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Four of us saw a huge illuminated object in the sky that has no logical explanation. Sitting on a deck facing Pamlico sound after sunset. F irst one person saw a really bright light in the air which was stationary. He pointed it out to the rest of us. It was on for about 4 - 5 seconds and then off. It came on again about 10 minutes later a little to the left(south) of where it was before. Same shape, same intensity.... again about 4 - 5 seconds not moving at all. Big glowing object which was definitely not a plane. We sat for hours waiting for it again without seeing it. During this time we saw many planes, they where nothing similar to what we saw. A plane in the air is a point of light(s) and this was huge. The was nothing underneath it that we could tell in the sound. All 4 of us have never seen anything like it before.
Flashing and streaking lights in the northwest sky near Cornelius, Or. I walked out on to my front porch and was looking at the sky to the west to northwest, when I noticed a star like shape. I thought it was a star or planet because it was changing colors from white, red, and blue. Then I noticed many smaller lights would flash around and farther away. Then it would change direction and do figure 8 like pattern with many lights flashing around it. I would also notice streaks of light that would fly close to the main light or just fly in any direction. I saw one small but very bright white streak that was much closer and just over the tree tops. I have been watching them dance around the sky since 0145 and it’s now 0345. The lights look to be very far off but not too high in the sky. ((NUFORC Note: Possible star, we suspect. PD))
Very bright green and red lights. I was walking home along the toe path along the river. It was quite and dark. Overcast,dry slight wind. Suddenly directly infront of me only a few yards away appeared some very perculiar green and red lights a bit scattered and quite low perhaps roughly 8-12 feet high. They seemed to have a different energy from normal lights such as a torch. Very intense light. Then they vanished,they just disapeared. I stood expecting it was someone or a cyclist approaching me along the toe path. There wasn't anyone or any sound which I thought was odd. Then about a minute later the green light comes back and is directly infront of me. I got my phone camera and videod it zooming in on it. Then the red one comes flying out and in a weird manouvere seems to circle the green one before going into it and just like that it's gone.
I had a friend over. We went to the fridge to get some soda's. At that point we saw nothing on the sky. After maybe 10-15 min, we saw a flash of red light in the sky. Out of the light came two alien aircrafts. Another flash of light came and there was two new "UFOs". It continued like that until it was 8-10 crafts. The crafts that i saw were the same as the ones that got me last year. The crafts were triangles with something looking like a big window on it. Last year I thought I was dreaming, but now I know the truth. I was alien abducted last year. I have been researching on this now and it was "the grays" that abducted me. Last year I had trouble recovering from this incident. It would be to painful to go true with this again. Thank you for your understanding. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))
2 bird over east of Montréal? My english is poor ,sorry. I was whit my mother and my father on the pool. We was drinking beer and we was not drunk. I saw 2 light on the sky . White and bright light small . I have told my father: "Look 2 bird!" My father have take almost 1 minute to find those things. When he found it he said : " that what the other peapoel said that is UFO" Me and my father have luaght a moment , my mother was searching . My mother have finaly found the 2 light but they was very far , and they disapear on cloud maybe 10 seconde after she saw those 2 light. At the end my mother said : "bird dont live at night." I am not sure what i have seen, it can be bird , i dont know. But this was not plane because 1 of them did some kind of circle move around the other at the end just before disapear on the cloud.(what have realy impress me)
This was a orange/ yellow Ufo that was witnessed for more than a minute. I was outside with my brother. We were actually talking about previous sightings. I went to the side of the trailer to urinate. As I looked to the left I see a orange/ yellow orb or light headed east from where i saw it. I ran towards my brother so he can see it to, and he did. It was still headed east. For more proof, I went inside the house to let everyone know so that they can witness it to. Now there was 10 of us looking at this UFO. It turned towards the north and started dimming away quickly. All my family was pretty scared, I know I was. We tried capturing it on a phone but my brother was recording a star instead, I was really upset because he missed. and soon after the light disappeared. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))
3 starlight objects do trickery through the sky for 1 1/2 hour (video footage) Woke up around 5:00 am to go to bathroom, came to lay back down & looked out window and saw bright "star" like thing moving around rapidly. As I continued to watch, it would hover in same spot for 20-30 seconds then shoot rapidly across sky. Would free fall then stop itself on a dime, doing circles & figure 8's. We were amazed & thought quickly to get the video camera. Got a few good shots of it, but it is so fast that it is hard to get good detail. Eventually saw a straight line drop down from object and then another "light" began to act erradically also. The 2 would connect then disconnect, and at 1 point a third object was flying in the same manner as the 2 previously listed. DEFINATELY not military or commercial aircraft. This went on until dawn and was nolonger visible to the eye.
It looked kinda like a triangle, but it had flat edges around the edge's. It was a Chrome like color, as big as at least a 1 story building, maybe about 250-500 feet in the air, and it glowed reddish black and left a whitish trail when it left. During this event, the object changed color at least 3-4 times, between reddish black, to a very dark red. It sounded like a whistle at first, but became silent and came on again. (Kinda like morse code) I saw at least a dozen lights on it that where various colors. I was talking on my cell at the time to my wife, telling her about this, and it was coming in kinda fuzzy, then I heard a noise coming from my cell phone, (Maybe a transmission) and then it went dead a couple of seconds later. The noises I heard from the phone could have been a launguage, but I could not understand a word of it. After my phone went dead It left a few seconds later.
String of lights in Quartzite desert We were at an RV Rally about 6 miles North of Quartzite off of HWY 10 on Plomosa Rd 3 miles east. We were walking back to our coach at about 11: PM and stopped near a camp fire that was still burning. As we were talking I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and turned my partner towards the mountains. We watched what looked like a string of lights appear in the sky. From right to left, light, light, light and then to the north another set of lights left to right, light, light, light. We watched for about 6 seconds and then they went out. When they went out we could see something dart erratically from the centers of each light. We confirmed what we had just seen and several minutes later one more string of light appeared and disappeared just like the others did. We’re not sure what we saw, but we did see something.
An object shaped like a teardrop on its side flying at incredible speeds over rural central Pennsyvlania countryside. I was sitting at this computer in my house and a glinting in the sky caught my attention. I looked up and I saw a shiny-grayish object that I assumed was a plane until I realized how incredibly fast it was moving, and looked closer to see that it looked like a teardrop on its side. It was heading from east to west at speeds I have never seen before. Shortly before moving over the horizon and out of my sight, it made a sharp turn towards the north, sped up even more, and went over the horizon. My home is in a small rural town in central Pennsylvania, and about 5-7 miles from the main parts of town, and there are no military installations near our area. There are passenger jets visible that pass over our area from time to time like normal, but never anything like this.
Three bright objects would appear and disappear covering great distances in the night sky. I had just got in from work and went outside to check the christmas lights, when I looked up at the night sky and off in the distance I saw what I thought was an air craft light. As I continued to watch this light I noticed it would travel across the horizon it would travel slowly ,seem to stop or disappear and reappear a great distance away. It would jump from one spot to another very quickly.Soon another light appeared above the first and another above the second light and all three objects traveled together then would split up in different directions and then reappear one ontop of the other as if looking for something. I watched this for a couple of hours off and on. Because of the cold weather I finally went in for the night. I tried to video tape the objects ,but my camera would not focus inthe night sky.
If anyone around us has a chance, this is happening right now! ((name deleted)), sitting outside on the balcony, suddenly notices a bright light facing west that is somewhat brighter than that of any aircraft known. this sphericle object will not move in directions up down left or right but does seem to lose potency of light either exiting the hemisphere or reducing energy. ((name deleted)) notifies ((female name deleted)) and ((female name #2 deleted)). The event continues for the next two days then the object is no longer there for the duration of one evening. Best guess would be either a sattelite or a planet. Then upon going outside on March 18th, the object is in the exact same place as it was before. Again getting brighter then less and so again. The only reaction to this in my opinion would be a ufo hovering acknowlidging human conduct or some sort of plan… ((NUFORC Note: Venus. PD))
Here not only we(People) My buddy and I work for moving company in Canada . On the way from Saskachewan to Manitoba, very , very , so bright blue - white light flashed above our truck . My buddy was driving , he thought it is police , but very bright blue-white light was everywhere. He lokked at the side mirror noone was behind us. He scared of this. I opened my side window and saw that was so unbelivable ... It was ship making so bright light so far around where it was. ONce in my life I have seen something like that in Kazakstan when I was 5-6 years old , it was 10 - 15 steps from me stood on the ground , 2 of them not from our world and one man was kinda sleeping at front of one of them , my mom , grandma , adults didn't belive us. I wasn't alone to more guys were with me , they were about 6-8 years old. That was it 1000%! ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))
I work in a facility that doesn't allow photography or cellphones. Me and my superviser stepped outside (cloudy day), and to the north of us was a large perfect circle of lights that flashed all around in a synchronized fashion, me and him stared at it in amazment as it glided through the air, me and him have never in our lives seen anything like it. It had maybe 15 to 20 lights all the way around (no physical aircraft was visible), from where we were standing the object would have had to have been rather large. We couldn't tell how high it was but it was completely silent. It was moving from east to the west, he called his parents and told them to get a camera and go outside as they lived about 5 miles away from where the object should have been flying directly over but they never saw anything, we still do not know what we saw and everyone we have discussed this with has not said anything about seeing this object.
Sideways 8, yellow, steady, UFO seen during TV News Show, during Adam Schiff’s Comment at the Whitehouse. I went on YouTube, to watch the News, on YouTube I clicked on The Ingraham Angle 3/25/19 Fox News (Posted by Cris creeper boy) Breaking TrumpToday Mar 25, 2019 149K views- 1 day ago Adam Schiff’s Comment 21:26/ 43:09 to 21:28, 2 seconds Press release at the Whitehouse, outside Interview by Adam Schiff I saw a Bright blue sky with a yellow ufo, maybe 2 ufo’s blended together, unknown form looking like a number eight 8 sideways, filled in with yellow/light beige/white light/substance On the right side of Schiff’s face, at chin’s height. The ufo is Steady non-moving and did not disappear, was only seen for 2 seconds when/until the camera went out of focus/ camera took its focus off of Adam Schiff. The News show went on until 43:09 minutes past, not returning the camera focus to Adam Schiff.
Strange object seen hovering below Sirius emitting lights in New Delhi, India Yesterday, seen at around 8:35 pm in Delhi. A strange object emitting a kind of red light directly above and following Sirius (star). We saw through our 325x telescope, the object(s) was showing a kind a blueshift, which is only seen , according to physics, when an object is coming towards us. Me and my Brother immediately checked wikisky for any such image, but none like that was there. The Object was like two arrows pointing opposite to each other. The object was immediately below Sirius. It looked strange and appeared to be hovering over the spot. It remained there for around 1 and a half hours.It could be a meteroid but how could a meteoroid be of that shape and could not maintain the same distance from Sirius. Also, sometimes, with the telescope, there seemed to be flashing lights over it. The images could not be taken because the Mobile Camera was not working.
Spherical type objects hovering above the sky for long durations, rapid movement. Bright orange spheres hovering in the sky, these objects could change direction at whim (Shoot straight up, darted from side to side) Two hovered close to each other extremely bright orange. At one point the bright orange would just stop and only the flashing white, blue and red lights could be seen. Others flew around with white lights on the bottom and blue and red lighting on the side with occasional flashing and a slight orange tint. There was also one that was fairly large that just hovered for 30 minutes or so then dissapeared below the horizon. Speeds varied for each craft. At one point two crafts seemed to have nearly collided but hovered directly above one another for about 5 minutes. You could faintly hear a whirring of a jet-like engine as one passed over. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
Two extremely loud electical/plastic sounding/zapping explosions overhead at 9:45pm on 09/22/01 Just as I was falling asleep at about 9:45pm (I had to be up for work at 5:00am). I was startled by an incredible electical popping/banging sound. I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. I saw nothing. I thought maybe fireworks were set off in the neighborhood. I went back to bed. Just as I pulled the sheets up, I heard a second, same kind of noise. To be descriptive, it sounded as if someone has put a tupperware container in a microwave oven and left the lid on which caused a plastic sounding explosion/bang, but ten times the noise. I covered my ears after each explosion it was so loud. My cat was obviously distrubed and immediately headed for the basement. After the second explosion I looked out front and saw most of the nieghbors in the area turning on their porch lights and looking around outside. I thought it resembled a sonic boom or space debris re-entering the atmosphere.
The animals were in terror. I was up late reading, had just let my dog inside, when she wanted to go out very badly. I opened the door, and she indicated that I follow her. Once outside, I heard the horses in our pasture, and the cattle across the road just going nuts with fear, and all of the outside neighborhood dogs barking. My dog was looking straight up, snarling, and had her fangs bared. I looked up and saw a single green light. I watched it for just a few seconds, then I looked down and said to my dog: "I certainly hope you are seeing what I am seeing". When I looked back up, the light was gone, the horses and dogs in the area were then quiet. You have to understand that at that time, this was a very rural area. The next day, I questioned a couple of neighbors, and none of them had heard anything. I was unable to determine how close this light was, there were no reference points, and there was absolutely no sound but for the animals. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))
Object looked like a full moon, but it travelled too fast, and went the wrong way... Gentlemen: I was on my way home from work one morning. The object In question looked like a full moon that was out that previous night as well... but this object was hovering when first I spotted it... I say hovering we'll suffice it too say it was stationary, Then all of a sudden it started moving toward the north by north west... As we all know the moon does not travel on a north west trajectory... Especially over here on the north American continent. The last time that I saw it it went over a hill and I lost sight of it.. As I was on the interstate at the time I couldn't pursue it any further. If you have any further questions of me on this matter just contact me by the usual methods. After I got home and was unloading the car I happened to look to the south and there was the moon right where it was supposed to be... ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD))
Glowing object in the sky over fireworks display. My Wife and I were attending a firewaorks Display at a Ballfield in our hometown. After the fireworks were over and most people had gone home, my wife and I were sitting on a blanket and I noticed a bright red and orange glowing ball about 1000 feet in front of us. It moved extremely slowly in a North Easterly direction. I was close enough to see whatever was inside of this glowing ball was similiar to fire. It also made a buzzing and hissing sound. My partner and I watched this object move across the sky until it faded out of sight. I am not sure if others had seen it however there were still a lot of cars leaving the ballfield so I believe someone must have noticed it? The next day on my way to work, I heard on the radio (95.7 fm) some kids had seen a similiar object in the night sky in the there area after watchimng fireworks( about 100kms) away. I didnt think anymore on this subjct until I tread a report on your website on a similar incident.
The UFO was a saucer shape, and it had bright red lights. It didn't stay around too long. I was on the phone looking out the window and I see a bright red light. I thought the light was coming from outside because there are a lot of cars and cross signs around here. The light lasted for about 3 seconds. The object looked round, kind of like a disk. The light was so bright that it was beaming below the craft making the object look bigger than it actually was, kind of like a jellyfish with it's body hanging below it. Since it happened so quick I didn't really pay as much mind to it. About 2 minutes later I saw a clearer craft. It was the same shape and the lights were even brighter red. Both objects seemed far away but very visible. The second craft kind of floated around like it didn't know where to go and then it just disappeared so fast. It was like one minute it was there so clearly and the next it was gone. I couldn't even follow it. It didn't fly straight either. It seemed pretty wobbly.
Nov12/10, 7-34 pm, 3 orange shimmery lites in a triangular formation going slowly in one direction then 90 degrees to another for 2 min At 7:34pm, traveling from the east-south-east, I saw three orange ember-like lights in the sky and I watched them travel very slowly. Each light seemed to be a different size and a different shade of orange, almost strengthening and weakening in color and it looked like they were shimmering, like a glowing, burning ember from a bon-fire as it rises from the flames. They seemed to be at different altitudes and each at different distances away. There was not a sound in the sky and it was very clear as numerous stars could seen. Even with the motion detector lights on from the rear of the yard, the street lights and the lights of the City, it didn't seem to matter - these three objects were very clear. As they moved north-north-west, they slowly changed direction and started going north-north-east. I watched with three other people as they all, one by one, just disappeared.
A diamond shaped UFO flew over our campsite. While camping at Hueston Woods State Park on a Friday night, a couple of friends and I were sitting on a picnic table around 11:30. It was a very clear night and we could see alot of stars. Then this object which was diamond shaped flew slowly directly over us. It made no noise. It took about 20 seconds to go from one tree horizon to the next. We all agreed that it must have been atleast as big as a football field. It had 6 white lights (I think.) It was shaped something like this....0............................................................................ .....o.o........................................................................... ....O...O.......................................................................... ......O............................................................................ The Os are the white lights. The center was black as the night and blocked out stars. The random periods are so that my picture keeps its shape whe submitted
Object in Sky in Cary, NC The object was large, made no sound, and had 5 rotating circular compartments with two areas for lights. This object came over the treeline to my right along with a smaller object. I was looking at it through the passenger window. I was looking at the bottom side of this object. This object had 5 circular-shaped compartments with two areas for lights and each circle was rotating and the 5 circular things were also rotating. The smaller object was moving back and forth to the larger object quite quickly. The object was dark grey and where the lights were attached the circles would rotate the object could change shape. I could see the mechanical movements of the object, the rotations of the entire object, and the rotation of the area where the lights were on the object. I grabbed my phone and took 3 pictures, and in the first picture, the white blurry line is the smaller object moving fast to the larger object the video I took was before it left out of sight and the video has been slowed down.
A Terrace B.C. resident reports - it went immediately 2 times very bright before speeding up again and continuing towards the NW. The light was greyish-white in color, round and extremely bright. The object moved from the Southwest ( Kitimat ) to Northeast. It also moved very quickly. Before losing track of the object it has slowed significantly down over Thornhill. There were two witnesses to this sighting. Thank you to the two witnesses for this report. ((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Brian Vike, Director of the Houston, British Columbia, Canada UFO Research organization, for sharing this report. We encourage other witnesses to the same event to contact Mr. Vike directly at the following e-address: <> His website homepage for Canadian reports, or ordering his newsletter, is: <> All the British Columbia UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research can be found at: <> PD))
Something was flying over downtown Portland on August 6th My friend was visiting me in Portland a few weeks ago from Germany and he was taking some video of downtown Portland while sightseeing in the aerial tram. Later he was watching the footage after uploading it on his computer and he noticed something hovering over the city like a helicopter but then take with a speed and angle that we don't think could possibly be a helicopter or plane. We have no idea what it was or even if perhaps it was a reflection or something but it sure looks like something that is flying. I'm interested in seeing what any experts might think. The incident happened on August 6th at around noon and like I said he was in the portland aerial tram looking down over downtown. As for witnesses there were others in the tram but no one saw anything or had any reaction at the time. We posted the video to youtube to see if anyone else saw anything that day so the link is below so you can see the footage.
Rotating Sphere with a light in the middle on one area Note: I immediatly wrote down and drew a rough picture of what I saw, so I'm writing straight from the notebook what I put down after I ran inside and calmed down The object was up in the southern sky, for a while I thought it was an unusually bright star until it began to rotate 360 degrees over and over. It remained in the same spot continuing to turn at a steady pace. I continued to watch in shock as an odd whooshing (it was not wind like sound) sound. I became afraid and stood up and the sphere stopped rotating to where the lit part was in full view to me. Suddenly I could see my own breath, as if the air was freezing, but it was 70 degrees outside. After that I ran into the house, told my brother, got sick and then looked back out to where I had seen it, but it was gone. This was logged at 1:34 a.m. Central US time in my notebook. One thing I forgot to note was that when the light was completely out of my view I could see the full outline of the object from the light.
Two white orbs above Downtown Palm Springs, spotted by at least two completely sober people. My girlfriend (called Y) and I were in the pool this evening and saw two UFOs above Palm Springs. The first one was like a very bright plane with no blinking light, the light itself was very white-white, and it was moving almost like a plane, south over downtown. Just as Y jokingly said, "Maybe it's a UFO." It proceeded to slow down and slightly change direction (either west, or up... not sure), and over the course of 3 or 4 seconds, the round white light dimmed to orange, then, slowly to red, then it faded out; not behind clouds or anything, it was crystal clear out. And I know that nothing that big and bright could go out of sight relatively instantly. About 5 minutes later, as we were still in the pool tripping out, she said 'look, another one!' I totally didnt believe her at first, but sure enough, there was an already dim one changing direction and fading out. It was just above the mountain behind Downtown Palm Springs. I am so pumped we got to see them.
I walked out to smoke and seen a red triangler red light with white lights circling the outside of it. Both blinking very fast. I walked outside in my back top deck to smoke and i was looking at the stars and how beautiful they were and not a cloud in the sky. I looked across the hill about north east of my house across the road and seen it. It was a huge triangler shaped red light that was blinking really fast. On the exterior of the object there were realy bright white lights around it also blinking really fast. It sat over a house for around a minute and fouty-five seconds. I ran inside the house to try to wake up my mom and she would not wake up, so I ran back outside to see if it was still there and it was gone. I could not sleep the rest of the night and was scared to death. I know for a fact that it wasn't a airplane, hellacoptor, or anything I have ever seen before. I didn't believe in UFO's but i promise I for sure do now. I know what I have seen and now i know there are others out there besides us. Thank You ((name deleted)) Ashland, Ky
Total of 5 deep orange/yellow lights floated across the sky, too close together to be airplanes, made no sound, & were following a path There were at first 3, yellow/deep orange bright lights, too close together and too small to be airplanes, and they were moving slightly north and more west. They at first looked small enough to just be a nearby planet or for some reason large star, but then I realized they were moving and were definitely neither of those. As I watched the first three, somewhat fireball-like lights move across the sky, a fourth peeked up behind the tree line in front of me and was following the other 3 (who happened to be in a group somewhat like a triangle shape). Eventually a fifth light came from the treeline, still following the other 4. They all remained in the air, seemingly high in the atmosphere, until they either turned a different way and we could not see the light or they dimmed out, it was hard to tell. But soon after seeing the fifth one, two of the first 3 began to quickly dim and distinguish. There was no sound, only light.
Large red light seen crossing the moon in a few seconds. When I was about 8 or 9 years old my father was stationed at FT Drum New York. My whole family seen it, so not just me. It was a summer night and we where all outside on the patio relaxing. Then... this thing had to be big, really big as it looked like a red dot that went across the moon. It was not a Comet or an Asteroid as it had no tail and honestly moved to slow to be either of the two in my opinion. As a note the light was solid, it did not blink and was the color of a traffic light. It was going the speed or looked the same way a plane looks crossing the sky. It appears slow but in fact is going 100's of miles an hour. Now the fact it crossed the moon in about 4 seconds is very fast indeed. I can not even begin to speculate on the speed. I made a small animation of what it looked like. I have never seen anything else since then even though I looked constantly with my telescope and moon map I got that Christmas. I am now 34 years old. LOL! Thanks ((name deleted)) ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))
A bright green, flourescent light that traveled at a very rapid speed leaving a trail and changed direction rapidly before disappearing My daughter and I were traveling north on Florida's turnpike at about 8:30PM. A flying object traveled northbound next to the turnpike above the treeline in a straight line, dipped and turned up and to the northeast at an incredibly high rate of speed before it completely disappeared. I could not make out the shape of the object - it was a bright, flourescent green light that left a trail as it moved. I have never seen anything move that quickly in the sky (or on land or sea for that matter). I'm 40 years old and have never seen anything like this in my life, nor have I ever looked for it. I cannot explain it and feel strange even having seen it. It was too big to be a model plane or a firefly or some logical explanation. It was too fast to be a small plane or helicopter. The light was not a projected beam because it was self-propelled and moved with precision and purpose. And it disappeared after it changed direction upward and to the northeast.
Green line in the sky shaped as a straight line UFO SIGHTING August 13, 2010 Three days ago(August tenth) I went to the store to get a pack of smokes , only to find out that the store was closed so I went to different one . It was nice out so I took a longer route , which was up over a hill As I was walking up this hill something in my peripherals caught my attention. I looked up immediately and what I seen was a green line of light in the sky . Not very large and very sharp. It almost looked like a small LED light. I stopped to look at for about a minute when I got to the top of the hill, to make sure I just wasn’t seeing things. I also Noticed a plane in the sky flying by. After about a minute of looking at the object. I walked down the other side of the hill to the store to get smokes. The farther down the hill I went the less I could see it, until it disappeared. I came back the same way I came to see if I could still see the object. Unfortunately it was gone and I walked home puzzled at what I had saw. I think It could be similar to the report on July 19, 2010.
Objects: Flame shape - Number of objects: 1 My wife and I were sitting in the pool and the sky lit up for a few seconds. The trajectory was upwards and the flash was a large bright red flame shaped object with a blueish halo and it had a tail and it disappeared into the sky or burnt up? It was much to quick to be an airplane and too large to be fireworks. I have written to the witness in hopes to gather more information on this sighting. Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Canadian Toll Free UFO Hotline 1 866 262 1989 - Free call. Editor: Canadian Communicator - Paranormal Magazine email: Website: ((NUFORC Note: Please see other reports for same event. We express our gratitude to Brian Vike for sharing this report with NUFORC. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: One of several reports of apparently the same event seen over Texas. It is interesting that the event has not been reported from surrounding states, given that a bright meteor can be seen for hundreds of miles around. PD))
Amber triangular craft seen in Northeast Ohio 500 Lights On Object0: Yes My mother and I were driving south-bound headed into Waynesburg, Ohio at about 8:15 PM, or 20:15, when I noticed something odd above the treeline on the large hill to the southeast. It was a triangle shaped craft with 3 lights. A 4th light was off to the left of the triangle. All of the lights were an Amber or Orange that were very bright. The 3 lights on the triangle were around 20 or 30 feet apart and the light off to the side was around 50 to 70 feet away. They were hovering, not moving, and made no sound from what I could hear. We went into a store for around 5 minutes and when we returned, the craft was gone. As we turned onto the next road and headed east. As I tooked into the sky to find it again, a small light caught my eye. The sky was extremely clear, not a star or cloud out. It was dark, however, and very black. The light that was off to the side of the original triangle was following us down the road but at a safe distance. The object was high in the sky in front of the car and was still the Amber or Orange color.
While in patrol at above time notced a bright star or planet in eastern sky,approx 30 degrees above horison.Iwas looking there a few moments when a bright yellow light streaked across the sky east to west.It was two streaks,as if it turned off and then back on.It was about 1/8 the size of a full moon to start an the size of a bright star at last sight.It covered approx.30 to 40 deg. As above it travled east to west,covering approx.40 deg.of arc of sky,in about i to 1 and1 1/2 sec.It was bright yellow 1/8 th. size of moon down to star at last sight.It blinked out for split sec.while in flight appeared like two streaks along line of flight.I looked for few sec.for another aperence along path but saw nothing ferther.I am a Phila.Police officer,I had also worked as Airport security and was certified weather observer for NOAA and FAA at PNE in N.E.Phila.The path of object was approx that of trafic.into Willogrove Navel air station but thay are cloced to traffic 10PM to 6AM,But it was not desending and too fast for aircraft if at lower altitude (also no sound)and unlike any shooting star i have seen.Also ext.clear night.
2 orange/red round balloon type objects with fire seen consecutively...10 minutes ? apart On Friday, June 20, My spouse and I were inside our home when I noticed what I thought was a red/orange balloon with a yellow burner coming from the west and moving to the southwest. I grabbed my binoculars but it was difficult to focus on. It moved steadily to the south/south east and was finally obscured behind evergreen's. A few moments later another one appeared at the same elevation and moving the same speed and direction......I had my binoculars and tried to focus again, it appeared that there were visible yellow flames at the bottom of the object through the binoc's but it was too difficult to tell what it really was. We had been near SEA earlier in the evening and flights were landing to the south indicating there was a south wind. These objects were moving steadily to the south and thus didn't appear to be balloons which should have gone northward in a south wind. The time of 10 pm is an could have been between 10 and 11 ! pm. It was dark readily visible in the night sky.
Low flying round shaped object with lights around bottom hovering over while camping with a few close friends, a quite loud sound was heard. We all wondered what it was, it being 11:30 at night, and went outside the tent to see what was making the noise. The object appeared to be a jet untill it came close to us. There were many lights on the base of the object, seemed to be in a circle. Flying very very low, much lower than conventional aircraft. It hovered over our heads and indeed it was a sphere shaped object with a circle of lights on the bottom, moved very slowly just right of where we were standing. Just as soon as it was out of sight the noise ceased. Luckily one of us had brought a video camera just in case anyone did something funny, and the whole sighting was caught on video. I cant find out how to get it onto the computer though. A very thrilling experience. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of the incident is approximate. We have requested a copy of the video, and have invited the other witnesses to submit reports, as well. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Student rept.; address invalid; possible hoax. PD))
I awoke suddenly at 2:00a.m. & looked out into the sky and saw what I thought to be a very bright falling star. It disappeard, & thought nothing of it. I looked out side again & there it was. What I though was the wind blowing the trees making it appear & disappear. Looked more like a light blinking off and on. There was no wind. I looked away & it was gone. I looked out side again & there was a bright light in a different place. I watched it & realized it was "hovering" and the light around it seemed to be circling it, as in movement, very high & moving a little, & asked my boyfriend to look. He also saw it moving. I watched it as is slowly moved out of sight. The object was very far away & was very hard to tell what shape it was. There was a light that looked to be circling the out side of it, because it wasn't completely lit on what looked to be the top & bottom of it. It also seem to have a main light that circled it. It moved in up & down & side to side & hovering motions. The light would be very dim at times & very bright at others. It gradually, slowly moved in a wesward direction, on the same plane of travel.
A giant glowing object resembling a car headlight floated across the night sky and then shot straight up through the clouds It was an overcast night and the craft was below the clouds. It looked as if a giant headlight were hanging in the night sky. That's the best way I can describe it, because it wasn't a ball of light, but rather a focused beam of light pointing across the sky in one direction. I'm sure you're familiar with the term "no inertia" hung in the sky for several seconds and then took off without any build-up to a speed of what a small airplane might run at if it were at full speed. But like I said, when it took off it was instantly at that speed. There was absolutely no sound coming from the object as it paced itself to a point in the distance about 1-2 miles away from us and then...WOOOSH! it shot straight up through the clouds exactly like in the movies...the speed mirrored a bolt of lightning. Anyway, that was it. The friends I had with me, although I haven't seen them in a few years, still won't talk about the incident. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of the incident is approximate. PD))
Small flashing star-like object, primarily white light with smaller red and green lights. Singe object in southwestern sky initially noticed at 20:45. Approximately 45 degrees above horizon and relatively stationary; as of 21:18 had only fallen a few degrees towards the horizon. Appeared as a fairly bright "star" approximating magnitude of Sirius, however was visibly flashing with hints of red and green. Viewed through 4" telescope, very obvious red and green colors intermixed with predominant white light. Appears to be quite distant - through scope, slightly smaller than pencil erasor. No details visible, simply a flashing 'blob' of lights. No sound at all. Is very definitely not a commercial aircraft. As of now, 21:25, has edged at most a few degrees slightly to the west-southwest, but still appears fairly stationary. Very slight haze of bright light around object, pulsating slightly as the flashing (which is continuous and ongoing w/ seemingly no pattern) continues. ((NUFORC Note: We wonder whether the witness might be looking at Sirius. PD)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
It was a large light, bigger than any other in the sky, going from SW to NE at a fast speed zig zaging here and occured at 12:40 AM on It was a clear night no clouds in the sky.It was the day of my 8th grade Graduation and I just wanted to relax after a long day. My Father and I went to the ((deleted)) Store and got a few snacks. We Sat on our porch and started talking. I looked at my dog rolling around in the grass. Then, I looked up into the night sky. There was a big Orange-Redish ball of light passing above my neighbors' houses. It was coming from a South Westernly direction and continued moving to the North East. My father jumped up and said "What ((deleted)) is that!?!" It was moving faster than any satilite that I had ever seen in my Life. Occasionally it would Zig zag here and there. When We could see it no more, I ran inside my house and looked at the clock. I got the Time. It was around 12:40. Then I ran back outside and I saw a plane that was going from East and going west at a normal speed. Compared to the UFO I had seen, the plane was extremely Slow. ((NUFORC Note: No bright satellites listed for this time and date by <>. PD))
a round metallic object flying over bear del. disappeared and reappeared changed direction and flew away at incredible speed i was looking up and at first i thought i was looking at a bubble then i realized it wasnt a bubble , it flew for about 30 seconds faded then reappeared flew 30 more seconds then disappeared again. it flew like the speed of a plane , but was round and metallic looking . i kept looking up and spotted either the same one or a different object going in a differnt direction and this time it was moving very fast . i yelled to everyone and said do you see it ? my cousin said yeah but didnt know what it was . later a plane flew over in the same exact flight pattern ,same speed as the first sighting and had the same metallic look but you i could see the wings and the rest of the plane where the other craft was just round and the other factor that made a difference was i heard the plane the round craft made no sound . now with the secound sighting the other difference was the speed ,when i see a plane over head it looks like it is moving slow and the round object was! moving fast and you could see the speed and it was much much faster than a plane .
Srange lights/unknown craft observed in E/ESE sky of NorthEastern St.Clair County Al. on night of 12/05/2008. Observed very strangely lit object approximately 40*-50* azimuth in E/ESE sky, moving in very unconventional flight manner. Began observation @ approximately 21:35 CST and still ongoing as of 22:25 CST. Object shape difficult to discern, only noticing extremely agile motions of this object, in a manner inconsistent of any known flight craft. Reporting made to Saint Clair County Sheriffs Department via phone at approximately 21:45 CST. Lighting appears to be multicolor red/blue/green as best as can be determined from presentation at this unknown distance, which I can best estimate as 3+ miles. I notified two of my neighbors whom saw the same unknown object, and verify that this situation was indeed occuring as reported here. Additionally, my wife came outside and observed same sighting for several minutes as well, until too cold to remain outside any longer. ((NUFORC Note: We are grateful for the excellent report, but we believe that the witness may have been looking at Sirius, which is a very colorful object in the southeaster sky, currently. PD))
Flashes of Greenish/Blue light over Clear Lake I was in my backyard at 6:04pm, I know the time exactly because I looked at the time, then at the moon. As I looked at the moon and the stars, as I do everynight, off to my right, just above the treeline, there was a bright greenish/blue flash. Honestly as I caught the tail end of it, my first thought was, someone had set of some fireworks, even though there was no noise, and I just caught the cast off falling to the ground. While looking at this spot in the sky, to hopefully see the next flash as it happened, another flash appeared to the left in the sky, I turned to look at it, but it was gone, then right in front of me again above the treeline, another flash, and then again to the right, yet another. Whatever this was, it moved so fast that I couldn't keep up. I never once got to actually look right at it. It was the most beautiful light, and I have been looking for it to happen again the last few nights, but nothing. If anyone saw this, over the Clear Lake area, please confirm that I don't just have some tumor that was rapid firing in my brain. Thanks, anyone with ideas of what it was would be nice as well.
3 UFO's spotted in a line formation 6/25/08 My husband saw one come in first moving very fast and was very red in color. By the time he came in to get me, object had moved to a different location in the sky, and was also accomanied by a second. We got out the binoculars and watched them move in a very random pattern. Every once in a while they would stop, the whole time moving or not the stayed in a line formation one on top of the other a decent yet close ways away from each other. Then a third came in out of nowhere, more faint then the other two but worked its way toward the line formation. It was hard to tell the shape as it was night but as they moved they looked like blue lines of electricity. When the biggest one stopped you could see a slight shape of circular and blue triangular lines showed up on its shape. The one above it never stopped long enough to see a correct shape. We are both from a small town, and have seen many before and they always come in three's. We have seen them together and apart from each other so this is no unusual occurance for us. This is the first time reporting it. We are only reporting it now because it has happened so often.
AT LEAST 19 LIGHTS OVER BUCKEYE-GILABEND AREA , 3 NIGHTS IN A ROW FROM 8:30-9:30PM The fisrt night on 09/08/04 there were a total of seven lights on the Estrella Moutains, they would light up and eventually disappear. One of them lite up the clouds so bright,that was the only time that they got that bright. It happened between 8:30 and would go till about 9:30. The jets from Luke Air force base flew out there so fast it was unbelievable then they flew back just the same,like something was wrong. The second night, they would light up in different spots and the jets would go out and come back again. around thesame time. The third night the lights came out slowly, and eventually seven lights formed in a perfect line. The two middle lights for a few minutes were diagonal in the middle of the formation. They did not get very bright. When looking through a telescope they looked like they were on fire and spinging in circles in one spot. At one point you could see smoke trails come from each light. Again the Luke, jets came out extremely quick,maybe even more faster than before right over our house. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the incident may be approximate. PD))
The object swayed and suddenly dropped, then made of circular motions,with the coloured lights circling it in no particular sequence It was seen against a dark sky, with lots of stars. As it was near the Newcastle airport planes frequently crossed over, so we new it wasnt an aeroplane. It was oval shaped and seemed to stay in the same place for at least 30 minutes. It flashed white, red, orange and blue in no particular sequence, but it looked like the colours were circling the object.There seemed to also be a red cicle around it like an aura. Then after about 30 minutes it started to sway from side to side. Then it dropped at what seemed like a high speed, but it could still be seen. Again it started to sway then after another 10 minutes it circled in the sky. There was only one in the sky. My friend got her binoculars out of her house and we all saw that there seemed to be four dots of light around it and on the oval itself there looked like there were zig-zag patterns. It also looked like it left a slight red trail behind it.At about 1hour into the sighting it seemed to get smaller and smaller, but not that quickly, this took about 10 minutes. ((NUFORC Note: We suspce a twinkling star. PD))
bow shockwave with rectangle craft it was hyperfast this happened at 4am 10-11-2010 i was outside looking at stars then all of a sudden as i was moving my head from north to south i seen a flash of light with a rectangle in what looked like a bow shock wave. 1st i thought it was a close meteor about to hit just east of me on the plains there was no sound it looked like they were coming out a worm hole or something!?!?! the rectangle looked like it had 3 rectangles on one another it was white in color. the 2nd time i seen the rectangle craft it was with in 5 min of the 1st sighting i was in my room and it happened again it so fast.. i seen the same rectangle craft on my entertainment system. this time it was seen with a stairs coming off the stationary and it looked like aliens where getting off the craft they were humanoid and minature in size this happened so fast i am wondering if this really happening. why would THEY let me see them what purpose do they have in side my home or with me. i am boggled and keep asking my self it this real!?!?!?! i know what i seen so i am letting you guys know what happened thnx AlA ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
November 1, 2002 I seen a Triangle shaped craft. In 2002 the month of October 31, I when to The Creasent Hotel in the pent house so we were very high up well at about 12:30a.m. or 1:00a.m. so lets say November 1, 2002 I was out side on a patio chair langing and looking up in the sky and the stars and the moon very brite that night and clear and I was talking to a friend that was with me and he was standing by the edge looking over smoking a cig and as I was talking and looking up in the night sky theire was the very big it looked black triagle shape craft with light's on each point well not point at each edge it was rounded but anyways they had light's on each rounded corner and theire was not sound what so ever and it was look not very far from were I was no wind moving very slow and I ran to the edge were my friend was and said what is that? and he looked and got all startaled and was mumbling words what the hell is it and this man was in the serves before and he said it was not military and that is had never ever seen such a craft and we just watched it go but he was trying to wave it down I ran in side and would not go back out until it left and it did but that was the last time. Thank's for listening "GOD" bless all
Last night, I had sleep paralysis, unlike any other time before. Except this time, I opened my eyes (so I believed I opened them) except I could only see out of the center of my forehead. I would blink and felt like I only had my one eye. I saw and heard what looked like 3 or 4 grey beings with the big black oval eyes. Except they looked like they were caught and starting to hurry up and stop because they realized I woke up. Anyway, my vision out of my one eye was a little blurry because it looked as if I was looking through a clear kaleidoscope. I felt like I was telling them to go away and leave me alone and so they did. This time, I didn't wake up from that, I just kept sleeping. So, what I acknowledged was going on (I think telepathically) was my vision from that one eye was crystallized. And also telepathically, I told them to stop and they looked like "why were doing something good for you." And they hurried up and left me with my blurry eye. Like, I could see their heads moving and looking at one another conversing among each other to hurry, but they didn't hesitate much until I realized "wait a minute, I'm stronger than you " that's when they fled entirely and I slept peacefully without waking up from the experience.
bright light moving north next to I-5 mid Oregon (intermitent Flashing) My business partner and I were driving south on I-5. I had been driving for about 6 hours and wasn’t paying attention to what city I was near, but I do know I was in mid Oregon. Out of the top left of my windshield I saw a bright light and thought a general aviation plane was flying really low with an extremely bright light brighter than I had ever seen on a plane. I watched it for 10 seconds and realized that the light would appear but be still, then move at a fast speed then stop, the light would then go out and the sequence would repeat. That’s how it traveled, it was on a straight plain going north along I-5. It appeared to be 1200 feet in the air. After the 10 seconds previously specified, I told my passenger to look at what I was looking at and he immediately looked to his left and saw it. I kept on driving and looked at the light as frequently as possible. My passenger never stopped looking until it disappeared on the horizon. The light was so bright and so pure it was incredible, it could be described as a white light and it didn’t illuminate anything. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD))
I wasn’t sure who to send this report to. When I was younger, I experienced a traumatic event each and every night that I still cannot explain. I’ve done research but have found no conclusive answer. Every night for as long as I can remember when I was aged 5-7, I would wake up in my bed only to see my mother walk into the room with a plate of food, speak to me saying (from what I remember) “here’s your dinner. Sorry you couldn’t have it at the table,” place it beside my bed and disappear. Evaporate might be a better term. Then this cycle would repeat. It would be endless and I remember staying awake for hours transfixed by what was occurring. What leads me to believe that it wasn’t some sort of dream was the fact that I had full control over my body. I vividly remember trying to reach out and touch the food, get out of bed, move and I did these all successfully. When I would move (apart from getting completely out of bed) the ‘thing’ would continue. Many times I tried to talk to it but it would never respond. I’m sorry if this was not the correct place to ask for help, but if someone can explain what was going on, I would be very grateful. ((NUFORC Note: Possibly not UFO-related?? PD))
Irregular shaped craft hovering stationary then moving at incredible rate of speed. On the 21st of May 2020 vehicle onto the shoulder of the Garden State Parkway in order to photograph what I was witnessing. The skies were clear, wind was calm and temperatures were in the upper fifties. The object was hovering stationary at approximately 12,000 ft. to 20,000 ft. for what seemed like 35 to 55 seconds before it started to move. It continued to travel southbound at a constant rate of speed for an additional 45 seconds to a minute. Its difficult to gauge velocity of anything moving at altitude but if I had to guess I would day it was moving at approximately 100 mph. Not very fast at all. It then made a hard turn to the west, 90 degree turn and accelerated to a unrealistic speed and in the blink of an eye it was out of sight. It's hard to describe the shape so I will attach the photographs along with the report if I can. I would describe it as irregular. When I got back into the vehicle and went over the photographs the one picture I took rev! ealed something that I was not expecting. The shape of the object what's different in the photograph than what I was viewing in real time. The craft or object had no lights no visible markings and it made no noise.
Two hovering crafts appeared in Avon, NC and emitted a distinct pattern of 4 circular orangish lights each. After coming home from dinner on Sept 25, we sat out on the deck on our oceanfront house in Avon, NC. Around 9:30 pm, two objects appeared in the sky very close to our house hovering just over the ocean. I could not make out the exact shape of the objects, but both emitted a pattern of 4 large, circular, organish lights. Each light lit up individually in a row on both crafts, and then all together. Then the crafts disappeared, as well as the sound. A few minutes later, the crafts reappeared about a half a mile south down the beach. The crafts emitted the exact same pattern of lights, and then disappeard. They reappeared one more time much futher south with the same light pattern. This was the last time that we saw them. Soon after, we saw 3 military jets come together (from different areas) in a triangle formation and flew off together towards the north. We are all level headed and agree that it was certainly an abnormal sighting. Unfortunately, w! e did not get any pictures or videos. The crafts defied the laws of physics - there was no trajectory, no gravity seemed to be acting on it, and the sound disappeared when the crafts did.
odd moving object I first saw the object while sitting in a car it didn't move for quit awhile so I thought it could possibly be a radio tower or something then it began to move in a particular manner kinda like a zigzag but not exactly, then I got out of the car and turned around and it had moved a considerable distance and was a lot smaller than it first was. Then the other witnesses came out and I told them what I had seen and they too looked in the sky and saw it. It appeared to moving by then so we got in the car and drove not far from where we were and watched we saw other objects in the sky but they seemed to be planes and didn't have the same lights and light patterns that the object did. Then we drove to a marina to see if we couldn't get a better look and we could, it was far away by then but it was still noticeable we watched for about half an hour and it stood still for a long time then it would almost zigzag again and the stand still and then do it again and then go up and down quit always and then go back to its original position when we decided to leave it was in about the same spot it was when we first saw it at the marina. One was observed, there were red and whit lights flashing in an odd pattern, I couldn't really make out the shape.
Flaming Orb in Chippewa National Forest I live in rural Northern Minnesota. Near around what I presume to be 8:00 p.m. on 11-24-10 driving home in a blizzard in the Chippewa National Forest I saw a flaming fireball in the sky. At first it was distant and flickering. And as it got closer it looked like a flame, not a sharp acute flame but more like a candle. This had what seemed to be a spherical shell around it, like a translucent halo. It moved in a very slow almost ballon type way. I had to stop my vehicle on the side of the road and watch it. It came down to what seemed to be very close, but there was no way of judging size, because it was night, and a blizzard making visabilty poor as well. But I know what I saw was not a civilian aircraft, it had no directional lights of any kind, and the conditions were so poor the Emergency Helicopter base was shut down for the night. When I shut the vehicle off and rolled down the windows, I heard no sound, it actually floated over toward me, (or what I pr! esume was toward me it was hard to tell), in this odd bobbing fashion. It then gained altitude slowly and disapeared into the snow filled, North-Western night sky. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
Two bright lights overhead, travelling S to N On 08/02/2011, I was sitting on my back porch looking at the sky. The night was clear, no haze and normal air traffic was abundant. I saw numerous "regular" satellites passing overhead as well. About 2204 hours I noticed a light appear about 45 degrees above the horizon to the south. At first, I thought it was an iridium satellite, as it grew in intensity and size to a brilliant yellowish color. About 1 to 2 seconds later, a second object appeared behind the first, following the exact path of the first. The objects were separated by a space which was approximately the width of my thumb at arms' length. The second object got increasingly brighter, surpassing the brilliance of the first by a small margin. Unlike iridium satellites, these two objects remained at peak illumination for maybe 5 to 10 seconds before fading. My impression is that the objects were self-illuminated and not reflecting the Sun. Both objects seemed to veer slightly to the northwest as they passed overhead. Both objects faded out one after the other and could not be seen anymore. I checked the Heavens Above website and discovered that there were no iridium satellites or other man made objects in the vicinity at the time of my sighting.
Sighting of orbs after report of large boomerang shaped craft. On Thursday, April 22 my fiancee called me and asked me to come home as soon as possible around 10:55 pm. He said that he had witnessed a boomerang shaped craft flying low over our apartment. (around 3500-5000ft.) This has not been the first time we have witnessed an event like this, we had a similar one last year. When I came home he explained to me that he had seen a large craft flying overhead. We are used to seeing planes fly over us all of the time and he knew that this was not a plane. Also from our previous experience last year I assumed that if I waited outside long enough I might see something else, which I did. Flying north towards the mountains, off to my right, there were two slightly glowing orange orbs circling each other in formation. This is when I called to report the event. Then about ten minutes later a single orb flew in the same direction off to my left. Then again about 5 minutes later another one flew over but seemed to vanish as I was! looking at it and I could no longer trace its flight path. They were much like the orange orbs I had seen last year however not as bright and this time they were flying much closer to the ground. I would say lower than planes yet higher than birds if that makes sense.
I saw a metallic, saucer shaped, buzzing and very visible saucer at a short distance I was in Grade 12 or 19 at the time of the site. Despite my young age, my mind was very lucid and clear. No belief in UFO's or sightings prior to that or after the event took place. Went out for a job on a track on a very clear night. I heard a humming noise above me, looked above, and I saw a saucer. It was at a 60 degree angle from my position, i did not have to tilt back to look at it. It was flat at the bottom, had a base, and capped at the top, sort of looked like a half circle. Metallic in nature. The lights were red and very bright, flashing on and off. I could not determine if the base was spinning on it's axis or if i got confused by the flashing lights. I had no time to get a camera but I'm certain it was visible to other people. It flew away into the horizon, gone from site. It was definitely, metallic, saucer shaped, big, noisy and very visible. A thundering jet flew over an hour later in the area. I report it now because I listened to Art Bell's show last night and listened to a similiar descriptive sighting. I did an enormous amount of research on such a craft, told by experts no craft exists in operation. I graduated from UofT in accounting and work as a financial analyst.
2 big, white orbs of light spotted near the Superstition Mountains. When I was waking-up, I went outside to smoke a cigarette and have some coffee. When I sat down to my patio table, I noticed my plants looked different, more vibrant, as if I was wearing rose tinted glasses. I dimissed it, but then I noticed that the birds that come to my yard were absent, and it was extremely quiet. I was very confused, because I have so many birds that come all day, and this was strange to me. While looking in the sky, trying to spy any birds I noticed a very big, and bright orb of white light. It was very high up, traveling in a rapid path from the east towards the west. As I watched it for awhille, a second orb appeared along side of it. They flew in tandem for what seemed like 5 minutes. Then the second orb turned bright red, then disappeared. Then I thought about waking my boyfriend up, to watch it with me, and just then it vanished in thin air. I went outside at about 8am and when it was over, the clock said it was 9:38. It seemed like 15 minutes. I have also noticed strange electrical phenomena occuring when I walk past electronics, I seem to set them off. I'm very befuddled by the whole experience. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
Two silent, rounded triangle shapes with a slight aura appeared in uppstate New York on a very strange date... If it isn't strange enough that this all happened on 02-02-02, there were 2 crafts seen, and there were two witnesses, I saw two strange almost triangle shaped UFO's. They were three sided, but with rounded edges. It was completely silent, and I am sure that the street we were on is usually pretty busy, even at three two in the morning. Neither of us are sure how long they were there, we were mesmerized by the bright aqua light we saw. They figures seemed to glide around, I at first thought they were just airplanes, then they stopped in mid air. They didn't hover, they just hung motionlessly in the air, as if time froze. (Even though this sounds cool, we all know it isnt possible. Its just awesome to think about.) They hung for no more than ten seconds then shot off into the air. Behind them was a trail of light that faded from the same aqua color as the figures to an almost non existant dark black. As beautiful a sight as this was, we were scared out of our wits! My friend and I are both big believers in 'life out there', but never expected to see anything! Later that night we kept thinking we saw them again, but we were just being paranoid, or that is what we have comcluded.
3 orange spheres in the sky then 2 then 2 more darting around with 90 degree terns then slowly faiding away We were all standing on the ice, ice fishing. It was dark, around 9-9:30, and my brother looks to the north east and said wow there's 3 orange spheres they raised up from the tree level then started to head north the one in the front went about 500 to 600 yards and just faded away the second one did the same the third got really bright and started to do triangles then headed the same way and faided out. Then I walked back to our camper and I looked to the northeast again and in the same place there was two more spheres again they just sat there the one in the front rose up and started to so triangle agen and keeped it up till it got to about the same place as the other 3 disappear the second one rose up from the tree level sat the for about 30 seconds they came tords us then stated darting all over up and dawn left right and they were all 90 degree terms no jet could do this and it was raining out petty good and we even herd a airplane go over when we saw this the ! third time we saw it they did the same thing and appered in the same place but one went dawn behind the trees ad sat there and u could see the horizon glow then it just faided away this happened wiyel it was raining and at night
Flew directly over my field of vision as I looked at the stars. I GOT A GOOD LOOK. I was atop my Uncle's boat with one of my cousins for a while before the incident occurred. We had been looking at the stars for some time because they are so clear in the keys. Eventually, a majority of my family had made it to the top of the boat and were conversing while a still gazed at the sky. Although many individuals in my family had been drinking that night, I had not been. A fireworks show had just ended and as I continued looking at the stars, I saw what I assume was a satellite moving across the night sky. At the instant I let a breath out to tell my family to look at the satellite a grey object slowly flew over my field of vision which was much closer. It was directly over the boat and was moving south. The object was triangular in shape (more like an elongated crescent) and was completely silent. At this time, all the members who were on the boat were looking at the object, as my Aunt stated she thinks it's a bird. When the back of the object became visible, a single, centered, small, orange light could be seen and observed for only ten more seconds before the object swiftly ascended out of vision. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
Luminous Flourescent Green Flying Cross While driving westbound on 45th Street, near the intersection of Stanley Road, I noticed a fluorescent green object in the sky to my WNW, at an elevation of approximately 45 degrees above the horizon. At first it had a tube shape and I thought it was an airplane flying at me. I realized it was not a single sidelight, but a solid mass of light. Then the object made a sharp turn to the north and then immediately turned vertically. It had the shape of a "bird" or upside down cross, as there was no tail. However, it was twilight and glowed a bright fluorescent green with orange around the entire edge. Suddenly, it was gone. Logic left me as I realized it was NOT an airplane nor bird. I proceeded to Shawnee Heights Road, scanning the sky outside of my windows, trying to rationalize what I had just seen. I then continued to the roundabout at Croco Rd. and looped around until heading eastbound. I pulled over near the transformers, just east of the roundabout. Now I noticed a jet, with flashing wing lights and landing light, circling the aforementioned location of the object. This plane circled 3 times before moving off in a northerly direction. I continued into Topeka, where I heard and saw a plane flying over, towards the West. I am not sure if this was the same jet, or another.
Well my family went out shopping and when they came back they ran inside saying there is a ufo! I went outside to look it wasen't there of course. But they saw a white light accelerate towards the ground then stopped around 50 feet above the ground and accelerated back up to about 200 feet then it stopped turned on 2 bright white "spot lights" and started moving west from our house. After about 30 seconds of this it emitted a bright white light and disappeared. After looking around in the sky for more I happen to see about 10 flying north very far in the sky a little to the left of the moon. I was amazed! I stayed outside and kept searching for more and saw 1 here 1 there fliyng only north and south. A little later my girlfriend was on her way to my house "she lives about 30 miles north of me". I had told her about what happend and was even on the phone with her when i saw 1 flying alone. So she was searching the sky as she was on the way here and then looke! d to her left and saw a HUGE white disk shape and 2 jets a good ways away from it. It was about a mile or so in the air and she said it was about the size of a football field. I've seen a UFO before and researched it quite a bit but NEVER anything like this? 2 Ufos close to the ground? and multiple flying north and south? Sorry for the bad grammar and punctiuations
Oval object advancing towards me I was about to go to sleep early(I do this once a week) and i got on my bed and laid there because my body gets hot.I always stare at the moon for a minute and wonder about things.I saw a weird figure that was nearly camoflagued with the dark sky though emitted a light blue light on the other side of it.It had an oval outline and i saw it getting bigger.I assumed my eyes were adjusting on it but actually did a few seconds later when i notice it was getting closer.I sometimes see planes flying over the sky but they always have a regular red flashing light on them. I live in a house with a large backyard and porch.I immediately got up and get my camera and go outside since it was comming closer and closer i could get a good snapshot of it.I took about 5 shots of it until my camera started having electrical spark sounds and suddenly died.My neighbor next door to the right had a dog and it was barking fiercly at the object and i heard my neighbor come out to his backyard.I told him a strange object was in the sky.We watched it slowly advance towards us until my neighbor's dog gave a final large bark at it and the sky sorta opened up and the object went in and disappeared in a flash of green glow. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))
strange. dozens saw it . happens all the time My Friend called me to tell me to look outside at the sky. In the southeast area of the sky there were 3 red lights hovering high in the sky over the horizon. This was at about 1:10 AM at about 1:30 they began to fade away, and then disappeared. This morning at work, I was listening to wbbm on my break. A report came on, they said dozens of people called the police and news talking about these lights. The same thing happened last year 8-21-04 and on 10-31-04. No one knows what they were. As of yet they remain unidentified. Strange Eh? Here is a link to the news report. SIGHTING OCCURED ON OCTOBER 1ST 2005 (NUFORC Note: All reports of the two sightings (23:15 hrs., 30SE05, and 01:10 hrs., 01OC05) from Illinois will be passed along to Dr. Mark Rodighier, Director of the CENTER FOR UFO STUDIES, Chicago, as well as to Mr. Dave Marler, State Director of the MUTUAL UFO NETWORK for the State of Illinois, who will pass them along to his Field Investigators in the Chicago area. We would be most grateful if witnesses to this event would please submit a detailed report of their sighting, using the ONLINE REPORT FORM on our website, and we will pass those reports along to those two investigators above. PD))
Slow moving object in night sky abruptly disappears As I was leaving work on the evening of March 22, 2004 at 10:53 PM, I noticed a very slow moving light in the distance, aprroximately 4 nautical miles or so in a cloudless sky. I was facing in a NNE direction and the object was moving in a SW direction. At first I took the object to be a distant airplane, as we live approximately 94 nautical miles from BWI, DCA and IAD and am quite familiar with how approaching or cruising airplnes appear in the night sky. There was also air traffic in the vacinity that evening, so it was easy to make a quick comparison. But as this object moved and appeared to get closer I could see no individual strobe or marker lights. The object also seemd to be lower than a typical cruising or approaching airplane would be for our region. Due to the distance of the object I could not confirm any presence or lack of any sound. It was at this point that the object, which had a steady luminosity, abruptly and un-nervingly dissapeared. I continued to scan the area of the night sky for its reappearance, but to no avail. It is possible that it may have been a small airplane departing from Doersom Airport, outside of Gettysburg. But wouldn't small aircraft still be required to have strobe and marker lights? I would like to know if I have mis-identified a known object, please advise.
going for a walk by Lake of Egypt power plant On my way home from the local B.P. gas station I was walking towards the railroad crossing and I noticed something and I stopped and saw no stars... it sounds stuid but I couldn 't see any over the Lake Of Egypt power plant. 8miles southof Marion IL. I stopped and watched it. The length was as long as about 4 times the power plant. I'm not sure what color it was but I would say it was black. It had no sound u would notice. Cars passed me but didn't see it. At the angle I was at {thinking how to eplain this} the tracks are on a downhill slop and if I pointed out in front of me about a 45 degree angle i would say if u were at the sight, it crossed the road at the fire dept.(1/2 mile) to the dam (1/4 mile) not sure.. it was moving the whole time really slow (it never hovered) about best guess 10 miles per hr. till it disappeard over the tree line. Oh and never did any drugs (and never will) and at the time i didn't drink beer ( just for refence ) I'm 32 now and just thought i would let more than the 6 people that know now. 2 days later i called the airport to see if they had any thing fling out there at the time... 10 mins. later they came back and said no... And then they asked my name ... and i hung up... ((name deleted)) ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of sighting is approximate. PD))
A light in the night sky that wobbled, changed direction and zoomed off at an astonishing rate of speed I was sitting in my backyard sipping a soda pop on a reclining chair with my head facing the sky. I was looking at the stars and suddenly noticed a yellowish light which appeared to be heading down toward earth because as it moved it grew slightly larger. My first thought was that it was a shooting star. It had no flashing beacon or tail. As soon as the thought occurred about the shooting star, the light seemed to hesitate for a split second and wobble slightly. It suddenly and I mean SUDDENLY changed course about 30 degrees and headed due west toward Los Angeles at an astonishing high rate of speed. I tried to follow it and dropped my soda can in the process but it I lost it behind a palm tree. It was just going too fast to follow. Of course I do not know what it was, but I do know that it wasn't a shooting star because it changed direction. It wasn't an airplane or helicopter because there was no flashing beacon. It was not a satellite because it was going too fast and changed direction. Commercial airlines fly over my house on a regular basis. They fly over at about 10,000 feet altitude. These jets are traveling about 300 to 400 miles per hour. If the light that I saw was at this same altitude, it was traveling easily in excess of 10,000 miles per hour.
Double boomerang formation or chevrons tip to tip, a dozen or so white lights, not blinking, moving slowly NE to SW, no sound This sighting occurred in a residential area as I was looking for a meteor shower that was supposed to be happening in the NW sky. This was no meteor. It looked like a giant seagull, or two chevrons joined ( ^^ ) [that’s the closest my computer will match its shape, but more elongated side to side] It was moving slowly and deliberately NE-to-SW and had a dozen or so lights on the underside. Had it been standing still, it would have blended perfectly into the night sky, they looked just like stars, only they moved together. I detected no colored lights. The shape could have been one unit, two chevrons tip to tip, or multiple in formation, but appeared to move together. The lights did not blink at all, and I heard no sound. The impression I had was of a single unit, probably low altitude compared to planes in the area, which were easily differentiated by their lights. At first I thought perhaps it was just a flock of geese, but I followed it for maybe a 30-second period or longer until it was too far away and too dim to see. Geese in our area are common, but do not remain visible for long, nor do they fly that uniformly, and they invariably honk. They (geese) do not look like lights. It was not an airplane. I never did see any meteors that night.
Large bright lights in the Sonoran Desert sighted on Sept. 11, 2003. 3 construction guys heading from L.A. to St. Louis, avoiding Phoenix at rush hour. We pulled off I-8, heading east at Vetrol Rd., turning S. After several miles a sign read "Great Sonoran Desert". We pulled in directly W. to camp. We could hear and see I-8 far to the N.&S. Approx. 6-8 mi. SW lay the Sand Tank Mts. At approx. 9:30 p.m., I was sitting facing SW when instantly two large bright lights appeared. We tried to figure what it could be, as I-8 was visible, N&S, to our N. Suddenly, two more lights appeared SW of the first two. A bit further away, to the NW , another one popped into view...then the 5th went out slowly, 4 and 3 went out , then 2 & 1, N to S. Around 10:15 p.m. one of the other guys was sitting facing SW, and said "they're back". The first two lights were back, though much closer this time. I got out my video camera, w/700 zoom lens. There was no movement and no sound from the area where the lights were visible, and they stayed between the Sand Tank Mts. and us. After 2-3 min. they began to blink and flash either to each other or us. Slowly, the N. one flickered and evaporated...then the lone light did the same. It was my first time for a sighting on video..I have an exceptional 35 mm. still shot taken 6.5 miles SE of Corona, NM. Anyway, Marana, AZ. poster, you were not alone that night.
Two circular orange fireballs over northeastern Vermont At approximately 10:30 pm on July 31st 2011, I walked out of my front door to the sight of two orange glowing circular lights in the west (southwestern) sky. I would describe the size of each light as being similar to a softball. (The size was slightly smaller than the midway point between a star and the full moon) These balls of light appeared at a diagonal angle from top left to bottom right. The distance between the two lights started as similar to the two stars that make up the "bottom of the ladle" Ursa Major. Neither was stationary at any point. The movement of each began as top to bottom (becoming closer to each other) and shortly after from left to right becoming closer still. When the two lights were as close together as slightly less than the diameter of the moon, they appeared to move directly away from my viewing point(the bottom right retreating and fading slightly sooner than the other) The two circular orange lights disappeared at almost the same time. This sighting took place in about 2 and 1/2 minutes. The movement of the two lights towards each other took about 1 and 1/2 minutes and the retreat took about 30 seconds. I heard no sound that I could attribute to these lights. I have never seen anything even slightly similar to these lights. I have no explanation as to what these lights might be. ((name deleted))
Silver saucer shaped craft moving in rapid eratic movements and 90 degree turns. It was about 5PM in the evening and I was getting ready to start work when I was walking through the parking lot where the trucks were parked and something caught my eye in the sky almost directly overtop of me..It was a very nice day out,warm sunny etc.I saw this object in the sky and it was moving in very rapid,eratic movements.There were big puffy cumulonimbus clouds that day and right at cloud level is where I saw it.The object looked like it was saucer shaped and silver or a stainless steel color.The underneath side was dark because of it's shadow and the top was gleaming due to sunlight.I watched it for about 30 seconds to a minute and it seemed strange to me that it was at such a high altitude and was moving really fast.Honestly,it looked like whomever was piloting this craft was either learning how to fly it or drunk cause it didn't have a set course.It zig-zagged across the sky in a small area back and forth,slowing down and speeding up and turning at 90 degree angles at times.Planes at this altitude appears to be moving really slow but they aren't,so this tells me that this object,even though moving in short distances,was moving extremely fast.I watched it for a short while and it disappeared into the cloud just above it.It had no lights that I was aware of,but it was daytime. ((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))
Two sphere type yellow objects Southeast to Northwest with no streaks or flashing lights and fast moving in one direction. It was a clear early morning sky with Mars nearby last quarter of the moon in the eastern southern positioned. The two fast moving yellow objects resembling the moon in color were traveling southeast to northeast. One trailing the other in perfect sequence. As to the size of the objects in question it would take two plus or minus of these for the size of the middle of the quarter moon. No flashing lights, no trail, no other movement but straight forward in direction. We considered this a serious sighting of (2) sphere’s round and yellow in color objects on November 6th, 2007 at 06:00am. ((NUFORC Note: If the sighting occurred on November 05, as indicated above, then we suspect the witnesses observed the ISS and Space Shuttle, just after they undocked before the Shuttle returned to Earth. PD)) Date Mag Starts Max. altitude Ends Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. Time Alt. Az. 5 Nov -2.2 05:54:40 10 SW 05:57:31 74 SE 06:00:23 10 NE 6 Nov 0.3 04:44:51 18 SSE 04:45:34 19 SE 04:47:42 10 E 7 Nov -2.3 05:07:55 59 SSW 05:08:18 72 SE 05:11:09 10 NE 8 Nov -1.5 05:30:40 30 WNW 05:31:13 33 NNW 05:33:52 10 NE 9 Nov -0.3 05:53:11 13 NW 05:54:18 15 NNW 05:56:06 10 NNE 10 Nov 0.6 04:44:06 12 NNE 04:44:06 12 NNE 04:44:25 10 NE 11 Nov 0.4 05:06:15 11 N 05:06:15 11 N 05:06:35 10 NNE
Strange UFO object sighted during a drive late at night I was driving on the freeway in the dark at 11:30 pm and had been thinking about how my dad saw a UFO and realized I believed him and then I was begging to see one in my mind and had done some siri searches on my long hour drive to my boyfriends as well last night about aliens and UFOs. Then a strange flashing object lit up in the left of the sky very far away. It was flashing red and then blue. It was shaped like a circus tent array of lights or sort of like a spider shape. It finally stayed red and started moving closer to the middle of the sky and closer to my car. I was still driving at this time. Then I was directly under it and I passed it. It was gone and I called my parents to tell them. During my phone call with my dad, it appeared again far to the left behind buildings and trees. It moved towards the middle of the sky in front of me about a few thousand years up and then it started going back to the left again and slowly inclining higher into the sky towards the moon. That was when I saw three horizontal blue lights in the middle and a black disc within the array of red lights. I knew it was not a plane because it was going very random directions and it appeared twice and was following me. It was like they heard me ask them to show up and then they showed up for real! I have never seen one in my life until last night. I was on the I-405 south.
Slow Moving Fireball ????? My daughter saw the object 1st. We all looked up into the Western sky. It was at about a 45 degree angle from us. The distance was hard to judge. It was night time and there was low cloud cover as well. The object seemed stationary and appeared to be burning Orange / Reddish in color. It was below the cloud ceiling. It began to move slowly across the sky from West to South East. It moved in a slow jerking motion at first, It began to burn less bright as it flew. It traveled like this for about a 4 minutes. It didn't appear to travel very far,. Then it went out. The object than traveled the remainder of the skyline at a rapid pass. Even though it was dark you could still see a dark egg shaped object flying under the cloud ceiling headed in a southeast direction. The entire time there was no apparent sound from the object. The whole event took 4 - 6 minutes. After retuning home I looked up this sighting on your webpage. It is very similar. Occurred : 8/3/2008 23:00 (Entered as : 08/03/08 23:00) Reported: 8/3/2008 9:01:53 PM 21:01 Posted: 8/12/2008 Location: Sterling Heights, MI Shape: Circle Duration:30 seconds large star-like object becomes red and vanishes A few people were outside my house when we noticed a bright light that looked like a star. It traveled across the sky under the clouds, then it slowed down and turned red, it became smaller and smaller until it vanished. (It made no sound)
I noticed two green dots way up in the sky. As we kept driving they got more vivid. I insisted on stopping so I can take a picture. The view from my camera phone showed the object bouncing up and down and left and right sort of in the same area though. I took about 10 or 15 pictures. Then I zoomed in with my camera and begin to make a video. It was changing colors from blue to green to Yellow to Orange. It seems to have a distinct Ring around The edge with a few spiky shaped things coming around the outside edge. Maybe three of them? It started shooting way up high and down low in all directions to the left and the right all corners of my camera screen blinking and changing colors all the while. Towards the end it was zipping back and forth so fast it seems to split off in two or three different crafts. But I believe it was just the speed of the object that made it appear that way. It never did disappear the only reason I left is because the person that was ! with me insisted on going. I would have stayed there forever. I zoomed in on some of the still shots that I took later on. Amazing! I swear it seem to be a being in there with big dark eyes a little skinny neck and a greenish colored head. If you zoom in on some of the steel shots you'll see what I'm speaking of. It is the most amazing beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life! I would have stayed there all night until it went away if I had an option.
Three silver lobed shaped On the 18th of June 2004 I had came off of I-26 north and was traveling along I-81 going north between the Tri city's Airport and Blountville exit at about 17:00 or 17:30 hours going towards Bristol, VA. We were Coming home from a long day at the water park and had my son and my nephew with me. The boy had just went to sleep after looking at the pictures we had taken that day. I have a Kodak, DC 3200 digital camera and had it in the front passenger seat. My radio started fading out from a local radio station that I listen to. I started trying to find another station when I noticed something shiny from the corner of my left eye. I looked to my left and noticed 3 silver balls that looked connected coming up the south bound side of the interstate going north and passing me. I looked for what seemed to be forever just in wonder when I realized that I had a camera. By the time I got it turned on it started across the 4 lane highway turnig towards the east and in the direction of the Airport. I started taking pictures while driving and tried to stop, but it went out of site before I could stop. I was traveling at about 75 MPH. when it passed me. I took 9 photos and when I got home I went and downloaded the pictures to see if and what I had taken pictures of. Out of the 9 photos I have one photo that shows the object.I have reported this sighting to Mr.Kim Shaffer Of Tennessee mufon and gave him the report.
Strange UFO object sighted during a drive late at night I was driving on the freeway in the dark at 11:30 pm and had been thinking about how my dad saw a UFO and realized I believed him and then I was begging to see one in my mind and had done some siri searches on my long hour drive to my boyfriends as well last night about aliens and UFOs. Then a strange flashing object lit up in the left of the sky very far away. It was flashing red and then blue. It was shaped like a circus tent array of lights or sort of like a spider shape. It finally stayed red and started moving closer to the middle of the sky and closer to my car. I was still driving at this time. Then I was directly under it and I passed it. It was gone and I called my parents to tell them. During my phone call with my dad, it appeared again far to the left behind buildings and trees. It moved towards the middle of the sky in front of me about a few thousand years ((sic. yards)) up and then it started going back to the left again and slowly inclining higher into the sky towards the moon. That was when I saw three horizontal blue lights in the middle and a black disc within the array of red lights. I knew it was not a plane because it was going very random directions and it appeared twice and was following me. It was like they heard me ask them to show up and then they showed up for real! I have never seen one in my life until last night. I was on the I-405 south.
Streaking Bright Flash Witnessed over Portland Oregon I am on the fence as to what was witnessed by my brother and I. Around 17:30hrs (+/- a few minutes or so), sitting in the living room of my brothers home, my brother and I more or less faced the north-facing window. All the sudden a bright white flash occurred. The flash seemed from our perspective, to move from our right, to our left, at a extremely high rate of speed. The line of sight from where we were looking from, to the general area of the flash in the sky, seems to be somewhere between 25' to 35' degrees up, illuminating through the trees that stood between the flash and where we were sitting at the time. Trees vary between coniferous and deciduous, with intermittent uninterrupted lines of sight periodically. We both agreed that the flash originated beyond the aforementioned trees at an unknown distance. We suspected most likely, it was a meteor flash. But, it did seem slightly odd even for a meteor flash, so I feel this should at least be archived. We both agree that we saw the exact same event, in exactly the same details upon comparison, to the best of my knowledge. We monitored the local news for anything related to what we witnessed, which amounted to nothing by the next following morning. More likely, may have been a meteor flash. But, feel unexplainably compelled to document this event, as this report may prove to be a useful reference for some type of research in the future.
Huge Round Spherical LIght flew overtop my head and then flew over the mountainrange At 9:20 pm, I was outside on my deck fooling around with a sensor light on the side of my house, (close to the roof) all of a sudden i noticed straight overhead, a craft floating along. I was amazed!! The only thing visible was this round ball of light! IF you held a penny at arms length above your head,...that was the size of this object! It made no noise etc. Just a solid white light. IT wasn't the kind of light that flowed out on anything. The only thing lit was the object. a solid pure white, very bright! I watched this fly from overtop my head all the way until it passed over the mountain tops north-east from my house. This object was i'd say halfway between the ground and the height a airliner would fly. I don't know the footage that would be, sorry. It wasn't moving very fast, just a smooth staight path. It wasn't as fast as a jet nor was it slow as a hot air balloon. what ever it was, it had to have some sort of propulsion system. After it wasn't visible any longer a airliner flew over head in the south east direction and it looked like a ant compared to a mouse!! this thing had to be huge!!! As i watched this, I felt at peace and amazed as if i was seeing history in the making! Ever since this sighting i have been obsessed in ufology. and have seen a few more things around where i live but nothing quite the size of this!! Thank You for your time.
Object over 100 feet in length, 6 square red lights in front, middle area dark, back section [had] 3 red flashing lights, low, silent. The following report information is a transcribed extract from the UFO sighting report files of the Virginia Beach, Virginia, Police Department, taken from a chronology of Virginia Beach, Virginia UFO sighting reports on file with the Virginia Beach Police Department dating back to May 1976. All quotes are taken directly from the original report forms and some extrapolation is made for the description of the UFO(s) sighted, as not all of the report details were recorded in complete and full sentences by the dispatcher who received the report. Report 45: 1/1/85 at 22:00 Description: The UFO was an "object over 100 feet in length.” It had "6 square red lights in front, 1/2 [word illegible] row.” The "middle area" of the UFO was "dark" and the "back section [had] 3 red flashing lights.” The UFO "flew very slowly and low and silent out over the ocean.” The object was "followed shortly by 4 aircraft.” The "NAS Oceana tower [was] checked and [had] negative results.” This confirms the UFO was not a conventional aircraft tracked by radar. The witness was "attached to NAS Oceana, VA, 35," unless this was in reference to the person phoned at the Oceana tower. How Many: 1 Sighted Distance: “200-300 yards above trees” Duration: “In view 200 feet” Address: Glen Falls Court Witnesses: 2
Stationary Spherical Light 1 Hour Duration over Santa Rosa NM My friend and I are currently on vacation. We are from Ohio and have been travelling cross country. On May 18th, 2005 we spent the day in New Mexico taking pictures. At approximately 7:30 p.m. in the evening we were driving on Route 40 towards Santa Rosa, New Mexico and both witnessed an unusually bright object in the Southeast sky. Out of a burning curiosity, we drove towards the object and eventually pulled over to photograph it. We took several still photos with a Nikon CoolPix 8700 camera. Initially, my friend insisted that it must be Venus, but upon further observation we determined that it was too large, too bright, and not where Venus should have been. The object looked much like an extremely large, bright star. It remained stationary for about an hour and then seemed to "fade away," or possibly was covered by clouds. We inspected the photos we had taken and then blew them up in photoshop. The enlarged images reveal an object that was split in two-- or, possibly, two spherical objects. We have looked all over the internet in an attempt to discover what we just witnessed and have found similar sightings. Unfortunately, no one seems to know what it is. Hopefully, someone out there will be kind enough to enlighten us-- if that is possible. We will post our photos to this site. ((NUFORC Note: Possible high-altitude balloon. Please see other reports from the southwestern U.S. for this time and date. PD))
I saw 3 very red lights hovering in a triangle shape near Sea World Orlando Florida and they dissappeared about 5 minutes later. We were riding a roller coaster called Kraken in Sea World Orlando Florida, and we were being pulled up by a chain pull and we were just about to the top of the hill and I looked to the right towards Disney World and I saw 3 red lights in a triangle formation. They were very bright. The next thing I now we are going down the drop of the ride and I didnt see anything else. I told everyone and everyone thought was crazy. I wanted my father to see it so we went on again and I looked in the direction again and it was gone and there was a big thing of smoke that looked like a space shuttle took off in place of it. It couln't be fireworks because the lights were moving to the right they werent going up. They also lasted like 7 seconds and fireworks last for about 3 seconds. They were not flashing and were very close. Airplanes can't do that. Also airplanes don't dissapear or travel the whole horizon in 5 minutes. My dad said the millitary would be watching and the! y would send out helicopters and I think I saw 2 helicopters or maybe I saw the same helicopter twice. There is this video of the same thing happening in the same location 10 days prior. Here it is: This was also on the news about this happening in another state a few months ago. I think the reason why they dissapeared was because I prayed to God for them to go away.
Unexplained object high in the sky, bright lights - to barely unnoticable - to disappearing within 8-10 mins. I noticed a bright light in the eastern side of the sky, and I witnessed the object change back to a noticeable, but very hard to see object in the sky. After blinking my eyes several times, I followed the object and it appeared to go from one state of very bright light to a little difficult to see. After witnessing this approximately 3-4 times, I called my husband to look at the “UFO” with me, (I don’t mean little green Martians kind of UFO, but just an unidentified flying object.) I witness every single day the airplanes and helicopters flying overhead, but this was just a different thing to witness. It was so high up in the sky that I first thought it might be a balloon, but the light was something I have never witnessed before. My husband was intrigued enough to watch with me and then my sister-in-law and niece pulled up into our driveway and witnessed what we were seeing; Although, I know this can’t be a little green Martian thing, it was very intriguing and wanted to say that I don’t know what it was. It did not make a sound, the light reflection of the sun from the south of me might explain why it got so bright at times, but I think I would have noticed something in all of my 39-years of looking at the skies. Another reflection I would like to share was that there was no dimension, not a noticeable tail, nose or wing of a plane and then it just disappeared.
Bright blue/white ' star-like' light in broad daylight appears, moves, then vanishes. No other aircraft in the area at the time, although there were plenty after the sighting for me to compare to and come to the conclusion that what I saw was NOT a plane or a star: Clear blue skies no clouds, absolutely no other objects or stars in the sky. A bright blue/white 'star-like' light appeared for a few moments where there was nothing but a clear sky seconds before, it then moved up/right through the sky unlike a plane. The light is all we saw as it overtook whatever object was making the light. It also seemed to move without any light trails or tracers, nor did the light ever blink. It stayed steady, and seemed to have no effect of inertia as it moved. It then stopped, and quickly faded away as if it was a light bulb dimming out. My grandmother was just as shocked and instantly said: "I'm gonna forget I saw that", even after reminding her of what we just saw in broad daylight with clear vision and a sober mind. It freaked her out and she ! wanted no more part in talking about it, but I was amazed and inspired to share this story. We are not alone, whatever that may mean. For a light that glowed as bright as a star during the day to have moved, appeared, and vanished the way it did makes me 100% believe that it was not a plane. I lived next to Tinker AFB my whole life, it was entirely different. To all reading, thank you for your time. I would love to hear more from others, especially fellow Oklahomans. I choose to believe.
60 feet in diameter craft, and real black looking, hovering over a tree. Location of Sighting: Plantagent, Ontario hwy.17 about 8kms from Alfred Shape of objects: circler about 60 feet in diameter and it was black Full Description of event/sighting: I was coming back from Ottawa, Ontario. and it was raining real hard traffic both ways (lots of traffic) I was going up Plantagent Hill,about 45 degrees angle or little less. the car at that point started to chug a little, you know like missing or something like that. Before I hit the top of the hill, I have a habit of bending forward and hugging my steering wheel, saying something like come-on baby you got to get me home, in witch it wasn't very far,about 3 or 4 kms. and that's when I seen it, if I didn't bend over I don't think I would have seen the 60 feet in diameter craft,and real black looking, hovering over a tree, I could have hit it with a rock very easy if I stop the car. but I wanted to get it home I thought then I was starting to have problems with the car, oh yes and it had two big stadium lights on it. One at each end, but they weren't on though, I thought after if they were on they might have blinded everybody on the road booth ways. But when started to get closer to home the car sounded all right after, maybe it was the EM affects from the saucer, that was interfering with my electrical system. Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 250 845 2189 email: Website:
3 Silver shiny looking Saucers/U.F.O.'s! The next time I began seeing sightings was on, Oct 18, 1989. Where I lived at the time was quiet dark at night because not many lights were around that area. There was a fair going on at the end of a parking light of a Roses Department Store and Tr-City Mall Forest City, N.C., about 4-5 miles away. I saw a light sort of circling around in the sky and though it might have been from the fair, so I stood there to see behind my house on Farmside Drive Forest City, N.C. This object would travel North East to the mall then back South West toward my house in a circling motion. It did this for a good 20-30 minutes. Then there was another object that begin coming right behind that first one as if was following it. Then after about 10-15 more minutes there was the third that joined in. soon they started getting closer and closer. At one point, they got close straight up above me, over my house. The objects seemed to be Space crafts/U.F.O.'s. In the shuffle of watching these objects I sent a family member in the house to get a camera. When this crafts were above my house I took a snap shot of them as they fled away making my photo sort of blury so I decided to trow it away but, should have kept it. I had frightened them when I took the snap shot and they fled off suddenly leaving a light or smokie trail behind that didn't last but seconds. ((NUFORC Note: One of four, seemingly serious-minded, reports from same witness. Date may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD))
We both saw a very bright light that drew our attention from what we were doing. The light startled us both. On April 22, 2008 around 11Pm, my friend and I were outside enjoying the crispness of the night. At the same time we both noticed a bright light in the sky to the south. The light appeared out of nowhere and glowed brightly in the same exact spot for several seconds. Then there was another light right beside the first that did the same thing. It could have been as much as several miles away. We both looked at it as we both said , “Man what in the world is that?” The light got brighter for a moment then disappeared in thin air. We both walked towards the light for about a hundred yards when we noticed that there were several planes/jets in the night sky in the area. As we watched the jets circled the area above and around where the light had came from. For at least 20 minutes we watched as two then three jets seemed to be monitoring the area. The jets were flying cross patterns and large circles in and around the same area. Then out of nowhere there was 7 bright bursts of light in a trailing pattern. The light was very bright at first and within a second or two would get brighter then go away. Within a few minutes after this the jets left the area and the night became still. Prior to seeing the first bright lights, we had seen a very low flying jet moving across the sky on two separate occasions. This may have been some sort of military training, but at ages 36 and 38 we both have never seen anything like this.
Bridlington, England I was in my room talking to my boyfriend on the phone when i heard a noise that sounded VERY close. It sounded as if it was down my street kind of the noise a plane would make i guess but more of a consistent humming noise it was very loud and seemed to keep getting louder and louder then stopping completely then about 2minutes later it would return. I guess I am the only witness i put 2 because my boyfriend could hear the sound on the phone. I was really quite scared at this time it didnt cross my mind that it would be a UFO or anything i was thinking more like a helpicopter crash landing at first but then when it stopped and came back again (it repeated this cycle about 3 or 4 times, i had no idea what it could be and i didnt dare look. It got quieter and seemed to be further away so i finally got the courage to go look out the window and i saw a really bright flash of light so i backed up from the window and ran out the room woke my parents up and told them what had happened, they thought i had been dreaming because i looked shocked as if id just has a nightmare. My boyfriend was still on the phone because id just left it on my bed while i looked and he said he had heard a high pitched machine like noise then heard me open my bedroom door so must have been when i ran out. When my parents went to check nothing was there i spent the rest of the night downstairs watching tv and havent heard/seen anything since. I asked my parents to ask the neighbours about it and they just asked are next door ones and they said they hadnt heard anything.
A black dot on the Arizona horizon Let me start by informing everyone that I have previously filed a report in Middletown, Ohio. This sighting took place while driving on interstate 8, around Gila Bend, Arizona, also this sighting is not related closely to the sighting that I have recently reported... Me and my father were on a road trip to Sherman Oaks, California. We were driving through Arizona on Interstate 8 at about 7:14 in the afternoon (about the time of sunset). I was concentrating on the road when my father asked me to look into the horizon around the northwest direction. What I saw didn't amaze me at first, There was a black dot below the clouds. I watched it a little longer before my father mentioned that he had been viewing it for about fifteen minutes, and it hadn't moved. I pulled off at a rest area and we both got out. We sat and watched it, throwing out ideas of what it might be. My father suggested a helicopter, but it sat so still for so long that I wasn't convinced. He then suggested a weather balloon, but I quickly threw that theory out because I knew that weather balloons were metallic and were moved by the wind. As the sun set his last theory was that it was a blimp. But by that time it was dark and at least an hour went by and it still had not moved, there were also no lights surrounding the object. As night fell onto the land the object slowly disappeared. Which left me to wonder what it was.... possibly a ufo, possibly a secret government project.
Multiple unexplained lights On the day's of October 7th and 8th, my sister, mother, and myself were vacationing at Myrtle Beach, SC. At approximately 21:30 my sister and myself were on our balcony of our hotel room. When suddenly a bright light appeared out of nowhere. Then a second light "flashed on" beside the first. Then a third flashed on, followed by a fourth. These lights looked like no more than 40 feet from shore distance wise, the height of which they were at was probably no more than 700 feet at the highest. My first thought was they had to be flares, but they would "flash" on and off and never descended from their altitude. They stayed for approximately 2 minutes or so the first night. The second night at about the same time approximately the same light appeared this time much farther out. This was followed by the same "flashing" on and off pattern from the night before. After a minute or so they faded out, only to reappear much at a time. The same "flashing" fo! rmation continued for approximately 35 seconds or so. At this point they disappeared again, only to reappear at a third sight much farther out but parallel to their original point approximately 1400 to 2000 feet off shore. The height remained about constant from both days. This time though, my sister, my mom and I all witnessed the lights. I have done some research on these Myrtle Beach lights, and have seen some video. The video's I have seen are the exact same lights me and my family witnessed. ((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD))
On the night of October 17 of 2009 at about 9:50 pm. A friend and myself were sitting in her back yard and I was starring off into the night sky & stars. Before i know it i see a blue & purple anomaly in the sky at warp speed. I screamed to my friend, trying to point it out to her. She missed it. I was convinced what i saw was OUT OF THIS WORLD & Nothing i have EVER seen in my life. it moved at speed a plane could not have. THEN, About 3 to 5 minutes after seeing that first one, my friend yelled my name and said look!! look in the sky!! What i saw was something that was wayyyyyy closer then the one i saw before, and did not have the same colorful lightings as the other. BUT was JUST as strange. It was a upside down V in the sky with what looked to be circles underneath the object on the lines of upside down V. It seemed so near to us, it also seemed to be moving slow motion at first, almost hovering now that i think about. Then before i knew it, it was gone,! at a speed UNRECOGNIZABLE. I also MUST add that this upside down V was SILENT, it made absolutley no sound. I also must say this, i saw what seemed to be sometime other man made plane in the sky around where i seen these two UFO's. Which i do belive were some goverment planes either keeping a eye or studying these objects. They know what and when something is in the sky. The goverment plane theory is just the conspiracist side of me coming out, but i wouldn't doubt it for a second. BUT I KNOW WHAT I SAW IN THE SKY THAT NIGHT. This is my story. I hope this information will help some how. I'll never forget it. Thank you.
I saw my first UFO when I was on my way to school as a child. I've seen three different UFOs in my life. First when I was in elementary school, maybe 7 or 8 years of age. The first incident took place when I was on my way to school in the morning. I was the only kid at the back of the bus. It was a sunny day in my hometown. Through the emergency window, the large window-like door at the rear of the bus, I was watching the sky, when something of an anomaly caught my eye; a bright object was flying in the sky, seemingly controlled by something as it moved. I can't exactly remember if it was following us, or if it was just moving around in one region in the sky. The only way I can describe it is that it was a large bright orb, almost like I was watching a miniature sun that was moving, and I could look at it without it burning my eyes or anything which, as a kid, or an adult for that matter, was and is quite impressive. It suddenly vanished (the whole event only took maybe 30 seconds to a minute) then came back, almo! st like a light turning off then turning back on. After another few seconds of watching it as we drove away, it vanished again, and I never saw it after that. Because I was the only one at the back of the bus and because everyone else was looking out the side windows in their own seat in the middle and front of the bus, I suspect I was the only one who saw it. I never told any of the other kids as I was quite shy in my childhood; I'm sure you can imagine how hard it would be for a young and shy child to bring up UFOs. At the time I didn't even know what UFOs were, to other kids.
A craft entered my field of vision, stayed at one side of my vision, then moved across until it was hidden behind trees The object was seen while driving east on highway 22, in Oldham county Kentucky. The object was first seen in the left side of our field of vision, first it was dismissed as glare, or a row of houses, because it wasn't moving. Then the object proceeded to cross our field of vision moving from north to the southeast. It appeared to be a large airplane, traveling close to the ground and close to us, it almost appeared to be a crashing airliner. The only problem with it being a plane was the absence of sound, nothing could be heard except the wind and passing cars. If a big airliner was to pass that close, you would definately hear it. The driver of the car and I discussed the fact that it looked almost like two or three airplanes following close behind each other,or as if they were connected, fusealage to tail. There appeared to be lights on the craft, with a higher concentration near what is assumed to be the front of the craft, than to the rear of the craft. Since the sight looked so much like a crashing plane, we kept waiting to see an explosion, while keeping a lookout for a landing sight, or some other sign of landing. Once the craft passed out of out field of vision, it was not seen again by us, even though there was ample opportunity to see the skyline in which it departed, once the trees cleared. The color of the craft is undetermined, as to the fact it was dark outside, but the craft appeared to be darker than the night sky, as if it were black, or some other dark color.
An engineer in the aero-engineering field could not identify a strange triangular object over northern Illinois. About 22:00, I was driving from work to pick my brother up from his work. I work as an engineering intern at an AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING FACILITY. I know aircrafts very well, both experimental and common. So as I was driving home, I looked up to the North West and saw a light approaching very low over the highway. There was an airport close, so I assumed it was a 1 or 2 engine plane coming in for a landing. I looked up again, and prepared myself for a huge blast of noise (this is how close it was). When I looked up a second time, a triangular object with three white lights at each point hovered silently over the highway. This is no plane, as I've said before, my education is in engineering, as well as working specifically in aero-engineering field. I am not dumb, and I know what I know. I looked up a third time and it was gone. What I saw cannot be identifiable by anyone on earth, and by my good understanding of physics, broke many physical laws that we could not even begin to comprehend. I'm not saying it was an alien, I'm just saying that I could not identify it, and I believe most on this world couldn't. I mean, an object of this shape could not create lift unless moving at a very fast speed, and if it did create lift by using a propulsion system from underneath, how could it move side to side efficiently? I mean, the harrier jump jets work similarly, but being that close, or anywhere near that close, i would have felt the vibrations and heard the huge roar of the engines.