic variations in 54Cr/52Cr ratios between meteorite classes (Qin et al., 2010a; Trinquier et al., 2007) point to large scale spatial and/or temporal isotopic heterogeneity in the solar protoplanetary disk. Two explanations for these variations have been proposed, with important implications for the formation of the Solar System: heterogeneous seeding of the disk with dust from a supernova, or energetic-particle irradiation of dust in the disk. The key to differentiating between them is identification of the carrier(s) of the 54Cr anomalies. Here we report the results of our recent NanoSIMS imaging search for the 54Cr-rich carrier in the acid-resistant residue of the CI chondrite Orgueil. A total of 10 regions with extreme 54Cr-excesses ({\delta}54Cr values up to 1500 %) were found. Comparison between SEM, Auger and NanoSIMS analyses showed that these 54Cr-rich regions are associated with one or more sub-micron (typically less than 200 nm) Cr oxide grains, most likely spinels. Because the size of the NanoSIMS primary O- ion beam is larger than the typical grain size on the sample mount, the measured anomalies are lower limits, and we estimate that the actual 54Cr enrichments in three grains are at least 11 times Solar and in one of these may be as high as 50 times Solar. Such compositions strongly favor a Type II supernova origin. The variability in bulk 54Cr/52Cr between meteorite classes argues for a heterogeneous distribution of the 54Cr carrier in the solar protoplanetary disk following a late supernova injection event. Such a scenario is also supported by the O-isotopic distribution and variable abundances in different planetary materials of other presolar oxide and silicate grains from supernovae.
[ "astro-ph.EP" ]
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
2,351Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
We re-investigate the magnetically frustrated, {\it diamond-lattice-antiferromagnet} spinels FeAl$_2$O$_4$ and MnAl$_2$O$_4$ using magnetization measurements and diffuse scattering of polarized neutrons. In FeAl$_2$O$_4$, macroscopic measurements evidence a "cusp" in zero field-cooled susceptibility around 13~K. Dynamic magnetic susceptibility and {\it memory effect} experiments provide results that do not conform with a canonical spin-glass scenario in this material. Through polarized neutron scattering studies, absence of long-range magnetic order down to 4~K is confirmed in FeAl$_2$O$_4$. By modeling the powder averaged differential magnetic neutron scattering cross-section, we estimate that the spin-spin correlations in this compound extend up to the third nearest-neighbour shell. The estimated value of the Land\'{e} $g$ factor points towards orbital contributions from Fe$^{2+}$. This is also supported by a Curie-Weiss analysis of the magnetic susceptibility. MnAl$_2$O$_4$, on the contrary, undergoes a magnetic phase transition into a long-range ordered state below $\approx$ 40~K, which is confirmed by macroscopic measurements and polarized neutron diffraction. However, the polarized neutron studies reveal the existence of prominent spin-fluctuations co-existing with long-range antiferromagnetic order. The magnetic diffuse intensity suggests a similar short range order as in FeAl$_2$O$_4$. Results of the present work supports the importance of spin-spin correlations in understanding magnetic response of frustrated magnets like $A$-site spinels which have predominant short-range spin correlations reminiscent of the "spin liquid" state.
[ "cond-mat.dis-nn", "cond-mat.str-el" ]
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks;Strongly Correlated Electrons
2,190Disordered Systems and Neural Networks;Strongly Correlated Electrons
Age progression is defined as aesthetically re-rendering the aging face at any future age for an individual face. In this work, we aim to automatically render aging faces in a personalized way. Basically, for each age group, we learn an aging dictionary to reveal its aging characteristics (e.g., wrinkles), where the dictionary bases corresponding to the same index yet from two neighboring aging dictionaries form a particular aging pattern cross these two age groups, and a linear combination of all these patterns expresses a particular personalized aging process. Moreover, two factors are taken into consideration in the dictionary learning process. First, beyond the aging dictionaries, each person may have extra personalized facial characteristics, e.g. mole, which are invariant in the aging process. Second, it is challenging or even impossible to collect faces of all age groups for a particular person, yet much easier and more practical to get face pairs from neighboring age groups. To this end, we propose a novel Bi-level Dictionary Learning based Personalized Age Progression (BDL-PAP) method. Here, bi-level dictionary learning is formulated to learn the aging dictionaries based on face pairs from neighboring age groups. Extensive experiments well demonstrate the advantages of the proposed BDL-PAP over other state-of-the-arts in term of personalized age progression, as well as the performance gain for cross-age face verification by synthesizing aging faces.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1,498Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
The Permutation Pattern Matching problem asks, given two permutations $\sigma$ on $n$ elements and $\pi$, whether $\sigma$ admits a subsequence with the same relative order as $\pi$ (or, in the counting version, how many such subsequences are there). This natural problem was shown by Bose, Buss and Lubiw [IPL 1998] to be NP-complete, and hence we should seek exact exponential time solutions. The asymptotically fastest such solution up to date, by Berendsohn, Kozma and Marx [IPEC 2019], works in $\mathcal{O}(1.6181^n)$ time. We design a simple and faster $\mathcal{O}(1.415^{n})$ time algorithm for both the detection and the counting version. We also prove that this is optimal among a certain natural class of algorithms.
[ "cs.DS" ]
Data Structures and Algorithms
1,908Data Structures and Algorithms
We present the results of infrared (IR; 2.5--160 um) observations of the supernova remnant (SNR) Kes 17 based on the data obtained with the AKARI and Spitzer satellites. We first detect bright continuum emission of its western shell in the mid- and far-IR wavebands together with its near-IR molecular line emission. We also detect hidden mid-IR emission of its southern shell after subtraction of the background emission in this region. The far-IR luminosity of the western shell is ~ 8100 L_sun, which makes Kes 17 one of the few SNRs of significant far-IR emission. The fittings of the spectral energy distribution indicate the existence of two dust components: ~ 79 K (hot) and ~ 27 K (cold) corresponding to the dust mass of ~ 6.2x10^{-4} M_sun and ~ 6.7 M_sun, respectively. We suggest that the hot component represents the dust emission of the material swept up by the SNR to its western and southern boundaries, compatible with the distribution of radio continuum emission overlapping the mid-IR emission in the western and southern shells. The existence of hot (~ 2,000 K), shocked dense molecular gas revealed by the near-IR molecular line emission in the western shell, on the other hand, suggests that the cold dust component represents the dust emission related to the interaction between the SNR and nearby molecular gas. The excitation conditions of the molecular gas appear to be consistent with those from shocked, clumpy admixture gas of different temperatures. We discuss three possibilities for the origin of the bright far-IR emission of the cold dust in the western shell: the emission of dust in the inter-clump medium of shocked molecular clouds, the emission of dust in evaporating flows of molecular clouds engulfed by hot gas, and the emission of dust of nearby molecular clouds illuminated by radiative shocks.
[ "astro-ph.GA" ]
Astrophysics of Galaxies
464Astrophysics of Galaxies
Currently, the world has been facing the brunt of a pandemic due to a disease called COVID-19 for the last 2 years. To study the spread of such infectious diseases it is important to not only understand their temporal evolution but also the spatial evolution. In this work, the spread of this disease has been studied with a cellular automata (CA) model to find the temporal and the spatial behavior of it. Here, we have proposed a neighborhood criteria which will help us to measure the social confinement at the time of the disease spread. The two main parameters of our model are (i) disease transmission probability (q) which helps us to measure the infectivity of a disease and (ii) exponent (n) which helps us to measure the degree of the social confinement. Here, we have studied various spatial growths of the disease by simulating this CA model. Finally we have tried to fit our model with the COVID-19 data of India for various waves and have attempted to match our model predictions with regards to each wave to see how the different parameters vary with respect to infectivity and restrictions in social interaction.
[ "", "nlin.CG", "physics.comp-ph" ]
Biological Physics;Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases;Computational Physics
Subsampling methods aim to select a subsample as a surrogate for the observed sample. As a powerful technique for large-scale data analysis, various subsampling methods are developed for more effective coefficient estimation and model prediction. This review presents some cutting-edge subsampling methods based on the large-scale least squares estimation. Two major families of subsampling methods are introduced, respectively, the randomized subsampling approach and the optimal subsampling approach. The former aims to develop a more effective data-dependent sampling probability, while the latter aims to select a deterministic subsample in accordance with certain optimality criteria. Real data examples are provided to compare these methods empirically, respecting both the estimation accuracy and the computing time.
[ "stat.ME" ]
The emergence of CsCl bulk structure in (CsCl)nCs+ cluster ions is investigated using a mixed quantum-mechanical/semiempirical theoretical approach. We find that rhombic dodecahedral fragments (with bulk CsCl symmetry) are more stable than rock-salt fragments after the completion of the fifth rhombic dodecahedral atomic shell. From this size (n=184) on, a new set of magic numbers should appear in the experimental mass spectra. We also propose another experimental test for this transition, which explicitely involves the electronic structure of the cluster. Finally, we perform more detailed calculations in the size range n=31--33, where recent experimental investigations have found indications of the presence of rhombic dodecahedral (CsCl)32Cs+ isomers in the cluster beams.
[ "physics.atm-clus" ]
Atomic and Molecular Clusters
624Atomic and Molecular Clusters
We have investigated the abundance of calcium in early-type galaxies by measuring the strength of the Ca I 4227 absorption line in their integrated spectra. The database used is the large sample of early-type galaxy integrated spectra in Caldwell, Rose, & Concannon (2003). We have measured Ca abundances from the Ca I 4227 feature both by using the Lick Ca4227 index and also by defining a new index, Ca4227_r, that avoids the CN4216 molecular band in the continuum on the blueward side of the line. With the new index definition we measure Ca abundances that are systematically ~0.3 dex higher than with the Lick Ca4227 index. The result is that with the new index definition we obtain higher [Ca/Fe] abundances in early-type galaxies which are more consistent with their well known [Mg/Fe] over-abundances. Hence, we suggest that Ca might be slightly enhanced, relative to Fe, in early-type galaxies.
[ "astro-ph" ]
Let D(n) be the set of all fractions in the unit interval whose denominator in lowest terms equals $n$. We evaluate the product of the values of the Gamma function at the points of D(n), as a function of $n$; the answer depends on whether or not $n$ is a prime power.
[ "math.CA", "math.NT" ]
Classical Analysis and ODEs;Number Theory
970Classical Analysis and ODEs;Number Theory
In this paper, we classify the singular parameters for the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebra over an arbitrary field. Equivalently, we give a criterion for the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebra being Morita equivalent to the direct sum of the Hecke algebras associated to certain symmetric groups.
[ "math.QA" ]
Quantum Algebra
5,873Quantum Algebra
We use a sample of over 5000 active galactic nuclei (AGN) with extended morphologies at z<0.8 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to study the ensemble optical variability as a function of rest-frame time lag and AGN luminosity with the aim of investigating these parameter relationships at lower luminosities than previously studied. We compare photometry from imaging data with spectrophotometry obtained weeks to years later in the Sloan g, r, and i bands. We employ quasar and galaxy eigenspectra fitting to separate the AGN and host galaxy components. A strong correlation between the variability amplitude and rest-frame time lag is observed, in agreement with quasar structure functions but extending to AGN several magnitudes fainter than previously studied. The structure function slopes for our fainter AGN sample are slightly shallower than those found in quasars studies. An anticorrelation with luminosity is clearly detected, with lower luminosity AGN displaying greater variability amplitudes. We demonstrate for the first time that this anticorrelation extends to AGN as faint as $M_{AGN_i}\sim-18.5$, with a slight trend towards shallower slopes at luminosities fainter than $M_{AGN_i}\sim-20.2$.
[ "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.CO" ]
Astrophysics of Galaxies;Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
470Astrophysics of Galaxies;Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
The understanding of an electron gas with short coherence length pairs formed by an attractive interaction is believed to be one of the major keys to our theoretical knowledge of the high-T_c-superconductors. Mainly the deviations of the cuprates from usual metallic Fermi liquid behaviour already in the normal state like e.g. a linear resistivity or the observation of a pseudo gap can result from electron-electron correlations. We therefore investigate the negative U Hubbard model in two dimensions at low densities using the T-matrix approximation. In the non selfconsistent formulation of the theory the system always shows an instability towards Bose condensation of pairs into an infinite lifetime two-particle bound state. If the calculations are performed selfconsistently pair-pair scattering is included which causes the pairs to have finite lifetime. The physics of these finite lifetime pairs is discussed.
[ "cond-mat.str-el", "cond-mat.supr-con" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons;Superconductivity
7,053Strongly Correlated Electrons;Superconductivity
The lepton-number-violating decays of $B^+, D^+$ and $D_s^+$ mesons induced by the doubly charged Higgs boson have been studied. It is found that although the yielded results of the branch ratio are much smaller than the present limits from the data they are consistent with the previous conclusions calculated in the framwork of relativistic quark model where the processes happened via the light Majorana neutrinos.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Magnetic proximity effect of a topological insulator in contact with a ferromagnet is reported in thin film bilayers of 15 nm thick $BiSbTe_3$ on either 15 or 40 nm thick $SrRuO_3$ on (100) $SrTiO_3$ wafers. Magneto transport results of the bilayers were compared with those of reference films of 15 nm $BiSbTe_3$ and 15 or 40 nm $SrRuO_3$. Comparison of the temperature coefficient of resistance [(1/R)$\times$dR/dT which is qualitatively proportional to the magnetization] of the bilayer and reference ferromagnetic film normalized above $T_c$, shows a clear suppression in the bilayer by about 50% just below $T_c$, indicating a weaker proximity magnetization in the bilayer. Resistance hysteresis loops versus field at 1.85$\pm$0.05 K in the bilayer and reference films show a clear magnetic proximity effect, where the peak resistance of the bilayer at the coercive field shifts to lower fields by $\sim$30% compared to a hypothetical bilayer of two resistors connected in parallel with no interaction between the layers. Narrowing of the coercive peaks of the bilayers as compared to those of the reference ferromagnetic films by 25-35% was also observed, which represents another signature of the magnetic proximity effect.
[ "cond-mat.str-el" ]
Strongly Correlated Electrons
6,979Strongly Correlated Electrons
This paper discusses some aspects of PHOBOS physics and its origins, in particular participant scaling and extended longitudinal scaling, seen in A+A and h+A collisions at all energies.
[ "nucl-ex" ]
Nuclear Experiment
4,855Nuclear Experiment
In the framework of minimal supersymmetric model we examine the Z-peak constraints on the scenario of one light sbottom (2--5.5 GeV) and light gluino (12--16 GeV), which has been successfully used to explain the excess of bottom quark production in hadron collision. Such a scenario is found to be severely constrained by LEP Z-peak observables, especially by R_b, due to the large effect of gluino-sbottom loops. To account for the R_b data in this scenario, the other mass eigenstate of sbottom, i.e., the heavier one, must be lighter than 125 (195) GeV at 2-sigma (3-sigma) level, which should have been produced in association with the lighter one at LEP II and will probobaly be within the reach of Tevatron Run 2.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
In this paper, we consider a single top quark production in association with a neutral gauge boson (Z boson or Photon) at the future electron-positron colliders. We utilize these channels to probe the top quark Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) interactions in $tqZ$ and $tq\gamma$ vertices. We perform two separate analyses for top-Z-jet and top-$\gamma$-jet channels. The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) approach is employed to search for these anomalous couplings. We consider parton showering, hadronization and fast detector simulation in our study and use a cut-and-count technique to separate the signal from the Standard Model (SM) background processes. The upper limits on the FCNC couplings at $95\%$ confidence level for the different integrated luminosities are obtained. It is shown that the future lepton collider would be able to probe the FCNC branching fractions to $\rm{Br}(t\rightarrow q \gamma)< 10^{-4}$ and $\rm{Br}(t\rightarrow q Z) < 10^{-4}$ with $3$ $\rm{ab}^{-1}$of integrated luminosity of data at a center of mass energy of $350$ GeV.
[ "hep-ph" ]
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
3,129High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
LSST has chosen Kubernetes as the platform for deploying and operating the LSST Science Platform. We first present the background reasoning behind this decision, including both instrument-agnostic as well as LSST-specific requirements. We then discuss the basic principles of Kubernetes and Helm, and how they are used as the deployment base for the LSST Science Platform. Furthermore, we provide an example of how an external group may use these publicly available software resources to deploy their own instance of the LSST Science Platform, and customize it to their needs. Finally, we discuss how more astronomy software can follow these patterns to gain similar benefits.
[ "astro-ph.IM" ]
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
3,689Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Online social media foster the creation of active communities around shared narratives. Such communities may turn into incubators for conspiracy theories -- some spreading violent messages that could sharpen the debate and potentially harm society. To face these phenomena, most social media platforms implemented moderation policies, ranging from posting warning labels up to deplatforming, i.e., permanently banning users. Assessing the effectiveness of content moderation is crucial for balancing societal safety while preserving the right to free speech. In this paper, we compare the shift in behavior of users affected by the ban of two large communities on Reddit, GreatAwakening and FatPeopleHate, which were dedicated to spreading the QAnon conspiracy and body-shaming individuals, respectively. Following the ban, both communities partially migrated to Voat, an unmoderated Reddit clone. We estimate how many users migrate, finding that users in the conspiracy community are much more likely to leave Reddit altogether and join Voat. Then, we quantify the behavioral shift within Reddit and across Reddit and Voat by matching common users. Few migrating zealots drive the growth of the new GreatAwakening community on Voat, while this effect is absent for FatPeopleHate. Finally, conspiracy users migrating from Reddit tend to recreate their previous social network on Voat. Our findings suggest that banning conspiracy communities hosting violent content should be carefully designed, as these communities may be more resilient to deplatforming.
[ "physics.soc-ph", "cs.CY", "cs.SI" ]
Physics and Society;Computers and Society;Social and Information Networks
5,482Physics and Society;Computers and Society;Social and Information Networks
Motivated by the supersymmetric extension of Liouville theory in the recent physics literature, we couple the standard Liouville functional with a spinor field term. The resulting functional is conformally invariant. We study geometric and analytic aspects of the resulting Euler-Lagrange equations, culminating in a blow up analysis.
[ "math.DG", "math.AP" ]
Differential Geometry;Analysis of PDEs
2,022Differential Geometry;Analysis of PDEs
Adaptive stepsize control is a critical feature for the robust and efficient numerical solution of initial-value problems in ordinary differential equations. In this paper, we show that adaptive stepsize control can be incorporated within a family of parallel time integrators known as Revisionist Integral Deferred Correction (RIDC) methods. The RIDC framework allows for various strategies to implement stepsize control, and we report results from exploring a few of them.
[ "math.NA" ]
Numerical Analysis
5,002Numerical Analysis
The capability of generating speech with specific type of emotion is desired for many applications of human-computer interaction. Cross-speaker emotion transfer is a common approach to generating emotional speech when speech with emotion labels from target speakers is not available for model training. This paper presents a novel cross-speaker emotion transfer system, named iEmoTTS. The system is composed of an emotion encoder, a prosody predictor, and a timbre encoder. The emotion encoder extracts the identity of emotion type as well as the respective emotion intensity from the mel-spectrogram of input speech. The emotion intensity is measured by the posterior probability that the input utterance carries that emotion. The prosody predictor is used to provide prosodic features for emotion transfer. The timber encoder provides timbre-related information for the system. Unlike many other studies which focus on disentangling speaker and style factors of speech, the iEmoTTS is designed to achieve cross-speaker emotion transfer via disentanglement between prosody and timbre. Prosody is considered as the main carrier of emotion-related speech characteristics and timbre accounts for the essential characteristics for speaker identification. Zero-shot emotion transfer, meaning that speech of target speakers are not seen in model training, is also realized with iEmoTTS. Extensive experiments of subjective evaluation have been carried out. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of iEmoTTS as compared with other recently proposed systems of cross-speaker emotion transfer. It is shown that iEmoTTS can produce speech with designated emotion type and controllable emotion intensity. With appropriate information bottleneck capacity, iEmoTTS is able to effectively transfer emotion information to a new speaker. Audio samples are publicly available
[ "eess.AS", "cs.HC" ]
Audio and Speech Processing;Human-Computer Interaction
BL Lacertae (Lac) objects that are detected at very-high energies (VHE) are of fundamental importance to study multiple astrophysical processes, including the physics of jets, the properties of the extragalactic background light and the strength of the intergalactic magnetic field. Unfortunately, since most blazars have featureless optical spectra that preclude a redshift determination, a substantial fraction of these VHE extragalactic sources cannot be used for cosmological studies. To assess whether molecular lines are a viable way to establish distances, we have undertaken a pilot program at the IRAM 30m telescope to search for CO lines in three BL Lac objects with known redshifts. We report a positive detection of M_H2 ~ 3x10^8 Msun toward 1ES 1959+650, but due to the poor quality of the baseline, this value is affected by a large systematic uncertainty. For the remaining two sources, W Comae and RGB J0710+591, we derive 3sigma upper limits at, respectively, M_H2 < 8.0x10^8 Msun and M_H2 < 1.6x10^9 Msun, assuming a line width of 150 km/s and a standard conversion factor alpha=4 M_sun/(K km/s pc^2). If these low molecular gas masses are typical for blazars, blind redshift searches in molecular lines are currently unfeasible. However, deep observations are still a promising way to obtain precise redshifts for sources whose approximate distances are known via indirect methods. Our observations further reveal a deficiency of molecular gas in BL Lac objects compared to quasars, suggesting that the host galaxies of these two types of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are not drawn from the same parent population. Future observations are needed to assess whether this discrepancy is statistically significant, but our pilot program shows how studies of the interstellar medium in AGN can provide key information to explore the connection between the active nuclei and the host galaxies.
[ "astro-ph.CO" ]
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
1,725Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Small exoplanets of nearby M dwarf stars present the possibility to find and characterize habitable worlds within the next decade. TRAPPIST-1, an ultracool M dwarf star, was recently found to have seven Earth-sized planets of predominantly rocky composition. The planets e, f, and g can have a liquid water ocean on their surface given appropriate atmospheres of N2 and CO2. Particularly, climate models have shown that the planets e and f can sustain a global liquid water ocean, for >=0.2 bar CO2 plus 1 bar N2, or >=2 bars CO2, respectively. These atmospheres are irradiated by ultraviolet emission from the star's moderately active chromosphere, and the consequence of this irradiation is unknown. Here we show that chemical reactions driven by the irradiation can produce and maintain more than 0.2 bar O2 and 0.05 bar CO if the CO2 is >=0.1 bar. The abundance of O2 and CO can rise to more than 1 bar under certain boundary conditions. Because of this O2-CO runaway, habitable environments on the TRAPPIST-1 planets entail an O2- and CO-rich atmosphere with coexisting O3. The only process that would prevent the runaway is direct recombination of O2 and CO in the ocean, a reaction that is facilitated biologically. Our results indicate that O2, O3, and CO should be considered together with CO2 as the primary molecules in the search for atmospheric signatures from temperate and rocky planets of TRAPPIST-1 and other M dwarf stars.
[ "astro-ph.EP" ]
Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
2,351Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Messenger RNA encodes a sequence of amino acids by using codons. For most amino acids there are multiple synonymous codons that can encode the amino acid. The translation speed can vary from one codon to another, thus there is room for changing the ribosome speed while keeping the amino acid sequence and hence the resulting protein. Recently, it has been noticed that the choice of the synonymous codon, via the resulting distribution of slow- and fast-translated codons, affects not only on the average speed of one ribosome translating the messenger RNA (mRNA) but also might have an effect on nearby ribosomes by affecting the appearance of "traffic jams" where multiple ribosomes collide and form queues. To test this "context effect" further, we here investigate the effect of the sequence of synonymous codons on the ribosome traffic by using a ribosome traffic model with codon-dependent rates, estimated from experiments. We compare the ribosome traffic on wild type sequences and sequences where the synonymous codons were swapped randomly. By simulating translation of 87 genes, we demonstrate that the wild type sequences, especially those with a high bias in codon usage, tend to have the ability to reduce ribosome collisions, hence optimizing the cellular investment in the translation apparatus. The magnitude of such reduction of the translation time might have a significant impact on the cellular growth rate and thereby have importance for the survival of the species.
[ "q-bio.SC", "q-bio.GN" ]
Subcellular Processes;Genomics
Recent research in the geometric formulation of quantum theory has implied that Weyl Geometry can be used to merge quantum theory and general relativity consistently as classical field theories. In the Weyl Geometric framework, it seems that both quantum theory and gravity can merge consistently, once quantum theory is geometrized. The extended differential geometry can modify the quantum mechanical results into a more general nonlinear framework. Author shows that, how the extended differential geometry modifies the known quantum equations and also the modification to the Maxwell's electromagnetic equations.
[ "gr-qc", "quant-ph" ]
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;Quantum Physics
2,774General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology;Quantum Physics