Unnamed: 0
Runaway Bullet (Runaway, #3)
Nicole Clark
Strong, silent, and the one most likely to kill without giving a reason.Jon is the only founding member of the Demon Reaper Motorcycle Club that everyone fears. He always says what's on his mind and when he says something, he means it. Those aren't threats that are popping out of his mouth, they're promises.When Jon meets the redhead of his dreams, everything about him changes. He suddenly understands what Josh said when he'd do anything for Clarisse. But, when Jon's newfound discovery of love is threatened by someone from her past, will he be able to save her or will he lose the one woman who changed him?**For 18+ only. Contains mature content as well as some content that may upset younger audiences**
Night is Falling
Mariam Arif
In a place far from the cruelty and injustice of our world, a group of islanders who had been hidden for many centuries live. Their island is called Al Salam, meaning peace; for they know nothing of the corrupted minds and souls of those beyond the ocean. On this island lives a doubtful boy named Adam, who discloses a shocking secret about his island. No sooner had he started to understand the truth, that dozens of ships locate his dear island and make their way to invade his home. Adam and the islanders have no choice but to fight back. They witness the barbarism that conquers the spirits of those who came from beyond. They watch as their home slowly turns into ruin. Adam's loyalty, pride, and dignity were not to fall to the ground. He knows that Al Salam is the only pure place left in the world, and he isnt prepared to let it fall into the hands of such pitiless creatures. The fact is, before any of us can judge this book, we must ponder upon a very important matter. Is this story exaggerated? Is it really that far from the truth?
Petits Meurtres Entre Moines (Les Nouvelles Enquêtes du juge Ti, #4)
Frédéric Lenormand
A peine arrivé dans le monastère taoïste où l’a conduit une procédure de routine, Ti est confronté à une série inexplicable de suicides parmi les moines. Très vite, il est frappé par l’ambiance délétère d’un lieu où le fantastique côtoie la réalité, où les rêves sont vénérés à l’égal de révélations sacrées. En dépit des efforts d’un abbé anxieux de le voir s’en aller, Ti met au jour les mille péchés petits et grands de cette congrégation hors du commun.De son côté, Mme Ti, la première de ses trois épouses, mène sa propre enquête dans le couvent de nonnes bouddhistes situé sur une colline voisine, où son mari l’a envoyée soigner ses nerfs.Après avoir découvert qu’aucune des deux communautés ne l’emporte sur l’autre en matière de secrets et de mensonges, Ti se heurte à l’une des plus ingénieuses machinations de sa carrière de magistrat.L’auteur ressuscite la Chine policée et baroque des Tang, en compagnie d’un juge Ti plein de verve et de malice.
['Historical', 'Mystery']
Once Upon A Zombie
Storm Stoker
What would you do if you turned on the news tomorrow morning and learned there was a Zombie Apocalypse? There are at least seven people who would not be surprised. In fact, they've been waiting their whole lives for this event. These over-educated, under-employed misfits have spent years watching old horror films about zombies, playing zombie video games and discussing what they would do if zombies invaded. They are ready. In the real world, they are labeled as freaks and outcasts. They have dead-end jobs and are looked down on by their families and society. The real world is about to end. Is it possible the least likely people to survive in the normal world could triumph in a zombie apocalypse? Is this their chance to move from the bottom to the top of the food chain?
Thin Skin Soul Pinned
Mila A. Ballentine
Marie Tousant was an adventurous child, living a happy life until she had an untimely encounter with an entity in her back yard. From then on, she was no longer the same child, but even so, her parents were determined to maintain some sense of normalcy in her life. Although, they soon realized that, that notion did not apply. Years later, hunting season begins, but Marie is the prey, pursued by practitioners of the dark arts, and they do not intend to let her slip away this time. However, a conflicting power emerges and shares secrets that may save Marie from the grasp of evil. Regardless of the dangers they face, Marie’s allies are willing to protect her; it becomes clear that Marie is in for the fight of her life, and there is no telling if she will come out of this ordeal alive.
The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted
Mike Lofgren
The New York Times bestselling exposé of what passes for business as usual in Washington todayThere was a time, not so very long ago, when perfectly rational people ran the Republican Party. So how did the party of Lincoln become the party of lunatics? That is what this book aims to answer. Fear not, the Dems come in for their share of tough talk— they are zombies, a party of the living dead.Mike Lofgren came to Washington in the early eighties—those halcyon, post–Nixonian glory days—for what he imagined would be a short stint on Capitol Hill. He has witnessed quite a few low points in his twenty-eight years on the Hill—but none quite so pitiful as the antics of the current crop of legislators whom we appear to have elected.Based on the explosive article Lofgren wrote when he resigned in disgust after the debt ceiling crisis, The Party Is Over is a funny and impassioned exposé of everything that is wrong with Washington. Obama and his tired cohorts are no angels but they have nothing on the Republicans, whose wily strategists are bankrupting the country one craven vote at a time. Be prepared for some fireworks.
['Politics', 'Nonfiction', 'History', 'Political Science', 'Economics', 'United States', 'Cultural']
Mythbusting the Cult of Confucius: What the Chinese Really Are, How to Understand Them and Why We Need to
Wayne Deeker
China is ever-more important to western countries, yet remains shrouded in myth. This book is the first to part those myths and demystify the realities of Chinese ways. Western people need to know because Chinese traits and values, combined with China's modern power, now literally affect all. This book examines the ancient origins of Chinese thinking in Confucianism and consequences for the modern world: it is especially relevant to business and government relations with China, also to educational and immigration issues. Yet it contains far more than warnings alone. Above all, it shows ways western people might learn from Chinese people, and to compassionately help them break free of their past.
['China', 'Anthropology', 'Nonfiction', 'Politics', 'History', 'Cultural']
Stand Tough
B. Neil Brown
Stand Tough is the true life story of one man's fight against a rare illness and multiple limb loss.When Neil was only twenty seven he was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disorder called Behcet's Disease. With a son, a full time career, and a part time role as a hometown Fire Fighter/EMT he didn't have time to be sick, so he pushed through it all.....Until a simple misdiagnosis of a sore throat cost him his legs and all the fingers of his dominate hand.Follow Neil's journey from tragedy to triumph as he stands tough against the odds and continues to live his life, even without legs!
Rose Colored Glasses
Ellen Tomaszewski
Set on the desert steppes of Eastern WA State, Rose Colored Glasses exposes the often delightful, sometimes disappointing or even painful underbelly of motherhood. Fourth baby Katy's eyes jiggle, bounce, cross, and squint. Oh, and by the way, her IQ is abysmal, too. Without a diagnosis, where can her mother find answers? Rose Colored Glasses sweeps the reader into the hectic life of parenting, and how a mother learned to release expectations to make room for the greatest gift: God's love and hope that sustains through the toughest times. What others are saying: "Rose Colored Glasses is a moving, informative, and - in the best and deepest meaning of the word - inspiring true story. It's an account of courage, faith and persistent hope. It's the kind of book you will want to read again and share with your friends because it's a book you will love." Mitch and Kathy Finley - Authors of numerous books including: What Faith is Not and the Liturgy of Motherhood "In detailing the events of her daughter, Katy's, birth and discovery of her bouncy, wiggly, eyes, Tomaszewski reveals a heartwarming and true story of the significant courage of ordinary people. While in most books the reader is permitted observation, Tomaszewski's writing style engages the reader in such a way that one feels like a member of her household. We seem to be in the same room when Ellen raises the shades and lets sunlight in - thereby discovering the odd characteristics of her daughter's eyes." - Rebekah Jakeman, book reviewer for the Entertainer Newspaper "Very beautiful and moving story." Mary O - Reader and parent of child with achromatopsia, Great Britain "I just finished reading your wonderful book. God certainly revealed His wisdom when he gave Katy to you. Very few moms would have had the love, patience, and perseverance to nurture and guide Katy to be the lovely young woman she has become." Reader Cherie R., Pennsylvania "Rose Colored Glasses is a great book which shows that any child with a disability as confusing as congenital achromatopsia can succeed with the assistance and advocacy of a devoted parent." Rachael Scdoris, author of No End in Sight, Iditarod runner and person with achromatopsia.
Seed of Evil
Robert Friedrich
THE SAGA OF EVIL BEGINS… From a distant galaxy far beyond our time, the most ancient of all EVIL awoke before descending upon our unsuspecting galaxy. The planet it reached never faced such a threat, but didn’t submit to it, either. In a final attempt to survive, a prison between dimensions was built, the last hope to hold the DARK POWER for an eternity. The planet withered and died, and its people found a new refuge among the stars. That planet is now known as: Mars. But even eternity doesn’t last forever. Ignorance and an infantile arrogance of a nation leads to its release. And once again, it only leaves death in its wake. Read the fast-paced Sci-Fi/Horror, where the elements of OCCULT meet with an advanced MILITARY thriller, wrapped in a colossal battle between good and evil. The first part of a new, long-awaited Saga, from the internationally renowned author of “The Darkness Within” will give you a gulp of a SMASH HIT and will leave you wanting more…
['Horror', 'Science Fiction', 'Fiction']
Heart Waves (Heart Waves, #1)
Danielle Sibarium
Jenna Kingsley has a gift. She knows things. With a simple touch she can pick up personal information from jewelry or objects. While at a neighbor's party, a voice mesmerizes her. Jenna is momentarily frozen as a ring is placed in her hand. White electricity surges through her and a dire prediction is made. "It's like Romeo and Juliet. You're going to break my heart." From the moment they meet, Jenna is enchanted and entranced with Reece Walton. She's thrilled to learn he's spending the summer two houses away from hers. Every moment they spend together is magical. But she can't get the prediction out of her mind. As the summer draws to a close and secrets are revealed, can Jenna get past the fear of being left with a broken heart to live in the moment with Reece or will her fear of being hurt fulfill the prophecy?
['Paranormal', 'Romance']
The Unseen Terrorist
Oche Otorkpa
This book a collection of stories on the lives of HIV carriers was inspired by a taxi driver who once told the author that if he knew one percent of what people infected with HIV go through, he would have done all within his power to avoid being infected
Crazy Maybe (Crazy, #1)
A.D. Justice
Andi Stone is a strong, smart and independent woman, thanks to the help of a famous boxing trainer, Mack, and his protégé, Shane, who have respectively been like a father and brother to her. But that wasn't always the case. Andi never knew what a “normal” life was like. Having been raised in foster care from the age of six after the death of her parents, Andi became emancipated at 16 after an especially horrible incident forced her into a psychiatric hospital. Luke Woods, the family black sheep and street-brawler, is determined to be a successful professional boxer despite his family’s protests. He needs Andi’s help to get there. The wedge between him and his family over his past relationship issues and career choices is not easily overcome. Luke must learn to face the past mistakes, fears and demons that constantly plague him. Fireworks and passions quickly ignite between Andi and Luke in the midst of the chaos that surrounds and threatens them. She never revealed the secrets and lies that have plagued her, but when she publicly inherits her family fortune, the living, breathing past comes back to torment her and threaten all that she holds dear. For the first time in her life, Andi must learn to rely on someone else to love and protect her or risk losing the man she loves. Sometimes love isn’t enough. Sometimes it’s all you need.
['Romance', 'New Adult', 'Contemporary', 'Contemporary Romance', 'Abuse', 'Fighters', 'Sports']
The Magnificence of Quran
Of all of the books in the entire world, there is only one that is free of errors and defects, and that Book is none other than the Noble Quran. The word 'magnificent' is a loose translation of the word that is used in the title of the original Arabic version of this book: 'Adhama. 'Adhama conveys many similar meanings, such as magnificence, grandeur, greatness, exaltedness, and splendor. In the times we live in, great masses of people are ignorant of the greatness and magnificence of the Noble Quran; hence the dire need of books that deal specifically with the subject-matter of this work. The objective of this book is to reveal to readers certain aspects of Quran’s greatness and magnificence. This book shows readers that Allah (SWT) bestowed a great favor upon the Prophet (PBUH) and the people of his nation by giving them the best and most magnificent of all divinely revealed books. The author warns Muslims not to become heedless of the Noble Quran. For it is every Muslim's duty not just to recite the Quran, but also to understand it, to reflect upon its meanings, and to implement its rulings and teachings. This book also corrects some of the more dangerous misconceptions that people have regarding the Noble Quran.
Into The Mind of a Woman: 5 Shortcuts to Save Your Relationship
Habib Kamara
Relationships are the bread of life and many of us don’t know how to enjoy our slices. But when it comes to relationships between men and women, our bread often grows stale and we don’t know how to get a fresh loaf. INTO THE MIND OF A WOMAN: 5 Shortcuts to Save Your Relationship is just the book to show you how to keep your emotional and romantic bread fresh! In an easy step-by-step process, Habib M.R. Kamara shows you how to strengthen our relationships from a man’s perspective as well as a woman’s perspective. His amazing yet simple techniques are so common sense you will be stunned that you never thought of them before. However, one thing is for sure, if you follow the author’s instructions, you’ll never be emotionally hungry again!
Learning to Heal (Learning, #2)
R.D. Cole
"If Fools rush in, then most people in love are idiots. And I'm the biggest one of all." -JazzMeet Jasmine Coleman. She's the girl that's outgoing, beautiful, and full of self-assurance- a confidence that’s forced to cover the scars she hides. When rushing into love becomes a heartbreaking mistake the last piece of it disappears. Now she is left uncertain, weak, and full of self-loathing. But her strength is needed now more than before. Mason Reed is the quiet computer geek that's always the friend and never the boyfriend. Putting his social life on hold to help his single mother has left him shy when it comes to the opposite sex. And Meeting Jazz is no different. However being in love makes you do crazy things and his crazy has major consequences. Especially when the truth is revealed to others who are determined to rip them apart. Rash Decisions have major consequences. Some good. Some bad. All Life Changing."The Truth doesn't always set you free. Sometimes it breaks you apart and leaves you in pieces."
['New Adult', 'College', 'Contemporary', 'Romance', 'Contemporary Romance', 'New Adult Romance', 'Love']
Agnes Sligh Turnbull
The Difficulty of Being Good: On the Subtle Art of Dharma
Gurcharan Das
Most of us spend our lives wrestling with day-to-day questions of right and wrong and these either unanswered or have no easy answer. This book turns to the Sanskrit epic, Mahabharata, in order to answer the question, ‘why be good?’ and it discovers that the epic’s world of moral haziness and uncertainty is closer to our experience as ordinary human beings rather than the narrow and rigid positions that define most debate and discussion today after 9/11.The Mahabharata is obsessed with the elusive notion of dharma—in essence, doing the right thing. When a hero does something wrong in a Greek epic, he gets on with it; when a hero falters in the Mahabharata, the action stops and everyone weighs in with a different and contradictory take on dharma. The epic’s characters are flawed; they stumble. But their incoherent experiences throw light on our day to day emotions of envy, revenge, remorse, status anxiety, compassion, courage, duty and other moral qualities. As the Mahabharata’s story unfolds in each chapter (and the author lets the epic speak as far as possible), the focus moves to a single character and his or her ethical problem–and its significance for our lives.
['Philosophy', 'Nonfiction', 'India', 'Mythology', 'History', 'Spirituality', 'Indian Literature']
The Perfect Pair: The Enchanted Mirror
David C. Holroyd
The Perfect Pair: The Enchanted Mirror is the graphic tale of commercial dolphins and the immensely personal account of a young boy’s first love – a special love that takes him on a mystical journey deep into the world of the dolphin, effectively casting him into a reality that constantly questions man’s overall appraisal of these very special people of the sea. It tells of a mind connection – a psychic bond so strong that it enables the boy and his charges to become Europe’s top performing team… The best of the best. Two dolphins famed for working in absolute unison, eventually leading them into achieving the much-revered full somersault routine – a shadow ballet of exquisite grace and beauty.
Hidden Hills
Jannette Spann
Charlotte can’t move on with her future until she settles the remnants of her past. All she has to offer is The Good Neighbor Award and Jake is too much man to settle for that.
The Sword And The Passion
Yanina Stachura
THE SWORD AND THE PASSIONA DARK AGES NOVELNorthern Britain 495 ADCivil War sweeps the country as the Earldormen of the Anglii tribe fight to replace their King.When her family are massacred in an act of treachery, Averil, daughter of Earldorman Aethelstan, is enslaved and set on a path to fight for her freedom and restore their honour.The keys to her destiny - the love of one man and a secret pact her father made long ago with an enemy King.
['Historical Fiction', 'Romance', 'British Literature', 'Fantasy']
One Small Step
Boo Lambo
What do you do when life points a gun at you? Take a trip through the underbelly of Boston's inner city and witness the gritty, often untold, stories of pain, love, and triumph! This raw-edged tale of Urban Fiction will set your emotions into a whirlwind!
Symphony of Light and Winter (Symphony of Light, #1)
Renea Mason
For Linden Hill, life was predictable—go to work, an occasional drink with friends, and repeat—until one unexpected night when she finds herself face-to-face with her past—all six-foot-five-inches of sex-god perfection she once knew as Cyril. The problem? He died. Or so she thought. But Linden's long-lost love isn't welcoming her with open arms. Fueled by suspicion and doubt, their turbulent re-acquaintance drives Cyril to desperate acts. The chance at renewing their love is jeopardized, pulling Linden into his war with supernatural rivals hell-bent on his destruction. Defeating the enemy seems easy compared to surviving each other. With hunger threatening to consume them, and love begging to endure, can Linden learn to accept who she must become to save them both?
['Paranormal', 'Romance', 'Fantasy', 'Paranormal Romance', 'Magic', 'Erotica', 'Adult']
Solar Who? or How to See Yourself and Notice Somebody Else?
I.S. Berg
Why read this book? Well, it has mystery, a storyline to follow, awesome pictures and some discoveries to be made. Important ones. By way of example, you can learn that in order to see things, you need to shine less, or that image is something you definitely need if you are an actor or a standup comedian.The main character of this book is Peach the Solar Kitten. He is a superhero. But aren't we all? Read the book together with your child, discuss stuff, make the world a little better.
Deșertul pentru totdeauna
Octavian Paler
Scris sub forma unui jurnal cu insemnari zilnice, Desertul pentru totdeauna imbina relatarea intamplarilor prezente cu intoarcerile in timp - copilaria petrecuta la poalele Muntilor Fagaras, in satul Lisa, anii de scoala si de liceu. Povestirea e intrerupta adesea de gandurile autorului, care isi marturiseste teama de moarte, greselile si regretele.Este cartea in care Paler „se dezvaluie“, o carte-bilant care poate fi citita in chei multiple.
['Romanian Literature', 'Philosophy', 'Fiction']
Dwanaście stacji
Tomasz Różycki
Dwanascie stacji
Tristan Stone and the Battle for Praetoria
Crystal Rees
In Tristan Stone’s newly discovered elemental world, society is divided by four elements. Aquaknights. Dragonites. Praetorians. Aerossians. For Tristan, who knows nothing of his past and lost the only person who could give him the answers he needs, it’s complicated. As the trials begin on Praetoria, Tristan must determine who his true friends are and what, if any, place romance has in his new life. Weapon training, Elementus, and control of water are just a few of the Aquaknight skills Tristan must master. Throw into the mix a stubborn, beautiful, and fiery Kali Marks, and he may have more than he can handle. Getting schooled in the ways of Praetoria, he must find the strength of his own bloodline as an Aquaknight before it’s too late and he loses those he loves and Praetoria is changed forever. Little does he know, his bloodline represents the greatest threat.
Peace of Mind: Becoming Fully Present
Thich Nhat Hanh
We can’t heal with our minds alone. Thinking can be something productive and creative, but without integrating body and mind, much of our thinking is useless and unproductive. In Peace of Mind, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that integrating body and mind is the only way to be fully alive in each moment, without getting lost in our thoughts while walking, cooking, driving, and going about our everyday lives. Only by cultivating a mindful body and an embodied mind can we be fully alive. Bringing together ancient wisdom and contemporary thinking, Thich Nhat Hanh says it's like hardware and software—if you don't have both, you can't do anything.Peace of Mind provides a foundation for beginning mindfulness practices and understanding the principles of mind/body awareness. By learning how our physical body and mind are inseparable in creating our own perceptions and experiences we can begin to trust and nourish our ability to create well-being.
['Nonfiction', 'Buddhism', 'Spirituality', 'Philosophy', 'Self Help', 'Psychology', 'Personal Development']
Warrior Magnificent: Radical Results Require Zero Doubt
Jamie Vrinios
Are you ready to find your warrior within? Are you willing to stand up in your magnificence and abandon the herd mentality? Come learn the secrets to become a Warrior Magnificent. Warrior Magnificent will challenge your feelings, emotions, and thought processes to break through the oppressive thinking that holds you captive. This book can awaken a dormant spirit, energize a stagnant mind, and inspire you to LIVE out your MAGNIFICENCE. Jamie Vrinios's journey began with nothing. She was disowned as a young single mom from her parents and family, left alone, and survived on government assistance. She went on to build an organization of thousands under her leadership, leading many to financial freedom along the way. Jamie is a trainer, mentor, speaker, coach, and an advocate for impoverished children worldwide.
['Self Help']
Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China
Leta Hong Fincher
After China's Communist revolution of 1949, Chairman Mao famously proclaimed that "women hold up half the sky." In the early years of the People's Republic, the Communist Party sought to transform gender relations with expansive initiatives such as assigning urban women jobs in the planned economy. Yet those gains are now being eroded in China's post-socialist era. Contrary to many claims made in the mainstream media, women in China have experienced a dramatic rollback of many rights and gains relative to men. "Leftover Women" debunks the popular myth that women have fared well as a result of post-socialist China's economic reforms and breakneck growth.
['China', 'Nonfiction', 'Feminism', 'Gender', 'Asia', 'Sociology', 'History']
He Leadeth Me
Fr. Walter Ciszek S.J.
He Leadeth Me is the deeply moving personal story of one man's spiritual odyssey and the unflagging faith which enabled him to survive the horrendous ordeal that wrenched his body and spirit to near collapse. Captured by the Russian army during World War II and convicted of being a Vatican spy, American Jesuit Father Walter J. Ciszek spent some 23 agonizing years in Soviet prisons and the labor camps of Siberia. He here recalls how it was only through an utter reliance on God's will that he managed to endure. He tells of the courage he found in prayer-a courage that eased the loneliness, the pain, the frustrations, the anguish, the fears, the despair. For, as Ciszek relates, the solace of spiritual contemplation gave him an inner serenity upon which he was able to draw amidst the arrogance of evil that surrounded him. Learning to accept even the inhuman work of toiling in the infamous Siberian salt mines as a labor pleasing to God, he was able to turn adverse forces into a source of positive value and a means of drawing closer to the compassionate and never-forsaking Divine Spirit. He Leadeth Me is a book to inspire all Christians to greater faith and trust in God-even in their darkest hour.
['Catholic', 'Religion', 'Biography', 'Spirituality', 'Faith', 'Nonfiction', 'Memoir']
The Real World Of Technology
Ursula Martius Franklin
Technology has built the house in which we all live. Compared to people of earlier times, we rarely have a chance to leave the house that technology built, and is continuing to build. In these essays, Professor Franklin examines the foundations and layout of the house of technology, its secret passages and hidden trapdoors, and describes the ways in which prescriptive technologies, with their division of labour and associated political systems have, especially since the Industrial Revolution, turned our perception of reality upside-down.Technology, defined as the grounded practice of working and living together, has always been part of human existence. What is new is the scale of intervention by mechanical technologies in everyday life, resulting in a "culture of compliance" and the acceptance, as normal, of external control and management.
['Technology', 'Nonfiction', 'Science', 'Cultural', 'Design', 'Philosophy', 'Sociology']
Albert Memmi
It is social, not "natural," it is general, not "personal"; and it is tragically effective. In a remarkable meditation on a subject at the troubled center of American life, Albert Memmi investigates racism as social pathology -- a cultural disease that prevails because it allows one segment of society to empower itself at the expense of another. By turns historical, sociological, and autobiographical, Racism moves beyond individual prejudice and taste to engage the broader questions of collective behavior and social responsibility. The book comprises three sections -- "Description, " "Definition, " and "Treatment" -- in which Memmi delineates racism's causes and hidden workings, examines its close affinity to colonialism, and considers its everyday manifestations over a period of centuries throughout the West. His topics include bigotry against Blacks, anti-Semitism, the meaning of "whiteness, " and the status of the Quebecois. For Memmi, the structure of racism has four "moments": the insistenc on difference; the negative valuation imposed on those who differ; the generalizing of this negative valuation to an entire group; and the use of generalization to legitimize hostility. Memmi shows how it is not racism's content -- which can change at will -- but its form that gives it such power and tenacity.
['Sociology', 'Race', 'Philosophy', 'Nonfiction', 'Social Science', 'History', 'Politics']
Bad Boyfriends: Using Attachment Theory to Avoid Mr. (or Ms.) Wrong and Make You a Better Partner
Jeb Kinnison
This book is intended to be a practical guide to using the modern science of attachment and relationships to guide the questioning toward a more fulfilling life. If you were brought up in the Western world, you’ve been trained on fairy tales of love and relationships that are misleading at best, and at worst have you making mistake after mistake in starting relationships with the wrong kinds of people who will waste your time and keep you from finding a loyal partner. Science has the answer! Or at least a guide to save you the time and effort of discovering for yourself how many wrong types of romantic partners there are. Reading this book will help you recognize the signs of some of the syndromes that prevent people from being good partners. We’ll go through those syndromes and point out some of the signs. Those little red flags you sometimes notice when you are getting to know someone? Often they speak loud and clear once you understand the types, and you can decide immediately to run away or approach with caution those who show them. If you’re young and just starting to look for a partner, good news—the world is swarming with well-adjusted, charming matches for you, if you know how to recognize them. The bad news: you are inexperienced and you may not recognize the right type of person when you date them. Many people expect to experience an immediate sense of excitement, an overwhelming rush of attraction, and to fall in love rapidly and equally with someone who feels the same. This rarely happens, and when it does it usually ends badly! And expecting it will cause you to let go of people who are steady, loving, and attentive, if you had given them a chance. So once you’ve identified someone who makes you laugh, answers your messages, and is there for you when you want them, don’t make the mistake of tossing them aside for the merely good-looking, sexy, or intriguing stranger. If you’re older, bad news: while you were spending time and effort on relationships you were hoping would turn out better, or even happily nestled in a good relationship or two, most of the secure, reliable, sane people in your age group got paired off. They’re married or happily enfamilied, and most of the people your age in the dating pool are tragically unable to form a good long-term relationship. You should always ask yourself, “why is this one still available?”—there may be a good answer (recently widowed or left a long-term relationship), or it may be that this person has just been extraordinarily unlucky in having over twenty short relationships in twenty years (to cite one case!) But it’s far more likely you have met someone with a problematic attachment style. As you age past 40, the percentage of the dating pool that is able to form a secure, stable relationship drops to less than 30%[1]; and since it can take months of dating to understand why Mr. or Ms. SeemsNice is really the future ex-partner from Hell, being able to recognize the difficult types will help you recognize them faster and move on to the next. This book outlines the basics (which might be all you need), and points you toward more resources if you want to understand more about your problem partner. If you're wondering if the guy or girl you've been hanging out with might not be quite right, this is the place to match those little red flags you've noticed with known bad types. And by getting out fast, you can avoid emotional damage and wasted time, and get going on finding someone who's really right for you. Study all of the bad types and you'll detect them before even getting involved. Or you could be one of the few people who recognizes their own problems in one of these types. There are study materials and plans of action for you, too.
['Psychology', 'Nonfiction', 'Self Help', 'Relationships']
Come Away with Me (The Andrades, #1)
Ruth Cardello
NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author!Gio Andrade:Rich, powerful, sexy. A man who thinks he has everything...until he meets Julia.Julia Bennett:Sweet, spontaneous, and desperate to sell her jewelry line in New York City. She takes a job as a night security guard to pay the rent.Sparks fly when she mistakes her boss for an intruder.He can’t get her out of his head. She can’t find the strength to deny him.Will lies bring them together or tear them apart forever?
['Romance', 'Contemporary Romance', 'Contemporary', 'Amazon', 'Adult', 'Fiction', 'Chick Lit']
Eternally Spring
K.K. Weakley
His life had changed for good on that fateful night in Tennessee. On the 8th of April 1997, Nathaniel Lee Weakley learned what it meant to have his life flash before his eyes, while possessing nothing in his power to stop it. A true story of lost innocence, and the ability to have the strength to grab hold of life with both hands, in an never ending bid to move on.
Mass Deception: Moral Panic and the U.S. War on Iraq
Scott A. Bonn
The attacks of 9/11 led to a war on Iraq, although there was neither tangible evidence that the nation's leader, Saddam Hussein, was linked to Osama bin Laden nor proof of weapons of mass destruction. Why, then, did the Iraq war garner so much acceptance in the United States during its primary stages?Mass Deception argues that the George W. Bush administration manufactured public support for the war on Iraq. Scott A. Bonn introduces a unique, integrated, and interdisciplinary theory called "critical communication" to explain how and why political elites and the news media periodically create public panics that benefit both parties. Using quantitative analysis of public opinion polls and presidential rhetoric pre- and post-9/11 in the news media, Bonn applies the moral panic concept to the Iraq war. He critiques the war and occupation of Iraq as violations of domestic and international law. Finally, Mass Deception connects propaganda and distortion efforts by the Bush administration to more general theories of elite deviance and state crime.
['Politics', 'History', 'Nonfiction', 'War']
The Unexpected
Rosalind Chester
The Unexpected is a paranormal romance unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Every page will have your heart racing and begging for more. In The Unexpected, Tony spirals into a deep depression after losing his soul mate, Ty. Tony awakes to find himself in the harrowing pits of Hell. He does the only thing he can think of to escape hell. He makes a deal with the devil to do his bidding on Earth. Rosalind Chester's The Unexpected takes us through a story more beautiful than time as a stirring war emerges between Heaven and Hell. Readers all ages will enjoy reading this uplifting, inspiring and intriguing book.
We Look For Magic and Feed the Hungry
Heather M. Browne
We Look For Magic and Feed the Hungry is an engaging poetry chapbook written to inspire and uplift readers. There is great strength and beauty in the resiliency of the human spirit. This collection of poems strives to touch and caress those who enter.
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger
Lee Edward Födi
LOST IN A MAZE OF MYSTERY . . . Everyone knows that the creatures of the outside world are forbidden by magic to enter the land of Een. That’s why Kendra Kandlestar is so surprised when a giant Unger arrives in the middle of the night to deliver a cryptic message: If she can find the Door to Unger, she will be able to unlock the truth about her long-lost family. But when Kendra finds herself trekking through the wilderness with a magic-peddling faun and a rebellious Unger, she begins to wonder if it’s all just a clever trap to lead her into the heart of danger. Whom can Kendra trust? There’s only one way to find out: peek through the Door to Unger and enter a world of magic, monsters, and mystery!
['Fantasy', 'Middle Grade', 'Juvenile', 'Childrens']
Red (Transplanted Tales, #1)
Kate SeRine
“My name is Tess Little. But everyone calls me Red.”Once upon a time, a spell went awry, stranding Make Believe characters in the ordinary world. Since then, Tess “Red” Little—a/k/a Little Red Riding Hood—has worked as an Enforcer for the Chicago branch of the Fairytale Management Authority. But, consider yourself warned—she’s not just some waif with a basket of goodies. All grown up and with nothing to lose, a gun and combat boots is more her style. And Red’s new assignment threatens to be short on happily ever afters…Someone is murdering transplanted Tales in gruesome fashion. The list of fictional characters capable of such grisly acts is short and includes more than one of Red’s old flames. And if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s another complication, in the form of sexy, enigmatic Nate Grimm, the FMA’s lead detective and part-time Reaper. Used to following her own rules and living life on the edge, Red has managed to avoid taking on a partner until now. But Nate’s dark side makes him perfect for a case like this. That is, if she can trust him. Because if there’s one thing Red knows for sure, it’s that believing in the wrong person can have big, bad consequences…
['Urban Fantasy', 'Fantasy', 'Paranormal', 'Romance', 'Paranormal Romance', 'Vampires', 'Fairy Tales']
Wolf Among Wolves
Hans Fallada
Hailed as “ Fallada’s best book” ( The New Yorker ), this sprawling post-WWI is a portrait of Berlin in a time of great upheaval —and of the common man ’ s struggle to survive it all Set in Weimar Germany soon after Germany’s catastrophic loss of World War I, the story follows a young gambler who loses everything in Berlin, then flees the chaotic city, where worthless money and shortages are causing pandemonium. Once in the countryside, however, he finds a defeated German army that has decamped there to foment insurrection. Somehow, amidst it all, he finds romance—it’s The Year of Living Dangerously in a European setting.Fast-moving as a thriller, fascinating as the best historical fiction, and with lyrical prose that packs a powerful emotional punch, Wolf Among Wolves is the equal of Fallada’s acclaimed Every Man Dies Alone as an immensely absorbing work of important literature.“An unmissably brilliant portrait of Berlin before the Nazis.” —The Times of London
['Fiction', 'Germany', 'German Literature', 'Historical Fiction', 'Classics', 'Historical', 'Novels']
Chaysing Dreams (Chaysing Trilogy #1)
Jalpa Williby
Life…secrecy, deceit, danger…No, no! Run, escape! “Run!” Her inner voice is shouting. She has to run faster! She’s about to get caught! No, no! She has to get away. Please, she must escape! “Run faster!”As long as Tess Sanoby can remember, she has always had the same nightmares, where the girl in her dreams is running for her life with an unknown force chasing her. Each time, right before the girl is caught, Tess awakens, shaken with fear and confusion. Who is the girl? What do these dreams mean?Getting through the growing pains of high school with her best friends Jack and Kylie, and then being accepted into her dream college, Tess is excited to start her life of independence. There, she meets the mysterious trainer and mentor, Chris, and she instantly feels a strong connection with him. Unfortunately, Chris wants nothing to do with her. Although Chris continues to give her the cold shoulder, his overprotectiveness and the occasional slips of sensitivity confuse Tess. Not understanding Chris or their relationship, she is on a constant emotional roller coaster with him. Could her best friends be the stable force that she desperately needs? Unfortunately for Tess, the more she tries to connect the missing pieces of her life, the more obscure her past and future appear to her. To make matters worse, she realizes she has fallen hard for a man who may be her worst enemy. As passion ignites between the two, she can’t help but surrender her heart and soul to him. Tess is unexpectedly exposed to a world of secrecy, deceit, and danger, causing her to be running for her life, chased by the unknown. Can Tess escape and save not only herself, but also her loved ones? Or, will she be caught, leaving her no choice but to face her worst nightmare?Chaysing Dreams is the ultimate love story, full of suspense, friendship, betrayal, tragedy, and sacrifice. In this epic tale, you will laugh and cry with Tess--a story full of twists and turns, keeping you guessing until the end.
['Romance', 'Young Adult', 'Paranormal', 'Romantic Suspense']
Come Find Me
Travis Neighbor Ward
In the tradition of the greatest love stories of our time, COME FIND ME tells a poignant tale of how true love can survive time and war, and push people to confront unthinkable choices. At twenty-six Jessica Wilson believes her future is laid out. Her father and brother-in-law both died in war, and now she’s helping to care for her mother and her sister’s children. She’s also managing a wildlife rescue center in the Georgia mountains, where she met her wealthy Canadian fiancé, Blake McCormack, a rancher. Everything seems perfect. So why is it that she breaks into a sweat whenever she pictures Blake announcing their engagement at his parent’s annual rodeo? Jessica is doing a good job of ignoring her doubts until Mark Fripp, the boy she fell in love with ten years ago, shows up on his motorcycle to fulfill his mother’s dying wish. What really happened when he disappeared from her life? What secret is he hiding for fear that she won’t accept him for who he is? And will she still be able to move forward with the life she has planned, even after she knows the truth?
['Romance', 'Contemporary Romance', 'Contemporary']
The Idea of One Religion
J.S. Thakur
The study of different religions of the world shows that in essence they are one, they differ only in non-essentials, in minor things. Depending on the circumstances and environments all the big religions of the world invented their own Gods and propagated their doctrines, dogmas, principles, rituals, ceremonies, techniques and procedures. They all teach the eternity of soul. All religions admit that apart from the body which perishes, there is something which does not change like the body, a part that is immutable, eternal and never dies. The essential of man has no beginning and does not have an end. Above this eternal nature there is another eternal being without end-God who is both the creator and the destroyer. This supreme authority is controlling, governing and guiding every existence in the whole of creation lawfully. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.The essence of all religions is to know God, to realize Him in the soul, to establish an inner attunement with that supreme unknown power, to become one with God. Each religion represents a great truth, a particular excellence something which is its soul. They all are looking at truth from different stand points, birth, education they are supplementary to one another, not contradictory. The truth is that all these religions are but phases of one Eternal Religion. One infinite religion existed through all eternity and will ever exist. This one religion is expressing itself in various countries in various ways.This essence constitutes the universal basis of all religions and can prepare a ground for one universal religion. Which must be able to supply food for all the various types of minds in order to satisfy the largest portion of mankind.
A group of social outcasts have been forced to move into a derelict row of terraced houses by the local authority. From the initial stages of conflict between the new neighbours, a common bond is formed, leading ultimately to their unification in turning the decrepit properties and surrounding wasteland, into Scotland’s foremost holiday resort. The process demands ingenuity, subterfuge and the odd flash of pure genius – all of which are employed to conceal the project from the authority, police and supercilious residents from the pretentious neighbouring council estate.
M.K. Ritter
Blakely was just your average girl until news broke about who she really was. Now she is moving away to start a new life. All new last name. All new boys. All new dangers. Can Blakely start over at Eastbrooke?
What They Did There: Profiles from the Battle of Gettysburg
Steve Hedgpeth
This book first drew breath as a blog begun in the winter of 2013 during the run-up to the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in early July of that same year. The blog was to be my first sustained piece of writing since 2008, when I’d left the newspaper business after 25 years as a features writer and editor. If the venue had changed, my approach did not. During my career, I’d specialized in short profiles of celebrities, mostly from the field of television. I was never much for longer pieces of writing, preferring punchy vignettes that I’d hoped nonetheless were both informative and entertaining. I brought this stylistic template to profiling people who had been involved in the Battle of Gettysburg, my interest in which dates back to my childhood in the ‘60s. The 1960s, that is. My intent was to write 150 profiles to dovetail with the 150th anniversary. I didn’t really know if I could find that many people of interest to write about, but as it turned out I found more than I’d expected, especially considering that I had little interest in profiling those who had been profiled silly since the last shot was fired in the battle. So, no Robert E. Lee or George Meade or Winfield Scott Hancock or George Armstrong Custer and so on. As an example, take Gen. Gouveneur Warren, who has a striking monument on the field owing to his repute as “the Savior of Little Round Top.” I didn’t think yet another profile of Warren was needed, so I opted to write about one of his aides, a young engineering officer named Washington Roebling, who long after the battle smoke had cleared from his eyes became the principal engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge. What you’ll find here are roughly 175 profiles, not just of combatants blue and gray, but of civilians, doctors, nurses, artists, photographers, Samaritans; saints, sinners and the moral terrain in-between; men, women, children.
['Civil War', 'History', 'Military Fiction', 'Nonfiction']
David's Gift
H.G. Keller
Barry and Susan Nelson's firstborn, David, is one of those very rare children who gets bored after having mastered quantum mechanics by his ninth birthday. Raising him in the Christian faith, they soon find that he is asking piercing theological questions concerning evolution vs Creation, and that they need expert help in providing him with answers. In the same way they sought out college professors to tutor him in advanced mathematics and physics, they turn to their church's pastor, who is both a medical doctor and a Doctor of Philosophy. Rev. Johnson's incredibly detailed discussions with David examine every facet of the debate. David's Gift is a fictional tale of an absolutely non-fiction issue, addressed comprehensively by an author who clearly has a deep understanding of what he refers to as Evolutionized Creation. There is, Keller contends in the Introduction, no reason to abandon your Creationist beliefs, especially not when the science so clearly supports the reality of a Creator.A story of new faith, lost faith renewed and the staggering complexity and ineradicable beauty of a perfect Creation. HG Keller was born in a small Nebraska town where he spent the first 38 years as a Medical Technologist, an engineer and sales assistant. He moved to Virginia to work as a sales representative and after 22 years retired and moved to Colorado to live closer to his children and grandchildren. Throughout his life he has studied evolutionary science and biology. He has wrestled with the idea of a creator and the theory of neo-Darwinism. He has been waiting for someone to come along and resolve the mystery of human creation. David's Gift is an effort to put forth ideas on how it all could have happened. Contact Mr. Keller at Davidsgift771@gmail.com with your thoughts about this book and find out about his next literary project.
A Primate's Memoir: A Neuroscientist's Unconventional Life Among the Baboons
In the tradition of Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey, Robert Sapolsky, a foremost science writer and recipient of a MacArthur Genius Grant, tells the mesmerizing story of his twenty-one years in remote Kenya with a troop of Savannah baboons.“I had never planned to become a savanna baboon when I grew up; instead, I had always assumed I would become a mountain gorilla,” writes Robert Sapolsky in this witty and riveting chronicle of a scientist’s coming-of-age in remote Africa. An exhilarating account of Sapolsky’s twenty-one-year study of a troop of rambunctious baboons in Kenya, A Primate’s Memoir interweaves serious scientific observations with wry commentary about the challenges and pleasures of living in the wilds of the Serengeti — for man and beast alike. Over two decades, Sapolsky survives culinary atrocities, gunpoint encounters, and a surreal kidnapping, while witnessing the encroachment of the tourist mentality on the farthest vestiges of unspoiled Africa. As he conducts unprecedented physiological research on wild primates, he becomes evermore enamored of his subjects — unique and compelling characters in their own right — and he returns to them summer after summer, until tragedy finally prevents him.By turns hilarious and poignant, A Primate’s Memoir is a magnum opus from one of our foremost science writers.
['Science', 'Nonfiction', 'Memoir', 'Animals', 'Africa', 'Biology', 'Anthropology']
A Valley Experience (Inspirational Life Experiences, #1)
Pam Funke
Disclaimer: Realistic fiction dealing with difficult topics that may not be suitable for readers under the age of 15.Meet Brianca Euley, a girl who goes through life searching for love. She searches in all the wrong places--in the clubs, with various men, everywhere except where true unconditional love waits for her. Will she ever learn that what is missing from her life is God? How far down this path of destruction will she go before she reaches out to God?
ஏழு தலைமுறைகள் [Ezhu Thalaimuraigal]
Tamil Version of Roots: The Saga of an American Family (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5...) by EthirajuluWhen he was a boy in Henning, Tennessee, Alex Haley's grandmother used to tell him stories about their family—stories that went back to her grandparents, and their grandparents, down through the generations all the way to a man she called "the African." She said he had lived across the ocean near what he called the "Kamby Bolongo" and had been out in the forest one day chopping wood to make a drum when he was set upon by four men, beaten, chained and dragged aboard a slave ship bound for Colonial America.Still vividly remembering the stories after he grew up and became a writer, Haley began to search for documentation that might authenticate the narrative. It took ten years and a half a million miles of travel across three continents to find it, but finally, in an astonishing feat of genealogical detective work, he discovered not only the name of "the African"--Kunta Kinte—but the precise location of Juffure, the very village in The Gambia, West Africa, from which he was abducted in 1767 at the age of sixteen and taken on the Lord Ligonier to Maryland and sold to a Virginia planter.Haley has talked in Juffure with his own African sixth cousins. On September 29, 1967, he stood on the dock in Annapolis where his great-great-great-great-grandfather was taken ashore on September 29, 1767. Now he has written the monumental two-century drama of Kunta Kinte and the six generations who came after him—slaves and freedmen, farmers and blacksmiths, lumber mill workers and Pullman porters, lawyers and architects—and one author.But Haley has done more than recapture the history of his own family. As the first black American writer to trace his origins back to their roots, he has told the story of 25,000,000 Americans of African descent. He has rediscovered for an entire people a rich cultural heritage that slavery took away from them, along with their names and their identities. But Roots speaks, finally, not just to blacks, or to whites, but to all people and all races everywhere, for the story it tells is one of the most eloquent testimonials ever written to the indomitability of the human spirit.
Shadows of the Heart (The Unicorns #1)
Lord' Williams
There are some affairs you simply cannot turn your back on-the connection cannot be severed-becoming shadows of the heart. William R. Green, and his wife Yvonne, teetered on the brink of divorce after 25 years of marriage, when William confronted Yvonne about her two-year affair with her former partner, N.Y.P.D. Lieutenant Robert Wells. Yvonne, cast out of her home, took refuge in the arms of Lieutenant Wells. During their vacation in the Bahamas, she began to have second thoughts after a visit with a local witch, and her nervous breakdown on a lonely stretch of beach. Encircled in William's arms, Joann spoke through the congestion in her chest and runny nose. "Why does it have to hurt to love you?" The pain shot straight to his heart, but the pain he felt did not surpass the heartache and problems he had caused in the lives of his previous lovers: Joann, Dana, and Andrea. Obsessed, his best friend Jake was determined to unravel the secrets, the lies, and murders in William's dark past. Step into the middle of William's world wind of love and destruction where all he wanted to do was to reconcile his marriage before he faced his own death. However, unbeknownst to William, Yvonne was returning with a decision to make-to kill her husband or go against the odds of starting a new beginning.
Color of My Soul
Helen Stromberg
It's a far cry from the island off the Norwegian coast, where Helen Barth Stromberg lived an artist's life for five years, to the High Plains and canyons of the western U.S.A. The move was the result of the poet meeting the love of her life - Crow, a Cherokee Indian - and the poems and prose pieces gathered here are the passionate expressions of the love felt for a man and respect for his special a world of spirit and flesh, man and beast, dance and ritual, song and legend, light and dark. The link may lie in one of Helen's forebears, who was from the Sami people of Northern Norway, whom we call Lapps. To them, the reindeer and transhumance; to the Native Americans, the bison and the buffalo hunt so graphically described in "Predator". But even in the harsh images of "Nature", the author finds room for Tell me you do not feel it, tell me your heart does not pound like a buffalo stampede, whenever I am near . . .
Into The Land Of Shadows
Kristy McCaffrey
Ethan Barstow has come to Arizona Territory to search for his younger brother, Charley. It’s been five years since a woman came between them and it’s high time they buried the hatchet. He soon learns that his brother has broken more than one heart in town, has mysteriously and abruptly disappeared, and that an indignant fiancée is hot on his trail.Kate Kinsella pursues Charley Barstow when he skips out of town without a second thought. Not only has he left Agnes McPherson alone and pregnant, but everyone still believes that he and Kate are engaged, a sham from the beginning. An ill-timed encounter with a group of ruffians has her suddenly in the company of Ethan Barstow, Charley’s brother and a man of questionable repute. As they move deeper into the shadows of the Arizona desert, family tensions and past tragedies threaten to destroy a relationship neither of them expects.
X Square
Srinu Pandranki
The peace and sanity of Palo Alto, the university town of Santa Clara County, California, with its quiet tree-lined vistas and shady boulevards, is disturbed when three violent murders rock this otherwise low-crime city of mixed-culture and nativity. Angelina, a young Stanford Student is found dead in her apartment. Gayatri Prasad, an India- born immigrant and mother, has been pushed off her balcony, dead on impact with the pavement many stories below. Anne Martin, the beautiful tourist from France has been brutally raped and murdered in her relative’s bedroom. Are the murders related? Shreya Dutt, the tough young homicide detective of Indian Origin, teams up with Kevin Holmes - a formerly active Homicide Detective living an uneventful life as the overseer of Police Archives, with an unresolved past that still haunts the corners of his mind. The murders pull him out of his peaceful existence, back into the game. Together with the fiery Shreya Dutt, he strives to solve the mystery surrounding the crimes; a quest that takes them from the grand locales of Palo Alto to Chinatown and to the grimy streets of East Palo Alto, in search of the seemingly elusive. Fast-paced and emotionally charged, X Square is a novel about love, hate, deceit and the darkness of the fickle human mind.
As Snow Falls
Elle Klass
It is the 20th century in California and the main character, a woman, has lived her life to the fullest. Nestled in her favorite spot during a snow storm she recalls the events of her life from her earliest memories of resisting birth and losing that futile battle to finding her true love and their beautiful family. There are monkey wrenches thrown in at every turn as she struggles to find her place; demonic teachers, cliquish students, her nightmare job, a love lost, and an earthquake that threatens her family. Life continues to dismay her until she can't take it anymore and sets off on a journey. She is a lost soul with no destination, a wandering heart until something happens, something so incredible she could have never imagined it! Through her harrowing and dark story she finds light, justice and true love. She is a humble and lovable character who is quite ordinarily extraordinary. Her story is anyone's story.
Und dein Lohn ist der Tod
Erasmus Herold
Gütersloh im Winter 2013, Dienstagnacht. Überstürzt verlässt Victoria Lirot das Haus, lediglich bekleidet in Schlafanzug und Mantel. Es ist kühl, doch die junge Frau wählt den Motorroller und lässt das Auto stehen. Eine Stunde später ist sie tot, brutal ermordet. Wovor ist Frau Lirot geflüchtet oder was hatte sie vor? Am darauffolgenden Tag verunglückt ein Auto zwischen Gütersloh und Wiedenbrück. Die Kreispolizeibehörde ermittelt und Kommissarin Sarah Berger und ihr neuer Partner Ahmet Yilmaz übernehmen den Fall. Die Untersuchung des Unfallorts liefert den beiden Polizisten verblüffende Ergebnisse. Schnell wird klar, zwischen der Toten der vergangenen Nacht und diesem Unfall besteht ein Zusammenhang. Die Spuren führen zu einem jungen Start-up-Unternehmen, der Teuto Solarlicht. Undurchsichtig erscheint das Treiben ihrer Gesellschafter, folgenreich das, was sie tun. Als sich einer der Verdächtigen ins benachbarte Stromberg absetzt, konzentrieren die Ermittler ihre Suche auf das Burgdorf. Eine unberechenbare Jagd beginnt.
Morning Glory
LaVyrle Spencer
"A superb book." (New York Daily News)On the eve of World War II, two people are brought together by fate and discover an unexpected passion.
['Romance', 'Historical Romance', 'Historical', 'Historical Fiction', 'Westerns', 'Fiction', 'Adult']
Black Hole Focus: How Intelligent People Can Create a Powerful Purpose for Their Lives
Isaiah Hankel
Black Hole Focus is a handbook for intelligent people looking for step-by-step guidance in creating a focus so powerful it will transform lives.Through personal (and sometimes embarrassing) stories, Dr. Isaiah Hankel breaks down the primary driver behind the actions of successful people: focus.Divided into three parts, Black Hole Focus explains why you need a focus, how to create your focus, and what your newfound focus can do for you in the face of adversity.In Black Hole Focus, you’ll also discover…How to create powerful priorities that will keep you focused and eliminate even the worst distractions (like Facebook!).The 6 ways to get 10,000 hours of experience in less than a year (chances are, you’re already using 2-3 of them).What 3 skills you must learn for securing your future (skills that automation will never replace).
['Nonfiction', 'Self Help', 'Personal Development', 'Psychology', 'Business', 'Leadership']
Three Heads
Rob Einsle
Nick lived life with a yearning to spread delight. He sacrificed himself for others to have joy. He was always a hundred percent. He was always full speed ahead. He was always wearing a genuine smile. I hated to have to kill him.The following narrative is:1. the story of our friendship2. a whole bunch of misused em dashes and probably several other grammatical errors3. a chronicle of our devious adventure4. a novel full of clichés5. the reason for Nick's brutal disposal6. a whole slew of words I got out of a thesaurus–because that’s what beginner writers do7. a warningLet us start from the beginning...
Play Dirty
Sandra Brown
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown is back with a gripping story of obsession and its deadly consequences. After five long years in federal prison, Griff Burkett is a free man. But the disgraced Cowboys quarterback can never return to life as he knew it before he was caught cheating. In a place where football is practically a religion, Griff committed a cardinal sin, and no one is forgiving. Foster Speakman, owner and CEO of SunSouth Airlines, and his wife, Laura, are a golden couple. Successful and wealthy, they lived a charmed life before fate cruelly intervened and denied them the one thing they wanted most -- a child. It's said that money can't buy everything. But it can buy a disgraced football player fresh out of prison and out of prospects. The job Griff agrees to do for the Speakmans demands secrecy. But he soon finds himself once again in the spotlight of suspicion. An unsolved murder comes back to haunt him in the form of his nemesis, Stanley Rodarte, who has made Griff's destruction his life's mission. While safeguarding his new enterprise, Griff must also protect those around him, especially Laura Speakman, from Rodarte's ruthlessness. Griff stands to gain the highest payoff he could ever imagine, but cashing in on it will require him to forfeit his only chance for redemption...and love. Griff is now playing a high-stakes game, and at the final whistle, one player will be dead. Play Dirty is Sandra Brown's wildest ride yet, with hairpin turns of plot all along the way. The clock is ticking down on a fallen football star, who lost everything because of the way he played the game. Now his future -- his life -- hinges on one last play.
['Romance', 'Romantic Suspense', 'Mystery', 'Suspense', 'Fiction', 'Thriller', 'Contemporary']
Roberto Saviano
"Guarda la cocaina, vedrai polvere. Guarda attraverso la cocaina, vedrai il mondo"La coca la sta usando chi è seduto accanto a te ora in treno e l’ha presa per svegliarsi stamattina o l’autista al volante dell’autobus che ti porta a casa, perché vuole fare gli straordinari senza sentire i crampi alla cervicale. Fa uso di coca chi ti è più vicino. Se non è tuo padre o tua madre, se non è tuo fratello, allora è tuo figlio. Se non è tuo figlio, è il tuo capoufficio. Se non è il tuo capo, è la sua amante, a cui la regala lui al posto degli orecchini e meglio dei diamanti. Chi la usa è lì con te. È il poliziotto che sta per fermarti, il chirurgo che si sta svegliando ora per operare tua zia, l’avvocato da cui vai per divorziare. Il giudice che si pronuncerà sulla tua causa civile e non ritiene questo un vizio, ma solo un aiuto a godersi la vita. La cassiera che ti sta dando il biglietto della lotteria. Se non è lei, è il parroco da cui stai andando per la cresima, l’assessore che ha appena deliberato le nuove isole pedonali, il parcheggiatore che ormai sente l’allegria solo quando tira. Il ricercatore che sta seduto ora a destra del professore, il vigile urbano che suda moltissimo anche se è inverno, il lavavetri con gli occhi scavati. Tuo cognato che non è mai allegro o il ragazzo di tua figlia che invece lo è sempre. Il costruttore della casa in cui vivi, lo scrittore che leggi prima di dormire, la giornalista che ascolterai al telegiornale. Ma se, pensandoci bene, ritieni che nessuna di queste persone possa tirare cocaina, o sei incapace di vedere o stai mentendo. Oppure, semplicemente, la persona che ne fa uso sei tu.
['Nonfiction', 'Crime', 'True Crime', 'Politics', 'History', 'Italy', 'Italian Literature']
Not Dead in the Heart of Dixie
R.M. Kralik
Welcome to Kapper Hill Compound, home to a family of average, everyday people trying to survive in a Post Apocalyptic World destroyed by strange disease, ruthless dictators, and foreign invasion. Join this non-stop roller coaster ride of pain, suffering, love, and laughter. This lengthy work of art is action packed, with twists and turns around every corner. You will live the story with them, learn valuable lessons from them, and cry out for more.
Ellen Louise Curtis
The story of four very special people and the man that brought them together, Infinity is an adventure book like no other. Enter a world where life is what you make of it, luck is subjective, and sometimes YOU are the only thing keeping you from going under.
Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies
Howard Good
How far should a reporter go for a story? What's the role of the press at the scene of an emergency, or a murder? Why has journalism suddenly become so susceptible to plagiarism? Here's a book that poses these and other urgent questions―and offers candid answers. At a time when professionals and the public alike worry that journalism has lost its way, Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies is available to provide much-needed, accessible guidance.Its twelve chapters, written by some of the nation's leading journalism scholars, explore issues that should concern anyone who aspires to a career in journalism, who works in the field, or who relies on news for daily information. Best of all, as the title suggests the contributors conduct their dynamic and engaging investigations at the movies, where sportswriters, war correspondents, investigative reporters, crime reporters, spin doctors, TV anchors, and harried city editors tackle these pressing issues. Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies isn't your typical textbook. Using popular movies from Wag the Dog to Good Night, and Good Luck to illustrate the kind of ethical dilemmas journalists encounter on the job, this student-friendly book is sure to spark interest and stimulate thinking.
Random Acts of Kindness by Animals
Stephanie Laland
Filled with fascinating facts and grounded in scientific evidence, Peaceful Kingdom manages to put the reader in touch with that special communion with the animal kingdom that enhances the lives of so many people. The stories range from the sweetly heartwarming to the often surprising and make a uniquely memorable and inspiring gift to animal lovers around the world.
['Animals', 'Nonfiction', 'Inspirational']
Heaven is Real, Heaven Exists; Proof of Life-after Death; Real stories of Near-death experiences. (Heaven is Real; Heaven Exists. Book 1)
Tessy Rawlins
Heaven is Real, Heaven Exists; Proof of Life-after Death; Real stories of Near-death experiences.Excerpts;“Words cannot describe the beauty of Heaven. There we find so much peace and happiness.”“All is indescribable beauty.” “There was the most wonderful feeling of bliss. I can only describe it as ecstasy.”Heaven is Real, Heaven exists; Proof of life after death, with real stories of Near-death experiences, true stories of what happens after death.Is Heaven real? This book provides real evidence, from expert research studies of Near-death experiences; true accounts from Doctors of their own Near-death experiences; and the many true stories of real people’s experiences of going to Heaven. Here is the documented proof that Heaven is real and Heaven exists.With remarkable similarity in accounts, the book describes the many true after-death experiences of ordinary people; from Pastors to atheists, children to adults, soldiers to housewives, we find out just what Heaven is like.Says researcher Dr Penny Sartori, many people described ‘travelling through a tunnel, towards a bright light where they saw relatives beckoning them, finding themselves in a beautiful landscape with lush green grass and beautiful flowers. ‘ She says, “Nearly all those who have had NDE’s tell me they no longer fear death, in fact, because of what happened, they are happy to go.”Dr Heidi Horsley writes, after her own NDE, “As I moved toward the light, I had the most euphoric feeling of love and inner peace that I’d ever experienced. It was a place I never wanted to leave.”Gillian MacKenzie, a housewife, describes, “I felt no fear as I went into the tunnel and emerged into the brilliance. There was the most wonderful feeling of bliss. I can only describe it as ecstasy.”Rose Marie Richter, describes, “It was all in a golden, warm loving light..it was full of leaves , flowers, birds, and everything was so colourful...I’ve never been that peaceful and that content and felt so loved.Daniel Ekechukwu writes, “Everything seems to be golden and transparently shining, even the most beautiful flowers. All is indescribable beauty.Crystal McVea, says of her experience, “I had angels, I had God, I fell to my knees in front of him.”True Stories of Near-death experiences.Heaven is for real. True stories of those who went to Heaven and back.Heaven is Real, Heaven Exists; Proof of Life-after Death; Real stories of Near-death experiences. (Book 1)Near Death Experiences; True stories of Near-Death Experiences told by real people. True stories of those who went to Heaven. (Book 2)True Stories of Near-Death Experiences and Afterlife Communication. Heaven is Real; Heaven Exists; Evidence of Life After Death, Proof of the Afterlife. (Heaven is Real; Heaven Exists.) (book 3) After-life Communication. True Stories of After-life Communication. Messages from Heaven. (book 4)Heaven is for real, heaven exists; from those who went to heaven and back, true stories.
['Philosophy', 'Nonfiction']
Ordinary Magic
Ruth King Porter
The first thing that happens is that Cal Willard gets shot in the foot. It s 1977, the day after Thanksgiving, which means that deer season is almost over. Cal s brother George goes to the hospital to see him, even though he hasn't had much to do with Cal for years, really since he got a law degree and moved to town. George has two daughters, now both grown up. Nora is secretly pregnant and trying to figure out what to do about it. Her sister Lena is married with two small children and problems with her husband. Then there is Cal's son, Conrad, whose life is very different from that of his cousins. He decides to buy a log skidder so he can go into business for himself selling firewood to people who are burning wood because of the oil crisis. These are ordinary events, but there s magic in the way they play out over the winter and into the spring. A good read for people who liked Porter s previous novel, The Simple Life, or for people who like stories of ordinary life, truly rendered, with horses and dogs, children and winter weather Vermont life in the country and in town.
The Tale of Dribbles
Cody Toye
Loyality, Compassion, Understanding, and Squirrels. The list of things that are not welcome at Q.J. Enterprises. One of the largest firms in the area, the corporate giant is known to the masses for innovative products at low prices. Through the shimmering gold doors and past the smiling receptionists, sits cubicles filled with unhappy mistreated worker bees. This is the tale of one such worker bee, one among a sea of nameless, faceless workers the company simply assigns a number to and chooses to forget. What happens when the little guy has had enough? After twenty five years of loyal service Bob is let go. Big mistake!
Celia, A Slave
Melton A. McLaurin
"Compelling. . . a shocking tale. . . a remarkable account. . . . McLaurin succeeds admirably in using Celia's story to raise larger issues about the meaning of American slavery for both blacks and whites, for both women and men." —  New York Times Book Review In 1850, fourteen-year-old Celia became the property of Robert Newsom, a prosperous and respected Missouri farmer. For the next five years, she was cruelly and repeatedly molested by her abusive master—and bore him two children in the process. But in 1855, driven to the limits of her endurance, Celia fought back. And at the tender age of eighteen, the desperate and frightened young black woman found herself on trial for Newsom's murder—the defendant in a landmark courtroom battle that threatened to undermine the very foundations of the South's most cherished institution.  Based on court records, correspondences and newspaper accounts past and present,  Celia, A Slave  is a powerful masterwork of passion and scholarship—a stunning literary achievement that brilliantly illuminates one of the most extraordinary events in the long, dark history of slavery in America.
['History', 'Nonfiction', 'Biography', 'American History', 'African American', 'Read For School', 'School']
Sex and the Origins of Death
William R. Clark
Why death? Is death an inextricable consequence of life? If not, where did death come from? In Sex and the Origins of Death, William R. Clark looks at life and death at the level of individual cells to address questions such as why we age, why cells die, and why sex and death seem to go hand in hand. Why must we die? To shed light on this question, Clark reaches far back in evolutionary history, to the moment when "inevitable death" (death from aging) first appeared. For cells during the first billion years, death, when it occurred, was accidental; there was nothing programmed into them that said they must die. But fierce competition gradually led to multicellular animals - size being an advantage against predators - and with this change came cell specialization and, most important, germ cells in which reproductive DNA was segregated from the DNA used to operate individual cells. When sexual reproduction evolved, it became the dominant form of reproduction on the planet, in part because mixing DNA from two individuals generates altogether new germline DNA. During this process, most mutations that have crept into the germline are corrected. But this does not happen in the other (somatic) cells of the body; the mutations are not corrected, and continue to accumulate. The somatic cells become, from a genetic point of view, both superfluous and dangerous. Nature's solution to this dilemma, Clark concludes, was programmed death - the somatic cells must die. Unfortunately, we are the somatic cells. Death is necessary to exploit to the fullest the advantages of sexual reproduction.
['Science', 'Nonfiction', 'Biology', 'Death', 'Evolution']
The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship: You're Richer Than You Think
Duran Price
In 2013 I lost one of my dearest friends in a senseless act of violence and it made me reflect on the incredible value of friendship. Our world is so different without our friends. This devastating loss also brought tremendous gratitude for the friendships I’m blessed to have. It reminded me of how precious these relationships are and all the amazing things I learned about friendships over the years. I wanted to share what I learned. This book isn’t a guide to making casual friends, it’s about the depth of value real friends have in our lives. Told through personal stories, it shares insights on how to navigate the challenges that real friendships face. And above all, it reminds us to pause and acknowledge our friendships, these true treasures of life, while we still can. The Opposite Of Poverty Is Friendship is a reminder that life is almost meaningless without your friends; they are your greatest treasure.
Voices of the Heart, Mind, and Soul
Alex Cuoco
Sunni: The Life and Love of King Tutankhamun's Wife
Julianna Boyer
The historical figure of King Tut comes alive in the novel Sunni: The Life and Love of King Tutankhamun's Wife. The dramatic story of the boy pharaoh of Egypt has fascinated the world for generations, touching on romance and unsolved mystery. Sunni was the half-sister of King Tut. Four years older, she became the biggest part of his growing up years. After Tut became King, he chose Sunni to be his wife. The book tells their love story, including both the good and bad times. From miscarriages to infidelity, the story gives the life and love of King Tut's reign through the eyes of his one true love. After his death, Sunni had huge decisions to make, and any wrong choice could result in tragedy. First-time author Julianna Boyer has been interested in King Tutankhamun since she was a little girl. She lives in Jefferson City, Missouri, with her husband John, two daughters, and a grandson. "Ever since I was 12, I have been almost obsessed with King Tut. Between that passion, dreams, and a past-life regression, I was inspired to write this book." Publisher's website: http: //sbprabooks.com/JuliannaBoyer
['Historical Fiction', 'Egypt']
The Rise of Nine (Lorien Legacies, #3)
Pittacus Lore
The Rise of Nine is the next thrilling instalment in the gripping Lorien Legacies series by Pittacus Lore.'Number Four is a hero for this generation' Michael Bay, director of Transformers***Until I met John Smith, Number Four, I'd been on the run alone, hiding and fighting to stay alive. Together we are much more powerful. But it could only last so long before we had to separate to find the others . . .I went to Spain to find Seven, and I found even more, including a tenth member of the Garde who escaped from Lorien alive. Ella is younger than the rest of us, but just as brave. Now we're looking for the others - including John.But so are they.I am Number Six. To finish what they started, they'll have to fight us first.
['Young Adult', 'Fantasy', 'Science Fiction', 'Fiction', 'Aliens', 'Adventure', 'Paranormal']
My Five Stages of Grief: Poetry Anthology
Darren Heart
My Five Stages of Grief: Poetry Anthology by Darren Heart is an emotional chronicle of the author's ten year journey of recovery and healing from the grief and the overwhelming sense of loss caused by the tragic deaths of his long term partner, and shortly afterwards, his step son.The original poetry contained within this anthology is taken from the more extensive book My Five Stages of Grief: A Father’s Journey to Recovery from Bereavement, written by the same author. The main body is represented by five chapters featuring poems dedicated to the five stages of grief, namely; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance; Intended to reflect upon the various emotions and thoughts he experienced during that particular stage of the grieving process. Contains 45 original emotional, and thought provoking, short poems, capturing the author's raw thoughts and emotions associated with each stage. For those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, this poetry book explore a mourner's need to acknowledge death and embrace the pain of loss and bereavement, as a pathway to recovery. At one time or another, we will all find ourselves facing a dark journey through the grieving process. My Five Stages of Grief Poetry Anthology is written to provide support and comfort for a person who is in the wake of despair following the loss of a loved one. Example Poem from this AnthologyA CastawayDark clouds of despair rolling above,Obscures the peak of mount melancholy.Surrounded by a rough sea of sadness,Waves of woe crashing all over me.Where is this place i have landed?A castaway in a far off land.Beaches of gloom and misery,Great sorrow in each grain of sand.I really need to escape here,Build a raft from my dreams and hopes.Leave unhappiness there on the shoreline,And break free of these heavy heart ropes.Depression is no laughing matter,Dejection is not a great show.But no blast of darkness can block out the light,Just one match can make a room glow.
Brain: The Man Who Wrote the Book That Changed the World
Dermot Davis
It's the classic dilemma of the writer: Do you write what's in your heart or do you write what sells? In this modern age of publishing there is a huge chasm between the best selling authors that are rich beyond their dreams and... well, everybody else. All Daniel Waterstone ever wanted to do was write the great American novel and change the landscape of modern literature forever. He has two literary books in print but no one's buying. His agent won't even accept his latest masterpiece which he poured his soul into: apparently, it's not commercial enough. In a final act of desperation, Daniel decides to write - not what's in his heart but - what he thinks will sell. Boy, did he get that one wrong...worst of all, most likely lose the woman of his dreams.
['Fiction', 'Humor', 'Writing', 'Contemporary']
Understood Betsy
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
For all of her nine years, fragile Elizabeth Ann has heard her Aunt Frances refer in whispers to her "horrid Putney cousins." But when her aunt can no longer care for her, Elizabeth Ann must leave her sheltered life to live in the wilds of Vermont with those distant relatives. In the beginning, Elizabeth Ann is shocked by country living—pets are allowed to sleep in the house and children are expected to do chores! But with country living comes independence and responsibility, and in time, Elizabeth Ann finds herself making friends and enjoying her new family. When the year is up and Aunt Frances comes to get her niece, she finds a healthier, prouder girl with a new name—Betsy—and a new outlook on life. Understood Betsy has delighted generations of young readers since it was first published by Henry Holt and Company in 1917.
['Classics', 'Fiction', 'Childrens', 'Historical Fiction', 'Middle Grade', 'Young Adult', 'Historical']
Jason Leclerc
"Since they first named it, attention deficit disorder (ADD) has been a marker for the American generation who came of age between Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, with Prince or the Beastie Boys playing in the background while the Mario Brothers and the Golden Girls battled in the foreground. Back then, education, football, and Hollywood were wrapped in capitalism and sentimentality. Embracing distraction and fighting with concentration, Momentitiousness captures the spirit and literary needs of this generation and its heirs with its spurious connections and tangential relationships. Loosely lassoing the possibilities enabled by the digital evolution toward boundless search, this novel collection first establishes the “you” and then proceeds to obliterate the “I” in multiple dimensions. Nibble on this new literary form—obsessively perched between collection and novel—as it wanders along a least-squares path from moment to moment, from singularity to communion. Here, find stories—from arbitrage to zombies, Chicago to Columbia, dark to energy—about love and disappointment, science and spirits, and life, death, and the undead. Feast upon this antidote to the mundane as it irreverently exalts the soul of an ADD generation like a collection of first kisses: nostalgic and sweet, sensuous and raw, tenuously related, and well wrought."
Losing Dad, Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Family's Search for Hope
Amanda LaPera
Silver award recipient of IBPA's prestigious Benjamin Franklin book award in the category of psychology, Losing Dad, Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Family's Search for Hope is the compelling true story of a family's struggle with the sudden onset of their father's severe mental illness after his fifty-third birthday. Lacking an understanding of Joseph’s condition, the family is left to deal with his upsetting transformation and subsequent homelessness. The perspectives of his three children, his spouse, and his own distorted reality combine to offer readers a glimpse of a world that will either feel hauntingly familiar or dramatically eye-opening. With so many recent tragedies involving individuals with untreated severe mental illness, families, doctors, and police are often blamed for not doing enough. The solution, however, is rarely simple. Losing Dad poignantly shows the effects of inadequate treatment for those living with a severe mental illness in America. Losing Dad not only features Joseph's harrowing -- and still ongoing -- flight from reality, but also valuable information about severe mental illness, a crippling disease that affects 1 in 17. Bonus: provides a list of resources, a discussion of current mental health laws, and exclusive family member interviews with several family members. Ideal for book clubs, reading discussion questions are included. The Foreword written by Xavier Amador,Ph.D., Founder, LEAP Institute and Author, I am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! (Vida Press 2012) also explains anosognosia. A portion of proceeds from sales of Losing Dad will go to NAMI-OC, an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a nonprofit dedicated to improving lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
['Mental Health', 'Memoir', 'Mental Illness', 'Psychology', 'Biography', 'Psychiatry', 'Nonfiction']
The Dark Lady
Dawn Chandler
She should have grown up in a life of luxury and ease-instead, she was thrust into one of danger and deception... Forced by her scheming mother to pretend that she was a boy, Vanessa Fordella becomes Van, the Dark Knight, in twelfth-century England. But when her now-dying mother demands that she leave behind her charade and marry, Van embarks on the most difficult journey of her life. And if her new husband ever finds out the truth... After years of war, all he wants is peace and the simple life... Peter Lawston, Lord Grayweist, hopes for a shy and controllable wife to run his castle and bear his children. What arrives, instead, is a hell cat, who doesn't know the first thing about being docile or obedient. There's something familiar about his unconventional wife, but Peter can't put his finger on it. As Van struggles to let go of the knight she has been and become the wife she is expected to be, events unfold that threaten to destroy everything she holds dear, including her very life.
['Historical', 'Romance', 'Historical Romance', 'Medieval Romance']
Rendezvous With Hymera
Melinda De Ross
This book is not currently available for purchase. "Rendezvous with Hymera follows the development of a beautiful love story and a bizarre chain of events which lead to the investigation of a mystery that falls into a strange and somewhat paranormal discipline - Yoga.The amateurish investigation starts when Clara DeVine changes her plans for a vacation and ends up in a strange place, where strange things happen. In the scene enters Colin Lambert, a special man from Clara’s past. Their attempts to elucidate the intriguing mystery bring them close again and the unfinished business between them turns into a beautiful and hot love story.The fate of the female enigma of this story seems to resemble, in a strange way, that of the people lost during The Philadelphia Experiment.".
WISDOM To SUCCESS: The Surefire Secrets To Accomplish All Your Dreams
Elizabeth Novak
There is only one right place to look for your dream to know it is a right dream for you. Do not look into someone else’s eyes or opinions; they do not have a right answer. Do not look at your finances, or your calendar. The only place to check for a signal that this is a great idea is to gaze into your heart. If you feel it there, believe in your dream simply because it matters to you. Debbi Dachinger’s new and latest book, “WISDOM To SUCCESS: The Surefire Secrets To Accomplish All Your Dreams,” is receiving acclaim for changing lives and providing readers the valuable information to pursue dreams; overcome obstacles and learn the recipe of how to achieve goals successfully. “WISDOM TO SUCCESS" is raw and real, told by a goal achievement expert; with inspirational and motivational it teaches happiness, self-esteem, personal development and more. In this groundbreaking book, Debbi ensures that all of your dreams are possible and are waiting on you to get started. The author offers a serious bang-for-the-buck book with depth, direction and humor as well. Time to soar!We are given dreams for a reason. It is not about thinking about it in our heads to figure that out. The gifts of a dream are only revealed when we pursue it. Along the journey of going after a dream so much is learned and given to us. Our perceptions change, our knowledge of what we can do and handle changes, our idea of how limitless and awesome we are becomes known to us and the process forever changes how we view ourselves and our lives. When your soul says it is ready to move forward that is because the soul knows something the rest of us has not caught up to yet. And when we trust the stirring inside it leads us to the most amazing and often unexpected places. Author, Debbi Dachinger, takes you to the land of your dreams where indeed they are achievable.
Rats Saw God
Rob Thomas
For Steve York, life was good. He had a 4.0 GPA, friends he could trust, and a girl he loved. Now he spends his days smoked out, not so much living as simply existing.But his herbal endeavors—and personal demons—have lead to a severe lack of motivation. Steve's flunking out, but if he writes a one-hundred-page paper, he can graduate.Steve realizes he must write what he knows. And through telling the story of how he got to where he is, he discovers exactly where he wants to be. . . .
['Young Adult', 'Fiction', 'Teen', 'Realistic Fiction', 'Contemporary', 'Coming Of Age', 'Romance']
Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, A life Reclaimed
Michelle Knight
A memoir of the Cleveland kidnapping. Michelle Knight was just 21 when she was kidnapped by Ariel Castro. Held captive for eleven years in Cleveland, she finally made her escape in 2013. In FINDING ME, MIchelle tells the story of her early life, her abduction and the present day. She reveals new details about her year alone in captivity as Castro's first victim, as well as her escape, and draws upon the thoughts and prayers that helped her to survive an unthinkable situation. She was the woman no one was looking for, the victim entirely forgotten, but Michelle Knight is now an inspiration to the world.
['Nonfiction', 'True Crime', 'Memoir', 'Biography', 'Crime', 'Biography Memoir', 'Autobiography']
The Vision of the Evening and the Morning
John Magallan Lopez
This book is about the corrilation which exists between the stars, the scriptures, and the traditions of the people of this continent of Anahuac.
Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass
Theodore Dalrymple
On the street, which was ankle-deep in discarded fast-food wrappings, I saw a woman who had pulled down her slacks and tied a pair of plastic breasts to her bare buttocks, while a man crawled after her on the sidewalk, licking them. At midnight along this street – with the sound of rock music pounding insistently out of club doors presided over by steroid-inflated bouncers, among men vomiting into the gutters – I saw children as young as six, unattended by adults, waiting for their parents to emerge from their nocturnal recreations.The doctor and consultant psychiatrist Theodore Dalrymple looks at Great Britain - the nation which produced Newton and Darwin, Shakespeare and Dickens, David Hume and Adam Smith - and marvels at what it has become.Its inner cities and council estates are places where 'the whole gamut of human folly, wickedness, and misery may be perused at leisure... abortions procured by abdominal kung fu; children who have children; women abandoned by the father of their child a month before or a month after delivery; insensate jealousy; serial stepfatherhood that leads to sexual and physical abuse of children on a mass scale.'This timeless and beautifully-written collection of essays, looking at the collapse of the British way of life from an unashamedly conservative perspective, lays the blame squarely on the shoulders of the liberal intellectuals, who tend 'not to mean quite what they say, and express themselves more to flaunt the magnanimity of their intentions than to propagate truth.'When a well-known criminologist wrote that "the normalisation of drug use is parallelled by the normalisation of crime", and criminal behaviour no longer required special explanation, he surely didn’t mean that he wouldn’t mind if his own children started to shoot up heroin or rob old ladies in the street. Nor would he be indifferent to the intrusion of burglars into his own house.But, of course, it is the poor who are mugged and burgled, not the criminologists.The man’s complacency was by no means unusual. A few days earlier I had met a publisher for lunch, and the subject of the general level of culture and education in England came up. The publisher is a cultivated man, widely read and deeply attached to literature, but I had difficulty in convincing him that there were grounds for concern. That illiteracy and innumeracy were widespread did not worry him in the least, because – he claimed – they had always been just as widespread. (The fact that we now spent four times as much per head on education as we did 50 years ago and were therefore entitled to expect rising rates of literacy and numeracy at the very least did not in the slightest knock him off his perch.) He simply did not believe me when I told him that nine of ten young people between the ages of 16 and 20 whom I met in my practice could not read with facility and were incapable of multiplying six by nine, or that out of several hundreds of them I had asked when the Second World War took place, only three knew the answer. He replied smoothly – almost without the need to think, as if he had rehearsed the argument many times – that his own son, age seven, already knew the dates of the war. ‘The trouble is,’ he said in all seriousness, ‘your sample is biased.’ True enough: everyone’s experience is founded upon a biased sample. But it didn’t occur to him to doubt whether his sample – of one, the son of a publisher living in a neighbourhood where houses usually cost more than £800,000 – really constituted a refutation of my experience of hundreds of cases, an experience borne out by all serious research into the matter.
['Nonfiction', 'Politics', 'Sociology', 'Psychology', 'Economics', 'Philosophy', 'Cultural']
Rudy's Blueprint
Rudy Blunce
Societal help at a self-help level. This book is about a Brooklynite now living overseas and seeing his life, the U.S. and the world through a different perspective. It's aim is to discuss life's milestones and help you through them. Levity and brevity are what the author is after as he streams through multiple phases of life. This is a book for the strong minded and should only be read by those with thick skin.
When Crazy's Coming, The Midlife Misadventures of a Midlife Diva (Book #1)
Trumillia Lunnie-Thomas
Sixty days...one long summer Mikki Robbinson has a problem...at least that's what everyone tells her. In the fall her only child leaves for college leaving Mikki with a life of her own - and no clue what to do with it. Sixty days, her best friend Sonni challenges. Sixty days to find Mr. Right Now. What's the worst that could happen? Crazy's Coming... When Mikki Robbinson's best friend Sonni issues the challenge "Sixty Days to Find Mr. Right Now", Mikki accepts, after all, the likelihood of finding Mr. Right in a sea of online candidates was unlikely. Until she met Baby.
Finding Sagrado
Roger E Carrier
A Teenage Odyssey for Adults and Mature Teenage Readers Roger E. Carrier tells an engaging story of youth, redemption, and sexual coming of age in New Mexico. In 1971, seventeen-year-old Shane Russell makes a well-planned escape from a Michigan winter and sets off on a 2,000-mile adventure in search of a town that exists only between the covers of Richard Bradford’s famous New Mexico novel Red Sky at Morning (J.B. Lippincott, 1968). Driven to recreate the nude scenes and vivid characters in Bradford’s fictional town of Sagrado, Shane forever touches the lives of his widowed landlady, the detective hired to find him, and his new friends at a colorful high school deep in the Land of Enchantment. Against the backdrop of his father’s death in Vietnam and life with his stepmother’s new boyfriend, Shane flees the painful realities of his life. In doing so, he finds a place where bats fly and love heals the wounds of the human spirit. He also encounters Mark Twain’s great truth: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, #2)
Michelle Hodkin
Mara Dyer knows she isn't crazy. She knows that she can kill with her mind, and that Noah can heal with his. Mara also knows that somehow, Jude is not a hallucination. He is alive. Unfortunately, convincing her family and doctors that she's not unstable and doesn't need to be hospitalised isn't easy. The only person who actually believes her is Noah. But being with Noah is dangerous and Mara is in constant fear that she might hurt him. She needs to learn how to control her power, and fast! Together, Mara and Noah must try and figure out exactly how Jude survived when the asylum collapsed, and how he knows so much about her strange ability...before anyone else ends up dead!
['Young Adult', 'Paranormal', 'Fantasy', 'Romance', 'Mystery', 'Fiction', 'Supernatural']
Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
Suzy Kassem
"Suzy Kassem is an American writer, poet, philosopher, and artist of Egyptian origin. The granddaughter of a respected sage in 19th century Cairo, mysticism and wisdom run through her blood just as the water of the Nile flows through her veins."--P. [4] of cover.
['Poetry', 'Philosophy', 'Spirituality']
Call To Crusade
Tom Vetter
In Call To Crusade, Tom Vetter begins the Siege Master series, the epic story of the First Crusade told as never before: as lived by a knight who battles Turks, traitors, starvation and death itself itself to win a crusade and regain holy Jerusalem.. The year is 1070. King Malcolm of Scotland has finally reached a peace of sorts with William, Norman conqueror of England. To his battle companion, Baron Euan MacDougal and wife Lady Mildred, companion of Queen Margaret, is born son Godric MacEuan. Raised, educated and trained to knighthood amid the royal family's princes, Godric's life is ideal.Then Sir Euan and Lady Mildred die tragically, leaving 11-year old Godric in the hands of his evil older half-brother, Andrew, who hates Godric and resents the favor he has with the Scottish royals.Andrew enslaves Godric as a blacksmith, and his future looks bleak. But the son of a great knight will stay no slave, and Godric frees himself and his friends by his own hand.His fortunes restored, Godric becomes a squire under Count Robert of Flanders, a Peer of France, accompanying the great count on his historic pilgrimage to Jerusalem. That journey, the men who make it and the deeds they perform ultimately set the world afire and launch the First Crusade. And though he is only a squire, it is Godric’s deeds that put the match to the fuse.A gripping story of faith, bravery, and holy war for a worthy cause, Call to Crusade sets the stage. In the Siege Master series, readers will relive the entire First Crusade at Godric’s side and rediscover why this forgotten conflict still matters so much to every person living today.PRAISE FOR THE SIEGE MASTER TALES"The research is solid, the characters believable. Tom Vetter shows, not tells, his story in a very distinctive voice. I laughed and cried and really, really enjoyed it. There's so much humor, action and hidden truth in there. The story is gripping and won't let the reader go. My husband can’t wait to read it.” - Katharina Gerlach, author and publisher, IndependentBookworm.com
['Historical Fiction', 'Historical']
Die Känguru-Chroniken (Die Känguru-Chroniken, #1)
Marc-Uwe Kling
"Kannst du heute mal bezahlen?", fragt das Känguru nach dem Essen. "Heute?", frage ich. "Mal?", frage ich. "Ich muss immer bezahlen, weil du nie Geld mitnimmst." "Tja", sagt das Känguru lächelnd. "So ist das in der Welt. Der eine hat den Beutel, der andere hat das Geld."Ein Kleinkünstler, der nicht Kleinkünstler genannt werden will, und ein kommunistisches Känguru, das total auf Schnapspralinen steht. Marc-Uwe Kling erzählt vom Alltag und den revolutionären Eskapaden dieser wunderlichen WG.Spieldauer: 4 Stunden und 52 Minuten
['Humor', 'Fiction', 'Audiobook', 'German Literature', 'Comedy', 'Contemporary', 'Short Stories']
Breeders (Breeders Trilogy, #1)
Ashley Quigley
How far would you go? If human society was genuinely at risk, how cruel and heartless would our conscience allow us to be, in order to preserve humanity? If you thought the only means of preserving humanity was to capture, imprison and breed humans against their will - would you sanction it? Ariet has been taken from her family, drugged and removed against her will to a secret underground location. Selected for a genetic breeding program, Ariet and her captor Mason, have to provide an offspring with a predetermined inherited genetic profile, or face termination. Will Ariet be able to save her unborn child from the Monarchy of this new world?This book is a horror story, a coming of age story and dark, thought experiment into the extreme application of genetic selection. It raises interesting ethical questions and poses the question - How far would you go?
['Dystopia', 'Science Fiction', 'Post Apocalyptic', 'Paranormal', 'Fantasy']
Eleanor Gustafson
Jeth Cavanaugh is searching for a new life along one of Pennsylvania's mountain ridges when he stumbles upon a stable of show jumpers owned by Rob and Katie Chilton. Throw in a volatile gaited stallion named Dynamo, and Jeth will do anything to work there. He earns his living by training and showing Rob's jumpers, but Dynamo is his primary passion. Everything changes when God enters his life--in the unconventional form of a hard slap by an old girlfriend--and ignites a new, greater passion within him. But along with fervor comes fear at the undeniable evidence of God's hand on his life. Inexplicable events, both good and bad, make him moan plaintively, "Why does God do this to me? I get the feeling I'm being set up for something." He is, indeed. Jeth's life is anything but predictable, much like the God he serves. The real Dynamo and his ultimate trainer emerge out of an excruciating mix of disaster and brokenness, which are never beyond the reach of redemption. This story is God in your face: Who is He, really? What does He ask of us?
The Republic of Trees
Sam Taylor
This dark fable tells the story of four English children who run away to the French countryside to establish their own utopian community. All seems well in The Republic of Trees as the children hunt, fall in love and educate themselves in the principles of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract. But the sudden arrival of Joy and the new disciplines she brings, and their increasingly intense, obsessive and erotic relationships alter the mood of the camp irrevocably. As the shadows of a dystopian nightmare start to blend with reality in the forest, and the coded revolutionary language of the group takes on a clipped, macabre tone, The Republic of Trees powers towards a shocking, violent and terrifying conclusion. The Republic of Trees is a compelling, disturbing and imaginatively charged tale of adolescence, the desire to escape, and sexual fear and awakening.
['Fiction', 'Horror', 'Dystopia', 'Coming Of Age']
Waking Up (Healing Hearts, #1)
Renee Dyer
For Adriana Monroe life couldn’t get any better. She has great friends, her photography business is booming and she married Alex, her childhood best friend. Life is perfect. It’s a fairy tale really.But one night changes everything for her.Suddenly she’s alone. She’s afraid to trust and afraid to love. Most of all she’s afraid she’s broken beyond repair. Nightmares torment and haunt her every time she closes her eyes.Will she ever be the same?For Tucker Stavros it looks to the outside world like things come easy for him. He’s gorgeous, rich, famous, has a hot girlfriend. Hell, he’s a movie star. If women aren’t trying to get with him then men are wishing they are him. What they don’t see is the broken child hiding behind the smiles he fakes for the cameras. They don’t see the man who wakes up drenched in sweat from his nightmares from a past he can’t escape.Betrayal sent him running.A chance encounter throws Tucker and Adriana together. They try to fight their attraction for each other. They feel they’re too broken for the other.Will they continue to suffer in the hell of dreamland separately or will they find that Waking Up to real life together can be so much sweeter?
['New Adult', 'Romance', 'Contemporary Romance', 'Contemporary']
Bits and Pieces: Tales and Sonnets
Jas T. Ward
After demands of thousands of fans in various social medias, author Jas T. Ward releases Bits and Pieces: Tales and Sonnets (Volume 1) due to popular demand. A collection of poems, short stories woven with laughter, tears, horror and suspense, the author has finally granted what the fans have wanted for years. Known for twists and darkness, as well as humor, this collection will not let old or new fans down. There is something to delight them both. Also included- A BONUS: A Prelude to the author's upcoming series- The Shadow-Keepers Series. Included is the novella that kicks off Book One in the Series: Sweet Madness, which is the story of wildly popular character, Reno Sundown. Bits and Pieces, as demanded by Twiz.