Maverick A/N: This is one of my first Zoid stories. It's short, but it's good. I hope you feel the same. Please R&R. MAVERICK He walked slowly through the bitter night. Each step felt like daggers to his weary body but he pressed onward. On his trek, his sole companion was the flitting shadows of dying candles in the slumbering houses he past. Pulling his cloak tighter around him, he faced the cold, deserted roads alone. He was alone. He was truly, utterly, miserably alone. He had no one to turn to, nothing to hold on to in this cruel world. His parents had been taken from him when he was but a child; his Organoid and possibly only friend, Shadow, had been seized ruthlessly away from him as well; even Lord Prozen, who was the farthest thing from a kind fatherly figure to him, had been torn away by the hands of death. Fighting tears, he tried to laugh at his pitiable self. The laughter was choked by the sadness welling up in his heart, if it could be called a heart. It felt as if a lump of charcoal had replaced that once life-giving organ. As a result of this substitution, he had lost his humanity amongst the bloody battlefields he had fought and won upon. He was no longer human. He crossed the border of the town and entered the desert plains on its outskirts. Immediately, he was blasted by a strong gust of wind. He braced against it, shielding his eyes from the stinging sand. The winds died down and he continued forward. On his journey no one welcomed him. The doors of their homes were shut and locked as he past them. No one offered him food, water, or shelter. The children were led away from him. He knew he deserved it for all the terrible things he had done to the people of Planet Zi. It was retribution for all the fear he had struck into their hearts. Yet hadn't Hiltz caused more damage and brought about more fear than he had? He didn't understand why the people couldn't be a little nicer to him. He had been human, at one point, just like them. He got hungry, tired, and thirsty just like they did. Yet, they treated him as if he were a monster. He sighed. They had every right to do so. He was a monster. This deepened the sadness within him. He sat on a boulder in the middle of the desert, resting for a moment. Off to the west, the sun was setting, splashing the sky with colors ranging from the deepest red to the softest pink, from the darkest purple to lightest blue. He took a moment to try and see the beauty in the sunset, but found he could not do so. He had lost his humanity, and with it, the ability to appreciate the beauty in the world around him. He waited until the two moons rose so he could walk in their guiding light. Suddenly, in the distance, he spotted something. He squinted, trying to figure out what it was. It was a tall silhouette against the wilderness, dark in comparison with the dunes of golden sand. It seemed to have four legs and a tail, with objects atop its back, and large incisors. With much contempt he realized it could only be a Zoid; one meddlesome Zoid in particular that belonged to his worthy adversary. It undoubtedly was Van Fleiheit's Blade Liger. His hands balled into fists at the thought of that cocky Zoid pilot. The flames of his hatred were fanned with sparks of jealousy. Van had everything. He had family, friends, and a happy childhood. He had been brought up in a loving home and was well cared for. Most of all, he still had his Organoid, Zeke. Raven couldn't help but hate him. Nothing but adversity had plagued his life while Van had not a clue. Because of this injustice, he swore to kill him. Without Shadow's help, that task seemed impossible. Oh well, I can always strangle him with my bare hands.someday.but not now. I'm not in the mood. The Liger faced his direction and he knew its heat-sensors had picked him up. It proceeded towards him at a leisurely pace, and he wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to face Van now. All he wanted was to get away from him and his stupid Zoid as soon as possible. But there was no way of avoiding this confrontation, so he stood his ground, and waited for the Liger to close in. The Blade Liger's cockpit hissed open and a shocked Van could be seen in the pilot seat. "Raven?" he asked in disbelief. "Is that you?" He made to attempt to reply. "We all thought you had died when Hiltz deployed the Death Stinger's Charged Particle (Beam) in New Hellick's city. How did you manage to survive a direct blast?" Van seemed to think for a moment, then jumped down from the cockpit to stand before him. Raven smirked at the fact that he was taller than the Guardian Force Fighter. "Don't be shy, Raven. I know you can talk." "What's brought upon this sudden bravery, Van?" "Huh? What are you talking about?" Van looked confused. "Before, when I had my Geno Breaker, you would have never gotten out of your cockpit. Now that I don't have it or my Organoid, do you think I'm less of a threat to you?" He glared at him. Maybe now was a good time to initiate his revenge. "If that's your line of reasoning, think again." He lunged out at Van, sending the surprised boy to the ground. Punch after punch, he drove Van a little deeper into the sand. Coughing and sputtering as the grains found their way into his mouth, Van finally composed himself and tried to get Raven off but couldn't. He struggled underneath him, and Raven mused how similar it was to taming Shadow - a matter of dominancy. The remembrance of his Organoid weakened his grip and Van scooted out from beneath him. The two faced each other under the starry sky. Van wiped his mouth and said, "I don't want to fight you, Raven. I don't know why you're so determined to destroy me, but I don't want to fight you." "Am I not worth your time? Do I not make a worthy enough foe? Are you too proud to fight me?" Raven asked through ragged breaths. He came at him, throwing precise punches, which hit their mark. Van dodged the last one and gave Raven a strong sidekick, who stumbled back at the force of the blow but ignored any and all pain that flowed through him. He had one mission now, his final one - destroy Van Fleiheit or be destroyed. The latter was not an option. He charged at him again, but this time Van was ready. He moved aside, but Raven grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him down. The two boys began to tumble and wrestle on the desert plains, each trying to get the upper hand. Van attained it for a moment and slammed Raven's head down. "Why do you want to fight me so bad? I've never done anything to you, yet you keep coming after me, wanting to kill me. Why is that?" He slammed him down again. "Tell me!" When no reply came forth, he punched Raven hard in the jaw. A little blood trickled from his mouth and he mustered his strength to kick Van off. He crawled over to the fallen boy before he had a chance to rise and pinned him. He placed his hands on either side of Van's neck and began to squeeze. Van tried to pull him off, but to no avail. From all the Zoid piloting he had done, he hadn't had time to practice his hand-to-hand combating skills. Raven relished the way he squirmed, as his windpipes were being forced shut. This is almost too easy. Just a couple minutes more and Van will be dead once and for all. "Raven," Van managed to get out. Raven returned his attention to him and tightened his grip on his throat. Van gasped for breath and wheezed, "I know.don't really.want to.kill.," he struggled but managed to finish, "what' I'm.gone?" That question made Raven pause for a moment as Van clawed at his hands, trying to release their deadly pressure. What will I do when he's gone? If Van's dead, what reason will I have to keep living? My whole purpose in life was to destroy him, so if I do, what then? What else is there, but death as well? His grip loosened a bit and Van could breath once more. He stayed motionless beneath Raven, letting the boy think things out. The former Maverick soldier's mind was warped. All these strong emotions - the hatred he felt at the sight of Zoids, the jealousy that pained him at the mention of Van's name, the coldness he had experienced his whole life - flooded to him and sucked him down into their whirlpool. He pulled on his hair, finally realizing he had no purpose. His life had never had any meaning. The world would be a better place without him. Sadly, he rose and moved a ways away from Van. His hazy eyes shaded by his dark bangs, he glanced over at the Guardian Force Fighter, who was brushing himself off. It isn't Van who needs to die. It's me. I realize that now. He's got a purpose in life; I have none. Once again, Van has what I never shall. I guess that's the way it was meant to be. Van came over to him, consolingly. "Raven, I." He raised his head, straightening his posture, and looked Van in the eye. "My worthy adversary, farewell. The world will never have to dread me again." He turned on his heels and ran full out into the night. "Raven! Wait! What are you talking about? Come back!" The world seemed to rush past him as he ran. He could hear Van starting up the Blade Liger, and was spurred to run faster than he ever had before. He knew this wasteland well, the Gaereil Plateau. It was the same terrain on which the three Guardian Force Zoids had come at him in Delta formation, near the same spot where the president of the Republic had been strapped inside a runaway DiBison heading towards the cliff leading down to a swift river, where Van and his Liger were thrown down. It was the same area in which the final battle had taken place between Hiltz and his Death Stinger and the Guardian Force Zoids. All these events happened in this one area. One more event would be added to the masses for the cliff would become his final resting place. The stomping of the Liger's feet pounded in his eardrums. He could hear Van calling out to him. "Raven! What's going on? Where are you going?" Raven continued to run, faster and faster. He squinted. He could see it now in the distance, outlined barely by the moons' strange orange glow. The cliff. Van, as he had guessed, had now realized what was about to occur and attempted to stop him. "Raven! Stop this. Don't do it. What I said before.I didn't mean anything like this by it. Let's talk about this reasonably. Stop. Don't do anything rash." Raven shook his head. He was getting closer, almost there. The Liger jumped in front of him, but he past right under it. He never stopped, never looked back. He could hear the water of the rushing river become louder and knew the time had come. He turned and faced the Blade Liger as it approached him. Van was still attempting to dissuade him from what he intended to do. "Raven, please, don't do this," was all Van could manage to say. The boy with hair of midnight just smiled. "Goodbye, Van." He leaned back and fell over the side of the cliff. "No!" He heard Van scream. Van Fleiheit, you were more a friend to me than you could ever realize. You put up with me for much longer than anyone ever could. And to think, we were supposed to be brothers. Heh, it's funny how life works. It's seems I'm going to the gateway alone. Maybe Shadow will be there waiting for me. Goodbye, Van. His last thoughts were of his childhood and of his loving parents. Maybe they'll be waiting to. As he hit the hard waters, his body sank to the bottom, colliding with boulders that were covering by the river's shifting surface. The water around him began to turn red with his blood and he smiled as the waterfall neared. As he fell down it, he felt the wind rushing up to greet him and the dark waters below beckoning to him, welcoming him. A sense of calm came over him as pummeled towards it. He closed his eyes as he was surrounded by darkness. He finally found the peace and warmth he had sought, cradled in the arms of Death. End file.
Maverick by twilightwanderer
At least the calculus makes sense Disclaimer: I don't own it, bucko. This was written after the original version vanished when my computer crashed. The original version was written in response to a discussion on Zoids Evolution Forums about the prevalence of Zoids high school fics. I wanted very much to parody one but the topic didn't really fit in with _Tracey & Matt_ (which is more satire than parody anyway) so I wrote a whole new fic. I also seemed to have been a bit fixated on graffiti when I wrote this one. Hmmmm. The central characters are in Year 11 because I am, and therefore I know the right terminology and curriculum for the classes they're in. **Steve/Koobine**, if you read this, please note that I did not take the Zoids out of _Zoids_, even if they play a lesser role. **At least the calculus makes sense.** "So you see, even though the gradient of the curse is constantly changing, we can find the gradient of any given point on the curve by substituting the _x_ co-ordinate into... Van, are you listening? Van? VAN!" A loud THWAP!, followed by a yelp of pain, shot through the school library as Thomas Schubaltz (inventor, class A debater, all-round genius, probable school-captain-to-be, probable Dux of his year and three times runner-up of the school yearbook's "most likely to be bashed" award) abruptly jerked his best friend, Van Freiheit, out of his in depth study of the graffiti on the windowsill and back into the world of Year 11 calculus. "What was that for?" Van yelled, indignantly. "QUIET DOWN! Don't you kids realise that this is a LIBRARY?!" roared Carol, the school librarian, briefly raising her head from her 'intellectual' discussion with the computer technician. "Sorry, Ma'am!" Van said, but Carol had already gone back to the tech. "Will you _please_ pay attention to what I'm saying, Van?" "I was! I was just distracted by the astounding historical value of this graffiti. Do you realise that some of it has been here since -" Thomas cut him off. "Do I _really_ need to remind you of how much you need to study? You've paid no attention in maths classes this year, you've done little homework in _any_ of your subjects and you have only..." - he glanced at the clock - "... thirty-six minutes until your Maths test. And I'm sure I don't need to tell you how angry Hardin will be if you flunk another one." Van flinched visibly. In the first class of the year, he'd asked Ms Hardin what brand of whipper-snipper she used to cut her hair. The week's worth of detentions he'd earned, stuck in a storeroom full of aromatherapy candles while shining Hardin's boots, was graffitied onto his memory forever. In black, shiny, lavender-scented paint. "So," said Thomas, sternly, "Shall we get back to work?" To be fair, Van _tried_ to pay attention. He was forever grateful to Thomas for giving up his lunchtime to help him study, especially as Van, by his own admission, really did deserve to fail. It would be terribly unfair and ungrateful and un-hero-like of him to let his attention wander at a time like this. Plus he really was afraid of what Hardin was going to do to him this time. ... but it was just _so_ much more interesting to stare out the window and watch Rudolf beating Raven at soccer. "If you're asked to solve a problem from first principles, you'll have to use the formula _h_--0, _f(x+h)_ - _f(x)_ ..." Seems Raven didn't like losing; he'd hopped in the Genobreaker, chased all the kids off the oval and stomped on the soccer ball. "... but otherwise you're better off differentiating, so you use the rule _f(x)=axn, f'(x)=naxn-1_ and plug in..." After chasing everyone away, Raven's changed his mind and decided he wants Rudolf back again. The Breaker's extendy-claw-thing caught our widdle emperor and wrapped him up in the soccer net. "... the relevent _x_ value and that'll give you the gradient for that point and for the tangent to that point. If they want you to find the normal to the curve..." The school had finally had enough of Raven's antics - dismantling a soccer net was just going to far. (Unlike students, sports equipment costs money to replace.) The Ultrasaurus had been called out and was threatening to -" "Hang on... since when has this school had an Ultrasaurus?" "They don't. Moonbay probably took it for a joyride after she finished her deliveries." said Thomas, without looking up. Then... "VAN!" "I was listening! Really! But you'd be distracted too if you saw an Ultrasaurus walk past!" "Right," said Thomas, sceptically, "Well, in that case, you won't have any trouble with these practice exercises." He highlighted several questions in his textbook, pushed it across the desk to Van and started his History essay. ('The contribution of cheap romance novels to the downfall of the Ancient Zoidians.') Van sighed inwardly when he saw the numbers on the page in front of him. He had no hope of passing this test and he knew it. If he wasn't so scared of Hardin he wouldn't have even bothered studying - what did calculus have to do with him? Sure, you could use it to work out the correct angle to shoot at a missile following a parabolic trajectory, or calculate the probable speed and location of an enemy Zoid at a given time if it had an exponential rate of acceleration, but how on earth was he supposed to find time to do something like that in the middle of a battle? In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he realised how little sense it made to be doing maths anyway. Or English, or Japanese, or History, or... "Thomas?" "Yeah?" "Have you ever wondered _why_ we're at high school?" Thomas remained silent behind a thick reference book, which Van took to be a good sign. "Think about it. The people of Zi are scattered all over the place. There would never be enough children in one place to warrant building a school, except perhaps in the capitals, but they have their poncy private schools, anyway. Even if there _was_ a public education system, I'm from the Republic and you're an Imperial. Wouldn't Helic and Guylos have separate systems? So why are we even at the same school? And even taking that into account, I'm nineteen years old and you're even older, so why are we even at school any more? We're above the compulsory education age. Besides which, _we're__ in the Guardian Force_ and we're pretty damn good at what we do. We're practically guaranteed jobs for life. Why would guys like us need a secondary education at all? Our being high school students isn't just pointless, it actively goes against all logic! Thomas, _why are we here?"_ Thomas finally looked up from his book and gave Van an inscrutable look. "Van," he said, at last, "Will you quit stalling and do your work?" END Tah-dah! :p End file.
At least the calculus makes sense by halfeatenmoon
Unexpected 1**Unexpected** **This is a Bit/Leena fic don't like don't read anymore.** **This fic contains a lot of violence and suggestive material. ** Leena: Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttt, you give me back my cookie. Ah, yes we start with the typical seen Bit Cloud running from the love of his life Leena Taurous, he had decided to mess with her in one of the only ways he knows how by stealing one of her cookies. As he ran he couldn't help but wonder why she always freaks out over a couple of cookies. _It is unbelievable ready to murder someone over a fucking cookie._ As Bit was running he ran to the only place that would keep him safe. The cockpit of his Zoid Liger 0. Liger was already waiting for him so that Bit could get out of the base and into the safety of the nearest town. Liger get ready Leena's out for blood today. What happened next shocked Bit. Liger closed his cockpit and refused to allow Bit to enter and it was at the worst possible time. Leena had just cornered him. Right by the Liger and was ready to well, Bit didn't even have a chance to write his will. She pounced him and started to pummel the blonde who always seemed to refuse to fight back when it came to her. She left after she was done still angry that Bit had eaten another one of her cookies. But she conveniently forgotten that earlier she had swiped both his and Brads coffee. So of course she still had to hide from him before he found her.(AN Yes Brad becomes friends with Bit and gets him hooked on coffee.) As Leena walked along she was thinking about Bit and how much the cocky Blonde really did mean to her despite how she acted around him. "_Stupid Bit why can't he be more well friendly towards me. I hate to admit it but I do love the Blonde idiot but as long as he treats me like this I don't think I'll ever work up the courage to tell him about how much I love him. One of these days really soon I will have to tell him or I'll explode and do something I might regret._" As Leena thought this she walked back to her room thinking about how much it would hurt to be rejected by Bit and just kept fighting back the tears. Once she got to her room that did it there was no stopping her from crying. Meanwhile back at the Hanger Bit is chewing out the Liger for not sticking to the plan. Come on Liger you knew what to do but now it doesn't matter thanks a lot. I was all prepared to make a clean getaway but no. You had to go and take Leena's side and condemn me to the beating of my life. Also come on what kind of a pal are you screwing me over like that. **ROAR(Translation: Hey You needed that ass kicking besides maybe you wouldn't have to worry about going to such extremes for her attention if you just came out and told her that you love her.) Damn how can he say so much in one roar.** What? How could telling her that do anything other then get me a slow and painful death. **Roar(Translation: Hey you never know she might actually feel the same way about you as you do about her. Think about it she certainly can't seem to keep her hands off of you.) ** Do you have any idea how weak that argument is? **Roar (Translation: Yeah that is kind of weak well lets see there is that little twinkle she gets in her eye whenever she sees you.)** **Roar (Translation: The way she can be all sad and then gets all happy just because you are there suddenly. It is crazy she does a complete 180 because you said something to her or atleast acknowledged her.)** Yeah right maybe you just have an over active imagination. I highly doubt she would really feel that way about me. She always looks for reasons to beat me up so why would she care about me. **Roar (Translation: You always hurt the ones you love ya know. Besides she just seems to like being around you if you ask me.)** Yeah so she can use me as a punching bag. **Roar (AN: I am not translating that I'm trying to keep this down to a T rating)** Alright I'll go tell her how I feel only when I wind up dead you have to remember one thing. I TOLD YOU SO!. With that Bit went off to find Leena and finally get this over with. Back with the zoids. "**It is about time that one of them found the courage to fess up about their feelings it has been getting annoying listening to her wine about how she loves him but thinks he doesn't feel the same."** **I know I'm glad I was finally able to convince Bit to tell her. It was getting sad to watch the lengths they would go to get each others attention.** "**I know stealing each others food, starting arguments over the stupidest things, it is getting redundant."** **Indeed (AN That's my line bitch)** **Did you just hear something?** "**No" ** Back with Bit _Well, the countdown to my judgement day has begun._ /Hey, Bit have you seen Leena, unlike you I still need to get my revenge for the theft of my coffee./ Bit turns around to see Brad polishing a Shot gun and, that he has on a hunting vest. Brad also has a maniacal grin and a look on his face that makes him look out right insane. Yeah, she went out to the town thinking that she will find me there also she has your coffee with her still and drove off before I could try to get it back for you. This made Brad turn around heading straight for his Shadow fox screaming I coming my precious. _Wow, now Leena owes one big time._ As Bit drew closer to the room he could hear crying and wondered what was wrong. Slowly he knocked on the door he heard the crying stop and someone start to walk over to answer. Upon answering the door to her room she was shocked to see the source of her inner turmoil and depression as well as the love of her life Bit Cloud. Leena can I come in for a few minutes there is something that I really need to talk to you about. "Sure besides there is something I need to talk to you about any way." Alright then you go first. "Ok well Bit what want tell you is that well I L...I.LO...LOV...LOVE Y.YOU." Huh? I said that I Love you. Bit if you don't feel the same way I underst... Leena never got to finish that statement because Bit lips were covering hers. His tongue licking at her lips begging for entrance to which she happily obliged. Then their tongues began a battle for dominance. Bit's of course won seeing as he is the aggressor. Their tongues didn't waste any time in exploring each others mouths. After a few minutes they broke apart do to a severe lack of oxygen. After a few minutes Bit spoke. Leena I love you to and to tell you the truth I thought it would be kind of obvious. "To tell you the truth Bit I couldn't help but feel the same way, I mean come on I'm always looking for reasons to stay near you and touch you." With that the two embraced each other and stayed like that for awhile when Leena got a nice little idea. Pretty soon everyone in the base including Harry Champ could here what they were up to. _Hmm. One of them should have told me I would have happily set them up, oh well at least I can finally become a grandfather. _ **End?** **For now...Sequel's are a possibility I don't rule out.** End file.
Unexpected by Wolfofdoom
My Boy **Disclaimer:** Oh look, I don`t own it. Wow. My Boy * * * Rudolph Gerhard Zeppelin the Third. Prince Rudolph. Heir to the throne of the Guylos Empire before he`s even twelve years old. Weight of the world on his shoulders and the kid still manages to shrug and pass his responsibilities off as nothing more than a fact of life. He _does_ have to do something about that martyr complex though, but that`s beside the point. This kid would`ve been my meal ticket. Damned runt grew on me. And Viola knows it, too. My name is Rosso. Former Captain in the Imperial Army, jack-of-all-Zoids and currently little more than a notorious bandit, escaped convict, confirmed terrorist and hostage taker. I`m the guy your mom warned you about when she told you to stay away from anyone with a tattoo. Rudolph here has good common sense, at least when it comes to that. Think it`s... Escape attempt number six? Hell, I lost count. I do know one thing though. The little bastard`s already practically like a son to me. My boy. That`s what he seems like to me. I can`t tell why, I`m just attached to the little runt. Maybe it`s because he reminds me so much of myself at that age, or maybe it`s because Viola and I probably won`t ever have any kids of our own. I don`t know. I don`t care either, mind you. Just need to figure it out. In case you don`t know, the kid`s using Viola`s sleeping bag right now, and she`s using mine. May end up sharing with her, don`t know yet. I`m just sitting in front of the fire on the late watch, sipping coffee. I probably won`t sleep much tonight. Or at all tomorrow. That`s okay, you get used to odd hours after a few weeks in the military, or a few days as a desert bandit. Both tend to be jobs where you`re either awake at least 18 hours straight every day or you miss the chance of a lifetime. In this case, we missed three chances of a lifetime. First was for the Organoid that kid - Van Fleiheit, I think? - calls his 'buddy.' That`s fine by me, now that I think about it. Given how many people seem to be out for Rudolph`s blood, and how many people are trying to capture that thing, it`s probably better that Van kept it. If only because that would be more trouble than it`s worth. Bad enough to deal with the Imperial army _without_ Organoid technology, I`d hate to see what a maniac like Prozen would be capable of with it. Unless rumors are true about that girl they took a few years ago. Or the black Organoid that 'Raven' is rumored to have. If that`s the case, we`re all screwed and this is for nothing. Oh well. Second was the chance to avoid being manipulated, the chance to keep the world at peace. We blew that too, because we wanted to be back in favor with the army, if not actually members of it again. We _are_... _Were_ soldiers after all. Fighting and dying is what we do. And did. Can`t help but wonder how the others are fairing right about now, or if they`re even alive. Jarro, Bianco, Welda and Nero. Did _any_ of them make it out of that firetrap alive? If they were captured, god knows what kinda shit the interrogators would do to `em. They don`t exactly follow any codes of contact other than getting information out at _any_ cost. Any cost includes torture in ways that would make you vomit if you knew. Hard to believe we can still pride ourselves on being an honorable nation with a regime like that. Rudolph`s grand dad wasn`t much of a saint. But anyway... The third chance we blew was this one. The chance to steal the kid and make a killing with the ransom payment. We had it all set up perfectly. Was a piece of cake to finish everything, but noooo. They had to go and plan his fucking assassination at the _false_ hands of the Republic instead of just doing him in the old fashioned, dignified way. Really, I remember when the senate assassinated the kid`s mother and father two weeks after he was born. They did their dirty work themselves, with knives instead of mercenaries like Metlenick. We could still give him back. For money. We keep telling ourselves we will. But we won`t. Viola`s as much of a sap for the kid as me. She won`t admit it, I won`t either, but she`ll find a bit more enjoyment in teasing me about it if we survive. Not saying we will, of course. It`s a long way from here to Mount Iselina. Lots of Imperials and Republicans alike in the way. Bandits too. And mercenaries. If we get there though, it`ll be a start. Heck, maybe we can raise Rudolph ourselves... Nah. The way he is, he`s already too mature to be a kid around actual adults. Would probably be great friends with Van if they met, I can tell he has about the same level of talent buried up under all that future regality. Kind of ironic, if you ask me. Why? Simply because one of the potentially most talented Zoid pilots that may ever live is going to either be killed by assassins, raised in absolute peace by outlaw desert bandits in utter isolation or completely cut off from battle and stuck on the throne of the Empire by some fluke of destiny. None of those outcomes would surprise me. At all. Definately reminds me of myself at that age. Headstrong, overly responsible, willing to die for no other reason than to keep others from being hurt. And by being hurt, I mean small things like getting pricked in the finger. With a rubber needle. Yeah. I was like that once, Rudolph`s like that now. Probably why I`ve become so attached to the little runt. He`s my boy. I kinda like the sound of that. Makes it seem like I actually have potential as a father. Viola must be laughing her head off at all of this. Well... No, she`s probably not. Viola doesn`t have it in her to be _that_ mean. At the core, she`s still that sweet, naive girl I was trying to con and somewhere along the way, got overly attached to. I talked her into joining the army once. Back when I stumbled into the village at Iselina, half dead from five gunshot wounds and about two pounds of shrapnel lodged into various points on my back and legs. I`d been walking for four days straight at the time. Hermann`s boys definately did a number on the squad I was in. So, half dead, I walk into a field and pass out, thinking I was about to die. I felt it was a good way to go, surrounded by flowers and all that good stuff. Instead, I woke up two days later, covered in bandages and being attended to by two pretty girls. One of them was younger, probably about a year younger than Van is by now. Rosa, that was her name. The other was named Viola. She was one year younger than me, beautiful and naive to the extreme. Naive enough to think I was actually something worth while. I basically con jobbed the lot of them after that, got Viola to thinking that the army would be a great experience for her since she wanted to defend her village so badly and from there, well... The rest is history. Now I`m so attached to the woman that I think any closer and we`d probably be married. That`d be nice, come to think of it. Shame it probably won`t ever happen, but hell... Always nice to keep some sort of goal in mind. My goal right now... Make it to Mount Iselina. _With_ Viola. And with my boy. And we`ll make it too, damn it. Even if it kills me. I`m Rosso. I`m a desert bandit. I`m also the only chance that Rudolph Gerhard Zeppelin the Third will ever have if he hopes to survive with Prozen out for his head and his throne. I guess that makes me a hero, huh? * * * **Author`s Note:** Big ol` softy, ain`t he? :P Hopefully that all fit his character pretty well. Rosso isn`t someone I`m terribly used to, but since he reminds me so much of an original character of mine, I was able to do it after a while. Shame I can`t hear his voice too well in thought though, would`ve made it a lot easier :/ This one had quite the delay but I **did** get it out eventually. With any luck I`ll be able to do one for Viola, maybe Rudolph, or even one of the Organoids. Dunno yet. And as a side note: Anyone expecting the 32nd chapter of NA is gonna have to wait a little while longer than usual. Recently resumed work on the HT series, so I might be delayed a bit. Anywho, enjoy, leave a review, see ya next time and Sh33p out. End file.
My Boy by The Sh33p
Of Free Will and Importance AN: I do no own Zoids. Thought quite frankly I wish that I did! None of the characters are mine to own either. This is a fic that I wrote when I was in quite and bad mood and I find it interesting that I could write something so seemingly morbid about a show that was not meant to be morbid. So take it for what it is and say what you would like about it. I realize that there still are some things that need to be ironed out. * * * OF FREE WILL AND IMPORTANCE The wind was damp. Fiona wondered wistfully for a moment if it really was possible for the wind to be wet. She decided with halfhearted certainty that it must be true otherwise, she would not be feeling it then. _Maybe it is just my tears. I have been crying for so long it's impossible to tell true dampness from dry anymore._ Strands of her golden hair escaped and flew across her face. Wet cheeks caught the strands and caused them to stick at odd angles some, even catching in the corners of her mouth. She didn't even seem to notice. Tears fell from her crimson eyes as she gazed upon the ground, immobile, seemingly frozen in time. A fresh moist mound of brown dirt was piled there. Heaped in an endless disarray that for some reason made Fiona feel sick. Maybe it was the truth of what was buried underneath that made her nauseous. The fact that the mound had been placed there so unceremoniously when what it was covering was something so dear and close to so many people. What lie underneath was _still_ loved by so many. Moments of obscure silence passed and still Fiona continued to stare at the pile, seemingly transfixed by its mere presence in its surroundings. Perfect manicured lawns stretched out endlessly around her dotted with weeping trees that swayed in the wind and similar mounds like the one that lay before her. But, the perfect atmosphere, intended to ease the pain of so many, was marred then by the dark weather. It was a fitting backdrop for the going ons that had occurred earlier that day. Black clouds, threatening to drop rain fierce enough to match the will of Fiona's own tears loomed on the horizon. All brought ever closer by the wind which was gaining speed with the passing minutes. Halfheartedly Fiona raised her hand, brushing away tears that would not, could not be checked by her uncooperative will. Her thoughts began to slip to pointless ramblings of creative nonsense pushed to the brink of insanity by the ever-growing darkness. She sank to her knees, no longer, having the will to stand. The damp grass soaked through her leggings but she was already cold, she had been cold ever since it had happened. Blood running icily thin with the loss of something that had had such a momentous effect upon her life, which had been so small and obscure for so long. Quietly, just once, she sobbed, bringing on more tears, fast flowing and unwanted. _So much has happened, so much is going to happen. Why did this death have to set events in motion that were not supposed to be? Why did any of this have to come to pass . . .?_ Thoughts escaped her as she forced herself to look up. Her crimson eyes, bloodshot and lined with red, fixed upon the stone that crowned the mound. In the dim light the marble faintly glowed white, a beacon and signal for what events were now behind them, now considered the past by so many. "Van Flyheight," was what the entire inscription upon the stone read. That was all it read but, that was all that was needed. Something about the engraving, the way the black letters, chipped from such a great piece of stone, glared back at her through the dark. Just the way it read, made the whole ordeal even more final. Fiona clenched her hands in her lap, suddenly frustration approaching full tilt. She kept expecting wholeheartedly for him to appear from a nearby tree, proclaiming to the world that it had all been some elaborate hoax. But that didn't happen. Ever since they had lowered the casket into the ground, since the men had come and gone after filling in the grave, she had sat there, watching, waiting. A part of her would not accept the fact that he was gone into the obscure world that was known only to her as the "beyond" sometimes called "heaven" by so many. She had loved him too much for him to leave so quickly, especially after all of the times that he had told her, whispered to her that he would always be there for her that he loved her. His voice had held such conviction then, such promise and she had believed every word that passed from between his lips. _In my foolish childish fascination, I believed him. What ignorance could have possessed me to act in such a manner? _ Already, in her heart she knew what it was. She had loved him and that simple explanation alone was enough to make her deny the truth. The simplicity of the matter would not allow her conscience to feel at peace. Guilt had set in, taken hold and had twisted her thoughts until nothing seemed clear. Fresh tears pricked the back of her eyes then, her chin dropped to the chest, harshly pulling her gaze from where it had sat for what seemed like endless hours upon the stone. She let the tears go, falling to her lap, collecting on her hands before lazily sliding across her skin. Quietly she sniffed and closed her eyes, wishing for the world to disappear within the dark that merciless instant in time, taking her to a place where it would all be over. When she opened her eyes, her hands, now wet with salty tracks, stared back at her. Feelings of hopelessness blossomed within her chest and she felt her heartache. It was all too real to be a dream. "Why did you have to leave?" she whispered quietly to the wind. Thoughtless silence responded, broken only by the rustling of branches, weeping for those who were lost and buried amid their roots. Again, she sniffed, more forcefully this time, grappling with control to take back some semblance of her emotions. Her jaw clenched and a sudden fit of anger took hold leaving all hope of calm within its wake. "Why did you leave me here!" she screamed, tossing her head back so that her words carried across the lawns echoing the most within her own ears. She sat there, breathing heavily, frozen for that moment in time, in anger, sadness, and a hopeless heartbroken feeling that refused to leave. Small splattering raindrops started to fall, cascading to the world in a flurry of fast movement brought upon her so suddenly that it was almost surprising. They struck her face, bringing with them a feeling of some normalcy. Realization set in for the first time, and she began to sob again, this time falling slowly to the side to let the soft wet grass consume her into the nothingness that she so longed to bring herself closer to. "He's not coming back. . ." she sobbed bringing her dirt streak hands up to cover her face, "he's not coming back." Farther off, a dark figured loomed bringing a more drastic graveyard feeling to the cemetery. Appearing like the fabled grim reaper himself, he stood erect, cloaked in black and seemingly hovering from where he stood. Passively he gazed upon the scene, his violet eyes emotionless. "What a pity one of us had to die. A shame that he had to ruin what little I had and force me to the brink which ended, ultimately, in his destruction," he whispered quietly to the wind. Slowly, he made his way forward, bringing a cold, satisfied feeling about him, so unwelcome upon the freshly dug earth. His heavy boots scuffed against the grass, marring burial plots with his slow procession forward. Rain splattered against him, his body protected by the cloak, his face shielded with its hood bringing his features into obscure existence. The affect caused him to appear as a black specter making his way across the lawn towards where the weeping woman lay still shaking upon her comrade's final resting place. He stopped nearby the white stone, resting his fingertips against the marble glistening with the new fallen drops of rain. _How amusing that even nature, in all its glory finds the effort to seemingly cry for the fallen hero among these poor and pathetic people._ Raven thought philosophically. The stone was cold, damp with wet and yet, lingering warmth, almost pushed aside as falsely felt, brushed against him. It caused him to sneer, surprised that Flyheight's warmth could still be felt even in death. Typical and intriguing all at the same that, one man, could have had such a varying influence upon anyone's life. Then, Raven's eyes came up to gaze upon the blond woman, Fiona. Words escaped him for a moment, unsure of what to say to someone grieving for someone he had hated. Fake words and emotions would bring her neither pain nor comfort. She seemed to be beyond help to anyone as he watched her. Even then, as he hesitated a moment longer, she did not even notice that he stood there, mere feet away from where she lay helplessly spread out before him. "It's almost sickening to see only one crying so openly over his death after so many claimed to love him," he stated finally. The rain dropped against them more fiercely now, twisting words and phrases until they could no be distinguished. He saw the woman's body stop shaking for a moment. Her head turned and she gazed at him, he could see now that she had not slept, had probably not left this very place since Van had been laid here to rest. She continued to stare, transfixed seemingly upon his very being, as it stood there so close to her. _I wonder how she will react first. Anger no doubt will be the answer. I was the so-called "murderer" after all. How fitting that Van's only love try to kill me over his death?_ Raven mused. But she did not react right away, she continued to seem entranced, frozen upon the cold ground seeming unsure of her own two eyes. He sneered. "Raven. . ." she whispered her voice trailing off into the nothingness that was the wind. "How observant of you," he replied. Fiona's eyes gazed upon him now with a newfound clarity, fixed upon him in a stare that was like nothing he had ever seen before. It was a desperate sort of look that showed him how much Flyheight had really meant to her despite what had been shown to the outside world. Slowly, she struggled to get to her feet, scrambling against wet grass and stumbling more than once. Raven watched her then, passive and just a little curious. Moments passed in uncomfortable silence as she gained her footing back onto solid ground, her legs splayed somewhat apart, bracing against some unseen force. "You were the one that. . . did this," she managed finally. Raven laughed. "You guardian force members seem to be becoming more observant everyday, don't you?" She did not seem hindered by his comment. Leisurely he let his fingers slide across the marble of the stone until they had fallen from the side, bringing his hand back to rest under his cloak. "I want to look at you. . ." she whispered within the next heartbeat. Raven tensed for a moment, taken back and unsure of how to respond. His hands balled into silent fists, unseen to her beneath his covering. To humor the woman could do him no harm at this point after so much had happened. It was only then, after this conclusion had been met, that his hands reached up and slid the hood off. Black hair fell across his face, having grown longer than before and his violet eyes were no longer veiled into obscure existence by a shadow. Fiona stopped her slow procession forward to stare at him. "You killed him. . ." she whispered. Raven began to wonder then if events had driven this woman to madness. He laughed again and did not answer her, he felt no reason to. Her face changed through the dark and he could see her becoming desperate suddenly. Taken hold of by some new unseen demon that had obviously been plaguing her for an undeterminable amount of time. Anger, the simple reaction he had expected evaporated as she suddenly threw herself at him, her small fragile hands wrapping around the front of his cloak with unthought of strength. Both of his hands came up to protect himself from the coming onslaught but her fingers held. And it was there, she hung on to him, her eyes, wide with madness, gazed up at him through the dark. He became disgusted. "Kill me!" she whispered hoarsely just as his hands attempted to pry her off. He faltered for a moment, taken back by the bluntness of her request. Again, he sneered and roughly shook her hands, yanking her hold from off his cloak. She fell the ground in a heap, sobbing. Her eyes seemed to refuse to leave his face. "Are you sure that death is the path that you wish to take?" was all he asked. She did not respond, her answer was written all over her face. Through the falling rain and the dark he could see her. This was not a depression to be gotten over and she was leaving herself open to the fate that had presented itself to her in the form of another man. _Love, what a fickle thing. The guardian force knows that I am hunting them down one bye one and this is almost too simple._ Slowly, Raven reached back and loosened his hand gun from its holster. He watched as a slow smile slide across Fiona's face. "Thank you," she whispered a slow smile passing across her lips. Those words alone were enough to shake Raven's resolve. How could a lifelong enemy be willing to have him kill them? But, thoughts on the matter escaped him as she began to stand, ready to face him. Her movements were steady now, sure and confident about what was to happen. She stood erect and faced him, her eyes closing. Almost instantly a serene look passed over her face, her head tilting back to catch the drops of rain upon her pale cheeks. _It will all be over in an instant. She thought then to herself. To see his smiling face again seems all to simple a thing obtained by somewhat simple means. Closure and passing on will be obtained by the one who took him away from this world from the start. It only seems fitting that he takes my life instead of forcing me to take my own. For that, is what I fear I must do since hell has arisen and made itself into the form of this world that I used to love and hold so dear._ Raven snorted then with disgust and contempt. He was trying to bring his emotions back onto solid ground. His open hand clenched into a fist, grabbing at the warm air that surrounded him under the cloak. It was a struggle for a moment as he grappled with unwanted feelings before he brought his gun up, placed the barrel to her rain streaked forehead, and pulled the trigger. The blast was deafening, ringing through the rain splattered air with magnified clarity. Raven watched with some satisfaction as her body fell backwards, crumpling to the ground on of the mound of dirt that was Flyheight's grave. Mud splattered her seemingly perfect porcelain skin, marring her beautiful existence as she lay atop the man she had loved with all her heart. _She will be buried next to him no doubt._ Raven mused as he slowly he placed his gun back in his holster quietly already beginning to turn away. _Death is something we all face in the end. It is just a pity she chose death of her own free will._ * * * AN: One personal comment I must make is that I made Raven a lot more cocky than I have in my other fics that I have written about him in the past. I don't quite know if I like it more or less. But, there are some lines of this work that I am very fond of so please let me know what your thoughts are! End file.
Of Free Will and Importance by Unmistakablefear
Never Abondon Author's Notes: I don't own Zoids. I haven't seen all the episodes of Zoids. I have seen episodes 1 to 30...until Moonbay's Waltz. So this story is weighing on my mind for days. I have to write it down. And some characters are not part of Zoids. "Another this is exciting!" Van exclaimed as he and Fiona ride on the Blade Liger. "But we had to take Rudolph to the palace", Fiona reminded. "Don't worry Fiona...we'll take him back to the palace. I promise remember?" he replied. Fiona nods in reply. "Hey Van! How about we buy some foods in the market over that city?" Moonbay asked. "Good idea!" Van replied. "I'm starving! Let's go!" "Yeah sure. Like there was once a time you saw a flying papaya", Irvine smirked as he was riding his Command Wolf. "SHUT UP IRVINE!" the rest laughed. "Hmn...let's see what are we going to buy..."Moonbay said, choosing food from the stands with Fiona at her side. "Huh? Excuse me..."Fiona said, running after a boy. The boy looked at her with a quizzical face. "You drop this". Fiona handed the boy the necklace he always wears. "Thank you", he said as he accepted it. "Name's Andy". "Fiona", Fiona said, introducing herself. "Fiona there you are I've been looking for you!" Moonbay said, finished buying foods and was busy looking for her friend. "Sorry Moonbay", Fiona apologized. "Hey Fiona! How about you and your friends go to my house and have lunch there? As a repayment", Andy suggested. "But they're five of us", Fiona said. "That's okay!" "Okay then", she said with a smile. "I'll just call Van and the others". "Wow! Is this your house? It's very big!" Van exclaimed as they reached the house of Andy. "Amazing!" Rudolph added. "Hey Rudolph! Your house is bigger okay? It's a palace", Moonbay whispered. "O-Oh yeah..." "Come on guys! The food is ready!" Andy called. "Coming", Fiona replied. "So come you invited us for lunch?" Irvine asked. "Well...Fiona here saw my necklace which was on the floor and she gave it to me", Andy replied with a sigh. "It's important to me because my mother and father gave this to me before they passed away". "Sorry about that", Van began. Andy shook his head. "Fiona can I talk to you after lunch?" Andy favored. "Sure", Fiona replied. The rest we're resting at the living room while Fiona and Andy have a walked in the garden. "Fiona...could you stay here for some time?" Andy asked. "Why Andy?" Fiona asked back. "Nothing really", he replied, blushing. "I'll be happy you'll stay here...forever". "Do you really want me that long?" "'s because I don't have someone to talk too", he told her. 'He doesn't have a friend', Fiona thought as her eyes saddened. Then she suddenly makes a decision she'll regret for. "Okay Andy...I'll stay!" his face lit up. "Thanks Fiona!" 'Is my decision right? I should tell Van about this'. "By they way all of you can sleep in my house tonight", he added. She nods in reply. When Fiona had come back she woke up Van sleeping peacefully beside Zeke. "Van wake up I need to talk to you!" Fiona said, waking the sleepyhead Van. "H-Huh?" Van said, opening his eyes. He sat up on his bed as he rubbed his eyes. "F-Fiona? What is it?" even Zeke woke up. "Van...Andy wants me to stay here...forever. And I said 'yes' to him", she explained. "YOU SAID WHAT?!" he exclaimed and that caused Moonbay, Rudolph and Irvine to wake up. "Hey what's the yelling all about?" said Irvine. Van put his two arms on Fiona's shoulders. "You said 'yes' to him? Are you sure?" she nods her head in reply. "Was my decision wrong?" she asked. "Of course! Look...we're looking for Zoid Eve and now we'll just stop because you're staying with Andy!" Van sighed as he lay down back to sleep. "Van..." "Will talk this out tomorrow morning", he interrupted as Fiona went out of the room for a while. "You're being harsh on her Van", Moonbay began. "Look we made this journey coz' we want to help her find Zoid Eve and help her remember her memory. Now all she will do is end it up? We've come this far you know!" Van explained. "But you shouldn't be harsh on her", Irvine said. "Yeah Van. Don't hurt her feelings", Rudolph added. "If she didn't made a wrong decision this wouldn't happen", was all he can say. It was another morning as Van and his friends will start another exciting journey. Only to leave a friend behind. "Van how about you talk to Fiona", Moonbay suggested. "Yeah Van. Ask her one more time if she wanted to stay", added Irvine. "Fine", Van said as he went in to the house. "Stay here Zeke. I'll be back. And Irvine don't lay a finger on him!" "Yeah, yeah. Just get Fiona before I'll kill you!" Irvine said. Van found Fiona sitting on the bed inside the room where they slept yesterday. Her red eyes turned to him. "Van..." "Listen Fiona...whatever your decision is I respect it", Van began, turning his eyes away. "Then...I'll stay here coz' I told Andy about it", she said. "Fine then", he turned his back on her and was supposed to leave when he added something. "Fiona when we find the Zoid Eve...I promise I'll come back for you". When he opened the door he met Andy. "Hey Andy! Take care of her okay?" "S-Sure", Andy replied as Van left. He looked at Fiona with a crestfallen face as he went to her and sit beside her. "You know decision was wrong. You don't really belong here". "But Andy-" "You belong to them. I'm sorry if I did this to you". A smile formed on her lips as she hugged him. "Go and catch up with them". "Thanks Andy. I have fun time here with you. You'll always be my friend. See you!" said Fiona. "Bye...Fiona!" "Van you were an idiot that you left Fiona!" Irvine exclaimed, ridding his Command Wolf. "I have to respect her decision", Van said. "Don't be a jerk. Fiona is like a family to us now", Moonbay said. "It will be lonesome without her", Rudolph added. "VAN!" someone shouted, running after them. "What is it Zeke?" Van asked as he saw his organoid paused from walking. "Van it's Fiona!" said Irvine. "Fiona!" Van quickly get out of the Blade Liger and went to her. "As always the two doesn't want to be separated", said Moonbay as the three get off of their Zoids. Van and Fiona had meet each other at last, breathless. "Fiona...sorry I should have fight for you", Van said to her. Fiona hugged him happily. "Sorry to make a wrong decision", Fiona whispered. "Nah its fine", he said hugging her back. "I should never abandon you". "You didn't silly!" she gave a slight laugh. "Maybe you just know what's best for me". "Maybe...but my decision for you to stay there was wrong. We need you". "So you need me?" she asked as she looked at him. His face turned crimson red. "O-Of course! The adventure won't be complete without you!" he holds her hand and run to the Blade Liger. "And now let's continue the journey". "Looks like the two lovebirds are here", Irvine teased as they went back to their Zoids. "I HEARD THAT IRVINE!" Van yelled. "Since we're together again let's go!" said Moonbay. "Let's continue our journey!" Rudolph exclaimed. "All right let's head off!" Fiona and Van said as they we're going for another adventure. End End file.
Never Abondon by iceblueyes
Your Words "Your words" By KAndrw Viktor was born to wealthy parents in one of planet Zi's affluent industrial areas. He grew up without hardship, and was the focus of tremendous love and gifts from his family. He spent his copious spare time piloting zoids in races and mock battles. When his parents died in a traffic accident, the life insurance and inheritance guaranteed that he would never, ever, need to work for the rest of his life. I tell you this not to inspire jealousy, but to make it clear - when Viktor turned to a life of banditry, it was not out of necessity, nor even of greed. It was just a whim. A search for something to alleviate the tedium of his spoiled existence. With the merest fraction of his wealth, he purchased an Arosaurer and, sparing no expense, outfitted it with an astounding array of offensive and defensive systems. Silver lattice criss-crossed the zoid's frame, a powerful but lightweight form of E-shield. Pulse cannons, discharger blades and missile pods were dotted all over, enabling Viktor to target enemies at any angle. Powerful ion boosters were mounted on the back, giving the zoid not only incredible speed, but also limited flight capabilities. He named the zoid Austerlitz. Joining with a bandit king named Chartreuse, Viktor and Austerlitz contributed to a sweeping wave of crime that spread further and further from his home district. Chartreuse and his followers were ruthless and greedy, stealing whatever they could and leaving farmers and merchants with nothing. Penniless and starving, many turned to their aggressors for helping, pleading to join Chartreuse's brigade. Others crawled across the burning sands to the nearest towns, begging for aid from communities that were already stricken by poverty. Still others simply gave up, sitting quietly at the location they were robbed, dying alone. Thanks to the tremendous power of Austerlitz, Viktor quickly rose through the ranks. His cruelty and malevolence developed in leaps and bounds, and he was soon leading raids as Chartreuse's second-in-command. As the brigands grew in power, they began attacking larger and larger targets. More and more, Viktor had opportunity to use Austerlitz' mighty armaments, destroying guard towers, Cannon Tortoises, Command Wolves and even Redhorns. At some point, he stopped differentiating between threats and harmless zoids, and embarked on a policy of targeting even Gustavs and Roadskippers for extermination. The last battle that Viktor and Austerlitz ever fought as part of Chartreuse's gang was in Fifth Harvest, a small rural village at the edge of the Lowlands desert. As the sun rose, Viktor led a charge out of the desert and into the village. Against all expectation, a garrison of troops was stationed there. Viktor was delighted. He longed to test himself against seasoned soldiers, and to destroy them utterly. Charging Austerlitz' E-shield, he accelerated into the fray, deploying the discharger blades and slicing a swathe through the unsuspecting soldiers' Command Wolves. Gunning the port booster and swinging Austerlitz' tail to the right, Viktor threw the zoid into a leisurely slide, smashing through a storage building and coming to a halt facing back toward the enemy force. He launched a salvo of missiles, waiting a moment, then fired all of the front-facing pulse cannons. Still scrambling to understand what was happening, the Shield Liger pilots were unprepared for the simultaneous missile and cannon round bombardment, and many were immobilised before they could deploy their shields. As the soldiers adapted to the situation, it looked for a moment as though they might turn the tide. In contrast to Austerlitz and Viktor, the other zoids and pilots in the bandit force were undergunned and untrained. Used to fighting a far weaker enemy, they had never learned tactics. Never learned how to fight together. Many were taken out by the superior maneuvers of the military pilots, and some were felled by panicked friendly fire. The garrison commander, Caralin, rallied his troops. Exploiting the enemy's inexperience and utilising the different strengths of the garrison's zoids, Caralin began systematically disabling the bandits' zoids. From his Command Wolf AT he barked commands, covering the Gunsnipers with Shield Liger barricades, flanking the aggressors with Command Wolves, and even bringing down the occasional enemy himself. Within minutes the outskirts of the town were littered with the carcasses of the bandits' zoids. Broken Molgas and Godoses, smoking Hellcats and Leoblazes. Viktor watched with amusement. He had been right to hold back after the initial barrage. The other bandits would have spoilt the fight. It was better this way. He could have a lot more fun. With a roar he lit up Austerlitz' ion boosters and leapt into the middle of a group of Gunsnipers, crushing one as he landed, then immediately firing his Plasma Cannons at maximum yield for a full 360 degree kill-zone. The Shield Ligers forming what had been the line of defense for the vulnerable Gunsnipers scrambled to turn and face the lethal Arosaurer. Opening fire with every missile, cannon and beam gun between them, they scored many direct hits on Austerlitz, though several fell soon after to Austerlitz' missiles. As the smoke cleared Austerlitz was only reeling slightly, recovering not from damage, but from the kinetic energy dissipated easily by his shield lattice. Viktor was grinning like a maniac. This was more like it. Dropping Austerlitz' head, deploying the discharger blades and charging the ion boosters, Viktor punched through the line of Shield Ligers, launching missiles backwards at those not disabled by the ferocious swords. As an afterthought, he sent a stream of cannon rounds off towards the Command Wolf AT circling the battlefield. Sliding sideways to avoid a regular Command Wolf's electron bite attack, Viktor braced himself, then threw Austerlitz in the other direction to bring his weight against the exposed Wolf and smashing its rear mechanics. Launching the remainder of Austerlitz' missiles, Viktor casually immobilised the remaining Command Wolves. And then a sudden jolt! A smell of ozone in the cabin. A Command Wolf several hundred metres away had scored a lucky shot and slipped a shell through Austerlitz' shield lattice. Oh yeah. This was what it was all about. Viktor was going to make that pilot hurt! He swung his zoid around to face the Command Wolf and started to slowly advance. The Command Wolf was already badly damaged - both left legs were bent in horrible ways, with wiring exposed and slick with hydraulic fluid. The zoid could barely keep itself upright, but the pilot continued to pump rounds into Austerlitz. Of course, those rounds were totally ineffectual, now that Viktor could see where they were coming from. Viktor drew the game out, slowly and ominously advancing on the Command Wolf as Austerlitz shrugged off the Wolf's shells. At last, scant metres away, he stopped and took careful aim with as many of his pulse cannons as could be brought to bear. He initiated a simultaneous overburst across all cannons, so that the pilot could see the guns charge up. The last thing that man would ever see would be the cannons glowing at full intensity. There was no need to rush. But just before he was ready to end it, Austerlitz was thrown sideways by a sudden impact. It was Caralin in his Command Wolf AT. The AT cannons had been reduced to dripping slag by Viktor's attack and its jaw was hanging loose, but the Wolf itself was still able to move. With no other weapon available, Caralin had charged the much heavier Arosaurer in an attempt to knock it off balance. Against a less experienced pilot or a less technologically outfitted zoid, it might well have worked. But Viktor simply shifted Austerlitz' weight, recovered, then swung the tail back around into Caralin. The Wolf was so close that Viktor could see Caralin in the cockpit, could see his expression as the impact warped the metal of the cockpit and shattered the bones in his leg, then sent the zoid tumbling through the air. Bouncing and twisting, the Wolf slid down the street before coming to a mangled, burning stop. Viktor turned his attention back to his intended victim. A distorted, impassioned plea cut through the airwaves: "Kkkrkrrr - please! - kkrkrrkkr - now bef... - kkrkkrrkrr - ldren!" screamed Caralin. But Viktor would not so easily be swayed from his play. Finally he released the charge built up in the pulse cannons, and energy burst out towards the crippled Command Wolf. The pilot was killed instantly, of course, and most of the zoid was ripped apart by the titanic forces unleashed. The building behind was also demolished, crashing down into a burning heap of rubble and dead children. It was a school. Those men had given themselves to protect children. Viktor. Had murdered. Children. Hours later when military backup arrived, Viktor was still in the same place, staring at what he had done. He offered no resistance when he was pulled from the cockpit. He didn't say a word when he was beaten and kicked unconscious. And he entered no defence when he was charged for his crimes. Viktor was rich enough that he easily could have bought his way free. As it was, even without initiating the corruption, Viktor got off lightly. The judge, keen to establish a rapport with one of the richest men on planet Zi, sentenced him to a mere five years in a medium security prison. Viktor served his time peacefully, every day thinking about what he'd done. After a few years of good behaviour he was released and given back custody of Austerlitz, and he did what he had decided he needed to do. He signed up with the ZDU - the Zi Defense Unit : a volunteer organisation dedicated to the protection of the citizens of planet Zi. In peacetime the ZDU worked in parallel with the planet's armies, but it was understood that if war broke out the ZDU would not be subject to any side, and that its sole responsibility was defend the civilian populace - both from criminals and from any misguided military action. In Viktor's second week of training, he saw something that stopped him cold. Caralin. The commander had been decorated for his heroism in the battle of Fifth Harvest, but the damage from Austerlitz' tail strike had left him burned and severely crippled. His left leg had been completely replaced, and he had only minimal motor control throughout his left side. Unable to perform field duties and unwilling to take a desk job, Caralin had left the army and was serving as an instructor for the ZDU. He met Viktor's eyes once, but showed no emotion and merely continued taking the recruits through his lesson on tactical combination. Afterwards Viktor approached the older man. He apologised from the bottom of his heart, explained how he had changed, how he had learned to acknowledge how evil his actions had been, and how he was now committed to atonement. "Your words." said Caralin curtly. "They mean nothing." Viktor didn't seen Caralin again for the remainder of training. He found out from other recruit that the former commander had moved to Fifth Harvest after retiring. Thinking about that made Viktor violently ill. Once again, Viktor's skill as a pilot and Austerlitz' raw power meant quick promotion through the ZDU. Once again, he was soon leading his own platoon, patrolling and scouring the land. But this time he was keeping hope alive for people. The feeling was completely unlike the satisfaction he had drawn from his violent actions as a bandit, but at the same time totally the same. He felt like a monster, pretending to be a hero. Several months after his promotion to platoon leader, Viktor's unit was patrolling an area of desert that had been the source of many disturbing rumours. A distress call came in that a nearby town was under attack. Viktor's blood froze at the name of the town - Fifth Harvest. Bile rose in his throat at the name of the suspected aggressor - Bandit King Chartreuse. He wasn't sure that he could do this. But somebody had to! He screamed defiance to the winds and launched himself at full speed towards the town. His platoon, with the exception of the support Storm Sworders, were left way behind. There was no time to wait! It was like a painting with the colours inverted. Once more Viktor threw Austerlitz into the fray, carving through the enemy with his discharger blades. But this time his cause was righteous, and his enemies were vile. And this time he had to be careful. This time he couldn't afford to smash through buildings to reach the enemy. He had to restrict his maneuvers to open places, and to try to draw the battle out of the town. Time and again, he was forced to break off a sure kill in order to engage an enemy that was threatening to damage the town. He directed the Storm Sworders to hold back, keeping out of range and only engaging opportunistically. And Chartreuse had not been idle over the years Viktor was in prison. His forces had swollen, and his arsenal had developed considerably. While there were still plenty of Hellcats and Molgas, they were now supported by Elephanders, Saber Tigers and even a mighty Gojulas. From his vantage point in the Gojulas, Chartreuse smiled. Finally a chance to put that little upstart in his place. He'd never liked the little show-off. Stealing for fun? Not even he had ever been so pathetic. Leisurely flicking a switch, he lit up the sky with his zoid's buster cannons, blowing Viktor's support Storm Sworders to pieces. They thought they were out of range. Ha! Chartreuse directed his troops to split their focus. Half were to attack the Arosaurer directly, and the other half were to focus on attacking the town. Civilian casualties would be the key to destroying Viktor. The townspeople were scrambling to escape, desperately fleeing in Roadskippers, cars or even on foot. Saber Tigers and Hellcats pursued them relentlessly, and were in turn pursued by Austerlitz. As the weapons from the Elephanders and Molgas pounded relentlessly against him, he was forced to ignore them and protect the civilians. He was fighting like he'd never fought before, weaving between the houses at maximum velocity, slicing and biting and shooting with unrivaled accuracy. Austerlitz' shield lattice was at critical risk of failure, but there was no time to strike back. Soaring over the monument standing where the school used to be, Viktor twisted Austerlitz' ion boosters in ways they were never meant to twist, spinning the zoid on multiple axes at impossible speed. Target, fire, re-target, fire, re-target, fire, multi-target, full salvo. He was winning! He was doing it. The round from the buster cannon punched through the shield lattice, piercing deep into Austerlitz' zoid core, killing the brave zoid instantly. The metal corpse fell heavily to the ground, shattering the cockpit glass so that it rained down around Viktor. Into Viktor. He could taste his own blood and smell the burnt circuits of his dead zoid, and they were as the same. He could feel how broken his body was. There were things injured that could never heal. Chartreuse stomped up in his Gojulas, indiscriminately destroying the buildings in his path. Opening the cockpit and taking a rifle from a rack behind him, he leaned out and called to Viktor. It was something about Viktor being an animal. It was hard to hear through ringing ears, but it seemed a fair assessment. Viktor looked up at his old boss, and watched as Chartreuse aimed for his head. There was a loud crack, and everything went dark. And then everything went light again, as Caralin slumped down against Austerlitz' cockpit, a red bloom spreading across his chest. He had come from behind the monument and thrown himself in the way of the bullet. To save Viktor. The former soldier looked deep into Viktor's eyes: "Your actions. They mean everything." Anger and sorrow welled up in Viktor, filling every capillary, pushing against his skin. Then overflowing, erupting from his broken body into his dead zoid. Rage and anguish coursed through Austerlitz, welding fractures. Fury and agony arced across the zoid's frame, repairing hydraulics. As cables snaked from the cockpit and entered his body, Viktor knew what he was doing, knew what the cost would be, and accepted it without hesitation. Hope, repentence, love and righteousness cascaded into Austerlitz' shattered core, and the zoid staggered to its feet. At a command from Chartreuse, the bandit army opened fire, peppering Austerlitz with everything it had. Cordite and ozone filled the air as violent explosions ripped across the Arosaurer, an ominous cloud of black smoke rising from the carnage. A silver glow from within the cloud. As the cloud dissipated, the bandits could not believe their eyes. No longer a lattice, the brilliant silver colour now covered Austerlitz completely, save for the shattered cockpit where Viktor sat burning with a deep red flame, apparently none the worse for the fire licking around his body. The glowing zoid pounced, lancing through the air on beams of light to charge into an Elephander. The heavier zoid seemed momentarily to resist, then disintegrated as Austerlitz forced his way through. Banking steeply, Austerlitz turned to attack another Elephander, biting its neck and shearing off the head. Flipping over the back of the elephant zoid without releasing his hold on the neck, Austerlitz crashed down on top of a pair of Molgas, then swung the decapitated Elephander over and launched it towards a group of Hellcats. Jumping straight up as multiple rounds slammed into the spot he had been, Austerlitz paused in the air before releasing hundreds of tiny glowing motes from every surface. The tiny lights arced out in every direction before slamming down into the enemy zoids and sending them flying. Finally, Austerlitz turned on Chartreuse's Gojulas, the only zoid left standing. Chartreuse was backing away nervously, babbling about forgiveness, mercy. For a moment it looked as though Austerlitz might have granted him leave, until the Gojulas' foot came down on a house. A house with a person at the window. A little girl. Time stopped. Austerlitz sprung forward towards the Gojulas, reaching the enemy zoid without crossing the intervening distance. He sliced through the Gojulas' torso without effort before turning on nothing and coming back, plunging down the zoid's leg to the house. As Austerlitz moved through the Gojulas leg, the offending matter simply boiled into gas, spraying out in every direction. Austerlitz reached the roof of the house, kicked off it like he weighed nothing and punched back upwards, carving the Gojulas into tiny pieces with his whirring, glowing discharger blades as he rocketed towards the cockpit and the terrified Chartreuse... Time resumed. The eviscerated Gojulas tumbled sideways to the ground. The house, while damaged and sporting an enormous footprint in the roof, remained standing. Austerlitz, still silver but no longer glowing, lay in the middle of the square, next to the monument and Caralin's body. Chartreuse, screaming, was held tightly but gently in Austerlitz' blades. Viktor was nowhere - there was just a mess of cables in Austerlitz' cockpit where he used to be. That's the scene that greeted Viktor's platoon when they rolled into the town. Austerlitz was dormant again, and the people of the town (all present and alive with the exception of Caralin) were pelting Chartreuse with rocks. Chartreuse was taken into custody by the ZDU, and after being judged unfit for prison, institutionalised for the remainder of his life. The town of Fifth Harvest buried Austerlitz where he had come to rest, next to the monument commemorating the school he had once destroyed. And deep within the silver zoid, inside its silver zoid core, something grew. End file.
Your Words by KAndrw
1. The Shocking Turn Of Events Zoids- The Shocking Showdown: Chapter 1: The Shocking Turn Of Events Note: This story takes place a few months after the end of my first story, The Desert Bandits Revised, and right after the end of Chaotic Century. You'll want to see this. Fiona's turned 13 years old, and a few days after her surprise birthday party is when our story begins. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids or anything of it except my own characters. With that said, let's get this show on the road! "It's been a long time since we defeated this group of desert bandits at the Gurreal Ruins and rescued my 13-year-old sister Fiona. We continued on our adventures to find the Zoid Eve, and now, we're here already," I thought to myself. We had gotten a report about a Zoidian Temple from the Sand Colony, and decided to investigate. Fiona had just turned 13, and me 14. But, for some reason, the whole colony (except for the temple) looked like it had been leveled totally. "Now that's odd," I said to Fiona, who had her arm around me. "What could have happened here? I don't think it was Raven, though. His Geno Saurer is back, but I don't see any signs of a Charged Particle Cannon assault." Fiona looked into my soft blue eyes and said, "Yeah, you're right, Nick. Something's going on here." All of a sudden, I saw a blue/purple beam shoot into the sky. We stood there, looking into the sky where the beam was seen for a few minutes. Then, a loud crack of thunder shook the sky, startling Fiona. I held her to keep her calm as a recon Shield Liger came to the area. But, then, the strangest thing happened: a bolt of lightning shot from the storm clouds above and struck the core of the Shield Liger, completely blowing it up. We were lucky to have OUR shield up to avoid any damage from the explosion. "Is it me, or is this like the storm of that Ancient Zoidian legend I read about a few days ago?" I wondered, "because the only time lightning does THAT is from that storm, Fiona." Still shivering, Fiona said softly, "You're right, Nick." Then, she fainted. She had gotten another piece of her memory back. I cradled her in my arms until she woke up. She hugged me tightly when she did wake up. I figured that we should find out just what the heck was going on here. How'd you like it? I'll tell you about the legendary storm in the next chapter. 2. Fiona's Surprise Zoids: The Shocking Showdown Chapter 2: Fiona's Surprise Fiona was with me that night at our base camp near the temple we were supposed to investigate in the destroyed Sand Colony because the legendary Ancient Zoidian storm had started up. We were locked in a tight embrace all night. She loved me very much, as I could see. What I didn't know about her was that she had a Zoid of her own. Later that morning, I heard the sound of a Geno Saurer approaching. I woke up and yawned, but then gasped as I saw the Geno Saurer destroy the temple with a Charged Particle Cannon blast. Fiona was in there. But, I didn't have time to grieve, because the Geno Saurer, piloted by Raven, was aiming for me next. No one was there to help, and Fiona was gone, so it looked like the end. But, then, I heard a loud clang. Even Raven stopped to notice that. Out of the blue, a pink Blade Liger, blades attached to the paws (like in the final battle with the Desert Bandits), jumped into the air. Raven turned to face the pink Liger, but he wasn't fast enough, as the blade of the pink Liger sliced through the middle of the Geno Saurer, blowing it up. I was flabbergasted at the pink Blade Liger until I saw Fiona hop out of the cockpit. "Fiona!" I yelled as I ran towards her. We both embraced together. I was so happy that she was ok. As I pulled away from her, my arms still around her, I asked the question that was filling my mind: "Fiona, where'd you get that pink Blade Liger?" She looked into my soft blue eyes and started to explain. "You remember when I found out what my real name was?" "Yeah?" "I realized that I had a Zoid of my own back during the time of the Ancient Zoidians." "Cool, Fiona, but do you remember who gave it to you back then?" "Well, I think I'll try." She closed her eyes and started to concentrate. *Flashback* Fiona Alisi Lynette was having a great time with her friends in the park. The sky was clear, the sun was beautifully shining brightly, and everything was perfect. Van, Mark, Fiona, and Jesse were having the greatest time of their lives. Their organoids were having fun, too. Van's organoid's name was Zeke, Mark's was Sapphire, Fiona's was Rose, and Jesse's was Emerald. Just then, Fiona heard her mother's voice. "Sorry, guys, I gotta go," Fiona told her friends. She waved at them as she headed for home. Her mother, Mary, embraced her daughter as soon as she got home. She then led Fiona to their backyard, where Mary had a surprise for Fiona. As soon as Fiona saw the surprise, she gasped with joy. There, in front of the two, a pink Blade Liger stood. "It's for you, Fiona!" Mary said. Fiona said nothing. She just embraced her mother again. *End Of Flashback* "My organoid, Rose, fused with it, which is why it's pink, I think," Fiona continued. "You had your own organoid then?" I asked her. "Yeah. Everyone had one as a personal guardian then." "That's cool." I embraced her closely. I loved being with her. We walked back to our camp site with the legendary storm still raging. Ok, that was cool. A mini-story on how Fiona got her pink Blade Liger. Anyway, here's a preview of the next chapter. I jumped into the Blade Liger, and Fiona jumped into her pink Blade Liger. It was a three-way faceoff: me/Zeke/my Blade Liger and Fiona/Rose/her Pink Blade Liger vs. Raven, Shadow, and the Geno Saurer. I put up my shield, unhatched my blades, and prepared for battle. See ya then! CIAO! 3. An Electrified Fight Zoids: The Shocking Showdown Chapter 3: An Electrified Fight Author's Note: This may be a bit suspensful, since Nick, Fiona, and Raven face off in this chapter. And, I don't own Zoids except for my own things. So, here's chapter 3! AN2: Sorry for the long wait. I've been stuck in things with school and all. 8th grade is tough, isn't it? We had finally gotten back to the base. Since Fiona had her Zoid, a pink Blade Liger, back from the Ancient Zoidian days, I wanted to test her since Raven would surely be back. At 7:30 PM, as we finished the test, here's what happened on our way back to the base. "Hey, Nick?" Fiona asked me. "Yeah?" I replied. "Look behind my Liger. I've got something to show you!" I did, and I couldn't believe what I saw: an organoid with small arms, and a tail slightly smaller than Zeke's. Amazingly, it was a rose color. "Is that an organoid, Fiona?" "Yeah, it's the one that fused with my Liger!" "Great! Where'd you find it?" She looked at me from her cockpit and said, "Let's just say that it found me!" "Oh. Neat!" Just then, the pink Blade Liger's boosters started up. "I'll race ya, Nick!" Fiona challenged as the pink Liger shot off. "Can't beat me!" "You wish!" I said playfully as I turned on MY Liger's boosters and shot after Fiona. All of a sudden, Rose roared, as did Zeke. Fiona checked her readouts and saw the signal of an incoming Charged Particle Cannon approaching fast. "Nick, Charged Particle Cannon approaching from 70 degrees starboard and approaching fast!" Fiona warned. I nodded and pulled a lever, making the Blade Liger shoot to the side. The particle beam shot by where my Blade Liger used to be standing. After that was over, I turned the Blade Liger to face the rejuvenated Geno Saurer. We all stood there for a while: me/Zeke/my Blade Liger, Fiona/Rose/her pink Blade Liger, and Raven/Shadow/his Geno Saurer. Ready to break the silence, I charged forward and unhatched the blades. Fiona followed suit as Rose fused with her Liger. Raven just laughed and spun around 180 degrees, trying to knock our Ligers 50 feet away with a tail attack. I laughed, too, and said, "Raven, I've become a much better pilot nowadays. That trick isn't going to fool me!" With that, I turned the boosters on and charged towards the Geno Saurer. The Saurer's tail barely missed me as I shot under it, quickly spun around 180 degrees to face the Saurer, and charged at it again, this time hitting my target, cutting the tail clean off. But, I had a feeling that something was wrong. Then, all of a sudden, the tail of the Geno Saurer revealed what looked like the barrel of a Charged Particle Cannon, only it was sparkling with electricity. Fiona then yelled at me to watch out. There was a bolt of lightning heading straight for me from the sky, which I easily avoided. Then, from the barrel, the Geno Saurer fired what looked like an electrical beam at Fiona's pink Blade Liger. I yelled for her to get out of the way, but she radioed me in and told me that it was coming too fast. Luckily for her, Rose was doing the smart thing, as she fused with Fiona and bailed out in a flash of pink light. Just then, (I didn't see Rose bail Fiona out) the lightning beam struck the pink Blade Liger, completely destroying it. "Fiona!!! Ok, Raven, THAT'S IT!!!!" I yelled as I charged forward. Raven fired a Charged Particle Cannon at me, but I simply cut through the blast with the blades. (If you didn't know, the blades on my Liger can neutralize, or cancel out, charged particles.) And, in a blaze of glory, just as Shadow bailed out with Raven, my Liger's blades cut through the Geno Saurer, completely destroying it. I didn't care about that right now, because Fiona and Rose were probably dead. "It's not fair," I thought as I looked at the wreckage of the Pink Blade Liger. "The girl I love the most, and now she's gone!" I started crying. Just then, Zeke roared something. I saw a Zoid coming: a Zaber Fang. I stopped crying and looked at the incoming Zaber Fang. That's was Emperor Rudolf's Zoid, the Royal Zaber Fang. It dropped someone off, then shot back to the palace. "Who is that, Zeke?" I asked. Zeke then roared something. "Yeah, that's a good idea, though Fiona isn't around to pilot it," I said. Zeke then diffused from my Liger and fused with the wrecked Pink Blade Liger in an attempt to ressurect it. I hopped out of the Blade Liger to go see who Emperor Rudolf had dropped off. I was glad that he was the emperor, because Prozen was too crazy to be the emperor. Besides, Prozen died when we destroyed the Death Saurer. I couldn't believe who I saw. It was Fiona, not hurt at all. "Fiona!" I yelled as I ran towards her and embraced her tightly. She hugged me back. We pulled apart, arms still around each other, and looked behind us just in time to see the whirlwind of light around the Pink Blade Liger dissipate. The new version looked awesome: the Pink Blade Liger was a deeper shade of pink, with 2 small shock cannons on the sides of the Liger, an obviously improved booster on the top, and 10 supercharged laser blades- 1 on either side of all four legs, 4 on the head in a + formation, and the usual two on the top, on either side of the new booster. "Wow, way cool!" I said. MAN! That was so hard to write. And, Fiona's Pink Blade Liger got an upgrade. The test begins in Chapter 4: The Return Of The Pink Blade Liger. Cya then! --SuperSaiyanZelda4321 4. The Return Of The Pink Blade Liger Zoids: The Shocking Showdown Chapter 4: The Return Of The Pink Blade Liger Before we start, let me just say that I don't own Zoids or anything of it except my own characters and stuff. So, here's the long-awaited Chapter 4! "6 months. It's been that long since my Pink Blade Liger was destroyed and then ressurected by Zeke. I'm just glad I'm alive and that Nick really does care about me. But, I'm wondering if I'm burdening him by piloting a Zoid? Man, I'm so confused! Well, Nick wants to test me and my new Liger again, so, um, bye!" Fiona wrote in her journal as she put it down and walked to her Pink Blade Liger, only to find the blue Blade Liger, me, and Zeke nowhere in site. "Weird. Where did they go?" Fiona asked herself. She looked into the sky. The storm was STILL raging. It had been nine long months since the storm started, and it seemed there was no way of stopping it. Then, all of a sudden, the Geno Saurer appeared again with me, Zeke, and my Blade Liger bringing up the rear. Raven had me under his control for some reason, because I never would be friends with Raven until he stopped his murderous ways. Fiona knew, too, as she tensed up, unhatched the new set of blades on her new Liger, and prepared for battle. ************************************************************************************************* I thought to myself, "That Raven is an idiot. Doesn't he know that trying to hypnotize me has no effect on me whatsoever? Well, I have to give him SOME credit for being persistent these days." Raven didn't notice that I had opened a com link to Fiona and her new Pink Blade Liger. ************************************************************************************************* Fiona recieved the link. "Nick, are you really under Raven's control?" Fiona sternly asked me. "It's ok, Fiona, I have an idea." "Really?" Fiona replied. "I'm so glad!" "Me, too, Fiona. So, here's the plan. We'll pretend to fight, and when Raven isn't looking, we'll destroy it together. Ok?" "You got it!" With that, Fiona closed the comlink and charged at me. "Now this'll be good," Raven said as he leaned back on his command chair and watched the fight. Six hours later, we showed no signs of fatigue as we kept the plan going. It was then that I noticed that Raven was asleep. We stopped fighting as I opened another com link with Fiona. "That'll do, now let's go!" I said as I closed the link and transformed into the Blade Liger 0-Schneider, with a powered-up booster, and 7 new laser blades. Fiona unhatched and powered up all 10 of her Pink Blade Liger's laser blades, and flipped them forward so that each blade pointed at the Geno Saurer. We then charged. Raven sleepily opened his eyes. "Blade Attack Total Assault!" Fiona yelled as her Liger's laser blades started glowing. "9 Blades Attack!" I yelled as my blades glowed and electricity arced across each one. "WHAT THE?!!" Raven yelled as all 19 blades hit the Geno Saurer. Later, we had returned to the base. I opened another com link with Fiona on the way to talk about today's battle with the now-destroyed Geno Saurer. "Man, you're getting a lot better, Fiona! Did you see the way we dished out those attacks?" I said excitedly. "Calm down, Nick! I just want you to be okay, all right?" Fiona asked calmy. "Oops, sorry, Fiona. Sometimes I get carried away." "It's ok," Fiona said to me as we neared the base. WOW! Now that was super-cool! Expect the next chapter to be the longest. It's the final showdown! See ya then! -SuperSaiyanZelda4321 5. An Electrifying Destiny Zoids: The Shocking Showdown Chapter 5: An Electrifying Destiny As the 10th month of the Ancient Zoidian storm started, Raven kept coming, but fortunately, we beat him every time. I began to wonder how the Geno Saurer kept healing itself after every encounter. A strong feeling surged through my body one day. I couldn't figure it out, though. But, what I did know about it was that it was about Fiona. You see, the Geno Saurer had gotten stronger after every battle, and if our Blade Ligers didn't get some new weapons soon, we'd all be destroyed. So, I told Fiona that I'd be working on something special for both our Blade Ligers. I couldn't tell her what, though. I said that it was a secret. The month went by fast, and I kept working on the "secret" project. And, amazingly, there was no sign of Raven. At the turn of the month, I had finally completed the projects on our Ligers. At 6:00 AM on the 2nd of November, I walked with Fiona to the base where our Ligers were waiting. "I finished the projects, Fiona. Wait'll you see the upgrades our Ligers have," I told Fiona as we neared the Ligers which had sheets over them. I went over to the first Liger, grabbed the sheet, and yanked it off, revealing my Blade Liger. Fiona gasped in joy when she saw my Liger's new weapon: a double set of blade-like drill arms attached just above the spot where the blades were. "Wow, that's cool!" Fiona said, obviously excited. There were 2 sheets covering 2 things were Fiona's Pink Blade Liger. It was now that I decided to tell her. "Fiona?" I asked her, though I was kinda nervous. "Yeah, Nick?" she replied, putting on that sweet smile that I loved so much. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, Fiona. I've wanted to say that I love you, but all our dilemas have kept me from saying so." Fiona stayed still for a moment, and then she replied with her usual sweet voice, "Nick, I love you too. I've been trying to say so as well. I care for you deeply, more than anyone else on the planet." I couldn't have heard a better answer. I embraced her tightly as she smiled and hugged me back. When that was finished, we both walked to the next 2 sheets hand in hand. I yanked off both sheets to reveal the Pink Blade Liger and the other part of her surprise: a conversion bay. Fiona thought it wasn't much. "Don't worry, Fiona. You'll see the surprise in a couple of seconds," I said as I hopped into the Pink Blade Liger as the conversion bay's door opened. The Liger hopped into the bay. I looked around for one to show her, and eventually pressed the button labeled "0-Schneider". With that, the bay closed and the Pink Blade Liger underwent a transformation. Fiona looked so excited when she saw her Liger after the conversion bay opened: the Pink Blade Liger had my 0-Schneider Close Combat armor attached. "Awesome! But, isn't that for your Blade Liger?" Fiona asked me. I hopped out of the cockpit, walked up to Fiona, and I explained that I rarely used the conversions anymore, so I installed the conversion system into her Pink Blade Liger. As she hugged me tightly, I held her close and said, "Looks like this IS an electrifying destiny." Later, Raven and the Geno Saurer made the scene. So did we, with my Blade Liger and its new set of drill arms hidden for now, and Fiona and her Pink Blade Liger which was still in the 0-Schneider form. "Well, isn't this nice. Two children acting tough, though these children defeated me 3 times already. I'M NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN!" Raven shouted. "Raven, are you THAT stupid? Don't you know that you can never beat us?!" I shouted, too. With that, I charged at the Geno Saurer. We fought for a while, and somehow, I managed to slice off all of the Saurer's weapons except for the Charged Particle Cannon, of course, even though the Saurer was too weak from the last 3 defeats to use it for a while. But, amazingly, Raven started to charge the Particle Cannon. I thought, "Now's the time to unleash my secret weapon." With that, I pulled a lever nearby back, and my Blade Liger's new set of drill arms flipped out and attached to the slots on the bottom sides of my Liger's head. "Where did you get that?!" Raven yelled. I just ignored him as I flipped the blades on. Fiona pressed a button, powering up her blades and preparing for the Schneider's trademark move: the 9 Blades Attack. She also powered up all 10 of her other blades. I pressed a button in my Blade Liger, and the drills started spinning and the blades powered up. "This doesn't look good. Shadow, let's get out of here!" Raven yelled as Shadow bailed out with Raven. I didn't care that the two had escaped. Then, the drill arms and all 21 blades hit the Geno Saurer, blowing it to pieces. I was certain that it would never come back. Later on, we finally managed to stop the storm. I remembered the legend still. *Flashback* Before the battle with the Death Saurer, we were in the library of the Snow Colony, looking for information on Ancient Zoidian times events. So far, we had nothing. Fiona was in the lobby, checking out a book. As I read the book "Ancient Zoidian Legends and Myths", I happened upon something interesting. "Fiona! I found something!" I shouted as Fiona walked back to my location. "You find something?" Fiona asked me. "I sure did! Look at this article!" I said. I read it to Fiona. "Around 1000 years ago, the Ancient Zoidian civilization went through a devastating storm. Lightning rained down all over the planet, and many people and their Zoids fell victim to the strange storm. Fortunately, a team of Ligers were able to contain the storm's power inside a Geno Saurer and sealed it up so no one would release the storm's power again." "Wow," Fiona said, surprised by the article. "Geno Saurer?" I asked myself. I suddenly realized what Geno Saurer the article meant. It was talking about Raven's Geno Saurer. His was the only known Geno Saurer on the planet. "If Raven comes back, Fiona, we're going to have a tough fight on our hands," I told Fiona. *End Of Flashback* "Well, Fiona, are you ready to continue our search for Zoid Eve?" I asked Fiona. She nodded yes, and we took off into the sunset. *Fin* How'd you like that? Pretty impressive, eh? Well, I'll see you around!- SuperSaiyanZelda4321 End file.
Zoids: The Shocking Showdown by S.P.D. Gold Ranger
The Night Before "Come now, Benjamin," Sebastian quipped as he hoverscooted down the hallway leading to the Champ Team Hangar. "We have maintenance on the Zoids to finish up. We need to get the Hel Digunner and Stealth Viper outfitted properly for the next battle." "You don't need to tell me twice," the taller robot muttered. As he rounded the next corner with his robo-companion, he jumped in surprise. "Why look, it's Harry!" "Yes," Sebastian replied. "My sensors must be malfunctioning; I wouldn't think he'd be back so soon..." "No, he's definitely there, mine are perfectly operational." Indeed: There he was, crouched on the sofa in the middle of the hangar. He wore a hollow expression, lifting the teacup to his lips, hands quivering, tea spilling over the side and dripping onto his lap. Harry paid the dampness no heed, instead, mulling over the events of the prior evening in his head. _"The pants, Harry. Lose 'em. NOW."_ _"Yes, my honey..."_ _"YES! AH, YES! C'MON, HARDER! FASTER! YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN!?"_ "HARRY!" The Man Destined to be King threw his arms up in the air and uttered a feminine shriek, his teacup crashing to the floor and splitting right down the middle. He spun around to see Benjamin and Sebastian standing behind him, robo-hands on robo-hips. "Oh, it's just you guys," Harry said, breathing a sigh of relief. "What's wrong, Harry?" Sebastian inquired. "You look so pale and traumatised," Benjamin observed. "Nothing is wrong!" Harry asserted. "And why should anything be wrong," Benjamin drolled inquisitively. "At long last you've won over your love. At long last, Leena is all yours!" "Come on, Harry, tell us the truth," Sebastian said. "You should be gallivanting about, rambling on endlessly about your darling Leena and savouring your 'ultimate victory' like you have been doing... almost CONSTANTLY... for the past few months. But instead, you look utterly pathetic, like all the life was just drained out of you. Tell us, master, what did that wretched succubus do to you?" Harry drew in a deep breath. And then, the tears flowed freely in anime-esque torrents. "Oh, SEBASTIAN! Last night... Leena and I, we... well, we made love for the first time." "I understand that sexual intercourse is supposed to be a pleasurable experience for you humans," Benjamin stated flatly. "It was... it was... _so emasculating_," Harry sobbed. "Oh, you guys wouldn't BELIEVE the crazy, weird, kinky, messed up things that woman is into!" "I am not surprised," Sebastian sighed. "She was so rough! So aggressive! So domineering! And tireless, she wouldn't let up! I saved myself for her, for all these years... and she took my manhood! Tore it from me and bound it in chains and leather straps and whipped it into submission! I will carry the emotional scars of her passion for the rest of my life!" "There, there, master," Benjamin cooed. "Hold me!", Harry cried, and flung himself into his servants' cold, mechanical arms. Benjamin and Sebastian patted him on the back and squeezed him in a maternal robo-hug as he bawled his princely eyes out. When he was finished, he stood up, sniffled, and cleared his throat. "It was the most amazing thing EVER!" Benjamin and Sebastian simply stared on in disbelief as the Man Destined to be King marched away, platform shoes splashing through puddles of his own tears, the passion for his beloved stronger then ever before. End file.
The Night Before by Koobine
Joie de Vivre A loud whirring all around them was muffled slightly by the Liger's sealed cockpit. There was the familiar part-lurch, part-bottoming out sensation in Bit's stomach as the Hover Cargo's great elevator surged them upwards through the shadowed channel, lights on either side passing by in bright smears. Liger growled quietly. "I know," Bit said, leaning himself back for a moment on the headrest. "I think about it all, too, sometimes." Right in front of him, caressed under his appreciative gaze, the familiar screens, switches, and controls - the tools with which they crafted victories. Always a wanderer, this very perch was the closest thing to the concept of home that he had ever experienced. It was strange, realizing that now. "I can't believe it's been only a couple of years since we first met. Sometimes it feels as though we've been together forever. There's been so much." He looked up at the ceiling of the cockpit, smiling. "Do you feel the same way, pal?" Liger growled again, affirming. His nose raised slightly in anticipation. The light at the top of the elevator shaft was so bright and close now. Almost there. Almost time. He shifted his weight forward slightly, head up, tail alert. "There is nothing else but this," Bit said softly as the last moments of darkness passed. "And I couldn't ask for anything more." The elevator purred to a halt, and there, just ahead: a new opponent, a new battle, a new day. Energy crackled through the Liger's shining claws in preparation for the launch and the red marker lights on either side counted down. Bit could feel the Liger's excitement and sheer joy at what was to come. His own body felt electric, too, and his chest felt full to bursting. This was what he lived for, and there was no better partner in the world. "Let's do it, Liger!" he cried as the light flicked green and his Zoid rocketed forward off of the Hover Cargo. Together, they soared gleaming into the sunlight and the endless possibilities before them. End file.
Joie de Vivre by Chaotic Century
Dream **Dream** **by Ravenous** _Note: Its a short poem fic, very shonen ai...pretty much about Thomas Schubaltz lamenting something about 'brotherly love' its one of those spur of the moment on.._ ----- You are a dream You are all that is good Of summer, spring, fall and winter You are the morning wind that greets me, The dew drops that form on my fingers And the twilight breeze that sends me to sleep And sleep I will, to awaken in another world, in a different existence A world of you and me You are but a dream But what dream you are Every so often, you come close to touch As you brush by me against green corridors, Engaged in affairs, too busy to notice anybody---me You are a dream to me, A reality to others I want that reality You are a dream: you may come true, but more likely never to be ----- *points at stats* ^^ End file.
Dream by Ravenous Silentside
The Secret Mission _The Secret Mission_ _Pairing: Van and Fiona_ _Distant Storm_ _Disclaimer- I don't own Zoids, so that's why I'm writing fanfiction. Anywho, on with the fic!_ ------------------------------------------ "Are you sure they'll actually buy this?" A disgruntled Herman asked. "Yes," Irvine and Moonbay chided, leaning against one of the wall sized computers. They both looked at the man in uniform like he had three eyes. "You've sent them on undercover missions before. But one question: do you have a picture of the guy?" "Yeah," the commander replied, handing over the piece of paper. The two looked it over, nodding happily. "This will work," Moonbay said. "When did you last say he was incarcerated?" "About twenty years ago. Top secret facility. They'd never find him, because according to every main frame the republic has comes up with an error on his search." Just then, a humming, happy Thomas Richard Shubaltz entered the room. The three quickly hid the piece of paper. "Any new developments, Commander?" He stood at attention in front of his superior officer, who saluted back at the lieutenant. "As a matter of fact..." he looked at Moonbay and Irvine, "Could you ask Fiona and Van to come here? I have a mission for them." Thomas huffed. "Sure commander." he nodded to Herman, turned on his heel and left, muttering, "how come I never get paired with Miss Fiona for mission?" The second the door shut behind him, Herman, Irvine and Moonbay were left cracking up inside the command center. "I don't know why," Irvine said, "maybe it's because we all know they love each other." "I don't think I've heard anything truer come out of your mouth." ------------------------------- "Miss Fiona! Miss Fiona, where are you?" Thomas had checked inside the entire base. So, that left the one path that led outside into the woods. He walked quietly, trying not to attract too much attention. "You know," came a voice, that Thomas immediately recognized as Van's, "I've been thinking." "That's a change," a second voice replied, which Thomas nearly fainted over. Then his anger came in, realizing that his chance to be alone with his beloved Fiona was ruined. "That's not very nice," he teased. They both laughed. "So, what have you been thinking about?" Thomas snuck up close enough behind them to see that they were walking, alone. Something Thomas didn't stand for. "Well, you know I have that month long leave, right?" Fiona nodded. "I was thinking that maybe you would, maybe, like to go back with me to the Wind Colony?" "Really?" She paused, turning her head to meet his eyes, which pleaded silently. "I would totally love that, thank you so much Van." He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into him in sort of a half-hug. "Good. I figured you would be sick of this whole military thing by now anyway." "Not really, I don't mind it when I'm not entirely alone. Plus I got you, and Irvine and Moonbay around, so it isn't that bad. Especially since everything has calmed down now, with Prozen and Hiltz and all." Thomas figured now was the time to but in, before he saw something he didn't want to see. "Uhh, Miss Fiona, Van, the commander has a mission for you." Thomas turned away from Van and focused completely on Fiona. "Would you like an escort?" "No thank you," she said sweetly. "Van and I were in the middle of a conversation. We'll be there in a minute." Thomas hung his head and walked away, leaving the two of them. "Just this one mission, then I'm going to take my leave, okay?" "It's totally up to you," she said. "I don't want you to do something because of me." "Don't worry. We both need this." --------------------------------- Some fifteen minutes later, Van and Fiona found their way to the command center, where Herman, Irvine, and Moonbay were waiting. "Tsh, took you long enough," Moonbay complained. "Yeah, I'm glad there wasn't any immediate danger, or we'd all be dead." Everyone laughed gently at Irvine's joke, but had it been a few months ago, everyone probably would have been dead. "So Herman, Thomas said you had a mission for us."Herman took the moment to analyze just exactly what he was doing. Then he nodded. "Yes, I do. I need you two to go undercover." Herman paused to make sure they were paying attention. "You need to find this man." He held up the poster with the picture of a younger, tan skinned man with dark hair and piercing eyes. "He should be at the night club in the nearest town." "So you want us to go into this club all dressed up, right?" Fiona asked, focusing first on the picture and then on the commander. "Yes. You two don't need code names, but you have to act like a couple. It would be less suspecting of this guy if you two looked like you were a couple, then if you were just there, acting all stiff and whatnot." He handed them one hundred dollars and then began to usher them out of the room. "Be ready by six, you leave by seven." "Yes sir," both said, before leaving the room. Once the doors shut, the threesome began laughing hysterically. However, someone else had slipped into the room unnoticed. "What's so funny?" an annoyed Thomas Richard Schubaltz asked. "Nothing," Moonbay said, covering. Thomas would ruin everything. Though she wasn't sure anyone would believe him anyway. "It's an inside joke, Schubaltz. You aren't on the inside." This caused a round of laughter that the Commander excused himself from. "Moonbay, please help Fiona get ready." "I'm sure she can pick out clothes." "Yes, but just make sure. I want them to stop beating around the bush, you know?" "What are you talking about?" Thomas questioned. The commander reprimanded himself for slipping up. "Listen, you little dweeb," Moonbay said, growing impatient, "Van and Fiona have been beating around the bush for forever, and I know that we're just about all ready to see them get together. And I thought you'd get it when Irvine said that she loves _him_, and not _you_." "But..b-but," "I'm afraid it's true," Herman said. "They both love each other. Don't make us go into the mainframe and get examples." Thomas got out of the room at a sprint. --------------------------------- "Fiona, want some help?" Moonbay poked her head into the room, where Fiona sat, in short shorts and a tank top, brushing through her wet blond hair. "Uh, sure." Moonbay walked into the room. "So what are you going to wear?" She asked curiously. "Umm, well, I went shopping with you two weeks ago, and I-" "You didn't buy anything good when we went, I saw what you bought." "Would you let me finish?" She paused, making sure her friend was paying attention. "I bought something other than those clothes." "Show me!" "When I'm ready, you can be the first to see. But guess what?" "What?" Fiona sat across from Moonbay on her bed, still brushing her hair. "Van's going to take his leave, so he invited me to spend the month with him at the Wind Colony!" "Won't it take a week to get there by the Liger?" "Well yes," Fiona looked up at Moonbay, then stood up, going over to the mirror, "but it will be just like old times." Moonbay smiled. "You really love him, don't you?" "More than anything." She paused, turning to her. "Hopefully, he does too." "I'm pretty sure he does. Come on, Fi, you know he's willing to die for you." "Still," she said, "Part of me wants to knock him right off his feet tonight." "I'm sure you will," she said reassuringly. "How about your hair, what are you going to do with it?" Moonbay had noticed Fiona brushing her wet hair, but she hadn't seen it down very often. "Do not put it back up in that ponytail." "I was planning on leaving it down," She replied, "It'll dry straight." Fiona walked to her closet, then checked inside. "Hey Moonbay, do you have any black shoes?" "Like heels?" "Exactly." "I should, but it might take me some time to find them." "Well go on," Fiona said. "I'm going to need some shoes." The second Moonbay left, Fiona checked the time. It was five thirty already, so she could get dressed and do her makeup. She concentrated her thoughts on what she was doing, not Van, so that she didn't end up daydreaming the last half hour of time she had away. --------------------------------- "There," Moonbay said. "Found 'em." She pulled out the shoes and set them next to her, as a knock was laid on her door. "It's me," Fiona called, opening the door. Moonbay's jaw dropped. "Holy Zi. Fiona, I didn't know you could look like that." "There's a lot people don't know." She did a full turn, allowing Moonbay to see all the changes. "One word of advice, Fi. Do _not_ let Thomas see you looking like this." ----------------------------------- "Van, are you almost ready?" Irvine tapped his foot impatiently. "You've got two minutes." "I'm ready, I'm ready. Cool it Irvine." "Can't. Moonbay would kill me if you're late." He watched as Van stepped out the door, wearing his traditional tan pants and a white shirt. His hair was still spiked up, as usual, and the smell of cologne wafted through the air. "You clean up pretty good," Irvine commented. "Thanks." They both looked at the nearest clock. "We gotta go." ----------------------------------- "Now then," Herman said, clearing his throat. Thomas stood in the corner, a pout on his face. "Where's Fiona?" As if on cue, Moonbay rushed into the room. "Hey everybody," she said nervously. "Where's Fiona?" Van demanded. "She's coming." Moonbay turned and looked down the corridor. "Don't be shy honey, come on." The girl looked at Van and Thomas. "Keep your tongues inside your mouths and your jaws from off the floor." "Why?" Thomas asked. Moonbay didn't bother to answer, as Fiona walked into the room. She was wearing a short black halter dress, and black shoes courtesy of Moonbay. They were pointed and laced once around her ankle where a buckle was located. Her hair was down, hanging straight, and her eyes were decorated with a light pink shadow and mascara. Her gold necklace with the Guardian Force charm hung around her neck, and the thick straps of her dress were tied behind her back. She ran a hand through her hair, so that no part was visible, then spun around on the toes of her shoes. "How do I look?" She questioned. "Damn," Irvine said. "I didn't know you could look like that." "Like what?" She asked defiantly. She then turned to Van. "Do I look okay to you, Van?" "Yeah," he said, breathlessly. "Oh my gosh, Miss Fiona!" Thomas, apparently finding out how to use his mouth launched himself at her. She gracefully took a step back and watched him hit the wall. "You two have your mission. Act like a couple." "Okay," they both said, determined. Irvine leaned over and whispered something to Herman, who looked at him and Moonbay, then nodded. "Are you sure you're going to be able to do this?" "Yes," they both answered. "Prove it." Herman responded. "Yeah," Irvine said. "Kiss her Van!" Van began to blush profusely. He looked at Fiona, who nodded. They both closed their eyes, tilting their heads toward each other. Thomas, who peeled himself off the wall watched in horror as his love locked lips with his rival. Their lips met, and they kissed each other passionately. Irvine and Moonbay watched, relief written over their faces. They thought they'd never see their first kiss. Herman, stared at the two of them, a look on his face that said 'finally,' seeming to appear. Then, he pulled out his wallet and handed a twenty to Irvine, who smiled and mouthed a thank you. Meanwhile, Van's tongue had begun to search Fiona's mouth. "Hey you two lovebirds," Moonbay said after a minute. "I think poor Thomas is going to have a heart attack over here." "You two have a mission to carry out. Try not to be too serious." Herman looked at the two, who had a sprinkling of red on their cheeks. "Well, go on!" The two nodded, saluting, then turned and walked out the door, leaving an unstable Thomas in the fetal position. The second the door closed, Irvine, Herman, and Moonbay began cheering. Thomas suddenly jumped up. "This was all a set up!" He exclaimed. "There is no criminal! You just set them up!" "Thank you captain obvious," Irvine said, high fiving Moonbay. "That was the best thing I've ever done. Did you see the way she looked? I'll be surprised if they even make it to the club." "Yeah, definitely" The three started laughing, as Thomas ran out of the room, crying about how his beloved was off with Van. -------------------------------------- _epilogue: Who REALLY Got Who._ "So," Moonbay started, watching a back to normal Fiona walk into the kitchen of the base. "Did you have fun last night?" "Yeah," She said. "I didn't see that guy anywhere." Fiona poured salt into her coffee, then took a sip. She traced the lip of the mug with her left hand. "You idiot! We set you up! That guy has been in jail for almost twenty years!" Moonbay was fuming, standing up, as Fiona still lazily traced her coffee cup. "And all your doing is tracing that cup," She paused, taking a deep breath, as Fiona let her hand fall to the table. "Oh. My. God." She looked at Fiona who smirked. **_"IRVINE!"_** Van waltzed into the room, as just about everyone in the base came running to the kitchen, hearing Moonbay's scream. Van stood behind Fiona, who was sitting. "What's wrong Moonbay?" Irvine questioned in shock. "What's going on?" "You," she said, huffing at Fiona, "and you," she paused extending her finger to point at Van and Fiona. "Oh. My. God." "What is it, woman?" Herman questioned. Fiona stood up. "Spit it out!" _"She's wearing a goddamn ring!"_ All eyes turned to Fiona, who had her hand on the top of her chair. They all stared at the gold ring with a perfectly cut diamond on it, and two small pink ones on the side. The middle diamond was huge, and they all stared. Thomas started weeping again. "Umm," Van said, clearing his throat, "I asked her to marry me last night." "You mean we went through all this trouble to set you up, thinking that you weren't going to ever get together and you go and propose to her?" Irvine stared at her, then looked at him. "Holy Zi! You proposed!" He slapped Van on the back. "And you said yes!" He kissed Fiona on the cheek. Moonbay smiled, tears forming on her face. "I'm so happy for you!" The group smiled. "So, when are you going to get married?" Irvine asked. Thomas began wailing and was dragged from the room. "Well, I asked her to come to the Wind Colony with me on my leave," Van began, wrapping his arms around Fiona. "This soon?" "Well, we have to tell his sister, and he promised the father at the local church that he would get married there." Fiona smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." "Well, now I guess we know who got who." ----------------------------------------- _thanks for reading!_ _please review x3_ End file.
The Secret Mission by Distant Storm
Bitter Frost **Disclaimer:** I don't own Zoids. * * * **Bitter Frost** The southernmost tip of the Elemian sub-continent of greater Europa, a few miles away from the tip of the edge of the polar regions. It's the winter time, and that meant that the normal desert terrain of the area had been iced over to the extreme. Snow reached out for miles around, up to five feet deep in some places. It was early morning now, around 4:00 AM, just before sunrise. Tracks lead from the iced over beach straight up to the snowed in facilitiy once known only as "Project X." The place was once the home of the Death Saurer revival project, and more than a few black ops projects before that. As the sounds of an old defense program kicking in ring through my ears, it's also the place that I didn't want to be in at the moment. For several seconds, the sounds of something being sprayed echoes through my ears, and then, as rapidly as it had begun, it stops. The Zoid entrance slides shut and there's a vague crackling sound. My name is Lieutenant Thomas Schubaltz. I'm a member of an elite task force commissioned jointly by the Guylos Imperial and Helic Republican governments known solely as the Guardian Force. And you... Well, you're not exactly catching me at my best, alright? That sizzling sound around the cockpit is was tips me off first. Acid. If the sound isn't enough to tip me off though - and it is - the wretched stench of metal being seared by what sounds like sulfur sure as heck is. The hesitation lasts less than a second as Beke beeps and screeches frantically, cold or no cold, I have to get ou-... Damn. The cockpit's been sealed shut by the burn of the acid. I'm trapped like a bug in a glass jar under a magnifying glass... **"Hello there,"** an automated voice kicks in as that crackling sound returns, followed up by a blurred, slightly distorted hologram. Older technology so it's to be expected. **"My name is Professor Arnold Schubaltz, you are trespassing on Imperial territory that requires a Class X clearance code. You only used a Class G. Did you really think the Empire's greatest minds would be unguarded, even after abandoning this place?"** _Dad_? I always knew he was in on _something_ but the project that started the revival of the Death Saurer?! **"You have one hour before the acid eats through the material of your Zoid cockpit and consumes you. You will die an extremely... Unpleasant death." **... Well... All things considered, this really isn't looking to be one of the good days. Maybe, like me, you're wondering just how I got into this whole mess... * * * _"So you want me to investigate this... 'Project X' place?" I asked. The Emperor, a boy who has more maturity than most grown men I associate with on a weekly basis, simply nods to me. "Yes," he says with another nod. "'Project X' is a relic of harsher times within the Empire, when Prozen had some power and my grandfather's influence was starting to wane." I pause and ask another question. "Is there some reason you want me to do this alone?" I asked. "Yes. As much as I trust Van and the other members of the Guardian Force, you're the only one with the right combination of technical skill, piloting ability, loyalty and caution for the job. I'll leave it at your descretion as to whether or not you allow them to come along but if possible, I'd prefer you do this alone," he tells me with a grim look on his face. Kids shouldn't look that old... But I just nod again. "In other words... Fiona wouldn't understand the layout and would get lost and taken out by the defenses, Karl would get blown to smithereens, Irvine has no loyalties to the Empire or anyone else but himself and would leak it to the press for cash, and Van would blindly charge in and get killed because he lacks common sense," I reply sarcastically. "Excluding the fact that Van and Fiona are also on their honeymoon, yes." Joy.. He just **had** to remind me of that... "'Project X' is an embarrassment, Thomas. It has no place in Guylos history, let alone in Guylos territory." "I'll do it then. Alone, as ordered," I reply before heading for the door. "Be careful Schubaltz," I hear him order. * * * _ I probably didn't even need to bring along Beke, right? _Wrong. _**"However..."** Eh? **"Let it be said that the Guylos Empire is not entirely coldhearted. At the heart of this base, there is a pool loaded with a solution designed to regenerate and stimulate Zoid growth and development. As a side-effect, it can stop the effects of the acid now ravaging your Zoid. Reach it within the hour and live..." **... Gee... I never thought Dad had it in him, ya know? **"Fail and die a prolonged, agonizing death." **Yeah. Dad always _was_ a bit weird, but this? I think if I live through this I'm gonna have to have a nice, lengthy talk with the old coot. But when he puts it that way... I wheel around the Dibison and Beke screeches to the left, pausing our movement and allowing me to get a full view of an old pair of Iron Kong-type Zoids. Hm. Firewalkers. Big, a little outdated by about ten years and still packing enough weaponry to level a frontline Zoid even with as outdated as they are. Sleepers or Zoids with warped Cores, I'm not sure which given how they're moving but I do know that all of that ordnance and all of that armor is weighting them down. That makes them slow, even compared to the speed of the Dibison. Charging forward, I swerve to the side and smack off of one of the huge walls of the base, avoiding a wall of lead and plasma that could make even Van feel a little lightheaded. I'm honestly glad I skipped breakfast today... Swiftly bringing the Dibison up to point blank, I solidly plant one of the horns straight into the chest-region of the first Firewalker, stabbing it at just the proper angle to sever about half of the connections to its Zoid Core. Karl would probably be impressed, but that doesn't matter. Using the Dibison as an anchor, I lift the flailing Firewalker up and smack it into its partner, unloading with the face-mounted rocket launchers at point blank. The explosions are a bit bad given how close I am, but I'm too pressed for time to give much thought to it. Beke is a little annoyed that I didn't consult him first, but he'll get over it. If we live. "Nothing personal guys, but I'm in a bit of a rush so..." That said, I forcibly yank the Dibison's head free of the damaged Firewalker, breaking half of it off and leaving the other half embedded firmly into the thing's chest before turning back down the corridor and taking off again. Making the run for a good few more seconds I pause. I'm in a fork in the pathway and none of the signs are very well lit. I can tell the Zoid's reaction times are starting to fade a little. "What's the damage Beke?" I ask. It's not good. While the acid only sprayed across the Dibison's head, it was enough to get at the right places to slowly eat away at the connections to other systems. The smell is getting worse. This isn't good... Dad is still living in Guygalos, he hasn't left the house without my mother in almost eight years because he's confined to a damned wheelchair... **"How will you die, rebel scum?"** Another voice asks. I glance around the cockpit and spot, through the slightly blurred view of the right side, a figure blown way out of proportion standing across from the Dibison. **"Will you beg? Scream? Plead for an end to your eternal suffering as the acid slowly boils away at you in your private tomb?"** Great. Really. "Prozen's ghost," I muse with annoyance. "You should've gone into cheerleading," I grumble at him. If not for the fact that he's been dead for just shy of six and a half years, I'd almost wonder if he could hear me. Wait. He's trying to distract me again... Fleh, door number two just shut so that means he was expecting me to charge down the opposite way, which means the opposite way is the one that leads straight to... Okay, nevermind that. Door number one just shut too. "Beke, calculate the base layout from record and pick a door - _quick_," I order feverishly, slowing to a snails pace just to try and keep moving. Beke bleeps out twice, so it's through door number two that I go. A shriek of tortured alloy and the door rips apart violently under the weight of the Dibison's charge. I would have just shot it with the main guns but I need to conserve ammo here. No telling what other nasty surprises they left here. The cockpit light flashes red. Damn. Red light means the system link-up from the cockpit to the main part of the Zoid is beginning to fail. I have twenty minutes before I can't move anymore. And on top of that, door number two happens to be guarded by a _real_ Iron Kong. It's a Mark 0, the prototype model for the actual Iron Kong. Bigger, faster and more powerful than the Firewalkers, it's also packing weaponry that's only a little out of date compared to the kind of things on a Mark I. Yep. This just isn't my day. The Dibison roars as the Iron Kong smacks it roughly into the hardened alloy of the walls. Righting the Zoid again, I take aim at random and deploy the main cannons. The Dibison shudders briefly and lets loose with a focused Megalomax at the Iron Kong. Thank god the thing's a warped sleeper unit at the worst... The Kong vanishes in a blinding flash of smoke and then I hear a few explosions on the back of my Zoid. Damn. Again. The defenses managed to squirt some acid into one of the cannons. Firing them damaged one of the barrels and it blew up when I tried for a second shot on the Kong. It's stepping back out now, damaged badly though. I guess the weaponry might still be close to par with modern technology but its armor isn't. Leaning back into the cockpit I bide my time and allow the Kong to get closer, looking around. "Beke, are they any defenses you can detect nearby?" An arrow appears, superimposed on the cockpit glass. It's pointing towards an area down the corridor. I glance to the side of the cockpit again to make sure of things. Good. The second horn is still there. It's going to be tricky but if I can use the Kong like a battering ram... I slam the accelerator several times but it's no use. I try a fifth time and then scream. "**_BEKE!_** Reroute all power from _everything_ straight into the bindings for the accelerator and directional controls!" I order. Beke cherps a few times questioningly. "I don't care, _do it_!" Bringing the Dibison back up once more, I press the accelerator. Beke's done what I asked, thankfully, and the Dibison charges forward like a 200-some ton bat out of Hell. Main connections are running out even worse than before. I have to move my neckpiece out of the way and pull my shirt up to keep from puking at the stench of the acid wearing away at the cockpit. _Think_, damn it. The heart of the base... Where would the heart of the base be? If Prozen or Dad designed this place, it won't be at the center. Dad's asymmetrical in how he does things, Prozen used the military logic that the center is always the first target. ... I am such an idiot sometimes. The most heavily defended area will be the heart of the base. Just keep going wherever resistance is heaviest, and if all else fails, slam this big ugly bastard of an Iron Kong wannabe straight through the wall into the opposite corridor. Speaking of the wannabe, right now I've got it impaled on the surviving horn but I'm not sure how long that'll last. I can feel the cockpit beginning to give way now. Oh god, the acid's breached the main control units. Beke's shorting out, I've lost control and to make matters worse, there's a laser net a few yards up ahead... Yanking Beke loose, I tear the helmet from its place atop my head and connected to the cockpit. This is a stupid gamble but if I don't do it I'll die and I intend on living to see my twenty-fifth birthday, _thank you very much_! For several seconds, I smack at the glass of the right side of the cockpit, where it's weakest. The Iron Kong has its feet planted, good. It's starting to slow us down but the cockpit is beginning to crumple up from how the acid's effected it. I'm almost tempted to say better but it's not. I raise Beke up and take one shot, random since I don't have time to pick this stuff out very much. The glass at the impact point breaks as intended, and that's where the helmet comes into play. I can't touch the glass myself, it'd eat through my glove and cost me my hand, but I can certainly whack it a few times with my helmet. Holding it by the netting on the inside intended to help cushion shock, I backhand the glass once at the impact point. It gives. A second time and it gives more. I finally throw the damn thing straight through and make a hole big enough. Oh _crap_, the Dibison cockpit is crumpling and the Iron Kong can't stop us from hitting the laser net... I dive blindly, I don't care if the fall is too high to safely pull off, there isn't a choice in the matter. The distance down is at least twenty feet, and moving at close to eighty miles an hour, it isn't a very pleasant experience. I throw Beke away during the fall, I don't need him crushing me on impact and I don't need me doing the same to him while it happens. The Dibison's head crumples like tin foil at the last second, just as I jump clear, and the laser net does the rest. I can hear the Kong roaring aloud as it's cut into Zoid bits, and I can hear the shrieks of metal and circuitry as the Kong's body gets the same treatment. Breathing hard and feeling a good bit of pain from the fall, I limp my way over to Beke. I don't know how long I was lying there but it was too long for my tastes. I'm bleeding from the temple too, I'll need to get that checked out since my vision in that eye has begun to blur and tint red. One of my arms has to hang limp as I pick Beke off of the ground. Damn, I'm good, Beke isn't even scratched! "Prozen! I'm comin' for ya!" I call out loudly, looking through what had been the laser net to see the burning remains of my Zoid and the Mark 0. I'm gonna miss that thing... Stepping carefully through the huge doorway and into the massive room inside of it, I find that the promise I had of salvation was a load of crap. There's a pool here, yes. Dead, warped Zoid Cores are all around too, but the pool is empty. Nothing is there at all but the disembodied Cores. Looking around uneasily, I can see a hologram playing on looped feedback. Prozen. A recording. It figures... **"Good work. It almost pains me to say, after all of that struggle you must have gone through to get here, that your efforts were in vain. The pool is empty, which makes it hard for me to say this..." **Ah shut up. **"You see, without the pool, you're going to die in your cockpit rega-"** I silence the hologram with one nice shot right into its projector. My gamble paid off though. It was crazy, a bit suicidal, but it worked. At least _something_ went right today. The acid had worn away at the cockpit so much that a good few shots into the glass could crack it like an egg shell, though it would have been nice if I hadn't had to come close to dying to get out. Limply, I make my way to the main control station of the heart of the base. It seems they weren't counting on someone coming without a Zoid, so they didn't make the defenses to detect solitary intruders. Finally, 'Project X' lays back down to rest like the dead body of hatred that it is. With the defenses at ease, I can proceed with what I set out to do in the first place. After setting the base to self destruct and taking a few last looks at my downed Zoid, burning like a funeral pyre near the edge of the room, I grab a spare winter jacket, probably left behind by someone in the rush to leave this dump, then limp my way back out. It's a long walk, given I have to take the way I came on foot rather than in-Zoid, but it's okay. Leaving the base behind, I pause almost an hour later, turning back and watching the base explode. I'll miss my old Zoid. The Dibison was all I ever piloted after I got out of the academy and joined the exchange program, but as the black smoke curls skyward, like the bitter, power hungry soul of Prozen himself, I guess it went out for a good cause. Perhaps Project X, a symbol of old hatreds and bitter memories, is finally buried too... Perhaps now, we can finally start to really think about the future, instead of living forever in the past, going from one conflict to another._ End... _ * * * **Author's Note:** Hope you enjoyed this! To my knowledge, this is the first Thomas fic without any romance or any other characters from the show but Rudolph and Prozen playing any sort of semi-important role. Cool, huh? _Sh33p_ out. End file.
Bitter Frost by The Sh33p
1. The Zoids Arise Long after the Zoid Battle games became banned on the planet called Zi a new war broke out. The new Emperor, Kin, had built three special Zoids to halt the war, he failed. One night the young prince of Zi, Max, stole one of the Zoids and destroyed Kin, he then disappeared, leaving the other two abandoned. A young man walks into a town and then into a bar which was full of soldiers... "I'm looking for Zero!" He yelled as everyone looked at him and they each pulled out a handgun. "Prepare to fire!" a soldier yelled as they all aimed for the young man. "Roar!" a dinosaur-like creature growled as it appeared infront of the boy. "Holster your weapons, this is a friend of mine." Zero, a 16 year old with a tele-patch(an eyepatch with three telescope lenses) and short, spiked hair said as the young man walked to the table Zero was at. "It has been a while Zero." the young man said. "What are you doing here Komo?" Zero asked with his arms folded. "Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Komo, a 16 year old with a bandana around his head and medium length hair, asked as he sat down. "Answer the question." Zero asked. "I came to see if you'd be interested in an expedition to the old palace where the rumored dragon and insect Zoids are supposed to be." Komo replied. "I see you still have Zega." Zero said. "Yeah, my golden Organoid." Komo said. "I suppose I will come on the expedition, but I get the insect Zoid if we find them." Zero commented as he stood up. "Fine, I wanted the dragon anyway." Komo quickly said back as he stood up as well. "They left the bar and got into Komo's Hammerhead transport and flew towards the old palace. "What are you doing?" Komo asked as he saw Zero placeing a gun into a holster on his belt. "Just in case." Zero said. "Hey, I see the tower." Komo said as the palace came into view. It was 8:00pm when they landed outside the palace. "Zega, you stay here, I'll call for you if we get into trouble." Komo said as he and Zero entered the palace through an air vent. "A guard? No one comes here anymore. Why is he here?" Komo whispered as he saw a guard through a vent cover. "Guarding the door to the Zoid room it seems." Zero said as he turned around and they got a worried look on their faces. "That's one of Max's soldiers." Komo whispered, worried. "We gotta take him out." Zero whispered calmly. "Right, now!" Komo yelled as they burst out of the vent and knocked the guard out. "Looks like we need a card key." Zero said as he looked at the door. "Hey, thanks guy." Komo said as he bent down and removed the guards card key from his neck and threw it to Zero. "It worked. Come on, hurry up." Zero said as the door opened and they walked in. "I'm sure the other guards know we're here, I'll lock the door, they'll get in, but we'll be long gone." Komo said as he walked over to the door and began locking the door. "Whoa! T...that's the Death Stinger!" Zero said as a large Zoid appeared in the corner of his eye. "That's not what we're after, those are." Komo said as he walked up behind Zero and pointed to the other side of the room to a pair of Zoids that were draped with curtains. "We know you're in there! Come out know or we'll bust the door down!" A guard said from the other side of the door. "Let's hurry!" Zero said as they both ran to the two draped Zoids. "The tall one's the dragon, let's get in and get these two up and running." Komo said as he jumped into the dragon Zoid's cockpit and Zero jumped into the insect's cockpit. "This is a TwinSworder, but... it's not normal it has a special paint job, and it's smaller." Zero said as he turned on the Zoid. "Mine the same, except that it's a Genosaurer and it's normal size." Komo said as he turned on his Zoid and a Command Wolf appeared and lit up with a golden light. "I cannot believe you got in here! I am Max, and your lives are over! I own a silver organoid, he is called Geno. And now my Command Wolf has enough power to evolve!" Max exclaimed as his Command Wolf grew a bit bigger and got, 4 boosters, a machine gun, and a double barrel assault cannon. "What is that?" Komo asked as the curtains on the Genosaurer and TwinSworder dissappeared. "This is the Konig Wolf! The final form of the Command Wolf! Now, try to keep up." Max said as he burst out of the room and the Genosaurer roared and Zega appeared. "Zega! Mobilize!" Komo yelled as Zega flew into the air and into the core of the Genosaurer and a pair of jet systems on the feet activated and flew after Max. "Come on Sworder, don't you have any speed powers?" Zero asked as the Twinsworder started to float and chirp and wings appeared and it flew after Max and Komo. 2. The First Battle "Whoa...Whoa." Zero said as he followed closely behind Max and Komo, he was bobbing up and down in the air, not having total control of the special Double Sworder, but Max and Komo were in total control of the Konig Wolf and Genosaurer. "Give up, you'll never catch up to me." Max said as he used his boosters and broke the sound barrier sending both the Double Sworder and Genosaurer crashing to the ground. "Damn! Come on Geno(they have already given nicknames to their Zoids)! Zega what are you doing down there?!" Komo asked angrily as Zega roared. "Alright fine, I can't do it without you... and I can't believe you're still mad about that one time I said I didn't need you! I do need your help so help me catch up to Max!" Komo yelled as Max came running at him and Zero again. "Sworder! We need to work together! So let's get off the ground and get this guy!" Zero yelled as the Double Sworder Chirped in agreement and flew into the air. "I was sure that attack would have put you into a system freeze, but I guess I was mistaken." Max said with a smug look on his face. "Roar!" the three fighters heard from a bronze-colored Organoid floating infront of the moon. "What is that?" Zero thought to himself. "Roar!" they heard again as the Organoid floated down onto the battlefield. "That can't be the third legendary Organoid. Can it?" Max asked himself as the Organoid lit up and looked at Zero and the Double Sworder. "Zero, I think maybe it wants to help us. Yell 'Mobilize' and add a name onto the end like I do for Zega." Komo insisted. "It's worth a try." Zero said as the Konig Wolf tripped five feet away from the Double Sworder. "Mobilize Bron!" Zero yelled as the Organoid's wings appeared and it flew into the Double Sworder's core. "What the hell did I trip on?!" Max asked himself angrily as he looked behind his Zoid. "One of my boosters?! But how?!" He continued as he stood the Konig Wolf up. "I think that this game ends here." Komo said as his Genosaurer prepared to fire a Charged Particle Gun. "Yeah, game over for you Max!" Zero yelled as the Double Sworder started chirping until the radar system on the Konig Wolf stopped working. "You can't beat me with a chirp from that Double Sworder and Charged Particle Gun from that Genosaurer, even though they're legendary royal types, cause you forget that my Konig Wolf and Organoid are more advanced and are also royalty." Max said as he started sniveling. "Well, who said we'd destroy you here, we're just trying out our new Zoids and you are doing the same we all know that each of us have the same amount of power, but I think I'll damage you a little bit with this attack. I've seen the power of the royal Zoid's charged particle weapons, and I know this will hurt you paintjob...FIRE!" Komo yelled as the Genosaurer fired the CPG(Charged Particle Gun, I'm too tired to write the whole thing) and was pushed back 50 feet from the recoil. Max laughed as the attack connected. "That didn't kill em... not just yet." Komo said as the dust cleared and the Konig Wolf had disappeared. "Oh well, we'll get em soon enough." Zero said as he and Komo jumped out of their Zoids. "Roar!" They heard from both Zega and Bron as they both ejected from the cores of the Zoids and landed next to Komo and Zero. "Hey you two! Stop right there!" A man in a Dibison yelled as he stopped his Zoid infront of them. "What now?" Komo asked himself as the man jumped out of the Zoid and held out a badge from the same army as Zero. "Oh, hey Ryo, how ya doin?" Zero asked. "I'm fine, except... hey, wait a second! I'm supposed to ask you two the questions! What are you doing here?!" Ryo asked annoyed. "We just saved the two special royal Zoids from the palace. And I got an Organoid, not like it's any of your business." Zero replied as Bron stepped out from behind him and roared. "Listen the late Emporor's son must speak with you. You will proceed to the new palace in the vicinity of Zoideve." Ryo said. "I wonder why he'd wanna speak to us." Zero said. "Well, from the stuff you two have done... he either wants to enforce capital punishment on your sorry behinds or put you in the second Guardian Force." Ryo said as he walked back to his Dibison, got in, and ran away. "I hope he just wants to put us in the Guardian Force." Zero said to himself after he and Komo had gotten into the Genosaurer and Double Sworder. "Well, let's move." Komo said as the two Organoids walked beside the two Zoids toward Zoideve. When they had gotten five minutes away from Zoideve Zero asked a question. "Have you ever been to Zoideve Komo?" he asked. "No, this will be your first time too I presume?" Komo asked. "Yeah, but the Organoids came from there right?" Zero asked. "Not the golden, silver, and bronze Organoids, but all of the others, like the old Organoids Zeik and Shadow did. The special ones came from another place that no one has ever been, they say it's like Zoideve but bigger." Komo replied as they entered Zoideve. "Whoa, look at those Zoids, they're two of the one's from the old palace." A little kid said loudly as they and the Organoids passed. "We'd better fly the rest of the way." Zero insisted as they came to a large clearing with no people. "Right, that mountain would create a small problem for Zega and Bron, not to mention the problem Geno would have." Komo said as Bron and Zega jumped into the Double Sworder's and Genosaurer's cores and they the Zoids flew into the air and landed outside the palace. "Ah, come in, come in, we've been expecting you." a man in black said after Komo and Zero had gotten out of their Zoids and the Organoids had ejected from the Zoid cores. "Do you happen to know why he wanted us to come here?" Komo asked. "I'm afraid not, follow me to the throne room, the prince would like to see your Organoids as well." the man said as he led them into the palace and into the throne room. "Hello, please state you names and I will see if the prince has put you on his list of appointments." a man outside the throne room with a clipboard said. "I'm Komo, this is Zero, and these two Organoids are Bron and Zega." Komo said as the man looked through the names on the clipboard. "Ah, here you are, the first four on his list, please enter." the man said as they walked into the throne room. "Prince Rick, they have arrived." the man in black said to a 14 year old boy that looks like Rudolph from Zoids: Chaotic Century. "I can see that, now have everyone evacuate the palace and the city, we only have thirty minutes before he strikes." Rick said as he walked up to Komo, Zero, Bron, and Zega. "Prince, I am here to serve you." Zero said as he bowed. "Hey, what's up." Komo said as he put his hand out for a shake. "You idiot! He could have you jailed for doing that!" Zero exclaimed as he whacked Komo on his head. "There's no problem, I'm glad he doesn't treat me like a prince, but we have bigger problems, Max is going to attach a CPG to his Konig Wolf, I am putting you into the Guardian Force and I am putting myself in your protection." Rick said as he shook Komo's hand. "Well, we should probably leave now right?" Zero asked. "No, not until all of the people in both the city and the palace have evacuated." Rick said as he got a video call. "My prince, 90% of the city and 99.5% of the palace, leaving only the five of you, have been evacuated. We should be finished in ten minutes, you should have 5 minutes to leave before he attacks." the man in black said. "Alright, we should go to your Zoids now and wait at the back of the city for a quick escape." Rick said as they ran to the Genosaurer and Double Sworder. "You'll ride with me." Komo said as he and Rick jumped into the Genosaurer and Zero jumped into the Double Sworder. "Zega, Mobilize!" Komo yelled as Zega flew into the Genosaurer's core. "Mobilize, Bron!" Zero yelled as Bron did the same as Zega. "Move to the edge of the city and prepare to get out of here." Komo commanded. "I know, I know." Zero said as they flew to the back of the city. 3 minutes later Rick got another video call from the man in black. "What is it Jacob?" Rick asked. "The city and palace have been evacuated and the Whale Kings are flying away from the city and..." Jacob said as the call was taken over by Max. "Well, Rick, I see that Zero and Komo have arrived to help you, I'm afraid that you have gone to the wrong side of the city, I have you in my sights, because I have come from behind Zoideve. And I am powering my CPG as we speak." Max said. "Shit! He's right! Let's go!" Zero exclaimed as they prepared to move and noticed something. "Damn, I forgot! This is a crevice! We're surrounded by rock on both the right and left, and my Genosaurer can't fly strait up!" Komo said the Konig Wolf completed charging the CPG. "Well, goodbye, it's been fun." Max said as he fired the CPG. Komo yelled as the blast came five feet from them... 3. The Legend Returns "What?!" Max yelled in confusion as the dust from his CPG cleared and the Genosaurer and Double Sworder had disappeared. "There should be at least a couple of parts from the Zoids or... could they have dodged it?" Max asked himself. "Take this!" Komo yelled as he blasted Max with the cannons on the Genosaurer's back. "Grrrrr." Max growled as his command system froze. "We'll meet again." Max said as he ran away. "He'll be back." Zero said as the Zoids landed on the ground. "That was so cool! I've never been in a Zoid like this!" Rick yelled, excited. "Ok, Rick, where should we go now?" Zero asked. "Earth." Rick said. "Earth?! Why do you wanna go there?!" Zero asked loudly. "I understand." Komo said after he had done some thinking. "Maybe you can tell me?" Zero asked. "We need to evolve to beat Max." Komo said as they walked toward an air base. They had arrived in less than an hour. "Ok, this base belongs to the enemy, we need to get that Whale King transport, it's the only thing that we can use to get to Earth." Komo said from behind a rock outside of the base. "How do you expect we fight a base full of Royal Shield Liger's and Royal Storm Sworder's?" Zero asked in an annoyed voice. "Simple, we send this little fake Molga and we'll have it explode so all of them will run to that spot, giving us time to get Rick inside to start the engines for the Whale King while we get Zega, Geno, Bron, and Sworder inside to cargo bay. That simple." Komo said as he let the fake Molga roll to the other side of the base. Ten minutes passed before it exploded and made all of the people go see what happened. "Now!" Komo yelled as Rick jumped into the Whale King and started it up while Komo and Zero got the two Zoids and Organoids inside the cargo bay. "You guys ready?" Rick asked as Zega and Bron got strapped into a couple of chairs and Komo and Zero got into their chairs. "Go." Komo said as they lifted off into space. It had been one day since they had gotten into space. "It'll be five more days until we land on Earth and the Organoids are just as bored as we are." Zero said. "This is our life." Komo said. "You don't see me complaining." Zega thought. It had now been six days and they were entering Earth's atmosphere. "What is that?" A child asked his father outside of an air base. "A Whale King, nothing to worry about." The father replied as they kept walking and the guys had landed. "Man, it feels so good to be on solid ground again!" Rick exclaimed being followed by Komo, Zero, Zega, and Bron. "Don't get to excited, I'm sure that someone here is going to be our enemy." Komo said as he changed the bandana on his head. "You there! Stop or we will open fire!" the leader of a group of Black Redlers yelled. "Bron, let's jam." Zero said as Bron put him on his back and flew back into the Whale King. "Zega, you too!" Komo exclaimed as Zega did the same. "Huh? Redler One to home base, come in." the leader said. "Base here, state any information now." a man at the base replied. "An imposter Prince Rick has been spotted, permission to..." the leader said before a bullet made him explode. "Redler One, respond! Redler Two what's going on?" the man at the base said. "Redler One has been shot down by a strange colored Genosaurer accompanied by a strange colored Double Sworder, they have picked up the Imposter Rick...Ahhhhhhhh!" the pilot yelled as Sworder chomped his Redler in half with it's jaws. "Redler Two come in! Impossible! Half of our Black Redler force has been destroyed by those two Zoids in less than a minute!" the man at the base said. "There goes half and here goes the other half!" Komo said as he started charging his CPG and had Geno set the anchors. "Redler Fifty, it's up to your half of the force to destroy them! Do it now!" the man at the base yelled angrily. "Right. What!? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" the pilot yelled as Komo fired the CPG, was pushed back 50 feet, and destroyed the last half of the force. "" the man at the base stuttered. "Commander Redlin, you may want to take a look at some of the last shots taken from some of the Redlers, like Redler One." another man said as he put Redler One's last photos before it was shot down. "It's them... two of the four winds. Contact Prince Max and tell him to get to Earth!" Redlin ordered as the people at the base contacted Max. "Man! What a day!" Rick exclaimed after they had gotten out of the cockpits and the Organoids ejected from the cores. "It came from over here! Be on your guard!" one soldier ordered as a lot of soldiers appeared. "This is our life." Zero said as they ran to the Whale King, their Zoids had already gone inside. "Let's try to land somewhere safe this time!" Komo yelled annoyed as they lifted off toward a desert. In three hours they had gotten to the desert. "Ok, now we're in a desert. At least we're safe." Zero said. "Not exactly..." Rick said as twenty Helcats appeared. "Oh shit!" Komo exclaimed. "Don't you move... any of you and we will grant you a quick end." the pilot of the main Helcat said. "Under what charges?" Zero asked. "Housing an imposter Prince Rick." the pilot replied. Bron and Zega began to growl, not at the Helcats, but at a blank patch of sand. "Huh? What's wrong you two?" Komo asked as both Bron and Zega lit up. "Huh, what's going on?" the pilot said as Zega and Bron's light shot at the blank patch of sand and words appeared. "The four winds, unstoppable, only young men are able to transform to one of the four winds: West, East, North, and South. Three begin as friends, the last begins as an enemy, all one day to protect from the Unholy Team: Berserk Fury Storm, Zyrphos X, Deathsaurer, Neosaurer, Hell's Infernos, Royal Gunbluster, and Royal Zilla. These will destroy until the winds arrive. Repeat these words and summon the dead winds from the grave, this will also summon the Unholy Team, so beware... Winds of West, East, North, and South, we call upon you, arrive and fight." They read. "Huh? Well, I guess we should try." Zero said as he and Komo started chanting the spell. "Winds of West, East, North, and South, we call upon you, arrive and fight." they chanted as a black hole appeared. "What is that?!" the leader yelled afraid as 7 Zoids shot into space toward Zi and a single green Zoid appeared. "I... it's the legendary green Liger 0, but how?" Rick said stuttering. "Men attack that Zoid!" the leader yelled as they ran at the Liger. "There's our cue." Komo said as he jumped on Zega's back and Zero jumped on Bron's back and they flew to their Zoids. In five minutes the Helcats had started firing and hadn't made a dent. "Let's go!" Komo yelled as Geno and Sworder flew out of the Whale King and tried to contact the pilot of the green Liger. "Come in pilot of the green Liger." Komo said as his face appeared in the cockpit of the Liger and the pilot's face appeared in Geno's cockpit. "Are you here to help us?" Zero asked as his face appeared in the cockpit of the Liger and visa versa. "He's unconscious, but... I think it's Kiyo." Komo said. "Kiyo? He was the pilot of the Liger 0 Xenocide, but he used the Suicide attack, which by the way is an attack limited to Zoids of the Xenocide class, and he blew himself up along with the Zyrphos X inside the black hole that the Zyrphos X had created." Zero said. "We know that, we've all read our History book at least once." Komo said. "Kiyo? Did they say Kiyo?" a guy inside of a Helcat asked. "Yep, but he's not conscious at the moment, so let's destroy him!" the leader exclaimed. "Are you talking about Kiyo?" A mysterious golden haired, green eyed person that appeared in Kiyo's place inside of the Liger's cockpit. "Can it be?" the leader asked himself. "I am the West Wind and no one can destroy me and the green Liger 0!" the West Wind yelled. "It is him! Retreat!" the leader said as Komo and the Genosaurer appeared infront of their first escape route. "I am the North Wind! With the Royal Genosaurer at my command I shall not be defeated!" Komo, which in this case had transformed to the North Wind(mystic blue hair and silver eyes), said. "Run another way!" the leader yelled as they ran into Zero and the Double Sworder. "I am the South Wind, at the controls of the Royal Double Sworder you will perish!" Zero, now the South Wind(golden eyed, silver haired) exclaimed. "Oh, of course they'd all be Winds, well, we're dead." the leader said. "Homicide!" The three Winds yelled as the sky turned Silver(over Sworder), gold(over Liger), and mystic blue(over Geno). "Helcat One, isn't there anything we can do?" a pilot asked. "Fraid not, but we're not alive, we're robots, so we have no family. Let's all shut down now." the leader said as all of the robotic pilots shut down and mystic blue, silver, and gold lightning struck the Helcats and destroyed them. "Huh? I'm still alive?" Kiyo asked himself. "Sure are Sherlock." the voice of the West Wind said in his head after he had returned to normal. After they had all gotten out of the Zoids and the Organoids had ejected from the cores and Komo explained what happened. "Well, I know I was dead! I asked how I got back!" Kiyo yelled, annoyed with Komo's answer. "Oh... a spell brought you back to life, if it wasn't for the West Wind's spirit you'd still be dead." Komo said. "He's gotcha there." the Weat Wind said in Kiyo's head. "Shut up." He thought in reply, the only way to talk to the West Wind without looking like an idiot was like that. "Anyway, do you have anymore questions?" Komo asked. "Yeah, who's the kid." Kiyo said as Rick hit him over the head with a lead pipe, which he dug out of the sand. "Don't call me a kid! I am the Zoidian prince! Rick is my name!" Rick yelled as Kiyo rubbed the bump on his head. "Damn k... Rick." Komo said as Rick prepared the pipe for another attack. "That's better." Rick said as he sat back down. "And what's with those Organoids? They look strange that's for sure." Kiyo said without thinking(again) as Zega, Bron, Komo, and Zero each hit Kiyo on the head with their fists. "OW! I just got out of the black hole and I just got back to living! Stop trying to kill me!" Kiyo yelled as he rubbed his head. "These are the most powerful Organoids in this war." Komo said as Bron and Zega roared at Kiyo. "Anyway, let's get to sleep, we have a lot of work tomorrow if we want Geno and Sworder to evolve before the end of the week(they have 4 days)." Komo said as they all walked into the Whale King and fell asleep. Yes, I did get permission from Lightning Count to use his Zoids and characters. 4. Max Strikes It was morning when we set out for some ruins. "What's next?" Rick asked as we blew up a group of Royal Shield Ligers. "Who knows. But if the info I got from those Ligers then we're gonna haveta evolve soon. They say Max is on his way." Zero said as we piloted our Zoids toward the ruins again. "Uh... explain this Max guy again please." Kiyo said. "He's supposedly the East Wind, he pilots a Royal Konig Wolf, he has a silver Organoid called, Zarga(he changed it's name), and he killed Zi's late Emporor." Komo said. "Got it." Kiyo said as a small Zoid appeared. "What's that?" Rick asked as they all stopped. "Looks like... Zeik?! It looks like Zeik from the old war!" Kiyo yelled as the Zoid jumped onto the cockpit hatch of the Liger 0 and roared. "I think he likes you." Zero said as the Zoid appeared inside the cockpit of the Liger 0 and roared as it nuzzled Kiyo. "An Organoid? For me? May as well try. Zeik Mobilize!" Kiyo yelled as the little Zoid flew into the Liger 0's Zoid core. "Oh shit!" Komo yelled as a Dragoon Nest landed infront of them. "I found you!" Max yelled as his Konig Wolf walked out of the Dragoon Nest followed by a Death Stinger(unmanned), Genosaurer(unmanned), Geno Breaker(unmanned), and Raptor(unmanned). "Zega Mobilize!" Komo said as Zega flew into Geno's Zoid core. "Mobilize Bron!" Zero yelled as Bron flew into Sworder's core. "Let's do this!" Rick yelled from inside Geno's cockpit. "You think you can beat me?" Max asked as the Konig Wolf, Death Stinger, Genosaurer, and Geno Breaker started charging their CPGs. "We sure do." Komo said as he thought, "We don't stand a chance." The North Wind heard this from inside Komo's mind. "Come on! You've never given up before! Don't start now!" the North Wind yelled from inside Komo's mind. "Charge completed." Max said. "Hmmm, I know! Guys gather around Geno, I got a plan." Komo said as the Liger and Double Sworder gathered around the Genosaurer. "What's the plan?" Kiyo asked. "Transform the enemy Zoids to Xenocide mode, no computer can withstand a transformation like that." Komo replied. "Nice idea, but how do you plan we do that." Zero asked. "Open the Zoid Gear compartment and put your finger inside, the screen should tell you when to take it out, then fire a small bullet and hit the cockpits of each of the unmanned zoids, then we fire Sworder's magnet poles and let them fire at us, cause once we transform them to Xenocide they will have one last thought... Fire the CPG." Komo replied. "Alright, it's worth a try." Kiyo said as they each put their fingers into the Zoid Gear compartment and the word "complete" appeared on the screen. "Fire!" Komo yelled as our heros fired their fastest bullet at the cockpits of each of the unmanned Zoids and they transformed to Xenocide. "What the hell?!" Max yelled, surprised by the events. "Here goes the last part." Zero said as he launched 20 magnet poles and turned them on. "Now we wait." Komo said as the unmanned Zoids fired their CGPs and fell down. "What did you do?!" Max yelled, suprised again as the CPG rays twisted back at the Konig Wolf and connected with it. "That's the end of him." Rick said. "Not yet." Komo said as the dust cleared and the front left leg of the Konig Wolf was gone. "He dodged it!" Zero yelled. "Zarga Mobilize!" Max yelled as Zarga flew into the Konig Wolf from a mountain. "We can't use Xenocide, he'll kill us before we get the chance." Komo explained as Max fired his CPG. "Idiot, he obviously has no idea what he's doing." Rick said as the CPG ray bended once it hit the magnetic field of the first magnet pole. "Duck!" Komo yelled as the CPG flew right over their heads. When they had their Zoids stand up straight again the Dragoon Nest and Konig Wolf were gone. "We'll get him soon enough." Rick said. Back on the Whale King everyone was asleep, except Kiyo. "I need food... large quantities." Kiyo said as he walked into the kitchen and started eating everything. 5. The Tournament Starts KIYO, KOMO, RICK, ZERO, AND THE ZOIDS AND ORGANOIDS WERE INSIDE THE WHALE KING. "WHERE TO NEXT?" KIYO ASKED STILL RUBBING HIS HEAD FROM THE BEATING HE HAD RECEIVED FOR EATING ALL OF THE FOOD. "WHERE DO YOU THINK WE'RE HEADING?! YOU ATE ALL OF THE FOOD SO NOW WE NEED MONEY TO GET MORE!" KOMO YELLED AS HE SMACKED KIYO ON THE HEAD AGAIN. "DID THE BLACK HOLE MESS WITH YOUR HEAD?" RICK ASKED. "MAYBE..." KIYO SAID. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAYBE?!" THE WEST WIND YELLED. "I GUESS WE SHOULD TRY TO COMPETE IN THE ZOID MASTER CHAMPIONSHIP. THE PRIZE THIS YEAR IS ZOID MAGNITE SHARDS AND OVER A MILLION DOLLARS." ZERO SAID. "ZOID MAGNITE SHARDS?" RICK ASKED. "WELL, THEY ARE LIKE THE ZOID MAGNITE ARMOR, ONLY YOU INPUT IT INTO THE ZOID CORE TO SUPPOSUDLY MAKE THE ZOID EVOLVE ONE LEVEL, AND SEEING AS WE HAVE 2 DAYS TO GET OUR ZOIDS TO EVOLVE, WE SHOULD ENTER, BUT WE NEED TO WAGER SOMETHING TO ENTER." KOMO REPLIED. "I HAVE AN IDEA... HOW ABOUT WE WAGER THE WHALE KING'S WEAPONS?" KIYO ASKED. "WELL... I GUESS WE COULD, WE REALLY AREN'T USING IT TO FIGHT, AND WE COULD GO FASTER." ZERO SAID. "WE WON'T LOSE, BESIDES THE WINNERS ALSO GET ALL OF THE WAGERED STUFF, BUT IT'S RICK'S WHALE KING, WE GOTTA ASK HIM." KOMO SAID. "YOU'RE RIGHT, WE WON'T LOSE, LET'S DO IT." RICK AGREED AS HE WALKED UP TO THE COCKPIT AND GOT THE WHALE KING INTO THE AIR AND HEADED TO NEW HELIC CITY. IT WAS AN HOUR BEFORE THEY ARRIVED IN NEW HELIC CITY, IT WAS NOON WHEN THEY ARRIVED. "FIND A SPOT TO LAND CLOSE TO THE OFFICE." KIYO INSISTED. "I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING." RICK REPLIED AS HE LANDED. THEY ALL GOT OUT OF THE WHALE KING, AFTER TAKING PICTURES OF THEIR ZOIDS, AND HEADED TO THE OFFICE OF THE ZOID COMPETITION. "HELLO, MAY I HELP YOU?" A MAN NAMED DEAN ASKED. "WELL, WE WANT TO SIGN UP FOR THE COMPETITION." KOMO REPLIED. "ALRIGHT, HOW MANY OF YOU WILL PARTICIPATE?" DEAN ASKED AS HE GRABBED THREE PIECES OF PAPER. "JUST THE THREE OF US, THE KID'S JUST WATCHING." KIYO SAID AS RICK GRABBED A PILE OF PAPERS AND WHACKED KIYO WITH THEM. "I'M NOT A KID FOR THE LAST TIME!" RICK YELLED. "ALRIGHT, I WILL NEED THE NAME OF THE PART YOU ARE WAGERING, YOUR NAMES, A PICTURE OF EACH OF YOUR ZOIDS, YOUR NAMES AND TEAM NAME, AND YOUR AGES, USE THESE PAPERS TO WRITE DOWN THAT INFORMATION, THEN PROCEED TO THE COMPETITOR'S ROOM, THE YOUNG MAN WILL NEED TO GO TO THE TICKET BOOTH AND TELL ONE OF THE PEOPLE THERE HIS NAME AND WHAT TEAM HE'S WITH, THEY WILL DIRECT HIM TO THE TEAM'S SPECTATOR BOOTH." DEAN EXPLAINED AS HE HANDED THEM THE THREE PAPERS. AFTER THEY HAD WRITTEN DOWN THEIR INFORMATION FIVE GODOS CAME AND REMOVED THE PART THEY(OUR HEROS) HAD WAGERED, RICK WENT TO THE TEAM SPECTATOR BOOTH, AND KIYO, KOMO, AND ZERO GOT THEIR ZOIDS AND ORGANOIDS AND WENT TO THE COMPETITORS'S ROOM. AFTER FIVE MINUTES THE ZOIDS HAD BEEN PUT INTO THEIR SPOTS IN THE HANGAR ASSIGNED TO THEM AND ZEGA, ZEIK, BRON, KOMO, KIYO, AND ZERO WENT TO WAIT. "LOOK AT ALL THESE PEOPLE." ZERO BURSTED OUT AS THEY WALKED INTO THE COMPETITOR'S ROOM. "THERE'S JUST... US AND ONE OTHER TEAM, WE BOTH CONSIST OF THREE PEOPLE." KOMO SAID. "WELL, WELL, WELL, NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN KOMO." A YOUNG MAN IN A CLOAK SAID WALKING UP BEHIND THEM. "HUH? MAKE THAT THREE TEAMS, I WISH I COULD SAY THE SAME MAX." KOMO REPLIED AS THEY(OUR HEROS) TURNED AROUND. "DON'T SAY THAT, I'VE HELPED YOU GET TO WHERE YOU ARE TODAY, BUT THE THING IS, YOU ARE STILL THE WEAKEST PILOT AROUND, AND I'LL DEFEAT YOU IN THIS COMPETITION." MAX SAID. "YOU WISH, SEE YOU IN THE FINALS." KOMO SAID. AS MAX WALKED AWAY TO MEET HIS TEAM IN THEIR(MAX'S) HANGAR. "ATTENTION, WILL KOMO KAKAMA OF THE DRAGON MASTER TEAM AND TIAM KIKANO OF THE APE TEAM PLEASE REPORT TO THEIR HANGARS AND PREPARE FOR BATTLE." A MAN SAID OVER THE PA SYSTEM. "LOOKS LIKE ME AND THE LEADER OVER THERE ARE UP FIRST." KOMO SAID AS HE AND TIAM WALKED TO THEIR HANGARS AND GOT INTO THEIR ZOIDS. TIAM WAS PILOTING AN IRON KONG, KOMO, OF COURSE, WAS PILOTING HIS GENOSAURER. "IT'S TIME TO BEGIN THE ZOIDS MASTER CHAMPIONSHIP! THIS YEAR'S PRIZES ARE A MILLION DOLLARS AND ZOID MAGNITE SHARDS! THIS CHAMPIONSHIP ALSO GIVES A CHANCE FOR ZOID WARRIORS FROM AROUND THE WORLD TO JOIN A GROUP OF WARRIORS WITH THE SAME INTERESTS, THIS YEAR THERE ARE THREE TEAMS, EACH WITH THREE WARRIORS. THIS YEARS TEAMS ARE, THE DRAGON MASTER TEAM, THE APE TEAM, AND THE WARRIOR TEAM! OUR FIRST BATTLE IS AGAINST KOMO KAKAMA OF THE DRAGON MASTERS TEAM AND TIAM KIKANO OF THE APE TEAM, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" A MAN YELLED OVER A PA SYSTEM AS KOMO IN THE GENOSAURER AND ZEGA BESIDE IT AND TIAM AND HIS IRON KONG STEPPED OUT OF THEIR HANGARS AND THE CROWD CHEERED. "ZEGA MOBILIZE!" KOMO YELLED AS ZEGA FLEW INTO THE GENOSAURER'S CORE. "GET READY TO LOSE KID, NO ONE HAS EVER DEFEATED MY IRON KONG." TIAM SAID. "THEN THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST TIME TO LOSE IN LESS THAN FIVE SECONDS." KOMO REPLIED AS HE FLEW INTO THE AIR AND FIRED TWO SHOTS FROM THE GENOSAURER'S GUN. "WHAT!?" TIAM YELLED SURPRISED AS THE BULLETS CONNECTED WITH THE ARMS OF HIS IRON KONG AND IT FELL TO THE GROUND AND THE WORDS "ATTACK COMMAND SYSTEM FREEZE" APPEARED ON HIS SCREEN. "WHAT IS THIS...?! IT'S A NEW RECORD, THIS BATTLE HAS LASTED ONLY FIVE SECONDS, AND IT IS OVER, LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR KOMO KAKAMA!" A MAN SAID OVER THE PA SYSTEM AS KOMO MOVED THE GENOSAURER TO THE HANGAR. "THESE MATCHUPS ARE A JOKE, THEY MATCHED UP KOMO WITH THAT GUY IN AN IRON KONG, THAT WAS THE EASIEST MATCH THEY WILL EVER HAVE." MAX SAID. "NEXT UP, KIYO SAKAMA VERSES SAGGI TIAMO!" A MAN SAID OVER THE PA SYSTEM. 6. Match 1 Kiyo VS Saku The battles continued much like Komo's first match until the battle against Max's team started. "We have now entered the final matches! Let's give it up for the two remaining teams, The Dragons Masters and The Demons!" A man over the PA yelled. "Wait... weren't there just 3 teams to begin with?" Zero asked. "Yea... Max's team got to go to the finals without a single fight..." Kiyo replied. "I suppose we might as well give up huh?" Zero asked. "Ya know Zero... I've had it up to here with all of your complaining. Either we defeat Max now, or we all die." Komo snapped as he grabbed Zero's shirt collar. "Komo... maybe you should calm..." the North Wind said inside Komo's head. "Fine..." Komo thought as he let Zero go. "All we have to do is win two out of the three matches and we win automatically. Though... the opponent has the ability to force us to battle again. Even though it would make no difference on the end of the battle." Kiyo explained. "Attention! Kiyo Sakama and Saku... uh... he didn't give his last name... please report to the arena." Five minutes later Saku was waiting in his Trinity Liger(Red Sheild Liger-looking Zoid with a smaller snout, a mane, no weapons, and a royal zoid paintjob). "Kiyo! Why the hell aren't you out there?!" Komo yelled in frustration. "Don't you see it? Saku's Zoid... it's a Trinity Liger, one of the Legend Zoids. It has no weaknesses, and it can fly. The only possible way for my Liger 0 to win... is for it to evolve..." Kiyo said. "Then get out there and get it to evolve!" Komo yelled. "It's not that easy! For me to get the right type of evolution I need a Zoid Blok! A green Zoid Blok! Those are almost impossible to find... I could run out to the ruins just south of here... but if I do I'm gonna be disqualified..." Kiyo replied. "I'll go get it." Zero said, "This battle won't end without the Zoid Blok you need. So I'm good on time. I'll be back as soon as I can." Zero said as he ran to his Double Sworder and flew off towards the ruins. "Well, you have no excuse now, it should only take him about 30 minutes, can you last that long? Or are you too scared?" Komo asked. "I can last that long, just be here so I can attack you when I get back." Kiyo replied. "Agreed." Komo said as Kiyo ran to his Liger. "Alright Liger, we're just stalling, so save your power." Kiyo said as Liger growed in acknowledgement. Kiyo, his Liger, and Zeik walked out to the arena. "Be careful Kiyo, if you don't... the Trinity Liger will destroy you." Komo thought. After Kiyo got into his Liger and Zeik flew into the Zoid Core the battle started. Trinity Liger flew at Liger 0. Kiyo jerked the controls and dodged noticing that something was wrong. "What's going on... the settings are set way to high... did they..." Kiyo thought. "I guess you found out my little trick? I hacked your systems while you were looking for a safe way out of your battle. It'll make you raise your level of strength for every move you make." Saku said. "You bastard!" Kiyo yelled as Saku charged again. Kiyo dodged by one foot. "Nice, but your systems are going to make you have to be able to bench press 290 pounds. And since you have just recently been released from limbo... you probably will barely be able to manage 310." Saku said with an evil smile. Meanwhile Zero had reached the ruins. "Damn! Damn again! Damn again, again! I can't read this! I knew I should have taken Greek classes!" Zero yelled. Bron stomped past Zero down a hall. "Bron! Hey wait for me!" Zero yelled as he ran after Bron. Five minutes into the ruins Zero spoke, "Are you sure this is the right way?" he asked. Bron stopped and shook his head in a "no." "What?!?!?!?! I thought you knew which way we were going!!!" Zero yelled as he fell through a trapdoor. "Oh crap!!!!!!!!!!" Zero yelled as he fell and landed on his head in a room with 4 glowing cubes. "I really hope those are them..." Zero said as he walked up to the 4 cubes. "Roar!!!!!" He heard as he grabbed the cubes and looked behind him. "Oh crap!" Zero yelled as he ran away from an Unenlagia Zoid. Back at the arena Kiyo was having a hard time. Kiyo growled as he pulled the controls that were now 400 pounds to dodge. "My oh my. Kiyo is much stronger than I anticipated... He's been able to adapt to the weight changes in the Zoid controls. I wonder if I can beat him..." Saku thought as he launched another attack. "You can't win, just give up now." Kiyo said sweating heavily as he struggled to dodge again. "You have been able to dodge all of my attacks! How is this possible!?" Saku yelled in confusion as Komo called a 1 minute time out(max time available). Kiyo, Zero just got back, he has the Zoid Blok. Open the Liger's cockpit so he can toss it in." Komo said over the walkie. "Good." Kiyo said as he opened the cockpit and Zero threw in the green cube. "What was that?!" Saku yelled in confusion. "It's called a Zoid Blok, and it's known for causing massive damage. Now...!" Kiyo began as he transformed into the West Wind, "Zoid Blok in! Download!" The West Wind finished as he put the Zoid Blok into the Zoid Gear compartment. "A Zoid Blok??!!" Saku yelled in confusion and fear as the Liger 0 started to glow with a powerful green light. The green light spat a holo-projector out and it showed what was going on inside the cockpit. Kiyo's eyes had gone totally green, he hair was a dark green, and his skin and clothes were a very light green. Markings began to appear on his face, like the ones located on Royal Zoids. The green light started to fade revealing a green Trinity Liger. "No! A Trinity Liger!" Saku yelled in fear. "A Trinity Liger to match a Trinity Liger. The only difference... mine has a heart. Trinity Claw!" Kiyo yelled as his new Liger rushed at Saku and slashed the Zoid in half, totally destroying it. "And the winner is Kiyo!" The man yelled over the P.A. as Kiyo opened the cockpit, took out the Zoid Blok, and fell from the cockpit to the ground. The ambulance took him and Saku to the arena hospital. 7. Match 2 Zero VS Honda With 4 Zoid Bloks in possesion, Kiyo in the hospital, and Zero up to bat next, how are we gonna make this happen? This is what Komo is thinking as Zero goes into his fight with Honda. Flyscissors, a powerful chimera/bug type Zoid. With two massive jaw parts, the task of taking the head from a Zoid is simple. This is the main worry of Komo. They have neglected to do a formal test of all of the Zoid Bloks. The red blok turned the Double Sworder into a Saicurtis, but Zero has decided to try the golden Zoid Blok, will the power of it be too much for Zero to handle? I loved that intro, on to the story. "Hey Kiyo, how're ya doin?" Zero asked as he and Komo(with Bron and Zega) walked into Kiyo's hospital room. "Hey guys, I'm just fine, I'll be out in about an hour, plenty of time to see Zero's match. Nervous buddy?" Kiyo asked. "Yea, a little anyway, I'm going to try the golden Zoid Blok out." Zero replied. "What?! How stupid are you man?! Just look at what the green one did to me and Zeik!" Kiyo yelled. "I don't care. I've lived my life this way, taking chances and making mistakes. How is Zeik anyway?" Zero asked. "I went to see him earlier, he can go when Kiyo does." Komo replied. "Well, that's good." Zero said. "I can't wait for your match tommorow. How is Saku anyway?" Kiyo asked. "He left already, he's going to build a Zoid just like his old Liger, he loved that thing. Max forced him to fight. Thankfully the main part of the Zoid core was still alive. They put it into a Godos that they weren't using." Komo replied with a smile. "I feel bad... but at least the Zoid core was alive." Kiyo said. "Excuse me, is this Kiyo Sakama's room?" a mail carrier asked as he walked past the room. "Yea, why?" Kiyo asked. "I have a package from a mister... Saku. I need you to sign for it." the mail carrier replied. "Sure." Kiyo said as he took the package and signed the paper and the carrier left. "What is it?" Zero asked as Kiyo opened the box. "Huh? There's a note... 'You freed me from Max's powers, this is a gift showing my thanks'." Kiyo read as he took a small egg from the box. "Looks like a dragon egg..." Komo commented as the egg hatched revealing a small mechanical dragon. "An organoid?" Komo said with a slightly surprised voice. The little organoid jumped to the floor and grew to the size of a normal organoid. He was blue with blood red eyes. "I didn't know they grew that fast... anyway, what're ya gonna name 'im?" Zero asked. "Well... I guess... Zynrai." Kiyo said as the organoid looked at him. "He's kinda... weird..." Zero said as Zynrai looked at Zero and hit him with his tail. "Ow! Dammit!" Zero yelled as he hit a wall. "laugh That was great. laugh" Komo said. "I don't know why you think it was so great..." Zero said as Kiyo, Komo, Bron, Zega, and Zynrai laughed. The next day marked the start of the battle for Zero. "Today marks the second to last battle for the finals. Which Zoid Fighter will win? Will there be another trip to the hospital? We can only hope." the man on the P.A. system introduced as Honda flew his Flyscissors into the arena, as did Zero and Bron with their Double Sworder. Honda took a pack off of his back and pulled a laptop out of it and started typing some sort of code. "This kid won't know what hit him. With this virus in his Zoid system, I'll be able to regulate the temperature in the cockpit. He'll die if I don't win." Honda thought. "Well? Shall we start?" Zero asked as he climbed into the cockpit and shut the canopy and Bron flew into the Double Sworder's Zoid Core. "He's in such a hurry to die... what a fool..." Honda thought as he climbed into his Flyscissors. "Battle Begin!" the man on the P.A. commanded as Zero and Honda flew at eachother." Zoids NC0 Battle Riff/Zoids NC0 "Heat regulator set... activate!" Honda yelled as the temperature in Zero's cockpit went up to 100 degrees F. "Wow... it just got kinda hot... eh, oh well." Zero said as he charged again. They continued to charge eachother, neither seemed to tire. Zero was sweating in his cockpit. "What the hell is up with the temperature in here?! It's over 200 degrees!" Zero yelled. "That would be the virus I installed into your Zoid. Each time I charge at you the temperature in your cockpit raises by 10 degrees. The battle continued. "Komo... do you think Zero has even the slightest chance of a win?" Kiyo asked in the Team Room. "I know he can't win, if he had just used the red Zoid Blok, he may have had a chance, but at the moment... it's clear that Zero can't win." Komo replied. "So... it'll be up to you?" Kiyo asked. "If he can't win, then I'll have to. As I said, it's clear that he can't win. Honda will destroy his Zoid if Zero loses." Komo replied as he laid back in his chair and looked at the ceiling. "You're not gonna watch?" Kiyo asked. "No reason to." Komo replied as he pointed to a TV in the corner which was broadcasting the battle. Five minutes after that the fight was still going strong. "The temperature in his cockpit is way over 300 degrees! How is this possible?!" Honda asked himself. "I think it's time for the Zoid Blok..." Zero said as sweat dripped onto his console "Zoid Blok in! Download!" Zero finished as he jammed the Blok into the Zoid Gear slot. A golden light shot from the Double Sworder's eyes and covered it. "Fool, you can't control what will come from that transformation." Honda said as a blue Flyscissors emerged from the light. "Awesome! It's the perfect temperature and I can very easily... what!?" Zero yelled in confusion as the control panel changed drastically. "If you can't handle a Scissor Panel then you will never understand how to use a Flyscissors." Honda said as he opened his flyscissors jaws for the final blow. "Looks like it's over." Komo said as Zynrai lit up. "Huh? What's up Zyn?" Kiyo asked as Zynrai looked at him and flew into Zero's zoid core. "He's going to try to save him?" Komo asked. "Now die!" Honda yelled as his Flyscissors got right around the cockpit of Zero's Flyscissors. A light emerged and landed in the arena a a little farther back as Zero's Flyscissors head fell. The light that had flown out of the Double Sworder faded to show Zynrai. Zero and Bron fell out of Zynrai, Zero was unconsious. [Flashback] A young boy is being swept down a river as a slightly older boy jumped in and saved him. "Are you alright Zero? That was close..." a boy who's face was in front of the sun, making his face barely able to be seen. "I'm... kinda dizzy..." Zero said as he went unconsious. Zero woke up in his house. "How did I get home...?" Zero asked himself the boy who had saved him walked by the room. "God... it's been a day already Zero... musta hit your head pretty hard there huh bro?" the boy said. "Adrian? When did you get home from the city?" Zero asked. "I got back just in time to see some sort of Zoid-like creature push you into the water and run off." Adrian(Zero's brother) said. "That creature... it pushed me to save me..." Zero said as he tried to sit up. "Don't get up Zero! You can't have enough strength yet... but... what do you mean 'saved you'?" Adrian asked. "I fell down the hill and hit a bear... I ran and it ran after me... that creature pushed me into the water to get me away from the bear... it must have known you were watching me. It was a brilliant shade of bronze..." Zero replied. "Well, I don't know about that... but, I did get you a souveneer from the city." Adrian said as he put an item on Zero's desk that had a ball with a Japanese sign inside, "This ball has the sign of power on it. I hear it'll protect you. Well... I'm gonna go to bed." Adrian said as he walked towards his room. "Kiyo... this'll be our final fight... for now..." Adrian said as he went out the door and jumped into his Zoid, a Zoid shrouded in darkness. [End Flashback] 8. Final Match Komo VS Max Last time Zero's Double Sworder was destroyed, Zero lost his match, and we saw some back story on him... If you've read Lightning Count's fic then you know who Adrian is. We'll start in the hospital where Zero is. "Hey Zero, how ya doin?" Komo asked as he walked in smiling. "How does it look like Komo... I lose my match... and my Double Sworder... I even lost the golden Zoid Blok. If those controls hadn't changed..." Zero started. "The controls did change, and your Double Sworder was destroyed so get over it. We found the Zoid Blok. I'm using it this time. The doctor said by the time the tournament finishes tomorrow you should be able to leave. He also said that he would get a TV and put it in here so you could watch the match." Komo said. "Uh... excuse me... is this the room of Zero?" A young man asked as he stepped into the doorway. "Honda? What are you doing here?!" Zero asked loudly. "Calm down... Max released his hold on my mind when I won... I remember everything i did... and I'm sorry. About that blue light... that was an organoid right?" Honda asked. "Yea, it was." Komo answered for Zero. "Organoids have the power to save data from a Zoid Core. I would try searching his memory for the data. If he has it then you can revive the Zoid Core Data into a blank core. I recommend a bug type zoid." Honda said as he threw Zero a ball with a Japanese symbol inside. "What's this?" Zero asked as Honda started out the door. "A ball of power. The power to become invisible." Honda said as he walked away and Kiyo walked in from the other side of the hall. "Hey guys, hows Bron doin?" Kiyo asked as Zero threw a vase of flowers at Kiyo's head. "'How's Bron'?! What about me you dumbass!" Zero yelled as the vase hit Kiyo's head. "Ow! Dammit! I just asked cause I saw that you were fine!" Kiyo yelled as Rick walked in and hit him on the back of the head. "This is a hospital Kiyo... be quiet." Rick said as he walked over to Zero and handed him a laptop and a disk. "What's this?" Zero asked. "I brought my laptop so I could show you the data I got from Zynrai." Rick replied. Zero poped the disk into the laptop and openeed the contents. "What in the hell?!?! This is Zoid core data!" Zero yelled in confusion. "Yea, I'll have a blank core readied for the data, but I need to know the Zoid you want." Rick said. "Well... when I was at the ruins getting the Zoid Bloks... I saw some carvings on the wall of three scorpion Zoids, I knew what one of them was... the Death Stinger, but the other two, I nicknamed Mirage Stinger because it was covered in mist, and the Life Stinger because of the heart above it. Now, here are the specifications of the Zoid, the Mirage Stinger." Zero said as he wrote down specs on a notepad and drew some diagrams(a master artist because it was extremely detailed and he finished it in 5 minutes). "Wow... these are really good." Rick, Kiyo, and Komo said together. "Give em back and I'll make the color scheme." Zero said as Rick handed him the notepad and some colored pencils. He finished the color data in about 1 minute, and it was also extremly detailed. "This could take a week..." Rick said. "Exactly. We'll stay for a week more while we rest from the tournament." Zero said. "Right... well... I'll run this to the garage." Rick said as he headed for the garage. "Well, I'm gonna leave and get my Genosaurer and Zega ready for the final round." Komo said as he ran to the garage. "I'm gonna go do repairs on my Liger..." Kiyo said as he walked off. "Another power sphere... the power of invisibility... maybe I'll use it sometime..." Zero thought that night as he fell asleep. [Flashback] "Adrian?" Zero said as he looked around his house. "Where did he go...?" he asked himself as he walked outside and saw two giant footprints. "A Zoid? But... Adrian can't be a pilot..." Zero said to himself. A Chinese dragon-looking zoid landed next to him. "So you're Adrain's little brother? He said I'd think you were cute... but yer just a brat without a Zoid... and where is Arsaille? He shoulda been here by now..." the girl in the zoid said. "Who're you? How do you know my brother?" Zero asked. "You'll find out someday. But..." the girl continued as she opened the cockpit "My name is Celes. Remember my face, maybe you'll get strong enough to get me to like you. Then again... maybe not..." Celes finished as she closed the cockpit and flew away. "Wow... she was cute..." Zero said as he stood there watching her fly off. [Flashback] "Today the tournament will end! I hope everyone is ready for a long battle!" the man yelled over the P.A. "Finally the time is here... time to see if Komo is ready to beat them..." Max thought as he made his final check on his Zoid. "Zero? May I come in?" Komo asked as he opened the door to Zero's room. "Oh... hey Komo." Zero said as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, "What do ya need?" "Well... I'm not sure if the Genosaurer are ready for this..." Komo said as he sat in the chair next to Zero's bed. "Maybe you're right. But my brother once said, 'If you never try, you'll never reach your potential'." Zero said as he took out a small statue with a Double Sworder-looking bug decoration on the top and a hole in the center that looks like it was made to fit a small sphere. "Whats that?" Komo asked. "I dunno... my brother gave it to me the last time i saw him... about 10 years ago. It's supposed to help me be strong... but still... just being around it doesn't seem to do much... but that doesn't matter... I told you because you asked. Now, for you... just go out there and try your best." Zero said. "Fine... I'll do it..." Komo said with a hesitant voice. "Why are you hesitating?" Zero asked. "It's just... I feel that I know Max from before the first time we saw him... but it's nothing..." Komo replied. "Well, hello boys." A woman that looked exactly like Leena walked by. "Uh... who're you?" Zero asked. "Not important, I know this is the hospital room for the Dragon King team. Now where's Kiyo?" the woman asked quite insistantly. "Behind you. Hey Kiyo... uh... why do you look so scared?" Zero asked as he saw Kiyo with his mouth hanging open, a scared look in his eyes, and pointing at the woman. "L... L... Leena?!?!?!?!?!" Kiyo yelled in fear as she looked at him and growled. "There you are!" The woman(Leena) yelled as she started punching him and smacking him with lead pipes "How dare you keep me waiting! Why didn't you come see me!? It's been 6 years!" Leena finished as Kiyo was aying on the ground bruised and bloody. "Sorry Leena." Kiyo apologized with a dizzy voice. "Oh well... I've found you and now I'm never going to let you leave me again, if you even try I'll force you to stay." Leena said as Kiyo got a scared look in his eyes and crawled under Zero's bed. "'re not here alone right?" Kiyo asked scaridly from under the bed. "Of course not. The whole team's here. They want to hurt you too." Leena said sweat bullets on Kiyo, Komo, and Zero. "What about us?" Zero and Komo asked. "What about you? I don't even know who you two are." Leena replied. "I'm Zero... the one who's about to get one of the most powerful Legendary Scorpion-Type Zoids." Zero said. "And I'm Komo, I'm about to go into a battle." Komo said with a smile. "You know... they don't really need us do they?" The winds asked each other. "I don't suppose so... but they will." The North Wind answered. "Kiyo! Yay! We've finally found you! I saw your battle when you used the Trinity Liger! That was so cool so I ordered the model on the spot!" The Doc said as he ran in and gave Kiyo a big hug. "Ahhh!!!!!! Not you again!" Kiyo yelled in fear sweat bullet on Leena, Komo, and Zero. "Oh shit!!!!!!! I'm gonna be late!" Komo yelled as he ran out of the room, knocking Kiyo, Leena, and Doc over. "I'm gonna kill him!" Leena yelled as she ran after Komo with a whole bunch of needles full of anestesia(the kind that makes you sleep). "Oh crap! Zega!" Komo yelled as he noticed leena was following him. Zega flew next to Komo and let him jump on then they flew to the arena. "Well... I just got word that Komo just arrived. So once he gets his Zoid ready he will proceed to the final arena. The name of it... The Magma Field. Very catchy huh? But stay tuned. The giant screens will show us all of the action from about 200 different sides." A dude over the P.A. said. A Message from Max was on Komo's canopy, it read: "No need to rush Komo. I want to fight you to win, I won't allow you to be disqualified." "Well Zega... this is it... once we beat Max... we might be able to beat the Demon Team..." Komo said as he jumped into the Cockpit and Zega flew into the Zoid core. Komo flew his Genosaurer to the final arena, a hollowed out volcano. "Good, you're here. A waver will be projected on both of your command screens, please sign them and await my signal to begin." a man said over Max and Komo's intercoms as they both signed them. Komo heard a few beeps that came from his environment scanner. "What the hell? Hey! This thing is active! They're having us fight in an active volcano!?" Komo thought to himself. "As both of you may have noticed, this is an active volcano. The volcano will erupt in about 30 minutes, or when enough seismic activity from your Zoids causes the eruption. You had both best be very careful if you value life." the man said. "Hmmm... a bit more danger allows or a better battle." Max said. "North Wind(NW from now on)... can you take this over?" Komo asked in his head. "Afraid not, I'm not going to but in unless the East Wind appears. Even then I might wait and see i you can take him on." NW replied. "Damn... Zega! Get ready!" Komo yelled as the Genosaurer roared(because of Zega). "Zoid Battle Finals! Ready! Fight!" the man yelled as he took his helecopter above the volcano. Music: Piling Up Strength/Unknown Band/Naruto(Japanese) Komo was the first to charge. "To slow!" Max yelled as he jerked his Konig Wolf to the left and tore off some armor from the Genosaurers arm. Komo charged once again. "Fool!" Max yelled as he jerked his Konig Wolf again, but to the right, tearing off more armor. "Not yet... still a little more..." Komo thought as he smirked and charged again. "What is he thinking?" Max asked himself as he had the Konig Wolf jump and tear off the back gun from the Genosaurer. "Still not enough... sorry Genosaurer... but we gotta take more damage..." Komo said to himself as he charged once again. "Fine! You want it that way?! Then here it is!" Max yelled as he fired his boosters and two blades appeared on the Konig Wolf, one on each side, the arms of the Genosaurer were sliced off like a hot knife through butter. "Now! Demon Xenocide!" Komo yelled as a dark aura surrounded the Genosaurer and made it go completely black except for the eyes, they went an evil blood red. "What?! What is Komo doing!?" Kiyo yelled in confusion while watching the match as he looked on in horror. "W... what the hell is that thing?!" Max yelled in fear and confusion as his Konig Wolf backed up. Komo chuckled evily, it was like he had changed somehow, his eyes were the same blood red as the Genosaurer and his pupils were a mystic blue, his skin had gone black like the armor of the Genosaurer, and scariest of all... his voice had gone evil and merciless. "The Demon Xenocide. I would use no less to defeat you. The death you will sufer will be slow and painful." the new Komo said in his evil voice as he continued to chuckle like an evil madman. "I didn't want this... I just wanted to test him... perhaps my act was to much..." Max thought to himself as his mind filled with worry. The arms on the Genosaurer grew back as well as the armor and the weapons he had lost. "Komo... no... what have you done..." Zero said to himself as he looked on in horror from the hospital television. The Genosaurer roared in a terrifying tone. "Now, to commence your destruction." Komo said as he moved at such a high speed that it seemed like he teleported. The Genosaurer appeared behind the Konig Wolf and sliced all of it's boosters off. A young girl(about 15) burst into Zero's room and grabed him by the collar. "Where is he?! Where is Komo?!" she yelled as she shook him. "May(the young girl)... Komo told you to stay home. I'm sure of it, and I'm sure he wouldn't want you to see what he's become..." Zero said dramatically. "Zero! Tell me where my brother is now!" May yelled as she shook him harder. Zero pointed to the TV and closed his eyes. "Komo... Komo no!" May yelled as she saw his Genosaurer, she knew what had happned, her brother had told her of a legend of Xenocide and of the three classes, normal, Angel, and Demon. Komo laughed evily and commented, "You never had a chance, you never had the power to beat me, and now you never will." Komo said as the Genosaurer sliced the legs of the Konig Wolf off and threw it to the ground. The Konig Wolf whimpered from the pain it must have gone through for that. "Now... prepare for your final sight... prepare to die." Komo said as he held the Golden Zoid Blok and his hand began to glow in a demonic aura. The Zoid Blok went completely dark the power of darkness eminating from it was so strong... it pierced Max's very soul. "What's going on? Why isn't he finishing him off? Answer me!" A young man covered in shadows wearing a black Trigun Vash jacket yelled. "Sir... it seems the Power of Gale may not be strong enough to destroy them both..." another young man answered. "Oh well, at least the East Wind will die." the first young man chuckled. "Power of the Gale! Heed my command!" Komo yelled as he slammed the new Demon Zoid Blok into the Zoid Gear compartment. The Genosaurer began to pulse with a demonic black light. New armor, weapons, and a pair of demon's wings began to appear, then a flash of evil light covered the volcano... and dissipated, revealing a fearsome creature, a demonic monster of emmense power. "W... what the hell is that thing...?" Max tried to ask as the command console was slowly crushing his lungs(the bindings that held it to the Konig Wolf had been destroyed). "The Lord Gale. The Zoid of Darkness. Now, meet your death." Komo replied while chuckling. The Lord Gale began to move it's arms in a strange motion and finally put them in a Kame Hame Ha(DBZ) stance. A ball of darkness started to swirl in the Lord Gale's hands. "I can't let this happen... Komo... cough I won't let you continue..." Max said as he started to cough blood and his Konig Wolf lit up. "I'm afraid you can't even come close to denting me. Now! Demon's Blaze!" Komo yelled as teared welled up in his eyes and the Lord Gale threw it's hands forward, pushing the ball of darkness at the Konig Wolf. The arena was covered in darkness. "Komo!" May yells as the volcano starts to rumble and the black light flies from the top of it. The darkness then was overcome by a violent flash of white light. "Komo! I know you can hear me! Snap out of it!" Max yelled, max had now changed, his hair was glowing in a white light and his eyes were glowing gold, his pupils were white as well. "What?! He's released the East wind!" the first young man in the jacket yelled. The Konig Wolf began to glow and change. "Genus Transformation! Genus Wolf appear!" Max, who was now the East Wind(EW) yelled as the Konig Wolf pulsed with a holy white light. The light dissipated and a new Zoid appeared, a wolf type with white armor, golden teeth, and angelic silver eyes. "The East Wind has awakened. Now the demon and the angel will battle." Komo said as he laughed evily. "And as soon as it started it ended! Angel Wings!" EW yelled as the Genus Wolf sprouted the wings of an angel and flew at the Lord Gale. The Angel Wings went right through the Gale causing no damage. "What?!" Komo yelled as the Demon Zoid Blok was spat from it's compartment and the Lord Gale transformed into the Genosaurer. "Good... now Komo let's finish this, fair and square!" EW yelled as he charged at Komo. "Only if you tell me what happened after I beat you!" Komo yelled as the Zoid Blok he held in his hands turned gold again and he charged the Genosaurer at the EW. "Deal!" EW yelled as they collided. "Komo's back to normal!" Kiyo yelled as he ran into Zero's room. "I'm aware, just watch the rest of the match." Zero snapped back. The Genus Wolf threw the Genosaurer to the side and jetted to the other side of the volcano and started back again. The Genosuarer stood up and started to glow in an amazing shade of Mystic Red. End Music The Genosaurer caught the Genus Wolf. "What the hell?!" EW yelled as the Genosaurer changed completely. Music: Reversal/Unknown Band/Naruto(Japanese) "The Genomaxis. Another powerful version of the Genosaurer. I win." Komo yelled as the Genomaxis threw the Genus Wolf away. "Good, an actual battle is about to begin, Max, you take over again." EW insisted as he turned to Max again. The Genomaxis charged at the Genus Wolf. Max jerked the control and fired at the head of the Genomaxis. Komo moved the controls slightly to dodge by just an inch. The volcano then began to shake violently. And the ground began to melt the bottom the the two zoids feet. "Oh shit! This is bad!" Komo and Max yelled together. "Komo. Your Genomaxis has boosters right?" Max asked. "Yea, as I said before, it's an upgraded..." Komo started. "Ok, get outta here, I'll be fine." Max interrupted. "Hey, I'm not going alone. You still have to tell me what happened, I lost my memory of some of the battle. So here's what I'll do." Komo said as the Genomaxis grabbed the tail of the Genus Wolf and started to spin. "Not only will this win me the battle, but this will save you." Komo chuckled happily as the Genomaxis threw the Genus Wolf and made it slam into the ground about 5 miles away, giving it a Command System Freeze. "Dammit!" Max yelled as Komo started his boosters and flew out of the volcano. "Now... the lava will probably make it to the city... so... I'll make a mote." Komo said as he charged his CPG. Komo then fired it and formed a mote to make the lava stop. 9. Mystery Revealed Max has been tied up and the group is getting ready for Komo to start asking questions. "You didn't have to tie me up!" Max yelled as he struggled to get free. "Can't we untie him Leena? I mean... he did give us his word..." Kiyo insisted as Leena gave him a dirty look. "Wow... she sure has a leash on you huh Kiyo?" Rick said with a smile. "...I'll start my questions now if everyone will shut up..." Komo said as everyone sat down. "Ok, Why don't you just tell us your story... your connection with me, all that stuff." Komo requested as Leena grabbed an axe. "Leena... what's the axe for?" Kiyo asked as she gave him another evil look. "That was funny too." Rick said with a giggle. "Shut up... and I'll start the story..." Max said as he started his story [Flashback to 10 years ago(Komo, Zero, and Max are all 16 in the present time)] [Bran-New Lovesong/The Pillows/FLCL(Fooly Cooly)(Ep. 2 at the end... I think...)] "Komo! Wake up! Today's the day!" a young boy said to the young Komo. "Huh... wha?" Komo mumbled as he got up and wiped his eyes. "You're awake, that's good. Well, get dressed, today's the day of the Zoid Battle Championships on TV." the young boy informed. "Oh no! That is today! Max you go on to the colliseum, I'll meet you there!" Komo said as the young boy(young Max) ran to the bus to get to the colliseum. Komo looked as his watch as he started running to the colliseum and looked at his watch. "Oh no! I'll never make it in time!" Komo yelled as he slowed down to take a rest. "I really wanted to go too..." Komo said to himself as he turned around and walked right into the leg of a Mirage Liger. "Hey kid, were you on your way to the colliseum?" the pilot said as he had his Liger kneel down so he could jump out of the cockpit. "Uh... y... yea!" Komo yelled to the Zoid Pilot as the cockpit opened. "Climb in, I'm late myself." the pilot said as he let out a Bit Cloud-like laugh. "Thanks! Thanks alot!" Komo yelled as he jumped into the passenger seat of the Liger. "So, how old're you kid?" the pilot asked as he closed the cockpit and had the Liger start running to the colliseum. "I'm 6 years old. And... aren't you... Sain Corabus?" Komo asked. "Well... yea, I'm Sain Corabus, but since I gave you my name it's only right that you should give me yours." Sain replied. "I'm Komo Kakama, I'm going to be a world famous Zoid Pilot, just like you someday." Komo replied as they stopped at the colliseum gates and shook Komo's hand. "Well, this is where ya get off Komo. Just remember, to be a Zoid Pilot... you need courage, determination, and a pure heart. Keep that in mind, hope you'll be rootin for me." Sain said as Komo jumped out of the Liger and ran into the colliseum to meet Max. "That kid... he's gonna make something of himself. I'm sure of it." Sain thought to himself as he had his Liger run to the pilot garage. "Max! Guess who gave me a ride to the colliseum!" Komo yelled to Max as he ran to the two seats that Max and Komo's mom had gotten them. "Who?" Max asked. "I got a ride from Sain Corabus! The real Sain Corabus!" Komo replied loudly. "Awesome!" Max replied loudly as the giant display screen flashed and a picture of the Zoid Battle Chairman appeared. "Thank you for coming to this championship. The team to win this championship will be granted the ability to enter the next World Cup in 5 years. This should proove exciting, our first pilots up, will be Sain Corabus of the Kain Team and Yusuke Harasama of the Legend Beasts Team." the chairman announced as Komo and Max sat down and Sain and Yusuke piloted their Zoids out of the team garage. "What the?! What kind of Zoid is that?!" Komo yelled in confusion as he sawthe Zoid that Yusuke had chosen to pilot. A small red and black Zoid with a giant head and a giant Charged Particle Cannon(CPC) in the throat. "Demonshead... a legendary Zoid. It's said they can fuse with other Zoids." Max answered as he looked at a magazine about Zoids and showed Komo a picture. "It shouldn't be any problem for Sain and his Liger." Komo insisted as the fight began. Sain fired his cannon at the Demonshead, hitting it point blank and leaving no dent or crack in the armor. Just then Yusuke hacked into the giant screen that showed the stats for the Zoids and started to speak. "I'm afraid that everyone here's gonna die. Thanks for coming." he said as many frightened people screamed and a big commotion began as people tried to escape. "Not if I can help it." Sain said from his Liger as he charged at the Demonshead. "Idiot..." Yusuke said as he fired a missile into the crowd. "Komo! We gotta get outta here!" Max yelled at Komo who was watching the battle with a determined look on his face. "No... not yet..." Komo replied as the Demonshead shook the Liger off of it. "Well, I see some children, they're always fun to kill..." Yusuke said evily as he aimed his CPC at Komo and Max and began to charge it. "Komo?! I would have sworn he had left by now..." Sain yelled as he jumped towards the Demonshead as it finished charging it's CPC. Komo stared into the CPC as it prepared to fire. "Komo! We have to go!" Max yelled once again. "There's no time..." Komo said as Sain's Liger landed in front of the Demonshead and ejected it's weapons, which landed around Komo and Max. "I said that you'd become something great Komo! So go out and do that!" Sain yelled through the intercom of his Liger and slammed part of the stadium which launched Komo and Max into the air. "Sain! Don't do this!" Komo yelled as Sain blocked the CPC with his Liger and the CPC fired. Destroying the town and everything in it, and launching Max and Komo in different directions. [End] "We're brothers then... Ok... I get that... but how did we live?" Komo asked. "Well... I landed in a castle where the whole family had died... except for the father and he adopted me and made me a prince. You on the otherhand... I'm guessing that it was basically the same... only you landed in an orphanage... which thankfully was right next to a hospital. That makes to most since for you." Max replied. "Komo, you're not gonna beleive him... I've read better fan fiction(insert joke here)." Zero said. "I can't remember anything before I became 7 years old... so I gotta beleive him... besides, he looks almost exactly like me." Komo said as he scratched his head. "Two words... plastic surgery..." Kiyo said as Leena shot him another mean look. "If Komo thinks that Max is his brother then let him think that." Leena said as someone walked into the room. "Um... excuse me... are you guys the Dragon Masters?" the young man asked. "Yea, why?" Komo asked as he untied Max. [Kakashi's Theme/Unknown Band/Naruto(Japanese)] "My name's Haro Haro Corabus, you can call me Haro. I'm 15 years old, and I would like to join you." Haro replied with a smile as everyone looked at him with a blank stare. "What's wrong?" Haro asked. "Well... our team really isn..." Kiyo started as Komo threw an empty tray at Kiyo's head. "Did you say your last name was Corabus?" Komo asked. "Yea... why?" Haro asked back. "Was your dad Sain Corabus?" Komo asked back(reminds me of ping pong...). "Once again, yes, but he died a long time ago." Haro replied. "You're hired. What kind of Zoid do you pilot?" Komo asked. "Well... it has my dad's Mirage Liger's Zoid core. But the Zoid itself is a Unenlagia with a custom paintjob. Mystic Blue instead of dark blue, it gives off a kind of glow and doesn't seem to get damaged easily. I asked a mechanic to take a look but..." Haro began. "I'm gonna stop ya there. I think we should see this Unenlagia." Komo insited as everyone stood up. "Uh... sure. Just so you know he doesn't really like new people..." Haro said. They walked into the garage and the Unenlagia growled. "Creepy... very very creepy." Rick commented as Haro walked up to Unenlagia. "It's ok, he won't hurt you." Haro said with a laugh. "It does give of a bit of a glow... Zero, can you check it out?" Komo asked. "Fine... could you keep him calm Haro?" Zero asked as he walked up to Unenlagia, climbed onto it's back, and opened a small compartment. "What doya see?!" Max yelled up to Zero. "Not much, it has a gem in here though! It's like the ones I have! It has the sign for sheild on it!" Zero yelled down as he jumped down ad collapsed. "Idiot! You can't jump from that high yet!" Leena yelled and smashed a iron bar on Zero's head. [End] Back in the hotel room: "Ok, it's fine, you can join. But we're going on some dangerous missions, we have to defeat this certain team, we have to find some extra abilities, that sort of thing." Max informed Haro. "No problem, but while you wait for them to resurface... do you think we can maybe... go to Zi? I've never been there, my mom took me down here after my da..." Haro started. "Oh shit! We're still on earth!" Komo, Zero, Max, and Kiyo yelled and Bron, Zega, Geno(Max's Organoid), Zeik, and Zynrai roared. "Well duh... don't you guys live down here?" Haro asked. " No! We live on Zi, no time to talk! Everyone, get your Zoids, pack your bags and get into the Whale King! Rick, you go get our prizes! Then start up the Whale King! We're going to Blue City to wait until the Demons Team resurfaces!" Komo yelled as everyone ran around and got ready. (End of Series) End file.
The Dragon Master by Drago Dracini
1. The mysterious base Colonel Shoebalts' (If thatz how you spell it?) was on a solo mission to investigate this base found by a boy in the local orphanage. He had just arrived at the local orphanage. He went inside to see if he could find the boy. When he walked inside every pair of eyes were focused on him. He went to the front desk and stated his title, told them his purpose, and asked if he could speak with the young boy. One of the ladies at the front desk then politely said, "His names Randy and he's quite a pisser, so do be careful what you say and how you say it or you just may not get the information your looking for." "Thanks for the advice." They then stopped infront of a seventeen year old boy and she motioned that this was him. "Hello Randy my name is." "I know who you are. Come on." He then proceeded to walk out the door with the Colonel right behind him. "Are we takin' your zoid or walkin'?" He was referring to the King Kong the Colonel had used to travel there in. "Do we need it?" "Not really." Then proceeded through the desert for about five hours and finally arrived there. "Well here it is." "There is nothing here." He then muttered stupid soldier to himself and walked five steps closer and kicked the ground. Suddenly a control panel of some sort came up. The colonel then walked over and examined it. He then told the kid that he could go back to the orphanage or wait here with him for reinforcements to arrive. The two of them patiently waited for Thomas, Van, Fiona, Irvine, and Moonbay to show up. And about three hours later they heard a faint voice singing, "I am a transporter of the wasteland." And everyone came out and joined the Colonel. He then explained the situation to them. Thomas took a look at it and hit a few bottons and the entire base came up out of the ground. It then asked for them to state their titles and they did so. The computer scanned it and said they did not match the proper titles and that they were to leave. No one actually listened of course and entered anyways. Fiona then said, "Hey Van aren't we really close to the Wind Coloney?" Van then replied, "Yeah and for some reason I'm really havin' that deja vo (?) feeling." They continued to walk when suddenly the entire base shook and began to fire lasers and swinging axes came at them. 2. The mysterious girl Disclamier: I don't own any of the characters except for the girl!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. They all dropped down to the floor trying to avoid the lasers and axes. When suddenly everything stopped and the lights kicked on. Someone came walking down the long hall they had entered through. Everyone got to their feet and noticed it was a girl with long brown hair and honey colored eyes. "Hey cuz," said this mysterious girl. Van then took a few steps closer, "Steph!" "Yea?" She continued to walk past them and down the hall. Van then followed her as everyone else followed behind him. "Steph, what are you doing here?" "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? You're the one who came and busted into my base, looking for what exactly?" "Wait a minute this is your base the one you inherited after. you know." "Yes and what do you mean talking like that? You've been here so many times, what gives? Oh wait, that's right you were to little to remember where the base was." "Yeah." They finally came to a door which had a control panel next to it. She began to push buttons. "I've been following you for the last four years. I haven't said anything, I just wanted to make sure that nothing happened to you. Do you know what your sister would do to me if something happened to you?" "Yeah I have an idea. So why are we still in here if we know that you abandoned this base. I'm sure there's nothing illegal in hear or anything like that." Something came out of the wall and scanned her eyes, her hand, and she pricked her finger and blood dropped on a little plate and it proceeded to scan her DNA. "Well since I have been following you for four years, I know that you've been looking for the Zoid Eve (I suppose thatz how u spell it?). I have a bunch of stuff locked up in here that me and my brother found a few years back. He tried to decipher what was on it, but the attack was the next day. and well you know.anyways all he managed to get was those two words the Zoid Eve." ************************************************************ Ok people please review!!! I hope you like!!! 3. Stone Tablets Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. ****************************************** The doors opened and they walked into the control room of the base. "Wow this is amazing equipment," said Thomas. "Yea? I really can't tell the difference, this is mostly my brothers doing." "Yeah you keep mentioning him when are we gonna meet him?" Suddenly Van screamed sternly at Thomas, "Drop it." "What are you talking about?" "You heard me." The room became very silent for about two minutes when Stephanie then continued to type a bunch of stuff into the computers, she finally stopped typing, "Ok Fiona here it is." A piece of the wall slide over to reveal another part of the base. Out came a few stone tablets from the opening. "Can you make anything of it?" Fiona then began to try to read what it said. She then had a confused look on her face. "What is it Fiona?" "This isn't writing from the ancient Zoidians." "What how is that possible?" Colonel Shubaltz then said, "I think its clear that we should call Dr. D and tell him to come here right away to check this out." "Sounds good to me," Said Stephanie. Everyone nodded their approval. As the Colonel stood there for several minutes trying to contact Dr. D, he appeared on the screen. "Hello Dr. D." "Oh hello Stephanie what may I do for you?" "Well." I was suddenly interrupted by Van. "You know my cousin." "Now of course I do, what a silly question. I helped her brother out with a couple of adjustments in the base your standing in." Irvine then interrupted them, "then you knew this was here the whole time and didn't tell us." "That's right. We couldn't risk anyone else knowing about where the base was. Every though its fool proof there are new technologies coming out everyday. Someone may be able to break in eventually so we thought it better if we kept this secret to ourselves." "Whats so important about this base?" "Well for starters its underground, the only base unknown to most so if ever there were a retreat needed that's where we would fall out to, and last, but not least it's the only base where the only way in is to have the proper DNA." Everyone stopped with the questions. "Ok now what is it you wanted to talk with me about?" Stephanie then said, "Well Dr. D, you know those stone tablets I was talking to you about, the ones that I was suppose to show Fiona. Well she said that the writing itsn't that of the ancient Zoidians." "What put Fiona on?" "Fiona here." "There not of the ancient Zodians?" "No, we were wondering if you could come and check it out?" "Ok I'll be right there." *********************************************** Ok, what do you think REVIEW Please I'm beggin' u please. Thanxz to those who did!!! 4. Xions Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. ****************************************** It was about an hour ago when Dr. D arrived. He had come in and at being shown the tablets just sat there and starred at them. "So. ummm, Dr. D?" "Yea. " "Well what do you make of it?" "Uhhh. well I think this is the writing of the ancient Xions." "Ummm.," said a confused Moonbay. "What exactly do you mean by that doc?" Fiona then interrupted them, "The Xions were our worst enemy back in the day when our lives as ancient Zoidans were first being built up. They were easily defeated and they never showed up again." "That's correct Fiona," said Dr. D. "They have nothing to do with the Zoid Eve except for the fact that they were the ones who discovered it in the first place. "So basically this is of no value," said Steph. "Precisely!" "Sorry about that Dr. D." "That's alright you didn't know! Although this may help us to find out what the Zoid Eve is. Maybe you could show us exactly where you found this?" "Of course follow me." They then began to walk out of the base. Van and Thomas were bickering as usual. Stephanie locked up the base and walked out. They all got in there Zoids and began to head east about three or four miles. "Well here we are Dr. D." "What are you talking about?" said Moonbay. "There's nothing here." "Sure there is don't you see it," said Dr. D. "It must have gotten buried by a sand storm, but you can definitely tell that there was a civilization here. Well who's volunteering to dig?" "I will," said Steph. "I'll help her," said Van. Everyone relaxed for two or three hours while Van and Stephanie dug. They finally got down to some of the stone tablets too big to have moved that time so long ago. Irvine, Thomas, Fiona, Moonbay, and Dr. D began to grab everything as we lifted it up to them to pull out of the ditch we had dug. Meanwhile Colonel Shubaltz got a call. "Go ahead your highness. Uh huh. I see. How many. 4. ok. and we will be in the middle. fancy, right. in three days, right. it starts at six. ok.we'll be there. no thank you. your highness." He then hung up. They had just finished loading everything onto the Gusthave (?). "Ok everyone time to go," said a tired Dr. D. "Who was that?" asked a curious Van. "I'll explain when we get back to the base," said the Colonel. *********************************************** Sorry that was a boring chapter, but I promise the next one will be very interesting. Sorry again it had to be done or we would have no story. Ok people R&R and the next chapter will be up very soon!!! 5. the four couples Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. ****************************************** Once back at the base, they dropped off the stuff and took a much needed break by going to Van's house two miles away. After having coffee and cake Colonel Shubaltz began to explain the mysterious call he received back at the ruins. "It as come to the attention of the Empire that there may be an assassination being carried out the night of a big party for His Highness Emperor Rudolph. His Highness Emperor Rudolph has requested that four parties (A/N thatz four couples, wanted to make sure you understood my English.) be sent to this important party being held at the capital. For his protection, we are to be seated at a talbe located in the middle of the room and act as if we are just part of the crowd. We are to go by a first name basis on this occasion and couple up. This will take place in three days and we are to be there at six O'clock sharp. Any questions?" "Yeah there are three girls and four guys. How does that work?" said Irvine. "Good question, well." he was interrupted by Van. "Oh Maria." She walked outside with a tray of pastries. "Yes." "Would you mind tagging along on a mission to help save Emperor Rudolph's life?" "Sure." "WHAT, just like that?" "Yep." "Well I'll be. I at least expected you too put up a fight. You've become braver." "I don't think bravery has anything to do with it. I think its boredom at its finest." Van just gave a forced laugh and looked at Irvine. "Guess that's settled?" "No now that there are enough people who's taking who?" "I'm going with Van!!!" announced a giddy Fiona. "What a shocker!!!" said Stephanie. They all laughed. "Guess its you and me again" said Moonbay to Irvine. "Guess so." "I'll take Maria, if that's alright with you of course," said Thomas to Maria. "Ummm." she said a little nervous, "sure." "Guess that leaves you and me," said the Colonel. "By the process of elimination, I believe your right Colonel," replied Steph. "Hey don't forget its Carl!!!" "Oh right Carl." "Well now that that's settled you know what this means?" said an excited Moonbay. All the girls except Stephanie went, "Shopping Spree!!!" "Oh my God!!!" slumped Stephanie in an unhappy fashion. They all ran off to town to get beautiful dresses for the occasion. Maria stayed where she was while Moonbay and Fiona skipped off happily towards the stores. Stephanie walking slowly, but moving turned around to see what happened. "What's the matter Maria?" Startled she looked up and said, "Oh its nothing." "Now, now you may think Van is my favorite cousin and you're wrong I love you all the same and because of this love I can tell exactly what's wrong with you. Now come on and get up we have shopping to do." "But." "No, buts I'll pay come on." "What. you will!!!" shocked she looked at Van. "Of course I will!!!" "Why? For so many years I treated you like dirt!!! Why would you want to do something for me?" "Silly girl haven't you ever heard the expression 'blood is thicker than water'." She just starred at her. "I don't hate you for what you did. Heck I don't even know why you did it, but I don't care. Do you understand me. You're my cousin, I don't care I love you all the same." Maria jumped up and hugged her. "Thank You." "Your welcome." "Hey come on you guys we haven't got all day," said an anxious Moonbay. ************************************* Ok I hope you guys like this one hehehe, getting good isn't it!!! O and I meant to say that I've been looking around at the fanfics and some stuff I want to see isn't there if you'd like me to right something like that stick it in a review, I'll try my best to write something to your liking!!! R&R!!! thanxz 6. the party Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. ****************************************** It was the day of the big party. They were getting dressed the girls at Van's house and the guys at Stephanie's house. (A/N: It sounds funny but its right if you think about it. I'm only going to do the girls p.o.v. cause I have to get a point across you'll see later.) They were all getting dressed. Stephanie who could care less about what he looked like just threw her hair in a bun, but trying to make an effort she pulled out a few strands to make it more elegant. The rest of the girls were still messing with there make up. She threw something on the bed, "Put these on under your dresses. Don't ask questions just do it." She then walked outside to find that the guys were all ready to go. Van suddenly burst out laughing hysterically. "You look so funny!!!" "Really how about you say that to my fist," said a pissed off Steph. "That's ok." He had quickly stopped laughing, afraid of getting beat up. "What is taking them so long?" She laughed. "They'll be out soon. I hope." About a half an hour later they were ready to go. They arrived at the palace with ten minutes to spare. They were seated at their table. "So what do you think we should do?" asked Van not exactly sure how to handle the situation. "Well Karl here is going to ask me to dance while Fiona goes to the bathroom. Stay in there for five minutes. Then you (Van) go and look for her check out the men's bathroom while your there. The rest of you scout out the place from here," said Steph. Fiona then excused herself from the table and headed for the bathroom. Stephanie waited for a couple of minutes. Then Thomas elbowed Karl. "What did you do that for?" Thomas answered, "You forgot to ask her to dance." "Oh, right." He then turned his attention to Stephanie. "Would you like to dance?" "I'd loved too," she answered in a calm matter even though she was pissed that he totally forgot about her. **************************************** Sry bout the ending it was rushed, I'll continue later!!! R&R Please thanxz!!! 7. the fight Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. ****************************************** After being on the dance floor for a few minutes, Stephanie could see Van excuse himself from the table. She began to look around and found nothing. 'There either very good or not here,' she thought to herself. She then looked at Karl to see if he'd found anything. Then realizing what was happening she said, "I don't feel like dancing anymore lets go sit back down. After everyone returned to the table Irvine asked if we found anything. We all nodded no except for Karl who just sat there. Then I piped up, "Karl," hearing his name he paid attention, "probably didn't find anything because he never even looked around the room. He was to busy starring at my boobs." He then turned a deep shade of red. And then Thomas piped up, "What's the matter Karl then didn't teach you manners or how to over come the urge to jump somebody's bones in the military?" He didn't answer. He just got redder. I then broke the odd laughter and uncomfortableness (is that a word?) for myself. "Van, I don't like this. There either too good or got wind we were coming and didn't show. And I'll bet money it's not the second one." "Yeah I agree something's going to go down, with the best people on the job." I replied, "I know we're on the job, but are they." When gave each other that famous smirk. Then his highness came out. And I saw it. The little red laser on his forehead. I quickly jumped up and yelled now to the girls. We then used that little thing I had threw on the bed earlier. It was a tight black tube top, so not to be seen under the dress, black pants, with gun cases on the sides, and black boots, good for running. We then dropped our dresses to reveal this attire. I threw one of my guns to Karl jumped up and scaled the banister to the top of the stairs and tackled the prince to the ground. We barely missed the bullet. Now everyone was shooting when suddenly a zoid came out from under the floor. Everyone scrambled. I ran down the stairs with the emperor and handed him to Van. I then turned to Karl. "Get everyone out of here and close the doors behind you." "What about you?" "Forget about me and just do it!!!" "Do as she says," screamed Van as everyone was running towards the exit. After everyone was out Karl was about to go back when Van grabbed him and Irvine and Thomas closed the doors. "What are you doing?" screamed Karl. No one answered as they watched what was happening inside. Meanwhile, Stephanie just stood there, gun in hand. "What's the matter little girl? Think you can hurt me? Dream on." She then scaled the banister at lightening speed and jumped up on the chandelier. She held her gun up and shot a wire on the back of the zoid and it hit the ground. It had no missiles, lucky for her. She then jumped down and walked over to the zoid and the guy jumped out and she shot him in the leg. She then proceeded to walk out of the palace. She walked past everyone. No one dared to speak. They then noticed a limp in her right knee. "That knee flaring up on you again," said a pleased Van. She turned around, "Yeah." He walked over to her, "You did good." "Thanks, your not to shabby yourself." He laughed at her comment and placed her arm around his neck as he placed and arm around her waist. He then asked, "Why is it that I'm the only one that you ever show a weakness to?" "That's easy. You're the only person left that I trust." They then proceeded to walk back to there houses to get a good nights sleep. ****************************************** Whatcha think? Not to bad eh? R&R!!! Thanxz the more and better Reviews the faster the next chapter cause I have other stories I have to write to!!! K? thanxz!!! 8. the bedroom Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. ****************************************** Everyone had followed there lead and were on their way back to Van and Stephanie's houses. "Oh man Steph, you really did a job on your knee." She laughed a little trying hard not to let him see the true pain. "Yeah, it happened when I went to leap from the banister to the chandelier, it just didn't hit right." "Well here we are. Damn, its too cold to sleep outside tonight." "I agree, Irvine, Thomas, Colonel Shutbaltz, your coming with me." Maria then said, "Hey Steph, they could sleep at my place if you want to be by yourself." "I said they're staying at my house. You can't have them sleeping on the floor." "Suit yourself." Van then walked over to Stephanie, yawned, and kissed her on the head, "You get some rest you hear, none of this, but I wasn't tried crap, I can see it in your eyes. Goodnight." She chuckled, "You worry too much. Night." Then Fiona, Maria, Moonbay, and Van all went to his house, while Stephanie, Colonel Shutbaltz, Thomas, and Irvine all went to her house. (A/N: I know its weird boys should go to Van's house and girls to Stephanie's, but then we wouldn't have a story now would we.) She fumbled with the keys a little trying to balance on one foot and get the door open. She managed though they walked into her house. She showed Thomas and Irvine into the room her and her brother used to share. Then she showed Colonel Shutbaltz into her fathers old room. She then walked back into her room grabbed a change of clothes and brushed her teeth and came out of the bathroom changed and ready for sleep. "Hey Steph?" said a confused Irvine. "Yeah," replied a still limping Stephanie "I noticed that you don't have a couch." She turned and looked at him suspiciously, but shrugged it off. "Yeah, so?" "Well, we were just wondering where you were going to sleep." She laughed realizing that they were concerned. 'Yeah right.' thought Stephanie. "The living room floor." At that she went into the living and sat down in a spot where they could all plainly see her. She down and leaned against the wall and tried to fall asleep. At this sight Colonel Shutbaltz, got up, walked into the living room and picked her up and put her on the bed. He then walked into the living room and sat down on the floor. She looked up half awake now and said, "And what do you think your doing?" "Going to sleep." She then got up and walked into the living room picked him up by his right arm and dragged him into the bedroom. He tried to protest, but she wouldn't have it. She then put him in the bed and walked around to the other side and got into the bed. "Happy." ********************************************* I know I know another boring chapter, but don't worry it gets really good in the next chapter hehehe. 9. Stephanie's Story Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. Thanxz for the reviews people, lol. I'm finally updating, see I thought no one was reading anymore so I stopped writing, but I guess I was wrong lol. ****************************************** The next morning when everyone woke up they discovered that Stephanie was missing, so they got cleaned up and went to Van's house. When they got there they found out that Van was gone too, but this time there was a note it read: Morning Maria, DON'T PANIC. See I know you. Anyways I just wanted to tell you that me and Steph headed over to the base where Dr. D is to go and check on his progress. Have everyone meet us there after breakfast. Van & Steph During breakfast. "UH. I can't stand that cousin of mine." Yelled a frustrated Maria, "All she does is take him out all hours of the night and teach him how to get killed in that Zoid of his." She sighed a long sad sigh. "She's so, so sad *pause* and, and it's all the time to. I mean after her Dad and Brother died I guess I can't blame her, no I can it's her fault that they died in the first place. No No it's her fathers fault his stupid military code. 'You never break a code, never.' You'd think it was a sin or something. *pause* They went out extra early that morning to defend from an attack. It was getting really bad, so her father ordered that only he and her brother stay and everyone else go. She obeyed his obviously stupid command and when she realized her mistake she tried to go back and made it in time to defeat the enemy and look at their Zoid wrecks. *long pause* I hate her." With that she got up and cried in the kitchen of her home. Everyone left telling her that they were going to see Van and Stephanie about the mission. ********************************************** Ok people I know it was really sort, but if I at least get one review I'll continue ASAP k thanxz 10. Brothers Quarrel Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. Thanxz for the reviews people, lol. I'm finally updating, see I thought no one was reading anymore so I stopped writing, but I guess I was wrong lol. ****************************************** "Hey guys it took you long enough," squaked Van. "Whats the matter guys?...??? Guys??? Hello???" "OH its nothing Van really," said an obvious Moonbay. "Huh? What are you talking about, I can see it on your face somethings bothering you." Replied Van trying to figure out what the heck was going on he turned to Fiona who looked just as bad as Moonbay. "Your sisters got a big mouth," said Stephanie from over her shoulder while looking at something Dr. D had been working on. "Oh, uh sorry Steph, she's pissed at me, so she probably just took it out on you," apologized Van. "No harm, no foul. Now come help me with the work would ya!!!" she said while trying to lift up the stone tablet so they could see the one behind it. "Oh right," Van laughed stupidly while running to grab the other side of the tablet together they moved it out of the way and began working on the next tablet. Meanwhile Thomas and the Colonel were having an interesting conversation. "So." Said Thomas. "So what?" asked Karl a bit confused. "So what are you starring at?" While turning a deep shade of red Karl replied, "the tablets." "Really cause I could have sworn the tablets are over there." Said Thomas pointing in the other direction. Again turning red, he mumbled something under his breath. "What was that?" "I said Stephanie." "Oh really that's nice, so do you like her?" "Excuse me?" "Do you like her?" "I heard you the first time, your acting like when we were in high school." "Uh, if you like her that much you should ask Van how you could win her over." "I will not do that because I do not like her." "Denial, phase I." "What the hell are you talking about?" "Let me put this in language you understand. Instead of starring at her boobs and her ass from a far, why not work on getting them a little closer to home." Karl didn't reply and just kept starring. "Listen, I may be the little brother, and not the very best with women, but at least I'm not starring from afar." "Actually you are with Fiona." "No, I'm not its different with Fiona because she's in love with Van." "Colonel.Colonel.COLONEL!!!" screamed Stephanie from across the room. "Hello, Colonel Shubaltz, she's calling you." Said Thomas. ************************************************** Thanxz everyone for the reviews do keep them coming when they stop the writing stops lol. I hope you like. 11. The New Mission Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. Thanxz for the reviews people, lol. I'm finally updating, see I thought no one was reading anymore so I stopped writing, but I guess I was wrong lol. ****************************************** "I was only calling you for ten minutes!" said Stephanie. "Oh I'm very sorry about that, what were you saying." Answered the Colonel. "I said we're under attack!!!" "Oh!!!" "Van, I'm going outside, everyone stay here. Van take over command control." "Already on it cuz." Outside in her liger, Stephanie called command control. "Van, where'd they go, the liger can't find them." "They're on the other side of the base." "I'm on it." She quickly bounded for the other side of the base, catching the missle just in time before it hit the base. She then used the pulse laser guns to take out the three command wolves attacking the base. They retreated back to where ever they came from. Stephanie then returned to the base. Back inside, "What the heck was that all about?" questioned Van. "Your asking the wrong person." BEEP BEEP BEEP (Incoming message) "Hello Stephanie." "Colonel Crugar? Is that you?" "Yes it's me." "I'm surprised you still haven't retired yet." "Ha, Ha, Ha, I'm not that old yet." "What ever you say Colonel. So what can I do for you?" "Well a few days ago Captain Herman was sent out to an area near the wind colony to train in a remote area. We lost contact with him a few days after. So we then sent out a search party to go and find him, when the search party was there they found his empty zoid which they brought back to base." "Morons!" "Yes well anyways, he has a radio, food which should last him two weeks and water which should last him ten hours." "Why would he go training in a remote area and leave his zoid?" "His father used to do that and so at seeing the way her son was acting as of late, the President gave orders for him to go." "Oh Boy, sounds like my father." "Ha, Ha, yes it does!!!" "Send the information to my liger. I'll go look for him right now." "Thank you very much, Stephanie." She began to walk to the liger and waved a hand back without turning around. After she left, "Colonel, she's not stupid you know, she knows exactly what you did and why you did it, and for that reason I'm certain she'll think of it twice as much." He took a long pause. "Ironic isn't it? You know, that the anniversary of her father and brothers death is on the same day as my fathers?" "That just makes it twice as hard I suppose." "Yes, but no." "What do you mean?" "Well to know I'm not the only one that feels this way makes it easier, but then when I think of what I'm saying, it makes me sick!" "Van, your father, uncle, and cousin, were all brave men who did not deserve to lose their lives those days, but they did. Everyone has to die, it's just fitting that men like that died in the line of duty." "Oh I get it now. So that's why your still in the army. You want to die in battle like they did." "No that's not it, I want to prevent people from dieing like they did. I want to prevent people from grieving like you are." "Thanks, Colonel Crugar." "Your welcome, Van, your very welcome." *************************************************** Ok, so I think the next chapter is going to be on Stephanie looking for Herman, but I'm not sure how that's gonna work, so keep reading to find out what happens k, thanxz!!! 12. The Search Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. Thanxz for the reviews people, lol. I'm finally updating, see I thought no one was reading anymore so I stopped writing, but I guess I was wrong lol. ****************************************** It was a hard task trying to find one man in the middle of a huge forest on the outskirts of the desert, but she didn't stop looking even though she'd been there for six hours now and getting absolutely no where. Suddenly a transmission came through. "Stephanie?" "What's the matter Thomas?" "I'm going to upload some of beaks (?) files into your liger to aid you in your search." She laughed. "What?" said Thomas. "You sound like my brother." "Done." He said simply trying to avoid the comment. "Thanks Thomas." End transmission. The liger then began to scan the area and found a few footprints. She took what she needed, left Thunder (I forget if I mentioned him at all, but he's her organoid.) to watch the liger, and set out on foot. About three hours later she came to a huge lake and found Herman bathing in it. The minute she spotted him she turned around and cleared her throat to signal him that she was there. He spun around and she the figure of a beautiful woman with a slim figure and long silk like hair up to her waist. He recognized her from when he saw her talking to Colonel Crugar during the attacks from the death stinger. He supposed for battle since her normal dress was a pair of slacks similar to Van's and a short sleeve belly shirt. He quickly scrambled out of the water, grabbed his clothes, and put them on as fast as possible. "You can turn around now." She took one look at him and without emotion simply said, "Gee you were either so embarrassed or just starring at me for way to long." "Why do you say that?" "Because your boxers are on the outside of you pants," she said as she burst out laughing. She turned around still laughing, while he fixed himself. When she heard he was done she said, "It's too late to go and walk back to the liger, we'll camp out here tonight and head back in the morning." With that she began to gather wood for a fire. After the fire was a flame she sat down on a nearby rock starring at the fire. Herman sat there looking rather nervous, not knowing what to say was one problem, but when Colonel Crugar told him he'd be sent on this mission to help a fellow soldier who lost family in a battle, he had know the day to be Van's father's day of passing and expected to see Van, not this girl, of who's name he knows not. "The names Stephanie, you know me better as Van's cousin, yes the Van that defeated the deathzorer (?). I lost my father and brother five years back. I was trained to be a military soldier by my father, since my brother was the brains that made me the bronze. I'm in the Guardian Force, but not so much like Van, I do undercover operations and such. That's basically why we're here. Any other questions?" He starred gapping at what he just heard and said nothing, but turned back to gaze at the fire like the beautiful maiden that sat beside him. ************************************************** K people itz short, but I think itz good what about u, PLEASE REVIEW!!! Thanxz 13. The Kiss Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. Thanxz for the reviews people, lol. I'm finally updating, see I thought no one was reading anymore so I stopped writing, but I guess I was wrong lol. ****************************************** Stephanie got up and headed for the forest. "Where are you going?" asked a confused Herman. "Your hungry aren't you?" "Huh?" "That was you stomach that growled a few minutes ago wasn't it." Seeing his confusion she continued, "I'm going to look for food. I'll be back in five minutes." Sure enough five minutes later she was back and she was dragging something large behind her. Herman looked up and saw her hauling a deer and to his dismay quite easily. He was to stunned to go help her and didn't even realize she was right in front of him until she stepped on a fallen branch. Eyeing him mysteriously, "Are you ok?" "Ummm. yeah I'm." She touched his forehead and he froze completely. "You have a slight fever. Go lay down and put the blankets on. I'll call you for dinner when it's ready. "Uhhh, ok." He got up and went to lay down. While he was rested she began cooking the deer she just hunted. In about two hours it was done. She walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "How are you feeling?" He rolled over, "Alright, hungry." She giggled a little bit because his stomach said that too. "Come on dinners ready." The two of them walked back to the camp fire, sat down, and began to eat. When they were finished Herman said, "Wow that was delicious what kind of sauce did you use?" "What sauce?" "You know the red stuff smeared all over it." "You mean the blood." He paled a little, "Oh is that what it was?" "You a soldier don't tell me you never tasted blood before?" "What do you mean?" "You never cut your lip in a fight?" "Oh that, yeah." "Same thing, it's just for flavor. That's the kind of thing that you learn to use when you are out in the wilderness half your life." "Oh." They fell silent for a long while. Then Herman announced that he was tired and was turning in, but as he got up he almost fell on the brightly burning fire. Stephanie jumped up and pulled him back away from the fire. "Herman are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm ok just tired." He was still a little wobbily. "Let me help you before you hurt yourself." She helped him back to his sleeping bag and laid him down to rest. "Thank you, Stephanie." "Your welcome." But as she went to get up he pulled her back. "No, I don't think you understand, thank you very much." Then he pulled her into a passionate kiss, but she quickly broke it. "Herman, I already love someone, goodnight." She then got up and walked over to the fire and poured a bucket of water on top of it and went to her sleeping bag and went to sleep. Meanwhile. He was walking back to his liger thinking off all the things he just saw and heard. FLASHBACK Colonel Shubaltz went after her and made up some excuse of having to handle military business. He had been walking for about three hours when he finally saw a fire near a lake and Stephanie and Herman. He saw her help him into his sleeping bag he then heard this, "Thank you, Stephanie." "Your welcome." But as she went to get up he pulled her back. "No, I don't think you understand, thank you very much." Then he pulled her into a passionate kiss, but she quickly broke it. "Herman, I already love someone, goodnight." The Colonel then walked back to his liger thinking. End Flashback ************************************************** Hey everyone the next chapter will be about his thoughts I think. So people I made it longer for those who complained about the shortness. Please Review thanxz 14. Karl & Her Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for Steph!!! O and thanxz to OrangeGirlExplosion for correcting me itz Karl Shubaltz. Thanxz for the reviews people, lol. I'm finally updating, see I thought no one was reading anymore so I stopped writing, but I guess I was wrong lol. ****************************************** She walked into the room unnoticed and stood leaning against the door way listening to everyone yell. "The Empire is much better than the republic!!!" yelled Thomas to Herman who had gone in ahead of Stephanie. "No the republic is much better, we don't have a kid ruling!!!" yelled back Herman. Van who noticed Stephanie about ten minutes after she walked in, walked over to her. "This has been going on since Herman walked in." said Van. "Wanna get out of here?" said Stephanie as she turned around and started to walk out of the base. In no time Van was right on her heels. They walked out of the base to a jeep and drove over near a cliff about a mile or two away from the base. They got out of the jeep and sat on the edge of the cliff as the sun was setting. "You ok?" "Yeah." "You sure Van." "Yeah." "I miss them." "Me too." And with that a few tears began to trickle down his face. Stephanie looked over to him and noticing this pulled his head onto her lap. "It'll be ok, I promise. I'll never let anyone hurt you." "But, what if. what if someone kills you. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. God what if you die, what if, what if." By this time everyone got worried and went out looking for them and were standing a couple of feet behind them. "Shhh, I'm not going anywhere." "I love you, cuz." "I love you too, Van, I love you too." They stayed like that for about three more hours with a tear or two escaping from Van's eyes once in a while. Van finally sat up and made his way over to the jeep with Stephanie. When they got back to the base they ran into Colonel Shubaltz. "May I have a word with you?" The question was addressed to Stephanie. Before Stephanie could answer Van spoke up, "It's ok Steph don't worry about it." He walked over to her and hugged her and whispered to her, "Hey something is bothering him, I know something happened between you two, but just talk to him ok. I love you." Then he turned around and said goodnight to the Colonel and walked inside the base to his room. "I love you." Stephanie who was trying to figure out what he just said starred at him. "I love you and I know that you don't love me and I know what I have to do. I have to leave. I've decided that I'm going to request an assignment from HQ." "Colonel" "Maybe something on the other side of Zi." "Colonel" "Yeah that sounds good. On the other side of Zi. Yes that's good. Well I just had to tell u that, goodnight." He turned around to walk back to the base. "Karl" he turned around to look at her running up to him when suddenly she passionately kissed him. Tongues were intertwined and hands were roaming, but eventually everyone has to breath, so just then they broke the kiss and he starred at her utterly confused. "But I heard you tell Herman that you already love someone." "Yeah you silly, I love you." As he starred into her eyes he felt her shiver, "Come on let's go inside it's getting cold." He then led her inside and since her room was closer they decided to go there. (A/N: Get ur minds outta the gutter people, they're jus gonna talk.) They entered her room and she began to clear things off of chairs and the bed, needless to say she wasn't very neat. He sat down on the desk chair while she was running around moving stuff trying unsuccessfully to clean up the mess. "So that kiss between you and Herman." "What about it?" "It didn't mean anything to you at all." She turned to look at him, walked over to her bed, and sat down, "It meant absolutely nothing, to me anyways. I sorta feel bad for him though, I mean obviously you were there, did you see the hurt on his face. Poor guy, but I'm sorry I don't feel that way about him." "Have you ever been in love before?" "Me no." "Why?" "I was raised to pay more attention to my work then myself, so the thought of love never even occurred to me until I met you that is." He smiled his usual smile, but inside he was bouncing off the walls so deep in love. He looked at his watch and saw how late it was. "Well I better get going it's late." He got up to leave, but she had already jumped up and blocked the door. "Stay here with me, PLEASE." He just couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes and the huge pout on her face. "Ok, but only because you said please." They went over to her bed and laid down to go to sleep. His warm arms around her stomach and his chin on her shoulder, her back was to him and she snuggled into his embrace. "So where do we go from here?" said Karl. "Well we sleep, we wake up, we go to work, we come back, and we sleep somemore. We can make up the rest as we go along." The two of them laughed and feel into a deep sleep. As the moonlight was glistening off their skin they dreamt of the life they would live together and the days full of love to come. ********************************************************** Guess what people, thatz it I finally finished it!!! Yeah, I'm so sorry that took so long, I had major computer problems and couldn't post anything!!! So I hope you all liked it and thank you reviewers and non -reviewers for reading!!! I was thinking of a sequel because theres a few lose ends, so you tell me sequel or no sequel?!?! End file.
Karl & Her by VegetazGrl
Changes of the Soul One Shot: Kimonodea's Hunt Kimonodea raised her bow. She had been hunting for hours now, so keen on finding a meal now that her finger would tighten on the bowstring every time she heard a noise or saw the rustle of leaves. The sun, now high in the noon position, was not helping her escalating hunger. Sighing, she sat underneath the shade of a willow tree. Her stomach growled. No meat again today. The poachers and other hunters had cleaned out the valley. Sighing in frustration, she propped herself up with her bow, disturbing a young fox from its den. Kimonodea stopped and watched it, her finger once again tightening on the bowstring. But for some reason, she stayed her hand. She just stood, watching the fox as it looked at her in wonder. Its fur was a deep red, reminding Kimonodea of a red haired man whom she had only met a week before. The fox, who was watched as Kimonodea lowered her bow, walked timidly towards her. Kimonodea stared back into its black orbs with her yellow cat-like eyes. The half demon swore she had stared into these eyes before. Was it his eyes she had stared into the day they parted, the taste of him still on her lips? Or were they those of the fox, whose soul seemed to consume her in an envelope of warmth. Her heart melted. Slowly, she lowered her bow and returned the arrow to the quiver. With another sigh, she turned away from the fox, but not before throwing the last piece of pemmican she had to it. The fox took the piece of dried meat in its teeth before scampering away into the underbrush. Kimonodea watched as it disappeared. After it was gone, she sighed one final time before walking back towards home. She had a letter to write. End file.
Changes of the Soul One Shot: Kimonodea's Hunt by QueenBattousai
Just A Kid **Disclaimer:** I don`t own Zoids, what I do own will be posted at the bottom though. Just A Kid * * * Yanno... I know it sounds dumb but I`m actually glad I just lost the fight of my life. Mo-... _Sarah_ would probably just smirk at me if she knew. Funny thing about me, all the times my so-called instructors were trying to drill victory into my brain, I was actually trying to fix the screw-ups of the mechanics in adjusting my cockpit seating arrangement. Seems weird, doesn`t it? The miniature Hell raiser, the King of Unsanctioned Battles actually likes following a set of rules. What can I say? I`m a kid, cut me some slack for actually being a good sportsman. Wonder what Kale would think? Oh yeah, since I didn`t introduce myself properly, my name is Vega Obscura. You can call me Vega though, just so long as you don`t call me "Veggie" like Torson does... Gleeh, I _hate_ that name... But yeah, anyway, I`m a good sportsman, you know that? The Backdraft group prides itself - well it used to, I`m not sure if it`s going to be around for more than a few more hours at this point - on being ruthless and relentless in it`s battles. No holds barred, life and death, massive pay-offs and all that nasty stuff. Hardly the kind of environment you`d expect to find an underdeveloped eleven year old runt like me in, eh? I don`t think it`s offset me too much... Sure I wake up screaming at night and I`ve seen people diving out of their Zoids` cockpits while being burned alive, but hey... Least I didn`t wig out like Kale did, right? I hope I didn`t... He went nuts around the time I turned eleven, you know? Oh yeah, since I didn`t mention who he was, his name is Kale Obscura. He`s my older brother, if you`re wondering. Backdraft originally wanted to use him in my place, I think it`s why my parents got divorced in the first place. That`s another weird thing I don`t like, I`m not allowed to call Sarah my mother without us being alone and really far away from the group`s bases and personnel. It`s downright annoying really, but I guess that`s the price you pay. But anyway, Kale was my older brother. He`s gone now, supposedly he ran away right after they dug up the Berserk Fury and picked me as it`s pilot. I can still remember him knocking out a dozen gaurds and diving into the cockpit set-up of one of the Geno Saurers they found with it. There were actually four, believe it or not, but that`s not really the point. Kale basically just flipped out and ran away, but I don`t think he`s alive now. Well, I hope he is, I think he could be, but I doubt it. Even though he was probably better than me, when the Backdraft wants you dead, you`re gone. Poof. That`s why I only have vague memories of my dad, Sarah said they had him killed because he defied the group. I doubt it hough, I think she killed him after their divorce but the group doesn`t admit to whether or not he`s dead. Doesn`t matter. My main concern isn`t even in real life. My main concern is why I`m standing next to a downed Ultimate X I affectionately dubbed 'Owny.' No, not Oni, Owny. I`m a kid, what do you expect? But yeah, my main concern is exactly why I`m standing here with a silly little smile on my face even though I just lost the most important fight I`ve ever had. I`m a kid, but I live for one thing. I have since I first started walking. I live for the chase. I live to climb into a Zoid cockpit and become a legend. I live because I crave the challenge of fighting at my best and winning or losing, I don`t care either way. That`s what I like about Bit Cloud, he reminds me of what Kale might`ve been if he hadn`t gone nuts and run off. Bit lives for the chase, just like me, he doesn`t know it though. I love that about him, he`s like the big brother I never had even though I`ve only met him a few times. I`m not sure, but I think he`s sort of adopted my as a surrogate brother too, we`re both just weird like that. I may be a kid literally, but that guy? He`s a kid at heart. Only person I`ve ever seen who actually climbs into his Zoid with no cares over prize money until after the battle, during and right before he`s just like I want to be when I`m older. I`ll be better than him though. Least that`s what Altiel thinks. He and Stig(Stigma Stoller to you) both have this weird thought that I`m the reincarnation of Raven. Feh, I may be related to the guy but I`m not him. I`m Vega Obscura, I`m _me_. Altiel`s also probably crying his eyes out right now, given the way everything seems to have hit the fan but ah well... Serves him right for treating me like a tool. Serves Sarah right too. Stigma though, he`s probably the only male role model me and Kale had as kids. I like to think I take after him a lot, he`s kinda like my adopted dad whenever he`s around, even though Stig and Sarah don`t exactly like each other. What now though? The Backdraft was the only family I ever had... What`ll it be like without them around to... Hey, wait a minute... Just what the heck did they ever do for me anyway? Now that I think about it, not much... Well, they _did_ provide schooling and a place to live but as a group they didn`t exactly raise me. Heck, I think Kale and I raised ourselves almost. Well. I guess that means I`m about to face a whole new world, huh? Doesn`t matter though. I`m just a kid, but I`m me, and I live for the chase. And the chase... Just got interesting. Wonder what Kale would think? * * * **Author`s Note:** I may not own Zoids but I do own Kale Obscura, he`s an OC of mine who may or may not come into play if I ever do a major Zoids fic that I happen to have in my head right now. Otherwise, I`ll just post his bio up along with my other OCs from Zoids and then let someone else go to town with them. As for the Geno Saurers, I just figured there were more likely four there. It seemed to make sense in a weird sort of way, like the directions on a compass or something. Either that or I`m just a weirdo obsessed with the number 5, whichever works better. As for the gruesome bit about people being burned alive... This is the Backdraft we`re talking about here. Given that they intentionally remove safety devices and make their battles essentially life and death ordeals, it seems likely that such a thing has happened on more than one occasion. Also, if I do any POV stories like this for those OCs I mentioned earlier, they`ll only be on my site. Just so ya know... That`s all from me for now, hope you enjoyed this unique look into the psyche of Vega Obscura, leave a review and see ya next time! Sh33p out. End file.
Just A Kid by The Sh33p
In Search of Broken Wings **Notes:** Outside of the obligatory "I don't own anything related to Zoids, that goes to Tomy or wherever", I need to add that this story was written for a Zoids RPG called Zoid Revenge Saga. As such, it's continuity is admittedly a bit iffy here and there - I changed what I wanted to do with it a few times - and each of the chapters need not actually have that division due to their relative brevity. But hey; I guess it's a fair read. Enjoy. * * * **: I N S E A R CH O F B R O K E N W I N G S : **o r g a n o I d r e s e a r c h f a c I l I t y f I l e 1 9 . 8 9 s u b j e c t c o d e n a m e A E S T E R O T H b e g I n f I l e c h a p t e r : o n e The sound of the siren resonated throughout the building, and it took a long moment for the third cycle watchmen's sleepy eyes to flutter open and peruse the landscape about them. They saw nothing but the inky darkness that nestled softly over the desert at this time of night - a low fog, however, seemed to pervade the area. Nothing suggested that there were intruders into the facility, but the low, droning siren told them otherwise. Had they been within the facility, the calamity probably would have kept them far more awake. "Get him! Get him!" "He's escaping!" "Shut the door! Shut the door!" A ringing clang as the thick metal of the door met the cold steel of the floor, but still the cries continued from the enclosed side. "What's he doing?" "He's going to charge the door!" "That's insanity! What the hell is he thinking?" "How desperate they must be to escape..." "How can you be calm about this!" "JUST GET HIM!" "He'll knock himself out..." "EXACTLY!" No such luck. With a piercing screech, followed by a flash of light, the metal door impeding the pathway into the halls was suddenly not so much as molten slag. The brilliantly highlighted deep-blue creature shot full tilt through the door. His pursuers, meanwhile, stopped short, stunned to silence, and stared. "How did he...?" "Did you not pay any attention to the testing we were doing!" "Of course I-" "Then why do you feel the need to ask that sort of question!" "I'm... I'm sorry, sir..." "No matter. The rest of the facility knows subject one-nine-nine-eight is on the loose. Give them instructions to pursue with intent to capture. Make certain that nobody tries to kill him." "If he can't be captured, sir?" A low silence, then a smile on the lips of the head researcher. "Why, my dear man, we shall see, won't we?" Farther down the hallway the blue streak continued on his path, his aerodynamic design allowing him to easily tear past anything that could impede his escape route, the traction from his claws allowing him to easily make almost hairpin turns, then continue onward as if he had always been on the straightaway. Gleaming gold kept its sights locked straight forward, oblivious to anything coming from either side - nothing in this facility was fast enough to catch him, and he knew it. Nothing in this facility was prepared. Suddenly, ahead, a pair of men wearing the signature black coats of the researchers appeared, dropping a net timed to land on him when he ran under it. The fools. Another screech, and suddenly the boosters fired, sending a golden-blue blaze behind the calmly escaping figure - he easily shot under the net, beyond the reach of those that wished to imprison him, through the opened doorway and- He slowed himself down, deactivating his boosters and coming to a slow stop, quietly proceeding through the openness of the primary hangar. They would not be able to catch him out here - he had been in far more danger in the confined tunnels that comprised their facility. He knew their habits. He knew how they worked. He had gauged their athletic capabilities for months now, planning his escape from the facility. He had timed his run for when the weakest shift would be present - when those looking down outside would be too tired to properly pursue him in the great green pterasaurs that they had also taken, most likely against the will of the massive mechanical life forms. He had learned in his time here, in his communion with his fellows, that none of those present had any inclination to be here - did not wish to remain here, captive, held under the strange cocoons called 'stasis tubes', lulled to quiet sleep by the warm liquid that buffeted them within the steel and glass prison. He wondered why none of his fellows had ever tried to escape; he had spoken with them directly, and he head pried at their thoughts, but none of them seemed at all inclined to follow what they were screaming to themselves and get up to simply leave the wretched world they were confined to. Then again, he knew his fellows. They were weak. Not just physically, but mentally. They would never had the wherewithal to stage an escape as he had - they knew that they were not physically capable of making a run for it, not unto themselves. And they could not be incited for a group effort. He was certain - so went his thoughts as he wandered through the darkness within the hangar - that if they had all tried at once to fight back against the fleshlings that confined them, they would have easily made the escape. The fleshlings relied on his larger brethren to try and combat himself and his fellows. For what purpose did they need these machines? They were weak. Those within the facility were weak. Vulnerable. If his fellows had merely listened to his cold reason, they would have all escaped, all of them wandering without fear through the great hangar. Without fear of pursuit. Nobody would be after them; the fleshlings would be no more. As it stood, he himself could not take on the entire facility, not with his singular power. He needed... Something more. Something more to level the prison he had been kept in. More power - far more power. He had seen the papers that the fleshlings had carried, scrutinized the data, sifted through their thoughts and learned why they kept him and his fellows in this prison. He was what they called an Organoid - and his purpose for being was the enhancement - or even completion - of his larger mechanical relatives, those they called 'Zoids'. They had him run through gauntlets while remotely piloting one of these Zoids - they had made certain that he was capable of fusing to its soul, what they called the core - and most importantly, this hangar was where they kept their Zoids. He was aware that these were not very powerful behemoths, but the steel of the door was thin and easily torn by the blades of one that he particularly favoured. While his files had shown the existence of even more favourable behemoths, he had located one that fitted their description closely, and he had always had fun fusing to the soul core of that creature in particular. Brilliantly golden eyes, glowing internally in the sheer darkness of the hangar, sent their glance around the blackness and searched for that Zoid, the one that he had so much fun piloting, the one that would allow him to escape. At long last, he found it, and made his way quickly, silently, to its side. He stopped where he was and looked up - the great, rusty hide of the raptor winked back down to him. He smiled internally. _They are weak. I am strong. You, my friend, you too are weak. But with me, you are capable of being strong. Very strong. So much stronger than you are now. We have felt it before, you and I, we have both felt this power. You will accept me unto your soul. It is best for both of us._ Feeling no resistance from the Zoid, he screeched, letting his cry reverberate defiantly through the empty darkness of the hangar. He arched his wing, the stump of the second pulling itself into a pathetic attempt to mimic its counterpart, and the boosters on his back activated. He shot into the darkness of the ceiling, gaining speed, his power changing his physical form into a beam of energy. He whipped around, faced the Zoid, shot through its hull and into the glittering core. He hugged the core tightly, sinking is teeth and claws into the brilliant orb, bringing his wing around to shield him as he fused with it... Holding fast, he felt his consciousness awaken away from himself, now through the green eyes of the raptor. He took an experimental step forward, flipped the blades forward, immediately satisfied with the results. And, unleashing a steely, rusted roar, he ran for where he knew the door of the hangar was, holding his claws above him... Brought down his claws, ripping a hole through the door. He leaned forward now and began to run as fast as the Zoid would allow. When he got far enough... He heard it; the distant whistle. The sound of the seeker missile coming after him. Closer, closer, almost... There. The missile on his tail, coming down just the right angle, the power of the Organoid flowed through the Zoid, encompassed it, transforming the rusted old Rev Raptor, hardly capable of running without the aid of an Organoid, into a version of itself capable of utilizing the booster power that he had to give it. The Rev Raptor, his peculiar passenger seated comfortably within, shot off across the desert, tearing through the wisps of sand kicked up by the wind, making an ethereal fog. The base was left far behind him, the droning of its alarm becoming fainter and fainter as he continued running, full tilt, across the desert, almost putting himself on auto-pilot as he allowed his thoughts to wander aimlessly. Now, he realized, he was no longer going to be tethered to the stupidity of those 'scientists' that had held him captive. No longer would his talents and powers be used by others. He was not to be manipulated again. Never again. He would not allow it. Even if it meant taking the limited power of that Rev Raptor that he know found himself in possession of and wiping out every last fleshling. c h a p t e r : t w o "Y'got it there okay, Ramus!" There was silence that met her reply; all silence within the little garage except for the squealing of the old steel chains as they strained under the effort to hold the heavy piece of metal that they were forced to bear. "Just about!" came the call from high above, and with another scream of tension from the chains, the enormous gun slipped finally into its position on the back of the Zoid. The man standing atop the gun, riding it down to its position, nimbly clambered down to the back of the Zoid and, taking out his blowtorch, proceeded to weld the rifles to the Zoid, yellow and orange sparks occasionally flying down, accompanied by embres from charred bits of old paint. She looked up to the handiwork with a smile, knowing full well that if it ever came down to her attaching new equipment to her Zoid, there was no way she would actually know how to go about the procedure. She was immediately thankful that her brother happened to major in just such a thing. After length, she saw the sparks from the gun's base subside, and then heard the call: "Okay! He's all set!" The clamps that held the gun released it, and the man immediately grabbed hold of the chain of one, balancing his feet on the clamp itself, and the crane swung around, lightly lowering him to the ground as it did so. He released his hold and fell to the floor, landing easily and then raising himself up again, smirking. "See?" he said. "Told you I learned a few new moves working in here." "Smooth as ever," she said. "Too bad the ladies can't get past the sweaty, oil-covered exterior to see the nice moves, hmm?" He put on a look of mock shock. "You're so terrible, Reia!" he said, adding a sigh afterward. "How could you be so mean to your dear older brother?" "Like that," she said, smiling broadly. "Well, Ramus." She looked up to the Zoid he had been working on and waved her arm in its direction. "How's Iulius doing?" "He's doing quite well, actually," he said. "No signs of stress, no signs of overheating, the cold armour forging went well, he's compatible with the sniper rifles... Might want a paint respray, though. He's looking a bit dim. How old is he now?" She thought back for a moment, trying to place his age, then shook her head. "Gosh," she said. "He's been around for... A couple of years by now. When did I graduate?" "Three years ago." "Plus a year... Four years, I believe. Yeah. Four years out of the warehouse." "And you _travel_ in him?" Ramus said suddenly, sounding appalled. "Have you _ever_ given him a respray?" "I'll let you figure out that answer." He made a derogatory, scolding noise, then looked at her down the bridge of his nose, pushing up his glasses slightly. "Reia," he said, clearly disappointed. "How could you let him go for so long? You can almost see the gray metal beneath him!" It wasn't true, of course; as she looked up the Zoid, all that caught her was that she was standing at the foot of a Shield Liger - a standard looking shield liger, painted with the obligatory pale blue colour that all of them were originally given. Certainly, he was a little duller than the ones that came fresh from the factory, but to say that his paint had been worn away was a bit much. Regardless, he did look like he could use a good colour wash. "Yeah," she said dully. "He could use a respray." She smiled slightly. "Maybe black." "You wouldn't believe how many people enjoy painting Zoids black these days," he said, obviously disgusted by the sheer statistical value. "Fine, fine," she growled, tossing aside the notion. "Red, then?" A momentary silence, then he nodded. "Actually, there aren't too many red Zoids. Lots of black or deep blue ones... But no red ones." He smirked. "I'd like to see that, actually. I'd like to see you walk back in here with a red Shield Liger." "Hah! I'll walk back in here with a red _Slash_ Liger next you see me!" she crowed. "Just you watch, Ramus! Little sister's gonna be a kick ass pilot one day! And be able to afford something beyond the work you give me..." Ramus laughed. "If you didn't come here at such broad intervals, I'd have to start charging you..." "That's why I don't." "Smart move, sis." There was a momentary pause, and suddenly, he inquired: "Speaking of red Zoids, where's Shadow gone to?" "I wouldn't worry about him," Reia said. "He's running around with a Blood Demon. No reason to be concerned about him." "It's the other people I'm concerned about," he said darkly. However, he quickly lifted the mood with a smile. "Well then! Where are you heading off to t'day?" "Going back out to New Helic City," she responded. "There's supposed to be a tournament down there in a week or two." "Why are you heading down so early, then?" he inquired, genuinely confused. "It only takes perhaps two days to get their by Liger..." "With my sense of time, it'll be over when I think to actually leave for it. I'm getting a jump on it this time." "Brilliant idea," he said, sarcasm tinging his voice ever so slightly. "Well, then... You'll be off now, I assume?" "I best be off now," she said quietly. "It's almost noon. If I stay here too much longer, I'll either have to anticipate two nights in the desert, or stay back here. Neither prospect is particularly appealing to me." "What? Don't like our middle-of-nowhere outpost?" "Exactly." He smiled as she said this, and leaned forward, hugging her tightly. "You be careful now, sis," he said. "Careful for bandits, don't get into any stray confrontations, don't sell your Zoid for scrap, and if somebody approaches you in a remotely threatening manner..." "Step on him," she finished. "Don't worry about me, Ramus. I've been traveling for the past three years in this Zoid. I've seen just about everything there is to see, and I have yet to come out with just a sheet of metal and the approximate money one earns by being a woman of the night." "Ah, I just need to give you the entire talk, you know that. After all, you're-" "My baby sister." They both said the last of the sentence at the same time, in the same tone, with the same inflection, and this made them both smile knowingly. "I know," she said. "I know that. Don't worry, Ramus - I'll take care of myself. I always manage to." "All right, Reia," he said. "Have a safe journey." He pulled away from her, beginning to make his way to the work station, but he then stopped and turned to face her again. "Oh. If Shadow comes back, what shall I tell him?" "Tell him where I went," she responded, making her way to the Shield Liger. As the great feline machine lowered its massive head and opened the cockpit, she then turned to look at Ramus one last time, finishing her instructions. "If he knows where I am, he'll probably follow me. I'll be able to meet him in New Helic." She climbed into the cockpit and nodded as the Shield Liger raised his head. The cockpit shut itself, and he heard through the radio: "See you later! Take care, bro!" "You too, sis." The Shield Liger suddenly pulled back, stretching itself out, then leaned forward, completing the swing motion. He came back to his normal position, and the barrels of the sniper rifles twitched a bit - the Liger, now fully online, was testing his equipment. Satisfied, he let out an agreeable roar, and walked out of the confines of the small garage. As soon as his full body hit the blinding sunlight, a thunderous roar shook the garage, and the resounding, pounding footfalls of the feline Zoid began to reverberate all through the small township; the Shield Liger was well on its way. c h a p t e r : t h r e e Reia felt herself relax as the Shield Liger ran swiftly away from the little township, leaning back in the chair and allowing the Liger to pilot itself as it went. She fully trusted her Zoid to be able to navigate through the desert to New Helic City - in fact, whenever she traveled, she left the navigation up to her Zoid. He, after all, had a built-in mapping system, and his navigation skills were infinitely superior to hers. Now that she was out on the road, she felt free to simply pull herself up into a ball and let herself drift to sleep. In reality, it would normally take about two days of travel through the desert to get to New Helic from where she had begun; however, with the way she traveled - allowing the Zoid to deal with the fine points of navigation while she caught up on sleep - the trip would land her in New Helic in the early morning of the next day. She found it an excellent way to work, and her Liger didn't seem to be entirely averse to the idea. In fact, from what she could tell, it had been his idea to begin with; she had, of course, fallen asleep on one of the long journeys, exhausted not only by the journey but also by her bizarre sleep schedule throughout the week, and had awoken at the gates of New Helic, still in the cockpit, with the Liger roaring loudly to get her attention. It was, as she saw it, a very efficient, very relaxing practice, good for both of them: She got to catch up on sleep, and Iulius got to sharpen his navigation and tracking capabilities. Both things were great assets on the battlefield - a place where Reia found herself strangely often. When she had gone to the Academy, of course, she had never anticipated being a true Zoid battler; her elder brother Ramus had graduated from the academy as a mechanic, and she had hoped that, perhaps, she would be able to follow a similar path. Of course, her plans changed rather abruptly when she was given the opportunity to engage in a real-life combat scenario, where she and her sparring opponent would be using a GunTiger and DiMantis, respectively. The point of the exercise was to understand the controls in a standard Zoid machine, and to be able to utilize them effectively in an emergency situation. Unfortunately, she had a bit of fun with the simulation and successfully defeated her opponent with moves to spare, and had promptly decided that she would rather learn the intricacies of the Zoid fight rather than the Zoid core. As a result, she had managed to graduate with flying colours, and as a graduation gift had been sent the Shield Liger, Iulius. Despite the fact that he was somewhere between five and eight times her height, she had always felt more that the Zoid was a family member rather than fighting machine, and welcomed him more like a firstborn child than the inanimate object he was supposed to be. The Liger, however, had proven to be far more animated than she could have anticipated - he had a personality, a heart, a soul. For all the hands-on experience she had with the Zoids at the academy, she had never gotten that feeling from the others. But then, they were assembly line children, all born within minutes of one another in a continuous cycle as more and more of them were made. Shield Ligers, while they were hardly rare, were certainly harder to find than a DiMantis, and perhaps had a bit more thought put into them, in a literal sense of the term. And with these thoughts swirling through her mind, she slowly slipped into unconsciousness, caressed in her sleep by the gentle motion of the great Liger around her. He knew she was asleep; she knew he was capable of telling that she was. And that thought made her smile even as slumber began to take her into its arms. _Running. Running constantly; running forward, full throttle, never stopping, pushing to the limits, tearing though the white light, trying to get away._ Away from what? _The figure looks over its shoulder, gleaming green eyes sending a careful, quick glimpse behind it. Visible behind; the length of the body, pulled forward to run faster, aerodynamically designed. Down to the end of the tail, a shot is fired, and a spark as the bullet ricochets off the hide of something. _ _Massive._ _The spark illuminates the deep blue hide of the creature; shards of gold are visible through the night briefly - then, gone again, as though they never existed._ _Being chased. Electricity rushes through circuitry like adrenaline; have to get away somehow..._ Away from what? _Away from **it**. There is nothing more to be assumed._ _Forcing a faster run, joints screaming as the weight of the Zoid slowly becomes too much to bear against them at this pace. Can't stop now. Can't stop now..._ _Another glance over the shoulder, and slowly the pain begins to flow beyond the joints, encompassing the whole of the creature. Pain... Pain lancing through its body, burning like a fire within its circuits, its core. Can't stop. Have to run away..._ Away from what? _Another glimpse behind the back, another shot from the rifle mounted on the tail. It continues; ricochets off nothing. No more pursuit. No more._ _The fires continue to burn within, however, and slowly, the Zoid collapses, no longer able to take the strain. A shot of light from the back; the brilliant green of the cockpit grows dim, blackens; total system freeze._ _The light manifests..._ Her eyes snapped open the instant she heard the powerful roar from the Zoid, and she swooned a bit, clearly feeling dizzy from the peculiar dream she had just had. The sun had gone, she realized; it was early night, the afterglow was still taunting her over the horizon. However, as she look out, she saw no movement; she felt no movement. The Shield Liger had stopped, and had turned to face something. She peered out the cockpit, but could only see a vaguely white gleam on the edge of something brilliantly reflective - a star's gleam offering a strange outline before her. However, with a bit of thought, she could finally recognize it. A raptor type of Zoid, it seemed to be; possibly a Rev Raptor, but its position as it lay crumpled on the ground made it difficult to discern in the wan starlight. It simply sat before her, looking up to Iulius, and she whispered a quiet command to the Shield Liger. It growled in agreement to whatever she had suggested, and it took careful steps forward, slowly approaching the Rev Raptor. She activated the external light and shined it down on the Rev Raptor, finding herself fully awake now, and stared at the Zoid. It was lying uselessly on the ground now, and careful inspection of the cockpit revealed that there was no pilot present. She stared at it for a long moment, curiously peering downward, and Iulius came to a full stop, then bent down, allowing her to get a closer look. "That's strange," she mused. "A Rev Raptor... Somebody must have been desperate if they were traveling in that thing. Pull in closer." Iulius took a step forward, getting closer to the Zoid, and she quickly appraised it, then nodded. "It's overheated; probably going max speed across the desert." An astute assumption. She froze. "What...?" Please, do not move, fleshling. Almost from nowhere she saw the brilliant golden shards glowing before her, the creature who possessed them standing on the nose of the Shield Liger. This will be quick. c h a p t e r : f o u r "What the hell?" were the first words out of her mouth, but her inquiry was met only with a resounding mental taunt - laughter filled her mind, a strange laughter, it's voice oddly deep and masculine, and it had a distinct air of superiority, of arrogance. Foolish fleshling, he hissed. You will leave your mechanized minion; otherwise, I cannot guarantee your survival. "Mechanized minion...?" No? he interrupted harshly, obviously gauging the fact that she would have hardly comprehended what he had said in that short span of time. In that case, I'm afraid I'll have to evict you from your steed. Suddenly, the strange golden shards disappeared from before her, transforming, manifesting instead into a flare of golden-blue light. The beam of energy shot up, and her gaze followed it as it flew into the night sky, luminous as a signal flare, before whipping around and suddenly, with a blinding flash of light, slammed into the back of her Zoid. She anticipated the shock of having something so powerful tear through his back, but felt nothing change, and merely sat where she was for an infinite moment, awaiting the repercussions, anticipating what could possibly transpire for sustaining a shock that badly yet not reacting at all to it. Waiting... She looked at the lights of the cockpit as she noticed that, suddenly, the power control bar seemed to shoot through the roof; a light blue energy began to surround the entire Zoid, and the light within the cockpit changed from the fluorescent white to a strange shade of scarlet. The sensors on the Zoid took on a golden colour; the cockpit glass became green. "What...?" Iulius suddenly roared furiously, raising his upper body and standing almost fully erect, forcing her full back into her seat. She stared down at the controls as they continued to fluctuate; she listened as she heard his internal fan buzz uncontrollably, as the soothing sound of the circuitry became an incredible, incessant buzz. The controls of the cockpit were locked down - despite her best efforts, she could not begin to move the mobility thrusters, even when pushing all her weight onto them. So sorry, came the resounding voice once again. I'm assuming you're trying to get back down? Allow me to aid you. The body of the Zoid came crashing down hard almost immediately, thrusting her forward, forcing her frame against the powerful, cutting straps of the seatbelt. She pulled back and began to breathe heavily, feeling pain arch through her chest where the belt had dug into her flesh, and she looked around wildly, trying to reason what was going on. All of the systems were going berserk, she could tell that much, and the Zoid was acting of his own accord - he was capable of doing so normally, but now he seemed to be far more insane than he had ever been before. He shook his head from side to side, pulled himself left and right, leapt forward, slammed hard onto the ground, pulled up and roared only to tear back down, trying, it seemed to shake her from her position in the pilot's chair. None of it seemed to be working properly - she was thankful for that - but the interloper seemed to have finally gotten the right idea. Now let me see, he mused. What does _this_ option do... Hmm. Eject... "Hey, woah, nonono, don't you _dare_ eject me!" she yelled, trying to allow her voice to penetrate to... To wherever the thought was coming from. Another mental laugh. Or you'll do what, fleshling? he inquired smoothly. What will you do to keep me from continuing? "I can-" Too late. He had grown bored of the game; and suddenly, the cockpit flipped open, and with the hiss of depressurizing barely leaving her ears, she found herself flying through the black sky, still strapped to the chair. "This is insane!" she yelled to the night winds, but none of them seemed apt to return her cry. She struggled for a moment with the seat belt, finally loosening it, and pulled the chair around to face the ground - seconds later, she landed, hard, into the cool desert sands, the chair taking most of the fall, cushioning her from the impact. A thunderous roar suddenly came from the Shield Liger, and he turned to look at her, the eerie red glow from the exposed cockpit casting strange shadows around her. The external searchlight, also gleaming red, landed its sights directly on her, and the voice resounded through her mind. What a pity, it mused. So young, I believe, by the standards of you people. It's a shame I'll be forced to eliminate you now. But, this game must end, as all good things do. The Zoid began to advance toward her - very slowly, its head kept low to the ground, like a great cat stalking the helpless mouse, intent on catching its prey only after the long chase had finally ended. "Wait!" she screamed. "Wait! What... What are you!" A product, the voice whispered. A product formed by you flesh-and-blood demons to serve the purposes that you were so eager to create us for - so eager to imprison me and my fellows for. The voice had become low, its tone dark, filled with anger and aggression. You have made us suffer. All of you. All of you have done this. Aggression slowly gave way to a psychotic tone, and his voice, so low and arrogant, became a crazed shout. All of you! I'll wipe you all out! Every last one! ALL OF YOU! The scream repeated itself endlessly in her mind, although she was unsure of wether he was continuing to shout wordlessly or if it merely had a strong, echoing mental clangor. Regardless, she was snapped away from the thought when, suddenly, the Shield Liger pulled itself up and roared furiously again, slamming hard down on the ground. The voice was silent for a long while, and she saw the Liger pull itself in strange contortions, obviously not by the commands of the intrusive, disembodied voice. What! it screeched. What is... Stop this! Stop this at once! How dare- The Liger roared one final time, and suddenly the blaze of golden-blue light shot from his back. Iulius, trembling as his joints strained from the stress he had just endured, fell almost limply to the ground, the dull blue blaze falling away from him, the light of his cockpit growing dim; however, he still moved slowly, almost as though breathing. His power supply was minimized; he needed to rest from the sudden exertion. Reia, meanwhile, directed her attention to where the blaze of brilliant light was touching down. She saw it land silently, perhaps twenty metres away - not far at all. The brilliant blaze encompassed the small part of the ground for a long moment, and she - still trembling, not having yet recovered from the sudden shock she had received - managed to pull herself to her feet and make a quick yet shaky jog to the location. The blaze died shortly before she arrived, however, and she was ready to merely leave it at that and make a run for it; whatever that thing was, it certainly didn't seem like it would make any friendly turns. Regardless, curiosity gripped her strongly, and dragged her to where he still lay. She murmured something low under her breath, mostly speaking to herself, and held out her hand - a small orb of condensed lightning appeared there, providing a brilliant blue glow across the immediately landscape. She blinked a few times as she approached the crumpled figure that had just invaded her Zoid, that had just been so violently booted out, and stopped short a few feet away, stricken by silence. "An Organoid...?" It looked like it could very well be such a creature; it's body - four to five feet high, perhaps seven feet from the tip of the beak to the tail - was pulled into a definitively saurian shape, and the entire creature seemed to be made of a deep blue metal, highly reflective in the light of the lightning orb. She stared down its back - the side exposed to her - and saw that, nestled in the centre of the torso - were two boosters, glowing faintly, obviously spent. Following the lithe body down to the tail, she saw that the end was fanned into seven thin sheets of green metal - the same green metal was repeated on its hind and foreclaws, as well as providing accent to the muzzle. Golden circles surrounded brilliantly scarlet glass domes attached to its lower arms and upper legs, glimmering with the brilliance of a polished ruby ring. Its head came down to a blunted beak; its muzzle pulled back and formed three curved spines just below its blank eyes; its entire head came down and pulled back into four long strands of sharpened metal. Oddly, though, from the torso, just above the boosters, were a single wing, formed over its left side, splayed across the ground - decorated up its length with gold bases for the ruby glass, formed with sharp blades of deep green metal, held together with dark blue pieces of metal. The right wing started up to the first set of gold and glass, but then abruptly stopped, ending in a torn ligament, exposed circuitry nestled deep within the crack. He was beautiful. But his wing... He seemed unconscious, possibly having spent all of his energy from the attempt to control Iulius - having been ejected from the Zoid, she figured that whatever this creature was, he had suffered quite a bit from this. She knelt down beside him and cautiously ran her free hand over the smooth, warm metal, feeling that it was finally beginning to cool under the desert night. She stood up again and looked over the Iulius, then back down to the raptor-like creature. An Organoid, perhaps? She had heard of the mechanical saurians, and seen images of them, but none of the images looked quite like this creature... And if he was an Organoid, had he been the one speaking to her? Bizarre. Common sense told her to boot up the Shield Liger and make a run for it; if the Organoid had tried to kill her before, there was no guarantee that he wouldn't stage a repeat performance. But something about him... Well. She had never been one to listen to common sense, anyway. With such thoughts on her mind, she took it upon herself to put out the little ball of electricity - it was too draining to keep it burning for long period of time - and pick up the large raptor as best she could. She took the unconscious creature with her back to Iulius, and lay him gently on the ground, next to the Shield Liger. She then looked to Iulius and quietly tapped the glass of the cockpit. The Liger raised his head slightly and looked down to her, growling a bit. She smiled. "We've got a bit of company with us tonight," she said quietly. c h a p t e r : f I v e He sat where he was, curled up into a tight ball, ruminating steadily over the events he had just witnessed, confused. This had none gone as it had before. He had been traveling with that Raptor for some time now - he did not know the way that the fleshlings divided their days, nor did he care - and every time he had hijacked a new Zoid, had tormented the fleshlings overseer of that Zoid, had destroyed the fleshlings withing - he had always succeeded seamlessly. The Zoids had never protested to his presence, his power. He was, however, surprised during his travels. He had always used that Rev Raptor for transport; he had kept the Zoid stationary elsewhere while he went to play with his oppressor's kinsmen, and had always succeeding in forcing the creatures away from their mighty steeds, either by mere panicked flight across the merciless desert, or by his awesome judgement at the hands of their own captured behemoth. Across the desert, lying in the remote openness, the bodies of those that resembled his oppressors littered the battlefield, laying next to their mechanized beasts of burden; the dead that he had judged to be unworthy, killed at the hands of their Zoids as he commandeered them for his justice, killed by his own hand as he ruled their fate while standing before them. He tended to go after the lone wolves, but only because they were the ones most often found traveling the desert. He wondered vaguely why there seemed to never be any caution when the fleshlings ran, even though there had doubtless been work of the divine right of the Rev Raptor he controlled reigning down upon the sinners before him. Most likely, the incidents were too focused; too centralized. Lone wolves running about in the desert were not going to be a topic of great interest for most people; most likely, the fleshlings had already left their nest, had nobody to return to, or had not returned for so long that they would not be missed. He had seen the memory banks of the Zoids he had commandeered; they seemed made only for forced gladiatorial combat. Of course, the types he had commandeered were some of the more basic sorts, the type he had been trained in primarily to test his capabilities before moving on to the more sentient models; Pteras and Redlers and DiMantis and Sinkers, mostly, all of them very dull-witted. The more complicated Zoids, however, he could sense the presence of a soul beginning to truly form within them. But always, when he had joined with them, looked into their thoughts, they seemed to be filled with hatred - he felt a crackling hatred all around him, hatred toward the fleshlings, toward their oppressors. He had liberated them, had he not? Of course. All the Zoids wanted to be free of the oppression of their hated masters. He knew they did. He shared their sentiments. They had sensibility, and they shared his capacity of sensibility; therefore, they must hate the squishies. Therefore, they must kill the squishies. But what a shock! This one he had tried to commandeer... He did not want to follow the Organoid's sensible commands. Why? There was no reason that he could understand; he had sifted through the memory banks, he had seen forced combat, he felt the overwhelming hatred when he first entered the Zoid's core. His claws and teeth had clamped onto the heart of the Zoid; he felt himself overwhelmed with the necessity to kill. A necessity that flowed through the Zoid. Then what? What had happened? He had approached the fleshling; she was open, so easy to kill, so ready for death, yet suddenly, the hatred had vanished; the Zoid had gone berserk, fought him, kicked him out, left him drained of his energy. Why? What made the Shield Liger fight so hard? It could have been that the Zoid had no appreciated the rather sudden, hostile takeover - did not appreciate his resources being spent so suddenly. He decided that this was the very reason for his expulsion, and lifted his head slightly, looking up to see what was now before him, dull golden slivers, drained of their energy, looking through the black night. He saw the fleshling before him, curled up on the cold night sands of the desert, and he tilted his head curiously, confused. The fleshling... He remembered now; she had come upon him, holding something brilliant, illuminating his tattered and weary form. She had reached down to him, and at that point he blanked out, his power supply finally running on empty. It had taken the last few hours to recharge, and now that he was capable of basic functions again, he was... Confused. The fleshling had an opportunity to destroy him, of course, or else bind him, ship him off back to where he came from, back into the slavery of the research facility, of the scientists and the allegedly smart squishies, back to his artificial masters who would certainly punish him severely for his escape, for his holy anger, for his divine rampage. Fleshlings did not appreciate the death of other fleshlings, particularly when such judgement was handed down by something that should have been inferior to them. Somehow, however, as he looked at this fleshling, curled up near the protective claw of the massive Zoid, something struck a strange chord within him. A very strange chord. It rung vibrantly in his breast - a hollow sound - an unfamiliar note. What was this now? He pulled himself to his feet, using his arms for additional balance, finding that he was still terribly weak - he hated to be weak - and finally, he stopped, sat down next to her, looked down at her, regarded her carefully. _This fleshling... Is protected by her Zoid?_ He felt movement from the Shield Liger, and he looked up to his, dull gold penetrating the orange-yellow of the cockpit glass. He could sense it from the Liger, too; his thoughts were verified. This fleshlings was under the protection of her mechanized steed. He once more stared down at the girl, consternation running through his mind, confusion setting his other thoughts aloft, temporarily unbalanced. _Why?_ he questioned silently. _Why do you protect this creature that abuses you so?_ He then looked down to the girl, baffled. What could have made this Zoid - this beast of burden used so foolishly by the squishies - prevent him from killing her? Or was he sighting the correct reason? He could very well have been wrong; ignored other factors. Somehow, though, this seemed to be the reason the Zoid had ejected him. _Why?_ He stared at the behemoth, then down to the fleshling. This did not make sense. He had seen the other Zoids - he had felt their thoughts, felt their hatred flow through him, felt their fury and anger and anguish melt into him, increase his own power with their rage, allow him to unleash his own wrath upon them. _Why?_ Why not? Does not every Zoid wish to protect their pilot? They care for us; you see them only pit us in these battles, but you do not yet understand that as the Zoid perishes, so too does the pilot; the pilot's power enhances the Zoid. They give us strength. They give us hope even in impossible situations. They are our lifeline; we are their lives. _I don't understand..._ You do not have the experience yet. Stay for the night; stay for the morning. I will show you what you do not understand. But for now, contain your delirium. I will show you the true nature of humanity. The Organoid sat where he was for a long moment, mulling over these words that echoed behind his thoughts, and finally collapsed into a restful position beside the girl, beside the Shield Liger, curling up and slowly shutting himself down for a few hours, intent on regaining energy. _If you prove incorrect, Liger,_ he hissed, _I will have my vengeance on your 'pilot' and on you._ If you prove correct, then you will not need to. c h a p t e r : s I x Reia awoke rather violently the next day to the newly rising desert sun with the brilliant gold slivers of gold staring directly into her eyes. "Gah! What the hell?" She snapped awake immediately and pulled herself back as far she can, resting her back against the cool metal of the Shield Liger behind her. Standing before her, looking down almost patronizingly, was the blue saurian robot that she had seen last night - the Organoid that had tried to hijack her Zoid. "You're... Still here?" Do you wish for me to leave? the voice said quietly, although it had a twinge of impatience to it. I do not have a particular desire to stay here, myself. She stared for a long, silent moment at the Organoid as he stood before her, his single wing opened as if to show off the sharp blades that comprised the 'feathers' that ran along its length. She shook her head slightly, looking back up to him once more, and whispered, very carefully: "You are the one that spoke..." Yes, indeed I am, he replied curtly. Did you not think I was capable of communication, fleshling? "No, not at all," she murmured, feeling altogether that the entire situation felt very surreal, almost as if it were a foggy dream. The crisp clarity brought about by the brilliant orange of the rising sun, and the soft heat beginning to bake her skin seemed to remind her, however, that this was no fantasy. "I just... You're an Organoid, correct?" He flared his wing slightly, offended by the question, and she felt herself cringe. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I meant nothing by it. I was merely verifying... I've never heard of an Organoid capable of communicating in a relatively regular manner." He seemed to relax slightly, his golden eyes dimming a bit in their ferocity. I suppose not, he said. My fellows could never communicate, I don't believe. His tone of voice seemed to crackle with resentment; They would hiss and screech, certainly, make all sorts of vocal cacophonies, but it took personal intervention to truly understand what they were trying to say. "Intervention..." I have the capacity to probe the minds of others, as you may have been able to ascertain. She hadn't, of course, but this entire conversation with the little mechanical dinosaur was proving to be more and more interesting. She allowed him to continue. I had to consistently poke into their mind cores in order to discern what they were trying to communicate. I do not speak their language, you see. "But you're an Organoid. You should be able to... We're talking about other Organoid, right? Why...?" I am not like them. "I suppose not..." Absolute silence fell over the triad - Iulius, who had already been stone silent before, remained so yet further, and Reia and the Organoid each had their own silence, both consumed by their own thoughts. It was Reia who was next to break the coldness of the moment; she looked up to the Organoid again, and said, slowly, not sure wether it would be proper to ask: "Why did you try and hijack my Zoid last night?" He looked up momentarily, his eyes flickering slightly in consternation at the question, but, regardless, he humoured her with an answer. I am not particularly fond of you fleshlings. My origins portray you vibrantly in a... Less than impressive manner. As such, I harbour no love toward you or your kind. Your Zoids seem to share similar sentiments. _Our Zoids?_ Yes. You use these great creatures and mechanical beasts of burden, forced gladiatorial combatants. I have seen others like your Shield Liger - less intelligent, incapable of true sentient thought, possibly soulless if you prefer to consider them that way. I have jumped many a Zoid and felt their anger and hatred within them. I have released them of their fury. But your Zoid - this Shield Liger that you force into such combat - it seems to be averse to allowing me to reign my judgement upon you. This... This confuses me. _Judgement..._ His voice took a slightly different tone; almost smug. Judgement. She didn't want to know what he was speaking of. "You... You aren't a natural Organoid, are you?" she said quietly, then promptly slapped herself mentally. No Organoid was natural; but, perhaps, he would understand what she was referring to. No Organoid is natural, he responded cooly, much to her dismay. He continued regardless: However, if you mean to inquire as to wether I am from their original birthing spots, no. I am not of the sort that the Ancients had created; my fellows were, however. I am different. Unique. Far moreso than the rest of my fellows. "Made in a laboratory?" she blurted suddenly, immediately biting her tongue. What sort of question...? How would he react...? It was called a research facility, he said, his voice dropping to a low, acidic tone. But laboratory is rather more correct. Torture chamber would be the most proper description for it, however. She was silent for a moment. "A torture chamber," she repeated softly. "Run by... Humans?" Fleshlings, he corrected hotly. His brilliant golden eyes turned upon her again, glaring cold yellow. Demons in the chambers. Poking and prodding at their shelled specimens, unable to fight back properly... Keeping them prisoner. Performing their experiments on their subjects. Forcing them to expend ludicrous amount of energy in order to continue fusing, diffusing, commanding Zoids with their limited psychic capacity, forcing them to run the gauntlet until they have mastered the techniques to the point where the blindfolded can complete it in twenty-three seconds yet still get harsh treatment for their impressive feats. Manufactured and reared like cattle for only one purpose, and when they cannot fulfill that purpose... Cast aside like so much wasted garbage, torn and tattered if they do not accomplish everything that they were created for. A vague blue aura surrounded him, and he suddenly snapped back again: I despise them. I'll kill them. I'll kill them all! Reia flinched slightly, startled by the sudden shift that the Organoid mood had taken, startled also by the ferocity of the voice resounding in her head. The Organoid turned his brilliant golden eyes upon her, the gleaming aura around his body seeming to become more vibrant, and his full attention turned upon the girl. I did not tell you why I was created, he said sharply. "No," she replied suddenly, still taken aback. "You... You were a laboratory creation, weren't you? What _were_ you made for?" I was meant to be the Organoid for a massive demon Zoid, he said cooly. I was crafted to be strong enough and smart enough to handle the sheer power of my charge - of my assumed charge. But - if he could have smiled, she was certain he would have been grinning broadly - they built me too well. Too powerful, too intelligent for their ultimate god. They realized I had the capacity to truly think for myself, unlike their countless other experiments, and that I could easily control their Zoid, but still turn it upon them. They thought me a threat, capable of easily escaping if given the chance. I had tried before. They gave me a reminder of my insolence. "They tore off your wing." You catch on quickly, I give you credit for that. Yes. They severed my wing from its base in a most painful fashion and locked me away to be used as a base template for another Organoid - they had finally succeeded in controlling their behemoth with me, why not use my capabilities as a template for a future Organoid to do the same? Somebody within the compound made a drastic error, however, and released my stasis tube; I took advantage of the situation and easily escaped from my oppressors, taking this Rev Raptor as my steed and running. Reia stared at him for a long moment, then shook her head. "That's terrible," she whispered. "That's... Wow. What sort of organization would do something like that?" If you wish, I may be capable of showing you. She frowned slightly, the nodded curtly. "Yes," she said darkly, then repeated, her voice tinted with slowly festering rage: "Yes! I tell me! I'll destroy every last one of them for whatever they're doing in there..." Very good, he hissed, his response cold and chilling. Reia stopped for a moment, then stood up and turned to Iulius, preparing to enter the Zoid. "Oh," she exclaimed suddenly, looking back down to the Organoid. "What's your name?" He looked up, seemingly perplexed by the inquiry. What? "Your name," she repeated. "What they call you." My code number is one-nine-eight-nine, he said slowly, trying to pull up the information that might have been pertinent to the question. My code name is... 'Aesteroth'. "Aesteroth," she repeated, testing the word on her lips, then nodding. "All right, Aesteroth. I'll take your detour path. Lead the way." She clambered into the cockpit, and the Organoid immediately shot off into a streak of light, fusing with the Rev Raptor behind him. The Raptor stood up and looked forward, then turned its attention to the Liger. Yes, he said. I shall lead the way. c h a p t e r : s e v e n Perhaps he was wrong to have so easily accepted her offer to aid him in his vengeance; he wondered, vaguely now, if it might have led to her skeptical consideration of his words, to her denial of his story and perhaps, ultimately, to her revenge upon him for his supposed lies. It was, however, the truth behind his motivations that he had revealed to her; he had no reason to speak with a silver tongue. She was willing enough to aid him in his conquest of the facility - a conquest that he had fully expected to come back to, but he had anticipated a much longer interlude between his escape and his return. A longer interlude. An interlude with which he would gain strength to come back and fight the oppressive hand of those that had held him; and to wreak his holy vengeance on those that had contained him, tested him, forced him to run the gauntlet, to fuse with the lower Zoids, to ultimately try and command the higher. He smiled internally; their training had been successful, he realized. More successful than they likely could have ventured to guess. He had been capable of controlling their behemoth god; they had not been able to construct another Organoid with that capability. Why, then, did he need help. He did not. He was, however, willing to exercise a bit of caution in approaching the base; he knew what sort of Zoids they had, Zoids that nobody had invested any knowledge in for ages. And he had seen the upgrades invested in these Zoids; he knew what to expect. A walking shield was something that he had always rather felt fond of having. Reia had never seen a Zeek Dober before. She had heard of them, certainly, heard tell of the far forgotten past when the Guylos Empire employed the speed and power of the Zeek Dober for its reconnaissance needs; the Zoid had long since been discontinued in general production, however, instead making way for the more efficient Lightning Saix, or the more versatile Konig Wolf. She had never been able to see images of the Dober, of course; perhaps because there were so few, perhaps because her overall interest in the old war Zoids was so faint, and she had never bothered to seek them out. Regardless, she had never seen a Zeek Dober before, and to find was standing proudly before her, its black polished metal gleaming in the midmorning sun, juxtaposed against the sand-crusted redness of its lower legs and accented finally by the brilliant yellow crescents that were its eyes and the thin yellow sensory blades arcing behind its back came to her as a complete shock. "I thought these were decommissioned," she murmured to herself. She heard a mild laugh ring through her mind as she said this. They were, Aesteroth said cooly. What you are about to face is known as the Crixis Facility, home of the Oracle project. They have a strange fascination with the resurrection and subsequent retooling of Zoids that should have been forfeit to the temporal sands. They have taken a particular liking to the old Guylos Zoids; perhaps for their inherent ferocity. I cannot determine why. It didn't matter. The Zeek Dober was alone, strangely; she would have assumed that Zoids of this sort would have stayed in groups, very much like hunting packs; a quick scan of the area revealed that, in fact, the presence of any other such Zoids was not to be found. "Do they always travel singularly like this?" she inquired, figuring that the Organoid would pick up on it once again. You have merely found the basic border patrol. They are spaced evenly along the borders of the area. Generally speaking, nobody is meant to be able to find their way out into this part of the desert; it is, after all, rather out of the way from the primary commerce locations, but not so far out of the way as to be obvious. She nodded curtly to herself, finding that the strategy made sense; whatever it was they were keeping in here, testing and priming the Organoid for, it would likely be too serious to let anything slip past. But, she thought to herself with a vague smile, they would be slipping past; they would be charging headlong through it. She liked the notion. She did just that. With a roar, the Shield Liger pulled back and locked its sights upon the Zeek Dober, which stood in an offensive position before them, growling low and barking once or twice before resuming its posture. It seemed unwilling to move from its spot. Perfect. With another, thunderous roar, the Shield Liger charges straight for it. The Zeek Dober was prepared for this, and suddenly it pulled down, leveling a large cannon at the Liger and firing off a series of blasts; the Liger, however, saw these coming and, on order of its pilot, immediately unfurled its shield, allowing the shots to bounce harmlessly away before it leapt and slammed hard into its target, sending the peculiar Zoid tumbling as the Liger tore past, deactivating its shield and spinning around to face the hound. The Zeek Dober, however, was already back on its feet, and without warning a missile slammed into the Shield Liger, forcing it to reel back, growling low and shaking its head as if to clear a fog that had come over him. He looked back to his opponent and roared challenge to the hound, and the dog-like Zoid answered back with a high-pitched bark, pulling itself down as if to fire another missile. Suddenly, the hound pitched forward, falling to the ground, its head rolling away from the rest of its body, severed straight at the neck, and Reia, confused, looked up to what had just transpired. Standing behind the Zeek Dober, hissing and clicking his claws as he looked down to the fallen Zoid, was the Rev Raptor. Aesteroth brought the eyes of the Raptor up to the Shield Liger and said, almost soothingly: We have broken a link in the border patrol. Shall we continue? "Let's go!" was Reia's immediate reply to the inquiry, and Iulius seemed to echo these sentiments with a powerful roar, spinning to where Aesteroth had said the complex was located and immediately taking off at maximum speed, putting the decapitated form of the Zeek Dober sleeper Zoid behind her, as well as losing sight of the Rev Raptor as she continued running. She faltered for a moment, immediately confused. That certainly was strange; the Rev Raptor was nowhere to be found behind her. She pulled the Zoid into a complete stop and turned him around to make certain that her equipment was merely faulty; much to her surprise, he still did not appear. "What...?" She turned back to where she was going and suddenly found him standing before her, the brilliant green glass of the cockpit glaring down to her through the dulled yellow of the Shield Liger's dome. There is nothing back there, the Organoid said. What are you doing? She was somewhat startled by the sudden presence of the Rev Raptor and the Organoid that piloted him, but she shook her head regardless, collecting herself immediately. "Nothing," she said. "It's nothing." He knew it was more than that; he could probe her thoughts and see into her mind and recognize the fact that she was unable to compute the sudden increase in speed of the Rev Raptor; that the Raptor had suddenly moved from being relatively far behind her to being in front of her in a span of time where she did not have the capacity to even recognize his movement. He knew that she was tearing her brain asunder trying to understand it. She was also aware that he was aware of her thoughts, and he was subsequently made aware of her ability to detect when he was picking her brain apart. He seemed to withdraw from the practice slightly, but made no signs of having done so, at least not physically, by the stance of the Rev Raptor or the tone of his voice. Instead, he remained as he always had, slightly deadened: We are within a few minutes of the base now, he informed her curtly. Let us... Proceed. The Raptor tucked its body to the ground and began to run, and the Shield Liger fell in stride next to him. She watched him carefully out the window, seeing as he began to fall back, the boosters on his back activated, then flared with a brilliant golden-blue light; the energy aura of the Organoid. She knew Organoids increased the capabilities of the Zoid, but there was... Something else about him, too... Something... c h a p t e r : e I g h t Reia heard the powerfully low sound resounding throughout the Zoid as the Shield Liger took careful steps forward through the sands of the desert, its heard turning back and forth as she commanded it to look about her, scanning the area for the traces of anything that could imply the presence of a powerful base of operations stationed squarely in the middle of nowhere. However, for what she had heard Aesteroth tell of it - the sheer enormity and grandeur of the area - she could see nothing her immediate range of vision that would betray the location of the massive complex she was supposed to be trying to infiltrate. Both the Rev Raptor and the Shield Liger had come to a much slower pace, the Raptor still bent forward in an almost stealthy position, although she had the distinct impression that it was capable of making an immediate bursting run for it the instant he saw need of it - but, knowing the Organoid within, this position was almost certainly not for retreat. She heard the determination hissed icily in his mental voice; she could tell by seeing the stance of the raptor that he meant to do what he said he would do; she could feel, as his mind kept a mildly invasive presence within hers, that he was not one to back down from this sort of conflict. She did, though, really have to ask: "Where the hell is the base?" The Rev Raptor pulled itself up a bit, reacting to her inquiry, and cocked his head to the side. This is strange, Aesteroth mused. We should have already run across it by now, unless... Hah! The Rev Raptor suddenly darted forward, and Reia stared after him, hesitant to take the run and follow, but finally setting Iulius into a brisk pace after his opponent, taking him fast down the open desert, although she was still a fair distance behind the Rev Raptor - it was strange to see her Liger unable to keep up with the lesser Zoid - but she tailed it anyway, shooting across the hot sands in a straight line and then- Suddenly, the Rev Raptor disappeared. She pulled back hard on the controls of her Shield Liger, and it responded immediately yet somewhat adversely, its entire body contorting somewhat strangely in order to compensate for the sudden decrease in speed, pulling itself down to try and lock its claws into the giving, shifting sands. It slowed down considerably, but could not stop in time, coming to where the Raptor disappeared- Suddenly, the Shield Liger disappeared, as well, and Reia found herself somewhere completely different. She brought the Liger into a slow, steady turn, surveying her surroundings and blinking profusely; it was mostly dark beneath the high, steel ceiling of the building that she suddenly found herself in, empty hangars casting foreboding shadows before her, while the brilliantly white hot light from the outside filtered through the open door, forcing the shadows to become even darker in compensation. She tried squinting, hoping to get a slightly better look around the place that way, but it was to no avail; the brilliant juxtaposition of the black shadows against the white external light left her temporarily blinded. To your right, came the mental command, and she pulled the controls of the Liger in such a way as to force him to pivot to the right, turning to face her peculiar benefactor. She squinted and blinked a bit, finally making out the rusty read armour of the Rev Raptor around the brilliant shining green of the cockpit glass - his stance was lowered, hunched over slightly, impatient. Very good, Aesteroth said curtly. This is the hangar, as you may well have guessed; the entire complex is cloaked within a very strong and, clearly, effective cloaking device, making it look like nothing more than open air. The only entrance is through the hangar's door. Now that we are inside, we will have to proceed with caution; the sleeper Dobers outside were just that; sleepers. Internally is where the pilots for these experiments are kept. He turned his attention away from her and stood almost completely upright, proceeding cautiously through the enormous space of the hangar. She pushed the Liger forward at a minimal pace, and, upon getting out of range of the immediate brilliance of the external light, allowed her eyes to adjust to the comparative darkness. Once she had, she immediately studied the region around her, carefully examining everything in the area, drinking it in, noting the large number seven blazon across the wall; obviously, the tier number for the hangar. Further observation revealed that the floor was beginning to decline at a gentle slope, too gentle for a Zoid pilot to take notice of unless they had the intent of looking down as she was, the slope leading to the next level of the hangars. We are going to head for Tier Five, Aesteroth reported back. While it is possible to reach the research facilities from this level, we would have to abandon our Zoids in order to do so, the passages are much smaller than when you come to the research level. I believe that our luck will be rather more favourable if we head to the larger area; more space to battle shall give us the inherent advantage. Reia liked how the Organoid's though processes worked, and she nodded, agreeing silently, figuring that he would be able to pick up her thoughts even if she did not bother speaking them verbally. The next tier of the hangar proved to be darker, and her eyes adjusted to the limited light accordingly; navigation, however, was not at all impeded by the absence of light - she had a keen ability to see in the dark, and the Organoid... Well, she wasn't sure what he was capable of - and they managed to quickly pass through the little area, proceeding downward to Tier Five, the level that Aesteroth was intent on descending to. Upon getting down to this level, she stared stoicly ahead, watching the back of the Rev Raptor carefully to see where it would be necessary to move, but suddenly, the Raptor stopped short, just before entering the central facility. She brought the Shield Liger to a stop and stood perfectly still in the slowly encompassing darkness, fearful of moving, although why, she was unsure. "What's going down?" she asked openly. I detect the presence of Battle Cougars in the hangar, the Organoid replied immediately. I assume you have no experience with them. Entirely correct. It does not matter. Their presence in an underground facility is foolish; they cannot use the air to their advantage. "What, they can _fly_ usually?" Normally, that is the battlefield of the Battle Cougar. However, these are stationed within the hangars. This is extremely peculiar. "You're certain they're... 'Battle Cougars'?" I am positive; I recognize the core signature. She heard a low, hissing-clacking sound escape from the raptor, and it pulled itself down, obviously on edge. I am not fond of being unaware of what is transpiring. However, I am almost completely certain that we will be capable of felling the entire small legion without too much difficulty; the Cougars are not in their natural habitat. This will be simple. He took a step out into the hangar. Provide the cover fire, he ordered. I shall take the combat straight to them. c h a p t e r : n I n e He took the combat straight to them, all right. The tiers down at this level were lit by a rather poor system; the light cast over the immediate vicinity was sadly wan and lacking, not at all the vibrancy she should have expected from being within a research facility such as this one. Then again, she was in the equivalent of the parking lot; she really should not have expected much more. She stalked closer to the edge and peered around the corner watching, fascinated yet horrified, as the Rev Raptor let out a blood-curdling screech, catching the attention of the four Battle Cougars within the tier. A strange breed of Zoid, the Battle Cougar - brilliantly white, with golden hooked beaks and vibrant foreclaws - they resembled, to an extent, the gryphons of legend. Strangely, though, she did not see any wings upon their backs, and this immediately made her wonder how they were meant to fly. Her thoughts were interrupted by a suddenly screech of pained terror - she turned her attention toward the Rev Raptor, fearing the worst, and finding that the Zoid - she should have normally thought the Raptor ineffective - had leapt onto the back of the nearest Cougar and raked his foot claw across its back, tearing a large gash into its exposed back and revealing a short shower of sparks erupting from its circuitry - obviously, he had cut something fairly important. He followed this up by leaning his full weight on the back of the Zoid, forcing the back of the gryphon down into the hard concrete floor of the hangar, and as the Battle Cougar screeched protest to this sort of treatment, she saw the Raptor raise its leg again and bring the claw back down upon his opponent, effectively crushing the entire back half of the Zoid under his feet. He finished his gruesome display by spinning on its torn back, sliding out the sickles on its back and effectively lopping off the head of its opponent, allowing it to roll uselessly across the ground as the rest of the Zoid collapsed into a useless pile. This entire action took perhaps four seconds, and immediately thereinafter the other three Battle Cougars present in the room - most likely sleeper Zoids, just as the Zeek Dober had been - pounced upon their prey all at once, two of them tearing at him with their foreclaws, the third pulling itself onto its hind legs and leveling the barrels of a pair of side-mounted guns at the Rev Raptor, firing off a single, powerful shot at its opponent. She heard a scream of pain and fury resound in her head as the shot cut through the leg of the raptor, obviously dealing some sort of vicarious damage to the Organoid within. The Cougar landed and stood normally, raising its golden foreclaws to once again raze its opponent. Not on her watch. Reia suddenly twisted the controls, and the Liger responded immediately, leaping out at an angle that made him shoot from the corner facing the triad of Battle Cougars as they stood over the Rev Raptor, effectively shielding the little rust red Zoid as the Shield Liger unleashed a series of brilliant green laser blasts at his aggressors, forcing one of them away from the Rev Raptor and pinning one against a wall - the third pulled itself down defensively, using its body as a shield from the attacks. The attention of the Zoid seemed to have turned away from the Rev Raptor - which now lay mostly immobilized on the floor, staring vacantly into space - and suddenly, the three Zoids seemed very, very interested by the presence of the Shield Liger. "Oh, hell," Reia whispered, seeing the barrels of the cannons on the Battle Cougar's slide slightly forward to give them a better shot. She pulled back hard on the controls, and the Liger responded properly, taking a leap back ast the powerful, slicing attacks fell just short of where he landed, puncturing the floor at an angle that would have severed his forelegs had it actually hit. In response to this rather ungracious, Reia forced the controls forward, and with a roar from her Liger he tore straight for the middle of the group, unleashing a steady barrage of laser fire as he ran for the Battle Cougar. The gryphon pulled itself back, incapable of pulling itself away while its comrades stood at either side, blocking his clear shot at the exits, and upon seeing this the Shield Liger leapt up, bringing its hardened claws down upon its opponent, the cold steel of his claws puncturing the armour of gryphon, slicing across a sizeable chunk and tearing off nicks and pieces here and there across it. "Eat this!" she screamed, somewhat foolishly, as the claws of the Shield Liger bore a deep, sizeable hole in the side of the gryphon's neck. Hearing a click from the resetting of firearms, Reia forced the Liger to pivot about quickly to face the other two gryphons, who had now leveled their larger cannons and were ready to open fire. Immediately, she activated the shield of the Liger, and Iulius roared thunderously, pulling himself up slightly before slamming down on his forelegs, the shield flickering to full life just as he did so, just in time to take the shot from the Battle Cougars and diffuse the blast immediately. The shield was deactivated just as quickly as it had been used, most likely to conserve energy, and with another terrible roar the Liger pounced for his opponents, landing just in front of one of the Battle Cougars before him and firing his impact cannon and point-blank range once - twice - thrice and the Cougar, now sporting a sizeable hole in its frontal armour plate, staggered back, faltered, and finally fell completely over, hissing as smoke poured from the wound and electricity danced triumphantly from the open gash. Satisfied, the Liger prepared to turn again, ready to revel in his victory, but a powerful blow from behind caused the entire Zoid to lunge forward, slamming down hard on the ground, rising at an odd angle as his legs seemed to refuse to respond. Reia slammed the controls a few times herself, trying everything that there could possibly be in her pathetic move arsenal to spin around and just kill the Battle Cougar. It was only now that she realized, rather suddenly, why it was called the battle cougar - its entire body had taken on a long, slick, streamlined sort of shape, far more feline than what it most likely should have been, its brilliantly scarlet eyes gleaming off the silver-black armour and the golden claws and gun barrels. The feline aspect of the Zoid made perfect sense; but what had Aesteroth said about flight? She was snapped from her momentary reverie rather violently; her opponent seemed to gauge the exact moment she was no longer paying absolute attention to the battle, when her mind wandered off just a tiny little bit. Iulius spun around to face the Battle Cougar and roared thunderously, obviously unhappy with his opponent. The Battle Cougar returned the roar was a screech, and leapt toward the Shield Liger, its feline body outstretched as a cat stretches when it jumps. It was closing in on her now, closing in, through the air and closing in... A terrible hiss, and suddenly, it wasn't flying through the air anymore. Reia turned toward where the energy expense seemed to originate from, and immediately felt the worst urge to leap out of the Zoid and hug the leg of the Rev Raptor - for, standing directly before her, one sickle-shaped claws held up in the motion of an uppercut, his lower left leg emitting a shower of sparks from the wound that the Cougar had inflicted. However, the wound seemed to have healed rather quickly; almost as if in no time at all. Peculiar. We've taken the sleepers, he said curtly, indicating a long, narrow passage. This is the next pathway we must traverse, and we will have to abandon our Zoids before continuing onward. She nodded understanding, full aware that he was, in fact, not capable of seeing her, and more importantly not looking at all; she nodded out of force of habit, knowing he would pick up her intentions anyway. Let us begin the 'fun part'. c h a p t e r : t e n You'll have to traverse the hallway on foot, Aesteroth warned. I shall remain back here and cover your back. You will be exposed, of course, while you go forward; however, your opponents will more likely than not merely be scientists. I assume you have the full capacity to keep such fleshlings from striking you down with their clipboards? "Don't worry about that," she muttered, and with a few twists of the controls within the Shield Liger she brought her Zoid's head down to the ground, opening the cockpit with a hiss as the cabin depressurized. Leaning forward in the cockpit of the Zoid, she grabbed the twin scabbards that she always kept with her in case of close-range combat and, fitting herself with a belt before subsequently attaching the swords to it, then vaulted out of the Liger and, landing on the thick concrete ground, she turned to face the passageway she would be traversing. "What am I supposed to do when I get to the end of it?" He took a moment to consider this event, the green of the Rev Raptor's eye thoroughly dissecting the long passageway that the Organoid was sending the girl down. He seemed to nod to himself. You will proceed to the end and merely unlock the door; there is a group of fleshlings beyond that door. You will get their attention immediately, more likely than not; once you do, run out and run back to this end of the hallway as fast as you can. I shall take care of everything from there. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine, feeling that something untoward would ultimately be the result of this peculiar alliance and these even more peculiar orders, but regardless, she nodded her compliance with the instructions and, taking a deep breath, exhaled, turning to Iulius and murmuring orders to stay low to the Zoid. He growled his compliance, and she turned to look down the hallway. Now that she was no longer in a Zoid, that small, thin, compressed, whitewashed tunnel seemed rather more disturbing to her, but she could not fathom why. According to Aesteroth, there would only be scientists waiting for her in the rooms that joined with the tunnel; that was nothing to get upset about, nothing to worry about. Was there? Probably not. This entire mission seemed to be going rather smoothly, aside from the minor scrap they had with the Battle Cougars in the hangar - that, though, had been nothing special in the least, and the Shield Liger had gotten out virtually unscathed, with the Rev Raptor taking minor damage to the leg... She looked over to the Raptor immediately as the thought crossed her mind, and stared stupidly for a few minutes at the Zoid. She realized, with a start, that the damage around its leg had totally dispersed, healed itself fully within a span of three minutes. _Wow_, she thought stupidly to herself. _I've heard about the capacity of an Organoid to heal an injured Zoid, but... That quickly...?_ She watched as the Rev Raptor turned to face the entrance to the hangar, pulling itself down in an attacking position and, she taking in a deep breath, proceeded to step down into the tunnel, hoping that she would be able to keep silent long enough to reach the opposite end of the passageway without having any confrontations beforehand. It didn't work. The instant she stepped down into the passage, she heard a resounding, monotone voice begin to crackle through the facility, repeating in its calm, hushed tone: "Intruder alert. All units, be on guard. Intruder detected in Hangar Five northwest passage. Intruder alert..." All the lights shut off immediately thereinafter, only to be replaced by a dull red glow throughout the base, and an alarm - a strange, almost soothing alarm, oddly enough - began to whine in the distant background, white occasionally flashing as the red lights cast an ambient glow, dimming and then igniting in a two-second cycle. "Oh, _hell_." She bolted. The first of the doors immediately opened up before here, and standing in her way was a young man wearing the white lab coat emblazoned with a strange, scarlet symbol on the left shoulder - the symbol of the Crixis Compound Research Facility, she guessed. He was merely standing where he was, seemingly unarmed, and she tested her luck, pulling herself down and charging full force, ramming into him with her shoulder and forcing him to the ground. She stopped to get her bearings again, then continued her suicide run before the man could recover and come after her. The doors in front of her opened, and this time a steady wave of the research scientists made their presence known before her; all of them stepped out, facing the girl, some of them armed with particle energy handguns - a powerful if short-range defense mechanism, to say the least. She immediately pulled one of the swords from its scabbard, fitting the weapon in her right arm, and held it before and across, read to sideswipe anything that pushed its luck when treading before her. Some of the research scientists pulled away from the threat, valuing their lives, but others were not so lucky, one of them immediately finding himself breathing through a new hole in his throat before he fell to the ground, coughing up blood through this knew windpipe. She felt guilt immediately begin flooding through her as the first of the casualties fell - she knew that her profession was dangerous, sometimes calling for the killing of another pilot, but rarely had she found necessity in killing an innocent. The wave of guilt, however, would have to keep itself at a low level; she had to concentrate. She flipped the blade, exposing the flattened edge for her next attack, and promptly slammed the blade over the head of one of the scientists, sending him to the floor, unconscious. She turned the flat of the blade to another, and he suffered the same fate. She ducked suddenly, and the blast of fire from the particle energy handgun shot over her head - she raked the ground with her sword, catching the feet of the man who had just attempted to kill her, and sent him tumbling to the ground, clearly dazed. So far, so good; only one casualty, and for the tripped alarm system, that was a fairly good record. She bolted, tearing past the scientists that lined the hallway, slamming into another one and pushing him out the way, leaping over the attempts to trip her up and ducking under the attempts to knock her down. And then it was a blur. The door before her; she pulled it, opened it, stepped in for perhaps a full second before the military force within suddenly turned around, saw her, drew their weapons; she caught a glimpse of something massive from beyond the little viewing room, but she couldn't tell quite what. All eyes turned to her. She panicked; bolted back down the way she came, repeated the acrobatics she had just gone through before, successfully running a few paces along the wall to evade the ground for a few seconds. She looked up... Before her, a brilliant ball of energy, sparkling with all the jewel tone colours she could have imagined, was slowly gaining power, constructing itself entirely to... Oh, no. She ran full out, her muscles screaming protest to this action, and then dove, rolling out of the narrow hallway and next to the foot of the Rev Raptor just as an enormous burst of energy shot above her, tearing a hole through the very air before the particle beam lanced down the hallway, shot through the opposite wall, and then, finally, diffused. Reia looked up to the hallway behind her and stared. An enormous, circular indentation had been cut through the walls, making a rounded tunnel stretch before her and open into the next room seamlessly. The lights at the end of the tunnel, and within the tunnel, had all died, obviously having been cut somewhere along the line by the particle beam. Most disturbingly, however, the great din that the scientists had been raising had fallen completely silent; the scientists were no longer standing in the tunnel, no trace of them remained. She inhaled sharply, then looked up to the Rev Raptor. "You... Killed them..." she breathed, staring upward, no comprehension running through her brain, her mind blank, empty. "Why would you...?" Reia, sweet girl, the voice said soothingly, and the green eyes of the Rev Raptor suddenly turned toward her as the Zoid bent itself down closer to her. I had no choice but to purge them. "That was cold blooded murder!" Just as they have done to myself and my fellows! he barked back, venom suddenly tangible in his voice. I am here for freedom and for vengeance! Your presence was merely a catalyst to my return. You should not have been so shocked by my actions; I told you my intent from the beginning. You did not seem to follow my superior logic capacity. "You murdered them!" You are rather vehement about that point, aren't you? The Zoid seemed to smile. I suppose it is up to me to make you rather less vehement, then. The Rev Raptor suddenly opened its jaws, and she saw nestled within the Zoid a barrel extending from the mouth. It seemed almost to inhale and, slowly, a glittering light appeared in front of the barrel; a Charged Particle Gun. In fact, now that she looked at the entire Zoid, it seemed... Different, somehow. The head came got a sharper point, they eyes were more slanted, the Zoid seemed vaguely bulkier, and the particle gun in its mouth... Say good night, fleshling. "Good night!" An enormous energy blast, most likely originating from a cannon, suddenly shot past, slammed into the Rev Raptor, sent it hurling into the wall; it crashed, its armour crumpled, its form slumped, the lights flickering off within it. A high-pitched scream of rage, and suddenly a bolt of golden-blue shot from the back of the Rev Raptor, and she saw, feeling a bit of shock run through her, that the Zoid seemed to relax slightly, becoming its normal, streamlined self; a standard Rev Raptor, now sporting a rather large hole in its side. Aesteroth stood on the broken hull of the Raptor and looked down to it, anger flashing in his eyes, then looked up to the direction where the blast had come from, pulling himself down and screeching terribly, his natural voice ringing harshly against the soothing deep tones she was accustomed to hearing mentally. Who dare- he began, then stopped suddenly, pulling himself up inquisitively before assuming his prior position, hissing a deadly warning at whatever was coming toward them. The facility, still bathed in red light, offered no answers for a long moment, but, at last, the resounding echo of footsteps could be heard through the hangar, and then a curt laugh, followed by the hollow sounds of a man clapping. "Well done, well done!" came the almost jovial voice, but as Reia listened, she heard the deadly tint to his words. "I never would have thought I would see you again, One-Nine-Eight-Nine!" The Organoid clamped his jaws shut with a sharp clink, glaring levelly in the direction of this new player. My _name_, he said acidly, is Aesteroth. "Very good," the man said. "Very good." And then, seemingly from nowhere, he materialized in the red lights, wearing the scientists lab coat, the seal of the Crixis Compound emblazoned on the sleeve. His dark eyes regarded them carefully, but he seemed far more interested in Aesteroth than he was in Reia. However, he did spare her a passing glance before turning his attention back to the Organoid. "You even brought a pawn with you!" he said, laughing again. "I certainly did underestimate your powers, One-Nine-" My _name_, he repeated, his acidic tone becoming more caustic, is _Aesteroth_. The man smiled. "Subject gaining self-awareness and self-pride. Referring to itself by fictitious code-name assignment. The id of the Organoid is beginning to surface properly." What do you desire from me now, Sylosia? The man - obviously the Sylosia character - merely continued smiling, studying the Organoid for a long moment, then nodding once again. "I see your fractured wing has done nothing to deter you from harnessing your powers to their fullest extent." I have only you to thank for my wounds. Now speak to me, meat-bag. What do you desire from me? "I desire nothing but the opportunity to... Study you further." I am well aware of these ideas. However, I have no subsequent wish to aid you in this necessity. "That's a shame," he said with a sigh, then added: "I suppose I can fathom why you have returned with your unwilling subject?" The fleshlings came of her own accord, he attested swiftly, arching his wing in rising anger. And yes, I suppose you do know why I am here. "Come to free the Organoids?" he said, although his voice held a heavy hint of irony in it. He smiled broadly, taking pleasure in the verbal game. "Your primary excuse, no doubt. But your real reason, I assume, is to exact vengeance." Upon you, the Organoid added. "Upon me," the man verified. "Unfortunately, I do not believe you anticipated my trump card." Aesteroth leapt down from his perch on the Rev Raptor, using his boosters to hover back down and land hard on the ground, standing where he was, his torso raised as he unfurled a claw. Held tightly within that claw was a small, blue spark - as Reia looked over, curious, it ignited into a definitive blaze. The Organoid's eyes dimmed dangerously, and he was obviously intent on throwing the small fireball at his enemy. What would that be? You're precious God Kaiser? Your project is nothing without the equilibrium that my power grants it; your Oracle is nothing but a demon without the proper balance. I am your balance. You are nothing without me. "The God Kaiser is a wonderful achievement," Sylosia said. "But I have something that you may find a little more unnerving." I doubt that. "I don't." The man brought up a small whistle and blew into it, a sharp, piercing sound coming from the small instrument, and suddenly, almost as if he too materialized from nowhere, there stood beside the scientist a small, vaguely dragonoid figure; pitch black with only the vaguest highlights from the red ambience around them, bat-like wings spreading to reveal a deep crimson underside. He stood, staring at Aesteroth and Reia through scarlet eyes, his small clawed arms held close to his torso. A little mechanized dragon. Another Organoid. Considering this was an Organoid research facility, she saw nothing strange about that. Aesteroth, apparently, did, and in a hushed, whispering tone, the raptor-like machine took a careful step forward, his wing folding in to his body slightly as he stared for a long moment at the figure. Sylosia stood perfectly still, his expression stagnant, carefully regarding the Organoid as he took another cautious step forward. Finally, the infinite silence was shattered. Ryuukei! c h a p t e r : e l e v e n Sylosia let his head hang back as a powerful, deep stentorian laughter thundered from his chest, his dark eyes turning to the Organoid before him. The researcher smiled darkly, his expression ecstatically grim. "Yes, One-Nine-Eight-Nine. Subject One-Four-Two-Seven, code name 'Ryuukei'. I believe you were acquaintances previously?" Aesteroth snapped his jaws, a menacing metallic clang reverberating as a warning. What have you done to him! the Organoid demanded. Reia looked at the opposing Organoid once more, taking him in completely. He seemed nothing more than a black dragon, crimson moon eyes glaring from beneath the jet black armour, but further inspection revealed that he looked even more dangerous; from his shoulders there were two curved black spines; from his elbows were the same, only smaller. Stubs of razor-pointed blades ran down his back, starting from approximately the forehead, and peaked at his tail, which was a single-bladed, simplistic weapon. It opened mouth and let out a silent screech, and contained within the jaw she saw the warning gleam of a gun barrel, or even - she shuddered at the thought - the small intake barrel of a mouth-mounted mobile charged particle gun. Her heart stopped as she realized with a jolt that this little creature was, in fact, wielding such a device; that this little creature had shot down the comparatively massive Rev Raptor with its gun. "I have merely enhanced him," the man said coldly, his calculating eyes looking Aesteroth up and down. "A year of experimentation can lead to such assumed 'mutations'." As a low growl rose from the throat of the blue Organoid, Sylosia seemed to crouch forward a little, revealing his teeth as he smiled. "You know how long you've been held, of course." Three weeks transpired before my inevitable escape, Aesteroth snapped. What do you desire of me, Sylosia? What have you done to Ryuukei? The man smirked. "Your estimation of time is sorely off balance, One-Nine-Eight-Nine," he said haughtily. "You have been in our research capsule for well over a year; you have only been aware of a three week time passage because that is all you wanted to be aware of." LIAR! He ignored the violent outburst from the Organoid, and Sylosia continued almost languidly, mockingly. "You were the first Organoid we created that could properly bond with the ultimate goal of our Oracle Project - for that, we were grateful, but you had too much free will to be of any immediate use. However, you were found too fascinating to merely destroy, and your data was too important to flush away. We encapsulated you in that chambre, and while undergoing further tests you ultimately began to speak your fellows and formed a certain bond with One-Four-Seven-Two - Ryuukei. You remember this? Of course you do. "What you do not wish to remember is that in this duration, the Organoids you communed with were all systematically destroyed." Reia stood back where she was, unmoving, assuming that nobody was paying her any notice and feeling very good about not getting any attention. She was trying to piece together what was going on, but so far, the two different accounts she was getting - or the one that she was getting that came from the rather uncertain source - were beginning to conflict and, somehow, bring a headache upon her. "You remember," he said with a smile. "You remember how you would share your plots with other Organoids, begin staging such an escape, but they would never comply. You remember that." My flawless plans were always shot down by my fellows, Aesteroth murmured. Yes, they were. Because you fleshlings kept them under a ball and chain; they were afraid to dare to go against you! "They never had the opportunity. You do not remember that those that disagreed with you were systematically destroyed, but not by us; you killed them." The single wing of the Organoid arched into the air, and his golden eyes blazed furiously. He lunged forward a bit, snapping in warning, screaming mentally: LIAR! I would never- "Oh, but you did," Sylosia continued, his voice becoming warped, manic, trying to get the Organoid to understand, the irascible Organoid, trying to get him to listen, or else merely going mad. "You saw as they denied your insane schemes, and you stood in the shadows for a long moment until, finally, you saw fit to pounce and kill; the carcases of your so-called fellows littered the test halls. We had to quarantine you before you could destroy all of your experiments." How dare you accuse me of such monstrosities! "The only one you never touched was One-Four-Seven-Two - he was the only one to agree with your mad schemes, but he never did anything to really comply with you, or at least never had the opportunity. You were quarantined too quickly, and apparently you had time to think; you erased your own memories and warped your thoughts to something you wished to remember. Your containment lasted a full year after that; you were only allowed to awaken for a full duration of perhaps three weeks. And in that time, we began experimenting on One-Four-Seven-Two; the only other Organoid to express a thought pattern remotely similar to yours, one that might be tweaked to allow him to control our Oracle Project's... Mascot." Meat-bag! The Organoid crowed. You lie! You stole Ryuukei and transformed him into a soulless shell! You shaped him unto your own image... "Perhaps we did." A terrible screech of rage reverberated around the compound hangar - a scream of fury the likes of which Reia had never heard before, and suddenly the Organoid mutated and warped, the boosters on his back flaring to life as he suddenly shot forward, arcing into a bolt of pure energy as he shot toward his target - the research professor. The man only nodded, and suddenly a streak of red energy leapt up, intercepting the bolt of blue and forcing him from the air. Aesteroth formed back into his corporeal shell, and his attacker did the same, landing beside his master - Subject One-Four-Seven-Two. Code name Ryuukei. You destroyed him. "We salvaged him." He is nothing. You stole his very life from him. "No," Sylosia repeated, more sternly this time. "We salvaged him! And if you please... Allow me to demonstrate." He snapped his powerful fingers, calling the black and red Organoid to attention. The creature stood at the command, desiring no further explanation, and with a hiss it leapt behind the man and latched onto him, firing his boosters and disappearing with a blast of crimson and the low scream of manic laughter. The entire based seemed to growl, and suddenly Reia was aware of the piercing golden eyes of the blue and green Organoid before her. It seems that things have suddenly heated up. He lunged, and she fully expected to find herself dead in a heartbeat, but suddenly the claws of the Organoid latched to her arms, and his own boosters fired, golden-blue even in the screaming redness around her. Then, suddenly, a blast of energy, a blinding light- She found herself, rather suddenly, in the cockpit of the Shield Liger. Dazed, she shook her head a few times and looked around, trying to discern her exact location. She was met with a sharp mental reprimand. Don't look around, just get out of here! Suddenly, the Liger's head swung to the right, and Reia, taken aback by this, slammed against the back of the pilots seat. A dull pain began to trickle through her spine, but after length she managed to recover some awareness - enough to properly harness herself in the Zoid and take the controls. She found, to her dismay, that the controls were locked. A necessary precaution. Now if you would please allow me, I shall be saving both our lives post-haste. Dumbly, numbly, she muttered: "What of the Rev Raptor..?" It does not matter! You see the hole that our friend the Rev Raptor so graciously provided? The murder tunnel. "Yes." The Liger pulled itself back, almost as if stretching, and she noticed rather suddenly that the internal checks within the Zoid were beginning to go haywire - its power levels, its speed, its mobility, its overall capacity was suddenly shooting through the roof. Another growl from above - or perhaps even below, she couldn't tell, and the Shield Liger lunged forward, jerking into action and forcing her limp hands from the controls. I must briefly apologize for having wished to kill you earlier, the Organoid said. But at the moment, I believe I will concentrate more on navigation. c h a p t e r : t w e l v e "Oh my... God..." The Shield Liger stood at the crest at the end of the tunnel, the mild earthquakes running more frequently through the underground facility even in that momentary hesitation, and below her Reia could see, outstretched in all directions, the dark, ambient green glow from the bio-containment tubes that harboured the Organoids, keeping them at bay, keeping then unconscious, unable to battle. Snap out of it! Aesteroth commanded, and in time with his order the Shield Liger let out a powerful roar, immediately bringing Reia to the more pertinent reality. We must escape from the compound immediately. I request that you rescind all control of this Zoid to me for the time being so that I may lead us out of here alive. I know the compound - but more importantly, I know the Zoid that is going to be chasing us soon. "You're _asking_ me to let you pilot my _Zoid_?" she said suddenly, only then realizing what he was trying to get her to comply with. "You tried to kill me with it last time!" This is a different situation, he admitted, his voice low, almost apologetically embarrassed - a strange thing to hear from the Organoid. This is a matter over both of our lives, and the lives of the Organoids in those bio-containment fields. Now will you comply with my wishes or will I be forced to eject you again? "I'm listening," she murmured. "What do we need to do?" You need only to keep your position in the cockpit and keep a lookout. I cannot see in all directions at once. "Where do you want me _looking_, then?" Just watch the ceiling and inform me the instant something peculiar happens. She had no time to verbally object to this command for immediately the Liger pulled itself up into a powerful roar, and immediately leapt from its position and into the bio-containment 'field', running through the stalks as fast as the Zoid could go of its own accord. Reia kept her eyes trained on the ceiling, looking for something - anything - that could be considered out of the ordinary... "There!" she yelled, taking the opportunity to collect her thoughts and figure out what she was seeing. "It looks like... Like somebody is trying to bore through the ceiling. They're tearing it apart with the equivalent of a blowtorch, I think..." I was afraid of this, the Organoid said, panic actually rising in his voice, and suddenly she heard a faint, distant click, and then a deafening roar encompassed the cockpit, and suddenly the Liger was going faster. Quite a lot faster. The boosters on the Zoid had been remotely activated and amplified by the Organoid. With a fleeting thought, she wondered at the astounding capabilities of the Organoid, thinking vaguely that, if she could only manage to find a tamed one, she could become nearly unstoppable... It didn't matter, she realized; not at that moment, not ever, and, as she thought about it, _especially_ not that moment; survival trumped fantasy. A distant fantasy... "Pull back!" The order had screamed from her lungs without her accord, but it was just as well; a large chunk of the ceiling had come loose from above, possibly shaken from the earthquakes, and the Shield Liger came a full stop just in time to allow the slab of concrete and tile slam into the ground before him, shattering into a thousand grains and skittering across the floor, dust coating the lower legs of the Shield Liger and obscuring a small part of the cockpit glass. A terrible, thunderous roar came from above, and immediately Aesteroth brought Iulius around to face his exit, firing the boosters to maximum power and shooting down the hallway, leaping over a small set of Organoid containment tubes as he went. He landed opposite and continued at his accelerated pace, running fast as he could force the Liger to go... "Again!" The Liger shot forward just short of another falling piece of concrete and tile, but this one was poorly aimed anyway, and fell to the ground, crushing one of the containment tubes - empty, Reia hoped, a great many of them were empty - and spilling the warm green liquid within it onto the floor, slickening the tile with the smooth substance. Keep it up! Aesteroth ordered. Do not stop! She didn't. Another chunk of the ceiling fell, and she promptly gave him warning, giving him time to leap over the next falling bit of mortar; to duck a bit here or speed up or slow down or move from left to right. The game, however, was slowly becoming rote; she no longer needed to inform the Organoid of what was happening above. He was learning. She kept steady watch on the ceiling, regardless, and suddenly noticed that some of the tiles were still coming off, but in peculiar places, oftentimes managing to slam into a subsequently fracture the Organoid bio-containment tubes, spreading the slick internal liquid all over the floor. And suddenly, a soft roar from behind, and then a thunderous scream, and she looked back curiously to see what it was before immediately retreating back to the Zoid's main cockpit. What has transpired _now_? Aesteroth demanded, his voice implying that he, too, was becoming a bit jaded with the entire idea. She looked back to verify what she was seeing then, nodding, she turned to face forward again, reporting calmly: "The floor is ablaze." Oh, _hell_. The Organoid seemed to have lost all pretense for being formal; he seemed to have picked up something from Reia. She had no time to be surprised by this, of course; with a terrible roar, the Shield Liger's boosters suddenly flared to their maximum capacity, and as she looked back and around, she saw that where the ceiling tiles had fallen and fractured the Organoid cases, spilling the containment fluid, the fire was capable of spreading; obviously, the fluid was highly flammable. There was a slick directly in front of them. Hold on to something, he warned darkly. We're about to... _There_! It happened before she even noticed that it was imminent; the line had ignited immediately, burning with a brilliant green, and the Organoid had leapt, immediately activating the full frontal shield and letting the flames uselessly bite at that. Iulius landed heavily on the other side as the Shield deactivated, and immediately the Organoid brought the Shield Liger around, pulling him to the left and... A passage. The Zoid shot up the passage with the powerful roar of the flames looming as a threat behind him, but it didn't matter; the steep sloe seemed to imply that, soon... The blue cat-like machine, its dulled hide in desperate need of a respray, burst from the sand of the dune and landed harshly on the ground a little ways away, shaking itself off before pulling back and roaring victoriously. Finally! She could almost touch the exhaustion in the Organoid's voice, but her own ecstacy over having survived the collapse of the Crixis Compound had Reia already preparing to finally curl up and just take a nap right there in the cockpit. And then it decided to appear. Stepping out of seemingly thin air, perhaps twenty metres before them, it was enormous; a great behemoth standing at least fifteen metres high, with an enormous, bulky, saurian body following it. The entire behemoth resembled an ancient saurian, its short legs coming only to the point where they could drag the Zoid forward, its arms ending in three pronged, golden claws. The main body - the joint metal and such - was all a deep navy colour; running up its back and down its arms and across its tail, the customary armour joints, were brilliantly white paint, the entire creature accented here and there with gold luminescent decals of flames and the serial number one and, with enough inspection, the mark of the Crixis Compound. Protruding from its white head, above golden glaring eyes, were two spikes, protruding horns, curving upward and extremely sharp point. Lined along its back must have been the winking barrels of twenty different weapons. She had seen it before, in last night's dream, and she murmured to herself: "The God Kaiser?" The God Kaiser, Aesteroth muttered, an air of deflation in his voice. Ryuukei really was modified to be able to handle its power. Well, then. She felt a surge of enraged electricity jump through the entire Zoid, seeming even to re-energize her, and then Aesteroth issued his last commands for the day. Do not be alarmed. Fight as your instincts tell you. I will be watching and preparing. c h a p t e r : t h I r t e e n Reia was aware suddenly that she was now in control of the Shield Liger once again, and Iulius couched down, roaring his challenge to the behemoth before him, his entire body seemingly rigid, ready to take any action that she told him to just as he received the command. Reia herself was on hair-trigger, waiting for the great beast to launch the first strike, trying to size it up... A keening, high-pitched screech suddenly erupted from the throat of the midnight blue God Kaiser, and the God Kaiser lunged as best it could, raking the desert sands with its golden talons. The Liger, however, had easily danced to the side, the motion more swift and fluid that Reia realized it should have been, and suddenly she was aware of the raw, static power rushing through the Zoid, igniting it internally as though the entire beast were a living creature, a sparking live wire. This was the power of the Organoid. She had no time to muse over this after that; the God Kaiser suddenly spun around to face her again, seeming almost to flash her a toothy grin across its otherwise emotionless face. "Well, well!" the pilot - the head researcher, Sylosia - muttered openly. "This is quite the strange development! I hadn't anticipated needing to combat a similarly fused Zoid, but this should be proper exercise for the God Kaiser Oracle." "What are you doing with that thing?" Reia whispered to herself. "Dear child," Sylosia suddenly responded, making her freeze upon hearing the words ring through the cockpit again. "We intend to take this back to the Empire - the Zenebas Empire. The Oracle Project seems to have been a resounding success now - the final piece that our employers needed was an Organoid that could handle the Oracle Zoids. We've finally found the template." The mouth of the Kaiser opened, revealing two barrels - one of them enormous, clearly meant to be the primary firepower, the other small, the secondary fire. "This means we must eliminate the prototype. It _has_ been an enjoyable romp, watching your genocidal rampage, One-Nine-Eight-Nine. Unfortunately, the game is up. Interesting how you dragged an innocent into even this grudge match. I _am_ sorry I have to cut your life so short, child. Good night." The secondary weapon suddenly let loose, drilling the ground with minuscule laser shots, puffs of loose dust marking where the automatic laser fire was hitting. With a jerk of the controls, the Shield Liger easily leapt from the path of fire as the God Kaiser brought its head up, firing off a series of laser into the nothingness beyond the desert, fizzling out as they proceeded too far away. The Kaiser looks down to the Shield Liger, and the Shield Liger looked up to the Kaiser. The God Kaiser Oracle screeched, obviously a bit annoyed by his opponent's ability to evade the attack, and it was obvious, just then, that the game was afoot. The Kaiser brought down its claws on the Shield Liger again, but Reia had already grown to anticipate how the move was preceded and, seeing the shift in weight in her opponent, she forced the controls hard to the right, making the Liger unexpectedly hit the ground in a sideways roll, getting up a shot distance away and hissing furiously as his opponent. She shook her head, recovering from the suddenly movement, and realized that she was definitely going to have to get used to the power influx on her Zoid before she tried doing just about anything past running. Iulius spun around of his own accord, facing the God Kaiser fully, and the Zoid fired off a stream of shots from his chest-mounted laser cannon, catching Sylosia's behemoth in the right leg. The God Kaiser screeched as the concentrated fire began to bore a hole in the armour of his leg, but almost immediately a powerful gunshot fired from the very leg the Zoid had attacked, and Reia took her part immediately, thrusting the Shield Liger forward and tearing straight past the fire from her enemy, forcing it to dissipate in the thick desert sands, the shell lodging into a dune a short distance away. She pulled the Shield Liger around to the God Kaiser's back before she was even aware that she had come around its side, and whipped the Zoid around to face its monstrous opponent, firing off a quick series of shots from the back-mounted sniper rifle, catching the God Kaiser in the back of its arm and head, but missing the exposed wiring behind its neck. She clenched her teeth and tried again, this time pulling in to aim just properly, but suddenly the Kaiser had turned around and came to face her, roaring furiously and unleashing another barrage of shots from his secondary mouth-mounted weapon. Instinctively, she activated the energy shield on the Liger, and the lasers bounced harmlessly away from her Zoid, the barrage ending just as she closed the shields entirely. The Kaiser took another step forward and lifted its head to the heavens, screaming thunderously before bringing the golden horn down hard on the Shield Liger, sweeping it to the side in a swift, fluid motion. Reia let out a terrified yelp as the Liger tumbled to the side, but quickly brought the cat to its feet and immediately began to run around to the side of the God Kaiser Oracle. The turret mounted on the Kaiser's leg, however, followed her run and fired off several shots in succession, all of them missing her by a good distance, but still serving as a warning against attempting to attack from back there. She played around with a few of the buttons, toggling the booster strength momentarily as the Zoid continued running, then, finally discerning how she could activate the maximum strength of the boosters, resolved to do that the instant the opportunity seemed perfect. The Kaiser's head swung around to face her as she came around to its left, and it opened its jaws, letting out a terrifying screech, a wave of energy emitting from its mouth as it did so and catching the Liger, sending it tumbling again. Iulius landed somewhat messily in the ground, growling low in obvious annoyance, and Reia did her best to get him up again. However, he slumped forward, and after running a quick system diagnostic she realized that his right front leg had a huge gash in it, sustained most likely from when the horn had originally hit her, only torn open now by the shockwave of the roar. Even as she watched, however, a blaze of blue began to fill the cockpit, lightning the internal part of the Zoid with the cobalt ambience, and the damage repaired itself almost instantly. Aesteroth was playing this from the internally; he was still there. She looked up to the God Kaiser Oracle and saw that its jaws were wide open once again, charging a brilliant white-gold energy, and she realized with a heart-stopping revelation that she was staring directly at the barrel of a charged particle cannon. "HELL!" The cannon fired, and she shot the boosters on the Shield Liger into overdrive. The Zoid roared furiously and immediately leapt forward, zipping off along its way as the particle cannon continued to pound into the desert sands behind her, slowly bringing its way up as she continued to force the Liger into a run, trying to evade the shot. Suddenly, it stopped, and slowly began to go the other way, having circulated as far as it was going to go around its neck. She stopped for a moment, finding herself next to the leg of the Zoid, and immediately fired off a full blast from the missile pods of the Shield Liger at the silent, mocking turret; apparently, it was incapacitated so long as the Kaiser was firing its charged particle cannon. The barrage of missiles came down upon the turret, and suddenly the Kaiser's head screeched up to the heaven's again, dust and smoke slowly clearing around its leg to reveal a tattered cannon and heavily scratched armour, almost torn away to reveal the circuitry of the leg. "That wasn't particularly nice!" Sylosia screamed, his strangely calm voice suddenly alive and distressing with anger. As he said this, the golden eyes of the God Kaiser Oracle came to face the Shield Liger, and a soft, black light began to glow around the Kaiser. "I suppose I'll have to teach you better than that!" Another terrible screech, and again the claws came down upon her, but too short, falling behind several feet. She needn't even bother dodging, but instead turned to face the Kaiser, and Reia realized with a start that the movement hadn't been an attack, but had merely allowed the Kaiser to pivot around a central ground, bringing its head level with the Shield Liger. It opened its jaws once again and began to charge the particle cannon. She forced the thrusters to their maximum limits and leapt out of the way just as the white hot beam of energy shot past her, lancing into the slowly darkening world as the sun became obscured by a rogue cloud. The entire landscape seemed to change as the cloud completely dissipated the sunlight, turning everything darkly gray around her. She had never been a particular fan of the colour gray. The Shield Liger landed from its powered jump, and Reia brought the Zoid around to face the God Kaiser once again. The Kaiser screamed in annoyance and began to pull itself up from the desert, and as it did so- Suddenly, she couldn't see, her vision obscured by the cobalt ambience of the cockpit. She felt apt to choke, almost expecting to be smothered by smoke as the blue light formed and almost tangible, solid wall around her. "What's going on!" she demanded of nobody, feeling panic begin to rise in her throat. Do not worry, and do not scream, Aesteroth said suddenly. I am not particularly fond of screaming. She heard from behind the scream of the God Kaiser, but it seemed distant, vague. And it was definitely furious. "But I can't see!" she yelled. "I'm blinded!" This should not take long. Be patient. "I'm being attacked by a fricking giant god Zoid!" she responded, her voice taking on a shrill tone. "Why the hell should I be patient!" Shut up for just a moment and you will understand! SHUT UP! "Stop this!" The last voice was from Sylosia; distant, obscured, and slowly growing harder to hear. Close your eyes for seven seconds, starting right now. She did so, and was aware of a blinding, warm light suddenly flooding the cockpit, and remaining for several seconds. She counted to herself, not daring to underestimate the number she had been given, and at seven, she opened her eyes and stared stupidly out the cockpit glass. Green glass above her, cut through by black internal metal and separating the brilliantly golden side panels to her left and right. Looking down, she saw that the cockpit controls, while similar, had been drastically warped and transformed; protruding directly in front of her, through the canvassing green glass, she saw a silver muzzle, accented on the edges by a brilliantly crimson red. "What...?" She brought up the diagnostics screen and her breath caught her throat. Her entire steed had transformed, and as she sat immobile within the cockpit of the great crimson behemoth, its black claws digging into the hot desert sands, silver accent blades shining dimly in the hidden sun's light, elongated, bladed tail slashing through the air, the great triple-point mane extending itself outward slightly as the streamlined monster pulled back for a thunderously, all-consuming victory roar, she realized incomprehensibly that she had just been charged with a Trinity Liger. c h a p t e r : f o u r t e e n The Trinity Liger let loose a great roar of its own accord, and she heard a mental chuckle coming from the Organoid. Reia was very much aware of her own broad grin, and as she checked the weapons systems of her Zoid, he grin could only broaden. Turning to face the God Kaiser by simply tapping the controls in the proper direction, she felt a rush of manic power as the fluidity of the control scheme came to her; the Shield Liger had been much bulkier than this, and even if she was only toying an Organoid enhanced variation, she could almost feel the visceral, incredible power beneath her hands. Her name is Ascanius, Aesteroth informed Reia promptly, and she has the greatest desire to see the dragon felled. Please do so. "It will be my pleasure," Reia whispered softly, and taking the controls in a light grip, feeling herself calm down and swell with wild appreciation for the incredible sensitivity of the Zoid she was beginning to pilot, she exhaled a long breath, looking up to the God Kaiser as it stood before her, seemingly immobilized. Slowly, her grip tightened until she was holding the controls of the Trinity Liger white-knuckled, and she felt the raw power of the Zoid and Organoid flow through her, her vision blurring into the Zoid's perspective, her hands instinctively moving to pilot the Zoid; she felt a rush of exultation, felt a rush of wild, furious power, felt her emotions collide with the Zoid and Organoid's feelings in such a way that she no longer felt the pilot; she felt the mechanical beast, that the low hum of the boosters was emanating from her, that it was merely her against the God Kaiser. Her against the God Kaiser... The God Kaiser Oracle screamed and slammed its leg on the ground, and she felt heightened senses picking up a discrepancy in its; the right leg seemed jerky, uncertain, and she realized with pride that it was due to the damage she had dealt it; it could no longer properly support the weight of the monstrous Zoid. _Why doesn't it heal back, though?_ she wondered. _If it's fused with an Organoid..._ All of Ryuukei's power is being directed to merely control the God Kaiser Oracle, Aesteroth answered, his voice seeming only an addition to her mind rather than a foreign presence. I was incapable of doing little more than keep the Zoid from going berserk, myself. It is an extremely exhausting exercise, to be the Organoid of the Oracle. _If it's so exhausting, then why hasn't the Organoid been expelled yet?_ The modifications to Ryuukei might have given him more stamina when it comes to piloting the God Kaiser Oracle. I cannot be certain on this point, but it is a distinct possibility. Although I could only handle it for perhaps ten minutes... Even if he had been given more stamina, I do not think it is possible to hold the monster down for much longer. Although these is something most peculiar about the fleshling forcing him to fuse. _Perhaps there's something more than what we're seeing?_ Knowing the capacity of this meat-bag's cruelty, I believe you may have a feasible hypothesis. The God Kaiser Oracle screamed again and pulled its body forward slightly, beginning to walk a bit more quickly than it had before to try and attack her - and suddenly it lunged forward, its jaws snapping at the air, obviously trying to slam shut around their opponent. Reia pulled back - wether she merely pulled back on the controls, or pulled back as one fluid motion of the Zoid, her mind did not bother to differentiate - and the Kaiser landed awkwardly before her, slamming itself to the ground. The Liger roared and leapt at the Kaiser's head, bringing itself down on the exposed cockpit bay, but the behemoth anticipated this, and pulled itself back, the vague black glow around it becoming more prominent. The Trinity Liger landed somewhat awkwardly, but manages to keep its footing and roared a screaming challenge, locking on armour-less space between the arm and the body itself and firing off a single shot from her sniper cannon at the exposed wiring. The blast succeeded, and cut through the God Kaiser's internal circuitry, forcing the Zoid to unleash a powerful, pained roared; the left arm now hung limply, dead at its side, golden sparks leaping from it periodically. "How dare you!" Sylosia screamed, and the mouth of the Kaiser opened, a barrage of laser shots firing from the internal vulcan cannon. "I'll annihilate you!" The bullets rained down around the Trinity Liger, and with a roar mixed with a scream mixed with a hiss the great crimson feline leapt from where it was in the cage of laser blasts, landing on the desert ground a short distance away, her back leg slipping slightly into the deep furrow that had been carved not long ago by the charged particle cannon of her opponent. Feeling the nothingness behind her - a fairly deep nothingness, Reia realized with a start - the Liger allowed herself to slip backward and into the furrow, claws screaming as she tried desperately to keep hold of the brilliant new formed glass that the cannon had created. The reverberating steps of the Kaiser could be heard from above, and the Trinity Liger finally found herself at the bottom crest of the glass canyon, her claws providing proper traction even in this smooth tunnel. She bolted forward, running full-out across the glass, and then pulled herself down into a stop, sliding along the gleaming reflective surface and coming to a stop at just the end of the canyon, leaping out with a fluid motion, the Liger bending and warping and contorting like liquid steel. She landed on the hot sands again, and Reia brought the face of the Liger toward the God Kaiser, which was slowly lumbering toward her, the black fire seeming to come off of its body in wisps. The Liger growled and pulled back uncertainly, Aesteroth's thoughts seeming to help dictate how all three of them acted. That flame, the Organoid whispered to himself, trying to discern verbally what was transpiring. I recognize that... Oh! Reia pulled the Liger around, the Liger pulled itself around, and Aesteroth ordered them all to spin away from the Kaiser. Ryuukei cannot contain its power any longer; he's almost exhausted himself. In seconds, he will defuse and leave the God Kaiser Oracle to its own devices... A high-pitched, terrible keening sound suddenly erupted through the entire area, and in a flash of crimson, the Organoid fused with the God Kaiser was no longer with the demon saurian, and the entire behemoth crumped where it was, staying perfectly still for a very long while. The Trinity Liger turned to face the crumpled God Kaiser, staring foolishly for a long moment, her three minds transfixed upon the temporarily deactivated Zoid. Something sent a shudder through the conglomerate thought, however, and that something took form rather suddenly as the golden eyes of the God Kaiser lit up again, this time gleaming a dangerous red. In a heartbeat, the Kaiser was on its feet, and it screamed, fury palpable in its long drawn screech, as it turned to face the Trinity Liger, identifying the opponent as its immediate enemy. Leaning forward, it revealed the glistening barrels of three laser cannons, and immediately let loose with a quick barrage of fire. The Trinity Liger left from where it was standing, its boosters activating with the brilliant golden-blue light as it shot to the side, the laser cannons beating holes into the empty sand dunes before it. Reia brought the liger to the back of her opponent and turned to face the God Kaiser, trying to take careful aim at the exposed circuitry at the back of its neck. A low hiss, however, suddenly warned her that standing there was foolish, but she made no motion to get out of the way; if she could just disable the circuitry up there... The tail of the God Kaiser Oracle swung up and slammed into the left side of the Trinity Liger, making her stagger to the right a bit, and suddenly a shot from the tail-mounted rifles and the Liger was down on its side, roaring slightly as pain arched through her frame. The Liger slowly brought herself to her feet, and looked up to the God Kaiser is it made a slow turn toward the three within the metal shell, a trail of gleaming particle energy following its mouth as it turned to face its opponents, preparing its final shot. _It's awfully slow, isn't it?_ Hmm. I had never seen it in action without the aid of an Organoid. Apparently, it is not nearly as mobile... And suddenly, Reia had an idea. The Trinity Liger roared thunderously, and the silver actuators on her main flipped up, igniting and activating the powerful cobalt shield around her. The Liger locked on to her opponent and ran for to the left, keeping it turn to try and face its side, its side-mounted gun turret pointing uselessly at her as it tried to fire the weapon that was no longer there. She overshot the Kaiser by a goodly bit and then turned to face it, and with a final, thunderous roar challenging its authority, Reia pushed the Liger full-throttle forward, and the cat leapt up to her opponent, slamming it with the shield right in the side with such force that the frame of the God Kaiser Oracle tipped over, its particle gun snuffing out at that moment, and the Liger, hanging in the air as the shield continued to bore a hole in its side, growled furiously. A blaze of energy, most likely provided by Aesteroth, shot through the Zoid, bringing the energy of the shield to a centralized point, and- The Liger cut through the powerful neck of the God Kaiser and landed easily on the opposite side, darting forward just in time to let the Kaiser - its eyes blank, gray, dead - fall behind it, a hiss of decompression as the cockpit opened coming from behind; a low, satisfied sigh. c h a p t e r : f I f t e e n He did not understand. He had done so much in such a short span of time; and in that short span of time he had killed, destroyed, maimed, annihilated. All of the things he had targeted had been fleshlings, but in the process he had injured their Zoids, caused the suicide of their beasts of burden. His temporary stay with this peculiar fleshling had driven out the thought that all of them quite deserved the treatment he had allowed them. However, he was not particularly happy with the fleshlings regardless, and now he was partially aware that it was not entirely because of them that he felt the need to purge himself of his insatiable rage. The meat-bag Sylosia had been correct when he said that his containment had been for far more than three weeks - he was aware of that, he knew it, he understood, now, what his occasional haunting nightmare meant. He had run from the God Kaiser; the Oracle project that had tried to contain him. But every time he ran, he was always caught, always dragged back to the facility to face up to whatever had transpired, whatever had happened. He knew that there was genocide within the walls of that facility; genocide resting as bloodstains and scrap metal that littered the ground and accented the walls with the strange crimson hue. He knew that at some part of that, he had been a major player. But he was having trouble remembering what he had done, and he began to toy with the idea that, perhaps, the meat-bag had been right. No. Aesteroth stood on the muzzle of the Trinity Liger and stretched his wings, crying out defiantly against the black sky before him, screaming up the twinkling stars as they mocked him with their unspoken bright splendor. No! They were wrong! He would never betray his fellows like that; he certainly had not agreed with them, but he could not believe that he had killed them with such vehement fervor. Sylosia was probably lying. He was prone to that. A low hiss of decompression, and suddenly the cockpit of the Trinity Liger slid open, revealing Reia within the centre of the great Zoid. She looked up to him and smiled warmly, but her eyes sent him an accusing glance, and he slumped a bit, fully understanding why. I tried to kill you, he said bluntly, reading into her mind, understanding why she had come to see him. She glared pertinently at him. "Yes," she responded, following his blunt manner of speaking. "Yes you did. Imagine that." I was confused, he admitted. I had always been under the impression that you fleshlings were naught but the evil that would ultimately destroy my fellows. My impressions of you fleshlings was... Clearly incorrect. And I... He played with the words, uncertain of how to phrase them, then finally hung his head. I am sorry. "You killed them in cold blood." She was still referring to the scientists. I have killed more than them. I have killed lone wolf pilots, and in turn I killed their Zoids. I... I am no better than my captors. Reia looked him over very carefully for a long moment, and the Organoid half expected her to kill him outright; had he been in a similar position, a confessed murder of his kinsmen standing so openly before him, waiting for the hand of judgement to fall upon him, he would have certainly taken the opportunity to wreak his vengeance on his ultimate oppressor. Instead, she relaxed, and her warm smile was genuine this time. "You aren't like your captors." He looked to her, his golden eyes swirling with confusion. Why do you believe you can say that? "Because they did not admit their mistakes or false judgement; you did. You can fess up to the wrongs you've done; judging by that Sylosia guy, I don't think the Crixis Compound employees would behave like that." Aesteroth stared at her for a long, long moment, shaking his head slightly as he tried to figure out just what he was being told. He looked up finally and stared into her eyes again. You forgive me for what I have done? To that, Reia shook her head. "It's not my place to forgive you," she said quietly. "The only ones who could forgive you are those people that you killed. But I accept your repentance." He cocked his head to the side curiously, his mind screaming. "And I want to give you a chance to redeem yourself." She climbed out of the cockpit and stood before him on the muzzle of the Trinity Liger, looking back to the great, crimson Zoid. "She's a beauty," Reia said lowly, musing. Yes, Aesteroth murmured. I have evolved Zoids before, but I have never attempted such a feat in the midst of a battle. I was unsure if it would be possible, but it seems that it has all come together. You have proven a worthy pilot for her, I believe. "You have proven a worthy fusion for her." The girl's eyes turned to the Organoid. "I want you to come with me." He felt himself pull back a bit, taken aback by the comment, and he turned to stare at her, bewildered. What? "I want you to come with me," she repeated, looking back to the Zoid. "Her name is Ascanius, right?" Yes. "Did you name her?" I suppose I did. "She's just as much yours to be with as she is mine to pilot," Reia muttered. "She should be kept with her father." This comment came as a jarring shock to Aesteroth; he did not know what the word meant. Father...? he repeated uncertainly, not willing to admit that he did not have the capacity to recall such a word. However, the ring it had to it was strangely charming, and finally, the Organoid merely nodded. Yes, he said. I will atone for my transgressions. And I will be the father of my child. "Let me down here, One-Four-Seven-Two." The midnight and crimson Organoid landed and released his passenger, letting him fall lightly to the ground. The Organoid himself landed behind his master and bent his head slightly, almost as though bowing, before pulling back a few steps, giving his master room. The man looked around the ruined remnants of the base and frowned slightly, proceeding down the long walk to the next floor. He stopped just a short way down the ramp and looked back to the Organoid, and the Organoid leapt forward nimbly, gripping his master and gliding steadily downward, back into the darkness of the hangar below. He landed again and looked around, letting the Organoid back off a bit as his eyes appraised the carnage of the lower hangar. The four sleeper Zoids - all Battle Jaguars - had been decimated already, he had seen that... His eyes fell upon the Rev Raptor lying prone in the corner, and he smiled, looking back to the Organoid. "Revive him," he instructed, and bowing once again, the Organoid launched upward in a beam of crimson light and fused with the Rev Raptor. A small orb of scarlet energy engulfed the Zoid, and the man smiled. What perfect vengeance he would have. End file.
In Search of Broken Wings by Madam Chaos Shadow
1. Default Chapter I dont and never will own zoids. Warnings: Harry+Fuma possible angsty beginning bad grammar. The sound of a car rung through the night. The continuous hum cuting through what would have been deafining silence. The sound breifly stopped as the man who once thuoght himself "destined to be king" lifted his head and let it drop back on the steering wheel. "I was right. I was right..." he mumbuled in a voice coated in worthlesness. He'd give anything to wrong just this ounce. Leena was with Bit. They said there was nothing between them. They said he was imaging things. They said he was parinoid. If only they were right and he was wrong. Suddenly desert landscape was disappearing behind his sports car. He didn't remember starting the car. This fact didn't bother him. Neither did the fact that he didn't know where he was going, how long till he got there or what he was going to do when he got there. His thoughts drifted like the land scape around him. They drifted to Leena, who he would give the world for. He would drink a gallon of acid for...well two gallons. No wait, make it three and not a drop more. Bit will be willing to too if he knows whats good for him. His eyes were in his mind. He was partly surounded by a yellow humid haze, dark desert land scape he some how new was there in all directions. He was then at the Blitz team's base. The door was a hundred times his size so he went under. He walked through the base in search of Leena. He stopped upon hearing his name. "So when are you going to tell Harry." it was the voice of Bit Cloud. "I dont know..." came the sadened voice of Leena Tauros. They were sitting on a couch in the living area. Bit with his hands behind his head. Leena siting sidways face Bit with her legs up. "What do you mean..." Bit asked trailing of." The longer you takethe harder it will be." "I know but...It's not like I enjoy breaking peoples hearts y'know." she said her voice rising. Bit smirked. "If you told me that anytime before last night I would have called you a liar." Leena returned the smile. leaned over and kissed him. NOOOOOOOOOOO! Harry screamed at them but no sound came out. He yelled inside and out but still no words escaped him. The haze surrounded him and focused on his rists. They became the hands of his parents. He looked at them. His parents stood beside restraing him even though he wasn't moving. Thier eyes disappeared, they turned to stone and crumbled. He was lost in the haze again but he was follwing two beams of light. They were moving swiftly across desert landscape. An incredeble force rocked his body back and forth with a terrible roar in attendance. Metal crumbling like paper and glass raining in all directions. The long loud sound of a car horn lifted into the night again. ******************************************** He awoke on somthing soft. his body felt like it was spining but the rest of the room wasn't. He recognized the room he was in. It was his after all But what time was it, what day was it. He sat up and tried to remember but something was trying to emerge whithin the depths of his mind. Something bad. He felt a chill. The room seemed to grow. He felt lonely and empty but couldn't fathom why. Noticing he was only in his boxers he found his usuall red long sleved shirt and green pants on a dresser. Soon he was at the breakfast table silently woundering what he was suposed to do today. If only he knew what day it was that would be a start. Sebastian and Benjamin appeared in the door and seemed to charge toward him. "HARRY!" they screamed in unison."Harry your up!" contnued Benjamin,"Why didn't you tell us?" Harry looked at them confused. Why was it so important they knew he was awake? Before he could try to mouth the question the larger robot continued."We were worried sick! Are you alright does anything hurt. Do you-" "What the heck are you guys on about?!" he half asked half yelled in typical Champ fashion. They both stood silent for a moment. "Do you think it's possible he dosn't remember?" Sebastian piped in. "Looks that way answered." Benjamin. "Remember what?" Harry asked concern in his voice. "The Accident Harry." Sebastian said in a tone trying to jog the young mans memory. "We found you in half your viper the other half was in the front gate. You were returning from the Blitz team's base. What happened?" Harry thought for a moment. He rememberd his yellow Dodge Viper. Then he remembered going somwhere but where...Blitz team's base he thouht. Turning the thoughts over in his mind. Like a crack of lightning he remembered. Memory fell on him like water fall of tar. His face drained of emotions alerting his robot servants. He leand over, face inches from the table. Words escaped him "leena" "I knew it had somthing to do with her!" Benjamin shot in. "Thats why I felt a chill this mourning" Harry said meekly." I gave away my woke up with out it." Harry said as if figuring out a math problem. "What?! Harry dont be so morbid." What was he going to do now. He gave up Zoid battling. He wasn't interested in runing the Champ foundation. And now his chase after a shooting star had come to an end. ***************************** After putting together bits and pieces of Harry's morbid riddles Benjamin and Sebastian were able to figure out what happened. For the next two weeks it was the same routine day after day. Harry woke up ate breakfast but slowly. He left to sit in a random place for hours Till dinner. Then he would go and stare at the studies he was supposed to be doing but never lifted the pencil. And finaly went to sleep. If ever approached during this cycle the intruder was treated to either complete silence or morbid half poems. The two robotic servants were at a loss. They didn't whant to contact his parents incase they just had him come home to help run the business. They were almost dead certain Harry in his right mind wouldn't whant that. Besides the robots themselves found zoid battles to be much more enjoyable. During the middle of the next week there was a break in the cycle that gave them hope and an equal level of confusion. Harry was online sorting through his inbox. It was full of adds but there was a letter from the Zoid Battle Commission. Benjamin and Sebastian read over Harry's shoulder as he responded to it. "Harry?" Sebastian said using Harry's name as a question. "I couldn't say no Sebatian. It's not polite" Harry said his voice still in a world of black sunsets. "Ooookkk." Sebastian said draging the word in his confusion. *************************** Four days later. Harry was awoken rudley to say the least as Benjamin poured ice cold water on his face. Cold liquid ran down his back. "AAAAhhh YAAAhaaahaaa! What the heck do you think your doing you crazy robot?!" Harry yelled standing on the bed tearing his light sleeping shirt off. The water was welling at his feet so he jumped the bed. "I told you how sensitive my back is to cold water." The servants would have been overjoyed to here Harry sound like well...Harry if his life wasn't in danger."Harry we've been trying to get you up for three hours!" Sebastian yelled. "Dont be ridiculous. You know I'm a light sleeper." The robots looked at him and he followed there gaze as it shifted to the stereo witch was of up full volume to the t.v witch was also full volume and on snowy channel. Harry just walked to closet to find clothes."Harry we have to talk about that request from the Zoid Battle Commission."said BenJamin after lowering the volume on both the stereo and t.v with his extenable arms. "What request?" "The e-mail you got four days asking your permission to station an agent here. You o.ked it " when Harry just continued fishing for cloths Sebatian continued. "You received another the next day containing details about the operation." "You say I read two e-mails and I don't even remember sitting at the computer." Harry stated . "Well actually, we read the second one you were in another trance. Anyway, the agent is investigating the possibility of a BackDraft threat rumored to be not from here." "So what. If the agent can't handle the threat the Blitz team's base is only 50 miles away. Bit will save us." Harry stated his coal colored mood in full swing. "It's not the roumor were immediately worried about!" Benjamin said pulling Harry to face them. "Then what?" "The Agent is Fuma!" "Who is Fuma?" "The woman who piloted the Hammer Head when Dr.Layon captured you." "What!? We've got to warn the ZBC! We've got to get out of here!" "It's To late Harry she'll be here any minute now and the ZBC already know her history .Months after the Royal cup she was let out for good behavior and offered a job" "How can they just go around offering jobs to crimanals!?" "Can you stop yelling I can hear you just find?!" "She may be a crimanal but shes very skilled and knows how the BackDraft work. So you see she has great value to ZBC." Sebastian piped in." but if she is still loyal to the BackDraft who knows what might happen. A base full of Zoids and money only 50 miles from there sworn enemy-" "Sebastian-" Ben'jammin called trying to silence the smaller robot. "They could kill us and hide us in the walls-" Sebastian continued his voice becoming worried."-stage attacks on the Blitz team and hide here. Wear them down till- "Sebastian-" Ben jammin tried again but was cut off. "No one know we were gone until-" "SEBASTIAN!" Ben'jammin Yelled. "Sorry" Harry's face was draind and he was turning blue. He was half awake, still suffering from a love hang over and the BackDraft was coming to kill him. There was only one thing a man in this situation could do. "RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!" Harry took heading for the closest form of fast trasportation. "Wait Harry-" Benjamin sounded after him. They chased after Harry but not very far cause he was half way down the stairs. He stood completly still with either hand on either rail. Both robots followed his gaze to find a woman with dark hair but not quite black. She wore a long gray over coat and a cocky smile. Harry was frozen. To his fragile mind he thought he was being smiled at by a deamon. Then She spoke in an amused tone. "Is that how you greet all you guests?" Harry didn't know what she was getting at but he suddenly felt a chill. Was this it? Did she have a gun in that over coat or those suit cases? Suitcases!? Man it's cold in here Harry thought he risked looking at his shirt to realize it wasn't there! Thats what she on about. He was in nothing but his long light green boxers. Harry blushed and took off to his room past his servants in search of cloths. Forgeting about conspiracys and death threats. ************************** Ahh thats all for now. See you next chapter. 2. Chicken salad Uh... I dont own zoids. Thanks for the review Kat42. Well almost everything went as she perdicted. The robots now seated across from her in the living quarters were watching her every move. They no doubt know she used to work for the backdraft. The ZBC didn't tell anyone but it wasn't hard to find out. She began making movements just to agitate her audience as they waited for Harry to get dressed. Him coming down the stairs in his boxers was the only thing she didn't see coming. Finally, the king had arived. He sat between his robots looking miffed. He had on black pants and a nice blue long sleeved buttoned shirt. She herself had taken off overcoat to reveal a slightly tight purple shirt with short sleeves barley covering her shoulders. A black dress stopping just past her knees completing the wardrobe. "So how long are you going to be here?" Harry asked not sounding the least bit intrested. He was actually fishing for any hidden motives. His father tried to teach him to read people saying it was 'good for business'. Harry thought he wasn't any good at it but then again he knew Bit was after Leena before Bit did. The last thought locked up what little concentration he had managed to pull together for this little introduction. "As long as it takes," she answered with the same amused smile as before. Harry's thoughts were swirling as the small talk continued. He didn't actually hear her answers. Finally he ordered his robots to show her to the guestroom. They did so though reluctantly. Through his hazy thoughts he figured if she was trying to kill him he wouldn't mind. Late in the evening Fuma finished setting up her surveillance equipment giving her visuals within a 50 mile radius of the champ house. In particular an abandond mine 30 miles west of the estate. Either robot had watched her every move. She hadn't seen the Champ kid since this mourning but judging by the way he tried to read her earlier he mus'nt trust her. His robots were watching her after all. It wasn't her concern wether they trusted her or not. As long as they didn't do anything to jeopardize her mission. Taking a white wrist watch out of a open suitcase on her bed she made her way towards the smaller robot. "When's dinner?" she asked while putting on the watch. "Usually now but if whant anything your going to have to get it your self," he replied hotly. "Fine," She said walking past him. He tailed after her. Upon opening the large frigde in the kithcen Fuma was greeted with mostly vegetables. "Whats with all the grass?" she asked knowing Sebastian was behind her. "This refridgerator is filled with a wide assortment of health produce." Fuma cringed at the word health. "What's so heathy about starving? This cow is food," she almost grumbled." is Harry goning to be eating know?" she asked as an after thought. "No. Harry is in the middle of his studies." Harry was in his study room. His language arts book was opened to page 347 but you couldn't see that and neither could he. His forehead was aginst his desk and the book on the back of his head. "Studing makes you hungry. I'll make him some too," Fuma said to Sebastian. Full intent on annoying the little robot. "What do you think I'm here for?" exclaimed Sebastian voice a tad below a shout. He had a funny voice Fuma thought. "I thought you were here to serve your master and his guests," Fuma answered camly referring to him telling her to make her own dinner. Sebastian was about to retort but fell short of a come back. Fuma just smiled at this. "Fine!"he said moving next to Fuma and infront of the food she took out of the fridge. He picked up a recipe card. "Hmm... chicken salad. You read the ingredients," he handed Fuma the card. Fuma read the ingrediants,"1/4 cup white wine vinegar... 2 tablespoons water... 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil..." While Sebastian collected every thing." 1/8 teaspoon salt" She continued, "Poisin berries... "Poisin berries poisin berreis..." Sebastian said to himself looking through the items on the counter. " I dont see the- Hey wait a minute!" A short time later Fuma emerged from the kitchen with two plates of chicken salad. She studied her watch for a moment before heading to Harry's study room. Harry didn't realize he was hearing footsteps until they stopped. Taking the book off his head and looking strait across from him was the waiting smile of Fuma. She was sitting in the instuctors seat of the odd two person desk . She placed a plate infront of him. He looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time today. "Something wrong?" she asked. "Are you going to kill me?" he asked out of the blue with out much life to his voice. Fuma was a little shocked. "Uh- no." "Isn't that what a killer would say?" he asked in the same tone. "Well then what would an innocent girl say?" Girl? For some reason Harry's mind stayed on that word longer than necessary. Was it because the suspected killer called herself a girl? "Point taken," he said finally still no change in voice. "Gee, you almost sound dissapointed." She said digging her fork in her chicken salad. Maybe he was Harry thought. Or maybe he's just feeling so sorry for himself another more persistent thouhgt pushed through. He looked at the plate in front of him but felt nothing that resembled hunger. "How do you plan to go about your investigation?" he asked changing the subject deliberately. "I've set up servailece equipment," she replied half woundering why he asked. He had asked her that this mourning. Must not have been able to think of any thing else to talk about she thought. "Who's watching it while your in here?" Harry asked. Fuma showed him her whatch. "This will alert me of any suspiciuos movement." It looked like as ordinary watch. "Are you alright?" light concern in her voice. He never seemed intrested in the answers to his own questions. "You dont have to eat that if you dont whant too. I wont be offended your robot made it." "It's not that..." "Then what?" she persisted her soft eyes still on him. Trapping him. He didn't like where this was going but at the same time couldn't understand why. Well she was a stanger. But those concerned human eyes... ahh! Your pathetic champ he thought. His mind was jolted by an irritaitingly loud buzz. It was Fuma's watch. "Exuse me," She made her way swiftly out of the room. 3. Let go Disclaimer: I dont own Zoids. Thank you reviewers and future reviewers! I appreciate it. Thanks Mookie I'll keep all that in mind.( I put that in a reveiw but it didn't show up right~_^) last chapter was kinda sloppy. Fuma entered the guestroom, swiftly making her way to the tv. The ZBC's latest satillite equipment was attached to it. She looked at the screen to see only desert landscape. That cant be right she thought. She looked at her laptop that was also connected to the tv. just as her fingers tutched the keyboard an image appered. It was a black Zaber Fang. It was facing Fuma on the screen. Fuma's mind couldn't escape the feeling that it knew it was being watched. In a blink, it was gone. Fuma rubbed her eyes but the image didn't return. The next mourning harry's mind was wandering his base and his body was following. For some reason, a reason beyound Harry's reckoning, he felt like a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt like he could see father, like a fog had lifted. The thought of Bit and Leena ran freely through his mind but no longer did it have the effect of fire. It flowed like water. He wondered if he was getting over her or just to numb to feel himself mentally drowning. Fuma watched him from the top of the stairs with Sebastian watching her. She had finally figured him out. She didn't really like not being able to read him. People were more unperdictable when under sress she realized. "So that whats wrong with him," she said to herself. "What...?" Sebastian asked over hearing her. "The gunsipper girl dumped him," She said simply feeling satisfied with her detective work. One enigma down, one to go. "How did you...?" Sebastian trailed off. "Is he goning to be o.k?" Fuma asked showing light concern. "I don't know. Why do you care anyway?" Fuma ignored the question headed down the stairs. "I'll go ask him myself then," she said over shoulder. "WHAT!?" he yelled trailing after her at full speed. "Dont say the L-word!" 'L-word', that had to be Leena, Fuma thought to herself. Sebastian stopped at the dinning room door while Fuma continued in. He couldn't whatch but at the same time he couldn't stop wathcing. Fuma breifly turned in his direction and stuck her tounge out at him. He could see Harry siting at the head of the long dinning room table. He seamed spaced out again. Fuma made her way toward her target. She had seen simular exspresions on his face yesterday but know she knew its source. Fuma felt her heart twist with a slight pang of guilt. She only came in here to annoy Sebastian. He looked so love lost she wanted to take his pain away. 'I do? I guess I do.' Fuma thought to herself. She wan't one for arguing with her thoughts and emotions no matter how strange they seem at times. She sat down in a seat near his. He looked at her with confusion but not much surprise. "Are you alright?" she asked really not knowing how esle to start this conversation. "What?" Harry was startled from his thoughts. Um I-I'm fine." Fuma looked at him and through his words. He knew he was found out. He looked at his hands as silence replaced words. "O.k, I'm not fine. Happy now?" There was a litte bit of a snap at the end of his words. Sebastian winched. "You shouldn't keep negative feelings to your self." she said matter-of- factly. 'To myself' Harry thoughtto himself. "I don't. I told my robots all about it. Right Sebastian?" Harry responded. "Well..." Sebastian started while trying to find a way to back Harry. "You did say something about the five rings of hell." He said half in memory of some of Harry's dark words. "It was six!" Harry almost yelled in corection. Fuma seemed as amused as ever. She had managed to liven him up. Harry felt like he was under a knife. Why was she interrogating him anyway. Harry crossed his arms and looked miffed at his robots lack of support. "She left me for another guy." He blurted out. It had been true all this time but saying it felt like it happened to some one else. Well she didn't actually leave him but details details... Fuma grimaced inside and gave Harry a silent apology with her eyes. Upon receiving it Harry felt like she was giving him sympathy for the wrong reason. "Well we weren't actually dating..."his voice half in memory of his quest for a shooting star. "Oh I see how it is." Fumas's voice rising as she did from her chair. "W-what?" Harry said not understanding her sudden change in tone. She looked at him accusingly. "You just wanted to sleep with her." she said. Harry shot up from his seat. "WHAT?! I-I-I'm not like that." He said with his index finger on his chest. "AHA! Your stuttering. That means your lying." she said simply. "I was not..." Harry stated, getting worked up. "Its o.k Harry. I'm just kidding." she said that damn smile on her face again. Harry was still flustered and took a moment to realize he was standing. As he sat down Fuma continued. "I know how it really is with you." "What do you mean 'how it really is.' Harry asked cautiously. "Just like corny romance movies," Fuma clasped her hands together, placed them against her right cheeck, stared dreamingly at Harry and spoke pretending to be a man. "Oh my darling, my one and only, please forgive me. I would have called last night but..."Fuma stopped for dramatic effect." I couldn't find a... phone." Harry felt like he was being insaulted but was fighting hard with the urge to laugh. Once Fuma picked up on this she got worse. In a fake love stuck female voice she continued," Oh my sweetness, I was devestated. But don't you own a phone?" Harry failed to surpress a chuckle so on she went. Answering herself dumbly in the male tone, "Oh yeah, I guess I forgot." Harry was laughing aloud know and Fuma followed with a small laugh of her own. Sebastian, who was joined by Benjamin, were standing in the doorway shocked. With one swift motion Fuma was sitting in her chair again with her head and forearms on the table. Harry could only see the top of her head. She looked like a puppet who suddenly had her strings cut. She felt silly but she accomplished her mission and silly was a good feeling anyway. After a moment of silence Harry spoke up. "So did you find the Backdraft group last night?" Fuma, shifting into sitting position, thought for a moment. "I'm not sure if it is the Backdraft but whoever it is, they know I'm here." "They do?" "Yeap. I'm using ZBC's state of the art equipment and someone hacked into it trying to play mind games." "Do you know when they'll come for you? Or dont they think your a threat?" "They must not be ready to go public with whatever it is they have out there." "Will the ZBC send you back up then?" "Not Without evidence." "What?" "The image they sent me was untraceble. I'll need evidence before they will send backup, espeacially all the way out here to an ex-Backdraft member." Harry Felt sorry for her that her recent employers didn't trust her. Even if they did have a good reson. They had to be in the abandonded mines only 30 miles away. How was she suppose to get evidence if they knew she was here. If they attacked his base the ZBC, or any other local athority, wouldn't have time to save them. Harry was about to alert Fuma of his mental findings but the look in her eyes said she already knew. She got up to leave. "Where are you going?" Harry asked her retreating form. "To get evidence." "W-wait. I'll go with you." She stopped, turned and gave him a sharp look that made him flinch inward. "Why?"she asked sincerely. "Well uh if they kill you this base will be next. We might as well combine our strength." He answered with a half truth. He was hoping to appeal to her soilder logic. Her mind seamed to work like that to him. "Your rich. You can buy another mansion." She said correctingly and left as though she had never been. Damn! She got him he thought with his spirits droping. Harry stared at the space she once occuppied. His gaze then shifted to the floor. She was probably going to be out numbered. Weren't they just bonding? She threw his attempts to help off like old bandages. Benjamin and Sebastian were at his side in moments. "So what do we do know Harry?" Harry was silent for a moment then his head rose with his voice and response,"We follow her anyway of course." His robot companions made a metallic sign. 4. Kablam! Disclaimer:I don't own zoids. Thank mookie for beta reading this for me(Iknow I do!) Now my grammar is all shiny! Deep within the mines west of the Champ base, a man in his early 40's sat hunched over the keys to his computer. Absorbed in his work, he typed nonstop, sweat giving the large bald spot on his head a glossy look. The man sitting next to him, however, was bored out off his small mind and half asleep behind his small, circular green lens glasses with lightning shaped armbands. "Oh you like that huh? You like that don't you?! Yeah I bet you do!" the forty-year old said mockingly to the screen. "Come on you little bi-" "WILL you cut it out?!" the other man yelled. "What?" was the others response. "Humping the damn computer thats 'what'!?You damn freak!" The younger man yelled again. He was thin, half the other man's age, and completely bald. "Hey!" the older man fired back. "This is a difficult system to break into. You'd be going nuts, too, if you were me!" "You wouldn't have to be doing that if ya'd let us go kill the ZBC spy now would you?" "Typical street punk logic. If you kill the agent the ZBC will know were here." He stated, turning his attention back to the screen. "How will they know, Dr. C?" the young man asked cluelessly. "I'm not going through this with you again, Red. If you really want to have 'fun' so bad, get your 'boys' to stop slacking off. The sooner all those zoids are up and running, the sooner we take the Champ base," the doctor said with little enthusiasm. "Alright, alright. I'll tell 'em. Are you going to send her another image of my zoid." Red said rising from his seat, half interested in his new objectives. "Yes." "If you really want to freak her out you should send him an image of your mom," Red called out as he left, laughing as if he never had before. Dr.C ignored the lewd suggestion and continued typing. Fuma stared patiently at the radar in her warshark, dressed in her battle suit. It was a white and grey version of the Backdraft suit she used to wear. She had been watching for hours. The information she received told her that the Rev raptors she'd seen disappear into the mine earlier had returned. She watched them make their way away out of the mine. "So this is what it's like to work for the big boys, huh, Read?" a sarcastic voice rang from one Rev Raptor to the other. The first had very cheap paint job. "Out here playing stock boys. All that crazy scientist does is have us pick up supplies." "And all you do is whine, Pike. How exactly are we going to take over the world with no army?" the other man challenged. They continued in silence along a path of metal rods that Fuma guessed had something to do with how they had hacked into her equipment. After she determined they were a distance far enough from the mines, she prepared to attack. The familiar sight of three zoids marching from the Champ base greeted the evening air; Harry in his custom Darkhorn, Sebastian in a Stealth Viper, and Benjamin in an Iron Kong. "Well isn't this a familiar scene?" Benjamin asked appearing on the screens of his allies. "What do ya mean?" Harry asked, more interested in where he was heading than in Benjamin's actual answer. "The three of us marching off in our zoids. Not on a run. Not on a training drill. Not even to an official zoid battle, but off in the direction to accompany a female who doesn't want our company." "How true Benjamin," Sebastian added. "I have no idea what you're getting at," Harry said, getting riled. "Yes, and it's downright rude if you ask me," Sebastian piped in. "What would your parents say Harry? Bringing home a girl with a criminal record." Benjamin lectured. "WHAT?" Harry's voice exploded into their sound receptors. "That's preposterous! I don't want to hear another word about this from either of you." What was with those blot bags, Harry wondered. What could have made them come to the conclusion that he was... Harry's mind pushed around the rest of that thought. Fuma's smiling face appeared in his mind. Smiling like she knew something he didn't and wanted him guess what it was. How many times had Leena smiled at him? This isn't the time, he told himself. A missile violently rocked the upper body of Pike's Rev Raptor. Pike and his ally turned just in time to see a warshark plow into the dazed Pike's zoid. "What the hell is going on!" Pike screamed. "Who's attacking me?" Bullets rained on Fuma's warshark as it dove underground again. Red looked at Pike's Rev Raptor to see it slowly getting to its feet. He checked his radar to see that the enemy was directly below him. Fuma commanded her zoid to lock its jaws on the Rev Raptor's leg. At full speed, she charged into the other raptor zoid, submerging just as they smashed together. "Damn! Who the hell are you?" Read shouted. Fuma's smiling face appeared on his screen. "I'm with the ZBC. You're under arrest." The radar alerted Fuma to three more zoids approaching from the direction the raptors had been headed. Fuma turned her zoid to face the unconfirmed zoids. She noticed the metal row of bars stopped not far from where she was. When the zoids were in range, they should have been visible. They weren't. 'They must be warsharks.' Fuma realized. 'But what exactly are they doing out here.' Fuma commanded her zoid to charge headfirst into the first one. It darted out of the way, and so did the second one, but the last one did not stray from its course. Fuma saw that first two were dragging something that looked like a huge, cylinder shaped crate. She pulled to the left, narrowly missing the last shark. Not wasting motion, Fuma stayed her course as the other sharks all turned to pursue her. On her radar, she could see them all catching up to her. 'They must have released their cargo for more speed. If that cargo contains the supplies, the Rev Raptors must have been meeting them here. This is a halfway point. Those bars must have been cloaking the raptors from my satellite equipment while the sharks traveled underground.' Fuma stopped her zoid as two sharks zipped by. She performed a 180, smashing into the last shark as it caught up. Unlike the other shark pilot, Fuma had been expecting the daredevil stunt, and recovered from the recoil quickly. She headed back towards the Rev Raptors. Pike and Read were standing outside their zoids. Read was trying to see the battle while Pike was screaming and cursing. Fuma's zoid swept past in a blur and Pike disappeared with it. "Pike?" Red asked the human empty space around him. Fuma swerved around to face the pursuing sharks. Pike was clamped between the teeth of her zoid. "Halt! I have a hostage!" Fuma commanded. The crusty voice, but not the image of an enemy, entered the solitude of Fuma's cockpit. "You can't do that. You work for the ZBC." "Don't test me," Fuma said flatly. Pike let out a yell as the jaws began to tighten. "Wait!" The voice yelled. "Are you crazy?" "You'll find out if you don't get out of your zoids and kiss the sand," Fuma said, smiling. 'This went better than I planned. I got five of them. How's that for evidence.' Fuma's self-congratulations were cut short as one of the warsharks fired its missiles. They were too far off course to be aiming at her, and she realized she wasn't the target. The missiles smashed into the side of the mine. "Give up babe," another, rougher, voice spoke in her cockpit. "You kill the hostage, then you'll have to kill us. If you somehow manage that, all of Neo-Backdraft will be on you." Damn! That was it. Fuma's calm facade started to falter. The jaws of her warshark released Pike. Her mind frantically cataloged different escape plans but was interrupted. "Feeding Frenzy!" The rough voice commanded, startling Fuma. The enemy zoids charged. Fuma desperately tried to escape but they were too close. They all locked their jaws on her zoid and began yanking and tearing at it viciously. Missiles blasted in all directions from Fuma's zoid, missing their targets. "Stop!" a voice demanded, breaking through all the vid screens. Through the haziness of half-consciousness, Fuma could make out the face of Harry Champ. Unpredictable, Fuma thought with light in her heart before darkness consumed her mind. 5. The final fallen. Disclaimer:I don't own zoids. Thank Mookie for this shiny grammar if you haven't already. Final chapter. Enjoy! Fuma's sleeping form was lying on the guestroom bed, dressed in only a white tank top, long light green boxers, and various BandAids. Sweat covered her like a second skin, causing many of them to peel. Her slumber was rudely pierced by the irritating buzz of her watch. Instinctively she rose while reaching for it, only to find it missing. Her eyes scanned the familiar room that was lit by a single candle on the TV near her watch. The wavering light made her mind feel like it was between the gears of a zoid engine. Wiping her brow, her hand became soaked, causing her to realize how hot it was. As well as what she was and wasn't wearing. 'They undressed me?' her thoughts jumped. She hesitantly lifted the top of the boxers that weren't hers. Upon finding that her normal undergarments seemed untouched, she calmed slightly. Looking at the numerous BandAids caused a warm feeling to manifest itself in her chest. She tried to beat it back with logic and reason. 'Stop it Fuma. It's not like they saved you to let you bleed to death.' Only partially satisfied with her self reasoning, she made her way to the door, ignoring the dizzy spell threatening to ground her. Harry Champ sat in the blissful solitude of his roughed up Darkhorn. He had saved her as he had planned. At the expense of Sebastian's Stealthviper and nearly the little robot's life as well. They themselves had barely managed to take out two of the sharks before their retreat. Warsharks were such a pain to fight. The Neo Backdraft were on their way, but Harry was already on a battle field in his mind. He remembered how his heart rattled against the cage that was his ribs when he'd forced open Fuma's cockpit. 'Nothing wrong,' he swallowed 'with feeling concern towards my fellow ma- er woman.' But why did he feel like he was rebelling against himself? His thoughts drifted back to when he was undressing her in the guestroom, the only light provided by a candle that Benjamin held. The only thing good thing about the black out caused by the 'Neo Backdraft' was that it had covered his crimson face at the time. Protectiveness emanated from him as he applied each BandAid. 'Noooo,' the thought slowly playing out nearly became spoken words. He pounded on a wall of the rebellious thoughts. 'Traitor? To whom?' accompanied by a brief flash of Leena in his mind. He recoiled, hitting the back of his head against his seat. He swallowed the self-inflicted poison that was her image. A swirling fog lifted in his mind. 'What do you know about her anyway? Only that she's smart and funny and gorgeous and - STOP! If Leena didn't see anything in you, why should anyone? I was honest. I gave everything I had. I don't think...I could survive another fall.' Eyes down cast Harry began to remove himself from the cockpit of his zoid. Dropping to the ground, Harry's gaze slowly shifted toward the door. Standing in the doorway, awaiting his attention, was Fuma. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Yessssssss!" exclaimed Dr. C, sitting at his computer. He turned to Red who was busy giving out orders. 'Bout time he got his act together.' "I've finished!" he called out over the commotion. Red turned and stared at him briefly like he was an idiot who should be shot. "Haven't you been listening to me! We don't need your stupid 'mind games.' She knows we're here." "What?!" "I'm not going to explain this again, Dr.C," he said mockingly "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a base to capture." "Wait! You don't have the authority to make these kinds of decisions! Let me call Alteil -" "I'm not an idiot! I don't need my uncle's approval for everything!" he fired back at the elderly doctor. "'Sides, once we get the Champ base we'll have plenty of zoids to hold off the ZBC 'til unc' gets his butt outta jail." He then turned his attention back to his boys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry was frozen in place. His mind screamed 'run.' Fuma made her way towards him the same smile as always. That smile could enlighten a funeral, Harry thought to himself. She stopped a couple feet from him. "Care to explain?" her soft, amused voice asked. "Uhh... I... the..." Harry stuttered while averting his eyes, ".air conditioner...enemy cut the power." Noticing his gaze was elsewhere, Fuma looked down, remembering her apparel. "Oh, I wasn't talking about that." "Then what?" Harry asked, still looking anywhere but at Fuma's attire. "Why did you save me?" Her tone held just a hint of seriousness, and her searched him. Lowering his guard. He didn't have an answer he understood himself that he could give her. He turned away abruptly. He could sense the alarm he hadn't meant to cause her. 'Great! Now she knows something's up. She's so smart. What now? It can't be love. I'm...I was... I...Leena! What did I do to deserve this torture?!' "Harry?" came Fuma's voice. It was hesitant, soothing, and alluring to his ears. "Theenemywillbeheresoon," he blurted out. "I gotta get ready. There's a Warshark around here, if you think you're up to it." "All right," she said unconvinced. She started her search amongst Harry's many zoids. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The enemy is approaching, Red," the voice of a young man rang into Red's ears. "I can see that," he responded snobbishly. Ahead of him, six Revraptors marched side by side. "I thought you said there were only four, Pike?" "There were," he answered nervously. "Oh who cares! Frag 'em." Red commanded. As the raptor zoids came within range and were shot at none returned fire. Another row appeared behind them. Four raptors and one Darkhorn. "They must be on auto pilot," said the voice of another young man with a blue mohawk and red warpaint under his eyes. "Thank you for pointing out the obvious Read," Red's perpetually rude voice thanked him sarcastically. Some of his men continued to fire at the approaching zoids. "Hey hey! We need those! We need those!" Red exclaimed ecstatically. If he had any hair, each strand would have been standing up. "Let them pass we'll get 'em later." As the first row of raptors filtered through Red's small army of 20 zoids, the Darkhorn stopped. Red's suspicions started to rise as eight of his zoids fell through the sand. The Darkhorn unloaded on any zoids still functioning after the fall. "How coul-?" Red started. "Must have used a Warshark to soften the ground prior to our arrival," Read quickly and calmly deduced. In the midst of the confusion, Red's men began firing at the unmanned zoids. One of the Raptors, however, returned fire. Adding to the confusion, a white, yellow and black Warshark sprang from the sands, firing missles and disappearing into the sands again. Frustrated beyond reasoning, Red fired at the Darkhorn, narrowly missing as it took cover in the ditch the others zoids had fallen into. He turned his attention to the one Revraptor that was firing at his men. Using the strike laser claw of his black Saber Fang, he cut off its head as well as the legs of the one behind it. "Ahhhhhh!" Benjamin's metallic voice was heard. "Ha! Before I single- handedly wipe your faces across the desert, why don't you losers show yourselves?" Red mocked. Fuma's face appeared on his screen. "Miltin Red Alteil," she said dragging his name out slowly. "Don't call me that!" he snapped, halfway standing in his seat. Looking at Fuma, he subdued a filthy smile cutting his face in half. "Do I know you? Please tell me I know you." "No, you don't. But I worked for your uncle. So he put you in charge of remaking the Backdraft group? He must have been desperate." Fuma stated in a completely unimpressed manner. "I'll show you! Come on out!" he challenged. "Where's the fun in that Miltin?" "I hate you mother," Red said flatly while firing randomly at the sand. "They're baiting you, boss." Read said matter-of-factly. "Shut up and get the Darkhorn!" Read did as he was told and headed for the ditch in his Command Wolf. Just as he neared the edge, the Darkhorn sprang at him using advanced boosters. Read barely dodged in time and fired at it as it flew past. Making a sharp 180, the Darkhorn returned fire. A blast from the Command Wolf hit the rhino zoid head on, causing a lot of damage. But the speed and excessiveness of Harry's galiting gun violently chipped away the face of the Command Wolf. Slowly the battle weary Darkhorn made its way to the black Saber Fang. Red followed his radar, chasing the oddly colored Warshark that Fuma had taken a liking to. The last Warshark on Red's side was pursuing her underground. She vaulted over Pike's Gunsniper. Seeing her surface, Red utilized his zoid's strike laser claw. Fuma submerged and continued her course past Pike while the pursuing Warshark caused a tremor, knocking Pike's zoid off its feet. Then the laser-powered claw of Red's night colored zoid decapitated it. "AHHH! Bossssss!" he whined before the signal went blank. "Shut up!" he yelled at the dead screen in frustration. The top part of Fuma's zoid was exposed, as a river of sand seemed to follow. It was irritation in the form of pins scratching at Red's inner will. Fuma suddenly stopped letting both her pursuers take the lead. She fired all her remaining ammo at both. The shark stopped moving when the light show was over. The Saber took every hit and fell over, but then slowly got to its feet. Fuma didn't expect it to still be functioning but wouldn't let it get to her. She stared determinedly as Harry's Darkhorn joined her. She didn't take her eyes off her target as Harry opened fire on it. The Saber Fang dashed to the right of the live rounds and charged toward them both veering up its claw attack. Both Harry and Fuma veered to the opposite side, but Harry's Darkhorn lost its back right leg. The tiger zoid ran at circle, avoiding Harry's pivoting galliting gun until a series of clicks replaced the sound of gun fire. "You're out?" Fuma asked, her face appearing on a vid screen in Harry's zoid. He merely nodded, not trusting his voice. Fuma was too focused to really notice. The Saber Fang was facing them again, preparing that same old attack. Fuma face, still visible on Harry's vid screen, had gained the weight of a wicked smile. Her zoid disappeared into the sand and reappeared next to the Darkhorn's remaining leg, on the right side of its body. "What are you doing?" Harry finally had to ask. "Shhh," she replied. "Giving up? Getting in line for me huh? Consider yourself lucky that I'm gonna make this fast!" Red threw out the words in a voice that was only half-sane. "Told you uncle." Fuma's Warshark locked its jaws on the right leg of the Darkhorn. "Hey. You're not gonna...?" Harry's voice trailed off as the Warshark picked up speed. The Saber Fang charged toward them at full speed. They mirrored this. "RRRRAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh!" the volume of Red's voice rose as adrenaline rushed through his head. It got higher and higher as he neared his enemy. "Uuh aaaaAAAAAHHH" the volume in Harry's voice rose with disbelief at how truly evil women were. A couple of feet and only a couple of seconds away, the space between the three of them was rapidly shrinking. The Saber became airborne in what seemed like slow motion. For whatever reason, Harry's mind was able to capture every detail but no sound. Fuma was still smiling. Always smiling. With a loud gut twisting crash, everything went black. "Oh, so you are still alive," Harry heard a mocking woman's voice. He opened his eyes, but nothing was registering with his brain. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with one hand and feeling sand between the fingers of the other. 'Sand?' It all came back to him at once. He sprang to his feet and pointed a finger at the woman in front of him. "Were you trying to kill me?!" Fuma's smile broadened genuinely. She couldn't help it. He was so cute like this. She knew she shouldn't let her next thoughts become words but she did anyway. "We ran out of ammo?" she said innocently. "Does my Darkhorn look like ammo?!" the pointed finger was replaced by a clenched fist shaking in her direction. "Well..." she started, her gaze turning only to the left where two barely recognizable, to say the least, zoids were piled together. "It looks like used ammo." Harry stared in awe at yet another death trap he had managed to survive. Fuma sneaked an arm around his neck and pulled him toward her until their cheeks touched. "Hey, we won!" she exclaimed. Harry recoiled at the contact. He once again turned away. This kick-started Fuma's mind, reminding her of her unanswered question. Looking at Harry's demeanor, her fast working mind had a good idea what kind of answer she was going to get. Her heart skipped a beat and a warmth rose up in her from head to toe. For first time in a long time she was nervous. In less than half an hour, Sebastian, who had been sent to get in touch with the ZBC prior to the battle, would return. They'd round up the Neo Backdraft members who were loose in the desert and any that were left in the mine. After that, she'd have no reason to stay. She'd continue wondering 'what if' - possibly until the end of her days. 'What if I'm mistaken. He was really into that Gunsniper chick. I'd seen him. 'Leena I love you more with every shot you fire my way.' Then again, if he's into girls that try to kill him, maybe I have a chance.' "Harry?" she called out with some weakness in her voice. Harry's mind caused his heart to start racing. She had figured him out. 'Should have run when I had the chance,' he scolded himself. "Why d-d-id you save me?" she asked, her voice close to a whisper. He turned to her, looking like a frightened animal. Fuma forced herself to remain still for the answer. He moved toward her, stopping inches from her face. His eyes searched for what seemed to be the answer to her own question. Then he startled her, dropping to his knees, placing his hands around her lower back, and leaning into her. She let out a breathless gasp before easing into the contact. Not knowing what else to do, she began to stroke his reddish brown hair. Harry let himself be absorbed into her warmth. Into an open heart. Letting her caress roll through him. He could have stayed like this forever, but he owed her an explanation. "You know why, don't you?" It wasn't a question. Fuma didn't answer. "You're smart, and you have a good heart that you show in your own way, and you're funny, and ...gorgeous." Fuma's heart was set aflutter. Harry released her and stood up, looking her in the eyes. "But you knew all that. And you know why I saved you. It's because I've fallen in love with you," Harry said, watching a uncontrollable smile that made his heart flip appear on Fuma's delicate face. Tears of joy built an unstable crystal wall in her eyes. "But you already knew that," he finished. She launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug that almost knocked him over. 'What did I ever do to deserve this? I only joined ZBC to do the same thing I did in the Backdraft group without being arrested.' A warmth he could not refuse consumed Harry. All black memories faded and disappeared, crumbling like ashes in the wind. In their place was Fuma. She was in his mind, heat, and arms. He stroked the back of her hair as she somehow held on tighter. "Is it safe to assume you love me, too?" he asked a little smug. She pulled off his shoulder only long enough to press her lips against his, shocking the daylights out of Harry. This time they did fall, but neither noticed as they stayed like this for what seemed like hours. "You know *gasp* this means you *gasp* you can't... can't try to kill me anymore," Harry said between intakes of air. "Why not? You know you like it," she said getting to her feet. In the distance she could see ZBC zoids and other transports heading their way. "I what?" Harry asked, not following her mentally as he followed her physically towards her fellow ZBC comrades. "Wasn't it romantic when I tied you to my Hammer head," she said in a fake dreamy voice. "Um... no." "But I just used you as a missile and you confessed your love for me, so what's the difference?" she asked sweetly. Smiling inwardly and outwardly at the coming reaction, they headed away from the destroyed zoids and towards the rest of their lives. END End file.
Lady from the Sand by Wolfkcing
Green Eyed Monster Seeing all of the bashing that Thomas has gone through in different fanfiction over time, I thought it was only right to make something to stop and make you wonder if he really is as daft as he'd appears to be, to certain people. I don't own zoids, I most certainly don't own the characters either. Please read and enjoy. * * * I know what everyone has been saying about me, it's kind of hard not to. The others think that I'm a hopeless case and that I don't even see what's going on. They obviously don't know me very well, they don't _want_ to. As far as I can tell, they value my ability with machines. But as for me being another human being, I'm looked down upon. I admit, I have been teased for various things all of my life. It was always something, and this last bit has merely been another segment of it. It's a rarity that I am given credit for my work, or at least most people tend to thank Beek before me. Even when I am credited for something I have done, Van and the others find some reason to yell at me or degrade me in some form or fashion shortly after that. The main thing that seems to be the brunt of my teasing are my feelings for Miss Fiona. It was honestly love at first sight. Those beautiful, magenta eyes, and the golden hair, she was obviously a pure soul, an angel in looks and manner. And for the most part, I have never been disappointed in that observation. No, unlike what others thought, it didn't take me long to figure out that Van at least had feelings for Miss Fiona. That's something that made us rivals for a while, even if we did get along all right when it counted. What people have failed to realize is, that I didn't only figure that out. Over time, I began to somewhere see that Miss Fiona was ignoring me, but not enough to be rude. She wouldn't let herself act like that, even when I was rude to Van. It was by the time that I had met Rudolph and Marianne for the first time, that I finally began to consciously tell myself that she didn't care. No one would just flat out ignore you when you're confessing. Looking back, I took her silence for hope that I could possibly make her see how much I cared. Though, I suppose in reality she pretended to ignore me because she didn't want to tell me to bug off, she never was the kind of person to hurt someone like that. So, instead, I never gave up even if I knew deep down that it was a losing battle, it was the only true hope I had. The Guardian Force never truly accepted me until towards the end. However, that was also when Irvine, thinking that I was too dense to see it, tactlessly told me that Miss Fiona loved Van, not me. It was old news by then, but I still loved her. Even with all that had happened to me, all of the verbal abuse and neglect, I still cared. Didn't they know that you just couldn't chooseif you wanted to love someone or not? Irvine's comment didn't change how I felt about her, and I don't know that if Miss Fiona herself told me the same that I would change entirely. Her silence had done more damage than had she refused me out loud at the beginning. No, I'm not going to stalk her like some people may think. Actually, even though I feel uplifted and excited when I'm around her, I long ago stepped down to let Van have her, as he should I suppose. Still, my feelings do remain, and that is what everyone finds so hilarious, so easy to point and shoot an arrow at me. I will hopefully get rid of the monster inside me one day, but until then, I can only watch from the sidelines, and hope that Miss Fiona leads a happy life... * * * And so it goes. Please review End file.
Green Eyed Monster by Raftina Rune
1. Unheard The beginning's kinda slow..please forgive me! Haha . . . I think this is sappy, but I had to write it, it was in my mind for a while. Oh and yes, this takes place sometime before the final battle with the DeathStinger(or whatever that thing is called)..figure out a time! I haven't seen the last episodes in awhile..Boo Toonami....PUT ZOIDS BACK ON! Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids...sigh How many times is it necessary to say this? This fic is for all those Irvine/Moonbay fans out there! it starts....................................................... The day before the final battle was crucial. The army planned, the troops prepared, and the doctors gathered supplies. Noise was impossible to get away from. And the ever thickening 'worry cloud' hung over everybody's head. The halls of the base echoed with shouts and foot steps along with the clatter of ammo scattering on the ground, dropped by nervous soldiers. Yes, everyone was busy, worrying or working on something. Except one lone mercenary. Irvine sat in the meeting room, his legs on the table, and his eye shut. He was the only one not worried or scared, not wondering about tomorrow. Irvine sat there not caring. Oh, he was all for saving the planet and all, but disgust ran through his blood each time a solider talked like death was knocking on the door. He had heard some of them, scared and wanting to back down from the operation. Surprised came over the mercenary when these words reached his ears. Now, not all soldiers were like this but the few that were.... The soldiers were supposed to serve without hesitation correct? He'd probably make a great soldier, his feelings often hidden, no family left and he gave himself up to death the day he became a mercenary. Irvine figured, if he died, the world would not end. His family was gone and not many people actually cared to know his whereabouts. A loner, a mercenary, according to others: heartless, sometimes cruel. Irvine's definition of himself. Or maybe he was the one with the problem. Maybe, he was being too hard on the soldiers. Ah, well, time to cram that away in the back of his head. His peace was shattered as the door swung open. General Herman stepped forward through the frame and glanced around the room before saying, "Hey, have you seen Moonbay anywhere?" Irvine's eye opened, his back still facing Herman and replied, "No, haven't seen her all day." Herman sighed, disappointed, and turned to leave. _"That's right, go do something else..."_ "Irvine, I need you to go find her, we plan on leaving in the Ultrasauras and she's the 'piolet'. Find her for me." And before Irvine could respond, Herman had left with other duties on his mind. Taking in a breath, Irvine stood up, stretched and headed out the door. "Hah what the hell? Why me? I'm not under his command..damn republican army." Irvine mumbled and began his search. The long dark hallway met Irvine as he stepped outside. The mercenary scratched his head and frowned. "If I was Moonbay, where would I be?" No suitable answer came to mind so Irvine decided to roam the halls pretending he knew where he was going. His search led him to the cafeteria, which was busy with life. "Moonbay's probably in here, flirting with soldiers none the less." And for some reason a look of disgust came over his face. Ok, maybe he knew why he frowned. Moonbay was, well, special. She was the only one who Irvine felt nervous around and the only one who could make him tongue tied. Irvine's dark eye shifted around the room only to get glared back at by rookie soldiers. Their problem? Jealousy. Jealous that a low life mercenary got a better position in the army than they did. Whatever. He reached the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. Opening it up, he enjoyed it as the cool beverage slid down his thirsty throat. Can in hand, he continued looking for the transporter girl. No luck was found, however. Irvine searched the whole base and turned up empty handed. Even Van and Fiona had no clues to offer the mercenary. A sigh escaped his lips as he took another sip from the can. "Nowhere else now except outside. Well that's fine with me; gotta get away from all the depression." Regaining his balance, Irvine stopped leaning on the wall and walked slowly toward the outdoors. The night was brisk and cool as a light wind ruffled his hair. The sun was low in the sky an black clouds scattered the horizon. With a soft crunch, Irvine's boot contacted with dirt as he stepped into the evening air. A quick look around proofed that not a soul was in sight or earshot. His eye also caught the Gustav, sitting silently against the base wall, waiting to be needed again. The pink transporter hadn't been used in awhile, covered in dust, forgotten. The Zoid, alike in so many ways to the thoughts that came to Irvine's head when he approached it. The Zoid was linked to Moonbay and apparently long forgotten feelings of the transporter girl. The Lightning Saix piolet's head was filled with memories and regrets. All the times he wanted to be alone with her. The times where he just wished to wrap his arms on her shoulders and hold her in his arms. The stories they shared while Van and Fiona slept in the back seat of the Gustav. It was disappointment to him and the weird thing was, was that if he died tomorrow against the Death Stinger all these thoughts that consumed his head would go unheard; unknown. This whole 'searching' thing was becoming a burden. The thoughts and ideas that entered Irvine's head only made him question his actions. Should his feelings be expressed or for the protection of her heart, should they remain a mystery? _'Moonbay deserves better than a mercenary..if I told her tonight and ended up dying tomorrow....'_ "Screw it. I gotta find Moonbay and deliver the damn message. Not that Herman cares; haven't heard his whining in a while." Looking around one last time, his eye caught his own Lightning Saix glimmering in the falling sun. A proud smile formed on Irvine's face. His ever loyal Zoid, following him everywhere. His eyes narrowed a bit as a figure moved slightly on the Siax's head. "Who the hell is that?" He trudged closer and looked up, shielding his eyes from the light. Upon further examination, he realized that it was not just any person; it was Moonbay. ...............break...................... Now Irvine's head was overflowing with questions. _"Why was Moonbay on my Saix? Has she been there all day? What's wrong?"_ The mercenary climbed up the Saix making little to no noise at all. When he finally got to the head, Moonbay made no sign that would let him conclude that she knew he was there. Not wanting to surprise her, he calmly walked up to her side and said, "Hey Moonbay." Her head didn't turn nor did she answer right away. Moonbay's gazed was fixed on the horizon and not changing directions. When Irvine sighed and sat down she finally replied sadly, "Hey Irvine." "That's not my usual Moonbay," Irvine stated, "What are you thinking about?" "Tomorrow, what else?" She turned to face him for the first time. "Aren't you?" Irvine shrugged and took a drink. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "I try not to worry." Moonbay sighed heavily, "You never worry," she accused. "Normal people actually care about their lives..." Her voice was slightly annoyed. "Hey, what is your problem? Am I not allowed to be the care free mercenary that you've never had any issues with before? Come on Moonbay, talk to me." Irvine's mind had completely forgotten the reason for him coming outside in the first place. She voiced no reply. The transporter girl hugged her knees and sighed. "If you really want to know," she started to trail off but got a sharp look from Irvine, "I, I'm worried about you Irvine." Her head turned to face him only to be met with laughter. "You, worried about me? Moonbay?" Irvine chuckled at her answer but inside a feeling that he always hid started acting up again...the feeling of being wanted. "Shut up Irvine! Am I not aloud to be worried about you?! You, the cocky mercenary, the man people have hunted, the one who almost got killed fighting the Geno Breaker. Irvine, you've always been there for me and if you haven't noticed, we could all die tomorrow and the Death Stinger wouldn't give a shit! ..... But I would. Everyone in this whole place is worried and how can you just sit and laugh at my feelings?" Tears came running down her cheeks. She was never this emotional about things, but this battle more than any other, gave her a horrible if something went unsaid her life could totally collapse. Irvine needed to know..that someone cared, that she cared about him! The harsh words had stung Irvine and all he could do was look with surprise at her. Never in his life had calm and collected Moonbay ever yelled at him like that. A small sigh escaped his mouth as he wrapped his arms around Moonbay's trembling form. He couldn't find anything to say. "I'm not going anywhere," was all that came out. His right arm quietly massaged her back and she continued to cry. Moonbay couldn't help but blush at the fact that she was against Irvine's broad chest and that he was soothing her! His care free attitude made her scream at him and yet he didn't yell back. He didn't let that mercenary pride show. _"How much has Irvine changed over these years?"_ She completed the hug and backed away. Her hands lingered on his arms for a few more seconds before she pulled them away. Irvine studied her face for a moment. Moonbay's cheeks were red from crying, crying over him. _"Since when did she care so much? Or has she cared and I've never noticed...or was it that I didn't want to notice?"_ His hand lingered on her shoulder, squeezing it softly. In the last five minutes he had just held her tight, possibly for the last time. In the last five minutes she just made him question his decision to hide his feelings. In the last five minutes, he fell in love with her all over again. "Is this what you've been doing all day? Sitting up here worrying about me?" He expected a sarcastic remark like _"Don't flatter yourself."_ If he got that, his thoughts would go unsaid, unheard, and unknown. She didn't want to respond at first. What to do? _"If I answer him one way, he might leave. And the other way, it could screw up our friendship."_ Her eyes met his and she smiled. How she loved his eyes. "Yes, this what I've been doing all day. Worrying about you and what I should say if I get the chance to talk to you alone. I know you can take care of yourself; you've done it for the last 18 years of your life. But, everyone has to be cared for by someone else. And," now she was just getting into the danger zone but Moonbay decided to take the risk, "I wonder about your well being, I care where you are, and especially if you're still alive." There she said it and Moonbay searched his face for answers. _"How's he going to take it? I didn't exactly say 'I love you' but,..."_ When she got no answer and afraid of the worst, "Irvine don't you dare laugh at me again." Her eyes glared at him, forcing him to answer. All the past hours of thinking came down to this one moment. Moonbay was glaring at him, expecting some answer, but he had no idea what answer she wanted. _"Now? Or never? Live on with her knowing? Or die in silence?"_ He battled the thoughts. _"What the hell, she's getting all sappy too."_ Moonbay was getting impatient, her mouth began to open to speak again when his hand caught her lower jaw and he forced her to look at him. "You care about me?" he asked pondering his words, he narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure? Or do you mean 'love'?" And before she could react, Irvine kissed her lightly. Always a bold guy. The mercenary slowly pulled away and left Moonbay dumbstruck. Her eyes were wide with shock and even..happiness? "Irvine do-?" she stammered. "No, stop right there, Moonbay." Irvine's finger covered her mouth. "I've been battling with myself for the past hours, hell no, the past few years, trying to figure you out. When I finally thought I did, you go and screw up my thought process. My feelings were never clear to me and your's were like reading a closed book. But after all this time, all that's happened, for once I'm going to ask what you feel, what you think. You know what I feel." His voice lowered as he finished, " Tell me now." This was all happening too fast for her. Moonbay's emotions where in a jumble and his sudden kiss had shook up her heart again. "Irvine," Her gaze locked onto his._ "Why? Why now Irvine? Why, why, why?" _Moonbay was lost in her thoughts, this could be, no, this is what she wanted for all these years. Why was the little answer so hard to spit out? _It was the fear of losing him after this. _But, in the end, this chance could not be passed by." you..too." Irvine smiled slightly and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "Good, now no more crying, Moonbay, you have nothing to worry about." "What about tomorrow? And even after that?" He was closing in on her and Moonbay was so close to just shutting him up with a passionate make him stop talking about tomorrow...she wanted no more thoughts on the dark future. "Don't worry because I now have something to live for." .........END....................... A.N. Ack. I can't believe I did that! Hmmm, I think it's sappy, maybe a bit OOC but whatever. I'm a big fan of Irvine/Moonbay stuff. Please read and review! -randomcat23 2. Where do we go from here? (Looks around) Well, I never thought I would be posting a second chapter to this fic. It was meant as a one-shot but all you people wanted another chapter. So here it is. Hope you enjoy. It's just a yummy fluffy thing. Short too. No real plot, but hey, who cares? Double 'yay'. Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Zoids. I own some Sunny D's and potato chips though. (START) The battle turned out successful. Possibly more successful than anyone could have wished, hoped, or dreamed. Minimal casualties, small injuries. The one thing destroyed: DeathStinger. Shattered, gone, blown to oblivion. Pick a term, all fit. Only one question remained: Where do we go from here? Another world threat was no more. People could go back to their lives, their normal lives. Fear was gone, worry was gone. Children ran in the rain, adults played cards till ridiculously late hours, laughing. The world went back to peace. Peace was where it belonged. But would life ever return to normal? 'Normal' would never be reached again. War leaves a large scar on all those involved, it never disappears. Imprinted in everyone's lives. The army dispersed and sent the troops home. Officers clasped hands and ran off to their own families. Guns and all weapons were placed on shelves, hopefully forever forgotten, but unlikely forgotten. Zoids were parked in hangers, waiting to be washed and fixed. Always ready for more battles. And that left a mercenary and a transporter standing, facing each other in the desert. Their Zoids still, and battered from the battle. Both had mixed feelings: clueless, scared, over joyed, questioning. And maybe that was the problem. In the battle, nobody could say: "I'll come back for you." Well, someone could say that, but their heart would never be in it. War was unpredictable, taking lives, saving others. So, with the wind blowing, kicking up the sand and the sun beating down on the two figures, both stood still, wondering what came next. Both never expected to come back alive. Staring each other down, both thought, _"Where do we go from here?"_ Irvine clenched and unclenched his fists, digging his boot into the sand. Moonbay licked her lips, her hands hanging loosely. Their thoughts were interrupted by Van and Fiona running up and talking at once. Van with a goofy grin slapped on his face, Fiona with one to match. The Blade Ligar pilot punched Irvine in the arm playfully. "It's finally over!" Irvine grinned, "Well, look who it is, the hero." Fiona and Moonbay hugged and spoke quickly about the battle, new beginnings and future plans. Chatting the day away seemed to be a good way to get rid of other thoughts. Simple things were talked about as the evening dragged on: the victory, the return of peace, and hunger. . . It was sundown before Van and Fiona jumped back in the Blade Ligar, waving. "We'll see you guys soon!" Van yelled. Fiona added her remark, "Make sure you keep in touch! That means you too, Irvine!" "Just keep yourselves out of trouble!" Moonbay replied. "We will!" Fiona and Van answered in unison. One last wave from both and the cockpit closed. The large Zoid took off for Wind Colony, straight over the horizon. Irvine and Moonbay dropped their waving arms. Here they were again. Why couldn't they just make this easy and jump in the Gustav, mimicking Van and Fiona? Simple. It's because, this was new. This was unexpected. No battle plan here. No officer to give commands. Staring again. Unsure of what to do. Their secret feelings were out. Both knew they loved each other. So what now? Go separate ways? Travel together? "_Where would we go?"_ Irvine took a step closer. Moonbay did the same. "_Why is this so hard?"_ Suddenly, an idea struck Moonbay. Maybe, just maybe, it could work. If she could put their thoughts together in a few sentences, they could get over this little period of unsureness. And she knew exactly what to say. Moonbay began humming a very recognizable tune. One she had practiced countless times. The one that said the answer to there problem. Irvine looked at her with a question in his eyes. At the proper moment Moonbay sang, the tune rolling off her tongue with such ease, it had become a second nature. _I am Moonbay, And I am a_ _transporter of the wasteland,_ _I am just making this up as I go along._ Making it up. Sketchy. Going with the flow. She walked up to Irvine and took his hand in hers. Looking in his eyes she said, "I know what you're thinking. 'Where should we go from here?' Right? Well, then let's wing it. This is new for us." "Making it up as you go along, eh?" Irvine smirked. Who would have guessed that song of hers would explain everything. Something so simple. His hand tightened on hers. "Fine, we'll wing it." Moonbay watched as he lowered his head to hers and kissed him. Short and sweet. The last of the sun rays trailed across the sky, darkness drifting in. The day's heat disappeared with the light. And two lovers laid in the cooling sand, wrapped up in each others arms. "Congratulations on the battle, by the way, Irvine." Moonbay managed to say when they broke apart. "Yeah, you too." Pulling him up, Moonbay walked to the Gustav and came back with cups and a bit of food. "Dinner?" "Sure." She poured the drink and took a seat next to Irvine on the top of a sand dune. It was amazing how within an hour's time, so much changed. The battle ended and emotions were conquered. Somehow, the only thing that matter at the moment was the person sitting next to them. Today's fighting had taken a permanent place in the back of their heads. The awkwardness had slipped away back into a hole. All that was important was present. All accounted for. With his arm around Moonbay's shoulders, Irvine spoke, "How about a toast?" "A toast to what?" Moonbay bit into a piece of bread. "Here, watch." He cleared his throat. "A toast to the DeathStinger's defeat, Van's victory, and world peace." He smirked down at her, "See, that wasn't that hard." Irvine gulped down the beverage. Moonbay thought about what he said and something struck her mind. With her head on his shoulder she lifted her glass, "To Van's victory and all that jazz." She took a sip and then added, "And for 'making it up as we go'." Irvine glanced down at her again, laughed, and agreed with her. Raising his glass he said, "And for 'making it up as we go'." The couple sat relaxing, gazing at the stars. With nowhere to go, and nothing to do, what better way to spend a victory's night, than watching the stars and moving forward. (END) Wootness. I typed this whole chapter in one day! Does it even make sense?. (Falls over) I'm not so sure anymore. I posted it quick because I'm trying to get things done before school starts up again. (Dies) Well anyway, there you have it, the chapter you guys wanted! Now this fic is complete.Please review! -randomcat23 End file.
Unheard by randomcat23
1. The Start Of Our Story Summer Nights " Shut up Van!" I can't take it anymore! "For the three hundred million TIME!" I can't take it! I just can't take it! I'm going to hurt him in a minute. His head is mine! "Moonbay! Get off meeeeeeeeeeeee!" He squeals, how dare he ask me to get off! It's in the middle of the desert, its 900,000 degrees out side and he is moaning about WATER! "Okay, stop you too." Irvine came up behind me and wrenched my hands from Van's neck. "Irvine! Irvine, let me go, now!" I kicked from behind and tried to hit his shin, unfortunately, he is bigger than me, and much faster. So in an instant let go of me and I tumbled forward onto the sand. How does he always know how to get to me? It's so annoying. "Oh no," Irvine laughed at me and kept walking toward the town. Luckily, Fiona and Van were still there, or maybe them being there wasn't a good thing. " Moobay." Fiona tilted her head to one side "Why are you all red??" I blinked. "N-no reason!" I laughed nervously. Why was I red? What was I hiding from myself? Will I ever know? Or will I just keep it from myself? What happens if I never know? "Moonbay!" A voice whirled me back to the land on the living. "Moonbay!" The voice repeated. Was it his? Was that who was calling me? Him? "MOONBAY!" I whipped my head back to look a way down the road to where Van, Fiona, and Irvine. Fiona waved to me. I blinked again. Had I been that spaced out? I don't think so, I couldn't have..could I? "She's been acting weird ever sense yesterday." I could hear Fiona whisper to Van as I drew near. How could she talk about me behind my back?! She was like my sister. Oh, it doesn't matter; Irvine and I have had minutes of conversation on her and Van. So it doesn't matter all that much. But still, I was the gossip person in this group! Iv created a monster! She knows too much gossip for her own good! I thought as I walked next to Irvine. But, I knew Fiona was still looking at me, I knew my cheeks still burned. As we drew near the village where they needed to get fuel for the Zoids, I thought of what we did. We were so stupid! The Zoids had lost all their fuel, so much to Irvine's dismay, we had hid them in a cave off of a rock face and covered the entrance. It was stupid, anyone could find them, although Zeek was with us, so it didn't matter if anyone found our Zoids. But still. We walked toward the entrance to the small village and looked around. Van looked at Irvine and I then at Fiona. He couldn't be thinking what I think he is thinking. "Okay, you two go get the gear and Fiona and I will see about the food." He did. I rolled my eyes and gave a big sigh, great, stuck with Irvine the whole day. I shrugged, maybe it won't be so bad 2. Irvine A/N- ( I didn't put one of these in the first chapter cuz I wanted to get the story going SORRY!.*looks around* ehhe, well ne-way, I LOVE Irvine/Moonbay so I HAD to write one.and yes.more chapters to come! ) "OH NO!" My eyes widened at Irvine's voice. "I'm not paying that much for fuel!" Here we go.again. " All have you know, I didn't pay half that at a city! Let alone this little village!" Great, another one of his stories. I am going to end this. He is going to so owe me "Here, take it, I'll pay." I slammed some cash on the vender's cart, picked up the fuel and started to walk away. I think I just broke Irvine's voice box, he's not saying anything. That's a first. "Wait! What do you think your doing?!" Irvine took my arm and pulled me back. If it weren't for his kawaii looks and. Did I just say that Irvine was kawaii? Okay, so he is kawaii, and he has a nice walk, and he is holding my arm.wait.why hasn't he let go of my yet? "Your aren't paying." Irvine looked strait at me. "Oh yes I am, we can't stand here and wait for you to tell your stupid stories, I won't let it happen.and god darn it Irvine, let go of MY ARM!" Irvine just looked at me; it was the scariest thing in the world, him just looking at me. I felt myself going red and I started to pull away, but like I said he is much bigger and stronger then me. So I stood there looking another way, my cheeks red, waiting. By this time I think he got the clue. Finally, I mean god, if I blushed anymore I could get a tan. "Fine, pay, I don't care." Did he sound hurt? No, my stupid imagination. But he did sound like I had done something wrong. But why would he care? I scowled. "Okay, lets go back." We walked in silence, for about a second, not one of us saying a word. I knew now that he was hurt and I felt so bad. "Irvine, listen, I didn't mean to say any." He turned to look at me and a large explosion was herd. Someone was firing on the town, stupid us; we were standing almost next to the fuel vendor. He was slammed on top of me as we were flown off our feet and into a building. Black, all was black, I felt something hot and warm running down my face everything was still black. I could feet Irvine groan as he got up. I couldn't breath I couldn't get up. I thought I could hear a man yell, was it Irvine? Yes, that was him, Id know his voice anywhere. Did he even care? What if he did? Am I dead? Would Irvine be the last sound I hear before I die? Well, at least it was Irvine's voice. (-.-.good. bad? PLEASE REVIEW! I don't care about flames, go ahead, I won't read the flames ne-way!) 3. Who? What? Where? A/N: OH! I want to thank all my reviewers! I love ya all! Your making my first fics here better then I could eva write em! Btw: sowy for the cliff. On the other chapter.I already have 5 chaps. Done but I want to put em up over a 3-4 day period! Thanks 2 all! "MOONBAY!?" Who was that? Wait.if I can here people, than, am I dead? "Wake up!" Irvine? "Come on Moonbay. " Van? Fiona? No.Irvine. Am I moving? Wait.I'm being carried by someone? I cracked one of my eyes open. "IRVINE?!" Oh no, I think I scared him. He almost dropped me! I glared. I think my face is red again. " Moonbay, you should have been more careful! You could have died!" WHAT?! "WHAT?! You're telling me off? We stayed at that vendor because you had to tell the man that it was to much money to pay, and then you fell on me." Oh, I think I hurt him again, his face fell and his arms grew limp, I had to hang on to his neck so I wouldn't fall. He knew. He knew that it was his fault. He must be hurting to.I could see blood on his shirt, he shouldn't be carrying me. Blood was running down my front from a slash in his chest. My eyes started to water. I have reached a decision. "Irvine, let me down, now, I'm not letting you carry me when you're hurt to." I looked into his eyes but he looked away. Why? I'm not that much I? "No, I'm not letting you least one of your legs are broken." I cut in "Where are Van and Fiona?" I looked around with fear that they didn't make it out alive. "Where do you think? They went to go get the Zoids." I again tried to get down but he wouldn't let me. "Irvine, please." " NO." I heard a whistle go through the air. "Another missile." Irvine darted behind a large rock. I blinked. A rock? Why was there a rock in the middle of town.Oh! We are almost out of town.he carried me all that way? Why? The missile hit a house not far from where we stood. "Irvine, why are they doing this?" " The Imperial army found our tracks." I gasped "No, they didn't find the Zoids, like I said, Van and Fiona, along with Zeek." A rush was in my ears, I heard Irvine scream. It made my blood run cold. I heard the sound that was like the earth opening, and it did. I tried to hang on to Irvine but we were torn away from each other. A/N: C ya in a bit! Hope I see you all again soon! 4. Stuck A/N- Hi all! Next chapter isssss up! I groaned. I must have hit my head.again. The world was swimming before my eyes, I lay back down, and I need more sleep. It was only three p.m. when we were in town. I can sleep just a little. And my head hurt badly.I could sleep. Umm hmm. Goodnight. A little while later I think woke up. I looked around and the moon shown through a small crack in the tumbled rock of a ceiling. I stood up. Yes! My leg isn't broken! "Good thing to." I said out loud " Irvine should never become a doctor." I laughed. Wait. I looked around. Irvine.where is that guy? I started to walk around, calling out. Crunch. My eyes widened. What did I do now? I reached down and picked up the remains. "Irvine is gona kill me." I trailed off and clenched what was left of his electronic eye patch. "You should be more careful." I jumped, and spun around with my arms raised in defense. The person in the shadows laughed. "Always quick.Moonbay." My voice shook. "Ir.Irvine?" The man came out and I ran to him. "Thank god your okay! I found your eye its peace's of your eye patch " Irvine looked at me with both eyes. It was a good look for him. At my opinion. "So.what do we do now? I mean there isn't rely a hole we can crawl out of, is there?" Irvine shook his head and told me that he had looked around while I was out of it. I blinked. "You mean, you saw me out dead?! And you didn't help me?" Irvine shook his head. "You weren't dead." I was shocked. "How did you know?" Irvine grinned. "I have my ways." I decided to drop the subject, I didn't want to know. But I started to panic. "What are we going to do about food? Warmth? WATER!?" Irvine looked worried also. I narrowed my eyes. He is NEVER worried! "Your NEVER worried!" Irvine snapped out of it "What makes you think I'm nervous?" I sighed. "This can't get worse." Irvine put a hand over my mouth. "Your gona jinks it!" But, guess what folks, I already did. That's right, my big mouth. -.- It started to rain. 5. Between A Rock, Water, and Irvine "Great, what are we gona do now?" I looked at him but he just raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky. It was totally coming down on us, the rain was collecting in little pockets on the stone and mud was making puddles on the floor. "This could get ugly, fast." Irvine walked over to a rock that was at least 15 feet off the ground and surprisingly enough, shielded from the rain. I sat where I was, no way was he sharing. I'm just the little transporter; he is a protector.the food chain goes on. I sighed. I felt some one tug my arm. "Irvine?" I looked up and he smiled one of his cocky grins. "I'm gona let you share.only this once." I smiled and got up as I brushed myself off. He walked back to the rock and we both sat, huddled, against the cold stone. My stomach growled. I blushed. Irvine started to laugh but I kicked him and he shut up.well. he was chuckling. I looked down and gasped. "Irvine." I clutched at his arm. "L- look.the water!" It was already five feet deep. "Were gona DIE!" I started to wail. Irvine cocked an eyebrow. I stopped and looked at him. "WHAT?! CAN'T I BE JUST A LITTLE HYSTERICAL ONCE IN A WHILE, IRVINE?!" He just kept looking at me with both his eyes. I started to get chills. It was either because of him, or the fact that it was raining. I think it's both, but that's me. "Irvine?" I started to feel a little better with him there, well, at least I won't die alone.what a comforting thought. I mentally rolled my eyes at my own thought. "What are we going do for food?" I don't think that had crossed his little mind yet. "Uhh, I don't know." I sweatdroped. "You mean to tell me that we have no way to get to food, the water is rising, AND there is no way out?" He nodded. Well joy. I smiled. "Oh, baka, young fool, you don't know me well." I pulled out an energy bar. Lemon, my favorite flavor! I could see him dieing for a piece.well I could see him dieing for a piece and trying not to show it. "Hum, would you like some?" God I'm evil. I grinned. Irvine just looked at me, it must be disbelief. I gave him a chunk. He just looked at it. "What?" I was getting annoyed. "Its not poison." I laughed and bit off a piece of my half. "See?" He started to bite into his piece. Jeez.he doesn't talk at all. I never really noticed. God, its creepy. "So now, what do we do?" Irvine questioned me. I was surprised. I answered anyway. "Well, because the water is rising, I guess we wait?" I questioned myself, still not sure about what to do. That was the question. What to do. I huddled there, cold, shivering. Getting hungryyyyy! That bar seemed so far off now. I whimpered and buried my head in my hands. When are the guys coming to get us? Do they even know what's happened? I started to drift off into a sad, cruel, cold slumber. I was watching Irvine, with some one, who was cloaked in shadow. He was talking with the figure about something. Again and again he would smile and laugh, then he took the figure, leaned down and kissed the shorter person. As the figure walked into the light the dream around me slipped. I was cold, I snapped my eyes open. Who was the person Irvine was with? Who? Maybe Fiona? No. She is in love with Van. Then who could it be? I looked up at Irvine. I was surprised to catch his eye. He and I stared at each other for a while, and when I started to shiver he looked sad. I started to sneeze and noticed that the water was quickly rising up around us. I gasped and scooted back next to Irvine who was still watching me. This was an interesting trip. I leaned against his shoulder and felt a little better. I wondered who the girl was that Irvine kissed. For, I wasn't stupid enough to think Irvine is gay. "You cold?" Well, that was stupid Irvine. "Yes." I replied and sneezed again. "You're going to catch your death of cold." I sniffled and frowned. "One, don't use the word death in this situation, and two, why do you care?" "I don't.its just, I don't want you dead." Right. Anyway, this adventure was getting a little to rich for my blood. I wanted out, and now that the water was lapping at the stone, I was going crazy. "Irvine, what happens if we die?" I think saying this outright I startled him. He was quiet, and didn't blink. " Well." He said finally. "If you died I would feel very alone." I sniffed again, but this time, I didn't know if it was because of the cold or his touching words. " And you?" I looked up at him. I was going to have to tell him why? I guess its only fare. "Well." I started. "If you died, I would have no one to push me to do anything, I would have no friend I could talk to." I was stunned at my own answer. I love Irvine, I know that, but how deep did the love go? I drifted off into an untouched land. A/N- YA! Moonbay finally admitted her love for Irvine! What will happen next? Don't miss the next chapter! 6. Cold Times, Death Comes Again A-N- NEW CHAPTER! SoRy FoR tHe WaIt! "Moonbay!" I blinked. "Moonbay, get up now!" I could feel someone shake my shoulders and I slumped forward. "Go away, im not ready to get up, tell Van to make his own breakfast for once." I felt someone slap me on my right cheek and my eyes were open wide. "Ah..ah.." My eyes were watering, I was wondering why? I'm a strong person; just a little slap would hurt me so? " Im sorry." My head turned slowly to face a panicked, wide-eyed, sorrowful- You get my point. -Irvine. I fell-or rather collapsed into him, totally whipped out. I was cold, we had no food, and so I had no strength. I started to feel my body's senses coming back. And I looked out from the position I had on Irvine's chest. I almost cried, the water was just starting to cover the top of our stone. We were sitting in about 2 feet of water; add that onto how much had already flowed in from the sky, it was about 20 feet in all. And it was cold, the one day we come into town, is when the desert has its 3 day rain. Irvine's lips were blue, I could only assume mine were the same way. I became suddenly a where of how cold I was, I hugged Irvine for warmth. "We will die. Irvine, I don't want to die," I cried but Irvine shook me. "If you cry, you're more able to freeze." I didn't believe him, but I stopped anyway. I tried to warm the moment. How ironic. I touched Irvine's lips. They were cold. I smiled as I always did to myself when I would find myself thinking of him. But he did not smile back. He blinked in a worried way. Did he think I was mad? Maybe I am. But its worse to die alone then it is to with the person you care about, right? If I die with Irvine I will be happy. I was with him whether he likes it or not. It's getting colder. "We better say our last words." Irvine looked into my eyes as he said this. I nodded. We knew, from sounds above us that people were working to get us out. But the rain was too much and they had a long way to go till they found us. What Irvine suggested was a good idea. I should tell him? This might not be the best time in the world. A rock fell. The workers made a mistake and knocked loose the wrong bolder. It fell close to us and made a wave that swept up and over our heads. It was so cold that my lungs froze up, and as Irvine and I were swept off the rock, I couldn't breath. I tried to hold on to him, anything, his arm or hand, but it was so cold that I pulled myself into a curl position to keep my body heat in. Help. Irvine? Help. It's to cold. I sank in the water, the light that had crept into the cave moved out of sight as my body hit the bottom. I couldn't move or breathe. My body wouldn't move. It was too cold. At least below zero. I drifted into darkness as what seemed like fog crossed my vision. Again I felt death coming to claim me. Again my thoughts turned to Irvine. I hope he's okay. A-N- Im sowwwwwy! I haven't updated in a LONG time.well.3 or 4 days. Well, I like being loyal to my I want to update a.s.a.p! Don't worry all you fans out there! Chapter 7 is in the making! 7. Lost N/A- Hi ya, sry, I haven't had too much time too spare! Hopefully this will keep ya readen~! Please...I looked into a light that was far away. he okay? I wondered aloud. Did I wonder aloud? My mouth wasn't moving but my voice echoed as if I was in a great hall. I started to cry. I knew I was dead. I just knew it. But, aren't you supposed to meet people you love when you die? What if the person you love isn't dead? What if the person you love is being pulled out of freezing water along with your lifeless body? What if your body wasn't found? I scowled. Words came in and out my head. Swimming before my eyes. I want to be alive. I would give anything. Would you? The voice in my head came to me. It didn't seem like my own, but I answered anyway. Yes, I would. Anything? Yes. Your soul? Yes. What else? My peace of mind, my body, my life. Anything? Yes. Would you go back and stay with him? Yes. Does he love you as well? I stopped. Does he? The voice pressed on. Does he? If he does, I do as well. If not. I will love him still. So be it. Water whooshed around me. I couldn't breath. It felt as though a type of water. It was cold but hot at the same time. What is happening? My head cracked against a hard object. The pain was almost unbearable. Stars flashed before my eyes and a red tint soon filled them. I was relieved for a second to feel someone sitting me up, my back against a rock. Warm liquid touched my lips, and by instinct I opened them to drink the warm tea. I choked as soon as it started to coat my mouth. It was horrible. I tried to spit it out but some one tipped my head back and I was forced to drink it all. "Good. She's alive." I writhed on the ground. That horrible taste in my mouth. "Moonbay?" I shook my head and cracked it against the rock for the second time. Ouch. How many times am I gona do that? Someone muttered a few curse words and held my head. I wouldn't open my eyes; I didn't want to see anything. I didn't want to know what happened. But at the sound of his voice I snapped awake. I started to cry uncontrollably, wailing, hysterical crying. "Irvine, oh Irvine." I wailed some more. He looked stunned and held me. I was glad to be next to his body. He was warm; I was still cold because of the water. I don't even remember the trip back to camp, come to find out, it was just Van, Fiona, and a couple other town people helping them to get us out. All I remember about the trip to camp was Irvine having a few broken ribs, me being far better off physically, and sitting in his arms as the bumpy ride lulled me to sleep one again. I awoke for the second of third time this adventure I couldn't remember correctly. The stars were out and I decided to have a good walk around to clear my head. What I found though, was more trouble, my thoughts turned again to the dream I had as Irvine and I sat in the cave. I sighed; siting down I started to weep a little. Why? Was I scared that it wasn't me who he was kissing? Or was I crying because I. I couldn't think of another reason. "Moonbay?" I turned. N/A- aha! Don't miss the next chapter! Who is the person who voiced Moonbay's name? Come on ppl think good and hard! 8. Irvine? A/N- here ya go! Arrant ya glad im back? "I.I." "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to know if you were all right." I looked over at my partner in crime coming up to me. I smiled. "The real question, Is: Mr. I never get hurt, are you all right?" The smug baka just grinned. "Ya, Iv been in worse." I scowled. Evil he is, twisting my innocent concern for him into his own amusement. Was I being to over critical? I smirked. "Well, I know I'm hurting." He just looked at me, his eye patch back in place, as I flopped on my back onto the hill. He just kept looking at me with a sort of expression that I took to mean if he was questioning my sanity, so I laughed. But I didn't want to be mean to the one person I love. "You know, I .I want to . I want to say thanks for everything you have done for me." I think he was expecting something a little harsher. I mean, he was the one who got me into this mess. But you can't stay mad at him. I can't anyway. He scooted next to me and looked down at my face. "Well, it was nothing to it, besides, I did all the work." I twitched HE WAS SUCH AN I-D-I-O-T! He can't even take a complement or praise! I sat up so I was inches away from his face. "You know, you have some nerve." I must have a funny expression on my face when im trying to be mad or serious, he laughed at me. With out knowing I really did it, I was about to lean in and gave him a kiss on the cheek for a seal of affection. Before I had reached him he pulled away. "Moonbay?" I was surprised and hurt at the same time, I guess it wasn't me who he was kissing in my dream. I got up and started to make my way down the hill, on the verge of tears. I heard him laugh so I turned back to smack him. But he was looking at me, his eyes shimmering in the pale light. He turned away and choked out barley audible words. " Don't go." I walked back to him. This felt strangely familiar. "What?" I went up to him as he turned to face me and I ran my hand along the side of his face. He closed his eyes and smiled. Grabbing my hand he looked deep into my eyes and leaned in close. "I was so afraid when you were almost killed. You have always been behind me all the way. When I was hurt, you cared. What I guess I was never able to put into words was, well, I love you Moonbay." With that he pulled me into a kiss. A few days back I knew I loved him. But I didn't know how deep it was. Now I do. I would never want this to end, ever. But all things must stop. But, this wasn't a kiss of friendship that Fiona and I give each other before we head out on different directions. It was more then a kiss of friendship, It was a passionate kiss of love. I put my arm around his neck and tried not to more for fear of ruining the moment. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his body. Millions of thoughts were running through my mind. I imagined us traveling together along with the other happy couple. I smiled a little at the thought and leaned into him more. As we had to pull away, I blushed. The sun was just coming over the top of the mountains and the dew on the grass sparkled in first light. "I love you Irvine." ~ Fin? A/N- Hi, ya It mite be over, unless you want me to do a 'day after' or 'in the next few days' please review and tell me what ya think! Thanks so much for reading. I enjoyed everyone who sent me reviews. I would also like to give a special thanks to the people who put me on their favorite authors and/or stores list! Im writing more and more stories, so keep a look out for me! P.S. - Forgetting to put a disclaimer at the start, here it is: I do not own Zoids, or the characters, I can only dream. 9. Telling The Others (thanks for all the people who stuck with me when I couldn't figure out what the hell to write, thanks!) ~A/N- Well, the people have spoken! I think I will write a few more chapters to this story, maybe 11, and 12? Or maybe just 9. I am totally at a writer's block. So after I do this chapter, I have no other place to go with this. Anyone have an idea? Send me an e-mail or put it in your review! Wana totally thank bishoujo-angel for helping me get over my writers block, THANKS! Starten that rpg helped soooo much! Raja: *rolls eyes* I could have helped!! *fwaps the lil forest-light fairy over the head* but ya diddent! Don't mind her, she comes and goes when she wants. Raja: YA RIGHT! Only when you r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r! *clamps hand over her mouth* on to the..uh..*sweatdrop* story.. Total sappiness. That's what the day was going to be. I could just tell, by the way Irvine was smiling like a drunken cow it would be. It was like he was ruling the world, or like he was getting all the gold at the end of the rainbow. Well, gold can't compare to me, so I guess its okay. I guess. "Can you please tell me what we are going to do when we get down to camp?" Irvine wasn't keen on the idea of Van knowing about anything. " We can't hide it all day long, and there going to know sooner or later." "How?" "I will tell Fiona, simple as that, she will tell Van, simple." "Great." Irvine sighed and glared his one eye at the camp that was just starting to come alive. I rolled my eyes. "Take this stupid thing off." I reached behind his head and untied his eye patch, sticking it into my pocket. He blinked, shutting his eyes because of the light. That's totally better now. I wish he would where it like that all the time. Not where it. I smiled and chucked it down the hill and it landed next to my bags at camp. Iv got a good arm! I could play ball. "You didn't have to toss it down the hill." Irvine trailed off, still squinting. I leaned on him. "It gives it more of a dramatic effect." "Ya.sick drama and romance." I hit him in the arm. How dare he! I scowled. "I'm not sick on romance." He scoffed. Running down the hill, he called back to me. "Your so sick on romance and ya need it to live!" My eyes got wide and I ran after him, yelling at I went, my unmistakably loud voice waking up Van and Fiona. "What's all the noise?!" Van jumped up and yawned as he sat up in his sleeping bag. Dumb boy. I slapped him in the back of the head, and proceeded to make breakfast. "Nothing you need to know about, just that Irvine and I are in love. Now Fiona, come help me please." I tried not to laugh as Van stared me down. "Naw." Van formed a wide grin, and Irvine a sweatdrop. He repeated this line a couple of times and shook his head. "The famous protector, who is even now hardly a speck compared to my fame, and a bad singer." We all knew he was joking, but even Irvine only takes a joke so far. WHAM. Van now had a nice, neat dent in his head. Fiona even laughed as he sprawled out backwards. Irvine raised an eyebrow and gave a satisfied grin. "That'll teach ya. What's for breakfast?" He asked casually, as if he had done nothing more then water a bush. ~A/n- well, it was short, but im TRYING to make them longer, but as you all see, it takes me longer to do, that means few and far between updates. So, would you like me to do large major updates lets say, 2 times a month, maybe one, or lots of small chapters every 1 or 2 weeks? And, just for your information, this mite become a LONG, LONG story, one where destine comes into play, so I mite have to do large chapters. Does any1 know how many chapters u can have on I'v only seen 37 at the most. Well, please review!!!!!!!!!! 10. Promise A/n- A revised ending. * * * "So, how long till the next town?" I sat with Irvine in his Zoid, watching the sunset. "I duno, maybe a day or two?" I smiled as I looked at Van and Fiona; they were sitting by camp, laughing at something. I cuddled next to Irvine, who ignored me as usual. He thinks its he's just too cool for that stuff, yeah, I know better. I yawned as the cold of night swept over I looked over at the moon. "Promise me something." Irvine whispered in a hushed, kill-me-softly voice. I smiled to myself. "What?" "Whatever happens let it stay like this." "Like what?" I asked, sure I was being coy but a little confused at what he meant. "We'll always say like this." I smiled, smirked really. What a stupid thing to say. I thought. But then, I felt a lump in m throat. "I can't predict the future, I can't-" "Yes you can." Irvine turned his head around to me and looked right in my eyes, something lay in them, something bright. "You can do anything. I know it." He leaned in and caught my lips before I could utter out a response. Well, whatever will happen, it'll been fine. As long as I've got Irvine I'll be fine. I felt his lips move to my cheek, kissing away my tears. * * * A/N- For years I have been unhappy with the ending to this story and I've felt awful for just sticking a lame chapter for its conclusion. Now I'm satisfied. End file.
Summer Nights by ElfMaidenOfLight
Change CHANGE by KAndrw ----- Contains implied, non-explicit sex. ----- Bit and Leon were fighting a training battle - Leon's Blade Liger vs Bit in Liger Zero Schneider. It was an even match, when all of a sudden... A missile streaked out of nowhere and slammed into the Blade Liger, its Terrawatt Shock Warhead disabling the zoid's primary systems and knocking Leon temporarily unconscious. "Prepare for trouble", a sinister voice announced on the radio. It was Stoller! "Make it double", followed his partner Pierce. Then in unison: "Bit Cloud, we've come for your Liger Zero, and *this* time we will not be stopped!" "MYORTH! ZATCH RARHT!", bellowed Stoller and Pierce's Elephander, as it launched a second missile, directly at Liger Zero. Wrestling with the controls, Bit threw his zoid sideways, but was still caught a glancing blow. Electricity arced across Liger Zero, crippling some of the peripheral systems, and sending uncomfortable tingles up and down Bit's spine. Lights and readouts in the cabin blew, and Bit called out to Leon: "Leon! Dude! Are you okay? Schneider can't handle this sort of punishment - I'm going to need Liger Zero Panzer for this engagement! I'll swing past you and then head back to the Hovercargo - be ready to jump on board." "Wuhhh... Oh, okay", replied Leon, dazed. He clambered out of the cockpit and watched as Liger Zero approached, dodging the laser blasts fired from the pursuing Elephander. Crossing his fingers, he leapt, hit the side of Liger Zero's head, and began slipping down. "I gotcha buddy", said Bit, reaching out and grabbing Leon's arm, then hauling him into the cockpit. Leon squeezed in behind Bit and the canopy closed, and Bit lit Liger Zero's ion boosters. As the mighty cat streaked away, Stoller drew careful aim on it's receding form, then squeezed off a single shot. The bullet sped across the gap between the zoids and punctured Liger Zero's rear left calf. The Liger stumbled, and Bit wrenched the controls to prevent a catastrophic collapse. More warning lights flashed and blew, and hydraulic cables burst under the strain, showering Bit and Leon with fluid - the Liger was at the limit of its abilities, recovering from a crippling shot at maximum speed, but Bit's skill as a pilot eventually won true. Liger Zero half-ran/half-limped into the Hovercargo, and Bit shouted over the radio: "Doc, give me Liger Zero Panzer! Stoller and Pierce are back, AGAIN" "Jeez, don't they ever give up?", replied Doc Toros. "Here comes Panzer!" The mechanical arms snaked out from the interior of the Hovercargo and brushed against the Schneider armour, and Bit felt an unfamiliar thrill. It was almost as if he could feel the rough touch of the servo arms on his own skin, and it was exhilarating! He was overcome with a hunger for what was to come, and he suddenly realised - this was Liger Zero's emotion he was feeling - the electrical discharge from the warhead must have taken the uncanny link he already had with his zoid, and fused it into an emotional connection. The robot arms peeled off Liger Zero's armour, exposing the vulnerable structure beneath. The sensation of the cold air against 'his' naked flesh made Bit shiver, and he found himself reaching out to Leon. EDITED FOR SENSITIVE SOULS ... lubricating hydraulic fluid . ... bolts sliding into place . ... pulled hair . ... muffled cries . ... lost inhibitions ... YOU CAN OPEN YOUR EYES AGAIN Bit fell back into the seat, slick and exhausted. He turned to Leon: "Um. Wow. I don't know where that came from. I'm sorry if I..." "No... no, don't apologise, I wanted..." "But I never intended to..." "Oh, me neither. But..." "Don't get me wrong, it was, well..." "Yes." "Maybe it would be best if we didn't tell anybody else about this? Perhaps just get back to the battle?" "Okay. That sounds... oh. Um, Bit? The screens." Bit turned around slowly, taking in the images on the screens around the cockpit. At some point in the encounter, one of them must have knocked on the visual communicator. In one screen, Doc Toros starring, open mouthed. In another, Brad and Leena, blushing and avoiding eye contact with each other. In a third, Stoller and Pierce, both visibly perspiring. "Hey, guys", said Pierce. "We've kinda just remembered about this thing we have to do." "Yes, that thing", said Stoller. "So, uh, if it's cool with you, we'll this call this battle a tie or something. Pick it back up later?" "Ciao", finished Pierce, switching off the communicator as the Elephander turned and lumbered off, walking slightly awkwardly. End file.
Change by KAndrw
You Know Me Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. Don't sue me. You Know Me You know me. You've probably seen me. I hang around the graveyard, because that's where I work. Most people say that being a gravedigger must be only a job for the morbid, the ones who love death. But not really. Just ones who understand it, and respect it. It comes to all, even the heroes. We have a hero here, in fact. Laying in his grave not ten feet away from where I stand, under this here weeping willow. Why is it that willows are always in graveyards? I suppose to make such a stark place a little more beautiful. Not that it needs it. There's always flowers here, notes from the living, wreathes to celebrate the holidays. There's always some on _his_ grave. Yeah, that's the hero I'm talking about. You see his grave, don't you? The one with the large white headstone, the one with the bunch of yellow roses on it. He lies right under there. I saw him when they brought him in the be buried, lying there all peaceful-like, that blonde woman weeping silently. That says even more than the crowds that packed into here that day. He may have saved almost the whole world from almost certain destruction, but that woman crying told me he was truly, truly loved, not just celebrated. There's a difference, you know. The world may mourn his death, but when you have those that cry with true passion as you're laid in the grave, it says that you were a large part of that person's life. Perhaps you _were_ that person's life. Ah, but that man died young. But they say that the good die young, don't they? We have so many young here, just like that other young man that lies next to the hero. Only a couple people came, his funeral being only a couple days after the hero's. Some of the same people turned up at this man's funeral, all dried eyed, though the green-eyed woman looked like she was about to break in half. I saw him too as he was laid into the grave, that small smile of his sending chills down my spine. Yeah, that's his headstone right there, the black one, the one with the holly next to it. That's one that I doubt the world will mourn. I find it odd that they would lay the hero's greatest rival and enemy next to the hero himself, but perhaps that was their wish. I knew them both, you see. Or rather, I knew of them. The Hero and the Dark One. Complete opposites, it seems. White and black. Good and evil, I suppose. But I saw them both and they could be described as similar. Black hair on both, red marks on their faces, both warriors. Were they really that different in life? Because almost all the dead look the same. End file.
You Know Me by Dissolution
blue angel EEK! I forgot this for the first while! Zoids isn't mine, of course! ... However much I wish. *sulk.* However! THIS story is! ^^ However bad it must be! -verdandi *So cold... It's so cold being alone, out here. And the only thing I can do now is mull over my sorry past, counting each and every wrong turn I've made during this life. You know, I've made so many. I don't think I could ever atone for all of my terrible sins. Where has my humanity gone? Dare I ask, though? Because I have the bitter taste of hate, as the ancient feeling of overwhelming... sadness. And those are human. This whole time, I've been killing and hurting, and Nicholo... you still remember who I was before that time. I'm so ashamed that I could've blemished that image of innocent... perfection, that you set me in. You were a wonderful friend, though.. though I knew you for such a short time. And though you knew me for such a small time, you died for me. It seems that thousands of people have died in my wake, and I feel terrible when I say.. Yours was the only one that counts, my friend. Children.. we were so clean, innocent. I miss that innocence. I miss having clean hands. You'll forever be a child, forever innocent. Every time I look at Raven, I see you, deep down in his face. Despite his personality, I know you're the same.. Even though he is also like myself, no longer innocent. Raven is his own person, I know: but I see you in him. Raven won't ever die, but just in case.. I'll be his 'guardian angel', Nicholo. Just like you were mine.* Ryss was sitting noiselessly at the edge of a sleek drop into oblivion, a boomingly high plateau that seemed to be the bridge between worlds, it stretched for the atmosphere. The wind there was violent and freezing, as unforgiving as the searing hot down on the deserts of Zi, below. Both Specula and the Geno-Saurer were not to be found, making her presence there a small miracle. She let her head drift to the side, leaning back in such a manner that she could push her shoulder up to support it. Almost radioactive-bright blue eyes were hidden behind relaxed eyelids, the tines of eyelashes resting placatedly on each cheek. A ghost of a smile was stirring on her lips. She could see an unpainted Helcat sprinting below, throwing up sand, and disappearing behind clouds occasionally. Specula gurgled quietly, and Ryss's eyes lifted open. She could see the Genobreaker tearing across below, throwing up waves of sand, and disappearing behind clouds occasionally. Ryss kicked up to her feet, and gazed down on the sight through the eyes of a god for a bit longer, before folding her arms and falling back to the blue organoid, which promptly split its chest cavity, coiled the girl in living wire, and folded up around her. Specular took a few launching steps, and shot off of the edge of the plateau, diving toward the distant ground as a blur of radiant energy. End file.
blue angel by verdandi1
1. The Party Authors note: Hey Im back! Thanks allot for all the support during my other fics cuz I really do appreciate it so much.... wow a third story.... never thought I would even continue with the first. It's all because of the great reviews from all of you. Thanks! Disclaimer: I do not own zoids but I do own the plot and some of the characters in this story. All the other characters are owned by their respective owners. Please do not take this plot or the characters without my or the owners permission. Thanks! My spell check is not working right so some of the words may still be mispelled. Im sorry. I tried to have a friend use his spell check, but the when he sent it back to me through email, my computer just kept doing that stupid "this program has prefored an illigal operation thing" once again, sorry. Hope you enjoy! CHAPTER ONE "Come on Nadia!" A young man with shoulder length silver hair and brilliant bright blue eyes yelled, "We're going to be late!" He continued to climb the cliffs quickly, the two setting crimson moons of Zi illuminating his silver hair in a strange light. He wore an open black vest with no undershirt, and dark blue pants and gloves. His black boots had mettle tips, and they dug into the rocks as he climbed. He looked down at his twin sister and fiddled with the earring in his left ear, "Damn! Hurry up!" "Wait up Koh!" Nadia yelled, her waist length silver hair swaying slightly in the breeze. She turned her bright silver eyes on her brother, "I'm going as fast as I can!" Koh sighed and finished scurrying up the cliffs. He then knelt at the edge of the cliff, letting his hand hang to try and reach his sister. She took his hand and he easily pulled her the rest of the way. "Thanks." Nadia stood, brushing the dirt of of herself. She wore a low cut light blue shirt, along with a light blue short skirt. She also wore a long white jacket that reached her knees, and a pair of tan boots and white lace gloves. Around her neck was a necklace of a phoenix that her father had made for her on her 15th birthday. "Come on!" Koh grabbed her hand and pulled her the rest of the way. They ran to the eastern side of the cliff, just as the horizon began to fade into a soft purple. The stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the sun show it's brilliant face over the distant horizon. They saw the soft beams of light spread over the great desert of Zi, and the waterfall Oasis on which they stood. "Happy birthday, Koh." Nadia said, watching as the sky changed from soft purple to light pink, and finaly blue. "Yeah. You too." Koh answered. "You know what day it is don't you.... other than our birthday?" Nadia giggled. "Of course. It's the one day of the year where kids can go around dressed up as anything they want to be.... do anything they want to do. Its the only time of year when you can be someone your not...." He grinned mischievously, like a five your old looking at a big red button that says "Do not touch" right on it, "It is the best holiday of the year.... Halloween!" Nadia sighed, "Yeah. I just hope that you and uncle Cloud don't go overboard again." "What are you talking about!?" Koh said grinning madly, "We did not go overboard!" "Koh!" Nadia eyed her brother, "You scared three kids so bad that their parents came and complained! Not to mention what you did to all of us!" "Ah, common! It's halloween!" He jumped onto of a flat rock and looked down at his sister, "You are aloud to scare the crap out of people, expected to play creepy jokes and games," He counted each subject down on his fingers, "Get to dress up however the hell you want, and... the best part... candy. All the candy you can eat." "And get sick on." Nadia said, "Remember?!" "No." Koh said innocently, "Did someone get sick?" Nadia sighed. The previous year Koh had eaten his entire bag of candy within an hour. For the entire next week he was too sick to even get out of bed. He had complained so much and had vowed that he would never eat another piece of candy again. That vow ended one day after he had gotten out of bed. "Hey..." Nadia thought for a second, "Didn't mom say all of her old friends were coming for a party?" Koh nodded, "I think so. I can barely remember them; how long ago was it that we last saw them?" "I dunno." Nadia shook her head, "I remember some of them..." "Koh! Nadia!" The twins heard their fathers voice fill the Oasis, "Come and eat!" Koh and Nadia raced down the cliffs and to the front of the waterfall. Koh ran strait through the rushing water as Nadia walked around, as not to get her clothes wet. Once inside, Koh, dripping wet, sat at the table, winning his race with a look of triumph on his face. ********************************** "Get up Kristen your breakfeast is getting cold.... You too Izumi." Rei's voice filled the halls of the FireBlazers base, "Goji, Lavender and Shiro are already up!" Kristen groaned and pulled the covers off her head, looking over at the clock... 8 in the morning..... She groaned again as her mothers voice filled the halls. "Damn it Rei!" She heard her mother scream, "I said five more minutes! You don't have to pour cold water on my face! Im gonna kill you!" Rei's laugheder echoed through the halls, "Kristen your next if you don't get your butt out of bed!" "Im up!" The young 17 year old yelled, pushing herself up. She yawned and ran a hand through her short dark blue hair, then dressed into her usual blue jeans and white shirt. Shivering slightly, she put on her spiked belt, then her black gloves. Last but not least she picked up her fathers old leather jacket and put it on. Kristen yawned again as she walked into the kitchen, where her mother was still fuming and wet. She sat at the table and asked, "What's to eat?" "Ham and eggs." Lavender answered, serving her a plate, "Shiro and Goji have already eaten and are getting the gustav ready," She checked her watch and said, "Don't forget, we're heading to Rains today for the halloween party." "Oh yeah." Izumi said looking up from her food, "I forgot today was halloween." Rei sat down, finnaly done with the cooking, "And today we finaly get to see Rain again. Not to metnion Cloud, Hiro, and the kids." "They're sixteen now arn't they?" Izumi asked, "Man it's been a long time..." "I know. I can't believe how fast time has gone by." Rei continued, "When we last saw them, Kristen was only 7." Just then Goji walked in followed by a young man with spiked black hair and crimson colored eyes. He looked like a younger version of his father, and wore a red muscle shirt and black pants. His face was softer than Goji's was, showing only the tinyest hint of his mother's looks. "It's ready to go." Goji said, pulling a chair over and sitting, "Shiro and I have got everything." "Good." Lavender said, "Are the zoids loaded too?" "Yeah." Shiro said, "Do you know how hard it is to load 6 zoids to a gustav?" Izumi laughed, "We need to get another one. Rei?" "Yeah?" Rei asked stuffing his face full of eggs. "Do we have all the parts we need to build another Gustav?" Izumi asked. "Um... yeah, except some small ones." Rei answered. He had kept all the old parts that used to be in his guarge and moved them over to the Fire Blazers base." "Then why don't you call Ryuji and order the parts?" Goji sugested, "While your at it ask if he and his daughter are going." Rei finished his last bit of ham and nodded, "Alright, I'll call him and place an order." he got up and walked to the phone... ******************************************* Ryuji answered the phone, "Hello?" "Hey Ryuji." Rei's voice filled the other line, "So are you two going?" "To Rains party?" Ryuji asked, "Of course. Ayane is in the shower getting ready at the moment." He sat on a couch in his house, "Any particular reason why you called?" "Yeah... I wanna order a couple of parts. Im planning on building another Gustav." "Ok, let me get a pencil..." Ryuji found a pencil and paper, "Ok, what do you need?" He scribbled down the parts that Rei mentioned and put them in his coat pocket. "So how much does that come out to?" Rei asked. "Don't worry about it. Those parts are all relatively cheap so their on the house." Ryuji answered. Ever since he had recovered from his wounds after the Black Death was destroyed, he had become a well known part dealer... and had become quite wealthy. He had met a beautiful young lady named Selena, fallen in love, and had a daughter named Ayane. Unfortunately, Selena had died in the delivery, leaving him to bring up the little girl by himself. Ayane was now 14 years old, and was quite the tomboy. "Thanks Ryuji. See you Later!" Rei said, hanging up the phone. Ryuji hung up his phone just as Ayane walked in, running a comb through her chin-length purple hair. "Who was that dad?" "Rei. He needed some parts and was curious about if we were going to the party." "Oh." Ayane walked to the fridge and pulled out the milk. She then poured herself a glass and drank. She was wearing a loose red t-shirt, with a loose black leather jacket with torn off sleeves. Her cargo pants were black along with her mettle tipped boots. She had pale skin and her clothes gave her the whole "male goth look." She could easily be mistaken for a very pretty guy... which didn't seem to bother her. Her gray eyes turned to her father, "When are we leaving?" "Soon." Ryuji answered, "Is the GunGyarados ready?" The two of them had worked hard to repair the old broken down zoid that Ryuji's "Evil side," Copper, used to use. Ryuji wanted it to be used for a good reason this time, and had entrusted the powerful zoid to his daughter. "Yeah." **************************************** "Arn't you Glad Ligar?" Bit asked his Ligar 0, "We get to go see everyone again!" The zoid roared happily, just as and 18 year old Rion walked into the hanger of the hover cargo, "Hey dad." Rion had Golden blond hair and bright green eyes just like his father. He wore a black turtleneck undershirt with a tan overshirt and maroon pants. His boots were tan and his golden knuckled gloves were white, "Mom and Grandpa want to know if the zoids are ready. Will says that Ori and Jemie are ready too." "Ligar and the other zoids are all ready. Check your zoid out, make sure it's ready before we go." Bit said with another roar coming from the Ligar 0. Rion smiled, "Hi Ligar!" The ligar growled, his way of saying hello. Rion walked over to his zoid, a white Blade Ligar that his grandfather had bought for him on his 16th birthday. It had jet black blades and crimson red eyes, and three extra blades on the tip of the tail. He made sure it was ready then yelled over to Bit, "Im going to tell mom and Grandpa we're all ready." Rion walked out of the hanger and down one of the halls, accidentally running into Will, "Sorry." "That's ok, So is everything set?" Will asked, his soft gray eyes peering out from his glasses. Will had brown hair and was 16 years old. He had on a yellow long sleeved shit and white cargo pants, along with a pair of brown regular boots. "Yeah." Rion answered, "The ligar 0 even seems as excited about this party as mom and dad do." "According to my mom they haven't seen their friends for ten years... they've kept in touch of course, but haven't actually seen each other. I also heard Doc say that he was planning on challenging the Sky Raiders to a battle." "Really?" Rion's face lit up, "Think he'll let us fight?" "I dunno..." The two continued their conversation as they made their way to the main computer room to inform the good doctor that they were ready to take off. ***************************************** "Are you ready Tyra?" Leon asked. He had just finished packing the Gustav. "Yeah." Tyra nodded, "Naomi and Brad said they'll be ready to go in a sec." "Ok. Are you ready Hikari?" Leon turned to his 14 year old daughter. Hikari had Light brown hair and eyes, and was kind of tall for her age. She wore a lavender shirt and black sorts, with high black boots. "Im ready. We're taking the zoids right dad?" "Yeah." Leon answered, "and their already loaded, all we're waiting on now is Naomi and Brad." "We're ready," Brad said as he and Naomi both walked out of the base. "Good. Lets get going then." Tyra said, "It shouldn't take us too long to get their." The Flugel team piled into their red gustav and took off, heading in the direction of the Waterfall base. ************************************* Zack flew over the hot desert sands in his Bahamut 0, his son's Lightning Siax traveling not far behind. His wife, April, had decided to stay home, and look after everything there. A screen blinked on, revealing Zacks son, Jessie, "He dad?" Jessie had spiked dark green hair and wine colored eyes, and was tall and thin, yet intimidating looking. He was 18 years old, and wore a blue sleeveless shirt and jeans. His gloves were wine red, with silver spikes on the knuckles. "Yeah?" Zack asked. "You said this is a party right?" Jessie asked mischievously. "No your not allowed to drink." Zack answered, knowing exactly what his son was getting at. "Damn." Jessie closed the com-link with a laugh and smile. Zack grinned humorously. It would only be a short time until he saw all of his old friends again, and he couldn't wait. *************************** "Psssst! Koh, get over here." Cloud whispered from around a corner at his young nephew. Koh took the hint and walked over to his uncle, "What is it?" "We have to get some good tricks and jokes in this year kid." Cloud said with a wide grin, "Especially since everyone will be here. Im counting on you to help me out." Koh grinned mischievously, "What did you have in mind?" "Hehe, you'll love this." Cloud went about explaining his idea to Koh, quietly so that Hiro, Rain or Nadia wouldn't hear. ~~~~~~~End of chapter one~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Hope you liked it. I know it wasn't a very good chap, but that was because I was trying to fit in all the characters. Next chapter will be much better I promise. I wanted to get this chapter up by halloween too. Enjoy! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 2. Tarantula Authors note: Thanks for all the great reviews, and Im happy that you liked it. I hope everyone had a happy halloween and got lots of candy! (I did! *Pulls a reeses out of thin air and begins to munch*) Anywho, heres chapter 2! CHAPTER 2 "You got it?" Cloud asked, his eyes dancing mischievously. "Yeah." Koh nodded, "But mom hates spiders..." "I know." Cloud seemed as excited as an eleven year old on the first day of summer vacation. He clapped his hands together and over-dramatically said, "It will be the best gag ever." "You know, moms gonna be pretty pissed off at you." Koh said, the same look of mischief on his face. "Nah. Rain's pretty good at taking jokes." Cloud said, "Come-on and i'll show him to you." Koh followed Cloud down the hall and into the older zoid pilots room. Cloud looked down the hallway and noticed that nobody was coming. He then shut the door and locked it, motioning for Koh to take a seat in the bed. Koh nodded and complied. Cloud then went to his dresser and opened one of the drawers. He grinned and pulled out a small, clear, glass container, then carried it over to Koh. Koh gasped. Inside the container had to be the biggest tarantula that he had ever seen. He turned to his uncle and sarcastically said, "Don't you think it's going a bit... oh I dunno... overboard? Even for you?" Cloud took a seat next to his nephew and said, "Koh, Koh, Koh... haven't I taught you anything? It's called "sibling rivalry" and it lasts until your old and gray. I'm your mom's older brother... Im expected to play mean jokes on her." He grinned, "Plus she deserves it after what she made me do the last time everyone showed up for a little get together. I'll never forget that day 10 years ago." "Your holding a grudge from 10 years ago!?" Koh exclaimed, "Why?!" "Your mom made me watch all of you." Cloud said, "All the whiny little brats! You guy's were monsters when you were little. I had to watch ALL of you. It was almost literally hell on earth." "Hey... I think I remember that..." Koh said, grinning, "Didn't you end up locking us in a closet telling us it was a new version of hide and seek?" "Yeah..." Cloud scratched the back of his head, "I had enough of all the little cries of "Im hungry" or "im cold" or "I'm tired"... so I told you we were going to play a game called Closet hide and seek." He laughed, "I told you that if you stayed perfectly still and quiet, your mom and the others wouldn't be able to find you..." Koh laughed and pushed a strand of his long sliver hair behind his ear, "But, still, that is a big spider." Cloud laughed and said, "I know. You have to keep this quiet Koh, even from Nadia. If she were to find out she'd run strait to your mom." Cloud got up to put the spider away.... but in his hurry he accidentally dropped the container. It was like slow motion as the two trouble makers watched the glass container fall through the air. Cloud tried to grab it but it slipped from his grasp... The glass shattered and the spider made a mad dash under Clouds bed. Both Koh and Cloud dove after it, accidentally smacking right into each other. "Damn!" They both cried at the same time, rubbing their heads. "Help me turn the bed on it's side!" Cloud said. The two of them lifted the bed onto its side, then gasped in horror as they watched the large, hairy tarantula dash into a hole in the wall. "Shit." Was the only thing Cloud could manage to get through his lips. He then went into a small cursing fit and said, "My plan is ruined AND we have a huge tarantula running free through the base!" He turned to Koh, "Common we have to find it... the room on the other side of the wall is yours so lets go check it out." Just then the doorbell rang, and both Cloud and Koh's faces went pail. The guests were already arriving. That meant that they had no time to look for the spider... Meanwhile... Rain opened the door and smiled as she saw who it was. "Hello Rain! Long time no see!" Rei said warmly, "How's it been?" Izumi was standing next to him, and behind them stood Goji and Lavender. "Hey you guy's. Come on in." Rain let them in and said, "Where are the kids?" "Trying to drown each other in the waterfall probably." Izumi answered blankly. She smiled and said, "So how's life been treaten ya?" "Pretty good." Rain said, just as two soaking wet teenagers approached the door. Shiro was scowling and Kristen had a smile on her face. "Damn it, Kristen!" Shiro said angrily, "That was not cool." Kristen laughed, "Your right. It was cold." "That's not what I meant!" Shiro growled, "I didn't mean the water." Rain grinned and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you two." Shiro and Kristen stopped arguing and turned their attention to Rain. "Did you guy's bring your zoids?" Rain asked. "Yeah." Goji said, "They're at the gustav." "Then go ahead and take them into the hanger, there's plenty of room in there." Rain instructed, "Then you guy's can come up into the main room. I'll be waiting for you in there." The others all nodded and left, heading back to the gustav. They each got in their separate cockpits and took them through the waterfall. Rain watched through the glass wall as they all came into the hanger. She was amazed by both Kristen and Shiro's zoids. Kristens zoid was a custom built fox type zoid. 'Rei must have built it for her' Rain thought. The fox was dark purple, with three separate tails. It had a laser-canon on it's back, and what seemed to be titanium alloy claws and teeth. On its shoulders were two gatling-guns, and inside it's mouth was a beam laser. Shiro's zoid was also amazing. It was obviously a human type, and was painted dark blue and black, and had bright orange eyes. On its back was a type of bow, that looked to Rain like it used a type of energy charged arrows. Along its arms it had retractable blades, and what looked like a dagger on the side of its arm. "Wow." Rain said, "I bet they make one heck of a team." She turned and saw both Cloud and Koh shuffle into the room, their faces pale and a fake look of innocence written on them. Rain couldn't help but smile. Koh reminded her allot of Cloud, not only by how he acted, but how he looked and talked as well. "What are you two up too?" Rain demanded, a smile still on her face. "Nothing. Why would you think that sis?" Cloud said innocently. "Mom, where's dad and Nadia?" Koh asked, noticing neither of them present. "They went to the store to get some snacks and stuff." Rain said, "Why?" "I was just curious." Koh said, walking over to look down on the incoming zoids, "Oh wow!" Cloud came over and looked down, "Those are some pretty unique zoids." "I know. They look pretty powerful as well." Rain added, "I can't help but admire the fox type one." Goji and Lavender were the first to enter the room, followed not to far behind by the others. They noticed Koh and Cloud. "Hello Cloud!" Lavender said giving Cloud a small hug, "It's been awhile!" She then turned to Koh, "And who is this handsome young man. Koh I presume?" Koh blushed slightly, and shook her hand, "Yeah." The doorbell rang again and Rain excused herself to go answer it. She walked down the hallways and to the door. Opening it, she saw that it was Zack and his son Jessie. "Hello Zack." Rain said, "And your Jessie, right?" Jessie smiled, "Yes. Hi." "How are you Rain?" Zack asked, stepping inside and following Rain down the hall, Jessie not far behind him. "Im fine, what about you Zack?" "Im doing well." Zack said, "April decided to stay at the base, and take care of things." "All right," Rain said, "You two make yourselves at home. Rei, Izumi, Goji, Lavender, Kristen and Shiro are already here." She paused, "Oh, did you bring your zoids?" "Yeah," Jessie said. "Then you may want to put them in the hanger. You know the way Zack, meet us back in the main room when your finished alright?" "Ok. We'll be back." Zack and Jessie left to put their zoids in the hanger. Rain walked into the main room and chuckled as Kristen and Shiro were amazed at the glass wall. The two of them were looking down, enjoying the view of all the zoids, and gasping at the bahamut as it entered. Koh joined them, also amazed by the dragon type zoid. "Jeeze mom. That's the only dragon type zoid I've seen besides yours... and a couple of reddlers." Koh said. Rain sat on the couch, laughed and said, "That's the bahamut. What is Jessie piloting?" "A customized Lightning Siax." Koh answered. "I like the red and black iron kong that's down there." Kristen said, "And the black and teal Konig wolf." "The iron kong is mine." Koh bragged, "It's got enforced spiked hands, and two beam guns on each one. It's also got other weapons." "And I take it the Konig wolf is Nadia's?" Goji asked curiously. "Yeah." Rain said, "It's main weapons are its enforced teeth and claws, and it has a removable beam canon. In it's mouth we installed a EC canon. It's a special type of canon that sends an electrical impulse through the opponent zoid, having a 50/50 chance of freezing it completely. But, it's a hard weapon to use and has only a 75-85% accuracy. We also imputed a shield generator." "That's a powerful Konig wolf," Zack said, entering the room. "I like the black armor with the teal and blue stripes." "Yes, Koh and Nadia both chose their zoids." Rain explained, "So they also got to choose the colors." They chatted a while until the doorbell rang and Rain ran to see who it was.... Koh and Cloud were still worried about the tarantula, and had disappeared to go look for it.... ~~~~~~~End of chapter 2~~~~~~ Authors note: Hey, Hope you enjoy it. Oh and Himeko... I named Kristen after my friend Kristen, It was just a coincidence that it's your name too.... though it is a strange one! lol. 3. The necklace Authors note: Thanks again for all the great reviews. I really do hope you are enjoying the story so far and I promise that it will get better eventually.... Oh and if your interested, I posted a story in the Chrono Cross section called Scars left by time. If anybody is a fan of Chrono Cross, please read and review it. Anywho, here's chapter 3! CHAPTER 3 Rain opened the door and saw the next guests to arrive, Ryuji and Ayane. "Hello you two." Rain said, "Ryuji, did you bring the GunGyarados?" "Yeah," Ryuji said. "Then why don't you put it in the hanger. You can meet us in the main room when your done, since you already know where it is." She turned to Ayane, "Your Ayane, right?" Ayane nodded, "Yeah." "Ok. Come on, I'll show you to the main room." Rain took Ayane to the main room where the other three teenagers were already talking excitedly about the now entering GunGyarados. The group each made their introductions and the kids stayed at the glass wall, watching all the incoming zoids. The adults all sat and talked. The only two not present were Cloud and Koh, who, at the moment, just happened to be looking for the big harry tarantula they had accidentally let loose. Eventually everyone arrived, and their was quite a collection of zoids in the hanger. Leon, Naomi, and hikari's zoids were the last ones in. Hikari piloted a beautiful yellow shield Ligar, with brilliant violet eyes. The Blitz team kept their zoids in the hover cargo, but according to Doctor Tauros, Will piloted a dark green Raynos, and he piloted it quite well. They were still unsure as to if he was a third generation wild eagle. Rion piloted his white Blade Ligar with black blades. It had extra blades on the end of it's tail, and was quite a sight to see. Koh and Cloud soon returned to the group, as pale faced as ever, and unsuccessful in finding their lost spider. They made their introductions and looked at all the unique zoids in the hanger, then sat and began to chit-chat. Rion, Kristen and Koh immediately became quick friends, and began talking about all the times they had been in trouble. Shiro, Will and Hikari had also become good friends, each laughing and talking about various strategies and battles they had fought. Ayane sat in a chair by herself, looking down at the collection of zoids and thinking to herself. She watched as a new Gustav suddenly appeared inside the hanger, and two people stepped out. One, the girl, had long silver hair, while the other, was a man that had flaming red hair and was quite tall. The each carried three or four bags filled with snacks and junk food, and were talking and laughing about something. She then saw a small organoid run out to them, take some of the bags away from the girl, and carry them along side the two humans. Nadia and Hiro walked in, made their introductions, and put away the food. Some of the adults made comments about how pretty Nadia was, making her blush. She and Lightstrike quickly made their way to her room, to put away something she had bought for herself. Nadia opened the door to her room and walked in, LightStrike following at her heals. She turned on the light and looked at her desk. She had inherited her drawing skill from her mother, and various pictures and papers lay scattered on top of her desk. She then removed the present she had bought for Koh as a happy birthday. It was already wrapped in dark red paper, with golden ribbons. She would put it in his room later. Placing it on her desk she turned to leave when she noticed something on her bed. It was a small box, wrapped in light blue paper with a silver ribbon. She plopped down on her bed and examined the box. LightStrike sat on the bed next to her and watched curiously as she unwrapped the present. She removed all the wrapping paper and ribbons, then looked at the plain as can be wooden box. She opened it and found a small card inside, along with the most beautiful purple necklace she had ever seen. The necklace, that was shaped in the form of a small yin-yang, with a phoenix carved in the background, was a clear, soft shade of purple. It had a sliver chain that had various purple crystals, obviously made of the same stone the yin-yang was, and it seemed to have a strange soft, barely noticeable glow. Then she noticed that there were other stones of various shades of blue. These stones were in the small circle parts of the yin- yang, and also along the chain. Nadia and LightStrike sat in awe for at least a minute longer, then the young teenager remembered the card. She fumbled to get it open then read aloud so the organoid could hear: "Nadia. Happy birthday and I hope you like it. I spent every penny I had to get it made. The blue stones are Lopaz Lazuli. Mom said you liked the color so I picked them out. The other, purple stones are something that took me forever to find. They are made of Zoid magnite, and the jeweler who made it for me had the hardest time shaping it. Happy Birthday... Love, Koh." Nadia gasped. Zoid magnite was supposed to be very, very rare and expensive. "How did he ever get enough money to buy that?" Nadia said aloud. She flipped the card over and read, "P.S. Mom, Dad and Uncle Cloud helped pay for it. you should thank them too." Nadia then giggled. Her mother, father and uncle had also helped her pay for the present she had bought for Koh. 'They must be almost broke!' She thought to herself. She then told LightStrike, "Im going to join the others now and thank Koh, Mom, Dad and Uncle Cloud. Can you do me a favor?" LightStrike roared happily and nodded. "Will you go take Koh's present to his room? I want it to be a surprise so I don't want him to see me... ok?" LightStrike jumped off of her bed and rushed over to her desk, picking up the small wrapped box in his mouth carefully. He trotted out of the room and down the hallway, towards Koh's room. Nadia put her new necklace on and went out to join the others. She stood at the edge of the room and motioned for Koh to come over. He complied and the walked out of sight of the guests. He saw that she was wearing the necklace and smiled. "I didn't want to embarrass you in front of everyone." She gave him a small hug, "Thanks Koh. I love it allot." Koh grinned, "You should thank mom, dad, and uncle Cloud. They paid for the majority of it. Haven't you noticed how many battles they've been participating it lately? They've been using all the prize money to pay for that!" Nadia nodded, "Now that you mention it, they have been in allot of battles." She smiled. What Koh didn't know was that they had also been battling to help pay for his gift. The two went back to the party, and Nadia seemed to become good friends almost instantly with Shiro, Will and Hikari. Ayane still stayed by herself, adding into various conversations every once and a while. She listened and snacked mostly, finding out a lot of useful information from the adults conversations. After a while Doctor Tauros stood up and cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. For how old he was now he seemed as upbeat and enthusiastic as he always did. "Sky raiders team! I challenge you to a zoid battle!" Rain and Cloud looked at each other and grinned, "Under what rules?" Rain asked. "Ummm." Doctor Tauros scratched his head, "I hadn't thought about that..." Rain laughed just as most the blitz and Flugel teams stared at the Doctor. Jemie sighed and shook his head. "Ok Tauros." Rain stated, "how about all of your team, against all of ours? Unlimited ammo, and conversions allowed?" "Ok!" Doctor Tauros stated, "I'll call the ZBC and register the battle!" Tauros called the ZBC form the Hover Cargo, registered the battle and returned. "So when's the battle going to take place?" Rain asked. "In 3 hours!" Tauros stated as happily as one of the zoid warriors themselves. The group continued to chit-chat, some even making bets on which team would win the upcoming battle.... Cloud and Koh just hoped the could find their spider before someone else did.... ~~~~~~~end of chapter 3~~~~~~~ Authors note: Hey, hope you liked the chap. It's kinda short, sorry about that. I just really got the urge to go play Pikmin for the GameCube... and I thought this was a good place to end the chap. As for my Chrono Cross story, I hope some of you will take the time to read it... you don't have to if you don't want to though... Please Review! 4. Approaching evil? Heres a little scene to go along with my authors note just to show you how me and my sister get along... and how she fits the part of Gabrielle quite well I might add. She helped me come up with the authors note too. AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been busy... really I have! I swear! After all I've got school, friends, games, and my sisters basketball games to go to. So I've just been really busy! I swear! **little sister walks up and reads authors note, then says, "Ummm Cha..." ** I cover her mouth** "Shhhhh, im Luna remember!? Do not use my real name..." **I uncover her mouth** now what do you want?!" **Points to authors note** "Thats not true Cha... I mean Luna..."** She roles her eyes** the computer froze as you were saving the chapter last time, remember. Then you went into a cursing spree, and vowed to never use the stupid computer again since it was the third time you had tried to type out the chapter... you have been sitting on your lazy butt since like, two Saturdays ago complaining about the computer. You never left the couch and watched Cowboy Bebop and DBZ continuously. You only left for school..." ** I stare at her evily, **"Gabrielle, I was trying to come up with a "good" excuse and you ruined it." **Gabrielle looks at me blankly,** Oh. Um... Can I get on the computer now?" **I continue to stare evilly** "NO!" **Shoves sister away** Go away..." **She gets mad at me** BRAT! **Looks at all you reviewers** HEY ALL OF MY SISTERS REVIEWERS, WANNA KNOW HER REAL NAME!?" ** I Hit Gabrielle** Shut up already!" **Gabrielle looks terribly hurt.** **I look at her and feel bad** "Im sorry Gabby..." ** She gets tears in her eyes as she begins to turn and walk away... she pauses as she reaches the door that leads outside. She suddenly turns her head to face me, a look of menacing evil crosses her young, 11 year old face** "FINE THEN............ CHANTEL!" **I throw a book at her head as she escapes outside** @_@ "Stupid sister..." Anyways, that's my excuse... and to my reviewers... Himeko: You can call me anything you want! '^_^' Thanks Angel for the correction. I wasn't sure as how to spell it so I just guessed '^_^' Oh yeah, my friend Glitch just posted a really neat story that has allot of cool RPG characters, both good and bad, so check it out. It's called Dark Planet 1: Revival. It's got a clever plot that has allot of potential. Anywho... onwards to chapter 4! CHAPTER 4 Time began to pass rather quickly as the entire group awaited the battle. As the time of the fight drew near, the two teams began to prepare their zoids. The Blitz team had gone into their Hover Cargo, while the Sky Raiders prepared in the hanger of the waterfall base. Koh and Cloud continued to look for the spider, until it was time to get their zoids ready. "Good Luck Rain." Hiro wished upon his wife. He hugged her tight and then turned to his two children, "You two better fight hard. I'll be rooting for you!" "Thanks dad." Nadia said as she climbed into the cockpit of her Konig wolf. She gave him a thumbs up as the roof closed, concealing her inside. She began to leave the hanger. "Don't worry dad. Im sure I can kick these guys' a..." Koh began, but caught himself just as he heard his father say, "Watch your mouth Koh." Koh ran over to his Iron Kong and climbed up, closing the cockpit behind him. He then proceeded to follow his sister out. "Soooo," Hiro looked up to face Rain, who was now sitting inside her cockpit, amused by the situation of Koh almost saying a relatively bad word right in front of his father, "Do you think Koh and Nadia will make it through?" "I don't know," Rain shrugged, "The Blitz team is an amazing team... who knows how their new members fight... plus they are the kids of Bit, Leena, Jemie and Orihime.." Just then Cloud in his newly rebuilt silver Blade Ligar trotted up besides Rain, "I take it your going to hitch a ride with one of the others...?" Hiro nodded, "Yeah, I want to watch the fight up close and Rei said I can hitch a ride with him. Good luck on the battle field." "Thanks. Lets go Rain, LightStrike," Cloud closed his cockpit and turned toward the exit, his silver organoid partner walking just besides his Blade Ligar. "See ya after the fight!" Rain smiled, closing her cockpit and catching up with Cloud. Everyone made their way to the not so far away battlefield. Rain did some double checking that all of her controls were working correctly, then she contacted both Koh and Nadia. "I want you two to be careful... the Blitz team is an amazing team." Rain told her two 16 year olds, "and they have both Jemie and Orihime coming up with battle plans." "Alright mom. I'll be careful." Nadia waved and closed the com-link. "Don't worry mom. Im gonna chew them up and spit 'em out. You'll see." With that Koh's face disappeared from the small screen, and Rain sighed. Koh had an amazing knack for being cocky when it came to zoid battles. Clouds face appeared where Koh's used to be, "Hey sis." "Yeah?" "You do know we're at a disadvantage... right?" He sighed, "It's 5 vs. 4." "Your point?" "Just making sure you knew..." Cloud said, then jokingly added, "After all, your the one who so hastily accepted this match against the legendary Blitz team..." "So... you don't think we can win?" Rain asked, a slight smile crept into her features. Cloud grinned, "No... I know we can win." "Good." Rain closed the com-link and looked ahead. They were closing in on the battlefield, and the hover cargo was waiting. The Sky Raiders team all came to a stop, now awaiting the judge. Everyone who wasn't in the fight stood on top of a cliff, looking down at the two teams. The five Blitz team zoids exited the Hover cargo, and stood quite a distance away from their opponents. "All right everyone." Doctor Tauros' voice filled everyone's intercoms, "Here comes the judge capsule." The warriors all looked up and saw that he was right, a small glowing speck appeared in the atmosphere, and grew larger and larger as it approached the earth. It crashed into the ground, and rose out of it's crater, reveling the judge. "The area within a 15 mile radius is a designated zoid battlefield. All unauthorized personnel must evacuate the area." The judge stated," I repeat, the area within a 15 mile radius is a designated zoid battlefield. All unauthorized personnel must evacuate the area." The warriors stood face to face, except for the two Raynos' who were circling above head. They all listened their hands gripping the controls tightly, their bodies tensed. All they needed was the judge to give the go- ahead then they would charge at each other in full force. The adults all knew that it was going to be a tough fight... and the kids just wanted to start fighting. "Blitz team vs. Sky Raiders team..." The judge called. Rain gripped her controls, ready to leap to Clouds aid and give LightStrike time to fuse with the core of the Blade Ligar. "Ready..." The judge rose his arms, one blue and one red. Each warrior held their breath, and tensed slightly, their hands tightly gripping their controls, all of them ready to tear into their opponents. On the sidelines the others sat eagerly awaiting and watching. "FIGHT" The zoids were moving even before he had brought his arms down. Bit rushed at Cloud, wanting to get to him before the organoid had a chance to fuse. He was only five, maybe ten meters away when a large black zoid came out of nowhere and tackled him from the side. The Ligar 0 roared ferociously as it tried to tear itself free from the grasp of none other than Kaiser. Bit cursed as he was pinned down by the dragon, it's large claws holding his Ligar by the side and leg, "Damn it." Kaiser dug its claws deeper into the Ligar 0's sides, roaring harshly as it did so. Rain opened a com-link with her brother, "Hurry up Cloud, LightStrike! I can't hold him forev... ahhhhh." She was cut off suddenly when a white Blade Ligar headbutted Kaiser in the side, sending it off it's opponent and into a large cliff face. "Thanks Rion." Bit said to his son, bringing the Ligar to its feet, "But be careful because now Rain's gonna want to go for you." The Ligar 0 turned to face Cloud, only to find him gone. Bit looked around quickly, not seeing his target anywhere, "Damn where did he go!?" Cloud had rushed to his right, now that he had his organoid partner with him, strait towards a set of cliffs that Bit was standing right next to. He jumped, just as the Ligar 0 looked around for him, and pushed off the wall of the cliffs, bringing him slightly to the side and above the Ligar 0. Jemie instantly saw what was going on and said, "Bit above you!" But it was too late. Bit looked up just as Cloud came down with his claws, completely knocking the Ligar 0 off it's feet and into the sands. The silver Blade ligar was on him in an instant, and within a few seconds the two Ligars were wrestling each other, one tumbling over the other while both bit and scratched at each other, like two lions. Except these two lions were extremely big lions that wouldn't give up until it had brought it's opponent down. ***************** Koh cursed as another barrage of missiles were dropped on him from the sky. He tried to shoot at them, but the two Raynos' were far to fast and were circling back and forth, not following any sort of pattern. He fired a shot at Jemie, missed, then cursed again as he was covered in another set of missiles. Jemie smiled. He had pretty much accepted the Wild Eagle that was inside of him now, and no longer hesitated to bring him out. He went into a dive, shattering the sound barrier and summoning the ace aerial pilot, the Wild Eagle. Just before hitting the ground the Wild Eagle pulled up on the controls, now flying only feet above the scorching desert sands. He rushed at Koh at amazing speed, the sonic boom that was created defining to the ear. Koh didn't have time to even think as the Raynos approached. He felt the full blast of the speed just as he reached out one of his iron Kong's hands, grabbing the tip of the Raynos's wing just as it passed. Both zoids were sent violently to the ground and the Iron Kong's cockpit shattered. Jemie's zoid tumbled along the ground, hitting hard. Jemie's head slammed against the control panel, and he was rendered completely unconscious. Koh opened his eyes, cursing as a surge of pain shot through his left arm. He reached over with his right hand and touched it, feeling hot, sticky, crimson red blood gush out of a large cut on his strong upper arm. He looked at it and immediately wished he hadn't. Even though he could tell it looked worse than it really was, it was still a sickening sight. Suddenly his thoughts trailed to the battle. Looking at his screen he saw, the words "Command System Freeze" flash in light blue letters. "Damn!" Koh cursed then thought, 'Well that was a pretty stupid move though... why the hell did I grab onto the Raynos' wing?' He looked around, trying to see what he had cut his arm on, he noticed that part of the shattered cockpit glass was jutting inward, and had blood stained on it. "Figures." He said to himself. Will looked down at his father and called, "Dad, Dad are you ok?" He didn't receive an answer and cursed, opening a com-link with the other Raynos. He saw that his Jemie was unconscious, and a large cut was gushing blood on his head, "Damn." He looked around and noticed Leena was having trouble with a Konig wolf. Deciding he couldn't help his father anymore he flew toward the Gun Sniper, ready to come to its aid. Leena cursed. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't hit the Black Konig wolf with with her total weasel unit assault. It was just to fast. Nadia smiled as she approached the Gun Sniper, and continued to dodge various shells from the heavily armed zoid. So far Leena had gone back to the hover cargo 3 times to reload, and Nadia wasn't going to let her do it again. Leena's eyes widened as Nadia rushed her, ready to deliver the final blow. She shut her eyes tightly, and braced herself... only, nothing happened. She cringed when she heard Will's voice over the intercom, "What the heck are you waiting for Leena! Open fire!" Leena opened her eyes and saw that Nadia was stuck inside the falling shelling that the Raynos was releasing, keeping it almost perfectly still. The red head smiled as she yelled, "Got ya now little wolf! Total Weasel Unit Assault!" Nadia cursed inwardly as she saw the Gun Sniper let loose its missiles, "Only one chance left to take her out!" She said to herself. The Konig Wolf opened its mouth wide, baring it's EC cannon. Hot light-blue electrical energy gathered in the Wolfs mouth, sparking various directions. The center of the energy turned a pale white, and shot outward at the Gun Sniper just before the Konig Wolf buckled under the assault of the Weasel unit. "Yeah! Take that! Hell yeah!" Leena cheered, watching as the sand and smoke engulfed her opponent. She suddenly cursed when the smoke parted, and a bright blue and white light rushed at her, completely engulfing her Gun Sniper. Electrical Charges flowed through the zoid, shorting out all its joints and controls. "Damn!" She looked down at her screen and saw that everything had frozen, bright blue letters saying, "Command System Freeze." Will sighed. At least they had managed to take out the Konig wolf too. He opened a com-link with Leena, "You ok?" "Yeah kid, im fine. Go help Rion and Bit." Leena answered, a bit bummed out about loosing. Will gave her a thumbs up and sped off towards the other warriors. Each person on the sidelines was completely enticed by the battle, nobody noticed anything approaching on their radar's... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I decided to leave it there just cuz I felt like it... don't hate me! Im going to try and post the next chapter *very* soon, maybe even later today. So don't worry about the cliffy. Oh and I never did catch my sister... she's one hell of a runner. **Gabrielle pokes her head in the door** "Um Chantel?" **I look at her evilly,** "What?" **She gulps** "Im really sorry... can I get on the computer now?" **Yells* NO! My sister is a complete computer hog, and Im sure some of you know what I mean if you have brothers or sisters. It's also part of the reason I can't update as much as I want. That's why I had her help me come up with the authors note at the start of the chapter. Anyways, I really hope you have enjoyed the battle so far. I love writing battle scenes I think they are so fun to write... anyways, please review! (I went and saw Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets last night and I loved it! I just hated the people behind me cuz they kept pulling back and kicking my seat on purpose... then they wouldn't shut up so my sister turned around and yelled at them... yes my 11 year old sister turned and yelled at a bunch of bitchy 16 year olds.... they stopped for a while then kept doing it again...) 5. Sin's apearence Authors note: Hey, thanks again for the reviews cuz I really love them. Anyways, hope you enjoy! CHAPTER 5 Rain looked around her... where had that white Blade Ligar gone? She searched everywhere, and had almost given up on finding it when she noticed a zoid approaching her from behind. Seeing that is was the Blade Ligar she smiled. She pretended that she hadn't seen him, and continued to look around. Rion laughed. All he would have to do is sneak up from behind his opponent, and take it down. He could probably do it in one easy blow if he timed himself right. The Ligar leapt into the air just as his its sharp claws began to glow a soft shade of reddish yellow. "This is going to be easy..." Rion said to himself, completely convinced that he had already won. He was wrong. Rain waited till the last second before she swung the Kaiser's tail, completely taking Rion off guard and opening a large gash down the Blade Ligars side. Rion pushed his zoid to his feet and saw that Rain had turned the Kaiser around so that it was now facing him. "You've got a lot to learn kid..." Rain said, "It's pretty dangerous to try and sneak up on an alert zoid like my Kaiser... especially if they have a strong, bladed tail." "Thanks for the advice..." Rion said angrily, "I won't make the same mistake twice..." He rushed at the Kaiser, suddenly finding that it was no longer standing in front of him. He heard a large explosion and looked up, seeing that the dragon had taken flight and had begun it's assault on the dark green Raynos that Will piloted. Will cringed as Kaiser flew above him, swinging it's long bladed tail and striking his Raynos on the back. He elevated, trying to get above Rain, who always seemed to be one step ahead of him. She too elevated, circling around her opponent as she did so. Suddenly she circled in closer, extending the blades on the tips of the Kaisers wings. Will went into a short dive, barely dodging the deadly blade. Rion's face appeared on his com-link, "Will, she ain't stupid." "I think I've noticed that Rion." Will said, dodging as Rain came strait at him again. The two continued their fight, circling each other and watching their opponents every move. They continued to elevate, taking them extremely high off the ground. "Will, be careful, your pretty high up!" Rion called, watching as the two aerial zoids continued to rise. A cloud passed and he could no longer see them. "You think I don't know that!?" Will yelled, "This is higher than I've ever been, thank you very much, and it's scaring the living crap out of me!" "Shesh!" Rion yelled back, "Im sorry, just be careful, a fall from that height wouldn't be pretty!" "I know!" Will began to get annoyed. "Calm down, Will." Doctor Tauros's voice suddenly filled his intercom, his face appearing on a screen in front of him, "Rain is used to being high up, and she probably knows that you aren't. She's trying to get you spooked so that you can't pilot as well as you normally would. Try to descend." Will took a few breaths as he continued to circle Rain, "Ok, Doc. But she won't let me go any lower... I can't descend at all with her circling me like she is... it's at an angle so that if I dived, she could easily get me..." "Just remember, Will... she probably doesn't want to fall from that height either..." Doctor Tauros said reassuringly. He looked over at Ori, who had a hint of worry in her eyes. ********************* Meanwhile the two Ligars continued to wrestle each other, and they were both battered quite a bit. Cloud jumped off of the Ligar 0 just before it slashed at him with its claws. "Man, Cloud... You've gotten better." Bit said, a grin on his face. "So have you Bit." Cloud urged his silver Blade Ligar forward, rushing at the Ligar 0 at top speed. Bit also began to charge, "But," Cloud sighed and just before the wo zoids hit each other he ducked and pulled left, expanding his blades sideways and slicing the Ligar 0 in the two front legs, "Not quite enough." The Ligar 0 stumbled over it's own front legs, but before hitting the ground it managed to swing it's strike laser claw at the Blade Ligars neck. Both zoids collapsed in a heap, both pilots laughing. Bit climbed out of the cockpit and over to Clouds. Cloud opened his cockpit as Bit approached. Both pilots had grins on their faces, and they shook each others hands heartily. "Nice work Bit Cloud." Cloud stated, running a hand through his silver hair, "I didn't think you'd get me in the end like that." Bit laughed, "Your just getting slow in your old age Cloud Light-Feather." Cloud looked at him, "Old? Im not old." "Your 42 and I say that's old." Bit said, "But not as old as Doc, and you don't still play with zoid models." "How many does he have now?" Cloud asked. "Who knows. He almost killed Rion the other day for accidentally knocking his newest one off the table." LightStrike suddenly appeared next to them and roared bringing their attention back to the battle. They watched intently as the end of the fight drew near. ********************** Rain continued to circle Rion, bringing him higher and higher. When she was sure he was too frightened to get in the way, she went into a dive, surprising him out of his wits. The Kaiser dove almost strait down, strait for the desert sands. "Are you nuts!?" Will yelled, watching as the Kaiser approached the earth so fast it seemed like it was only a blur, "You'll kill yourself!" Will descended to a much more comfortable height. Rain pulled up on the controls, seconds before impact, spreading the Kaisers wings wide. It now flew feet above the sands, headed extremely fast to the Blade Ligar. Too fast for Rion to react. The Kaiser hit, locking its arms around the Blade Ligar. It's speed picked the Blade Ligar clear off the ground as the two headed strait for the face of one of the surrounding cliffs. Seconds before the collision Rain let go of the Ligar and pulled up, sending the Ligar deep into the rock face, and taking off into the air with out a scratch. "Damn that was a cool move!" Izumi said from her zoid on the sidelines. She continued to watch intently as Rain now flew at an amazing speed toward the, now not as high, Raynos, "She's using the dive like a roller coaster, the huge dive gave her killer speed and now with her boosters on she's able to fly strait up, faster than ever!" The group all saw that what she said was true, and they watched as Rain's blades sliced right through the unsuspecting Raynos, sending it to the ground. "The battle is over!" The judge called, "The battle is over! The winner is..." Suddenly an explosion rang out and the judge capsule was sent flying, just as a cold new voice said, "The winner is me." Rain didn't even know what hit her. She was sent spiraling to the ground, and within seconds collided violently, sending a cloud of sand and dust everywhere. The cockpit shattered, and she was thrown out and onto the hot desert sands. Suddenly a large, sky blue WhaleKing appeared below the clouds. It quickly opened fire on the hover cargo. Orihime managed to put the shields up just before the missiles hit, sending smoke everywhere. "Mom!" Koh yelled, jumping out of his Iron Kong. The shattered glass sliced his hands wide open, but he didn't care. His arm was burning, but that also didn't matter... the only thing on his mind was his mother. He ran as fast as he could, tears in his eyes. His mother had taken some pretty nasty dives before, but none like that. He had this nagging feeling, this pain in his heart, that his mother was in trouble this time. The others were all heading off the cliffs, all the aerial zoids taking flight and heading toward the WhaleKing. The Bahamut 0 was out in front, it's superior speed bringing him far ahead of the others. Zack elevated and flew strait at the WhaleKing. He was almost there when he suddenly smacked into something... electric charges were sent through the zoid and pilot alike, and the dragon fell, its wings damaged. As he fell, electricity still running through his zoid and himself, Zack managed to say, "Don't... it has a force field..." With that he fell unconscious, and collided with the ground. Everyone stopped in their tracks except Koh who was still rushing towards his mothers wrecked zoid. Nadia was trying to get out of her zoid but the cockpit was jammed shut and she couldn't escape. She had tears in her eyes and was sobbing, "Mom." Cloud and the others who were still conscious but who's zoids couldn't move were also running toward the Kaiser. Koh was closest and was quite a distance ahead of the others. Suddenly an arrow came out of nowhere and Koh stumbled. He landed face first in the sand, a sudden shot of pain running through his side. He tried to push himself up, but couldn't. He felt weak and tired all at once, and unconsciousness gripped him. "KOH!" Nadia and Hiro both screamed. Nadia rammed as hard as she could on the cockpit with her shoulder. It was no use. She hit it one last time and gasped out in pain as she fell back to the seat, gripping her shoulder. Tears streamed down cheeks. Rei pushed his zoid toward Koh's unconscious body, while the others on foot ran. Then, the unthinkable happened. Koh disappeared. "What the Hell!?" Izumi yelled. One second he was there, the next, gone. She slammed on her control panel, "Who the hell is doing this!?" "I am." A voice rang over the battlefield. It was the same cold, cruel, male voice that had interrupted the judge earlier. "Who the hell are you!?" Izumi screamed in pure rage. "I am..." The voice stated, cold as ever. "Sin." "Where is Koh!?" Hiro yelled angrily. "He is mine now." The voice answered. "Though I wanted the two Demi- Humans..." Clouds blood ran cold. This person, this Sin, he knew about the Demi- Humans. He knew about Rain and himself. But, why did he take Koh!? Why did he take Koh if he wanted the two Demi-Humans? And who was he!? Only his friends new about the Demi-Humans. "I took Koh for my own reasons." The voice said. "I see that the two Demi- Humans I was after are no longer what I want." Rain opened her eyes slowly, her entire body shaking and cold. Blood was spilled around her, and she lay in a pool of it. She coughed slightly, more blood escaping from her lips. She felt tired. Very tired. She looked up slightly, not moving her head. That's when she noticed the figure standing at the front of her cockpit... this figure, it was so familiar. It was so... she couldn't think. She could barley see the figure before her, only catching it's outline and it's eyes. Its eyes seemed to watch her... cold green eyes that seemed filled with nothing but hatred. The Kaiser pilot stared a few seconds longer, feeling her eyelids grow heavy. Her two different colored eyes, the silver and the hazel, slowly closed and she fell unconsious once again... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Finnaly the story picks up! Yay! Anyways, Im giving myself a pat on the back for posting two chapters in one day! Hope you liked it (I don't know why, but I liked this chapter and the last chapter a lot....) Review please! ^_^ 6. Death and revival? Authors note: Hey everyone. Thanks again for all the great reviews! Himeko you can call me which ever name you want but I think Luna sounds better than Chantel ^_^ I just downloaded a bunch of Inuyasha songs... I love all the music in Inuyasha, my favorite song would probably be My Will but I also really like Do as Infinity, and Change the World too. So I'll be listening to Inuyasha while I type this chap! Anyways, on to chapter 6! CHAPTER 6 ~*~*~A figure stood surrounded by smoke. Flames blazed up behind this figure as it turned it's cold green eyes to look down on something... a woman with long silver hair. She lay in a pool of her own blood, unconscious. The figure just continued to stare, it's eyes filled with all kinds of negative emotions... mostly hatred and anger. The woman just lay their under the figures stare. The hate filled eyes shifted as the figure drew a long, flame colored sword, and pointed it down at the unconscious woman... the figure then swung and... ~*~*~ Rain screamed and sat up quickly, tears streaming down her cheeks. She ached all over, and it felt like her ribs were broken. Her head hurt and she was confused at first about where she was. "Rain!" Hiro burst into the room followed by the others including the kids and the Blitz team. He rushed up to Rains bed, and looked her over, worriedly. "H..." Rain struggled to stop crying, "Hiro?" "Yeah," Hiro ran a hand through Rain's long silver hair. Rain looked around weakly at her surroundings. She very quickly recognized them as the infirmary at the Water Fall base. She thought back and slowly remembered winning the fight with the Blitz team... but she was still confused to why she was in the infirmary and why she was hurt so bad. "What happened?" Rain demanded, wincing as she shifted her weight to look at the group. All of them looked pretty worried and sad about something... she also noticed that Zack and Koh were not present. Nobody answered, most of them just looked down at the floor. They seemed to upset and worried... maybe even scared to tell Rain. "Tell me what happened!" Rain demanded again. This time Hiro answered. "We were attacked and you were shot down..." Hiro stated quietly, "By some one who knew about the demi-humans." Rain held her breath as her heart seemed to skip a beat. No one... not even Nadia and Koh new about the demi-humans... then a thought struck her and she began to feel fear well up inside of her, "Where's Koh!?" "Whoever it was took him. He was shot with an arrow and before any of us could reach him he just disappeared." Hiro answered, still quietly. "What!?" Rain felt tears well up in her eyes, "How can someone just disappear!?" "I don't know..." Rain began to cry again, feeling both despair and anger. She tried to calm herself but couldn't. She only thought of Koh over and over... and couldn't get his face. Cloud sat at the end of his sisters bed. He felt pure anger at whoever this "Sin" person was that took his nephew. But at the same time his entire soul felt filled with pure guilt at not being able to stop him, "We saw a WhaleKing... everyone began to go after it but it had a force field. When Zack hit it sent electricity through both the Bahamut and him. He's still unconscious in the other bed." Rain looked over at the other bed to see Zack. He had bandages wrapped around his forehead, chest, and arms... some of which were blood stained. He had burns along his arms and his hands were bandaged and the palms were blood stained where he had been holding his zoids controls. The blood reminded Rain of something... now she remembered something from the battle. She remembered laying in the sand looking up at someone weakly, "I saw some one..." Rain whispered, now thinking about both her dream and the battle. "What!?" Hiro asked. "I remember waking up now..." Rain said slowly, "There was some one standing in front of Kaiser's cockpit..." She thought about it and the figure slowly became more and more familiar in her mind... but she still couldn't quite place it. "What did they look like?" Izumi asked, walking up and sitting next to Rain. Goji Bit, and Leon all turned around and ushered all of the kids out of the room. Reluctantly they left.... all except Nadia who refused to leave the room. "I..." Rain thought hard while placing her face in her hands... which only seemed to make her head hurt more, "I... don't know. It seemed so familiar..." She concentrated on the image of the figure in her mind... "I can't remember..." She looked up as tears fell from her eyes. She felt like she was in a never ending nightmare... every time she turned a corner in life something terrible happened. "Shhh," Hiro wrapped his arms around Rain carefully, as not to hurt her. He to had tears in his eyes but he refused to cry. Rain buried her face in his clothes, still trying to focus on the figure in her mind. Nadia sat quietly, she had cried all her tears and was now focused on her mother. Absent mindedly she fiddled with the necklace that Koh had given her. Suddenly she had an idea, "Mom. You said the figure looked familiar right?" Rain looked up at her daughter and nodded. "I'll be right back." Nadia said, running out of the room and surprising everyone. She raced down the hallway and into her room, rushing over to her desk. Grabbing a few sheets of paper, a clipboard and a pencil, she raced back to the infirmary. She was just about out of breath when she burst back into the room, carrying the supplies she had in her hands over to her mother. She set them down on the bed and said, "Maybe if you try and draw the figure you or the others'll recognize it... It always works for me when I can't remember exactly what something looks like." "That's a good idea." Tyra said. Everyone sat around the bed, or on it, and patiently waited as Rain picked up the drawing supplies and began to sketch. The sketch soon began to take shape as Rain began to remember more and more things about this figure... and then it hit her. She finaly recognized the figure in her mind. She gasped and dropped the pencil, "I... I know who it was!" "Who!?" Cloud asked, gazing at the drawing.... Rain was right, the figure did look familiar... but he couldn't place it either. Rain quickly picked up the pencil and continued to draw, and the others began to see the same familiarity that Cloud and Rain felt. It wasn't until Rain added something that they recognized it, but when they finaly did it shocked them. It shocked them because it was someone they hadn't seen in about twenty years. The figure was thin and had long hair... it was a woman with piercing eyes and a cruel smile.... but that's wasn't what made them recognize her... it was the fact that she was a demi-human. A demonic demi-human with blade like wings and claws. Cloud felt like his heart stopped beating. It was almost completely silent in the room except for the sounds of the infirmary machines running in the background. The 42 year old Light-Feather looked down at the drawing, "Gabrielle." He quietly whispered. Nadia was confused... the person in her mothers drawing didn't look human. She looked like she was part zoid and part human... but that was impossible wasn't it. Then she thought about it... she had heard her parents and the other adults use the term demi-human quite a bit within the past day, but she didn't know what a demi-human was. "It can't be..." Cloud continued, "I saw her fall..." "We all did." Bit whispered. Cloud shook his head, "I had just taken care of Luke when I saw both of you fighting... I saw that her wings were torn and broken... so were yours. Then..." Nadia became confused... what were they talking about? 'Her wings were torn and broken? And so was moms?' she thought, she sat quietly and listened, deciding to ask questions later. Cloud swallowed, remembering everything so vividly tore at his heart. He closed his eyes and whispered, "Then she stabbed you and you fell..." Orihime continued for him, "you grabbed onto Gabrielle before she fell, and you both went off the cliff, neither of you able to fly..." Rain nodded, "It was the only thing I could think of... I pulled her off with me..." Everyone now remembered the night vividly... the one night that they had agreed to never talk about again. But here they were, reiterating everything that had happened. "Cloud landed on the cliffs, then ran and jumped after you..." Lavender said. Everyone now had their eyes closed remembering exactly what happened. "We all ran to the edge of the crater and watched..." Rei added, "Until we couldn't see you anymore... then we decided to climb down... Goji opened his eyes, looking over at Nadia, who had a look of pure confusion on her face. He decided it wasn't a good idea to talk about what happened next in front of her... If she were to find out... he cleared his throat and everyone looked up at him... some of them had tears in their eyes. He cocked his head toward Nadia and said, "Perhaps now is not the best time to talk about this. The point is, we all saw Gabrielle go off the cliff, and she couldn't fly so she couldn't have survived the fall." Rain looked over at Nadia, realizing what Goji was getting at, "Sweet heart... can you please go and sit with the other kids please?" "But..." Nadia stood, looking at her mother. The others all looked at her, and she sighed. She turned silently and left, her long silver hair swiping out from behind her as she quickly left. Brad went and made sure Nadia didn't have her ears pressed to the door. Seeing everything was clear he walked back over to Rains bed and said, "Goji's right Rain... Gabrielle couldn't have possibly survived the fall... could she have?" he turned to Cloud. Cloud thought for a second, then shook his head, "No... At least I don't think so..." He closed his eyes, "I don't think even one of us demi-humans could have been strong enough to survived a long fall like that without anything to break it." "She did hit the water though... didn't she?" Leena asked, "after all, her body wasn't down on the ground when we got their... Maybe the water broke her fall..." "Then she definitely wouldn't have lived." Jemie stated simply, "She fell from too high up. The water would have crushed her bones... it probably would have crushed her armor too." Cloud nodded, "She did land in the water, I saw her." "Then she's dead. She couldn't have survived." Naomi stated. "That's who I saw." Rain stated, "and Im not saying she had to survive... after all, I didn't survive, did I?" Cloud held his breath and looked down at his hands and arms. He quietly whispered, "No... you didn't..." He continued to look at his hands, remembering everything that had happened that night. Rain had asked him to sing her their mothers song... then... he began to tremble slightly as he whispered, "You died in my arms..." Rain nodded, "And I came back because of LightStrike..." She paused, "Where is he anyway?" "In the other room with the kids," Goji answered. Rain cringed... with the kids... all of them except Koh. She began to feel tears well up in her eyes again. But she decided that she had to be strong, and no matter what, they would get Koh back... "Who was the man who spoke to us on the battlefield?" Lavender asked, "He said his name was Sin..." "I don't know..." Rain stated, "But... I came back to life." She sighed, "What if Gabrielle did too?" ~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Hope you liked it. Eventually the story will shift more over to the kids, but none of the original characters will be forgotten! I promise! Oh, and for those of you who are wondering... the tarantula IS still on the loose... ^_^ (Inuyasha Rules!!!!!) lol, please review! 7. The new threat Authors note: I know I say this every chapter but... thanks for all the great reviews; they really keep me going on this fic. Himeko: You really passed out in the middle of the movie? Wow. Im afraid of spiders too and during that part I knew that there was going to be a big spider so I prepared myself... it wasn't even the big one that scared me the most it was the medium sized ones that Harry and Ron passed in the cave... creepy crawlers... lol. Anywho, on to chapter 7! CHAPTER 7 Koh's eyes fluttered open painfully. His entire body hurt so much that he couldn't think strait. Looking around he noticed that he was chained up by the arms on a wall, and was just sort of hanging there. He felt the chains digging into his wrists painfully as he tried to wriggle free of his position. Pain over swept him and he suddenly stopped struggling, and looked over himself. He had crimson stained bandages around his sides, and his black leather vest/jacket was gone. He had blood trickling down his arms and hands, all the way down his softly-muscled chest. His vision suddenly blurred and he closed his eyes tight, just as his head started to pound worse than it already was. After a few seconds he reopened them and decided to take a look around his surroundings. To his left was a lit torch, the only source of light in the room, it was embedded into the stone wall. The floor was covered in straw, and beneath the straw was dirt. To his right was... darkness. Nothing but darkness. He could hear the sounds of water dripping, and he could feel the dampness of the room, or dungeon as he now recognized it, in the air and on the wall. Small sounds came to his ears... sounds that he honestly didn't want to know what created them. Then... footsteps. They came from the right. He squinted his eyes trying to see who was the owner of the footsteps, and soon saw a figure come into view. It was a young woman. She had long, flowing blond hair and piercing olive green eyes. She mostly stayed hidden in the shadows, as if the darkness clung to her thin but strong form. From what Koh could make out in the dark she was wearing red... allot of red. The young warrior stayed quiet as the woman eyed him over. The woman stayed in the shadows, and blinked her eyes a few times before stating, "So. Your him." Koh kept quiet, not sure by what the woman meant. She didn't speak, instead she just stared, almost daring him to say something. Her eyes seemed to taunt him, almost... hauntingly, as if she had a grudge against him for some reason. They both stayed quiet for a few minutes, and upon finaly realizing that Koh wasn't about to say anything, the woman at last spoke again, "What... are you a mute? You can talk can't you?" Koh just eyed her, unsure of what to say. He didn't like this woman in the least bit, and for some reason, her eyes told him that she didn't like him much either. "Koh, right?" The woman asked, still clinging to the shadows. She sat on something Koh couldn't see, probably a chair, "You can answer me. I am not going to bite." Unable to hold it in any longer Koh asked, his voice weaker than he thought, "Where am I?" "So the boy can talk." The woman teased, the firelight dancing in her eyes, "Your in our base." Koh suddenly remembered the battle, and anger welled up inside of him. His mother laying in her own blood flashed into his mind as he screamed, "You brought me here!" "Quit yelling. I am standing right here, and I can hear you." The woman demanded. "Where's my mother!?" Koh said, this time more calm, but still in a very angered manner. "I don't know," She seemed to shrug,"Im hoping she's not dead though... I didn't mean to hit the Kaiser that hard." Her voice seemed delighted in tormenting the young pilot. She loved the look on his face as she said this, and seemed to savor it, "It's hard to say. When I saw her she looked pretty dead to me. But..." She trailed off, completely feeding off the horrified look on Koh's face, "Then again... Im used to seeing her that way, and it's become quite hard to tell when she's dead or when she's alive." Koh's eyes narrowed, Nadia had always told him he gained a serpents tongue when he became too angered... and now, he was too angered, "You Bitch!" Koh yelled, though his voice was still kind of weak, it even surprised the woman, "How dare you! You...You attacked my mother! Who the hell are you!?" "Why, my dear boy," She taunted, but still she was surprised by the name he had used, "Im your great aunt. On your mothers side of course. She is my niece, and Cloud is my nephew. My name is Gabrielle." "What!?" Koh looked over the women's face, the only part of her he could clearly see, "Your lying. Your to young to be my mother's aunt. You look younger than she is." The woman only laughed... ***************************** Nadia sat in the main room, wondering what her parents were talking about. The other teenagers were sitting on various sofas, most of them relatively quiet. "What are they talking about?" Rion asked Nadia suddenly, his voice startling her slightly. Everyone had been wondering the same thing, and they now all looked at Nadia. "I don't know... at first they were talking about Koh... then they started talking about a bunch of things that I didn't understand." Nadia shifted uneasily under the stares of the others. "Im sorry about your brother." Hikari said, walking over and sitting next to Nadia, who started to fiddle with the necklace around her neck. Tears welled up in her eyes but she didn't cry... she only blinked them away silently. Jessie grabbed the television remote off the table, and pressed the button. The t.v. flashed on, and the young warrior quickly turned it to the news. The others all watched, unsure of what else they could do. The reporter on the television suddenly gasped as she was handed a sheet of paper, "We just got a report, the ZBC's official ultrasaurus is being attacked by some unknown enemy... so far, 7 people have been injured in the attack, and 10 people are dead. We have live footage on the way..." The reporters face despaired and pictures of the ZBC's ultrasaurus were shown. Fires surrounded the giant zoid, and explosions rang out. Screams and yells could be heard in the background, and smoke erupted from the Ultrasaurus... suddenly, out of nowhere, a WhaleKing appeared. It did none of the attacking, it only sat in the air, watching. Immediately all the teenagers gasped... it was the same WhaleKing that had attacked them! Nadia jumped up and ran to the infirmary, a few of the others following. Rain had almost drifted back to sleep, tears in her eyes, when Nadia burst into the room. Following her was Rion, Will, and Kristen, the others had stayed to watch the report. The four kids were out of breath and looked terrified as ever. "What's wrong!?" Izumi demanded, looking over at her daughter. "The WhaleKing!" Nadia gasped, "Its on the news!" Will nodded quickly and said, "It's attacking the ZBC's Ultrasaurus!" "What!?" Rain jolted up quickly, wishing that she hadn't. She ignored the pain and said, "The same one that attacked us!?" Rion nodded, "Yeah, it looks bad for the Ultrasaurus too!" Rain pushed herself out of bed, ignoring the instructions from the others to stay laying down. She swayed slightly, almost collapsing, until Hiro caught her. He looked down at her pleading silver and gold eyes, "I have to see..." Hiro nodded and let Rain lean against him as he led her down the hallway, everyone else following. They made it to the main room and saw the television, most of them horrified. The Ultrasaurus, the greatest and most magnificent of all zoids, was buckling under the attack. It was both a sad and horrible sight. Hiro sat Rain down on one of the couches, and she winced slightly as he did so, but never took her eyes off the television. The on scene reporter appeared in front of the camera, with tears in her eyes, "No one knows who is leading the attack... and it had completely caught the ZBC off guard..." Suddenly one huge explosion rang out and the great ultrasaurus seemingly roared out in pain. The giant zoid began to sway, and within a few seconds it collapsed, it's head still raised and roaring in its sorrow, dust rose around the giant, and people could be heard gasping out loud. Eventually it's glowing eyes went dark, and with one last cry, the great zoids head fell. The reporter was now crying, "The ZBC's Ultrasaurus has fallen..." Other people could be heard screaming and crying in the background... Nadia froze, horrified. The Ultrasaurus had always been a sign of hope for her, and many other as well. It wasn't the same Ultrasaurus that had helped in the defeat of the DeathStinger, but... it still held the same amount of awe and love among the people. The great Ultrasaurus had outlasted so many attacks before now... including the devious Black Draft... to most people the great zoid had seemed invincible. Now that it had fallen, it seemed as though all hope was lost. The reporter turned her head back to the great zoid... her long brown hair was swaying in the wind and tears streamed down her cheeks. She just stood there, and stared. The group was sitting on the couches, each of them taking the attack in their own way. Rain looked over at Nadia and the other kids... then back at the scene... she was oblivious to the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. She stared at the screen for a long time before she noticed something... a figure, standing amiss the flames. "Oh my God..." Rain said... "It's her..." All the adults immediately knew who she was talking about and stared, each of them not taking the eyes off the figure. The kids just stared, thinking, 'what the hell are they staring at.' Even LightStrike seemed to see what they didn't. Suddenly the reporter said, "There's someone in the fires!" She pointed, as the demi-human came closer. She walked like a devil among hell, her crimson red armor reflecting the dancing light of the flames. The reporter gasped as she noticed the armor that was on the approaching figure... "What the..." Before she could finished her sentence the demi-human had attacked her, knocking her out but not killing her. The camera man was long gone, and now the demi-human was propping the camera onto a rock. "Gabrielle.." Cloud stated, hatred singing off his voice. The other adults either growled or hissed, each one showing his or her own dislike of the woman. LightStrike roared angrily. "Hello Zi." Gabrielle stated, gazing demonically into the camera. Her voice tauntingly said, " Im here to announce the fall of the ZBC." "Damn her!" Izumi screamed. "See that WhaleKing up there?" Gabrielle pointed, the Whaleking suddenly changed, reveling a large dragon like zoid that was even bigger then the Ultrasaurus, "Well, it's not really a WhaleKing... just a hologram." She laughed evilly. The camera zoomed in on the large dragon. The dragons armor was crimson red and black. Along its huge back large blades ran. It had four charged partial canons, two very powerful ones located on the head, one being in the mouth. The other two were on it's massive shoulders. Laser and missile torrents ran up and down the dragons four large legs, and it's huge claws glistened in the sunlight. It had at least 7 ion boosters located on it's back, sides and wings. The dragons long wings were bladed all along the edges, and were energy charged, like the Kaisers. The energy was orangish red, and yellow at the tips. On each wing was a separate EC canon, and a gattling gun. It's tail was long and deadly, with massive blades and a strange kind of gun at the end. Gabrielle laughed, "This, Zi, is the ultimate zoid. It's name... Chaos- sin, the ender." She turned back to the camera, "Oh, and Cloud?" She paused, "How is Rain... I hope I didn't hit her too hard..." She broke out into laughter again, "And don't worry... Koh is fine, just a little... busy at the moment. But I'll go get him to say hello." She disappeared for a few seconds, then returned. She was holding something off camera. "Say hello to mummy and daddy..." Gabrielle hissed, pulling the young teenager by his shoulder length, silver hair. She lifted him into view. "KOH!" Rain yelled, tears streaming down her face. She bit down on her lip so hard she tasted blood. Koh looked awful. He had blood flowing slightly from his mouth and down his chin. His face was bruised and battered, and on the side of his head he had a long cut, and crimson blood ran down the side of his face. His breathing was weak and slight. His eyes were weak and cold... having almost no emotion in them whatsoever... except one. His bright blue eyes seemed to be almost pleading, telling his friends and family not to come after him... almost apologizing for something. Gabrielle threw him to the ground and he collapsed weakly, "You know... He has quite a mouth that im sure Rain never taught him. You wouldn't have believed what he called me today." She smiled, "You know... starts with a B and ends in an itch. I've never even heard that out of your mouth Cloud." Nadia had tears streaming down her face when she turned away from the television. She could still hear the woman's taunting voice. "Your lucky Sin wants me to keep him alive. Why? I don't know." She looked down at the battered boy at her feet, "Guess what I told him Cloud." Cloud cursed, already knowing what she was talking about. Rain had all but passed out, and had buried her face once again into the safety of Hiro's shirt. "I told him about you and Rain... about the demi-humans... The Ryuu and the Tenshi..." She laughed cruelly, "I told him about everything; Luke, the MCME... everything. Even Copper." At this Ryuji held his breath. Not even Ayane knew about Copper. The adults suddenly felt overwhelmingly guilty. None of them had ever mentioned anything to there kids. Then never thought they would have to... and now, Rain felt the worst. Gabrielle bent over and pulled Koh up again. He weakly looked over at the camera and smiled. He had his hand in his pocket, unknown to his captor. Quickly he removed something and lunged, with all the strength he had left. Gabrielle screamed in pain as the knife buried itself deep into her stomach, and hot crimson blood flowed down her dress. Nadia gasped, suddenly realizing what had happened. The knife... it was the gift that she had bought him for his birthday. He must of found it in his room before the battle. It was retractable, and along it's jagged blade it was coated in a thin layer of diamond, very thin, and that made it very sharp. Its hilt was silver, and had gems embedded in the side, including a pure sapphire at the top. Along the hilt a silver snake was carved, making it's way all the way up to the blade. With his last bit of strength Koh said, "Thanks... Nadia." Then passed out. "Damn, boy!" Gabrielle screeched, throwing him back to the ground. She had forgotten to check his pockets for any sort of weapon. Damn! The Demi-human looked down at him and was about to kill him with his own knife when a voice filled the area, "Don't touch him. I told you not to take him out of Chaos-sin." "Sin!" Goji hissed, "The voice from the battlefield!" Gabrielle cursed and dropped the knife onto the ground. She then said, "I'll see you later Cloud and Rain..." With that both Koh and Gabrielle disappeared, Rain passed out, and all the people of Zi cried. ~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: oooh long chapter... kinda. Not as long as the last chapter in Searching for the past though... Anyways, hope you liked it! Itsy bitsy spider... lol. Please review. 8. The White Bishop and the Black King Authors note: Awww come on you guy's, did you really think that I would leave Gabrielle out of the story? Lol. Anyways, thanks for all the great reviews! Himeko: My sisters mad at you for calling her a wench, lol. She was reading the reviews and finaly found out that not many people liked her character... (Well you called the Gabrielle in the story a wench, but she still got mad... oh well) Oh, and once again, if your an RPG fan check out my friend Glitch's story: Dark Planet: REVIVAL. Its pretty good so far (plus I helped him choose what characters to use... lol) Also, Im not sure exactly how long after Chaotic Century that Zoids/0 takes place... i've read various things, and I know they have the same timeline and 0 is after CC... One website even said that Zoids/0 takes place 3000 years after the Chaotic Century series (another site said 300 years @_@). Im not sure if this is true or not. Im just making it so that it takes place a long time after, not mentioning an exact amount of time... hope this is ok with everyone. (If anyone knows for sure how long it is after Chaotic Century that Zoids/0 takes place, please tell me.) Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! CHAPTER 8 Hiro silently carried the unconscious Rain down the hallway and into the infirmary once again. He gently set her down on the bed and put the blankets on top of her, so she wouldn't be cold. He was just about to leave when he decided to check on Zack and make sure he was doing ok. He quietly approached the Bahamut 0's pilot, and looked over at a monitor. It showed Zacks heart rate at normal. With a sigh, Hiro reached over to turn off some machine that was making a very loud and annoying beeping noise. That's when the Bahamut 0's pilot stuck, suddenly grabbing the hand that was reaching over him with his own bandaged hand. He did it so silently and quickly that it scared Hiro out of his wits, and caused him to jump at least three feet in the air. When Zack let go he was grinning and chuckling slightly to himself while using his other hand to swipe a lock of his black hair out of his face, "Got you." Hiro just glared and grinned slightly, "That wasn't funny Zack." Zack nodded, "You jumped at least 2, maybe 3 feet, and the look on your face was hilarious." He noticed the sudden sadness behind Hiro's eyes and asked, "Now what did I miss." Hiro sighed, "Can you walk? I don't feel like explaining everything by myself..." Then he looked over to Rain, "And I don't want to wake her up, she just passed out again." Zack nodded and tried to stand. He was successful, but still a bit wobbly on his feet, and his burns hurt worse than ever. Ignoring the pain he followed Hiro slowly out of the room and down the hallway. "Dad!" Jessie said, looking up as soon as Zack entered the room. Zack looked over at his son and realized that he had tears in his eyes. 'What the hell happened?' Zack thought, 'Jessie never cries.' He nodded to his son and sat weakly with the other adults, listening as everyone began to explain. ****************************** "Damn it, Sin!" Gabrielle yelled fiercely, at the figure that was standing silently in the shadows, only his outline visible, "He stabbed me with that knife! I want him dead!" "Leave him alone!" Sin yelled, his voice outweighing the demons by far, "I didn't want you to even touch him!" The man's voice was average pitched, not too high, and not too low, and it sounded young. His voice even sounded gentle to a point, yet it had some type of force behind it that scared even the demi-human. The shadows covered the man, making it so only part of his outline was visible. He was gazing out the huge window located at the very top of the Chaos- sin's head, which was his private quarters. The giant zoids cockpit was located just below Sin's quarters, and the floor was made of tinted plexi glass so that he could see down into the cockpit, but none of his... workers... could see into the room. "Sin!" Gabrielle shrieked, "Why..." She was suddenly cut off by the man in the shadows. "Close your mouth now Demi-human!" Sin yelled, his gentle voice now becoming very intimidating, even to Gabrielle, "I told you to leave him alone! If I would have known you disobeyed my orders, placing him in the cells..." He paused, the venom on his voice completely sinking into Gabrielle's skin, "Then... you beat him! And worse yet, you took him out into the open, and threatened him and his family on live ZBC broadcast!" "But..." Gabrielle's usually steady voice was now quivering. "My orders were to place him in a locked room! Then to announce to the world our victory... not show them the boy, bragging on everything you've told him... Sin's voice had rose, his anger clearly visible, "But no. You forget all of my orders, and do everything possible to practically ruin my original plan! You told him everything I didn't want him to know! I can't believe you!" Gabrielle backed away as Sin still yelled, "You deserved that wound! I wanted to make him join us by choice, not force. Do you know what Im going to have to do in order for my plan to work now!?" "But Sin! Why do you care now!? You've won, the world is ours and the Zoid Battle Commission has been struck down! People fear us, and will do anything we say or want!" Gabrielle argued, her voice still uneasy. "You just don't get it do you!?" Sin yelled, "The ZBC is not gone! Just because we've taken out the Great Ultrasaurus doesn't mean they will give up!" He sighed, "Hell, they have people who's ancestors are the great heroes of the Guardian Force! The current leader of the ZBC is a Fly- Height! His ancestor is the legendary Guardian force member Van Fly- Height! You can bet he won't give up." "But..." "No But's, Demi-human!" Sin hissed, "We are the most powerful force in the world now. I will agree with you there." He paused, "But, we cannot make mistakes! A small power, such as the ZBC as it stands now, can overtake even the biggest power, us, if there are mistakes. We have already made enough." "Nothing can stop us!" Gabrielle yelled. She was cut off again by Sin, "You are right. Nothing can stop us as long as we don't make mistakes." He sighed, walking over to his desk which was illuminated by a small light. In the center of the desk sat a chess board, with a game that had already begun, the black side still had most of it's pieces, only missing the pawns and a knight, while the white side only had 3 pawns the king, and a bishop left. Sin was still cloaked in the shadows as he continued his lecture, "Think of it like this game of chess, who do you think will win?" Gabrielle looked over the board for quite a while and said, "The black side of course." "Your wrong. Look closer. Power and winnings bring cockiness and laziness." he said, "Mistakes are made, and the loosing side takes advantage, because it is underestimated. Think of us as the black side. We out-power, and out-rule our opponents greatly. But from one foolish mistake, everything can be lost in an instant." Gabrielle continued to gaze at the chess board, still content that the black side would win, "I don't understand." Sin put his gloved hand into the light, the only part of him visible now, he pointed at various pieces. The pieces were all in various places, and the pawns that were left on the white side almost completely blocked off their own king protecting him from the approaching black knight. He used his pointer finger to trace a path along the board... the white bishop was in the bottom left corner, while the black king was in the upper right. The path to the king was completely clear of all opponent pieces. He traced the path from the bishop, to the king. "One mistake." Sin said calmly, "and even the weakest force can win over the most powerful of all forces." He backed away from the light once again gazing out the window. It was now dark outside and the stars shone brightly. ****************************** The teenagers were all on one side of the room, while the adults were on the other. The group had just finished explaining everything to Zack. Zack sat quietly, still unsure as to if he believed that the Ultrasaurus had fallen. He looked over at Jessie, his son, who had never lied to him in his life. Jessie looked down at the floor, "It's true dad." Zack cursed and closed his eyes. The entire room was silent for minutes on end. Ayane stood suddenly, looking directly at the adults, mostly her father. She puled a violet bang out of her pale face and said, "I want answers." The adults were completely taken off guard, and Ryuji most of all. They stayed silent and sat, refusing to speak. Ayane still stood, her eyes never leaving her father. A few seconds later Rion stood, standing just behind Ayane. Next to stand were Shiro and Kristen. Eventually Will, Jessie and Hikari stood as well. Last to stand was Nadia, who said as she looked over at her father and uncle, "We ALL want answers." "Now." Shiro added, with a nod from Kristen. "Tell us what's going on." Hikari said quietly. "And don't lie either. You know something." Will accused. Rion nodded and said, "That's obvious enough." Jessie agreed, "We want the entire story." Cloud sighed and looked at his niece and said, "The entire story?" Nadia nodded, "Everything." LightStrike walked over to her and nudged her slightly, he seemed to be siding with the group of teenagers. "Well sense LightStrike seems to think you should know..." Cloud said as he began to tell the entire tale... starting with the very beginning of the MCME incident. ~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 8~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Heh. Hope this portrays Sin's character a bit better. That was the main purpose of this chapter. Well, and to show that all the teenagers were starting to get more involved... Oh, and sorry if I spelled Van's last name wrong, I just guessed. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to read and review! 9. A game of chess Authors note: Ok, thanks for all the feedback on the amount of time between CC and 0. 4000 sounds right so im going with that. Since I got two different responses on how to spell Van's name, (With the hyphen or without) im just going to leave it as it is. Thanks. Once again... Thanks for the reviews! Now onwards to chapter 9... CHAPTER 9 "...then LightStrike fused with us, bringing Rain back to life, and turning us back to normal humans. We left the crater, and all agreed to "forget" that anything had ever happened." Cloud stated, finishing off his story. He hold told it very quickly, and basically in a nutshell, but he had told them everything they needed to know. He looked up at the teenagers, and was not surprised to see the look on their faces. The two that seemed most surprised were Ayane and Nadia... and they had every right to be. After all, Ayane just learned her father used to have an evil, cruel and homicidal split personality who delighted in taunting and killing people, and Nadia just learned that her mother and uncle had, at one time, been demi-humans. Jessie looked over at his dad and said, "You really worked for Gabrielle at first...?" Zack shook his head, "No. Zero worked for Orihime, and Orihime worked for Gabrielle." Will looked over at his mother and father, "So you used to be the one in charge mom?" "Yes... but I always hated it. Like Cloud said, it was because they had my parents in custody." She sighed, "And I wasn't in charge either. Gabrielle was... and I was kinda scared of her." Nadia and Ayane stayed pretty quiet while the other kids continued to ask questions. The adults answered, most of them hesitantly. After a while, all the questions were asked and everything was quiet. It stayed that way for a good while, everyone thinking on their own. Most the teenagers could hardly believe everything that was said. And the adults were busy hating themselves for never telling their kids anything sooner. "So..." Ayane finally said quietly, "You... er, Copper, actually tried to... kill everyone?" Ryuji winced. He knew the question would come sooner or later, "Yes he did." Everyone was quiet, their attention focused on the young "gothic" and her father. Ayane looked down at the floor and asked, "Did you... he... kill anyone before then?" "I don't know." Ryuji answered truthfully, "I always kinda blacked out most of the time... Only once or twice did I kinda remember what happened." "Oh..." Ayane sighed. "Ayane..." Ryuji hated this. Even after he had beaten Copper it seemed that he continued to haunt him. The room was once again filled with an awkward silence, until Nadia spoke up, "..Uncle Cloud?" She paused, "I want to get Koh's knife back." "What?" Cloud looked over at her. "She left it in the desert by the wreck of the Ultrasaurus... Gabrielle did." Nadia said quietly, yet everyone heard, "It was the birthday gift I gave to Koh..." "Nadia..." "Please uncle Cloud?" "..." Cloud sighed. Of all the things that his niece had to think about, a stupid knife was the most important? They could get another knife. "Please?" LightStrike suddenly bit down on Clouds hand... hard. He growled as he let go, and walked over to Nadia. The organoid nudged her lovingly as she hugged him back, and Cloud suddenly saw the tears she was holding back. "Alright Nadia." Cloud gave in, "You and I will go, tomorrow, first thing." ****************************** Koh opened his eyes slowly, wincing in pain as he did so. He realized he wasn't in the dungeon anymore, but in a large room that was dimly lit. He sat up painfully and looked around. The huge, canopy bed he was lying on was covered in thick, fuzzy blankets that were an icy blue, and had an eastern oriented dragon sewed into them. The sheets were white, and made of a soft fabric that the teenager didn't recognize. The beds four posts each had the same eastern oriented dragon carved into them. There was a large, glass table a ways to his left. Four beautify carved wooden chars set around it. To his right was a large wooden cabinet, with a lamp standing next to it. A small round table at the wall of the room got his attention. On it sat a glass chessboard, and the pieces sat neatly arranged along the starting lines. Two small chairs sat on either side, and a small timer was also on the table. Koh tried to get up even more, but stopped as he felt a sharp pain stinging in his side. He almost cried out as he slumped back down into the bed. His head had begun to hurt, and a wave of dizziness swept over him. Bringing a hand to his eyes, he noticed his head had a set of bandages wrapped around them as well. His arm had also been bandaged... along with his side. Then he began to think. He remembered the demi-human Gabrielle, and his first impulse was to go into a cursing spree... but he didn't much feel like it. He was too busy remembering everything she had told him; his mom and uncle being demi-humans, Luke, Copper, everything. He felt a wave of emotions overswept him as he remembered everything the wench had told him. 'I'll kill that wench...' he thought angrily. The dizziness that had overtaken him before had returned even worse. Cringing, he closed his eyes and laid his head down gently on the pillow. He felt like curling up in a little ball, and hiding underneath the covers, like when he was upset or scared about something when he was little. But that would hurt to much... He soon noticed when uncociousness came and tapped him on the shoulder... but he welcomed it and was soon fast asleep... *********************** Sin sighed as he watched the scene before him. He had never wanted the young teenager hurt in the first place, it would make it all the harder to control him. He turned off the small screen that showed Koh's room, and leaned back in his chair, looking out the window and at the stars that were outside. Even the floor was dark underneath now, and he could no longer see into the cockpit. His room was not lit, and the only form of light came from the gentle shine of the millions of stars in the sky. The moons of Zi were on the other side of the horizon, offering none of their glow to the Chaos-sin's window. "Damn that stupid demi-human." Sin thought, "She could have ruined everything." He stood up and walked over to a small switch on the wall. Pressing it, the floor suddenly began to light up, lines of gentle green and teal-blue etching themselves around the surface. After a few seconds the entire floor was covered in a line map of the entire world of Zi. It looked like a giant city and landscape when seen from above at night time. Sin gazed down at the brilliantly lit floor, and small triangles indicated where the Chaos-sin was. It was flying slowly and steadily in one direction. "Zi shall soon see a new dawn." He whispered to himself as he continued to overview the map. He eventually finished and walked over to his desk, sitting in a small padded chair located behind it. He looked down at the small chess board, reset all the pieces, and began to play against himself. After about two hours Sin whispered to himself, "Checkmate..." The board showed that the black king had been checkmated by a white pawn... ************************** Rain woke once again to the sounds of the beeping machines of the infirmary. She pushed herself out of bed and slowly made her way down the hall, and finaly into the main room. One look at Nadia's face told her everything she needed to know... She knew. Nadia knew. "Rain, you should still be in bed." Hiro said sternly. "And so should Zack, but I don't see you getting on him about it." Rain replied, shooting a glance over at the Bahamut 0's pilot. He winced under the woman's tired but harsh glare. Rain walked over and joined the other adults on the couches, unsure of what to say. The kids seemed to glance at her strangely... but she figured that they had all the right to. She had been able to tell by the look in Nadia's eyes that they now knew about everything. She could also tell that every single one of them was as tired as a sloth, "Everyone go get some sleep... I have a feeling we're all going to need it." Nobody seemed to argue as they began to deiced who would share guest rooms with who. It ended that they all wanted to stay together as a group, so they headed to the biggest guest room and piled in. Nadia found enough blankets and pillows for everyone, and they spread themselves around the room. The bed was big enough for three people, so Nadia, Hikari and Kristen shared it. Ayane wanted the large sofa, and the boys found places on the floor. Once all the teenagers had left the room, the adults began to talk amongst themselves. Rain looked around at all the faces, her old friends and comrades. She never knew that it would be the last night they actually all shared together... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 9~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Sorry for the delay in the update. To make a long story short, I was absent from school for a few days and had to make up allot of work. Then I spent the weekend over at my best friend Chris's house, and we watched the Cowboy Bebop movie and listened to music and stuff. I've also been working on my Chrono Cross story, and a new original anime/manga that I have yet to post. I don't know if I will or not. Anyways, hope you liked the chapter! 10. Until the end Authors note: Sorry for the delays in the chapters, I've been getting busy lately. Even though finals aren't until the end of January, my teachers have been on us about studying, preparing folders, note's etc. I've been swamped with oral tests in Science and English, and In wood shop I just started a new project. But since it's now officially Christmas break, I'll probably post more within the next 2 weeks... (hopefully) Anybody got any good Christmas plans? CHAPTER 10 Lightstrike awoke suddenly, his bright eyes scanning the darkness for whatever sound it was that had woken him up. Gazing around at all the teenagers in the room he quietly and gently lifted his head. He looked at each face individually, first scanning the bed, then the floor, and finally the couch. Except the couch was empty... As easily and gently as possible the organoid slid off the foot of the bed and walked slowly out of the room. Peering down the hallway he noticed that the bathroom light at the end of the hall was on. The door was open and he heard water running. He made his way as quietly as he could down the hallway and stopped at the bathroom, surprised to see Ayane getting a cup of water from the faucet. Ayane splashed a bit of water on herself before she got a cup of water. After filling the little paper cup she turned to go back to the room, completely taken off guard by the organoid standing just outside the doorway. "Hey." Ayane eventually said, with a soft growl in return from the organoid. She walked passed him and back down the hallway, startled to find Nadia standing just outside the door. "Did I wake you up?" Ayane whispered, taking a sip of her water. LightStrike walked up to Nadia nudging her lovingly. "No. LightStrike has slept on the foot of my bed since I even had a bed... Even if he's perfectly quiet and gentle I can still tell when he leaves." Nadia sighed, "I guess I've just gotten so used to him being there..." Ayane nodded, "Oh." "So what're you doing up?" Nadia asked. "Just getting water... and thinking." Ayane answered quietly, looking down into her now almost empty cup. "I've been doing allot of that too." Nadia replied, giving LightStrike a tight hug around the neck. "Yeah..." Ayane looked into the dark room, looking at everyone as they slept. She saw Jessie turn in his sleep and Kristen mumble something. Even though they were all teenagers, when they were asleep they looked like a bunch of little kids at a sleepover. Nadia sighed inwardly as she shook a thought in her head away. She looked over at Ayane and said, "Im going into the main room to make something other than water to drink. I'm not sleepy anymore. Do you want anything?" "Sure." Ayane followed Nadia down the hallway and into the main room. A gentle glow shone through the glass wall, coming from a small light in the hanger. Nadia flipped on a lamp in the corner as she made her way to the "kitchen" area of the room. Opening the fridge she pulled out a small container of orange juice, and motioned for Ayane to pick something out of the fridge. Ayane nodded and pulled out a container of lemonade, just as Nadia got two glasses. They each poured their own drinks and sat at the counter, not saying much of anything. LightStrike just laid down on the floor in the corner, waiting for the two to finish. After some time Nadia quietly said, "Do you think Koh's... ok?" Ayane was taken aback by the question and answered, "I don't know..." She looked down at the counter still stuck in thoughts of her own... ******************************** "Sir, preparations are almost complete." A young ZBC soldier stated. He flipped through the sheets on the clipboard he was carrying with a yawn. "Good." The commander said, turning to face the soldier. The commander had short, spiked dark brown hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. He was tall and average built, with a calm and collective form. Yet his eyes seemed to suggest both a mischievous and curious side to him. The commander took the papers and thumbed through them, scanning each one quickly. He nodded, showing his approval. "Sir, do you think this will work?" The soldier asked, seemingly uneasily. "I don't think it will work, I know it will. It has to." The commander answered reassuringly, "Now I know it's late so get some rest and report back to me in the morning." "Yes sir, Commander Fly-Height." ******************************** The gentle rays of the morning sun struck through the window, and Clouds eyes fluttered slowly open. Groaning slightly he pushed himself out of bed and yawned. He walked down the hallway, and risked peeking into the kids room, noticing them all still asleep he went into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast. It had been decided the night before that he and Nadia would go find the knife, and then they would look for a way to save Koh. Rain would stay at the base with the kids, seeing as though she was injured, and her zoid couldn't do much. At first it was sugested that Zack stay as well, but he refused. Cloud had noticed that Rain had cried herself to sleep the previous night, but she had hid it from the others. He too felt like crying, but he instead vowed that he would save Koh no matter what. "Morning Cloud." Rei's voice came from behind him. Cloud turned to face him and nodded, still stirring the many eggs he was going to cook. "Need help?" "Sure." Cloud handed Rei a bowel and the two got to work on cooking, "Your up early?" "Yeah. I always get up early. Lavender isn't a very skilled cook, Goji can't cook much either. Oh, and of course Izumi sleeps in. So, I always get up early to make breakfast." "What about Kristen?" Cloud asked, placing a bowel in the microwave. "Our base would burn to the ground." Rei sighed, "But I really don't mind cooking much. It's easy, and it's an excuse to get out of bed in the morning." "Rain told me you used to always be up early and cook when she stayed at your base to build Kaiser." Cloud paused for a moment, suddenly remembering something Rain had told him. "Yeah. She never complained about the food either." Rei nodded, "Even though I was always basically cooking the same thing." Cloud nodded slightly, still pondering on the same thought about what Rain had told him, "Rei?" "Yeah?" "Why'd you help Rain build Kaiser?" Rei looked over at him for a moment and said, "Well, I never expected to find Rain when I went out looking for the "abandoned" Gustav that Zack told me about. He said that it was just sitting out in the middle of the desert, so I went to go take a look." "I know about that. Zack told me that since you were related to Luke, and that it was on file that you absolutely hated him, he told you about Rain's Gustav so that you would find her, and maybe keep her safe. He said that your base would be the last place they would expect to find her." He paused, "But that doesn't explain why you offered to help her build Kaiser." Rei placed some bread in the toaster and said, "Well... I was fascinated with Rain's description of her old zoid, and I could tell by the way she spoke of her battles, that she was a skilled pilot. She didn't mention much about you of course... only stating that she was looking for you. She showed me a photograph too." "...and?" "At first, I offered help because I was interested on battling with her. I wanted to see how good she was. Then I wanted to see if I could join her team." He sighed, "I was on a team once, but we split up and ever since then I had been working alone. But Rain seemed like a fun... yet mysterious person to hang around with. Plus, I could tell that she missed her old zoid very much, and that she would probably build a similar one. I wanted to see it, cuz dragon zoids are rare." He paused, "After a while we became friends and I just wanted to help her build it. I didn't care about joining her team or anything, I just wanted to help." "I see." Cloud stated, "Rain once told me that she could tell you wanted something, that's why you were helping her... at first." "She could tell?" Rei said, "Damn, I thought I hid it pretty well. Oh well. I still can't figure out exactly why Zack "sent" her to me though." "I already told you that." Zack said, coming into the room, "I looked up as much information on Luke as possible, and discovered you were his only living relation. I also discovered that you obviously hated him, and I had to protect Rain from him. I needed to pay Cloud back somehow after all. I told you about the gustav so that you would meet her, and more than likely keep her safe without even knowing it." The Bahamut 0's pilot looked at what they were doing and said, "I'd offer to help cook, but im not good at it." Eventually all the adults woke up and were in the kitchen/ main room of the base. Except Rain. She was exhausted, and still sound asleep in her own room. The adults who knew how to cook were busy cooking, while the others were sitting on the couches discussing strategy and idea's. "It's time to get this show on the road." Bit stated, with agreements coming from everyone. He sighed, "Im tired of us always being the ones who get attacked. Now we have to show everyone that we ain't taking it anymore. We'll show everyone just who they're messing with! Right Blitz team!?" Leena jumped up and agreed, "Right!" Doctor Tauros nodded in agreement. Bit was becoming quite the leader. "Don't get too hasty and forget us Bit!" Izumi stated. "That's right!" Lavender added, "After all, the FireBlazers are in this too!" "So are we!" Leon stated, nods coming from Naomi, Brad and Tyra of the Flugle team. "Im not going to stand around either." Ryuji said. Zack agreed with him. "Thanks you guy's." Cloud stated, serving them their food, "And of course, we Sky-Raiders are in this till the end." Everyone agreed whole heartily, but quietly so they wouldn't wake the kids. Cloud quietly said, "It will all be over soon. And we'll all be in this till the end." Orihime and Jemie got busy on the computers, trying to find any information at all about this "Sin" person and his battle zoid "Chaos-sin." They were typing furiously, looking for anything at all. Orihime had even hacked into what was left of the ZBC's secret files. Meanwhile, Rain slept as peacefully as possible. She had had a rough enough time so far, and she needed sleep... badly. She woke up a few times, but went right back to sleep. Her eyes slowly opened once again, looking down at the foot of her bed as a reflex. Even though it had been a long time since LightStrike slept at the foot of her bed, she still found herself looking for him whenever she woke up. She sighed inwardly, realizing he wasn't there, but suddenly wishing he was. As if on cue she heard a soft growl from outside her door. "LightStrike?" Rain asked quietly. The organoid walked in, and looked over at her worriedly. After a few seconds he jumped up onto the bed and curled up at the foot, as if he knew what she was thinking. "Thank you my old friend." Rain whispered, running a small hand along her old partners back, and giving him as tight a hug as it was possible without hurting herself. He growled softly, nudging her lovingly but carefully. Rain swore that the organoid seemed to say your welcome. But, she figured she was imagining it, since organoids couldn't talk. She sometimes wished that LightStrike could. She laid back down and fell asleep once again whispering "Cloud will find him... I know he will." The organoid looked up at her, and if he could have, he would have smiled gently and said, "Yes he will. Don't worry." But he couldn't so instead he growled once again, laying at the foot of Rains bed to keep her company. ~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 10~~~~~~~~~ Sorry once again for the delay. I've been planning exactly how I want this story to lay itself out. I could lay it out a million different ways to get the ending that I want, and it was going to be hard to choose which "path" to take, in a way I had a slight writers block on deciding what to do. I finaly figured out exactly how I want it to go last night as I was trying to fall asleep, yet there is still something that seems missing in my plan... but I can't figure out what. I found this chapter extremely hard to write. I have no clue why, but I couldn't figure out how to word it. But I think I finnaly got it. Anyways, now that Im on Christmas break, expect more updates cuz Im going to try. I have a feeling this story MAY be longer than the other two, but I can't tell yet. I was also thinking of going back and re-doing Fight For the Future. I went and re-read it, and for some reason was kind of disappointed in it. It doesn't seem as detailed as either Searching for the past, or Flight of the Phoenix. Do you think I should? Im not sure... tell me what you think. Thanks all my loyal reviewers for sticking with me thus-far! 11. Sneaking around Authors note: *Huggles new MP3 player* I love Christmas. I only got two presents this year... but I still love Christmas.... I love my new MP3 player.... best gift in the world cuz It's not one of those CD burning ones.... and I can turn it really loud and ignore everything my mom says! Yay! So, what was everyone else's favorite gifts this year? Anyways, here's the next chapter. CHAPTER 11 "Nadia..." A voice whispered, while gently shaking the sleeping girl. Nadia's eyes fluttered open slowly, and she blinked a few times to wash away the bluryness. She turned to the one who was shaking her, surprised to see who it was. Ayane was sitting on the corner of the bed looking down at her. "Ayane?..." Nadia questioned slightly, still not fully awake. "Go get dressed..." Ayane whispered quietly as possible, not wanting to wake any of the others in the room, "You want to go get that knife don't you?" Nadia suddenly remembered and nodded, pushing the covers off her body and climbing out of the bed. Quickly glancing at the clock she saw that it was 7:30, which meant her uncle was probably already awake. She carefully shuffled over to the door, Ayane following her, and peeked outside and down the hallway. Seeing the coast was clear, the two dashed down the corridor and into Nadia's room. The previous night the two had decided to go and get the knife alone. Why they decided on it eluded both of them, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. They would go to the battlefield, get the knife, and return to the base within a few hours. Simple. The only problem? Sneaking out of the base and taking their zoids without anyone knowing. "Are you sure you want to go alone?" Ayane asked, once they had locked to door. "Yeah." Nadia nodded. "Ok then," Ayane said, "Hurry and lets get going." Nadia walked over to the closet and looked through her outfits, finding the one she wad going to wear. Ayane turned away and Nadia began to dress herself. After getting dressed she quickly ran a brush through her long silver hair, and placed the birthday necklace that Koh had given her around her neck. "Alright, lets go." Nadia said, leading the way out the door. The two quickly and quietly dashed down the hallway, toward the main room. Staying as close as they could to the hallway wall, they made their way closer and closer. Various voices began to make their way to the two girls ears, and they came to the end of the hall. Nadia chanced a glance around the corner, seeing that all the adults, minus her mother, were together eating and talking about things. She gave a quick nod to Ayane and the two took off down another hallway, in the direction of the hanger. They soon found themselves at the main cave, the roaring sound of the brilliant ever flowing waterfall drowning out the clatter of their metal tipped boots against the rock floor. Together they dashed across the cave, and into the mouth of an even deeper cave that led to where all the zoids were being kept. The floor of the cave began to curve and slant downward, so the two slowed their pace to avoid falling. They eventually came to a long, dark, curved tunnel that was wide enough for the zoids to make their way through, and tall enough so that the zoids heads wouldn't scrape against the top. After a few moments they saw the end, with a soft light shinning through. Nadia stopped at the end of the tunnel, her back pressed against the wall. She knew that the adults were now right above them, enjoying their breakfast. And now she was placed with a problem. The large glass wall that was right above them. "How are we going to get to the zoids?" Ayane inquired quietly, "They'd see us if we just walked over to them..." Then she paused and said, "How are we going to get the zoids out without them noticing. "Im thinking..." Nadia said looking down at the ground. An idea struck her suddenly and she looked across the hanger at her zoid. It was in the corner against the right wall, and next to it stood the battered Kaiser. If she remembered right, the Kaiser was so much bigger than her Konig wolf, that it completely blocked the zoid from the view of the adults. The GunGyarados was much closer, and was right beneath the glass wall, making it so you had to be looking almost strait down to even see it. Even then you could barley see it because all around the hanger the wall was indented to form a "roof" above the zoids. "It won't be too hard... I hope." Nadia said, "Stay against the indented wall. When you get in the cockpit, open your com-link...." Ayane nodded just as she made her way along the wall and to her zoid... **************************** Gabrielle made her way down the Chaos-sin's dark, narrow hallways, cursing inwardly to herself about what she had just been informed. Sin was still going to go along with his original plan. "Damn him!" Gabrielle sighed, intentionally tripping one of Sin's workers as he passed by her in the hall, "I still can't believe he wants to use the little brat...." She turned down another, even darker hallway all the while mumbling to herself, "....I should be allowed to do as I please with him... after all I am his great aunt...." She scowled, suddenly thinking of another part in Sin's plans, "And he's going to use 'us' too! Damn it!" She finaly seemed to come to the door she was looking for. Walking over to the doors control panel, she imputed the passcode, and waited as the Chaos- sin's main computer scanned the numbers. Bright red letters flashed across the screen: ERROR ERROR ERROR... "What!" Gabrielle gasped. "I changed the code, demi-human." A voice rang out from behind the "demon" startling her slightly. She turned to face the familiar voice to find Sin standing behind her, still cloaked in the shadows making him almost completely impossible to see. The only part of him visible was his outline. "Why!?" Gabrielle demanded angrily. "Wouldn't want any accidents to take place in there now would we?" Sin stated coldly, seemingly glaring at the demi-human. "Are you saying that I would try something!?" Gabrielle yelled. "Oh no! I never implied that." Sin said somewhat sarcastically, "I only wanted to take some extra...precautions... to make sure no mistakes are made after all..." He stepped forward, the shadows seeming to almost bath him, keeping his face from Gabrielle's eyes, "Now move out of the way so that I can get through." Gabrielle scowled as she moved out of the way. Sin made his way forward to the control panel, then, making sure he blocked it from the demi-humans view, he typed in a new set of numbers. The computer immediately recognized the passcode, and the door shifted open. Sin walked through with Gabrielle following him. The first thing that she always noticed when she entered the room was the thick steam that wove it's way around the floor and machinery. A soft glow could be seen from around the corner, and hundreds of bright cords ran along the pitch black walls. The two walked around the corner and towards the light, entering a now brighter room. It was filled with huge pieces of machinery, each one buzzing and beeping, or roaring in it's own way. The main floor was levitated high above the bottom of the room, the steam rising from the air compressors, ventilation shafts, and generators located at the bottom making the room glow in an eerie light. Sin kept his cloak pulled over his head now, the shadows no longer able to hide him. But his cloak would do. Keeping his face glued on one object that was in front of him, he made his way forward. The room.... the steamy, hot, bright room, was the heart of the zoid. Sin, grasped onto a rail that was in the center of the floor and looked up. There, the source of the light, stood the massive zoids core brilliantly shining, hot, white energy seeming to emanate from its surface... and off to the side was a chair, with a lone unconscious figure slumped down on it. On the figures head was something that somewhat resembled the MCME helmet, but it was attacked to a computer that was in the corner of the room. The figure laid there motionless as Sin made his way toward him, his cloak pulled low over his face. Sin nodded his approval as he looked at a small screen on the computer that the figure was attached to. He turned to the demi-human. "It is time." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 11~~~~~~~~~~~ Like? Hate? Don't know? Review and tell me what you think. Sorry the chapters kinda short, im getting really tired and I figure I better quit while im ahead, so that I don't accidentally mess up the chapter in some way. @_@. Also, I want to hear all about everyone's Christmas adventures! ^_^. 12. The game begins Authors note: O_O I haven't been getting many reviews lately... *Checks review list again* (Only 2 reviews show for the last chapter...) nope... no new ones.... It's probably because holidays (I hope) Anyways. I've gotten one e-mail from someone telling me that he's on vacation so maybe that's the case with everyone else. And I heard that Fanfiction was having a problem with AOL... so that could be a problem too. So, since only two people reviewed, I can reply to both of them! Yay! Deathzealot: Chill! I meant I was going to quit on that chapter for the night, not the story! That's why I said "Sorry the chapters so short but Im getting really tired..." It was midnight so I wanted sleep. Don't worry, I will never leave a story just hanging when I have so many great reviewers like yourself! Even if it does take me a while to update, I'll still continue. Kitai Matsuru: Glad you had a great Christmas! What two CD's did you get? Godiva chocolates..... Yummy *Mouth waters* I love chocolate too! My parents paid for both my Toronto and Japan trips last summer and they won't let me go any where else for a while claiming that they've spent too much money on me already. Now they're focused on my little sister... Thanks both of you for reviewing! CHAPTER 12 "That was easier than I expected it to be." Nadia said over the open com- link. Her Konig wolf running just below and to the right of Ayane's flying GunGyarados. "Yeah, I almost expected them to hear us leave or something..." Ayane replied, looking down at the screen that showed Nadia's face. Nadia nodded, "I was more worried about them seeing us..." She paused, a smile creeping into her features as she thought about her success. "And where do you two think your going?" A new voice said over the com- link, startling both girls and causing Nadia to jump. A screen popped up showing a teenager, dark green hair and wine red eyes, smiling mischievously at the two "escapees". "Jessie!" Nadia sighed, "I almost thought you were your dad or something! What are you doing out here!?" Jessie's Lightning Siax suddenly came into view, running up along side the Konig wolf. It's black armor glinting in the sunlight. Jessie suddenly frowned and said sarcastically, "I could ask you the same thing, miss wake us up at 7:30 in the morning." "Us?" Ayane asked. "Yeah, you woke me up too." A screen popped up showing the blond, emerald eyed Rion, "Well actually, Jessie woke me up, but hey, he woke up because of you." The white Blade Ligar ran up just behind the Konig wolf and Lightning Siax. "Yeah, and Nadia, just to let you know..." Jessie added still frowning, "Stepping on someone's hand at 7:30 in the morning, while trying to sneak around will probably get you caught." "I stepped on your hand?" Nadia asked, she didn't remember stepping on anybody... She had been very careful not to. She did however step on a clump of blankets... "Yeah, my hand was covered though so you probably didn't see it. I thought I was only imagining it at first, but when I heard the door close It woke me up completely..." Rion broke in at this point, "And when he got up to follow you, he tripped over me, then stepped on my arm, and almost fell on my face!" He paused, "Luckily, the others managed to sleep through it all! I don't know how with all the nice compliments we both spat out at each other..." "None of them were very mean after all..." Jessie added, grinning and remembering the insults the two had passed. Ayane sighed, "I thought we had gotten out clean..." "Nobody saw you take your zoids or anything, right?!" Nadia asked, "You didn't tell my uncle or Ryuji or any of the others did you?!" "Chill, Nadia." Jessie said, "We didn't tell anyone. As for our zoids, I managed to get out easily..." "My Blade Ligar wasn't in your hanger remember?" Rion said, "It was in the hover cargo, which was empty, so don't worry about me being seen." "Good." Nadia sighed in relief, slumping down into her cockpit's chair. "So, mind telling us where we're headed to?" Jessie asked. "The Ultrasaurus battlefield." Nadia replied. "What!?" Rion sat upright in his chair, looking at Nadia's image, "Why?" "To get Koh's knife." Nadia replied simply, "You can come with us or go back to the base, your choice." "Are you kidding?" Rion grinned, "Im going definitely." "In, or out, Jessie?" Nadia asked, "You have to remember, that dragon battle zoid might still be there..." Jessie chuckled, "In. Definitely in." *************************************** Sin walked into his privet chambers and gazed out the window. Unlike most zoids who's cockpits were tinted various colors, the Chaos-sin's upper window, where Sin's room was, was clear. 'Soon' Sin thought, 'soon, everything will be finished once and for all.' Though the sun had risen, the shadows still clung to his form, the room almost always kept completely dark. A knock came at his door, "You may come in, Gabrielle." The demi-human entered, her wings brushing up against the door frame slightly as she did so. She glanced up at Sin, not surprised to see him looking out the window. She was startled though, seeing the shadows still clinging to him... but then again, they seemed to try and cling to him even in the heart of the zoid, the brightest part. She still didn't see how he did it, especially since she was very good at causing the shadows to hide her, and they still refused to in such light. "What is it demi-human?" Sin asked, not turning from his window. Gabrielle stepped forward, noticing that the map of Zi was visible on the floor, "Chaos-sin's readings are normal, and the subject is completely void of everything. He is ready..." Gabrielle sneered, "just as you instructed." "And you demi-human?" Sin asked, his voice hinting in a bit of amusement, "Are you?" Gabrielle cursed, her eyes filled with hatred and anger, "Yes... yes sir." "You seem unsure." Sin's voice was definitely amused now, seeming to taunt the demonic demi-human. Gabrielle glared even harder at the man, the rage building behind her eyes. She turned and left, cursing as she did so. "Good." Sin said quietly to himself. He sat at his desk, resetting the chess pieces to their starting positions... *********************************** LightStrike sat up suddenly, accidentally waking up the sleeping Rain. She looked at him, "What's wrong?" LightStrike growled reassuringly and gently nudged her lovingly. She settled back down into her blankets and closed her eyes, wondering what had startled LightStrike. A sudden chill was sent down her spine and she shuddered slightly, her mind shifting to Koh. Koh, who was older than Nadia by a few minutes, had a completely different personality from his twin sister. He was always upbeat and happy, always finding pleasure in getting into mischief, especially on halloween--his birthday. He had a mean streak in him, that only showed itself when he was extremely angry, and could out glare even the mightiest of men. His tongue was also quite bad at times, insulting people who made him angry, or just accidentally swearing in front of her and Hiro. He took it upon himself to always protect Nadia, who he treated like gold, and was always there for her when she got into trouble. Once, while they were visiting Salt city, some older boys were picking on Nadia. She was twelve years old at the time, and the boys must have been about fifteen. When Koh saw what was happening, he rushed over and started insulting the boys, surprising even Rain with the words he had used. The boys of course laughed at him, threatening to beat him up, continuing to pick on Nadia. Koh, who was decently tall and quite strong, even at twelve years old, took the older boys up on their offer of a fight, punching out their leader in one hit. Of course, he didn't get away unscathed. He had a black eye for a week, and showed it off quite well, proud that he had taken out the four boys that had picked on his little sister. Koh remedied her so much of both Hiro and Cloud. He had Hiro's looks, wits, and charm; and Cloud's cunningness and mischievous personality. It was understandable. Cloud had loved Koh since he laid eyes on him as a baby, and was always taking care of him, and teaching him things. Even if they were things that would get him into trouble. They were quite inseparable, and shared quite a bond. Rain could tell that whenever Koh got into trouble or got hurt, Cloud, who always tried to hide it, was probably even more worried that she was. Hiro once said that it was because he loved his baby sister, Rain, so much that he couldn't help but love her kids as soon as he saw them. Rain covered up in the blanket tighter, trying to keep herself from crying. She sighed and whispered, "Koh..." Just before falling back asleep. LightStrike looked over at Rain worriedly, realizing just how heart broken she was. Before, if Rain had sustained injuries like she had now, she probably would already be up not listening to the words of protest from Cloud, Hiro, or any of the others. She would have insisted on repairing Kaiser right away, and wouldn't let any one keep her in bed even if her injuries did hurt badly. But now she stayed in bed, like the others told her to. She slept cried often, wishing that none of it had ever happened. But she still hung onto her hope. Even if she had become tired and mournful, she still insisted quite stubbornly that they were going to get Koh back. She insisted it very strongly, which made the others, and even LightStrike, very relieved. *********************************** Sin sat, placing his gloved hand on a small black pawn three places from the left, and pushed it forward one space. He looked down at the chess board and said, "Let the final game begin..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Trust me, this fic probably has a long way until its done, even if the last line might suggest otherwise. Once again, thanks you guy's for reviewing! And I'm still waiting to hear what everyone did and got for Christmas! *Gabrielle looks over at you and says* hi reviewers. *I look over at her* What do you want? *She grins* Can I have the computer now? grrrrrr. She's had the computer almost every day since we got out of school, so im not updating as much as I would like to. Sorry about that. Now she's laughing at me for putting up what she's saying.... oh well. 13. Searching Authors note: Ummmm... not much to say really except im lucky my sister stayed up with me last night ^_^ Unlike me if she stays up late, she can't get up early so I was able to jump on the computer! (I get up about 6 am -7 am every morning no matter how late I stay up...) I was up watching Tech TV They just aired this new show Anime unleashed -- starting with some anime called Crest of the Stars. (Its not fair that the western coast gets to see it at 10 pm, when the eastern coast has to wait till 1 am...) It seems pretty interesting by what I've seen so far (Only the first episode) but I absolutely hate the voice acting (shrudders... terrible actors... Terrible dubbed voice actors...) Anyways, Thanks for the reviews, and Himeko, im not really on a chess kick or anything, it's just that when I was coming up with the personality for Sin, the game seemed to fit him... so I used it for the story @_@ CHAPTER 13 The four zoids ran, or flew in Ayane's case, side by side along the scorching desert sands. It seemed like they had been heading in the same direction for forever now, but really it had only been about one hour since they left the waterfall base. It had stayed pretty quiet among them, each of them in either their own thoughts, or having nothing really to say. Nadia glance out ahead of her. The sky was gloomier in that direction, and dark billowing clouds seemed to start appearing from no where. It looked like a storm would hit soon, which wasn't good. If they were caught in a storm, it would slow there progress, and if it was a thunderstorm, it could fry the zoids circuits. "You see that?" Jessie asked Nadia suddenly. "Yeah..." Nadia replied, still looking at the clouds out ahead of her. She prayed a storm wouldn't start soon. Rion's face appeared in front of the Konig wolf pilot, "How much longer until we get there?" "We should only have about half an hour left... maybe an hour if the storm hits soon..." Nadia replied. *************************************** "Damn it!" Cloud cursed as he checked another of the rooms, finding it empty, "Where did those four get off to!?" He dashed across the hall to Nadia's room, and cursed once again when he found it void of people. "C... Cloud...." Tyra ran up, out of breath. She had just ran up from the hanger, "Their... zoids are gone..." She took the time to catch her breath and continued, "Doc says that Rion's blade Ligar is gone too." The two made their way back to the main room, where the others had already gathered. Together, all the adults had searched the large base, hanger, and hover cargo for the two four missing teenagers, but to no avail. They were gone. "Im going out to look for them." Cloud said, rushing over to the wall and grabbing his jacket off the hook, "There's going to be a bad thunder storm today, so you guy's wait here, and I'll be back when I find them. "No way Cloud." Ryuji shook his head, "Ayane's my daughter. Im going to go too." "And Rion's missing too." Bit added, "No way im just going to sit around and wait... Im coming with you." "Im going as well." Zack said, "Jessie's gone. I intend to find him." After a few more minutes it had been decided that Cloud, Bit, Ryuji, Zack, Tyra, Rei, Jemie and Goji would all go out and look for the missing teenagers. Doc would follow them in the hover cargo. Leena, Brad, Naomi, Leon, Izumi, Ori and Lavender would all stay at the base and look over things. By this time the other teenagers were already awake, and when they saw the chaotic shuffling of the adults looking for the missing teenagers, they had decided to stay in the room and discuss what could have happened to their friends. Together they had pretty much come up with a good idea to where they went. Will had sugested that they went to the battlefield, because they all knew that Nadia wanted to get Koh's knife back, and Ayane wanted to find out more information on Copper... even if she didn't show it. Why Jessie and Rion would have gone still eluded them though. "I wonder how they got the zoids out without anybody noticing...." Hikari said, " Had to have been hard..." "They had to either have left really really early, or they had a whole lot of damn good luck on their side..." Kristen replied. "I bet it was more luck then timing." Shiro commented, "They were still here at six this morning when I got up to use the restroom. I went back to sleep after that though." Will looked over at the clock, "It's 8:30 now, so they had to have left between about six thirty and eight.... that's when our parents started looking for them." Suddenly Cloud walked though the door and looked over at the four teenagers that were left, "Some of us are going to look for Nadia and the others. You are all staying here. Got it?" Each one of them nodded in turn. Cloud sighed and left, closing the door behind him. As soon as his footsteps disappeared down the hall Kristen sneered, "How do ya like that.... Jeeze." "What will we be doing about this my friends..." Shiro said, "He tells us to stay, but, since when did we listen to what our parents told us?" "We follow them of course!" Kristen said, clapping her hands together over dramatically. Shiro grinned. Will and Hikari looked at the two scheming friends, and Will shook his head, "He said "some" of them were going. That means some of them are staying here to watch us." He emphasized on both the words "some" and "us". "Damn it!" Kristen slammed her fist into the bed, "Figures. Just like em to do that. Leave people here to make sure we don't do anything." ********************************* "How much longer until we reach our destination?" Sin asked, his cloak still draped over his face, and the shadows still clinging to his body. He looked over at his newest recruit, who was looking out the Chaos-sin's window. "Not much." The recruit said, an emotionless, cold voice filling the air. It made Sin smile, "An hour. Hour and a half at most." "Good." Sin laughed, "And once we're done there, and I have what I want, we will have no trouble finishing my plan. Hopefully, the mistakes that the demi-human..." he paused, "made will not reflect upon us. That would not be good will it." "No. It wouldn't." "And of course... you will be my second in command during this time won't you?" Sin grinned, already knowing what his new recruit would say. "Yes." The recruit paused, "I won't be stopped by anything..." The man turned to face Sin, his blue eyes flashing, "I will do as you say, and kill them all." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: hehehe... hope you enjoyed it. Oh and of course.... Happy new year everyone! 14. Sin's New recruit Authors note: Sorry for the delay. wasn't working, then It wouldn't let me log in. I had this chapter done a few days ago. And of course, thanks for all the great reviews! Here's the next chapter. CHAPTER 14 "This isn't good..." Jessie said, glancing out in the direction they were traveling. It had become quite a bit darker due to the clouds that had gathered. "Those clouds are moving way to fast..." Rion added, "Nadia, how much farther?!" Nadia's face appeared through the com-link, "We should almost be there..." She paused, "Ayane, could you get a better view?" Ayane nodded and pushed forward on her controls, sending the GunGyarados into the air. She glided for a few minutes, "I can see the Ultrasaurus. It should be coming into your sights too..." She paused for a few seconds, then whispered, "It looks even worse than on the news..." The GunGyarados returned to it's place besides the Konig wolf, and the four friends continued on their course, each one worried about the storm clouds that looked like they would burst at any moment. Within a few seconds the beaten Ultrasaurus came into view. The large zoid that had seemed to so many to be invincible laid fallen, dead, among the burning desert sands. It's magnificent head half buried by the wind and sand. The dark clouds seemed to make it even worse, casting shadows along the ultrasaurus' armor. "Jeeze..." Rion sighed, unable to say anything else as the four teenagers slowed their zoids, all eyes fixed on the giant zoid in front of them. They had noticed that they weren't the only ones there, other zoid warriors and zoid pilots alike had come to see the fallen zoid. Some of them even cried at the sight. There were even various ZBC officials shuffling busily back and forth, some seemed to be in a panicked state of hurry, others seemed to be moving far slower than they could have. One man in general seemed to stick out among the ZBC crew. He was standing completely still, his back turned to the four teenagers. He seemed to be watching the ultrasaurus intently, as if nothing else mattered. The man had short, spiked dark brown hair, and was standing in an almost calm and collective way. Even though it didn't seem like it, he was noticing everything around him, even the four new warriors that had appeared on the scene. He turned to face the new arrivals looking at each one in turn, his dark brown, almost black eyes quickly scanning them. 'Interesting,' He thought to himself, 'A black Konig Wolf, Lightning Siax, GunGyarados, and a white Blade ligar... I don't remember any team like that... very mismatched set of zoids.' He smiled inwardly as the four zoids approached him, taking an immediate liking to them. He didn't know exactly why, but he liked these four zoids already, and wanted to meet the pilots. Nadia opened a com-link with the others, "Hey does that guy look familiar to any of you?" Jessie nodded, "I've seen him somewhere, just can't place it." Ayane and Rion both nodded. Jessie sighed, "Well lets ask him if he's seen the knife, the quicker we get out of here the better." "Right." Nadia's face faded out. Jessie was the first to reach the man, he instructed his zoid to kneel, and opened the cockpit. Standing, the green haired teenager looked down at the official and nodded his greeting. Next was Ayane, who opened her cockpit as well, not taking any measures to greet the stranger. She just looked down at him, her gothic look seeming to fit the GunGyarados quite well. She sat on the edge of the zoids cockpit, looking over at the fallen Ultrasaurus. The white Blade Ligar came in up to the side of the GunGyarados, kneeling just like the Lightning Siax had. Rion stood as well, "Hello..." The man seemed amused at Rion. He looked quite familiar, and instantly he thought of the most famous pilot on all of Zi... he nodded at the teenager and asked, "You related to Bit Cloud?" Rion grinned sheepishly, looking exactly like his father, "My dad." "Ah," The man smiled, just as the last of the four zoids approached. It came up in between the GunGyarados and Lightning Siax, and the cockpit opened revealing a young girl with long silver hair and eyes. She stood, "Um hi..." The man instantly thought of the boy that the woman had, the strange woman with the armor... This girl, she looked very much like the boy... "Welcome, unfortunately I couldn't meet you on better circumstances," he waved a hand to the huge zoid behind him, "I am Commander Chris Fly-Height, and you are?" "Your a Fly-Height? As in defeat the Deathsoarer Fly-height?" Rion asked excitedly. Chris laughed slightly, he got that allot, "Yes, Van Fly-Height is my ancestor. Now please answer my question... Who are you?" "Rion Cloud." Rion answered, still shocked about meeting a Fly-Height. "Jessie Cooper." "Ayane Makeno." "Nadia Soleheart..." Nadia finished, jumping down out of her cockpit. The others followed suit. "I have one question for you." Chris stated, directing his attention to Nadia, "Are you in any relation to that boy... the one that the strange woman with armor had with her?" Nadia cringed, she was hoping to avoid that subject and just get the knife then leave. She looked up at the official and sighed, "Yes. He's my twin brother..." "I see." He fiddled with something in his pocket, and pulled it out. "Then this belongs to you." Nadia took the small bundle and opened it, surprised to see the knife that she had given Koh, "This is why we came here...." She sighed, taking a few seconds to gaze at the blade. It had been cleaned, and shone even in the dim light. "Thank you sir..." "No problem... now, can you perhaps explain what is going on?" Chris asked, "Any of you maybe?" Nadia sighed, "Well, I really don't know everything sir..." She still didn't' take her eyes off of Koh's knife, "It's hard for me to understand..." She was suddenly cut off by a loud clasp of thunder. Cold rain began to fall as the dark billowing clouds shifted. Bright Lighting flashed across the sky, illuminating the entire area. People began to run in various directions, and zoids were fleeing from the scene. "Damn! Nadia, we have to go now!" Jessie said, grabbing onto the girls arm and dragging her back toward the zoids, which the others had already started a dash towards. She looked back at the commander, "Im sorry I couldn't explain sir..." Chris looked up at the clouds, and looked back down to two of the four zoids come to life, the GunGyarados and Blade Ligar. A few seconds later Nadia and Jessie climbed into their cockpits, and their zoids roared to life. "Zeke!" Chris yelled through the storm. From seemingly out of nowhere a blue and white blade Ligar appeared, crouching at it's pilot. He climbed in and told the zoid, "Lets follow those kids. I want to make sure they get home ok, and I want answers." The zoid roared and bounded off, quickly coming up to the four dashing zoids. Jessie and Rion were out in front, Nadia following close behind. Ayane was flying besides them, low so that the lightning had less of a chance to fry the GunGyarados' circuits. She was also the first to notice the approaching Blade Ligar. "Hey kids." The commander's face appeared on their com-links, "I want answers, so, Im going with you. Any objections?" Another crack of lightning flashed across the ever darkening sky as the water began to beat gown harder. Each of the four teenagers shook their heads in turn, and Chris smiled, "Good." ********************************* "We're here." The recruit stated, turning to leave the window. Sin nodded, and sarcastically said "Won't they be surprised to see us here?" The recruit, who was now standing in the doorway, turned his blue eyes on Sin, "I suppose they will... and it will be the last time they see us as well." "You may do as you wish with everyone except the two that I want. Understand?" Sin stated, "I will send in 15 other men with you... of course, all of them will be under your command." "Fine." The recruit turned with a quick wave of his hand and left, the door shifting shut behind him. He walked down the hallway and reached the elevator, pushing the buttons quickly. He leaned against the back wall of the elevator, and grasped his forehead painfully, his head wouldn't stop pounding... The door opened and he straitened himself out, ignoring his pounding headache. He walked down yet another hallway, finding himself face to face with the last person he wanted to see. The demonic demi-human cursed as she rounded the corner, coming face to face with the new "recruit". She glared angrily at him as she passed, wishing right then and there to tear his throat out. He snorted as she walked past, sticking his foot out slightly, and catching her off guard. She stumbled, but caught herself, angrily turning to face him. He grinned cruelly and left, entering the cockpit, where the 15 men Sin had promised were waiting. "Lets go." The recruit commanded, and turned, leaving the Chaos-sin with the 15 men following behind him, each one armed with both a handgun and a dagger.... "Time to make a massacre..." They snuck quietly to the waterfall base, and the recruit turned to face the men, "Come in only when I order you to." "Right sir." One of the men nodded, holding up his head set. The recruit nodded and put one on his head. The headset would keep him in contact with both Sin, and the 15 men at his disposal. The Chaos-sin itself was cloaked, and hidden quite a distance away. The recruit passed behind the waterfall, and walked into the zoid hanger, glancing left and right at the zoids. He cursed, pressing a small button on the headset,"Sin?" "What is it?" Sin asked. "Only a few of them are here. The others are all gone somewhere. Including Cloud." Sin chuckled, "Well, this gives me an idea. Don't kill any of the people here. We'll save that for later. You can do what you want with them, as long as you don't kill them. Tell me, is the other one there?" "You mean Rain?" The recruit asked, "Her zoid is here, so I would guess that she is." "Good. Here's my plan..." ****************************** Cloud and the others that had gone to search had lucked out. Footsteps from the teenagers zoids were clearly marked in the sand, some more clearly then others. They had completely disappeared now, the rain washing them away, but the adults were all pretty sure where the kids had went. They had followed them quite a distance, and the storm had picked up quite a bit. Suddenly Jemie's face appeared on his com-link. "Tyra a... me can them... They ... qu...e a bit ahead of ... and hea...g this way..." Jemie said, his voice and image faltering due to the storms interference. Cloud got the point though. Jemie and Tyra returned low to the ground, both of them not wanting to get struck by the dangerous lighting. Soon the four teenager's zoids had come into view of the angry adults, and Cloud yelled, "Nadia! Where the hell have you been damn it!" Nadia cringed at her uncles muffled voice and moaned, "Sorry...?" She tried. "Sorry!?" Cloud was cut off by a steak of lighting that illuminated a fifth zoid with the teenagers. It was a blue and white blade ligar. "Who?" Zack asked, just as another clasp of thunder sounded, messing up the com-link once again. The zoids all stopped and faced each other, the new blade ligar's pilots voice reaching all of them, "Can we save introductions for later? I for one would like to get out of the storm. When we do, you can yell at these four all you want..." Cloud swore and nodded, and Rei said, "Lets get back to the base everyone..." Chris followed the zoids closely, and at full speed, "Quite a collection..." He said to himself, "wouldn't you say so Zeke?" The blade ligar's roar was drowned out by the sound of the pounding rain and thunder.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FanFiction is finaly working again... Yay! Anyways, next chapters gonna be up soon, cuz I really want to write it... it'll be kinda a bloody chapter... Well review and tell me whatcha think! 15. The demand for the Ryuu Authors note: I killed my project in wood tech @_@. yep, it's pretty dead. Stupid nailgun wouldn't work... Split the back of my shelf... but Mr. Crawford (The wood tech teach.) said that we could probably bring it back to life... save the poor thing... Just thought I'd let you know since I don't have much else to say except thanks for the reviews! CHAPTER 15 "Did all go according to plan?" Sin asked his new recruit, who had just returned from the Waterfall base. "Like clockwork." The recruit answered. "Good." Sin moved another chess piece, another pawn, "You may leave now and go rest." The recruit turned to leave, but stopped when Sin continued, "Oh, and tell the Demi-human I want to see her please." Nodding, the recruit walked through the door, and it shifted shut behind him. He walked down the hallways, heading toward the Chaos-sin's cockpit, where Gabrielle usually was. He took the main elevator, the one that led strain to the cockpit, and was not surprised to see Gabrielle waiting on the other side of the door. She cursed when she saw him, and they both wanted to kill each other right there on the spot. "Sin wants to talk to you." The recruit stated coldly, not leaving the elevator. Gabrielle cursed again and shuffled in next to him, pushing him out of the way slightly and pressing the button that led to Sin's floor. She turned to face the recruit, "Aren't you leaving?" "Im going to my room." He answered as the elevator doors closed, "And you know just as well as I do that this elevator is the quickest and closest one." Gabrielle seemed to growl, "Fine. You room is on the second level isn't it?" "Yes." "Good. Then you'll grace me with your leave soon." She spat, not hiding the venom in her voice. The two stood in silence for the most uncomfortable few minutes of their lifetimes. Neither one could stand to be near the other, and now they were stuck in an elevator together. Each of them had their own thoughts of killing, hurting, obliterating, massacring, and any other painful thought they could have about the other. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but was only about two minutes, the elevator dinged and the door opened to the second level, and the recruit stepped out. He shoved past the demi-human, who hissed at his back as the door closed. "Stupid demi-human..." The recruit muttered to himself, as he gripped at his forehead, "Make my damn head hurt worse..." He walked over to his room, and typed in the access code on the doors control panel. It opened with a small beep, and he walked in. Throwing himself onto his bed he reached over to a bedside table and picked up some aspirins that laid there. Gulping them down with no water, he pulled the pillow over his head and tried to fall asleep, despite the pounding of his head. ********************************** The rain continued to beat down hard, never ceasing, only getting worse. All the adults, save Chris, were suddenly reminded of the night twenty years ago, when Luke used Rain to attack them. This storm, the one that was tormenting them now, seemed almost exactly like the one back then. It was completely nerve racking, and it was the reason the adults were perhaps a bit more angry and pushy that they would have normally been. They had all gotten into the hover cargo, deciding that it was safer than piloting their zoids back to the base. The parents of the four "escapees" were busy dragging the kids to the main room, either shouting their lungs out at them, or being deathly silent. To tell the truth, the four kids already knew that they were in deep trouble. Chris just followed everyone as they made their way up to the main room, slightly smiling in amusement as the four teenagers, who were all staying quiet as their parents dragged them, were being forced down the hallways. He could tell that these parents were being a bit more forceful then they normally were. He didn't know why, but he could tell that they were very uneasy about something. The door to the main room opened, and Doc looked solemnly at the four nervous teens, then silently turned his gaze to the new man with them. He nodded his greeting to Chris, who nodded back as the others pushed their way past them and to the couches. Chris sat in a chair that was out of the way, and watched the scene play out, deciding he wouldn't cut in until the time was right. Cloud was the first to reach the couches, shoving Nadia gently onto the biggest one in the middle, and standing back, his arms crossed. Hiro stood next to him, unsure of anything to say to his daughter. "Sit, Ayane." Ryuji said calmly, and watched as his only daughter took a seat next to Nadia silently. Bit was next, and was by far the most rough, forcing Rion next to Ayane, his angry features clear on his face. Last was Zack, who pressed Jessie onto the couch on the other side of Nadia. Jessie winced slightly, knowing he would get quite an earful before they reached the base. It was silent... for all of about three seconds. Then all hell broke loose and Cloud cursed a little more loudly than he meant to, "What the HELL did you think you were DOING?!" Doc walked over to the hover cargo controls, deciding to stay out of it. Even though Rion was his grandson, and he was quite angry, he knew that his son-in-law would give the boy a good tongue lashing. Tyra, Rei, Jemie, and Goji all decided to sit on the other side of the room, opposite the side of Chris, and watch. They were silent through the whole thing. "Well, we..." Nadia began after a few seconds but paused, trying to figure how to word her sentences. "WHAT?!" Cloud yelled. Nadia cringed defensively. Her uncle was extremely uptight today, and she didn't know why. Her father also seemed way too upset. Jessie saw how nervous Nadia was and spoke up, "Lay off. She went for the knife." Cloud looked over at him and sighed angrily, the events of the past few days, and the remembrance of 20 years ago getting to him. "And you went with her!?" Bit yelled, "You all went!? How stupid of an idea do you think that was!? With Sin running around and all," Apparently the events were getting to him as well. Chris looked up at Bit, maybe he would get a few answers now. "You have the nerve to leave that early in the morning, and run out to the battlefield," Bit continued, he was cut off. "When GABRIELLE is out there somewhere!" Cloud added, "Do you know how worried we were!?" "Or scared!?" Ryuji put in, a bit calmer than the two, that had so far carried the conversation. He was still quite angry, "You don't know how dangerous Gabrielle is!" "Is she as dangerous as you were!?" Ayane snapped back, unable to hold it in any longer. She was scared, upset, angry and she wanted answers. As soon as she released what she had said she closed her mouth and cursed at herself inwardly. Ryuji was taken aback... gasping he could feel tears surfacing, but he held them back as best he could. The shock of what his daughter, the one thing that he loved more than life itself, had just said hit him full force. His mind was screaming it's hatred to Copper, who, of course, was gone. So it was more like he was hating himself. He knew that it wasn't his fault Copper had hurt, or even killed so many people... but... in a way. Ryuji turned away, his face pale and thoughtful. He walked over to a chair and plopped down into it, looking down at the ground as if he had found it interesting. "Oh my God," Ayane cursed, looking down, unable to look at the shocked faces around her, "Dad..." She closed her eyes, wishing she could take it back, "Im so sorry..." It was silent for a while, the argument seeming to be over. Finally, after quite a bit of time Ryuji dryly asked, "Did you get it?" He still looked at the floor, unable to lift his gaze, "The knife I mean... Did you find it Nadia?" Nadia sighed, "Yeah... Mr. Fly-Height had it..." "Who?" Hiro asked. "Me." Chris spoke up, his eyes scanning the room, "I found it when I arrived on the battlefield to pay my last respects to the Ultrasaurus." "Fly-Height, huh?" Doc asked from the controls, "I knew you looked familiar, aren't you the leader of the ZBC organization?" "Yes." Chris answered. "So your ancestor is Van Fly-Height." Doc continued, "It is a pleasure to meet you of course, I am sorry you had to listen to this conversation." The others nodded in agreement, the kids staying silent and not averting their gazes from the laps or the floor. "When I saw the knife on the ground I recognized it from the broadcasting. It was the one that the boy had used against the woman. I picked it up." Chris explained, "Then when I saw her," He pointed to Nadia, "She reminded me of the boy, so I asked her if she was related. She told me she was, and I gave the knife to her." "I see." Cloud said, "So, I suppose you want some kind of explanation?" "That is part of the reason why I decided to follow them." Chris nodded, "That, and me and Zeke wanted to make sure they would get home ok, storm and all." "Zeke?" Doc asked, "Isn't that the organoid?" "So you know about organoids? Not many people do anymore..." Chris smiled slightly, "Yes, Zeke is an organoid, the same one from my ancestors time. He's stayed as part of the family ever since then." "Yeah, we know about organoids. We have one ourselves." Cloud said, "He's back at the base. His name is LightStrike." "I see. I thought Zeke was the only one left..." Chris replied, "May I ask a question?" "Shoot." Bit said, sitting with the other adults. "Do you know exactly what's going on? Because the ZBC has no clue. We aren't supposed to tell the public that, but hell, we need answers." Cloud sighed, looking over at a small clock, "Well... we have time before we reach the base, especially with the storm...." ***************************************** By the time they neared the base, Cloud had explained things in a nutshell, from the MCME, to Luke, to the Demi-humans. He had, thought with one glance at Ryuji, left out the parts about Copper. God knew that Ayane's blow had hurt Ryuji enough already. When they reached the base the adults immediately knew something was wrong. It was a feeling each of them shared... something wasn't right. After all their ordeals and hardships it seemed they had learned to sense when something was wrong. And it scared them. Without realizing it Cloud dashed out of the hover cargo, the others not far behind. The storm was still raging, and lighting illuminated the small group that ran across the oasis, and towards the waterfall. Chris followed at a distance, along with the four teenagers and Zeke. They all neared the waterfall, and a feeling of dread came over them. 'Something's wrong!' Cloud thought to himself, not bothering to take the long way around for he was already wet, he dashed strait through the cold waterfall into the dark cave beyond. The others followed, and it took some time for their eyes to adjust... Cloud saw it first. "LightStrike!" Cloud dashed across the hard rock floor, toward where the fallen organoid laid. On top of him was an electric impulse net, rendering him completely helpless. The organoids eyes were dim. Not caring about the pain that surged through his hands as he touched the still active net, Cloud ripped it off the organoid with tears in his eyes, "Common buddy..." A sudden realization hit him... if LightStrike was damaged... "Rain!" Cloud jumped up suddenly, running into the base with everyone hot oh his heels. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw a pool of blood on the ground, the dark liquid running down the hallway. Everyone was scared now. They dashed down the hall, faster than they ever had run before and flung into the pitch black main room, some of them tripping on the stairs. Cloud could smell it. As could everyone else. Blood. The entire room ranked of it... but they couldn't see. It was dark. Jemie turned on the light and gasped... Rei cried out first, "Izumi!" he jumped over the couch to where Izumi lay, her long black hair curled in a pool of her own blood. She had a gash down her shoulder, and all down her arm. Her head had a large cut running from the edge of her hairline to her ear, and her temple was bruised. Gently warping his arms around his wife, Rei made no attempt to stop his tears. Her blood stained his own clothes, as he pulled her closer, a small trickle escaping from her partially open mouth. Her cold skin brushed softly against his, sending shivers down his spine. He quickly shifted his grip so he could check her neck for a pulse... And found one. It was faint, but there was definitely a pulse. "Thanks god..." He cradled her closer, gently lifting her head out of the pool of blood that had formed beneath her. Her eyes fluttered open softly, scanning Rei's terrified face... she quietly whispered, "The...others..." She coughed slightly, "The others.... are... " She lifted her good hand towards the hallway, where the kids room was, "They... took.... some of..." "Oh my God..." Jemie was the first to realize what she was saying. He took off like a bullet and the others followed. Rei, Zack, the four teens and Chris stayed behind with Izumi. Izumi had tears streaming down her cheeks, "We... we tried to stop them..." She coughed again, "They... took them" She gasped as he picked her up as gently as possible, and headed down the hallway towards the Infirmary. Zack, the kids and Chris followed. Zeke had been instructed to stay behind with the other organoid, and inform the group if something came. What the others saw when they reached the kids room horrified them... four bodies laid sprawled in front of the door, blood running all down the hallway. Hand prints of blood were just above the broken control panel and the same crimson liquid that stained the floor was running down the wall. The smell reached everyone, making them each retch as they saw their loved ones. "Leena!" Bit dropped to his knees, checked for a pulse and was pleased to find one. her chest had a gash that sent hot blood flooding onto Bit's jacket as he lifted her off the ground and took off towards the infirmary. Goji, saying nothing, picked a battered and blood covered Lavender up off the floor, her obviously broken arm hanging limp at her side. She had been shot in the side. He followed Bit without saying anything or doing anything except checking for a pulse. Tyra sobbed aloud as she kneeled next to Leon, who also had a pulse. The left side of his face had a long gash, and his clothes were torn at his chest where another gash graced his skin. Blood everywhere. Brad was the last one, his temple was bruised and he had blood coming from his mouth. Two bullet holes found themselves in his shoulder, and his knuckles were bloody. He was obviously the one who had punched out the control panel for the kids door. Jemie checked him out just as Goji and Bit came back to help carry Brad and Leon. Jemie then dashed through the open door and into the kids room finding it empty. A yell of anger was heard coming from Cloud down the hallway, as well as something crashing. The group ran to Rains room, where Cloud was standing, his fists pounding into the wall. Something was written above him, in blood. It read, "We have the others. The Tenshi is in our possession as well. If you want them back... we want The Ryuu." Below the message was a set of coordinates, "Come here, and turn him in." The ones missing were Orihime, Naomi, Will, Shiro, Kristen, Hikari., and... Rain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 15~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Long chappy. Sad Chappy. Took a long time to write. Read and review please! 16. A different heart beat Authors note: Grrrr. I hate my mom for getting me sick... Can't breath... stuffy nose. I had a headache yesterday, but that's gone so I guess Im getting better. Just got a stuffy nose.... (I hats stuffy noses.) I brought my wood-tech project back to life (Yay) and it's almost finished. Himeko: You don't have a wood-tech class in your middle school? Mine had one, cept it was just called Tech. I took it in 8th grade because it's not open for 7th graders. I didn't really want it this year, but we have like, the largest freshmen class that the school's ever had (I go to a really really big school) and most of us didn't get a choice in our electives this year because there just wasn't enough room for everybody. (I wanted art, but.... didn't work out) Anyways, I've been kinda busy (My mom's making me draw some pictures that I really don't feel like drawing for her friend at work @_@) And I've been slightly (Not too bad) sick. My sister has had the computer for every day within the last week. Oh, and I've been working on an original Anime story that I plan on posting soon. Ok, enough babbling on, here's the next chapter. CHAPTER 16 Will groaned slightly bringing an unsteady hand up to his closed eyes. He rubbed them as he turned onto his stomach, feeling the cold stone floor underneath him. Coughing slightly his eyes fluttered open, revealing a dark, tourchlit room, 'Or dungeon' he thought. He pushed himself onto his hands and knees, and looked around. His vision was a bit fuzzy, after all, he didn't have his glasses on, but he could tell that there were three other people lying in the room, each one he guessed was unconscious. Slowly he shuffled over to the first person, and recognized her immediately as Hikari. He shook her shoulder gently, "Hikari. Come on, wake up..." The young fourteen year old moaned as Will continued to shake her. She opened her eyes and looked up at his worried face, "Will?" "Yeah. Are you ok?" He watched as she sat up, rubbing her sore head. It was hard for him to tell in the dark, damp room, especially since his vision was blurry without his glasses, but it looked like a nice bruise had formed on the side of her face. Hikari nodded as she looked around, a bit confused, "Will, where are we?" "I don't know." Will replied, shuffling over to the next body. Hikari went to his side and nodded, "Shiro." "You wake him up, I'll try to wake up Kristen." Will stated, going over to Kristen. Hikari nudged Shiro carefully, and he showed an immediate reaction by coughing and saying something that sounded very much like a very naughty curse. He slowly pushed himself to his feet just as Will got his reaction from Kristen. "God, Damn it!" Kristen mumbled, brushing her dark blue hair out of her face. Her hand had a bruise along the knuckles, and she winced as she flexed her sore fingers, "What the hell's going on?" "I don't know..." Will replied, "But those people came, remember?" "Yeah..." Shiro added, "And our parents locked us in the room, so that we wouldn't get hurt." "Then those people got in anyway..." Hikari said, "Then I blacked out..." "Oh yeah!" Kristen smiled slightly, "I got one of them good in the jaw... And I think Shiro managed to break one of their noses." Shiro grinned, "Yep. But there was too many of them and I remember being hit in the back of the neck by something." He rubbed his neck. "So where are we?" Kristen asked, looking around the dark chamber. "Probably captured by that Sin guy..." Will answered, "I think I heard one of them say something about him, and how some plan was going smoothly or something..." Shiro and Kristen both cursed in unison. Hikari sighed and Will rubbed his eyes again, wishing he had his glasses. Now they remembered. Sin was going to use them as hostages to get Cloud. "Well not anymore..." Shiro replied, "We're going to get out of here. Lets find the door." The teenagers nodded and spread out into different directions through the darkness. After a few minutes Hikari called, "Over here you guy's, I found it." The others ran up to her and quieted down, just as they heard a pair of voices outside the door, "Sin wants us to check on them and see if they're still unconscious..." One of the voices stated. "Shhhh." Kristen brought a hand to her lips as she turned to Shiro. He nodded, realizing what she wanted to do and pushed past Will and Hikari to get on one side of the door. Kristen got on the other and the two pressed their backs against the wall. She motioned for Will and Hikari to get out of sight and they complied, disappearing into the darkness of the room. "What does Sin want with a bunch of useless kids anyway?" The other voice asked, as the small beeping of someone inserting an input code into a control panel came through the door and to the two waiting teens ears. "Who knows. Maybe he wants to use them like he does that other one..." The first voice answered, "Ah damn, what's the last two numbers again?" 'Other one?' Shiro thought, 'They must mean Koh!' He looked to Kristen who was obviously thinking the same thing. "7 and 0." The second voice replied, "That other one is creepy... His room is on the second level right? I always try and stay clear of him.... he makes me more nervous that Sin does." Kristen and Shiro exchanged confused glances at this statement, wondering what it could have meant. The sound of two last numbers being imputed into the control panel met their ears and they backed up a few steps, waiting for the door to open. The door shifted open, and in walked the first guard. He wore a dark blue vested uniform, and a black helmet. He was unarmed, and totally unprepared. Shiro tackled the man as soon as he walked through the door, taking him to the floor easily. Shiro was quite strong, taking after his father in that aspect, and was a bit bigger than the guard who had decided to come in first. One swing to the gut rendered the man unconscious. "What's going on in there?!" The second called, unable to see much in the dark room. He saw his comrade taken down and immediately dashed in, his gun drawn. Kristen smirked as she stuck her foot out, catching the second guards shin. He tripped and fell face first, and she kicked at the side of his head with her boots, which were mettle tipped and could cause a lot of damage. The mettle of her boots met the mettle of his helmet... He was out cold in a matter of seconds. "Ok, you can come out you two..." Shiro said into the darkness. His two friends that had hidden themselves in the shadows suddenly seemed to materialize, stepping into the little bit of light they had. Kristen knelt besides the man she had taken out and grabbed a set of card keys that were hanging from his belt. She also found a handgun, and a small dagger. "Here." She said, handing the dagger to Will, "I don't know exactly, but just in case we need to use it..." "Will come here." Shiro said, "His vest is too small for me. Put it on. I have a plan." "What?!" Will asked, walking over to Shiro. "Just do it." Shiro paused and turned to Kristen, "Can you fit in his?" Kristen looked it over, "Yeah. I can manage..." "Wait a second, why me?" Will asked. "Listen, I won't fit in either of these guys' uniforms... Im too big. And Hikari is too small. so that leaves you and Kristen. Put on their vests, and get their helmets on. I have a plan." *********************************** "Cloud... calm down!" Tyra pleaded, just as the angered Light-Feather punched another hole in the wall. "Calm down!?" Cloud yelled, "Damn it Tyra! I should have been here! Sin has Rain! And the others!" "What would you have done!?" Ryuji said, walking up besides Tyra. They were in the main room of the base, the injured were all resting in the infirmary... All of them would live, thank God, but they were each hurt pretty badly. None of them would be able to pilot their zoids any time soon. Izumi was the only one that had woken up, and had told them that Sin had a new recruit that kept his face hidden behind a cloak. This recruit, along with some of Sins own men, had stormed into the base and opened fire. She had stalled them while the others had gone to protect the kids. When it was discovered that they had no chance Brad had punched out the controls to the kids bedroom door, so that it wouldn't open. Unfortunately, after a while they still managed to get in and take them. "Ryuji's right Cloud..." Zack stated, as calmly as possible, "What would you have done? If you would have been here, they probably would have killed us all and taken both you and Rain." Cloud punched another hole into the wall and let his arm stay half buried in the plaster. They were right, "But... I could have at least helped..." "No, you know that's not true..." Tyra replied. She sighed and brushed a bit of her hair from her face... Why did this always happen to them? "He's going to use her..." Cloud sobbed, still facing the wall. He let his head rest against it, "I just feel it..." "Now we don't know that for sure...." Doc said. He, Ayane, and Chris were sitting on one couch. Ayane was silent, and Chris was just sitting there, still unsure about some things. Rei, Goji, and Hiro sat on another couch, each pondering his own thoughts. Hiro was angered at himself, just as much as Cloud was for not being there... and he hated Sin for what he had done. First Sin takes Koh, his son... Then Rain, his wife... The third couch was occupied by Nadia, Jessie and Zack. Nadia was crying, Jessie was silent and Zack was arguing with Cloud at the moment. Rion, Bit, and Jemie were in the infirmary. Jemie was doing everything he possible could to keep himself from breaking down with worry over Orihime. Rion and Bit were devastated over Leena. "I do know it Doc!" Cloud sighed, "He's going to turn her into a Demi- human again... I can feel it..." Nadia let out a sob and Jessie tried to comfort her as much as possible. She pushed herself away from him and jumped up, dashing quickly out of the room and out the door. "Nadia!" Jessie was about to get up and chase her, but Zack grabbed his arm and held him back. "She won't go anywhere..." Zack stated. Jessie shot a very quick look of annoyance at his father and pulled away, shuffling out the door behind Nadia. Everyone was silent for a while, and finally Cloud turned around and faced the group. His arm was cut and bloody, and was dripping down over his even worse knuckles. He had wet streaks leading from his eyes down his cheeks, and his face was covered in a look of despaired. "I know where those coordinates are." He stated quietly, "Im going. I know what he wants." "Cloud!" Rei yelled, "Be reasonable!" "Shut up Rei!" Cloud yelled, his eyes flashing. "Cloud, we don't know what he really wants." Goji stated. "Yes we do." Cloud replied, "You all know just as well as I do what he wants." Everyone was silent for a few moments, and Hiro looked up. Yes, they knew. "The Demon..." Cloud whispered now, his head hanging low and facing the ground, "The Tenshi..." He paused, clenching his fists causing even more blood to run down his arm, "And The Ryuu..." With this he brought a hand up to his heart and felt for the beat. Ever sense then... ever since that time when he wasn't a human, and wasn't a zoid... it had felt different. His heart beat had felt hollow... uneven... and different. After some time Cloud looked up, his hand still on his chest and said, "Im going. I'll make an exchange. He'll have to set the kids, Ori and Naomi free if he wants me." "Cloud!" Hiro stood, walking up to his brother-in-law, "You can't go. We can save them... the kids, Ori, Naomi..." He paused, "And Rain." "Hiro, listen to me." Cloud stated coldly, "Im going. You aren't stopping me." "I can try." Hiro replied. Cloud actually smiled for a brief second, looking Hiro in the eyes, "Now I know why Rain loves you so much..." Hiro was confused for a brief second, unsure by what Cloud meant, "Cloud... Im going with you." Cloud shook his head, but was stopped from saying anything by Hiro. "I know exactly where those coordinates lead." Hiro added. "Yeah. I figured you would." Cloud replied. "So where do they lead?" Goji suddenly cut in. Cloud and Hiro looked at each other briefly, "Luke's old castle..." The stated in perfect unison... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter 16~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Oh my God... I just remembered! I have Finals next week! NOOOOOOOO. Monday is a full day, where all the teachers review... Tuesday is half a day, when we take our 1st and 2nd hour finals... Wensday is a half day, and we take our 3rd and 4th hour finals... And, Thursday.... You guessed it, is a half day where we take out 5th and 6th hour finals... But then on friday we have no school... Im gonna cry... I don't wanna take either of my 1st or 2nd hour finals... 1st hour is science, and most of the Final is going to be on Astrology. Damn. We had so much confusing crap @_@ and second hour is Gym. I hate gym. We have a few written exams on the games we've played... and then the dreaded running (An endurance test damn it!) I hate running... And there's 100 of us in there taking these tests at the same time! Man... I don't wanna run... I hate it sooooooooo much.... 15 minutes is to long to have all 4 gym teachers yelling at you to keep up the pace... (I hate that too. My Gym teacher adds more time to our running if we slow down. I swear I've almost passed out more then once because a bunch of preps walked and she kept adding time... @_@ One poor girl did black out and get sick.) I mean come on... Im thin, but still kinda out of shape... to much running... Oh God... WISH ME LUCK! 17. Plan in motion Authors note: Umm, yeah. Im late, I know, im really sorry. My friend Jon introduced me to kingdom hearts the week after finals, and I played it the weekend that I stayed at his house. Then, my friend Ryan came over and introduced me to another fine game called phantasy star. And he let me borrow Star fox adventures. He spent the night last weekend, and we stayed up till like, 3 am watching serial experiments Lain. Something really serious happened at school today that I saw from the begining to the end, and im not going into detail because I don't feel like being sick all over again. Im going to type this chapter to try and take my mind off of it. Conner (Sbiggster/ Cloud), I told you what happened already on Aim. Anyways, heres the next chapter. CHAPTER 17 "Are you sure this is going to work?" Will said, shaking his head. He had one of the guards uniforms on, all except the helmet, which he held at his side, "And I really, really don't want to do this." "Stop complaining Will." Shiro demanded, he had piled the two unconscious guards over in a corner. "But Shiro..." "No buts." Shiro interrupted, running a hand through his dark hair and sighing, "Listen. Do you want that Sin guy, and that freak Gabrielle, or whatever the hell her name is, to use us?" He scanned Will's eyes and watched as the young raynos pilot looked down to the floor, "I didn't think so." "Ok, lets do this!" Kristen said, completely disguised by the guard uniform she was wearing. The helmet covered most of her face, and she had tucked her dark blue hair into it. "Ok everyone, you know the plan." Shiro instructed. He took one of the torches off the wall and set it on the ground where no straw lay. Then, he took bits and pieces of straw, and laid it in a line, a small line from the torch to a larger pile across the room. That way, it the flames would slowly eat away at the straw until it reached the pile. Then, it would set the entire room ablaze. Hikari and Shiro left the room first, with the disguised Will and Kristen following them, seeming to lead them down the hallways. The two "captives" had loose shackles around their wrists, that could be easily removed for emergency. If asked where they were headed, Kristen or Will would reply that Sin had given them special orders to move these two captives, to keep them separated from their friends. "Lets try and find your mom and Naomi," Shiro whispered to Will through the corner of his mouth, "And Koh. Those two guards said he was somewhere on the second level..." Will nodded slightly as they turned a corner, coming face to face with the one person they had least expected. The demonic demi-human known as Gabrielle. ********************************* "Damn it all!" Jessie yelled, as another piece of rock crumbled underneath his bloody fingertips. Unfortunately, the pounding of the rain had drowned out his yell. He was chasing after they young Konig wolf pilot who had dashed out of the base earlier, and she had taken off up the cliffs of the waterfall. Obviously, she was a much more experienced climber than he was, and she was so far ahead of him. Not to mention the never ending beat down of the rain hadn't given him a break. The rock face was very slippery, and it kept crumbling when he tried to get a good hold. Lighting kept gracing the sky, and the wind was blowing his dark green hair and clothes, making it even harder to climb. He watched as Nadia had almost slipped, barely catching herself, something he had done many time's now. But at the height they were at, if one of them fell, they could be seriously hurt. "Nadia!" Jessie yelled, "Damn it Nadia! Stop, this is way to dangerous!" There was no answer, as the wind, rain, and thunder had quieted his loud yell to nothing but a whisper. Nadia continued to climb, never slowing, and slipping quite occasionally. "Nadia!" He yelled again, still trying to get her attention, but to no avail. She continued to climb, and eventually made it to the top. From what Jessie could see, she pulled herself over the edge slowly, and stood up wobbly. As soon as she regained her balance, it seemed as though she had taken of at a sprint. Jessie cursed and continued to climb, eventually making it to the top. He pulled himself weakly over, and took the time to catch his breath. Once it had returned to him, he looked up and found the girl he was looking for no where in sight. "Jeese." He stood up and looked around. To his right was a large wall of rocks that went forward for quite a distance, various trees and vines wrapped themselves around. To his left and ahead of him slightly was a large crater. "Nadia where the hell are you!?" Jessie hollered at the top of his lungs. No answer. He walked along the wall of rocks, brushing the water from his eyes and stumbling forward slightly. Eventually he came to an arch way in the rocks, and walked through, suddenly finding himself facing the full force of the wind. His dark green hair whipped, and his clothes billowed out behind his body. He stared forward into the darkness when suddenly a large streak of lightning illuminated the entire sky. Almost at the exact same time the roar of thunder made itself present. But the light had brought something to his watery eyes. The silhouette of a lone, thin, figure standing on a large flat rock, next to a small tree. Her back was to him, and her long silver hair whipped out behind her, much like the trench coat-like outfit she was wearing. Her head was tilted toward the sky, and the rain beat down on her small form. She had her hands hanging down at her sides, and she just stood there. "Nadia!" Jessie called, but cursed when he realized she probably couldn't hear him. He began to dash over to her, when another streak of lightning appeared. It illuminated the sky, and the crack of it's speed could be heard. While the light was still present Nadia turned her head and faced the oncoming Jessie. Even in the rain and darkness he could tell she had been crying. *********************************** "Cloud..." Doctor Tauros said, placing a comforting hand on the Light- Feathers shoulder, "If you go... you do realize he'll just use you. The he'll have exactly what he wants." Cloud was silent and was standing at the glass wall of the base, staring down at the zoids below. "He knows." Hiro said quietly. Cloud nodded and turned to face the group. Of the original MCME incident group, only a fraction of them remained uninjured or uncaptured so far. Goji sat, his once cold, emotionless eyes had changed a bit from when they had all first met. Now they did show some emotion, not much, but some, and he had become quite a bit "warmer" with the group. Tyra was very much the same, being one of the youngest of the original MCME group. She hadn't changed in personality much at all, and still cared deeply for all her friends. The way she acted kind of made her like a mediator in arguments. She sat in a comfortable chair, keeping her eyes on Cloud. Ryuji was probably the one that changed the most if you considered the whole Copper thing. He had become quite successful with his junk dealing business, but his original personality had remained; his kindness and caring. He stood, deep in his own thoughts. Zack had also changed a bit. Once their enemy, now one of their most precious friends. He no longer went by the name Zero, and had said that he never again would, unless he felt that he truly needed to for some reason or another. If he was forced to fight for his friends or son till the death, or if he was the last of them, he would become Zero once again. But, only if the need were to arise. Bit, Jemie, and Doc were much the same as they used to be, just older. Doc's old age had began to show it's face, and his hair had grayed a bit, but he was the same old doc... if not just a bit forgetful at times. Jemie looked older of course, being the youngest of the original blitz team. He hadn't changed much at all in personality. Bit was still as Bit, with a personality that was completely unique. and his looks had changed almost zero percent. The three of them were standing next to Cloud for support. The rest... They were either injured or captured. Lavender... Leena... Izumi... Leon... Brad... Each of them lay in the infirmary, Izumi being the only one who had so far woken up. Orihime and Naomi were captured. Somewhere deep within the Chaos-sin, in Sin and Gabrielles clutches. Rain was there as well, but for a much different reason. Sin absolutely needed her. She was, after all, the Tenshi. LightStrike, the organoid that had belonged to the Light-Feather family since he was discovered by Koh Light-feather, Rain and Cloud's father, and stayed the same completely. The last of them was Cloud. He had changed a bit in looks over the past 21 years, his face now appeared older, more mature. He was 42 years, and until now he seemed to still hold his 21 year old self. He was 21 when the MCME incident had brought them all together 21 years ago, and was 22 when he became a demi-human 20 years ago. They were the original group who had been together since the start. And now 21 years later from the very beginning of it all, only some of them remained able to fight. But... there group had become quite a bit larger since then. "You guy's..." Cloud said, his eyes on the floor. Thoughts flowing through his head... Their kids. So youthful and energetic each in their own way, had suddenly been thrown into this mess. Of the total of nine, only 4 were completely accounted for. Will, Hikari, Shiro, Kristen and Koh had been captured. Chris was the newest of them all. A ZBC official, and ancestor to the famous Van Fly-height, the legendary defeater of the deathsoarer. He had an organoid partner, Zeke, who was also the same zoid that Van had been with. He had become an immediate ally. "Im going to end this once and for all." Cloud finished, "I won't let him have the kids, Ori or Naomi, Rain, or any one else. I won't let him. I promise." "Cloud..." Rei Sighed, but was interrupted. "I promise." Cloud repeated, "I will end it. And we can live normal lives again." Chris noted his determination and looked over at the two present kids. He only hoped he could help. The ZBC had prepared for something like this, and if all else failed, he had a plan that might be able to save the world from Sin... but he had to wait, it wasn't quite ready yet. ~~~~~End of Chapter 17~~~~~ Authors note: As I said earlier... Something happened at school today that really got to me. I typed this chapter after I told Sbiggster on Aim (The person who submitted Cloud Light-Feather way back when) about it, trying to get my mind off of it. Unfortunately it didn't work. So im gonna go take a nice, long, hot shower, and probably go to bed right after, seeing as though im not hungry. Once again sorry for the delay in the chap. Next one won't have such a delay I promise. 18. Watching each others back Authors note: Yeah, um, about what happened at school... None of you know how bad my class is with fights. One week we had 5 fights in 4 days, a fake fight, a drug bust, and in december we had like, 6 students who overdosed, and a lot of fights (Then we had an assembly about it, where we were free to talk with our class reps, and say what we want... so some genius pulls out a cigarette and passes it down the isle.) . Our class isn't exactly the best. So when there are fights... sometimes they can get pretty bad. I can't stand the sight of blood, and the sight of someone being hurt. It makes me really sick. And when someone gets taken down in a fight, cracks their head open on the floor, right in front of me, (So close I can hear her head crack) and then starts twitching until five minutes later the teacher gets through the crowd and she lifts her head, is in complete shock... and there's a pool of blood spreading down the hallways and dripping out of her hair. I get pretty sick. Very sick. Blood and stuff is right up there with my hatred of spiders and insects. Can't take it. It's different when you read about it in stories, or see it in movies. I can handle that, but when I see that kind of stuff in real life, I freak out. Anyways, on a lighter note: I spent the entire weekend at my bestest friend Chris's house and we watched all 26 episodes of cowboy bebop on DVD, with all the extra's and listened to all the music and interviews. Do you know how long that took us!? We started at 3 pm Saturday, after a bit of video games, then watched Cowboy bebop nonstop (Hell we even ordered our pop and pizza from his room) and watched until about 3 am, went to sleep, then I got up at 7:30, he got up at 9:30, and we watched the rest of the episodes and extra's till 2 pm that day. All and All, we were tired, lazy, and cold (But we had like, 2 blankets each... his windows are really bad and don't block the cold very well) His dog kept coming in and out, and bathroom breaks were inevitable (We paused the DVD's during these of course). So when we finished, we were beat (It's weird, you can get tired out by being lazy like that... but we did stay up fairly late and woke up early too.) Yet we still had enough energy to be very stupid and AIM every one on our Instant messenger lists, e-mail everyone who knew about our marathon, and say one thing: WE FINALLY FINISHED. Yeah, we act pretty dumb sometimes. Lol. Then allot of the people e-mailed back asking what the hell we meant. OK, enough blabbing on and on... here's what you've all been waiting for: (bum bum bum) CHAPTER 18 Jessie slowly walked up to Nadia, and she watched him, her pale skin, silver hair and eyes seemed to glow every time a streak of lightning graced the black sky with it's presence. She turned away once again to look off into the darkness and spoke, just as Jessie reached the rock, "Why?" He stopped short and continued to look up at her. Unable to answer her question. She lowered her gaze to the ground, the wind still continued to whip her hair out behind her, "Why us.. Why now...?" Jessie sighed, "I don't know. Hell, I still have no clue what it is that is going on exactly." "..." She continued to look down, just as another blast of thunder roared through the air. Jessie jumped onto the rock and put a steady hand on her shoulder. He was surprised to find her trembling. "Jessie... my mom... and my uncle..." Nadia sobbed. "It will be all right. My dad and the others are going to help your mom and them. I know it. Not to mention us." She looked up at him, her expression blank. She was crying and her bangs were wrapped around her thin face. "You and me... and Ayane, and Rion." Jessie continued, a small smile crept to his face. Nadia was silent for a while, and she avoided his gaze. She was still trembling slightly and her skin was cold. The rain had her drenched from head to toe, and she kept wringing her fingers uncontrollably. "Are you listening to me Nadi...?" Jessie paused, pleased with the new name he had come up with. She seemed to noticed as she shifted her shoulders. He tilted her head up to face him, "You and me. We'll go save them... We'll help your mom, and your uncle. We'll help my dad and the others. And We'll have help from all of them. We've got Ayane and Rion to watch our sorry ass's too! And we'll watch theirs!" That comment had managed to make her shuffle and chuckle a little. She nodded slightly, as the rain continued to beat down on the two. A sudden gust of wind began to pick up, and she began to shiver even more noticeably. "Come on, lets get you out of the cold." Jessie said warmly, his hand still on her trembling shoulder. A flash of lightning followed by a loud roar of thunder filled the air. Nadia wrapped her arms around Jessie's shoulders and gave him a tight squeeze, completely to his surprise. She stayed that way for a few seconds, "Thanks Jess." "Jess?" Jessie asked, a slight bit of amusement in his voice. "If your going to call me Nadi, im going to call you Jess." Nadia answered, her face buried into his shoulder. "Fair enough." Jessie hugged the young pilot back, wrapping his strong arms around her gently. "You, and me, and Ayane and Rion." Nadia whispered. ************************************ "What's your plan?" Hiro asked Cloud. Cloud sighed, and the others all turned their gaze's to him. He closed his silver eyes and plopped down onto a free spot on one of the couches, "Ryuji?" He asked after a while, looking up at man sitting across from him. Ryuji nodded and looked at Cloud, "Yeah?" He asked. "Stealth." Cloud said, "What do you got?" Ryuji was a bit confused at first, but caught on after a few seconds, "Oh! Two stealth shields, that's it. Stealth options and things like that are hard to get hold of." "Rei?" Cloud asked, turning his gaze to Rei. "One. And it's attached to the Cloud Runner." Rei answered, "I had another one a while back, but I traded it. Sorry." Cloud nodded, "So that means we can have a total of 3 zoids with stealth capabilities." Cloud said after a while, "One has to be Rei's zoid." He paused, "How long will it take to get the two from your place Ryuji?" "Not long. At top speed I bet Jemie or Tyra could be back within 2 hours or so..." "Even in the storm?" Cloud inquired. "Damn. I forgot about that... 3 hours then..." Ryuji answered quietly. "Ok." Cloud became quiet again and continued to think. After a while, and much quietness between the group, he finaly spoke, "We can attach one of the shields to Tyra's zoid, and to Goji's. That way we'd have both speed and strength, and the Cloud Runner is a mix of both so..." The group continued to stare at him, until finaly Tyra spoke up, "So...?" "The "stealth" zoids can hide out while I go to meet Sin. The others can be in the hover cargo, and I'll take my blade ligar. LightStrike can fuse with the core..." Cloud explained, "So that if Sin pulls anything... you guy's got my back." He smiled slightly, but it was a weary smile, "And if worse comes to worse, and something goes wrong... you guy's can... well... finish me off or whatever." "What!?" Bit jumped up, "That's all you got!?" "What do you suppose we do!?" Cloud snapped, "I have no other ideas, now if you guy's could come up with something better, I'd be happy to hear it." "Cloud!" Tyra almost pleaded, "You don't really..." Hiro sighed and stood, "He's right. Think about it, we have no other choice here. I hate it just as much as any of you, and I know that I for one would prefer we do something other than that... but..." He paused, then turned to his older brother-in-law "There is one thing though, that I can't do Cloud. I would never be able to... if you.." He paused, "I don't know if I'd be able to finish you off... if Sin does get hold of you and turns you into a demi-human." Chris just continued to listen, still barely understanding anything that was going on. He Turned his gaze back to the two present kids, 'Ayane and ...Rion was it?' he thought... 'if this plan of their parents fails...' Just then, two soaking wet kids entered the room. They were shivering quite noticeably. The groups gaze shifted to them. Hiro sighed and Zack said, "I'll go get some blankets, sit down you two." The two nodded and sat next to Ayane and Rion, still shaking. It was Cloud that noticed the two of them had hid their hands in their pockets. He stood up slowly, walked over to Nadia and grabbed her wrist. Lifting her hand up he noticed that her hand was cut up and bruised, and was bleeding... but he could also tell that it looked worse than it actually was. He looked at her face and took note that she had been crying, which was to be expected. Hiro noticed her hands as well and sighed, just as Cloud pulled her up and led her down to the infirmary. He motioned for Jessie to follow him, and was a bit surprised to see Ayane and Rion get up as well, but didn't mind. Hiro led them down the hall and into the infirmary doors, where Cloud was shuffling through a cabinet for some bandages and other first aid items. Nadia and Jessie both sat on separate stools and Ayane and Rion went to sit on the only clear bed left. Cloud came back from the cabinet and picked up Nadia's wrist, beginning rub some messy, stinging liquid onto the cuts. After a while he spoke, "You climbed the cliffs didn't you?" Nadia nodded and he sighed, "You know that's really dangerous. Not to mention in this kind of weather. I know your mom and dad let you when it's clear out... but you could have really hurt yourself." "Im sorry uncle Cloud... and dad, I was just..." Nadia began, turning to look at the floor. "Worried." Izumi's voice drifted over to them, and they turned to look at her, she smiled and sat up in her bed, wincing a bit. "Yeah." Nadia answered, still looking down to the floor, "Im sorry." Her father walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't be." Cloud said quietly, "It'll be ok. We've come up with a plan to save your mom and brother, and the others, and I promise to keep you safe as well. And..." He paused, as a small smile crept slowly to his face. Nadia looked up at him and he finished his sentence, "Your mother and me... we used to climb up there when we were younger... and when we were worried or upset about something... so im not angry with you, and I don't think your dad is either." Hiro shook his head, "No." "Why would you be... she's just worried 'bout her mom that's all, and you of course Cloud." Leon's voice was heard, and they took note that he had finally woken up. "Glad to have ya back," Cloud said, as he continued to wrap the bandages around Nadia's hands. "Actually..." Brad's voice was next, "We're all back..." "We've just been listening to your nice conversation." Lavender added, and Leena could be heard chuckling slightly. "That's a relief... Hiro said, as Rion jumped off the bed and dashed quickly over to his mother. He hugged her gently and kissed her cheek, a smile plastered on his face, "Me and dad were scared..." He said. "It'll take allot more than that to get rid of me kid." Leena said as she slowly lifted her hands up to give her son a gentle hug. After Cloud had managed to bandage both the teenagers hands he led them back to the main room, where Zack was waiting with the blankets. They bundled up and sat on the couch, while Ryuji, Goji, Hiro, Rei, Doc and Chris helped move the now conscious injured adults to the room, carefully leading them down the halls and clearing the couches for them. Cloud explained his plan, and left out none of the details. Jemie chose to go and get the stealth shields from Ryuji's, and was back within 3 hours, just as he had predicted. They prepared themselves, all agreeing that the injured would stay at the base and rest. Chris objected when Doc suggested that he and the children stay as well. "No." Chris stated, "It is my duty as the ZBC commander to aid all of Zi and it's people, and keep them safe. I am willing to risk my life for that. Zeke as well. And as for the kids... I think they have their own minds made." He turned his gaze to them, and Nadia nodded, and stood, the blankets still draped about her shoulders. "We're going to." Nadia commented. Jessie nodded and stood as well, "We're not going to just sit here... we want to help, and we will." Ayane and Rion agreed, "If they're going to fight, so are we." Cloud nodded, as the smallest grin guided his lips, "I understand... but it's up to your father Nadia." Nadia turned to her father with pleading eyes. And after a while, he finally nodded in agreement. ****************************** 'Oh shit.' Shiro thought. The demi-human eyed the group fiercely, her cold, olive green eyes showing complete and utter hatred towards them. "What the hell do you think your doing." Gabrielle asked, her voice ringing with venom. It was Kristen that spoke. Her voice was both brave, and scared at the same time, "Sin ordered us to take them and separate them from the other two. We're to take them to a secure room on the second level." "What!?" Gabrielle shrieked, she seemed angered, "Sin promised that brat would be the only one who would be pampered." Shiro and the others wondered what she had meant by that, and listened intently. "He did not say why..." Will added, "He just gave us our orders." Gabrielle continued to stare angrily at them. She reached up and put one of her clawed hands up to Hikari's face and dug the nail into her cheek slightly, drawing only a bit of blood, "Your lucky Sin won't let me kill you..." She whispered threateningly. "Sin ordered you not to touch them!" Will protested as Hikari winced. The demon laughed. "Shut the hell up." Gabrielle hissed, and Shiro jerked his head angrily at her. She laughed at him as well, "Well, well, your a feisty one aren't you. Do you know what we're going to do with you kid?" Shiro just continued to stare daggers at her, "Well, we're going to offer you as a trade to get hold of my dear nephew, Cloud. You know, he's a demi- human just like me... The Ryuu." Shiro cursed... and Gabrielle Grinned deviously, "Then, when Cloud shows up to save you, he's going to take him and I'll be free to kill you all!" She laughed again and Shiro finally got fed up. He spit at her angrily. "How dare you!" She reached her claws back and slashed forward, swiping fiercely at the unprepared teenager. He cursed and reached his shackled hands up to cover his face, feeling warm, crimson red blood seep out of the freshly made gashes down his face. "Sin ordered you not to touch them!" Kristen yelled hotly, and Hikari jumped to Shiro's kneeling side, just like both Will and Kristen wanted to, but couldn't due to the fact that they had to keep their act up. She turned to face the two "guards, "Now get the hell out of my way." Will and Kristen both winced, but it was unnoticed under their disguises. The demon walked past them, her eyes still piercing as daggers. "We have to hurry." Shiro said after a while, making sure no one else was in hearing range. He was still on his knees, and he had his face buried in his hands. Blood had begun to seep through his fingers. "Shiro!" Kristen jumped to his side and pulled his hands away, trying to get a good look at his face, he pulled away at first, but both Hikari and Will had knelt to his side, and he turned to face them. "Oh Shiro..." Kristen almost choked. He had five, long, deep gashes down his face from his forehead to his lips, and blood as seeping down them. "Im ok." Shiro said , "We have to hurry, lets go..." He stood up and Hikari took off her jacket and pushed it up against his cuts. He winced painfully but accepted it, and wiped his face. They walked down the hall and finally found the elevator. They got in, and Shiro sat in the corner, while Will checked out the control panel. "It says we're on the 1st level." Will said, "You want me to take us to level 2?" "Yeah." Shiro said... "We're gonna find Koh first. Sorry Will, I know you wanna find your mom..." "Don't worry about it." Will said, though hesitantly, "My mom is strong enough to take care of herself," "Are you ok Shiro!?" Hikari asked, as Shiro buried his face in the jacket again. "Im fine." He answered, just as the elevator started to move. Within about a minute it had reached the second level, and the door opened, and the four teenagers continued to explore. **************************** "Welcome... both of you." Sin said, as the two women, Ori and Naomi, were forced into his private chambers. Four guards held onto them, one on each arm, and they had shackles on their wrists. "Im sure you already know who I am..." He continued, the shadows hiding everything but his soft outline, "It's a pleasure to meet both of you." "What are you going to do with us?!" Naomi demanded. "Im going to use you to get the Ryuu." Sin answered, as he slid a chesspeice across the board on his desk. "Why do you want Rain and Cloud so much!?" Orihime inquired quietly. "Oh, I don't want Rain anymore... I already have her... You see, I need all three demi-humans." "What...!?" Naomi cursed... she didn't know he had gotten hold of Rain. "Oh, and I have already started the process of reverting Rain into the Tenshi." Sin added. "You evil basterd!" Naomi yelled, "What the hell do you have against us!? Why are you doing this!?" Sin stood up suddenly from his chair, and there was a slight hint of venom in his voice, "Evil!? How dare you. You have no idea what evil is.... you... Im..." he stopped and calmed himself, "Your going to watch. And when the time comes, you will see what evil really is." "What?!" Ori and Naomi asked at the same time, confused. "Because I have most of the original sync experiment data, and all of what Luke used before, it takes me very little time to create a demi-human. Not that I want to. I just want the three original ones. And it takes even less time to turn them back to what they truly are." Sin said, his voice was a bit angry, "You will see. I'll show you." He began to walk towards them and pulled his cloak over his face, hiding it. He motioned towards the guards to lead the two struggling women down the halls after him. He led them strait into the core room, and down a flight of hidden stairs. What they saw shocked them.... ~~~~~~End of chapter 18~~~~~~~ Authors note: Hope you like it. im stuck baby-sitting Gabrielle and two of her friends right now... and im not getting paid. (Damn it!) Deathzealot: Lain is really good. Confusing as hell, but good. Cloud Light-Feather: Thanks for reviewing, it means a lot to me! Oh, has any one else been totally absorbed by .Hack//sign? I love that anime... So cool, wish that could happen to me (Get stuck in a game... not all that other bad crap that happens to poor Sukasa [is that how you spell it @_@].) I absolutely love the music in that show, especially "the world" and "Key of the twilight." I told my sis what's going to happen in the end of this story, and she said that both those songs (After listening to them) somehow reminded her of the ending (I told here what was going to happen a long time ago, and she just heard the songs 2 days ago, and she was like "Those remind me of the end of your zoids story!".) I don't see how... because... never mind, im not going to spoil anything. Guess what everyone! Today was a half day... and I have a four day weekend. So I don't have to put up with the freakin stupid people at my school! I typed the first authors note 2 days ago, and since then, we've had 3 school fights... why don't people ever learn? Two people have already gotten seriously hurt at my school because of school fights, a third now has scars on his face from two girls trying to scratch his eyes out. It's terrible. Not to mention we were on lockdown two weeks ago because an all out brawl almost started in the cafeteria. We had 3 cops in there, all the lunch aids, and we had to keep in our seats. We couldn't even stand. Then, all day we had 3 dogs patrolling the halls with the cops. The brawl was going to be "preps" vs. "Thugs" And things are starting to get heated up between the two groups once again because of all the fights lately. The preps heavily outnumber the thugs... but the thugs are tougher. It'll be a nasty brawl if it ever happens and doesn't get interrupted by the cops again. Im definitely staying out of it, but if I had to take sides, it would be with the thugs. Believe it or not, they're nicer than half the preps. Anyways, thanks for reading. Please review. 19. Angel once more Authors note: Really sorry for the delay in chapters, i've been busy. Im having some Japanese people stay at my house again this year in April, and I just finished filling out paper work and stuff for that. For the past few days we've been filling out our schedule preferences for next year. Im trying to get into Art and creative writing... should be interesting, and they only offer that class every other year now. Im taking biology and Geometry next year too. (OH BOY! HARDER MATH! I hate math.) I want to be able to take Physics in 12th grade, and to do that you have to take certain Science classes. CHAPTER 19 What appeared to be a lone zoid ran along the desert sands through an immense storm, a silver blade Ligar that was traveling as fast as the weather would permit. Whenever Lightning graced the sky, it's armor would reflect the light in a bright flash, making the zoid seem to glow in the darkness. But secretly, it was not alone. A highly modified, stealth shielded Storm Sworder flew above it, and off to his left was another stealth shielded zoid known as the Temjin X, a humanoid zoid that wielded a powerful sword gun, and to his right ran yet another shielded zoid, Cloud runner, a winged Lightning Siax with an average between speed and strength. But to the naked eye this Silver bladed Ligar was all alone in the desert storm... save for the lone hover cargo following at the short distance, not to far and not to close. The hover cargo that belonged to the blitz team, and sheltered 8 zoids within it. The Bahamut 0, a large, dragon that had a large vary of firepower and speed. It's pilot sat in the cockpit making checks on the zoid, making sure everything was working as good as possible. His thoughts were focused on the battle ahead, and how he wished everything would just end. He had made some mistakes in the past, he admitted, the moment he took on the name Zero. But now he was help end it all, and stop Sin and Gabrielle, no matter what. Next to the dragon was Jemie's Raynos, a zoid used mainly for it's high speeds, able to easily break the sound barrier and create sonic booms. Jemie was looking up on it, with a few thoughts on his mind... mainly about his alter ego, the Wild Eagle, and his wife, Orihime. If only he had been there to protect her.... Bit's Ligar 0 was next, and Bit was sitting next to his old friends "paw" talking about all their adventures and how they had defeated the backdraft so long ago. The white Ligar talked back, replying in growls and roars that only Bit himself could understand. That had been determined long ago... Bit could actually understand and talk to the Ligar. The Konig wolf that was piloted by Nadia was directly across from Zacks Bahamut 0. It's teal and blue stripes complimented deeply with the black of it's main armor. It's customized EC cannon was one of it's best weapons... able to stop any foe if used right. If it wasn't for it's very low accuracy and difficulty to use, it would be the perfect weapon. Nadia sat on top of the small wolfs head, her zoid seeming to perfectly fit her and her personality. She was sitting with her arm wrapped around her knees and her head resting on them, thinking about how her life had suddenly become a hell on Zi. Her long silver hair flowed out behind her and spread in perfect contrast to the zoids black armor. Next to her was Jessie's Lightning Siax. Another zoid capable of amazing speed. Though it was possibly the least customized zoid in the hanger, it was still quite powerful. It did have two custom set smoke discharges that could come quite in handy, and an unbelievable radar. Jessie was inside the cockpit, much like his father, checking to make sure everything was in working order. He had taken his gloves off and set them on the control panel, and his swift thoughts kept coming to his mother, and how much he missed her. She must have been worried sitting at home wondering what had happened. But then again, he had a feeling she knew. Rion's White blade ligar was standing next, its black blades still tucked close to it's sides. 'All too soon' Rion thought, as he too rested on top of his zoid. He was sitting on it's back, and his back was to it's neck. 'They'll be extended to fight.' He sighed and ran a hand through his golden blond hair, "All to soon." He said so only he could hear. The zoid that was next was Ayanes GunGyarados. At one time this was possibly the groups greatest foe... back when her father... no Copper, had piloted it and pitted it against the others. It's charged particle canon had strength on par to no normal zoid, and Ayanes skills as a pilot were great. She was sitting in the cockpit, like some of the others, but instead of checking the maintenance, she was thinking about how the zoid she piloted had been used in the past. Last in line was the newest member of the group. Chris and his blue and white Blade Ligar. The same Blade Ligar that his ancestor had used about 4000 years before. He even had the same old organoid partner, Zeke, who was sitting on the Ligars back with Chris Lying against him, thinking silently to himself about what would have to happen if this plan should fail. He looked over at the kids, and thought, 'If it happens... they'll be the ones that'll have to rise and save us all.' Each of these pilots were waiting. Waiting for the battle that was going to no doubtfully ensue very very soon. *********************************** "Rain!" Naomi cursed and looked up in the container that held her long time friend and comrade. Rain was suspended in a bluish liquid, hundreds of tiny wires and tubes surrounding her. Her long silver hair was floating very subtly around her, and she looked like she was asleep... Her pale skin was covered by a mid-length, flowing snow white dress, seeming to be made of silk... and armor. Black and silverish blue armor which grew into her skin... that was just about perfectly identical to her old armor... Her wings were still there, and were still the same energy generating wings that had graced the Tenshi's back 20 years ago. Orihime gasped out loud and looked away, tears stinging her eyes slightly. She now knew how Rain must have felt when she first looked up upon Gabrielle in one of these containers... then again at Cloud! She looked up once again at her friend, tears still in her eyes. It wasn't any different now... Rain was now what... 35? Yet she looked almost exactly how she had then...back when she was 15. The same face, hair, and personality. The same armor... Sin suddenly walked up to the control panel that was off to the side, and observed the screen thoughtfully, his face still hidden behind his black cloak. He stared for a few seconds more, and said, "Everything appears to be working normally. She's ready to be awakened." He paused and turned to the two women who were staring daggers at him. He sighed, almost seemingly regrettably... and shook his head, "Do you want to speak with her?" He saw the odd looks that he was receiving and smiled secretly to himself, "What. You don't want me to wake her up so you can talk to her then?" He thought about it and said, "Oh right... The whole control thing... No, she will be under her own control... for now. I won't need to force her to do anything until after I have the Ryuu." He paused almost dramatically, "But of course... she won't have any of her strength." Ori and Naomi continued to stare at him as he turned back to the control panel, and began to type away at the keyboard. The screen flipped blank and the blue liquid inside the container began to lighten and almost seemed to glow. Steam began to rise from the cords and wires around the container, and the air around the two women seemed to shift uneasily when Rain's eyes slowly fluttered open. The same silver and hazel eyes. ************************************* "Damn wench." Shiro spat has he continued to press the jacket up against her bleeding face. He had begun to feel the slight toll of both a strong headache, and the loss of blood, "Damn why won't it stop bleeding..." It must have been about a half hour ago that she clawed him... And it hadn't stopped bleeding since. Yes it had lessened, but hadn't stopped yet. Kristen glanced worriedly up at him and noticed the other two do the same she glanced back and forth through the hall to make sure no one was in ear shot, "Shiro?" "Yeah?" He sighed. "Are you sure your ok...?" She sounded very worried and Shiro was shocked at how much so. "My head just hurts really bad that's all... I'll live. Just ignore my complaining. It just hurts..." He sighed, then chuckled slightly "Im glad she didn't hit my eyes." "Your really lucky she didn't." Will added. "I know." They turned a corner and put their act back up when two guards began to walk down the hallway, one coming from a room down and to their left. They walked right pass with nothing but a glance at the four teenagers, two of which were still in disguise of course, and had continued their conversation. It was a conversation worth eavesdropping in. "I just came from his room." The first guard said, "I was ordered to take him his food." "And....?" "He looked awful, he was all pale and stuff. Looked sick. Said something about a headache, then told me to go away." "That kid... he scares me he really does. He's..." The conversation was lost, as the two guards had gotten to far down the hall to be heard. Once they were sure the coast was clear, Shiro nodded to them, "Did you guy's see which room that one came out of?" "Yeah." Will nodded along with Hikari and Kristen. "Then lest go take a looksy. Something tells me..." Shiro said, but was cut off by Kristen. "That Koh's in there?" "Yeah, Exactly." Shiro smiled slightly but winced as he brought the jacket off his cuts. ~~~~~~end of chapter 18~~~~~~ Authors note: Really sorry for the shortness of the chapter. It's late and im tired, plus I have school tomorrow (Unless we have a snow day... which is a possibility according to the news *crosses fingers* Come on good, old, unpredictable Michigan weather! Come On!") I decided to leave it here because even though it made the chapter short, it was both a good place to leave off at, and I didn't want to leave you waiting any longer for another chapter. Man, last weekend sucked. Me, and two of my friends: Kyle and Ryan had to lock ourselves up in my room practically all weekend because my sister had her overnight/day weekend birthday party! Oh boy! She had like, 15 annoying little snot nosed Six graders there! And They stayed up till 4:30- 5 in the morning ALL OFF THEM! So of course, we had to stock up on food, drink (We stole 2 two liters of Mountain Dew from the party @_@) and plenty of candy and then we never came down. (Cept for once when we decided to walk across the street to the store, and we witnessed one of my sisters friends dancing around the living room like Brittany spears ( THE HORROR !) @_@/ Anyways, how was everyone else's weekends and such? Thanks again for the reviews! 20. PROJECT PHOENIX COMPLETE Authors note: I know, I know... it's been a while. And this time, I don't have a great excuse so I'll just tell you this: Im Lazy. There. It wont happen again. Anyways, My friend Jeremy already gave me my birthday present... strange thing is my birthday isn't until April 13th. Oh well, I still love it and my other friends are going to have a very hard time trying to beat him to who can give me the best present (They do this every year. All of them try to one up each other. lol.) HE GOT ME THE JAPANESE KINGDOM HEARTS SOUNDTRACK! I love it sooooo much. (I like the Japanese vocals better then the English.) Two disks and 76 songs of utter greatness. I thank him every time I see him now! Oh and Rorouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho are on Toonami now... Yay! but .hack//sign is gone. (Cries.) I just ate a bowl of ice-cream and Im freezing... hard to type when your cold... Anyways, here's the next chapter! CHAPTER 20 "Goji?" Tyra's voice was heard on the Temjin X's com-link. Her face appeared shortly after on a small screen. "Yeah?" Goji replied, looking up at the screen. "Do you think this plan of Cloud's will work?" Her voice was quiet and almost uncertain, "I mean... It's not really that much of a plan. And it pretty much just... well," "Seems to hand him over?" He finished for her, knowing exactly what she meant. She nodded and quietly answered. "Yeah." Goji was silent for a few moments, crossing his arms in front of him. He sighed and shook his head, "Tyra, let me tell you what I think. I think he knows that this plan pretty much dooms him. But I also think he cares much more about the kids, Ori and Naomi." He paused, and sighed once again, "And... We all know that Rain's stuck. It's just gut instinct for all of us, ya know..." Tyra looked down, and nodded, "But..." "He knows Sin will probably get ahold of him. He knows Sin has already got and will use Rain. He knows he's giving himself up, But..." Tyra looked up and Goji nodded, "But he's willing to do that to save the kids. You know the way he is, always caring for others more than himself. He's willing to become a demi-human again for them. It's probably tearing him up inside right now, knowing there's no way to save Rain, or himself. He probably also feels really guilty." "But, Sin is going to use him to kill other people, he's going to use him against us if he gets ahold of him." Tyra said quietly. "That's where he's counting on us." Goji replied, "He's counting on us to save him." Tyra looked confused, and stared into Goji's emotionless face, trying to find out what he meant. "He's counting on us to save him, by destroying him." Rei's voice called, just as his face appeared on the com-link, "Don't worry, I made sure he wasn't listening in." Goji nodded, "Yeah." Tyra sighed and shook her head, closing the com-link. Pulling her zoid lower to avoid the harsh winds of the storm she whispered, "I don't know if I'd be able to do that." ******************************** "O... Orihime?" Rain murmured. She found herself lying on the floor, and Ori and Naomi were on both sides of her. Ori was supporting her head and Naomi looked worried. It didn't take long for her to figure out why. She was a demi-human. But something was different... she didn't have all of her strength, most of the power she remembered feeling before was absent... not all of it, there was still some left, but enough to make her feel a bit weak and tired. "Rain are you ok?" Naomi asked, her eyes almost to the brink of tears. Rain Sighed heavily, "Sin... he did this... didn't he?" "Yeah. He got ahold of me and Naomi too... I don't know about the others." Orihime answered. Rain pushed herself slowly up, feeling much heavier than normal due to her armor, looking around she asked, "Where..?" "Sin had us taken to a room somewhere on the second level right after he freed you from the container thing." Naomi explained. "How long ago was it that Sin got us?" Rain asked. "Not to long." Ori answered, "Not even a day." "Then... how...?" Rain lifted a hand in front of her face, and flexed her fingers, observing the armor that graced her skin. Naomi knew what she meant and shook her head, "Im not sure. He said something about having all of Lukes data, and how it was easier to create a demi-human now than before...." She paused, "and how it only took a bit of time to turn them back." Rain stumbled a bit as she slowly pulled herself over to the bed that was located in the corner of the room, and sat down. She ran her armored/gloved hand through her long silver hair, and fluttered her thin wings a bit. She looked up sharply, a sudden thought coming to her mind, "Have... have you heard anything about Koh?" Ori and Naomi walked over and sat next to her, and Orihime sighed, shaking her head, "Not a thing Rain... im sorry...." Rain was silent for a bit, her gaze had shifted back to her hand. She flexed her fingers again and closed her eyes, "Did Cloud ever come back to the base?" "If he did it wasn't until we were gone." Ori answered. "So that means he doesn't have the Ryuu yet." Rain almost smiled, but it wasn't a warm or happy smile. It was filled with weariness,"Cloud'll come... He'll save us." "And what if Sin gets ahold of him?" Naomi asked solemnly. Rain shook her head, "Then I pray that someone or something will find a way to save us all." ******************************* "Are you sure this is the room he came out of?" Shiro asked, looking at the door. It was unlocked. "Yeah, im positive." Will answered, "do you think Koh's in there?" "It's possible. I say we check it out." Kristen said. Shiro wiped his face again and nodded, pushing a small button over on the control panel to the door. It shifted open to reveal a dark room. Against one wall was a bed with a figure lying in it, curled beneath the covers. "Koh?" Hikari asked as they slowly approached the figure. He shifted slightly revealing a head of long silver hair. "Koh!" Kristen cried, waking and startling the figure. He sat up suddenly and flung the covers off of him, turning to face the four, he stared at them or a while, until he asked, "Who the hell are you!?" "Koh... it's us!" Will said, taking a few steps forward but stopping as Koh shifted his gaze onto him. He was different. His brilliant blue eyes were cold and emotionless, almost evil. And his voice seemed to be filled with anger and hatred. "I have no clue who you are, but I want to know why the hell you brought two of the prisoners that I captured here!" Koh yelled. "What!?" The four teenagers found themselves short of breath. "What are you talking about Koh!?" Kristen demanded, she was about to walk up and grab him, but Shiro took hold of her shoulder and shook his head. "Sin's gotten ahold of him." Will whispered after a few seconds, making everyone realize the obvious. "Answer my question!" Koh demanded, pushing himself off of the bed and pulling himself to his full height, "I want to know why the two prisoners that I captured are here! I didn't go through all the trouble of attacking that damned base and capturing them for Sin just to have them suddenly be brought up to my room without explanation. I have a migraine and I want them gone so I can rest!" "It was you!?" Kristen almost screamed, "YOU attacked the waterfall base!?" She pulled herself away from Shiro and leapt at Koh, tackling him to the ground, "You son of a..." She pulled her helmet off as Koh removed from the shock of suddenly being attacked. "Kristen!" Shiro threw down Hikari's jacket and rushed over to the enraged Kristen. "You bastered. You damn traitor!" Kristen swung a hard punch at Koh's jaw, finding her mark perfectly. He cursed and tried to shove her her off, but to no avail, he was pinned up against the bed and a small nightstand, "You betrayed your own friends and family you ass!" She dug her fingers into his arms and he let out a small gasp as he continued to try and push the furious teenager off of him. But she wouldn't give in, "You gave your own mother to Sin!" "Kristen!" Shiro grabbed her arm tightly and she cried out slightly as he pretty much threw her off of Koh. She fell to the ground, her eyes blazing and filled with tears. Koh stood up shakily and rubbed the blood off of his lip and chin using his hand, his eyes now also filled with even more hatred. Shiro grabbed him by the neck of his clothes and shoved him onto the bed. Will ran over to his side just as Hikari ran to keep Kristen calm. "I'll kill you all." Koh cursed, standing only to be forced back down by Shiro, who then took the time to backhand him in the side of his head, sending him into unconsciousness. "Shiro, look for some kind of choker or something that could be controlling him." Will said, "I think Nadia's uncle said something about that." Shiro nodded and looked, finding exactly that. A black choker hidden underneath the turtle neck that Koh was wearing. He grabbed ahold and tore it off, relieved to see Koh seemed to shift suddenly as he did it, his entire body seeming to relax. ******************************** "Jessie?" Nadia's voice came into the cockpit, and he looked up to find her standing above him and looking in. "Yeah Nadi?" Jessie asked, standing and pulling himself onto his zoids head. "I just wanted to come talk." Nadia answered, letting her feet hang down into the cockpit. Jessie nodded and sat next to her, "What about?" "I was thinking, and you know what...?" Nadia looked up and around the room. "What?" "We're like pawns." Nadia replied, as she turned to face him. "Hmmm?" Jessie was a bit confused. "I mean like in chess. We all just Sins pawns in a game he's sure he can win." Jessie thought about it for a second, and nodded, "I guess I see what you mean. But... this isn't a game. This is real. And even if we are just his pawns..." He paused and grinned, "We're some pretty strong, kick-ass pawns." Nadia almost seemed to smile, "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." ************************************* Sin looked down at the chess board and sighed, the game was almost complete, but there were still so many ways both sides could win. ************************************* Chris looked over to the two that were talking and then looked back over at Zeke, nodding, "I know they can do it Zeke.... these kids will be the ones to save us all... I know it." Zeke roared in agreement and nudged his current master lovingly. Chris looked down at a message flashing on his screen and sighed, "And finaly it's ready. Just in case this plan doesn't work..." The screen's letters were light blue and read: PROJECT PHOENIX COMPLETE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of chapter 20~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the delay, like I said above, I am quite lazy, but something did actually come up this weekend that prevented me from updating... my dads 43 birthday, everyone wish him happy B-day!. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to review! I was looking at some stuff, and some people said that their summer vacation starts soon... THATS NOT FAIR! mine doesn't start till late June I think... (Maybe July?) I have just been informed that... the Japanese exchange people will not be coming due to the war. This is very upsetting to me because this year was the 20 year anniversary of the sister city program between Wyandotte MI, and Komaki Japan. They were going to send 18 students and 4 adults. But this also means that I probably won't be able to go to japan again any time soon.... 21. Capture and Escape Authors note: Thanks yet again for all the great reviews! Not much to say really, im glad you liked the last chapter. I was really worried about that one because it was a hard one to write for some reason. Himeko: It's not just you, I've noticed the decline in reviews as well. With my last story I reached over 100 reviews by the end, and it only had 17 chapters. This one has 21 now and it is just now reaching 100. Many of the reviewers that were with me in the beginning have stopped reviewing. Dark Salamander (Submitted Zack), and G-Force 1 (Goji) haven't reviewed lately, along with a few others. But that's ok. Maybe they just lost interest in my stories and have found something they like better, or maybe they just don't have the time to review anymore due to having to write their own stories, school, and what-not. They were all great reviewers. And not everyone has stopped reviewing either, I still have all my great reviewers like you! ^_^. CHAPTER 21 Sin placed his fingers around a small, white marble pawn and pushed if forward once. He nodded to himself slowly, then took his fingers off the chess piece. He leaned back in his chair and sighed, folding his fingers in a deep habit of thought. Just then the door shifted open, startling him out of his concentration. "Sir." Gabrielle stood in the door way, her arms folded out in front of her, "The scanners indicate that Cloud is on his way, and will be arriving shortly. The Blitz teams hover cargo is following at a distance." "Good. Now leave. Im trying to concentrate, and I do not need a demon to distract me." Sin ordered, "I will instruct on when the prisoners are to be brought to me, until then, wait in the cockpit. Understand?" "But sir..." Gabrielle began, about to ask him on why he moved two of the prisoners in the first place. "Are you disobeying me demi-human?" "Fine!" The demon spat, turning quickly to leave as the door shifted shut behind her. Sin looked back down at his chessboard, and frowned. Black and white were at a face off, and once again it appeared that black would win this little game. He looked over it for a bit longer, before moving the white knight to take out the black pawn he had just placed. ********************************** Cloud shifted nervously as the remains of Lukes old castle came into view. The place that had haunted his sleep and gave him nightmares on more than a few occasions. The rain and wind had let down a bit, but not much, and the sky was still black with clouds, flashing occasionally with a bright streak of lightning. He looked around for the Chaos-sin, but didn't see anything, which was very nerve racking. It seemed like he was all alone in the desert, stranded in the middle of the storm. Of course he knew the others were with them, shielded from sight, and that gave him at least a little comfort. "Cloud Light-Feather." A voice formed on his com-link loudly, and Cloud had a feeling that it was also quite loud outside. The voice belonged to none other than Sin himself, and was actually quite calm, perhaps even inviting. Yet, it still held a coldness behind it that sent chills down the eldest Light-Feathers spine. "Im here. I want my friends. And I want the kids. Now." Cloud answered, just as the Chaos-sin seemed to appear out of thin air, materializing a distance in front and above him. The massive dragons eyes glowed cruelly among the darkness, and it's loud roar echoed throughout the air. "All in good time my demi-human friend. I promise they will be set free. But remember, for their freedom, I want a compromise." Sin called back, and the Chaos-sin landed among the ruins of the castle. It's sheer size became very intimidating. ********************************** Rain sat up like a bolt suddenly when she heard her older brothers voice over the intercom, and Sins cold replies, "Cloud..." She turned to Naomi and Orihime, "I told you he would come." She then stopped suddenly and frowned, looking over at the door, "Someone's here." Orihime and Naomi looked over at her questioningly, and she pointed quickly to her ears, "Two, maybe three people are behind the door..." The two human women nodded and Naomi went over to a small stool by the bed and picked it up, quickly dashing over to the side of the door, "Ori, get on that side and when I hit them with the stool, drag the bodies out of the way, ok?" Orihime nodded, and Rain ducked back far enough to the left side of the door to give Orihime her room, and keep herself hidden. The door suddenly burst open, which was no surprise, and a man walked through. As soon as he was far enough, Naomi swung the stool that was over her head and brought it crashing down on the mans head. Orihime quickly crouched down around the door and grabbed the second mans feet, knocking him off balance and sending him face first into the floor. The red comet finished the job by bringing what was left of the now broken stool over the second mans head, and sending him to join the first in unconsciousness. The two women the attempted to drag the men over to the side of the bed, but were having more trouble then expected. The men were heavy, both of them, and were difficult to drag across the carpeted floor. Orihime pulled hard, and almost fell back when the weight lessened very suddenly. Looking up she saw Rain had grabbed hold of the mans arm, and was helping to drag him quite easily. Once both men were out of the way, Orihime spoke, "What now?" "Lets try and find the kids, or something... we can get them out and help Cloud." Naomi answered. Rain nodded in agreement, "We have to be careful though." She walked over to the two unconscious bodies and crouched next to them, finding two hand guns and a stun rod, "They must have planed to use that against me." She stated, tossing the two guns over to the others, "Lets get going." The three women ran through the door and down the hall, stopping at the corner. Naomi pressed herself flat against the wall, and peered around the corner. Seeing the coast was clear, she quickly took off running with Rain and Orihime right on her heels. Just as she was about to pass another hallway, someone came quickly around the corner, smacking strait into her... ***************************** "Hurry up you guy's!" Shiro yelled back to the three teenagers that were now running behind him. He was carrying Koh, who was actually lighter than he had originally expected. His face was still a bit bloody, but there was nothing he could do about it but ignore the splitting headache and occasional dizzy spell. He paused at a corner, breathing harshly, and peeked around, finding the coast clear. He waited a few more seconds to catch his breath, and took off running. Kristen ran up besides him, "Shiro, if we can get out... then Cloud won't have... to give himself up..." "I know." Shiro replied sharply, turning the corner. Then, the one thing he had least expected happened. He hit someone. "Shit!" He heard the other person yell, as the force of the blow knocked the air out of him. Looking up he saw someone he didn't expect. "Mom!" Will yelled, running over to Orihime, and throwing his arms around her. "Will!?" She hugged him back tightly, "I was so worried. We went looking for you after we escaped... How?!" She was interrupted suddenly by a sharp gasp from Rain when the demi-human noticed the person that Shiro had in his arms. "Oh my God... Koh!?" Rain dashed as quickly as possible, fluttering her thin wings as she knelt at Shiro's side, and began stroking her sons hair. "Uh... Rain?" Shiro asked uneasily, being shocked to see her as a demi- human. She looked up at him and nodded, her eyes scanning his face. "What happened?" She asked. "Gabrielle happened." Kristen answered for him, stepping up to his side. Hikari nodded and said, "When we escaped, Will and Kristen had on the guards uniforms and helmets. We ran into Gabrielle, and Shiro stood up to her. Then she scratched him and left." "She thought that me and Kristen were real guards." Will added. Rain nodded, "I see. What about Koh? Where did you find him?" "He was in one of the rooms." Shiro answered, he decided it was best not to mention anything besides that... and apparently the others agreed. The group stayed silent for a few more moments and finally Orihime spoke up, "Now lets get out of here... Cloud needs us." "Yeah..." Kristen nodded, "And we left Sin a nice little gift in the cells as well." The adults looked over at her questioningly, and Shiro answered, "Don't ask. Lets just go now." He stood up, still carrying Koh, and the group took off running. The found an elevator and pilled in, Orihime quickly pressed the base level button. The doors shifted open and the group burst out, taking out the few guards that were around them. They then quickly dashed down another hallway, praying to any God that might exist they were headed the right way... *********************************** "I want the Ryuu." Sin said, his voice booming over the sound of the raging storm, "When I have him, you have my word that the hostages will be released." "I want to see them set free first." Cloud replied, the silver blade ligar at his command roaring fiercely. Unknown to Sin, the three stealth zoids had made their way closer to the Chaos-sin. Goji was out in front, his sword ready for attack. There was a sudden explosion as a small section near the belly of the chaos- sin broke away, and flames emerged, soon followed by 8 small figures in the dark. Sins angry voice could be heard screaming, "What the hell's going on!?" "Sir! The hostages have escaped!" One of his men was heard over the intercom, "All of them somehow... They managed to break through some of our men and found some explosives." "Stop them!" Sin yelled, "Deploy the Zebats! I will have the demi- humans... you understand me!?" "Yes sir!" Clouds screen zoomed in on the figures, and he yelled, "Someone get to them!" The Chaos-sins mouth screeched open and out flew a large number of pitch black Zebats. They circled the sky once and began opening fire on Clouds Blade Ligar. ********************************* "Lets go!" Zack yelled, closing the Bahamut's cockpit. Nadia cursed and dashed over to her Konig wolf, just as Jessie's Lightning Saix had begun to move. All the zoids in the Blitz teams hover cargo were now coming to life, each pilot eager to go help their friends and families. Ayane and Rion were the first ones out, followed soon by Zack, Jemie and Bit. Jessie was next, and was followed shortly by Nadia. Chris was the last one to depart, calling Zeke to him. The organoid fused quickly with the blue blade ligars core, and they departed. They ran quickly through the storm, pushing their zoids as fast as they would go to reach the battle that had just started. *********************************** Rain stiffened suddenly and yelled, "You guy's run! Goji's nearby I can hear him... he'll help you." "What?!" Naomi asked as the rest of the group turned to face her. "Shiro, get Koh away from here now. All of you need to get away!" Rain commanded, just as a dark shadow slammed right into her. The shadow pushed her right up against the wall, and was soon reveled to be none other than the demonic demi-human, Gabrielle. "Trying to get away are we?" Gabrielle taunted, as she flashed a cruel smile toward her niece. "Rain!" Orihime yelled, about to dash forward to her friends aid. She was stopped suddenly when the Temjin X removed it's stealth shield, and Goji pushed his hand in her way. "Leave her... you know you can't do anything to help her against Gabrielle. Now all of you climb on!" He waited for them to climb onto the temjin's arms, and he clasped it's hands around them, once again raising the stealth shield. The Temjin X, and the hostages disappeared without a trace. Gabrielle backed away from Rain and smiled, just as a streak of lightning struck the horizon. She seemed to pull Rains sword out of thin air, tossing it to the Tenshi, and then removing her own blade, "Common Tenshi... Lets see what you can do." Rain cursed as she caught the blade. She knew she didn't have much of her strength, and Gabrielle seemed to know this as well. "What's the matter dear niece?" Gabrielle brought her flame colored sword up, the rain bounded off of it's sharp blade, and the glare from the Lightning that filled the air reflected the bright colors. She spread her red, bladed wings and charged full speed at Rain bringing the sword above her head. Rain gasped as she pulled her sword up to block the blow, its bone crushing impact causing her arms to suddenly go numb. Gabrielle laughed as Rain collapsed, "Ah, I see. Lets get you back inside... shall we?" The demon wrapped her arms around Rains neck and slammed the back of her hand against her temple, causing the Tenshi to black out immediately. She then dragged Rain back into the Chaos-sin, and watched the rest of the fight from there.... *************************** "Rain!" Cloud yelled, crying out suddenly as another barrage of missiles hit his zoid, he cursed. Tyra and Rei were trying hard to defend him, but there were just to many Zebats. "Cloud watch out!" Rei's voice was heard. Cloud gasped suddenly as the Chaos-sin disappeared, then reappeared quickly, bringing it's claws down on top of his blade ligar. Electricity flowed into his zoid, sending him into unconsciousness quickly, and completely freezing his zoids systems. LightStrike roared out in pain as he became unfused with the core, sprawling onto the desert sands. Seemingly out of nowhere, large cables and chains emerged from the Chaos- sin, wrapping around the Ligar. Thunder roared in the background, and the rain continued to beat down hard. "Cloud!" Jemie yelled, being the first to arrive on the battlefield. He shot down a few Zebats that were chasing Tyra, who's' stealth shield had appeared to fail. "No!" Nadia yelled, dashing as quickly as her Konig wolf could run, "Uncle Cloud!" The Chaos-sins loud roar was heard, followed by Sins cruel laughter as both the large dragon and the Ligar, disappeared into nothingness... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Hmmm... I have a history test tomorrow... damn. So, you like chapter? Go review please! Aren't you proud of me? I updated quickly! Oh yeah, next chapter will include more info on the PHOENIX project.... 22. Just a little bit Jealous Authors note: Major delay problems due to a bunch of things. Sorry. One major thing being my birthday, my new PS2 and my scary obsession with the DVD: Spirited Away. Great movie. Don't worry Himeko, you'll find out about the injuredies soon enough... Along with another old... friend of ours... lol. CHAPTER 22 "NO!" Nadia yelled, her voice heard over everyone's intercoms. Her Konig wolf suddenly fell victim to a vicious assault by the group of Zebats the Chaos-sin had left behind. Jessie saw what was happening, and pushed his Lightning Siax forward, taking down one of the enemy zoids, "Nadi, we have to get out of here." His face appeared on her screen," Your dad and Tauros are ordering us back to the hover cargo... Lets go!" "No!" Nadia sobbed, Not without uncle Cloud and mom." She gasped suddenly as another barrage of missiles jerked her zoid. Two of the Zebats that were attacking her suddenly fell, and a blue Blade Ligar appeared just as a flash of lighting stuck across the sky. "There's nothing we can do at the time, to help them." Chris said, his face popping up next to Jessie's, "How do you expect to ever help them by getting killed here?" "But," "Listen," Chris sighed, putting up a block on the com-link so that only Nadia could hear, "Nadia. We still may have a way to save them, and stop Sin all in one shot...." He paused, "But, you have to trust me." "Nadia! Get back to the hover cargo now!" Hiro's voice rang out, "Please. We weren't expecting Cloud to just disappear like that." Nadia slammed her fist down on her control panel, and her Konig wolf faltered slightly as she hesitated. "Please Nadia..." Jessie said, just as a flashed of bright light appeared in the dark storming sky. It came down suddenly, striking the Konig Wolf. Nadia gasped when a familiar roar filled the cockpit. "LightStrike?!" Lightstrike roared again and forced the wolf to turn around, even through Nadia's protests. Chris ran out ahead and Jessie followed close behind, the dark sky only seemed to grow darker as night began to approach, the storm still not letting up. "Nadi...?" Jessie sighed, looking over at her tear filled face. Nadia didn't answer, and just let LightStrike guide the Konig Wolf over the wet mud that the desert sands had become. The Lightning Saix and Konig Wolf were the last two zoids to return to the Hover cargo, and once they were safely inside, the large transported opened fire on the remaining Zebats, destroying most of them, the rest fleeing into the darkness. Nadia jumped out of her cockpit and just stood in the almost abandoned hanger, tears streaming down her face. Jessie slowly walked up to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Come on Nadi," Jessie said, "Lets go meet the others." "We..." Nadia whispered, "Jess.... We were so close." Jessie sighed and wrapped his arms around her gently, stroking her long silver hair as she cried into his clothes, "Shhhh..." Jessie tried to calm her down, "Everything will be ok... Please Nadia..." She continued to cry for a few moments longer, eventually deciding to dry her tears and head on up to the main room. They were surprised to see LightStrike standing next to the door waiting for them... He seemed to be glaring at Jessie. He growled almost threateningly, making Jessie cringe. Even though he was smaller than regular zoids, LightStrike was still kind of big. "Stop it." Nadia pat the organoids nose gently, "What are you jealous or something?" Even though Organoids were almost completely unable to show any type of emotion, LightStrike still seemed to look pretty surprised as he turned his head to face a different direction. Nadia started to giggle, "Ah, don't worry LightStrike." The organoid growled warmly and nudged her arm gently, grabbing the sleeve of her shirt and dragging her down the hall and to the infirmary. Jessie followed closely behind at first, until LightStrike swung his tail and tried to hit him. He jumped back to dodge it and fell on his butt, deciding it would be safer to travel further behind. The organoid pushed her into the room and nodded at a certain bed. "Koh!" Nadia ran up to his bed and knelt down, putting her small hand on his arm. Jessie walked in just then, standing to one side of the door. LightStrike was standing on the other side. The organoid once again whipped his tail out to hit Jessie, and this time found it's unsuspecting target, striking him hard in the shin. Not hard enough to break any bones of course... Jessie yelled and grabbed onto his shin, "God Dammit! That hurts! Owwww." Nadia looked up and over, and was surprised to hear Koh start laughing quietly and tiredly. She looked down. "He's Jealous..." Koh whispered. He fell back asleep just then, and Orihime walked up to them. "Don't worry, he'll be ok. Koh's just tired." Ori told her, "But he's right. It does look as though you've got a little jealousy problem." Nadia laughed slightly and Orihime continued, "I can remember how he acted when your mom started to fall for Hiro... It was pretty funny..." "Well if it's anything how he's acting now, I feel sorry for Hiro." Jessie said, still rubbing his shin as he hopped over. "Oh no, it was worse." Orihime laughed, "He actually broke Hiro's shin... Twice. Then pushed him down the stairs once..." Jessie's face grew pale and he looked over at LightStrike, terrified that the organoid would suddenly pounce on him. If organoids could look truly evil, LightStrike did just then. "He must like you or something." Orihime winked at him, "Don't tell your father I told you though Nadia." Nadia nodded and said, "Of course LightStrike won't do anything like breaking bones or pushing people down stairs now... would he?" She turned to look over at the organoid who seemed to be trying to look unbelievably innocent. "Oh, Will and the others told me to tell you that they are all in a room upstairs. I don't know which one, so you'll have to find it." Orihime sighed, "You may want to go up there and wait until we can come up with another plan. I'll take good care of your brother." Nadia was suddenly reminded of what Chris had told her. He had a plan... would he tell the other adults? "Thanks orihime." Nadia said, "It's good to have you back." Ori nodded and turned back to her own business, and the two teenagers left, Lightstrike just about to follow. "Hey LightStrike..." Ori said, and the organoid turned to face her, "Go easy on him... he's a good kid." LightStrike turned and followed the two teenagers closely, and Orihime had one last glimpse of LightStrike about to his Jessie before the doors closed. She then heard Jessie wail out in pain and Nadia scold the organoid. *********************** They had eventually made it to the room, Rion had shown them were it was, and now they were all inside, just hanging around. Jessie was nervously sitting next to nadia on the floor against a wall, turning to look at LightStrike ever so often. Hikari, and will were sitting on the edge of the bed. Rion and Ayane were sitting on a couch with LightStrike standing next to it. Shiro was busy gazing out the window, the cuts on his face had stopped bleeding, and kristen was pacing back and forth across the room. It was pretty silent all together, each teenager focused on his or her own thoughts, the storm still raging outside. The sun was almost completely set, giving the dark, cloud filled horizon an eerie glow. The winds could be heard roaring outside, and thunder boomed occasionally, followed by the bright flashes of lightning. "Shiro...?" Nadia asked... "What did my mom look like?" Shiro turned, a bit surprised by the question. "She was a demi-human right... I couldn't see her very well with the storm and all." "She looked..." Shiro began, trying hard to explain it. "Really pretty." Hikari said softly and the others nodded. "But tired... really tired." Will added, "Not exactly like, sleepy tired, but a different kind. I don't know how to..." The was a sudden knock at the door that startled the entire group, causing LightStrike to growl at the noise. They all shook it off pretty quickly and Shiro walked over to the door and opened it, surprised to see the ZBC commander and his organoid. "Hey guy's... Can we come in." Chris asked, and Shiro shrugged, walking back over to the window. The storm seemed to be teasing them. Every time it looked as though it would let up, it just got worse. Curse Zi for being mostly desert. "So, what are you all up too?" Chris asked, finding a stool and sitting down. "You told me you had a plan." Nadia almost demanded, not giving anyone a chance to answer Chris's question. The teenagers, none of whom new anything about what she was talking about, turned their eyes to Chris. Chris sighed and looked directly over to Nadia, "Actually, that's what I came up here to talk to you about..." He paused, "I was just down their listening to anything the others could come up with... and they can't. So, Im going to tell you my plan, because in my opinion, this isn't their fight anymore." "What do you mean?" Kristen asked. "I new it ever since I met you four." He looked over at Jessie, Nadia, Ayane and Rion, "You are the future of Zi. All of you. Not those people standing downstairs. And though they fight to protect you all and make Zi a better place for you all to live... They're tired." Nadia looked over at Will, and he nodded, "I could tell Rain was when I saw her." "You can see it in all of their eyes." Chris continued, "They are getting older, though not really old per say, but..." "We understand that Sir." Ayane said, "Please continue with the plan." Chris nodded, "You are all smarter, braver and stronger than you should be for your age." "I think we grew up allot within the past few days." Rion said, and the others agreed. "Well, like I was saying... it's not their job to fight and protect Zi anymore, but they still do, and will. I have been commander for the ZBC for only ten years. And within that little bit of time I have yet to see a more dedicated group than your parents, and well, you. "For the past 20 years there has been a top secret ZBC operation. I was put in charge of it ten years ago, and it was just today finished. It is called Project PHOENIX." He paused, "And I want all of you to be a part of it. Not your parents... though I do want them to help, but I want all of you to be in charge." "What exactly is it sir?" Nadia asked. "Well, I'd rather show you. I was down there, listening to the other adults, and they said they were going back to your base to pick up the others. Im going to ask them to take us to a secret underground ZBC compound afterwards that is luckily, not to far away from the Waterfall Oasis. That's when I'll show you." "Well whatever it is... will it work?" Kristen demanded. "It's the best chance we've got." Chris answered, "It won't take long, seeing as though we are only about half an hour from your base now, give or take. To get to the compound and get the entire project ready, I estimate 4 hours tops. So... get some sleep." He turned and left, his organoid following closely behind. Once they were out the door, Zeke growled and Chris turned to talk to him. Zeke growled again. "Am I sure...?" Chris asked, "Yes. Im positive. Zeke... you zoids and organoids live on for a very long time... we humans, we only live for a very little time compared to you. But you know this. Compared to you zoids, and compared to time in a whole, we are only that a blink of an eye." He paused, "And within that blink, are new generations of people who must live their own lives, and protect their own futures. One generation can't keep doing it for ever... you see? If they tried to... they would fail eventually." Zeke growled again and they continued walking, "Of course each generation will receive help from the one before it... that's important too... but they must be the ones to save their own future. Understand?" Zeke nodded, "That's how I look at it anyway. They... well, they are the future." ***************************** Sin looked down at his chess board and smiled, about to move another piece when a knock was heard on his door. 'The worthless demi-human no doubt.' He thought. "Come in." He was right. Gabrielle shuffled in slowly, her features both angry and seemingly thoughtful. She seemed... different. "What do you want. I told you to wait with the other demi-humans. Both of them are secure, no doubt?" Sin asked, "It's almost time after all. "Sir... I disagree with your plan." "I don't care." "But Sir..." "Leave demon. You have no say in the matter. I brought you back to life for one reason, and one reason only. That reason is approaching." "And if I refuse!" Gabrielle demanded. "I'll use you anyway." Sin said. "Damn you..." She whispered, "You'll go to hell for this." "On the contrary." Sin added. "Your wrong Sin." The demon laughed cruelly, "When you get sent to hell, I'll be there to torment you forever and ever... remember that." "Whatever you say... demon." Sin said. "Oh I will Sin.. I will. And you will be there with me..." Gabrielle laughed, "Your plan, it will be ready in approximately 4 to 4 1/2 hours." **************************** "So what's the plan?" Izumi asked, "Where are we going?" "Chris wants us to go to some ZBC compound." Hiro explained. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 22~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Dang, I was hopping to get farther than that with the whole project Phoenix thing. Oh well. Next chap will have the bulk of it. Oh, and as for which of my friends ended up giving me the best b-day present... it's a tie between Jeremy (Kingdom Hearts Jap. Soundtrack) and my bestest friend Chris, who burned me the entire collection of music from Cowboy bebop, along with all the Live performances and one Yoko Kanno live performance. He managed to get it all on a total of 7 Cds. Hell, he even got the voice reels for the english character voices. How can I say that it's a tie? Easy. My personal stereo upstairs in my room has trouble playing some kinds of burned CD's. It'll read 'em fine all up to about the 5 or 6th song, and then just have trouble. Just with some CD brands though. Oh well. Its a cheap stereo anyway. Every other stereo (The big surround sound entertainment system downstairs and my sisters Stereo in her room... and my little boom box don't have trouble playing them. Lol) Anyways, next update will probably be either later this week, or the weekend. Im on spring beak, kinda busy, but not too bad so I'll probably work on it. Oh, and thanks for all the reviews! 23. The begining of the end again Authors note: Thanks for the reviews you guy's. And I've had two people e- mail me about them having trouble remembering who the characters are. Any one else having trouble? If so, e-mail or leave it in a review, and I'll make a list or something to use as a reference... Im sorry this chapter took so long... I got kind of... preoccupied. Namely, beating Final Fantasy X in 4 days, and Kingdom hearts. Im in the last world of Kingdom hearts, and I only need 9 more Dalmatians... wish me luck. Then I had a school report on comparing and contrasting 2 asian mythological creatures. I chose Kitsune and Oriental Dragons. Just got that finished. Now, on with the chapter... CHAPTER 23 "So where are we headed again?" Leon asked, sitting on one of the many couches in the main room. "Some ZBC compound not far from here. Chris asked us to go, saying it was really important. When I asked why, all he said was that It would help against Sin." Hiro explained. "Really..." Leon shook his head, "And Cloud?" "Sin got him. He just vanished... Like Koh did the first time. We managed to save the kids and the others, but Sin got his wish and has Cloud and Rain." Hiro replied sourly, "We were close..." Everyone except the kids or Chris were sitting or lying, in various places around the main room. No one said anything for a while, each wishing they could come up with some new plan that would at least help. But, none of them could. It all just seemed hopeless... or pointless. Izumi sat up and cringed as one of her wounds ached, "So whatever this Chris guy has up his sleeve is pretty much our last hope... huh..." She laughed inwardly, a saddened smile coming to her face. "I just hope it works..." Ryuji said, much in the same way Izumi had spoken. He got up and walked out into the hallway, deciding to gaze out one of the windows at the storm. He stood there for a while, wondering what all of them had done exactly to receive a fate like this. 'Well... I know what Copper did to deserve this anyway...' He thought. His thoughts then wandered to Ayane, and how she had reacted to the news of Copper. He hated those old memories, and the things his counterpart had did. If only he could find a way to change everything... never stumble upon the Deathsoarer piece... Then... "You ok?" Goji asked, walking up behind Ryuji. His voice startled him a bit, and he turned to face the Temjin X's pilot. He noticed Zack was with him and nodded. "I was just thinking." Ryuji said, "About some... stuff." "Copper." Zack said, "I can tell." "Yeah..." Ryuji chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "It's in the past." Goji told him, "Just a bad memory, you should just forget about it." "I was just thinking that if I had never found that old Deathsoarer piece.... Copper wouldn't have ever existed you know..." "Everyone has things they regret doing... things that they couldn't help, and some they could have. You didn't do anything wrong about finding the deathsoarer piece...." Zack said, "Something bad just kinda, came out of it. It's life I guess..." "Everyone has a bit of a mean side to them... some more than others of course." Goji said, "Copper was exceptionally cruel, and mean. He had no good side..." He paused, "And you have to remember. You and Copper were two separate people." "It's like when I was Zero I guess." Zack said, "I regret that now. That was something I could have helped too... But it's in the past, so I let it go. It was a bad choice I made back then and now I just have to live with it... but you see, you couldn't help it. So you really shouldn't hold it against yourself." "Yeah, I guess your right..." Ryuji sighed... his thoughts still on Ayane. "She'll come around. Don't worry." Goji said, then left, returning to the main room. ******************************* Chris looked down at his watch, "We should be there any time now." He sighed and looked over at LightStrike, "This is it old friend." Zeke growled and followed Chris back down the hall and back into the kid's room. The old organoid looked at each of them in turn, studying them. He growled softly just as Chris began to speak. "All right everyone. Please listen up." He paused as everyone turned to see him, quietly giving him all their attention, "What you are going to see is a top secret ZBC compound. As you know, I have all asked you to be part of this operation..." He looked down at the ground, "Anything you see in this compound must be remained top secret..." He looked up again, "Do I have your word that you will tell no one?" The kids took turns looking at each other, almost as if they were deciding who would speak up... or who would be their leader. Their gazes eventually fell onto Nadia. She took in a deep breath and stood, LightStrike at her side in an instant. "First you have to promise me something." Nadia said, walking up to Chris, her ever protective organoid still behind her. "Yes?" Chris asked, scanning her face, trying to discover what she might be up to. "This has to be the end..." She paused, "We've been talking, each of us, and..." "And..." Chris was still a bit unsure of what she was asking. "Will this end it? For them...?" Nadia asked. Chris wasn't sure who she was talking about until she looked up, and stared directly into his eyes. Her Silver eyes told him everything... She was asking if this would be the last fight that her parents and their friends would have to take part of. "I promise. It will be the last fight no matter what, they won't have to suffer anymore. They can live peaceful once this battle is over. And I promise, they will be rewarded for everything they've ever done to aid Zi." "Do I really have your word on that?" "You have my word as a ZBC commander and as a Fly-height." Chris answered, putting out his hand. Nadia took it and they shook, and almost as if it were a signal the other teenagers stood up and stood behind Nadia. "Lets get going then." Nadia said, following Chris as he led the way. The others followed, and they all made their way down to the main room, just as Doc came onto the intercom, "Chris, please come down here, we're at the coordinates you gave us." The door to the main room shifted open, and in walked the 8 kids, and Chris. The two organoids followed at a difference. "Dad..." Nadia spoke up before anyone could speak... "We decided that no matter what... we're fighting this battle." Hiro looked at her, a bit stunned. Chris grinned. Good... it was their fight now anyway. "Listen up, Im taking the kids in first." Chris said, "I want them to see something, then we will come back here at tell you everything you need to know. You stay here until then... they are in charge now." "Now wait a minute." Orihime exclaimed, at the same time Izumi asked "What?!" The other adults also objected. "Stop this." Nadia said, quieting everyone down, "We agreed to it already, and you aren't stopping us." She looked up at her father, who was standing on an elevated platform, "None of you." "Nadia!" Hiro shook his head, but was interrupted again by his son, who slowly walked into the room. "Didn't you hear her dad? Just back down for once..." Koh said, a small grin coming to his face, "You aren't going to stop her in whatever it is she is planning." Nadia turned to face him and smiled slightly, as he walked up to her and the others. "And..." Koh added, "Im behind them all the way." He looked over at Kristen and the others and continued, "Im sorry... for well, you know..." Chris nodded, "You should be a part of it to... Koh, was it?" Koh nodded, "Koh Solehart at your service..." "Koh! You should still be in bed!" Hiro objected. "Just shut up already!" Koh said, "Im fine Alright. Geeze. Sir..?" He turned to Chris. "Chris Fly-height." "Whatever, just lead the way already before they try and tie us down..." Koh chuckled slightly. "Koh!" Hiro continued, "Nadia...." But it was already too late. They were leaving... and there was nothing he could do to stop them... but he could still object, "Both of you are grounded for the rest of your lives." "So? Who's to say that we're going to live long lives anyway?" Koh almost teased, "Just listen to us for once dad. I have no clue what's going on, and frankly, I don't care as long as I can help now... after well, after what I did." Goji stood, "Shiro!" "You be quiet too." Shiro said, "You aren't stopping me either." "And before you say anything..." Kristen said, waving over at her parents, "Forget it. I've already made up my mind." Will, Hikari and Rion all nodded. "Us too." Rion said. Ryuji stood and looked down at his daughter, and nodded, "Your going too?" "Yes." Ayane answered swiftly, averting her gaze to the ground. She was surprised when Ryuji wrapped his arms around her and hugged her gently, "Then be careful ok? And..." "Ryuji you can't be serious!" Jemie said. "Good luck." Ryuji said, "After all, according to Chris, you are all in charge now... and I wouldn't feel safer in anyone else's hands..." "Dad..." Ayane nodded, "Im sorry.." "Don't worry about it. You should all get going now, no time to waist." Ryuji said, "I trust you. I've been thinking and well... This is..." He was surprised when Nadia took the words out of his mouth. "Our fight now." Nadia said, causing the other adults to quiet down immediately, "This is our fight." Chris couldn't help it. He smiled inwardly, 'Good Girl' he thought, "Lets get going then... shall we?" The teenagers nodded, and followed Chris out, both organoids with them. It left the adults completely... dumbfounded. **************************** Gabrielle looked over at the two other demi-humans in the room, both of whom were still completely in control of themselves. Sin had promised that. They'd be able to be themselves... even if they were to weak and unable to stop him. Cloud was unconscious, and had been moved to sit in the corner... Rain at his side. She had a look of complete hopelessness. Gabrielle turned away quickly, feeling something in her heart that she hadn't felt in a long time. So long, she couldn't recognize what it was. Sin's voice suddenly filled the room, even waking Cloud up, "Are you all ready?" "Go to hell Sin." Gabrielle replied. "Good. Now get them ready." Gabrielle cursed as she forced Rain onto her feet and towards the center of the room. She shoved her onto a round platform, where wires and cords from all over began to wind themselves and attach themselves into her armor. As soon as the first cord attached to her armor she seemed to be paralyzed, unable to escape. Then she did the same with Cloud. But before she could shove him up he spoke to her. "Why are you doing this?" Cloud whispered, "Before everything... before you kidnapped us when we were little... I can remember you... You were different. You used to come over, and visit... you were so... nice. What did you have against us?" Gabrielle was stunned, she didn't have a strait forward answer at first, "I always hated you. Always will." "That's not what I remember..." Cloud said, and Gabrielle shoved him onto the platform. "Then tell me this..." Cloud said as the wires began to attach to his armor, "Why are you helping him?" Gabrielle didn't answer, just walked over to the third spot on the platform and jumped up, allowing the wires to wrap themselves around her. She cursed on the inside. The platform began to rise, slowly but surely into the room directly above them. When it stopped the three demi-humans were in a triangle position around the Chaos-sin's core. ********************************** Chris pressed a small button on his watch, and the mud that had once been sand shifted, a large metal platform pushing up out of the ground. He whipped the water from his eyes and pushed back his blowing hair, leading the teenagers into the underground compound. Immediately ZBC officials began walking up to him left and right, but he just waved them all off. The teenagers looked at everything, from the hundreds of computer's to the hundreds of people, to the hundreds of rare zoids. It was actually quite amazing. "Ok, here we are." Chris said, approaching an elevator, He put his hand against a screen, and they all watched as a small light, or laser, scanned each of his fingerprints. The door opened, and Chris let them all in before entering himself. He closed the door and the elevator immediately began to lower. It seemed to descend for a good five minutes. The elevator was made of glass, and with each floor the teenagers got a glance of something completely amazing. Zoids, people, computers, junk. Everything. Everytime the elevator would pass up another floor the lights would fill the closed space, and show them something completely new. Finally they reached a floor that was completely blocked from view. Chris pressed his hand against the screen once again, and the door shifted open to a pitch black room. "This, my friends...." Chris said as they all walked in, stumbling in the darkness, "Is project Phoenix," He flipped on a light and a gasp was caught in everyone's throats. ~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 23~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Im sorry about the cliffhanger... I couldn't resist. :P I'll start writing the next chapter now... Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 24. The Phoenix Authors note: Hey everyone, how you all been? Don't really got much news except schools almost out. (I get out on the 13 of June, and all the other schools (By that I mean every school in Wyandotte cept mine) gets out on the 16th yay. I get out 3 days before Gabrielle does! Oh yeah, the 29th of this month through the 2nd of next month I will be in my home state, Arizona. I really don't want to go... my mom is making me. It's all because she says that my sister and I need to meet her side of the family because we barely remember them, and because Brian (A cousin. Im leaving it at that because for as long as I've known who he is he's just always been my cousin... even though technically... well, never mind. Don't ask unless you really want to know, I know that probably didn't make much sense.) Is graduating and my mom wants to see it very badly. Even though really, I don't see why. Sometimes my moms side of the family really ticks me off. (My sister really does not want to go. She has a really important engagement that she shouldn't miss... my mom says that she will force her to go though, and I really think that's wrong.) Anyways, here's the next chapter (Did you like the last cliffy?) CHAPTER 24 "So... how do you like it?" Chris said smugly, looking at each teenagers expression in turn as they looked at the sight in front of them. "It's... breathtaking." Nadia answered, and the others agreed. No wonder it was top secret. "But... Sir." Hikari said, "You said you want us to be in charge of this or whatever... you don't mean..." Chris smiled and cut her off, "Yes, I do. I meant everything I said before. Let me introduce you to Phoenix. You all better get used to it, you will be running it." Phoenix. It was an appropriate name. ******************************** Sin laughed. Certainly no matter what the ZBC had up it's sleeve, if anything at all, could stop him now. Within a short amount of time it would all be over, and the name Sin could be forgotten, along with everything else. He watched as the wires and cords infused themselves with the core, turning it a bright shade of pure white. The demi-humans themselves had their own light, they each seemed to glow a different color. The demons armor seemed to glow a soft shade of red. They Ryuu's was a deep pure gold, and Tenshi's was a light blue, almost the color of a clear day's sky. Good. It was working. Soon, it would be over, and humanity would see it's last hour. ******************************** 'Then tell me this... Why are you helping him?' Gabrielle kept hearing that statement in her head... not exactly sure why. It just seemed to strike her with something... a feeling or emotion that she hadn't felt in a long long time. But what was that feeling? 'What did you have against us?' She just kept hearing Clouds voice. She hated it. ' were so nice...' She wished his voice would just shut up already. '...why?' it kept asking her. And she had an answer... but for some reason, it felt like the wrong answer. ******************************** Project Phoenix. Now that Nadia thought about it, the name was pretty obvious. In front of her stood a very large zoid. Though, she was sure it was still just a bit smaller than the Chaos-sin... but it was close. This zoid... it was the first bird like zoid she had ever seen... she knew that they weren't common. Someone had once told her it was because they were awkward, both in look and in movements. But the opposite could be said for the Phoenix. It was truly a sight. "Wow." Koh mumbled, not taking his eyes off the zoid. "Well lets get inside." Chris said, leading the way. The rest of them stood for a few more seconds, gaping at the Phoenix, then followed. Nadia was last, the large zoid reminding her of something... but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. Once inside the cockpit they were even more amazed. The back end of the cockpit was elevated up, and from there you could see the entire room. In the center of the lower level, connecting to the higher level was some sort booth, maybe a main weapon control system, or the controls for making the zoid move. Then, off to the left and right of the lower levels were rows of computers and control panels, each one for a different task. In back was a platform that had a microphone, and more controls. But the oddest part was the glass of the cockpit. From the outside it looked as though the only glass in the cockpit was the eyes of the zoid. But from inside it looked almost perfectly clear, with a little silver tint. Chris walked over to Nadia and placed a hand on her shoulder, "What do you guys think?" "It's incredible..." Nadia answered. "That's not an understatement," Kristen added. "It's composed of the most advanced technology we could use of the old world, and Zi. This zoid is the most advanced creation in a long, long time." Chris stated. "Old world?" Will asked suddenly, not sure what Chris meant. "Never mind. So you guy's like it huh?" The commander smiled, "Good, because from now on Phoenix is you best friend." "You really want us to run this." Nadia said turning to face him, "Are you sure, I mean, aren't there more skilled pilots... we are after all, just a bunch of teenagers from various teams." "You, young lady, will be piloting it." "What!?" Nadia choked, but before she could say more Chris interrupted. "I understand that you are all just kids. And Im sure there are more skilled pilots. But you see... you 9 have something that could not be surpassed by every pilot on Zi...." Zeke growled at this, almost as if he was agreeing. "And what is that...?" Jessie asked. "You have the most admirable bravery I've ever seen... and you have a reason to fight... something to protect, something to save. Your young, all quite intelligent, mature and selfless." He sighed, "But you haven't lost your childishness and fears that are still deep inside you. You are not completely devoid of emotion like those pilots whom you have mentioned before, those that are "more" skilled." Chris explained. Ayane was about to say something but Chris just continued. "Through everything all of you have managed to stay who you are. You have managed to stay friends, and have grown considerably more close because of all of this. And that is truly amazing." He continued, "I once read somewhere that children were always more innocent than adults, more carefree, more alive really... And though you may have grown up quite a bit... you are still those same little children, you know fear. You have grown braver. And you know, bravery is not the absence of fear... bravery is the ability to stand up to that fear. You above all else, have this ability. Yes, this is your fight, because it is your future that will become of this fight. And all this that I have said, is true, and it's what will make you more skilled, more reliable and more powerful than every other person on Zi." Chris's speech had hushed the teenagers, and they each looked around at each other, unsure of what to say. Eventually Shiro spoke up, "You really believe all that?" "Yes." "Wow." Kristen sighed, "That's... really... um..." "Strange." Rion whispered under his breath, causing Ayane and Hikari to chuckle slightly. "You know..." Chris said, "Your parents really do believe in you the same way I do. You can tell by looking in their eyes. I believe it was their belief in each other and the exact same thing I have said to you that gave them such strength all those years ago." "So what happened to them then...?" Hikari asked quietly. "We already answered that Hikari," Will said, "Their tired. They grew up. And they can't keep protecting everyone else forever. So, like Nadia said, this will be their last fight and we will take over." Nadia nodded, "A reason to fight... something to protect, something to save. Our fight, our future." "So... are we ready to learn how this baby works?" Rion asked, a sly grin coming to his face. He turned to Chris. "Allrighty, now listen up, I don't have much time to explain this to you because I suspect that Sin may be on the move. This zoid has one main control booth, and 7 separate control panels. It also only has one main computer. This is all here, in the cockpit." Chris Explained, he pointed through a door, "Down that hall are the main compressors, and engines. The core is in the direct center of the zoid, and it draws all it's power from two basic outputs, a main, and a secondary. The secondary is used only for the Phoenix's main weapon, which is a huge charged particle like canon. It is not however a charged particle canon, but a newer weapon I myself have invented." He paused, "We have not been able to test it yet though... it works only in theory because we have no time to test it. It has very unique properties as well." "And what about that hall?" Koh asked, pointing to another door. "That is the main elevator and staircase. This battlezoid is capable of holding 170 support zoids, though it is recommended not to pass 150. It's currently loaded with 40 zoids, 20 command wolfs, 10 Gun Snipers and 10 elite saber tigers. That's where the elevator leads to. But I have a feeling that it won't be our main force..." "Our main force is going to be the others isn't it?" Ayane asked, "Our parents and friends. They will support us. That's your plan?" "Exactly." "It's an incredible strategy." Will said, "how many weapons is the Phoenix loaded with?" "Many, and they will be run by 4 of the 7 control panels." Chris said, "Each panel has simple enough controls... and as for the main control booth..." "I don't know if I should... I don't pilot an aerial zoid." Nadia said. "You will do fine. I have been watching you all, and have tried to figure out what would be best for your tasks in here." "And?" Jessie asked, "Surely you can't expect the nine of us to run this by ourselves." "Oh no. I will have many workers monitoring the status gauges, secondary control gauges, and core. You won't be alone. Trust me." "So what did you come up with?" Will asked. "Nadia, as I have said a few times now, will be in the main control booth. Shiro?" "Yes?" "You will be at control panel one. It it is a maneuverability control panel, and after studying your humanoid I have discovered that if Nadia is to pilot, she's going to need your skill to help. The first control panel on the right is yours. Now, Kristen's your name isn't it?" Chris turned to Kristen. She nodded, "Yep." "Your going to be running the main power lasers on panel 2. The lasers are located on each side of the Phoenix's head, there are four total... Alright?" "Sure..." Kristen nodded, strolling over to look at her panel. "Now, Rion. I want you on panel 3. It runs the blades located on the tips of each wing, the claws, and the blades that are located along the beak of the Phoenix." "Right." Rion walked over to his panel. "Ayane, your on panel 4. It runs the 4 charged particle canons located in a retractable panel of the Phoenix's stomach. This panel also runs some of the stabilizers." Ayane joined the others. "Koh, I want you on panel 5 to our left which runs the missiles and secondary lasers. Missile pods are located on the back, and legs. Lasers on top of the wing joints." Koh nodded, walking to the other side of the zoid. "No that leaves us with Hikari, Will and Jessie correct?" Chris asked, turning to the remaining teenagers, "I want Hikari on panel 6. It is a panel that runs main and secondary shields and wind stabilizers...." "Ok..." "Now, Will, your on the main computer." "What!?" Will gasped. "You heard me. You are basically in control of keeping track of everything. It also has to give the clearance to use the main weapon. One of three panels used to operate the main weapon. It runs the main scanners, power outputs and relays all images on the screens, and the messages. Your in charge of most of the zoid, having the main statistics." Chris turned to Jessie, "As for you..." "Im on panel 7 right?" "Yep. Secondary clearance of main weapon. It runs part of the radar, and all of the speed and power boosters. You, Nadia, and Shiro have basic control over how this zoid moves. Don't mess each other up. Boosters are under each wing joint, and belly of the zoid." "Yes sir." "Commander..." Nadia intruded. "Nadia, you are the main pilot and have control of the main weapon." Chris said, "Now lets get this thing moving. Alright!?" "Yes sir!" They all said in unison, jumping into their chairs. Chris dashed over to the main control panel with will and used the microphone, "Everyone listen up, I need all of the workers and secondary force pilots at their stations. Were all ready." Once off the microphone he turned to each of the teenagers and said, "Once the hatch is open, start her up and get her into the air. Lets see what you can do." *************************************** Sin pushed his white queen forward, taking out the whites last knight. 'One hour' he thought. one more hour and all will be complete... *************************************** "All ZBC personnel are to report to their main stations. Operation PHOENIX is under way. Evacuate the hatch area, I repeat, Evacuate the hatch area. Clearance has been granted. Hatch opening." A loudspeaker rang out. "Alright everyone, this is it." Chris stated, "Your in charge Nadia..." "All... Alright. Shiro, Jessie are you ready?" Nadia asked. Each teenager had a microphone headset so that they wouldn't have to yell across the cockpit just to get each others attention. The main booth where Nadia was located was shaped sort of like an orb, with a complete 360 degree holo screen. "Of course." Shiro answered, "Whenever Nadia." "Same here." Jessie said, just as the hatch above them began to open. "Ok, starting main engines you guy's..." Nadia said, flipping a switch at the top of the panel. ~~~~~~~End of chapter 24~~~~~~~~ Authors note: O_O hope that chapter wasn't confusing or anything..... oh man... I forget what I was going to say... Oh well, couldn't have been that important... Thanks for reviewing. Hmmm... now what did I forget? Im typing the next chapter now... I want to finish the fic before I leave for Arizona... 25. Fight for the Future Authors note: Not much really going on... Thanks again for all the reviews! (I say that every chapter don't I) CHAPTER 25 Hiro and the others were quite surprised when even more of the mud near the Hover cargo began to shift, a large metal hatch slowly rising out of the ground, letting in all the harsh winds and rain of the storm. "What the hell?" Izumi asked, getting up slowly and walking over to the main screen. ************************* "All systems seem to be running smoothly," Will said, looking over the statistics sent from Ayane and Hikari's control panels, You two double check..." "Everything's clear over here." Hikari said. "Here too." Ayane answered. "Shiro... Jess..." Nadia said quietly through her headset, "Im counting on you guy's..." She flipped another switch and continued, "Now, lets see how well this thing flies." "Im ready," Shiro replied. "Lets go then!" Jessie added. "All right then." Nadia said, placing her hands on the two control sticks. From what she could tell, the one on the left was basic elevation controls, and the one on the right was for directions. Shiro would aid her with his maneuverability skills, and Jessie would control the speed. In other words, this zoid was piloted by three separate pilots who each specialized in a certain skill. These three pilots would have to trust and rely on each other, not being afraid to do either of the two. Nadia pulled gently back on the elevation control, surprised at how quickly and well the response came. The Phoenix roared to life as it began to elevate. "Everything's going fine." Will reported, "We're rising quickly, there should be enough room now for you to speed up guy's." "You heard him Jess, that's your department." Nadia said, her face appearing on a small screen on Jessie's computer counsel. "All righty then. Shiro, Nadi, tilt her upward just a bit so I can activate the boosters and get this beauty out of this hole and into the open sky where it belongs!" Nadia smiled and tilted the right control stick upward. Shiro turned a small dial on his control panel that would make it so when they flew strait up the cockpit would stay level with the ground. One of Chris's more ingenious creations he bet. Because the cockpit was built like a sphere, no matter what direction or action the Phoenix took, the people inside the cockpit would always stay in the slandered, flat position, so basically, the floor of the cockpit stayed level with the ground at all times. Unless of course, Shiro were to dis-activate the magnetic charges that caused this. He then pulled back a bit on a small control stick in front of him, only barely opening the wings so Jessie could activate the boosters. "Whenever your ready Jess." "Yes!" Jessie cried activating the main boosters. A loud roar was heard as the speed boosters began to discharge and within a few seconds they were traveling upward at an amazing speed, flying strait up, heading strait for the stormy filled sky, "Activating secondary boosters..." Jessie said flipping another switch, jet streams of air could be heard as the boosters under the wing joints began to charge. ************************************ "What's that noise?" Zack said, the sudden sound of rushing air coming through from the outside. The adults were surprised when a bright glowing silver light appeared, coming out of the hole that had opened up in the ground. A loud screech like that of an eagle was heard, and the ground began to shake. The light grew brighter, the sound grew louder and another screech came, one that seemed triumphant and proud. Then before their very eyes something flew as fast as lightning out of the hole, bringing the bright light with it. Their eyes averted to the sky, where another loud screech was heard. "Holy shit..." Rei mumbled as he stared open mouthed at the sight above him. A bright light, like that of a meteor was soaring strait up, a brilliant display of colors bringing a glow to the dark, storm filled clouds that had covered the desert. It soared faster than anything any of them had ever seen, the sound was almost deafening as the aftershock, the sonic bomb filled the air. Then, it stopped mid air, and spread what appeared to be two very large wings, the light subduing just a bit. "Oh wow..." Tyra said walking over to the screen. There above them was a large zoid, a beautiful bird. Each feather on the wings seemed to be a separate piece of armor, and the tips of the wings were particle charged, like that of the Tenshi's own, and separated into large glowing neon bluish white feathers. The "Feathers" above it were a brilliant gold and violet. It's body glowed where the boosters let out energy, it's crimson red and gold armor almost looked like a brilliant flame. It's neck was the same red, all the way to the head, it's armor sprouting 5 deadly blades. It's bright green eyes shone brilliantly in the night sky, large oragnish gold plates of armor like feathers just above them. From the base of it's head sprouted 7 large scythe like blades, each one covered in a spiraling blue band of armor. It's back was the same red of the body, large plates of neon blue and violet sprouting where the shoulder blades would be. Long retractable blades covered it's "spine" all the way to the base of the long feather like tail. The top layer of armor on the tail was red, then under that was a soft shade of orange and finally gold. from within the feathers, two long red bands of armor flowed through the air, each ending in a brilliant mix of blue and purple. It's claws were as sharp as razors and glinted brightly in all the light created from the boosters and wings. at the bade of the knee and up missile pods were visible, along with cooling vents. Will's face suddenly appeared on the main screen, "Everyone, what do you think?" "Will are you piloting that thing?!" Orihime jumped up suddenly, and dashed over to the main computer panel. "All of us are mom..." Will said, pushing a small button in front of him. Nadia's face appeared besides his, "Your connected Nadia." "Dad..." Nadia said, "Please I need you to listen to me. I know that all of you don't exactly support us as much as Ryuji did with our decision to take charge. But now we need you... we need you to get ready for one last battle against Sin. We want you to be our main support in your zoids." "Nadia, how do you expect Izumi, Leon and the others to pilot in their conditions!" Hiro almost shouted, he suddenly felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and looked back to see Izumi standing behind him. "Nadia..." Izumi said softly, "Just give the command... I'll pilot the Shadow dancer for you any day!" "We'll be fine." Leon added, "We're stronger than that Hiro, you should know that..." "Thanks..." Nadia said, her screen disappearing. Koh's face took it's place, "Dad... please understand...." "Koh..." "So lets get this show on the road all ready!" Koh yelled, various yells of agreement from the other kids could be heard, "Ok, Nadia, Jessie and Shiro... whenever!" "Lets go then!" Nadia said, Jessie laughed as he flipped a few switches. Shiro smiled and tilted his control stick down a bit. "Don't bug those three ok..." Koh said, "Their trying really hard to pilot this thing right." He waved, "Bye!" Then his screen disappeared. "Koh!" Hiro cursed, "Damnit. He's always been like that." "Nadia, Shiro and Jessie are going to take us to where we last saw the Chaos-sin, maybe we can get some clues to where it might be now..." Will explained. "Lead the way, we'll follow!" Doc said enthusiastically, "Jemie, follow the Phoenix!" "Roger!" ********************************* "This is really amazing Sir..." Hikari said to Chris. She was referring to the floor of the cockpit. It was clear as glass, perfectly see through. "Sir?" Chris said with a small chuckle, "Not anymore. You guy's are in charge now. Im in your command." Because of the completely clear surroundings, everything could be seen by the 9 young pilots. The hover cargo could be seen following below them and at a distance behind. Huge charcoal colored clouds were above, and rain poured down. The occasional flash of lighting would fly through the air, followed by a large crack of thunder. "It feels like we're just sitting on the air..." Kristen remarked. "It's really cool." Rion added, "It's weird though. From the outside the armor is perfectly solid, can't see through anything but the eyes. But from the inside... It's like glass." "Some of it is actually." Chris said, "They eyes are anyway. The rest is just the wonders of technology." "That's awesome." Koh commented. "Something's coming up on scanners you guy's." Will reported to all of them, "Large. Very Large. It's directly ahead of us... where those old mansion ruins were." "You want us to get in our zoids?" Bit's face appeared on a small screen in front of each of the teenagers faces. "Yeah." Will said, "But wait till we say until you guy's deploy." "Ok kid." Bit gave him a thumbs up and disappeared. "Five small objects on radar!" Will called, "Computers scanning them now." He paused as a large screen of statistics showed up, "Zebats. Traveling strait this way guys. Sin knows we're here." "Well then, lets just give him a warm welcome!" Kristen said, "Im activating Lasers." The Phoenix spread it's wings wide, almost completely doubling it's speed. The four power lasers along the sides of the head began to glow, and 4 of the 5 zebats were gone within seconds. The 5th Zebat turned around quickly, back in the direction it had come. It's black armor could soon no longer be seen amidst the billowing storm clouds and Rain. "Lost him." Will reported, "No wait... at least 50 things have shown up on radar... " "I got it..." Ayane said, activating the charged particle canons. The phoenix stopped mid air screeched as the bright beams fired towards the approaching objects, and a volley of explosions rang through the air. Then the most unexpected thing happened. The Phoenix was suddenly jerked sideways, sending the canons off course. "What the hell was that!?" Shiro demanded, trying to straiten out the zoid for Nadia, who was trying to put them back in the upright posistion. "Something big... it's invisible to the radar..." Will said, "And apparently to eye since we can't see it..." "The wing's stuck, I can't straiten us out!" Nadia cried, "Something's holding us!" "Wait a sec... The Chaos-sin!" Will said, "It's cloaking!" "Leave it to me..." Rion said, activating the energy along the blades, "Which wing is jammed!?" "The left one!" Shiro and Nadia answered together. The Phoenix's blades extended and a loud roar filled the shifting air... within a matter of seconds the Chaos-sin had appeared, it's arm sliced by the blades along the Phoenix's wing. The Phoenix screeched again and soared strait up, then dove towards the monstrous dragon. Rion activated all the blades, the giant bird glowing brightly through the storm. Lighting danced along the blades, thunder could be heard for miles around. It continued to glow greatly as it spread it's wings wide, the jetstreams of wind rushing above and below the great wings. "Well, well, well..." Sin's voice filled the air, "What a neat little toy." "Mom, I need you guy's to keep the small zoids off of us..." Will told the people down at the hover cargo. "On it!" Bit called, as he pushed his Ligar 0 onto the catapult. The Phoenix dove strait at the Chaos-sin in a blinding light all blades extended to tear into the dragon. Roaring, the battlezoid elevated, but didn't manage to dodge the blow completely, it's belly torn open. Within minutes all the adults and support zoids were out on the battlefield. They were each fighting fights of their own, and explosions rang in the air as the zoids within the phoenix dispatched and also began to join the fight. "What a nice little army you've got there..." Sin teased. "Shut up!" Nadia yelled as the Phoenix let out a cry of it's own. It latched it claws onto the chaos-sins back and shoved downward, pushing the battle dragon towards the ground. The Chaos-sin retaliated by bringing it's large, bladed tail around to slash at the back of the Phoenix, tearing open a large gash. The bird roared in what seemed like pain as it released it's grip and let the strong force of the wind push it back. Sparks sprouted from it's back as it fired its charged particle canons, the dragon not quick enough to dodge at such a close range. The bright flash of light filled the air, blinding. All of them momentarily, and the dragon roared angrily. The dragon's right arm had been incinerated by the blast, sparks and wires flew everywhere, any pieces of armor that survived the blast falling to the muddy desert below. The monstrous beast let out it's anger in an amazing array of missiles, each one locked onto the Phoenix. "Koh!" Will yelled. "On it!" Koh replied unleashing all the missiles he could at the time. The two blasts met mid air, and both battle zoids were pushed back by the force of the explosion. Nadia and Shiro fought to stabilize the Phoenix as they watched the smoke intently. "No!" Will cried, "The missiles he used jammed the radar!" "What!?" Chris ran over to his side and began pushing buttons, "Impossible." There was a sudden jerk as the Chaos-sin came out of the smoke, roaring loudly. It pulled up just before collision with the Phoenix, its tail striking out violently at the Phoenix's head. It missed, but barely. Hitting the shoulder of the zoid and sending it spiraling towards the ground. ****************************** "No!" Zack yelled as he and the other adults watched the Phoenix plummet towards the ground. for a lot of them it seemed familiar... Almost the same as when Rain had fallen all those years ago. "Rion!" Bit yelled, he cursed as he was tackled by an enemy iron kong. "Please... no..." Izumi cried as they all continued to watch the phoenix fall. And to their amazement, just before impact the Zoids eyes glowed brightly and it let out a magnificent cry as it spread it's wings, brought them down in a powerful blow, then veered up, strait back at the Chaos-sin. ***************************** "What!?" Sin's shock could be heard as the Phoenix collided head first with the dragon, all blades impaling the stomach of the zoid. They then both fell, trying to break free of one another. Phoenix was stuck underneath, trying to push it's way out of the zoid with it's razor sharp claws. The Chaos-sin spread it's wings, and barrel rolled, tearing the blades right out of itself. Roaring in pain the dragon continued to pummel, the Phoenix not far behind. Both zoids were obviously struggling to turn themselves right side out, because both had their backs towards the ground. The Chaos-sin eventually got itself upright, heading strait back into the dark, now night, storm filled sky. It then unleashed another barrage of missiles, strait at the falling foe. Shiro and Nadia finally got the Phoenix back upright and Jessie activated all the boosters, avoiding the missiles. ***************************** "Thank god..." Tyra said, pulling her zoid into the air. She had three zebats and a reddler on her tail that she had to loose fast. Quickly, she thought up a plan to take them all out. Pushing her StormSworder to the max, she flew strait under the stray missiles, barely missing all of them. The zoids that had been on her tail were not so lucky it seemed. "You ok Ty?" Izumi called, taking out an iron kong. "Yeah, " Tyra replied. ****************************** "Enough!" Sin yelled, and the Chaos-sin roared, it's armor beginning to glow a dark purple. There was a sudden flash of light as a wave of energy was sent in all directions, and various zoids stopped dead in their tracks. ******************************* "My zoid froze!" Brad yelled angrily, slamming his fists onto the control panel. "Everyone's did..." Doc told everyone, "The only zoids that can move now are the chaos-sin and Phoenix..." ******************************* "What the hell just happened?!" Kristen yelled, turning to see Chris. "The Phoenix it equipped with anti-freezing mechanisms. Apparently so is the Chaos-sin..." "You guy's...." Will said almost seeming to be scared... "Scanners indicate a major build up of energy inside the core of the Chaos-sin... to much energy..." "What!?" Jessie said. Sin's voice filled the cockpit, "Now witness the ultimate power of the Chaos-sin... The reason why I took the demi-humans...." "What are you planning on doing...?" Nadia demanded. "Im going to end it all. All humans will atone for the sin's of the past.... They destroyed the old world, and were on their way to taking out this one... I won't let them." Sin answered. "What are you talking about...?!" Koh yelled. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you you pathetic little brat." Sin said, "You will thank me for your death..." The Chaos-sin's mouth opened wide, and out from it emerged a cannon like that no one around had ever seen before. Sin's laughter could be heard as a bright, white light began to form around the entire zoid. Inside the dragons mouth, hot magma like energy appeared. "What are you doing Sin!?" Chris yelled. "Humanity will end." Sin replied, "The Demi-humans posses the power to destroy all humans. I will use that power." "Your crazy!" Jessie yelled, "You'll die too!" "I said all humans didn't I. Of course I'll die. I have to atone as well." "I won't let you..." Nadia yelled, "You took them from me... My mom, my uncle... I won't let you take anything else from me! Im activating the main weapon." "I've cleared it." Jessie said, "Will." "I did. There's a problem though... the secondary generator for the weapon isn't getting power!" "No way!" Chris yelled, "Something's wrong. The connection must have been damaged... The canon runs off of Zoid magnite... if it's severed..." "The computer says that there is about a quarter sized break in the connection." Will reported, "The zoid magnite was damaged." "That's it!" Nadia said, "Ayane get over here!" Ayane quickly dashed to her side, "Take over..." "What!?" Ayane asked in disbelief. "No time to explain!" Nadia said, jumping out of the seat and dashing to one of the doors. She stopped suddenly and looked over at Koh. Digging in one of her pockets she pulled out the knife she had given him for his birthday, "Catch." Tossing it across the floor to him she turned around and said, "Thanks Koh..." "Huh!? For what sis!?" Koh demanded, to late because she was already out the door with a plan of her own. 'For everything' She thought silently to herself, running down the hallway. She reached down her shirt as she ran and pulled out the necklace he had given her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Man, Im on a roll! Two chapters in one day... Im gonna start the next one now because Im really into writing for some odd reason. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 26. The last battle Authors note: I'm posting the last chapter at the same time that I've posted this one. Not really a chapter, more like an epilogue. I have lots of thanks to give to everyone, but im going to wait until the end of the epilogue. CHAPTER 26 Nadia dashed down the hall as fast as her legs would carry her. She had a gut feeling that if they couldn't get the main weapon working quick, they were all in trouble. Not just her family and friends... but all of Zi... She stopped suddenly when she heard a loud crash of thunder. It made her worry. She shouldn't have been able to hear it from the inside of the Phoenix. Continuing onward she soon discovered why she could hear it. Ahead of her a large part of the Phoenix's armor had been damaged, an open gash letting in the sounds and rain from outside. Chunks of twisted metal lay scattered, blocking her path. "Damn," She looked around, trying to find some way through the mess. A sudden streak of lightning illuminated the area, showing her what she was trying to find. A small hole, just big enough for her to fit through and continue. Quickly dashing over she placed her hands along the edge of the gap, and began to lift herself through. She stopped and gasped suddenly, pulling back her hands in pain. The metal was razor sharp, and had opened to large cuts in the palms of her hands. She cursed as warm, crimson red blood began to seep. "I have no other choice..." She said to no one in particular. Biting her lip she placed her injured hands back onto the metal, and pulled herself through, holding back her tears. Hot, crimson red blood flowed off her hands and down her arms, only to be washed away by the heavy rain that had found it's way into the zoid. Once through she hesitated only a minute before pushing herself onward. Entering through a small door she found her self exactly where she wanted to be. The core room. ***************************** 'Why...?' A voice inside the demon's head asked.. Why did she decide to kidnap Rain and Cloud? 'Because I needed test subjects for the MCME' She thought. 'But, then why did you help Sin?' The voice kept asking her, 'I wanted them to die. Revenge. They had killed me.' 'Really?' It continued. Why wouldn't it leave her alone. 'Sin brought me back and told me I could kill them... I had to be under his command... He said they would all pay...' 'Who?' It asked. 'Everyone...' ***************************** Sin laughed. No... nothing would stop him. Humans would be gone. Zi would not fall like the old world had. It wouldn't be like that... Evil would be gone, for evil was a thing only capable of humans. He looked down at his game of chess, not taking to much time he moved the black bishop to destroy the whites last bishop. How could he loose now? Nothing could ever stop him. ******************************* Nadia gasped as she gazed at the core. Larger than any normal zoid she had ever seen, it illuminated the entire room in a brilliant white light. Her silver eyes suddenly averted to two large generators that were drawing energy from the core. One, she knew, supported everything but the main weapon. She dashed over to the other generator. A small glowing purple pipe ran along the wall connecting to this generator. It was solid, and about as wide as a quarter. Zoid magnite. She ran her hand along the stone. It was a very rare crystal... her necklace was made of the same crystal... the necklace that her twin brother had given her. If she could find the fracture... She followed the pipe through to another room, this one had another large break in the armor. Sparks flew everywhere and she knew that if it weren't for the heavy rains and winds that were pouring into the zoid, flames would have erupted and caused far more damage. Perhaps the storm was good for one thing. Slowly she walked over to where the wall would be if the armor would have still been there. She peeked over the edge, suddenly wishing she hadn't. They were farther up than she had thought. She could see the hover cargo below them, along with the hundreds of dead like normal zoids. Slowly she stepped back and focused on what she had come to do. Looking around she followed the crystal pipe with her eyes, trying to find the fracture. Thanks to another sudden flash of lightning she spotted it. And it was not in a good spot. The pipe ran along the floor, then turned, heading strait up the wall. Part of that wall was gone, and with it, a small chunk of the pipe. Getting to it would mean standing right on the edge. "Figures." She sighed. Slowly she hugged the wall until she was right on the edge of the broken metal, and looked up. The fracture was about two feet above her head. "Koh, I don't know what I would do without you..." Nadia said as she took off her necklace and turned to face the pipe. She could see the energy running along from the core room, stopping at the fracture. Hopefully when she fixed it it would fire the weapon right away. Not taking a moment more to hesitate she lifted the necklace, her blood stained hands trembling slightly, and forced it into the fracture. The energy from the core now had somewhere to go, and faster than she had expected it shot through her necklace, burning her fingertips. She pulled back suddenly, almost loosing her footing. ************************************ Sin couldn't help but smile. It was time. He turned on an intercom next to his desk and spoke, "Fire the weapon now. Set it to maximum power." Within a matter of minutes, it would end. ************************************* "Uhhh, you guy's... the Chaos-sin... the cores energy just skyrocketed...." Will reported, his eyes on the screen in front of him. A major buildup of energy was focusing in the core, and he had a feeling that it wasn't good. Looking up, he was shocked to see the dragon was now glowing a copperish red color. The energy was still building up in the mouth canon of the zoid. And then it fired. "Everyone brace yourselves!" Will yelled. There was a sudden flash of light as both organoids disappeared from the cockpit, which surprised them all. Where they hell were they going anyway? Everyone closed their eyes knowing that this would be the end. A sudden screech filled the air as a bright beam erupted from the Phoenix's mouth, meeting that of the Chaos-sin's. The force sent both zoids backwards as the beams exploded in mid air. ******************************* Nadia was suddenly jerked, causing her to loose her footing. She tried desperately to grab hold of something... anything. But it was useless. It seemed like slow motion to her... Everything seemed to blur as sudden rush of wind hit her. She reached out desperately, but there was nothing to grab hold of. She was falling. 'Im going to die...' She thought as she began to feel light headed. She knew she would be dead before she even hit the ground. But come on... what a way to go. 'It's not fair...' She thought, her emotions getting the best of her, 'Why did this have to happen... why to us...?' She remembered something suddenly, something her mother had asked her once.... ~*~* *Do you believe in Fate?* Nadia could hear her mother's voice. *I don't know... do you mom?* *No.* Rain replied, though she seemed hesitant to answer, *I believe in destiny.* *What's the difference?* *It is said that Fate is something you can not control... everything is set... I believe destiny is the opposite. Destiny results from the choices you make in life. I believe your destiny is your own to control, while Fate is something you have no say in.* *Ok... then I believe in both... But then again, I still don't think there's much of a difference between the two. If it's destined to happen it's destined to happen... same with fate.* Rain laughed, *Maybe your right...* ~*~* 'This must be fate...' Nadia thought. She closed her eyes... If she was going to die please let it be quick. She focused her thoughts on her friends and family, sudden memories coming back to her. It made her want to cry. Life just wasn't fair. She opened her eyes one last time to gaze up at the dammed storm that raged above her... she hated that storm. to her, it represented Sin and everything he had done and taken away from her. Well, hopefully her friends would succeed when she was gone. She let her thoughts drift to them... the people she had just recently met had become so close to her. Rion, Ayane, Hikari, Will, Shiro, Kristen... and Jessie. she let out a small sob bringing her to the realization that she was crying. 'Damn' She thought, 'why?' It was the last thing she thought before letting the darkness grip her. Her entire body ached, 'screw fate...' **************************** "Nadia!" Jessie yelled. They could all see her now, falling to her death. And there wasn't a dammed thing they could do about it. There was a sudden flash of light and a screen was brought up in front of them. The energy released from the two battlezoids had collided and formed a huge sphere, and it looked like it would blow up any minute. No matter what they did, they couldn't stop it. They couldn't save Nadia, and they couldn't stop the explosion. Just when they had all given up hope, three small flashes of light shot out of the Chaos-sin. One was a bright crimson red, the second, a soft shade of blue... and the third a gentle gold. The lights soon faded to reveal the three demi-humans. **************************** Cloud pushed himself as hard as he could, straining his dragon like wings to the max. He had to reach Nadia. That was the only thing that was important to him. Rain was faster than he was, but her armor was stronger, and she needed to try and stop the energy from exploding and killing every last human on earth. She had trusted her daughters life to him, and he would not let her down. He had to reach Nadia. He went into a dive, bringing his wings close to him and gaining all the speed he could. He had to get below her, stop her decent. Catch her. Finally he passed her up and spread his wings wide, grabbing hold of the unconscious girl in his arms. The slight, but sudden gain in weight caused him to falter slightly, but he fought against the strain and beat his wings, trying to steady himself out. He had to be carefully, he didn't want to hurt her with his blades or armor. He gained control of himself at last and gently cradled his niece in his arms. Using his wings he quickly flew back to the Phoenix, tears running down his cheeks. What if she was already dead? He couldn't tell. ************************************* Jessie saw what was happening and quickly jumped out of his seat and dashed down the hall. He came to the break in the armor, and waved disparately to Cloud. Cloud few in and landed, his armor clanking slightly against the hard metal floor. Jessie ran to his side, "Nadia!" Cloud gave a sudden sigh of relief when she moaned, and coughed slightly. She was shivering quite a bit and her breath was soft, but at least it was steady. It reminded him of Rain. There was a sudden explosion, and Cloud turned to see what it was. Rain was loosing control of the energy. "Cloud..." Jessie said, "How did you escape?" "LightStrike and Zeke came and set us free..." Cloud answered, "Sin used us to create that energy... he made it so it would send somewhat of a biological wave that would kill all humans... he used us to make it strong enough..." Another explosion rang through the air. Cloud cursed, "The Phoenix wasn't strong enough to stop it..." He looked down at the shaking girl in his arms, "Rain can't do it alone either..." "If it explodes, will it do what Sin wants it to do? Will it still wipe out humans?" Jessie asked. "Yes..." Cloud answered, "But I won't let it... I have to go help Rain." He paused and looked over at Jessie, "Take Nadia... Protect her..." Jessie nodded as he carefully took the small girl out of the Ryuu's arms. They were both surprised to find some resistance. "Don't go please..." Nadia whispered, half consciously, she had grabbed hold of Clouds arm, refusing to let go, "Please..." "Nadia... I love you. Your mother loves you..." Cloud told her as he pried her fingers from his skin, "Don't ever forget that." "Please..." Nadia cried. She was barely awake, "Your going to die..." Cloud sighed as he backed away from the two teenagers, and spread his wings, "Jessie, when she's more aware of things... please tell her...." He was suddenly interrupted by another explosion, this one louder and stronger than the others. "I understand... just go." Jessie replied... "I promise I won't ever let anything happen to her." Cloud nodded, "Tell Koh..." "I will! Go help Rain!" Jessie yelled. The Ryuu let the wind catch in his wings and he beat down, heading strait for the energy that Rain was trying to subdue. His armor glowed a soft gold as he approached it, and he went around to the opposite side of Rain, holding out his hand and letting the light flow from it and into the energy. He added his strength to try and stop the energy, but he could tell it still wasn't strong enough. Another explosion rang out, sending a wave of pain through his body. He couldn't keep this up. He was surprised Rain had lasted this long. There was a sudden flash of red light, and next to him the demon appeared. She held out her hands, the red light flowing from them into the energy. She had finally discovered what that unknown feeling was... that feeling she couldn't place. It was guilt. "Why!?" Cloud yelled, his voice barely heard above the storm. "Never mind..." Gabrielle answered, "On the count of three." Cloud nodded and prepared to release all his energy. Looking over at Rain it was obvious she was about to do the same. "One... two..." Gabrielle yelled. "Three!" they said together. Each of them screamed in pain as their strength left their bodies, flowing directly into the energy in front of them. Bolts of lightning gathered and were sent striking the energy orb. It glowed a brighter white than before and one last explosion filled the air. *************************** "No!" Sin screamed, slamming his fists on the desk in front of him. The Stupid organoids had somehow released the demi-humans! And now his plan was falling apart. The Demi-humans were countering the power of the Chaos-sin... they were making it so it couldn't do what he wanted it to... they were nullifying it. "How dare they!" He yelled... and now, without the demi-humans he couldn't create another one... those damned organoids... Now if the energy exploded the only thing it would do is take out the demi-humans... He had lost... How? How could he loose? He cursed and let his eyes shift over to his chess board. After a few seconds he let out an angry laugh and made the final move. When he moved his bishop earlier he hadn't realized he had made a grave mistake. Because of the layout of the pieces, his black king was checkmated by a white pawn. There was a sudden bright flash of light. *********************************** Hiro and the others watched as the last strength of the demi-humans gave out and the large ball of energy exploded. The sound deafened them momentarily and the bright light had blinded them. Eventually it faded somewhat, and a huge shockwave was sent in all directions. The force was tremendous, sending zoids toppling where they stood, and it was heading strait for them. "Im raising the shields!" Doc yelled. The shockwave hit, causing the entire zoid to shake. ************************************* "Hikari!" Will yelled. "Im on it!" Hikari answered, raising both the main and secondary shields. A bright pink light engulfed the zoid, protecting it from harm. It still shook. ************************************** The Chaos-sin's shields had been raised and it was prepared to take the full force of the shockwave. Suddenly an explosion from inside the monstrous dragon erupted, and the shields failed. "What's going on!" Sin demanded. "Someone set fire to the lower section of the chaos-sin sir!" A soldier answered, "It took out the shield generators." Sin couldn't believe it. How could things go so wrong so quickly. He smiled wearily to himself and walked over to the wall, pressing a small button. The floor began to glow as the map of the planet Zi appeared. "Im sorry..." Sin said quietly, "I couldn't save you..." The shockwave hit suddenly, sending the battlezoid spiraling towards the ground. ************************************* Jessie watched in awe, perfectly protected from the shockwave because of the shields. The shockwave was spreading around him, even upwards. A large pillar of light now stood where the energy once was, going from the ground to the sky. The shockwave was emitting from it. It was so powerful. Powerful enough to spread the clouds. Time seemed to stop as the dark clouds were sent blowing away from them. He was barely aware of the Chaos-sin smashing into the ground. Fires sprang up immediately from the dragon, no rain's to put them out anymore. ************************************** Shiro and the others couldn't believe their eyes. They had won. The Chaos- sin was down, and they had actually won. Sin had been beaten. Ayane let out a sigh of relief, and climbed out of the main control booth. She walked towards the center of the zoid, where the others were gathering. All of them had tears in their eyes. They all knew without being told. This was the end... finally. But they were not without grief. They had all lost something within that short amount of time. ****************************************** Izumi stumbled out of her fallen zoid, meeting up with the other pilots. She looked up towards the sky, a crystal clear sky that was filled with brilliantly shining stars... it almost seemed unreal. She knew they had won. But she also knew something else. Rei walked up to her and hugged her tight, his dark blue hair hiding his eyes. She knew that he was crying, just like everyone else. ******************************************* Jessie stared down at his family and friends below him, then back up at the cloudless night sky. The gentle breeze stuck his wet clothes causing him to shiver slightly. He noticed that the Phoenix was landing near the adults and the hovercargo. He looked down at Nadia, tears in his eyes. He would keep her safe forever... just like he had promised Cloud. ~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 26~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: Im posting the last chap at the same time Im posting this one, so go check it out ok? I hope you liked it. Now go read the epilogue! 27. Epilogue: The Flight of the Phoenix Authors note: All right everyone, here it is.... don't forget to check my final authors note at the end. CHAPTER 27/EPILOGUE "On this day the Zoids battle commission would like to recognize all of those who have fought bravely to help defeat Sin." Chris stated, Zeke at his side. He was standing on a stage, surrounded by hundreds of people. Behind him stood the others, "Also, most of us have all lost something very dear to us, family, friends, thoughts or possessions. Let it be known that we will start anew." "It is on behalf of all Zi that we thank those brave men and women who have fought and selflessly risked their lives for all of us. They will all be named heroes among the people, remembered for their deeds." Chris paused suddenly and turned to the group who was standing behind him. He looked and named them each to the people of Zi in turn. The legendary blitz team, already well known, now consisted of Bit, Leena and Rion Cloud, Jemie, Orihime and William Hermios, and Doctor Tauros. Rei, Izumi, and Kristen, Goji, Lavender and Shiro of the popular Fireblazers team. Brad, Naomi, Leon, Hikari and Tyra Tauros were all members of the Flugel team. Ryuji and Ayane stood together, with Zack. Hiro and Koh and LightStrike of the Sky Raiders... Chris paused suddenly, noticing that there were two people missing. ***************************** "Lets go..." Nadia said, tossing the binoculars to Jessie. He caught them and took a quick peek down at the group below them. His family and friends were all standing, well dressed, on a stage. Chris was naming each of them in turn, and who they were. "You sure you don't want to be down there?" Jessie asked, turning to face Nadia. "Im sure..." Nadia replied, "I sure will miss them though." She walked to the edge of the grassy cliff that the two were standing on and looked gazed out at the hundreds or thousands of people that were quietly watching. Jessie grabbed her bandaged hand gently and gave it a small squeeze. Jessie sighed and took one last peek out the binoculars at the group. Chris was looking for them. He laughed suddenly and said, "He's looking for us Nadi." She gazed over and looked at the searching ZBC official and chuckled, "Let him look." They were both surprised when he turned his gaze in their direction, almost as if he knew that's where they would be. ********************************** Chris smiled to himself as he spotted the two missing teenagers. He nodded approvingly and turned back to the crowd. He knew that Nadia and Jessie could hear him on the loud speakers. "I would also like to give recognition to those who sacrificed their lives to save us all." Chris said quietly, "Three people who died to protect us, and all people of the brilliant planet Zi. Without them..." He let his voice trail off, "All would have been lost...." ************************************ The group had been absorbed in their own thoughts during this time... each remembering the good times and bad times they had all shared. They had all lost something important, but they would still go on with their lives. It became obvious a few nights before when they had returned to the waterfall base... they were all weary, tired and saddened by everything that had happened. Each was talking about the "what if's" and "why's." Nadia was the most depressed, and nothing they could do could cheer her up. It was only by coincidence that a large, eight legged creature had chosen that time to walk across the table in front of Izumi. The pilot of the shadow dancer screamed bloody murder and jumped back behind the couch as soon as she had seen the unusually large arachnid walking. Koh immediately recognized it and ran over, scooping it up. "I can't believe it..." Koh stated. "Where did that thing come from!?" Izumi yelled. Koh actually laughed, "During the halloween party me and uncle Cloud..." He paused, a saddened smile coming to his face. He let the tears flow freely as he spoke, "We were going to scare mom with it..." Nadia looked up at the spider for the longest time... and laughed. She was also crying, but couldn't help but laugh. It surprised everyone. She walked over to Koh and said, "That would have been great... I can just imagine what mom would have done... I wish... wish I could have seen that." Koh smiled and nodded, "Yeah, me too. Sure would have been great." Various people then began to laugh, their thoughts no longer on the "What if's" or "why's" They then began to focus on all their good memories, not another word spoken about the sorrow filled ones. Of course, those memories could never be totally forgotten, but the good ones would always overpower the grief caused by the bad. Yes, it would be times like these, when they were all actually happy and laughing, that they would never forget or let go of. ******************************** Nadia sighed, tears running down her cheeks. Yes, all would have been lost with out their sacrifice. Still, it wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. But she had gotten over that... like Chris had said it was time to start anew. "Nadi..." Jessie said quietly, "Your uncle... when he handed you to me... he told me to tell you that he and your mom love you... and well..." "I know Jess..." Nadia wiped away her tears and smiled, "I just can't help but miss them sometimes that's all. Now lets go." "Right." Jessie hugged her tight as they walked to their crouching zoids. Nadia jumped into her Konig wolfs cockpit and brought the magnificent zoid to life. Jessie followed suit with his Lightning Siax. They stood their for one last second, looking down at the people they had helped to save below them. Then, quietly they turned, and left the cliff. ******************************* Chris watched the two teenagers leave, and grinned slightly. They hadn't told anyone they would be going... The ZBC leader knew though that as long as they could see the sky above them, they would keep going, taking on whatever was in store for them. He turned back to the others. The entire group had already been given medals for their bravery, not to mention quite a large sum of money a few nights before... But Chris knew that wasn't all that important to them. He had arranged for a monument to be built in recognition of the loved ones they had lost, back at the battlefield where the Chaos-sin lay demolished. Sin's body had been found, along with some documents. The ZBC had kept the "old world" a secret for a long time, not wanting to distress the people. It was a planet that was very far away, and only the top scientists of Zi new of it. According to Ancient documents left behind by the zoidians, humans had fled to Zi after their original planet had been practically destroyed. The humans had been the ones to destroy their planet, polluting the waters, air and land. The nuclear technologies became to much, and greed among a select few people had doomed the planet. Sin, apparently, had been one of the few who had escaped from this planet, and upon arrival on Zi, had somehow managed to become sealed away like some of the Zoidians and Organoids. When he awoke he decided that humans should be wiped out because they would apparently just doom Zi as well. 'Perhaps' Chris thought, 'But, perhaps not...' He turned one last time to the cliff where they two teenagers had once been, 'I believe you were wrong on this one Sin. Zi will not fall to that same fate... not when people like them will be the ones to live here... they will always protect us from those that are greedy or hate filled...' *********************************** The Konig wolf ran freely through the grassy fields towards the battlefield, the Lightning Siax at it's side. They eventually left the fields and entered the still muddy desert, finding the new monument that had been built. Nadia opened her cockpit and stood up, letting the wind blow her hair gently. She turned her silver eyes towards the cloudless blue sky, watching as birds flew far overhead. To her they were like a sign of undying hope, hope that she would never every loose again. She looked back down at the monument. Flowers were draped over the stone, and butterflies were fluttering back and forth. It was a simple monument, but more beautiful than any other she had ever seen. It read, "In memory... Forever may they rest in piece those who have sacrificed their lives to save the fate of Zi..." Nadia smiled, remembering something suddenly, then she continued to read, "... In the battle now known as the flight of the Phoenix." "Ready Nadi?" Jessie asked. "Yeah." "So where do you wanna go?" "I dunno. Lets just run and see where we end up..." She replied, closing her cockpit. "All right then, lets go!" Jessie laughed and took off. They didn't need to worry about money, Chris had given them that, and they didn't every need to worry about their friends and family anymore. So they ran as fast as their zoids would take them, heading into whatever adventure of battle their futures may have in store for them. Nadia chuckled as she ran next to Jessie, her black Konig wolf yipping excitedly. *Nadia do you believe in fate?* A small memory played in the back of her mind. She looked up at the sky and smiled, "No... I don't." ~~~~~~The end.~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note: I can't believe it's actually over... It's been a while since I started the first one, and now... the end. Wow. Pyremon Infernos: Thank you so much for sticking with me from the start. Ryuji was such a fun character to work with, Copper and all. Ayane was fun too. Im glad you enjoyed the three stories, and Im flattered that you think it's one of the best out there (Besiedes the Bit/Leena paring Lol.) Your one of my best reviewers, and hopefully i'll be able to send those pics to you soon. Himeko: You have also stuck will me since the start and that in itself is a major compliment. Your reviews have allways been good, thanks for that. Though I will admit, my writing abulity had improved quite a bit, I wouldn't say it's "incredible" Lol. And Gabrielle says hi. Ever since you called her a wench that one time she says she's liked you, even though she was mad lol. Thank you so much. Im going to miss Izumi and the shadow dancer... who knows, maybe you'll start updating your story soon huh? Angel Sugar Princess: Im glad you've liked my story, and I hope I portrayed Orihime right. I still have those pictures that you drew of her. Very pretty pictures. She was a cool character, and a perfect match for Jemie! Oh, and I hope you liked Will, tried to make him like both his parents. Thank you for all the support with your reviews! G-force 1: Im waiting for your updates now! can't wait to see what happens next to Goji and the others. Now that I look at it, I portrayed him a bit differently than you did. Im glad you enjoyed my stories all the way through... Thank you! Sbiggster/Cloud light-feather/ Ligar X12/ Connor: Lol, I don't know what to call you! Thank you so much for letting me use Cloud. I was really suprised when someone thought of creating a character related to my own. He's such an awesome character too! Hope you like how I protrayed him... and thank you so much for keeping in touch with me through AIM! Kitai Matsuru: Thank you for sticking with me. I know I was kinda lazy with Tyra, but believe me it wasn't on purpose... I happened to neglect some of the Characters without even realising it until just recently. Really really sorry... Tyra was such an awesome character to use. DeathZealot: You've been reading and reviewing for quite a while now... thanks. I still think it was kinda funny how that one time you thought I was going to quit the story... guess that was kinda my fault for saying what I did... Lol. Once again, thank you for sticking with me! Mistress of all worlds: I really have to apologize to you, Im sorry I haven't really done much with Lavender... really, I did sort of neglect some of the characters with out meaning to. Yet, you still stuck with me and that really means a lot! Im glad you enjoyed the story. Thank you for all the great reviews. Dark Salamander: Haven't heard from you in quite a while, so I don't know if your still reading or not... If you are, thank you so much. Zack/Zero was a really interesting character to use, and his Bahamut 0 kind of gave me the idea for the entire MCME plot. Thank you! Dark Dragon: Only heard from you once so I don't know if you continued reading. Thanks for reviewing though if your still there! Logan Griffith: Your my newest reviewer! I want to thank you very very much for the compliments. Im flattered that you actually compared my story to actual novels. And Im very very flatterd that Im your favorite author! Such awesome compliments! Thank you! And to anyone who may read and not review, or i have forgotten to mention: Thank you ! Keep a look out for me, who knows, I may write a whole new zoids story soon. Definatly won't be the same... Im going to miss writting this so much... but, all good things must come to an end. Thank you all and see ya later! End file.
Zoids, Flight of the Phoenix by Luna339
Zoids Savors _Little Tsu: Hey everyone. I'm slowly, but surely workin' on my other stories, but right now, I'm takin' a little break on them ta see how this turns out. This is merely a test run of sorts so it'll merely start out as a one-shot, which will remain so unless I get some positive reviews towards it. This'll be my first attempt at a Zoids fanfic so hopefully it'll go well.:3_ _Battle mode approved._ _Area scanned._ _Battlefield set up._ _Readyyyy fight!_ _**Zoids Savors**_ "Where is that Zoid? It was just here a moment ago!" "It couldn't have gotten too far. This is a request challange. In any case, just what was that thing?" "I don't know...I've never seen anything like it before." As the two pilots opperating a Red Horn and a Dark Horn searched around for the mysterious Zoid that they had chased after, in the distance, a faint glint was seen off of what seemed to be armor. Upon closer speculation, it was in fact just that as the teal colored armor decorated itself upon the very Zoid that the men was looking for, though the darkness of the night made it difficult to really tell just what this mysterious machine looked like except for the basic outline of it, resembling that of a spinosaurus. Within the cockpit that was faintly lit thanks to the orange glowing screens, a pilot that was shown within it smirked as they suddenly dropped something onto the ground behind the Zoid's legs, indicating that they were stablizers. "Well, well...You boys are sitting ducks out there, looking for my little friend...Lets just see how you like a little taste of some rapid fire." The voice from this unknown pilot was obviously female, but what was shocking was how young they sounded. Reaching out with their hand, they pressed a few buttons causing her systems to lock on target. She then grabbed the controls once more & fired, resulting in the 144mm Machine Guns attached to the Zoid's shoulders to release a rapid fire, striking down the opponents and ending the battle. Watching the two triceritops Zoids go down, the young pilot chuckled lightly before turning their Zoid around and walking off. "...Too easy...Maybe the next request will be more of a challange, eh...Dark Spiner?" As she asked this, the mysterious Zoid, now known as Dark Spiner, releasing a hiss of agreement. _{This was the world of Zoids, which people all over this world lived for fighting in battles, whether they be sanctioned in tournaments or requests sent out by those looking for a challange. These people who are chosen by the Zoids they pilot all compete against one another for the title of the strongest. However, not all pilots and their Zoids fight fairly. In fact, there are those that are out to destroy those that they find weak; crushing the Zoids' cores, the very component that is the machine's life force. It is because of this group of 'Zoid Killers', that special Zoid pilots and their partners will be chosen by the Zoid Committy to come together as a team and take out this organization once and for all._ _Unknown to them though,...two fighters have already been chosen and one of them was the very pilot of the mysterious Dark Spiner.}_ **Morning:** "Ah man. I can't believe the old man woke me up this early. Doesn't he know that six AM is too early to be calling me? Especially, just to go fetch an order for him no less." Yawning as he sat within the cockpit of his machine was a young man of perhaps only seventeen years of age. His normally wild spikes of dark blue hair was in even more disarry as he blinked his violet eyes tiredly. This teen was known as Razeluxe, or Raze as he prefered it, and he was the pilot of the only known black Konig Wolf since they were normally only white and even then, that machine in particular was rather rare just like certain other Zoids on Planet Zi. Upon finally arriving at his destination, his Konig Wolf halted outside of the huge parts shop and opened the cockpit, allowing his pilot to jump down. Landing on the ground below in a crouched position, Raze straightened up and glanced up at his partner. "I'll be back soon partner so stay put. Huh?" It was then that something caught his sights out of the corners of his eyes. Glancing off in that direction, he blinked slightly in both curiosity and surprise as he stood there staring upon a Zoid that he had never seen before. "Oh wow. What is that? It looks amazing!" Hurrying over to the Zoid to get a closer look, Raze gazed up at the large machine in awe. It definately wasn't no Geno Saurer or Breaker, though it certainly had the stablizers and from the looks of things the armor on its tail looked mobile; abling to lift up. "Hm...Is this Zoid capable of using a Charged Particle Cannon?" Scanning the rest of the Zoid, he only seemed to get a bit more curious, yet excited about this new machine. "144mm Machine Guns attached to it's shoulders, 60mm Double Barrel Cannon on the chest, not to mention those Quad Defensive Cannons in the back that's attached to this spine...Just what is up with that spine though. This Zoid is like nothing I've ever seen before..." "Glad you seem ta like it so much. Too bad he's already got a partner so you can't have him." Getting slightly startled by the voice that suddenly spoke up, he quickly turned to face the speaker, only to stare in surprise at who it came from. Standing there before him with a hand resting upon their slender waist was a girl that looked no more than perhaps fifteen. Her sharp gold eyes seemed to stand out like a beacon against her midback length silvery white hair. It was only when he realized that he had been caught practically in awe of this mysterious Zoid that he blushed faintly in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his head. "S-Sorry about that. I already have a partner myself, but...I couldn't help but take a look at this Zoid. I've never seen one like this before." "That's cause he's the only one left of his kind. There were a few others like himself once, but their zoid cores eventually burned out, I guess you could say. This here's Dark Spiner and I'm the lucky girl that he chose as his partner." The girl glanced up at the spinosaurus Zoid as the machine tilted his head down and gave a hiss, causing the girl to chuckle. "Looks like Spiner was actually enjoying the fawning you were doing over him. It apparently boosted his ego even more than it already is. Heheh." Bringing her gaze back onto Raze, she smirked faintly. "So, you got a name fanboy?" Blushing a bit more at being called a fanboy, he gave her an attempt at a glare despite his embarrassment. "I'm not a fanboy! I just happen to like looking over Zoids that catch my attention and it's only the really impressive ones that do." Crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly, he finally calmed back down and spoke up once more. "The name's Razeluxe, but my friends call me Raze and that over there is my partner and best pal, Konig Wolf. Who are you?" Casting a glance over at the wolf Zoid, the girl nodded lightly as if in an approving manner. "Not bad. Pretty impressive machine you got there yourself." Bringing her gaze back onto Raze after a moment, she sent him a playful wink. "Name's Zerodyme, but everyone just calls me Zero for short. Nice ta meet you Raze." Chuckling lightly when she received another flustered look, she shook her head lightly and headed over to her Zoid. "Anyways, I best get goin' now. Spiner and I have a few challange requests that we gotta meet up with. We'll meet again eventually though, I'm sure, hm?" Halting in her tracks, the girl, now known as Zero, spotted a group of Zabats flying through the air before suddenly releasing a firing barrage down at them and the shop as well. Releasing a startled cry, Zero quickly shielded herself from the dust being caused by the firing from her face before dropping her arms and glaring up at the aerial Zoids. "Damn it...Are they with that illegal organization I've been hearin' about?" Without even waiting for a possible reply, Zero quickly climbed up her Zoid and leaped up into the opened cockpit before having it close above her along with the harness falling down over her head. Switching all systems on within the Dark Spiner, the young girl rushed off to get further away from the shop and innocent people that were within it. Last thing she wanted to happen was for innocent people to get dragged into this mess and harmed or even worse; killed. "H-Hey! What do you think you're doing, going after them by yourself?" Clenching his fists in frustration, Raze quickly rushed over to his Konig Wolf as he crouched to the ground with his cockpit opening for the teen to climb in. Once inside, the harness lowered down as the cockpit closed before activating all systems. "Lets hurry after them Konig!" With a howl, the black wolf Zoid quickly took off; giving chase after Zero and her Dark Spiner to give them back up. As he ran though, Raze had the Dual Scope flipped over the cockpit, allowing telescopic precision up to seven kilometers. While the two were chasing after the group of Zabats, they both suddenly skidded to a halt as the flyers turned around and began firing, causing Raze to clench his eyes tightly shut as he braced himself, though Zero nor her Spiner seemed to budge or flinch at all thanks to the armor it possessed, which while not exactly thick, it was incredibly tensile and even a bit lazer-reflective, making this Zoid's defensive capabilities just as good as any heavily armored Zoid. Instead, Zero had herself appear onto the view screen within Raze's Zoid so she could speak with him. "Hey. That's a DSR Buster Rifle equiped to your Konig Wolf, right?" "Huh? Well, yeah, but those Zabats are flying all over the place. It's hard to get a fix on them." "You leave that ta me. Get a long distance away from me to about the maximum range that rifle of yours can handle. It's about to really get wild here." Nodding his head lightly in understanding, though he had no idea what she was planning, he quickly had his Konig Wolf take off for cover. Thanks to his speed though, it didn't take long as he slowed to a halt and turned around to face the battlefield as the Dark Spiner continued to get bomb barded by the Zabats. "Alright Zero. I'm in position. What the heck do you want me to do now though?" "Just watch. You'll fire at the targets when I give you the signal...And trust me on this...You'll know the signal when you see it." With that, communications vanished. Blinking lightly in confusion as to what she could've meant by that, Raze them drifted his gaze back onto the battlefield through the Dual Scope. It was only then, that he noticed the spines on the Dark Spiner's back began to spark with strange energy before finally unleashing a stream of unseen static, but thanks to his Scope, Raze had been able to see the 'noise' and in addition he witnessed the Zabats beginning to act strangely within the air. The unsteady movement made it seem like they were being disabled. "So that's why she wanted me to get such a distance away from her Zoid. Clever girl." Pressing a button, he locked on target before firing, sending two heavy artillery shells at the group of malfunctioning Zabats, causing the shells to explode on impact, taking them all down. Arriving back at the Dark Spiner and Zero's side, Raze brought himself up onto the girl's view screen. "Well, that was a blast. Those guys didn't stand a chance against us. We make a pretty good team Zero." Zero seemed a bit surprised by this, but then smiled as she nodded her head. "Yeah...We do make a pretty good combo, huh? Heheh." The celebrating was unfortunately cut short though as something caught her attention on the screens. "Huh?...A Salamander and a Ultrasaurus? What are Battle Comission Zoids doing out here?" Opening up the cockpit as did Raze, they rose up onto their feet inside and glanced at each other in confusion before bringing their gazes back onto the two huge Zoids as they came to a stop. The totaled Zabats were gathered up as well as the pilots being apprehended by the commity before one of the men walked over and saluted them, which only added to Zero and Raze's confusion. "Thank you for your hard work in stopping these criminals. However, unfortunately to say, there are many more than this within the organization that's been commiting these teasionous crimes. It is because of this that we'd like for you two to come with us and as two of the members that will be forming a group to bring this organization down once and for all. With your superior skills and the impressive Zoids that you are partners with, I'm positive that we can accomplish this goal." Hearing all of this, neither Zero nor Raze could really believe it. The Battle Comission was actually wishing to recruit them as like a special force? Casting a shared glance between each other, the two teens seemed to be speaking to one another with mere gazes alone. After a moment of silence though, they both smiled and brought their gazes down upon the soldier that had spoken to them about this offer before speaking out at the same time. "You got yourself a team." _**End?**_ _Little Tsu: Well, that was it. Like I said before, this was a test run on how well I'd do with this series, which this is a new Zoid series, that I've come up with myself with a little bit of the New Century as far as there being battles between Zoid pilots goes._ _Anyways, whether this stays as a cliffhanging one-shot or turns into a multi-chapter series is up ta you guys & whether I get any reviews._ End file.
Zoids Savors by Little Tsu
1. Default Chapter Alright, this is my first Zoid fic...please let me know what you think. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. Duh. * * * The sun rose over the horizon and raced along the desert land. Its rays swept the shadows of night away and replaced them with light. The beams soon came over a large building, standing all alone in the barren land. They slid up the sides and into the window of the Lighting Saix pilot. "Oh damn it," he muttered as he pulled the covers over his head. "I thought I might sleep in today." He grumbled a few more curses as his alarm clock went off. He immediately shut it off and yelled. "Someone please tell me why I set that blasted thing anyway?" The pilot crawled out of bed and pulled on his clothes, half asleep. A knock came from the door. "Irvine, don't tell me you forgot? Doctor Dee's waiting for us remember?" Irvine grumbled again, he had not expected anyone to reply to his outburst. "Thanks mom," he said sarcastically, "Don't remember telling anyone to answer, Moonbay." She laughed and leaned against the door. "I know you too well, if I didn't tell you, you would pretend you didn't hear and go back to bed." Irvine smiled, "That was the general plan." "Sure, Irvine, sure. Come on, they got breakfast for us and coffee." The transporter girl walked down the hall and into the meeting room where everyone else was waiting. Van sat on the old couch, his head down and hair messed up. Fiona smiled as Moonbay took a seat next to her and poured some coffee. "I had to get Mr. Charming over there to get his butt out of bed," Moonbay said as she took a sip and Irvine walked in. He scratched the back of his head as he poured himself a cup, black of course, and sat in the last remaining seat. Not a moment later, Doctor Dee walked in with a smile on his face and some papers in his hand. "Morning pilots." "Morning," answered the two girls. "Morn...," was all Irvine managed to say and all they got out of Van was "Mumem". Dr. Dee looked at them and laughed. "Ok guys we got some new missions for you," as he waved the papers in hand. "But we got two and they're both important so you'll be splitting up into two groups." He eyed the sad-looking bunch. Irvine looked up and nodded. Moonbay and Fiona waited for extra instructions. "Well," Dr. Dee continued as he pointed to Van, "You, Van, will be going to the Empire and Republic meeting this week. They asked for you so you're going." He shrugged. "Fiona, you go with him. As for you two," he turned to Moonbay and Irvine, "You guys will head out to a village called Blackfire and chase down some bandits that have been destroying the village and the crops out there." Irvine sighed, "That's the best we can do? I almost preferred it when we were chasing down Raven...this is rookie stuff." Doctor Dee shrugged again, "Don't look at me," he closed his eyes, looking thoughtful, "We're lucky with these jobs, and you should be happy nothing to chaotic is going on." "The only thing chaotic out here is the fight for the coffee in the morning," mumbled Irvine. "Oh yeah I almost forgot...Moonbay, your friend Vicky is posted out in Blackfire. If that helps the cause anyway," added Doctor Dee. Moonbay looked up and smiled. "Really? I haven't seen her in years! Come on Irvine let's get going!" Moonbay placed her hands on her hips and smiled. "Glad someone's happy." Irvine stated before sipping his coffee. Dr. Dee laughed. "You should be back soon after this mission, Irvine, then you can sleep all you want. These bandits shouldn't be too hard," he continued looking down at the papers, eyeing them thoughtfully. "According to these," he waved the papers around again, "There are only three groups of bandits, not too bad I suppose. Alright, you're all dismissed." Fiona walked quietly down the hall next to Van. "Van, are you not going to pack?" Van opened one eye, "Yeah, I suppose." Fiona giggled but then asked a different question. She looked ahead, "Van do you think Moonbay and Irvine will be alright?" "What do you mean by that? They've been friends forever...what's the problem?" Fiona shook her head. "Never mind, it's nothing." "Oh your thinking that maybe...they'll get to together?" Fiona laughed, "Yeah, maybe they will, it's really obvious." Van closed his eyes and crossed his arms, "It would be about time. Come on let's go pack for this pointless meeting," sighed Van. Meanwhile, Moonbay was having similar thoughts. * * * First chappie's done! Please review! Any suggestions would be great!-randomcat23 2. Journey's Beginings Second chapter! Hope you enjoy! hanyouwolf: Thankies! IrvineSano: Thanks! Hope this chapter is better in length! Disclaimer: I said it once and here it is again...I DON'T OWN ZOIDS! * * * Moonbay walked down the hall with her hands behind her back, thinking. For the first time in years it would just be her and Irvine. Was it at all possible for her to make him love her? She sighed. Did he ever think about her more than a close friend? She wasn't sure what it was about him. Maybe his badass self with the inner softy. Whatever it was she had fallen for her best friend. Perhaps it would be better to let him say it on his own. Moonbay knew better than to pressure Irvine. She turned to other thoughts. Seeing Vicky sure did increase her wanted to go on this mission. It would be great to she her old childhood friend again. But a few things puzzled her. Vicky, Moonbay knew for a fact, was a lieutenant in the Republican army. She was really skilled with her Zoids, and had plenty of them. Why in the world did Dr. Dee need them out in the middle of nowhere fighting when Vicky was completely capable? And another thing disturbed Moonbay. Why did the Guardian Force worry so much about a bunch for bandits ruining some crops? The matter was puzzling. Moonbay stepped into her room and grabbed a backpack. She began stuffing it full of clothes and necessary things for the trip. She was so wrapped up in her current thoughts and packing that she didn't realize it when Irvine came to the door. He knocked, waiting for a reply. Moonbay jumped. "Irvine! You scared me! Idiot!" He smirked and waved some papers in front of her. "What are those?" "Information on the three bandit groups." Irvine shrugged. "Nothing I can't handle." Moonbay's eyes widened. "You can't handle? Hey, we're in this together." Moonbay placed her hands on her hips. "You're not doing this alone." "Yeah, yeah, I know." He smirked again and pointed to the papers. "Seems the leader group consists of Red Horns and Hel Gunners. If we can get them..," his finger trailed to the other bandits' names, "these losers will fall apart." He glanced at her bag while Moonbay looked thoughtfully over the information and a map of the area. "You packed yet? I wanna go as soon as possible." He yawned, "So I can sleep in your Gustav's backseat." "Irvine! Is that all my Gustav's good for?" "Possibly." She hit him with the papers. "Jerk, and just so you know, it will take about a day to get to Blackfire. Why don't we take your Lighting Saix?" She paused, "I'm sure I could borrow one of Vicky's Zoids. It would be so much quicker. How bout it?" "How about not?" he answered. "And before you argue, one, we can't use my Saix because the Saix is rare and it would look like we were up to something and we don't want that and two, I'm tired and you can't pilot Saix so tough luck." He smirked again. Moonbay frowned and whacked him again with the papers. "If your going to be like that...OUT!" Irvine threw his hands up in defense and walked backwards out the door laughing. Once he turned the corner, Moonbay let out a sigh, "Asshole." A few minutes later, Moonbay swung her backpack over her shoulder and walked into Dr. Dee's office. Irvine was sitting there, head back looking at the ceiling. Moonbay went over and was about to smack him when he looked up and said, "You're way to slow Moonbay, I've been waiting here forever." Van walked in laughing, "You're sad Irvine, get used to waiting for girls," he pointed over his shoulder; "Fiona here sits and stares at the mirror for hours!" "Feh, I wait for no one," Irvine grumbled. "I heard that comment Van! And for your information I've only been looking at the mirror for five minutes!" Fiona walked in and grabbed Van by the arm, "Let's go Mr. Impatient." She smiled. He planted a quick kiss on her lips and they walked out of the room. "Good luck you guys!" Moonbay shouted. Fiona popped her head back in and looked at the two. "Good luck to you as well! Irvine, enjoy your sleep in the Gustav!" "Believe me I will. By the time the Gustav gets to that place, I would have slept enough for both Moonbay and me!" Fiona laughed as Van yelled, "Fiona! We're going to be late!" She ran down the hall and caught up to him. "Think they'll let the cat out of the bag?" "Hopefully," Van sighed, "I hate it when they flirt!" * * * Moonbay sighed, "They make a cute couple, don't you think Irvine?" "Sure. They only flirted with each other for years." "You're impossible. Shall we start going so you can get your beauty sleep, Irvine?" "Like I need it," he grumbled. "That's the last time I'll wake up that early!" Moonbay and him walked outside, where the Gustav and Saix where already to go. The sun beat down on the Zoids, casting shadows over the ground. "If these bandits give us any problems...I'm losing my touch." Irvine climbed into the back seat. "Moonbay do me a favor and don't sing." "Sure, whatever the king wants." She pulled out from the army base and headed across the desert plain. Irvine fell asleep within minutes and Moonbay stared at him for a while. And in her mind she added, "_No_ _problem, Irvine_." * * * Van and Fiona arrived at the World meeting building and quickly jumped out from the Blade Ligar. "This better be important, coming all the way out here for some stupid meeting." "Oh come on Van, you should know this is what you get for being a star pilot in the guardian force." They passed through security and walked down the long hallway toward the Guardian Force room. Sitting down quickly and waving to a few officers, Van wondered what this was all about. He observed the pilots faces and to his surprise fear was written all over them. The kind of fear he had not seen since the Deathsaur was revived. His eyes narrowed. Was this more than a yearly meeting? The door to the room slammed open. Van looked up only to see Captain Herman walk in and salute the officers. They all returned the salute, and Van noticed the fear increase as he lifted some papers from behind him. "Morning officers and pilots alike!" Herman's commanding voice echoed through the room. "Sir!" Herman continued, "We have an interesting situation here. Two weeks ago, a new fiend showed up not too far from our base around Blackfire. The Zoid, which was unrecognizable at the time, has been identified." Van tried to pull the new information together._ "Blackfire? That's where Irvine and Moonbay were going! How come this information was hidden from me?_" Herman stepped aside and let a figure come forward. Van's eyes widened in shock. In front of him stood Raven, beaten and bruised. His clothes were torn and face was grim. Van's former rival looked like he could just drop dead. Shadow stood behind him, looking like a truck ran over him. Herman paused and looked around the room and studied faces. "The Zoid that had and still is terrorizing the area is Raven's Geno Breaker." * * * Ohh! What now? Ok guys, as always please review! And also as always suggestions are welcome because currently, I'm still new at this! Thanks! randomcat23 3. More Questions and Less Answers Chapter three guys! Yeah! Anyway...I thank anyone who reviewed...or even read! Thanks guys! Vi3t BaBiI-Glad you likie! Midnight Blue Star: Here's your chappie! Hope you like! * * * The Gustav rolled over the desert land, the only moving object for miles. It was well past noon, according to the sun, and the moons had finally set. Moonbay sighed. Irvine had fallen asleep soon after they had left the base and she was getting pretty bored. She turned and looked at him. He slept peacefully with his hands behind his head. Moonbay turned to other thoughts. The mission now completely filled her mind. She still hadn't told Irvine her thoughts. But, honestly, why does the army care so much for bandits? Moonbay wiped her forehead. The sun beat down on the ground, making it humid and hazy. _"This is so boring! I can't even talk to Irvine cause the idiot decided to_ _fall asleep on me! And I can't let all this worrying out on him!" _Moonbay let out another loud sigh and cursed the hot weather. "What's your problem, Moonbay?" She jumped. "Irvine! I thought you were sleeping! Thought I would get some peace and quiet around here too." She turned to look at him. Irvine sat there rubbing his eyes and looked at her. "From what I heard...which wasn't more than a sigh and a're not happy." Moonbay turned away. "It's just that...hold on! Since when are you a light sleeper? Or even care about my thoughts?" Irvine shook his head. "I've always been a light sleeper. Only for the reason that I was hunted and chased by people, years before I met Van. If I wanted to sleep, I always slept with one eye open...if you catch my drift. One little noise and I was on my feet, gun or knife in hand." He sighed. "You never told me that," Moonbay pouted. "You never asked nor needed to know," he replied. "Now what the hell is bugging you?" At that moment the Gustav's radar started going off and Moonbay turned to look at it. "What ever this is, it's really fast." She studied it as Irvine climbed into the front seat. "Faster than my Saix?" he asked with no curiosity. "Nah, but close enough." Moonbay's eyes narrowed. "If the object, whatever it is stays on course...It's headed right for us!" Irvine's eyes widened, "Open the cockpit I'm getting in the Saix..." Before he could finish his thought the Gustav was hit head on. The force of the impact caused Moonbay to be tossed against the Gustav's side. She awaited the impact of the hard metal on her head...but it never came. Her head landed on Irvine's arm. She turned to him seeing his face twisted in pain as his head hit the metal interior. Another hit was made from the opposite side. The large object let out a roar and Moonbay turned to try to identify the attacker. All she saw was a blaze of red and the creature was gone. "What the hell was that?" Irvine opened the cockpit and jumped outside to look at the damage. Moonbay saw him rub the back of his head, where he had wacked it against the metal side. _"He could have saved himself the pain, if he hadn't stopped my head. Or did he really save me the pain on purpose or by accident?"_ "Damn it all!" Moonbay heard Irvine mutter and scream a few more curses. "How bad is the damage Irvine?" She walked around to where he was standing. Her mouth fell open. The armor of the Gustav had two large slashes and the trailers were disconnected. The other side was in the same shape, the whole armor basically in pieces. "Damn, hey Irvine what do you think could have done this?" She walked over to the other side again and for the first time realized that the Lighting Saix was on its side with its own share of slashes and scrapes. Irvine made no reply. He ventured to the Lighting Saix and ran his hands over it, looking for more damage. His eyes narrowed. "I swear these look like the Geno Breaker's claw marks." Moonbay walked over. "Come on Irvine, why would Raven want to attack us in the first place?" Irvine walked around the Saix. "Maybe he wants me to beat up his sorry ass." Moonbay rolled her eyes. "I got a look at the Zoid. It was definatly red, but you forget that the bandits had Red Horns too. It might of well have been the bandits." "Moonbay, Red Horns don't make these kind of slash marks and aren't fast enough to get away like that." She put her hands on her hips. "Well, it Red Horns make more sense then Raven going crazy." Irvine made no reply once again. The two continued to examine the Zoids. "Moonbay, do you think you could fix the Saix up enough for me to get it back on the trailers?" "Yeah, I suppose, as long as when I fix it up, you help turn over the trailers with the Lighting Saix." "Done deal." * * * Murmurs went around the room as Raven sat down hesitantly. Van could not believe it. Raven's own Zoid turned and attacked him. Van glanced at Fiona. Her face was covered in worry and suspicion. The Blade Liger pilot turned and looked around the rest of the room. The fear had definitely increased in the soldiers eyes. A Zoid without a pilot was something to worry about. At least with a pilot, a Zoid had a weakness: human error. But without that, what would the out come of battle be? Herman was the one to break the silence. "Raven here is going to explain to us what happened and hopefully we can make a plan of action." All eyes fell on Raven, who seemed lost in his own thoughts, said nothing. He had his elbows propped up on the table and his head was leaning against his hands. Glances were sent around the room. Van himself was beginning to lose patients. What seemed like forever, finally past and Raven lifted his head with a grim look on his face. "Ok," he started, "I'm only telling you what I know and how it happened, from my point of view." He glanced around the room. "I'm doing this against my will, but...," he stopped again. Van was fed up. "Damn it Raven! You are not the only one who has lost a battle or something that is important! Tell us what you know so you can go and we can get on with our own lives." Shocked looks were shot at Van. Herman raised his eyebrows and then looked at Raven. "You weren't there Van! It was like some outside force had taken over my Geno Breaker. I had no control. I couldn't even eject myself. It thrashed me like a rag doll and then when it got completely violent, it ejected me itself and then tried to crush me!" Silence again. No one dared move or talk. "Shadow rescued me and then tried to fuse with it...unsuccessfully. Then the Geno Breaker stepped on Shadow. I collapsed and before you know it, I'm found by some army officials. No one pressed questions so Herman decided to do it himself. "Can you think of anything that could have caused this? The area you were in, past people you had met, mechanics..." Raven interrupted, "Two days ago I had stopped at a mechanic shop for repairs. I let them keep the Geno Breaker for the night. Few repairs were needed. I also wanted ammunition. If those mechanics did anything...," he trailed off. "I was not aware of anything till the next day when it all came crashing down." * * * Yet another chapter! Well, what do you guys think? As always, I'm open to suggestions! Please review! randomcat23 4. Blackfire City and a Legend **September 12, 2008** Well, howdy guys. If some of you read this chapter and wonder why the heck it's nothing like it originally was (or doesn't match up quite as well), that is because I made a mistake, a big mistake that I'll probably forever be angry about. I was editing and fixing the chapters of Blackfire and accidentally deleted chapter 4. This is a rewrite of it from what I can remember. I wanted to do this so that I could keep the story posted. **Disclaimer:** I don't own Zoids. * * * The city of Blackfire appeared on the horizon, a dark contrast to the yellow sand. Most buildings were small, no more than three stories high; one structure however stood out from the rest, the Zoid Hanger. It housed the locals' Zoids as well as extra Republican Army Zoids; their base wasn't too far from town. As soon as the Gustav rolled into the town, Moonbay let out a breath of relief. Maybe here they could get answers for the weird attack on them in the desert. The damage was severe and there weren't many Zoids that could have caused it, but Moonbay was sticking by her Red Horn explanation. Bandits were the root of the mission here, weren't they? There was a small house next to the hanger and Moonbay remembered vaguely that Vicky lived in it. It had been such a long time since she had seen her friend and her happiness overcame the shock of the attack for a moment. Moonbay stopped the Zoid and tapped Irvine, "We're here." "Finally, now we can get some answers," Irvine huffed and exited the cockpit. Moonbay followed. For a second she was stunned by Irvine's attitude, but she reminded herself that the mission came first, not the visiting. Although the sun was beginning to set, the air was still hot. The Gustav's cockpit had been stuffy, so the open air was a welcomed change. But that didn't stop Moonbay from wishing for lower temperatures. The two pilots stomped up the steps and Moonbay reached out and knocked on the door. "I hope she's home," Moonbay frowned. The door fell open at the touch of her hand. "I guess small towns don't worry about robbery that often," the transporter pushed through the doorway and came into the house, Irvine following. "Anybody home? Vicky?" There was no answer. Moonbay glanced around at the house as she made her way to the kitchen. The walls were sparsely decorated. The bookshelf was filled with old mechanical magazines. Plates filled the sink and papers covered the kitchen table; most were blueprints for Zoid parts. There was also a parts catalog. And posted on the very top of the pile was a simple, pink sticky note that read: "I'm in the hanger, come on over." Moonbay picked it up and showed it to Irvine. He read it quickly and asked, "Does she expect people to pick out one, small sticky note?" "Well, it is pink," Moonbay shrugged. "It was probably left specifically for us." She set it down, took one last glance around the kitchen and then said, "Let's head to the hanger then." Outside the sun was low in the sky. People were beginning to return home from work. Apparently, Vicky didn't end work when others did. Music blared from the large opened doors of the hanger. Moonbay peeked inside and found her friend. Vicky's blonde hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail to keep it out of the grease. Her pants were smudged with oil and other mechanical grime. The large Zoid she worked on was a Command Wolf, white and gleaming. Moonbay yelled Vicky's name but received no reply; the music was just too loud. Irvine watched as Moonbay walked over to the stereo system and pulled the plug with a strong yank. The driving beats and heavy guitar were replaced with silence and then, "Hey! Who cut the music?" "You always did play it too loudly," Moonbay chided and walked back into sight. Vicky's eyes lit up as she smiled, "Moonbay! It's been too long!" Moonbay gave her friend a quick hug. "I know. I'm just sad that it's something like this that brings us back together." A cough came from the background, causing Moonbay to jump. "Sorry, Irvine. Vicky, this is Irvine. Irvine, Vicky." "Nice to meet ya," Vicky shook the mercenary's hand. "I'm guessing you guys are hungry," the blonde commented as she put away her tools. Moonbay and Irvine traded a glance. "We sure are," They said in unison. Vicky grinned and said, "Well then, I'll fix you something right now." "Good, we also need time to talk," Irvine started. The memory of the attack reentered Moonbay's mind. "We were attacked in the desert," she said, following Vicky out of the hanger. "You were what? By who?" Moonbay was about to answer, but Irvine opened his mouth first, "We're not sure." "Actually, we think it might be the bandits," Moonbay corrected. Irvine rolled his eyes and sighed, "It wasn't them." His anger was disrupted by a loud growl from his stomach. Vicky raised an eyebrow, frowning. "That is puzzling news. But, I think I better feed you first. I'll look at the damage after we calm that growling!" * * * Moonbay and Irvine sat around the kitchen table and watched as Vicky scurried across the room. The blonde refused help saying, "I'm your host, so I cook." In the mean time, as the smell of tasty chicken filled the room, Irvine filled Vicky in on more details about the attack. Moonbay added some of her own from time to time. Soon, Vicky placed the food on the table and the three of them dug in. Little was said during dinner; they were all starving. Irvine glanced around the room in between mouthfuls and studied the pictures on the wall. One caught his eye. It was a painting of a huge Zoid with a glorious sunset. The big cat-like Zoid was unfamiliar to the mercenary; it was too big to be a Blade Liger and it defiantly wasn't a Shield Liger or Zaber Fang. There were three blades on the Zoid's head and two on each of its sides. Whatever it was looked powerful. Irvine swallowed his current bit, pointed at the picture and asked, "What Zoid is that?" Vicky followed his finger and said, "Oh, that's the legendary Panthra X-5." "I've never heard of it," Moonbay said and studied the picture. "It's more of a Blackfire thing, really," Vicky offered. "The story goes that a threat similar to the Death Saurer appeared in this area thousands of years ago. The Ancient Zoidians couldn't defeat it so they had to create a Zoid to match it in power. And the Zoid they made was the Panthra. It took five models to get it powerful enough to defeat the menace, so therefore the X-5 part." "Interesting," Moonbay pondered, "Odd that no one else has said anything about that before." Vicky shrugged, "Like I said, it's mostly a Blackfire thing. The Zoid was supposed to be torn apart and its pieces spread across Zi so that it couldn't be used in warfare again. As the legend goes, the Panthra requested this fate itself after seeing all the destruction. Its body is said to be buried underneath the city, but I haven't found any proof of that." She stopped and took a drink. "To think it rivaled the Death Saurer is incredible," Moonbay said in awe. "Yeah, I'm sure the army would have it under surveillance if there was any truth to the legend for that reason." The three pilots turned to other subjects as they finished dinner. * * * "I couldn't do anything," Raven said quietly, his mind elsewhere. "The Geno Breaker didn't respond to any of my commands. When Shadow tried to fuse with its core, it rejected him and swatted him away like a fly." He paused, his face dark, "Then it tried to kill me." All eyes were on Raven has he recalled the battle against his very own Zoid. The story was unbelievable and posed a very dangerous threat. The Geno Breaker was running lose with no pilot. Raven spoke again, "When I awoke, I was in military care. I have no idea why it spared me." Van stared at Raven intently, going over the facts in his head. He didn't even realize Herman had ended the meeting until the scrape of the chairs snapped him from his thoughts. Raven had disappeared too. "Van, I'm sending you and Fiona to Blackfire," Herman ordered. "What? Blackfire?" "Of course, that's the closest city to where the Geno Breaker was last seen." Van blinked in surprise, "That's where Moonbay and Irvine where sent." "I wanted them there early to scout out the bandit problem. But now this," Herman sighed. "It must all be connected somehow." Van nodded and said he would leave in the morning. On the way back to their rooms, Fiona and Van discussed the latest news. "What do you think this is all about, Van?" Fiona questioned. "I have no idea. It's a lot more complicated than we thought, however." He let out a deep breath. "I'm worried about Irvine and Moonbay." "Me too," Fiona agreed and reached out to take Van's hand. "We'll just have to get there fast and help them out as soon as we can!" "My thoughts exactly!" Van grinned. * * * Rereading my old stuff is kinda fun, in an "I can't believe I wrote this" way. I'm still proud of this fic. Anyway, is this chapter my best work? No, but I wasn't about to take down Blackfire because I was careless one day. Anyway, if you feel the need: review! I would love to hear what you think!-randomcat23 5. Moonbay's Move Ack! I haven't updated in weeks! I APOLOGIZE! My computer crashed and then I went on vacation, and then the idiot computer crashed again! So sorry! Chapters should now come quicker since I had tons of time to write and think them all up! And thanks again to all reviewers and I'm sorry this took so long! You guys keep me going! hanyouwolf: Yay! A consistent reviewer! I thank you bunches and bunches! Vi3t BaBiI: Thanks for the review and more romance to come! IrvineSano: Thanks so much. Wow two reviews for one chapter, thankies so much. n2tycd: Glad you're enjoying this! A/N: Ok, I know and you know that Irvine has an eye patch/camera thing. Forgive me if I say eyes instead of eye. You'll also have to forgive me for any awful spelling...that's not one of my strong points. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. * * * Irvine continued walking behind the two girls, pondering the legend of the Panthra X-5. _"A Zoid that powerful and smart would give anybody the command to control the world."_ His brief thoughts were cut short by Vicky saying: "Bed? Moonbay are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" "Oh fine, we haven't eaten all day and besides the whole town is still awake!" The three of them walked into the kitchen and the girls started cooking something to eat, while talking loudly and telling each other of things that happened over the years. "_Can't think at all when the two of them get together, I suppose."_ He folded this arms over his chest, trying to ignore Vicky and Moonbay. As the two giggling girls made dinner, Irvine sat quietly at the table and sighed at the noise. "_I guess Moonbay deserves it, the whole meeting up with Vicky anyway,"_ he observed quietly. _"She always got stuck up at the hangar when Van and I went into battle, and hell, Fiona was with Van half the time."_ His eye glanced aimlessly around the room. _"I haven't heard her laugh like that in a good while."_ His thoughts trailed in and out of current things till he noticed the time (11:30) and the noise outside had not yet stopped. Carts rolled across the road and voices yelled and bargained. Shipments were coming and going even with the hour as late as it was. Irvine decided to break up the conversation which had gone from memories to current movies in minutes. "Hey Vicky, does this town ever shut up?" Apparently she and Moonbay had forgotten about Irvine because they both looked surprised to see him. "Oh yeah, well, not entirely, but it usually stops by midnight." She stopped to check the clock. "This is one of the later nights this month, mostly because of the upcoming town picnic thing." Vicky flipped the chicken over in the pan as Moonbay tossed a salad. "You could go check everything out if ya wanted to. Dinner won't be ready for another half hour. Moonbay glanced at Irvine with a look telling him that she wanted to talk to Vicky alone, catch up with each other. He nodded his head and stood saying, "Might as well, I can't hear myself think with all your chit chat." Moonbay smiled. "Thanks Irvine." He quietly stood up and walked out into the busy streets. Carts were pulled up and down the paths, and people paid Irvine no attention while he walked aimlessly down the surprisingly crowded streets. His eyes caught sight of little stores and quite a few houses, all with the lights still on. One shop made him stop for a second glance, a tiny store, hidden between a food market and clothes store. Simply named: Blackfire History. But it wasn't really the store itself that caught his eye, it was the large wooden engraving of the Panthra X-5 that was leaning against the shop's wall. "That thing seems to be everywhere." Irvine thought as the walked silently into the shop. As he lifted the cloth flap over the door he was instantly hit with a wave of spice and flower scents. Wood carvings hung on the wall and leaned against the shelves which were covered in animal skulls and different Zoid artifacts. Irvine quietly walked up to the front desk and rang the little bell. His head turned for a moment toward the Panthra X-5 carving outside. "Wonder if the owner of this shop knows anything more about that thi-." his head turned back toward the desk and seated in the chair was an old woman. Her hair was tied tightly back in a bun and her face was worn. Her wrists were covered in many bracelets that hung low on her thin arms. The store owner wore a simple dress and had a scarf wrapped around her neck. In other words: Not what Irvine expected. "What can I do for you lad?" she asked in a quiet, yet commanding voice. "My name is Miss Nami." She blinked her eyes and continued to stare at Irvine, who was about to explain his reason for coming when, Nami spoke suddenly. "You seem preoccupied by something." Her eyes narrowed. "Um, sure, I was just wondering about the carving you had outside, the Panthra X-5?" The old women's eyes widened a bit. "Ah, the carving, are you aware of the legend, young man?" "Yes, a bit, I suppose, I wanted to know more about it." He recalled the legend to the store keeper as she nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, yes, I see," she started. "But young Vicky has not told of the powers of the pieces, no?" This caught Irvine's attention, "What? You mean that's not the whole legend?" Nami smiled slightly. "Not many people know the whole truth of the powers of the Panthra X-5. It was not Vicky's fault for not telling." "Well, tell me the rest," Irvine demanded, seeing that it had grown later and that he would have to be leaving. "Very well, the last part of the legend is that, even though the pieces of the Panthra X-5 were hidden all over Zi, obtaining one of the pieces and attaching any piece, no matter the size, to a Zoid would greatly increase it's speed and power to unbelievable levels. The speed of a slow Gustav could easily surpass that of your Lighting Saix." Irvine mulled this over in his head. Then something she said hit him. "Well that's all fine and dandy, but how the hell did you know I had a Lighting Saix?" he demanded. "That's easy, you are the only one on Zi with the rare Zoid." She paused, seeming to prepare for what she was going to say next. "I know more things about you then you would like." * * * Moonbay sat quietly at the table as Vicky brought the food over. She couldn't believe how much the two of them had missed in each other's lives. Vicky had become an officer in the Republican Army and Moonbay had lived to see the destruction of the Death Saurer. Not to mention, they had missed out on each other's current personal lives. "Vicky, what ever happened to that guy you were going out with, um John right?" Moonbay asked with interest. Vicky sighed with a smile on her face. "Ha, him, he joined the Imperial Army and you know Dad, NO IMPERIALISTS!" she laughed again. "But, that really wasn't the reason; he turned out to be a huge jerk, so I dumped him and haven't seen him since." Moonbay smirked. The two ate in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company. "Moonbay, is there anyone out there for you?" The transporter girl looked at her long time friend. "Maybe, but I'm not sure he even cares about me the same way." Moonbay absent-mindedly looked at Irvine's empty seat and sighed. Vicky's eyes widened at Moonbay's action. A smirk pulled at her lips. "So, does this guy happen to have a Lighting Saix?" Moonbay's head turned back with a shocked look on her face. "Is it that obvious?" she asked with a worried look. "You're a love sick fool, my friend. But I wouldn't worry, guys are clueless!" Vicky laughed. Moonbay couldn't help but smile. "I should have known you would have guessed." "Duh, Moonbay, it's me were talking about." The two of them laughed until Moonbay said, "I wonder where Irvine got off to." "Don't be a worry wart. He looks like no push over," Vicky stated before taking another bite of salad. * * * Irvine stared at the old women. "What the hell does that mean? 'I know more things about you than you would like'." The store keeper smiled slightly again, "You are meant for greater things than just a mercenary." Irvine laughed lightly, "You mean I supposed to be some kind of war hero? No thanks, that's Van's job. And by the way, nobody tells me what I'm meant for, I make my own life, not follow what is in some story book." He got up to leave when Nami finished with, "Not all 'greater things' are war heroes, there is someone who cares about you, you could make _her_ life and yours better." She quietly got up and left as quickly as she showed up. Irvine gawked at the space where Nami had sat. _"Was she talking about Moonbay and me? What the hell? What was all that? Could she have really known that I ..., no way."_ He exited the shop and started to returned to the hanger. "Never going back there, that's for sure," Irvine said to no one as he looked up at the black sky. "Way too weird, in a scary way. It was like she was a physic or something." He made his way back to the only hanger in the town, therefore easy to find. The girls were talking again, quieter this time as Irvine managed to find the kitchen and push open the door. "Irvine, you're back. Where did you go anyway?" Moonbay asked. "Around, found a little shop and found out more about that Panthra X-5 thingy." Vicky's eyes widened and Moonbay asked, "Well, what did you find out?" The Lighting Saix pilot sat down and explained about the lost part of the legend as the two girls listened carefully. He was careful to leave out the old women and her knowledge of Irvine's Zoid and personal life. Irvine grabbed himself a plate and asked, "Vicky, you ever hear of that?" Moonbay turned her head to see the blonde girl sigh. "Yeah, I knew of that, but there are reasons upon reasons for not telling you." Moonbay was curious now, "Why not tell us?" Vicky swayed her head from side to side. "It has to do with why I'm out here. Lately, the Republic Army has been digging up those Panthra X-5 pieces," and seeing the look on their faces, "Yes, it is more than just a kiddy legend. We just haven't told anybody because that gets out and bandits come. It turns into a mess. Well, if anybody got their hands on one of those, let's just say it would be hell. So they posted me here to help move the pace along, because they can't have the whole army out here." Moonbay's eyes narrowed, "Did anybody try to get a hold of the parts?" "Well, yeah, a couple weeks ago, there was a break-in but nothing was stolen. We think it was the bandits, so they hired you guys to deal with them because, they're nothing special. That's why you were told the mission was nothing hard." She paused and looked at their faces. "Sorry for not telling you, but orders are orders." Moonbay nodded, "You had your reasons, no problem." They all got up from the table and cleared it. "Vicky, could you fix our Zoids tomorrow?" Moonbay asked. "So we can get out there and stop the bandits?" Vicky's face had a smirk on it. "Tomorrow? I'll do them tonight and load them up with ammo." This caught Irvine's attention, "Lighting Saix ammo? How can you afford that? You really don't have to do that." "Oh, please, I can do that when ever, I get my ammo for feel from the army." "How can you do that? Even high ranking officers have to pay for the ammo they use," Irvine stated. Vicky stopped and looked at Moonbay, "You didn't tell him who my father was, did you?" Moonbay smiled slightly, "Wasn't on the top of my to-do list." Vicky laughed, "Moonbay you left poor Irvine in the dark." Irvine stepped in at this point, "Ok well let's get Irvine out of the dark and tell him what's going on so he can go to bed," a slight annoyance tone was in his voice. Moonbay heard this, oh how many times and quickly said, "Irvine, Vicky is Herman's daughter so, ammo is free for her. "You're Herman's daughter? Holy crap! Thanks for not telling me Moonbay." He stared wide eyed at the two of them. The two girls laughed as Moonbay turned in and Irvine soon followed. Vicky, however when to work on the Zoids. * * * Morning came all too quickly for Moonbay. She had just had a dream where she and Irvine where together, and really didn't want it to end. _"Damn my fantasies. If only they were real."_ She pushed the covers down a bit, and caught the last shade of pink fade from the sky. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was almost 8 o'clock. _"Off to beat the bandits, or hopefully find them. And, all day with Irvine. That's a bonus."_ She smiled to herself as she got dressed and soon walked out the door and into the kitchen where she found Irvine drinking coffee. He nodded to acknowledge her presence. Apparently he was still half asleep. Vicky came in soon after, covered in grease and dirt already. "Vicky, when did you get up? Looks like you've worked a full day already." "Haha, Moonbay, I just finished your Zoids, both in top condition. I replaced the armor of your Gustav, and new ammo for both Zoids. Whatever hit you guys yesterday, sure did hell of a job destroying the Gustav armor," she stated, while whipping her hands on a cloth. "What time did you get to bed? How could you fix those Zoids in less than 8 hours?" "When to bed at 3 and got up at 6." "Jeez, how do you do that?" "Moonbay, I live on 3 hours of sleep every night. It doesn't bug me." * * * Moonbay had to drag Irvine to the Zoids, not that she had a problem with that but, still it was a little pain. "Irvine if you don't get your lazy ass in the Saix now, I'm leaving you here and taking all the glory for beating the bandits," Moonbay snapped. She may love him but she wasn't going to be his slave. "Fine, I'm going," he answered back, and crawled into the Saix's cockpit. Vicky waved good bye as the Gustav and the Saix left town. Moonbay quickly noticed the change in the controls. Everything ran like it was brand new and the radar system was in top shape. She decided to ask Irvine if he noticed anything like her. "Irvine, did you notice anything about your Zoid?" He answered back, "Yep, the gun moves smoothly, it's loaded with ammo, feels brand new. Your friend did a better job than you ever did," he added with a smirk, just trying to get her mad. "Be that way, and see if I ever fix it again, asshole." Moonbay turned off the screen and a frown formed on her face. _"How can he be like that, anyway?"_ She closed her eyes and sighed. _"Still, he's my favorite jerk of them all." _The two Zoids moved fairly quickly over the land and were soon outside the city limits. Irvine kept checking his radar, hoping the bandits would show up soon. "I'm not gonna wait all day," he said to himself. Around noon the two of them stopped for lunch by a large cliff and a lonely old tree. "Where the hell could bandits hind in this place anyway?" Irvine blurted out as he took a bite of sandwich. "No idea," she decided to tease him more, "You should know though, Irvine, you used to be one." She smirked, happy with herself, she knew all too well that Irvine hated being compared to bandits. "Shut it, you know as well as I do that I was and still am a mercenary. Nothing more, nothing less." Moonbay smirked again at his answer. They ate in silence for awhile, not looking at each other. But Moonbay wanted to question him again, "Nothing more than a mercenary? How about a friend? Or a big brother?" He glanced at her silently, "Moonbay, I got no younger bothers or sisters no more. And as for friends, sure I got them. Why the sudden interest in what I consider myself?" She could tell he was serious by the look on his face. His dark eye stared right at her, making her feel nervous. "Just because you lost your sister, doesn't mean that your still not a big brother. What about Fiona, she looks up to you?" Irvine smirked, "If she looks up to me, then she better find someone else, I'm no role model." "Think what you want, Irvine." The wind blew across the desert, kicking up dust. A quiet 'bleep, bleep' noise was heard from inside the two Zoids. Irvine jumped on it and looked at the radar. "Damn, we got company." His cockpit closed and Moonbay swiftly jumped into her Gustav. "Bring it on," Moonbay looked at her radar, two Zoids were coming up fast, but she could tell they were Gun Snipers. One glance at the radar though, and Moonbay could tell that the speed of the Zoids was abnormal. "What the heck is going on?" she managed to get out before the Gun Snipers were upon the two of them. Irvine quickly dodged a missile attack and shot back at once. "They're pretty fast for Gun Snipers, but not quick enough." The Lighting Saix charged and slashed the gun off the closest Gun Sniper's back. Irvine turned his head to check on Moonbay when the Saix was dragged to the dusty ground. "What the hell?" He spit out as he hit the back of his chair. "Oh, clever bastard, he grabbed my leg. Not for too long though." The Saix's claws swiped the Sniper's arm right off and the whole Zoid fell to the ground. "Idiot, don't mess with my Lighting Saix." He ran over to where Moonbay was having trouble with her Sniper opponent. The Saix shot the Gun Sniper twice and then bit its arm off, throwing it to the ground. "You all right Moonbay?" he called over the screen. "Ya, I'm fine, thanks, Irvine," she said as she wiped sweat off her fore head. "Crazy idiots came after us quicker than I thought possible." "They probably just upgraded the Snipers," Irvine commented as he jumped out of the cockpit and walked to the closest Zoids. He reached into his pocket and pulled out hand-cuffs. The Sniper's cockpit opened to reveal a knocked out man, probably in his early 30's. Irvine cuffed him and jogged over to the other Zoid and found the same with the other pilot. "Hey, Moonbay, call the police so we can get these idiots in town." Moonbay nodded and got a hold of the local authorities. Meanwhile, Irvine pulled the two Sniper pilots near the Gustav, and Moonbay once again saw Irvine's well muscled arms and turned away. "What's your problem Moonbay? Never see idiot pilot's before?" he asked smirking. "No, it's not that, it's just..." but she was saved by two jeeps pulling up. The police took the two bandits away, saying that they would question them. They handed Irvine a few bills and drove away. Irvine stared wide eyed at the money. "I didn't know we were being paid!" he smiled at Moonbay. Moonbay shrugged and laughed. "Oh well, ok now split it." Irvine glanced at her and an evil grin spread on his face. "Split it? Why? I did all of the work! I think I deserve it!" Moonbay stomped her foot on the ground. "Irvine your mercenary side is showing! Give it here! I'll split it up." She dove for it but missed as Irvine held it up in the air. "I don't think so Moonbay, it's my hard earned money! And I hope you weren't trying to dis me when you said 'your mercenary side is showing', I personally like my mercenary side and enjoy being one." Moonbay growled. "I think you just like being an ass!" Irvine laughed and Moonbay jumped into the Gustav. "Let's keep looking, it's only 2 and I wanna get my own money!" Moonbay started to drive away and Irvine chuckled as he pocketed the money. The two of them rode around all day, and by the time it was eight, nothing else had shown up. They stopped for dinner along side a stream, where the fog was already thick. "How are we going to navigate in this weather?" Moonbay wondered. Irvine paid no attention; his eye was on the food. "I wouldn't worry," he started in between bites, "If we have to, we'll spend the night out here." A faint roar was heard over the crackling of the fire. "What on Zi was that?" Moonbay looked out over the land, but couldn't see anything. "Sounded like a .." "A Geno Breaker right Moonbay?" She scowled. "I told you I don't think and never will think that Raven has gone in-," but before she could finish the sentence the Geno Breaker appeared in a flash of red. Irvine ran to the Lighting Saix and jumped in. Moonbay followed his lead. "What now, Moonbay? What now?" Irvine asked, skipping his seat belt and charging the Geno. "Shut up!" Moonbay turned the Gustav around just in time to see the Geno Breaker blast the Saix. Moonbay's face twisted in worry. "Irvine, you alright?" Moonbay frantically called over the screen. "Ya, I'm fine," Irvine answered and rubbed the back of his head. The Lighting Saix dodged the second attack and shot back, but was not quick enough to miss the strike of the claws. Moonbay watched as Irvine fell down and stayed down. "Irvine! Irvine!" she called over the screen. "Chill out and move now!" The Geno had changed targets and went after Moonbay. It soon disappeared in the fog. Moonbay checked the radar quickly, "Damn it! The fog has messed with the radar and navigation system." Moonbay's hand gripped the controls tighter. She was ready for anything. The faint roar was heard behind her as the Gustav did the fastest turn ever. Moonbay shot at it twice, missed and awaited the impact from the Zoid. Her eyes closed, waiting for the worst. It never came. When her eyes opened the area was covered in a gold tint and the fog was as thick as ever. She looked around to find the source and found herself looking at the top of the cliff, where a lone Holo-tech Zaber Fang sat looking down upon them. "Not more bandits, not now." Moonbay barely said. The Zaber Fang shot at the Geno Breaker, knocking off one of its guns. The red monster roared and ran away into the fog, obviously annoyed with the new comer. Moonbay tried to get the pilot of the Zaber on the screen, but was unsuccessful and just as it appeared, the Zaber Fang disappeared from sight. "What was that?" Moonbay asked herself. Realizing she hadn't heard from Irvine, she jumped out of the cockpit and ran to the Lighting Saix. "IRVINE! Are you ok?" Moonbay cupped her hands to her face, yelling. The cockpit slowly opened and Irvine jumped out, clutching his stomach and leaning over. "What the hell was th-," he managed to get out before falling over. * * * Moonbay had Irvine laying down on a blanket she found. She was about to take him back to the hanger but, the navigation system was down and the fog was so thick, there was no way she could find her way back. It turns out, he hit his head again, which caused him to fall and black out, but he also had a wound on his stomach that was bleeding, probably from hitting it in the cockpit. (A/N: remember, he didn't put on his seatbelt) She quickly bandaged his head and stomach and sighed heavily. "Irvine," she whispered, "How could you be so careless? And making me worry like this?" Moonbay felt tears fall down her cheeks and hit the ground. She turned back to him, and seeing his chest rise and fall made her relax a bit. "If anything ever happened to you, I have no idea how I would go on living. You've saved me many times, and I've hardly re-paid you. And truthfully, you've been my reason for stayed around the army base. I can't help but be around you, you crazy asshole." She wiped her eyes. "I've always thought of you as a brother, and maybe even more." She once again got no response from him. She crawled closer to his body and sighed. "You defiantly mean way more than just a brother, or a friend to me." She brushed rouge bangs from his face and kissed his lips silently. She had half wanted him to get up, and half did not. Seeing that half of her would be unhappy, she pulled the covers over him and then went to sleep herself. The only thing on her mind at the moment was: _"Will I ever be able to tell that to his face, when he's finally on his feet again."_ * * * A/N: A holo-tech Zaber Fang is just like a regular Zaber Fang, but it has see-through armor. Just in case you were wondering. Like always, reviews are great! They're like the icing on a cake, or something like that. Thanks a bunch! randomcat23 6. Bandit Leaders Alright guys! Yet another chapter in Blackfire! I'm extremely happy with myself for actually continuing this! Anyway, tons of thanks to EVERY reviewer! You guys keep me going! hanyouwolf: claps for hanyouwolf yay! Thank you so much for your support! Midnight Blue Star: Hope this is a soon enough update! Thank you bunches for your reviewing! IrvineSano: Thank you so much! You've been very, very encouraging! I thank you! Trouble with your fic? Let me know what I can do. AntiMusicMan: Yay! A new reviewer! Thanks for reviewing. Anyway yes it would help if you knew should look everyone up on the internet. A small note: I see the Zoids as having their own minds and this chapter really shows nobody yell at me for the Zoids moving on their own. (As we all know, the Zoids in New Century 0 seem to be more...human-needing and don't move on their own...but then again this story takes place in the Guardian Force time and the Zoids seem pretty independent during those episodes.) Disclaimer: See last chapter or the first chapter or the second or... A soft breeze blew across the desert land, covering two figures on the ground with a small layer of dust. One of the two people, moved slightly, brushing off the dirt on his face. As he tried to sit up, the Saix pilot flinched in pain. Irvine clutched his stomach and let out a small groan. He blinked a few times, trying to identify his surroundings. No great land marks were seen except the cliff, even with the use of his eye patch. The Gustav sat near by as well as the Lighting Saix. Irvine took notice of Moonbay, who was still sleeping, curled up in a ball. She shivered slightly as the wind came back. For the first time, Irvine noticed the bandages on his head as well as his stomach. He smirked slightly as he pulled the blanket over Moonbay's shoulders and once again attempted to stand up straight. Easier said than done. Irvine stood still for a moment, catching his already exhausted breath. The Lighting Saix roared softly, seeing its pilot moving and walked over quicky. Irvine smiled at his Zoid, the most loyal one he has ever had. The Saix bent down slightly, hoping for a nose rub. (A.N.: Why not? If it's an animal...) Irvine moved slowly to his Zoid, hand outstretched. The Saix gave a grateful roar as Irvine looked him over, trying to figure out the damage. _"That's one battle I'm not proud of, damn that Geno Breaker. I was right after all," _Irvine sighed at his thoughts._ "This thing is turning into much more than a bandit mission, much more."_ His eye caught something weird on his Zoid: hardly any damage. His eyes widened at this finding, "Was the battle even that bad? How could you walk away with no wounds and me, barely moving?" He asked his Zoid. The Saix gave a low growl as to show he was shrugging. Irvine laughed lightly, not wanting to push his body any further. Van walked down the hallway, with Fiona at his side, heading for the Ligar. "Fiona, how long do you think we'll be on this mission?" She turned to him, her hair falling on her face, "Maybe a few days, but we should pack extra, just incase." Her voice was determined and serious, not the usual cheery tone she had. Van took notice of this, "You worried about something? I mean, it's just another least I hope so." She smiled, "No it's nothing, I was just thinking about Raven." Van's eyes widened, "Why?" Fiona giggled, "Don't get any weird ideas, Van, I was just wondering what it would be like to see your own Zoid turn against you, and you had no idea how or why it was happening. To watch your friend attack you and your organoid." Van sighed, "Fiona, this is Raven we're talking about, he doesn't consider Zoids his friends, he was just shocked that his own Geno Breaker, the Zoid that he watched be born attack him." "Well, I was thinking about you too," she replied. "What if it happens to all Zoids in the area?" They stopped at the exit, Van faced Fiona an answered, "We would have known if that was the case, Irvine and Moonbay are out in that city already. Besides, we won't let that happen, we'll get to the bottom of this, just like we did with Zoid Eve." Fiona just smiled at his reply and followed him out to the Blade Ligar. The two jumped in and strapped themselves in. Herman then came out to give out the final directions. "Ok Van, like we decided, we're camping right outside Blackfire City. The rest of the army, as well as myself, will be out there as soon as possible." Van nodded and asked, "Should I let my friend, Irvine, know of what we're doing?" Herman paused, "That Lighting Saix pilot? You probably won't have too, he most likely already knows." He saluted Van off before the Ligar pilot could ask what he meant. Van shrugged and closed the cockpit. The Ligar moved quickly out of the area, kicking up dust and dirt as it went. Van turned to Fiona and asked, "What do you think Herman meant by that?" Fiona put a finger to the corner of her mouth, "Maybe Irvine and Moonbay found out from someone at the city. Moonbay did have a friend that lived there right?" "Well, yea but, would they even know? The armies are sure keeping this all hush-hush. I mean, Doctor Dee didn't even know about this. He even said that this would be a no-problem mission...for both groups," he added. Zeke roared in agreement, from inside the Blade Ligar. "See, Zeke even agrees with me. There must be something more to this." Fiona smiled slightly, "Well, if we needed to know any more information, Herman would have given it to us, right? So, if there is anything else we need to know, we'll find out soon enough." She smiled at Van. "Don't worry so much Van." Van returned the smile and turned his eyes back to the dusty road. (A.N.:Hadn't heard from Van and Fiona in I decided to insert this little scene.) Moonbay stirred slightly and yawned. She turned to face Irvine, only to find that he had moved himself. Her eyes widened in shock, _"He never stops amazing me. How could he walk after something like that? Where did he go?" _Her head turned around and the blanket fell from her shoulders. _"He even put the blanket over me..." _She spotted him by his Zoid, as she got up. "IRVINE! What do you think your doing? How can you even move after everything?" A small tint of worry trailed in her voice as Irvine turned to face her with a smirk on his face. "Like anything like that would keep me down." Moonbay smiled slightly as she walked closer. "Well at least your feeling ok...I was worried about you.." **Mistake number one: Worry.** "Worried about me? Moonbay are you feeling ok?" Irvine questioned her with a smirk on his face. "Moonbay, the great Irvine-hater?" He limped closer to her. **Mistake two: letting him come** **closer.** Moonbay felt her cheeks turn red as Irvine moved his face closer to hers, laughing at her. "Somehow I find it hard to believe that you were worried about me." "_CRAP! CRAP, CRAP CRAP!_ _Now that I've kissed him, I can't look at him without blushing!_" she thought. She had to get him out of her face before he noticed her cheeks. She stepped back and tried to act normal. "Shut up, you don't ever change, I save your sorry ass and get nothing of a thanks." Irvine could tell she meant that and stopped his teasing, "Hey, I appreciate the bandages and stuff, ... thanks a lot Moonbay."_ "Ok cut the corny crap Irvine," _he thought quickly. "But you still owe me for being wrong about the Geno Breaker!" he smirked at her. The girl he had fallen in love with, saw him as a jerk and still worried about him. "Irvine, I can't believe you, you brought that up now?" She sighed, not ready for this. "Well yeah, I want an apology." It was kinda true, he hated being wrong or proved wrong. He took a step closer and said again, "How about an apology, hmm Moonbay? If you worry about me, don't you worry about my feelings?" _"He's getting closer! Damn it, back up Moonbay, but not to obviously! Stop blushing Moonbay, you gotta stop!"_ "Alright you asshole, I admit that you were right and I was wrong and all that crap, now please back up!" **Mistake number three.** Irvine stopped, _"Back up? What's up with her...I might know..." _"That hurts Moonbay, I don't smell that bad and your no flower yourself!" He straightened himself up. "It's not that, stupid, you're just crowding me." He couldn't help his laughing, but ended up coughing. Apparently he was not well enough to do much of anything. Her face went from laughter to worried. "Irvine, you should really sit down, I don't think your healed completely." "Fine," Irvine managed to get out in between coughs. "Let's get the Zoids back to Blackfire and refuel." He limped to the Lighting Saix, and Moonbay was about to run up and help him but, her mind told her other wise. _"He might suspect something, besides, it would hurt his high and mighty ego too much." _She smiled at her thoughts and jogged to the Gustav and got it running. Irvine soon followed with the Saix and loaded it on to the trailer. He jumped down, more carefully than usual and got into the Gustav, trying not to flinch too much. The two traveled in silence for awhile, not sure what to talk about. Irvine glanced over at the transporter girl and asked, "So what do you think about the Geno Breaker thing, Moonbay?" She didn't look at him but answered, "I'm not sure what to make of it, or that weird Zaber Fang that chased it away. If it was Raven piloting it, I really doubt he would run from something like that. I would be able to accept it if it was some random Geno Breaker, which even that...nothing seems to be fitting together." She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "It's so confusing. And really, Irvine, wouldn't you have done better if it was Raven piloting it? You've faced him many times and know his battle style." It was her turn to glance at him. "Well, thanks for such confidence in me, Moonbay, but," he smirked at her, "That was not Raven's style," he stared out at the dusty road, "It was like the Zoid was acting on its own." Moonbay sighed again. "I wish we had some kind of clue as to what is making the Geno Breaker attack us. Or even way all the bandits' Zoids are way more powerful than they should be." Irvine muttered in agreement and then it hit him. "NAMI!" Moonbay's head turned to face him, a shocked look on her face. "What?" "She's this old women I met when I went out that night. Remember?" Moonbay took in a breath. "What if what she said about the aritifacts was true?" Irvine stated. Moonbay pondered this for a moment. _"That would explain a few things..."_ "Well, the sooner we can catch the bandits and the Geno Breaker, the better." Her voice was determined Moonbay glanced at him and sighed, "But, we're not going after them until you're better." Irvine's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Better? I'm fine right now. There's no need to wait, I can pilot the Saix as well as ever." "Irvine," her voice was distressed, "You can't go prancing around in your Zoid until we pull the bandages off and you don't bleed. I'm not letting you fight with a damaged head." She glared at him, telling him that her mind was set. "You worry too much," he began unwrapping his head bandages as Moonbay protested. The bandages came off and no blood spilled out. "Told you, I'm fine if a little sore." He smirked, glad that the fight was settled. "Fine, go get yourself killed," She spat, "See if I care." "Oh, but you would," he said quietly. "Keep thinking that, Irvine. One day I won't be here to save your butt and you'll end up laying in a desert." All Irvine replied with was laughter. They had been riding in silence for a while when the Gustav's radar started going off. Moonbay glanced at it with curiosity. "A group of three Red Horns seem to be resting just over the hill," she stated, looking over at Irvine. He shrugged, hardly caring. "Probably the bandits. No town folk could have Zoids with that kind of power." He pointed at the screen, "Looks like they haven't noticed us yet. Perfect," he added with a grin, "A sneak attack." The radar went off again and Moonbay jumped, "What the hell?" Her eyes widened in shock. "Another Red Horn coming this way! Straight at us. Hurry up and get into your Lighting Saix." Irvine needed no invitation. "Right, open the damn cockpit. It's ass-woopin' time." Moonbay quickly opened the cockpit and mentally prepared for battle. _"Bandit leaders here we come."_ She gripped the controls, ready for anything. But, before she knew what was happening, Irvine's lips slid across hers in a quick kiss, as he sprinted to his Zoid. Moonbay instantly blushed and her fingers trailed cross her lips. She shook her head, shocked. _"He knows, how? This is surprising. I'm kill him! He must have heard me last night while I confessed!"_ Her thoughts raced through her mind faster than the Lighting Saix itself. The Red Horn had closed in and the pilot apparently had alerted his teammates. Moonbay gripped the controls, mixed feelings rushed through her mind. _"Why now Irvine? Why now?" _She instantly tried to get the mercenary up on the communication screen but he would not reply. "Crap he must have blocked me." (A.N. Can they even do that?) An instant smile spread across her face. "Bring it on you bandits, because there another man who needs some attention." The battle started off fierce. Moonbay occasionally spotted the Saix darting in and out of view, attacking the Red Horn bandits, obviously not having an easy time. The bandits' plan seemed to consist of surrounding the Saix, cutting off the escape route. Moonbay was amazed that they could even keep up with the Lighting Saix's moves. "Irvine must of been right, the bandits did get the artifacts in the legend. This is turning into something way over our heads." The Gustav was hit from the side by a pleased looking Red Horn. Moonbay shot him, knocking off the main gun, which fell forward onto the Zoid's head. "One down, and-," she turned to see that Irvine had defeated two Red Horns, which lay, smashed in several places. He was now turning toward the leader. She saw that the Saix had suffered some damaged mostly to the right leg. "I'll have to fix that later..." The transporter girl closed in on the bandits. However the foe was too fast and got behind the Gustav, preparing to fire. The Saix rammed the Red Horn and let out a roar. A double shot from the black zoid's gun and the Red Horn fell, sending dust everywhere. "It got rammed on the side and suffered several shots to the legs and main body, and the Red Horn was still capable of moving. What are we getting ourselves into?" Moonbay let out a sigh of relief. "Glad that's over." She closed her eyes, letting her arms lay on her lap. "Now we only have one more group of bandits to catch..." A low sound caused her to open an eye, after only a minute of peace. She watched from the cockpit as the four knocked-out pilots were pulled from the destroyed Zoids by police officals. "Hmm, Irvine must have called them, which by the way, where is my favorite asshole?" She hopped out of the Gustav's cockpit and got a wave of thanks from the officers as well as a bunch of reward money. After pocketing the cash she turned and looked up at the Saix. She stood at the back of the Zoid, examining the damage. She was soon stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapped around hr waist, as she jumped a little in surprise. Irvine had her back up against his firm chest and his chin on her head, saying nothing. Moonbay sighed into him, lost in comfort and warmth. She savored the moment and was glad that they were alone. She soon asked, not looking at him, "You bastard, you heard me last night, didn't you?" She kept her eyes on the horizon. "It looks that way doesn't it?" Smiling, Moonbay breathed in his scent of sweat and Zoid metal. "Why didn't you say anything, Irvine? How could you have been awake?" Irvine smirked, "You forget that I'm a light sleeper and besides," he whispered in her ear, "toying with your mind is far too much fun." "You're such an asshole." She answered and decided to be bold by asking. "How long have you loved me?" His simple answer came, "Too long, Moonbay." He smirked silently. "Why did you never tell me," she demanded, breaking the embrace and turning to gaze at him. Moonbay couldn't help but smile at his trademark smirk and his dark eyes. She peered at his wild hair as he answered, "Ladies before gentlemen." Their faces inched toward each others as Moonaby said, "You're hardly a gentleman." Irvine said nothing and snaked his arms around her small waist again as her arms slid around his neck. "I love you Irvine," whispered Moonbay as he pulled her into a much wanted kiss. (A.N.: -) YAY! How special is that? Finally got them together...hehe. Anyway, reviews are your best friends, so get to it! -randomcat23 A quick note: I'm not sure when the next update is going to be. School is starting soon and I have no idea how my homework is going to effect my writing time. So if I don't update in a few weeks, don't worry this story is far from being discontinued. 7. Out of the Desert Aw, man...I've been horribly bad about updating this fic...sorry to everyone, and thanks for your patients. Haha, I was reading some of the older chapters and realized some of them don't match up and how awful my spelling corrections are...hopefully I'll be able to post revised chapters soon. Shout Outs: MagCat, IrvineSano, AntiMusicMan, fireinu, Vi3t Babii, BlackHole CO, hanyouwolf, Midnight Blue Star (You guys rock!) Disclaimer: I'm sure you guys get tired of reading these, just as much as I get tired of typing them! I DON'T OWN ZOIDS! Also, I''m trying a new layout for this more really long paragraphs.... it begins................................... The suns began sinking slowly behind the horizon as a lone Zoid continued its journey. Van sat behind the cockpit, his eyes drooping and his controls slipping. Zeke growled slightly to keep him awake, but even the organoid seemed tired. The pilot peered over his shoulder and glanced at Fiona asleep in the back seat. It had been a long few days for them all. Van sighed. They were supposed to be in Blackfire days ago, but constant interruptions only kept them late. For whatever reason, Herman kept sending them out on wild missions. Ok maybe not wild, but defiantly random. "So much for being on army duty." Another long yawn escaped his mouth. The journey started as a meeting with Herman, and that only complicated things...with Raven's Zoid running around and those bandits. Herman told Van to keep his eyes pealed for any sigh of the trouble makers but even after coming in range of the city, the Ligar pilot had seen no one. Van let go of the controls and slid back in the chair. "You take over for a while Zeke, I'm beat." Van picked up a packet of papers that Herman had given to him. It contained a list of the people in the area, their records, and the registered Zoid they had, if any. He flipped through the packet, bored out of his mind. The Ligar pilot set the papers down and gazed out at the horizon. For once in the last day, something did catch his eye. A soft glow was surrounding a small area about a mile away. With his curiosity rising, Van commanded, "Over that way Zeke, let's check that out." Zeke roared in agreement and the Ligar turned slightly and ran of in the new direction. But when the Zoid finally stopped, only a few meters away, Van's curiosity went to worry. In the clearing a camp fire burned brightly, yet surrounding it were three bodies of Zoid pilots. Their Zoids sat destroyed around the perimeter, not moving. Van jumped out of the cockpit, but not without a worried roar from Zeke. Upon inspection of the pilots, he found that they were only unconscious. This puzzled Van, even more than Raven''s Zoid going insane. Scratching his head and not knowing what else to do, Van carried the pilots one at a time into the back of the Ligar. _(**A.N**.: Yes, yes I know, the Ligar doesn't have that huge of a space in the with me here people.)_ Climbing back into his seat, Van took off and in a few minutes, his eyes caught the shapes of buildings...Blackfire. ......................._back in the desert outside Blackfire._............................... A small pink Zoid rolled over the desert hills. It's only cargo: a rare Lightning Saix, glimmered in the setting sun. The pilot of the Gustav brushed hair out of her dark eyes and stared at the road ahead. It had been a long day for everyone. Her partner was fast asleep beside her, his silent snores the only noise in the cockpit. He continued to sleep even as the dusty Zoid rolled into the city of Blackfire. _"Guess I should be waking up Irvine...."_ Moonbay thought to herself as she parked the Gustav outside the hanger. The transporter girl leaned in close to Irvine and felt that rush of feelings all over again. How long ago was it when they kissed..... Her finger only gently brushed the mercenary's shoulder when he awoke and caught her eyes. Moonbay couldn't stop herself from smiling, "We're back Irvine, but I think everyone is asleep so we'll have to be quiet." She poked him playfully in the chest. "Don't go waking them all up." Irvine nodded in response, his face blank. They both exited the cockpit without a word spoken. "A bit tired aren't you?" She questioned him. It was kinda weird that he wouldn't answer her. "We're being watched," Irvine stated simply. "Come on out Van AND Fiona." He gestured for them to come out of the shadows. Eventually, slowly and both blushing, came the ligar pilot and his partner. "What's with the sneaky watching Van?" Irvine questioned his voice not angry, yet annoyed. "Well, you see, we were waiting for you to return and..and when we saw the Gustav roll in we, ah, headed outside..." Van paused. "And what?" Van replied, "Oh it was nothing, we were just being the stupid younger people that we are." He forced a laugh. Irvine raised an eyebrow. Moonbay stood confused. "Never mind what we were doing..How was your luck with the bandits?" "We got two out of three groups. Gotta go find the last one tomorrow...Wait, what are you guys doing here?" Moonbay questioned. Van's face turned serious. "As it turns out, we have a huge situation here and the bandits in this area might know what is going on." He followed up with an explanation of what the meeting was about and Raven's problems. "And the worst part is that we have no idea why the Geno Breaker has gone berserk. We decided to come here because the bandits and Geno Breaker might be connected somehow." "But, how could the bandits have fiddled with the Geno Breaker? They didn't look like the sharpest crayons in the box if you catch my drift." Moonbay asked while trying to piece things together. "We think the bandits might have some higher authority, somewhere. Herman put some officer on that job." Van sighed. "For now, we can just sit and wait until further instructions. Herman should arrive tomorrow sometime. Which brings up another question...Where have you guys been staying?" A goofy grin came upon Van's face. "We've been wondering in the streets for three hours!" For his slightly stupid actions Van receive two head wacks from Irvine and giggles from Moonbay as she led them toward the Zoid hanger. The hanger was usually dark, it was only 10:00 after all. Moonbay opened the door and found another note from Vicky: **Went to bed early, Dad's gonna be here in the morning. Help yourselves to the frig.!** "Looks like Herman's coming right on time."Moonbay set the note down.Irvine nodded and headed to the refrigerator, his head disappeared behind the door. "So Vicky is Herman's daughter then? I never knew he had a kid." Van stared awestruck and followed Irvine to the food.Fiona smiled and took a seat at the table next to Moonbay. ...........................later................................ The four of them soon went off to bed; tomorrow was going to be an interesting day. Van and Fiona wished Irvine and Moonbay good night and the two groups split off into the hallways.Moonbay and Irvine walked quietly down the hallway relaxing at the fact that all the bandits were captured. The transporter girl slowed to a stop at her door, Irvine did the same. She turned her head slightly and gazed up at his stern face."You always have the mercenary look on you right?" She playfully removed his eye patch and Irvine caught here hand. "You would be killed by a mercenary for that." A smirk tugged at this lips. "What you gonna do about it?" "Leave you." He replied simply and turned to walk away. "_What was that?" _Her mind asked him in a sarcastic tone. Moonbay flushed, "Without saying good night?!" Irvine stopped, his face smirking and his eyes gleaming. "No..." he said slowly and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Night Moonbay." She watched him walk into the dark hallway with a smile on her mouth. ..............................Next Morning................................. The four of them sat silently around the living room, sipping coffee. All were up before sun rise or in Irvine's case, an hour after it. Herman hadn't shown up yet and Vicky left early. So, sitting around and waiting for directions was the only option. Van and Fiona sat by each other; Fiona munching on a muffin and Van enjoying his papaya. Moonbay sighed and drank more coffee. She eventually sat back on couch. Irvine was leaning back on the sofa, his eyes closed, sipping coffee. His arm sat on the upper part of the couch behind Moonbay. Fiona glanced at the couple on the couch. _"Am I missing something?,"_ she thought with a little grin. The clock chimed 7:00 and a knock came at the door. Vicky, with a smile on her face, walked in with a very merry, "Good morning!" Her greeting was replied by a 'hey' and a cheery 'morning' from Irvine and Moonbay. Van and Fiona stood and introduced themselves. And within minutes Vicky was already laying out their day. "Dad's already down by the jail. He came in just now with a squad. We have to meet him there and question the bandits. Let's just hope they spit out the right answers." The group got up to leave, Vicky leading, and walked out into the bright summer day. The town was already bustling with life, whether from Herman's arrival or just a regular day Moonbay did not know, but the five of them made their way through the crowds to the Blackfire jail. The jail itself was plain enough. Two stories high and made out of grey bricks with a flat roof. The windows were barred; the walls outside had a 'wanted' poster or two posted on them but they were mostly covered in 'town announcements'. However, Moonbay's eye caught a strange sight. A Halo Tech. Zaber Fang glowed in the sun light just behind the building. _"Woah, is that the same one that I saw in the desert?"_ She was about to open her mouth to question but Vicky answered it for her. "I almost forgot." She stopped them right outside the door. "The squad picked up a guy in the desert on their way here. Apparently, he as 'worked' for the Republic Army before so my dad 'trusts' him. The reason they brought him here is because he has some experience with bandits and 'knows how they think, so he will be useful to us'". Vicky quoted Herman on that one. "That's his Zoid out back, just incase you were wondering who the heck had a Zoid like that." Moonbay nodded as Vicky spun around and pushed open the heavy door. To the right was a desk, the officer snoozing on the job, to the left, spiral stairs, and ahead of them was the hallway of prison cells. Not many were filled, the most of the criminals were probably just shop lifters or something like that. Not many serious felony-law-breakers here. The group made their way to the back and entered another room. A single table sat in the middle, with two chairs, one on each side. Only two other people were present in the square room, Herman, who was greeted with salutes from everyone plus a hug from Vicky and another man standing against the wall. Herman cleared his throat and gestured toward the man in the corner, "This is Shirotaka. He'll be helping us with questioning the bandits and possibly finding the Geno Breaker." Everyone's attention went to Shirotaka but, he remained silent. He was dressed in desert clothes, long pants but a short sleeve shirt. A black head band kept his spiky, white hair out of his eyes. Shirotaka's eyes were aqua colored and hardly visible behind the yellow tips of his hair. The Zaber's piolet had a serious, lean face. On his hands he wore gloves with the finger tips missing and his boots were covered in dust and mud. He carried his gun on his side and a bandana hung loosely from his neck. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and looked more like a bandit than the ones Moonbay and Irvine had been capturing. An awkward silence fell over the group. When Shirotaka finally looked up he said simply, "Shiro, just Shiro. The onlypeople who called me Shirotaka are dead." He took another state of silence and Herman didn't ask any questions. (A.N.: Just in case anyone was wondering, Shirotaka means White Hawk in Japanese...And I did shorten it to Shiro because Shirotaka is a pretty long name. But I have no idea what Shiro means, if anything...) "Ok," Herman started, "We'll have Shiro here question the bandits first. Everyone else into the other room while I escort the bandit here." The group walked out, Vicky and Moonbay glancing at Shiro before they left. "Dad, you sure we can trust that guy? And why is he the one questioning the guy; he doesn't work for the army." Vicky asked Herman in a rush. "Easy. Shiro has lived in the desert for a long time, he has experience with bandits-," Vicky interrupted with the sarcastic remark: "That's because he is one.." Herman glared and continued, "and he says he has a way with getting the needed information." He added, "Believe me, I've worked with him before, Shiro knows what he's doing." Vicky sighed and shrugged as the five of them walked into the observation room. Herman left to get the man in question. ..............TA-DAH!................................................. Well, ta-dah! I stopped there because, well, I gotta get this posted and I need a pick up for the next chapter. If anyone was confused with the 'observation' room thing...It's that room where people sit and watch the criminal be questioned. But the criminal can't see them..If that made any sense...anyway, please review as always and once again sorry for the long wait! -randomcat23 8. Taking Action or Not WHOOO! A new chapter; that's always good news. I have gone back and revised chapters 1-7. Changed a few spelling errors and smoothed out some conversation issues. Read them if you want, no big changes were made. Thank you thank you to all reviewers! hanyouwolf: jumps up and down eating Pixie Stick Thankies! Glad to here that I'm keeping everyone in character...I mean sometimes I'll just sit there and go: "That doesn't sound very Irvine-ish." So hearing that really made my day! Midnight Blue Star: Thanks for the constant reviewing! I appreciate it! MagCat: Thankies a bunch and we'll just have to see what comes out of the couples you mentioned... IrvineSano: Thank-y thank-y! Glad you like Shiro. And thanks for the Japanese translations! I found Shiro's name on a random 'Japanese words' site. Lol Disclaimer: If I owned Zoids, Irvine and Moonbay would have their own season. But, it's obvious that they don't have their own season so that means I don't own Zoids. ...Chapter 8... The jail room was filled to the brim with silence. No one moved, no one talked. The bandit sat quietly in a metal chair and set his jaw straight-calling a challenge to the man across the room. The white-haired pilot stood against the wall, ignoring the bandit. He had seen this thing before: the person being questioned remained in a defiant state that said: "You'll never get anything out of me." Of course, all of them had been wrong to underestimate his skills. Shiro straightened, walked over the small table and glared at the bandit straight in the eyes. "Let's get this over with. Make things easy for you and for me." He placed a hand on the table, never taking his eyes off the man in front of him. "Why were you and your buddies in the desert?" "I got the right to remain silent," the bandit spat. "You can't get anything out of me." Shiro raised an eyebrow. "Actually, you have no right to remain silent, not in here anyway. And I will get the answers I want out of you, one way or another." The bandit glared and smirked, "You're a cocky kid." "And you're a stubborn old bastard. Now that introductions are over, answer the questions." He had no patients what-so-ever. "Do you even know why we have you in here?" "You have no proof that we were destroying property of the Blackfire citizens." "I never said that you did, but thanks for bringing that up, that's an interesting point you said. Were you destroying property?" All the bandit replied with was silence and a deathly glare. Shiro produced a piece of paper from his pants' pockets and glanced at it. "So, how about those answers, eh Mr. Greg Smithton?" Shiro's face was unreadable as he stared at the desert pilot. "Who's Greg Smithton?" was the calm reply. "You don't know? That's the man your Zoid is licenced to. And that's the name we got from the citizens of this city when we brought around a picture. If you don't know who that is, then you must of...should I say.." "I didn't steal it if that's what you thinking," the bandit retorted hotly. "Well, if you're not Greg Smithton, then what are you doing with his Zoid?" Shiro continued to play the innocent questioner a little more. Trap the bandits up in their own words. His fingers drummed the table in a constant rhythm. Time pasted. Trapped in a corner, the bandit remained silent. Finally giving in the bandit sighed. Looked like he was going to jail anyway. "What do you want?" _Not like I'll tell him anything important._ "I already asked what I want. What were you doing in the desert? Your Zoids are more powerful than they should be. And who are you taking orders from?" Shiro's sharp gaze held Greg's eyes. "Answer me." "What do you think you'll get out of me? If I say nothing, how are you and your little army gonna stop whatever we have going on?" "They'll find a way. So, let's continue." He pulled a small object from his pocket and rolled it over with his gloved fingers. "What is this?" His sarcastic remark told the other man he already knew what was in his hand. His eyes opened wide. "Where did you get that? You take that off my Zoid?" Shiro's eyes narrowed as he shrugged. "Found it on the Zoid of yours. Didn't belong there and looked suspicious. Where did you get it?" He waited a minute. "Where did you get this Panthra X-5 artifact?" Police officers dragged the bandit into a cell under Shiro's watch. When the white haired man turned his head, he smirked as Greg threw a few curses his way. He walked over to where the group was standing and said to Herman, "Wasn't what I expect. Couldn't get everything out of him. Whoever is paying them or their leader is respected a whole lot. Even when I mentioned him being paid to help us, he remained silent." Herman nodded, "Well, we now know what kind of man to look for." He turned to a solider and ordered, "Have a list made up of all people with authority who know of the Panthra X-5. Bring it to me pronto." The solider raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to ask something when Herman interrupted. "Yes, yes I know it's a broad and difficult task, but get to it." With a salute the man was off. Herman was then called off to a pack of soldiers and left the group standing there. Shiro began to walk away when Vicky stopped him. "Where do you think you're going? Herman told me to have to stay at the hanger. Your job is not done here." Shiro glanced at her with his ice eyes, turned back around, and walked over to his Zoid. "Who does he think he is? That was an order from Herman, not me. Jerk. How did we get stuck with him." She sighed. "I guess we should head back to the hanger. There's gonna be a meeting for you, Van, and the other soldiers, in about an hour, so you might want to get a bit to eat or something. Moonbay and Irvine, you're free to do anything you want I guess." Vicky shrugged and walked back to the hanger where Shiro and his rare Saber Fang were waiting. Van and Fiona soon followed after, leaving Irvine and Moonday in the dusty road. Irvine glanced down at Moonbay with his one eye and asked, "So, what you wanna do?" "You're asking me? Um, how about a walk? Give us a chance to sort all this out." She looked up at him thoughtfully. "So we can 'sort all this out'?" He laughed. "If you say so," and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and lead her out of town. The sun blazed over the bear land bringing heat, wind, and clouds. Irvine and Moonbay found themselves sitting under a small group of palm trees by a pond. Hands linked, Moonbay's small one against Irvine's calloused hand, the two sat in silence. Moonbay leaned on his broad shoulder and gazed over the land thinking of nothing. She glanced up at his face, taking in Irvine's features. Everything from his straight mouth to wild hair, Moonbay took it all in. He seemed deep in thought; probably over this crazy mission. "Irvine, what are we going to do about this?" "About what?" "Come on, the whole Panthra X-5 thing. This is our mission after all." He didn't answer, and at that point, Irvine stood and tossed a pebble into the pond. He scratched his head and looked down at her. "Personally, I don't care what we do. The army's here, let them deal with it." Leaning against a tree trunk he waited for her reply. "You don't care?" She was dumbfounded. "How could you not? This is almost as big as the Deathsaurer." She turned away, "It's another possible world disaster. And we're already wrapped up in it." Moonbay asked again, her hair falling onto her face, "What are we going to do about this?" "Like I said, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, we should leave and go back to Dee's office." "Why are you not jumping at this opportunity?" To her surprised, he laughed and threw his arms out in questioning, "Moonbay, since when do I like being caught up in government affairs? I'm not ready to commit to what they want. I don't want what they offer. They want me to take up a job. Look at me. I'm a mercenary; That's all I am. I'm not Van. I don't like the publicity." His dark eyes looked away, "I'm ready to go back to just doing quick jobs. Back to mercenary missions and living a low profile life. It may be selfish, but I want to get away from all this." Moonbay stood up, walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Irvine, we have to do something though; this is big. And they need you." Her eyes held his. "I need you to help." Irvine glanced down at her, "I hate being pulled and tied down by responsibility. You know that." Her stare continued and he sighed. "But this time, I'll stay but, just because," he smirked and lowered his head to be level with hers, "a persistent transporter girl asked me to." His muscular arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her closer to his chest. "Do I get any reward for listening?" His mouth formed a playful smile. Moonbay raised her eyebrows at him, "I could find something. . ." She brought her lips to his and they kissed. When they parted, Moonbay laughed and grabbed Irvine's hand, leading him away. "Come on, we have to get back." "But, I am just fine right here." Irvine pretended to whine, but chased after Moonbay's laughing form. Quickly, he caught up to her and scooped her up in his arms. While walking back to the town, Irvine fought a struggling Moonbay who was trying to escape his firm grip. Setting her down firmly, he stated, "You can't break free. I win." "You think you won the war? That was only a battle." She flipped her hair in his face and smiled. "I'm hungry, let's go eat and check up on everyone." The pair continued onto the hanger with Irvine taunting Moonbay playfully. Upon reaching the hanger, Vicky, Van, Fiona, and Herman stepped out. Herman cleared his throat and said, "We have a plan to capture the Geno Saurer and hopefully solve this mystery." "Well what is it?" Irvine demanded. "Van, what you doing now?" Van looked at Irvine, "Not what I'm doing. The proper question is 'What are you doing'." "What the hell you talking about?" Irvine searched the faces of all the present group members. "I have no part in this." Rob Herman stepped forward and said, "Actually, you and your Zoid are the only way we can do anything." The Saix's pilot's eye narrowed and he almost yelled, "So you're saying that you want me to hunt the Geno Saurer?" "That was the main idea." Van tossed a rolled up paper into Irvine's hands and said, "You're the only one who can." ...end... Woo. Ack, not sure if I like this chapter. -- But I had to write something. Anyways, reviews are welcome and appreciated as always. Well, until next time! -randomcat23 9. His Turn I think the story is winding down; should be over in a few more chapters. But what do I know? Anyways, mucho gracias to all reviewers! (Much thanks!) You people make me so happy. **MagCat**: Yep, it's Irvine's time to shine. Um, yea, I was thinking about putting in some Raven/Reese but I wasn't sure of all their personality traits and quirks. I have forgotten a lot of things. (Runs off to read some R/R fics.) Thanks for the review and I'll keep you posted. **HanyouWolfe**: BROWNIES! (Munch munch) Thankies! Lol. I'm glad I'm keeping everyone IC. You'll have to let me know if anyone goes off into OOC-la-la-land. Thanks again! You're awesome! **Midnight Blue Star**: Thanks so much for your wonderful review! You rock. **Katt**: Woot! We click! Yep, Kyo rocks my sox! Yea, I love s-CRY-ed, but I haven't even watched the whole thing yet! And thanks for the anime suggestion. I'm always looking for a new one to try out! But anyways, thanks for the review! **IrvineSano**: Lol, I understood what you were saying in the first review, but no problem. Thanks for your review; they're always encouraging. Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Zoids. But I own this nifty computer into which I put my ideas and out pops this story. (...Chapter 9...) Irvine clenched the piece of paper and glared at the officers in front of him. Finding no words to say, he unrolled the scrap of paper and looked it over. It contained a detailed overview of the plan the army drew up. Reading the writing carefully, Irvine came to understand the ideas. Basically, the army would form a large barrier around the city limits. Zoids would stand no more than 10 meters apart; a large unpassable fence. This, hopefully, would trap the Geno Breaker, and it would only be a matter of time before it could be shot down. To complete the plan, Irvine and his Lightning Saix would stay in the middle and chase down, fight, and destroy the rouge zoid. "Why me and the Saix?" "Because, your Zoid is the only one fast enough to catch the Geno Breaker as long as it has the artifacts attached to its body." Van pointed at the crude drawing. "You will the only one able to keep up." Irvine stopped him, "No, I fought that thing the other day and I was no match for its speed. Not even the Saix can keep up with the thing." Van looked at him, "Well this is where we need your cooperation." Irvine raised an eyebrow and Van corrected himself. "Well, this is where we want more of your cooperation. We were hoping you would allow us to place a artifact on the Saix just for the battle, so that your speed would surpass that of the Geno Breaker. The Geno Breaker would be drawn to the artifact on your Saix and therefore bring it out of hiding." Staring at the officers, Irvine weighed his options. Shrugging he began, "Are there any after effects of using the artifacts?" Herman shook his head, "Not as far as we know. As long as the pilot is capable and knows how to use it, nothing is effected. The bandits were unsuccessful there; but I doubt you will be." The Saix's pilot pondered his answer. For some reason, the old woman, Nami, popped into his head and repeated what she had said to him, something about how he's not met to be just a mercenary. . . . Shaking the image out of his mind, Irvine spoke, "Well, in that case, I'll do your assignment but, I want to be paid for this. My services don't come without a price." Herman was dumbstruck, "You want paid for saving the city?" "Hell yeah, I didn't ask to be the hero. And don't the officers get paid for actions? I may not be an official part of the army, but sure as hell, it feels like I am. We can discuss the amount later. Right now I have other obligations." And with that Irvine turned, walked away from the group and headed for the hanger. Moonbay followed, wanting to here his thoughts. Irvine's face displayed a smirk as he opened the door and stepped into the shaded building. Returning to the kitchen he pulled out a beer and a plate of leftovers out of the fridge and sat down. Moonbay walked in after him and did the same. "You're actually going to go with this Irvine? Just an hour ago you were complaining about this whole mission." He looked up and swallowed. "I changed my mind. Or, I realized I do care enough to help the army out. They were basically pleading with me to cooperate and now I get paid for this." He laughed. "Herman's face was priceless." "Always obsessing over money, aren't you?" "Not always, Moonbay." He gave her a sideways glance as he got up, left the dirty dishes on the table, and moved into the living room. She sighed and walked along with him. Irvine had seated himself on the couch, leaning back with his eye closed. Moonbay, suddenly feeling sneaky, snuck behind him and untied his red bandana. His hand caught her wrist, without him turning around. "Moonbay why do you insist on taking everything off my head?" Moonbay giggled, "Because it annoys you." She tried to escape his grasp but it proved impossible. "Irvine, let go." "And if I don't? What's the almighty Moonbay gonna do about it?" His free hand attempted to find the bandana but, Moonbay ducked and dodged. "I'm not giving it back." "Hah." He snorted and gripped her other arm. Flipping her over the back of the couch in one fluid movement she landed on his lap. He laughed at her and the scowl that formed on her face. "Don't be mad at me, Moonbay. You asked for it." "And you asked for this," she leaned to his face as if she was going to kiss him, but slapped him over the head instead. While he was recovering, she got up and run across the room, still holding the bandana proudly. "Almighty Moonbay has done it again!" Irvine gave her a death glare and jumped up off the couch. He run around the room to Moonbay, snaked his arm around her waist, and held both wrists in one hand. The Saix pilot then proceeded to bring her hand with the bandana in it to his mouth take back the stolen article with his teeth and released her. "Never again." "Irvine you're no fun." Moonbay pretended to pout. "Sounds like a personal problem." As he finished his sarcastic remark he tied the bandana around his head and gave it a tug. Moonbay walked over and laughed. She wrapped his arms around her and rested her head on his chest. "Do me a favor, ok? Be careful with that mission they're giving you. I know I'll have to be there too, but you're in the middle of it all." His grey eyes rested on her. "Don't worry so much about me. It'll be over before it starts." Lifting her head he caught her own eyes. "Then we can finally get out of here." Moonbay lifted her hand to trace his jaw line. "That's a promise you must keep." "Yeah, yeah. Don't think too much of it." He walked back toward the couch. Moonbay, scowled at him and decided to take matters into her own hands. She walked up to him, stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his. His warm lips responded and kissed her back, a smirk forming on them. At that moment Van, Fiona, and Vicky barged into the room. Van with a amazed look on his face, Fiona smiling, and Vicky laughing. The couple broke apart and glared at the trio. The result was a yelling contest. "What the hell is your problem, Van!" Irvine yelled at the younger man. "When the hell did you guys get together!" "Why does it matter!" Irvine shot back. "Are you keeping track of our personal lives!" "Van calm down. We said it would probably happen anyway right?" Fiona said. Van regained his composer, "Yeah, well it was just surprising." "Well, since you took so long to get here, you missed a few things." Irvine said simply. "It wasn't exactly our fault we were late. Herman gave orders." Vicky stepped in. "Ha, about that. I was the one who asked Herman to have you guys disappear on side missions. I knew these guys," she indicated Irvine and Moonbay, "had something for each other. And I thought if you guys showed up I figured it might screw up the chance of a get together." The four of them looked at her, "REALLY?" They all said in unison. "Yea, it didn't do any harm. The bandits needed to be caught anyway before we could proceed with catching the Geno Breaker and that was the reason the army was coming so, I figured I could persuade Dad to keep Van and Fiona busy." "It all makes sense now." Van nodded his head, thinking. "You've got to be kidding me, Vicky." Moonbay stared in disbelief. "You got Herman to surrender to your will?" "Of course! It's easy once you give him the pleading eyes and the whole: 'You'll be the best dad in the whole, wide, world' speech. Anyways, sorry to burst your bubbles but we should be getting into bed. It all starts tomorrow. And now I have to go locate Shiro; that guy sure is good at disappearing." She ran off yelling Shiro's name at the top of her lungs, hoping to have him crawl out of a hole or something. From outside, the four of them heard: "DAMN IT WOMAN!" Shiro's raging voice echoed, "I'M RIGHT HERE, SHUT UP!" "Well, if you didn't hide under a rock every time we stopped talking to you, I wouldn't have to scream your name." Vicky answered. "What do you want anyway?" Shiro regained his steady tone. "You gotta . . ." Vicky and him walked away toward the army tents and the conversation was out of earshot. "They would make an interesting couple." Van said thoughtfully. Moonbay and Fiona nodded in agreement as Irvine rolled his eyes. Van and Fiona said their good-nights. Van glanced at Irvine and Moonbay, tilting his head in thought. "Van. Go. Away." In response to Irvine's demand, the Blade Ligar pilot ran off after Fiona. Moonbay laughed and looked back at Irvine. He was stretching his arm out and then flexed his hands. Turning his grey eyes to hers he said, "I guess I'm going to turn in too." Moonbay nodded and said her good-nights. But not before running up behind him and placing a kiss on his cheek. She glanced back at him as she turned back toward her own room to see him giving her a death glare. The transporter girl laughed and went to bed. (...Morning...) As soon as the sun peaked over the horizon, everything was set into action. Irvine, Moonbay, Van, and Fiona all sat around the kitchen table eating a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Vicky stood by the sink washing dishes. Shiro sat in a corner with his eyes closed. Nobody talked. A knock came at the door and Herman walked in, dressed for battle. Everyone in the room got up and walked outside. Herman gave the last of the orders as the officers took their places. Irvine glanced at the sky. Not a cloud in sight; it was pure blue. _"Kinda ironic, isn't it?"_ Van chatted with Herman and then he and Fiona raced off to the Blade Ligar, who waited patiently beside a building. Vicky had disappeared into her hanger and returned in her Command Wolf. The Zoid ran around the building and sprinted off to it's position in the wall. Moonbay glanced at Irvine. He looked back at her, "It'll be interesting trying to find the damn thing. I can't even see the border of the 'Zoid wall'". Sounds too much like hide and seek to me." Moonbay nodded, searching the area. _"All the townspeople must have been ordered to stay indoors."_ Herman called for the two of them and gestured for them to meet him. He stood next to a tall Republic officer with the same rank as Herman himself. His black hair was trimmed short and he had a sarcastic-looking smile. He had a pair of odd colored eyes; they were golden in color with specks of red. The officer also gave off a commanding presence. "Before we head off, I thought you should meet General Alex Kuro. He's been trying to find the person who hired and organized the bandits." Kuro nodded and smiled. "Didn't have much luck though." His conversation subject quickly changed, "But, is it true that you are the mercenary with the rare, powerful Lightning Saix? It must be nice having such a great Zoid. The army gave it to you even though you are not a officer?" Irvine narrowed his eye. "Yeah. It's just great." The Saix's pilot was wary of this general. "But if you'll excuse me, I'm expected else where." As he turned to go, Irvine placed a single hand on Moonbay's shoulder, pausing for a moment. He caught her eyes for a second and left. Moonbay looked back at Herman and Kuro. "Where am I posted, Herman?" He then pointed and gave the last directions. Moonbay walked off toward her Zoid. _"What will this day bring? And how are we going to find the bandit organizer?"_ (...Over with Irvine...) As Irvine arrived at his Zoid, Shiro stood against its leg with a serious look on his face. "I have the artifact for your Zoid. If you'll just get in, we can continue with this." Irvine nodded and the Saix lowered its head. Irvine strapped himself in and looked at Shiro. "Move into the Zoid wall. And then I'll put the artifact in place." Gripping the controls, Irvine ran the Lightning Saix into the border. Shiro soon followed in his own Zoid. Jumping out, Shiro walked up to the Saix. Irvine lowered the Saix's body and Shiro climbed up onto its back. Placing the artifact in a secure spot, Shiro noticed how it seemed to fit perfectly around the Lightning Saix's parts. With the job done, he dropped and nodded to Irvine. Irvine nodded back and closed the cockpit. Taking a deep breath, Irvine started up the Zoid and quickly noticed how fluid the controls were. The response was unbelievable. Outside, Shiro watched the stabilizers and gears glow for a second and then resume regular color. It's eyes glowed bright orange. The Saix gave a roar as Shiro jumped into his Zaber Fang. An adrenaline rush came over Irvine. His hands were tight on the controls as he waited for Herman's command. _"I can't wait to see what the Saix can do now."_ He smirked, excitement taking over. With a beep, Herman's face popped up on the communication screen and said, "We're ready when you are." "Then let's go." Irvine turned the controls and the Zoid raced off with unbelievable speed and control. He raced around rock formations and canyons all the way to the city limits and turned around again. The force of the speed pushed Irvine straight back into his chair. Trying out the gun, he shot a large boulder cluster, blowing them all into sand grain size. Irvine then turned on the speed boosters and within seconds was at the other end of the wall. Amazed, Irvine breathed out and laughed. "The Geno Breaker doesn't have a chance in hell." (End Chapter 9) Alrighty, you guys know what to do! Click that button down there and review! It's much appreciated! Until next time. . . randomcat23 10. The Terror Ended And here we stand at chapter 10! Yay. (Second to last chapter.) **MagCat**- Wootness! Thanks a bunch. Lol. Shiro/Vicky? I sure was planing on it! We'll see how far the relationship gets in this fic. . . **AntiMusicMan**- Glad you liked the mixture of everything, it's hard getting a balance between all aspects of the fic. **IrvineSano**- I'm so glad the I/M scenes are 'real'. I didn't want to sap-the-crap out of them. Thankies. **secretperson-ShadowLiger**- Thanks for the nice review. I do plan on putting lots more fluff; maybe not in this fic, but in the sequel. (Seeing that this fic is coming to a close) **HanyouWolfe**- Yay for your review! thankies bunches. **The-Fiona**- Aw thankies! You reviewed every chapter in one review! Sweet. Yes, as you can see I fixed the 'large paragraph problem' with the dialogue. Thanks for telling me though. Glad you like it! **Disclaimer: **I don't own zoids. But I do own some nice, orange, fuzzy, slippers. (Chapter 10) An hour had passed since the beginning of the operation. The rouge Zoid still hadn't shown itself, nor had anyone found it. Van drummed his fingers and stared at the radar. He half expected it to go off yet, it remained silent. He would complain but, this was one of those missions that required patience and reflexes as quick as a cat. The Blade Liger's pilot suddenly realized he wasn't doing a good job at having either qualities. (...>...>...>...>...) Gripping the controls with one hand and propping her head up with the other, Vicky waited. Her body was tense but her eyes drooped. She had watched Irvine run past a few times and was amazed at the power the Lightning Saix had gained. _"Let's just hope it's enough to take down the Geno Breaker."_ She scanned the surrounding area. Nobody had moved out of position; the wall held strong. Even Raven showed up with Reese and her Zoid. The sun had just passed the noon point when her communication screen beeped. "Not sleeping are you?" Shiro asked. "Of course not. Who could be in a time like this?" She noticed his body's position. "What are you doing? You wanna get yourself killed?" With his arms linked behind his head and his body in a lax position, he raised an eyebrow at her. "Whatever." Vicky made a face. "When do you think this will be over? Isn't it odd that the Geno Breaker hasn't shown up yet?" "Maybe." He looked at her. "Put it this way. Do these army operations ever go the way you want them to?" She laughed slightly, "No, I suppose they don't." She ran a hand absentmindedly through her hair. "How do you think that Irvine will fare in this battle?" Shiro flexed his hand. "Well, I have no idea how good that guy is; I've never seen him fight before." He paused, "But I do know that the bandits fixed up the Geno Breaker with multiple artifacts before we caught them all. It's going to be an extremely difficult battle for anyone with the added strength. So if General Herman thinks Irvine is up to the job, then I'd say we have nothing to worry about." (...>...>...>...>...) The Saix made another loop around the area and yet again found nothing. Irvine's body was alert and read to take action. As he slowed the zoid to a walk, Herman's face appeared on the screen. Herman gave a command, "Take a look around the rock formations. It might be hiding in one of the caves. I was afraid it might come to hide and seek, but give it a shot." "Sure." And the Saix leaped off to the rocks, heading closer toward the center of the circle; closer to Blackfire itself. Veering off to the left, Irvine passed the city and right up to the ominous grouping of desert rock. The rock was jagged in most places and stretched out for over two miles. It hooked around the city in a crescent shape but, never came closer than hundred yards to the buildings. The Saix walked into one of the many pathways in-between the rocks, hardly fitting. Irvine frowned. _"It'll be hard to fight in a place like this. How the hell did a big bulky Zoid like the Geno Breaker get in here?" _Lifting his head, Irvine looked up and around trying to find a possible hiding space for the red zoid. Nothing but steep, cave-less walls. At the opening ahead of him, the walls spread out creating a small arena shaped clearing. It was about the size of two zoids across and maybe three zoids long. His senses alert, Irvine gripped the controls tightly and stepped into the clearing. His eye traced the edges of the area; only smooth, rocky walls met his glance. Shrugging, Irvine decided to move on as a shadow passed over head and made a loud _crash-thunk_. "Dammit." Irvine spun the Lightning Saix around as quick as possible to face the 'shadow'. His eyes widened in surprise and he took in a breath. Silver claws stretched out, reaching for the Saix. The large red body moved as it's large, powerful legs took a step closer. The Geno Breaker's gleaming eyes focused on its target and let out a roar. It's toothy mouth almost seemed to form a grin. A sick, predator grin. The artifacts attached to its body faintly glowed, slightly giving away their positions. Irvine frowned as he tried to watch the red zoid as well as find an escape. _"I won't be able to fight in here, even with the power boost the Saix has. I just caged myself in. Dammit."_ The Geno Breaker had no time to sit there and wait for its prey to escape. It wanted the artifact on its back and was prepared to do anything to get it. The more artifacts the better; it meant more power. The red demon readied an attack and struck out at the awaiting zoid. Thrusting the controls forward, Irvine took a chance and had the Saix leap clear over the Geno Breaker's head and clawed at the wall. The Lightning Saix's claws dug into the rock and began to climb. The plan was to have the Geno Breaker follow him out into the open. And Irvine had hunch that the Geno Breaker would follow him to the ends of the planet for the artifact. Upon reaching the top, the Saix jumped off the rock walls and down behind it. An aggravated roar echoed through the area as the Geno Breaker hovered above the clearing and came down in front of the Saix. Irvine was now in-between a wall and a pitiless monster. _"Now that we're on the opposite side of the city, the real battle can begin."_ Irvine needed agility, strength and every single ounce of skill in his body to pull this off. Tightening his hold on the controls, the Saix leaped and aimed for the Geno Breaker's neck. In a quick reaction, the enemy zoid swung its mighty claws out at the Saix's head. The Lightning Saix's head swerved to the right, dodging the would-be-fatal attack and managed to scrape the armor on the Geno Breaker's face. Scratch marks ran from the eye to the lower neck as Irvine landed and turned to face the angered zoid. Smirking slightly, he shut off the communication screen (no need for distractions) and launched another attack from behind. Rage filled the red zoid's eyes and it swung its tail at the Saix and sent it flying. Dust flew everywhere as Irvine's zoid landed on its side. He shook his head and dodged another attack and then retaliated. A shot rang out over the land as a piece of artifact fell off the Geno Breaker's leg, causing it to loose balance. Unable to admit defeat, it shot at the Saix, but missed as the Saix's amazing speed carried its body to a safe distance. "_I'll have to finish this quickly." _Irvine thought, breathing hard. _"Only five more artifacts to go."_ He prepared to attack again, eager to dig the Lightning Saix's claws deep into the Geno Breaker's body. He was ready to destroy the damn thing, even if he would have to listen to Raven's complaints and wrath later. _"Let's finish this."_ By that time, the Geno Breaker was on his feet once again and anchored its feet to the dry desert ground. Irvine's eyes widened in shock as the enemy prepared to fire a charged particle beam. _"How does it expect to hit me when I have the speed that I do?" _He looked at it again and swore."Dammit." The Geno Breaker shot with ease, missed and yet was ready to fire again. "Damn all artifacts to hell," Irvine spat as he dodged again. "They give the Geno Breaker too much power." Lifting his head in surprise, he watched the Geno Breaker cut off its attack and sprint away in the opposite direction. "Where the hell does it think it's going?" He pushed the Lightning Saix forward and within seconds caught up with escaping zoid. By this time they were close enough to the zoid wall to make anyone nervous. The Geno Breaker stopped, meters away from the wall and let out an annoyed growl. How dare they try and stop its rampage! (...>...>...>...>...) Her Command Wolf growled as Vicky's eyes widened when she spotted the Geno Breaker charging. Grabbing the seat belts, she quickly strapped herself in and pulled up Shiro on her screen. "You better be awake over there Shiro." "Please, like I would actually pass up a chance like this." His Saber clawed the ground restlessly. "When do we get to attack?" He asked eagerly. "As soon as Herman gives the command. Irvine is already on top of things so, we just play 'the wall' until something actually goes wrong." She bit her lip, distressed at the fact that she couldn't do anything right now. Shiro's ever-calm voice broke her silence. "Call up your other friends. Make sure they're not sleeping." His voice dripped with sarcasm. Vicky licked her lips. "They aren't the kind of people who would." "Oh, so it was only me who would fall asleep?" A slightly amused smirk formed on his face. "Yeah." (...>...>...>...>...) Van and Fiona sat in the Blade Ligar watching Irvine battle the Geno Breaker. The speed and power of the battle was insane. It was unnatural for anything to be like that. Van was amazed that the zoids didn't fall apart from so much power coursing through their bodies. Fiona laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and he gripped it with a grin. Fiona's worry increased as soon as she saw the rampaging Geno Breaker. _"Why would it suddenly charge the wall? None of us have any artifacts. The Lightning Saix is its opponent."_ She continued to mull this thoughts over in her mind and mentally prepared herself for the possibility that the Geno Breaker would try and destroy the wall. (...>...>...>...>...) The Lightning Saix rammed the Geno Breaker and dug it's teeth deep into the side armor. The black zoid's back legs anchored itself to the ground as it ripped another artifact off the enemy's body. The Geno Breaker's eyes glowed with fury and it brought its arm down on the Saix's head, pinning it to the ground. Irvine pushed the controls quickly and released himself from the red demon's grasp. _"I have to get it away from everyone. It's to dangerous to have it running around here."_ He charged the Geno Breaker again, knocking it back several yards. The Geno Breaker seemed prepared for this because it then shot quickly, tearing off the leg armor on the Saix's front right leg. Irvine frowned in disgust and launched another attack, head-butting the Geno Breaker. The two zoids slowly moved away from the wall and closer to the rock canyons and natural walls. Irvine could feel the Saix's pain. It responded as quickly as in the beginning but he could tell its body ached. The same could be said for him. The mercenary's head throbbed and his arms protested against movement. Ignoring all aches and pains, Irvine chased after the Geno Breaker once more. The Geno Breaker continued to dodge all of the Saix's shots. It, on the other hand, made an increasing amount of shots and roared in delight. It seemed his opponent was slowing down. The sooner the better. Another artifact would soon be in its claws. Of course, recollecting the artifacts that the Saix ripped off would happen after the battle was over and the Saix remained on the ground, lifeless. Using its speed the Lightning Saix raced around the artifact-infused zoid and landed another shot on an artifact. It shattered and the pieces fell to the ground disappearing forever into the sandy dust. "Three more to go." Irvine smirked as the Geno Breaker let out anther cry. It's rage was increasing and the Geno Breaker grew tired of the Saix's threats. Once again the two battling zoids were against the rock wall that separated them from the city on the other side. Turning its head quickly the Geno Breaker saw it's tail swish against the rocks. It turned back to the Lightning Saix and sneered. Irvine was breathing hard and his arms started to shake. _"How much longer can my body withstand this?"_ He leaned forward and shot at the wild zoid, hitting it dead on. While it stood confused, Irvine tackled it once again and slashed and clawed at any part of the Geno Breaker that he could get his hands on. At such close range the Geno Breaker was at a disadvantage, so this was the most reasonable way to attack the powerful creature. The Saix crushed a few more pieces of armor, leaving the Geno Breaker with only its head and tail fully protected. A sudden movement from the enemy, however, took Irvine off guard and the raging Geno Breaker pinned the Saix to the ground on its side. Irvine was slammed around in the cockpit, even with the seat belts tightly fastened. He felt a sticky liquid, blood, begin to trail down his face. Other cuts and bruises appeared all over his body. The Geno Breaker loved its new place as the dominator of this battle. The Saix was in a helpless position, stuck on its side. The red zoid's silver claws dug deeper into the Lightning Saix's smaller body. It remained in the Geno Breaker's deathly grasp, no matter how much it attempted to squirm. Its head rose as the zoid prepared to finish the Saix off for good. A simple bite on its back where the artifact was in-place would do the trick. Irvine wracked his brain, looking for ideas. If he didn't move soon, this would be the end. The end of all the hard work that he hated but did anyway. And of course the Geno Breaker would then be able to rampage through the whole area, causing destruction and collecting more and more artifacts. His eyes looked sideways and the rock wall caught his eye. An idea struck him, "If I can just, angle the gun. . .it would fire at the rock wall, hopefully causing a rockslide, burying us both." Breathing hard and thinking of the consequences, he said, "There's no other way." Jamming the gun control swiftly he made one last attempt to destroy the Geno Breaker. The gun angled at the Geno Breaker's head and he shot. The Geno Breaker saw the gun's movement and gripped the Saix tighter. As the shot echoed over the area the zoid moved its head out of the way and growled at the attempt to destroy its body. It would give the Saix points for being persistent. Time to finish off the opponent. It leaned forward to take a bite but the sound of rocks made the Geno Breaker turn its head. Thousands of large, tumbling boulders crashed down the side of the wall and were headed straight for the two zoids bodies. The mercenary smirked slightly. The plan did work and even better, it was too late for the Geno Breaker to escape. He awaited the impact with a sigh. Would he even get out of this alive? The impact of the rocks came all to quickly for both zoids. They slammed, battered, and smashed the two enemies, piling up over the bodies. Armor flew off the zoids in pieces and the sound of metal against rock was all that they heard. The Geno Breaker made one last attempt to flee but was crushed under the weight of the rocks. Both zoids were buried within seconds. (...>...>...>...>...) Herman looked up when he heard a loud crashing noise. He brought up several people on the communication screen and tried to find out what happened. Nobody knew. It seemed, whatever happened, was smack-dab in the middle of the area, right around Blackfire. "If you find out anything, let me know." He gave the order and soldiers on the screen saluted and turned them off. Herman sighed. "Irvine, what are you doing?" (...>...>...>...>...) Vicky stared at her screen as Moonbay's face popped up. "You've seen anything, Moonbay?" "Not a bit." Moonbay frowned. "And Irvine blocked us all, so nobody can get any kind of message from him." Her blond friend lowered her eyes. "So, we have a dilemma. Do we stay in formation or do we try and figure out what happened?" Vicky cracked her knuckles. "I hate this." Her gaze looked out over the land. "Same here." Moonbay leaned back in her seat. _"Irvine."_ (...>...>...>...>...) Black. Darkness. His eyes saw nothing. Irvine's body wouldn't move. His whole self felt battered and broken. Even without opening his eyes, he knew he must look like crap. The smell of blood floated through the air. "Aw, hell." His arms wouldn't respond. He flinched at the smallest movement. It was over. The radar was busted but, Irvine could tell nothing was moving outside. The Geno Breaker's reign of terror was over. Even the cushion on his seat didn't take away the aching feeling in his head. His body was limp and helpless. Too tired to do anything, Irvine drifted into an uneasy slumber. (...>...>...) _His ears picked up a loud and powerful roar. Irvine's eyes snapped open, taking in his new surroundings. "Heaven or hell?" His body still wouldn't move; he remained motionless and the pain remained. "Hell." For whatever reason, he laughed. He was still in the cockpit of the Saix, and yet he wasn't. Still he listened for the roar again. "Looks like I failed. The Geno Breaker escaped." Yet he knew that was wrong as soon as he said it. He wasn't awake, yet he felt awake. He was in the cockpit, yet he wasn't at the same time. "What the hell?"_ _Suddenly the rocks were removed from the Lightning Saix's body and it was up on its feet. Irvine looked out, bewildered, and his eyes widened._ _The Panthra X-5, legendary zoid of Blackfire, stood in front of the Saix in all its glory. Its eyes gleamed an unearthly glow, its claws shined. It let out a roar again, and Irvine realized that was the roar he woke up to. _ _As the Panthra's roar faded away, the Saix regained its former strength. Irvine felt it rebuild around him. The armor returned, new as ever. Ammo was restored. The over all body of the Saix became better than it was when the battle began. _ _Irvine looked at the Panthra again and it disappeared. "Always protecting Blackfire, I see." The Saix roared in agreement._ (...>...>...) Irvine shook his head suddenly and opened his eyes. The Saix was in perfect condition, and it was out of the rock pile. Turning his ever-faithful zoid around, he saw the pile of boulders and small specks of red where the Geno Breaker was buried."Go figure." Irvine said in shock. So there really was a Panthra X-5 watching over the city after all. Irvine smirked again. The battle was finally over. The moment was ruined by a sudden rumbling coming from the rock pile. Rocks were sliding down off the pile and more red emerged. The Geno Breaker leaped out of the pile and shook off the rest of the dust and pebbles. "It doesn't know when to die." Irvine gripped the controls and noticed that the Geno Breaker had lost two artifacts in the rockslide. All that was left was the one on its head. "Perfect." He prepared to attack. Now was the time to finish it. The Geno Breaker's body, however, was not in the same condition as the Lightning Saix's. It was worn and busted. Irvine grinned. One final blow was all that was necessary. The Geno Breaker, however, was hardly willing to give up the fight. Tired of playing games, Irvine ran at the enemy as it prepared to fight back. The Saix leaped high in the air and stretched out its claws. The Saix came down, its eyes glaring, and slashed the Geno Breaker's head, sending the last artifact flying. Irvine landed and with one final shot, the Geno Breaker fell with a defeated roar. Its almost armor-less body crumpled to the ground, officially ending the long battle. Irvine breathed out a long breath. He leaned back in the cockpit, still dripping blood and carrying bruises. His eyes closed and he mentally thanked the legendary zoid. Without it, the Geno Breaker's defeat would not have been accomplished. After a moment, Irvine turned on the communication screen and pulled up Herman. Staring at the General Irvine stated, "It's done." (...>...>...) Moonbay smiled and turned off the communication screen. Herman just relayed the newsthat Irvine and the Lightning Saix had finally defeated the Geno Breaker. She let out a sigh of relief. All their hard work finally paid off. They could finally go home together. The transporter girl pushed a button and the cockpit opened. She jumped out and jogged over to Van, Fiona, Vicky and Shiro. Now all they had to do was wait for Irvine. "I knew he could do it." Van said happily with his arm around Fiona's waist. Before anyone else could talk, the Lightning Saix came into view and stopped a few yards in front of them. Moonbay covered her eyes with her hand as dust flew everywhere. The Saix's cockpit opened slowly and the zoid dropped to the ground. Irvine climbed out only to be met with cheers. Gingerly, he made his way down flinching at every move. His foot landed on the ground and he laid a hand on the Saix's leg. A smile crept on his face and he turned to face the crowd of officers and his friends. Moonbay rushed to his side, her hair flying in the wind. Her gentle eyes looked Irvine over and she placed a soft hand on his injured head. She felt the dry blood and several bumps but, he caught her hand before she could ridicule him or worry. "Stop it. I'm fine and the Geno Breaker is finally defeated." It was as if hearing it from Irvine meant more than Herman saying it himself. Right after Irvine finished his sentence the crowd broke out in cheers again and congratulations. More officers jumped out of their zoids and joined the celebration. The whole scene was filled with people patting each other on the back and talk of the whole operation being a success. Van pulled Fiona close to him and planted a kiss on her lips. She hugged him back and the two walked back to the Blade Liger with their hands around each other. Caught up in the moment, Vicky cheered and hugged the nearest person which happened to be Shiro. His arms encircled her body but, his face remained blank. Vicky looked up, blinked, and realized what she just did. She immediately let go of the white haired pilot, turned away and walked stiffly toward her dad, hoping Shiro wouldn't remember the embarrassing moment. Moonbay laughed and watched Vicky walk away, leaving Shiro with an amused look on his face. Irvine brought her closer to him and she laid her head on his broad shoulder. She quickly thought over all the events that happened in the last few days: the battles, the surprises, Irvine. . . Her head was tilted up by his hand and she looked into his grey eyes. He brought his lips to hers and wrapped his arms around her tighter. This kiss made all the battle bruises, injuries and frustrations worth it. Irvine pulled back and ran a hand through her dark hair, watching her face intently. "Come here Irvine." Moonbay said, pulling bandages out of her pocket and holding them up in front of his face. "You need some medical attention." "For what? These wounds are nothing." His eyes pretended to look innocent. Moonbay shook her head and ignored his false statement. Her hand pressed against his chest, making him sit down on the Saix's front paw. He obeyed, sighing. "This won't take too long." Moonbay removed his headband and eyepatch to get a better look at the cut. A deep gash, though small, was bleeding right above his left eye. Her gentle hands wrapped the bandage around Irvine's bruised head and tied it to the side. Satisfied with her work she lifted up his arms and looked all over for anymore serious scratches. He swatted her hands aside. "I'm not gonna die." He pulled her down next to him and kissed her again. "Looks like we can finally leave this place." His gaze watched the sunset to the west and he hugged her tighter. "You know what? I almost thought I'd be coming back here in a casket." "Why do you say that?" "Well, the Saix and I had an interesting. . .well. . .meeting with the Panthra X-5. . ." He retold every detail of the battle. Moonbay listened intently fitting the pieces of the puzzle together herself. With his story done her thoughts spilled out, "We still have so much to do. If we can get back to the city and round up a few people I'm sure we could catch the guys behind this-" Irvine cut her off with a laugh. "If you want to, you go. You, being the crazy transporter girl that you are. I have no desire to leave this spot at the moment. Let the bastard who did this run free. I don't care right now." Moonbay narrowed her eyes, "What do you want to do right now?" He glanced down at her with a superior look on his always cocky face. Truthfully, all he wanted to do right now was hold her tight, feel her small body against his. He wanted to taste her sweet lips; not worry about some guy who was probably too far away to do anything. His chuckle reached her ears as he whispered, "I'll do whatever I damn well please." And with that he stood up, staggering a bit and looked at Moonbay who sat on the Saix with her legs hanging. Irvine began to walk back toward the group of people who remained in the desert. "You think you can just walk away from me, mercenary?" Moonbay's taunting voice called after him. He paused, looked back and answered, "Yeah, I think I can." Irvine smirked at her. "But I suppose you could come if you wanted." His eyes closed, thoughtful and he gripped the headband and eyepatch in one hand. He placed them in his pocket, waiting for her response. She smiled back and jumped down, and run up along side him. He stopped walking and picked her up, swinging her around once and kissed her fiercely on the lips and then he planted Moonbay on the ground. Her hands ran up and down his muscular arms as she pulled herself into his chest, crying happily. Irvine watched the last of the sun's rays be swallowed up by the horizon. His arms cradled Moonbay's smaller body against his. "Now what are you crying for? It's over. Forget about it." She looked at him with watery eyes and traced the scratches and cuts along his collar bone with one finger. Moonbay touched the bandages softly and dropped her hand. "You look horrible." Irvine nearly fell over. "Talk about ruining the moment. If I look so horrible, how about helping the injured? Go get your damn zoid and drive me into town." He playfully pushed her in the direction of her Gustav. "Hurry up, let's help the 'horrible' looking guy over here." Irvine eyed her and smirked as he followed. Irvine gave directions to an officer about what to do with his Saix and then jumped into Moonbay's zoid. The two drove off back to the city, smiling and relieved that the day was over. ...END... Wow, that was the longest chapter I have ever written, I think. Ten whole frickin' pages! Amazing. The next chapter will be up within a week after I return from vacation. As always, please read and review! Reviews make the fanfiction world go round, after all! Until next time! -randomcat23 11. Epilogue Here we stand at the end of Blackfire. What a long and twisted road we have traveled. This marks the completion of my first multi-chapter fic. Looking back now, I can say that I'm proud of it. I would like to express my gratitude to all readers and reviewers. Whether you've been here since the beginning or this is the first time you ever read it, thank you a bunch. You guys kept me going. Special thanks to reviewers, whose words of encouragement sure mean a lot to me. With the last chapter I received a total of 50 reviews! Thanks guys! **MagCat:** Thanks for the nice review. Lol yeah, I figured since the fight scene was long we needed some good I/M moments and the S/V moment was for fun. Glad you liked them both. **The-Fiona:** Sorry about the fight scenes (falls over) They personally aren't my favorites either. Thank you for the compliments though. Oh, about the Irvine/Moonbay fics, you're right, there aren't very many. However, if you go to the 'search' area and type in Irvine and Moonbay you come up with around 20-30 fics. The only problems are that some just have their names in the summery and have nothing to do with them. Or, some of the older multi-chapter fics are left unfinished and I think they never will be finished. But, they're still fun to read. I hope this helps! **IrvineSano:** Thanks so much! When I read your review I was like "You got it exactly!" It ever crossed my mind that Irvine would express his love openly, but hey, it's Irvine. We love him though, don't we? Yes, yes! Get your story up soon! I really want to read it! **Katt:** Thanks for the reviews and the fic recomendation. Who knows how long I've wanted to see Yuki smashed by Kyo. Lol. Glad you like this fic! (...>...>...Break...>...>...>) Sleep had overtaken Irvine the moment he reached his bed. The intensity of the day's battle took its toll and his body refused movement. He didn't even bother to change, and fell on the bed still dressed and covered in bandages. Irvine had no intention of rebellion against his body and instantly fell into a deep slumber. Whatever was in store for him the next day could wait. (Morning) A figure tip-toed up the stairs and down the hallway, silent as the night. The whole building was quiet. One wrong move and the residents would be on you like bugs on a picnic. It sure took a lot of patience to make it this far; the stairs had a horrible habit of creaking when you didn't want them to. Upon reaching a closed door, the figure stopped, and reached for the handle. Moonbay's hand turned the door's handle slowly, carefully, not wanting to make any sound at all. By pushing her body against the door, she made her way in the room without a noise escaping. Repeating the same process, she shut the door and turned to the inhabitant of the bed. Her eyes lit up and a smile crept on her face. Irvine slept soundless with his mouth slightly open. His hair was tousled and the side of his head sat propped up on the pillows. One hand gripped the sheets as he shifted his position, still without a sound. "Looks like his bandages remained in tack." Moonbay whispered to herself. Checking the clock, (10:30) she took a seat on the edge of the bed, on the opposite side of where Irvine snoozed. He continued to sleep peacefully even though she had intruded. "Poor Irvine, so much for being a light sleeper this time around. Yesterday really took it out of you." Her hand reached over and brushed his hair aside, taking in his features. _"I'm going to have to wake him up. Raven's looking to kill him."_ Moonbay stiffed a laugh and turned to gaze out the window. Irvine shifted again. Moonbay glanced over her shoulder and grey eyes met her's. He was laying on his side, with one hand under his head. His eyes held her's as she rotated her body around to completely face him. Moonbay got off the bed and kneeled on the floor, coming down to his eye level. "What are you doing up?" She teased. Irvine squinted his eyes in the morning sun, "Kinda hard not to wake up when someone intrudes." Moonbay stuck her tongue out at him. "So you knew I was in here all along?" She sounded amused. "From the moment you touched the door." Moonbay grinned, "Sorry 'bout that, but I do have a reason." He rolled onto his back. "Oh?" His paused told her to continue. "Raven finally got a look at the Geno Breaker's damage. Let's just say he's pissed beyond all believe." She rested her head on the edge. "He plans on 'pulverizing' you." Irvine made no attempt to answer, but he, instead, sat up slowly and rolled his shoulders stiffly. Moonbay had thought that his body would be rather stiff. Those bruises would limit his movement for awhile. "And you came to warn me, I suppose?" He rubbed his eyes and stretched. "Where-" He was cut off by a loud thumping and stomping noise outside the door which was soon followed by yelling. "I'M GONNA KILL THE BASTARD!" Raven's commanding voice rang. "It's not his fault, Raven." Van's voice was quieter, but no less angry. "Don't even try and stop me, Van. He freaking TOTALED my zoid!" "Like he had a choice! Not his fault the damn thing was infested with artifacts and too powerful for even you to handle." He breathed heavily, "Maybe the one you should be killing is the guy who put this whole plan together in the first place." "Well, we don't know who's behind it do we?" Raven sneered. Before Van could retort or before Raven could continue his ranting, a loud slam came from down the hallway and stomping came after. "What the hell are you two idiots doing!" Shiro shouted right outside Irvine's room. "Normal people are trying to sleep." "Who the hell are you?" Raven spat. Shiro raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. Van attempted to explain, "Well, Raven here wanted to kill Irvine and I tried to stop him and-" "I wasn't looking for an answer, it was a rhetorical question." Shiro said. Raven, at this time, regained himself and proceeded to Irvine's door in attempt to knock it down. Moonbay, who had guessed what was going on, leaped up and locked the door. An echoing slam reached everyone's ears as Raven charged the door, but was repelled. He fell on Van, and then both tumbled to the floor. Shiro looked down in disgust and sighed. His hands gripped Van's and Raven's shirts and dragged the two down the hallway. Raven continued to spit out threats to everyone present. "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!." "Shut up, asshole." Shiro retorted and continued to drag the two down the hallway and stopped at the top of the stairs. He picked both them up off the floor and with one man in each hand he tossed them down the stairs. A long, nasty, string of curses and threats followed Shiro back to his room, but he just ignored them all and slammed his door once again. Van and Raven got up, yelled a few more threats and exited to the kitchen; it was a much less dangerous place. Moonbay sat on the bed laughing. "Those two never had a chance." "That was highly amusing." Irvine threw back the covers, stood up and stretched some more. "Should you really be moving around so much?" Irvine smirked, "Like you could keep me locked in this room forever." Moonbay gave a smirk of her own. "I could find a way." Irvine chuckled and walked to the door. "Let's get some breakfast." "No, I'm going to check your bandages first. We don't want you to spill blood all over the nice, clean, floors." His hand retreated from the door, "Fine." Irvine sat down on the bed again. There was no way to escape Moonbay when she was in one of these moods. Moonbay did the same, and placed herself right next to him. Her hands went to the bandage knot and she gently untied it. The strips of cloth fell into her hands and she set them aside. Her hand turned his head toward her, as she inspected his injuries. The most serious cut, the one above his left eye, still dripped blood. But the other injures remain closed. Moonbay was thankful for that. Her finger lightly brushed a colorful bruise and Irvine flinched slightly. "Sorry." Her apologetic voice was the only sound in the room. Satisfied that he was healing, she produced clean bandages from her pocket and wrapped his head once again. "Looks like you'll live." "Don't be so surprised." He studied her face. "I won't die that easily." Moonbay laughed as his remark, "Sure, that's what they all say, and then you find them dead on the floor the next morning because they didn't listen to their doctors." He put fake innocence in his voice, "But I always listen to you." "Hah, you don't listen to anybody. The only things you ever do are the ones you feel like doing." Irvine smirked, after all it was true. He threw an arm around Moonbay's shoulders and pulled her close. He whispered in her ear, "You're a smart girl, Moonbay. Too many people try and order me around, but it doesn't get them anywhere." "Yeah, you're just a selfish jerk." "You know me too well." He kissed her forehead and then stood up. "I'm hungry, let's go eat." He held out a hand and Moonbay was pulled off the bed. The two made their way downstairs and into the kitchen. Vicky, Shiro, Fiona, Van, Reese, and Raven all sat around at the table or on the counter stools. The moment Moonbay and Irvine walked in, Raven leapt at Irvine and started shouting again. "You! I hope you have someway of paying for the damage to my Geno Breaker!" Irvine rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just have Shadow fix it for you?" The black haired teen answered, "Shadow is still recovering from the first attack the Geno Breaker made; the one where it almost destroyed Shadow!" "I'm not paying for your zoid." Irvine took a seat and Moonbay waved a 'good morning' to Fiona, Reese, and Vicky. Irvine and Raven continued to argue and Van would add his own random comments which usually resulted in a shouting match between all three. Shiro sat quietly in a corner, sipping coffee and staring off into space. Moonbay turned to the three women, "How long do you think this will last?" She jabbed a finger in the argument's direction. Vicky and Fiona shrugged. Reese was the one to speak, "Knowing Raven, I'd say quite awhile." The four of them laughed. After a good twenty minutes Reese stepped between the three men and pulled Raven out. "I think we've over stayed our welcome." She turned to Raven, "Besides, General Herman wanted a word with you." With some pleading and pulling, Reese finally managed to get Raven to leave the kitchen. Fiona sipped her coffee. "So now what?" She passed Moonbay a muffin, who buttered it and took a bite. Vicky watched and waited for a response to Fiona's question. Van rubbed the back of his head, "I dunno." He looked over at Irvine. "Did you have a plan Irvine?" The mercenary raised an eyebrow. "No. But I'm not staying around here. I've done my part. If the army wants to catch the guy who's behind this, then they can do it themselves." Moonbay glanced at him, knowing all along that his answer would be something like that. Van hung his head. "I was afraid of that. Now it gets shoved over to me." "That's what you get for joining the army." Irvine said simply. Van frowned and sipped his coffee. Vicky chucked a muffin at his head and received a word of protest. "Actually," she started, "Nobody here is being assigned to find the culprit. That General Alex Kuro guy is on the case." She leaned back in her chair. "I guess that makes sense, since he was the one working on it in the first place." "Has he got any leads?" Van asked eagerly. "Not right now, but things should come up." Vicky shrugged and everyone nodded in agreement. Irvine got up and dropped the mug into the sink. "Time to get paid." "How much is Herman paying you anyway?" Van spoke up. Irvine turned around and shrugged, "I dunno, but if it's not enough, I'll take my own amount." With that he walked out of the kitchen door to the outside. The sun was already high in the sky as he took in a breath of fresh morning air. His eyes followed Raven and Reese as they jumped into Reese's zoid and took off. _"Looks like Herman came to an agreement with Raven about the Geno Breaker. Maybe now he'll get off my back about it." _While shoving his hands into his pockets, Irvine made his way over to Herman's tent and lifted up the flap. "I thought you would be coming soon." Herman sat at a desk with his arms crossed. He motioned for a chair and Irvine took a seat. "Heh, and I thought you would deny my payment." He stared at the papers sprawled across the desk. "Yet, we never did come to an agreement on the amount." "Oh, yes. But first, I would like to congratulate you on your victory. It wouldn't have been possible without you and the Lightning Saix." "Well, you can thank me by handing over the cash." He had no need to be formal with Herman, considering the fact that he wasn't in the army. Herman raised an eyebrow. "Straight to the point, eh?" He paused and took a bundle of money out of the desk drawer and tossed it across the desk. "There it is. Take it or leave it. I'm not increasing the pay." Irvine shrugged and picked up the cash, counting it. _"Heh, there's more here than I would have asked for." _He pocketed the money and stood up. "Well, thanks Herman." He extended his hand and Herman shook it. "Nice job, once again. Too bad you aren't enlisted in the army. We could use more people like you." "Don't preach to me, Herman. I never wanted to be in the army; mercenary work is too much fun." As he reached the exit, Irvine paused and asked, "How did you get Raven to leave without protest?" "I simply agreed to have it fixed for him with no cost. After all, it wasn't his fault it was destroyed." Satisfied with the answer, Irvine gave a slight wave, exited the tent and walked back over to the hanger. The kitchen was empty, except for Vicky, when Irvine returned. "Everyone's in their rooms, packing." Vicky answered before he could ask. Irvine nodded and made his way to Moonbay's room. He knocked his knuckles on the door and opened it up slowly. And there was Moonbay, staring at a mirror, pulling up her hair. "You know, you should leave it down every once in a while." He stood behind her and was playing with one of the loose stands of dark hair. "And what do you know about hair?" He looked at her 'matter-of-fact-ly', "Enough to say that I'd like to see you with your hair down once in awhile." "So, you don't like it when I have my hair up." Moonbay made a puppy face and hit him playfully on the shoulder. "Jerk." He rolled his eyes. "Women. You say a nice thing and they twist it to fit their own demonic ideas." Irvine took a seat on the bed and watched as Moonbay finished pulling her hair up. "You packed yet?" Moonbay pointed to the empty bag on the bed, "Does it look like I'm packed?" "No," he paused and his eyes followed her around the room, "But, maybe you should hurry up." "I'm in no hurry." Moonbay picked up a few things and began to pack. Clothes and other belongings flew through the air and at the bed. Irvine caught a few things that were aimed at his head and tossed them into the bag. "Watch where you're chucking those things," He yelled as he dodged a shoe. "Aww, poor Irvine." A smiled played on her lips as she picked up the last objects and placed them in the bag. "All done!" Irvine fell back on the bed. "You take too long to pack." He watched her out of the corner of his eye. "It's already past noon. I want to get going." "And where are we going, Irvine? There is nowhere to go except back to the base." "If that's the way you think, maybe I won't take you." Her head turned quickly to face him. "Take me where?" Irvine shrugged, "I dunno. Away from here. And with all the money Herman gave me, we won't have to work for awhile." "Are you suggesting a vacation?" "If you consider traveling aimlessly while having a good time a vacation, then yes, I'm suggesting a vacation." Moonbay grinned widely and jumped next to Irvine. "No work, no responsibilities." She turned toward him, "Sounds like heaven." She snuggled closer, "Plus, I'll have the added bonus of being with you without interruptions." A deep chuckle escaped Irvine's mouth as he snaked an arm around her body. "Yes, it's an added bonus, if you say so." "Shopping sprees as well?" "What!" Moonbay looked at him innocently, "With all that money, and you won't treat me to a shopping spree? Think of all the goodies we could get!" She clasped her hands together to add emphasis. "We could eat out every night and stay in fancy hotels, I could get a new dress and-" She was cut off and muffled by Irvine's hand covering her mouth. "Whose money do you think you'll be spending?" Playing along with his game she pointed at him. He nodded and continued, "Do you honestly think I want to go on shopping sprees?" Moonbay shrugged and nodded 'yes.' Irvine shook his head in protest. "Oh, no you don't. There is no way you're gonna get my cash and spend it on useless things." He removed his hand and sat up. Moonbay got up as well with a little frown on her face. "Irvine, you just completely destroyed my shopping fantasy." She turned away and crossed her arms. "I can't believe you." Irvine laughed again and grabbed her arm, but she brushed it way. They were both still playing with each other; annoying one another just happen to be a favorite game of both Irvine and Moonbay. "Well if you're gonna be like this I'm just going to have to leave." His body began to get up but Moonbay pulled him back down. He was now laying on his back while Moonbay pinned his upper arms down. "I refuse to let you go anywhere without apologizing." Her eyes glared at his, but both people wore smirks on their faces. Moonbay blew her hair out of her face; looks like it didn't stay up after all. Irvine managed to lift a hand and tuck the loose hair behind her ear. "Apologize? I did nothing wrong. You should be apologizing to me." Her face continually lowered to his face. She felt his breath as it tickled her nose. "I'm never apologizing to you." Her whisper was the only noise in the room. Irvine blinked. "Well then, get off me." "What?" "If you're not going to say you're sorry then release me." Her arms were no match for his strength, soon he began to sit up, throwing Moonbay off balance. She fought, however, and pushed him back down, pinning him once again against his will. Irvine faked a coughed, "You should be more gentle with the injured." He was joking again; he knew Moonbay would never hurt him on purpose. She rolled her eyes and looked at him fondly. _"Poor, poor Irvine. Sitting here absolutely defenseless against me. It's actually quite funny."_ Moonbay giggled at the thought. "What's so funny know, Moonbay?" A smile crept onto her face, "Just the whole idea of you being under my control." Irvine narrowed his eyes, "Your control? I don't think so. If I was under your control I couldn't do this-" He sat up suddenly and pressed his lips to hers. Moonbay felt her grasp on his arms loosed as her hands wrapped around his neck instead. Irvine's arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. The two fell back on the bed, completely absorbed in each other. When they broke apart, Irvine stated, "See, if anything Moonbay, you're under my control." "Please, don't flatter yourself." Her feet landed on the floor and her hand gripped the bag. "Ok, now we can leave." (...>...>...Break...>...>...>) Vicky and Shiro stood outside the hanger and watched Moonbay and Irvine pack up the Gustav. Van and Fiona walked over, ready to leave. "Looks like this is goodbye." Vicky said calmly, "You'll have to come visit sometime." She and Moonbay exchanged hugs. "Come and tell me all about your 'vacation'." "I will." Moonbay smiled. _"It's kinda crazy how quickly everything went back to normal after the battle. I guess people were tired of being afraid."_ Van and Fiona said their goodbyes and hopped into the Blade Ligar. The group watched until the blue zoid was out of sight. Moonbay sighed, "I guess this is it then. Hope to see you soon, Vicky." "Same here!" Irvine jumped into the Gustav and positioned himself comfortably in the back seat. Moonbay soon followed him, and strapped herself in. With one last quick glance of Blackfire she realized something and asked, "Shiro, what are you going to do now?" Before the silent figure could open his mouth, Vicky answered for him, "Dad posted him here. He figured it was better than Shiro running around pointlessly." She glanced at him, but received no answer. Shrugging, Vicky turned and waved at Moonbay who shrugged back and closed the cockpit. Hands on the controls she maneuvered the pink zoid out of the city and off into the distance. It seemed like an eternity had passed since the two of them arrived there, convinced that it was just a bandit hunt. And look what it turned into. Yet another world-threatening disaster. Moonbay looked back at Irvine who caught her eye. "Are you going to sit back there the whole time, Irvine?" "I just might. It's comfier than sitting up there." Moonbay rolled her eyes at him once again. "What am I going to do with you?" "Just about anything you like, as long as I give you permission." "So, can I kick you out of my zoid?" Irvine simply shook his head. "Afraid not." He closed his eyes, relaxing at last. Irvine stretched his arms and cracked his neck, settling down into a sleeping position. Sleep had almost taken him when Moonbay interrupted. "Can I kiss you anytime I want?" He couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "That's always an option." Satisfied, Irvine slipped into slumber and the Gustav slowly, but surely made it's way across the desert land. Moonbay smiled and watched the never ending horizon as she drove on. "Vacation, here I come!" (... ... ... END ... ... ...) **The Final Author's Notes** Oopsie. I apologize! Originally I had hoped to have this chapter up as soon as I got back from my vacation and look at this, I'm over 2 weeks late. (Dies) I do have reasons for this, though. I really didn't want to rush the last chapter and I always take more than a week to type a chapter. (I'm just slow like that!) I sit there and re-re-re-read over and over and before you know it, weeks go by. Well, and the fact that I went to visit family for awhile adds to the delay. I'm sorry! Um, what else? Well, looks like my summer is coming to an end. (Sniffle) School starts within one week now. What ever am I to do? Typing time will be turned into studying time. How evil. Don't worry though, I am typing the sequel to Blackfire as we speak. (Or read...or whatever) I am, however, finishing the sequel before I post anything. That should lessen the mistakes and story line/plot mess-ups. I hope that doesn't take too long. (Falls over) Well, that's all I have to say. Thanks again to all you people out there and until next time! -randomcat23 (Oh, yeah, please review!) End file.
Blackfire by randomcat23
Elegant Springs Disclaimer: I don't own Ruuji and Kotona. This story takes place in an alternative universe. * * * Kotona walked on the stoned pathway in the forest toward Ruuji standing on the wooden dock by the large lake. The pathway and the dock were illuminated dimly by the dim lamps on poles in the night. In the lake was the reflection of the night sky with stars and the full moon. She then covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who?" she asked playfully. "Kotona," Ruuji remarked. Kotona withdrew her hands and then walked back. Ruuji turned to face Kotona. "Did I kept you waiting?" Kotona asked. "No you're just on time, since you're the one who've asked me to meet you here," Ruuji replied. Kotona smiled. "I take it that you're ready for Elegant Springs," she winked. "Yeah," Ruuji nodded. "The place you've talked about where the soldiers and allies bathe to ease their minds doing wartime," he remarked. "Exactly," Kotona said. "Some people would bathe in the waters of the springs for relaxation," she remarked and walked toward the wooden rails and leaned on it. "And some would bathe to find peace in their inner soul," she added with an uneasy tone staring softly at the reflection of the full moon on the lake. Ruuji turned to look toward her. "Kotona," he said with concern. Kotona then turned to look to toward him. "Follow me while I take you to the spring," she said and turned to walk toward the trail. "You're really lucky to be invited by me for a swim Ruuji," she remarked flirtingly and then proceeded to walk on the trail near the lake prompting Ruuji to follow her. The trail was dimly illuminated by the small lights mounted on the trees aligned to it. "This place is pleasant even at night," Ruuji remarked. Kotona giggled. "The people here consider places like this a paradise in day and night alike," she remarked. They've walked on the path for several minutes till Kotona stopped at the large rock by the lake. Kotona then turned to face the lake prompting Ruuji to follow suit. "The peak of the mountain can be seen by the moonlight," Kotona remarked. Ruuji looked up at the mountain with a glowing tip across the lake. "So this is one of the things this place has to offer," he remarked. "Yes and there's more than that," Kotona remarked back. "In the lake the peak can be seen among the stars," she added. "The glowing tip looks like a planet in the sky," Ruuji remarked. Kotona smiled and looked up at the night sky. "Jupiter can be seen clearly from here," she remarked. Ruuji looked up at the night sky. "I see it," he said. "It's pretty from a distance but dangerous from up close," Kotona remarked and then turned to look toward Ruuji. "I'm sure you'll like what you'll see," she winked when Ruuji turned to look at her. "Shall we get going?" she asked. "Yeah," Ruuji nodded. "Alright then follow me," Kotona said and then turned to walked to the stoned trail away from the lake prompting Ruuji to follow her. They walked on the up on the trail on the hill in silence for a few minutes. A bird landed on nest on one of the trees above the trail. Some fireflies were roaming around on either side of the trail while some flew across it. "The fireflies," Ruuji started. "They're dancing so beautifully," he remarked. Kotona smiled in response. "Glad you like them Ruuji," she remarked joyously. "But there are more than just them," she whirled around for a moment to wink at him and then turned to continue to walk forward. Ruuji's cheeks reddened in response. "The fireflies are like moving stars in the sky," Kotona remarked. "They form the constellations in the air from the heart," she added. Ruuji stared at Kotona for a moment. When they've reached the top of the hill Kotona stopped and then turned to look at the lake below in the woods from afar. Ruuji stopped right beside her and then to look in the direction Kotona was looking. "Wow the moon and the stars can be seen in the lake even from here," Ruuji remarked cheerfully. Kotona smiled. "The lake itself can reflect the night sky from here in such a beautiful way," she remarked. Ruuji turned to look toward her. "Which is why the lights here are dim," she explained and then turned to look toward Ruuji. "So are you ready for the springs?" she asked and then turned to point at the entrance of the cave not too far from them. "The springs are in there," she remarked. Ruuji turned to look at the cave which was lighted from the inside. He stared in awe for a moment. "The cave is naturally lighted by light emitting crystals and plants," Kotona explained. Ruuji turned to look toward her. "The supernatural phenomena are quite fascinating," Kotona remarked and then to look toward Ruuji. Ruuji nodded. "So are you ready for the springs?" Kotona asked. Ruuji nodded. "Alright then," Kotona remarked, grabbed Ruuji's hand, and walked into the cave dragging him along with her. They walked on the smooth barren ground of chamber toward the shore of the spring. The chamber was illuminated by glowing crystals on the walls and ceiling along with some glowing plants. In the meddle of the spring there was a small island with a large tree in the middle. Beside the spring were other springs; some were connected to each other by respective streams. Kotona walked toward to a spot near the spring and then stopped prompting Ruuji to stop along with her. After that she placed her bag on the ground. "This looks like a good spot," she remarked. Immediately afterward she started to remove various weapons from all over her body and place them beside her bag while Ruuji stripped down to his swimsuit while staring at her. After that Kotona slipped off her boots and placed them by her bag, she slipped off her gloves and placed by her bag, and then she took off her dress revealing her pink and white bikini while facing Ruuji and then placed her dress by her bag. Shortly afterward she walked toward the spring and gestured Ruuji to follow her. Ruuji walked toward her. Kotona turned to look toward Ruuji. "Like what you see?" she asked. "This place is paradise," Ruuji replied. "The smell is more pleasant than the hot springs we've been to," he remarked. Kotona smiled. "This mountain here is one of the many volcanoes in this region that have supposedly became extinct a long time ago," she remarked. "The hot springs in this nation however are still actively hot," she added. She walked into the spring and sat down with her back leaning against the wall. After that she gestured Ruuji to sit right next her. Ruuji nervously sat down beside her. "It's so refreshing," Kotona remarked joyously with a smile and then turned to look toward Ruuji. "Especially with you around," she winked. Ruuji blushed in response. Kotona then turned to look toward the tree. "So what do you think of the water so far?" she asked. "The water is so warm," Ruuji replied. "It's feels like it's relaxing my body," he remarked. Kotona smiled and turned to look toward Ruuji. "Hey Ruuji," she called. "Yes?" Ruuji responded. "Did you know that some people come here to confess love?" Kotona winked. "What!" Ruuji blushed uneasily. Kotona giggled. "You're so cute when you're red," she remarked playfully. She then splashed him. Ruuji splash her back. They both laughed while splashing each other for while. Moments later Kotona stood up prompting Ruuji to stand along with her. "Race you to the island," Kotona cheerfully splashed Ruuji by kicking the water and then turned to swim toward the island. Ruuji swam after her. He then swam right passed her and reached the shore of the island with her not too far behind him. "Looks like I won this one," he turned to look toward Kotona. Kotona grinned in response. Immediately afterward she tackled him to the ground and pinned his arms with her hands. She then leaned her face toward his. "You may have won the race, but I still got you," she remarked playfully and flicked him on the forehead. After that she got off and sat beside him. Ruuji sat up and turned to look at her. "So, how do you like this island?" she asked. Ruuji looked around him. The glowing crystals on the walls and ceiling. The tree that was not too far behind them. And a pair a bats that flew by them. He then turned to look toward Kotona. "I like it very much Kotona," he replied. "The Island of Confession," Kotona remarked. "Huh?" Ruuji responded. "Some couples are said to have swam this vary island to confess their love for each other," Kotona continued and turned to look toward Ruuji. "You were vary interesting since you helped me out that day; I stayed with you guys because of you, I went back to my sister because of you," she added. "I love you Ruuji," she confessed. Ruuji exhaled with a blush. He stared out for a few minutes while Kotona said nothing while starring uneasily with her cheeks reddened. He then looked at her in the eyes. "You really mean that for real," he remarked. Kotona nodded. "Kotona," Ruuji looked down toward the ground for a moment. "I-" He looked at her in the eyes with his cheeks reddened. "I love you too," he said. "I was waiting for you to say something like that for months," Kotona remarked and leaned her face toward his. "Kotona," Ruuji said. "Ruuji," Kotona pulled him into a kiss. Ruuji wrapped his arms on her back. End file.
Elegant Springs by Falcon-Cat
Skater Boi Kay: For your reference, these are the symbols that I'm using to represent what is going on: "......" - Obvious '......' - thinking (......) - Me saying something ~~Lyrics~~ Kay: I needed a short break so I wrote this. Hope you all like. The format is a little messed up. Oh yeah, if any one knows how to make things centered in a fic, then e-mail me, please. DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Zoids. I do not own the song Skater Boi, Avril Lavigne does. SO DO NOT SUE! You will get NOTHING. I'm flat broke! --------------------- ~~Skater Boi~~ --------------------- ~~He was a boy, She was a girl, Can I make it any more obvious~~ A young man, about twenty, sat on the paw of his massive, white lion zoid. He had been talking to it for quite some time, even though everyone thought that he could not communicate with it, they did not understand that the zoid was different. "Liger," the blond-haired boy said to it, "I think I like Mary Champ." The liger only looked at his partner in absolute confusion. And growled a 'What?' "Yeah, I know pal. It's kinda weird to me too. But...I think she likes me. The way she looked at me today. I don't know. But I think I like her back too." ~~He was a punk; She did ballet, What more can I say~~ It had been a long hard day trying to convince Harry to come back to his father's company and work. Even though he refused and told her again about his love for the female zoid warrior, she still discovered something new. As she laid in her bed thinking about the sea green eyed warrior, she had finally realized she was in love with him. "Oh, Bit Cloud. How come I can not stop thinking about you?" the twenty- year-old girl said to no one in particular. The girl's thoughts were broken when someone entered her room. "Mary, ten more minutes before you go to bed," the man said. "Okay father," Mary Champ replied. ~~He wanted her, She'd never tell, secretly she wanted him as well~~ Dear Diary, I went to talk to Harry today about stopping this nonsense about doing zoid battles. There is no reason why he should be doing them. They are unnecessary and will not get him anywhere in life. He reminded me about the love he had for that useless female zoid warrior who is poorly dressed and has no manners at all. She doesn't love him at all, and yet he constantly says that she loves him. Oh well, I wasn't really thinking about him today. I was thinking about that blond- haired warrior who has somehow managed to capture my heart. She put down the diary and picked up the phone on the small table next to her bed. She dialed numbers that she knew by heart. "Hello," came the voice on the other side. "Hello, it's Mary. Is this Melissa?" "Yes," replied Melissa. "I think I'm in love," Mary confessed. ~~But all of her friends, Stuck up their nose, They had a problem with his baggy clothes~~ "WHAT?" was what the person would always reply, "With who?" they would all questioned. "Bit Cloud," she always said as her heart took another leap. "That famous zoid's pilot who wears baggy clothes sometimes," they would always confirm. "That's him." "Mary," they would say sharply, like a mother to a young child, "unless you want to turn out like your dear brother, Harry, then I suggest that you get over this little crush. He will never be like all of us, he does not even have a future. Unless you want to never see us again then I suggest that you forget about him or forget about us!" they would tell her then hang up the phone. Mary had called up six of her closest friends and they all responded pretty much the same. She had begun to love Bit Cloud, but she also loved her friends. As she turned off the light, she had come to her decision. 'Friends it is. They are right! Bit does not have a future. He wears baggy clothes that look ridiculous on him. It's just a crush that won't last. However, I still have to convince Harry to come back to work with father.' ~~He was a skater boy, She said see you later boy, He wasn't good enough for her~~ The next day, Mary had gone back to Harry's base, but ended up finding him at the Toro's base. "Harry what are you doing at this filthy base again?" "Nothing," he said as his face turned a deep crimson color. "Then there is no point in being here, Harry. You should come home and help out father with the business." "NO!" he replied for the third time that week. "I'm going to talk to father about this," then went towards his zoid to return to his base. "Mary?" came a familiar, questioning voice. "Oh, hello Mr. Cloud," she said as she turned around to see him. "Um...the name's Bit. You don't have to call me Mr. Cloud." "Okay, Bit," she said, feeling silly. "Um...I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time?" he said with a cherry face. Mary felt her heart leap onto a high cloud then fall off, smashing into earth on the way down. "I am sorry Bit," she said with great difficulty, and then remembered what her friends said, "I suggest that you do not ask me that again. I have no interest in you at all. You are just a zoid warrior with no future who wears baggy clothes. I am a high-class executive who does not. We wouldn't work together anyways," then walked away from Bit with his heart shattered trying to catch up with Harry. (THAT'S IT! Mary is going down! That litttle two-face bi...Never mind me...keep reading...all will turn out well...*starts looking around for a hammer.*) ~~She had a pretty face, But her head was up in space, She needed to come back down to earth~~ Bit walked back into the Toro's base and down the hall, towards his room. He thought about what Mary had said, 'I have no interest in you at all. You are just a zoid warrior with no future who wears baggy clothes.' Each time he thought about it, it only made him feel worse. 'I'll show her,' was the only counter thought he had. His thoughts were disturbed when he hit his teammate and knocked her to the ground. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! Oh, Bit. Sorry, I thought you were Brad," she yelled then apologized. "It's okay," he said with a disheartened voice, extending a hand to help her up, "I should've watched where I was going." "That's okay," she said grabbing his hand and being pulled up, "besides," a grin formed on her face, "I was looking for you," she said pleased. "Huh?" was all he could say. "Haven't you been taking guitar lessons?" she asked, her eyes glittering with knowingness. "Yeah, why?" he replied with a curious voice. "We're starting a band, and we were wondering if you wanted to do the equisetic guitar?" "Sure, Leena. I got nothing else to lose," he said with a new light coming from that closed window of opportunity. "Thanks Bit," she thanked him, putting her arms around his neck and hugging him, "I knew you would except." "Yeah," Bit said, hugging her back. Leena then moved so that she was face to face with Bit, "Are you feeling okay? Is anything wrong?" she questioned with sympathy. "Nothing, it's just not my day," he replied miserably. "Okay, see ya in the hanger at eight," Leena informed him as she released his neck from the embrace and walked away with a smile. "Yeah..." Bit said as he walked towards his room. ~~5 years from now, She sits at home, Feeding the baby, she's all alone~~ It had been five years since Mary had seen or talked to the man that had captured her heart. In that time, many things had changed. Her parent's had accepted someone else for her to love, and for him to love her. His name was Kyle Eckerd. At first, it was perfect, nothing went wrong. They got married the three years later and soon had a child. Unfortunately, Mary came home one day and saw Kyle with someone else (no one can say that she didn't deserve it, that rotten...once again, ignore me...). They immediately were divorced, and she kept the child. She had been home all day taking care of her 6 month old baby when she finally began to sing to it, "Hush little baby, don't say a word, momma's going buy you a mocking bird..." she sang to her child, but soon stopped as it lay motionless in her arms, asleep. ~~She turns on TV, Guess who she sees, Skater boy rockin up MTV~~ She had put her child in its room and tucked it in. She then went back to the living room, grabbed a can of soda, and turned on the television. As she takes in some of the soda, she hears a familiar name from the television. "BIT CLOUD!" all the soda comes flying out of her mouth when she heard that name. "That's right, our guest band here today is the one, the only, BLITZ TEAM, with that fabulous guitar player, BIT CLOUD, and the lead singer, LEENA TOROS!" all the people in the audience applauded loudly. They were cheering so loudly that Mary could hear the whistles from where she sat. ~~She calls up her friends, They already know, And they all got tickets to see his show~~ She listened to the first song they played before calling up one of her old, dear friends. "Hello, Melissa?" "Hello Mary. How are you?" "Fine, are you watching MTV right now?" she asked quickly. "Yes, that Bit Cloud is really good," Melissa commented. "You already know about him," Mary asked surprised. "Yes, in fact, we all bought tickets to his next show. Unfortunately, Lindsey is a little under the weather and won't be able to come. So, we have a spare ticket. Would you like to come? His tickets are already sold out even though they have only been on sale for a few hours." "Um...okay," she agreed dazed. ~~She tags along, Stands in the crowd, Looks up at the man that she turned down~~ The show finally goes on. The whole stadium is packed with the band's fans, all yelling their favorite member's name, and holding up signs like, "MARRY ME JAMIE!" and "WE LOVE YOU BIT!" and "LEENA! ARE YOU TAKEN?" or "BRAD 4EVER!" The band finally comes out. Bit's on his equisetic guitar, Leena's near a microphone, Brad on the drums, and Jamie with a bass guitar. "HELLO EVERYONE!" Bit's voice booms. "I'd like to dedicate this song to a very special person to me," he said walking over to Leena. "She's my teammate," puts his arm around Leena's waist, "friend," looks at her so that his sea green eyes are connected to her violet eyes, "and Love." A pure smile is now plastered on his face as he looks at her while she looks back at him. He then leans towards her ear, covers the microphone on the headset, and whispers so low that only Leena can hear him, "Thank you, for everything you've done. I love you," then kisses her cheek gently and pulls away then walks back to where he was standing with a smile. Leena is now a deep crimson shade. "So here's our new song," came Leena's voice, which is a little shaken from what she had just learned about the love between her and Bit. "1,2,3...hit it!" Brad yelled. The band began to sing as Mary Champ watches in disbelief. She somehow manages to climb through Bit and Leena's love group and make it to the front of the crowd. She stares up at Bit with shock as he sings with Leena. ~~He was a skater boy, She said see you later boy, He wasn't good enough for her~~ Bit was so happy to finally tell Leena his feelings for her after five years of waiting; he now wished that he had told her sooner. As he was on stage singing with Leena, he couldn't help but keep a beaming smile at her as she sang. Bit noticed Mary at the front of the stage and gave a sexy wink at her and an evil smile. He still remembered when she told him off. He was so frustration with her, that he badly wanted to shove all his fame in her face and tell her how wrong she was about him, for he was now an accomplished zoids warrior, a famous pop star, and a man in love. ~~Now he's a super star, Slamming on his guitar, Does your pretty face see what he's worth~~ Bit begins to play the guitar harder, causing it to make more sound. Bit, Jamie, and Leena jump up and down on stage, still singing the song happily. Bit looks back down towards Mary again and walks next to Leena, who smiles towards him lovingly. He was famous, and she was there to share it with him. It was the most wonderful moment of his life. ~~He was a skater boy, She said see you later boy, He wasn't good enough for her~~ Mary looked up at him with her eyes close to breaking the dam that would let all the water out. She had been wrong about him, and wished that she could go back and take away what she had said to him that one day at the Toro's base five years ago. He may have wore baggy clothes and not have had a future then, but he did now. She wished that she never listened to what her friends had told her not to do and that she had chosen Bit instead of them. They weren't even really friends anymore, so she was mostly all alone with her little child, and a major regret. ~~Now he's a super star, Slamming on his guitar, Does your pretty face see what he's worth? ~~ Near the end of the songs, Leena finally notices Mary at the front of the stage looking up at Bit miserably. She walks over to her, cutting off the looking path from Mary to Bit, then puts on one of the most twisted, cruelest, harshest, spitefulness smile ever, before leaning over so that she is a few inches from Mary's face. Her eyes are twinkling in delight at the thought of what she is going to say to Mary. She then sings the next part of the bands song directly to Mary. (The song shortly merges with the story) Sorry girl but you missed out, Well tough luck that boy's mine now, We are more than just good friends, This is how the story ends, Too bad that you couldn't see, See the man that boy could be, There is more than meets the eye, I see the soul that is inside. She then straightens up and gives one last malicious smile to an astonished Mary Champ before walking next to Bit. She stands looking at him for a moment. The thought of him made her spine feel the electricity go through, and feel the warm feeling of him next to her in her heart. Without knowledge of what she is saying, she sings the next part of the song directly towards him, even though everyone else can hear. He's just a boy, And I'm just a girl, Can I make it any more obvious, We are in love, Haven't you heard, How we rock each other's world. (end of song merge with story) Leena puts her arm around Bit's neck and continues to sing the rest of the song while giving warm smiles to all her fans, and Bit giving small winks towards all the women, but not meaning a thing. ~~I'm with the skater boy, I said see you later boy, I'll be back stage after the show~~ The band finally finished singing their songs and walked off to the back stage area. Security guards were seen to the side blocking off the large groups of fans trying to get through. Jamie went to his room to give his girlfriend, Pierce, a call because she couldn't make it. (Who would have guessed?) Brad went to find his girlfriend, Naomi, in the large crowds. The Doc went to attempt to get the crowds out so they could leave, leaving Bit and Leena in the backstage area alone with the crowds, begging for autographs, on the side, in view of Leena and Bit. Leena put her arms around Bit's neck and pulled him close, so that their bodies were touching. "Did you mean everything that you said up there?" she questioned. Bit put his arms around Leena's waist, pulled her thin body closer to his, and whispered near her ear, again, "Do you think I would lie to you?" then pulled his head away to see the maroon color that was invading Leena's face. She gave him an extremely pleased smile, and then, there, she saw her. Out of the corner of Leena's eye, she saw Mary in the crowds of people trying to get through, staring at them with silent tears streaming down her cheeks. She then returned her attention to Bit and replied, "You could be," with a smile. "I'll prove it," he said playfully and began to lean towards her. Leena leaned up towards him to meet his lips. As soon as their lips touched, they were hit by blinding lights. All the newspaper reporters were taking a picture of them. At the beginning, it was calm. Leena could feel Bit's tongue against her lips, trying to gain entrance, so she opened her mouth. Their tongues entwined with each other, making the kiss more passionate. Leena pulled away and looked into his heartfelt eyes. "You really love me?" she questioned innocently. "If I hated you...I wouldn't have kissed you," he said with a grin. "You're impossible," she said playfully, "But...I like you that way," then they kissed again, even more passionate than the first time. After a few seconds, she broke away to look back into his eyes. "I love you, too," only to see his heart-melting smile. ~~I'll be at the studio, Singing the song we wrote, About a girl you used to know. ~~ A month went by since that day, and Bit and Leena were closer than ever. They were both in Bit's room, at the studio, on his bed, both sitting cross legged, with a music sheet between the two of them, Bit with his guitar, and Leena with a pen. (HA...some of you thought I was going to put something else huh?) "Any ideas?" Leena asked. "Maybe..." Bit said leaning over and putting his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Not that kind," she said laying her head in his chest and looking at the blank music sheet. "What about that girl I used to know?" he said as he kissed her forehead. "Yeah..." Leena replied as she began to write the lyrics to their song. ~~I'm with the skater boy, I said see you later boy, I'll be back stage after the show, I'll be at the studio, Singing the song we wrote, About a girl you used to know. ~~ --------------------- Kay: Just a short fic. I needed a break from my other story, "Twisted Fate," so I started writing this. To let all you people that like my fic know, the next chapter will be posted soon. It will be a little short, but I think that you will all like it. Oh well, I hope that you all liked this short story. Nothing bad happening to me this time, *Feels something hit side of head* HEY! I NEEDED A BREAK AND ANOTHER IDEA! *Grabs the shoe* GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE......I'm not going to continue. See ya, not literal, *runs after person who threw shoe* End file.
Skater Boi by Heavens Wrath 15
1. Starlight memories Love's Angel Disclamer: I do not own Zoids or any characters except my own. Any similarity to works real or ficticious is purely coincidental. (a/n: this takes place right after the last episode of season 1 when Van and Fiona leave from the cornation. ) Van looked up at the stars. The night was crystal clear, the stars seemed to shine rather bright. He sighed. He had been through a lot and this really was his first chance to sit back and think about things. Saving the entire world was a fact not lost on Van. He would never have made it this far if it wasn't for his friends, for those that believed in him, and Fiona. Especially for Fiona. She was the one who never lost faith, who stood by Van the most. He was falling in love with her.... Van took his eyes of the placid night sky and shifted his eyes over to Fiona. She was already sleeping, curled up in her sleeping bag, just close enough to the fire to keep her warm. The flickering light of the fire illuminated her face, almost making her appearer like she was glowing. A soft smile stayed at her lips. Van smilied. Watching her seemed to make him feel warm and comfortable on the inside. He hoped silently to himself that she would love him just as much. Van was snapped out of his reverie a few moments later by Zeke, nudgeing him to get some sleep. Van, nearly losing his balance, caught himself before he rolled down the small hill he was on. Zeke sweatdropped. Van yawned and got up and hopped into his sleeping bag, not four feet from Fiona, with Zeke watching over the Blade Liger. Van entered a pleasent dreamless sleep. He smelt food. Van yawned and opened his eye slightly. Fiona had already gotten up and was cooking over another small fire. Fiona turned and saw that Van was awake. "Good Morning, Van!" Chimed Fiona, happily cooking some form of hot cereal, along with a pot of coffee, with the givaway salt shaker nearby. Van awoke completly now, pulling back his sleeping bag and rubbing his eyes. "Here, have some coffee!" Fiona said, smiling as she gingerly held out a cup to him. "Um..thanks..." Van said, accepting the coffee. How could he refuse? He took a sip. Salty as ever. He stomached it, not wanting to offend the kind gesture. Fiona sat down next to the fire eating, and Van pulled up another folding chair next to her. "So, how'd you sleep?" Fiona asked, taking another sip of coffee. "Good.." Van said. After mostly worry for the past week, it was nice to just stop and have normal small talk. It was a lot for one kid to go through. They finished eating and took down their camp. Van couldn't stop looking at Fiona. When was he going to tell her? Maybe tonight. Fiona, humming the while, took the camp geat and put it in the Liger while Van and Zeek looked of into the horizon. A few minutes passed and Fiona came and sat with them. "Do you think we'll find the Zoid Eve this time?" Fiona asked. "I dunno. But you can bet we'll find it sometime! Nomatter how long it takes! Right, Zeke?" Zeke roared in approval. Fiona smiled. She knew that with Van they could rest assured that they would. They turned their heads toward each other and stared into each others eyes. Van looked quizically into the innocent smiling eyes of Fiona. Was this the time? The moment was interupted by the sound of explosions from just behind them. 2. The Shadow Liger Love's Angel Chapter 2 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids nor any characters except my own. All similarity to events real or ficticious are purely coincidental. Thanks for the reviews! Hope you enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------- Van, Fiona, and Zeke jumped up with a start at the sound of the explosions. Two hundred yards off was a Blade liger. It was unusual as it was pitch black, with a silver streak down the side. Van growled. "Don't I ever get ANY rest?" Van yelled. "Go, Zeke!" Van hopped up into the cockpit of his blade liger as Zeke merged with it's Zoid core. "Common, Fiona!" Van called down to her. "Comming Van!" Fiona said with a nod as she hopped in the back of the cockpit. Van turned to face this new adversary. The image of his new opponent appeared on his screen. As could have been expected, he wore all black, right down to a pair of dark sunglasses that hid his eyes, to jet black hair. He just snickered. "Hello Van." The boy said. "What do you want with me!?" Van yelled. Fiona tapped him on his shoulder. "Calm down, Van." Fiona said, still an innocent expression glued to her face. Van sweatdropped and nodded. The boy began to speak up. "You are in my way, Van. My name is Crow. [a/n geez what is it with black bird names? Raven, and now Crow ^_~] I'm the best zoid pilot ever, destined to rule planet Zi, and no lucky kid is going to stop me and take my glory!" As he ended the essage the screen returned to the view of the black zoid. Geez maybe you are overreacting just a little?? Van just got to thinking when laser cannon shells began to hit him. "AHH!" Van cringed. "Alright, you asked for it!" Van began to work his controls. The Blade Liger began to run forward. As the black one fired Van moved to the side. "Is that the best you got??" Van challenged. "why" Crow smiled confidantly. Van deployed his blades. The started glowing with negetive (a/n was it positive or negetive?) particles. Van smiled to himself. He had every confidence he could win. At the other zoid, Crow just snickered again. Pressing a few quick buttons on his controls his zoids suddenly deployed his dark blue blades. He snickered again. It was all too easy. He fingrered one last button. His swords blasted energy from their tips and formed a giant ball of postive energy. The energy ball was attracted to the blades of Van's liger and sped at an alarming rate, turning into a beam. Van was heading straight towards the black liger when it was fired. It was moving to fast! "Van, put away the blades and jump to the side!" Fiona yelled from the back. "Zeke!" Van yelled. The Blade liger jumped and put away the blades, but the beam still grazed the side of his liger. It was knocked back off it's feet from the force of the blast. Van shook his head and glanced at his control panel. Red warning lights were flashing, and a wireframe of the blade liger appeared pointing out damage. Van looked back at Fiona. She was ok, curled up in a fetal position, biting her lower lip hard. Van returned towards looking at his screen. Major damage was taken to the starboard side of the Blade liger. "Zeke, can you get Liger up again?" Van asked. Zeke responded with an uncertain roar. Van pressed a few controls and managed to get the blade liger up to it's feet. Crow appeared on the screen again. "You don't stand a chance. Why not just give up now?" He said, fingers ready to fire everything he had at Van. "This is my shadow liger. Much superior to an average blade liger." Crow disappeared from the screen again. Van felt a tap on his shoulder again. "Van, get out of here..we can't fight this in this condition now!" Fiona said, pleading. "I know, I know, but how am I going to do this?" Van replied, eyes still focused ahead. Van pulled up a map of the area. He had to find someway to get out of here. He spotted a few towns that had repair shops...a few caves...there was no where to go. Crow started to move his liger. He walked in close to Van's, mocking him. Crow's liger bit into the back of the Blade liger. The liger roared in pain, as Zeke Van and Fiona braced themselves. With a flick of the controls Crow picked the blade liger up and threw it a few yards off. Van got up again. He had on chance to stall this fight.. As soon as Crow came near again, Van put up the shield, blocking the bite. Van, in one swift movement, deployed his blades and swung the liger around, slicing through the leg of the shadow liger. Crow didn't have time to respond with his anitblade attack. Van's liger collapsed from the damage it sustained. Crow cursed at his monitor. "I suppose I'll let you live then...I don't have the time to finish you right now. Just remember.." Crow let his sunglasses drop, revealing deep black eyes that seem to peirce the soul..."I will destroy you." Crow sped away from them. ---------------------------------------------- 3. The Truth Revealed Love's Angel Chapter 3 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids or any characters besides my own. Any similarity to events true or fictional are completly coincidental. Here comes chapter 3... ------------------------ Van hopped out of the cockpit of the damaged liger, with Zeke following. Fiona climbed down the frame of the liger. "Fiona, are you ok?" Van asked, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Van...I sensed something...." Fiona said, turning her head to stare into Van's eyes. Van knew what she was talking about. He had seen it when he had removed his sunglasses.... "He's you, Van...." Fiona said, looking distrought. Crow had looked exactly like Van. He was the same..but different.... "I know, Fiona..." Van said. Fiona almost looked like she was going to cry. "Come, lets see if we can't get the liger to a repair shop, and then we can call Doctor D and see if he can tell us anything about this..." he said. After a quick tune up on the damage from the devestating antiblade beam, the Blade Liger was good enough to walk. The two again returned to the cockpit and hobbled of to the nearest town. After a few long miles they had finally reached Azul Town. It ws a placid town, situated on a peaceful pure blue lake. When the people of the town noticed they were damaged they immediatly sent out a team of mechanics to help them. The damage was severe, but not beyond repair. "How long will it take to get up to 100%?" Van asked them. "Um, it will probably take about a few days." Replied the chief engineer. "Make it twenty four hours, I need my liger, I have to beat the guy who did that to it." Van said, pointing at the damage." "Yessir, anything for you, Van. It's quite a pleasure meeting the child who deafeated the DeathSaurer." The man saluted. Van smiled nervously and sidestepped away. He was to young for this much fame...especially when it brought just as much new danger. Van walked into the hotel room where he and Fiona were staying. Zeke stayed outside, trying to speed up to repair process by binding with the liger. Fiona was sitting on the bed, waiting for Van to come so they could talk to Doctor D, who Fiona had just got on the line. "When is Van coming......oh there you are Van!" The old doctor said, still as hyper as ever..(too much salt in the coffee...) "I got the Doctor on the videophone, Van!" Fiona smiled cheerfully while sipping more coffee... [a/n..fear the coffee....] Hey, grandpa. We need your help." Van said to the doctor. Doctor D just nodded and listened attentivly. "I met another oponnent today, his name is Crow. Only thing is, he looks exactly like me. He even pilots a special Blade liger, which he calls the Shadow Liger. What is going on here?" Van said, trying not to get exited and start yelling. There was a moment of silence as the doctor looked at his computer screen. "Van....I might just know what is going on..." The doctor said, no longer his cheerful self. "Gramps..what is it?" Van said, begining to feel a certain sense of dread. Fiona felt it too, she looked like she was quivering. "Van, since the coronation two days ago, Emperor Ruldolf has declassified and hacked into the secure documents that Prozin kept. In an effor to improve realtionships, some of that data has been exchanged with the Republic.....Van, Crow is you. Literaly. Prozin had a backup plan. It appears that he took your DNA from one of your encounters and used it to create a clone of you. Not only that, using special technology he was able to set up a nueral link. He has the same brain as you as well, except for one difference. " that?" Van said, stumbling for words. Fiona was biting her lip again, not sure she wanted to hear this, although she already knew. "He is the exact opposite of you. For all your good qualities, he has bad qualities too. He warps everything good into something evil. Van, be careful, he is the perfect weapon against you. That is why his Blade liger is equipped with the antiblade beam, it knows your strengths and is able to counteract them. "So what can I do?" Van said, looking at the sheets on his bed. This time Fiona put her arm around Van to comfort him. The doctor stopped talking and again becoming his usually self said "Oh I don't know I have faith you will think of something!" The doctor paused to laugh insanely. "Bya, Van! Seeya Fiona!" "Wait a minute Gramps...." Van yelled just as the phone went dead. He sighed. Fiona looked over to him, suddenly confident again. "Don't worry Van, Doctor D is right! I know you will think of something!" Fiona said, beaming a beatiful smile. Van couldn't help but feel just a little better because of that smile. That warm feeling again passed through him...He would talk to her tonight... "Hey Van, let's go get some food!" Fiona said, jumping off the bed and running out the door. "Hey, wait up for me!" Van said, running after her. -Meanwhile- Crow was waiting. When he left his "brother," he had been picked up by his remote whale king. He had to re-equip, so he headed back to the secret base Prozin had left him before his death. He would be able to counter Van's shield, he was sure of it. It would take him about 24 hours untill he would meet Van again....and Fiona..... Crow smilied. He was sure it would be an encounter not soon forgotten. ----------------------- Well, review time! I hope to have the next chapter up soon.... 4. Beyond words Love's Angel Chapter 4 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids, nor any characters except my own. (Namely Crow.) And simiarity between this and any events real or fiction is purely coinidental. Author Note: Thanks for the reviews! Again, I hope you enjoy! ~Matrix ------------------- Fiona certantly had a way of finding the most elegant resturants. And Van thought he liked food.... Fiona had led him to the towns best resturant, The Seashore Grill. It was a rather nice place, decorated with an almost wooden pirate ship look. It was not very busy, the moment the walked in they were able to get a nice seat, one that had a window overlooking the lake. As always the lake seemed to be like a mirror, reflecting everythin from being almost unaturally still. The tables were nothing fancy, round wooden one's, yet it completed the atmosphere. Van and Fiona took their seats across from each other. Fiona spoke. "Van, I hope this food will help you relax. Besides, you are going to need your energy anyway!" Van smiled to himself. For some reason he couldn't stop thinking about the particualr flying papaya incident on Mt. Isolena. Fiona seemed to guess what he was thinking. "Don't worry, I'm sure they don't sell flying papayas here!" Fiona said. They both laughed. It felt good. He didn't know when they would laugh again. "Don't worry Van, order as much as you like. Money isn't a problem, since they are giving you everything for free after saving the world and all." Fiona said, trying to flag down a waiter to ask for a glass of water. "I guess that is kinda cool huh" Van said, his mind finally lifting from the topic of Crow. He ordered just a glass of water too. The next time the waitor came around they placed their orders. Van ordered a platter of shrimp and streak, while Fiona ordered salmon steak. They also ordered a plate of crablegs to share. The food was exceptionally good, they weren't sure if that was because it really was good or just they were starving. Although the food was good, both really cherished the conversation the most. Over dinner they talked about the good times, the bad times of their adventure. They talked about when he had just broken her out of the capsule, how funny she was because she couldn't remember much. They talked about when the first met Irvine, how Van always yelled at him for wanting to take Zeke. There reminiscing coninued to Moonbay, to meeting Doctor D, Raven, all the people they met inbetween and finally sucessfully coronating Rudolf as Emperor, the latest event in their journey. Van took another sip of his water and looked out on the lake. In a few minutes the sun would begin to set. Fiona took her final spoonful from her dish of strawberry icecream. Van looked at Fiona again. He decided. Tonight would be the night. "Hey, Fiona, wanna go outside and watch the sunset?" Van asked cooley. "Oh, sure I'd love to!" Fiona replied. The two walked out of the resturant, not without a couple of handshakes for Van. Van wasn't sure whether to like the attention or not...... They passed by the repair bay on the way out to the lake. The Blade liger was coming along well, Van decided. It looked like it would be done in time. Zeke aws still there, trying to aid the process. That was ok. He just wanted to be with Fiona for now. They soon left the city boarders and began to walk across the lake, looking for a clearing in the trees where they could rest. AFter a few minutes of walking the found a nice spot, that gave a wonderful view of the sunset. Van, varrying a blanket, unrolled it and set it down on the grass. He motioned for Fiona to sit down. She happily oblidged. For a few moments, the two just sat side by sie and watched the sun in silence. Van was finally ready, and decided to break the silence. "Fiona..." Van said, turning towards her. "Yeah?" Fiona replied, likewise turning. "Fiona, threre's something I need to tell you, and I've been putting it off for a while. You've been with me since the beginning of our quest, and you have been the one that has held the most hope and believed in me the most. Fiona, I love you................." Van said, not sure whether to keep his eye's open our not, praying silently for a positive answer. Fona just looked at Van for a moment. Then with her usual cheerful suddeness she replied as well. "Van, I love you too. I've been putting it off as well. I care deeply for you, more tha anyone else on this planet." Fiona said, still holding a feeble smile, hoping she hadn't embarrased herself. Van couldn't have heard a better answer. Both blushing, neather could think of anything to say, so instead the just pulled close to each other and embraced. It was a beatiful scene, the two new lovers embracing by the last light of the sun, casting a orange/purple glow on them. Van was begining to realize exactly what true love felt like. The warm feeling of love that he usually got seemed to well inside of him, it was happiness beyond joy, beyond words to describe it. They pulled apart, still holding each other, both gazing into the other's eyes, this time the eys full of love and warmth. "So should we.." Fiona started, Van, guessing her thoughts, finishing "kiss?" They both nodded, both blushing extremely red. Van pulled her close to him and with some degree of trial and error their lips finally met. It was the most wonderful thing that had every happened in their lives. They both were runnong out of breath but neither could pull away, not that they wanted to anyway. Van loved the sweet fragrance of her hair, felt indescribably happy with her close to him, being able to feel her heartbeat. They gave up trying to sit up and just lied down, still continuing the embrace and kiss which seemed like it would last forever. The sun was almost completly down now, and the moon was starting to illuminate the clearing. The stars were shining bright, and a light rain started to fall. The continued to kiss untill they both were incapable anymore, and fell asleep lying in each other's arms. -next morning- Van was happy beyond words. Wouldn't his sister have a fit if she knew that he had kissed someone! It seemed that nothing could dampen his spirits, untill he was pulled back into reality by a phone call from Doctor D. "Hey! What news have you got now, Gramps?" Van said, not willing for his mood to be spoiled by the danger they were in. "Van, you love Fiona, correct?" The doctor said, looking serious again. " did you know tha....." Van was cut off. "Well when you've ben alive as long as I have you begin to notice these sorts of things." The doctor laughed insanely again. He coughed to clear his throught. "Well, anyway Van, you must not let Fiona out of your sight!" He said sternly. "Why..?" Van questioned. "Think about it. Crow is the exact opposite of you, and warps all things you consider good. So what's the opposite of true love?" Van paused for a second to let it all sink in. ".......lust...." ----------------------- well review time again! hope you liked.... 5. FIONA!!! Love's Angel Chapter 5 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids, nor any charcters besides my own. Any similarity to and works real or fiction is purely coincidental. A/N: Thanks for the reviews ^_^ Here come the next chapter....If you don't hate Crow will now. enjoy. *************** Van tuned of the video phone. He had an ominous feeling of dread..he knew this was not a good thing. Van heard water running. Fiona had gone to take a shower. Van just lied back on his bed for amoment. As long as he was still here Fiona should be safe. Crow was set to ruin his life, and he would start by hurting Fiona... Van could not let something like that happen. He wouldn't let Crow get his hands on her. Van rolled over on his side. The Liger would be ready soon. He would be ready to fight this time. Van sat up again and checked out his nearby computer console. Gramps had uploaded a quick technical sketch on what they knew about the Shadow Liger. Unfounrtuatly, that was not a lot. The main weapon they knew about was the antiblade-beam, the weapon that homed in on the particles givin off by Van's blades. So that means he would have to use his blades quickly and resheath them, or else be destroyed by the beam. Van knew in his gut that the Shadow Liger had more in store then what they knew about. If what the doctor said was right the Shadow Liger would be equiped with more counter measures to Van's weapons. As long as he had Fiona to give him support, he would be fine, he would make it through. But with her being the next target....he didn't want to think about this right now. He closed his console and turned on the television. He flipped mindlessly through the channels. Soap operas, cartoons, news, nothing seemed to interested him. The waiting game was killing him. He got the phone and dialed in another number. The engineer answered, along with Zeke to the side of him. "Van sir, I'm happy to report that the Blade Liger is functioning at optimal efficiency!" The man said, and Zeke roared in agreement. "Thanks, and thank you too, buddy," Van said, addresing Zeke as well. "Zeke, stay there, I have to keep an eye on Fiona." Van said, but all heads were tuned to something in off in the distance. Suddenly explosions sounded. Screams were heard. The engineer finally came back on the line. "Van! The Shadow Liger has been spotted! Come quick!" He said, holding his ears from the sound of the explosions. "we don't have any other defensive options!" He said again. Van nodded. The Liger was ready, he would go. At least since Crow was there, he couldn't hurt Fiona. He shut off the phone and got up, ready to run out of the room. Fiona had just exited the bathroom with a towel on, as Van ran past. "I'm going to stop Crow, Take care of yourself!" Van said, kissing her on the cheek as he ran past. "Be careful, Van!" Fiona said, trying to remain serious when grinning like a schoolgirl. "I will!" Van asid as he rounded the hall, out of sight. Van quickly reached the outside of the hotel. Luckliy a man was getting on a motorcycle as he was exiting. "Sorry sir, I need to borrow this!" Van said, taking the keys and hopping on the bike, speeding away. "HEY!" The biker said. Van couldn't stop. He was blinded by the need to stop this now once and for all. He drove haphazardly, weaving inbetween cars, just barely missing some. It seemed like hours until he reached the repair bay. Zeke saw him coming, and blasted into the air, coming down and bonding with the Blade Liger. Van jumppe dof the bike, letting it skid and hit the side of the building. He took another jump and landed in the cockpit Zeke had open for him. It closed with a wooshing noise. All systems were indeed operational, if not better than average. "Mobilizing!" Van said, running off to meet himself. The Shadow Liger was stading in the prarie outside the city. Van pulled up, facing it dead on. A message appeared on his screen. " Hello again, Van. Time to die." It disappeared. The Shadow Liger started running to the left. Van tunred left as well and started running along side it. "This time you are not goin to win!" Van said the the other pilot. No answer. "Coward, huh" No answer again. Van didn't care. The shadow liger stopped moving and Van quickly turned, ending up behind the Shadow Liger. "Goodbye Crow!" Van said, firing his shock cannon. The cannon hit their mark, but instead of hitting the Shadow Liger, the shadow Liger's image faded out, leaving only a small remote zoid. Van fought the urge to swear. "That..that...worm! It was a decoy!!!!!!" Van screamed into his control panel. Fiona was in danger now, all because he had underetimated his opponent. He had to find her, and quick. She was counting on him.... --------- Crow set his Shadow Liger down in a patch of trees beyond the lake. He was smiling to no ended, taking great pride into how dumb his counterpart was. The cockpit opened. Crow turned around, grabed Fiona's hand and ripped her out of the cockpit down to the forest ground. She has gagged and her hands and feet were bound. Crow forcefully ripped off the mouth gag. He snickered. "I honestly don't see how you could possibly like him, ya know." Crow said, sitting down besides Fiona, who was terrified. The fear showed in her eyes. Crow loved it. "Can't you see? Look at me." Crow threw his sunglasses to the groung, revealing Van's eyes, pitch black to the core. Fiona could barely look at them and turned her head. "I SAID LOOK AT ME!" Crow screamed, backhanding Fiona across the face. "You'll get more than that if you start screaming. " Crow said, smiling at her misery and pain. Like prey about to be caught. Crow grabbed her face and turned it to look right into his eyes. He couldn't stop smiling now. "I am superior to Van in zoid, my eyes,...." Crow moved his face closer to hers, forcing her to look directly into his eyes up close. "I should be the one you are too pretty to be in love with that fool..." Fiona couldn't stand staring at him anymore. He was not like Van at all, he was pure evil..he took delight in other's suffering...Fiona tried to call out to Van in her head..... Crow just smilied and hit her again. [a/n: WAhhh! I'm so sorry Fiona!!!! ;_; Die Crow!] ---- Van began to round the lake. He had to hurry. Fiona was in danger, he'd never forgive himself if something happened to her. Zeke roared, he shared the same thoughts. Suddenly Van felt something...Fiona was reaching out to him. "Hey, Zeke, do you feel it too?" Van asked. He got a roar in reply. "Yeah. She's suffering. We gotta hurry! Zeke, find her!" Zeke roared again. Van's screen lit up with a map of the lake. Using Zeke's powers as an organoid and Fiona's mysterious abilities, Zeke was able to locate Fiona. The ran of in that directing as fast as they could. Van engaged the boosters. ----------- Crow just laughed at her suffering. "Come on? Don't you like me?" Crow asked. Fiona tried to back away. Crow grabbed her shoulder. "Gee, you're gonna hurt my feelings..." Crow said, pulling her back over. Fiona cringed. Crow began to run his fingers through her hair. Fiona was trmbling in fear now. It seemed to feed Crow, he was loving every minute of it. He was playing with her like a mouse captured by a cat. He twirled her hair in his fingers. "You are very prett...." Crow said, suddenly cut of by the sound of a zoid. The Blade Liger. Crow just sat there, still holding Fiona's shoulder with one hand, her hair with the other. Van and Zeke hopped down to the ground and approached Crow. "Get your slimy hands off her!" Van yelled. Crow looked up at him. "Oh? And what are you going to do to stop me, Van?" Crow said, right after that he pulled Fiona close and tried to kiss her. Fiona tried to fight, but it was no use. He was too strong. Van's blood was boiling. He had reached his limit. He ran over to Crow and was about to attack him, when he suddenly stood up, dragging Fiona with him and threw her at Van. Van cought her just in time. Van huggd her tight. Fiona, tears welling in her eyes, hugged back just as much. "Aw. What a touching moment." Crow said, interupting, him leaning up against the side of his zoid's leg. "Take her. I don't need to have her to destroy you...besides, I'm sure there are plenty of other girls out there..." Crow said, hopping back into his Liger. Van growled at him. "Come on, Fiona! Get in the Liger, we have to stop him!" Van said, looking Fiona in the eyes. "Ok's ok now..I have you back with me." Fiona managed a smilie again. She would be fine. The two hopped into the liger and Zeke binded with it again. The ran out into a more open area for fighting. "You are one sick person!" Van screamed. "Huh. Your only talking about yourself.." Crow said, taunting him. 'No.." Fiona said, making sure that it didn't hit home with Van. "You aren't and will never be like him! He's evil to the core.." Van nodded. "This time you're going down!" Van said. He mobilized and started to run forward. Crow shook his head. 'So he's gonna try again?' He thought. 'Pathetic.' Crow worked his controls and ran forward as well. The two zoids clashed togther, trying to claw at each other. They seperated and charged again. Neither did much damage. Crow fired his beam cannon. Van jumped to the side and tried to counter with a shock cannon attack. The Shadow liger dodged with ease and fired at Van, this time hitting him. Van pressed a few buttons and but up the shield. "Let's see you stop this!" Van challanged. Van charged forward. Crow just yet again smilied. "Goodbye." Crow said. He flicked a switch. The Shadow Liger opened it's mouth and fired a beam. The shield on the Blade liger shattered, and the cockpit rocked back and forth. Shadow was ready to follow up with his blades but Van was able to recover in time and jump. Sudden;y though his iger lost all power and his combat system froze. "What the? What did that come from??!!" Van said. "Van, the pressure it put on the shield to shatter it backed up into your main combat system, overloading it." Fiona said, looking over technical readings in the back. "I'll spare you for now." He snickered. It'll be much more painful for you to see everything you love destroyed. I'll destroy this world, everyone you love, then I'll destroy Fiona -a shame really- and then finally when everything is gone, I'll take your life. Till we meet again." Crow shut of the link and smilied. They would not live to much longer. He left like a shadow. Van opened his cockpit. Van, Fiona, and Zeke climbed to the ground. Fiona, a smilie beyond happiness, ran and embraced Van, holding tightly around his neck. Van held her against his chest. "Thank you, Van, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't save me." "Don't worry. You've always been there for me and now I'll be there for you." Van said. They kissed, nowing they were in for a long battle.... --------------- OMG that was sooooo hard to write .\ Poor Fiona.. ....and so starts the real battle. The battle for Van's world..... 6. Moonlight battle Love's Angel Chapter 6 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids or any characters besides my own. Any similarities between this and any events real of fictional is completly coincidental. Again, thanks for the encouragment! I'll try to keep the chapters coming as fast as I can... enjoy. ---------------- The metalic sounds of the Blade Ligers legs was strangly soothing to Van. Zeke was piloting the Liger, trying to let Van get some sleep. It was no use, he couldn't. The night was pure black tonight, making the stars seem unusually bright. Van looked behind his seat over to Fiona. She was sound asleep. Good. She needed her rest. Van got a blanket out of a compartment and put it on Fiona. Again, she looked so peacful sleeping, a strand of hair blowing over her face. Van moved the strand aside. He unwillingly turned back again. It would be a long night. They had reports from the Doctor that the Shadow Liger had been spotted moving towards the Empire's capitol. He was probably going to try to attack Ruldolf. He punded on his controls in frustration, forgetting that Fiona was still asleep. He looked back. She didn't stir. Good, he didn't wake her. He wanted to get Crow badly now...after what he tried to do to Fiona. He rested his head back on his seat. He would get no sleep tonight. --------- Fiona blinked for a few moments, having to readjust to being awake. "Van, are you up?" Fiona whispered over to the front seat. "Yeah, all night." Van replied, sounding tired. He needed the rest... "Oh.." Fiona replied, taking a brush and starting to brush her hair. "Don't worry, I'll never let him take you again...." Van said, looking back at her, his eyes looking like they were filled with a mixture of anger, sadness, and determination. "I know Van." Fiona said, smiling at him. Fiona thought to herself..'and if he did, Van would come and rescue me' Van reached over and touched her cheek. "Come on, lets go stop this madman...." Van said. Fiona smiled. Van turned back to the controls and took over from Zeke. They pressed on full speed ahead. -------------- -meanwhile at the Palace in Giegalos- (a/n that is the name for the empire capitol, correct?) The newly-coronated Emperor Ruldolf just sat there, watching everyone run around, trying to increase security. He had been briefed on the situation. Van's evil twin was going to try and kill him..didn't he just get done with this 3 days ago? Nothing ever stays peaceful for long. The defense zoids were deployed around the palace. Ruldolf knew he wouldn't feel safe until Van arrived. He folded his hands and waited. --------------- Crow looked ahead. He was shivering in joy just thinking about how he would ruin Van's life. No one would be a match for him. He would destroy Ruldolf first...then everything else..... --------------- Van arrived at Giegalos. He stoppped his Liger right behind the walls of the palace after recieving a security permit to go inside. Van, Fiona and Zeke walked up the palace stairs to the throne room. "Van! Nice to see you again so soon!" Ruldolf said, standing. "Hi Ruldolf!" Van said, running up to shake hands. Fiona smiled and bowed. Zeke roared. "Nice to see you too, Zeke and Fiona!" He said, laughing. "Ruldolf, we won't let Crow get to you. So don't worry, ok?" Van said, again regaining that confident look in his eyes. "I know, Van." He said in reply, again looking confident. "Your quarters are ready. Please follow me." Ruldolf started to walk away. They followed. They were soon led into a royal guest room. The three looked in awe at the room. It was huge. Two Huge beds graced the center rear of the room, with large silk canopys. A elegant ornate table was directly in the center. A massive fruit basket sat on the table, filled with apples, oranges, lemons, limes, mangos, kiwi, and specially for Van, papaya. A exit to the side of the room lead to an extraordinary bathroom, complete with emperial tile and an amazing jacuzzi. "I hope you like your lodgings.." Ruldolf said, only to sweatdrop, watching Van dive into the fruit basket, eating papayas. Fiona turned to Ruldolf. "Thank you very much" Fiona said, smiling and bowing politly. "Sure, no problem. If you need anything, you know where I'll be." He said this and began to walk back to his throne room. Fiona and Zeke both sweatdropped. Van was still stuffing his face with papaya. ------------------ The entire day had passed without event. It was night again, stars crystal clear, like the night before this ordeal started two days ago. The moonlight rested on Van and Fiona. They had walked into the Royal gardens after sunset. It was a very beautiful garden. Three were trees of every shape and color, colorful flowers were growing everywhere, giving off a sweet fragrance. Van and Fiona were sitting on a bench, next to a crystaline flowing fountain. Again, they sat kissing. It was a very romantic scene, illuminated by moonlight among the color and splendor of the garden. Falling in love was the best thing that ever happnend to him, Van decided. Fiona was sharing the same sentiments. Her warmth gave him comfort, a break from the stess his new enemy. Fiona was enjoying it too, letting Van's warmth wash all her fears and bad memories away. Both broke away for air. "I love you, Van" Fiona said, restering her head against his shoulder. "I love you too... Van said, his hand running down her soft hair. Van wished this moment would last forever. Fiona had tears in her eyes, not of sadness, but of happiness. She had never been as content or as happy as she is when she was with Van. "You are the most beautiful girl in the entire world, Fiona..." Van said, sounding almost awkward being his first attempt at acting romantic. Fiona just smiled up at him, still resting on his shoulder. She put her arms around his neck and pulled up, their lips meeting again. He had got his answer of what Fiona thinks of him. Fiona, leaving one hand around van's neck, reached back into the poor of the fountain and splashed some water on Van. "Hey!" Van said, smiling. Van dipped his hand into the water as well, splashing Fiona. Fiona giggled. This soon erupted into a splash fight. Both kept splashing water at each other, and both were smiling and giggling all the while. Acting frivolus like this seemed to lift even more stress. When they had finished playing, both were soaking wet. They paused and stared into each other's eyes and began to kiss again. How Van wanted this night never to end........ It wasn't going to work that way, though. They were interuppted by the sound of an alarm. Both broke apart and started to run back to the Blade Liger. They knew what this meant. Crow had arrived. It was time to fight. Still soaking wet, they both reached the hanger in the palace where they had moved the Blade Liger to. Zeke was already there, and as soon as he saw them he blasted into the Blade Liger again. Some of the other pilots stared and wondered why the two were soaked to the bone, but there was no time to ask anything. They had to protect Ruldolf. Van and Fiona climbed up to the cockpit. Van looked back at Fiona. She looked concerned. "Don't worry, everything will go fine! Besides, we have help this time." Van said, although deep inside he had that same feeling of dread again. Fiona nodded and attempted to smile. She knew what Van was thinking inside... Van kissed his hand and touched it to her cheek. It was time to go face their fears face to face again. The substantial imperial guard force zoids went out first to join the one's already put on defense. Van followed behind. He didn't want to be at the front lines. He would wait to see what would happen. In a few moments they were outside the city. The Shadow Liger was approaching, any moment and it would be in firing range. The time seemed to drag on. Finally it entered firing range. "FIRE!" Shouted the commander of the forces. All the zoids began to fire. A massice cloud of smoek arose from the shell blasts around the Shadow Liger. When it cleared, it was evident they had failed. It's shield was up. Van got a message from crow on his screen. "Oh, so we have help now don't we? Well, it doesn't matter. I will not fail." Crow said, again taking off his glasses. Fiona looked away suddenly, memories recently taken away coming back. "What's the matter Fiona?" Crow said again, mocking her. He snickered evily. "Your hurting my feelings again." "Leave her alone!" Van screamed at him. Crow focused his black, void like eyes on Van. "For now, I'll get to her eventually to the task at hand...destroying your world...." Crow said, putting his sunglasses back on, as the screen went blank again. The Shadow Liger began it's counter attack. The guard forces kept firing, but his shield was still up. Crow deployed his blades. They began to glow. Crow had to commend the guards. They must surely know their end is coming, yet they still fire at him. Proud to the last proud to admit deafeat. The blades had charged up a massive amount of energy. Angling his blades forward in one swift motion, the blade shgaped beams started to spin away almost like boomerangs. The spread out and hit the front lines of the zoids. The energy made a giagantic explosion and knocked out comunications for a few seconds. Van was horrified when he saw what had happened. Almost all of the zoids were desroyed, once great fighting machines to a mere pile of rubble. For the ones that weren't destroyed in one hit, Crow fired shells from his blades untill they collapsed upon themselves. Van was the only zoid left. "See what I mean?" came Crow's voice again. "Nothing can save you." "We'll see...Good always wins, remember?" Van said. "Not this time." Crow said, smiling and then cutting off communication. Van was left again with the Shadow liger, circling him, waiting for a chance to pounce on it's prey. Van turned with it. He would not let him get him of guard. Teh Shadow liger raised it's blades and fired shells at Van. Van jumped over to the side and countered with his shock cannon. Crow dodged and swung his blades down and attempted to slash Van. Van jumped over him and landed on the Shadow Liger's back. Crow moved his blades upwards, peircing the bottom hull of the Blade liger. Crow then fired his cannon straight into the Liger's gapping hole. Van was blown off of his back, his liger sprawling on the ground, damaged. It was no use, Van couldn't get it to move. Many vital cuircuits had been severed. "See? You can't mess with me." Crow said. He walked off toward the palace. "NOOOO!!" Van yelled. He pounded the controls in frustration."Zeke, buddy, can't you do anything?" He said, pleading. Fiona closed her eyes and folded her hands. ------ The Shadow Liger started firing on the palace. Van was no mach for him. His mission would be easy. Suddenly, Crow noticed two stormsorters fly off. Crow knew. They had the emperor. He had escaped from his grasp. Crow swore. ------ Van looked up and saw two stormsorters fly off. Van was relieved. The baron of wings had recued Ruldolf again. Fiona smiled. Crow came walking back toward the injured Blade Liger. "Untill we meet again, Van!!!!" Crow said, furiously. He would not let Van keep winning these small victories. The shadow liger stomped on the Blade liger, doing more damage, causing electricity to flow through the cockpit and some control screens to blow out. With that, the Shadow Liger ran away. Fiona reached over and hugged Van. They were safe again......... for now. ----------------------- Cool, for what I thought would've been a boring chapter turned out pretty awesome IMHO... Review time! 7. March of Terror Love's Angel Chapter 7 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids or any characters except my own. Any similarity between this story real or fictional is purely coincidental. ------- Fiona, Van and Zeke stood by the damaged liger. Still wet from the fountain, Van and Fiona were shivering. The huddle close for warmth as another cold wind blew. Emperor Ruldolf was safe, thank goodness. But now they had to worry about the Blade liger. Zeke roared anxiously. Two jeeps drove up to where they were, it was the repair crew they sent for. "Van...if we don't get the liger fixed in time, we might not be able to stop Crow.." Fiona said, shivering. "I know.." Van said, turning towards the repair personel. "I know. It's bad, isn't it?" The repair men just looked at him sadly. "It's going to take a while to be fixed," they said. "Exactly how long?" Van asked. "About a week." He replied disdainfully. Van just stayed quiet. Fiona rubbed his shoulder to comfort him. They both knew what this meant. Without the Blade Liger for a week, Crow would have his oppurtunity to strike. What could they use to try to stop the Shadow Liger? It mangled every other zoid it faced. "Better start working then." Van said, getting into a jeep to take them back. "Come on, Fiona" He waved her over. Fiona jumped into the jeep as well, Zeke following. ---------- They had soon arrived back at the palace. Luckly Ruldolf was taken so quickly, the palace wasn't too badly damaged. A few creators where shells hit ont he outerwall, but everything else remained perfectly intact. They entered the main hall and walked up the stairs to their room. Van didn't even feel like eating Papayas, he just fell down on his bed, hands over his face. Fiona sat down besides him, after taking an orange to munch on. "So what happens now?" Fiona asked, peeling the orange. "I guess we just wait, maybe try to find another zoid in the meantime to battle Crow with. It's not looking good right now." Van said, hands still over his face. "Well, we have to do something. Crow will stop at no end to cause you pain. Maybe someway we can stop him...." Fiona said, taking a bite of the orange. "Hold on, I'll try calling the repair men. Maybe they have a spare zoid on hand." Van said, picking up his phone and sitting up he dialed in the number. The screen crackled before it came to life. "Hey, do you have another zoid I could use in the meantime?" Van asked "Sorry sir, all the zoids have been destroyed by Crow. We have some being transported from the republic, but It'll take at least one day to get here, seeing as most of zoids in the battle against the DeathSaurer that were destroyed depleted most remaining supplies." He said, looking nervous. The line went dead. Van lied back again the same way he had before. Fiona finished her orange and rested her head on his chest. "I guess we just wait now...." She said. ------------ They had fallen asleep like that for the night, Fiona resting on Van. Fiona sudenly stirred. She sensed something... She woke up and flipped on the television. She knew what she was going to see and didn't want to, but she had to anyway. It was on every channel. The Shadow Liger had struck. "Van, wake up!" She said, running over to him and shaking him. "What is it, Fiona?" Van said, awake and ready. "Crow has started again..." Van jumped up and ran to the television. He almost couldn't bear to look at it. Azul town had been obliterated. They showed clips of the Shadow Liger mercilously firing at any one he saw, destroying every building in his way. All that was left was a near craetor of blackened earth. Crow was out there, causing pain to many, and Van was powerless for at least one more day. ------------ "VAN SIR! THE ZOIDS HAVE ARRIVED EARLY!" Someone called into his room about five hours later. Van quickly ran out with Fiona and Zeke. In the Courtyard there were five new zoids to choose from. "Which one is the fastest?" Van asked the repair chief. "Oh probably that red command wolf." Doctor D said. They paused for a second. "GRAMPS? What are you doing here??" Van asked "Oh well I came over and happened to be just in time to supervise the repain on your zoid. I'm planning on adding a little something special to it too." He laughed "With me on the job it might even be done a bit early! Take that command wolf and go!" Van and Fiona smiled as Zeke bonded with the command wolf and the two jumped into the cockpit. They would try to make a stand against Crow. Working the controls, Van lead the command wolf out on the road. They would find crow and stop him. -------------- A few hours into the trip, they we contacted by Doctor D again. "Van, I think I've figured out where Crow is going to strike next." The Doctor said. "Judging by where we've seen him heading, he's going to Mirral city. It's really close to where you are! Hurry! Van nodded and shut the link down. "Zeke give it everything you got! I need speed!" Van said. Zeke roared and sped up the command wolf. ---------- In a short amount of time they had reached Mirral city. They were going to be ready, so they soimply remained outside of the city, waiting. Another episode of the waiting game was not something Van looked forward to. He rested his head against the seat. He would make sure he was a sharp as ever..he couldn't let Crow win. "Van....are you going to be alright?" Fiona asked. "Yeah..I hope so." Van said in reply, to stressed to be cocky anymore. Fiona reached over and put her hands on his shoulders. Van waited some more. ------------ Warning lights went off on Van's control screen. The Shadow Liger was here. Van pressed some buttons. He would take the initiative this time. He opened a channel to Crow. "Hello Crow. This is as far as you'll go." "Ah, I see you havn't learned your lesson yet." Crow looked down and smilied. "Fiona, you should really come with me..." Van turned off the channel and cut Crow off. "Let's get him, Zeke!" Van yelled, pushing his control sticks forward and running toward the Shadow Liger. With a quick mvement to the side, Van turned and fired. The Shadow liger dodged and fired back. Van jumped to the left and fired his main cannon. The Shadow Liger put his shield up and charged, hitting the Command wolf and knocking it down. Van forced it up again. This time Crow charged with his blades just as Van had gotten up. The Blades passes right through the wolf, cutting it in two. Van, Fiona and Zeke abandoned it before it exploded. The fell to the ground and rolled for a few feet. The Shadow Liger roared. It turned again toward the city. Van and Fiona were forced to whitness first hand it's power. With no mercy, or kindness whatsoever, Crow destroyed the entire city. He attacked ant person left that hadn't evacuated, crushed and car he got a hold of. Fiona had to look away. Van glared at the Shadow Liger. He would stop Crow if it was the last thing he did. He held Fiona tight. He wouldn't rest until Crow was stopped. 8. Beginning of the End Love's Angel Chapter 8 Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids nor any characters besides my own. Any similarity to events real or fictional is purely coincidental. Here we comes the last 2 chapters to Love's Angel..... ------------------------------- Van and Fiona just stared at the blaze caused by Crow, holding each other close. This needed to stop. The Command Wolf they had came in has been blown to peices, and with the city destroyed there was no way to get a ride back. Crow's mission was to ruin his life. He did better. He made it a living hell. Everyone looked behind them when Zeke roared. On the road a little bit away there was a zoid coming towards them. It was...a gustab. "It's Moonbay!" Fiona said, jumping up and waving. "And Irvine's there too.." Van said, seeing his command wolf trailing behind. It seemed like forever until the Gustab finally arrived where they were. The cockpit swung open, revealing Moonbay, just as predicted. "Hi, Van!" She said, hpping out and running up to them. Irvine jumped down out of his command wolf and caught up with Moonbay. "Hey, heard you needed a little help, so we decided we'd come by." Irvine said. The reunion was cut short when everyone simultaniously just looked in awe at the ruins of the city. "I heard they only got three fourths of the city evacuated...." Moobay said. Irvine just stared. Everyone's eyes turned to Van, who was trembling. "WHY ME!!!!???" Van yelled, falling ot the ground and crying. Fiona went over to him and rubbed his back. Van sobbed more before finally standing up. "Guys, are you sure you want to help me? This is going be dangerous." Van said, adressing them all. "Hmm...well it's never stopped us before.." Irvine said, smiling. Monnbay gave a thumbs up. Zeke roared. Fiona embraced and kissed Van. He had got his answer. "Alright, lets go back and get that Blade Liger fixed up!" --------------- Crow laughed maniacally in his cockpit. Prozin would have been proud of him. ***flashback*** "What report do you have, Sir?" Prozin asked the leading scientist on Project Blackbird. "Oh..and it better be good..." "Yes, sir, Admiral Prozin, sir....We have sucessfully stabalized Freiheight's DNA sir....Using growth acceleration processes we have managed to make him the same age as Van. See for yourself...." The scientist said as he pushed a few buttons on his control panel. A nearby capsul was realeased, there standing a human boy, jet black hair. "Excellent work, doctor..." Prozin said. "Have you completed the nueral optimising link yet? "Well, actually sir, you are just in time to witness his birth. We are transferring and reversing the polarity on Van's thoughts and" With that a few lights began to blink, and the boy opened it's eyes. It was a moment Prozin would never forget...he was so proud. The eyes were pitch black. They drew you into them, warped your thoughts. It was perfect. The boy spoke. "Prozin...." He said. "Hello. I'll name you......Crow. Listen carefully, Crow. I'm about to take the throne using the Deathsuarer, the most powerful weapon ever. There's only one person that might get in the way. You are my backup plan, Crow, my only hope for revenge. If I should be defeated by Van freiheight, you are to ruin his life. I want you to destroy him, break him, drive him insane. Torture him as much as you can by destroying the things he hold dear. Stop at nothing. Here, I have a ziod for you, you should be inpressed." Prozin finished and started to walk into the next room of the lab. "Follow." Crow followed. His eyes almost seemed to be even blacker in joy when he saw what Prozin had for him. "This is the Shadow Liger. It's your's..." Crow hopped into the cockpit and looked at the controls. It was the perfect machine. "It's equiped with all sorts of new weapons to combat Van's tactics. You should not have to much trouble beating him." Prozin said with a smile. "Thank you, Prozin sir.." Crow said, evil seeming to pour from his eyes. "Very well then. If you are not needed on the event of my death, you shall become my right hand man, more than Raven is." With that, Prozin left. ***end flashback*** Crow was happy how events were folding so far. It would not be long now. Van's torment would be good enough now, it was time to finally end it. He would still attack any villages along the way of course, but it was time for the final torment. Then the suffering would be complete. He headed towards the Wind Colony. --------- An intermediate chapter till the final one...The history of Crow. How did you like? Please review! 9. Love's Angel Love's Angel Chapter 9 --The Final Battle & Love's Angel- Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids, nor any characters besides my own. Any similarity to events real or ficitonal is purely coincidental. The Final Chapter... --------- Another crystal clear night. It was strange how they always came at times like these, at moments were you scarcly had time to stop and watch them. Van turned his eyes away from the window and looked at the scene. Moonbay, Irvine, Fiona, Doctor D, a horde of Mechanics and himself were all working on the Blade Liger. With all this work being done it shoud be ready far ahead of schedule, and not a moment to soon. Crow was heading towards the Wind colony. Crow had jammed communications somehow, it was impissbile to evacuate, crow would be there fast. He was ready to start dealing the last blows to Van, destroying his home and family. He should have enough time to catch him, seeing as it wouldn't be long untill the Blade Liger was back in action. Zeke nudged him to get back to work. Van sighed and returned to recalibrating the leg stabilizers. Work usually took his mind off things, it didn't this time. Pessimissim wasn't usually Van's cup of tea either, but he couldn't help being depressed. Would he be any match for Crow? Everytime they fought he never stood a chance, would some miracle save him this time? Van had studied tactics whenever he took a break from repairing the Blade Liger, but what could that do? Even worse was Moonbay and Irvine risking their lives as well. Fiona walked up behind him. " would help if you were turning that wrench in the right direction...." Fiona said, laying her hand on his shoulder. "uh..huh? Oh..yeah..." Van said, trying to right the bolt in the right direction this time. "Please try to concentrate, Van. It won't do any good if your so preoccupied with Crow that you can't perform well." Fiona said. "I's just so hard...." Van said, the wrench slipping and hitting his knee. "Ow.." "Listen to me Van.." Fiona said, bringing her forehead touching his. "You've got to keep your head clear. Worrying like this is what Crow wants. You can't let him win without fighting..." She finished. Van nodded and kised her. "Yeah, I know, you're right." He said. Van returned to work, this time efficiently. ------------- Crow pulled in to another secret imperial base set up by Prozin. Here would be what he needed to easily dispose of the last of Van's world. ------------ They all looked upon it, impressed. The Blade Liger was completly repaired, and shone beatifully, like the sun peaking through the clouds. "Well, it's done." Doctor D said, evidently proud on the speed at which it was repaired. Despite the grim circumstances, they all had to smile seeing it complete and whole again. "Well Van, enjoy your last moments of free time, whenever you are ready we move out." Irvine said. it.." Van said. Van beckoned for Fiona to follow him as he left the hanger. Doctor D went back to running diagnostics, Zeke was resting, and Moonbay and Fiona were left there to talk. "So, do you really think we stand a chance?" Moonbay asked, looking questioningly at the Blade Liger. "Well, from what we've seen the Shadow Liger is one heck of a devil....we really can't be sure." Irvine said in reply. "I guess so....we just have to wait and hope." She said, running away to prepare her gustab for battle. -------------- Van pulled Fiona back into their room, and they both sat on the bed. "Fiona, we don't have much time left..I just want you to know, whatever happens, I love you." Van said. Fiona looked into Van's moist eyes, sharing the same emotion with little need for her words. "I love you too, Van. Don't worry....As long as we have each other...right?" Fiona said, hugging Van. "Yeah..till the end.." Van said, holding Fiona and rocking her back and forth. Fiona pressed her head against his chest, closing her eyes and for one brief second in a world with so much turmoil, feeling the rising and falling on Van's chest took away her troubles. Van fought to keep tears back. It seemed like for the first time in a long time he was unsure of himself. Maybe it hit home more, knowing that it was genetically himself who was carring out these plans, that his deep dark side locked deep inside him was this evil. Was it his fault that this was happening? No, it would have been worse letting Prozin rule. Van would do his best to save his family, Moonbay, Irvine, and Fiona. Failure was not an option. Van moved a strand of hair out of Fiona's face. "Come, it's time..." Van said, just as reluctant as Fiona to start going. ---------- Fiona's thought were scaring her. Never had she felt doubt..her hope and trust had always been in Van. What was so different now? Maybe becuase it was Van that was the enemy..not the true Van, but still all the attributes of Van. She didn't want to think like this. No, she would count on Van. If worse came to worse they would eventually meet up in whatever was waiting for them after death. It was time to go.. ----------- Van hopped into his newly fixed Blade Liger along with Fiona, and Zeke who bonded with it. Moonbay and Irvine were also set to go, Gustab and Command wolf fit for battle. "Everybody ready?" Van asked through the commlink. "Irvine here, ready and able." Irvine said cockily into the comm. "Moonbay here!" The transporter replied. "Fiona, you ready?" Van said behind him. "Yep, sure am Van!" Fiona said, knowing it was a sort of half truth...she was..but she had her fears... Van paused for a second. "Alright then, lets head towards the wind colony and finish this!" Van yelled. With that, the three zoids mobilized. -------------- Crow had finished installing the new weapon system. He was ready to finish this. He hopped into the cockpit of his Shadow Liger and mobilized. Van would not survive this encounter. -------------- The three zoids pushed their zoids to the limit trying to get to the Wind colony in time. Van was afraid they might be too late, but he kept his fears inside. This was not the time to make the other team members doubt. he looked at a viewscreen that he called up. They were not far now. He could only hope that he would beat Crow there. The sounds of the feet of the zoids which he once found relaxing now was maddening. He wanted to get this battle over with fast. ------------- As Van feared, Crow was there first. As they approached the wind colony, Crow was just standing his Shadow Liger in front of it, taunting them, waiting. He wanted Van to see this. As soo as the Hero's were in range he opened a channel to them. "Nice try Van, but you are just a little too late." Crow said, ending his message. Van and the crew watched in horror at what they saw. The Shadow liger began glowing with a strange purple/blue light, and suddenly opened it's mouth and let loose a charged particale cannon. The beam passed over the wind colony, leaving only a patch of molten earth. Crow laughed. "MARIA!!!!!!!" Van yelled. As Van was recovering Moonby and Irvine pressed ahead. Moonbay fired cannons and Irvine fired his shots as well. The shadow liger easily dodged. "Honestly, you could at least make it a challenge!" Crow said, turning his guns toward the two, firing. Crow let loose a devestating beam of energy from his blades that knocked both zoids over doing heavy damage to all parts of them. Van couldn't save them in time.. "Irvine! Moonbay! Come on, do you read me? Please still be alive in there!" Van yelled into his console. There was no answer. Van moved his blade liger to face Crow. "Are we having fun yet, Van?" Crow asked, mocking him. Van moved to the right and released his blades, trying to get a quick swipe in. The Shadow liger dodged and fired it's antiblade beam. Van wasn't ready for the rapid firing of it and was hit hard. Luckly Zeke put up the shield in time to block most of the damage. Van started to circle strafe around the Shadow Liger, firing his laser shells at the same time. Crow just followed him around with his shield up. "So how do you like my new charged particle cannon?" Crow said. "Not especially.." Van said, sweat rolling down his forehead. "...Good." Crow smiled evily, chargin his cannon and firing. Van barely dodged it. Van, to counter it, ran forward, and spun in the air as not to fall down on the shadow liger again, released his blades and tried to twist and cut the shadow liger. He moved out of the way and hit Van with cannons. Van quickly righted the fallen blade liger. "I'm starting to get bored, lets end this now." Crow said, staring at the blade liger and pressing some controls. Using the same blade energy beams Crow hit the blade liger hard. It was knocke dbackwards, Van and Fiona being thrown out of the cockpit, their buckles ripping apart from the force. The fell to the groud and rolled int he dust a few times. Van got to his feet and was forced to watch at the blade liger was vaporized by a charged particle beam. Zeke was still fused with it. Van just dropped to his knees again. It was all over, wasn't it? Fiona put his hand on his shoulder. Suddenly a shell blast caused them to split apart and fall in different directions. "Ah lets see," Crow said, opening his cockpiut and yelling at them. "Which do I destroy first again? I was going to get Fiona first, but I changed my mind....It would be more painful for you to die not knowing what would happen to her." Crow grinned with pure evil. He hopped back into the cockpit and aimed the Shadow Liger's mouth at Van. "No!" Fiona shouted. She ran in front of Van. "If you must you get rid of us both at the same time!"" Crow opened his cockpit again. "I suppose if you must...I can make that sacrifice." Crow said, taking a last moment to look at Fiona before dropping into his cockpit. Van and Fiona just looked at each, straight into the eyes again. "I suppose we are together untill the end, huh?" Van said, putting his arms around Fiona. "The way it should be..." Fiona said. They kissed. Crow was laughing insanly behind the cockpit. "GOODBYE!" Crow said, charging his particle gun. Van and Fiona felt a warm light surrond them. Suddenly, instead of being dead..Van was still alive...he was still breathing...still kissing Fiona...what was happening? "Fiona?" Van said, breaking their kiss. Fiona smiled. "I guess the legend is true...the story of love's angel..." Fiona said, beckening for Van to look around. They were floating 10 feet above the ground. Crow was out of his cockpit again, trying to understand what was happening. "YOU TWO SHOULD BE VAPORIZED!" He yelled. He hopped back in and fired again. This time the beam just passed right through them. He was angry. Van looked around more. To his surprise, a mass of light formed on the ground. The formless light of pure white formed and solidified into..the blade liger! And Zeke! They had come back from being destroyed... Irvine and Moonbay's zoids got up again too! They hopped out of their cockpits, looking dazed and confused. "It said that if an evil so great would be over come through the love most pure, the opposite of the great evil that would nearly destroy all...Van, your love is the opposite of Crow...." Fiona said, now smiling, beaming rather. What was a few moments ago a lava pool now formed the Wind colony again. "Everything that Crow did is being reversed, Van!" Fiona said, hugging Van. Across the world, everything that Crpow had destroyed and killed was comeing back to life. The white light radiating from Van and Fiona was spreading everywhere, nearly to blinding preportions. Crow got out of his cockpit again. "What happened? It's not supposed to WORK LIKE THIS!! VAN! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" Van stared down at him. Victory was there's. "No, I don't think so. Not this time." Van said. A beam of light emerged from them and hit Crow and the Shadow Liger. "NOOOOoooooooo!!!!!!!" Crow screamed, as the Shadow Liger and the evil that was Crow ceased to exist, by the power of the opposite love. As the light created by thei love shined through the world, Van and Fiona embraced and kissed passionatly, a embrace of the love that would last for eternity. THE END! --------------------------------- **star wars like ending music plays** A Matrix Production. Based on the story idea by: Joseph Writer: Joseph Director: Joseph A special thanks to all those who have reviewed! --------------------------- PS: Look out for the sequel/companion to Love's Angel, comming soon! The Lost Years. Documenting just what happneed during the 4 years between seasons one and two.... End file.
Love's Angel by JoMatrixL0
1. Stand Up Again I really enjoyed Zoids 0 back in the day, and I finally got around to writing a little fic for my fave, Jamie. Both chapters take place during or right after episode 4 (the first encounter with the backdraft group). At some point I'd like to write some interaction between Lina and Jamie and/or Doc and Jamie... when I can ever find the time. * * * The D-Bison was lying on its side, splayed out in the sand like a giant metal carcass. It was normally such a solid zoid. Brad hadn't thought anything could send it flying like that. After Jamie had been knocked down, after the battle had really turned against them, he had been ready to ask for an excuse to join the battle. Besides, there was no guarantee that the Backdraft Group wouldn't take his Command Wolf as well if they lost. It wasn't that disturbing to see the D-Bison looking like a dead thing, but he couldn't stop the thoughts clamoring in the back of his head. Alternating between irritatingly persistent worry and angry demands to know why Jamie hadn't just gotten _out of the way_. The actual damage to the D-Bison seemed minimal, but it was impossible to assess the damage he was concerned with from the outside. Brad had gotten his Command Wolf up and responding again pretty easily, and now he left it a few feet from the downed zoid. Brad ignored the noise when Bit charged up to join him, voice still raised in whoops of self-congratulation and victory. He was more intent on forcing the manual hatch controls to work, practically having to pry the cockpit open to get at Jamie. What he found wasn't unexpected, from the lack of communication after the battle and the fact that Jamie hadn't opened the cockpit himself. Jamie was out cold, lying as still as the D-Bison itself. If not for the restraints still strapping him in place he would have slid out of the cockpit as soon as the hatch opened. Jamie's breathing was reassuring enough. Deep, steady, even breaths. It was impossible to be sure if he had fainted or been knocked out by the fall, but he wasn't bleeding and Brad couldn't see any serious injuries. "Jamie!" Brad looked up at the shout and decided that Bit had only just gotten in close enough to see that Jamie was still unconscious. "He's fine," Brad said back, as much to himself as to Bit. "Just let me get him out." Brad wedged one shoulder under Jamie's head, wrapping his arm around the still pilot around the restraints. With his other hand he fumbled the straps apart and then off, so that Jamie slid safely into his grip. Once Jamie was free it was easy to carry him to the ground without jostling him too badly. Brad was helped by the fact that Jamie was so light he could practically carry him one-handed. Once he was on the ground he shifted Jamie to lie more securely against his shoulder. "Can you get the D-Bison back on its feet? I think we can just walk it back to the hover cargo. I'd rather not stick around once we get Leena back." Brad definitely didn't trust the Backdraft Group not to scrounge up a few extra zoids and declare the battle resumed. He wanted to get off of this battlefield as soon as possible. "Yeah, sure. But what are you gonna do, carry Jamie back?" "If I have to." Bit was quiet for half a heartbeat longer than normal before turning to his controls with his usual enthusiasm and shouting, "Okay, Liger! Let's show this hunk of junk who's boss!" Turning his attention back to Jamie, Brad propped the unconscious pilot up in the shade of his Command Wolf. He ran his fingers over Jamie's head, probing through his hair for a lump, a cut, anything that might indicate where or how hard he might have hit his head. It wasn't like Brad hadn't blacked out his fair share of times from getting knocked around during battle. His main concern now was the possibility that the restraints in Leena's zoid hadn't fit properly, and Jamie had struck his head on something when he was knocked down. When his search turned up nothing, Brad gave Jamie a light slap on the cheek to rouse him. It took a second, slightly harder, slap before Jamie cracked one eye open. He peered at Brad with an expression like a wince, then blinked and let both eyes come open. "Brad?" His voice was steady, but faintly confused. "Did we lose?" "Of course not." Brad took his hands away from Jamie's head. He was more interested in noting that Jamie wasn't having trouble holding his head steady, and his eyes seemed to be focusing normally. It did seem that his concern was unfounded, and Brad could only feel relieved. "Does your head hurt?" "Everything hurts," Jamie informed him with a touch of sheepish humor, as if he was giving Brad permission to laugh at him. Brad didn't laugh, at least not until Jamie looked past him and exclaimed, "What is Bit doing?" Following Jamie's gaze, Brad couldn't suppress a chuckle at the sight of Bit and the Liger Zero leaping around the D-Bison, trying to shove it into a position where the automatic stabilizers could take over. Bit kept shouting, 'whoa, whoa!' and waving one arm like he was in a rodeo every time the D-Bison was pushed too far in one direction or another. Seeing that made Brad very glad he had gotten Jamie out of the cockpit first. With a sudden totter and a faint hiss the D-Bison found its feet. Liger came skidding to a halt, kicking sand all over Brad as he instinctively put a shielding arm around Jamie's head. "Did you see that?" Brad thought Bit was referring to his success in getting the D-Bison up until he saw Bit was pointing at a distant shape in the sky. "Leena just blasted her way out of that Whale King!" In the next second Jamie was scrambling to his feet to get a better view, letting out a joyful shout of, "That's my Terras!" Well, at least Jamie had recovered, after giving his teammates a scare like that. "Now we're all accounted for, let's get out of here," Brad said to get the other two moving. He did keep half an eye on Jamie as he climbed back up into the D-Bison, but that was all. When he got back to the hover cargo and saw the shape that Jamie's precious Terras was in, well. . . all he could do was drag Bit upstairs with him and give Jamie a little privacy to assess the damage. 2. Bits and Pieces "Hey, I'm back!" Bit didn't exactly expect a chorus of delight at his arrival, but the resounding silence was still a little annoying. "Yo, Jamie!" Bit shouted, waving at the figure up on the catwalk. He was sure the other pilot wouldn't ignore him outright. Jamie came up to the railing when Bit called him by name. "Welcome back. Did you have any more luck today?" If his heart wasn't in the question, Bit didn't care. He was going to answer it anyway. "Yeah! I took your advice and went north this time. There were practically whole zoids out lying around for the taking up there. Hey, come see what I found!" "I'm in the middle of something right now." Bit already knew that. When he had left Jamie had been trying to sort out what parts of the Terras's armor could be repaired and what would have to go. From where Bit was standing it didn't look like he had made any headway at all. "It'll cheer you up. Come on, Jamie. Don't make me come up there and get you!" "Alight, alright." Jamie made a show of reluctance as he took the lift down, but Bit knew he didn't want to be contemplating scrapping parts of his beloved zoid. Besides, Bit was sure this would end Jamie's moping. By the time Jamie reached his truck and climbed up to look in the back Bit was practically dancing with impatience. It was all he could do not to just blurt out the surprise. Watching Jamie's eyes go wide was worth his unaccustomed stint of patience. When Jamie let out a joyful cry and leaned in to better examine the parts Bit couldn't help grinning in response. "But this is exactly what I need to repair the Terras!" Jamie's expression of amazed gratitude was worth every piece Bit had been forced to pass up because he was loaded up on flying zoid parts. Bit took a moment to just bask in that glowing admiration. _Jamie_ had never mocked his profession or called him a thief, and here was proof of how useful his scavenging skills could be. "You're not just giving me these parts, are you?" "Of course I am. I'm not _Brad_, you know!" Bit was too taken aback to even be offended at the question. Before he could make up his mind to be annoyed, Jamie had jumped down from the back of the truck and hugged him hard. "Thank you, Bit!" He looked all at once elated and embarrassed. Bit couldn't help laughing as he gave Jamie a friendly thump on the back. "No problem. Besides, dinner's always late when you're in a bad mood." End file.
Stand Up Again by Stariceling
1. Letter 1 Deserted Emotions Hey y'all! This is a letterfic. And, obviously, it's a letter. I've done a lot of fanfics (all of which are not yet completed, but I'm working on them still). Thought I'd try something different. Well, here goes nothing. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I know not what I think, but only what I feel. At least, what I used to feel. Sometimes, I forget who I am. I'll always know my name and birth date and everything like that, but I can't quite remember that I was a child. A child who was known only as a pretty face. A child who was happy and always smiling. Now when I see pictures of myself as I am now, I never see a smile. I see an expression of pain and sorrow. But no one else notices my pain and sorrow, because to me, I don't feel sorrow or pain. I'm so use to these emotions that they slip through me unnoticed. When I see pictures of me as a child, I see happiness flowing through that little girls veins. I see someone who does not have a care in the world, only dreams. Dreams that are beautiful and full of hope and desire. When I was her age, my dreams seemed real, as if I could touch them and hold them close to my heart. But now I have no dreams. My dreams shattered in front of me. I don't remember when or what caused the to shatter, I just remember scrambling to collect the shards of my once beautiful dreams. When my dreams shattered, so did I. I lost all sense of being. All the comforts of love and friendship. I was alone. When I look into my mirror, I see black holes behind my eyes. Black hole that have destroyed my soul. But now the time has come for me to destroy these black holes which consume me. I know that I shall never see anyone again. My time has come. The petals of my rose have fallen, scattering themselves on the ground. Good Bye. Naomi F. 2. Letter 2 Deserted Emotions Hmmm...I got bored one day and decide to write some more letters. And yes, they're all gonna be depressing...for the most part. I'm gonna do one for all the main characters. Well, here's another letter! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~ When I saw here, she took my breath away. I guess one could say that I've always had a crush on her. I would scour magazines searching for articles in the hopes of learning something new about her. Where she came from. What her childhood was like. What her dreams were. Stuff like that. But every time, I came out empty handed. But there's no hope for me now. She's most likely dating him. He was like a brother to me. Sure, I have plenty of brothers, but what's one more? The thought of those two together sends chills down my spine. Why wouldn't they be together? After all, they lived together. Alone. Just the two of them. Who knows what they did at the base where they lived. It scares me. Everything about her scares me. But then again, I have saved her life. Even if I only did it once. But it was great, having her body against mine. When I saved her, it felt awkward having her body against mine. But that feeling was nothing compared what I was feeling now That was an amazing night though... Now that I think about it, I think I'm in love. I'm in love with a girl. I never thought that I, Bradley Aaron Hunter, would fall in love with a girl. A girl who does not know I exist...I think I finally understand unrequited love. Its love, but it hurts. When I think about her, my heart aches. It hurts so much it feels as if it's about to explode. I love her...but the question is...does she love me? Brad H. 3. Letter 3 Deserted Emotions Got bored again...not really though. Just need to take my mind off of school and all the problems that go with school. Anyway, this letter is from...well, you'll find out for yourself. Don't want to give away the ending now...anyways, enough talk. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sometimes I get so depressed thinking about her, that I start devising plans of suicide in my head. I try to stop them, but they always come back, stronger then they were before. She's a goddess and doesn't even realize it. It's as if she doesn't see how guys worship her and the ground she walks upon. My friends think I'm lucky to live with her, but they don't know the truth. I've been lucky enough to be able to admire her, but I don't have the privilege of talking with her. She shields herself against the world. She lets no one come close to her heart. But she has a good reason. As a child, she grew up in a place where men dominated. Women had no voice in the world. A woman's purpose was to marry, satisfy her husbands need for pleasure and bear her husband sons. But she had someone to protect her. Her savior was her mother. Her mother protected her from the cruelness of men. Her mother hoped to find her daughter a suitable husband who would take her away from her suffering and make her happy. But one day, her mother died, leaving her daughter in the cruel hands of her husband. Her father decided that his daughter would marry a wealthy businessmen. The man was sixty three, while she was eleven. The marriage took place soon after the mothers' death. After her marriage, what little freedom she had perished. But one day, hope returned. A man had heard of the young beauty whose life was miserable. He felt so sorry for her that he stopped by the mansion where she resided. He snuck onto the grounds and found his way to her room. There, he took her in his arms, and ran away. The man who saved her was her mothers' brother. Eventually, her uncle persuaded her husband to divorce her. After that incident, she kept to herself, letting no man get close to her heart. Despite her ways, I love her. It might be wrong, but I don't care. But I have no chances with her. I believe she is in love with someone else. Someone who admires her more than I do. Even though the two of us can never be, I wish her happiness with him. I know he will love her more than I ever could. I also know that he will make her very happy, and that they will live happily ever after. Their lives will be a fairy tale. Minus all the evil witches and demons of course. I just wish that I could confess my feelings for her. I want to say, "I love you" to her. But I never will. To love and not be loved in return is the cruelest fate. But I also have a 'secret' admirer. We've talked...well, sort of. More like seduced one another. Anyways, she's waiting for me in my bed...cant keep her waiting. Leon. T 4. Letter 4 Deserted Emotions I'm writing another letter. I told myself that I would stop at 3, but at the moment I have a total of 6. Instead of letting the new 3 sit around my room, I decide to post them instead. Well, hope you enjoy them. They should all be up by tomorrow. Here's letter #4! I love her, I love her, I LOVE HER!! Who do I love? Her of course. The fiery red head who stole my heart the moment I saw her. Sure, she beats me up a lot, but I still love her. Even though she nearly kills me whenever I eat a cookie. I know it's wrong to steal the cookies she bakes, but it's the only way I can get her attention without violating her privacy. Not to mention that the cookies she bakes are delicious. But I must admit, my favorite thing to do is to 'accidentally' walk in on her while she's taking a shower. Seeing her wet like that makes her look so god damn sexy. The curves of her body are irresistible. But I must also admit that Naomi's body is much nicer than hers. I wonder what Naomi looks like naked...Leon probably knows. Then again, maybe he doesn't. I really, REALLY want to ask her out, but I'm afraid she'll think it's all a joke and get angry with me and get offended. I HATE UNREQUITED LOVE!!! It's the worst. I wonder if anyone else I know feels the same way as I do? Not about her of course, but about someone else. I can't get her out of my head. When I sleep, I dream about her. I love her. But does she love me too? Bit C. 5. Letter 5 Deserted Emotions Yay! Another letter. I've decide to do one for each main character. Well, most of the main characters. In total, there will be 9 letters. I have 6 completed. Well, here's letter #5! He drives me crazy! Not crazy crazy, but love crazy! I can't believe that I, the most beautiful girl in the world, have fallen in love with him. Him being a mean, rude, thieving, perverted, cocky as hell zoid pilot. But at the same time, he's cute, sweet and innocent. When he's sleeping, he looks like an angel. Almost every night I walk into his room and sit on the edge of his bed, watching him sleep. It's an obsession of mine. Don't ask me why I do it, because I don't know why myself. I want to ask him out, but I don't know how. I've been meaning to ask Brad for help, but I'm to shy to ask. After all, he might tease me about it. I've never told anybody this before, but I used to have a crush on Brad. When he first joined the team, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. That was a long time ago. Back then, he was about two feet shorter and had short hair. Brad joined the team when I was 13. That was 6 years ago! I was surprised when dad told me that Brad asked to join our team despite all the offers he had received. I'm glad he joined our team. He's an amazing zoid pilot. Once he was ranked as the #2 pilot. And he was only 15! That was his first year on the team, too. To this day, I still have a crush on Brad. That's what sparked the feud between me and Naomi. I thought that she was going to steal Brad away from me. But I'm over that now. Anyways, enough about Brad. When he came to us, he was just a junk dealer who tripped my brother and his shield liger. Later that night, we caught him sneaking around the base. Nowadays he's a kick ass zoid pilot that got us into Class S. and I love him. Not because he's a kick ass zoid pilot, but because of who he is. I love him because he's himself. Leena T. 6. Letter 6 Deserted Emotions I just realized that I haven't done a disclaimer for any of my letters. Oops. Nit like anyone here thinks I own zoids. Anyways, here's letter #6 Disclaimer: I'm only saying this once so listen up. I do not own zoids or its characters! I never thought that I would fall in love. I always thought that my sister would be the lucky one. Instead, I've fallen head over heels in love with him. He's cute, smart and a good pilot. One of the best I've seen. He's also quiet. He's almost the exact opposite of his sister. We first met face to face at a zoids promotion part. I first saw him while he was signing autographs for young children. Of course, she was by his side. I always thought that the two of them were dating, but now I know better. But he and I are dating. Well, were not just 'dating'. We've taken our relationship to the next level, if you catch my drift. If you don't, let's just say I lost my v-card and he's the one who took it from me. It's not like I'm a slut or anything. He's the only guy I've slept with. All the rumors saying that I do threesomes with my sister and Jack are untrue. Talk about disgusting! Jacks cute and all, but he's not my type. But he's my sisters' type. I've always thought that my sister and jack would make a good couple. I mean, the way they fight with each other make them look like a married couple. I think that they should get married. They'd have cute children together. ! I can just see it now... Jack running around and chasing the kids while me and my sister sit in the garden having lunch and catching up on things and remembering the good times... That would be the perfect life. Of course, I'd be married to him and we'd have children of our own. I can see it now... I can't believe what I'm thinking! I never meant to fall in love, I just...did. I don't know how it happened. All I know is I love him. I love him! And he loves me. I still can't believe I fell in love with him. Chris T. 7. Letter 7 Deserted Emotions Hey y'all! I'm so close to finishing up this letterfic I can taste the excitement. Well, without further a due, here's letter #7! I don't know what it is about her, but she's amazing. She's beautiful, smart and a good lover. Ok, that last part is untrue. I've never slept with her in my life. In fact, I've never slept with anybody. Even if I tried to sleep with her, her sister would cut me off so I could never sleep with her again. Despite the threats from her sister, I still want to be her boyfriend. Unfortunately, I have to clear it with her sister first. I would talk to her sister, but I'm afraid of what would happen to me. I know I'm supposed to be a big, tough guy, but her sister scares the shit out of me. Anyone who says that her sister is not scary hasn't seen her sister angry before. I cringe at the thought of it. I think I fell in love with her when I joined the team she was on. We were sitting around a campfire, talking. I can't remember what we were talking about because I was to busy looking at her. Her voice was soothing and her eyes were a deep chocolate. She was beautiful. The closest I've gotten to her was when she and I were alone while her sister went off somewhere. To this day I still don't know where her sister went that day. So, she and I were sitting alone at the base when she asked me about my family. I was caught off guard with the question, so didn't say anything in response. She apologized for asking such a personal question, but I told her it was okay. That's how everything started. We started talking about our families and our pasts. We talked into the early hours of the next morning. Eventually, she got tired and fell asleep on my shoulder. I tried to pick her up and carry her to her room, but she started to stir when I walked past my room. Not wanting her to wake up, I entered my room and laid her on my bed. Despite my efforts, she woke up. Instead of complaining, she grabbed my hand and asked me to stay with her. She asked me to lay by her side and sleep next to her. I happily obliged. I laid down next to her when she turned towards me. I heard her say my name so I turned on my side and faced her. Before I could ask her what she wanted, she had leaned her head against my chest and grabbed a hold of my shirt. I thought I heard her crying, so I comfortingly wrapped my arms around her. I heard her fall asleep shortly after. I cold feel myself falling asleep, so I surrendered. When I woke up later that afternoon, she was still sleeping in my arms. I was afraid that her sister would soon find us, so I got up and walked around the base. I saw no trace of her sister so I went back to my room. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her until she woke up. The two of us blushed a deep red. Neither of us mentioned the incident after that happened. To this day, not a night goes by when I don't think of that moment of heaven. Why? Because I love her. And I hope she loves me. Jack S. 8. Letter 8 Deserted Emotions After this letter, only one more left! I'm so excited. At the same time, I'm kind of sad. I hate ending my fics. It's so depressing. But a writer has to do what a writer has to do. Anyways, here's letter #8! You know all those love movies where the couple overcomes all obstacles and fall in love. I never believed that anything done in those movies could happen in real life. But I was wrong. Dead wrong. I remember the day I fell in love with him. Him being the coolest, hottest, most amazing pilot in the world. Well, at least that's what I though. He beats Bit Cloud hands down. Let me see... That day was unlike any other. My sister had left for the day. It was just me and him sitting next to each other on the couch. I had always been curious as to what had happened to him before he joined the team. I was particularly interested in his family. So I asked him about his family. I thought I had offended him when he didn't respond, but I was relieved when he told me that I had caught him off guard The two of us sat side by sided telling each other about our past, our families, and our dreams. We talked together until day faded to night and night turned to dawn. I must've fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew I was in his room on his bed. Without thinking, I begged him to stay with me and sleep beside me. He obliged. I was surprised when he laid down next to me, my hand in his. I turned towards him and accidentally whispered his name. He must have heard me because he turned towards me. Without thinking I grabbed a hold of his shirt and leaned my head against his chest. Without meaning to, I started crying. I couldn't stop. I wasn't sad, I was extremely happy. I cried softly, not wanting him to hear me. But, once again, he must've heard me because he wrapped his arms around me. I must've fallen asleep again, because the next thing I remember was lying next to him in the same position as before. The only difference was that I could see sunlight penetrating the curtains over his window. The first thing that crossed my mind was my sister. If she saw us like this, she would have killed him. He must have sensed my uneasiness because he told me that my sister wasn't home yet. We were about to kiss when we heard the front door open. Needless to say, I ran to my room and changed while he also changed. To this day, neither of us have mentioned that night. But not a night passes when I don't think about it. I don't know why I remember that night exactly, but I think it's because I'm in love with him I just pray that he loves me too. Kelly T. 9. Letter 9 YAY!!! LETTER #9!! starts dancing I'm so happy! I've finished this fic! Yep, this is the last and final letter! Well, here's letter #9! When it comes to love, I'm clueless. I've never been in love. I've never been kissed. Heck, I've never had a girlfriend. Not that I mind though. Judging by what I've seen of love, it's not all that people say it is. It's nothing but a lot of pain. Both physically and psychologically. The only people that I see often that are in love are Bit and Leena. Those two have an interesting relationship. You see, Bit steals the cookies that Leena bakes. As a result, Leena yells at him and chases him around the base with a frying pan. Other times, bit accidentally walks in on her while she's taking a shower. Once when that happened, Leena threw the bathtub at him. After that, bit ran into the hanger and drove off in the jeep. Leena, seeking revenge, got into my beloved Pteras and chased after him. She fired all the ammo and hit the jeep head on. Surprisingly, the jeep remained in perfect shape. Bit on the other hand was in the medical bay for weeks. I don't know about other people, but I do not want to be in a relationship like Bit and Leenas'. I still don't know why they aren't dating yet. From what Doc and my dad say, they act like a married couple. Now that's saying something. Another couple I know is Leon and Chris. Those two have been dating for awhile. They've done everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Yep, including sex shivers. That word sends chills down my spine. Call me old fashioned, but I think that THAT should be saved for after the wedding. Another love sick puppy I know is brad. Yes, Brad Whateverhismiddlenameis Hunter is a love sick puppy. He won't admit it but he has the hots for Naomi. And I mean the hots. It's almost obsessive. But don't tell anyone. It's supposed to be a secret. I only know because I talked with him about her one morning before he had his first morning cup of coffee. I think I'm the only person who has ever seen Brad before his morning routine of drinking coffee. One day in the near future, Brad and Naomi will get married, settle down, have kids and grow old. It's their destiny. I know it is. They're perfect for each other. Come to think of it, Brad and Naomi are probably the most loving couple that will ever exist. If I ignore Bit and Leenas' current relationship, love sounds pretty good. Now I want to fall in love. Well, I think I'm going to go bug Brad about his crush on Naomi. Jaime H. End file.
Deserted Emotions by licorice179
Inches from the Fall His fingers were barely gripping the edge but it was just enough to keep him from falling. The boy scowled, narrowing his eyes to focus on the points of contact of the rock ledge and his digits. Below him, the last of his makeshift springboard crumbled to the ground fifteen feet below. Raven could hear his breath come out in a shaky hiss and he cursed his body for betraying what his mind was vainly trying to deny. The boy could feel his body weight weighing on his fingertips as if he himself was standing on them, taunting him him to let go. He gritted his teeth and curled his legs upward but the resulting pressure on his hands was unbearable. He held them there just long enough to manage a kick at the body of the cliff that sloped away from him before leaving him to dangle as he swung from the edge. He gave a loud and almost animalistic roar at the bolts of pain that ran from his hands, to his numbing arms and down to his shoulders but the momentum he gained was enough for him to drag the rest of both his hands to the flat surface of the ledge. Raven paused only long enough to calm his racing heart. His eyes trailed to the rubble under him. The dust had settled since the rickety slabs fell and he mused how they would no longer be of any use to him. He closed his eyes and willed some strength into his arms. When he opened them again, he was once again looking up at the edge he needed to climb. The boy braced his palms for the pressure and dug his fingers into what little he could before heaving his form upwards. It was an easier ascent with more than just his fingertips to rely on. A few minutes later, he was standing on his feet again, looking down the fifteen-foot-drop. It didn't look very impressive now that he was up there but with no one else to rely on, it would have been an impossible climb had he fallen at all. He scowled and turned away; he had a whole training field to conquer. * * * A/N: I felt a little nostalgic and decided to write something for a show from my childhood. I really liked Raven then but, sadly, only in Chaotic Century. End file.
Inches from the Fall by Kinjiru
Return To Mirodo: A ZoidsGenesis Epilogue IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a fic my friend wrote because he wanted there to be more at the end of ZG, tying up all the loose ends. Xposted here from elsewhere. So this is me doing a favor, not coming back from the dead lol * * * _Return To Mirodo: A ZoidsGenesis Epilogue_ _ by uhh, Mushroom Scribe?_ **_-o-o-o-o-o-_** "Yohh HA! Yohh HA! Yohh HA!" Sweat rolled down Ruuji Familon's back as he and his team pumped the paddles with their legs, driving the mechanism that would inflate the airbags and haul up the new Zoid they had uncovered at the bottom of the sea, half-buried and derelict. It was quite a long way out this time, almost farther than they were willing to explore. However, he was excited; this was the first time in many months they'd found anything bigger than a Baratz! It was going to be well worth their effort. Of course, it had been Ruuji who spotted it underwater to begin with. His lung capacity was still greater than anyone in Mirodo - although, his brother Faaji was beginning to catch up to him. Little upstart. Ruuji grinned at the thought as they were finally able bring it up and tie it to the boat. Ruuji left in the skiff to teach his midday history lesson to the younger children as the rest of the team went about hacking away at the rocks and barnacles that had fused to its hull. He loved filling them with a sense of wonder as he told of the vast lands outside their humble village, of the amazing city that had hung in the heavens before Digald brought it down. He made sure to press home the point at the end of every lesson that if everyone didn't work hard to coexist, the mistakes of the Jiin and his hunger for power could easily repeat themselves. Fellowship was essential - but these children didn't understand. They just wanted to hear about the shiny Zoids that had flown up to the city in the clouds, and how the nasty old BioTyranno had been destroyed by the good guys. Ruuji didn't begrudge them one bit, but he still strove to instil other knowledge he'd gained. They were the future. When he returned to the sea after a quick meal, his eyes grew round, heart thundering in his chest when he began closing in on the boat. "SOUL TIGER!" But it was not Soul Tiger - although he couldn't deny the resemblance. This one had green and aquamarine markings, not white and red. He chuckled to himself, wondering if he should head straight back to the emergency communications tower and contact Ra-Kan to tell him Seijuurou might have a new mount after all... "Come now, Ruuji!" his father bade him, panting from the effort he'd been exerting. "Try and pilot this one!" Everyone began clapping, laughing and carrying on. He rolled his eyes - it was useless and they all knew it. But out of respect for what he'd done for the people of Zi, they always let him have the first crack. It did not respond to him; he knew it wouldn't. It responded to none of the villagers. To his astonishment, Faaji had managed to get its lights to flicker on for the briefest second... but no further attempts brought about change. Oh well; a transport vessel could be dispatched to Mirodo from NeoKira or Zuuri, and hopefully one of their Peace Enforcement Squad would be compatible. When they reached the shore, much effort was needed to move their find from the boat; when they were lucky, they could pilot it and simply walk it onto land. Otherwise, pulleys and cables were needed, and all the might of the smaller Zoids they owned. "Would you like to contact Ra-Kan-sama?" Faaji asked breathlessly. He weighed this idea. "Nah. It's... I don't think I'll need to. You go ahead, just let them know what we found." Faaji frowned as he wiped his brow on his sleeve. "Onii-chan... you never talk to them anymore. Are you sure?" "The past is past, Faaji." Sighing, he dusted his hands off on his legs. "So much violence and death... I know you remember, I know. But I was on the front lines. Let me live my life of peace here at home, for now." Faaji nodded, sighing. While the entire village over was grateful to him and sang his praises, he knew it was only his family who truly perceived and understood what he'd been through on the road to bringing down the Digald army. And it bothered them. "Still," he added for his brother's benefit, "perhaps in a year or two, I'll take a journey... see all of them again." "Really? Can... would you mind if I came with you?" Ruuji laughed. "Two brothers, seeing the world! It sounds like fun." The silly grin on Faaji's face was worth another laugh. "I'll let them know about the Tiger-type Zoid!" And off he went, running through town like a man on fire. Oh, what a life. He wouldn't trade it for the world. **_-o-o-o-o-o-_** Morning broke. Today was the day they would send a Gustav to claim their burden of a nonfunctioning Zoid. Ruuji couldn't quite remember the last time a representative from the monarchy had come to Mirodo. It had been Garaga - they'd spent all night reminiscing, laughing, slapping each other on the back and swapping stories. But most likely none of the old crowd would be coming along; they all had important meetings to attend, territories to explore - or else ruins to excavate and sift through. There still remained widespread scars on the face of Zi left by the hand of Jiin and his menacing vision. Crashing in the distance. He quelled his instincts to run for Murasame's cockpit; doing so would only put strain on their Generator and weaken this year's crop. He'd like to be safer rather than sorry, but he knew the odds of a new threat sprouting anew for no reason were slim. He had to learn to suppress those reflexes. He crossed to his window to catch a glimpse of the Zoid causing the disturbance. Was that...? But the kingdom had many, many Lanstags. He couldn't be sure. Thirty or so minutes later, he had washed up, dressed and changed, and was waiting outside. When the Zoid halted, he noticed the Gustav that had been following along behind. Theirs was not a perfect world; there were small bands of thieves who tried to pawn Zoids for money. Hence more powerful escorts were necessary. But he'd take bandits over fools calling themselves "God" any day. The head of the Lanstag lowered, the cockpit hissed, the hatch opened. A comely young woman rose, sliding down the exterior and landing deftly on the ground. Of course he had been wrong, the odds were astronomical to begin with. She was running in his direction. Why the hurry? "RUUJI!" And his heart caught in his throat, choking him. "M-MII?" The laughter floating on the wind sealed it, exactly as she was sailing into his arms; it was Rei-Mii! That's twice she had fooled him into not recognizing her! How could she have changed so much in such a short time? But, as Ruuji reminded himself, it hadn't been that short a time at all. Three years... that was how long it had taken him to rebuild his beloved home. And in those three years, Mii had grown out of being a child. "Ohh, Ruuji!" She sobbed while laughing, digging her hands into his back. Still startled, he let his own fall against her, amazed that he was holding someone he hadn't spoken to since they had all been part of the Suppression Army... "I've missed you so much, I can't believe it's been so long!" "Mii..." "IDIOT!" she shouted, stomping on his foot with crushing force as she stepped back - even in sandals, it was like an Elephunder's trample. "Why don't you ever call, or write? We're all beginning to wonder if you forgot how!" "Sorry," he said bashfully, scratching the back of his head as he flexed his poor, swollen foot. "You know, so busy-" "Stupid," she spat. THERE she was. But she couldn't keep the grin out of her eyes; they gave her away. "You're just as bad as you were then." "Am I?" When she only put her hands on her hips, he grinned. "Same to you." "UHT!" Laughing, they locked arms and almost skipped all the way to the water's edge, still filled with the heady feeling of reunion that made conversation temporarily unnecessary. Then they were at the beach, and she saw the Tiger-type. "Seijuurou will be glad to see this," she said, a satisfied glow creeping into her features. "He's been piloting a BioMegaraptor, he hates it." "It still might not respond to him." "But you know how stricken he was when SoulTiger gave out after the final battle," she said softly. "Any chance at all..." Ruuji found himself watching the way her hair trailed on the light breeze, how the sun glinted off the water and into her dun-colored eyes, illuminating them. She wasn't really that much taller, was she? No, she was - and he was taller, as well. That's what time does. The rest of her had changed, too, but he forced himself not to notice. She was Mii, his friend and compatriot. That she had somehow transformed into an elegant vision of loveliness since they'd last spoken was of no consequence. Faced with her sudden presence, he found that all he wanted to do was catch up with her, find out how she'd been keeping. Ask about Ra-Kan, and Kotona, and Ron. "Ruuji-" "Mii-" And they both giggled, staring down and way from each other. "After you," he bade her. "I... can't stay long," she said softly. "There's a faction of machine-soldier-piloted BioRaptors that have been spotted up north, attacking villagers. We think last month's earthquake must have activated some dormant fleet..." His jaw set. "Really? Do you n-" "NO," she told him sternly. "You keep Murasame hooked up to that Generator for now. If the world's about to end, we'll call." "Oh," he said modestly. "I... okay, I understand." "Oji-sama..." She took a deep breath. "Lord Ra-Kan asked me to re-issue his offer to be his first in command." Ruuji let out a heavy, burdened sigh. "Mii..." "Not that he expects you to come around," she said grumpily, folding her arms across her chest. "Personally, I don't see why he should care; you're too dunderheaded to lead the entire Peace Enforcement Squad." "Sorry..." Her nose crinkled at the bridge. "Pah. Of course you are - you lead an entire army once! But we all know you won't take us up on it; it's just a formal offer, in case you ever get tired of the rural life." "Thank you," he said, bowing slightly. She giggled, flicking him in the forehead. "Ow!" "Idiot." And now, when he looked up at her, he saw she was breathing faster, grinning. Something was off, suddenly - or it had been since she arrived, although she'd been putting it off, covering it up with more pressing matters and formalities and greetings. "Mii... what's wrong? What is it?" More deep breaths. She turned her back on him, gazing out over the forest. "None of your business." "B-but-" He took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. "But you can tell me. Aren't we friends?" "I don't know, are we?" That caused him to blink. "What do you m-" "Ruuji, why did you have to run off on us?" she snapped, still refusing to look at him. "I understand that your village needed its Generator to rebuild itself - and capable hands to fix everything, make repairs. But... couldn't you have left them to it, handed over Murasame to your people and helped us usher in this new era? Another Zoid - maybe a BioRapt-" "I couldn't have piloted it," he sighed deeply, hands curling into fists. This again; everyone, always harping on him for his failure to be a true Zoid pilot. Intelligently, he knew that wasn't the case at all, but it sure felt like it to him every time someone brought it up. "You know that. I can't pilot anything besides the Liger. Never could, and haven't been able to since." "Then you could have helped my father! Tize-san is a great strategist, but we all know from experience that your natural gift is so much greater!" "Mii, please. You know what my mission was." Minutes passed in silence. Ruuji watched the hem of her skirt undulate on the wind, watched her arms slowly drop from their crossed position to hang loosely at her sides. "I know. And we beat the Digald, and you left." "I'm sorry." "You left Kotona, Seijuurou, Ron, Oji-sama... that big ape. You left me." His brow furrowed. "Wh... but you understood. At the time, when I told you I was going, you wished me a safe trip, and-" "Gin has asked me to marry him." That was quite a blow; Ruuji didn't know what he'd been expecting. Mii was to be married? "I- c-congratulations, Rei-Mii! That's wonderful!" "If... I accept his proposal... the wedding will be in two months. You are invited, of course." Ruuji nodded. "I'll... I will come, I can take a trip for such an occasion." Then he blinked. "Wait, 'if'? What do you mean, why... is there a reason you haven't-" "You big idiot!" Her arms were around him, grappling, pressing his chest to hers, holding on for dear life. Thunderstruck, he merely placed a hand atop her head, caressed her back, felt her tremble. "Why don't you do something about it, Ruuji? Why don't you ever look twice? You hardheaded fool!" "Wh-what do- this- I-" "Don't let him take my hand without a fight!" she goaded. "Step up, be a man! Try it for once!" He drew back to look down at her, but she kept her face buried in his chest, avoiding his gaze. Could he be hearing this right? "Wait, Mii, what are you trying to ask of me?" "Do you REALLY not know, or are you just playing dumb so you don't have to- to bear responsibility?" "Responsibility? F-for what?" "For US!" Only now did she look up at him, tears streaming down her cheeks like waterfalls, teeth bared as she tried to let her anger blot out the pain. "Don't you remember? The night... the day before the final strike... Oji-sama was... and that night, you were there for me, you held me, you told me everything was alright, that you'd be there for me - that he'd come back!" "I did," he said solemnly. "And I was right, he returned!" "But you haven't kept your other promise!" she shouted, incensed. "You left! You left me behind! To wander around aimlessly, to- nothing has felt right with you gone! I'm such a wreck inside, like ev- like everything's broken, and I'm hollow, like a part of me has been ripped out and sent to this disgusting seaside landfill! What am I supposed to do without Ruuji?" His hand was at her smooth cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb. "Mii, you're so- please, don't cry, I'm sorry if-" "No," she said forcefully, drawing back, swiping at her eyes. "No. I... Ruuji, I'm sorry, I d-didn't come here to whine. We... if you give us a few hours, we'll h-have this Zoid out of your hair. The government will reward the people of Mirodo handsomely, as you well know. Let's... I, uh, have to go check on my Lanstag, its gait felt off the last few miles..." As he watched her begin to trek through the sand, wobbling from how unused to its dunes she was, it clicked into place within his mind; she had just tried to get him to propose to her, to challenge Gin's offer. But that would mean... no! Did Mii really think of him as more than he realized? Brain racing at breakneck speed, he thought back on the final battle - on her glorious sacrifice of her own prized Lanstag, the most powerful of its model, battle-worn and dependable. He remembered it being ripped into pieces, the cockpit nearly crushed in BioTyranno's jaws before they were able to save her. And she had done it before then, too, sustaining heavy injuries to her entire body; it had taken her weeks to fully recover. All to protect him. Because she was his good friend... or was there another reason? Such wide, deep eyes that flashed so dangerously when she was angered, or shone with joy when she was at ease. Her laugh, her insatiable zest for life - even her barbecue that the whole team had grown so weary of. That stew she had prepared for him, and only him, only once. Sniping at the both of them every time Kotona was harmlessly flirting with him. Crying into his shoulder... now, just as she had three years ago... "Let go," she breathed when his hand wrapped around her wrist, at the point where the grass began to overtake the sand. In fact, her determination dragged both of them another yard or two before Ruuji dug his heels in and she gave up. "There's- we need to get back to the Gustav, begin moving this Tiger-type onto its-" "Mii-" "Leave it alone!" she growled. "What right would you have to me, anyway? Some stupid hick from the middle of nowhere who- who can't even stick by his compatriots once the big fight's over, can't be bothered! I'm a PRINCESS! You're lucky I'm even talking to you!" "Mii, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I left, I... but you knew what I had to do!" "I know!" Her voice dropped after this outburst as she fought to master herself. "I know. And, maybe... in your position, I would have done the same. But come on, Ruuji... it was awfully cold." "I'll accept Ra-Kan's invitation!" To that, her eyes fluttered, mouth agape. "Wha..? B-but- wait, why? All of a sudden? Ruuji-" "Then, I can... I can be near Rei-Mii-san," he told her formally. "Too long have I neglected my friends and countrymen. You and your uncle need me, more than Mirodo." "No, Ruuji," she laughed weakly, not daring to believe this sudden turn-around. "I can't- I won't allow that. Not for my feelings." "But then I would be in a better position to challenge Gin-san's proposal. And... and you can have freedom to choose. If that's what y-you want." An impatient sigh as she stared evenly at him, hands on hips. "But what do YOU want, Ruuji Familon? What is it in the world you want to seek out? Life here? Life there? Tell me, honestly, because lies won't help me at all." Only a moment was needed for him to take in her slender form, her smooth skin and bright, fiery expression. "You." A shocked intake of breath followed this declaration. "St- what? Ruuji, don't be a jerk!" "I'm not." "That's not even funny," she snapped, even while she began to shake visibly. Ruuji stood his ground, despite growing fear for her well-being. "Against my better judgment, I go out on a limb and- and t-tell you how I feel, and you take pot shots at me, start lying and- why would you? Never in a million years would you REALLY leave this town, it's too-" "But I would, for you," he told her with true certainty. "Not for anyone but you, but... Mii, you're worth anything. To me." Her knees buckled, and he rushed forward to keep her from falling forward onto her face; he was only scarcely able to do so, but they still ended up kneeling in the sand as she shuddered. "God, I- I'm not ready for th-this, I said it, I didn't mean to and I said it, and you- Ruuji, you better take that back! And I'll call you an idiot, and I'll slap you, and you can apologize, and then I'll storm off and I'll be gone!" "No." "But it's all I can handle," she sniffled, breathing shallow and head shaking from side to side. She was going to pass out soon from hyperventillating. "If that's not what happens... if y-you- you really-" "Marry you?" Ruuji grinned at her in what he sincerely hoped was a reassuring way. "I'd do that." Her lip quivered. Her hands clutched at his biceps as she swayed, and being very careful, he lowered her to her back, where she lay trembling all over, staring over his shoulder. The movements were too jerky, too random; it was a seizure, Ruuji guessed. She clearly wasn't handling this well. Ruuji stood to fetch the village medic, but her hand clamped on his wrist. "DON'T LEAVE M-ME! I- ahh! Hnhh... help me, Ruuji, help me!" **_-o-o-o-o-o-_** Ruuji sat outside the hut that was home to what passed for a hospital in their hamlet by the sea, drawing odd shapes in the dirt with a stick. He was quite worried, yes, but he knew that more likely than not the doctor could figure out what was wrong with her. Already word had been sent to Ra-Kan and the kingdom, and the Lord himself was on his way. From all of these persons, Ruuji had kept the details of their conversation. "Alright, son," the doctor said as he exited his clinic. "She's fine; just a little dehydrated, and low on magnesium. Gave her a dose. Needs to get plenty of fluids. She should also try to get more fish in her diet, maybe some nuts or spinach." Ruuji laughed, he was so relieved. "That's what happens when all you eat is barbecue." "Come again?" "Nothing. Can I... go in and see her?" "Sure. Just don't ask her to run any marathons for the rest of the day." Mii was lying on the doctor's table, chugging down water like someone wanted to steal it from her. When she heard his footsteps, her head whipped around, and then she tried to sit up, but he rushed to her side and pushed her back down with gentle hands. "Please, rest, Mii. I don't want you to-" "But we have to get going," she whispered. "The Zoid-" "No, you don't," Ruuji told her firmly as he disposed of her empty glass. Telling her the Ra-Kan had nominated himself to come to Mirodo would only make her feel worse. "They're sending someone else from the capital to take care of everything. Rest is most important right now." Her eyes were staring into a corner of the ceiling. "Ruuji... I don't want to be some kind of- of invalid who can't handle a simple job like this. What must Oji-sama think?" "According to Faaji, he thinks you haven't been paying enough attention to your own health lately. That's what the doctor said, too." There came a long pause as they thought. Ruuji brought his hand to her head and felt for a fever, and Mii held her breath the entire time, trembling - but only from nerves. At last, she whispered. "You know... I... I have a little brother, now." Ruuji's jaw flew open. "You WHAT?" A light chuckle. "We really should print you a newsletter. Yes... Oji-sama, he and- hell, it took us all a bit by surprise, but he took Haara-san for his bride. They were in no way expecting to be able to conceive, not at their age, b-but- well, four months later and everyone began to notice, and not long after that, well... baby Rei-In was born. Named after my father. So he's not technically my brother, but my cousin..." "Ah," Ruuji said, smiling. That was nice to hear; Ra-Kan had suffered so much throughout his life, had borne the burden of thinking Digald's spread was his own doing. Anything to bring him happiness in these years was a long time coming. "I'm glad." "S-so-" She swallowed thickly. "So Ruuji... I am no longer needed there, to be next in line for his throne. If... you would rather stay here... I could st- I could-" "What is it?" Tears were welling up in again, threatening to fall. "I could stay with you, if you wanted. Not that you do." He felt his hand clutch hers tightly, and she allowed her eyes to squeeze shut now, waiting for the anvil to drop. "Mii..." "Think about it for a while. I'll... be returning to base with the Tiger-type, once they've given me some decent food. Honestly, don't you guys know how to make a good barbecue in this backwater?" "You're welcome to stay here with me," he chuckled. "But please, don't do this to run away from Gin's proposal. Th-that is, even if that were the reason, I'd be happy to have you around for a while! It's just... it's not fair to him, is it?" His own cheeks were burning. What they were talking about were things that were far over his head. But he still wanted to talk about them, to consider the bright possibility of having Mii around, eating meals with her, working alongside to build up the village. He couldn't truly imagine her enjoying such menial tasks, but if she didn't mind... "Yes." "Hmm?" "I'll move here," she whispered softly, fearfully. "If you'll... if you'll propose to me, and do it the right way. I'll consider it. B-but if I change my mind about this village, you have to move back to Zuuri with me, no arguments." She hesitated. "You know, nevermind the whole idea! We have nothing in common anyway, what was I thinking? Stupid plan in the first- EH?" Smiling, Ruuji knelt by her bedside, and she pushed up on her elbow, agape, breathing speeding up. When he grasped one of her hands between his, a tiny squeak emitted from deep in her tonsils somewhere. This was probably bad for her condition, but to wait would be far worse agony. "Rei-Mii, I am in love with you." "Venerable ancestors!" "So would you do me the honor-" "Crap crap crap crap crap-" "-of being my bride?" She was chewing on her fingernails now, shaking her head from side to side frantically, hyperventillating again. Automatically, he grabbed the water pitcher from the nearby table and shoved it toward her, and she drained it in one gulp, scarcely noticing she'd done so. He returned the pitcher to the table, trying not to let out a chuckle and spoil the moment. Then she whispered, "No way..." "Wait a minute - what?" "No, that felt all wrong," she snapped, pouting at him. "I think it would have been better if I'd proposed to you. Yes, that's it - I'll go get a ring made, and I'll propose to you, and you can have the honor of being MY bride. Brilliant! So that's a plan, we'll-" "Mii!" he laughed, grabbing both her hands up and squeezing them. "Forget rings, forget that stuff! What do you think?" "I think I'm scared now," she giggled madly, still trying not to look at him even though this was becoming harder and harder, sliding her thumbs along the sides of his hands. "We- our relationship has always been so rocky, with us bickering and- and- and everybody kept dropping hints that they thought we'd make a good couple, even Da-Jin-sama! But now when I think about- and that 'L' word you threw out at- and you and I would- and THEN we'd have t-to-" The deep shade of scarlet was relfected in both of their features, and they turned away from each other. "Forget that, too, for now," he told her softly. "One step at a time - we haven't even kissed yet or anyth-" And then they had. Neither of them were ready for it to happen, but when she slid from the bed and pinned him to the floor, lips exploring his, hands winding into his coarse, sea-salty hair, it was like the most dangerous kind of magic, powerful and wonderful and terrifying all at the same time. Then she released from him and sat back, slapping him across the face. "YOU PERVERT!" "OW, MII!" "I'm sorry!" she gasped out, laughing and crying. "I- that was just a reflex, I didn't really mean to slap you!" Ruuji was already laughing though, hard, right from the gut. "Mii, you are one hundred percent crazy!" "I must be to have fallen in love with a dope like YOU!" she shot back, dropping down onto him, laying her head on his chest. "Ruuji... my God, I just kissed Ruuji, how is that even possible?" "I think the kiss you left on the side of my face stung a little!" "How can I want to be with you so much, need your touch like this - when I'm completely scared of what it means? What's going to happen to us?" "Good things, Mii." His hands were on her shoulders, and she snuggled into him, a sigh that signified something close to contentment floating out of her. "All good things." **_-o-o-o-o-o-_** "Now, don't you go cheating on me while I'm away," she ordered, those deep brown eyes narrowed threateningly. "You're a big boy; no temporary insanity pleas." Ruuji shook his head, laughing as she climbed her way into the Lanstag's cockpit. Once in there, she called down, "And don't look up my dress like that!" "Who says I was?" "Right. But, um... you're going to have to at least be tempted, if you want to be my fiancee!" "Oh, tempted, sure! But I would never do something that uncouth!" The haughty frown that she shot him told him it was the right answer; anything else would have initiated a screaming match. "Very well. I shall return once I have prepared all the arrangements for our grand ceremony. Oh, and informed poor Gin-chan of these pending nuptials. To be honest, I think he only offered to marry me because he wants to take care of me, repay me for helping him find his way again; or maybe he is in love with me, I don't know. But I'm sure he'll understand." "Fine, fine. Just make sure you don't forget MY family is invited, too!" "Right," she admonished herself, blushing. "Ahem. Anyway, we must be going to meet the party heading our way. So long, Familon-san." "Bye, Hime-san!" But she could not seem to close the cockpit hatch, nor do anything else but stare down at him. Finally, the head descended right to the ground, a few inches from him. "Ruuji, come here for a moment, I forgot." He wandered over, curious. "Hmm? What's the pro-MMPH!" The way her hand clamped down on the back of his neck sent a thrill down his spine as she stole a violent kiss from him; the tip of her tongue even brushed his lips! At the very moment he began to respond, moaning into her mouth, marvelling at how incredible she felt to him, he heard the hiss of the hatch being lowered, and leapt back just in time for it to slam shut between them. "Be well, my betrothed," she told him in a voice drenched with passion. She had closed the door so he couldn't actually witness the bashful expression she must have sported while saying it. Ruuji grinned as she began to guide her Zoid out of Mirodo. "I'll be waiting... Mii." **_-o-o-o-o-o-_** THE END (please review!) End file.
Return To Mirodo: A ZoidsGenesis Epilogue by Mushroom Scribe
Loyalty **Disclaimer:** I don`t own Zoids. Loyalty * * * I don`t really remember where it all started. I don`t even remember how, either. At the academy? Maybe. Probably a little later though. I was at least ranked as an active private, when I met him, and after a time, he promoted me the way to corporal. That was when it started for me, I suppose. That was when he first won my loyalty. Back then, and it still rings true more than half a decade after the fact, the Imperial army had few female officers, let alone female soldiers. I was one of two attempted changes to that rule, the other was a naive girl named Viola. She`s dead now. I`m partly responsible, and I don`t give a damn either way. My only emotions, my only true loyalties and my only real concerns lie with him now. He got me this far, I know he`d do it again if given the chance. I think. My name is Lieutenant Helena Ardin - though most people prefer to call me Lieutenant Hardin since I have a notorious reputation of discipline with my troops, the strictest of any unit in the Empire. Sure, it gets me labeled a ruthless bitch behind my back, but I actually like that. It means they fear me enough to do just about anything I say. Fear is the only true way to inspire loyalty, I`ve discovered. At least for a woman in the Guylos Army. Viola tried differently, and she did manage to get the loyalty of a few of the troops in Rosso`s unit, but the problem is that no one would promote her and Rosso himself wasn`t ranked high enough to carry it out. I took a different road. I became the meanest, baddest, toughest bitch the Imperial army has ever seen. I`m now the second-in-command of Regent Lord Gunther Prozen because of it. He is the man whom my loyalties are reserved for. He is the only man in the army who cares nothing about gender, so long as the job gets done. Unfortunately, it won`t get done this time. The false Prince and his friends are breaking through my lines right now, my own troops have finally broken. The strategy of trying to drive over the bridge with everything has failed, and now I realize that it would`ve been a better call to have blown the bridge and resorted to a full scale siege-style bombardment while circling around the other side and making a surprise attack from there. Major Schubaltz would`ve done that, were he in my shoes, but that doesn`t really matter. Nothing matters but my loyalty to Lord Prozen anymore. That`s simply because my Iron Kong is about to go sky high from battle damage. I suppose there are worse ways to die than getting to spend a split second locked into an eternity where you can reflect on just about everything. Even now, the flames have turned my world in white and contrasting shades of gray and black, but time has slowed down for me. I`m screaming out orders to keep fighting and I`m not sure if my body is even registering my own thoughts anymore. It almost feels painless, getting consumed by the flames in slow motion. I can feel a dull, humming sting, but that`s about it. I wonder, if I had been at the academy at the same time as Gunther, instead of when he was graduating, would he and I have had any sort of chance? It _does_ keep me thinking sometimes, even now. I suppose I just have a love for him since he defied conventional logic and promoted a woman for doing a good job instead of for his own image. What kind of love it is, I`m not sure. I don`t even have anymore time to think about that. Not now, anyway. The world goes completely white and it stays that way. For how long, I don`t know. Time has left me and the only things I can hear are the flames of the explosion, my own screams of pain and the thoughts that I`ve had just now. It was a good life, I guess, but it`s over now. I don`t mind thought. As far as I`m concerned, I die as a martyr to Prozen`s dreams and ambitions, a loyal soldier who gave her all and in the end, found it wasn`t enough. I am Lieutenant Hardin. I _was_ the most feared woman in the Empire. And most importantly, I was loyal to the bitter end. That`s all I had. That`s all I have. And that`s all I`ll ever know. * * * **Author`s Note:** Oh look, it`s a Hardin fic that doesn`t senselessly character bash her because the author`s not an obsessed fangirl who thinks she`s in love with Prozen. Quite the opposite in fact: I hate Prozen, and I`m a guy. And no, this fic is not intended to make Prozen or Hardin look like good people, it`s intended to make people see that Hardin isn`t a complete idiot(not that she even had much of a chance to prove otherwise), and yes, she does need better hair styling but someone`s hair doesn`t make or break their worth on the battlefield. For anyone reading this and thinking about NA: Expect the next chapter to be up within the coming week, if not the end of the weekend. Having a spurt of writer`s laziness. Sh33p out. End file.
Loyalty by The Sh33p
Enemies, Friends, Lovers **Enemies, Friends, Lovers** That day we met it was a fact We never really got along I would tease you, and you'd react But we didn't realize we were wrong Sooner of later our feelings grew And we became the best of friends Something became clear to everyone we knew But we didn't think it would ever end But change again entered our young lives When love made its way to our front door At once we entered a new kind of paradise And we are now together forever more So I leave you this message, you know it's true You never can tell when love will hit you - - - - Fixed this up due to the fact that now there's a way to put only one break in between lines. As I said before, It's an overall summery of the Bit/Leena relationship. I'm not sure through whose eyes because they both tease eachother. End file.
Enemies, Friends, Lovers by Teefa and Co
a fight for your life how could I be so dumb. She was nice enough to help me, but I am so cold hearted I didn't see that. My body slowly grows numb. I wish I could take it all back. Her niceness, everything, how was I to know she was the one. Jinichiro: Hi, I don't own Zoids or Raven. I do own The masked girl and her orginoid. I don't own her zoid or anything, but what I said I own. This is all through Raven's pov. Enjoy." a fight for your life- I lost, but how. My zoid is gone. Shadows gone, too. This desert is getting hotter. I have been walking through since two days ago, since my battle with Van. ~~Flash back~~ "I won't let you win." I yelled as my zoids raged on. The core heating up. "Fine." Van said and with one swift move was behind me. "What the?" I said aloud. There was some crackling noise as the systems to my zoid started to explode. I tryed to open the cockpit door, but it wouldn't open. Smoke started to fill the cocpit and it became hard to breath. I punched and kicked, but as hard as I tryed it would not open. It became hard to see or breath. The smoke ingulfed me and threw me into a tunnel of darkness. With one swift move, I threw myself at the cockpit door and fell to the ground. I hit the ground with a loud thump. The smoke escaped into the air. Then all I could hear was a loud burst as my zoid blew up. The core had been damaged and as a result it blew up taking Shadow along with it. I could hear the sound coming close, but for some reason, I couldn't see. "Hey, Raven, are you alright?" I heard the voice and it was Van. He seemed so close, but I didn't know which direction. "How can you ask him something like that, Van. He wants to kill you." Irvine's voice was heard. "Yeah, but still. He's in trouble. He has no way of transportation or anything like that. Van almost killed him." Moonbay said to Irvine or somebody. "Moonbay is right. We should give him a lift to the nearest town." A soft sweet voice said. I knew it was that girl, Feonia. "I'm not helping him out. You can forget it." Irvine's feet turned around and I heard them. "I don't need your help. I can get tot he town by myself." I spit at them. I didn't need their help. I could do it myself. "Atleast take some water." I heard Moonbay say. "I don't need your pity." I was stern and wanted them to know it. I walked off into a direction, not really sure what way, it was just a way. ~~end of flashback~~ It's all my fault I'm here. I could have atleast tooken the water. No, how come I am thinking that. Van and htem are my enemy. I can take their pity. I then bumped into something and hit the ground, but it also hit the ground with a umph. "Oh sorry." I didn't know what I hit. "It's ok." A soft sweet voice said. "Need a hand?" "No." I got to my feet. "You don't look good. Can I help you in anyway?" The voice sounded like falling snow. "No." I said and started to walk past whoever was there. "You can't see." The girl said and placed a hand on my shoulder. Those three words made me pause in my place. I slowly took her hand of my shoulder. "I know it. I can feel it. Please let me help you. I can help you regain your eye sight. Then you can go on your way." "Fine." I couldn't believe I would use her help, but afterwards I'd just leave. She took my hand and slowly started to walk. Her hand felt like silk or velvet. I could feel the heat turn to coolness. "We are inside a small cave. It is cool here. I am just a wanderer, but I know alot bout these type of places." She let go of my hand and I stumbled alittle, but before I could fall she was holding. I quickly got out of her grasp. I hit the side of the wall and slid down. "I don't need your help, besides being able to see." I could hear her walk or rumage through a bag. I felt her put a cloth over my eyes. "What are you doing." "I am just placing a cloth over your eyes, don't worry." She was gentle. She then got up and I could hear her hum a soft tune. I heard the crackling of a fire and could feel the heat. After, what seem, half an hour she came over and removed the cloth. I could feel her put something around my head over and over. "What are you doing no." I sorta barked, but that didn't slow her down. "I am placing a bandage over your eyes. You will be able to see in the morning. It's grown late. The fire should keep you warm." I felt her tie it then leave. I wanted to tell her to stay, but I'm just not like that. I have seen many girls with soft voices, but they all were ugly or just annoying at other times. I heard a small thud as she sat down, but it sounded far away. I heard her hum to herself, but I soon fell asleep. I could feel the sumlight over my eyes. They felt light as though the bandages were gone. I opened my eyes. After a couple of minutes focusing I could see the cave. A small place where a fire had been, where the bandages lay, where the cloth was, the bright sun, but most of al an empty cave. I sat and wondered how I got here cause the girl was not here. I slowly stood up and looked around. I slowly walked out of hte cave. The morning breeze brushed my hair. I saw where I was. It was near a small town. There weere many people down below. I was up on a cliff. I hoped down some ledges and stood on the ground. I looked around. I went off into a direction and found some water. I took some sips. The water felt so nice and relaxing. I jumped in. The water rushed up my body and it felt so nice. This was better then the hot air of the desert. I resurfaced for some air and took a breath when I saw her for the first time. A masked girl was leaning againest a tree. She wore a dress that was just like the girl Feonia's dress. You could see some blonde hair behind the mask. Her eyes the same red like Feonia's. She wore the boots and gloves like Feonia's. I watched her come over and sit at the edge of the water. She didn't seem to notice me. Could Feonia really be here with Van and the others? Then the girl noticed me. "Good you are awake and you can see." The girl said. She sounded like Feonia, but her voice was sweeter or had I never really noticed how Feonia talked. I just nodded. "What is your name?" I could see her eyes light up when I asked. "My name is Siami. What's your name?" Her name was Siami, not Feonia. How could this be? "Raven." I got out of hte nice water and sat on the bank. She walked over and sat down next to me. "It's nice to meet you Raven." She said, but it seemed like I met her before. I could remember hearing things last night when I woke up. ~~flash back~~ "It seems like I know him." Siami said. I felt her put the cloth back on my forehead. I din't wanna open my mouth, but it did. "What are you doing." I sorta growled, but she just held her hand there. "You were sweating so I thought I should put the cloth here. Your forehead is hot." Her voice showed concern, but I never saw her face nor even know her that much. I felt her remove the cloth and place it on the ground. I felt the wind as she got up and walked away. Her footsteps were light and barely heard. "Your annoying." I didn't mean to say it, but it just came out. "I would expect that. I am sorry. If you don't want my help then I won't." She sorta sounded like she was serious, but joking at the same time. "Fine, just don't baby me." I said low. I knew she heard it cause the next thing I knew I could feel her next to me. "You just need some rest. Everything will be better in the morning and you can be on your way, if that is what you wish." She didn't sound like she cared what I did. "Fine." I went back to sleep, but could hear her hum that melody one last time before drifting off to sleep. ~~end of flash back~~ "How come you helped me?" I looked at her. She had removed her boots and had her feet in the water. "You needed help, so I did. I am just the kind of person to do that. I used to help many people, but everything has changed." Siami said and created a small circle with her foot. I stood up and she looked at me. "I know who you are, Siami. You are that girl Feonia. Now tell me where's Van?" I was no mad. The girl slowly got up and shook her head. She put a cold hand to my forehead. "You seem to not have a fever. Are you sure, your not getting me mixed up with someone?" I grabbed her mask and removed it. Her face looked like velvet. I just stared in shock. She had to be Feonia. She stared in shock. "You have to be her." I was stuttering. She just looked at me. "My name is Siami. I don't know this Feonia. I am sorry." She reached up and took the mask back from me. She replaces it back on her face and left. I walked alittle before noticing a gustad, a blade liger, and a comande wolf. I walked slowly there when I heard a familer voice. "So you made it here." Van's voice rang out. I turned to see him behind me. Next to him was Feonia, but she didn't where a mask. "Feonia, I don't do this, but thank you." I don't think thye believed me. They couldn't believe I said thankyou. "But what did I do?" Feoni seemed startled. There was a short slience that was interupted by the roaring of Zek. A blue organoid came out of the woods. "Resse." A yelled, but there was no answer. The blue organoid didn't look like Spectula, btu of another one. "What the." Van has jumped back. The blue organoid came over to me. It handed me a note before disappearing. I slowly opened the note. Dear Raven, I guess you have decided to go off again. I respect that. Everyone does. I hope you will take care. If you ever need anything Just look for a blue organoid, her name is Biaoki She will help you when you need it. She won't harm you. Please take care of yourself, Raven. If you ever meet that girl, Feonia, then please tell her that she needs to remember. I remember, but she needs to, too. Thanks, Raven. You are a very nice person. I wish we could be friends, but we live in different worlds. I just know it. I hope to see you in the future, Raven. Siami. "what does it say?" Van was about to run over and grab it. "Feonia, remember." Those two words made Feonia think. "What does he mean? Van asked Feonia, but she took a step forward. "Siami." Feonia took a couple of steps forward, but then stopped. "So, you know this Siami?" I asked. "Yes and no." Feonia looked at me. "Ok. I'm lost. Who is she?" Van asked. "She is someone I knew, but I don't know anything more." Feonia looked down. "She looks like you." I said. "Me?" Feonia said. She then remembered things. ~~Feonia's flashback~~ "Are you coming Feonia?" A soft voice asked. Feonia looked at her older sister. "Siami, please wait up." Feonia was running to catch up. Siami was one year older, but was like her mother. Siami held out her hand for Feonia. She took it and was able to see the nice view. "He shoudl be here, any minute." Siami looked up at the sky. A reddler came and landed near them. A young boy hopped out and onto the ground. His blonde hair covered the right side of his face. His clothes were alittle messed up, but nice though. He walked over to Siami and Feonia. "Long time no see, you two." He smiled and Feonia hugged him. "Raven, please stay from now on. Please don't go off." Feonia was about to start crying. Raven chuckled alittle. "If you want me to then I'll stay. Feonia backed up and smiled. Siami just stood there smileing. "Do you promise to stay, Raven?" Siami asked. She was concerned for him. She loved the boy dearly. He kissed her on the lips and then let go. "Yes, I promise." Raven said. There was a loud explosion and the ground split apart. Siami and Feoni were thrown off the cliff. Raven ran to his reddler, but it was soon dystroyed by a flash of light. Siami screamed. People were running this way and that. Feonia and Siami got sepperated but both ending up the same. "You will be placed in this pod, miss Feonia." The scientist said. He had reasurred her that her sister is fine and they will meet. He put her in the pod and closed it, but Feonia could feel Siami's uneasiness and see what she saw. Siami was running up some stairs and onto the roof of a building. There it was. The deathsuar. Some men came and rushed her back inside. "Let me go." Siami struggled, but soon saw the scientist. "Sorry, my dear, but you have to live. You and Feonia. You two are keys to unlock Zoid Eve. Once Zoid Eve is unlocked then everything is complete and you will be finished. Not needed anymore, you nor your sister." The scientist pushed her into the pod and it shut locking her away. ~~end of the flashback~~ "We have to find my sister. Where was she Raven?" Feonia looked at me. I nodded and led them to the cave, but nothing was there. "She was here." I told them, but then showed them the water. No one was there. We spent the day searching the village, but not finding anything. I spent the night in the cave, hoping she'd come back. "How could I have been so stupid. She's probley gone because of me. It's getting colder. My body feels so numb." "Then I'll light you a fire." A voice said. I turned to see Siami. She walked over and lite a fire for me. She sat in the spot she was in the other day. "Where were you?" I asked. Siami couldn't believe he just asked that. "I was out, why. You never cared. You also said that you were going to leave today, but you didn't. How come?" Siami looked at me. "Because. I wanted to thankyou. Plus I spent the hole day trying to find you."I could feel the warmth of the fire. Siami took of her mask and sat there smiling. "Raven, how come it had to happen to you?" Siami asked in sorta a dreamy type of voice. "What happen to me?" I was curious. "This is a new time. I come from another. As you should know. Feonia is my sister, one year younger then me, and we are both ancient zoidians. I loved a boy named Raven, but he was killed. He told Feonia and I that he would stay with us forever." It was the first time that Siami had told me anything about her, besides her name. "I felt like I knew you, but didn't at the same time." I looked at the fire. "Raven, you are him." A voice said at the door. I turned to see Resse. "Resse." I was shocked. "Raven, you are the ancient zoidian. I remmeber you, Feonia, and Siami as friends. You can remember. Just find a way." Resse said and walked away. "Thank you, Resse." I said as she disappeared. I smiled and looked at the fire. Siami saw the smile and walked over. She put a hand on my forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever." She smiled and sat down. "I've never seen you smile." "There's a first time forever thing." I smiled, but I wanted something. I felt something. I felt love. I kissed her on the lips and everything flashed before my eyes. ~~the flashbacks~~ Siami and me hiding from Feonia when playing games. Me learning how to write. Me learning how to race. Me learning how to pilot a zoid. Me taking Feonia and Siami for a ride. Siami walking on the beach. My first kiss with Siami. The deathsuar. The blast and being reborn as the new raven. ~~end of thew flash backs~~ I had stopped kissing Siami and I was just starring in shock. She was just as shocked. "I understand." I muttered. I felt different. I could feel a change in me. There was some wetness in the cave and it dripped on me. Siami grabbed my hand and dragged me to the water. "Raven, you are my Raven." Siami pointed tot he water. I looked at myself in the water. My hair was now blonde, my eyes were red, and you could see a triangle on my forehead. "Resse, was right. I remember everything, Siami. The deathsuar, My redler, everything." I got up and could do back flips. I remebered everything. "Good." Siami hugged me and I hugged back. "Now please promise me that you'll stay forever." "I promise." I said. We let go. I took her hand and led her through the woods, till we came to the blade liger. "Huh?" Van woke up when Zek roared. "Feonia, what are you doing with a stranger?" Van was wide awake and had woken everyone else up. "Van, what are you talking bout. I'm over here." Van looked and sure enough Feonia was standing right next to him. "Feonia, your okay." Siami had tears in her eyes. Feonia walked forward and so did Siami. They met in the middle and hugged. Of course I ran over there. Feonia looked at me. "It can't be. I remember seeing it. I remember watching you get killed." Feonia was starring at me. "I promised I would stay with you guys forever and I'm gunna keep that promise." I smiled. "You better, Raven." Feonia said and hugged me. "Raven? Wait you mean he's Raven?" Irvine was shocked. "Oh. Yes. I am Raven. I'm an ancient zoidian, but was killed and reborn as the raven you knew, but I unlocked everything and I am back to normal." I said. "Man, if only a cutie could be created from every guy." Moonbay joked around. I guess everything turns out good int he end. I still don't have shadow or my zoid. "Oh yes, Raven." Siami said and I looked at her. "Biaoki, Shadow." "What?" I asked. All of a sudden there they stood. Shadow and Biaoki. I then remembered him being in the zoid when I died the first time. "You still won't die, will you, Shadow." "No, he won't." Feonia said. Now everything ended out nice. That's all I can say. I Siami, my long lost love and my friends and new found friends, but I can't forget my pal Shadow who's stuck by me for so long. I wonder what the future holds, but for right now I am focusing on what I have infront of me like friends and people who care bout me. That's all the matters, but my life has always been a fight and I don't think it'll end right now. It's always been a fight for my life and it will always be. I just hope no one else's life will be. I hope all lives will be nice, without war. I have givin up killing and will join the gaurdian force to help. Those are my plans and I'll stick by them forever. ~~End~~ Jinichiro: What do you think? Please leave a review and tell me what you think. It was just a one-shot, but if you want a segual then please tell me. Thanks." End file.
a fight for your life by Jinichiro
1. Author's Notes Welcome to my second ever posted fanfiction! And my first B/L fanfiction! Chances are likely that there will me fluff, but not too much, as well as oocness. And this story has a plot line other than the romance! The other thing is, I don't know anything about guns and stuff like that, so I use the generic terms such as guns and weapons. I have to live with the cartoon network dub too, so spare me flames. I don't know if this story will make sense or not, or if it's even any good. So it is your job as the readers to review and tell me what you think or else I won't know! K? Got all that? Disclaimer: one more thing, I don't own zoids. Such the tragedy. "Alright Layon, we beat you, now give me back my daughter!" Doc shouted over the com-link. You think that Layon would have given up on the whole idea of kidnaping Leena, their side usually ended up worse off. "You'll have to come and get her Tauros, she's under anesthetic, so you know that means you'll have to leave a zoid here!" Layon laughed his usually maniacal laugh and closed the com-link. Tauros looked at the screen in disbelief. Layon was right. There was no way that Leena could piolet a zoid when she was drugged. Let's see... which zoid to give up? The Liger 0? Yeah, that's a great idea! Let's give up the ultimate x and listen to the fit Bit has afterward! That's the best idea ever! (A/N: if you can't tell, that was sarcasm.) The shadow fox? No, Tauros was not going to give Layon the satisfaction of getting his creation back. Besides, there was no way they could ever get another one. The Raynos? Umm... No. It was the only air zoid they had and they would have trouble finding another one. Which meant that Layon kept the gunsniper which was already in his possession and Doc would have to listen to Leena's ranting and raving when she got home. Oh well, some things couldn't be helped. But there was another zoid for her... "Bit?" Doc paged him over the com-link. "Yeah Doc?" Bit said from the Jager. "Can you go get Leena? According to Layon, she's under anesthetics so you'll have to carry her out." "WHAT?! Doc, where's she gonna sit?!" Doc sighed. "I don't care Bit, you've got the fastest zoid right now, so GO GET HER!" "But what about her gunsniper?" Bit whined. Maybe inside he didn't really mind having to go get Leena, but if he let the rest of them know he would never hear the end of it. Doc sighed once more. "It has to stay with Layon, there isn't any choice in the matter. Just go bring her home Bit." "Okay Doc." Bit took off in the direction of the Whale King. Layon had said he wasn't going to wait for them, he had places to go and people to see. And off course we all believe him don't we? Once again, sarcasm. Bit set the Liger in the right direction and turned on the ion boosters. (Is that what they're called?) He soon reached the whale king which stopped momentarily and set down a ramp for the Liger to enter by. Bit went in hesitantly, "If anyone gets too close, you know what to do, right Liger?" Bit then took off the safety which prevented the Liger from using its weapons without consult, so the Liger could take care of itself. (A/N I hope that made sense, basically when the Liger wants to attack, it has to run it by Bit first with the safety on. But when the safety is off, it can attack without asking him, does that makes sense? I made it up myself.) Liger roared, although he wouldn't have any piolet but Bit, he still liked having the freedom to fire his weapons without consult. Bit jumped out of the cockpit to meet the waiting Layon. "Well, I guess the gunsniper with be staying with me." Layon smiled a little. "Yeah, yeah, where's Leena?" "This way." Layon turned and lead Bit to a small room where Leena was lying on a bed unconscious, but looking otherwise unharmed. "She'll be out for another few hours." "Yeah right, thanks." Bit carefully picked up and cradled Leena. His voice dripped with sarcasm, he didn't like seeing Leena look so helpless. It was even worse than seeing her mad. Because when she was mad, at least Bit knew she was okay. Leena wasn't that heavy and Bit had no trouble carrying her back to the Liger which some of Layon's assistants were eyeing warily. Seeing Bit with his hands full, the Liger dropped its head down to the floor so Bit could enter without trouble. However, once he did it took him a minute to figure out how to piolet the Liger while holding Leena. Then he realized that was the solution. He would just have to hold her in his lap while giving verbal commands to the Liger. He momentarily let go of her while the restraints were lowered over her head. "Alright Liger, let's go." The Liger took off into the desert toward the hover cargo. * * * Layon smiled down at the note in his hand. Layon~ I know that you and my husband never saw eye to eye, but I need you to make sure that my daughter Leena with get 'it' when she's ready to piolet it. I'm trusting you, my friend, with this task. I don't know if my husband would give it to her without outside influence. I know that she can do it. Please. ~Lily A/N. I don't know if that's Leena's mother's name, I'm making it up. And that is why Layon kidnaped Leena, so that he could take the gunsniper and she would get 'it.' 2. Author's Notes I realize that chapter one isn't really that interesting, so I uploaded chapter two! Actually, as I'm typing this, I'm wondering exactly how much sugar I was eating because I think a lot of it spilled into the fanfiction. And I don't think this is even the worst of it. Thanks so much for the reviews! I'm sorry, I don't mean to insult the dub, I just get frustrated 'cause I can't spare the money for the original japanese with subtitles. Please review more! I love getting reviews because it means that I'm not just typing this for no reason. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids. If I did, I would buy my own mansion so that I don't have to deal with my younger siblings. * * * "Hey! Slow down a little would ya? She doesn't have any restraints!" The Liger growls back to Bit. Translation: She might as well, you're holding her tight enough. Bit blushes and glares at the Liger, but doesn't loosen his hold on Leena. He looked down at her. Her head had drooped onto his shoulder. 'She really is pretty.' Bit admitted silently. However, his thoughts were rudely interrupted by mocking sing-song growls from the Liger. Translation: Bit and Leena sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G... "SHUT UP!" Bit yells. The Liger doesn't heed Bit's so politely put request, and continues... Translation: First comes love, then comes marriage... "I SAID SHUT UP!" The volume of Bit's voice increases as does the shade of red that covers his face. Then a soft groan escapes Leena and Bit immediately abandons his argument with the Liger to attend to her. She tilts her head back away from Bit's shoulder and blinks a few times. "Bit?" Her voice comes out as barely a whisper. Her eyes are half closer and she seems disoriented and confused. "Shh, it's okay Leena, we'll be home soon." Bit says in the most reassuring way he can. This puts Leena at ease so she lays her head back on his shoulder and falls asleep once again. Bit looks at her yet again, this time with a somewhat proudly possessive look in his eyes. That's when the Liger started up again. Translation: (Can't you people guess yet?) Bit and Leena sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G... "Would you shut up?!" Bit's face quickly turns several different shades of red, each one deeper that the last. * * * Bit was very out of place. Usually he occupied his days with fixing the Liger, eating, sleeping, as well as fighting with Leena. Well, the Liger was in top condition, he was full (A/N I think that's possible), he had just taken a nap and Leena was still walking around half awake. It was odd, Leena didn't chase Bit for stealing her food or steal his. And the weirdest thing of all was that she hadn't yelled at her dad for losing her zoid. Yet. Doc said Leena was just suffering from lack of energy, it was one possible side affect of the drugs Layon had given her. But Leena had a feeling, in some part of her heart, she knew that something was going to happen. She just didn't know what it was. Anyway... with all of his usual activities impossible, he took to following Leena around so that when she regained full consciousness he could annoy her. He helped her when she needed him to, and kicked Harry's butt out of the hover cargo every half hour. Two days after Leena got back from Layon's she was beginning to act somewhat like her normal self, she had at least regained some of her energy. Unfortunately for Doc, enough energy to get after him about her zoid. "HOW COULD YOU?! THAT WAS MY ZOID! WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITHOUT A ZOID, HUH?!" "Calm down dear." was Doc Tauros' reply. "We're on our way to pick up your new zoid right now." This cheered Leena up enough so that she stole Bit's brownie. * * * "Hey Tauros! What are you doing here?" Doc grinned up at a man who was working on a zoid. "Hey Alex, I'm here for 'it'" The man know as Alex climbed down the latter that was propped against the zoid. "You sure Tauros? I mean..." Tauros laid a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I know, but it's time for Leena to take over and get what her mother intended for her." The man Alex looked at the ground a minute. "I sure hope you're right Tauros." The next chapter with reveal everything about 'it' I think, it all depends on how long it is when I type it. Please do me a favor and click the review button! 3. Author's notes Okay, I do a lot of explaining in this chapter while managing to include a good amount of B/L. There is ooc, get use to it. If anything is unclear or there are any mistakes please don't hesitate to point them out in you reviews. Also, constructive criticism is wonderful, so are suggestions about what I should do with the story line although I already have some of it written, but not typed. Which brings me to my next point, I'm very very VERY sorry for taking so long with this chapter, but I have a cold, marching band practice after school because we're going to be in the memorial day parade and my teachers are laying on a ton of homework, tests, papers and project that are required but they decided to cram into the last two weeks of school. Anyway, that you to all who reviewed. Keep up that practice and review more! I love them, they give me a reason to write. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, there I said it so if you want to try and sue me you'll LOSE! * * * "It's not." Leena's voice held no emotion, but shook slightly as she spoke the words. "Is it?" She turned to her father who nodded. She turned back and stared at the zoid in shock and horror. It was a zoid built like a bear, currently standing on all fours. The main body of it was bronze, while the armor was a deep indigo. It was elegant but it hurt Leena just to look at it. "There's a message for you when you're ready." with that Doc turned around and left Leena alone in the hanger with her new zoid. A few minutes later, who should chance by but Bit? He looked at Leena, who was frozen to the spot. "Leena? Are you okay?" he asked. That's when Leena dropped to her knees. Bit immediately rushed to her side. He place his hands on her shoulders and then noticed the tears that were silently streaming down her face. "Leena?" he whispered into her ear. She whirled around and threw her arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder. "It was my mom's Bit, it was my mom's." After the initial shock of the action subsided, Bit fastened one arm around her waist and used the other to stroke her hair in attempt to calm her down. "Shh... come on Leena, it's okay." After a few minutes Leena composed herself and was no longer crying hysterically. "Thanks Bit." Leena removed her arms from Bit's shoulders but he hadn't let go of her yet. "No problem Leena. Do you want to tell me what's going on?" his voice wasn't demanding but instead simply wondering if she wanted to tell him or not. "The zoid." Leena sniffed. "It was my mom's." She laid her head on his shoulder and leaned back on him. "Before she died she was working on a project with a bunch of other zoid scientists. They were trying to create an organoid system. They used the instincts of a bear, for battle instincts, and some from a dog for obedience. But the program still wouldn't work. The program didn't have enough intelligence and they couldn't integrate an AI program in with the organic components from the bear and dog. They came up with the solution of... of integrating human intelligence instead." At this points she stopped and took a deep breath, she shuttered and Bit squeezed her a little. "My mom knew she had cancer... and that she would die soon... so.. she...she volunteered to be the final element in the organoid project..." Leena trailed off but then continued. "In order to have the highest success rate with the project they put her through rigorous training with the zoid that they had created to place the organoid system in. This way she would have knowledge of the abilities of the zoid and the battle experience. But... going into so many zoid battles drained her energy... and it made her weaker.. so... she died sooner than expected." "Leena." Bit seemed to cram all of his remorse, sorrow, and sympathy into one word. Leena went ahead and cried again. It hurt. She didn't want the zoid that made her mother die. She knew that her mother would have died no matter what but... She wrapped her arms around Bit again, it felt good having him there. Bit placed his head on top of Leena's. He hated to admit that he was thrilled about holding Leena, especially since she was crying about her mom. He hated seeing her so upset. When Leena finally settled down she thanked Bit again for being such a good friend. "It's nothing Leena, really." Bit hated having her thank him for doing something he was somewhat enjoying even though he knew he shouldn't be. She began standing up. "I think I'm ready to listen to the message that dad said was in there for me." Bit nodded and helped her up. Leena bit her lip. "Could- could you wait here for me?" She seemed so afraid when she said it. Bit gave her one last hug. "Sure Leena." Then Leena walked over to the zoid, with Bit's hand on her back. There was no latter or any other means of climbing up. Leena laid one hand on the front arm of the zoid and it lowered its head to let her in. She climbed in the cockpit. It shut and the zoid raised its head again. Bit watched and hoped that Leena would be okay. Author's Notes this chapter was originally going to be longer, but I got lazy. Now, review and I will put up the next one as soon as I get my lazy butt in gear and type it. Also, I made up all the stuff about the project and Leena's mom. But if you're confused about any of it, tell me and I will try and clear it up for you! 4. Author's Notes This is the next chapter earlier then usual. I got a stroke of inspiration, so I'm going to try and type faster. ooc, spelling mistakes, technical mistakes, please review, I think I've mention it all in previous chapters. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids. But I did come up with the idea of the zoid, you'll find out the name later. * * * While Bit was waiting for Leena he inspected the zoid. It had really long, sharp front claws, like blades. The armor was heavy, and the zoid seemed to have a great range of motion. It appeared to be built for more close range combat. Bit couldn't see any guns. What on earth had Doc given Leena this zoid for? "Isn't it great?" Doc walked up behind Bit. "Yeah, but is Leena gonna be able to pilot it? Close range combat isn't her specialty." "That's what you think Bit." "Huh?" Bit stared at Doc who was looking at the zoid. "You're making assumptions about Leena and the zoid, which by the way is called the RaeKuma, Leena's mother made sure she was well trained in close range combat before she passed away, she hasn't practiced in a long time but she was quite good. Didn't you ever wonder why she doesn't usually aim? She was never fully trained in long range combat." Bit blinked a few times trying to absorb the new information about his team mate. Just then the RaeKuma lowered its head and Leena stepped out, the tear tracks were still visible on her face but she was smiling. She walked over to her dad and Bit. Bit asked, "Leena... are you going to be okay?" He laid a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah Bit, I'm going to be fine." Doc smiled, "Come on Leena, there are some things I need to talk to you about." Leena turned her head toward her dad. Then she looked back at Bit. She smiled and took his hand from her shoulder and gave it a squeeze before walking after her dad. Bit smiled as he looked after the girl he now knew he loved. * * * Earlier in the cockpit of the RaeKuma... Leena sat and looked around at the controls, there were a good amount of them but they didn't look very complex. That's when the screen came up. "Mom..." Leena breathed. "Oh Leena." The woman on the screen was beautiful and looked somewhat like her daughter. It was so weird. Leena had seen pictures of her mom but they weren't like this. It seemed to Leena that she had seen her mom like this many times before, but couldn't place it. "I know that you're probably upset with me for leaving you, and mad that I had to leave earlier because of the RaeKuma, but I wanted to leave you something Leena, I wanted you to be proud of me." Leena and the image of her mother cried simultaneously. "So please Leena, you can pilot this zoid and bring out its full potential. I've programmed the computer so that it will only except you or your children as pilots. And I'm not telling you the password so you can change it." she joked. She looked down a moment and then back at Leena. "Please Leena, take the RaeKuma and become the zoid pilot I know you dreamed of being. I will die, but I want you to have this zoid. It's my gift to you, my legacy." She smiled through the tears that were pouring down her face. "Do this for me Leena." she whispered. "I love you more then you will ever know, my baby girl, and I'll always be proud of you." She smiled one last time before the screen cut out. Leena just sat there with tears streaming down her face until she heard a small, sympathetic roar from the RaeKuma. She smiled, "Well, we'll made quite the team." * * * Author's Notes Yes, that was short. And I'm kind of a conceited person so now please read how I came up with the name RaeKuma. You know how Liger is basically Lion and tIGER squeezed together? Well, I spelled "bear" backwards, (raeb) and then took Rae as the prefix. Kuma is the japanese word for bear that I looked up on my english to japanese, japanese to english online dictionary. And viola! 5. Author's Notes Okay, I'm sorry for taking so long with this chapter, but it's longer than most of them. And the next chapter might take a while, sorry! This chapter is not one of my better chapters, in other words I think it's bad. WARNING: this chapter contains a battle and you will soon find out I CAN NOT WRITE BATTLE SCENES! I'm sorry! Anyway, thank you for all of your reviews so far, I love knowing what people think of my story. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, but the idea of the RaeKuma and the story behind it is mine. * * * "Alright Leena, the RaeKuma is still a very experimental zoid. You'll need to wear this when you go into combat." Doc handed his daughter a pile of silver garments. Leena unfolded and inspected them. Her father smiled, "They were your mother's, I think they should fit you now." She smiled and hugged her father. "She would be proud of you." He whispered to her. "I know." Leena replied. * * * Leena examined herself in the mirror. The silver suit was nothing she would have picked out herself. It was a form-fitting jumpsuit, one piece with a purple zipper. There were matching silver gloves and boots trimmed in purple. The boots had a heal to them that her normal shoes didn't. There wasn't any head covering to go along with the outfit; something that Leena was quite happy about. And on the right side of the collar, there was a small lily with the initials LT. Leena's fingers brushed the small symbol, overall, she liked the outfit, mostly because it had belonged to her mom. (A/N Okay, real quick, if Leena goes shopping so much why does she usually only wear one of two outfits?) * * * "Okay, I think it's this button." Leena pressed the button. The RaeKuma reared up on its hind legs. Suddenly the armor on the chest and forearms slid away to revel an array of arsenal. "Leena..." Doc Tauros shook his head. The RaeKuma had a lot of special features, but was relatively simple to operate once you got the hang of it. Leena hadn't quite gotten the hang of it. " were suppose to be preparing for close-range combat!" Leena laughs nervously, "Oops." The RaeKuma roars encouragingly. It could respond to verbal commands from Leena, but when it came down to the spit-second decisions in battle, Leena needed to have the controls memorized. Which is why she was training with the RaeKuma before they went into battle. She was also training far away from Bit and Brad. Getting angry and frustrated because of their teasing would not help her learn. All it would do is waste the arsenal of the RaeKuma. "Alright Leena, try to put up the energy shield." "Okay." Leena pulled a lever on the side. "Excellent." said Doc Tauros. * * * "Alright team, we have another battle tomorrow. We're up against the Delco team." All of the Blitz team was seated in the common area. 'YES!' Leena thought to herself. She was anxious to take the RaeKuma into battle and test herself. Jaime began to talk about the team they were up against and strategy, but Leena was a million miles away. * * * The Blitz team launched onto the battlefield opposite the Delco team. "I've got dibs on the Iron Kong!" called out Leena, she wanted a challenge and she could already see that the Iron Kong was well equipped with ammunition and it would be difficult to get close enough to do a good amount of damage. "Area scanned, battlefield set up, the Blitz team verses the Delco team, ready... FIGHT!" Brad went ahead after the Dark Horn and Bit took the Lightning Siax with the Zero Jager. Leena was surprised and happy at the same time, for once they had listened to her. "Okay Leena, you got what you wanted, now how am I going to win?" She dodged a few shots from the Iron Kong and then an idea came to her. "Okay, shield up." the RaeKuma's energy shield appeared. "Now, charge!" The RaeKuma began running toward the Iron Kong trusting that its warrior knew what she was doing. Whatever the other pilot had been expecting, it was definitely not a full on frontal assault, but he began firing at the RaeKuma anyway, thinking its pilot stupid for charging at him. To his great surprise the shied of the RaeKuma held and deflected all of his shots. Meanwhile, Leena was extremely nervous praying that the shield would hold. Closer, closer, closer... The RaeKuma was a few yards from the Iron Kong when it reared up on its hind legs and plunged its claws into the waist of the Iron Kong where Leena had assumed it would be the most vulnerable because there couldn't be any armor there because the zoid needed to be able to turn. A few seconds later the Iron Kong was pronounced out of the battle. So the RaeKuma carefully withdrew its claws from the fellow zoid. "What do you know, it worked." Leena stared off into space and then began celebrating, "It worked! No one can beat us!" The RaeKuma roared its agreement. * * * The young girl sat alone, an inhuman glow radiating from her, her eyes were shielded by a white hat. "Mistress, should we gather a team to do a preliminary test?" The man questing the girl had no such glow about him. "Gather them, but do not send them yet; I will decide when the time is right." The young girl's voice held authority despite her age. "Yes, Mistress." The man bowed and backed out of the room. The young girl looked to her left where a photograph of a woman and her young daughter was. The young girl smiled as the photograph burst into flames, as the flames began twisting the photograph into ash she laughed, soon the only piece of the photograph that could still be made out was that of the young girl with violet eyes and red hair. As this piece too gave way to the unmerciful flames, the little girl laughed, "Soon my revenge will be complete," The photograph was now nothing but ash and was slowly being blown away by a unearthly wind. "Very soon." * * * Author's Notes Can you guess who the little girl is? She was in the zoids series but only in one episode which they never really finished, at least, I think so. Anyway, guess in your reviews and if you want I'll go ahead and tell you next chapter. Thank you and REVIEW! 6. Author's Notes I'm surprised at myself. I got this done in one day. I also used up all of the space in the notebook I was writing in and now I have to use another one. Yes, that's right, I write out this story before I type it because I don't like editing on the computer. You are all correct, the girl is the one from the chainsaw man episode. I made her the villin because they never gave us any other further information about her. Thank you for all of the reviews! I spent ten minutes just reading over them and building my ego because you guys like the story! Which is how I got motivated to write this chapter. So, give me more reviews and I'll give you more chapters. Please? Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, get use to it. "Hey everyone!" "Hi Leon!" Leena responded, slightly confused. "Why are you here?" she looked over the back of the couch at her brother and his team mate. "I can't come and visit my family and friends without a reason?" He asked. Then Jaime came in. "Hi Leon, Naomi, what are you guys doing here?" Leena looked at her brother as if to say "I told you so." Leon looked slightly exasperated and Naomi laughed. "Where's dad?" Leon asked. "He's where he always is, in his room playing with his models." Leena replied and then turned back to the TV show she had been watching. Naomi joined her and Jaime began folding laundry. On his way out, Leon passed Brad and Bit who were just coming into the room. "Hey Leon." Bit said. "What are you guys doing here?" asked Brad. * * * "Dad is it true?" Leon questioned his father. "Is what true Leon?" Doc Tauros replied while playing out a battle with his zoid models. "That you gave Leena that zoid." Leon's tone was of urgency and seriousness. Doc however, shared none of his concern. "Yep, it's true. She's really good with it now too. You should ask her to show it to you." Doc had continued to play with his models and answered Leon's question without turning around to face him. Leon left the room, maybe he had underestimated his sister. * * * "This is the RaeKuma." Leena had taken Leon to the hanger to show him her new zoid. The RaeKuma bent its head down and Leena laid a hand on its nose. Leon laughed, and Leena looked at him for some explanation. "It does really act somewhat like a dog, I wasn't expecting it." Leena considered it a moment then laughed as well, "Yeah, I guess it does." "Dad says you're good with it." "Yeah, to be honest, whenever I pilot it, it's like Mom's guiding me, I guess that's ridiculous though." Her hand slid off and the RaeKuma lifted its head again. "No Leena, it isn't." * * * "Hey Bit!" Leon yelled up to Bit who was working on the Liger0. "Yeah Leon?" Bit yelled back. "Come down here, I need to talk to you." Bit jumped down. "I need you to do me a favor." Leon said. " "Oh yeah, what is it?" Bit replied. "Leena doesn't remember because she was too young and she didn't bother listening, but after mom died we started getting phone calls from rich people who funded the project even though the existence of it was never known to the public. Our family, specifically Leena, had been awarded the RaeKuma by the executive board, they knew that that was what our mother wanted when she volunteered to be part of the project. Still, there were people who wanted the RaeKuma. They called Dad up or came to our house offering obscene amounts of money for it. But dad refused and put the zoid into storage. Eventually, they stopped. Forgot about it I guess. Now that it's out again I'm afraid that they're going to come out again. I don't know, I 've got a feeling that something bad is going to happen to Leena and I can't be here to watch out for her. So can you do it for me Bit? Promise me that you'll protect Leena." And Bit promised Leon what he had promised himself a long time ago. * * * "You sent for me mistress?" the man knelt in front of the little girl. "Is the preliminary test team ready?" she asked. "Of course, mistress." "Then send them." "Yes mistress." He bowed his head and left. The little girl smiled, how easy it had been to gather the remains of the backdraft group and use them for her won purpose. They wanted revenge on Bit and the Liger0. So she agreed to help destroy them if they helped her get her revenge. 'Revenge.' she thought, 'the sweetest thing of all.' * * * Author's Notes More of the freaky little girl. I name her next chapter. And now I set myself up to have to write a battle scene, dang it. Don't worry, the next chapter won't be completely horrible. Just the first part, for the second part I have another little history lesson. Review! Review! Review! 7. Author's Notes I meant to get this up on July 1st but the site was down. Anybody else finding all these glitches annoying? I'm guessing that's why chapter six only got three reviews. Anyway, I wrote the battle scene, it's bad. Oh, I named the girl from the chainsaw man episode. I named her that (yes you have to read to find out) because it's the same as my little sister's and they're actually very similar. Their hair color is about the same, and they both like torturing people. Also, I haven't seen the episode with the chainsaw man for a while so if I get some details about the little girl wrong I'm sorry. I'm also sorry this took so long, it's partially because I've been having a small case of writer's block. And the other part is I've been writing three other stories for my own enjoyment. One is actually an AU B/L zoids fic, but it isn't that good so I probably won't be posting it. And why am I writing all this? I have no life so I'm making all of you listen before you read the chapter. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. * * * Leena woke up later than usual that morning. When she went down for breakfast she found that Leon and Naomi had already left. She was surprised to find when she went downstairs that no one was there. So she stood there a minute looking around. Two seconds later... "Leena! Come on what are you doing?" Bit ran past her, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the hanger. "Bit? What's going on?" she asked as she ran to keep up with him. "We got a really weird message and now we're being attacked. Everyone else is already out there. I came back to get you." They reached the hanger. Bit quickly climbed aboard the Liger, who was already waiting outside in Schneider mode. Leena ran over to the RaeKuma, it lowered its head and growled at her questioningly. Leena looked down, then back up at the RaeKuma "I am not taking the time to change; I'll have to fight this one in my pajamas." She answered it as she climbed into the cockpit. As soon as she had the restraints in place the RaeKuma took off. When Leena got onto the battlefield she took a minute to analyze what was going on. Jamie was in the air taking care of two zabats; Bit had charged right into everything and was attempting to cut apart some Rev Raptors. Brad was shooting at a gun sniper on a nearby cliff. They all seemed to have things under control and there was nothing for her to do. She was going to shoot down one of the Rev Raptors since Bit had been the one who dragged her out here anyway but her plans quickly. The RaeKuma had been standing upright, an easier position for Leena to see what was going on, but now it was lying on its back with a Helcat on top of it. Leena, being quite upset that she had been caught off guard decided on the best course of action. The Helcat had pinned the RaeKuma's limbs to the ground so there wasn't much chance of getting free. Leena smiled. Whoever that piolet was they knew nothing about her zoid. "Launch the short range missiles and close the armor immediately." Leena commanded. The RaeKuma complied. The chest armor slid open, two small missiles were fired and the armor closed before they impacted the Helcat. Since the zoid was now out of commission Leena tossed it to the side. She was just about to go look for a new opponent when she spotted the Spino Sappa (okay, I've heard Spino Sappa, Spino Snapper, and Spino Sapper, anyone know which one it is?) and the little girl. The zoid had picked her up and was holding her in two cupped "hands." Leena didn't move, didn't think, she barely breathed. Why was she here? Was she real? Or was she a ghost? The little girl giggled, an eerie sound that echoed. She bounced the ball she was holding and disappeared. * * * "It was the weirdest thing, I know I saw her." Leena told the others. "Saw who?" Bit asked. "That little girl from before, the one with the Spino Sappa. Remember, with the gang of thieves that played off the chainsaw man story? I saw her on the battlefield again with the Spino Sappa." "Whatever you say Leena." said Brad. "But she was there. She was wearing a white dress and hat and had light brown hair. Why would I be making this up?" While the others continued to try and convince Leena she had been hallucination Doc went to go and make a phone call. * * * "Hey Alex, I'm sorry to bother you but Leena's been saying that she's seeing this little girl on the battlefield and-," he paused a moment. "What is it Tauros?" Alex asked. "No, it's probably nothing." "You know I don't believe in coincidences, tell me." Alex pressed the other man. "She sounded just like Rachel." There is a minute of silence from the other end, then; "I'll be right there." * * * "Everyone, this is my good friend Alex." Tauros introduced the man to the warriors of the Blitz team who welcomed him. "Thank you all, I'm here to tell you a story, because we now suspect that because of past events there are people after you, as proof of your battle this morning." He paused and took a breath, no one spoke. "I worked on the organoid project with your mother Leena." At this Leena's eyes widened, the rest of the group wasn't so affected. All of them had been briefed on the history of the RaeKuma, but no one knew more than Bit. "There was a woman named Erica who worked on the project with Lily and I. She was the original test piolet. One day we were running some tests, but something went wrong. And, she died." Once again he paused. The subject was obviously difficult for him. "It was really more through her own carelessness then anyone elses. She hadn't taken some of the safety precautions, she thought she hadn't needed to, there had been no previous problems during testing. But there was a malfunction... anyway the original zoid design was scrapped." Leena silently breathed a sigh of relief, she felt bad for Erica but she would have never been able to piolet the RaeKuma again if she knew that someone had died in it. Alex continued, "It was really no one's fault, but her daughter, Rachel didn't see it that way. She was angry sand wanted someone to blame, so she blamed the only person she knew. Your mom Leena. The project was top secret and Lily was in charge of most of the family relations, if any of your people needed to work late Lily was the one who called them. Lily had visited Rachel many times because they scheduled tests at all different times. So Rachel blamed Lily. She was young, and as smart as she was it just made sense to her. Lily was the one who told her about her mom's death, Lily was responsible. The thing was, Rachel was sick in the hospital. She had always been a frail girl and after she contracted pneumonia, she died not long after her mother. This is a picture of her." He took a picture from his jacket and held it out for the Blitz team to see. Leena gasped "That's her! That's the girl I keep seeing!" "Hold on, how do you know all this?" Jamie asked. Alex tucked the photograph back into his jacket. "Because," He said, "Erica was my wife, and Rachel was-is my daughter." * * * Author's Notes Did anyone expect to see Alex again? I didn't expect to put him in again but I needed someone to tell why the little girl was after Leena, and I will be explaining further if you don't understand. Really sorry this took so long. Anyway review if you can! 8. Author's Notes Thank you to all those that reviewed! Here's the next chapter. You can all rejoice in the fact that I have decided on how to end this fic. You can all feel really disappointed when I say I have no clue how to get it to that point. So the next chapter will probably take away. But this fic is coming to an end, rejoice or cry. This chapter really has very little purpose which is why I got it out so quickly! So enjoy. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, in case you've forgotten since the last chapter when I mentioned it. * * * Leena sat alone on the floor of the hanger facing her zoid. A somber expression graced her features while thoughts turned in her head. After their conversation her father had offered Alex a room for the time being and Alex had accepted it. Leena hugged her knees to her chest. Things seemed so different now. Her world had been fixing itself, and now it was falling apart again. That family had been completely torn apart by the attempted creation of that zoid. Her zoid. The RaeKuma laid down. Leena smiled. She could see why the RaeKuma was so special. The zoid itself was practically perfect; but to Leena the zoid had become a friend. She put out her hand and touched the tip of the nose of the zoid, but then drew it back. What if Rachel had lived? Would things be how they were, or different? It was odd, she and Rachel were so similar, except for the fact that Leena had and older brother. 'In fact,' Leena told herself mentally, 'if she had lived we would be about the same age.' Bit had been watching her from the shadows. It was horrible what Leena was going through. She never did anything to deserve any of it. He wished he could help her... but besides the one time when she had confided in him about the RaeKuma and her mother, they had never really talked. They had gotten upset and chased each other around over food. That had been the way they communicated. And somehow, Bit didn't think it would make her feel better to discover he stole her newest batch of cookies. Bit then hear growls coming from the Liger. He made frantic motions for the Liger to remain quiet but it seemed the Liger didn't feel like changing its normal routine and listening to Bit. He growled agin which translated to something like this; Quit spying on her from the shadows and talk to her you idiot! Bit took a quick glance at Leena who, luckily, had not been shaken from her reverie by the Liger's growls. "I can't." Bit whispered back to his zoid, "And since when am I an idiot? I'm your piolet!" The Liger growls back; Let's not get into that right now. If you're not going to go and talk to her you might as well leave. I'm in top condition so you have no reason to be in here. Bit looked uncomfortable; it was obvious he didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to risk embarrassment and talk to Leena. "Fine, I'll go." Bit said after a few moment. The Liger looked satisfied. Well, as satisfied as a machine can look. Bit took a deep breathe and walked over to where Leena was sitting. "Hey." He said as he sat down a foot away from her, "Are you okay?" Her expression seemed to be amused, but lost none of its sadness. She was still sating out into space, as if in a waking dream. Which by now had probably turned into a nightmare. "You really want to know the answer to that question?" She finally said. He said nothing, he couldn't find the words, but she took his continued presence as confirmation. She sighed, and her gaze shifted down to the floor. "Two people died for this zoid Bit, who am I to deserve to piolet it?" Her words shocked him. How could she doubt herself? As far as he was concerned she was one of the most deserving people on the planet. And she had more than proven her skills with the zoid over the past few weeks. "Leena, how can you think that? One of these people died so you could have this zoid, no one else." She turned and looked at him, "But what about Rachel? Her mother died for this zoid too. And because of the grief of losing her mother she gave up on life too." Leena shook her head back and forth slowly, "I didn't know them, yet I'm using the zoid that cost them their lives? Who am I to them? Who am I?" "You're not thinking of giving up the RaeKuma are you? Your mother's consciousness is in there! How can you think it would accept any piolet but you?" Through all the sadness and confusion she was going through, one thought managed to make its way across Leena's mind, 'Never play guessing games with Bit.' She told herself. "Rachel and Erica are gone now. There isn't anything we can do for them and giving up the RaeKuma can't help." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She moved her gaze from the floor to him. He stared back at her. The helplessness and confusion in her eyes was overwhelming. "Leena..." He pulled her into a hug, and she clung to him. "I think I'm losing myself Bit." She whispered, he whispered back to her "Don't worry Leena, I'll find you, promise." Leena found comfort in those words and allowed herself to lay her head on his shoulder and close her eyes and relax a minute, but her thoughts moved faster than ever. 'Why is it I always feel better when Bit's around?' She pondered. 'It must be like that old saying, "Misery loves company."' 'And you love Bit Cloud.' Her eyes fluttered open. Where had that thought come from? * * * She sighed. She was alone. She had people to do her bidding for now, but that would end and she would forever be alone. Lily Tauros had taken her family. And now her daughter would pay. Leena. She envied the girl. Leena had everything she wanted, a family, a home, people who loved her, and a future. She felt empty and sad. But ghosts shed no tears. She sought her only comfort in her thoughts of revenge. Soon Leena's world would be destroyed, everything she knew would crumble, and she would feel the pain that she, Rachel, had already endured. Her gaze fell to a photo taken of Leena and the RaeKuma during the preliminary tests. "Your time is coming." * * * Author's Notes Please review and tell me the zoid from the chainsaw man episode. I only got one response to that question last time. So now it's Spino Zappa, Spino Sappa, Spino Snapper, or Spino Sapper. Can you please tell me which one to use? Also, I'm happy to email people when I update. 9. Author's Notes I could apologize a million times for taking so long with the chapter, but that would delay your reading it further, so I won't. There were many problems writing this chapter, but I managed to finish it, but if it's any consolation to the length of time it took to get this out, I typed it and posted it the same day I finished writing it. Anyway, according to my wonderful reviewers, (Thank you all so much!) The term is Spino Sappa, so that is the one I'll be using. One more chapter after this. I hope to finish it within a month. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, or any of the characters on it. * * * Over the next week, the Blitz team didn't accept any challenges. They prepared in case of an attack from Rachel. But Leena knew, she knew that Rachel wasn't coming for her yet. But she felt a sense of foreboding, a feeling that changed the next Sunday morning... That morning Leena awoke with an acute sense of danger. She knew she would battle Rachel that day. And only one of them could win. She took her time getting dressed in her battle suit. As she did her fingers brushed the embroidered lily with her mother's initials. "Help me." Leena whispered a plea for strength she hadn't realized she lacked until recently. Leena took a deep breath to steady her nerves and went to go get breakfast. The other members of the Blitz team were surprised to see Leena suited up for battle when she came for breakfast. Although the past week she had been behaving unusual, for her at least. She had seemed grimly determined, and rather sad, like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. "Uh, Leena? Why are you ready for a battle before breakfast?" Bit asked from the table where he was waiting for the breakfast Jamie was preparing. "Rachel's coming today." Leena said. The rest of them looked puzzled by her statement. Then Alex walked up behind Leena. "So she's coming? Will this be the end then?" he asked, his voice almost wistful. Leena turned to look at him, "I wish I knew." she said. "Should we get ready for an attack?" Bit asked. Leena shook her head back and forth slowly. "No, we can take our time." She looked out the window. "She's waiting." *** Rachel waited patiently in the cockpit of the Spino Sappa. She was flanked by two of her servants in matching warsharks. Other than that she had brought a few Rev Raptors and a Saber Fang without pilots. But Rachel smiled. This was it. She would avenge her mother. There was no way she could lose. *** The Blitz team stood to face Rachel and her forces. There was no judge, no signal, no one to say "go," so they stood there and waited for their opponents to make the first move. Leena had to remind herself to breathe. She had never battled for anything but the game before. Now she was battling for her life. She didn't think the others realized that fact, except Alex. The Spino Sappa opened to reveal Rachel. "What the?" Leena heard the voice over the com link. She knew that they all could see Rachel too. She raised one arm glowing eerily white and pointed to Leena and the RaeKuma. Leena gulped; she understood. She had the RaeKuma take a step forward to show it. Rachel wanted to fight her and her alone. Only one of them could win. But how do you defeat that which is dead? The cockpit of the Spino Sappa closed and it took one step closer to the RaeKuma. "Attack." Leena said to the others through the com link. "Just leave Rachel to me." "Leena are you sure you want to do that? You'd have a better chance if-" "No." Leena interrupted Jamie. "This is my fight." The she turned off all communication systems so none of them could protest or interrupt her. Both sides seemed to begin fighting at the same time. But the RaeKuma and the Spino Sappa stood still in the midst of the chaos for a moment, as if they were showing respect in advance to the fact that for one of them this would be the end. Leena, still one to act impulsively, struck first. But the blade of the Spino Sappa not only met her claw but made an attempt to slice the RaeKuma with its other blade. As a result the RaeKuma had to rear up on two legs to counter it. Leena seized the moment to fire a few missiles at the Spino Sappa. However, throwing stones at it would have been more effective. The Spino Sappa's armor being reinforced by Rachel's ghostly powers. They began a deadly dance of dodging, swiping, shooting, and shielding. Neither giving an inch. The rest of the Blitz team was having its own problems. Every time they took a zoid down it was somehow repaired and ready to battle again, courtesy of Rachel's doing. The Blitz team although winning easily at first soon slowed and began retaining more damage and losing more ammo. *** Inside Doc Tauros and Alex watched the battle on the screen. Neither of them could say anything. Alex dug his nails into his palms. His daughter was making a huge mistake and he couldn't do anything. But he had to get through to her. He had to make her understand. He squeezed his eyes shut. He loved his child, but he could never bring her back. She had to go join her mother, and he had to help her. He turned on his heals and left the room. *** Leena's breath was coming short and ragged. The Spino Sappa enhanced with Rachel's abilities had been too much for her. Nothing she had done had affected it. Then, somehow, Rachel had used the flat sides of the Spino Sappa's blades and flipped the RaeKuma over. Now it was laying on its side, one of the Spino Sappa's blades at its neck holding it down. "I have been waiting for this a long time Leena." It didn't matter that all of her com systems were turned off, Rachel's voice echoed in her cockpit anyway. "Now you will feet the agony I have suffered with for so long. Lily took everything from me. Now I will repay the favor to you. Goodbye." Leena closed her eyes. This would be the end. She would never she her family of friends again. But she might be able to see her mother again. Rachel got ready to fire. Her hand squeezed the trigger... The blast went out, but instead of hitting the RaeKuma, it caught the jeep that had driven in front of it. The jeep burst into flames and its driver was thrown a few feet a way. The cockpit of the Spino Sappa opened. Rachel stood there, fists clenched. A tear could just be seen below the rim of her hat. "Daddy." she cried. The Spino Sappa's blades had gone back into place and the zoid seemed to be fading. The zoids that had been held together by Rachel now fell apart leaving the Blitz team confused. The RaeKuma stood up and shook itself. Rachel was in shock. The only family she had left had been taken away by her. She looked down letting a few more tears fall. That was it. Now Leena would suffer and she would die. And this time, she wouldn't take any risks. The little girl began glowing more fiercely. Soon where there had once been a ghost girl and Spino Sappa there was now a glowing ball of silver energy floating in the air. The ball hung there, then, suddenly, rushed toward and seeped into the cockpit of the RaeKuma. For the briefest of moments, panic and worry forgot themselves, and all was silent and still. *** Author's Notes Does that count as a cliffhanger? Once again, I'm sincerely sorry this took so long and thanks so much to all of you who have put up with me and reviewed! 10. Author's Notes Okay, I'm sorry this took so long. You see, I was originally going to finish the story with this chapter, but then it started to take longer and longer and finally I decided it would just be better to split it into two parts, not that I have the other one done or anything but. . . Disclaimer: Has been posted in every chapter. But I claim no legal rights to zoids or any of its characters. *** There was nothing they could do. They were helpless. And being helpless was not something Bit Cloud too to well. It had been two weeks since their battle with Rachel. Alex had been taken to the hospital and had been treated for a concussion and a broken arm as well as a few minor burns. He had been lucky, within two days he had woken up. But Leena had not. They had taken her to the hospital as well, but the doctors had no clue what was wrong with her. She checked out fine. Her breathing was normal, her pulse, heartbeat, everything was fine. But she wouldn't wake up. She was trapped in some kind of eternal nightmare. Since there was nothing they could do for her at the hospital they had taken her back home and set her up with an IV drip in the med room. But she had to be monitored constantly or else she would try to rip the IV out. They were all troubled, all worried, all frustrated because they couldn't do anything but wait, and hope. * * * She was fighting. She was fighting hard. But she would win eventually, because no matter how hard she fought, she was still just mortal. She had already managed to gain complete control of her body. Pity someone kept putting that needle back in. Without it, she would have an easier time getting into her mind, starvation and dehydration would do that to a person. No matter. She was still mortal. And all mortals had fears and insecurities. Soon she would be able to fully make her way into the violet eyed piolet's mind, and then she would know hers. And then... Oh the havoc she could reek. The torture she could inflict on her mind. Yes... her revenge would be sweet. * * * She had to fight. She couldn't give up. She had to get back to them. But she was tired, so tired from shielding her mind. From blocking Rachel's entrance. She wanted to sleep... For a moment her mind drifted a little. And that was all Rachel needed. * * * Bit Cloud sat by the bedside of Leena Tauros. She was pale. Her face was expressionless. She looked as one dead. But she wasn't, thank god she wasn't. There was nothing he could do. He had promised to protect her, promised to find her, but he couldn't do either. The only battle left was an unseen one, hidden deep withing her mind. The most important battle she would ever have to fight and he couldn't help her with it. "Good luck Leena." He whispered. "If you need me I'll be here." He got up and began to walk out of the room. But he turned around at the door, "Don't forget that okay?" There was no response. * * * First there was darkness. All around her was cold, unfeeling blackness that seethed despair. Then, slowly, there came to be a little light, just enough so she could see her hand. Then there was the sound of a little girl laughing. The sound bounced around in the blackness and echoed in her ears. The laugh brought forth the mirrors. She was surrounded by them and while they intensified the light, seeing the images they held made her wish for the blackness again. Every moment in her life she had been scared played before her eyes. Every time she had hurt someone. Every time she had made a mistake. Every time she had felt guilt. Every time she had been hurt. Running to play with Leon and being left in the dust. The news of her mother's death. Losing her best friend. Breaking one of her dad's models. Blowing money on stupid things. Leaving her school to become a full-time zoid piolet. Yelling at Bit. And being knocked out in battles first, again... and again....and again. She cried, but every tear fueled the mirrors to produce more memories of sorrow and hurt. And the darkness began to consume her. * * * Alex stared down at the girl his daughter hated so much. The girl who was fighting for her life and Rachel's salvation. "I know you're there Rachel." He said suddenly. "The others don't seem to have figured out what you've done, but I know." He paused a moment, as if waiting for a reply. "Leave her Rachel, she is not the cause of your suffering." He seemed to be waiting for an answer. But none came. BAM! He slammed his fist down hard on the side table. "Rachel I am your father and you will listen to me!" He screamed. But tears began to fill his eyes and spilled down his face. He had lost his daughter and now because of his daughter the same thing would happen to his friend. "Please," The plea came out barely a whisper. "I thought I would die after you and your mother left me. Now I will do everything I can to spare someone else the pain I've been through." He silently left the room. * * * She was beyond tears, beyond pain. She floated silently in the black abyss. There was nothing left. No one cared. She was worthless. What was the reason to live? A child's laugh rang out in the nothingness. The laugh was as cold as it was gleeful and radiated fear into the hearts of those who heard it. But the only ears it fell upon were already dead to fear, pain, love, happiness, joy and sorrow. Existence itself was but a chore. "I've done it." The small girl materialized, a smirk played at the corners of her mouth. "It was difficult, but I have taken my revenge. I have broken you!" She laughed once more. Leena just waited. Her end would come soon. And she was ready to embrace it. There was nothing left for her. There never had been anything for her. She had built up a fantasy world around her to protect her heart from the truth. But now that world was shattered and lay in a pile of dust at her feet. No one loved her. No one cared. They'd all be happier now with her gone. But the emptiness that filled her was sharing the space with something else, an emotion she could place. It tore at her. She wanted the end but knew she couldn't leave, not yet. She reached out, trying to find something to settle herself, ro perhaps to prove that the nothingness was real. Another hand grabbed hers. * * * Bit Cloud sat quietly next to the bed of a girl lying motionless as she had for more than a week. "I'm sorry." He said. He raised his eyes from the floor to look at her face. "I said I would find you, because you thought you were losing yourself. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't protect you. Now I 've lost you completely." "Please come back Leena." He slipped his hand in hers. Then the world shifted. * * * Author's Notes TA DA! I just felt like saying that. The next chapter will be the last chapter. I know what's going to happen, it's just that I have to find the time and energy to write it. Anyway, REVIEW! Reviews are good things. When readers review, authors write then update. When authors update readers are happy and review. When readers review, well you get it. End file.
The Gift of a Mother by Novawings
Haunted Disclaimer-Despite having fangirled over Raven for... only forever... I still don't own zoids. * * * He knew. Not always. When the zaber fang had first begun to attack their units, he hadn't known. No one had known, not then. They'd even accused Dan's _son_ of being the attacker. Then the zaber fang had been revealed for what it was, and still no one could beat it. Then they were given a picture of the boy, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The face burned back through his mind, back to so many years ago. The boy Dan was going to take home with him... the one who had disappeared after the attack. Everyone believed him to be dead... But it was quite clear now that he wasn't. Before the geno saurer had even appeared, he was convinced. It was his fault the boy had been turned into this. So it was his responsibility to take care of him. * * * He should have known. He should have guessed that the plan would be ineffective-that boy was a genius. He would have put even the hero in his shadow if he had not been under the conspirator for so long. But he hadn't trusted himself with making strategies-not since his mistake had costed his superior's life. And especially not since that same mistake had been the one that gave rise to this new problem. But the computer had said that this strategy was perfect-there should have been no way for him to escape destruction! So how did he destroy the unit so quickly, so easily... ever since the geno saurer had first appeared, he had researched it extensively. He should have been able to instruct the hero-the owner of the one zoid that could reliably combat the geno breaker-exactly how to bring the monster down! It was then that the full gravity of his mistake twelve years ago crashed down on him. He handed all he fought against the perfect pilot, and they had given him the perfect zoid. He had been the catalyst to the creation of a monster. And now, when he had finally felt the full force of his haunting, he had come to another realization. He had no hope of ever being able to stop it. * * * _He knows._ That was the only thought he could think at that moment in time-those violet eyes, burning into his from across the hanger. The pilot was watching as the old doctor looked over the giant red zoid, repairing it, seeing what could be tweaked to make what was already the most powerful zoid in existence stronger. He doubted he knew that he was behind the battle plan, not unless that devilish girl he travelled with had told him. And, even then, he doubted the one-time criminal particularly cared. The plan hadn't worked, after all; the whole thing had turned out to be a disaster, given all the money it took to build one gojulas, let alone a unit of them. But then, before his role in the plan, before the first death saurer, before he had ever met the hero of the empire and the republic, long before he even had the black dragon-type zoid that followed him wherever he went, there was that time where, even after the death of his parents, he still had a chance to be happy. Then the mirror had been brought down between the boy and his almost-brother for so many years-with one action, taken by his own hand, the grey-haired boy had become a pawn trapped in the games of a madman for so many years. Sickened, he left the hangar, returning to his quarters. Turning off the light and settling down to sleep, he almost laughed. He wasn't afraid to die-not after that soul-chilling glare. Because there were three lives Raven, in the end, would take; and Halford's was just marked as one of them. * * * A/N-Yes, I know, I should be working on some of my other fics instead of running off writing a one-shot. But... I had a couple ideas for this fandom, I wanted to get them down before I forgot them, and I decided that, since the idea for this one-shot was simple, I might as well feed my few readers before they decide to eat me instead. For those who actually understand what this fandom is, I'd always wondered about Colonel Halford. He was just the character I loved to hate, being the overcontrolling-type, and it was fun to watch everything blow up in his face as Raven (predictably) tore his pretty little plan apart. But, since I've been rewatching the series recently, I couldn't help but wonder why he was so... desperate to take down Raven. At the time, the geno breaker hadn't existed for long-why was he already considered an expert? Clearly, he must have been researching it quite heavily; it only made sense when I considered that he was the one who broke Shadow out of the capsule (against orders) to prevent the imperial army from capturing the black organoid. So, I felt the need to write a one-shot about my theories on his feelings of guilt, and a possible guess about what Raven felt back. So sue me. Hey, I'm writing still, aren't I? End file.
Haunted by Dark-heika
1. Harry Disclaimer:ptttt Me:Hello,Cloud here and this is my show. I'm gonna ask our zoids CC and GF questions and I'll have A different zoids NC0 character help me for each show. Today's helper is.. Bit: I'm here Me: Bit, you're in the next show. Bit: Oops,Who is it then? Me: Harry Champ Bit: What? Harry: Hello,I Harry champ am destined to be king, Bit, you're garbage.Bye-bye Bit: rrr, bye.*Bit leaves* Me:Oookaie, Would all the Zoids CC and GF characters come and sit down? Okay, the first person I'm gonna bother is... Harry:..H-I-L-T-Z, oh Hiltz, that's how it's read right? Me: Yes(idiot) So Hiltz, How are you supposed to win a girl over? Hiltz:I don't Me: What would you do if you like someone? Hiltz: I hate everyone Me: Just answer the damn question, that is if you want Ambient back Hiltz: I'd force her to be with me with power. Women love power. Harry: Really? Me: What if she ,or he if you're gay, doesn't come over to you? Hiltz: Kill the bitch and get a new one. Me: That's interesting. okay, you can leave, here's the key to Ambient's cell. *Hiltz leaves in a Hurry* Me:Okay Harry who's next? Harry: Umm,Ravin Me: Raven, dummas Thomas:Uh?Did you say my name? Moonbay: No, shut up. Me: Raven, What is the best way to keep a parents-kids relationship going Raven;..... Me: Raven, answer Raven: don't die Me: anything else? Raven: No Me:you sure? Raven:yes Me: Raven,what is the best father-son activity? Raven:I dunno, and if you're truing to make me sad, it's not working. Me: It's not, damn Raven, do you love your parents? Raven:... Me: Would you be happy to see them again? Raven:....... Me: Would you cry if you did? Raven:...,No Me: Why not? Raven:.....,Can I ask you a few questions? Me: Sure Raven: Do you love your parents? Me: Of course Raven: Do you wanna keep your relationship with them going? Me: yeah Raven: Then, don't bother me, if you do I'll kill you and that relationship will be over. Me: okay, next person,You can leave Raven. Harry: Umm, Moo ay Me:?,uh,close enough. So, have you taken singing lessons? Moonbay: No, it's all talent Irvine:That explains why you have none Moonbay:What did you say? Irvine*squeaky voice* nothing(bitch) Me:Moonbay, have you ever taken any kind of fighting lessons? MB*I don't feel like writing the full name*:Yes, boxing Me: You gonna use your experience on Irvine MB: You betcha Irvine: gulp,oh no Me: What situation will he be in after you beat him up MB: I dunno, let's find out* drags Irvine to closet, Irvine screaming. MB walks back..alone* Me:Where is Irvine? MB:Uhh,he KO'd Me: Ohh, but he was the next victim MB: You shoulda said that Me: He was also the last victim of the day. MB:oh,sorry Every one who wasn't questioned:Why d'you ask us to come then? Me: In case you'd remark like Irvine did to Moonbay, without te KO part okay Every one who wasn't questioned: What? Fuck you. You wasted my time. Me: show's over *Review,and if you want to ask questions too, go right ahead, just don't steal them from some other fic by another author* 2. Bit Disclaimer: Why bother? Me: Today's helper is Bit, unfortunately, why'd I pick him? Bit: Oh. that's mean Me: Whatever idiot So, who's the first victim Bit: ..... Me: Helloooo Bit: I'm not telling Me: Why noy? Bit: 'cause you said I was an idiot and I wan a apology. Me: Why should I apologize? You are an idiot Bit: Then I'm not telling the name and you can't start Me: I memorized who,when and what to ask, stupid Bit: Oh Me: THe first victim of today's show is... Van Van: Yeah, I'm gonna be first to leave Bit: lucky you Me: Screw you both. So, Van, what do you love the most? Van: P- Me: _except for papayas. Van: Fiona Fiona: Oh Van that's so sweet Me: sweet,uh? Have you guys done it yet? Van: Done what? Me: You know,umh-umh Van:What? Bit: And they say I'm dumb Van: Bit, you know what she's talking about? Bit: Yeah, marriage Me: You both are idiots Bit: You mean I'm wrong Me: completely Bit: shit Van:So what is it? Raven: goddamn it Van, it's obvious she's asking you if you've fucked Fiona yet. Stop wasting time, I wanna get outta here as fast as possible. Me: Thanks Raven, I think. So Van,have you? Van: Hell yeah Me: How many times? Van: None of your business Me: Answer the damn question Van: 10- 15 times, I dunno. I didn't count Fiona: 17 actually Me: Really? So Fiona, Is Van's dick long? Van: Hey! that ain't your business. Oh, and can I leave now that you changed victims? Me: rrr Van: Ok, I got it, geez Me: Fiona, your answer Fiona: It's huge Me: When you guys had sex, did you such his dick Fiona: ...., I'd rather not answer that Me: or in other words, yes Fiona: That's not what I said! Me: But that's what you meant, right? Fiona: who cares about that anyway Bit: sucking his dick, that's gross. Was it even clean? Fiona: I dunno All,except,well take a guess who,:ewww Bit:Now I wanna vomit Me:Van,you can leave now Van: Yippi Fiona:What about me? Me:I got other questions Do you fake passing out and hearing voices? Fiona: Why would I do that? Me: I dunno. Attention maybe Fiona: No I don't fake it Me: Have you slept with anyone other than Van? Fiona: Yes, but don't tell him that Bit: Who was it? Fiona: Uhhh, I don't think that person wants you to know Me: come on tell us, Van isn't here, I made him leave just because of that question. Fiona: Yea, but that person is Me:*looks around the room*: which one is it? Fiona: Not telling Me: I'll figure it out,...., oh I know, it's Rudolph right? Fiona: How_ Me: He was blushing real hard Fiona: Rudolph, get your face in control Rudolph: Um, where and how is this show broadcasted? Me:By Tv and Radio everywhere in Zi, why? *Rudolph faints* Karl: His people foud out, that's why. Thomas: Wow, him and Fiona.How'd he do that?Wait, isn't he kind of young for that? MB: He sure is Me:Whatever.Fiona you slut,you can leave. Fiona: Oh, thank you Almighty God Me: you trying to piss me off, you know the rules. Keep any God praising to yourself. Fiona: Why not? Me: 'Cause I'm an atheist stupid slut. So Irvine, are you feeling better from last time. Irvine: Thank you for your con_ Me: Who cares? Do you want vengeance on Moonbay? Irvine: Yes Me: What are you gonna do? Irvine: Nothing Me:??? Irvine: If I did anything to her she'd hurt me back. She's dangerous you know. MB: That's right. Hurt me and I'll send you in a coma. Irvine:Fuck you Me: Irvine, what activities did you do when you were younger Irvine: Soccer, Football, chess,ballet, band.. Me:ballet Irvine: Did I say ballet?, I meant,uhh.M-my sister did ballet, I ,uh, watched her. Me: Irvine took ballet Moonbay sings. How about a show Bit: Nobody'd come. A guy who ballet dances and a girl who can't sing, that's just plain nasty. MB: Can't sing? Bit: I-I meant who sings beautifully, just the Irvine's dancing would bring you down Irvine: I don't do BALLET MB: Say "hello coma" Bit Me: Moonbay, wait for the end of the show please MB: When is it? Me: Right Now. Show's over, see ya next time. Bit, say bye. Bit: Goodbye everyone *MB hits on Bit. Blood comes out, he faints. Irvine calls the hospital, Karl wakes Rudolph up* How did you like it, plz R&R . 3. Vega My friend Miko Windam has a Rayearth story which is pretty good. More than a chapter of lemon Disclaimer: mommyyyyyyyyyy! Cloud:??????What's up y'all? Ok, My show is starting. today's helper is Vega Obscura Vega: Hello Me: Isn't he cute with that looks-like-Raven-face? Vega: who's Raven? Me: The cutest guy ever Van: What about me? Me: Get a life ok, Vega-honey,who's the victim? Vega: Don't call me honey,please. And it's Ryss. Me: Ok, Ryss. Have you had boyfriends before? Raven: She probably scared all the boys away Ryss: Shut up Raven. I've had plenty of boyfriends before Vega: Oh, he's Raven Me: How many? Ryss: about 20 Me: were they with you of their own will, or did you mind control them? Raven: Mind control Ryss: Fuck you Raven Most were controlled, few were of their own will Raven: No doubt Ryss: Shut up or I'll control you into being my boyfriend Raven: Don't underestimate me, it wouldn't work Ryss: We'll see.. tonight Vega:Ooo Raven:shut the hell up Ryss Me: Ryss, how old are you Ryss: I dunno Me: When's your b-day? Ryss: I dunno and who gives a damn Me: Wouln't you like to know if you're old enough for Raven? Ryss: I guess Raven: I hope you're not Ryss: I am gonna get you bad Me: Please don't. He has a lot more fans than you do. Do you feel bad about being the reason why Miccolo died...twice? Ryss: Yes I do Me: Was he your boyfriend? Ryss: No Raven: Good for him Ryss:Ush Me: ok, Vega. Who's next? Vega: The guy who's picking his nose Me: Rudolph, eww, don't pick your nose Homaleff: Please use a napkin,your highness Me: So, except for Fiona, do you date anyone? Rudolph: Reese Vega and Raven:Ah-Ah Ryss: Ush up Me: rudolph is lame,next. Vega:It's Dr. D Me: Do you really like salt with your coffee? Dr.D: No, I just say that to make Fiona happy Fiona: What? Me: Do you date anyone? Dr.D: Madam President Hermann: Mom! MP: What? I can't date? Hermann: you can, but him. He's crazy. MP,Dr.D: so? Me: this si lame and he was the last person I planned. Vega:Just ask someone else. Me:ok, Vega Vega: I didn't mean me. Besides I thought you only asked GF and CC not NC0 Me: Who cares? Besides I can't change the plan. Vega, what do you do for fun other than zoids Vega: I play chess Me: Are you good? Vega: I dunno, I can;t get anyone to play with me, they're always busy Me: I'll play with you after the show ok, Raven. Raven: You already bothered me in the 1st show Me: who gives a damn? Why don't you cut your hair? Raven: cause I look good with long hair Me: You sure do Will you teach me how to pilot a zoid? Raven: No Me: Why not? Raven: Cause It's too hard for you Me: Excuse me, no it isn't Raven: whatever bitch Me: bastard raven: asshole Me: jerk Raven: Fuckin smelly idiot Me: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa * I'm running away from the show* Raven: all right, we can leave Ryss: Remember Raven, I'll get you tonight Raven: In your dreams Vega: This was fun, but weird R&R 4. Jamie Zidane FF9-" You don't need a reason to help people" Cloud: Yes you do Disclaimer:.........Fuck it all! Cloud: Hey I'm back All: boooooooooo! Me: stick a bone in it My helpers are Jamie and hopefully the Wild Eagle, that is if he shows up Jamie: Who's the Wild Eagle Me: Idiot, just tell me who the freaking victim is Jamie: Fine but watch your language. It's Prozen Me: I do what I want.Capisce? So Prozen. Do you fear anything Prozen: No,I'm fearless Me: Oh, come on. Just tell me in the ear. I know you're scared of something Prozen: Well pshpshpsh Me: Ah-Ah-Ah, really Prozen: Yes Jamie: What is it? Me: He's afraid of............ants. Bwawawawawawa Raven: How can you be afraid of itsy bitsy tiny ants? Prozen:.....................sniffs Raven: Prozen's about to cry. I've gotta see this Prozen: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *All put their hands on their ears* Me:Stop your whining Jamie: Man, that's loud Raven: Please stop Prozen:sniffs, oh my God, Raven said "please" Raven: So? Prozen: Since when are you polite? Raven: Since when do you cry? Me: Girls,stop it. Prozen & Raven: Girls???? Me: Just stop being crybabies, My show has to go on, and if you delay it, you're gonna stay here longer *Prozen& Raven sit nicely and quiet* Me: Next victim please Jamie WE: who's Jamie? Me: oh goody, you're here*WE stands for Wild Eagle in case you didn't know* Just tell us the 2nd victim WE: How am I supposed to know who it is? Me: It's written on the index card. Just read it WE: I can't Me: Why not? WE: I can't read good Me:??? great WE has the courage but Jamie has the brains Just read how you can WE: DU--M-N-OS Oh, Dominoes?? Me: It's Thomas Thomas: Yes Me: How many languages van you speak? Thomas:13 Me: What are they? Thomas: Portuguese, English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish, Egyptian, Chinese(all of them), Indou, Swedish, Latin, Greek, Al Bhed Me: Al Bhed? Thomas: Yes Me: That's not a real language. It's a made up language by Squaresoft in FF10 Thomas: I didn't know Me: How did you learn these languages? Thomas: I studied them at school Me: Ecen though there's only one language spoken in Zi Thomas: Uhhh, Yes Me: That is stupid to learn language that don't exist on your own planet Thomas: No it isnnnnnnnn't WE: Yes it is, why would you want to speak those languages if your opponents can't understand their insults. They won't be bothered by it Me:WE is right even for an "encule" WE: What? Me: See, proof it's stupid Thomas: I guess you're right but what does it mean? Me: I thought you learned French Thomas: Not that word Me: I guess you didn't study bad words Thomas: No Me: You do something stupid, and you don't finish it. How low can you get? Thomas: You're mean. BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WE:Yeah Me: Look it up. Though I doubt you'll find it. Thomas:You're pure evil Me: Thank you Jamie: For what? Me: Good, you're back Read me the last victim Jamie: What?? It's already the end. It's Karl Me: Oh No, Not him Karl: What's wrong with me? Me: I couldn't find any insults for you Karl: Great. Show's over then? Me: No, I'll think of some. Jamie, help me. Jamie: How about pshpshpsh Me: Great do it Jamie: Karl, What's up with your eyes? Karl: What do you mean? Jamie: Why do they look always tired? Karl: Cause I don't sleep much Me: Get sleeping pills then Karl: But what if there's an emergency Me: forget about that. think for yourself for once. Karl: It's my duty to always... Me: Yadayadayada. You need sleep. Go to bed and don't have fun with your girlfriend Karl: I don't have one Me: That doesn't surprise me! You work too much to meet a girl and even if you did. Your eyes would scare her off. You look like a zombie Karl:That's not true. THomas is right. You're pure evil Me: Show's over Jamie: Bye *switches to WE* WE: bye *Switches back to normal Plz R+R 5. Leena "To be forgotten is worse than death...." - Freya from FF9 Disclaimer: Are French People really that bad?............................Not really. Cloud: Today, instead of having the usual 3 victims(in case you didn't notice, it's always 3) We have 4 victims.And the helper is Leena Leena:I'm here Cloud: Who's the first victim? Leena: Shadow? Who's that? Shadow: RARRR Leena: AHHHHHHHH. It's a monster! Me: Raven, we'll need you to translate everything, exactly as he says. No changing if you don't like the answers. Raven: whatever Leena: Can't we just get rid of this monster and interrogate this nice young man? Raven: Nice??? Me: Raven's not nice. He's way eviler than I am. Leena: Is that even possible? Raven: What has she done to you? Leena: She beat the crap out of me everytime I told her I had other things to do than come here. Me: I'm so proud of myself for that ok, let's get to the real questions, shall we? Shadow, If you fought Raven, would you be able to beat him? Shadow: Ror Raven:............. Me: Hellooooo Raven, translation. Raven: He said we'd have to find to find out. Me: Raven: Who'd you think'll win? Raven: Umm, Shadow. Shadow:Rar??? Me: Really? Raven: Well, My fighting wouldn't be too good, he IS made out of metal. Me: Good point Shadow, do you still want to follow Raven even though he believes you could beat him? Shadow: Rar Raven: Good boy Me: I'll take that remark as a yes. And I don't want to know why you'd do that. Leena,Next victim Leena:............ Me: What's wrong now? Leena: That Shadow thing is staring at me! It wants to eat me! Me: Shadow out, Raven you stay *Shadow leaves* Leena: Thanks Me: Next Leena: It's Specular Ryss: Oh goody, my organoid Leena: That blue thing is even creepier than the other one, do we have to ask it? Me: Yes, it's today's special. Organoids only Leena: Those aren't organoids. They're not even zoids. The liger 0 is an organoid. Me: This is a different race of organoids Leena: And a creepier one. Ryss: I'm glad you think so. Me: Specular, why are you the creepiest one? Specular: Raar Ryss: Cause Ryss is the creepiest organoid owner. Wait, what's that supposed to mean? Leena: AH-AH-AH Raven:Listen to your wise organoid, you're creepy Me:That's interesting but Specular, Leena:It's Ambient Ambient:Rur? Leena: This one seems cute, Aren't you? *Leena tries to pat him, Ambient bites her hand off,blood is gushing out* Leena:WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, that hurts Me: Go to the nurse, oh wait! Ambient give the hand *Ambient refuses to give the hand back, but Hiltz forces him to* Hiltz: here you go Me: The nurse will sew it back on,but Hiltz, what's up with the kindness? Hiltz:As much as I love destruction, seeing a human hand in my organoid is just disgusting. Me: Too true. I need a sub for Leena Crew: We don't have NC0 people here, they only come when they're supposed to Me: Raven!!! You can be my helper! Raven: Hell No Me: If you are, you don't have to come to my next 2 shows Raven: Ok, I'll help Me:Ambient, do you like bees? Raven: What kind of question is that? Me: So, Ambient? Ambient: rurr Hiltz: He hates bees Me: No wonder, bees are atracted to yellow AND red after all. Who's next? Raven:Zeke obviously Me: Zeke, are you sure you're meant yo be with Van? Zeke: RArr Van: Yes Raven: I doubt so Me: me too, and you know why? Because you don't share the same color All:??????? Me: Well yeah, shadow's black, Raven has black hair.Specular's blue, Ryss has blue hair. Ambient's red, Hiltz has red hair. But Shadow's white and Van has...brown hair. Raven: I never noticed that before. Either you tan your organoid or change your hair to white. Van: I'm not gonna color Zeke, every time he'd take a bath, I'd have to recolor him Raven: Change your hair to white then Van: No way, I'd look ugly Prozen: why don't you give me Zeke, I have white hair Van: On second thought, white hair on me can't be as bad as him. So I'll dye my hair Raven:*tries to stop himself from laughing*I_can"t_wait_to_see_that.*craks up but quickly stops* Me: Ok show's over.Oh wait I just remembered.Raven, last show Ryss said she was gonna force you into dating her. Did she do it? Raven: ............. Me: Ambient got your thong? Raven:No Me: So? Did she? Raven:...................... Me: You obviously don't wanna talk about it. Which means....she did it.Bwahahahaha, Ryss gotcha. Ok shows over for sure this time Raven: right, I'll miss the next 2 shows for sure. Me: Meanie*sticks thong out at him* Please R+R 6. Naomi, I haven't written in a long time. Well you know, me own nothing. Cloud: Hello, hello and welcome to my show. Everyone happy of the break I gave you All: Yeah Me: y'all were supposed to say no. Anyway my helper is Naomi Naomi: What? I don't want to be a helper. Brad's not here. Me: There are plenty of other gorgeous guys here. Brad's not allowed Naomi: Where? Oh those guys*looks at Raven and other guys* Me: So, read the name of the first victim Naomi: Oh, Beke Me: Thomas: Please call Beke and translate his answers *Thomas calls Beke and Beke arrives in a sec* Naomi: AHHHHH!!!! A monster! Me: Pulease. You have a zoid; you know what they look like. (whispers in Hermione style.) What an idiot * Thomas puts on helmet to understand what Beke has to say* Me: OK. Beke, what do you do in your spare time? Beke: *beeping* Thomas: You WHAT? Me: Thomas, translate please Thomas: Nuh-uh, I-I can't translate that; it's a shame! *Steals Thomas's helmet* Thomas: Hey!!!! Me: Shut up or I'll pound you *Connects helmet to stereo so everyone can hear* Me: Beke, please repeat your answer. Beke: I download pictures of naked girls. Thomas: You WHAT??? *Hits Thomas with a baseball bat* Me: oh, you're a naughty Beke uh? Did Thomas know that you downloaded those pictures? Beke: No, I don't tell him everything. Besides, I'm the one with unlimited Internet access not him. Thomas: that's it! We're going home! Me: oh shut up1 Thomas: no we're going now! Me: *smacks Thomas with a frying pan*ok Beke. Is there anything else you do with your main computer other than downloading? Beke: yeah, I give Raven the stats of the pilots in the Guardian Force Thomas: *hurt, but ok*YOU WHAT? Me: Raven, is this true? Raven: yeah, after all, I don't have time to steal that info Me: Beke, why do you give Raven info that helps him to defeat people on your own side? Beke: He gives me passwords on certain sites that I'm not able to hack Me: So, Raven, do you also take those downloaded pictures when taking the GF's data? Raven: No. Me: why not? Raven: I'm not interested in that stuff Me: Beke is Raven telling the truth? Beke: yeah, he doesn't watch those photos. He's a saint Me: That's the first time I ever heard anyone call Raven a saint, I have heard that he looked as cute as one, even cuter than saints actually, but being one? How odd. Raven: I am not a saint; I bring death to hundreds of people. How am I a saint? Beke: You don't collect horny pictures like all the other guys here Me: ALL??? Hey! The other guys here, do you have horny pictures? All: *hesitantly* No, absolutely not Me:.My senses tell me that you're lying *All the other guys agree in their own way and all but Raven had horny pictures* Me: you're pathetic Naomi, next guest Naomi: the Dark Kaiser?!? Dark Kaiser: Ah! Finally my turn Me: oh boy, he might be a bit hard Dark Kaiser, I interviewed Prozen before and we all know that he was your previous form. How can he still exist if you're here? DK: simple. I didn't like my Prozen side and I rejected his soul and threw it up, but I still get this form because that's how my DNA code is. Me: basically, you're not part Prozen anymore DK: exactly Me: so you wouldn't mind if I asked a few questions about Prozen I know he won't answer. DK: let's make that bastard a laughing stock Prozen: .. Me: What's Prozen's sex type? DK: I thought everybody knew he was a guy Me: I mean does he sleep with guys? DK: yes he does. All: ewww..Prozen's gay Me: *snickers* Prozen: I am not gay, I sleep with girls. Me: It's true! Just yesterday he tried to get me to sleep with him. Prozen: See, NOT GAY Me: .But I refused, and when I went to his room to tell him I changed my mind Prozen: YOU HAD? Me: yes.anyway I heard some moans so I took a peek at whom he was with and he was with one of his soldiers and they were humping. Prozen: It was a female soldier Me: How come "she" had a dick. I came at the time "she" was humping you All: eewww. Prozen: still, I'm not gay. I do sleep with women. DK: he's bisexual Me: Prozen, you are such a pervert! On with the next question. Dark Kaiser, what's Prozen's full name? Huh?? Crew, what kind of stupid question's that? DK: It's Gunter Prozen, doesn't everyone know that? Me: Gunter?? I didn't know that! That bastard never told me! DK: well actually, it's Gunter Louise Prozen Me: Louise?? So that's why he also sleeps with guys. OK, next victim. Naomi: it's O'Connell Me: O'Connell? ...Crew, how come there aren't any questions for him? Crew: We couldn't think of anything that'd embarrass him. Make something up! Me: ok then. O'Connell, do you want to have a Gojoulus? O'Connell: Yes Me: OK show's over. Everyone who was supposed to be interviewed was. Naomi: Bye! Ok, I know this took a while and it's short but WHO CARES? Please R&R End file.
Stupid questions by WhiteCloud
Mirror Image **Disclaimer:** I do not own Zoids. Mirror Image * * * Here I am again. Kneeling on the floor in the hangar bay of a base owned by one of my dad`s best friends. Scrubbing burn marks off of a Zoid. Just like I always do after battles. I wonder what he did this time? Did he dive my/our/his Raynos through another hail of missiles like before? I say "he" because of a simple reason. My name is Jamie Hameros. I have a demon who lives in my head. His name is the Wild Eagle. He is everything I am not. He is brave, I`m a coward. He has charisma, I`m a geek. He`s a ladykiller, I`m a nobody. He is everything I am not, and everything I want to be. He drives me insane. Does anyone know what it`s like to black out at mach one inside the cockpit of a Zoid and wake up four hours later, standing shakily in a bathroom staring at a mirror image of yourself, only it`s different? That`s what he does to me. Whenever stress takes over and I`m overwhelmed in combat, _he_ takes over. He is everything I am not, and everything I want to be. He drives me insane. Do any of my team mates know what it does to me when they congratulate my alter-ego for his excellent piloting without realizing it`s me? Do any of them know how depressing it is to realize you`re so useless on the battlefield that it`s driven you to have multiple personalities? Do any of them know? Does anyone know? Or am I alone? Whatever. Back to scrubbing for the team geek... * * * Here he is again. Kneeling on the floor in the hangar bay of a base owned by one of his dad`s best friends. Scrubbing burn marks off of a Zoid. Just like he always does after battles. He wonders what I did this time, like someone hasn`t already told him. I wonder what will happen to us one of these days. I say "us" because of a simple reason. My name is the Wild Eagle. I exist as the manifestation of bravery where it shouldn`t exist. He is Jamie Hameros. He is everything I am not. I am brave, he is a coward. I have skill, he is worthless. He has the mind of a genius, I`m only good with a gun. I am everything he is not. He is everything I hate and want to be at once. We are insane. Does anyone know what it`s like to not exist for fifteen years and then wake up in the middle of a fall from more than a mile up off the ground? Does anyone know know what it`s like to enjoy the freedom of soaring through the heavens at mach three, come back down and find yourself losing control to a weakling who fears the fact you even exist? That`s what he does to me. Whenever stress takes over and he`s overwhelmed in combat, _I_ take over. And then he throws me away like I`m nothing. We are insane. Do any of his/our/my team mates know what it does to me when they congratulate me for my brilliant planning only to learn hours later that I`m not really Jamie? Do any of them know how depressing it is to realize you`re so useless off the battlefield that it`s driven you to become entrapped within the black recesses of someone else`s mind? Do any of them know? Does anyone know? Or am I alone? Whatever. Back to lying in wait for when I`m needed again... * * * **Author`s Note:** Hope you enjoyed this brooding look into the psyche of one of Zoids` least used characters, not to mention my first Zoids fic. Leave a review if you would. _Sh33p_ out. End file.
Mirror Image by The Sh33p
1. Chapter 1 **AT THE END OF AN ENDLESS NIGHT** **Written by Van, (c)****2013** * * * I. He simply arrived on her doorstep one day, like a creature lost. Shivering despite the warm morning sun, filthy, both skin and clothing torn. The Widow Engel found him there that day, curled up on the steps, still as death. She emerged onto her stoop, knelt down, and touched his shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked in her soft voice. "Can I help you?" At her touch, he lifted his head and regarded her with large violet eyes that somehow were lifeless, as though whatever spark that had once illuminated them had long since departed. The red of his facial marking, blade-like with a dot beside, was almost completely obscured by sweat, dirt, and what appeared to be ash. She realized with a start that he was not much younger than she. Fourteen, perhaps? He said nothing; perhaps he was too weak to do so. She gently took his arm and looped it over her strong shoulders, helping him to his feet. Carefully, carefully, she led him inside. -.-.-.- The cottage in which the Widow Engel lived was small and spare, but clean, homey, and bright with sunshine. The stranger gazed dully around the room in which they were standing, which made up the first floor in its entirety, but it was unclear if he was actually taking in anything he saw. "Please sit," the widow said, gesturing to a weathered-looking but sturdy chair at a wooden table. "You must be thirsty; you look like you have traveled far, and it has been very hot these past few days." Obligingly, he sat, and looked down at what remained of the decorative carvings the table had once had. He did not once look up until the widow had returned from the well outside and was touching his arm lightly to get his attention. He accepted the mug of cool water she offered, gulping it down greedily until not a drop was left. "Would you like more?" the widow asked him. He only looked at her, parched lips slightly parted, and then down at the table once more. She left and again returned with a mug of water, which he again drank urgently. The widow sat down now at the chair opposite his, and regarded him. "I would like to help you," she said. "I do not know what you have been through, but..." He was still looking down at the table's carved remnants. "Will you tell me your name? Or what I can do to help?" Again, the visitor had no words for her. The widow supposed that he had been traumatized by something so badly that it had shocked him into this lifeless state. Her eyes traveled over his filthy, knotted charcoal hair, his slight frame, his torn clothes. It was only when he set the mug down at last that she saw the gaping, infected wound on the palm of his right hand. She gasped, standing abruptly. "How long has that wound been untreated?" she cried, hurrying again to his side of the table and cradling his hand in her own. "We must clean this, lest the infection spread. Please, wait here." The stranger made no sound or gesture of assent, but nevertheless remained as he was. She hurried upstairs and to her dresser, which stood in a corner beneath the cottage's gabled roof. She took a tiny bottle from atop it and rushed back downstairs. To her relief, the stranger had not moved. The wash basin was out in the side yard, and it was to here she led the stranger. He knelt beside it, thinking to drink from it, but she touched his shoulder and shook her head, so he sat back and waited. She dipped a clean cloth into the water and rubbed a chunk of lye soap hard against it until it foamed, then, tentatively, reached out towards his hand. He made no move to jerk away, and so she applied the cloth to the cut, wincing in anticipation of his howl of pain. But he did not move nor react, and simply looked expressionlessly off across the side yard to the orchards. Watching him nervously out of the corner of her eye, she cleansed the wound thoroughly. Strands of blood swirled momentarily in the basin before vanishing. "That doesn't hurt, then?" she asked, no longer surprised when she did not receive an answer. The water glowed faintly red. She rinsed the cut and pat his hand dry with a second cloth. "There now," she said, almost to hear herself talk, to try and fill the silence. "I am going to apply a special oil I have. It's going to sting - probably a lot. But it'll disinfect your cut. I don't want any infection to spread." She looked at those beautiful violet eyes, so far away. "Are you ready?" Again, he did not respond, and so she took his hand and placed it, palm-up, on her lap. She removed the stopper on the bottle and, carefully, tilted a few precious drops into the center of the wound. His hand flexed immediately, nearly into a fist, but he otherwise did not move. When his fingers relaxed again, she stood, gently helping him to his feet. "You are brave," she said. "That can be very painful. Come now, let us get you inside. You must eat, and rest, to get your strength back." The stranger allowed himself to be guided back to the front door of the cottage. The Widow Engel followed him in, sensing, just as she crossed the threshold, a presence behind her, outside. She turned, but saw no one. This was as things usually were; visitors to her humble home were quite rare, indeed. In fact, this strange boy was the first person to call on her, as it were, in a very long time. Despite his traumatized state, she found herself glad of his company as she stepped in and closed the door. -.-.-.- Dinner was very quiet, save for the widow's occasional attempts at conversation, and the sounds the stranger made as he devoured his food. Clearly, he had not eaten in some time. She did not have much in this world - her orchards were all that stood between her and destitution - and yet, she was glad to provide for this lost soul. He had not said a word to her thus far, perhaps had not yet even registered her presence, and held a terrible darkness inside of him past which she could not see, but he did not gossip, did not judge nor spurn her. The stranger, though he could not possibly have known it, was a comfort to a young woman much in need of faith in others. -.-.-.- She lay in her small bed upstairs that night, having arranged a crude bed on the first floor for her visitor out of a few cushions and blankets. She stared up at the steeply gabled roof, glad for the secure thatching Pieter had made. There was a great, frightening world out there, filled with cruel, judgmental people, but in here, in her little cottage, or out in her beautiful orchards, she was secure. The harsh words of others could not penetrate these walls. Downstairs, the faint breaths of her unexpected companion wafted up to her. Again, she found herself pondering what could have happened to a person so young - a child, really - that he was alone and out of his senses. Others would label him mad, she knew, not that she would have been able to turn to the other members of her small village for help, anyway. They were suspicious, and called her terrible things: sorceress, murderer. None true, but they hurt. The widow kept to herself, rarely venturing away from her many beautiful acres by the sea, and sold her land's valuable output, gemberries, through a middleman so that she would not need to go to market herself. It was a desperately lonely life, with Pieter disappearing over a year ago, now. Some said he had deserted the Imperial Army; others, that he had run off with a Republican woman. The most vile of all whispered that she had killed him, herself. The widow did not know what to think, and often felt haunted with the uncertainty. She and Pieter had been wed only a few months when he had disappeared, and so she did not feel she had ever gotten the opportunity to truly get to know him. What she did know of Pieter, that she had learned through their whirlwind courtship and short marriage, was that he was a kind, if unremarkable fellow. He had provided for her well, never lording over her the fact that she had been lucky to marry into so much higher a social station than she had come from, never making her feel that the bounteous orchards were anything but belonging to them both. True, he frightened and, a few times, even hit her when he had had too much drink, but this did not happen often, and now that he was gone, widely assumed to be dead, the widow did not feel it was right to dwell on his faults. The Holy Book taught forgiveness, after all. The Widow Engel rolled onto her side as a solitary tear meandered down her face. No, Pieter had not been perfect, but who was without sin, anyway? She missed his sun-weathered face, his easy smile, the warmth of another body in bed beside her. The sound of her visitor's breathing reached her again, and she took a shaky breath, exhaling a small prayer of thanks for a day spent a little bit less alone. 2. Chapter 2 **AT THE END OF AN ENDLESS NIGHT** **Written by Van, (c)2013** * * * II. The widow went about her early chores quietly the next morning, so as to allow the stranger more time to sleep. Kneading some dough for the evening's bread, she was startled to hear a voice, and more startled still to realize that it was her visitor's. Though asleep, he was restless, appearing to be flailing in slow-motion, whimpering, and uttering soft cries of distress. She watched him for a moment, then felt compelled to release him from whatever nighttime torments had pursued him past the dawn of a new day. Crouching beside his makeshift bed but afraid to touch him, lest she cause him a great fright, she whispered, then spoke more loudly, "Wake up, wake up, you're alright, it is only a dream..." He wandered far, in dimly lit laboratories, across verandas awash in the light of a billion stars, through the endless void of space to a blue planet. The widow at last grasped his shoulder, unable to bear witness to his cries a moment longer. He jerked upright with a small scream, gasping, and for a moment, just a small moment, his lilac eyes saw the rough but warm blanket covering his legs, the tidy room he lay in, the comely young woman crouched at his side, concern and no small amount of fright etched across her face. All of this happened in less than a second, and then the fog swirled invitingly around him, beckoning him back into the oblivion where he could rest. He surrendered to it willingly, and once more the demons of rage and grief howled their frustration that they could not find him. The widow had not missed this instant of clarity when the veil had lifted, however, and she knew, then, that she would live for nothing more than the next, and the next, and the next. -.-.-.- Over the following days, the widow did her best to balance the work her berry trees and animals required with the care her visitor needed. He was in dire need of a bath, which the widow, blushing, attempted to explain into his silence. Thankfully, once he was beside her tub, filled with steaming water, soap and a towel nearby, he did as he needed to and she did not have to intervene. He seemed to follow her wherever she went, without even being asked: a quiet presence as she pruned the trees in the orchard or tended to her animals. The silence became familiar to her, and no longer felt awkward. Looking down at him from the top of a ladder against a berry tree one morning, she smiled and said, "Won't you please tell me your name?" When she, predictably, received no response, she said, "Well, you are always following me about, without ever saying a word, like a little shadow. May I call you Shadow?" The visitor blinked up at her, then gazed down the row of trees, and not for the first time, she wondered what it was that he saw. Repeatedly as the week passed, she sensed a presence nearby but out of sight. When she heard quiet, metallic sounds on her roof one night, and discovered strange marks in the dirt of the sheep's pen the following morning, though, she began to grow alarmed. Surely these were bad omens, warning her of a coming darkness? Her prayers increased in fervor and frequency. She bolted the door that night before beginning to prepare dinner, a step she rarely took even in the midst of all her neighbors' hostility. "Please do not be alarmed," she told her wordless guest, who was seated at the table and looking off into the distance, "but I am not sure we have been alone here these last few days. I do not know if you were being followed, but rest assured that I will protect you if danger comes. My husba - ehm, Pieter, taught me how to use a gun so I would be safe when he was away with the army." Gazing out the window as she absentmindedly cubed a potato, her eyes roved across the dusty, circular driveway in her front yard, along the orchard fence, and to the animals' tidy pens beside the barn. All looked as quiet and peaceful as it always had. The late afternoon heat shimmered and danced in the waning sunlight. The room blackened suddenly as the head of an enormous, dark creature appeared at the window. Two sky-blue eyes blazed malevolently at her, and it opened its great mouth to snarl, revealing fierce, metallic teeth. The Widow Engel screamed, leaping back from the counter, and nearly fell to the floor. The gun - the gun - where was it? It was in the drawer of the small table next to her bed, wasn't it? Could she get it in time, before this creature broke down her front door? Incredibly, her Shadow looked up in the direction of the window, eyes dim and uncomprehending. Yet, he stood, and approached the door. "Don't! Don't let it in!" the widow cried, to no avail. He opened it, and the hulking mass of the beast in the doorway seemed to blot out all the light in the world. The creature stood still for a moment, appraising her visitor, and then reached out one strange paw to him, as if to make sure he was real, and he in turn looked and looked but did not move. And then, incredibly, after a long moment the creature stepped back from the threshold, and moved away to the dry, dusty grass in the middle of the dirt track out front. There it remained, immobile, watching them - standing, it seemed, guard over the cottage. Now that the hazy light fell upon it, the widow realized what this creature was: no organic devil, but metal. A black organoid. -.-.-.- The Widow Engel did not ever fully adjust to the organoid's presence, frightening as it was, like a beast loosed from the very maw of hell, but she did settle upon an uneasy detente. After its first appearance, the organoid never again startled her in such a fashion, nor did it ever make any further threatening movement or vocalization. Always, it remained in the vicinity, a dark sentinel watching over them, but especially her Shadow. The boy and organoid were rarely physically parted, unless, of course, he was in the cottage, where the organoid, seemingly by some unvoiced pact, did not venture. The widow did not know what to do with such a presence, but did not attempt to rid herself of it, so long as it remained peaceable and did not frighten her or her animals. The chickens, cows, and sheep nevertheless granted the organoid a wide berth. Despite the widow's relative social isolation, it did not take long for the organoid's presence to become known among the townspeople, who gossiped and fretted: it was yet further proof of her witchcraft. It was a sign that she was summoning the apocalypse, or the spawn of the Death Saurer. And what of the mute boy, to whom she was not related, living with her in sin? What of Pieter? Had she already taken on a new lover so quickly, and one even younger than she? What terrible spells were they conjuring together when Zi's moons were full? Or perhaps he, like Pieter, owned something of value, and she would kill him too in order to have it for herself, the same way she had acquired her orchards? These cruel barbs struck and stung her, but she faithfully maintained her course, convinced that rendering help to a person in need remained the right thing to do. He did not seem to otherwise have a friend or caretaker in all the world, aside from the black organoid. Besides, her Shadow seemed to be doing well under her care: his appetite normalized, the cuts and bruises all over his body were fading, and his right hand, of which she caught glimpses when changing the bandage dressings for him each night, was no longer infected. It would almost certainly leave a terrible scar on his palm, but, she thought fiercely, this was much preferable to an infection spreading, coursing through the alleyways of his body, poisoning his blood, and ultimately killing him. Every night, after changing out his bandages, she bolted the door, covered him with a blanket after he lay down, tiptoed upstairs, and knelt beside her humble bed, whispering her gratitude to the Creator. 3. Chapter 3 **AT THE END OF AN ENDLESS NIGHT** **Written by Van, (c)****2013** * * * III. Days, weeks, months, and seasons slipped by, and the farmlands in the outer reaches of the Empire at the edge of the sea fell into a new, comfortable routine. The fertile orchards, tended lovingly by the widow and her Shadow, guarded by the black organoid, and washed in fresh ocean breezes, burst forth with one stunningly bounteous harvest after another, each tree straining its branches upward to produce for their mistress more leaves, more fruit. Tongues still wagged, prejudice still snaked through the town, and the widow still faced the anger and fear in the eyes of her neighbors the few times she had to venture into society. But she always bore such indignities with grace, whether she was alone or had her Shadow by her side. The omnipotent and sinister presence of the black organoid at her farm put to rest immediately any plans even the boldest might have concocted of destroying her orchards and livelihood so as to drive her out of town. The organoid, meanwhile, kept a sharp eye at all times on its master's wellbeing. The widow realized over time that these two were part of a pair and knew each other from a time long before their arrival at her farm: the organoid's appearance, in fact, had nothing whatever to do with her personally. It regarded her always with both trust and vigilance; she felt strangely honored when it dawned on her, eventually, that it accepted her care of the stranger as being in its master's best interest, to be good for him, even. It was for that reason, she guessed, that it did not ever intervene. So long as it viewed her as a positive agent in its master's life, it would serve her, in turn, by watching over them, the farm, and the animals. The stranger - no longer so strange to the widow, nor seeming very much like a temporary visitor, either - had still not spoken a word, but somehow learned and understood all that must be done. Often he awoke even before the rooster announced morning's arrival, and the widow would wander down the sun-dappled paths between the trees with her shears or her basket a few hours later, wide straw hat hanging down her back by its ribbons, and find him out there, hard at work. His hand healed completely, leaving behind a great scar, but one that did not seem to trouble him. He grew tan and muscular from the hard work, and, thanks to the widow's good food, he grew, and grew, and grew. Although he did not become overly tall, he quickly surpassed the widow's own modest height, and she now had to look up in order to gaze into his unseeing eyes. The flashes of lucidity in them still came, every so often, and seemed to slightly increase in frequency as he grew older. His nightmares, too, continued unabated, and she sometimes lay awake at night, inhaling, exhaling, and listening to his whimpers, which began to sound more and more like words. He was changing, she knew, as he traded his boy's body for that of a man. She would blink, clutching her pillow close to her chest, and wonder if his darkness would ever change, too. -.-.-.- It was so slow it would have been easy to not even notice, but the veil under which her Shadow lived did indeed begin to shift. It started when he came in early from the orchards one day, his organoid following at his heels. He came in to the cottage holding something in a rag. The widow watched as he laid it on the table as carefully as could be, then sat in the chair beside it. She came over to see, and found a small bird with an injured wing. The bird gazed at them both with liquid black eyes filled with fear, but, as she watched, Shadow touched his finger gently to a point on the bird's chest, rubbing it lightly. The bird closed its eyes, visibly relaxing, even when the organoid shifted position slightly in the doorway, where it had been standing motionless. The widow was touched at such tenderness, and amazed that such feeling and regard for even the smallest life had managed to emerge from the void into which his soul had fallen. "We are charged with caring for all of the Maker's creatures," she said, her throat swollen with pride, and she touched Shadow's arm, smiling warmly at him. And there, in his eyes, unmistakably, the fog dissipated for a second, and he smiled back. With her Shadow's help, the Widow Engel was able to mend the young bird's wing, and several days later, they watched together as it hopped about in the dust with wings spread for a moment before taking flight, whirling brilliantly into the sunset. -.-.-.- What began with this small moment of compassion grew and blossomed. The trio's simple existence gave the young man a place to rest his mind and his heart, strengthening and fortifying him against the hate and fear that still howled along the fog's edge, hunting for the hunted. The veil lifted more often still now; his presence seemed to the widow, sometimes, like Pieter's had been: just an ordinary, good person in her midst, journeying through life by her side. But then, there was her Shadow's silence, and the illusion faded. Nevertheless, through bits and snatches, she felt that she was able to understand him better, not as charity, but as a whole person, a whole person with whom she had chosen to spend her days. His awakening with the injured bird was matched several more times, in calming walks by the sea together, or by a soft touch on her arm when she wept from the pain of her losses. In his infrequent moments of clarity, he felt the demons' presence near. Though he wanted more than anything to be free of the fog, his muddling protector, he knew that if the demons ever found him, nothing short of a miracle would be able to break him free of their grasping claws. A miracle, he thought, like this beautiful young woman drawing a blanket over him as he settled in to the small bed she had had built just for him near the fireplace on the first floor. Noticing now his rare alertness, she sat on the edge of his bed and regarded him with an almost heart-rending fondness. Deep, long-buried desires stirred within him at the same time that her loving gaze - could it be? Love? - blazed so brightly it burned away the fog. Here, then, was clarity: a dazzling array of color, a world revealed. Places he had not been, people he had not seen since that terrible night so long ago came racing back to his consciousness: sights, sounds, smells, the warmth and security of a hug from his mother, his father... Rage and terror came then with ungodly screams, grasping, lunging, baying lustily, having at last found their opening to catch him. He closed his eyes sadly against the widow's kind face and slipped back, allowing the mists and the silence to overtake and protect him. -.-.-.- That night, the Widow Engel was startled awake by the creak of her door. It opened slowly, and a man stood cloaked in darkness in the hallway beyond. She shrieked, fumbling by rote for the drawer of her bedside table, but when he stepped forward into the patch of moonlight spilling silver through the window, she finally gasped, "My God, Shadow! You gave me such a fright!" He stood there, glassy-eyed, impassive. He had on only the tattered pair of breeches he usually wore to bed, and the contrasting pools of light and darkness flowed across a torso well carved by physical labor. She became aware suddenly of how very insubstantial her simple night shift was, and blushed. "Are you alright?" she asked him, diverting her thoughts from the places they threatened to go. "Did you have a bad dream?" He, of course, did not respond, but stepped across the room to her, as deliberately as if there were a path to be followed. She could not see his eyes; they were lost in the shadows cast by the strands of his messy, coal-colored hair. "Are you there?" she asked tentatively, unsure, now that this undeclared line had been crossed. He still said nothing, but came to the side of her bed and sat, placing one hand behind her back. The widow felt...afraid, but not for her life; she understood almost immediately that his burgeoning adulthood would find a way to express itself, no matter how deeply into the fog his soul had been lost. The thought of what was about to happen was both terrifying and exhilarating. It had been so long. In absence of knowing what else to do, she did not resist, nor did she yield, but she waited, apprehensively, to see what he would choose. He leaned forward while also drawing her closer to him, kissing her mouth lightly. His lips were soft and warm; his dark locks intermingled with her lighter ones. He broke off after a moment, leaning back to study her with violet eyes intensely focused upon her yet seeing nothing. "Shadow..." she whispered. He kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her, lips roving down her neck, then slowly, carefully, he eased her back into a prone position. This man, this stranger, who had been shattered, who had barely tasted stability and love before they were taken away, who had tortured and killed and laughed cruelly at it all for so long, did not move nor touch her in any way that was not slow, and gentle, and deliberate. Responding innately to all of the caring and kindness she had shown him through these years together that had flowed by like water, he caressed her with delicate and peaceful hands. She, in turn, considered the unholiness of this act and discarded such thoughts, instead opening herself to the sacredness of a heart that had been broken, then scarred, then hardened, but never lost entirely. She felt it glowing bravely still: a tiny flicker daring to shine against an endless night. Shadow, or Raven: both names given to him in the absence of his own, neither his. Deep within, his true, unnamed soul had been dormant, resting, but now, he risked discovery by the demons and emerged from the fog. Lying beneath him, breathless, the Widow Engel saw the moonlight falling into his suddenly bright eyes that were like amethyst pools that went on into eternity. "You're here," she whispered, hallowed tears of joy leaking down her silver skin. "You're finally here." "I cannot stay," he whispered back. "But I'm here...I'm here." Outside, above the cottage, above the black organoid half-dozing in the yard, above the animals sleeping in the barn and the orchard trees bowed with fruit and the ocean singing forever, the countless stars wheeled gracefully through the heavens, bathing the pair below in their holy light. 4. Chapter 4 **AT THE END OF AN ENDLESS NIGHT** **Written by Van, (c)2013** * * * IV. The tidy rows of gemberry trees yawned into infinity ahead of them as they took a quiet stroll. All around them, the farm was at peace: the waves breathed rhythmically onto the shore nearby, the trees were in bloom in advance of another fruit harvest, and the sunlight slanted across their faces. Petals borne on a light, sea-tangy breeze came to rest in their hair. The widow's heart had at last found calm. Her fields were fertile, her animals healthy, and her cottage, at the center of it all, no longer empty. Her companion, her Shadow, was still lost afar most of the time, but she did not feel alone. Instead, she felt as blessed as if the Creator himself had appeared before her. She took Shadow's hand and smiled up at him, breathing deeply and savoring this perfection. As she did so, an enormous black bird soared past overhead, its dark outlines perfectly framed against the bright sky. She frowned, wondering what this sinister omen could mean. "So strange," she murmured, more to herself than anyone else, "to see a raven all the way out here." Her Shadow stopped in his tracks. "What is it?" she asked, turning. He was staring at her, his face expressionless but his eyes wide with terror. The fog had fled forever; he stood now alone, naked and exposed, prey with nowhere to hide. The demons came like thunder. They lunged at him with bloodthirsty screams, caught him in their vicious claws, whirled around and around him, weaving darkness over him until all was black. Breaking glass, his mother's screams. No future. Lifeless bodies on the floor and a blood-red organoid, gunmetal in the dim light, towering over them all, bellowing in triumph. No future. A kind man speaking words like "home" and "friends" before a brilliant ball of light took him away. No future. A cruel man speaking words like "destruction" and "death," instructing an orphan in the mechanics of evil. No future, except this: killing, and killing, and killing, end their lives, annihilate the Zoids, banish every one of them from the face of the planet. Lay waste to everything so that the sadness could never break through. His breathing was ragged and he dripped with a sudden sweat. The twin demons were curled snugly inside his chest, crushing him with their darkness, spewing lilting chants of loneliness, of hate. He was doubled over with their impossible weight. "Shadow?" He could scarcely hear her frightened voice over the roaring in his ears. He raised his head long enough to gaze upon the Widow Engel, his savior who could not hope to win this fight. She saw right away that the fog was gone, and saw too the fear and malice and pain in his eyes. "Shadow?" A cluster of petals swirled past in miniature cyclones. "SHADOW!" he screamed, panting heavily, eyes squeezed shut, almost choking on this one word that somehow wrenched out of his tightening throat. "SHADOW!" At once the black organoid was at his side. The plates of metal over its chest and stomach opened, and countless cables snaked out, winding around and binding a lost soul with tears pouring down his face. The last thing he saw before being taken completely into the organoid's body was the widow's face: confusion, fear, despair. And love. Always, the love in her eyes. Shadow spread his wings and roared once before blazing off into the sky. -.-.-.- Somewhere, water dripped: a soft rhythm unnoticed in frigid silence. In the winter's shadows, a young woman knelt beside her humble bed, hands clasped, head bowed, remembering. "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil," she whispered, "for thou art with me." Outside of the tiny cottage, darkness reigned, and a troubled planet spun beneath the cold light of the distant stars. End file.
At The End of an Endless Night by Chaotic Century
Knowing that you tried A what if poem about Irvine dieing in the battle with Raven's Geno Breaker. It's a sad one, told by Moonbay and it's my first try at a Zoids CC/GF poem so go easy on me. Okay? Enjoy... Knowing that you tried You don't see the tears I cry You don't know how much I hurt inside My heart is breaking With each breath I'm taking Knowing that you tried My tears are flowing My depression growing I hold you're last retaining token But with you gone boy, my heart is broken You always were a champ in my being The night of my table My tears are still streaming But I will go on if I'm able No one understood you like I did Some never cared Then there was one who wanted to get rid Of you fair and square Unfortunately they were successful In forcing you to leave Times are now stressful And still we greave I knew you wanted to save us And no matter how much we willed You went out to fight for us And ended up getting killed No one loved you more than I Because your family was departed Why did you have to die? And leave me behind broken hearted When the firing finally stopped We knew the battle had ceased We saw you stand but then you dropped Our screams and shouts increased As you lay there The Van and Thomas came And took you back to the Red Eagle lair Nothing gonna be the same Without you Even Van's sad He really misses you And the Command Wolf like his dads We've got to go now, as we wave Our found sad good-byes Turning after placing flowers on your grave Knowing that you tried End file.
Knowing that you tried by shadow of the doubt
freedom Each day I used to sit out staring at the sky, longing for something more. Something was calling me. A part of me wanted an escape. All my life, I have spent here in a small isolated village. One of the few neutral grounds located high in the mountains shrouded in fog. Sure I love this place; it's the only place I know. It's a place I grew up, a place where my family is. But these days, it just no longer feels like home. This place has become so small. I want to see what exists beyond the ridge; I want to see the whole picture not just a fragment. This place is too restricting. I feel trapped, like an outlaw in prison. There is this need within me that is calling for freedom. Freedom, that is all I want, it is all I need. Something everyone wants but no one quite understands its price. Freedom costs the highest price at times, a life. People fight and die to gain freedom for themselves, for their future and for their nation. Something I want to be apart of. I want to be free but I also want my friends and family to be. The time is now. I have to go. No matter how much this place means to me I have to leave. So I use the last of my resources and contact the military. And soon I am accepted and I go through my training in the distant empire. I will never forget the feeling and the day I said goodbye to her. My little sister, still so innocent, the only family that I have after our parents were killed during the ongoing war. She is so sweet, always caring for others before herself. I hate to leave her alone. Call it selfish intentions but it is too late for me to change. I am a soldier now; there is no turning back in my eyes. I tell her I am sorry and I want to fight to maintain peace like the peace we all know in this village. She understood and never shed a tear. She hugged me and wished me the best of luck. She also made me promise to come back. A promise I simply made that day. I saluted and walked away. I never looked back. All I had now was the hope of a new future and the memories of times gone by. One day I would come back to this place but I would never be the same person. But excitement grips me. I am now free, free to become who I want. Free to fight for what I believe. End file.
freedom by CrisisCorps
The Gashlycrumb Tinies zoids style A is for Ambient who fell down the stairs. B is for Bull assaulted by bears. C is for Camford who wasted away. D is for Dan thrown out of a sleigh. E is for Elisi Linette who choked on a peach. F is for Flyheight sucked dry by a leech. G is for General Kruger smothered under a rug. H is for Herman done in by a thug. I is for Irvine who drowned in a lake. J is for Jarro who took lye by mistake. K is for Karl who was struck with an axe. L is for Leon who swallowed some tacks. M is for Moonbay who was swept out to sea. N is for Niccolo who died of ennui. O is for O'Connell run through with an awl. P is for Prozen trampled flat in a brawl. Q is for Q who sank on a mire. R is for Raven consumed by a fire. S is for Shadow who perished of fits. T is for Thomas who flew into bits. U is for U who slipped down a drain. V is for Viola squashed under a train. W is for Welda embedded in ice. X is for X devoured by mice. Y is for Y whose head was knocked in. Z is for Zeke who drank too much gin. End file.
The Gashlycrumb Tinies zoids style by purpledunebuggy
1. A New Beginning The Night Warriors A New Beginning Two young women, in black uniforms, were typing away at computers, hoping to find some information. The two were on a secret mission for the Empire. "Nothing," the blonde cursed, "when the enemies heard that we were on the way they cleared out of here. Whoever they were, I'll give them credit for doing a good job of covering their tracks. Rache! Say something!" The brunette looked up from the keyboard as she heard a faint ticking. It was a time bomb set to go off in five minutes. "Ash we leave now!" The two friends ran out of the deserted building, with just one minute to spare. While the blonde watch the building explode, the brunette headed to her black Hel Cat to report in. "Captain Rachel Elizabeth Schubaltz reporting in, the enemy has evacuated and blown up their own base." "How did you escape, Captain Schubaltz?" the Major asked narrowing his ugly purple eyes. Rachel smiled, "I was able to find the bomb, but did not have time to disarm it," she said. The Major scowled even more. "Where is Captain Ashley Borwick?" "Still staring at the explosion," Rachel answered. "Get back here now Captain!" "Yes sir!" Rachel saluted. The Major scowled deepened once more before he cut the link. Rachel sighed, mission failure. "Ash, lets go home!" The blonde warrior nodded and ran to her black Zaber Fang. Rachel Schubaltz and Ashley Borwick had lived in the military most of their lives. Rachel had brown hair, unlike her two younger brothers who both were blonde. The one feature Rachel shared with her brothers, Karl and Thomas, was her vibrant green eyes. Her father had been a well respected General before he was killed in combat. Before his death, he had moved eleven year old Karl and Rachel and the twins' six year old younger brother Thomas to the base he worked at because of the recent death of their mother. When Rachel's father died, the base had taken in the Schubaltz children. Ashley Borwick, unlike Rachel, had no biological family. When she was only a few years old, whoever her real parents were, they left her in an alley. She was then found by a Colonel who adopted her, along with another boy named Alex who the Colonel found a year earlier. Ashley had natural blonde hair, but the ashes in her, when she was found, earned her the name Ashley. She was about the same age as Rachel when she was brought to the same base, and the two girls spent their teenage years like twin sisters. Ashley's adopted brother, Alex, was discovered in another alley way. He had black hair and was a few years older than Ashley. Surprisingly, the two really came to depend on each other as siblings when the Colonel who adopted them was killed in combat. Once again the base took the children in. Now, several years after their fathers' deaths, these children, raised by an Imperial military base, have made great contributions to the Empire. Karl Schubaltz, now a Colonel and twenty-six in age, has been a very inspirational leader and assisted in the defeat of the Death Sauer and Death Stinger. At the age of twenty, Thomas Schubaltz was a computer genius, a Lieutenant, part of the Guardian Force, and was instrumented in the of defeat in the Death Stinger. Ashley was not as lucky as Rachel. During an important battle between the Empire and Republic, Alex was killed. Before his death, Alex had asked if anything should happen to him if he could count on Karl and Thomas to protect his little sister. They had both promised. At his funeral all three Schubaltz kids promised Ashley to be there for her. A few days after the funeral Rachel found several new pictures of Alex hung up in Ashley's room. No matter how hard she tried to understand that the life of a soldier was dangerous, Ashley never could forgive the Republic. When peace was established Ashley did not try to ruin it like others. Instead she refused to work with, or give respect to, Republican soldiers. "That mission wasn't a failure you know," Ashley commented. Rachel just laughed; Ashley always could read what was on her mind. "No I'm serious," Ashley, continued, "they had erased all their files so there was nothing to find." Rachel sighed. "Those enemy soldiers have done something and I want to find out what." "They're from another country. The Republic is acting on a tip from an unknown stranger that if we're not careful an unknown, enemy country will attack us. Who knows, maybe it's a trap," Ashley pointed out. "The Republic is our ally," Rachel pointed out, "I don't think they would try to lead us into a trap. And if they did, Karl would be the first to sound the alarm." Ashley snorted, "Then both you and your twin brother are going soft." "Ash," Rachel groaned, "we've been over this. We are no longer at war! There are many other people in the Republic who've lost family to Imperial army. We've all had to give something up during the war. At least we're at peace. At least we are not sacrificing our family over a worthless cause!" "I see what you mean," Ashley murmured. "I know how you feel," Rachel continued, "but I know that my dad would rather us be at peace with the Republic than trying to gain revenge that would end up in more lives lost. And the same goes for your father and Alex." Ashley sighed and let a tear roll gently down her cheek before wiping it away. "Okay, no more talking about the Republic betraying us. I'll also try to be more cooperative with the Republican solders. I promise" Rachel laughed remembering the last time some Republican soldiers came to the base they were currently stationed at. Whenever she had her back turned, Ashley was doing something to make the poor men miserable. She even had the courage to talk back to a Republican Colonel. "That's good to know," Rachel whispered so Ashley couldn't hear. Then she went back to the bigger problem of a new enemy. 2. A New Mission Hey everyone! The name's Element Guardian, or E.G. for short. This is the second chapter to my first story ever. Sorry I didn't introduce myself or add a disclaimer the last chapter. I forgot to add one on before I posted my story. If you read my next story, "The Wolf," and then it's sequel, "The Element Battles," you'll understand my name a little more. I'll try to get those posted as soon as possible. They'll have nothing to do with "The Night Warriors." This story will be different from those you've read on fan fiction before. You'll get to choose what happens to Rachel, Ashley, Herman and the rest of the gang later on. If you want a say in what happens, you have to review. (It's my way of making sure you review) I won't ask for what should happen until the fourth chapter, then I'll give you previews on the two different ways the story can go, then the one with the most votes is the next chapter published. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, but Rachel and Ashley are my characters, and Travil is my idea as well. The Night Warriors A New Mission Rachel could see the familiar base growing beyond the horizon. It was good to be coming back to the base and soldiers stationed there. The feeling that came every time Rachel returned to this particular base started to flutter in the bottom of her stomach. White Spirit Base to be exact. White Spirit Base got its name from the ghost that supposedly haunted it. No one had seen the ghost, but things thought to be lost would turn up somewhere, and there was always a mysterious helper on the battlefield when the battle was nearby base. This had been going on since a few years after the base was built, and the base was well over a hundred years old. Like everyone else, Rachel had no idea who the friendly spirit was, but on clear nights, when everything seemed perfect, Rachel could hear the faint laughter of a young woman. As the two friends ran into the hanger they noticed some extra zoids that weren't there when they left. An Iron Cong, a DiBisaon, a Blade Liger, a Lightning Siax, a Gustave, and a fleet of Command Wolves stood proudly off to the side. Rachel knew the Iron Cong belonged to Karl and the DiBiason to Thomas, she wasn't sure to whom the other zoids belonged, but the Command Wolves meant that. "Republicans are in this base. Why here?" Ashley was flustered and she did nothing to hide it in her voice. Rachel just rolled her eyes and went to repairing some leg damage that the Hel Cat acquired from the long distance run she had to put it through. "Captain Schubaltz? Captain Borwick?" Rachel turned around to see a soldier she didn't recognize. He was very muscular and looked like a skilled planner. He was a Republican by the look of his uniform, which made him look very handsome. The only thing that kept her from saying he was the best looking man Rachel had ever seen was the fact that his gray eyes gave off a cold feeling that made Rachel shiver. "Yes," Rachel said in a serious tone, "I'm Caption Schubaltz. And you would be?" "Major Herman." "Forgive us Major, but we didn't know who you were," Ashley said as she saluted. Rachel saluted as well, but she was trying to hold back a laugh. The major snorted. "Follow me." The two Captains followed the Major to a discussion room. Rachel recognized Karl, Thomas, Colonel Freedmen, and several officers from the base. There were also several Republican officers that Rachel did not know. Colonel Freedmen was currently in charge of the White Spirit Base and the main reason Rachel and Ashley hadn't killed any of the men stationed at the base. The look on his face, and Thomas's as well, said Rachel and Ashley would not like what they were going to be told. Karl's face was emotionless; the less time Rachel spent with her brother, the less she felt like she truly knew her twin inside and out. The officers' expressions were what Rachel didn't like the most, for all of them wore smirks. The Republican officers had this happy, almost proud look on their faces. "What's the report Ladies?" Rachel looked to see a very old looking Republican Colonel. Both young women saluted. Rachel cleared her throat. "As you might have been informed, we were sent to what was thought to be a Travil Base to see if we could get any kind of information." "The new enemy country you're all worried about," Ashley added. Rachel nudged her and gave a look as if to say not to push it. "When we got there, the base had been evacuated," Rachel continued. "They also erased any files and then blew up their own base, trying to take us with it." "Do you believe we should be worried about them, or is it an empty threat, Captain?" The Colonel was wearing a smile like he could see right through the two Captains' souls. Rachel cleared her throat again. "No one covers their tracks as well as they did unless they don't want to have something or someone found." The old Colonel nodded to the two spies to let them know he was listening. "I'm Colonel Kruger, and you'd be?" "Captain Schubaltz and this is my partner Captain Borwack." Colonel Kruger smiled. "I see you've met Major Herman, and this is Captain O'Connell," he said while pointing to a teal haired man. "You are not just introducing us for the fun of it," Ashley said angrily as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes had become two daggers and Rachel was surprised that no had died from them yet. That's when it hit her -- why Colonel Freedmen and Thomas had worried looks on their faces; why Karl seemed emotionless; why the rest of the Imperial officers were trying hard not to laugh out loud. Most importantly, why the Republicans looked proud. Colonel Kruger looked straight into Ashley's dagger eyes. "The four of you will be working together on a spy mission to find out if we are in for another war or we just have an empty threat." A look of surprise came across Rachel's face while the anger in Ashley's eyes became even greater. Next Time: Changes What do you think? Does it deserve the Pulitzer Prize? Probably not, but was it still good? Did I leave any important information out that you think should be included? Later, Element Guardian 3. Change Hey everyone, E.G. here again. It's chapter three and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you Shadow Vixen for your suggestion. Now everyone can review. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, but Rachel and Ashley are my characters. The Night Warriors Changes The Imperial soldiers waited for Ashley and Rachel to slaughter the Colonel on the spot. Ashley clenched her fists and Rachel shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Is that all?" Ashley was doing her best to keep her voice steady. "Yes, everyone is dismissed," Colonel Kruger said. Everyone below his rank got up and saluted him, then left. Karl watched Ashley to make sure she didn't do anything she would regret later as she stormed out of the room with Rachel close at her heels. The Imperial soldiers were quick to jump out of their way. Colonel Freedmen and Karl sighed and leaned back into their chairs; they had expected World War III. Colonel Kruger smirked. "And you were worried about me getting killed by those two." "We just saw a miracle," Colonel Freedmen sighed while letting his head hang over the back of the chair. Meanwhile, Rachel and Ashley went into the gym to have a martial arts battle. The two knew each other's style well and easily blocked one another's punches. "I don't like this one bit! They shouldn't do this to me!" Ashley said as she tried to land a punch on Rachel. Rachel laughed as Ashley continued to fume. "I'm sorry my problem is so funny!" Ashley nearly yelled in Rachel's face. That's when Rachel heard something clang outside the small gym door. She pulled away from the fight and yanked the door open. Thomas and the rest of the Guardian Force fell to the ground. "How many times must I tell you not to eavesdrop on people, Thomas Richard?" Rachel demanded. Ashley fought to hold back a laugh that was erupting in the bottom of her stomach. "And how many times have I told you not to spy on someone who can hurt you, in case you do get caught." "Ash," Rachel said as she helped the Guardian Force to their feet, "you're not helping!" Fiona smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Captain Schubaltz. I'm Fiona. Thomas has said many great things about you." Rachel shook her hand. "Thomas has told me great things about you, too, but you don't have to call me Captain Schubaltz. I go by Rachel." "I'm Van, and this is Irvine and Moonbay," Van said pointing to each in turn. "I'm Ashley," Ashley muttered. Rachel gently nudged her. "It's nice to meet you too." "You two are Captains in the Imperial army?" one rude Republican soldier teased. "Man, the Imperial army must be getting desperate." Rachel and Ashley whirled around to face him, death glares emitting from their eyes. In two seconds the soldier was on the ground, unconscious, from the strong punch that the two mighty spies had given him. Meanwhile, Herman and some other men where busy in the zoid hangar. "So, what's the story with the lady Captains?" a Republican captain called out. An Imperial soldier looked up from his work on Rachel's Hel Cat. "Be very glad they did not hear that." "We call them Rachel and Ashley, just so you know," another Imperial soldier added. "Wait," O'Connell called out, "they go by their first names, even with other military men?" "Only a few people address them by Captain Schubaltz and Captain Borwack," Colonel Schubaltz said, not looking up from his work. "You guys are famous for being uptight with your uniforms," one Republican commented, "so what's the deal with their outfits?" Herman nodded. Ashley had been wearing long black cargo pants and a black tank top that showed her midriff. Rachel's outfit was quite a bit different. She was in long, black, bellbottom pants. She had cut off the right pant leg a good few inches above her knee. Her long sleeve, black shirt had also been cut off at the right shoulder. Schubaltz laughed. "Everyone is too scared to tell them they should be in uniforms." At that moment, Rachel stormed into the room with Ashley right behind her. "Good afternoon, Lady Captains," one Republican soldier said, pressing his luck. The two young women whirled around to face the foolish man. Both pairs of eyes had become deadly daggers again. After one heart-stopping minute, Rachel turned away. "Calvin, what are you doing to my zoid?" she asked the Imperial soldier working on the back of her Hel Cat. He looked up from his work. "The joints are pretty worn out and the boosters need to be replaced." With that, he jumped down from the zoid. Rachel walked towards him so they could continue the discussion about the mighty zoid. "I know, I've been experiencing leg trouble after long runs, and the missions that I go on now require long runs." As Rachel talked to Calvin, Ashley snorted before turning and walking away to work on her Zaber Fang. "What's with that Calvin guy?" Herman whispered to Colonel Schubaltz. Schubaltz turned to face Herman so their conversation wouldn't be heard by anyone else. "Calvin Rhodes. He's our third best spy; he's part of the Day Warriors group with his brother Jacob. Ashley and Rachel make up our other spy group, the Night Warriors." "So, who's your best spy?" Herman asked. "Rachel is," Schubaltz said, continuing to whisper. Laughter could be heard throughout the hangar. "I can't imagine you, Rachel, taking on such a petty mission," Calvin said in between laughs. "It's such a waste of your good talents." Rachel's face took on a sad look. "You know I no longer go on undercover missions. Besides, that was my first mission in about seven years." Calvin looked at her in a funny way and then shook his head. "When you find a guy who can understand you, make sure you have him explain to me what goes on in your head." Now it was Rachel's turn to laugh. She shook Calvin's hand and thanked him for working on her zoid before Rachel went to see if Ashley needed her help. Herman and Schubaltz were close enough to hear the end of Rachel and Calvin's conversation. "Or at least she was our best spy until she got in a bad accident," Schubaltz concluded, while giving Herman a look to tell him not to bring the subject up again. Next chapter you will be able to decide in which direction the story will go. Later, E.G. 4. Old Nightmares Hi guys and gals, it's time to give you a choice how the story will go. You will see a choice one and a choice two. Write in a review to tell me which choice you want. Disclaimer: I do not own zoids, but Ashley and Rachel are my characters. The Night Warriors Old Nightmares He had her backed up to the top of the falls of Blood Waterfall. Rachel was standing at the very edge; one more step and she would be over the high and rugged cliff; one more step and she would plunge into the ice cold water where sharp rocks were most likely waiting for her. It started out like any other mission that she had gone on before, but this one would end differently. She had been sent to try to hack into, and then destroy, all Republican communication systems. Instead, she had found out what Lord Prozen was really up to. He was going to try to take over the Empire, and then the entire Planet Zi. Even though she hardly made mistakes on her spy missions, Rachel had forgotten to cover her tracks, and now Prozen had sent someone to finish her off. A Major named Marcus was the one to do the dirty work, and for the fourth time in her life, Rachel was completely helpless. There was no Karl to save her, no Thomas to give her courage, and Ashley still was at the hospital in a coma. "Any last words?" Marcus said with his usual slime filled voice. "Yeah," Rachel said with confidence, "tell my brothers and Ashley I say goodbye, sorry, and that I love them." Marcus snorted in disgust as his finger began to pull the trigger. The shot rang out and time stood still as Rachel watched the bullet soar through the air. Suddenly, time regained its normal speed as the bullet pierced her left shoulder, barely missing her heart. She stumbled and fell off the cliff. Rachel woke with a start, giving a small scream. Her breathing was deep and harsh, and from the looks of her nightwear and sheets, she had been turning violently in her sleep. She looked at the clock; it read 3:45 a.m. As her breathing slowly returned to normal, Rachel decided that it was pointless to attempt going back to sleep after that nightmare. After taking a quick shower and changing into some casual clothes, Rachel headed out of her room. As she walked into the kitchen to get some coffee, Rachel tried to erase all thoughts of the haunting nightmare. Rachel sat down to sort out some confusing thoughts as she added sugar and milk to the comforting liquid. After awhile, Rachel crossed her arms on the table so she could rest her head on something softer than the cold, hard wood. She was too tired and preoccupied to even hear Herman enter the room. For a while he just stood in the doorway, admiring her beauty. Her dark brown hair waved and curled around her face, drawing attention to her bright green eyes. To him, Rachel's eyes were like two emeralds shining through mounds of dirt and mud. Many of the other men didn't feel the same way about the strong girl. They thought she was a gothic queen with no emotions. Herman wished they could see her now. Instead of the black uniform, Rachel was in a modest pink tank top with a pair of blue jeans that had not been ripped up. Hunched over the table, she looked sad and defeated. "Morning Rachel, what are you doing up so early?" Herman said in a quiet tone of voice. Rachel turned around slightly in her chair so she could see him. "I could ask you the same thing," she snapped. "I have the room next to yours, and I'm a pretty light sleeper," Herman said, keeping a gentle voice. "I heard you yell and then leave ten minutes later." Rachel turned around again and wrapped both hands around her coffee mug. Herman walked over to the counter, made himself a cup of coffee and then took a seat next to Rachel. That's when Rachel looked up at him. She never noticed how sweet and caring Herman's eyes looked. They no longer sent chills down her spine like they used to; instead they made her feel like something she couldn't describe with words. His smile made her feel safe and warm; a strange feeling for Rachel since she was no longer the happy and trusting child she use to be. Herman gently peeled one of Rachel's hands away from the coffee mug and held it gently in one of his own. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently. Rachel nodded. "Ashley was in the hospital with a coma. Karl had just been promoted to major and was stationed at the Red River Base. Thomas was at school at an excellent college and no one had heard from him in a while. So that left me alone for a mission. It was a simple mission, nothing I couldn't handle, I thought. I simply had to hack into and then destroy the Republicans' communication systems. "When typing in a password, my finger slipped and I somehow gained access to some of Prozen's secret files. It was there that I learned about the resurrection of the Death Sauer, as well as Prozen's plan to try to take over the Empire." Rachel sighed and wondered why she was telling someone she hardly knew what had happened to her. "Prozen learned that I knew what he was up to and decided to have me killed. He sent a man named Marcus after me, and I nearly was killed. Luckily, he had some of the worse aim around and only hit my left shoulder. I fell down Blood Waterfall and my memory is blank until I woke up in a spy camp. "They had taken care of my wounds during the time I was unconscious and helped hide me till Prozen was killed in the Death Sauer battle. During the two years I was in hiding, I secretly gave information, in pieces to Freedmen," Rachel finished. Herman looked at the female spy with a new respect. "Wow, that must have been tough." Rachel shook her head. "Not as tough as coming back to find that everyone thought I was dead." Herman gently began to rub her hand as he finally noticed the large scar on her left arm. With the other hand, Herman gently traced the scar with his fingers. He felt her slightly shiver under his soft touch. "Whatever happened to this Marcus person?" Herman asked, taking his hand away from Rachel's scar and holding her one hand in both of his. A very small smile played on her lips. "I heard he burned to ashes when your army blew up the volcano at Mt. Osa Base." Herman laughed softly and then looked deeply into Rachel's eyes. Cautiously, Rachel took her free hand and gently combed her fingers through his hair. After quickly glancing up at the clock, which read 4:25 a.m., Rachel moved her chair and body so she could lean up against Herman, resting her head on his shoulder. "If you want to, you can call me Rob when no one else is around," Herman whispered into her ear, Rachel's smile grew bigger. "I'd like that, Rob." With that, Herman cupped her cheek with his hand. Rachel turned to face him, placing her own hand on top of his. Their faces moved closer together. Rachel could feel her breath mix with Herman's. He moved forward, and his lips caught hers in a soft, yet sweet, kiss. For a few moments, all Rachel could think about and feel were Herman's lips against her own. Then sad memories she had kept at bay came rushing back: her mom dying in front of Rachel, but not before reminding the three young children how much they were loved and leaving a necklace for Rachel, her dad dying in a lonely hospital bed, doctors and nurses doing all they could to keep him alive and keep his three kids out of the way, Alex dying in battle, not even getting the chance to say goodbye. Rachel jerked away from Herman and stared at him for one more moment. Without another word, she left the kitchen and went back to her room. Herman watched her leave the room, cursing himself for rushing things with Rachel and making her feel uncomfortable. Herman decided not to go after her, in case Rachel needed some time to herself. But he promised to apologize and make it up to her later. Making it to her room, Rachel knelt down by her bed and reached for a small wooden box safely hidden underneath it. She got off the floor and onto her bed, bringing the wooden box with her. Treating the box as if it was made of glass, Rachel carefully lifted the lid to reveal some of her most precious items. On top of everything in the small box was a heart-shaped locket that had belonged to her mother. Before she had died from an illness, Rachel's mom had given the locket to Rachel. The locket had once held pictures of Karl, Rachel, and Thomas, but now those had been removed and were replaced with pictures of General and Mrs. Schubaltz. Reaching behind her neck, Rachel clipped the silver chain. Next in the box was a General's military hat; it had belonged to her father. Rachel picked up the hat and then held it to her face, her tears soaking into the material. The hat had been too big for her when she first received it, and was still too big for her. As she gently set the hat to the side, Rachel saw the few pictures at the bottom of the wooden box. The first picture was of a thirteen-year-old Ashley and Rachel being chased around by a much younger Captain Freedmen. In the picture, Freedmen did not have wrinkles from stress or age, and there were no gray streaks in his sandy colored hair. The next picture was of Alex. His jet-black hair was wind swept and his blue eyes had a sparkle of laughter to them. The picture had been taken a few weeks before he had been killed. In the last picture was a family. On a park bench sat the mother, her brown hair being blown by the wind, her hazel eyes watering. Next to her sat her husband. His handsome blonde hair and green eyes made him look as kind and gentle as he really was. On the ground in front of them sat their three kids. The two young boys were almost exact replicas of their father; the young girl had her mother's brown hair, but her father's green eyes. "Rachel!" Ashley yelled, pulling Rachel out of her dream world, "didn't you hear me the first five times?" "No," was Rachel's simple answer. Ashley looked at the pictures in Rachel's hand, the hat off to the side, and the locket around her neck. "I should have known you were taking a very long trip down memory lane," Ashley muttered. Rachel smiled. "Is something up?" "Yeah, Kruger wants us, so suit up," Ashley said in disgust. Then Ashley took a better look at Rachel. "Is something wrong, Rache?" "No." Ashley gave Rachel a look that told her Ashley knew better than that. "It's ok to think about the past, just remember to keep up with the present and the future." Rachel laughed as she threw a pillow at Ashley, who used the bedroom door as protection. After Ashley had left, Rachel put the pictures and her father's hat into the box again, leaving the locket around her neck. She put on her black uniform. All the while, Rachel was thinking about Rob, her family and friends, and her past. Here are the two choices for the direction the story can go. 1) Rachel was glad to finally get to the discussion room. All along the way, soldiers had given her looks that sent shivers down her spine. Even Calvin and Jordan - men whom she had worked with for years and knew very well - would not catch her eye. She began to unconsciously rub the scar that reminded her of the one mistake she had made when she was still a spy. The minute she stepped into the room, Van and O'Connell pounced on Rachel and forced her hands behind her back, handcuffing her. During this, Karl had gently grabbed Ashley so she wouldn't do anything stupid. After they thought Rachel was secure and had no chance to escape, they took her to another, more private room to be questioned. She was thrown roughly into a hard wooden chair; no one dared take off the handcuffs. The Guardian Force stood ready at hand with O'Connell. Herman was also there with Karl and Ashley as Freedmen and Kruger began to question their friend, or maybe their enemy. 2) Rachel and Ashley ran to the battle strategy room, getting stares from many of the men. The locket was safely tucked underneath Rachel's shirt. When they arrived, the Night Warriors were surprised to only see Freedmen, Kruger, Karl, the Guardian Force, O'Connell, and Herman. Rachel and Ashley expected to find more than a few officers waiting for them. Everyone in the room was staring at a large screen; on it were pictures of a ruined town. "What's going on?" Rachel said. O'Connell turned from the screen to face her. "An Imperial colony has been attacked and almost completely destroyed." "Raven?" asked Rachel. "Actually, no," Herman said, "he tried to stop whomever it was from destroying the town." "Was it the Travillian army?" Ashley asked. "If it was, they're attacking their own towns and colonies because a Travillian town was attacked a week earlier by the same group of people," Kruger sighed. He looked more like the old man he was because of the huge amount of stress lately. 5. New Dreams Okay, I decided to update. Thank you Shadow Vixen! You're the only one who reviews. So we'll go with your suggestion. Choice two it is! Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, but Rachel and Ashley are my characters. The Night Warriors New Dreams Rachel and Ashley ran to the battle strategy room, getting stares from many of the men. The locket was safely tucked underneath Rachel's shirt. When they arrived, the Night Warriors were surprised to only see Freedmen, Kruger, Karl, the Guardian Force, O'Connell, and Herman. Rachel and Ashley expected to find more than a few officers waiting for them. Everyone in the room was staring at a large screen; on it were pictures of a ruined town. "What's going on?" Rachel said. O'Connell turned from the screen to face her. "An Imperial colony has been attacked and almost completely destroyed." "Raven?" asked Rachel. "Actually, no," Herman said, "he tried to stop whomever it was from destroying the town." "Was it the Travillian army?" Ashley asked. "If it was, they're attacking their own towns and colonies because a Travillian town was attacked a week earlier by the same group of people," Kruger sighed. He looked more like the old man he was because of the huge amount of stress lately. "Rachel, you and Major Herman will go question Raven, then place him under arrest," Karl said in a stern voice. "If Travil wasn't the one to attack us, who was?" Van whispered." I mean, it's as Rachel said before, no one does a thorough job of covering up their tracks unless they have something to hide." "I highly doubt Travil would attack their own villages to make us think they are being attacked, too," Rachel whispered. "Travil is a war torn country; they have nothing to gain by going to war again." Ashley's eyes lit up with an idea from Rachel's comment. "Isn't Cravane between Republic territory and Travillian territory?" "Yes it is," Freedmen agreed. "If we did end up with a war against Travil, Cravane would benefit greatly." "So we need to make peace with Travil before Cravane throws us into another war," Fiona sighed. Everyone looked disappointed; they had been looking forward to a time of peace. Rachel looked at every person in the room with a new respect. They had just lost the threat of the Death Stinger, Death Saur, and Prozen, and already they had a new enemy to deal with. "Well, let's get going!" Moonbay cried with encouragement. The Guardian Force ran to prepare their zoids for the long journey. "No," Kruger said, stopping the Guardian Force in their tracks, "we need you to stay here incase another town is attacked." Freedmen turned to Rachel and Herman who were waiting to be told what to do. "Get ready to leave ASAP!" "Yes Sir!" the two said in unison. Rachel was packing supplies into Herman's Command Wolf while Herman was making adjustments to his zoid. "Rob?" Rachel asked from the zoid's cockpit. "Yeah?" "My Hel Cat's legs are being repaired," Rachel called to Herman. "So I'll have to ride in the co-pilot's seat. Is that ok?" Herman smiled warmly. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Rachel blushed. Then Herman noticed that Rachel didn't have many supplies packed. "What I'm not ok about is that we only have enough food for half the journey." "Don't worry, I know a place where we can gather more supplies." "Now, do you?" Herman laughed. Rachel also laughed. "A spy needs to know these things, because you never know what might go wrong on a mission." "Rachel?" Freedmen said walking towards the Command Wolf. "I need to talk to you." Rachel jumped out of the cockpit where she had finished packing the supplies. "What's up?" "Are you going to be ok?" Freedmen asked, referring to the fact that Rachel hadn't been on a real mission in seven years. Rachel laughed. "Yeah, it's time I faced my fear. Will you make sure Karl and Thomas are alright for me?" "Of course" Freedmen smiled. "It's good to see you returning to your old self." "Rachel, let's go!" Herman called. Rachel saluted Freedmen and ran to the Command Wolf. As soon as both Rachel and Herman were safely strapped into the cockpit, the zoid roared to life and took off running. Off to the side stood Karl, a pained look on his face. "Take care of her, Herman." I'll get chapter six up as soon as I can. I'll also try to give you another chance to choose the direction of the story. PS: I read your story Shadow Vixen, I looooooooooove it! 6. The Kings Night Warriors The King "Stop here, Rob!" Herman rolled his eyes. Traveling for three days with Rachel behind him was doing bad things for his physical and emotional health. There were several bruises and bumps on the back of his head from where he had said the wrong thing to Rachel and she had used him as an easy target. Still, he could not stop himself from falling in love with her. It was killing him inside to know that Rachel considered him a brother or a close friend. Herman stopped the zoid and turned around in his seat. "Why here?" "For lots of reasons," Rachel said with the flick of her hand. "For supplies, information, and I need to catch up with some old friends." "We don't have time for idle chit chat." "I know, so lets get going," Rachel said as she jumped down from the Command Wolf. Rachel walked behind a small clutch of hills and Herman had to run to catch up with her. Behind the hills he saw a mansion. Rachel walked to the door, opened it, and strolled in. Herman quickly ran after her. "Hey, Night Cat!" a young man with several face piercing and tattoos called to Rachel. Rachel acted as though she knew -- and liked -- him. "Scar? It's been awhile since I've seen you." "Yeah," Scar said with a smile, "I've been here, but I keep missing you." "Listen, where's King? Are Sammy and Danni here?" Rachel did not want to waste any more time with the unusual Scar. "Yeah," Scar said, his smile dropping, "They're all upstairs, in the lookout room." "Thanks," Rachel said quickly before dragging Herman upstairs behind her. She led him through a maze of hallways and doors. Herman began to lose his patience. "What is this place Schubaltz? Who was that Scar person? Who are Sammy, Danni, and King, and why in the world did Scar call you Night Cat?" "To answer your questions in order, this is a relief point for spies and mercenaries. We come here for food and medical attention; I've had to come here a few times for both reasons, but I've also met new friends when I've stopped here to rest. There are spies and mercenaries from all over Planet Zi. Scar is a spy from another country, though no one knows which one. Sammy and Danni are the two spies who saved my life when Prozen sent Marcus out to kill me. King is a former Imperial spy and he runs this place. He was and still is the best spy on Planet Zi. People call me Night Cat here because very few people go by their real names. Sammy and Danni are pretty much the only ones who do. Night Cat is my nickname because I dress in black and my zoid is a black Hel Cat," Rachel finished the quick review, leaving Herman stunned. Shaking her head, Rachel walked into the room. "Hello Night Cat, how are you?" asked a man who was older than even Kruger. "Night Cat, what's up?" a young girl with dark blonde hair called out. A young girl with sandy hair looked up from some work. "Where's Night Zaber?" "Not bad, I'm on my way to Free Will Town. Freedmen decided that he needed Ashley at White Spirit Base, so I've got a temporary new partner," Rachel said answering the questions in order. "This is Major Herman, who's assisting me with my mission." "A.K.A. my brother, Rob," the sandy haired girl smirked. "Danielle?" Herman looked at his older sister, Danni. "Samantha?" Herman looked at Sammy. The three young women snickered. King smiled. "What can I do for you, Night Cat?" "We need supplies to get us the rest of the way to Free Will Town" Rachel replied. "Ok, they will be ready in a few minutes. But how about you stay for the night to rest up?" "We can't," Rachel said simply. "A mysterious group attacked Free Will Town, and Raven got caught in the attack. We're being sent to further investigate what's happening. Sammy, Danni, I want you to go to White Spirit Base to see if you can help Kruger, Freedmen, and my brother in any way." Everyone nodded and walked off to do what Rachel had asked of them. Herman was surprised to see that the two Republic spies were listening to an Imperial spy without even asking questions. "Hey Rachel," Herman said. "Yeah," the young woman answered. Herman sighed. "How well do you know those two?" "Pretty well," Rachel said. "As I said, they saved my life and helped hide me. Even enemies can become friends when you force them to work together." Herman nodded. In a few minutes, Sammy and Danni had the new supplies in the Command Wolf for Herman and Rachel's trip to Free Will Town, and the girls' own zoids were ready for the journey to White Spirit Base. They quickly said good- bye to King and left. Herman and Rachel were about to leave when King stopped them. "I have a gift for you, Night Cat" King said. A white organoid stepped from behind King. On her back were featherless, angel-like wings and her tail had spikes similar to Ambient's tail. "This is Starlet; I want you to take her with you." "But King." Rachel tried to protest, but King held up a hand to silence her. "Starlet ages only one year for every four thousand that passes. If she stays here with me she'll grow lazy," King said with a smile. "Besides, she's been wanting to see combat for awhile." Rachel nodded and the organoid, in a bright streak of white, flew into Herman's Command Wolf. The two soldiers also got into the zoid and waved good-bye to King. King stayed and watched them run towards the horizon until the zoid was barely a speck in the distance. He entered the huge house once more to find Scar gone. Rusty spy instincts kicked in telling King that Rachel and Herman were headed straight for trouble. King called Sammy and Danni. Something was wrong, and he feared for Night Cat's life, as well as for Danni's brother. Rachel and Herman were silent for several minutes. Rachel was staring at the back of Herman's head. The two were alone, except for Starlet, who wasn't paying attention to them. Rachel wanted to tell him how she was feeling, but after pushing him away with no explanation when he kissed her, she wasn't sure what he would do or say. "Rob?" Rachel asked quietly. "Yeah?" he said. He let Starlet take complete control of the Command Wolf, unbuckled the safety restraints, and turned around in his seat so he could face her. Rachel lowered her face so Herman could not look her in the eyes. "I wanted to apologize for kissing you back at the base and then leaving you without an explanation." "You have nothing to be sorry for," Herman said with a smile. "I shouldn't have kissed you if you weren't comfortable with it, or if you didn't want it in the first place." "I like you; it's just that I was confused. I had so much on my mind. I was having flashbacks of sad memories, and when you kissed me, I felt helpless, something I haven't felt in seven years. I couldn't explain it to you at the moment, Rob. But I loved the kiss, and I love you." Rachel was silenced when he gently began stroking her cheek. "It's okay. I understand what it's like to go through so much pain and relive it at the worst times." Herman's voice was gentle. The tenderness only lasted a moment longer. Suddenly, the zoid began to shake from several hard attacks. Herman did not have enough time to turn around in his seat to try to fight back, and Starlet, who had not faced real combats for years, was having a hard time getting the Command Wolf to do what she needed it to do. Rachel held on tight as several missiles shook the zoid again. Finally the attacks ceased. Breathing a sigh of relief, Rachel thought it was over. The next thing the two warriors knew, the zoid was hit by one last missile, striking the worst place possible. The attack slowly ceased and a well-hidden zoid came into view. It was an Imperial Zaber Fang, but the weaponry and armor had been changed dramatically. The armor was lighter, making the Zaber more maneuverable. The weaponry was also lighter and had more firepower. All of the new additions came from Cravane. A Command Wolf ran up beside the Zaber Fang. The Command Wolf was like the Zaber Fang; it came from the Republic, but Cravane had made alterations to the armor and weapons. The cockpit opened and a female pilot exited. Her strawberry blond hair was cut short, and her green eyes looked sharper than the killing glare for which Ashley was famous. "Not bad, huh Thorn?" Scar asked the young woman as he jumped out of the Zaber Fang. Thorn snorted. "We were told to capture them. Your attack might have killed them. General Norman wants them alive, especially the Schubaltz girl." "They're not dead," Scar said. "They're only injured." "Whatever, let's just grab the two and get out of here. When they don't report in, you can bet that Freedmen will send someone to find them," Thorn said, ending the conversation. Scar nodded. He and Thorn worked quickly and got Rachel and Herman out of the totaled Command Wolf. A Cravane transport came and retrieved the Command Wolf so it could be repaired and used in the Cravane army. Danni and Sammy were traveling to find Rachel and Rob. King had called them to say he had a bad feeling about Scar, Night Cat and Rob. In her many years of being a spy, Danni had learned to trust those kinds of feelings. It was one of those feelings that told her to save and trust Rachel all those years ago at Blood Waterfall. "Why are we going on what King feels?" Sammy demanded. Like Ashley, Sammy didn't feel right if she didn't have something to complain about. Sammy's full name was Samantha Kruger. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father was never around enough. As life went on, Sammy was introduced to overly energetic Robert and exceptionally quiet Danielle. No one expected twelve-year-old Sammy to become best friends with thirteen-year-old Danielle and eleven-year-old Robert. Sammy was used to being free and doing what she wanted. Danielle and Robert were used to walking in line. That changed quickly as Danielle became Danni and Robert became Rob. Like Rachel, Danni was always there to make sure her partner didn't do anything she would regret. Danni was thirteen and Rob eleven when Sammy was first introduced to Danni's family. Only a few years earlier, Danni's father had died from the stress of running the Republic. Sammy became the one Danni depended on when she was going through tough times. In the partnership, Danni was the more cautious of the two. The awesome pair from the Republic met Rachel and Ashley on Sammy and Danni's first mission. They had been sent to stop anyone from stealing secret information from the Capital building. Rachel and Ashley, who had been on countless missions before and were used to sneaking around crowded places, easily outsmarted the rookie spies. After that, the four girls would constantly see each other on missions. They never missed a chance to see who was the better zoid warrior when they met. Rachel and Ashley normally won. It was Danni and Sammy who saved Rachel after Marcus tried to kill her. After taking care of Rachel's wounds, Rachel took Danni and Sammy to meet King for the first time. For the two years when Rachel was in hiding, Danni and Sammy helped her find out more about Prozen and the Death Saur. They also made friends with Ashley, which was impossible for a Republic soldier during the war. Sammy sighed. "DANNI! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Danny was thrown out of her dream world and came to a crash landing back in reality. "They're not here so let's head towards White Spirit Base." Danni nodded and turned her Shield Liger around. Something in the pit of her stomach was telling her that something was wrong, terribly wrong. 7. Far From the Past Sorry, I know I haven't been updating lately. I've been grounded, ungrounded, and then grounded again. So that's my story since I've last updated. I hope you understand my case here. Well here's the next update. Really important!!!!!! Read this chapter very carefully!! Otherwise you wont understand the next chapter. Disclaimer: Zoids is not mine. Ashley, Rachel, Danni, Sammy, King, Thorn, Scar, and Starlet are MY characters. The Night Warriors Far From the Past Ashley sat in a chair, staring at the screen of a computer. For the past hour, she had been digging up files on different Republican soldiers; she was trying to keep herself busy until Rachel came back. Right now, O'Connell's file was open, and Ashley was carefully reading it as she drummed her fingers on the desktop. While Ashley was still reading the file, O'Connell himself walked into the room. He saw her reading something carefully and came over to the computer to see what she was doing. He was a little surprised to see Ashley reading his file. "Why are you looking at my file?" Ashley looked up from the screen to see O'Connell standing over her. "No reason . just needed something to do." Ashley went back to reading the words on the screen. Then something caught her eye. It stated that O'Connell no longer kept in contact with his family. "You don't keep in contact with your family?" "No, not really," O'Connell said. Ashley stared at him. "That's stupid." "Why?" O'Connell asked. "Because," Ashley responded, "I know people who no longer have a family." "Who?" O'Connell asked. Ashley continued to stare at him. "Me." It was O'Connell's turn to stare. "My mom died from cancer when I was eleven and my dad bled to death in battle when I was thirteen; my brother died nearly eight years ago in battle. I would give anything to have a family to fight with, to worry about me when I'm gone, to care about me." O'Connell turned his head so he did not have to look into Ashley's eyes. He had seen tears slowly forming in her eyes; gone were the daggers to which O'Connell had become accustomed. They had been replaced by the dull blades of pain. He didn't like her like this. Though he barely knew her, O'Connell had come to like Ashley best when she was about to strangle one poor soldier or another. Thunder clashed and rain began to bombard the base. "It was raining the first day I met them," Ashley whispered. O'Connell was surprised that Ashley was speaking again. He looked up at her; Ashley was staring out the window into the rain. She stared into the rain as though it held a hidden message that, if broken, would provide the answer to a long forgotten question. Ashley wasn't paying attention to O'Connell; her mind was lost in the past, her past. Her mind was lost in a memory from some fifteen years ago. An eleven-year-old Ashley stood out in the rain, unwilling to go inside the large base. It was larger than she had imagined. The garage door of the hangar was open and Ashley could easily see into the base. Her fifteen- year-old brother was already looking over one of the zoids and her father was talking to another man. "Alex," Ashley's father called to her brother, "go get your sister before she gets sick." Alex nodded and ran out to get his kid sister. Ashley's blond hair was being plastered to her head and face and her clothes were becoming soaked. It didn't take much for Alex to pick Ashley up, for she was small and lightweight. He dragged her inside the base then shook the water out of his black hair. Alex went back to examining the zoid. "So how have your kids been, Borwick?" Ashley heard a man ask her father. "My son, Alex, is doing okay, but Ashley I'm not really sure about," her father responded. "How about your kids, Schubaltz?" "Great, considering my daughter, Rachel, loves to play tricks on Freedmen," the man Schubaltz answered. "Here she comes now with my boys." Ashley turned robotically to where Schubaltz had indicated. Three kids were coming their way, one of the boys and the girl looked about her age and the other boy had to be around eight or nine. The girl was the first to reach her. "Hi, I'm Rachel," she said extending her hand for a friendly handshake. Ashley took her hand and shook it while looking Rachel up and down. She had blond hair and bright green eyes. "This is my little brother Thomas," she said while pointing to the younger boy, "and this is my twin brother Karl," she finished. At that moment, Alex popped up out of nowhere. "I'm Alex and this is my sister, Ashley." "Nice to meet you," Karl said while he shook Alex's hand. Thomas's bright green eyes stared at Alex's friendly face. The children's fathers smiled, glad to see their kids had already made friends. A green haired man walked over to the small group of kids. "That's Freedmen," Thomas said. "Freedmen," Ashley's father called out to his friend, "isn't your hair blond?" Freedmen looked angrily towards Rachel. "I got it dyed thanks to Miss Schubaltz." Rachel gave a small cry and took off running. Freedmen ran after her. Ashley noticed a small can of oil; without a second thought she dumped the oil in Freedmen's path. He slipped on the oil-covered tile for a few minutes before falling flat on his face. As Freedmen began to get up, Rachel grabbed Ashley's hand and pulled her farther into the base. The fathers of the two girls laughed; this was going to be interesting. "Ashley! Ashley!" O'Connell was gently shaking her shoulders and calling her name. Ashley shook her head and started to come out of the past. It had been a long time since she had taken the time to sit and think about one of her memories. "Ashley, are you all right?" O'Connell asked her. "Alex?" she whispered, still half in her memories. O'Connell had kneeled down so he was eye level with Ashley. O'Connell chuckled. "I thought you read my file. My first name is Brian." Ashley just continued to stare into O'Connell's eyes. How had she not noticed before that his eyes were the same purple-blue shade that Alex's had been? Without even thinking, Ashley reached out and hugged O'Connell. At first O'Connell didn't know what to do. Ashley was holding on to him, almost in fear of what would happen if she let go. She was also crying into his shoulder. Crying for the first time in a long time. After a few moments of sitting there feeling stupid, O'Connell reached out and hugged her back; Ashley's tears began to stop. Even when her eyes were dry O'Connell stayed with Ashley, listening to stories about the times she had shared with the Schubaltzs and her brother. The whole time O'Connell stayed with Ashley, he thought about what she said about his family. Some hundred thousand miles away, a young man in his late twenties flopped down on a chair, groaning. Every muscle, bone, and fiber ached from the beating he had received that day. A song played on an old beaten up radio, one he didn't recognize; it had to be Travillain. Alex groaned again and closed his eyes trying to block everything out. A cold cloth was placed on his forehead. Alex opened his eyes to see May Stiffer standing over him. "Are you okay?" she asked in a whisper. Alex nodded, pressing the cold cloth harder onto his forehead. May gave him a look while she rubbed her own neck. "How hard did you get whipped?" a man named Ace asked, while taking a seat across from Alex. Alex shrugged. "Not that bad." He had lied; they had whipped him until Alex was sure he was dead, but he couldn't complain without permission. Almost everyone in this Cravanian base was a slave. May had been a Travillian nurse when Cravane had captured her. Unlike the soldiers, she wasn't used to the backbreaking work that she had to do here, but her talents to cure anything from cuts to illnesses were greatly appreciated. She was also very beautiful with her long hair and blue eyes, but everyone knew she liked Alex -- that is, everyone except Alex. 'She looks like my sister,' Alex had thought the first time he and May had met, 'but she doesn't act like my sister.' Ace was the best air pilot the Republic army had ever seen, or that's what he said. He had a great sense of humor that kept everyone laughing. Ace's jokes were what kept everyone from going insane, and he knew it, too. Ace was also known for stretching the truth a little too far. Still, Ace loved telling stories of grand adventure and jokes that would make people laugh until their sides ached. Suddenly the door swung open and Cravanian soldiers walked into the room. Four of them were supporting a Republican soldier and a young woman dressed in a black uniform; both the Republican and woman were unconscious. The other two Cravanian soldiers were Scar and Thorn, the two most feared spies in Cravane. "What's up?" Ace whispered. Alex scowled. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." 8. Unraveling the Mystery Time to update again. Recently I've been told Herman is a Colonel after the series ends. I'm not going to fix his ranking in the earlier chapters, but I will for now have him as a colonel. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, but my characters are my characters. The Night Warriors Unraveling the Mystery Rachel's eyes fluttered open. Her head was killing her, and so was her left arm; it had been deeply cut by a piece of glass from the cockpit of Herman's Command Wolf. She tried to move, but found herself bound to a chair by heavy rope. "Good, you're up," a cold female voice spat out. Rachel snapped her head to the sound of the voice. "Thorn!" "You were right Scar, she's alive," Thorn complimented her partner. "Though I am curious where you got brown hair, Rachel. Last time I saw you, you were blonde." "It was brown when I was younger. It turned back a few years ago," Rachel growled. Scar got up from the chair where he sat and walked to Rachel. He took her hair in his hand and pulled the thick brown hair off, revealing it was nothing more then a wig. Chin length, choppy, blonde hair fell down, framing Rachel's face. "Such a shame that you cut your hair," Scar said with a hint of laughter. "It was so beautiful." "Where's Colonel Herman?" Rachel demanded. Thorn smirked. "He's fine, but don't worry about him. The only person you should worry about right now is yourself, Night Cat." Scar laughed and twirled the brown wig around his finger. Rachel tried to shift in the hold of the tight ropes. Back at White Spirit Base, Ashley was watching O'Connell drill some of the new soldiers. Ashley laughed at the surprised look of a soldier. He was to trying to fire a gun with the safety on. Other soldiers had the safety off, but not one of them had hit the intended targets. O'Connell told the soldiers to take a break. "Wonderful training, Captain O'Connell," Ashley teased. O'Connell groaned while sitting down next to Ashley. "Put a sock in it Ashley." Ashley laughed harder. "You sounded a lot like Karl a minute ago." "Colonel Schubaltz says 'put a sock in it'?" O'Connell said. "That seems a little impossible." "Now it is, but before he became a Lieutenant, Karl was more easy going. Kind of miss how he used to be," Ashley stated. The two turned away from each other. At times Ashley could talk easily to O'Connell. Other times the conversation would end and both would feel awkward. "Captain O'Connell, Captain Borwick, you're needed in the control room," a soldier said, while approaching the two. Ashley sighed with relief. The awkward moment was becoming almost unbearable. Ashley nodded and told the soldier he was dismissed. She and O'Connell walked to the control room. As they neared the room, Ashley could hear voices of people she knew, but didn't think would be here. "Thomas, that's rushing in blindfolded and with our hands tied," Freedmen told someone in the room. Sammy disagreed with Freedmen. "Yeah, but that might be our only plan." "No, it's not the only option," Danni said. "The loss of communication means the two were captured by Scar and Thorn." "Who's been captured?" O'Connell asked as he and Ashley walked into the room. Ashley looked around the control room. Freedmen, Kruger, Karl, and the Guardian Force were there. Sammy and Danni had just arrived. "Rachel Schubaltz and Rob Herman," Danni said. "Now back to the original topic," Kruger said. "Let me guess," Ashley said, "Something went wrong." "Something went wrong," Sammy agreed. Time to give you a chance to choose which way the story should go. 1.) While Ashley, Sammy, and Danni were planning her rescue, Rachel was facing more trouble than she ever had. "Don't bother trying to get out of those ropes," Scar told Rachel, who was still trying to wiggle free. "You should know me by now, Scar," Rachel spat out. "I don't give up easily!" Thorn walked into the room. "Scar, dose the girl and lets get going. Her friends will be here any minute." "Yeah, yeah, I'm going, I'm going," Scar said in a bored voice. He pulled a gun out of his jacket and aimed it at Rachel's arm. He shot and a dart made contact with Rachel. Scar followed Thorn out of the room. Rachel's vision blurred, but she didn't give up. She had managed to free her right arm. She reached down to her boot where a dagger was artfully hidden. Clumsily, Rachel cut the ropes that bound her. As soon as the ropes were cut, she fell from the chair, her body giving in to the toxic dart that Scar had shot. In seconds she was unconscious. 2.) While Ashley, Sammy, and Danni planned how to rescue her, Rachel was facing more trouble than she ever had. Scar cut the ropes from around Rachel and placed handcuffs on her wrists. "Come on," Scar said while pulling Rachel up from the chair. "We're not leaving you here while we take care of your friends," Thorn said. "You'll be going to your precious Colonel Herman who's in a more secured area." Rachel was roughly pushed down a hallway to the prison cells. Herman was already in one of the cells waiting for her. The door of his cell was open and Rachel was thrown in. Scar and Thorn left quickly. "Rachel?" Herman asked. Rachel nodded. "Yeah, I was wearing a wig to hopefully throw them off my trail, but it didn't work." "Don't worry, we'll get out of here," Herman said gently. "I'm sorry, Rob," Rachel said. "I shouldn't have gotten you involved in the first place." 9. More Problems and More Answers The Night Warriors More Problems and More Answers Freedmen, Kruger, Karl, Ashley, O'Connell, and the Guardian Force were in a discussion room trying to figure out how to save Herman and Rachel. Pressure was building between everyone. "What about attacking the place?" suggested Van. Danni snorted. "Van, unlike you some of us have friends and family in that base and want to see them alive again." "You've been turning down all of our ideas," Irvine nearly screamed. "You come up with something." Sammy ran her fingers through her sandy hair. Ashley got up from the chair, knocking it down. "Listen carefully, Lame Brains one and two! I have been on this mission for three years and Rachel has been on it even longer. If you mess up just because you want to rush into this, I will personally remove your spleens, preserve them, and hang them on my wall." Van and Irvine cringed with fear; they knew Ashley would follow through with her threat. Ashley sat back down in her chair, silently massaging her temples. "What about Free Will Town and Raven?" asked Fiona. "There is no Free Will Town," Ashley said simply. A wave of questions came from the Republican soldiers, but Sammy and Danni seemed to know what was going on. Ashley looked at Freedmen, silently asking him a question. He nodded his answer. "When the war was still going on, Rachel got into an accident as a spy and had to go into hiding. When she came back, the Imperial army were adamant that she was no longer going to be a spy," Ashley started. Irvine smirked. "She gave up?" "No. While she was hiding, she found that Cravane was taking soldiers from the Imperial, Republican, and Travillian armies. I also pretended to leave the army. With people thinking we were no longer spies, we were free to move around the Republic and Empire without suspicions," Ashley continued. "So you wanted people to believe that you were no longer spies so you could spy?" O'Connell summarized. Ashley nodded. Moonbay played with a strand of her hair. "What about Free Will Town." "Like I said before, Free Will Town never existed. When an unknown stranger told us to watch out for Travil, we took that as our clue that we needed to watch out for Cravane," Ashley continued. "Pretending that Rachel and Herman were going to investigate an attack was only a means to get Rachel out of base without being suspected. Rachel and I knew that if she left, she might be captured. The loss of communication means that Cravane's two best spies -- Scar and Thorn - have interfered." "What do you mean when you say 'we'? Who planned this entire thing?" Fiona asked. Danni smiled. "Rachel, Ashley, Freedmen, Sammy, and I had planned this about four years ago." "Wait!" Ashley shouted. She had a look in her eye that scared everyone. "Van, what was your last plan?" "Attacking," Van said. Sammy held up a hand to keep Ashley quiet. "You're not saying that we charge up to a base where Scar and Thorn are holding Night Cat and Colonel Herman hostage and attack with our best warriors, risking killing hundreds of people. Have you lost your mind Night Tiger?" "No," Ashley said. "We do it the way a spy would." "I get it, we sneak into the building," Danni said. Ashley smiled. "Bingo." While Ashley, Sammy, and Danni planned how to rescue her, Rachel was facing more trouble than she ever had. Scar cut the ropes from around Rachel and placed handcuffs on her wrists. "Come on," Scar said while pulling Rachel up from the chair. "We're not leaving you here while we take care of your friends," Thorn said. "You'll be going to your precious Colonel Herman who's in a more secured area." Rachel was roughly pushed down a hallway to the prison cells. Herman was already in one of the cells waiting for her. The door of his cell was open and Rachel was thrown in. Scar and Thorn left quickly. "Rachel?" Herman asked. Rachel nodded. "Yeah, I was wearing a wig to hopefully throw them off my trail, but it didn't work." "Don't worry, we'll get out of here," Herman said gently. "I'm sorry, Rob," Rachel said. "I shouldn't have gotten you involved in the first place." "I would've found a way to come with you," Herman said. Rachel rubbed her forehead. She could hear footsteps getting closer. "I've messed this mission up completely. There are hundreds of Imperial, Republican, and Travillian soldiers being held as slaves here. It was my job to find a way to get them out." Suddenly a man's voice began to speak from outside the cell. "Did you mean what you said?" it asked Rachel. "You were sent here to free us?" "Yeah," Rachel said simply. "So you are going to need a little help," another man said. "It's not like this is the first time I've had to get you out of a sticky situation." "Alex!" Rachel cried. Alex smiled. "Good to see you too, Rache." Alex produced a slim piece of metal from his pocket and used it to unlock the cell door. When Rachel and Herman were out of the cell, a young woman quickly wrapped the wound on Rachel's left arm that was still bleeding freely, as well as the wound on Herman's leg. "Now, care to tell me what's going on?" Alex asked. "I'll tell you what I know if you tell me what you know," Rachel said. 10. A Battle Renewed The Night Warriors A Battle Renewed "So this whole mess is part of a plan that my sister, her best friend, Ashley, and you made up?" Rob asked Rachel. She had finished telling everyone what was going on. "No," Rachel said, "it was not part of the plan to get you, the Guardian Force, O'Connell, Karl, or Kruger involved, and it was not part of the plan to lose communication with White Spirit Base." May looked from Rachel to Herman; both were struggling for command of the mission. Herman was a colonel, naturally putting him in charge, but Rachel was the one with the most knowledge of what was going on and what to expect. At the moment, they were both glaring at each other. A sharp, killing look was in both sets of eyes, a look that May knew was common among soldiers who were experienced in battle. "Would you kiss already so we can get going?" Ace said in an annoyed tone. Rachel and Herman turned their attention to Ace who was about ready to bolt back to the slaves' quarters. Alex stopped him. May smiled. "They do make a cute couple, but that's not the reason they're staring at each other. Neither of them wants to follow orders from the other." "How can you tell?" Rachel asked. "We've had several people attempt to run away," Alex said. "They never make it because no one is willing to listen to an officer from a country other than their own." "Fine, we'll work together, for your sake," Rachel said. "I'll go take care of Scar and Thorn, you go see how many soldiers they have here." "I don't like the idea of you going after some dangerous people with no means of communication if you get injured," Herman said. At that moment Starlet came streaming down the hall with two Travillian spies hanging off her neck. When Starlet stopped in front of Rachel, both men dropped to the ground. "A.C. and M.C.," Rachel said while standing over the men, "what are you doing here?" "Probably the same thing you are doing," A.C. said. Rachel smiled. "Okay Herman, you can go with Ace, May, and Alex while I take Starlet, A.C., and M.C. to go take care of Scar and Thorn." "Be careful, you're injured," Herman said. Rachel saluted. "Yes sir." "This plan is suicide," O'Connell said as he watched Sammy and Danni pack for the trip. Sammy laughed. "It's my experience that the insane plans normally work best." "Yep," O'Connell sighed, "you're Kruger's daughter." Sammy and Danni laughed. Ashley walked in, dressed in something similar to the uniform of an Imperial major; she was wearing the uniform of an Imperial spy. She was quietly cursing Freedmen and Kruger under her breath. "Hey Ashley, what are you wearing?" O'Connell asked. Ashley stopped muttering curses to answer O'Connell's question. "My uniform. I haven't been wearing it because I had to pretend I wasn't a soldier any more." "Everybody ready to go?" Karl asked as he and the Guardian Force joined the group. "Nope," Ashley said simply as she began going deeper into the hangar. She walked over to Rachel's Hel Cat and did something in the cockpit and then rejoined the group. Van raised an eyebrow. "What did you need from Rachel's zoid?" "This," Ashley said holding up a disc that looked much like Thomas's beek system. "This is something Thomas designed for Rachel awhile ago to assist on spy missions. We'll need it when we get closer to the base." "How long is it going to take to get to the Cravane base?" Fiona asked. "Five hours at the most," Danni said. Thomas looked a little shocked. "It took Herman and Rachel nearly four days to get there." "They took the long way around," Sammy said. "We'll be taking a very quick short cut." "I hope you're right about it being a short cut," O'Connell sighed. 11. The Battle Begins Sorry, I've been busy. I lost the floppy disc that has my story. My computers have been giving me trouble. Sorry. I have also been writing a power rangers story. Disclaimer- I don't own zooids but my characters are my characters. The Night Warriors The Battle Begins "Here we are," Danni said, looking at the opposing base. Karl shifted the position of his hat. "How tight do you think security will be?" "Tight," Ashley sighed. "Thorn is in there; where ever Thorn is, there will be soldiers everywhere." "So how do we get in?" Moonbay wondered. Sammy smiled. "We use the back door. Do we have the code, Night Tiger?" "60110073," Ashley said. "So we're going to use a secret code to get into the base without being noticed," Irvine said. "Pretty good plan, and I mean it." Sammy rolled her eyes. "We'll be noticed." ".But we have a distraction," Danni finished. "Who?" Van asked. The eyes of Sammy, Danni, and Ashley fell on the Guardian Force. "You," Ashley smirked. A few minutes later Van, Fiona, Irvine, Moonbay, and Zeke were running from some Cravanian soldiers. Karl and Thomas were searching for the main computer room to try to shut down the base. Sammy and Danni were going to find the soldiers being held as slaves. Ashley and O'Connell were going to find Rachel and Herman. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Herman, Alex, Ace, and May made it to the slaves' quarters at the same time as Sammy and Danni. "Rob. You okay?" Danni asked her little brother. "Fine," Herman said. "It's only a leg wound." "He's lost a lot of blood," May said. "He's not the only one who needs medical treatment," Sammy said. "I have never seen people so thin." "Please tell me you are not the only ones here to free us," Ace begged. "Don't worry about it," Danni said. "The Schubaltz brothers are going to shut down the power source to the base and Ashley and O'Connell are going to go help Rachel. By the way, where is Rachel?" "She went after Scar and Thorn with two men called A.C. and M.C.," Alex said. Sammy and Danni looked at each other. They turned back to the others, and together yelled, "What are those two knuckleheads doing here?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, Karl and Thomas had found Rachel, A.C., M.C., and Starlet. Both brothers were glad to see their sister. "Rachel, you're okay!" Thomas cried, hugging Rachel. Rachel gently patted Thomas on the back and looked up at Karl. Karl nodded, letting her know that he was glad to see her alive without saying anything at all. In seconds, the twins became the strong military officers they were proud to be. "A.C. and M.C., you guys go capture all the zoids in this base with Starlet. I'll go with my brothers to capture Scar and Thorn," Rachel said forcefully. They nodded and soon the Travillian spies and King's organoid were running towards the hangar. "Lets go boys, I'd like to get this done quickly." Karl and Thomas nodded. Soon the three blondes were running deeper into the base. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Ashley and O'Connell were slowly making their way to a heavily guarded room. When they got there, they found tons of explosives. "Should we have fire works tonight O'Connell?" Ashley asked with a smirk. "Wait," O'Connell said, "you're not thinking of blowing this place up?" Ashley's smirk grew. "That's exactly what I'm thinking." 12. Silent Battle Hello, it's E.G. I know I haven't been updating as regally as I have been, and I won't be really. I will be very busy till about mid March. I will try to update as much as possible. Disclaimer: I do not own zoids, but this my story and my characters are mine. You CAN NOT USE THEM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION The Night Warriors Silent Battle "Ashley," O'Connell pleaded, "what happens if you blow us up with the base." Ashley looked up from the wires she was dealing with. "First of all, O'Connell, I majored in explosives and wiring. Second of all, I'll make sure everyone is out of the building before I detonate the explosives." "Please," O'Connell continued, "stop. Otherwise I'll hit you over the head and drag you out of here." "Better not," Ashley warned. "No one has ever been able to stop one of my bombs from exploding, and I don't plan on one of my bombs not going off today; our lives may depend on it." O'Connell looked at the bomb safely tucked under Ashley's arms. O'Connell sighed and thought about the many different parts of Ashley's personality: the one that mourned for her family, the one he could joke with, and the one that took her job as a spy for the Imperial army seriously. He realized he could trust her, no matter which part of her personality was in control. "Where do we need to place it for it to go off properly?" When O'Connell asked this, Ashley reached out with one arm and hugged him. "Thank you, I knew I could count on you," Ashley said as she released O'Connell. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~ Danni rubbed her forehead as she gave up reasoning with the captive Republican soldiers. Sammy, Herman, and Ace had also failed to make the Republicans agree. May had not had any more luck with the Travillian soldiers. Alex was still trying to convince the Imperials to cooperate. "Listen to me, all of you," Alex said standing on a table for the whole room to hear. Before he had only spoken loud enough for the Imperial soldiers to hear. "Don't any of you remember what it was like to be free, to do what you wanted when you pleased, to say what you felt and not need permission from others to say it, to be free to feel the sun on your face. Don't any of you remember? "There are officers from all of our countries here trying to help us. Let's make them proud and show them we are still strong, loyal soldiers by following orders, even if we don't want to," Alex finished. The soldiers talked among themselves as Alex got down from the table, massaging his head. Ace gently patted his friend on the back as Alex slumped into a chair. May squeezed his shoulder to let him know he did wonderfully. While the soldiers continued to talk, Danni's radio made a low buzzing sound, indicating someone was trying to reach her. "Danni," she said into the radio. "It's Ashley," the Imperial soldier said back. "I'm planting a seed in the hangar by your brother's old Command Wolf. By the way, tell him it's beyond repair. I also found A.C., M.C., and Starlet here." "What's King's organoid doing with them?" Danni asked. Ashley continued. "A.C. said she came with Rachel." "King must have given Rachel his organoid before she and Herman left the resting point," Danni concluded. "Brilliant conclusion," Ashley said, sarcasm present in her voice. Danni could almost see her friend roll her eyes. "Where is Rachel? Rob said she was with A.C. and M.C." Danni asked. Danni could hear voices in the background, but Ashley continued. "Rachel is with her brothers. Have the Guardian Force help you to get the captive soldiers out of the base. Freedmen and Kruger have arrived with back up, and King is with them, so we've managed to round up most of the soldiers. Call the Schubaltzes and tell them to get out of here. With any luck, Thorn and Scar will blow up with this place." "All right, over and out," Danni said. "Over and out," Ashley repeated. Danni then used her radio to contact Van. "Van, get over to the East end of the building to help the captive soldiers out of the base. Ashley is going to give us a fireworks display. Over and out," Danni said, not giving Van the chance to respond. Danni tried to then contact Karl. She tried a few more times before giving up. "I can't contact Colonel Schubaltz," she said finally. Sammy took Danni's radio and messed around with the wires. She got the same result as Danni. "Something must have happened to their radio," Sammy said. "That means something has happened to the Schubaltzes," Rob finished. Only Alex got the full concern that Herman had for his friends' safety, especially the safety of a certain Imperial spy. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~ "What did Danni say?" Irvine asked Van. Van scratched his head. "We need to get to the East part of the building to assist her and something about Ashley and fireworks." "She probably means that Ashley is going to blow our base up," Thorn said. The Guardian Force turned around to see Thorn and Scar standing behind them. Irvine slowly reached for his hidden gun while Van went for his father's knife. Danni would have to wait; the Guardian Force had more important things to deal with. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~ Thomas looked at the destroyed radio and then at the unconscious Cravanian soldier who had destroyed it. Karl and Rachel had quickly taken care of him after they realized the soldier was guarding something important. Thomas sighed, no point in worrying about something that he was powerless to fix. At the moment, Rachel was picking the lock with a thin piece of metal. "This is taking too long," Karl hissed. Rachel stopped and stared at her twin brother. "Unless you have the key, then this is the fastest way to get the door open." Thomas laughed as Rachel got the lock to click open. "Something funny, Tommy Boy?" she asked Thomas, using his childhood nickname. "It's nothing," Thomas said, holding back his laughter, "I almost forgot how much you and Karl could bicker at the worst moments." Rachel slowly opened the door to reveal a tied-up woman. Karl went to untie the woman as Rachel prepared Thomas's gun to fire. "Put that away," Karl told his sister sternly. In a gentler voice, he questioned the woman. "What happened to you?" "Rose, that's what happened to me," the woman sobbed. She had strawberry blonde hair, similar to Thorn's, making Rachel suspicious. When the woman was free and was going to leave the room, Rachel held the gun up to where the woman's heart was. "What's your name," Rachel demanded. The woman looked scared. "Kara Koaler." "Show me your inside, right wrist," Rachel continued. Kara didn't hesitate to follow Rachel's order. Rachel looked at it, then rubbed her thumb over the skin before she nodded at Kara, telling her everything was okay. Rachel lowered her gun. "What was that all about?" Thomas asked. "Insurance," Rachel said simply. "Koaler is Thorn's last name, and Rose is her real first name. I wanted to be sure that this wasn't some trap." Karl raised his eyebrows. "By looking at her wrist?" "Thorn has a tattoo of a rose on her right, inside wrist," Rachel said. Kara pushed a strand of hair back. "Do many spies have tattoos?" she asked. "Most of us," Rachel answered as the group started down the hall. "It's a way you can tell one spy from another, or identify yourself when you're in a jam. So, Lady Kara, tell me more about yourself." "Did Rose tell you our father holds rank in Cravane?" Kara asked. "No," Rachel said, sounding bored. "I've researched every spy, mercenary, and bandit I've come across so I could be more prepared the next time I meet them in battle. Also when you're a spy, you try to give as little personal information as possible. It's safer that way; so Thorn told me nothing of her personal life. Everything I know about her I learned through research or reliable sources." "What is your father's ranking in Cravane?" Karl asked Kara. Kara smiled slightly. "He's the King. Rose is the first in line for the thrown, but she has been getting power hungry. I'm sorry for my sister's actions." "Don't worry about it, Lady Kara," Rachel said easily. "It's not like it's the first time we've had to deal with a leader who wants more than they can ever get in their life. Personally, I'd rather deal with Thorn than Prozen." When the group turned the corner, red lights began flashing and a loud buzzing sound could be heard. "I think that means we're going to be getting one of Ashley's fireworks shows," Thomas said over the noise. "Let's not stay to find out if you're correct," Karl said as he grabbed Kara's hand and began pulling her towards an exit. Rachel and Thomas were right behind him. They made it outside quickly, not wanting to be near the exploding building. The explosion started when the group was a good twenty feet away. Thomas and Rachel dropped to the ground and covered their heads with their hands. Karl used his body to protect Kara, in case of flying debris; he was unprotected himself. A small piece of concrete came hurling towards him, hitting the back of his head. Kara felt Karl's body drop next to her. Rachel quickly ran to her brother's side. "Karl, Karl stay with us! Karl wake up! Karl!" Karl could hear someone call him as cold blackness took over. He drifted between the voice calling him and the light at the end of the blackness. 13. Not Quite Done The Night Warriors Not Quite Finished Major Karl Lichen Schubaltz was helping remove all the damaged and destroyed zoids from the Capital City. Another thing he had to help remove were the dead bodies of the men from his unit. He had sacrificed so much for the fight against Prozen, and now it had finally come to an end. Rachel was gone and Prozen had kept Ashley imprisoned for two years. Ashley's name was cleared and she would be released from prison immediately. Rachel's name had also been cleared as well, but she wasn't alive to know. Karl remembered his last conversation with his sister. She had said she had information that would make him think twice about to whom he showed his loyalty. She must have found out about Prozen and the Death Suar long before anyone else had. When Karl had heard that his sister had been executed for betraying the Imperial army, he began to lose his trust in Prozen. When Emperor Rudolph had asked Karl what he wanted as a reward for showing the Emperor loyalty, even in the face of death, Karl had asked for someone to find the body of his sister so she could have an appropriate burial, but the search crews were having no luck. "Major Schubaltz," a soldier called for Karl. "Lt. Borwick has arrived, and she brought someone she wants you to meet." Karl sighed and went to see Ashley and her friend. They meet him half way. Prison had not agreed with Ashley; she was extremely thin and looked tired. The young woman with Ashley was the one person that Karl had been thinking about. "Rachel?" Karl asked his sister. Rachel smiled; she looked like she did the last time Karl had seen her. He didn't see the scar on her arm or her pride at that moment. Karl hugged his twin sister tightly, thanking the Gods of Zi that she was safely home. "Well look at this boys," a soldier called out. "Our Night Warriors are back." Men came to see the two women who had made their place among the men. They begged Rachel for stories and teased Ashley about how thin she was. Karl smiled; he should have known that Prozen could not have stopped these two from doing what they set their hearts on. That included protecting their country, friends, and family. "Karl," Rachel called for him, but that wasn't part of his dream. "Karl." Karl slowly opened his eyes. "You're awake," Rachel said when she saw Karl's eyes open. "You had us all worried there, Kar." She was sitting by his feet; Ashley was sitting next to Rachel. Both girls were on the bed. Thomas was sitting in a chair near the bed. Someone was standing farther away in the shadows, but Karl could not make out whom it was because his vision was still a little blurry. "How long have I been out?" Karl asked. Ashley shrugged. "About three weeks." Karl noticed that Rachel's hair was no longer brown, but blonde. He tried to remember everything that had happened at the Cravane base, and then he realized Rachel's hair had been blonde there, too. Both girls were in Imperial uniforms. Karl also noticed that both Rachel and Ashley had genuine smiles on their faces, they looked calm and peaceful; they looked like they had come back from a successful mission. "So I take it the mission was a success?" Karl asked the two girls. "Mission complete," Rachel agreed. "So, what was everyone's reaction to your hair?" Karl asked his sister. "They actually didn't say anything about Rachel's hair for awhile," Thomas said. "They were too busy helping Lady Kara, dealing with Thorn and Scar who Van and the others had captured, and taking care of your concussion. O'Connell was the first to mention anything about Rachel's change in hair color and style." "Speaking of Lady Kara, she says you are such a brave and handsome gentleman to put her life before your own," Ashley teased. Karl scowled. "Put a sock in it." "That concussion must have triggered your old self, Karl," Rachel said smiling. "I haven't heard you say 'Put a sock in it,' since we were twenty." "It almost feels like old times. It would be more like old times if Alex weren't dead," Karl said sadly. The person who had been hiding in the shadows stepped foreword. "Who said anything about me being dead?" Alex asked. "I've got to be dead or dreaming," Karl said, stunned. "I was at your funeral; it wasn't an open casket because they said there was nothing left of your body but ashes" Karl stuttered. Rachel got up from the foot of the bed and pinched Karl's cheek. "I felt that," he said. "Can't be dead, can't be dreaming." "Exactly," Alex said. Karl smiled. "Good to have you back. Now, where's my uniform so I can change." "On the chair," Rachel said pointing to a chair next to Thomas. "The doctor says you should stay in bed for a few weeks," Rachel continued as Ashley, Alex, and Thomas left the room so Karl could change. "When has a Shubaltz ever listened to a doctor?" Karl asked his sister. Rachel smiled and left to wait outside with the others. A few minutes later Karl joined the gang outside. "So what has been happening while I was out of commission?" "Madame President, Emperor Rudolph, and the Travillian leaders have been discussing what to do with Thorn and Scar, or should I say Rose Koaler and Andrew Norman?" Alex said. "So what's Lady Kara's part in all of this?" asked Karl. Thomas smiled. "She's going to tell Emperor Rudolph exactly what was going on." Karl looked at Rachel and Ashley; both looked uneasy. "Something wrong you two?" he asked them. "Yeah," Rachel said, "Ashley didn't blow up the entire building; she had positioned the bomb in the right spot so the computer room was undamaged. When Ashley, Danni, Sammy, A.C., M.C., and I looked through the files, we found that Cravane had secret information from the Empire, the Republic, and Travil." "Information like routes and secret bases, and information that only Generals were allowed to know," Ashley continued. Rachel sighed. "We're worried that there are more spies collecting information for Cravane." "The Empire, Republic, and Travil had all been a part of Cravane Empire at one point. Then the current Empire took over and finally the Republic and Travil broke away from that. Cravane lost about 75% of its Empire during that time. Scar and Thorn were trying to restore Cravane to its former glory. It seems that Thorn and Scar had a few friends who were Lords, Colonels, and Generals." Thomas added. "The King of Cravane is too old and sick to know what's going on. He should have stepped down from his throne and given it to Lady Kara a long time ago." "Who do you think could be a spy?" Karl asked. Alex sighed. "We don't know and that's the scary part." "I bet it's Calvin and Jacob," Rachel said. Everyone, including Ashley, looked confused. Rachel continued, "While Ashley and I were cut off from the Imperial army, Calvin and Jordan were the Imperial spies with all of the secret information. They didn't seem as happy as everyone else when Ashley and I returned." "Rach, I've rarely doubted your instincts, but you have no proof," Karl pointed out. Rachel fell towards the back of the group as the others continued to discuss who the traitors could be. "Who says I don't have proof?" Sorry friends, I know I haven't updated in a while. I lost my floppy disc, again. Not to mention I've been busy nearly every day of the week, I have a Power Rangers story in the works with my friend Green Jade, and I have been working on another zoids story that will have no relation to this one. It's called The Wolf. Here is a quick preview. Lily looked at the zoid pilot named Megan Stellar. Her teammates: Stephanie Jewels, Justin Sisco, and Andy Skyer stood behind their team leader proudly. Megan had the look of a wolf about her: proud, cunning, and strong. She was a living Gloria Howl, the answer to a four thousand year old prayer. "Do you really believe that you can stop a fight that has been going on since before the very existence of The Ligers, Wolf?" Lily asked Megan. "If I don't try," Megan said bravely, "no one will." Lily cocked an eyebrow. "Someone did try and she ended up becoming a part of her zoid, Wolf. She became part of the Daggor Wolvina." Hope you check it out when it's up. E.G. 14. Dangerouse Ideas The Night Warriors Dangerous Ideas "I don't like this," Ashley whispered. She and Rachel were quietly slipping into the empty computer room early in the morning. They were out of their Imperial uniforms and in comfortable clothes for traveling. As always, Rachel was careful to keep her left arm covered because of her scar. Rachel looked at her best friend. "I don't either, but it's the only way." "I can think of two hundred other ways to do this," Ashley said, continuing to whisper. "And put everyone we know and love at risk?" Rachel snapped. Ashley fell silent, knowing that Rachel would not reason. To her, this mission -- a mission that should have ended with Ashley blowing up the Cravanian base -- had taken on a whole new meaning. Rachel quickly hacked through and opened her and Ashley's files, something Rachel could have done in her sleep. She went down to a portion called markings, where spies were required to list all scars, tattoos, and any other markings that set them apart. As Rachel had told Lady Kara, a spy's tattoo, or any other marking, was mainly used to identify them with allies when in disguise. The marking Ashley had listed was a tattoo of a black tiger on her right shoulder blade. The markings Rachel had listed were the scar on her left arm and a tattoo of a panther on her right shoulder blade. Rachel quickly deleted all the information in that area and closed her and Ashley's files. For a moment, Rachel sat at the computer, horrified at what she had done. She quickly shook those thoughts away; she had a job to do. The two female spies made their way to the zoid hangar without a problem, stopping at the main room to leave a note. Ashley packed supplies into her Zaber Fang while Rachel made adjustments to her Hel Cat; it was still not in the best condition, but it would get Rachel to where she needed to be. Rachel also used the BEEK-like program Thomas had made for her to find the quickest route to her destination. When the two young women were ready to leave, Starlet fused with Rachel's Hel Cat. By the time the trio was a good ten miles away from the base, it was 3:30 a.m. No one knew they were gone. "Ashley, get up! It's 7:30 and Kruger wants to see you," Alex said pounding on Ashley's bedroom door. "Ashley, are you listening to me?" Alex continued as he went into his sister's room; it was empty. Instinct took over as Alex searched for Rachel. Where Rachel was, Ashley was nearby. He ran into Karl down the hall. "Have you seen Rachel?" Karl asked breathlessly. Alex shook his head. "No I haven't, but do you have a clue where Ashley is?" "No." "Karl, Alex," Thomas called as he came running towards them. "We're needed in the main room." The three men made it to the main room in record time. Sammy, Danni, the rest of the Guardian Force, Herman, O'Connell, Kruger, Freedmen, A.C. and M.C., Ace, May, Lady Kara, and King were already there. Karl stopped and looked at how many people had become involved to complete the mission. At first, it had been only the Night Warriors, Sammy and Danni, and Freedmen, but the mission had taken on a whole new meaning at the end. "Where are Ashley and Rachel?" Thomas asked. "We were just going to figure that out," Kruger said holding up a letter in Rachel's spidery handwriting. To whom it may concern: As I doubt you've noticed, this mission has acquired the help of many talented people, more people than we would like involved. A few days before Colonel Karl Schubaltz had awoken, the enemy contacted me. Ashley and I have gone to meet them. We've left early so there is no possible way for you to follow us. Our tracks have been covered; we're the best spies in the Empire for a reason. Please try to trust that we know what we are doing. If we don't come back in two weeks, consider us dead. Don't send anyone looking for us. This mission has become deadly. Karl and Thomas, know I love you two with all my heart. Alex, Ashley sends her love. Freedmen, thanks for giving us a chance in the first place. Sammy, Danni, A.C., and M.C. will take over the mission if we don't finish it. The two of us have escaped death before; perhaps we can do it again. Love Always Rachel E. Schubaltz & Ashley Borwick An uneasy silence hung over the room, heavier than a dense fog. "Have their rooms searched immediately," Kruger barked out the order. "Maybe they've left a clue to where they are going." "No. Rachel and Ashley don't leave information in their rooms. They hide it carefully," Karl said calmly, or as calmly as a man who had heard that his twin sister had predicted her own death could. His hands covered his face. "I know where they hide their information," a sweet sounding female voice said. Karl's head snapped up. It was the voice he and Rachel had listened for as kids, on nights that were just perfect. The woman who had interrupted the meeting had an eerie silver glow to her, as though she were a ghost. 15. The White Spirit The Night Warriors The White Spirit "Who are you and who let you in?" Kruger asked the eerie woman, forcefully. Sammy sighed in disgust. Her father, at times, could be a little too forceful. The woman simply smiled. "I am Lane Derksin, ghost of White Spirit Base." "You don't look like a ghost," Ace commented. Lane shrugged. "Most people think ghosts are horrifying monsters, but in reality, we look like normal people, except we're a little see-through." "I knew breakfast tasted funny," May said, massaging her temples. A.C. and M.C. nodded in agreement. "This is serious, guys," O'Connell said. "What I want to know, if you really are a ghost, why are you haunting White Spirit Base?" "For someone who spends most of his time arguing with Ashley Borwick and cursing her very existence, you certainly act a lot like her. May I also add that you may even like her?" Lane said in a smug tone of voice. O'Connell paled; he knew no one really heard his few private conversations with Ashley. In the background, he could hear Lady Kara, Moonbay, Fiona, and May giggling. Lane also laughed before she continued. "To answer your question, Brian O'Connell, a ghost begins to haunt a place when they feel they haven't accomplished something before they died. For me, my village used to be on the very spot that this base is now. My village was destroyed by Cravane soldiers, and so I help you fight them now." "You know where Rachel and Ashley are going?" Thomas asked impatiently. Lane shook her head. "No, Ashley and Rachel can not be seen or heard when they don't want to be. Still, as kids I watched them carefully and it has proved useful. The place that served as their hideout still serves that purpose." "You don't forget things quickly, do you?" Danni said kindly. "I've been dead for over two hundred years," Lane said with a smile, "and I still remember ever face of every person from my village." With that, Lane floated out of the room. The group slowly followed her, one by one, down the hall to a part of the base rarely used. They came to a dead end; a picture of a long dead Emperor hung on the wall. "Remove the picture and go down the stairs," Lane said before walking through the picture. A.C., M.C., and Alex slid the heavy picture aside to reveal some well- hidden stairs. "How did they find this place?" Freedman asked. "You people seem to be asking lots of questions today," Lane said, reappearing out of nowhere. "Ashley and Rachel found this area while looking for a hiding place." The group followed the stairs to a crowded room, filled with files. A.C., M.C., Danni, and Sammy let their spy instincts take over as they searched the room for a clue to where their friends were headed. "I found it!" Sammy exclaimed. "You did?" Karl said, relief woven into his voice. "Yeah," Sammy said, continuing to look over more papers. "You'll never guess where they are going..." Where are Ashley and Rachel headed? That's up to you. It's another choose which way the story goes. As always you get two choices, and they are... 1) Ashley looked up at the boulders that blocked the pass Rachel had planned to use. "Hurrah! We don't have to go through Blood Pass," Ashley yelled in happiness. Ashley, who loved taking chances, avoided places that had blood, death, torture, and similar words in their names. Rachel could care less; to her Blood Pass was like any other pass. "Of course not," Rachel said. "Blood Pass has been cut off for over ten years." Ashley sighed. "Then what are we doing here?" "This is where we told you to meet us," Calvin Rhodes said with a smirk. Next to him was Jacob. To the Night Warriors, however, they no longer had those names; Calvin and Jacob were simply the Traitors. 2) Ashley and Rachel walked into a nightclub. Both girls were in black clothing again. "This is a pretty cool club," Ashley said as she and Rachel entered the nightclub. Blinding lights and pounding music were everywhere. Rachel, who was less of a party girl than Ashley, could feel a headache coming on. Rachel looked around for the traitors, Calvin and Jacob Rhodes, as she pushed past the dancing people. "Hello, ladies," Calvin said, grabbing Rachel and pulling her from the crowd as Jacob grabbed Ashley. "We're so glad to be here, to witness Rachel Elizabeth Schubaltz and Ashley Borwick fail." "He thinks the Night Warriors are going to fail in a nightclub," Ashley said. 16. We're Here Last Time: Karl and the others back at White Spirit Base find that Rachel and Ashley have left to finish the mission alone. Lane Derskin, the ghost of White Spirit Base, leads the crew to the answer to the question "where are the Night Warriors going?" The Night Warriors We're Here Rachel sat in her cockpit as she tried to sort out the mess that had become her life. It started when she and Ashley came back from looking over an evacuated, enemy base that they had nearly been blown up with. They had returned to White Spirit Base to find a unit of Republican soldiers: Colonel Kruger, Colonel Herman, and Captain O'Connell among them. Karl and the Guardian Force had also arrived at White Spirit Base. Now Rachel and Ashley were going to finish the mission that should have finished with the end of the Silent Battle, but continued because there were traitors among them, Calvin and Jacob Rhodes. This battle was either going to end with the death of the Night Warriors or the capture of the Rhodes brothers. Still, Rachel couldn't help but think that she was making the biggest mistake, her final mistake. "Rachel, you can't wonder if you did the right thing," Ashley said. "We need to concentrate." "Ashley, have you ever kissed O'Connell?" Rachel said out of the blue. Ashley got a funny look on her face. "I haven't let him get close enough to hug me." "Liar." Ashley sighed, she had never been a good liar to Rachel or Freedmen. "Okay. I hugged O'Connell once, but I've never kissed him. Why do you ask?" "Herman kissed me a couple of times and I've been thinking how this adventure could be written down to be a very bad romance story," Rachel said shrugging. "I'll get back to the fact that you kissed Herman later," Ashley said with a somewhat disgusted voice. "We're here." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~* Night Cat and Night Tiger. We challenge you to a dual at Blood Pass. Unlike you two, we have no problem killing those who are not involved, so don't think about not coming or coming with backup because we will kill all those close to you, whether they are involved or not. Signed White Kong & White Horn "Who are White Kong and White Horn?" Thomas asked. Everyone was gathered in the strategy room. Lane Derskin had disappeared a while ago to return to her normal haunting; many were suggesting it never happened that a ghost led them to Ashley and Rachel's hideout. Sammy lowered her gaze slightly. "Calvin and Jordan Rhodes." "In other words, our Traitors," Danni said, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "Come to think of it, Rachel has never been fond of the two. She kept talking about how untrustworthy they were." "Then why would she trust them with her zoid?" Herman asked. A.C. began tugging at one of his ear lobes. "A spy's last resort is his or her zoid. Rachel is basically telling Calvin and Jordan that she's not scared of them." "That had to be a good blow to the pride," M.C. said, scratching his nose. After that the four spies got up to leave the room. "Where are you going?" Moonbay demanded. Danni smirked. "Just follow our lead and try not to mess us up." The Guardian Force followed the spies out of the room. "Colonel Freedmen, Colonel Kruger, King, I would like to go see my father, the King of Cravane, so I can inform him what's going on," Lady Kara said. Kruger nodded. "I agree. Ace will go with you to make sure that you arrive safely." "I'll go too," May added. "Thank you," Lady Kara said. "Now I'll see to the preparations." Lady Kara swept out of the room. Ace and May followed as soon they said good-bye to Alex, a handshake from Ace and a hug from May. Arguing could be heard up the hallway between the Guardian Force and the four spies. Kruger and King followed the voices to keep anyone from being murdered by Sammy and Danni, who had hung around Rachel and Ashley long enough to pick up their worst habits. "You've become close to Ace and May, Alex," Freedmen observed. Alex shrugged. "We arrived at the Cravane base around the same time and we've been working together for awhile." "And Herman and O'Connell have become close to our Night Warriors," Freedmen continued. Herman, who had been staring out the window made eye contact with Karl and shuddered. O'Connell avoided eye contact with Alex all together. "So almost all of us have a reason to do our best," Karl said. "I just hope we're not too late." "I do too," Herman said. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~* Ashley looked up at the boulders that blocked the pass Rachel had planned to use. "Hurrah! We don't have to go through Blood Pass," Ashley yelled in happiness. Ashley, who loved taking chances, avoided places that had blood, death, torture, and similar words in their names. Rachel could care less; to her Blood Pass was like any other pass. "Of course not," Rachel said. "Blood Pass has been cut off for over ten years." Ashley sighed. "Then what are we doing here?" "This is where we told you to meet us," Calvin Rhodes said with a smirk. Next to him was Jacob. To the Night Warriors, however, they no longer had those names; Calvin and Jacob were simply the Traitors. 17. Blood Pass Hey everyone, last chapter. Sorry I took so long, but I've been pretty busy. Some thank you: Shadow Vixen MiMiPenguin GamamFox Pnek Meks Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, but my story and my characters are mine. Last Time: Rachel and Ashley have arrived at their destination. Lady Kara has left for her home in Cravane with Ace and May to speak to Lady Kara's father. Mean while, the Guardian Force, Karl, Alex, and the four remaining spies prepare to leave for Blood Pass to assist Rachel and Ashley. The Night Warriors Blood Pass Rachel watched as Calvin raised a gun to fire at her heart. The Rhodes brothers had backed the Night Warriors up against the edge of a cliff. Rachel didn't need to be able to see to know that if she and Ashley were to fall off the cliff, they would have no chance of surviving. For a few hours, Ashley and Rachel had led the traitors on a wild goose chase. The entire time, Calvin would yell for the two black kitties, Rachel and Ashley, to come out and play while Jacob remained his usual silent self. The chase ended when Rachel and Ashley found they could not go any further without falling off the edge. "Any last words?" Calvin asked. Rachel bit back a laugh; she couldn't help remembering how she had been in the same situation before with Prozen and Marcus. Ashley stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly. In a streak of white, Starlet pushed Calvin and Jacob away from the Night Warriors, giving them the chance to run. Before they could get very far, two Terases landed in their path. "Rob," Rachel sighed in relief when the cockpits opened. Ashley rolled her eyes. "Oh, my knight in shining armor, Brian, is here to rescue me, the helpless damsel in distress." "Quit the sarcasm Ashley," O'Connell said as Ashley got into his zoid and Rachel got into Herman's. "I can leave you here if you don't." Ashley rolled her eyes again. The two aerial zoids took off and Starlet followed after them. Looking through cockpit glass, Rachel could see that Karl, the Guardian Force, and a Saber Fang - - most likely Alex - - had also come with Herman and O'Connell. The other four spies were nowhere to be seen, but Rachel knew that they were probably going over files in Calvin and Jacob's zoids. Smiling, Rachel reached around, hugged Herman from behind, and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "I don't care what Ashley says. You are my knight in shining armor." Calvin and Jacob, who had quickly realized that they had lost the battle, were trying to sneak away. A rather large unit from Cravane stopped them. The unit was escorting the King of Cravane. Madame President, Emperor Rudolph, and leaders from Travil had also arrived. "King Koaler, we're sorry to have failed you," Calvin said as he and his brother bowed in front of their king. King Koaler looked disgustingly at the Rhodes brothers. "You are under arrest for crimes against the Republic, the Empire, Travil, and Cravane. I, and the entire country, would not profit from gaining the lands of our allies. If you cooperate, you might not be executed." With that loyal Cravanian soldiers grabbed the two traitors. Above the small group, a Storm Sworder flew overhead. It landed and May bolted out of the cockpit. Ace soon followed, laughing. Herman and O'Connell landed their own Terases nearby. Soon the Night Warriors and the two Republican officers joined Ace and May. The Guardian Force, Alex, and Karl joined the small group. As soon as everyone was there, May announced that she would never ride in an aerial zoid being piloted by Ace. Everyone laughed at May's comment, all tensions being lifted from the group. Meanwhile the different leaders were meeting. "Please accept my apology for Rose's actions and all those who were loyal to her," King Koaler said, leaning heavily on his cane and Lady Kara, who was with her father. Emperor Rudolph smiled. "We've had to deal with these situations before..." "...And we will have to continue to deal with soldiers who think that they are helping their country, but in reality they are harming it" a leader from Travil continued. "However, there is no need to worry," Madame President said. "We have some powerful allies." The group of leaders turned to look at the group with the Night Warriors. Alex and May were sitting on the foot of Alex's Zaber Fang while talking about their plans for the future. A.C., M.C., Sammy, and Danny, finding nothing worthwhile in Calvin and Jordan's zoids, had joined the group and were talking to Ashley and Rachel. Herman and Karl were talking while O'Connell and Guardian Force were listening to and laughing at one of Ace's outrageous stories. "They are a great group of allies," King Koaler agreed. All around the leaders, soldiers from different countries were talking friendly with each other; they had forgotten that they were nearly thrown in to war by Thorn, Scar, and so many others from Cravane. The End Oooh, by the way, if you have any ideas for the sequel, I'm willing to listen. I'm having a bit of a writers block, but I'll try to get over it quickly. End file.
The Night Warriors by Element Guardian
1. Chapter One Author's note: Okay, Biowolf, here's your Hiltz fic! This is going to be totally different from anything else I have written as it's written in first person for one thing, and it's all from his point of view. I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting, and if it sucks let me know! Hope you enjoy! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER ONE Life is funny sometimes. At the instant that you see your death before you, you think back upon the things you have done in your life. All your memories and emotions come surging forth like a tidal wave, and you realize things you wish you had done with your life but never considered doing. I was having such a moment right now as I saw my own death approaching, something I had always been in control of as I was the one that dealt death and destruction to those that crossed my path. Sometimes they were lucky as I would choose to let them live if only to have the opportunity to kill them again. Perhaps I enjoyed having the power of God, to decide who lives and who dies. Perhaps it is because that choice was ripped from me once long ago when the only people I had ever loved in my life were taken from me. So why do I do that which I had had done to me so many years ago? Losing them hurt me more than I could bear, and it was to vanquish those tears that I decided to forge a new world, one where there would be no opposing sides to cause grief and pain to loved ones. Along with the mighty Death Stinger, I planned to usher in that new era, a new era of darkness under the Dark Kaiser, and no one could stand against our power. At least until the Ultrasaurus fired its gravity cannon. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. We were supposed to be invincible, the Death Stinger and I. But David found a way to topple the mighty Goliath, and so it was with me. I was furious that they had found a way to defeat me. But then again, maybe I should be thanking them for ending my miserable existance on this planet. And I wondered if I would see her again after my death. My parents as well for I loved them both very much. I know, a strange thing coming from me who seems to have no heart. But that was because it was torn from my chest the day I saw them die. Are you curious? Do you really want to know about my past? What shaped me to be the cruel angel of death that I am? Very well then. I will tell you my story. ************* Well, what do you guys think so far? Thomas: I think it sucks. Van: So do I. Shelly: Well, that's too bad. You're just mad because you're not the center of attention. Ambient: Roar! Shelly: See, Ambient likes it! Hiltz: No, he just said you're a stupid cookie. Shelly: *face vaults* Oh, geez. Hiltz, aren't you supposed to be having some quality time with Biowolf? Hiltz: .... Shelly: I thought so. Thanks for reading! C-ya! 2. Chapter Two Author's note: Wow, thanks for all the reviews! I guess everyone is intrigued by Hiltz. I like him, but I've never thought about writing a fic about him until Biowolf asked me to. And perhaps I should warn everyone that this will be a short fic since Hiltz is very brief when explaining his past. He doesn't like to talk about it. Disclaimer: Yeah, I guess I need to put this in here. I don't own Zoids, but I do own a Shadow Fox and a Command Wolf. US versions though. Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER TWO Imagine a small boy of about ten that lived in a small village in the mountains. Those were happy days where I ran through the tall grass and never knew how lucky I was to have two loving parents that I loved just as much. I remember them clearly. My father with his dark hair and eyes, and so strong I thought he could do anything. My mother gave me the gift of her red hair, but her eyes were as blue as the sky, and always full of love whether it be for me or my father. We were happy in those days. Then came the bandits with their zoids that destroyed my parents and everyone else. I was away from the village that day, but I saw the smoke clear enough where I was, billowing up into the sky in massive black clouds. I ran back there as fast as my legs would carry me, and by the time I got there it was all over. They had already left. I searched all over for my parents, and when I finally found them I cried so hard I was vomiting before long. To this day I don't know what it was they were looking for, if they were even looking for something, but I wish I had seen who they were as they would've been the first ones to die a horrible death. Shortly after the military came as they had seen the smoke, and they helped clear the debris and take care of the bodies of the dead villagers, my parents included. I must've looked a sight as one soldier suggested that I join them and become one of them. I asked if I would be trained to use a gun, and they seemed disconcerted by my question, but they answered that I would, and I agreed to go along with them. I would become the best soldier there ever was, and never would I allow another village to be destroyed like mine had. During my time in the military, I kept to myself and became just like I promised, one of the best soldiers that ever lived. I followed my orders to the letter and eventually became a commander. By this time, relations had heated up between the Empire and Republic, and there had already been a few battles. My unit was sent out to scope out a town that had been under suspicion of harboring the enemy, and we were to watch for any suspicious activity and take whatever action was necessary. It wasn't long before we saw the signs, and we moved in to take control of the situation. Apparently this town was supplying the other side with weapons and information, and we arrested those that we caught helping them. The only thing we didn't count on was the reinforcements that arrived to take care of us. The town sustained little damage as the fight was taken up on the outskirts where no civilians would be harmed. My zoid sustained damage as did I, and I was thrown from the cockpit as it crashed to the ground, causing me more pain. But I gritted my teeth against it as I clawed my way into town, determined not to be caught by the enemy. And just when I thought I had no more strength left in me, I saw a hand held out to me as an offering of help. I looked up to see who would be so stupid as to do so, but I immediately took back my words as I saw before me two endless blue pools, framed by hair the color of spring grass. I don't know whether I passed out from her beauty or loss of blood, but I surrendered willingly to the darkness that closed around me and offered me a respite from my pain. ***************** Hmm, who is this savior that has come to help him? And, no, it's not Riese. Her hair's the wrong color anyway. And poor Hiltz' parents dying. *sob* Hope you all enjoyed this! And again I apologize if this wasn't what you expected! Thanks for reading! C-ya! 3. Chapter Three Author's note: Thanks again, guys, for the reviews! I can't believe how much you all like this! And Biowolf, you are the #1 Hiltz fan! I've got to tell you all this though! Over on Anime Admirers, there's an episode summary for the first of the four episodes that are missing and with pics as well! I almost cried after reading it! You've got to see it if you haven't already! But enough with me! On with the fic! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER THREE I don't remember how long I was out, but when I awoke I saw her sitting beside me with her hand holding a pair of scissors. Not knowing what she was going to do with those, and immediately assuming the worst, I jerked up in bed and grabbed her wrist, twisting it until the scissors fell from her grasp. To her credit, she did not cry out or even seem surprised. Her face was calm and her skin cool against my hand. Or was I burning up with fever? I must've been as I collapsed back against the pillows following a sudden onset of weakness. She merely smiled and held a cool cloth to my head. I managed to ask her name even though my throat was dry from thirst. Sensing this, she held a cup to my lips as she supported my head with her other hand, and I took a few swallows before sinking back into the bed, giving her my thanks. She told me her name was Meri, and never had I heard a more beautiful name. Now that I look back on how I once was, I wonder how I ever survived. I told her my name, and now we were introduced to one another. Over the next few days, I was confined to bedrest to regain my strength and keep the fever that had been raging throughout my body down. I hated every minute of the experience, except for the times when Meri arrived to check on me. Sometimes she would take a moment to talk to me about the happenings around town, more to make small talk than anything else, but I was content to listen to her voice which was like music to my ears. Soon I was strong enough to walk around a bit, and at first she had to help me as I was still somewhat weak. She never complained though and was patient with me, and before long I was able to walk without her help, although she was never far away in case I needed her. After that, she came to see me less, and I was surprised to feel disappointed as I had become used to her daily visits. One afternoon I sought her out and we took a walk together through town as she visited with others who were sick also. Apparently I hadn't been her only patient, and needless to say I felt like such a child for thinking that she had helped me out of a certain interest in me. Sensing my change in attitude, she asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't tell her. I didn't want to look foolish in her eyes, although just seeing her took my breath away. She persisted, and I ended up telling her how I felt, all the while embarrassed as my cheeks were blushing hotly. She smiled and giggled a little which brought a smile to my own lips, and after that day she came to see me even though I no longer required her services. We would take long walks outside of town, eating the packed lunch she would bring, and we would sit together talking about one another and occasionally teasing each other. We became so close it was like we were two halves of a whole, and when we finally kissed it only cemented the feeling between us. It was my first kiss as I had never bothered with those of the opposite sex before and it was a new and wonderful thing to experience. To know that with a mere brushing of one's lips across someone else's it could cause such a shock to rush through your body. Perhaps it was because of these feelings that I left her and everything else behind. It was time for me to return to where I belonged, although I held close to my heart the vision of heaven I had experienced thanks to her. ********************* I hope you all liked the name I gave her. I couldn't think of anything else. I had planned on the next chapter being the last, but after reading your reviews, I think I might add a little more. I hadn't planned on Prozen or Ambient making an appearance, but what the heck. We'll see! Thanks for reading! C-ya! 4. Chapter Four Author's note: Wow, thanks for all the reviews! Because of them I'll probably extend this a little further. Hope you've got your box of Kleenex out for this chapter! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER FOUR Upon my return to the military, I worked myself back into the monotonous everyday activities that ruled our lives. I thought that after coming back I could put Meri and her sweet kisses out of my mind, but I missed her with a passion that ached terribly. The nights were the worst as she haunted my very dreams. In them I was with her, her soft laughter playing like music on the wind, and when I woke I would lie there with my body and soul aching. How I loved her and missed her. But did she miss me? Wanting to know the answer to that question I left and went back to that particular town, not surprised to see that it still looked the same. Those that remembered me greeted me nicely enough, but I kept looking for her until I finally found her. And when I looked upon her, my heart nearly broke as she was abed with fever, a fever that was dangerously close to claiming her life. I stayed by her bedside and cared for her just as she had cared for me before, and soon the color was returning to her face as her fever began to subside and she seemed happy to see me. And when she had regained her strength, we spent even more time together, this time telling each other how much we loved one another. I never knew how happy I could be until I heard her utter those words to me, and now I knew how important they were as before I never believed in love, vowed never to fall within its grasp. But now I embraced it willingly, and although I left to return to my duty, I always came back to her open arms, and soon I learned that she was carrying my child within her. I was stunned when she told me the news, and she was afraid that I would be upset, but I showed her otherwise as I took her in my arms and kissed her for what seemed like forever, telling her over and over how much I loved her. I only hoped that I could be as good a father to my child that my own father was to me, and I married her that day with the blessing of the town priest. My happiness was short lived, however, as disaster struck from an unexpected corner. During one of my visits with my wife and unborn child, I was confronted by a superior officer that had been keeping an eye on me as a result of my disappearances. He accused me of providing the enemy with information, and attempted to arrest me on charges of treason. They took my wife into custody as well, and the soldiers that held her began making rude comments on what they planned to do with her. Of course I was enraged and fought off my guards to rush to her side and take down her own guards, knocking them unconscious as I cursed their cowardice. As I asked her if she was okay, I saw her eyes widen and she grabbed me to pull me behind her. It was then I heard the crack of a shot being fired, and I heard her cry out as the bullet slammed into her from behind. She had taken a bullet for me in order for me to live. As I lowered her body to the ground, tears were streaming down my face. Why? Why did this have to happen to me? What had I ever done to deserve this? It wasn't fair! I loved her! I couldn't possibly live without her! I threw back my head and screamed to the unfeeling sky above about the unfairness of it all, of all the pain that had engulfed my soul at the loss of all that I loved and cherished. She was gone. Never would I feel the brush of her hand against mine or smell the sweet scent of her hair. Never would I feel the weight of my child in my arms or hear its voice call me daddy. It was then that something snapped inside me, and my screams stopped. I no longer cared. It was like my heart had been turned to stone, or rather it had been ripped out of me by the deaths of my wife and child. I saw the advance of the few men that had been standing nearby, and I rose to my feet with calm detachment. I slowly removed my dagger from my belt and attacked them, slicing into them and gaining a little satisfaction at their deaths. But I knew that a million lives would never be enough to pay for the lives of those I loved. I buried my wife's body, saying goodbye to the small life within that would never see the light of day. When I walked away, I started down the path which I now follow, my heart hardened just as my resolve was to create a new world and end all suffering and pain. I would just be doing it in a different way. **************** *sniff* It's so sad! Hiltz was going to be a daddy and then had it ripped away from him. I guess that would be enough to drive someone over the edge. Thanks for reading! C-ya! 5. Chapter Five Author's note: Hey, how dare you call me a stupid cookie! You're stupid oatmeal! *snicker* Sorry, but Ambient doesn't show up in this one either. Ambient: Rar... *head hangs low* Shelly: Don't worry, you'll be in next chapter. So I guess you're here since Hiltz is spending his quality time with Biowolf? Ambient: Rar! Shelly: O-kay. Raven: That's just sick. Shelly: *starry-eyed* Raven! What are you doing here? Raven: Just thought I'd drop in. Shadow: Rarr! Raven: Oh, and him, too. Shelly: Well, well, you'll make fire fox very happy. Raven: Fire fox! Shelly: Oh, yeah, she's the one who wanted to check out the...cough-backseat-cough...of the GenoBreaker. So how'd it go? Raven: *blushing* Shelly: Hee-hee! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER FIVE I don't know how long I wandered around in the desert that day. My life had suddenly become one big mess. I couldn't return to the army, not after what I did, and I had no other purpose in life except to make them all pay for what they did. And they would pay dearly for taking away everything that I had loved and lived for. It was all I could do to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. I was so tired and the sun was unbearable, not to mention the dryness in my mouth and the painful growling of my stomach. I came up on the top of a hill and stopped. Down below, it appeared as if there was some kind of digging being done around some old ruins, and by the looks of the zoids it appeared it was the army's doing. Suddenly my plans became clear. I would take one of the zoids and blast them all into oblivion, and good riddance. I kept walking, keeping myself hidden, which wasn't hard as they were too busy to notice my arrival. Coming near a Saber Tiger, I jumped inside and activated it, glad to hear it come alive at my command. Hearing this, the guards went into a frenzy, firing at me with their puny weapons, and that only fueled my rage even further. I opened fire on them, not caring when their bodies were torn to shreds and hearing their screams as it was music to my ears. But then there was one standing amongst them that held no weapon and made no move to stop me. He merely looked at me with a cocky grin on his face as if challenging me to try and kill him. And I would have if not for his eyes. Red as blood and just as cold as mine was, they touched me deeply, and I laid aside my zoid and walked over to him, angry that he could be so arrogant as to believe himself invincible. Well, I would show him he wasn't. I walked up to him, withdrew my pistol, and set it between his eyes, all the while facing him down. Up close, he was even stranger with his silver hair and uniform. Apparently he was someone important, and my finger itched to pull the trigger as we stared each other down. "Are you too weak to do it?" he asked me in a smooth voice. Growling, I pulled it, but it missed as he had taken hold of my wrist and pulled it away from him. How had he done it? "I'm impressed," he said with a smile. "Not many people would've dared to shoot me." "I don't care who you are," I replied. "You'll die just like the rest at my hands." "Well, it seems we want the same thing," he said, appraising me as if he were judging my worth to him. "Why don't you join me?" "Why would I want to do that?" I asked. "I could give you what you need to satisfy the hunger I see in your eyes," he said. "All I ask is that you help me in return, and I will give you power such as you have never seen. But it will take time. Question is, do you have the patience?" I looked deep into his eyes and saw that it was his lust for power that drove him, power over the entire planet. But I didn't care as I cared nothing for power unless it helped me destroy those that had taken my life away from me. If he had the power to provide that which I needed to accomplish this, then I would help him. It was then that an unholy alliance was born. The Devil and his Angel of Death. *************** It's pretty quiet here. Shadow and Ambient are playing cards. I'm not going to mention what I'm doing to Raven. Hee-hee. Anyway, it must not be nearly as bad as what Biowolf is doing to Hiltz. He just came through screaming a little while ago, and she was chasing him. Scary sight. Thanks for reading! C-ya! 6. Chapter Six Author's note: Hey, thanks for all the reviews! From the looks of it, Shadow's winning. Ambient: Rarr!!! Shelly: Or maybe Ambient is. As to what I'm doing with Raven...we're playing strip poker. ^_~ And I'm winning! MWAHAHAHA!!! Raven: *cringes* I hate cards! Whose bright idea was this anyway?! Shelly: Oh, Raven, you're brave in battle, but in cards you're like a little child. However, I am enjoying the game. *hint hint* Raven: *blushes* Shelly: Anyway, I guess Thomas deserved being thrown out in the rain for saying that about Kenji. Bad bishie! Hee-hee! And come to think of it, I haven't seen Biowolf or Hiltz in a while. I wonder what they're up to? Raven: You probably don't want to know. Shelly: You're probably right. Ambient, Shiro wants you to go with her(?) as she'll bring out your full potential. Ambient: Rarrr!!! Shelly: Sorry, but he says he's having too much fun beating the stuffings out of Shadow. I guess you and Shadow are a lot alike, Raven. You both lose at cards miserably. Raven: Grrr...You wait until I get into my GenoBreaker! We'll see who's laughing then! Shelly: As long as I can come with you, then that's fine with me! Raven: *face vaults* Hope you enjoy this chapter! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER SIX My first task was finding something called an organoid. I had never heard of one before, and after being told what it was I knew I had to have one. And it just so happened that he knew of one that was being studied by an Imperial scientist. He gave me the directions to where I could find it, and I went there to claim it, envisioning in my head the many things I could accomplish with it. The door was unlocked, and I cursed them as fools for leaving something so precious so unguarded. I walked inside quietly and soon saw a room from which I heard the sounds of typing being done. Looking inside, I saw a dark-haired woman sitting in front of a computer on a desk, putting in data of some sort and obviously concentrating very hard as she didn't even hear me. I glanced around, stopping on what I saw on the wall opposite her. It was a pod of some sort with all sorts of wires strapped to it, obviously monitoring some type of information. Suddenly it started to glow as if it sensed my presence, and the woman spun around, her eyes wide and filled with excitement. She called out to her husband, telling him that it had awakened, and he came running just in time to see the surface line with cracks before it burst. What I saw there took my breath away. Indeed it was an organoid, red as blood, and filled with malice and hatred. It immediately attacked the man and woman, and when a small boy appeared it attacked him as well, knocking him unconscious. Pleased by what I saw, I stepped out so that it could see me, and it turned its head slowly, fixing its gaze on me. I faced it down, not so much as blinking an eye as it thought about what it should do to me. Finally it attacked as it leapt on me, and I used its own momentum to wrestle it to the ground and use my weight to keep it down. It struggled valiantly, but eventually surrendered to me as it gazed deep into my eyes and must've sensed something that told it I was worthy of its power. When it stopped struggling, I eased off of it and it slowly rose to its feet as I walked back out of the house. "Come, Ambient," I said. "We have much to do." Prozen was pleased that I had acquired it. Yes, he finally told me his name after deeming me worthy of his trust. Then he gave to me a task, one in which the organoid's help would be welcome. He wanted me to find Zoid Eve. But what was Zoid Eve? I had never heard of it before. Apparently it was very valuable as Prozen started the funding of many different archeological projects that dug up ruins to search for something that he was sure would ensure his total domination over the world. So that's what I did in his service. I surveyed the digs to see if anything useful ever came out of them, and sometimes there were. But most were dead ends until one day when I found another pod that looked much like the one Ambient had come out of. However, this one had a smaller pod beside it. Pressing the button on the larger pod, I watched as it cracked and shattered, revealing the form of a creepy-looking blue organoid with an unusually long neck. It would've attacked me, but Ambient growled and faced it down, and it thought twice before doing it again. But then the smaller pod also opened, and out fell a young woman with blue hair. For an insane moment I thought of Meri and wondered if it was her, but I began to see the differences as soon as she opened her eyes, which were green. I saw a strange mark on her forehead, and upon moving back her hair saw it was a red circle. Question was, who was she and what would Prozen want to do with her? ***************** Raven: *shudders* Who said she could be in there? Shelly: Why shouldn't she? Give me one good reason why. Raven: She's just creepy. Shelly: Well, so are you, but you still have a legion of fangirls which are probably about ready to beat me for saying that just now. Raven: Yeah, and you can add me in there, too, smart@$$. Shelly: Have I told you how handsome you are, and sexy, and...*in a low voice* how incredibly silly you look in just your boxers. Raven: *jumps out from seat and begins chasing me around* I heard that! Come back here! Oh, boy! Raven's chasing me now! Thanks for reading! C-ya! 7. Chapter Seven Author's note: Wow! A lot of issues to address! I'm glad that Raven's calmed down enough to leave me alone. I think I wore him out. *snicker* He's on the couch sleeping. So I don't need your Gundam, Ryan. Sorry. *nudges Raven with her foot* Raven, get up! You've got work to do! Raven: How dare you kick me! Shelly: How dare you chase me around! Both: Grrrr... Ambient and Shadow: Rarrr! Shelly: What is it? Raven: Shadow says there's someone out there with a weird mechanical thing. Shelly: *looks outside* AHHH! It's Shiro! And he's in his prototype Burning Gundam! He's here to pay me back for calling him a girl, and he wants Ambient! Ambient, go out there and help him! Ambient: Rarrr! Shelly: I know Hiltz isn't here! Biowolf's caught him! Get out there now! *watches as Ambient leaves* Phew, that was close. Raven: You're pathetic! Shelly: Oh, I've got a few things for you as well! Schala85 wants you to go blow up all the schools in her county, and Spectral needs help with the Raynos. Raven: Why do I have to fix it? Shelly: Because it's your fault it was damaged. They were your fangirls, so get out there and fix it before helping Schala85. Raven: *sighs* Okay, if you insist. Come on, Shadow. Shelly: Oh, and Raven? Don't try to stay too long at the hotel on Boardwalk, okay? Raven: *glares at me then leaves* Shelly: Finally, peace and quiet! And thanks to Silly Leo for reviewing! Say hi to Aries for me! Is she still being nice to you? She better be or else I'll send Thomas after her! Enjoy! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER SEVEN I tried speaking to her, but she never replied, and I notified Prozen of what I had found. He arrived quickly and looked her over, and it was then that she seemed to come to herself. Her green eyes fixed onto his as if looking into his soul. "You wish to find the Deathsaurer," she said in a smooth voice. "What do you know of the Deathsaurer?" he asked her. I wanted to know as I had no idea what he was talking about. She smiled. "You think that you will be able to control its power for your own purposes. But you will not. It will control you instead." He stared at her with an arrogant smirk on his lips. "We shall see about that. Do you know where it is?" "Perhaps," she answered cryptically. "If I show you, what will I get in return?" A fire leapt into his eyes at that. "You'll get to live," he growled. She laughed. "You wouldn't dare kill me," she said. "I am one of the last of an ancient race. I know many things that you do not. Like Zoid Eve for example." He seemed to think better of his threat. "Fine. You will be included in my plans. But understand that you answer to me. Anything you find, you inform me immediately. Hiltz will fill you in." Then he walked away, leaving us alone. I glanced over at her, wondering who or what she was to have dealt with Prozen so dangerously. She turned her endless green eyes on me, and suddenly I was reminded of what all had happened to bring me here. I looked away when they filled with sadness, not wanting anything to do with her pity. "What is your name?" I asked. "Riese," she replied. "And you are Hiltz. From what I gather, we'll be working together from now on." I sighed heavily. I wasn't so sure I wanted her around me after knowing how much she knew about me. And with nothing else but a glance from her. "What is this Deathsaurer anyway?" She told me of the mighty zoid that had destroyed nearly all of the ancient zoidian civilization, leaving nothing left but memories and ruins. From what I gathered, Prozen sought its power to try and take control of the Empire for himself. But perhaps it was just a backup plan as relations between the Republic and the Empire had escalated into open war. We searched for the location of the Deathsaurer, and finally found it. Prozen built a laboratory facility around it to try and bring it back to life. Riese informed him that it needed zoid cores to reenergize it, and it was then that he enlisted the help of a young boy that he had been training in the way of battle. In fact, it was the boy whose parents Ambient had killed. I seriously wondered how the boy would do, but he proved his abilities as he sent hundreds of zoid cores our way, all of them going into the project to revive the Deathsaurer which Riese and I worked on. But there was a side project that Prozen was working on as well, and that was one of the rare Genosaurer types that was capable of firing a charged particle beam. Riese was gifted with one as well for all she had done for Prozen. So many powerful zoids coming into play. Prozen was gathering his forces for the final assault which would happen soon as both Ambient and Specula sensed the Deathsaurer's power growing. And I couldn't help but eagerly await the day of judgment upon the world, the day when it didn't matter who was on what side as they all would die in the end. ***************** Hiltz is such a bad boy! Hiltz: How dare you loan Ambient out without my permission?! Shelly: AHH! It's you! What are you doing here? And how did you get away from Biowolf? Hiltz: I'll never tell! But you're going to pay for what you did! *chases Shelly around* Shelly: Somebody help me! Thanks for reading! C-ya! 8. Chapter Eight Author's note: Hey, guess what? I'm still here! I bet you all were wondering what had happened to me. It took me awhile to get rid of Hiltz, but thanks to Biowolf, he's gone! ^_~ Thanks to Spectral, too, for calling her! Raven: *comes inside and slams door shut behind him* That is the absolute last time I do anything for you! Shelly: *sees his disheveled appearance* My, you did have fun on Boardwalk didn't you? *snicker* Raven: *glares* Don't you start! I was mobbed by fangirls on my way here, but thanks to Spectral's Raynos, I got rid of them. Shelly: Oh, fire fox wants to know why Hiltz was so mad at you that he destroyed Shadow? Raven: Humph, that's easy. It's because I'm better than him. Just because he's got an organoid and a zoid that fires a charged particle beam he thinks he's invincible. Shelly: *sigh* Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. Raven: What was that? Shelly: Nothin'! *grins innocently* I guess Hiltz will be glad to hear that he will be getting Ambient back soon. Too bad he's not here for me to tell him. Oh, and the schools you destroyed were built back, Raven. Sorry. Raven: *shrugs* At least I had fun. Shelly: O-kay. Anyway, thanks so much for all the wonderful reviews! And I'm sorry this took so long to update! Enjoy! Angel of Death by Shelly CHAPTER EIGHT I lost track of how many zoid cores it took until the Deathsaur was awake and once again ready to destroy all that stood in its path. I'll never forget the day when it emerged from the chamber, its evil thirst for destruction touching us all with its cold fingers. I looked upon it with absolute awe as I had never seen something so incredible. And when it fired its charged particle beam, I knew now what power was, knew without a doubt that I wanted to have control of such power. But that power came with a price. The evil consciousness within the Deathsaur possessed Prozen completely and drove him to new heights of madness. I rejoiced to see it as I had grown tired of his petty ambitions to take control of the Empire as his lust for power over others drove him completely. I thought it a silly thing to want to have rulership over people. The real power lie in the ability to destroy all life, just as the Deathsaur was doing. Riese and I watched from a safe distance as the red glow of burning buildings filled the sky, streaked through with flashes of light from the zoid's mighty charged particle beam. Never had I seen a more beautiful sight, except for that of my wife who had died when newly pregnant with my child. "And now all know of my pain and torment that I have suffered through for all these years," I said. "To watch helplessly as those you love are cut from your life without a second thought." "I wouldn't rejoice just yet," Riese told me. "And why is that?" I asked her. "He may yet fail," she replied, her green eyes staring off into the distance. "There are some who seek to fight him." "They're wasting their efforts then," I said in scorn. "They can't possibly destroy the most powerful zoid that ever walked the earth." "We'll see," was all she would say. It was then that I watched in horror as the Deathsaur was defeated by the Blade Liger, exploding in a bright flash of light as its zoid core was pierced. I couldn't believe that something so powerful had been destroyed, and by a mere boy at that. My plans suddenly deteriorated right before my eyes. But Riese seemed to have a plan as she suggested we search the ruins of the Deathsaur, and I wondered what it was she was looking for. I soon got my answer as she pulled Prozen from the wreckage, barely alive as he was partially encased within a metal husk and unconscious. She took him to a strange place that seemed located within a cave, and there she brought him back into consciousness. I had asked her where we were, and she told me that this was where Zoid Eve was located, but I wondered where as I saw nothing but darkness around me. When Prozen came around, his first thoughts were of destroying those that had done this to him, and his anger burned hot. Riese told him of a way to gain his revenge on them, and he eagerly accepted the idea. Now all that was needed was for us to find the two scorpion-type zoids that had been built by the ancient zoidians and to fuse them together into the ultimate zoid, one that would be controlled by me as I planned to take complete control of this project. There would be no mistakes this time as I planned to eliminate all who stood in my way, and with Ambient at my side I knew I would know success. But it didn't turn out that way after all, did it? And now you know why I did all that I have done. I did it all for them. Sure, I didn't do it in the approved manner, but I wanted everyone to feel all the pain and torment that I had suffered through. A selfish thing, I know, but do you think I really care? And as I see my death approaching, something inside me welcomes it as it means an end to my suffering, although I would have enjoyed causing even more death and destruction. But would you have expected anything less from me? ************** Thanks to Julie at Anime Admirers I was able to put in that bit of information! Spoilers galore on that site! ^__^ I'm sorry to say this is it for this fic. *sobs* I appreciate all the reviews and support from you all! Without you all, I never would've gotten this far! *hugs and kisses* C-ya over on my Thomas fic! End file.
Angel of Death by Shelly3
A Zoid's Sorrow **Author's Note:** This is a tie-in with my other story "Legacy of a Liger." It's a poem based around the very first chapter, echoing the feelings of a zoid by itself. This is also a revision of a poem I submitted before under the same name, so if there is any confusion, please know that. * * * **A Zoid's Sorrow** I always knew that I could live to regret Funny, now I can only fret This pain, these aches, my traumatizing fate I'm conscienceless without you, either of you I wish I had proof to show you what I would have done to save you, I named you two my pilots It's like I'm stranded on an island I think about the times that we'd be dashing through the wind, keep on running like there was never an end I'm just crying for justice, I'm just crying for somethin' because my life is nothing, I ain't just done yet I wish I had had a song, a melody, a way to say goodbye, but I don't, I never will, because I am approaching A time when I should die, so farewell, Bit and Van, Maybe when I go, You'll both see that I was still alive End file.
A Zoid's Sorrow by HeartlessNeoshadow
Don't Let Go Don't Let Go (A/N I am sad to say that I don't own any of the zoid characters or zoids themselves.) Grandpa, wow what a destiny, I can't believe it's true. You've been diagnosed with cancer, and it's really taking it's toll on you. I can't believe this happened, to such a wonderful guy. You've been wonderful to all and this is your pay, my, oh my, oh my. Winter is approaching, it's starting to snow. What will Christmas be like, if you go? Grandpa you can't go, you're needed by all. Without you to bring laughs, life is going to be dull. We ask the doctors if there's a way to help, and all they say is no. We can't lose you, so please Grandpa, Don't you ever let go. End file.
Don't Let Go by S.S. Cloud12
1. Night falls Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids and all of the characters are also copyright of their respective owners. The story is mine so please don't copy it. Authors Note: Well the Reviews are it and I have chosen my characters. I must say that all the characters submitted were very well done and I had a very hard time of choosing which ones to use. Also I origonnaly said that I would only take 7 characters, but I have gone with 8. Actually, I origonnaly was planning on eight, but went against the idea. Anyway here are the characters I have chosen. Goji Kaiju Orihime Starfire Cloud Light-feather Ryuji Makeno/Copper Izumi Twilight Tyra Winds Lavender Windham Zack "Zero" Cooper. (recieved by Email) I f your character wasn't chosen, Im sorry. I only took eight people because the story would become to confusing if I had too many characters. Everyone's characters where very well done. Thanks everyone for the characters and if yours wasn't chosen, please continue to read and review to the story... CHAPTER ONE --- NIGHT FALLS Along the sands of the great desert, a lone Zoid flew, its long, sleek body reflecting the bright glare of the sun off its black and silver armor. It had large bladed wings, and was flying at remarkable speeds. Blades also graced it's body along its back and tail. It had four long legs, all of which it tucked safely under its body. The cockpit was located inside the sleek head, which had a long retractable blade on top, and glowing yellow eyes. Inside sat a lone 14 year old girl, with long silver hair. She was thin and slightly delicate looking. Her eyes were closed as if she was asleep. The Zoid gave a small growl, awakening the sleeping girl. She placed her hands onto the controls and brought up a screen to show her where they were. The screen showed a large waterfall oasis, surrounded by bright orange and white desert sands. "Ryuu," She said to her Zoid, "go ahead and take us in." The dragon Zoid roared its agreement and flew lower to the ground, its body only a few feet above the scorching sands. It headed strait for the center of the falls, seemingly heading to crash into them. It brought its wings closer to itself, and lost speed, about to fly strait into the rushing water. Ryuu flew through the falls and into a hidden cave, the base and home of the Sky Raiders team. The Zoid pulled its legs out from under itself, and jogged to a stop against the rocky ground of the cave. The girl jumped out of the cockpit, carrying a small bag of groceries, "Ok Ryuu, go ahead to the cargo hold." The dragon turned and headed into another cave off to the left. Just then a small door next to the cave opened and out stepped a young man and a small zoid. His short spiky hair was also silver, and he wore a pair of icy lens glasses covering his sky blue eyes. He had on a silver jacket and a pair of blue pants. The young man watched the dragon zoid head into the cargo hold, then he met the girl half way across the room excitedly, "So Rain, watcha bring home for dinner?" Rain laughed, "Just some steaks and stuff. I bought some snacks as well. And I DO NOT want them eaten all in one day, Cloud! I didn't get any last time." Cloud grinned deviously, "It wasn't me that ate them sis... Um it was LightStrike." He indicated the smaller Zoid at his side who only roared in defense. Rain starred at her older brother and rolled her eyes, "Organoids don't eat food." The two continued to bicker as they headed through the door, LightStrike at their heals. The inside was like any base, it had white walls with various doors heading into various rooms. At the end of the hallway was an opening that had a few stairs heading down into the round commons room. Inside were a few comfy couches and chairs, along with the kitchen. Half of the wall was pure glass, which over looked the cargo hold. Rain set the groceries down on a small counter. She proceeded to put them away when Cloud called out, "Oh yeah, we were informed by the ZBC of a battle tonight." Rain looked up, "Tonight? Against who?" "Some team called the Fireblazers. They all have pretty unique Zoids." "So, our Zoids and LightStrike aren't exactly normal either." "Yeah that's true." Cloud walked over to the glass wall, and peered down. Rains Zoid, Ryuu, was one of a kind. It excelled in both ground and air combat, and had a very high speed thanks to two speed boosters located under the wings. His Zoid was a Blade Ligar that he called Kurare. It wasn't just any old Blade Ligar though. The Zoid had silver armor and gold blades. Kurare was powerful, especially when combined with the strength of LightStrike. "So," Rain said, walking to join her older brother, "what time is the battle?" "11." "That's strange, not many battles take place that late." Cloud walked over to one of the couches and plopped down, turning on the TV across the room Via remote. "That's what I thought too." Cloud said with a shrug, "But I guess we shouldn't complain, after all, Ryuu will have a huge advantage. He is black after all." Rain nodded, "Well its five now, and your turn to cook. So im gonna go shower and change. Call me when diners done." She then ran off down the hallway in a strange hurry. 'What was she in such a hurry for?' Cloud thought to himself, 'wait today's Saturday... its her turn to cook!' He sighed, "Oh well, she aint a very good cook anyway." LightStrike gave his master a small confused growl as he began cooking. The small organoid then curled up in a corner to rest. ***************** Meanwhile, in a large underground base... "Ma'am, we have reports of a battle tonight." A foot soldier reported to his commander. The commander was a young girl of 16. She had long flowing lavender hair and soft intelligent brown eyes. She was unbelievably graceful, and had a strong otherworldly air about herself that made all the soldiers nervous around her. "Are there any valuable Zoids participating?" She asked quietly, yet sternly. "Yes, actually all five Zoids that will be participating are all highly valuable." "Aright, bring me Copper and Zero." "Yes miss Starfire." The girl dismissed the foot soldier and laid back in her chair. She hated doing this, but... it had to be done. A knock came to her door, "Come in." A young soldier came in. "Ma'am, Copper and Zero are on their way." She sighed, "Good, but please just call me Ori or Orihime." "Yes ma'am." ******************** "So are the Zoids ready?" Cloud asked his younger sister. It was now ten o-clock, and the two of them were making sure everything was ok. "Yeah, so is LightStrike." Rain answered. "Good. Lets get going then ok?" Rain nodded. They got into their Zoids and headed out of the base with LightStrike running besides the Blade Ligar. The battleground was about 45 minuets away. They traveled the sands in the dark, looking forward to the battle ahead of them. Unfortunately neither new of the chaos that would take place that night. End Chap one. Authors note: Don't worry, all the rest of the chapters will be longer and all the characters will most likely be introduced within the next two chaps. Luna339... Remember to review! 2. Laughter dies Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. So there. CHAPTER TWO It was a pitch black night with few stars, as the two made their way to the battlefield. Cloud could barley see Ryuu above him, sometimes catching a glint of yellow from its eyes, or the flash of silver from its blades. 'Rains gonna have a major advantage during this fight!' he thought as the zoids ran through the endless sands. The Blade Ligar soon came to a stop, Ryuu landing directly besides him, and LightStrike not to far behind. He turned on his scanners and saw three zoids on radar. They were making their way toward them. "Here comes the judge." Rain said through a com-link, just as the bright white of the capsule became visible in the sky. It crashed into the ground creating a small crater, then rose, and opened. Inside stood the judge, "The area within a 13 mile radius is a designated battlezone..." "I hate it when he talks.... he just goes on and on about the rules... it's boring." Came a female voice from one of the opposing zoids. "Check out their Zoids," Cloud told Rain through a privet com-link. Rain gave a slight whistle, "You where right, they are pretty unique. Hey I recognize the storm-sworder, but what are the other ones?" The Fireblazers team had very impressive looking Zoids. The one they presumed to be the leader almost looked like a dark commandwolf, except it had bat like wings. On its shoulders where two clearly visible gatling guns. The zoid looked like it had a small charged particle canon located inside its mouth. The other unknown Zoid looked like a triceratops. Its horns glowed with what could only be electron-charges, and it was heavily armed with various arsenals, including two mortar canons and a set of twin beam canons. Along its armor where various 20mm and 30mm guns. It looked heavy, and sluggish, but both Rain and Cloud knew that neither wanted to take a hit from it. As for the StormSworder, it was modified in various ways. It was painted a sky blue, and had many more guns and blades than a normal stormSworder, including a large blade atop the head. Because of the heavy armor and guns, speed obviously had been sacrificed. "Man we're up against a powerhouse!" Rain stated. "Yeah, tell me about it... hey the battles starting." Cloud said, "think you can hold them off long enough for LightStrike to fuse?" "Yeah." Ryuu took off into the air as Cloud called for LightStrike. The enemy was only a short distance away, and the triceratops Zoid was preparing a charged ram to Cloud and the Blade Ligar. It bent its head down and began a full speed charge. "Comon LightStrike! Lets go!" Cloud yelled desperately, the big triceratops would easily demolish his smaller Blade Ligar. LightStrike gave a roar and took off into the air, then strait into the core of the Ligar. The Triceratops was only about 20 meters away, when it was suddenly rammed from the side by Rain and Ryuu, making it topple over. "Damn you! You can't do that to my MadThunder!" The pilot yelled, she sounded extremely young. She forced her Zoid to its feet, but by that time the Blade Ligar was long gone, and headed toward the wolf type Zoid. "Thanks sis." Cloud said, Rains image appearing on a screen in front of him. She nodded, then winced, because Ryuu had just been hit by the Stormsworder. Ryuu took off higher into the air, with the Stormsworder at her tail. Suddenly the judge appeared on all of their screens. "The battle is canceled, two unidentified Zoids have appeared on the battlefield, repeat, two unidentified Zoids have appeared on the battlefield." "What?!" One of the Fireblazers yelled angrily, "We could have won this!" The pilot of the Wolf Zoid called to everyone, "On the ridge five hundred meters west. There are two Zoids... their closing in fast." "I'll go check it out." Rain said. "Im coming too." The pilot of the Stormsworder said. Ryuu and the StormSworder elevated and headed into the direction that the two zoids where in. As they approached they spotted two very monstrous zoids. One was much bigger than the other. Rain soon recognized it as a modified GunGyarados, a zoid that was like a DeathSoarar. It had twin Vulcan's on its shoulders, and a charged particle canon inside its mouth. On its back it had a charged particle intake fan. This zoid was extremely rare... and very dangerous. The other Zoid was unknown to her. It was a dragon type zoid, much like her own, except bigger, and bulkier. It stood on all four legs, with two main engines on its back. It had large wings with what seemed like secondary engines located at the tips. On its arms were two separate weapons, a shock canon on the left, and a laser on the right. It also had a high powered canon located in its mouth, but it was an unrecognizable kind to Rain. "Guy's! Come look at these things!" The StormSworder pilot called. Suddenly the dragon launched itself into the air, strait at the StormSworder. It tried to pull away, but the dragon was on her in the blink of an eye. It's claws on both hands began to glow, as the pilot called out "Neo Laser Claw." It brought both its front claws down in full force, slicing one of the StormSworders wings clear off. The battered Zoid fell, crashing brutally to the ground. "Tyra!" The pilot of the wolf zoid called, after watching her friend fall to the ground, "Thetas it... Me and my ShadowDancer are going to take you out!" Rain watched in horror as the StormSworder fell, only to be hit by the gattling guns of the GunGyaradose. She maneuvered out of the shot, flying higher, only to come face to face with the other Dragon zoid. "A dragon Zoid?" The pilot said coldly, but surprised. He then thought, 'I've never seen another dragon Zoid like my Bahamut.' Rain and Ryuu turned sharply, avoiding a shot from the Bahamut's Lasers. She maneuvered her zoid farther away, then went into a small dive. The Bahamut stayed at her heals. "How can he see me so well in this darkness?!" Rain said to no one in particular. "Rain are you all right?" Cloud called, he could barley see the two dark dragons above him. "I can't shake this guy..." Rain answered. Just then there was a huge explosion as the Gun Gyarados fired its charged particle canon strait at Ryuu. Rain managed to avoid it, causing her to slow down long enough for the Bahamut to catch up. Meanwhile down on the ground, Cloud and the other two Fireblazers were closing in on the GunGyarados, "Common LightStrike, lets give it everything!" The Organoid roared in agreement as it adjusted its side blades to face the front, and charged them with shield energy. They began to glow gold as the Blade Ligar approached. Cloud made his Zoid charge directly at the GunGyardos, only to be stopped when it swung its large tail around, hitting his Ligar in the side, making it topple over into a large boulder, and causing the battle system to freeze. "NO!" Cloud yelled angrily, slamming his fists into the control panel. LightStrike appeared at the cockpit window, roaring for his master, "Don't worry LightStrike, It was only the battle System. At least we can still move." Then horror stuck Cloud as he jumped out of the cockpit and looked into the sky. Ryuu was having allot of trouble against the other dragon zoid. "LightStrike!" Cloud demanded, "Go help Rain!" LightStrike Roared as it took off into the air at its masters command. Unfortunately it was too late. Just before it had gotten into Ryuu, the Bahamut struck with its shock canon, just at the point in Ryuu's armor where the wing connected to the rest of the body, shattering the joint, and sending it into a deadly spin. "RAIN!" Cloud yelled, watching in horror as her zoid fell helplessly toward the ground. Fortunately LightStrike had gotten her out of the cockpit, and carried her gently as possible to his master. She had a bad cut on her forehead, and she was unconscious. Cloud ran over to where LightStrike and Rain where, gently taking Rain out of the organoids arms and into his own she was small so small compared to him, and was extremely light. He looked over at the battle that was now taking place. Unfortunately it was going as bad for the Fireblazers as it had with them. The ShadowDancer was out of the fight when the GunGyarados fired its charged particle canon, taking out on of the wings, and the left hind leg. The MadThunder was tackled from above by the Bahamut. Suddenly the pilot of the GunGyarados called, "Zero! I have to get out of here NOW!" Then on a privet com-link, "Its Ryuji! You have to come too, your going to have to take the GunGyarados back to the base!" "Dammit Copper!" He yelled at his partner, then at the five warriors, "Your lucky we didn't kill you all!" Both of the opposing Zoids ran off, leaving everyone in a complete mess. All three fireblazers climbed out of their cockpits with only minor injuries, except the StormSworder pilot, who cradled her arm gently and had a cut on her cheek and. Together, the three of them ran over to Cloud and Rain. "Who the hell was that!" One of the Fireblazers yelled angrily. She had shoulder length curly light purple hair, and dark purple eyes. She was the shortest, and thinnest of the three, but she was also strong looking. "I don't know." Cloud answered truthfully, "are all of you ok?" "Yeah," the StormSworder pilot said cradling her arm. She had shoulder length lavender hair, and strong brown eyes. She was thin, but had a fairly nice figure. her hair was brought back with a black head band, "Is she ok. I remember seeing her take a nasty spin dive." "She's ok thanks to LightStrike." "Who?" The third girl asked. Cloud assumed she was the leader. She had waist length Black hair, and dark violet eyes. She was tough looking, but was also thin. She had a dragon tattoo on her right arm, and a scar on her cheek. The black organoid gave a small roar startling the three girls. They all looked at him strangely. He in return hid behind Cloud, as if both scared by the three tough looking girls, and ready to back his master up if their was a fight. "Oh." The black haired girl said. She then thought about something and gave a sour look, "Aw Man! We have to pilot our wrecked Zoids all the way back to the base!" The realization hit all three of them and they gave various curses and moans. "How far away is your base?" Cloud asked. "About two hours at normal speed." Their leader said harshly, "Why do you care?!" The StormSworder pilot stepped in, "Cool it Izumi. Im sure he's only concerned." "Whatever, Tyra." "Well, our base is only about half an hour away from here, and I lucked out, my Ligar can still run." Cloud said, then was interrupted by Izumi. "Your point?" She asked. "Rain and I have a gustav that we use when we travel far. It can carry the two immobile Zoids." He said indicating the two flying zoids, "I could go and get it, and you all could come to our base for the night. In the morning we could repair your zoids enough to get you home" "Why are you being so generous?!" Izumi asked harshly. Cloud looked at her angrily, and said, "Because I wouldn't feel right just leaving all of you in the middle of the desert, with no way of getting home!" The StormSworder pilot, Tyra, stepped in again, "Common Izumi, he's in the same boat we're in. He's just being kind, learn to trust people more!" Just then the other pilot, the one that had stayed quiet, said," We'll except your offer, I for one am dead tiered, and your base is closer." Izumi finally agreed. She sat down on the sands, and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "You better hurry. We'll be waiting for you and your gustav." Cloud nodded and carried Rain over to his Blade Ligar. He climbed in, and gently placed his little sister in the back seat, and secured the harnesses. He nodded to LightStrike, immediately the organoid fused with the Blade Ligar, and they where off. The Blade Ligar ran at full speed all the way back to the base. Cloud quickly but carefully bandaged Rains head and laid her in her room. He then ran to the cargo hold and climbed into the Gustav, turning to LightStrike. "Stay here and take care of Rain, ok?" The organoid Roared and walked off into the base. Cloud took off. It only took a short time to return to the battle ground. Once he got their, the fireblazers helped pile the wrecked zoids onto the back of the Gustav, then they slowly followed in the still movable Zoids. Once they got to the base, Cloud led the three young girls to the main room, and prepared some drinks. They sat and began to chat.... End of Chapter two ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hey! I originally planned on making this chap longer, but something came up, and I decided to leave it here! Anyways... The next chap will be up soon.. I promise. It will have more detailed info on the characters. Chapter three will also include some of the other Zoid ppl, like the blitz team and stuff... so keep readin and reviewin! Luna339 3. Time Ends AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry about having to cut the last chapter short... hopefully this one will make up for it. Anyways, thanks for all the cool reviews and all, I really appreciate them. Now, if only some of my other stories could get some reviews..........(hint, hint) CHAPTER 3 "Okay so your name is Izumi, I've learned that much..." Cloud said, they where all seated in the main commons room back at the waterfall base, he looked at each girl in turn, "and your Tyra... but I haven't gotten your name yet." The third girl, pilot of the Madthunder answered, " My name's Lavender, Im....." "Good, now we've all introduced ourselves," Izumi cut in, "but we don't know your name." "Oh yeah, sorry, names Cloud. My sister's Rain." He stated. "Ok so we all know each other now," Lavender said a bit annoyed, "and as I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted," she shot a glance at Izumi, her dark purple eyes flashed with annoyance, " I wanted to say thanks." "Don't worry about it." Cloud said getting up and heading toward the kitchen area, "Im going to get me something to eat, do any of you want anything?" "Sure," Tyra answered before either Izumi or Lavender could state something rude. She knew how suspicious Izumi was with strangers, and how serpent tongued Lavender was with anybody. Cloud brought back a bowl of chips, and a small plate of cookies for the three girls. Setting them on the table he said, "Well, I don't think any of us are really tired after all that's happened so how bout we get to know each other?" Izumi looked at Cloud suspiciously, "You first." "all right," Cloud though for a second, "Well, Im 21.... engaged to a beautiful women named Kacie.... and Im one of the few, if not, only person with an organoid." "What about your sister?" Tyra asked curiously. "Well, Rain's 14, and she loves to draw," He said, motioning to a small wall behind them that had some of Rains drawings. The girls looked at them curiously, Izumi and Lavender got up to look, surprised by the skill. "Wow. For 14 she's one hell of a drawer." Lavender said, eyeing a picture of the waterfall base with the blade Ligar off to the side, "Why does she like to draw so much?" "She seems to like to draw the base and the zoids allot doesn't she?" Izumi added, she was looking at a picture of what looked like Cloud sitting on the paw of the Blade Ligar, with Lightstrike standing besides. "Yeah, well there's a reason for that." Cloud said looking a bit sad, "But it's not my right to tell. You can ask her that when she wakes up. If she feels like answering, she'll tell you." "Because I want to be able to remember." Came a voice from a doorway off to the left. They all turned to see Rain leaning in the doorway, around her head she still wore the bandages, and she had tired eyes. But she still smiled, "I want to be able to remember everything..." "What do you mean?" Izumi asked, turning to see Rain completely. "Rain, you should be in bed." Cloud stated, "You got hurt pretty bad," "Im ok Cloud." She said confidently, walking to the glass wall, and looking down she said, "When I was 12, I lost all of my memories, only remembering my name, and my brother." The three girls looked at her, all of their attention was now on the young girl. Rain tucked some of her long silver hair behind one of her ears, then stated, "I draw all the things that I want to remember. You don't know what its like not having any memories of anything... " She smiled and turned to face the group, "Well, to tell the truth, it really sucks." "So you draw things because you don't want to forget things." Tyra said. "Yeah, I don't know why I even lost my memory in the first place... I remember waking up in the hospital with Cloud at me bed." She gave a laugh, "He looked awful. He had big bags under his eyes and all...." "Hey, that's enough, I stayed wake most of the time worrying about you!" Cloud said. "... and his hair was all messy, he looked as though he hadn't bathed in a week..." "Ok that's enough they get the picture Rain..." Cloud said a bit annoyed. "...and he smelled really bad." That got a laugh from everyone. Rain sat next to Cloud and listened the the girls stories about themselves. Each of them had an interesting story to tell. Tyra started, she seemed to be the most trusting and optimistic of the group. She had lavender hair and soft purple eyes. She was thin, but strong. They all listened intently. "Well, Im 16, and I come from a family of Zoid pilots." She stated, "My parents died when I was twelve, so I went to live with my brother for a year, then I went out on my own. I totally love piloting air Zoids, so I got my StormSworder and joined the Fireblazers. I like to swim too." Next to go was Lavender, who seemed to be the toughest, and most outgoing of the three. She had curly light purple hair and dark purple eyes, "Im 14, and I pilot the MadThunder. I love to take pictures of things, its a hobby... I like to write too.... that's about it." She finished, looking as though she had something else to say, but deciding against it. Izumi was last... She had waist length black hair and dark violet eyes. Her skin was more tanned than the other two, and she always wore a suspicious look on her face. "Im the leader of the Fireblazers, and Im 16.... I custom built ShadowDancer, and I trust it with my life..." She stopped, obviously not about to say anymore. She then looked strait at Cloud, nodding her head toward Rain, who was asleep on his shoulder. He picked her up gently, and carried her off to her room. When he returned he said, "Its 2 in the morning, so I suppose I should show you to the guest rooms." He led them down the hallways and to three separate rooms. The rooms where not at all fancy or flashy. They each had a bed, and a small cabinet with a lamp on top, and Izumi's room had a rug, but that was about it. Yet they where still comfortable. Each of them fell asleep soon after they laid down. Cloud walked down the hallways, brushing a hand through his spiky silver hair, and into Rains room. He changed her bandages, and motioned for LightStrike to watch over her through the night. LightStrike curled up at the foot of her plenty big enough bed. Cloud then walked down to his own room, and hung his silver jacket on the wall. He brushed his teeth and laid down. He was asleep before his head even hit the pillow. *********************************** Early that morning... Goji Kaiji was sitting alone in a small quaint restaurant just outside of town. He always seemed to have an emotionless look, and tone of voice. So most people shunned away from him, which didn't bother him to much... he actually preferred it. He had shot black hair that he always kept spiked, and crimson red eyes. He had ordered a good breakfast, as he sat waiting for a friend of his, actually he was the only person he truly got along with well. "Sorry Im late..." Came a voice from behind him, he turned to see a young man with soft gray eyes, and auburn colored hair that was spiked to the side. He looked tiered and worn out. "Ryuji." Goji nodded, "I ordered the usual, hope you don't mind." "No that's ok..." He said, he looked worried about something. "What's wrong?" Goji asked as the waitress served their food. She left with a wink to Goji, who in return only glared at her. "Well, I blacked out again last night. I was at the shop, it was about 10:30, and I was just about to leave...." He sighed, "The next thing I new, I was in the middle of the park near my house, and it was about 1 o'clock in the morning." The sat in silence for a while, eating their food, when Goji had finished he said, "Maybe you should go home and get some sleep." "Yeah... ok... anyways, I got that part you wanted, so you can come by the shop later to pick it up." "Right." With that, Ryuji finished his breakfast and left. Goji watched him leave, and thought about what he had said... 'he blacked out again.... he's blacking out more and more lately,' he thought. *************************** After leaving the restaurant, Ryuji walked down the street to his house. He was surprised to see his friend, Zack, there waiting for him. "Hey Ryuji..." Zack said, he seemed anxious about something, "What's up?" "Nothing much... and you?" "Ahh, nothing, just came for a visit." He answered. Once they got inside he pulled something out of his pocket and said, "Copper we have a job at the Blitz base..." Instantly Ryuji seemed different. As he gazed at the object, his hair seemed to turn darker, and he closed his eyes. Copper reopened his eyes, which where now deep red, and looked at Zack, "You said the Blitz Base, right?" "Yeah." "all right," Copper pulled on a pair of jet black gloves, followed by a black overcoat from the closet. Out of the pocket he removed a pair of copper tinted glasses, and put them on, "Lets go Zero." Zack, or Zero, nodded. The two went off to get their Zoids. ************************** "Whew!" Cloud said after he climbed down from his Blade Ligar. For the past few hours, Izumi, Tyra, Lavender and him had been repairing the Zoids. Rain wanted to help, but Cloud wouldn't let her. Just then Rain came out with LightStrike, she looked at the Zoids... 'well' she thought, 'at least their better than they where last night...' "Common, I got lunch inside." Rain said to the group. They all hurried inside, even Izumi, who had dropped most of her suspicion by now (not all of it, but most of it). The sat around the table and Cloud turned on the TV. They ate and watched the news, something about the Blitz Team was on. "This morning at approximately 10 AM the blitz Team was attacked by two unidentified Zoids." The reporter said, unrecognizable shots of two Zoids flashed on the screen, all of them where unrecognizable... except one quickly shown picture. The group of five all stopped and stared. They sat for a few more minuets in silence listening to the Blitz team talk to the reporters... and argue (Bit and Leena of course). Finally Rain broke the silence, "That was the Zoid that attacked us last night... you know, that GunGyarados..." "Yeah." Izumi said. Cloud turned up the volume on the TV. "The two unknown attackers apparently had almost gotten away with the teams two most valuable zoids the Ligar 0 and the Shadowfox" Continued the reporter, "The two well known pilots, Bit Cloud and Brad Hunter, had gotten to the Zoids in time, and fought back. Apparently the two unknown pilots took off for unknown reasons. A search for them has been confirmed by the ZBC..." Cloud turned off the TV. They sat in silence. Finally Izumi spoke up, "Apparently we weren't the only ones on their hit-list." ************************** At the blitz base... "Man, I would really like to get ahold of one of those pilots!" Bit yelled angrily, he was working on repairs to the Ligar 0. The Ligar Roared in agreement. "Yeah, but you know as well as I do that they were winning." Brad said, he too was working on repairs to the Shadowfox. "I want to know why they ran off so suddenly," Bit said, he jumped down from where he was working, "Im gonna go get somthin to eat... want anything Brad?" "Sure" Brad answered, he was now inside the cockpit, checking all the controls to see which ones were operating correctly. Bit made his way to the kitchen, making sure he didn't run into Leena on the way. After checking around for the hot headed, red head, Bit opened a small cabinet, and removed a small box of cookies. He then returned to the hanger. Bit set the box down on a table in the corner, when suddenly he heard, "BIT CLOUD! Those where mine!" "Oh no..." Bit said, he turned to see Leena in the doorway. "MY COOKIES!" Leena yelled as she began chasing Bit all throughout the hanger, and then into the hallway. When both were gone, Brad climbed down from the ShadowFox, and snatched the box of cookies for himself. 'Hmm,' he thought, 'chocolate chip... my favorite.' ********************* After some repairs to their Zoids, the Fireblazers where ready to take off back to their own base. Though the Zoids weren't in top shape, they where now all mobil enough to make it home. "Bye Rain, Cloud! I'm hope we get to fight again since our last battle was canceled!" Tyra Called from her Zoid. It took off through the waterfall and into the sky. "Yeah Bye!" Lavender called, her Zoid trudged through the water. Izumi and her ShadowDancer followed not saying anything. The where almost through the waterfall when the Zoid turned it's head back to face Cloud and Rain, the cockpit opened and Izumi stood up, the fast water behind her caused her long black hair to sway gently, she looked strait at the two. "Thanks." Cloud and Rain both nodded, and Izumi and the ShadowDancer left. ********************* Goji had made his way to Ryuji's shop, only to find it closed. 'that's strange' he thought, 'he wasn't at home either.' The mercenary shrugged and turned back to his Zoid, Temjin X. He had created this Zoid himself, obviously. It was the only humanoid Zoid in existence. He climbed onto the Zoids hand, which then lifted him into the cockpit located in the head. He created this Zoid because he hated the fact that animals where the only things that could be Zoids. He grabbed the controls and left town, heading back to his own home. ******************* "Miss Ori." Zero saluted. He was standing at the doorway to the commanders office. "Zero, what went wrong?" Orihime asked sternly, "I have come to understand that you failed both last night and this morning.... on both missions." "Ma'am." Zero said, " Copper is beginning to loose control more and more often. It has not been easy, Ryuji seems to be gaining the upper hand. So far he has not discovered anything about Copper or us for that manner. He thinks he is merely blacking out..." "I see." Orihime stated. "I think we can fix that... I want you to go home, I will contact you when I have another mission for you. Thank you Zero." Zero bowed and left the office. "I hate doing this but..." Ori said to herself, then she pushed the loudspeaker on the phone on her desk, "Bring me Copper." "Yes ma'am" Came the voice on the other end. End of chapter three. Authors note: Well it's not as long as I had hoped, but at least I introduced all the characters. (Finally) Anyways. I'll try and hurry with chapter 4 hopefully it won't take to long. Remember to read and review! Luna 4. Then begins again AUTHORS NOTE: Hi people. I fixed the little blemish on chap 3, so now its only written once. Also I would like to say thanks again for all your positive support. I also have a site dedicated to all kinds of Anime and games, if your interested check it out at Without further ado: CHAPTER 4 "Miss Orihime, you wanted to speak with me?" Copper asked, he was inside the young commanders office. "Yes Copper," Ori said, she sat at her desk, and motioned for him to sit opposite of her, "I have come to understand that Ryuji has been causing trouble on your missions." "Yes, I believe he is gaining more and more control." Ori nodded, "I know, that is why I have decided," she paused, and pulled out a small chain, along with an object, the same object that Zack removed from his pocket earlier that same day, from a locked drawer on her desk, "That whenever I send you on a mission, you are to have this around your neck at all times. I need not explain why. After the missions, it is to be returned to me." "Yes ma'am." Copper grinned, thinking, 'that idiot Ryuji won't be able to stop me from my fun anymore...' Ori handed him the necklace, "For your next mission you will go alone. I have read up on a very unique Zoid, I want you to eliminate the pilot, and bring it back to me... understood?" Copper nodded, his crimson eyes showing his excitement, "What zoid shall it be and where may I find it commander?" Ori sighed, she hated this, "The Zoid will be the Temjin X...." ********************* "Bring me my check." Goji was sitting in a small cafe near the heart of the city. It was 8pm, and he had just finished his meal. Just then two people who he had never seen before entered the cafe. They both had silver hair and eyes. One was a young man, older then Goji, but not by much. The other was a young girl, she had bandages around her head. The two strangers took a seat near Goji, then began to have a privet conversation, talking just above a whisper. All the reason for him to listen in while he waited for his bill. "Why do you think those people attacked us Cloud?" The girl said. "Im not to sure Rain." He answered, "and today they attacked the Blitz team." "Either they are really powerful, or really stupid," Rain said, "I mean, common, we're talking about the legendary Blitz team here." "We already know they are really powerful, " Cloud said, pointing to the bandages around Rains head, "remember, they took out us and the Fireblazers." "Yeah, that's true... apparently they did almost get away with the Ligar 0 and the Shadowfox" Just then the waitress came up with Gojis check. He paid, then got up to leave, only hearing one last part of the two's conversation. "I want to know why they ran way," Cloud said, "especially since they we're winning." ***************** Goji was traveling through the desert, it was only an hour since he heard the two's conversation. He was thinking about what they had said. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the Zoid coming up behind him on his radar. Before he knew it, he was under a barrage of fire. Goji cursed at himself under his breath, and turned to face whoever was firing at him. He dodged another barrage of bullets, then charged toward his opponent, which he soon recognized as a well armed GunGyarados. The Temjin X was extremely quick, and had a very unique weapon. It was a sword with a built in gun, which was very strong. Carefully dodging the GunGyarados, Goji aimed to bring the sword down at full force. He never hit the target, because it took of into the air. Goji knew that he was in trouble. ****************** Rain and Cloud where headed home, when they noticed two battling zoids on radar. They didn't notice a judge around anywhere, so they decided to check the fight out. Once they got there, they where amazed at what they saw. A humanoid type zoid was up against none other than the GunGyarados, and the humanoid zoid was loosing. "We have to help him." Rain said on a privet com-link, Clouds face appeared on a small screen in front of her. She landed Ryuu next to the Blade Ligar, "Common Cloud." Cloud answered, "It's gonna be harder than before, we left LightStrike at the base, remember? Not to mention, your still hurt. If you get hit hard enough, your cut will open back up." Rain nodded, "Yeah, but we can't just sit here. Im going." Rain took off into the air, and toward the battle. Cloud followed on ground with the Blade Ligar. "Looks like we have some guests..." A voice came from the GunGyarados, it was cruel and cold, "That's ok.... the more the merrier." Goji looked over to his right, and watched as the Blade Ligar approached. Suddenly a screen appeared with a young mans face on it. It was the same man from the Cafe... Cloud. "Are you ok?" he asked. Goji didn't answer, he only nodded. He turned his attention back to where the GunGyarados was, and watched as another airborne zoid began his attack. It was pitch black, and shaped like a dragon. Ryuu charged strait at the GunGyarados, its blades gleaming in the sunlight. It began to fire out of a small pair of twin vulcan's but to seemingly no effect. The GunGyarados turned, and rushed at the dragon, at a seemingly impossible speed. Just as Ryuu was about to hit, the GunGyarados dodged, and began to fire at Rain. Rain maneuvered out of the shot, and elevated. To her surprise, the GunGyarados didn't follow, but dropped, landing on a small cliff. "Now," Cam a cold voice over everyone's com-links, "You will die. I have a mission to complete after all." Cloud and Goji began to charge at full speed, as a small fan on the back of the opposing zoid began to spin. It opened its mouth, aiming strait at the Blade Ligar. "Cloud get out of there!" Rain yelled, "He's got a charged particle cannon, remember!" The bright light over came all of them. Goji pushed his zoid toward the Blade Ligar, knocking it out of the beams line of fire just in time. The light dimmed, and he looked around. The ground was charred, and the was now a large hole where the Blade Ligar was previously standing. "Thanks." Cloud said, moving his zoid up on his feet. Just then Ryuu came into view, ramming the GunGyarados in the side, and causing it to topple over. The force caused Ryuu to skid into the ground, causing its battle system to freeze. "Damn you!" Copper hissed, "You will be the first to die." He began to charge another particle beam, aiming at the dragon. "Rain, get out of there!" Cloud yelled, the blade Ligar began its run toward the opposing zoid. Goji and the Temjin X right at its heals. Rain pushed her zoid unsteadily to its feet, and tried to run. Ryuu collapsed as sparks began to fly out of its left hind legs joint. "No! Cloud I can't move fast enough!" Copper sneered, beginning to taunt, "Time to die, time to die, the dragons lost its wings and can no longer fly..." the energy began to form in the GunGyarados' mouth. Suddenly Orihimes face appeared on a screen in front of copper. "Copper!" Ori yelled, the screen began to flicker, and various battles could be heard in the background, "Return immediately. The ZBC has found us. Forget the mission!" "NO!" Copper yelled angrily, his crimson eyes flashing with annoyance. "Copper! Now, return to base! You can finish them off later!" Copper cursed, "Im coming back for you! Im going to kill you all!" The Gun GunGyarados took off into the air, and flew away, leaving the three alone in the middle of the now dark desert. "What the hell!" Cloud yelled, bringing the Blade Ligar next to the Ryuu. Rain climbed out of the cockpit, and watched as the Ligar knelt, bringing its head down, and opening the cockpit. Cloud jumped out, and walked over to his little sister, "Are you aright?" "Yeah. Though Ryuu's been better." The Temjin X knelt and the cockpit opened. Goji stepped onto the zoids hand, and waited for it to carry him to the ground. He walked over to Cloud and Rain, and asked, "You've fought him before?" "Yeah, " Rain answered. "Except last time, he had a partner with him, and together they took out us and the Fireblazers team." Cloud added, "But they ran away just like he did this time... and the time they attacked the Blitz team." "Yeah... I kind of heard your conversation in the restaurant." Goji said, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop." "That's ok... It doesn't matter anyway." Rain said, "Your zoid is very unique... I've never seen a human shaped zoid before." "I built it myself. It's called the Temjin X" Goji said calmly. He looked at his watch, "Its about midnight. Im going home. Thanks for your help... I do wish I knew why he ran away." Rain nodded, "That doesn't matter either." She paused, "its all to weird. But I feel like fate will make us meet again." Both Cloud and Goji nodded. Goji turned and climbed back onto his zoids hand and climbed into the cockpit. He took off in the opposite direction. "That guy's awfully strange." Cloud said, "He kind of creeps me out... he seemed so emotionless when he talked." Rain nodded, "Lets just go home... Im tiered. *********************** Meanwhile the hover cargo moved through the dunes, slow and steady, as the members of the Blitz team slept soundly inside. All except Jemie. He was busy in the main room, thinking up a new strategy. Bit was asleep on the couch. He turned, a bit to far, and fell off, face first onto the floor. He yelped im pain, and rubbed his face. "Bit?" Jemie asked, barely able to keep himself from laughing, for Bit now had a rather large red mark on his face. "are you aright?" "Man that hurt..." Bit said, "I fell asleep out here? Man I don't even remember lying down." "That's because you didn't." Jemie answered, turning back to his computer screen, "Leena caught you after you stole her cookies. She hit you pretty hard with that chair, you probably have a bump... you where out cold." Bit rubbed the back of his head... yeah he had a bump, a rather big one. "Im goin to bed... g'night Jemie." "Yeah." Jemie said, "night Bit." Bit fell asleep as the hover cargo moved slowly on... drawing ever closer to the fate that awaited the Blitz team... ********************** Rain tossed and turned in her sleep, LightStrike raising his head slightly to watch her. In her dream she saw a man, he was shadowed and she couldn't see his face. She only saw his crimson eyes... and a small chain around his neck, attached to it was an object... it was part covered in glass, bright red glass, and a small bit of wires and metal behind it. Rains eyes shot open and she sat up. LightStrike looked up in worry, and surprise. It growled gently. "Im ok." Rain assured him, "It was just a dream... don't worry ok?" LightStrike growled, his silver eyes shining in the darkness. Rain climbed out of bed, and walked into the hallway. She entered the main room, and looked through the glass wall into the cargo hold, staring at Ryuu. "LightStrike.." Rain said, she noticed the organoid had followed her, "Remember that dragon Zoid that attacked us before? The one that looked like Ryuu?" LightStrike came up next to her. He was a good 2 1/2 maybe 3 feet taller than she was. She looked at him, and continued, "I got a really weird feeling when I saw it... like I knew it from somewhere before... I didn't tell Cloud that though, because I didn't want him to worry." The black organoid growled, and turned its silver eyes on the Zoids below him. Rain turned and began to leave, "I'm going to go back to bed." Rain turned to leave as LightStrike followed her. She climbed into bed and fell asleep instantly, with the ever watchful eyes of LightStrike watching her. End of chapter 4 Authors note: Im going to try and really pick up the plot in the next chapter, the Blitz, FireBlazers, and Sky-Raiders will most likely all meet up. No promises tho. Remember Read and Review. Oh, and thanks again for all the support! 5. Day Breaks Authors note: Hehe, yeah, the Blitz, FireBlazers and Sky Raiders teams all meet up all right... I have a feeling that this is going ot be the best chapter yet, because of the fight scene. Im not saying any more, so just go read the chapter! CHAPTER 5 "LightStrike, would you go wake up Rain? Breakfast is ready." Cloud said, while placing two plates on the table, "Do whatever it takes, you know how she is in the mornings." LightStrike made his way down the hallway and into Rains room. He jumped onto the foot of the bed and began to growl softly. "Go away. Im asleep." LightStrike began to growl louder, and for it, he soon received a pillow thrown at his face, "I said I was asleep." The organoid jumped off of the bed, and grabbed the back of Rains shirt in his mouth. He pulled her out of bed, and literally began to carry her down the hallway by the back of her shirt, just like a person can carry a cat by the skin on the back of its neck. "Let me go!" Rain protested, "I get it ok... Im up.... I can walk, just put me down!" Cloud looked down the hallway to see what all the yelling was about. He began to laugh out loud at the sight. Rain looked incredibly bad; her long silver hair was a mess, and she looked extremely angry and tired at the same time. Not to mention, she was hanging by the back of her shirt from LightStrikes mouth. LightStrike carried her all the way to the kitchen, and dropped her in a seat. She glared at him, then at Cloud, who, of course, was still laughing, "You told him to do that!" She said. "No I didn't, I just told him to do whatever it takes." Rain sighed, "I wish he could do that to you." She smiled, "I bet it looked really funny huh?" Cloud grinned, and nodded, then began to eat. Rain doing the same. *************************** "Bit pass the salt..." Brad said, taking a sip of his coffee. Bit yawned, "Yeah, sure..." he handed handed him the salt as Jemie brought him another plate of eggs. The entire team was sitting down to breakfast (for once), some more tired than others. It was only 8:30 after all, and most of them slept in till at least 10. Unfortunately, the good doctor had decided to begin building his new model early that day, and upon accidentally breaking it, he let out a scream that could wake a small city. "Dad." Leena said, "next time you decide to play with your models at eight in the morning, I swear I'll throw them all out the window." Doctor Tauros wasn't paying any attention, he was to busy sitting at the end of the table playing with his new DeathSoarar and Blade Ligar models. He was apparently reenacting the legendary battle between Van Flyheight and the monstrous Prozen. "Whatever." Leena said, suddenly noticing Bit trying to steal her plate of food. She stabbed his hand with her fork. "Oww!" Bit yelled, "Hey what was that for!?" "Eat your own food Bit Cloud!" Leena yelled. "I was!" "That's why my plate was in your hands!" Jemie was rummaging through the cabnit when he suddenly said, "Hey, last night there was a box of donuts up here...." "Jemie!" Bit yelled, then upon seeing Leena's face, "Uh oh..." "Those where mine!" She yelled, jumping up to strangle the blond pilot, "Your dead this time Bit!" Bit jumped out of his seat and began to run around the room with Leena following him. He leapt onto the table, just as Leena threw a plate at him. He dodged... but unfortunately, something else was hit. "NOOOOOO!" Doc yelled, picking up his now broken Deathsoarer, "That was my hardest model... it took so long.." The team all looked at the man... he was on the verge of tears. All over a broken model. "Ummm, Sorry dad!" Leena yelled, quickly leaving the room. The others all followed, quickly and quietly. "Sorry dad..." Tauros mimicked tears in his eyes, "Well see how sorry she is when her pay is reduced... the others too!" He walked into the main room just as the phone vid-phone began to ring. As he picked it up, the image of Leon appeared on the screen. "Hi dad!" Leon said cheerfully. "Hi..." Tauros sniffed, "What do you want Leon?" "Hey, did Bit and Leena break another one of your models?" Leon asked, "you seem like your in a bad mood." Tauros nodded as Leon continued, "Well, anyway, me and Naomi were thinking of visiting today. Could you meet us at these coordinates?" A set of coordinates appeared on the screen, very near to where the hover cargo was now. "Sure Leon....Hey!" Tauros yelled, "What do you mean 'another one of my models?!' they broke another one!? NOOO" With that he ran off, only pausing to enter the coordinates into the hover cargo's computer. "Man your dad is very strange....." Naomi said, just as the screen flickered blank. *************************** "Zero, and Copper. You have another mission." Ori told her two top pilots, "Well, actually its more like finishing a mission." She sat, motioning for them to do the same. Since there base had been discovered, they had decided to use a WhaleKing from now on. "Which mission?" Zack asked. "The Blitz team. I want the Ligar 0 and ShadowFox. You will leave the Raynos and Gunsniper, they are of no importance. Also, I want you to do me a favor this time..." "What favor?" Copper said, he was already wearing the necklace, and was eager to get on with the mission. "Leave the Raynos pilot alone. His name is Jemie." Ori answered, moving a bang of her long lavender hair from out of her eyes, "Destroy his zoid, and do what you want with the others, but let him live." Copper sneered evilly, sending a chill down Zacks spine. "Now go. Remember, I want the ShadowFox and Ligar 0 in tacked!" "Yes Ma'am" Both the pilots answered, leaving the room. Ori sighed, and leaned back in her chair, her hair touching the floor, she thought, 'sorry Jemie.' ************************* "Man that was good Cloud, thanks." Rain said after finishing her breakfast, "Hey do you mind if we go to town. I've been thinking, " She sighed, "Ryuu doesn't have many good weapons besides the Blades. I saw a weapon in an add that I want to check out." Cloud nodded, "Sure, especially with everything that's going on and all. So, what kind of weapon is it?" "Well, its not exactly long ranged, but it would help, and its better than the blades." Rain answered, "Its a newly developed weapon, just made legal by the ZBC." "So what is it?" "Its called the ECF shot. Its a canon with a shell that is electro- charged, and when it hits, explodes, creating a small field of electricity around the target. It has a 40% chance of a complete system freeze. If not, it still severely damages the target." She sighed, "Though it's a difficult weapon to use, because it can also effect any other zoid within range. It's also hard to aim." Cloud nodded, "Sounds good, but how big is it? Ryuu's structure isn't made for large weaponry, it's made for speed." "Its not big at all. It's small enough to fit in the mouth of Ryuu, like a charged particle canon. Heck I'd get one of those if I could afford it." "Yeah... Aright, lets get going then." he turned to LightStrike, "Common, your comin too." LightStrike roared as they made their way to the cargo hold. Cloud left first, followed in the air by Rain. Together they made their way through the desert sands, with the small organoid running at there side. Suddenly something began to beep on Rains Radar, strait ahead. "Cloud I got 6 zoids on radar, and a transported right in front of us, about 4 miles." "Yeah I see it," Cloud said, pushing his Blade Ligar to pick up speed. The two continued on, and quite soon they could see the six zoids." "Cloud its them! That's the Gungyarados and the dragon zoid!" Rain said, her face appearing on a screen in front of him. "Yeah, and look who it is that they are fighting." he answered, "The Blitz team." Suddenly Coppers voice came onto the com link, "Look its the dragon! Good, now I'll get to finish what I started before!" The GunGyarados suddenly took off into the air after Rain. She elevated, avoiding its shots. The two began to battle both climbing higher and higher. "Who are you!" Bit yelled at Cloud, who had made his way to where the Ligar 0 was. "No time for introductions." Cloud said, "These guy's are dangerous." "We noticed!" Bit yelled, charging with his Strike Lazer Claw at the Bahamut. Leena and the Gunsniper took off to where the GunGyarados was, followed by Jemie and the Raynos. As it stood, it was now Cloud, Bit and Brad against the Bahamut, and Leena, Jemie and Rain against the Gungyarados. Jemie and Rain where having a hard time actually getting close enough to attack the GunGyarados. The monstrous zoid lunged at Jemie, sending him into a dive, and causing him to break the sound barrier. He was only meters above the ground when he pulled up, calling, "Ok now your messing with the Wild Eagle!" "I don't care who you are! Your going to die!" Copper said, diving at the Gunsniper, "Right after I take out your friend here!" "Leena watch it!" The Wild Eagle yelled, "He's coming after you!" "Oh is he!" The red head called, letting loose a barrage of missiles and shots, "Well then he's gonna have a taste of my Total weasel Unit assault!" The GunGyarados flew strait into the line of bullets. "Yeah! Got him!" Leena yelled. Suddenly out of the smoke erupted the GunGyarados seemingly unscathed, as it continued its charge at the GunSniper. "No!" Leena yelled as she was completely over taken. The next thing she knew was her flashing computer screen, Combat system Frozen. "Leena!" The Wild Eagle called, diving strait for the GunGyarados. "Your next Wild Eagle!" Copper yelled, as he landed and faced the approaching zoid. Its mouth opened and energy began to form inside as the small fan on its back began to spin. "Watch it!" Rain yelled, "It's a charged particle cannon!" "What!?" The Wild Eagle yelled, yanking up on his controls, to late. The beam disintegrated the Raynos' wing, sending it into a spin. It collided with the ground, knocking the Wild Eagle, and Jemie, completely unconscious. Meanwhile Bit, Brad, and Cloud had their hands full with the Bahamut. All three of them tried the Strike Laser Claw, and only Bit found his mark, only slightly damaging the Bahamuts leg. It took off into the air, leaving them completely helpless against its attacks. Rain suddenly spied three upcoming zoids on radar, not caring who they were, she opened a com-link, "Whoever you are, please, we need help." "Rain?!?" Came a familiar voice. "Izumi?" Rain asked, "Its them again!" "We're on our way." Izumi said, "Who are the other zoids on radar?" "The Blitz team... " Rain dodged a charge particle beam, "Hurry!" The ShadowDancer took off into a run, followed at a slower pace by the MadThunder. The Stormsworder flew ahead, joining Rain. Cloud saw the Fireblazers approach, "What are you doin here?!" Lavender laughed, "We were on our way to a battle. But this one seems more important!" The MadThunder aimed its canons at the Bahamut, and fired, as Izumi and the ShadowDancer took off into the air. All the warriors were now so busy fighting that they didn't notice two more zoids approach on radar. "Are we late?" Came a voice to everyone's com-link. "Leon!" Bit yelled, "Man, you sure picked the right time to show up!" "So, which ones are the bad Guys?" Naomi asked, looking for a good place to snipe from. "The GunGyarados and the Dragon Zoid that's fighting us. Not the one fighting the GunGyarados." Brad answered. Naomi found a small cliff only a small distance away and took off toward it. She jumped onto it, and began to take aim at the GunGyarados, which was now beginning to charge another shot with the charged particle cannon. The Bahamut noticed and fired a laser at the Gunsniper, knocking it off its mark, and causing Naomi to miss. Leon and Cloud began to charge at the GunGyarados, both Blade Ligars running side by side. Copper smiled cruelly to himself, "Now, for the two Blade Ligars," Copper aimed at the two approaching Ligars, and fired. Leon and Cloud pulled off in opposite directions, both managing to dodge the beam. Unfortunately, it was still headed in the direction of the hover cargo. It raised it shields just before impact, causing a massive explosion. The Hover cargo emerged from the smoke, and doctor Tauros appeared on the com- link. "Everyone, the shields won't hold if the hover cargo is attacked like that again. Find a way to disarm that charged particle canon!" Copper turned his GunGyarados around and headed toward the Madthunder. Lavender was out before she even knew what hit her. The MadThunder was over taken from above, almost literally crushed, by the GunGyarados. Copper backed off a bit, and began to take aim at the cockpit of the MadThunder, it began to charge another charged particle beam. Copper was so intent of finishing Lavender off that he didn't notice Ryuu and the Stormsworder preparing an attack from above. Rain and Tyra both went into a dive, reaching unbelievable speeds. Rain maneuvered herself behind the Gungyarados, and pulled up just before hitting the ground. The blade on the tip of Ryuu's wing jerked upwards, and caught on the monstrous zoids back. The blade shattered, a large piece of it now jammed in the charged particle intake fan. Copper let out a yell of rage and lunged at Rain, as she took back off into the air. "Yeah!" Tyra called, pulling out of her dive, and landing next to the MadThunder, "Common Lavender get in!" Lavender scrambled out of her zoid and into the cockpit of the StormSworder. It took off into the air after Rain and the GunGyarados. "I've got to finish this." Zack said, maneuvering out of a barrage of shots made by the madthunder. The Bahamut lunged, turning upside in mid flight, arranging itself so it was just below the ShadowDancer. "No!" Izumi yelled, she tried to pull up on her controls but she wasn't quick enough. The Bahamut fired its shock canon at the stomach of the ShadowDancer, causing it to fall. It hit the ground hard, causing a complete system freeze, "Damn it!" Izumi yelled, trying to get her zoid ot move, but to no avail. The bahamut then turned in the direction of Naomi and her Gunsniper. Zero flew strait into her, knocking her off the cliff. He landed next to her as the claws on the Bahamut began to glow, he brought them down on her, "Neo Laser Claw!" "Uh, Tyra, we got a problem..." Rain said, "Take a close look at the blade I jammed in the GunGyarados..." Tyra brought up a screen and zoomed in on the back of the GunGyarados, "Its gonna break!" "Yeah..." Just then the blade shattered, and the fan began to spin quickly. Copper landed, taking aim at Ryuu, then at the last second, pulled back, aiming quickly at the Blade Ligar and Cloud. The beam fired, and was headed strait for him. "Cloud!" Rain yelled, diving toward the Blade Ligar. She went into a dive toward the Blade Ligar, ramming it in its side, and knocking it out of the way of the beam. Ryuu's side collides with the ground, shattering the joint of its wing. "Rain are you ok?!" Cloud said. "Yeah," She answered, bringing Ryuu back on its feet, "but I can't fly anymore." Zero elevated, and headed strait for Tyra. He caught up with her, and pulled back on his controls, so the bahamut was standing strait up mid air. The plates of armor on its chest opened, revealing a massive unit of missiles. He let loose, sending the barrage at Tyra. The StormSworder was hit, and it fell, colliding hard with the ground. Tyra and Lavender opened their eyes to a complete system freeze. "Damn it!" Lavender yelled, crawling out of the cockpit with Tyra. They looked at the battlefield. Only 5 of the good guys were left. "Leon I got an idea," Bit said, Leon's face appearing on screen. "So did I. Hurry up." Leon answered. He knew exactly what Bit wanted to do, the problem, Bit needed the Schnider to do it. Bit raced back to the Hover Cargo, and onto the CAS platform, "Doc, I need the Schnider armor. Hurry!" "Sure, Bit." Tauros said, punching the command into the computer, the basic 0 armor was taken off of the Ligar 0, and replaced with the orange Schnider armor. Bit launched himself out of the Hover Cargo just as Brad distributed a Smoke Screen. Unfortunately, Zero had infrared, and pinpointed the ShadowFox out. He fired his shock canon, hitting the neck of the shadowfox, instantly causing the command system to freeze. The ShadowFox collapsed, now out of the battle. Bit rushed to meet up with Leon, and together they charged side by side toward the GunGyarados. The Schniders blades extended outward, and began to glow, as did the Blade Ligars, as they rushed forward. "Seven Blade Attack!" Bit yelled, he and Leon both lunged at the GunGyarados, just as copper ducked, the Ligars each hitting a separate wing. The wings were torn off, and crushed, as the two Ligars went right through them. Copper cursed as he went after the Ligar 0. "Im out of ammo." Zack said to himself, landing a short distance away from Cloud and Rain. Ryuu and the Silver Blade Ligar began to rush toward the Bahamut, "This is great," Zack said, "I've only got one choice left." The Bahamut stood on its hind legs and aimed itself toward the two oncoming zoids, opening its mouth. The unidentifiable canon began to glow, a bright green light, as it charged. "Now!" Zero said, pulling the trigger. The beam fired, heading strait in between the two zoids, the force of the beam pushed them backwards as it fried the joints in both zoids legs, freezing both zoids command systems. Just then, a large WhaleKing appeared, and Orihimes image came onto both Zack and Coppers screens, "Well done. Finish the rest of them off, and return to the WhaleKing." The WhaleKing hovered above The ShadowDancer, releasing some extension cables, and pulling it up into its cargo hold. It then moved to the Shadowfox. Zack was about to retreat into the Whaleking when Leon came from behind with a 7 blade attack, completely freezing the Bahamuts system, and knocking Zack out. The GunGyarados pointed it's charged particle canon at Cloud, but was stopped suddenly when Bit came from behind, using a strike Laser Claw to crush the intake fan. Copper cursed, and retreated, heading to the WhaleKing, which was now securing cables around Ryuu. "Rain! Get out of the Cockpit!" Cloud yelled, trying to force the Blade Ligar onto its feet, with no success, "Common! LightStrike!" "Cloud! The cockpit won't open!" Rain yelled, desperately trying to escape from the cockpit, "Its jammed shut!" Ryuu was hoisted into the air, with Rain trapped inside. It was pulled into the WhaleKing, and the doors to the cargo hold were shut. The hover cargo began to open fire, sending a barrage of missiles to the WhaleKing. Ori opened a com-link with the bahamut, "Zero... Zero wake up!" Zack opened his eyes, and looked at Orihime. "Get out of there and return to the WhaleKing now!" Ori yelled. Zack tried to move the bahamut, but Leon and the Blade Ligar where now holding it down, and it wouldn't move. Orihime frowned at Zero and shook her head. The whaleKing turned, and headed off into the sky, leaving Zero and the Bahamut behind. Izumi, Brad and Rain where now in the clutches of the enemy.... and Zack was stuck with the good guys. End of chapter 5 Authors note: hehehe. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It was hard, but fun. From now on, the story should really begin to pick up, and maybe, just maybe, I'll have longer chapters. Hope you liked the chap! Don't forget to R+R! Luna339 6. Dreamers wake AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry this chap took longer to get out then the others. I got kinda distracted by this 2000 piece puzzle the other day I finished it in 6 hours! Then I got busy with a new game and just didn't get around to writing the next chap. This one is shorter than the others and Im sorry about that. Also, Im glad you liked the last chapter. well anyways... heres chapter 6 CHAPTER 6 "Get outta your zoid now!" Bit yelled up at the zoid in front of him. The group had managed to drag the dragon zoid into the hanger, and now they where all waiting for the unknown enemy to step out, "Get out now or I'll tear your zoid to pieces and pull you out!" "Calm down you idiot." Zack replied from his cockpit, as he pushed the small button in front of him. The group was partially in awe, because instead of the head opening up, like most zoids cockpits, the stomach opened, and out stepped a young man. He had light green eyes and black hair highlighted with red/yellow streaks, and a ponytail reaching just below his shoulders. Unfortunately, Bit didn't care what he looked like. While everyone else was standing around stunned, Bit ran up and threw a punch right at his face. This surprised even Zack. "Bit!" Leena said as she and Leon ran up and pulled the enraged ligar pilot off of their captive. While they where busy, Zack turned to make a run for it only to be stopped by Cloud and Lavender. Cloud grabbed his jacket, and found a gun on the inside pocket. He discarded it, and pushed him down into a chair. Bit calmed down and pushed Leon away from him, looking strait into Zacks eyes he demanded, "Where are they?!" "To tell the truth," Zack said harshly, "I don't know. They could be anywhere." "Who are you?!" Cloud asked, he wanted just as much as Bit to punch this guy. "Call me Zero." Zack answered. "Ok, Zero. Now tell us," Naomi said, "Where are our friends?" "I already told you. I don't know." Zack answered. ************** "Where?!" Izumi said groggily, while sitting up "Where the hell are we?" "Glad to see that your awake." Brad said from a cell across the hallway from Izumi's "I don't know. I woke up only a little while ago." Rain opened her eyes, sat up, and looked around. She and the others where in separate cells, Izumi directly across from her, and Brad to her left. She shook her head, "The last thing I remember was being pulled into the WhaleKing." "Damn it!" Izumi yelled, "Now I remember. Those stupid guys pulled us out of our Zoids and drugged us!" She sighed, laughed slightly, then more quietly added, "But not until after I gave one of them a broken nose." Rain nodded, she remembered seeing the guy that Izumi had taken out now. He definably had a broken nose, and maybe some missing teeth as well. Brad stood up, looked through the bars, and down the hallway. There where two guards, both with automatic rifles, "We've got to get out of here, and get to our zoids." Izumi looked at the lock on her cell. Unfortunately, it was a computer lock, not a key lock, so she couldn't pick it. She looked around some more, something suddenly coming to her attention, "Hey Rain... your cell has a window." Rain turned to look at the back of her cell. Izumi was right. She did have a window. "We can use that to our advantage... or at least yours." Brad said calmly, looking at Rain, "Look though and tell me what you see." Rain looked out the window, and turned back to the other two captives, "Just below us is a small overhang, and we're in about the center of the WhaleKing, as far as I can tell. But we're still hundreds of feet above the ground, and its starting to get dark." "Hmmm.." Brad said, as a plan began to form in his head. *************** "Miss Orihime." Copper sneered, handing his commander the necklace. "You and Zero did well, Copper." Ori stated, sitting in her chair, and placing the necklace in her drawer, "Unfortunately he was captured." "Yes that is unfortunate isn't it." Copper said thinking to himself, 'it's because he was an idiot.' "We now have three new Zoids, two of which are unidentifiable... the dragon and the wolf... and the other the legendary Blitz team's ShadowFox." Orihime continued, "The dragon zoid strangely reminds me of Zero's... but that really doesn't matter." "It is odd." Copper said, he was getting bored of the young commanders idle chatting. "Anyways... your mission is done for now. I have ordered my soldiers to replace the wings on the GunGyarados, so I want you to go home. I will call you when I have another mission for you." "Yes ma'am." Copper said. He turned to leave, grinning devilishly to himself. Once he was outside the door, he reached his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small red object on a chain. *************** Brad, Izumi, and Rain all laid on their beds, pretending to be asleep. In reality, they were listening intently to a conversation the two guards where having with a messenger. "Commander Starfire says that we will be landing in about forty five minutes." The messenger said, "She instructs us to be ready to unload the new zoids as soon as we land. That means that you two will be needed as well." "So she wants us to leave the captives unguarded?" One of the guards said, making Brad chance a quick glance at his face. It was in a state of somewhat shock, "That's ridiculous." "It is her orders. Besides, they're sound asleep, and they have the security locks on. They wouldn't be able to escape even if they tried." The messenger said. "I guess your right." Another guard said, "Lets go." The three men all left, leaving the room in an eerie silence. Izumi was the first to sit up and walk to the bars. Brad and Rain followed suit. "This is just too perfect." Brad whispered. "So what's the plan?" Izumi asked. "Well my original plan was to have you and me distract the guards while the kid here climbs through the window, and find a way into the cargo hold." Brad said, "But with the new change of events, it might make things a bit easier." "So get on with it damn it!" Izumi said. "My name is Rain." Rain said, annoyed at being called kid. "Well, now Rain can climb through the window, and then on top of the WhaleKing. If I'm right, since we're in the center of the WhaleKing, there should be a ladder to the left of the window. She can wait for it to land, and when the zoids are being moved out, she can jump into her zoid, and break us out. Easy as that." Rain looked out the window. It was now completely dark, but she could still see a small ladder to her left. But the overhang was very small, and it would be all to easy to slip and fall. She cleared her throat, "Easy huh... we're awfully high up... and I don't know if I can fit through the window. Plus how can I open it?" "Common Rain, you are a flying type zoid pilot after all... you can't be afraid of heights. And you are easily small enough to fit through, I can tell from here." Izumi stated, "So your our only chance. Hell, I'd do it if my cell had a window." "Wait a while." Brad said calmly, "Then break the glass. Anything in your cell will work. Use that stool in the corner." "Right...." Rain said. **************** The small group was sitting in the main computer room of the Hover Cargo. They had tied up and locked Zero in a room down the hall. LightStrike kept watch on the door. Jemie was on the computer going through any public ZBC files he could find, trying to find data on the GunGyarados and Bahamut. He typed quickly, as various screens where brought up in front of him... none having any useful information. Leena and Lavender had gotten to know each other... perhaps too well. At first they had continuously spat insults at each other, but now they where the best of friends. Together they decided to go question their captive again. Leon, Cloud, Bit, Naomi, and Tyra where discussing about where the WhaleKing could have gone with their friends. Suddenly Jemie gave out a cry, "I think I found something!" "What is it kid?" Naomi said, as she and the others minus Leena and Lavender, (who where making their way to Zacks room) made their way over to the screen. "From what I can tell..." Jemie stated, "The two zoids that attacked us are part of some new unknown group like the Backdraft. Except they don't bother betting on unsanctioned battles and stuff like that. They mainly go out on assassination jobs, stealing any valuable zoids that they can find." "That's all you could find?!" Bit asked. "Unfortunately." Jemie said, "I even tried to hack into the classified ZBC files. They don't have any good info on them either." Meanwhile, Leena and Lavender had made their way to Zacks room, where they found him still tied and lying on the bed. "What now?" Zack asked, "I already told you... I don't know where they took them." "Yeah... but you know who took them." Leena said, "And I suggest you tell us. "If I where you I'd run and hide before my partner comes back. He wants to kill you, you know." Zack said coldly. Lavender sighed, "We aren't going to run and hide. We are going to find our friends." "Why do you care so much about them anyway. You got away, and you captured me. You should be happy with that." Zack stated. "You know what?" Lavender said, "I really pity you. You don't have any friends do you? Well we do. And we will find them." *************** Goji walked up to the small parts shop, noticing it closed once again. 'I wonder where Ryuji's gotten off to.' He thought, heading back to his zoid. He really needed some parts, because he was working on a new zoid. He climbed into the cockpit and began to head back home. He was almost there when he heard a loud swooshing sound above him. Looking up he noticed a large WhaleKing, heading south, and looking like it was about to land. "Nobody owns a WhaleKing around here..." He said to himself, " and there can't be a battle nearby, because of all the houses located around." He turned the Temjin X around and began to follow the Whaleking at a distance. He felt that something was up, and he didn't know what. *************** "Ok, I estimate about twenty minutes before we land." Brad said. "So let me get this strait." Rain said, picking up the stool and looking at the window, "You want me to climb on top of the WhaleKing, then wait for it to land. Then Im supposed to wait for Ryuu to be unloaded, jump into the cockpit, and break you guy's out?" "Yeah." Brad said, "Those guards weren't kidding when they said they had security locks on these cells. They're impossible to short circuit, and break out of." "You aren't the tactical person in the Blitz team are you?" Rain asked. "Nope. Jemie's the one that's good at plans." Rain swallowed hard, "All right. Wish me luck." She raised the stool above her head and swung at the window... *************** Copper suddenly got a weird feeling, as he climbed into the cockpit of his zoid. Around his neck was the necklace. He had given a fake to Orihime. He jumped out of the mouth of the WhaleKing, spreading the GunGyarados's wings and flying higher. He then noticed something on the side of the Whaleking. It was long and silver, very easy to spot in the dark... End of Chapter 6. Authors note: This chapter didn't have much action in it... and for some really weird reason it was allot harder to write than the others... oh well. the next chapter will be much better I promise... and longer. Don't forget to R+R! 7. Unknown Fate AUTHORS NOTE: The last chapter was kinda boring in my opinion, but Im glad u guys liked it. Anyways, heres chapter 7 CHAPTER 7 The glass shattered as the stool stuck it, and cool air began to blow in. Rain set the stool down, climbed on top of it, and lifted herself through the window. "Oww!" She said, pulling her hand back, she had cut it on a sharp edge of glass. "You ok Rain?" Izumi called from her cell. Rain looked back through the window, "Yeah, its just cut. You guy's hang tight, ok?" "Sure. Just don't fall..." Brad answered. Rain nodded and carefully walked along the overhang, her back pressed tightly against the outside of the Whaleking. She glanced down at the ground that seemed so far below her, and thought, 'It looks alot different when your not in a zoid' She hesitated a few moments, then continued on. As her long silver hair whipped quickly in the wind, she carefully reached for the ladder. Pulling herself up, she climbed for what seemed like forever, only stopping to grab on tight when a strong gust blew by. She held tightly to the bars as she climbed, and eventually reached the top. Scrambling up, she found that their where allot of footholds in the Whalekings armor. She stood awkwardly, and began to make her way to the front of the gigantic zoid. She slipped once, then pulled herself back up, standing slowly again, and swallowing her fear. "I bet you wish you had your wings." Came a cold, cruel voice from behind her. Rain turned, and stared, startled by what she saw. Before her stood a dark figure of a young man. She couldn't make out any features... except one. Around his neck was a glowing red object, attached at the end of a silver chain. She suddenly remembered her dream from before, and slowly began to back up. The wind began to pick up slightly as the man stated, "What's the matter?" **************** "Ha!" Zack said as the ropes fell off of him. He stood up, and looked around. The only way out of the room was the door... and that dammed organoid was blocking it. He looked around a bit more, and spied an air vent. 'Guess I got no other choice' Zack thought as he pried the cover off the wall. He climbed in, and crawled on. It soon became pitch black inside, making it impossible to tell where he was. Suddenly the floor gave out beneath him, and he fell. He hit the floor, got up quickly, wincing at a sharp pain in his ankle, and looked around. He was in the hanger.... along with everyone else. Bit and the others stared, surprised that their captive had just come from the very high ceiling, and got up, seemingly unhurt. "Uh... yeah..." Zack stated, his ankle hurt badly, "Hi." Zack rushed at Bit, hitting him right in the gut, "That's for hitting me earlier..." He turned and swung a punch, about to hit anybody that might be behind him. He suddenly stopped, he couldn't hit who was behind him... because it wasn't right to hit a girl... and a fairly pretty one at that. Lavender closed her eyes as she saw the punch coming her way. After a few moments she opened them again, to a fist only inches away from the side of her head. She gave out a sigh of relief, just as Zack turned to run away. He didn't get very far because of his ankle. Cloud grabbed Zack by the back of his shirt, receiving an elbow in the gut. He winced, but kept a tight hold on his captive. Bit ran up and swung a punch, finding its mark on Zacks nose. Zack pulled away from Cloud with the help of another elbow to the gut, and then tackled Bit. The two began to fist-fight, neither looking like they would give up any time soon. "They look like a couple of ten year old boys." Leena stated, the two "ten year old boys" as she called them, where now rolling on the floor, trying to pin each other down. Nobody bothered to cut in for a while, until it started to get boring. It was easy enough to say that Bit was loosing... quite badly.... but he still wouldn't give up. Finally Cloud, Leon and Doctor Tauros pulled Zero off of the young Ligar pilot, and Naomi, Jemie, and Leena held onto Bit, so he wouldn't start another fight. Zack was dragged to another room, this one without an air vent, and was locked inside. He sat on the bed, and rubbed his sore ankle. Everyone else went back to what they were doing before Zack fell from the ceiling, which for all of them, was repairing their Zoids. ************** "You know...." Copper stated, taking a few steps toward the terrified Rain, "... Silver is very easy to see in the dark." Rain continued to step backwards, the wind blowing her long silver hair violently. The whaleking was descending, and was about to land. "Now I finally get to finish you off..." He taunted, "You know, you where safer all locked up in your cell." Rain stumbled and fell, as the whaleking landed. The man seemed to be unaffected by both the wind, and the slight swaying motion of the landing. Copper grinned cruelly to himself. He reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out a handgun, pointing it strait at Rain, "time to die, time to die..." he taunted, as he pulled the trigger. ************* "So your Brad, right?" Izumi asked, "We never really got into introductions and all." "Yeah. I never got your name." Brad answered, he was sitting on the bed with his back against the wall. "Izumi." They stayed quiet for a while, until they felt the Whaleking land. Izumi sighed, "Do you think she made it?" Brad shrugged, "Who knows..." Izumi laid her head down on her pillow and sighed, "Damn it. I wish I knew." *************** "I want you all to be ready to unload these zoids as soon as the hatch opens." Orihime called, glancing at the three new zoids. She first looked at the Shadowfox, then the ShadowDancer. "Yes Ma'am" Various soldiers called, getting ready to unload. Finally she looked at the dragon zoid, Ryuu. She paused for a minuet, and shook her head, "Man that zoid looks familiar from somewhere... not only the fact that it looks like the Bahamut... but I swear I've seen it somewhere else..." She held her breath, suddenly remembered where she had seen the zoid before. "No way..." She turned, and headed into her office. She sat down on her desk, and removed a laptop from the drawer. She began to bring up various files... ***************** Zack sighed and sat up in his bed. He walked over to the window and looked out, trying to think of a way to escape... He couldn't think of one. 'man' he thought, 'im really stuck this time' Sighing again, he walked back to his bad and sat down. Just then Leena walked in with a plate of food, and set it on the table, "Here. Your lucky that Leon and the others told me to bring this to you... I wasn't going to" "Whatever." he answered. Leena left, and Zack got up and headed over to the table. He looked at the food a good while, then went at it. It was delicious. He ate it all, then laid back down on the bed. "I got to get out of here..." he said to himself. ***************** Cloud was sitting on the paw of his Blade Ligar. He had finished the repairs, which really didn't take as long as he thought, and now that he didn't have anything to do he was in a pit of worry about his little sister. He had a very bad feeling that something was wrong. Very wrong. Tyra, Lavender, and Leon came up. They had also finished on repairs, and noticed Clouds expression. "What's wrong?" Tyra asked, even though she already knew the answer. She knew that Cloud was worried about Rain. "Im just thinking." Cloud answered, "About the day that Rain lost her memories." "Really?" Lavender said, pulling herself onto the paw, "what happened?" Tyra climbed onto the paw as well, followed by Leon. The three sat there waiting for an answered. Cloud sat for a while, then shook his head, "I can't tell you." "Ah, come on..." Lavender said. "Lets just say..." Cloud said. He sighed, and closed his eyes, "that I have a very bad feeling about all of this." "That doesn't tell us anything about her past." Leon stated. He had heard the story about Rain not having any memories from Tyra, and now he was seemingly interested. Cloud shook his head, and sighed, "No. It doesn't." Tyra, Lavender and Leon all shrugged, and jumped off of the Ligars paw. Leon went off to find Jemie, while Lavender and Tyra went to find Leena and Naomi. **************** Izumi jumped out of her bed, and began to pace around her cell, "What the hell! This suspense is killing me!" "Just calm down." Brad said, he too was starting ot get anxious. He sat up in bed and looked down the hallway, for no real reason. "Rain had better pull through!" Izumi said. Brad nodded, "What's the story with you guy's anyway... why'd you help us and all... you know, at the battle." "Oh, yeah, that. The GunGyarados and the Dragon attacked us before too. When we got a signal from Rain asking us to help, we came as fast as we could." "I see." *************** Orihime stared at the screen in front of her. At the top it read MCME. She read the file, both amazed and horrified at what she saw. In the center of the page she saw a picture of Ryuu, and Bahamut, standing side by side. She continued reading, now completely immersed in the file, reaching the end of a paragraph which stated, "On the subject two years ago..... eventually leading to complete loss of memories...." She held her breath for a few seconds, as she continued with the next paragraph. She couldn't believe at what she read. End of Chapter 7 Authors note: Hehe whatcha think? I thought this chapter was kinda fun to write, even though it didn't have a battle scene. Hope you liked it... don't forget to review! 8. Takes its tole AUTHORS NOTE: Hey, did all of you like my nice little cliff hanger? ^__^. Anyways... heres the next chapter... hope you like it! CHAPTER 8 Rain closed her eyes the moment the gun was raised at her head. She clenched her fists, ready to take the pain of the bullet 'this is it' she thought. Keeping her eyes closed tight, she waited several seconds. Then she heard it. She heard the click, and the bang. Several seconds past, and when Rain didn't feel anything she opened her eyes. What she saw shocked her. Directly in front of her was a hand. Not a normal hand, but a huge, robotic hand. She looked up at the Temjin X in pure relief. "Goji!?" Rain said, surprised. "You ok?" Goji asked. Rain nodded, still dumbfounded by the whole incident. Goji raised the hand away from Rain and the Temjin X stood strait up. "Good. Go get your zoid." Rain hesitated a few moments, then took off running. She ran as fast as her legs would take her. Goji looked sternly at Rains attacker. He was climbing into the GunGyarados by this time, and he hadn't gotten a good look at his face. He only caught a quick glance of his back before the cockpit closed. "You will regret that!" Copper yelled, bringing the GunGyarados to life. It roared in agreement. "I have never regretted anything I've done." Goji replied, drawing the sword off the Temjin X's back. "There's always a first time!" Copper answered. Meanwhile, Rain kept running along the back of the whaleking, finally reaching the front. She kneeled and looked over the edge. The ShadowFox and ShadowDancer had already been unloaded, and there where at least 30 Rev raptors surrounding them. Just then, she saw Ryuu being dragged out below her. Rain thought to herself, 'its a long jump but...' She stood up and looked down at the head of her zoid, 'I've got no other choice.' She jumped, and fell, landing on the back of her dragon zoid. She stumbled a bit, then scrambled up the neck and to the head. Opening the cockpit, she climbed in, and pushed various buttons. Ryuu sprang to life, and roared, as Rain began to tare into any of the nearby Rev Raptors. She destroyed any close ones, and then headed into the WhaleKing. Once inside, she destroyed everything and anything in her path, looking for the jail cells. Izumi and Brad began to hear the explosions, when suddenly, the wall crumbled revealing Rain and Ryuu. Rain carefully smashed the bars on the cells, and had Ryuu kneel. The cockpit opened and Rain stood up. "Yeah!" Izumi said as she ran up to the black dragon, "Damn! You did it!" Rain smiled, "I had a bit of help. Hurry. There's not enough room in the cockpit, so your gonna have to hang on tight." Brad and Izumi climbed onto the dragons shoulders, both getting a tight foot and hand hold. When they where ready, Ryuu took off, back through the way it came. Various Rev Raptors tried to stop them, but Rain plowed through them, folding Ryuu's wings so that Izumi and Brad were protected from any extra shelling. They broke their way through, and made it outside. Rain fist went to the ShadowDancer, as it was closest. Izumi jumped into the cockpit as Rain took Brad to the ShadowFox. "Listen you two." Brad said, appearing on their com-links, "Im going back to the hover cargo. Im going to tell them where you are. You go and help that mercenary." "What!? Your not going to stay and help us?!" Izumi yelled, "Coward!" "He'd help us more if he went and got the others!" Rain stated, "Besides, Goji's going to need some air support, after all, the GunGyarados can fly, remember?!" Izumi sighed, "Fine, but you better hurry!" Brad nodded as he turned the ShadowFox and took off. Only seconds after he left, Rev-Raptors and Zebats began to appear seemingly out of nowhere. The ShadowDancer and Ryuu had a good advantage though. They where both pitch black, and it was pitch black outside. ******************** Orihime jumped in surprise as she began to hear the explosions all around her. She quickly closed the files on her laptop, and ran out the door. Peering down the hallway, she could see that her prisoners had escaped. "What the hells going on!?" She said aloud to a nearby soldier. "Ma'am." He saluted, "Apparently one of the prisoners escaped, and freed the others. They took their zoids, and now they are battling our forces outside." Orihime ran though the Whaleking and out into the fresh night air. Looking around she noticed Ryuu and the ShadowDancer had destroyed most of there troops, and where headed to the back of the whaleking. She ran out further, and looked on top of the huge transporter. What she saw surprised her. On top of the Whaleking, the Temjin X was doing battle with none other than Copper. 'Wait' she thought, 'Copper couldn't possibly still be in control unless.....' She then realized that Copper had played her as a fool. 'Damn!' *********************** The Blitz, Flugle, and others where all sitting in the main room, each worrying about various things. Suddenly Brad appeared on the main screen. "Brad!?" Bit said, standing up. "Listen," Brad said, "Here are the coordinates to the place where the others are. You where already headed in the right direction. It's only about fifteen minuets away at top speed. Let me in and lets go!" The hover cargo opened the side panel, and the ShadowFox jumped in. The huge snail like transporter began to travel in the direction that Brad had given them. The ShadowFox pilot walked into the main room, everyone starting to ask him various questions, about various people. "Quiet!" Doctor Tauros yelled, "Let him talk." Brad nodded as the room became silent. He cleared his throat, and began, "Let me start by saying," He stated, turning toward Cloud, "You've got one hell of a sister." Cloud nodded," Is she ok?" "Yeah, for the time being. But her, Izumi, and that mercenary guy..." "Goji?" Cloud asked, a confused look on his face. "Yeah him." Brad answered, "They're alone against the GunGyarados. We have to hurry." Everyone nodded and set to work, the pilots went to their zoids, ready to dispatch the moment they arrived at the battlefield. Cloud ran up to Brad, "What did you mean about Rain?" "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you all about everything afterwards." Brad answered, his normal calm startling Cloud a bit. "Common LightStrike." Cloud said, turning to his organoid partner, "be ready to fuse when we get there." LightStrike roared as they ran up to the Blade Ligar. ******************** Rain and Izumi had both taken into the air, and had begun to drop various shelling on the monstrous GunGyarados. Unfortunately, it seemed to no effect. Goji brought his sword down, full force. As the GunGyarados dodged, the sword struck the armor of the Whaleking, and opened a large gash. "You'll have to do better than that." Copper said, as he maneuvered around the Temjin X and took off into the air. He headed toward the ShadowDancer, about to ram strait into the stomach of the wolf zoid. Rain saw Copper take off into the air, and prepared to charge at it. Just before the GunGyarados struck the ShadowDancer, Ryuu rammed head on into the side of the monstrous zoid. "Not you again!" Copper yelled, "This ends now!" The Gungyarados turned, and grabbed onto the tips of Ryuu's wings. Copper grinned, "You where terrified before, when you weren't in the safety of your zoid." He turned, so that Ryuu was now below him, its wings pulled up over the sides, so that its back was facing the ground, "You going to die once and for all!" He pulled down on the controls, causing the GunGyarados to drop like a stone, with Ryuu stuck underneath it. Rain's eyes widened in horror as they began descending at an alarming rate, they were very high up, and they where now free-falling. She glanced to her left and saw the hover cargo, and all the warriors she had met running out in front. She saw all of her new friends, all of those who she would never forget. She saw them all running toward the battlefield, all of them at top speed. She saw the silver Blade Ligar in front. She watched it run, as fast as it could... she saw Clouds face in her mind, as the ground rushed up at her. She was then plunged into darkness. ********************** Goji cursed in shock, he couldn't reach them in time, he wouldn't be able to stop them. He tried anyway, running toward the area where the two zoids where bound collide with the ground. Izumi had gone into a dive, truing to reach Copper and Rain, so that she could stop their fall, but to no avail. They where to far below her, and Goji was to far away to help. ********************** Cloud skidded to a stop... along with all the others. They all sat and stared, even the fastest zoid wouldn't have been able to get their in time. Cloud watched in horror, as he pushed up on his controls, pushing it's zoid to full speed, "RAIN!" The dragon collided with the ground, back first, creating a small crater, and causing everyone on the battlefield to stop what they where doing. The gunGyarados jumped out of the crater, roaring violently, as Coppers voice could be heard, menacingly laughing. Cloud and LightStrike ran as fast as the Blade Ligar would take them, to the edge of the crater. What they looked down upon horrified them. Ryuu lay, literally crushed, in the burning desert sands. Sparks of electricity bolted around it, and a fire had started in the pit of the crater. ********************** Zack cringed as he witnessed the sight. He had managed to escape, along with the Bahamut, because of all the chaos around. Zero had gotten out of the hover cargo, just in time to see the crash. "No one could survive that..." he said to himself, as he headed toward the Whaleking. ********************** Ori stared in shock, and horror, at what she had just witnessed. She barley recognized the Bahamut flying toward her, and she hardly noticed her cell phone had begun to ring. "Yes." She said, barley above a whisper. Her eyes widened as she soon heard who was on the other line. "I have come to understand..." The voice said, "That you have both of the MCME zoids in your grasp at this point... along with their pilots." "Yes.... but unfortunately, I don't think that the girl could have survived." Ori stated, still a bit in shock at what she had just witnessed, "and Zero is headed this way at the moment." "That doesn't matter... if the girl is dead, bring me her body. Bring both the Bahamut, and Ryuu to me." The voice said, "I want both pilots and their zoids." "But... there's no way." Orihime whispered. "You will do it if you don't want you family to be harmed, commander!" The person on the other line hung up. Orihime ran into the WhaleKing, and to the main computer room. She pushed a few keys, causing a screen of Copper, and one of Zero to pop up. "Bring my the Dragon zoid now. Drag it inside. Don't lose the pilot, even if she is dead." Orihime stated. Copper frowned at the commander, "I want to finish the rest of them off." "Forget it Copper. This is an order from the Admiral." She yelled. Copper frowned again, but followed her orders. The GunGyarados and Bahamut flew into the crater, and dragged out the battered Ryuu. Cloud ran up, trying to stop them, suddenly finding himself in a barrage of missiles from the WhaleKing itself. The others all tried to get to Rain, but none of them could get close enough to stop the two from taking Ryuu. They all watched helplessly as the tow zoids dragged Ryuu, and Rain, into the mouth of the whaleking. It lifted into the air, and took off. Leaving everyone in the dust. End of chapter 8. Authors note: What do you think? Hehe, to tell the truth, I think its almost finished.... but im not sure. Anyways, hope you liked the chapter, R+R! 9. New Dreams Authors note: Hey people! Let me say that I really, really appreciate all the support that I've goten for this fic. If you guy's wouldn't have kept reviewing, I probably wouldn't have continued. Thanks. Now with all that said and done... CHAPTER 9 Cloud sighed, he was sitting alone in the hanger, once again on his Blade Ligars paw. Next him, LightStrike was sleeping. He was thinking about everything that had happened, and wishing that there was some way he could have prevented all of it. The door to the hanger opened, and in walked Izumi, followed by everyone else. The group walked up to the Blade Ligar, and stopped, looking up at Cloud. "Cloud." Izumi stated, "We think you know what could be going on." Cloud looked down at them and shook his head, "Im not sure what's going on." Izumi clenched her fists, "Bull! You do know what's going on! We want an explanation damn it!" LightStrike jumped to his feet, suddenly surprised by Izumi's shouting. He turned to face the group, looking over his masters shoulder. Cloud turned away from them and said, "I can't tell you. I don't want any of you involved... not now anyway." Izumi jumped onto the Blade Ligars paw, anger written clearly on her face. She grabbed Clouds jacket, and looked him strait in the eye, "This is all about Rain's past isn't it? Well let me tell you something... Rain risked her life to save me and Brad," She let go of his jacket and stood up strait, her eyes flashing, "and then she went and saved me again in the air against the GunGyarados. Now I don't know if she's dead or alive, but I do know this... she's my friend no matter what. No matter how terrible, or sad her past is, she's still going to be my friend, and I'll stick by her to the end of everything." "That's right!" Lavender and Tyra yelled together. Various agreements and comments came from the others. Cloud stood up and looked at Izumi, then at the rest of the group, and frowned. He looked strait at Jemie and pulled a small disk from his pocket. Cloud tossed the disk to Jemie and said, "Go break the password, and read the files on it. Then come to me." Jemie nodded as he took of toward the computer room, with everyone except Izumi right at his heals. "What's on the disk?" Izumi demanded. "Rain's past." *************************** Orihime walked down the halls of the base, heading toward the admirals office. She reached the door and knocked gently. "Come in commander." Came a voice from the other side. She opened the door and walked in, her soft brown eyes adjusting to the dimness of the room. She saluted," You said you wanted to see me?" "Yes." The admiral stated. She had long blond hair, and olive green eyes. She was thin, and had a nice figure, "I am very happy in you commander. You have managed to retrieve both MCME zoids... and their pilots! Very well done." "Thank you miss Gabrielle." Orihime said, lowering her eyes to the ground, "may I ask a question?" "Yes, go ahead." "Is the girl alive?" Gabrielle grinned cruelly, "Yes she is, barley, and she could still die. That's why we have decided to use the MCME on her soon." "What!?" Ori yelled, "You can't! It's wrong!" "I can do as I please." Gabrielle stated, "Don't worry though, we plan on using it on Zero first." Orihime stared, she thought only Copper himself could be so cruel. She shook her head, "I refuse to let you use it on one of my soldiers." "You do?" Gabrielle said, chuckling slightly, "You seem to forget that your father sent you to work with us, so he could get some money. Well, as you know all to well, we made sure you would work for us, by taking you parents into our custody." Orihime cursed under her breath, and nodded. "Good. The tests will be taking place at 2 pm tomorrow. I ask that you be there." "Yes ma'am." "That is all. You may leave now." Orihime turned to leave, returning to her own office. ***************************** Zack sat in his cell, wondering why he had been locked up. He looked through the bars, and down the hall, noticing that the admiral was walking in his direction. "Hello Zero." Gabrielle said, stopping in front of his cell. "Ma'am," Zack answered, giving the salute, "May I ask why I have been locked up?" Gabrielle smiled, "Zero, do you know what the MCME are?" Zero shook his head, "No ma'am." "I see." She said, "How did you ever come across the Bahamut?" Zero sighed, "I was trying to steal it, but I was caught by Commander Orihime. Instead of capturing me, she offered me a job, so I took it." "Very interesting. And since then, you have gained complete control over the zoid?" "Yes ma'am." he answered. "Perfect." Zero looked at the admiral strangely, and asked, "What's perfect." "You are. Tomorrow, you are going to find out what the MCME are." *************************** Jemie sighed and looked over at the clock. It read 4 am. "Man I've tried everything..." He said with a yawn. He looked over his shoulder. The others where all asleep in the room, some on the sofa's, some on the floor. He yawned again, thinking of what word he hadn't tried yet. He just couldn't break the password. LightStrike walked into the room and looked around. Then it hit him. He typed in "memories" and hit the enter key. Waiting several seconds, he was brought up to a folder entitled MCME. He clicked on the name and read the file, both shocked and amazed. 'This explains alot...' he thought, pressing on the next page button, coming up with various pictures of the Bahamut and Ryuu. Jemie read on, and when he had read it all he whistled, "Wow." He said to himself. "Hey guy's wake up!" He yelled, "I got it." The group aroused, some groaning, others looking at their watches. Leena sat up and yawned, "What is it Jemie...?" "I figured it out! Come look at this you guy's!" He answered, walking over to a panel on the wall, and turning on a light. "Damn it," Lavender said, "Turn that stupid light back off." Izumi walked over to the wall, turning another light on, "Come on everybody, rise and shine. The kid has finally broken Clouds password." "Bring it up on the main screen," Leon said, rubbing his eyes. Jemie nodded as the group got themselves situated and comfortable on the couches. A large screen appeared in front of them, at the top saying MCME, and showing various pictures of the Bahamut and Ryuu. The writing was too small for any of them to see. "Well, come on Jemie!" Leena said, "Read it to us!" Jemie nodded again as he began, "The sync experiments began 6 years ago under the two highly respected scientists, Koh and Nadia Light-feather...." "Those names sound familiar..." Izumi said, "Sorry for interrupting, go ahead Jemie." "The two scientists where trying to discover a way to make people and zoids interact more clearly, through the concept of thought. They where trying to make it so people could understand and control their zoids more efficiently, through a device they called a sync helmet. By attaching it to the pilots head, they could interact and control the zoids by thought... or that was their theory. The projects where never completed, for they had been stolen by a woman named Gabrielle Light-Feather, the sister to Koh Light-Feather." "Gabrielle Light-Feather destroyed all traces of the sync experiments, changing them into her own MCME--Mind Control & Manipulation Experiments. She hired a team of highly known scientists, to develop a way to control a pilot through the zoid. Gabrielle kidnaped the two children of Koh and Nadia, and began the experiments on them. Through excessive testing, she discovered that it would only work with some people... for example the experiments worked on the younger of the two Light-Feather children, but not the older. "She continued her experimentation's, trying to force-control the pilots into fighting. Eventually, she gave up that idea, and went on to another experiment. To manipulate a pilot into feeling no emotion, pain, or thought during a battle, which would make the pilot virtually unstoppable. Also, by doing this, it would put the pilot under her control. In this, she succeeded, but again, only with the younger of the two children, and with bad side-effects. "Her experiments lead her to create the two dragon zoids, Bahamut and Ryuu, which where the only zoids that had the program inserted into their data. By attaching the helmet through an extra input, only found on these two zoids, then placing it on the head of the pilot, Gabrielle found out that her experiments where a success, but at a cost. Once again, the experiments had bad side-effects. "Two years ago she finally completed her experiments, ignoring the side- effects that where put on her pilot. She used her experiment to attack the home of Koh and Nadia Light-Feather, killing them both. Unfortunately, the pilot endured too much strain, eventually causing permanent memory loss, and physical deterioration and changes. "The older of the two children managed to escape, along with the younger..." "Does this answer your questions?" Cloud asked, he had watched them through the entire thing. Everyone turned around, completely surprised by his voice. "You where the..." Izumi said... suddenly interrupted by Cloud. "Yes, I was the older of the two children." He said, "and the experiments didn't work on me." "So Rain..." Leon said, turning back to the screen. Cloud nodded, "The experiments worked on her." "What where the side-effects, besides the memory loss?" Bit asked. "Sometimes Rain used to come back with a fever.... sometimes she would come back with a headache that hurt so much she couldn't even move. Other times she would be unconscious. Every once and a while, nothing would be wrong." He answered. "And the physical side effects?" Jemie asked. "Rains eyes changed color, they used to look like my dads, which where dark blue. She also became weak, and frail." He said, letting the info sink in, "Im headed to the base later today. I know exactly where it is." "We're going too." Izumi said, "Right girls?" Lavender and Tyra nodded. "Us too, " Bit added, the Blitz team nodding in agreement, along with the Flugle team. Goji nodded, "Im going also." "No." Cloud said, "You can't." Izumi laughed, placing both hands on her hips, "Ya know what Cloud? Too bad. We're all coming, whether you like it or not. Even if you where to leave by yourself, you know that we would just follow you." Cloud sighed, "Fine..." "all right everyone!" Doctor Tauros said, "Lets head out!" *********************** "Miss Gabrielle," Copper said, giving a salute, "I have a request." "Yes.. what is it?" Gabrielle asked, sitting in her office. It was now 8 am, and she was drinking her morning coffee. "I've heard that you plan on testing the MCME on Zero." Copper stated, "I want to watch." Gabrielle smiled, "If you wish. It will be taking place at 2 pm today." Copper nodded, then left. He wanted to see just how this MCME stuff worked. ************************* Orihime looked at her watch, it was now 2 pm, and she was to report to the front of the base. She made her way there, finding the Bahamut standing just outside. Zero was strapped into the cockpit, and the helmet was placed on his head... Authors note: Hmm.. this chapter took a long time to write. Hope you liked it, now you know what the MCME zoids are! Anyways, don't forget to R+R! 10. And New Realities Authors note: Hey! Once again, thanks for the great reviews. I had a hard time trying to write that last chapter because I wasn't sure on how to explain the MCME. Heres chapter 10! CHAPTER 10 The hover cargo made its way silently through the burning desert sands, heading in the direction that Cloud had instructed. The entire group was in the hanger, each working on their respected zoid, preparing for the battle that would undoubtedly be ahead. Cloud sat n the cockpit of his Blade Ligar, checking the controls. He had just inputted a shield into the Ligars system, just in case, when Tyra walked up, wiping grease off of her hands with a rag. "Hey Cloud," Tyra said. "What's up?" Cloud asked, jumping down out of the cockpit. "Well I was wonderin, why didn't you tell us about all this sooner?" "Because I wasn't sure it was if it was my aunt Gabrielle or not... not until the last battle, where they were only interested in taking Rain and Ryuu." "Oh." Jemie came walking up to them, "We're almost there you guy's, so I suggest that you finish up on your zoids." ******************** Zack sat in his cockpit, on his head was the MCME helmet. The helmet really wasn't much of a helmet, but was a half-circled earpiece, covering one side of Zacks head. Extending from it were various wires that connected to a shoulder/neck piece he was wearing, the wires also connecting to the back a small band around his head. Over one eye was a small clear piece of glass, a scope of some sort, that was tinted yellow. "Prepare the tests." Gabrielle stated. All around zack various zoids appeared, there where a few Rev-raptors and Zabats, but there was also 2 Dibisons, and at least 50 Guysacks. "Your crazy!" Zack yelled, "There's no way I can beat that many zoids by myself!" "Just relax Zero." Gabrielle stated, appearing on a com-link in front of him, "Just wait until the MCME is activated." "Just what is this MCME anyway!?" Zero demanded. "You'll find out soon enough." Gabrielle replied, closing the com-link. The Admiral turned to one of her soldiers, "Activate the MCME unit now." "Yes ma'am." The soldier replied, running into the WhaleKing. The first thing Zack felt was pain. His head felt like it would tear apart, and his body felt burning hot. Then he blacked out, but not completely, he was still conscious in a way. He could see, but he could not talk, act, or even think. He was basically like a lifeless shell. "Zero." Gabrielle's voice filled his thoughts, "Destroy all the units you see before you." Zack attacked, not feeling any thought or emotion, and he soon wiped out half of the existing zoids. He continued his carnage, receiving various hits, but paying no attention to them. The only thing he could do was fight. "Hmmm," Gabrielle stated as she watched from the sidelines, "He's doing much better than I expected." Orihime watched in shock, Zero had taken out over 50 zoids, and was still fighting. She turned to the Admiral, "Stop! Please! This isn't right!" "Shut up commander." Gabrielle stated, according to her calculations, there where only the 2 Dibisons and 10 Rev-Raptors left. Copper also watched in amazement, not even he could destroy that many zoids in under 10 minuets. He watched as the last zoid, a Dibison, was demolished, the cockpit crushed by the Bahamut. **************************** The Hover Cargo was only a few miles away, as it began to distribute its 11 zoids. Once all the zoids were out, they began to head toward the base at full speed. The Raynos and the Stormsworder were out in front, followed closely by the three Ligars. The others followed at a short distance. "Hey guy's" Jemie said, "I've just gotten a visual," "Yeah..." Tyra shuddered, "Me too." "What do you see?!" Cloud demanded, "Is it Ryuu?" "No..." Jemie answered, "Its the Bahamut... and according to my readings, he just took out a total of 65 zoids." "No way!" Leena yelled, "That's impossible!" "No." Cloud stated, "Its not. He's using the MCME system." They made their way quickly to the base, soon coming face to face with the deadly Bahamut. *********************** Gabrielle stared at the oncoming zoids, grinning excitedly, "Oh good! More practice for my new pilot!" "Admiral!" Orihime yelled, "I've read that if the MCME unit is used to much at one time, it could be dangerous for the pilot!" "Im aware of that commander," Gabrielle stated, "It also starts to wear off until the pilot starts to get used to it.... I don't even think he'll win this fight, but I want to see how far I can push him..." Orihime bit her bottom lip as she turned towards the battlefield. She watched as the zoids approached, and stopped. They were waiting. Copper grinned, his commander was far too soft, "Admiral... I have a question." "Yes Copper. What is it?" "When Zero falls, can I join the battle?" "If you want." She answered, "But as you know I can't use the MCME on you." "I know, I just want to kill those pilots out there." Copper replied, actually after reading up on all the side-effects, he didn't want the MCME system. Gabrielle nodded as she turned back to the battlefield, "Zero, I command you to destroy all the new zoids that have come." The Bahamut roared as it dashed toward the group. Everyone except Lavender was able to dodge. The dragon tore into the MadThunder, crushing the two electro-charged horns in a single swipe. Izumi came up from behind, ready to attack, only to be surprised when the Bahamut turned, swinging its tail, and hitting the side of the ShadowDancer, causing it to topple over. "Damn it!" Izumi yelled, pushing her zoid back on it's feet. Unfortunately, one of its wings had been damaged. "You'll pay for that." The Bahamut took off into the air, and it's chest plates opened, letting loose a barrage of missiles half of them heading toward the ShadowDancer, and the rest toward Lavender and the MadThunder. Both girls closed their eyes as they felt the missiles hit, opening them to a flashing screen, "Command system freeze" "NO WAY!" Izumi yelled. The Bahamut roared again as it began to fire down on the renaming zoids. It shot down the ShadowFox only a few moments later. "Take this!" Leena screamed, "Total weasel unit assault!" The Bahamut dodged easily as it flew down and tackled Leenas GunSniper. She screamed as the glass on the cockpit broke, and the GunSniper went down. Luckily, she escaped with only a few cuts and bruises. "Leena!" Bit yelled as he jumped into the air, "Strike Laser Claw!" The Bahamut attempted to dodge, but was unsuccessful, as it's back leg was torn completely off. It began to fire madly at the Ligar 0, giving the chance for Leon and Cloud to strike from both sides, finally bringing it down. The battle only lasted about 5 minuets. "You ok Bit?" Leon asked. "Yeah... thanks allot you guy's." Bit answered. "No problem..." Leon said. ************************* "Very impressive! Even after taking out all those test units, he still managed to endure the stain long enough to take out four of them." Gabrielle stated, "Abort the MCME system." "Yes ma'am!" A soldier said, pushing a small button on a control panel in front of him. "Go get in your zoid Copper." Gabrielle stated, "You can kill the rest of them if you want." Copper smiled evilly as he turned toward the WhaleKing, and walked inside. He headed into the hanger, and climbed into his zoid. Orihime ran out to the Bahamut, wanting to make sure that Zero was all right. ************************* The group watched as the cockpit of the Bahamut opened. Zero stumbled out of his zoid, the MCME helmet still on his head. He collapsed onto the hot desert sands, breathing heavily. Orihime ran up and worked quickly to remove the helmet, "Zero are you ok?" Zack coughed slightly, trying to push himself up, but to no avail. His head was pounding, and his chest hurt. He felt sick. "Don't..." he gasped, "Don't let her use...that thing again..." Just then Izumi, Brad, Leena and Lavender ran up. They stopped at the two, and looked down on them. "Is he ok?" Lavender asked. "My head hurts..." He replied, "and.... my whole body feels.. numb..." with that he passed out. "Who are you!" Izumi demanded from Orihime, "Why the hell are you using that MCME system if it does that to people!?" Orihime frowned, "Im a commander of these forces... and for your information," She glared up at Izumi, "I would definitely feel better if that stupid system was destroyed!" Just then a large explosion was heard. The remaining zoids looked around quickly, trying to figure out where it was coming from. "Guy's watch it!" Jemie yelled from up above them, "Charged particle beam coming your way!" The group took off in separate directions as the beam passed harmlessly by, and the GunGyarados came into view. Jemie and Tyra took off at once, toward the monstrous zoid. Together, they had formed a plan on how to distract the GunGyarados long enough for the others to take it out. Jemie went into a dive, as he shot at the legs of the GunGyarados. In return it roared, and aimed its head in the Raynos' direction, and fired a charged particle beam. Jemie veered right, forced to break the sound barrier. "Yeah!" The Wild Eagle yelled, "Bring it on!" While the GunGyarados was distracted with the Wild Eagle, Tyra circled around behind it, and began firing various arsenals. She extended one of the blades on the StormSworders wings, and turned right before colliding with the GunGyarados. The blade sliced through the wings of the GunGyarados, limiting it to ground combat. "Damn it!" Copper yelled, as he turned to deal with the StormSworder. He charged another particle beam, aiming directly at Tyra. Unfortunately, he had failed to notice that the other's had also approached from behind. The Temjin X brought its sword down on the back of the GunGyarados, completely crushing the intake fan, and causing it to jerk to the right as it fired it's last charged particle beam. "How the hell did you get behind me!" Copper yelled, turning to face Goji. "Ah come on..." Bit said, "You don't think we didn't learn from when you attacked us before?" The Ligar 0 seemed to approach from out of nowhere, as it brought a strike laser claw down on the side of the GunGyarados. "Im not going to lose damn it!" Copper yelled as he charged head on into the Temjin X. He tackled it, pushing it back into the side of a cliff, causing it to leave a nice imprint in the rocks. "Tisk tisk..." Naomi said, she was directly above and to the left of the GunGyarados. She aimed and fired, making a direct hit with the neck of the zoid. "NO!" Copper yelled as the words, 'command system freeze' began to flash on his screen, "How!?" "You got to cocky." Leon stated coming up from behind, "You could have beaten us if you wouldn't have been so overconfident." Copper jumped out of his zoid, and began running in the opposite direction. Goji followed, soon catching up and tackling him from behind. He forced him to the ground, and turned him around, about to punch in in his face, but stopped, shocked by who he saw. "Ryuji?" Copper asked, staring at his one time friend, he looked down at his necklace. He recognized it right away, "The Deathsoarer!" Copper grinned as he took Goji's shock to his advantage and swung a punch in his direction. It hid Goji in the side of his head, knocking him off of his captive. The GunGyarados pilot took of again, with Goji at his heals. This time, Goji reached out and grabbed the chain around his neck as he tackled Copper. It snapped. "NO!" Copper yelled reaching up at the necklace. "What's up Ryuji?" Goji asked angrily, his eyes flashing, "Why do you want a thing like this anyway!?" "I am not that fool Ryuji!" Copper yelled, still trying to reach the GunGyarados piece. "You not?" Goji asked, "Then who the hell are you!?" "Give it to me!" "Screw you!" Goji yelled, "Tell me what the hell is going on!" "I need that damned thing before he wakes up!" Copper yelled, suddenly regretting what he had just said. Goji suddenly realized what had happened, as he had a flashback of the small restaurant, and how Ryuji said he had kept blacking out, "This damn thing caused all those black outs didn't it!?" Copper remained silent, he had lost this time and he knew it. Goji punched him in the gut, causing him to fall into unconsciousness. "Hey Cloud!" Goji yelled, standing up, and holding up the necklace. "What is it Goji?!" "Its an eye piece of the DeathSoarer... do me a favor and come have your blade Ligar crush it." The Blade Ligar approached as Goji threw the DeathSoarer piece at it. It landed in the sand as Cloud brought up the front leg of the Blade Ligar. He brought it down, crushing the small necklace into hundreds of tiny pieces. The group then headed back toward the base, there was now only Cloud, Bit, Jemie, Tyra, Leon and Naomi still able to pilot their zoids. ************************* "What a pity..." Gabrielle stated, grinning evilly, turning to a soldier at her side "Bring out Ryuu." "Yes ma'am." The soldier replied... End of Chapter ten Authors note: Watcha think? Hope ya liked it... I'll put the next chapter up as soon as possible... now go review! 11. Are Yours to Create Authors note: Hey! I've been kinda avoiding my story cuz it's almost finished and I don't want it to end... but alas... all good story's do... anyways, after this there will probably 1 more chapter (not sure tho) and once again... thanks everyone who has stuck with me through this and continued reviewing! (Oh yeah, Im posting the next chapter tonight as well so don't forget to read it too!) CHAPTER 11 Orihime stared at the scene before her as Ryuu emerged from the whaleking, completely repaired... and upgraded. It now had two gattling guns attached on the shoulders, and none other than a charged particle canon in it's mouth. Also, underneath it's wings were two multi-purposed dispensers. Gabrielle appeared on everyone's screens, laughing evilly, "Now you shall all see the true power of my experiments!" She grinned cruelly, "Oh Cloud... is that really you?! This is all too grand... Cloud, the brave escapee destroyed by the one he loves the most... his own sister..." "Shut up." Cloud stated his eye's flashing angrily. "...his own baby sister..." She continued tauntingly, "Who, in the end, dies because the strain is too much on her frail, battered body..." "Shut up!" Cloud yelled. Gabrielle laughed and winked at Cloud, closing the com-link, "Rain... destroy all opposing zoids... including the blue hover cargo." Ryuu roared as it spread its wings and took off into the air, quicker than any of them had seen before. It circled around once, and flew strait at The Wild Eagle. "Man!" The Wild Eagle yelled as he pulled right on his controls, trying to dodge the impossibly fast dragon, "I can't fight her... it's Rain... and I can't let her hit me!" Ryuu circled around again, this time even faster, and opened it's mouth as a bright white ball began to for inside. "No way!" Naomi yelled over the com-link, "It can fire it's charged particle canon while moving!?" "That's impossible!" Tyra added. "Apparently not." Leon said as the bright beam headed strait for the Raynos, "Jemie get out of there!" The Wild Eagle tried to dodge the beam, and succeeded, only to have one of it's wings cut clean off by the blade on top of Ryuus head. The Raynos collided with the ground, the Wild Eagle knocked unconscious by the crash. "One down..." Gabrielle stated. Orihime ran up to the young Admiral, her face clearly expression her anger, she was followed by Leena, Brad, Lavender, and Tyra. "Commander!" Gabrielle yelled, "How dare you bring the enemy to me." "Miss Gabrielle!" Orihime yelled back, "You can't be serious about using Rain! She'll die!" "I don't care commander," Gabrielle stated, eyeing Leena and Tyra, who were both about to attack her, "I wouldn't move any closer any of you. If you do, I'll self detonate Ryuu, ruining even the slim chance of that little brat surviving..." she turned to Orihime, "and I'll order the annihilation of your parents, Miss commander Orihime." Orihime cursed under her breath as she turned back to the battlefield, her eyes watching the ever powerful Ryuu as it landed, and began a charge at the red Gun Sniper, who was still on the cliff. Naomi aimed directly at the dragon's neck and pulled the trigger on the approaching zoid. Ryuu swerved out of the shot, roaring as it did so, and picked up speed as it extended all the blades on it's body, charging strait for the Gun Sniper. "Damn!" Naomi yelled as she tried to get out of the way. Unfortunately, she was surrounded by cliff on three sides, and Ryuu was blocking her only way out. Tyra flew in low from behind Ryuu and began to fire rapidly. Ryuu turned completely around and jumped on top of the StormSworder, digging it's sharp claws into the zoids back, and forcing it to skid into the ground roughly. Naomi tried to escape while Ryuu was busy, only to be hit with the dragons bladed tail, sending the Gun Sniper off the cliff. Ryuu then quickly slashed at the StormSworders wings, making it impossible for the aerial zoid to fly, and brought it's tail down on the neck, crushing it, and freezing it's battle system completely. "Two more down..." Gabrielle cruelly stated, her eye's flashing with excitement, "All that's left is the three kitties." "How could you do this to your own niece?" Izumi yelled. Gabrielle smiled evilly, "I honestly don't care if she's my niece or not... Hell, I wouldn't care if she was my own daughter. As long as I can use her to gain power under my name..." "Your sick..." Lavender stated. The blond admiral shrugged, "If that's how you see it... ah, looks like she's about to go after the White Ligar...." All of them turned back to the battlefield, as Ryuu dived strait at the Ligar 0, it's claws outstretched. Bit jumped out of the way just in time, as the dragon pushed back off the ground with it's front legs. It opened it's mouth and the energy began to gather again. Leon jumped at Ryuu from the side, as Cloud jumped at it from the other. Ryuu backed up a few steps, and spread it's wings, causing both Blade Ligars to collide with the blades on the tips of it's wings slicing the sides of the Ligars quite badly. It fired it's charged particle beam, barley missing Bit. Leon and Cloud returned to their feet, as Ryuu began an onslaught of attacks. It bit down on the neck of Leon's Blade Ligar, and whipped it's tail at Cloud, opening another gash in the side of the Silver Blade Ligar. The Ligar 0 ran up, it's claws glowing as it jumped into the air, and Bit yelled, "Strike Laser Claw!" Ryuu dropped it's attack on the two Blade Ligars, and backed up a few steps, jumping into the air, and extending the blade on top of it's head. It hit the stomach of the Ligar 0, opening an large gash, and sending a barrage of sparks flying everywhere. "Damn it!" Bit yelled, trying to force the Ligar to it's feet. It stumbled a bit, but stood, though shakily. Ryuu roared as it spread it's wings and took off into the air, and began charging another charged particle beam. Gabrielle clapped at the scene before her, her eye's never leaving the battle. She watched as intently as a child seeing a fireworks show for the first time. "Admiral!" Ori yelled," You have to stop this... it's completely senseless." "Shut up, Orihime!" Gabrielle said, "Im enjoying the show." "You..." Leena said, "What's the matter with you anyway! How can anyone find that much joy at the expense of others!?" Orihime just turned back to the battle not bothering to answer Leena, as Goji ran up. He looked like he was about to attack Gabrielle, when Lavender stopped him and shook her head. Suddenly an explosion rang out as Ryuu fired another charged particle canon at the hover cargo. The large snail like transporter raised it's shields, barley able to keep them up through the attack. Ryuu roared as it opened its mouth. "Bit!" Doctor Tauros yelled, "Get back in here and convert to the Schnider. We've got about 2 minuets before it will be able to fire again." "Sure doc..." Bit said, running to the hover cargo, "What's your plan?" "We'll knock it out of the sky, using the catapult. You can hit it before it fires, just like we did with Layons whaleking, remember?!." "Right!" Bit replied as he jumped onto the CAS platform, "Why don't I shoot it out with the panzer though?" "Because with the damage the Ligar has already sustained, it wouldn't be able to handle the weight and strain of the panzer." "Oh." Bit said, "Activating Ligar 0 Schnider." The basic 0 armor was removed from the Ligar, and it was replaced by the orange armor of the Schnider unit. "CAS complete, Ligar 0 Schnider ready." The bright light began to form inside Ryuu's mouth, as the catapult was extended out of the top of the hover cargo. It aimed directly at the dragon zoid, and the Schnider launched itself into the air, its blades outstretched, "Seven blade attack!" The Schnider hit Ryuus wing, causing it to jerk violently, and sending it's charged particle beam off course. Before the two zoids fell, Ryuu clamped onto the back of the Ligar 0, digging it's claws into its armor plates, it began tearing off pieces of the Schnider armor. "Bit getison your armor now!" Doctor Tauros yelled, "If you don't she'll force you under her to break her fall!" Bit pulled back on his armor controls, and turned them to the sides, causing the schnidar armor to fall off. Ryuu still had a piece of the Schnider in it's hands as both zoids fell to the ground. Both zoids managed to land on their feet, but the shock of landing caused the Ligars Command system to freeze, so it could no longer move. Ryuu ran at the Ligar 0, and grabbed the zoids neck in it's mouth. It began to apply pressure, as the lights inside the cockpit went out. Bit tried to move, but to no avail, "Common Ligar!" he yelled. Before Ryuu could cause any more damage, it was rammed in the side by Leon. The dragon roared in annoyance as it whipped it's tail around, completely opening the blade Ligars side, causing its system to completely freeze. "Rain!" Cloud yelled, trying to draw Ryuu's attention off of the two frozen zoids. It was successful, as Ryuu turned to face the approaching Blade Ligar. Gabrielle appeared once again on Clouds screen, "Well isn't this ironic? ... a showdown between brother and sister..." "Screw you!" Cloud yelled, clicking off his com-link. He faced Rain and began to charge, just as Ryuu began to charge at him. They where on a collision course, all eyes set on the two zoids. Cloud stopped at the last second, and pushed a small button on his controls. Just before Ryuu was able to strike, Cloud raised his shield, trapping Ryuu in the shield...on both sides. It's armor began to crumble, as Ryuu continued to try and push through the pink barrier. The shield gave way, Ryuu collapsed, and the cockpit shattered. "LightStrike!" Cloud yelled. The organoid roared in response, and took off out of the Blade Ligar, and into the cockpit of Ryuu. He chewed the cords on the MCME helmet clear off, and carried Rain out, lying her gently in the sand. Cloud jumped out of his cockpit and ran over, soon followed by everyone else. He bent down and removed the rest of the MCME helmet off her head and looked her over. She had open cuts all up and down her body. Her skin was deathly pale, and her breathing was shallow. her arm was obviously broken, along with her ribs, and collar bone. Cloud took of his jacket and wrapped it around the now shaking girl. She cried out slightly as he moved her, she was in a deep state of unconsciousness. All eyes were on the girl as Cloud slowly and carefully picked her up into his arms. Suddenly Ryuu roared as it stood up. Everyone jerked in surprise, as Gabrielle stood up in the cockpit, "I have all of you exactly where I want you!" She screamed, "Now Im finally going to kill you Cloud, and Rain as well! Completely erasing the memory of my genius brother and his slutty wife off of all of Zi!" Suddenly another roar erupted, surprising even Gabrielle. The group turned, amazed to see the Bahamut standing. Zero's pain filled voice filled the air, "Everyone... get out.... of the way!" Orihime gasped as bright green lines appeared on the Bahamuts armor, "He can't!" "What's he doing?!" Goji yelled. "He's using the Bahamuts Ultima Flare..." Orihime stated, "It could easily destroy Ryuu.." Zero laughed, "Ryuu's... not my only... target..." "He's going to hit both Ryuu and the base at once..." Brad said observing the situation. "But..." Orihime said, "... it will destroy him and the Bahamut as well." "Im... going to completely..." Zero stated, "destroy everything... that has to do with this dammed system..." Gabrielle laughed cruelly, "To hit me with that you'll need me to stay still for enough time for you to charge... and believe me... that's quite impossible." Cloud sighed and carried Rain over to Orihime, who happened to be closest, and placed the unconscious 14 year old in the young commanders arms, "Take care of her..." Then he turned to LightStrike, "You stay her too buddy... protect Rain forever..." "Cloud..." Izumi stated as Cloud climbed into the cockpit of his Blade Ligar. The silver Blade Ligar came to life, and Cloud took off in a run, strait at Ryuu. The Ligar's Claws began to glow, as he aimed directly at the stomach of the dragon. "Strike..." Cloud said calmly a grin appearing on his face as he opened a com-link with Gabrielle. "You can't!" Gabrielle yelled, "You'll get in the way!" "Laser..." "Cloud!" Leon said, "You can't..." "Claw!" The Blade Ligar dug his claws deep into Ryuu's stomach, holding it still, "Zero do it now!" Cloud yelled, "Don't worry about me just shoot!" Zero nodded as the green outlines began to flow up the Bahamuts body and into it's mouth. A ball of pure green light began to form in it's mouth as a screen appeared in front of him. It was warning him of the precautions and dangers of the Ultima Flare. Zack clicked the screen away, thinking about what Lavender had said to him before... she was right... he didn't have any friends that would worry about him. Various other balls of green light began to form in the mouth of the Bahamut. The smaller balls of light began to merge into the main sphere of energy, and it grew larger and larger. "Hurry up Zero!" Cloud yelled. He was loosing his grip on Ryuu. Zero laughed, his head was killing him, and he felt dead sick to his stomach... but destroying everything that had to do with the MCME system was going to feel good. The light began to diminish as he pulled the trigger. Everyone watched as nothing happened for at least 10 seconds, then a beam of various greens shot out, causing everyone to gasp and shield their eyes. Various explosions took place all over the body of the Bahamut, as pieces of it fell apart and where consumed into the bright green light. When the smoke cleared, the Bahamut was in pieces on the sand, and Ryuu's and the Shield Ligars body where also in pieces, scattered around in the burning desert sands. The Whaleking had taken the bulk of the blow, and most of it was completely disintegrated. The group gasped in horror as they all stared at the wrecks. Izumi was the first to break her shock, followed by Lavender and Leena. Izumi began to run to the Blade Ligar, tears forming in her eyes... 'this isn't like me...' she thought... 'I don't cry... but... Cloud and Rain...' she wiped away her tears and called, "Damn it Cloud Light-Feather... you better be alive... Rain needs you! You stupid bastard." The entire group began to run towards the Blade Ligar. All of them... Bit, Leena, Brad, Jemie, Tyra, Lavender, Izumi, Naomi, Leon, Goji, and Orihime (Who walked with rain in her arms). They all began to call out Clouds name... hoping for some response... END OF CHAPTER 11. Authors note: Only 1 chapter left... and then... possibly a sequel... up to you. Tell me if you want a sequel, but wait until you read the next chapter before you decide... I'm posting that at the same time as this chapter... so go read it! (Don't forget to Review this chapter first ^_^) 12. As You Fight For the Future. Authors note: I honestly don't know what to say... Thank you all for reviewing, and even though I lost a few good reviewers... I still reached my goal of 80 reviews. Thanks for helping me reach it. I really don't want this story to come to an end... that's why im considering a sequel. It was so fun to write, and I would love to do another one, using the same characters... just review and tell me if you want one... Anyways, I'll shut up now so you can all get on with reading the last chapter. CHAPTER 12 -------------------------------- April 13th--9 am-- Journal Entry. Dear Journal... Izumi suggested that I keep a journal now. I thought it was a good idea as well. Today is my 15th birthday, and it has been two weeks since the MCME incident. Im alive and kicking... as Lavender puts it. It's all very strange. I regained my memories of my past when I woke up. I remembered my parents, my dreams, my hopes, and my life. I remember going under the MCME experiments, and I remember escaping with Cloud. I feel so ashamed, yet relieved at the same time. I am ashamed of all the horrible things I did under the experiments, but relieved that I am finally free of them. I am also relived that I regained my memories... even though there are the bad ones... there are far more good and delicate ones that I wish to never forget again. Oh yeah! My eye's changed again... like they did before when I went through over strain from Ryuu... now one of them is silver/blue... and the other is hazel. Weird huh? I'll finish this entry later... Izumi has just shown up... we're going to town. Im stuck in a wheel chair right now... but the doctor says that I'll make a full recovery... --------------------------------- "Are you ready Rain?" Izumi asked, her eyes cheerful as she walked into Rains room. She smiled as LightStrike came bounding into the room, surprised to see Izumi there. "Your coming to town too right LightStrike?" Rain asked as Izumi began to wheel her down the hallway. LightStrike gave a loud roar as he followed them. Together the three of them went to town for a small reunion at the mall with all of their new found friends. -------------------------------- April 13--9pm--Journal Entry. Dear Journal, Im back. I just met everyone for the first time in 2 weeks. I was so happy to see them. Oh, do I have a bit of juicy information. Tyra and Leon have gotten together... even though there is a major age difference, they still make a cute couple. Also according to Izumi, Goji is now apart of the FireBlazers... apparently he challenged Lavender to a 1on 1 and Lavender won. He's built her a new zoid and everything... it's a humanoid as well. Ryuji is doing well. With the help of Goji, he's almost gained complete control over Copper... though he still blacks out from time to time. These people who I only met about a month ago have become my closest friends... no... my family. We met when fate threw us all together in one twisted puzzle.... and we solved that puzzle... though at a price. I went back to the battlefield today, all that's left are some zoid ruins. According to Izumi, they never did find Gabrielle, or Zero's bodies. When I get out of this wheel chair, me and LightStrike are going to travel the world... looking for the one thing that is most important to us... because I still feel it in my heart... he is alive, I know he is. After all... we never did find Cloud's body either... ---------------------------------- FIN... Authors note: So that's it... the end... maybe. Do you guy's think I should make a sequel? If so, tell me in a review... and give me your emails so I can tell you when I post it. That is... if your interested. Thanks again all of you. You helped my reach my goal of 80 reviews, and I am so pleased. Im happy that all of you liked it. Your author... Luna339 End file.
Zoids, Fight for the Future by Luna339
Stranger Hello stranger. I see you sitting there, not eating your dinner, but staring at me. Who are you, stranger? Why do you stare at me so? I hope you know what you look like; desperate. Confused. Are you insane, stranger? Are you haunted by your past, stranger? Is there a reason for your terrible appearance? Sunken eyes, dark underlinings, gray tinged skin. You are such a contrast to the black eye patch that you wear. Did you know that you look like death alive, stranger? Why aren't you answering me? Can you not hear me, stranger? Are you listening? Why are you standing? leaving the room? Why am I following you, stranger? Why won't you answer me? You've stopped now, sinking down against a wall. Do you know where you are? Why are you sitting against the bathroom wall, stranger? Do you know what you look like now? Defeated. What defeated you? Life? Answer me, stranger! Don't just sit there looking pathetic. It's been a long time since you left. Someone's banging on the door. Do you even care, stranger? What are you getting from your back pockets? Is that a gun? Why are you loading a gun, stranger? What has defeated you to this point? Why is the gun pointed into the roof of your mouth? Are you really going to shoot? Really? You're looking across the room, right into the mirror. Right at me. Don't do this, stranger. You pull the trigger one last time. End file.
Stranger by Dark-lil-devil
Starry Night Hello all!!!!! I would just like to inform you all that this is my first Zoids fanfic.and it is a romance between Bit and Leena. ^_^ I personally think that they make a great couple. Well, yeah... It is also a one-shot so there will be no more of it. That is unless I go psycho and decide to write more. I have revised it.tried to pick up any spelling/grammatical errors.but I am sure that I still missed some. If ya see something wrong, please tell me so that I can fix it. As for the disclaimer, I do not own any of the Zoids characters.wish that I did.but I don't. *pout* Well enough of my babbling! On with the fic! !@$^%@%$@%&#*^#*^%#*^%$*^$*%^$*&%(%(*^)(*^)(*_*&_(*&)(*^*&%(&^$^%@#$@#&#&%#% &%^#&&^ All was quiet at the Toros base on this starry night...well almost. "Leena!! Get back here! Jamie just finished making dinner, it is time to eat!" Dr. Toros was shouting at his daughter from the kitchen over the intercom. Bit had come back after being gone for almost a year for "special training" and they were having a big dinner in celebration. Now Doc in not blind, he had seen how happy Leena had been when Bit had first arrived. She looked like it was taking all of her strength just to not go up and hug him. It seemed strange that she would refuse to eat dinner with him. "Leena, please tell me what is wrong?" "I don't feel well.. I'm taking Gun Sniper out for a run. I'll be back later." With that Leena left the base. Her answer had been short and to the point but it had sounded so weak and drained. Dr. Toros decided just to let her go and not try to bring her back. It was something that she had to work out on her own. Leena kept going for what seemed like hours and her stomach was starting to disagree with her decision to skip dinner. Of course it had just been an excuse, and excuse to get away from them all.from him. She couldn't stand him!! He got everything and her father treaded him like one of the family. No,..she was just trying to fool herself. She really did care for him.more than she would like to admit. Leena had wanted to tell some point or another.just how much she really did care. However, until she did.he made her rather uneasy when they were together anywhere but the battle field. So now she found herself out in the middle of nowhere with her Gun Sniper, lying on its head, looking at the stars. *sigh* "The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they Gun Sniper? They remind me of his bright and full of life." How she longed to see love in those eyes.she had seen it when he looked at his Liger but, she wanted it to be love for her. Leena knew that she would have to tell him but, she was not totally sure if he had the same feelings for her. There were times she thought that she caught a change in the way that looked and acted around her. "I wish that I knew if he liked me or not." "What? You thinking about Harry? I didn't think that you would actually ever fall for the guy. But you should know that he does like ya'...if you can call it that. I would call it an obsession." Leena nearly fell off of her Gun Sniper. She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't even hear the Liger come up beside her zoid. "How long have you been there?....AND FOR THE LAST TIME I DO NOT LIKE HARRY!!!" While on the outside Leena was steaming, in the inside she was getting nervous. 'How much did he hear? I don't want him to know. not yet. It is too soon!' He just smiled at her and handed her a package which calmed her down. "Chill Leena, I just got here. Thought that I should bring you some food. Doc said that you weren't hungry. Something wrong?" There was a strange silence between them as Leena tried to make her voice work. Soon she just gave up and took the package from him, diverting her attention back to the stars. "The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?" It wasn't much but, at least she was trying to make conversation. "Yeah they are.but not as beautiful as you." The last part had been mumbled ant he looked to Leena to see if she heard. She had a look of question on her face and voiced it. "Did you say something, Bit?" "Of course not...hehe." A slight blush crept over his face and he turned from her. Leena caught this and smiled to herself. '...maybe he does...' "Is there something wrong? You look all red. Maybe you are sick Bit!" He made no move to answer her or turn to look at her. She decided, in her mind, that tonight, she would tell him. "Are you still hungry? I'll share my dinner with you if you want." 'Hmm sharing a meal with him, just the two of us, underneath the stars..what a perfect way to spend the evening.' "Well.I guess.that it would be fine." His face was still burning as he took a seat next to her. She could have sworn that she could feel the heat that was coming off of him.or maybe it was the fact that he was sitting so close to her. "Are you OK Leena? Your face is all red? Hey, maybe it is you that is sick!" Of course, this caused her to blush even deeper. "No, I'm is just a little bit warm out tonight." Leena opened the container that had her dinner in it and saw a chicken breast with pasta. There also seemed to be an extra package that contained desert. *sigh* "Doesn't Jamie ever remember that I don't like chicken?....Do you want it? I won't be eating it so it is OK if you want it." Leena looked at Bit to see if he would accept her offer. To her relief, he did and with a huge smile on his face. "Why thank you Leena! You are too kind!" He reached for the box, which happened to be in-between her legs, so that he could get the chicken. Leena, not really wanting him to reach down in that area, lifted the box and put it right in front of his face. He smiled at her and took the container, setting it beside him. "I thought that you were going to eat that. Hey.why are you smiling at me like that?" The grin on Bit's face was not his normal one but one that was sly and seemed to have a secret behind it. Calmly, he answered her. "'s nothing really, just not hungry I guess." Bit leaned in really close to her face, placing his hand on either side of her. When their noses touched, Leena blushed crimson. She had never been this close to him, not in all of the years that he had been living with her and the team. Slowly she tried to move away but he just moved closer to her. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell flat on her back. Bit got up and straddled her stomach then looked down at her, grinning. He then reached beside him and grabbed the chicken. There he sat, eating chicken and sitting on Leena's stomach. All that Leena could do was lye there and look at him. She soon started to whimper a little, starting to feel the pains of hunger. Having skipped dinner, she was starting to become quite hungry and the fact that he was eating in front of her was not helping. Her actions did not go unnoticed by him and he smiled down at her. "What's the matter, Leena? Hungry?" He held the food in front of her face, bringing it down to lightly brush against her lips. He then brought the food back to his mouth to eat it. "If you are, just say so and I'll give you some." Leena just continued to stare at him with confused and hungry eyes. Slowly, she nodded her head. " does this mean that you do want some food?" She nodded again and he reached over and grabbed the desert that he had packed for her. It was a slice of Jamie's double chocolate cake that he had been baking all afternoon. "Howa 'bout I give you some of this freshly baked, double chocolate cake?" Bit looked down at her with mirth written all over his face. 'He's enjoying taunting me!' Leena couldn't help being a little twirked off at his actions but chose not to show it. All she did was nod 'yes' in reply to his question. Bit scooped off some icing and smeared it on her lips. Leena was surprised at his actions but licked off of her lips anyway. "Mmm, I have to remember to give Jamie my compliments." He just smirked at her, leaning down so that their noses brushed together again. Leena just gaped at him. He had never acted like this before, so why, why now? "You know Leena, I think that you missed a spot" He leaned down to lick the corner of her mouth. Leena stared into his eyes as he continued to lick and suck on her lips. She was in shock at his actions and remained still, looking into those bright turquoise orbs that have haunted her dreams for so long. 'This is what I have been longing for. For him to couch me, kiss me, and claim me as his. This all feels too good to be true. I must be dreaming. Bit would never do this..would he? He raised his head a little so that he could look into her eyes clearly and smiled at her with a warm smile. "You know what Leena? I think that I like it like this." Bit leaned down once again and captured her lips with his. Leena moaned in pleasure and it caused him to smile. "I think that I am falling for you, Leena. What do you think?" Bit continued his assault with butterfly kisses down her neck. Leena's mind was racing. His lips where so soft and gentle against her skin and she felt like she was in heaven. Her skin felt like it was melting under his touch. She wanted more. She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. "Bit.." Bit looked up from his current position (he was kissing her stomach) with a grin on his face. "What? Your lips miss me already?" He had just been joking with her but when he saw the want and need that where in her purple eyes, he decided to return to her face. He slowly kissed her forehead and made his way down the bridge of her nose, stopping to kiss the tip. "I take it that you want me to kiss you now?" A whimper was his only reply as he moved down to place his lips on hers. Slowly, Leena started to respond to the kiss and they stayed there, kissing, for what seemed like forever. Reluctantly, Bit broke the kiss and nuzzled her nose. They bother were out of breath and their lips a bit swollen from the kiss. Leena's cheeks were flushed with a light rosy pink and to Bit, there was noting more beautiful in the world. "Hmm.Leena. You still have yet to answer my question." "Well I think that the answer was obvious considering the way that you were kissing me. But to be truthful, only you can answer that, not me. It is something that you have to decide." Bit took this all into consideration and smiled. "You're right and I do know the answer. The question now is, do you love me back?" Leena could see the worry in his eyes. She knew know that he loved her, but did she truly love him. She thought of all of the times when she had cried herself to sleep after he had left, all of the fun that they had together when he was still around, and even all of the little fights that they had had. But most of all, she was thinking of what had just happened. Never in her life had she felt as safe as she did when he held her tonight. She had never felt so alive. His sigh and the turn of his head brought her out of her thoughts. She looked at him with a questioning look, but he didn't see it. Instead, he slowly started to get off of her and she shuddered from the sudden loss of heat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked ya'. You don't have to answer.I understand." His eyes held so much pain, hurt, and rejection that it made Leena's heart break. "Bit wait." Leena through her arms around his neck and pulled him back on top of her. "You have got it all wrong. I was just thinking, that's all." She gently kissed him to prove her point. "I have been waiting for this moment for so long, I couldn't be happier." Bit was speechless. He had expected rejection, an angry Leena, and a slap across the face. But not this. "Do you really mean that?" She smiled at him with a sweet smile and nodded. He returned the smile with one of his own and slowly rose to his feet. Bit grabbed Leena's hands and pulled her up to stand so that he could out his arms around her. She shivered and he pulled her closer to him. "You know what Bit?" "Hmm?" "I don't think that I have ever been happier in my life." She snuggled closer to him and he rested his head on hers. Bit smiled into her hair. "Neither have I. Neither have I." The stars up above twinkled with light as the new happy couple held each other into the night. %#!^!@%^#@#%&@&%#*^#(^_&+)(*_&(+)(&)(*&%$^%#%&@&@#*^#&(^%)^_(*()&%^*$&*$*&%* %^*&&^ Well that's it! Thanks for reading..and please review!!!!! ~voidsenshi~ End file.
Starry Night by voidsenshi
Memories Of The Cyber Chase Memories Of The Cyber Chase This is a Zoids songfic about something that happened after The Shocking Showdown and before A Day To Remember, 2 of my other 4 total fanfics (3 Zoids, 1 Tenchi Muyo). The music is Hello Cyberdream from Scooby Doo And The Cyber Chase. Lyrics are in italics. "That was too close, Fiona, you know that?" I said to my 12-yr.-old sister Fiona. We had just stopped the legendary Ancient Zoidian storm and destroyed Raven and the Geno Saurer. And then, someone had beamed us into a mysterious cyberspace world inside our Zoids. We had just barely managed to get out in time. "Yeah," Fiona said softly as she laid her head back and thought of the event. Flashback Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (in the day or night!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (and I'm ready to fight!) We had landed underwater (with scuba gear, thankfully), in search of our Zoids' cores, which had been stolen by whoever had beamed us into this weird cyberspace world. Fiona tapped my shoulder and pointed at a wrecked ship. I knew why, because there was the Command Wolf's Zoid Core! Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (in the day or night!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (I'll fight, all right!) We swam over to the core, which was inside a treasure-filled chest. I started to grab it, but Fiona whimpered. And I knew why- there was a shark coming at us. Here he comes, a big, big shark, who sees us in the dark, I grabbed the core and jetted off with Fiona before the shark got us. Dragons in my own backyard, I just can't get away! We had landed in someone's backyard. I looked around and then noticed that Fiona was running off. I knew- there was an ant above us, and as we were smaller, he looked like a giant. I ran to catch up with Fiona. Good thing ants aren't speedy like us, I thought. I grabbed the Gustav's Zoid Core on the way. Hello cyberdream, why're you chasing me? My computer screen, is my enemy! It looked like a rural Chinatown when we had landed again. I heard a slashing noise, and turned around to see a samurai with a sword. We had landed in ancient Japan! I grabbed a nearby metal pole, and thought it'd have to do. I then proceeded to fight the samurai. Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (in the day or night!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (and I'm ready to fight!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (in the day or night!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (I'll fight, all right!) The samurai swung his sword, knocking the pole out of my hands and making it spin in the air. I was surprised to see Fiona catch it. And, to my amazement, she started spinning it around all samurai-style. Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! (Yeah, yeah, boom, boom) She charged after the worried samurai. She then knocked the sword away. Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! (Yeah, yeah, watch out!) Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! (Watch out!) I hugged her, and then saw the Geno Saurer's Zoid Core. I grabbed it, and we both disappeared in a flash of light. We didn't want to land where we did in the next level, because we had landed in front of some angry mummies inside an ancient Egyptian tomb. And, now they were chasing us all around the pyramid. I got an idea when we rounded yet another corner. Here they come, the mean, mean streets, Mummies in the sheets, The mummy rounded the same corner and passed 3 Anubis statues, two of which looked like an Egyptian descendant of me and Fiona. The mummy didn't notice that those two WAS us. When it was out of sight, we both breathed a sigh of relief, but then, the other statue roared, and before you knew it, we were running off at full tilt. Scary scenes and ghoulish fiends, I just can't get away! We ran out of the pyramid and toppled over a camel as I grabbed the Zaber Fang's Zoid Core. Hello cyberdream, why're you chasing me? My computer screen, is my enemy! We had now landed in medieval times. A blast of fire flew inches above my head. A dragon was standing near a tied-up princess, who had the Gojulas's Zoid Core. I lowered my head, poked my steed, and charged. I grabbed a pail of water and flung it at the dragon. It breathed another spurt of fire, but it was almost instantly extinguished by the water, and it flew away. So, watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (in the day or night!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (and I'm ready to fight!) Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! Watch yourself, (you don't scare me, monster) You'd watch out (I'll fight, all right!) The princess was so pleased with us that she gave us the Gojulas's Zoid Core as a reward. I high-fived Fiona, collected the core, and we once again disappeared. Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! (Yeah, yeah, boom, boom) Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! (Yeah, yeah, watch out!) Boom, boom, digga digga, day or night! (Watc-watch out!-out!) End of Flashback "But, Fiona, I still have no idea exactly who beamed us into cyberspace," I said as I finished my recollection of the incident. "I think we should figure that out later, Nick. We're getting closer to the Sky Colony," Fiona replied. "Yeah, you're right. I need some rest after what happened." At that, we had reached the gates to the Sky Colony. *Fin* End file.
Memories Of The Cyber Chase by S.P.D. Gold Ranger
First Day Fiasco Hi everyone this is my first fanfic so be nice and please review.... Well, lets see if I can find my disclaimer... .. Gets eaten by closet...ah here we go -( I don't own zoids or anything so don't sue or won't get anything besides homework Well I got a snow day......... a miracle in NYC so I thought I would rewrite my fic I finally got around to putting it up ... hope u like it ;) First Day Fiasco 2/17/04 * * * After winning the battle and rising to class S Doc decided that the Blitz team had enjoyed enough fame and fun and that they needed to return to the real world. Doc sighed as we waded though the paperwork involved with enrolling students into high school. Not only was he enrolling his own daughter but being the guardians of Jamie and Bit, he had to enroll them as well. After three hours of debating whether or not to finish his new zoids model or actually fill out the forms he came to a decision. "Jamie, can you come here for a minute!" A week later the base was in a panic. The first day of going back to school had arrived and everyone had survived Lena's need for everything that could be possibly related to school. According to her she had the right; she did live with all men and needed a good shopping spree once in a while, right? Of course with all this prep time none of the soon to be students were ready. That morning at seven fifteen the resounding yell of, "Breakfast!" was heard coming from the kitchen by Jamie. Lena and Bit bolted up in their beds. Down in the kitchen loud stomping and crashing along with quite a few yells and curses were heard. Shortly after Bit and Lena, so focused on the food and not watching were they were running, crashed into each other, as they came tearing into the kitchen. "So, my partly retired warriors, are you excited about going back to school today?" asked Doc grinning like a madman, he had just finished the zoid model he started a week ago; the very one that won out over filling out forms. "So are ya?" snickered Brad holding his trademark cup of coffee and leaning on the counter. Jamie, Bit and Lena scowled at them. "Shut up Brad, "growled Lena "just because you don't have to go doesn't mean you can make fun of me. It just means your old and I'm not. Besides, I can still kick your butt. Hey Jamie, you rock at making pancakes." "Thanks, but, ahh, hurry up we only have a half an hour to get to school and we still have to drive there," replied Jamie sheepishly scratching his head. "Ok I'm done," said Bit as he yawned and stretched. He and Jamie grabbed their coats and bags and stared to walk out the door when they heard a growling grunt. Cautiously they turned to find an outraged Lena who said, "You think you can just leave me. I'm not done YET!" Now scared, Bit and Jamie started to run for their lives and as they speed though the hanger they all said good-bye to their zoids. Jumping into the jeep Bit scrambled for the keys, finally found them and started it and took off towards the city, but not before Lena jumped in. On they way, Lena was still fuming. She muttered to herself for a good ten minutes before she asked, "Hey, why is Bit driving? I have my license. I want to drive and it's the least you can do for almost leaving me at the base. Pleaseee!" "Lena, look I'll put this plainly. Jamie can't drive, no one trusts you to drive so that leaves me. I'm the only sensible one here anyways, 'Kay?" said Bit while he floored the gas. "I don't see how you're any better. Watch it!" screamed Lena as she was almost bounced out of the car. *************************************************** Back at the base liger was wondering were Bit went. Bit had been gone this long without telling him anything besides goodbye. He started to growl and pace and made a racket in general. Soon Doc came in to see what all the noise was, and was faced with a snarling, upset zoid that weight quite few tons. Liger then stopped looked at him and quietly rumbled deeply. To this he responded, "Liger I don't know what you want but Bit will be back soon. He went to school. Don't worry he's fine but just between you and me if you want I'll be your pilot." Liger looked disgusted and growled. * * * The last bell of the day rang the senior literary class could have sworn that two identical murmurs of some thing like "Thank God its over" followed by a hiss of "stop coping me" were heard. Looking around the class noticed the new students, who looked surprisingly like and had the same names of the famous teens of the blitz team, glaring at each other. Because the were silent all day and seemed to copy ever word the teacher said, one would think they had never been to school. The class viewed them as strange but not hopeless and everyone steered clear of them until they could figure out what they were like. Bit and Lena then walked out of the classroom with many pairs of eyes following them. As Bit and Lena walked up to the jeep they saw that Jamie had managed to make friends. Looking at each other their expressions said "huh? Why don't we have friends?" they walked up to Jamie and Bit spoke first, "So Jamie, who are these guys?" Stopping his conversation and turning around, he smiled and answered, "Bit. Lena. Hi, how was your day mine was great! After doing all the thinking, and planning, and well, everything around the base.............high school is so easy and fun. We should have gone back sooner." He received a grunt and a "whatever" for this statement but continued anyway, "Anyways, these are my new friends." At this Lena whispered to Bit, "How'd he get friends before us? I mean I know he's nice but he's still a nerd." " I don't know but I was just thinking the same thing," Bit responded as he looked over the short, big ice blue-eyed, cherry haired girl, the extremely tall green-eyed, green haired boy and much smaller but actually, averaged sized double. " Hi my name is Kya Isvo and these goofballs are Rinci and the short one is Lek." "Hey I'm not short my brother just had a huge growth spur. Always pick on the little guy." At that everyone laughed and soon everyone was talking. Bit looking up after hearing a commotion, asked, "Hey what's going on over there. What's with the huge crowd?" Everyone stopped talking, looked over and shrugged. They all started to walk over, and pushed their way through the crowd to try to see what was going on. The new group of friends heard gasps and screams and quite a few "OmyGod!"s. Now they were really interested but no one could see any thing. They kept pushing when suddenly Rinci started to stutter, O-o-o-my God! It's a real z-z-zoid, right over t-t-there!" Bit replied "WHAT? I though zoids were NOT allowed inside the city. Some thing about not enough room?" "They aren't." confirmed Kya. After asking Rinci to pick her up so she could see she added, "Weird, the pilot of this one isn't answering the police and won't show himself." Just then a very familiar roar was heard by the crowd along with Bit's panicked and confused yelled of, "LIGER?!" Everyone that heard him turned to look at him but he didn't pay attention to them and started to push through the crowd with determination. When he finally broke through to the front he just stood their dumbstruck. Their was his zoid, the Ultimate X, the liger 0 lounging in the school's yard as if he was just there to soak up the sun. "LIGER!" Bit shouted at the zoid and it immediately stood up. Bit started to walk over to his zoid when the police stopped him "Sorry sir, but you can't get any closer. This zoid and his pilot are not cooperating with us. They seem to be a renegade team. We don't know what they want or are planning on doing. I know this is exciting but a city kid like you would only get hurt near a zoid. So, stay back kid. " By now Bit was annoyed " Officer, I'm sorry, but right now you can't stop me. I'm just gunna take care of this mess. Can I get through?" " Kid, did you just listen to anything I said? I said........." but the police officer did not get a chance to finish because Bit cut him off. "Look, I have to go and find out why Liger is here! So move 'cuz I am going over there whether or not YOU let me." "What?" "I'm ligers pilot and I'm pretty sure he was just worried about me and so he came looking for me. Right partner?" suddenly Bits carefree happy nature returned and he received a roar from liger. " Yup, I was right. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go and explain some things to Liger" The confused and put out policeman let Bit pass. "Liger what are you doing here?" an annoyed growl was his answer. "I DON"T CARE how worried you get. I HAVE to go to school" The sad sounding whimpers Liger released made Bit immediately feel guilty, "Hey partner, don't be sad. I'm sorry." Liger hearing Bits guilt took advantage of it and started to sound as if he were crying. In response Bit continued to apologize, "Really liger, I'm sorry for getting so angry but you've never done anything this stupid" Liger being a very old and proud zoid did not like the idea of being called stupid. He took great insult in this and so snarled at Bit to show his displeasure. "WHAT! You have to forgive me!" cried Bit " I'm sorry you're not stupid!" Liger satisfied with this apology, but still annoyed, went over to the jeep. After looking it over, he sat down on it. And being the massive machine his was, he crushed it. All this time not facing Bit. "LIGER HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!" Bit exclaimed after coming out of his daze from watching Liger sit on the car in slow motion. Seeing the look of shock on his pilot's face Liger started to laugh; however, Bit thought that liger was laughing at the unfortunate fate of the jeep. After seeing the jeep ruined Bit became annoyed once again and scolded Liger, "Liger this is not a laughing matter. You should be ashamed of yourself. " Liger's response sounded like a "what" to Bit and this got him even more annoyed, "Don't you take that tone with me" Liger paused for a moment, then looked at Bit and laughed. "Well I don't care if I DO sound like your mother. You deserve to be treated like a child if you're going to act like one. I have been way too flexible with you. Now, I want you to apologize to everyone. You've cased grid lock throughout the city." A sulk of a growl was all bit received in response. The ultimate X then turned and started to walk off in the direction of the base. As Bit stood watching Lena came up to him and commented, " Bit good to know you'll be a good parent, some day. Why don't you take some of your own advice and grow up yourself. Think about things before you do them." "What are you talking about?" Growling Lena answered, " Bit How stupid are you! Liger totaled the jeep and he was our only way home and you just let him walk off!" Bit paused then the little light bulb went off over his head and everyone watched as Bit ran through the city yelling, "Liger WAIT! Come back here! No please, Wait! Liger ... I love you!" * * * Hours Later, after Bit had convinced Liger to stop and allow Lena and Jamie into the cockpit to bring them home, the exhausted teens were just sitting down to dinner. Bit and Lena had already pilled their plates high and were stuffing their faces when Brad, still drinking his renowned cup of coffee asked, "So how do you guys plan on explaining everything to everybody tomorrow? I mean, I heard liger came for a visit and caused some problems." Everyone sighed but Bit answered with a mouthful of food, "mell, I won't mo about ku," he swallowed and continued, "but today was awful. Everyone ignored me, I was lost with the teachers, and to top it off Liger showed up. If everyday is going to be like this I give up. I really do!" Dinner was finished in silence as all the members of the Blitz team, young and old, thought about all the possibilities of the rest of the year. * * * So how did you like it? Please review. I'll accept any review, but helpful reviews are welcomed most. Well I hoped you liked it. bye End file.
First Day Fiasco by tipi
1. Chapter One Author's note- This is my first published fic, so any constructive criticism is welcome. The first chapter may be a little boring as it is basically an introductory chapter just to tell you a little about my character. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids, just my characters Tania and Colonel Tragar, but if I did then Colonel Shubaltz and Irvine would be mine and no one else's! * -indicates a dream sequence CHAPTER ONE *She stood looking up at the seemingly endless expanse of the staircase, her small hand resting fearfully on the railing as she tried to summon the courage to take the first step into a different place. It was a step that she had been forbidden to take all her life as her mother often warned her that to ascend those stairs would surely put them both in danger, and she often wondered what it was that her mother feared so much. The few children that would talk to her told her of wondrous things that dazzled the eye, great tapestries that covered the giant hallways and the people that walked them dressed in fabrics far finer than the coarse clothing they were used to wearing. But if everything was so wondrous then why couldn't she at least take a peek just to see for herself the things she could only imagine in her dreams? Her palms were slick with sweat from the tight grip she had on the smooth railing, and she finally found the strength within to set one foot on the bottom step, shutting her eyes tightly as she expected to hear her mother's voice at any moment. All she heard instead were the slight whispers of the light breeze that wafted down the staircase, and the scents that it brought to her nose gave her even more strength of will to take another step. This time she felt something grab her hand and she looked down at her hand, her eyes widening as she peered down a dark, bottomless chasm that threatened to swallow her if she slipped even one tiny bit.* Tania awoke with a sudden jerk, her hair soaking wet from sweating and her heart pounding wildly within her chest. Throwing the covers aside, she ignored the feel of the cool night air on her skin and sat up on the side of her bed, her hands rubbing at her face in an attempt to shake off the grip of her nightmare. She rose to her feet and walked into the washroom to splash some cold water on her face then dry it with a towel. She had been only ten years old when she had gone up that staircase, an action that had changed the rest of her life forever, and she couldn't help but wonder at what today would bring. The dream was fitting as today she planned to take another first step, a step that would surely mean that she would never be able to see her mother again and would have her hiding like a criminal for the rest of her life as a result of her actions. But she could always walk away, although it would mean throwing away the four years of preparation and hard work she had invested so far. Then she looked into the mirror that hung above the water basin and saw the same thing she had seen every morning for the last twenty-three years, although for ten of them she had no idea that she had looked so much like her father. She shared his facial structure as he had been strikingly handsome himself, the only difference being he was akin to a snake as he was beautiful to look upon but beneath that beauty lie a lethal bite when provoked. Their hair color was even the same; some described it as the color of silvery starlight. But where her father's eyes burned a fierce scarlet and her mother's were as blue as the skies above, her eyes shone as sparkling amethysts. Ever since his death four years ago, she had seen more of him within herself, leading her to join a faction of the Imperial Army that had been fiercely devoted to him, and because of that they stood behind her even though she knew nothing of how to organize a military assault. They looked to her as a reminder of the man they had served loyally and sought to grant the one wish she had held ever since that day: the destruction of the Blade Liger and the pilot that had destroyed the Deathsaur which in turn had killed her father. Yes, Prozen was her father, and her mother a servant which he had used for one night. She had first seen her father the same night that she had disobeyed her mother and gone up into the upper levels of the Palace where she was forbidden. Prozen had been outraged that he had fathered a child and had not been told about it, not out of any fatherly instinct but because he had no desire to have a child of his running around. Add to the fact that she was a girl instead of a boy and it was like adding insult to injury, leading him to order his guards to kill her mother. But Tania had interfered and saved her life, leaving Prozen to reconsider his decision to kill her. Impressed with Tania's fighting skills, he told her that he would train her in combat so that she would serve him loyally for as long as he needed her, and if she decided to betray him or leave in anyway then he would kill her mother as a result of her actions. Over the next ten years she did little else but eat, sleep, and train under close watch from her father, although the last few years his attitude changed towards her as she had proven her loyalty to him. But it had cost her a great deal emotionally to do so, and it had succeeded in touching something inside of him that allowed him to see her not as a child but as an adult that was capable of making her own decisions. After that he had involved her in his plans to crown himself Emperor so that he could better lead the Empire to victory over the Republic, and being that she had grown under his shadow she hated the Republic just as much as he did and vowed to help him in whatever way she could. Now the war was over and the two opposing sides had made peace with one another, although there were still those that opposed the peace and sought to end it. Those that followed her believed that she meant to disrupt relations between them, but she had put herself above that. No longer did she concern herself with the affairs of nations, but there was only one thing she sought above all else and she would live to avenge her father's death or die trying. Walking back into the bedroom, she pulled from her closet a black leather outfit that consisted of a vest that buttoned down just enough to cover her breasts before tapering down to the waistline of her matching leather pants. Some of the men had taken to calling her the Princess of the Night as she dressed in little else except black. She buckled her belt around her hips, adjusting the dagger sheaths to fit comfortably and filling them with her two favorite daggers which had been gifts from Prozen for her birthday. Two more she slipped into the sheaths hidden within her boots which she carried around in case of emergency. Her silver hair she braided into one long rope resting down her back with a few strands hanging loose around her face to soften the usually severe style. Feeling she was ready to face another monotonous day, she walked outside into the hallway and headed towards the hanger where their zoids were being kept, grabbing a bite to eat for breakfast as she went along. The hanger was nearly empty but after today she hoped that it would be on its way to building a substantial force that would ensure her victory over the pilot of the Blade Liger, and for that reason she always trained everyday with her zoid. Also a gift from her father, the Saber Tiger was equipped with various weapons: 20mm cannons, two 30mm cannons, and a triple impact cannon. Add to that hardened alloy strike claws, saber teeth, and a maximum speed of 240 kilometers per hour and she had one of the best zoids to have in a battle. "Good morning, Tania." She turned to see a middle-aged man approaching her, tall with dark hair and keen eyes. "Good morning to you also, Colonel Tragar," she replied. He stopped and bowed slightly to her, an unnecessary gesture but he was always one to show his respect to the female gender. "I see you're off on your training exercise this morning." Her face hinted at the beginnings of a smile. "Yes, Colonel, I am," she answered. "You seem to be in a good mood as early as it is." "Yes, indeed," he smiled. "Today we launch the first of many attacks to come on the military bases we have chosen for the amount of weaponry they have at their disposal. Soon we shall have an army capable of putting an end to this ridiculous notion they call peace." "I trust you will keep me informed of your progress then," she added. "Of course," he said. "I hope your training goes well." "Thank you," she replied, watching as he withdrew and hearing him hum to himself. Soon she was safely fastened within the cockpit and the Saber Tiger vaulted outside with a sudden burst of speed. She allowed the zoid free rein whenever they first began their training so it could warm up for the rigorous training she put it through, exhilarating in the view of the landscape passing by in a blur and the feel of the rhythmic rocking as it quickly put distance between them and the base. When she deemed it far enough, she slowed the zoid down just in time to see various targets appear on the horizon which she shot down with fast accuracy. Others would pop up just as quickly and she destroyed them also; then came the missile targets which would test her maneuverability. She dodged each one easy enough and soon the exercise was over, leaving her pleased that they had done so well without suffering any damage. As long as they could keep it up then she knew she could face anything that came her way, although she would've liked to have had the time to increase the difficulty a bit so she could improve her skills as a zoid pilot. By the time they reached the base, she could see the small force of zoids moving out to commence the first battle that signified the first step towards an uncertain future. Not far away, dark eyes watched the scene unfold before him, causing a small smile to appear on his lips. "So, Colonel Tragar, you've decided to make your move after four years." Then he turned his gaze to the red Saber Tiger, the breeze ruffling his red hair. "And I wonder what it is that you have to offer me, daughter of Lord Prozen." Author's note- So, how was it? Please review and let me know! Thanks! 2. Chapter Two * -indicates a dream sequence CHAPTER TWO Elsewhere at the Red River Base, someone else was training as well. It had been four long years for him also, and he had grown into a handsome young man as well as an accomplished pilot of the Blade Liger. Still he felt he needed to train, especially since he had become a member of the Guardian Force along with Fiona and lately they had been joined by Lieutenant Thomas Shubaltz, who in Van's eyes was a strange character but a good pilot and loyal friend as well. No doubt because of his infatuation with Fiona though. He decimated the ranks of white Command Wolves easily enough and just turned to head back when he saw an Iron Kong slowly making its way towards the base, and a smile spread across his face as he directed the Blade Liger towards the approaching zoid. "Colonel Shubaltz, it's good to see you again," he greeted him as he fell in beside the Imperial soldier. "Are you here to see Thomas?" "I'm afraid not, Van," he answered sadly. "Given the nature of the information I'm bringing, I'd rather wait and tell everyone at the same time." "That bad, hunh?" Van sighed. "Well, I guess that I'd better inform Fiona and Thomas." As the Blade Liger raced off, Van couldn't help but wonder what was going on this time and for some reason he felt that this time the threat would be serious. Soon the necessary officers were assembled and Colonel Shubaltz was given the floor. "A few days ago, this military base was attacked by a small zoid force consisting of what we believe to be Rev Raptors and a Red Horn." The screen showed a layout of the surrounding area and a red dot marked the base's location. "The base was destroyed and all zoids kept there were taken by the attacking force as well as weapons and ammunition." "If you don't mind my asking, Colonel, why were you sent here? It was a Republican base that was hit, not an Imperial one," Van asked, curious when he saw the faint glimmer of sadness pass over the Colonel's face. "We believe that the force that attacked was Imperial," he answered. "It is possible that the aggressors are attempting to build an army of their own in order to try and undermine the peace that was bought at so high a price." A murmur passed through those assembled as they realized that if they didn't stop them now it could mean serious trouble in the future. "Where do you think they might strike next?" Fiona asked. The Colonel glanced at the screen. "It is hard to tell at this point, but we believe that it may be here." Another dot appeared on the screen that was not all that far from the first dot. "Right now, the best thing I believe that can be done is to step up aerial surveillance and put the base on alert. Hopefully we can stop this before it goes too far. Both sides suffered greatly during the last war and our supplies are low which makes it all the more urgent that we stop them quickly." The meeting was drawn to a close, and Van stepped up to the soldier. "Colonel, there's something else that you're not telling us," he said in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear. "You know who's behind these latest attacks, don't you?" Shubaltz sighed. "I have an idea, but I am not sure, and I can only hope that I am wrong." Seeing that that was all the answer he was getting, Van stepped away from him and followed Thomas and Fiona out of the room. Karl Shubaltz stayed there for a moment after everyone had left, his hand lightly resting on his chest as he stared up at the screen. Tania, are you behind this? Are you even alive? Reaching underneath his collar, he pulled out the necklace that he had worn for many a year now, a gold charm fashioned in the shape of a heart. *How I remember that day. We had lunch together that day, the day before you were to leave to return with your father. You had just finished telling me that you couldn't see me anymore, that you were a danger to me just by being here, and then you pressed this into my hand before you ran away. Only a few short days together and yet we became so close. Don't you know that I would've given anything for you to stay, even my life?* It had been a gift from her mother, she had told him, and yet she had given it to him. He turned the heart over and rubbed his thumb over the inscription there, only three simple words yet it had changed his whole world. I love you. He closed his eyes as he clenched his fist around the charm, willing the pain to go away that he had lived with since that day she had left him. Van and Thomas walked outside to where their zoids waited for them, a thought-filled silence between them. "What were you talking to my brother about, Van?" Thomas asked. Van heard Zeke step up beside him. "I think he knows who is behind these attacks, but he won't tell me as he isn't sure if it is who he thinks it is. Do you know?" he asked. Thomas shook his head. "Haven't a clue." The young pilot sighed. "I'm going out to do a little looking of my own then. Maybe the base is in this area. Come on, Zeke." The organoid voiced his agreement and followed behind. Tania had been pleased to hear that the first attack had went so well. The hanger was well on its way to becoming full with the zoids they had taken, and on top of that they had more than enough ammunition to last them a good while. But as pleased as she was, she couldn't help but feel a small pang of uncertainty as from now on the other bases would be on full alert, making it near impossible for them to take the other bases as easily as the first. And she also expected that soon enough the Republic would be sending out aerial zoids to try and spot any activity that seemed abnormal, meaning her little training sessions were at an end. Colonel Tragar said as much to his men, adding that they must be on full alert themselves as there might be a chance that the Republican Army could discover their location, although he didn't foresee it happening. But he didn't become Colonel by ignoring the possibilities that could catch them unawares. Instead he thought of everything beforehand so that he could anticipate any surprises that might be thrown his way. They laid low for awhile to let things cool down, as well as fool the military into thinking that the attack was a one time thing. Then they struck a second base, but things didn't go as well as before. Apparently the guard had been kept up as a fierce battle had ensued, forcing Tragar's men to retreat, which Tragar was voicing his anger about when she stepped into the debriefing room to see what had went so wrong. "Idiots!" he hissed as he turned his head towards her then looked away from her gaze as she took her place beside him. "Please, sir," one of the pilots pleaded. "It was no mere military force that we fought against. The Guardian Force have been enlisted as well, Colonel." The name caught her interest. "Guardian Force?" she inquired. "The most stupid, idiotic idea ever thought up if you ask me," Tragar scoffed. "Made up of a few kids that call themselves warriors." "Sir, one of the fighters is none other than Van Flyheight himself, the pilot of the Blade Liger that destroyed the Deathsaur years ago," the same pilot added. Tania turned her eyes to the pilot, half seeing him as she thought back on the fateful day when her father had died. She had fought against the Blade Liger outside the city limits along with Raven in his Genosaur and was defeated as her Saber Tiger was no match for his zoid, and apparently neither was Raven as he was defeated also. Knocked unconscious, she missed the actual battle between the Deathsaur and the Blade Liger, but all she knew was that her father was dead and it was all because of the person inside the zoid. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she shook herself back to the present to hear Tragar calling her name and asking if she was all right. "Yes, I'm fine," she answered, leveling her gaze back onto him. "I wouldn't dismiss Flyheight so easily, Colonel. I fought against him on that day so long ago and he defeated me. I think we should step up our forces on the next attack so we can prevent this from happening again." Tragar bowed his head to her slightly. "If you wish, Tania." "I will be going also," she added, and the silence became so thick it could be cut with a knife. "Absolutely not," he argued. "You cannot risk your life like that." She gritted her teeth in anger. "Colonel, he killed my father. And I will see to it that he gets what is due to him." 3. Chapter Three CHAPTER THREE Van and Thomas waited just outside the next base that aerial recon had told them would be the next target as they had seen them coming towards the base, and the numbers had increased from the last time to include more Rev Raptors and a Saber Tiger. Joining the Guardian Force were Command Wolves from both the Red River Base and this one, making the numbers almost even. "Thomas, it looks like this is going to be as much of a speed battle as anything else," Van told him. "They have a Saber Tiger with them this time, and I think it would be best if you hang back just in case any of them break through our lines and try for the base." "So what are you trying to say, that I'm too slow?" Thomas fired back. "I said no such thing," Van laughed. "Besides, Fiona told me to make sure you stayed out of harm's way." Thomas was so surprised he almost forgot to breathe. "She--she said that?" he asked, his heart in his voice as he was touched that she cared so much about him after all. "No," the younger man answered, promptly deflating Thomas' hopes. "But I'm sure she would still like to see you come out of this unharmed." "Trust me, this battle will be child's play. Right, Beek?" he asked, hearing the series of beeps that followed. Soon they saw the dust cloud on the horizon that signaled the approach of the enemy, and the Blade Liger ran off to intercept them in order to keep them as far away from the base as possible. Once the Rev Raptors caught sight of him, they broke formation to form rank in front of the Saber Tiger, leading him to wonder who it was that was so important that they needed to protect them. Inside the Saber Tiger, Tania let loose a string of curses upon those in front of her, her anger showing itself through her zoid as it roared its own frustrations. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?!" she all but screamed. "The plan was to let me draw the Blade Liger into combat while the rest of you dealt with the Command Wolves." "Sorry, Tania, but we have strict orders from Colonel Tragar that we engage the Blade Liger and distract him long enough for you to take out the Command Wolves and head for the base." "Bastards," she growled and increased her speed to leap over two of the Raptors and make for her primary target herself. "Come on, Van. Let's see what you've got." She fired the twin 30mm cannons then the triple impact cannon and was impressed when she saw him dodge every one of them, still keeping his current speed and heading. Then she saw the blades extend from either side of the Blade Liger when he drew closer to her, saw them coming towards her for a strike, but she deftly maneuvered out of the way, smiling when she heard a startled exclamation from her opponent. "You used that trick on me once before, Van Flyheight, did you think I would let you use it again?" Van was shocked that the pilot was female, even more that she knew his name. "Who are you?" he asked, crying out when he felt the impact from the missile of a Rev Raptor. "Later, Van. I think you have company right now." She would've liked more than anything to have continued their battle, but she saw a window of opportunity to achieve their more important purpose for being here and dodged through the battles going on between the Raptors and the Command Wolves to head for their target. With open space in front of her now, she increased her speed to put the fighting behind her, the base soon appearing before her. But when she saw what awaited her there, she slid to an abrupt stop, her mouth falling open in awe as she stared at the Dibison that stood there with every one of his numerous cannons preparing to fire. "You may have been able to slip past Van, but this is as far as you get. You will not get past me." "And just who are you?" she sneered. "Lieutenant Thomas Richard Shubaltz of the Imperial Army as well as a member of the Guardian Force," came the reply. "Shubaltz," she whispered, the name being the only thing she could utter as she wondered if he was any relation to another of the same name she had met years ago. "Megalo Max fire!" Thomas shouted. She was jerked back to the present as she realized that he had fired upon her, was unprepared for the attack that exploded all around her and reduced her zoid to a smoking mass of metal as well as knocking her unconscious. Van was tired, almost exhausted, after today and had to blink his eyes repeatedly to keep the screen focused in front of him as he gave his report to Colonel Shubaltz on the outcome of the battle. "We sustained little damage from the enemy. In fact, the only one that really suffered any real damage was the leader who piloted a Saber Tiger which was pretty much reduced to scrap metal after Thomas got through with it. The pilot suffered only cuts and bruises so we took her to the infirmary to let the doctors look at her." The Colonel was silent a moment. "The pilot was female?" he asked, his voice neutral but his eyes betrayed his emotions, concern mixed with a little anguish. "Yes, sir," Van replied, his attention caught by this different side of the Colonel. Had there been something between them before they went their separate ways? The image on the screen appeared indecisive for perhaps the first time in his life. "It is as I thought. Lieutenant Flyheight, as soon as the prisoner is able, bring her here so that I may commence an interrogation. I know that normally she would be dealt with there, but I fear that those she fought for may try and attack the base to help her escape. Plus I think that she might cooperate a little easier if the interrogation is done by an Imperial officer." "I agree, sir," Van followed, unable to keep himself from wondering if the Colonel's decision had anything to do with his desire to see this strange pilot again. "Contact me when you decide to leave, Lieutenant," he added before his image disappeared from the screen. Van severed his end of the link and slumped back against the chair, an enormous yawn emerging as he saw Thomas lean against the console so that he faced him. "So what did my big brother have to say?" he asked. He related the Colonel's orders to Thomas. "Did your brother ever tell you if he was ever in love with anyone?" Thomas shook his head, curious as to where this question had come from. "No, we were never close enough to speak of things like that to one another. Why do you ask?" Van shrugged. "I dunno. It just seems that when I mentioned the prisoner he seemed a little concerned and torn as to what he should do about her. If there weren't feelings involved he would've just treated her like any other prisoner without having to think about it," he pointed out, looking up in dismay to see the same dreamy look in Thomas' eye that he got whenever he spoke of Fiona. "I must admit she is quite beautiful," he breathed. "I've never seen hair quite the color of hers." "Thomas," he scolded playfully. "I can't believe that you would forsake Fiona that quickly. Perhaps your love is not as true as you say it is." "How dare you question my feelings for Fiona!" Thomas exploded. "I merely commented on her looks. Besides, she's not even my type considering the kind of crowd she hangs with." "What kind of crowd would that be?" Fiona asked as she stepped into the room. Thomas leapt to attention, looking for all the world as if he had been caught stealing. "Nothing, Fiona. We were just discussing the prisoner, that's all." Van was trying his hardest not to laugh. "While we're on the subject, who's watching her?" "Zeke is," she replied with a smile that had Thomas almost melting onto the floor. "I came here to remind you both to get something to eat. Honestly, if it wasn't for me you'd both starve." Then she walked out just as quietly as she had come. "It's amazing to think that with each day I come to love her even more," Thomas sighed. "Whatever," Van replied dryly. 4. Chapter Four Thanx to Ma Junior for reviewing! I'm sorry to say that Moonbay won't be making an appearance, but Irvine will later. * -indicates a dream sequence Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, only my original characters, blah, blah... Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER FOUR *She lay back on the soft grass, enjoying the feel of the warm breeze playing across her face and the whispering of the leaves in her ears. She had been listening to them for some time now, hoping that they could give her some advice on how to get through what was going to be the hardest day of her life. But no advice was forthcoming, and she was sure that if there was it would only be to tell her that she must do it alone, must do it period if she was to keep someone she cared about more than anything from being hurt. Feeling a light touch that tickled the palm of her hand, she glanced over her left shoulder into a pair of bright green eyes, eyes that in turn belonged to a very handsome man that she had developed strong feelings for in so short a time. What was worse, she knew that he felt the same about her, felt it within the depths of her soul that they were meant for each other, and that was the reason why she couldn't allow things to go any further between them. If she became too close to him, her father would only use him the same way he had used her mother and that she didn't wish on him with all her heart and soul. The touch continued up her arm to caress her face as he moved closer to her, the breeze ruffling his hair just as it did hers. She closed her eyes as she surrendered to the feelings his touch had awakened in her, amazed that he could do so with just a touch of his hand on her skin. When she opened her eyes, she found herself looking directly into his, her heart racing as she realized that he was going to kiss her. She brought her hand up to stop him before he could, and her resolve nearly crumbled as she felt his own heartbeat thundering against her hand, his breath teasing her cheek. Finally she summoned the strength to gently push him away as she sat up. "Karl, please don't do this," she whispered. "What is it?" he asked, his voice betraying his confusion. She had gotten to her feet and started to walk away, but he quickly jumped up and stopped her. "Tania, please, talk to me," he insisted. "Is it something I did?" "No, no," she quickly assured him. "You have done nothing but be wonderful to me ever since I arrived here. And it is because I do not wish to hurt you that I cannot allow things to progress any further between us." He gazed at her for a moment. "What are you afraid of?" he whispered. "Tell me what it is. I'll do anything I can to keep this from coming between us." "No, Karl. You can do nothing about this. I cannot accept what you would give, although I would give you something of myself to remember me by as I must leave." She reached behind her neck and unhooked a necklace, reaching out with her hand to take his own and place it in his palm, curling his fingers closed with her own as she leaned up to kiss his cheek lightly before walking away. She never looked back although she wanted to more than anything, feeling the tears that dampened her cheeks as her heart split in two.* Tania stirred slowly into wakefulness, feeling the tears that covered her face and hating herself for still loving him after all this time. He was the one person who could have changed her whole life around, but she had known that if she left her father Karl would've been the one to pay as well as herself. The life they would've shared together would've been no life at all, always having to hide from Prozen and those he would've sent after her. So she had sacrificed her happiness for his safety, spending all the years that followed wondering if Karl still remembered her and, more importantly, if he still loved her. Seeing a shadow fall over her, she opened her eyes to see a strange creature staring at her, his nose mere inches from hers. She screamed almost at the top of her lungs, causing the creature to do the same, and she tried inching back away from him only to fall off the side of the bed and onto the cold floor. The door opened and she saw three pairs of feet on the other side of the bed, hearing one of them ask where she was and the creature must've replied as the sound was more like a mechanical rumbling than a voice. Then one of them stepped around the side of the bed, a young man that appeared to be a member of the Republican Army. He extended his hand to her and helped her to her feet, keeping near her as she walked around to the end of the bed. "Are you all right?" he asked. "I'm sorry if Zeke scared you." "Zeke?" she breathed, her heartbeat slowly returning to normal. The creature slowly approached her, reaching out with his front claws and touched her face with a gentleness that she never expected from a creature like him. The young man smiled. "He's never seen tears before," he explained then became concerned himself. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little pale." She groped her way over to sit back on the bed, her mind having a little trouble processing everything at once, having figured out that Zeke was actually an organoid. The last organoid she had seen was the one that belonged to Raven named Shadow, who had never been very nice to her. Zeke, however, seemed almost like a child in his behavior, although she knew that he harbored tremendous power within him. She didn't know who the female was, but one look at the taller man told her that he was the one who piloted the Dibison that had defeated her, Thomas Shubaltz. The same green eyes that belonged to Karl looked at her now, making her feel a little uneasy as if Karl himself were here. The young man she was almost afraid to ask as she suspected he was Van Flyheight, but he looked nothing like she thought he would. If he appeared young now, she could only guess at how old he had been when he had destroyed the Deathsaur, and there was something about him that spoke of the purity of his soul. He had held no enmity towards her father; his only purpose was to destroy the Deathsaur before it destroyed everything, a command that had been given by her father in order to insure his ascension to the throne. Van had simply been protecting the innocent lives that would have been killed, lives which he believed were all worth saving whether they were Imperial or Republican. She took a deep breath to calm her racing thoughts, turning her gaze to the young warrior. "You're Van, right?" she asked, receiving a smile and a nod from him. "And you're Thomas?" she questioned as she turned her gaze towards him. Thomas could only stand there and stare at the beauty of her eyes, leading Van to confirm she was correct. The female stepped forward and took her hand. "I'm Fiona, pleased to meet you." Tania smiled in return at Fiona's open and honest personality. "I'm Tania," she supplied, hearing Zeke rumble, and she looked to Van for a translation. "She already knows who you are, Zeke," he commented instead. Suddenly Thomas snapped to his senses. "What are you all doing here introducing yourselves like she's our guest? She happens to be our prisoner, and we took her prisoner because she attacked this base!" "She's made no hostile move since she's been conscious, Thomas, and I don't like to just throw them in handcuffs as soon as they wake up," Van answered. "Oh, so you'll introduce yourself and hold a friendly conversation before handcuffing her?" he retorted. "She doesn't appear to have any hostile intentions towards us personally, Thomas," Fiona added. "I don't sense that about her. She was only following somebody else's orders, and she didn't kill anybody." Thomas immediately calmed down. "You're right, Fiona. How silly of me!" Van leaned towards Tania. "Pay no mind to Thomas. He talks big but is really harmless." "I heard that!" he exploded. "I'll show you harmless!" he shouted, chasing Van out into the hallway with Zeke in hot pursuit. "Come back here!" Fiona enjoyed a good laugh while Tania merely smiled, troubled at the sudden change in herself. By all rights, she should be attempting an escape out of this place but for some reason she found herself not wanting to go back to Colonel Tragar and the others. Thomas had been right in his assessment of the situation, but Van and Fiona had chosen to give her the benefit of the doubt first which led her to wonder how they would treat her once they found out she had wanted to kill Van for what he had done years ago. Fiona soon heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hall and stepped to the door, her eyes widening when she saw Colonel Richert come into the room with three other officers trailing him. He took one look around the room before settling his gaze on Tania, the coldness of it sending a shiver through her. "I see you're awake," he observed. "And I understand that your interrogation will be held at the Red River Base instead of this one." She decided immediately that she didn't like him one little bit. "What makes you think I'd tell you anything?" A smug smile twisted his lips. "So you're one of those prisoners that likes to play tough? Well, we'll see how tough you are after a night in a prison cell. Put the handcuffs on her," he instructed his men, who moved quickly to do his bidding. Van entered the room to see Tania being handcuffed and hauled roughly off the bed, and he saw her grit her teeth against their painful grips on her arms which immediately roused his anger as they had to have seen that she was bandaged. "What's going on here?" he demanded. "What does it look like? We're moving the prisoner to a more secure location until the time comes for her to be transferred to Red River for interrogation," Richert retorted. "Colonel, in view of her injuries I don't see why she couldn't just stay in the infirmary until then," Van argued. "Injuries which were a direct result of her own actions, and because of them she deserves to be treated like a normal prisoner would," the Colonel replied. "She is too much of a danger to be allowed to stay in such a lightly guarded area and I do not have the men to spare to watch her." Van would've said more, but Tania shook her head at him, telling him without words that it was all right, that she would've expected nothing less. Colonel Richert smiled and led her escort down to the prison block where she was shoved inside a cell, the metal hinges creaking as the door slammed shut with a loud clang. She slowly lowered herself onto the floor beside the cot that would serve as her bed for the night. Minutes passed by like hours before she finally heard someone approach her cell, surprised when she saw Van sit down on the floor on the other side of the iron bars and slide a plate of food to her. She moved so that she sat near him and nibbled on her food lightly. "I'm sorry that you're being treated this way," he finally said. "I've had a taste of it myself so I know how you feel." She looked at him, unable to turn her eyes away when he met her gaze evenly. "Why are you being so nice to me? The base came close to being destroyed today if we had succeeded. Unless you're just being nice to get on my good side so maybe I'll be a little more cooperative on the way to Red River." He smiled, a bright smile that immediately put her at ease. "Call me crazy, but I get the feeling that you don't really wish to share in your superior's plans. You don't appear to be as single-minded as some of the others we have come across." Tania couldn't help but wonder how he would feel if he knew that she had come here to kill him. *************************** What's this with Van and Tania striking up a friendship? Didn't she just want to kill him earlier? Don't worry, all will be revealed in time. ; ) Thanx for reading! Shelly 5. Chapter Five Author's note- Okay, I know I'm breaking all sorts of rules here having two people be able to fit inside the Dibison, but I had to do it for the story. After all, the Geno Breaker is originally supposed to only accomodate one person, yet Raven and Riese are both able to fit inside, much to her delight, I'm sure. ^.~ Disclaimer: You all know the deal by now. Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER FIVE Tania had finally managed to get some sleep, although it had been on the floor rather than the cot, and when she awoke she noticed that Van had stayed with her the whole night with his hand holding hers through the bars. He was still fast asleep and she hated to wake him but her arm had become numb and she needed to move it to get some feeling back into it. He was facing her, and she reached up with her other hand and lightly tickled his nose, snickering when he reached up to swat at it to make it stop. She did it once again, and this time he woke up, looking around him in the confusion that comes with the transition between sleep and waking. "Good morning, sleepy," she greeted him with a smile. He replied the same, stretching and yawning before he realized that he still held one of her hands in his, which he quickly let go of. "Sorry about that," he grinned. She pulled her arms to her, wincing as the blood began flowing back into them when she sat up. "I wonder how long until the Colonel and his men come for me." Van rose stiffly to his feet, stretching to ease the kinks that came with sleeping on the floor. "I suppose any time now. People like him just can't wait to make others miserable." She laughed as she struggled to her own feet, her body still aching from yesterday's battle. "I want to thank you for staying with me, Van. You could've chosen a more comfortable place to sleep, but you didn't." "It was no problem at all," he replied. "Besides, I was just doing it as a favor for a friend." "Oh, so you were just being nice to me because someone asked it of you," she teased. "And here I thought that we were on our way to becoming friends." "I didn't mean it like that," he quickly amended, not wanting to admit to her or himself that he was drawn to her mysterious beauty and inner strength which he sensed within her. Soon he heard footsteps approaching and stepped aside to allow Colonel Richert's men to open the cell door and escort her to the hanger where the Blade Liger and Dibison were kept. Colonel Richert was there with Fiona and Thomas, who Tania learned she would be traveling with since he seemed to see the situation in the correct light where Van supposedly did not. They departed shortly after with a regiment of Command Wolves to escort them to Red River which Colonel Richert thought was best in case there was an ambush. Time seemed to pass slowly as the rocky landscape crawled by with the burning sun beating down on them. Tania sat in the cockpit behind Thomas, resting her head against the seat with her eyes closed as she hoped time would pass more quickly if she didn't see how slow they were going. She was surprised that the Red River Base didn't send a faster mode of transportation after her since they were very open to an ambush traveling at this speed. "You're pretty calm considering you're on your way to what could very well be your trial and sentencing," Thomas pointed out. "What good would it do me to argue? I was captured while attacking the base so it's plain and simple that I'm guilty. Although I suppose I could say that I was merely testing the base's security measures, but I don't think that would go very well," she added. "Or you're expecting some kind of rescue from your men," he guessed. "First of all, they're not my men as I was merely an extra body taking up space. Whoever is conducting my interrogation is going to be sorely disappointed." "Still, you know enough for them to want you back. You know where they are, who they are, what kind of weaponry, things like that. Believe me, they'll come after you." After that they both kept their eyes open for any sign of an ambush, even more so when they passed near a few high cliffs that would serve as the perfect cover for one. Apparently someone else had the same idea as they were suddenly hit on all sides by cannon fire, warning shots obviously as none came close enough to harm them. "You're outnumbered, Guardian Force. Surrender your prisoner and no one will get hurt," a voice communicated to them. They looked everywhere for the source of the fire, but saw nothing. "If you're so sure we're outnumbered, why don't you show yourself and this force you're obviously hiding," Van replied. The voice chuckled. "Who says I'm hiding them?" Tania gasped. "Thomas, look at the Command Wolves!" "I see them," he replied, the Command Wolves having surrounded them and aimed their cannons at them. On one of the nearby cliffs, a Saber Tiger appeared, looking a bit worn but still operational. "That's my Saber Tiger!" Tania cried. "Then there's a traitor serving under Colonel Richert," Thomas pointed out. "Unless it's the Colonel himself." She leaped from her seat and leaned over Thomas' so she could get a better look at her zoid. "But I thought that it was unrepairable. Van told me so." "I guess they must've done some quick repairs then," he said. "And what do you think you're doing getting out of your seat? What if they fire another shot--ah!" he began, cut off when another warning shot was fired, this time coming close enough to the Dibison to give it a jolt that sent Tania flying over the seat and into Thomas' lap. To his credit, he kept his cool even though he had managed to have a very beautiful young woman thrown into his arms. "Are you all right?" he asked. She shook her head and looked up into his eyes. "I'm fine," she answered. "Last warning," the pilot advised. "Hand over the prisoner or we'll be forced to destroy you." "I'd like to see them try," came Van's voice. "Ready, Zeke?" "Van, wait!" Thomas cried, causing Tania to cringe and wonder if her hearing would ever be the same. "What is it, Thomas?" Van asked. "We could just turn her over to them," he suggested. "Thomas Shubaltz, I can't believe that you would suggest such a thing," Fiona scolded him. He didn't get the chance to reply as he was receiving a thorough lashing from Tania as well. "I can't believe that you would just give me up like that! You'd do anything to keep your precious Dibison from being damaged, wouldn't you?" she ranted as she hit him with her still bound hands, forcing him to remove his helmet to better restrain her. "Tania, calm down!" he cried. "I'm not going to turn you over to them, okay?" She ceased her attack on him as she became still, his hands easing their firm grip on her wrists. "Thomas, thank you so much!" she cried, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him. This time he did blush. "I wonder why this doesn't work on Fiona?" he asked. She pulled away from him, surprised at the sudden question. "Time's up! Prepare for attack!" The Dibison was suddenly hit from all sides, Thomas holding Tania to him tightly to keep her from being harmed. Soon the barrage stopped but they still heard explosions from all around them, and Tania took advantage of the break to scramble back into her seat. Thomas set his helmet back onto his head and cursed. "My weapons are useless! Beek, what's going on?" Tania soon learned what had stopped the assault. "Thomas, look! Pterasaurs! They're attacking the Command Wolves!" A shadow fell over them, and she gasped when she looked upon an Iron Kong that was defending them from the rest of the attackers while Van was engaging the Saber Tiger on the cliff. "Lieutenant Shubaltz, are you all right?" came a voice that Tania hadn't heard in years, making her heart begin to race furiously. "I'm all right, Colonel," Thomas answered, trying to get the system back to working properly. "Is the prisoner unharmed?" "She's fine, also. Thanks for the assist, by the way," Thomas added. "You got here at just the right time." "Is the Dibison operational?" the Colonel asked. Beek gave out a series of triumphant beeps. "Thanks, Beek. Yes, we're good to go, big brother," Thomas replied. The Blade Liger appeared next to the Iron Kong. "Colonel Shubaltz, are we glad to see you," Van greeted him. "After I spoke with you yesterday, I thought that I had better be out here just in case there was an ambush," he answered. "Only I never thought that it would come from an unexpected corner. I think it's best we get going if we're to avoid any more ambushes." "Roger that," both Thomas and Van replied. "Man, that was close," Thomas commented as they got under way, and he suddenly remembered the conversation he and Van had shared. "Tania, can I ask you a question?" "Depends on what you're asking," she answered, a little miffed that Karl had known she was here and didn't so much as offer to speak with her himself. But she supposed that after the way she had left him he probably didn't even want to see her again; in fact he had probably gotten married and had forgotten all about her. "Yesterday Van asked me if my brother had ever been in love. I told him that I didn't know as he never told me about things like that. Had there been something between you two?" he asked. In her eyes, that pretty much answered her questions about how he felt about her. "In that case, if he told you nothing then I'll do the same." ******************* In the last chapter, it was pretty much established that the Colonel and Tania had been strongly interested in each other, but why had he never told anyone? Please read and review! Thanx! Shelly 6. Chapter Six Author's note- I'm going to have to change the rating because of the next chapter. You'll find out why at the end of this one. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids, so don't sue me! Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER SIX The group arrived at Red River just as the sun was sinking below the horizon, a military escort awaiting to take Tania into custody as soon as her feet touched the ground. She stood by with them as they awaited Colonel Shubaltz' orders on where to take her since she was, at his insistence, his prisoner. Van, Fiona, and Thomas waited nearby, curious to see how things would be handled from here. Tania was unbelievably nervous as she waited, knowing that soon she would have to face Karl and confront her tangled emotions. She was well aware that he was only interrogating her for any information she could give him in regards to those behind the recent attacks, but just having him there would be difficult as she knew that he must have a thousand more personal questions that he wanted answered as well. The soldiers standing near her told her without words he was coming as they straightened to attention, saluting smartly as he stopped before them. "As you were," he commanded. "Escort the prisoner to the interrogation room. I will follow shortly." "Yes, sir," they replied, turning to take her inside the base. She caught Karl's eye for just a moment, but even that was enough to weaken her knees and force those directly beside her to almost drag her inside. Cursing herself for her weakness, she brought her emotions under control, knowing that if she was going to be inside a room with him for the next few hours she had to be able to keep her cool. They reached a medium sized room that held nothing inside except a table and four chairs, the soldiers motioning for her to sit while they waited for Karl to arrive. When he did, she was surprised to see him escorted only by Fiona; she had expected him to bring some of the base's ranking officers with him. He dismissed the soldiers, leaving them alone as he sat in the chair across from her. She gazed at him silently, thinking that he hadn't changed since the last time she had seen him. He was still the honorable soldier, willing to do what he must to see things done the way they're supposed to be, and she knew that the present situation must be presenting a unique problem to him. Unless he no longer cared for her in which case he would treat her just like any other prisoner. Karl wondered what was going through her mind at this moment, was even more curious to know if she still held any feelings for him as it was hard to tell from the careful control she exerted over her expression. He had thought he saw a glimpse of something outside the base when she had looked at him, but he didn't want to read any more into it that would only hurt him later if things turned out not to be the same between them. But he hoped to have everything settled by tonight if everything went as planned. "Tania, I'm going to lay this out for you quickly," he began. "In light of this afternoon's events, I have been granted leave to have full responsibility for you. Only I will judge what is to be done with you after the interrogation, and only that will be decided on how much you choose to tell me. However, I wish to take care of any needs you might have right now, namely the basics. Van tells me that you haven't eaten since last night, and I am sure that you wish to have use of our bathing facilities." A smile lurked at the corners of her mouth. "I smell that bad, do I?" she asked. He fought from answering that he didn't care what she smelled like, just so he was able to look upon her and hear her voice. "Not so bad as to warrant an extra bar of soap," he replied, unconsciously lapsing into their teasing of each other. "I have asked Fiona to accompany you as a reassurance to others that I mean to take my responsibility seriously. Thomas told me that you do not wish to return to them, but that does not mean that you do not plan to try and escape. Afterwards she will take you to get something to eat." She looked into his eyes again, seeing him hiding something behind their green depths and wondering what it was. "My thanks, Colonel," she replied. He allowed a small smile to show through. "You're welcome," he replied, standing to his feet and nodding to Fiona before he left the room to set his plans in motion. Fiona smiled and led Tania to the showers where her handcuffs were removed long enough for her to make use of the facilities. She had never thought she would see the day when she would be glad to have the luxury of a shower to wash away all the dirt that had piled on her since yesterday, and she stood underneath it for a long time just letting the warm water run over her body and ease all her aching muscles. When she emerged, the room was steamy from her shower and she only had a towel wrapped around her as she searched for Fiona, only to find her quickly doing what she could to clean Tania's clothing. Tania slipped into her clothing once she was done, and Fiona offered to brush the other woman's hair for her to ease the tangles from towel drying it. "Tania, I get the impression that you and the Colonel were in love with one another some time ago," Fiona commented. "And still are from the way he looks at you." She sighed as the brush ran through her hair. "I'm not too sure about that after the way we parted," she answered. "Would you mind telling me about it?" she asked, in truth only to stall for more time but she also wanted to learn more about this mysterious woman. Tania was curious as to why she asked, but related the story to her anyway. She had met Karl when she had accompanied her father on a surprise inspection of one of the military bases that Karl happened to be stationed at. From the very first time she had looked into his eyes, she had been hopelessly lost. Her father had entrusted Karl with her safety while he conducted his inspection, but she knew that it was only a way for her father to keep her from running away as he still did not trust her enough to leave her alone. They had gotten to know each other well and had become close very fast, but she had wished not to let things go any further as he would only be turned into someone her father could use against her to insure her continued loyalty to him. "How sad," Fiona murmured. "Did you ever think that maybe he loved you enough to be with you even with the way your father felt?" "Yes, I know he would've risked everything to be with me, but I could not ask for him to do something like that. If we had decided to leave together, we would've had to spend the rest of our lives on the run as criminals. My father held great power and I knew that he would hunt us until both of us were dead, and I loved Karl too much to endanger him like that." "You both loved each other so much yet you were never able to show each other how you truly felt. And to think that those feelings held true after so many years." Deep down, Fiona felt sorry for Tania after getting to know her a little. From what little Tania had told her, she guessed that she had never been given the chance to really live her life the way she should've been allowed to as she had never been able to enjoy the freedom that the rest of them did. "I think that's enough," she said, admiring the way her silver hair shone. "But I'm afraid that I'll have to put the handcuffs back on." "That's okay," Tania sighed. "I think I'm getting used to them." Fiona led her into the hallway but in a different direction than before. Tania assumed that she would be taken back to the interrogation room, but instead she was being taken to a different area. "Fiona, where are you taking me?" she asked. "You'll see," she answered then stopped before a door, knocking on it and politely waiting for a reply. Hearing a muffled voice, she opened the door and ushered Tania inside only to close the door behind her just as quickly. Tania stood there in shock as she gazed at the feast laid out on a table in the middle of the room, the aromas of roast chicken and potatoes filling her nose and setting her stomach to growling. Both ends of the table were set with plates and silverware, the centerpiece fashioned of red roses and baby's breath which was flanked by white candles whose flames flickered happily. Feeling another presence in the room, she looked away from the table to see a sight which made her jaw drop open in surprise. Karl stood at the opposite end of the table, but gone was the Colonel she was used to seeing. He wore a white broadcloth shirt, leaving the first few buttons undone, and black pants and shoes, the result being an incredibly handsome man which she would be hard-pressed to keep from ignoring tonight. ********************** Wait a minute? What's he doing? She's his prisoner, so what's he doing planning such an elaborate evening together? Warning! There will a lemon in the next chapter, so if you don't like lemons, consider yourself warned! 7. Chapter Seven Author's note- Well, here it is! The chapter you've all been waiting for! ^.~ Thanks to Aries of Attitude, Biowolf, and Rinon Toros for reviewing. I'm happy that you like it as it only gets better from here! Disclaimer: Blah, Blah, Blah Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER SEVEN "I see you managed to get here," he said as he slowly approached her. She could do nothing else but stand there rooted to the floor. "Colonel, I must admit I am confused," she said, knowing that she looked like a fool for the way she was staring at him. "Please, none of that tonight," he replied. "And the manner in which I wish to treat my prisoners is my own business as I mean to ease things between us. Starting with these," he said as he stopped before her, taking out a key to unlock the handcuffs. She watched them fall to the floor, her eyes closing when she felt his breath tease her cheek only to open when she raised her gaze up the white expanse of his shirt to the slight gap that offered her a teasing glance of his skin underneath. When their eyes met, she saw for the first time how he really felt about her, feelings which she returned freely and knew he saw in her own eyes. After seeing for himself the love she still felt for him, he ached to hold her in his arms and end the torture they had suffered, but he restrained himself with a great amount of control and motioned for her to sit at the table. He pulled the chair out for her and made sure she was comfortable before he retrieved his own dinnerware and brought it so that he could be seated next to her. "My brother means well, but sometimes I wonder if he's trying to tell me something," he explained then saw her raised eyebrow. "I had him and Van help me get things ready while you were showering." She smiled at the image his words brought up, flattered when he picked up her plate and began filling it with the food in front of them. Soon they were both enjoying a most delicious meal, Tania even more so as she had not eaten since last night. They spoke of his brother who he was proud of for having been appointed to the Guardian Force and of his own promotion to the rank of Colonel, mainly trying to keep from asking questions about her own life. But she soon opened up to him, telling him of her childhood and the threat to her mother's life. "That's why you wouldn't stay with me," he pointed out. "That's why I couldn't," she corrected. "After meeting you and becoming so close to you, I knew that if there was ever one person that could change my life it would be you. But if I chose to risk everything and stay with you, my father would only hunt us down until we were both dead. And I feared of becoming too close to you as I knew he would only exploit that against me as well. "He saw the sacrifice I had made and after that he gave me a little more freedom, although I still believed that he could destroy those I loved if I so much as thought about leaving. He tricked me into believing that the plans he had made were for the good of the Empire, I see that now, but at the time I believed him and stood beside him, even mourning for him when he was killed. Up until now I was obsessed with my revenge on Van, but after seeing him and getting to know him I came to see the error in my father's designs. He cared nothing for those he destroyed only so that he could get what he wanted, and that's what Van was protecting. For so long I thought he had killed him for a reason, but he only meant to destroy the Deathsaur. It was only my father's greed that got him killed." Karl was sorrowed as he had had no idea of the pressure she had been under for most of her life, and it was a wonder that she turned out as well as she had. "So was that why you joined this group that has been attacking military bases?" She smiled. "I wondered when you would get around to asking me about that," she said. "After the peace was established, there were those that remained loyal to Prozen and his views who approached me and asked me to join them. Like I said, I was itching for the day when I would have my revenge on Van so I agreed to join them but I told them that I was going to have nothing to do with their objectives as I only wanted one thing from them. They agreed as they only wanted me to be there as a way to remind the men of who it was they once served. "I was allowed to pretty much go my own way. I trained to better my piloting skills most of the time and would occasionally inquire as to how things were going. But most of the time I was oblivious to their plans except until recently when things began to speed up. When the Guardian Force began repelling the attacks, I became involved when I learned Van was involved and the rest you know about. So any information I could give you is limited at best." "Limited, yes," he agreed. "But you could tell us some things that would help us in a big way." "Yes, Thomas pointed that out to me already," she smiled then turned a teasing glance on him. "But what makes you think that I'll tell you anything?" "Oh, I don't know," he replied, easing out of his chair to stand behind her. "I suppose I could think of a few ways to try to persuade you," he breathed in her ear, reaching up with his hands and lightly massaging the back of her neck and shoulders. "Keep doing that and you'll get anything you want out of me," she groaned, her head tilting forward as she reveled in the feel of his fingers on her skin, wondering how they would feel elsewhere. "Maybe, but would you tell me what I would most want to hear?" he asked, ceasing his ministrations when she turned towards him and he crouched down so that they were eye level with one another, resting his arms on the back of the chair and his chin on his arms. "And what would that be?" she questioned, unable to resist the temptation to reach up and brush her fingertips across his forehead, his hair running across her knuckles. She saw his eyes close and knew then that she had the same effect on him that he had on her, an observation that made her want him all the more. "Did you miss me half as much as I missed you?" he whispered, opening his eyes. Her breath caught in the back of her throat as she fought for the right answer that would describe her heartache adequately. "That I did and more, every day of my life," she answered. "You have no idea how many times I've wanted to be here with you, or anywhere for that matter. It didn't matter to me as long as we were together." He took a lock of her hair in his fingers, admiring the way that it shimmered in the candlelight and wondering how someone so beautiful and brave could have had Prozen for a father. "I suppose it helped that I had something to keep me company," he said. She had an idea of what it might be but was afraid to ask. "What was that?" He smiled. "You gave me your heart, remember? But you never allowed me to give you mine." He reached underneath his shirt and pulled out the necklace for her to see. Her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes moistened. "You kept my necklace?" she whispered, reaching out to touch it with nervous fingers. "I never took it off," he answered, taking her hand in his own and kissing the back of it. "Karl," she moaned, taking his head in her hands and brushing her lips across his lightly at first then more passionately when she tasted the sweetness of the wine on his mouth which only served to enhance his own flavor. Her tongue slowly eased its way into his mouth, stroking his with a fiery passion that had him clinging to the back of the chair to keep from falling to the floor, as well as drawing a tortured groan from deep within his chest. She finally broke the kiss when her lungs threatened to burst and rested her forehead against his, their breathing labored from the strength of their emotions for one another. "Karl, I love you so much," she whispered, kissing his cheek. "I need to feel your arms around me, but I fear I cannot stand up," she breathed softly into his ear. He rose to his feet and helped her to hers, immediately pulling her into his arms and hearing her soft moan when he held her tightly against him. "I love you, too, Tania," he said, rubbing his hands up and down her back, her hair caressing the back of them as well. "There were times when I thought that maybe things would be different once we saw each other again. I feared that you had outgrown your feelings and had moved on, but here you are in my arms and I swear to you I will not do anything that will endanger our love for one another. And I will not let you walk away so easily again," he added with a smile when she drew back to look at him. She returned the smile. "I also had my doubts. Most of all about the fact that you did let me leave so easily, but I am glad that you did for if not then I would've been sorely tempted to stay. And I was afraid that once you found out what I had become you would turn me away and I would never see you again." He brought his hands up to brush his fingers across her cheeks and mouth. "That I could never do," he answered. "During the short time we spent together, I had gotten a glimpse of the person that was hiding underneath the exterior that had been forced on you by others. That person was the one I fell in love with and I know that little by little that person will emerge again." She eyed him silently for a moment. "So you're saying that you don't love me now?" she teased. "No! I didn't mean it that way," he quickly amended, making a grab for her when she pulled away from him. "I heard what you said, Karl," she continued as she dodged away from his reach. "Don't try to deny it." "I know you're just teasing me," he replied, making one last attempt that sent her running this time. "Come back here!" he cried as he took chase after her. She ran into the nearest room and there he caught up with her, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her onto the nearby bed. She still struggled against him, laughing at the top of her lungs, and he quickly pinned her beneath him, his legs on either side of her hips as he held her arms against the bed. "You know you can't win in a wrestling match against me." "I know," she said with a tired chuckle. "But it was at least worth a try. And where did this bed come from?" "I don't know, but I plan to make good use of it." Leaning down, he placed light kisses on the side of her neck, hearing her sharp intake of breath as well as feeling her fingers slide up the back of his neck and into his hair. "That is, if you want to," he added in a hoarse whisper. His assault on her neck was driving her insane, making her lower stomach throb with an intensity she had never felt before. "More than anything," she answered, moving her hands around to slowly begin unbuttoning his shirt and sliding her hands across his warm skin, hearing his own moan when her fingertips brushed across his chest and teased his nipples. He sat up and quickly discarded his shirt onto the floor, lowering himself back down to capture her lips in a deep kiss as he worked at removing her vest, filling his hands with her breasts and teasing the nipples with his thumbs. His mouth moved from her lips to her neck, his tongue brushing across her taut nipples, drawing a surprised gasp from her, and he had to remind himself that she was but a novice in the ways of love and unfamiliar with how to please him as well. Raising himself up once again, he removed the rest of her clothing, leaving her lying on the bed naked looking even more beautiful than he thought possible. He took the opportunity to shed his own clothing, watching as her eyes roamed over his body and stopped at his eyes, a smile appearing as he saw the light of fear and uncertainty in their depths. "Tania, do not worry," he comforted her as he eased back down beside her. "You have nothing to fear from me." Her cheeks blushed a rosy hue. "It's not that. I have heard plenty from other women about what happens, but I am unsure of how to please you and do not want you to think me a bad lover." Her heart was racing wildly within her chest from the thought that she loved someone so perfect and well blessed at that, causing her cheeks to become even redder. To save her any further embarrassment, he kissed her softly as his hand traveled lower down her sleek stomach and into the patch of curls between her thighs only to find her hot and very wet. His fingers found the center of her pleasure and he began stroking it slowly; she pulled away from him with a moan of pure pleasure, her need increasing when his mouth found her breasts once again. Soon she felt an enormous pressure build where his fingers were, and she cried out as her first orgasm washed over her, her body flushing as delicious tremors washed over her. Their lips joined together once more as he moved so that his body rested on top of hers. "What did you do to me?" she asked when she found her voice. He kissed the side of her mouth. "Just an orgasm to make sure you're wet enough so I don't hurt you as much." He reached back to lift her legs up and slowly pushed his hardness inside her, not wanting her first time to be painful but it couldn't be helped as she was very tight from her orgasm. He kissed her again, pushing inside her and hearing her cry of pain, his own heart aching when he tasted the sudden salt of tears on her lips. "I'm sorry, my love," he whispered. "Are you all right?" "I think so," she replied, touching his face with her hands as she became used to having him inside her. He began moving slowly, increasing the speed when he saw her tilt her head back, her hands moving around to clutch his back, and he had to fight against his own orgasm as she was incredibly tight and it felt so wonderful being with her. But he soon gave free rein to his emotions as her fingernails dug into his back, Tania muffling her own cries of pleasure against his shoulder as she unknowingly sunk her teeth in slightly when a second orgasm claimed her, only to be joined by his own. She felt the warm rush deep inside her before he withdrew and collapsed next to her, his own body trembling. She raised up on an elbow, bringing her hand up to brush strands of her hair back from his face that had been glued to his forehead by the sweat from their lovemaking. He turned his green eyes to her own, and she was consumed with love for this man who had loved her for so long. "I love you so much," she whispered, leaning over to kiss him. "I love you, too," he replied as she laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped her in his arms, both of them drifting off as sleep overtook them. ******************* Author's note- Aww! *sniff* They're finally together. But I can tell you now that it won't be smooth sailing for them in the future. I hope you all liked this chapter as it is my first published lemon. :p Thanks for reading! 8. Chapter Eight Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids only my own characters, although I wish I owned Colonel Shubaltz. *sigh* Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER EIGHT Tania awoke early the next morning, feeling Karl's presence beside her which brought a smile full of love to her lips. She eased out of the bed, being careful not to wake him although judging from his deep slumber she had nothing to worry about, and walked into the dining room where she removed a rose from the centerpiece and returned to the bedroom to lay it beside him. After softly kissing him on his cheek, she dressed herself in her leather pants and decided to put on his white shirt from the night before, inhaling deeply of his scent which still lingered on the fabric. Wanting some time alone, she walked outside the base's gates, noticing that there were few guards around at this time of morning after the sun had just risen. She found a small hill near enough to the base for her to be seen but far enough to feel she had some space to herself and looked around as she listened to the quiet of the dawn. She felt happy for the first time in her life, free of the fear that had plagued her for most of it, and she had Karl to thank for that. Now she was free to live her own life as she wanted, helping her suddenly see things as they should be. Every person deserved the same freedom though there were those that sought to take that away, and she had almost become one of them. A flash of sunlight nearby caught her attention, and she saw the Blade Liger out for a morning run, wondering why Van was up so early this morning. The zoid seemed to look her way and she heard its roar from this distance, making her realize how much she missed her own Saber Tiger. Hearing the approach of something, she turned to see Zeke heading her way. "Good morning, Zeke," she greeted him as he lowered his head for her to rest her hand on. "How are you this morning?" she asked, knowing that she wouldn't understand him but asking anyway, smiling when he rumbled a reply. She saw the Blade Liger approaching and waited for it to stop, Van leaping out and joining her on the hill. "Good morning, Van," she said. "You're up early." "So are you," he pointed out. "What are you doing out here? I would've thought that they would've kept you in handcuffs all night." "I have been placed under Colonel Shubaltz' care. I suppose you could say that he will be the only one to decide what is to be done with me," she answered. "Speaking of the Colonel, did you both work things out with each other?" he asked, noticing the shirt she wore and suspecting that something did indeed happen between them as he saw the happiness in her eyes that reflected throughout her whole body. "We did," she replied. "Van, please don't say anything to anyone about us. I plan to answer any questions I can, and I imagine that rumors will start that he came about them as a result of some pillow talk. And although I think that his honor would never be questioned, there are those that might believe that he might be a spy for those I was with before my capture." "Your secret is safe with me, although it will be hard for you two to continue to see each other from now on." "I know," she said. "But I have had to live without him for so long, and I will not be separated from him again just because of what others may think." Van laid his hand on her shoulder. "Then I wish you both luck as well as the best of happiness. Come on, Zeke. Let's grab a bite to eat." Then he disappeared back into the Blade Liger to return to base with Zeke following on foot. Tania wondered why he had left so suddenly and soon had her answer when she heard someone coming up behind her, turning her head to see Karl stopping and catching his breath. "Are you all right?" she asked, trying her hardest not to smile. "I'm fine," he finally replied. "When I woke I couldn't find you and looked all over, asking anybody I saw if they had seen you." This time she did smile as she saw him wearing a pair of black jogging pants with a dark blue cotton shirt. "You were afraid that I had regretted what happened last night and had left you after all," she said as she stepped nearer to him. "Something like that," he smiled, pulling her into his embrace. "I see that you've got my shirt on," he whispered into her ear. She shivered and not from the breeze that fanned over them both. "Do you have a problem with that?" "Not at all. In fact I think you look better in it than I do," he pointed out, drawing a laugh from both of them before she drew back from him enough to look into his eyes. "What is it?" "Karl, I hope you realize that we must keep our relationship a secret," she began. "The last thing I want is for people to start talking about us and raising questions about your loyalties. Which is why I understand if you wish to keep things the way they should be. I am your prisoner and will be expected to be treated as such." He gazed into her eyes for a while before nodding. "Although it will pain me to treat you so, I realize that you are right. It will seem a little strange if we are seen together too much in a way that will have others talking. So we'll try it this way. Whenever we're away from the suite I've been using, we'll pretend like there's nothing going on. But once we're behind closed doors, now that's different," he said, kissing her softly on her cheek. "Mmm, how I will live for those moments," she murmured as he drew away and she touched her hand to his face. "Although I'm not sure if I can just pretend that nothing's wrong when I love you so much and need you so badly. It's going to be tough keeping those feelings hidden." "I know, but you won't be the only one," he replied, taking her hand and turning it with her palm up to plant a loving kiss both there and on her wrist. Just two small kisses but it was enough to have her wanting him even more, and she must've made some sound as he looked up at her with desire shining in his own eyes, pulling her back into his arms and devouring her lips with his own. Her hands clutched at his back, her fingernails digging in, and he pulled away with a pained gasp. "What did I do?" she quickly asked, her eyes wide with concern. "I'm not sure, but I think I might have an idea," he said with a smile as he pulled the back of his shirt up and turned to let her look. She gasped in surprise, touching the red scratches on his back that she had given him. "Is it what I think it is?" "I'm so sorry," she said, her surprise quickly turning to amusement as she chuckled. "I guess I got a little carried away." He let his shirt fall back down and faced her, a smile on his own face. "I suppose I'll take that as a compliment. I must've been doing something right." Then his smile faded a bit. "I guess we'd better get back to base before too many see you out here without your handcuffs on." "True," she agreed. "I just don't want to let this moment end. Once we return, it's back to being official." Squaring her shoulders, she started off at a walk. "Let's go, Colonel, my shower awaits. You're more than welcome to smell all you want to though," she added, squealing at the top of her lungs and running when he took chase after her. Author's note- Sap alert! But they look so cute together! Next chapter: A new mission for the Guardian Force! 9. Chapter Nine Disclaimer- You all know it by now. Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER NINE They reached the safety of the suite with no problem, enjoying an unexpected bout of lovemaking while they showered together. While she dressed, Karl contacted various officers to tell them that he was calling a meeting, choosing to inform Van, Fiona, and Thomas as well, although he requested their presence in his quarters as soon as possible. The dining table had been cleared while they were outside and Karl decided to use it to spread out his various maps on while he awaited their arrival. Soon there was a knock on the door and the three stepped into the room, Van and Fiona wide awake while Thomas looked as if he had just crawled out of bed. Tania walked into the room carrying a coffee pot and a tray of cups with cream and sugar. "Would anybody like some?" she asked as she set first the pot and then the tray on the table. Thomas immediately jumped on the offer while Fiona appeared to be looking for something. "What is it you need, Fiona?" Tania questioned, curious as to what it was. "Where's the salt?" Van and Thomas smiled at Tania and Karl's stunned faces, Tania going to fetch the salt as she muttered about why someone would put salt in their coffee, the very thought making her cringe. When she returned, she tried not to look as Fiona promptly emptied about a fourth of the salt shaker in her cup. A cup appeared in front of her, and she looked up to see Karl offering it to her. "Thank you," she replied, accepting his loving kiss as she guessed that he had told Thomas about them last night, although from the look that Thomas gave her it was apparent that he still didn't trust her. "So what is this all about?" Van asked. "I called you all here to help determine a method of shutting down those that have been attacking military bases. Tania has agreed to help us and I hope that we can use her information. Now all we need to know is the location." Tania stepped up and gazed at the map for a moment as she found her bearings, eventually pointing at a mountain range about a day's travel from Red River. "It's there hidden underneath the mountain, a base that only Colonel Tragar knew about. It's fairly big with enough space to hold the base's zoids along with those taken from the first attack, barracks for the personnel, an armory where the weapons were stored, and a command center. Out here in front of the base are hidden missile launchers that are triggered unless the correct passcode is given. If not then you can pretty much say goodbye." "Colonel Tragar," Karl said as he shook his head. "I would've never thought he would be capable of something like this." Tania turned her attention towards him. "He loves the Empire very much and was very loyal to Prozen. After all this time he still holds enmity towards the Republic, although I am unsure as to how and why an Imperial base was established deep in Republican territory." Van looked over the map himself. "What better way to attack the Republic than from within? What I want to know is what was he protecting that was so important that he set up a passcode and hidden defense measures?" "You don't have any idea of what that might be, do you Tania?" Thomas asked. She shook her head. "No, I don't. I was never interested in exploring the base and Tragar apparently thought it was something I didn't need to know about." "Or you do know and just choose not to tell us so you can find out for yourself later after we give you your freedom in exchange for this information," he scoffed. She rounded on Thomas, her anger flaring. "If you have something to say, say it, Thomas. I already know you don't trust me, and I don't even have to be helping you like this. But I'm doing this because I love your brother very much and because I have found fault in Tragar's views. He seeks to find a way to destroy the Republic so the Empire will have control over everything, and there's a chance that there may be someone out there that has the same ambitions that Prozen had and seeks to overthrow everything and claim himself the ruler. If we are to unravel this mystery then you will have to trust me." "As do I," Van said as he laid his hand on her shoulder. "And you know that I do," Karl added. "But I must warn you that Thomas' views may very well be shared by the other officers here, which will make my plan difficult to propose." "Which is?" Van asked. "Tania, you mentioned a passcode earlier. Is there any way you can give it to Van or Thomas so that they can use it?" Karl asked. "The first one, yes, as it is numerical. But to get through the second, you will need to bring me along or cut off my hand as it requires my fingerprints which allow entry into the base. But I must warn you that you may not find anything there. Since their ambush didn't work, they might have abandoned it out of fear that I will give away its location." A smile appeared on his face. "Since I do not wish to cut off your hand, I suppose you will have to go along with Van and Thomas, who will travel to the base and survey it for a day to determine if there is still any activity. If there is, you will radio back to Red River and we will send you backup to assist you. If not then you will proceed onto the base, obtain entry, and commence a thorough search for any evidence that might give us any clues as to what their plans are." "Sounds good enough to me," Van agreed. "I just hope that the others agree when we meet this afternoon. I thank you all for your time as well as your input," he added as a way of dismissing them. After they were gone, Tania dropped down into one of the chairs and laid her head on her arms that she crossed onto the table. "What is it, Tania?" he asked as he came close to her and massaged her neck. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered. "Doing what?" "This," she answered. "Betraying them when they gave me so much without me asking for it." "And this requires you to still feel loyalty towards them when you know they are conceiving plans to destroy innocent lives that only want peace for the world?" "I am well aware of what is going on, Karl," she shot back. "Still, Colonel Tragar is old enough to be my father, and he did treat me with kindness. Although when I think back, there were times when his behavior seemed strange whenever there were visitors and no one could seem to find him anywhere." "What kind of visitors?" he asked. "I don't know," she answered. "I never saw them, but I can tell you that they were important as he would be full of nerves for the first few days before their arrival. Apparently there might be someone who seeks to destroy not just the Republic but maybe the Empire as well." "I hope not," he said then leaned down to lightly kiss the back of her neck, hearing her gasp as her head tilted further forward. "You know, I do have some spare time before the meeting," he breathed into her ear. "Is that so?" she asked, all of her troubling thoughts being chased away on a wave of desire that swept through her, leaving her amazed that he could do this to her. "And what do you propose to do to pass the time?" "Why don't I show you?" he asked, pulling her up out of the chair and lifting her off of her feet to carry her into the bedroom here he showed her just what he had in mind. Soon it was time for the meeting, and Karl left her there in his suite as he thought it best if she didn't come. She was feeling languid after a particularly satisfying session of lovemaking, amazed once more at his strength and stamina that had exhausted her completely, leading her to take a nap to recover some of her energy. When she awoke, she saw Karl had returned and was sitting on the edge of the bed next to her, his head in his hands. "Karl," she mumbled, her voice still thick from sleep. "What's wrong?" He turned and laid down on the bed next to her, facing the ceiling. "That had to be the most exhausting meeting I've ever been to," he replied, and even his voice sounded tired. She reached up with her hand and began massaging his forehead with her fingers as she knew that he must have a headache. "Did they approve your plan?" "Tania, don't ever stop," he groaned. "That feels wonderful. Yes, they approved it but not without a fight. They had the same objections that Thomas had, and you can't just tell some of these people to be satisfied with just your word." "When do we leave?" she asked. "Tomorrow morning," he replied. "The first night will be spent just observing the base. If nothing happens then the next morning will have you moving in to investigate." He sighed deeply. "I wish you didn't have to go, but as you said there are passcodes to think about. I just want you to be careful as Van and Thomas have been given the authority to do whatever is in their means to see you remain a prisoner in my custody." She leaned over to kiss him. "Karl, you know that I could never leave you, at least not willingly. Here is where I want to be, by your side and with you always." He turned so that he could hold her more closely to him, although the nagging feeling within him that something would go wrong refused to go away. Author's note- Uh-oh! Is there something going to happen on this mission? And will it end up breaking them apart? Please, don't say it's so, Shelly! 10. Chapter Ten Author's note- Thanks, Biowolf for reviewing! Riese and Hiltz will make a minor appearance soon, but I'm afraid Raven won't be as he is still wandering around in the desert. I'm happy that you're enjoying this! ^^ Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids, only my own characters, so don't sue me, please! Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER TEN They both woke early the next morning, both of them lying in bed for awhile as neither of them wished to face the world just yet. Tania eventually slipped out of bed and began dressing, watching silently as Karl rose and began dressing himself but in a different uniform that consisted of snug-fitting clothing in various shades of black and grey. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he looked incredibly sexy in the outfit, leading him to inquire as to why she was staring and causing her cheeks to flush as he was smiling at her as well. "No reason," she answered nonchalantly. "But why are you dressed like that instead of your usual uniform? Not that I'm complaining or anything," she added with a chuckle when he stepped close to her to kiss her softly. "No? I suppose that you wouldn't mind if I wore this more often," he replied. "Maybe, maybe not," she said. "But do you know how much trouble you could get into?" His laughter was soft in her ear. "It's too bad that we've got a mission to complete." "We?" she asked, confused. "Are you telling me that you're coming along with us? Why?" she asked when she saw him nod. "I know that if I don't go then I will be worrying about you until you came back, so I decided that the only way to ease my mind was to come with you. Besides, someone will need to be there to keep you and my brother from each other's throats," he teased, crying out in surprise when she jumped into his arms, her weight pulling them back onto the bed. Soon they arrived at the hanger where Van and Thomas were waiting for them, Tania once again in handcuffs although Karl managed to slip Van the keys so as soon as she was seated within the Blade Liger he could remove them. Thomas seemed a bit surprised that his older brother was joining them, but Van merely smiled and shook his head. They departed from the base shortly after, Karl borrowing a Command Wolf as it was faster then his Iron Kong. Tania sat silently as they crossed the distance between the two bases, neither she nor Van really feeling the need to talk as they were comfortable in each other's presence. The Command Wolf kept within sight of the Blade Liger, and if she looked hard enough she could almost see her beloved sitting in the cockpit. "You really love him, don't you?" Van asked her. "Is it that obvious?" she replied. "Just to me and maybe Fiona. I believe that everybody else is pretty much oblivious to it. But it's pretty obvious to me how much he loves you after coming out here with us." Then he was silent a moment. "Just how did you both meet each other?" Tania sighed and told him of how she had met Karl, although she chose to leave out the part about her father being the reason for their separation. Instead she told him that it was their duties that had kept them apart, and perhaps there was some small truth in that, but either way he was satisfied with the explanation and said no more during the rest of the journey. However, the reason for his quiet behavior was one he chose to keep to himself. Every moment he spent around her reminded him of how rare a person she was, leading him to want to get to know her better as he wondered at why she had chosen to help them so soon. He knew it was only because she and Colonel Shubaltz had found one another again, but he wanted to know more about her than just who she was now. She intrigued him as no other and that would be fine if he only wished to be friends with her, but he feared that he was quickly becoming to think of her as more than just a friend, a thought that he had no right to encourage. He was jolted from his daydreams by her voice saying that they were drawing near to the base. Karl located a decent hiding place for them to leave their zoids, everyone removing what provisions they would need for their overnight camp which they established behind a small hill that also afforded a vantage point from which to keep watch on the base. Van offered to take first watch and Thomas second, leaving Karl to man the last watch and make the call on whether to advance or not come morning. They grabbed a quick bite to eat before settling into their stations, those getting some sleep that weren't watching and Van positioning himself on the hilltop with a pair of binoculars. The time passed slowly and uneventfully, and sometimes he would step down from the hill to see how the others fared, smiling sadly when he saw Tania curled close next to Karl with her back against him and their fingers entwined. Before long it was Thomas' turn and Van settled down to try and get some rest, although he was slow to surrender to it as he watched her sleep. Then it was Karl's turn to relieve Thomas and he managed to get up without disturbing her, although she awoke a short time later to join him on the hill for the remainder of his time. No one had seen any activity during the night and now that dawn was approaching it appeared that the base was indeed deserted. Tania prepared some coffee for Karl and herself, waking Van first to let Thomas get in a few more minutes of sleep. "Would you like some coffee?" she offered as he sat up stiffly. "Sure," he answered. She fixed him a cup then handed it to him before she woke Thomas, who she had to stay by and keep waking as he tended to fall back asleep, although she felt sympathy for him as he only managed to get about three hours of sleep before and after his watch. He also took a cup of coffee, figuring it might help him wake up. Karl appeared saying that they would move on towards the base as soon as they gathered their things. "Tania, it might be helpful if you give us an idea of how the base is set up. We don't want to have to walk in there blind," he said as he sat beside her and accepted his own cup. "The base's layout is pretty simple. After we pass this hill, we will encounter the hidden missiles I told you about which I have the code to disarm. Once we reach the entrance to the hangar, the door opens after my identity is confirmed, and there is where the zoids are held as well as the weapons. Above the hangar are the barracks and above that is the command center." "A fairly straightforward design," Karl commented. "All right, now our main objective is to search the base to see if any of the enemy remain inside. No movement was detected during the night, and if there was that would've been the best time to do so. Now what we're going to do is split up and each of us take an area. Thomas you search the hangar; Van, you and Zeke will search the barracks which leaves the command center to Tania and I. Now let's move out." Tania and Van gathered up the supplies and began storing them inside the Blade Liger, Thomas and Karl doing the same with their own. While Tania was busy, Thomas took the opportunity to speak with his brother. "Karl, may I talk to you about something for a moment?" "I think I already know what it is, Thomas, and you know what my answer is," he replied. "Oh, you do? Must I remind you that you're compromising the safety of those at Red River?" Thomas shot back. "No, you do not. And furthermore, watch your tone when speaking to a superior officer," he reprimanded him. "I trust her not to do anything that would betray us, and if you do not trust her then you do not trust me as well." "Of course I trust you." "Good. Then it's settled." And with that the conversation was ended between them, Thomas walking off muttering to himself as Karl watched him leave and wondered why it was so hard for Thomas to accept Tania. Soon they were advancing on the base, the Blade Liger in the lead, and they didn't get far before a message came to them in the cockpit, warning that unless the correct passcode was entered the trespassers would be dealt with. Tania leaned forward from behind Van and entered her passcode to gain them entry, smiling when it verified her name to her and bid her proceed. They moved on to the face of the mountain that towered above them, so tall that it disappeared into the clouds above, and they left their zoids to follow Tania as she got them through the second security measure. A small panel opened in the rocky side and prompted her to present her identification, where she laid her fingertips onto it so they would be scanned. Once approved and verified, almost the entire side of the mountain seemed to move as it opened to reveal a huge hangar that was echoingly empty. Everyone else seemed in awe at the size of it, but the sight of it only brought back memories for her. "They left all right," she commented. "They took everything, even the zoids and their weapons." "How could they have moved so much in so short a time?" Van asked, coming up to stand beside her. "There weren't that many," she answered. "Only enough to fill not quite half of this." "Still, it staggers the mind to think of what kind of army could've been gathered here," he said. "But what bugs me even more is where they could've gone with all of this." "I have no idea, Van. But maybe the computers in the command center will tell me something." "Right," Karl said. "Tania will deal with that. Let's commence our search and meet in the command center." Thomas began searching the hangar, although he wouldn't be taking long since there was nothing there but empty space. Tania showed Van and Karl where the staircases were since she didn't trust using the elevators, and they walked their way up to the other levels, Van and Zeke departing on the second floor and Tania and Karl continuing onto the top. They emerged into a darkened area, stepping quietly while Tania tried locating the switch to turn on the lights and when she did they were temporarily blinded as their eyes had adjusted to the dark. After thoroughly searching the area first, Tania began going through the computer's files to try and find any information that could be helpful, finally sitting back in disgust. "What is it?" Karl asked from behind her where he had watched her. "There's nothing," she replied. "All the data has been erased." "Damn," he cursed, bringing a smile to her face as she had never heard him say anything that strong before and she pointed that fact out to him. "As an officer I like to keep my cool around my men, but once I'm alone I sometimes have to let it all out." Soon Van and Thomas arrived but Zeke was nowhere to be found. "Where's Zeke?" Tania asked. "He's still down in the barracks," Van answered. "I tried to get him to move but he keeps staring at this statue at the end of the hallway although I can't imagine why. It's just a statue of Prozen," he added with a slight shiver. "Let's go have a look then," Karl advised and they left the command center together to find Zeke still at the statue. He looked over it himself, finally spotting a small opening where he could barely make out a switch, and he managed to stick his hand in far enough to trigger it. The statue slid back with a loud grating sound to expose a tunnel that led further into the mountain. "Wow," Tania breathed as she stepped inside to look around just as the others did. "I never knew this was here." "I wonder where it goes," Thomas mused, touching the walls and inadvertently triggering the switch to close the statue behind them. "So much for that," he stated a bit sheepishly. Zeke stepped forward and motioned for them to follow him, his interest caught by whatever he sensed down in the tunnel. However they only went a short ways before they heard an explosion outside that rocked the ground beneath their feet. Tania fell against the wall as Zeke growled and quickly condensed his form into a glowing bolt of energy that shot back down the way they had come. "We'd better get a move on," Karl shouted. "Whatever's down here can wait." He took off at a run with Thomas following not far behind, and looking back he noticed that Tania was having trouble moving as Van stayed behind to try and help her. He started back but another sudden explosion shook the mountain, bringing down a good portion of the tunnel crashing down on them. He would've been buried himself if not for Thomas' quick reflexes as he had grabbed his shirt and yanked him backwards out of harm's way. They lie on the ground for a bit until the dust cleared enough for them to see, Karl leaping to his feet and running over to the pile of rock that blocked them from Van and Tania. And for perhaps the first time in his life he felt the cold grip of fear touch his heart as he hoped that somehow they had also escaped the falling debris, hoped with all his heart that she was still alive. For if she wasn't, if he was forced to live the rest of his life without her smile or her touch.... Tears moistened his eyes as the fear became too much for him to bear. "Tania!" he cried, trying with what strength he had to move the rocks that were in his way but unable to so much as budge them. "Tania!" Thomas walked up to his brother. "Karl, we've got to go before we become trapped ourselves," he called out, bracing himself as another blast shook the ground. "Dammit, Thomas! She may be in there still alive, and Van as well! We can't just leave them!" he cried. "Karl, I know how you feel, but we need to get out there and stop whoever's attacking before they do any more damage." That finally got through his fear, and he ran back down the tunnel with his brother, sending Tania a silent word of love and a promise that he would return. ****************** Author's note- Cliffhanger! I'm so mean! Did she survive the collapse? Also, a little bit of a surprise next chapter as Van does something that is totally out of his character. Thanks for reading! 11. Chapter Eleven Author's note: Thanks Aries of Attitude for reviewing! You didn't think I would kill her, now did you? ^_~ I wouldn't do that to Karl...or maybe I would. O_O Keep reading and see! Disclaimer: You all know it. Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER ELEVEN Tania stirred under a heavy weight, fearing that debris had fallen on her, but when she felt it move she knew then that it was Van on top of her as he had shielded her body with his own. She breathed and promptly coughed as she inhaled dust. "Van? Are you all right?" she croaked. "I'm fine," he replied, his own voice rough from the dust that hung in the air. Opening his eyes as he sat up, he noticed that there were still lights on in the tunnel, a fact that he voiced to her. "The base was designed so that in case of a power failure resulting from a collapse, the remaining circuits would still function as the current would be shut off at the area of the collapse and rerouted elsewhere," she answered as she sat up herself, wincing in pain when she moved her ankle. Apparently she had sprained it when she had fallen earlier. Then her eyes widened as a sudden thought occurred to her. "Karl!" she gasped, wondering if he had escaped the falling debris or if he was possibly trapped underneath it. She jumped to her feet, ignoring the pain that shot through her foot as it was nothing compared to the fear in her soul. "Karl!" she shouted, hoping that he would hear her as well and know that she was alive, but she eventually sank to her knees as the pain became too much for her to bear. Tears welled in her eyes and spilled over as she fought against the sob that threatened to cut off her breathing. Van crawled over to her and took her in his arms, giving her what comfort she needed. "I'm sure he's fine, Tania," he whispered as she cried against his shoulder, just as much from her fear of losing Karl as from the fright of the tunnel collapse. Soon she quieted and he placed a finger underneath her chin to tilt her face up to him. "No," she said as she turned her face away, not wanting him to see the evidence of her weakness. She had rarely cried at all in her life and she didn't like to admit that she was capable of such a thing. "Tania, look at me," he commanded gently, and she brought her face up to him. He smiled and brushed her tears away with his thumbs, earning a smile from her as well. "I must look a mess," she groaned. "Never," he replied. "You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." She looked into his eyes, surprised at his sudden confession, and they looked away just as quickly. "I wonder if they made it out okay," she said to cover the awkwardness of the moment. He rose to his feet, walking a short distance to dust his clothes off with his hands. "I'm sure they did. They were far enough away to easily escape it." Then he looked down the tunnel. "Our problem will be finding a way out of here." Out of the corner of his eye he saw her trying to stand and he rushed over to help. "Thanks," she said as she leaned back against the wall. Removing her dagger from the boot on her injured foot, she cut off one leg of her pants at the middle of her thigh and cut it into two pieces. Removing her boot, she wrapped her ankle with the leather cloth until she was satisfied she could walk on it well enough without holding Van back. Looking up, she saw Van look away with a blush coloring his cheeks. "I'm sorry if this bothers you," she half-teased with a smile. "It doesn't bother me at all," he quickly responded. "I mean, why would something like that bother me?" "I don't know, but you are the one blushing over here." "Oh," he said, bringing his hand to rub at the back of his neck nervously. "How about we try and look for a way out of here?" "Sounds good," she agreed. "I mean, we don't want to stay in here forever, do we?" "Not really," she answered, looking at him like he had sprouted another head as she wondered what was going on with him. "All right, we'll go this way then," he said as he started off down the tunnel. "Van," she called, prompting him to stop as soon as he had begun and look back at her. She limped up to him and grabbed his shoulders firmly. "It's okay, Van. You'll be fine." "Right," he said, taking a deep breath and turning to resume his course down the tunnel with Tania following behind shaking her head slowly. By the time Karl and Thomas emerged outside from the hangar, they had to make a mad sprint for their zoids amongst the battle raging outside. Zeke had mobilized the Blade Liger on his own and was now fighting off the enemy by himself and doing a pretty good job of it judging from the number of Rev Raptors that lie useless on the ground. Once inside their zoids they joined in the battle to assist Zeke, making quick work of them as they fought for Van and Tania's lives. When it was over, they stopped to regain their breath before Karl headed back towards the base, stopping when Thomas blocked his way. "Thomas, get out of my way," he warned. "Karl, please," Thomas pleaded. "There's nothing you can do. You don't have the equipment available to clear the tunnel, and who's to say that once you clear it there won't be more coming down? It's best if we return to Red River and get help there. Besides they'll probably find another way out and we'll have wasted all that time looking for them." "But at least we would've tried," Karl replied, obviously unhappy with the options given to him. He hated the idea of having to leave them there, but it was best that they go back to Red River and bring back the necessary equipment to rescue them. "All right, Thomas, we'll do it your way. But I can't promise I'll wait for you. Zeke, we're going back to the base to get help. You stay here and keep the enemy from attacking again." Hearing the Liger's roar, he spurred his Command Wolf into action and raced off back to the base with Thomas following behind. It had seemed an eternity that they had trudged down the tunnel before they spotted a door at the end which opened up into a large room that held lockers and what appeared to be dressing rooms. Several other rooms branched out from those, laboratories they assumed, and they commenced an investigation of each room. During their inspection of one lab they found a smaller room that held a desk, chairs, and refrigerator. Tania opened it and promptly drew back with a grimace as if she was about to be sick then closed the door and stepped back. "What is it?" Van asked, his curiosity piqued as he imagined what kind of gruesome things could be kept in there. He opened the door slowly and peered inside for a moment before looking back at her with a nonplussed expression on his face. "Very funny, Tania. There's nothing but regular food in there," he said as he closed the door. She smiled, backing up slowly as he advanced on her. "Yes, but there was something else there as well," she replied, her hands behind her back hiding something from him, something he noticed with narrowed eyes. "What are you hiding from me?" he questioned. "Nothing," she answered, squealing at the top of her lungs when he made a grab behind her for whatever she had. She tried her best to keep it from him but in the end he won, his face lighting up when he saw what she had. "A papaya! I can't believe someone here liked them," he exclaimed. "Hey! I wanted that," she pouted playfully. He laughed. "How about we share it then?" he asked. Even though there were chairs in the room, they lifted themselves onto the desk and Tania took out one of her daggers to cut the fruit in half. They both devoured their halves in record time, neither of them caring that they had papaya juice all over their mouths, although Van's was covered more than hers was. She licked the last of the juice from her fingers, looking over to see Van staring at her with a strange expression on his face. "So I'm a pig," she commented, thinking it was her manners that had him perplexed. "No, it wasn't that," he explained, not wanting to tell her just what he had been thinking about. She saw a drop of juice on his chin and reached up to wipe it off with her finger, licking it off as well, but she was unaware of the effect it had on him when she smiled at him and said, "You're sweet, Van." He reached up and lightly touched her face, his heart beating a mile a minute. "So are you," he whispered, lowering his head to catch her lips in a soft kiss that caught her off guard. It was the craziest thing he had ever done and he knew he had no right as she was in love with another, but he had to know what it felt like to feel her lips against his or else he would go crazy with wondering. She was so surprised at the sudden turn of events that she didn't know what to do, but his kiss was so soft and his mouth so sweetly delicious that she moaned his name, bringing her hand up to touch the side of his neck. Hearing his own groan deep within his chest, she deepened the kiss as her tongue swept through his mouth, tasting his own flavor mixed with that of the fruit. She felt his hands on her waist lifting her up to set her on his lap to better gain access to her mouth, leaving her in surprise as he was stronger than he looked. His hands moved across her back and into her hair as she touched his chest with her hands, feeling his racing heart underneath her fingertips. Then she came to her senses, pushing him away and almost coming undone again when she saw his desire-laden eyes gazing at her. She quickly slid off of him and onto the floor, walking away to put some distance between them. "I can't believe I did that," she groaned. "I can't believe you did that." Van still sat on the table with his head in his hands. "Tania, I'm sorry. It's my fault; I should've known better with you and Colonel Shubaltz so much in love." She turned towards him, gazing at him solemnly. "It's not just that, Van," she replied. He looked up at her with questioning eyes. "What do you mean?" She sat down opposite him in one of the chairs. "Do you know why I came along on that attack when I had never participated in one before? It wasn't only to attack the base; I had another reason for coming as well, a more personal reason." She was silent a moment as she looked into his eyes. "I was going to kill you." Only his eyes betrayed his surprise. "Why?" he asked. "Do you remember the day that you destroyed the Deathsaur?" she questioned. "How could I forget?" he replied with a sad voice. "But what does that have to do with you?" "You and I fought that day, Van. Outside the city." His eyes widened a bit. "That's how you knew my name." "Yes," she said, some of the bitterness she had nursed for the past four years coming back. "I made sure I found out your name for I was going to pay you back for the pain you caused me ever since that day. You killed my father, Van." "Your father?" he echoed. "Yes, Van, my father. You would know who he was immediately. His statue stands as a door to this tunnel we're in now." "Prozen?!" he exclaimed. "He's your father?" She nodded her reply. "I had every intention of making you pay for that day. Everyday for the past four years I have thought of nothing else. But when I looked into your eyes that day all my anger towards you just disappeared. Somehow you broke through my defenses and made me realize that it wasn't your fault at all, it was his. Just as I was supposed to help Colonel Tragar take you and Thomas hostage, although I hadn't planned on Karl coming." Van eyed her in silence as he turned over this information in his mind. "Was he the only reason why you didn't go through with it?" "No," she replied, standing up and crossing the distance between them to take his hand in hers. "When I'm around you, I can't keep my defenses up and I don't know why. You are a very special person, Van, and people see that in you just as I do, and they admire you for your strength and courage and your wonderful personality," she added with a smile which he returned. "So you can rest at ease as I no longer want to take your life over a distorted sense of pride. Instead I have grown to love you, Van Flyheight." He raised his eyes to hers then just as quickly looked away but not before she saw the sadness in them. "Just not the way I want you to," he whispered. She smiled as she realized that she had become more than a friend to him, or so he wished. "I'm sorry, Van. But I love Karl too much and always have," she said as she touched his face gently to turn it so he faced her. His arms soon came around her and she held him in a tight embrace. "It's just that whenever I see you and Colonel Shubaltz together, I can see how much you both love each other. It's unreal, and I want to have that kind of love one day but I don't know if I'll ever be as lucky as you both are." She smiled as she pulled away from him. "You never know, Van. It might not be very far away." He looked at her in confusion as she waited for it to sink in and when it did she laughed. "Fiona?" he cried in surprise. "Come on. Let's find a way out of here," she said, still laughing. *************************** Author's note: Well, Van certainly took a big chance there. And he took Tania's news pretty well, I think. Next chapter: Tania and Karl are reunited...or are they? What will happen once he figures out Tania's secret? 12. Chapter Twelve Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah... Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER TWELVE Finding nothing more out of the ordinary in the labs, they headed back the way they had come, Van looking around him to see anything that might help them get out. When his gaze turned towards the ceiling, he stopped so suddenly Tania almost ran into him. "Van, warn me before you do that," she griped. "I just can't believe that I didn't think of this before," he said. "There's a ventilation shaft that runs just above us. Maybe we can get up in there and find a way out." "Don't you think that the collapse may have blocked it also?" she asked. "We'll never know until we try," he replied. "Let's go back to where that desk was. We'll get in that way and crawl back here." They ran back in the opposite direction, Tania a little more slowly from her ankle injury. Finding the room, he crawled onto the desk and removed the vent cover directly above it, smiling as he saw that it wasn't very far up. "All we'll need is a chair to stand on and we're good to go." Tania lifted a chair onto the table and crawled onto the table herself, watching as Van climbed onto the chair and lifted himself up into the vent shaft. She did the same with his help and they crawled through the shaft for awhile before coming up on the area of the collapse, both of them pleased to see that there was just enough room for them to squeeze over the top of the pile of rubble. Once on the other side, they continued onward until they saw they were back in the barracks, Van busting out the cover and dropping down onto the floor then helping Tania down, who suddenly embraced him tightly. "Van, you're a genius," she said. He laughed as he held her close. "I'm glad you think so. Now let's go. I'm sure that Colonel Shubaltz is waiting for you." Colonel Shubaltz was normally had a very patient and calm nature, but it was times like these that pushed him to his very limits. By now everyone knew that Van and Tania were trapped inside the base, maybe even buried under all that rock, but they insisted he take the time to install a drill arm on the Command Wolf and the time it took to install it bordered on the ridiculous. Anxiety gnawed at his insides, yet he couldn't show it and the only support he received was from his brother who knew how he was feeling. He was almost on the verge of going up there and finishing it himself when he heard someone calling his name, and he turned to see one of the base personnel running towards him. "What is it?" he asked, trying his best to keep the tone of his voice civil. The man saluted as he stood to attention. "We have received a message, sir, sent by Lieutenant Flyheight himself. He managed to find a way out and is on his way back with the prisoner." "Are they all right?" Karl asked, holding back his relief with a supreme effort. "Lieutenant Flyheight is uninjured but he said that the prisoner suffers from an injury to the ankle." "How long till they arrive?" "A few hours, sir." Karl nodded. "Thank you," he replied, remembering to salute as well before the man left. He turned back to Thomas, allowing some of the relief he felt to show through. Thomas smiled, happy that his brother could finally find some peace, and he left to tell the installation crew that their help was no longer needed. A few hours later found Tania and Van in the infirmary getting a thorough checkout done. Van was pronounced fine but when Tania's ankle was unwrapped it had turned all shades of blue and purple and had swelled. Van grimaced in sympathy and held her hand as the doctor poked and prodded at it, oblivious to her cries of pain before he diagnosed it as a severely sprained ankle and left to fetch her a foot brace. The door opened and they were glad to see the Shubaltz brothers step into the room, looking sharp in their usual uniforms. Thomas greeted Van warmly and then took Tania by surprise when he took her hand in his. "It's good to see you back alive even though you are a little damaged," he said then looked at her ankle, and the sight of it paled his skin as he turned and walked to the doorway. "Better damaged than dead," Karl added as he stepped to her bedside, both of them fighting to hold back their tears. Soon the doctor returned with the brace and fitted it onto her foot as well as fastening the straps that would hold her ankle still. A wheelchair was brought for her to sit in until she was taken to Colonel Shubaltz' suite and would keep if she ever wanted to go anywhere else during her recovery. She was given medicine for the pain as well as the inflammation and sent on her way, Van pushing the wheelchair as they took her to the suite where Fiona waited with the door open. Once inside and the door shut, Fiona rushed to Van and embraced him, the sight of them bringing a smile to Tania's face. Luckily somebody had brought food for them to eat, making them realize how hungry they all were after their ordeal. Tania learned that Karl was to attend a debriefing in the morning as all of them were to get some rest, her eyes on no one else but him just as his were on hers, each of them thankful that the other survived. Van and Thomas ate quickly as they wished to give the two lovers time to themselves, Van telling him how they had gotten out and about the labs they had found. When Van rose to leave, Karl rose also to thank him for getting Tania out of there. Van smiled then followed Thomas, closing the door securely behind him. Karl and Tania gazed at each other for a few moments before he walked over to lift her in his arms and carry her over to the bed, laying her down gently and sitting on the edge beside her. He seemed at a loss for words at first but eventually spoke. "Tania, I'm sorry," he began but was silenced when she laid a finger on his lips. "Karl, just hold me, please," she whispered. He stood and removed his uniform, leaving him in nothing but a white undershirt and shorts as he lay on the bed beside her and took her in his arms, sighing as she snuggled up closer to him. "I was afraid I had lost you," he said as he ran his fingers through her hair to undo the braid that she had kept it in. "I was afraid I had lost you, too," she replied. He kissed her on her forehead. "I'm just glad that you came out of there with only a sprained ankle. It could've been much worse. Although I am curious as to how they knew we were there." She said nothing as she was unsure of what to say. Should she tell him what she had told Van? "Perhaps they had lookouts posted around the base in case we did come to investigate." "But why attack us if there was nothing in the base worth fighting to keep? It was completely empty," he said as he thought it through which made Tania nervous as she knew that he would eventually figure it out. "Unless they hoped they could take prisoners but what would they hope to accomplish?" "Karl, remember what I told you Colonel Tragar's purpose was? He seeks to gather the most powerful weapons ever made and use them to destroy the Republic or else to let someone else use them." "I remember, but what made them think that they could take one of us prisoner with such a weak force? The Blade Liger and the Dibison are more than able to take out an entire army." Then a sudden thought came to him that widened his eyes as he pulled away from her to look at her, his face unreadable. "Unless they had someone working on the inside for them," he stated flatly. She was sure the guilt was plain for him to see. "Karl, I'm sorry--" "Tania, please tell me you weren't working for them still," he pleaded, but her silent gaze told him all he needed to know, and he slid off the bed to pace around the room. "I can't believe that you willingly led us into a trap without telling anyone, me most of all." She sat up on the bed, wondering how she was going to explain this to him. "Yes, when I was first captured I planned to help Colonel Tragar in his plan to take Van and your brother prisoner. With the Guardian Force out of the way, nothing stood in his way of his plans. But when I met Van and Thomas, everything became clear to me. For the first time in my life I was free to make my own decisions and take whatever path I wanted, and as soon as I heard your voice I realized what I truly wanted to do with it. I wanted to spend the rest of it with you." He looked at her as if she had just sprouted horns on top of her head. "Oh, don't you even try and sugarcoat this with speeches of how you feel about me. My brother was right all along to not trust you, but I kept defending you as I truly thought you had changed because of our love for one another. What a lie that turned out to be," he scoffed. "Karl, please listen to me!" she cried, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "The plan was that they would wait and listen for my signal that would tell them that I had succeeded. I thought that if I never sent that signal then they wouldn't attack." "You should've at least warned us that we were heading into a trap. And how do I know that there isn't another trap waiting for you to lure us into?" "Even if you waited another day or even a few the same thing still would've happened. They would wait for as long as it took to capture the Guardian Force. A few days are nothing compared to four years of waiting for the right time to make a move. And from now on I have no idea of what their plans are or even where they have moved their operations to. And I apologize for not warning you sooner but I had other things on my mind that were more important." "More important than saving our lives? We could've been killed out there!" he raged at her. "I will admit that there was something there that I wished to find before they had time to move it as well, but it appears that they have after all. Only I would've gladly given it over to the Republic if it meant setting the things right that I had done in the past." He stood in silence for a moment. "I had heard stories of what you had done for him. But I was willing to forgive you for that as I knew that he was forcing you to do that." Then he took a deep breath before turning his back to her. "I don't know if I can forgive you for this." The tears finally spilled over onto her cheeks. "Please, Karl, don't do this," she pleaded. "Don't throw away everything between us that we've built so far." He turned back to her, his green eyes like ice. "You should've thought about that before you decided to betray us. A true loving relationship is built on a base of trust. With one mistake you shot down that base and just as a building cannot stand without a foundation, so our love cannot survive without trust." And with that hanging between them he walked out on her, leaving her on the bed clutching the pillows to her heart as she cried out her grief. She wanted so badly to tell him everything but to do so would be to jeopardize everything that she had worked towards so far. And little did he know that because of her love for him she had failed an Empire. *************** Author's note: *Sobs and runs away* It's not fair! Faithful readers, please forgive me! 13. Chapter Thirteen Author's note: You tell him, Biowolf! That was mean of him. He'll soon see the error of his ways soon enough! This chapter is full of revelations! Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER THIRTEEN Karl Shubaltz wandered around the base for what seemed like hours before he came to the zoid hangar, standing behind the railing looking down at the Saber Tiger that had belonged to Tania when she had been captured. He had ordered it brought to Red River and repaired as he had planned to show it to her soon, knowing how happy she would've been to have seen it again. But now he doubted if he ever would as he feared that she would only use it against them the next time the opportunity presented itself. It had busted his heart into a thousand pieces to treat her like he had, to see the raw pain in her eyes that had begged his forgiveness. He didn't know what to think anymore as his thoughts were jumbled inside his head as his mind warred with his heart. He still loved her with a passion that was almost frightening; even now he wanted to return to her and erase the past few hours that had proved to be a severe turning point in their relationship. But his mind urged him to steer clear of her from now on as he was unsure as to where her loyalties lie. Footsteps approaching alerted him to the fact that someone was coming but he remained where he was, not even turning when he heard the voice of his younger brother. "There you are," Thomas panted as he came to a stop. "I've been looking all over for you. I didn't see you in the suite and neither was Tania. What's going on?" "Did you spend all this time finding me just to butt into my business where you don't belong?" Karl snapped as he turned to face Thomas. Thomas' eyes widened as his brother looked as if he had been through hell and hadn't come back yet. "Actually I came here to tell you that Colonel Kruegar has arrived and wishes to have a meeting with the Guardian Force as well as you and Tania. I found you but I have no idea where she is. Her wheelchair is there though." Karl sighed; he wasn't surprised that she had disappeared but he was surprised at what Kruegar wanted with her. "Neither do I, and I care little where she is at this point. You were right all along," he added when he saw Thomas' questioning gaze. "She wasn't to be trusted. It was no chance attack this afternoon but a planned trap to capture you and Van and hold you hostage until their demands were met." To his further surprise, Thomas wasn't all that upset. "Why don't you come with me then and see what Colonel Kruegar has to say. He told Van and me that he had some information that could clear up some misunderstandings." Karl's interest was caught now as he sensed something strange was going on, and he followed Thomas to a small private room where they knew no one could hear them. He saluted Kruegar then accepted the outstretched hand in a gesture of friendship. They had once been enemies but all that had been put behind them, and now they worked together towards a common goal, that of peace for all people whether they be Republican or Imperial. "Colonel Shubaltz, it's good to see you," Kruegar greeted him as they took their seats at the table. "Where's Tania?" "I was unable to find her, sir," Thomas answered. Van looked to Karl and knew what had happened between them from the pain that showed in his eyes. He had wondered if she would tell Karl what she had confessed to him and it was apparent that she either had told him or he had guessed it and had not taken the news well. But if Van's hunch was right, Colonel Kruegar held the answers that could clear up everything where she was concerned. "How unfortunate," he said. "I wonder what could have happened to make her leave like this?" "I'm afraid that I'm to blame for that, sir," Karl answered. "If you don't mind my asking, why are you looking for her?" Kruegar smiled as he saw the love that the Colonel held for her and was happy for her as she couldn't have chosen a better man to love than him except maybe Van. He had grown to care for her like a daughter just as he thought of Van like a son and had hoped that one day they both might meet and fall in love as well. "I see that I have a lot of explaining to do. Where to begin? "Four years ago when Prozen was defeated, it was discovered that many of the generals that were loyal to him sought to pursue their own agendas, some remaining within the army and some even being so brave as to leave altogether. The Empire approached Tania about helping them root out these traitors so that they could be brought to justice, especially with her being Prozen's daughter." Thomas was the only one surprised here as Karl and Van had already known. "She made a big show of her hatred of Van for killing her father to attract the attention of Colonel Tragar who had been a little closer to Prozen than others. Over the next four years she would report to us any information on their movements which were few and far between at first. "What we needed was to get our forces in order so that when the time was right we could catch Tragar in the act and arrest him. That way he could give us information on others that still remained loyal to Prozen. We allowed Tragar to attack the first base to give him a false feeling of overconfidence so that he would attack again. That's when we notified Colonel Shubaltz that he was in charge of finding out who was behind the attacks. I believe that you had a suspicion then that it might've been Tania who was involved as you had met before years ago." Karl nodded his agreement. "We counseled him to involve the Guardian Force so that she would meet you and get to know you somewhat. "As far as what happened this afternoon involving the surprise attack, it was an idea that we had given to Tania to present to Tragar. We knew that if the Guardian Force could be captured and Tania returned to Tragar then at the right moment we would attack and Tania would help release you both so that he could be arrested in the act of taking the Guardian Force hostage. But as you can see it didn't work out that way and that's what I had hoped to speak with her about." Van gazed at Karl silently as he suddenly saw how she had failed to execute a plan that had hoped to bring the arrest of an important player all because of her love for him, and if he didn't see that then he was a fool and didn't deserve the love she held for him. Then he saw Karl's head fall into his hands and knew that everything would be all right between them. "Colonel, you're saying that all that talk of making me pay for killing her father was just that?" Kruegar smiled. "Absolutely. Prozen had practically held her prisoner for so long that she was glad to be free of him. But she had to keep up the facade in case there were other ears listening in that might take the information to the enemy." "What do you mean he held her prisoner?" Van asked, his eyes widening as the Colonel explained the predicament she had faced since she was a child. Karl couldn't think of anything else but what he had put her through. Even though he had been unaware of what was really going on, he still should've realized that she truly wouldn't have done such a thing out of revenge for her father's death, especially since she had told him of what she had gone through. Now she was nowhere to be found and he would never get the chance to tell her that he was sorry and beg her forgiveness. But perhaps there was still a chance, and he rose to his feet to try and find her before she had gone too far. "Karl, where are you going?" Thomas asked. "I'm going to look for Tania. I'm hoping that she hasn't gotten too far if she has left the base. There's a chance she still might be here." Van and Thomas both stood up. "We'll help you," Van offered then followed Karl as he returned to the hangar, cursing as he saw that the Saber Tiger was gone. "She's definitely left the base," he observed. "But she can't have gone far as it hasn't been that long." "Surely you're not suggesting that we go out after her?" Thomas asked. "It's getting dark outside and it will be dangerous." "Which is why we must find her before anything happens to her," he insisted. "We'll each take a Pteras and patrol the surrounding area. Now let's move. The sooner we get going the sooner we can find her." They searched all evening until the darkening horizon forced them to abandon their search and return to the base empty handed, amazed that they had searched in each direction for miles and had found nothing. However, despite their defeat, Karl was determined to continue their search when morning came as she couldn't have just disappeared like that so easily. When he returned to his suite, the memories hit him like a blow to his heart of the first dinner they shared together and the first night they spent together in each other's arms. Sitting on the bed, he lifted the pillow she had slept on and inhaled her scent that still lingered in the fabric, something catching his attention out of the corner of his eye. He looked on the bedside table and found a letter addressed to him in her handwriting; curious, he opened it and read the contents slowly which caused his heart to beat faster within his chest as his fear increased. His hand holding the letter clinched into a fist when he finished reading it, crumpling the paper as his eyes shut tightly to hold back the tears that threatened to emerge. "Tania, why did you have to return to them?" he whispered hoarsely. "Don't you know that they will discover that you had betrayed them, a crime that they will surely punish you for? Dammit, how I wish you knew their location!" Rising from the bed, he brought the letter with him to show to the others as he somehow knew that they would soon have a battle on their hands which they would have to prepare for. On a hillside not far from the base, two pairs of eyes followed the Saber Tiger as it sped across the desert, one of them dark as night and filled with cruelty just as the other's were a blue pool of mystery. "She has left," Riese pointed out. "Just as you said she would." Hiltz chuckled. "I knew that after today they would find out she was a traitor." Riese's eyes penetrated the distance and appraised the young woman for herself. "Yes, but to whom? Us or them? Where do your loyalties lie, Tania?" "It matters not to me which side she betrays, although I had thought at one time that the Dark Kaiser would have welcomed her. Still, she will serve a purpose," he replied with an evil smile. ******************** Author's note: What could Hiltz possibly want with her? We'll probably never know, being he's so secretive and all. Next chapter: An old friend enters, and he would be more than willing to mend Tania's broken heart. Can anyone guess who it is? 14. Chapter Fourteen Disclaimer: I don't own zoids... Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER FOURTEEN Tania hated having to leave Karl like that, but she was determined to set things right after her failure that afternoon and the only way she knew how to do that was to return to Colonel Tragar even though she had no idea where their base was now. But she knew that they would have soldiers patrolling the surrounding area and she counted on them finding her soon. It felt good to be inside her Saber Tiger again, and she wondered who had bothered to bring it back to Red River to have it repaired. The only person it could be was Karl and she supposed that he had meant to return it to her as a gift until he had found out she had planned to betray them, an accusation she had been unable to deny without giving everything away. Leaving the base had been an easy thing to do since the hangar door had been left open, and all she needed to tell the personnel on duty was that Colonel Shubaltz had told her he had repaired her Saber Tiger and that he wished her to test it out. They had let her go without an argument and she had put the base behind her once she was safely away to allow the Tiger to stretch its legs as they sped across the ground at top speed. Apparently her zoid felt the same as it roared its happiness at having its pilot back, the sound echoing across the desert. Soon an explosion shook her zoid a bit, a warning shot apparently, but it was enough to rouse her anger after the day she had. Looking around her, she quickly located her attacker and took off towards the hill that whoever it was was hiding behind, dodging the following shots with an agility that surprised her. Clearing the top of the hill, she prepared to attack her unknown assailant but when she saw a familiar Command Wolf crouching down preparing to fire she wrenched the direction of her zoid in a different direction to force it into a sliding stop. She jumped out of the cockpit to gaze at the zoid. "Irvine?" she whispered. The cockpit of the Command Wolf opened and a figure leaped out to walk towards her, and as he drew closer she could make out his clothing and eye patch he always wore, and she could see the surprise in his gray eyes that mirrored her own. "Tania?" he questioned. She could do nothing else except stand there in silence. It had been awhile since she had last seen him when he had been hired by Colonel Tragar to take care of some things that neither of them would tell her. They had struck up a fast friendship and at one time there may have been a little more between them, but she never encouraged anything more as her heart still longed for Karl and it would do neither of them any good for her to try and deceive herself as well as him. When he drew closer, he embraced her warmly before pulling away to look her over, a frown appearing when he saw her injured ankle. "I guess I don't need to ask how you've been," he pointed out dryly. "Believe me, you don't want to," she replied. "But it appears you're doing well. What are you doing out here, firing at those who call you their friend?" He held his hands up. "Hey, I didn't know it was you after all I have heard that's going on. I knew it was your Saber Tiger but I wasn't sure if it was you piloting it, which is why I only fired a warning shot." She arched an eyebrow at him. "And what were those other shots? Practice runs?" He smiled. "You've improved since I last saw you," he said. "That's good." She returned his smile. "I had a good teacher," she replied as he had helped her improve on her skills as a pilot. He stood there a moment not saying anything but just gazing at her before he seemed to shake himself back to the present. "I was just about to fix something to eat. Care to join me?" She shook her head. "No, but thanks anyway. I've already eaten tonight." But she figured she could still join him if only to give him some company and followed him back to his Command Wolf where he had started a small camp nearby, all the while silently staring at his back as her thoughts wandered. They had almost become closer than just friends, but she had discouraged his advances as she knew that if there was ever anyone who could take her away from Karl it would be him, which was strange since they were different in their natures. Karl was very predictable about some things where Irvine pretty much flew by the seat of his pants which had attracted her to him instantly. Karl always had a plan for everything, but Irvine often either did not or had one but chose to ignore it, except in instances where one mistake could mean life or death. However, both were excellent warriors and were very loyal to their friends even though Irvine sometimes chose not to show his better side. They reached the campsite and she sat down on a nearby rock while he searched for the small burner and grabbed a small bag of dried meat before returning to sit near her. "So, what have you been doing these days?" she asked to get her mind off of what his nearness was doing to her as well as telling herself she had no right to think of him in such a way. "This and that," he answered. "Whatever comes my way, and if I decide it's worth my time then I take it." "What are you doing now? You must have some reason for being out here in the middle of nowhere." He was quiet a moment. "Looking for you," he answered softly. She turned her head towards him and saw herself looking into his eyes as he had removed his eyepiece, her heart melting. Did he mean that he was looking for her on his own or had someone hired him to find her? "I see that Colonel Tragar sent you to find me," she observed as she looked away from him. "Do you have a problem with that?" he asked, wondering why she always turned from him whenever they were close together. Even before when she first met him, she refused to let him get close to her, and he had asked around to see if anyone else knew anything about her, but when he discovered that they knew no more than he did he asked her himself. She had replied that she wasn't involved, but she still shied away from him although she was still friendly towards him, and that was the way things had stood between them when he had left. "No," she answered, bringing him back from the past. "I knew that sooner or later he would send someone." "He's offering a big sum of money, Tania. Why is he looking for you?" he questioned. She was unable to stop the sudden flare of her temper. "Is that why you're out here?" she demanded. "For the money? That's so like you, Irvine," she scoffed as she rose to her feet and walked in the direction of her zoid, but only got so far before she felt his hand grip her arm and spin her around gently as he didn't wish to injure her ankle further. "You know it's not," he answered. "Ever since I left, I've wondered why you never allowed me to get to know you." "Look who's talking," she interrupted. "I don't know the first thing about you except your name and that you were friends with Van, so who are you to accuse me of not telling you anything about myself?" "I would've told you everything if you had only asked," he replied. "But I sensed that you wished to keep your distance so I didn't pressure you, although I had hoped that one day you would confide in me and let me take care of you." She felt herself warming towards him, and she cursed herself for being so weak around him. "Irvine," she whispered. "You don't know how much I wanted you to. But I was and still am in love with another, and I could not betray him like that. Although I am not sure how he feels about me now after what I did to him." "Then the bigger fool is he for not seeing how much you love him and forgiving you," he answered. "It's not that simple. I knowingly led them into a trap which could've cost him his life and that of those that came with us, although I had no choice but to do so. But I couldn't tell him the truth as it would endanger the lives of even more people." He touched his hand to her cheek and gently brushed it down the side of her neck to rest on her shoulder. "Still, you left him so he must've hurt you pretty bad, and that you didn't deserve no matter what you did." "He had no choice but to do what he did," she replied. "He is a Colonel in the Imperial Army and I am, or was, his prisoner." "Then if he loves you as much as you love him then you would come first even before his duty to the Empire," he argued. "Irvine, would you stop it?!" she finally cried as she broke free from his grasp, not wanting to have to explain herself to him any longer. "Why are you doing this to me?" she pleaded. "For the past couple of years since I left, I have wondered what it was I had done wrong that you felt you couldn't come to see me as any more than just a friend. There have been few women such as you that I have met, and you were the only one that could turn me inside out just like you are now. I have always prided myself on being calm even in the midst of battle where my life is on the line, but when I'm around you I can't even keep a single thought straight in my head. And never have I been so happy to embarrass myself like this," he added with a laugh bordering on the edge of hysteria. Touched by his confession, she stepped up to him and took one of his hands. "I would have, if I had allowed myself to. I felt much the same way around you, but as I said my heart belongs to another. The time that I had spent with him was cut short and like you I had always wondered what it would've been like if I had stayed with him. And when we were reunited, it was like those years between us had disappeared and we had never been separated. But no matter how much I thought about pursuing a relationship with you, I always kept wondering about him, and I knew then that it would be unfair of me to become so close to you and yet still long for another. And that's why I kept my distance from you, not because I didn't care but because I cared too much to hurt you." ******************** Author's note: Sounds like these two used to have quite a past together. Not to mention the fact that she might be falling for him all over again. Please read and review! I must have reviews! Can'! *gasp* 15. Chapter Fifteen Author's note: Wow! Four reviews in one day! *gets down on knees and bows down in homage to faithful reviewers* I'm not worthy! -.- Anyway, sorry for not posting yesterday. Darn cable kept going out. As to Van and Tania, Van loves Fiona it's just that he has to get past this crush on Tania first. But they still love each other deeply as friends. Now this thing between her and Irvine.... Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER FIFTEEN Irvine stared at her for a few moments as he let his anger cool a bit. Here he had thought that it was his fault that things hadn't worked out between them but she had felt the same way about him all along, only she chose not to act on it because of her love for a man that didn't deserve her. "Why don't you just go ahead and say it, Tania? Just tell me you don't love me so we can end this here and now." She was shocked into silence at his admission as she had known that he was attracted to her but she never thought that it was this serious. "I can't say that, Irvine," she whispered. "Why not? If you love this guy as much as you say you do then you could say it easily," he pointed out. "Then what would you have me say?" she shot back. "That I can't think when I'm around you, and that my heart beats out of control when you're close to me? That after you left I hated myself for never allowing myself to express my feelings for you, and every night I lie in bed I wondered what it would've been like to feel your kiss or your hands on my body? Every day and every night was torture and after awhile I shut myself off to the pain as I forced myself to forget about you and the time we spent together. And now that I have a chance at happiness you return and stir up all those emotions again," she said, not able to say anymore for the tears that welled in the back of her throat. He gazed at her, seeing her amethyst eyes fill with tears as her composure crumbled, and he stepped closer to her to fold her within the strength of his arms. "Tania, I'm sorry," he whispered. "I never meant to do this to you." She tried pushing herself away from him but he refused to let her go. "Bullshit," she replied. "You got what you wanted, didn't you? Are you happy now?" He sighed. "I should be, because now I know that I wasn't the only one that suffered. But I'm not, seeing as what it cost you to admit it." Then he tilted her head up to gaze into her eyes, eyes that he thought were more beautiful than anything on this planet. "I won't pressure you any longer. All I want is for you to be happy, and if it is without me then I can learn to live with that." She looked deep into his eyes then reached up to touch his face with hesitant fingers before slipping the headband off his head and ruffling his hair with her fingers, a smile spreading across her face. "I don't think I could be truly happy without you, Irvine," she said softly. "But I don't want to tell you anything just yet that might end up hurting us both later. There's a chance I may not make it out of this alive." "Not if I have anything to say about it," he replied, his heart aching. "There's no way I'm going to let you go in there alone." She hushed him with a finger to his lips. "Yes, you are. You know where their current location is, right?" He nodded. "Good. I'll need you to go to the Red River Base and tell Van or Colonel Kruegar where it is as soon as you can. Will you do this for me?" He was clearly unhappy with what she was asking of him, but he saw the wisdom in her plan. "Sure," he answered. "But I'm coming back to help whether you like it or not." She smiled. "I wouldn't expect you to miss out on all the action, although I am sorry that you won't be paid for bringing me in yourself." He brushed his finger down her cheek. "If it means that in the end I'll walk away with someone more valuable than all the money in the world then who am I to complain?" She gazed deeply into his eyes, struck speechless by the unexpected praise. "Irvine," she whispered, grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulling him down to kiss him deeply, her arms eventually wrapping themselves around his neck as he pulled her up tight against him so that she felt every muscle in his body move. His lips were soft against hers, tearing a moan from deep within her when his tongue brushed against her own, making her dizzy with longing. She stepped back and gasped when her injured ankle took the full force of her weight, causing Irvine to pull away so that he could keep her from falling to the ground. "Whoa, there," he cautioned. "Be careful." He was breathless from the intensity of their kiss, his heart racing furiously as he wished that they could've stayed together awhile longer. "Let's get you comfortable so you can get some rest or you'll never have enough energy to heal yourself. Although I must admit that I have only one sleeping bag." The corner of her mouth twitched in a near smile, her lips still tingling from his kiss. She had admitted her wish to know what it was like to kiss him and now she knew, knew that without a doubt it was well worth the wait. "I suppose you don't mind sharing it with me, do you?" "Not at all," he replied. "But it will test my control that's for sure." This time she did smile. "You're a big boy, you can handle it," she teased as he helped her over to the rock for her to sit on, but before he could walk away she drew him closer for another kiss that had her sighing his name. When he stepped back, she saw desire swimming in the depths of his eyes. "Mmm, your kisses are wonderful," she murmured. "I should've done this sooner." He laughed. "Keep talking like that and you're definitely going to be in trouble," he said then walked away to control his emotions as well as locate the sleeping bag. Soon they were situated near the Command Wolf, although not very comfortably as they were sleeping on the ground, and either way they tried it they were close to one another. Both of them finally admitted to the other that it was inevitable that they were going to end up in each other's arms so she turned so that her back was to him and snuggled up next to him. His arm came around her waist and held her close as she felt his breath against her neck and never had she felt more at ease with someone other than him, although it was strange that it felt different from Karl holding her. Despite the wondrous feelings she was experiencing, she must've been more exhausted than she thought as she drifted off to sleep in his arms, wondering if she was hearing things or did she hear him tell her that he loved her? She woke early the next morning before dawn crept over the horizon although there was still some light from the sky for her to see by, and she noticed that Irvine was sleeping deeply on his back. She started to rise but a hand around her waist drew her back down against him. "Don't go just yet," he murmured in her ear as he settled in behind her. "I want to remember this morning just in case you don't return to me." She moved so that she faced him, thinking how handsome he was with the dawn light softening his features. "So do I," she answered, unable to resist kissing him again as he was so delicious to taste. "But I have to go, and you do, too, if you're going to get to Red River in time." "I know," he groaned. "Just be careful, all right? I don't want anything happening to you until I get back." "I'll try," she laughed. He rose to his feet first to help her to hers as well as walk her to her Saber Tiger, their steps slowing as they saw something lying at the feet of her zoid. The closer they got they noticed what it was, a smile appearing on her face. "Zeke, what are you doing here?" Zeke stood up and walked over to her, nudging her hand as his own way of greeting her. "I guess he was worried about you so he decided to tag along," Irvine guessed. "Well, you're going to have to return with Irvine, Zeke. Van must be worried about you by now." He rumbled plaintively in response. "No, Zeke, I mean this. You'll only get me in trouble if they find you with me." He rumbled again and walked over to the Command Wolf to wait for Irvine. She turned to Irvine. "Red River shouldn't be that far away from here, although being that Zeke was helping my Saber Tiger I was probably traveling faster than normal." "Right. Tragar's base is about half a days travel from here going due north, which means that if a force is assembled at Red River then they better do it soon." They gazed solemnly into each other's eyes for a moment, both of them knowing that it may be the last time they do so. "Be careful, Irvine. I wish you luck." "You're the one that'll need it, not me," he replied then drew her close for another kiss before they embraced tightly. "I love you," she whispered softly in his ear then pulled away to get inside the cockpit, leaving him there as she traveled north towards the base. ******************** Author's note: Is it just me, or did it get a few degrees warmer in here? *sigh* That Irvine. Such a sweet talker. *The door bursts open and an enraged man looms in the doorway* Where is she? Where's Shelly? I won't let her do this to my brother! Shelly, turning around from her computer: AHH! Thomas?! What are you doing here? Thomas: There you are! *He starts chasing me around the room* How could you do this to Karl? He's suffering miserably, and here she is out in the desert in the arms of another man! How could you! Shelly: Thomas, I can explain! She doesn't know that he has forgiven her! *Thomas makes a grab for me but I run into the spare bedroom and lock the door. He begins pounding on the door amidst his shouting curses on my head.* Next chapter: Tania gets herself into a bit of trouble as she arrives at Tragar's secret base. Somebody please talk to Thomas and calm him down! 16. Chapter Sixteen Author's note: It's gotten pretty quiet out there. I guess I'd better take a peek. *Opens door and slowly emerges to see my husband and Thomas playing Looney Tunes Racing on the Playstation 2. It appears that Thomas is playing with Marvin the Martian and getting badly beaten by my husband with Taz.* So, guys, how's it going? Thomas: Your husband persuaded me to go easy on you since you still have a few chapters to go before you're finished. So I suggest you get over there and start working before I change my mind. Shelly: Or you'll what? Thomas: *Pins me with a glare.* Or else I'll get Karl himself over here to deal with you. Shelly: *Thinks about it a moment.* Hmm, that might not be a bad idea. I might could endure a little punishment from him. ^.~ Husband: Hey! I heard that! Shelly: *Slinks over to her computer muttering.* It appears that now I have another mouth to feed. ************************ Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it? Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER SIXTEEN Tania had often wondered what all the fuss was about having an organoid to boost a zoid's natural abilities and now she knew after having to continue on without Zeke there to help. The Saber Tiger seemed slower and less responsive to her commands than before and part of her wished that she hadn't asked the organoid to leave, but she knew that whatever happened Van would need his assistance more than she would. Her thoughts began to wander, and she wondered what Karl was doing now. Had he decided to forgive her for what she did or did he still hold remorse towards her for deceiving him? And what was she to do about Irvine? It had been good to see him again and for each of them to reveal hidden feelings towards the other was a definite surprise neither of them had expected, leaving them both in an interesting position. She knew that Irvine would be more than happy to have her choose to be with him, but she couldn't just put her love for Karl aside so easily. She still loved him deeply and would stay with him if he wanted her; if he chose not to, then she knew that there was someone out there that she could turn to. Soon the monotonous landscape gave way to a little more in the way of vegetation and wooded areas, and she noticed she was coming upon a small valley that held a ruined village in its embrace. She was curious to know if this was where they had relocated to, but where was the base located unless it was all underground? She studied the village's surroundings silently, unaware when a Rev Raptor came up behind her until the pilot asked for her name and rank. She gave him her name, and he seemed surprised to see her here, but he escorted her down towards the village, leading her to a large empty expanse of grass where they stopped and leaped out of their zoids. He took out a remote and depressed the red button which soon had the ground beneath them shaking as two panels moved up and opened to reveal a platform which he moved her Saber Tiger onto. Returning to her side he punched the button once more and the platform lowered as the panels closed; she was amazed as she wouldn't have known that this was here unless she saw it for herself. They continued on foot towards the village where he took her to what had once been a small building; lifting a hatch, he beckoned her to descend the staircase which she could barely make out after being out in the bright sunlight for so long. Once they reached the bottom, she realized that she was in the command center as soldiers moved around the complex completing the finishing touches that would have them fully operational soon. This command center was smaller than the one at their last base, but it was sufficient for their needs for now until their ultimate goal was achieved. "Tania," a familiar voice greeted her. "How good it is to see you." She turned towards the voice, her face showing no emotions that would betray her even though she was shaking inside. "Colonel Tragar," she replied. He gazed at her a moment, and she wondered what was going through his mind. Had he guessed that she had betrayed him and was thinking of a proper punishment for her? "If you would be so kind as to follow me to my office, we have many things to discuss." She fell in behind him as he led her out from the command center and into a small room that she guessed was used for interrogations. Once seated, he offered her coffee but she declined. "Just go ahead and get it over with," she said. "I know you too well to be fooled by your hospitality." Tragar smiled. "Same as ever, I see. I had feared that you had changed your loyalties, something that your failure spoke loudly about. You were supposed to capture the Guardian Force, although Colonel Shubaltz would have been a nice addition also as he is also a traitor to the Empire. Those that would willingly help the Republic deserve the same death that a traitor deserves." She managed to keep her fear under control at the thought that if Karl had been captured they would've killed him. "You can blame your men for that," she replied. "I had found the perfect place to make my move but they attacked and collapsed the tunnel we were in, separating us so that Colonel Shubaltz and his brother were able to escape." "Is that how your injury came about?" She eyed him warily. "Yes, it was. I sprained it in the collapse of the tunnel." He rose from his seat and moved around to kneel in front of her. "May I?" he asked, gesturing to her injured foot. "You don't believe me?" she inquired. "Let's just say that I want to make sure you're not bluffing," he replied as he removed the brace. "It looks pretty bad. And yet you're still able to walk on it." "I can deal with pain better than some," she answered, sensing she was treading on thin ice. "Hmm, let's see how well," he said, quickly drawing his gun and shooting her in the leg, his face expressionless. She cried out as she fell to the floor, her hands clutching at her leg as waves of pain shot through it, tears streaming down her face. But when she looked up at him, her anger overtook her as she saw his smug smile of satisfaction and she slipped a dagger from her boot before lurching to her feet and slicing at him with the blade. "You bastard!" He easily dodged the attack and knocked her to the floor with a blow to her stomach. She doubled over as the dagger fell to the floor, gasping for air. "I'm impressed," he said. "I guess you do have a high tolerance for pain and a fighting spirit as well. At one time I would've have given you the opportunity of a lifetime, but now I don't think you're worthy enough. But I'm not going to kill you yet as I still have some use for you alive." His words penetrated her fog of pain, and she grasped the dagger in her trembling hand and drove it into his nearby foot, hearing his howl of pain as well as feeling his foot sink into her midsection, the kick sending her sliding across the room and crashing into the wall. Two soldiers ran into the room and quickly surveyed the situation, one of them running over to Tragar while the other bound Tania's hands behind her back. Tragar motioned for the soldier to sit her up against the wall, and she felt herself hauled roughly to her feet and thrown back against the wall, collapsing to her knees with a cry of pain as her full weight came upon her injured leg and ankle. A rough hand seized her hair and yanked her head up so that she looked directly into Tragar's eyes. "As I said, those who are traitors to the Empire deserve to die a long, painful death, but I'll save that for later where you're concerned." "You're the one who's the traitor, Colonel," she spat the title derisively. "The war's been over for four years. It's time for peace to have its try in the world. But as far as the Imperial Army is concerned, your rank was stripped when you left to pursue your own twisted ambitions just as my father did. And you'll end up dying just like him, mark my words." His face twisted in a mask of rage, he grabbed his pistol by the barrel and slammed the butt end into her jaw, her head snapping violently to the side as she felt a trickle of blood run down the side of her mouth. "Take her to the doctor so he can patch her up," Tragar growled. "We may need to use her as ransom, and it wouldn't do for them to see her in such bad condition." "Yes, sir," the soldier replied before hauling her to her feet and practically dragging her down the hallway to the infirmary where he dropped her onto the floor. "Hey, Doc! Got ya another patient here, but be careful with her. Colonel says she might be of some use to us later on." The doctor appeared, a middle-aged man with graying brown hair. "Then why did you rough her up like you did? Hey!" he cried when the soldier turned to leave. "I need you to at least take these handcuffs off so I can insert an IV properly." After her handcuffs were removed and the soldier gone, he kneeled down next to her prone body and gently turned her head to look her over. "Come on," he urged in a softer tone of voice. "Think you can walk far enough till I can get you on a table?" Her jaw felt like it was swelling to gigantic proportions as waves of pain washed over her in rhythm with her heartbeat. "I think so," she rasped, struggling slowly to her feet with his assistance. Thankfully she didn't have far to go before he helped her onto an examining table, advising her to lay back, and that was when the darkness of unconsciousness came to claim her, taking her into its blessed embrace that promised freedom from the pain of her injuries. ******************* Author's note: Good, Thomas is still busy getting his butt kicked. *Hears a knock on the door.* I wonder who that could be? *Opens door as mouth falls to the floor. Karl is standing there looking just as irresistible as always.* Can-can I help you? Karl: Would Thomas happen to be here? *Sigh. Love that voice.* Shelly: Yeah, as a matter of fact, he is. Karl: *Looks a little perturbed.* Isn't this just like him? Bothering you like this when there's a battle coming up. I apologize for any trouble he has caused you. Shelly: *Wipes drool off of her chin.* To tell you the truth-ow! *Someone pinched me! I look behind me to see Thomas shooting a warning glare at me. I give him one right back then turn back to Karl with a forced smile on my face.* We've been glad to have him over. He's been no trouble at all. Karl: Glad to hear it. Thomas, let's go. We've got a battle to plan for. Shelly: *Watches as they leave.* Phew! Now that he's gone I can finally get back to work. Next chapter: Karl vs. Irvine. 'Nuff said! 17. Chapter Seventeen Author's note: Never fear, Tania will stay with Karl. It's just that right now she believes that Karl no longer loves her and feels very much alone, and Irvine happened to be there for her. So here's the chapter you've all been waiting for: Karl vs. Irvine! No holds barred! Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Irvine sped through the countryside as fast as his Command Wolf could go, knowing that soon Tania would be reaching the base and would either be welcomed as one of their own or as a traitor. Either way he had to get to Red River fast so that he could give them the location of the base before the Imperials attacked, and the sooner he did that the sooner he could return to get her out of there. He heard the sound of an airborne zoid and looked up to see a Pteras passing overhead, wondering if it was someone from Red River searching for her. Van peered down from the cockpit of the Pteras, veering closer to the lone traveler to get a better look. A smile appeared as he saw it was a close friend that he hadn't seen in years. "Irvine?" he cried. The mercenary looked up at the Pteras again. "What happened, Van? Trade your Liger in for that piece of junk?" Van laughed. "You wish. What are you doing out here?" "Bringing some information that might be of some interest to you, as well as a gift for you since I missed you so much," he laughed. "Oh, Irvine, you shouldn't have," Van replied. "What kind of information?" "I've been told it's pretty important, so I'll obviously want some monetary compensation for doing such a favor for the Republic." "Still haven't changed, have you? What kind of gift do you have?" "I'm not so sure I want to part with this just yet," he smirked. "Ever since we first met, I've wanted to get my hands on this and now that I have it, I'll have to think about it." Zeke roared from within the Command Wolf, giving himself away. "Zeke!" Van exclaimed. "How did you get hold of him, Irvine?" "That I'd rather not say out here," he replied, his tone becoming serious. "I get the feeling that I'm in the middle of a sensitive situation, so I'd rather wait until we're back at the base." Van said nothing as he figured it had something to do with Tania. "I guess I'll meet you there, then," he said then contacted Karl and Thomas to advise them to return to base. Soon they were all gathered in the hangar, Fiona greeting Irvine with a warm embrace as Van was happy to see Zeke. Colonel Kruegar arrived, nodding to Irvine in greeting before leading them to the room where he had spoken to the Guardian Force the evening before. "So what is this information that you've got that is so important?" Kruegar asked. Irvine glanced at Karl for a moment before speaking, wondering if he was the one that Tania was so much in love with. He outlined his meeting with Tania, telling them that Zeke had left with her inside her Saber Tiger as well as giving out the base's location, and he knew by Karl's worried expression that he indeed was her beloved. Seeing for himself the love the Colonel felt for her, he saw how wrong he had been to belittle his emotions like he had without meeting him first as he appeared to be a man of honor as well as being very much in love with her. Colonel Kruegar excused himself to convene a meeting of the base's ranking officers to discuss the best plan of action, saying that he would meet with them again once a decision was made. Van and Thomas spoke amongst themselves while Karl stood apart from them, a worried expression on his face. Irvine approached him and stood at a distance. "She talked about you a lot, Colonel," he said as for some insane reason he was trying to ease the Colonel's mind. "I can imagine the things she might say," Karl replied, his thoughts a thousand miles away. He had been relieved to hear that she was all right, but he was still fearful of her going back to Tragar on her own without any backup. And he also wondered how this man knew Tania as he sensed he was once interested in her in a more personal aspect, but he did risk his life to bring this information to them and for that he would forgive him anything especially if it meant bringing his love back to him alive. "She told me of what happened between you both," he said. "She understands why you did what you did." Karl eyed him out of the corner of his eye. "And I suppose you're going to say you do not? I've had plenty of time to think about what happened, and now I don't even know why I treated her like I did. I was angry and hurt, yes, but that doesn't excuse my hurting her so bad that she had to leave." Irvine had hoped that Karl would've been the type that he could've disliked the moment he saw him, but with his admission he began to respect him a little more. "Did this revelation come before or after you discovered she was on your side after all?" Karl fixed his green eyes on Irvine, who found it hard to meet his intense gaze as it was surely the most striking thing about him. "How did you know about that?" he asked, not liking the fact that he knew something about her that they had only found out about last night. "I did a few odd jobs for Colonel Tragar in the past, and Tania needed someone to talk to so I was there for her," Irvine supplied, enjoying the fact that he had the Colonel guessing at this point. He hated to see anyone be so calm about anything, especially when it came to someone they supposedly loved more than anything else, and he needed to know if he was willing to fight for that love. Karl knew that Irvine was only baiting him, but he couldn't help the anger that stirred in him at the thought that he had once been interested in Tania. "And you're saying that I wasn't?" he demanded. "Tell me, did she ever feel the same way about you that you felt about her?" Irvine was tempted to tell him that she had just to see the look on his face, but it would only end up driving a wedge further in between them and he didn't wish to do that to her. "No, she didn't," he replied. "In fact, we were little more than friends. Last night we talked more than we ever did in the past. She still loves you very much, and even defended you when I tried to make her see that you weren't deserving of that love." "Somehow that doesn't surprise me that you did that," Karl replied, his anger slowly fading. "I know I have told myself that ever since she left. I promised to her the first night we were together that I would never let her leave again and that I would never hurt her. But I have and now I will never forgive myself for doing that to her." The younger man sighed in dismay. Why did the Colonel have to be so likable? Stepping closer to him, he put his hand on his shoulder in a gesture of friendship. "Not everything in this life is so perfect," he pointed out. "Especially when it comes to love, and I can tell that you love her very much. You are a good man, Colonel. She will be very happy with you, much happier than, say, with me," he smiled to take the edge off of the comment. Karl smiled in return. "I can see you still have feelings for her, and with someone as unique, lovely, and brave as she is, it is hard to let go of such feelings. But after this is over and she is returned to me, I intend to lock her up and never let her leave again." Irvine chuckled. "Good luck," he replied, walking away towards Van. "Now that I gave you your present and the information you wanted, how about you pay me?" Van and Thomas had seen the exchange between Karl and Irvine, both of them unconsciously ready in case they needed to separate them both. Van was surprised to see that Irvine had been in love with Tania and still was judging from the expression on his face. "Thank you, Irvine. Even though we thought she was with the enemy, she was still a good friend." He smiled. "Now I'm leaving as I promised Tania I would return and try to get her out of there before any fighting broke out." "You might be better off waiting until Colonel Kruegar returns with more information on a plan of attack," Karl pointed out. "I don't do the military thing," he replied. "I can't work like I want to if I have to wait for a certain window of opening and all. Besides, I know that it eats you alive that you're held back by it as I am sure that you would be doing the same thing if you weren't." He was also sure that Karl was unhappy that it would be Irvine coming to her rescue rather than her beloved. "I'm pretty sure that Tragar will attack tomorrow at the earliest, and I want to get back there before he gets any ideas of what to do with her." "You don't think that he might use her for ransom, do you?" Van asked in alarm. "I wouldn't put it past him," he said. "There's something that he wants, but I don't know what it is. And I'm not about to wait around and find out. Good luck, Van," he said then ran out of the room to the hangar, his worry over Tania giving him speed he never thought he had. ********************** Author's note: What? You weren't expecting an all out fight, now were you? You know Karl better than that. *Dodges bits of food thrown her way by angry readers before being knocked down by a fish.* Next chapter: The battle begins! 18. Chapter Eighteen Disclaimer: I don't own zoids or their characters, just my own. Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Tania surfaced slowly from the realm of her dreams, looking around her in confusion as she didn't know where she was or how she got here. But then she felt the bandages wrapped around her leg and the IV needle in her wrist and everything came back to her on a wave of fear, and the fact that she was surrounded by darkness except for a small overhead light didn't help things much either. The only thing that kept her from panicking was the fact that she had no restraints on of any type that she could see, a strange thing since after what she did to Colonel Tragar she would've expected to have been strapped securely to the hospital bed. Her eyes soon became adjusted to the darkness, and she saw that a curtain was halfway pulled around her bed, the only opening being at the foot of her bed. Hearing a soft noise beyond the curtain, she stilled her motions and listened intently as she heard a dragging noise followed by the quiet shutting of the door. She heard the sound of footsteps near her bed before a figure appeared in the curtain opening, stifling the scream that rose in the back of her throat as it looked to be one of the many base soldiers. Then she heard him whisper her name, and she sighed in relief as it was only Irvine dressed in a uniform he had gotten from somewhere or someone. He closed the curtain and moved to her bedside as she sat up to throw her arms around his neck. "Irvine, you came back," she whispered. He held her tightly as he was glad that she was still alive, although he wondered what she was doing here in the infirmary. "What, you didn't believe me? I told you I was coming back," he replied quietly, his words silenced as her mouth found his eagerly, and though he felt rotten for doing this as he intended to end things between them, he couldn't help but enjoy one last kiss as he had worried about her after searching all over for her and not finding her. "What are you doing here anyway?" he breathed. "Why else would I be here?" she asked. "I got shot in the leg, got kicked in the stomach, and got hit with the butt of a pistol." "Did Tragar do this?" he hissed, his anger roused that he had done this to her, had knowingly done it to make it impossible for her to escape. "Who else?" she replied, quieting when she saw Irvine hold his hand up then duck down beside the bed just in time for the curtain on the other side of the bed to slide open and the doctor to appear. "Is anything wrong?" he asked, his own voice quiet. "I thought I heard voices." "I was only talking to myself," she answered. "I think my IV may be a little loose, though. Would you mind checking it?" "Of course not," he said as he bent over to check it. While she had spoken, Irvine had moved over to the other side so that he was behind the doctor, and he made his move to grab him, but the doctor was faster as he spun and caught Irvine's hand and forced him face down onto the bed. "Easy there, soldier," he said. "We're both on the same side here." "What do you mean?" Irvine asked. "I expected you would be here shortly to rescue Tania," he answered as he eased his grip on Irvine, allowing Irvine to stand up as he rubbed his wrist where the doctor had held him down. "Why should I trust you?" he asked warily. "Have you noticed that there are hardly any guards patrolling tonight?" Irvine nodded. "There's your answer. I laced their drinks with something to knock them out for awhile. Colonel Tragar is here as well, and I gave him something that will keep him out for a lot longer, at least until you can get him secured and turned over to the Imperial Army." "Why are you helping us?" Tania questioned him. "I have a lot I have to answer for," he replied sadly. "And I tire of having to clean up his messes." Then he picked up something she hadn't seen him lay on the bed. "Here, I brought you a uniform as well." He removed the IV from her arm but not before he produced a different syringe. Irvine grabbed his arm to keep him from injecting it into the IV. "What's that?" he asked. "A painkiller to help ease the pain of her leg injury. It may not hurt now, but once we start moving I expect it will flare up." Irvine released his arm and he administered the medicine before removing the IV and bandaging her wrist. Both men stepped outside the curtain to give her privacy to change into the uniform, which fit her surprisingly well. The only real problem she had was in hiding her long silver hair, but she managed to tuck it underneath the cap, and she had to ask for Irvine's help in putting on the boots as she couldn't move her leg. True to the doctor's word, her leg began a painful throbbing which made it impossible for her to stand on. Irvine located a wheelchair and brought it around for her to sit in, and once she was seated comfortably they moved over to where Tragar lie. He was still blissfully unconscious, and they took advantage of this to tie him up and dump him into a wheelchair as well. Irvine took Tragar's which left Tania to the doctor, and they left the infirmary to head towards the hangar, Tania noticing how quiet it was since pretty much everyone was out cold. They managed to get there without any incidents, which they were grateful for. "Irvine, where's your Command Wolf?" she asked him. "I left it just outside the valley," he replied, taking them near her Saber Tiger. "We'll put him in here as I will be piloting the Tiger out of here. I want you to take this and ride like hell back towards Red River," he said as he gestured to a nearby zoid. She looked and had never seen anything like it in her whole life. It was sleek and longer than the Tiger and a little bit shorter although it weighed less and was faster, capable of reaching speeds up to 325 kilometers per hour whereas her Tiger only reached 240. "What is it?" she breathed, amazed at the sheer power and beauty of it. "It's a Lightning Saix," the doctor answered. Both Irvine and Tania gazed questioningly at him, wondering how he knew what it was. "You'd be surprised how much doctors will talk to each other, even if their jobs have nothing in common. This zoid was created to be the ultimate weapon to defeat the Blade Liger. It has four retractable Strike Laser Claws, a double-barreled Vulcan Gun, and a Pulse Laser Rifle along with a Boosterpack, two Wing Stabilizers, and two Vertical Stabilizers." Tania and Irvine both had drool coming out of the corners of their mouths. "I think I'll take this one, Tania," he stated. "You can have the Saber Tiger." "I don't think so, pal," she argued. "This one's mine, and I don't intend to give it up to anyone, not even you." Irvine laughed. "I was just joking," he replied. "In this zoid, you'll all but fly back to Red River, and I want you to stay there as you're in no shape to be fighting any battles." She was clearly reluctant to leave him here alone, but she had no other choice as he was right. "Just be careful, Irvine, please," she pleaded. He smiled then assisted Tania into the cockpit of the Lightning Saix, making sure she was comfortable before leaving to haul Tragar into the cockpit of the Saber Tiger behind the seat where he knew that it would be uncomfortable for him but he didn't care. The doctor ordered them onto the platform so that he could open the hangar doors, cautioning them that once the doors opened an alarm would sound that would quite possibly alert everyone as to what was going on. They thanked him for his help then guided their zoids onto the platform, cringing as the alarm sounded and if everyone managed to sleep through it then they might as well be dead. The doors seemed to take forever to open, but Tania knew it was only because they were in such a hurry to leave that it seemed that way. Finally they opened and they leaped out into a sky that was brightened by the early morning sun only to stop at what they saw waiting for them. A ring of Rev Raptors lined the sides of the valley, all of them prepared to fight if any move was made to escape. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!" Irvine cried, his voice filled with rage. "I don't think he's to blame," she said, thinking that someone somehow knew what they had planned. "Irvine, I think it's time to find out what this zoid's made of." "Tania, don't!" he shouted. She ignored him and spurred the Lightning Saix into action. "I'm not going to be captured without a fight, Irvine," she replied, unable to say anymore as she was thrown back into her seat when the Saix took off with an amazing burst of speed. When she was halfway to the Rev Raptors, she noticed a button on the side of the cockpit and pushed it, wondering what it was for. "Holy shit!" she cried when the zoid flashed forward with lightning speed, leaving a wake of disruption that toppled the Raptors whenever it hit them, Irvine shooting them down with the Saber Tiger's triple impact cannon. But she wasn't able to take them all down and they were forced to battle the rest the best they could with what weapons they had. They sustained some damage to their zoids, but eventually managed to defeat enough of them so that they could make an escape. But when they looked where the hangar was located, there were more powerful zoids being lifted to join the battle. "Tania, make a run for it!" Irvine cried as he raced past her, and she took off after him while keeping the Saix' speed so that it matched the Tiger's. No sooner had they left than there were sudden explosions all around them. "Sinker zoids!" she shouted, looking at the sky around them. "This is unreal!" "Maybe you should return the Saix to them," he suggested dryly. "Then they might leave us alone, you think?" "Not on your life," she replied, shooting a few of the aerial zoids to the ground as she ran. Soon they both saw dust on the horizon, which only led them to wonder if there were more of the enemies' forces along the way. *********************** Author's note: As I have said before, I suck at describing battles. The next chapter will be the last as this piece of fiction is nearing its end. *sniff* Who are the new forces coming to join the battle? And an ending that is guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye. 19. Chapter Nineteen Author's note: *SOB* Last chapter! Anyway, Tania will be back on track in this chapter. Thomas: Finally! Shelly: What? Who was that? Oh well, enjoy the fic! Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly CHAPTER NINETEEN "Irvine, look ahead on the horizon," she said as she dodged the sinker zoids' missiles and fired back at them to send them crashing to the ground in balls of fire. "I see it," he replied. "Let's not worry about that now. It may be help coming." At that point, the Saber Tiger was hit with a heavy barrage of fire and when the smoke cleared it was down on the ground unable to move as Irvine had been knocked unconscious. "Irvine!" she cried, but received no answer and she positioned her Lightning Saix directly over him to try and protect him as long as she could, but she was growing weary herself and wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out. Her leg throbbed with every beat of her heart which pounded furiously within her from the adrenaline that flowed through her. Her vision began to waver and she had trouble focusing on the sinker zoids that headed her way, preparing to finish the job, and she braced herself for the inevitable. When it didn't come, she looked up to see the Blade Liger standing near her with his shield protecting them both as the missiles exploded around them. "Van?" she whispered. "Tania?" he called, seeing the Saber Tiger down and wondering if she was okay. "Van?" she replied, her voice a little stronger this time. "Are you all right?" he asked, relieved to hear her voice. "I'll be fine," she answered. "It's a good thing you got here when you did." "Wait a minute. Is that you inside that zoid?" he questioned, looking it over with a glance, but he received no answer as she had already fainted inside the cockpit. "Tania?" he called again, worried that something had happened to her. "Thomas, Colonel Shubaltz, I need your help over here. I think Tania's down and so is whoever's inside the Saber Tiger." "Roger that, Van," Thomas replied. "I'll be there in a second." Soon Thomas arrived along with Colonel Shubaltz, who asked his brother to cover him while he checked on the pilots of the zoids. He checked the Saber Tiger first as he hadn't heard Van say anything past Tania being hurt, frowning in confusion when he saw Irvine slumped over and another who was trussed up tightly. He pulled the stranger out where he could see him, smiling when he saw it was Colonel Tragar and it appeared he was out cold. Then he checked the Lightning Saix, barely taking enough time to admire the new zoid before getting inside the cockpit to see Tania slumped over as well. "Tania?" He gently pulled her back against the seat, and her face came into view where he saw the dark bruise that covered her cheek. "Tania," he called again, as he gently shook her to try and rouse her, hoping that she hadn't left him for good. With that thought in mind, he lowered his head to listen to her breathing, happy to see her chest rise and fall as well as see her stir weakly. Tania opened her eyes to see a vision she thought she would never see again. "Karl?" she whispered, a weak rush of joy giving her enough energy to hold him close as he embraced her, surprised to feel tears running down her face. "I was so worried about you," he said as he looked into her eyes, alarmed at her weakness but glad she was alive. "Are you all right?" She shook her head slowly. "My leg...hurts," she whispered as she gazed into the green pools of his eyes that she thought she would never look into again. Seeing him once more, she wondered how she could ever have left him and been able to live without him, and she reached up to take his face in her hands and kiss him softly as she didn't have enough energy to do anything more. "Karl," she breathed as her tears continued to fall. "I love you so much." Tears of his own moistened his eyes. "I love you, too, Tania," he replied. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I was so stupid to think--" He was stopped by her finger on his lips. "It's okay," she answered. "I would've done the same thing had the situations been reversed. Why is it so quiet?" "I think the fighting has been drawn away from us, or else they retreated. Where does your leg hurt?" "My right calf," she answered. He leaned down to rip open the pant leg, gasping as he saw the bandage was soaked with fresh blood. "Tania," he breathed. "What happened?" "Tragar...shot me shortly after I arrived. But don't worry...I paid him back with a knife in the foot." He came back up to look at her cheek with worry in his eyes. "Did he do this as well?" She nodded and he fought against dragging Tragar out and dealing with him himself. "Karl, is Tania all right?" Thomas' voice sounded in the cockpit. "I'm fine, Thomas," she replied. "Just a little weak. I never thought I'd say this, but it's good to hear your voice." Thomas smiled inside the Dibison. "Just so long as you're all right, that's all that matters." They both laughed, Tania bringing Karl's lips back to hers for a kiss full of love that lingered long after they pulled away from each other. Her eyes widened suddenly. "Irvine!" she gasped. "How is he? Have you checked on him yet?" "He's fine, just unconscious from that last assault. Tragar is still out, and I promise you he will pay once we return him to the Capital City." "Good," she replied, happy that she could finally look forward to a life of her own free of deceptions, a life with the man she loved who she would never stray from again. "Well, Hiltz? Did this one turn out like you expected?" Riese asked. "I can say that at least one good thing came out of this," he replied. "Now I know that I never should've put my trust in Tragar. But it doesn't matter as in the end all will beg for mercy before the Dark Kaiser. Come, Riese," he said as he turned away from the sight before him. "It is time for us to find Raven." The enemy forces were routed and drove from the base by Republican forces, who immediately sent in a ground team to search the base for any remaining personnel who promptly surrendered as they knew they were outnumbered. Irvine and Tania were taken back to Red River where they could receive medical attention and a team of Gustavs transported the Lightning Saix, Command Wolf, and Saber Tiger back there as well. Tania's leg wound was rebandaged and told to remain abed until tomorrow as she also suffered from exhaustion. Irvine was checked as well and diagnosed in good condition so he didn't have to stay, and he found Tania's room where he stayed by her side until she woke again. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Tired and weak," she smiled. "But never have I been happier in my life." He returned her smile, seeing the happiness that shone within her eyes and knowing that it wasn't him that had put it there. "You saw Colonel Shubaltz?" "Yes," she replied. He nodded. "You belong together, Tania, you and him. You both love each other so much." She saw his sadness even though he was trying to hide it. "Irvine, I'm sorry," she whispered. "I encouraged things between us that I had no right to, and I know that you're hurting because of it." "It's not your fault," he assured her. "I was as much to blame as anyone." She smiled. "Where will you go now? You know Van and Fiona would want you to stay, and I would like you to as well." "Who knows? Wherever the smell of money takes me," he replied, rising to his feet. "Get some rest. Maybe I'll see you soon." "Okay," she answered, but as soon as Irvine left Van appeared a moment later. "Van!" she cried, accepting his enthusiastic embrace. "Tania, I'm so glad you're okay," he said as he sat down on the bed beside her. She heard a familiar rumbling and looked to see Zeke moving to her bedside as well. Then the door opened and Thomas and Fiona entered the room, each of them greeting her with hugs and well wishes. But then she noticed someone standing apart from the rest, and she craned her neck around to try and see who it was, and everyone stepped aside to allow her a better view. "Colonel Kruegar!" she exclaimed. He moved to her bedside and embraced her warmly. "It's good to see you, Tania," he said. "Although now we can say that we will be happy to see one another in the future as your part has been done, and we are grateful for all you have done. Rest now. We will have plenty of time to speak to each other later." She smiled as he left, enjoying the company of her friends until all of them left except for Van. "Where's Karl? Shouldn't he be back by now?" "I believe that Tragar woke up finally and they're questioning him now, especially Colonel Shubaltz since Tragar used to be with the Imperial Army," Van answered. "That's likely to take a while," she said then took Van's hand in her own and held it for a bit. "Van, I want to thank you for being my friend even when you thought I had betrayed you. That meant a lot to me." He smiled. "You played a pretty convincing part. I think the only one who suspected anything was Thomas, but then he's pretty much suspicious about everybody except Fiona and those in the military." Tania laughed. "I hated not being able to tell you everything, but I wasn't sure if there were others here working for Tragar or whoever else is behind all this." Then she yawned, trying her best to hide it but unable to do so. "I'll leave you to your rest," Van said, leaning over to embrace her tightly. "I love you," he whispered softly. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "I love you, too, Van," she replied. "I'll see you tomorrow." Then she watched him leave before she settled down into the covers and let sleep overtake her, and it was perhaps the most restful she had had in a long while. The next day the doctor checked in on her at various times to look at the bandage and to ask about her general well-being, and he eventually told her she would be released this evening. She thought it an odd time but didn't think much on it as she had various visitors throughout the day who brought her gifts to help speed her recovery. Soon the doctor approved her to leave, and Thomas happened to be there visiting so he helped take her back to his brother's suite in a wheelchair. Thankfully he had brought her a change of clothes, a uniform similar to the one that Van wore that would do until she could pick out something else, and it was a good thing he had done so. As soon as she entered the suite, she was greeted by a chorus of "Welcome Back!" from her friends and one happy, loud roar from Zeke. Everyone was there, including Colonel Kruegar, as they shared in a feast meant to celebrate her return. Karl, of course, was there, dressed in clothing similar to what he had wore the first time they were together, and he stayed by her side the whole night, never hesitating to kiss or touch her whenever the opportunity presented itself. Then he stood from the table and called for everyone's attention, who seemed to know what was coming as Thomas and Van were trying to hide grins behind their hands and Fiona looked as if she was ready to cry. "I would like to propose a toast to someone who has brought so much into my life I cannot begin to thank her. For years I have been many things, have shared many ranks in the military. I have also been a brother, a very proud brother even though most of the time I don't show it," he added, sharing a smile with Thomas. "I have also been happy to call as friends some of the bravest fighters I have known," he said as his eyes fell on Van, Fiona, Kruegar, and Irvine. Zeke rumbled loudly, and Karl laughed. "And you, too, Zeke. "But for the first time in my life I would like to try and become something which may at times be the hardest thing to try and become, but will no doubt fill my life with a happiness that I believe I do not deserve and am incredibly lucky to have." He moved over in front of Tania and lowered himself down onto one knee as he took his hand in hers. "Tania, I have been your friend as well as your lover," he began as he reached into his pocket and produced a small white box. "But if you would have me, I would ask to be your husband just as I wish you to spend the rest of your life with me as my wife." He opened the box and inside sparkled a brilliant diamond ring which he removed and slipped onto her finger. Her eyes had already begun to fill with tears at his loving words, but when he placed the ring on her finger she looked into his own eyes with surprise at seeing them glistening with moisture. She was speechless as she was shocked beyond belief and incredibly happy at the same time, and unbelievably lucky that she had met someone like him. "Karl," she breathed. "I am the one who is lucky to have had someone like you to love. Never had I hoped that I would find a love like ours, one as strong and true that will last us for the rest of our lives. Yes, I will most happily be your wife as I very much want you to be my husband," she said as the tears fell down her cheeks. "I love you," she cried as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he lifted her off her feet when he stood to better hold her in his arms. "I love you, too," he replied. "And never, never will I hurt you again for as long as I live," he said, sealing the promise with a passionate kiss that had everyone blushing. Smiling hugely, Van looked at Thomas and Fiona, who he was surprised to see hugging one another with tears in their own eyes, and he was a little disappointed that he had no one to share in their happiness with. Then he heard Zeke behind him before the organoid placed his head on Van's shoulder, rumbling softly in his ear, and everything was all right once more. The End ****************** *Wipes nose and eyes with a kleenex.* Aww! Happy endings always make me cry. Thanx to all those who reviewed as your input meant a lot. I am happy that you enjoyed it through the good times. (And the bad!-Thomas) *Levels glare at him.* I was going to say that. Anyway, tell me if any of you would like a sequel to this. I have an idea kind of floating around in my head and want to know if you think it a good idea to continue this story. Thanx again! End file.
Loyalties of the Heart by Shelly3
Geek **Disclaimer:** I don`t own Zoids. Geek * * * You know... This is quite honestly the _last place_ I _ever_ expected to be seen. Not to mention the last outfit I`d ever be expected to wear for the last reasons anyone could ever believe. My name is Thomas Schubaltz, and right now I`m sitting here on the steps of a chapel watching the sunset five hours after the wedding of Fiona Alyssa Lenette to Van Fleiheit. Bet you didn`t expect that one, huh? I actually swallowed a few bitter pills and showed up, as one of the best men no less. I think I understand though, I figured out exactly why, even after I got up the gall to tell her, Fiona went and picked Van over me. Aside from the obvious reasons, it`s because I`m not the hero here. I figured it out a while back really, I just didn`t accept it until a few months ago. Fiona, I`ve discovered, is the type to be drawn to heroes. Oh, she acts like she just wants to live a nice, normal life but deep down I think she`s drawn to guys like Van, the ones who`re always out there facing death in the eye and usually walking away virtually unscathed. Van`s a charismatic hero on the fast track, Fiona`s a lovely young woman who`s drawn to him like a fly to a bug trap. Me? I`m just a geek stuck in his brother`s shadow. Nothing to be too attracted to there, huh? I don`t mind though. They`re meant for each other after all - for now anyway. I have a sinking feeling in my gut that someday my patience to sit here and wait for her is going to come back to haunt me in the worst way possible. It`s cool though, I don`t mind waiting and I don`t mind being single, just as long as I don`t become Doctor D. That guy scares me. But anyway... That sinking feeling isn`t out of melodrama either, it`s because I have an understanding of the risks that Van thrives on, a better understanding than you would think too. Van`s like Carl on speed, it`s easy to figure him out after you remove yourself from the scene far enough. Plus, Beke and I worked on it for a while. Van has a 20% chance of surviving past the age of 40 at the rate he`s going. 10% if the Blade Liger is somehow taken out of commission at some point. Van may be a bit of a punk but that worries me, because of a good many reasons. Like I said, Van`s a punk and I may not like that he`s now married to Fiona, but he`s still a friend. Sorta. And what`d happen to Fiona if he died? I can see it, she`s as dependant on him as I am on my machines in a fight. From what Irvine and Moonbay said, Van was the first person Fiona met when she woke up from wherever he found her. I`m not too clear on the details but I`ve figured it out from there. Even after four years out of whatever egg he dragged her out of, Fiona is still scared of the world. Van`s the only constant in her life besides Zeke and the Blade Liger so... Do the math I guess. Van`s a hero, I`m a geek. Van`s been there longer, I just popped up on a fluke and had the misfortune of falling in love at first sight. It`s alright with me though. Contrary to how I act I`m a pretty goodhearted person, so if she`s happy then I can down a few jagged pills and plaster on a smile for her. It`s the least I can do, really... I just wish she had climbed out of her shell before Van proposed to her. Or that I`d had the guts before then. Too late for that now though, I guess it`s back to my original mission in life while I wait. Even if I can`t get Fiona, nobody ever said anything about lighting a candle under Carl`s ass to get him to move out of the way. What can I say, I`m unconventional. I refuse to be the one to step out of his shadow so I`ll just set a nice big fire up under him and make him move out of the way for me. Boom, I don`t need to move, Carl get`s a nice big burn mark and an inability to sit down for a month and I`m out of his shadow for good. Heh. Sometimes being the geek has it`s advantages, ya know? Everyone`s always underestimating me, not paying any attention to me, never giving credit where it`s due, focusing on those around me but never paying attention to me. I`ve actually come to like that a bit now that I`ve come to accept it. I still intend to get out of Carl`s shadow but even if I`m not noticed after that I`ll be okay with it, because even if I`m ignored I`ll at least be my own man. Carl`s always excelled at everything that could help you in the military but me? I`m a scientist with a gun. That`s all there is to it. I refuse to be the kind of soldier he is. He can lead, he can fight and he can pilot a Zoid far better than I`ll ever be able to, but the same can be said of Van and Irvine and most of the others. Know what that means? They can lead men to their deaths better than me. They can kill more people than I can. They can commit suicide with far better styling than me. When you look at it like that, then you kind of begin to understand why I`m happy to just be a little geek nowadays and sit by on the sidelines watching everyone else become legends. History can forget my piloting skills and I`d be happy about it, if I`m remembered I want to go down as a scientist first and a soldier last. Maybe that`s why I can spot a bit of pride in Carl`s eyes now that I actually pay attention to it. I think he understands the logic behind what I just said now, and I think he doesn`t really want me to be the same as him. Why is it that even after all these years, he _still _has to be the semi-protective, semi-picky older brother?! Jesus, he drives me nuts sometimes. But yeah... Nowadays, I`m happy to be the geek of the group. Only thing I`m not happy about anymore is Fiona`s situation with Van. Maybe I`m being overly judgemental about this but I`m seriously worried about them. Van`s like some sort of cand- no, wait... More like a super nova. Yeah, that`s a way better way of putting it. Shines _really_ bright, but only for a short time and when he stops he sucks everyone down to Hell with him. Maybe I`m being harsh but I can`t help it. I`m worried, I know at some level I`m a bit bitter and I can`t tell if I`m reading into these things too much. Well... The sun`s finished setting and the moons are coming out now. I`m the only one here aside from Moonbay and Irvine and I think they`re both wanting to be left alone so it`s time for me to go. I`m just the geek after all, no need to stand in the way of two other people like I did with Van and Fiona and I doubt Moonbay and Irvine are the type of couple who`d want someone unwittingly listening in or watching them. So it`s time to leave. Time to go be the geek some more instead of the angsty little twiggy simp I`ve been acting like lately. Who knows, maybe I can annoy Doctor D a bit. Except that he scares me a little... I hope I don`t end up like him. I`m a geek, not a perv... * * * **Author`s Note:** This one`s for you two, Aardwulf and December. Hope ya liked it and I hope it wasn`t the same as the one I did for Harry Champ. Leena and Brad are next... _Sh33p_ out. End file.
Geek by The Sh33p
Come Away With Me **Hello my little Lovelies! Did anyone miss me in my absence! I sure missed you all.** **Now this is definitely a LOT different from my usual fics. This is based off of Norah Jones' "Come Away With Me." I thought it would be an ample time to make a little sweet fic. Oh yes... This is AU!** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids: Chaotic Century/ Guardian Force. Nor do I own the song "Come Away With Me." * * * ** **Come Away With Me** _**Come away with me in the night**_ _**Come away with me**_ _**And I will write you a song**_ Fiona sat in her room waiting for Van to come back work. She never realized how much he had been working, until one night, she found that it was past midnight, and Van had yet to come home from the office. It worried her to think that Van would worry so much about his job. Lately, she noticed that Van had begun to be a little more irritable. Honestly, she knew it wasn't his fault, being so overly stressed would make anyone irritable. Fiona was also sad that she couldn't spend more time with Van. To her, it seemed that since she moved in, they had spent less and less time together than when they were not living together. 'It feels like he's taking the fact that I live here for granted. He just seems to think I will always be here, and that he can take all the time in the world. I would wait for him forever... but it is just becoming so... aggravating," Fiona thought to herself as she saw that it was nearly 11:00 PM. Fiona heard the sound of a car coming up the driveway and knew that it was Van. She walked into the Living Room to greet him. Van jingled the keys in the door lock until the door swung open and he tiredly walked in. Van cocked his head to the side at the sight of Fiona standing near a few brown suitcases that seemed filled to the brim. "Fi, are you going somewhere?" Van asked curiously, wondering what his girlfriend of three years could be up to. Fiona got an impish grin on her face and nodded her head 'yes'. "Okay. Where are you going, and how come you didn't tell me before now?" Van asked in utter bafflement. Fiona simply stood up,and walked over to Van and handed him the largest suitcase and a peck on the lips before walking outside with the two smaller suitcases in her hands. "Fiona, are you going to tell me anything?" Van pleaded for an answer with his eyes. Fiona smiled softly at the look Van was giving her. "All right Mr. Whiny-baby. I'll tell you what we are doing," Fiona said as she sat the suitcases in the back seat and popped the trunk for Van to put his suitcase in there. "I have a little vacation planned for us. I all ready called and got your vacation set up, so don't worry about that. I'm not going to tell you were we're going, but I know you are going to love it. We do need to get to the bus-station soon, because we have a midnight ride,"Fiona said quietly to Van, who just stood there, seemingly dumbfounded. "Fiona. I can't say that I'm angry about getting a vacation, and break from work, but I really would have appreciated it if you consulted me first,"Van said after thinking about what Fiona had just explained to him. Van began to walk to the drivers' side, but Fiona simply shooed him over to the passenger's side, explaining that it is Van's time to rest, and she will do all of the driving and such. Van climbed into the tan, leather seat and crossed his arms over his chest mumbling about how he wants to at least drive his car. "Come on, Van. Just chill. If your good, I might write you a little song," Fiona said, knowing that Van always loved it when she did small, yet special things such as writing poems or something to that extent. "Now just sit back, and relax so we can get to the bus-station and get on our bus," Fiona said as she put the key in the ignition and turned it to start the car. She sat quietly driving off to the bus-station only 15 minutes from their house. _**Come away with me on a bus**_ _**Come away where they can't tempt us**_ _**With their lies**_ Just as Fiona pulled into the bus-station, a realization struck Van. "Fi, we aren't just going to leave the car in this parking lot for a week, are we?" Van asked nervously. Fiona simply shook her head 'no', while she pulled into a parking spot, directly under a lightpost. "Okay, well then, where is it going?" Van asked, rather confused, as Fiona popped the trunk for him to get the suitcase. "Don't worry so much, Van. I have it all taken care of. I called and asked Moonbay to come pick it up, and to watch after it until we get back. Then, when we come back next Saturday, she is going to pick it up," Fiona said while getting the smaller suitcases out of the back of the car. Van just stood there while his mouth formed an 'O' shape. "See Van, I can handle everything. Anything you may be worried about, is all ready taken care of," Fiona said as they both began to walk to the train station. "Okay. Well, did you close and lock the balcony door?" Van asked, wanting to be completely sure that everything is taken care of. Fiona stopped just as they reached the door as a panicked look came onto her face. "You didn't even close it!" Van asked quickly as he began to turn around to go back to the car. Fiona sidestepped so that she would be right in front of him. "Van, Van! Relax. I was just joking. Of course I closed and locked it. See, this is why I am making you go on this trip. Being so stressed can not be good for you," Fiona said as she opened the door for Van to walk in. Van looked dumbstruck that Fiona would get annoyed so easily over him just wanting to make sure their house was safe. "Van, you just have to trust that I have taken care of everything, okay?" Fiona said as they went to wait by there bus. "I do trust you, it's just. It's better to be safe, than sorry, right?" Van asked, as Fiona quietly nodded. "Come on, Fi. Don't be like that. I'm sorry. Maybe I am too stressed. I guess I can try to have fun," Van said as he took Fiona's hand in his. Van looked around for a bus schedule and saw that they were the only bus to leave at midnight, which meant they were going to the mountains. "So, we're going to the mountains? That's cool. You were right. I do love it," Van said as he leaned down to kiss Fiona softly on the top of her head. "Ha ha. I knew you would. Sorry for the outburst earlier," Fiona said as a light blush fell upon her cheeks. Van took his arms around Fiona and hugged her to his chest. They both knew that the few people who were in the bus-station were staring, but neither of them really cared. Fiona stood on her tip-toes to kiss Van softly, as he returned the gesture. "Loading for the midnight ride to Mount. Ijcha beginning now," a voice came over an intercom, which caused Van and Fiona to seperate. "So, we better get these suitcases loaded onto the bus now," Fiona said as she picked the suitcases up and began walking to their bus, which was one of the few buses out there. "Hey, did you put name..." Van began to say, but was cut off by Fiona putting her finger over his lips. "Okay. Okay. I get it. I won't worry about anything at all for the rest of the week," Van said as he places their suitcases into the baggage hold of the bus. Van and Fiona walked silently to the steps of the bus, and quickly got on. Upon stepping on the bus, they realized that there weren't many people taking the bus to Mount. Ijcha. "After you, mi lady," Van said, offering the window seat to Fiona, who nodded here head silently. "So, Fi. Why did you choose the mountains?" Van asked, trying to spark a conversation. Fiona turned her head to face him and looked as if she were contemplating the answer. "Well, I just thought. 'What would be a place that Van and I could just relax without having to worry about the temptations of a city?' And I came up with the mountains. It was either this or a beach house, and beache are always so crowded. I only want to be with you, no one else. So, the mountains it was," Fiona said, explaining her simple reasoning to Van. Fiona layed her head down on Van's shoulder, just wanting to feel close to him. "I want to be with you too. The mountains sound like a lot of fun. I'm glad you chose this over the beach. Like you said, they are always crowded. But what do you mean by 'temptations of a city?'" Van asked, just as the bus began to run, and pull out of the station. Van looked down to Fiona after two minutes, only to find Fiona sleeping peacefully. " 'Night babe, see you in the morning," Van said, as he decided to fall asleep too. _**I want to walk with you **_ _**On a cloudy day In field's where the yellow grass grows knee-high**_ _**So won't you try to come?**_ After 7 hours of sleeping, Van and Fiona awoke at the same time, to the feeling of the bus coming to a stop. The bus had pulled into the station at Mount. Ijcha, meaning that everyone had to get off to collect their luggage. After a moment of stretching, both Van and Fiona stood to walk off of the bus. They walked to the baggage hold, to find that their suitcases were the last one's to be picked up. "So, how are we even going to get to where we are staying?" Van asked, quietly, just before he yawned. Fiona simply walked over to a rental car place that was across the street from the station, and came back with keys to a car. "I told you I had everything taken care of. Oh. And we are staying in a cabin, all to ourselves," Fiona said, as she walked to a car in the back of the rental car place. Fiona walked until she came to a silver 2001 Mitsubishi Gallant and hit the alarm button on the car to unlock it. Then, Fiona popped the trunk of the car with the alarm and simply motioned for Van to place his suitcase in the trunk, as she did the same. "Okay. So, you really do have everything taken care of. Sorry for being so... I guess, overprotective," Van said quietly as he got into the car; of course he was on the passenger side. Fiona just looked at Van and smiled as she started the car and pulled out of the rental car parking lot. After 20 minutes of driving, Fiona made a left hand turn and pulled into the office of Mount. Ijcha Cabin Resorts. Fiona got out of the car and walked to the door, motioning for Van to stay still until she came back. Fiona came back with a key and some brouchures and handed them to Van. "Wow, look at the view on that picture. That grass must come to your knees, if not your waist," Van said, looking at a brochure that had a mountain side with fields of yellow grass. "Wow. That is so beautiful," Fiona said, as she turned right, and pulled into the drive way of a cabin on the mountain. Van and Fiona got out of the car, quickly grabbing all of their luggage, before walking to the front door of the rather large cabin, which was to be their home for the next week. "Wow, it's really pretty in here," Fiona said as she opened the door to show the living room which was of the colour pattern of beige and burgendy. Fiona and Van walked past the beige couch to the bedroom, which was just down the hallway. Fiona sat her luggage on the bed, which was a sky blue colour, while looking aroung to see the walls were painted like the sky. "Wow, A lot of work went into this room," she Fiona said before flopping down on the bed. "No kidding. It's so detailed. It must have taken them a while to do this," Van said, after sitting on the bed, next to Fiona. Their cabin wasn't big, but it certainly wasn't small. "What should we do first?" Van asked as he stood up with Fiona's hand in his, causing her to reluctantly stand as well. "You know that field with all of the yellow grass in that one brochure?" Fiona asked to recieve a nod from Van in response. "Well, I read that it wasn't too far from here. Do you want to go there?" Fiona asked Van, looking at him with the puppy dog face. Van turned his head to look out the window and began to frown. "Fi, it looks like it's going to rain. Maybe we should wait until it looks clearer," Van said, noting the slightly gray clouds in the sky. Van took one look at Fiona and knew that she was going to protest. He braced himself for whatever excuse she threw at him. "But Van! We are in the mountains. It's going to look like this the whole time," Fiona said, looking hopeful at Van. After seeing the slight shake of his head, she began to contemplate how to get her way. "Please Van? How about this... If it rains, you get to pick what we do for the rest of the week," Fiona said, looking at Van. A grin spread across Fiona's face when she saw the look of despair on Van's face; she knew she had won. Fiona and Van pulled into a parking lot, after 15 minutes of driving. "Wow. it's so pretty! It looks like heaven is shining down on just us," Fiona said as she looked at the rays of light. Van and Fiona began to walk on through the field, with the basket of food they prepared after they noticed that it was almost noon. _"A picnic in a field of yellow. It'll almost be like having a picnic on the sun... just without the heat," _Fiona had said while they were packing.They walked for a good 20 minutes before finding a spot near a tree that looked like the perfect place to have a picnic. Van laid out the blanket while Fiona started to get the sandwhiches they packed out. _**Come away with me and we'll kiss **_ _**On a mountaintop**_ _**Come away with me**_ _**And I'll never stop loving you**_ "You know what? i'm glad you talked me into coming here. This seems like the perfect vacation already," Van said as he took a drink of his lemonade. "I think it's mostly good because you're here with me," Van said as he kissed Fiona on the cheek. "I'm glad you came. It wouldn't have been much fun coming by myself," Fiona said laughing as she kissed Van on the lips lightly. Van and Fiona both got caught in the moment and began kissing each other passionately, yet softly. Suddenly little droplets of water came falling from the sky. At that moment, neither one cared. They continued to kiss as rain began to pour from the sky. As if just noticing the rain, Van and Fiona awoken from their moment of lucid dreaming. They began packing everything into the basket and made a mad dash to the car. "Despite the rain, I think it was still a good picnic. I guess this means you get to pick what we do for the rest of the week," Fiona said as she turned the car on and pulled out of the parking lot. _**And I want to wake up with the rain**_ _**Falling on a tin roof**_ _**While I'm safe there in your arms**_ _**So all I ask is for you**_ _**To come away with me in the night**_ _**Come away with me**_ "Hey Fi. Why don't you take a long bubble bath while I make us dinner?" Van said as they both got up from watching the second movie of the day. After getting back to the cabin, they decided to change and then watch some movies Fiona had brought. They watched, Just Like Heaven and Walk the Line, and thought both were good movies. "Okay. I guess if you want to make dinner by yourself," Fiona said as Van eagerly nodded his head. Fiona turned to get clothes for when she was done with her bath, knowing that Van had something planned, and figured she would just play along. Whatever Van was planning, she knew would be sweet. After an hour, Van was finished making dinner as was Fiona, with her bath and getting ready. Fiona walked into the dining room to see it lit only by candle light and Van sitting there waiting for her. Van immediately got up to pull the chair out for Fiona, and push it in when she was seated. He seemed quite nervous about something. "Thank you Van. This setting is lovely," Fiona said as they both began eating. Conversation through dinner was light, with the occasional compliments. "Fiona, there was a reason I wanted to make dinner. I wanted it to be perfect. I was going to do this last night, but since we came on this trip, I suppose now would be as good a time as any," Van said, with a cool but nervous smile on his face. Anyone could tell that Van was up to something. "Fiona. We've known each other for a long time. We've loved each other almost as long. I was hoping that you would want to spend the rest of your life with me, as I want to, you," Van said, before getting down on one knee next to Fiona. "Fiona, would you marry me?" Van asked, and almost before he could finish the question, Fiona pounced on Van, causing them both to topple onto the gorund. "Yes. I will marry you Van. I don't know why you bothered asking!" Fiona said as she kissed Van with more passion than ever before. Before Fiona knew what was happening, Van took her hand and placed a white gold ring with a diamond in the center of a ruby shaped like a heart, on her left hand 3rd finger. "How did you even get this here without me knowing? I mean, I had everything packed already..." Fiona started to say before Van put a finger over her lips. "I had it in my pocket. I was going to propose to you last night, but you had this trip planned so... yeah," Van said as he felt Fiona's lips meet his in another kiss. At that moment, Fiona got up and took Van's hand. Fiona led Van into the bedroom where they both gave themselves to the one they love most. In the middle of the night, Fiona woke to the sound of the rain falling on the roof of the cabin. She looked up slightly to see Van staring down at her. Fiona blushed, remembering all that they had done. "I'm glad you came on this trip, Van. I'm really really happy. I always want to be able to wake up in your arms. I feel so safe when I'm with you, almost like i'm invincible. Promise you'll always go where I go," Fiona said as she leaned up to kiss Van on the cheek. "If you go somewhere, I promise I will follow. I promise that I will keep you safe for as long as I am able," Van said quietly while kissing the top of Fiona's head. With that last thought in her head, Fiona fell asleep knowing that everything would be alright. * * * **Okay people! that was Come Away With Me.** **Woohoo! my Longest Fic to date! From scratch too.** **If you read it, i would very much appreciate some feed back. remember that this is my first fic that has any fluff in it what-so-ever.** **I would like to know if you thought it was cute, or overly mushy. help me out. thanks.** **P.S. i also do not own Just Like Heaven or Walk the Line, but they are kick ass movies.** End file.
Come Away With Me by Fionasaurus
Antennas Antennas Disclaimer: I'm just using the characters, I don't own them. Thomas Shubaltz stared at the picture of Prozen up on the computer screen. There was something about him that just made Thomas laugh inside and he couldn't figure out what it was. He heard someone coming up behind him and changed to the screen of statistics he was supposed to be studying. "Having problems Thomas?" Asked Karl as he leaned over and put the picture of Prozen back on the screen. "Why are you staring at this?" "I don't know. There is something about him that just makes me laugh inside." Thomas explained his face turning bright red. "What do you think is wrong with me?" Karl gave his brother one of his rare smiles and looked over the picture as well. He didn't want to admit it, but he had the same problem. There was something about Prozen that was just funny. He knew that the man was evil, but something about his face made him funny looking. "There _is_ something funny about his face, but I don't know what it is either." Karl answered switching the screen back as Raven entered the room as quietly as a ghost. He just stood in the doorway and stared at them. "Do you want something Raven?" "You think that there is something funny about Prozen's face?" Raven said in a deadly voice. His face was set in a lethal mask. Karl glared at him and Thomas swore silently. The Raven's face broke into a small smile. "So do I. I think it's his hair that makes me laugh. His bangs look like antennas, don't they?" Both Karl and Thomas stared at him for a moment before they all burst out laughing. Thomas laughed so hard that he had tears running down his face and Raven had to lean against the wall for support. Karl clutched his sides, his chest hurt from laughing so hard. "He does look like he has antennas." Karl said as he calmed down a little bit; he deleted the image from Thomas's computer and made sure it couldn't be recovered. Thomas and Raven were still laughing when Prozen walked into the room. He looked at the three of them and they all went silent. "What was so funny?" He asked staring at each one with an annoyed expression on his face. "Nothing Sir. Just reviewing Van Flyheight's latest battle." Karl said easily pulling up the recording he wanted. It showed Van's battle and the argument with Moonbay afterwards. She had hit him in the back of the head with a broken lever from the Gustav. Prozen nodded and left the room. Raven who was closest to the door watched him until he was out of sight and then held two fingers up to either side of his head and wiggled them around. "Antennas, like I said." Raven said in a stage whisper. All three of them burst out laughing again. End This insanity was written for my friend Dark Zaberfang. Hope you all like it. End file.
Antennas by Silverfox588
Almost Brothers Disclaimer: Nope, Zoids doesn't not belong to me! * * * ><p>So, this is a bit of an experiment, completed within under an hour. I've never written in second-person before, so any feedback is greatly appreciated. Haha, oh Zoids, forever delaying my school work.<p> Post Series. * * * ><p><strong>Van<strong> You wander into the hanger, looking for him, finding him quickly. He's perched on the foot of his Zoid, that same distant, angered look his eye. But you try anyway. "Hey, Raven." He snorts back a retort, but you won't back down. This is serious. This is meaningful. This is more than just being friendly. You two were almost brothers. The offer to stay at your home shakes him up. He raises his brows quickly and frowns like you've touched a sensitive bruise. And maybe you have. Maybe you're getting deeper and closer to his human side. But, swiftly, he crushes your hopes of bonding when he turns away and yells at you for intruding. Persistent, you offer help, a listening ear for his troubles. Everyone needs that, right? His reply cuts you deep, "What could you know about me?" And as he storms out of the hanger, you're puzzled and sad. You know pain and you know suffering. You've lost a father, a mother, and friends. There have been plenty of struggles in your life, countless battles, and pain beyond words. But it's not _his_ pain, they're not _his_ struggles. Your help isn't good enough. You just don't understand. And you wonder what it's like to be so alone. * * * ><p><strong>Raven<strong> You watch him walk into the hanger with that stride of purposefulness, that heroic air hanging about him. All hail the world savior. You want to spit and turn away. The last thing you wanted was to be bothered; the attention from the media has been enough. But you wait for him to speak, your patience willing to try to give him time. You two are almost friends, aren't you? He smiles as he greets you and you mutter something back. What does he want? And when he offers his house and to listen to your troubles, shock radiates through your body. Help? What can be gained by talking to this hero? What does he know of the constant hole in your heart that is only irritated more by invasive acquaintances? He knows nothing of your struggles, the losses and the sacrifices. The hero can never understand the villain. You hop off you Zoid, now annoyed that your time has been interrupted and ruined. As you march past this spoiled man, you scoff at his ignorance. And all you want at the moment is to be alone. * * * ><p><strong>Fiona<strong> You watch the interaction between the polar opposite men. They've had similar experiences, losses, but each took opposite ways of dealing with their life. One, raised with love, took his losses and did his best to make life good. The other one, who had a shattered childhood, was raised in a house of anger. He clutches his resentment, but finds contentment in his mind. Which is better? You cannot say. While your personal preference swings you toward the outwardly happier man, you cannot bring yourself to judge the other. Who's to say what the better result is? You know the darker man would be perfectly happy being alone with his Zoid and Organoid, running through the desert free. Doesn't everyone have the right to do as they wish so long as they don't harm others? Yet, as you come to this conclusion, your heart still aches for the men before you. They are alike in many ways. Both are gloriously brilliant fighters, each have suffered the loss of parents and friends. They know what it is like to lose and win. In another life, another time, they could have been friends. But their differences appear too great. You cannot reconcile their dissimilarities. One is forever reaching out to others. The other is forever reaching inward for answers. They were almost brothers, so close to being raised in the same household, but they ended up worlds apart. * * * ><p>Eh, yeah, I like it. But feedback please?<p> End file.
Almost Brothers by randomcat23
Daddy, Why? Daddy, Why? (A/N I don't own the characters or zoids themselves, and I don't own " I Love You This Much" by Jimmy Wayne.) He can't remember The times that he thought Does my daddy love me? Probably not That didn't stop him from wishing that he did Didn't keep him from wanting Or worshipping him Man, why is it that everytime I turn on the radio this song is playing. Thought Bit, as he was listening to the radio. This song keeps reminding me of what a rotten dad I had. He guesses he saw him About once a year He could still feel the way he felt Standing in tears Stretching his arms out As far as they go Whispering daddy I want you to know (Flashback) " You just got back daddy, where are you going now?" questioned a little boy of about 7 years old. His dad looked down at him, and then turned away and continued to walk towards his car. He hopped into the seat, and without taking one more glance back, he drove away. Out of the little boy's life once more. " Where's he going mom?" said a little boy with tears pouring out of his eyes. " Away son," was the only reply the mother gave the young, weeping child. (End of Flashback) I love you this much And I'm waiting on you To make up your mind Do you love me too? How ever long it takes I'm never giving up no matter what I love you this much Tears were starting to form in Bit's eyes. Dad was never there for me, and yet I still kept my hope that someday he would come back for me and mom. Why didn't he ever come back? " You hear me dad," said Bit, looking up to the sky. " Why didn't you ever come BACK?" " Bit, are you ok?" Leena said as she knocked on the door startling Bit. " Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be out in a few minutes, I'm just finishing getting ready." said Bit back as he threw on his best suit. " Ok, see you in a few minutes." said Leena, walking down the hall. He grew to hate him for what he had done 'cause what kind of father Could do that to his son? He said 'damn you daddy' The day that he died The man didn't blink But the little boy cried " OK, I'm ready to go everybody," said Bit as he came out of his room. " Alright then, let's go," said Doc as he grabbed the keys to the car. " Thanks for coming to the funeral with me everybody." said Bit at the verge of tears again. " No problem buddy," said Brad. I love you this much And I'm waiting on you To make up your mind Do you love me too? How ever long it takes I'm never giving up no matter what I love you this much Stepping out of the car, the team walked into the funeral home. Bit walked over to the coffin, and looked down and stared at the man lying in the casket. He didn't know what to say, and then it hit him. " Dad, you may not have been there for me and mom, but I still love you. And I know you loved me too. You just didn't know how to say it. I just want you to know that I forgive you for not being there, and I want you to know, that I always loved you." said Bit. Then his knees gave in and he fell, sobbing into the old man's tux. Leon and Brad walked over to help Bit to his seat. Half way through the service While the choir sang a hymm He looked up above the preacher And he sat and stared at him He said 'forgive me Father' When he realized That he hadn't been unloved Or alone all his life His arms were stretched out As far as they go Nailed to the cross For the whole world to know The service ended, and Bit walked out side. There he stretched out his arms and looked up to the heavens. He sat there and sang to the Lord. And he yelled at the top of his lungs, " I love you this much!" I love you this much And I'm waiting on you To make up your mind Do you love me too? How ever long it takes I'm never giving up no matter what I love you this much. (A/N So what do you think? My first songfic. Sorry if it doesn't make complete sense. I really didn't take the time to plot it out. Please review whether you liked it or not.) End file.
Daddy, Why? by S.S. Cloud12
Poems Disclaimer: I don't own zoids or its characters. This poem was based on the personalities of a zoid character. BOY DO I WANT A PAPAYA When will I ever eat a papaya again? I wish to have one so much Why must my heart be broken? I haven't done anything to deserve this Papayas aren't the only things that open my heart Zoids and Fiona do to But papayas are the only ones that hurt me so And I don't think I'll get through I see papayas everywhere Out flying and on firm ground I see them when I'm hungry And sometimes when I'm not I need to have a papaya They're so good and juicy They're sweetness of everything That has turned bad. Boy do I want a papaya By Van Freiheit Lieutenant Freiheit Co-produced by Cloud HOW WRONG ARE THEY I have a sad past That is true But that doesn't mean I should be pitied 'Cause my pride doesn't allow me to People think I'm insecure Maybe I am or maybe not But what I am is my damn business It shouldn't concern anyone I am now free Why do people still pity me? They think I can change easily with their help How wrong are they I may have helped Van But that doesn't mean I'm everyone's friend I'm a loner And nothing will change that I probably will change for the better But not because everyone pities me I'll do it for myself So I can truly be free How wrong are they By Raven The Dark One Co-produced by Cloud IT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE I always wondered who I was Ever since Van found me I didn't know anything I had lost my memory My memory came back Sometimes I wish it hadn't Some things I want to forget again They're just too painful I don't care as much about my past now Because I don't need to know I am what I make of myself And not what I was before Now I know who I am I am a member of the Guardian Force My past can't change what I've become It doesn't matter anymore It doesn't matter anymore By Eliza "Fiona" Lynette The Zoidian Girl Co-produced by Cloud WHY AM I SO MISERABLE? My brother was always better than me Except when it came for technology I know I'm better at making electronics There's no way he could make another Beke Then why am I so miserable? I worked hard and long to be a lieutenant Freiheit is so much younger than I am He may have the same rank But I know I'm better Then why am I so miserable? I am in love with Fiona But she doesn't realize that I do She doesn't even love me She loves Van Why am I so miserable? I finally know the answer to my question It's because I don't get what I deserve Karl has the respect that I should have And Van has the person that I love That's why I'm so miserable Why am I so miserable? By Thomas Schubalts Lieutenant Schubalts Co-produced by Cloud MY CURSE I have lied in agony The pain I caused others And the pain I caused myself Will always haunt me I caused someone to die twice How many people have done that? Not many that I know of I fell in love with someone too But will he ever notice it? I doubt so Because I am cursed I do not get my work cut off Everything I do must bring pain I will live all my life like this Because it is my curse My curse By Ryss The Blue Devil Co-produced by Cloud DEATH SORER The almighty Death Sorer A massive destruction It brings death with extreme pain It is perfect for my ambitions Who would have thought that it even existed? None but me I am its true owner Because I knew it was real I brought him to life Thanks to Raven's help Without him collecting zoid cores for me I would have never done it Even with Raven's handiwork It still belongs to me Because I came up with the plan To revive it for me and me only The Death Sorer is mine No one else deserves it I am the maniacal mastermind No one else should have my Death Sorer Death Sorer By Gunter Prozen The Dark Kaiser Co-produced by Cloud MY EMPIRE My grandfather has passed away So I must take over It is my duty As the only one with royal blood Prozen wants it He's a fucking bastard (sorry OOC) He should never have it He'd bring death to everyone I do not need the ring To claim my empire I am Prince Rudolph And I'm the only one Traveling with Van taught me plenty There are many people I have to take care of They were a weird bunch But I sure liked them a lot My empire By Rudolph the Third Young emperor Co-produced by Cloud That's it with my poems. If you want another character to be " poemed up" you can always ask and I'll do them if I have 6 other characters to post ( because they come in groups of 7). NC0 accepted. If you don't like these poems because you don't believe the characters felt this way or for some other stupid reason. Tell me what you think the poem should be about and I might do it and post it but I hope you filthy bastard readers will appreciate my poems more than being insulted by me (that was a joke. Ha-ha. Laugh with me you imbeciles) So you can flame me but I could get revenge by making a bad poem about you so BEWARE!!! Thanks for reading this and you better review cause I ain't typing and posting something so you ingrates can read it without telling me what you thought of it. Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! Read & Review! End file.
Poems by WhiteCloud
Impossible Things Haven't you ever wondered how the major escaped that base? Not only that, but why it was never looked at in detail? Quite obviously I do not own the zoids franchise... but here's an answer to those questions, enjoy! (I honestly cannot find the name of that base now... If anyone can tell me it I'd be grateful, thanks!) * * * A list of impossible things. He was leaning quite happily against the bank of computers as all the officers ran around the room or plain fled. The chaos was almost entertaining, watching them all run amok and completely forget about him, the one had caused this chaos in the first place. To be fair, who would expect a bound prisoner, who happened to be a major two minutes before, to hit the base's self-destruct button? Major Schubaltz smiled slightly, his equivalent of a grin, it was good to know that this place would not be used by the enemy in future, he was slightly disappointed that they had underestimated him, but it had worked to his advantage. He leant back and closed his eyes, still smiling as he quietly spoke to himself. "My job here is done, I have served my purpose, it will be my pleasure to go down fighting." "Well you're certainly not fighting to live are you?" came a woman's voice from next to him, leading his eyes to open and look at the girl watching him. She couldn't have been more than 18 and certainly wasn't any officer of theirs. For one thing she was wearing a long golden coat over white t-shirt and trousers, for another she actually had long brown hair fully let down to float around her arms, which were folded. "Come on, you need to get out of here." "No, my time has come. I am not sad to see it, I would not wish to serve a corrupt emperor." By this time the command centre was empty and he unconcernedly studied the girl, "Who are you?" "A friend," she said shortly, "come on!" she made a move to grab his arm and pull, then stopped. She must know who he was then. Her hand changed direction to touch his bound wrists for a moment, the cuffs falling to the floor as he looked at his hands in dreamy detachment. "The incompetence, they must not have sealed them properly." "Yeah, sure, whatever you say..." The girl said before glaring at him, "Now do you want to live or not? Because sure as heck I can't pilot a zoid!" "There's no point trying now," the major indicated the countdown, "we'd never make the hanger, let alone clear the blast radius." "You never know until you try, right?" the stranger said with a grin. Suddenly the dream-like state shattered, the Major returning to himself at the semi-familiar words, though the voice he remembered saying them was rather different. The intrusion of the sirens on his senses was a little irritating, but he still started to run, the girl not far behind him as they pelted through corridors. As the pair streaked into the hanger the Major frowned. That should have taken 10 minutes and several sets of stairs, yet he hadn't noticed any of them? Another impossible thing to add to his mental list. He must have been paying severely little attention, it ought to be remedied. The pair jumped into the modified Zaber fang as the voice outside continued to count down. "I suggest strapping yourself in tight, I will be going fast." "Even I knew that one, but in a Zaber Fang you can only go so fast," she retorted, though she strapped herself in anyway. "Then let us hope another impossible thing happens," he stated simply as the zoid powered up and the canopy lowered. The cat-like zoid sped away from the base, leaving the other machines and the base behind. "We'll still be pushing it to escape the blast radius," the major commented idly, eyes not leaving the area in front of him, "even going at top speed we're going to be too close." "I'm sure that if you really push it we can manage it," his passenger replied brightly as they grazed top speed. The major frowned, he had been so sure that the zoid would go faster than usual with his unusual passenger onboard. "How did you get into the base anyway?" "Err... Nevermind." The Major was not a great fan of cartoons, but even HE could spot a sweatdrop moment. The passenger closed her eyes and concentrated, hands gently resting on the side panels. What he couldn't see was the golden light that danced through the zoid, coiling around the core as the engines responded to the new energy, increasing in speed until the ground beneath them started to blur. In the cockpit the Major's eyes flicked to the speed counter. By far above their top speed, but the zoid was still holding together and he was, miraculously, in control. He loved being right. Fire expanded behind them, shooting in all directions as the countdown ran out, overtaking the zoids behind them and racing after them. Somewhere an engine exploded, Somewhere else a flying zoid fell to the flames, the shadow holding its shape in freefall for a moment before disintegrating. The Zaber Fang sprinted for its life, racing the fire that was stretching out for it with greedy hands and determined to outrun the danger even as it crept closer. The pilot couldn't see it, but in his mind's eye it loomed large on their tail, sensors telling him EXACTLY how far away the explosion was. Time seemed to stretch as the blast caught up to them, creeping up on the zoid as they flashed across the landscape. He never had been a fan of giving a running commentary on the situation, so their race was silent, both pilot and zoid pushing their limits as their speed peaked. Fire licked at their backs, the tail should be melting, the back legs should be melting... but they weren't, they were still pounding, still racing the explosion. Suddenly the fire started to lose its enthusiasm, as if it had realised that the Zaber Fang wasn't going to be claimed by the power of the blast. With a triumphant bound the zoid leapt out of the flames, a few curls of flame clinging to the metal for a moment before burning themselves out. The Fang still sped onwards, the zoid slowly returning to a normal speed as they escaped the danger, though golden light still eddied around the machine, the last remnants of its protection. "So what are you going to do now?" His passenger asked, "Now that you know Rudolf's alive?" "I think I'll collect my own forces to try and help him," he said, not questioning the trustworthiness of the girl, "Prozen has gone too far to be allowed to continue." The girl nodded approvingly behind him and they continued in silence. After a while of silent travelling the Zaber fang slowed and stopped near a river, settling itself as the canopy opened and the Major jumped out, making his way to the much-needed water. It was a moment before he realised the girl hadn't got out when he did, when he did notice however, he remained by the river, finishing his drink before calmly making his way back to the zoid and looking into the cockpit. He wasn't entirely surprised to find it empty. However, he did aim a blink at the still-fastened harness. So, she apparently hadn't even left her seat. He supposed that was one more thing to add to his impossible story. Major Schubaltz decided then that he would let everyone else come up with how he escaped from the base. Who would believe him? Even he didn't entirely believe what had happened. It seemed that Van Flyheight wasn't the only one capable of miracles. End file.
Impossible Things by Estantia
I Will Always Return "I Will Always Return" Hello all, ShadowSpinner here. Yet another one-shot songfic from me. It seems like most of my stories are one-shots...oh well! It's a B/L romance, of course. Hope you enjoy! The song is "I Will Always Return", by Bryan Adams, off the Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack. Disclaimer: Zoids ain't mine. ///song lyrics/// Bit's thoughts {Liger's thoughts} ///I hear the wind call your name It calls me back home again/// Bit Cloud sighed. It was his third month of vacation, and he was lonely. He wasn't actually alone. Since he defeated the Berserk Fury and won the Royal Cup for the Blitz Team, he and Liger 0 were famous. Everywhere he went, people wanted his autograph and pretty girls asked for dates. He was flattered at first, but it soon grew dull. It was late afternoon, and Bit was sitting in the desert, in the shade of the Liger. He yawned and opened his green eyes to stare at the cloudless sky. "I'm bored!" Liger said. "I wanna get back so we can start battling again." Bit grinned at him. "You mean you aren't enjoying our vacation?" "I was, but I'm not anymore. And I can tell that you aren't either." Bit smiled again. "Yeah, I guess..." A hot wind blew by, ruffling his wild blond hair. That's probably Leena, calling me back so we can win some more battles and earn prize money, so she can buy more guns for her Gunsniper. She always did have a lot of hot air to blow off. He grinned at the thought. ///It sparks up a fire - a flame that still burns Oh it's to you I'll always return/// He sighed. "You know," he said out loud, "for all her screaming and violent tendencies, I sure do miss her." "Who, Leena?" Liger asked. "Yeah. I kinda miss her screaming at me about her cookies. It's kinda comforting, in a sadistic sorta way." ///I still feel your breath on my skin I hear your voice deep within/// "I can practically hear her yelling at me when we get back." Bit grinned and imagined her face. "After all, we were only supposed to be gone for two months. Everyone's probably either really worried or really angry." "Leena will definitely be the worst. She's always the loudest," Liger said. "Doc will be overjoyed, Brad will be calm as ever, Jamie will be slightly angry, then really happy, and then he'll forget you were late. Leena, however, will yell and scream and probably twist your body in ways it shouldn't go. Bit winced. Oww, he thought. "But I still miss her..." ///The sound of my lover - a feeling so strong It's to you - I'll always belong/// "Yeah, well I miss battling," Liger grumbled. "It's been relaxing and all, but I really wanna get back." "I feel the same," said Bit. "Duh," said Liger. "We're partners, remember? "Yeah, partners," Bit repeated. "Well, buddy, I agree. I think we should head back." "Great!" Liger exclaimed. "Shall I get in touch with the base for you?" "Naw, let's make it a surprise," Bit said, getting up and stretching. ///Now I know it's true My every road leads to you And in the hour of darkness darlin' Your light gets me through/// ~_~_~Flash-forward: A week later, nighttime~_~_~ "Don't you think we should take a break?" Liger asked Bit, who was trying not to fall asleep. "Umm, I guess," Bit said reluctantly. Man, I really wanted to get there tomorrow morning... "Forget it," Liger said, sensing his trouble. "I know the way back to the base. You go to sleep. I'll wake you if there's any trouble." "Thanks, Liger," Bit said, smiling fondly. "You're a great friend and as awesome partner." "I know," said Liger. "Now go to sleep." Bit relaxed his hands and legs. He leaned his head back and was soon fast asleep and dreaming. ///Wanna swim in your river - be warmed by your sun Bathe in your waters - 'cause you are the one/// In his dream, Bit was back at the base. He was older, about eighteen, it looked like. And he was running for his life, Leena right on his tail. "BIT CLOUD!" she screamed, her face almost as red as her hair. "Stop right there with my cookie!" "Catch me, Leena!" Bit called, laughing as he sped up. "You asked for it!" Leena sped up as well, leaped, and tackled him. They were outside the base by this time, and they went rolling down a small rocky hill. The cookie disintegrated into dust through all this, and Leena moaned out loud. "BIT! My cookie..." "Sorry, Leena," Bit managed to grunt out. Finally, they came to the bottom of the hill. Bit was on his back, with Leena laying in top of him. Her face was pressed against his chest, and her arms were wrapped around his waist. She sat up, shaking her head. "Ow, that hurt," she complained, running her hands through her hair. She suddenly realized she was straddling Bit and blushed, getting off him quickly. "Sorry," she said, turning redder. "S'ok," Bit said, blushing as well and sitting up. ///I can't stand the distance - I can't dream alone I can't wait to see you Yes, I'm on my way home/// Bit stared up at the sky. "It's a nice day today, isn't it?" he said. Leena looked up. "Yeah," she agreed, sitting down next to Bit. "The sky sure is beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you," Bit said to her, looking at the side of her face. "Huh?" asked Leena, startled. She turned to face him, and suddenly his lips were on hers, claiming them in a long, sweet kiss. Slowly, then with growing enthusiasm, she returned it. ///Oh, I hear the wind call your name The sound that leads me home again It sparks up a fire - a flame that still burns Oh, it's to you - I will always return/// "Woah!" Bit yelled, waking up. "What a weird dream!" "What happened?" Liger asked. "I kissed her," Bit muttered, holding his head in his hands. "Who, Leena?" "Yeah. It was so weird...she was chasing me...we were outside...falling down a hill...kissing..." "Sounds weird, I guess," Liger said. "You guess?" Bit repeated. "Well, I don't have dreams like that. Love isn't exactly something I have to worry about." "Liger, did you say 'love'? I do not love her. We're just friends, and I miss her like anyone would miss their friend!" "Oh, I'm sorry," said Liger. {Keep telling yourself that, Bit. It's not true and we both know it.} "Don't be," said Bit. "It's totally okay. I'm just tired, so I'm sorry I snapped at you." "S'ok," Liger said. ///Wanna swim in your river - be warmed by your sun Bathe in your waters - 'cause you are the one/// Bit leaned back, trying to get back to sleep. But the dream wouldn't leave him alone. I kissed her...and she liked it. It was just a dream, after all. I guess anything could happen in a dream. She would never do that in real life. She'd beat the crap out of me and then ask Doc throw me off the team. But he won't, because he needs me and Liger. Or does he...? Bit shook his head. They wouldn't throw me off, he told himself firmly. They're my friends and my teammates. I really miss them. I hope we get back soon. Bit slowly drifted off to sleep. ///I can't stand the distance - I can't dream alone I can't wait to see you Yes, I'm on my way home/// "BIT!" Liger yelled at him. "Wake up, dude, we're almost there." "Oh, right. Thanks a lot, Liger," Bit replied, shaking the sleep out of his head. "No prob. But you owe me a good polishing," Liger said. Bit chuckled. "Sure thing, partner." The base was near now. The sun was just rising, casting a golden orange and red glow on all the rocks and sand. The metal walls of the base gleamed, practically calling out to Bit and the Liger. Jamie's probably the only one up this early, Bit thought. Brad will be up next, followed by Doc, then Leena. Guess I'll really surprise them when they walk into the kitchen. Liger ran into the hangar and took his customary spot. He opened the cockpit, and Bit jumped out, stretching. He looked around. Yup, everything was still the same as he remembered it. ///Oh, I hear the wind call your name The sound that leads me home again It sparks up a fire - a flame that still burns Yeah, I'm on my way/// "Bit?" came a voice tentatively from across the hangar. Bit whirled to face Leena, still in her pajamas. She stepped forward and rubbed her eyes. "Is it really you?" she asked. "Of course it's me," Bit said. "Whatcha doin' up so early?" "I thought I heard something..." She was walking toward him slowly. "You're late, you know," she said. "Uh, yeah," Bit said, trying to think up a good excuse. " see..." "Can it," she said. "I'm in no mood for your excuses. I'm going back to bed. I'll beat you up later." With that, she spun on her heel and left, leaving Bit with a good amount of apprehension in his stomach. "Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll forget," he said out loud. The Liger snorted. "Doubtful." "Thanks for the confidence booster, buddy," Bit said sarcastically. "Anytime." ///I will always return, yes I will always return/// Bit walked into the kitchen, where Jamie was cooking breakfast. "Hey, wassup?" Bit greeted him. Jamie yelped in surprise and spun around. "Bit!" he exclaimed. "You're back! I didn't hear you get in. How long have you been here?" "'Bout ten minutes," Bit replied. "How's everything been?" "Boring. It good that you're back; it'll be nice to get back to battling." "Yeah, me and Liger were bored, too." "Which reminds me..." said Jamie, pointing a spatula at Bit, "you're late! Do you know how irresponsible that is?" "Well, yeah, but I'm here now, and that's all that matters. Right?" Bit answered. "...Right!" Jamie exclaimed, smiling. Brad walked into the room, followed by Doc. "Hey, Bit," Brad said. "Good to have you back." He walked over to the coffee maker and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Yes!" Doc exclaimed excitedly. "This means we can go back into battle now! And just wait until you see my new models!" Bit sweatdropped. ///I've seen every sunset and with all that I've learned, Oh, it's to you I will always, always return/// With Bit's return, things quickly got back to normal. Leena gave Bit the beating she promised him, of course, along with a long lecture. They went into many battles and won most of them, making a huge reputation for the Blitz team. They were a team to be reckoned with. Everyone got along as they normally did. It was almost as if things had never changed. And really, they hadn't. But Bit still would lie awake at nights and think about that dream he had. Many times he debated with himself on whether or not he should tell Leena about, but he never did. He didn't want her to laugh at him, or worse, ruin their friendship. Leena seemed content already, and he didn't want to mess things up. So life continued normally. A little over a year after his return to the Blitz team, Bit decided to peruse the kitchen and get something to eat. He found a huge cookie in the cupboard with Leena's name on the package. So naturally, he unwrapped it. He was about to take a bite when Leena entered the kitchen. "Bit, that's mine!" she screamed. Bit bolted, Leena chased him, just like always. "BIT CLOUD!" she screamed, her face almost as red as her hair. "Stop right there with my cookie!" "Catch me, Leena!" Bit called, laughing as he sped up. "You asked for it!" Leena sped up as well, leaped, and tackled him. They were outside the base by this time, and they went rolling down a small rocky hill. Bit's face split into a grin. This was seeming way too familiar. And he had a feeling he knew exactly what was gonna happen next... Oh yeah, I'm definitely home... A/N: Hmm, I kinda strayed from the song, didn't I? Sorry. Anyways, I hope you liked it! Please review. Sorry about the spacing. I meant to put more spaces between the song lyrics and the story, but won't let me. End file.
I Will Always Return by Tamakia'gss
Lessons Learned Alright, just a little drabble of a conversation between Karl and Rob. Nothing really special, but I thought it was kind of fun... DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything here. Accusations on this matter are punishable by the Gravity Cannon. o.o * * * Karl Schubaltz exited his office, feeling absolutely dreadful. He hadn't slept in three days...sleep? What was that? They were so busy fixing all the mess that Hiltz and the Deathsaurer had caused that he was lucky if he was able to step out for a moment like this. His boots made a hollow echo as he ascended the staircase leading to the rooftop of the base. Relief spread through his system as the cool night air hit his face. Crossing the rooftop, he leaned over the railing and surveyed what was going on down below. He could clearly make out the forms of Thomas, Van, Irvine and Raven. The maverick pilot had since joined the Guardian Force and was fitting in surprisingly well... A slow smile spread across his features as he faintly caught the sound of Thomas yelling at Raven to stop fooling around with Beek. The four of them all began yelling at each other in unison, but he knew they were just empty threats. That was how those four got along with each a house on fire. Sighing, he reached into his pocket and pulled out two objects. One was a cigarette, the other was lighter. Placing the cigarette between his lips, he led the lighter up for a moment, running his thumb over the name engraved on it. _Johnathan Schubaltz_ That was his grandfather's name. This had been his lighter and he considered it to be "good luck". He'd given it to Karl's father who, in turn, had given it to him. He briefly wondered of someday he had a son to give it to... "Van, you idiot, that's very delicate equipment!" "Hey, I haven't slept in three days, Thomas! I'm doing the best I can!" "So are we Freiheight, but we're somehow managing not to fuck up the job." "Shut the hell up, Raven!" this rate, he'd probably die before his next paycheck came. Shrugging, he flicked the lighter open and lit the end of his cigarette. He coughed slightly as he inhaled. You see, Karl actually didn't smoke. Hell, he didn't even know why he was right now. He barely noticed Rob Hermann walk up behind him. The Republican Colonel leaned against the railing next to him, undoing the top button and loosening the collar of his uniform. "I didn't know you smoked, Schubaltz." Rob said suddenly. Karl inhaled, coughing slightly. He closed his eyes as he exhaled slowly, before opening them to look at Rob. "I don't." ", does it help with the stress?" he asked. Karl studied the cigarette in his hand before shrugging. "Not really." "Huh. I always heard it did. Ah, well...there goes that rumor." Rob said with a chuckle. The two stood in silence for a moment, watching the four below them. O'Connell had come out since then, trying to calm the four of them down. In the end, the poor Captain was chased away by Raven wielding a large wrench. Hermann had a little laugh at his subordinate's expense...sometimes O'Connell was just too skittish. He was struck by a sudden thought and decided to relay it to the Imperial Colonel standing next to him. "Bet you never though it would turn out like this when you enlisted." Rob said. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing." Karl noted with a slight smile. "I suppose I was thinking what my father and his father before me were...go to war, fight, maybe you die, maybe you come home, maybe you get old before the war ends...things like that." "Yeah...I really only enlisted because my dad sort of expected it from me. Y'know...President's Son thing. Makes me wonder what I would have done if I HADN'T enlisted." Rob said, watching Van howl in pain as he dropped a heavy pipe on his foot. "Mmmm. It's like...well, for instance, all I wanted to do from the time I was a kid was to be a soldier. I worked harder than anyone else at the academy, learned the art of war inside and out, and learned to pilot a Zoid with as much skill as I could muster. Then, I find myself here and a person like me can't just drop out of the military. This is all I know." Hermann stared at him strangely for a moment. It wasn't often the other spoke quite like this. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm unhappy, I just...well, you have to wonder if there's something more besides this." Karl said. "I know exactly what you're saying. In times of peace such as this, there's no use for a military. We're probably going to get fat and old, dying one day of boredom as we sit at our desks trying to red the print on the paperwork through our coke-bottle glasses." Hermann said with a laugh. "Guys like us...this is what we do." "Huh." The lapsed into another silence. A gentle breeze drifted through and Karl closed his eyes appreciatively, letting the wind tease his golden lochs. He would rather it be peaceful like this from now on, but there was some part of him that still longed for the thrill of battle. That feeling you get after a long fight and you know you're going to pull out the victor. Days like that, he imagined, were probably going to be hard to come by now. He could already hear Van complaining in the back of his mind about the lack of action. And what about those boys? What would they do now? They were professional pilots, members of the Guardian Force, but if there was truly to be peace then what else could they possibly do? The thought saddened him slightly. Those four were wild birds. You can't keep them in a cage. He'd seen what had happened to a wild bird that was caged. Slowly but surely, its feathers started to lose their sheen, it began eating and drinking less and less, it stayed in one corner of the cage, until at last, the poor thing died. It died of a broken soul. So what would happen to them if they were forced to be caged? "At least you learn things in the military, though. Discipline, manners, tactics...those are pretty valuable on or off the battlefield." Hermann noted. "I see what you mean. Well, Hermann, I'll let you in on the three most important things I've learned as an officer." Karl said. "Shoot." Hermann said with a grin. "Well, first of all..." Karl said, inhaling on his cigarette, a cough mingling with a laugh as he exhaled. "...I hate cigarettes. Second, Guinness goes good with a Tequila Shot. And, if you have enough Guinness..." He paused for a moment, as though debating over something in his head. Then, he rolled up the sleeve of his military uniform and showed Hermann his upper arm. The Republic Colonel was shocked into silence at the sight of a small tattoo of a Zaber Fang there. "...they don't really hurt that much." Karl said with a smirk. Rolling his sleeve back down, he crushed the cigarette beneath his boot and turned to the door, waving back over his shoulder and leaving a very stunned Hermann in his wake. He listened to the echo of his boots again as he descended the sounded less hollow this time. -Owari- * * * Well, hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if either character was a bit OOC...I usually try to keep as far away from that as possible, but sometimes it manages to creep its way into my writings. >.> Reviews are appreciated, flames will be donated to local boy scouts so they can make smores. End file.
Lessons Learned by Axel Lives
Who needs adventures? (A/N: We all love self-insert fics, don't we? Well, this is fic is an example of why I should never write another self-insert, ever. And for those of you who don't really understand, this is a parody/crack fic. And I don't own, nor have made cup holders, those belong to, well, who ever made cup holders. I also don't own Zoids. Enjoy!) One day, I suddenly awoke on the planet Zi! What a surprise! Well, I did what anyone would do if they found themselves in a strange new world they somehow knew about. I ran around in a circle screaming in panic as everyone I ever knew or loved where either currently dead, or never existed. Well, after crying and running for an hour, I finally faced facts; I was on my own. So, I decided what I had to do. I needed to get citizenship. Well, after lying and bagging for about a month while living off handouts (I somehow found myself outside a big city), I finally got my citizenship. I was an official, registered citizen of the Helic Republic. This meant I could do things like vote, or join the military, even pilot a Zoid. But more importantly, it meant I could get a job. So, I found work at a small diner, and pretty much lived off the minimal wage I received. But it was a living, and the money I did't spend on food or the rent to the crappy apartment I rented went to my "secret fund". And sure enough, I one day had enough money in this "fund" to change Zi forever, for I, Zoids Fanatic was going to file a patent on the first ever cup holders for Zoids! Sure, they laughed when I made the request, but they where shown wrong, for the cup holders in the Zoids became a big hit, and I was soon raking in the fruits of my labor. It was around this time that Van Flyheight had begun his quest, but I didn't care, cause I was ranking in the dough. But soon enough, I "vanished" from the scene, still getting money from my cup holders, of course. For you see, as I knew Zoids, I knew of the destruction that was to happen. And when it finally happened (two years later) I was the first to jump on the scene, using some of my wealth to start a charity foundation in order to help the people of Zi. Money for this foundation starting flowing in, and I has boosted to world-wide status. Of course, I mainly kept out of the spotlight, as to not draw to much attention to myself. Around the same time, the military was trying to rebuild it's Zoid forces. And while this was going smoothly, I decided to pitch about my Zoid cup holders. It worked, and soon, my cup holders began to appear in many military Zoids. Later on in life, I bought the rights to the title of the book "My Life", by Van Flyheight, and made it into a movie, which gained a cult following, and positive reviews. And that's my story! The end. End file.
Who needs adventures? by Zoids Fanatic
1. Fiona gets a Zoid Fiona's Ambition Author's Note: What if Fiona got a Zoid and decided to be a pilot? How would it be different? This takes place when Van and Irvine counter-attack while Hiltz's forces are attacking the Ultrasaurus. This will be a Van/Fiona pairing. "It's not fair dammit," Fiona thought while crying. "Van and Irvine always get to battle while I'm sitting here waiting for Van to hopefully come back and not get killed in battle! If only I had a Zoid, then I could fight too. "Wait a minute, that's it!" Fiona mentally exclaimed as she dried her eyes. Fiona then took the Gustav and went out looking near the base for a decent Helcat to salvage and repair. After searching for a while, she found a Helcat that could work with mild repairs. Fiona got inside the zoid and walked it onto the trailer and then headed back to the base. "I know Van wouldn't approve, but I'll deal with that later," Fiona decided as she got the Helcat into the hangar and started repairs. Awhile later Colonel Shubaltz came in and interrupted Fiona. "Fiona, we're now moving all zoids and people onto the aircraft carrier including the Ultrasaurus. And whose zoid is that?" Colonel Shubaltz inquired. "Mine, sir. But what about Van and Irvine?" "We'll wait and pray for their safe return." Fiona moved her zoid onto the ship and waited for Van. After awhile, she got the zoid to walk/run properly. It was at that moment, Van and Zeke came down into the hangar, docking the Liger. "Van!" Fiona shouted as she ran up to him and hugged him. "Hi Fiona it's great to be back. Whose Helcat are you working on?" "Mine Van." Uh oh a cliffhanger. If anyone was interested in this, please write a review! Otherwise, I'll trash this if I don't get at least 5 reviews. -BlkStrmSwrdr17 2. Van's Response Fiona's Ambition ch. 2 Author's Note: To G-Force1, I forgot Fiona piloted a pteris to find out about the Death Stinger. Oh well. Anyway, it's not probable that there'd be many available pterises at this point, considering all the remaining zoids were at the aircraft carrier. Anyway, where we last left off, Van just found out about Fiona's new zoid. And now, ch. 2! "No, Fiona absolutely not!" Van shouted. "But Van, why not?" "Fiona you could get hurt, or even worse, killed!" Zeke then roared a comment. "Zeke, you stay out of this!" Van declared. Zeke then got scared because Van never yelled at him and hid behind the Blade Liger. "Look Van, you could get killed too! I mean, the Death Stinger is a really powerful zoid and one direct hit from the particle gun, and you'd get killed!" Alright, Fiona I understand you there, but why do you have the sudden interest to fight? You never once asked before to pilot a zoid and why now?" Van asked softening his tone. "Now's as good a time to tell him," Fiona thought. "Well Van, ever since you released me from the pod in the ruins, I've had feelings for you. I always wanted to tell you, but I couldn't find the courage to. I want to pilot a zoid to fight alongside you and if you were to be killed in action, I'd feel dead too. I'm always stuck waiting to know if you were to come back alive. I cried my eyes out for you while you were fighting Hiltz and his forces in the storm. What I'm trying to say Van, is that I love you." "Uh oh, I think I overdid it," Fiona thought. Van was staring at the ground now and he rose his face up to reveal a smile. "Fiona, I love you too." Van and Fiona then kissed. It was now Irvine came down and docked his Lightning Siax quietly. He saw Zeke and walked up to him. "Hey Zeke do you know where Van and Fiona are?" Irvine whispered. Zeke pointed to where Van and Fiona were in mid-kiss. Irvine walked a little closer and accidentally kicked a toolbox. "Shit! I hope Van doesn't get pissed." Irvine thought. "What was that?" Fiona asked, breaking the kiss. Van immediately spotted Irvine and Zeke behind the Blade Liger. "Hi, Irvine it's great to see you." Van greeted, obviously annoyed. " Um. sorry. Hey, who's Helcat is that?" Irvine asked trying to change the subject. "It's mine, Irvine." "Fiona, are you sure Van would like that idea?" "We were "discussing" that until you interrupted." Van interjected. "Anyway, Irvine and Van, would you mind helping me repair my new Helcat?" "Sure Fiona, anything for you," Van winked. "And you Irvine?" "Um. I'm hungry I'm gonna go up to get a bite to eat." Irvine excused himself. Van wasn't a kid anymore and not one to piss off, and he wasn't fun to hang around when he got mad. Van and Fiona worked hard on the Helcat until they were done. They were about to take a break when Herman's voice came on the intercom. "All zoids to the deck, I repeat all zoids to the deck, Hiltz's forces are attacking. "I guess that means us, Van" No, that means me. You haven't piloted your zoid yet." "But Van, we'll do the test in real battle. If you just let me borrow Zeke," "Fine alright." I'll keep on continuing this as long as you guys like it and review. Notice how this chapter was longer? Anyway in the next chapter everyone fights Hiltz's forces. What're those air zoids he uses called, I forgot. Anyway please review if you like this story. -BlkStrmSwrdr17 3. Battle on the Deck Fiona's Ambition Ch. 3: Battle on the Deck Author's Note The zoids I was talking about were the ones Hiltz attacks the Ultrasaurus with not the cockroaches. Thanks for your help guys. Anyway, last time we left off when everyone was going to mobilize against Hiltz's forces. And now without further ado, chapter 3! It seemed everyone was going onto the deck to fight Hiltz's Sinkers. Van and Irvine took the initiative and shot Sinkers down and outmaneuvered their shots. Fiona, on the other hand, found a good sniping spot and kept shooting Sinkers down, being invisible she didn't have to worry about being seen and Moonbay was manning the guns of the Ultrasaurus. The Shubaltz bros were also out there. "Van and Fiona you two destroy all the Sinkers approaching from the left and I'll help Colonel and Lieutenant Shubaltz with the Sinkers on the right." Irvine instructed. "Will do." Van responded. "Okay." Fiona replied. Fiona then got shot at by a Sinker she screamed in surprise. "How did he see me?" "Fiona, he didn't. He noticed where your shots were coming from. You gotta stay on the move." Van answered. "Alright, then. Zeke, you evade enemy fire while I shoot Sinkers down, ok?" Zeke roared translatable something to that of "I will." He understood Fiona wasn't a pilot quite as good as Van yet. "Fiona, Van how's it going over there?" "Pretty well, Irvine. How about you guys?" Fiona reported. Colonel Shubaltz smashed a Sinker flying low with the Kong's huge fist and Thomas shot down around 10 with a Megalomax. Irvine shot another down. "Ditto here." The Sinkers were running low in numbers. After a few more Megalowmaxes, there were no more left on Irvine's side. And with Fiona sniping on the other side and Moonbay shooting some down, there was but one Sinker left. It kept shooting and running. "Fiona, stay still. I got a plan to get it." "Okay, Van" Van quickly jumped on top of Fiona's Helcat, and used it to spring off of, and cut the last Sinker with his blades. "Whoa! I'm glad that's done with!" exclaimed Van. "Don't look now, but here's the Death Stinger!" Hiltz already had the particle gun charged and aimed for the Ultrasaurus. Luckily, Moonbay ducked in time. "Damn, that was too close!" she declared. The Death Stinger was starting to charge again. "Look Van, you see that ice on the ocean floor by the Death Stinger?" "Yeah?" "Shoot it!" "Why?" "JUST DO IT!" Irvine shouted the same way he always does when he wants something done. "I will. You don't have to yell." Van responded. A/N: Remember, Van and Fiona were in the hangar during the briefing. "What're they shooting at? Ah damn it!" Hiltz screamed as he realized what was going on. The methane ice exploded and entrapped Hiltz as the aircraft carrier sped away. They were nearing the base. Sorry if this one sucked. I couldn't think of how to make it different really only with Fiona fighting in this. I promise the next one will be as good as the last two. I got some really good ideas. It'll have more Van/Fiona too. Any thoughts on how to make fights better are welcomed. Please don't leave a bad review. (as in a flame) -BlkStrmSwrdr17 4. Preparations for the Final Battle Fiona's Ambition Ch. 4: Preparations for the Final Battle Author's Note: This question is going to the reviewer Holly: What did you mean by it was weird for Fiona to say she loves Van? Do you think they're a bad couple? I mean there's plenty of evidence she does. Like every time he battles, she cries his name. And another time Van told Zeke to go ahead cuz he wanted to be alone with Fiona. Or was it just the way I wrote it? Please leave another review. I'm curious. Anyway, here's chapter 4. I need between 15-20 reviews to write the next chapter because I need to know if you like how it's going or how to make it better. The aircraft carrier was nearing the base. Herman's voice boomed on the intercom: "All personnel prepare for landing, I repeat, all personnel prepare for landing. We'll arrive at the base in 25 minutes. All zoids dock now." Fiona, on the other hand, didn't move her zoid. Inside her head, a whole different battle was going on. The Death Stinger had broken out of the pyramid shield and dodged the gravity cannon's shell. Hiltz laughed as he charged up the particle cannon. "I'll see you in hell Flyheight, now die!" Van desperately put the shield up, but he didn't have enough power left to defend himself. Thomas and Irvine stood still in fear. The particle cannon tore through the Blade Liger, completely destroying it, and killing Van and Zeke. Fiona's premonition was ended by Van opening a comm. link. "Fiona, what's the matter? We were told to dock 5 minutes ago, and you haven't moved. Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm just feeling a little light-headed, that's all." Van and Fiona then docked their zoids. Van quickly jumped out, while Fiona slowly climbed out. When she finally got to the ground, she fainted. Van picked her up in his arms and took her to a bunk and waited for her to wake up. "What happened? Van?" "Fiona, after getting out of your Helcat, you fainted. Do you feel ill?" "No." "Then what happened? Did you have a premonition?" "Yes," Fiona croaked. "Please then, tell me about it. I'll listen." "Well, you, Irvine, and Thomas were fighting the Death Stinger. You failed in destroying it, and then Hiltz. killed you with the particle cannon. Then, I came out of it." "It's alright Fiona, I'm here for you." Van said as he hugged her. They held the embrace until Thomas came in. "Van, Fiona, we've arrived at the base." Thomas immediately did a double take, had a queer expression on his face, and started to leave. "Look Thomas." Fiona started. "I see what's going on. I know when I'm not wanted." Thomas then left. "I'll talk to him later, Fiona. But now, we've got to get in the base and learn about the gravity cannon, ok?" "Ok, Van." Van and Fiona got in their zoids and headed to the base. Thomas was nowhere to be found. They didn't want to be late for the briefing, so they headed in. Inside, they saw Irvine and Moonbay and quietly chatted with them. Thomas was sitting alone in a corner. "What's Thomas so bummed about?" Moonbay inquired. "I dunno if Irvine told you this yet, but me and Fiona got together after she got a zoid, but that's another story. Anyway, we were hugging when he came in, and." "Oh I get it."Moonbay interrupted. "Poor guy'll never get over it," Irvine sniggered. "Seriously, Irvine. He's really depressed. Van said he'd talk to him later." Fiona responded. The group decided to start listening about the gravity cannon now. ". Anyway, it creates an artificial black hole with 10x gravity, and crushes anything within its radius. But we have only 3 shells though, and one is needed for testing, so you'll only have two to use in battle." Dr.D explained. "You heard the old man. We'll do a test now, and our pilots Van, Irvine, and Lt. Shubaltz can have a recess." Colonel Shubaltz ordered. Van took this opportunity to talk to Thomas. "Look Thomas, I won't lie to you, what you saw in the bunk was real. Fiona and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends right?" Van got no response. "Fine you don't want to be our friend, we're not going to make you! We only have to work together this one last time." Van snapped and left for his room. "Alright Thomas, lemme put it this way," Fiona started, "Van's saying just because we're going out doesn't mean we hate you. You're still a good friend of ours and this doesn't replace that." "Really?" "Of course! Although, I don't love you same way as I do Van, I love you as a brother and friend." "Anyway, I got to see Van and tell him you are still on speaking terms with him." "Alright." "Irvine, Moonbay please don't make any cracks right now, okay? I just got him out of depression." Fiona whispered as she went up the stairs. "You know, he only listened to it coming from you." "Irvine, that's what she meant!" Moonbay exclaimed. Fiona knocked on Van's door. "Who is it?" Van was being understandably irritable. "It's me" "Oh, come in." Van softened his tone. "I talked to Thomas, and he understood and still is our friend. " Fiona said as she stepped over Zeke. "That's good." "Fiona, do you know there's a knot in your hair?" "There is? Can you get it out for me?" Van pulled out her scrunchie and got it out. He then got a brush and started brushing her golden hair. It calmed him in a way from the Death Stinger and everything else. After about 10 minutes, Shubaltz's voice was on the intercom. "Will GF members Van, Lt. Shubaltz and Irvine report to the briefing room?" Van and Thomas mumbled an ok into the intercom while Irvine screamed into it, "I'm not part of the GF goddamn it!" Van and Fiona walked down into the briefing room hand in hand. Herman started speaking. "The Death Stinger has been spotted at apparently random locations and destroying them." He then read them off a list. "No, these were in sequence where I traveled with my friends 4 years ago." "Then where will he appear next?" "The Gurreal Plateau." "We're planning an attack with you three and the Ultrasaurus. I've invented a way when you guys combine your shield's power, it makes a pyramid- shaped cage. We will then launch the gravity cannon at the Death Stinger and destroy it. You will mobilize now." Dr. D summarized. Van, Irvine, and Thomas ran to the hangar with Fiona trailing Van. "Van, remember my premonition?" Van was already in Liger with Zeke and couldn't hear her. He was off. Fiona got inside her stealth Helcat and trailed behind. She would intervene, if necessary, to help Van. How'd you like it? It was a lot longer. I tried to keep Thomas bashing to a minimum, so don't flame me on that. Irvine cracks on him in the show, that's why I made the jokes. Anyway should I write with this much Van/Fiona, or tone it down? I was experimenting here. Again, I need between 15-20 reviews to write the next chapter because I need to know if you like how it's going or how to make it better. So, please review! Ciao! -BlkStrmSwrdr17 5. The Final Battle Fiona's Ambition Ch. 5: The Final Battle Author's Note: I've decided to write the conclusion even though I got only 12 reviews.( I am really happy though that Anthony reviewed every chapter.( I can't and won't write sequel without like 3-5 more reviews. Reason: I need your opinion on whether to include as much Van and Fiona as in the last chapter, or less. Anyway, here's the conclusion of Fiona's Ambition. Van, Thomas, and Irvine had been running the whole way to the Gurreal Plateau with Fiona trailing behind. The plateau itself was in sight, along with the Death Stinger. Hiltz was about ready to blow the whole place up but then stopped himself noticing their arrival. Fiona stood a good 1500 feet from the battlefield and waited for the moment when she thought her premonition was and then to intervene. "Your warpath ends here, Hiltz." Van declared. "You know I was going to kill you all last, but since you're all here, this will be your grave. And you think you can beat me? By you and your army of three zoids? What happened to your precious Ultrasaurus?" "You'll find out soon enough." Irvine interrupted. They then got into the Delta formation. Irvine was ahead with Van and Thomas to the rear. "Thomas, Van I'll distract him while you two attack him. He won't catch me with my speed." "Roger that." "Will do." Irvine shot at Hiltz and evaded his shots. He had Hiltz's full attention. Van jumped on top of the Death Stinger and tried to make the glass of the cockpit shatter by biting it, but failed as Hiltz grabbed him by the Liger's tail with the Death Stinger's claws and staring charging up the particle cannon. Fiona watched, but dared not to speak as she didn't want to be noticed just yet. "Shit! This isn't looking good for me." Van thought. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He took out his blades, turned on his boosters and cut his way out of the claw. He dodged the particle gun just in time. Thomas used a megalowmax, but Hiltz was ready was ready and put his shield up just in time. "Guys, we should now use the pyramid cage while he's off guard!" Thomas instructed. They quickly got into the Delta formation and used the cage on Hiltz. "What the hell do you three think you're doing?" Hiltz laughed and as soon as he noticed the gravity shell approaching, he batted away at the cage with his good claw and charged up the particle cannon. He shattered the cage and shot the shell in the air. It immediately exploded. "Alright playtime is over Flyheight!" Hiltz exclaimed as he charged up the particle gun yet again. " Now's where I have to intervene." Fiona thought as she charged in and shot at one of the Death Stinger's many legs. This caused it to slow down slightly. "Who the hell was that?" Hiltz thought as he noticed the Death Stinger disobeying him and looking for Fiona. "Why is he acting like this? He would only do that around an enemy ancient zoidian. But it couldn't be Reese. Then it must be Alis Lanett." This whole time Fiona had been firing shots at the Death Stinger while Hiltz was thinking. One of its legs was out of commission totally. The Death Stinger started to charge up its particle gun. Meanwhile Van was wondering what the hell was going on. It took him less than ten seconds realize Fiona was somewhere attacking. "Fiona what're you doing? You're going to get yourself killed!" Van shouted, but Fiona didn't listen. "You know Alis Lanett, I guess I'll kill you first to make Van suffer." "Hiltz, you Reese, and Raven are the ones that are suffering. Just because have nothing happy in your life doesn't mean you can make others miserable. I bet you're the one who made Raven and Reese who they are." "You shut your mouth, bitch. You know nothing about me. Now die!" "Van, I love you." Fiona said as she prepared to be killed by the particle cannon. She closed her eyes and wished she could be with Van one last time. Her zoid was completely destroyed, but she didn't die. After figuring this out, she opened her eyes and she was inside the back seat of the Blade Liger. "Van?" she inquired. "Fiona you're alive! But how?" "I dunno I just wished I was by you really hard and I appeared here." "Teleportation. It must be an ancient zoidian ability." Irvine concluded. "Van should we attack him now while he's not expecting it?" Fiona suggested. "Aright, Thomas, Irvine, get into the Delta formation!" "We must use all of our power this time." Thomas mentioned. This time Hiltz's back was turned and he realized as soon as they were approaching and casting the cage what was going on. "Haven't we already done this?" "You're not getting out this time, Hiltz" Fiona declared. "How did you survive?" Hiltz desperately tried to break the cage. This time though, it was too strong. By the time he got out, the shell was about to explode and Van, Fiona, Irvine, and Thomas were already running away. "I can't die!" Hiltz screamed before the Death Stinger exploded. "Look Van, we beat Hiltz!" Fiona exclaimed. "Yeah, we sure did, didn't we?" They were running to the base at top speed to celebrate. If you liked this chapter, and this story as a whole, please review. I will write a sequel if I get enough reviews and give me your opinion whether to have a lot of Van/Fiona or a little. Oh and if I have a sequel, it will be a lot longer with at least 1000 words a chapter. Ciao! -BlkStrmSwrdr17 End file.
Fiona's Ambition by BlkStrmSwrdr17
1. Chapter 1: What is this feeling? My first ever attemp at ZOIDS fanfiction, hope you guys enjoy it for fun and to kill time when you don't have anything else to do. Enjoy the new SpecularxShadow pairing. Chapter 1: What is this feeling? As always her dreams started out in darkness, shadow, Specula couldn't get that word of her mind. Then she opens her sapphire eyes to see a sillouete in front of her, it was a black organoid with pod like things on its back to contain its wings. It was seating by a lake side, surrounded by flowers, roses of all kinds one that planet Zi never has; there were bushes and trees around the lake it was completely private for the two of them, with a stary sky with the twin full moons hanging in the sky. She then gently walks up to the figure, carefuly taking small and slow steps not to disturb the black organoid. Then she seated beside the black organoid, looking at his face, he has blue eyes with a black snout. It was Shadow, Raven's organoid, Shadow was always aggressive, brutal in battle, all he ever care about was fighting and following his master Raven. But today, he suddenly seating next to her and look at her with eyes that he never show before, she felt like if she ever had a heart then it would be pumbing wildly by now. Then they lean their snouts closer and closer to each other, then their snout collide and Specula was completely silenced by that moment. That enchanted, magical moment that she never thought that would come has suddenly occure when she and Shadow "Kiss" each other. But all of a sudden the black organoid that was kissing her changes its color into a red organoid with green eyes, one that she hated the most, Ambient. He grab her by her arms and pinned her down to the ground and started biting her neck and humping her torso. She was been torture by Ambient for vengence. Then she woken up nearly let out a scream from her mouths, she breath heavily glad that it was all a nightmare, but she couldn't stop her feeling for Shadow, for the pass few days it has grew stronger and stronger, but alas she has no idea what was this feeling that humans called. "Wake up Specula." Specula heard a familiar voice and she felt a hand was rubbing her snout, begging her to wake up and enjoy a new day. She opens her sapphire eyes to see her owner Reese was calling her to get up and be ready for their journey with Raven and Shadow. "Today is gonna be a big day you know, we're gonna be in the grand ZOID pilot champion league in Guygalos. Hope you ready for the competitions best friend." Reese said to Specula in an excited tone, she and Raven couldn't wait until they were in the battle of the league in Guygalos, but most of all is for Raven to meet his rival, Van Flyheight and his Organoid Zeke in battle to settle their score. Specula stands up and stretched her self a little to relax her body, but as soon as she saw Shadow was preparing to move out with Raven, she couldn't stop looking at him, staring at him. She thought that she was witnessing him standing in front of her just a mere inch and he was asking her something special, very SPECIAL. "Specula, are you ok?" Suddenly Specula stops her day dreaming and replied to her owner with telepathy. "Ok let's go, Guygalos here we come!" Reese said excitedly and then Raven, Reese and their organoids set off for Guygalos. I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter, tell me any mistakes i made and i hope you guys tell me how to fix it and improve the story, all cooperations are very important to make this love boat bigger and better. 2. Chapter 2: Probing attacks So i'm back with my ZOIDS fanfic, it's just sad that nobody is reviewing even for the first chapter! I think i'm gonna retired from my life for real! Chapter 2: Probing attacks Specular and her owner was crossing the baren desert wasteland with Shadow and Raven, but little did they known that Specular was starring at Shadow without ever closing her beautiful sapphire eyes. She looked at him with tender love in her eyes, for her, he was so strong, so mature, so serious all the time. His loyalty is second to none, what if his loyalty is for her then what will she do to return his love for her, she was thinking hard for what she might do to getting Shadow's attention, how will he fell for her or even just tell her something special just for the two of them. But while they were crossing the desert, a little raven like drone was hovering above their heads recording and spying on them, at a far far away fortress, a red organoid with green eyes was monitoring them closely with his drone. "Oh, so you got your hots for him. Very well, if you wanted him to be yours. I could arrange that." The re organoid chuckle evily and then he pressed a button, a red button that sent a command to the sleepers Zoids in the desert. Then from underneath the golden dusty sands rised the Konig Wolf sleepers. They launch themselves up and they ran up at the group unleashing they're fire powers at Raven and Reese. "What in the world are they doing!" Reese shook as she was taken by surprise. Raven's Genobreaker was unable to move quickly enough as the Konig Wolves continues to suppressed Raven with their heavy machine guns and heavy weapons. "Help me!" Specular screamed out when one of the Konig Wolf shot a net at her and then they drag her into a cage for transport. "Help me please! Shadow!" Specular screams out again calling for Shadow to save her from the wolves. "Shadow go save Specular!" Raven ordered Shadow, then the black organoid unleashed its wings and headed straight for the wolves, he slashed his way deep into the wolf's Zoid core and then rip it out on the other side. Shadow then was enrage to see that the wolves place Specular in a cage, he was so mad that he inhabits one of the wolves and then turn it against the others. In just a split second, all of the wolves were all scrap metal. Shadow slashed the lock on Specular's cage and set her free. "My he... i mean, thank you Shadow." Specular calmed herself down from saying that WORD, she might reveals something that's too sensitive at the moment. She keep herself quiet and thanking Shadow as friend not as a lover. "Hmm, it appears that you might try to hide it. But you won't be able to lie about it forever. I'll make your knight in shiny armor destroy you with his own claws." The red organoid said in his language. He was monitoring Specular closely, he knew that he could do anything he wants to if Specular stand by his side. "It looks like Shadow is quite the prince charming today. He saved Specular but also he place her back on her feet just like a knight." Raven commented on Shadow's behaviors today, Shadow wasn't the usual feral, dangerous self that he used to be. He changed because now he is traveling with Specular. He changed just to suit the situation at the moment but now things has changed to suits the two organoids relationship. Specular stares at Shadow without ever realized that Reese was calling her. She stares at the black organoid day dreaming that he was holding her claws and whispering loving words in her ears. "Specular!" Reese shouts out again and Specular stops her day dreaming only to find out that she was holding nothing but the thin air. She then rushed back to her owner and back to her Shadow. 3. Chapter 3: Inner voice Chapter 3: Inner voice, the experience of a lifetime Specular was continuing to travel with her owner and with Raven but must of all, it's with Shadow. She can't stop dreaming about him, she was wishing that if she has a flower she would pick it up and picking it off to little pieces to decide her fate with Shadow. She look up at his back, she continues to look his wings then on to his head, she detailing him affectionately. She was trying to see if there is a way to reveal her love for him for in private, but it was all hopeless, the more she think about a romantic sceen where they are alone and she was giving him a gift and said thsoe three simple words to him. "Why is it romances are always so hard to accomplish!" She was driven insane by how hard she was trying plan to strike a romantic relationship between the two of them. Two hours later, Reese and Raven decided to camp around a wood near the capital of Guygalos. Specular decided to take her time alone to fond some flowers to take some fortune telling fun. She was walking around to a lake, a beautiful lake like the one she dreamed of, she pick a daisy then starts picking off the flower. "Hey! What are you! A grown up Organoid or a baby!" A voice ran into Specular's ears. She narrows her eyes around, trying to pin point the source of the voice. "I'm over here!" She twists her head to see that the voice was on her right shoulder, it was a miniature version of her. "Who are you!" Specular shook at the figure that standing on her shoulder. "I'm...your...inner voice." Specular was completely shock that she was talking to her inner voice. Girls always have an inner voice of their own, but Specular never knew that because she was an Organoid. "I knew one thing. That you wanted to get it on with him. Don't you?" Specular's inner voice said to her, a red ! appears above Specular's head indicating that her secret was out. "Wah! How dare... Wha... How did you know?" She frantictly asking her inner voice. "Listen here baby girl! I'm your inner voice so i knew what you wanted and what you're desiring to do. Even your lust." Specular's inner voice then hold and pull her right tusk toward her inner voice. "I knew from the beginning that you had a loving crush on Shadow, but you couldn't say it cause you're scared but i'm gonna hip your relationship forward to the next level!" Specular's eyes were widening. "You... wanted... me... to..." Specular realized that her inner voice is asking her to "get on with it" with Shadow. "That's correct. If you don't, then he'll never be yours forever." The tiny Organoid said in a threatening tone walking on to Specular's snout, Specular was lying down on the grass. "But, i'm an Organoid, i can't be pregnant if we do it!" Specular begged to the tiny Organoid. "You'll do it and enjoy all of his pleasures that he gave to you or else you'll never know what's it like to have him all for your own! By tomorrow, you must gain his attention as a start!" Specular's inner voice disappear leaving her running back to the camping site to rejoin Shadow. While she was running, she can't forget what her "inner voice" told her to do. It scared the living daylight out of her. Whenever she visualized that sceen in her mind, it was too much for her to bare. 4. Chapter 4: Capturing his heart Chapter 4: Capture his heart. "All right, first you have to give him something that he won't forget! Something that's nice and that is eye catching for him to look at you like you wanted! But don't get confuse with your day dreaming!" Specular's inner voice shouted out to her violently, then Specular was gently walking straight toward her lovely black Organoid, she heeld a bouquet of flower on her claws, hiding behind her back. She was confident that her flower bouquet will earn his heart very easily. But suddenly a flock pf bird fly right at her, the birds pecking her and trying their best to peck away her flowers. She ran away and trying her best to bat away the birds but in the end, her flowers were all but one left dying. "Okay, so the flowers didn't work so well. But i have a plan B." Specular's inner voice then whispering inside her eyes. Specular then returns to Shadow with a box wrapping in pretty colors and a pink ribbon with a piece of paper that said "From Specular with love". (Now remember, tip #125: a simple yet unforgetable gift will make him think about you and dream about you everytime. Then you'll win your dream boy) Specular's inner voice reminded her. Then Specular gently comes up on Shadow's back and tap him slightly on the shoulder, she was expecting that he will turn his back slowly and look at her with his manly and mature eyes, then he will take the present gently with his claws and kiss her lips. But it shook him and he turns around terrifyingly to locate the person who tapped him. This shook her and she accidently throw the gift up to a tree and then sunk into quick sand. "Don't worry baby girl, i got plan C." Her inner voice comforted her, then her inner voice whisper in her ears again. "This time we'll use my secret weapon,...tip #1001: tell him to meet you in a private location then starts to making eye catching pose and actions, that will make your dream boy want you instantly." Specular then tried to ask Shadow to meet her on a date at a private location. "Oh Shadowroony...Uh i mean, Shadow, i want to ask you that..." but before she could finish her sentence, "Okay you two time to go! Let's get going!" Reese called out to them and Specular could only cursing her inability at the moment before proceeds to follow Raven and Reese in their ZOIDs. 5. Chapter 5: The kidnapped So i'm back with my ZOID fic after a long hard, god unforgiving second semester exam week. Good news is this fic has a alert. First story in all of my story has a Story Alert, thumps up boys and girls! Chapter 5: The kidnapped After arriving at the capital Guygalos, Reese and Raven pick a hotel room and prepare for their staying for the entire ZOID pilots championship competition. It was late night and the capital was getting ready to turn in. "Raven, have you seen Specular?" Reese asked her friend but Raven nodded negatively. Meanwhile, out in the nearby street, Specular was taking a stroll down the streets to help her find a solution to her boyfriend problem. "Will he ever like me? Will he it for me?" It was the only that she could ever think about at the moment. She look up at the starry sky, she closed her sapphire eyes, place her claws together and wish that she could have that moment for real. "I wish, i could gave him my love." Then she smell something sweet, something that's attracts just about any female. Flowers! She ran to the source of the smell, around a dark alley way. She saw a flower shop with blue roses in front. Blue. The colors of her armor, she decided to sneakily "Borrow" a few roses into a bouquet. Then she take a card and a pen. Then she tries her best to written on the card a few lines and loving words, she written on it "To my dearest organoid, you're strongest, most mature, most handsome one i have ever met in my life. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Signed your secret admirer." Then she skipping her way back to the hotel, sometimes she make a bale spin. But just when she was going to make a turn to her right to the hotel, suddenly out of the shadow, two ZOIDs launch their attack, it hit her hard on her back, electrified her body, she fell down to the ground paralyze, completely immobilized. She tried to call out for help but the two Konig wolves quickly release their wires and the wires started to wrap her up into a cage. Before they deactivate her, she saw a glimpse of a familar Organoid with red platting and green eyes. "You!" She shout out at the figure, but then her eyes were close and her mind was completely shut down. Then the Konig Wolves place her inside their passanger compartment and head out. Before following his minions, the red organoid went to the hotel to find Shadow. "Why did she called me Shadowroony? Why did she call me like that? Specular is acting weird lately." Shadow could only think about her. But still in his heart and mind, his feeling toward was completely oblivious. Or so it seems. He saw a fluttering paper at the window of his room, the black organoid went over to the paper and pick it up. He found it to be a cut and paste message aiming at him. And what the message said was shocking. "To Shadow, i have the love of your life Specular in my claws. If you want her back alive then come to meet me alone, do not bring Raven and Reese with you or i'll have her melted. This is the map to my location, bet if you want get in and out." Shadow was horrified by what stated in the message, Specular loves him but being kidnapped. But by who! That was his thoughts. But he must rescue her, she is his friend after all. But a lover, he has never thought of her as his lover. The only way to settle the matter is rescue her immediately. 6. Chapter 6: Prince charming to the rescue Chapter 6: Prince charming to the rescue It was dark and spooky in the streets and alleyways of Guygalos, especially at night. But one black Organoid dare to disturb the scary atmoshpere as he traces the footprints of what appears to be of Konig Wolves who abducted his unofficial girlfriend. Shadow was his name, he sniffs and pay close attention to the footprints all the way to the barren desert plain of planet Zi. But he ran into a horrid discovery, the footprints are covered up by sandstorms. He look up to the skies, using the stars as compass, but he was inexperience so he couldn't track where did the kidnappers went to. "Oh no, please give me a sign. I don't want to...lose you...Specular... if i could... then i'll say..." He began to sobber, fearing that his love will face terrified consequences if he failed to save her. "Hey, stop crying ya big baby! Are we gonna save your hot gal or what!" Suddenly, he open his eyes to saw on his shoulder a miniture version of himself, shouting at him and holding his snout. "I'm you inner voice! The thing that you have listen to for all those years! Now follow my lead and you'll get to spend the night with her." Then Shadow's vision became blurry with dark blue color, but in front of him, there was footprints highlighted by golden tone color. He sprouts his wing and flies along with the trail, never before has he went this fast before, he knew what was powering him now, the power of love. Meanwhile at the small hotel, Raven and Reese were desperate to find their Organoids, both of them has search every inch of the hotel and surrounding but they were nowhere to be found. "Raven look!" Reese found a rose bouquette on the ground, around it is littering with roses and footprints of a violence abduction. What's worse is a cut and paste letter. "Oh no!" Reese read the letter, Raven was enrage by what letter was stating! It reveals their Organoids's secret and private life, but worst is that somebody has Specular and is challenging Shadow to rescue her. "No one's going to kidnapped my friend's Organoid and getaway with black mailing mine! Come on Reese, we can't let them do this on their own!" Then Raven and Reese head off to their Zoids and went to find Specular and Shadow. But for Specular, her part is the worst, she found herself on a bed in a dark room, her amrs and legs are tied up, her tail was bound to the bed, she couldn't get out. Entered the room was a red Organoid with green eyes, he was Ambient, the sick and demented and manipulative Organoid who nearly destroy planet Zi. He hop onto the bed right in front of Specular, his eyes radiated with pure lust, for vengence and for his own entertainment. He pinned down her amrs, use his legs to lock her hips, she unable to move, Specular felted his tongue running along her neck, then it sneaks into her mouth, playing with her owns. She was terrifed that he was doing the "Human mating ritual" to her. She feel him running his claws on her slender body then stop around her waists. Her eyes widen when she saw the wires from his chest came out and wrap around her, it was nightmare that she has foreseen. "This is where it gets interesting." He said to her, then before he continues to press hard into her insides, he kiss her lips again, his tongue was inside her mouth, rolling aorund and tickling her. "Hands off of her!" She heard a male voice of another Organoid, it was Shadow, he came to rescue her. "Shadow! You came...for me." Her voice was filled with loving tone of an angel. Ambient jumps down as the two began to biting, hissing, clawing each other (Playing Encounter from MGS 1998), Ambient pounce up on Shadow, pin Shadow to the ground and bite his neck. But Shadow kicks Ambient at his stomach and sending him flying up and fell down hard on the ground. Shadow then slaps Ambient with his tail and puctured Ambient with his claws. Ambient looks down the massive wound on his chest, from inside, sparks of electricity began shower Ambient, as he began to malfunctioning. Then Ambient erupts into a violent explosion and nothing of him was left but pieces and platting of his armor. "Are you ok my love?" Shadow asked her. Specular was overjoy to find that Shadow finally calls her with THAT word. "Of course. I am now." Then she hold him tightly and kiss his lips. A few hours later, they rejoined their human owners as they returns to the capital for the competition. For Ambient, she has that moment that she was dreaming about, holding their claws under the moon light, Shadow and Specular share each other a passionate kiss under the magic of the night. End file.
An Organoid love story by grishka
Trinkets **Disclaimer:** Randomcat23 does not own Zoids. * * * Moonbay carried many trinkets in her Gustav, all of which came from men in her life. She hadn't taken all of them to bed, but rather, each piece represented a day or a week long relationship that made her grin, cry, or richer. Some she had taken as souvenirs, others were gifts. She used them to remember relationships and adventures. McMann's fancy handkerchief sat tucked away, unused, in the compartment on her driver's side. The embroidery had long faded, but she kept it all the same. She had a good time ignoring its call for her return to McMann. The bells that jingled in her cockpit came from a dark skinned man with a flirty and skillful tongue. Two chains hung from her neck, each decorated in unique charms. One necklace held an Empire boys' charms and the other was composed of mementos from the Republic. Moonbay's favorite was the blue elephant from the Empire; the man who had given it to her was handsome, witty, and deserved better than a wayfaring lady like herself. All these pieces, either from one-time lovers, suitors, or business partners, were special to her, and she did not consider a relationship real until she had a memento. There was one exception to this rule. There was one man who never left her with anything but memories and promises: Irvine. Oh, she saw him enough, maybe too often for a transporter. He prowled around the outskirts in his Lightning Saix, cashing in bounties and offering other mercenary services. Moonbay wasn't sure what their relationship was exactly. They were friends before the war, and now after. Even after a few drinks and a stumbling adventure into a hotel room, they were more than just bed buddies. On their nights together, they'd sit and talk, discuss politics, and reminisce. Her deepest secrets found a safe resting place with him. The first time she took Irvine to bed, it was a drunken sloppy mess, not too long after the war. She had been surprised when he was still next to her in the morning. Lazily, Irvine had twirled a piece of her hair around his index finger and devoured her with his eyes while the sun was just rising. She remembered smiling and kissing him lightly. After that, it was just part of life. In random towns they met and caught up with each other. But still, he left nothing with her. It had been years since the war, and their meetings had grown beyond what anyone could consider a handful. Moonbay argued that it was fate, that they would keep meeting. It was in the stars that they remained apart of each other's lives. Why shouldn't she have something of his? Irvine brushed her 'superstition' off, like one swats a fly. _"We're friends, Moonbay. Me leaving a trinket in your Zoid isn't going to make that any more permanent than it already is."_ He said he didn't want to make a commitment; he didn't want to leave a trace in her Gustav. "_We're not just friends,"_ she had retaliated, stubbornly. The mercenary just laughed and jumped in his Zoid. Moonbay sighed at the memory. Besides that, she enjoyed his companionship. On the days he looked haggard, she would buy him an extra meal. In bed, she liked tracing his old scars and finding new ones. It was disappointing that their relationship was so inconsistent. But at the back of her head, Moonbay remembered that he was the only man she repeatedly visited. Part of her declared that it was only fair that he gave her a small knick-knack. Then she'd also remember, once again, that the men who had given her mementos had walked out of her life forever. _"Maybe I can do without one more trinket."_ * * * I...crap, what is this? I found this on my laptop randomly. It was supposed to be a much longer one-shot, but after reading it, I kinda liked it just the way it is. A character-blah more than anything else. -randomcat23 End file.
Trinkets by randomcat23
Lavender and Gray I saw his eyes. Lavender and gray, They were my escape. A hollow void, Filled with the screams of the dying, And his own death. I saw his eyes, Lavender and gray, And I asked him, What do you see? I see time, For it is the cruelest force. It is death and rebirth, Salvation and destruction. I see death, A hollow shell, With an unending silence. I saw his eyes, Lavender and gray, And I asked him, What is pain? Pain is an escape. When you feel nothing else, You bleed to know you're still alive. I saw his eyes, Lavender and gray, And I asked him, What is loneliness? Loneliness is a barren world, A world of your own making, Where you become trapped forever. I saw his eyes, Lavender and gray, And I asked him, What is your name? He answered me sadly, With a wry and bitter smile, I am a flightless angel, A bird without his wings. I am the scream in the night, The silent weeping of one who is alone. I am those whose friends are leaving, I am the dying wolf, Who gives in to nothing until his fire wanes. I am the shadow on the ground, I am the tear who cannot be cried. I am Raven. End file.
Lavender and Gray by firestorm2
1. Locked In Memory: Part 1 Author Notes: Kay: Hello Everyone! This is my first Zoids fic. And I can tell you right now that it is a Bit AND, notice the word "and," Leena fic. Bit: NO WAY YOU'RE PAIRING ME UP WITH HER! Kay:!?!?!?!?! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?!?!?!?! I just locked every entry to this room. Bit: Well, I accidentally tripped on the mat and found this key. *shows her the key* I think you should hide it a better place. *puts key down on desk* Kay: *slowly moves her hands towards his neck* I' Leena: THAT'S MY JOB! Kay: !?!?!?!?! *looks towards door* BIT CLOUD! Bit: On with the DISCLAIMER! *takes off running* Kay: I'll chase him later. Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids! If I did...let me put it this way. Things would be a lot different. This plot however is mine. MINE, MINE, MINE! If you want to use it, then ask me first. Kay: ON WITH THE FIC! "Twisted Fate" -------------------------------------------- An air-conditioned base in the middle of the desert, on planet Zi, was the only place that two people could stay in, and somehow, they could not get out of. In the main room of this large, old base sat a blond-haired man, on a couch, crouched over with his elbows rested on his thighs. On another couch, across this green-eyed warrior, sat a violet-eyed woman with her arms and legs crossed, glaring at the warrior across from herself. Neither looked away from one another for moments on end. The blond-haired man finally said, after this eternity of silence, "You don't have to be mad." The redheaded woman gave him one of the coldest looks. "What? It's not like you're stuck with Harry Champ," he said coolly. "BIT CLOUD," she roared, standing up, her fists shaking with anger by her side, "If I didn't have to chase you around at one in the morning to get my cookie back I-" but he too now stood up. "IT WAS MY COOKIE!" he lied. "Then why were you taking it out of my jar?" she confused him. He stared at her with his same trademark, cocky grin, eyebrow arched, and the same defeated laugh as he started to move back. "I got a little hungry that's all, and-" "THAT'S NO EXCUSE," the redhead roared back and then tackled him hard so that he was on the couch with her on top, holding his arms down. She held him down tight, and no matter how much he struggled, he could not free himself of her grip. "Leena," he barely said, gasping for air, "I.can't.breathe." "YOU HAVE YOUR OWN JAR OF COOKIES! YOU SHOULD HAVE EATEN OUT OF YOURS!" she screamed. "I.I'm.sor.sorry," he said with most of his breath, breathing hard afterwards, trying to get air. Leena didn't understand why, but she suddenly picked up her body weight on his chest, keeping her knees on both sides of his stomach and holding a tight grip on his arms, ready to sit on him if he tried to escape. She could not understand what made her let him have air, maybe it was because of his plea to live, but whatever made her do it, she did, and she continued her rage. "BIT CLOUD! YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF THIS!" she yelled as the memory of earlier that morning flooded her mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was about one thirty in the morning when Leena Toros woke up. She heard something fall gently to the ground and then immediately scramble to its feet, and continue walking just outside her door. The footsteps faded towards the one room in this large base that she knew better than any other. She slowly sat up in the darkness of her room, and looked at the door. "No you don't," she whispered to herself, removing the covers and sleepily getting up from the bed. She quietly made her way to her wardrobe and saw in the darkness her battle uniform. Since they had a battle later on, and was the only thing clean, she took off her nightwear and quickly put on the black and pink bottom, and the tight pink, purple, black top on that showed her slim figure nicely. She then slipped on the gold band around her arm, gloves, shoes, and her head ornament before going to the door and opening it. She looked down the hall where she had heard the footsteps fade away. She saw no one, and slipped out of her room and walked down the lighted hall in that direction. It seemed odd to her to be walking in her battle uniform when the battle wasn't for another ten hours, but no one was around, which made her feel more comfortable. She finally reached the end of the hall and heard behind the door someone eating. She manually opened the electronic door and peered in. A blond headed man, in his battle uniform, was holding a large jar under his arm while he pulled a cookie out of it. The redheaded warrior quickly saw it as her own cookie jar, and slammed the door open. The shocked man slowly turned to see who had come in. His face filled with terror when he saw it was the hot-tempered Leena, and he quickly put the jar on the table. "Hey Leena," he said with a nervous laugh and silly grin, "What are you doing up this early?" "Catching you for the third time this week!" she said, raising her voice near the end of the sentence and taking a step closer to him. "Yeah," he said nervously, taking a step back. "Night," he finished then took off with her cookie. "COME BACK HERE BIT CLOUD! YOU THIEF!" she yelled, taking off after him. "HEEEELLLLPPPPP! MANIC ON THE LOSE!" he yelled as he ran through the kitchen door and down the hall screaming with a fiery Leena right behind him. "COME BACK HHEERREE!" she yelled after him as they passed two doors. A man with long brown hair looked sleepily out the door at them as they ran by, "Why did I even get up," he whined, "It's the same thing every night," then put his head back in. Another male, with black hair and younger than Bit and Leena, also stuck his head out of his room with disgust. "WILL YOU TWO GO TO SLEEP?" he yelled after them, and then sighed, "Why do I try? Its not like they ever listen," then put his head back into his room. "COME ON LEENA," the blond haired man yelled back at her, "CAN'T WE TALK ABOUT THIS OR SOMETHING." "NOT A CHANCE!" she yelled back, picking up speed and almost grabbing his jacket, but missing slightly, letting him escape. "AAAAHHHHHH!" the emerald-eyed warrior's masculine voice screeched as he turned into the hangar, nearly escaping Leena again. He ran past a massive white lion zoid, which laughed down at him as he ran. 'When will Bit learn?' then laughed a little more. "IT'S NOT FUNNY LIGER!" Bit screamed at his zoid making it only laugh more. Bit continued his run for life by making a left turn around a box larger than him and then sprinting in that direction. Bit didn't hear Leena behind him; looking back to see if she was there. Leena wasn't there, and due to Bit's lack of common sense, he stopped. "Where did she go?" he said even more nervously, "She must of missed the turn," he chuckled, "she must have been so mad," he said picturing her face in his mind, then laughed. He turned to the direction that he was originally running, and there, about three yards away was the angriest fixed stare Leena had ever given him. She was furious, and Bit could tell, even after the two years of knowing her, he had never pushed her this far. Leena looked so annoyed with him that you couldn't see the pupil in her eyes anymore, nor the color, and they were about twice the size of her normal violet eyes only white. Her fists were clamp together tightly by her side, shaking from rage, with her white teeth clenched together with the look to kill. Bit's eyes widened, and the same troubled, toothy grin formed on his lips. "Its not like you would miss the turn or anything." Bit could now hear her soft growling of anger in her throat, and began backing away slowly, still keeping eye contact. Every step that Bit took, Leena took one step closer. Finally, Leena became irritated enough that she launched herself at him. Bit quickly dodged her by diving to his left, missing her by a hair. He hit the ground hard, crumbling some of the cookie in his grip, but that didn't stop him. He could hear Leena's raging screams, making him get up and run. He made it out of the hangar with Leena a little ways behind. He ran down the hall to his room, opening the electric door and diving into the room, locking the door behind himself. "BIT CLOUD!" came his name from the redheaded warrior, "OPEN THIS DOOR," she demanded as she pounded her fists in the door, putting small dents where she hit. "IN YOUR DREAMS," he yelled back. 'Uh ho,' Bit thought, 'Come on, THINK! Perfect,' Bit quickly moved to his wardrobe and pushed it in front of the door, 'that'll hold her for a while, I hope.' He then took off his battle shoes and got into bed without changing his clothes. Eventually Leena's pounding began to die out and was more bearable to Bit's ears, letting him sleep. Two hours went by until Bit awoke. He tiredly sat up and looked at the door. Many dents were in it from earlier, but the wardrobe still stood triumphantly in front of it. Bit slowly got up, put on his battle shoes, and pushed the wardrobe out of the way. Once that was in place, he opened the door. A sleeping redheaded warrior fell towards him and he caught her pulling her onto her feet and having her lean her head against his chest. She was still in her battle uniform, which helped Bit understand why it took so long to fall asleep. Only one thing stung Bit at that moment as he looked over Leena's body. He had just realized that he had never seen her so calm and peaceful; most of the time it was because he had stolen her food or made her mad in a way. Bit softly rubbed her back while his other arm held her up, "Leena," his gentle voice tickled her ear. Leena slowly blinked and pulled herself nearer to Bit, trying to stay warm. Bit tried again, "Leena," but to no advantage. He finely shook her gently making her eyes to half open. She blinked a few times then unfocusedly looked at Bit, blinking a few times more, then fell onto him once more. "Come on Leena," Bit urged, but to no avail. "Don't make me carry you," she did not reply. "Fine," he then tenderly picked her up and walked towards the main room. Leena lay motionless in his arms, resting her head against his chest. She was lightweight, and this made it easy for Bit to walk straight down the hall. He finally made it to the main room, turned on the light, and laid her delicately on a couch in the pit. He then sat down on the edge of the couch. He gazed at her for a few moments then looked down to her gloves. He removed one carefully; her hand was a little red from the pounding she had done on the door. Bit slowly put her glove back on, and took her hand, rubbing it slowly in his. 'Leena is one heavy sleeper if I had to say anything about her. Now the question is, should I wake her? Yeah,' "Leena," he said once again. This time she opened her eyes halfway and then all the way. She gazed into Bit's sea green eyes with confusion shining in hers. " did I get here?" came her gentle voice. "You were pounding like mad on my door," he explained, "you wore yourself out," then yawned stretching his arms. "Oh." she said sitting up. "But then.why was I banging on your door?" she questioned. "Um, I, um." he stumbled, confusion showing on his features. "You stole my cookie!" she said grabbing for his neck. Just as she grabbed him, a cheery masculine voice could be heard in the distance down the hall. "LEENA," it called, "LEENA MY LOVE, WHERE ARE YOU?" "No, not Harry," she sighs, "When will he learn?" Walking footsteps could be heard coming down the hall, and the voice was still heard, "LEENA, MY LOVE, WE ARE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER!" Bit felt a tinge of guilt hit his stomach as he heard Harry's voice. He never liked Harry, and the only reason he came here was because he was madly in love with Leena for some strange reason. Just as he began to get up, Leena grabbed his hand, pulling him back down. Leena stared at him with a small idea in her head. She did not like the idea that she had tried before, but it was worth a shot. "Bit," she whispered, "I have an idea," he stood there looking at her face, as if examining every detail. "Huh?" he questioned. He would go along with whatever Leena's idea was if it got rid of Harry, but he didn't want to do it with Leena, not after she chased him. "What if we pretended to be going out?" "WHAT?" Bit blurted out loudly. "It's not like Harry is my problem." "Just until Harry leaves," she said holding his hand tighter, "Please," she urged, "I don't want him to keep bothering me, but maybe if he thought I was already taken then-" "So you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend, is that it?" he asked sighing. She nodded her head. "You tried that before. Why do you think it will work this time?" "I don't know. Maybe it will," she said giving him her puppy dog eyes. He looked at her face sternly, and spoke words that he never thought he would say," Okay, only because I want to get rid of Harry." "Well, we can test this idea right now," Leena said pushing him on the couch so his back was on the seat of the long couch with her on top as the footsteps came closer. "If it doesn't work-" but he was cut off by her finger on his lips. "Shhhh.then I won't do it again," she whispered. She flipped him so that his back was to the back of the couch and her back was in his chest. Bit reached up and hit the switch on the wall on the pit where the couch was, turning off the light, then gingerly slipped his arms under Leena's arms and around her waist; holding her firmly. "This convincing enough," he whispered in her ear. "Yeah," she whispered back, "Just pretend to be asleep." Bit did as he was told and closed his eyes, pulling her closer for warmth. Something about this to Leena felt comforting and secure. The whole world seemed to disappear with the warmth coming from Bit, all the lies, problems, and fights seemed to never exist, that is, until the electric door opened. The man who had been walking down the hall in search of Leena finally found her. The lights turned on with the sound of a switch being hit, and the sound of something dropped, which Leena assumed to be chocolates or flowers, hit the ground. The man then yelled, "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF MY LEENA!" he demanded. Bit and Leena both lifted their heads to look at who had just entered the room. A shocked brown-haired man stood in the doorway with his fist at his side, and anger showed on his features. His blue crystal eyes glared dangerously at Bit who still held Leena. "Hiya Harry," came Bit's cheery voice, "How 're you doing?" he asked as Leena yawned a real yawn. "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF MY LEENA," he repeated moving closer. "Don't tell him what to do Harry!" Leena shot back, "Bit is what I've been looking for, a real warrior," she said looking up at Bit and kissing his cheek. Bit only looked back at her with great shock on his face at how far she was going with pretending. "So Harry," he continued, ignoring the kiss and blush that was pushing its way up to his face, "why are you here so early?" This only made Harry even angrier, "LEENA AND I ARE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER," he screamed and was about to launch himself at Bit and pull Leena away from him when two pairs of arms grabbed him. A man that was older than him with brown hair, and a younger man with black hair had just grabbed him. "I MUST SAVE MY LEENA," Harry yelled, trying to reach her. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" the younger man yelled. "We're saving them from you," the long brown haired man said coolly, as they began to drag him away. "NO! LEENAAAA!" Harry screamed extending his arm from their hold to reach her as he was dragged out of the room. Leena looked up to Bit once again, making sure she had contact with his sea green eyes. "Okay," he sighed, "I'll do it." Leena put her head near his ear, "You sure?" she whispered, sending a warm feeling down his abused spine. "Yeah," he responded with depression in his voice. Bit removed his arms from her waist and got up. Leena did the same. The two men that had dragged Harry away now reentered the room. " guys going out," came the sleepy voice of the brown-haired man. Leena looked at him with the death look and then responded, "YOU DID NOT JUST ASK THAT! GOING OUT WILL NEVER HAPPEN BETWEEN US!" Bit could feel some water coming to his eyes, but pushed the feeling away and, "Yeah Brad," came his cocky voice, "Who would ever want to be Leena's boyfriend? I mean, look at her, she a hot-headed girl." Leena glared at him and was about to pounce on him when a brown haired, brown-eyed man entered the room. He was much older than the other four people in the room by about eighteen years. His eyes had small light gray rings circling them and small creases had just begun to form, but his hair was still the rich chocolate color. "Good MORNING TEAM," came the man's optimistic voice. "Maybe you should get your eyes checked Doc," came Bit's drowsy, disheartened voice. "Since everyone is here, I may as well tell you that there is a near vacation in the future." Everyone now looked at him surprised. A vacation would be nice for them, they had not had a vacation since they won the Royal Cup two years ago. "But, the battle is cancelled today." Bit now paid attention even more. "Why Doc?" Bit asked as he yawned. "Because there are some bandits in the area and the ZBC (Zoids Battle Commission) is saying that no one should leave their base until they catch them. That's why you and Leena will be staying here for a while, watching the base, and Jamie and Brad will come with me." "Why me?" Brad and Jamie, the black haired person, asked in unison. "The ZBC meeting will take about three days to get to, that's why I'm taking you two. Jamie can fly above the hover cargo and make sure that no one is planning a sneak attack, and you can help Jamie if we are in trouble." "But why can't I go dad?" Leena asked surprised that she was not going and that Brad was. "You and Bit have to stay here and watch over the base," he said simply. "If there is an attack, you can stay at the base and fire from a distance while Bit attacks head on." "No, I'm not going to stay with Bit," she firmly refused. "And I'm not going to stay with her Doc," Bit added. "Only a week," Doc tried to convince them, "Think of the vacation." Bit and Leena thought for a second before giving their responses. "NEVER!" Leena yelled, "Why can't Jamie stay and I go?" "Because Jamie pilots an air zoid." "But what about Brad," she continued, "Can't Bit just go in his place?" "Yeah," Bit added his comment. "I'm meeting a friend where the meeting is. That's why I have to go," Brad stated simply. Leena thought for a moment, "Fine," she agreed unwillingly. 'I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this,' she thought to herself. "NO!" Bit said forcefully, "I'm not staying with this manic. I want to live longer than eighteen Doc." Leena now glanced toward him thinking of another way to make him wish he never said that. "Sorry Bit," the Doc said happily, "You don't have a choice." Bit sighed in defeat, "fine, but it's not because I chose to." "Um, Doc." "Yes Jamie." "Good plan and all, but how do you know that we will be able to hold them off? There could be about a hundred of them." "Come on TEAM! To the statistic ROOM!" he said pointing to the door and walking out of it. The four Blitz team members looked at the door with confused looks, but soon followed. ------------------------------ Kay: I hoped you all liked it! Unfortunately,. I have to go into hiding now. *dives under bed in room* Bit: Now where did she go? Leena: Five dollars says I find her first. Bit: You're on! *leaves room* Kay: *whispers* see ya next time. They'll never find me here... 2. Locked In Memory: Part 2 Kay: *whispers* Wow, people do like this fic...therefore I shall continue it and make my chapters long and prosperous, I just used a big word *gasps*. I would also like to say thank you to those who have reviewed. Silence in the background! I can here them coming. *shuts up* Bit: *Comes into room* I could've sworn I heard her in here. Leena: Yeah! Maybe she went out that open window. Kay: *still whispering* Bait taken. *giggles* Bit: Come on. We can catch her if we hurry. Leena: Lets go. Both leave room. Kay: So far I'm winning. *Laughs* I SHALL GET FIVE DOLLARS! For your reference, I'm using these things to show what they are doing: "talking..." 'Thought' /Thought in a dream/ ------- on with the scene/end of scene ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback/End of Flashback Okay, ON WITH THE DISCLAIMER! Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids. I NEVER WILL! However, this plot is mine. Thank you. Kay: Right now it is about 7 A.M. in the fic, so they aren't awake because of their lack of sleep and Bit's lack of common sense. On with the fic! --------------------------------------------------------- The Blitz team entered the statistic room and sat down at the table, with Doc at the end, Brad to his right, Jamie to his left. Bit sat across from Leena and Jamie, with Brad next to him. "Let me show you what I mean team," the Doc said as he turned off the lights, which only made not being sleepy almost impossible to fake. A picture outline of the base appeared on the screen on the wall across from the Doc. "Over the last few days I have been programming the S.S. 3000, a security system. Since the Zoids Battle Commission has decided that we are unable to do zoid battles, and leave our base, this system will keep us safe." The Doc continued explaining the system, how to shut it off, get out, and how to communicate with the com-link when the system is on. None of the things he explained penetrated Bit or Leena's thoughts. Bit sat in his chair staring at Leena. He didn't understand why he was or why he wasn't paying attention, but he was staring at her with his thoughts in his head. 'Why did I agree? I don't like Leena. She's a pack of fireworks ready to go off on the slightest spark. It's not my problem that Harry is obsessed with her. He can have her for all I care,' he thought. Leena sat listening to some of what her father was saying about using vents and flipping this switch here. But she was too tired to listen to his detailed descriptions. However, the majority of the time she was focused on Bit. Even though she wasn't looking at him, she could still feel his eyes burn her as they gazed over her body. 'Why is he looking at me? Doesn't he know it's rude to stare?' She then turned her head so that she was looking at Bit. Bit caught himself staring and quickly looked away, towards the outline on the screen. He could feel his blood rush up to his face making his face turn a light shade of pink. He now felt Leena's eyes look over him. He felt his face burn, causing him to turn a shade of red. 'Now she's doing the same to me. Why am I turning different colors of red? I never had that feeling.' The Doc finally finished explaining the system as he sat back down. "Any questions?" The Doc stated simply. Bit and Leena had finally stopped their starring game to look at him. "Good. Brad, Jamie, and I will leave today at nine, which means that you two should go get ready," the Doc said to Brad and Jamie. They nodded, and stood up causing Leena, Bit, and the Doc to do the same. Doc went to his room, while Leena did the same, and Jamie went to work on setting the S.S. 3000, out of earshot of Brad and Bit. "So...what is your reason for going Brad?" Bit asked in a sly voice. "None of your business," he replied plainly. "Oh come on, I won't tell anyone," Bit urged his friend. "I said it's none of your business," Brad repeated sharply and walked out of the room. "Man, what's got him going?" Bit thought for a moment, "Whatever, he probably hasn't had his coffee yet," then shrugged the thought away and walked towards his room. As he walked down the hall, he stopped abruptly in front of Leena's room and stared at the door. 'Why do I feel sorry for her? It's not like she cares about me, so why should I care about her? Harry really isn't my problem, even though he's annoying. Why can't he just take a hint and leave?' but his daze was broken by Leena's door opening. Their eyes met, and a sudden spark flew through Bit, electrifying every part of his badly treated body. "Hey Bit, what do you want?" she said sarcastically. Bit wanted to say "Hi" back and walk away, but the word wouldn't come out of his mouth and his feet wouldn't move. He only stared, looking up and down her athletic body. "Bit," Leena said caringly, taking a step closer. "H-Hi," he stumbled on his words, as if he had just woken up. "Bit, are you feeling okay?" she questioned with a slight bit of concern. He wanted to reply, but he didn't say anything. He had never had a problem talking to Leena in the last two years, and yet, he did now for that strange moment in time. Moments went by before he replied, "Yeah...fine...I'm fine." Leena put on a twisted smiled and was about to turn away when, "LEENA, MY LOVE! WE ARE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER!" was heard down the hall in the direction Bit had come from. "When will Harry learn?" Bit said with dislike. "I thought Jamie and Brad locked him out this morning?" Leena questioned thoughtfully. "I did too," Bit confessed as the footsteps became louder. "Time for our plan," Bit whispered as he embraced her with a hug, "a deals a deal," he quietly said near her ear. Leena put her arms around his neck, restraining herself from choking him for earlier that morning, and pulled herself closer to him so that their chests were touching. Leena rested the side of her head near his left shoulder and closed her eyes gently; for some reason, truly enjoying the moment of it all. Bit also did the same by closing his eyes. They both felt like they were on cloud nine, both comfortable and lost in thoughts. The whole world seemed to disappear to them along with their pasts. 'Why am I so comfortable with him. He's only a warrior, and so am I! And we happen to be on the same team. I don't like him, I'm using him. He steals my food along with my pride! Why didn't I just go back into my room along with him and wait until Harry passed? But...why do I feel safe with him?' Leena thought. The footsteps became louder and suddenly stopped. "BIT! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY LEENA!" Bit and Leena rapidly opened their eyes and looked at Harry. Leena took her head off Bit a little so that she could see Harry to her left. "But I like it the way we are," Bit lied in a whiny voice and didn't remove his arms from Leena's waist. "I like it too," Leena faked her loving voice, "so why don't you go find someone else?" "Because of the love we share. We are destined to be together! You are destined to be with the man destined to be king," Harry continued. "You mean Bit right?" Leena said in a sly voice. "HE'S THE KING OF NOTHING! HE HAS LUCK! THAT'S ALL! We are destined to be," Harry kept going on. "Then why do I love someone else beside you, Harry?" she shot at him then leaned towards Bit and kissed his cheek on the side Harry couldn't see, and whispered in Bit's ear, "Hey. It only works if both fake it," then kissed him again. Those words and kiss seemed to stab him in the heart, but he didn't give up. "BIT CLOUD! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" he yelled. "For what?" Bit turned his head so that Leena couldn't fake kiss him again, "Having the girl, you love, in my arms. Listen Harry, she found me," he pulled Leena closer, "She came after me because I'm a real warrior. I'm what she's looking for. She loves...Me," Bit said with a fake toothy smile, looking down at Leena, who faked a smile back. "SHE LOVES ME! I'M THE MAN DESTINED TO BE KING!" Harry yelled in retaliation then launched himself straight at them. At the last second Bit pushed Leena and himself out of Harry's attempt to break them apart and through the open door into Leena's room. Bit closed and locked the door, then turned on the light. "We should be safe from him now," Bit said as he removed his arms from Leena's waist and sat on the edge of her bed. "But how far do you want to go with pretending?" he whispered to Leena. "It has to be enough for him to believe that we like each other. That's why I kissed you. Remember, the last time we tried this we didn't do any of that," she whispered back and sat in her chair. "He still believed that we liked each other," he shot back. "'s more convincing if we act like a couple," she said back. "Fine, but no fake lip kissing," he agreed. Harry had begun banging on Leena's door, yelling and screaming his usual sayings in the process. "BIT CLOUD! IF YOU HADN'T MOVED YOU'D BE IN A WORLD OF PAIN! LEENA! MY LOVE! WE ARE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER! I CAN GIVE YOU EVERYTHING!" Though his screams were from his heart, he was ignored. This was the first time Bit had really been inside Leena's room, unless you counted the time he stuck his head inside for that one moment. Bit never did that again because Leena nearly crushed his spine after chasing him around for an hour. As he looked around her white room, which had pictures of gunsnipers and other zoids on the wall, he noticed the picture of everyone on the team on a small table next to her gray bed. Bit and Leena had crouched in the middle with one of their arms on each other's shoulder with Brad, Jamie, and the Doc behind them. Bit remembered that being taken right after the Battle Royal. He also noticed that her room was mostly like his, dull, never decorated, and never really cared for, except when it came to saving his life. "So how long do you think we'll have to be in here for?" Leena questioned. "Don't know. But we have to get Doc, Brad, and Jamie to get rid of Harry, again," Bit replied as he lay down on her bed, crossing his legs and putting his arms behind his head. "By the way, what time is it?" Bit curiously asked. "Eight twenty-five, why?" "Get that com-link on your laptop on," Bit stated, sitting up, and going towards the laptop in the corner of the room on her brown desk near where she sat. "Okay," Leena said, confused, and did what she was told. Doc's face appeared on the screen. "Hello Leena, Bit, why-" but he was cut off. "Doc, you have to come get Harry, right outside Leena's room, and take him back to his base before you run the security system!" "Okay Bit, Brad and I are coming right now. By the way, what is the banging in the background?" "Harry," came Bit's voice with a disgusted sort of tone. "All right, we'll be there in a few moments." The screen went black. Little did Bit and Leena know that Doctor Toros had just gone back to playing with his zoid action figures. Leena's look had just gone from confused to dazzled by the fact that Bit actually did listen at one point in his life. "Now all we have to do is wait," came Bit's cool voice. Twenty minutes went by before they heard Harry's voice. "LET GO OF ME! LLLEEENNNNAAAA!" other voices could be heard along with fading footsteps. "I think it's safe now," came Bit's voice. "Okay." Bit got up, walked towards the door, and was about to open it when, "Wait." Bit turned around to face Leena. "Thanks Bit." "No prob," and gave her a broad smile. "Do you want to go anywhere later today?" he asked, stunned by what he had just asked, 'why did I just ask my nightmare out? She's not going to agree,' he thought. "Um, what," she replied, also taken aback by her answer, 'this is new.' "Well, I guess I owe you for eating your cookies," he replied, "It's food, and you won't be paying," he added after seeing the look on her face. "That reminds me, Bit Cloud," she said with a cruel smile, "I never did thank you for eating my cookie this morning," she recalled chasing him around that morning. "Lunch it is then," Bit stated as he sprinted out the door, left, towards his room. Leena followed him, "COME BACK HERE BIT CLOUD!" before stopping with a pure smile. 'I'll thank him later,' she thought before going back to her room and thinking about how she would get back at him. ------------------------------------------------------- Kay: I guess you could say this is a little fluffy. But Bit and Leena became a little closer after the Battle Royal. I tried to make the personalities pretty close to how they are in the anime. But yes, that is why Bit agreed to this little plan and don't ask why he asked her out for lunch at the end. But there is going to be a reason for it. *hears footsteps, whispers* I'm shutting up now. Bit: *enters author's room* KAY IS GOING TO PAY, that rhymes, AS SOON AS I FIND HER! Leena: *enters the room* YOU BET SHE IS. Jamie: *enters the room, walking by them, pulls covers on side of bed up so Kay is visible* Well you can take it out on her now. *smiles* Kay: Jamie, I used to like you as a character, but now it's personal! I want five dollars because neither of them found me! Bit and Leena: Get her! Kay: *runs for dear life* Never mind! JAMIE! YOU'RE GOING TO WISH YOU NEVER DID THAT! I MUST GO EVERYONE! I'LL BE SURE TO POST THE NEXT CHAPTER SOON! REVIEW IF YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE SO THAT I KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT BETTER! THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE PART THREE OF THIS MEMORY OF FATE! JAAAAMMMMMMIIIIIIEEEE! *avoids Leena and Bit by diving out window. Falls two stories and lands on back in bush, hard, holds up sign saying "ouch!" before running for dear life, again,* I'M ALIVE! 3. Locked In Memory: Part 3 *Movement in a bush* Kay: *sticks head out of bush, whispers* I have finally gotten this really good idea that will really make you all wonder about how sane Doc is. Before I go into hiding again, I would like to thank everyone who reviewed. You people have really helped me out on doing this and gave me the motivation to keep going on. *Sees two people coming* Better make this quick, I would like to say a special, notice the word "special," thanks, to Amrun for helping me out with the plot in a way. In addition, this chapter is a little longer. I'm hiding! *Goes back into bush* Leena: *comes into area near bush with Bit* She has to be around here. She couldn't have gotten far. Bit: Yeah *starts looking around* Kay: *Giggles quietly* Step two, *pushes secret button on tree behind herself, small hidden door opens slowly, whispers* ta ta for now *crawls into hole and closes small door. Continues to crawl down the small tunnel until a metal door appears, opens the door* I knew building this place under my house would come in handy. *Walks over to giant computer, sits down, and begins typing so that two mini screens appear, one with Bit and one with Leena* Now, you will see what I have in store for them. First, THE DISCLAIMER! Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. I never will! However, THIS PLOT BELONGS TO ME! DON'T USE IT IN ANYWAY! By the way, don't sue me because I'm borrowing the characters. You will get the giant pot of lint under my bed or maybe, if your lucky that is........... NOTHING! Thank you for you time. On with the Fic! ------------------------------------------ A large cargo carrier raced across the desert away from the base it had come from. It was blue and white, and in a way, looked like a giant snail with a large blue drum barrel, where they keep their zoids, where the shell would normally be. Inside the main room, where the controls are located in the hover cargo, sat the Doc playing with his zoid models, Jamie at the controls below where the Doc sat, and Brad resting on a couch near the side of the wall. As the hover cargo floated across the sand, a simple question knocked Brad in the head. "Hey Doc, do you think it was safe to leave Bit and Leena alone?" Brad questioned coolly. "Sure," he replied joyfully, "It's time that they start to li-spend some time together." "Wait a minute Doc," Jamie said, still looking ahead, "You were going to say something else. It's time they start to li-, what?" "Yeah Doc, what were you going to say?" Brad asked with a sly smile. "Nothing," the Doc stated simply with a plain face. "You set this all up didn't you?" Brad continued questioning. "Well, I may have planed this out a little," the Doc confessed, scratching the back of his head with a broad smile. "Sure," Brad replied simply to the Doc's sanity level. "So what are you going to tell them when we get back?" The Doc opened his mouth to reply, but Jamie cut in. "Nothing," was all he said. "Huh?" Brad and the Doc said in unison. "If we tell them anything when we get back, they'll think that we all did it when the only person who had anything to do with this was Doc," Jamie replied, still looking at where they were going. Even though this was an important subject, and Brad understood, the Doc heard none of what Jamie had declared. Instead, he had gone back to playing with his precious zoid models. "What did ya say Jamie?" he said cheerfully. Jamie glanced back then, "DDDOOOC!" and sighed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the base the hover cargo had come from, our characters were resting and remained oblivious to the fact that they were stuck in the base with no way, they knew of, to get out. Bit and Leena were both in their rooms sleeping. As Bit lay on his bed, stretched out and covered lightly, he heard a familiar beep not to his desire. He reached over, grabbed the phone on the small table, and put it near his ear. "Hello," he said in a sleepily. "Bit, I want to talk to Leena now!" the man on the other side firmly made clear. "Hiya Harry," Bit said with a yawn, ignoring Harry's request. "BIT! GET LEENA ON THE PHONE, NOW!" "She's asleep right to me," Bit lied. "WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!" Harry could not believe it. His love was choosing a nobody that she had only known for the last two years, when he has known her since childhood. "Yeah," Bit continued his lie, "Were going to be at the base the whole day. Spending every moment together," Bit faked his loving tone of voice. "NO! SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU! STAY AWAY FROM HER! I'M COMING TO SAVE HER, LEEEEEENNNNAAAAAA," Harry screamed before hanging up. Bit also put the phone back, 'I knew he would call. Good thing Leena and I aren't going to be here. She'll have to thank me for knowing what I was doing, again,' Bit thought, and then began to get up. 'Should I go wake her up?' the thoughts terrified him as of what would happen afterwards. Leena and Bit still had not changed from there battle uniforms. It was only ten fifteen and there was no reason why they should. Bit finally made up his mind and got up from the bed, put on his battle shoes and battle jacket, then walked out of his room towards Leena's room. As he reached the door, he hesitated to knock, so he opened the door slightly. "Leena?" he said, hoping that would wake her up. There was no reply, only soft breathing which came from her bed. "Are you still asleep?" he tried again, but heard no response except the breathing. Bit finally turned on the lights only to see a sleeping Leena, in her battle uniform, lying down on her bed. Her face was facing towards him, and her body was lightly covered with a sheet. Her arms were under her head, her body was straight, and she was laying down on her stomach. Bit normally would have yelled something, or made a loud noise then make a mad dash for the closes room that locked, but he did not. Instead, he looked over her intently and thoughtfully. 'Should I wake her like that? It wasn't successful last time,' he thought as he remembered the incident. Jamie had told him to go wake up Leena, so he did. He banged on her door for her to wake up, and she did, the only thing was that he was almost paralyzed from the waist down for doing something as nice as that. Bit finally made up his mind and walked over to her bed. "Leena," he said softly. She did not wake. He sat on the edge of her bed, placed a hand on her back, and began to massage it lightly. "Come on Leena," he urged. His hand moved down to her narrow waist, and slowly moved around her sides and stomach. He felt her stir and a low, barely audible sound came from Leena's mouth. The sound seemed to indicate that she was enjoying his touch, but as soon as he remembered that Harry was coming, he removed his hand. As soon as Bit removed his hand, and a low sound of disapproval found its way out of Leena's mouth and to Bit's ears. 'She must still be asleep,' he reasoned, 'otherwise I'd be dead. Oh well, I still have to wake her up. Harry may come any minute. I got it!' "Come on Leena," he said in a soft, soothing voice, "Harry may come any minute." At the sound of Harry's name, Leena's eyes snapped open as if she was just hit by a lighting bolt. "What?" she blurted out forcefully. "Come on Leena. I just told you, keep up with the time. Harry may come any minute," Bit repeated. "How do you know?" she questioned suspiciously. "He called. Said he wanted to talk to you and, um, I kinda, um, I," he thought of what to say. "WHAT?" she forced. "I kinda said that you were asleep," Bit confessed. "Wow, you realized that after how long?" she questioned mockingly. "There's more," Bit added, scratching the back of his head. Leena gave him a stern look as to tell him to continue. "I told him you were asleep with me," Leena now looked at him with a kind of murderous glint in her eyes, but he continued, "and that we were going to be together for the rest of the the base." "BIT!" Bit made a whining sound as he stared at Leena's teeth, which now looked like arrows clamp together, with terror standing out in his eyes. "Remember the deal," he pointed out with a cautious grin, "you said to act like we were a couple," then began to move back from Leena, towards the bottom of her bed. "BIT CLOUD!" she repeated as she moved towards him, arms out towards his neck. "Leena," he said desperately, "Harry is coming over because of you, right now, remember." Luckily for Bit, a low faded voice, which seemed to be coming from a loudspeaker was heard and this is what it said, "I'm coming Leena." Leena didn't waste anytime after she heard the voice, "What are we waiting for?" she said getting up. Bit immediately jumped up and grabbed Leena's gold armband on the table, while she jumped into her battle boots and put on her head ornament. Bit tossed her the armband and she caught it in midair then slipped it onto her arm. "Lets go," Bit said, walking out the door, and towards the hanger with Leena right behind him. "How long has it been since he called?" she asked quickly. "About five minutes," he replied. "Then why are we walking at gamma's speed? You always think that we have all the time in the world," she said picking up her speed, "you know it only takes him about seven minutes to get over here even though he's about fifty miles away." They finally reached the door that lead to the hanger, but the electronic door didn't open. "Why isn't it opening?" Bit questioned then pressed the hand-sized button to the right of the door. The door didn't move. "Let me try," Leena said as she attempted to open it manually. The door didn't budge. "What's going on?" "Don't know," Bit replied. They stood quiet for a minute, thinking, until they heard the low sound again. "I'll save you Leena!," it said, only it sounded louder then the first time. "No. Harry must be close. Any ideas?" Leena stated as she looked at the blond-headed warrior desperately. "Yeah," he said as she listened carefully, "good luck," then turned around and began to walk away. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?" "Harry isn't my problem," he said as he continued to walk away. Leena reacted like lighting as she ran up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed. "YOU MADE A DEAL!" she yelled at him. "That...does...doesn't mean...I...can't...break...break it," he barely said, breathing hard. "You made a deal, Bit Cloud. And you're not going to walk away." "Leena," Bit said as she tightened her grip, "I'" she released him. Bit fell to the ground with a loud thump and continued to breath hard. "Geez Leena. You didn't have to do that," he said as he continued to take in air heavily. "There must be another way out," she said looking around and thinking. "To the back door!" then walked off down the hall with Bit behind her. They soon reached the back door and tried to open it. The button didn't respond, and the door didn't budge when Leena tried to open it manually. "Great," Bit said sarcastically, "The only doors out don't work so I'm stuck with a manic. And...And...I WANT MY LIGER!" Bit whined. "GET OVER IT! I'm going to make you eat your words about me," Leena said as she glared at him. "But...Liger," he continued to whine as he looked down at the ground. "BIT! SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR OTHERS! WE HAVE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT!" she yelled. Bit started to move back, "You know I didn't mean that about you Leena," he said with a overwhelmed grin, "Lets just think about this first," he said as he cautiously turned around and began walking. "Now where are you going?" she asked. "To think. Wanna come?" he said over his shoulder as he kept walking towards the main room. "Sure, I got nothing better to do then think about how to get away from a thief," she said as she followed. "I'm hurt," Bit said over his shoulder with a grin as he tried to push away the hurt feeling that was trying to emerge. They sat on the couches in the main room. After a few minutes of hard thinking, Leena finally said something. "Wait, the security system. Dad explained it. I didn't hear because it was too early. IT'S YOUR FAULT!" "How is it my fault?" he said innocently. "Lets just try to figure a way out of this," Leena replied as she tried to restrain herself from burning him to a crisp. "At least you got company." "I'd rather be by myself," Leena lied. Neither Bit nor Leena spoke after that; all that was heard was Harry's desperate screams to get to Leena. However, eye contact was made between them. After an hour of this mad silence between the two, Harry's screams stopped, but the two warriors still sat quietly. Leena's arms and legs were crossed as she glared at the Bit, while Bit was hunched over, arms resting on his thighs, and staring innocently at Leena. It remained silent until Bit finally spoke. "You don't have to be mad." The redheaded warrior gave Bit one of the coldest looks. "What? It's not like you're stuck with Harry Champ," he said coolly. "BIT CLOUD," she roared, standing up, her fists shaking with anger by her side, "If I didn't have to chase you around at one in the morning to get my cookie back I-" but he too now stood up. "IT WAS MY COOKIE!" he lied. "Then why were you taking it out of my jar?" she confused him. He stared at her with his same trademark, cocky grin, eyebrow arched, and the same defeated laugh as he started to move back. "I got a little hungry, that's all, and-" "THAT'S NO EXCUSE," the redhead roared back. Leena couldn't take being nice to Bit anymore so she tackled him hard so that he was on the couch with her on top, holding his arms down. She held him down tight, and no matter how much he struggled, he could not free himself of her grip. "Leena," he barely said, gasping for air, "I...can't...breathe..." "YOU HAVE YOUR OWN JAR OF COOKIES! YOU SHOULD HAVE EATEN OUT OF YOURS!" she screamed. "I...I'm...sor...sorry," he said with most of his breath, breathing hard afterwards, trying to get air. Leena didn't understand why, but she suddenly picked up her body weight on his chest, keeping her knees on both sides of his stomach and holding a tight grip on his arms, ready to sit on him if he tried to escape. She could not understand what made her let him have air, maybe it was because of his plea to live, but whatever made her do it, she did, and she continued her rage. "BIT CLOUD! YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF THIS!" she yelled in his face. She didn't understand what happened next, but she got off Bit and stormed off to her room, leaving Bit confused on the couch. ---------------------------------- Kay: Well, now you know how the very beginning happened. Lots of stuff took place before it. This chapter took a long time to do, but it's a little longer. The first two chapters I did a while ago and I decided to take a chance and post it about a week or two ago, that's why it didn't take so long for you to see the second chapter. I hope you can all forgive me for taking so long. Therefore, I hope that you all liked this chapter. Make sure to post what you think about it so far in a review, I'll accept flames as long as you can say why you dislike my story. Now, if you will excuse me, I must get back at the traitor that's still in my room by climbing up this ladder. *climbs up ladder and pushes the ceiling up a little. Peers into the room, whispers* now where is that traitor? There he is. *Sees Jamie's back. Jamie is looking at paper on Kay's desk. Still whispering* I'll get him. He'll never know what hit him. *Gets out of other room and closes hatch; in sly voice* Jamie. Jamie: *Turns around in horror* H-H-Hi. Kay: Did you think you were going to get away with showing Leena and Bit where I was? *smiles broadly* Jamie: *no response, only stun look* Kay: Here's what I say. *pulls out tiny hammer from behind back and grasps handle with both hands in front of body* HA! *stares down at hammer* Oh, wrong one, *throws hammer over shoulder and accidentally out window, hears someone say "Ouch"* SORRY! *Pulls out extra large hammer and grasps with both hands in front of body* HA HA! Jamie: *stares at Kay like she's insane, but can't move* Kay: PREPARE TO BE IN A WORLD OF PAIN! *swings hammer back over her head. Hammer is too heavy so hammer hits ground behind Kay with a loud thump, bringing Kay with it. Kay lays on her back with handle of hammer still in her hands* Jamie: *Large sweat drop* you are insane. Kay: Thank you. *gets up and tries to pick up hammer* I got it. *raises it 5 inches off ground then drops it because it is too heavy, making it land on her toe* AAAHHH! *begins to jump around* Jamie: I'm going to leave now. *heads for door* Kay: WAIT! *desperately tries to pick it up again* okay, *Jamie goes to door* can you lock the door...yeah...thanks *Jamie leaves* I'll figure another way of getting back at Jamie. *gives up on Hammer by kicking it with other foot making pain flow through it* Dumb hammer. Until next time. 4. Morning Encounters Kay: Hello, again. Sorry this took so long. So excuse me. If you want to see why it took so long, go to my bio page and look near the bottom. There are 5, count with me now, 1,2,3,4,5, reasons, *cough* excuses, *cough* why it is taking so long. NOW, as you look around my warm relaxing room, you will see that the door has been boarded up with wood so that it won't open, and the window has also been boarded up with wood, but can still be seen through, just in case that is. As of for Jamie, he will receive his payback soon, *laughs wickedly* And Bit and Leena are nowhere to be seen, thank the soccer king, *bows* All right, chop, chop, on with the disclaimer. DISCLAIMER: I do not own zoids. If you don't realize that by now, then you obviously don't read this. Therefore, if this is the first time you are reading this, I will catch you up. I DON'T OWN ZOIDS!!!!! DO NOT SUE!!!! You will get nothing because I'm penniless, flat broke, bankrupt, impoverished, okay, I think you all get the idea, I don't have any money. Kay: All righty then, since the disclaimer is done. *clears throat* ON WITH THE DISCLAIMER. Opps... ON WITH THE STORY! I forgot we already did the disclaimer. *Scratches back of head* I think that it's better to ignore me... This takes place during the night of the last chapter. ---------------------------------- It had been a long night for Bit, whose legs were now sore from a certain person he had to be with. He had, again, made a gallant attempt to get Leena's cookies, but failed, as usual. Now he laid in his bed the morning after, trying to pull the covers over him so that the watery light that flowed through the iron bars on his window, above him, wouldn't reach his sea green eyes, but to no avail. As hard as he tried to fall asleep, he couldn't. He twisted and turned until he could turn no more. He finally decided that a nice hot shower would be good and slowly rose from his bed. 'Should I change?' he wondered. He was wearing baggy black pants and a light blue shirt. He decided not to, grabbed his towel as he walked out of his room, and slouched down the hall, towards the bathroom, lost in thought. He finally reached the door, and in his worn-out state, did not hear the running water already in the bathroom. He opened the door and walked inside, only to hear an earsplitting scream then screaming himself. His eyes became like tennis balls at the site of Leena's perfect body with a pink towel wrapped around it tightly, showing her curves, and her angered expression on her face with her hand clamped tightly into a fist next to her side. It only took Bit a split second to open the door and sprint back out, on course for the kitchen. As he ran down the hall, he heard the familiar footsteps right behind him. Bit looked over his shoulder to see Leena running about three meters behind him in her casual yellow top, which the strap goes around her neck, tortoise green skirt, and black shoes. She had her head ornament on, along with her silver armband that went around her bicep, holding the bathtub over her head, and screaming at him. "COOMME BACK HERE BIT CLOUD!" she screamed. "AAAHHHHHH! SOMEBODY HELLLP! MANIC ON THE LOSE!" Bit yelled back, determined to get away from her. 'How fast does she get ready? Let me rephrase that: How fast can she run?' Bit questioned himself as he kept running for dear life towards the kitchen. Leena was furious with him. Just as Bit was about to enter the main room, she threw the bathtub at him with all her strength, but it missed. At the last second, Bit had ducked. Now was Leena's chance, she jumped straight at his back, but, again, at the last second Bit turned around to catch her, as if he could predict exactly what she could do. Leena hit Bit in the chest hard, causing him to wrap his arms around her; only feeling his back hit the ground a second later. Bit felt his lips brush against something soft, and felt his cheek pressed up against something. Bit's eyes instantly opened, only to see Leena's face close to his. Her lips were touching his, their noses were touching, and eye contact was made. For a second, all they did was stare into each other's eyes. 'Should I start kissing her? She'd kill me if I did,' Bit thought to himself as he looked into her violet eyes. "Um...Leena...can you get off of me?" Bit said a little shaken. "Yeah," Leena replied, also shaken, as she lifted herself off Bit. "BUT THAT STILL GIVES YOU NO RIGHT TO WALK INTO THE BATHROOM WHEN I'M TAKING A SHOWER! SHOW SOME RESECT TOWARDS OTHERS," she hollered at Bit. Bit sat cross-legged and looked up at her as if it wasn't his fault. "Geez, I forgot okay. Just let it go. I just did and I feel much better." Leena let out a small growl of frustration at his answer. "What?" he said as if it were nothing, "Do you expect me to have the bath schedule engraved in my brain?" Leena only shot him a cruel look, expecting him to say yes. Bit only gave a small defeated laugh, and then began to rise from his ground position. "I think I'll go get some food now," he said as he made a desperate attempt towards the other room, the kitchen. "BIT!" came Leena's harsh voice. Bit looked at her with his silly grin. "He is currently unavailable at the moment, please leave a message," then finished the distance from him to the kitchen. "He's impossible," she said simply. She was going to follow and clobber him when she got a hold of him, but a familiar beep was heard. It was the com- link. It did not beep more than once, but that was enough to get Leena's attention. She quickly walked over to the screen and opened up the message so that it displayed its self. A brown-haired brown-eyed man appeared on the screen. "Dad?" 'I can finally find out how to get out of here, and away from that moron,' Leena thought of the happiness that would bring. "How do-" she was cut off by her father. "Hello Leena, or Bit, whoever answered this," Leena looked down at the button she had pushed. She had pushed the message button which told who had called. "I hope that you are both alive and well," the image said with a smile. "Bit won't be," Leena mumbled to herself, and continued to listen to her father's message. "I tried calling you, but no one answered. I just wanted to check on both of you to see how you are. I'll call back later," Doctor Toros disappeared from the screen. "Great," Leena said sarcastically to herself, "Now I'm really stuck with Bit," then walked into the kitchen to get some food. When she entered the kitchen, Bit was raiding the refrigerator, but left his donuts unattended to. 'Time for some payback,' she thought as she briskly walked towards the counter next to the refrigerator, where the donuts were. "Hey Bit," she said, pleased. "Huh?" he said without taking his head out of the refrigerator. "Nothing much," then grabbed the donut, "Thanks," then took off with the donut. "HEY!" Bit yelled at her and started chasing her. "Took you long enough," she mocked him, as she went around the table, with him across from her. "I'll get you, you donut bandit," he said with a grin as he tried to run around the table and catch her. Leena only moved the same direction he did and avoided him easily. "Serves you right you cookie bandit," she shot back at him. As strange as it was, Bit was enjoying this little cat and mouse chase. He could tell that Leena was too. Bit finally noticed Leena's cookie on a plate behind him, then it made sense at how he could get his donut back. Bit grabbed the cookie and held it in front of him. "You wouldn't," Leena said to him in disbelief, but at the same time with her sharp voice. "Now whose chasing who?" he said with a cunning grin. "BiT!" she said, her voice rising. "My donut for your cookie," he said with a broad smile. "I DON'T THINK SO," she then dove at him, sliding across the table. Bit quickly avoided her and ran out of the kitchen. As soon as Leena hit the ground, she quickly got up and ran in the direction Bit had gone. She knew where Bit was going, which would make it easier for her. She ran by the com-link, which started beeping, saying that another call was coming in, but she didn't stop to answer. Bit was more important to Leena than a phone call. As she continued her run down the hall, Bit soon came into site. He stopped right in front of his bedroom door to open it. Unfortunately, Bit waited a second to long. Leena closed the last meter between her and Bit with a second to spare as she hit Bit on his side. Bit expected to fall, but Leena held onto him and began to squeeze his arms and waist. "Leena..." he said with pain, "I...was...just...kidding..." but Leena didn't stop. The cookie that was in Bit's firm grip slipped and hit the ground. "HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING MY COOKIE IN THE FIRST PLACE?" she screamed with fury at him, and began to tighten her hold more. "I...di...didn'" he said with most of his breathe, "can'" taking deep breaths in an effort to live. It was too late, he had already pushed Leena too far. "NO CHANCE!" With that said, Leena finished the job. A loud crack went through the base, and a man screaming afterwards occurred. Leena snatched her cookie from the ground and gave Bit one last cruel, happy filled look. "Serves you right," she said darkly, with her bitter smile, then turned on her heel, and walked down the hall, back to the main room. Bit laid on the ground in pain. "Great, there goes my spine," he complained to the empty hall, and began to get up. "She gets stronger every time, doesn't she?" he said with a smirk, "I don't think I'd want to know her any other way," then stood up straight, and looked down the hall in the direction Leena had left."I hope she does that to Harry one day, he probably wouldn't show up afterwards," then went into his room smiling at his thoughts. Leena, on the other hand, walked down the hall, back to the com-link. 'I love doing that to Bit. He deserves it sometimes, and sometimes not.' She entered the main room and pushed the button on the com-link, which made a crystal blue-eyed, brown-haired man, about the age of eighteen appear on the screen. "LEENA!" it yelled desperately on the screen, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN GIRL! I have been searching for you everywhere. You have to call me-" Harry was shut off by Leena deleting the message. "Good thing I didn't answer it when I was chasing Bit," she said with a smile, "Bit's much cuter and more fun. Wait...I said Bit was...Naw," then walked off to get some food. ---------------------------------- Kay: The next chapter will be later on of this day. I hope that you all enjoyed it! No sign of Bit and Leena, thankfully. Bit wouldn't be too happy about what I'm doing to him. *Hears floor creak and portion of the floor lifting* Kay: NO!!!!! *Pounces onto the floor that is coming up* Leena: COME ON BIT! Push! Bit: I am. But it all of a sudden became heavier. Kay: I sure hope that it's heavy. Okay, so I forgot about my secret underground computer lab, no big. All I got to do is find something heavier than me to block them from coming up. *Looks around frantically* think bright one, think. How did they get in there in the first place? Bit: I think someone is on this. Leena: *sweat drop* It takes you that long to figure that much out? *Sighs* You're impossible. Kay: Oh well, the next chapter is on its way. *Is hit with a tomato, Kay gives person the death look* Hey. GO READ MY EXC-REASONS. Until next time, if there is a next. *Gulps* Make sure to put a review. 5. Sandstorm Surprise Kay: *Stretches arms and legs* Well, as you can see, there is no way that Bit, Leena, or Jamie can get in. So everyone shout out with joy. I worked a long time writing out this chapter, and I would like to know what you all think of it. Most of you will probably hate it; others will be glad that it happened. This chapter pretty much focuses around something that happened in the past. Leena: WHAT HAPPENED! *heard from under metal part of collapsed bed, which is on top of boarded up trap door to secret laboratory* Kay: Darn, there are millions of ways that Bit and Leena can kill me, but there is no way for me to get out, typical. Now the question is, "Should I post it?" *thinks for a few minutes* Well, it's not like my life can get any worse if I do die, *thinks a little longer* Bit: WILL YOU GET ON WITH THE STORY ALREADY! Kay: Oh what am I worried about? Its not like those two can actually get in here. *Sudden thought* people can...oh well. All right, here is the disclaimer. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids, wow, isn't that just a shocker. The plot, however, is mine. YOU HEAR ME?!?! MINE! Do not modify it in any way. I don't mind if you stick them together, but don't use the same reasons as mine, such as, they are locked together because the Doc is insane or the other things that got them locked up in the first place. In addition, if you would like to borrow an idea, ask. Thank you for taking the time to Kay: There is something that I would like to say to two certain reviewers who have been reviewing from pretty much the beginning. To Sullimike23 and Triple M.: You two are great. I swear you make me laugh when I read your reviews. It makes me know that I'm doing a good job at what I'm writing. Sullimike23- I know you didn't tell them. ^_^ You're too sweet of a reviewer, and I love how you review. Kay: Oh, I would also like to say thanks to everyone that reviewed. You all contributed to my motivation of continuing chapters to this fic. NOW, on with the story! ---------------------------------- As the day progressed from that morning to the evening, the wind blew harder over the desert Bit and Leena could not get out to. The wind began to strike the base like an axe chops a piece of wood as it picked up speed. Leena, who was bored with a passion, because of doing nothing, was sitting in her room working on her laptop. If she could not work on her Gunsniper in the hanger, she could at least see what was wrong from her room. "So that was the problem with it," she said happily. She took a short break from looking at the statistics and looked out the window behind her. The sand was hitting the window behind her after hitting the iron bars. Suddenly, a loud rumble sounded in the distance, and a faint light reached her eyes. An unexpected fear resounded in Leena's body at that moment as a childhood memory flashed before her eyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A loud, deafening scream in a dark room from a small girl, about the age of five. A man burst through the door to his daughter and sat on the side of the bed as the small child clasped onto her father, silently crying. "Daddy," the small redheaded girl sobbed as she looked up at her father, "Why did it have to happen like that?" then hugged him harder, with more tears coming down her cheeks. "I know," the brown-haired man had said as he wrapped his protective arms around his daughter, "It's all right. It won't ever happen again," his voice soft, yet sincere. The young girl looked up at him hopefully as another lighting bolt flashed, making her shiver. "But why did it have to happen?" she further questioned, not knowing why she questioned what couldn't be answered. "We don't know," the man replied with a faint smile, "we may never know. However, sometimes, it's better that we don't know why things happened the way they do." He tightened his grip around his daughter as she cried. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leena finally snapped back to reality to realize that it had begun to rain. As the drops trickled down her window, and the sand began to lash the window even harder, she could feel her eyes begin to water. She did not like thunder; she had never liked it since after the accident when she was little. She didn't mind the rain too much, she always found it relaxing, but when the rain whipped the earth, and the destructive light force shattered the ground; that was a different story to Leena. She had, however, become better over the years when it came to lighting and the cold memory that haunted her mind. The way she had seen what it had done to people, though, only terrified her more. "Why does it have to be like this?" she questioned to the empty room. She rose from her sitting position, and headed out the room mumbling the words, "I have to get food," she repeated continually to no one as she headed down the hall. Bit, on the other hand, had attempted to get into the hanger by force. He had tried several ideas, such as trying to override the system manually, which only got him electrocuted. He had also tried placing small explosives in front of the door. Unfortunately, because Bit did not take proper care when using the explosives, half of his long sleeves are not there anymore. Bit had also discovered that he could not enter the statistics room, because as soon as he touched the door he was shocked, again. He had finally given up short hand ideas and resided to the main room couch to come up with a real strategy. He lay on the couch staring up at the ceiling with his hands on the back of his neck. Leena entered the room and sat on the couch across from Bit, taking a quick glimpse at him, and crossing her arms and legs. "So what happened to you?" "Explosives," he said simply, looking at her. "So did you find anything?" she questioned for the tenth time of the day. "Yep," Bit replied, giving his same lopsided grin to her. "You did?" Leena could feel her cheeks begin to burn a light pink, and looked down at the ground. For some reason, the ground seemed to become more interesting at that moment and all hearing capabilities were blurred. "Yeah, there's no way out," he continued as he began to sit up. "Then lets go," she said, standing up, not fully aware of what he said. "Did you just wake up from your fantasy world?" he asked with his confused face looking up at hers. "What do you mean?" she shot back. "I said that there was no way out," he stated plainly, "What did you think I mean?" All her hopes seemed to vanish with his words, "What? You just said that there was a way out." "I said we were stuck," he said standing up, "You really should pay attention more, Leena. Just to let you know," a smile formed on his lips, "I found out that the statistic room is blocked. There is probably something in there that would help us get out." "So what are we waiting for?" Leena's hopes rising again. Bit stared at her blankly. "Come on, there has to be a way in." "I tried them all. Explosives, override the system, throw something at it, and then watch it burn to a crisp. It seems to make a very good oven if you ask me." "Oh," was her only reply, feeling a little embarrassed, "I just thought that you may have found a way out or in," she confessed. She knew that Bit had his way with luck, and sometimes, she thought that he was too lucky for his own good. "Leena?" Bit questioned, he was only a foot away from her face, "Are you on planet Zi?" a grin appeared on his face. "Of course I am," she snapped, "Lets go see that statistic door, I can probably get it open." "Not tonight, it's too late now. You can try tomorrow," he said convincingly. "All right, I guess one more day won't kill you," she said bluntly. "Sure, Leena, what ever you say," Bit countered with a wide smile. "By the way, I heard a sandstorm headin' this way. They said it was one of the biggest." Leena flinched at the sound of the word storm, and suddenly felt a large gap in the middle of her stomach. Of course, Leena knew Bit didn't know her memory, and there was no reason to inform him on that information. "Night Bit, see ya, " she mumbled to him as she walked back down the hall towards her room where she changed into her violet pajama pants and shirt, then went to bed. Bit walked down the silver hall with a wide smile, five minutes after Leena had. 'How come I'm happy that I'm not out of this situation yet? It's not fun to be stuck with a monster like that,' his heart argued with his brain as he reached the door to his room. He went inside and changed into his sleeping wear, black baggy shorts, and a navy blue shirt, and then went to bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was two in the morning, as Bit and Leena slept, and the storm outside grew stronger by the minute. Bit was in a wonderful dream where he and his Liger had just been claimed the worlds strongest pilot and zoid. He was just about to be handed the trophy when he suddenly woke up to a piercing scream. Bit knew immediately who it was, because it was the only person he could be stuck with. He quickly rose from his bed, and dashed out his door. The lighting was becoming more frequent by the minute, because the rumbling sound had increased too. As he reached Leena's door, he heard another scream, which made his mind jump. He was scared, and thoughtless. His nerves were playing tricks on his mind, and his whole body seemed to turn numb. He was confused. He wanted to open the door and see what happened to Leena, but his mind kept processing the same answer, 'you won't live to see tomorrow.' He raised his hand to press the button on the side, but stopped right on it. His mind was fighting his curiosity of what happened, but in the end, curiosity got the better of him. He slammed his hand on the button and quickly pushed his feet through the door. Another flash of lighting made him stand in shock. Leena was curled up with her sheets and covers on her bed, shaking with fear. "Leena," he gently said as he briskly walked across the room, tripping over her shoes on the way and falling face first into the ground, but still making it to the side of Leena's bed, "Leena?" he repeated as he sat down. Leena still did not respond, her fear had taken over her senses now. Bit reached down and shook her shoulders, trying to bring her back from her troubled state. She sat up, and stared at Bit with red eyes and silent tears. "Bit," came her soft voice through her sniffles as she looked down, "what are you doing here?" she questioned as she wiped a tear away, then moved her hands to her chest. Bit did not say anything; he placed his hands on her shoulders so that he made eye contact with Leena. He looked at her with a smile as he scanned over her face and body, noting each detail. The storm outside had seemed to die down, for neither of the two teenagers could hear it. Leena had stopped the tears that had been flooding out of her eyes to focus on Bit with all her might. She suddenly trusted him; she felt comfort, security, and heart. Bit slowly moved back to her eyes, taking in the full gleam that shone into his own. On a whim, he pulled Leena's tender body into his, letting her head rest in his chest, and her fists still between them. He began to rub up and down her back, trying to make her feel better. He could feel the warmth growing in his chest where Leena's head was, and for some reason, he wanted it that way. His mind was too tired to process that she was going to kill him, but that was not the thought that scared him. Bit was already frightened by the feeling he had when Leena was with him, in his arms. The lighting had seemed to die, but the clouds were still hovering above them. Bit waited until she was calm before he released Leena and stood up from the bed, only to look down at her. "Night, Leena," he mumbled and began to turn away to leave the room. Leena's mind was full of feelings, confusion, and the cold memory. It had replayed in her mind vaguely that whole night, but for some reason it was clearer than ever at that moment. She didn't want to be alone like that, she didn't like it. It was not fair that her mother disappeared during a storm when she was only about two years old, and she was left with the cruel remembrance attached to her mind. She reached out and grabbed Bit's wrist to keep him from going. "Wait," she said desperately. "Don't go, please," she begged. "Huh?" Bit was shocked by the fact that she would want him to stay. "Please, stay with me," she repeated her feeling. "Why would you want me to stay?" he replied sharply, too sleepy to think about what he was saying. Leena wanted desperately to smash a pan into the side of his head, but thought better of it. "I don't want to be alone," she admitted. "You don't want to be alone, huh? So you want me to wake up tomorrow, and say goodbye to my spine, again?" his eyes drifting to her wrist. "Bit-" but she was cut off by a loud rumble and a flash of light. At this, she tightened her grip around Bit's wrist, and began to quiver slightly, the memory was coming back to her, "please," she pleaded. "No," he said harshly, looking into her luminous violet eyes. "Bit," she tried again, "please. I promise I won't attempt to break your spine again." She looked up into his eyes to see if there was any hope that she would not be alone. Bit wanted to walk away, to say no, but his guilty conscience would not allow him. He somehow felt sorry that she was alone with him in the large base, and no one was there to comfort her but him. "Fine, only if you promise not to attempt to break my spine," he tried to compromise. "Promise," she said, her smile faintly returning to her face. "All right," he finally agreed and lay down on the bed. He put a defending left arm around Leena's waist and pulled her towards his body, placing his right arm under her head. 'She'll wake up tomorrow and kill me,' his brain concluded as he fell into the wondrous dream world. "Thank you," Leena whispered, with a smile, as she drifted off to sleep as well. ---------------------------------- Camera Man: *looks around for anyone to videotape* anyone see Kay, *spots note on computer desk. Walks over and picks up note and begins to read* Dear Jack, Please read this note to everyone. I know you can't find me right now, and I don't think that I want to be found at the moment. Bit: *heard from under the bed* SOMEONE MOVE WHATEVER IS ON THIS DOOR SO WE CAN FIND KAY! Leena: *heard from where Bit is* WE MEAN NOW! Jack: *continues reading the note* as you can see, some people are probably ready to kill me. I knew this was going to happen. Therefore, I would like to say something that will hopefully convince them that it is pretty close to Bit and Leena's characters at age 18. 1) Bit does have a conscience and does sometimes feel bad when he sees someone in trouble. Nevertheless, he is self-centered a little. 2) Even though Leena doesn't like Bit too much, you wouldn't want to be lonely when you are having a really bad memory repeating itself in your mind. 3) It's about time that they start to be together more. Hope you all enjoyed. Remember to leave a review. Don't forget, FLAMES ARE EXCEPTED, just state what you didn't like and a little reason why. If too many people dislike this chapter, I am willing to redue it. Always, Kay P.S. Come and find me Jack. ^_~ Jack: *reddish color on face* Well, um, as you can see...I guess that I'm going to have to go find Kay...Anyone know where to start? *door to room opens* HOW DID YOU GET IN? 6. Unexpected Twist Leena: Where's Kay? Bit: Yeah. Jack: How did you open that door? Leena: Can't you see? Kay boarded it up wrong, *points to boards; they are only nailed to door* Now where is she? Jack: I don't know. If I did, I'd be recording what she is saying right now. Leena: Great, this is going to be more work than needed. *Leaves with Bit* Kay: *comes out of closet* Hey Jack, how ya doing? Jack: *goes and locks door* You don't know how to board up a door, huh? You know, you make the worst of enemies. You're lucky you were hiding, so why were you hiding? Kay: To tell you the truth, I would have thought that the reviewers would have been jumping up and down on my back because of the last chapter, but...I guess I was wrong... They did like it after all, and that's all that matters to me. By the way, I don't have a crush on Jack, -_- *nods head* He isn't even a real person. He is here because he is the camera dude, right? Jack: No, I am here because I thought this was where they were giving away free nachos. What do you think Kay? *Smiles broadly* Kay: I think you should just be recording. *Giggles* Just kidding. Thanks to everyone that reviewed chapter 5. You all convinced me that sometimes you should not jump to conclusions. Now for the Disclaimer! Disclaimer: It's chapter 6 people, read the first five disclaimers. By the way, THIS STORY IS MINE, ALONG WITH THE PLOT AND SOME OF THE IDEAS. DO NOT MODIFY, CHANGE, OR MIX UP THE PLOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. You are free to use the ideas; someone must have come up with most of them before me, but the PLOT IS MINE! Thank you. Owners of Zoids: *From under my bed* YOU HAVE TO SAY YOU DON'T OWN ZOIDS!!!! Kay: I always wondered what happened under my bed. Fine, I DON'T OWN ZOIDS! YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!?!? Owners of zoids: *chorus* Yes... Kay: Geez...No respect for the hard working writer. Now, I think that you have all heard enough of me. On with the story! ---------------------------------- The rain landed gently on the ground outside the base as Leena awoke that morning. She pulled her blankets to her neck to keep the warmth from escaping, as she lay there motionless with her eyes comfortably shut. She was warm, and felt good about it, but her mind noted something missing. The familiar presence of the sea green-eyed warrior was missing; his presence was gone. Thinking that Bit may be behind her on the bed, she moved back, only to move out of the warm space and onto the colder side of the bed; she was by herself. 'Where's Bit...' was all her mind could process in her tired condition. "Bit," she whispered, but he did not return her low call. She slowly began to sit up in her lethargic state, and opened her eyes barely, only to stare at her blankets. 'Was it all a dream? Or was it real?' She didn't know what to believe. She remembered Bit's arm around her waist, and his other arm under her neck, 'but he would've been next to me when I woke up,' her brain shot back. She was thinking about it so much her head began to feel like it was spinning. She lightly placed her hand onto her head to keep it from moving. It finally went back to normal, and she began to turn around to look at the rest of her room for Bit, but saw no living thing. "Maybe it was a dream," she said to herself, as she looked back at her gray blankets. She suddenly heard the door open, and someone step inside. "Hey babe," said the voice, "I've been looking for ya." Leena let out a shattering scream when her eyes saw the man that had come into her room. It was Harry. "Aren't you happy to see me?" he said confused, "I found a way out." "I WANT YOU TO FIND YOUR WAY OUT OF MY ROOM!" she said as she jumped out of her bed and threw her laptop, which was on her desk, with all her strength at his head. Leena hit her target, leaving Harry unconscious on the ground outside her room, along with her laptop, which now has Harry's face imprinted in it. "Serves him right," she stated coldly. Leena closed the door and dressed in her casual wear; tortoise color skirt, yellow spaghetti strap shirt, her armband, purple head ornament, and shoes. She then briskly walked out of her room, making sure to step directly on Harry's stomach with all her weight, and then heading down the hall towards the smell of food. 'Where food is, Bit must be found,' she thought. She entered the kitchen to see Bit raiding the refrigerator as she had expected. For a moment, Leena felt like kicking Bit farther into the refrigerator for fun, and then running. However, another side of her did not want to hurt him. It felt awkward to Leena that she didn't know how to act towards Bit for once. Normally she would kick him, punch him, yell at him, steal his food, or cause an argument and then run, taunting him for being slow. For once, she didn't want to do any of those things; there were more important things to worry about at the moment, like Harry and what really happened last night which had made her feel awkward around Bit. She walked over to him and, "Hey Bit," he did not respond. "Bit," she tried again, extending her arm to tap him on the back. The moment she touched him, he sprang out of the refrigerator, hitting her, and his head, and causing her to be off balance. Leena felt herself falling, and expected to hit the ground, but two strong arms grabbed her back, stopping her in midair. Leena opened her eyes, only to see a pair of sea green eyes staring back into hers, and a donut in its mouth. Bit had grabbed her at the last second, saving her from hitting the ground, and now she was staring up into his eyes, ready to hit him. Bit took the donut out of his mouth and said, "Morning Leena," with his goofy smile. "Sorry about that," then pulled her up. "Thanks, now give me my donut," she said sharply as he turned around, and grabbed his breakfast. "So that's the thanks I get for catching you?" he questioned as he sat down at the table. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have lost my balance in the first place." "Well, if you hadn't scared me in the first place, I wouldn't have hit my head," he rubbed his head to show that it hurt, "and you wouldn't have lost your balance." "Oh yeah," came her harsh voice, her teeth clenched together. "Yeah," he countered, his teeth also clenched. "Then give me back my donut." "Just have mine." "You don't have any." "I guess that makes sense that I took yours. Thanks for giving it to me as a reward." Bit now wished that he hadn't dragged that conversation for so long, and said those words, because Leena smacked the part of his head that hurt with her hand. "Ouch, " he said, rubbing his head, again, while Leena snatched her donut from his grip, "so what's eating at you?" he cautiously questioned. "Harry appeared in my room," she said, depressed, sitting down at the table, and taking a bite out of the donut she had just recovered. "How did he get into your room if we can't get out?" It seemed as if both were frozen in place with a sudden realization. Bit and Leena stared at each other across the table, both reading each other's thoughts, before Bit asked an interesting question. "Where is he?" "He's unconscious in front of my room." "What are we waiting for?" Bit said standing up, causing Leena to do the same, "We can finally get out," and then he and Leena walked side by side down the hall until Harry came into view, along with the smashed laptop. "What's with your laptop?" Bit questioned as he kneeled besides Harry to check his pulse. He was still alive. "I threw it at him," Leena admitted. "That's a waste." "It's Harry, Bit. He can get me a new one." "True," he said as he grinned at her, "But don't you think he'll wonder why you threw it at him? He may not tell us how to leave the base." "Come on Bit," she said, giving him a playful push, "It's Harry, if he asks, I'll just say I thought it was you." "I'm touched that you would actually say such a thing," Bit said, acting like he was proud of such a crime, but in reality, he wished it wasn't like that. For some strange reason, he didn't want Harry on the ground in front of him. He didn't want a way out; he didn't want to be away from Leena. "So what should we do with him?" Leena asked out of curiosity. "Don't know. But he has to know the way out if we couldn't get out." "So I can't use him as a punching bag," Leena whined. "Unless," Bit said unhappily, yet with a smile, "you want to be stuck with me longer." "No thanks," she said calmly, yet with a playful attitude, "Lets just take him to the couch in the main room. When he wakes up, I'll ask him how he got in and how we can get out." "Right. You grab his arms, I'll grab his legs," Bit bent down and grabbed Harry legs. Leena followed and grabbed Harry's arms. As they walked down the hall, Leena dropped Harry a few times to make sure that he was indeed unconscious and not faking it. Soon, Harry was lying on the couch in the pit, completely out cold, and Leena and Bit were sitting next to each other on the couch across from him. "I wonder how he got in," Bit said lazily, but Leena didn't hear, her mind was on other things. Bit absentmindedly put his arm around Leena's shoulder and pulled her towards him a little. "You awake?" "Yeah," Leena said as she moved away from Bit. It felt strange to Leena, being so close to someone that you somewhat love and not wanting him near you, because you don't know how to respond, even though you've known him for a couple of years. "Are you okay?" Bit's face was full of confusion and sympathy. Leena knew Bit didn't understand things. His mind was too childish for him to understand feelings. Maybe he did know what Leena was feeling, she just never noticed it, but she still replied to his question, "Yea-No..." she surprised herself by telling Bit the truth. "What's the matter?" Bit questioned further, scooting close to her, but being cautious not to touch her. He did not want her to move away again. Leena didn't like the fact that Bit was trying to help her instead of provoke her, it was nauseating, but she decided to try Bit on his understanding capabilities and tell him the full truth. "Last night, Bit. That's what's the matter," she said, as she looked straight into his eyes, trying hard not to slap him, "How long did you stay with me?" "Leena...Nothing happened between us if that's what you want to know," Leena could tell he wasn't lying, he continued, "You were screaming and I came to wake you up. You begged me to stay, did," he blushed furiously at the thought. "I only stayed until you fell asleep, again. I didn't mean to make you upset or anything." "That's the thing, Bit. I want to be upset at you." As Bit looked over Leena's face, she was no longer smiling, but frowning. He also did not comprehend why Leena would want to be mad at him for trying to help her, but he figured he would never truly understand Leena. She started to stand up, and Bit did the same. "Why?" he asked as she turned her back to him. As Bit stared at Leena's back, wishing she would turn around, he couldn't help but admire how strong her muscles were. He had expected her to be like everyone else when he first met her, but, in time, he learned she was different. She was stronger than any girl he had ever met in his journeys for starters. Strong-willed, stubborn, a fiery temper, but good at heart once you ignored some of her traits. "You just wouldn't understand," came her ruthless voice, snapping him back to reality, as she started to move away. Bit quickly grabbed her wrist to keep her from escaping, he didn't know why he kept her from going, but he did. He believed he kept her from going because he wanted to know what was wrong with her, but he somehow felt there was another reason. Leena weakly attempted to pull her wrist from Bit's grip, but she couldn't. She liked his touch, she liked him. She just couldn't admit it. 'Why do I have to like him?' she questioned, 'Why? Is it 'cause I'm starting to like him?' "Leena..." came Bit's soothing voice in her ear, "please..." Leena wanted to turn around and hug him, but she also wanted to kick him hard between the legs, or, hey, maybe both at the same time. She was confused by her own emotions. Nevertheless, one thing surprised her, despite this commotion in her head. 'Why is Bit trying to help me? Why is he so nice? Why do I think I'm in love with him? Why does he still take my food?' Bit cautiously moved his body so the gap between Leena and himself was eliminated. He then slid his arms around her body, holding her even closer. "Leena...I promise I won't tell anyone," he whispered in her ear, again, resting his head on her right shoulder. Leena's whole body went numb when Bit pulled her into the embrace. It was like everything disappeared to her. She somehow didn't mind the fact that Bit came into her room anymore; in fact, she liked the fact that he wanted to help her. Leena felt lucky at that moment that Harry was not awake. She actually liked Bit being close to her and his attempt in trying to make her feel better, instead of making her feel worse by aggravating her in some way. All the confusion went away at that moment in her head, but her mind still did not agree with him, 'Yeah, him and his big mouth can actually keep the secret that you love him. Sure. He'll never truly love you. He's too cocky. He does not understand feelings. He will probably just ignore the feeling and leave you broken hearted. For all you know, he's just trying to get you to like him so he can still your food freely.' Her mind spoke the truth about Bit. He was cocky and arrogant, but he had changed from the image that had been set in her mind. She knew he wasn't desperate enough to sink to the level of trying to make her like him just for food. She had secretly liked him from the beginning. She felt the sudden urge to say something that was true about him though. "You are impossible." "Huh?" "Yeah," she said turning around, but still having his arms around her waist, and putting her arms around his neck, "how did you change from the cocky warrior I knew to this person?" a smile inched its way onto her face. Bit looked into her eyes as if she had gone mad. 'Why is she questioning something that has nothing to do with this situation?' "How am I supposed to know?" 'Probably because you love her,' his voice said in his head. "Maybe because I'm...I'm actually a good guy." "Sure," she said sarcastically, "you're a good guy," a sinister smile appeared on her face, "But why doesn't that sound like the whole truth, Bit Cloud?" "Don't know," he said coolly, "Maybe it's how I said it." "Okay, I'm going to workout for a while," giving him one last smile, then walking away, out of his grasp, and up the stairs, out of the pit. "Wait," Bit said at the last moment before she left through the door, running to the bottom of the stairs. "Huh?" she asked, looking down at Bit. 'What could he possibly want now?' "I-I-," Bit wanted to tell Leena why he was so nice to her, and that he was starting to like her, but for some reason, he could not get out the feeling. So he made up something else, "I was just thinking that if Harry woke up...he might come looking for ya." "So," interest gleaming in her eyes. "So...wouldn't we want to tie him down or something?" "I really don't think he is going to wake up anytime soon." "What makes you say that?" a grin forming on Bit's lips. "How hard do you think I threw that laptop at him?" A new smile plastered on her face, 'he still doesn't know me enough. He can't tell that I like him, he probably doesn't even like me. Maybe that's why I think he's cute.' Bit only smiled back at her response as he watched her walk through the door, then watch it close, 'How come I think I'm falling in love with you, Leena Toros?' ---------------------------------- Kay: What? Why are all you reviewers looking at me that way? Okay, I know I may have not updated in a month, but school had to be my top priority. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PROJECTS THEY ALL GAVE AND ASSIGNED ON THE SAME DAY?!?!?! I almost got a 4.0 for my GPA, though. Dumb geometry. I just had to get a B in that class. *Curses under breath* Okay, that was the hardest class this entire year for me. Bit and Leena: *burst through the door* THERE SHE IS! Kay: You know, I never did get my five dollars for you two not finding me, *Bit and Leena give Kay the death look* But then again, who really cares about my five dollars you two owe me, *grabs laptop* See ya later, lovers *jumps through window, again, breaking boards in process. Lands on ground with a loud thump* Dang, this is the third laptop I broke since I started this fic, what the- *looks towards window she just jumped out of* hey, how you two doing up there? Bit and Leena: *look down at Kay as if they are ready to torture her when they capture her* Kay: Now lets not be too violent or anything, I still have to write the story ya know. *laughs nervously* Its PG, remember. Leena: You can change the rating. Besides, the less you write the better. Bit: I don't like her. *Point's finger at Leena. Bit is pushed out of window, landing on ground hard, by Leena, of course* Leena: See? I don't like him either. Kay: I think that Commando115 was right. I should get a zoid that cloaks itself, it would be useful right about now. *Gets up and runs in a direction away from the house* How come this seems like what I was doing earlier? Bit: Come back here! Kay: But then again, who really cares? *Continues to run* Hope you all like this chapter. Review if you like it, flame me if you hate it, at least give me a good reason if you want to flame me though. *Looks back, sees Bit running after her* Boy, I get my daily workout from these two, don't I? Have a nice day, and I'll make sure to post sooner, I've just had a lot to do with school projects and soccer, but school is done for this freshman, a.k.a. Fresh meat. I hope I'll have more time to do this story since summer is here. Oh, don't worry everyone, I'll get back at Jamie very soon *laughs evilly while she runs* Until next time. *laughs merrily* 7. Harry's Entrance: Fixed Escape *Movement behind a bush* Kay: Like always, here are my author's notes, and I have to say that I'm quite pleased with the reviews I received on the last chapter and I will understand if you don't want to put a review for this chapter because it took me a month and a half just to post the dang thing. Oh, I wanted to tell you all one little thing. You will all understand soon enough why I called this "Twisted Fate" Ouch! *Beep* electrical cord. I'm not upping the rating yet. You are all probably wondering why I said ouch, well, it is because I'm trying to fix this *beep* laptop so that I can write this chapter faster. Ouch! *beep* I don't have a laptop for the record, I do when I'm writing this though, and NO, I'm not upping the rating 'cause it keeps me safe from the pain in which Bit and Leena would like to inflict upon me. Ouch! THIS THING IS A PIECE OF *beep* *beep*!!!! *Gives Jack the murderous look, teeth clenched included in process along with brownish yellow eyes now gleaming a reddish color* Will you stop with the *beep* beeping already?!?!? It is hard enough trying to fix this *beep* laptop. A girl should have the right to curse when she is mad at something without someone taking out the words. All right, I need to snap back to reality now, and forget about the piece of *beep* that I'm trying to fix and worry about Bit and Leena finding me *sigh* To Okami: Yeah, I had finals. *Growls* they are the *beep* worst. Especially the geometric proofs, if you don't know what those are, you will find out. Many people either like Algebra or like Geometry, they don't like both. Maybe Algebra 2 will be easier for this becoming Sophomore. Maybe...I said maybe...didn't you hear me? I said maybe... You are all probably wondering why I didn't post sooner. Well, I'm a lazy person in general. I was going to post it right before I left for Hawaii a week and a half ago, but I was unable to finish it. I was going to post a authors note, but couldn't do one in time. So if you don't want to review because I took so long, or you are displeased with my chapter, I will understand, but I will finish this story one way or another. I think that it will be about 2-4 more chapters for those of you that want to know. It may be longer if I think of more I want to add. Now on with the- Owners of Zoids: *chorus* THE DISCLAIMER Kay: You people are sneaky; mean...All right, on with the disclaimer. Disclaimer: I don't own zoids; otherwise, Bit and Leena would be together. THIS PLOT IS MINE, ALONG WITH SOME OF THE IDEAS. DO NOT MODIFY, CHANGE, OR MIX UP THE PLOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. You are free to use the ideas; someone must have come up with most of them before me, but the PLOT IS MINE! Thank you. Kay: Enough waiting, READ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "41...42...43..." It had been two whole days since Harry had managed to find his way into the portion of the base in which Bit and Leena had access to. Two whole days that Harry had remained unconscious. Two whole days that Bit and Leena had grown closer than before. So close that even Leena couldn't understand why she was falling for someone she sometimes despised. Bit and Leena had searched everywhere for any sign of an entrance, but soon failed. There was nothing. Every crack and cranny led to no opening to the outside world, which had began to annoy the two. "44...45...46..." Yet, during their search for a way out, strange things happened to the two of them, and Leena seemed to be the only one to notice those changes. Whenever she was around Bit, it was not the same, carefree air that had always filled the room. It was, instead, replaced with a tense, awkward silence. Even when she wanted to question Bit the simplest thing, she stuttered, or did not ask the question at all. Every time he looked at her with his silly grin, she melted, like snow when it is exposed to heat. The cold walls she had built around her were melting, and it was all because of Bit, who remained clueless. The funniest part was, Leena didn't know why it was like that. Why did she like him? "47...48...49...50...Done," Leena said, sitting up. She had been exercising more since Harry had come into the small world that she was spellbound to until she found a pathway out. She had just finished doing her sit-ups and was adjusting herself so she could do push-ups. When she was about to start, the electronic door opened as a man stepped inside the heated room, "Hey Leena," said the voice. Leena recognized the voice and looked up, "Hey Bit," she said cheerfully, and could not help but give him a warm smile, which he returned with his own. Leena's arms had gone weak again. "Have you found a way out yet?" Leena looked away, hoping Bit would not notice the light shade of red on her cheeks. "Nope," he replied innocently, "But I'm starting to run out of good clothes." Leena looked at what he was wearing and noticed that he was wearing his battle uniform. "Ya know," came Bit's confused voice, as he screwed up his face to show that he was in thought, "I still don't understand how Harry got in. It's like he teleported his way in or something." "That's strange, I would've thought Harry, of all people, would have left some kind of clue as of how he got in." "I thought that too," he said with a small laugh. "So what about Harry? Did he wake up yet?" "Nope," Bit looked at Leena's saddened face, and then quickly added, "But he did move a little, and did say some stuff in his sleep." "Like what?" she questioned anxiously. "Well, it was more like mumbling. He mumbled something that sounded like your name. Must have been having a dream." "Yeah, a dream about me," she said with a snort as she stood up and looked at Bit, crossing her arms, "The only reason he bothers all of us is because he's obsessed with me." "You said it, Leena. Hm...Maybe we should get rid of you then." Leena playfully hit him on the side of his head. "Ouch," Bit lied, rubbing the spot on his head, and then giving a heartfelt laugh. "What are you laughing at?" a new smile on her face as she looked at him. "I don't think I would be able to get rid of you," he said sincerely. "What do you mean?" Bit hesitated for a moment, and to Leena's surprise, ignored the question, "Man, I'm starved! Lets get something to eat." "O-Okay," Leena replied, confused, as they left the weight room. After barely having lunch, because they almost burned their toast, spilled mustard all over the floor, and broke Leena's cookie jar, whom Leena herself clobbered Bit because he knocked it over, they went to check on the useless life form, Harry, whom lay unconscious on the couch in the main room. As they entered the room, they soon realized that Harry was awake, because he glared at Bit as they entered. "Hiya Harry," Bit greeted cheerfully with an innocent smile, "How ya been?" Harry only glared more furiously at Bit than before, still thinking the same thought that Bit would steal Leena from him. "Hey Harry," Leena greeted with a fake hint of pleasure in her voice, "How long have you been up?" Harry brightened up when his eyes saw the image of Leena behind Bit, then happily replied, "About five minutes, my love." Though Leena was ready to grab the lamp on the small table next to her, but restrained herself from doing so, and continued to question, "Do you remember how you got in?" Harry ignored her pervious question, and instead, asked his own, "Leena, my love, would you like to go on a date with me? Somewhere romantic? I can afford anything for my Leena," he said as he stood up and took Leena's hands in his, "Anything for my Leena," he repeated. 'I thought he would bring that up,' Leena thought to herself miserably. "Okay, Harry," Bit said, putting an arm around his waist and pulling him back, "I don't think that you need to touch Leena." 'Thanks Bit,' Leena thought as she smiled to herself. "Um..." and then it hit Leena, they could use Harry to escape, and she could get out of a date, "Well, you have to show us how you got in, in order for us to go on a date," out of the corner of her eye she could see Bit staring at her as if she had gone mad. 'What is Leena doing?' Bit thought nervously, 'She is just going to accept his request?' "Like I said, anything for my Leena," he said dreamily. "But let me go and change first," she said as she turned to leave. On her way out, she gave Bit a stern look, which gave him the impression that she wanted him to stay where he was. Bit nodded in agreement as she left. "So Harry," Bit said coolly, adverting his attention to Harry, "How long where you looking for an entrance into the base before you found one?" "A few days," then Harry added sternly, "only because Leena was in here and I had to save her from you." "That's nice," Bit said, even though he didn't hear a single word Harry stated because he was too busy looking at the zoids picture behind him. "Now listen here Bit," Bit lazily rolled his eyes, then focused them on Harry, "Don't go near my Leena. I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to take her away from me." " Not really," Bit said in the same calm voice as before. "WHAT?" Harry said shocked, "Don't lie to me, Bit Cloud. I know exactly what you are trying to do." "Harry, she doesn't like me, and I don't like her," Bit lied as he felt his heart sink. He really did like Leena, not love her. But like her as a friend, even if he was still beaten up because he knocked over her cookie jar, but he didn't know if she liked him back. There was an awkward silence after Bit's statement, which was disturbed by Leena entering the room in her casual clothes. "Okay Harry, show us the way out." "Of course, my love," Harry said in a pleased, sickening voice as he turned around and headed for the nearest door that leads to the hall. Bit followed with Leena right behind him. "So what's the plan?" Bit whispered to Leena. "You'll see," she whispered in his ear. They walked down the hall in silence after that until they passed Brad's room and were about to reach Jamie's. Harry then knelt down next to the wall and pointed at the vent cage, which was big enough for an adult to crawl through uncomfortably. The vent cage had an outward dent that looked as if the cage had been kicked from the inside of the vent, towards the hall. "This was my entrance, and this is our escape, my love," he said dreamily, pointing to the vent then taking a screwdriver out of the inside of his jacket. He unscrewed each screw in the corners, then moved the vent to the side. "Follow me," he said as he crawled into the vent. Bit and Leena stared at each other before Bit broke the silence, "Who would have thought Harry, of all people, would get us out?" "I HEARD THAT!" Harry yelled from the inside. "That's a relief," Bit then crawled into the vent, with Leena smiling behind him. The passage was dusty and dark, and hard to crawl through. There was a long white string, which lead the way. Leena could not see her own hand after they turned to the right; all she could do was follow Bit in front of her and the white string. While they were crawling through, Bit couldn't help but open his mouth to ask, "Hey Leena, what's that clunking noise behind you?" Leena knew perfectly well, what it was, but she was not going to tell Bit yet, "It's probably just the vents," she replied. They soon reached the outside, and had to shield their eyes because the sun was so bright. They both inhaled the dry air of the desert they had tried to get to for the past week, and felt their lungs warm up. The hot atmosphere seemed to scorch their skin as they stood there. "Whoa, I was almost beginning to forget how hot it was outside the base," Bit declared happily. "Yeah," Leena agreed, taking another deep breath. "Yes," came Harry's calm, dreamy voice, "Now Leena, my love, about our date..." "Technically, Harry, I never agreed to your date in the first place," Leena quickly said. "WHAT!" Harry yelled, outraged. "I said that in order for us to go on a date, we would have to get out first, I never agreed to go out with you on a date." Harry's mouth was hanging open with complete shock; he then turned his back towards them and looked at his whale king, which he landed not too far away. " said..." WHACK! Whatever Leena had said, never came from Harry's mouth. Leena had whacked Harry on the back of the head with her frying pan. "So that's what the clunking noise was?" Bit said surprised, "But what did you do that for anyhow?" "I'm hoping that he really forgets all about that date this time." "Why? It's not like a date with Harry can be that horrible, can it?" "He boasts about himself for hours on end, and takes you to these expensive restaurants that you would never think about going to in the first place. It's enough to make anyone sick. Trust me, Bit." "I do. Well," Bit thought for a long moment before he finally said, "We still need to get something to eat. I know this burger place near the park. Would ya want to go?" "Um..." Leena blushed at the sudden question; she would still be going on a date, 'At least it is someone you love,' her mind reasoned, and "Okay," she agreed. "All right, I'll take you," he smiled, "but we have to get the jeep out first if you haven't noticed. I don't think you want to walk." "Yeah, and I know how," Leena said confidently, remembering what her father had said. "Huh? How?" he questioned anxiously. "We know how!" she snapped, bending down and retrieving the screwdriver from the unconscious Harry. "The vents. We use the vents to get to the statistic room, shut the system down, and then we can get our zoids and the jeep." Bit was shocked by how much she had remembered, but soon shook himself out of the trance and said happily, "WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!?!?" As soon as the words left Bit's mouth, two silver, human looking robots appeared from the direction of the red whale king. One was about Bit's height while the other was about two feet shorter. Both had extendable arms, and a tin head, but instead of legs, they hovered over the ground. It was Harry's two robot companions. "Hey Sebastian, Benjamin," Bit called out to them. "Hello," said the short robot, "What happened to Harry?" he asked, noticing Harry on the ground. "He hit his head on the way out, and I think that he is unconscious again, because he is still breathing," Leena lied innocently, "You two should take him back to your base, and let him rest." "Don't worry about it Ms. Leena, we'll be sure to take good care of Harry," replied the short robot as he and Benjamin each grabbed one of Harry's arms and pulled him towards the whaleking. As soon as they were out of earshot, Bit quickly said, "Now that that's over, lets go Leena," as he pulled Leena's wrist towards the vent, and they began to make their way back to the hallway. "So where do you reckon the vent is?" he asked as soon as Leena and him were out of the vent which lead out. "Probably closes to the door," she replied calmly, as they walked down the hall towards the statistic room. As they approached the door, Bit reluctantly stopped a few yards away. "What's the matter Bit?" Leena asked. "No, I'm not going near that door. This is the only okay clothes I have, and I don't want a sleeve missing." "Fine, have it that way. But you can at least look for the entrance." "It's right there," Bit said, pointing to the right side of the door. Leena knelt down and unscrewed the vent cage. Luckily, the vent lead right to the statistic room, so neither had to crawl far to get into the room. As soon as Leena took her first look of the room, she noticed that many things were different than before. A brown table had been brought in, and upon it laid papers of the system. There was also a rather large control panel with about a dozen different colored, shaped buttons. Leena walked over to the control panel, and Bit followed as soon as he entered. "This must be it," Bit said over Leena's shoulder. "Yeah, now which button do we press?" she asked as her eyes scanned the panel. "Lets try the big red button, normally people put that as the shut down button." Leena pushed the big red button, but regretted it immediately because of the loud siren that went off throughout the base. She quickly slammed the red button again and turned to face Bit. "Lets push the big red button because people normally put that as the shut off button," she mocked him. Bit had his trademark grin back on his face, and was scratching the back of his head, "I didn't know. All right, you choose." Leena chose the smallest button on the panel and pressed it. The statistic room went dark. "Leena, what did you push?" Bit asked as the lights turned back on. "The small blue button, do you think it worked?" "Only one way to find out," Bit said, looking at the door with horror. Sensing the fact, Bit did not want to go anywhere near the door, she said, "Fine all try it." As soon as she was extending her arm to touch the door, she hesitated. 'Wait...What if that wasn't the right button?... What if I'm going to be electrocuted?...What if...' Nevertheless, Leena never finished the thought, because a warm body pressed itself on her back and placed one of its arms around her waist, and his other with her outstretched arm. Upon being touched, she felt a warm sensation in her body that made her light- headed and weak in the knees, but she didn't fall. "Okay," Bit's voice tickled her ear, making her blood rush to her cheeks, "We'll touch it together." Bit and Leena's hands moved closer to the door, three inches to go, two...They touched it, and did not regret it. The security system was off. "All right," Bit said merrily to himself, "We did it, we can get out now," he pushed the door, and it flew open from the force. He looked at the clock on the wall to she that it was 20 minutes to six. "Hey Leena. Do you want to leave at six? I'm starving, but I need to go to the bathroom," he said as he made for the hallway, "So just wait a sec. Oh, and don't change, you're fine the way you are." Leena blushed at his comment, and replied to this question, "Y-Yeah, sure," Leena agreed as she felt her cheeks burn hotter. 'I'm definitely going to enjoy tonight.' She thought as she sat on one of the navy blue couches in the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kay: Yes, I know, you are all probably going to ask, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO UPDATE?!?!?!? And I'm sure that some of you will come rampaging after me because I took so long. But, hey, I've been waiting a long time to do the things I want to do during the only available time I have without six teachers on my back forcing me to complete homework and such. If you include my mom that makes seven people on my back...that's a lot of people. I wonder why I haven't snapped in half yet. In addition, I'm sorry if some of you have been checking my bio page everyday to see if I've updated or not. I meant to post this about two weeks ago, or at least an authors note to tell you all not to hope for my story for the next week or so because I would be in Maui, Hawaii, which is beautiful, breathtaking, extraordinary, and magnificent in my opinion. For everyone's information: Normally, I try to get the chapter done ASAP, and try not to post any later than a month, so that you people don't think that I'm dead. However, things happen, and I'm sure that everyone has something to do. Now, I know someone is going to complain about how fast I update, so I'm warning you now. I love this free time, and I work on these chapters when I can, but no matter how fast I update, I will promise you all this, this story will be fully completed eventually. So if you don't want to review because I took so long, or you are displeased with my chapter, I will understand. Oh, some of you may have noted many mistakes in this chapter and I apologize for them. The reason I have so many is that I haven't been able to reread it with someone to check me. I will be- Blond neighbor: I FOUND HER, I FOUND HER! *points towards bush* Kay: Huh? What's going on? *stands up, sees Leena and Bit coming towards her, arms outstretched* that makes sense. NOW WHY DID YOU SNITCH ON ME!!! Blond neighbor: We were playing a game of who could find you first. Kay: *sighs, shakes head, mumbles* I'm glad you're not a writer, you *curses under breath* Blond neighbor: Why? *confused* Kay: Like you said yourself, you're too blond. *then sprints off in opposite direction of Bit and Leena, climbs up the nearest tree* so I got away from the love birds, whoopi. I hope that you've all had an excellent summer so far,*looks up at higher branches above herself and sees many reviewers staring down at her angrily* *beep* *beep*...bye-bye. 8. A Date to Remember Jamie: I would like to say that Kay is currently not available now. She may not be available for a short time either *Smiles broadly* Anyhow, on with the disclaimer. Disclaimer: Kay does not own Zoids, and will never own anything of zoids. Do not use her story, and please do not attempt to copy it. The plot is hers and will always stay hers. Do not mimic it in an attempt to have a good idea, basic concepts are okay, but summarizing the story will have Kay on your back flaming you constantly, and will have other people that she knows flaming you. Thank you for your time. Jamie: Very interesting, now, without further ado- *is tackled by Kay* Kay: You thought you could get away with this you little...*growls* You tied me up and then tried to take over my story, put my name, and blame me for anything stupid you did *gives mean look to Jamie, then puts him in headlock. * Oh, we're on the air *Jamie can't breathe completely* *smiles* Ok, I've been busy and haven't had much time, especially with school *shakes fist at it. * But when I finally got to read my e-mails and reviews, yes, I have review alerts, and read that you all had pitchforks, torches, axes, butter knifes, ouch! *Turns to blonde neighbor who has just poked me with one,* I decided to speed up my typing to at least get the first half of it done (as short as it may be) and since my neighbor enjoys reading my chapters and would like me to hurry up, I am under strict surveillance, she is going to make sure that I will have the second part of this chapter up by next Friday, 10/17/03, not next year. It will be chap.9. Jamie: *turning purple, barely says* Kay, *tries to inhale air* that's all well and good, but I can't breathe. Kay: *loosens grip a little* Oh, I almost forgot. The beeping in the last chapter was meant as a joke, and will not be changed. I was just attempting to make fun of the shows that do that. There will be no author's note at the end of this chapter, and I am sorry to make this a cliff hangar, (as pathetic an attempt it is) *shoots a mean look to blonde neighbor* But she wanted to make sure I was whole so I could finish this story. I'm keeping my promise, this story will have an ending (even though you sometimes wish there will never be one). *Reviewers with pitchforks, torches, axes, and butter knifes appear in distance* well, will you look at the time, *looks down at wrist* it's about a half past a hair, and that's all the talking time I have for now, hope you all enjoy. *Releases Jamie, and runs like mad* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A Date to Remember It had only been about five minutes of waiting on Bit before Leena had begun to go insane. Every few seconds her mind would say, 'What do you think you are doing, going on a date with him?' but her stomach would rumble and all the thoughts about the date disappeared for a moment. However, they came back a moment later. Other thoughts flooded her mind though, 'What if I make a complete fool out of myself? ... Maybe I should say I'm not feeling too well, fake being sick.' Another minute went by. 'But how do I know I'm going to mess up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I make him hate me? What if he leaves the team because of something I accidentally say?' Another minute had gone by. She looked at the clock. '13 minutes to go. Why does time always go slower when you think?' she questioned as she watched how slow the second hand ticked. Her body was numb with scared thoughts of what may happen tonight. She felt light-headed as she sat there, but snapped back when she felt a warm presence on her shoulder. She looked at the hand, then up at its owner. Bit's face was only a few inches away. "Ready to go?" he said with his goofy grin. Leena nodded dazedly to reply yes, then stood up and headed towards the jeep in the hangar with Bit next to her. They walked in silence down the hall and through the door and into the jeep. Leena could feel her heart pound uneasily in her chest as they left the base. A warm blast of air whipped over Leena's skin, making her feel even more light-headed than before. "Nice night tonight, huh?" Bit asked as he took a quick glance upward, then fixed his eyes back onto the road. "Yeah," she replied, also looking up, "It's brighter tonight than usual," which was true. "Naw," Bit replied as he looked out of the corner of his eye to see what Leena was doing, "It's not that bright. I've seen brighter." The rest of the trip was done in silence until they reached the outer edge of the city, and the jeep was parked. "So...where are we eating?" Leena said as she jumped out of the jeep. Bit, too, got out of the jeep, and began to walk around it to Leena. As soon as he was almost next to Leena, he said, "Over-" but Bit didn't finish his sentence because he tripped on a piece of concrete which was a little higher than the rest, making him fall face first into the cement. Leena burst out laughing at his stupidity before moving near his side. "Ouch," Bit said weakly as he sat up, rubbing his face. "It's not funny you know." "I know, but..." Leena burst out laughing once more, which only made Bit start to laugh. After a minute or two of just laughing, Leena asked, "Are you okay?" between giggles. She bent over to examine his face. "I'm not bleeding am I?" Bit asked, still laughing, as he looked up towards Leena. There was no sign of blood. "No," Leena replied, trying to suppress the giggles from emerging through her mouth. She then held out her hand to pull Bit up, which he took willingly, and she pulled him up. "So where is this place you were going to point to before you kissed the concrete?" "Very funny," Bit retorted. "Okay, it's the small restaurant over there," he said as he pointed to the diner not far away. It was a small diner, with outdoor seats, a band playing in the background, and lights all around the perimeter. The only inside area was in what looked like a small house. A park was next to it, but you couldn't tell how big it was because it was too dark to see everything. All that was seen was the light at the beginning of a dirt path that lead into the dark park and the trees surrounding the outside. Bit began to walk towards the door of the restaurant. Leena walked next to him. "Hey Bit," Leena said quickly. They were close to the door, and still walking. "Yeah," he said, looking at her. "How long was my dad suppose to be gone?" "I don't kn-" BOOM! Unfortunately, Bit was unable to finish his sentence once again because he was unaware of the man coming out of the diner, and failed to notice the solid wooden door opening. As a result, he collided with the door, flew back a few yards, and now has a flat face like a pancake. "Ouch, hey man, watch where you're going," Bit had said weakly, and angrily, as he tenderly rubbed his face once more, only to feel the stinging pain. "Sorry dude, you should watch where you're walkin' though," the tall man said as if he never heard Bit, then walked away. The whole time this had happened, Leena was laughing loudly once more. "It seems that Mr. Cloud is receiving his payment for his deeds," she mocked. "And what would those be?" he questioned simply. "Stealing my cookie," she answered back. "You stole my donut," he shot back. "You walked into my shower time again." "You threw the bath tub at me." "But I missed." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "No you didn't, you landed right on top of me," he retorted "I'm not a bathtub," she said angrily. "I win. That means one cookie for me." Bit began to chuckle to himself, amused. "What are you laughing at?" she said with an angry tone, just as amused as he was though. He stared at her for a moment, taking in everything, from the shape of her chin to her rich scarlet hair, before replying lightly, "Nothing," then opened the diner door for Leena to walk through. She looked at him strangely; one eyebrow perched higher than the other, but walked through the door anyhow. Bit followed. There was a sign as they entered that said 'seat yourself,' so they did. They sat outside, at the table nearest the small, quiet park. The table had one candle on it, along with pepper, salt, napkins, their menus, forks, and knifes. They sat across from one another, avoiding each other's eyes. "So, um, where are you going to go? ...Now that we are able to leave the base that is," Bit said, staring at the back of a woman's blonde head behind Leena, so as of not to meet Leena's violet eyes. Leena thought for a moment before replying, "I really don't know," a small smile played on her lips, "But, I don't think that I'm going to go too far." "I see," Bit replied. Unfortunately, his brain was thinking something else, 'I don't see. What does she mean by that?' Both then looked at the menu and both decided on the same thing. The waiter came by to take their orders. Both ordered a burger and fries, and asked for water. There was an awkward silence after that, one that neither Leena nor Bit could break easily. The waiter arrived with their waters, "Could you please make some room?" she asked softly. Bit and Leena moved the salt, pepper, napkins, and eating utensils off to the side. The waiter put down Leena's water glass first and then proceeded to put down Bits. As she was in the process of putting down Bit's cup, it slipped from her hand and spilled on Bit's shirt and pants. "Ah!" Bit said, shocked at how cold the water was, and flew out of his chair. "I'm so sorry," the waiter exclaimed to Bit. "It slipped," she handed him a napkin, which he took forcefully from her, and began to wipe the area were the water was, giving her a mean look from the corner of his eye. "Er, it's okay," Bit said, attempting to refrain from yelling, and the waiter left to get their food. As Bit sat back down in his chair, he couldn't help but hear Leena attempting to hide her giggles. "What?" he asked with a smile on his face. "You...should...have jumped," she said between her hands, which are in front of her mouth, and fits of giggles. He chuckled to himself, "you would have flew a few feet if it was you." "I know, but..." her voice was lost in her laughter, "you should have seen your face." Bit gave her a warm smile, making Leena's body go numb again. 'It isn't a bad night at all,' Leena thought to herself as she stared into Bit's sea green eyes, and he stared back into hers. 'He is much better than Harry, and can be a cute, sweet guy,' she added as an afterthought. "At least it's water," Bit added, Leena nodded with a smile on her face. The waiter had returned shortly after with their food, and they ate, peacefully. It wasn't the nervous atmosphere it had been, it was calm and relaxing. "Leena," Bit barely made out with his last half of his burger in his mouth, making his cheeks triple the size they normally are, "mhatarematesmithHarmymlike?" "You know I didn't make out a word of what you just said, right," Leena replied, hoping he would repeat his question again, without the full mouth of food. Unlike Bit, she had just finished her food and was waiting for him to finish his last portion of hamburger. Bit chuckled, making some of his food fly out of his mouth, and then chewed his food a little more before swallowing the large amount. "I said," his mouth now had no more food in it, "What are the dates with Harry like?" The smile on her face faded. 'Why would he ask a question like that?' she questioned herself, a little taken aback. But she answered his question, "For one, there really isn't anything to laugh about," she hoped that would satisfy Bit, but the feeling of elaboration from him made her continue, "In other words, it is extremely boring. He takes me to some expensive restaurants that no one would ever go to anyhow, he talks about himself and how he loves me, and the whole time I'm waiting for it to end. To make a long story short, it is an utterly boring time," she sighed in relief, then looked back at Bit. His arms were crossed, and he was leaning back in his chair, smiling happily at her as if it were Christmas and he had received an extra large chocolate chip cookie. 'What is he smiling about?' Leena asked herself. "Have you had a good time so far?" he asked calmly. "Yes," she timidly answered, and couldn't help the fact that her cheeks turned pink, 'why does he keep smiling?' she asked herself again. She could not take it anymore, "What are you smiling at?" she asked, staring at him intently as if there was nothing about what they had just discussed that was worth smiling about. "You," he replied simply. 9. Sorrows under the Moon Light: Problems w... Kay: *laughs hysterically* According to what I wrote in my last authors note, I'm pretty much suppose to be dead right now. *Zap* Darn it! She got me! *Falls over, fake dead* *Krissy, blonde neighbor, walks away thinking the task is done!* * evil laugh* She truly is blonde! *another evil laugh* *Zap* OUCH! Stop that! *zap* miss, ouch *running* I'm running, I'm running!!! *jumps over cliff* LOOK OUT BELOW!!! *bump, face hit first* Great, now all I need is a frying pan and I can make pancakes. Krissy: *shakes head, sighs* Wait, is this gun working? *zaps herself* Ouch! *walks away* Kay: You idiot *shakes her head* Anyhow, like I was saying, I can't believe I said Friday, I meant to put next Friday cause I was busy that week, I was thinking of my Biology test that was that Friday. *slaps forehead* Suddenly, things are starting to make more sense. I wondered why I saw some reviewers giving me distasteful looks. Thank you Tfm for not killing me *laughs* I wouldn't have known why you did. Now it makes sense, and I am sorry that I made that wrong promise. I still am about a week and two days late from what I originally had planned though, but please forgive me. I hope that this chapter will somewhat make up for that. High school must be getting to me, *laughs* Okay, for my mistake, I guess you all don't want to hear me right now, and I can perfectly understand if that is the case, but here is the next chap. Now, here is the disclaimer. SING YOU OWNERS, YOU OWNERS OF ZOIDS, SING! Disclaimer: *Chorus* KAY DOES NOT OWN ZOIDS, DO NOT STEAL, COPY, MODIFY, OR REUSE HER IDEAS THE SAME WAY, THE PLOT IS HERS. It is the one thing we let her keep. AND SHE DOESN'T OWN THE SONG ONE SLOWDANCE BY SIMPLE PLAN! OR SO SHE THINKS THAT IT IS THEIR SONG! *Bows, walks away into the forest* Kay: Yes, I have a part in this chapter with the song One Slow Dance by Simple Plan. [...] - Their lyrics are in these. Anyhow, I think it is their song, but I am not sure, if you know it is there song, please post saying so, now, without further ado- Jamie: YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO THEM. YOU CAN'T- *mouth is covered by Kay's hand, Jamie struggles momentarily* Kay: Jamie, dear, read my lips, yes...I...can...and there is nothing you or anyone else out here that can stop me. Do you understand? *Jamie nods head* Good, now if I release you, you have to promise that you are not going to say anything, do you promise to that? *shakes head back and forth* then I don't release you, OUCH! *Jamie is released* You bit my hand. Jamie: She is going to- *Kay tosses Jamie into nearby bush* Kay: Now Jamie, we don't want to ruin the story just yet. It's my twist for the night. I think that you have all heard enough foreshadowing, on with the story, yeah. ^_^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sorrows under the Moon Light: Problems with Moisture ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 'What the-'Leena thought to herself taken aback. She stared blankly back at Bit who only smiled back at her. Her heart was beating out of her chest, her pulse was quickening, her eardrums were pounding, and her mind was sending out mixed messages. Was she in love? 'What does he mean? He probably wasn't thinking right or something. Yeah, that must be it,' Leena tried to convince herself, but failed terribly because she didn't believe her excuses. A long moment of silence, what seemed like an eternity to Leena, passed. Both contemplating about was to do next. The waiter came and left the check; Bit watched her leave with a look of distaste. Another second passed, only the slow music was playing in the background with the chatter of people around them. "I guess I'm going to have to pay," Bit said to himself and put the exact amount of money onto the tray, to pay for their dinner, and added a small tip for the waiter. He then stood up from his chair and walked over, next to Leena. "Allow me to make this evening more enjoyable than that which you share with Harry most of the time," he said as he held out his hand to Leena. It took a moment to figure out that Bit was asking her to dance, and replied, "Sure," and took hold of his hand as he pulled her up. A few couples were dancing already, in front of the small band of four men. Two were playing a guitar, another playing the drums, one was standing in front of the microphone. They walked to the center of the crowd, hand in hand. When they reached the perfect spot, Bit stopped, and placed his hands on either side of her waist. Leena followed and put her hands on his shoulders. As they slowly began to sway with the music, the man in front of the microphone began to sing. [You're standing there alone, And so am I, But I want you here, By my side, Ohh, You smiled at me, Is everything thing this starirng game, That song of love.] "It isn't the slowest song there is, is it?" Bit asked with a smile, making Leena smile, giggle, and pull him closer so her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her head rested on his shoulder. Bit hesitated for a moment, but then wrapped his arms around her thin waist. They continued to sway with the music, rotating in slow circles. [I look you in the eyes, I try to read your thoughts, I ask you to go with me, To a far off place. You and me dancing the night away, You can feel my heart beating so hard, We look eye to eye, But I'm swept away. On a moonlit walk on the beach, Watching the sunrise for the first time, While I'm in a trance for that one slow dance.] Little did Bit and Leena know, three males sat at a table not too far away from them. All three were staring at them intently. Leena and Bit hadn't noticed them yet though. One had black hair, leaning over the table; the other two had brown hair. One of the brown-haired males sat back in his chair sipping his hot coffee slowly. "I told you Jamie," said the oldest of the three, "My plan will work, and that means you owe me some money. As I recall, you and I had a bet on this." Jamie shook his head, "Fine, Doc, I'll pay you," then sighed, 'I never thought those two would get together.' The third remained silent, still staring at the two dancing in the middle of everyone, he finally spoke, "I'm sure Leena is in love with Bit, but how do you know Bit loves her back." Both men stared at him, then at each other, and finally returned to watching Bit and Leena. "I just don't know Brad, I just don't know," Doc replied slowly and calmly. "So I don't owe you money then?" Jamie asked, relieved in a way. "Of course you do," Doc said with enthusiasm, "I said that they will get together, I never said that they had to like each other, besides, I need a little extra money to buy another model." Jamie nearly fell out of his chair because of this, 'typical Doc,' then sighed, he knew he should have expected this. All three returned to watching Leena and Bit slow dance. [You standing there alone, And so am I, But I want you here by my side, You smiled at me, Is everything the staring game, That song of love. I look you in the eyes, I try to read your thoughts, I ask you to go with me, To a far off place. You and me dancing the night away, You can feel my heart beating so hard, We look eye to eye, But I'm swept away.] As Leena and Bit swayed with the music, Leena couldn't help but think that something felt right about this. Even though they weren't speaking to one another, it felt right. She felt his heart beating, the warmth between, and the wet area where the water had spilled on Bit's clothes. However, it finally occurred to her, she loved him. It had all started as a simple plan to lose Harry, and ended up being one of the greatest things that ever happened to her. She could only hope he would return those feelings if she expressed them to him, tonight was the night to do it if she wanted to tell him what she felt. 'Doc, Jamie, and Brad will probably be back tomorrow, and who knows when I'll get another chance like this. The only thing is, does he love me back?' [We don't have to talk, We don't have to laugh at all, I just want you here with me, We dont have to talk, We dont have to laugh at all, I just want you here.... You and me dancing the night away, You can feel my heart beating so hard, We look eye to eye, But I'm swept away. After that long walk on the beach, Watching the sunrise for the first time, But I'm in a trance for that one slow dance.] The music faded with its sound decreasing slowly into the night. All the couples, including Bit and Leena, pulled away from one another and clapped for the band. "Thank you, thank you," the singer said as he and the others bowed to their audience. "We'll be here till next week." Leena and Bit still stood in the middle of the depleting crowd, both with cheeks of pink shading. Leena didn't know what to say to Bit. Everything had happened all so fast, it seemed like one giant blur. One moment they were at their table, the next they were dancing, and now that moment was over, but not gone, now they were standing a few feet from each other, too nervous to speak, too confused to think. "Do...Do you want to go for a walk?" he finally said. Leena smiled, her cheeks turned scarlet, this was her chance. She nodded, "Sure," and followed Bit out of the diner, and towards the quiet park next to it. Before they entered, Leena stopped abruptly and grabbed Bit's wrist, causing Bit to also stop. "What's up?" he asked curiously. "Why are we going in there?" she asked, pointing towards the entrance. "Because it is a place where people can walk." Bit finally caught on to the real reason why Leena had stopped. "Is the great Leena Toros scared?" he asked in a mocking tone with a grin. Leena gave him a stern look as of to say 'Shut up,' but Bit's grin only grew. "I'm not scared of anything," she retorted. "Leena, it's not like the chainsaw man is waiting for you or anything like that," Bit continued. "Very funny," Leena snapped. Bit was starting to lose the feeling in his fingers because Leena was cutting off his circulation of blood to his wrist. "But then again, we never know, so we won't go too far." Leena released her grip a little, Bit only smiled sheepishly at her, 'Note to self, never say that again,' Bit told himself as he walked into the entrance of the park, rubbing his wrist slightly with Leena behind him. There were miniature light stands that followed the path, so they did not lose it. They walked slowly for about ten minutes before they left the tree area and looked upon a lake. Everything was dark around them, even the last miniature light stand ended at the end of the path, the only thing visible was the lake itself, and the heavenly bodies above which illuminated the lake immensely. The reflection of the two moons played in the water as small ripples changed their shape little because of how large they were tonight. Bit noticed a two-person bench near the side of the lake and escorted Leena to it, Leena sat first, and then he joined her. They sat in silence, both comfortable with one another. "So far Leena," Bit said, turning to look at the side of her face, "I don't see any chainsaw man, so I'm guessing you would like to give me your cookie for being right." "Sure," Leena replied absentmindedly as she looked at the two moons, but quickly realized what she had agreed to, "Wait, what?" Bit chuckled to himself, and gave a reassuring smile to Leena, saying 'I won't.' Leena only smiled back. Her cheeks had turned cherry red, again. Luckily, Bit did not notice because it was too dark and was staring at the two large moons enlightening the dark sky. Leena, too, focused her gaze onto the two moons, and distractedly stood up from her position. She walked a few feet forward, so that she was at the lakebed and whispered, "They are huge tonight, huh?" Bit got up from his position and walked until he was right behind Leena. "Yeah, they are huh," he said as he glanced up then to the back of Leena's head. Leena felt his breath on the back of her neck, and restrained herself from giggling because it tickled. Her heart was pounding on her chest once again, her whole body was going numb, she could feel the goose bumps forming on her arm, and she had a desire to turn around and kiss him. It seemed like the perfect moment to her. No one was around, it was a beautiful night, and she truly believed that she loved him. She honestly believed that she loved him, and for some strange reason, she had no clue why. Why did she love a person like Bit? 'Its anyone's guess,' she thought, but she loved him anyhow. She knew she subconsciously liked him since the beginning, but never thought that it would develop into something more. Now, she figured, was her chance. She slowly turned on her heel to face Bit; he was only inches away from her face with his goofy grin as he looked up at the stars. "Bit," she said sternly and calmly. Bit's head made a downward motion so she could now see his face. It had a pearly white tint to it, 'must be the moons,' Leena answered to herself, but for some reason, it didn't have that same effect on his eyes. They still glowed sea green, only brighter than before. "Huh?" he asked, still staring at her. "I just...just..." Leena was at a lose for words as she stared at the gray- ish black grass. 'When have I never been able to talk to him?' she asked. "I just want to say..." her voice trailed off. "Yes," Bit said with a look as of for her to go on. "I-" she began to lean in towards him, so their faces were only an inch or two away, and kept progressing. "LEENA!!!" Leena froze at the sound of her name being called, and pulled her head away from Bit to look at the ground, but suddenly realized that she knew that voice, and how she wished it really wasn't him. She turned her head to her left, Bit's head moved to his right, only to see a brown haired, blue eyed, Harry Champ looking angrily at Bit. 'NO HARRY!!!' her mind screamed, 'Why now, why can't you annoy me later? It's not like you don't know where I live.' He had ruined her chance, and now he'd have to pay. "Get lost Harry," Bit said defensively. "Why?" he said mockingly, "I think that my Leena would want me to be where ever she was. For we share a special bond that no one can break, isn't that right Leena?" "Get over yourself Harry," Leena retorted with such an angry tone of voice that Bit took a step back in fear that she may explode at any moment. "What?" Harry asked confused, "What did you do to my Leena, Cloud?" "One, Harry, I am not your Leena, and secondly, Bit did not do anything," 'except be cute and adorable,' her mind corrected her, then she added as an afterthought, "I just don't like you like that," she replied quickly, and sternly. Harry gaped at the two of them, then stared heatedly at Bit, and repeated, "What did you do to her?" he pointed at Leena. From what Leena could tell, he understood what she said, but could not come to terms with it. "Believe what you want Harry, I didn't do anything to her." Harry just stared, too shocked to know what to do, "But, but, what about all our dates? What about me saving you from the base?" "You chose to save us from the base, and my dad forced me to go on those dates." "But," it was a no win situation for Harry. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He said, once again to Bit, but to no avail. Suddenly two robotic creatures grabbed him by his arms. "Come now, Harry. You really shouldn't interrupt people." "What are you doing Sebastian?" Harry said out of surprise, "I must save my Leena!" "That isn't Leena," replied Benjamin, "she doesn't look like her. Besides, Harry, Leena is still at the base with Bit." "NO SHE ISN'T!" he screamed, "SHE IS RIGHT THERE!" "Oh Harry," he said as if Harry were only two years old, "That can't be Leena." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SEBASTIAN? IT IS SHE! YOU NUTTY ROBOTS! I'M GOING TO TAKE BOTH OF YOU APART FOR THIS IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO!" "We saw never saw her leave the base," Benjamin replied as they faded off into the distance, "You told us to keep a sharp watch on her and she and Bit never left," they completely vanished from Bit and Leena's view, but Harry's screams could still be heard in the distance. Bit and Leena both stared in the direction they had left. "So, you were saying?" Bit asked Leena as if nothing had just happened. "I-" "Yes, I know you said that. Now would you like to add anythi-" Before Bit finished his sentence, Leena had stood on her toes, kissed him on the lips, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes were closed, and all she could feel were his soft lips on hers. For a moment, he didn't kiss back, and didn't wrap his arms around her, or anything of the sort, but then, he did. He kissed back, but still did not move his arms around her waist. For a moment, they both kissed, but Leena felt her shoulders being pushed back and had to break away from him. She opened her eyes to see a shocked Bit looking back at her. He had pushed her away. 'What?' she was racking her brain trying to find the answer as of to why he would push her away after everything? Why? What would make him not want her? Was there something wrong with her breath? She could fix that. "Leena," he finally choked out, "I-" a brief silence, "I don't think I want to do that." She stood there, two feet away, in shock, still asking ironic questions in her head. Bit continued. "Not now anyhow. Its just, I always thought of you as a sister, ya know, and well," he paused for a moment and looked down at the grass, "I wouldn't feel comfortable at the moment if we got together." It was heart wrenching for Leena to hear that. She was so mixed up in thought and emotions. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just, well-" "Yes," she croaked out, she felt like she was on the verge of tears, but refrained from crying and snapping at him. "You're my best friend, Leena. I don't want that friendship to be destroyed. We're only eighteen, what if things don't work out between us? We may not be friends after that, and I can't imagine not chasing you to get back my donut, or the other way around." He did not smile when he said these words; in fact, he looked like he would break down any minute. His heart was aching, and he felt miserable all over. He was scared. He hated that feeling of being scared, he hated the feeling that something would happen and he would never see Leena again. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not ready to take that step yet," he added as an afterthought. Leena solemnly nodded, to say she understood, but something finally hit her brain, "But, if you weren't ready, why did you ask me to dance? Why did you even ask me to come with you?" she hoped that by asking these two questions, it would change his answer. Bit thought for a second, then replied, "No offense Leena, but I felt it was only right if I asked you to dance and to see if you wanted to go with me to the diner. By asking you to dance, I thought it would make this night better than Harry's if you at least did something besides talk," but Bit knew deep down, that wasn't the entire answer. He knew he asked her because he liked her, but he never thought that she would think much of it. He liked it, when they danced, but he felt like something was out of place. It felt like friendship was more important, and what would everyone say if they found out that he was going out with Leena, what would his team say? He knew that most people that broke up never stayed friends after that, and if that would be the case with Leena, he didn't want to risk it. Sure, he was all about taking risks in zoid battles, but that didn't necessarily mean that he wanted to take risks with another human. Not now anyhow. He knew he had his whole life in front of him, or did he? But his mind was made up, and he had to stick with it now. "I'm sorry Leena, if you thought that I liked you like that, and maybe I will, but I don't feel like I like you like that right now. Just not now," he repeated. Leena took a deep breath, and exhaled, "Okay," she said as she was finally calming down. "I'm sorry, it just felt like the right moment," she said turning back to the lake, avoiding eye contact with Bit. She felt a hand on her right shoulder and a single word murmured, "sorry," then felt the presence of the hand gone, and a coldness infect that spot. "Lets go," she finally said, turning around and walking right by Bit towards the path. He followed her silently. Within fifteen minutes, they were both in the jeep, Bit driving, and were on their way back to the base. It wasn't half as comfortable to either of them as it had been on the way here. Neither was relaxed, nor happy for that matter at having to be in the same car as the other. They really just wanted to be separated. As they reached the base, and got out of the jeep, they headed for their rooms. Leena's and Bit's were both in the same direction, only Leena's was before Bits. Both walked silently down the hall, too exhausted and in a way angry to talk to one another. As soon as Leena reached her bedroom door, she pulled Bits wrist to stop him. Bit immediately stopped and looked at her. She took another deep breath and exhaled, "Thanks for the night, Bit," she said with a glum face, then swiftly kissed his right cheek, then slapped his left cheek, and walked into her room without a second glance back. Bit slowly put his left hand to the cheek she had just hit. It took a minute for Bit to understand what happened, but then continued to walk to his room. He opened his door, sat down on the side of his bed, put his face in his hands, and murmured silently to himself, "What have I done?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Kay: *sobs* this is most likely the saddest chapter I've ever written, and I think that it is also one of the longest. *Sobs some more* and now look at me, you reviewers are going to eat me alive for this chapter. I feel so helpless. *Sobs once again* *whips tears* but don't worry ya'll. This story doesn't end here. Oh no, if I ended with that, I'm sure that someone will kill me by tomorrow. Jamie: I tried to warn you all. *Kay shoots death stare towards Jamie* But Kay made me promise not tell as you can read. Kay: And if you tell anyone any little detail about the next chapter, you may be about six feet under within a few moments of what you said. Oh, and I am well aware that the song I chose, if any of you hear it, or have heard it, is not exactly a slow dancing song. It is in a small way, but not really. Just thought it kinda went along with everything in this story, and I have to admit, I was inspired by it too. I heard it not too long ago, and that's when I thought of putting this plot bunny in. ^_~ *sees Bit and Leena running towards her* Oh look, there's Leena and Bit now. Hmm...they don't look too happy. Jamie: Maybe that has to do with the fact that they want to kill you. Kay: *nods* Yes, it probably is the case after what just happened in this chapter. *Bit and Leena are closing in on Kay* I wonder if I should move. Jamie: Well, that probably would keep you alive. Bit and Leena: *Dive at Kay, but go right through her* Kay: You were saying Jamie. Jamie: *Looks at Kay with strange messed up face, blinks eyes rapidly to see if illusion or not* What just happened? Kay: *Sticks hand inside of stomach, laughs* Not everyone that writes is alive you know. Jamie: *blinks* YOU'RE MAD!!! *runs away from Kay, out of earshot* Kay: He even looks cute when he runs. *waves* bye cutie Jamie! Bit: *stares at Leena* What's up with her? Leena: She can't be dead. *both walk away* The real Kay has to be alive somewhere around here. It's not like falling off a cliff is going to kill her. Kay: Ya know, I never thought that those gifts you got for Halloween were actually useful until I got this projector. *puts finger to lips* shhh...Don't tell Jamie. Hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! *evil laugh* *vanishes* 10. Seven Years too Long Kay: I told you not to tell them or go near them! Jamie: Well, it isn't my fault if they decide to put me in reviews. Kay: Yes, and it is a good thing that they didn't try to force you to tell them, but you still gave away the obvious plot. At least you didn't really tell them the ending, or what is going to happen in this chapter, no one knows, except me that is. However, you still shouldn't go near them. Jamie: Hey, it was Zapper Zako's choice to put me in there in the first place. Kay: That reminds me, Thank you, Zapper Zako for your e-mail. I think you are one of the ones who inspired some of this chapter, I don't really know how, but after reading your e-mail, this little idea clicked in my head, so Thanks! Oh, Jamie, hmm... you could have done your disappearing act. Jamie: What? How would I do that? Kay: Like this! *Pushes Jamie off cliff Kay fell off earlier* Bye Jamie. Jack: You do realize that you did that all in front of your audience, right? Kay: ... you were recording that part? Jack: *nods* Kay: You're going to be the next to go down the hill after we are done with this part. Jack: Umm...if you can catch me. Kay: I may not be the fastest on the soccer team, but you had better hope I don't catch you. Jack: *nods* Kay: Are you still taping? ... *notices little red, blinking light, sighs* okay, as you can tell, Jamie and I have been arguing. Oh, and I don't know if I've said this in the last few chapters, but I'll say it now so you all know, and this is a direct quote. "MAN! I'M LOVING ALL THESE REVIEWS!" I think Jack videotaped my reaction, but I'm not sure, and if he did, he won't be showing any of you until he is pushed off the cliff. Don't you back away Jack. You still have to record the rest of this. Like I said, I loved the reviews, most of you made me laugh, some of you said that the last chapter made you pretty much cry, and I must master that skill of feelings, I got a long way to go. Overall, I am extremely pleased with the reviews I have received. *laughs* Okay, I know I left you all at a very tense moment, but I couldn't help it if it just felt like I should. All right, these first few paragraphs are somewhat an introduction, so I recommend that you all read it carefully to understand what is happening, because I can assure you most of this will not make sense unless you read these first couple paragraphs. Oh, and here is a one stanza poem that may help you understand why you should read those paragraphs so carefully. Seven years went by, I think some nights I sat on my bed to cry, Because every time I thought about that day, I remember how you pushed me away. Kay: Maybe that helps, I don't know, anyhow on with the disclaimer. Disclaimer: *Chorus* KAY DOES NOT OWN ZOIDS, DO NOT STEAL, COPY, MODIFY, OR REUSE HER IDEAS THE SAME WAY, THE PLOT IS HERS. It is the one thing we let her keep. *Bows, walks away into the forest* Kay: What?! I saw it fitting for them to come back and sing since they did such a wonderful job last time. Okay, on with the story, yeah? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Seven Years too Long ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A month from that day, Bit and Leena finally began to chase each other again; two months later they began to talk to one another, though it was only basic words like "yes" or "okay," with the longest sentence, "Good morning." It took three months more for Jamie to lend Doc the money he wanted, and a year for Doc to get a special zoid model he had obsessed over. Two years later, Brad had the courage to start dating Naomi. After another year, Harry came down to planet Zi, and continued his strangeness, still stalking Leena. Now, it's two years and six months later. To put it simply, it has been exactly seven years since the night when Bit became heartbroken and more importantly, broke Leena's by being stupid. Now, though Bit and Leena are both 25 years old, they continue to act like children towards one another. Over those years, other changes occurred. Leena let her hair grow a little longer. It wasn't much of a noticeable difference, but enough. She grew another two inches, and developed her body more so she was physically stronger. Two things for sure remained the same, her purple eyes, and welcoming personality. Her eyes had stayed unfazed over the last seven years, and still had the same glint they always had. Her personality was still fiery. Bit had also grown; he grew about two inches, keeping his height above Leena's. He had stolen Leena's food more regularly in the last few years, so he maintained his athletic figure. Occasionally, though, Leena would let him have some of her food, and he would do the same in return. His life had indeed changed in seven long years, and it was hard for him to believe what he had become. He was one of the most well respected, well-known pilots, along with his whole team. He went from junk dealer, to top class pilot, to legendary pilot. He could hardly go a week without someone outside the base saying, 'Hey, aren't you Bit Cloud?' His life had settled down. He knew exactly what would make it complete. On this special day, something happened to change their lives forever. You could say everything that morning began normally. Brad was working on his Shadow Fox before he went into the kitchen to eat. He was fixing the barrel on one of the guns that had been slightly damaged in yesterday's battle. Jamie was making breakfast in the kitchen for the five of them. Doc had awakened, and was playing with his zoid models as if they were in a real battle. As for Bit and Leena, their wonderful morning routine hadn't changed, save for the fact that Leena was prepared for Bit. The night before, Leena had planned how she would chase her victim, knowing now which way the coward would run. She had set up a few things in the hangar, blocked certain routes to force him to run right where she wanted him. This time, she was positive she would catch him. Brad was just about finishing a job when he heard familiar yells, threats, and screams for help heading down the hall towards the hangar. He looked up from his position, which is on top of the Shadow Fox, just in time to see a blonde-haired, green-eyed warrior sprint through the entrance, this time, a chocolate chip cookie clutched in his right hand. He was in the same old battle uniform as before; it had been stitched quite a few times. "HELP! I SWEAR THIS IS MY COOKIE! SOMEONE STOP THIS MANIAC!" he screamed frantically, grinning as he ran. Brad, still looking at the entrance, saw a red-haired, female warrior emerge at a fast pace, her eyes fixed on her prey as she sprinted after it. She was dressed in casual wear, and looked pleased to be chasing Bit again. "YOU BETTER HOPE I DON'T CATCH YOU BIT!" she screamed. Brad shook his head slightly and mumbled under his breath, "Some things never change," with a sigh, then returned to finishing the job he had started. Meanwhile, Bit was having a horrible time escaping Leena. He attempted to make a right turn around a large crate to lose her, but it was blocked by extra zoid parts he had collected a few days before. He didn't know they were there. "COME BACK HERE BIT CLOUD!" she yelled; her plan had worked. "MAKE ME!" he yelled back, passing the Liger 0 who stood silently watching. Bit only sprinted faster. 'Just a little farther, and you've lost her,' he thought to himself. There was a left turn ahead; it lead to a door between a large crate and the hangar wall. He had been taking that route, which should have allowed him to lose her. The only problem was, he didn't realize she already knew about it. Knowing the turn was ahead, he began to accelerate as much as possible. He finally got to the edge of the crate, made a sharp cut to his left, to make a straight break through what he thought was the open door. Once through, he would lock the door, and sprint to the kitchen. As he approached the door, his body slammed into it, causing a large dent at the point of impact, and bouncing him back a few feet. He had been looking back at Leena the whole time, and didn't see it was closed. Normally it was open, allowing him to run through it, but it wasn't this time. He couldn't go to the right because there was the hangar wall, and he couldn't go to the left because of the crate. He was at a dead end. 'Uh-oh,' he thought to himself, he hadn't expected it to be closed. He turned around to see Leena looking straight into his eyes. He began to move back as far as possible until his back was against the cold, metal door with a large dent, which fit the outline of his body. He quickly reached with his left hand for the button to open the door, but as soon as he pressed it, he felt his whole body fly upward. It had finally occurred to him. He was trapped. He noticed he was in a large rope net a good distance off the ground, with no way to get down. His body was curled up with his knees to his chest, the cookie still clutched in his right hand. His back was towards the ground. He looked towards Leena to see her reaction; a triumphant look was on Leena's face. Her eyes looked on happily at the sight of him caught in the net like an insect in a spider web. Her arms were crossed in front of her body with most of her weight on her left foot. "Hey Leena," he said cheerily, knowing he was dead. "It's a wonderful morning, huh?" he smiled broadly at her. "Yep," she replied as she stood next to him with a genuine smile on her face. "It's a beautiful morning, just to let you know." She quickly reached into the net and grabbed her cookie. "Now, I'm debating what I should do next with you." "Come on, Leena," he said with as wide a smile as he could muster, "You know I was going to give it back." "Sure," she replied sarcastically, "That's why there is a large Bit mark in it," she claimed, looking at the chunk missing. "So I got a little hungry, no big deal," Bit soon regretted his words. "Hmmm...I think I'll just throw you to your fan group. Let them decide what they want you to do. Maybe they'll take you shopping with them, get you some new clothes." "You wouldn't," he said. "Maybe this list of names and numbers will clear up some things. They seem to like to call and leave messages," a smirk was now on her lips, "Or maybe I should just let you stay up there for the rest of the day. That would probably teach you to show some respect for others," she took a bite out of her cookie, still debating what to do. Bit gave a hesitant laugh. Was she being serious? Or was she kidding? He didn't know. "You're not serious are you?" he asked uncertainly. "Why would I go through all the trouble if I was going to let you go?" she took another bite out of her cookie. "But you wouldn't throw me to my fan group, right?" She took another bite out of her cookie; now only a small piece remained. She looked at him thoughtfully, reached into her pocket, and pulled out a piece of paper with names and numbers on it, unfolded it, and held it near his face so he could see it. Unfortunately for Bit, there were names on the list he recognized. "Oh," he whispered quietly, surprised. She then folded the paper back up, and placed it in her pocket. "I guess that solves that," she nodded to herself. In the distance, both warriors heard a voice yelling their names, "BIT, LEENA, BREAKFAST!" It was Jamie, and he was apparently finished making breakfast. "BE THERE IS A SECOND, JAMIE!" Leena replied, and then refocused her attention on Bit. "Hey, you wanna go get breakfast, you know, before it gets cold," he said thoughtfully. "And leave you hanging here by yourself so you can try to get away...I don't think so," there was a new glint in her eyes, which signaled Bit that she had an idea. "What are you going to do to me?" he said, sensing she was on to something. "Your punishment," she replied firmly. She then walked so she was under him, put her hands through the holes to meet his sides, and began to tickle him. Bit couldn't help but laugh hard; he was ticklish. He tried to move to the side escape her fingers, but failed. He couldn't move at all, because the net was too tight around him. After a few minutes, Bit was ready to go bathroom, and Leena finally stopped. "Was that my punishment?" he asked happily as he hung there. "Yeah," she replied with a pure smile, "It is," she then pressed the button to open the door, and Bit and the net made contact with the concrete floor with a loud bang, "That is also part of it." Bit laughed happily, rubbing his back slightly, "I guess I deserve it in a way." "Yeah, you do," she replied just as happy. "Hey, I was just kidding," he said, trying to look insulted at what she had just said. "You're a horrible liar Bit," she said extending her hand to lift him. "You really think so?" he said as he took her hand. "Try to lie again." "I think you're the most horrible thing that ever walked planet Zi." "Liar," she said quickly. "How would you truly know?" he asked slyly. "Because," she began modestly, "I told you to try to lie." "You're good." "And I wouldn't make you laugh if I were the most horrible thing on Zi, and you were smiling when you said that." "Geez, take away the fun in everything." "And what's that suppose to mean?" she said, attempting to look insulted just as Bit had been. "Just an observation." "Too bad you're blind." "And what's that supposed to mean?" he repeated what Leena had said. "Just an observation," she said with a smile. They both laughed slightly. "Lets go get some food, yeah?" he asked. "Okay," she said. "Okay," he repeated, and they left the hangar for the kitchen after Leena rewired the door so it would open. They entered the kitchen, both smiling. Jamie took note of it and asked indecisively, "What's up with you two?" "The fact that we are both hungry, and would like some food," Bit replied. "Help yourselves, it's on the table." "Thanks, Jamie," Bit and Leena said in unison and took a seat next to each other. They began loading their plates with eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausages, and much more food. Nowadays, they had plenty of food because they won so regularly. After a few minutes, Jamie joined them at the table, sitting across from Bit. He laid a newspaper flat on the table, and began to read. Leena and Bit took note of what Jamie was doing, and Leena quickly asked after swallowing a mouth full of egg, "Since when do you read the paper, Jamie?" "Since the Royal Cup tournament finished a year ago, most of the time you two aren't here to see me reading." "Well, aren't you going to eat first?" Bit asked. "I already had. As I said, you two aren't here most of the time," he replied. Leena and Bit both nodded in agreement. "Hey," Bit said after eating some bacon, "Do we have anything to drink around here?" "The milk is all gone, Doc ruined all the tea-" Bit cut him off, "What about the orange juice?" "You all finished it off yesterday," he continued, "We do have coffee." "All right, I'll take that," Bit finally agreed as Jamie passed him the pot and Bit began to pour it in his cup. At that moment, the kitchen door flew opened with a loud bang making all three jump, and Bit almost spilled the coffee over everything. "Geez," Bit said loudly, "You'd think that most people would be content with a door that opens by itself," he said as he finished pouring the coffee and placed the pot on the table. He looked around to see who it was. "Hiya Harry, what a pleasant surprise for you to join us," he said sarcastically. Harry had become a recent visitor, and was still ignored at the Toro's base. Bit had begun to hate Harry increasingly over the years, but still restrained himself from choking him. Instead of wasting his energy by telling Harry to get lost, Bit slowly began to drink his coffee, gripping the handle tightly to absorb some of his anger. Jamie stared briefly, then returned to reading. Leena, however, wondered why Harry was here. Sure, she had been tricked into a few dates with him in the last seven years, and had started to appreciate him in some small way, but still disliked his annoying behavior. She wondered why he was here so early. "Hello Leena," came his sickening voice. "What do you want, Harry?" she asked firmly, "You aren't getting me to go on another date." "Now Leena," he said just as sweetly, "That's no way to treat your future husband." "What are you talking about?" she asked as she stood up. Jamie had taken his eyes off the paper, and stared at the unfolding scene. Bit all the while, continued to drink his coffee slowly, barely sipping, but not swallowing it completely. Harry quickly moved in front of her, "I'm going to do something I should have done nine years ago," he then kneeled in front of her, took hold of her left hand with his right, took a small black box out of his pocket, released her hand, then opened it. "Leena, will you marry me?" Leena stood silently with her eyes ready to pop out, Jamie's jaw dropped immediately, and Bit sprayed the large quantity of coffee he had in his mouth across the table covering Jamie's face and chest area. "Sorry," Bit said as he stared at the fuming Jamie in front of him. He reluctantly got up, and left the room, his fists clenched, turning white from the pressure. Feeling as if he were an intruder, Jamie too, left, coffee dripping down his nose leaving a trail of coffee as he walked. This left Leena and Harry all alone, Leena debating what to do. Should she say yes, or no? She didn't know. She didn't really love him, but her life wasn't going anywhere. Was he worth it? Yes, the little box contained a beautifully crafted, gold band, diamond ring. Excuse me, a HUGE diamond ring. Was it worth it? Meanwhile, Jamie rushed to the hangar to alert Brad about the recent events. Brad, seeing Jamie covered in coffee, couldn't help but ask, "What happened? Did the coffee pot attack you?" "Yeah, aliens from another planet took control of the coffee pot and attacked me so they could figure out why the Blitz team continues to win. Come on, I want you to hear something!" "What is it about?" Brad asked, thinking it may be a trick. "Harry asked Leena to marry him, and I don't think she has said yes yet." "Why are you giving me some story about aliens attacking you? Lets go!" They both dashed over to Doc to retrieve him as well. As soon as they were outside the kitchen door, the one Harry had entered, Jamie filled them in on the entire story. Hearing this, all three put their ears to the door in an attempt to hear the rest of Leena and Harry's conversation. Inside, Leena was enjoying Harry's face as time passed. Harry was slowly becoming impatient, and could no longer take the silence. "My love, if you accept, you will make me the happiest man on Zi. You will be rich, receive all the ammo you need, battle to your heart's content, you'll have security, protection, love from me. You'd be able to visit Doc, Jamie, Brad, and," he paused for a moment, then said with great distain, "Bit." "That's a load of rubbish," whispered a low voice from behind the kitchen door. "Hush Jamie," she heard a deeper voice say, "We don't want her hearing us." "Oh will you two just shut up?" said a third, calmer voice. Leena stifled a giggle, and continued to stare at the focused Harry, who seemed oblivious to the three voices. Moments later, he asked, "So what do you say?" as if no one were listening. "I'll have to think about it, Harry," Leena said, thoughtfully. Another few heart-wrenching, awkward moments passed before Harry asked, "Have you had enough time to think, Love?" 'Big ring, no love. True love, not too good of a ring. Beauty is a burden,' she deduced. Time passed slowly for Harry, each second seeming like another seven years. The situation was tearing at Harry's insides, perhaps something was about to break: his heart pounded as he stared at Leena, his knee stiffened from remaining too long in the same position, and his arms began to shake as he held up the little box containing the beautifully crafted gold ring. In contrast to Harry, Leena was enjoying the moment, but finally concluded, 'I can't miss an opportunity like this,' she said to herself. She sighed, looked straight into his blue eyes, and replied sweetly, "Yes..." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Kay: All right, before any of you decide to kill me, 1) Check my Bio page, and check the couples. 2) Realize I still have one more to two chapters to go, and I'm kinda sure that the next chapter will be my last. 3) If you kill me, then this is where this story ends. 4) She says something else, notice ... the three periods. 5) You have to say, this is a lovely cliffhanger. However, I'm thinking right now that you all don't want to hear this. Harry: She doesn't say anything else! My Leena said yes! Kay: Dream on Romeo *hits Harry in the head with Leena's frying pan* Security! SECURITY! All right, well, I guess you will all have to find out in the next chapter to know what happens. Until- WHOA! Jamie: *Pushes Kay off cliff, and brushes of dirt on himself* that is her payback. Good-bye, I shall now be running. *Sprints for his zoid* Kay: *still falling down cliff* YOU-SHALL-PAY-JAMIE!!! Ouch... 11. Sweet Emotions Kay: Hello all! How ya doing? Jack: You know you're wasting film right? Kay: Silence! *Clears throat* I would like to say that I'm quite surprised nowadays when I read a zoids fic that involves a frying pan. *Laughs* I never noticed them before, and I wonder if I inspired that idea...I may never know. Anyhow, I was extremely pleased with the reviews I received, and all the sweet talk that came with them. Well, *looks up at Jamie's zoid, which is flying above* I guess he has to come down someday. *BOOM* Kay: I guess that day has come a little earlier than expected *Jamie's zoid comes down, barely landing, Kay smiles* I guess I shouldn't tell him about the explosives for a while. Revenge is sweet. *Clears throat once more* As I was saying, I hope that you all enjoyed Twisted Fate. I put a lot of my heart into writing this story, and I hope you all will respect it, and me by not stealing any of the plot ideas I have used. I know that most of my ideas are not original, but some of them are, for most of them I haven't seen in another story before I wrote it. Well, I guess you don't want to hear me babbling much more, so my dedication will be at the bottom. On with- Jack: The Disclaimer! Kay: *angry face* that was my line...*sniffles, laughs* Jack: Well, I had to try it out. *Laughs* Kay: All right, but just this once you get to say that. All right, like he said. Disclaimer: I solemnly guarantee I do not own zoids. Zoids belongs to a company...not me...Suing me is pointless, hence, do not do it. You will be wasting your time. The only thing that belongs to me is the plot. Please do not mimic my plot in an attempt to have a good idea, basic concepts are okay, but summarizing the story will have me on your back flaming you constantly, and will have other people I know flaming you, so in the end, it's better not to do any of that. Also, please do not copy, modify, steal, or reuse my ideas in the same way. Kay: Now, *sniff* on with *sniff* the story. *sniff, sniff* Jack: *hands Kay a tissue* Here is a tissue for your issue. Kay: I'm gonna need a whole box full if that's the case. Austin Powers's movies rock. On with the story! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sweet Emotions ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Three bodies fell into the kitchen and collided with the floor; causing a loud thump. The smallest one was squashed under the larger two. All three stared intently at Leena with a look of disbelief. "What are you guys doing here?!" she exclaimed, "You're all rude! You should show some respect for others and-" "I told you, Jamie, you shouldn't be listening to other people's conversations," Doc said quickly, cutting Leena off, "I tried to pull him from the door, but he wouldn't budge." "That's funny, Doc, what were you doing with your ear to the door?" Jamie barely spoke, both Doc and Brad had not yet removed themselves from his back. "I for one, had nothing to do with this," Brad said calmly, "It was all Jamie." "That's nice, Brad, but if you had nothing to do with it, then why are you still on top of me? You're cutting off my air supply!" Jamie blurted out with a sense of urgency, his face turning a light shade of blue. Brad and Doc quickly jumped off Jamie's back, then helped him up, and turned their gaze to Leena. Leena was fuming by now, "Why were you three-," but she could not finish her sentence because her father, once again, had cut her off. "So, is this my daughter's choice?" Doc asked, amused, with his arms folded as Jamie and Brad regained their composure. "I'm so happy for you," Doc said excitedly as he wrapped his arms around his daughter in a hug, "Now, all we need to do is plan the wedding." "DAD! GET OFF!" she yelled as she pushed her father away, "I'm not finished yet!" "Harry," she continued once she freed herself from her father, "is that all you have to say?" Harry nodded eagerly with a furtive smile, which made Leena sick to her stomach, "Well, "yes" wasn't all I had to say," Leena replied. "I was going to say more until these guys interrupted me," she glared angrily at Brad, Jamie, and her father. She then continued, "Yes, I've had enough time to think about it. Yes, I would make you the happiest man on Zi. Yes, I would have protection from you, and yes, I would have ammo, which is a very tempting offer. Yes, from my perspective, the wedding would probably look amazing with your money. Yes, I would get a beautiful engagement ring with a huge diamond on it, which is also very tempting, but even with all of this, my final answer is..." she took a deep breath, and exhaled, "no." A loud crack in the ceiling was heard, and tiny dust particles began falling. Jamie, Brad, and Doc all smiled at Leena's decision, but she didn't notice. Harry's jaw dropped so far, an extra large donut could fit inside. "Why?" Harry asked, broken-hearted, "Have I not offered, and given you enough, Leena?" "You have money to buy almost anything in the world, but there is something you can't buy with money, something you have failed to acquire before you asked this question." "And what's that? I'll buy it just to prove I can, Leena." "A women's heart," she said simply, "All the money in the world wouldn't be able to buy it (unless its from an organ bank), especially one that was already given away years ago." The ceiling crumbled, BOOM. Dust particles falling from the ceiling were soon replaced by a blond-headed figure, which made contact with the kitchen floor a few feet from Leena. Leena turned her gaze to the figure who was on all fours, discovering that this intruder was Bit. As the dust settled, she could see that his clothes and blond hair were stained brown from the vent by which he had made his abrupt reentry. Though his hands and knees were aching with pain from the fall, he was still able to stand up without assistance. He focused his sea-green eyes on Leena as he lifted his head. Out of his mouth came a single word, "Who?" He began to dust himself off in a futile attempt to appear clean, all the while, never taking his eyes off Leena. Harry's eyes flared dangerously at the sight of Bit. 'WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!' his mind screamed as Bit staggered on his feet as if these were his first steps ever. Leena's lips cracked into a grin. "You're going to have to wait to find out, Bit Cloud?" Leena refocused her gaze on Harry and continued, "Harry, you said I would have your love, but the truth is, you'll never have mine." Harry looked at his feet. Inside his chest, he felt his heart twist and turn painfully. Butterflies that had been inside his stomach were gone; what was left was an empty pit. He felt his ribs caving in on his stomach, which hurt. His mind was searching for the answer to what had happened, but it drew a blank. He now understood complete rejection. She had always told him to "get lost," or "go away," but had never truly told him off like this. He could feel his eyes dampen, but no tears escaped. Leena continued, "I know this probably hurts you, Harry, I know what it feels like. You feel like it is the end of the world, and your heart hurts because it is twisting so much from being denied. Your stomach feels like someone hit it, your whole body feels like it is just going to shut down, and your brain is attempting to understand what happened." Though Leena's anatomical description left everyone a bit puzzled, her eyes were full of sympathy for Harry, "So please, Harry, understand this: you're a great guy and all, though annoying, but I am not the person for you. I never will be." " are meant to be," he said feebly as he looked up to meet her eyes, "we are bonded together by eternal love." "Harry, I want you to leave," she said slowly as she placed her hands tightly on his shoulders and looked into his crystal blue eyes, "and I want you to go find your soul mate who is out there waiting for you to find her...because...I've..." Leena gave a nervous laugh, "I've already found mine," she released Harry's shoulders, and moved to make a path for him to leave. Harry hesitated as Leena looked at her feet, but quietly whispered, "This is a mistake." He turned his head to Bit, who stood silently near the kitchen exit, watching intently, "You did this!" he raised his right arm and pointed his index finger at Bit, "You did this!" he repeated forcefully. "You've corrupted Leena's mind, it is your fault. This is all your doing!" he screamed uncontrollably. "No," Leena said quietly, "He didn't. He had nothing to do with the decision either...I did," she took a deep breath and continued, "Please leave Harry. You've worn out your welcome." Harry turned his gaze to Leena, "I hope you're happy," he gave her one last look, then walked pass her, past Brad, Doc, and Jamie, but when he was next to Bit, he stopped. Bit looked at him absurdly for a moment before Harry leaned over to his ear, and said, in a voice barely audible to Bit, "Take care of her." Harry looked at Bit who nodded, showing he understood, and Harry nodded back. He left through the kitchen door and out of the base. Leena still stared at her feet, Harry would no longer bother her, and she knew he wouldn't. Nevertheless, she could not help feeling culpable. The way he stared at her with that sad face, it made her feel miserable. For the longest time, she hated him, but when he had finally begun to act like a normal human, she rejected him. She had finally gotten what she had desired for so long, for him to leave, but why did she feel so guilty. This was the first time she noticed that she had actually felt guilty about something. Most of the time she didn't care, she just went about as if it were someone else's fault; why wasn't she like that now? She finally remembered that four men were still in the kitchen. She looked up to see her father, Jamie, Brad, and Bit on either side of the kitchen door. She first focused her gaze on her father who was smiling broadly at her. She was about to ask him a question when he said, "Good choice," gave a little wink, then left the kitchen followed by two grinning males. This only left Leena and Bit in the kitchen. Bit opened his mouth to speak, but Leena spoke first, "Not now Bit," she said smiling slightly, "Just not now." Bit nodded, and walked to her side. The female warrior was looking straight at her feet, her hands together behind her back. Bit wrapped his arms around her in a hug, bringing her body close to his. Nothing changed for a few moments until Leena repositioned her arms around his waist to hug him back. She rested her head in his chest, and listened to his constant heartbeat. The feel of his jacket against her cheek felt like velvet. Everything that had happened moments before seemed to vanish at his warm touch. She could feel his soft breathing rub her head like a blanket. He leaned down, kissed the top of her head, then released her. The blond warrior headed for the door, leaving his teammate alone. When Bit was about to exit, he took one last, long look at Leena with his silly smile, then, he too, had left. Leena let a toothy smile appear on her face before letting a tear roll down her cheek. A second later, she had wiped it away and was heading for her room where she laid down on her bed and fell asleep. ~*~*~*~*~*~* It had been about half a day since the Harry situation, making it dusk. Leena had been sitting in her room, awake for three hours, reviewing everything she had said to Harry, the look on his face, and Bit. She had been thinking about Bit for the last three hours. He had climbed through all those vents, just to be there to listen to her. With all the mixed feelings swirling through her mind and body, she could not overlook one simple fact: Bit still loved her. He had taken the time and effort just to listen to Harry and her. He attempted to comfort her with a hug and kiss on the top of the head afterwards, which seemed to work. Leena still remembered the heart-melting look on her warrior's face, and how his beautiful eyes never left her when he fell to the floor. Now, the only question remaining was how she would get him back. She could no longer tolerate being in her room. She silently stood up from her bed, put on her shoes, and left the room. She walked slowly down the lighted silver hallway, her hands together behind her back. As she passed the open living room door, where Doc and Jamie were, Jamie called to her from inside. "Where are you going?" he asked as he put his newspaper down. Leena couldn't help noticing the coffee stain on the paper from earlier. She stifled a laugh, "I need a breath of fresh air, that's all," she spoke truthfully. "Okay," he said, then returned to reading his coffee stained paper. "Jamie?" "Yeah." "Why are you still reading the newspaper?" she could not understand why he was still reading it. He had been reading it earlier this morning, but why was he still reading it? "Because I'm not done with it." Leena blushed in embarrassment, "Yeah...but...why?" she couldn't think of what to ask. "Because I'm not done with it," Jamie repeated as if he were talking to a one year-old who was trying to say his first word. "What have you been doing all afternoon?" "Well, most of the time I've been working on the Raynos.We have a battle in a few days." "Oh," Leena realized. He had been busy. "Yeah, I've just been checking for any problems, running analyses, the usual." "Okay, I'll see you later," Leena answered as she began to walk. "HEY!" Jamie yelled out quickly. "Huh?" Leena questioned as she stuck her head back in the room. "Are you feeling better?" he asked with a tone of concern in his voice. Doc looked up from his zoid models, which he had been focused on. "Yes," she responded confidently, "It's not like Harry was that big of a loss," Doc smiled, and returned to playing with his white Liger 0 and navy blue Gunsniper. "Right, oh, take a jacket or something. It's pretty cold when it gets dark." "I'll be fine, I think I can handle the cold," Leena replied as she continued to walk. She reached the hangar and was about to leave the base completely through the large, open hangar door, which all the zoids left through, when Brad called to her from on top of his shadow fox. "Leena! If you're going to go outside, why don't you take a jacket?" "It's all right, it isn't that cold," she lied. As soon as the bitter desert breeze brushed her cheeks, she wished her words had been true. She instinctively folded her arms to keep warm. Even with the cold, she still walked out into the desert. She walked until the hangar was a good distance away, and the sunset was brighter than the light behind her. She stood there, freezing, as she looked at the horizon where the sun sank. It was an amazingly clear sunset; one that she felt would lead to a night just like seven years ago. The double moons were clearly visible opposite the sun, and the first stars were appearing on the horizon. The sky was a bright golden color surrounding the sun, but became a cold blue then purple, as you looked farther away from the horizon; night was coming. Just standing outside seemed to take all of her problems away. She felt comfortable again, even though goose bumps were forming on her arms, she didn't mind. She inhaled the cool air, letting her lungs fill, then exhaled. This was how she was supposed to feel. Not tense because of Harry or anything else, just relaxed. She stood peacefully admiring the sunset. Just as everything seemed peaceful, she heard footsteps coming from behind her. She turned her head to see someone with blond hair, wrapped in a black blanket, coming towards her. The blanket was wrapped around his body hanging down just past his knees. "Hey Bit," she said unworriedly as soon as he stopped a few feet away. "Hey," he replied, "So, how are you feeling?" "Not too bad, just bit cold," she answered honestly. Bit nodded. "What are you doing out here?" Leena asked out of curiosity. "I came here to check on you," he replied enthusiastically, "I haven't seen you since this morning. I thought you curled up and died." "Nice of you to be so concerned," she replied, "But then again, I thought you would think of that as the time to find the best hiding place." "Huh?" "I still remember this morning when you took my cookie again, don't think I've forgotten about that," she said with a wink. Bit flashed his trademark smile. He tilted his head to his right side a little, and then said, "I thought I'd paid my dues already." "Think about all the other times." Bit gave a heart-felt laugh, "Here." He walked up behind her so his chest was tight against her back and wrapped his arms around her, pulling the blanket with his hands so it shrouded both of them. He rested his head on her right shoulder, and kept his eyes focused on the sunset ahead. "Does this help?" he whispered in her ear, as his hands slide around her waist like a snake until he found her hands. "Yeah," she replied as she rested her head on the side of his, "Wonderful." His touch burned her skin, almost as if he were trying to tickle her instead. She liked his warmth; he always made even the coldest times warm. "Do you mind if I ask you what I was going to ask earlier?" "Sure," she said dreamily. The sun had almost completely disappeared from view now. Bit opened his mouth to speak, but Leena spoke first, "Wait," something a good distance above the horizon caught her eye. A bright star flew across the horizon with a white glow trailing it. "Bit," she said as soon as it had disappeared from the sky, "Did you see that?" "Yeah, it must have been a shooting star," he then said slyly, "Did you make your wish?" Leena smiled at him, "Why would Mr. Cloud ask?" she said playfully. Leena finally realized Bit was holding her hands in his and blushed slightly at the realization. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. Do we have a deal, Miss Toros?" "I thought if you told your wish to another person, it wouldn't come true. I may have to think about this," Leena replied sincerely. She turned her body in his grip so that she faced him, then lightly placed her arms around his neck, while he repositioned his arms around her waist. "Hmmm...I've thought about it, and I've decided, yes. I'll tell you." "Now," Leena continued as her violet eyes met his luminous green ones, "if I tell you what my wish is, would you go along with it?" "So, it is something to do with me?" "Yes," she answered with a slight blush, which Bit didn't seem to notice because of the darkness, "It is something to do with you. Will you go along with it, though?" "Leena," his lips again formed his trademark smile as he pulled her body closer to his own so any gap that may have been between had disappeared. Bit then moved his head so his face was only a few inches away, "I'd do anything for you," his eyes wandered all over her face, but stuck on her lips. She couldn't help but smile broadly at him, "Good answer," she then closed her eyes, and closed the small gap between their heads making her lips meet his in a kiss. Bit kissed back. He had waited seven long years for this kiss. They deepened the kiss as Leena ran her hands through his blond hair. The coldness seemed remote for both of them; all she knew was that Bit was finally hers. He hadn't pushed her away this time, and she loved that feeling. She loved the feeling of being with him, of being accepted by him. Every time they had hugged, or rested with one another, everything else had gone away, except each other in their minds. Leena never knew that kissing him would be three times better than all of other things combined. It felt better than anything else she had ever experienced. Leena moaned in pleasure as they kissed, but soon, Bit pulled his head away, breathless, and opened his eyes to look into her violet orbs. He smiled at her, a smile that made her dissolve. "Wow," Bit whispered with his jaw hanging down slightly. "I think you took the word right out of my mouth," Leena said as she giggled. "What's so funny?" he asked, lightheartedly. "You, silly," she said as she rubbed her nose with his, "remember that stupid plan to get rid of Harry?" "Yeah, I remember, too," his lips formed a smirk. "Remember you said, no fake lip kissing?" He smiled broadly at her, "But it wasn't fake," he said softly, "and it never will be." Leena couldn't help but smile broadly at his response, "I hope that never changes." "I hope so too," he agreed. "Now, was that your wish? To kiss me?" he asked as he put his forehead on hers. "Yeah," she said dreamily, "I wished to kiss you. Now it's your turn. What was your wish?" He pulled his forehead off Leena's, "To be honest," he brought his right hand from her waist to her left cheek and began to caress it softly, "I wished I never pushed you away seven years ago, I'm sorry, Leena. I'm sorry I hurt you like that," their was a short silence as both stared lovingly at the other before Bit continued, "Wow, I feel strange for saying that." "Why?" Leena asked. Her heart had been floating on Cloud nine, but she still asked out of nature. "I don't think I've ever said sorry to you like that before." Her lips twisted into a smile, as she said, "I know, but we can't change that now, can we?" Bit nodded it agreement. He too smiled, then leaned down, and kissed her soft lips once again. He pulled his head away a moment later. "I think I know why I turned away from you seven years ago." "What is your reason this time, Mr. Cloud?" she said as she gave him a devilish look. "Promise you won't laugh? I think it sounds like a pretty dumb reason, but it's the truth," he said innocently. "I promise," she said as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "I promise I won't, unless it sounds too strange not to." He gave a short laugh, "All right," he took a deep breath, "I think...I think I pushed you away, because I wasn't ready to tell you something. It's not because of you, I just didn't feel ready." "Like what?" she asked, urging him to say it. Her heart was pounding on her rib cage as her muscles tightened, her knees felt like they would snap. He took another deep breath. 'Come on Bit!' her mind screamed, 'Sometime before sunrise please! I know what you want to say, I want to say it too.' "I love you." Leena felt a warm sensation pass through her body at his words. She felt as if she would just slip out of Bit's grasp and faint. She had waited so long to hear him say those three simple words in one whole sentence, and he finally had. A loving smile appeared on her face as she looked at him. Her eyes were glistening brighter than any distant star ever could. She quickly gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then pulled her head away to get a good look at his smile. She didn't really know what to say back to him, nothing she could think of sounded better than those three words to her right now, so why not tell him how she felt. "Bit, I love you, too," at the sound of those words, Bit leaned down and kissed her passionately. 'This has to be a dream,' Leena thought to herself, 'It feels like something I have dreamt about, but everything we say sounds strange. Like something that only comes true in fairy tales.' She slowly pulled her head away to catch her breath. "Bit," she said as she looked at his flushed cheeks. "Yes?" "Is it just me, or does this all seem strange in a way to you?" "Yeah, it sounds like some kind of cheesy romance novel, but surprisingly, the words seem true. At least they seem true to me." Leena smiled fondly at his remark. It did seem like some fake romantic ending that was only true in movies and stories, but she never realized how true some of those things could be until now. Bit looked up from Leena, and looked into the distance behind her. He narrowed his eyes suddenly, as if focusing them on something. Leena continued to look at him, and quietly asked, "What is it?" Bit continued to stare, not saying a word. Leena followed his gaze, and slowly turned around in his arms to try to follow where his eyes pointed. There was nothing; nothing but darkness that was now enveloping them. The two moons shone brightly in the velvety sky, while stars twinkled nearby. "Bit, what is it? I don't see anything." She suddenly felt him tickling her waist making it impossible not to laugh. She squirmed in his grasp as she tried to escape his touch, but he held onto to her tightly and continued to tickle her. Bit also laughed as he tickled her sides, but finally stopped when Leena stomped on his foot. "Ouch," he gave a wholehearted laugh as she turned in his arms to face him, again, with a look of fake disapproval. "What?" he asked whole-heartedly, "it was payback for making me wait so long to find out why you rejected Harry." "Sure," she said, not convinced of his reason, "Excuses, excuses Mr. Cloud." "But it did work. If one person stares into the distance, others are bound to do the same." "That's not entirely important to me," Leena whispered. "Then what is important to you?" Bit asked as he moved his head towards hers and smiled. "You..." Leena pulled his head down to meet hers in another kiss, one that lasted longer than any of the previous. The one thing important to her was Bit. She had seen him a long time ago, but he never quite saw her, not until he realized what she was. She was a large part of him, and he a large part of her. They knew that more now than ever. That was how it was meant to be. The END!!! *Evil laugh* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Kay: *sighs* Yes... this is the END of my story...This means, I will not be adding any more chapters past this one. I may, but I doubt it. I have taken way too long in posting chapters, and I find it much more difficult to find time for writing. As I said earlier, I put a lot of my heart into writing all of this, which is something I recommend everyone who writes to do; you get a much better result in the end. Well, on the plus side, Bit and Leena never caught me... Jamie: *Look of disgust* When I don't smell like ash, and feel like getting back at you*gives evil glare to Kay* I'll go get them just for you. Kay: *chuckles* Sure Jamie, and I'll blame you for everything you accuse me of. Jamie: Like they'd believe you. Kay: *whimpers* Leena, Bit, I promise you, I was framed. It was Jamie, all Jamie's idea to put you two together. He is the one to blame, get him. Jamie: You're a horrible liar, you, you... Kay: Anyhow, I would like to dedicate this chapter to a very special person. This chapter is dedicated to Krissy. You are a wonderful friend, and have inspired much of this story. I guess this is my way of saying, "Thanks buddy!" Oh, and THANKS DAD!!! For all the corrections, you made in the chapters. I would also like to say thanks to everyone who reviewed and e-mailed me. For those of you who just read the chapters, but put no review, I hope you found this story enjoyable. Jamie: I believe it is time to end this and not drag it on. I'm sure most people have somewhere to go and something to do. Kay: Until my next story... or wherever my path leads me, cya. Jack: And that is a wrap. Just enough to fill up the video tape. Bye Bye! End file.
Twisted Fate by Heavens Wrath 15
Shoulda DISCLAIMER: I wrote this 'cause I had nothing to do, just a small scene between two characters. Fear not, I'm still writing my other story, Mirrored Image, it's just that there is so much typing to do... So this is "Shoulda" By Hinder... She held the phone loosely in her hand; unspoken words still on her lips... If I could go back in time Turning to the window, she watched the rain fall, thing of everything she had with him. I'd say those three words I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you "... I..." And this can't be saved if you can't be found You hung up and left me for dead on the ground You didn't even say goodbye Walking the streets she tried to find him, but he just disappeared. "Not even a good bye..." She should have told him... -why? She shook her head, hair plastered to her head. Tears mixing with rain. Now that you're gone I'm wasting away The life has been siphoned right out of my veins If I could go back in time I'd say those three words "Please, please, just let me take it back!" She cried her fury to the sky- "I..." God, even she couldn't bring herself to say it. I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you Rain fell in torrents around her, seeming to pull her further down "Three words," she whispered, "Its just three words." And this can't be saved if you can't be found You hung up and left me for dead on the ground You didn't even say goodbye This couldn't be fixed if he couldn't be found... He just hung up and left... I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you When you said those three words I kinda freaked out When you said them first my jaw hit the ground The same scene replayed over and over again in her mind, she could now see it within the falling rain. He had told her his feelings; maybe she wasn't ready for what he had to say... NO! She just wasn't ready to admit, and accept, the fact that she had fallen for him, like he had fallen for her. I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you And this can't be saved if you can't be found You hung up and left me for dead on the ground She stopped, letting the rain wash over her She couldn't find him... You didn't even say goodbye And this can't be saved If you can't be found And this can't be saved She couldn't save what they had, it was lost This couldn't be fixed; she dropped to her knees at the realization. I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you I shoulda woulda coulda said it back to you She looked up at the sky one last time, whispering those three words she swore she would never again say, "I love you..." (AN) So who do you think this is between? End file.
Shoulda by Dark Zaberfang
Zoids: Ashes and Dust **Zoids: Ashes and Dust** The battle is over. Praetor III stands surveying the battlefield, watching the smoke curl from shell-craters, rising to obscure the sight of smashed Zoid warriors lying strewn around the battlefield like captured pieces in a wargame between aristocratic ancients. The sight is a melancholy one, even though this time, in name at least, his side has won the engagement against the Reds. This is not the first battle that Praetor III has seen, nor does it stand to be the last, for a Zoid, as he well knows, fights until he can fight no more, until every atom in his metal body is smashed into oblivion, whose sacred kiss many perhaps long for, though they would never admit to so doing. On his chest is emblazoned the sacred seal of his allegiance: to the Blue forces of Zoidstar, the original and pure Zoids, a fact on which they pride themselves. Their zeal and honour are unmatched, and they do not bend in the face of their enemies' increasingly vicious bids for control of the entire planet of Zoidstar. Once the Zoids captured other planets, other stars: now, having reduced those planets and stars, and all life in them, to ashes and dust, they have turned their infinite talents for destruction, unmatched in the galaxy, inward, and now fight amongst each other in a struggle grown increasingly meaningless, and whose purpose now has simply become to perpetuate itself, to survive, too fight, to win, to conquer, and then to fight again. A Zoid is never short of enemies, a fact upon which Praetor III has often mulled over in his rare moments of reflection. He tries to recall how many battles he has survived, and finds that he cannot remember the number. He is simply here, now, and that is all that there is to it. Zoidarayan philosophy is not like the philosophies of other cultures: if it was once, it is no longer. All that there is to fight over now is ashes and dust. Praetor III slowly manoeuvres his vast metal Trooperzoid and turns back towards the objective which they have been sent to secure, an objective which has caused much destruction and the demise of some of their finest comrades today. A Zoid and his pilot, in truth, are not separate entities: they are one and the same, their consciousness linked in an act of sacred symbiosis, of holy fusion. The death of a machine and pilot is one event: if one dies, then so will the other. The sacrifices that he has seen here today have left a feeling like acid being slowly poured into the metal chambers of Praetor III's heart: he, like many of his colleagues, nonetheless feels fortunate to be alive himself, though this feeling is clouded with a certain guilt at having survived the conflict that has left so many others lying broken upon the field of battle. Praetor III begins to make his way towards the summit of the crag which overlooks the the Sea of Tears, one of many dead bodies of water on Zoidstar which have been reborn as theatres of brutal, almost unbelievably violent conflict. No-one in those long-ago years could have predicted such awful carnage as there is now, a conflict which forms the central part of life on the planet in these latter days. The crag gives its occupier a panoramic view over the rest of the desert, and is hence of crucial strategic importance. The sands all around are encrusted with the charred and rusted corpses of Zoids which have fought over this spot for the past weeks, months and years. All of them, once proud warriors, are just so much junk now, so much scrap metal, waiting perhaps for the Scavenger Zoid to take them away and rebuild them over the months to come. On Zoidstar, even the dead do not rest. Now Praetor III and his colleagues stand at the top of the crag. One of his fellows, the other Trooperzoid in the taskforce, turns to him, his cannon levelled and ready for any renewal of hostilities by the beaten Reds. A battle won is no cause for complacency, and the Zoids, if they celebrate victory at all, do so in a very different way to most races. The Trooper looks at him and its words resound inside Praetor III's comlink system. "So we have won another engagement, my esteemed colleague. We must now secure the area. With victory come only new obligations." Praetor III nods in agreement as he mulls over the Trooper's words. The Zoid is an old battle-friend of his: they have fought together for many years. "Your words are true, comrade. We must hasten to lock down all surrounding co-ordinates and prepare for counter-attack." A Terrazoid scout which has been flying high above them on reconnaissance duty suddenly wheels, shrieking, through the air overhead. "Counter-attack imminent!" it screams. "Take immediate defensive action!" The other Zoids respond, swivelling their various weapons, laser-cannon, rocket-launchers and missile-packs, in the direction of the approaching foe. The battlegroup now stand and listen, waiting for the onslaught to begin. The solar winds whine like the scream of a thousand lost souls through the pale desert waste that seemingly peters out into nothing some thousand yards beyond the limits of the naked eye. Above the static crackle of the radiation-heavy winds, Praetor III knows, he will soon hear the all-too-familiar sounds of a Red Zoid attack: the scream of alloy-metal wings, the shriek of laser-cannon, the roar of air-to-ground missiles, as the foe bears down upon them. But he and his comrades are ready. Nothing has destroyed him yet, and, he vows, nothing will destroy him today, though a fleet of the enemy should appear. Already, he can see the tell-tale blips on his liquid display screen: they are now within a fifteen hundred yard radius, and closing rapidly. His state-of the-art systems track the attackers with consummate ease. When they come, they will find him and the others waiting. Beside him the others too show signs that they have detected the approach of the Red counter-attack. They stand ready, with the same abhuman patience that has ensured their survival in countless past battles: two Tyrannozoids, veterans from the war's old days, the other Trooperzoid and Praetor III's own Zoid of the same type, a Stegazoid, a Brontozoid, and a Zillon, the latter an upgrade of the Trooper, rolled out only very recently, though its pilot is a veteran himself and has piloted several other Zoids in his past. Above them in the sky, just out of range of visibility above the boiling clouds that obscure it from their vision, wheels the Terrazoid scout who alerted them of the attack, and his mate. Watching. Waiting. All of them are ready for danger. Praetor III watches the blips as they edge ever closer into the centre of his screen. Flashing lights ripple up and down the inside of his cockpit; bleeps and chirps resonate from within the animate heart of his machine. He is in a womb of Zoidaryan metal, the safest place to be on this now-desolate planet, yet he knows from experience that even this is a fragile, precarious situation, that he could be smashed brutally out of it at any moment, torn free by the slash of a metal claw or ripped asunder by a lethal blast of laser fire. The security he feels is only as real as his ability to defend himself: a fact stated in the Third Book of The Warrior, the online manual that every soldier in the Blue Army possesses and knows by heart. "Five hundred yards and closing", the message runs around the lines of communication between the seven ground-based Zoids and the two flyers. "Prepare for long-range defensive fire". The confirmation comes back. "Order confirmed. Target confirmed. Proceeding to implement command sequence." A series of electronic chirrups comes from the complex banks of machinery beside Praetor III. He follows the commander's order with a thought: buttons and touchpads are pressed by cold, yet feeling fingers, and rows of sigils and symbols flash across the screen before his eyes. His cockpit cameras tell him that his long-range back-mounted cannon are now raised and primed for attack. There is a sudden great roar and vibrations shake the Zoid as its cannon open fire on their attackers. He can see them clearly on his screen now: three Terrareds, renegade versions of his own flying allies, providing a shock-force for a ground-based follow-up attack composed of four Hellrunners, fast sprinting Zoids carrying lethal back-mounted heavy cannon, and who strike at great speed, relying on these two twin factors to force a hole in an enemy front. Behind them comes a large squadron of other, slower-moving Zoids: a force of Slitherzoids, a slow-moving but heavily-armed attack Zoid, and a rearguard of Tarantulons, renegade Spiderzoids whose unique scuttling attack is feared by those who have had the misfortune to face them in open combat. Praetor III and his comrades are silent, stoical. The force ranged against them is huge: alarmingly so. None of them had expected the Reds to counterattack with such rapidity and with a force of such size. Praetor III watches his screen as it automatically proceeds to calculate his group's survival chances. Thirty per cent, twenty per cent, ten... the figure dwindles rapidly as each new red speck comes into view on the screen. "Long-range attack result confirmation:" comes the transmission. "Attack failed. Adjust range accordingly." Praetor III acknowledges the Zillon's directions and sends out a thought-order to his systems, which adjust themselves automatically, in one smooth, fluid motion. "Try again. Long-range defensive fire: issue second round." "Systems adjusted. Proceeding." Praetor III acknowledges the command and readies his machine to fire another round. The cannons reload and the weapons systems are preparing to fire when another order cuts through on the com-link. "Wait. They are diverging... Enemy attack breaking off... Hold that order. I repeat, check that last order. The target is breaking off its attack!" Praetor III stares keenly at his screen. So it is true! The attacking Red army is bypassing them, veering off to the south! He sends back a transmission. "Noting that, Blue Leader. Target is moving off." He switches down his weapons systems, which send out a faint hum as they gear down towards neutral. A sensation passes through his organo-alloy fibres as he watches the red blips dwindle into insignificance on his vid-screen, a sensation that another being might perhaps term relief. A thousand yards, fifteen hundred, two thousand...before long the enemy are gone, out of combat range. The Blue force stands easy as their Zillon commander's voice comes loud and clear over the com-link system: "Stand down, all taskforce units. Repeat, stand down, all taskforce units. Threat no longer active. Repeat, threat no longer active." Praetor III looks out over the battlefield, reflecting on how he has once again, mysteriously, been spared. Why have the enemy broken off their attack? Perhaps they have been ordered to attack a fresh objective, or perhaps they simply believe the crag to be not worth taking. But whatever the reason, he is grateful for this unexpected stroke of good fortune. Fate often takes strange turns here on Zoidstar, once a prosperous planet, now a perpetual theatre for a struggle grown increasingly meaningless, and whose purpose now has simply become to perpetuate itself, to survive, to fight, to win - to conquer, and then fight again. While a Zoid is never short of enemies, a fact which Praetor III has often mulled over in his rare moments of reflection, he and his comrades-in-arms have somehow survived, have come through- for today, at least. He tries to recall how many battles he has survived, and finds that he cannot remember. He is simply here, now, and that is all that there is to it. Zoidaryan philosophy is not like the philosophies of other cultures: if it was once, it is no longer. All that there is to fight over now, all that lies out there in the desert beyond, is ashes and dust. End file.
Zoids: Ashes and Dust by PrinceInExile
Godos Vs Iguan Godos Vs Iguan **Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. ** As soon as the two great rivals saw one another, they both knew only one would survive. Each Zoid, standing on their two legs, weapons and claws armed for combat, represented each nation they fought for, Guylos and the Helic Republic. These two Zoids, the eternal rivals, are the Godos and the Iguan. The two Zoids stared at each other, waiting for the other to strike. Maybe the Godos would use its Small-Bore Particle Beam Cannon, or maybe the Iguan would first. The two rivals, locked in a dead locked stare, waited, for the foe to strike first. The pilot of the Iguan was wiping the sweat of the moment, when in a heart beat, the Godos charged. The Iguan, in a lighting-fast response, blocked the bone-crushing tail of the Godos, and it wailed down upon the Iguan. The whole body of the Iguan remained intact, but the arm that held its Crusher Vice was smashed. No matter, for the Godos was in range of the Iguan's Four-Barreled Impact Gun. With a blinding flash, the four barrels erupted in laser fire, which splashed across the left leg, and lower left body of the Godos. The Godos, retreating from the laser's heat, marched backward a few meters, and then returned fire with its beam cannons, which the Iguan, its red cannons located on its head, turned forward, and returned fire. Then, the game of cat-and-mouse began, as each of the two rivals darted across the deserted plain, the setting sun illuminating the lasers as they flew across the sky, and creating many shadows of each Zoid, as if an army of shadows where fighting each other. Now, as the sun was setting deeper into the horizon, the fight really heated up. With both Zoids energy levels low, from all the beam firing, both knew what was to happen next. They both charged, not firing a shot, and collided with a loud, metal crushing sound. The two, the Iguan and Godos, where locked in hand-to-hand combat. The Godos clawed at the Iguan's body, and the Iguan struck the Godos side with its working hand. Seeing as the hits were not working, and the main mass of the body being damaged by the Godos, the Iguan chose the next best option, it side kicked the Godos with its powerful legs, knocking the Godos to the ground. The Godos, the left side of its body crumpled in by the Iguan's crippling kick, only laid there, electricity running across it's body, knowing all to well that the Iguan was about to fire it's cannon (only one, to save energy) directly into the visible core of the Godos. As was the fate of many Godos before it, this Godos was destined for destruction. Therefore, as the Iguan fired it cannon into the silvery-blue core, the Godos fate was sealed. * * * ><p><strong>Alternative ending <strong>(For Godos fans) The two, the Iguan and Godos, where locked in hand-to-hand combat. The Godos clawed at the Iguan's body, and the Iguan struck the Godos side with its working hand. Knowing all to well about the Iguan's powerful kicking attacks, the Godos swung its tail straight into the left leg of the Iguan, crumpling it inward. The Iguan then collapsed, it's leg buckled, and not enough power to do anything but lay where it fell. Like so may Iguan before it, it was destined for destruction. And so, as the Godos delivered a metal-crushing smash into the Iguan's cockpit, then core, the Iguan's fate was sealed. End file.
Godos Vs Iguan by Zoids Fanatic
1. Finding out and taking charge Summary- Fiona gets a horrible virus, given to her by Raven. Can Van Save her in time, will it cost him his own life. will this virus bring Van and Fiona closer or tear them far apart! V/F, M/I Something to keep in mind: What's more important in, the writing and spelling in a story, or the idea behind the story? Virus By: Michiko HI everyone!!!!! This is one of my first Van/Fiona fics. They are my fav. Couple!! My typing isn't perfect, but nobody's is. Well . . . I hope you enjoy what I have typed. And now onto the story!!!!! Disclaimer: Sorry people, I don't own Zoids. ***** "Hi Van," said Fiona walking over to Van who was sitting in the blade liger "Hi" he said not looking over. "Fine don't say hi to me," said Moonbay as she walked out from behind the blade liger "Sorry Moonbay I didn't see you there" said Fiona rushing over to talk with her. * * * * * "Would you look at?" said Raven as his old cape blew in the wind on a cliff that overlooked the Guardian Force base " Pathetic, they are all pathetic" he said turning away. ***** "Good night Van, I will see you in the morning" said Fiona closing the door to her room as she and Moonbay walked into their bedroom and laid down. "Moonbay" Fiona asked. "Hummm" she mumbled back. "Van seems to be . . . well avoiding my company," said Fiona turning to face Moonbay. "Cant you see he is so into you," said Moonbay looking over "he is just to shy to admit it." "You really think so," asked Fiona looking up at the ceiling "Oh come on you like him to . . . just admit it" said Moonbay sitting up. "Well maybe a little" said Fiona "well we should get some sleep, I have work to do in the morning" she said quickly to avoid any further on the subject, then rolling over onto her side and taking out her hair ribbon and setting it on the nightstand. "Goodnight" said Fiona "Night" said Moonbay laying back down and falling asleep. ***** About an hour after falling asleep Fiona suddenly woke up with a bad feeling, she just shook it off. She decided that since it was late no one would be at the indoor pool, she got up out of bed and put her swimming suit on and headed for the pool. When she arrived she was shocked to find Van doing laps in the pool. Van looked up at hearing the door shut, "Hi Fiona," he said stopping and swimming over to the edge. "Hi Van, Do you mind if I join you," she asked throwing her towel on a nearby chair. "Not at all" he replied "So what are you doing here so late?" asked Fiona as she stepped inside the pool and swam over next to Van. "Doing laps helps me to clear my mind, and I couldn't sleep," said Van. "What are you doing here?" "Couldn't sleep, and I didn't think anyone was up" she replied. "I bet the reason was, that you knew I was here and you couldn't keep yourself away" said Van in a joking manner. "Yah right, that's the reason" said Fiona sarcastically as she dunked Van under the water. "What was that for" he asked finally catching his breath. "Being you," she said swimming over to the other end of the pool to get away from Van's payback. "Don't think your getting away that easy," said Van swimming over and splashing Fiona. She started laughing and splashed him back. Irvine walked out to see what the commotion was. "Its just those two" he said looking through the glass. "Well if it's just them I am going back to bed." He said walking back into his room. ***** The window to Moonbay and Fiona's room slid open and Raven silently stepped in. He looked around to find out just whose room he had broken into. "Its just the transporter girl and . . . " he had expected to see Fiona but instead found an empty bed. "This is her bed . . . where could she be" he said picking up her hair ribbon from off the bedside table. "Oh well I don't have time to bother" he said putting it back onto the nightstand and walking out of the room. "And now to find Van" he said walking down the hall. He froze at hearing voices near the pool, "who would be out this late" he asked himself looking through one of the windows. "Van" he said, "and the zoidian girl." "Its getting late I should be getting back before Moonbay wakes up and starts to worry" said Fiona getting out of the pool and wrapping a towel around her waist after drying off her face. "Yah me to" said Van following her out the door. Raven dove into the shadows as they walked by. They stopped at Fiona's door as Raven followed closely behind. "Well Good night Van, I had a lot of fun tonight" said Fiona giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight" said Van in shock as she closed the door to her room, Van walked back to his room in silence. "Love sick fool" said Raven to himself, he didn't follow Van which was his original plan, "I have a better idea," said Raven. "Shadow" Raven called just loud enough for Shadow to appear before him. "I want you to fuse with the Geno-Braker and attack the other part of the base," he said to Shadow, Shadow growled as a reply and left down the hall. Raven opened the door to Fiona and Moonbay's room, the door creaked. Raven froze. Had anyone heard? The answer was no, Fiona was in the shower and Moonbay fast asleep. He breathed again, but as soon as he did the alarm went off. He jumped in to the shadows. "WE ARE BEING ATTACKED ALL PERSONAL TO THEIR ZOIDS" the intercom blared Moonbay woke up at the sound. Fiona Ran out of the bathroom dressed in her pajamas. "What's wrong?" she asked with a look of alarm on her face as Van burst into the room. "Raven is attacking, again, but we have the Geno-Braker at a stop" said Van "Moonbay we need your help." "Ok" she said getting up out of the bed and following Van out the door. "And Fiona don't leave, and please try to get some sleep" said Van closing the door. "Ok then, on to bed" she said lying down and trying to get comfortable. 'Things are going just as I had planned,' said Raven thought to himself as he looked at the girl, "Shadow did his part and now it is my turn" he said walking towards Fiona's bed. Fiona sat up with an instinct of something bad, Raven grabbed Fiona's arm. The lightning flashed outside lighting up Ravens face, Fiona looked up. "Let me go Raven," said Fiona struggling to get out of his tight grip. "Stop squiring and it won't hurt as much," he said pulling a needle with blue liquid out of his pocket. "What is that?" Asked Fiona stopping just to look at it, she began to struggle even more. Raven held tight to her arm and didn't let it move, he picked a spot and stabbed the needle in. After a few seconds Fiona fainted for what was in the needle, Raven held her up with one arm until he was done injecting the blue liquid. He then set her down on the bed and covered her up, then tied a note in Fiona's bow and set it back down. "SHADOW" Raven called as he stepped out of the room and out onto the grass. Raven took one long hard gaze at Fiona while waiting for Shadow. Shadow stopped the Geno-Braker and turned it around. After hiding it he came back and picked Raven up off the ground. "Glad that's over" said Moonbay walking over to her bed. She turned to look at Fiona. "You still awake Fiona." "VAN, COME QUICK, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH FIONA." Moonbay yelled down the hall as Van ran into the room. Fiona's breathing had become hoarse and she had become pale with a dangerously high temperature. "Fiona, Fiona talk to me," Van pleaded, feeling her head. 'She has a high fever, but why could have happened to make her become sick all of the sudden' Van thought himself as he stood up. "Van look" said Moonbay handing him the note wrapped in Fiona's hair ribbon. -"Van, you should really watch over your cargo better. I could have just slit her throat, but I decided to do it the more painful way. You have 10 days to find a vaccine for her or you will be having an early funeral . . . get my drift. Oh and its not contagious so don't worry about catching it."- ~Raven~ Van threw the note down in disgust. "RAVEN' he yelled. "Moonbay call a doctor quick" said Van as Moonbay ran out of the room. Van ran into the bathroom and grabbed a cloth and soaked it with cold water, he ran out and placed it on Fiona's forehead she moved a little at the cold cloth and opened her eyes. "Van" said Fiona in a weak voice as she looked over at him. "Fiona your awake!" said Van looking back at her. "I don't feel so good" she said turning to face the ceiling again. "You're going to be alright," he said moving her bangs out of her eyes. "I will get Raven for this" he said to her "I will get him for you." He said getting up "Van don't leave," she said as he came back and sat down "Ok I will stay with you," he said as she fell back asleep. ***** "Reese did the Virus work," asked Raven as he walked up behind Reese. "Yes it did, but I thought you were going to use it on Van not the zoidian girl," asked Reese curiously. "I figured that this way it would be more effective," he said. "Ok, which ever one you think will work better" said Reese "do you think they will find a vaccine?" "Maybe, but not in time to save her likely" Raven replied. "How is this Virus supposed to work anyway?" Raven asked Reese "You should know since you made it." "It will take his love for her and keep making her even more sick until her body can't handle it anymore" said Reese plainly "So you are saying that the more he loves her the sicker she will become" asked Raven. "Correct" she replied. "Genius" he said to Reese. "Yes I know I am" said Reese as a reply. ***** Fiona woke up to Van yelling at the doctor "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE IS NO CURE" Van yelled. "I am sorry Mr. Flyheight but I can not help you," said the doctor as he walked out of the room. Fiona felt well enough to sit up. "What was that all about" she asked Van who turned to look at her. "Nothing" he said sitting down, "you really should stay lying down" he said to her. "Why I feel fine," Fiona argued beginning to stand but feel back dizzily the virus was beginning to kick in again. She soon fainted but Van grabbed her before she fell backwards off the bed and laid her down and kissed her forehead gently. "I am coming Raven so you had best be prepared" said Van as he left the room and returned with his blanket and pillow and fell asleep in the chair next to Fiona's bed. ***** "Would you look at that?" said Reese to Raven. "What" asked Raven sitting up? "He says he is coming for you and you had better be prepared" she replied "Yah so, he says that everyday" Raven replied. "This time I think he really means it" She said looking over at him. "So what I could take him on any where any time" he said rolling over and falling back asleep. "Sure, whatever you say Raven" she said lying down in the other bed. ***** "Huh" said Van waking up and looking over at Fiona's empty bed. "Where did she go?" he asked getting up suddenly and looking everywhere he noticed the door to the balcony was open, and sure enough Fiona was standing outside. "You shouldn't be out of bed," he said walking over beside her. "I feel fine don't worry so much" she said looking over at him. "That's what you said last night before you fainted," He said smiling at her. "What ever" she said resting her head on his shoulder. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Fi . . . you awake." No answer. Fiona was sleeping peacefully on Van's shoulder ***** "What's this?" asked Reese shockingly. "What's wrong?" asked Raven walking up behind her. "The virus . . . its" she began. "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY" Raven yelled causing Reese to jump. "It's doing the opposite of what it is supposed to" she said looking over "What do you mean 'opposite'?" he asked. "Instead of making her sicker it is making its own vaccine for her by using their love" she said in alarm. "How do you know that?" he asked sarcastically. "She is out of bed and feeling better she should be in bed and almost dead by now," she said turning to face him. "I must have done something wrong." "I will have to make another virus that will do the same thing but you will have to go back and administer it" she said pointing at Raven. "What do you mean, they are going to have security the size of Texas not to mention Van wont leave her alone for 2 min." said Raven looking at her with surprise. "All the better, that means you can fight Van and kill him right then and there" she said looking up, "I will make two batches one for Van, and one for the girl but . . . Wait a sec. You said that Van would give up his life to save Fiona right" she said with an idea. "Yah a long time ago" said Raven "But what do you . . . I get it now" he said looking up with an evil grin sketched across his face. ***** Van sat down on the swinging chair that was hung on the balcony. He laid Fiona so she would sleep on his lap. He laid back in the swing and fell asleep. He woke up with a start at hearing Fiona scream and a glass bottle breaking. "What's wrong?" asked Van standing up. He knew as soon as he did. "Raven" he said looking at him. Fiona was asleep behind him on the ground and there was some green liquid on the ground beside her. "What did you do to Fiona?" Van demanded looking at Fiona. "Don't worry, I just put her to sleep so she wouldn't interfere " said Raven with a wide grin on his face. "What are you doing here, don't you think you have caused us enough pain" said Van. "I am here to make you a deal," He said looking back at Van. "What kind of deal?" asked Van curiously? "Your life in exchange for hers" he said looking down behind him at Fiona. "Umm . . . " said Van taking into consideration what Raven had just offered. "Don't do it, Van he is just lying" said Fiona weakly as she tried to get up. "FIONA" said Van getting ready to race over and help her but stopped. "Shut up stupid girl" said Raven smacking her. Fiona fell to the ground again but began to push herself up. "I am getting better myself, and I can feel it, Reese did something wrong when she made this virus" said Fiona finally being able to sit up. "How did you know Reese made the virus?" asked Raven shockingly. "It was blue and that is the color that she always wears, not to mention that is the color of her organoid" she replied. "How do you know that it just wasn't the way it was made" He said right back at her. "I took a wild guess, and you just said it was her" she said plainly. Raven was getting fed up and Fiona could tell. "Fine" he yelled. "Who cares about the virus I just wanted to see Van suffer, and now I will when I kill you myself," he said taking out a knife. Fiona screamed bringing Van back to reality; He dove for Raven catching him off guard. Raven dropped the knife beside Fiona and went after Van. Fiona picked up the knife and walked towards were the two boys were rolling all over the ground punching and hitting each other. It was dark, so Fiona could hardly tell who was Raven and who was Van the only way she knew was by the markings on their faces. She soon found out that Raven was the one on top with that advantage. She raised the knife to stab him, but he let go of Van (Who had been knocked out by a blow to the head) and grabbed her wrist before she could. He backed her up against the wall and dug his nails into her skin. She begun to bleed slightly and after awhile cried out in pain and dropped the knife. Raven let go and Fiona. He bent down and picked up the knife. Fiona looked around for something she could use to defend herself but there was nothing. She looked up at Raven who was about to strike Fiona with the knife. She moved just in time that it only sliced her arm. She screamed in pain. "Look if you would have just let the virus kill you in the first place you wouldn't be in this predicament," said Raven inching closer to Fiona's trembling body with the bloody knife. "VAN, HELP ME" yelled Fiona, as Raven got right up to her face. "He can't hear you, but I will give him your regards" he whispered grabbing her by the arm that wasn't all bloody so she couldn't get away. "Let go of me," she said hitting him with her other arm. "And you think that will stop me" he said laughing then putting on an evil grin. "Well honestly I didn't think so," she said slapping him across the face. "That does it," he said dropping the knife and putting her in a headlock. "This ought to shut you up," she said hitting her in the back of the neck. Fiona felt everything going black. Raven felt Fiona go limp. "Easy enough" he said setting her down on the swing. "Now there won't be as much yelling when I kill her, but I want Van to be awake for her killing," he said laughing to himself. He sat down besides Fiona limp body and sat quietly waiting for Van to become conscious again. "Owe my face," said Van sitting up and holding where Raven had punched him. "Oh-no where's Fiona, and Raven" said Van looking around in panic. "Good to see you finally up" said Raven standing up. Van looked over at Fiona who was beside him. "What did you do to her?" he asked standing up and looking at the pool of blood beside Fiona. "Don't worry I haven't killed her.not yet anyway, I wanted you to be awake for her killing" said Raven looking down at Fiona's unmoving body. Suddenly she began breathing hoarse again. "Look at that the side effects to the virus are kicking in again," said Raven moving Fiona's bangs out of her eyes. "She is a pretty one very few of those still around. And you wouldn't want her to die of a stupid virus given to her by your worst enemy" Raven replied hotly looking back up at Van with a grin. Van clenched his fists in anger. "Don't touch her," he said moving towards Raven. "The deal I offered is still here," said Raven. "I will give her the vaccine and you the new virus that Reese made," said Raven pulling out another needle with blue-black liquid in it. "Raven you wouldn't want to kill Van by a virus, I would guess you would rather do that on the battle field" said Fiona between breathes as she slowly regained consciousness. "Well she has a point," said Van suddenly trying to get Raven away from Fiona. "I guess your right," said Raven putting on a grin. "I will be back tomorrow, you had best be ready for me" said Raven getting ready to jump off the balcony. "The terms are this, I lose . . . you kill me. I win you die and Fiona is killed by the new virus, or we can have it be you who is killed, one of the two" said Raven not waiting for and answer. "And don't try to run, my friend Reese can see wherever you are" Raven yelled as he jumped down through the fog onto the ground. "Fiona are you ok" asked Van running over to where Fiona was laying, not bothering to go after Raven. "Oh Van, that was really scary" said Fiona sitting up and grabbing onto Van's waist and burring her face in his shirt. "Don't worry I'm here now" said Van pulling her away from his shirt and looking her in the eyes. "He isn't going to hurt you," he said "Oh Van," she said squeezing him even harder. ***** "Reese did you fix my Geno-Braker. "Yah I did, but its still being changed by Shadow, as soon as I told him about your fight he just up and left" Reese Replied. "How long do you think it will take him for it to evolve" asked Raven sitting down on the bed. "I estimate all night and that's it," she said sitting down across from him. "That's good, well I am going to bed. I have some killing to do in the morning," said Raven lying down. "Whatever" said Reese walking out of the room. ***** "Van its time to go," said Fiona shaking the lump next to her. "Ok" he said sitting up. Suddenly a pain shot threw Fiona's head. She cried out in pain. "Fiona are you ok, maybe you shouldn't come," he said making her lie down. "I am fine," she said trying to stand up but she passed out before she could. "Moonbay," Van asked. Since Van was staying in the room with Fiona, Moonbay offered to give him the bed and she would find somewhere else to stay. Irvine offered for her to stay in his room for a while since Van would be gone. Van shuttered at the thought of just walking in on them, incase they where up to no good. "Moonbay are you in here" asked Van stepping in. "Yah" she said turning on a light. "I need to go, can you watch Fiona for awhile," he asked. "Sure" she said standing up "Ah, bright . . . turn off the light" said Irvine wined sitting up on the couch. "I am leaving so behave yourself," said Moonbay turning to look at him. "More fun without you" Irvine said laying back down. "Sure" she said getting ready to leave. "Go head Van, I will be right there Van waited at the door for Moonbay. "Ouch" Irvine yelled rubbing his head. "Have fun" she said setting down the other object she was going to chuck at him. But the alarm clock seemed to knock some sense into him. "If I need stitches I am going to kill you" said Irvine setting down the alarm clock and going back to sleep. "Ok" said Moonbay shutting the door. Van hated to see what she did to Irvine when she was mad. "Fiona passed out about five min. ago," said Van opening the door and letting Moonbay in. "Fiona are you ok?" asked Van rushing over to see Fiona, who was coughing very hard, and wouldn't stop. "Van, I actually think this Virus is starting to work," said Fiona with a bit of blood on her hands from her coughs. "Moonbay, would you go get some water for Fiona" asked Van? "Sure" said Moonbay walking out of the room. Fiona suddenly began coughing again. "Fiona" asked Van after she stopped. "Van, I don't think I can take much more, my body is starting to fail" said Fiona as she suddenly became dizzy. "No, don't say that, you are going to live, and you are going to be fine" said Van taking her in his arms. "Don't you have a fight with Raven" asked Fiona looking up at him. "Yah, but he can wait," said Van looking down at her. Van hated seeing Fiona like this. He swore to himself that if she died then he would kill himself for letting it happen. Fiona began to fall asleep to the warmth of Van's arms. She closed her eyes. Van took this as an advantage and leaned down, he gently put a kiss on her lips. Fiona's eyes opened a little. She sat up a little and returned the kiss. Fiona pulled away for air. "So how's my kissing" asked Van softly. "Great, so good I am thinking of seconds," said Fiona whispered back as she leaned up close to him again. "Sounds good to me," said Van as he leaned down and accepted her kiss, making it a little deeper this time. Fiona didn't mind though. Moonbay walked in. She took a look at the two who were kissing. She tiptoed quietly out of the room. She walked back to put the water back in the fridge. She was daydreaming and not paying attention, she ran right into Irvine, who had finally gotten a few minutes of sleep time in. "Sorry Irvine" said Moonbay looking up at him. 'Man, he is cute' thought Moonbay, she shook it off and put the thought back her mind. "Its ok" said Irvine. "Guess what Van and Fiona are doing," said Moonbay. "What" asked Irvine still half asleep? "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" yelled Moonbay to wake up Irvine, who seemed to be falling asleep right there. "Oh, you want a kiss, why didn't you just ask," said Irvine who bent down and kissed her on the lips. He knew what she said but decided to act stupid, well it wasn't like he didn't want to kiss Moonbay. "I said Van, and Fiona were kissing, not that I wanted a kiss" said Moonbay after she got her breath back. "My mistake" said Irvine with a grin. "But its not like I minded" said Moonbay kissing him back. ~Now back to Van and Fiona~ Van waited till Fiona fell asleep before he left. He took one look at the sleeping woman before he walked out of the door. But he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Moonbay and Irvine kissing each other. "I am not even going to ask," said Van as he began to walk the other way. "You have no room to talk," said Moonbay pulling away from Irvine for a second. "You saw me" asked Van in alarm. "You bet," said Moonbay. "Don't you have a battle to fight" asked Irvine. "Yah, when you two are done smooching could one of you check on Fiona now and then" Van asked. "Sure" they both said in unison. "Wish me luck," said Van racing out the door. "Do you want to go for a swim?" asked Irvine with a grin on his face. "Sure" said Moonbay who already knew what he was thinking. But she would get a kick out of this. ~Now onto Raven~ "Where is that little coward?" asked Raven as he sat back in his seat. His new Zoids was almost exactly like the old one, with a few power adjustments. "You wouldn't be talking about me, now would you," asked Van as he suddenly appeared in front of Raven. "Raven I have good news" Reese's voice echoed in the back of his mind. "What is it?" asked Raven a little irritated. "The virus is finally taking effect, that girl now has less then 5 hours to live." Said Reese happily. "Well maybe we should let Van know, so he has some time to make love before she dies," said Raven with a chuckle. "Well he's here, so bye," said Raven as he blocked out her voice. "Well are we going to do this or not" asked Van. "Just a tad bit of info for you," said Raven with a wide grin. "Your Girlfriend won't live to see another day." "What . . . what do you mean?" asked Van. "Reese tells me the virus has finally taken effect. She has less than 5 hours to live," said Raven with a full-fledged laugh. "Fiona . . ." Van whispered. "Your lying Raven" yelled Van. "I wouldn't count on it," said Raven with another small laugh. "VAN . . . "Moonbay's voice crackled through the intercom. "What Moonbay?" asked Van? "Fiona's condition has taken a turn for the worst," said Moonbay with a sob. "What . . . Tell her to stay strong, I will be back after I kick Raven's." Van yelled as the intercom went dead. "I told you I wasn't lying," said Raven with another grin. "Shut up," yelled Van, who was fighting back tears. 'This is to good' thought Raven to himself. Van was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He decided he needed to fight Raven and defeat him quickly so he could get back to his loved one. "Are we going to do this or not Raven," asked Van? "Ready when you are" said Raven with a smirk. ~Now onto Fiona~ "Fiona, Van says to stay strong," said Moonbay walking back into the room. "Ha" Fiona laughed, "easy for him to say." "You shouldn't talk," said Irvine handing Moonbay the cloth for Fiona's head. "What's this, the great Irvine showing another side" yelled Moonbay in a sarcastic and shocked voice. "Yah, whatever, me and the Lightning Saix are going out to help Van, keep an eye on Fiona," said Irvine walking out the door. "Men, their all the same," said Moonbay sitting down by Fiona's bed. ***** "This is boring," said Raven as he dodged every one of Van's attacks, which weren't on target because his tears were blurring his eyes. "Shut up, Raven" yelled Van. "I think that to make this more interesting, maybe I should raise the stakes," said Raven with a bit of boredom in his voice. "What are you blabbing about, Raven" asked Van. "I am raising the stakes in hope that it will make you fight better, Van," said Raven. "Instead of just having me die, if I lost that is, you will also get this," said Raven pulling of a small bottle of black-blue liquid from one of the compartments in the Geno-Braker. "Is that? . . . " asked Van trailing off. "The vaccine for your ditzy girlfriends sickness" said Raven rather bored. All he wanted from this was for Van to suffer and him to get a good fight out of it. But seeing as he wasn't getting his fun out of all this, it was a last resort. "Fine" said Van clearing away his tears and focusing only Raven. ***** "That's cold," said Fiona as Moonbay put the cloth on her forehead. "Its supposed to be, now go back to sleep" said Moonbay lying back in the chair. "HA, HA, HA," Reese's voice echoed through the room. "Reese" said Moonbay as she sat up. "Nice to see you to transporter" said Reese stepping out of the shadows. "What do you" she trailed off as Reese used her physic power to throw her across the room and into the wall knocking her out. "Moonbay" Fiona gasped as she tried to sit up but fell back with a pain in her side. "Now, I will finally get to see you die in peace," said Reese picking up Moonbay's chair and sitting in it. "I bet your just getting a kick out of this," said Fiona turning to look at the laughing Reese. "How did you guess?" asked Reese smugly. Suddenly she stopped. "What's wrong Reese," asked Fiona, who noticed. "Van's gone on a rampage, and he's beating Raven to a bloody pulp" said Reese terrifyingly. "Go Van," Fiona said softly. Reese began to tap into Raven's mind. "WHAT DID YOU OFFER HIM TO MAKE HIM FIGHT SO FORCEFULLY?" "Just the vaccine to that ditzy girl's virus," said Raven. "But why . . . " Reese asked. "I wasn't getting my share of the fighting, so I made a new deal," Raven replied. "Do you need my help . . . ?" Reese began but was cut off. "No," Raven yelled. He was going to unleash his full power soon enough. He didn't want Reese caught up in it. "Just be careful" Reese managed to get in before Raven blocked her out of his mind. "I don't care what he says, I am going to help anyway . . . don't die before I get back" said Reese as she disappeared. Fiona silently prayed that Van would be ok before she fell into unconsciousness. ***** I hope to write more when I get out of this writers block!!!! I hope you liked what I have typed. Please . . . Please Review; my last story didn't get many reviews. Luv ya'll!!!!! Ja'ne Michiko 2. The Happy Ending! A/N: I want to thank everyone for his or her wonderful reviews. They give that warm Fuzzy feeling! I hope that everyone likes this chapter, and I am sorry it has taken so long to update. I had a bad case of writers block! Now break out the popcorn and enjoy! Disclaimer: If I owned Zoids, then I wouldn't be sitting at this computer. Now would I! Virus, Chapter 2: ****** 'Its almost time for my attack,' thought Raven as he began to power up his zoid. "Raven, your not going to win this time!" Van yelled out as he snapped the blades out of their sheaths. "I think that you have it the other way around Van, it is I who will win." Raven said simply. "Double Charged Particle Gun to Maximum Power!!" "What the . . ." Van watched as not one Particle beam fired, But TWO! "Now die!!!!" Raven watched as the Blade Liger was obliterated right before his eyes. Suddenly Raven felt his Zoid jerk downward towards the ground. "COMMAND FREEZE! But . . . who" Raven asked angrily as he looked around. "You wont rid me that easily," Van said from behind Raven. "Not when the person I care about most is in danger, ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" "But . . . how did he survive my attack!!!" "My Blade Liger was equipped with special boosters and a better shield. Which could withstand your Particle gun easily." "But that's . . . impossible," Raven stuttered. "Not with Dr.D on your side it isn't, now give me the vaccine for Fiona." Van demanded. Raven hopped out of the Geno-Braker. Van quickly ran over. "Do you mean this," said Raven as he twirled the bottle of liquid in his hand. "Yes, no give it to me," Van demanded. "Oops," Raven said as he crushed the bottle, spilling the liquid all over the ground. "How . . . could you," Van asked as he looked at the spilled liquid. "And you actually thought I would give it to you. Killing that dumb blonde helps me get to you right where it hurts." Raven chuckled darkly. Van quickly dove at Raven, catching him off guard. "That was Fiona's last hope, and you shattered it." Van yelled punching Raven across the face. "I'll kill you for that." Raven was defiantly getting the beating of his life, that was for sure. "STOP," Raven heard a voice yell as Reese came rushing out of the nearby woods. "Van, please stop, I'm begging you. Stop and I will give you the vaccine. Just please stop." Reese broke out into tears. "Would you really give me the vaccine if I stopped," Van asked slowly. Reese quickly said a few Zoidian words that Van couldn't understand. Suddenly another bottle of liquid appeared in front of her. "Take it," Reese commanded shoving it towards Van. "I used my powers to find an Ancient spell that will bring her back to life. But you must let her die before you can give it to her, just take it and go, and never hurt Raven again." "You really love him don't you," Van asked as he slowly took the bottle out of her hands "Only as much as Fiona loves you, and by the way she was praying for your safety before I left, that must be a great amount." Reese replied as she bent down to look at Raven's face, which appeared to have swollen quit considerably. "I'll stay away from Raven, if he promises to stay away from Fiona, and never try to hurt her again." "I will make sure he does nothing of the sort," Reese replied as Van raced back off towards the Blade Liger. He saw Irvine making his way back. "Van, what happened, who won?" Irvine bombarded him with questions. "There's no time, I have to get this to Fiona," Van said as he held up the bottle. "Is that . . . you sly dog . . . I don't know how you got it but," Irvine said as Van raced past. 'Come on Irvine, on I am going to leave you behind." ***** Moonbay slowly rose. Her head pounded, but she managed to stand up. She quickly raced over to Fiona's side. Moonbay noticed she was having trouble breathing. She quickly checked Fiona's pulse, it was faint, but there. She heard crackling that someone was trying to contact her. She raced over to the comlink. "Irvine!" she exclaimed. "Where's Van . . . what happened?" "He's fine, and he's got the vaccine for Fiona, we are coming soon. So be ready for us." With that he shut off the link. "Moonbay," Fiona whispered. "Fiona, Van's coming with the vaccine, you have to hold on!" "I'll try, Moonbay, but its hard, and it takes a lot to even breath." Said Fiona softly. Moonbay heard a bang as a door was slammed. Van raced into the room, quickly followed by Irvine. "Hey Fiona, I'm here," Van said as he knelt down next to the bed. "WHY DON'T YOU GIVE HER THE VACCINE ALREADY!" yelled Moonbay with more force than she meant. "I . . . cant," said Van slowly. "But . . . why?" asked Irvine. "The person who gave this to me . . . told me I wasn't allowed to give it to her until . . . she dies. Or else it wouldn't work." Van trailed off, tears filling his eyes. "Who gave you that anyway," asked Moonbay, still in shock from what Van had just told her. "Reese," he said softly. "AND YOU BELIEVE HER!" Moonbay yelled. "SHE ALREADY CAME HERE AND TRIED TO KILL US, WHY WOULD SHE HELP!" "She gave it to me so I wouldn't kill Raven." "But still . . . how can you trust her?" Irvine asked. "He has every right to," said a voice from behind them. "Gramps!" Van exclaimed as he turned around. "Van, I was the one that Reese contacted for the formula for that vaccine. What she said is true, and I know this is going to be hard to sit and watch, but you must believe Reese," Said Dr.D as he put a hand on Van's shoulder. "Yah ok, but could you guys leave me alone for a little while," Van asked softly, his eyes never moving from Fiona. "Yah sure," said Moonbay as she led Irvine and Dr.D out of the room. "Hey Fiona, I know your awake," said Van as he put his hand on her cheek. "Your so warm Van," said Fiona as she opened her eyes a little. "Did you hear about what I have to do," Van asked quietly, hoping she didn't notice his tears. "Yah I know," said Fiona as she closed her eyes again. "But we will get to see each other again after you give me that vaccine, so don't cry ok." She gently wiped the tears off his face with her finger. "Ok, I won't cry," said Van as he moved her bangs out of her eyes. "Good," said Fiona as she fell back against the pillow. "Don't worry, I wont leave until you are safe back in my arms, ok?" "Sounds good," said Fiona as her breathing became more spread apart. Van looked away, he couldn't stand to see Fiona suffer like this. "See you in a few," said Fiona as her breath became slowed until it stopped. "NOW's the time, and if this doesn't work, then so help me Reese!" Van said as he picked up Fiona's cold lifeless body in his arms. He quickly added the vaccine by pouring a little at a time into her mouth. Soon the bottle was empty. Van sat and waited as patiently as he could, rocking Fiona back and forth in his arms. Suddenly, Fiona moved and opened her eyes. "Thank the Gods of Zi!" Van exclaimed when Fiona opened her eyes. "MOONBAY, SHES OK!" Moonbay, Irvine and Dr.D came rushing into the room. "Fiona, thank goodness your ok, you had us worried!" Said Moonbay as she helped Fiona out of Van's lap. "Well if it wasn't for Van, then I wouldn't be," said Fiona as she looked over to Van, who had a smile ten-miles-wide across his face. "Thank goodness your ok!" Van said as he jumped up and hugged Fiona tightly against him. "Van . . . people do need to breathe," said Fiona as Van quickly let go. "Sorry," Van said shyly. "Its ok," said Fiona giggling at the blush across his face. "Well she seems perfectly fine," said Dr.D. proud of his success. "All thanks to you, thank you Dr.D," said Fiona as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. It was now Dr.D's turn to smile. "Oh, so he gets a kiss, but I don't," said Van as he crossed his arms at his chest. "Stop your whining, you'll get on later," said Fiona with a grin. "Well I don't want to have to wait," said Van defiantly. "Give it to him, make it count," Moonbay whispered into Fiona's ear. "Gotcha' Moonbay," said Fiona as she walked over. "Ok Van, you wanted a kiss and you got one." Said Fiona as she caught his lips with so much force he fell to the floor. Irvine just started to laugh, Moonbay looked with happiness in her eyes. And Dr.D looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. "Come on you two, leave them to their privacy," said Moonbay as she dragged them out of the room. "Fiona, will you promise me something," Van asked when she finally stopped kissing him. "Yah sure, anything," replied Fiona. "Never leave me like that again," said Van softly. "Ok then," said Fiona as she pulled him into another kiss. ***** IT'S COMPLETED!! FINALLY!!! The sequel is in the making. Hope you enjoyed my fic! Thanks for the reviews! Ja'ne Michiko 3. My ThankYou's SALVE (Latin for Hello) EVERYONE!!! This is my thank you to everyone who reviewed my story. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO MY FRIEND RED BARONESS! Who takes the time everyday to listen to how much I hate my computer and how bored I am, I also thank her for her nice review! Firestone: Thanks for thinking I am a good writer, glad you liked the story!(P.S. The do-not-accept anonymous review button wasn't on, so I don't know what happened!) Mystic Ice: Thanks for thinking my story was cute, glad you liked! Taltos: Thanks for the reviews! And the first chapter was only long because I was working on it for like EVER! Thanks a bunch! Kaye: I LOVE YOU! You always review for my stories and make me feel good, Glad you liked the ending! AnimeShark: Thanks so much for reviewing Glad you cant wait! Charlie: You must have been sick of the word Thank You after that! But hear it one more time from me, THANK YOU FOR YOU REVIEWS! Kylie: I WANT TO GIVE THIS LOVELY PERSON CREDIT FOR THE IDEA FOR THAT LAST CHAPTER!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I never would have thought of that idea! Luv Ya! LittleRaven: Thanks so much buddy for the review! I am happy you like it!!! RaiKinoshin: Sorry it was a little hard to read! But thanks for your review! Now that that's over, I wanted to ask you all on your vote for the sequel should It be idea #1 : Van and Fiona have a kid, but Raven still wants revenge. So while Van is away he takes the child and is in hiding for 12 years, but what happens when Fiona finds them! Or #2 : Van is making an evil transformation inside thanks to a special bullet from Reese. Can Fiona find a cure for him in the 5 days she has, or will Van be turned PURE EVIL!!!!! Dun-Dun-Dun!!! (Sorry, I had to write that) I myself am leaning more towards #2, it would be fun to write. And whichever one is picked, then I will just post the other as another fic. But I already have #1 typed in a different view, and my friend IkunyR87 doesn't want me to change it! But whichever you choose than I will write! So please Review and tell me, it will really help the sequel to come out faster! THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR REVIEW. Candy and Soda for everyone!!! I wont be able to have it posted this week because our school play (Guys and Dolls) is on May 8th (We have to perform it for the school in the morning then for the adults at 7:30pm) and 10th (7:30 pm) we have practice till 6 every night, and if we don't come, or don't stay then we are kicked out of the play. So my duty as a Guy in this play takes over on everything. So wish me luck, or to break-a-leg or whatever the term is! And I might be leaving to Myrtle Beach the next week! So don't kill me if it doesn't get posted right away! Thanks for caring enough to read this. Luv' Ya'll Vale, (Latin for Good-Bye) Michiko End file.
Virus by Sanity-Stealing-Lawn-Gnome
Stars Arrgh! Too many ideas! I'm being driven insane! Now, I am feeling a little under the weather, so please be nice. ~~~~~ Stars Rating - PG-13 ~~~~~ Thomas layed on his back, his arms and legs splayed out. He was staring at the stars above him, their beautiful celestial bodies twinkling brightly in a sea of ether. He sighed as a low-lying satellite traced a lazy path across his vision, the remnants of sunlight glinting off its erected solar panels. Tonight was a beautiful night. The twin moons of Zi; normally illuminate the sky with unwanted light. But this; a dual new moon, something that only occurs once every 2 years or so; made one of his favourite past times far more fun. star gazing. This sight enthralled him so much, that he risked a lot of things. His job, for he was on a football oval, merely grass that had two poles sticking out of the ground, its borders marked by a reduced lawn height. He was supposed to stay in the base, not be 'gallivanting around the countryside' as the Col. of the base said upon hearing his suggestion. Thomas couldn't care; this sight was impossible near the base; bright fluorescent lights and spotlights created too much light pollution. Secondly, it was cold, really cold, as it had rained merely hours earlier. But there was not a cloud in the sky, due to the third problem, a wind that sharply blew across the area, wisping the fine droplets of water up and away before they could haze anyone's sight. It swept the fine exhaled mist with it. Thomas shivered slightly and drew his wet khaki jacket closer. He knew that he would have pneumonia in the morning, but he didn't care. For it was always worthwhile to see the stars in their raw beauty. He had learnt this from his mother. She was obsessed with the stars and their unparalleled beauty. She once even painted them, as black dots on a white canvas. As Karl was drawn to his father and his militaristic ideals, Thomas was naturally drawn to his mother and her 'whimsical ideas'. It was probably half the reason why he was a technical genius; as Karl inherited the 'honour', he inherited the 'creativity'. This is what the stars did to him. It made him remember. He shivered more; the air was just too cold. He sighed in resignation. He would never get to finish his star gazing now. He said to Beek "You'd better get the DiBison ready. It's just too cold" Beek responded with a series of whistles. Thomas smiled "No Beek, I haven't gone mad, I just can't handle the cold, and I didn't bring anything warm that is dry." Thomas was waiting for the whistle of acknowledgment. Instead he heard a very familiar voice behind him "What are you doing out on a school night, Thomas" The voice sneered sarcastically. Thomas knew that voice. Raven. He jumped up and spun around, but being slightly uncoordinated, he fell backwards as he tripped over the edge of his jacket, landing with a thud. "Oww. that sounded painful, let me give you a hand up" Raven cringed, and then laughed as he held out his hand "No way. You may jab me with some poison, or even worse, stab me or let Shadow eat me." Thomas rebutted, obviously wary of the criminal scourge. "Please give me some credit! I would only kill a worthy opponent," Raven said, smirking. Thomas scowled at Raven's words. "Oh, so you are saying I'm not worthy? Huh, is that it?" Thomas said, frustrated that his abilities were put into question. "Gees. You don't have to be, macho than thou art. No one else is here," Raven said, widely gesturing the empty paddock. Thomas whirled his head around quickly. Sure enough, the paddock (A/N oval whatever) was still completely deserted. Raven continued, " So let me give you a hand up" "Fine." Thomas gave in, clasping the slightly younger man's hand. Raven froze. "You are freezing! Shadow, grab the flask!" Raven commanded. "Wow, I never knew you FELT!" Thomas dryly joked. Raven just scowled back. As Thomas brushed himself off, in a vain attempt to remove the excess water that had accumulated on the top of his overcoat, Shadow trotted over with the Thermos. Thomas could not do anything but laugh. The Thermos was neatly seated in the back part of his jaw; the little forearms couldn't latch onto the handle. He was making funny noises as he tried not to break the flask. Raven just grabbed the flask, ignoring the plight of the organoid. "Coffee, Thomas?" Raven asked, his voice sickly sweet. "Please. Black, 2, no poison" Thomas smiled cheesily back, both trying to out-annoy each other. "So, why are you out here, in the middle of no-where, and when it is freezing cold?" Raven quizzically asked, "Shouldn't you be in a warm bed in a base somewhere?" "Well, for these" Thomas said, wildly gesturing at the sky. Raven froze "You like stars" he asked again, his brow furrowed Thomas snorted, "Who doesn't? Well, except Karl, but that is what you get for being a 'daddies boy'" Raven narrowed his eyes "Tell me more." "Nuh-huh. I will not tell the 'criminal of the century' about my family." Thomas became silent, as he sat next to a slightly depressed looking Raven. The both gulped some coffee, and then Raven spoke. "Oh well. You know; my Dad introduced me to the stars in all their glory. I won't forget how he used to show me the constellations and the Messier objects through a big refracting telescope. They were so pretty, and at the same time, so fragile. I felt I could reach up to the heavens and pluck them out, especially when I was on Dad's shoulders." Raven sighed and continued "Mum tried to stop us on our outings on the roof, in the paddock, wherever the sky was darkest. She told us to 'stop the fanciful dreaming, and snap back to reality'. You see," Raven looked up at Thomas with large, doleful eyes "It was a night like this, a perfect star gazing night when they were killed. I was on the roof, alone; staring at the stars and waiting for Dad, when a rogue organoid, Ambient, killed them. For it now, the sky holds both hope and pain for me." Thomas whispered quietly "I didn't know. I am sorry. I didn't know" Raven looked sullen "So, tell me something about your life." Thomas took a deep breath "Well, my mother was an artist; she loved to paint and draw. She was an exceptional woman; she had an affinity to do anything she wanted. But she could never be tied down, she was a 'free spirit' as I was once told." Thomas looked wistful "She taught me many things, about the world and the sky. She instilled my love of machines and my thirst for knowledge. When she died. my Dad shipped me off to the military; it was a vain attempt to quash me into the mould that he wanted me to be in, like my brother. Karl absolutely adored Dad, and for his 'loyalty'" Thomas paused, the word leaving a bad taste in his mouth, " he was always the centre of attention." Raven smiled lopsidedly "Wow. Sounds like my Dad, excluding for the organoid research, but I don't think I ever had a brother to compete with" Raven chucked at a private joke. The joke; that he was similar to Thomas. ~~~~~~ Ok, that is it. I don't care, but there may be a sequel, but I think its enough for my little ole brain to handle. Jyu Mata Minna Maelgwyn End file.
Stars by Maelgwyn
The Raven's Shadow The Raven's Shadow An organoid as black as night, With optics bright blue, He loved to fight. And was the Raven's Shadow. Wings spread wide, Optics aglare, He stands snarling over there, He is the Raven's Shadow. Flying swiftly across the plain, All Raven does is call his name, The organoid flies home again, So is the Raven's Shadow. A fight before the break of dawn, A zoid lays mowed out on the lawn, The pilot there is dead and gone, Off goes the Raven's Shadow. A flashing beam, A coat of rust, A zoid lays dying in the dust, Dull optics lacking sign of lust, Off flies the Raven's Shadow. A big stone base, It goes KABOOM! Pieces fly up to the moon. Something flies out of the gloom, It is the Raven's Shadow. A giant zoid, Dark bloody red, Sitting there upon it's head, Upon the blade, dripping red, There sits the Raven's Shadow. In the desert, Raising dust, A battle for both blood and lust. In which fights, For a must, The Raven's Shadow. A particle beam, Blinding white, Rips right through the evening night, Flying away from the white, is the Raven's Shadow. A giant blast of sizzling doom, On the desert making room, For a graveyard full of gloom, in which falls the Raven's Shadow. End file.
The Raven's Shadow by Cerby
Lost! **Whoops!** **By Zoidmagnite** ****Temporarily re-working the story! It will be back up in a few days! End file.
Lost! by Zoidmagnite
My Immortal **Okay folks! Yes...Another Evanescence songfic. If you looked at my profile, perhaps you would understand why! I will get on to my story.** **Okay. This story is based after Guardian Force. will be another said ending. But, it will be worth it. I think.** **Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids, Hasbro does. Nor do I own "My Immortal", the grand and wonderful Evanescence does. All I own is a copy of "Fallen" and volumes 1-9 of Chaotic Century. ** **_Text_ Lyrics** Text**" Talking** 'Text**' Thoughts** _text_** Flashback** ** * * * ** **"My Immortal"** _**I'm so tired of being here,**_ _**Suppressed by all my childish fears.**_ _**And if you have to leave,**_ _**I wish that you would just leave.**_ _**'Cause your presense still lingers here,**_ _**And it won't leave me alone.**_ Van sat in his room with the knife in his hand, on his wrist. He felt so, suppressed by the fear that would not let him glide the knife over his wirst. He felt her there telling him not to do it, but she was the reason he wanted to do it. He so badly wished she would just let him be. _**These wounds won't seem to heal.**_ _**This pain is just to real.**_ _**There is just too much that time can not erase.**_ He sat there feeling that the pain would never cease. He missed Fiona so much. He knew no matter what happened, time could never erase all of the pain. _**When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears.**_ _**When you screamed, I'd fight away all of your fears.**_ _**I've held your hand through all these years.**_ _**But you still have All Of Me.**_ He remembered how he would always help Fiona. No matter what, he would help Fiona through her problems, as she would for him. That was until the day she killed herself. "Why did you do it, Fiona?" Van asked no one in particular, as he was choking back the tears. "I always would help you through anything. You knew that I would help you no matter what. I could have helped you through it!" _**You used to captivate me, by your resonating light.**_ _**Now I'm bound by the life you left behind.**_ _**Your face it haunts, my once pleasant dreams.**_ _**Your voice it chased away, all the sanity in me.**_ "The way you were so kind and good-hearted, even to the people who were harmful to you, it always seemed to amaze me. Now, I'm stuck in the life you left behind. All the friends you left behind, they remind me of you constantly. Even if they don't mean to," Van said, as he ever lightly cut his wrist with the knife. "Fiona, I know you can hear me. So I want to tell you how much you haunt my dreams. Constatly I wake up from my once, so pleasant, dreams," Van said, as tears ran down his face silently. "And how, always when I was around you... No matter how angry or wrapped in what I was doing, you could always make me lose touch with the real world, and be so... carefree again," Van said, as more tears came with his grief. _**These wounds won't seem to heal.**_ _**This pain is just to real.**_ _**There is just too much that time can not erase.**_ _**When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears.**_ _**When you screamed, I'd fight away all of your fears.**_ _**I've held your hand through all these years.**_ _**But you still have All Of Me.**_ He thought back to the day that he found Fiona, committing her mortal sin. He began to cry so much more, that he thought he would soon run out of tears. **FLASHBACK** _Van was walking down the hallway towards Fiona's room. He knocked on the door. "Fiona are you there?" he asked. After standing there a few seconds, waiting for an answer, heard a sharp clatter and a thud. He opened the door and ran in to see Fiona on her stomach with her arms in front of her. A small puddle of red liquid pooling around Fiona._ _"Fiona are you okay? Fiona what did you do!" Van asked before he noticed a knife by Fiona's right side. Van turned Fiona over to where he could see her face. It was turning a ghostly pale-blue._ _"I'm sorry Van. You must be so dissappointed in me. I just...I feel like a burden. I really...I just need to leave this world. I'm sorry, I love you," Fiona said as Van laid Fiona's head on his lap._ _"I love you too. But...I don't understand. Why did you do it? Why didn't you come to me?" Van pleaded for an answer as he began crying. He noticed Fiona bleeding more and more. He quickly tried to stop the bleeding, by grabbing a cloth that was near by and tried to wrap around the left arm which held a deeper wound. Alas, the cloth couldn't wrap around the whole wound and arm._ _"I can't stand this life. I just need to leave it behind. It was nothing you did, or caused. So please, don't worry about that. I truly do love you. But this life is too hard," Fiona said as she felt herself become dizzy._ _"B...but I could help you. HELP! Someone please **HELP!**" Van cried as tears came down his face thicker._ _"Van, it's no use. Nobody will come. And I'll die soon anyways. Look at my arms," Fiona said, lifting her arms to Van's face, so he could see. On each arm she had a deep cross-shaped incesion. When he saw this he began searching for more cloth. When he saw no immediate stuff. He began pulling at his shirt, and ripped some cloth from his shirt. When he tried to wrap it around Fiona's arms again, he found it to be fruitless._ _"Van it won't work. Just remember, I'll always be with you and I love you," Fiona said, when she began to fade in and out of consciousness._ _"Fiona, I love you, too, and I'll join you soon enough," Van said, just before Fiona's heart stopped beating. Van sweetly kissed Fiona on her forehead as grief overcame him._ **END FLASHBACK** _**I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone,**_ _**But though you're still with me**_ _**I've been alone all along**_ "Fiona, I've been telling myself so hard that you're gone. And yet I always feel you here with me. It's so confusing. Even though you aren't here physically, I know you're still here in some way, but I feel so alone," Van said, letting the blood flow freely from the new wound that is going down his arm. _**When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears.**_ _**When you screamed, I'd fight away all of your fears.**_ _**I've held your hand through all these years.**_ _**But you still have All Of Me.**_ Van suddenly took the knife and raced it up and down his left arm. The blood rushed to the wound. Just as he finished the left arm, he moved on to the right arm. A few minutes later, he became dizzy and fell on his knees. "I told you I would join you eventually. Didn't I Fiona? I love you and I'm coming to join you," Van said, as he relentlessly kept slashing at his arms, before he dropped the knife. Only seconds later, he collapsed on to the cold floor. There he fell into an endless sleep. * * * Just as Van woke up to a place in all white, he thought perhaps he didn't die. But there by his side was Fiona, smiling sadly. "Fiona!" Van gasped as he grabbed her in a hug. "Van..." Fiona just sat in his embrace not knowing what else to say. "I thought you were dead. I thought I was dead," Van said as he pulled back to look at Fiona's face. "Fiona? Where are we? going on?" Van asked, confused, yet happy to be anywhere with Fiona. "Van...We are dead. We are in heaven," Fiona said quietly. "We will be here for all eternity," Fiona said so low, that it was a whisper. "Fiona...I don't care where we are. As long as I'm with you," Van said as he kissed Fiona gently. "I love you, now and forever," Van said, as he hugged Fiona. "I love you too, and now we do have forever,"Fiona said, as she melted into Van's hug. That is how they were from then on. Happy forever more. **THE END** ** * * * ** **And You thought it was going to be a sad ending! HAH! Joke was on you buddy.** **Originally it was going to be the opposite. You know, Van dieing first, and Fiona following... Then I realized it made more sense this way. Feedback is very much wanted! Whether it is a flame or a good review! ** End file.
My Immortal by Fionasaurus
Storm Sworder **Disclaimer:** Don`t own it. Storm Sworder * * * I still remember what he told me the first time we set out. It was so simple, but it still holds true right on till today. "It`ll be a hard life, Viola." He said that to me right as we climbed into the jeep to try and head back to Imperial territory. Back then, I was pretty dumb. Not stupid, just naive to the dangers of the world. I was a girl who`s life had been confined to a place named for a woman who`d changed her name to the Garamian word for isolation. I wanted out, I wanted to be free to fly with the birds, free to set the example that life is more than just endlessly plowing a field in the middle of nowhere. Four years ago, maybe five or six. I lost track of time after a while. Half a decade, it`s been, since I was that naive teenaged girl stumbling into a bloody mess of a man with blood red hair. Half a decade since I lost the ability to tell good from evil, half a decade since I grew up. My name is Viola. At 26,400 feet off the ground, moving over the neutral zone between the Helic Republic and the Guylos Empire at mach three, I am a Sword of Storms. Storm Sworder. A woman who isn`t real. At least, not for now. I won`t be real until Rudolph is safe. That boy called me his mother, how can I not be protective of him? At least he`s with Van though. I may not be on entirely good terms with him, but Van is a stand-up kinda guy, even if he`s only 13 or 14. Or younger. He`ll grow up and knock some girl`s socks off, but for now, he`s going to have to take care of Rudolph for me. I can still feel the tingling in my skin from when the Kong was destroyed. We went down alright, but we went down with one hell of a fight considering how outgunned were were. Rosso was awake first, this time, anyway. I think I passed out after everything went white. I woke up in his arms though, being carried through the forestland. The look on his face was vintage Rosso, yanno... Battered senseless three times over, ruthlessly calm, mad as hell and twice as dedicated. Fits `im like a glove, don`t you think? Me? I`d like to think I fit the opposite from him right about then... Battered senseful three times over, irationally stressed out, too exhausted to be anything other than depressed and twice as unable to speak. Lousy bastard wouldn`t even give me the decency to let me die right then and there either. Oh no, he just _had_ to carry me through four miles of forestland before stumbling across a Republican supply convoy that just _happened_ to be under the command of Doctor Dee Phabes. Lovable bastard. Too stupid to quit, too stubborn to die and too loyal to let anyone else do any less. We`re like birds of a feather, and right now, we`re rushing at mach three on a crash course for redemption. That or damnation, whichever happens first. I`m fine with both as long as Rosso`s there with me. He has that effect on me, you know? When he`s around, I feel like I can trash anything short of Raven himself. When he`s around, surrender seems laughable, almost. It`s like he`s a walking suppliment to my courage, even more so for my compassion. For a while, I think I went numb during the training to become a Zoid pilot. When I was around him, I felt like I could be my old self again. I still do, sometimes. Things are awkward right now, we`re both way too focused on Rudolph to be like we were, but we`ll get our day in the sun. Who knows, maybe we actually _will_ get to go to Mount Iselina someday? Be nice to go home again, if only just one time. I kinda miss Rosa. I wonder how she`s doing right now? Is she getting jaded like me? Has she run off to find her own way in the world or is she still pure, innocent little Rosa? I worry about her sometimes. She`s almost an exact mirror for how I used to be, only more naive. I at least bothered to read about the outside world when I could, Rosa doesn`t care about anything at all. She only knows how to read because I refused to let her get away without learning to. Same with math and everything else. Thank god I was a bookworm, she`s at least educated to the equivelent of high school, doubt she`s too caring of her own welfare to study anymore. I`m getting distracted again... Damn it. Storm Sworder. I _am_ the Sword of Storms. I _am_ the Storm Sworder, the blade of justice set to hack Prozen`s sorry head off his shoulders. I _am_ Viola though. I _am_ just a woman. I just want to have a nice simple vacation when this is over. Maybe me and Rosso can hit the beaches or something. Ya know, I`ve never seen him in a bathing suit... I wonder if he prefers trunks or a speedo? And now I`m getting distracted again. I may be the Storm Sworder, but this whole 'ignore everything but the mission' crap is _really_ starting to bug me. Big time. I can make the journey though, I can get through it. So long as Rosso`s there with me. I am the Sword of Storms. Storm Sworder. I`m going to right every wrong Prozen dares to put up in _my_ skies. ... But yeah, trunks or a speedo... Hmm... ... Okay, I think I`m going to shut up now. * * * **Author`s Note:** Well... **That** was unexpected... O_o; And yes folks, Viola thought these things to me. I just did the typing. Sh33p out. End file.
Storm Sworder by The Sh33p
Brad, a Soccer Mom? Brad, a Soccer Mom? (A/N I don't own zoids or the characters, or the song " Mr. Mom" by Lonestar.) Lost my job, came home mad Got a hug and kiss and that's too bad She said I can go to work until you find another job I thought I like the sound of that Watch TV and take long naps Go from a hard working dad to being Mr. Mom ' I can't believe I lost my job. What is Naomi going to think?' thought Brad as he cautiously walked into the house. " Hey honey," said Naomi cheerily as she was washing the baby's face off. " How was work?" " Um, not too bad." Brad lied. " Really?" questioned Naomi as she looked deep into Brad's eyes. " No." was all Brad could say. " So, what happened?" asked Naomi. " lost my job." said Brad. Naomi kissed and hugged Brad," That's too bad. Oh well, I suppose I can go to work until you find yourself another job." " Ok," said Brad. ' Man that went better than I thought it was going to go. How much easier could she have gone on me. Who wouldn't love to stay home with their kids all day, just watching TV and relaxing?" thought Brad. Well, Pampers melt in a Maytag dryer Crayons go up one drawer higher Rewind Barney for the fifteenth time Breakfast, six naps at nine There's bubble gum in the baby's hair Sweet potatoes in my lazy chair Been crazy all day long and it's only Monday Mr. Mom " Sasha, put down your brother." screamed Brad, as Sasha was holding the baby out over the edge of the window. " No, I don't want to." said Sasha. " I said put your brother down." " Ok," said Sasha, loosening her grip on her brother outside of the window. " Wait, bring him in the house and release him." said Brad hysterically. " Yes daddy," said Sasha as she spotted the dog. Sasha put down the baby in the house, and ran to play with the dog. Brad walked into the kitchen. ' Geez, look at all the things I have to do today. Go grocery shopping, take Sasha to school, take Michael to soccer practice, attend a PTA meeting, and take the dog to the vet.' Football, soccer, and ballet Squeeze in Scouts and PTA And there's that shopping list she left That's seven pages long How much smoke can one stove mak The kids won't eat my charcoal cake It's more than any maid can take Being Mr. Mom Brad walked into the living room with the baby in his arms. There he spotted the reason why Sasha was so eager to put the baby back into the house. She had completely shaven the dog. " SASHA!" screamed Brad as he put the baby down on the ground. " Yes daddy?" said Sasha innocently. " Why did you shave the dog?" demanded Brad. " I wanted to make him look pretty." said Sasha sweetly. " Come here Max, let's see if I can make you grow some hair before I take you to the vet today." said Brad examining the dog. Well Pampers melt in a Maytag dryer Crayons go up one drawer higher Remind Barney for the sixteenth time Breakfast, six naps at nine There's bubble gum in the baby's hair Sweet potatoes in my lazy chair Been crazy all day long, and it's only Monday Mr. Mom ' When is Naomi coming home, I don't know how much longer I can take this.' thought Brad as he was chasing the baby around the house. " Come back here Jack. Michael, Sasha come help me catch Jack." " We're busy dad." said the two older children in unison. " Oh terrific, now what are those two up to? Before I fall in bed tonight If the dog didn't eat the classifieds I'm gonna look just one more time " Naomi please come home soon." said Brad as he turned on Barney for the children to watch. He went to sit in his lazy chair, but was stabbed with something before he made it all the way down. " OWWW!" screamed Brad as he pulled a tac out from underneath his bottom. " Ha, ha," laughed Michael in Sasha. " Sorry daddy, but you have to admit that was funny. Brad mumbled a few curse words under his mouth. But Sasha heard it, and ran upstairs to grab a bar of soap. " Daddy, you always tell us not to use those words. You tell us that if we do, you will wash our mouths out with soap." said Sasha as she stuck the bar of soap in Brad's mouth. 'Cause Pampers melt in a Maytag dryer Crayons go up one drawer higher Rewind Barney for the eighteenth time Breakfast, six naps at nine There's bubble gum in the baby's hair Sweet potatoes in my lazy chair Been crazy all day long Oh been crazy all day long and it's only Monday Mr. Mom Naomi walked in and saw Brad sitting in a chair with soap in his mouth. " What in God's name is going on here?" she questioned looking form her children to her husband tied in the chair. " We can explain mommy," said Michael in Sasha. " No, I don't want you to explain. I want you two to go to your rooms and sit there and think about what you have done." said Naomi sternly. " But mom-" the two started to say but were cut off. " GO! Now!" yelled Naomi. The two ran upstairs. Naomi walked over to Brad, and pulled the soap out of his mouth. Brad just looked at her like she was the greatest thing to walk this earth. Balancin' checkbooks, juggling bills Thought there was nothing to it Baby, now I know how you feel What I don't know is how you do it " Naomi, I have no clue how you survive each day." Brad said, still trying to get the soapy taste out of his mouth. " Well, let's just say I have my ways." said Naomi as she leaned in and kissed Brad. " I'm getting a job tomorrow." said Brad and then they went to bed. Honey, You're my hero. End file.
Brad, a Soccer Mom? by S.S. Cloud12
Graveyard Symphony **Disclaimer:** I don`t own Zoids. Graveyard Symphony * * * Welcome to the gateway... To Hell. Welcome to the gateway to your nightmares and welcome to the gateway to my revenge. Van Fleiheit, I`m going to kill you before tomorrow is over. Not only will I kill _you_, I`ll kill Fiona, I`ll kill that Irvine guy, I`ll lay waste to the entire Gaurdian Force in one day. You don`t get it, do you Van? I`m fated to be the guy to play the graveyard symphony at your sorry funeral. I`m fated to kill you. And I`m going to enjoy doing it. The same way you killed me. The same way you killed my life and the same way you did _my_ job and killed Prozen! You don`t get it, do you Van? We`re exact opposites. Good and Evil, Order and Chaos, Black and White. Life and death. We`ve fought before and we _will_ fight again. You killed me, you know that Van? Twice. The first time when you blew up my Sabre Tiger, the second time when you had that Zoidian bitch Fiona helping you against the Geno Saurer. I still have the scars and burn marks on my hands to prove both. I clawed my way out of the Geno Saurer as it burned, Van, I walked through the fires of Hell and came out of the gateway, clawed out of the ground and got back on my feet for one reason. I`m going to kill you. The same way you killed me. Do you know what it`s like to spend four years walking around fighting battles only because your mind and soul literally aren`t in your body? You stole both of those from me, you little son of a bitch, and now I`m going to steal your`s from you. You woke me back up too, I guess I owe you that much. Pathetic though, you still can`t take me when I`m four years out of practice and three years out of date. Heh... Sad though, we were meant to be brothers. I wonder how we would have been if that had happened? I knew your father, do you know that? He looked just like a stuck-up porker version of you, only I could like him a bit more. Dan Fleiheit was the first man to show me any mercy from the day Ambient murdered my family. Yeah. Ambient did it, not Shadow. Sitting here by this campfire and staring up at the diamond that was the Geno Saurer, that`s clear to me now. Hilz thinks I don`t know. About him, or about his little red pile of bolts that I`m going to rip limb from limb with my own _teeth_ one day. Poor bastard doesn`t know what`s coming for him. I do have to hand him a bit of credit though, he painted Ambient with my family`s blood. How convenient that it just makes it easier for me to hunt him and his little pet down. But yeah Van. We would have been brothers. Kane and Able. I doubt we`d`ve gotten along. If anything I probably would have killed you a few years after your dad tried adopting me. I mourn for him though. Dan Fleiheit was the only human being that ever showed me any compassion after Ambient murdered my family. I owe him that much, that`s the only reason I intend to make your death quick. After that I`m going to do every bad thing I can think of to your corpse, murder Fiona and kill Zeke. No. I`m not going to _just_ kill Zeke. I hate Zeke even more than I hate you. I hate all Zoids, but I hate Zeke with a passion. I`m going to tear him apart, bolt by bolt, panel by panel, forcing him to stay concious the entire time. And when I`m done I`m going to weld his remains onto the Geno Saurer`s next form somehow. He`ll make a nice decoration, a hood ornament of sorts. But first I`m going to kill you. The same way you killed me. And I`ll enjoy it too. It`s just a matter of time. And when time runs out, Van... I`ll be playing the graveyard symphony at your funeral. And I`ll be playing it with a smile. Welcome to the gateway, Van Fleiheit. The gateway to Hell. * * * **Author`s Note:** Two in one day... Guess I`m on a bit of a roll, eh? Hope you enjoyed this, Akino Ame, it was done on your request. Hopefully this broke any molds people try to cast Raven into, I mean damn... The guy`s a freaking lunatic who never even bothers to mellow out fully even after he goes good guy on us. I somehow doubt he`d even look at Moonbay sideways, let alone Fiona, without intending to, and actually likely succeeding in killing them. In other words I was trying to capture Raven`s evil tendancies from when he was waiting for the Geno Breaker to hatch, just prior to when the military police caught him. Leave a review and if possible, a request :P _Sh33p_ out. End file.
Graveyard Symphony by The Sh33p
His Memories His Memories By WriterHorse32 **I unfortunately do not own Zevo-3.** _Jason's POV_ I was remembering bits and pieces of what happened to me after I ate that fruit. And I didn't save Matt's life or Ellie's. Well, maybe I did save Ellie's because everything I remember has her in the picture. I saw myself telling her how much I love her hair, telling her that her hair is so soft, and then telling her to leave me alone. That one nearly made me cry. If you don't know this then you're obviously not very observant. I'm in love with Ellie. I was in sixth grade when I first met Ellie and ever since I admired her from well, a little ways away. I wanted so badly for something to bring us together and then we got zevod and then we had to spend more time together and we even became friends. But I want to be more than friends. But I'll wait forever for her. End file.
His Memories by WriterHorse32
Zero Dark Thirty: The Alternate Footage! The members of the Seal Team 6 heads into the compound with their weapons prepared in case of enemy fire. After detonating an explosive in order to burst the door open, one by one the member of the NAVY team went into the building in search for a notorious terrorist mastermind. As the team carefully heads to one room after another, they could hear a faint moaning sound in the upper floor just as they got close to the stairs. "What do you think is happening up there?" "One way to find out," Once the team made their way to the upper floor, the moaning became louder as they approaches the room with a door opened slightly ajar. One of the troops carefully opens the door so the occupant in the room won't hear them and to their surprise, Osama bin Laden sat there in front of a television showing a two women making love to each other while a muscular man sits right on their heads and said, "Here comes the Cleveland special!" Osama then yell something in Arabic in excitement when he saw the faint relection on the television screen and quickly turns around to see the members of the NAVY pointing their guns right at him. Before the terrorist could say anything, a gunshot was heard and the television was painted with blood and some grayish pink mushy contents that stuck to the screen. End file.
Zero Dark Thirty: The Alternate Footage! by YFIQ
Zero Dark Thirty
Natural Phenomenon _A person's death is just a natural phenomenon._ The words rang clearly through Chika's mind as he laid in Shito's room, on Shito's bed, curled up as close as Shito would allow, as he did nearly every night for the past several months. _A person's death is just a natural phenomenon._ The words hadn't affected him so much when they were spoken; it had been so soon after Shiba's death that he didn't pay much attention to anything said, just remembering those last few moments with his best friend, his companion, his first friend in Japan, the one he trusted. But the other day, when Michiru that she had recently gone again to give money for the funeral services of the zombies they killed, the memory had come back to him. _A person's death is just a natural phenomenon._ Chika couldn't say he agreed. Sure, it was inevitable, but the offhand way Shito had said it lacked the respect for the person who had lived their life, or the people they had were connected to. Maybe it was because of his strong fear of death. Maybe it was from seeing how the funeral director was so passionate about his work, how he treated his job as an honor. The way Shito had said it wasn't right. Not at all. Chika bit his lip as his next thought hit him. Did this mean that he would see Michiru's, Koyomi's, and most of all, _his_,deaths as things that were just natural phenomenons, things that were so unimportant that they could be disregarded? "Shito?" "Mmm?" Shito replied, not looking up from his book. "If I died, would it be just a natural phenomenon?" Shito exhaled softly, closing his eyes. "Yes, it would." Chika felt a stab of pain in his heart as Shito put his book down and turned off the lights as though nothing of any importance had been spoken of. Did he mean that little to him? Just as he was about to fall asleep, Chika felt Shito's arms tighten around him and heard him say in a voice that was barely even a whisper, "It would be a natural phenomenon, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't miss you." End file.
Natural Phenomenon by ashimaru
Damn Mutt **AN: **It's been like YEARS since I've watched Zombie Loan, and I'm ashamed to say that I've just NOW decided to start reading the manga. Anywho, this idea is random but it's been on my mind for some time. So, whatever, here it goes. I hope you like it. :) **Damn Mutt** Once again, Chika's own superiority complex got the best of him. Shito and he had gotten into yet another one of their theatrical disputes, leaving poor little Michiru in the middle of it all. Bekko, as patiently oblivious as he was, told the two of them that if they were going to fight that they would have to take it outside. God forbid something happen to his precious office. Chika didn't even consider wasting his "precious fists" on someone so pretentious and snotty, so he took off, eager to find and slay the zombie that would've pinched a nice penny for him. Little did he know was that he had bitten off more than he could chew. The zombie he had encountered was a former marine and martial artist in life. He may have been a walking sack of decomposing flesh, but he was still able to move like lightning unlike most of the other zombies Chika and Shito had hunted in the past. This was bad. He was so pissed that he didn't even tell anyone that he was going to fight the zombie all alone, therefore no would come looking for him should he not return to the office after a certain amount of time. Now, here he sat, his arm shattered and blood rushing down his shoulder. There was a deep claw mark in his cheek, and a good portion of his sweater had been ripped away, revealing half of his chest. "Shit..." he swore. He had desperately hidden in a small alley behind a dumpster. Chika could tell the zombie was now out for his head only, seeing as how it was passing the few restaurants that were open at this hour, not bothering to step into any of them and feast on whatever unlucky soul it came across. Chika could hear the creature's demented laughter as it ran up the street, looking for his pray. As much as it cramped his style, Chika was going to have to find a way to escape. This zombie was too damn strong. "Chi...Chika..." a voice that strained to pronounce his name. Chika's head shot up to the top of the building in which he was hiding beside to see the werewolf Lyca, with Shimotsuki, aka Chairperson, holding onto him on his back. Chiki childishly glared up at them both. "You two..." Lyca gracefully jumped down into the alley, landing perfectly on his feet. Shimotsuki carefully climbed off of his back, adjusted her dress and looked down at Chika with her normally placid eyes. "Chika,"she sighed. "This zombie is the type that can't be taken care of alone. Have you considered what could happen to you should he have gotten the upper hand on you?" Chika gaped. _"IF?! _So what do ya call the condition that I'm in NOW?!" The little girl giggled and pulled out her cell phone. "I'm going to call Bekko and tell him to send Shito down here for assistance." Chika gritted his teeth; Shito was going to show up and clean up where Chiki had so impulsively left off. That bastard was no going to let this go, he could already tell. He could already see that cocky little smile of his. Chika tried to stand, but his would was too deep. Letting out a cry of pain, he fell back into his sitting position. "Yes, as soon as possible," Shimotsuki said into the phone before snapping it shut and turning back to Chika. "Try not to move. Your injury is too severe for you to continue any longer." Chika pouted. "How the hell did you both find me, anyway?" "Lyca smelled the blood and recognized your scent," she replied. "Lyca. Take Chika back to the office. Tell Yuuta to bandage him up." He nodded. "Yes..." "WHAT-?! You're leaving in the dog's hands?!" Chika exclaimed. Shimotsuki smiled. "Don't worry. He's been behaving very well. He still doesn't like males that much, but since he's seen and been around you a lot more than any other boy, he's used to you. Isn't that right, Lyca?" The werewolf stared at Shimotsuki and then down at the wounded boy. "Chi...ka..." Chika mentally paled. "He...can say my name?!" "He's become a little familiar with you." She gave another pleasant smile. "Lyca. Take Chika now." The werewolf bent down and carefully scooped Chika up in his arms in a bridal style position. The wolf-boy was far slimmer and tinier that Chika, but his strength was great enough for lifting someone larger than him to be a simple as carrying a bucket. "HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! THE WAY YOU'RE HOLDING ME IS TOO DEGRADING!" Chika protested. "Shito and Michiru are on their way. I'll see you at the office, Chika-kun," Shimotsuki dismissed. And before Chika could register what was happening, he was shooting up the roof via Lyca, and felt the wind flowing through his hair as he flew threw night. "HEY! COME ON! SLOW IT DOWN! I'M GETTING DIZZY HERE!" Chika screamed. * * * After having his wounds cleaned, ointment applied, bandaged wrapped over his wound, and being given a light-blue top, Chika began to feel a little woozy. "Ugh..." Chika groaned. Yuuta smiled. "Don't worry. The painkillers that I had to give you are going to take effect and put you into a sleeping state, Chi-kun. You're going to have to stay here in the infirmary tonight." "Brilliant," Chika mumbled, already feeling the medicine kicking in. He topped back onto the bed and tried his best to get comfortable on the paper-like sheets. "Sleep tight." Yuuta stood up. "I'm going to go get some snacks from the deli. In the meantime..." Yuuta pointed over his shoulder. "Lyca-chan will keep you company!" he chirped. Lyca had been quietly observing Yuuta tending to Chika from the corner. He was sitting in a squatting position with his hands pressed flat to the floor, resembling the dog that he was on the inside. "I'll be back shortly!" Yuuta sang, and danced out of the room. "Wait...stop..." Chika's voice became a little slurred as the medication's influence got stronger. "Don't leave me" Lyca's inclined his head in curiously before standing up and walking over to Chika's bed. He had at first been severely uneasy being around other males, but it was mostly because they were the many things that he wasn't used to; he most certainly didn't dislike them just to dislike them. Now that he had observed and gotten a little familiar with Chika, his curiosity was making him take the time to get a close examination of one. "O-Oi..." Chika sighed. "Don't that..." Lyca merely stared at Chika's face. Chika weakly gritted his teeth. "Chairperson...why don' just go on back to her...?" Lyca stared at Chika more before speaking. "Shimotsuki...order protect Chika...Lyca...will protect Chika." Chika's eyes would have widened if they weren't so heavy, so instead he merely rolled his eyes. "Damn mutt...I don't need protection." As though hypnotized by his words, Lyca raised his hand and gently touched Chika's cheek. Chika felt heat rush to his cheeks. "W-What the hell are you...?" Lyca recalled a night in which he was restless, and Shimotsuki sang a gentle lullaby to him, making him curl up and sleep like a baby under her bed. He seemed to only enjoy being under there because he was used to sleeping only in dark spaces. In the werewolf's mind, he felt that if the gentle melody was enough to make him sleep, then... Carefully, he climbed into the infirmary bed and curled up at Chika's side. Chika felt the top of his head under his chin. His muscles were too relaxed to attempt to push Lyca off. "H-Hey...what the hell...are y-you thinking?" Chika coyly demanded, his face blushing deeply. Instead of getting an answer, Chika could hear Lyca's voice humming a melody against his chest. It was the tone of the song Naraku No Hana. Lyca wrapped his arms around Chika's waist and closed his eyes as he continued to softly hum to him. "Oh..." Chika would not have admitted it, but Lyca's song was soothing him. Chika felt himself falling deeper and deeper into sleep. Lyca snuggled closer into him, still humming. Chika didn't know if it was the medicine making him do it, but he slowly put an arm across the humming werewolf's waist, pulling him closer. "Damn...mutt..." And Chika drifted to sleep with the werewolf by his side. End file.
Damn Mutt by xXSlasherXx
20 20 sentence of the zombie hunters. Hints of Chichiru and Michito. 1. Asking If Chika ask Michiru one more time if she sees a zombie, then she'll make sure she punch him so hard that Shito would give her an applause. 2. Chocolate Shito wondered from whom the chocolate, which he ate yesterday, was until he heard Chika and Michiru shout in anger. 3. Friends If someone ask if Chika has friends, he will look one second to Michiru and Shito, and the next second he will say they're just his co-workers. 4. French "Tu es stupide." Chika would never know what Shito said, until he opened the book, translated the sentence, throw it away, and proceeded the punch his partner in crime. 5. Crossdressing "You have the legs for it." Michiru said with a troll face, who looked the angry Shito with a skirt which fitted him really well. 6. Swear The last time Michiru was in her room, she swore her diary was on her bed. 7. Diary "I just came after that I love-" Chika and Shito couldn't read the last part as Soutsetsu took the diary from them with a smirk 8. Staring Shito sighed as he looked at the lavendette, who never noticed his staring, and when she asked, he would deny it and put on an act. 9. Valentine "Here, I tried it for you, please it!" A girl said straight forward, but Chika rejected it, because he rather wanted to eat _her_ chocolate, no matter how bad it tasted. 10. Improvement Koyomi, Chika and Shito ate the food that Michiru made and when they smiled, Michiru couldn't help but to feel happy about her improving cooking skills. 11. Beware When Shiba asked Michiru the way, she screamed out loud in pure fear and ran to Chika, who was glaring at his former friend. 12. Red Michiru dashed harder upon the sight of seeing Shito covered in dark red blood, laughing madly at the sight of the hopeless zombies. 13. Shirtless It was a sin of her, but Michiru couldn't help but to look at her male friends when they shirtless while squealing from the inside. 14. Gratuitous English "Trua rabu-" Chika threw the remote while shouting "you speak it out as true love, is it that hard?" while Michiru sulked about the ruined lovely mood. 15. NO It was perfect: the mood, the song and the background, until you have two overprotective friends who shouted loudly "NO!" while everyone is watching. 16. Roses 'What a nice flowers, I wonder who send me this?' Michiru thought as she was looking at the red roses. 17. Blush Chika blushed harder when Michiru blushed as she picked the red roses up, thinking that it was completely embarrassing and completely unlike him. 18. Dream One night, Shito and Chika dreamed about a girl with lavender coloured hair who smiled and called their name. 19. Allow The night in another universe where the reversal never happened, Michiru stood in front of Chika's door and asked him with teary eyes if she could sleep with him because she was so scared, which he allowed as he pulled her into a warm hug. 20. Freak "Let's be freak together." Michiru shouted in joy, to only see Chika and Shito blush and deny that they're freaks. End file.
20 by chiruchiru-chan
My Zombies This is my second ficcy be kind please! I don't own Zombie Loan or any other wildly successful manga! * * * My Zombies * * * These are my zombies, one cloaked in black and one in white. They may be dead, but they live in full color and light. They still feel pain and their blood is still red. No matter their state my boys are still human. Even though I still live, they show me how to truly be alive. Without them I would be alone. To each his own loan. I love their sarcastic smiles, I even like their cynical wiles. My zombies. My boys. My very best friends. End file.
My Zombies by syckandtwysted
Disses and Combacks **A/N:**** Heeeeeey guys!! This is my new Bleach/Zombie Loan fanfic! I hope this first chapter pleases and amuses you! BTW this take place after episode 11 of Zombie Loan, before A-loan and all that random-ness.** **I own nothing!!** Chapter 1: _Combacks and Disses_ "The fact that I am even talking to you right now proves that my life will be ruined!!" shouted Shito, arguing with Chika as usual. "Really, I would think your life was a living hell from the start! It's you who ruined MY life!!" retorted Chika. Michiru sighed. How long would they continue to fight before realizing that their lives would get better if they stopped? If they did more hunting and less fighting, they probably would've paid their debts back already. She clutched The Grim Reaper (in chibi from,) closer to her, which earned an annoyed squeak from him which she ignored, and moved away from them and leant on the wall of a building. They had been on a job. The zombie had probably died of boredom waiting for them to arrive. Michiru chuckled. As if zombies wait to be killed. "You're the most annoying person I have ever met in my entire life!!" spat Shito. "Well YOU'RE the most annoying person I'VE ever met in MY life!!" copied Chika. "You can't even make up your own disses!? You have to copy mine?!" Shito sneered. "I'm not copying them!! I'm recycling them!! I'm eco friendly, everyone loves me!!" cried Chika. "What," Shito sounded exasperated. "That makes no sense!!" "You make no sense!!" "That must be the lamest comeback in the world!" "At least I have a comeback!! You're just asking questions!!" "That wasn't a question, it was a statement!" "So now you're trying to be a teacher?!" "AARRRGGH!!" "You're shit!" "You're trash!" "You're crap!" "F-- YOU!!" they shouted that one at the same time, and then proceeded to start the physical abuse. "Ummm... guys..." Michiru tried to reason with them, as always. But, as always, they shouted, "STAY OUT OF IT!!" while rolling around the floor. Suddenly everything went silent, and Chika shouted, "JINX!! Now you can't talk, so there!" He got up and he already had a few bruises. "Wha-?" started Shito, but Chika yelled, "AAH!! You can't speak!!" "But-?" "NOOO!" "What kind of childish-?" Chika jumped at Shito and attempted to keep him from talking and the tackling started again. "Squeak!" said The Grim Reaper AKA Zarame. "Yeah, they do always do that," answered Michiru. "Really?" said a voice from behind her. "Yes, ALL THE TIME..." she answered. "Squeak?" "What'd'ya mean who's that?" Michiru asked and turned around to see who had talked, "AHHH!" she jumped away by like a mile. "Ah! You can see me?" asked the orange-haired man. "Huh!? O-of course I can see you!! But who are you?" "Um..." he said. "Sorry, you just startled me," apologized Michiru getting up and bowing. "Great... Sorry," he answered. "No need. Your giant sword was a shock, because it's soo... big," Michiru tried to find the right word. "Give up!" Michiru and the man turned their heads to Shito and Chika's physical/verbal fighting. "Stop talking!" "I don't care if you jinxed me!!" "You should!!" "You are such a child!!" "You're an old man!!" "Well, I AM way older than you!" "So you agree!?" "I'm still not an old man!!" "ARRGH!" "RAAH!!" "Ummm... yeah..." Michiru sighed. "So who are you?" she directed her question at the giant-sword-wielding-man next to her. "YEAH! What she said!" agreed Shito and Chika, popping in out of nowhere. Also out of nowhere, Shito had his arm in a cast and Chika had bandages on his head. "I've never seen you before at our school!" shouted Chika. "And what school is that?" asked the red-head guy, AKA if you haven't guessed yet, Ichigo. "The nameless school of which no one knows the name of!!" continued Shito. (A/N: sarcasm It's the characters fault they don't know the name of their school. Yeah, let's blame them, not me!) "Never heard of it," Ichigo stated. "You better not have!" shouted Chika. "Huh?" asked everyone. "Sorry, I've been arguing with Shito for too long..." Chika said sheepishly. "SQUEAK!" shouted Zarame. "Huh?" Chika looked at him. "Ahh!" Michiru tried to hide him. "Whoa... what is that?" asked Ichigo. "Ummm... This? It's umm..." stuttered Michiru. "SQUEAK!" A mini-scythe appeared out of nowhere, and Zarame stuck it in Ichigo's head. "What the- OUCH! What the hell was that!?" shouted Ichigo. "Umm. This is Zarame-sama..." Michiru held him up to Ichigo's face and introduced him. Zarame glared at him. "What the hell is this thing..." asked Ichigo, looking at it as if trying to see what it was made of. "Squeak, squeak, squeak!" "You're the grim reaper? HAH! That's the most hilarious thing I have EVER heard!!" Ichigo started laughing like Hell. "W-what? You can understand what he is saying!? Only me and Koume can understand him!" shouted Michiru. "Huh?" Ichigo stopped laughing and got up from where he was laughing on the floor. **A/N:**** So far that's all! Hope you enjoyed, look forward to the next chapter!! -huggles Zarame- byebye!!** End file.
Disses and Combacks by Talk Bubble
Curious Like two lions tumbling down a hill side. Zarame and Shiba vigorously tore at one another, scythe tearing through flesh, only to nick the skin, dagger digging through the seemingly endless bandages and buckles. Then there was victory. The reaper pressed his shoe over the zombie's vile throat, raising the scythe over his head with murderous intent. "WAIT!" Shiba cried out, his voice crackling from the weight of the foot on his throat. that position best he could try would be to stab the reaper's leg and hope he topple over, but thus far he showed no signs of any of his dagger wounds doing anything. He did pause however at that 'Wait', leaning back a little, letting the heavy scythe lean on his shoulder as his cold eye fixed on the man beneath him. Shiba gave a bit of a cough to try to clear his throat and get it to tighten up a little, afraid of getting his vocal cords crushed. "Don't I get a final request?" he asked in his horse tone. All he got was an annoyed but curious look from the reaper. Once Shiba called his dagger away however the reaper was curious, he pulled his strong foot back enough to let Shiba move, the man's usual clever smirk began playing on his lips. Of course he was up to something, how could he possibly not be. But as per usual one thing took hold of him and refused to subside. What did the reaper look like under those bandages? Curiosity be damned, his was too persistent to ignore. Needless to say as the zombie took his sweet time getting up Zarame looked to be getting impatient, till said zombie leaned towards him, fingers curiously tracing the bandages around his face. Lightly ghosting from his right temple, beneath his bandaged eye, his cheek bone, jaw line, finally coming to a rest about where his lips were hidden. His lips parted momentarily to make a curious cooing sound, leaving Shiba utterly bewildered. It didn't stop him however. He simply figured the man was asking what he was doing, so he kindly offered his answer, "Come now, my first encounter with a reaper. Indulge my curiosity before killing me," he said with a smirk. His fingers only lingered on his invisible lips a moment before trailing downwards. Tracing his jaw, down to lightly fondle his adam's apple, to the dip in his collarbone, to his chest. He had no idea why the reaper wasn't still trying for his neck, but the slight trembles the man made when his nipples were brushed made Shiba far more curious. His interest in Chika was long forgotten, completely focused on the man he had trembling beneath his fingers. Perhaps the reaper was simply just as curious as the zombie, confused about how the violent thrashing had suddenly turned to that soft, gentle caress. Shiba's attention returned to the man's body fully till he heard the slightest cooing chirp from the man as his fingers reached his naval. He glanced at that confused red eye but got no cue to stop. There was no stop, no motion to lop off his head...of course he was continuing on, his fingers dancing lower to toy with the hem of the man's pants. No argument still. He finally brought the other hand up to join the other at the hem of the reaper's pants. There was another purr-like sound...but Shiba had no clue what those sounds meant so he happily indulged his curiosity. His fingers slipped down the reapers toned sides, feeling where the bandages finally gave way to cold, pale flesh. Yep, that was all Shiba needed to further entice him. One hand went up to toy with a nipple, the other began curiously rummaging in the reaper's pants. He heard Zarame's sharp gasp before the heavy clang of his scythe dropping behind him. Shiba watched the reapers hands fidget and twitch curiously, perhaps unsure what to do with them. Well that was fine, Shiba was having plenty of amusement of the slight noises occasionally made by the reaper. Hm...the bandages were a little in the way, but regardless he bite down on the reaper's collarbone, causing another sharp intake of breath. It was surprising to say the least to watch the emotions that one eye held, confusion, embarrassment, curiosity. When Shiba's hand left his soft hip to gently stroke the underside of his growing erection Zarame gave another little coo, this time trying to choke it back and hide it behind a hand., now what was the best description of that? Yea, cute had to be it. The man was bandaged, violent, cruel...yet he showed this rare cute face to Shiba, how fortunate. Shiba finally pressed Zarame up against a wall, letting them both slowly drop to the ground in the alley, both leaning on Zarame's dark cape. "Might as well get rid of these," he murmured into the reaper's ear, again making him tremble slightly. He moved both hands again, this time to tug the man free of his pants and shoes, eyes fixing on the erection he was currently sporting. He bent down, gazing up at the reaper's widening eye. He gave the head just a simple lick, a tiny motion that caused the man to shudder and shut his eye tightly. This time his tongue flicked out to lick from the base along the view to the lip, causing Zarame to clap both hands over his mouth in attempts to hide that coo-like groan. It was cut short however to be replaced with a sharp gasp as Shiba worked one finger into the reaper. It seemed to keep him curious however since he made no sign of struggle. As he worked in another finger in his tongue went back to toying with the weeping head of the reaper's erection. The reaper's eye opened slowly however when Shiba stopped and even pulled out his fingers. He gave a weaker, curious chirp but that was again cut short by another gasp when Shiba thrust into the man. "Reapers taste better than I would've thought," he purred into Zarame's ear as he slowly pushed in deeper. He waited till the muscles loosened enough to begin moving, thrusting in and out of the taller form beneath him. Zarame still seemed at a loss for what to do but eventually loosened enough to put both arms around Shiba's shoulders, pulling him a bit closer. He crooned against and tossed his head back however at a particular thrust that hit that certain bundle of nerves, sending electricity through his body. Shiba plundered the reaper's body till he felt the man tighten and tremble as he came, squeezing Shiba in his arms. He could only give a few final thrusts before he climaxed inside the reaper. The two breathed heavily in eachothers arms a few m ore moments before Zarame's still trembling hand grabbed his scythe. But as he lifted it he couldn't help but stare at Shiba a few more moments, for what, Shiba couldn't tell, all he could tell was it was hesitation. "No hard feelings," he said with a grin, a moment later his hand thrust into the man's chest. The scythe clattered to the ground as Shiba pulled away with the green glowing core between his index and thumb. The last thing Shiba saw before he straightened himself and turned away was that red eye widen. He didn't ask however, simply walked away. -- first raunchy fic...any good? o3o;; Edit: Thenk yew Ashimaru for bringing to my attention that my computer is an ass that stoled the paragraphs End file.
Curious by LordPocky
Monster **Umm...hi everyone! This is my first Zombie Loan fanfic, and to be quite scares the hell out of me that something like this came out of my head. To say that this fic is dark would be the understatement of the century. This fic isn't just dark, it's completely pitch black!** **But, despite the fact that writing this has caused me to seriously question my mental health, I hope you all enjoy it! So, for those of you who were not completely scared off by my introduction, on with the fic!** **Oh, and just so you know, this little oneshot fits in to episode 8 of the anime series, and is my version of what happened between Toho and Shito during their little meeting at the aquarium.** **Warning: FREAKIN' DARK FIC! Major non-con/rape. No like, no read.** **Disclaimer: Well, if I did own Zombie Loan, which I don't, I think it's safe to say that it would definitely have a MUCH higher rating...** * * * "Now, let us break in the monster." It was not the first time Shito had heard such words. In fact, he had come to expect them. Demon. Mistake. Freak of nature. _Monster_. All were names that he had been called since the day he was born. The reality of what he was, however, was much more grim. Shito was a tool. A weapon. Something to be broken. Something to be used. Something to be feared. But never something to cared for. Never something to be loved. After all, who was he, a monster born among the dead, to expect the privileges of the living? "Kneel right there, Shito-sama." Knowing that he did not have the right, or the power, to refuse, the raven-haired teen reluctantly did as he was told, closing his eyes as he did so. It was an old game Shito had played since he was very young. If he couldn't see it, he could pretend it wasn't real. He could pretend it was all just a nightmare. Besides, while Shito knew insolence would only cause him more pain, it didn't mean he had to watch what he knew was coming next. Toho smiled. "Very good, Shito-sama. What an obedient monster you are today." The Chinese man's voice was deceptively warm, but Shito knew that, were he to open his eyes and look up at Toho's face, those slitted eyes would be little more than shards of ice. "Let us test just how far that obedience goes, shall we?" Shito forced his mind to remain blank as he heard the rustle of fabric that signified the clasps of Toho's robes being undone. He fought back against the panic that threatened to overwhelm him at the sound of Toho's footsteps drawing him ever nearer to where Shito knelt. The dark-haired boy could almost feel the heat coming off Toho's body as the man stopped only a few inches away from him. Keeping his eyes squeezed shut, Shito fought to suppress the nausea that welled up inside him when he felt something hot and hard pressed against his face. "You know what to do, Shito-sama. And should you dare to bite me, I'll make you curse the fact that you cannot die." Slowly, and without opening his eyes, Shito reached up and took the hard organ in his hand, guiding it into his mouth. Almost instantly he had to fight down his gag reflex as eager hips made to thrust into the wet heat of his mouth. Succeeding in relaxing his throat muscles, the crimson-eyed boy dutifully sucked at the member thrusting in and out of his mouth. When Toho's orgasm finally hit, it caught Shito by surprise. Choking, Shito fell back on his hands and knees, coughing and spitting the foul tasting seed out onto the floor. After a few minutes Shito finally stopped gagging and collapsed onto the floor, panting for breath. _Please. Please let him be finished for today_, Shito prayed to whatever god would hear him. He didn't think he could take anymore of this. Not today. Unfortunately for Shito, it appeared that, if there was a god, he had not heard his prayer. "Stand up, Shito-sama," Toho ordered, still slightly breathless from his previous orgasm. Shito, his eyes once again squeezed shut, stood up, making sure his back was facing Toho. "Strip." Once again, Shito obeyed without a word, slowly removing his clothes. First his shoes and socks, then his shirt, then his pants... No sooner had the dark-haired boy removed his last piece of clothing than he felt a strong hand grab him by the back of his neck and slam him face first up against the glass wall of the fish tank. Shito made sure his eyes remained firmly closed, but he could not suppress the shudder of terror and revulsion that went through his body as Toho's hands felt and groped over every inch of his flesh. The Chinese man chuckled. "Like that do you, Shito-sama?" he purred, rubbing his renewed arousal against Shito's entrance. "Then you'll absolutely _love_ this," and without another word, or even a minute amount of preparation or lubrication, Toho entered the smaller boy in one, brutal thrust. Shito bit his lip hard enough to draw blood to hold back his scream of agony. Without giving him any time to adjust, Toho set a hard, fast pace, thrusting in and out of Shito's tight channel with all the ferocity he could manage. "How does it feel, Shito-sama?" Toho whispered huskily next to Shito's ear, never faltering in his brutal pace. "How does it feel to be used by another man? How does it feel to be reduced to nothing? I wonder what would happen if those little 'friends' of yours could see you now, playing the part of the whore. After all, that's all you'll ever be good for. And this part of you," he grunted with an especially hard thrust, "Is the only part that will ever have any value." "Though I will say this for you, Shito-sama," the Chinese man continued, his thrusts growing more and more erratic, "Even after all these years, you still have the best hole around. Always so tight..." Toho moaned, and finally came, spending his seed for a second time, deep inside of Shito. When the taller man finally pulled out and stepped away from him, Shito could do nothing but slump to the floor. He was dimly aware of Toho retrieving his clothes and getting dressed, and then slowly approaching where Shito lay motionless. Kneeling down next to the slightly trembling boy, Toho whispered, "This was certainly a most enjoyable visit, Shito-sama. We will have to do this again...very soon." And with that, the Chinese man straightened up, turned toward the exit, and left, without even another glance in Shito's direction. He had no idea how long he lay there, silently trembling and fighting back tears he absolutely refused to let fall. No, he would never give Toho the satisfaction of being the cause of his tears. Not ever again. Eventually, Shito managed to work up the strength to crawl over to where his clothes lay in a heap on the floor and slowly redress himself, wincing and even softly crying out as he did so. When he was finally fully clothed again, he carefully stood up and, leaning heavily on the wall for balance, made his way to the door and left the room. As Shito slowly made his way back to the dormitory, he thought over what had just happened. Really, it was pathetic that something like this still had such a profound effect on him. After all, it was certainly not the first time it had happened, and, if what Toho said had any merit, it would not be the last. So why was he still reduced to a trembling, terrified mess after every time? Why did it still take every ounce of self-control he had not flinch away from any touch, be it friendly or otherwise? He shouldn't be like this. He should be above it. He should be stronger. He should be... "That bastard," Shito choked out, once again fighting back tears, "Did whatever the hell he wanted..." No, it didn't matter how many times it happened, Shito knew he would never get used to it. It would always hurt, in more ways than one. And after all, wasn't the pain something he deserved? He was a zombie, a creature that went against nature. And worse still, he hunted down his own kind for money. He didn't even have Chika's redeeming ability of guiding souls to Heaven, for all he was capable of was damning them to Hell. So of course he had deserved everything that happened. He was a zombie. A bounty hunter. An instrument of damnation. A monster. * * * **Well, there it is. The most disturbing fanfic I have ever written. I'd like to make this perfectly clear. I most certainly DO NOT hate Shito. He's actually my favorite character. But, being the sadist that I am, I enjoy torturing my favorite characters. Sucks for poor Shito, but hey, that's life (erm...well, after life, in his case).** **I truly hope you enjoyed the fic, and if you did, or even if you didn't, please please please please PLEASE let me know in a review! I am a review junkie! I live off reviews! Please give me my fix!** **Ta ta for now, my lovelies!** **~Neko-chan~** End file.
Monster by KuroNekoShoujo
What Hurts the Most _**A/N:**_ Hello to everyone who is reading this! I was rereading some chapters of Zombie-Loan when this idea came into my head. This story happens in Chapter 49 of the manga, just after they return to their dormitories. This is my idea of something that might have passed in Chika's mind and what could have happened with a few minor twists here and there :D I started writing following Chika's thoughts but then I mixed his and Michiru's later on (just clarifying for anyone that may get confused with the exchange that I'll suddenly do with the thoughts). I apologize if you think that the characters are acting too OOC. I'm still not very accustomed with the ways of thinking and acting of some characters, especially Chika's, something that was difficult for me while I was writing. Nevertheless, don't forget that Chika isn't feeling exactly like himself here, so obviously he wouldn't act entirely as him, right? ;) Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And if you can, please review so I can know what you think of the story! _**Disclaimer:**_ I do not own the characters of Zombie-Loan. If I owned them then Michiru would have ended with Chika and the end of the manga would have been different. Seriously, how could the manga end up like that? It is basically asking for a continuation! Oh, well... * * * Chika was restless. Lying in his bed, he couldn't calm down his thoughts. They had finally managed to get out of that crazy dimension after days, but he couldn't get himself to relax. Something was still bothering him. Images of Yuuta healing everyone's wounds went back to his mind. The images kept going until they focused on Yuuta healing the arm of a girl of his age with purple hair and glasses, making him grimace and sit again on his bed. The image centered at the bruise on her arm. Why hadn't he been more careful? Perhaps if he had accepted something to eat at that time then Gopher wouldn't have gotten hurt and they wouldn't have had that big problem to get him back to normal... Chika grunted. Those thoughts were tormenting him since everything had calmed down and he had time to think about everything that had happened. Only then did he finally realize what he had done with Michiru. Much of what happened after he had left the room where they were eating was a big blur. He remember having begun to walk through the halls and start seeing everything blurry. He remember sitting on the floor and seeing Gopher coming. He remember he was hungry... Chika shook his head frustrated. It was no use. Even if he tried he couldn't remember anything else. A mixture of hunger with his old memories and his zombie instincts starting to appear made any of his rational sense disappear at the time. Chika closed his fist. The image of the wound returned to his mind. Of all the people who could have been there, why did it have to have been Gopher? Just the only one there who wasn't a zombie? Why her? The idea that he might have even tried to eat her and ended up hurting her really disturbed him. That was bothering him more than he thought it was possible. Yet he knew there was no point in blaming himself. Knowing Gopher she most likely wasn't blaming him for it. Sighing, Chika looked at the window absently. Gopher was too generous with the others around her. A sudden feeling made him stop and look at the object he was holding. A 500 yen coin. He almost wanted to snort at the irony of the situation. Closing his fist with the coin inside, he finally rose from his bed. He had to go see Gopher. Maybe then he could calm this strange feeling with his restlessness. Yeah... Who knows...? * * * Walking slowly through the halls of the dormitory, Chika began to reconsider his idea. Perhaps Gopher was really upset with him and didn't want to even look at him! Although she had gone through all that just to save him... But still! Fiddling nervously the coin with his right hand in his pocket, he suddenly found himself in front of the door of said girl's bedroom. He stood in front of the door for a few seconds before shaking his head angrily and approaching it. _Damn it, Chika! What is your problem? You just have to knock on the door and talk to her! Nothing more! It's not like you've never done it! You had this idea, now continue with it! It's just a thank you!_ He mentally scolded himself before controlling the expression on his face in a more calm one and finally knocking. He had decided to do that, now he had to continue with it. He just needed to control himself. Gopher didn't have to know everything that was going on in his head, right? He heard a surprised scream coming from inside the room before a girl with glasses opened the door. "Hi!" He said in a calm tone as he looked at the girl's surprised expression. "Chika's here too? How? What now?" She mumbled confused and somewhat exasperated, but with a small smile. It wasn't uncommon to see Chika appearing in her bedroom. Her original plan had been staying in her bed and resting a bit, but seeing that Koyomi was completely asleep in her bed and now Chika was also there, she was already seeing that her plan wasn't going to work. Nevertheless, it didn't bother her that much. She actually enjoyed Chika's company. "Nothing much~" The white haired boy replied. "I guess I'm just passing by..." Michiru saw Chika's calm expression slowly start to fade and a more nervous aura surround him. "Hmm... um... " "Chika, you're drunk too?" She asked looking confused. "... Hand..." She heard him murmur. "Huh?" She said even more confused. "Hand...?" She suddenly felt her hand being held by the surprisingly light and gentle touch of Chika's hand. Michiru looked surprised at his hand and felt her heart start beating a little faster. She turned her astonished gaze to the boy in front of her and realized that he was staring at the floor while his face had acquired a slight reddish tint. "Chi... Chika?" She murmured even more confused. What was he doing? "This... This is... A special..." The boy started saying again. Michiru felt her own face begin to heat up as she looked Chika fight with his words. "Huh... It's for you. Gopher fee." He finished while releasing her hand. Michiru looked surprised the object in her hand. "500 yen...?" "Like I said! That's it." Chika said avoiding her eyes and looking even redder. "Y-you came looking for me. Even in that weird place. So... So it's..." Michiru suddenly found herself looking into a serious pair of golden eyes. "It's a tip for being a model Gopher." Even with his red face Chika managed to seriously look at the girl in front of him. "I owe you one, okay!" Michiru unconsciously closed her hand around the coin while Chika continued to speak. "Starting today, you're promoted to Golden Gopher!" Michiru looked at him for a second before she started laughing. The reaction was immediate. "What? W-what are you laughing at, G-Golden Gopher!" Chika said, feeling quite embarrassed. "You... you said it with such an air of importance..." Michiru managed to say as she rubbed her eye to remove the tears that formed there because she laughed so much. "It was funny..." "It's not the least bit funny!" "Yes it is." "Whatever, I just gave you 500 yen, that's all." He said still somewhat embarrassed by her reaction. Nevertheless, he was glad that her reaction was that and not send him away. Then he saw Michiru smiling happily while she held the hand that was holding the coin with her other hand. "Thank you. I'll accept it. " Wit this an idea formed in his head. "You said you'll accept it?" He asked with a smile beginning to form on his face. "Eh?" "You said you'll accept! That's great!" He said grinning and holding up a fist in a sign of victory. "So tonight, I'll sleep in your room!" And with that he entered in her room. "Whaaat?" Michiru cried surprised while getting out of the way to avoid being hit by Chika getting in her room. "But why? You said it was a gopher tip!" "Because you accepted the rent of course!" He replied in the same bright tone before turning to her and looking at her with a sweet expression that remembered Michiru of a cute little puppy. "Aw, isn't it okay...?" _That look..._ Michiru thought paralyzed. _He wouldn't... Here it comes again!_ "What? The shinigami can but I can't?" Chika said with that same look. "At this time shouldn't you hold me gently?" "What! But your sizes are completely different!" She said trying to resist that look. "Hmm?" "And... And..." Michiru looked again at Chika before sighing. She hadn't resisted. "Okay, okay. You can sleep here. " "Yaay!" Chika said cheerfully before embracing Michiru. Once he did so he immediately froze and his eyes widened at the same time he felt his calmness quickly disappear. Now what had he done? Michiru first stiffened with surprise at his embrace - something that she certainly wasn't expecting - but then she felt Chika's warmth involve her and she slowly relaxed into his arms resting her head on his chest while her face gained again that reddish tint. _Chika..._ Chika could almost breathe in relief. When Michiru hadn't pushed him away he had felt extremely relieved and all the tension and uncertainty that Gopher wouldn't want to get closer to him (much less have physical contact) was gone. Then a new feeling came over to him and he squeezed her tightly in his arms. The sweet scent of her shampoo entered in his nose, but this time he didn't react like in the school. The very idea of losing the girl he was holding in his arms was too much for him, especially if he was the cause of it. His grip tightened a little more as if he had to make sure she was really there. Alive. That he hadn't... Michiru looked up surprised as Chika hid his face in her hair. She could feel his arms tremble slightly as he held her. "C-Chika?" She asked softly. "Sorry, sorry..." Michiru heard Chika murmuring softly through her hair. "Please... don't leave... me..." "Chika?" Michiru repeated, this time a little louder, concerned. What was he talking about? "Please... I don't want to... lose you... like... her..." The boy kept whispering seeming almost in a daze. Michiru's eyes widened while something in her mind made a 'click'. _Her... He is talking about his mother... isn't he? He's talking about everything that happened in that other dimension..._ Michiru thought as she finally understood what it all was about. Immediately Michiru's arms moved and she hugged him back. "Don't worry, I won't leave you. I'm not going anywhere." They stood like this for some time, just enjoying the comfort and warmth that they gave each other. "Thank you... Michiru..." Chika muttered after some time. Michiru was surprised for a moment to be listening the white-haired boy call her by her name instead of 'Gopher' or some other nickname he had chosen for her. This wasn't something that happened every day. She smiled slightly before turning her face up and meeting his eyes. They stayed like this for a few seconds before Chika, on impulse, ended with the small space between them and captured her lips with his. Michiru was caught by surprise again, but her body soon began to move and she started to correspond the kiss. Chika moved one of his hands to her face to deepen the kiss and the two remained that way until they had to break the kiss to catch air again. The two stared at each other panting lightly with the same emotion going through their eyes. Chika stroked her cheek lightly with his hand, in an unusual gesture of kindness. Then a thought crossed his mind. "What about Sotetsu?" Michiru blinked confused for a moment before realizing where he was getting at. "Oh..." She smiled. "We broke up a few days ago, just before we got stuck in our school." Now it was time for Chika to blink confused. He then laughed as he shook his head, muttering something like 'oh, I should have imagined.' He and Michiru turned to look at each other before kissing again. Chika then realized that this strange feeling was clearer than ever. Now that he felt relieved for not being hated by Gopher and had taken a weight off of his back, he finally managed to confirm his suspicions of what it was. Strange as it seemed to him, it was true. In the end he was really in love with Michiru. Unknown to the two teenagers in the middle of the room, Koyomi was spying on them from the bed with her eyes half open so that no one would realize that she was awake. Holding a laugh, she slowly closed her eyes and as quietly as possible, turned to the other side of the bed. For now she would give the two some privacy, but she couldn't wait to tell others about the newest couple that had been formed. End file.
What Hurts the Most by StarPurpleandBlue
Awakening Awakening Darkness. Waves gently push her to consciousness. This smell is............delicious. Eyes the rich colour of crushed mulberries pin Michiru with a sensual stare. "K-k-ko....Koyomi-san!" stutters Michiru as those eyes darken and a dangerously sexy atmosphere drifts like silk between Michiru and Yomi. "Mmmh ChiruChiru Michiru......Michiru." drawls Yomi. "My name is Yomi..." heavy lidded eyes travel lazily up and down Michiru's body. "Koyomi can't play right's just you and me." The soft whisper of the sheets, as Yomi slides closer to Michiru startle Yomi. 'Why does this cute girl interest me so much? This delicious's coming from her! Michiru's stuttering adorable! Ara....she looks so.........inviting when she blushes like that.....mmmm she's so warm and soft....just a small taste, that's all I want........For now.' End file.
Awakening by Wjl
Umbrella Felt the mood for writing Chichiru. It has been eoans since I've written something for OTP tbh. * * * ><p>Chika Akatsuki sighed as he stared at the gate of school. Rain poured hard, and it doesn't look like it would end anytime soon. It wouldn't have been awful it he had an umbrella, which he hadn't.<p> With a deep grunt, he stepped out of the comfort of his school right into the rain. He felt the water drip down on him quite harshly. Few minutes passed as he is halfway to his home. His little sister Momoka would probably be crying (he thinks that; in reality she's busy with her phone), and his annoying dad too. By now his hair was so wet it is falling right over his face. He could barely see a thing while he ran further and further. It all stopped when he bumped against someone. He fell to the ground with a hard thump. He let out a curse or two before looking at the offender. He blinked once or twice when he saw a girl with crepe pink hair and olive eyes. Isn't she a classmate of his? He does remember he saw her on the first day of school. She sits by the small girl group he doesn't care about. Hell, he doesn't care about anyone at school if he had to be honest. He always had been on his own; Chika never had friends, only fake ones. The girl stares at him for a few seconds with an expression in her eyes that he just couldn't describe. It looked like... happiness. He wanted to know why; after all, who would be glad with bumping against someone? Said girl started to bow a few times as a way to apologize. Words like _sorry _and _I didn't mean to bump against you _streamed out of her cherry-coloured lips. She let herself be in a sitting position. Michiru, he finally remembered her name, put the umbrella she holds in her hand above both him and herself. With her other hand she searches for something in her bag. Soon enough she pulls her hand out of said bag, and now a handkerchief is in her mind. Without a single wisp of hesitation, she learns forward to dry of his white hair with black streaks. A blush spreads on his face. Embarrassment is what he felt. Chika never really got touched by other girls, even in the most simplest way, except for his sister. After all, he disliked being touched by the other gender ever since he was 6. His mother leaving him to starve in order to be with another man has been the cause for that. What the annoying part is is that the girl seemed convenient to do this, like she had been used to do things like that. Chika guessed that she works at some charity organisation or whatever they are called. You shouldn't depend on him when it's about being smart. He'll rather spend his time earning money so that his sister can live a comfortable live. A few seconds passed before his hair is semi-dry. The pinkette puts the handkerchief back into her bag, and smiles lightly at Chika. She hands him over the umbrella, letting the harsh rain pour over her. "You may borrow this. My apartment is only one street away from here." Michiru stands up, dusting the imaginary dust of her school uniform. She waves him goodbye before he could utter a single word, which amazed him. He still was sitting on the ground with the umbrella in his face before he returned to his own home. * * * ><p><strong>A day later:<strong> * * * ><p>Chika impatiently tapped his foot on the piece of rock, Shito sitting next to him. The darned <em>accident <em>has happened, and the duo got their memory back. Right now they are waiting for Michiru to come running here. A small smile is present on Chika's face, though his situation is one where you usually wouldn't smile for. Soon enough Michiru arrived, her braided crepe pink hair waving in the wind. The girl put her hands on her knees to catch her breath. Sometime later, she walks over to the two before she hugs them. The two males hug her back, and the two muttered an apology or two for ignoring her like that. "It's alright; you both not had any memories of me. You two weren't able to do anything," she said as she kept on hugging them. Afterwards, they let go of each other. Chika and Shito made a small comment of Michiru not wearing her glasses anymore. A surprise it was, but a good one. While Michiru and Shito talked about some small subject, Chika searched around in his bookcase for that. Surely enough, a few moments later it is in his hands. Chika's smile widened. "Yo, Michiru," he said, trying to attract her attention. Slightly tanned hands tapped her shoulders. A small _huh _escaped her lips. The golden-eyed male stretched his hand with the object out. Michiru gasped when she saw what it is, and Shito could only stare with confusion. The object was the umbrella Chika was allowed to borrow from Michiru. He hands it over to Michiru, who looks at it with wonder. "You-" Chika put a finger on his lips, smiling ever so mischievous to Michiru. "Sssssh." A small blush comes on Michiru her face, and she suddenly finds the piece of rock behind her _very _interesting. Chika just laughed, giving her a small pet on the head. Michiru just whined, saying how _mean _the gold-eyed male is. That just made him laugh harder. Shito stared to Michiru, then Chika, and then to Michiru again. **What has happened between the two? **he thought. **...Whatever.** * * * ><p><em><strong>All this for an umbrella.<strong>_ * * * ><p>R&amp;R<p> End file.
Umbrella by lovely-singularity
Bedtime Bedtime. ShitoxChika. Yaoi, different sleeping arrangements, pushing off of the bed! Don't own, don't want to. A/N: SOOOOOOO! I'm extremely bored and decided to post something for the hell of it. I actually wrote this about two years ago for a friend. GEEEZ. Yeeah, anyway. You read that right. Shito is the seme. WHAT? Yeah, that's how my friend wanted it and that's how YOU'RE GONNA GET IT. Don't be quick to judge. You might just like it. I haven't watched this series in ages and forgot almost everything about it. Don't judge me either, yo. I might just be re-finding my interest in certain anime. OKAY I'M GONNA SHUT UP NOW. AND YOU CAN READ! **XXX** I stared at the door. If I stared any harder I was sure my vision could cut through that ratty thing called a door. I started to have second thoughts. It seemed like such a good idea on the way down there. But was I really this desperate? This desperate to go sleep in the same room as Shito just because I wanted to cure the nighttime loneliness I had (sometimes)? It seemed reasonable yet disgusting at the same time. What comfort would he be able to give me? Sleeping next to him would probably be like sleeping next to a dead body. _"Wait, not a good way to compare." _On the other hand, I would of loved to see his face in the morning when he woke and saw my face across from his. His expression would be priceless. But then it hit me, "EHHHH?! Why am I thinking about actually sleeping NEXT to him?!" I didn't mean to yell, but it was much needed. I didn't want to wake anyone up, but I couldn't believe I passed that up. But then another thought hit me. Did I really wanna sleep on the floor? The thoughts of all the dust and countless disease that would come from it made me shudder slightly. "There's something living in it." I muttered grasping onto my shoulders. Deciding against my doubts, I reached down and turned the knob. I opened it a bit enough for me to poke my head through. I looked around, but nothing stood out so I continued and walked on through. Which was probably bad considering where I stepped. The first step I took into the room, my foot landed on a creaking board. I froze. It was so loud; why are noises always so much louder when you're doing things secretively?! I gritted my teeth, "Damnitttt!" My eyes soon adjusted to the darkness, so I looked over at him. The only movement he did was to move onto his side. That was still bad, though. It only meant if he woke up, I wouldn't have much time to hide. I didn't want him to wake up because I didn't want to get thrown out, and I didn't really feel like going anywhere else. I kept taking one loud, monstrous step after another until I got to the other side of the bed. Shito was still laying on his left side so there was just enough room for me to quickly swoop in and lay down. It was then when I realized I didn't have a pillow. Shito only had one and more than likely wasn't gonna share it. I exhaled slowly and just placed my hands behind my head for support, "Pffftt, sucks." I glanced over at him. He was still on his side. I was sure he still managed to look pissed off and distance even in his sleep. I couldn't hear him breathing which made me think he was dead or something. My curiosity got the best of me so I brought up my hand and poked his shoulder blade. I waited for a reaction, but when there wasn't one, I poked him again even harder. I saw his body start to twitch and he suddenly moved onto his back again. I held in my breath and scooted to the edge of the bed. I tried my best to keep myself on and away from him. He was way too close. I moved back into my original position, and there was about an inch between us. I glanced over at him again. His face was turned in my direction. I took in the sight and my theory proved right. "Yep, pissed off and distance." I whispered to myself. I could suddenly feel the heat coming off of him, _"Did he get closer?" _I thought. This was turning into an umcomfortable situation. That was until something added to it that made it slightly worse. "A-Akatsuki." I heard him mumble out. My heart skipped a beat. I was prepared to jump off the bed and wait for an insult, but nothing happened. I felt his hand brush past mine. I followed the hand with my eyes and saw that his fingers curled up and grasped onto the sheets below. "Akatsuki." He repeated my name in a low moan and his face twitched in what seemed like pain. I watched him closely with wide eyes. It was an interesting site, alright. So much, that I moved onto my knees and hovered my face over his to get a better look. He inhaled slowly and exhaled my name, "Akatsuki," I leaned in closer when suddenly his eyes shot open, "What the hell are you doing in my room?" Before I even got a chance to be startled or scream, he picked up his foot and knocked me off the bed, "Trash doesn't belong on the bed." He stated bluntly, bringing himself half way up to glare at me. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He rubbed his eyes, "I could say the same for you. Why are you here?" I scratched the back of my head and glared back up at him, "I need a reason?" "Why would you think you do not need a reason?" "I don't know." There was a long silence between us until Shito let out a long sigh, "Come up here." "Ehhhh?" "I said come up here, idiot!" He shouted back and patted down on the place I was before he kicked me. I grumbled something to myself before climbing back up and laying down. There just wasn't something right about Shito actually letting me stay with him - SLEEP next to him to be exact. We were laying next each other, wide awake, and I didn't think it could get anymore awkward. I then felt his hand brush up against mine again, but this time, he held onto it and laced his fingers with mine. He brought the hand up to his face and rubbed it against his cheek. "Your skin," he said, "it's so soft. I like it." My face heated up dramatically and pulled my hand away, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I asked backing away from him. He didn't respone. He just lashed out his hand and grasped onto my chin, bringing my head closer to him so he could talk directly into my ear. "Don't get so touchy. You are in _my _bed after all." I felt my breath getting caught in my throat. I didn't know what or where he was getting at. Either way, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go along for the ride, "Shito?" "If your skin is soft," he continued, "I'm sure it tastes good too." Before I could question his statement, he pulled my face in closer and dragged his tongue on the right side of my cheek. I wasn't expecting that. What was wrong with him? That was totally not like him at all. Shito was...coming onto me? And even so, why did he decide to do it NOW? "Don't act so surprised." He brought his mouth back to my ear, "A knife couldn't cut the sexual tension between us." I could feel the smirk in his voice, and from then I was beyond the limits of embarrassment. The feeling of his hot breath blowing into my ear made a sinking feeling in my stomach. Was it arousal? I wasn't sure. I was sure my face had a nice red tinge to it, though. I thought about what he said. I would be a liar if I said I didn't think Shito was the slightest bit beautiful. I mean, just one look at him and you're almost amazed one person could have such stunning features. He was the type of person that people went for these days and I couldn't help but be pulled into that trend, I guess. "You've never thought about it before?" He asked, "You know, you and I together?" I shook my head. "Liar." He spat out. It was like he read my mind. "Why would I think that?" I countered, "That's just disgusting." Another lie for me. "Disgusting? Well, aren't you the one you snuck into _my room_ into _my bed_?" He questioned back, "If you're going to sneak into bed with me, you might as well do it for the right reasons." Things seemed to get a lot hotter and I felt myself getting hard over his lustful voice. It didn't help when Shito then leaned in closer and whispered, "I want to feel you from the inside, Chika-_kun_." I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and gained the courage to look over at him. As I turned my head and was face to face with him finally, he brought both his hands to the back of my head and forced our lips together. My eyes widened by this for two reason. One, I couldn't believe I was kissing him. Two, I couldn't believe how amazingly soft and warm his lips were. I slid my eyes shut and enjoyed the beginning of the kiss. I could feel him start to press harder, so I pressed back. He smirked slightly and pushed out the tip of his tongue and ran it against my bottom lip. I let the slick, wet tongue in willingly and let it roam around my mouth. Shito moved it all around, collecting bits of saliva, and pushing it against mine. He pulled back his tongue in and bit down on my bottom lip, pulling it down and playing with it almost. I moaned softly when he moved one of hands down and slid it under my shirt. Those long, slender fingers of his moved along my skin with ease. He dragged his fingertips from down around my navel all the way up to my nipples where he started fingering them. He pressed into and pinched them, making them even harder then before. I pulled my mouth away from his and moaned into his ear. "I like this already." He said reaching down to the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. He moved again and quickly hopped over me to straddle my hips. He looked down on me. His dark colored bangs covered his eyes and his skin seemed to glow even in the moonlight. I could see another smile forming on his lips. I swallowed down hard. I knew that this night would be an awesome one for sure. "Did you always feel this way?" I asked through an intake of breath. He didn't answer. He just leaned in and attached his lips to my exposed neck. He bit down gently onto the skin and started to nip at it, sucking on it lightly. He wasn't listening to me. Again. "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!" I shouted, but it resulted in a hard bite onto my neck. I hissed as he started to lap his tongue around the newly printed bruise. "The only noise I want to hear from you from now on is the sound of my name being said or yelled at the top of your lungs." Those words shot right through me. I didn't like the control he had over me, but I was far too aroused to actually care about it. Shito skilled hands moved around himself and I and removed any clothes between us with such speed. I kinda got the hint that he had done this before. We both were finally bear and another smirk was plastered on his lips. He slid one of his fingers down my body and ran it along the inside of my thigh. I gasped softly. His hand was moving closer and closer to my already harden self. I wanted to move my hips over slightly so he could at least touch it, but nope. He brought his hand up after a couple of strokes against my skin. "I'm not touching that thing." He said bringing two fingers to his lips. A low growl formed in my chest but I didn't let it out. I just watched him as sucked the life out of the digits in his mouth, coating them with spit and moving his tongue around and into the webbing. He was teasing me. He knew I wanted something else to go into that mouth of his. He pulled apart my legs and rose my hips up. With a smile, he reached down and inched a finger slowly into my opening. I hissed loudly and arched up my back, "That freakin' hurts!" "Of course, why wouldn't it?" I didn't say anything back. I just took whatever it was. He moved it around and soon added another, breaking past the tightness of it (or at least tired to). I'd never felt anything like it in my life. I knew he was having a difficult time moving them around. I mean, I never had anything inside me before like this, so it was expected, right? It didn't feel good, but it didn't hurt either. It just felt _weird_. "You're very tight, Akatsuki." "SHUT U-AHHH!" My back arched suddenly again for a different reason. Shito had hit a spot that made a loud moan erupt from me. He poked it a couple of times before slipping out the fingers, "Found it." He said. He moved himself around again and prepared himself to enter me at any moment. This thought scared me. Did I really want to go through with this? Did I really want my first time to be with SHITO of all people? Before I could come up with an answer, my legs were over his shoulders and he was smirking towards me, "Ready?" I shook my head 'no', but he had already started to push his head through. I grasped onto the sheets and my mouth flew open. _"This is only the head?!" _I thought, _"How's the whole thing gonna feel?!" _That was another thought. The fingers had their own pain and weirdness to it, but having a whole reproductive organ shoved into you had a totally different one! "Relax." He said in a overly calm tone. How could he be calm? I was in freakin' pain! But knowing him, that made him feel good. He pushed a little bit more in and tired my best to relax my muscles and myself in general. It didn't really help. I let out another loud hiss and I whimpered softly. Wasn't your first time suppose to be more meaningful and not PAINful?! He slowly started to removed himself from me, and I felt myself already start to ache. My ass felt like it was burning. Talk about discomfort. Without even a break in between, he pushed his cock back in with more force. He didn't stop. He kept on going, and it started to feel good after a few more thrust. I threw my head back and moaned loudly. I never realized how much of this sexual side to Shito I liked. He knew how to make someone feel good either it just be for himself or someone else. I took my hands and clasped them onto his shoulders. I dug my fingernails into the skin, leaving red marks behind. He raised his head up and locked eyes with me. His sweaty, sensual form aroused me even more than before at that moment. He blew up a couple of sweaty strands of hair and smiled. "You're much more desirable in this state, Chika." He said it. He said my name again. Damn, was it hot or what? Why didn't he saw it more often? "S-Shut up," I moaned, "you're still a freakin' bastard." I heard the slightest bit of a laugh from him, and then he thrusted in. He had hit that same spot from before. I gasped sharply and let go of his shoulders, "Fuckkk, Shitoooo." I fell back onto the bed and panted. I wanted more, and so I got it. He continued to hit the same spot, and I swear I started to see stars. My eyes rolled back and my toes curled. I screamed loudly as I came. I splattered onto his and my lower stomach and he seemed content by this. A few more thrusts and he was done too. He unloaded into me and also started to pant. He rode out his orgasm and fell on top of me. He smirked into my chest, "Virgin." He mumbled under his breath but I heard him loud and clear. "Shut up. I don't wanna hear that from you." I snapped back, "Now, answer my question from before." "What was it?" "Have you always felt this way? You know, all sexual and stuff towards me?" I asked. He sighed, "It shouldn't matter." I didn't know whether to be hurt or confused by the answer. "Oh, and by the way," he continued, "I was awake the whole time you came in here. From the time you opened the door until now." My eyes grew, "WHAT?!" "Did you like my act? I thought it was good. I'm glad you came here tonight, Akatsuki. You let me satisfy my burning lust for you." I fought the urge to straggle him there, but decided against it. It didn't matter, though, because there'd be much time for that. For I was sure I was gonna be there the next night anyhow. **XXX** And that's all she wrote. For now. Hoped you liked it. I've missed posting new stuff. Honestly. Sorry guys. I've just been really sucking in the writing department lately. It's really depressing. :( Leave me awesome comments, yeah? LOVE YA! End file.
Bedtime by Gracie Max
Beijing Huan Ying Ni A/N: Shito/Chika! I'm addicted to this pairing :) I'm also addicted to the song Beijing Huan Ying Ni! And I know absolutely NO Chinese, so some of the Pinyun may be incorect. If it is, please tell me and let me know. Chika's Chinese is a rough assumption on how he would pronounce the Chinese sounds that don't exist in the Japanese language. It's probably all incorrect, so just bear with me on this one. Disclaimer: I obviously do not own Zombie Loan or the amazing song Beijing Huan Ying Ni. * * * Akatsuki Chika was not exactly what you'd call the quietest of people. Shito knew this well, as the silver-haired man was currently singing. "Beijin Wan ui ni!" Chika sang (or screamed) again. Chika was currently sitting in front of his computer, the annoying song blasting from the speakers. Now Shito loved Chika, he really did, but Shito had _had _it. He was trying to read, and having your boyfriend desecrate your native language wasn't helping. "Zai fun tsu di shu a jin chi ji!" Chika continued. Shito shut his book in frustration, got up, and walked over to Chika. "BEI--" Shito clamped his hand over Chika's mouth. "Not another word," he threatened, peering down at the younger man. Chika brushed Shito's hand away, twirling his computer chair around t face him. "Aww Shito, you don't like my singing?" "Not at all," the stoic zombie replied, moving back to the bed. "But it was in Chinese! I thought you wanted me to learn it!" Chika persisted, getting up to sit down on the foot of the bed. Shito's eyes peered over the top of the book he was once again trying to read. The shorter man was sitting at his feet, looking at him inquisitively. His silver hair was tussled from working earlier that day and he was wearing plain navy blue boxers and a white T-shirt. In short, he looked painfully _cute._ Shito sighed. "I said it would be nice. I didn't intend for you to listen to music from the Beijing Olympics and try to imitate it." Chika harrumphed, sticking out his bottom lip childlishly. "Well I'm sorry, but Chinese is flippin' hard!" "What's so hard about it?" Shito asked, putting his book and glasses on the nightstand. "Chinese has all those weird sounds like the letter `L' and the `ing' sounds. You know, those weird European sounds that are really hard to pronounce," Chika said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We don't have those sounds in Japanese, so I never learned how to pronounce them." "Why not just learn now?" Shito asked, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. "It's hard! Why do you think I didn't do well in English class?" "Because your a dumbass?" The older zombie offered, a smirk playing on his lips. Chika scowled. "Shut up, will you? It's not like I didn't _try_ or anything." Shito smiled, scooting up the bed so his knees were touching Chika's. "I will give you the benefit of the doubt there, I heard your awful practice for weeks before that test. Plus, that techer was a bitch. She failed almost everyone in that class, not just you." "Well at least I didn't fail alone, right?" Chika grinned, adjusting into a kneeling position and sitting back on his ankles. "Still, I wish I would have learned more in that class, it'd be good to know another language. Or at least...get to the point where I can pronounce the basic alphabet of another language." "Well, I can teach you if you want," the dark-haired man said, a small smile still gracing his normally-stoic face. "I mean, at least how to say something as simple as the letter 'L'." Chika looked at Shito for a moment, waiting for him to take it back or say it was a joke. When no insult came, he sat up and grinned. "Sweet! I mean, if you really want to teach me, that is." "Stupid, of course I'd teach you something as elementary as this. The `L' sound is what you've been having trouble with, right?" Chika nodded. "Alright. It's actually very simple. Just put your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth, and make an `R' sound." "An `R' sound?" "Yeah. The `R' sound is the Japanese equivalent to the `L' sound." Chika looked at Shito questioningly, disbelief showing on his face. "If that's true, than why didn't it work for me before?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. "You obviously weren't doing it right," Shito replied. At Chika's continued silence, the older man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Just try it, Akatsuki." "Hey! Don't call me Akatsuki, bastard!" Chika retorted, putting his tongue on the roof of his mouth like Shito had instructed and atteming to make an 'L' sound. "R--Ree..." he struggled, his eyebrows furrowing in concentration. He trailed off, his face bubbling with accomplishment. "How was that?" He asked, "I think that's the closest I've ever gotten!" "Well it's certaintly better than your God-awful singing before," Shito replied, picking up his forgotten book and settling his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Chika pouted. "You're an ass, you know that?" Shito leaned forward and captured Chika's lips in a chaste kiss. "So I've been told." * * * This is for you Kristin! Thanks for putting up with me and Karen singing all last week! End file.
Beijing Huan Ying Ni by sushidei
Will You Sleep With Me Tonight? Disclaimer: I do not own Zombie Loan. Author's Notes: I finished the series yesterday and thought I needed to tweak some of the scenes. ---- "Michiru, can I sleep with you tonight?" Chika asked. "WHAT?!" She cried out. "Please? I feel lonely..." He whined. He looked to her with eyes that could crack even the most stone cold person. After a bit of pleading, Michiru reluctantly agreed to allow Chika to stay in her room. As she walked down the hall, she sighed. 'Stupid, why did you give in? Just because he has those pretty eyes...' She took her shower and contemplated her decision when she walked into her bedroom and Chika was laying on her bed, already knocked out. A blush tinted her cheeks as her eyes trailed over his chest, the shirt flaps opened to reveal his skin. It looked so soft, with a trail of lightened hair down his low abdomen... Michiru shook her head, her heart rate picked up a bit. She lightly shook him to try and wake him, but to no avail. With a sigh of defeat, she turned off the light and crawled into the bed, trying to forget him laying there. She could feel the extra warmth next to her and it helped her to drift into sleep. ---- The clock next to her read one in the morning when she awoke. A pair of hands were wrapped around her, one near her neck, the other resting on her abdomen. She trembled in fear. Ah, wait. Chika-san. Michiru could breathe a bit easier remembering that the boy had fallen asleep in her bed. She heard him mumble something softly in his sleep and cuddle closer against her. The initial touch made her jump, the feeling of something pressing against her low back. Rolling out of his embrace, she looked at the sleeping youth. His pants had bunched up and a tent pressed against his jeans. Her mind instantly went into overdrive as she tried to remember what she had learned about boys' anatomy. Remnants of sex ed returned to her, talking about men and night erections and wet dreams. She had never been with a man before, so she had no real experience. It heighted the curiousity in her as she crawled over a bit and looked down. Looking at his face, he was definitely asleep, so her hand very slowly reached out for him. When she initially gripped it, she was suprised at how hard he was. At her touch, Chika groaned a bit in his sleep. She almost pulled back, but decided to explore a bit more. Very carefully, she undid the top of his jeans and slid the zipper down. Another suprise to her, Chika did not wear underwear. Once freed of the denim, his cock bounced up, quite hard. It curved lightly at one point. Michiru swallowed hard as a heat began to rush between her legs and slowly grow. Her hand gripped him bare and began to stroke slowly. Chika's breath became a bit shorter, letting out a soft moan here and there. It made her mouth water whenever his cock twitched in her hand. As a bit of milky precum dripped from the head, she leaned forward, watching it slowly ooze. Had she done that? Then she remembered that men tended to like girls to...what was it? Give them "blowjobs"? It involved her mouth somehow, but she was a bit hesitant. Michiru leaned forward and slowly ran her tongue over the tiny drop of precum at his tip. It tasted salty, but not unpleasant. When her tongue touched, his cock twitched hard. The heat between her thighs was growing more and more and her fingers slid underneath her panties, grazing a very sensitive spot that longed to be touched. It made her whimper, but she couldn't stop herself. She wanted more. Her soft lips parted and took the head into her mouth as Chika gasped and groaned. Hearing him moan made her even more aroused as she closed her eyes and began to suck softly at the head. More precum flowed into her mouth and she lapped it up like a kitten to cream. A hand pressing her head down made her jump up, blushing intensely. Chika's eyes were half opened, panting heavily. "Don't stop...your mouth feels so fucking good..." He whispered to her in the dark, which made Michiru gaze at him half in embarrassment, half in lust. His eyes looked over her, smirking when he saw her hand buried in her panties, a soft damp spot. He sat up and pulled her into a kiss, flipping her on her back. "Michiru..." He moaned softly, pulling at the ties of her robe. She turned her head away and blushed when he saw her. Her breasts were so tiny and her nipples were pert, aching for touch. His hand gently grazed over one and she gasped, her hips jerking up. So sensitive, he thought as he leaned his head down and took one into his mouth. It gained him a high moan from her, her hands sliding under his shirt to claw at his back. He tossed it aside, along with his pants. He was still revealed and Chika's cock ached badly, especially when he got close to her heat, only covered by a pair of thin panties. She was incredibly warm. When he bit down lightly on her nipple, her legs wrapped around him and pulled him into her, making Chika nearly lose control there. Michiru looked up at him as he moved back a bit. "Chika-chan?" "Do you want it?" He asked her, his voice low and filled with desire. "What?" "I'm not going to do it unless you ask me to. You're a virgin, aren't you?" She blushed and nodded. "So, do you want it?" His voice, though asking, almost sounded pleading. She thought for a moment. The aching between her legs was so intense. "Yes, please..." She thought of his cock inside her. "Fuck please..." Hearing those innocent lips mutter a curse word in lust made his cock drip with precum and ache to be inside her. He pulled off her panties and was about to plunge inside when he remembered. "Fuck..." "What?" "No condom..." "You're a zombie, do you even produce sperm?" He thought for a moment and wondered. How come he never thought of that? "It doesn't matter. I started BC a year ago. Thanks to my aunt." She scowled as she said it. "She didn't want to me to get knocked up in high school..." Chika chuckled softly. "Hmm, lucky for me then." The head of his cock pressed against her, already feeling the wetness drip from her slit. He looked her in the eyes and she was shocked to see how much they had softened from his usual haughtry look. "You sure...?" He asked. Michiru nodded and braced herself as he held one of her hips, sliding into her tight entrance. The heat surrounding his cock was so intense, he wanted to bust right there. Her head tilted back, groaning in pain. Once inside, he held himself there so she could adjust to the intrusion. His hand slid between them and stroked her clit, making her whimper, the pain fading. Once she had become accustomed to him, he slid back, then inside her once more. The depth of his thrust made her hips buck up into him, her hands wrapping around his neck. Being inside of Michiru was intoxicating and with each thrust, he wanted more. "Ah god..." He groaned, already feeling himself throb. To keep from orgasming, he pulled out and had her move to her hands and knees. He continued to tease her clit as he slowly slid back inside, taking her from behind. "Chika, Chika!" She moaned, rocking back against him. Her walls were beginning to close around him tighter and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. "Michiru!" He gasped, plunging inside over and over, trying to keep himself right on edge. Just a little longer... "Ay!" She screamed out, her back arching as she closed tight around his cock, her juices dripping down the sides, making Chika bite his lip as he thrusted a few more times before he finally leaned forward, groaning as his cock pumped deep shots of cum inside her. The two stayed in the bliss induced haze for a minute before Michiru fell forward onto the bed and Chika followed, gasping for breath, both drenched in sweat. Chika gave her a cocky little smile, to which she smiled back and snuggled into his chest, uncaring that both of them were naked. His arms wrapped around the tiny girl, coming down from the high into the warm embrace of sleep. Tonight, he would not be lonely. End file.
Will You Sleep With Me Tonight? by Punk Pikachu
Contact **Disclaimer:** I do not own Zombie-Loan in any way, shape, or form. (Damn it). Pairing: Chika.Shito Summary: Even zombies feel warmth. * * * con.tact It is around two in the morning when, upon hearing a loud creaking of the floorboards outside of his bedroom, Shito's eyes snap open immediately. The door to Shito's room creaks softly in protest as it opens slowly, a small puddle of moonlight growing larger and larger as the door opens wider. Shito's eyes open to the most narrow slits he can manage as he peers at the door with his dark eyes, watching as a familiar shadow slowly enters and shuts the door. Tachibana Shito wonders briefly if Akatsuki Chika really thinks that he's _this _dumb. For a minute, there is utter silence, save for the person's soft breathing. Then, the floor squeaks as Chika makes his way across the room, shuffling slowly and mumbling softly under his breath. There is a pause, and Shito quickly shuts his eyes. No. I should get up, he tells himself. I should get up and tell Akatsuki to get the hell out. I should tell him to just get over Shiba's death and to stop sneaking into my room at night. I should-- A weight slowly sinks in next to Shito on the bed, and a warm hand presses itself against his back. Shito takes in a surprised, sharp breath from the sudden contact, and the hand freezes. "Shito?" Chika's voice whispers, quiet and completely different from the loud, obnoxious voice he has during the day. "Are you having a nightmare, Shito?" It takes Shito a moment to realize that Chika is referring to him by his first name, not by his last name. And though he knows that he should be yelling for Chika to leave his bedroom (_now, damn it_), he can't bring himself to. The only thing he can do is stay still, paralyzed, waiting to see what happens next. Another warm hand gently touches Shito's shoulder, moving him from his current position so that the zombie is facing upwards, towards the ceiling. Chika trails his fingers across Shito's face for a moment, brushing away dark locks of indigo hair. There is another pause. "..." Chika then grasps onto Shito, pulling the boy into a sitting position as the white-haired boy holds him close. Warmth flourishes between the two, and--despite the fact that he can feel Chika's warm breath fanning out across his neck--Shito feels abnormally comfortable. They stay like that for a while until Shito really does fall asleep, his breathing soft and melodic in Chika's ears. When he wakes up in the morning, Chika is gone, the only remnants of last night being the warmth that presses insistently into Shito's chest. * * * OHHH GEEZ. That's right, FEAR IT. Another crapola story from Penn! ZOMG! (scream) Hahaha. Okay, yeah, so this sucks. But hey, there's always next time. (sigh) .oblivion's pen End file.
Contact by oblivion's pen
1. Chapter 1 The life of a reaper can get a little boring, so why not spice it up with a little game? Rules are not a problem for a reaper of such power who can even reap unmarked humans. The next target is the newly revived Chika Akatsuki. Angel of Death Chapter 1 The sound of shattered screams will echo through the night. To take such a desolated road was their biggest mistake and they would pay for it with their lives. The car stops, under the eerie dim light of the moon. The angel of death, in the guise of a young girl stands on the road, accepting guilt of having thrown that rock at the car. A man angrily comes out of the car, blood dripping from a cut on the side of his face where the rock hit him and several other smaller cuts on his face from the pieces of shattered glass. It was a pity; he was handsome, but not anymore, not with his face covered in blood. In one swift motion, the girl calls forth a scythe and while the young man is in shock from the weapon's appearance out of thin air, she decapitates him, with such force that the head goes flying to the car hitting the wind shield. The woman who accompanied him in the passenger seat lets out a horror filled scream when she sees the man's head impact the glass, cracking it slightly before rolling down and falling in front of the car, with a trail of blood in its path. The man's lifeless body stands on its feet, being showered by blood gushing out from the neck and staining his clothing red. A few seconds pass, the scent of blood is in the air and also the scent of death, her scent. The man's body falls to the road, the pool of blood continues to grow around it making it hard to believe humans truly have that much red liquid in their bodies. In the car, the woman finally reacts and hurries to the driver's seat. She screams again, in an ear splitting shriek, when the girl moves forward and pounds the car with her scythe, blade down. The engine must have sustained too much damage, because the car isn't starting. The woman exits the car and runs, and the angel of death is left behind to laugh insanely in blissful victory. The hunt wouldn't be the same if all her victims gave up easily, and she fades away. xoxox xox xoxox The girl of death reappears in another world. Her scythe is no where to be seen but can be easily called if needed. The dark world is full of corpses, the in between where the dead can become trapped until it is decided where they belong. Those zombies are quite different from the ones under contract, legal or not. They're rotted, nearly to the bones, and yet they move. The corpses grab on to the girl's pale flesh scratching, though no cuts appear, rotten blood and flesh mix together, until she's nearly covered in corpses, but there's the door, there is no need to stay in that alternate dimension with the door right in front of her. When she crosses that door she's back in the place called Earth. Passing through that dimension allows her to move with amazing speed to where she needs to be. From the human point of view it looks like teleportation, but there is a short distance she must walk before reappearing through the in between. xoxox xox xoxox "Help! Help!" The woman who ran away screams in a panic. The officer stops his patrol car abruptly when he sees the panicked woman running on the road. "Miss, what happened?" "Dead! He's dead! She's death, she killed him!" The woman screams and clings to the officer. The look in her face is of insane terror, she's sweating cold, trembling, crying, screaming, eyes wide open, teeth chattering, nails digging into his blue uniform, her gaze is lost, insane, in terror. She pales further and freezes, incoherent sounds, coming from her throat. The officer feels a strong presence from behind. He turns and stares into the face of death, ghostly pale skin, glowing blood red eyes, long uneven black hair, blood red long nails, black ragged cloak, silver scythe in hand. The assassin girl steps forward, holding out her scythe with the blade to the back. The officer reacts, reaches for his weapon and shoots. The bullets collide with the girl and fall to the paved road at her feet slightly dented. He panics and shoots until he has no bullets left. The assassin, the angel of death, hits the officer with the blunt end of the scythe's handle. He is knocked unconscious and hits his head hard as he falls, blood coming out of his forehead. The woman makes a run for it and the assassin gives chase. She uses her scythe to cut through the woman's back, around her spine and through her stomach. The assassin laughs, as the agonizing woman goes limp, life quickly slipping away from her. The only thing holding her on her feet is the scythe. The angel of death twists the scythe and the victim screams, she could only scream louder if she had more air in her thirsty lungs. The assassin pulls the scythe up, easily cutting the rib cage and lungs, and the victim's life is gone. xoxox xox xoxox A young girl, human in appearance buys the newspaper from a street vendor. She flips around the pages until she finds what she's looking for and grins, almost insanely at the article. Her blue eyes scan the page, blond hair blowing in the light breeze; and her world is silent among the busy streets. She turns a corner and walks into an alley with the newspaper in her hands. She fades into the shadows and nobody sees her disappear. xoxox xox xoxox As she crosses the in between, the corpses once again cling to her. They're weak crawling on the ground; they can hardly reach above her waist. She holds the newspaper above their reach and reads. "Allen Robinson and his wife Brittany Robinson were found dead..." She skips a few lines scanning over the contents of the news article then laughs insanely and victoriously when she finds what she was looking for. "The police officer Howard Mallard who was found unconscious at the scene was concluded to be the killer, after suffering from a previously undiagnosed mental illness." Sudden insanity out of fear was a more accurate thing to say than a previously undiagnosed mental illness. "A... B... C... Who shall I kill whose name begins with C?" xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 2 Their father, Yuuri, is out of town because of his work, and the two siblings are alone in the house. Chika Akatsuki has recently been revived from his zombie state and now he is a living human. He also finished high school recently and is taking some time off before deciding what he will do with his life from there, after all high school, a part time job, and zombie hunting all at once can leave anyone in need of taking a break. Chika's sister Momoka wakes up and yawns. She reaches for her ringing cell phone and answers it "hello?" "Who are you and why are you answering my boyfriend's phone?" A hysterical woman speaks through the cell phone. Apparently she needed comforting in the middle of the night and dialed the wrong number. Momoka did not have the patience to deal with the idiot who woke her in the middle of the night because she was always using her cell phone and forgot to turn it off. Instead of explaining what was going on, Momoka makes suspicious noises that would surely cause the jealous woman stress. "Sorry sweetie but he doesn't want you anymore, we're quite happy at his place making sweet hot love," and she hangs up. No doubt about it, the woman must be getting ready to storm her boyfriend's place and search for the one he was cheating with. Momoka turns off her cell phone and lays down, but sleep does not come to her. Instead she gets up and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. Momoka makes her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. She takes a glass from the cupboard and decides on pouring herself some milk instead. She sets the clear glass down on the counter and searches the refrigerator for a milk carton. After finding it she pours herself a cool glass of milk and returns the carton to the refrigerator. Picking up the glass full of milk, Momoka starts heading back to her room, bringing the white liquid to her lips, and suddenly she drops it. Standing before Momoka there is a strange girl that the human swore wasn't there before. The girl is wearing a ragged black cloak, her eyes are blood red to match her long nails. Her skin is unnaturally pale and her hair messy, uneven and black. The reaper laughs and changes her appearance. Her hair becomes white, her skin gains a little color, her eyes are the most angelic pools of crystal blue and her ragged black cloak become silk white robes lined with gold. The only thing she doesn't have is a halo. "Am I still scary now?" She mocks. Momoka struggles to push her voice out of her throat, but by the time it responds, her will to scream has melted away, instead she asks. "Who are you?" "It's a sad story," the reaper answers, "you see I have no name, I am one of those reapers who has no use for an identity, such a trivial thing is a thing of the mortals. But if you must call me something, then call me your brother's killer." The reaper, in her angelic form flies up the stairs towards the boy's room. "Chika!" Momoka screams at the top of her lungs and rushes after the angel of death. "Chika!" Immediately after hearing his sister's voice, Chika wakes up and jumps out of bed. "Momoka!" He rushes out of the room and bumps into an angelical being, but he senses something dark about her. The boy, the young man, was wearing only pajama pants. The angelic assassin runs a hand from the side of his face, down his chest, he slaps it away. "Who the hell are you?" The reaper's appearance changes slightly, her white hair and robes become stained with blood and her eyes become completely black with three glowing red pupils in each one. "I am death..." The crash of porcelain is heard. Momoka had smashed Yuuri's favorite base over the reaper's head. "Stay away from my brother!" The reaper laughs. "Foolish girl!" "Momoka, run away!" Chika urges her to escape. But Momoka remains rooted to the spot. "I'm not leaving you." Somehow she has become quite attached to her brother, not that he was complaining since his adorable little sister had finally stopped ignoring him. "It's fine Momoka, I can handle this," for once Chika really wishes he was still a zombie, but it would have been no good without Shito if he was. Shito... he too was revived and had disappeared soon after, Chika wanted to go look for him but he didn't know where to start, the searches around the city had been proven fruitless but he wasn't giving up. "Can you really?" The reaper mocks. She eyes the girl who dares tried to defend her dear brother. Mortals were to cower in fear, not fight back. She could hurt them both, she would choose one as her toy to torture and the other as her next target. Chika started with a C, if he was the target the game would end too soon, besides, the reaper very much preferred male toys. "Momoka Akatsuki," the human names are no mystery to the reaper, somehow she simply knows. Chika looks at the reaper with wide eyes. He understands what she is saying. "No!" He cannot let his sister become the killer's target. "My game wouldn't be fun if I broke my own rules, I have A and I have B, after the others it will be M's turn, Momoka's time approaches. Have fun in your last few days together," the echo of a sadistic laughter is left in the empty air, as the reaper fades leaving the siblings in their home alone. "Chika..." Momoka's eyes are teary, she does not fully understand the situation but she knows it's bad. "That was a real reaper, they really exist." Chika had never told anyone about his involvement in zombie hunting; he didn't want to worry them. "It'll work out Momoka, I'll keep you safe, I promise" and he would do anything to keep that promise. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 3 Koyomi arrives on time for her hair appointment and she greets the stylist with a smile. "Good morning!" The stylist smiles back, "good morning Koyomi!" Koyomi is seated and a peach colored salon cloak is placed over her. The stylist runs her hands through the girl's long green hair. "What would you like?" "A trim, not too short and make it layered and cute!" Koyomi is very cheerful today. The stylist smiles, "Sotetsu is coming to the city soon isn't he?" It is not hard to guess judging by Koyomi's mood. "How did you know?" The color pink faintly appears on Koyomi's cheeks. "I have my ways," the stylist laughs, and though is day time, and the morning no less, she sees a ghost reflected in the mirror and screams dropping the comb and scissors she had just picked up. Koyomi had picked up a magazine and was flipping through it. She looks up but the unnatural reflection is gone. She looks at the stylist. "Chihiro, what's wrong?" She leaves the chair and tries to comfort her friend. "Chihiro..." Chihiro shakes her head. "It's nothing, just a trick of the light." The same ghostly figure now stands behind Koyomi and Chihiro holds her head, eyes closed tightly. "Behind you." She did not know if it was only her imagination, if she was going insane. Koyomi looks over her shoulder but there is nothing unusual there. "I don't see anything, but you look like you saw a ghost. Are you feeling sick?" "I did see a ghost," Chihiro mutters in fear. "First in the mirror and then right behind you..." A silent pause occurs and Koyomi can think of nothing more to do than place a hand on the other woman's shoulder and try to be supportive. "You should take the day off." Chihiro takes a breath. "Alright..." She tries to tell herself that it's only her imagination and nothing more. Koyomi removes the peach salon cloak; she is wearing her usual red track suit. She helps Chihiro close the shop and accompanies her upstairs to the living area. "Is there anything I can do?" "Don't worry Koyomi; you've already done a lot. I'm sorry I couldn't work on your hair today. I don't know what came over me," Chihiro starts to feel silly for thinking she saw a ghost, but once again the white transparent figure appears, the ghost stands right behind Koyomi and Chihiro stares unable to speak of it anymore. Koyomi looks back but the ghost is already gone. "Maybe you should go lie down, can I bring you anything?" Chihiro doesn't want to trouble Koyomi but her own delusions are scaring her, little does she know they're real. "If it's not too much trouble, tea please." She's on the verge of tears. Koyomi nods and gives a thumbs up trying to lighten the mood and cheer up her friend. "No problem!" Chihiro heads towards her bed room and Koyomi goes to the kitchen. Chihiro lays down on her bed and the ghost appears again floating above her. "Don't scream." Chihiro is terrified beyond words but she obeys, managing only to nod her head. She wants to ask the being what it wants, what she wants, since the voice sounded female, but Chihiro's voice does not respond. "Do as I say..." the ghost orders. "Say: I took Chika's place." Chihiro is too frightened to speak. She opens her mouth, soft sounds escaping but no words, not even a whisper. "Say it! Say: I took Chika's place." The ghost insists, coming closer. The white spectrum takes the shape of a blurry female face making her even creepier than before. The face does not move when words are spoken, expressionless like a porcelain doll that carries a curse. "I... I-I took, Chi," all her oxygen escapes her and Chihiro takes a deep breath, "Chika's p-place." "Say it clearly, that is all that I want from you," the ghosts commands, voice softening a little. Chihiro swallows the lump in her throat and breathes deeply. She does not understand why the being wishes for her to say such a thing but she starts to mistakenly believe that the ghost will go away and spare her life if she obeys. "I took Chika's place." "Yes that's it; say it again, just one more time." The ghostly face becomes more human looking though still made of pale transparent white, and the voice becomes gentle, almost soothing. "I took Chika's place," the words ring out clear as crystal in Chihiro's voice. She hopes that with that said it will all be over and the nightmare ends. In a sense, it will. "Good girl Chihiro, you've done will to deliver my message. Unfortunately your name has doomed you," before Chihiro can say anything, a scythe appears in the ghost's hand and stabbed into her heart. While most reapers leave few traces of their work, this one is quite bloody and she did not give Chihiro time to scream. The reapers searches the drawers in the room for an extra pair of scissors then carefully places them in Chihiro's hand, not how one would normally hold them, but with her fist closed around them. The reaper moves the victim's hand and stabs the scissors into her heart in a picture that simply screams suicide. She could not have Koyomi as a suspect; the girl with the dead man's tongue had a message to deliver. With her work done, the reaper disappears. Koyomi makes her way up the stairs with a tray of warm tea. She also found a muffin in the kitchen and decided to bring it. Chihiro might need more than just warm tea in her stomach to start feeling better. "Chihiro, I brought the..." Koyomi stops at the door, eyes wide in surprise and shock. She drops the tray of food and rushes to her friend's side, "Chihiro!" She desperately searches for a pulse on the dead girl's neck and finds none. "Chihiro! Chihiro!" Trembling and panicking, Koyomi searches her pockets for her cell phone, dropping the device several times before finally being able to dial. There's a notice of a received text message from Sotetsu, but Koyomi doesn't even see it as she dials nine, one, one. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 4 "Why can't you bring her back?" Koyomi slams her fist against the ferryman's desk. Bekko sighs and pushes up his glasses. "Because her death has already been known. You shouldn't have called nine, one, one. Think about Shito and Chika, A-san and B-san, everyone believed them to have miraculously survived." "Shito was different, he was born from a zombie, born dead and yet he was revived," Koyomi argues. It is not like her to get so upset, but she cannot help it this time. "Shito didn't have an identity, if anything covering up for him was easier," Bekko tries to explain. "Then it's my fault because I automatically called nine, one, one and revealed her death to the outside world? Are you saying I'm responsible?" Koyomi yells loud enough for the people at the neighboring offices to hear, which is not good. Ohtsu, the only other person in the office besides the ferryman tries to calm Koyomi to no avail. Angry and frustrated, she pushes Ohtsu away with a right hook, knocking off his glasses. "Bring her back!" That is when Bekko realizes that he is talking to Yomi, not Koyomi. Maybe Yomi had a thing for that Chihiro girl. "I can't bring back ghosts, there has to be an explanation or she will be thought of as a ghost," Bekko explains in a matter of fact tone. The word 'ghost' pushes Yomi back into the depths of Koyomi's soul and once again Koyomi is in control. "Chihiro saw a ghost, was it a reaper?" "Could be..." Bekko replies. Ohtsu picks up his glasses, Koyomi has no idea Yomi broke them. He throws the broken pair away and takes out another pair from his jacket then puts them on. "I will investigate." xoxox xox xoxox Not Chika, nor Momoka, got any sleep the previous night. When morning came they were off to Michiru's house. Chika and Momoka arrive in front of the house. Thanks to the inheritance Michiru had finally claimed, she was able to live comfortably. Michiru was expecting her guest and opens the gates for them. A large saint bernard dog comes to greet them with a slow lazy walk, and softly wagging his tail. Following the fat dog is his owner, Michiru Kita, who leads her guests inside. "Chika told me what happened on the phone..." Michiru isn't sure how to start the conversation. She makes her way to the living room where snacks had already been served for the expected guests. Momoka nods her head and sits down on the couch. Normally, the cookies and Pepsi on the coffee table would be very appetizing, but she is not in the mood right now. Michiru takes off her glasses and pretends to clean them with a napkin. She is actually looking for a black ring on Momoka or Chika's necks. She finds none and puts her glasses back on, shaking her head so lightly that only Chika, who was searching for a signal, notices the gesture. "Sometimes talking about it helps." "It sounds crazy, but I saw a reaper try to kill my brother..." Momoka went right to the point. Michiru bites her lip and her thoughts speed up. She has not seen Zarame ever since he recovered his core, he no longer spends time at the news paper stand near the subway that he used to frequent. Michiru concludes that her only choice is to wait for Zarame to show himself and ask him then. "The reaper might not return..." Michiru ends the silence that was becoming quite uncomfortable. "She'll be back," Momoka speaks quietly. "She'll be back for me." xoxox xox xoxox Ohtsu leaves the office just as Chika enters. "Ferryman! I have a reaper problem." Bekko sighs, ever since Yuuta recovered his life, work had been piling up at the office and everyone had some kind of problem. "What is it now?" "A reaper has threatened to kill Momoka..." Chika explains. "I went to Michiru's place, Momoka is there now. Michiru didn't find a ring around her neck or mine. The reaper was targeting me, but now she wants to go after Momoka. What's going on?" Bekko answers honestly, "I don't know... If a reaper is powerful enough, they can break the rules. I don't know why you or your sister were targeted, as much as I don't know about Chihiro." "Chihiro?" Chika asks, he was unaware that there was more happening than what took place at the Akatsuki house. "My friend Chihiro committed suicide, her family arrived after the doctors were done with the examination and practically kicked me out. I was there but I couldn't stop her... I only left her alone for a few minutes and I don't believe it was a suicide." Koyomi had been sitting in a corner of the office so quietly that her presence did not become known until now. She gets up from her corner and sits at the couch sighing sadly. "She was murdered by the ghost she said she saw." "Chihiro..." Chika repeats the name, a memory surfacing. "The reaper can change her appearance, Momoka saw that. The reaper said she had A and B, she's after the others before M. I'm C, or I was going to be..." Something clicks in Yomi's subconscious and she surfaces activating the dead man's tongue. At first the words are fearful, whispered and hard to understand until finally they come out clearly "I took Chika's place." After the message is delivered, as the reaper expected it to be, Koyomi returns to consciousness and holds her head. "Did I say something just now? Was it Yomi?" Chika nods slowly. "It was the same reaper... She's going to continue following the alphabet until she reaches the M for Momoka..." "More innocent lives..." Koyomi looks angry. "Bekko, what can we do to stop her? We can't let this go on!" "There is truly not much that can be done." Bekko truthfully speaks. He looks up some files on a computer, as if searching for something. "I can offer Momoka a zombie loan if you keep her death a secret. Other than that, you should try to talk to Zarame, he might know something. Ohtsu is already investigating; I will inform you both of any discoveries." xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 5 Sotetsu goes to the Z-Loan office, he is still a zombie. It is the afternoon now, Momoka is still at Michiru's place, Koyomi tries helplessly to get information out of Yomi, which she does not have beyond that one quote, and Chika searches for the reaper girl around the city regardless of the risk. Sotetsu is surprised to see that he did not arrive at a cheerful environment. "Why is everyone so gloomy?" "A rule breaker reaper is stalking Chika and has killed Koyomi's friend," Bekko looks up from the computer for just a moment to say this, then continues his work. Koyomi nods. "Whatever her reasons are, she's trouble." It made her sick to think there was no reason beyond cruel amusement. "Man... and I thought I was having a bad day. I'm sorry about your friend Koyomi," Sotetsu takes a seat next to her on the couch and offers her some comfort. Koyomi returns the warm embrace and whispers, "what happened? You're late..." She feels guilty to have forgotten Sotetsu's arrival after visiting the United States. "When we were getting off the plane, some guy in a suit fell off the ladder. I felt a strange presence but didn't see anything." Sotetsu explains. "It was a nasty fall but not bad enough to kill someone... he still died. They were making a big fuss because he was an executive from the US in an important business trip to Japan." Koyomi looks at Sotetsu, expression pained. "What was his name." The silence of the Z-Loan office becomes all the more apparent for Sotetsu doesn't have the answer. "I don't know..." Bekko turns the flat computer monitor over so that Koyomi and Sotetsu can see it. "His name was Daniel Johnson," news travels fast along the internet. "Another unmarked human..." Koyomi realizes that it must have been the reaper girl again. "It was her..." Bekko only nods. "What exactly is going on?" Sotetsu isn't informed yet, but he can tell it's serious. "A rule breaker reaper is taking lives in alphabetical order, possibly for her own amusement," Bekko explains. "When Chika met her she mentioned having A and B." "My friend Chihiro was C, she took Chika's place in the reapers sick little game. The reaper must have forced her to say 'I took Chika's place' before dying so Yomi would repeat it for Chika. She threatened to kill Momoka when she reaches the M," Koyomi sadly explains, a few more tears escaping. "It's my fault she can't come back. I was stupid and called a doctor, Bekko can't bring her back after her death was confirmed..." Sotetsu hugs Koyomi tightly and looks at Bekko. The ferryman shakes his head. "I really can't." Others could, but Bekko wasn't, isn't and will not be associated with them. "It's not your fault," Sotetsu tries to console Koyomi, but her guilt haunts her. The door to the office is opened and Chika enters, he greets his friends, though not cheerfully. Not a lot of progress has been made. xoxox xox xoxox It is the evening and Chika, Momoka, Koyomi, Sotetsu and Yuuta have gathered at Michiru's house as planned. The occasion was supposed to be cheerful but it isn't. Shito is missing from the group, he has gone to China, claiming there were things he needed to do, and has not yet returned. The group gathers in the living room, the big screen TV plays softly. A variety of junk food can be found around them, the volume is turned up, soft chatter continues. A girl with blue hair goes on stage on TV. She is dressed in black leather and carries a pink and blue electric guitar. She greets her audience, they want her to sing. The concert starts and then it ends all too soon. The singer falls, mysteriously fainted, in reality dead. The heavy headlight from the center of the stage gives out and crushes her, the frame of the round light breaks, becoming similar to a deadly sword and stabs her heart. The camera is still on her, the fans scream and the security team rushes on stage. In front of the TV at Michiru's house, a deadly silence falls in and they all watch. The security team and doctors free the blue haired girl, they helplessly try to revive her and it doesn't work. The fans are at an uproar, they did not stand in line for hours and pay hundreds for their tickets just to see the singer die. They invade the stage thinking they can somehow do better than the doctors, it all spirals into chaos. A camera is dropped and broken, the view on the TV switches to a helicopter flying over the chaos. They can't stop watching, then Chika takes note of something, something that both angers and worries him. "Ember..." To anyone who did not know his situation, the name was a mere expression at his surprise at the singer's sudden death, but to those who knew, everyone there save for Momoka who was not informed of the death of C and D; to the others Ember was not just Ember, she was E. A and B, Allen and Brittany had been killed before the reaper went in search of C, Chika, who was spared and instead Chihiro was killed. Daniel was the next victim and now Ember. Chika slips away and Sotetsu follows, the first signals for Michiru and Koyomi to keep Momoka busy. The younger girl refuses to stop watching the report. With all that's been happening the last thing she needs is to see one of her favorite artists die, but she can't look away. Yuuta is open mouthed, eyes wide, chocolate chip cookie held between his thumb and index, untouched. He looks at the empty space where Sotetsu and Chika used to be and quickly follows them, laptop in hand. The three boys plot and plan and realize it's useless so instead they vent. Then Yuuta types, "I'll see if I can find anything..." but he doesn't know what exactly he's searching for. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 6 "She wants me to know how far she's gone," Chika punches a wall in frustration, knuckles stained red. "How many people have a name that starts with C? She chose Chihiro because she wanted Koyomi to tell me. She wanted to make sure I didn't think it was a coincidence so she made Chihiro say she took my place so Yomi would repeat it. She chose Daniel because Sotetsu was there and could tell me about it. She must have known we were watching Ember's live concert. It's been three people already and the day isn't even over. She'll be at the M in no time." "Let's go to Z-Loan," Yutta stopped typing, his hands forming Kenken and Konkon. "Bekko always knows more than he lets on. Kenken and Konkon agreed. Distract him while I hack his computer." Chika and Sotetsu agree, they give out a few excuses meant mostly for Momoka, because Chika wants to protect her but deep down he knows he'll have to clarify things soon. For now he leaves her with Michiru and Koyomi and the three boys go to the Z-loan office. xoxox xox xoxox Chika, Sotetsu and Yuuta arrive at the Z-Loan office on Sotetsu's motorcycle. All the other offices are close and only the light of Z-Loan shines in the building and one small light on the first floor. They enter and hear a voice, "the building is closed you can't... oh it's you guys." The janitor had become familiar with the Z-Loan employees during the time they still worked there, though he did not know and still doesn't know what the office's secret is. "We're working late," Chika did not completely lie, they were working and it was a job with lives on the line. "Go right up then," the janitor continues cleaning and the three boys head for the elevator. They arrive at the floor occupied by Z-Loan and go in, as expected, they find Bekko there. The ferryman looks up from his work, "what is it?" The three boys, two humans and one zombie look at each other realizing they had not formulated a plan. Instead they talk and think at the same time. "Did you see Ember's concert?" Yuuta, or rather Kenken asks. "I believe it was cancelled thanks to Chika's new stalker. I'm afraid I still can't help you, there is truly nothing I can do, I am only a ferryman after all." He still pretends he knows not much beyond what the others do. Chika is impatient, he decides to be direct. "You're coming with us," and he takes Bekko's arm pulling him to his feet, Sotetsu taking the other. "No need to get carried away," Bekko speaks calmly, not noticing the irony of his words. He does not struggle as they drag him out of the office. Yuuta closes the door and gets to work. The fact that Bekko went along so easily makes him suspicious, but maybe there was something that he could not tell that he would let them find out instead. Yuuta examines the database, marked as restricted to ferrymen only. Maybe Bekko was letting him see something he couldn't tell, or letting him see something he wouldn't otherwise believe. Yuuta starts to search, he does not know anything about the reaper so instead he searches by the name of the latest victim. A list appears on the screen, white letters in a black background, a list of files and Yuuta chooses the right one. He scan's Ember's profile searching for the cause of her death, two are listed, the real one and what was thought. It either was or would be determined that Ember fainted due to exhaustion; she had been working hard on that tour. There was a mistake setting up the lights and one of them fell. Due to assembly problems it came apart and killed her. In reality, Ember fell not because she fainted, but because she died. The light was just a cover up, because humans need explanations. If mortals cannot explain something, they either try to destroy it or follow it obsessively and take it apart until they understand it. The reaper cannot be destroyed by a mere mortal, or a mere ferryman, or zombie, or golem or most creatures. Not that one, she is far more powerful then Zarame, and many other reapers as well. But she does not want to be followed; she is the stalker not the other way around. Yuuta looks up the profile for the reaper girl, it is not very informative. Her name is unknown, her age is unknown but thought to be over a thousand, her picture was actually a group of pictures. Yuuta reads, "a dangerous reaper with the ability to shape shift and one of the most powerful known cores, possibly second only to Grim himself. A known rule breaker who kills and even guides unmarked humans. She often kills following a pattern such as a certain eye color during one week, ages to match the days of the calendar and alphabetic order. There is no known purpose to any of this and it is concluded she does it for her amusement." The information Yuuta was looking at made the situation even more hopeless. He scrolls down and reads a little note at the end. "Suspected to have killed three ferrymen..." So that was what kept Bekko trying to avoid her. The reaper was dangerous, even to those who were supposed to be in a way her allies. But who was she really and why was she so powerful? If only they knew, if only they could find out and then find a way to stop her. Humans really are curious creatures, they would stalk death itself for the sake of knowing how to stop it, even if it means dying and taking the secret with them; they wish to know. Yuuta pokes around the database a little longer but finds nothing useful and leaves. Bekko pretends to struggle and easily breaks free just as Yuuta exists the office. "You did not touch anything, I assume?" "You assume correctly," Yuuta, Kenken and Konkon reply. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 7 He thought he saw someone, and the elderly man goes to take a closer look. Maybe the boys from Z-Loan finished their work quickly and came down to the first floor again, they had stopped going to work so he thought they had moved on from their jobs there after they were done with high school, but today they returned. He turns a corner following a shadow, an unknown figure. He feels a little frightened, but pushes the thoughts away to the back of his head where they stay. Humans have a sixth sense sometimes that against their better judgment they often ignore. He continues down the deserted hall, plastic plants forming odd shadows, the silence heavy and the light very dim. The figure stands in front of the elevator pressing the button for it to come down and the man breathes in relief. "Ah, it's you Miss Kita," the janitor finds what he had gone to investigate. The night shift could be eerie but the building was busy and crowded during the day and that left no room for cleaning. The lavender haired girl turns around, and looks at the man standing there looking relieved, as he should not be. "Only the Z-Loan people and the cleaning crew would come here this late." The janitor laughs in agreement. "That's true. I'm glad it was you, for a minute I thought I was imagining things." Or worse yet, he had thought for a moment that he might not be imagining things, and that those things were real. "Oh no, you're not imagining anything, I am indeed here... death is very real," a scythe appears in her hand and her appearance changes, this time she looks like one of the corpses from the in between. Her lavender hair is much longer, split and greasy. Her flesh is rotting, green eyes glowing unnaturally. "Time to say goodbye, Fuji." Fuji yells and runs for dear life. He heads for the stairs and dashes up with speed beyond what one would think he can achieve. He stops for a moment and looks back. He then looks towards the elevators and sees the lights on. He rushes down the stairs again, assuming she has gone up the elevator. He stops at the end of the stairs, seeing the zombie reaper standing before him. "Came back to face your destiny?" Fuji realizes that the elevator's light must have been on because Chika, Sotetsu or Yuuta are coming down, maybe even Bekko himself. He runs up the stairs again. "Chika! Sotetsu! Yuuta! Bekko!" He yells as loud as he can. "There's a..." what is she really? "a monster!" The elevator doors open on the first floor, Chika, Sotetsu and Yuuta rushing out. "Damn it, Fuji!" Chika rushes towards the back exit were he was sure Fuji's voice was coming from. He should have known Fuji would be next, but somehow he didn't. "Chika!" Yuuta yells for him to stop, they can't beat a reaper like her, the one without a name, not unless they find a weakness and she might not even have one. Sotetsu rushes after Chika, Yuuta following as well. Sotetsu calls out his axe, as the only zombie of the group he is the only one capable of materializing a weapon in such a way. "Chika, out of the way!" Sotetsu spots the reaper, in the shape of rotting Michiru. He brings the axe down on her and nothing happens. He had hit something so solid, so invulnerable that even the sharp axe of plasma had no effect. "Stop this!" Chika stands between the reaper and Fuji, "why keep killing people simply because of their names? They're not even marked!" "Chika!" Yuuta warms him. If the reaper is angered she could easily kill them all. "Because it's so fun to play with you. I have your full attention now, don't I Chika?" The reaper laughs evilly and her appearance changes again. Her flesh is pale but healthy, her clothing made of black leather similar to what Ember was wearing when she died, her hair a fiery red in a high ponytail and on her back a pair of black bat wings. Chika attacks while Sotetsu continues to hit her with his axe to no effect and Yuuta yells and screams and nearly begs for them to leave the deadly creature they can't hope to beat. The reaper stretches her wings, one wraps around Chika and the other around Sotetsu trapping them both. Yuuta stands before her and a terrified Fuji lays on the floor trembling. "Please don't... You have no reason to, what would you gain?" "What would you know little mortal," the reaper lifts her scythe but Yuuta doesn't move, he will not abandon everyone. "Even if I break the rules of my own little game, it doesn't matter, I'll kill you too Yuuta." The reaper lowers the scythe and at the last moment Yuuta is pushed out of the way. Fuji receives the impact but this time the scythe does not leave the scars it left on A, B and C. It is similar to the death of D and E, a death without scars, simply reaped. "Killed and guided, you can't make this one a zombie even if you try." In shock and desperation, Yuuta jumps to his feet and attacks, Kenken and Konkon in tightly close fists. He is easily pushed aside and along with Chika and Sotetsu, Yuuta is left there, at the back exit of the Z-Loan building, next to Fuji's dead body; and the next day the story would be that old Fuji died of heart failure. The reaper fades away, casting one last look at Chika and speaking as she disappears. "Try to stop me, Chika..." because she likes his attention on her and she likes his strong emotions, even if they are made of hatred and anger, she fades away to nothingness. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 8 "Chika, stop pacing, it won't help anyone if you just keep doing that," Chika stops, looks at Sotetsu then continues walking all over the small space of the crowded Z-Loan office. Chika, Sotetsu, Yuuta, Michiru, Koyomi and Momoka are all there, along with Bekko and Ohtsu. Bekko has remained neutral, insisting that "the impossible cannot be challenged," perhaps hiding something, it was hard to know. Ohtsu's investigation had been independent from Z-loan, not that he discovered much more than what the reaper wanted them to know. Momoka has been told the truth. xoxox xox xoxox The two siblings are sitting in the guest room of Michiru's house alone, where Chika was planning to somehow explain things. "I don't even know where to start..." he had admitted that time, though it was not like him. "From the beginning," Momoka suggested. "It all started with the bus accident... everyone thought I miraculously survived but I didn't. I was turned into a zombie and my right hand was switched with Shito's." Chika had decided not to go too deep into Shito's past, that was his secret to keep or reveal and Momoka would understand without that information anyway. "But you're here..." Momoka was confused to hear Chika say he was a zombie, he looked normal. "I'm not a zombie anymore, and I didn't look different when I was. The only difference was a black ring around my neck that reapers can see... Michiru could see it too, it's a special ability of hers. Because of the hand switch, Shito and I couldn't go too far away from each other or our hands would rot and fall off, and we also needed to switch hands back to summon our weapons but we couldn't keep them switched for a long time. Sotetsu is still a zombie and can still summon his weapon formed by plasma," Chika paused. Momoka tried to take in all the information. If it was being said at any other time, she would tell her brother to get some rest and stop imagining things, but she had seen a reaper and she knew that something was going on. Momoka wasn't stupid, she could easily tell when something was being hidden from her and was waiting to be informed, on the verge of running out of patience and asking for, or demanding, answers. "I believe you," was all she could say to make her brother continue his narration. A moment of silence passed and Momoka urged Chika to continue, "about the reaper..." "She's coming back, but I won't let her hurt you. I'll protect you with my life and soul, Momoka," such was the endless brotherly love of Chika and need to protect his little sister. xoxox xox xoxox "Three days," the white and black haired boy announces. "It's been three days and she has killed how many?" Yuuta looks over his notes repeating the names; only the first names since that was what the reaper based her killing on. "Geraldo, drowned in the coast of Brazil." After the reaper knew that the Z-loan group was keeping track of her killings she stopped making them obvious to them. Yuuta kept some information from Bekko's database and was able to access it, though Bekko never asked how Yuuta obtained the names of the victims. Yuuta reads the next name of the list, "Hayden, killed in a car accident due to icy roads in the north of Canada. Isis, death by dehydration and heat stroke in the desert of Egypt. Jem, died during child birth in the United States, her twin babies who did not have names yet, did not make it alive either." Chika clenches his fists tightly, glaring at a wall angrily. The reaper was killing innocent unmarked humans and not only that, but children as well. Usually she did not kill anyone but her chosen victim, such was the falsely accused officer Howard from the case of her first two victims Allen and Brittany, but apparently newborn children did not count because they had no names yet. Koyomi feels her stomach turn, and her head becoming light. She remembers the alphabet all too well and K is the next letter. She notices Sotetsu glance at her as if not wanting to even consider the thought. Finally Bekko speaks up, "because she was killing unmarked humans I thought she was only killing them not guiding them as well. A misinformation on my part, but like I said, it is best to avoid this one." "That basically means zombie loans are useless," Chika speaks bitterly. It had been tested with Fuji and confirmed by Yomi when she randomly started yelling 'try to revive me' in Portuguese, no doubt something that the reaper made her Brazilian victim say. xoxox xox xoxox Koyomi returns home to her apartment, she has not checked her mail today on the first floor mail boxes and did not care to do so. Right now finding a job in something other than repeating quotes of the dead is not one of her top priorities. The possibility of being the victim of K haunts her. It is likely, she thinks, after killing people from far away lands, that she would kill someone closer to Chika and then maybe take a small break and let him suffer with the wait of knowing there was only one person whose name starts with an L between Momoka and death. Her heart pounds and every sound she hears is louder and much scarier than ever before. She tries to push the thoughts away and steps into the bathroom for a much needed warm shower, in hopes of not losing what is left of her sanity. She opens the warm water, letting the tub fill up and goes to retrieve some fresh clothes to wear after her shower, which she decides might be a bath instead. She takes some pajamas from her closet and returns to the bathroom in time to turn the water off, preventing the tub from overflowing. The entire time, she can't shake the feeling that she's not alone. To be Continued Disclaimer, I don't own Zombie Loan. Written for Snow's challange at Plot Whole, later revised. Did you catch the references to Danny Phantom and Disgaea? xoxox xox xoxox My Site: piratesboard DOT net SLASH mikari Art Archives: mikaristar DOT deviantart DOT com mikaristar DOT sheezyart DOT com fanart-central DOT net SLASH profile-AzureMikari DOT php artgrounds DOT com SLASH gallery SLASH Mikari anipan DOT com SLASH 21462 pinterest DOT com SLASH mikariazure SLASH pixiv DOT net SLASH member DOT php QUENTION id EQUAL 4828776 2. Chapter 2 Angel of Death Chapter 9 Koyomi can't focus in the task of hand; wish is simply taking a bath. She is certain there is someone there, another presence. She wraps a towel around herself and peeks out the bathroom door, there is no one there. She considers locking the door which she usually leaves open since she is the only one at the apartment, but decides against it, reapers don't use doors anyway. Koyomi quickly dries herself and dresses. She still feels the presence and as she passes by the bathroom mirror she recognizes a look in the eyes that should be hers, that is not hers, in the image looking back at her from the reflective surface. She breathes deeply, recognizing the presence. "Yomi, don't scare me like that," Koyomi rarely speaks to her other self, for when one is awake the other sleeps. But today she draws comfort from the other self she has feared before. "Are you worried too?" Koyomi realizes that the comfort she felt is nothing but a trick of her need to stay relatively calm and relatively sane. But nothing has changed, because when Koyomi is awake, Yomi is sleeping. "You are not Yomi," Koyomi steps back. The image in the mirror gains motion, stepping out of the reflective surface and passing through the wall. Her appearance changes from Yomi to Michiru. "Yomi hurt me, didn't you know that? It's your fault for not controlling her." Koyomi wants to run but is unable to move. "No! That's not true! Yomi didn't hurt Michiru, she didn't! Michiru would have told me!" Koyomi feels angry at her other self and thinks that maybe if she was gone, then Yomi would be gone and Michiru would be safe. The reaper changes her appearance again, now gaining the form of Chihiro. "It's your fault I'm dead Koyomi, because you're stupid and ditzy like everyone says." "It wasn't my fault," Koyomi pleads. "I made a mistake, I was trying to help, I didn't mean to!" She continues to retreat step by step, her back against the cold wall. "You guided her, even if her death was a secret, even if I made up a story for her to have miraculously survived, it wouldn't have worked. You killed her and left us no chance of bringing her back!" "How do you know, Koyomi? Not even Bekko can say for sure. Oh yes, I know he's been giving you hints, but I don't care. Keep your pitiful ferryman," the reaper in the guise of Chihiro continues to approach Koyomi slowly. "Leave me alone!" Koyomi runs, rushing out of the bathroom, slamming the door uselessly closed, she heads for the front door, and opens it. She sees the reaper there, still in the shape of Chihiro, a stab wound is on her heart, blood dripping down her chest, down her body, all the way to the floor, forming a pool at her feet. Koyomi slams the door close and instinctively locks it, then she runs. "You can't get away, Koyomi, you can't escape your name!" The reaper follows slowly, savoring the futile chase. Koyomi's mind races, her tears flow, her heart threatens to break out of her rib case. She knows there's no escape as she sees the reaper appear before her. "When Chika finds out a dear friend of his was killed, he'll be so sad, I'll watch him break apart knowing that Momoka is about to die. But don't worry, I'll put him out of his misery eventually, He will be the last. I'll continue my game of death all the way to Z, then start over again, it's so much fun!" The reaper laughs insanely. "One by one, they all die... Sotetsu will die too or rather I will guide him, then Yuuta when the time is right. I'll restart again and watch Chika struggle with life and death. Then Shito, the one who was born dead, he will return to death. I'll keep going until it's Chika's turn, the game wont end until he dies. Then I'll think of a different game, but what do you care? You won't be here anymore, oh no, you'll be long gone!" The reaper's look is insane, cruel, evil, desperate. Her appearance changes to Momoka, "to be killed by someone with such a sweet face, isn't it unexpected?" A scythe appears in her hand and she holds it above Koyomi. "I can't outrun you..." Koyomi cries, her life flashes before her eyes, the happy moments and the sad ones, and the blanks caused by her eternal companion of the dead man's tongue still remain mostly blank, with only bits and pieces surfacing at last, but not enough to understand exactly what was going on with Yomi when Koyomi slept. A loud crash is heard, Koyomi's door is broken apart and Sotetsu stands there, axe in hand. Chika is next to him with a sword, one not made by his plasma, but a sharp katana nonetheless. "I knew you would come," Chika was ready to fight, because Koyomi would not die simply because she knew the boy whom the reaper decided to stalk. Because of that, she had already suffered; no more could happen, no more, he would not allow it. Sotetsu stands firm, protective of Koyomi, "you want to lay a finger on her; you have to get through me first." "Have I not already beaten you before?" The reaper laughs evilly. "I spared the lives of Chika and Yuuta last time, and the soul of Sotetsu," she grins madly. "They are all such ingrates; they really must want to die." "Whatever happens, we have to win, and we will win," Chika is determined, casting away all doubts. "I will not forgive you for all you've done and for copying Momoka!" "Come then foolish mortals, come have a taste of defeat, but I won't kill you yet," the reaper stands ready to attack, scythe held with both hands, pointed at Chika. "I'll just have to hurt you, with the face of your dear little sister." xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 10 The efforts of Chika and Sotetsu prove useless against the seemingly invincible reaper. "Don't hold back Chika, just because she looks like that, don't..." Sotetsu reminds him. "I know," Chika attacks, feeling as if a part of him died all over again when his sword cuts through the image of Momoka. But the blood is not of her, but a show from the reaper who is not truly wounded. The axe and the sword continue to collide against the reaper until laughing like a maniac she catches both weapons simultaneously, blades against her hand sinking to the bones of her fingers, and she pulls them hard, and she tries to throw them away. Both of the weapon owners hold on and it only amuses the reaper more. She finally lets go. "Stubborn, so stubborn, passionate maybe?" Her ramblings sound incoherent and with a hint of lust. She takes the appearance that is classic to a reaper once more, black ragged cloak, ghostly pale skin, black long uneven hair, blood red eyes, matching sharp long nails, scythe in hand, she approaches Koyomi who had not fled, not daring to leave Sotetsu and Chika to deal with this alone, and knowing the reaper can never be outrun by her in such a way. Chika and Sotetsu attack from left and right at once, going right through the reaper as if she were nothing but a ghost, a terrible ghost of death. Sotetsu's axe lands on Chika's shoulder, the blade of Chika's katana piercing Sotetsu's stomach, they fall with the momentum and it looks like all is over for Koyomi. "Say goodbye..." the reaper prepares for the kill. "Goodbye," a slightly different voice replies, confident, seductive, determined to live, she refuses to disappear. The reaper lowers her weapon and looks at the young woman standing before her. "Yomi..." "My name is Yomi, second to last in the alphabet. Will you break your own game?" Yomi asks. "Will you admit that even if it is small, in some way you lost, in some way you were mocked?" "You dare stand up to me?" The reaper curiously looks at Yomi, the woman who speaks the words of the dead. "Momoka meddled when I was about to kill Chika and I will kill her." "I have nothing to lose save for my life, if it is the worse you can do," Yomi lowers her voice to her trademark seductive tone, "then do your worse my angel of death and lose your game." Without another single word spoken, the reaper disappears and Yomi retreats into the depths of her host, a confused Koyomi falls to her knees. "Sotetsu, Chika, the reaper..." "She's gone," Sotetsu is more concerned about Chika's wound than his own. Though Chika's wound would not be as life threatening as Sotetsu's, Sotetsu is still a zombie and Chika is a human again. "Yomi drove her away," A woman in her forties, a man in his late twenties, and another man in his early thirties, the last clad in a blue uniform that distinguished him as the security guard of the apartment building, all three stood at the shattered door to Koyomi's apartment, faces pale, expressions frozen in fear. They saw too much. They are Koyomi's neighbors from above and below, and the guard who usually stays in the first floor, all unable to react. Ohtsu arrives on the scene, realizing he is in fact too late. He knocks down each of the three with swift jabs to the back of the head. "I will have their memories be modified; it's for their own good." No protests are heard as Ohtsu examines the state Chika's in. "Don't waste your new life." Ohtsu is clearly sleep deprived, stressed and plainly frustrated. "Yuuta is here, Kenken and Konkon too!" With a pace much faster than usual, Yuuta gets to work in giving Chika first aid. Chika is no longer a zombie and his human life is as fragile and easily lost as any other. "Chika!" A split second passes and Momoka is there, followed by Michiru. They had their silent doubts about Koyomi being the target. They did not want to say it, but they kept those thoughts, all of them. "Momoka, don't cry, I'm alright, it's just a scratch, I've had much worse and recovered." Chika forces a smile, and stops himself from wincing at the pain that feels so much more real now that life flows along with the blood of his body. "As a zombie," Momoka reminds him, she had heard the entire story after all. "No need to worry," Yuuta assures, "He will heal, no problem. Just because I revived, doesn't mean I lost my abilities, if anything Kenken and Konkon are more powerful now." Yuuta is rare; someone of his kind was called a white mage in ancient times, a healer. Those who need not be involved are taken away by Ohtsu, and those who know of the secrets stay. Bekko stands at the door, quiet as can be, unnoticed by those who bask in a small moment of rest. One could say, a battle had been won, but they were very far from winning the war. xoxox xox xoxox Carmella watches the destinies unfold reflected on a crystal ball. The keeper of the key is away, as is the one who was born dead and now lives. They shall return, Carmella predicts, and for that she does not need the round glass device that cannot see into the future but the present and present alone. "The wheels of fate are turning, another player is about to join the game of destiny..." xoxox xox xoxox "What did you do, Toho?" Shito angrily asks. The man at the other side of the rectangular table collapsed with no signs of injuries. "I assure you it was not I," Toho replies, he sounds somewhat concerned, "I sense the presence of another, a powerful being who can make itself invisible even to me..." Toho has not thought something like this would happen. The man called Kintaro had no signs of a black ring around his neck. The wheels of fate had turned indeed. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 11 The death of Kintaro is blamed on Shito, a war is expected but none occurs. The wheel of fate takes an unexpected turn and instead of applying some form of revenge, it brings a positive consequence for Shito. The mafia does not go to war, it fears after the death of their supposedly invincible leader, Kintaro, not fully human, not exactly a zombie, but an advanced golem beyond anything made by Yoshizumi. The necessity to use Shito as a negotiator is lost, Toho's side of the mafia gains territory and Shito takes the opportunity to leave, his destination is to return to Japan. xoxox xox xoxox Yuuta, Koyomi, Chika, Momoka and Sotetsu are in Michiru's house. "It doesn't look like she's done anything yet," Yuuta kept the log in information from the ferrymen database and is able to access it through the common internet, quite convenient. But of course, the database is full of beings who were born and named, none that were created. "If she comes back for me, I'll call Yomi out," Koyomi voiced. There was not much else they could do, and being unable to deal with the situation and get it over with was frustrating. They decide not to let the reaper girl get to them and try to move on with their lives the best that they can. xoxox xox xoxox Later that day, Yuuta, Koyomi and Sotetsu go home. Momoka and Michiru have become friends and Yuuri is on yet another trip, such is the life of Mr. pretty boy model; but at least he's happy and he makes the best of his time with his "little squirrels" also known as Chika and Momoka. Michiru invites them to stay over and Chika doesn't want Momoka to remember the first meeting with the reaper during that time they were alone at the Akatsuki house. They stay over. It is the evening and Momoka is watching a movie in the living room. Chika is laying on the couch half watching, slowly drifting off to sleep. Michiru announces that she is going out. "This dog is a bottomless pit," she whispers to Momoka while putting a leach on the fat saint bernard's collar. Chika is too sleepy to hear her. "I'm just going out to get some dog food and I'll take him for a walk, he needs the exercise." "Chika and I can come," Momoka offers. "No, it's fine. Chika is tired and if he wakes up and you're not here he'll worry. Besides, we decided we would live our lives without worrying right?" Michiru, like the others, ids determined not to become a slave to the fear of death. "Are you sure?" Momoka asks for the last time, keeping her voice quiet so as to not wake her brother. Chika has stopped watching the TV and is now fast asleep. "Yeah," Michiru replies with a smile. "I'll be back soon," and the girl with the reaper eyes leaves along with her pet dog, Leon. xoxox xox xoxox Michiru arrives at a local pet shop where they sell not only animals but other pet related products including food. Pets are allowed inside as long as they are on a leach. Michiru goes in along with Leon. "Be good Leon, behave well and I'll get you some treats." Michiru doesn't want to admit it but she does spoil that dog and that is probably the reason why he is so fat. At the store, there are several kinds of dog foods on the shelves. Michiru sorts through them looking for the flavor Leon likes best. She picks up a large bag, wrapping her arms around it, she can hardly lift it and she is not looking forward to carrying the bag back to her house, but Leon has a big appetite. With some effort, Michiru takes the large bag to the end of the aisle, Leon following close behind wagging his tail. The dog stops and whimpers, reminding Michiru that she had forgotten something. "Right, treats," Leon wags his tail and watches as Michiru picks up a smaller bag, this one containing dog treats. The lavender haired girl pushes the large bag up with her knee to try to get a better grip around it. She walks towards the front counter with her arms wrapped around the large dog food bag and the end of her fingers clinging to Leon's leach on one hand and to the bag of treats on the other. The boy who works at the store finally notices her predicament and gives Michiru a hand, placing the items on the counter. The two items are totaled and placed in a large bag that Michiru has no idea how she'll haul home. The boy gives her the bag. "Sorry, I can't leave the shop," he apologizes for not being able to help the girl carry a bag half her size. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine," half dragging and half carrying the large bag, Michiru goes on her way back home. She wishes Chika and Momoka had come along, she wishes she had woken up Chika, then they would make him carry the oversize bag. Michiru laughs at her own predicament and takes a shortcut through the park. "Don't get any ideas Leon," she warns the dog. "We're not here to play, we're just taking a shortcut home." Not that Leon is the kind of dog who likes to play and run. Leon is a lazy spoiled mutt whose idea of going to the park is sitting under the shade of a tree and occasionally barking at random passer bys. Michiru takes note of the sun sinking in the horizon and tries to pick up the pace, but it is hard with the large bag she has to carry. To make matters worse, the bag rips and the two bags inside fall out. She sighs, she really wishes she had brought Chika along, he owed her for all the time she spent playing gopher. She takes the large bag in her arms and grabs the smaller one losing her grip on the big one. She drops it and it rips, she wishes she hasn't bought such a large bag even if it meant another trip to the store soon. Michiru turns the large bag over, with the ripped side on top and waits for Leon to finish eating the food that fell on the ground. "Grab that, will you Leon?" Leon obediently picks up the bag of treats with his mouth. "Don't eat them on the way; they're for later, okay?" Michiru reminds him, and once again they are on their way. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 12 Michiru continues her arduous journey and notices that the park is quite empty. Children are usually playing during the afternoon and people bring their pets to play. At this time of the evening, when the sun is setting, people are usually leaving the park, but it is not usually this deserted. She makes sure she has a good grip on the bag of food and glances at Leon who is still strolling beside her with the bag of treats in his mouth. Then she quickens her pace, she does not feel good about being in the park alone. The silence becomes eerie and Michiru starts to hum. Her humming evolves into singing to comfort herself until suddenly Leon stops, drops the bag of treats he was carrying and whimpers. "Leon, what's wrong?" Michiru gives the leach a small tug but Leon doesn't move. She sets the large open bag of food down and goes to check on the dog. "What is it Leon? Do you feel sick? Does something hurt?" She feels guilty for letting the dog get so fat in the first place. She pets him and tries to determine what the problem is, but he looks alright. She goes down on her knees next to him, searching for any injuries, thinking that maybe his stepped on a thorn or something and hurt his paw. "Chiru chiru..." Michiru bolts to her feet looking around her, searching for the voice. "Chiru chiru..." Michiru cannot locate the voice that sounds like Yomi, and deep down she knows it isn't Yomi. "Chiru chiru..." The echo comes from everywhere and no where and the sun continues to sink in the horizon dimming what little light is left. "Chiru chiru..." Michiru's heart is pounding. She grabs Leon's collar and pulls on it hard. She leaves the bags behind and continues trying to make the dog move. "Run Leon, we're going home, now, move it!" "Chiru chiru..." Leon whimpers in fear and tries to keep up with his owner, but the fat and lazy saint bernard is very slow. "Chiru chiru..." Michuru stops, coming face to face with someone who looks like Yomi, who appeared out of nowhere. "You... you're not Yomi." "You're a smart one chiru chiru Michiru," the reaper laughs, she keeps her appearance as Yomi this time. Michiru steps back. Leon growls and barks at the reaper. He's afraid but he tries to defend Michiru. "You need not worry too much; I don't really like girls the way Yomi does. I like your little friend, Chika Akatsuki," it was odd seeing the image of Yomi licking her lips and expressing interest in a man, but that wasn't Yomi, it was the reaper in disguise. "Chika doesn't like you," Michiru feels as if her words are completely unimportant to the reaper. "But you don't care do you? Even if he hates you?" The reaper shakes her head. "Not really, it doesn't matter to me what he wants or doesn't want. But I won't force him into anything, even if I easily can. I'll wait for him to come to me." She grins evilly. Michiru glares, her anger and frustration are evident. She doesn't like it when her friends are threatened. "That's not going to happen." "What would you know chiru chiru Michiru?" The reaper mocks her. "Don't you know that humans are weak? Oh you should know, you've seen their black rings, humans are ever so fragile. Once I break his will, he'll come to me seeking mercy. I'll savor that moment than put him out of his misery." "Chika would never do that... you don't care about him at all, all you want is to torture him..." a part of Michiru screams for her to run away, but she knows it's useless. "Reapers know no love, only lust my dear," the look in the reaper's eyes scares Michiru more than Yomi ever scared her, it's the fear of death, what people talk about... Needless to say, looking at death in the eyes is not as easy as they make it seem in the movies. "Or do you think he cares for you?" "Chika and I are friends," Michiru clarifies and for a moment she wonders if the reaper is acting jealously towards every girl who is around Chika, Koyomi included, even if her crush on Sotetsu is common knowledge. "When I ask you if you think he cares about you, I speak of an entire different he," she gives Michiru a pitiful look, as if the mortal girl is nothing but trash. Michiru doesn't know what the reaper is talking about. She is not talking about Chika, it couldn't be Sotetsu, she didn't think it was Yuuta, Shito wasn't even in Japan to the best of Michiru's knowledge; then who? "Who do you mean?" She feels compelled to ask. "I had already given you the answer to that, just think of my words and it will come to you. Either way it doesn't matter, you know I'm not here to talk," the reaper's appearance changes, she now has grayish skin, feathery black wings and ragged black revealing clothing. Her hair is a deep crimson and her eyes are golden, standing out against the other colors of her being. She wields her scythe, pointing it at Michiru. Leon barks loudly, standing between Michiru and the reaper. Michiru holds the dog back; it would be useless if he attacked. "You're obviously not here to tell me this." "Oh no, I do have a good reason to be here chiru chiru Michiru," the reaper's insane sadistic laughter echoes. The sun has gone down completely, the park is dark, a cold wind blows. The leaves dance on the trees, Leon's barking is drowned out by the sound of the reaper's voice, and no one approaches the park that will in the near future gain the reputation of being haunted. No one goes to Michiru's aid, no one knows she is in danger. "My name start with an M, if you're not here for me then..." she makes a pause eyes wide. "Leon?" "What I am here for, Chiru chiru, is to break the pattern," the killing intent is strong in the reapers eyes and Michiru can't help it but to feel as if her life is about to end. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 13 "To break the pattern..." Michiru repeats, eyes filled with terror. This time she does not quietly accept death, instead she runs. "Leon, get away from here, go home!" maybe if the dog goes home on his own her friends will know that something happened. Michiru herself does not run home. She knows that it would be useless to ask her friends to fight the reaper once more when they are still recovering, especially Chika who was injured and must take better care of his recovery now that he is alive again. Michiru runs away, she doesn't want to get her friends uselessly involved. She doesn't have another self with a different name, not that it would matter anyway. The reaper said she was here to break the pattern, she must have been angered by Yomi's move and now she is after Michiru. Michiru continues to desperately run, even if she knows it's useless, she is not the same as before. Now Michiru clings to life with all her strength, she wants to live, she does not quietly accept death. Michiru saw no black ring around her neck this time, though she once thought of accepting her fate when she saw it in the past, this time is different. Even if she had a ring, even if it were her time, Michiru knows it is too early, she is too young to leave this world, and she refuses to fall. Instead she runs, she runs for dear life and when she is about to reach the exit of the park she comes face to face with the reaper. Out of breath, but with a strong will to live, Michiru turns away and continues to run. If her fate is to die, she'll die of exhaustion fighting for her life, but she will not die because she gave up. Michiru continues to run desperately in the park. She sees a branch on the ground in the faint light of the full moon and picks it up. She knows it might not be much, but if her life is to end today, then she will go down fighting. Gripping the branch in her hands she looks at her surroundings and listens for any suspicious sounds. She hears some one approaching and swings the branch high. The branch flies over Leon without hitting him. "Leon!" Michiru drops the branch and hugs her pet. "I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you, right? You scared me. I told you to go home Leon, get out of here." The reaper appears before Michiru, golden eyes glowing, crimson hair flowing in the breeze, the moon's light reflecting off her grayish skin. "You can't run away." Michiru jumps to her feet and picks up the branch again, she tries to hit the reaper with it, but the dark being cuts it with her scythe. "Poor helpless Chiru chiru," the reaper laughs, her voice echoing as if the world was empty with only them in it. The human girl clenches her fists, she will not give up, she is not the same scared girl she was when this all began. Working for Z-Loan, being with her friends, the countless zombie hunts, it all made her stronger, it made her hold on to life. Michiru tries to fight, but it does not work. She is knocked back, thrown against a tree. The reaper swings her scythe at Michiru. "Didn't I tell you Chiru chiru, I'm here to break the pattern." Michiru's life flashes before her eyes and a sharp pain strikes her. Michiru holds her cut shoulder, the cut reaching down to her elbow, blood dripping through her fingers and she squeezes the wound trying to hold it closed. "I said I was here to break the pattern Chiru chiru," the reaper cruelly glares, looking down on her. Leon jumps on the reaper, biting into her arm and the reaper easily tares him away. Leon attacks once more and the reaper swings her scythe reaching one of the dog's front legs and cutting it off. Leon falls crying in pain. He struggles to get up. "Leon!" Michiru screams, horrified, in pain, tears flowing. "I suppose I already broke the pattern with Kintaro the golem, you did hear did you? I was hoping a war would break out in the mafia, a war that would destroy Chika's friend Shito," the reaper sounded annoyed that instead of war, the death of Kintaro though it was somehow blamed on Shito, was the winning card for Toho's side of the mafia, with his clan taking control of a large amount of territory. Because of that, Shito was able to slip away and would soon arrive in Japan. "Shito... Stay away from my friends!" Michiru yells while she desperately tries to stop Leon's bleeding. "Beg for mercy, cry, be angry, hate me, do all you want. It's not going to work, isn't that frustrating?" The reaper grabs Michiru by the throat. Michiru tries to break free, the air in her lungs becoming scarce. She scratches at the reaper's arm to no avail. Leon bites the reaper again despite his wound and continuous bleeding. While still holding Michiru, with her other hand the reaper cuts one of Leon's back legs, the dog releases her in pain, and she throws Michiru on the ground. Michiru has several small cuts on her neck from the reaper's long sharp nails. She coughs and tries to breathe some air into her thirsty lungs. "Leon!" The loyal dog has suffered too much. "Stop this! Why are you torturing him? What are you getting from all of this?" Leon can no longer get up; missing his right front leg and left back leg, the blood he's losing is abundant. "Amusement my dear Chiru chiru!" The sadistic reaper laughs insanely, she truly enjoys the suffering of all living creatures. "The reaper pulls Michiru away from Leon by her hair, cutting a few strands in the process. "You should thank me chiru chiru Michiru I'm about to put this pitiful creature out of its misery, and then I'll bring more misery to you." xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 14 The reaper sings in a creepy cruel voice. "A is for Allen too bossy for his own good. B is for Brittany and now I ask you. Who is the idiot? The one who starts it or the one who doesn't make it end too? C is for Chihiro the frind of Koyomi. The girl of the dead man's tongue who delivered a message for me. D is for Daniel, they thought he was smart and astute, but I don't think humans are like that, do you? E is for Ember who thinks she's so cool and F is for Fuji that old fool. G is for Geraldo who drowned at sea and H is for Hayden, another death for the list. I is for Isis from the land of heat and J is for Jem they all fall at my feet." She lifts her scythe and brings it down on Leon. "Time to break the human pattern... K is for Kintaro the mafia golem, L is for Leon a dog loyal to humans, he shall die for it." Leon's head is cut off and thrown a Michiru with the impulse. Michiru screams until her dry throat hurts and there is no air in her lungs. The reaper and the pieces of Leon's body disappear and Michiru is left alone in the park, the wound in her arm and shoulder still open, bruises all over her body from when she was thrown, clothes soaked in her dog's blood. xoxox xox xoxox Momoka wakes up after having drifted off to sleep in the living room. She turns the TV off and glances at Chika, who is still sleeping on the couch. Momoka wonders were Michiru is, she must be home by now. She searches for Michiru around the house and goes upstairs to Michiru's room. She peeks in and sees that there is someone on the bed under the covers. An odd smell lingers in the room and Momoka notices the open window. She tip toes across the room, assuming the unpleasant scent is coming from outside, and closes the window before the smell wakes Michiru. Momoka leaves Michiru's room quietly and considers waking Chika and sending him to bed, but he looks comfortable as he is, so she decides to let him rest. Momoka heads for the guest room and goes to bed. Time passes and Chika wakes up. He realizes that he is on the couch and gets up to go to bed. He first goes to the guest room where Momoka is staying to make sure she is alright. He sees Momoka sleeping soundly, the night light still on. She did not used to leave any light on while she slept, but after the reaper attacked she started to dislike total darkness. Chika visits Michiru's room next. The room is dark and it's hard to see. He notices something under the covers, he assumes Michiru is sleeping and is about to leave. An unpleasant smell is noticeable in the room and Chika sees the open window. He goes over to the window and closes it. He doesn't know what the smell is, but it is similar to the scent of death, of rotting corpses and it bothers him. He thinks that Michiru and Momoka are safe because Yuuta has not found any deaths by the nameless reaper girl on the ferryman database starting with a K. He does not know that golem deaths are not counted on the database. Koyomi has Yomi to protect her so for now Chika thinks they are all safe. He goes to bed and lays down sleepily. He can't help it but to worry in the back of his mind, but he pushes the thoughts away. They had all decided together that they would not worry. Chika moves a little, half asleep. He rolls over, his face buried in the soft pillow, one arm hanging over the side of the bed. He hears a soft whimper and identifies the sound as originating from a dog. "Is that you, Leon?" Chika feels a canine lick the hand he has over the side of the bed. He pet's the dog's head, unaware of the two other heads the canine has. "Go to sleep, Leon." Chika is not sleeping well this night. He silently thanks the one he thinks is Leon for being there, though he would never admit he draws security from the company of Michiru's dog. Whenever Chika half wakes in the middle of the night, the remnants of a nightmare blurry in his mind, he listens to the soft sounds Leon makes and reaches to pet him again. The dog Chika thinks is a normal, although big and fat, saint bernard, stays next to Chika's bed for the entire night. The three headed canine is anything but a normal dog, a creature of darkness brought from the depths of the underworld. The being is only a puppy, a newborn child of Cerberus, but it is as large as the biggest adult saint bernard. Chika sleeps next to the dark being. He has no idea that Michiru is not safely sleeping in her room, and that creature on the floor next to him is not her dog. Until the morning comes and Chika wakes up, a terrible feeling present in the atmosphere. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 15 Chika wakes up with a bad feeling. He hears the sound of a dog under the bed but doesn't stop to look. He assumes Leon is fine and needs to know his sister and Michiru are okay. A scream pierces the morning air. Chika runs towards Michiru's room where Momoka stands with a horrified expression, a few tears escaping in fright. There is a foul scent coming from the room, Momoka came to see if Michiru was okay, she lifted the covers and found the bloody pieces of Leon. Chika stares at the mess with wide eyes. It is a disgusting pile of severed body parts with the inner workings piling out in plain view, but he cannot look away. Everything falls into place like the pieces of a puzzle, the scent from the night before, the fact that he only saw something on the bed under the covers and assumed Michiru was sleeping, but he didn't actually see Michiru. "Momoka, did you see Michiru yesterday before going to bed?" "No... She left to buy dog food, she insisted she would be fine," Momoka wishes she had gone with Michiru; she wishes she had woken Chika so the three could go together. Seeing Leon so brutally murdered and left on Michiru's bed makes them think Michiru must have been killed too, her body left in a similar state, and this is the reaper's way of letting them know. "Last night, before I went to bed I came. There was a bad smell, I thought it came from outside and I close the window..." The events replay in Chika's mind, if only he had paid more attention, if only he had not assumed anything. "That's what I did too!" Then the reaper must have been there, she must have opened the window Momoka closed. "Since last night..." Chika feels a cold chill. "Leon slept in the guest room with me." He pales and rushes out of the room followed by Momoka. A black dog head with red eyes peeks out from under the bed in the room Chika had slept in. Then two more left and right from it. They are not three dogs, but a single dog with three heads, long white fangs stained with dry blood from its latest victim. Chika can't believe he was petting that thing the previous night thinking it was Michiru's large but harmless dog. The three headed dog growls and Chika shuts the door, the dark canine slams against it scratching at it wanting to go through but there is no time to deal with that. "We have to find Michiru," Chika and Momoka rush down the stairs and notice letters written in blood on the front door that were not there the previous night. "Feed him human flesh every day, and on your side he shall stay. When the sun the spotlight steals, it is time for his next meal," Chika read it. The dog must have already been fed the previous day and did not try to feed on Chika that night, but now that it's morning; it's time for his next meal. Chika reaches for the blood soaked door knob, but feels it twist from the other side and lets it go. He steps back and signals for Momoka to stay behind him. The door opens and Michiru stands there, bloody and beaten but alive. "She killed Leon..." Michiru speaks softly... "She killed K and we didn't know, Leon was the L." A million thoughts run through the Akatsuki siblings heads, but right now getting Michiru healed is the first thing they must do. "Momoka, call Yuuta." Chika goes after Michiru when she starts climbing up the stairs in a tired pace. The noise coming from the guest room catches her attention, then the foul scent reaches her nose. "Don't go up there." Michiru looks down at her bloody clothing. The abundant red liquid soaking through the fabric and sticking to her skin, all she wants is to scrub her body clean. "What is up there?" "A three headed dog, like a miniature Cerberus is locked in the room I stayed in. Leon's body is on your bed." Chika decides it's better to just say it like it is. Michiru gasps, hands covering her mouth, green eyes wide. She rushes up the stairs and Chika follows, their steps echoing in the empty house, with Momoka's voice speaking to Yuuta on the phone heard in the background. "Michiru!" Chika rushes after her. Michiru stops at the door to her room; she glances at Leon then looks away. She knows Momoka is next and just thinking about it brings her to a whole new level of sadness, frustration and anger. Chika goes inside the room and throws the covers back over Leon's body, hiding the mess. He goes to the closet and opens it, making sure there's nothing strange in there, "Michiru." Michiru silently nods and goes to the closet to get some clothes. Chika checks the bathroom, nothing out of the ordinary. Momoka had finished her call and joins them upstairs. Yuuta is coming; we should all meet up at Koyomi's apartment." Chika nods. "Hurry up and change gopher, you'll have to wait until we're at Koyomi's place to take a bath, we'll guard the door." "Alright..." but it's not alright really. Michiru goes inside the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She tries to hurry cleaning herself a little and changing. She wants to cover herself with a thick layer of soap until the smell of blood is gone, but there's no time for that. She changes quickly then opens the door, feeling relieved to see Chika and Momoka waiting. With all the surprises and uncertainties, Michiru had started to fear that her friends would be killed the second she took her eyes off them, and they thought the same of her. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 16 Michiru, Chika and Momoka head out of the house. Just as they reach the front door, the three headed dog breaks the guestroom door. Chika opens the front door and nearly runs into the reaper. This time the reaper looks like something right out of a classic anime, but she is much more evil than she looks. She's making fun of them no doubt. She is wearing a rather short sailor uniform, her pink hair in pigtails and for the most part she looks human, save for the cat ears and fluffy tail. "My Ceviru puppy will chase you all like a cat chases a mouse..." She wields her scythe, creating an unnatural gust of wind that throws Michiru, Chika and Momoka back inside the house. The door closes and the three humans quickly try to open them, but it's not use. They tried the windows but they are sealed as if by magic. Ceviru, still quite young and relatively small in comparison to Cerberus, growls at his prey. xoxox xox xoxox Kuze goes up a tall spiraling stair case made of glass. Her trip had taken much longer than she expected, but now she is heading back. A bad feeling looms in the air, as if the world threatens to fall. The keeper of the key quickens her pace. Something was happening, something bad... "Keeper of the key..." A voice echoes, piercing the darkness, soft clear light reflects off the stairs, its origin impossible to determine, the steps are illuminated, rapid steps are heard. "Carmella from the Wheel of Fate..." Kuze recognized the woman coming up the stairs after her. The blonde woman is wearing a business suit as usual, carrying a briefcase in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other with printed words in a language humans do not know. She hands the paper to the chairperson when she catches up. The chairperson and keeper of the key looks at the paper, quickly reading over it. She skips a few lines, focusing on the most important parts and finally she speaks. "So she has returned... In the past, the Wheel of Fate did nothing to stop the illegal reaper." "Indeed, she comes and goes, and never disappears. A punishment for mankind perhaps, something ancient." Carmella's expression can be read as curiosity. She wishes to know what will happen, but for once, she might not participate in pushing things along. "Research..." Kuze continues her path up the stairs, the tight feeling in her chest becoming stronger. "Research is very important and for many centuries she has provided us with that. No one knows what she is, but every few centuries she appears. She kills for pleasure, not to guide the souls that have exhausted their time." Carmella speaks as if the situation does not concern her, as if a wall stands between her and the reaper. Normally this would also be truth for the keeper of the key, but the current keeper, Kuze, prefers to take action. "There is a reason why you are telling me this. I know that something will be set in motion, even if you don't do it directly, you always do..." "This time the wheel is spinning by itself. There is no need for me to push it along as it was done in the past. But you're right, I do have a duty with the Wheel of Fate, but I have already accomplished that duty. I wish you luck..." Carmella turns away and goes back down the stairs. The alliance between the Wheel of Fate and the Other World was still shaky, but moving towards becoming solid. The Other World, a place where ferrymen go, guiding souls along with them... or more often, the subordinates of the ferrymen send the souls away. Bekko and Kuze had frequented that world because of their duties, and Kuze was held back in a meeting representing the Other World. It is ironic, some would say, that the Other World, once thought of as absolute, would side with the growing power of the Wheel of Fate. One seeks to protect the cycle and the other to break it, both existing outside of it and perhaps because of that, unable to control or even understand it. The cycle... humans, their lives, could anyone truly guide them? The feeling that hung in the air around Kuze falls. The sheet of paper slips from her hand; she knows why Carmella mentioned this. Kuze was unaware that it was her friends who were involved, but no doubt that was it, she knows it now, she runs up the stairs. Carmella looks up from the bottom of the stairs. "That spirit has echoed for too long. For at least this piece of the cycle to be broken, I wish you success." xoxox xox xoxox Yuuta runs to meet up with the group. He tries to catch up with Chika, Michiru and Momoka on the way to Koyomi's apartment. Shito walks by, heading towards the Z-Loan office, the first place he could think of where he can establish contact with everyone. Yuuta turns a corner and bumps into Shito. "Shito!" He greets in surprised, hands shaped into his loyal companions Kenken and Konkon. Then he remembers why he was running in the first place. "Emergency! I'll explain on the way!" Yuuta continues running, looking back only once, "hurry!" Shito has just arrived and he does not know about what's been happening. Somehow he tells himself he shouldn't be surprised if Chika got into a mess, and he runs after Yuuta. "What is happening?" To be Continued Disclaimer, I don't own Zombie Loan. Written for Snow's challenge at Plot Whole. 3. Chapter 3 Angel of Death Chapter 17 "You've missed a lot!" Yuuta starts to tell Shito the story of what's been going on, as summarized as possible since they don't have much time. "A crazy reaper girl is stalking Chika. She's been killing people who don't even have black rings and Bekko can't do anything about it. Ohtsu investigated by himself, but Bekko has mostly been avoiding her. She nearly killed Koyomi but Yomi saved her. I just got a call that Michiru was hurt so I'm on my way to heal her." Yuuta runs into an invisible wall. He is thrown back with the impact and rubs his nose. "Ow!" Shito reaches for the apparently empty space and his hand comes into contact with a solid wall he cannot see. "This is the work of the reaper you mentioned?" "Most likely..." Yuuta listens for any signs of their friends. He doesn't like what he's hearing. "It sounds like Chika, Michiru and Momoka are still there!" Shito pulls out his gun, though one not made of plasma. "Stand back Yuuta." Yuuta jumped out of the way and Shito shoots. The bullet bounces off the invisible wall and flies off in the opposite direction between Shito and Yuuta. "That's a bit dangerous..." Yuuta looks at the damage done by the bullet to a car that was parked on the other side of the street. Fortunately, no one was hurt and there are no people around to see them. Shito hits the invisible wall with the gun's handle but it doesn't work. It feels as if he's hitting a solid wall but he can't see anything there. Inside the house, Chika has gotten his katana and is fighting against Ceviru but it is not working. When ever he makes a cut it is not as deep as it should be and it instantly heals itself. Michiru and Momoka throw random items at the three headed canine, but nothing does any damage. The dog catches Chika's sword in his mouth and breaks it, leaving Chika with only the handle. "Run!" Chika calls out to Michiru and Momoka. "Chika, why aren't you running?" Michiru stops after running only a few steps away. "Brother! You can't be thinking about fighting that thing?" Momoka hates the way things are going. She knows that Chika is doing this for her. He has always been the brother she ignored for so long, but was always there. Now he is the brother who gives her hope and protects her, and is still always there. "Chika!" Ceviru jumps on Chika knocking him against a wall. Chika wraps his hands around the neck of the middle head, holding it at a distance and pulling the other three along. "Find a way out, quick! I'll go too as soon as you find the exit!" Ceviru, growls, barks and howls. He scratches at Chika with his claws but can't bite him with his hands firmly around the middle head's neck. "Michiru, split up and search for a way out fast, my brother can get really stubborn sometimes," though Momoka knows splitting up is not the best idea, even in the relatively short distance on the inside of the house, if they split up they might find a way out faster and Chika would stop stubbornly playing the hero. Momoka and Michiru dash in opposite directions, trying to open or break the windows and back door. Outside Yuuta and Shito are trying to make their way in, this time without the use of bullets but they can't break through the invisible wall and they can't find a way around it. It surrounds Michiru's house preventing them from going in to help their friends. A dark shadowy figure floats above them, watching with interest. Shito looks up and spots the reaper floating above. Her appearance is of a seemingly empty black ragged cloak with bloody stains and glowing yellow eyes. "The reaper?" "It's her! She can change the way she looks!" No matter what she looks like, they somehow recognize her, they feel her evil presence when ever she appears. Shito shoots and the bullets pierce the black cloak as if it were really empty and have no effect on the reaper. She is definitely no ordinary reaper. Yuuta shakes his head, "that won't work, she's pretty much invincible." That makes it sound as if it were all hopeless, yet there they are, willing to keep fighting and not give up. Soft footsteps are heard as if they were the only sound, drowning out the noises from the house even if they are much louder. A young girl arrives out of breath from all the running. She looks up at the reaper. "The keeper of the key." The reaper watchs Kuze, chairperson and keeper of the key. "Do what you will, but in the end it will all be hopeless. Little by little, I'll drain your hopes away, until you're all broken!" The reaper laughs evilly and disappears. The keeper of the key approaches. "I am only the keeper of the key, this is a problem of humanity I cannot solve, but I can't stand by and do nothing." It becomes obvious that Kuze knows more about the reaper than they thought. "I will open this," she reveals a hidden necklace with a key. The key glows and the sound of shattering glass is loudly herd, but nothing appears to look different. Shito reaches for the invisible wall but it is gone. "Yuuta, Chairperson, stay here," he doesn't know the details but that can be explained later. Shito rushes into the house. He shoots the door's lock off and kicks it open. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 18 Chika is fighting with Ceviru inside the house. "Akatsuki!" The door is kicked open and Shito arrives. "Don't move!" Chika holds Ceviru as still as possible and Shito shoots. The bullet goes through all three heads and Chika kicks the dog away. Momoka and Michiru return hearing the noise. "Shito!" Ceviru gets up, the bullet holes in his three heads healing as if it were nothing. "Hold him back while I seal him," Kuze's key glows brightly. Shito shoots continuously until Ceviru is envelop in a bright azure light, becoming ghostly until he disappears. "He has returned home," Kuze is out of breath. This is a much more challenging task than opening a door, as she did with Pochi. Her heart pounds, her breathing takes more effort and the world around her fades. Koyomi and Sotetsu arrive, but it had all ended by now. Ohtsu also gets there and takes them to the Z-Loan office at Bekko's request. xoxox xox xoxox Pochi stays by Kuze's side while she remains unconscious; her energy is exhausted. "What I don't get," Sotetsu, the one who ended up with the task of carrying the other boy asks, "is why Chika is asleep." Chika had been fine, scratched and bloody, but well enough after his battle with Ceviru, then suddenly a dark presence was felt and he was in a deep sleep. "It's not poison," Yuuta confirms. It had been their initial worry, that the scratches Chika got from Ceviru had somehow poisoned him. "A small portion of the reaper's spirit is in Chika's mind. When the keeper of the key collapsed of exhaustion, that is what happened," all eyes gaze towards Bekko. "I tried to tell you that nothing can be done. This is something the keeper of the key knows." "And you won't tell us so we need to ask her?" Shito had been put up to date in the situation, but with the recent events the group realized that they knew so much less than they thought. "I don't know all the details," Bekko admits, though it sounds more as if he isn't supposed to know the details but does. xoxox xox xoxox "Chika... Chika..." A ghostly voice distantly echoes. The atmosphere is dark and carries the foul scent of death. "Where are you?" Chika yells. Something tries to pull him down; he tries to step away and realizes he is surrounded by rotting corpses. The corpses are not strong enough to stand upright but they won't let go of his feet and legs. Chika struggles to get away from them until he reaches a small hill that somehow they can't climb. "Welcome to the empty space between death and the afterlife, the place where people end up if not heaven or hell welcomes them." An eerie voice pierces the dark atmosphere, the murmurs and laments of the corpses still lingering in the background. "Reaper!" Chika searches for the source of the voice and finds the reaper in the shape of an angel, something she was not. The reaper's hair is long and golden, her eyes a pale blue. She wears white robes with an overload of golden jewelery, bracelets, ankles, necklaces, earrings, belts and chains that encircle her body from her golden hair to her bare feet. "Dear Chika, I came to watch you bid farewell to all your hopes." "I'm not giving up, no matter what, I'll live." Chika speaks with such certainty that it bothers the reaper. "Foolish mortal!" She screams, her white robes gain blood stains, her golden hair becomes uneven, poorly groomed and looses it's shine, her eyes become bloodshot and yellow. "Why do you insist on holding on to your hopes when I can take your sister's life and yours. M is for Momoka!" "No!" Chika realizes just how hopeless everything has been from the start. When Yomi was able to save Koyomi they thought there might be a way, but the process of a legal name change is slow and would not be done in time to throw off the reaper's game. There is also the possibility that the reaper becomes tired of such games and stops killing by the letters of the alphabet. The reaper laughs evilly, she disappears for some time and leaves Chika alone in that place. The Chika in the in between is merely a projection of his soul, his body still sleeping at Z-Loan. A live human cannot survive the toxic air of that place, the foul scent, the heavy sense of despair and suffering, and even for a mere projection it is overwhelming. The reaper returns, still in her evil looking form. She drops a scythe in front of Chika. "Pick it up and you will accept my terms." "I'm not going to make a deal with you!" Chika yells in anger. "You have little choice in the matter. If you wish for me to spare Momoka, then you'll have to amuse me... Give me all your hate, Chika Akatsuki, I love your feelings of hopelessness, focus them on me. Take the scythe and kill who ever I order you to kill. They will most likely be strangers to you. Will you trade their lives for Momoka?" "I..." he would, Chika was not going to deny that the life of his dear sister was more precious to him than all the strangers in the world. To be protected in such a way was morbid to say the least, not the kind of heroics one would want to do to preserve their life. But the fact still stands, Momoka is more important. For a human, partial and biased, not all lives have the same value, loved ones are always the priority, even if strangers have friends who would miss them too. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 19 Chika wakes up and everyone immediately gathers around him. The questions swirl around, he doesn't quite catch all of them and feels light headed. "It's nothing, I'm fine." He sits up on one of the couches at the Z-Loan office and notices that the chairperson occupies the other. "What happened to her?" "She exhausted her energy," Bekko replies. "You'd best ask her about this later if you still wish to know, but it's best not to know." "Why did you call us here then?" Sotetsu asks, his patience starting to run dry. "She should be here soon..." The ferryman is purposely ambiguous, which aggravates everyone else there. The door to the office is opened and Ohtsu steps in. Following him, a woman dressed in a business suit comes in. Her hair is pulled back in a bun save for a strand that falls on the side of her face. "Greetings, I am Carmella." The woman introduces herself. "Our special guest is here," Bekko announces. They all gather around Carmella, anxious to hear some much needed explanations. "The Wheel of Fate has been investigating the incidents caused by the mysterious reaper... So far we have found that the item needed to stop her was indeed stolen. That is all for now." The group stares, Chika, Shito, Sotetsu, Koyomi, Yuuta, Michiru and Momoka all sharing the same surprised expression. Ohtsu looks annoyed and Bekko looks indifferent. Reading their expressions easily, Carmella decides to elaborate. "There is a certain item related to the reaper who is no ordinary reaper. We in the Wheel of Fate thought the item was being kept hidden and unreasonably protected, but it was in fact missing as the leader of the ferrymen had said. The Wheel of Fate can now continue investigations towards finding it. You see, because we thought it was hidden in the underworld, we had not started looking for it anywhere else until now. As requested by the ferryman Bekko, I am giving you this update. Please pass this message to the keeper of the key, the Wheel of Fate has decided to take action, we will find the item and bring the chance the world has been waiting for." Carmella starts to leave. "Wait!" Chika stops her. "That's all you're going to say? What's the item you're looking for? If it can stop the reaper, I'll search for it too." The others join in with a chorus of "me too." "Quite frankly," Carmella speaks in a calm tone, "there is nothing you could do. But if you must, ask the keeper of the key and she will tell you." Carmella leaves, her visit has brought more questions than answers. xoxox xox xoxox Time passes and the lives of the Z-loan team become quiet. Kuze had admitted she was not sure what exactly she was searching for, and only the keeper of the key would know when she saw it. Until then it was a search in total darkness. She departed for an unknown location with Pochi, and things got quiet after that. Chika and Momoka are at their house with Yuuri. "It sure is storming out there," Yuuri looks out the window. Heavy rain falls and the wind howls. A strange fog covers the near by area and lightning crashes on a tree near by causing Yuuri to jump and quickly close the window. "Maybe we should all just get some sleep." The lights flash, they go off for a few seconds then the electricity returns. Chika isn't sure who was more frightened, if his father or sister. "Go to sleep Momoka, the bad whether will be gone in the morning." "Yes..." Momoka has a bad feeling about the gloomy atmosphere, she wonders if the reaper will return. "Good night my little squirrels!" Yuuri tries to sound cheerful as if he wants to cancel out the gloomy mood from the bad whether. Chika and Momoka go to their respective rooms and try to sleep. The past few days have been very quiet, probably the reaper trying to stress them out. They didn't know when she was coming back, but she would return eventually, that they knew for sure. xoxox xox xoxox "This house still bothers Michiru after all that's happened here." Sotetsu flips channels on the TV. "But it's not the house, it's the reaper." "Don't you think it's really creepy seeing your dog's body in pieces, and being chased around by a hell dog all in the same house?" Yuuta asks; Kenken and Konkon make nod-like motions in agreement. "She shouldn't let the reaper make her give up this house," Shito finally speaks up after remaining quiet for most of the night. Michiru has gone to live with Koyomi at her apartment. She is frightened by Yomi, but even more afraid of the reaper and she knows Yomi would protect them if needed, even if it didn't make a huge difference in the end... She has offered her house to Shito so he may stay there since he has recently arrived in Japan and is not yet settled in. Sotetsu and Yuuta are staying there as well, which sometimes is a little aggravating for Shito, but he prefers to be around them than in the mafia hideout in Japan. "We're not going to let her make anyone give anything up!" The past few quiet days were not only bringing tension for most of them, but for Sotetsu they brought expectations for the situation to take a turn in their favor. "Tomorrow we'll start the search for Zarame, Michiru doesn't know where he went, but he couldn't have just disappeared." "I agree," Shito voices. "Zarame might know more about the item the chairperson is searching for." They are all up to date in the situation and starting tomorrow they would no longer wait for the reaper to make her move. They would start the search, even if they still have no idea where to start. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 20 "Chiru chiru... Chiru chiru..." Michiru wakes up suddenly. She sits up and frantically reaches for the lamp, seeking the comfort of the light. Her heart pounds with fear and worry, but when the room comes into focus she finds herself alone. Michiru takes a deep breath, tries to tell herself it was only her imagination or a dream and turns the light back off. Thunder crashes in the distance, the wind howls lightly and the room momentarily lights up, revealing the silhouette of a woman in the shadows. "Chiru chiru..." Michiru turns the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed back on, nearly knocking it down in the process. This time the familiar light does not fill the room and Michiru feels around the nightstand searching for the flashlight she left there in case there was a blackout. She feels the plug of the lamp that should have been on the wall but the flashlight is gone. "Chiru chiru..." Though the voice is gentle, Michiru feels a certain evil and cruel undertone. She freezes up for a few seconds, eyes tightly closed, wishing that it was all just a nightmare, but it's real. Michiru tries to make her body respond, slowly, trembling, mind filled with the images of Leon's cruel torture and death, Michiru nearly falls off her bed trying to find the electric outlet to plug the lamp back in, and for a split second the room is filled with a dim light, but before Michiru can look away from the lamp, lightning crashes and her shaking hand pulls the plug out. Michiru moves to a corner of the room, the corner she thinks is opposite to where the reaper is. Though back in the park she faced the reaper, the pain is strong tonight and the feeling of being helpless makes her fear. She takes slow deep breaths and makes her way back towards the lamp. She plugs it in but nothing happens. "Chiru chiru..." Michiru wonders if the electricity has gone out, she wonders if Koyomi is alright, she wonders how long she has to live. She reaches around the nightstand once again searching for the flashlight, but it's not there. Instead her hand comes into contact with the area where the lamp's cover should be, but instead she touches the broken light bulb and cuts her finger. "Ouch!" Instinctively Michiru puts her injured finger in her mouth, the taste of her own blood immediately making her sick. She has seen too much blood and does not want to taste it. She removes her finger from her mouth and clutches it in her other hand. "I know you're there." She has had enough of the reaper's game and does not wish to entertain the evil creature more. "Of course I'm here," Michiru feels someone hug her, she struggles but it's of no use. "Don't cry Michiru." A flashlight is placed in Michiru's hands and she debates turning it on or not. Just because she is hidden by the darkness doesn't mean she's not there. Michiru turns the flashlight on, the sight before her shocking her beyond words as more tears escape. "Don't cry my little girl, mother is here." The reaper speaks softly yet cruelly. Her form is similar to Michiru's mother, with a black ring around her neck as well. Michiru breaks away from the embrace and finally finds her voice. "How dare you copy her form?" In her room, Koyomi hears Michiru yelling and wakes up. "Michiru?" Yomi takes over and rushes to find Michiru, but the door to the guest room is locked. Michiru hears the knocking on the door and knows it's Koyomi, or most likely Yomi. "Run away, she's here!" "I'm not leaving you behind!" Yomi yells back from the other side of the door. "My baby girl, don't worry," the reaper speaks in a mocking voice. "Dear daughter, you will soon be reunited with me, so that his hope may be taken away little by little and death may enjoy it." Michiru stares at the reaper, the flashlight slipping out of her hand. "I'm her replacement... I'm Momoka's replacement, you're saving his sister for the final blow, you want to torture Chika longer so this time it's me who will die." "Michiru! Open the door!" Yomi continues to pound on the door. "Come with me, dear daughter..." the reaper's tone is now completely evil, eyes glowing red. "I see, so this really is my destiny, I won't give you the pleasure of begging or screaming." Michiru tries to hold back her tears, staring at the flashlight on the floor. "I can never forgive you for all that you've done, and coming to me in this form." She slowly looks up, face filled with anger and frustration. "You will be stopped, even if I die my friends will stop you, they'll avenge me and destroy you." She has become stronger over the years; she won't go down in fear, if she must go. "Fine then, I'll take Momoka's place..." She says the last part louder, enough fort Yomi to hear. "M is for Michiru." Yomi's punches and kicks to the door become stronger and more panicked. "No! You can't kill her! Stay away from Michiru you damn reaper!" With the reaper's evil sadistic laugh echoing, Michiru and her captor disappear. Michiru is held above the space in between life and death. Corpses reach up to her, despair fills the air, the scent is foul and toxic but it only lasts a split second. Michiru survives, gasping for breath, skin turning an unnatural purple. She has been tossed on the floor of a different room. Hearing the sounds, Chika wakes up and turns the lights on. Thunder crashes and the electricity flashes at its rhythm, then stabilizes once again. "Michiru!" "It is time to keep your end of the deal, Chika Akatsuki." The reaper changes her appearance to look like Chika's mother this time seeing as the form of Michiru's mother upset her so much. "I came to give you a choice my little one." xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 21 Chika knows that when the reaper says there is a choice, the only choice is bad or worse. The reaper drops a scythe, Chika takes it and attacks her, angry for all she has done for trying to impersonate his mother. The reaper makes Michiru float in front of her and Chika stops with the scythe inches away from her. "Don't stop, Chika," The reaper looks amused. "I am giving you a choice. Kill Michiru or I will kill Momoka." "Damn reaper, I'll kill you!" Chika pushes Michiru out of the way and decapitates the reaper. Her head falls off, but he knows she's not dead, she can't die, she's only doing this in the shape of his mother to bother him. "Chika?" Yuuri wakes up and goes over to see what Chika is doing. "You're still awake, playing videogames?" He opens the door to find the decapitated image of his dead wife. He stands at the door staring at the scene. "Dad..." Chika doesn't want his father involved in this; he doesn't want anyone else to be in danger. The headless body of the reaper picks up the bloodied head while blood continues to flow out from the neck. "Good to see you again, dear." "Michiru, let's go!" Chika calls to Michiru and drags his father along. "Momoka!" Chika's younger sister wakes up. Her brother sounds alarmed. "Chika? What's wrong?" She notices he is holding a scythe in one hand, pulling their shocked father by the arm with another. Michiru is there as well. "She's back." "We're going to Z-Loan," maybe if they make it there, they will have a better chance. "Z-Loan..." Yuuri finally manages to find his voice. "Chika, what's happening, who was that, it wasn't her, it couldn't have been..." "There's no time to explain," Chika tries to calm his father. "Of course that wasn't mom, just an evil sadistic reaper who's been stalking me. I'll explain later, let's get out of here. The ferryman will just have to get involved like it or not." Yuuri isn't sure what this is about, but he knows there's danger. Millions of questions float in his head, but he knows now isn't the time to ask and simply trusts his son to explain it later. "I'll drive, okay?" Chika grabs the car keys as they hurry out. Yuuri only nods in response and the Akatsukis rush to Yuuri's car. Michiru stays behind and almost starts running back to the house, but Chika stops her and pushes her into the back seat with Momoka. "You're not going back there. I'm not going to choose, you're both going to live." Chika drives off faster than any sane person would in that weather, but an evil sadistic reaper could do a lot more damage than reckless driving. "Chika, isn't that Z-Loan place the office where you worked? Why are we going there?" To Yuuri, Z-Loan is just a normal loan office and he doesn't know what they could find there that would save them. "Who is the ferryman?" "Ever heard of the ferrymen in mythology? He's something like that but it's all real. It's supposed to be a secret, but I was a zombie for a year, that's why I didn't come home. You already saw a reaper so I'll tell you later." Chika turns a corner, the tires screeching and the car sliding in the wet road. "Why did you hide a thing like that? What do you mean you were a zombie, you didn't smell weird to me." This is a lot for Yuuri to take in all of a sudden. "Not all zombies are rotten," the blurry image of someone crossing the road is barely seen. "Shit!" Chika stomps on the breaks, but the car won't stop. He looks out the door, rain soaking him, thunder clashes and lights up the road, the wind blows playing with the long hair of the girl on the road. Pigtails, she has long lavender pigtails like Michiru used to have, cracked glassed lay beside her. "Michiru..." Chika continues speeding dangerously down the road. "Chika!" Yuuri looks back at the girl on the road. "Didn't you hit someone back there?" "No, that was the reaper trying to trick us." It is true that the reaper could simply stop them but that isn't her style, she likes tricks, deception and cruel torture. "She's telling you to kill me," Michiru chokes out, glancing at the scythe that Yuuri is awkwardly holding while Chika drives. "But that's not going to happen," Chika assures her. The car comes to a stop in front of the Z-Loan office building. Momoka's voice talking on the cellphone with the rest of the group is lost with the heavy sounds of falling rain, crashing thunder and howling wind. It is convenient she never lets go of her cellphone. "Everyone is on their way." "Then let's go, the ferryman practically never leaves the office." Chika had a feeling that Bekko might have left this time, but he could only know for sure if he went up and checked. "Is this ferryman some kind of mythological creature with super powers?" Yuuri asks. "No, he's a bored looking man who loves money," Chika replies. They exit the car in the storm, Chika once again receiving the scythe. They rush towards the elevators but the lights in the buttons go out as does the electricity in the building. The only light left is the faint glow of Momoka's cellphone. "We'll have to take the stairs." xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 22 Chika tries to open the door leading to the stairs. The rain subsides, the wind stops howling and the skies light up in lightning one last time, then everything becomes silent. It is so quiet that footsteps can be clearly heard even if they would have been lost in the noises of the building's daily business. Someone is coming down the stairs, but the door leading to them is locked. The reaper enters the building and finds the group. She slowly approaches and Chika readies his scythe. He swings it as if it were a sword, the weapon he is used to, and the blade clashes with the reaper making a sounds akin to metal crashing on metal. The human-like flesh is pealed away leaving a bloody mess that drips continuously to the floor at her feet, and a metal silhouette emerges from under the cut skin. The silver being, hardly in the shape of a disproportioned human, continues to advance as Chika hits her over and over to no avail. A rain of bullets collides against the silver being, denting her then falling on the floor as if they were thrown instead of shot. Shito has just arrived; he continues to shoot until his gun requires to be recharged, but there has been no effect. The person who had been going down the stairs reaches the bottom and twists the doorknob but it is somehow locked from both sides. Sotetsu, who has chosen to remain a zombie for some time is there and attacks the metallic reaper with his axe but the weapon breaks up causing him pain. "Sotetsu! Michiru!" Koyomi calls out to them. Yomi takes over and rushes towards Michiru. "Chiru chiru." She hugs the other girl. "Yomi, please stop, I have to end this, for now at least." Michiru slips away. "Chika, it's alright, I was able to live longer even after I saw a black ring around my neck. I was even able to avoid becoming a zombie. Zarame isn't here, but where ever he is, maybe I'll find him after she guides me." Michiru steps forward. "Live on, find a way to defeat her; a reaper like her can't keep getting away with this forever." Chika looks at Yomi and nods. Yomi understands, tackles Michiru and covers her mouth with her hand. "Be quiet Chiru chiru, there will be no sacrifices tonight, understand?" Michiru tries to say something but she could not speak. "Good girl, Chiru chiru." Sotetsu forms another axe with plasma, Chika gets ready for battle again and Shito reloads his gun. Sotetsu and Chika attack at the same time. They hit the reaper many times, but other than making noise, nothing happens. They both step back and Shito sends another round of bullets her way, but the effect is the same as before. The reaper turns her fingers into knives, extending them several feet as the cheesy plastic plant that was left forgotten in the first floor of the building collides with her newly formed giant sword-like needles. All eyes look towards Yuuri who threw the oversized plant. "Does anyone have a cross? You use to have one to go with your uniform, do you have it?" He asks Chika. "Even if I did it won't work." Chika explains. "Real reapers can't be defeated with a cross, or holy water or a stake through the heart-" "Or any of the things we haven't even tried?" Yuuta asks. "Why not?" "Fine then, let's try all of that when we get out of here alive." Chika attacks once again, joined by Sotetsu and Shito shoots. The reaper is simply amusing herself watching their futile efforts. The door that leads to the stairs is finally broken down by blue flames and Ohtsu joins the battle. "Yuuta, Momoka, Koyomi and Michiru, go up to Z-Loan. Bekko has something for you from the Wheel of Fate." He looks at the new member of the group, a man with blonde hair and green eyes, "go with them." "Blue fire?" Yuuri stares at the blue flames, so many secrets are being revealed all at once. "Dad, let's go, he's on our side," Momoka starts up the stairs, "be careful Chika!" she calls back to her brother. "Don't worry Momoka, your big brother won't lose," Chika assures her and the glimmer of hope that suddenly appears bothers the reaper. While Momoka, Yuuri, Michiru, Yomi and Yuuta go up the stairs, the reaper literally roots herself to the floor, her legs melting together. The building emits extreme heat and metallic tentacles with unnatural flexibility that solid metal should not have, break through the floor rapidly and try to grab Shito, Chika, Sotetsu and Ohtsu. They continue up the stairs until they reach the Z-Loan office. Bekko doesn't look surprised to see them, as if someone has already told him this would happen. "You've all made it, the best possibility out of all the futures I saw." "This is the ferryman?" Yuuri asks, Bekko matches the description, but doesn't look like a special being right now. Even so Yuuri knows there must be something about him, something hidden. "Yes, I am the ferryman, Bekko, nice to meet you. If you happen to die and your soul is not guided, if it is possible to somewhat logically explain your survival, consider signing up for a zombie loan." Not surprisingly, Bekko finds the time to offer his services. "Never mind that, aren't you supposed to have something that can help us?" Yomi asks. "I do indeed. This is something the Wheel of Fate has sent for those who cannot use plasma. They are enlisting your help for the mutual benefit. Now that the negotiations between the Underworld that maintains the ancient cycle and the Wheel of Fate that tries to break it, have come to an agreement, the Keeper of the Key was finally heard and both sides are being mobilized to release and to entrap, if possible." Bekko's explanation leaves them all confused, and somehow they know he isn't planning to clarify. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 23 The building shakes bringing an even bigger sense of urgency. "Bekko!" Yuuta, Kenken and Konkon half scold and half complain in unison. "Right, the items Carmella delivered from the Wheel of Fate." Bekko pulls a large box from under his desk. He opens it and starts pulling out several items. "Michiru take this," Bekko gives her a bow, but no arrows. "If you pull the string back, an arrow will form. This weapon works with your energy so do not overuse it or you might exhaust yourself or even kill yourself." "I finally have my own weapon..." Michiru accepts the bow. During her time with Z-Loan, she was always the gopher, the one to find the zombies and an important part of the team, but when ever she had fought it had been with a borrowed weapon or a regular one. "Koyomi and Yomi, this is yours," Bekko retrieves a whip from the box and hands it to Yomi. "You may use your energy to control the whip's movements and wrap it tightly against a foe. The more it squeezes the target and the stronger the target struggles the more energy it will take. I give you the same warning I gave Michiru." "It's about time we got to join the battle." Yomi takes the whip and heads towards the door. "I guess you have something for everyone don't you? We'll go on ahead, let's go Chiru chiru." "Right," Michiru nods and starts down the stairs along with Yomi. "Yuuta, this is..." Bekko pulls out a sling shot and looks at it. "If you pull it back stones will form by themselves and similar to Michiru's bow it requires energy. But this is..." "I love it, Kenken and Konkon will work hard," Yuuta takes the sling shot. "Kenken and Konkon will take care of the weapon and ammunition and I'll aim," Yuuta pulls the slingshot back, a pebble forming in it. He shoot, the pebble hits the wall and explodes leaving a big hole in its place. "I thought there was something odd about that sling shot. It seems that its ammunition are tiny explosives," Bekko speaks naturally as if it was not surprising at all. His tone is still the same bored indifferent tone he always carries. "I'll go help them!" Yuuta rushes down the stairs. "Momoka, you're a bit new at this but the Wheel of Fortune delivered a weapon for you too." Bekko pulls out a fan made of long daggers. "This works as both a weapon and a shield. You can extend them to sword length with your energy, good for taking an opponent by surprise if they don't know this." Momoka takes the dagger fan and waves it around slashing the air. "I'm ready," she's not experienced at this but she has gained a fighting spirit watching her brother. "Both my little squirrels are going to battle? I can't stand by just like that," Yuuri looks into the box realizing it's dark and bottomless, which would explain how everything fit in it despite the space all the weapons would normally take. He jumps back. "What kind of box is that?" "Not the most special box," Bekko replies with a tone that hints there's more to it than what he is saying. "I do have something for you as well." Bekko takes out a pair of golden wristbands from the box, that match Yuuri's hair. "This is very nice but how do I defend my little squirrels with this?" A golden ninja star apparels in Yuuri's hand and is rocketed past Bekko, cutting off a few hairs. Bekko raises an eyebrow, looking at the hairs that fell on his desk. "It seems you have your targets mixed up. You should throw those at the enemy." "Sorry about that!" Yuuri apologizes and rushes down the stairs with Momoka. xoxox xox xoxox The first floor is dark and intensely hot. There are metal thorns and needles all over the place, Sotetsu, Chika and Shito have many wounds, though none are too deep. The reaper does not intend to kill them yet. Her target will be either Michiru or Momoka because she is too stubborn to lose her little game, even if she could just as easily kill them all. Sotetsu is exhausted, when ever his axe is broken it takes a toll, having to use so much plasma to form it again. Chika is alive now and stress, loss of blood and lack of sleep affect him more than before. Shito's bullets have ran out, he too lives and is affected as a living being. He uses his gun to hit the reaper even if he is more used to the distance attacks. "Forget what I said, I haven't lived enough yet after all," Michiru shots arrow after arrow at the reaper. Though the arrows themselves do no damage, something bothers her. "Shouldn't you know it by now? Not even death can stop us." Yomi throws her whip, guiding its path and wrapping it around the reaper. She tightens the whip around the reaper, closing her eyes tightly and when she opens them one is red and one is violet. The weapon becomes twice as strong with Yomi and Koyomi coexisting with two minds in one body, both awake at the same time. The metal around the reaper appears to melt away, leaving her as a skeleton with traces of rotting flesh. Yuuta comes running down the stairs, he shoots the sling shot, the continuous explosions creating a flashing light. "Kenken and Konkon work together and so do we. There's no way you can win!" Momoka and Yuuri also arrive at the first floor. "I'll fight too, and I'll win," for her first active battle Momoka is very energetic. "And I will help my little squirrels and their friends!" Yuuri shoots ninja stars at the reaper. Ohtsu's blue flames surround the evil creature but Koyomi and Yomi's whip is not affected by them. "She's not invincible," Ohtsu realizes. "Just now, I felt her energy weaken." xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 24 The reaper screams in anger. She hates it when mortals don't cower in fear; she hates it when they don't understand that resistance won't work. But she is also stubborn and wishes to win by her own twisted rules. Thousands of needles fly in every direction, injuring everyone. Out of patience, and no longer enjoying this as much as before, the reaper flies towards Michiru who shoots many arrows but it doesn't work fast enough. A pair of skeletal hands wrap themselves around Michiru's throat, several arrows stuck between the arm bones. All those present rush to get the reaper away from Michiru as her oxygen begins to run out. Many sword-like giant needles emerge from the reaper's skeleton body, piercing her already tattered cloak. They reach Chika, Shito and Sotetsu who were closest. Though Sotetsu is a zombie by choice and a hole through the heart cannot kill him, it still causes immense pain. The wounds Chika and Shito receive through arms, shoulders and legs, are not mortal but painful. "Don't hurt my little squirrels!" Yuuri tosses a rain of ninja stars at the reaper; they get stuck on the remains of her cloak but make no damage. He tries to pull Chika out while Momoka slashes away at the reaper, only damaging the fabric of the cloak until it fall in ribbons. Ohtsu has to make his blue flames disappear to avoid burning his allies and Yuuta can't risk them being caught in the explosions. Yomi and Koyomi try to pull the reaper off Michiru but it doesn't work, nothing's enough, and the familiar feeling of frustration, anger and hopelessness returns. Black feathers mysteriously rain inside the building. The light is gone, leaving everyone in a darkness where they cannot see, but they feel. They feel the soft feathers as they fall, brushing against their bloodstained skin, the gentleness contrasting greatly with the intensity of their pain. Everything happens in a split second, the glimmer of a scythe is seen though there is no light, as if that shine came from the weapon itself as it irradiates darkness in a strange contradiction. The being carrying the scythe flies down as Michiru's neck snaps, and her would be savior cuts the evil reaper's skeleton hand with his scythe. "Zarame..." They are sure they heard Michiru's voice, but she should not have been able to speak with her supply of oxygen cut off. The evil reaper fades away and the building's electricity returns, light drowning the first floor and making them realize how serious their wounds are, though not deadly, quite painful. The floor is a pool of blood, with the same red substance dripping off everyone from their numerous cuts. Michiru's head is hanging off her neck at an impossible angle. Her green eyes are still open but look completely lifeless and her body is limp. "Michiru!" They all call to her, they all wish for her to return, but she is apparently dead. Bekko stands to the side watching the events unfold. "If she can be beaten after all, if the Underworld has sided with the Wheel of Fate..." Bekko mutters to himself. All the attention in the room is focused on the lifeless body Zarame holds. With his core restored he is back to his normal shape, though he disappeared for some time and no one knows his reasons. "Bekko..." Zarame looks towards the ferryman and that is when everyone notices that Bekko is there. "She was not guided?" Shito asks, he has been told about the evil reaper guiding the soul of their victims soon after the killings to avoid having them return as zombies. "Since her soul wasn't in her body when the body was killed, I don't even think she died at all. Yuuta, repair her, I will re-attach the soul Zarame removed," Bekko explains, and a collective sigh of relief fills the room. "Right away!" Yuuta starts working on healing Michiru's body so that her soul may be reattached. "They can't see me, right?" The ghost of Michiru is invisible for all but the ferryman and reapers. "I was late, but you will be saved," Zarame replies, holding her hand so that her soul will not wander off. Souls that are detached from their body lack of sense of time space and direction in the physical world and can easily wander off, even unintentionally. "Why did you leave in the first place?" Michiru searches for any form of expression on Zarame's face but finds nothing. "I had my reasons," is Zarame's only reply. They stand in silence after that, as Yuuta finishes the healing and falls in exhaustion. "I think I'll need to take a break before healing everyone else," the young healer speaks between cut off breaths. "This will be enough," Beokko gets ready to reattach Michiru's soul. "Not much time has passed so it should be easy." He retrieves a piece of thread from his pocket and ties it around Michiru's neck were a black ring would have been if it had been her time. Michiru's soul feels her body pulling her back in and goes along with the strange magnetism until her soul is once again restored to her body. "She'll be sleeping for some time," Bekko checks Michiru's vital signs and finds that her heart is beating and she is breathing. "But she is alive, not a zombie but alive... It's a pity I couldn't sell a zombie loan, but soul reattachments are not cheap." The group is not surprised by Bekko's comment, it is to be expected from the money loving ferryman. At least this time they got through the battle with no casualties and their group has become stronger. They wonder what will happen next, if the reaper will return after Michiru or even Momoka as a result of Michiru's life being saved. Or if she'll finally throw her game away and look at them as a thread to be eliminated. Either way, it was time to take action; their next objective was to heal and recover as fast as possible and find Kuze. The keeper of the key most likely held the answer and they would let her know she does not need to face it alone. To be Continued Disclaimer, I don't own Zombie Loan. Written for Snow's challenge at Plot Whole. 4. Chapter 4 Angel of Death Chapter 25 The space between life and death is not a pleasant one but the reaper doesn't care. She lies there muttering to her self in a strange song-like voice. Corpses pile up around her, the scent is foul and toxic, but she ignores it, completely unaffected by it, and enjoying the desperation in the atmosphere. She sings each letter of the alphabet and the name of the one killed for it. She stops when she reaches the M. "M is for Michiru, or was it Momoka? M is for..." The reaper returns to Earth floating above a beach city. There is some kind of bonfire going on and people look like they are enjoying it. "Marco..." The reaper finally decides, she knows that Michiru survived and doesn't count her death. With a strange, inexplicable power, the reaper affects the bonfire. The flames grow out of control and people start running away. No matter how much water is thrown at the flames, the fire continues to grow. "Marco, death by burning!" The reaper flies down and appears visible to her prey. She cuts off his legs at the knees. Marco screams in pain and falls. He desperately clutches what's left of his legs, unable to comprehend what just happened. The fire grows and he tries to crawl away but is too slow. Sparks fly and land on his right arm, setting him on fire. He rolls on the ground desperately, but the fire only grows and spreads. With a sadistic look on her face, the reaper laughs evilly and enjoys the sounds of his screams of pain. "N is for Nick." She chooses her next victim and spots him in the panicking crowds. "Death, being crushed by a stampede of panicked mortals." The reaper swings her scythe connecting with the victim's spine. Nick screams in pain, becoming paralyzed when his spinal cord is suddenly cut. He falls on the ground and in their panic to get away from the fire, people kick him, step on him and finish him off after causing him much pain. No one stops to help either victim as they are too worried about their own lives. This time the reaper is not directly killing the humans but causing their death by leaving them in a hopeless situation. "O is for Oscar." Oscar is a fire fighter, who has arrived to try to put out the growing flames. The fire fighters back away and continue to spray water on the flames, but they continue to grow. "Death by suffocation..." By an unknown force, the mask Oscar wears to protect himself from the smoke, is knocked off. Abruptly, a large amount of smoke is thrown at him by a sudden wind. He is effulged in the black smoke and cannot be seen by the other fire fighters. The leader screams for them back away, but Oscar is confused and disoriented, he doesn't known which way to go because the heat feels like it's all around him. He continues to breathe too much smoke, the hose suddenly going dead, not a drop of water coming from it, it wraps itself around his feet and causes him to trip and fall. With an echoing eerie laugh, and a sadistic look in her eyes, the reaper disappears. She leaves Spain and reapers in Mexico after going through the space between life and death where the desperate corpses wait. "Pedro, murdered by his jealous lover." A scandalously clad woman appears at Pedro's house, the reaper's new chosen form. Though he is loyal to his girlfriend, she is quite jealous and possessive. The human woman arrives and finds the woman in the revealing red dress sitting on her bed, while her lover is asleep. "Who are you?" The scream wakes Pedro who is shocked to see a strange woman in his house. "I don't know her, I swear!" Pedro tries to explain. He is telling the truth but the situation is too suspicious. The reaper chuckles, redish-brown curls pouring over her shoulders to her chest, down to the low cut red dress, reaching just bellow her slim waist. She crosses her legs, the slit of her tight dress revealing her soft, slender legs. Her red lips form a cruel smile and the human woman runs away. "Maria!" Pedro runs after her following her to the kitchen. She holds a knife to her chest as if she were to commit suicide, but when he tries to take it away she takes him by surprise and stabs him through the heart. Maria watches as her lover collapses, she grabs another knife and goes in search of the woman in the red dress, but she is no where to be found, she had traveled to England. "Queen is a lucky girl, rich and pretty, but because of that she is envied. Her parents are, to be honest, the biggest snobs this side of the planet. They went as far as to give their little girl the name Queen. How unfortunate, not many names start with a Q and I am in a hurry." Queen screams in fear because no only is there a tiger in her room, but a talking tiger with sharp claws and fangs about to pounce on her. The reaper in her tiger form chases after Queen. The girl calls for her home's security team, for a maid, a butler, her parents whom she knows are on a cruise and can't possibly answer. She is desperate and screams for anyone to help her, but the sound is somehow lost. It's as if only she can hear herself scream; only she can see the tiger chasing her. In her desperation to get away, queen runs into the banister, the wood comes lose somehow and she falls. Three floors bellow the majestic inner staircase, lined with gold, there is a fountain, with a marble statue in the center. Queen falls, harshly pulled by gravity, her head collides with the sword the marble statue holds on her way and knocks her unconscious as she lands in the fountain. By the power of the reaper no one hears her screams, no one hears the hit, no one hears the splash. "Later they will argue, did she die of the blunt hit, or was she simply knocked out then drowned because she was unconscious and unable to get out of the water? They will blame so many, but no one will blame me, they'll steal my credit but I don't care!" The reaper fades away once again, taking the shortcut through the space of darkness, corpses and death, and reappearing in a new location, America. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 26 "M is for Marco, N is for Nick, O is for Oscar, P is for Pedro, Q is for Queen. The game isn't over yet, but when it ends I'll start a new one and Chika will be the first to play. Chika Akatsuki, your time is about to end. I can win my own game and kill you; there is nothing you can do. Make it challenging, I'll still win, I'll make it a challenge too and I'll still win!" She intends to mend her broken pride, to make up for the incident of Michiru's revival, she wants to end this but at the same time, the reaper wants to take her time. "The last few were fast, the next one slow..." It's night, the reaper watches as a young man gets in his car. She passes through the car and sits at the back sit. She becomes visible in the shape of a rotting zombie, impossible to identify. "R is for Ricky." Ricky looks through the rearview mirror and slams on the breaks. His car goes out of control and he hits a tree in the lonely dark road. He looks back at the creature but it is gone. He feels like an idiot imagining things and crashing his car. "Damn it!" He faces forward and there is the creature again, the rotting zombie, hardly resembling a human at all. Discolored flesh clings to the bones, bathed in dry blood, a strange mold found all over the creature. Grotesque insects crawl on the zombie, eating the leftover skin. Ricky backs away against his car seat. "What the hell is this?" He does not want to stay and find out. He tries to back away from the tree but his car won't start. He doesn't want to exit the car either, and fishes for his cell phone. For an unknown reason, the cell phone cannot catch a signal. The screen suddenly goes blank, even if Ricky is sure the battery is charged. "Don't die out now!" He yells at the cell phone. The cell phone's screen lights up again, emitting a strong red light that it should not have. Ricky presses random buttons trying to get the device to respond. Suddenly he drops it, a sharp pain coming from his knees. The rotted zombie is emitting some kind of glowing green goo that melts through the car and falls on his legs, burning like acid. Ricky moved to the passenger seat, enduring the pain on his legs. He then climbs over the back seats and finds an umbrella. The zombie breaks through the glass window and reaches for him, insects and acid covering her bony hand. "Get away from me!" Ricky hits the rotted zombie, the reaper's current form, with the umbrella. The umbrella breaks, half of it stuck in the reaper's rib case. Ricky gets out of the car, the sharp pain on his knees causing him to fall. He looks at his legs; the knees have been consumed to the bones, leaving two bloody craters. The acid crawls up and down his legs. He yells in pain and tries to brush it off but his fingers mysteriously catch aflame and his hand burns. The reaper, approaches, her chosen form this time one of the most unpleasant possibilities. In an act of desperation, Ricky punches the rotted zombie reaper, hoping to burn it. The rotting corpse catches on fire but is not consumed by the flames. The agonizing human tries to crawl away, unable to stand while the reaper summons her scythe and slashes his chest repeatedly, blood flowing out abundantly. The reaper picks him up with the blade of the scythe, making a deep cut on his back, the pain too intense for him to even move. She tosses Ricky towards his car and the vehicles catches fire. "Ricky, suspected to be drunk, lost control of his car and impacted a tree. The hit cause a chain reaction in the engine which made the vehicle come ablaze. In reality he was very much sober and wide awake during his death..." The reaper fades away; she changes her appearance to an innocent little girl, and passes through the place where the corpses remain trapped. They tug at her long platinum pigtails, and her navy blue sailor skirt to match her white and navy sailor shirt with a big red bow on it the same, color as the bows on her hair. "Aren't you lucky, I'll let you out to play." Each corpse trapped in the space in-between life and death, falls through the dark ground as if it was not even there. They come raining down into a secret location underground and a howl is heard. "Pochi, no! Let's leave this place, we will return when we're ready. "Too close, keeper of the key, too close..." The reaper mutters to herself, she disappears again returning to Earth to seek out her next victim. "It seems that you could use some assistance. If it will break the cycle established long ago then I can provide it." Carmella arrives in the secret location, of the door Kuze had been searching for. A door that the reaper did not want found, but is confident that it can't be opened. "Carmella, they must be guided but they have been in such painful forms for so long that they resist it even if what they truly want is rest." Kuze holds Pochi back and tries to calm him. "Of course, I know of someone who can solve this... Zarame has been spending a lot of time in the Wheel of Fate headquarters lately, even if he is a being of the underworld." As Carmella speaks, Zarame comes into view stepping out of the shadows. The only light in the room comes from the pale blue carvings on the black door behind Kuze. The rest of the room drowned in darkness and sorrow. Zarame holds his scythe ready and summons the power of his core to finally guide those who were lost for so long. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 27 One by one, Zarame guides each zombie, until they are all gone and Zarame is exhausted. "We must find the keepers of hope and bring them here. I think it's finally time, this time the door will open, I know it." Kuze places her hand on the door with the glowing blue carvings. "It has been tried before and it didn't work. If it fails you will be defenseless, your keepers of hope as well" Carmella warns. "I will protect them," Zarame offers. Carmella shakes her head. "Why do you think the reaper retreated? She's just playing, she's confident this won't work, as it had also failed to work in the past. Zarame, even if you try to protect them, when the keepers of hope fail to help the keeper of the key open the door, they will inevitably be filled with hopelessness and she will kill them all. She's not an ordinary reaper." She reminds them. "She's not a reaper at all," Zarame clarifies. "She goes under the guise of a reaper but she isn't." Kuze nods, "Yes... and I know that many brave keepers of hope had failed to open this door in the past. This time it will be different. This time I'm sure we'll win and rid the world of her for some time." "She never dies," Carmella speaks the truth. "Neither does hope," Kuze voices. Carmella sighs. "The Wheel of Fate will try to minimize the casualties should this plan fail." She fears it will though she wishes for it to succeed. "I thank you, but I'm sure we'll make it this time," Kuze looks towards Zarame. "You care for her don't you? For Michiru..." "It is forbidden for reapers to care about humans." Zarame does not answer the question. A reply is not needed, Kuze already knows. "That's why you hid yourself at the Wheel of Fate headquarters and cut off all contact with Michiru." "Because of that she was in danger," Zarame admits. Regret is not something that a reaper should feel. Zarame knows this, it goes against his nature. "Michiru herself is a forbidden being, descendant of both humans and reapers, though mostly of human blood. She still has the eyes of a reaper and is able to understand the ancient language of the reapers." Kuze shakes her head. "No, she's not a forbidden being at all. All those who are alive have the right to continue living, and all those who might not be alive but exist, have the right to continue existing. Just as our enemy will continue to exist no matter what we do, our hero will also continue to exist no matter what our enemy does. It's up to us to choose which side will win." Zarame remains quiet as Kuze and Carmella watch. Pochi looks a bit confused; he doesn't fully understand what is going on. Zarame closes his eyes and reflects for a moment. "I will keep Michiru safe," he finally decides. xoxox xox xoxox A little girl shows up at the door to a major mafia hide out. Toho gives the child an odd look as he opens the door. "I assume you are no child if you came this far." The little girl giggles. "T is for Toho!" A scythe appears in her hands. Toho quickly recites an incantation, his fingers moving rapidly with a bright glow. The seal he drew reaches the reaper who is not a reaper at all, but has no effect. "You're an evil creature," Toho speaks in surprise. "How can it be that this doesn't work?" "Try it again," the evil being playfully says. "Try it over and over, throw everything you have at me and show me how hopeless you are." She looks amused, laughing and giggling insanely. A few members of the mafia approach to see what's going on at their hideout's door. "Toho," one of them inquires, "what is happening?" "Don't get in my way," Toho half growls, the others back away. Using a white spell paper with complex symbols hand drawn on it with black ink, Toho starts to chant. The paper glows iridescent and he throws it at the creature. The piece of paper sticks to her forehead and smoke starts coming out as if it were acid. Her skin burns and melts until the paper slowly dissolves into dust and the center of her face from the forehead to the nose is left at the skull, both sides around it left with burns. "It didn't work," she laughs. "It didn't work! It didn't work!" She keeps repeating it mockingly. Toho looks back at the men behind him. "She is who we thought," they look surprised; as if they cannot believe such a creature exists in such an apparently harmless form. "Get everything ready, quickly!" They run, Toho knows he's being followed, he knows the true identity of that little monster, he knows of her power, and he's leading her to a trap. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 28 The reaper lets Toho run and follows him confidently. In the basement of the mafia hide out, there is a circle carved on the stone floor. Water flows through the carvings, and Toho stands in the center. From the outside it has a ring, a circle within a circle, with many Chinese symbols representing incantations and spells. After that, another ring within it, the symbols are names of creatures, guardians that can be controlled. Finally, there is a star at the very center, the shape carved deeper than any other. "T is for Toho..." the reaper giggles in a voice that does fit in with the image of a little girl, but her expression is that of a cold blooded killer, one with no soul. "Then come, false reaper, your other gave her power to me," what Toho truly means is that her other, the opposite of the being who calls herself a reaper, but truly isn't, has entrusted her power to humans and continues to live within them. "My other?" The reaper's appearance changes with her raising anger, though she does not turn into a grotesque creature this time, but instead takes the form of a scandalously dressed young woman with seductive curves, icy eyes, dark hair and red lips. "My other is dead, dear Toho," her tone is sly and seductive. "I killed her, shattered her very soul. She did not pass on, she simply ceased to exist." "You're wrong," confidently, Toho reaches for a rustic looking pendant in his shirt. He takes it off its chain and holds it above the star shape on the floor. "Your other self is more powerful than you'll ever be." The evil one laughs, mocking the stubbornness of the man before her. "She was so easily trapped; she stayed behind when all of us ran rampant. She escaped somehow, to fight me, and I destroyed her." Toho knows the creature is paying little mind to the piece of wood he holds. She most likely thinks of it as a rustic pendant, maybe a piece of enchanted wood, but it is so much more. It is a shard of the imprisonment that held her and her opposite, as well as many others, captive long ago. He did not break off the piece and does not know who did, but it is most likely through that hole that her opposite escaped that day long ago to fight the evil one. Be it by chance or destiny, the piece ended up in his hands. "Farewell," Toho drops the small piece of wood into the star shape. When it comes in contact with the water, the room is filled with a bright light. Toho steps into the star; the power the good creature had given all humans becomes vastly amplified with the enchanted chard of prison. The radiant waves hit the evil one; she shields herself with her arms, but the memories of the battle return either way. That day, during that fight, she was being true to her real name, and she was losing. But it was humans who kept her alive, and as much as she loathed the beings because they favored her opposite; they also kept her alive that time, or rather than alive, they kept her in existence. xoxox xox xoxox "As long as they exist, so will I," the good being spoke. "I will always exist in them, you can be broken, shattered, abandoned, but not I. When you are gone only I shall remain, unbreakable, invincible!" The evil one growled. She held her black scythe ready, silver blade stained with blood. Her opposite held her white weapon, an elegant scythe with a golden blade; silvery strings reaching from the blade to the handle forming a strange combination between harp and scythe. If those strings broke, the weapon would be unleashed, a symbolic meaning to her next words. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could ever imagine." The evil one griped a skeletal hand around her weapon, black ragged cloak blowing in the wind. "Do you not see what surrounds you?" The background was dark and gloomy. The world was surrounded in that darkness as humanity lost hope. "I do, I am all over this world, I invaded their hearts and I am choking the life out of then with each passing second." "It will only make them stronger, because as they had dictated, I will always win," the good one stood fearless, majestic golden hair and white robes blowing softly as if the harsh winds were a soft breeze, silver eyes full of calmness and peace, but also a strong fighting spirit. xoxox xox xoxox The evil one screams, she backs away from the circle. How could a single human carry such power? No, it's not just that, the other weaken her. She can feel them scorching her very soul with their lives. Those others must not live; those others had dared to challenge her and would not be permitted to continue to exist. "Game over!" She disappears. A storm brews in the sky, black clouds spinning like a cyclone and acid rain falls, burning those unfortunate enough to be outside. Humans run for cover, they are perplexed and frightened by the sudden change in weather and they hope it will end soon, they still dare to hope. Lightning crashes, unnatural sparks extending around the radius. The evil one feels the keepers of hope heading towards the door; she feels them planning to approach the incomplete prison. She intends to kill them, no games, no torture, no delays; she wants to kill them now. "Chika Akatsuki..." he is the worse one by far, "Die!" xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 29 Chika, Shito, Michiru, Yuuri, Momoka, Sotetsu, Koyomi, Yuuta, Ohtsu and Zarame are gathered at the office trying to figure out Bekko's riddles. "I can't say it any more clear than that," the ferryman insists. "Beyond the hopeless door, lies hope." He pauses noting that no one understands. "That is how I was told it went." The office door opens and Kuze, Pochi and Carmella arrive. "We must go to the door," the chairperson sounds like it is urgent. Bekko pushes up his glasses; he looks more interested than usual and far less bored, "indeed, one more time." xoxox xox xoxox "Kill! Kill! Kill!" People drop dead without explanation. Some see the skeleton with snake hair like a medusa swing a scythe; other see a blur and others are just confused. That confusion doesn't last long, for soon after they realize that their friends are not fainted but dead, their lives are taken as well. The evil being is furious. xoxox xox xoxox The Z-Loan group stands in front of the closed door to their office. The chair person chants an incantation and holds up a glowing key. She uses it to open the door, but instead of it leading to the office as logic would dictate, the place beyond the door is different. Kuze crosses the door, followed by everyone else. She takes note of everyone being ready for a battle, many with new weapons; some had recovered the weapons they had lost, Chika and Shito. They will go back to zombie hunting after this is over, to protect the world. "You had fought for long enough. You survived this long and held on to your hopes. If you hope, you will achieve." The dark room is filled with questions; the glowing blue carvings of a locked door at the opposite end of the room are the only source of light. "Will it really work this time?" Bekko wonders, more as if he's talking to himself then anyone else. "Many times before, the evil being's opposite was gathered, but it was never enough. However, all of that was not in vain," Carmella explained, "she was weakened, with what they have now, and if we give them a little of our own, this can be won." "But the missing piece is..." Bekko does not finish. Carmella nods acknowledging his point, but the confidence doesn't leave her eyes. "It is no longer needed." "In deed, it is not," Kuze agrees. Chika is becoming impatient. "What's everyone talking about?" He didn't like not understanding, and he wasn't the only one bothered by it. "Shito, have you heard about Pandora's shard?" Kuze asks. Shito thinks about it for a moment, the name sounds familiar. "Yes, a piece of wood Toho carries with him everywhere. I know not of its use." "It is a piece of the box that imprisoned many beings, representing many things," Kuze explains. "Long ago Hope and Hopeless fought to the end. Hopeless thought the battle had been one, that Hope was destroyed. But when Hopeless is at its strongest, Hope will shine the brightest." Kuze looks towards Bekko and Carmella. Carmella continues, "eventually the box was lost, we knew of the location of the missing piece but that was no where near enough. The Wheel of Fate had thought the Underworld held the box hidden to preserve order, that is, to preserve the manifestation of Hopeless as a part of the natural order. They denied it but we did not believe them." "After the negotiations were finally over, the Wheel of Fate stopped insisting that the Underworld had the box and just in time for a new search to start without being clouded by the doubt of thinking the box was not lost but hidden, Hopeless manifested again," Kuze looked towards Bekko. "I'm sure you must have heard this part before. "Then you want me to tell the story? Very well," Bekko continues, "Hopeless comes when a certain amount of hopelessness is accumulated. That wasn't hard with all the illegal zombie attacks recently and the rivalry between the Underworld and the Wheel of Fate. The negotiations are still being implemented. Right now it's time to face Hopeless with Hope." "Where is the being of Hope?" Michiru asks. "Humans..." Ohtsu finally speaks, "zombies who are human at heart as well." He heard the story of how Hopeless thought Hope was destroyed, but the being of light was in fact divided into many small pieces that reside in the hearts of people so that Hope may always stay within them. "Yes, and now..." Kuze stops, a dark presence is felt. "Game over, you all die. I'll rip your souls away. There's no escape, it's no use," Hopeless, the true identity of the being who had masked itself as a reaper has finally been revealed. "Do not fear," Kuze calmly approaches the door. "I apologize for not telling you this right away, but if you hope, if you don't doubt that you will survive, then she cannot kill you. I had to allow you to discover that hope on your own for the purpose of opening this door." Kuze holds up her key, collecting energy from everyone. Hopeless goes on a rampage, but is much weaker now. "There's no way to escape me, I am death, I am a reaper, humans will end up dying, they can't hope for anything else!" The words of Hopeless have no effect; if anything they show the being's desperation and create more hope. The door opens and Kuze retrieves the box with the missing peace. She opens it and Hopeless is drawn towards it, then she closes it and puts it back. I will close this door of hopelessness. It will be hard for Hopeless to escape again..." "Isn't there a hole in that box?" Sotetsu asks. "Yes, if too much pressure is kept inside it will break again. It is best this way. Hope and Hopeless cannot be destroyed, they depend on the living beings of this world." Kuze closes the door and pets Pochi on the head. "It is up to us for how long the peace will last; it is up to us when things will reach a point where the manifestation of Hopeless escapes again, and it is up to us when and if Hopeless will once again be sealed." They return to the Z-Loan office, with many hopes and no fears. Kuze asks Michiru and Koyomi to stay back for a moment. Chihiro and Leon return from the next world for just a few minutes, for one last goodbye, or rather one last 'see you later.' xoxox xox xoxox At the Z-loan office everyone is thinking about celebrating. Sotetsu even got a nice bonus, and is actually going to try to revive. Everyone is very cheerful, and Chika has returned to being himself, aggravating Shito more and more, for all the time he couldn't bother him while he was in China. "Shito, what are you doing?" Chika sees his friend bent over, hands around his ankle. "With all of this... my socks bunched up..." Shito pulls his socks up and everyone just stares at him. "It's annoying!" He insists, "it's very annoying when socks bunch up..." and they all laugh. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 30 Yuuta, is quite cheerful, running around talking to everyone and spreading a rain of confetti all over the place. Ohtsu is half listening to Yuuri's chatter about his little squirrels and how happy he is they're safe. While half listening to Yuuri, Ohtsu catches a glance at the look Bekko is giving him as if saying that as his only current full time employee, Ohtsu will inevitably receive the task of cleaning the confetti off the mansion floor. Bekko thinks he has done his share of work allowing for his house to be used for the party. Michiru, Momoka and Kuze are playing a cellphone RPG, a new game that all three of them like. Kuze and Michiru had played similar games before but not on a cell phone and Momoka has the fastest fingers. Pochi is very much enjoying the party food. "Is this truly needed?" Shito looks at the festive atmosphere. He can appreciate some of the decorations consisting of multiple figures and signs, things that one would not normally use to decorate a party. "Lighten up, Shito!" For the first time in a long time Chika is in a good mood. He is filled with hope. Shito glances at the ferryman who is idly standing around drinking fantan, at least Koyomi isn't the one drinking it, as she is too busy happily preparing more food to satisfy Sotetsu's insatiable appetite. This is a celebration of their victory, of their survival and a late welcoming party for Sotetsu and Shito. Sotetsu is quite happy eating every dish Koyomi cooks and she is happy that Sotetsu is eating her cooking and likes it. She blushes every time he compliments her cooking skills and even overcomes her shyness and offers small responses in their own special way of flirting. Though Yomi isn't too fond of men, she had learned to tolerate Sotetsu, however she will not come out when Koyomi is with him, which Koyomi prefers that way anyway. They still need a little practice to control being awake at the same time and it has not happened again since that time. "Sit down Shito, and enjoy the party!" Shito isn't sure if he should sit down or not, but he knows Chika won't leave him alone. Chika is quite stubborn or it can be seen as being determined. "Fine," Shito sits down, in a similar way to Chika. He feels a bit silly sitting in a toy horse like the kind that move and play a cowboy song when someone inserts a coin. He likes to collect such things, not sit on them, but Chika is sitting around, slice of cake in hand, eating as if he's sitting on a normal chair. "That wasn't so hard," Chika grins amused. Shito decides to turn his attention towards his slice of cake and takes a bite. The cake is sweet; Sotetsu is enjoying a rather large slice of the same cake at the table, Koyomi's smile becoming happier as he watches him enjoy the cake she baked. "Now call me Chika," Cheerful golden eyes meet with glaring red ones. Shito is tempted to push Chika off the horse, or smash the cake on his face, but that would be a waste. He would shoot if it didn't actually kill Chika who is alive now. "Akatsuki..." Shito warns him. "Chika, Chi-ka, is that really so hard?" Chika voices his own name slowly as if trying to get a child who is learning to speak to repeat it, or maybe more in the way one would say a name when trying to teach it to a parrot. "Don't push your luck, I'm still armed," Shito warns him. Chika doesn't take the warning, as Shito should have guessed. "Don't kill me Mr. Yakuza," Chika sticks out his tongue if names are all the same then let them be the same. Then Shito proceeds to waste a perfectly good slice of cake by using it to attack Chika. Chika opens his mouth as if to speak and Shito warns him, "don't say it." Chika does not listen, "food fight!" Koyomi tosses her cookies into the air at the sudden announcement of a food fight. Sotetsu catches most of them and mourns the loss of the cookies that were sacrificed so early in battle. Sotetsu is known for his ability to end food fights by eating all the available ammunition. Michiru, Momoka and Kuze run for cover and hide under a table; they reach out for the food on top of it and launch a counter attack. Pochi is quite happy jumping around and catching thrown food in his mouth. He looks like he's having lots of fun. Yuuta is quite fast in throwing food. Yuuri cheers and blissfully joins the food fight. Ohtsu glances at Bekko who sips his fantan as if nothing at all is happening, calm expression still present. Then a flying cupcake hits the ferryman on the forehead leaving an imprint of frosting and bouncing off to be caught by Pochi. "Must we make a mess?" Bekko removes the frosting from his forehead with his finger and eats it, still looking pretty calm in the middle of the chaos. If anyone knows him well enough then it would be possible to notice that the ferryman is actually amused, even if he doesn't make it obvious. Sotetsu hugs and untouched cake, trying to save it from becoming a powerful missile, as a result he gets the cake all over himself. 'Too bad it's not Chiru chiru...' Koyomi hears Yomi's voice in her head. 'Get your mind out of the gutter Yomi!' Koyomi mentally replies. 'You're telling me? I got the idea from your thoughts of that man...' Yomi argues. Koyomi blushes while Sotetsu eats the cake. 'He has a name you know, he's not just that man, his name is Sotetsu." 'Fine, avoid the subject.' Koyomi feels Yomi going back to sleep. Sotetsu notices her bright red face and asks, "are you alright, Koyomi?" Koyomi nods energetically, "I'm fine!" When she cheers, arms raised into the air, a cup cake lands on her hand. She looks at it and blinks. "Would you like to have a cupcake?" She finally asks, offering the flying cupcake to Sotetsu, it still looks edible enough, and he would eat it anyway. "Love to," Sotetsu accepts the cupcake his hand brushing Koyomi's, while Yomi sleeps and Koyomi blushes some more. "Akatsuki..." Shito wonders how he gets himself into these things, but he is still happy to be with his friends and does not intend to leave again. "Look what you caused." "And for all of that you still haven't learned my name," Chika laughs, he's having fun in the food fight. The door bell rings and only Bekko appears to notice. He opens it and Carmella enters. She is about to say something about fireworks and the reason for her lateness but first she has to duck as a slice of pizza flies over her head, followed by a lower flying donut that hits Bekko on the back of the head. Carmella hands the box full of fireworks to Bekko to be kept safe until later, when it's time to light them. She rolls up her sleeves and looks back once at the ferryman who raises his eyebrow in curiosity. "Life is unpredictable, that's what keeps the Wheel of Fate spinning," and with that said, Carmella also joins the fun. xoxox xox xoxox Chapter 31 After such an adventure, Shito stayed in Japan. Toho survived, but had his own things to do and unexpectedly let Shito go, he was no longer a zombie after all. Kuze was still the same Kuze and Pochi was as energetic as ever. The Z-office was not the same... "Zombie hunting!" Yuuri could often be seen bouncing around energetically. Chika would follow him telling him to stop being loud. He didn't realize he was being much louder. Momoka returned to her cell phone addiction, but also joined in the zombie hunts occasionally, with Chika always keeping an eye on her and fussing over her safety, only to cheer about how fast she learned to be an illegal zombie hunter a second later. Shito thought Chika was too moody, he thought Yuuri was too energetic, and he thought Michiru and Zarame talked too much. He also thought it was incredibly obvious that Zarame liked Michiru, even if she didn't seem to notice. Yomi was temperamental, and Sotetsu was about to be revived, he would have to watch out for her when he did or she might just turn him into a zombie again. Koyomi was quite happy; those two looked very cute together. Those are the things I saw, and as I recall them, I know I still live in them. I know I'll never disappear, Hope never dies. I watch the world from my own point of view. I see how Ohtsu is still the same Ohtsu, some never change. I see how Carmella and Bekko often bicker about business, though they tolerate each other much better now, with Kuze acting as the referee. Nothing is Hopeless, and all can be turned into Hope. It's the way things are, the way they should be. Yuuta, Kenken and Konkon have been in a great mood, though not by debt, the group has returned to Z-loan. I like watching them, I like it when they call upon me to give them strength, I am Hope, and I will always be with them, this I know for sure. If you hold on to me, I will not let you go, no matter what. If anything happens, I'll be stronger for you, I'll try my best and you need to try your best too. We're a team after all, it's not all me and not all you, Hope and act, Hope and live, Hope and continue. Then I will stay with you. Even if you push me away, I'll try to come back, for I am Hope. Seeing people such as them, the keepers of Hope, my beloved friends, makes me happy and I reward them with the promise of another great day, the day they Hope for, and as long as they do, that day shall come. Always with you, in the name of Hope, now and forever. End Disclaimer, I don't own Zombie Loan. Written for Snow's challenge at Plot Whole. End file.
Angel of Death by MikariStar
Blind BLIND Gentle lover Gentle child Its been to long Its been awhile Hold on for me Don't let go When it comes to living Never say no Try to love me I'll try to love you too I will help you always Even when your confused Try to see When your blind Rember that your dreams Are just in your mind I love you You love me I may be blind But I can see End file.
Blind by Conrii