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School Resource Officers Save Lives Act This bill reauthorizes through FY2023 grants available to states and Indian tribes to address the opioid crisis. It also establishes a demonstration grant program for school districts to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses to administer Narcan kits (Narcan is an opioid antagonist that temporarily reverses and blocks the effects, including overdoses, of other opioids).
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Resource Officers Save Lives Act''. SEC. 2. STATE OPIOID RESPONSE GRANTS PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION; PILOT PROGRAM FOR NARCAN ADMINISTRATION TRAINING. (a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. (b) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.--Section 1003 of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following: ``(j) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.-- ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under this section, the Secretary shall establish a pilot program under which the Secretary will award grants to school districts-- ``(A) to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses in Narcan administration; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(2) Priority.--In selecting recipients of a grant under this subsection, the Secretary shall ensure that not less than 50 percent of such recipients are school districts located in a rural area (as defined by the Secretary). ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(5) Funding.--For each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the Secretary shall reserve not less than $5,000,000 of the funds made available under subsection (h) to carry out the program under this subsection.''. <all>
School Resource Officers Save Lives Act
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes.
School Resource Officers Save Lives Act
Rep. Newhouse, Dan
This bill reauthorizes through FY2023 grants available to states and Indian tribes to address the opioid crisis. It also establishes a demonstration grant program for school districts to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses to administer Narcan kits (Narcan is an opioid antagonist that temporarily reverses and blocks the effects, including overdoses, of other opioids).
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Resource Officers Save Lives Act''. SEC. 2. STATE OPIOID RESPONSE GRANTS PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION; PILOT PROGRAM FOR NARCAN ADMINISTRATION TRAINING. (a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. (b) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.--Section 1003 of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following: ``(j) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.-- ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under this section, the Secretary shall establish a pilot program under which the Secretary will award grants to school districts-- ``(A) to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses in Narcan administration; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(2) Priority.--In selecting recipients of a grant under this subsection, the Secretary shall ensure that not less than 50 percent of such recipients are school districts located in a rural area (as defined by the Secretary). ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(5) Funding.--For each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the Secretary shall reserve not less than $5,000,000 of the funds made available under subsection (h) to carry out the program under this subsection.''. <all>
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Resource Officers Save Lives Act''. SEC. 2. STATE OPIOID RESPONSE GRANTS PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION; PILOT PROGRAM FOR NARCAN ADMINISTRATION TRAINING. (a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. (b) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.--Section 1003 of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following: ``(j) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.-- ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under this section, the Secretary shall establish a pilot program under which the Secretary will award grants to school districts-- ``(A) to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses in Narcan administration; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(2) Priority.--In selecting recipients of a grant under this subsection, the Secretary shall ensure that not less than 50 percent of such recipients are school districts located in a rural area (as defined by the Secretary). ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(5) Funding.--For each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the Secretary shall reserve not less than $5,000,000 of the funds made available under subsection (h) to carry out the program under this subsection.''. <all>
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Resource Officers Save Lives Act''. SEC. 2. STATE OPIOID RESPONSE GRANTS PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION; PILOT PROGRAM FOR NARCAN ADMINISTRATION TRAINING. (a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. (b) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.--Section 1003 of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following: ``(j) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.-- ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under this section, the Secretary shall establish a pilot program under which the Secretary will award grants to school districts-- ``(A) to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses in Narcan administration; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(2) Priority.--In selecting recipients of a grant under this subsection, the Secretary shall ensure that not less than 50 percent of such recipients are school districts located in a rural area (as defined by the Secretary). ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(5) Funding.--For each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the Secretary shall reserve not less than $5,000,000 of the funds made available under subsection (h) to carry out the program under this subsection.''. <all>
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Resource Officers Save Lives Act''. SEC. 2. STATE OPIOID RESPONSE GRANTS PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION; PILOT PROGRAM FOR NARCAN ADMINISTRATION TRAINING. (a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. (b) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.--Section 1003 of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following: ``(j) Pilot Program for Narcan Administration Training.-- ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under this section, the Secretary shall establish a pilot program under which the Secretary will award grants to school districts-- ``(A) to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses in Narcan administration; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(2) Priority.--In selecting recipients of a grant under this subsection, the Secretary shall ensure that not less than 50 percent of such recipients are school districts located in a rural area (as defined by the Secretary). ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits. ``(5) Funding.--For each of fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the Secretary shall reserve not less than $5,000,000 of the funds made available under subsection (h) to carry out the program under this subsection.''. <all>
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. ( ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. ( ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. ( ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. ( ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration.
To amend the 21st Century Cures Act with respect to the State Opioid Response Grants program, and for other purposes. a) Reauthorization.--Section 1003(h) of the 21st Century Cures Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 note) is amended by striking ``2021'' and inserting ``2023''. ( ``(3) Conditions.--As a condition on the receipt of a grant under this subsection, the school district shall agree that if the school district has a school resource officer or any security personnel, the officer (or personnel) must be trained in Narcan administration. ``(4) Use of funds.--A school district selected to receive a grant under this subsection may use funds received through the grant-- ``(A) to provide training in the administration of Narcan to school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses; and ``(B) to purchase Narcan kits.
School Resource Officers Save Lives Act - Amends the 21st Century Cures Act to reauthorize the State Opioid Response Grants program and establish a pilot program to award grants to school districts to train school resource officers, security personnel, and school nurses in Narcan administration and to purchase Narcan kits. Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to ensure that
Showing How Isolationism Effects [sic] Long-term Development Act or the SHIELD Act This bill requires the Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to study and report on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the U.S. economy. Such study shall involve a review of (1) the economic benefit of the free transfer of data, (2) the impact of digital trade barriers on the U.S. economy and business development, and (3) the beneficial impacts of data agreements on commerce. Commerce and the FTC must also establish and maintain a compendium of data localization regulations. Commerce and the FTC must report to Congress the results of such study and any recommendations to promote U.S. economic activity through electronic commerce.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act'' or the ``SHIELD Act''. SEC. 2. DATA LOCALIZATION COMPENDIUM. (a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission shall jointly conduct a study on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the United States economy. (b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (d) Report to Congress.--The Secretary and the Commission shall transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report that contains-- (1) the results of the study conducted under subsection (a); and (2) recommendations to develop any legislation to promote United States economic activity through electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flows, and any related consumer protection issues. <all>
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium.
SHIELD Act Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act
Rep. Upton, Fred
This bill requires the Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to study and report on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the U.S. economy. Such study shall involve a review of (1) the economic benefit of the free transfer of data, (2) the impact of digital trade barriers on the U.S. economy and business development, and (3) the beneficial impacts of data agreements on commerce. Commerce and the FTC must also establish and maintain a compendium of data localization regulations. Commerce and the FTC must report to Congress the results of such study and any recommendations to promote U.S. economic activity through electronic commerce.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act'' or the ``SHIELD Act''. SEC. 2. DATA LOCALIZATION COMPENDIUM. (a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission shall jointly conduct a study on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the United States economy. (b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (d) Report to Congress.--The Secretary and the Commission shall transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report that contains-- (1) the results of the study conducted under subsection (a); and (2) recommendations to develop any legislation to promote United States economic activity through electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flows, and any related consumer protection issues. <all>
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act'' or the ``SHIELD Act''. SEC. 2. DATA LOCALIZATION COMPENDIUM. (a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission shall jointly conduct a study on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the United States economy. (b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (d) Report to Congress.--The Secretary and the Commission shall transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report that contains-- (1) the results of the study conducted under subsection (a); and (2) recommendations to develop any legislation to promote United States economic activity through electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flows, and any related consumer protection issues. <all>
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act'' or the ``SHIELD Act''. SEC. 2. DATA LOCALIZATION COMPENDIUM. (a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission shall jointly conduct a study on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the United States economy. (b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (d) Report to Congress.--The Secretary and the Commission shall transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report that contains-- (1) the results of the study conducted under subsection (a); and (2) recommendations to develop any legislation to promote United States economic activity through electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flows, and any related consumer protection issues. <all>
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act'' or the ``SHIELD Act''. SEC. 2. DATA LOCALIZATION COMPENDIUM. (a) In General.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission shall jointly conduct a study on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the United States economy. (b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (d) Report to Congress.--The Secretary and the Commission shall transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report that contains-- (1) the results of the study conducted under subsection (a); and (2) recommendations to develop any legislation to promote United States economic activity through electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flows, and any related consumer protection issues. <all>
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium.
To require the Secretary of Commerce and Federal Trade Commission to conduct an assessment and analysis of regulations regarding data localization and to establish a compendium of such laws and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. b) Requirements for Study.--In conducting the study, the Secretary and the Commission shall survey electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, through outreach to participating entities to-- (1) review and determine the economic benefit of the free transfer of data; (2) review and determine the impact digital trade barriers (limited to non-tariff trade barriers) have on the United States economy and business development; and (3) review any data agreement to determine the benefits such agreements have on commerce. (c) Compendium.--The Secretary and Commission shall establish a compendium of data localization regulations (such as regulations requiring that any data maintained about an individual be maintained where such individual resides and where such information was collected) and develop a means for maintaining, tracking, and updating such compendium. The Secretary and Commission shall update such compendium as appropriate, but not less than annually. (
Showing How Isolationism Effects Long-term Development Act or the SHIELD Act - Directs the Secretary of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to jointly conduct a study on electronic commerce, including data sharing and data flow, and its impact on the U.S. economy. (Sec. 2) Requires the Secretary and the FTC to: (1
Armed Forces and National Security
Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022 or the Securing American ARMS Act of 2022 This bill provides that acquisition procedures other than competitive procedures may be used to (1) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when stockpiles are diminished as a result of the response to an armed attack by a foreign adversary against a U.S. ally or partner, or (2) contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response, provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities. The head of the applicable agency must provide the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
Securing American ARMS Act of 2022
A bill to provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States.
Securing American ARMS Act of 2022 Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022
Sen. Cornyn, John
This bill provides that acquisition procedures other than competitive procedures may be used to (1) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when stockpiles are diminished as a result of the response to an armed attack by a foreign adversary against a U.S. ally or partner, or (2) contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response, provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities. The head of the applicable agency must provide the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 1028, chapter 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''.
Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022 or the Securing American ARMS Act of 2021 This bill amends federal law to provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of an armed attack against a U.S. ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. The Department of Defense (DOD) must: (1)
Government Operations and Politics
Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021 This bill prohibits states from registering an individual to vote in federal elections unless the individual provides documentary proof of U.S. citizenship.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING REGISTRATION TO VOTE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO FAIL TO PROVIDE PROOF OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP. (a) In General.--Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection: ``(j) Prohibiting Registration of Individuals Not Providing Proof of United States Citizenship.-- ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a State may not register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless, at the time the individual applies to register to vote, the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States, which shall consist of any of the following (or a photocopy thereof): ``(A) A certified birth certificate issued by a State or unit of local government in a State. ``(B) A valid United States passport. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States.
Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021
Rep. Gibbs, Bob
This bill prohibits states from registering an individual to vote in federal elections unless the individual provides documentary proof of U.S. citizenship.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING REGISTRATION TO VOTE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO FAIL TO PROVIDE PROOF OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP. (a) In General.--Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection: ``(j) Prohibiting Registration of Individuals Not Providing Proof of United States Citizenship.-- ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a State may not register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless, at the time the individual applies to register to vote, the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States, which shall consist of any of the following (or a photocopy thereof): ``(A) A certified birth certificate issued by a State or unit of local government in a State. ``(B) A valid United States passport. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING REGISTRATION TO VOTE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO FAIL TO PROVIDE PROOF OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP. (a) In General.--Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection: ``(j) Prohibiting Registration of Individuals Not Providing Proof of United States Citizenship.-- ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a State may not register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless, at the time the individual applies to register to vote, the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States, which shall consist of any of the following (or a photocopy thereof): ``(A) A certified birth certificate issued by a State or unit of local government in a State. ``(B) A valid United States passport. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING REGISTRATION TO VOTE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO FAIL TO PROVIDE PROOF OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP. (a) In General.--Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection: ``(j) Prohibiting Registration of Individuals Not Providing Proof of United States Citizenship.-- ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a State may not register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless, at the time the individual applies to register to vote, the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States, which shall consist of any of the following (or a photocopy thereof): ``(A) A certified birth certificate issued by a State or unit of local government in a State. ``(B) A valid United States passport. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITING REGISTRATION TO VOTE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO FAIL TO PROVIDE PROOF OF UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP. (a) In General.--Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (52 U.S.C. 20507) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k); and (2) by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection: ``(j) Prohibiting Registration of Individuals Not Providing Proof of United States Citizenship.-- ``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a State may not register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless, at the time the individual applies to register to vote, the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States, which shall consist of any of the following (or a photocopy thereof): ``(A) A certified birth certificate issued by a State or unit of local government in a State. ``(B) A valid United States passport. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to applications for voter registration which are submitted on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for Federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a citizen of the United States. ``(C) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the Secretary of State. ``(D) A Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security. ``(2) Applicability.--Paragraph (1) applies with respect to an individual who applies to register to vote under section 5, 6, or 7 (including an individual who submits the mail voter registration application form prescribed by the Election Assistance Commission pursuant to section 9), or who applies under any other method of voter registration available in the State.''. (
Ensuring American Voters Act of 2021 - Amends the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to prohibit a State from registering an individual to vote in elections for federal office held in the State unless the individual provides documentary proof that the individual is a U.S. citizen. Prohibits a State, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, from registering a voter unless,
Armed Forces and National Security
Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act or the REMOVE Copays Act This bill prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs from imposing or collecting any co-payment for a veteran's first three mental health outpatient care visits in a calendar year. However, such prohibition must not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act'' or the ``REMOVE Copays Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON COLLECTION OF COPAYMENTS FOR FIRST THREE MENTAL HEALTH CARE OUTPATIENT VISITS OF VETERANS. (a) Prohibition on Collection.-- (1) In general.--Subchapter III of chapter 17, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1722B the following new section: ``Sec. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(b) Copayment for Medications.--The prohibition under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications pursuant to section 1722A of this title. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (b) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to mental health care outpatient visits occurring on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
REMOVE Copays Act
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes.
REMOVE Copays Act Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act
Sen. Ossoff, Jon
This bill prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs from imposing or collecting any co-payment for a veteran's first three mental health outpatient care visits in a calendar year. However, such prohibition must not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act'' or the ``REMOVE Copays Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON COLLECTION OF COPAYMENTS FOR FIRST THREE MENTAL HEALTH CARE OUTPATIENT VISITS OF VETERANS. (a) Prohibition on Collection.-- (1) In general.--Subchapter III of chapter 17, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1722B the following new section: ``Sec. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(b) Copayment for Medications.--The prohibition under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications pursuant to section 1722A of this title. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (b) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to mental health care outpatient visits occurring on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act'' or the ``REMOVE Copays Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON COLLECTION OF COPAYMENTS FOR FIRST THREE MENTAL HEALTH CARE OUTPATIENT VISITS OF VETERANS. (a) Prohibition on Collection.-- (1) In general.--Subchapter III of chapter 17, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1722B the following new section: ``Sec. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(b) Copayment for Medications.--The prohibition under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications pursuant to section 1722A of this title. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (b) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to mental health care outpatient visits occurring on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act'' or the ``REMOVE Copays Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON COLLECTION OF COPAYMENTS FOR FIRST THREE MENTAL HEALTH CARE OUTPATIENT VISITS OF VETERANS. (a) Prohibition on Collection.-- (1) In general.--Subchapter III of chapter 17, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1722B the following new section: ``Sec. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(b) Copayment for Medications.--The prohibition under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications pursuant to section 1722A of this title. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (b) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to mental health care outpatient visits occurring on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act'' or the ``REMOVE Copays Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON COLLECTION OF COPAYMENTS FOR FIRST THREE MENTAL HEALTH CARE OUTPATIENT VISITS OF VETERANS. (a) Prohibition on Collection.-- (1) In general.--Subchapter III of chapter 17, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1722B the following new section: ``Sec. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(b) Copayment for Medications.--The prohibition under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications pursuant to section 1722A of this title. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. (2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (b) Applicability.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to mental health care outpatient visits occurring on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. ( 2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. ( 2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. ( 2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. ( 2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit collection of copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes. 1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans ``(a) Prohibition.--Except as provided in subsection (b), notwithstanding section 1710(g) of this title or any other provision of law, the Secretary may not impose or collect a copayment for the first three mental health care outpatient visits of a veteran in a calendar year for which the veteran would otherwise be required to pay a copayment under the laws administered by the Secretary. ``(c) Mental Health Care Outpatient Visit Defined.--In this section, the term `mental health care outpatient visit' means an outpatient visit with a qualified mental health professional for the primary purpose of seeking mental health care or treatment for substance abuse disorder.''. ( 2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of such subchapter is amended by inserting after the item related to section 1722B the following new item: ``1722C. Copayments: prohibition on collection of copayments for first three mental health care outpatient visits of veterans.''. (
Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act or the REMOVE CopAY Act - Amends Federal law to prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) from imposing or collecting copayments for the first three outpatient mental health care visits of veterans each calendar year, and for other purposes, except for medications. Prohibits the imposition or collection of
Finance and Financial Sector
Flood Insurance Flexibility Act This bill requires the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to refund the appropriate amount of the premiums paid for flood insurance coverage if an insured cancels an NFIP policy and obtains non-NFIP coverage.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Flood Insurance Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. Chapter I of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4011 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. 1307A. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section-- ``(1) the term `new alternate policy', with respect to an NFIP policy, means another policy for duplicate flood insurance coverage for the same property obtained from a source other than the National Flood Insurance Program under this title; and ``(2) the term `NFIP policy' means a policy for flood insurance coverage for a property that is made available under this title. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''. <all>
Flood Insurance Flexibility Act
A bill to require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage.
Flood Insurance Flexibility Act
Sen. Lee, Mike
This bill requires the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to refund the appropriate amount of the premiums paid for flood insurance coverage if an insured cancels an NFIP policy and obtains non-NFIP coverage.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Flood Insurance Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. Chapter I of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4011 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. 1307A. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section-- ``(1) the term `new alternate policy', with respect to an NFIP policy, means another policy for duplicate flood insurance coverage for the same property obtained from a source other than the National Flood Insurance Program under this title; and ``(2) the term `NFIP policy' means a policy for flood insurance coverage for a property that is made available under this title. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''. <all>
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Flood Insurance Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. Chapter I of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4011 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. 1307A. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section-- ``(1) the term `new alternate policy', with respect to an NFIP policy, means another policy for duplicate flood insurance coverage for the same property obtained from a source other than the National Flood Insurance Program under this title; and ``(2) the term `NFIP policy' means a policy for flood insurance coverage for a property that is made available under this title. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''. <all>
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Flood Insurance Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. Chapter I of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4011 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. 1307A. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section-- ``(1) the term `new alternate policy', with respect to an NFIP policy, means another policy for duplicate flood insurance coverage for the same property obtained from a source other than the National Flood Insurance Program under this title; and ``(2) the term `NFIP policy' means a policy for flood insurance coverage for a property that is made available under this title. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''. <all>
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Flood Insurance Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. Chapter I of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4011 et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. 1307A. REFUND OF PREMIUMS. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section-- ``(1) the term `new alternate policy', with respect to an NFIP policy, means another policy for duplicate flood insurance coverage for the same property obtained from a source other than the National Flood Insurance Program under this title; and ``(2) the term `NFIP policy' means a policy for flood insurance coverage for a property that is made available under this title. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''. <all>
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
To require the National Flood Insurance Program to accept mid-term cancellations of flood insurance coverage if the insured acquires alternative coverage. is amended by inserting after section 1307 (42 U.S.C. 4014) the following: ``SEC. ``(b) Required Refund.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if at any time an insured under an NFIP policy cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained, the Administrator shall refund to the former insured a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this title, as determined consistent with industry practice according to the portion of the term of the NFIP policy for which coverage was in effect, but only if a copy of the declarations page of the new alternate policy is provided to the Administrator. ``(c) Effective Date of Cancellation.--For purposes of this section, a cancellation of an NFIP policy for the reason specified in subsection (b) shall be effective-- ``(1) on the effective date of the new alternate policy, if the Administrator receives the request for the cancellation during the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy; or ``(2) on the date of the receipt by the Administrator of the request for cancellation, if the Administrator receives the request after the 180-day period beginning on the effective date of the new alternate policy.''.
Flood Insurance Flexibility Act - Amends the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 to require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to refund to the former insured of an insured under an NFIP policy who cancels the policy because a new alternate policy has been obtained a portion of the premiums paid for the coverage made available under this Act, but only if a
Social Welfare
Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act This bill prohibits employees of the Social Security Administration who are convicted of certain offenses related to their official duties from further participating in federal annuity programs.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act''. SEC. 2. LOSS OF CREDIT FOR FEDERAL PENSION AFTER CERTAIN VIOLATIONS. Section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual convicted of an offense under subsection (a) may not receive credit under section 8332 or section 8411 (as the case may be) of title 5, United States Code, for any service that occurs on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted occurs, if, with respect to such conviction, every act or omission of the individual that is needed to satisfy the elements of the offense-- ``(A) is committed while the individual is an employee of the Social Security Administration; and ``(B) directly relates to the performance of the individual's official duties. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(3) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall prescribe any regulations necessary to carry out this section. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''. <all>
Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes.
Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act
Rep. Rice, Tom
This bill prohibits employees of the Social Security Administration who are convicted of certain offenses related to their official duties from further participating in federal annuity programs.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act''. SEC. 2. LOSS OF CREDIT FOR FEDERAL PENSION AFTER CERTAIN VIOLATIONS. Section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual convicted of an offense under subsection (a) may not receive credit under section 8332 or section 8411 (as the case may be) of title 5, United States Code, for any service that occurs on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted occurs, if, with respect to such conviction, every act or omission of the individual that is needed to satisfy the elements of the offense-- ``(A) is committed while the individual is an employee of the Social Security Administration; and ``(B) directly relates to the performance of the individual's official duties. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(3) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall prescribe any regulations necessary to carry out this section. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''. <all>
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act''. SEC. 2. LOSS OF CREDIT FOR FEDERAL PENSION AFTER CERTAIN VIOLATIONS. Section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual convicted of an offense under subsection (a) may not receive credit under section 8332 or section 8411 (as the case may be) of title 5, United States Code, for any service that occurs on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted occurs, if, with respect to such conviction, every act or omission of the individual that is needed to satisfy the elements of the offense-- ``(A) is committed while the individual is an employee of the Social Security Administration; and ``(B) directly relates to the performance of the individual's official duties. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(3) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall prescribe any regulations necessary to carry out this section. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''. <all>
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act''. SEC. 2. LOSS OF CREDIT FOR FEDERAL PENSION AFTER CERTAIN VIOLATIONS. Section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual convicted of an offense under subsection (a) may not receive credit under section 8332 or section 8411 (as the case may be) of title 5, United States Code, for any service that occurs on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted occurs, if, with respect to such conviction, every act or omission of the individual that is needed to satisfy the elements of the offense-- ``(A) is committed while the individual is an employee of the Social Security Administration; and ``(B) directly relates to the performance of the individual's official duties. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(3) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall prescribe any regulations necessary to carry out this section. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''. <all>
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act''. SEC. 2. LOSS OF CREDIT FOR FEDERAL PENSION AFTER CERTAIN VIOLATIONS. Section 208 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 408) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual convicted of an offense under subsection (a) may not receive credit under section 8332 or section 8411 (as the case may be) of title 5, United States Code, for any service that occurs on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted occurs, if, with respect to such conviction, every act or omission of the individual that is needed to satisfy the elements of the offense-- ``(A) is committed while the individual is an employee of the Social Security Administration; and ``(B) directly relates to the performance of the individual's official duties. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(3) The Director of the Office of Personnel Management, in consultation with the Commissioner of Social Security, shall prescribe any regulations necessary to carry out this section. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''. <all>
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title.
To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a Federal annuity to employees of the Social Security Administration for certain violations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(2) An individual convicted of an offense described in paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall not, after the date of the conviction, be further eligible to participate in the retirement system under chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code; and ``(B) shall be entitled to be paid any amounts contributed by the individual towards an annuity that were contributed on or after the date on which the offense for which the individual was convicted under this section occurs pursuant to, or in a similar manner as, the terms of section 8316 of such title. ``(4) This subsection shall apply with respect to any offense that occurs on or after the date of enactment of this subsection.''.
Holding SSA Employees Accountable Act - Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Social Security Act to prohibit credit for service for purposes of a federal annuity to employees of the SSA for certain violations, and for other purposes. Amends OASDI title II to prohibit an individual convicted of an offense
Preserving Employment Visas Act This bill reclaims unused employment-based immigrant visas from FY2020 and FY2021 and makes such unused visas available in FY2022, for the purposes of calculating the total number of employment-based immigrant visas available each fiscal year. If, at the end of FY2022, there are still unused FY2020 and FY2021 visas, these unused visas shall be available in subsequent fiscal years until they are all used.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
Preserving Employment Visas Act
A bill to authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021.
Preserving Employment Visas Act
Sen. Tillis, Thomas
This bill reclaims unused employment-based immigrant visas from FY2020 and FY2021 and makes such unused visas available in FY2022, for the purposes of calculating the total number of employment-based immigrant visas available each fiscal year. If, at the end of FY2022, there are still unused FY2020 and FY2021 visas, these unused visas shall be available in subsequent fiscal years until they are all used.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
Preserving Employment Visas Act - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants for FY 2022 by the difference (if any) between: (1) the worldwide levels authorized for FY 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued or otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States
Preserving Employment Visas Act This bill reclaims unused employment-based immigrant visas from FY2020 and FY2021 and makes such unused visas available in FY2022, for the purposes of calculating the total number of employment-based immigrant visas available each fiscal year. If, at the end of FY2022, there are still unused FY2020 and FY2021 visas, these unused visas shall be available in subsequent fiscal years until they are all used.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
Preserving Employment Visas Act
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021.
Preserving Employment Visas Act
Rep. Miller-Meeks, Mariannette
This bill reclaims unused employment-based immigrant visas from FY2020 and FY2021 and makes such unused visas available in FY2022, for the purposes of calculating the total number of employment-based immigrant visas available each fiscal year. If, at the end of FY2022, there are still unused FY2020 and FY2021 visas, these unused visas shall be available in subsequent fiscal years until they are all used.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Preserving Employment Visas Act''. SEC. 2. PRESERVATION OF EXPIRING EMPLOYMENT-BASED VISAS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (b) Computation.--The number computed under this subsection is the difference (if any) between-- (1) the sum of the worldwide levels authorized under the section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) for fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued employment-based immigrant visas or who otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence under section 203(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153(b)) during the fiscal years referred to in paragraph (1). (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). (d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States. <all>
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. (
To authorize U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process employment-based immigrant visa applications after September 30, 2021, and to award such visas to eligible applicants from the pool of unused employment-based immigrant visas during fiscal years 2020 and 2021. a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 2022, the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants authorized under section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) shall be increased by the number computed under subsection (b) with respect to such worldwide levels. ( (c) Allocation.--The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall allocate the visas made available as a result of the increase authorized under subsection (a) on a proportional basis, in accordance with subsections (b) and (e)(1) of section 203 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1153). ( d) Availability.--Each visa made available under this section shall remain available for use in fiscal year 2022 or in any subsequent fiscal year, until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, determines that such visa has been issued and used as the basis for an application for admission into the United States.
Preserving Employment Visas Act - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase the worldwide level of employment-based immigrants for FY 2022 by the difference (if any) between: (1) the worldwide levels authorized for FY 2020 and 2021; and (2) the sum of the number of aliens who were issued or otherwise acquired the status of aliens lawfully admitted to the United States
Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022 This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish a ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors for each immigration judge. These prosecutors represent DHS during removal proceedings. DHS must provide a report to Congress within 90 days on the plan and status of achieving the ratio.
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTOR TO JUDGE RATIO. (a) Requirement.--Not later than 180 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish and maintain a four to one ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Principle Legal Advisor prosecutors to each immigration judge (as defined by section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)) for the purpose described in subsection (b). (b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. (c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2023, to remain available through September 30, 2024, for the purpose described under subsection (a). <all>
Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes.
Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022
Rep. Crenshaw, Dan
This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish a ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors for each immigration judge. These prosecutors represent DHS during removal proceedings. DHS must provide a report to Congress within 90 days on the plan and status of achieving the ratio.
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTOR TO JUDGE RATIO. (a) Requirement.--Not later than 180 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish and maintain a four to one ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Principle Legal Advisor prosecutors to each immigration judge (as defined by section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)) for the purpose described in subsection (b). (b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. (c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2023, to remain available through September 30, 2024, for the purpose described under subsection (a). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTOR TO JUDGE RATIO. (a) Requirement.--Not later than 180 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish and maintain a four to one ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Principle Legal Advisor prosecutors to each immigration judge (as defined by section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)) for the purpose described in subsection (b). (b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. (c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2023, to remain available through September 30, 2024, for the purpose described under subsection (a). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTOR TO JUDGE RATIO. (a) Requirement.--Not later than 180 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish and maintain a four to one ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Principle Legal Advisor prosecutors to each immigration judge (as defined by section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)) for the purpose described in subsection (b). (b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. (c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2023, to remain available through September 30, 2024, for the purpose described under subsection (a). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTOR TO JUDGE RATIO. (a) Requirement.--Not later than 180 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish and maintain a four to one ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Office of Principle Legal Advisor prosecutors to each immigration judge (as defined by section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)) for the purpose described in subsection (b). (b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. (c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2023, to remain available through September 30, 2024, for the purpose described under subsection (a). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. ( (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. ( 3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. ( (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. ( 3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. ( (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. ( 3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. ( (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. ( 3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. c) Report.-- (1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide a report to the appropriate congressional committees on the status of achieving the ratio described under subsection (a). (
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish and maintain a ratio of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement prosecutors to immigration judges, and for other purposes. b) Purpose.--The prosecutors described in subsection (a) shall represent the Department of Homeland Security during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the Department of Justice. ( (2) Update.--Not later than 90 days after the initial report under paragraph (1) identifies a ratio less than the ratio under subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees including a plan to achieve such ratio. ( 3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--In this subsection, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives; (B) the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; (C) the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate; and (D) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate. (
Surging Prosecutors to Expedite Alien Removals Act of 2022 - Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish and maintain a four to one ratio of four U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Principle Legal Advisor prosecutors to each immigration judge. Requires the prosecutors to represent DHS during removal proceedings before the Executive Office of Immigration Review of the
Armed Forces and National Security
Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022 or the Securing American ARMS Act of 2022 This bill provides that acquisition procedures other than competitive procedures may be used to (1) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when stockpiles are diminished as a result of the response to an armed attack by a foreign adversary against a U.S. ally or partner, or (2) contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response, provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities. The head of the applicable agency must provide the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, ch. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States.
Securing American ARMS Act of 2022 Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022
Rep. Jackson, Ronny
This bill provides that acquisition procedures other than competitive procedures may be used to (1) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when stockpiles are diminished as a result of the response to an armed attack by a foreign adversary against a U.S. ally or partner, or (2) contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response, provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities. The head of the applicable agency must provide the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, ch. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, ch. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, ch. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ACQUISITION AUTHORITY. Section 3204 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``; or'' and inserting a semicolon; (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(8) the head of the agency-- ``(A) determines that the use of procedures other than competitive procedures is necessary to-- ``(i) replenish United States stockpiles with like defense articles when those stockpiles are diminished as a result of the United States providing defense articles in response to an armed attack, by a foreign adversary of the United States (as that term is defined in section 8(c) of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 (47 U.S.C. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 1028, ch. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.''; and (2) in subsection (e)(1), by striking ``and (7)'' and inserting ``(7), and (8)''. <all>
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use. '';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use. '';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use. '';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use. '';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use.'';
To provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of armed attack against a United States ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. This Act may be cited as the ``Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022'' or the ``Securing American ARMS Act of 2022''. 1607(c))) against-- ``(I) a United States ally (as that term is defined in section 201(d) of the Act of December 2, 1942, entitled, `To provide benefits for the injury, disability, death, or enemy detention of employees of contractors with the United States, and for other purposes' (56 Stat. 668; 42 U.S.C. 1711(d))); or ``(II) a United States partner; or ``(ii) to contract for the movement or delivery of defense articles transferred to such ally or partner through the President's drawdown authorities in connection with such response; provided that the United States is not a party to the hostilities; and ``(B) submits to the congressional defense committees written notification of the use of such procedures within one week after such use. '';
Securing American Acquisitions, Readiness, and Military Stockpiles Act of 2022 or the Securing American ARMS Act of 2021 This bill amends federal law to provide for emergency acquisition authority in the event of an armed attack against a U.S. ally or partner by a foreign adversary of the United States. The Department of Defense (DOD) must: (1)
Foreign Trade and International Finance
Market Economy Sourcing Act This bill limits the content from nonmarket economy countries that may be included in free trade agreement qualifying goods. A nonmarket economy country is a foreign country that does not operate on market principles of cost or pricing structures, so that sales of merchandise in such country do not reflect the fair price of the merchandise. The bill requires that, during the five-year period following entry into force of a free trade agreement, no more than 20% of a qualifying good may originate in a nonmarket economy country, and no more than 10% thereafter.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Market Economy Sourcing Act''. SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. Section 106(b) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. 4205(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(7) Limitations on procedures relating to origination of content of goods from nonmarket economy countries.-- ``(A) In general.--The trade authorities procedures shall not apply to an implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement or trade agreements entered into under section 103(b) unless the rules of origin requirements under such agreement or agreements-- ``(i) with respect to rules of origin based on value content of a good, require that, of the content of a good qualifying for preferential treatment under the agreement or agreements that does not originate (as specified in those rules) in a country that is party to the agreement or agreements-- ``(I) during the 5-year period following the entry into force of the agreement or agreements, not more than 20 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(II) after the period specified in subclause (I), not more than 10 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(ii) with respect to rules of origin that are not based on value content of a good, are consistent with the requirements under clause (i) based on processing requirements or tariff shifts as opposed to value content. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''. <all>
Market Economy Sourcing Act
A bill to amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries.
Market Economy Sourcing Act
Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr.
This bill limits the content from nonmarket economy countries that may be included in free trade agreement qualifying goods. A nonmarket economy country is a foreign country that does not operate on market principles of cost or pricing structures, so that sales of merchandise in such country do not reflect the fair price of the merchandise. The bill requires that, during the five-year period following entry into force of a free trade agreement, no more than 20% of a qualifying good may originate in a nonmarket economy country, and no more than 10% thereafter.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Market Economy Sourcing Act''. SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. Section 106(b) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. 4205(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(7) Limitations on procedures relating to origination of content of goods from nonmarket economy countries.-- ``(A) In general.--The trade authorities procedures shall not apply to an implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement or trade agreements entered into under section 103(b) unless the rules of origin requirements under such agreement or agreements-- ``(i) with respect to rules of origin based on value content of a good, require that, of the content of a good qualifying for preferential treatment under the agreement or agreements that does not originate (as specified in those rules) in a country that is party to the agreement or agreements-- ``(I) during the 5-year period following the entry into force of the agreement or agreements, not more than 20 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(II) after the period specified in subclause (I), not more than 10 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(ii) with respect to rules of origin that are not based on value content of a good, are consistent with the requirements under clause (i) based on processing requirements or tariff shifts as opposed to value content. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''. <all>
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Market Economy Sourcing Act''. SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. Section 106(b) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. 4205(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(7) Limitations on procedures relating to origination of content of goods from nonmarket economy countries.-- ``(A) In general.--The trade authorities procedures shall not apply to an implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement or trade agreements entered into under section 103(b) unless the rules of origin requirements under such agreement or agreements-- ``(i) with respect to rules of origin based on value content of a good, require that, of the content of a good qualifying for preferential treatment under the agreement or agreements that does not originate (as specified in those rules) in a country that is party to the agreement or agreements-- ``(I) during the 5-year period following the entry into force of the agreement or agreements, not more than 20 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(II) after the period specified in subclause (I), not more than 10 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(ii) with respect to rules of origin that are not based on value content of a good, are consistent with the requirements under clause (i) based on processing requirements or tariff shifts as opposed to value content. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''. <all>
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Market Economy Sourcing Act''. SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. Section 106(b) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. 4205(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(7) Limitations on procedures relating to origination of content of goods from nonmarket economy countries.-- ``(A) In general.--The trade authorities procedures shall not apply to an implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement or trade agreements entered into under section 103(b) unless the rules of origin requirements under such agreement or agreements-- ``(i) with respect to rules of origin based on value content of a good, require that, of the content of a good qualifying for preferential treatment under the agreement or agreements that does not originate (as specified in those rules) in a country that is party to the agreement or agreements-- ``(I) during the 5-year period following the entry into force of the agreement or agreements, not more than 20 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(II) after the period specified in subclause (I), not more than 10 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(ii) with respect to rules of origin that are not based on value content of a good, are consistent with the requirements under clause (i) based on processing requirements or tariff shifts as opposed to value content. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''. <all>
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Market Economy Sourcing Act''. SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. Section 106(b) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (19 U.S.C. 4205(b)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(7) Limitations on procedures relating to origination of content of goods from nonmarket economy countries.-- ``(A) In general.--The trade authorities procedures shall not apply to an implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement or trade agreements entered into under section 103(b) unless the rules of origin requirements under such agreement or agreements-- ``(i) with respect to rules of origin based on value content of a good, require that, of the content of a good qualifying for preferential treatment under the agreement or agreements that does not originate (as specified in those rules) in a country that is party to the agreement or agreements-- ``(I) during the 5-year period following the entry into force of the agreement or agreements, not more than 20 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(II) after the period specified in subclause (I), not more than 10 percent of that content may originate in a nonmarket economy country; and ``(ii) with respect to rules of origin that are not based on value content of a good, are consistent with the requirements under clause (i) based on processing requirements or tariff shifts as opposed to value content. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''. <all>
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
To amend the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. LIMITATION ON TRADE AUTHORITIES PROCEDURES RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS ON CONTENT OF GOODS FROM NONMARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES. ``(B) Nonmarket economy country defined.--In this paragraph, the term `nonmarket economy country' has the meaning given that term in section 771(18) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1677(18)).''.
Market Economy Sourcing Act This bill amends the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 to require that any trade agreement subject to expedited procedures under that Act contain certain requirements relating to the origination of goods in nonmarket economy countries. The bill prohibits the trade authorities procedures from applying to an implementing bill submitted with respect to a trade agreement or trade agreements entered
Transportation and Public Works
Puerto Rico Recovery Act This bill requires the U.S. Coast Guard to provide temporary exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. The Jones Act requires that vessels transporting merchandise or passengers between Puerto Rico and other U.S. ports be built in the United States, be at least 75% owned by U.S. citizens , and be mostly crewed by U.S. Citizens. The exemptions are valid for one year or until the end of the major disaster declaration of September 22, 2022, for Puerto Rico, whichever comes first.
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
Puerto Rico Recovery Act
A bill to provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona.
Puerto Rico Recovery Act
Sen. Lee, Mike
This bill requires the U.S. Coast Guard to provide temporary exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. The Jones Act requires that vessels transporting merchandise or passengers between Puerto Rico and other U.S. ports be built in the United States, be at least 75% owned by U.S. citizens , and be mostly crewed by U.S. Citizens. The exemptions are valid for one year or until the end of the major disaster declaration of September 22, 2022, for Puerto Rico, whichever comes first.
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
Puerto Rico Recovery Act - Directs the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating to exempt a vessel from certain Jones Act restrictions to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (Sec. 2) Exempts a vessel if the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide such relief. (
Native Americans
Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act This bill authorizes the Indian Health Service (IHS) to purchase certain private land in Hemet, California, at fair market value and then construct a paved road on that land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center. The IHS shall maintain the road or enter an agreement with Riverside County, California, to maintain the road.
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act''. SEC. 2. ACCESS ROAD FOR DESERT SAGE YOUTH WELLNESS CENTER. (a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. (2) Compensation.--The Secretary shall pay fair market value for the land authorized to be acquired under paragraph (1). Fair market value shall be determined-- (A) using Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and (B) by an appraiser acceptable to the Secretary and the owners of the land to be acquired. (3) Additional rights.--In addition to the land referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, land or interests in land as reasonably necessary to construct and maintain the road as required by subsection (b). (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. (2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1). Union Calendar No. 404 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 667 [Report No. 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes.
Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act
Rep. Ruiz, Raul
This bill authorizes the Indian Health Service (IHS) to purchase certain private land in Hemet, California, at fair market value and then construct a paved road on that land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center. The IHS shall maintain the road or enter an agreement with Riverside County, California, to maintain the road.
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act''. SEC. 2. ACCESS ROAD FOR DESERT SAGE YOUTH WELLNESS CENTER. (a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. (2) Compensation.--The Secretary shall pay fair market value for the land authorized to be acquired under paragraph (1). Fair market value shall be determined-- (A) using Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and (B) by an appraiser acceptable to the Secretary and the owners of the land to be acquired. (3) Additional rights.--In addition to the land referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, land or interests in land as reasonably necessary to construct and maintain the road as required by subsection (b). (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. (2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1). Union Calendar No. 404 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 667 [Report No. 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act''. SEC. 2. ACCESS ROAD FOR DESERT SAGE YOUTH WELLNESS CENTER. (a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. (2) Compensation.--The Secretary shall pay fair market value for the land authorized to be acquired under paragraph (1). Fair market value shall be determined-- (A) using Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and (B) by an appraiser acceptable to the Secretary and the owners of the land to be acquired. (3) Additional rights.--In addition to the land referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, land or interests in land as reasonably necessary to construct and maintain the road as required by subsection (b). (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. (2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1). Union Calendar No. 404 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 667 [Report No. 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act''. SEC. 2. ACCESS ROAD FOR DESERT SAGE YOUTH WELLNESS CENTER. (a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. (2) Compensation.--The Secretary shall pay fair market value for the land authorized to be acquired under paragraph (1). Fair market value shall be determined-- (A) using Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and (B) by an appraiser acceptable to the Secretary and the owners of the land to be acquired. (3) Additional rights.--In addition to the land referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, land or interests in land as reasonably necessary to construct and maintain the road as required by subsection (b). (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. (2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1). Union Calendar No. 404 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 667 [Report No. 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act''. SEC. 2. ACCESS ROAD FOR DESERT SAGE YOUTH WELLNESS CENTER. (a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. (2) Compensation.--The Secretary shall pay fair market value for the land authorized to be acquired under paragraph (1). Fair market value shall be determined-- (A) using Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and (B) by an appraiser acceptable to the Secretary and the owners of the land to be acquired. (3) Additional rights.--In addition to the land referred to in paragraph (1), the Secretary is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, land or interests in land as reasonably necessary to construct and maintain the road as required by subsection (b). (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. (2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1). Union Calendar No. 404 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 667 [Report No. 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. ( (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1).
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. ( (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1).
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. ( (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1).
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. ( (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1).
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 117-563, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________
To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California, and for other purposes. a) Acquisition of Land.-- (1) Authorization.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, is authorized to acquire, from willing sellers, the land in Hemet, California, upon which is located a dirt road known as ``Best Road'', beginning at the driveway of the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center at Faure Road and extending to the junction of Best Road and Sage Road. ( (b) Construction and Maintenance of Road.-- (1) Construction.--After the Secretary acquires the land pursuant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in Hemet, California. ( 2) Maintenance.--The Secretary-- (A) shall maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1); or (B) enter into an agreement with Riverside County, California, to own, maintain and manage the road constructed pursuant to paragraph (1).
Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center Access Improvement Act - Authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Indian Health Service, to acquire private land in Hemet, California, to facilitate access to and for other purposes. Requires the Secretary to construct on that land a paved road that is generally located over Best Road to facilitate the Center's access.
Crime and Law Enforcement
Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act This bill adds five fentanyl analogues and the entire category of fentanyl-related substances to schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. A schedule I controlled substance is a drug, substance, or chemical that has a high potential for abuse; has no currently accepted medical value; and is subject to regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act''. SEC. 2. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) is amended-- (1) by adding at the end of subsection (b) of Schedule I the following: ``(23) Isobutyryl fentanyl. ``(24) Para-Methoxybutyrylfentanyl. ``(25) Valeryl fentanyl. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; and (2) by adding at the end of Schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of fentanyl-related substances, or which contains their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(ii) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iv) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(B) 4'-Methyl acetyl fentanyl. ``(C) Crotonyl fentanyl. ``(D) 2'-Fluoro ortho-fluorofentanyl. ``(E) Ortho-Methyl acetylfentanyl. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. ``(G) Ortho-Fluorobutyryl fentanyl. ``(H) Ortho-Fluoroacryl fentanyl. ``(I) Beta-Methyl fentanyl. ``(J) Phenyl fentanyl. ``(K) Para-Methylfentanyl. ``(L) Beta'-Phenyl fentanyl. ``(M) Benzodioxole fentanyl.''. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment. <all>
Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances.
Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act
Rep. Fitzgerald, Scott
This bill adds five fentanyl analogues and the entire category of fentanyl-related substances to schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. A schedule I controlled substance is a drug, substance, or chemical that has a high potential for abuse; has no currently accepted medical value; and is subject to regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act''. SEC. 2. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) is amended-- (1) by adding at the end of subsection (b) of Schedule I the following: ``(23) Isobutyryl fentanyl. ``(24) Para-Methoxybutyrylfentanyl. ``(25) Valeryl fentanyl. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; and (2) by adding at the end of Schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of fentanyl-related substances, or which contains their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(ii) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iv) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(B) 4'-Methyl acetyl fentanyl. ``(C) Crotonyl fentanyl. ``(D) 2'-Fluoro ortho-fluorofentanyl. ``(E) Ortho-Methyl acetylfentanyl. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. ``(G) Ortho-Fluorobutyryl fentanyl. ``(H) Ortho-Fluoroacryl fentanyl. ``(I) Beta-Methyl fentanyl. ``(J) Phenyl fentanyl. ``(K) Para-Methylfentanyl. ``(L) Beta'-Phenyl fentanyl. ``(M) Benzodioxole fentanyl.''. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act''. SEC. 2. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) is amended-- (1) by adding at the end of subsection (b) of Schedule I the following: ``(23) Isobutyryl fentanyl. ``(24) Para-Methoxybutyrylfentanyl. ``(25) Valeryl fentanyl. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; and (2) by adding at the end of Schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of fentanyl-related substances, or which contains their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(ii) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iv) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(B) 4'-Methyl acetyl fentanyl. ``(C) Crotonyl fentanyl. ``(D) 2'-Fluoro ortho-fluorofentanyl. ``(E) Ortho-Methyl acetylfentanyl. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. ``(G) Ortho-Fluorobutyryl fentanyl. ``(H) Ortho-Fluoroacryl fentanyl. ``(I) Beta-Methyl fentanyl. ``(J) Phenyl fentanyl. ``(K) Para-Methylfentanyl. ``(L) Beta'-Phenyl fentanyl. ``(M) Benzodioxole fentanyl.''. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act''. SEC. 2. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) is amended-- (1) by adding at the end of subsection (b) of Schedule I the following: ``(23) Isobutyryl fentanyl. ``(24) Para-Methoxybutyrylfentanyl. ``(25) Valeryl fentanyl. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; and (2) by adding at the end of Schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of fentanyl-related substances, or which contains their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(ii) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iv) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(B) 4'-Methyl acetyl fentanyl. ``(C) Crotonyl fentanyl. ``(D) 2'-Fluoro ortho-fluorofentanyl. ``(E) Ortho-Methyl acetylfentanyl. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. ``(G) Ortho-Fluorobutyryl fentanyl. ``(H) Ortho-Fluoroacryl fentanyl. ``(I) Beta-Methyl fentanyl. ``(J) Phenyl fentanyl. ``(K) Para-Methylfentanyl. ``(L) Beta'-Phenyl fentanyl. ``(M) Benzodioxole fentanyl.''. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act''. SEC. 2. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) is amended-- (1) by adding at the end of subsection (b) of Schedule I the following: ``(23) Isobutyryl fentanyl. ``(24) Para-Methoxybutyrylfentanyl. ``(25) Valeryl fentanyl. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; and (2) by adding at the end of Schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of fentanyl-related substances, or which contains their salts, isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(ii) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(iv) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(B) 4'-Methyl acetyl fentanyl. ``(C) Crotonyl fentanyl. ``(D) 2'-Fluoro ortho-fluorofentanyl. ``(E) Ortho-Methyl acetylfentanyl. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. ``(G) Ortho-Fluorobutyryl fentanyl. ``(H) Ortho-Fluoroacryl fentanyl. ``(I) Beta-Methyl fentanyl. ``(J) Phenyl fentanyl. ``(K) Para-Methylfentanyl. ``(L) Beta'-Phenyl fentanyl. ``(M) Benzodioxole fentanyl.''. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(27) Para-Chloroisobutyryl fentanyl.''; ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. ``(26) Cyclopentyl fentanyl. ``(2) In paragraph (1), the term `fentanyl-related substances' includes the following: ``(A) Any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by one or more of the following modifications: ``(i) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(iii) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, ester, ether, hydroxy, halo, haloalkyl, amino or nitro groups. ``(v) By replacement of the N-propionyl group by another acyl group. ``(F) Thiofuranyl fentanyl. This Act shall take effect one day after the date of enactment.
Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues Act - Amends the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. (Sec. 2) This bill amends the federal criminal code to add fentanyl-containing substances to the list of controlled substances for which the Department of Justice (DOJ) may prescribe a controlled substance. The bill
International Affairs
Critical Mineral Access Act This bill authorizes the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation to provide support to high-income economy countries for developing and processing specified critical materials if such support furthers U.S. national security interests. Critical materials include, for example, rare earth elements, aluminum, and uranium. A high-income economy country is one with a per capita gross national income (GNI) that exceeds $12,695 for 2021. Current law limits the corporation's activities to facilitating the economic development of countries with a per capita GNI below that amount.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Critical Mineral Access Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO BETTER UTILIZATION OF INVESTMENTS LEADING TO DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2018. Section 1412(b) of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9612(b)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``The purpose'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The purpose''; (2) by striking ``shall be to'' and inserting the following: ``shall be-- ``(A) to''; (3) by striking ``the United States.'' and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States.''; (4) by striking ``In carrying out'' and inserting the following: ``(2) Consideration of certain criteria.--In carrying out''; and (5) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) Definitions.--In paragraph (1)(B): ``(A) Covered critical materials.-- ``(i) In general.--The term `covered critical materials' means aluminum (bauxite), antimony, arsenic, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cesium, chromium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite (natural), hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, niobium, platinum group metals, potash, the rare earth elements group, rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''. <all>
Critical Mineral Access Act
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States.
Critical Mineral Access Act
Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy"
This bill authorizes the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation to provide support to high-income economy countries for developing and processing specified critical materials if such support furthers U.S. national security interests. Critical materials include, for example, rare earth elements, aluminum, and uranium. A high-income economy country is one with a per capita gross national income (GNI) that exceeds $12,695 for 2021. Current law limits the corporation's activities to facilitating the economic development of countries with a per capita GNI below that amount.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Critical Mineral Access Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO BETTER UTILIZATION OF INVESTMENTS LEADING TO DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2018. Section 1412(b) of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9612(b)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``The purpose'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The purpose''; (2) by striking ``shall be to'' and inserting the following: ``shall be-- ``(A) to''; (3) by striking ``the United States.'' and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States.''; (4) by striking ``In carrying out'' and inserting the following: ``(2) Consideration of certain criteria.--In carrying out''; and (5) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) Definitions.--In paragraph (1)(B): ``(A) Covered critical materials.-- ``(i) In general.--The term `covered critical materials' means aluminum (bauxite), antimony, arsenic, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cesium, chromium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite (natural), hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, niobium, platinum group metals, potash, the rare earth elements group, rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''. <all>
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Critical Mineral Access Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO BETTER UTILIZATION OF INVESTMENTS LEADING TO DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2018. Section 1412(b) of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9612(b)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``The purpose'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The purpose''; (2) by striking ``shall be to'' and inserting the following: ``shall be-- ``(A) to''; (3) by striking ``the United States.'' and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States.''; (4) by striking ``In carrying out'' and inserting the following: ``(2) Consideration of certain criteria.--In carrying out''; and (5) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) Definitions.--In paragraph (1)(B): ``(A) Covered critical materials.-- ``(i) In general.--The term `covered critical materials' means aluminum (bauxite), antimony, arsenic, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cesium, chromium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite (natural), hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, niobium, platinum group metals, potash, the rare earth elements group, rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''. <all>
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Critical Mineral Access Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO BETTER UTILIZATION OF INVESTMENTS LEADING TO DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2018. Section 1412(b) of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9612(b)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``The purpose'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The purpose''; (2) by striking ``shall be to'' and inserting the following: ``shall be-- ``(A) to''; (3) by striking ``the United States.'' and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States.''; (4) by striking ``In carrying out'' and inserting the following: ``(2) Consideration of certain criteria.--In carrying out''; and (5) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) Definitions.--In paragraph (1)(B): ``(A) Covered critical materials.-- ``(i) In general.--The term `covered critical materials' means aluminum (bauxite), antimony, arsenic, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cesium, chromium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite (natural), hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, niobium, platinum group metals, potash, the rare earth elements group, rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''. <all>
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Critical Mineral Access Act''. SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO BETTER UTILIZATION OF INVESTMENTS LEADING TO DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2018. Section 1412(b) of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9612(b)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``The purpose'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The purpose''; (2) by striking ``shall be to'' and inserting the following: ``shall be-- ``(A) to''; (3) by striking ``the United States.'' and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States.''; (4) by striking ``In carrying out'' and inserting the following: ``(2) Consideration of certain criteria.--In carrying out''; and (5) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) Definitions.--In paragraph (1)(B): ``(A) Covered critical materials.-- ``(i) In general.--The term `covered critical materials' means aluminum (bauxite), antimony, arsenic, barite, beryllium, bismuth, cesium, chromium, cobalt, fluorspar, gallium, germanium, graphite (natural), hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, niobium, platinum group metals, potash, the rare earth elements group, rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''. <all>
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
To amend the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. and inserting the following: ``the United States; and ``(B) to provide support under title II in high- income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. ``(ii) Rare earth elements group.--In clause (i), the term `rare earth elements group' means lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, scandium, yttrium. ``(B) High-income economy country.--The term `high- income economy country' means a country with a high- income economy, as defined by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively referred to as the `World Bank').''.
Critical Mineral Access Act This bill amends the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to authorize support in high-income economy countries for projects involving development or processing of covered critical materials if such support furthers the national security interests of the United States. The bill also requires the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA)
Transportation and Public Works
Puerto Rico Recovery Act This bill requires the U.S. Coast Guard to provide temporary exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. The Jones Act requires that vessels transporting merchandise or passengers between Puerto Rico and other U.S. ports be built in the United States, be at least 75% owned by U.S. citizens , and be mostly crewed by U.S. Citizens. The exemptions are valid for one year or until the end of the major disaster declaration of September 22, 2022, for Puerto Rico, whichever comes first.
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
Puerto Rico Recovery Act
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona.
Puerto Rico Recovery Act
Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M.
This bill requires the U.S. Coast Guard to provide temporary exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. The Jones Act requires that vessels transporting merchandise or passengers between Puerto Rico and other U.S. ports be built in the United States, be at least 75% owned by U.S. citizens , and be mostly crewed by U.S. Citizens. The exemptions are valid for one year or until the end of the major disaster declaration of September 22, 2022, for Puerto Rico, whichever comes first.
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Puerto Rico Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS FROM JONES ACT RESTRICTIONS FOR VESSELS PROVIDING HURRICANE RELIEF TO PUERTO RICO. (a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (2) Process.-- (A) Request.--An owner or operator of a vessel may request an exemption under paragraph (1), and the Secretary shall approve or deny the request by not later than 72 hours after the request is made. (B) Public denial statement.--In any case where the Secretary denies an exemption request under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall promptly provide a public, detailed statement regarding the reasoning and analysis for the denial. (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. (b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (c) Applicability.--This section, and any exemption issued under this section, shall cease to have effect on the date described in subsection (b)(2). <all>
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (
To provide exemptions from certain Jones Act restrictions to vessels providing disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. a) Temporary Exemption for Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding sections 12112, 12103, and 55102 of title 46, United States Code, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating (referred to in this section as ``the Secretary'') shall exempt a vessel from the requirements of such sections if the Secretary determines that the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. ( (C) Deemed approval.--If the Secretary does not approve or deny a request according to the terms of subparagraph (A), the request shall be deemed to be approved. ( b) Period of Exemption.--An exemption approved under subsection (a) shall be valid until the earlier of-- (1) the date that is 1 year after the date on which the exemption was approved; or (2) the date on which the major disaster declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121) on September 22, 2022 expires. (
Puerto Rico Recovery Act - Directs the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating to exempt a vessel from certain Jones Act restrictions to provide disaster relief to Puerto Rico for the areas affected by Hurricane Fiona. (Sec. 2) Exempts a vessel if the owner or operator of the vessel has reasonably demonstrated that the exemption is needed to provide such relief. (
Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act This bill reauthorizes through FY2027 multiple suicide prevention programs and related activities with a particular focus on youth and young adults. Specifically, the bill reauthorizes
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SUICIDE PREVENTION RESOURCE CENTER. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 3. GARRETT LEE SMITH STATE AND TRIBAL YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION GRANT PROGRAM. Section 520E of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)(C)-- (A) by striking ``Indian tribe or tribal organization'' and inserting ``Indian Tribe or Tribal organization''; and (B) by striking ``tribal youth'' and inserting ``Tribal youth''; (3) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (4) in subsection (e)(3), by striking ``tribal'' and inserting ``Tribal''; and (5) in subsection (m), by striking ``$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$40,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 4. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 520E-2(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36b(i)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. SEC. 5. MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH OUTREACH AND EDUCATION. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. <all>
Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes.
Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act
Rep. McMorris Rodgers, Cathy
This bill reauthorizes through FY2027 multiple suicide prevention programs and related activities with a particular focus on youth and young adults. Specifically, the bill reauthorizes
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SUICIDE PREVENTION RESOURCE CENTER. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 3. GARRETT LEE SMITH STATE AND TRIBAL YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION GRANT PROGRAM. Section 520E of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)(C)-- (A) by striking ``Indian tribe or tribal organization'' and inserting ``Indian Tribe or Tribal organization''; and (B) by striking ``tribal youth'' and inserting ``Tribal youth''; (3) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (4) in subsection (e)(3), by striking ``tribal'' and inserting ``Tribal''; and (5) in subsection (m), by striking ``$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$40,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 4. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 520E-2(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36b(i)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. SEC. 5. MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH OUTREACH AND EDUCATION. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. <all>
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SUICIDE PREVENTION RESOURCE CENTER. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 3. GARRETT LEE SMITH STATE AND TRIBAL YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION GRANT PROGRAM. Section 520E of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)(C)-- (A) by striking ``Indian tribe or tribal organization'' and inserting ``Indian Tribe or Tribal organization''; and (B) by striking ``tribal youth'' and inserting ``Tribal youth''; (3) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (4) in subsection (e)(3), by striking ``tribal'' and inserting ``Tribal''; and (5) in subsection (m), by striking ``$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$40,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 4. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 520E-2(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36b(i)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. SEC. 5. MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH OUTREACH AND EDUCATION. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. <all>
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SUICIDE PREVENTION RESOURCE CENTER. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 3. GARRETT LEE SMITH STATE AND TRIBAL YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION GRANT PROGRAM. Section 520E of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)(C)-- (A) by striking ``Indian tribe or tribal organization'' and inserting ``Indian Tribe or Tribal organization''; and (B) by striking ``tribal youth'' and inserting ``Tribal youth''; (3) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (4) in subsection (e)(3), by striking ``tribal'' and inserting ``Tribal''; and (5) in subsection (m), by striking ``$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$40,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 4. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 520E-2(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36b(i)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. SEC. 5. MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH OUTREACH AND EDUCATION. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. <all>
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SUICIDE PREVENTION RESOURCE CENTER. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 3. GARRETT LEE SMITH STATE AND TRIBAL YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION GRANT PROGRAM. Section 520E of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)(C)-- (A) by striking ``Indian tribe or tribal organization'' and inserting ``Indian Tribe or Tribal organization''; and (B) by striking ``tribal youth'' and inserting ``Tribal youth''; (3) in subsection (c), in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; (4) in subsection (e)(3), by striking ``tribal'' and inserting ``Tribal''; and (5) in subsection (m), by striking ``$30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$40,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. SEC. 4. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 520E-2(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36b(i)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. SEC. 5. MENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH OUTREACH AND EDUCATION. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''. <all>
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
To amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, and for other purposes. Section 520C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-34) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``tribes, tribal organizations'' and inserting ``Tribes, Tribal organizations''; (2) in subsection (b), by striking ``tribal'' each place it appears and inserting ``Tribal''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``$5,988,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$9,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''. GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAM. Section 549(f) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290ee- 4(f)) is amended by striking ``2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``2023 through 2027''.
Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Reauthorization Act This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Garrett Lee Smith State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Grant Program and the Garrett L. Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Program. The bill also reauthorizes the Garrett Smith Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the GARRETT LEE SMITH CAMPUS SUICIDE
Native Americans
Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act This bill requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), after consultation with Indian tribes, to report on unfair or deceptive practices that target tribes or tribal members. The FTC must submit the report to Congress and make it publicly available. Further, the FTC must update its website to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive practices that target tribes or tribal members.
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. SEC. 2. PROTECTING INDIAN TRIBES FROM UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE ACTS OR PRACTICES. (a) FTC Report on Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and after consultation with Indian Tribes, the Commission shall make publicly available on the website of the Commission and submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, including-- (1) a description of the types of unfair or deceptive acts or practices identified by the Commission as being targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes; (2) a description of the consumer education activities of the Commission with respect to such acts or practices; (3) a description of the efforts of the Commission to collaborate with Indian Tribes to prevent such acts or practices or to pursue persons using such acts or practices; (4) a summary of the enforcement actions taken by the Commission related to such acts or practices; and (5) any recommendations for legislation to prevent such acts or practices. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission. <all>
Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act
A bill to direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes.
Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act
Sen. Daines, Steve
This bill requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), after consultation with Indian tribes, to report on unfair or deceptive practices that target tribes or tribal members. The FTC must submit the report to Congress and make it publicly available. Further, the FTC must update its website to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive practices that target tribes or tribal members.
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. SEC. 2. PROTECTING INDIAN TRIBES FROM UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE ACTS OR PRACTICES. (a) FTC Report on Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and after consultation with Indian Tribes, the Commission shall make publicly available on the website of the Commission and submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, including-- (1) a description of the types of unfair or deceptive acts or practices identified by the Commission as being targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes; (2) a description of the consumer education activities of the Commission with respect to such acts or practices; (3) a description of the efforts of the Commission to collaborate with Indian Tribes to prevent such acts or practices or to pursue persons using such acts or practices; (4) a summary of the enforcement actions taken by the Commission related to such acts or practices; and (5) any recommendations for legislation to prevent such acts or practices. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission. <all>
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. SEC. 2. PROTECTING INDIAN TRIBES FROM UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE ACTS OR PRACTICES. (a) FTC Report on Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and after consultation with Indian Tribes, the Commission shall make publicly available on the website of the Commission and submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, including-- (1) a description of the types of unfair or deceptive acts or practices identified by the Commission as being targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes; (2) a description of the consumer education activities of the Commission with respect to such acts or practices; (3) a description of the efforts of the Commission to collaborate with Indian Tribes to prevent such acts or practices or to pursue persons using such acts or practices; (4) a summary of the enforcement actions taken by the Commission related to such acts or practices; and (5) any recommendations for legislation to prevent such acts or practices. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission. <all>
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. SEC. 2. PROTECTING INDIAN TRIBES FROM UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE ACTS OR PRACTICES. (a) FTC Report on Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and after consultation with Indian Tribes, the Commission shall make publicly available on the website of the Commission and submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, including-- (1) a description of the types of unfair or deceptive acts or practices identified by the Commission as being targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes; (2) a description of the consumer education activities of the Commission with respect to such acts or practices; (3) a description of the efforts of the Commission to collaborate with Indian Tribes to prevent such acts or practices or to pursue persons using such acts or practices; (4) a summary of the enforcement actions taken by the Commission related to such acts or practices; and (5) any recommendations for legislation to prevent such acts or practices. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission. <all>
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. SEC. 2. PROTECTING INDIAN TRIBES FROM UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE ACTS OR PRACTICES. (a) FTC Report on Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and after consultation with Indian Tribes, the Commission shall make publicly available on the website of the Commission and submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, including-- (1) a description of the types of unfair or deceptive acts or practices identified by the Commission as being targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes; (2) a description of the consumer education activities of the Commission with respect to such acts or practices; (3) a description of the efforts of the Commission to collaborate with Indian Tribes to prevent such acts or practices or to pursue persons using such acts or practices; (4) a summary of the enforcement actions taken by the Commission related to such acts or practices; and (5) any recommendations for legislation to prevent such acts or practices. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission. <all>
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. ( c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission.
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. ( c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission.
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. ( c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission.
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. ( c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission.
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. (
To direct the Federal Trade Commission to submit to Congress a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act''. (b) Increasing Awareness of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Targeting Indian Tribes.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Commission shall update the website of the Commission to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian Tribes or members of Indian Tribes. ( c) Commission Defined.--In this section, the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Trade Commission.
Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams Act - Directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to: (1) make publicly available on the FTC website a report on unfair or deceptive acts or practices targeted at Indian tribes or members of Indian tribes; and (2) update the FTC's website to include information for consumers and businesses on identifying and avoiding unfair and deceptive acts and practices
Agriculture and Food
This bill rescinds specified funds that were provided to the Department of Agriculture for assistance and support for socially disadvantaged farmers, ranchers, and forest land owners and operators. The bill makes the rescinded funds available for scholarships at 1890 Institutions (i.e., historically Black colleges and universities that belong to the U.S. land-grant university system).
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS AT 1890 INSTITUTIONS. (a) Rescission.--Of the unobligated balances from amounts made available by section 1006 of the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2), the remaining unobligated balance, or $100,000,000, whichever is less, is hereby rescinded. (b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (c) Administrative Funds.--Of the funds made available under section 1446(b)(4) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)(4)) for a fiscal year, not more than 4 percent may be used for expenses related to administering the program under such section 1446. (d) Extension.--Section 1446(b) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year thereafter''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter until obligated.--Of the amounts made available under section 1(b) of the Act entitled `An Act to provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions', the Secretary shall make available to carry out this section not less than $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, until all funding made available under such section 1(b) has been obligated.''. Union Calendar No. 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions.
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions.
Rep. Scott, David
This bill rescinds specified funds that were provided to the Department of Agriculture for assistance and support for socially disadvantaged farmers, ranchers, and forest land owners and operators. The bill makes the rescinded funds available for scholarships at 1890 Institutions (i.e., historically Black colleges and universities that belong to the U.S. land-grant university system).
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS AT 1890 INSTITUTIONS. (a) Rescission.--Of the unobligated balances from amounts made available by section 1006 of the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2), the remaining unobligated balance, or $100,000,000, whichever is less, is hereby rescinded. (b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (c) Administrative Funds.--Of the funds made available under section 1446(b)(4) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)(4)) for a fiscal year, not more than 4 percent may be used for expenses related to administering the program under such section 1446. (d) Extension.--Section 1446(b) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year thereafter''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter until obligated.--Of the amounts made available under section 1(b) of the Act entitled `An Act to provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions', the Secretary shall make available to carry out this section not less than $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, until all funding made available under such section 1(b) has been obligated.''. Union Calendar No. 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS AT 1890 INSTITUTIONS. (a) Rescission.--Of the unobligated balances from amounts made available by section 1006 of the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2), the remaining unobligated balance, or $100,000,000, whichever is less, is hereby rescinded. (b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (c) Administrative Funds.--Of the funds made available under section 1446(b)(4) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)(4)) for a fiscal year, not more than 4 percent may be used for expenses related to administering the program under such section 1446. (d) Extension.--Section 1446(b) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year thereafter''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter until obligated.--Of the amounts made available under section 1(b) of the Act entitled `An Act to provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions', the Secretary shall make available to carry out this section not less than $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, until all funding made available under such section 1(b) has been obligated.''. Union Calendar No. 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS AT 1890 INSTITUTIONS. (a) Rescission.--Of the unobligated balances from amounts made available by section 1006 of the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2), the remaining unobligated balance, or $100,000,000, whichever is less, is hereby rescinded. (b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (c) Administrative Funds.--Of the funds made available under section 1446(b)(4) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)(4)) for a fiscal year, not more than 4 percent may be used for expenses related to administering the program under such section 1446. (d) Extension.--Section 1446(b) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year thereafter''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter until obligated.--Of the amounts made available under section 1(b) of the Act entitled `An Act to provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions', the Secretary shall make available to carry out this section not less than $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, until all funding made available under such section 1(b) has been obligated.''. Union Calendar No. 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS AT 1890 INSTITUTIONS. (a) Rescission.--Of the unobligated balances from amounts made available by section 1006 of the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2), the remaining unobligated balance, or $100,000,000, whichever is less, is hereby rescinded. (b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (c) Administrative Funds.--Of the funds made available under section 1446(b)(4) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)(4)) for a fiscal year, not more than 4 percent may be used for expenses related to administering the program under such section 1446. (d) Extension.--Section 1446(b) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``each of fiscal years 2020 through 2023'' and inserting ``fiscal year 2020 and each fiscal year thereafter''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter until obligated.--Of the amounts made available under section 1(b) of the Act entitled `An Act to provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions', the Secretary shall make available to carry out this section not less than $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, until all funding made available under such section 1(b) has been obligated.''. Union Calendar No. 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. ( 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. ( 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. ( 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. ( 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. (
To provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. b) Funding.--In addition to amounts otherwise provided for carrying out section 1446 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3222a), there is appropriated to the Secretary of Agriculture, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, an amount of additional new budget authority equivalent to the amount rescinded under subsection (a), to remain available until expended, to carry out such section 1446. ( 126 117th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 4252 [Report No. 117-172] _______________________________________________________________________
Amends the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 to provide additional funding for scholarships for students at 1890 institutions. (Sec. 1) Amends the American Rescue Plan Act to rescind the remaining unobligated balances from amounts made available by such Act. (SEC. 2) Appropriates to the Secretary of Agriculture an additional new budget authority equivalent to
Homeland and Cyber Threat Act or the HACT Act This bill allows claims in federal or state court against foreign states that conduct or participate in cyberattacks against U.S. nationals.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland And Cyber Threat Act'' or the ``HACT Act''. SEC. 2. FOREIGN STATE COMPUTER INTRUSIONS. (a) In General.--Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1605B the following: ``Sec. 1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state ``A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States or of the States in any case not otherwise covered by this chapter in which money damages are sought against a foreign state by a national of the United States for personal injury, harm to reputation, or damage to or loss of property resulting from any of the following activities, whether occurring in the United States or a foreign state: ``(1) Unauthorized access to or access exceeding authorization to a computer located in the United States. ``(2) Unauthorized access to confidential, electronic stored information located in the United States. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
A bill to amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes.
HACT Act Homeland And Cyber Threat Act
Sen. Kennedy, John
This bill allows claims in federal or state court against foreign states that conduct or participate in cyberattacks against U.S. nationals.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland And Cyber Threat Act'' or the ``HACT Act''. SEC. 2. FOREIGN STATE COMPUTER INTRUSIONS. (a) In General.--Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1605B the following: ``Sec. 1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state ``A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States or of the States in any case not otherwise covered by this chapter in which money damages are sought against a foreign state by a national of the United States for personal injury, harm to reputation, or damage to or loss of property resulting from any of the following activities, whether occurring in the United States or a foreign state: ``(1) Unauthorized access to or access exceeding authorization to a computer located in the United States. ``(2) Unauthorized access to confidential, electronic stored information located in the United States. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland And Cyber Threat Act'' or the ``HACT Act''. SEC. 2. FOREIGN STATE COMPUTER INTRUSIONS. (a) In General.--Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1605B the following: ``Sec. 1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state ``A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States or of the States in any case not otherwise covered by this chapter in which money damages are sought against a foreign state by a national of the United States for personal injury, harm to reputation, or damage to or loss of property resulting from any of the following activities, whether occurring in the United States or a foreign state: ``(1) Unauthorized access to or access exceeding authorization to a computer located in the United States. ``(2) Unauthorized access to confidential, electronic stored information located in the United States. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland And Cyber Threat Act'' or the ``HACT Act''. SEC. 2. FOREIGN STATE COMPUTER INTRUSIONS. (a) In General.--Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1605B the following: ``Sec. 1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state ``A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States or of the States in any case not otherwise covered by this chapter in which money damages are sought against a foreign state by a national of the United States for personal injury, harm to reputation, or damage to or loss of property resulting from any of the following activities, whether occurring in the United States or a foreign state: ``(1) Unauthorized access to or access exceeding authorization to a computer located in the United States. ``(2) Unauthorized access to confidential, electronic stored information located in the United States. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland And Cyber Threat Act'' or the ``HACT Act''. SEC. 2. FOREIGN STATE COMPUTER INTRUSIONS. (a) In General.--Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1605B the following: ``Sec. 1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state ``A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States or of the States in any case not otherwise covered by this chapter in which money damages are sought against a foreign state by a national of the United States for personal injury, harm to reputation, or damage to or loss of property resulting from any of the following activities, whether occurring in the United States or a foreign state: ``(1) Unauthorized access to or access exceeding authorization to a computer located in the United States. ``(2) Unauthorized access to confidential, electronic stored information located in the United States. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. (b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. ( c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. ( c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. ( c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. ( c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(5) The provision of material support or resources for any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), including by an official, employee, or agent of such foreign state.''. ( c) Application.--This Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply to any action pending on or filed on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.
To amend title 28, United States Code, to allow claims against foreign states for unlawful computer intrusion, and for other purposes. ``(3) The transmission of a program, information, code, or command to a computer located in the United States, which, as a result of such conduct, causes damage without authorization. ``(4) The use, dissemination, or disclosure, without consent, of any information obtained by means of any activity described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). b) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following: ``1605C. Computer intrusions by a foreign state.''. (
Homeland And Cyber Threat Act or the HACT Act - Amends the federal criminal code to prohibit a foreign state from being immune from the jurisdiction of the U.S. or of the States in any case not otherwise covered by this Act in which money damages are sought against a foreign country for personal injury, harm to reputation, or damage to or loss of property resulting from any of
International Affairs
Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act This bill establishes a delegation of up to 24 Members of Congress to periodically meet with European Parliament representatives to discuss issues of interest to the United States and the European Union.
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act''. SEC. 2. TRANSATLANTIC LEGISLATORS' DIALOGUE (UNITED STATES-EUROPEAN UNION INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP). (a) Establishment and Meetings.-- (1) In general.--Not to exceed 24 Members of Congress shall be appointed to meet not less than twice annually with representatives of the European Parliament for discussions of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and the European Union. (2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). (b) Appointment and Members.--Of the Members of Congress appointed for purposes of this section-- (1) half shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, from among Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (2) half shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. (c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. (2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation. <all>
Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue Act
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes.
Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue Act
Rep. Costa, Jim
This bill establishes a delegation of up to 24 Members of Congress to periodically meet with European Parliament representatives to discuss issues of interest to the United States and the European Union.
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act''. SEC. 2. TRANSATLANTIC LEGISLATORS' DIALOGUE (UNITED STATES-EUROPEAN UNION INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP). (a) Establishment and Meetings.-- (1) In general.--Not to exceed 24 Members of Congress shall be appointed to meet not less than twice annually with representatives of the European Parliament for discussions of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and the European Union. (2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). (b) Appointment and Members.--Of the Members of Congress appointed for purposes of this section-- (1) half shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, from among Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (2) half shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. (c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. (2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation. <all>
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act''. SEC. 2. TRANSATLANTIC LEGISLATORS' DIALOGUE (UNITED STATES-EUROPEAN UNION INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP). (a) Establishment and Meetings.-- (1) In general.--Not to exceed 24 Members of Congress shall be appointed to meet not less than twice annually with representatives of the European Parliament for discussions of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and the European Union. (2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). (b) Appointment and Members.--Of the Members of Congress appointed for purposes of this section-- (1) half shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, from among Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (2) half shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. (c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. (2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation. <all>
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act''. SEC. 2. TRANSATLANTIC LEGISLATORS' DIALOGUE (UNITED STATES-EUROPEAN UNION INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP). (a) Establishment and Meetings.-- (1) In general.--Not to exceed 24 Members of Congress shall be appointed to meet not less than twice annually with representatives of the European Parliament for discussions of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and the European Union. (2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). (b) Appointment and Members.--Of the Members of Congress appointed for purposes of this section-- (1) half shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, from among Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (2) half shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. (c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. (2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation. <all>
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act''. SEC. 2. TRANSATLANTIC LEGISLATORS' DIALOGUE (UNITED STATES-EUROPEAN UNION INTERPARLIAMENTARY GROUP). (a) Establishment and Meetings.-- (1) In general.--Not to exceed 24 Members of Congress shall be appointed to meet not less than twice annually with representatives of the European Parliament for discussions of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and the European Union. (2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). (b) Appointment and Members.--Of the Members of Congress appointed for purposes of this section-- (1) half shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House, from among Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs); and (2) half shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, from among Members of the Senate (not less than 4 of whom shall be members of the Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the majority and minority leaders of the Senate determine otherwise. (c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. (2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation. <all>
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. ( d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation.
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. ( d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation.
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. ( d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation.
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. ( d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation.
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Senate.--The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate group of the United States Delegation. (
To authorize the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States- European Union Interparliamentary Group), and for other purposes. 2) Reference.--The Members of Congress appointed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be referred to as the ``United States Delegation'' of the Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group). c) Chairperson and Ranking Member.-- (1) House.--The Chair and Vice Chair of the House Group shall be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in consultation with the minority leader of the House. ( d) Report.--The United States group shall submit to the Congress a report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is made for the United States Delegation, which shall include its expenditures under such appropriation.
Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue Act - Establishes the Transatlantic Legislative Dialogue (United States-European Union Interparliamentary Group) to meet at least twice annually with representatives of the European Parliament for discussions of common problems in the interest of relations between the United States and the European Union. Authorizes appropriations for the Group. Directs the President Pro Tempore of the
Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021 This bill authorizes an alien crewman to obtain a permit to land in the United States for up to 180 days if, during this period, the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations involving a vessel engaged in foreign trade. Currently, an alien crewman may obtain a permit to land for up to 29 days. Under this bill, an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel to perform the above-described liquid cargo transfer operations may qualify as a nonimmigrant in transit. (A qualifying nonimmigrant in transit may obtain a transit visa.)
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF NONIMMIGRANT IN TRANSIT. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat. 758); or ``(iii) an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from another vessel engaged in foreign trade for a period not to exceed 180 days.''. SEC. 3. CONDITIONAL PERMITS TO LAND TEMPORARILY. Section 252(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1282(a)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) 180 days, if the immigration officer is satisfied that the crewman intends to depart, within the period for which the crewman is permitted to land, on either the same vessel or on a vessel other than the vessel on which the crewman arrived and that the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from any other vessel engaged in foreign trade during such period.''. <all>
Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes.
Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021
Rep. Garcia, Sylvia R.
This bill authorizes an alien crewman to obtain a permit to land in the United States for up to 180 days if, during this period, the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations involving a vessel engaged in foreign trade. Currently, an alien crewman may obtain a permit to land for up to 29 days. Under this bill, an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel to perform the above-described liquid cargo transfer operations may qualify as a nonimmigrant in transit. (A qualifying nonimmigrant in transit may obtain a transit visa.)
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF NONIMMIGRANT IN TRANSIT. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat. 758); or ``(iii) an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from another vessel engaged in foreign trade for a period not to exceed 180 days.''. SEC. 3. CONDITIONAL PERMITS TO LAND TEMPORARILY. Section 252(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1282(a)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) 180 days, if the immigration officer is satisfied that the crewman intends to depart, within the period for which the crewman is permitted to land, on either the same vessel or on a vessel other than the vessel on which the crewman arrived and that the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from any other vessel engaged in foreign trade during such period.''. <all>
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF NONIMMIGRANT IN TRANSIT. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat. 758); or ``(iii) an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from another vessel engaged in foreign trade for a period not to exceed 180 days.''. SEC. 3. CONDITIONAL PERMITS TO LAND TEMPORARILY. Section 252(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1282(a)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) 180 days, if the immigration officer is satisfied that the crewman intends to depart, within the period for which the crewman is permitted to land, on either the same vessel or on a vessel other than the vessel on which the crewman arrived and that the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from any other vessel engaged in foreign trade during such period.''. <all>
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF NONIMMIGRANT IN TRANSIT. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat. 758); or ``(iii) an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from another vessel engaged in foreign trade for a period not to exceed 180 days.''. SEC. 3. CONDITIONAL PERMITS TO LAND TEMPORARILY. Section 252(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1282(a)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) 180 days, if the immigration officer is satisfied that the crewman intends to depart, within the period for which the crewman is permitted to land, on either the same vessel or on a vessel other than the vessel on which the crewman arrived and that the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from any other vessel engaged in foreign trade during such period.''. <all>
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF NONIMMIGRANT IN TRANSIT. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat. 758); or ``(iii) an alien passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from another vessel engaged in foreign trade for a period not to exceed 180 days.''. SEC. 3. CONDITIONAL PERMITS TO LAND TEMPORARILY. Section 252(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1282(a)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) 180 days, if the immigration officer is satisfied that the crewman intends to depart, within the period for which the crewman is permitted to land, on either the same vessel or on a vessel other than the vessel on which the crewman arrived and that the crewman will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations to or from any other vessel engaged in foreign trade during such period.''. <all>
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens passing in transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Subparagraph (C) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)) is amended to read as follows: ``(C)(i) an alien in immediate and continuous transit through the United States not to exceed 29 days; ``(ii) an alien who qualifies as a person entitled to pass in transit to and from the United Nations Headquarters District and foreign countries, under the provisions of paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) of section 11 of the Headquarters Agreement with the United Nations (61 Stat.
Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2021 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to include aliens in immediate and continuous transit through the United States to board a vessel on which the alien will perform ship-to-ship liquid cargo transfer operations within a class of nonimmigrant aliens, and for other purposes. Amends Federal law to: (1) revise the definition of non
Housing and Community Development
Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021 This bill prohibits discrimination, in the context of various housing practices, against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. HOUSING. (a) Fair Housing Act.--The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 802, by adding at the end the following: ``(p) `Race', `color', `religion', `sex' (including sexual orientation and gender identity), `handicap', `familial status', or `national origin', used with respect to an individual, includes-- ``(1) the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of another person with whom the individual is associated or has been associated; and ``(2) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of the individual. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ``(r) `Sexual orientation' means homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. (b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears. <all>
Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes.
Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021
Rep. Schneider, Bradley Scott
This bill prohibits discrimination, in the context of various housing practices, against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. HOUSING. (a) Fair Housing Act.--The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 802, by adding at the end the following: ``(p) `Race', `color', `religion', `sex' (including sexual orientation and gender identity), `handicap', `familial status', or `national origin', used with respect to an individual, includes-- ``(1) the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of another person with whom the individual is associated or has been associated; and ``(2) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of the individual. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ``(r) `Sexual orientation' means homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. (b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears. <all>
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. HOUSING. (a) Fair Housing Act.--The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 802, by adding at the end the following: ``(p) `Race', `color', `religion', `sex' (including sexual orientation and gender identity), `handicap', `familial status', or `national origin', used with respect to an individual, includes-- ``(1) the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of another person with whom the individual is associated or has been associated; and ``(2) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of the individual. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ``(r) `Sexual orientation' means homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. (b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears. <all>
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. HOUSING. (a) Fair Housing Act.--The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 802, by adding at the end the following: ``(p) `Race', `color', `religion', `sex' (including sexual orientation and gender identity), `handicap', `familial status', or `national origin', used with respect to an individual, includes-- ``(1) the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of another person with whom the individual is associated or has been associated; and ``(2) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of the individual. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ``(r) `Sexual orientation' means homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. (b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears. <all>
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. HOUSING. (a) Fair Housing Act.--The Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 802, by adding at the end the following: ``(p) `Race', `color', `religion', `sex' (including sexual orientation and gender identity), `handicap', `familial status', or `national origin', used with respect to an individual, includes-- ``(1) the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of another person with whom the individual is associated or has been associated; and ``(2) a perception or belief, even if inaccurate, concerning the race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), handicap, familial status, or national origin, respectively, of the individual. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ``(r) `Sexual orientation' means homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. (b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears. <all>
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. ( b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. ( b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. ( b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. ( b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
To extend the protections of the Fair Housing Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. ``(q) `Gender identity' means the gender-related identity, appearance, or mannerisms or other gender-related characteristics of an individual, without regard to the individual's designated sex at birth. ''; (2) in section 804, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (3) in section 805, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; (4) in section 806, by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears; and (5) in section 808(e)(6), by inserting ``(including sexual orientation and gender identity)'' after ``sex''. ( b) Prevention of Intimidation in Fair Housing Cases.--Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3631) is amended by inserting ``(including sexual orientation (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act) and gender identity (as such term is defined in section 802 of this Act))'' after ``sex'' each place that term appears.
Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2021 - Amends the Fair Housing Act to extend the protections of the Act to persons suffering discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, and for other purposes. Amends title II (Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance) (OASDI) of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the definition of
Crime and Law Enforcement
Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022 or the CEASE Overdose Act of 2022 This bill places fentanyl-related substances as a class into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. A schedule I controlled substance is a drug, substance, or chemical that has a high potential for abuse; has no currently accepted medical value; and is subject to regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022'' or the ``CEASE Overdose Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(c)) is amended by adding at the end of schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of a fentanyl-related substance, or which contains the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers of a fentanyl-related substance whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(B) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(E) By replacement of the N-propionyl group with another acyl group. ``(3) A substance that satisfies the definition of the term `fentanyl-related substance' in paragraph (2) shall nonetheless not be treated as a fentanyl-related substance subject to this schedule if the substance-- ``(A) is controlled by action of the Attorney General under section 201; or ``(B) is otherwise expressly listed in a schedule other than this schedule.''. <all>
CEASE Overdose Act of 2022
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes.
CEASE Overdose Act of 2022 Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022
Rep. Johnson, Mike
This bill places fentanyl-related substances as a class into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. A schedule I controlled substance is a drug, substance, or chemical that has a high potential for abuse; has no currently accepted medical value; and is subject to regulatory controls and administrative, civil, and criminal penalties under the Controlled Substances Act.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022'' or the ``CEASE Overdose Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(c)) is amended by adding at the end of schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of a fentanyl-related substance, or which contains the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers of a fentanyl-related substance whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(B) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(E) By replacement of the N-propionyl group with another acyl group. ``(3) A substance that satisfies the definition of the term `fentanyl-related substance' in paragraph (2) shall nonetheless not be treated as a fentanyl-related substance subject to this schedule if the substance-- ``(A) is controlled by action of the Attorney General under section 201; or ``(B) is otherwise expressly listed in a schedule other than this schedule.''. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022'' or the ``CEASE Overdose Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(c)) is amended by adding at the end of schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of a fentanyl-related substance, or which contains the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers of a fentanyl-related substance whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(B) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(E) By replacement of the N-propionyl group with another acyl group. ``(3) A substance that satisfies the definition of the term `fentanyl-related substance' in paragraph (2) shall nonetheless not be treated as a fentanyl-related substance subject to this schedule if the substance-- ``(A) is controlled by action of the Attorney General under section 201; or ``(B) is otherwise expressly listed in a schedule other than this schedule.''. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022'' or the ``CEASE Overdose Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(c)) is amended by adding at the end of schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of a fentanyl-related substance, or which contains the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers of a fentanyl-related substance whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(B) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(E) By replacement of the N-propionyl group with another acyl group. ``(3) A substance that satisfies the definition of the term `fentanyl-related substance' in paragraph (2) shall nonetheless not be treated as a fentanyl-related substance subject to this schedule if the substance-- ``(A) is controlled by action of the Attorney General under section 201; or ``(B) is otherwise expressly listed in a schedule other than this schedule.''. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022'' or the ``CEASE Overdose Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. Section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812(c)) is amended by adding at the end of schedule I the following: ``(e)(1) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of a fentanyl-related substance, or which contains the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers of a fentanyl-related substance whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(B) By substitution in or on the phenethyl group with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle. ``(E) By replacement of the N-propionyl group with another acyl group. ``(3) A substance that satisfies the definition of the term `fentanyl-related substance' in paragraph (2) shall nonetheless not be treated as a fentanyl-related substance subject to this schedule if the substance-- ``(A) is controlled by action of the Attorney General under section 201; or ``(B) is otherwise expressly listed in a schedule other than this schedule.''. <all>
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. CLASS SCHEDULING OF FENTANYL-RELATED SUBSTANCES. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle.
To amend the Controlled Substances Act with respect to the scheduling of fentanyl-related substances, and for other purposes. ``(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), except as provided in paragraph (3), the term `fentanyl-related substance' means any substance that is structurally related to fentanyl by 1 or more of the following modifications: ``(A) By replacement of the phenyl portion of the phenethyl group by any monocycle, whether or not further substituted in or on the monocycle. ``(C) By substitution in or on the piperidine ring with alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyl, ester, ether, hydroxyl, halo, haloalkyl, amino, or nitro groups. ``(D) By replacement of the aniline ring with any aromatic monocycle whether or not further substituted in or on the aromatic monocycle.
Continuous and Enduring Action to Stop Every Overdose Act of 2022 or the CEASE Overdose ACT of 2022 This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act to revise the schedule I (Fentanyl) of the Act to include any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of a fentanyl-related substance or which contains the salts, isomers, and salts of
Government Operations and Politics
Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act This bill requires (1) Senior Executive Service and Schedule C federal employees to annually disclose any federal student loan debt, and (2) the Office of Government Ethics to annually report the total amount owed by such employees and any employees who failed to comply with the bill's requirements.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL STUDENT LOAN DEBT BY SES AND SCHEDULE C EMPLOYEES. Section 102 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j)(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act, and not later than February 28 of each year thereafter, a covered employee shall file a report containing a full and complete statement of the outstanding balance of principal and interest owed by such employee on-- ``(A) each loan made under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.); and ``(B) any loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B or E of such Act. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''. <all>
Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes.
Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act
Rep. Budd, Ted
This bill requires (1) Senior Executive Service and Schedule C federal employees to annually disclose any federal student loan debt, and (2) the Office of Government Ethics to annually report the total amount owed by such employees and any employees who failed to comply with the bill's requirements.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL STUDENT LOAN DEBT BY SES AND SCHEDULE C EMPLOYEES. Section 102 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j)(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act, and not later than February 28 of each year thereafter, a covered employee shall file a report containing a full and complete statement of the outstanding balance of principal and interest owed by such employee on-- ``(A) each loan made under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.); and ``(B) any loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B or E of such Act. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''. <all>
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL STUDENT LOAN DEBT BY SES AND SCHEDULE C EMPLOYEES. Section 102 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j)(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act, and not later than February 28 of each year thereafter, a covered employee shall file a report containing a full and complete statement of the outstanding balance of principal and interest owed by such employee on-- ``(A) each loan made under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.); and ``(B) any loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B or E of such Act. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''. <all>
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL STUDENT LOAN DEBT BY SES AND SCHEDULE C EMPLOYEES. Section 102 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j)(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act, and not later than February 28 of each year thereafter, a covered employee shall file a report containing a full and complete statement of the outstanding balance of principal and interest owed by such employee on-- ``(A) each loan made under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.); and ``(B) any loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B or E of such Act. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''. <all>
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL STUDENT LOAN DEBT BY SES AND SCHEDULE C EMPLOYEES. Section 102 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j)(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of the Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act, and not later than February 28 of each year thereafter, a covered employee shall file a report containing a full and complete statement of the outstanding balance of principal and interest owed by such employee on-- ``(A) each loan made under part D of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.); and ``(B) any loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B or E of such Act. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''. <all>
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph.
To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service and schedule C employees to disclose Federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. ``(2) Within 60 days of assuming the position of a covered employee, an individual shall file a report containing the information required under paragraph (1). ``(3) Not later than May 1 of each year, the Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall transmit to Congress a report containing-- ``(A) the total amount owed by all covered employees as disclosed under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the name of any covered employee who failed to file or report any information required to be reported under such paragraph. ``(4) In this subsection, the term `covered employee' means any employee of the executive branch who occupies-- ``(A) a Senior Executive Service position (as that term is defined in section 3132(a) of title 5, United States Code); or ``(B) a position of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.''.
Federal Employee Student Debt Transparency Act - Amends the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to require Senior Executive Service (SES) and schedule C (confidential or policy-determining) employees to disclose federal student loan debt, and for other purposes. Requires a covered employee to file a report within 60 days of assuming the position of a SES or schedule C employee.
Crime and Law Enforcement
Inspector General Notification Act This bill requires the Department of Justice (DOJ) to notify the DOJ Office of the Inspector General in any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party (i.e., any member of the legislative branch or any member or employee of the judicial branch) is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant.
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Inspector General Notification Act''. SEC. 2. NOTICE OF CERTAIN SUBPOENAS AND WARRANTS. (a) In General.--In any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant issued pursuant to an investigation conducted by the Department of Justice, the Attorney General shall provide to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice a notice of such subpoena, order, or warrant not later than 7 days after the subpoena or warrant is issued. (b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. (d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (2) Legislative branch.--The term ``legislative branch'' includes-- (A) The House of Representatives. (B) The Senate. (C) The Congressional Budget Office. (D) The Government Accountability Office. (E) The United States Capitol Police. (3) Metadata.--The term ``metadata'' means non-content information relating to communications. <all>
Inspector General Notification Act
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes.
Inspector General Notification Act
Rep. Lieu, Ted
This bill requires the Department of Justice (DOJ) to notify the DOJ Office of the Inspector General in any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party (i.e., any member of the legislative branch or any member or employee of the judicial branch) is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant.
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Inspector General Notification Act''. SEC. 2. NOTICE OF CERTAIN SUBPOENAS AND WARRANTS. (a) In General.--In any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant issued pursuant to an investigation conducted by the Department of Justice, the Attorney General shall provide to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice a notice of such subpoena, order, or warrant not later than 7 days after the subpoena or warrant is issued. (b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. (d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (2) Legislative branch.--The term ``legislative branch'' includes-- (A) The House of Representatives. (B) The Senate. (C) The Congressional Budget Office. (D) The Government Accountability Office. (E) The United States Capitol Police. (3) Metadata.--The term ``metadata'' means non-content information relating to communications. <all>
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Inspector General Notification Act''. SEC. 2. NOTICE OF CERTAIN SUBPOENAS AND WARRANTS. (a) In General.--In any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant issued pursuant to an investigation conducted by the Department of Justice, the Attorney General shall provide to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice a notice of such subpoena, order, or warrant not later than 7 days after the subpoena or warrant is issued. (b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. (d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (2) Legislative branch.--The term ``legislative branch'' includes-- (A) The House of Representatives. (B) The Senate. (C) The Congressional Budget Office. (D) The Government Accountability Office. (E) The United States Capitol Police. (3) Metadata.--The term ``metadata'' means non-content information relating to communications. <all>
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Inspector General Notification Act''. SEC. 2. NOTICE OF CERTAIN SUBPOENAS AND WARRANTS. (a) In General.--In any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant issued pursuant to an investigation conducted by the Department of Justice, the Attorney General shall provide to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice a notice of such subpoena, order, or warrant not later than 7 days after the subpoena or warrant is issued. (b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. (d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (2) Legislative branch.--The term ``legislative branch'' includes-- (A) The House of Representatives. (B) The Senate. (C) The Congressional Budget Office. (D) The Government Accountability Office. (E) The United States Capitol Police. (3) Metadata.--The term ``metadata'' means non-content information relating to communications. <all>
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Inspector General Notification Act''. SEC. 2. NOTICE OF CERTAIN SUBPOENAS AND WARRANTS. (a) In General.--In any case in which the metadata or contents of any communication of a covered party is subject to a subpoena, court order, or warrant issued pursuant to an investigation conducted by the Department of Justice, the Attorney General shall provide to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice a notice of such subpoena, order, or warrant not later than 7 days after the subpoena or warrant is issued. (b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. (d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (2) Legislative branch.--The term ``legislative branch'' includes-- (A) The House of Representatives. (B) The Senate. (C) The Congressional Budget Office. (D) The Government Accountability Office. (E) The United States Capitol Police. (3) Metadata.--The term ``metadata'' means non-content information relating to communications. <all>
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. ( d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. ( D) The Government Accountability Office. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. ( D) The Government Accountability Office. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. ( d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. ( D) The Government Accountability Office. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. ( d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. ( D) The Government Accountability Office. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. ( d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. ( D) The Government Accountability Office. (
To require notice of certain subpoenas and warrants issued to a third party pursuant to an investigation of the Department of Justice, and for other purposes. b) Review.--The Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall review each subpoena, order, or warrant with respect to which the Inspector General receives a notice under subsection (a) to determine whether such subpoena, order, or warrant was sought in bad faith. (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and each year thereafter, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the number of times a subpoena, order, or warrant described in subsection (a) was issued. ( d) Definitions.--In this Act: (1) Covered party.--The term ``covered party'' means-- (A) any member or employee of the legislative branch; or (B) any member or employee of the judicial branch, including a judge, clerk, or member of judicial staff. (
Inspector General Notification Act - Directs the Attorney General to provide to the Inspector General for the Department of Justice (DOJ) a notice of a subpoena, order, or warrant within seven days after the subpoena or warrant is issued. (Sec. 2) Requires the IG to review each such subpoena and order to determine whether it was sought in bad faith. Requires each year,
Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021 This bill includes Direct PLUS Loans that are made to graduate students and parents on behalf of dependent students in an institution of higher education's (IHE's) cohort default rate. This rate is the percentage of an IHE's borrowers who enter repayment and default on certain student loans. Further, the Department of Education must include this information in its annual report on cohort default rates.
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. (a) Definition of ``Cohort Default Rate''.--Section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (ii) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (B) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (2) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `students', when used with respect to a determination or calculation of the number of students who enter repayment or default on a loan received for attendance at an institution, shall include parents with a Federal Direct PLUS Loan or a loan under section 428B made on behalf of a dependent student for attendance at the institution.''. (b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year. <all>
Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes.
Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021
Rep. Van Duyne, Beth
This bill includes Direct PLUS Loans that are made to graduate students and parents on behalf of dependent students in an institution of higher education's (IHE's) cohort default rate. This rate is the percentage of an IHE's borrowers who enter repayment and default on certain student loans. Further, the Department of Education must include this information in its annual report on cohort default rates.
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. (a) Definition of ``Cohort Default Rate''.--Section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (ii) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (B) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (2) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `students', when used with respect to a determination or calculation of the number of students who enter repayment or default on a loan received for attendance at an institution, shall include parents with a Federal Direct PLUS Loan or a loan under section 428B made on behalf of a dependent student for attendance at the institution.''. (b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year. <all>
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. (a) Definition of ``Cohort Default Rate''.--Section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (ii) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (B) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (2) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `students', when used with respect to a determination or calculation of the number of students who enter repayment or default on a loan received for attendance at an institution, shall include parents with a Federal Direct PLUS Loan or a loan under section 428B made on behalf of a dependent student for attendance at the institution.''. (b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year. <all>
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. (a) Definition of ``Cohort Default Rate''.--Section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (ii) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (B) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (2) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `students', when used with respect to a determination or calculation of the number of students who enter repayment or default on a loan received for attendance at an institution, shall include parents with a Federal Direct PLUS Loan or a loan under section 428B made on behalf of a dependent student for attendance at the institution.''. (b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year. <all>
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. (a) Definition of ``Cohort Default Rate''.--Section 435(m) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (ii) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (B) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''; and (2) in paragraph (2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `students', when used with respect to a determination or calculation of the number of students who enter repayment or default on a loan received for attendance at an institution, shall include parents with a Federal Direct PLUS Loan or a loan under section 428B made on behalf of a dependent student for attendance at the institution.''. (b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year. <all>
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. ( b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. ( c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year.
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. ( b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. ( c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year.
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. ( b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. ( c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year.
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. ( b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. ( c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year.
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. (
To require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other purposes. ADDITION OF CERTAIN LOANS TO PARENTS AND GRADUATE STUDENT TO THE CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF COHORT DEFAULT RATES. ( b) Collection and Reporting of Cohort Default Rates.--Section 435(m)(4)(A) of such Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1085(m)(4)(A)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``section 428, 428A, or 428H'' and inserting ``this part or part D''; and (2) by inserting ``or a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan'' after ``section 428C''. ( c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall be effective for the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act, and each subsequent fiscal year.
Combating Predatory Lending in Higher Education Act of 2021 This bill amends title IV (Student Assistance) of the Higher Learning Act of 1965 to require that certain loans made to parents on behalf of a dependent student and to graduate students are included in the definition of cohort default rate under the Act, to require the Secretary of Education to report default rates for such loans, and for other
Crime and Law Enforcement
Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021 This bill revises the federal criminal statute that prohibits assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain federal officers or employees. Among other changes, the bill increases the applicable penalties for such offenses.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ASSAULTING, RESISTING, OR IMPEDING CERTAIN OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES. Section 111 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ``Sec. 111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees ``(a) In General.--Whoever knowingly-- ``(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes while performing official duties, ``(2) makes physical contact with or has the intent to commit another felony while acting under paragraph (1), or ``(3) uses a deadly or dangerous weapon against (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury while acting under paragraph (1), any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the United States Government (including any member of the uniformed services) while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, or any person who formerly served as a person defined above on account of the performance of official duties during such person's term of service shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. ``(3) For a violation of paragraph (3) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $10,000 or by mandatory imprisonment, or both.''. <all>
Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes.
Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021
Rep. Arrington, Jodey C.
This bill revises the federal criminal statute that prohibits assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain federal officers or employees. Among other changes, the bill increases the applicable penalties for such offenses.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ASSAULTING, RESISTING, OR IMPEDING CERTAIN OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES. Section 111 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ``Sec. 111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees ``(a) In General.--Whoever knowingly-- ``(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes while performing official duties, ``(2) makes physical contact with or has the intent to commit another felony while acting under paragraph (1), or ``(3) uses a deadly or dangerous weapon against (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury while acting under paragraph (1), any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the United States Government (including any member of the uniformed services) while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, or any person who formerly served as a person defined above on account of the performance of official duties during such person's term of service shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. ``(3) For a violation of paragraph (3) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $10,000 or by mandatory imprisonment, or both.''. <all>
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ASSAULTING, RESISTING, OR IMPEDING CERTAIN OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES. Section 111 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ``Sec. 111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees ``(a) In General.--Whoever knowingly-- ``(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes while performing official duties, ``(2) makes physical contact with or has the intent to commit another felony while acting under paragraph (1), or ``(3) uses a deadly or dangerous weapon against (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury while acting under paragraph (1), any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the United States Government (including any member of the uniformed services) while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, or any person who formerly served as a person defined above on account of the performance of official duties during such person's term of service shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. ``(3) For a violation of paragraph (3) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $10,000 or by mandatory imprisonment, or both.''. <all>
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ASSAULTING, RESISTING, OR IMPEDING CERTAIN OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES. Section 111 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ``Sec. 111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees ``(a) In General.--Whoever knowingly-- ``(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes while performing official duties, ``(2) makes physical contact with or has the intent to commit another felony while acting under paragraph (1), or ``(3) uses a deadly or dangerous weapon against (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury while acting under paragraph (1), any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the United States Government (including any member of the uniformed services) while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, or any person who formerly served as a person defined above on account of the performance of official duties during such person's term of service shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. ``(3) For a violation of paragraph (3) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $10,000 or by mandatory imprisonment, or both.''. <all>
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ASSAULTING, RESISTING, OR IMPEDING CERTAIN OFFICERS OR EMPLOYEES. Section 111 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ``Sec. 111. Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees ``(a) In General.--Whoever knowingly-- ``(1) forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes while performing official duties, ``(2) makes physical contact with or has the intent to commit another felony while acting under paragraph (1), or ``(3) uses a deadly or dangerous weapon against (including a weapon intended to cause death or danger but that fails to do so by reason of a defective component) or inflicts bodily injury while acting under paragraph (1), any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the United States Government (including any member of the uniformed services) while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, or any person who formerly served as a person defined above on account of the performance of official duties during such person's term of service shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both. ``(3) For a violation of paragraph (3) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $10,000 or by mandatory imprisonment, or both.''. <all>
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both.
To amend title 18, United States Code, to increase certain penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(b) Punishment.--A violation of subsection (a) shall be punished as follows: ``(1) For a violation of paragraph (1) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. ``(2) For a violation of paragraph (2) of such subsection, by a fine under this title of not less than $2,500 or by imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both.
Patrick Underwood Federal Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2021 This bill amends the federal criminal code to increase the penalties for assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees, and for other purposes. The bill defines "officer or employee" as any officer or employee of the United States or of any agency in any branch of the federal government who engages in or on account of official
Finance and Financial Sector
Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022 or the IMPAIR Russia Act This bill prohibits investment companies and other institutional investors from purchasing securities issued by a Russian entity.
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022'' or the ``IMPAIR Russia Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES OF RUSSIAN ENTITIES. (a) In General.--An institutional investor may not purchase a security issued by a Russian entity on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). (2) Penalties.--A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of subsection (a) or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out that subsection shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. <all>
IMPAIR Russia Act
A bill to prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities.
IMPAIR Russia Act Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022
Sen. Rubio, Marco
This bill prohibits investment companies and other institutional investors from purchasing securities issued by a Russian entity.
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022'' or the ``IMPAIR Russia Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES OF RUSSIAN ENTITIES. (a) In General.--An institutional investor may not purchase a security issued by a Russian entity on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). (2) Penalties.--A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of subsection (a) or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out that subsection shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. <all>
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022'' or the ``IMPAIR Russia Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES OF RUSSIAN ENTITIES. (a) In General.--An institutional investor may not purchase a security issued by a Russian entity on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). (2) Penalties.--A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of subsection (a) or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out that subsection shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. <all>
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022'' or the ``IMPAIR Russia Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES OF RUSSIAN ENTITIES. (a) In General.--An institutional investor may not purchase a security issued by a Russian entity on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). (2) Penalties.--A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of subsection (a) or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out that subsection shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. <all>
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022'' or the ``IMPAIR Russia Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON INVESTMENT IN SECURITIES OF RUSSIAN ENTITIES. (a) In General.--An institutional investor may not purchase a security issued by a Russian entity on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). (2) Penalties.--A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of subsection (a) or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out that subsection shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. <all>
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). ( 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). ( 2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). ( 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). ( 2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). ( 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). ( 2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). ( 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). ( 2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Institutional investor.--The term ``institutional investor'' means-- (A) an investment company, as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). (
To prohibit investment by institutional investors in securities issued by Russian entities. b) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out subsection (a). ( 80a- 3), or any person that would be an investment company but for the application of paragraph (1) or (7) of subsection (c) of that section; (B) an insurance company, as defined in section 2(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(a)); or (C) a fiduciary, within the meaning of section 3(21) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1002(21)). ( 2) Russian entity.--The term ``Russian entity'' means an entity organized under the laws of the Russian Federation or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Instituting Measures to Protect American Investors and Retirees from Russia Act of 2022 or the IMPIR Russia Act This bill prohibits an institutional investor from purchasing a security issued by a Russian entity on or after the date of this bill's enactment. The President may exercise all authorities provided under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to carry out this prohibition. A person that violates, attempts to violate
Economics and Public Finance
This bill provides continuing appropriations to the District of Columbia courts and related agencies during any fiscal year in which appropriations have not otherwise been provided. (The continuing appropriations would exempt the courts and agencies from a government shutdown due to a lapse in appropriations for the federal government.) The bill provides continuing appropriations for federal payments to
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. INTERIM APPROPRIATIONS FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURTS AND RELATED AGENCIES. (a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. (b) Effect of Enactment of Subsequent Appropriations.--If an appropriation for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), or a general appropriation bill providing appropriations for Federal funds for the District of Columbia without provision for such a payment, is enacted into law on any date during a fiscal year following the expenditure of funds during such fiscal year pursuant to this Act-- (1) such expenditure shall be charged to such appropriation (if any); and (2) appropriations made available pursuant to this Act shall not be available after the date of enactment of such appropriation or general appropriation bill. (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. (2) A Federal payment for defender services in District of Columbia courts. (3) A Federal payment to the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia. (4) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Public Defender Service. (5) A Federal payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. (6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (7) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission. <all>
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies.
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies.
Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes
This bill provides continuing appropriations to the District of Columbia courts and related agencies during any fiscal year in which appropriations have not otherwise been provided. (The continuing appropriations would exempt the courts and agencies from a government shutdown due to a lapse in appropriations for the federal government.) The bill provides continuing appropriations for federal payments to
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. INTERIM APPROPRIATIONS FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURTS AND RELATED AGENCIES. (a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. (b) Effect of Enactment of Subsequent Appropriations.--If an appropriation for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), or a general appropriation bill providing appropriations for Federal funds for the District of Columbia without provision for such a payment, is enacted into law on any date during a fiscal year following the expenditure of funds during such fiscal year pursuant to this Act-- (1) such expenditure shall be charged to such appropriation (if any); and (2) appropriations made available pursuant to this Act shall not be available after the date of enactment of such appropriation or general appropriation bill. (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. (2) A Federal payment for defender services in District of Columbia courts. (3) A Federal payment to the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia. (4) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Public Defender Service. (5) A Federal payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. (6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (7) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission. <all>
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. INTERIM APPROPRIATIONS FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURTS AND RELATED AGENCIES. (a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. (b) Effect of Enactment of Subsequent Appropriations.--If an appropriation for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), or a general appropriation bill providing appropriations for Federal funds for the District of Columbia without provision for such a payment, is enacted into law on any date during a fiscal year following the expenditure of funds during such fiscal year pursuant to this Act-- (1) such expenditure shall be charged to such appropriation (if any); and (2) appropriations made available pursuant to this Act shall not be available after the date of enactment of such appropriation or general appropriation bill. (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. (2) A Federal payment for defender services in District of Columbia courts. (3) A Federal payment to the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia. (4) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Public Defender Service. (5) A Federal payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. (6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (7) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission. <all>
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. INTERIM APPROPRIATIONS FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURTS AND RELATED AGENCIES. (a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. (b) Effect of Enactment of Subsequent Appropriations.--If an appropriation for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), or a general appropriation bill providing appropriations for Federal funds for the District of Columbia without provision for such a payment, is enacted into law on any date during a fiscal year following the expenditure of funds during such fiscal year pursuant to this Act-- (1) such expenditure shall be charged to such appropriation (if any); and (2) appropriations made available pursuant to this Act shall not be available after the date of enactment of such appropriation or general appropriation bill. (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. (2) A Federal payment for defender services in District of Columbia courts. (3) A Federal payment to the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia. (4) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Public Defender Service. (5) A Federal payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. (6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (7) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission. <all>
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. INTERIM APPROPRIATIONS FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURTS AND RELATED AGENCIES. (a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. (b) Effect of Enactment of Subsequent Appropriations.--If an appropriation for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), or a general appropriation bill providing appropriations for Federal funds for the District of Columbia without provision for such a payment, is enacted into law on any date during a fiscal year following the expenditure of funds during such fiscal year pursuant to this Act-- (1) such expenditure shall be charged to such appropriation (if any); and (2) appropriations made available pursuant to this Act shall not be available after the date of enactment of such appropriation or general appropriation bill. (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. (2) A Federal payment for defender services in District of Columbia courts. (3) A Federal payment to the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia. (4) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Public Defender Service. (5) A Federal payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. (6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (7) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission. <all>
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
To provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. a) Availability of Interim Appropriations.--If during any fiscal year (beginning with fiscal year 2021) there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment described in subsection (c), and during the next fiscal year there is no appropriation made for such a payment, there shall be appropriated for such next fiscal year, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary for such payment, at a rate for operations and under the terms and conditions provided in the previous fiscal year. ( (c) Federal Payments Described.--The Federal payments described in this subsection are as follows: (1) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Courts. ( 6) A Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. (
Provides for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies. (Sec. 1) Provides that if there is an appropriation made for a Federal payment and during the next fiscal year there is no such appropriation made, there shall be appropriated for such next FY year, out of any money
International Affairs
This bill prohibits the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation from prohibiting or restricting the source of energy used by a power-generation project that has as its purpose the provision of affordable electricity in certain countries. Such countries are those that are eligible for support either solely from the International Development Association (IDA) or jointly from the IDA and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Further, the corporation (1) may not reject a power-generation project in such a country based on the source of energy used by the project; and (2) must promote a technology- and fuel-neutral energy development strategy for such countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON RESTRICTIONS ON POWER-GENERATION PROJECTS BY UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES. Section 1451 of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9671) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j) Prohibition on Restrictions on Power-Generation Projects in Certain Countries.-- ``(1) Prohibition on certain restrictions on power- generation projects.--The Corporation shall not implement or enforce any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or guideline that would prohibit or restrict the source of energy used by a power-generation project the purpose of which is to provide affordable electricity in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA- blend country. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ``(B) IDA-blend country.--The term `IDA-blend country' means a country eligible for support from both the International Development Association and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.''. <all>
A bill to prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries.
A bill to prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries.
Official Titles - Senate Official Title as Introduced A bill to prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries.
Sen. Barrasso, John
This bill prohibits the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation from prohibiting or restricting the source of energy used by a power-generation project that has as its purpose the provision of affordable electricity in certain countries. Such countries are those that are eligible for support either solely from the International Development Association (IDA) or jointly from the IDA and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Further, the corporation (1) may not reject a power-generation project in such a country based on the source of energy used by the project; and (2) must promote a technology- and fuel-neutral energy development strategy for such countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON RESTRICTIONS ON POWER-GENERATION PROJECTS BY UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES. Section 1451 of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9671) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j) Prohibition on Restrictions on Power-Generation Projects in Certain Countries.-- ``(1) Prohibition on certain restrictions on power- generation projects.--The Corporation shall not implement or enforce any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or guideline that would prohibit or restrict the source of energy used by a power-generation project the purpose of which is to provide affordable electricity in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA- blend country. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ``(B) IDA-blend country.--The term `IDA-blend country' means a country eligible for support from both the International Development Association and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.''. <all>
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON RESTRICTIONS ON POWER-GENERATION PROJECTS BY UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES. Section 1451 of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9671) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j) Prohibition on Restrictions on Power-Generation Projects in Certain Countries.-- ``(1) Prohibition on certain restrictions on power- generation projects.--The Corporation shall not implement or enforce any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or guideline that would prohibit or restrict the source of energy used by a power-generation project the purpose of which is to provide affordable electricity in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA- blend country. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ``(B) IDA-blend country.--The term `IDA-blend country' means a country eligible for support from both the International Development Association and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.''. <all>
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON RESTRICTIONS ON POWER-GENERATION PROJECTS BY UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES. Section 1451 of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9671) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j) Prohibition on Restrictions on Power-Generation Projects in Certain Countries.-- ``(1) Prohibition on certain restrictions on power- generation projects.--The Corporation shall not implement or enforce any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or guideline that would prohibit or restrict the source of energy used by a power-generation project the purpose of which is to provide affordable electricity in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA- blend country. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ``(B) IDA-blend country.--The term `IDA-blend country' means a country eligible for support from both the International Development Association and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.''. <all>
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON RESTRICTIONS ON POWER-GENERATION PROJECTS BY UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION IN CERTAIN COUNTRIES. Section 1451 of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 (22 U.S.C. 9671) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(j) Prohibition on Restrictions on Power-Generation Projects in Certain Countries.-- ``(1) Prohibition on certain restrictions on power- generation projects.--The Corporation shall not implement or enforce any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or guideline that would prohibit or restrict the source of energy used by a power-generation project the purpose of which is to provide affordable electricity in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA- blend country. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. ``(B) IDA-blend country.--The term `IDA-blend country' means a country eligible for support from both the International Development Association and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.''. <all>
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
To prohibit the United States International Development Finance Corporation from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA-blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-of-the-above energy development strategy for such countries. ``(2) Limitation on board.--The Board of the Corporation shall not, whether directly or through authority delegated by the Board, reject a power-generation project in an IDA-eligible country or an IDA-blend country based on the source of energy used by the project. ``(3) All-of-the-above energy development strategy.--The Corporation shall promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all- of-the-above energy development strategy for IDA-eligible countries and IDA-blend countries that includes the use of oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and geothermal power and other sources of energy. ``(4) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) IDA-eligible country.--The term `IDA-eligible country' means a country eligible for support from the International Development Association and not the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Amends the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018 to prohibit the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (IDFC) from imposing restrictions on the source of energy used by power-generation projects intended to provide affordable electricity in IDA-eligible countries or IDA blend countries and to require the Corporation to promote a technology- and fuel-neutral, all-
Environmental Protection
This bill requires the Department of the Interior to establish a grant program for plant genetics and genomics research related to (1) making riparian forests (e.g., forests on river banks) become more resilient to climate change and invasive species; and (2) providing critical habitat for animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) because most native plant species are genetically adapted to their local environment, climate change and invasive species result in plants no longer being locally adapted; (2) to promote restoration success, a network of integrated field trials (also known as provenance trials or common gardens) is crucial to determine which populations of dominant plants can survive current and projected future conditions, which in turn will enable the development of precision models to forecast climate change impacts on key native riparian forest species and the species that depend upon them for their survival; and (3) riparian systems are integral to and essential to wetland health and preservation, research into, and efforts to restore and protect the health of riparian ecosystems is essential. SEC. 2. RESEARCH GRANTS FOR PROJECTS RELATED TO RIPARIAN FOREST GENETICS AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. SEC. 3. DEFINITION OF RIPARIAN FOREST. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior $13,000,000 for each of fiscals years 2022 through 2031 to carry out the grant program established under section 2. <all>
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation.
Rep. O'Halleran, Tom
This bill requires the Department of the Interior to establish a grant program for plant genetics and genomics research related to (1) making riparian forests (e.g., forests on river banks) become more resilient to climate change and invasive species; and (2) providing critical habitat for animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) because most native plant species are genetically adapted to their local environment, climate change and invasive species result in plants no longer being locally adapted; (2) to promote restoration success, a network of integrated field trials (also known as provenance trials or common gardens) is crucial to determine which populations of dominant plants can survive current and projected future conditions, which in turn will enable the development of precision models to forecast climate change impacts on key native riparian forest species and the species that depend upon them for their survival; and (3) riparian systems are integral to and essential to wetland health and preservation, research into, and efforts to restore and protect the health of riparian ecosystems is essential. SEC. 2. RESEARCH GRANTS FOR PROJECTS RELATED TO RIPARIAN FOREST GENETICS AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. SEC. 3. DEFINITION OF RIPARIAN FOREST. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior $13,000,000 for each of fiscals years 2022 through 2031 to carry out the grant program established under section 2. <all>
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) because most native plant species are genetically adapted to their local environment, climate change and invasive species result in plants no longer being locally adapted; (2) to promote restoration success, a network of integrated field trials (also known as provenance trials or common gardens) is crucial to determine which populations of dominant plants can survive current and projected future conditions, which in turn will enable the development of precision models to forecast climate change impacts on key native riparian forest species and the species that depend upon them for their survival; and (3) riparian systems are integral to and essential to wetland health and preservation, research into, and efforts to restore and protect the health of riparian ecosystems is essential. SEC. 2. RESEARCH GRANTS FOR PROJECTS RELATED TO RIPARIAN FOREST GENETICS AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. SEC. 3. DEFINITION OF RIPARIAN FOREST. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior $13,000,000 for each of fiscals years 2022 through 2031 to carry out the grant program established under section 2. <all>
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) because most native plant species are genetically adapted to their local environment, climate change and invasive species result in plants no longer being locally adapted; (2) to promote restoration success, a network of integrated field trials (also known as provenance trials or common gardens) is crucial to determine which populations of dominant plants can survive current and projected future conditions, which in turn will enable the development of precision models to forecast climate change impacts on key native riparian forest species and the species that depend upon them for their survival; and (3) riparian systems are integral to and essential to wetland health and preservation, research into, and efforts to restore and protect the health of riparian ecosystems is essential. SEC. 2. RESEARCH GRANTS FOR PROJECTS RELATED TO RIPARIAN FOREST GENETICS AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. SEC. 3. DEFINITION OF RIPARIAN FOREST. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior $13,000,000 for each of fiscals years 2022 through 2031 to carry out the grant program established under section 2. <all>
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. FINDINGS. Congress finds that-- (1) because most native plant species are genetically adapted to their local environment, climate change and invasive species result in plants no longer being locally adapted; (2) to promote restoration success, a network of integrated field trials (also known as provenance trials or common gardens) is crucial to determine which populations of dominant plants can survive current and projected future conditions, which in turn will enable the development of precision models to forecast climate change impacts on key native riparian forest species and the species that depend upon them for their survival; and (3) riparian systems are integral to and essential to wetland health and preservation, research into, and efforts to restore and protect the health of riparian ecosystems is essential. SEC. 2. RESEARCH GRANTS FOR PROJECTS RELATED TO RIPARIAN FOREST GENETICS AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. SEC. 3. DEFINITION OF RIPARIAN FOREST. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior $13,000,000 for each of fiscals years 2022 through 2031 to carry out the grant program established under section 2. <all>
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat.
To authorize new grants for research into riparian forest genetics and climate adaptation. The Secretary of the Interior shall establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost, degraded, or threatened habitat. The Secretary shall determine entities eligible to receive such grants, projects eligible for such grants, application and approval procedures for such grants, and any limitations on the amount and uses of such grants, and any other terms and conditions the Secretary determines appropriate. As used in this Act, the term ``riparian forest'' means any riparian area and includes all plant, animal, insect, and microbial communities in such areas.
Authorizes appropriations to the Secretary of the Interior for FY 2022 through 2031 to establish a grant program for eligible entities to carry out projects that involve long-term research into plant genetics and genomics to make riparian forests and streams more resilient to climate change and invasive species and to provide critical habitat for birds, native fish, endangered species and other animals and plants that are suffering from lost
Territorial Economic Recovery Act This bill restores the favorable tax treatment of investment in U.S. territories and possessions. It treats such investment as domestic rather than foreign investment and requires investors to have an active trade or business in a U.S. territory or possession with a certain percentage of income derived from such territory or possession.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. INCOME OF CERTAIN QUALIFIED POSSESSION CORPORATIONS EXCLUDED FROM TESTED INCOME. (a) In General.--Section 951A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)(2)(A)(i), by striking ``and'' at the end of subclause (IV), by striking ``over'' at the end of subclause (V) and inserting ``and'', and by adding at the end the following new subclause: ``(VI) any income of a qualified possession corporation that is effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States, over''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsections: ``(g) Possession of the United States.--For purposes of this section, the term `possession of the United States' means Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any specified possession described in section 931(c). ``(h) Qualified Possession Corporation.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified possession corporation' means any controlled foreign corporation for any taxable year, if, for the 3-year period (or the period during which the controlled foreign corporation has been in existence, if shorter) ending in the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the determination is made-- ``(1) 80 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was derived from sources within a possession of the United States, and ``(2) 75 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end. <all>
Territorial Economic Recovery Act
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes.
Territorial Economic Recovery Act
Del. Plaskett, Stacey E.
This bill restores the favorable tax treatment of investment in U.S. territories and possessions. It treats such investment as domestic rather than foreign investment and requires investors to have an active trade or business in a U.S. territory or possession with a certain percentage of income derived from such territory or possession.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. INCOME OF CERTAIN QUALIFIED POSSESSION CORPORATIONS EXCLUDED FROM TESTED INCOME. (a) In General.--Section 951A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)(2)(A)(i), by striking ``and'' at the end of subclause (IV), by striking ``over'' at the end of subclause (V) and inserting ``and'', and by adding at the end the following new subclause: ``(VI) any income of a qualified possession corporation that is effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States, over''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsections: ``(g) Possession of the United States.--For purposes of this section, the term `possession of the United States' means Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any specified possession described in section 931(c). ``(h) Qualified Possession Corporation.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified possession corporation' means any controlled foreign corporation for any taxable year, if, for the 3-year period (or the period during which the controlled foreign corporation has been in existence, if shorter) ending in the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the determination is made-- ``(1) 80 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was derived from sources within a possession of the United States, and ``(2) 75 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. INCOME OF CERTAIN QUALIFIED POSSESSION CORPORATIONS EXCLUDED FROM TESTED INCOME. (a) In General.--Section 951A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)(2)(A)(i), by striking ``and'' at the end of subclause (IV), by striking ``over'' at the end of subclause (V) and inserting ``and'', and by adding at the end the following new subclause: ``(VI) any income of a qualified possession corporation that is effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States, over''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsections: ``(g) Possession of the United States.--For purposes of this section, the term `possession of the United States' means Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any specified possession described in section 931(c). ``(h) Qualified Possession Corporation.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified possession corporation' means any controlled foreign corporation for any taxable year, if, for the 3-year period (or the period during which the controlled foreign corporation has been in existence, if shorter) ending in the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the determination is made-- ``(1) 80 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was derived from sources within a possession of the United States, and ``(2) 75 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. INCOME OF CERTAIN QUALIFIED POSSESSION CORPORATIONS EXCLUDED FROM TESTED INCOME. (a) In General.--Section 951A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)(2)(A)(i), by striking ``and'' at the end of subclause (IV), by striking ``over'' at the end of subclause (V) and inserting ``and'', and by adding at the end the following new subclause: ``(VI) any income of a qualified possession corporation that is effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States, over''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsections: ``(g) Possession of the United States.--For purposes of this section, the term `possession of the United States' means Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any specified possession described in section 931(c). ``(h) Qualified Possession Corporation.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified possession corporation' means any controlled foreign corporation for any taxable year, if, for the 3-year period (or the period during which the controlled foreign corporation has been in existence, if shorter) ending in the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the determination is made-- ``(1) 80 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was derived from sources within a possession of the United States, and ``(2) 75 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. SEC. 2. INCOME OF CERTAIN QUALIFIED POSSESSION CORPORATIONS EXCLUDED FROM TESTED INCOME. (a) In General.--Section 951A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)(2)(A)(i), by striking ``and'' at the end of subclause (IV), by striking ``over'' at the end of subclause (V) and inserting ``and'', and by adding at the end the following new subclause: ``(VI) any income of a qualified possession corporation that is effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States, over''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsections: ``(g) Possession of the United States.--For purposes of this section, the term `possession of the United States' means Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and any specified possession described in section 931(c). ``(h) Qualified Possession Corporation.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified possession corporation' means any controlled foreign corporation for any taxable year, if, for the 3-year period (or the period during which the controlled foreign corporation has been in existence, if shorter) ending in the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the determination is made-- ``(1) 80 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was derived from sources within a possession of the United States, and ``(2) 75 percent or more of the gross income of such corporation was effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a possession of the United States.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Territorial Economic Recovery Act''. b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after December 31, 2020, and to taxable years of United States shareholders in which or with which such taxable years of foreign corporations end.
Territorial Economic Recovery Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to exclude certain amounts from the tested income of controlled foreign corporations, and for other purposes. (Currently, such income is excluded from the taxable income of U.S. shareholders.) (Sec. 2) Excludes income of a qualified possession corporation that is effectively connected with the active conduct of a trade or business within a
Transportation and Public Works
Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021 This bill expands and designates certain route segments on the National Highway System. Specifically, the bill (1) designates the portion of the Heartland Expressway (relating solely to the portion from Limon, Colorado to Interstate Route I-76 in the vicinity of Brush, Colorado) and the Ports-to-Plains Corridor as future parts of the Interstate System; and (2) permits the continued operation of vehicles on any segment of the Heartland Expressway (relating solely to the portion from Limon, Colorado to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush, Colorado) and the Ports-to-Plains Corridor that is designated as a route on the Interstate System in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico, without regard to vehicle weight limitation requirements.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. FUTURE INTERSTATE DESIGNATION AND OPERATION. (a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. 597; 118 Stat. 293; 129 Stat. 1422; 133 Stat. 3018) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), in the first sentence-- (A) by inserting ``subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush),'' after ``subsection (c)(13),''; and (B) by inserting ``subsection (c)(38),'' after ``subsection (c)(37),''; and (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by adding at the end the following: ``A State having jurisdiction over any segment of the routes referred to in subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush) or (c)(38) shall erect signs, as appropriate and approved by the Secretary, identifying such segment as a future addition to the Interstate System.''. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 2032; 114 Stat. 2763A-202; 119 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''. <all>
Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021
A bill to amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes.
Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021
Sen. Cruz, Ted
This bill expands and designates certain route segments on the National Highway System. Specifically, the bill (1) designates the portion of the Heartland Expressway (relating solely to the portion from Limon, Colorado to Interstate Route I-76 in the vicinity of Brush, Colorado) and the Ports-to-Plains Corridor as future parts of the Interstate System; and (2) permits the continued operation of vehicles on any segment of the Heartland Expressway (relating solely to the portion from Limon, Colorado to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush, Colorado) and the Ports-to-Plains Corridor that is designated as a route on the Interstate System in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico, without regard to vehicle weight limitation requirements.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. FUTURE INTERSTATE DESIGNATION AND OPERATION. (a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. 597; 118 Stat. 293; 129 Stat. 1422; 133 Stat. 3018) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), in the first sentence-- (A) by inserting ``subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush),'' after ``subsection (c)(13),''; and (B) by inserting ``subsection (c)(38),'' after ``subsection (c)(37),''; and (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by adding at the end the following: ``A State having jurisdiction over any segment of the routes referred to in subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush) or (c)(38) shall erect signs, as appropriate and approved by the Secretary, identifying such segment as a future addition to the Interstate System.''. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 2032; 114 Stat. 2763A-202; 119 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''. <all>
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. FUTURE INTERSTATE DESIGNATION AND OPERATION. (a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. 597; 118 Stat. 293; 129 Stat. 1422; 133 Stat. 3018) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), in the first sentence-- (A) by inserting ``subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush),'' after ``subsection (c)(13),''; and (B) by inserting ``subsection (c)(38),'' after ``subsection (c)(37),''; and (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by adding at the end the following: ``A State having jurisdiction over any segment of the routes referred to in subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush) or (c)(38) shall erect signs, as appropriate and approved by the Secretary, identifying such segment as a future addition to the Interstate System.''. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 2032; 114 Stat. 2763A-202; 119 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''. <all>
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. FUTURE INTERSTATE DESIGNATION AND OPERATION. (a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. 597; 118 Stat. 293; 129 Stat. 1422; 133 Stat. 3018) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), in the first sentence-- (A) by inserting ``subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush),'' after ``subsection (c)(13),''; and (B) by inserting ``subsection (c)(38),'' after ``subsection (c)(37),''; and (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by adding at the end the following: ``A State having jurisdiction over any segment of the routes referred to in subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush) or (c)(38) shall erect signs, as appropriate and approved by the Secretary, identifying such segment as a future addition to the Interstate System.''. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 2032; 114 Stat. 2763A-202; 119 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''. <all>
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. FUTURE INTERSTATE DESIGNATION AND OPERATION. (a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. 597; 118 Stat. 293; 129 Stat. 1422; 133 Stat. 3018) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), in the first sentence-- (A) by inserting ``subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush),'' after ``subsection (c)(13),''; and (B) by inserting ``subsection (c)(38),'' after ``subsection (c)(37),''; and (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by adding at the end the following: ``A State having jurisdiction over any segment of the routes referred to in subsection (c)(14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush) or (c)(38) shall erect signs, as appropriate and approved by the Secretary, identifying such segment as a future addition to the Interstate System.''. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 2032; 114 Stat. 2763A-202; 119 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''. <all>
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat.
To amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to future interstate designations, and for other purposes. a) Inclusion of Certain Route Segments on Interstate System.-- Section 1105(e)(5) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 109 Stat. (b) Vehicle Weight Limitations.--Section 127 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(v) Operation of Vehicles on Certain Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico Highways.--If any segment of the routes referred to in paragraph (14)(A)(ii) (relating solely to the portion from Limon to I- 76 in the vicinity of Brush) or paragraph (38) of section 1105(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240; 105 Stat. 1210) is designated as a route on the Interstate System, a vehicle that could operate legally on that segment before the date of such designation may continue to operate on that segment, without regard to any requirement under this section.''.
Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021 - Amends the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 to: (1) include certain segments of the Interstate System from Limon to I-76 in the vicinity of Brush, New Mexico, as future Interstate System segments; and (2) require a state having jurisdiction over any segment of such routes to erect signs
Water Resources Development
This bill expands eligibility for the Bureau of Reclamation's competitive grant program for small water storage and groundwater storage projects. Under the bill, eligible projects must have a capacity of not less than 200 acre-feet (AF) of water. Current law requires an eligible project to have a capacity of not less than 2,000 AF of water. The bill also allows Reclamation to provide additional grants to certain dam rehabilitation and reconstruction projects provided that projects previously eligible under the program have received the necessary funding.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT OF SMALL WATER STORAGE AND GROUNDWATER STORAGE PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN GRANTS AND ADDITIONAL CAREY ACT PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN FUNDS. (a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (b) Carey Act Projects.--Section 40904(b) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3204(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (C) as clauses (i) through (iii), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (4) as subparagraphs (A) through (D), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (3) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The Secretary''; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Additional projects.-- ``(A) In general.--On making the affirmative determinations described in subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall use amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of any dams that were developed pursuant to, and continue to operate as dams under, section 4 of the Act of August 18, 1894 (commonly known as the `Carey Act') (43 U.S.C. 641; 28 Stat. 422, chapter 301). ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''. <all>
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes.
Rep. Simpson, Michael K.
This bill expands eligibility for the Bureau of Reclamation's competitive grant program for small water storage and groundwater storage projects. Under the bill, eligible projects must have a capacity of not less than 200 acre-feet (AF) of water. Current law requires an eligible project to have a capacity of not less than 2,000 AF of water. The bill also allows Reclamation to provide additional grants to certain dam rehabilitation and reconstruction projects provided that projects previously eligible under the program have received the necessary funding.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT OF SMALL WATER STORAGE AND GROUNDWATER STORAGE PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN GRANTS AND ADDITIONAL CAREY ACT PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN FUNDS. (a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (b) Carey Act Projects.--Section 40904(b) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3204(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (C) as clauses (i) through (iii), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (4) as subparagraphs (A) through (D), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (3) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The Secretary''; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Additional projects.-- ``(A) In general.--On making the affirmative determinations described in subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall use amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of any dams that were developed pursuant to, and continue to operate as dams under, section 4 of the Act of August 18, 1894 (commonly known as the `Carey Act') (43 U.S.C. 641; 28 Stat. 422, chapter 301). ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''. <all>
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT OF SMALL WATER STORAGE AND GROUNDWATER STORAGE PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN GRANTS AND ADDITIONAL CAREY ACT PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN FUNDS. (a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (b) Carey Act Projects.--Section 40904(b) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3204(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (C) as clauses (i) through (iii), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (4) as subparagraphs (A) through (D), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (3) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The Secretary''; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Additional projects.-- ``(A) In general.--On making the affirmative determinations described in subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall use amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of any dams that were developed pursuant to, and continue to operate as dams under, section 4 of the Act of August 18, 1894 (commonly known as the `Carey Act') (43 U.S.C. 641; 28 Stat. 422, chapter 301). ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''. <all>
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT OF SMALL WATER STORAGE AND GROUNDWATER STORAGE PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN GRANTS AND ADDITIONAL CAREY ACT PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN FUNDS. (a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (b) Carey Act Projects.--Section 40904(b) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3204(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (C) as clauses (i) through (iii), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (4) as subparagraphs (A) through (D), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (3) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The Secretary''; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Additional projects.-- ``(A) In general.--On making the affirmative determinations described in subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall use amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of any dams that were developed pursuant to, and continue to operate as dams under, section 4 of the Act of August 18, 1894 (commonly known as the `Carey Act') (43 U.S.C. 641; 28 Stat. 422, chapter 301). ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''. <all>
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY UNDER THE INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND JOBS ACT OF SMALL WATER STORAGE AND GROUNDWATER STORAGE PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN GRANTS AND ADDITIONAL CAREY ACT PROJECTS FOR CERTAIN FUNDS. (a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (b) Carey Act Projects.--Section 40904(b) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3204(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (C) as clauses (i) through (iii), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (4) as subparagraphs (A) through (D), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (3) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The Secretary''; and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Additional projects.-- ``(A) In general.--On making the affirmative determinations described in subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall use amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of any dams that were developed pursuant to, and continue to operate as dams under, section 4 of the Act of August 18, 1894 (commonly known as the `Carey Act') (43 U.S.C. 641; 28 Stat. 422, chapter 301). ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''. <all>
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. ( ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. ( ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. ( ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. ( ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''.
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. (
To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. a) Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects.--Section 40903(b)(1)(B)(i) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (43 U.S.C. 3203(b)(1)(B)(i)) is amended by striking ``2,000'' and inserting ``2 200''. ( ``(B) Determinations described.--The determinations referred to in subparagraph (A) are-- ``(i) a determination by the Secretary that any dams that meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) have received the necessary funding to complete rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement activities under this subsection; and ``(ii) a determination by the Secretary that amounts made available under section 40901(2)(B) remain available.''.
Amends the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to require the Secretary of the Interior to use amounts made available under such Act to fund the rehabilitation, reconstruction,
Biologics Competition Act of 2022 This bill requires the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to evaluate (1) the differences between the requirements that apply to interchangeable biologics and the requirements that apply to therapeutically equivalent ratings for generic drugs, and (2) the effects of these differences on the approval of interchangeable biologics. The FDA must update the Purple Book with changes that better align the ways these requirements are communicated while still maintaining each distinct approval pathway. The Purple Book is an FDA publication that lists approved biological products, including biosimilars and interchangeable biologics. Interchangeable biologics are biologics that may be substituted for the original product without consulting the prescriber, similar to how generic drugs may be substituted for brand-name drugs based on therapeutic equivalence.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Biologics Competition Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON CERTAIN IMPEDIMENTS TO THE SUBSTITUTION OF INTERCHANGEABLE BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS. Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall-- (1) complete a study to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable under section 351(k)(4) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(4)) and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355); (2) submit a report to the Congress on the results of the study under paragraph (1); and (3) update the list published under section 351(k)(9)(A) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(9)(A)) (commonly referred to as the ``Purple Book'') to implement such changes as the Secretary deems necessary to harmonize the approach for communicating the substitutability of interchangeable biological products with the approach for communicating therapeutic equivalence ratings assigned to drugs, with the goals of-- (A) minimizing impediments to the substitution of interchangeable biological products; and (B) maintaining the distinct pathways by which biological products are licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) and drugs are approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355). <all>
Biologics Competition Act of 2022
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes.
Biologics Competition Act of 2022
Rep. Miller-Meeks, Mariannette
This bill requires the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to evaluate (1) the differences between the requirements that apply to interchangeable biologics and the requirements that apply to therapeutically equivalent ratings for generic drugs, and (2) the effects of these differences on the approval of interchangeable biologics. The FDA must update the Purple Book with changes that better align the ways these requirements are communicated while still maintaining each distinct approval pathway. The Purple Book is an FDA publication that lists approved biological products, including biosimilars and interchangeable biologics. Interchangeable biologics are biologics that may be substituted for the original product without consulting the prescriber, similar to how generic drugs may be substituted for brand-name drugs based on therapeutic equivalence.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Biologics Competition Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON CERTAIN IMPEDIMENTS TO THE SUBSTITUTION OF INTERCHANGEABLE BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS. Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall-- (1) complete a study to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable under section 351(k)(4) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(4)) and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355); (2) submit a report to the Congress on the results of the study under paragraph (1); and (3) update the list published under section 351(k)(9)(A) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(9)(A)) (commonly referred to as the ``Purple Book'') to implement such changes as the Secretary deems necessary to harmonize the approach for communicating the substitutability of interchangeable biological products with the approach for communicating therapeutic equivalence ratings assigned to drugs, with the goals of-- (A) minimizing impediments to the substitution of interchangeable biological products; and (B) maintaining the distinct pathways by which biological products are licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) and drugs are approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Biologics Competition Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON CERTAIN IMPEDIMENTS TO THE SUBSTITUTION OF INTERCHANGEABLE BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS. Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall-- (1) complete a study to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable under section 351(k)(4) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(4)) and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355); (2) submit a report to the Congress on the results of the study under paragraph (1); and (3) update the list published under section 351(k)(9)(A) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(9)(A)) (commonly referred to as the ``Purple Book'') to implement such changes as the Secretary deems necessary to harmonize the approach for communicating the substitutability of interchangeable biological products with the approach for communicating therapeutic equivalence ratings assigned to drugs, with the goals of-- (A) minimizing impediments to the substitution of interchangeable biological products; and (B) maintaining the distinct pathways by which biological products are licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) and drugs are approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Biologics Competition Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON CERTAIN IMPEDIMENTS TO THE SUBSTITUTION OF INTERCHANGEABLE BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS. Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall-- (1) complete a study to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable under section 351(k)(4) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(4)) and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355); (2) submit a report to the Congress on the results of the study under paragraph (1); and (3) update the list published under section 351(k)(9)(A) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(9)(A)) (commonly referred to as the ``Purple Book'') to implement such changes as the Secretary deems necessary to harmonize the approach for communicating the substitutability of interchangeable biological products with the approach for communicating therapeutic equivalence ratings assigned to drugs, with the goals of-- (A) minimizing impediments to the substitution of interchangeable biological products; and (B) maintaining the distinct pathways by which biological products are licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) and drugs are approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Biologics Competition Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON CERTAIN IMPEDIMENTS TO THE SUBSTITUTION OF INTERCHANGEABLE BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS. Not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall-- (1) complete a study to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable under section 351(k)(4) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(4)) and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355); (2) submit a report to the Congress on the results of the study under paragraph (1); and (3) update the list published under section 351(k)(9)(A) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(k)(9)(A)) (commonly referred to as the ``Purple Book'') to implement such changes as the Secretary deems necessary to harmonize the approach for communicating the substitutability of interchangeable biological products with the approach for communicating therapeutic equivalence ratings assigned to drugs, with the goals of-- (A) minimizing impediments to the substitution of interchangeable biological products; and (B) maintaining the distinct pathways by which biological products are licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) and drugs are approved under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable and the system for assigning therapeutic equivalence ratings to drugs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
Biologics Competition Act of 2022 - Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to: (1) complete a study to evaluate the extent to which the substitution of interchangeable biological products may be impeded by differences between the system for determining a biological product to be interchangeable under the Public Health Service Act (PHS) and the system that assigns therapeutic equivalence ratings
Higher Education Accountability Tax Act This bill increases from 1.4% to 10% the rate of the excise tax on the net investment income of applicable educational institutions (i.e., certain private colleges and universities). It further increases to 20% the rate of such tax on net-price-increase institutions (i.e., educational institutions whose net price increased at a rate exceeding the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index during a specified three-year period). The bill also modifies the definition of applicable educational institution to lower the per student threshold in that definition from $500,000 to $250,000 (thus making more such institutions subject to the excise tax).
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Higher Education Accountability Tax Act''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF EXCISE TAX ON INVESTMENT INCOME OF PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. (a) Increase in Rate of Tax.--Section 4968(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``1.4 percent'' and inserting ``10 percent''. (b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (2) Net-price-increase institution.--Section 4968(b) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3) and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph: ``(2) Net-price-increase institution.--The term `net-price- increase institution' means any applicable educational institution for any taxable year if, during the 3-taxable-year period ending with the taxable year immediately preceding such taxable year, the net price of such institution increased at a rate which exceeds the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index (as defined in section 1(f)(5)) for such period. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. (c) Expansion of Institutions Subject to Tax.--Section 4968(b)(1)(D) of such Code is amended by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$250,000''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. <all>
Higher Education Accountability Tax Act
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities.
Higher Education Accountability Tax Act
Rep. Joyce, David P.
This bill increases from 1.4% to 10% the rate of the excise tax on the net investment income of applicable educational institutions (i.e., certain private colleges and universities). It further increases to 20% the rate of such tax on net-price-increase institutions (i.e., educational institutions whose net price increased at a rate exceeding the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index during a specified three-year period). The bill also modifies the definition of applicable educational institution to lower the per student threshold in that definition from $500,000 to $250,000 (thus making more such institutions subject to the excise tax).
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Higher Education Accountability Tax Act''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF EXCISE TAX ON INVESTMENT INCOME OF PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. (a) Increase in Rate of Tax.--Section 4968(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``1.4 percent'' and inserting ``10 percent''. (b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (2) Net-price-increase institution.--Section 4968(b) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3) and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph: ``(2) Net-price-increase institution.--The term `net-price- increase institution' means any applicable educational institution for any taxable year if, during the 3-taxable-year period ending with the taxable year immediately preceding such taxable year, the net price of such institution increased at a rate which exceeds the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index (as defined in section 1(f)(5)) for such period. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. (c) Expansion of Institutions Subject to Tax.--Section 4968(b)(1)(D) of such Code is amended by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$250,000''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Higher Education Accountability Tax Act''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF EXCISE TAX ON INVESTMENT INCOME OF PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. (a) Increase in Rate of Tax.--Section 4968(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``1.4 percent'' and inserting ``10 percent''. (b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (2) Net-price-increase institution.--Section 4968(b) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3) and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph: ``(2) Net-price-increase institution.--The term `net-price- increase institution' means any applicable educational institution for any taxable year if, during the 3-taxable-year period ending with the taxable year immediately preceding such taxable year, the net price of such institution increased at a rate which exceeds the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index (as defined in section 1(f)(5)) for such period. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. (c) Expansion of Institutions Subject to Tax.--Section 4968(b)(1)(D) of such Code is amended by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$250,000''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Higher Education Accountability Tax Act''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF EXCISE TAX ON INVESTMENT INCOME OF PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. (a) Increase in Rate of Tax.--Section 4968(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``1.4 percent'' and inserting ``10 percent''. (b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (2) Net-price-increase institution.--Section 4968(b) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3) and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph: ``(2) Net-price-increase institution.--The term `net-price- increase institution' means any applicable educational institution for any taxable year if, during the 3-taxable-year period ending with the taxable year immediately preceding such taxable year, the net price of such institution increased at a rate which exceeds the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index (as defined in section 1(f)(5)) for such period. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. (c) Expansion of Institutions Subject to Tax.--Section 4968(b)(1)(D) of such Code is amended by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$250,000''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Higher Education Accountability Tax Act''. SEC. 2. MODIFICATION OF EXCISE TAX ON INVESTMENT INCOME OF PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. (a) Increase in Rate of Tax.--Section 4968(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``1.4 percent'' and inserting ``10 percent''. (b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (2) Net-price-increase institution.--Section 4968(b) of such Code is amended by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3) and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph: ``(2) Net-price-increase institution.--The term `net-price- increase institution' means any applicable educational institution for any taxable year if, during the 3-taxable-year period ending with the taxable year immediately preceding such taxable year, the net price of such institution increased at a rate which exceeds the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index (as defined in section 1(f)(5)) for such period. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. (c) Expansion of Institutions Subject to Tax.--Section 4968(b)(1)(D) of such Code is amended by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$250,000''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. ( For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. ( d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. ( For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. ( d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. ( For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. ( d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. ( For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. ( d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities. b) Additional Increase in Rate of Tax for Institutions With Increases in Net Price.-- (1) In general.--Section 4968(a) of such Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by inserting ``(20 percent in the case of a net-price-increase institution)'' after ``10 percent''. ( For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `net price' has the meaning given such term by section 132(a)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1986 (20 U.S.C. 1015a(a)(3)) except that such price shall be determined by taking into account all first- time, full-time undergraduate students at the institution (in addition to such students who receive student aid).''. ( d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022.
Higher Education Accountability Tax Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) increase the excise tax on investment income of private colleges and universities from 1.4 percent to 10 percent; and (2) expand the definition of "net-price-increase institution" to include institutions with increases in net price which exceed the rate of increase in the Consumer Price Index. (Currently
Blockchain Innovation Act This bill requires the Department of Commerce to consult with the Federal Trade Commission and other relevant agencies to study potential applications of blockchain technology (i.e., the technology that supports digital currencies such as Bitcoin), including the use of such technology to address fraud and other unfair or deceptive practices.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Blockchain Innovation Act''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND ITS USE IN CONSUMER PROTECTION. (a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. (2) Requirements for study.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall examine-- (A) trends in the commercial use of and investment in blockchain technology; (B) best practices in facilitating public-private partnerships in blockchain technology; (C) potential benefits and risks of blockchain technology for consumer protection; (D) how blockchain technology can be used by industry and consumers to reduce fraud and increase the security of commercial transactions; (E) areas in Federal regulation of blockchain technology where greater clarity would encourage domestic innovation; and (F) any other relevant observations or recommendations related to blockchain technology and consumer protection. (3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study. <all>
Blockchain Innovation Act
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes.
Blockchain Innovation Act
Rep. Soto, Darren
This bill requires the Department of Commerce to consult with the Federal Trade Commission and other relevant agencies to study potential applications of blockchain technology (i.e., the technology that supports digital currencies such as Bitcoin), including the use of such technology to address fraud and other unfair or deceptive practices.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Blockchain Innovation Act''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND ITS USE IN CONSUMER PROTECTION. (a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. (2) Requirements for study.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall examine-- (A) trends in the commercial use of and investment in blockchain technology; (B) best practices in facilitating public-private partnerships in blockchain technology; (C) potential benefits and risks of blockchain technology for consumer protection; (D) how blockchain technology can be used by industry and consumers to reduce fraud and increase the security of commercial transactions; (E) areas in Federal regulation of blockchain technology where greater clarity would encourage domestic innovation; and (F) any other relevant observations or recommendations related to blockchain technology and consumer protection. (3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Blockchain Innovation Act''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND ITS USE IN CONSUMER PROTECTION. (a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. (2) Requirements for study.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall examine-- (A) trends in the commercial use of and investment in blockchain technology; (B) best practices in facilitating public-private partnerships in blockchain technology; (C) potential benefits and risks of blockchain technology for consumer protection; (D) how blockchain technology can be used by industry and consumers to reduce fraud and increase the security of commercial transactions; (E) areas in Federal regulation of blockchain technology where greater clarity would encourage domestic innovation; and (F) any other relevant observations or recommendations related to blockchain technology and consumer protection. (3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Blockchain Innovation Act''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND ITS USE IN CONSUMER PROTECTION. (a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. (2) Requirements for study.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall examine-- (A) trends in the commercial use of and investment in blockchain technology; (B) best practices in facilitating public-private partnerships in blockchain technology; (C) potential benefits and risks of blockchain technology for consumer protection; (D) how blockchain technology can be used by industry and consumers to reduce fraud and increase the security of commercial transactions; (E) areas in Federal regulation of blockchain technology where greater clarity would encourage domestic innovation; and (F) any other relevant observations or recommendations related to blockchain technology and consumer protection. (3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Blockchain Innovation Act''. SEC. 2. STUDY ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND ITS USE IN CONSUMER PROTECTION. (a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. (2) Requirements for study.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall examine-- (A) trends in the commercial use of and investment in blockchain technology; (B) best practices in facilitating public-private partnerships in blockchain technology; (C) potential benefits and risks of blockchain technology for consumer protection; (D) how blockchain technology can be used by industry and consumers to reduce fraud and increase the security of commercial transactions; (E) areas in Federal regulation of blockchain technology where greater clarity would encourage domestic innovation; and (F) any other relevant observations or recommendations related to blockchain technology and consumer protection. (3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. (b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. 3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. ( b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. 3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. ( b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. 3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. ( b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. 3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. ( b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
To direct the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, to conduct a study and submit to Congress a report on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. a) In General.-- (1) Study required.--Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and any other Federal agency the Secretary determines appropriate, shall conduct a study on current and potential use of blockchain technology in commerce and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices. 3) Public comment.--In conducting the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide opportunity for public comment and advice relevant to conducting the study. ( b) Report to Congress.--Not later than 6 months after the completion of the study required by subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, and make publicly available on the website of the Department of Commerce, a report that contains the results of such study.
Blockchain Innovation Act - Directs the Secretary of Commerce to study and report to Congress on the state of blockchain technology and its use in consumer protection, and for other purposes. Requires the Secretary to: (1) examine trends in the commercial use of and investment in blockchain technology; (2) best practices in facilitating public-private partnerships in blockchain; (3) how blockchain
Agriculture and Food
Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021 or the MATCH Act of 2021 This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to (1) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a state, local government, or Indian tribe prior to entering into an agreement with USDA under the Emergency Watershed Protection Program; and (2) develop procedures, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the state level, through which such entities may request and incur the cost for additional emergency watershed protection measures. USDA must consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a state, local government, or Indian tribe for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures as meeting part of its contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021'' or the ``MATCH Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROGRAM. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(2) Pre-agreement project costs.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall-- ``(A) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section; and ``(B) develop a procedure, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the State level, through which a sponsor may request, for a specified natural disaster, additional emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''. <all>
MATCH Act of 2021
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre-agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes.
MATCH Act of 2021 Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021
Rep. Curtis, John R.
This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to (1) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a state, local government, or Indian tribe prior to entering into an agreement with USDA under the Emergency Watershed Protection Program; and (2) develop procedures, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the state level, through which such entities may request and incur the cost for additional emergency watershed protection measures. USDA must consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a state, local government, or Indian tribe for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures as meeting part of its contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021'' or the ``MATCH Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROGRAM. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(2) Pre-agreement project costs.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall-- ``(A) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section; and ``(B) develop a procedure, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the State level, through which a sponsor may request, for a specified natural disaster, additional emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''. <all>
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021'' or the ``MATCH Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROGRAM. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(2) Pre-agreement project costs.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall-- ``(A) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section; and ``(B) develop a procedure, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the State level, through which a sponsor may request, for a specified natural disaster, additional emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''. <all>
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021'' or the ``MATCH Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROGRAM. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(2) Pre-agreement project costs.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall-- ``(A) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section; and ``(B) develop a procedure, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the State level, through which a sponsor may request, for a specified natural disaster, additional emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''. <all>
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021'' or the ``MATCH Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY WATERSHED PROGRAM. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(2) Pre-agreement project costs.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall-- ``(A) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section; and ``(B) develop a procedure, including appropriate deadlines, to be implemented at the State level, through which a sponsor may request, for a specified natural disaster, additional emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''. <all>
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs.
To amend the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 with respect to pre- agreement costs of emergency watershed protection measures, and for other purposes. Section 403 of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2203) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Pre-Agreement Costs.-- ``(1) Sponsor.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `sponsor' means a State or local government, or an Indian tribe (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)). ``(3) Agreement contribution.--If the Secretary and the sponsor enter into an agreement pursuant to this section, the Secretary shall consider any applicable pre-agreement costs incurred by a sponsor for undertaking emergency watershed protection measures identified pursuant to paragraph (2) as meeting part of the sponsor's contribution towards the project costs. ``(4) Assumption of risk.--Nothing in this subsection requires the Secretary to enter into an agreement with a sponsor, and a sponsor undertaking emergency watershed protection measures prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary pursuant to this section shall assume the risk of incurring any costs of undertaking such measures.''.
Making Access To Cleanup Happen Act of 2021 or the MATCH Act of 2020 - Amends the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 to require the Secretary of Agriculture to: (1) identify a list of emergency watershed protection measures the cost of which may be incurred by a sponsor prior to entering into an agreement with the Secretary; and (2) develop a procedure, including appropriate deadlines,
Agriculture and Food
Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 This bill provides $28 million in emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States. Specifically, the bill provides appropriations for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to (1) address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States; and (2) prevent future shortages, including by taking the steps that are necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the U.S. market.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes, namely: RELATED AGENCIES AND FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Department of Health and Human Services food and drug administration salaries and expenses For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses'', $28,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages, including such steps as may be necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the United States market: Provided, That the Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate on a weekly basis on obligations of funding under this heading in this Act to address the shortage of infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4001(a)(1) and section 4001(b) of S. Con. Res. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. GENERAL PROVISIONS--THIS ACT Sec. 101. Each amount appropriated or made available by this Act is in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year involved. Sec. 102. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022. This Act may be cited as the ``Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022''. Passed the House of Representatives May 18, 2022. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk. Calendar No. 374 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7790 _______________________________________________________________________
Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes.
Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022
Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L.
This bill provides $28 million in emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States. Specifically, the bill provides appropriations for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to (1) address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States; and (2) prevent future shortages, including by taking the steps that are necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the U.S. market.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes, namely: RELATED AGENCIES AND FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Department of Health and Human Services food and drug administration salaries and expenses For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses'', $28,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages, including such steps as may be necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the United States market: Provided, That the Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate on a weekly basis on obligations of funding under this heading in this Act to address the shortage of infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4001(a)(1) and section 4001(b) of S. Con. Res. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. GENERAL PROVISIONS--THIS ACT Sec. 101. Each amount appropriated or made available by this Act is in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year involved. Sec. 102. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022. This Act may be cited as the ``Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022''. Passed the House of Representatives May 18, 2022. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk. Calendar No. 374 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7790 _______________________________________________________________________
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes, namely: RELATED AGENCIES AND FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Department of Health and Human Services food and drug administration salaries and expenses For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses'', $28,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages, including such steps as may be necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the United States market: Provided, That the Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate on a weekly basis on obligations of funding under this heading in this Act to address the shortage of infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4001(a)(1) and section 4001(b) of S. Con. Res. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. GENERAL PROVISIONS--THIS ACT Sec. 101. Each amount appropriated or made available by this Act is in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year involved. Sec. 102. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022. This Act may be cited as the ``Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022''. Passed the House of Representatives May 18, 2022. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk. Calendar No. 374 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7790 _______________________________________________________________________
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes, namely: RELATED AGENCIES AND FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Department of Health and Human Services food and drug administration salaries and expenses For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses'', $28,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages, including such steps as may be necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the United States market: Provided, That the Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate on a weekly basis on obligations of funding under this heading in this Act to address the shortage of infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4001(a)(1) and section 4001(b) of S. Con. Res. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. GENERAL PROVISIONS--THIS ACT Sec. 101. Each amount appropriated or made available by this Act is in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year involved. Sec. 102. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022. This Act may be cited as the ``Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022''. Passed the House of Representatives May 18, 2022. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk. Calendar No. 374 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7790 _______________________________________________________________________
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes, namely: RELATED AGENCIES AND FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Department of Health and Human Services food and drug administration salaries and expenses For an additional amount for ``Salaries and Expenses'', $28,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023, shall be available to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages, including such steps as may be necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the United States market: Provided, That the Commissioner of Food and Drugs shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate on a weekly basis on obligations of funding under this heading in this Act to address the shortage of infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4001(a)(1) and section 4001(b) of S. Con. Res. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. GENERAL PROVISIONS--THIS ACT Sec. 101. Each amount appropriated or made available by this Act is in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year involved. Sec. 102. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022. This Act may be cited as the ``Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022''. Passed the House of Representatives May 18, 2022. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk. Calendar No. 374 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7790 _______________________________________________________________________
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022.
Making emergency supplemental appropriations to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes. 14 (117th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2022. Unless otherwise provided for by this Act, the additional amounts appropriated by this Act to appropriations accounts shall be available under the authorities and conditions applicable to such appropriations accounts for fiscal year 2022.
Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 - Amends the Federal criminal code to require the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to report to the congressional appropriations committees on obligations of funding under this Act to address the current shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and certain medical foods in the United States and to prevent future shortages, including steps as may be necessary to prevent fraudulent products from entering the U.
Crime and Law Enforcement
Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act This bill eliminates the federal sentencing disparity between drug offenses involving crack cocaine and powder cocaine. Currently, different threshold quantities of crack cocaine and powder cocaine (e.g., 28 grams of crack cocaine and 500 grams of powder cocaine) trigger the same statutory criminal penalties. Under the bill, the same threshold quantity of crack cocaine and powder cocaine (e.g., 28 grams) triggers the same statutory criminal penalties. The change applies to future cases and cases pending on the date of enactment. However, the change does not apply retroactively.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act''. SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF INCREASED PENALTIES FOR COCAINE OFFENSES WHERE THE COCAINE INVOLVED IS COCAINE BASE. (a) Controlled Substances Act.--Section 401(b)(1) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively; and (2) in subparagraph (B)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively. (b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. 960(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon. (c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed. <all>
Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act
A bill to eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes.
Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act
Sen. Cotton, Tom
This bill eliminates the federal sentencing disparity between drug offenses involving crack cocaine and powder cocaine. Currently, different threshold quantities of crack cocaine and powder cocaine (e.g., 28 grams of crack cocaine and 500 grams of powder cocaine) trigger the same statutory criminal penalties. Under the bill, the same threshold quantity of crack cocaine and powder cocaine (e.g., 28 grams) triggers the same statutory criminal penalties. The change applies to future cases and cases pending on the date of enactment. However, the change does not apply retroactively.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act''. SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF INCREASED PENALTIES FOR COCAINE OFFENSES WHERE THE COCAINE INVOLVED IS COCAINE BASE. (a) Controlled Substances Act.--Section 401(b)(1) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively; and (2) in subparagraph (B)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively. (b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. 960(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon. (c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed. <all>
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act''. SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF INCREASED PENALTIES FOR COCAINE OFFENSES WHERE THE COCAINE INVOLVED IS COCAINE BASE. (a) Controlled Substances Act.--Section 401(b)(1) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively; and (2) in subparagraph (B)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively. (b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. 960(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon. (c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed. <all>
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act''. SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF INCREASED PENALTIES FOR COCAINE OFFENSES WHERE THE COCAINE INVOLVED IS COCAINE BASE. (a) Controlled Substances Act.--Section 401(b)(1) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively; and (2) in subparagraph (B)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively. (b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. 960(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon. (c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed. <all>
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act''. SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF INCREASED PENALTIES FOR COCAINE OFFENSES WHERE THE COCAINE INVOLVED IS COCAINE BASE. (a) Controlled Substances Act.--Section 401(b)(1) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 841(b)(1)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively; and (2) in subparagraph (B)-- (A) in clause (ii), in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking clause (iii); and (C) by redesignating clauses (iv) through (viii) as clauses (iii) through (vii), respectively. (b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. 960(b)) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``5 kilograms'' and inserting ``280 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (2) in paragraph (2)-- (A) in subparagraph (B), in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``500 grams'' and inserting ``28 grams''; (B) by striking subparagraph (C); (C) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (H) as subparagraphs (C) through (G), respectively; and (D) in subparagraph (G), as so redesignated, by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon. (c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed. <all>
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
To eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. b) Controlled Substances Import and Export Act.--Section 1010(b) of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act (21 U.S.C. c) Applicability to Pending Cases.--This section, and the amendments made by this section, shall apply to any sentence imposed after the date of enactment of this Act, regardless of when the offense was committed.
Equal Enforcement of Cocaine Laws Act - Amends the Controlled Substances Act to eliminate the disparity in sentencing for cocaine offenses, and for other purposes. (Currently, the maximum sentence for a cocaine offense is five years in prison.) (Currently: (1) the maximum prison term for a drug trafficking offense is ten years; and (2) a person convicted of a cocaine trafficking
Agriculture and Food
Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID-19 Act This bill directs the Department of Agriculture to reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters for meals and supplements provided under the Child and Adult Care Food Program during the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) public health emergency to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 and who are receiving assistance from such shelters. Under current law, individuals who are older than age 18 are not eligible to participate in the program.
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID- 19 Act''. SEC. 2. MEALS AND SUPPLEMENTS REIMBURSEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE NOT ATTAINED THE AGE OF 25. (a) Program for At-Risk School Children.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (1)(A) of section 17(r) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters under such section 17(r) (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service-- (1) have not attained the age of 25; and (2) are receiving assistance, including non-residential assistance, from such emergency shelter. (b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Agriculture. <all>
Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID–19 Act
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes.
Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID–19 Act
Rep. Jayapal, Pramila
This bill directs the Department of Agriculture to reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters for meals and supplements provided under the Child and Adult Care Food Program during the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) public health emergency to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 and who are receiving assistance from such shelters. Under current law, individuals who are older than age 18 are not eligible to participate in the program.
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID- 19 Act''. SEC. 2. MEALS AND SUPPLEMENTS REIMBURSEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE NOT ATTAINED THE AGE OF 25. (a) Program for At-Risk School Children.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (1)(A) of section 17(r) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters under such section 17(r) (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service-- (1) have not attained the age of 25; and (2) are receiving assistance, including non-residential assistance, from such emergency shelter. (b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Agriculture. <all>
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID- 19 Act''. SEC. 2. MEALS AND SUPPLEMENTS REIMBURSEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE NOT ATTAINED THE AGE OF 25. (a) Program for At-Risk School Children.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (1)(A) of section 17(r) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters under such section 17(r) (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service-- (1) have not attained the age of 25; and (2) are receiving assistance, including non-residential assistance, from such emergency shelter. (b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Agriculture. <all>
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID- 19 Act''. SEC. 2. MEALS AND SUPPLEMENTS REIMBURSEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE NOT ATTAINED THE AGE OF 25. (a) Program for At-Risk School Children.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (1)(A) of section 17(r) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters under such section 17(r) (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service-- (1) have not attained the age of 25; and (2) are receiving assistance, including non-residential assistance, from such emergency shelter. (b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Agriculture. <all>
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID- 19 Act''. SEC. 2. MEALS AND SUPPLEMENTS REIMBURSEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE NOT ATTAINED THE AGE OF 25. (a) Program for At-Risk School Children.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (1)(A) of section 17(r) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters under such section 17(r) (42 U.S.C. 1766(r)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service-- (1) have not attained the age of 25; and (2) are receiving assistance, including non-residential assistance, from such emergency shelter. (b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Agriculture. <all>
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. ( c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. ( c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. ( c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. ( c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. (
To reimburse meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, and for other purposes. b) Participation by Emergency Shelters.--Beginning on the date of enactment of this section, notwithstanding paragraph (5)(A) of section 17(t) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)), during the COVID-19 public health emergency declared under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), the Secretary shall reimburse emergency shelters under such section 17(t) (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)) for meals and supplements served to individuals who, at the time of such service have not attained the age of 25. ( c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Emergency shelter.--The term ``emergency shelter'' has the meaning given the term under section 17(t)(1) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(t)(1)). (
Feeding Homeless Youth During COVID- 19 Act - Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to reimburse institutions that are emergency shelters for meals and supplements provided to individuals who have not attained the age of 25 under certain meal programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and for other purposes. Directs that such reimbursements be made to such shelters for services provided to
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021 This bill modifies recoupment provisions under the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program during the public health emergency relating to COVID-19. The program provides Medicare payments in advance to eligible providers experiencing claims or cash flow disruptions, such as during national emergencies; the program was specifically expanded in response to COVID-19 to encompass more types of providers, subject to certain recoupment and repayment provisions. The bill provides for an additional 3 months before recoupment of advance payments (through claims offsets) begins, so that recoupment begins 15 months (rather than 12 months) after payments are made. The bill also applies repayments that providers have already made toward the collection of offsets for a corresponding amount of time.
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program.
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021
Rep. Issa, Darrell E.
This bill modifies recoupment provisions under the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program during the public health emergency relating to COVID-19. The program provides Medicare payments in advance to eligible providers experiencing claims or cash flow disruptions, such as during national emergencies; the program was specifically expanded in response to COVID-19 to encompass more types of providers, subject to certain recoupment and repayment provisions. The bill provides for an additional 3 months before recoupment of advance payments (through claims offsets) begins, so that recoupment begins 15 months (rather than 12 months) after payments are made. The bill also applies repayments that providers have already made toward the collection of offsets for a corresponding amount of time.
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``15 months''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 3-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 3-MONTH DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021 This bill amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act and the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act to provide for a three-month delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. The bill also amends the Internal Revenue Code to
504 Program Level Flexibility Act This bill authorizes the Small Business Administration (SBA), upon a determination that the amount of its commitments to guarantee 504 loans could exceed the authorized limit, to guarantee up to 115% of that limit. Such loans, made through SBA community partners and certified by the SBA, provide long-term, fixed rate financing for major fixed assets that promote business growth and job creation.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``504 Program Level Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY TO INCREASE AMOUNT OF COMMITMENTS TO QUALIFIED STATE OR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Section 503 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 697) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(j) Authority To Increase Amount of Commitments to Qualified State or Local Development Companies.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) and with respect to fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, if the Administrator determines that the amount of commitments by the Administrator to guarantee loans authorized under this section for a fiscal year could exceed the limit on the total amount of commitments the Administrator may make for those loans under this Act, an appropriations Act, or any other provision of law, the Administrator may make commitments for those loans for that fiscal year in an aggregate amount equal to not more than 115 percent of that limit. ``(2) Notice required before exercising authority.-- ``(A) In general.--Not later than 30 days before the date on which the Administrator intends to exercise the authority under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall submit notice of intent to exercise the authority to-- ``(i) the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and ``(ii) the Committee on Small Business and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''. <all>
504 Program Level Flexibility Act
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes.
504 Program Level Flexibility Act
Rep. Newman, Marie
This bill authorizes the Small Business Administration (SBA), upon a determination that the amount of its commitments to guarantee 504 loans could exceed the authorized limit, to guarantee up to 115% of that limit. Such loans, made through SBA community partners and certified by the SBA, provide long-term, fixed rate financing for major fixed assets that promote business growth and job creation.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``504 Program Level Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY TO INCREASE AMOUNT OF COMMITMENTS TO QUALIFIED STATE OR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Section 503 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 697) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(j) Authority To Increase Amount of Commitments to Qualified State or Local Development Companies.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) and with respect to fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, if the Administrator determines that the amount of commitments by the Administrator to guarantee loans authorized under this section for a fiscal year could exceed the limit on the total amount of commitments the Administrator may make for those loans under this Act, an appropriations Act, or any other provision of law, the Administrator may make commitments for those loans for that fiscal year in an aggregate amount equal to not more than 115 percent of that limit. ``(2) Notice required before exercising authority.-- ``(A) In general.--Not later than 30 days before the date on which the Administrator intends to exercise the authority under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall submit notice of intent to exercise the authority to-- ``(i) the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and ``(ii) the Committee on Small Business and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''. <all>
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``504 Program Level Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY TO INCREASE AMOUNT OF COMMITMENTS TO QUALIFIED STATE OR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Section 503 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 697) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(j) Authority To Increase Amount of Commitments to Qualified State or Local Development Companies.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) and with respect to fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, if the Administrator determines that the amount of commitments by the Administrator to guarantee loans authorized under this section for a fiscal year could exceed the limit on the total amount of commitments the Administrator may make for those loans under this Act, an appropriations Act, or any other provision of law, the Administrator may make commitments for those loans for that fiscal year in an aggregate amount equal to not more than 115 percent of that limit. ``(2) Notice required before exercising authority.-- ``(A) In general.--Not later than 30 days before the date on which the Administrator intends to exercise the authority under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall submit notice of intent to exercise the authority to-- ``(i) the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and ``(ii) the Committee on Small Business and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''. <all>
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``504 Program Level Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY TO INCREASE AMOUNT OF COMMITMENTS TO QUALIFIED STATE OR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Section 503 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 697) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(j) Authority To Increase Amount of Commitments to Qualified State or Local Development Companies.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) and with respect to fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, if the Administrator determines that the amount of commitments by the Administrator to guarantee loans authorized under this section for a fiscal year could exceed the limit on the total amount of commitments the Administrator may make for those loans under this Act, an appropriations Act, or any other provision of law, the Administrator may make commitments for those loans for that fiscal year in an aggregate amount equal to not more than 115 percent of that limit. ``(2) Notice required before exercising authority.-- ``(A) In general.--Not later than 30 days before the date on which the Administrator intends to exercise the authority under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall submit notice of intent to exercise the authority to-- ``(i) the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and ``(ii) the Committee on Small Business and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''. <all>
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``504 Program Level Flexibility Act''. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY TO INCREASE AMOUNT OF COMMITMENTS TO QUALIFIED STATE OR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Section 503 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 697) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(j) Authority To Increase Amount of Commitments to Qualified State or Local Development Companies.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) and with respect to fiscal year 2021 and each fiscal year thereafter, if the Administrator determines that the amount of commitments by the Administrator to guarantee loans authorized under this section for a fiscal year could exceed the limit on the total amount of commitments the Administrator may make for those loans under this Act, an appropriations Act, or any other provision of law, the Administrator may make commitments for those loans for that fiscal year in an aggregate amount equal to not more than 115 percent of that limit. ``(2) Notice required before exercising authority.-- ``(A) In general.--Not later than 30 days before the date on which the Administrator intends to exercise the authority under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall submit notice of intent to exercise the authority to-- ``(i) the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and ``(ii) the Committee on Small Business and the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''. <all>
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021.
To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the Small Business Administration the authority to increase amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to fiscal year 2021. ``(3) Limitation.--The Administrator shall not exercise the authority under paragraph (1) more than once during any fiscal year.''.
Amends the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to allow the Administrator of the SBA to increase the amount of commitments to qualified State or local development companies (SBDs) for loan guarantees and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the 504 Program Level Flexibility Act. (Sec. 2) This bill amends SBA program level flexibility provisions to allow
Labor and Employment
Pandemic Leave Extension Act This bill extends until the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency the availability of emergency paid sick leave and emergency family and medical leave.
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pandemic Leave Extension Act''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF PAID LEAVE. (a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (3) in section 5108, by striking the period at the end and inserting ``or 15 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; and (4) in section 5109, by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (2) Effective date.--The amendment under paragraph (1) shall take effect not later than 15 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
Pandemic Leave Extension Act
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes.
Pandemic Leave Extension Act
Rep. Foster, Bill
This bill extends until the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency the availability of emergency paid sick leave and emergency family and medical leave.
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pandemic Leave Extension Act''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF PAID LEAVE. (a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (3) in section 5108, by striking the period at the end and inserting ``or 15 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; and (4) in section 5109, by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (2) Effective date.--The amendment under paragraph (1) shall take effect not later than 15 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pandemic Leave Extension Act''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF PAID LEAVE. (a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (3) in section 5108, by striking the period at the end and inserting ``or 15 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; and (4) in section 5109, by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (2) Effective date.--The amendment under paragraph (1) shall take effect not later than 15 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pandemic Leave Extension Act''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF PAID LEAVE. (a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (3) in section 5108, by striking the period at the end and inserting ``or 15 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; and (4) in section 5109, by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (2) Effective date.--The amendment under paragraph (1) shall take effect not later than 15 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pandemic Leave Extension Act''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF PAID LEAVE. (a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (3) in section 5108, by striking the period at the end and inserting ``or 15 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; and (4) in section 5109, by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (2) Effective date.--The amendment under paragraph (1) shall take effect not later than 15 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act. ''; ( (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act. ''; ( (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act. ''; ( (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act. ''; ( (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act.''; (
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes. a) Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act.--The Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601 note) is amended-- (1) in section 5102(b)(2), by inserting ``in each calendar year'' after ``paid sick time''; (2) in section 5103(b), (A) by striking ``Not later than'' and inserting ``(1) in general.--Not later than''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) Updates.--The notice under paragraph (1) shall be updated and made publicly available not later than 7 days after the date of the enactment of the Pandemic Leave Extension Act. ''; ( (b) Family and Medical Leave Act.-- (1) Amendment.--The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2611 et seq.) is amended in section 102(a)(1)(F) (29 U.S.C. 2612(a)(1)(F)), by striking ``December 31, 2020'' and inserting ``the date that is the end of the public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d)''. (
Pandemic Leave Extension Act - Amends the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act to extend paid leave, and for other purposes, through December 31, 2020. (Currently, such leave is extended through June 30, 2020.) (Sec. 2) This bill amends both the Emergency and Family and Paid Sick leave Acts to extend through December
Transportation and Public Works
Safe Travel Act This bill requires proof of COVID-19 vaccinations or proof of negative COVID-19 test results for passengers on planes and Amtrak trains; patrons of airports; and employees, contractors, and subcontractors of air carriers, airports, and Amtrak.
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Safe Travel Act''. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, shall take such actions as are necessary to require all airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States to require any patron of such airport or passenger of such air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before entering the airport or flying in air transportation on such air carrier. (b) Requirement for Employees and Contractors.--All airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States shall require all employees or contractors of such airport or air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). SEC. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR AMTRAK. (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. (b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--Amtrak shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). <all>
Safe Travel Act
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes.
Safe Travel Act
Rep. Beyer, Donald S., Jr.
This bill requires proof of COVID-19 vaccinations or proof of negative COVID-19 test results for passengers on planes and Amtrak trains; patrons of airports; and employees, contractors, and subcontractors of air carriers, airports, and Amtrak.
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Safe Travel Act''. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, shall take such actions as are necessary to require all airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States to require any patron of such airport or passenger of such air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before entering the airport or flying in air transportation on such air carrier. (b) Requirement for Employees and Contractors.--All airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States shall require all employees or contractors of such airport or air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). SEC. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR AMTRAK. (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. (b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--Amtrak shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). <all>
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Safe Travel Act''. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, shall take such actions as are necessary to require all airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States to require any patron of such airport or passenger of such air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before entering the airport or flying in air transportation on such air carrier. (b) Requirement for Employees and Contractors.--All airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States shall require all employees or contractors of such airport or air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). SEC. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR AMTRAK. (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. (b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--Amtrak shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). <all>
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Safe Travel Act''. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, shall take such actions as are necessary to require all airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States to require any patron of such airport or passenger of such air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before entering the airport or flying in air transportation on such air carrier. (b) Requirement for Employees and Contractors.--All airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States shall require all employees or contractors of such airport or air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). SEC. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR AMTRAK. (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. (b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--Amtrak shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). <all>
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Safe Travel Act''. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, shall take such actions as are necessary to require all airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States to require any patron of such airport or passenger of such air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before entering the airport or flying in air transportation on such air carrier. (b) Requirement for Employees and Contractors.--All airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States shall require all employees or contractors of such airport or air carrier to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). SEC. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR AMTRAK. (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. (b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (c) Testing Policy.--Amtrak shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). <all>
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. REQUIREMENTS FOR AIR CARRIERS AND AIRPORTS. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
To require certain passengers, employees, contractors, and subcontractors of Amtrak and air carriers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative test for COVID-19 for certain transportation or employment, and for other purposes. c) Testing Policy.--All airports and air carriers covered under subsection (b) shall develop a testing policy to comply with subsection (b)(2). (a) In General.--Amtrak shall require all passengers of any train operated by Amtrak to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce a negative test for COVID-19 within 72 hours before riding in interstate transportation on any Amtrak operated train. ( b) Requirement for Amtrak Employees and Contractors.--Any employee of Amtrak or any contractor or subcontractor of Amtrak shall be required to-- (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or (2) produce at least once per week a negative test for COVID-19. (
Safe Travel Act - Directs the Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to take such actions as are necessary to require all airports and air carriers operating in air transportation in the United States to require any patron of such airport or passenger of such air carrier to: (1) provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 within 72 hours before
International Affairs
This bill requires the Department of Defense to transfer available equipment and relevant defense articles to certain NATO member countries to replace equipment that such countries provided to Ukraine to defend against Russia's aggression and malign influence. The bill requires the transfers to NATO member countries with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022.
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (d), as soon as practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall, pursuant to the authority provided in the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), section 362 of title 10, United States Code, and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.), transfer to covered NATO allies equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles that have been authorized, procured, and contracted by, and are available to, the Department of Defense. (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. (c) Inclusions.--The equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles referred to in subsection (a) shall include-- (1) air defense systems; (2) unmanned aerial vehicles; (3) anti-ship missiles; (4) military vehicles; (5) ammunition; and (6) weapons. (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on the date on which military hostilities by the Russian Federation in Ukraine cease. <all>
A bill to require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
A bill to require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Official Titles - Senate Official Title as Introduced A bill to require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Sen. Grassley, Chuck
This bill requires the Department of Defense to transfer available equipment and relevant defense articles to certain NATO member countries to replace equipment that such countries provided to Ukraine to defend against Russia's aggression and malign influence. The bill requires the transfers to NATO member countries with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022.
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (d), as soon as practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall, pursuant to the authority provided in the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), section 362 of title 10, United States Code, and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.), transfer to covered NATO allies equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles that have been authorized, procured, and contracted by, and are available to, the Department of Defense. (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. (c) Inclusions.--The equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles referred to in subsection (a) shall include-- (1) air defense systems; (2) unmanned aerial vehicles; (3) anti-ship missiles; (4) military vehicles; (5) ammunition; and (6) weapons. (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on the date on which military hostilities by the Russian Federation in Ukraine cease. <all>
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (d), as soon as practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall, pursuant to the authority provided in the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), section 362 of title 10, United States Code, and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.), transfer to covered NATO allies equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles that have been authorized, procured, and contracted by, and are available to, the Department of Defense. (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. (c) Inclusions.--The equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles referred to in subsection (a) shall include-- (1) air defense systems; (2) unmanned aerial vehicles; (3) anti-ship missiles; (4) military vehicles; (5) ammunition; and (6) weapons. (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on the date on which military hostilities by the Russian Federation in Ukraine cease. <all>
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (d), as soon as practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall, pursuant to the authority provided in the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), section 362 of title 10, United States Code, and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.), transfer to covered NATO allies equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles that have been authorized, procured, and contracted by, and are available to, the Department of Defense. (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. (c) Inclusions.--The equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles referred to in subsection (a) shall include-- (1) air defense systems; (2) unmanned aerial vehicles; (3) anti-ship missiles; (4) military vehicles; (5) ammunition; and (6) weapons. (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on the date on which military hostilities by the Russian Federation in Ukraine cease. <all>
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. (a) In General.--Subject to subsection (d), as soon as practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall, pursuant to the authority provided in the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), section 362 of title 10, United States Code, and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.), transfer to covered NATO allies equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles that have been authorized, procured, and contracted by, and are available to, the Department of Defense. (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. (c) Inclusions.--The equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles referred to in subsection (a) shall include-- (1) air defense systems; (2) unmanned aerial vehicles; (3) anti-ship missiles; (4) military vehicles; (5) ammunition; and (6) weapons. (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on January 1, 2022, and ending on the date on which military hostilities by the Russian Federation in Ukraine cease. <all>
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. ( (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. ( e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. ( d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. ( d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. ( (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. ( e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. ( d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. ( (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. ( e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. ( d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. ( (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. ( e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. REPLACEMENT OF DEFENSE EQUIPMENT, SUPPORT CAPABILITIES, AND ARTICLES PROVIDED TO UKRAINE BY CERTAIN MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. ( d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. (
To require the Secretary of Defense to replace equipment provided to Ukraine by certain member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. b) Purpose.--The purpose of the transfers required by subsection (a) is to replace equipment provided by covered NATO allies to Ukraine during the covered period to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by the Russian Federation. ( (d) Consultation.--Before making a transfer under subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the Secretary of State with respect to whether the transfer-- (1) aligns with United States foreign policy goals; and (2) would result in any significant gap with respect to United States national security. ( e) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered nato ally defined.--The term ``covered NATO ally'' means any member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with a gross domestic product per capita that is less than $30,000, as of April 1, 2022. (
Directs the Secretary of Defense to: (1) transfer to covered NATO allies equipment, defense support capabilities, and relevant defense articles that have been authorized, procured, and contracted by the Department of Defense (DOD) and are available to DOD; and (2) provide such allies with training, equipment, and support capabilities to defend Ukraine against aggression and other malign influence by
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021 This bill modifies recoupment provisions under the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program during the public health emergency relating to COVID-19. The program provides Medicare payments in advance to eligible providers experiencing claims or cash flow disruptions, such as during national emergencies; the program was specifically expanded in response to COVID-19 to encompass more types of providers, subject to certain recoupment and repayment provisions. The bill provides for an additional one year before recoupment of advance payments (through claims offsets) begins, so that recoupment begins two years (rather than one year) after payments are made. The bill also applies repayments that providers have already made toward the collection of offsets for a corresponding amount of time.
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program.
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021
Rep. Issa, Darrell E.
This bill modifies recoupment provisions under the Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program during the public health emergency relating to COVID-19. The program provides Medicare payments in advance to eligible providers experiencing claims or cash flow disruptions, such as during national emergencies; the program was specifically expanded in response to COVID-19 to encompass more types of providers, subject to certain recoupment and repayment provisions. The bill provides for an additional one year before recoupment of advance payments (through claims offsets) begins, so that recoupment begins two years (rather than one year) after payments are made. The bill also applies repayments that providers have already made toward the collection of offsets for a corresponding amount of time.
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (a) Part A.--Section 1815(f)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395g(f)(2)(C)) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such hospital has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. (b) Part B.--Section 2501(a)(2)(A) of the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act (Public Law 116-159) is amended-- (1) in clause (i), by striking ``1 year'' and inserting ``2 years''; (2) in clause (ii)(II), by striking ``and'' at the end; (3) in clause (iii), by striking the period and inserting ``; and''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new clause: ``(iv) in the case such provider or supplier has submitted any payment to the Secretary for payments under such program, suspend any offset described in clause (i) for a period of time such that the aggregate amount of any payments so submitted equals the aggregate amount of such offsets that would have been made during such period had this clause not applied.''. <all>
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
To provide for a 1-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. PROVIDING FOR A 1-YEAR DELAY FOR THE RECOUPMENT OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS MADE UNDER THE ACCELERATED OR ADVANCE PAYMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. (
Better Way for Providers To Repay Act of 2021 This bill amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act and the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act to provide for a one-year delay for the recoupment of certain payments made under the accelerated or advance payment programs under the Medicare program. The bill also requires hospitals to suspend any offset for
Emergency Management
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act This bill directs the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest on disaster-related loans.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes.
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act
Rep. Dunn, Neal P.
This bill directs the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest on disaster-related loans.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act - Amends the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Directs the President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to provide financial assistance to a local government or electric
This bill permanently allows state Medicaid programs to receive federal payment for substance-use disorder services that are provided at institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) for individuals aged 21 to 64. The bill also extends the maximum length of stay over a 12-month period from 30 days to 45 days. In addition, the bill provides statutory authority for a 2018 letter from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that provided for Medicaid demonstration programs for IMD mental health services for adults and children; the bill similarly increases the average length of stay under such programs to 45 days.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. LIFTING THE IMD EXCLUSION FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. (a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (b) Lengths of Stay.--Section 1915(l)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(2)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``30 days'' and inserting ``45 days''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as precluding a State from using other authorities, including section 1115, that apply with respect to medical assistance under the State plan under this title, or waiver of such plan, for delivering care in certain institutions for mental diseases with more than 16 beds concurrently with this paragraph and allowing for stays in such institutions for mental diseases equal to the combined total lengths of stays permitted under the respective authorities so long as all requirements for such authorities are met.''. (c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes.
Rep. Burgess, Michael C.
This bill permanently allows state Medicaid programs to receive federal payment for substance-use disorder services that are provided at institutions for mental diseases (IMDs) for individuals aged 21 to 64. The bill also extends the maximum length of stay over a 12-month period from 30 days to 45 days. In addition, the bill provides statutory authority for a 2018 letter from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that provided for Medicaid demonstration programs for IMD mental health services for adults and children; the bill similarly increases the average length of stay under such programs to 45 days.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. LIFTING THE IMD EXCLUSION FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. (a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (b) Lengths of Stay.--Section 1915(l)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(2)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``30 days'' and inserting ``45 days''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as precluding a State from using other authorities, including section 1115, that apply with respect to medical assistance under the State plan under this title, or waiver of such plan, for delivering care in certain institutions for mental diseases with more than 16 beds concurrently with this paragraph and allowing for stays in such institutions for mental diseases equal to the combined total lengths of stays permitted under the respective authorities so long as all requirements for such authorities are met.''. (c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. LIFTING THE IMD EXCLUSION FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. (a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (b) Lengths of Stay.--Section 1915(l)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(2)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``30 days'' and inserting ``45 days''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as precluding a State from using other authorities, including section 1115, that apply with respect to medical assistance under the State plan under this title, or waiver of such plan, for delivering care in certain institutions for mental diseases with more than 16 beds concurrently with this paragraph and allowing for stays in such institutions for mental diseases equal to the combined total lengths of stays permitted under the respective authorities so long as all requirements for such authorities are met.''. (c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. LIFTING THE IMD EXCLUSION FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. (a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (b) Lengths of Stay.--Section 1915(l)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(2)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``30 days'' and inserting ``45 days''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as precluding a State from using other authorities, including section 1115, that apply with respect to medical assistance under the State plan under this title, or waiver of such plan, for delivering care in certain institutions for mental diseases with more than 16 beds concurrently with this paragraph and allowing for stays in such institutions for mental diseases equal to the combined total lengths of stays permitted under the respective authorities so long as all requirements for such authorities are met.''. (c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. LIFTING THE IMD EXCLUSION FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER AND SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS. (a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (b) Lengths of Stay.--Section 1915(l)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(2)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``30 days'' and inserting ``45 days''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as precluding a State from using other authorities, including section 1115, that apply with respect to medical assistance under the State plan under this title, or waiver of such plan, for delivering care in certain institutions for mental diseases with more than 16 beds concurrently with this paragraph and allowing for stays in such institutions for mental diseases equal to the combined total lengths of stays permitted under the respective authorities so long as all requirements for such authorities are met.''. (c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. ( c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. ( c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. ( c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. ( c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. (
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make permanent the State plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. a) Making Permanent State Plan Amendment Option To Provide Medical Assistance for Certain Individuals Who Are Patients in Certain Institutions for Mental Diseases.--Section 1915(l)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(l)(1)) is amended by striking ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning during the period beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2023,'' and inserting ``With respect to calendar quarters beginning on or after October 1, 2019,''. ( c) Codification of State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011.-- Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, the State Medicaid Director Letter #18-011 shall have the force and effect of law, except that in applying such letter, with respect to a State, the State mental health director (or such other similar actor) may allow for up to 45 days for the Statewide average length of stay described in such letter.
Amends title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act to make permanent the state plan amendment option to provide medical assistance for certain individuals who are patients in certain institutions for mental diseases, and for other purposes. Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of that Act to: (1) remove the exclusion from the Medicaid program for substance use disorder and serious mental illness;
Environmental Protection
PFAS Reference Standards Act This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to require manufacturers of perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS, to submit an analytical reference standard for each PFAS it has manufactured since ten years prior to the enactment of this bill.
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Reference Standards Act''. SEC. 2. EPA REQUIREMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF ANALYTICAL REFERENCE STANDARDS FOR PFAS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Uses.--The Administrator may-- (1) use an analytical reference standard submitted under this section only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the Administrator; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of Federal requirements; and (2) provide an analytical reference standard submitted under this section to a State, to be used only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the State; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of State requirements. (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (2) Chemical substance.--The term ``chemical substance'' means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity. (3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602). <all>
PFAS Reference Standards Act
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes.
PFAS Reference Standards Act
Rep. Sarbanes, John P.
This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to require manufacturers of perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFAS, to submit an analytical reference standard for each PFAS it has manufactured since ten years prior to the enactment of this bill.
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Reference Standards Act''. SEC. 2. EPA REQUIREMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF ANALYTICAL REFERENCE STANDARDS FOR PFAS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Uses.--The Administrator may-- (1) use an analytical reference standard submitted under this section only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the Administrator; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of Federal requirements; and (2) provide an analytical reference standard submitted under this section to a State, to be used only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the State; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of State requirements. (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (2) Chemical substance.--The term ``chemical substance'' means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity. (3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602). <all>
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Reference Standards Act''. SEC. 2. EPA REQUIREMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF ANALYTICAL REFERENCE STANDARDS FOR PFAS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Uses.--The Administrator may-- (1) use an analytical reference standard submitted under this section only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the Administrator; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of Federal requirements; and (2) provide an analytical reference standard submitted under this section to a State, to be used only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the State; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of State requirements. (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (2) Chemical substance.--The term ``chemical substance'' means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity. (3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602). <all>
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Reference Standards Act''. SEC. 2. EPA REQUIREMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF ANALYTICAL REFERENCE STANDARDS FOR PFAS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Uses.--The Administrator may-- (1) use an analytical reference standard submitted under this section only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the Administrator; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of Federal requirements; and (2) provide an analytical reference standard submitted under this section to a State, to be used only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the State; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of State requirements. (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (2) Chemical substance.--The term ``chemical substance'' means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity. (3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602). <all>
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Reference Standards Act''. SEC. 2. EPA REQUIREMENT FOR SUBMISSION OF ANALYTICAL REFERENCE STANDARDS FOR PFAS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Uses.--The Administrator may-- (1) use an analytical reference standard submitted under this section only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the Administrator; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of Federal requirements; and (2) provide an analytical reference standard submitted under this section to a State, to be used only for-- (A) the development of information, protocols, and methodologies, which may be carried out by an entity determined appropriate by the State; or (B) activities relating to the implementation or enforcement of State requirements. (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (2) Chemical substance.--The term ``chemical substance'' means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity. (3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602). <all>
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. ( (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. ( 3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602).
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602).
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. ( (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. ( 3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602).
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. ( (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. ( 3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602).
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. ( (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. ( 3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 4) Manufacture; state.--The terms ``manufacture'' and ``State'' have the meanings given those terms in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2602).
To require manufacturers of PFAS to submit analytical reference standards to the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall require each covered entity to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom manufactured by the covered entity after the date that is 10 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act. ( (c) Prohibition.--No person receiving an analytical reference standard submitted under this section may use or transfer the analytical reference standard for a commercial purpose. ( 3) Covered entity.--The term ``covered entity'' means a manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom. (
PFAS Reference Standards Act - Directs the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to require each manufacturer of a chemical substance with at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom (PFAS) to submit to the Administrator an analytical reference standard for each such chemical substance manufactured after the date that is 10 years prior to this Act's enactment. Prohibits the Administrator from using an analytical
Government Operations and Politics
Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act This bill dissolves the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Disinformation Governance Board and directs DHS to immediately remove its Executive Director. The bill also prohibits the use of federal funds for the board's operation. Further, DHS (1) may not establish any entity equivalent to the board or authorize activities at DHS that are substantially similar to the board's activities, and (2) must submit to Congress a report describing the board's formation and all of the records in DHS's possession related to the board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Disinformation Governance Board. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Homeland Security. SEC. 4. DISSOLUTION. (a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. (b) Removal of Executive Director.--The Secretary shall immediately remove the Executive Director from the Board. (c) Funding Restriction.--Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, no Federal funds may be used for the operation of the Board. SEC. 5. NO SUCCESSOR ENTITIES OR ACTIVITIES. The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board. SEC. 6. DISCLOSURE. Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives-- (1) a report describing the formation of the Board; and (2) all of the records in the possession of the Department of Homeland Security related to the Board, including-- (A) written or recorded communications concerning the formation of the Board; (B) the agenda or minutes from any meeting at which the Board's formation was discussed; (C) any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States; (D) any communications or records about the individuals who would be recruited to serve on the Board; and (E) any communications concerning the appointment of an executive director for the Board. <all>
Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act
A bill to dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes.
Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act
Sen. Hawley, Josh
This bill dissolves the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Disinformation Governance Board and directs DHS to immediately remove its Executive Director. The bill also prohibits the use of federal funds for the board's operation. Further, DHS (1) may not establish any entity equivalent to the board or authorize activities at DHS that are substantially similar to the board's activities, and (2) must submit to Congress a report describing the board's formation and all of the records in DHS's possession related to the board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Disinformation Governance Board. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Homeland Security. SEC. 4. DISSOLUTION. (a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. (b) Removal of Executive Director.--The Secretary shall immediately remove the Executive Director from the Board. (c) Funding Restriction.--Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, no Federal funds may be used for the operation of the Board. SEC. 5. NO SUCCESSOR ENTITIES OR ACTIVITIES. The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board. SEC. 6. DISCLOSURE. Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives-- (1) a report describing the formation of the Board; and (2) all of the records in the possession of the Department of Homeland Security related to the Board, including-- (A) written or recorded communications concerning the formation of the Board; (B) the agenda or minutes from any meeting at which the Board's formation was discussed; (C) any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States; (D) any communications or records about the individuals who would be recruited to serve on the Board; and (E) any communications concerning the appointment of an executive director for the Board. <all>
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Disinformation Governance Board. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Homeland Security. SEC. 4. DISSOLUTION. (a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. (b) Removal of Executive Director.--The Secretary shall immediately remove the Executive Director from the Board. (c) Funding Restriction.--Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, no Federal funds may be used for the operation of the Board. SEC. 5. NO SUCCESSOR ENTITIES OR ACTIVITIES. The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board. SEC. 6. DISCLOSURE. Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives-- (1) a report describing the formation of the Board; and (2) all of the records in the possession of the Department of Homeland Security related to the Board, including-- (A) written or recorded communications concerning the formation of the Board; (B) the agenda or minutes from any meeting at which the Board's formation was discussed; (C) any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States; (D) any communications or records about the individuals who would be recruited to serve on the Board; and (E) any communications concerning the appointment of an executive director for the Board. <all>
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Disinformation Governance Board. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Homeland Security. SEC. 4. DISSOLUTION. (a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. (b) Removal of Executive Director.--The Secretary shall immediately remove the Executive Director from the Board. (c) Funding Restriction.--Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, no Federal funds may be used for the operation of the Board. SEC. 5. NO SUCCESSOR ENTITIES OR ACTIVITIES. The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board. SEC. 6. DISCLOSURE. Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives-- (1) a report describing the formation of the Board; and (2) all of the records in the possession of the Department of Homeland Security related to the Board, including-- (A) written or recorded communications concerning the formation of the Board; (B) the agenda or minutes from any meeting at which the Board's formation was discussed; (C) any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States; (D) any communications or records about the individuals who would be recruited to serve on the Board; and (E) any communications concerning the appointment of an executive director for the Board. <all>
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act''. SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Board.--The term ``Board'' means the Disinformation Governance Board. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Homeland Security. SEC. 4. DISSOLUTION. (a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. (b) Removal of Executive Director.--The Secretary shall immediately remove the Executive Director from the Board. (c) Funding Restriction.--Beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, no Federal funds may be used for the operation of the Board. SEC. 5. NO SUCCESSOR ENTITIES OR ACTIVITIES. The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board. SEC. 6. DISCLOSURE. Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives-- (1) a report describing the formation of the Board; and (2) all of the records in the possession of the Department of Homeland Security related to the Board, including-- (A) written or recorded communications concerning the formation of the Board; (B) the agenda or minutes from any meeting at which the Board's formation was discussed; (C) any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States; (D) any communications or records about the individuals who would be recruited to serve on the Board; and (E) any communications concerning the appointment of an executive director for the Board. <all>
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
To dissolve the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, and for other purposes. a) In General.--The Board is hereby dissolved. ( The Secretary may not-- (1) establish any entity equivalent to the Board; or (2) authorize activities at the Department of Homeland Security that are substantially similar to the activities of the Board.
Dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board Act - Expresses the sense of Congress that the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Board is unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately. (Sec. 3) Directs the Secretary to: (1) report to the Senate and the House on the formation of the Board; and (2) remove the Board's Executive Director.
Environmental Protection
Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act or the PRIMED Act This bill makes certain mineral production projects and certain actions taken by the Department of Defense eligible for an expedited environmental review by including those projects within the scope of covered projects under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act'' or the ``PRIMED Act''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF ACTIONS UNDER PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION 2022-11 FOR FEDERAL PERMITTING IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. (a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (b) Actions Described.--An action described in this subsection is an action taken by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Presidential Determination 2022-11 (87 Fed. Reg. 19775; relating to certain actions under section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950) to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities for strategic and critical materials through-- (1) supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; (2) by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; (3) modernization of mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; or (4) any other activity authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4533(a)(1)). (c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project. <all>
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes.
PRIMED Act Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act
Rep. Slotkin, Elissa
This bill makes certain mineral production projects and certain actions taken by the Department of Defense eligible for an expedited environmental review by including those projects within the scope of covered projects under the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act'' or the ``PRIMED Act''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF ACTIONS UNDER PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION 2022-11 FOR FEDERAL PERMITTING IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. (a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (b) Actions Described.--An action described in this subsection is an action taken by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Presidential Determination 2022-11 (87 Fed. Reg. 19775; relating to certain actions under section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950) to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities for strategic and critical materials through-- (1) supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; (2) by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; (3) modernization of mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; or (4) any other activity authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4533(a)(1)). (c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project. <all>
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act'' or the ``PRIMED Act''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF ACTIONS UNDER PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION 2022-11 FOR FEDERAL PERMITTING IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. (a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (b) Actions Described.--An action described in this subsection is an action taken by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Presidential Determination 2022-11 (87 Fed. Reg. 19775; relating to certain actions under section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950) to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities for strategic and critical materials through-- (1) supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; (2) by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; (3) modernization of mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; or (4) any other activity authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4533(a)(1)). (c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project. <all>
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act'' or the ``PRIMED Act''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF ACTIONS UNDER PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION 2022-11 FOR FEDERAL PERMITTING IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. (a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (b) Actions Described.--An action described in this subsection is an action taken by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Presidential Determination 2022-11 (87 Fed. Reg. 19775; relating to certain actions under section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950) to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities for strategic and critical materials through-- (1) supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; (2) by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; (3) modernization of mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; or (4) any other activity authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4533(a)(1)). (c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project. <all>
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act'' or the ``PRIMED Act''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF ACTIONS UNDER PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION 2022-11 FOR FEDERAL PERMITTING IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. (a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (b) Actions Described.--An action described in this subsection is an action taken by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to Presidential Determination 2022-11 (87 Fed. Reg. 19775; relating to certain actions under section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950) to create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore sustainable and responsible domestic production capabilities for strategic and critical materials through-- (1) supporting feasibility studies for mature mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing projects; (2) by-product and co-product production at existing mining, mine waste reclamation, and other industrial facilities; (3) modernization of mining, beneficiation, and value-added processing to increase productivity, environmental sustainability, and workforce safety; or (4) any other activity authorized under section 303(a)(1) of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 4533(a)(1)). (c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project. <all>
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). ( c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project.
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). ( c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project.
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). ( c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project.
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). ( c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project.
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). (
To require that certain actions taken by the Secretary of Defense be treated as an eligible transportation project, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Except as provided by subsection (c), an action described in subsection (b) shall be-- (1) treated as a covered project, as defined in section 41001(6) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)), without regard to the requirements of that section; and (2) included in the Permitting Dashboard maintained pursuant to section 41003(b) of that Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m- 2(b)). ( c) Exception.--An action described in subsection (b) may not be treated as a covered project or be included in the Permitting Dashboard under subsection (a) if the project sponsor (as defined in section 41001(18) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(18))) requests that the action not be treated as a covered project.
Permit Reform In Mining for Energy and Defense Act or the PRIMED Act This bill amends the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act to require that certain actions taken by the Department of Defense (DOD) be treated as an eligible transportation project and for other purposes. Specifically, the bill defines an "eligible transportation project" as an action taken by DOD pursuant to Presidential Determination
This joint resolution nullifies a Department of Education rule published on July 6, 2022, concerning final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria for the Charter Schools Program.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 94 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 9, 2022 Mr. Moolenaar (for himself, Ms. Foxx, Mr. Owens, Mrs. Steel, Mr. Jacobs of New York, Mr. Schweikert, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)'' (87 Fed. Reg. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to "Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)".
Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to "Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)".
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to "Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)".
Rep. Moolenaar, John R.
This joint resolution nullifies a Department of Education rule published on July 6, 2022, concerning final priorities, requirements, definitions, and selection criteria for the Charter Schools Program.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 94 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 9, 2022 Mr. Moolenaar (for himself, Ms. Foxx, Mr. Owens, Mrs. Steel, Mr. Jacobs of New York, Mr. Schweikert, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)'' (87 Fed. Reg. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 94 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 9, 2022 Mr. Moolenaar (for himself, Ms. Foxx, Mr. Owens, Mrs. Steel, Mr. Jacobs of New York, Mr. Schweikert, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)'' (87 Fed. Reg. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 94 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 9, 2022 Mr. Moolenaar (for himself, Ms. Foxx, Mr. Owens, Mrs. Steel, Mr. Jacobs of New York, Mr. Schweikert, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)'' (87 Fed. Reg. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 94 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 9, 2022 Mr. Moolenaar (for himself, Ms. Foxx, Mr. Owens, Mrs. Steel, Mr. Jacobs of New York, Mr. Schweikert, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (CMO Grants); and Grants to Charter School Developers for the Opening of New Charter Schools and for the Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools (Developer Grants)'' (87 Fed. Reg. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 40406; published July 6, 2022), and such rule shall have no force or effect.
Directs the Secretary of Education to submit to the House Education Committee a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to the Final Priorities, Requirements, Definitions, and Selection Criteria-Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program (CSP)-Grants to State Entities (State Entity Grants); Grants to Charter Management Organizations for the Replication
Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act This bill requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a certain payment adjustment under the Medicare end-stage renal disease (ESRD) prospective payment system. Specifically, the CMS must provide for a three-year temporary add-on payment adjustment for new medical devices used to diagnose, treat, or manage ESRD. (CMS regulations currently provide a two-year temporary add-on payment adjustment.)
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) There are approximately 400,000 Medicare beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, making up 1 percent of the Medicare population but accounting for approximately 7 percent of all Medicare spending. (2) Expected remaining lifetime for dialysis patients under 80 years old is one-third as long as their counterparts without ESRD, and for dialysis patients over 80 years old, it is one- half as long as that of their counterparts without ESRD. (3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (4) There is a lack of innovative new devices for ESRD Medicare beneficiaries, in part because of the lack of reimbursement incentives for novel devices. SEC. 3. INCREASING PATIENT ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE DEVICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ESRD. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide, and may implement by program instruction or otherwise-- (1) a 3-year temporary add-on payment adjustment under section 1881(b)(14) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S. 1395rr(b)(14)) for a new medical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration under section 513(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360c) on or after January 1, 2020, that is furnished to a beneficiary for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of end stage renal disease; and (2) for such adjustment to be implemented in a nonbudget neutral manner under such section 1881(b)(14). <all>
Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act
A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end state renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part.
Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act
Sen. Cornyn, John
This bill requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a certain payment adjustment under the Medicare end-stage renal disease (ESRD) prospective payment system. Specifically, the CMS must provide for a three-year temporary add-on payment adjustment for new medical devices used to diagnose, treat, or manage ESRD. (CMS regulations currently provide a two-year temporary add-on payment adjustment.)
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) There are approximately 400,000 Medicare beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, making up 1 percent of the Medicare population but accounting for approximately 7 percent of all Medicare spending. (2) Expected remaining lifetime for dialysis patients under 80 years old is one-third as long as their counterparts without ESRD, and for dialysis patients over 80 years old, it is one- half as long as that of their counterparts without ESRD. (3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (4) There is a lack of innovative new devices for ESRD Medicare beneficiaries, in part because of the lack of reimbursement incentives for novel devices. SEC. 3. INCREASING PATIENT ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE DEVICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ESRD. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide, and may implement by program instruction or otherwise-- (1) a 3-year temporary add-on payment adjustment under section 1881(b)(14) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S. 1395rr(b)(14)) for a new medical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration under section 513(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360c) on or after January 1, 2020, that is furnished to a beneficiary for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of end stage renal disease; and (2) for such adjustment to be implemented in a nonbudget neutral manner under such section 1881(b)(14). <all>
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) There are approximately 400,000 Medicare beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, making up 1 percent of the Medicare population but accounting for approximately 7 percent of all Medicare spending. (2) Expected remaining lifetime for dialysis patients under 80 years old is one-third as long as their counterparts without ESRD, and for dialysis patients over 80 years old, it is one- half as long as that of their counterparts without ESRD. (3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (4) There is a lack of innovative new devices for ESRD Medicare beneficiaries, in part because of the lack of reimbursement incentives for novel devices. SEC. 3. INCREASING PATIENT ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE DEVICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ESRD. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide, and may implement by program instruction or otherwise-- (1) a 3-year temporary add-on payment adjustment under section 1881(b)(14) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S. 1395rr(b)(14)) for a new medical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration under section 513(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360c) on or after January 1, 2020, that is furnished to a beneficiary for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of end stage renal disease; and (2) for such adjustment to be implemented in a nonbudget neutral manner under such section 1881(b)(14). <all>
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) There are approximately 400,000 Medicare beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, making up 1 percent of the Medicare population but accounting for approximately 7 percent of all Medicare spending. (2) Expected remaining lifetime for dialysis patients under 80 years old is one-third as long as their counterparts without ESRD, and for dialysis patients over 80 years old, it is one- half as long as that of their counterparts without ESRD. (3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (4) There is a lack of innovative new devices for ESRD Medicare beneficiaries, in part because of the lack of reimbursement incentives for novel devices. SEC. 3. INCREASING PATIENT ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE DEVICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ESRD. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide, and may implement by program instruction or otherwise-- (1) a 3-year temporary add-on payment adjustment under section 1881(b)(14) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S. 1395rr(b)(14)) for a new medical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration under section 513(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360c) on or after January 1, 2020, that is furnished to a beneficiary for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of end stage renal disease; and (2) for such adjustment to be implemented in a nonbudget neutral manner under such section 1881(b)(14). <all>
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) There are approximately 400,000 Medicare beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, making up 1 percent of the Medicare population but accounting for approximately 7 percent of all Medicare spending. (2) Expected remaining lifetime for dialysis patients under 80 years old is one-third as long as their counterparts without ESRD, and for dialysis patients over 80 years old, it is one- half as long as that of their counterparts without ESRD. (3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (4) There is a lack of innovative new devices for ESRD Medicare beneficiaries, in part because of the lack of reimbursement incentives for novel devices. SEC. 3. INCREASING PATIENT ACCESS TO INNOVATIVE DEVICES FOR THE TREATMENT OF ESRD. The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall provide, and may implement by program instruction or otherwise-- (1) a 3-year temporary add-on payment adjustment under section 1881(b)(14) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S. 1395rr(b)(14)) for a new medical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration under section 513(f)(2) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360c) on or after January 1, 2020, that is furnished to a beneficiary for the diagnosis, treatment, or management of end stage renal disease; and (2) for such adjustment to be implemented in a nonbudget neutral manner under such section 1881(b)(14). <all>
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment under such part. 3) On average, hemodialysis patients are hospitalized nearly twice per year and about 30 percent have an unplanned rehospitalization within the 30 days following discharge, contributing to high costs for treating ESRD Medicare beneficiaries. (
Patient Access to ESRD New Innovative Devices Act This bill amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to improve access to innovative new medical devices furnished to individuals with end stage renal disease (ESRD) under part B of the Medicare program by establishing a new device add-on payment adjustment. The bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services (
Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021 or the LIFT UP Act of 2021 This bill extends the six-month period during which the Small Business Administration (SBA) must subsidize payments on certain loans made in response to COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) for those who have previously received SBA disaster assistance for non-COVID emergencies.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. SUBSIDY FOR CERTAIN LOAN PAYMENTS. Section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``or'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) made during the period beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on the day before the date of enactment of this paragraph-- ``(A) to a business concern under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic; or ``(B) under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan.''; and (B) in paragraph (6), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``for a covered loan''. SEC. 3. EMERGENCY EIDL GRANTS. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act. <all>
LIFT UP Act of 2021
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes.
LIFT UP Act of 2021 Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021
Rep. Fletcher, Lizzie
This bill extends the six-month period during which the Small Business Administration (SBA) must subsidize payments on certain loans made in response to COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) for those who have previously received SBA disaster assistance for non-COVID emergencies.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. SUBSIDY FOR CERTAIN LOAN PAYMENTS. Section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``or'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) made during the period beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on the day before the date of enactment of this paragraph-- ``(A) to a business concern under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic; or ``(B) under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan.''; and (B) in paragraph (6), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``for a covered loan''. SEC. 3. EMERGENCY EIDL GRANTS. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act. <all>
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. SUBSIDY FOR CERTAIN LOAN PAYMENTS. Section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``or'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) made during the period beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on the day before the date of enactment of this paragraph-- ``(A) to a business concern under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic; or ``(B) under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan.''; and (B) in paragraph (6), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``for a covered loan''. SEC. 3. EMERGENCY EIDL GRANTS. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act. <all>
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. SUBSIDY FOR CERTAIN LOAN PAYMENTS. Section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``or'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) made during the period beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on the day before the date of enactment of this paragraph-- ``(A) to a business concern under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic; or ``(B) under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan.''; and (B) in paragraph (6), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``for a covered loan''. SEC. 3. EMERGENCY EIDL GRANTS. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act. <all>
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. SUBSIDY FOR CERTAIN LOAN PAYMENTS. Section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1)(B), by striking ``or'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) made during the period beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on the day before the date of enactment of this paragraph-- ``(A) to a business concern under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic; or ``(B) under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) that is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic.''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan.''; and (B) in paragraph (6), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``for a covered loan''. SEC. 3. EMERGENCY EIDL GRANTS. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act. <all>
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. ''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan. ''; A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. ''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan. ''; A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. ''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan. ''; A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. ''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan. ''; A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
To expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021'' or the ``LIFT UP Act of 2021''. ''; and (2) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in subparagraphs (A) and (B), by inserting ``(except a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3))'' after ``on deferment'' each place it appears; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) With respect to a covered loan described in subsection (a)(3), for the 6-month period beginning with the first payment due on the covered loan. ''; A borrower of a loan made under section 7(b)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(2)) may also receive payments under section 1112 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9011), as amended by this Act.
Loan Interest Forgiveness for Taxpayers Under a Pandemic Act of 2021 or the LIFT UP Act of 2020 - Amends the Small Business Act to expand the payment of principal, interest, and fees for certain disaster loans under the CARES Act and for other purposes. Amends SBA disaster loan provisions to allow a borrower of a loan made under SBA provisions unrelated to
Emergency Management
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act This bill directs the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest on disaster-related loans.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act
A bill to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes.
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act
Sen. Rubio, Marco
This bill directs the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest on disaster-related loans.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act''. SEC. 2. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. (a) In General.--Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 431. REIMBURSEMENT OF INTEREST PAYMENTS RELATED TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(b) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply: ``(1) Qualifying interest.--The term `qualifying interest' means, with respect to a qualifying loan, the lesser of-- ``(A) the actual interest paid to a lender for such qualifying loan; and ``(B) the interest that would have been paid to a lender if such qualifying loan had an interest rate equal to the prime rate most recently published on the Federal Reserve Statistical Release on selected interest rates. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. (b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section. <all>
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. ``(a) In General.--The President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall provide financial assistance to a local government or electric cooperative as reimbursement for qualifying interest. ``(2) Qualifying loan.--The term `qualifying loan' means a loan-- ``(A) obtained by a local government or electric cooperative; and ``(B) of which not less than 90 percent of the proceeds are used to fund activities for which such local government or electric cooperative receives assistance under this Act after the date on which such loan is disbursed.''. ( b) Rule of Applicability.--Any qualifying interest (as such term is defined in section 431 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as added by this Act) incurred by a local government or electric cooperative in the 5 years preceding the date of enactment of this Act shall be treated as eligible for financial assistance for purposes of such section.
FEMA Loan Interest Payment Relief Act - Amends the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to provide for the authority to reimburse local governments or electric cooperatives for interest expenses, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Directs the President, acting through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to provide financial assistance to a local government or electric
Armed Forces and National Security
PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act This bill prohibits the Department of Defense (DOD) from procuring or purchasing specified items (e.g., cleaning products) containing a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance, commonly referred to as PFAS. These substances are man-made and may have adverse human health effects. A variety of products contain the compounds, such as nonstick cookware or weatherproof clothing. DOD may not authorize the sale of any specified item containing PFAS on DOD property, such as commissaries or online exchange shops.
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act''. SEC. 2. RESTRICTION ON PROCUREMENT, PURCHASING, AND SALE BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES. (a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered item'' means-- (A) non-stick cookware or food service ware for use in galleys or dining facilities; (B) food packaging materials; (C) furniture or floor waxes; (D) carpeting, rugs, curtains, or upholstered furniture; (E) personal care items; (F) dental floss or toothpaste; (G) sunscreen; (H) umbrellas, luggage or bags; (I) ski wax; (J) car wax and car window treatments; (K) cleaning products; and (L) shoes and clothing for which treatment with a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance is not necessary for an essential function. (2) The term ``perfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical of which all of the carbon atoms are fully fluorinated carbon atoms. (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect on the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance.
PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act
Rep. Slotkin, Elissa
This bill prohibits the Department of Defense (DOD) from procuring or purchasing specified items (e.g., cleaning products) containing a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance, commonly referred to as PFAS. These substances are man-made and may have adverse human health effects. A variety of products contain the compounds, such as nonstick cookware or weatherproof clothing. DOD may not authorize the sale of any specified item containing PFAS on DOD property, such as commissaries or online exchange shops.
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act''. SEC. 2. RESTRICTION ON PROCUREMENT, PURCHASING, AND SALE BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES. (a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered item'' means-- (A) non-stick cookware or food service ware for use in galleys or dining facilities; (B) food packaging materials; (C) furniture or floor waxes; (D) carpeting, rugs, curtains, or upholstered furniture; (E) personal care items; (F) dental floss or toothpaste; (G) sunscreen; (H) umbrellas, luggage or bags; (I) ski wax; (J) car wax and car window treatments; (K) cleaning products; and (L) shoes and clothing for which treatment with a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance is not necessary for an essential function. (2) The term ``perfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical of which all of the carbon atoms are fully fluorinated carbon atoms. (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect on the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act''. SEC. 2. RESTRICTION ON PROCUREMENT, PURCHASING, AND SALE BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES. (a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered item'' means-- (A) non-stick cookware or food service ware for use in galleys or dining facilities; (B) food packaging materials; (C) furniture or floor waxes; (D) carpeting, rugs, curtains, or upholstered furniture; (E) personal care items; (F) dental floss or toothpaste; (G) sunscreen; (H) umbrellas, luggage or bags; (I) ski wax; (J) car wax and car window treatments; (K) cleaning products; and (L) shoes and clothing for which treatment with a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance is not necessary for an essential function. (2) The term ``perfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical of which all of the carbon atoms are fully fluorinated carbon atoms. (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect on the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act''. SEC. 2. RESTRICTION ON PROCUREMENT, PURCHASING, AND SALE BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES. (a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered item'' means-- (A) non-stick cookware or food service ware for use in galleys or dining facilities; (B) food packaging materials; (C) furniture or floor waxes; (D) carpeting, rugs, curtains, or upholstered furniture; (E) personal care items; (F) dental floss or toothpaste; (G) sunscreen; (H) umbrellas, luggage or bags; (I) ski wax; (J) car wax and car window treatments; (K) cleaning products; and (L) shoes and clothing for which treatment with a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance is not necessary for an essential function. (2) The term ``perfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical of which all of the carbon atoms are fully fluorinated carbon atoms. (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect on the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act''. SEC. 2. RESTRICTION ON PROCUREMENT, PURCHASING, AND SALE BY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES AND POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES. (a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered item'' means-- (A) non-stick cookware or food service ware for use in galleys or dining facilities; (B) food packaging materials; (C) furniture or floor waxes; (D) carpeting, rugs, curtains, or upholstered furniture; (E) personal care items; (F) dental floss or toothpaste; (G) sunscreen; (H) umbrellas, luggage or bags; (I) ski wax; (J) car wax and car window treatments; (K) cleaning products; and (L) shoes and clothing for which treatment with a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance is not necessary for an essential function. (2) The term ``perfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical of which all of the carbon atoms are fully fluorinated carbon atoms. (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (c) Effective Date.--This section shall take effect on the date that is one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. ( (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. ( 4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. 3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. 3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. ( (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. ( 4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. 3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. ( (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. ( 4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. 3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. ( (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. ( 4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. 3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. (
To prohibit the procurement, purchase, and sale by the Department of Defense of certain items containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance. a) Prohibition on Procurement and Purchasing.--The Secretary of Defense may not-- (1) procure or purchase any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance; or (2) permit the sale of any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkyl substance on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. ( (3) The term ``polyfluoroalkyl substance'' means a man-made chemical containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom and at least one nonfluorinated carbon atom. ( 4) The term ``property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense'' includes any-- (A) commissary; (B) facility operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Navy Exchange Service Command, or the Navy Resale and Services Support Office; (C) Marine Corps exchange; (D) online exchange shop; and (E) ship's store. (
PFAS Free Military Purchasing Act - Prohibits the Secretary of Defense from: (1) procuring or purchasing any covered item containing a perfluoroalkyl substance or polyfluoroalkylamine (PFAS) substance; or (2) permitting the sale of any such item on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DOD). (Sec.
Armed Forces and National Security
No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022 This bill prohibits the use of Department of Defense (DOD) funds to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer or release of any individual detained at Guantanamo to or within the United States or its territories or possessions. Individuals detained at Guantanamo means those detained as of October 1, 2009, who are not citizens of the United States or members of the U.S. Armed Forces and are in the custody or under the control of DOD or otherwise under detention. The bill also prohibits DOD funds from being used to construct or modify any facility in the United States or its territories or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purpose of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of DOD. This prohibition does not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR TRANSFER OR RELEASE OF INDIVIDUALS DETAINED AT UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES TO HOUSE DETAINEES TRANSFERRED FROM UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. (a) In General.--No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purposes of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SEC. 4. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. <all>
No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022
Rep. Boebert, Lauren
This bill prohibits the use of Department of Defense (DOD) funds to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer or release of any individual detained at Guantanamo to or within the United States or its territories or possessions. Individuals detained at Guantanamo means those detained as of October 1, 2009, who are not citizens of the United States or members of the U.S. Armed Forces and are in the custody or under the control of DOD or otherwise under detention. The bill also prohibits DOD funds from being used to construct or modify any facility in the United States or its territories or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purpose of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of DOD. This prohibition does not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR TRANSFER OR RELEASE OF INDIVIDUALS DETAINED AT UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES TO HOUSE DETAINEES TRANSFERRED FROM UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. (a) In General.--No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purposes of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SEC. 4. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. <all>
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR TRANSFER OR RELEASE OF INDIVIDUALS DETAINED AT UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES TO HOUSE DETAINEES TRANSFERRED FROM UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. (a) In General.--No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purposes of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SEC. 4. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. <all>
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR TRANSFER OR RELEASE OF INDIVIDUALS DETAINED AT UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES TO HOUSE DETAINEES TRANSFERRED FROM UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. (a) In General.--No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purposes of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SEC. 4. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. <all>
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS FOR TRANSFER OR RELEASE OF INDIVIDUALS DETAINED AT UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT OR MODIFY FACILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES TO HOUSE DETAINEES TRANSFERRED FROM UNITED STATES NAVAL STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA. (a) In General.--No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to construct or modify any facility in the United States, its territories, or possessions to house any individual detained at Guantanamo for the purposes of detention or imprisonment in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. SEC. 4. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. <all>
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In this Act, the term ``individual detained at Guantanamo'' means any individual located at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as of October 1, 2009, who-- (1) is not a citizen of the United States or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States; and (2) is-- (A) in the custody or under the control of the Department of Defense; or (B) otherwise under detention at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
To prohibit the transfer or release of individuals detained at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. No amounts authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense for any fiscal year may be used to transfer, release, or assist in the transfer of or release to or within the United States, its territories, or possessions any individual detained at Guantanamo. (b) Exception.--The prohibition in subsection (a) shall not apply to any modification of facilities at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. INDIVIDUAL DETAINED AT GUANTANAMO DEFINED.
No Transferring GITMO Terrorists to America Act of 2022 - Prohibits the transfer or release of individuals detained at U.S. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the construction or modification of facilities in the United States to house detainees transferred from such facility. Proscribes the use of funds appropriated or otherwise made available for the Department of Defense (DOD
Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act This bill allows an otherwise eligible individual who is in custody pending disposition of charges (i.e., pretrial detainees) to receive health care benefits through Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF INMATE LIMITATION ON BENEFITS UNDER MEDICAID, MEDICARE, CHIP, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Medicaid.--The subdivision (A) of section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)) that follows paragraph (31) is amended by inserting ``or in custody pending disposition of charges'' after ``patient in a medical institution''. (b) Medicare.--Section 1862(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(a)(3)) is amended by inserting ``in the case of services furnished to individuals who are in custody pending disposition of charges,'' after ``1880(e),''. (c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. (e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (2) Department of veterans affairs.--Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act
A bill to remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges.
Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act
Sen. Markey, Edward J.
This bill allows an otherwise eligible individual who is in custody pending disposition of charges (i.e., pretrial detainees) to receive health care benefits through Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF INMATE LIMITATION ON BENEFITS UNDER MEDICAID, MEDICARE, CHIP, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Medicaid.--The subdivision (A) of section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)) that follows paragraph (31) is amended by inserting ``or in custody pending disposition of charges'' after ``patient in a medical institution''. (b) Medicare.--Section 1862(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(a)(3)) is amended by inserting ``in the case of services furnished to individuals who are in custody pending disposition of charges,'' after ``1880(e),''. (c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. (e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (2) Department of veterans affairs.--Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF INMATE LIMITATION ON BENEFITS UNDER MEDICAID, MEDICARE, CHIP, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Medicaid.--The subdivision (A) of section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)) that follows paragraph (31) is amended by inserting ``or in custody pending disposition of charges'' after ``patient in a medical institution''. (b) Medicare.--Section 1862(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(a)(3)) is amended by inserting ``in the case of services furnished to individuals who are in custody pending disposition of charges,'' after ``1880(e),''. (c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. (e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (2) Department of veterans affairs.--Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF INMATE LIMITATION ON BENEFITS UNDER MEDICAID, MEDICARE, CHIP, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Medicaid.--The subdivision (A) of section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)) that follows paragraph (31) is amended by inserting ``or in custody pending disposition of charges'' after ``patient in a medical institution''. (b) Medicare.--Section 1862(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(a)(3)) is amended by inserting ``in the case of services furnished to individuals who are in custody pending disposition of charges,'' after ``1880(e),''. (c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. (e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (2) Department of veterans affairs.--Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act''. SEC. 2. REMOVAL OF INMATE LIMITATION ON BENEFITS UNDER MEDICAID, MEDICARE, CHIP, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Medicaid.--The subdivision (A) of section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)) that follows paragraph (31) is amended by inserting ``or in custody pending disposition of charges'' after ``patient in a medical institution''. (b) Medicare.--Section 1862(a)(3) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(a)(3)) is amended by inserting ``in the case of services furnished to individuals who are in custody pending disposition of charges,'' after ``1880(e),''. (c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. (e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (2) Department of veterans affairs.--Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. ( e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. ( e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. ( e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. ( e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (
To remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the Department of Veterans Affairs on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. c) CHIP.--Section 2110(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1397jj(b)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``(except as an individual in custody pending disposition of charges)'' after ``inmate of a public institution''. (d) Modification of Inmate Limitation on Health Care Benefits From Department of Veterans Affairs.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall modify section 17.38(c)(5) of title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, to ensure that the exclusion of veterans who are inmates from eligibility for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs under such section does not apply to veterans who are in custody pending disposition of charges. ( e) Effective Dates.-- (1) In general.--The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall take effect on the 1st day of the 1st calendar quarter that begins more than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act and shall apply to items and services furnished for periods beginning on or after such date. (
Equity in Pretrial Health Coverage Act - Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act, title XIX (Medicaid), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to remove limitations under Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and the VA on benefits for persons in custody pending disposition of charges. (Currently, such limitations apply to individuals in custody
Agriculture and Food
This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to provide additional payments to producers under the Environmental Quality Incentives Program for implementation of a nutrient management practice. USDA must provide the payments through FY2023 and may use up to 5% of the funding to provide technical assistance.
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. (a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. (b) Amount.--A payment to a producer under this section shall be in an amount that, in combination with the applicable payment under section 1240B(d) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa- 2(d)), does not exceed 100 percent of the costs of implementing the nutrient management practice. (c) Funding.-- (1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $750,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 and 2023. (2) Technical assistance.--The Secretary may use up to 5 percent of funds made available pursuant to paragraph (1) to provide technical assistance under this section. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). (2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). Union Calendar No. 257 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7764 [Report No. 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes.
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes.
Rep. Harder, Josh
This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to provide additional payments to producers under the Environmental Quality Incentives Program for implementation of a nutrient management practice. USDA must provide the payments through FY2023 and may use up to 5% of the funding to provide technical assistance.
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. (a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. (b) Amount.--A payment to a producer under this section shall be in an amount that, in combination with the applicable payment under section 1240B(d) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa- 2(d)), does not exceed 100 percent of the costs of implementing the nutrient management practice. (c) Funding.-- (1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $750,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 and 2023. (2) Technical assistance.--The Secretary may use up to 5 percent of funds made available pursuant to paragraph (1) to provide technical assistance under this section. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). (2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). Union Calendar No. 257 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7764 [Report No. 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. (a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. (b) Amount.--A payment to a producer under this section shall be in an amount that, in combination with the applicable payment under section 1240B(d) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa- 2(d)), does not exceed 100 percent of the costs of implementing the nutrient management practice. (c) Funding.-- (1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $750,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 and 2023. (2) Technical assistance.--The Secretary may use up to 5 percent of funds made available pursuant to paragraph (1) to provide technical assistance under this section. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). (2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). Union Calendar No. 257 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7764 [Report No. 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. (a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. (b) Amount.--A payment to a producer under this section shall be in an amount that, in combination with the applicable payment under section 1240B(d) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa- 2(d)), does not exceed 100 percent of the costs of implementing the nutrient management practice. (c) Funding.-- (1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $750,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 and 2023. (2) Technical assistance.--The Secretary may use up to 5 percent of funds made available pursuant to paragraph (1) to provide technical assistance under this section. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). (2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). Union Calendar No. 257 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7764 [Report No. 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ADDITIONAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE. (a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. (b) Amount.--A payment to a producer under this section shall be in an amount that, in combination with the applicable payment under section 1240B(d) of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa- 2(d)), does not exceed 100 percent of the costs of implementing the nutrient management practice. (c) Funding.-- (1) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $750,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 and 2023. (2) Technical assistance.--The Secretary may use up to 5 percent of funds made available pursuant to paragraph (1) to provide technical assistance under this section. (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). (2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). Union Calendar No. 257 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7764 [Report No. 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. ( (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). ( 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.).
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. ( (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). ( 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.).
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. ( (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). ( 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.).
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. ( (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). ( 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.).
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). 117-343] _______________________________________________________________________
To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. a) Payments.--During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide payments under this section to producers that have entered into contracts with the Secretary under the environmental quality incentives program to implement the nutrient management practice. ( (d) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Environmental quality incentives program.--The term ``environmental quality incentives program'' means the environmental quality incentives program established under subchapter A of chapter 4 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa et seq.). ( 2) Nutrient management practice.--The term ``nutrient management practice'' means the practice described in the conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, code 590, dated May, 2019, or any successor conservation practice standard for nutrient management established by the Natural Resources Conservation Service pursuant to title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.).
Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to provide additional payments under the environmental quality incentives program for implementation of a nutrient management practice, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Authorizes appropriations for FY 2022 and 2023 for such payments. (Sets forth provisions regarding the use of such funds for technical assistance.) (Sec 3) Requires the Secretary to provide technical assistance to implement nutrient management
Armed Forces and National Security
This bill requires the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to report annually to Congress on investments by China's government (and affiliated entities) in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere. The reports must include assessments of whether such infrastructure may be leveraged for military purposes and any implications for the United States.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANNUAL REPORT ON INVESTMENT BY ANY CHINESE ENTITY IN COVERED PORT INFRASTRUCTURE. (a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (2) An assessment of the capability of any such foreign entity to leverage for military purposes such infrastructure, and any implications for the United States. (b) Form.--The report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. (3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere. <all>
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes.
Official Titles - House of Representatives Official Title as Introduced To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes.
Rep. Fallon, Pat
This bill requires the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to report annually to Congress on investments by China's government (and affiliated entities) in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere. The reports must include assessments of whether such infrastructure may be leveraged for military purposes and any implications for the United States.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANNUAL REPORT ON INVESTMENT BY ANY CHINESE ENTITY IN COVERED PORT INFRASTRUCTURE. (a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (2) An assessment of the capability of any such foreign entity to leverage for military purposes such infrastructure, and any implications for the United States. (b) Form.--The report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. (3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere. <all>
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANNUAL REPORT ON INVESTMENT BY ANY CHINESE ENTITY IN COVERED PORT INFRASTRUCTURE. (a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (2) An assessment of the capability of any such foreign entity to leverage for military purposes such infrastructure, and any implications for the United States. (b) Form.--The report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. (3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere. <all>
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANNUAL REPORT ON INVESTMENT BY ANY CHINESE ENTITY IN COVERED PORT INFRASTRUCTURE. (a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (2) An assessment of the capability of any such foreign entity to leverage for military purposes such infrastructure, and any implications for the United States. (b) Form.--The report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. (3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere. <all>
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ANNUAL REPORT ON INVESTMENT BY ANY CHINESE ENTITY IN COVERED PORT INFRASTRUCTURE. (a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (2) An assessment of the capability of any such foreign entity to leverage for military purposes such infrastructure, and any implications for the United States. (b) Form.--The report required by subsection (a) shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Appropriate congressional committees.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. (3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere. <all>
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. ( (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. ( 3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. ( (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. ( 3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. ( (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. ( 3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. ( (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. ( 3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere.
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. (
To require the Director of National Intelligence to submit an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. a) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Director of National Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report that includes the following for the year covered by the report: (1) An identification of any covered port infrastructure in which a covered foreign entity has made or maintained an investment. ( (2) Covered foreign entity.--The term ``covered foreign entity'' means-- (A) the Government of the People's Republic of China; (B) any entity partially or wholly owned or controlled by the Government of the People's Republic of China, and any subsidiaries of such an entity; and (C) any other entity registered in the People's Republic of China with substantial ties to the Government of the People's Republic of China. ( 3) Covered port infrastructure.--The term ``covered port infrastructure'' means the infrastructure, including any harbor, marine terminal, or other shoreside facility of any port located in the Western Hemisphere.
Directs the Director of National Intelligence to submit to the appropriate congressional committees an annual report on investment by any Chinese entity in port infrastructure in the Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Requires the Director to: (1) identify any such investment; (2) assess the capability of any such foreign entity to leverage for military purposes such infrastructure; and (3)
Environmental Protection
Stamp Out Invasive Species Act This bill directs the U.S. Postal Service to issue and sell a Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp. Proceeds from the sale of the stamp must be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture for combating invasive species. (Invasive species are nonnative species whose introduction poses a serious threat to natural ecosystems and causes detrimental economic damage to local communities.) The stamp must be made available to the public for two years.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stamp Out Invasive Species Act''. SEC. 2. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. (a) Finding.--Congress finds that invasive species pose a serious threat to our natural ecosystems, significantly harm native plant and animal populations, and cause detrimental economic damage to local communities. (b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. Such semipostal stamp shall be known as the ``Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp''. (c) Terms and Conditions.-- (1) In general.--The issuance and sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be governed by the provisions of section 416 of title 39, United States Code, and regulations issued under such section, subject to the requirements of this subsection. (2) Differential rate.--The differential included in the rate of postage established for the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp under section 416(c) of such title may not exceed 25 percent. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. (4) Disposition of proceeds.--All amounts becoming available from the sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp (as determined under section 416(d) of such title) shall be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, for the programs described in subsection (b), through payments which shall be made at least twice a year. (d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title. <all>
Stamp Out Invasive Species Act
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species.
Stamp Out Invasive Species Act
Rep. Stefanik, Elise M.
This bill directs the U.S. Postal Service to issue and sell a Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp. Proceeds from the sale of the stamp must be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture for combating invasive species. (Invasive species are nonnative species whose introduction poses a serious threat to natural ecosystems and causes detrimental economic damage to local communities.) The stamp must be made available to the public for two years.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stamp Out Invasive Species Act''. SEC. 2. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. (a) Finding.--Congress finds that invasive species pose a serious threat to our natural ecosystems, significantly harm native plant and animal populations, and cause detrimental economic damage to local communities. (b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. Such semipostal stamp shall be known as the ``Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp''. (c) Terms and Conditions.-- (1) In general.--The issuance and sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be governed by the provisions of section 416 of title 39, United States Code, and regulations issued under such section, subject to the requirements of this subsection. (2) Differential rate.--The differential included in the rate of postage established for the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp under section 416(c) of such title may not exceed 25 percent. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. (4) Disposition of proceeds.--All amounts becoming available from the sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp (as determined under section 416(d) of such title) shall be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, for the programs described in subsection (b), through payments which shall be made at least twice a year. (d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title. <all>
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stamp Out Invasive Species Act''. SEC. 2. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. (a) Finding.--Congress finds that invasive species pose a serious threat to our natural ecosystems, significantly harm native plant and animal populations, and cause detrimental economic damage to local communities. (b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. Such semipostal stamp shall be known as the ``Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp''. (c) Terms and Conditions.-- (1) In general.--The issuance and sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be governed by the provisions of section 416 of title 39, United States Code, and regulations issued under such section, subject to the requirements of this subsection. (2) Differential rate.--The differential included in the rate of postage established for the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp under section 416(c) of such title may not exceed 25 percent. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. (4) Disposition of proceeds.--All amounts becoming available from the sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp (as determined under section 416(d) of such title) shall be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, for the programs described in subsection (b), through payments which shall be made at least twice a year. (d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title. <all>
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stamp Out Invasive Species Act''. SEC. 2. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. (a) Finding.--Congress finds that invasive species pose a serious threat to our natural ecosystems, significantly harm native plant and animal populations, and cause detrimental economic damage to local communities. (b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. Such semipostal stamp shall be known as the ``Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp''. (c) Terms and Conditions.-- (1) In general.--The issuance and sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be governed by the provisions of section 416 of title 39, United States Code, and regulations issued under such section, subject to the requirements of this subsection. (2) Differential rate.--The differential included in the rate of postage established for the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp under section 416(c) of such title may not exceed 25 percent. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. (4) Disposition of proceeds.--All amounts becoming available from the sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp (as determined under section 416(d) of such title) shall be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, for the programs described in subsection (b), through payments which shall be made at least twice a year. (d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title. <all>
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Stamp Out Invasive Species Act''. SEC. 2. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. (a) Finding.--Congress finds that invasive species pose a serious threat to our natural ecosystems, significantly harm native plant and animal populations, and cause detrimental economic damage to local communities. (b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. Such semipostal stamp shall be known as the ``Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp''. (c) Terms and Conditions.-- (1) In general.--The issuance and sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be governed by the provisions of section 416 of title 39, United States Code, and regulations issued under such section, subject to the requirements of this subsection. (2) Differential rate.--The differential included in the rate of postage established for the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp under section 416(c) of such title may not exceed 25 percent. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. (4) Disposition of proceeds.--All amounts becoming available from the sale of the Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp (as determined under section 416(d) of such title) shall be transferred in equal proportion to the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, for the programs described in subsection (b), through payments which shall be made at least twice a year. (d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title. <all>
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. ( d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. ( b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. ( b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. ( d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. ( b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. ( d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. ( b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. ( d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. COMBATING INVASIVE SPECIES SEMIPOSTAL. ( b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section.
To provide for the issuance of a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. b) Semipostal.--In order to afford a convenient way for members of the public to contribute to programs at the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture that combat invasive species, the United States Postal Service shall issue a semipostal stamp in accordance with the provisions of this section. (3) Duration.--The Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp shall be made available to the public for a period of 2 years, beginning not later than 12 months after the date of enactment of this Act. ( d) Definition.--For purposes of this Act, the term ``semipostal stamp'' means a stamp described in section 416(a)(1) of such title.
Stamp Out Invasive Species Act - Directs the U.S. Postal Service to issue a semipostal to benefit programs that combat invasive species. (Sec. 2) Requires the Secretary of the Interior to establish a program to provide grants to states and local governments for the establishment and operation of a program for the prevention and control of invasive species, which shall include the
Crime and Law Enforcement
Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021 or the ENCRYPT Act of 2021 This bill prohibits a state from requiring a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of a technology product or service to (1) alter the security functions of its product or service to allow a government agency to conduct a physical search or user surveillance, or (2) use its product or service to decrypt encrypted information. A technology product or service includes a commercial computer product, electronic device, or online service that is publicly available. Additionally, it bars a state from prohibiting the manufacture, sale or lease, or provision of a technology product or service because it uses encryption or similar security functions.
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PREEMPTION OF STATE DATA SECURITY VULNERABILITY MANDATES AND DECRYPTION REQUIREMENTS. (a) In General.--A State or political subdivision of a State may not-- (1) mandate or request that a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of covered products or services-- (A) design or alter the security functions in its product or service to allow the surveillance of any user of such product or service, or to allow the physical search of such product, by any agency or instrumentality of a State, a political subdivision of a State, or the United States; or (B) have the ability to decrypt or otherwise render intelligible information that is encrypted or otherwise rendered unintelligible using its product or service; or (2) prohibit the manufacture, sale or lease, offering for sale or lease, or provision to the general public of a covered product or service because such product or service uses encryption or a similar security function. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. (2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (3) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, each commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and each federally recognized Indian Tribe. <all>
Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements.
ENCRYPT Act of 2021 Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021
Rep. Lieu, Ted
This bill prohibits a state from requiring a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of a technology product or service to (1) alter the security functions of its product or service to allow a government agency to conduct a physical search or user surveillance, or (2) use its product or service to decrypt encrypted information. A technology product or service includes a commercial computer product, electronic device, or online service that is publicly available. Additionally, it bars a state from prohibiting the manufacture, sale or lease, or provision of a technology product or service because it uses encryption or similar security functions.
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PREEMPTION OF STATE DATA SECURITY VULNERABILITY MANDATES AND DECRYPTION REQUIREMENTS. (a) In General.--A State or political subdivision of a State may not-- (1) mandate or request that a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of covered products or services-- (A) design or alter the security functions in its product or service to allow the surveillance of any user of such product or service, or to allow the physical search of such product, by any agency or instrumentality of a State, a political subdivision of a State, or the United States; or (B) have the ability to decrypt or otherwise render intelligible information that is encrypted or otherwise rendered unintelligible using its product or service; or (2) prohibit the manufacture, sale or lease, offering for sale or lease, or provision to the general public of a covered product or service because such product or service uses encryption or a similar security function. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. (2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (3) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, each commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and each federally recognized Indian Tribe. <all>
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PREEMPTION OF STATE DATA SECURITY VULNERABILITY MANDATES AND DECRYPTION REQUIREMENTS. (a) In General.--A State or political subdivision of a State may not-- (1) mandate or request that a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of covered products or services-- (A) design or alter the security functions in its product or service to allow the surveillance of any user of such product or service, or to allow the physical search of such product, by any agency or instrumentality of a State, a political subdivision of a State, or the United States; or (B) have the ability to decrypt or otherwise render intelligible information that is encrypted or otherwise rendered unintelligible using its product or service; or (2) prohibit the manufacture, sale or lease, offering for sale or lease, or provision to the general public of a covered product or service because such product or service uses encryption or a similar security function. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. (2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (3) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, each commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and each federally recognized Indian Tribe. <all>
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PREEMPTION OF STATE DATA SECURITY VULNERABILITY MANDATES AND DECRYPTION REQUIREMENTS. (a) In General.--A State or political subdivision of a State may not-- (1) mandate or request that a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of covered products or services-- (A) design or alter the security functions in its product or service to allow the surveillance of any user of such product or service, or to allow the physical search of such product, by any agency or instrumentality of a State, a political subdivision of a State, or the United States; or (B) have the ability to decrypt or otherwise render intelligible information that is encrypted or otherwise rendered unintelligible using its product or service; or (2) prohibit the manufacture, sale or lease, offering for sale or lease, or provision to the general public of a covered product or service because such product or service uses encryption or a similar security function. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. (2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (3) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, each commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and each federally recognized Indian Tribe. <all>
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. PREEMPTION OF STATE DATA SECURITY VULNERABILITY MANDATES AND DECRYPTION REQUIREMENTS. (a) In General.--A State or political subdivision of a State may not-- (1) mandate or request that a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of covered products or services-- (A) design or alter the security functions in its product or service to allow the surveillance of any user of such product or service, or to allow the physical search of such product, by any agency or instrumentality of a State, a political subdivision of a State, or the United States; or (B) have the ability to decrypt or otherwise render intelligible information that is encrypted or otherwise rendered unintelligible using its product or service; or (2) prohibit the manufacture, sale or lease, offering for sale or lease, or provision to the general public of a covered product or service because such product or service uses encryption or a similar security function. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. (2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (3) State.--The term ``State'' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, each commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States, and each federally recognized Indian Tribe. <all>
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. ( 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. ( 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. ( 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. ( 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
To preempt State data security vulnerability mandates and decryption requirements. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021'' or the ``ENCRYPT Act of 2021''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered product or service.--The term ``covered product or service'' means any computer hardware, computer software, electronic device, or online service that-- (A) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce; and (B) is made available to the general public. ( 2) Online service.--The term ``online service'' means a service provided over the internet that makes available to users-- (A) the ability to send or receive communications, such as emails, text messages, photos, and audio and video communications; (B) the ability to share data files with other users; or (C) remote computer processing or storage. (
Ensuring National Constitutional Rights for Your Private Telecommunications Act of 2021 or the ENCRYPT Act of 2019 This bill prohibits a state or political subdivision of a state from: (1) mandating or requesting that a manufacturer, developer, seller, or provider of a computer hardware, software, electronic device, or online service: design or alter the security functions in its product or
Armed Forces and National Security
Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act This bill eliminates veterans' copayments for medication, hospital care, and medical services related to preventive health services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The bill expands the definition of preventive health services to include (1) evidence-based items or services that have an A or B rating in the recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; (2) immunizations that have a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; and (3) with respect to women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act''. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENT TO PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES FURNISHED BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (b) Elimination of Hospital Care and Medical Services Copayments.-- Section 1710 of such title is amended-- (1) in subsection (f)-- (A) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and (B) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph (5): ``(5) A veteran shall not be liable to the United States under this subsection for any amounts for preventive health services.''; and (2) in subsection (g)(3), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(C) Preventive health services.''. (c) Definition.--Section 1701(9) of such title is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (2) by redesignating subparagraph (L) as subparagraph (O); and (3) by inserting after subparagraph (K) the following new subparagraphs: ``(L) evidence-based items or services that have in effect a rating of `A' or `B' in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; ``(M) immunizations that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; ``(N) with respect to services for women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017; and''. <all>
Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes.
Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act
Rep. Underwood, Lauren
This bill eliminates veterans' copayments for medication, hospital care, and medical services related to preventive health services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The bill expands the definition of preventive health services to include (1) evidence-based items or services that have an A or B rating in the recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; (2) immunizations that have a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; and (3) with respect to women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act''. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENT TO PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES FURNISHED BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (b) Elimination of Hospital Care and Medical Services Copayments.-- Section 1710 of such title is amended-- (1) in subsection (f)-- (A) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and (B) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph (5): ``(5) A veteran shall not be liable to the United States under this subsection for any amounts for preventive health services.''; and (2) in subsection (g)(3), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(C) Preventive health services.''. (c) Definition.--Section 1701(9) of such title is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (2) by redesignating subparagraph (L) as subparagraph (O); and (3) by inserting after subparagraph (K) the following new subparagraphs: ``(L) evidence-based items or services that have in effect a rating of `A' or `B' in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; ``(M) immunizations that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; ``(N) with respect to services for women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017; and''. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act''. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENT TO PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES FURNISHED BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (b) Elimination of Hospital Care and Medical Services Copayments.-- Section 1710 of such title is amended-- (1) in subsection (f)-- (A) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and (B) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph (5): ``(5) A veteran shall not be liable to the United States under this subsection for any amounts for preventive health services.''; and (2) in subsection (g)(3), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(C) Preventive health services.''. (c) Definition.--Section 1701(9) of such title is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (2) by redesignating subparagraph (L) as subparagraph (O); and (3) by inserting after subparagraph (K) the following new subparagraphs: ``(L) evidence-based items or services that have in effect a rating of `A' or `B' in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; ``(M) immunizations that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; ``(N) with respect to services for women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017; and''. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act''. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENT TO PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES FURNISHED BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (b) Elimination of Hospital Care and Medical Services Copayments.-- Section 1710 of such title is amended-- (1) in subsection (f)-- (A) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and (B) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph (5): ``(5) A veteran shall not be liable to the United States under this subsection for any amounts for preventive health services.''; and (2) in subsection (g)(3), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(C) Preventive health services.''. (c) Definition.--Section 1701(9) of such title is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (2) by redesignating subparagraph (L) as subparagraph (O); and (3) by inserting after subparagraph (K) the following new subparagraphs: ``(L) evidence-based items or services that have in effect a rating of `A' or `B' in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; ``(M) immunizations that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; ``(N) with respect to services for women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017; and''. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act''. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENT TO PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES FURNISHED BY DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS. (a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (b) Elimination of Hospital Care and Medical Services Copayments.-- Section 1710 of such title is amended-- (1) in subsection (f)-- (A) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (6); and (B) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph (5): ``(5) A veteran shall not be liable to the United States under this subsection for any amounts for preventive health services.''; and (2) in subsection (g)(3), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(C) Preventive health services.''. (c) Definition.--Section 1701(9) of such title is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (K), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a semicolon; (2) by redesignating subparagraph (L) as subparagraph (O); and (3) by inserting after subparagraph (K) the following new subparagraphs: ``(L) evidence-based items or services that have in effect a rating of `A' or `B' in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force; ``(M) immunizations that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the individual involved; ``(N) with respect to services for women, the preventive care and screenings provided for in the Health Resources and Services Administration Preventive Services Guidelines in effect as of January 1, 2017; and''. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
To amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. a) Elimination of Medication Copayments.--Section 1722A(a)(3) of title 38, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or''; (2) in subparagraph (D), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(E) to medication that is or is part of a preventive health service.''. (
Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act This bill amends federal veterans' health care law to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes. The bill also prohibits a veteran from being liable to the United States for any amounts for preventive health care services. The VA must provide veterans with access to evidence
Freedom to Repair Act of 2022 This bill exempts actions related to the repair of digital electronic equipment from certain copyright-related prohibitions. Generally, current federal copyright law prohibits (1) circumventing technological measures (e.g., copy protection technology) that effectively control access to a copyright-protected work; or (2) trafficking (e.g., manufacturing or importing) in products, technologies, or services primarily designed or produced for such acts of circumvention. Under this bill, such an act of circumvention or trafficking shall not be prohibited if the act is for the purpose of diagnosing, maintaining, or repairing digital electronic equipment. However, this bill shall not apply to (1) a manufacturer or distributor of a medical device or digital electronic product (or embedded software) manufactured for use in a medical setting, or (2) any product or service offered by such a manufacturer or distributor.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Freedom to Repair Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DIAGNOSIS, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF CERTAIN DIGITAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(2), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(4) Nothing in this subsection applies to manufacturers or distributors of a medical device as defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 321(h)) or a digital electronic product or embedded software manufactured for use in a medical setting including diagnostic, monitoring, or control equipment or any product or service that they offer. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''. <all>
Freedom to Repair Act of 2022
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment.
Freedom to Repair Act of 2022
Rep. Jones, Mondaire
This bill exempts actions related to the repair of digital electronic equipment from certain copyright-related prohibitions. Generally, current federal copyright law prohibits (1) circumventing technological measures (e.g., copy protection technology) that effectively control access to a copyright-protected work; or (2) trafficking (e.g., manufacturing or importing) in products, technologies, or services primarily designed or produced for such acts of circumvention. Under this bill, such an act of circumvention or trafficking shall not be prohibited if the act is for the purpose of diagnosing, maintaining, or repairing digital electronic equipment. However, this bill shall not apply to (1) a manufacturer or distributor of a medical device or digital electronic product (or embedded software) manufactured for use in a medical setting, or (2) any product or service offered by such a manufacturer or distributor.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Freedom to Repair Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DIAGNOSIS, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF CERTAIN DIGITAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(2), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(4) Nothing in this subsection applies to manufacturers or distributors of a medical device as defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 321(h)) or a digital electronic product or embedded software manufactured for use in a medical setting including diagnostic, monitoring, or control equipment or any product or service that they offer. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''. <all>
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Freedom to Repair Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DIAGNOSIS, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF CERTAIN DIGITAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(2), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(4) Nothing in this subsection applies to manufacturers or distributors of a medical device as defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 321(h)) or a digital electronic product or embedded software manufactured for use in a medical setting including diagnostic, monitoring, or control equipment or any product or service that they offer. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''. <all>
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Freedom to Repair Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DIAGNOSIS, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF CERTAIN DIGITAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(2), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(4) Nothing in this subsection applies to manufacturers or distributors of a medical device as defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 321(h)) or a digital electronic product or embedded software manufactured for use in a medical setting including diagnostic, monitoring, or control equipment or any product or service that they offer. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''. <all>
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Freedom to Repair Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DIAGNOSIS, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR OF CERTAIN DIGITAL ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(2), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(4) Nothing in this subsection applies to manufacturers or distributors of a medical device as defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 321(h)) or a digital electronic product or embedded software manufactured for use in a medical setting including diagnostic, monitoring, or control equipment or any product or service that they offer. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''. <all>
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title.
To amend title 17, United States Code, to provide for the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Section 1201 of title 17, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Diagnosis, Maintenance, and Repair of Digital Electronic Equipment.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a)(1)(A), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. ``(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b)(1), it is not a violation of that subsection for a person, for the purpose of the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of digital electronic equipment, to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof described in that subsection. ``(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term `digital electronic equipment' means any product dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function.''.
Freedom to Repair Act of 2022 - Amends the Federal criminal code to prohibit a person from manufacturing, importing, offering to the public, providing, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that is dependent, in whole or in part, upon attached or embedded digital electronics to function. Prohibits a person, for the purpose of the
Armed Forces and National Security
No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022 This bill establishes a special rule for members of the National Guard, for purposes of retirement pay, to include in the regular calculation of creditable service state active duty that would normally be credited with fewer than 50 points. Specifically, a member of the National Guard may be credited one point for each day of state active duty during a one-year period, subject to certain limitations.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. INCLUSION OF STATE ACTIVE DUTY IN CALCULATION OF CREDITABLE SERVICE FOR MEMBERS OF NATIONAL GUARD. Section 12732 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (b)(4), by striking ``Service'' and inserting ``Except as provided in subsection (c), service''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) Special Rule for State Active Duty.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, in the case of a member of the National Guard who serves on State active duty during a one-year period during which the member would, but for this subsection, be credited with fewer than 50 points under subsection (a), such service may be counted under subsection (a). ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''. <all>
No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022
A bill to include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances.
No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022
Sen. Peters, Gary C.
This bill establishes a special rule for members of the National Guard, for purposes of retirement pay, to include in the regular calculation of creditable service state active duty that would normally be credited with fewer than 50 points. Specifically, a member of the National Guard may be credited one point for each day of state active duty during a one-year period, subject to certain limitations.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. INCLUSION OF STATE ACTIVE DUTY IN CALCULATION OF CREDITABLE SERVICE FOR MEMBERS OF NATIONAL GUARD. Section 12732 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (b)(4), by striking ``Service'' and inserting ``Except as provided in subsection (c), service''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) Special Rule for State Active Duty.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, in the case of a member of the National Guard who serves on State active duty during a one-year period during which the member would, but for this subsection, be credited with fewer than 50 points under subsection (a), such service may be counted under subsection (a). ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''. <all>
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. INCLUSION OF STATE ACTIVE DUTY IN CALCULATION OF CREDITABLE SERVICE FOR MEMBERS OF NATIONAL GUARD. Section 12732 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (b)(4), by striking ``Service'' and inserting ``Except as provided in subsection (c), service''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) Special Rule for State Active Duty.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, in the case of a member of the National Guard who serves on State active duty during a one-year period during which the member would, but for this subsection, be credited with fewer than 50 points under subsection (a), such service may be counted under subsection (a). ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''. <all>
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. INCLUSION OF STATE ACTIVE DUTY IN CALCULATION OF CREDITABLE SERVICE FOR MEMBERS OF NATIONAL GUARD. Section 12732 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (b)(4), by striking ``Service'' and inserting ``Except as provided in subsection (c), service''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) Special Rule for State Active Duty.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, in the case of a member of the National Guard who serves on State active duty during a one-year period during which the member would, but for this subsection, be credited with fewer than 50 points under subsection (a), such service may be counted under subsection (a). ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''. <all>
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. INCLUSION OF STATE ACTIVE DUTY IN CALCULATION OF CREDITABLE SERVICE FOR MEMBERS OF NATIONAL GUARD. Section 12732 of title 10, United States Code, is amended-- (1) in subsection (b)(4), by striking ``Service'' and inserting ``Except as provided in subsection (c), service''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) Special Rule for State Active Duty.-- ``(1) In general.--Subject to regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, in the case of a member of the National Guard who serves on State active duty during a one-year period during which the member would, but for this subsection, be credited with fewer than 50 points under subsection (a), such service may be counted under subsection (a). ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''. <all>
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph.
To include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. ``(2) Computation.--Subject to paragraph (3), a member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) shall be credited with 1 point for each day of State active duty during a one- year period described in that paragraph. ``(3) Limitation.--A member of the National Guard described in paragraph (1) may be credited in a one-year period under this subsection not more than the lesser of-- ``(A) the number of points required for the member to be credited with 50 points under this section for that one-year period; or ``(B) 15 points. ``(4) State active duty defined.--In this subsection, the term `State active duty' means full-time service at the order of the Governor of a State or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, pursuant to the law of the State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, or the District of Columbia, as the case may be.''.
No Guardsman Left Behind Act of 2022 - Amends Federal military law to include State active duty in the calculation of creditable service for members of the National Guard under certain circumstances. (Currently, such service is counted as service in the Federal Reserve System.) (Sec. 2) Requires the Secretary of Defense to study and report to Congress on the effectiveness of the current system for calculating credit
Science, Technology, Communications
Coastal Broadband Deployment Act This bill excludes certain communications facility deployment or modification projects from specified review requirements. Specifically, the bill excludes from specified environmental and historic preservation review a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (the lowland and relatively flat areas adjoining inland and coastal waters).
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Coastal Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO FLOODPLAINS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
Coastal Broadband Deployment Act
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews.
Coastal Broadband Deployment Act
Rep. Bilirakis, Gus M.
This bill excludes certain communications facility deployment or modification projects from specified review requirements. Specifically, the bill excludes from specified environmental and historic preservation review a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (the lowland and relatively flat areas adjoining inland and coastal waters).
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Coastal Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO FLOODPLAINS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Coastal Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO FLOODPLAINS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Coastal Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO FLOODPLAINS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Coastal Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO FLOODPLAINS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a floodplain (as defined in section 9.4 of title 44, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
Coastal Broadband Deployment Act - Exempts a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a floodplain from requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. (Sec. 2) Prohibits a covered project from being subject to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) or the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA
Crime and Law Enforcement
Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act This bill directs the General Services Administration to establish a program under which a federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the agency that issued the handgun to the officer. The bill expresses the sense of Congress that amounts received from the sale of handguns should be used for evidence-based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs.
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act''. SEC. 2. PURCHASE OF RETIRED HANDGUNS BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (b) Limitations.--A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun under subsection (a) if-- (1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was so retired; (2) with respect to such purchase, the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant criminal background check system established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; and (3) with respect to such purchase, the officer is in good standing with the Federal agency that employs such officer. (c) Cost.--A handgun purchased under this section shall be sold at the fair market value for such handgun taking into account the age and condition of the handgun. (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. (e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency. <all>
Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes.
Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act
Rep. Demings, Val Butler
This bill directs the General Services Administration to establish a program under which a federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the agency that issued the handgun to the officer. The bill expresses the sense of Congress that amounts received from the sale of handguns should be used for evidence-based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs.
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act''. SEC. 2. PURCHASE OF RETIRED HANDGUNS BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (b) Limitations.--A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun under subsection (a) if-- (1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was so retired; (2) with respect to such purchase, the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant criminal background check system established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; and (3) with respect to such purchase, the officer is in good standing with the Federal agency that employs such officer. (c) Cost.--A handgun purchased under this section shall be sold at the fair market value for such handgun taking into account the age and condition of the handgun. (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. (e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency. <all>
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act''. SEC. 2. PURCHASE OF RETIRED HANDGUNS BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (b) Limitations.--A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun under subsection (a) if-- (1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was so retired; (2) with respect to such purchase, the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant criminal background check system established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; and (3) with respect to such purchase, the officer is in good standing with the Federal agency that employs such officer. (c) Cost.--A handgun purchased under this section shall be sold at the fair market value for such handgun taking into account the age and condition of the handgun. (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. (e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency. <all>
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act''. SEC. 2. PURCHASE OF RETIRED HANDGUNS BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (b) Limitations.--A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun under subsection (a) if-- (1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was so retired; (2) with respect to such purchase, the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant criminal background check system established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; and (3) with respect to such purchase, the officer is in good standing with the Federal agency that employs such officer. (c) Cost.--A handgun purchased under this section shall be sold at the fair market value for such handgun taking into account the age and condition of the handgun. (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. (e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency. <all>
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act''. SEC. 2. PURCHASE OF RETIRED HANDGUNS BY FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS. (a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (b) Limitations.--A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun under subsection (a) if-- (1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was so retired; (2) with respect to such purchase, the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant criminal background check system established under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; and (3) with respect to such purchase, the officer is in good standing with the Federal agency that employs such officer. (c) Cost.--A handgun purchased under this section shall be sold at the fair market value for such handgun taking into account the age and condition of the handgun. (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. (e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency. <all>
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. ( (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. ( e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency.
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. ( (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. ( e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency.
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. ( (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. ( e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency.
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. ( (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. ( e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency.
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (
To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services shall establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. ( (d) Sense of Congress on Use of Funds.--It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund evidence- based gun violence prevention or gun safety education and training programs. ( e) Definitions.--In this section-- (1) the term ``Federal law enforcement officer'' has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code; (2) the term ``handgun'' has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and (3) the term ``retired handgun'' means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency.
Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act - Directs the Administrator of General Services to establish a program under which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer. (Sec. 2) Prohibits the sale of a handgun under this Act unless the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant
Transportation and Public Works
Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act or the TOURISM Act This bill changes requirements for and contents of the National Travel and Tourism Infrastructure Strategic Plan. The changes include requiring the plan to address strategies to leverage infrastructure investments to support the travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act'' or the ``TOURISM Act''. SEC. 2. NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 301 note; Public Law 114-94) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (7) as subparagraphs (A) though (G), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated)-- (A) by striking ``Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act'' and inserting ``Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the TOURISM Act''; and (B) by striking ``plan that includes'' and inserting the following: ``plan-- ``(1) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy, including policy recommendations across all modes of transportation, for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; and ``(2) that includes''; and (3) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated)-- (A) in subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``, including consideration of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic'' after ``network''; (B) in subparagraph (D) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``of regional significance'' after ``corridors''; (C) in subparagraph (F) (as so redesignated), by striking ``and'' at the end; (D) in subparagraph (G) (as so redesignated), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (E) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) an identification of possible infrastructure investments that create recovery opportunities for small, underserved, minority, and rural businesses in the travel and tourism industry, including efforts to preserve and protect the scenic but often less-traveled roads that promote tourism and economic development throughout the country.''. <all>
A bill to amend the FAST Act to requirement an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes.
TOURISM Act Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act
Sen. Rosen, Jacky
This bill changes requirements for and contents of the National Travel and Tourism Infrastructure Strategic Plan. The changes include requiring the plan to address strategies to leverage infrastructure investments to support the travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act'' or the ``TOURISM Act''. SEC. 2. NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 301 note; Public Law 114-94) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (7) as subparagraphs (A) though (G), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated)-- (A) by striking ``Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act'' and inserting ``Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the TOURISM Act''; and (B) by striking ``plan that includes'' and inserting the following: ``plan-- ``(1) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy, including policy recommendations across all modes of transportation, for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; and ``(2) that includes''; and (3) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated)-- (A) in subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``, including consideration of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic'' after ``network''; (B) in subparagraph (D) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``of regional significance'' after ``corridors''; (C) in subparagraph (F) (as so redesignated), by striking ``and'' at the end; (D) in subparagraph (G) (as so redesignated), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (E) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) an identification of possible infrastructure investments that create recovery opportunities for small, underserved, minority, and rural businesses in the travel and tourism industry, including efforts to preserve and protect the scenic but often less-traveled roads that promote tourism and economic development throughout the country.''. <all>
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act'' or the ``TOURISM Act''. SEC. 2. NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 301 note; Public Law 114-94) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (7) as subparagraphs (A) though (G), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated)-- (A) by striking ``Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act'' and inserting ``Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the TOURISM Act''; and (B) by striking ``plan that includes'' and inserting the following: ``plan-- ``(1) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy, including policy recommendations across all modes of transportation, for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; and ``(2) that includes''; and (3) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated)-- (A) in subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``, including consideration of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic'' after ``network''; (B) in subparagraph (D) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``of regional significance'' after ``corridors''; (C) in subparagraph (F) (as so redesignated), by striking ``and'' at the end; (D) in subparagraph (G) (as so redesignated), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (E) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) an identification of possible infrastructure investments that create recovery opportunities for small, underserved, minority, and rural businesses in the travel and tourism industry, including efforts to preserve and protect the scenic but often less-traveled roads that promote tourism and economic development throughout the country.''. <all>
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act'' or the ``TOURISM Act''. SEC. 2. NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 301 note; Public Law 114-94) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (7) as subparagraphs (A) though (G), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated)-- (A) by striking ``Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act'' and inserting ``Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the TOURISM Act''; and (B) by striking ``plan that includes'' and inserting the following: ``plan-- ``(1) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy, including policy recommendations across all modes of transportation, for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; and ``(2) that includes''; and (3) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated)-- (A) in subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``, including consideration of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic'' after ``network''; (B) in subparagraph (D) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``of regional significance'' after ``corridors''; (C) in subparagraph (F) (as so redesignated), by striking ``and'' at the end; (D) in subparagraph (G) (as so redesignated), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (E) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) an identification of possible infrastructure investments that create recovery opportunities for small, underserved, minority, and rural businesses in the travel and tourism industry, including efforts to preserve and protect the scenic but often less-traveled roads that promote tourism and economic development throughout the country.''. <all>
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act'' or the ``TOURISM Act''. SEC. 2. NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGIC PLAN. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 301 note; Public Law 114-94) is amended-- (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) through (7) as subparagraphs (A) though (G), respectively, and indenting appropriately; (2) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated)-- (A) by striking ``Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act'' and inserting ``Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the TOURISM Act''; and (B) by striking ``plan that includes'' and inserting the following: ``plan-- ``(1) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy, including policy recommendations across all modes of transportation, for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall travel and tourism economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; and ``(2) that includes''; and (3) in paragraph (2) (as so redesignated)-- (A) in subparagraph (A) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``, including consideration of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic'' after ``network''; (B) in subparagraph (D) (as so redesignated), by inserting ``of regional significance'' after ``corridors''; (C) in subparagraph (F) (as so redesignated), by striking ``and'' at the end; (D) in subparagraph (G) (as so redesignated), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (E) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) an identification of possible infrastructure investments that create recovery opportunities for small, underserved, minority, and rural businesses in the travel and tourism industry, including efforts to preserve and protect the scenic but often less-traveled roads that promote tourism and economic development throughout the country.''. <all>
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1.
To amend the FAST Act to require an update to the national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan, and for other purposes. Section 1431(e) of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C.
Travel Optimization by Updating and Revitalizing Infrastructure to Support Mobilization Act or the TOURISM Act This bill amends the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Fast Track Act to require the Department of Transportation (DOT) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall
Economics and Public Finance
Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act or the PRICE Act This bill establishes a point of order that prohibits the Senate from considering legislation that provides discretionary appropriations unless a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report regarding the impact of the legislation on inflation has been submitted for publication in the Congressional Record. The CBO report must include an analysis of the impact the legislation would have on The point of order may be waived or suspended by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Senate.
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act'' or the ``PRICE Act''. SEC. 2. POINT OF ORDER REQUIRING AN INFLATION IMPACT REPORT WITH ANY LEGISLATION THAT MAKES DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS. (a) Point of Order.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report making discretionary appropriations (as defined in section 250(c) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900(c))) unless an inflation impact report by the Congressional Budget Office with respect to the measure is submitted for publication in the Congressional Record, including an analysis of the impact the measure would have on-- (1) the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor; (2) the Employment Cost Index for private industry workers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and (3) the purchasing power of consumers, including a comparison of the impact described in paragraph (1) and the impact described in paragraph (2). (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section. <all>
Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act
A bill to create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations.
PRICE Act Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act
Sen. Ernst, Joni
This bill establishes a point of order that prohibits the Senate from considering legislation that provides discretionary appropriations unless a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report regarding the impact of the legislation on inflation has been submitted for publication in the Congressional Record. The CBO report must include an analysis of the impact the legislation would have on The point of order may be waived or suspended by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Senate.
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act'' or the ``PRICE Act''. SEC. 2. POINT OF ORDER REQUIRING AN INFLATION IMPACT REPORT WITH ANY LEGISLATION THAT MAKES DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS. (a) Point of Order.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report making discretionary appropriations (as defined in section 250(c) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900(c))) unless an inflation impact report by the Congressional Budget Office with respect to the measure is submitted for publication in the Congressional Record, including an analysis of the impact the measure would have on-- (1) the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor; (2) the Employment Cost Index for private industry workers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and (3) the purchasing power of consumers, including a comparison of the impact described in paragraph (1) and the impact described in paragraph (2). (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section. <all>
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act'' or the ``PRICE Act''. SEC. 2. POINT OF ORDER REQUIRING AN INFLATION IMPACT REPORT WITH ANY LEGISLATION THAT MAKES DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS. (a) Point of Order.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report making discretionary appropriations (as defined in section 250(c) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900(c))) unless an inflation impact report by the Congressional Budget Office with respect to the measure is submitted for publication in the Congressional Record, including an analysis of the impact the measure would have on-- (1) the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor; (2) the Employment Cost Index for private industry workers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and (3) the purchasing power of consumers, including a comparison of the impact described in paragraph (1) and the impact described in paragraph (2). (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section. <all>
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act'' or the ``PRICE Act''. SEC. 2. POINT OF ORDER REQUIRING AN INFLATION IMPACT REPORT WITH ANY LEGISLATION THAT MAKES DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS. (a) Point of Order.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report making discretionary appropriations (as defined in section 250(c) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900(c))) unless an inflation impact report by the Congressional Budget Office with respect to the measure is submitted for publication in the Congressional Record, including an analysis of the impact the measure would have on-- (1) the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor; (2) the Employment Cost Index for private industry workers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and (3) the purchasing power of consumers, including a comparison of the impact described in paragraph (1) and the impact described in paragraph (2). (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section. <all>
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act'' or the ``PRICE Act''. SEC. 2. POINT OF ORDER REQUIRING AN INFLATION IMPACT REPORT WITH ANY LEGISLATION THAT MAKES DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS. (a) Point of Order.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report making discretionary appropriations (as defined in section 250(c) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 900(c))) unless an inflation impact report by the Congressional Budget Office with respect to the measure is submitted for publication in the Congressional Record, including an analysis of the impact the measure would have on-- (1) the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor; (2) the Employment Cost Index for private industry workers published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics; and (3) the purchasing power of consumers, including a comparison of the impact described in paragraph (1) and the impact described in paragraph (2). (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section. <all>
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. ( 2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be.
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. ( 2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be.
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. ( 2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be.
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. ( 2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be.
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. (
To create a point of order requiring an inflation impact report with any legislation that makes discretionary appropriations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. (b) Supermajority Waiver and Appeals.-- (1) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. ( 2) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be.
Providing Reports on Inflation Costs and Economic Impact Act or the PRICE Act - Prohibits the Senate from considering a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report making discretionary appropriations unless an inflation impact report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is submitted for publication in the Congressional Record, including an analysis of the impact the measure would
Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act This bill establishes a 75% federal matching rate for direct support worker training programs under Medicaid.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''. SEC. 2. MEDICAID FUNDING FOR DIRECT SUPPORT WORKER TRAINING PROGRAMS. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(F) for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2022, an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter for direct support worker training programs described in subsection (cc) (including the costs for eligible direct support workers (as defined in such subsection) to complete such programs); plus''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(cc) Direct Support Worker Training Programs.-- ``(1) In general.--A direct support worker training program described in this subsection is a program approved by the State under which eligible homecare workers are provided with-- ``(A) training in the core training competencies for personal or home care aides described in section 2008(b)(3)(A); and ``(B) opportunities for education, training, and career advancement. ``(2) Eligible direct support worker.--The term `eligible direct support worker' means a personal or home care aide (as such term is defined in section 2008(b)(6)(C)), a direct support worker, a home health aide, a nursing assistant, or a direct support professional who-- ``(A) has at least 30 percent of the worker's direct support client volume (as estimated in accordance with a methodology established by the Secretary) attributable to individuals who are receiving medical assistance under this title; or ``(B) is employed by an agency that is a provider of direct support services that has at least 30 percent of the agency's direct support client volume (as so estimated) attributable to such individuals.''. <all>
Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act
A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes.
Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act
Sen. King, Angus S., Jr.
This bill establishes a 75% federal matching rate for direct support worker training programs under Medicaid.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''. SEC. 2. MEDICAID FUNDING FOR DIRECT SUPPORT WORKER TRAINING PROGRAMS. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(F) for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2022, an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter for direct support worker training programs described in subsection (cc) (including the costs for eligible direct support workers (as defined in such subsection) to complete such programs); plus''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(cc) Direct Support Worker Training Programs.-- ``(1) In general.--A direct support worker training program described in this subsection is a program approved by the State under which eligible homecare workers are provided with-- ``(A) training in the core training competencies for personal or home care aides described in section 2008(b)(3)(A); and ``(B) opportunities for education, training, and career advancement. ``(2) Eligible direct support worker.--The term `eligible direct support worker' means a personal or home care aide (as such term is defined in section 2008(b)(6)(C)), a direct support worker, a home health aide, a nursing assistant, or a direct support professional who-- ``(A) has at least 30 percent of the worker's direct support client volume (as estimated in accordance with a methodology established by the Secretary) attributable to individuals who are receiving medical assistance under this title; or ``(B) is employed by an agency that is a provider of direct support services that has at least 30 percent of the agency's direct support client volume (as so estimated) attributable to such individuals.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''. SEC. 2. MEDICAID FUNDING FOR DIRECT SUPPORT WORKER TRAINING PROGRAMS. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(F) for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2022, an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter for direct support worker training programs described in subsection (cc) (including the costs for eligible direct support workers (as defined in such subsection) to complete such programs); plus''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(cc) Direct Support Worker Training Programs.-- ``(1) In general.--A direct support worker training program described in this subsection is a program approved by the State under which eligible homecare workers are provided with-- ``(A) training in the core training competencies for personal or home care aides described in section 2008(b)(3)(A); and ``(B) opportunities for education, training, and career advancement. ``(2) Eligible direct support worker.--The term `eligible direct support worker' means a personal or home care aide (as such term is defined in section 2008(b)(6)(C)), a direct support worker, a home health aide, a nursing assistant, or a direct support professional who-- ``(A) has at least 30 percent of the worker's direct support client volume (as estimated in accordance with a methodology established by the Secretary) attributable to individuals who are receiving medical assistance under this title; or ``(B) is employed by an agency that is a provider of direct support services that has at least 30 percent of the agency's direct support client volume (as so estimated) attributable to such individuals.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''. SEC. 2. MEDICAID FUNDING FOR DIRECT SUPPORT WORKER TRAINING PROGRAMS. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(F) for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2022, an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter for direct support worker training programs described in subsection (cc) (including the costs for eligible direct support workers (as defined in such subsection) to complete such programs); plus''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(cc) Direct Support Worker Training Programs.-- ``(1) In general.--A direct support worker training program described in this subsection is a program approved by the State under which eligible homecare workers are provided with-- ``(A) training in the core training competencies for personal or home care aides described in section 2008(b)(3)(A); and ``(B) opportunities for education, training, and career advancement. ``(2) Eligible direct support worker.--The term `eligible direct support worker' means a personal or home care aide (as such term is defined in section 2008(b)(6)(C)), a direct support worker, a home health aide, a nursing assistant, or a direct support professional who-- ``(A) has at least 30 percent of the worker's direct support client volume (as estimated in accordance with a methodology established by the Secretary) attributable to individuals who are receiving medical assistance under this title; or ``(B) is employed by an agency that is a provider of direct support services that has at least 30 percent of the agency's direct support client volume (as so estimated) attributable to such individuals.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''. SEC. 2. MEDICAID FUNDING FOR DIRECT SUPPORT WORKER TRAINING PROGRAMS. Section 1903 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396b) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(F) for calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2022, an amount equal to 75 percent of so much of the sums expended during such quarter for direct support worker training programs described in subsection (cc) (including the costs for eligible direct support workers (as defined in such subsection) to complete such programs); plus''; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(cc) Direct Support Worker Training Programs.-- ``(1) In general.--A direct support worker training program described in this subsection is a program approved by the State under which eligible homecare workers are provided with-- ``(A) training in the core training competencies for personal or home care aides described in section 2008(b)(3)(A); and ``(B) opportunities for education, training, and career advancement. ``(2) Eligible direct support worker.--The term `eligible direct support worker' means a personal or home care aide (as such term is defined in section 2008(b)(6)(C)), a direct support worker, a home health aide, a nursing assistant, or a direct support professional who-- ``(A) has at least 30 percent of the worker's direct support client volume (as estimated in accordance with a methodology established by the Secretary) attributable to individuals who are receiving medical assistance under this title; or ``(B) is employed by an agency that is a provider of direct support services that has at least 30 percent of the agency's direct support client volume (as so estimated) attributable to such individuals.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act''.
Direct Support Worker Training Reimbursement Act This bill amends title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act to provide enhanced Federal matching payments for direct support worker training programs and for other purposes. Specifically, the bill provides for 75% of the sums expended during calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, 2022, for such training programs. The bill defines a "direct
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act This bill reauthorizes through FY2027 support for crisis care available under the Community Mental Services Block Grant program for adults with serious mental illnesses and children with serious emotional disturbances. The bill also requires states and territories to expend a certain percentage of their grant funds on evidence-based crisis care activities such as crisis call centers, 24/7 mobile crisis services, and crisis stabilization programs in hospitals or other licensed facilities.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as ``Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SET-ASIDE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED CRISIS CARE SERVICES. Section 1920 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-9) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``$532,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$857,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Crisis Care.-- ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (3), a State shall expend at least 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for each fiscal year to support evidenced-based programs that address the crisis care needs of individuals with serious mental disorders, and children with serious mental and emotional disturbances. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(C) Crisis stabilization programs offering acute care or subacute care in a hospital or appropriately licensed facility, as determined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with referrals to inpatient or outpatient care. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''. <all>
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes.
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act
Rep. Crenshaw, Dan
This bill reauthorizes through FY2027 support for crisis care available under the Community Mental Services Block Grant program for adults with serious mental illnesses and children with serious emotional disturbances. The bill also requires states and territories to expend a certain percentage of their grant funds on evidence-based crisis care activities such as crisis call centers, 24/7 mobile crisis services, and crisis stabilization programs in hospitals or other licensed facilities.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as ``Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SET-ASIDE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED CRISIS CARE SERVICES. Section 1920 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-9) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``$532,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$857,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Crisis Care.-- ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (3), a State shall expend at least 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for each fiscal year to support evidenced-based programs that address the crisis care needs of individuals with serious mental disorders, and children with serious mental and emotional disturbances. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(C) Crisis stabilization programs offering acute care or subacute care in a hospital or appropriately licensed facility, as determined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with referrals to inpatient or outpatient care. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as ``Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SET-ASIDE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED CRISIS CARE SERVICES. Section 1920 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-9) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``$532,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$857,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Crisis Care.-- ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (3), a State shall expend at least 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for each fiscal year to support evidenced-based programs that address the crisis care needs of individuals with serious mental disorders, and children with serious mental and emotional disturbances. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(C) Crisis stabilization programs offering acute care or subacute care in a hospital or appropriately licensed facility, as determined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with referrals to inpatient or outpatient care. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as ``Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SET-ASIDE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED CRISIS CARE SERVICES. Section 1920 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-9) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``$532,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$857,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Crisis Care.-- ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (3), a State shall expend at least 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for each fiscal year to support evidenced-based programs that address the crisis care needs of individuals with serious mental disorders, and children with serious mental and emotional disturbances. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(C) Crisis stabilization programs offering acute care or subacute care in a hospital or appropriately licensed facility, as determined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with referrals to inpatient or outpatient care. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as ``Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act''. SEC. 2. SET-ASIDE FOR EVIDENCE-BASED CRISIS CARE SERVICES. Section 1920 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x-9) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``$532,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2018 through 2022'' and inserting ``$857,571,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Crisis Care.-- ``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (3), a State shall expend at least 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for each fiscal year to support evidenced-based programs that address the crisis care needs of individuals with serious mental disorders, and children with serious mental and emotional disturbances. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(C) Crisis stabilization programs offering acute care or subacute care in a hospital or appropriately licensed facility, as determined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, with referrals to inpatient or outpatient care. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''. <all>
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers.
To amend title XIX of the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program, and for other purposes. ``(2) Core elements.--At the discretion of the single State agency responsible for the administration of the program of the State under a grant under section 1911, funds expended pursuant to paragraph (1) may be used to fund some or all of the core crisis care service components, delivered according to evidence-based principles, including the following: ``(A) Crisis call centers. ``(B) 24/7 mobile crisis services. ``(3) State flexibility.--In lieu of expending 5 percent of the amount the State receives pursuant to section 1911 for a fiscal year to support evidence-based programs as required by paragraph (1), a State may elect to expend not less than 10 percent of such amount to support such programs by the end of two consecutive fiscal years.''.
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant Reauthorization Act This bill amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the community mental health services block grant program and for other purposes. The bill requires a state to expend at least five percent of the amount it receives under the program to support evidenced-based programs that address the crisis care needs of individuals with serious mental disorders and children with
Labor and Employment
Jobs Now Youth Employment Act This bill directs the Department of Labor to make allotments to local areas for youth workforce investment activities. Such allotments shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas.
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. SEC. 2. YOUTH WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES. (a) In General.--From the amount made available under subsection (e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make allotments to local areas pursuant to subsection (b) for youth workforce investment activities under section 129 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164). (b) Formula.--The allotment to a local area under subsection (a) shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas. (c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (d) Definition.--In this section: (1) Local area.--The term ``local area'' has the meaning given such term under section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102). (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities described in subsection (a) $10,000,000,000 for each year in the 10-year period beginning on the date that is the first fiscal year that commences following the existence of data collected under subsection (c). <all>
Jobs Now Youth Employment Act
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes.
Jobs Now Youth Employment Act
Rep. Rush, Bobby L.
This bill directs the Department of Labor to make allotments to local areas for youth workforce investment activities. Such allotments shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas.
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. SEC. 2. YOUTH WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES. (a) In General.--From the amount made available under subsection (e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make allotments to local areas pursuant to subsection (b) for youth workforce investment activities under section 129 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164). (b) Formula.--The allotment to a local area under subsection (a) shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas. (c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (d) Definition.--In this section: (1) Local area.--The term ``local area'' has the meaning given such term under section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102). (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities described in subsection (a) $10,000,000,000 for each year in the 10-year period beginning on the date that is the first fiscal year that commences following the existence of data collected under subsection (c). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. SEC. 2. YOUTH WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES. (a) In General.--From the amount made available under subsection (e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make allotments to local areas pursuant to subsection (b) for youth workforce investment activities under section 129 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164). (b) Formula.--The allotment to a local area under subsection (a) shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas. (c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (d) Definition.--In this section: (1) Local area.--The term ``local area'' has the meaning given such term under section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102). (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities described in subsection (a) $10,000,000,000 for each year in the 10-year period beginning on the date that is the first fiscal year that commences following the existence of data collected under subsection (c). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. SEC. 2. YOUTH WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES. (a) In General.--From the amount made available under subsection (e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make allotments to local areas pursuant to subsection (b) for youth workforce investment activities under section 129 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164). (b) Formula.--The allotment to a local area under subsection (a) shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas. (c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (d) Definition.--In this section: (1) Local area.--The term ``local area'' has the meaning given such term under section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102). (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities described in subsection (a) $10,000,000,000 for each year in the 10-year period beginning on the date that is the first fiscal year that commences following the existence of data collected under subsection (c). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. SEC. 2. YOUTH WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES. (a) In General.--From the amount made available under subsection (e) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall make allotments to local areas pursuant to subsection (b) for youth workforce investment activities under section 129 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3164). (b) Formula.--The allotment to a local area under subsection (a) shall be made on the basis of the relative number of long-term unemployed individuals in each local area, compared to the total number of long-term unemployed individuals in all local areas. (c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (d) Definition.--In this section: (1) Local area.--The term ``local area'' has the meaning given such term under section 3 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3102). (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. (3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out the activities described in subsection (a) $10,000,000,000 for each year in the 10-year period beginning on the date that is the first fiscal year that commences following the existence of data collected under subsection (c). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. ( (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. ( 3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. ( (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. ( 3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. ( (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. ( 3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. ( (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. ( 3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Jobs Now Youth Employment Act''. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. (
To direct the Secretary of Labor to fund youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. c) Data Collection.--In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary shall-- (1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long-term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such data is collected. ( (2) Long-term unemployment.--The term ``long-term unemployment'', used with respect to a local area, means the number of individuals in such local area who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more. ( 3) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Labor. (
Jobs Now Youth Employment Act - Directs the Secretary of Labor to make allotments to local areas for youth workforce investment activities for certain local areas, and for other purposes. Requires the Secretary to: (1) collect long-term unemployment rates for local areas; and (2) identify local areas that have long term unemployment rates above the national average for the year for which such
Manufacturing.gov Act This bill requires the Department of Commerce to establish a section of the manufacturing.gov website to serve as the primary hub for information relating to federal manufacturing programs. In addition to serving as the primary hub for this information, the hub must also (1) provide the contact information for relevant program offices carrying out federal manufacturing programs; (2) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to these programs; and (3) host web pages that focus on topics such as trade, workforce development, and small and medium manufacturers.
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Manufacturing.gov Act''. SEC. 2. MANUFACTURING.GOV HUB. (a) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (c) Functions.--The manufacturing.gov hub established under subsection (b) shall-- (1) serve as the primary hub for information relating to every Federal manufacturing program, including the programs identified in the report of the Government Accountability Office entitled ``U.S. Manufacturing'' (GAO 17-240), published on March 28, 2017; (2) provide the contact information of relevant program offices carrying out the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); (3) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to-- (A) the functionality of the website of the Department of Commerce; (B) the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); and (C) any other manufacturing-related challenges experienced by manufacturers in the United States; (4) establish web pages within the hub that shall focus on-- (A) technology and research and development; (B) trade; (C) workforce development and training; (D) industrial commons and supply chains; and (E) small and medium manufacturers; and (5) use machine learning to-- (A) identify frequently asked questions; and (B) disseminate to the public answers to the questions identified under subparagraph (A). (d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022. Attest: Clerk. 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6290 _______________________________________________________________________
Manufacturing.gov Act
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes.
Manufacturing.gov Act Manufacturing.gov Act Manufacturing.gov Act
Rep. Tonko, Paul
This bill requires the Department of Commerce to establish a section of the manufacturing.gov website to serve as the primary hub for information relating to federal manufacturing programs. In addition to serving as the primary hub for this information, the hub must also (1) provide the contact information for relevant program offices carrying out federal manufacturing programs; (2) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to these programs; and (3) host web pages that focus on topics such as trade, workforce development, and small and medium manufacturers.
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Manufacturing.gov Act''. SEC. 2. MANUFACTURING.GOV HUB. (a) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (c) Functions.--The manufacturing.gov hub established under subsection (b) shall-- (1) serve as the primary hub for information relating to every Federal manufacturing program, including the programs identified in the report of the Government Accountability Office entitled ``U.S. Manufacturing'' (GAO 17-240), published on March 28, 2017; (2) provide the contact information of relevant program offices carrying out the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); (3) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to-- (A) the functionality of the website of the Department of Commerce; (B) the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); and (C) any other manufacturing-related challenges experienced by manufacturers in the United States; (4) establish web pages within the hub that shall focus on-- (A) technology and research and development; (B) trade; (C) workforce development and training; (D) industrial commons and supply chains; and (E) small and medium manufacturers; and (5) use machine learning to-- (A) identify frequently asked questions; and (B) disseminate to the public answers to the questions identified under subparagraph (A). (d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022. Attest: Clerk. 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6290 _______________________________________________________________________
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Manufacturing.gov Act''. SEC. 2. MANUFACTURING.GOV HUB. (a) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (c) Functions.--The manufacturing.gov hub established under subsection (b) shall-- (1) serve as the primary hub for information relating to every Federal manufacturing program, including the programs identified in the report of the Government Accountability Office entitled ``U.S. Manufacturing'' (GAO 17-240), published on March 28, 2017; (2) provide the contact information of relevant program offices carrying out the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); (3) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to-- (A) the functionality of the website of the Department of Commerce; (B) the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); and (C) any other manufacturing-related challenges experienced by manufacturers in the United States; (4) establish web pages within the hub that shall focus on-- (A) technology and research and development; (B) trade; (C) workforce development and training; (D) industrial commons and supply chains; and (E) small and medium manufacturers; and (5) use machine learning to-- (A) identify frequently asked questions; and (B) disseminate to the public answers to the questions identified under subparagraph (A). (d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022. Attest: Clerk. 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6290 _______________________________________________________________________
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Manufacturing.gov Act''. SEC. 2. MANUFACTURING.GOV HUB. (a) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (c) Functions.--The manufacturing.gov hub established under subsection (b) shall-- (1) serve as the primary hub for information relating to every Federal manufacturing program, including the programs identified in the report of the Government Accountability Office entitled ``U.S. Manufacturing'' (GAO 17-240), published on March 28, 2017; (2) provide the contact information of relevant program offices carrying out the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); (3) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to-- (A) the functionality of the website of the Department of Commerce; (B) the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); and (C) any other manufacturing-related challenges experienced by manufacturers in the United States; (4) establish web pages within the hub that shall focus on-- (A) technology and research and development; (B) trade; (C) workforce development and training; (D) industrial commons and supply chains; and (E) small and medium manufacturers; and (5) use machine learning to-- (A) identify frequently asked questions; and (B) disseminate to the public answers to the questions identified under subparagraph (A). (d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022. Attest: Clerk. 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6290 _______________________________________________________________________
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Manufacturing.gov Act''. SEC. 2. MANUFACTURING.GOV HUB. (a) Definition.--In this section, the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Commerce. (b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (c) Functions.--The manufacturing.gov hub established under subsection (b) shall-- (1) serve as the primary hub for information relating to every Federal manufacturing program, including the programs identified in the report of the Government Accountability Office entitled ``U.S. Manufacturing'' (GAO 17-240), published on March 28, 2017; (2) provide the contact information of relevant program offices carrying out the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); (3) provide an avenue for public input and feedback relating to-- (A) the functionality of the website of the Department of Commerce; (B) the Federal manufacturing programs described in paragraph (1); and (C) any other manufacturing-related challenges experienced by manufacturers in the United States; (4) establish web pages within the hub that shall focus on-- (A) technology and research and development; (B) trade; (C) workforce development and training; (D) industrial commons and supply chains; and (E) small and medium manufacturers; and (5) use machine learning to-- (A) identify frequently asked questions; and (B) disseminate to the public answers to the questions identified under subparagraph (A). (d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022. Attest: Clerk. 117th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6290 _______________________________________________________________________
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022.
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022.
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022.
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022.
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. (
To provide for the establishment of a section of the website of the Department of Commerce that shall serve as the primary hub for information relating to Federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. b) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in coordination with the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Commerce, shall modify the manufacturing.gov website by establishing a section of the website to be known as the ``manufacturing.gov hub''. d) No Additional Funds.--No additional funds are authorized to be appropriated for the purpose of carrying out this section. Passed the House of Representatives November 17, 2022.
Manufacturing.gov Act This bill directs the Department of Commerce (DOT) to modify its website to serve as the primary hub for information relating to federal manufacturing programs, and for other purposes. The website shall serve as: (1) the primary source for information regarding every federal manufacturing program, including the programs identified in the Government Accountability Office's (GAO's) report on U
Emergency Management
Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021 This bill provides emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Specifically, the bill appropriates funds to the Community Development Fund for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in states for which the President declared a major disaster. The bill further provides for the use of proceeds from a system of competitive bidding to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz, to be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance.
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (a) In General.--In addition to amounts otherwise appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated to the ``Community Development Fund'', for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in States for which the President declared a major disaster under title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (b) Deposit of C-Band Spectrum Auction Proceeds in Treasury.-- Section 309(j)(8) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) C-band auction proceeds.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), and except as provided in subparagraph (B), of the proceeds (including deposits and upfront payments from successful bidders) from the use of a system of competitive bidding under this subsection to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz (designated by the Commission as `Auction 107'), $1,100,000,000 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance under section 2(a) of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021.''. <all>
Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021
A bill to provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta.
Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021
Sen. Kennedy, John
This bill provides emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Specifically, the bill appropriates funds to the Community Development Fund for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in states for which the President declared a major disaster. The bill further provides for the use of proceeds from a system of competitive bidding to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz, to be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance.
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (a) In General.--In addition to amounts otherwise appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated to the ``Community Development Fund'', for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in States for which the President declared a major disaster under title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (b) Deposit of C-Band Spectrum Auction Proceeds in Treasury.-- Section 309(j)(8) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) C-band auction proceeds.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), and except as provided in subparagraph (B), of the proceeds (including deposits and upfront payments from successful bidders) from the use of a system of competitive bidding under this subsection to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz (designated by the Commission as `Auction 107'), $1,100,000,000 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance under section 2(a) of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021.''. <all>
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (a) In General.--In addition to amounts otherwise appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated to the ``Community Development Fund'', for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in States for which the President declared a major disaster under title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (b) Deposit of C-Band Spectrum Auction Proceeds in Treasury.-- Section 309(j)(8) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) C-band auction proceeds.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), and except as provided in subparagraph (B), of the proceeds (including deposits and upfront payments from successful bidders) from the use of a system of competitive bidding under this subsection to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz (designated by the Commission as `Auction 107'), $1,100,000,000 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance under section 2(a) of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021.''. <all>
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (a) In General.--In addition to amounts otherwise appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated to the ``Community Development Fund'', for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in States for which the President declared a major disaster under title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (b) Deposit of C-Band Spectrum Auction Proceeds in Treasury.-- Section 309(j)(8) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) C-band auction proceeds.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), and except as provided in subparagraph (B), of the proceeds (including deposits and upfront payments from successful bidders) from the use of a system of competitive bidding under this subsection to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz (designated by the Commission as `Auction 107'), $1,100,000,000 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance under section 2(a) of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021.''. <all>
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (a) In General.--In addition to amounts otherwise appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated to the ``Community Development Fund'', for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing, and economic revitalization in areas in States for which the President declared a major disaster under title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5170 et seq.) related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (b) Deposit of C-Band Spectrum Auction Proceeds in Treasury.-- Section 309(j)(8) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)) is amended-- (1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; (2) in subparagraph (C)(i), by striking ``and (G)'' and inserting ``(G), and (H)''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(H) C-band auction proceeds.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), and except as provided in subparagraph (B), of the proceeds (including deposits and upfront payments from successful bidders) from the use of a system of competitive bidding under this subsection to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megahertz (designated by the Commission as `Auction 107'), $1,100,000,000 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury and used for emergency assistance under section 2(a) of the Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021.''. <all>
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
To provide emergency assistance for disaster response and recovery, and for other expenses, directly related to Hurricanes Laura, Delta, or Zeta. related to Hurricane Laura, Delta, or Zeta, $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended, for activities authorized under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.). (
Gulf Coast Hurricane Aid Act of 2021 - Amends the Communications Act of 1934 to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to deposit in the general fund $1 billion of the proceeds from the use of a system of competitive bidding to award licenses in the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 3980 megaherstz (designated by the Federal Communications Commission as Auction 107)
Public Lands and Natural Resources
Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act This bill makes the America the Beautiful-National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass available, without charge, to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and Gold Star Families. The pass covers the entrance fee and standard amenity recreation fee for all federal recreational lands and waters.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act''. SEC. 2. RECREATION PASSES. Section 805 of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 3385; 16 U.S.C. 6804) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(4), by striking ``age and disability discounted'' and inserting ``age discount and lifetime''; and (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the heading, by striking ``Discounted'' and inserting ``Free and Discounted''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Disability discount'' and inserting ``Lifetime passes''; and (ii) by striking subparagraph (B) and inserting the following: ``(B) Any veteran who provides adequate proof of military service as determined by the Secretary. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction).''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EFFECTS. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation'' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, pro- vided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk.
Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. To direct the Secretary of the Interior to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.
Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act
Rep. Miller-Meeks, Mariannette
This bill makes the America the Beautiful-National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass available, without charge, to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and Gold Star Families. The pass covers the entrance fee and standard amenity recreation fee for all federal recreational lands and waters.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act''. SEC. 2. RECREATION PASSES. Section 805 of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 3385; 16 U.S.C. 6804) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(4), by striking ``age and disability discounted'' and inserting ``age discount and lifetime''; and (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the heading, by striking ``Discounted'' and inserting ``Free and Discounted''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Disability discount'' and inserting ``Lifetime passes''; and (ii) by striking subparagraph (B) and inserting the following: ``(B) Any veteran who provides adequate proof of military service as determined by the Secretary. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction).''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EFFECTS. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation'' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, pro- vided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act''. SEC. 2. RECREATION PASSES. Section 805 of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 3385; 16 U.S.C. 6804) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(4), by striking ``age and disability discounted'' and inserting ``age discount and lifetime''; and (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the heading, by striking ``Discounted'' and inserting ``Free and Discounted''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Disability discount'' and inserting ``Lifetime passes''; and (ii) by striking subparagraph (B) and inserting the following: ``(B) Any veteran who provides adequate proof of military service as determined by the Secretary. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction).''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EFFECTS. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation'' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, pro- vided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act''. SEC. 2. RECREATION PASSES. Section 805 of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 3385; 16 U.S.C. 6804) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(4), by striking ``age and disability discounted'' and inserting ``age discount and lifetime''; and (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the heading, by striking ``Discounted'' and inserting ``Free and Discounted''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Disability discount'' and inserting ``Lifetime passes''; and (ii) by striking subparagraph (B) and inserting the following: ``(B) Any veteran who provides adequate proof of military service as determined by the Secretary. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction).''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EFFECTS. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation'' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, pro- vided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act''. SEC. 2. RECREATION PASSES. Section 805 of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 3385; 16 U.S.C. 6804) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(4), by striking ``age and disability discounted'' and inserting ``age discount and lifetime''; and (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the heading, by striking ``Discounted'' and inserting ``Free and Discounted''; (B) in paragraph (2)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Disability discount'' and inserting ``Lifetime passes''; and (ii) by striking subparagraph (B) and inserting the following: ``(B) Any veteran who provides adequate proof of military service as determined by the Secretary. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction).''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EFFECTS. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation'' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the House Budget Committee, pro- vided that such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021. Attest: CHERYL L. JOHNSON, Clerk.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction). ''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction). ''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction). ''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction). ''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
To direct the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. ``(C) Any member of a Gold Star Family who meets the eligibility requirements of section 3.2 of Department of Defense Instruction 1348.36 (or a successor instruction). ''; and (C) in paragraph (3)-- (i) in the heading, by striking ``Gold star families parks pass'' and inserting ``Annual passes''; and (ii) by striking ``members of'' and all that follows through the end of the sentence and inserting ``members of the Armed Forces and their dependents who provide adequate proof of eligibility for such pass as determined by the Secretary.''. Passed the House of Representatives July 29, 2021.
Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks (VIP) Act - Directs the Secretary of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents for other purposes. Amends the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act to: (1) make lifetime passes available to veterans who
Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021 This bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to award grants to long-term care facilities to help such facilities prepare for power outages during and after natural disasters. Eligible grant activities include the purchase of backup power sources (e.g., generators) and the creation of regional resource directories.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. The Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 319C-3 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-3c) the following new section: ``SEC. 319C-4. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages, including during and after a natural disaster. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) (or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation. ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary.''. <all>
Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages.
Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021
Rep. Wilson, Frederica S.
This bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to award grants to long-term care facilities to help such facilities prepare for power outages during and after natural disasters. Eligible grant activities include the purchase of backup power sources (e.g., generators) and the creation of regional resource directories.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. The Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 319C-3 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-3c) the following new section: ``SEC. 319C-4. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages, including during and after a natural disaster. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) (or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation. ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. The Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 319C-3 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-3c) the following new section: ``SEC. 319C-4. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages, including during and after a natural disaster. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) (or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation. ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. The Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 319C-3 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-3c) the following new section: ``SEC. 319C-4. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages, including during and after a natural disaster. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) (or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation. ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. The Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting after section 319C-3 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 247d-3c) the following new section: ``SEC. 319C-4. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages, including during and after a natural disaster. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) (or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation. ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) ( or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) ( or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) ( or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) ( or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. IMPROVING THE PREPAREDNESS OF NURSING HOMES, ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES, AND OTHER LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES FOR POWER OUTAGES. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages. ``(b) Use of Funds.--The preparedness activities funded through a grant under this section may include-- ``(1) the purchase of a backup power source, such as a generator, and any related equipment; and ``(2) the creation of a regional resource directory on disaster and post-disaster preparedness for power outages. ``(c) Preference.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give preference to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities that-- ``(1) are located in areas that-- ``(A) have a high proportion of-- ``(i) elderly residents; or ``(ii) individuals who are enrolled in a State plan under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) ( or under a waiver of such plan); and ``(B) have a high risk of hurricanes or other natural disasters; and ``(2) have not been cited for a substantive Federal, State, or local violation.
Disaster Preparedness for Power Outages Act of 2021 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities to improve their preparedness for power outages, including during and after a natural disaster. Requires the Secretary to give preference to facilities located in areas
Armed Forces and National Security
Veterans Collaboration Act This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to carry out a two-year pilot program in states with the highest veteran populations to promote collaboration between the VA, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher learning. The VA shall emphasize collaboration with (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing disability compensation claims and appeals with the VA, and (2) educational institutions that provide veterans with pro bono legal assistance.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Collaboration Act''. SEC. 2. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out a two-year pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning. In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall emphasize collaboration with-- (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing claims and appeals with the Department for disability compensation; and (2) educational institutions that provide pro bono legal assistance to veterans. (b) Metrics.--The Secretary shall establish metrics to determine which organizations and institutions provide the best service to veterans and seek to encourage such organizations and institutions to participate in the pilot program. (c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program. <all>
Veterans Collaboration Act
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans.
Veterans Collaboration Act
Rep. Wittman, Robert J.
This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to carry out a two-year pilot program in states with the highest veteran populations to promote collaboration between the VA, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher learning. The VA shall emphasize collaboration with (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing disability compensation claims and appeals with the VA, and (2) educational institutions that provide veterans with pro bono legal assistance.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Collaboration Act''. SEC. 2. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out a two-year pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning. In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall emphasize collaboration with-- (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing claims and appeals with the Department for disability compensation; and (2) educational institutions that provide pro bono legal assistance to veterans. (b) Metrics.--The Secretary shall establish metrics to determine which organizations and institutions provide the best service to veterans and seek to encourage such organizations and institutions to participate in the pilot program. (c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Collaboration Act''. SEC. 2. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out a two-year pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning. In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall emphasize collaboration with-- (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing claims and appeals with the Department for disability compensation; and (2) educational institutions that provide pro bono legal assistance to veterans. (b) Metrics.--The Secretary shall establish metrics to determine which organizations and institutions provide the best service to veterans and seek to encourage such organizations and institutions to participate in the pilot program. (c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Collaboration Act''. SEC. 2. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out a two-year pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning. In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall emphasize collaboration with-- (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing claims and appeals with the Department for disability compensation; and (2) educational institutions that provide pro bono legal assistance to veterans. (b) Metrics.--The Secretary shall establish metrics to determine which organizations and institutions provide the best service to veterans and seek to encourage such organizations and institutions to participate in the pilot program. (c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Collaboration Act''. SEC. 2. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall carry out a two-year pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning. In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall emphasize collaboration with-- (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in filing claims and appeals with the Department for disability compensation; and (2) educational institutions that provide pro bono legal assistance to veterans. (b) Metrics.--The Secretary shall establish metrics to determine which organizations and institutions provide the best service to veterans and seek to encourage such organizations and institutions to participate in the pilot program. (c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program. <all>
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. ( e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. ( e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. ( e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. ( e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. PILOT PROGRAM ON COLLABORATION WITH NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. ( e) Reports.--Not later than 30 days after the end of a fiscal quarter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committees on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the pilot program, including the use of social media under subsection (d) and the number of veterans who receive administrative assistance from organizations and institutions through the program.
To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veterans Affairs and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. c) Location.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program in States with the highest veteran populations, as determined by the Secretary. (d) Use of Social Media.--In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary shall use social media to promote the collaboration efforts carried out under the pilot program and to notify veterans of such collaborations. Quarterly reports will be provided to members of the Veterans' Affairs Committee that document the reach of the social media efforts and the number of veterans who use the program. (
Veterans Collaboration Act - Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a two-year pilot program to promote and encourage collaboration between the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) and nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher learning that provide administrative assistance to veterans. Requires the Secretary to emphasize collaboration with: (1) veterans service organizations that provide personnel with appropriate credentials to assist veterans in
Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021 or the HIRE Act of 2021 This bill increases the rate of the work opportunity tax credit from 40% to 50% of wages paid to members of the targeted groups eligible for such credit over a two-year period. It also increases to $10,000 the amount of wages taken into account for purposes of the credit.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021'' or the ``HIRE Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. (a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(2) Availability of credit in second year of employment.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by inserting `or qualified second-year wages' after `wages'. ``(B) Qualified second-year wages.--For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified second- year wages' means qualified wages which are attributable to service rendered during the 1-year period beginning on the day after the last day of the 1-year period with respect to the recipient determined under subsection (b)(2). ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(4) Eligibility of rehires.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (i)(2) shall not apply. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
HIRE Act of 2021
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes.
HIRE Act of 2021 Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021
Rep. Suozzi, Thomas R.
This bill increases the rate of the work opportunity tax credit from 40% to 50% of wages paid to members of the targeted groups eligible for such credit over a two-year period. It also increases to $10,000 the amount of wages taken into account for purposes of the credit.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021'' or the ``HIRE Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. (a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(2) Availability of credit in second year of employment.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by inserting `or qualified second-year wages' after `wages'. ``(B) Qualified second-year wages.--For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified second- year wages' means qualified wages which are attributable to service rendered during the 1-year period beginning on the day after the last day of the 1-year period with respect to the recipient determined under subsection (b)(2). ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(4) Eligibility of rehires.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (i)(2) shall not apply. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021'' or the ``HIRE Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. (a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(2) Availability of credit in second year of employment.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by inserting `or qualified second-year wages' after `wages'. ``(B) Qualified second-year wages.--For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified second- year wages' means qualified wages which are attributable to service rendered during the 1-year period beginning on the day after the last day of the 1-year period with respect to the recipient determined under subsection (b)(2). ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(4) Eligibility of rehires.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (i)(2) shall not apply. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021'' or the ``HIRE Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. (a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(2) Availability of credit in second year of employment.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by inserting `or qualified second-year wages' after `wages'. ``(B) Qualified second-year wages.--For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified second- year wages' means qualified wages which are attributable to service rendered during the 1-year period beginning on the day after the last day of the 1-year period with respect to the recipient determined under subsection (b)(2). ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(4) Eligibility of rehires.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (i)(2) shall not apply. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021'' or the ``HIRE Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. (a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(2) Availability of credit in second year of employment.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by inserting `or qualified second-year wages' after `wages'. ``(B) Qualified second-year wages.--For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified second- year wages' means qualified wages which are attributable to service rendered during the 1-year period beginning on the day after the last day of the 1-year period with respect to the recipient determined under subsection (b)(2). ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(4) Eligibility of rehires.-- ``(A) In general.--Subsection (i)(2) shall not apply. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. ( a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. ( a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. ( a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. ( a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. EXTENSION OF WORK OPPORTUNITY CREDIT DURING COVID-19 RECOVERY PERIOD. ( a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'.
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make certain adjustments to the work opportunity credit to modernize the credit and make it more effective as a hiring incentive, and for other purposes. a) In General.--Section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(l) Adjustment to Credit During COVID-19 Recovery Period.--In the case of individuals hired after the date of the enactment of this subsection in a taxable year beginning before the date that is 2 years after such date-- ``(1) Increased amount of credit.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `50 percent' for `40 percent'. ``(3) Increase in limitation on wages taken into account.-- Subsection (b)(3) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000'. ``(B) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue such regulations as the Secretary determines appropriate to ensure a reasonable application of subparagraph (A), including prohibiting attempts to claim the benefit of this section through the termination and rehiring of an employee.''. (
Hiring Incentive to Return Employment Act of 2021 or the HIRE Act of 2019 This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) extend the work opportunity tax credit through FY2021; (2) increase the amount of the credit; and (3) allow employers to claim the credit through the termination and rehiring of an employee. The bill also allows
No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act This bill prohibits using federal funds pursuant to a federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation for non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) who are unlawfully present in the United States and are placed in removal proceedings. The bill also prohibits using any federal funds for the Legal Access at the Border program, any successor programs, or federal solicitations for commercial products or services related to such programs.
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. SEC. 2. FINDING. Congress finds that United States taxpayers' dollars should not be used to cover or subsidize the costs of legal representation for any alien who is unlawfully present in the United States. SEC. 3. FEDERAL CONTRACT DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``Federal contract'' means any contract entered into by the United States and with the Federal Government, including any contract to which any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government becomes a party pursuant to authority derived from the Constitution and the laws of the United States. SEC. 4. FEDERAL FUNDING LIMITATIONS. (a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (c) Limitation.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply with respect to any funds used for the legal representation of child trafficking victims. SEC. 5. PROHIBITING LEGAL ACCESS AT THE BORDER PROGRAM. No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation. <all>
No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes.
No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act
Rep. Boebert, Lauren
This bill prohibits using federal funds pursuant to a federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation for non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) who are unlawfully present in the United States and are placed in removal proceedings. The bill also prohibits using any federal funds for the Legal Access at the Border program, any successor programs, or federal solicitations for commercial products or services related to such programs.
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. SEC. 2. FINDING. Congress finds that United States taxpayers' dollars should not be used to cover or subsidize the costs of legal representation for any alien who is unlawfully present in the United States. SEC. 3. FEDERAL CONTRACT DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``Federal contract'' means any contract entered into by the United States and with the Federal Government, including any contract to which any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government becomes a party pursuant to authority derived from the Constitution and the laws of the United States. SEC. 4. FEDERAL FUNDING LIMITATIONS. (a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (c) Limitation.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply with respect to any funds used for the legal representation of child trafficking victims. SEC. 5. PROHIBITING LEGAL ACCESS AT THE BORDER PROGRAM. No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation. <all>
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. SEC. 2. FINDING. Congress finds that United States taxpayers' dollars should not be used to cover or subsidize the costs of legal representation for any alien who is unlawfully present in the United States. SEC. 3. FEDERAL CONTRACT DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``Federal contract'' means any contract entered into by the United States and with the Federal Government, including any contract to which any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government becomes a party pursuant to authority derived from the Constitution and the laws of the United States. SEC. 4. FEDERAL FUNDING LIMITATIONS. (a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (c) Limitation.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply with respect to any funds used for the legal representation of child trafficking victims. SEC. 5. PROHIBITING LEGAL ACCESS AT THE BORDER PROGRAM. No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation. <all>
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. SEC. 2. FINDING. Congress finds that United States taxpayers' dollars should not be used to cover or subsidize the costs of legal representation for any alien who is unlawfully present in the United States. SEC. 3. FEDERAL CONTRACT DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``Federal contract'' means any contract entered into by the United States and with the Federal Government, including any contract to which any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government becomes a party pursuant to authority derived from the Constitution and the laws of the United States. SEC. 4. FEDERAL FUNDING LIMITATIONS. (a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (c) Limitation.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply with respect to any funds used for the legal representation of child trafficking victims. SEC. 5. PROHIBITING LEGAL ACCESS AT THE BORDER PROGRAM. No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation. <all>
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. SEC. 2. FINDING. Congress finds that United States taxpayers' dollars should not be used to cover or subsidize the costs of legal representation for any alien who is unlawfully present in the United States. SEC. 3. FEDERAL CONTRACT DEFINED. In this Act, the term ``Federal contract'' means any contract entered into by the United States and with the Federal Government, including any contract to which any agency or instrumentality of the United States Government becomes a party pursuant to authority derived from the Constitution and the laws of the United States. SEC. 4. FEDERAL FUNDING LIMITATIONS. (a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (c) Limitation.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply with respect to any funds used for the legal representation of child trafficking victims. SEC. 5. PROHIBITING LEGAL ACCESS AT THE BORDER PROGRAM. No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation. <all>
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. ( No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation.
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. ( No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation.
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. ( No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation.
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. ( No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation.
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act''. b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. (
To prevent recipients of Federal funds from providing, or assisting in the provision of, legal representation to aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. a) In General.--No Federal funds received pursuant to a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement may be used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services (as described in section 235(c)(4) of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(4))) for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. (b) State and Local Recipients.--No State, unit of local government, or territory of the United States that receives funds from the Federal Government may use or allocate such funds, or provide any other form of assistance, to any legal defense fund for the representation of aliens unlawfully present in the United States in civil proceedings. ( No Federal funds may be used for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or any successor program or solicitation.
No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Immigrants Act - Prohibits Federal funds from being used for any organization that provides legal representation or legal orientation services for aliens unlawfully present in the United States who are placed in removal proceedings. Proscribes the use of Federal funds for the Legal Access at the Border program or solicitation number 15JE1R-22-PR-0098 or
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021 This bill makes physical therapists eligible for the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program. This program assists primary care, mental health, and dental providers in repaying eligible student loans in exchange for working in areas with shortages of such providers.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes.
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021
Rep. DeGette, Diana
This bill makes physical therapists eligible for the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program. This program assists primary care, mental health, and dental providers in repaying eligible student loans in exchange for working in areas with shortages of such providers.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--The Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to revise the definition of primary health services to include
Science, Technology, Communications
Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act This bill excludes certain communications facility deployment or modification projects from specified review requirements. Specifically, the bill excludes from specified environmental and historic preservation review a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant).
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO BROWNFIELDS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
Brownfields Broad­band Deployment Act
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews.
Brownfields Broad­band Deployment Act
Rep. Walberg, Tim
This bill excludes certain communications facility deployment or modification projects from specified review requirements. Specifically, the bill excludes from specified environmental and historic preservation review a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant).
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO BROWNFIELDS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO BROWNFIELDS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO BROWNFIELDS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act''. SEC. 2. APPLICATION OF NEPA AND NHPA TO BROWNFIELDS. (a) NEPA Exemption.--A covered project shall not be subject to the requirements of section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C)). (b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Commission.--The term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission. (2) Communications facility.--The term ``communications facility'' includes-- (A) any wireless or wireline infrastructure for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds; (B) any transmitting device, tower, or support structure, and any equipment, switches, wiring, cabling, power sources, shelters, or cabinets, associated with the provision of communications service; and (C) any antenna or apparatus that-- (i) is designed for the purpose of emitting radio frequency; (ii) is designed to be operated, or is operating, from a fixed location; and (iii) is added to a tower, building, or other structure. (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. (4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. <all>
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. (
To provide that a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site is not subject to requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. b) National Historic Preservation Act Exemption.--A covered project shall not be considered an undertaking under section 300320 of title 54, United States Code. ( (3) Communications service.--The term ``communications service'' means a service for the transmission of writing, signs, signals, data, images, pictures, or sounds of all kinds. ( 4) Covered project.--The term ``covered project'' means a project-- (A) for the deployment or modification of a communications facility that is to be carried out entirely within a brownfield site (as defined in section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601)); and (B) for which a permit, license, or approval from the Commission is required or that is otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
Brownfields Broadband Deployment Act - Exempts a project for the deployment or modification of a communications facility entirely within a brownfield site from requirements to prepare certain environmental or historical preservation reviews. (Sec. 2) Prohibits a covered project from being subject to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) or the National Historic Preservation Act (NH
Public Lands and Natural Resources
Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021 This bill treats the District of Columbia as a state with respect to receiving federal funds for management and restoration of approved wildlife projects and for fish restoration and management projects.
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNDER PITTMAN-ROBERTSON WILDLIFE RESTORATION ACT AND DINGELL-JOHNSON SPORT FISH RESTORATION ACT. (a) Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act.--The Pittman- Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.''; and (B) in subsection (e)(5), by striking ``the District of Columbia,''. (b) Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act.--The Dingell- Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia.''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''. <all>
Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes.
Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021
Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes
This bill treats the District of Columbia as a state with respect to receiving federal funds for management and restoration of approved wildlife projects and for fish restoration and management projects.
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNDER PITTMAN-ROBERTSON WILDLIFE RESTORATION ACT AND DINGELL-JOHNSON SPORT FISH RESTORATION ACT. (a) Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act.--The Pittman- Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.''; and (B) in subsection (e)(5), by striking ``the District of Columbia,''. (b) Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act.--The Dingell- Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia.''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''. <all>
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNDER PITTMAN-ROBERTSON WILDLIFE RESTORATION ACT AND DINGELL-JOHNSON SPORT FISH RESTORATION ACT. (a) Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act.--The Pittman- Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.''; and (B) in subsection (e)(5), by striking ``the District of Columbia,''. (b) Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act.--The Dingell- Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia.''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''. <all>
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNDER PITTMAN-ROBERTSON WILDLIFE RESTORATION ACT AND DINGELL-JOHNSON SPORT FISH RESTORATION ACT. (a) Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act.--The Pittman- Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.''; and (B) in subsection (e)(5), by striking ``the District of Columbia,''. (b) Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act.--The Dingell- Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia.''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''. <all>
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNDER PITTMAN-ROBERTSON WILDLIFE RESTORATION ACT AND DINGELL-JOHNSON SPORT FISH RESTORATION ACT. (a) Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act.--The Pittman- Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 669 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.''; and (B) in subsection (e)(5), by striking ``the District of Columbia,''. (b) Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act.--The Dingell- Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et seq.) is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia.''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''. <all>
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. ''; is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia. ''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''.
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.'';
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.'';
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. ''; is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia. ''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''.
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.'';
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. ''; is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia. ''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''.
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.'';
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. ''; is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia. ''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''.
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.'';
To amend the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act to treat the District of Columbia the same as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. is amended-- (1) in section 2, by redesignating paragraphs (6) through (11) as paragraphs (7) through (12), and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following: ``(6) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia;''; and (2) in section 4-- (A) by amending paragraph (1) of subsection (d) to read as follows: ``(1) The Secretary of the Interior shall apportion from the Wildlife Conservation and Restoration Account a sum equal to not more than one-fourth of 1 percent thereof to each of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. ''; is amended-- (1) in section 2-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) the term `State' includes the District of Columbia. ''; and (2) in section 12-- (A) by striking ``the Mayor of the District of Columbia,''; (B) by striking ``the District of Columbia,'' the second and third place it appears; and (C) by striking ``for the District of Columbia one- third of 1 per centum,''.
Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act District of Columbia Equality Act of 2021 This bill amends the Pittman- Robertson Wildlife Restoration and the Dingell - Johnson Sport Fish Reauthorization Acts to treat the District as a State for purposes of such Acts, and for other purposes. The bill also requires the Secretary of the Interior to apportion
Public Lands and Natural Resources
Acre In, Acre Out Act This bill prescribes a new requirement for any acquisition of land by the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service. The department concerned must offer for sale an equal number of acres of federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. The bill exempts from this requirement any easements acquired to facilitate management of federal lands. Land sold pursuant to this bill shall be offered for sale at fair market value (based on local comparable sales), with monthly price reductions if the land is not sold in six months. All net proceeds from the sale of federal lands pursuant to this bill shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Acre In, Acre Out Act''. SEC. 2. NO NET INCREASE IN CERTAIN FEDERAL LANDS. (a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. (b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. (2) Exception.--Time periods during which land is under contract for sale or withdrawn from the market shall not be counted for the purposes of price reduction under paragraph (1)(B). (d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (e) Proceeds of Sale of Lands.--All net proceeds from the sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt. <all>
Acre In, Acre Out Act
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes.
Acre In, Acre Out Act
Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan
This bill prescribes a new requirement for any acquisition of land by the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service. The department concerned must offer for sale an equal number of acres of federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. The bill exempts from this requirement any easements acquired to facilitate management of federal lands. Land sold pursuant to this bill shall be offered for sale at fair market value (based on local comparable sales), with monthly price reductions if the land is not sold in six months. All net proceeds from the sale of federal lands pursuant to this bill shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt.
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Acre In, Acre Out Act''. SEC. 2. NO NET INCREASE IN CERTAIN FEDERAL LANDS. (a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. (b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. (2) Exception.--Time periods during which land is under contract for sale or withdrawn from the market shall not be counted for the purposes of price reduction under paragraph (1)(B). (d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (e) Proceeds of Sale of Lands.--All net proceeds from the sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt. <all>
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Acre In, Acre Out Act''. SEC. 2. NO NET INCREASE IN CERTAIN FEDERAL LANDS. (a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. (b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. (2) Exception.--Time periods during which land is under contract for sale or withdrawn from the market shall not be counted for the purposes of price reduction under paragraph (1)(B). (d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (e) Proceeds of Sale of Lands.--All net proceeds from the sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt. <all>
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Acre In, Acre Out Act''. SEC. 2. NO NET INCREASE IN CERTAIN FEDERAL LANDS. (a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. (b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. (2) Exception.--Time periods during which land is under contract for sale or withdrawn from the market shall not be counted for the purposes of price reduction under paragraph (1)(B). (d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (e) Proceeds of Sale of Lands.--All net proceeds from the sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt. <all>
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Acre In, Acre Out Act''. SEC. 2. NO NET INCREASE IN CERTAIN FEDERAL LANDS. (a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. (b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. (2) Exception.--Time periods during which land is under contract for sale or withdrawn from the market shall not be counted for the purposes of price reduction under paragraph (1)(B). (d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (e) Proceeds of Sale of Lands.--All net proceeds from the sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be deposited directly into the Treasury for reduction of the public debt. <all>
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. ( (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. ( d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. ( (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. ( d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. ( (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. ( d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. ( (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. ( d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. b) Exemptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to easements acquired-- (1) by the Secretary of the Interior to facilitate management of Federal lands; or (2) by the Secretary of Agriculture to facilitate management of Federal lands. (
To provide for no net increase in the total acreage of certain Federal land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service, and for other purposes. a) In General.--For acquisition of land by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, or the Forest Service, the Secretary concerned shall offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status. ( (c) Consideration.-- (1) In general.--Land sold pursuant to subsection (a) shall be offered for sale-- (A) at fair market value (based on local comparable sales); and (B) at a price that is reduced by 10 percent each month if the land is not sold or under contract to be sold by the date that is 6 months after the land was first offered for sale. ( d) Existing Rights.--The sale of Federal lands pursuant to this section shall be subject to valid existing rights. (
Acre In, Acre Out Act - Requires the Secretary of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture to offer for sale an equal number of acres of Federal land that is under the same jurisdictional status for acquisition of land by the Secretary or the Secretary concerned that would result in a net increase of total land acreage under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, the United States Fish
Public Lands and Natural Resources
Forest Information Reform Act or the FIR Act This bill specifies that neither the Department of Agriculture nor the Department of the Interior may be required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan when a species is listed as threatened or endangered, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''. SEC. 2. NO ADDITIONAL CONSULTATION REQUIRED. (a) Forest Service Plans.--Section 6(d)(2) of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1604(d)(2)) is amended to read as follows: ``(2) No additional consultation required under certain circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land management plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. (b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1712) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(g) No Additional Consultation Required Under Certain Circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land use plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. <all>
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes.
FIR Act Forest Information Reform Act
Rep. Rosendale Sr., Matthew M.
This bill specifies that neither the Department of Agriculture nor the Department of the Interior may be required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan when a species is listed as threatened or endangered, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''. SEC. 2. NO ADDITIONAL CONSULTATION REQUIRED. (a) Forest Service Plans.--Section 6(d)(2) of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1604(d)(2)) is amended to read as follows: ``(2) No additional consultation required under certain circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land management plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. (b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1712) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(g) No Additional Consultation Required Under Certain Circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land use plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. <all>
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''. SEC. 2. NO ADDITIONAL CONSULTATION REQUIRED. (a) Forest Service Plans.--Section 6(d)(2) of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1604(d)(2)) is amended to read as follows: ``(2) No additional consultation required under certain circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land management plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. (b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1712) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(g) No Additional Consultation Required Under Certain Circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land use plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. <all>
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''. SEC. 2. NO ADDITIONAL CONSULTATION REQUIRED. (a) Forest Service Plans.--Section 6(d)(2) of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1604(d)(2)) is amended to read as follows: ``(2) No additional consultation required under certain circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land management plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. (b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1712) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(g) No Additional Consultation Required Under Certain Circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land use plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. <all>
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''. SEC. 2. NO ADDITIONAL CONSULTATION REQUIRED. (a) Forest Service Plans.--Section 6(d)(2) of the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1604(d)(2)) is amended to read as follows: ``(2) No additional consultation required under certain circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land management plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. (b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1712) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(g) No Additional Consultation Required Under Certain Circumstances.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall not be required to reinitiate consultation under section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1536(a)(2)) or section 402.16 of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on a land use plan approved, amended, or revised under this section when a species is listed, critical habitat is designated, or new information concerning a listed species or critical habitat becomes available.''. <all>
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Forest Information Reform Act'' or the ``FIR Act''.
To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. b) Bureau of Land Management Plans.--Section 202 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C.
Forest Information Reform Act or the FIR Act - Amends the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. Amends Federal law
Crime and Law Enforcement
Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021 This bill provides statutory authority for a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement program that assists victims of human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and other crimes.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. ``(2) Functions.--The Victim Assistance Program shall-- ``(A) provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to victim assistance personnel nationwide; ``(B) locate, at a minimum, a forensic interview specialist and a victim assistance specialist in each Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge office in addition to a victim assistance specialist in every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a human trafficking task force, every Homeland Security Investigations regional attache office, and every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a child sexual exploitation task force; and ``(C) provide training on such topics as victims' rights, victim-related policies, roles of forensic interviewers and victim assistance specialists, and the victim-centered approach.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026. <all>
Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes.
Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021
Rep. Wagner, Ann
This bill provides statutory authority for a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement program that assists victims of human trafficking, child sexual exploitation, and other crimes.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. ``(2) Functions.--The Victim Assistance Program shall-- ``(A) provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to victim assistance personnel nationwide; ``(B) locate, at a minimum, a forensic interview specialist and a victim assistance specialist in each Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge office in addition to a victim assistance specialist in every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a human trafficking task force, every Homeland Security Investigations regional attache office, and every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a child sexual exploitation task force; and ``(C) provide training on such topics as victims' rights, victim-related policies, roles of forensic interviewers and victim assistance specialists, and the victim-centered approach.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026. <all>
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. ``(2) Functions.--The Victim Assistance Program shall-- ``(A) provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to victim assistance personnel nationwide; ``(B) locate, at a minimum, a forensic interview specialist and a victim assistance specialist in each Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge office in addition to a victim assistance specialist in every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a human trafficking task force, every Homeland Security Investigations regional attache office, and every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a child sexual exploitation task force; and ``(C) provide training on such topics as victims' rights, victim-related policies, roles of forensic interviewers and victim assistance specialists, and the victim-centered approach.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026. <all>
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. ``(2) Functions.--The Victim Assistance Program shall-- ``(A) provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to victim assistance personnel nationwide; ``(B) locate, at a minimum, a forensic interview specialist and a victim assistance specialist in each Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge office in addition to a victim assistance specialist in every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a human trafficking task force, every Homeland Security Investigations regional attache office, and every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a child sexual exploitation task force; and ``(C) provide training on such topics as victims' rights, victim-related policies, roles of forensic interviewers and victim assistance specialists, and the victim-centered approach.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026. <all>
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INVESTIGATIONS VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. ``(2) Functions.--The Victim Assistance Program shall-- ``(A) provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to victim assistance personnel nationwide; ``(B) locate, at a minimum, a forensic interview specialist and a victim assistance specialist in each Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge office in addition to a victim assistance specialist in every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a human trafficking task force, every Homeland Security Investigations regional attache office, and every Homeland Security Investigations office participating in a child sexual exploitation task force; and ``(C) provide training on such topics as victims' rights, victim-related policies, roles of forensic interviewers and victim assistance specialists, and the victim-centered approach.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this Act $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026. <all>
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program.
To establish the Homeland Security Investigations victim assistance program, and for other purposes. a) Formalization of the Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.--Section 442 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 252) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program.-- ``(1) In general.--There is established in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the Victim Assistance Program. It is the sense of Congress that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Program provides critical services to victims of trafficking and assists victims of crime in furtherance of Federal criminal investigations. The Victim Assistance Program should continue to assess victims' needs; provide referrals to survivors to nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and other victim service providers; and work with special agents to integrate victim assistance considerations throughout the investigation and judicial processes.
Homeland Security Investigations Victim Assistance Act of 2021 - Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish in Homeland Security Investigations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) the Victim Assistance Program. Authorizes appropriations for FY 2022-FY2026. Provides that the Program shall provide oversight, guidance, training, travel, equipment, and coordination to victim assistance
Foreign Trade and International Finance
Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act This bill requires the President to prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia. Petroleum product means crude oil, residual fuel oil, or any refined petroleum product, including natural gas liquid product. Further, the bill authorizes the President to (1) modify or remove the prohibition for some or all petroleum products if the President notifies Congress that such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and (2) use appropriate authorities to impose civil or criminal penalties as necessary to enforce the prohibition.
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON IMPORTATION OF RUSSIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. (a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (b) Relaxation of Prohibition.--The President may modify or remove the prohibition under subsection (a) with respect to some or all petroleum products described in such subsection if the President notifies the appropriate congressional committees that, in the determination of the President, such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and includes with such notification-- (1) an explanation of the rationale for such modification or removal; and (2) if the modification does not result in the full removal of the prohibition, a description of the criteria to be met by Russia for further modification or removal of remaining elements of the prohibition. (c) Penalties.--The President is authorized to use appropriate authorities to impose such civil or criminal penalties as may be necessary to enforce the prohibition under subsection (a). (d) Appropriate Congressional Committees.--For purposes of this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (1) the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (3) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. <all>
Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes.
Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act
Rep. Cole, Tom
This bill requires the President to prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia. Petroleum product means crude oil, residual fuel oil, or any refined petroleum product, including natural gas liquid product. Further, the bill authorizes the President to (1) modify or remove the prohibition for some or all petroleum products if the President notifies Congress that such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and (2) use appropriate authorities to impose civil or criminal penalties as necessary to enforce the prohibition.
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON IMPORTATION OF RUSSIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. (a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (b) Relaxation of Prohibition.--The President may modify or remove the prohibition under subsection (a) with respect to some or all petroleum products described in such subsection if the President notifies the appropriate congressional committees that, in the determination of the President, such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and includes with such notification-- (1) an explanation of the rationale for such modification or removal; and (2) if the modification does not result in the full removal of the prohibition, a description of the criteria to be met by Russia for further modification or removal of remaining elements of the prohibition. (c) Penalties.--The President is authorized to use appropriate authorities to impose such civil or criminal penalties as may be necessary to enforce the prohibition under subsection (a). (d) Appropriate Congressional Committees.--For purposes of this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (1) the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (3) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. <all>
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON IMPORTATION OF RUSSIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. (a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (b) Relaxation of Prohibition.--The President may modify or remove the prohibition under subsection (a) with respect to some or all petroleum products described in such subsection if the President notifies the appropriate congressional committees that, in the determination of the President, such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and includes with such notification-- (1) an explanation of the rationale for such modification or removal; and (2) if the modification does not result in the full removal of the prohibition, a description of the criteria to be met by Russia for further modification or removal of remaining elements of the prohibition. (c) Penalties.--The President is authorized to use appropriate authorities to impose such civil or criminal penalties as may be necessary to enforce the prohibition under subsection (a). (d) Appropriate Congressional Committees.--For purposes of this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (1) the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (3) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. <all>
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON IMPORTATION OF RUSSIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. (a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (b) Relaxation of Prohibition.--The President may modify or remove the prohibition under subsection (a) with respect to some or all petroleum products described in such subsection if the President notifies the appropriate congressional committees that, in the determination of the President, such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and includes with such notification-- (1) an explanation of the rationale for such modification or removal; and (2) if the modification does not result in the full removal of the prohibition, a description of the criteria to be met by Russia for further modification or removal of remaining elements of the prohibition. (c) Penalties.--The President is authorized to use appropriate authorities to impose such civil or criminal penalties as may be necessary to enforce the prohibition under subsection (a). (d) Appropriate Congressional Committees.--For purposes of this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (1) the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (3) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. <all>
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON IMPORTATION OF RUSSIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. (a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (b) Relaxation of Prohibition.--The President may modify or remove the prohibition under subsection (a) with respect to some or all petroleum products described in such subsection if the President notifies the appropriate congressional committees that, in the determination of the President, such modification or removal is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine, and includes with such notification-- (1) an explanation of the rationale for such modification or removal; and (2) if the modification does not result in the full removal of the prohibition, a description of the criteria to be met by Russia for further modification or removal of remaining elements of the prohibition. (c) Penalties.--The President is authorized to use appropriate authorities to impose such civil or criminal penalties as may be necessary to enforce the prohibition under subsection (a). (d) Appropriate Congressional Committees.--For purposes of this section, the term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (1) the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; (2) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives; and (3) the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate. <all>
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
To prohibit the importation of petroleum products from Russia, and for other purposes. a) Prohibition.--The President shall prohibit the importation of all petroleum products (as such term is defined in section 3 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6202)) originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States (as such term is defined in General Note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule). (
Prohibition on Imports of Russian Oil Act - Directs the President to prohibit the importation of all petroleum products originating from Russia into the customs territory of the United States, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Authorizes modification or removal of such prohibition if the President notifies the appropriate congressional committees that such modification or remove is appropriate given the situation in Ukraine. (S
School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022 This bill directs the Department of Justice to develop, disseminate, and publish best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers.
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES. (a) In General.--The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall-- (1) for the purpose of developing best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers, consult with-- (A) State educational agencies and local educational agencies; (B) State and local law enforcement agencies; (C) school resource officers; (D) principals and other school leaders; (E) school safety experts, including individuals with expertise in tactical responses to security concerns; and (F) any other stakeholders determined to be relevant by the Attorney General; (2) not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and based on the consultation carried out under paragraph (1), develop and disseminate best practices for any occupation-specific education for school resource officers, including education in tactical responses to active shooter incidents and other security concerns; and (3) publish the best practices developed under paragraph (2) on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Justice. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). (2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). SEC. 3. REPORT. Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall submit to Congress a report that includes the best practices developed under section 2. <all>
School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers.
School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022
Rep. Higgins, Clay
This bill directs the Department of Justice to develop, disseminate, and publish best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers.
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES. (a) In General.--The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall-- (1) for the purpose of developing best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers, consult with-- (A) State educational agencies and local educational agencies; (B) State and local law enforcement agencies; (C) school resource officers; (D) principals and other school leaders; (E) school safety experts, including individuals with expertise in tactical responses to security concerns; and (F) any other stakeholders determined to be relevant by the Attorney General; (2) not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and based on the consultation carried out under paragraph (1), develop and disseminate best practices for any occupation-specific education for school resource officers, including education in tactical responses to active shooter incidents and other security concerns; and (3) publish the best practices developed under paragraph (2) on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Justice. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). (2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). SEC. 3. REPORT. Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall submit to Congress a report that includes the best practices developed under section 2. <all>
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES. (a) In General.--The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall-- (1) for the purpose of developing best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers, consult with-- (A) State educational agencies and local educational agencies; (B) State and local law enforcement agencies; (C) school resource officers; (D) principals and other school leaders; (E) school safety experts, including individuals with expertise in tactical responses to security concerns; and (F) any other stakeholders determined to be relevant by the Attorney General; (2) not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and based on the consultation carried out under paragraph (1), develop and disseminate best practices for any occupation-specific education for school resource officers, including education in tactical responses to active shooter incidents and other security concerns; and (3) publish the best practices developed under paragraph (2) on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Justice. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). (2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). SEC. 3. REPORT. Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall submit to Congress a report that includes the best practices developed under section 2. <all>
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES. (a) In General.--The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall-- (1) for the purpose of developing best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers, consult with-- (A) State educational agencies and local educational agencies; (B) State and local law enforcement agencies; (C) school resource officers; (D) principals and other school leaders; (E) school safety experts, including individuals with expertise in tactical responses to security concerns; and (F) any other stakeholders determined to be relevant by the Attorney General; (2) not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and based on the consultation carried out under paragraph (1), develop and disseminate best practices for any occupation-specific education for school resource officers, including education in tactical responses to active shooter incidents and other security concerns; and (3) publish the best practices developed under paragraph (2) on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Justice. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). (2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). SEC. 3. REPORT. Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall submit to Congress a report that includes the best practices developed under section 2. <all>
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES. (a) In General.--The Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall-- (1) for the purpose of developing best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers, consult with-- (A) State educational agencies and local educational agencies; (B) State and local law enforcement agencies; (C) school resource officers; (D) principals and other school leaders; (E) school safety experts, including individuals with expertise in tactical responses to security concerns; and (F) any other stakeholders determined to be relevant by the Attorney General; (2) not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and based on the consultation carried out under paragraph (1), develop and disseminate best practices for any occupation-specific education for school resource officers, including education in tactical responses to active shooter incidents and other security concerns; and (3) publish the best practices developed under paragraph (2) on a publicly accessible website of the Department of Justice. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). (2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). SEC. 3. REPORT. Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall submit to Congress a report that includes the best practices developed under section 2. <all>
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). ( 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). ( 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). ( 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). ( 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
To direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. This Act may be cited as the ``School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022''. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) School resource officer.--The term ``school resource officer'' has the meaning given the term in section 1709(4) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10389(4)). ( 2) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``school leader'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given the terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).
School Watch and Tactics Act of 2022 - Directs the Attorney General and the Secretary of Education to develop and implement best practices for occupation-specific education for school resource officers. Requires the Secretary to: (1) consult with state educational agencies and local educational agencies (LEAs), state and local law enforcement agencies, and school safety experts, including individuals with expertise in tactical responses to security
Armed Forces and National Security
Hear our Heroes Act of 2022 This bill provides a presumption of service-connection for hearing-related issues in certain veterans for purposes of wartime disability compensation. Under a presumption of service-connection, specific conditions diagnosed in certain veterans are presumed to have been caused by the circumstances of their military service. Health care benefits and disability compensation may then be awarded. Per the bill, certain veterans with diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both shall be presumed to have incurred or aggravated such conditions during active military, naval, or air service. This bill applies to veterans who (1) served in combat, or (2) were assigned to a military occupational specialty that likely exposed them to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma. The bill also requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hear our Heroes Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
Hear our Heroes Act of 2022
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes.
Hear our Heroes Act of 2022
Rep. Velazquez, Nydia M.
This bill provides a presumption of service-connection for hearing-related issues in certain veterans for purposes of wartime disability compensation. Under a presumption of service-connection, specific conditions diagnosed in certain veterans are presumed to have been caused by the circumstances of their military service. Health care benefits and disability compensation may then be awarded. Per the bill, certain veterans with diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both shall be presumed to have incurred or aggravated such conditions during active military, naval, or air service. This bill applies to veterans who (1) served in combat, or (2) were assigned to a military occupational specialty that likely exposed them to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma. The bill also requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hear our Heroes Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hear our Heroes Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hear our Heroes Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Hear our Heroes Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
Hear our Heroes Act of 2022 - Amends the Veterans Act to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to adjust the schedule of rating disabilities for veterans who require a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including for veterans assigned to a military occupational specialty
Science, Technology, Communications
Interstate Obscenity Definition Act This bill expands the prohibition on transmitting obscene content via interstate or foreign communications by providing for a broader definition of obscenity in statute and eliminating a requirement that obscene content be transmitted with the intent to abuse, threaten, or harass a person.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINING OBSCENITY. (a) Definition.-- (1) In general.--Section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153) is amended-- (A) by redesignating paragraphs (38) through (59) as paragraphs (39) through (60), respectively; and (B) by inserting after paragraph (37) the following: ``(38) Obscene; obscenity.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `obscene' or `obscenity', when used in a manner or context that explicitly refers to, or could apply to, a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction, includes a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction that-- ``(i) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; ``(ii) depicts, describes, or represents, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the genitals, with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person; and ``(iii) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. (2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''. <all>
Interstate Obscenity Definition Act
A bill to define "obscenity" for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes.
Interstate Obscenity Definition Act
Sen. Lee, Mike
This bill expands the prohibition on transmitting obscene content via interstate or foreign communications by providing for a broader definition of obscenity in statute and eliminating a requirement that obscene content be transmitted with the intent to abuse, threaten, or harass a person.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINING OBSCENITY. (a) Definition.-- (1) In general.--Section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153) is amended-- (A) by redesignating paragraphs (38) through (59) as paragraphs (39) through (60), respectively; and (B) by inserting after paragraph (37) the following: ``(38) Obscene; obscenity.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `obscene' or `obscenity', when used in a manner or context that explicitly refers to, or could apply to, a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction, includes a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction that-- ``(i) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; ``(ii) depicts, describes, or represents, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the genitals, with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person; and ``(iii) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. (2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''. <all>
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINING OBSCENITY. (a) Definition.-- (1) In general.--Section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153) is amended-- (A) by redesignating paragraphs (38) through (59) as paragraphs (39) through (60), respectively; and (B) by inserting after paragraph (37) the following: ``(38) Obscene; obscenity.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `obscene' or `obscenity', when used in a manner or context that explicitly refers to, or could apply to, a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction, includes a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction that-- ``(i) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; ``(ii) depicts, describes, or represents, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the genitals, with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person; and ``(iii) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. (2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''. <all>
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINING OBSCENITY. (a) Definition.-- (1) In general.--Section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153) is amended-- (A) by redesignating paragraphs (38) through (59) as paragraphs (39) through (60), respectively; and (B) by inserting after paragraph (37) the following: ``(38) Obscene; obscenity.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `obscene' or `obscenity', when used in a manner or context that explicitly refers to, or could apply to, a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction, includes a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction that-- ``(i) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; ``(ii) depicts, describes, or represents, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the genitals, with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person; and ``(iii) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. (2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''. <all>
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINING OBSCENITY. (a) Definition.-- (1) In general.--Section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 153) is amended-- (A) by redesignating paragraphs (38) through (59) as paragraphs (39) through (60), respectively; and (B) by inserting after paragraph (37) the following: ``(38) Obscene; obscenity.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `obscene' or `obscenity', when used in a manner or context that explicitly refers to, or could apply to, a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction, includes a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction that-- ``(i) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; ``(ii) depicts, describes, or represents, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or lewd exhibition of the genitals, with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person; and ``(iii) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. (2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''. <all>
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. ( 2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. ( 2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. ( 2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. ( 2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. b) Obscene or Harassing Telephone Calls in the District of Columbia or in Interstate or Foreign Communications.--Section 223(a)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 223(a)(1)(A)) is amended, in the undesignated matter following clause (ii), by striking ``, with intent to abuse, threaten, or harass another person''.
To define ``obscenity'' for purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Interstate Obscenity Definition Act''. ``(B) Sexual act; sexual contact.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the terms `sexual act' and `sexual contact' have the meanings given those terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.''. ( 2) Technical and conforming amendment.--Section 271(c)(1)(A) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 271(c)(1)(A)) is amended by striking ``section 3(47)(A)'' and inserting ``section 3(55)(A)''. (
Interstate Obscenity Definition Act - Amends the Communications Act of 1934 to define "obscence" for purposes of the Act, and for other purposes. (Currently, the Act defines "obscene" as a picture, image, graphic image file, film, videotape, or other visual depiction that: (1) appeals to the prurient interest in
Armed Forces and National Security
Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022 This bill provides a presumption of service-connection for hearing-related issues in certain veterans for purposes of wartime disability compensation. Under a presumption of service-connection, specific conditions diagnosed in certain veterans are presumed to have been caused by the circumstances of their military service. Health care benefits and disability compensation may then be awarded. Per the bill, certain veterans with diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both shall be presumed to have incurred or aggravated such conditions during active military, naval, or air service. This bill applies to veterans who (1) served in combat, or (2) were assigned to a military occupational specialty that likely exposed them to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma. The bill also requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes.
Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022
Sen. Smith, Tina
This bill provides a presumption of service-connection for hearing-related issues in certain veterans for purposes of wartime disability compensation. Under a presumption of service-connection, specific conditions diagnosed in certain veterans are presumed to have been caused by the circumstances of their military service. Health care benefits and disability compensation may then be awarded. Per the bill, certain veterans with diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both shall be presumed to have incurred or aggravated such conditions during active military, naval, or air service. This bill applies to veterans who (1) served in combat, or (2) were assigned to a military occupational specialty that likely exposed them to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma. The bill also requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022''. SEC. 2. PRESUMPTION OF SERVICE-CONNECTION FOR HEARING LOSS AND TINNITUS. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(2) A veteran described in this paragraph is a veteran who while on active military, naval, or air service-- ``(A) was assigned to a military occupational specialty or equivalent described in paragraph (3); or ``(B) served in combat. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. SEC. 3. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION. Pursuant to section 1155 of title 38, United States Code, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall adjust the schedule of rating disabilities to establish a minimum disability rating for a veteran who requires a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including pursuant to section 1112(d) of such title, as amended by section 2. <all>
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service.
To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Section 1112 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(d)(1) For purposes of section 1110 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 1113 of this title, diagnosed hearing loss, tinnitus, or both of a veteran described in paragraph (2) shall be considered to have been incurred in or aggravated by the active military, naval, or air service of the veteran, notwithstanding that there is no record of evidence of such hearing loss or tinnitus, as the case may be, during the period of such service. ``(3) A military occupational specialty or equivalent referred to in paragraph (2)(A) is a military occupational specialty or equivalent in which individuals assigned to such military occupational specialty or equivalent in the active military, naval, or air service are or were likely to be exposed to a sufficiently high level of acoustic trauma as to result in permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, or both, as determined by the Secretary.''. MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE FOR RATES FOR DISABILITY COMPENSATION.
Veterans Hearing Benefits Act of 2022 - Amends Federal veterans' law to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. Requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to adjust the schedule of rating disabilities for disability compensation for veterans who require a hearing aid because of a service-connected disability, including to establish
Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021 This bill requires the Department of Education (ED) to collect data on the food and housing insecurity of college students. Specifically, ED must add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. In addition, ED must collect data on student eligibility under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). ED must also provide students with contact information for the state agency that administers SNAP in their state.
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. QUESTIONS ON FOOD AND HOUSING INSECURITY IN NATIONAL POSTSECONDARY STUDENT AID STUDY. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. SEC. 3. INFORMATION ON SNAP ELIGIBILITY. (a) In General.--Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Information on SNAP Eligibility.-- ``(1) In general.--For each year for which a student described in paragraph (2) submits a form described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall send to such student information regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) in written and electronic form. Both the written and electronic communication shall include contact information for the State agency responsible for administering the supplemental nutrition assistance program in the State in which the student resides. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)). SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act and the amendment made by this Act shall take effect 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses.
Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021
Rep. Hayes, Jahana
This bill requires the Department of Education (ED) to collect data on the food and housing insecurity of college students. Specifically, ED must add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. In addition, ED must collect data on student eligibility under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). ED must also provide students with contact information for the state agency that administers SNAP in their state.
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. QUESTIONS ON FOOD AND HOUSING INSECURITY IN NATIONAL POSTSECONDARY STUDENT AID STUDY. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. SEC. 3. INFORMATION ON SNAP ELIGIBILITY. (a) In General.--Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Information on SNAP Eligibility.-- ``(1) In general.--For each year for which a student described in paragraph (2) submits a form described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall send to such student information regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) in written and electronic form. Both the written and electronic communication shall include contact information for the State agency responsible for administering the supplemental nutrition assistance program in the State in which the student resides. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)). SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act and the amendment made by this Act shall take effect 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. QUESTIONS ON FOOD AND HOUSING INSECURITY IN NATIONAL POSTSECONDARY STUDENT AID STUDY. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. SEC. 3. INFORMATION ON SNAP ELIGIBILITY. (a) In General.--Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Information on SNAP Eligibility.-- ``(1) In general.--For each year for which a student described in paragraph (2) submits a form described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall send to such student information regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) in written and electronic form. Both the written and electronic communication shall include contact information for the State agency responsible for administering the supplemental nutrition assistance program in the State in which the student resides. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)). SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act and the amendment made by this Act shall take effect 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. QUESTIONS ON FOOD AND HOUSING INSECURITY IN NATIONAL POSTSECONDARY STUDENT AID STUDY. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. SEC. 3. INFORMATION ON SNAP ELIGIBILITY. (a) In General.--Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Information on SNAP Eligibility.-- ``(1) In general.--For each year for which a student described in paragraph (2) submits a form described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall send to such student information regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) in written and electronic form. Both the written and electronic communication shall include contact information for the State agency responsible for administering the supplemental nutrition assistance program in the State in which the student resides. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)). SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act and the amendment made by this Act shall take effect 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. QUESTIONS ON FOOD AND HOUSING INSECURITY IN NATIONAL POSTSECONDARY STUDENT AID STUDY. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. SEC. 3. INFORMATION ON SNAP ELIGIBILITY. (a) In General.--Section 483 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Information on SNAP Eligibility.-- ``(1) In general.--For each year for which a student described in paragraph (2) submits a form described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall send to such student information regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) in written and electronic form. Both the written and electronic communication shall include contact information for the State agency responsible for administering the supplemental nutrition assistance program in the State in which the student resides. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)). SEC. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act and the amendment made by this Act shall take effect 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act. <all>
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)).
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. ( b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. ( b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)).
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. ( b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)).
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. ( b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)).
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. ``(2) Students.--A student is described in this paragraph if the student has an expected family contribution equal to zero for the year.''. ( b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.)
To address food and housing insecurity on college campuses. The Secretary of Education shall add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. (b) Consultation.--The Secretary of Education shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, and the head of any other applicable Federal or State agency, in designing the written and electronic communication regarding potential eligibility for assistance under, and application process for, the supplemental nutrition assistance program established under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) as described in section 483(i) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1090(i)).
Closing the College Hunger Gap Act of 2021 - Amends title IV (Student Assistance) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 to direct the Secretary of Education to add questions that measure rates of food and housing insecurity to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study. Requires the Secretary to: (1) provide students with information regarding potential eligibility for assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP
Armed Forces and National Security
Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021 This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to obtain a medical opinion that determines whether a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death for a veteran who died from COVID-19. Specifically, the VA must obtain this determination before notifying a claimant for survivor benefits of the final decision regarding such benefits in any case where The VA must provide information to veterans, their dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying for dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID-19. Such information must be available through the VA's website and via other outreach mechanisms.
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MEDICAL OPINIONS FOR CERTAIN VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITIES WHO DIE OF COVID-19. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall secure a medical opinion to determine if a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death before notifying the survivor of the final decision in any case in which all of the following factors are met: (1) A claim for compensation is filed under chapter 13 of title 38, Unites States Code, with respect to a veteran with one or more service-connected disabilities who dies. (2) The death certificate for the veteran identifies Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as the principal or contributory cause of death. (3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. (4) A service-connected disability of the veteran includes a condition more likely to cause severe illness from COVID-19 as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. (6) The evidence to support the claim does not result in a preliminary finding in favor of the claimant. (b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19. The Secretary shall provide such information through the website of the Department of Veterans Affairs and via other outreach mechanisms. Passed the Senate July 21, 2021. Attest: Secretary. 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021
A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes.
Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021 Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID–19 Act of 2021 Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID–19 Act of 2021 Ensuring Survivor Benefits During COVID–19 Act of 2021
Sen. Sinema, Kyrsten
This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to obtain a medical opinion that determines whether a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death for a veteran who died from COVID-19. Specifically, the VA must obtain this determination before notifying a claimant for survivor benefits of the final decision regarding such benefits in any case where The VA must provide information to veterans, their dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying for dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID-19. Such information must be available through the VA's website and via other outreach mechanisms.
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MEDICAL OPINIONS FOR CERTAIN VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITIES WHO DIE OF COVID-19. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall secure a medical opinion to determine if a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death before notifying the survivor of the final decision in any case in which all of the following factors are met: (1) A claim for compensation is filed under chapter 13 of title 38, Unites States Code, with respect to a veteran with one or more service-connected disabilities who dies. (2) The death certificate for the veteran identifies Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as the principal or contributory cause of death. (3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. (4) A service-connected disability of the veteran includes a condition more likely to cause severe illness from COVID-19 as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. (6) The evidence to support the claim does not result in a preliminary finding in favor of the claimant. (b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19. The Secretary shall provide such information through the website of the Department of Veterans Affairs and via other outreach mechanisms. Passed the Senate July 21, 2021. Attest: Secretary. 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MEDICAL OPINIONS FOR CERTAIN VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITIES WHO DIE OF COVID-19. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall secure a medical opinion to determine if a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death before notifying the survivor of the final decision in any case in which all of the following factors are met: (1) A claim for compensation is filed under chapter 13 of title 38, Unites States Code, with respect to a veteran with one or more service-connected disabilities who dies. (2) The death certificate for the veteran identifies Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as the principal or contributory cause of death. (3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. (4) A service-connected disability of the veteran includes a condition more likely to cause severe illness from COVID-19 as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. (6) The evidence to support the claim does not result in a preliminary finding in favor of the claimant. (b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19. The Secretary shall provide such information through the website of the Department of Veterans Affairs and via other outreach mechanisms. Passed the Senate July 21, 2021. Attest: Secretary. 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MEDICAL OPINIONS FOR CERTAIN VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITIES WHO DIE OF COVID-19. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall secure a medical opinion to determine if a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death before notifying the survivor of the final decision in any case in which all of the following factors are met: (1) A claim for compensation is filed under chapter 13 of title 38, Unites States Code, with respect to a veteran with one or more service-connected disabilities who dies. (2) The death certificate for the veteran identifies Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as the principal or contributory cause of death. (3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. (4) A service-connected disability of the veteran includes a condition more likely to cause severe illness from COVID-19 as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. (6) The evidence to support the claim does not result in a preliminary finding in favor of the claimant. (b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19. The Secretary shall provide such information through the website of the Department of Veterans Affairs and via other outreach mechanisms. Passed the Senate July 21, 2021. Attest: Secretary. 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MEDICAL OPINIONS FOR CERTAIN VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITIES WHO DIE OF COVID-19. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall secure a medical opinion to determine if a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death before notifying the survivor of the final decision in any case in which all of the following factors are met: (1) A claim for compensation is filed under chapter 13 of title 38, Unites States Code, with respect to a veteran with one or more service-connected disabilities who dies. (2) The death certificate for the veteran identifies Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as the principal or contributory cause of death. (3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. (4) A service-connected disability of the veteran includes a condition more likely to cause severe illness from COVID-19 as determined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. (6) The evidence to support the claim does not result in a preliminary finding in favor of the claimant. (b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19. The Secretary shall provide such information through the website of the Department of Veterans Affairs and via other outreach mechanisms. Passed the Senate July 21, 2021. Attest: Secretary. 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. ( b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19.
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. ( b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19.
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. ( b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19.
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. ( b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19.
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( 117th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 89 _______________________________________________________________________
To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to secure medical opinions for veterans with service-connected disabilities who die from COVID-19 to determine whether their service-connected disabilities were the principal or contributory causes of death, and for other purposes. 3) The death certificate does not clearly identify any of the service-connected disabilities of the veteran as the principal or contributory cause of death. ( (5) The claimant is not entitled to benefits under section 1318 of such title. ( b) Outreach.--The Secretary shall provide information to veterans, dependents, and veterans service organizations about applying to dependency and indemnity compensation when a veteran dies from COVID- 19.
Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of 2021 This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to secure a medical opinion to determine if a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death before notifying the survivor of the final decision in any case in which all of the following factors are met: (1) a claim for compensation is filed
Housing and Community Development
Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021 This bill reallocates to urban counties, under certain circumstances, Emergency Solutions Grant funds to help individuals and families regain permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. Currently, the Department of Housing and Urban Development typically reallocates the funds to the state in which a city or county is located if the funds going to a recipient metropolitan city or urban county are less than a specified amount. The bill generally maintains this reallocation arrangement but also establishes certain circumstances when these funds must go to the urban county in which a recipient metropolitan city is located or to the recipient urban county directly. An urban county receiving reallocated funds designated for a recipient metropolitan city must spend these funds for the benefit of the metropolitan cities located within the county.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MINIMUM ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM. Section 414(b) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11373(b)) is amended to read as follows: ``(b) Minimum Allocation Requirement.-- ``(1) In general.--If, under the allocation provisions applicable under this subtitle, a metropolitan city or an urban county would receive a grant of less than .05 percent of the amounts appropriated under section 408 and made available to carry out this subtitle for any fiscal year, such amount shall be reallocated to the State in which the metropolitan city or urban county, as applicable, is located, except that-- ``(A) in the case of the metropolitan city, such amount shall be reallocated to the urban county in which the metropolitan city is located, if the urban county-- ``(i) has previously received and administered assistance under this section; and ``(ii) agrees to receive such amount; and ``(B) in the case of the urban county, such amount shall be provided to the urban county if the urban county has previously received and administered assistance under this section. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''. <all>
Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program.
Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021
Rep. Sires, Albio
This bill reallocates to urban counties, under certain circumstances, Emergency Solutions Grant funds to help individuals and families regain permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. Currently, the Department of Housing and Urban Development typically reallocates the funds to the state in which a city or county is located if the funds going to a recipient metropolitan city or urban county are less than a specified amount. The bill generally maintains this reallocation arrangement but also establishes certain circumstances when these funds must go to the urban county in which a recipient metropolitan city is located or to the recipient urban county directly. An urban county receiving reallocated funds designated for a recipient metropolitan city must spend these funds for the benefit of the metropolitan cities located within the county.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MINIMUM ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM. Section 414(b) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11373(b)) is amended to read as follows: ``(b) Minimum Allocation Requirement.-- ``(1) In general.--If, under the allocation provisions applicable under this subtitle, a metropolitan city or an urban county would receive a grant of less than .05 percent of the amounts appropriated under section 408 and made available to carry out this subtitle for any fiscal year, such amount shall be reallocated to the State in which the metropolitan city or urban county, as applicable, is located, except that-- ``(A) in the case of the metropolitan city, such amount shall be reallocated to the urban county in which the metropolitan city is located, if the urban county-- ``(i) has previously received and administered assistance under this section; and ``(ii) agrees to receive such amount; and ``(B) in the case of the urban county, such amount shall be provided to the urban county if the urban county has previously received and administered assistance under this section. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''. <all>
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MINIMUM ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM. Section 414(b) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11373(b)) is amended to read as follows: ``(b) Minimum Allocation Requirement.-- ``(1) In general.--If, under the allocation provisions applicable under this subtitle, a metropolitan city or an urban county would receive a grant of less than .05 percent of the amounts appropriated under section 408 and made available to carry out this subtitle for any fiscal year, such amount shall be reallocated to the State in which the metropolitan city or urban county, as applicable, is located, except that-- ``(A) in the case of the metropolitan city, such amount shall be reallocated to the urban county in which the metropolitan city is located, if the urban county-- ``(i) has previously received and administered assistance under this section; and ``(ii) agrees to receive such amount; and ``(B) in the case of the urban county, such amount shall be provided to the urban county if the urban county has previously received and administered assistance under this section. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''. <all>
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MINIMUM ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM. Section 414(b) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11373(b)) is amended to read as follows: ``(b) Minimum Allocation Requirement.-- ``(1) In general.--If, under the allocation provisions applicable under this subtitle, a metropolitan city or an urban county would receive a grant of less than .05 percent of the amounts appropriated under section 408 and made available to carry out this subtitle for any fiscal year, such amount shall be reallocated to the State in which the metropolitan city or urban county, as applicable, is located, except that-- ``(A) in the case of the metropolitan city, such amount shall be reallocated to the urban county in which the metropolitan city is located, if the urban county-- ``(i) has previously received and administered assistance under this section; and ``(ii) agrees to receive such amount; and ``(B) in the case of the urban county, such amount shall be provided to the urban county if the urban county has previously received and administered assistance under this section. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''. <all>
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. MINIMUM ALLOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM. Section 414(b) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11373(b)) is amended to read as follows: ``(b) Minimum Allocation Requirement.-- ``(1) In general.--If, under the allocation provisions applicable under this subtitle, a metropolitan city or an urban county would receive a grant of less than .05 percent of the amounts appropriated under section 408 and made available to carry out this subtitle for any fiscal year, such amount shall be reallocated to the State in which the metropolitan city or urban county, as applicable, is located, except that-- ``(A) in the case of the metropolitan city, such amount shall be reallocated to the urban county in which the metropolitan city is located, if the urban county-- ``(i) has previously received and administered assistance under this section; and ``(ii) agrees to receive such amount; and ``(B) in the case of the urban county, such amount shall be provided to the urban county if the urban county has previously received and administered assistance under this section. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''. <all>
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987.
To modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. This Act may be cited as the ``Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021''. ``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a metropolitan city shall receive the grant amount described such paragraph if the metropolitan city-- ``(A) is located in a State that does not have counties as local governments; ``(B) has a population greater than 40,000 but less than 50,000 as used in determining the fiscal year 1987 community development block grant program allocation; and ``(C) was allocated in excess of $1,000,000 in community development block grant funds in fiscal year 1987. ``(3) Amounts reallocated to urban counties.--An urban county that receives amounts reallocated under paragraph (1)(A) shall expend those amounts for the benefit of metropolitan cities located in the urban county.''.
Local Solutions to End Homelessness Act of 2021 This bill amends the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to modify the minimum allocation requirement for the emergency solutions grants program. If a metropolitan city or an urban county would receive a grant of less than.05% of the amounts appropriated under this Act for any fiscal year, such amount shall be reallocated to the state in which
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021 This bill makes physical therapists eligible for the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program. This program assists primary care, mental health, and dental providers in repaying eligible student loans in exchange for working in areas with shortages of such providers.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021
A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes.
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021
Sen. Tester, Jon
This bill makes physical therapists eligible for the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program. This program assists primary care, mental health, and dental providers in repaying eligible student loans in exchange for working in areas with shortages of such providers.
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; FINDINGS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021''. (b) Findings.--Congress finds as follows: (1) Physical therapists play an important role in the prevention, treatment, or management of pain for individuals, including those with substance use disorders, or at risk of developing a substance use disorder. (2) Physical therapists are also playing an important role in the physical rehabilitation needs of individuals who have developed chronic health conditions as a result of COVID-19. SEC. 2. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE CORPS; PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL THERAPISTS IN LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM. (a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (b) Loan Repayment Program.--Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l-1) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting ``physical therapists,'' after ``dentists,''; (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) by striking ``, or be certified'' and inserting ``; be certified''; and (ii) by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``; or have a doctoral or master's degree in physical therapy''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``mental health,''; and (C) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``physical therapy,'' after ``dentistry,''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(i) Eligibility To Participate in Other Programs.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any health care professional who is eligible to participate in the program under this section from participating in any other loan repayment program established by the Secretary for which such professional is eligible.''. <all>
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. a) Mission of Corps; Definition of Primary Health Services.-- Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D)) is amended by striking ``or mental health,'' and inserting ``mental health, or physical therapy,''. (
Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Access Act of 2021 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to provide for the participation of physical therapists in the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program, and for other purposes. (Sec. 2) Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to: (1) revise the definition of primary health services
Armed Forces and National Security
Redirecting Resources to the Border Act This bill addresses the relocation of personnel and fencing deployed in the National Capital Region in response to the January 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol building and grounds. Specifically, the bill requires all fencing installed in response to the attacks to be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. The Department of Defense must reassign National Guard members who were deployed in response to the attacks to the National Capital Region on or after January 6, 2021, to the southern land border of the United States to assist U.S. Customs and Border patrol.
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Redirecting Resources to the Border Act''. SEC. 2. RELOCATION OF FENCING AROUND THE CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL GROUNDS; REASSIGNMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. (a) Fencing.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, all covered fencing shall be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. (b) National Guard.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall reassign covered members to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection in securing the southern land border of the United States. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. (3) The term ``covered member'' means a member of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region-- (A) on or after January 6, 2021; and (B) to perform covered duty. (4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code. <all>
Redirecting Resources to the Border Act
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States.
Redirecting Resources to the Border Act
Rep. Weber, Randy K., Sr.
This bill addresses the relocation of personnel and fencing deployed in the National Capital Region in response to the January 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol building and grounds. Specifically, the bill requires all fencing installed in response to the attacks to be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. The Department of Defense must reassign National Guard members who were deployed in response to the attacks to the National Capital Region on or after January 6, 2021, to the southern land border of the United States to assist U.S. Customs and Border patrol.
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Redirecting Resources to the Border Act''. SEC. 2. RELOCATION OF FENCING AROUND THE CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL GROUNDS; REASSIGNMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. (a) Fencing.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, all covered fencing shall be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. (b) National Guard.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall reassign covered members to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection in securing the southern land border of the United States. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. (3) The term ``covered member'' means a member of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region-- (A) on or after January 6, 2021; and (B) to perform covered duty. (4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code. <all>
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Redirecting Resources to the Border Act''. SEC. 2. RELOCATION OF FENCING AROUND THE CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL GROUNDS; REASSIGNMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. (a) Fencing.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, all covered fencing shall be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. (b) National Guard.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall reassign covered members to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection in securing the southern land border of the United States. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. (3) The term ``covered member'' means a member of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region-- (A) on or after January 6, 2021; and (B) to perform covered duty. (4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code. <all>
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Redirecting Resources to the Border Act''. SEC. 2. RELOCATION OF FENCING AROUND THE CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL GROUNDS; REASSIGNMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. (a) Fencing.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, all covered fencing shall be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. (b) National Guard.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall reassign covered members to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection in securing the southern land border of the United States. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. (3) The term ``covered member'' means a member of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region-- (A) on or after January 6, 2021; and (B) to perform covered duty. (4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code. <all>
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Redirecting Resources to the Border Act''. SEC. 2. RELOCATION OF FENCING AROUND THE CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL GROUNDS; REASSIGNMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. (a) Fencing.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, all covered fencing shall be relocated to the southern land border of the United States. (b) National Guard.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall reassign covered members to support U.S. Customs and Border Protection in securing the southern land border of the United States. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. (3) The term ``covered member'' means a member of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region-- (A) on or after January 6, 2021; and (B) to perform covered duty. (4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code. <all>
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. ( 4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code.
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. ( 4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code.
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. ( 4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code.
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. ( 4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code.
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (
To relocate fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds, and to direct the Secretary of Defense to reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the southern land border of the United States. c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) The term ``covered duty'' means duty performed-- (A) in the National Capital Region; and (B) in support of the mission in response to the attacks on January 6, 2021, on the Capitol Buildings and the United States Capitol Grounds (described in sections 5101 and 5102 of title 40, United States Code). (2) The term ``covered fencing'' means fencing installed on or after January 6, 2021, around-- (A) the perimeter of any of the Capitol Buildings described in section 5101 of title 40, United States Code; or (B) the perimeter of the United States Capitol Grounds, or any portion thereof, described in section 5102 of such title. ( 4) The term ``National Capital Region'' has the meaning given that term in section 2674 of title 10, United States Code.
Redirecting Resources to the Border Act This bill directs the Department of Defense (DOD) to relocate all covered fencing around the Capitol Buildings and the U.S. Capitol Grounds to the southern land border of the United States. DOD shall reassign members of the National Guard deployed to the National Capital Region to the border to support U. S. Customs and Border Protection in securing the
Natural Immunity Transparency Act This bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services to report within 30 days of the bill's enactment to Congress concerning natural immunity to COVID-19. In particular, the report must compare certain outcomes for individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection without having received the vaccination and individuals who received the vaccination.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. REPORT ON COVID-19 NATURAL IMMUNITY. (a) In General.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a report that contains the following data-- (1) the number of individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection, and never received a COVID-19 vaccine, during the period beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; (C) had an additional confirmed case of COVID-19; or (D) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person or persons while reinfected; and (2) the number of individuals who received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine during the period beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; or (C) had a confirmed breakthrough case. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. (2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3). <all>
Natural Immunity Transparency Act
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes.
Natural Immunity Transparency Act
Rep. Roy, Chip
This bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services to report within 30 days of the bill's enactment to Congress concerning natural immunity to COVID-19. In particular, the report must compare certain outcomes for individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection without having received the vaccination and individuals who received the vaccination.
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. REPORT ON COVID-19 NATURAL IMMUNITY. (a) In General.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a report that contains the following data-- (1) the number of individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection, and never received a COVID-19 vaccine, during the period beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; (C) had an additional confirmed case of COVID-19; or (D) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person or persons while reinfected; and (2) the number of individuals who received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine during the period beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; or (C) had a confirmed breakthrough case. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. (2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. REPORT ON COVID-19 NATURAL IMMUNITY. (a) In General.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a report that contains the following data-- (1) the number of individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection, and never received a COVID-19 vaccine, during the period beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; (C) had an additional confirmed case of COVID-19; or (D) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person or persons while reinfected; and (2) the number of individuals who received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine during the period beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; or (C) had a confirmed breakthrough case. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. (2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. REPORT ON COVID-19 NATURAL IMMUNITY. (a) In General.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a report that contains the following data-- (1) the number of individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection, and never received a COVID-19 vaccine, during the period beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; (C) had an additional confirmed case of COVID-19; or (D) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person or persons while reinfected; and (2) the number of individuals who received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine during the period beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; or (C) had a confirmed breakthrough case. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. (2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. SEC. 2. REPORT ON COVID-19 NATURAL IMMUNITY. (a) In General.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a report that contains the following data-- (1) the number of individuals who recovered from a COVID-19 infection, and never received a COVID-19 vaccine, during the period beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; (C) had an additional confirmed case of COVID-19; or (D) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person or persons while reinfected; and (2) the number of individuals who received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine during the period beginning on December 14, 2020, and ending on such date of enactment, and who subsequently-- (A) died from a COVID-19 infection; (B) were hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection; or (C) had a confirmed breakthrough case. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. (2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3). <all>
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. ( 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. ( 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. ( 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. ( 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Natural Immunity Transparency Act''. (b) Definitions.-- In this section: (1) Breakthrough case.--The term ``breakthrough case'', with respect to a case of COVID-19, means the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from an individual at least 14 days after the date on which such individual received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. ( 2) COVID-19 vaccine.--The term ``COVID-19 vaccine'' means a vaccine for COVID-19 that has been licensed under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262) or authorized for emergency use under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3).
Natural Immunity Transparency Act This bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to submit to Congress a report on COVID-19 natural immunity, and for other purposes. The report must include data on: (1) the number of individuals who recovered from a CoV-19 infection, and never received a COVID19 vaccine, during the period beginning on January 1
Agriculture and Food
Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021 This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to hold national hearings to review Federal Milk Marketing Orders. (USDA uses these orders to establish a minimum price for various classes of milk.) The hearings must include the review of proposals from producers and the dairy industry on the price of Class I skim milk.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. NOTICE AND HEARINGS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide notice of, and initiate, national hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders under section 8c(3) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (7 U.S.C. 608c(3)), reenacted with amendments by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, which shall include review and consideration of views and proposals of producers and the dairy industry on the Class I skim milk price, including the ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula described in subsection (b) and any other views and proposals on the Class I skim milk price, and such other matters as the Secretary of Agriculture considers appropriate. (b) ``Higher of'' Class I Skim Milk Formula Described.--The ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula referred to in subsection (a) is the formula under which, for purposes of determining prices for milk of the highest use classification, the Class I skim milk price per hundredweight specified in section 1000.50(b) of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), is equal to the sum obtained by adding-- (1) the adjusted Class I differential specified in section 1000.52 of that title (or successor regulations); (2) the adjustment to Class I prices specified in sections 1005.51(b), 1006.51(b), and 1007.51(b) of that title (or successor regulations); and (3) the higher of-- (A) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(1) of that title (or successor regulations); and (B) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(2) of that title (or successor regulations). <all>
Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021
A bill to require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes.
Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E.
This bill directs the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to hold national hearings to review Federal Milk Marketing Orders. (USDA uses these orders to establish a minimum price for various classes of milk.) The hearings must include the review of proposals from producers and the dairy industry on the price of Class I skim milk.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. NOTICE AND HEARINGS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide notice of, and initiate, national hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders under section 8c(3) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (7 U.S.C. 608c(3)), reenacted with amendments by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, which shall include review and consideration of views and proposals of producers and the dairy industry on the Class I skim milk price, including the ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula described in subsection (b) and any other views and proposals on the Class I skim milk price, and such other matters as the Secretary of Agriculture considers appropriate. (b) ``Higher of'' Class I Skim Milk Formula Described.--The ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula referred to in subsection (a) is the formula under which, for purposes of determining prices for milk of the highest use classification, the Class I skim milk price per hundredweight specified in section 1000.50(b) of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), is equal to the sum obtained by adding-- (1) the adjusted Class I differential specified in section 1000.52 of that title (or successor regulations); (2) the adjustment to Class I prices specified in sections 1005.51(b), 1006.51(b), and 1007.51(b) of that title (or successor regulations); and (3) the higher of-- (A) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(1) of that title (or successor regulations); and (B) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(2) of that title (or successor regulations). <all>
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. NOTICE AND HEARINGS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide notice of, and initiate, national hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders under section 8c(3) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (7 U.S.C. 608c(3)), reenacted with amendments by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, which shall include review and consideration of views and proposals of producers and the dairy industry on the Class I skim milk price, including the ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula described in subsection (b) and any other views and proposals on the Class I skim milk price, and such other matters as the Secretary of Agriculture considers appropriate. (b) ``Higher of'' Class I Skim Milk Formula Described.--The ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula referred to in subsection (a) is the formula under which, for purposes of determining prices for milk of the highest use classification, the Class I skim milk price per hundredweight specified in section 1000.50(b) of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), is equal to the sum obtained by adding-- (1) the adjusted Class I differential specified in section 1000.52 of that title (or successor regulations); (2) the adjustment to Class I prices specified in sections 1005.51(b), 1006.51(b), and 1007.51(b) of that title (or successor regulations); and (3) the higher of-- (A) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(1) of that title (or successor regulations); and (B) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(2) of that title (or successor regulations). <all>
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. NOTICE AND HEARINGS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide notice of, and initiate, national hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders under section 8c(3) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (7 U.S.C. 608c(3)), reenacted with amendments by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, which shall include review and consideration of views and proposals of producers and the dairy industry on the Class I skim milk price, including the ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula described in subsection (b) and any other views and proposals on the Class I skim milk price, and such other matters as the Secretary of Agriculture considers appropriate. (b) ``Higher of'' Class I Skim Milk Formula Described.--The ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula referred to in subsection (a) is the formula under which, for purposes of determining prices for milk of the highest use classification, the Class I skim milk price per hundredweight specified in section 1000.50(b) of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), is equal to the sum obtained by adding-- (1) the adjusted Class I differential specified in section 1000.52 of that title (or successor regulations); (2) the adjustment to Class I prices specified in sections 1005.51(b), 1006.51(b), and 1007.51(b) of that title (or successor regulations); and (3) the higher of-- (A) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(1) of that title (or successor regulations); and (B) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(2) of that title (or successor regulations). <all>
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''. SEC. 2. NOTICE AND HEARINGS. (a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall provide notice of, and initiate, national hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders under section 8c(3) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (7 U.S.C. 608c(3)), reenacted with amendments by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, which shall include review and consideration of views and proposals of producers and the dairy industry on the Class I skim milk price, including the ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula described in subsection (b) and any other views and proposals on the Class I skim milk price, and such other matters as the Secretary of Agriculture considers appropriate. (b) ``Higher of'' Class I Skim Milk Formula Described.--The ``higher of'' Class I skim milk formula referred to in subsection (a) is the formula under which, for purposes of determining prices for milk of the highest use classification, the Class I skim milk price per hundredweight specified in section 1000.50(b) of title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), is equal to the sum obtained by adding-- (1) the adjusted Class I differential specified in section 1000.52 of that title (or successor regulations); (2) the adjustment to Class I prices specified in sections 1005.51(b), 1006.51(b), and 1007.51(b) of that title (or successor regulations); and (3) the higher of-- (A) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(1) of that title (or successor regulations); and (B) the advanced pricing factor computed under section 1000.50(q)(2) of that title (or successor regulations). <all>
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
To require the Secretary of Agriculture to initiate hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders relating to pricing of Class I skim milk, and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the ``Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021''.
Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2021 - Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to provide notice of, and initiate, national hearings to review Federal milk marketing orders under the Agricultural Adjustment Act reenacted with amendments by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, which shall include review and consideration of views and proposals of producers and the dairy industry on the Class I skim milk price, including the higher