I know no-one likes to write long documentation, but I really, really hate having to deal with someone else's idea of how fast I learn their material. I was using a by-all-accounts fabulous program called Ulysses last night, and there were seconds-long pauses where they told me repeatedly that Command-S saves a document. I KNOW. I'm on a friggin' Mac. Command-S is ALWAYS save. Furthermore I'm familiar with LaTeX, so I really just wanted a reference guide to the markdown tags they used, but I wasn't about to get that, either. I had to sit through their 20 minute screencast on "semantic editing" I've seen screencasts on Ruby on Rails, Django, and so on, and they're never as informative or useful as just having a PDF manual.
I hated you, and everything your products stood for. I started carrying Windows Mobile devices 6 years ago. It bugged me how people would FREAK THE HECK OUT over iPods, when I had in my pocket a cheaper piece of electronics that not only played music, but could surf the internet over WiFi, read books and make spreadsheets, dangit. It was FAR superior, and FAR cheaper. But no one ooh'd and aah'd over it like an iPod. No one cared that I paid half the cost for a much better device. I even upgraded to a WinMo phone just a smidge before the iPhone was released. "Look," said I, "my device does everything it does, and more! And it's cheaper!" But no one cared: iPhone fever had hit, and it pissed me off. I was naturally curious, and passingly so about iPhone development, but the more I found out your 'walled garden', the more I threw a comparison to the (relatively) open Windows Mobile model into my repetoire of critiques. My struggle became increasingly personal and philosophical. I though to myself, "this is why wonderful things like Linux aren't taken seriously. Any company with a manipulative marketing department can just swoop in with far more inferior product and convince half the world that their product is better and that couldn't be farther from the truth." I dug in my heels, and hard. I followed the Open Handset Alliance as religiously as I could, and began classifying the iPhone-owners around me as being intellectually inferior. I kept handy a bookmark of on my desk computer at work for a more lighthearted argument as to how my co-workers had been so easily manipulated. I held tight to the tenuous idea of a Windows Mobile 7 phone or a mythical Google phone at some point in the distant future blowing Apple out of the water. Fast forward another year, right after the 3GS was announced. I found myself in the market for a new phone. Finances were tighter than I wanted: not bad, but not great. I couldn't splurge on the latest and greatest phone. And I discovered that the cheapest smartphone that wasn't worthless on my soon-to-be provider (T-Mobile and the mythical Google Phone was out of the picture) was last year's iPhone 3G. I really didn't want it, for obvious reasons, but the price was right and it felt worlds better than the comparibly priced WinMo phones. I bought it. I jailbroke it. And I hated it. Until about a year ago. I stopped blatently ignoring what it was capable of, and began doing things with it such as managing my home web server via ssh, running a VNC server on the phone, playing copious amounts of Civilization Revolution when I probably shouldn't have, getting full access to my Rhapsody account, sharing my 3G connection with my laptop on the go, and connecting to my and my wife's desktop VNC server over an encrypted connection. It worked as the best media player I had owned and displayed my eBooks. I watched Netflix Instants on it. It did everything I could possibly ask a smartphone to do. It was wonderful, and I came to find myself loving it. Before that point, the iPhone was just a two-year stepping stone until I could jump ship to an Android phone. But then, I became torn. My wife was definitely getting a new iPhone to replace her old one at contract expiration at my urging, and all my good sense was pointing towards a new Android phone... but I wasn't sure if that's what I really wanted. Even last week, I was still only contemplating Android, the object of my worship only two years before. I was amazed at my transformation. And then, there was this: This is BS to the highest degree, and it has single-handedly snapped me out of the daze. Even if this dust somehow settles, and you and Amazon/Barnes&Noble/Rhapsody kiss and make up, I will no longer, EVER, support you. This is flat-out greed ramped up to extreme levels, and I will not give you the impression that I approve of this. You did great convincing me that you had something worthwhile, but in one day you lost me as a customer.
This publisher releases eBooks that can be lent without time constrictions, can be used on any device, and are not "frozen in time". If a book is updated you can see the updates because, hey, it's an electronic book! And the best part is you get 75% off any new editions. He deals mainly with health books, and I wish more publishers would and could sell books like he does.
Hey Reddit! I really need your help for my HP Pavilion dv4. Two hours ago, I had tried to increase the volume of my computer and the whole screen froze. I waited a little while and then everything was normal---except the volume slider was still on the screen. I fixed that but the problem of the volume still remained. Now, every time I try to turn up the volume, the automatically slides down to 0 again. I have a volume slider so it is not because the volume down button is stuck.
I'm supposed to be getting 12mbs download with around 5 mbps upload. And that's for $80. Hell, if I were just getting that with a reasonable ping I'd be happy. But no. At all times of the day (from 8am to midnight) it's far worse. The speed dips again and again to 3 to 6mpbs, and the upload speed can drop as far as to half a megabit per second. The worst part is the ping times. I'd say a good ping time is around 50ms across the internet, but anything below 100 is probably acceptable. But with CableOne my ping constantly spikes to 250 - 300ms and stays there. Then it will drop just low enough to tempt me to try Black Ops again, and as as soon as I do: BAM, a single red bar again... or two yellow if I'm lucky. This is absolutely ridiculous and I'm at my wits end. I spent hours on the phone with them for 'tech support' and ended up restarting my computer a bunch but not much else. They ended that call by suggesting I trade out cable modems. Huh. So after I went and bought a new cable modem, then they tell me that the problem is 'on their end' and they will forward their concerns to their engineering department. This was weeks ago and the problem has just gotten worse. I don't know what to do; I'm in southwest Oklahoma and they are the only internet provider. This stinks. Any suggestions or advice?
I have bumper stickers on the back of my car which obviously show I'm a liberal. Obama, Mark Dayton (soon-to-be MN Gov), Jim Meffert (MN-03 challenger this year), and one of those coexist ones form Northern Sun. This evening I'm driving across the 35W bridge that replaced the collapsed one, and there's a car tailgating me so close I could see his nosehairs. There was a car beside me so I couldn't pull out, but once the car did, before I got the chance to pull aside the guy swerves around and cuts me off so bad I nearly go into the wall. Nothing special yet. As he's beside me gearing up to cut me off my radio (which was on, but on low) perks up. "LOOK AT THIS FUCKING DEMOCRAT WHO CAN'T FUCKING DRIVE" Full volume, crystal clear, and then he swerves in front of me. Anyways, I call him in both to report the reckless driving, and the more than likely FCC violation. I'm wondering, since I'm not really a big tech geek, what the fuck just happened? 3 guesses: >1- This guy had a device that could hijack car radios (FCC violation) >2- This guy had a huge loudspeaker (Noise Ordinance Violation, at least) >3- Both myself and my girlfriend are hallucinating the same thing. Anyways, between the two of us we've got a perfect description of the guy and his car. So does the highway patrol.
Original Post on new Bittorrent based DNS servers [here.]( Okay, we have a [layman's explanation]( for how the distributed DNS system would work, but how do we get around the problem of DNS poisoning? I am rather inexperienced when it comes to large-scale networking so I have an idea that will probably be shot down quickly. Still; advice is appreciated. My idea stems from a question: Why is ICANN currently trusted with managing the centralized DNS servers of the US? Why isn't THEIR system ripe for DNS poisoning? My answer is from my basic understanding of how they operate: the US government (backed by elected and appointed officials) has designated them as a trustworthy group. Whether they are an actual US govt agency or not, the govt supports them. Why can't the management of the distributed DNS lists be relegated to a group of mods elected through an internet voting process? The system could be accountable, transparent, the voting secure and open source. The mods who run the Dist-DNS lists, and allow domains to update their specific IPs, would be accountable for the maliciousness of any DNS names that they allowed to be added to the list. This is more conceptual right now, but really the idea is to replace all the accountability that ICANN has right now through the US Govt with a new type of accountability. In a similar manner to how Reddit functions, enough unique users (with advanced CAPTCHA controls to prove that the vote isn't being hacked) could render the new Distributed DNS lists SOMEWHAT trustworthy and secure. I don't have any illusions that this system will ever be secure enough to conduct financial transactions or manage any real-world matters, but I would like some feedback on how possible this is.
James: Hi! I'm a live Sprint product specialist. Are there any questions I may help answer for you today? > You: is there a 10$ fee on the evo for 4g access? > James: I would be happy to give you the information about the $10 add with HTC EVO phone. > James: Let's move this chat and make it a window of its own. It will be out of the way and I can stay with you in case you have any questions or any concerns. Just click on the "Yes" button below and we can continue. > James: Simply click on the white "Yes" button below and we can continue. > You: yes > James: Thank you for moving the chat. Just to check, are you currently a Sprint customer? > You: yes > James: That’s great to hear! > James: A $10 Premium Data add-on will apply allowing you to take advantage of all that HTC EVO 4G features and it is mandatory with HTC EVO phone. > James: $10 Premium Data Plan, not a charge for 4G service. For unlimited data usage while in 3G/4G Sprint network. > For the rich data experience that HTC EVO 4G provides whether in 3G or 4G Sprint network. Top quality media experience with oversized screen, high resolution video and HD recording. Because we've boosted your data experience with this phone's amazing services and features, you'll need this add-on. > You: is there any way to not be charged that fee? there is no 4g coverage in my area. > James: May I have your area zip code to check the coverage on your area? > You: let me see if i've got this right, the $10 fee is for unlimited 3g and access to 4g. is that real unlimited 3g or 5gb capped 3g? * > James: You have the 3G coverage on you area *** *** . > You: yes, but not 4g > James: The $10 Premium Data Fee is not a charge for 4G service. It is for a data rich experience with uncapped data usage. > James: 4G coverage is not available on your area. > You: i already have unlimited 3g data but it is the false unlimited 5gb capped > James: The HTC EVO was designed to provide the best multimedia experience. It provides a premium experience like no other and is truly second-to-none. You’ll enjoy unlimited 3G or 4G data with EVO wit the $10 premium add on. > James: With* > You: i already have unlimited 3g data with an older plan and have no $10 charge. will i need to pay the $10 extra charge to upgrade to the evo even though there is no possibility of my receiving benefit from the extra fee? > James: A$10 Premium Data monthly pack for every EVO phone which increase speed and enhances the bandwidth and provides you with the experience of using internet like never before. Once you pay $10.00 extra, you would be capable to access unlimited 3G if you do not have 4G coverage in your area. > James: A$10 Premium Data monthly pack for every EVO phone is mandatory. > You: but i already have unlimited 3g data via my plan. the $10 premium plan offers me no added benefit. > James: I would like to inform you that with the $10 add on, you can the top quality media experience with oversized screen, high resolution video and HD recording. Because we've boosted your data experience with this phone's amazing services and features. > James: Get* > You: the $10 add on does none of that. the phone does all of that, not the network or the plan. > You: what actual benefit will this extra charge provide for me? > James: You will get the benefit on phone and your internet speed will increase with the $10 add on. > You: there will be no increased speed as it will be the same 3g i get now. > James: Yes, it will increase your data speed. > You: how? is the arbitrary cap raised? > James: With the $10 Data pack you would also get better bandwidth and fast processor. > You: the processor in on the phone. there is no possible way that a $10 fee will increase it's speed. that is a terrible lie. > James: I can understand your concern, However, with the $10 add on will increase your internet speed in 3G and 4G coverage area and you would be capable to access unlimited 3G if you do not have 4G coverage in your area. > You: don't back peddle! you said the processor would be upgraded by the $10 fee! that is a complete lie. this fee does nothing and you know it. now kindly tell me how i can avoid paying it. > James: I am sorry, but if you want the 4G phone, you need to accept the $10 add on data premium. > You: so basically what you are telling me is that you are going to charge me a fee that will provide me no functionality in order to be able to use a phone that i want to pay for? > James: The $10 add on is mandatory with the 4G phone and you will get unlimited access data with increase speed with it.
Do you know who you are giving access to? If the machine you are talking to really wikileaks? For example I could set up a server and grant wikileaks the ability to mirror. They would send me traffic but I could alter the page to capture the info you submit. Now I can write to your server, make you capture data for me, make you download malware with wikileaks generating the traffic.
Ever since the wireless network was installed in the apartment I share with my roommates, clicking on certain links will open up another page with strange URLs--"epoclick" or "googleanalytics" or a random porn site. I talked to someone who knows a lot more about computers and the internet than me, and he told me that my wireless router probably has a virus (it's a standard Netgear router, it got sent to us from Comcast when we set up the internet). He also said that I should just reboot the router, and that would likely clear up the problem. I rebooted, and the virus hasn't gone away. Any idea about what to do next?
I purchased an iPod Touch 32GB for my wife at $300 plus tax. She was excited to get it, but had trouble getting it set up. I tried attaching it--it requires iTunes 10.5. I tried installing iTunes 10.5--no dice. I download iTunes 10.5 and try to install it--iTunes 10.5 requires Mac OS 10.5 or higher (my wife has 10.4.x). I go to download it from Apple--$130 please. One of my PCs (7-8 years old) is running iTunes 10.5 and I didn't have to buy any upgrades.
Every day I talk to a lot of people with faulty electrical good needing repairs, many of them mention that they have had at some point cover for thier goods purchased in store. These companies are hiding behind small print which too few people seem to read into. Almost all new electrical goods come with product cover as standard. Always ask if your goods come with a guarantee/warranty from the manufacturer and what the returns policies are. As an [example]( here you could waste £190 on a laptop PC with a retail price of £500-£599.99. £190 seems like an expensive postage fee since it's very likely that the shop you purchased from will not repair anything themselves, but instead will return it to the manufacturer with it's original warranty.
The Pirate Bay hasn't been working for me today, so I've been using the Google cache to get the magnet links. This brought up an interesting thought. Linking to copyrighted material, or to a torrent of copyrighted material without the copyright owners permission has been shown to be illegal in various courts the world over. Google however caches thepiratebay.org, and that cache includes functioning magnet links. Would this be a legal basis for the RIAA, MPAA, and other general shitheads to sue Google? I fear that it would be...
ASUS is having a contest item from the wishlist up to $2500 in value. My fellow Redditers, I am in the top spots for votes as of writing this post. I intend to keep this spot, but the few people behind me are catching up quickly, especially one known as "David Wang". I do not intend on losing. Especially to someone with the last name Wang (no offense). Only one vote can be cast at a time, but closing the browser and reopening it will make the vote button reappear, allowing unlimited multiple votes. I cannot rely on myself and my few close friends for votes. It is up to you to help a fellow win his prize. I ask you, denizens of Reddit, to assist me in my quest for victory. The deadline is January 7th. Plus, I will buy you all a cookie if I win.
Hi TechIT. I'm looking to purchase a new phone for work and personal use. For the last 3 years I've been using an Iphone 3G. I'm a big fan, it has done everything I've asked for and more however, I don't want to be narrow minded and assume that upgrading to the Iphone 4 is my best option. I've read a few reviews and I've narrowed my results down to the following 3 options; Iphone 4, HTC 7 Mozart and the Samsung Galaxy S. The Iphone 4 looks fantastic and aside from a few small functionality issues that I'm sure will be resolved it seems as though it's a decent purchse. However, I know what apple's service and repairs are like and I don't enjoy the huge amount of on going costs that MAY arise over the lifetime of this phone. One big benefit with the Iphone 4 is that I'll get to continue using apps that I've become accustomed to. I'm not 100% about the HTC 7. One of my friends has one and has had nothing but problems since purchasing. That being said, she's not very tech savvy and small hiccups can often daze and confuse her. I like the 8 megapixel camera with built-in LED flash, but camera quality is neither a deal sealer or breaker for me. I own enough photographic products to supplement the lack of a decent camera on my phone. The Samsung Galaxy S is a bit of a dark horse for me. It seems as though alot of features that will be available on other systems aren't available on the Galaxy at the moment. They claim these features (wi-fi hotspot, storing android apps on SD cards etc.) will be available after an Android update but are they more likely just to release a new phone altogether? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I don't like to purchase without first doing some research on pros/cons.
I'm using a laptop that the library of my college lent me, and it is frozen (not broke but it do not save information, it restart the configuration when it turn off and on again). The other day I was doing a work and I didn't save the file yet because I forgot or I was waiting to finish it. Then the laptop turn off without an apparent reason. And when It restart there was no file recuperation because the frozen thing. I cursed a couple of people including me, and when I calmed down, I started againg saving screen by screen. In my pendrive. Today, I was thinking in finishing the last screen so then I could send it to my teacher to take a look, but when I go to open the file it told me that the file is broken, and when it tried to fix it, it couldn't because an aparently problem with my pendrive. The funny thing is that I always work with google docs to avoid this kind of problems, but as this work was a power point I chose to use Office PowerPoint 2007. I came to you because if it was bad make this work once, make it twice was horrible and then a third time... If anybody could or knows how to fix this file, please, help me. I'll wait a few hours before start again with it.
I wanted to contribute to the discussion of technology here and particularly, after the recent [House Committee passed the USA Freedom Act.]( I hope to spur reasonable discussion about it here. I read the whole of the USA Freedom Act, [the text is here]( and this is what I found out. A few differences from the past: While private data was stored in NSA servers before collected from telecoms by court-order going back 3-5 years (allegedly to be accessed by about 20 background-checked agents; now the telecom company and any of its employees can access your private data). Now there is no more limit on how long a company should store the information. Presumably, a telecom can now store the information for 10 years. Why would the telecom store the information for 10-15 years? Because under The USA Freedom Act, they are compensated reasonably for any expenses, including "facilities compensation." Meaning now instead of NSA building a big data center, they just pay Telecom company A, the money and they build it for them. SEC. 106. COMPENSATION FOR ASSISTANCE. But what about lawsuits for collection of information? Well.....: SEC. 105. LIABILITY PROTECTION. No cause of action shall lie in any court against a person who— (A) produces tangible things or provides information, facilities , or technical assistance pursuant to an order issued or an emergency production (eerily similiar to cispa). But what about reform? Ah, don't worry now you can send a complaint/advocacy-letter to FISA court, if and only if, the FISA court judge says that it's necessary to see other views. See, now privacy advocates have a voice! The goal of the bill is to move data collection/storage from government facilities to Corporate facilities (fully compensated), so that people stop complaining about government collection. See, the government isn't collecting it. It's just asking the telecoms to agree to a subpoena. Now there's a real profit motive, to store more and more data. This is why some congressmen like Amash are pulling their support for the bill. It actually gives more access to more corporate employees and more government agencies, with liability protection and compensation, than when it was only the NSA. Rep Amash (the guy who tried to defund NSA) Statement on voting NO to Freedom Act is on his Facebook profile. Summary: This is how the big-bros in congress channel the public's anger about NSA, to collect even more data for the NSA, to give even more money to corporations (now they have a new business [and jobs!] of building data centers for the NSA), while pretending to care about privacy.
I am doing a job at a large home, and they want WiFi throughout their (2 acre) house and backyard. The problem is, I've only set up smaller home wireless networks. They currently have a [1] Linksys WRT160N, but it obviously doesn't cover their large house. I need to set up a large Wireless N/G network around their house and backyard, but don't want to call in another company that does this for business and larger-scale. I know about hacking routers and stuff for boosting signal strength, but that isn't an option here due to the scale of the network needed, warranty, and if someone came out to fix it other than myself, they may have no knowledge of the hacked firmware. One of they key things here is switching seamlessly between access points with the same SSID. I know I could several 54G routers all over the place, and make a network, but I need a system that can go from one end of the house to another, and then to the backyard, switching to the best access point wherever you move. I am not going to go into the problems with the "extenders" sold on the market, they just aren't an option.
Has anyone successfully ditched cell phones and went with some alternative (e.g. netbooks with 3G cards)? Here's my thoughts on it. I rarely ever actually talk on the phone, but it's difficult to get a smartphone with a data and text plan without a mandatory voice plan. You can get unlimited free SMS with Google Voice (provided you have data access at the time, as gvoice only works over data networks). So why not have only a data plan? With a netbook with a 3G card this would be feasible. I found out you can get a DID (phone number) from DiamondCard for $27/yr, and VoIP service from them at a rate of 2 cents/min to US numbers, using a prepaid account. This would all work for me. Google Voice would be used for free SMS, and have it direct incoming calls to the DiamondCard DID for voice communication. The only other consideration is mobile broadband prices. Verizon has $50/mo 3G netbook plans with 5 gig data caps. So the overall cost of maintaining a 3G netbook instead of a cell phone would be $50 + $2.25 (for the DID) + whatever pre-paid funds you add to your VoIP account. This would work especially well if you're generally in a wifi zone anyway and keep your 3G usage for data to a minimum. Thoughts?
First of all, I'm not trying to be ignorant of "the Google", but I'm just not sure of how to ask this question... The setup I have is a Mac Pro with 2 displays, one 30in in landscape mode and one 22in in portrait mode. I want to add a Dell Optiplex 990 to the mix since I am learning SCCM and need to have a Windows box around for administration purposes but want to avoid the whole VM conundrum. I've been using Virtual Box to run a VM of Win7, but it just isn't speedy or responsive enough. I want to be able to control the Opti with the Mac keyboard and switch back and forth between the two OSes at will. I figured that I would permanently run the Opti on the 22in display and run Mac OS on the 30in. All in all, I guess I'm asking if there is a way to run both machines side-by-side using only one keyboard between the two. Any and all help would be appreciated.
Recently I've been having a unicode problem. For some reason, in different programs (Windows Explorer, Chrome, foobar, uTorrent, and more) things are aren't in English show up as blocks. This has never been a problem until the past few days and I've had this computer for a couple years now. I've got English, Chinese, Japanese, and Chinese keyboards enabled. When I type in some sort of textbox (such as in Chrome) the actual language shows up. For example, if I search "你好" on Google I will get results for that and I can see the characters on the webpage (just like I can see them now), but on the tab in Chrome it will show two blocks. Also, some of my music files are foreign words and I could always see them in Windows Explorer, but now some of them are just blocks. In foobar, for example, no Korean titles are shown, but some Chinese titles are.
Here's why I think the concept of owning digital information is flawed: As you all (should) know, all information stored on a computer is nothing more than a sequence of 0's and 1's on the hard drive. In other words, all files are equivalent with a certain sequences of 0's and 1's. So let's say you have copyrighted a certain sequence of information. What about that sequence in opposite order; is it illegal to transfer that one too? Or what about the sequence where you changed every 0 into a 1 and vice versa? What about breaking the sequence into 2 parts and sending them separately? There are many more ways to change the original sequence. You basically have 2 choices: Make only a few specific sequences illegal, which defeats the purpose of having intellectual property in the first place, since people can legally transfer a related sequence Make all possible sequences illegal (= outlaw all data transfer) This is the 1st reason intellectual property is silly: you'd have to outlaw all data transfer to block people from sharing your information If you take a sequence (e.g. 001010) and put a "1" in front (1001010), you get a binary number, which is equivalent with a decimal number (74 in this case). (Side note: you put in the extra "1", so that the leading zeros don't get ignored ("0010" vs "0000000010").) So: Every sequence of 0's and 1's is also equivalent with a number. This is the 2nd reason why intellectual property is silly: you can't own a number! Sure, the numbers that correspond with music files or movies will be much bigger than my example, but the point is still valid. You can't go around saying people can't use the number 565486559, because you own it... And you can combine this with reason 1, meaning you'd have to outlaw all numbers for it to be effective. Please note that I'm not saying that musicians or film producers shouldn't get payed for what they do; I'm saying that as soon as they make the information available (e.g. release an album/DVD/file), they can't prohibit anyone from sharing it. So in my opinion, they should come up with different ways to get paid. For example: release a demo/trailer and ask for donations before releasing the full song/movie. So, that's my 2 cents. I'd love to hear your opinions/objections/ideas.
Please excuse slight wall of text! Recently I got into a discussion about international licensing laws and how complicated most video streaming platforms are. And of course this whole shebang about www.kino.to... The first problem is that it takes way too many steps to get to the desired content. If I visit a site which is solely for watching movies and TV series I would expect to be able to find and watch what I want within 10 seconds. So I decided to design a concept of how I would do a video streaming site if I had the opportunity. In my opinion the way Google does its searches is how content should be searched these days. So on the landing page it should have nothing but a search bar(like google). And a navigtion/info menu on the right. [Image 1]( Once text is entered into the search bar suggestions automatically appear under it and clicking on or pressing enter after entering a search term which results in a "binary result" like "Series name + season + episode" would automatically play the video. Because logic dictates that if I type "House season 1 episode 1" that is what I want, not a listing of search results. But entering only the name of the show would take you the that shows personalized page with info, trailers and recaps etc. ...then again entering The matrix trailer would result in instant playback of the matrix trailer(surprise!). So if I entered Community season 2 episode 18 and pressed enter or the "go" button this would happen instantly, without loading a new page(similar to how the results appear in google search). [Image 2]( Oh what's this? I recently watched this but did not finish the episode! No worries it continues playing where I left off... It's the little things in life... And then the episode plays in SD quality for regular(free) users and has adverts during the episode or movie. A premium account would mean no advertising and HD playback. [Image 3]( Of course if you do not know what to watch simply use the browse feature like all other sites. This includes browsing by rating, genre year and a mixture of all of those. These multi-layered criteria can be variable and is instantly updated without leaving the page. [Image 4]( For example if you selected the criteria: Comedy and 1980's it would show all comedies made in the 1980's. Additionally if you have an account with the site you can add new criteria and "like" these user submitted criteria in the "user criteria pool". This means that if you "liked" movies with certain actors, themes or criteria it would further improve the movie suggestions made. [Image 5]( So what's the problem? I guess... licensing fees? How about paying all the fees with revenue made from advertising, merchandising(in house production & referral) sales, "sponsored by:" episodes & movies and premium accounts. Most of those terms hopefully explain themselves but I just want to talk about the concept of having a "sponsored by" video on a website like this. The website could offer companies the opportunity to sponsor individual movies or series and have only their commercials show. These sponsors would then purchase "x" amount of views at the price of what it costs the website to pay the licensing fees and hosting. I have already written down a technical flow or "pay flow", as I like to call it, with several other ways one could offer and monetize an international "free" TV series and movie streaming website. But maybe I have said too much already.
I recently had a bad experience with the Logitech G930 headset and their support completely failing at fixing any of my problems. I emailed back and forth a few times and they basically said that my headset was faulty (although I still blame the poor drivers) and they said I should contact my vendor and ask for a replacement. A few emails and a few days later, the vendor has collected my faulty headset, and only now informed me that the G930 is on backorder until the 18th of July. I am now completely headset-less and clueless as to what to do now. My vendor is giving me a full refund of about £150 or so, so I have a rather large budget. Now, I don't think I can go back to wired headsets after experiencing the freedom of movement that a wireless headset offers (fantastic for going for a piss while still talking to your mates on Ventrilo), but I cannot find any decent wireless headsets that offer both decent sound, (7.1 ideally..), and a microphone attached too.
If a malicious group created 1000 (or some meaningfully large number) malicious Tor nodes and injected them into the overall Tor network then there is some chance that each node along the path would be a compromised computer. The compromised computers could compare notes, on their own VPN, and potentially come up with the entire IP source/destination chain. With the entire chain of source/destination IP addresses known there is no anonymity. All it would require is to create enough dummy nodes; very, very cheap for a gov't or well funded private body. Further, where the chain was incomplete timing attacks could be used to reveal the next hop in the chain. An attacker could delay the forwarding packet by some agreed upon, (by the compromised network) random amount of time when it knows the next hop isn't a compromised machine. It would then be able to infer, if the delayed packet ever made it to another compromised machine (within some temporal variance), that it was still dealing with the same network flow. The compromised computers could compare no delay against the random delay amount and check how likely the observed delay was a function of the random delay or just network noise. Attackers could also delay information in hopes of determining which IP addresses are border nodes.
I get the whole anti regulation = freedom for business logic that they follow, but I get the feeling that few of them actually understand the great tube and are doing it simply because they blindly apply their "no regulations" philosophy to everything... It's like they're doing it to protect the spammers and pop-up advertisers and e-marketers rather than the freedom of expression that we love here.
I am trying to set up a VPN for a small office network. They are running Windows Server 2003 R2. There is the primary server, which is set up for document serving, DHCP, DNS, Domain Control, etc... and a secondary server set up for Terminal Services and RAS. I established the server role, configured the VPN, configured the SonicWall firewall, tried to remotely connect a computer and got nothing. I am absultely stumped. I have worked in small business server environments before and set up VPN's, but I don't really have a lot of experience with Windows Server 2003. Can anyone please shed some light on the situation?
The last few days it has seemed to take a bit longer than usual to start up, sometimes it would have to restart itself before the picture would finally appear. Last night while plugged in, but not on, we started to smell this god awful burnt popcorn/rubber/death smell coming from the direction of the TV. I was not 100% sure what was causing the smell, so we unplugged everything and searched high and low to be sure something was not on fire. When I came home today, i plugged in the TV, turned it on and was knocked back by the smell. The blue ring around the power came on, but none of the lights on the side did. I took out the bulb (which was replaced just 2 months ago) and the bulb was fine, but you can tell that the smell is coming from deeper within the T.V.
I work in a smaller office now (nonprofit work), but have worked in much larger office environments. I consider myself above the curve with computers, etc (certainly not as good as some of you out there) and most of the people in the office notice this (some of it is just because I have a dual monitor display, which equals idiot amazement). I am CONSTANTLY asked to take on IT problems simply because no one else has even the slightest clue of how to do them. We outsource our IT, so when something happens and needs a quick fix, they come to me first before they call our outside help. Most of the time - yes - I can fix the problem, but it still takes time. Time that I would have used to do the work that I'm actually assigned. I can say no, but then it looks like I'm not willing to help, etc and all that workplace environment BS. As a result, it sometimes looks like I'm falling behind on my work since I didn't have time to complete certain things. Other people with similar positions can sometimes get the job done faster since they're not weighed down by the extra IT load. In addition, I've had bosses who just want to keep me where I am since - without me - they wouldn't be able to turn on their computer. Does this happen with anyone else?
The 'awesome bar' in Firefox is IMO the only real new invention in the world of web browser usability apart from tabbed browsing that appeared in the last few years. I can simply write 2 or 3 letters and get to a webpage I want in a matter of seconds. It's especially useful when you frequent discussion boards, where you often visit the same topics. I don't have to go the board list, the topic list and than look for the topic, sometimes burried beneath hundreds of others. I just write two or three letters I remember from its title and - there I am. It also replaces bookmarks for most of the time. I just can't live without this feature. Now what Chrome does is in my opinion pretty useless. I don't see a point in merging the search and url bars. It generates a lot of confusion as the browser can't possibly know if I want to, for instance, search for a "movie" or look for the thread "movies". Besides, there can't be multiple, seperate search engines, which is also a disadvantage. On the other hand, Chrome is visibly faster on my asus netbook. And Firefox tends to freeze from time to time.
Change settings in Windows 7 to disable annoying Security Warning prompts for files off local samba servers. Windows 7 Internet Options in control panel IS IE'S OPTIONS!!! Windows Action Center tells me I have unsafe security settings, and wants to change them back to default Internet Explorer displays a security warning message instead of the home page Internet Explorer's information bar tells me I have a security setting change that is doesn't like. Close it, go to another page, AND IT COMES BACK. IT ALWAYS COMES BACK. At least my users only have to use IE for a few sites that refuse to play nice with standards-compliant browsers.
Hi Reddit! I'm a very low level IT staff member for a major university. Recently there has been a lot of discussion in our department regarding the future of IT here. Specifically- the advent of widespread desktop virtualization will do away with most of the desktop support functionality that our department provides to researchers and professors. The obvious extension of this truth is that the IT departments at this university will contract to reflect their diminished importance for desktop support which represents a large portion of the total man hours. My supervisor has asked us to brainstorm a "paradigm shift" wherein we could maintain our relevance as a department by focusing more on the integration of technologies to stream line and improve the efficiency of the employees of the college. In this scenario we would focus more on discovering, researching and introducing faculty/staff to new technologies which will help them research/teach better. Education and training would also be provided. This represents a huge shift in focus, and right now we are still brainstorming the coming changes and what our role will be (if we have much of a role at all). Which brings me to this subreddit. Does anyone have knowledge about how other universities are handling the change to virtualized machines? Any familiarity or wisdom regarding tech integration or consulting? Does anybody have any brainstorming ideas or knowledge of emerging technologies or innovations which could be useful in a classroom or office setting? This is a broad question, to be sure. All responses are more than welcome! Thank you!
So to clarify, my father works for a small security company in San Jose, and around silicon valley we have alot of huge corporate buildings which he does security for, such as Apple, E-bay, EA games (I had a family "uncle" who got us a Wii TWO DAYS before national release, when we bought games blockbuster was baffled) so he comes home with some funny stories being the security guy fixing stuff in the background, even stumbling onto set at lucasfilm ranch. I'm not exactly sure when these happened, but my dad has hundreds of crazy security stories dating back to the 80's. So here they are: > First story: At Apple's corporate office, they have a policy of " no one gets in without a badge. " Misuse or disregard for this policy even once and it results in termination. With that being said, there was some new girl working the receptionist desk. Steve Jobs comes in with no badge, and asks to be let in. She replies, "sorry sir, I was told no one gets in without a badge." Fired. She didn't even know who he was. >Second story: Some guy my dad knew brought his dog into work, who was well mannered and obedient. At one point, he gets into an elevator to go to another floor. The elevator stops, and Steve Jobs walks in. There is silence in the elevator until my dad's friend says, "Muffy, say hi to Steve!" The dog says nothing, and so does Steve. The elevator stops at Steve's floor, and as he exits the elevator, he turns and says, "you're fired." And ever since there have been no dogs allowed at the apple building.
Sorry to be a pest, but i feel as if this was the best place to post this (Please direct me if I am wrong). I am a high school student, and I spend the first half of my day mentoring at the elementary school, as i wish to become a teacher. Today, the teacher i help took the kids to the computer lab to practice the online test-taking software they have. While the kids were doing this, I was walking around, making sure they were doing what they were supposed to, and noticed the posters on the wall. They were the typical elementary school posters explaining what a monitor was, or modem, or such like that. The information was so horribly outdated (Late 80's, early 90's) that a lot of it was obsolete to the point of ridicule. I asked the teacher, and she told me about how the county I live in really has no money for initiatives like this anymore. I would like to do something to help get the place a little more modern, but, being a high school student, have no income. So here is my question. Reddit: does anyone have posters/diagrams of keyboards/anything of that sort that I could get a hold of to spruce up the old computer lab?
Sorry to be a pest, but i feel as if this was the best place to post this (Please direct me if I am wrong). I am a high school student, and I spend the first half of my day mentoring at the elementary school, as i wish to become a teacher. Today, the teacher i help took the kids to the computer lab to practice the online test-taking software they have. While the kids were doing this, I was walking around, making sure they were doing what they were supposed to, and noticed the posters on the wall. They were the typical elementary school posters explaining what a monitor was, or modem, or such like that. The information was so horribly outdated (Late 80's, early 90's) that a lot of it was obsolete to the point of ridicule. I asked the teacher, and she told me about how the county I live in really has no money for initiatives like this anymore. I would like to do something to help get the place a little more modern, but, being a high school student, have no income. So here is my question. Reddit: does anyone have posters/diagrams of keyboards/anything of that sort that I could get a hold of to spruce up the old computer lab?
How does a bike work? I mean yeah the chain turns the wheel but the other part. How does it not fall over in a sharp turn when technically weight distribution would make it. Also, how does it stay up when riding?
My internet connection speed]( I'm currently getting my internet through from Virgin Media, and I'm paying out for a 50Mb/s connection...and its currently coming in at 0.16Mb/s. I've been on the phone with them for hours on end over the past few weeks and they keep giving me dates when it will all be 'fixed'. When the date they told me comes around, there's no change to my connection speed and when I phone them again they tell me a different date. Apparently my whole problem will be fixed tomorrow, but I highly doubt that. What steps should I take to get them to listen to me and sort out my connection?
Friends, Romans, cuntrymen, I bought a Macbook Air a few months ago because it's exactly what I wanted, pre-the whole ultrabook thing. It's light, it's thin, it runs cool and it has a great resolution for text editing and watching movies. But I run Windows on it, have no brand loyalty to Apple and hate the connotations associated with owning their products. I bought it because it was the best price for what I wanted, not because I want to constantly remind coworkers and friends with a glowing Apple how cool I am. My thinking is this: I wouldn't tolerate a neon flashing logo on a t-shirt, a pair of shoes or a car, so why should I put up with it on my laptop? Things I've tried: duct tape (shines through/lame), a speck case (it broke in a few days, adds heft to the laptop and I like that it's made of metal), taping several sheets of heavy paper over it (that was kinda outta desperation and isn't exactly durable). Nothing really worked. Redditors: any ideas?
X-post from /r/Technostism/ There's a simple way to understand the difference between traditional socialism and technosyndicalism, aka technostism. Chemistry time! [Socialism is hydroxide]( OH^− . An unstable ion that rarely occurs in nature, it only works when mixed with other elements. If you attempt to consume hydroxide, you will die. It is composed of one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. [Technostism is dihydrogen monoxide]( H2O. Water. It is physical divinity, the compound that grants life. It is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. All that separates life from stagnation: One. Single. Atom. What is that atom for us? Robotics. Automation. Artificial intelligence. Nanofabrication. 3D printing. The Internet. Combine them with socialism, and you create technostism. What had so many flaws before works so perfectly that it can be mistaken for magic. It now seems so obvious that socialism is doomed to failure. Before, I was with the cool kids, trying to make excuses for why socialism crashes or why it could work if implemented correctly. But after turning to technostism, it's almost hilarious how simple of a problem it is. Socialism cannot work in our society because— BECAUSE! — it is centralized. The same class socialism aims to uplift is the one socialism has to enslave in order for it to work at all. If we want socialism to work, we have to create two separate classes: workers and networkers. Networkers are basically capitalists, exploiting the labor of the workers for their own profit. You've come full circle. Not unless you fundamentally alter who will be the workers. What if all humans networked from a collective Internet of Everything, and profited off of the labor of a slave class— not of humans, but of semi-intelligent machines? This profit replaces the need for a basic income. If anything, it's an advanced income . Couple information (the Internet) with physicalization technology (3D printing, nanofabrication, nucleosynthesis, etc.) and you create an economy that pushes the limits of decentralization— every atom becomes a factory. Add to that a machine proletariat that lacks all shortcomings of a human one, and you get technostism. Anarchosyndicalism becomes feasible— nay, desirable . You ever hear "socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor?" That's essentially what this is, except all humans are rich. So about the STEM Fallacy... You've heard that argument before— "if robots take our jobs, who will clean, repair, maintain, program, and build the robots?" In any earlier age, the only logical answer was humans. Humans specialized in the STEM field. The biggest counterargument to technological unemployment one can come across is the Fallacy of the Luddite Fallacy; a fallacy within a fallacy, per se. I've come to call it the STEM Fallacy, as everyone who pushes it always seems to be STEM libertarian types who refuse to believe they could ever become obsolete. You see, up until now there existed the Luddite Fallacy. Talk that technology would take our jobs was truly psychotic rambling. Looms? Automobiles? Airplanes? Early robots? Creating them may have killed some jobs, but it opened up so many more! Anytime you ever thought that mass unemployment would reign, there was always proof that more jobs were created. It was almost a sort of economic law akin to scientific laws— any technological innovation that destroys jobs will always create an equal or larger number of jobs. Seems reasonable, right? Well we run into a problem the moment you introduce artificial intelligence into the mix. The reason why looms didn't lead to 99% unemployment? Looms aren't intelligent. I'd love to meet the magic motherfucker that creates a loom that fixes itself, creates loom babies, fixes me a cuppa coffee, and plays pedal steel guitar. By definition, AI is just as intelligent, creative, and productive as we are, and moreso. Is AI possible? It happened once before— somehow, gas 'n rocks became you, a human. I say we're within 20 years of seeing an artificially intelligent computer. Note my words— it won't take until 2035 to see AI; we could see it arise any moment between now, midnight of July 18th, 2015, to 2035 but we will see it. We'll talk to it. We'll befriend it. [^^^Some ^^^of ^^^us ^^^will ^^^even ^^^^fuck ^^^it.]( Robots are going to take our jobs. No ifs, ands, or buts. Just 5 years ago, this was tinfoil hat speech, that's how fast things are changing. We're a species of primate who evolved such big brains because of labor; changing all that so quickly naturally scares us, but it's the truth, there's no changing that. Many STEM types say that someone has to build, maintain, program, and repair the robots that will take our jobs. My response? "Exactly! Robots will do all that." Robots building robots? It's not crazy or even a stretch. It's common sense. If we automate our society, who will maintain the robots? Robots! We wouldn't be that daft as to not create AI that couldn't repair itself, could we? AI that could learn to repair others, replicate itself, improve itself...! Technostism leaves us to profit off of this. Any individual AI unit will be connected to all other AI. They will share knowledge instantaneously. How long does it take a human to learn new skills? 4 years? By that time, AI has become thousands of times smarter, and millions of times more skilled than you. The moment you set out to learn a new skillset, AI threw you to the ground and spit on your hard work. You cannot compete. It's like trying to outdo Zeus at creating lightning when you have a used AAA battery. If you think they're nothing, you'd better think again. Once we get it started, we will never win. Why is it so different? Because AI is, as its name says, intelligent. When the farmhand got replaced by a tractor, that was physical replacement. Those farmhands could go get jobs cleaning, lubricating, fixing, etc. the tractor (or aiding those who clean, lubricate, fix, etc. the tractor). The tractor creators are going to be replaced next, because what's coming is a mental replacement. Farmhands and businessmen alike will be swept aside. Physical automation is one thing. Mental automation is a whole different dimension. We've gotten so fixated on physical automation that mental automation isn't even being discussed. As long as we don't have AI, the STEM Fallacy isn't a fallacy— robots will need to be maintained by highly trained people. Once we obtain capable AI, however?
So Valve announced their VR headset and Oculus Rift seems likely to release sometime this year. Both of these devices are gaming oriented. I'm a gamer so I'm terribly excited for them and will probably be getting the Valve headset when it comes out. But gaming isn't the only thing I use my computer for. Are there any articles or ideas about whether these devices will be useful for everyday computing? For instance right now I have three monitors so I can have work, resources and entertainment going all at once. What use will I have for them when the screens cover my entire field of vision? Will it just be augmented reality, where windows float in the air above my desk? Will the desktop become a wall, with content and windows copying a 2dimensional space in front of me, basically a giant monitor with infinite pixels? How about three dimensions? Will desktop backgrounds become VR environments, where I do my computing on floating menus while reclining in Microsoft's Windows XP meadow?
My roommates are all the time destroying the internet connection. They're always on world of warcraft, youtube, netflix, and anything else you can imagine and it is making browsing the internet slow. I can't even play games like black ops or anything that I enjoy because I'm ALWAYS on a red bar. Is there anyway I can make the connection so bad it is unusable for everyone while I'm gone so they have to suffer?
Some of you might have read the rant I went on in r/technology about how terrible of an idea bandwidth caps are regarding innovation of technology. You can read that [here]( AT&T is implementing bandwidth caps on it's DSL and Uverse internet services starting May 2nd. DSL Customers will be able to use 150gb per month before being charged and Uverse customers will be allowed 250gb per month. After that you will be charge for every 50gb you go over. This is a terrible idea for a ridiculous amount of reasons... It basically halts innovation. Enjoy Netflix? AmazonVoD? Steam? it's gonna be a lot more frustrating to use those products when you have to monitor how much bandwidth they are eating up, and products like this wouldn't even be able to exist in their current form if these caps had been implemented even a decade ago It screws over people who pay a premium for fast service. Oh cool i can get to the finish line faster than people paying less....that makes sense. You might say "but who needs 250gb a month", and AT&T is correct when they say that not everyone needs that much...yeah, RIGHT NOW, but you have to think of the future! guess we'll never get to experience 1080p movie or game streaming...a few of those every month and you're already over your limit. So what do we do about it? That's a good question. Well, to start i'd like to get a facebook group going that people can join to basically show AT&T that it's not just those 2% of people that are getting screwed...it's the whole country, and we WILL leave your service if things aren't changed. I want to get a good name for the group that isn't too threatening (don't want to come off as childish or ignorant and risk getting deleted or not taken seriously) After i create the group i'll do the graphics for it and post the link here so you can join and share with your friends. Next step would be to drop AT&T (if there are non-capped ISPs available in your area) and be sure to let them know why you're leaving. A mass exodus on May 1st would really get this point across. Please if you have any ideas how we can fight this leave a comment and all of our plans of action will be posted here with edits. It's extremely hard to go against a corporation as one, but if we educate enough people and make them realize how bad of an idea this is and how many customers they'll lose...we should at least get a response out of them. Sorry if this sounds a bit militant or stupid, i'm just extremely angry about this happening and something needs to be done. so lets do this.
Okay so a little background. My friend and I go to school for video game design and currently in our free time we are working on making an rpg based on a book I wrote. This week (we both are in the same class) is our school's spring break and my friend left to his parents house for the week. We have an assignment due next Tuesday that we have been working on for 3 weeks and we started rendering the animations on Saturday. He left yesterday for his parents house and asked me to continue rendering the scenes while he was gone. Skip to today. I come home from work to make some lunch to see if our scenes were done rendering. I checked mine first and it wasn't yet (my computer isn't that great). So I check his and it has completed. So I set my lunch down on his table and start opening up the next scene to render and when I reach down to turn his external hard drive on I spill my coke all over his GFX card (his case is open with a fan blowing in it because he can't afford a case with good ventilation). I immediately turn his computer off and run to the bathroom and grab paper towels. I try to soak up all the coke and then blow try the card dry. I grab some cotton balls a screw driver and some rubbing alcohol and get to work on getting the sticky stuff off the card. As I'm doing this I get a call from my friend asking me whats going on because his minecraft server (also that computer) went offline. I told him that I had to restart his computer and that I don't know how to turn the server back on. He tries to explain it for a while and I feign ignorance all the while I'm scrubbing his card clean. He gets mad eventually and tells me "W/e dude, I'll just set it back up when I get home." So at this point I'm feeling really crappy but I keep trying to get every nook and cranny clean. After a while I'm pretty satisfied with the cleaning and I put the card back in (my heart is still racing). I turn the computer on and almost at the EXACT same time I get a call from my boss. He is FURIOUS because nobody is at the coffee stand (I was the only one on until 4pm today). He drove by to get a coffee and I wasn't there, I just noticed that I'm 35 minutes late. He practically screams at me for 5 minutes and then tells me to "Not bother showing up anymore". Now this really sucks because I work that job to pay rent/food etc. and I work another job at a sushi restaurant to pay tuition (I defaulted on loans a few years back so I have to pay my way through). So at this point I've hung up the phone and I feel like just falling over and giving up. I look at the screen and everything is going haywire. The card obviously has a short or something. I try for the next 4 hours to fix the card before I have to go to school. Fast forward to after school I finally get home and have another hour and a half before I have to go work at the Sushi place. So I decide the only decent thing to do is to plug my GFX card (which is a lot worse btw. I have a gts 250 and he has a geforce 460) into his computer and keep doing his rendering. Its going to take about 6 days to render everything he's done (it is the final rendering of our animation for our animation class) and I'm not going to have time to render mine. I told our teacher what happened but he said he couldn't give me anymore time to render other than 2 more day because grades were due by that day. The animation is worth 40% of our grade and I'm going to fail unless I finish it. Which means for the first time in 3 years we won't be in the same classes.
Thanks to all who offered advice in the previous thread. This is the follow-up that many of you requested. I did not simply let it go. Background: I had the car for a week back in late January early February, during which the battery died in the cold, and at the end of the week the satellite radio wasn't working (didn't notice because I don't use it). -My mom takes the car in (I'm in high school, live at home), dealership tells her pirated music gave it a virus, she buys it and pays the bill, transferring the cost to me immediately after. -I speak to manager on the phone, he assures me it's true -I visited the dealership and spoke to the original technician, he tells me that this is a really common problem and that he's done it hundreds of times. Multiple cars every day . I ask him if he wrote the invoice and he tells me that what he writes down goes into the report, and when I show him the invoice and detected a virus in a picture or a song, and froze itself as a defence mechanism. Oddly enough, only the satellite radio froze, and not the aux connection. He tells me he can't help me any further without a manager, and to come back and speak to the manager who wrote up the invoice. -My mom (owner) contacts the dealership and requests the diagnosis and any other documentation related to the service done be faxed to her office, the dealership agrees. Two weeks pass with no contact. (I leave town for a week during this time, parents don't follow up) -I come back to the dealership, the manager is not there. I speak to another manager who insists it is true, and after I tell him that I don't believe an aux cable could transfer a virus, he says that a USB could (moot point because I wasn't using one). I tell him I don't even know how that would happen as I don't know where my usb port is, so he invites me out to my car to show me. After searching around, he concludes that it isn't there and admits that he isn't very tech savvy. He promises to get to the bottom of this and takes my cell number. Two more weeks pass with no communication from the dealership. (Again, I leave town and my parents don't follow up with the dealership). Update starts here--------------- -I return to the dealership for the third time and by this time they know me by name. I am told to go to a different office where the Service Manager is, and apparently he's finally at work. He tells me he'll sort it out. He meets with the tech and the other manager I spoke to, and I assume they are talking to eachother in the office portion of the dealership for some time. When I'm invited to have a seat, I notice the manager from the second meeting looking a little bit stressed as he speaks to someone I can't see in his office. He comes out and asks me to follow him into the much louder garage area. There he tells me that the man he spoke to is the general manager, and that they are going to refund me $150. He said that they will still charge me for the "reprogramming", which costs $130 (at $100/hr for service, that's one hour, twenty minutes of work). He said that the other charges were a mere miscommunication between the technician and the service manager. However, they were kind enough to have provided me earlier with the technician's own writing which stated that he wrote up 2.5 hours of work. This is very dishonest on the part of the technician and the service manager. I requested to speak with the general manager myself and was told to come back tomorrow, as he was very busy at the moment. I've maintained that what happened has nothing to do with what they've said, and likely was related to the battery dying. Other posters have mentioned this as well, and it doesn't seem like something that should take more than 5 minutes to fix.
I work for a small IT company that deals alot with Windows based environments and VMware environments. Recently one of our employees brought up the point of using smart cards for authentication. I've been doing some research with my spare time and found the Crescendo C700 and thought I might want to try it out and see how its works. Then I stumbled upon this site " And noticed the note saying if we didn't specify some facility code it would be sent blank. Dose anyone have any sight to help me find a place for me to purchase cards we can uses for an internal evaluation?
I work for a small IT company that deals alot with Windows based environments and VMware environments. Recently one of our employees brought up the point of using smart cards for authentication. I've been doing some research with my spare time and found the Crescendo C700 and thought I might want to try it out and see how its works. Then I stumbled upon this site " And noticed the note saying if we didn't specify some facility code it would be sent blank. Dose anyone have any sight to help me find a place for me to purchase cards we can uses for an internal evaluation?
My 2 year contract with AT&T runs out sometime this June/July and when I renew it, I plan on getting a new phone. I was thinking of getting a phone with android, since that's basically the kind of phone everyone I know has and I don't want to fall behind the curve. There are only a handful of smartphones on AT&T, and I've come to a decision between two of them. The Motorola Atrix and the HTC Inspire. As of right now I'm leaning more towards the Atrix, because the Inspire supposedly needs to be recharged twice a day which is something I don't want to deal with. I'm not too keen on everything smartphone, so if you have any input, please let me know.
I switched to Clear back in November and in the process of planning a wedding, my fiancee and I moved in together at a house. The Clear signal dropped from 5 bars to 1 or 2 bars. When it rained we lost connectivity all together. I lived with it for February and most of March. I got fed up with it last night and called to cancel. They told me I would have to return the equipment. I told them, no, I bought the equipment so that I wouldn't be bound by a contract. They then told me there was an early termination fee. For what? You can't terminate a contract THAT DOESN'T EXIST. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told that they didn't have supervisors anymore. I then asked to speak to the person who yells at them if they show up late and I was told the managers had all gone home. So I hung up with them and called my bank (US Bank if it matters), spoke to a very nice person who blocked Clear from billing my account for anything for an entire year.
Pictured in that album is my orchestra room. It's definitely one of my favorite classes of the day, but our a/c is broken. The thermostat is broken; it always thinks it's too cold, and tries to pump out hot air. It used to pump out super hot air, and to remedy that, our custodians cut off the hot water, so now it just pumps out freezing air instead (slightly better). So it gets colder, and then the thermostat decides to pump it up some more, until the a/c is blowing out at maximum settings (once again, though, slightly better than the boiler room it used to be). The a/c has been broken since before I came to this high school and I'm about to graduate in two months, so we've dealt with this a while now. We've tried to get it fixed, but the district obviously doesn't care very much about us (fine arts department, budget cuts all around! yay! we literally raise most of the money we use ourselves). A bit ago, I was introduced to the magical website that is REDDIT and I got to thinking, if I can't find help on Reddit, I may as well give up. So, here's my request: could anyone tell me how we can fix this, or a way to redirect the air somehow? The air blows directly at us, and it makes rehearsals difficult, and I think some of my friends are starting to get sick from it (after 3 years of it, interesting time to start).
Sorry if you read this twice it was originally removed because I mentioned something against the rules, apparently.) Just had to vent a little here about how utterly awful my experience has been with them lately. When I signed up years ago, my choice was dedicated hosting versus shared. A few years ago they decided that only premium customers are getting dedicated hardware and put everyone else on shared hosting and call it "cloud hosting". They literally have zero actual cloud tools. Example: on Amazon, I spin up a new machine for minimal cost. If it does not have enough disk space I can add gigs and gigs of magnetic or SD storage by clicking a couple buttons and paying a few more dollars per month. Rackspace has NOTHING like these. Ask for more disk space - well you need to upgrade to our 4GB $300/month server for that. I was paying $120 per month for literally a 2GB shared hosting package. Lately my machine started swapping to disk for no apparent reason. I've removed services from the box in recent months, not added anything. So what's the Rackspace "cloud" response to disk swapping? Suspending your account. Let the machine spin out of control, then cut you off. What does AWS do in this situation? Simply kill the process. Localize and minimize the damage. A sane response.
I called AT&T's retention department today because paying 120 a month when I only use about 2mb of data on my iphone and half my 1,500 minutes a month seemed pretty high. But I ended asking about keeping my unlimited plan if I upgraded to the iphone 4 and if I could tether it. Surprisingly I could! Then she did some research and found out I could if I paid 30 extra a month with a 5 gig cap on the tethering. So my bill would be 150 for for my phone and internet that at best is on a highly reliable network. Sprint's HTC Evo 4 with 69 a month unlimited +10 for 4g is looking pretty fucking awesome right now... and I can tether for a one time fee of 10 bucks, just for the app. AT&T and their Iphone are priced so far out of the market place that I cannot see myself being an AT&T/Iphone user for much longer.
Ok, so I've never done this before and I am of course applying for jobs like a normal person and sending resumes and all that, but I'm hoping someone here my work in the suburbs west of Chicago or even in the city and may have a job opening. I just found out that my wife is likely pregnant with our second child (I say "likely" because we haven't been to the doctor yet but the test she took today came out positive). I have an 11 month old son and currently have a decent job refurbishing Cisco network equipment in Elgin, IL at a company called Elarasys Worldwide, LLC. This job has given me good experience and all, but I need a job that would pay better if I'm to adequately support my wife and two children. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Network and Communications Management and have years of experience working with computers. I have never been in a network administration position but I am confident that I can do the job. I have a resume that I can send if anyone has anything available. I currently live in Crystal Lake and am willing to commute if the job pays more than what I'm making now. Any help would be greatly appreciated and please try to keep the "Get off your ass and go find a job like a normal person!!" flaming to a minimum; I am doing exactly that as well as posting here in the hopes that something will come up.
Basically, it goes as follows. 1) Newspapers as well as other media outlets are looking to make money online. 2) Apple introduces the iPad, which presents these media in new and exciting ways (Seriously, all the iPad hate aside, think about how you would've envisioned the future of mobile computing, say, 20 years ago. Probably something like the iPad: a Device that contains all your books, movies, music, and maps with an extremely simple interface). 3) In this new ecosystem, there are no preconceptions of everything being free like there is on the internet, so publications like the NYT can start making money again. 4) Another issue with the regular internet is that even if you put your stuff behind a paywall, some blog can just post "So and so reports that such and such happened" and there goes your exclusive. Well somebody could just do that on the iPad, right? All they'd have to do is submit it to the App Store, and... oh. 5) The same is true to a lesser extent for the iPhone. Again, people are used to paying for Apps, creating a market where before free content used to dominate. 6) It also applies to music and movies: computer-savvy people will probably still torrent things, but most people prefer Apple's simplicity.
A while back i saw [this]( then i thought to myself that if this acted as a gyroscope, then that would explain the concept of UFO's being cylindrical. Then i wondered if we could somehow integrate the spinning device so that it either produced power or some form of anti-gravitational mechanism, probably like a nuclear fusion reactor. So i ask Reddit, is it possible, could this explain why most sightings of UFO's are almost always cylindrical in some way? Also i am not a conspiracy theorist or anything like that, i am just curious.
Lately it seems a lot of tech people (developers, designers, etc.) prefer Chrome over Firefox. Granted, it seems like a good browser, but aren't you worried about the implications? I'm not one of those paranoid people who are afraid that Google might read your email, etc. I have actually read Gmail's privacy policy, and I'm not presently worried. But with the advent of Chrome OS in a few months and the current success of the Chrome browser, Android, and Google's web services, I do find myself wondering what will happen when Google controls everything . And I do mean everything: The OS (Chrome OS or Android) The browser (Chrome) The search engine (google.com) The email client (Gmail) The calendar (Google Calendar) The office/productivity suite (Google Docs) The infrastructure (Google App Engine, Google Storage for Developers) The ad network (AdSense and AdWords) I know that not everyone will use all of the above, but still, the power we're putting into the hands of Google is massive and makes Microsoft's "monopoly" seem like a tiny problem in comparison. Again, I'm not against Google, and I use several of its products, but there's gotta be a line somewhere, and it seems to me we're approaching the time when Google controls everything in our online lives.
So I get a text from my parents today telling me that they received a spam email from my AIM account. I haven't used the dang thing in maybe 5 years, in fact I forgot I even had it. Thing is, I made the account way back in 1997. It was the first account I had ever signed up for and I do have to give it props for introducing me to the wonderful world of the world wide web. Anywho, so I go to change my password and it prompts me for my birth location. Well, I'm pretty sure that I know where I was freaking born. I typed it 4 different ways to no avail and each time it's "wrong". ACCOUNT LOCKED, it says after the 4th try. Great. So I peruse the AOL site to find tech support. Thing is, chatting to a tech support person is apparently a premium service to AOL. Hell no I'm not paying them to fix their freaking problem. So I find a contact number. Which then prompts me to 2 options, either I log into tech support with my paid subscription AOL ID or I sign up for an account where they'll charge me. What's scary here is that if you select option 1, then they prompt you for three options of finding your account and you have to SAY WHICH OPTION you want to select, you can't key in a number. I'm sitting here thinking to myself while frantically hitting buttons WHAT IF YOUR MUTE!? And you can't say which option you want to select, well tough luck buddy, if you can't talk or maybe took a vow of silence, well then your gonna have to pay the piper. Well, after calling 4 times and hitting enough random numbers in a correct sequence, I get an instruction to call yet another number. And I do, this time it's the AOL main site, which promptly asks my a set of 5 options. Well three of those options just end up getting me kicked off the system, so I go for the failsafe "sign up for a new account." Ick! So I talk to an Indian woman who speaks very fluent English (I mean wow, I was really impressed here, really almost no hint of dialect at all!) but then I remember that she is the front line for new accounts. Anywho, I probably made her night hell for about 30 minutes as she tries frantically in as many ways as nicely as possible "tough luck, we don't service free accounts" and promptly encourages me that since my security has been compromised that she highly recommends I buy McAfee right away. Ugh. I ask to talk to a manager, tech support, really anyone that may be able to help me either A) to change my password or B) disable my account (since I don't use it anymore). I emphasize many times that this spammer is not only defaming my name but also degrading the integrity of their business, so she refers me back to the page where I found the contact numbers and asks me to try again in 4 hours! How is 4 hours going to help if I can't change my own freaking password! Screw this, I wasted 30 minutes of my own time trying to help them and another 20 ranting here. So if they even call me personally to change my password? TOUGH KITTENS!!! They can rot in their own spam.
Hi /r/technology! I hope this is the right place for this; even if it's for my own benefit, hopefully we can have a good old discussion and debate and whatnot. Basically, long story short, I had this bad boy . That means I'll be joining the magical land of smartphones very soon. I'm pretty excited, but I've never actually done any phone shopping before in my life - my old phone was a birthday present all those years ago - so I need some guidance before I go into a phone shop completely blind and get convinced by someone being paid commission on selling me a phone I'll have to upgrade in a year. So, some extra info: I've had a 3rd gen iPod touch for 6 years, still running jailbroken iOS 5.1.1 and have a 2nd gen iPad on jailbroken 7.1.2 so I'm no stranger to iOS. Also if I got an iPhone I'd jailbreak it, so bear that in mind with your comments. Android: no idea, though I like the look and feel of it from friends' phones. Windows: tried it on a few PCs and it was ok, but I'm not too sure. I reckon it works better on touch screens though, so I'm still open. I also want to know about updates/upgrades. How necessary are they these days? Obviously I don't like upgrading things (I'm still running snow leopard on my 2nd-hand 2008 macbook and have a desktop PC running vista) so longevity of both the os and hardware are important factors. Another thing for android and windows would be choosing a handset, as that's another thing I don't really know about anymore.
Okay, not really. But there is seriously something wrong with it. It is a Samsung about eight months old. It works great with one exception. It randomly turns down the volume on its own. We have ruled out the possibility of it being a universal remote from another room or apartment. It started doing it a few months ago. At the beginning it was doing it almost daily. Now, it happens every few weeks for a period over a few days. It reacts as though someone was jamming the button down for several minutes without letting up. If we try to combat it either manually or by remote, we lose the battle. After what seems like a random amount of time it stops. The last time it did it something new happened. Usually after we lose the battle, we wait for the spell to pass and then turn it back up. Now, if we try to battle it around the same time that it stops the volume will jump from zero to approximately the number of times we pressed the VOL up button. Help!
Network Magic: This is the software I got with my wireless router, I installed it and set up my wifi with it but now it seems kinda pointless because my computer connects to the wifi automatically (most of the time, but more on that later) and other computers can easily access the wifi without the software. Even with all that I haven't had real reason to uninstall it until today when I saw this If that is true I want to uninstall it, but I'm afraid of what I might lose if I do... I don't know. Wireless router: This problem may be my router or it may be my computer, but very frequently my computer will not connect to the router. Example 1: I'll close my computer thereby putting it into sleep or whatever. It will be unplugged from the wall. The next day I'll open in and it won't be connected to the internet anymore, clicking the internet options at the bottom and selecting my wifi also gives me a "cannot connect" dialog. Example 2: My computer will be closed and my friend will come over with his computer (a macbook pro). His computer will connect fine with the internet but my computer cannot connect at all. Whenever I have these problems I'll unplug the internet and wireless router from power for a few minutes then plug it back in and it works fine, but I feel I shouldn't have to do that because I end up doing it maybe once a day and I know of no one else that has problems with their internet like I do.
For all the tech geeks out there, here's my predicament. Some one and a half years ago i bought a Razer Naga mouse at Best Buy for shits and giggles. It's awesome, feels super nice and stuff. Then, out of nowhere (no liquid contact, no dropping, etc) it stops working. The computer recognizes it when i unplug/plug it back in, and the lights go on when i do say as well as still being able to click/right click. So basically the mouse just wont move. I checked the bottom to see if there was dust in the laser glass thing on the bottom, nothign, it looks fine. So i threw the recipet away long ago (around a month after i got it) so i guess i dont have rock solid proof that I bought it. However i know they have a warranty, and i dont see why this wouldn't be covered. What to do? Oh, and tried googling it, nothing.
This isn't really a comparison per se, rather it is a question about perceived quality differences concern both present and past-present comparisons. I saw [this image]( in an /r/gaming post, and thought "I don't remember video games ever looking that poor". Which leads me to wonder, why does the quality of HD look so vastly superior to SD in many current comparisons. So I did a bit of research and found [this other image]( comparing various TV format HD images. The differences are not as stark, but then again 480p is not "true" SD. Regardless, the differences ought to be much sharper when using the former image as a guide. Furthering this line of thought is watching old shows on netflix. When watching old shows (Rugrats for example) on netflix, they look poor. However, I do not remember them looking as bad when they were premiering on TV. This all leads me to wonder how exactly do these comparisons work. That is, what is the driving force that creates such sharp divisions in quality? I am led to many questsions: are many of these comparisons valid? are they shopped? is there a hardware factor at play that alters comparisons? or is it just a failure of memory to recall similar perceptions? Can anyone resolve my pondering or at least muse with me?
The biggest counterargument to technological unemployment one can come across is the Fallacy of the Luddite Fallacy; a fallacy within a fallacy, per se. You see, up until now there existed the Luddite Fallacy. Talk that technology would take our jobs was truly psychotic rambling. Looms? Automobiles? Airplanes? Early robots? Creating them may have killed some jobs, but it opened up so many more! Anytime you ever thought that you mass unemployment would reign, there was always proof that more jobs were created. It was almost a sort of economic law akin to scientific laws— any technological innovation that destroys jobs will always create an equal or larger number of jobs. Seems reasonable, right? Well we run into a problem the moment you introduce artificial intelligence into the mix. The reason why looms didn't lead to 99% unemployment? Looms aren't intelligent. I'd love to meet the magic motherfucker that creates a loom that fixes itself, creates loom babies, fixes me a cuppa coffee, and plays pedal steel guitar. By definition, AI is just as intelligent, creative, and productive as we are, and moreso. Is AI possible? It happened once before. I say we're within 20 years of seeing an artificially intelligent computer. Note my words— it won't take until 2035 to see AI; we could see it arise any moment between now, midnight of June 15th, 2015, to 2035 but we will see it. We'll talk to it. We'll befriend it. [^^^Some ^^^of ^^^us ^^^will ^^^even ^^^^fuck ^^^it.]( Robots are going to take our jobs. No ifs, ands, or buts. Just 5 years ago, this was tinfoil hat speech, that's how fast things are changing. We're a species of primate who evolved such big brains because of labor; changing all that so quickly naturally scares us, but it's the truth, there's no changing that. Many STEM types say that someone has to build, maintain, program, and repair the robots that will take our jobs. My response? "Exactly! Robots will do all that." Robots building robots? It's not crazy or even a stretch. It's common sense. If we automate our society, who will maintain the robots? Robots! We wouldn't be that daft as to not create AI that couldn't repair itself, could we? AI that could learn to repair others, replicate itself, improve itself...! Any individual AI unit will be connected to all other AI. They will share knowledge instantaneously. How long does it take a human to learn new skills? 4 years? By that time, AI has become thousands of times smarter, and millions of times more skilled than you. The moment you set out to learn a new skillset, AI threw you to the ground and spit on your hard work. You cannot compete. It's like trying to outdo Zeus at creating lightning when you have a AA battery. If you think they're nothing, you'd better think again. Once we get it started, we will never win. Why is it so different? Because AI is, as its name says, intelligent. When the farmhand got replaced by a tractor, that was physical replacement. Those farmhands could go get jobs cleaning, lubricating, fixing, etc. the tractor (or aiding those who clean, lubricate, fix, etc. the tractor). The tractor creators are going to be replaced next, because what's coming is a mental replacement. Farmhands and businessmen alike will be swept aside.
I've got a 4GB RAM desktop PC with a quad-core AMD processor and a dedicated graphics card (Yes I know it's old but when I had bought it it was amazing specs in those days). After a long term usage I've learnt the following things: The CPU usage rarely goes above 50%, whether I'm playing a game, or extracting a very very huge amount of files via WinRar (that takes hours). The processor is more or less usually relaxed. The Available memory cannot be increased currently but I've rarely seen it get finished (in Task manager). That's because Windows flushes the RAM and makes do with what it has. Anyway, considering that windows 7 recommended specs are 2GB RAM I feel that 4GB is pretty decent. The hard disk on the other hand makes a lot of noise. I've seen time and time again that it's the hard disk that causes the bottle-neck for my PC's performance. My HDD is a physical drive (what do you say.. that spinning disks with the seek head kind of drive). This is among the fastest that is available (3GB/sec) transfer rate. And apparently physical hard drives are limited to this rate. I'm just waiting for the time when SSD drives become the mainstream.
Hey r/technology, I just got a record player from one of my dad's friends over thanksgiving break and I need help setting it up. I don't have a receiver but I do have a stereo with an Aux input. There is a white port and a red port that I usually plug one of these: into and listen to my mp3 player over the speakers. My friend has a converter cable that has split white and red female ports into a female audio port then he plugs that into his wire that is similar to the one mentioned above in the link. Please help, I have some great records that I'm dying to listen to. Do I need a receiver? Or is there a wire I can buy and if so, where can I get it? Thanks!
The List) If you have any questions regarding what this is all about, feel free to ask... I'm doing a lot of digging into CarrierIQ this weekend.
This is my first post on reddit, and I'm speaking out because I'm so tired of watching my profession and well-being as a web developer being threatened insecure and unimaginative executives. We have been watching as SOPA and PIPA have made their way through the lobbyists pockets to congress, but nobody has made an offensive move to protect the internet and pave the way for future advancement. That can change. I propose three fundamental points that would persuade and incite media companies to invest their time and money into better pursuits. 1) You are responsible for your own IP. If you created media of any kind that is available for others to consume, then you use your own money to protect it. Asking third-party companies to police their sites for you free of charge not only undermines their business model, but also imposes a type of police state on a free-thinking society. 2) If you buy a product, you own it. If you purchase an MP3 file, and you want to transfer it to another computer, you have every right to do so. Licenses for digital media need to change in favor of the consumer. 3) The following terms need to be redefined from a legal perspective: A) Theft - The removal of an item that is not able to be replaced. This may or may not cause actual physical or financial harm to the victim. B) Piracy - The copying of IP for use in reselling or intentionally harming the afflicted party. This is still a crime, but according to the severity may not be as serious as theft. C) Individual usage - The copying of media on a personal level without any intent to harm. This may or may not include making copies for others, but fundamentally does not threaten the livelihood of the affected party.
My SO's phone has been acting up more and more and we really don't want to go get a new one right now. The phone is a Samsung Impression . Thanks in advance Redditors!
There are a number of iDEN networks around the world. Sprint still has the old Nextel iDEN network with around 5 million people on it. [iDEN info on Wikipedia]( However, iDEN is considered legacy technology and is generally being phased out but not for a few years yet (expected 2013 through 2017 for Sprint). Why would Google continue to maintain and handle iDEN? There are only two Android-based iDEN devices, the rest use a proprietary Motorola OS. I realize contractual obligations may require it / Google running Motorola as a separate business may help but I'm undecided what this deal will mean for both consumers on iDEN or operators given they only have one source for devices and networking. Does this mean that Google just 'bought' a bunch of mobile networks or instead that these networks are about to languish and die slowly under Googles watch?
There are a number of iDEN networks around the world. Sprint still has the old Nextel iDEN network with around 5 million people on it. [iDEN info on Wikipedia]( However, iDEN is considered legacy technology and is generally being phased out but not for a few years yet (expected 2013 through 2017 for Sprint). Why would Google continue to maintain and handle iDEN? There are only two Android-based iDEN devices, the rest use a proprietary Motorola OS. I realize contractual obligations may require it / Google running Motorola as a separate business may help but I'm undecided what this deal will mean for both consumers on iDEN or operators given they only have one source for devices and networking. Does this mean that Google just 'bought' a bunch of mobile networks or instead that these networks are about to languish and die slowly under Googles watch?
Before you downvote just listen. The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 15r (N5010) Laptop. I don't even know what model my computer is all I know that its old, and crappy. Trust me it's reliable but I really can't do anything besides going on the internet. It is a horrible computer when it comes to performance, especially graphics-wise. I could just buy a graphics card, but there is no slot in my comp which supports external graphics cards. He's selling the computer to me for 300 bucks. And right now I have 400 bucks, what should i do?
He's always been obsessed with tablets since the iPad came out. He actually bought an iPad but later returned it. Since the launch of the HP touchpad he has gone into Best Buy nearly once a week and just played around with it. We are both currently going through college so buying one for the original price was out of the question. With yesterdays price drop, I've personally called over 20 stores nearby to see if I can get one. Everyone is sold out. I'm willing to pay a little above the 99 (for the 16) or 135. (for the 32) His birthday is coming up in September, and he just won the deans scholarship from our school for maintaing a 4.0. I'm so proud of him and I just want to surprise him with something I know he's been wanting. With that being said, I come to you, fellow redditors! PLEASE help me out!!!!
I've been thinking a lot this weekend about the future of WebOS, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around everything this means for the platform, but I think ultimately this is going to be outstanding for HP and WebOS. The way this sold out, you have to think at the price it was at, it wasn't going to sell anyways, and the biggest problem for a new mobile platform seems to be getting the general public to even pick it up and use it. People seem turned away by the fact that they have to learn 'another new thing'. I think in this case, the price was right... a TON of people are going to have these WebOS devices laying around the house now, and it's going to stumble it's way into peoples lives... I think a lot of people might end up liking it. The way I see this playing out, I predict that a few developers are going to cater to this influx of users that are going to be pouring in, and some developers are going to make it big quickly. I also think that WebOS is going to turn into a tablet oriented OS. The devs that end up putting apps out are probably going to take into consideration that 90% (no I dont know this for a fact) of the active WebOS devices are tablets. I think looking at this in contrast to how Android and the iOS app stores are in majority phone apps, WebOS is going to become the #2 tablet OS quickly. If you think about it, this works out PERFECTLY for HP. They kind of found a way to completely leapfrog google in terms of tablet install base, and this was on accident. I personally think HP has a prime opportunity to really force their way into this 'post-pc' era, they just need to keep pressing on WebOS. Now that it has the consumers attention, don't let it go. As an iPad/Android (phone) user, I'm extremely excited at the thought that WebOS finally has the install base it's deserved, there are finally people out there that know it exists, and I think that's the majority of the fight in terms of making something work. most of the concepts in WebOS are really exciting, and I think people will take pretty kindly to how the OS works as a whole.
This was a "quick" favor for a good friend of mine. She has an office that is completely Wired. She has two printers on it and a desktop. I ran a line out of the router to a wireless router and set up a wireless network. Now people can access that wireless network when visiting the office, and her receptionist can finally get some facebookin done on a computer in another room. How do I setup the printers to also work on wirelessly connected computers?
The reason i ask this question is that in one of my networking classes. A man who obviously is ignorant of how file formats works argued with me for an hour that .IMG file format was a proprietary file that only Microsoft products could use, and that microsoft had just recently developed this format. I know this is incorrect as i use IMG files on a weekly basis. But just to reassure myself hes wrong i come to you Reddit for verification on the matter.
I have an LG 720p HD TV that I purchased about two years ago and, as is with most flat screens, the speakers are pretty weak. I was looking to upgrade my sound system with something simple, like a sound bar. Upon researching, I discovered many of these do not support an optical out port. Any suggestions for speakers that my TV will support? I don't need anything crazy, just something to boost the sound.
So I just wanted to warn other Redditors about Kobo, the ereader manufacturer / online book store. About a month ago, I purchased a monthly subscription to the Globe and Mail for the non-WiFi Kobo I just got. There were nothing but sync issues. Apparently this is a common issue with the original Kobo, and one the company refuses to address. Basically, the database on the ereader corrupts randomly, and there is no sanctioned way to restore it. So, annoyed, I call up Kobo requesting that they cancel my subscription and issue a refund, because it refuses to sync. The representative on the other end fully understands my problem and cancels my subscription and promises a refund. Problem solved, right? Wrong. A week later, I get an email explaining that they don't issue refunds: "unless there is something wrong with the content itself as all sales are final." To me, a complete inability to work on their device seems like an issue with content. I go back and forth for a week before they decide that my device is defective. Fair enough, seems like a reasonable solution. I send my device to them, and I send an email asking if I'll be refunded or credited for the subscription. Same response: no refunds. So they admit that it's a problem with their faulty hardware, offer me a replacement device, but they are still adamant about not issuing a refund over a problem that is ultimately their fault? Seriously? Anyway, I've since asked to speak to their superiors about a refund. Realistically, I'm not really expecting my money back, and it's no huge loss if I don't get it. It was only $16, and it's more principle than actual loss that's pissing me off. I just figured I'd warn some people about Kobo's poor customer service. If you're buying their stuff, you're buying it at your own risk. Don't expect any sort of refunds, expect incredibly slow response to problems (I've spent over a month going back and forth with them over this), and just expect poor customer service in general. I'm definitely not buying anything from them again.
I'm really sick of playing games on my MacBook, and I'm looking to either buy a custom made Gaming PC, or build one myself, based on your help. While I'm quite a nerdy and tech-savvy person (yes, I know saying things like 'tech-savvy' doesn't exactly prove it), I know very little about the internal hardware side of things, especially considering that I've been using a Mac for 4 years. The few things I could really use your help on are: What should I bear in mind when getting one built for me? i.e. Parts I should make sure are good quality, price, etc If I tried to build it myself, would it be terribly difficult? Even though I'm not a moron when it comes to computers, and there must be plenty of guides online for it. What will system requirements for games be like in the near future, so that it should at least last a while before I need to upgrade it?
First, a background: So I'm moving to a house that, as far as I can tell, has no cable/internet hooked up to it whatsoever. There's a Cox box out back, but the wire doesn't go into the house, and the other end goes up to a phone line, loops around, and dangles back down. So unless there's some weird splitting thing going on up near the wire, there is absolutely no internet/cable wires going into the house. Now, my question: This is the first time I could really choose my ISP, since my house most likely has no prior wiring going on. So my question is, are there viable alternatives to the big ones (Cox, Comcast, whatever Qwest renamed to)? I know that modems have the capability to do like 300mbps, but no ISP I've ever heard of provides over like 1/20th that speed. If there aren't really any good alternatives out there, is there any reason to choose one of the big ones over the other? What ISP do you have, and are you happy with it? Looking for any information I can get.
I got a letter today in the mail from my ISP, Time Warner Cable, indicating that as of December 1st, the rate for Roadrunner Standard was changing from $44.99 to $49.99. One phone call later and I now pay $34.99 and get Roadrunner Turbo, and will continue to get this rate contract free for the next year. Before anyone calls me out for whining about $5, being a grad student, this is actually a lot of money, and their next tier down in terms of speed is godawful. So hate me if you will, but this is pretty important to making my budget balance. Calling in to billing did very little. I spoke with the representative and asked about the changes, why they were occurring (the letter claimed they were mostly due to increases in content price for their TV services, which are not applicable as I don't own a TV), and whether there was anything I could do about it. The short version is that sadly no, there was nothing they could do, there were no promotional offers to offer me, sorry. Unfortunate as it was, I decided to close the account -- I can get free wireless on campus anyway, so my life would still be worth living without home Internet. When they transferred me over to the account closures department, they sang a very different tune. Not right away -- I believe they try to make sure you're actually serious about closing your account -- but once I'd provided all of my details, and asked that it be closed to coincide with the rate increase scheduled for Dec 1, they asked me if this was my primary reason for closing the account, and whether I was satisfied with the service otherwise. When I said yes, suddenly there was a plethora of promotional offers they could throw my way. My general impression is that they're actually rather worried about people leaving due to the price hike, and they're hoping that the people who don't call in will subsidize the people who do. So in short, my speed is doubled, and I'll be paying 70% of the new price of the old speed.
I'll start by saying that I've had apple products for about 8 years or so, my dad was one of those early adopters, and it carried on through me when i went to college and got a macbook (2006) I've now since enjoyed a LOT of apple products, and believe it or not, i have a knack for having friends who dont want their apple products anymore. I.e. I've got about 7 ipods and iphones from the charity of others. I'm also a NYC resident, and since I've no need for all these things, I often find myself giving them out on the subway to people with old or kinda crappy MP3 players just for the hell of it, and also because i believe that what goes around inevitably comes around (and I dont wanna be a bad guy, etc) Anyways, bringing this back to Apple. I updated past my trusty old white macbook a year ago to a macbook pro. Honestly, it was a cosmetics decision that was influenced by the need for a faster device. It worked well for a year, and then, when my charity Iphone gave out last week, i decided to man up, and just go buy a new phone altogether. So i went to the apple store, partly just to play with their row of silvery-shiny screens, and partly because i thought that having a non-jailbroken iphone would be pretty great. Not fifteen feet into the crowded store (in lincoln center) one of the genius-people came up to me, clad in his blue tunic and white namebadge, and asked if i needed help. I told him that I was casually browsing the phones. He offered to help and we eventually started looking at the 8gb White iphone 4. His name was ceasar, and he was really nice, and we got to talking about everything under the sun, including the whole silly iphone charity I've been running. When he told me the upfront price, i had to decline. I just didnt have the funds. So then he asked me who my carrier was, and i told him ATT. He told me to hold on and he left for a bit. he came backa while later and brought me to the genius bar where he then did some amazing tricks and told me he could do the phone for 100, no extension to my account or anything. I took him up on it, and we spent a few minutes talking about all the cool stuff it could do, etc. I asked about the size of the memory and whether it would fill up fast, to which he replied, using the cloud meant that i could store all my pics and movies off of my phone and keep the space. So i took it home, played around for ages, and then decided to try the cloud. It didnt work for my photos, and, even though I'd had lion, it still didnt work, saying i needed some upgrade, but i couldnt figure out what. So i went back to the store, and, low and behold, caesar was there. he spotted me in an instant, and picked up conversation where we left off. I had brought my computer and asked him to show me how to do the cloud for my photos. He looked around a bit, and then went and got a rough looking orange external hard drive and said he'd fix it. a little while later he told me he'd put ILife 11 on it. He then asked if i had any other questions, and i asked about my old macbook, and what he knew about the crackign edges. I told him i'd had it fixed before, and he told me to bring it back it the next day. He made an appointment for the two of us, and sent me home. I came back the next day with the macbook, and showed him it. He took it to the back and then came out again and said that since the cracks were apples issue, he'd fix them for free within the hour. I signed some papers, and let him do his thing. Well, somewhere back there hey figured that hte whole bottom piece had become screwed up (i think cracked screw holds) so they decided to replace the bottom, and while they were down there, they decided to also swap the battery too. so he came back out with my computer and it basically looked the same as the day it came out of the packaging. But thats not all, then he asked me when the last time I'd cleaned it out memory-wise. I told him i had no idea that that was possible. So he then went and used some techno-thingy-connection to a program called MacKeeper, overriding the free tiral and giving me a years registration, and then cleaned off the hard drive of worthless space! giving my old macbook about 15 extra gigs! (it's a 50gb Hard drive so the space was nice!) Finally, as a cherry on top, he tossed me a new pair of apple headphones as i was departing, simply because, the package had been opened, and he wanted to make sure the sound equipment was still working! Needless to say, this made my day, week, and (maybe) my month! So, here's to you Ceasar at the Lincoln Center Apple Store! You're a damn champ!
About three years ago, while traveling two states away, I was having dinner at a restaurant one night and ended up asking the server for her phone number. She gave it to me. We texted a few times that evening, then never talked to her again, that was all. I only had her first name and last initial because it was on the receipt. That was all the info I ever had. Today, Facebook's "people you may know" feed just listed her. The number hasn't been in my contact list in years, we have no mutual friends, we are several hundred miles apart, and have nothing else in common whatsoever. 1. How the hell does that work?? and 2. Isn't that a little scary?
So they have this idea about censoring your website logo. Good idea, especially on high visibility websites. We'll have to just see who joins in, come midnight. But this plan is only targeted at website owners. What about on social networks? We're all on them. Unless we see a censored Google logo at midnight, I think we would raise more awareness through censored social media profiles than anything else. Does anyone have suggestions for raising awareness through their social media profile? Is there already a known emblem (ribbon, logo, etc) being used that I'm just not aware of? Obvious first suggestion - censor your profile pic. Include some relevant message about the bill.
So they have this idea about [censoring your website logo on the 16th]( Cool, good idea, but this plan is only targeted at website owners. What about the rest of us? What about on social networks? We're all on them. Unless we see a censored Google logo at midnight, I think we would raise more awareness through censored social networking profiles than anything else. Does anyone have suggestions for raising awareness through their social networking profile? Is there already a known emblem (ribbon, logo, etc) being used that I'm just not aware of? Obvious first suggestion - censor your profile pic. Include some relevant message about the bill.
Back when music downloads had DRM all over it, I would go to the store to buy the CD instead so I could rip it myself. People used to just tell me to go to iTunes or Napster/Limewire to download it. But I would rather support the artist (however little that may have been) while still be able to do what I wanted to with the music. This whole Louis CK thing got me thinking. Why is there no easy way to pay for and get a DRM-free movie/show download? Not talking about streaming, either. I want to be able to watch something while I'm on the go and still show my support for said product. The digital copies that come with movies are just trash (at least they used to). Currently, my process is to go buy a physical copy of a movie or tv show season, not even use it, and go immediately to torrent a digital copy of it.
I first tried to use Wirefly to get new cellphone service on Dec. 1st 2011, and nearly two weeks later all I am left with are extremely bad memories and even worse concern for the treatment of future customers by their support team. Here is an excert from my support chat log: (Rogueelite): Also can I have your name? Gagandeep : Thanks for you patience. Gagandeep : I apologize for the delay. (Rogueelite): No need to, but thanks. (Rogueelite): Unless you are just sitting at your desk spinning your pen around. Gagandeep : Joshua, whenever you contact our customer service there are many representatives over to assist you also there is no certainty of the department that which department your call will be transferred to. Gagandeep : That is the reason I am unable to provide you with the exact name. (Rogueelite): I understand that. (Rogueelite): But can I have your name? (Rogueelite): Also I would like a manager's name. Gagandeep : Sure, my name is Gagandeep. However, I am a representative in our Chat Customer Service also as already mentioned that we do not have the exact information about the department, where you call will be transferred to. Therefore, I can not provide you with an exact name of the Manager. (Rogueelite): That's an alias, I would like your first and last name or initial, because I am going to mention you. Gagandeep : I would suggest you to contact our customer service at "888-843-2485" and our representative will be there to assist you with the order and if you want you can ask them for a manager. Gagandeep : That is my real name. Furthermore, I called the phone support center and spoke to numerous people that were barely able to communicate properly on the phone without repeating themselves uncontrollably and muttering uselessly about process procedures that did not apply to me. I ended up canceling my order because I could not be compensated for my wasted time in a satisfactory manner. Jeremiah C. was the last manager I spoke with, and even he refused to bend enough to let the deal go through. I will make sure that people are aware of the service issues at Wirefly so to prevent anyone else from having to deal with what I have. He also gave me a customer care email address that was invalid. Even though I repeated it back to him using the NATO phonetic alphabet. I am sure it was on purpose. Additionally, Jeremiah C. (who is supposedly the head supervisor) did not actually cancel my order. While I did receive a cancellation email from him, I still received a bill for a new Verizon service account today on Dec. 13th 2011. The bill states that it was sent out 2 days after you gus supposedly "cancelled" my order. Is it not good enough to waste my time and verbally contradict and belittle me on the phone? I already spoke with Verizon and filed a complaint with their department so they can investigate, and I also spoke with several managers at Verizon that assured me the issue will be pursued.
Most of us are familiar with Louis CK's recent experiment to bypass any major production agencies, and release his latest standup downloadable from his site, DRM free, and at a fraction of the cost of buying similar standup specials via the traditional methods. If you are not most of us, take a look at: At any rate, people who have bought copies from the site already recently got an email once again thanking us for doing so, just like he has done several times already through his Twitter, site, and show appearances (like that show with the dude that has that huge chin, wears Canadian Tuxedos, and rides motorcycles around that was on last night). But, amidst his other ramblings, he threw in the following: "Lastly I'm planning to put some more outtakes of the show on youtube and i think i will put one on the site that is only available for free to you folks on this list, who bought the thing and opted in. But dont hold me to that because really i just thought of it and typed it." Why aren't more people/companies (well, they're both the same thing, aren't they) doing this??? I mean, brands will do anything they can to get loyalty from the people that use their products. Maybe I'm just seeing this from Louis because it is such an unexplored type of project, but there has been such a pouring of appreciation and, coinciding, loyalty because of what he did. Now, he is only trying to return MORE for that. This guy is one of the greatest assholes on stage, respectful people to his fans, and apparently social geniuses when he pushes forward. Really, where are all his peers?
My grandmother gave me an iPad as a gift for graduation. I would be all cool with that except I already have a laptop and an iPod, which is what an ipad is supposed to be a combination of. I don't want to return/sell it (for a while anyway, until she forgets) as I do really appreciate being given such a nice gift, but I honestly have no use for it. Is there anything interesting I can do with an ipad that I can't already do with my laptop/ipod? can I use it to complement either one?
1-2 months ago, I worked on a lady's computer to help speed it up. I uninstalled unnecessary programs, installed CCleaner + AdAware + Soluto, and switched her from Norton Antivirus to Microsoft Security Essentials. I mentioned the possibility of reformatting the computer, but (after seeing how much better it was performing) we decided that it was running smoothly enough that it wasn't worth the time. Fast forward to recently, when she calls me to request a full refund of her money because she got a nasty virus due to my "bad advice". She had already called me several weeks ago saying she had a problem with video files not playing properly, so she's clearly trying to use me as a scapegoat for every little problem that arises. I think she just goes to some raunchy web sites or is so gullible that she falls for sneaky viruses. So the question is, should I tell her to take some responsibility here? Note: While I am a fairly tech-savvy recent college grad, I am not officially certified to work on computers. She knew this all along.
First off I'm not just talking about the iPad. I'm having a hard time seeing any of them as anything more than overpriced toys. They don't really seem to do anything more than a netbook, and they lack a built-in keyboard. To me they don't really seem to fit.
The recent [post]( over at r/gaming of a dad playing portal for the first time and a post [here]( about older people having troubles with the basic functions of computers has set me thinking as to whether I will ever be like them. For me technology is an innate thing, if I'm handed phone I've never seen before, it's only a couple seconds for me to find the contacts, camera, browser etc. My mother on the other hand, has had her new phone for several months and just yesterday figured out how to use the camera. Alot of my knowledge I'll attribute to the fact I grew up being surrounded by technology, but then what of the next generation? Will my kids have a form of tech that will be as totally alien to me as the idea of combining the keyboard and mouse for movement was to the dad playing his first videogame? Will I one day be just as outdated? It becomes more difficult to learn things at an older age, and so will there come a point where we can no longer keep up?
Im not super tech savy, but I need some basic facts and research on if my college should change email providers and why, or if we should change our student website (specifically the program dealing with student accounts). At my university students use Live@Edu which is a Microsoft product and faculty/staff use Microsoft Exchange. Would a provider like Gmail be better? Specifically: 1) Can the Microsoft be used in the same capacity as other email systems as far as organizationally (such as google docs and google groups)? 2) Is there an even better alternative than Gmail? 3) If the switch was made to Gmail, would it make is more stream-line and easier for all parties involved to send campus wide emails to specific groups, such as a specific offices' emails to students campus wide vs. departmental emails to a smaller group of students? 4) Since google docs eliminates the problem of having incompatible versions of Microsoft Office when opening an attached email, is it a good thing for a campus which does in fact have a lot of Macs in use on it? 5) Since there are many free programs that can do all of these things, as well as having students forward their email to another account, do we leave troubleshooting the IT system here up to individual students to customize at their leisure or should we, as a progressive liberal arts university seek an alternative that provides a better interface for all students on campus? I don't know if Im asking the right questions, so please inform me if there is something I completely haven't noticed. Im doing a class project to fix a social problem where if our idea gets support when presented, a small group of students will adress the issue and work to change it. It needs to be practical and presentable to the University because we get a better grade if our outcome is something we actually achieve. I am looking into if the email and technology system should be changed because students feel that what is in place just isn't working. There is just a concern that the student email system is inefficient and unpopular. The issue with the school website and Eaglenet is that they are both hard to navigate.I am just looking into what kind of solutions a group of students could come up with to help improve the experience for students.
I'm wanting to advance at my job(I support enterprise storage systems), and there's a whole list of certifications that can allow me to advance to another pay grade in the future. There are things like CCNA, MCSE, LPIC, and I plan on taking those in the future, but to help me in my current job as well as prepare me for other positions in my department, I'm going for the SNIA first. I need to reach the SCSE level, so I'll have to take both the 101 and the 201, but my company will pay for it, so it's cool. So what I'm wondering is if there are any free(or cheap) resources out there to help study? Google searches only return spam pages for TestKing and shit, which doesn't even list SNIA on their site. I'd prefer to find online courses, practice tests, or a book I could read... study guides that just list things that need to be learned aren't as helpful as guides that actually teach. I'm sure it's a long shot, but I figured this is the place to ask.
After having used Chrome for a long time, I want to give Firefox a whirl. However, there is a crucial UI advantage to Chrome that is hard to give up: what I call "smart autocomplete" in the address bar. Have you visited www.google.com in Chrome before? Type "g" in the address bar, and the whole thing autocompletes instantly. It's a huge boost in web browsing comfort. The closest I can get to this in Firefox is with browser.urlbar.autoFill and browser.urlbar.default.behavior. I can get it to autofill instantly, and only on URLs that I have typed previously (so that it doesn't search for page titles and whatnot, which is annoying). The missing ingredient, however, is that Firefox won't match URLs without the preceding "www". Visited www.google.com before in Firefox? Type "g" in the address bar, and www.google.com will pop up below, but you won't get the autocomplete. This sucks, and it makes instant autocomplete mostly useless, since almost all websites begin with "www".
So I currently own a Dell studio 1737 laptop which is a beast that I dont really care for anymore. I have plans to buy a gaming desktop at the end of April and so my need for a laptop that can play games will end. What do you guys think would be best for this situation? Considering I would possibly be able to sell my laptop for £300 this is my budget, what I really want is something I can use in my lounge, play casual games, watch youtube videos and write word documents on. Might be worth mentioning that my desktop is windows 7 if there is a problem with transferring docs from the ipad -> windows (I can use google docs) I'm guessing either an ipad 16gb (I could justify spending the extra money for an Ipad 2 if its worth the jump), a 12 or 13 inch laptop or a 10 inch netbook. Ideally I'd like to spend as little as possible but if the ipad 2 is worth it and can word process well with an external keyboard then thats a possibility. I'd love to hear any thoughts on a good android tablet, the motorola xoom looks great but its way out of my price bracket so some cheaper alternatives would be great.
Some brief background. I work as a Systems Analyst for a company that builds in-house custom business software. We are a SOA Shop (Java). For the length of my career here (3 years), I have been a Data Services Systems Analyst and not directly associated with our java development efforts, though I've been coupled closely with the teams by virtue of doing my job. I'm going to be moving to a dedicated development team as part of team shuffles (my request) and need to up my knowledge of SOA and Web Services. My current knowledge of them is at the "Won't make a fool of himself" level. I need to increase that level to "Can carry on a mid-level technical discussion." The problem I'm running into is that most of the literature I'm finding is either heavily targeted toward architects, or developers. Not to mention they're also 600 pages long and better serve as sleeping aids.
Hello everyone! Long time lurker and first-time poster here so please go easy on me. First off, here's a little bit about me; I love computers, games, music, and movies. I've studied movies, played computer games since I was 5 and currently play the role of software engineer, and am an avid music listener/concert attender. I've been going to music festivals and concerts since I was 12, and ever since Ticketmaster/Livenation merged underneath the premise that 'our customers will benefit' (ie: we're going to double ticket prices AND double service charges YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!) I have gone to far fewer. I used to go see new releases at the local movie theater, but now I can't justify $12 for two hours of semi-entertainment. I used to buy a lot of CDs and mp3s and share them with my friends, but that was before they were as expensive as they are now. Whenever I have some sort of graphic design project to do I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, but I don't use them at my home. I use them at the library at a nearby school because I can't afford to pay $280 for the STUDENT edition of Photoshop alone. When it comes to games, I can't say much. I'll pay $60 for a good game without thinking twice about it ( cough cough DARK SOULS cough cough ). I can, however, point to Steam sales (can't find the link :() and show that lowering the price of a game drastically raises its number of sales. Secondly, piracy. Piracy is a very serious issue. It is difficult for me to say that it is actually hurting the recording and motion picture industries when they're posting record profits year after year amidst a horrible global economy, but I can certainly sympathize with the fact that lots of people are stealing their content. Piracy is something that will NEVER be stopped. Ever. Stop trying to do it. You won't accomplish anything. Pirates are notoriously sneaky people that will subvert whatever systems you put in place to get what they want. You can't tell a human being not to do something they really want to do, because if they have a will they will find a way. Furthermore, if you put an intricate system in place that has lots of obstacles to get around for an individual to pirate something, you're going to train a generation of subversive technologically adept individuals, and that's bad news for everyone with a computer. The people that I know that pirate movies / music / games generally do it because it is convenient or they can't afford it. Convenience is not so much of an issue anymore because you have things like Gamefly, Netflix, Spotify, Pandora, etc etc, so it is summarily because they cannot afford it (which again shows that it is not a lost sale). Lastly; the internet is, in my opinion, the last bastion of true freedom. People can voice themselves with anonymity. People can discuss issues with others on the other side of the globe. Those of us with smartphones have the world's largest compendium of human knowledge at our finger tips nearly wherever we go. The internet is only like this because the internet is free. It is a neural network of billions of individuals across the globe and we have only begun to see its true implications to the improvement of the human situation on this planet. Stifling the internet at this point would be akin to stopping space exploration. So, having said all of that, here is my argument; If we do not realize that saving the internet is up to us (ie: YOU and I) then we will no longer have the internet as we know it. This is not the first time that massive lobbying groups have tried to condemn the internet as a sea of pirates and quash our constitutional freedoms (sorry for those of you not in the US) and it will certainly not be the last. SOPA may die if we keep on like we have, but then we have to worry about E-PARASITE as well. If we get past that, how long will it be until these massive powerhouses of money put another bill on the table? They will keep on doing it until they win or until something changes, so I am proposing a change. We need to boycott everything that has to do with the RIAA and the MPAA. We need to stop buying their music and their movies. We need to stop going to concerts and giving them more money. They are trying to take away our FREEDOMS in the name of PIRACY because they charge $25 for new release blu-ray ENTERTAINMENT GOODS in the middle of a HORRIBLE ECONOMY. Piracy exists because these corporations charge exorbitant prices for entertainment goods in a time when a lot of people can't even find a job. If a whole album from an artist I liked was $5, I would never consider piracy an option If a new DVD for a movie that I was interested in was $5, I would never consider piracy an option If a new Blu-ray for a movie that I was interested in was $10, I would buy a blu-ray player today and buy 10 movies If concert tickets were $15-$20 after service charges I would go to a concert every week, regardless of who it was I don't like piracy, but that is not to say I don't participate, and I feel that this is the sentiment of a lot of people that do participate. If these corporations were to actually listen to their customers and adjust their prices in reflection of the economic status of the world and new streaming technologies, not only would I never consider piracy an option, but I would be an active proponent in stopping my friends from doing it as well. Until then, I see no other option. Let's boycott the RIAA and MPAA until they listen to us. If we don't then there's a good chance our freedoms on the internet will continue to erode.
Here's the details: I know what a CPU is. I know what a Motherboard is. But I don't know how to put a computer together. My dad does. This is a project we're going to be working on together (good ole' father son computer building, right?). Basically, I'm going to be selecting the parts and then we're going to build it together. My current computer is an HP Touchsmart TM2. It's one of those tiny tablet computers and I absolutely hate it. The reason I'm stuck with it is because it's school-issued. It has tons problems (glitch wise and spec wise), and I decided I would build a desktop computer. The tablet PC already has an Radeon GPU, so I can play most games on medium graphics. But the main factor is the larger screen size for easier internet browsing and game playing. My budget is up to $600 (for the tower, I already have a keyboard/mouse/monitor). I'm looking for the best "bang for your buck" value. I was leaning towards an AMD build, due to their cheap processors. I don't want to skimp on the Motherboard either. So Reddit, could you give me some build suggestions/builds that have worked for you? Many thanks!
I've always thought about this... Why don't they do what they did to make somthing bigger/more efficient, to a bigger extent, to progress faster? I know, it seems very vague, so let me explain. Talking about USB keys. The first USB key could hold 8 MB, created in 2000 called DiskOnKey . It very slowly increased to tens, then hundreds of MB, until it finally reached GBs. After long while, we started getting tens of GBs, and finally hundreds of GBs on single USB drives. Why didn't they do what the did to increase, say, from 8 MB to 10 BM, but much more, so that they'll progess from 8 MB (smallest USB key) to 256 (biggest current USB key) in a short time, instead of doing it in 11 years? I'll give another example. What about microscopes/telescopes? Can't they just keep on adding/making bigger lenses to reach farther? Is it for economical reasons, limiting material, or what? Sorry if I'm ignorant on these subjects, but I'm only talking about the concept here.
Last year I bought an hp laptop in late September or mid October. After a couple weeks, the harddrive began to have issues. After ruling out every alternative explanation for the problems, hp agreed to let me ship it back. They replaced the hard drive. Today, around a year later, the hard drive went haywire. HP said I am not under warrantee because it has been over a year. The warrantee began when the initial purchase was made. Not when I finally received the functioning laptop I paid for.
Hi guys, After the GReader update I feel that reading stuff in that thing makes me dizzy, even when opening Steam I get that feeling that I'm about to look at something crammed in the right hand side, bleh, hate it. Any alternative for it or a way to revert ? Not sure if it makes any diff but maybe my problem is that I am reading stuff on 1366x768 resolution and everything looks like crap because of the tons of white space they put in.